University College London, Mullard Space Science Laboratory
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A new method to improve particle moments: Effects of cutoffs and spacecraft potential on PEACE measurements
- Applying Frequency Distributions on Radiation Belt Data: A New Approach
- CLUSTER PEACE Observations of Electrons in the Near-Earth (X<SUB>GSE</SUB> > -20 R<SUB>E</SUB>) Magnetotail
- Cluster Observations of Electron Structures Across the High-Latitude Magnetopause and the Boundary Layers
- Cluster Observations of the Dynamic High-Altitude Cusp
- Cluster PEACE Observations of Uni- and Bi-Directional Beams at Mid Altitudes on the Nightside
- Detailed Cusp Study for Northward IMF and Quiet Conditions
- Electron-sound waves in electron foreshock region. CLUSTER observations and interpretation.
- Energy transport along the auroral field lines, Cluster results.
- First CLUSTER plasma and magnetic field measurements of flux transfer events in conjunction with their ionospheric flow signatures
- Geotail Observations of Magnetic Flux Ropes in Bursty Bulk Flows
- Multi-Point Electric Field Observations in the High-Altitude Cusp Region
- Multipoint Plasma Density Measurements from Cluster Wave and Particle Instruments
- Multipoint and Multi-instrument Study of a Flux Transfer Event Crossing: Preliminary Results.
- Observations of magnetotail flank boundary crossings - a Cluster-PEACE perspective
- Solitary Potential Structures Observed on the Cluster Spacecraft: Correlated Wave and Particle Measurements
- Survey of the High Altitude Cusp and Entry Layer by Cluster PEACE and FGM
- The European Grid of Solar Observations (EGSO)
- The First Year of Cluster PEACE Observations
- Transient Reconnection as Observed in the Cusp by Cluster and FAST
- Visualization of Earth's Bow Shock with Cluster
- CLUSTER Observation of Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail: Comparison with Hall Physics Effects.
- Cluster Observations of Traveling Compression Regions in the Near-Tail
- Cluster Observations of the Magnetopause at Ion and Electron Scales
- Cluster Observations of the Magnetopause: Magnetosheath Transition, Dynamics and Current Structures
- Cluster Observations of the appearance of a double cusp
- Correlation Between Ground-Based Observations of Substorm Signatures and Magnetotail Dynamics.
- Dayside High Latitude Auroral Particle Acceleration Observed by the Cluster Satellites
- Downshifted waves in electron foreshock region: Cluster observations and interpretation
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Mid-Altitude Cusp
- Multi-point electric field observations in the high- and mid-altitude cusp
- Relation between Field Aligned Currents, Electrons and ULF Waves
- Small Scale Magnetopause - Cluster Interferometric Measurements
- The Characteristics and Evolution of Chorus on the Ground and in Space During Geomagnetic Storms
- The temporal evolution of Whistler-mode waves; the relationship between space based observations, ground based observations and energetic electrons.
- Using PEACE Data to Study Charging of the Cluster Spacecraft
- A macroscopic / microscopic view of a substorm
- A muti-instrument study of polar cap outflowing plasma
- Cluster Electron Cusp Dispersions and IMAGE Proton Auroras as Evidence for Continuous Merging at the Magnetosphere
- Cluster Observations of the Flank Boundary Layer Under Northward IMF Conditions
- CoSEC: Orchestrated Web Services for Living with a Star
- Ion cyclotron waves in the high altitude cusp: CLUSTER observations at varying spacecraft separations
- Multi-spacecraft observations of the structure and motion of field-aligned cusp currents under strong IMF B<SUB>X</SUB> and B<SUB>Y</SUB> conditions
- The Interstellar Hydrogen Shadow: Observations of Interstellar Pickup Ions Beyond Jupiter
- The magnetopause transition: Cluster observations
- a Cluster Investigation of the Occurrence and Causes of Reconnection in the Very Near-Earth Tail (x > -19Re)
- A Survey of High-Latitude Flux Transfer Events Observed by Cluster
- Cassini Observations of Co-rotating Heavy Ions Near Saturn's Rings
- Cassini's First Distant and Close Encounters With Titan: Initial Analysis From CAPS
- Characteristics of Electrostatic Solitary waves near the diffusion region associated with reconnection: Cluster and Geotail observations
- Characteristics of the Magnetosheath Electron Boundary Layer Under Northward IMF: Implications for High-Latitude Reconnection
- Cluster Spacecraft Observations of Antiparallel and Component Magnetic Reconnection Close to the X-line at the High-Latitude Magnetopause
- Computing the Reconnection Rate at the Earth's Magnetopause Using Two Spacecraft Observations
- Current Structure and Motion of a Northward IMF X-Line
- Electron Dynamics Associated With Ion Beam Acceleration Above the Polar Cap
- Evidence for Alfven Wave Plasma Heating in the Middle Magnetosphere of Saturn
- Evolution of phase space densities from the dayside to nightside magnetosphere during a prolonged northward-IMF period: Cluster-II, GEOTAIL, and LANL-MPA comparison
- FTE Structures: Multi-Spacecraft Observation and Global Modeling Combined
- Identification and Visualization of Magnetic Conjunctions for Multi-Altitude Cusp Studies
- Initial Cassini Plasma Observations at Saturn
- Initial results from the Cassini CAPS Instruments at the Magnetopause of Saturn
- Interchange Injection and Drift Dispersion of Hot Plasma in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Ionospheric Ion Beam Accelerations Above the Polar Cap
- Ionospheric Signatures of Plasma Injections in the Cusp Triggered by Solar Wind Pressure Pulses
- Nonlinear electrostatic structures associated with Saturn's bow shock
- Observations from the ASPERA-3 ELS of Photoelectrons in the Tail of Mars
- Observations of Earth's Bow Shock Structure from the First Chinese scientific Satellite, Double Star
- Plasma Measurements in Titan's Ionosphere: Initial Cassini/CAPS Results
- Plasma Near Saturn's Rings: CAPS observations
- Plasma Transition Across the Bow Shock at Saturn: Initial Results From the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer
- Preliminary Interpretation of Titan Plasma Interaction as Observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer: Comparisons With Voyager 1
- Preliminary Results on Saturn's Inner Plasma Sheet as Observed by Cassini: Comparison with Voyager
- Properties of magnetic merging at the magnetopause inferred from dayside 557.7-nm all-sky images
- Tests of substorm scenarios, based on multipoint measurements.
- The Relationship Between Chorus and Enhanced Relativistic Electron Fluxes in Geomagnetic Storms
- Time-dependent Dispersive Whistlers Close to the Magnetopause
- Transport in Saturn's Outer Magnetosphere: Cassini Observations
- A Conjunction FTE Event of Cluster and TC1 on Jan 04,2005
- Acceleration and Precipitation of Energetic Ionospheric Ion Beams in the Auroral Region: Cluster Observations and Large Scale Modeling
- Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Photoelectron Energy Peaks: An Indicator of the Morphology of Solar Wind Influence on the Martian Environment
- Cassini Magnetometer Observations of the Polarity Reversal Layer of Titan's Magnetic Tail
- Cassini's View of Stress Balance in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Cluster Cusp Crossing on 18 April 2002
- Cluster Measurements of Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Cluster Spacecraft Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Separatrix Regions at the Earth's Dayside Magnetopause.
