Augsburg College, Minnesota
flowchart I[Augsburg College, Minnesota] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (196)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (32)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Determining propagation routes of Pc 3/4 pulsations to low latitudes with ground-based magnetometers.
- New Alfven Resonator in the Topside Ionosphere Beneath the Auroral Acceleration Region?
- Nonconjugate ULF Wave Power Observed by Ground Magnetometers in the Northern and Southern Dayside Cusp/Cleft/LLBL Regions
- Occurrences of Pc 1 Waves in the Dayside Cusp, LLBL and BPS Region and Associated Enhancements of Proton Aurora
- A study of Pc 3-4 pulsations observed by the Cluster satellites and multiple ground-based observatories
- First Ground-Based Look at Compositional Differences in the Uranian Satellites
- Ground and satellite observations of Pc 1-2 waves on open field lines poleward of the dayside cusp.
- Modulation of the auroral acceleration region by Alfven waves: A new mechanism for ULF wave modulation of electron acceleration
- Statistical identification of solar wind origins of magnetic impulse events (MIEs)
- Analysis of Compressional Pc 5 Magnetic Field Oscillations and Associated Energetic Ion Modulations Occurring on December 20, 2002 in the Dusk Sector Outer Magnetosphere
- Diurnal Variations of Quasi-Periodic and Periodic VLF emissions in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Energy Budget of Alfven Wave Interactions with the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn): A Vision for Global Polar Studies and Education
- Pc 1 Pulsations and Associated Ion Signatures Observed by the Cluster Spacecraft.
- Pc 1 Waves and Associated Unstable Distributions of Magnetospheric Protons Observed During a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- ULF waves in the solar wind, their coupling to the magnetosphere and associated higher-frequency pulsations.
- A Study of the Temporal and Spatial Development of Substorm Expansion Phase Onset Signatures
- Cluster Observations of Pc 1-2 Waves and Associated Ion Distributions During the October and November 2003 Magnetic Storms
- Ground-based Observations of ULF Waves in the Cusp Region and at Substorm Onset as Possible Evidence for Reconnection
- Magnetic and Optical Signatures of Pc 3-4 Waves in Relation to Wave Transmission at South Pole, Antarctica
- Pc 1-2 waves and associated ion distributions observed during three extended conjunctions between the Polar satellite and Antarctic ground stations
- Pc5 ULF, energetic Oxygen Ion, and EMIC Wave-Particle Interactions During the Halloween 2003 Storm
- Statistical Study of Pi1B Magnetic Pulsations at Conjugate Hemisphere - The Observation of Wave Propagation at Substorm Onset
- Statistical Study of the Probability of Titan Being in the Solar Wind or in Saturn's Magnetosheath
- Trans-polar Transmission of Pc 3-4 ULF Waves: Results from Cluster and Antarctic Observations
- Aerosol nucleation inside and outside of cirrus
- Auroral zone energetic proton precipitation and Pc 1 micropulsation activity on 27 January 2003
- First results from a closely-spaced induction coil magnetometer array in Svalbard
- Pc 1-2 Waves and Energetic Particle Precipitation During and After Magnetic storms: Superposed Epoch Analysis and a Case Study
- Pc 1-2 waves observed in the high latitude plasma mantle and polar cap by Cluster
- Pi1B pulsations and Alfvenic aurora at substorm onset
- Storm-Time Magnetic Perturbations and Birkeland Currents Observed By Iridium
- A Study of Single and Multiple Onset Substorms
- Antarctic Ground-based Observations During Selected THEMIS Satellite Event Studies
- Ground-Based and FAST Observations of Pc 1-2 Type ULF Waves in the Dayside Cusp Region
- Multi-Instrument Observations of Pc 3-4 Pulsations at Cusp Latitudes in Svalbard, Norway
- PENGUIn Observations of the THEMIS March 23, 2007 Substorm Event
- Pi1B Pulsations and Fast Flows
- Using ULF Waves Artificially Excited by the SPEAR High Power Radar as Diagnostics for Probing the High Latitude Ionospheric Alfven Resonator
- A comparison of ground and satellite observations of Pi1B pulsations
- Dawn-dusk asymmetry in ionospheric return flows: relationship between flows and Birkeland currents
- Equivalent ionospheric currents from the GIMA, Greenland, MACCS, and THEMIS ground magnetometer arrays
- Ground Observations of ULF Pulsations During Pulsating Aurora
- Occurrence Patterns of Magnetospheric EMIC Waves During Geomagnetic Storms: Ground-based Observations at Auroral and Subauroral Latitudes
- Pc 1-2 wave ducting within the ionospheric wave guide
- Pc 3-4 Pulsations Near the Cusp: Latitude dependence near the open-closed field line boundary
- Pc 3-4 Pulsations Near the Cusp: Observations using Search Coil Magnetometers and HF Radars on Svalbard
- Spatial Structure of Simultaneous Magnetic and Riometer Ðñ5 Pulsations
- Volatility of Oxalic Acid Compounds: Atmospheric Particulate Matter?
