University of Bergen, Norway
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Anomalies in the Seasonal Cycle of Sea Level Pressure in Iceland and the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Characterizing Microorganisms in Pillow Lava From the East Indian Ridge and From the Arctic Ridges
- Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel 1 is the Result of Increased Primary Production
- Inclusion of Dynamic Capillary Pressure in Unsaturated Flow Simulators
- Investigation of Energetic Electrons in the Geotail using Cluster RAPID IES
- Jan Mayen, related to ridge-transform-plume or ridge-transform interactions?
- Microbes in ocean floor basalt: their association to alteration textures and influence on the geochemical composition of palagonite
- On the Role of the Labrador Sea in Controlling the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Strontium Isotopes as Palaeohydrological Tracers in the White Nile Headwater Lakes, East Africa
- The NAO/AO Signal in the Bergen Climate Model: A Twin Experiment With/Without Flux Adjustment
- A kinematic model for Afar Depression lithospheric thinning and its implications for hominid evolution: an exercise in plate-tectonic paleoanthropology
- Aspects of Termination II and MIS 5 as Recorded at the West Spitsbergen Margin
- Disappearing Glass: What Happened to the Volcanic Glass from the Tops of Shallow Seamounts in the Northeast Pacific?
- How Far Back in the Geological Record Is Bioalteration of Volcanic Glass Evident?
- Inorganic Carbon Changes During a Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment: Effects of Iron, Hydrography and Meteorology
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanographic And Paleoclimatic Changes in the Tasmanian Seaway (ODP Leg 189)
- Microorganisms and Volcanic Glass
- New Sedimentary Constraints for Changes in Conveyor Overturning Rates and Their Role in Millennial Scale Climate Events of the Middle and Late Pleistocene
- The Oxygen Isotopic Composition and Temperature of Southern Ocean Bottom Waters During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Tropical Influence on High Latitude Climate Change During the Last Deglaciation
- A Long-lived Enhancement of >30 keV Electron Fluxes at Very Low L-values
- An Estimate of Fluid-Flux in Fast-Spreading East Pacific Rise Crust Exposed at Hess Deep
- Bivrost Transfer System: A Primary Cross-margin Tectono-magmatic Feature on the Norwegian-Greenland Margin
- Controls on Sub-seafloor Bioalteration of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Glass
- Crustal Structure of the Northern and Southern Jan Mayen Ridge Segments, Norwegian Sea, Based on Ocean Bottom Seismometer Data.
- Effects of Mechanical Layering on Dike Emplacement, Faulting, and Surface Deformation in Rift Zones
- Extending the deep biosphere through ocean drilling: Bioalteration of volcanic glass in the oceanic crust
- Formation of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent, the Norwegian Sea
- How Stress Transfer Between Volcanic and Seismic Zones can Suppress or Trigger Earthquakes
- Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic Evolution of the NE Atlantic Region and Links to the Arctic
- Late Quaternary Records of Magnetic Field Excursions From the Southern Hemisphere (ODP Leg 202 - Chilean Margin)
- Opening of the Arctic-North Atlantic Gateway
- Opportunities and Challenges for Arctic Geoscience in the IPY (International Polar Year)
- Plume-Ridge Interaction North of Iceland: Constraints from Crustal Thickness.
- Reconstruction of Past Changes in the Strength of the Thermohaline Circulation Based on Magnetic Proxies From North Atlantic
- Structural and Stratigraphic Correlations Between the Conjugate mid-Norway and NE Greenland Continental Margins
- 3D Seismic Data From the mid-Norwegian Margin Provide Evidence for Marine Based Ice Sheet Dynamics
- Antarctic Timing of Surface Water Changes off Chile and Patagonian Ice-sheet Response Based on ODP Site 1233
- Bioturbation-assisted Polarity Reversal in Pleistocene Marine Sediments; a Case of Chemical Remagnetisation Rather Than Physical Grain Re-alignment
- Chandra Observations of Soft X-ray Emissions from Earth and Jupiter
- Cirque Glacier Activity in Arctic Norway During the Last Deglaciation
- Climate Shifts in an Arctic Fjord: Intense Seasonality through Cross-Shelf Exchange
- Direct Comparisons of Energetic Electron Precipitation and Nitric Oxide in the Upper Atmosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- Evidence for Early Life in ∼3.5 Billion-Year-Old Pillow Lavas
- Fast-Turnoff Transient Electro-Magnetic (TEM) geophysical survey in the Peña de Hierro ("Berg of Iron") field area of the Mars Analog Research and Technology Experiment (MARTE)
- Late Quaternary Paleoenvironmental History of the Peru-Chile Current System and Adjacent Continental Chile
- Late magmatic underplating of oceanic crust at the outer Vøring margin, Norway, Euromargins 2003 OBS experiment
- Meltwater Outflow and Laminated Plume Deposition in the Southern Norwegian Sea Preceding Heinrich Event 1.