- Consequences of Ion Shell Instabilities in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Cross-Shock Potential and Electron Heating at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Dayside Inverted-Vs Observed During Conjunction of Cluster and Polar Spacecraft
- Dynamics of Active Region Loops: Temperature Measurements as a function of Time
- Electric Field Signatures at Density Gradients
- Electron Observations Near ``Martian Aurora''
- Electron Pitch Angle Variations Recorded at the High Magnetic Latitude Boundary Layer by the NUADU Instrument on the TC-2 Spacecraft
- Electron energetics of Titan's ionosphere
- Evolution of a staircase ion signature observed by Cluster in the polar cusp
- Generation of Downshifted Oscillations in the Electron Foreshock: A Loss-Cone Instability
- High and low latitude reconnection signatures in the dayside magnetopause and cusp observed by Cluster-Double Star: six-point measurements
- Indirect evidence for a neutral hydrogen cloud around Titan
- Ion Mass-loading and Time Variability in the Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Ion Production and Loss within Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: Cassini Results
- Low Frequency Waves in the Foreshock of Saturn
- Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause Observed by the Four Cluster Spacecraft
- Magnetic Structure and Particle Flow at a Northward IMF Reconnection Line
- Magnetospheric Electrons as a Source of Titan's Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with Cassini Data
- Magnetotail Science With Double Star and Cluster
- Microstructure of reconnection in the magnetotail region
- Morphology of Langmuir wave active sites in the Earth's foreshock observed from the four points CLUSTER constellation : analysis of a case event at small separation
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of a High-Speed Flow Event at the Dayside Magnetopause for Strong IMF By: A Preliminary Study
- Multi-point Observations of the Waveform and Propagation of Lion Roars
- Neutral Exosphere Densities and Structures at Titan Inferred from Pickup Ions Observed by CAPS
- Observations of Magnetic Anomaly Signatures in Mars Express ASPERA-3 ELS Data
- Plasma Composition Near Enceladus
- Saturn's Magnetospheric Boundaries
- Sources of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet:A Multi-Satellite, Multipoint Case Study
- Structure of thin current sheets in the magnetotail
- The Fast Plasma Instrument for the MMS Mission
- The characteristics of Langmuir waves in the Earth's electron and ion foreshocks: evidence for nonlinear interactions and other physical processes
- Thermal Plasma Flow Near Enceladus: Evidence for the `Missing' Water Source?
- Titan's Interaction With its Plasma Environment
- Using DOUBLE STAR and CLUSTER Synoptic Observations to Test Global MHD Simulations of the Large-scale Topology of the Dayside Merging Region
- Wave-particle interactions in the source region of whistler-mode chorus
- 3D Global MHD Simulation of Titan's interaction with its surrounding plasma
- A New Spoke Formation Model
- Altitude Dependence of Electron Signatures from 2004-2006 in Mars Express ASPERA-3 ELS Data
- Assessment of the Magnetospheric Contribution to Suprathermal Ions in Saturn's Foreshock Region
- Cassini's low Titan encounters: negative ion observations
- Cluster PEACE Observations of Electron Pressure Tensor Divergence in the Magnetotail
- Cluster observations of broadband electromagnetic waves in and around a reconnection region in the Earth's magnetotail current sheet.
- Cluster observations of two sources of magnetosheath ions in the mid-altitude polar cusp
- Cluster-Double star and conjugate ground-based observations of dayside reconnection under different IMF conditions
- Composition of Titan's ionosphere: A comparison of Cassini CAPS and INMS results
- Electron Anisotropy Constraint in the Solar Wind
- Electron Density Depletions in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Electron temperature at Titan
- Geoeffectiveness of Extreme Solar Winds
- High time resolution electron density estimation in the vicinity of the Earth's magnetotail using PEACE, WHISPER and EFW experiments on Cluster
- Injections at Saturn: Bulk parameters and pitch angle distributions of electrons
- Magnetic Structure and Electromagnetic Waves at a Northward IMF Merging Site
- Models of Thermal and Superthermal Electrons in Titan's Ionosphere
- Near-Simultaneous Flux Rope Observations With Cluster and Double Star
- Observation of thin current sheets during magnetotail reconnection with a presence of a guide field
- Observations of plasmoids in Saturn's magnetotail
- On the Nature of "Crater" Flux Transfer Events
- On the flowside plasma environment of Titan
- Plasma Regimes Around Venus: VEX Insight on the Boundary Separating Solar and Planetary Plasmas.
- Plasma injection into Saturn's inner magnetosphere.
- Recent Advances in the Understanding of the Structure and Variability of Titan's Magnetic Environment
- Saturn Magnetosphere Ion Erosion by Titan: Penetration and Loss of Water Group Ions in Upper Atmosphere
- Saturn Magnetospheric Interaction with Titan Ionisation Sources and Dynamics as Inferred from Cassini Observations
- Solar Radiation and Magnetospheric Electron Sources of the Ionosphere of Titan: Model Comparisons With Cassini Data
- Solar Wind Electron Densities Upstream of Saturn Determined from Langmuir Wave Observations by the Cassini RPWS Instrument
- Spatial signature of electron distributions around the X line
- Strong Distortion of Saturn's Magnetopause Surface Observed by Cassini
- Strong bulk plasma acceleration in Earth magnetosheath: A magnetic slingshot effect
- Structure and Properties of Saturn's Magnetospheric and Magnetotail Current Sheets
- Tethys and Dione: Sources of Outward Flowing Plasma in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The Characteristics of Thin Current Sheets and Their Relation to Magnetic Reconnection Separatrices
- The Dayside Plasma Sheet at High-Altitude, Mid-Latitudes: The View From Within the (Magnetic) Bottle?
- The Hyperspectral Stereo Camera Project
- The Interaction of Rhea with Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The Nature of Magnetohydrodynamic Fluctuations in the Solar Wind as Determined from Four-Point Measurements of Magnetic Field and (Electron) Plasma Velocity on Cluster
- Tracing Magnetospheric Circulation with Ion Composition at Saturn
- Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Waves Observed in the Saturn Magnetosphere
- Analysis of Intercalibrated Plasma Observations in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Auroral nightside downward-current regions: ClusterII observations
- Breakdown of the Frozen-in Condition in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Broadband electrons during storm-time substorm: Simultaneous FAST and Double Star observations
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's Magnetotail Region: Preliminary Results
- Chorus Observations at Saturn
- Cluster Observations of the Magnetospheric Low-Latitude Boundary Layer and Cusp During Extreme Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions: 10 November 2004 ICME and Statistical Survey.
- Cluster and Ground-Based Observations of Flux Transfer Events During the 10,000 km Separation Season
- Cluster observations of electron acceleration in near-Earth reconnection events
- Comparison of Auroral and Inner CPS in situ Measurements During an Expansive Phase Onset
- Cusp particle precipitation before and after an abrupt change of direction of the IMF
- Electron density estimation in the magnetotail: a multi-instruments approach
- Examining the Dynamics of Llow-Energy Electrons in Saturn's Magnetosphere by combining Cassini CAPS-ELS Data with Charged Particle Transport Model.