- A Preliminary Comparison Between SuperDARN Flow Vectors and Equivalent Ionospheric Currents From the GIMA, Greenland, MACCS, THEMIS, CARISMA, and CANMOS Ground Magnetometer Arrays
- An Enhanced Magnetometer Network in the United States for Magnetoseismic Research
- Cluster- and Ground-Based Observations of Pc 1-2 waves Poleward of the Cusp
- Cusp-related Pc3-5 Wave Activity
- Detecting Small-Scale ULF Waves with GPS TEC
- EMIC Waves Observed During the July 2009 Geomagnetic Storm
- Observation of proton chorus waves close to the equatorial plane by Cluster
- Pc 5 Spectral Density at ULTIMA stataions and its Radial Diffusion Coefficients for REE
- Pi1B pulsations observed on the ground and in space by GOES and THEMIS satellites
- Propagation Characteristics of Pc 1-2 Waves at High Latitude Ionospheric Waveguide
- Statistical Study of Ducted Propagation Characteristics of ULF Pi1B Pulsations
- A Two-dimensional Magnetoseismic Network in the United States
- AmPMS: Detection of Ammonia and Amines in Particle Formation and Growth Experiments
- Average pitch angle distributions in the terrestrial magnetotail: Cluster observations and implications for magnetotail structure (Invited)
- Chemical Nucleation of Sulfuric Acid and Reduced Organic Species
- Cluster Observations of Band-Limited Pc 1 Waves Associated with Streaming H+ and O+ ions in the High-Latitude Flank Plasma Mantle
- Correlation Between Pi1B pulsations and Poleward Boundary Intensifications
- Determining the Propagation Direction and Velocity of Pc 1-2 Waves using Search Coil Magnetometers on Svalbard
- Observing ULF Pulsations at High Latitudes Using GPS TEC
- Overview of Emic Triggered Chorus Emissions in Cluster Data
- Persistent Excitation Over Several Days of EMIC waves in Association With a High Speed Stream
- Simulation of GPS Scintillation and TEC Using Rocket Borne Ionospheric Density Measurements
- Simultaneous Traveling Convection Vortex (TCV) Events and Pc 1-2 Wave Bursts at Cusp/Cleft Latitudes observed in Arctic Canada and Svalbard
- A Statistical Study of Occurrences of Pc 1-2 waves at Antarctic Ground Stations Before, During and After Magnetic Storms: April 2006 - December 2010
- A statistical study of Cluster and ground-based observations of Pi1B pulsations at substorm onset
- Association of Pi1B Micropulsations and Poleward Boundary Intensifications
- Comparisons Between GPS Ionospheric Scintillations and Observations of Auroral Structuring from All Sky Imagers over Antarctica
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Helium Branch Induced by Multiple Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Triggered Emissions
- Experimental evidence of resonant cavities in the high--latitude ionosphere above Svalbard
- High Latitude Magnetometer Arrays: Multipoint and Conjugate Data for Studies of Currents, Transients, and Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in Earth's Space Environment
- New Opportunities for Observing Dayside Transients from the Ground
- Persistent occurrence of EMIC waves around magnetic noon after a high speed solar stream
- Production of Relativistic Electrons Following Storms and Substorms: A Multiple Regression Analysis
- Propagation of EMIC triggered emissions toward the magnetic equatorial plane
- Statistical studies of ULF pulsations using GPS TEC
- Analysis of field-aligned structure of compressional Pc 5 waves and associated energetic ion modulations observed by Polar at L~9.5
- Antarctic Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves
- GPS TEC Observations of Storm Time Large Amplitude ULF Pulsations
- Monitoring of the Geospace Environment by Ground-based McMAC and Falcon Magnetometers
- Multi-instrument Observations from Svalbard of a Traveling Convection Vortex, Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Burst, and Proton Precipitation Associated with a Bow Shock Instability
