Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria
flowchart I[Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (121)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (95)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- KF University of Graz, Institute of Earth Sciences
- KF University of Graz, Institute of Geophysics, Astrophysics and Meteorology
- KF University of Graz, Institute of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Study of Two Long Duration Eruptive Flares with the Hinode and RHESSI Spacecraft
- Potential of Lake Ohrid for long palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironemental records: The last glacial-interglacial cycle (140 ka)
- A 2D Numerical Study of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Boundary Layers around Unmagnetized Planets
- Erosion and filling of a glacially overdeepened trough in the northern Alpine Foreland of Switzerland during the last 300'000 years
- Multiple, Distant (40 deg) in situ Observations of a Magnetic Cloud and a Corotating Interaction Region Complex
- A novel mission concept for upper air water vapour observations: active limb sounding with a constellation of retroreflectors
- Alpbach Summer School - a unique learning experience
- Alpbach Summer School 2010 - proposed missions to understand climate change
- High resolution multi model Climate change scenario over India including first uncertainty assessment
- The Structure of Magnetic Clouds in the Inner Heliosphere: An Approach Through Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction
- The first STEREO multi-event: Numerical simulation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched on August 1, 2010
- The impact of uncertainty in climate change scenarios on projections of future water supply from the Asian water towers
- Carbon storage potential of managed mountain grasslands under future conditions - Inverse modelling and uncertainty analysis
- Fertile Lithospheric Mantle beneath Far East Russia; evidence for Lithospheric delamination
- Impact of Climate Change on Heavy Precipitation Events : Application of Extreme Value Theory to a Future Climate Simulation over the Colorado Headwaters Region
- Modelling mass movement susceptibility for Alpine infrastructure in the Karavank Mountains (Austria/Slovenia)
- Roof heat loss detection using airborne thermal infrared imagery
- Uncertain future for the water resources of high mountain Asia
- Precambrian geodynamics: models vs. concepts and constrains (Invited)
- Systematic testing of different de-projection methods for STEREO imagery
- Using Multi-Spacecraft Technique to Identify the Structure of Magnetic Field in CMEs
- What can the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Solar Corona Tell us about Local Plasma Properties?
- A New Method for Detecting and Monitoring Atmospheric Natural Hazards with GPS RO
- Atmospheric Profiling using GPS Radio Occultation over the Australian and Antarctic regions
- Geochronological and Petrological Constraints on the Evolution of the Pan African Ajjaj Shear Zone, Saudi Arabia
- Instant: An Innovative L5 Small Mission Concept for Coordinated Science with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Dry Layers in the Tropical West Pacific as Observed with GPS Radio Occultation and CONTRAST Aircraft Measurements
- Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry of the Cocos Ridge hydrothermal system, IODP Expedition 344 (CRISP 2), Site U1414
- Identifying Groundwater Droughts using standardized Water Levels
- Low Solar Wind Density Causing the Fast Coronal Mass Ejection from 23 July 2012
- Mapping the Snow Line Altitude for Large Glacier Samples from Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
- Meso- and microscale structures related to post-magmatic deformation of the outer Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc system: preliminary results from IODP Expedition 352
- Propagation delays induced in GNSS signals during extreme conditions of the neutral atmosphere
- STEREO Observations of an SEP Event Injected Into Both Loop Legs of a Magnetic Cloud
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Snow Trends in the Austria Alps and their Relationship to Weather Patterns
- Tectonic evolution of the outer Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc system: initial results from IODP Expedition 352
- Assessing changes in extreme convective precipitation from a damage perspective
- Following Droughts through a Catchment - Impacts of different Settings and human Activities
- Linking atmospheric blocking in spring to European temperature extreme
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- Variability of temperature sensitivity of extreme precipitation from a regional-to-local impact scale perspective
- 3D structure and kinematics characteristics of EUV wave front