- Global MHD studies of Titan's interaction
- Global Shape Modelling of Saturn's Bow Shock
- High Latitude Structure of Saturn's Magnetopause: Cassini Observations
- Holes in the Nightside Ionosphere of Titan
- Investigation of Particle and Magnetic Field Periodicities in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Ion Flows in Saturn's Nightside Magnetosphere
- Models of Titan's Ionosphere
- Numerical Simulations of the Interaction of Enceladus' Interaction With Saturn's Magnetosphere Using a 3D Multi-Species, Hall MHD Model
- Observed Tail Current Systems Associated with Bursty Bulk Flows and Auroral Streamers During a Period of Multiple Substorms
- On the Variability of Observations in the Inner Saturnian Magnetosphere: Exploring the Parameter Space
- Periodic crossings of Saturn's magnetospheric current/plasma sheet observed by Cassini CAPS/ELS and MAG
- Plasma Production and Circulation in Saturn's (and Jupiter's?) Magnetosphere.
- Recent Cluster Results on Cusp and Magnetopause Boundary Phenomena
- Relationship between tail-current sheet activation and dayside magnetosphere
- Rotational Modulations of Saturn's Magnetosphere and Synchronous Regeneration of its Asymmetry
- Saturn's ring ionosphere
- Simultaneous Photoelectron and Ion Measurements in the Martian Tail
- Solar wind and rotational effects on the 3d configuration of Saturn's magnetosphere: Observations, theory, and modelling, in the Cassini era
- Source Location of Narrowband Radio Emission Detected at Saturn
- Speed of Compression of Magnetosphere by CME Clouds
- Strahl properties in the solar wind: Observations
- Structures in flaring loops seen in FeXXIII 263.76A line
- Study of Two Long Duration Eruptive Flares with the Hinode and RHESSI Spacecraft
- The Structure and Dynamics of the Quiet Corona from Observations with the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
- Titan at Saturn's magnetopause: CAPS results from T32
- Titan in Saturn's Magnetosheath: Cassini MAG Observations During the T32 Encounter
- Titan's magnetospheric interaction
- Using PEACE, FGM, and CIS Data from the Four Cluster Spacecraft to Measure Cross Helicity, Compressibility, and Vorticity in the Solar Wind
- A New Technique Using Electron Velocity Data From the Four Cluster Spacecraft to Explore Magnetofluid Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Cassini observations of Saturn's polar cusp
- Cassini's CAPS and MAG measurements during Titan flyby T15 compared to HYB model results
- Cassini/VIMS observations of Saturn's infrared aurora
- Cluster and Double Star Multipoint Observations of a Plasma Bubble
- Comparison of the tail region of Venus and Titan
- Electron acceleration in the near-Earth magnetotail in substorms
- Escape of Mars Photoionized Electrons from Carbon Dioxide and Atomic Oxygen in 2004
- Evidence for Nonlinear Langmuir Wave Behavior in the Earth's foreshock: Cluster Observations and Instrumental Concerns
- Flux Rope Eruption From the Sun to the Earth: What do Reversals in the Azimuthal Magnetic Field Gradient Tell us About the Evolution of the Magnetic Structure?
- Growth-rate analysis of Kronian narrowband emission
- In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Associated Energetic Particle Acceleration in Near-Earth Space
- Ion Energy Steps Observed by Cluster Multi-point Mission in the Polar Cusp: Similarity and Differences
- MHD Study of the Variation of the Mass Loading Sources near Enceladus
- Mapping Titan's Induced Magnetosphere
- Modeling of a Giant Planet Magnetodisc
- Modeling the Size and Shape of Saturn's Magnetopause Using Dynamic Pressure Balance
- Observations of 3-D Reconnection and Dynamics of Electron Scale Thin Current Sheets with Small Satellite Separation
- Observations of the Jovian X-ray Emission by Chandra and XMM Newton
- Penetrators as planetary probes and MoonLITE a proposed UK-led lunar mission
- Radial Evolution of Non-thermal Electrons in the Low-latitude Solar Wind: Helios, Cluster and Ulysses Observations
- Solar Wind Measurements on Solar Orbiter: Discovering the Links Between the Solar Wind and the Atmosphere of our Sun
- Spacecraft Observations of a ULF Wave Injected Onto Field Lines by SPEAR
- Study of the drift energies to localise the ring current: a comparison between the terrestrial and the kronian magnetosphere.
- The Effect Of Fast And Slow Solar Wind On The Venusian Upper Atmosphere.
- The Microphysics of the Dipolarization/Jet Braking Region in the Near-Earth Magnetotail: Cluster Multi-Point Observations
- Titan Plumes Revisited
- Titan's Plasma Interaction: New Perspectives from the Cassini Flybys
- Transport of O+ From the Cusp to the Plasma Sheet: Coordinated CLUSTER/Double Star TC-1 Observations
- A Comparison of Terrestrial and Kronian CMI growth rates
- A Survey of Electron Beams Associated With Saturnian Auroral Hiss
- A moon’s spiky tail: Low energy electron enhancements in the plasma wake of Enceladus
- An Improved Short Study of Ionospheric Photoelectrons at Venus
- Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Ion Observations Close to Enceladus: E3, E5 and E7
- Cassini observations of a vortex structure in Saturn’s dayside magnetosphere driven by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Cluster observations of ion dispersion discontinuities in the polar cusp
- Electrons at Enceladus: recent encounters
- Energetics of Titan’s Ionosphere: Model and Cassini Data Comparisons
- Excitation of electron cyclotron harmonic waves within local plasma injections on Saturn
- Global Features of Ion Distributions Near Titan
- Growth Rate Analysis of Ordinary Mode Saturn Kilometric Radiation
- High-altitude Boundary Layers near the Cusp:Cluster Observations
- Ion Loss from Titan's Atmosphere versus Local Time: A two-fluid MHD Study
- Langmuir Waves Associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Saturn's Magnetopause
- Late Noachian to Early Hesperian Climate Change on Mars: Evidence from Crater Lakes and Thermokarst Terrain near Ares Vallis
- Latitudinal Distribution of Electron Populations in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Magnetic Hole observations in the near earth space
- Magnetodisc Structure: Saturn versus Jupiter
- Multi-Satellite Observations at Different Scales of Flux Transfer Events and Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Negative Ions in the Enceladus Plume (Invited)
- Negative ions at Titan - density trends
- Particle pressure and current density in the magnetosphere of Saturn: Origin of the Saturnian ring current
- Principal Component Analysis of the background and sunspot magnetic field during the cycles 21-23
- Properties of the Magnetopause Deduced by Multi-Scale, Observations: Cluster, Themis, Double Star
- Properties of the magnetic field and plasma in the kronian magnetotail lobes and current sheet
- Rhea’s interaction with Saturn’s magnetosphere: Evidence for a plasma source
- Science, VxOs and Just In Time Information
- Solar Wind Halo/Strahl Interaction with the Atmospheres/Ionospheres of Mars and Venus
- Spatial and Temporal aspects of magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- The Heliophysics Integrated Observatory
- The Strahl: A Significant Source of Vorticity in the Solar Wind
- ``Crater'' Flux Transfer Events: Highroad to the X-line?