- Observations of increasing EMIC waves frequency with the increasing solar cycle
- Pc 1-2 waves Observed at Geosynchronous Orbit and on the Ground at Subauroral Latitudes: Dependence on Local Time and Storm Phase
- Production of Relativistic Electrons Following Storms and Substorms: Results from Stepwise Multiple Regression and Path Analysis
- ULF pulsations observed at Arecibo and their relation to solar wind variations
- ULTIMA: Array of ground-based magnetometer arrays for monitoring magnetospheric and ionospheric perturbations on a global scale
- Comparison of EMIC wave observation and modeling under different geomagnetic activities
- Conjugate observations of traveling convection vortices (TCVs) and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves associated with transient events at the magnetopause
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Empirical Prediction Models of Relativistic Electrons Following Storms
- Ground and satellite EMIC wave observations in conjunction with BARREL electron precipitation
- Ground-based Observations of Transient Phenomenon at the Dayside Magnetopause (Invited)
- In-Situ and Ground-based Observations of Pc1 Pearl Pulsations
- Investigation of EMIC Wave Scattering as the Cause for the BARREL January 17, 2013 Relativistic Electron Precipitation Event
- Long-Period ULF Wave Activity in the Cusp Region
- Modeling carbon cycle responses to tree mortality: linking microbial and biogeochemical changes
- Observations of dayside subauroral proton arcs and EMIC waves associated with increases in solar wind pressure
- Pc1 Waves Observed by the Van Allen Probes and at Halley, Antarctica
- Pulsating aurora observed on the ground and in-situ by the Van Allen Probes
- Specification of the plasmasphere using data assimilation
- Sulfuric Acid Nucleation with NH<SUB>3</SUB>, Methyl, Dimethyl, and Trimethyl Amines
- A novel data assimilation model for the plasmasphere
- Analysis of EMIC waves in relation to magnetospheric heavy ion density
- Energy ranges and pitch angles of outer radiation belt electrons depleted by an intense dayside hydrogen band EMIC wave event on February 23, 2014
- Geoeffectiveness of Transient Ion Foreshock Phenomenon
- Model of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Observations of purely compressional waves in the upper ULF band observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Solar cycle dependence of ion cyclotron wave frequencies
- Van Allen Probes, NOAA, and Ground Observations of an Intense Pc 1 Wave Event Extending 12 Hours in MLT
- A Statistical Study of TEC Variations during the Passage of TCV Events
- Analysis of a Prototypical Substorm with Conjugate Ground Magnetic Data
- Applying Machine Learning Tools to the Identification of Foreshock Transient Events
- Cluster Formation of Sulfuric Acid with Dimethylamine or Diamines and Detection with Chemical Ionization
- Comparing Local-Time and Storm-Phase Distributions of EMIC Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes A, GOES-13, and Halley, Antarctica
- Detection of Amines and Ammonia with an Ambient Pressure Mass Spectrometer using a Corona Discharge Ion Source, in an Urban Atmosphere and in a Teflon Film Chamber
- Energy ranges and pitch angles of outer radiation belt electrons depleted by an intense dayside hydrogen band EMIC wave event on February 23, 2014
- Experimental observations of electron precipitation driven by EMIC waves
- Location of EMIC Wave Events Relative to the Plasmapause: Van Allen Probes Observations
- Multi-Point Observations of Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause Associated With Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Impulse Events
- Multisatellite Observations of Long-lasting Poloidal Pc 4 Pulsations in the Dayside Magnetosphere.