- Advancing land-terminating ice margin in North Greenland - characteristics, evolution, and first field measurements
- Anticipated Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Dependence of present and future European heat waves and cold spells on the location of atmospheric blocking
- GNSS Radio Occultation Excess Phase Processing with Integrated Uncertainty Estimation for Thermodynamic Cal/Val of Passive Atmospheric Sounders and Climate Science
- Identifying Patterns in Extreme Precipitation Risk and the Related Impacts
- Long-lasting solar energetic electron injection during the 26 Dec 2013 widespread SEP event
- Looking for the Kellwasser Event in all the wrong places: a multiproxy study of island arc paleoenvironments in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Plasma Diagnostics of Coronal Dimming Regions and Relation to Characteristic CME Parameters
- Post-magmatic structural evolution of the Troodos Ophiolite Pillow Lavas revealed by microthermometry within vein precipitates, with application to Alpine-Mediterranean supra-subduction zone settings
- The Analytical Diffusion-Expansion Model for Forbush Decreases Caused by Flux Ropes
- The Cocos Ridge hydrothermal system revealed by microthermometry of fluid and melt inclusions
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Extremes of Opportunity: Characterizing Warm Season Streamflow in New Mexico River Basins
- GPS radio occultations for understanding the impact of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric variability and climate
- The 2017 September 10th events and their imprints at Earth, Mars and STEREO-A
- The Birth of A Coronal Mass Ejection
- The Early Stages of Solar Eruptions: From Remote Observations to Energetic Particles
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- Dating serpentinite mud volcanism and seamount subduction in the Mariana convergent margin system (IODP Expedition 366)
- Improving Modelling Areas of Open-Closed Flux in the Corona Using Remote Sensing Observations
- Izu-Bonin forearc tectonics subsequent to Pacific Plate subduction initiation: resolving a 15 Ma hiatus enigma
- Microbial nitrate reduction to nitrite drives large HONO emissions at high soil moisture
- Sensitivity and impact of the ionospheric kappa-correction on radio occultation climatologies
- Runoff variability from small catchments in West Greenland
- Sensitivity analysis of stream and river runoff to spatial rainfall variability using dense rain gauge observations
- Serpentinite Mud Volcanism and Exhumation of Forearc- and Lower Plate Material in the Mariana Convergent Margin System (IODP Expedition 366)
- Aspect Ratio of the Electron Diffusion Region
- Atmospheric temperature trends from four decades of observations
- Carbon Management: A New Solution-oriented Approach to achieve Paris-compliant Low Carbon Transition Goals
- Characteristics of Resonant Electrons Interacting with Quasi-Parallel Whistler Waves Observed During the Intervals of Earthward and Tailward Bursty Bulk Flows.
- Characteristics of magnetosheath jets during an CME passage.
- Climate change's influence on the 2009 extreme rainfall event : Past, Present and the Future
- Constraining stellar CMEs by solar observations
- Detection of stellar CMEs through post-flare coronal dimmings
- Enhanced Climate Changes in Mountain Regions: High Elevation Trends in Temperature and Precipitation and Their Comparison with Lowlands
- Exploring Kelvin Helmholtz instability in the magnetopause and relativistic regime
- Graz Climate Change Indicators including Tracking of Earth's Energy Imbalance and related Radiative Forcing and Response
- HI-based CME Modeling and the Influence of the Drag-force on the CME Frontal Shape
- How to Benchmark a Coronal Model for Space Weather Forecasting: Validating EUHFORIA 2.0 Coronal Model Using Simulations and Observations
- Instrument-to-Instrument translation: A deep learning framework for data set restoration of solar observations
- Modelling deformable and curved ICME flux rope structures
- Multi-Scale Observations of the Magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves During Southward IMF
- Multipoint ICME events during the first 1.5 years of combined Solar Orbiter, BepiColombo, Parker Solar Probe, Wind and STEREO-A observations
- Numerical simulations of macrospicule jets under energy imbalance conditions in the solar atmosphere
- On the influence of CMEs and SIRs on the generation of magnetosheath jets
- Origin of Rossby waves observed near the solar surface
- Quantifying Capabilities in Observing Coronal Mass Ejections
- Reconstruction of the Electron Diffusion Region with Inertia and Compressibility Effects
- Searching for flares and associated CMEs on cool stars using Balmer lines in SDSS spectra
- Seasonal evolution of Narsap Sermia, SW Greenland, using time lapse imagery and high-resolution satellite radar data.