- Average pitch angle distributions in the terrestrial magnetotail: Cluster observations and implications for magnetotail structure (Invited)
- Cluster AAR Campaign Summary Plots
- Cluster Multi-Spacecraft Observations of AKR in the Auroral Acceleration Region (Invited)
- Cluster Multi-spacecraft Observations of Electrostatic Solitary Waves, VLF Saucers and Broadband Wave Bursts in the Auroral Downward Current Region
- Cluster multi-point observations of density cavities in and near the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Comprehensive ground-based and in situ observations of substorm expansion phase onset
- Differences in the structure of a planetary magnetopause boundary layer
- Electron Flux Modeling in the Enceladus Plume
- Energetic ion events upstream from the Saturnian bow shock: A multi-instrument study with Cassini measurements
- Evidence for a flux transfer event generated by multiple X-line reconnection at the magnetopause
- First Analysis of Quasi-Periodic Whistler Mode Emissions in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- HELIO - First Services of The Heliophysics Integrated Observatory
- Intense plasma wave emissions associated with Saturn's moon Rhea
- Investigating the plasma environment at Titan's orbit
- Kelvin Helmholtz driven vortices on the dayside magnetopause- single spacecraft detection using Double star 1
- Midnight Sector Observations of Auroral Omega Bands
- Multi-probing of the auroral acceleration region by Cluster (Invited)
- Observations in the downward auroral current region of Saturn's magnetosphere by Cassini: Electron and ion beams and their relation to the Low-frequency waves
- Observations of auroral acceleration at magnetically conjugate spacecraft: A Cluster case study (Invited)
- On Low Energy Electron Spikes Associated with Saturn's Moon Enceladus
- Quake Detection Using MDI and GONG Data
- Retreat of a Giant Cataract in a Martian Outflow Channel
- Solar Wind Halo Formation by the Scattering of the Strahl: Direct Cluster/PEACE Observations of the 3D Velocity Distribution Function
- Sources of Structure in the Outer Magnetosphere of Saturn
- Statistical analysis of bursty bulk flows, plasma bubbles, and their wakes using Cluster and Double Star
- Supercorotating plasma in Saturn's dawn magnetosphere
- Surface charging of Saturn's moon Rhea
- Temporal evolution and spatial variation of the solar wind from multi-spacecraft measurements
- The Anatomy of Two Nightside Magnetodisk Crossings near Titan
- The Auroral and Ground-Magnetic Response to Different Magnetotail Drivers
- The Cassini Enceladus encounters in the view of energetic particle measurements
- The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in Saturn's outer magnetosphere
- The solar wind interaction with Comet Machholz (C/2004 Q2) as revealed by amateur images
- Three-dimensional morphology of a coronal prominence cavity
- A comparison of the interaction of the solar wind with the Jovian and Kronian magnetospheres
- A survey of KHI activity at the magnetopause
- Arctic Sea Ice Dynamics For Climate Models: GlobICE Project Results and Products
- Broadening Access to Virtual Observatories
- Building blocks for Virtual Observatories in Heliophysics
- Cluster Observations of the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Cluster multi-point look at density cavities in the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Dawn-dusk asymmetries in plasma sheet particle distributions and the average behaviour of magnetotail current systems
- Distribution of Broadened Upper-Hybrid Emissions in Saturn's Middle Magnetosphere
- Dual periodicities in planetary period magnetic field oscillations in Saturn's tail
- Entropy Generation across Earth's Bow Shock
- Hot Flow Anomalies at Venus
- Implications for energy transport in solar flares from the recent observations of sun-quakes
- Interpreting ancient fluvial and deltaic environments on Mars: what can Earth analogs tell us?
- Longitudinal Modulation of Electron Populations in the Saturnian Inner Magnetosphere
- Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package for Lunar Lander - Definition Study
- Magnetic Field Statistics in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Magnetopause Reconnection Across Wide Local Time
- Modeling the Forces in Saturn's Warped Magnetodisc
- Multi-point Analysis of Electrostatic Solitary Waves and Field Aligned Electrons Observed by Cluster in and Near the Auroral Current Regions
- Negative ion flow at Titan
- On the effect of heavy ions on magnetopause reconnection
- Social Media, Education and Data Sharing
- Spaced-based counterparts of substorm onset ULF waves
- Surface charging and dust-plasma interactions at outer planet moons
- Survey of Anisotropic Electron Moments in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The Polar Cusp Observed by Cluster Under Constant Imf-Bz Southward
- The need for Standards when building Virtual Observatories
- Wave-particle interactions at dipolarization fronts
- Why dayside reconnection is rare at Saturn
- Aerosol growth in Titan's ionosphere through particle charging
- Auroral arc features at Saturn and their relation to magnetopause reconnection
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's Nightside UV Auroral Oval: In Situ Evidence of its Periodic Motion
- Cassini Thermal Ion and Nanograin Observations During Enceladus Encounters E17 and E18
- Characteristics of the Taylor Microscale Length In the Solar Wind: Magnetic Field and Electron Velocity Measurements
- Combining remote and in-situ observations to learn about CME evolution
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Magnetotail Particle Distributions
- Density trends of negative ions at Titan
- Diffusive Mass and Angular Momentum Transport in an Euler Potential Model of the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Double cusp encounter by Cluster: double cusp or motion of the cusp?