- Norwegian Research Strategies on gas Hydrates and Natural Seeps in the Nordic Seas Region (GANS)
- Refining Of The MIS 5 Tephrostratigraphic Record In Marine Cores From The S-Norwegian Margin; A Tool For High-Resolution Dating And Correlation Of Climatic Archives
- Sources to the East Greenland Current and its Contribution to the Denmark Strait Overflow
- Statistical Pitch Angle Properties of Substorm Injected Electron Clouds and Their Relation to Dawnside Energetic Electron Precipitation
- The Expression of the 8.2 ka and Younger Dryas Events in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- The Holocene (7.250 14C yrs BP) Storegga Slide, Mid-Norwegian Margin: The Modern Analogue To Paleo High-Latitude Mega Slides
- The dynamics of continental breakup-related magmatism on the Norwegian volcanic margin
- Tracing Alteration Textures in Young to Ancient Pillow Lavas: A Petrographic Signature of Early Life on Earth
- Using 3D Wavefield Modeling in Modeling in Interpreting Historical Macroseismic Observations - The Luroy Earthquake of 31 Aug. 1819.
- VGP-Paths of Extremely High-Resolution Records of the Laschamp and Mono Lake Geomagnetic Excursions in Sub-glacially Deposited Cave Sediments, W. Norway
- Weichselian Glaciation History in the 'dry Valleys' of East-Central Southern Norway
- A Cross-Arctic Geophysical Transect Collected from US Coast Guard Icebreaker Healy
- An Abrupt Change in the African Monsoon at the end of the Younger Dryas?
- Arctic Regional and Seasonal Variability and Changes of Storm Activity in Present and Future Projected Climate
- Bio-mediated Fe-deposits Associated With a Newly Discovered Vent Field at the Mohns Ridge
- Defining Macro-Scale Pressure From the Micro-Scale
- Dynamic Rupture in the Presence of Fault Discontinuities: an Application to Faults in the Marmara Sea, Turkey
- Extratropical Summer Storms in the North Atlantic: Variability and Relation to the Large Scale Flow
- Holocene Submarine Mass Movements on the Mid-Norwegian Margin and Their Associated Deepwater Turbidite Systems in the Norway and the Lofoten Basins
- How accurate and precise is multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometery for measurement of δ34SV-CDT and δ33SV-CDT?