- Statistical Investigation of Lower-Hybrid Waves at Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts
- Stratospheric Temperature Impacted by Strong Wildfires
- Subdaily Precipitation and Humidity Measurements by Louis Morin in the Late Maunder Minimum in Paris
- The 2019 International Women's Day Event: A Two-step Solar Flare with Multiple Eruptive Signatures and Low Earth Impact
- The Dynamic Time Warping Technique as an Alternative Way to Evaluate Space Weather Predictions
- The Observational Uncertainty of Coronal Hole Boundaries in Automated Detection Schemes
- Vortex-induced reconnection at the Earths magnetopause
- 3D Reconstructions of the Solar Atmosphere using Neural Radiance Fields
- Assessing soil nitrogen transport under a warmer, more CO2-rich, and drought-prone climate
- Calculating the Electron Diffusion Region Aspect Ratio with Magnetic Field Gradients
- Complete Restructuring of a Magnetic Flux Rope During an Intense Solar Flare
- Deep Learning to Infer Boundary Conditions for Models of the Solar Photosphere and Atmosphere
- Early EUV irradiance forecast using virtual spacecraft outside the Sun-Earth viewpoint
- Electron Diffusion Region at Magnetic Dipolarization Event observed by MMS and CLUSTER
- First-Principles Theory of the Rate of Magnetic Reconnection
- Generation of Ion-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes from Electron-Scale Magnetopause Current Sheet
- Graz Climate Change Indicators: A Data Portal Supporting Climate Action Efforts Towards Reaching the Paris Goals
- Hydrometeorological Real-Time Forecasting Framework for Flash Flood Early Warning System Development
- Influence of coronal mass ejection orientation on dynamics in interplanetary space
- Machine Learning for solving the Bz Problem in Space Weather Forecasting
- Mapping the Sun and its Irradiance in Extreme Ultraviolet from any Viewpoint with an End-to-End ML Pipeline
- Observations of an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection with 100° Angular Separation
- On the Processes causing Stratospheric Contraction and its Implications
- Physics Informed Neural Networks for Solar Magnetic Field Simulations
- Quantifying errors in 3D CME parameters derived from synthetic data using white-light reconstruction techniques
- The Time of Emergence of SPEI Drought Index and Seasonal Total Precipitation over Central Chile (30-42°S)
- Threshold-Exceedance-Amount Indicators: New Metrics for Detecting and Tracking Weather and Climate Extremes under Climate Change
- Warm, not cold, temperatures were a major factor in the Late Miocene reef decline in the Coral Sea.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Vourlidas
- Andrea Lani
- Andrea Steiner
- Andreas J. Weiss
- Andrew Fazakerley
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Astrid Veronig
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- B. R. Dennis
- Benjamin Petrick
- Bin Zhuang
- C. Kay
- C. Verbeke
- Camilla Scolini
- Chris Lowder
- Christian Möstl
- Daniel Heyner
- Dominik Fahrner
- E. V. Panov
- Elena A. Kronberg
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Erika Palmerio
- F. Auchère
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Fernando Carcaboso
- Gerald Auer
- Giuseppe Brunetti
- Gottfried Kirchengast
- H. Cremades
- H. S. Hudson
- Hannah T. Rüdisser
- Hiroshi Hasegawa
- I. Dandouras
- J. C. Holmes
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. J. González-Avilés
- J. L. Burch
- J. Rodrı́guez-Pacheco
- Jesse Radolinski
- K. A. Blasl
- K. J. Genestreti
- Kyoung‐Joo Hwang
- L. A. Avanov
- L. A. Balmaceda
- Laura de la Torre
- Lorenzo M. Polvani
- Luis Preisser
- Luke Barnard
- M. Dechev
- M. Hesse
- M. L. Mays
- M. Stęślicki
- M. Volwerk
- Manuela Temmer
- Maria D. Kazachenko
- Martin A. Reiss
- Martin Hosner
- Mateja Dumbović
- Mathias Vuille
- Matthias Stocker
- Mausumi Dikpati
- Nick Pepin
- O. Le Contel
- Owen Roberts
- P. A. Cassak
- P. G. Beck
- Pete Riley
- Peter Huszár
- Peter Macniece
- Petr Pišoft
- R. B. Torbert
- R. E. Denton
- R. Nakamura
- Roger C. Bailey
- Roland Eichinger
- Rungployphan Kieokaew
- S. Eriksson
- S. Gburek
- S. V. Heuer
- Sridhara Nayak
- Stefaan Poedts
- Steven Christe
- Takuma Nakamura
- Tanja Amerstorfer
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tetsuya Takemi
- Tingyu Gou
- Ute Amerstorfer
- W. Y. Li
- Yige Zhang
- Yi‐Hsin Liu
- Yuming Wang
- Z. Vörös
- Е. Е. Григоренко