- FTE formation on the dayside magnetopause responding to the southward turning of IMF and 3D features of FTE flux ropes
- Global and local signatures of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during the growth and expansion phases of a substorm
- How the Saturnian Magnetosphere Conserves Magnetic Flux
- Inner plasma structure of the low latitude reconnection layer
- Ionospheric plasma in Titan's tail: CAPS observations and interactions with Saturn's magnetosphere
- Ions in the Enceladus plume: Cassini/CAPS ion measurements at high energy resolution
- Ions in the Plume of Enceladus and the Role of Grain Interactions
- Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package for Lunar Lander - Definition Study
- Modelling Planetary Magnetodiscs
- Monte Carlo modeling of cosmic ray interaction with the Venusian atmosphere
- Multi-mission conjunction to probe the spatial and temporal aspects of the magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Multi-point CLUSTER observations of VLF saucers in the auroral region
- Negative ion and electron properties in the Enceladus plume
- New discoveries in the Venusian Foreshock
- Observations of Uranus' auroral emissions
- Principal Component Analysis of the solar background magnetic field in cycles 21-23 and its implications for prediction of the future solar cycles
- Revealing Hidden Electron Holes in the Auroral Current Regions with Cluster
- THEMIS observation of 3-D multiple X-line reconnection at the magnetopause
- The search continues for a Titan-generated Nitrogen Torus in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The variable extent of Saturn's electron radiation belt
- Tracking Solar Active Region Outflow Plasma from its Source to the near-Earth Environment
- Use of Astronaut Photography in Magnetospheric Research: A Proof of Concept Study
- VLF saucers observed by multiple Cluster spacecraft in the AAR
- A Global Model of Saturn's Magnetopause
- A localized initiation of the substorm expansion phase and decoupling of the inner magnetosphere and tail during the substorm growth and expansion phases
- Bird watching in the magnetosphere: Global scale observations of near Earth Plasma sheet dynamics through multi-mission and instrument data access
- Changes in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and FACs Associated with Substorm Onset (Invited)
- Cluster Inner Magnetosphere Campaign: Multispacecraft Observations of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Cluster Observations of Ion Dispersions near the Exterior Cusp
- Cluster multi-spacecraft observations of electron and ion holes in the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System (Invited)
- Density profiles of different negative ion mass groups at Titan as observed by Cassini's CAPS electron spectrometer
- Determining pre-onset field magnetotail topology from multi-point magnetospheric and ground-based measurements
- Electron Signatures of Reconnection at the High and Low Latitude Magnetopause
- Foreshock dynamics controlled by Hot Flow Anomaly: relation between dawn and dusk sector events
- In-situ spatio-temporal measurements of the detailed substructure of the substorm current wedge and its evolution (Invited)
- Modeling Plasma Conditions Upstream of Titan
- Modelling Cometary Sodium Tails
- Modelling of moon surface charging in the Saturn system - comparison with Cassini observations at Rhea and Hyperion
- Multifluid MHD simulation of Saturn's magnetosphere: Dynamics of mass- and momentum-loading, and seasonal variation of the plasma sheet
- Observation of electron acceleration in the separatrix region during magnetic reconnnection
- Planetary Observations in the Soft X-ray band; Present status and Future CMOS based technology
- Possible evidence a Titan-generated Nitrogen Torus in Saturn's Magnetosphere (Invited)
- Quasi-periodic acceleration of electrons by a plasmoid-driven shock in the solar atmosphere
- Ring Current Morphology and the Influence of FACs
- Role of ULF Waves in Radiation Belt and Ring Current Dynamics
- Simulations of the Solar Orbiter spacecraft interactions with the Solar wind at different heliocentric distances: effects on SWA-EAS measurements
- Sources of Electron Pitch Angle Anisotropy in the Magnetotail Plasma Sheet
- Spatial Scales and Structure of Dipolarisation Fronts using Multispaceraft Observations
- Temporal evolution and electric potential structure of the auroral acceleration region from multispacecraft measurements
- The Dust Tail Striae of High Production Rate Comets
- The Influence of Energetic Electrons on the Cassini Langmuir Probe at Saturn : Deriving Large Electron Temperatures and Small Electron Densities
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions
- The Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction at the Earth as Compared to Outer Planets
- The impact of Enceladus' plasma environment on the dust plume
- The plasma depletion layer in Saturn's magnetosheath
- Theory and modelling of ion cusp particle signatures at Saturn
- Titan's induced magnetosphere from plasma wave, particle data and magnetometer observations
- VLF saucers source region and generation revealed by the four Cluster satellites
- A Case Study of the Impact of a Transient Solar Wind Structure on Venus
- Ancient deltas on Mars: outstanding targets for martian habitability?
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's Magnetospheric Cusps
- Characterising Substorm Auroral Dynamics; A Statistical Analysis of the Morphology and Motion of the Aurora through the Substorm Growth and Early Expansion Phase.
- Field-Aligned Currents in Saturn's Southern Nightside Magnetosphere: Sub-Corotation and Planetary Period Oscillation Currents
- Fusion and Visualization of HiRISE Super-Resolution, Shape-from-Shading DTM with MER Stereo 3D Reconstructions
- MISR at 15: Multiple Perspectives on Our Changing Earth
- Making sense of martian sediments at the Kimberley, Gale crater
- Multi-wavelength observations of Jupiter's aurora coordinated with Hisaki and other space telescopes
- Potential ExoMars Rover Landing Sites: Aram Dorsam (previously known as Oxia Palus) and Hypanis Delta
- Preliminary Results from a Coordinated Hisaki/Chandra/XMM-Newton Study of the Jovian Aurora and Io Plasma Torus
- Survey of the Plasma Composition in Saturn's Magnetotail
- The 1, 2, 3 of the Van Allen Radiation Belts: Impacts of Dynamics Driven by Observed ULF Wave Power
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- Time-dependent MHD modeling of Titan's plasma interaction during T32, T85 and T96 and comparison to Cassini data
- Comparison of Solar Active Region Complexity Andgeomagnetic Activity from 1996 TO 2014
- Fine Spectral Properties of Langmuir Waves Observed Upstream of the Saturn's Bowshock by the Cassini Wideband Receiver
- Ice Giant Exploration
- In-situ measurement of the substorm onset instability
- Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- Methane Footprint Measurements with IASI and GOSAT - Identification of Source Regions from Space
- Numerical investigation of the impact of seasonal variability on Saturn's magnetosphere
- Observations of Multi-band Structures in Double Star TC-1 PEACE Electron and HIA Ion Data
- PRo3D®: A Tool for High Resolution Rendering and Geological Analysis of Martian Rover-Derived Digital Outcrop Models.
- Pickup Ion Signatures in the Vicinity of Titan
- Simulating Negative Pickup Ions and Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation at Europa (Invited)
- Source Region and Growth Analysis of Narrowband Z-mode Emission at Saturn
- Taverna Workflows in the Virtual Observatory
- VESPA: Developing the Planetary Science Virtual Observatory in H2020
- <p>Prediction of In-Situ Magnetic Structure of Flux Ropes from Coronal Observations.
- An Isolated, Bright Cusp Aurora Associated with Dayside Reconnection at Saturn
- Assessment of Satellite Albedos Using NASA-CAR Airborne Data
- Cluster and THEMIS observations of the magnetosphere dayside boundaries in preparation for the SMILE mission
- Detecting dust hits at Enceladus, Saturn and beyond using CAPS / ELS data from Cassini
- Determining the Substorm Onset Instability Using Ground and Space-Based Measurements
- Developing an Efficient Planetary Space Weather Alert Service using Virtual Observatory Standards
- Dynamics of HVECs emitted from comet C/2011 L4 as observed by STEREO
- Energetic environment at Titan's orbit
- Energy Dissipation in Saturn's Magnetotail: A Comparative Magnetotail Approach
- First In Situ Evidence of Electron Pitch Angle Scattering Due to Magnetic Field Line Curvature in the Ion Diffusion Region
- In situ plasma and magnetic field measurements of SMILE
- Model Predictions and Ground-based Observations for Jupiter's Magnetospheric Environment: Application to the JUICE and Juno Missions
- Modelling Photoelectron Production in the Enceladus Plume and Comparison with Observations by CAPS-ELS
- On the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Field-Aligned Currents Observed with the Swarm Satellite Constellation: Implications for the Energetics of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- One year on VESPA, a community-driven Virtual Observatory in Planetary Science
- Properties of Jupiter's auroral acceleration region inferred with HST-STIS spectral images
- SMILE: A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Relationships
- Saturn's Quasi-Periodic Magnetohydrodynamic Waves
- Space Weather - A Socio-Economic Impact and Forecast Benefit Study
- The Extent to Which Dayside Reconnection Drives Field-Aligned Currents During Substorms
- The SMILE Mission: Orbit Design and Observation Strategy
- The SMILE Ultra-Violet Imager (UVI): Instrument design and performance modeling
- The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission
- The Substorm Onset Arc is Azimuthally Structured
- X-ray Monitoring of the Jovian Polar Aurora during Juno Approach
- X-ray modeling for SMILE
- A Deeper Understanding of Stability in the Solar Wind: Applying Nyquist's Instability Criterion to Wind Faraday Cup Data
- An overview of the first year of observations of Jupiter's auroras by Juno-UVS with multi-wavelength comparisons
- Chandra observations of Jupiter's X-ray Aurora during Juno upstream and apojove intervals
- Cutting-edge Kinetic Physics with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter: The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver (ALPS)
- Distribution and Energization of the Heavy Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Do substorms energise the ring current?