- New Insights on Ring Current-Radiation Belt Dynamics from Observation and Simulation Studies
- Observing Dynamics in Large-Scale Birkeland Currents with the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE)
- Relations Between Traveling Convection Vortex (TCV) Signatures in Near-Cusp Ground Data, at Geosynchronous Orbit, and in Low Latitude Ground Data
- Size Distribution Studies on Sulfuric Acid-Water Particles in a Photolytic Reactor
- Toward a System-Based Approach to Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Earth's Magnetosphere
- Using AMPERE to Identify and Characterize Onsets of Birkeland Currents
- Wave-wave and wave-particle interactions in the inner magnetosphere measured with Van Allen Probes: cross coupling between wave modes and its effect on radiation belt dynamics
- Combined effects of ULF, VLF, and EMIC Waves, Substorms, and Solar Wind Parameters on Relativistic Electron Flux: Multiple Regression Analysis
- Dominant loss mechanisms in the radiation belts
- Dual-Spacecraft Studies of EMIC Wave Occurrence using the Van Allen Probes
- MMS, Van Allen Probes, and Ground-based Magnetometer Observations of a Compression-induced EMIC Wave Event
- Nightside storm-time Birkeland currents: quasi-steady state, onsets, and dual R1/2 sense pairs
- Outward radial transport and drift loss due to ULF waves during an energetic electron dropout during the storm on 1 June 2013
- Photolytic Sulfuric Acid Particle Formation: Dependence on Precursor Species
- Statistical Study of the Occurrence of POES Relativistic Electron Precipitation (REP) in Correlation with Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves
- Temporal and Spatial Development of Birkeland and Electrojet Currents
- A Statistical Analysis of Interhemispheric Pi1B Seasonal Variations
- A comparative examination of auroral acceleration processes at Jupiter and Earth as enabled by the Juno mission to Jupiter
- Dayside auroral pulsations and their association with outer magnetospheric dynamics
- EMIC wave events during the four QARBM challenge intervals
- Generation of EMIC Waves and Effects on Particle Precipitation During a Solar Wind Pressure Intensification with Bz > 0
- Nightside High Latitude Magnetic Impulse Events
- Observations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in Jupiter's Downward Auroral Current Region
- Relativistic electron flux dropout due to field line curvature during the storm on 1 June 2013
- The role of cold plasma and its composition on the growth of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the inner magnetosphere
- A Statistical Study of Interhemispheric Pi1B Seasonal Variations
- A Survey of Magnetic Impulse Events (MIEs) Observed by the MACCS, AUTUMNX, CANMOS, and CARISMA Magnetometer Arrays in Arctic Canada: 2014-2017
- Determining EMIC wave vector properties through multi-point measurements: The wave curl analysis
- Direct observation of Magnetospheric-Ionospheric (M-I) Coupling by Spacecraft and Ground systems during the Feb 2, 2017 substorm
- How does EMIC wave polarization depend on magnetospheric plasma conditions?