- Isotopic Composition of Lithium in Volcanic Rocks From the Northern Icelandic Rift Zone
- Late Neogene Submarine Mega-slides on the SW Barents Sea Margin
- Massive Early Cretaceous volcanic activity in the Nauru Basin related to emplacement of the Ontong Java Plateau
- Meridional Overturning Circulation in the South Atlantic at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Multi-Proxy Evidence for Reduced North Atlantic Deep Water Flux Across the 8.2 kyr B.P. Event From Core MD03-2665 at the Eirik Drift
- NE Atlantic Breakup and Evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Conjugate Volcanic Margins
- New OBS Data Constrain the Crustal Structure of the Lofoten-Vesteralen Margin off Norway
- Present day and Allerod - Younger Dryas marine 14C reservoir ages of surface waters in the North Atlantic-Norwegian Sea
- Production altitude effects on the X-ray spectrum from TGFs
- Simultaneous Retrieval of Aerosols and Ocean Color Using the Linearized CAO-DISORT Model: Improved SEAWiFS and MODIS Retrievals and Comprehensive Error Budgets
- Slow to Ultraslow Seafloor Spreading in the Norway Basin Under Influence of the Iceland Hotspot
- The Holocene Thermal Optimum in the Barents Sea
- The Significance of Dipping Bed Effects on CO2 Plume Migration
- Two Vent Fields Discovered at the Ultraslow Spreading Arctic Ridge System
- Age and paleomagnetic signature of the Alno Carbonatite Complex (NE Sweden): Additional Controversy for the Neoproterozoic Paleoposition of Baltica
- Air-Sea Fluxes of Methanol, Acetone, Acetaldehyde, Isoprene and DMS From a Norwegian Fjord Following a Phytoplankton Bloom in a Mesocosm Experiment
- Archaeal Nitrification in Hot Springs
- Assessing Methane Release From the Colossal St\oregga Submarine Landslide
- Chukchi Sea Storm Densities Derived From Various Storm Idenfication Algorithms
- Continental breakup and magmatic development of the mid-Norwegian margin, Euromargins 2003 OBS Experiment
- Crustal Structure, Continental Breakup and Magmatism at the Lofoten-Vesteralen Margin, off Norway, Constrained by the Euromargins 2003 OBS Experiment
- Deglaciation of the Last North European Ice Sheet: Responses From Marine Sedimentary Records
- Evidence of an Asteroid Impact in the Central Arctic Ocean?
- Evolution of a Divergent Plate Boundary; From the Active Kolbeinsey Ridge, N-Iceland to the Exinct Aegir Ridge, Norway Basin.
- Flow and temperature changes in Faroe-Shetland Channel, 16 ka to present
- High latitude cyclones, variability, trends and impacts
- Magnetic Correlation and Chronology of Sediment-cores (HOTRAX) From the Alpha Ridge and Lomonosov Ridge; Preliminary Results and Some Questions
- New Data on the Stable Isotopes and Vertical Distribution of Benthic Foraminifers in the Western Barents Sea
- New Frontiers in Arctic Exploration: Autonomous Location and Sampling of Hydrothermal Vents Under the Ice at Earth's Slowest Spreading Ridge (IPY Project 173)
- Regulatory Controls on the Scandinavian Fire Regime as Evidenced Through a Spatially Extensive Network of Soil Charcoal
- Response of Late Holocene Nordic Sea temperatures to solar forcing
- Retrieval of Coastal Water Constituents from Ocean Color Data Using A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Linearized Radiative Transfer Model in Conjunction with Classical Inversion Schemes
- Role of Assimilation and Fractional Crystallisation in Crustal Magma Transfer
- Secondary Phase Validation - Phase Classification By Polarization.
- Structural Style of the Chukchi Borderlands From Marine Seismic Data Collected on the USCGC Healy in 2005
- Subglacial Sediment Transport of a Marine Ice Stream During the Late Glacial Maximum, Northern North Sea
- TGF production altitude - revisiting the BATSE spectra in view of upcoming missions
- The Cossack Ranger II Seismograph, Research And Outreach Efforts.
- The Effect of increasing CO2 and Ocean Acidity on Marine Production of DMS and CH2ClI
- A multi-phased ~17-15.5 ka BP (~H1 age) advance of the last British Ice Sheet into the North Sea - linking paleoceanographic and continental records
- Analytical Model for Screening Potential Repositories for Subsurface Sequestration of CO2
- Ar-Ar Ages of Detrital Hornblendes from Glacial Sediments of the North Sea Trough Mouth Fan
- Circulation Changes in the Southern Ocean During the Last Glacial Inception, Induced by an Atmospheric Coupling with the Northern Hemisphere
- Climatic variability during MIS 7 in the Norwegian Sea; based on benthic and planktonic foraminiferal fauna and stable oxygen isotopes
- Coupling Between Southern Hemisphere Climate and AAIW Revealed by Decadally Sampled Records of sub Antarctic Surface and Intermediate Water Property Changes from 20-75 ka
- Cyclone variability and its impact on moisture transport into the Arctic
- Decadal Scale Variability in sub Antarctic Surface and Intermediate Water Properties Across the Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion at ODP Site 1233
- Deformation Bands: Strain Localization Structures in Highly Porous Sandstone
- Displacement-Length Scaling Relations for Geologic Structural Discontinuities and Implications for Near-Tip Processes
- Gas Hydrates on the Norway-Barents Sea-Svalbard margin(GANS)
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) - New Observing Capabilities for Space Weather Specification and Forecasting
- Hydrothermal activity and core complex formation at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge: An overview of preliminary results of the H2DEEP expedition to the southern Knipovich Ridge at 73N
- Ilmenite-Rich Layers and Sequences in Regressive Intervals in the Bjerkreim Layered Series and Their Relation to Magma Mixing During Episodes of Chamber Replenishment.