- Electron Acceleration in the Separatrix Region during Magnetic Reconnection
- Evidence of Ubiquitous Large-Amplitude Alfven waves in the Global Field-Aligned Current System
- Examining the Evolution of Solar Wind Strahl: What Can We Determine About Potential Scattering Mechanisms?
- Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing
- Fluxgate Magnetometry on the Experimental Albertan Satellite #1 (Ex-Alta-1) CubeSat Mission: Steps Toward a Magnetospheric Constellation Mission
- In-situ Measurement of Dissipation Spectra in Turbulent Plasmas
- Jupiter's X-ray Auroral Pulsations and Spectra During Juno Perijove 7
- Kappa distributions in Saturn's magnetosphere: energetic ion moments using Cassini/MIMI measurements
- Multi-decadal Arctic sea ice roughness.
- NuSTAR hard X-ray observations of the Jovian magnetosphere during Juno perijove and apojove intervals
- Progress on VESPA, a community-driven Virtual Observatory in Planetary Science
- Statistical study of cold-dense plasma sheet: spatial distribution and semi-annual variation
- Storm-time radiation belt electron dynamics: Repeatability in the outer radiation belt
- SunPy: Python for Solar Physics
- The UV Imager and its Role in the SMILE Mission
- A Framework Approach to Modelling the Risk of Extreme Geomagnetic Space Weather Events
- A Proposed ESA Mission to a Dynamically New Comet
- Are storm-time Ultra-Low Frequency waves special?
- Assessing the Role of Substorms on Ring Current Energisation and Decay
- Average thermal electron spectra in the inner magnetosphere as a function of L, MLT and Kp
- Cassini/MIMI measurements of energetic ion moments and the polytropic index in Saturn's magnetosphere.
- Dayside magnetodisc reconnection on Saturn
- Energetic Ion Dynamics Near Callisto
- Enhancement or Drop-out Drift-Echoes? An Investigation of Magnetospheric Pre-Conditions that Influence the Prompt Radiation Belt Response to IP Shocks, using a 3D MHD Wave Model and Test Particle Simulations.
- How Solar Orbiter will observe small-scale time variations of the solar wind and identify characteristic structures
- Jupiter X-Ray Aurora: Evidence from Juno
- Jupiter's Auroral Morphology: X-Ray and UV Emission Associated with Energetic Particles Observed by Juno-JEDI.
- Magnetosheath high speed jets and magnetopause observations by Cluster and MMS simultaneously
- Magnetotail dipolarization and dipolarization fronts using spacecraft conjunctions
- Mercury's extended sodium exosphere: pickup ion observations in the solar wind by MESSENGER
- Methods to Determine the Bulk Properties of Space Plasmas and Potential Applications
- New understanding of multiscale field-aligned currents and scientific and technological impact on the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system
- Observations of Heating by Alfvén Wave Dissipation in Collisionless Plasma Flows
- On Expectations for the Measurement of Solar Wind Electrons by the SWA/EAS Sensors on Solar Orbiter.
- On the Frequency and Drivers of Ion Scale Instabilities in the Solar Wind
- On the Role of the Last Closed Drift Shell in Fast Losses and Ultra-relativistic Electron Dynamics in the Van Allen Belts
- Probing Ion Precipitation at Jupiter's Poles Through Dynamic X-ray Spectra
- Simultaneous Juno-UVS and Chandra Observations of Jupiter's Auroras
- The Fast 3D Ion Spectrometer for Solar Wind Analyzer Plasma Package Onboard of Solar Orbiter Mission.
- The Fluid-like Behavior of Kinetic Alfvén Waves in Space Plasma
- The Multi-Scale Nature of the Solar Wind
- The Origin of Core Magnetic Structures in Coronal Mass Ejections: Observational Findings
- The Origin of Core Magnetic Structures in Solar Eruptions: Theoretical Concepts and Numerical Models
- The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt and inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms
- Using magnetic helicity to diagnose wave vector direction in solar wind turbulence.
- VESPA, a Planetary Science Virtual Observatory cornerstone
- A New View of Jupiter's X-ray Aurora Through Juno, Chandra and XMM-Newton
- An Erupting Solar Filament Observed at the DST
- An alternate source of lunar surface hydration: Earth wind
- Auroral diagnosis of solar wind interaction with Jupiter's magnetosphere
- CIRCE - A CubeSat Mission for Ionosphere Thermosphere Investigation
- Characteristics of Field Aligned Electrons Around the Cusps
- Comet Interceptor: An ESA Mission to an Ancient World
- Contribution of ULF Wave Activity to the Global Recovery of the Outer Radiation Belt During the Passage of a High-Speed Solar Wind Stream Observed in September 2014
- Determining Dayside Cold Plasma Dynamics during Geomagnetic Storms with ULF waves
- Effects of Variability of Quasilinear Diffusion Coefficients in Outer Radiation Belt
- Inner-Heliosphere Observations of Sunward Strahl Electrons on Magnetic Switchbacks
- Long term correlations between polytropic indices and kappa distributions in solar wind protons at 1 au
- Modelling the Acceleration, Transport and Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons with the Rad-Sat Project
- NuSTAR hard X-ray observations of the Jovian aurorae during Juno perijove and apojove intervals
- Optimizing the plasma sensor on board Lagrange space weather mission
- Radiation bombardment at Europa by magnetospheric particles and cosmic rays
- Recent Results from the MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)
- Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Suite: Measurement of Solar Wind Electrons by the Electron Analyser System
- Solar Orbiter: The Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Investigation
- Studying the seed population of Saturn's <1 MeV ion radiation belts using Cassini/MIMI measurements
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- The Comet Interceptor EnVisS Instrument: Wide-Field Imaging of the Solar Wind's Interaction with a Comet
- The Data Processing Unit of the Solar Wind Analyzer SWA onboard Solar Orbiter
- The Probability of Plumes in Global Tomographic Models
- The Solar Orbiter EUI instrument: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager
- Timescales of Birkeland currents driven by the IMF
- Understanding and predicting the controlling factors of Ultra-Low Frequency wave penetration during geomagnetic storms
- A Journey of Exploration to the Polar Regions of a Star: Probing the Solar Poles and the Heliosphere from High Helio-Latitude
- A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Interactions: SMILE
- A Quasi-Linear Diffusion Model for Resonant Wave-Particle Instability in Homogeneous Plasma
- A Survey of Computational Tools in Solar Physics
- A joint study of Solar Orbiter first data and PSP E5 through 3D MHD modeling
- A transient enhancement of Mercury's exosphere observed at extremely high altitudes in the solar wind
- Analysis of time-domain correlations between EUV and in-situ observations of coronal jets
- Average Ultraviolet and X-ray Auroras at Jupiter from Juno-UVS and Chandra-HRCI Data
- Characteristics of Jupiter's X-ray auroral hot spot emissions using Chandra
- Combined observations of the heliospheric current sheet with Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Compact Instrumentation for Energetic Particles at Magnetized Planets
- Constraining Global Coronal Models with Multiple Independent Observables
- Current sheet structure and associated small-scale flux ropes in the heliospheric magnetic field observed by Solar Orbiter
- DC/LF electric field and spacecraft potential measurements in the solar wind by RPW/BIAS on Solar Orbiter
- Deterministic and probabilistic forecasting of the >2 MeV flux at GEO using geomagnetic and solar wind parameters.