- LIME in Local Time: The Magnetosphere Acting Impulsively
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of the Spatial Scales of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Multiple-Instrument Observations of Nighttime Magnetic Impulse Events (MIEs) at High Latitudes
- Characterization of Transient Geomagnetic Fluctuations and Associated Rapid Ionospheric Currents
- Electromagnetic Fields of Magnetospheric Waves and Transients at Conjugate Antarctica-Greenland Arrays: Resolving the Current/Voltage Dichotomy
- Interhemispheric comparisons of large nighttime magnetic perturbation events
- Investigating the Relationship between IPDPs and Pi1B Waves
- Multispacecraft Observations of Pc 4 -5 Pulsations in the Dayside Magnetosphere: Particle Signatures.
- Nighttime magnetic perturbation events observed in Arctic Canada: Investigating their associations with localized field-aligned currents and with substorms
- Observations of Particle Loss due to Injection-Associated EMIC Waves
- Source region of auroral arcs and diffuse auroras in the inner magnetosphere observed by Arase on 11 September 2018
- The Driver of Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
- An overview of Jovian auroral acceleration processes: emphasis on energetic charged particle observations from NASA's Juno mission
- Characterization of Transient Induced Current Events In Ground Magnetometer Data
- Characterization of Transient Induced Current Events Observed in Ground Magnetometer Data
- Effects of the Upstream Solar Wind Structures on EMIC Waves in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: Superposed Epoch Analysis
- Propagation effects on EMIC wave k vectors: Observations from MMS
- Statistical characteristics of the EMIC wave propagation obtained from conjugate observations between space and ground
- Studying the relationship between substorm-onset related Pi1Bs and IPDP-type EMIC waves
- The Role of Injected Ring Current Ions in Generating EMIC Waves and Scattering Radiation Belt Particles
- Characterization of Transient-Large-Amplitude Geomagnetic Perturbation Events
- Exploring the properties and distribution of EMIC waves in the outer magnetosphere
- Global full-wave simulations of the electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves using Petra-M code
- Interhemispheric Observations of Geomagnetic Pulsations Associated with Foreshock Transient Events
- Magnetic Perturbation Events (MPEs) that cause GICs: Investigating their Interhemispheric Conjugacy and Control by IMF Orientation
- Pc 1 wave observations associated with foreshock transient events
- Secondary Organic Aerosol from First-Generation Photo-oxidation Products of alpha-Pinene, Limonene and Myrcene
- Short-Term Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed at High Latitudes: A New Component of Space Weather
- Survey of the Effect of Functional Groups on Observed SOA Growth from Photo-Oxidation
- Turbulent Energy Cascade in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere and Seeding of EMIC Waves
- A Statistical Analysis of High-frequency Transient-Large-Amplitude Geomagnetic Disturbances Throughout Solar Cycle 24
- ARMAX Regression More Accurately Determines the Timing of Solar Wind, IMF Bz, Substorms, and ULF Wave Influences on 2 MeV Electron Flux
- Developing a Neural Network for the Identification of EMIC Wave Events
- Interhemispheric ULF wave propagation caused by foreshock transient events under quiet solar wind condition
- Modeling and Validation of a Half-hourly Soil Carbon Flux Product at Select NEON Sites
- Occurrence Distributions and Morphology of Large Geomagnetic Disturbances Observed in Arctic Canada
- Wave Energy Cascade in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere During CMEs, HSSs, and Quiet Solar Wind and Seeding of EMIC Waves
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Gerrard
- B. J. Anderson
- Brett A. McCuen
- C. R. Clauer
- C. T. Russell
- Doğacan Öztürk
- Eun Hwa Kim
- G. D. Reeves
- H. Zhang
- Hyomin Kim
- Ilya Kuzichev
- J. L. Burch
- J. M. Weygand
- John M. Zobitz
- K. V. Gamayunov
- L. Capannolo
- Laura E. Simms
- M. B. Moldwin
- M. Hartinger
- M. J. Engebretson
- Martin Connors
- Nathan Miles
- R. B. Torbert
- R. C. Allen
- R. E. Denton
- S. K. Vines
- Shane Coyle
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Si-Cheol Noh
- Xueling Shi
- Zhonghua Xu
- Zixu Liu