- Early results from the Proton Alfa Sensor (PAS/SWA) onboard Solar Orbiter: the Solar Wind at different scales.
- Enhanced Proton Parallel Temperature in `Patches' of Alfvénic Switchbacks
- Evaluating Auroral Forecasts Against Satellite Observations
- Extracting the Magnetopause Standoff Distance from Soft X-ray Images: a Method Development for the Forthcoming SMILE Mission
- Finding space places that are different from other space places using computers that sense numbers and make good guesses
- First Images and Initial In-Flight Performance of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager On-Board Solar Orbiter.
- First results from combined EUI and SPICE observations of Lyman lines of Hydrogen and He II
- First results from the EUI and SPICE observations of Alpha Leo near Solar Orbiter first perihelion
- Heavy Ion Sensor on Solar Orbiter: Linking the Solar Wind and the Sun
- Investigation on kinetic processes based on MMS/Cluster joint measurements at the vicinity of the plasma sheet boundary layer
- Ionospheric Outflow at Jupiter and Saturn
- MESSENGER observations of flux transfer event showers and their influences on sodium ions in Mercury's dayside magnetosphere
- MMS and Cluster conjugate observation of current sheet disturbances associated with localized fast flows in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Machine Learning Algorithms for Orbit Region Classification: A Case-Study from Cassini
- Machine Learning Applications to Planetary Magnetospheric Reconnection Signatures
- Magnetosheath high speed jets observed with Cluster and MMS with near-Earth upstream solar wind monitors
- Magnetospheric Behaviour Associated with the Geosynchronous Magnetopause Crossings
- Metis - Solar Orbiter Topical Team on "Modelling of CME propagation/evolution in corona and solar wind in connection with Space Weather"
- Observation of Smallest Ever Detected Brightening Events with the Solar Orbiter EUI HRI-EUV Imager
- On the production of singly ionized He in the solar wind from the first observations of Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor
- Probabilistic Forecasts of Storm Sudden Commencements from Interplanetary Shocks Using Machine Learning
- Proposed interpretation of complex seismic and radiative signatures associated with the X9.3-class flare of 6 September 2017
- Regional geomagnetic disturbances in Fennoscandia: statistical observations, modelling, and driving mechanisms
- Relating Imaged Streamer Flows to the Slow Solar Winds measured by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Satellite Radiation Risks Forecasts in the UK
- Sensitivity of Solar Wind Mass Flux to Coronal Electron Temperature
- Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Suite: Early results from the Electron Analyser System
- Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Suite: Initial Results of an Alpha-particle Relative Abundance Study within 0.5-1 AU
- Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Analyser Suite: Design and performance of the Electron Analyser System for the measurement of Solar Wind Electrons
- Solar Orbiter Observations of Waves and Structures from the Tail of Comet ATLAS
- Solar Orbiter: connecting remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Solar Orbiter: early in situ measurements
- Solar Wind Analyser - Electron Analyser System (SWA-EAS) Response Model: An Analysis Tool for the Solar Wind Electron Observations by Solar Orbiter
- Solar Wind Turbulence Features for Parallel and Perpendicular Sampling Direction
- Spectropolarimetric Insight into Plasma Sheet Dynamics of a Solar Flare
- Spontaneous Reconnection in Three-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Collisionless Plasma Turbulence
- Statistical Analysis of Orientation, Shape and Size of Switchbacks
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- The Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) Instrument on Solar Orbiter: First results.
- The Solar Orbiter Fast Ion Spectrometer PAS in-flight calibration and the first "ready for scientific use" data.
- The investigation of lunar farside and nearside space environments
- ULF Wave Driven Radial Diffusion During Geomagnetic Storms
- Understanding the key signatures of magnetopause shadowing throughout a geomagnetic storm.
- Using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques to classify space plasma regimes: electron magnetotail populations
- Very high-resolution observations of the solar atmosphere in H I Lyman alpha and Fe IX-X at 17.4 nm as seen by EUI aboard Solar Orbiter
- 3D Small-scale Turbulent Reconnection: Energy Transport and Transfer.
- A New Perspective on Non-field-aligned Proton Beams and Their Roles in Cyclotron Wave Growth: Solar Orbiter Observations
- A review of the physical processes of meso-scale dynamic auroral forms
- Analyzing the Sunward Electron Deficit to Understand the Suns Electric Potential
- BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter VGAM2: coordinated observations of the ion composition and the total ion flux in the induced magnethosphere of Venus
- Crustal structure of the Western U.S. from Rayleigh and Love wave amplification
- Direct evidence of magnetic reconnection onset via the tearing instability
- Evaluating Auroral Forecasts Against Satellite Observations
- First Solar Orbiter observation of an Alfvenic slow wind stream
- Flux Transfer Events in the Northern Hemisphere Polar Cusp Under Dominant IMF Bx
- Flux conservation, radial scalings, Mach numbers, and critical distances in the solar wind: magnetohydrodynamics and Ulysses observations
- Full Vector Velocity Reconstruction Using Solar Orbiter Doppler Map Observations.
- Global Contributions of Active Regions to the Solar Wind
- Kinetic Instabilities and Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- MagneToRE: Mapping the 3-D Magnetic Structure of the Solar Wind Using a Large Constellation of Nanosatellites
- Magnetic reconnection as a mechanism to produce multiple proton populations and beams locally in the solar wind
- Measured charged particle fluxes relevant to Ganymede weathering
- Multi-spacecraft Study of the Solar Wind in Latitude
- Observational evidence of polar ozone loss following substorm events
- Probing Current Sheet Instabilities from Flare Ribbon Dynamics
- Probing the magnetospheric substorm onset mechanism using pitch angle resolved GOES proton flux data
- Proximal Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Towards Building a Sparse Earth Model
- Quantifying the ambipolar electric field contribution to the solar wind acceleration
- Quantitatively comparing the temporal and spatial variations of the aurora, waves and magnetic deflections associated with substorms
- Solar Orbiter - Short scale structures propagating in the Solar Wind and effects on the proton distribution functions: observations from PAS.
- Stereoscopy of extreme UV quiet Sun brightenings observed by Solar Orbiter/EUI
- Switchback-like structures observed by Solar Orbiter
- The Comet Interceptor Mission
- The First Sighting of X-rays from Uranus (a low signal)
- The Kinetic Evolution of the Electron Strahl in the Inner Heliosphere
- Understanding the energy sources for substorm onset
- Whistler instability driven by the sunward electron deficit in the solar wind: High-cadence Solar Orbiter observations
- X-raying Jupiters Extremes A Review of 42 years of Jovian X-rays
- An Overview of HelioSwarm: A NASA MIDEX Mission to Reveal the Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas
- Automatic Detection of Magnetic Reconnection: Solar Orbiter Reveals that Reconnection Jets Cluster in the Solar Wind
- Characterizing the impacts of the natural limit to electron radiation in the terrestrial Van Allen belts
- Comparison of Cassini Langmuir Probe and Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Observations During Solar Eclipses by Saturn and the Main Rings: Photoelectrons and Asymmetries
- Coronal Up- & and Downflows in Hinode/EIS seen by Solar Orbiter EUI
- Differentiating Between Simultaneous Loss Drivers in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt Using Phase Space Density Observations
- Early solar wind studies from the Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Sensor
- Electron Diffusion Region at Magnetic Dipolarization Event observed by MMS and CLUSTER
- Energy Transport and Transfer in 3D Small-Scale Turbulent Reconnection
- Fe Ion Heating Across a Shock Observed by Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor
- Inferring three-dimensional magnetic structure of a sunspot using multi-wavelength measurements.
- Initial Observations of Pickup Ions by the HIS Sensor on Solar Orbiter
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of the Merging of two Coronal Mass Ejections during Propagation
- Multimodal Heliophysical/Geophysical Machine Learning Models for Earthquake Identification and Forecasting
- Observations of Suprathermal Ions (5-75 keV/e) in Association with Shocks
- Observing the Alfvénic Slow Wind at the First Solar Orbiter Close Perihelion
- Predicting SWARM plasma bubbles via Machine Learning
- Properties of Chromospheric Flow Channels Around a Sunspot
- Proton Core, Proton Beam and Alpha Particle Kinetic Features Obtained from SWA-PAS 3D VDFs via an Innovative Code Based on Machine Learning
- Radial Evolution and Energy Budget of Thermal and Suprathermal Electron Populations in the Slow Solar Wind from 0.13 to 0.5 AU : Parker Solar Probe observations.
- Regulation of Proton-α Drift Velocity by Large-scale Compressive Fluctuations and Ion-scale Instabilities in the Solar WInd
- Slow solar wind sources - high-resolution observations with a stereoscopic view.
- Solar Wind protons: Gaussian and Inverse-Gaussian components
- Switchbacks, microstreams and broadband turbulence in the solar wind
- The Evolution of Storm-Time Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in the Heart of the Outer Radiation Belt
- The SMILE Mission: Global Imaging of Solar-Terrestrial Interactions
- The search for and prediction of in-situ cometary ion tail encounters.
- Upflows in solar active regions - producing a mix of abundances that can feed into the solar wind
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Samsonov
- A. B. Galvin
- A. Berlicki
- A. Korpi-Lagg
- A. Masson
- A. Milillo
- A. N. Zhukov
- A. P. Rouillard
- A. P. Walsh
- A. Prasad
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Smith
- Adam Kellerman
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Alphonse C. Sterling
- Ana M. G. Ferreira
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrew Fazakerley
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Augustin Marignier
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. H. Mauk
- B. L. Alterman
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. Forsyth
- C. Froment
- C. J. Owen
- C. Marmo
- C. Paranicas
- C. S. Arridge
- C. S. Reynolds
- C. Snodgrass
- C. Tubiana
- Charles W. Smith
- Chi Wang
- Clare E. J. Watt
- Claudio Pernechele
- Craig J. Rodger
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. Spadaro
- D. Turrini
- Dale Weigt
- Daniel Heyner
- Daniel Verscharen
- David M. Long
- David M. Miles
- David Stansby
- Debi Prasad Choudhary
- Dominique Delcourt
- Durgesh Tripathi
- E. Roussos
- E. Spanswick
- E. V. Panov
- Ercha Aa
- F. Allegrini
- G. Branduardi‐Raymont
- G. C. Ho
- G. Clark
- G. Di Achille
- G. Facskó
- G. H. Jones
- G. R. Tremblay
- G. Valori
- Georgios Xystouris
- H. U. Frey
- Hardi Peter
- Harlan E. Spence
- Heli Hietala
- I. Dandouras
- I. J. Rae
- I. R. Mann
- I. Zouganelis
- J. C. Kasper
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. H. Westlake
- J. L. Burch
- J. M. Raines
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. S. Halekas
- J. T. Steinberg
- J. U. Ness
- J. W. Gjerloev
- Jack Jenkins
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jasmine Sandhu
- Joel B. Abraham
- Joseph Eggington
- K. A. Blasl
- K. E. Korreck
- K. Goetz
- K. J. Trattner
- K. Ogasawara
- K. R. Murphy
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- L. D. Woodham
- L. G. Ozeke
- L. K. Harra
- L. K. Jian
- L. M. Kistler
- L. Olifer
- L. P. Chitta
- L. Sorriso‐Valvo
- L. Teriaca
- Laura Berčič
- Laurent Lamy
- Lei Dai
- Leonardo Regoli
- Li‐Jen Chen
- Lubomír Přech
- Lucas Liuzzo
- M. A. Shay
- M. F. Marcucci
- M. H. Burger
- M. Haberreiter
- M. Hesse
- M. J. Owens
- M. Kretzschmar
- M. Messerotti
- M. Mierla
- M. Morooka
- M. P. Freeman
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Argall
- M. Romoli
- M. Stangalini
- M. Volwerk
- M. Øieroset
- Maria-Theresia Walach
- Marissa F. Vogt
- Martin Hosner
- Mayur Bakrania
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael W. Davis
- Michaela Mooney
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Fargette
- N. Sergis
- Natalie M. Staudacher
- Nicolas André
- Olga Alexandrova
- Owen Roberts
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J.
- P. Kollmann
- P. Louarn
- Petrus C. Martens
- Q. Ma
- R. A. Frazin
- R. A. Qudsi
- R. B. Torbert
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. Bruno
- R. C. Allen
- R. C. Fear
- R. Chhiber
- R. De Marco
- R. D’Amicis
- R. E. Denton
- R. M. Dewey
- R. M. Skoug
- R. Politi
- R. W. Ebert
- Roch Smets
- Rui Pinto
- Rungployphan Kieokaew
- Ryan J. French
- S. D. Bale
- S. Erard
- S. G. Claudepierre
- S. J. Bolton
- S. K. Solanki
- S. K. Vines
- S. Livi
- S. Parenti
- S. Perri
- S. T. Badman
- S. T. Lepri
- S. Vargas Domínguez
- Salvatore Mancuso
- Samuel D. Walton
- Samuel Grant
- Sanjay Gosain
- Sarah Matthews
- Sergio Toledo‐Redondo
- Shuo Wang
- Stavros Dimitrakoudis
- Steven Christe
- T. Appourchaux
- T. Chust
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. Woolley
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tereza Ďurovcová
- V. Andretta
- V. Martínez Pillet
- Victor Réville
- W. H. Matthaeus
- W. T. Thompson
- Xiaoxin Zhang
- Y. Saito
- Y. V. Bogdanova
- Yeimy Rivera
- Yuri V. Khotyaintsev
- Z. Vörös
- Zhonghua Yao
- É. Buchlin