- Is There Evidence for Recent Compression Along the Northwind Ridge and Chucki Borderlands?
- Macrofauna of shallow hydrothermal vents on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge at 71N
- Microbially Mediated Glass Alteration in the Geological Record: Textural clues for Microbial Functions.
- Modelling non-hydrostatic processes in sill regions
- Modulation of the Bipolar Seesaw in the Southeast Pacific During Termination 1
- Monte Carlo simulation of the temporal behavior of Terrestrial Gamma ray Flashes
- Numerical Simulation of Recent Turbidity Currents in the Monterey Canyon System, Offshore California
- Numerical Studies of Flow Over a Sill: Sensitivity of the Non-Hydrostatic Effects to the Grid Size
- Numerical modeling of shoaling of internal solitons with respect to maximum velocities.
- On the Sensitivity of the Oceanic pCO2 to Recent and Future Climate Induced Changes in Marine Carbon Tracers
- Selection of Super-Ensembles for Regional Climate Projections
- Simulation of Solute Flow and Transport in a Geostatistically Generated Fractured Porous System
- Slow Vertical Downwasting of Cold-Based Ice Sheets in the Rondane Area, Central Scandinavia
- Southern Ocean Multi-Decadally Resolved Sea Surface and Intemediate Water Multi Proxy Reconstructions Spanning the A2 Antarctic Warm Event at ODP Site 1233
- Statistical Connections Between Extratropical Storminess Variability And Teleconnection Patterns
- Strontium and Neodymium Isotope Systematics of Plutonic Rocks From the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- The dynamics of continental breakup-related magmatism on the Norwegian volcanic margin
- What are the ionospheric signatures of magnetotail reconnection?
- A Dynamic Pore-Network Model for Simulating Drainage Experiment
- A Possible Record of the Laschamp Excursion From High Sedimentation Rate Sediments in the Southern Hemisphere
- Acceleration of sea-ice Melt Addition Into the Northern North Atlantic
- Active seafloor seeps with associated methane and methane hydrate bearing sediments on the Mid-Norwegian margin, Nyegga: a multidisciplinary geological, geochemical and biological study
- Analysis of a subset of BATSE TGFs that do not suffer from instrumental limitations
- Auroral Asymmetries in the Conjugate Hemispheres During Strong IMF Bx
- Carbon and Sulphur Geochemistry of Rift Valley Sediments and Hydrothermal Fluids at the Ultra-Slow Spreading Southern Knipovich Ridge
- Comparison of Instrumental and GDGT Based Estimates of Sea Surface and Air Temperatures From the Skagerrak: a New Approach to Novel Proxy Validation
- Continued Melting of Greenland Ice-Sheet Regulated Northern Hemisphere Climate During the Last Interglacial
- Determining the Northern Boundary of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent, North Atlantic, by use of OBS MCS and Gravity Data
- Dynamics and development of the last North Sea ice sheet
- East Greenland - mid-Norway asymmetric conjugate volcanic margin development.
- Equilibrium sensitivities of the Greenland ice sheet inferred from the adjoint of the three- dimensional thermo-mechanical model SICOPOLIS
- Evidence for temporal variations in plume-ridge interaction north of Iceland: The Kolbeinsey Ridge Iceland Seismic Experiment
- Forward solutions giving displacement and stress fields around irregularly opened rock fracture, and their extension to inverse modeling
- In situ dating of the oldest morphological traces of life on Earth
- In-Situ Radiometric Measurements of the Radiation Environment in Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds from a Tethered Balloon System
- Low Latitude Ionosphere Measurements by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Mid-Holocene Transition in the Eastern North Atlantic; Foraminiferal Stable Isotope Evidence from Western Norwegian Fjord Sediments
- Observations of Acidification in the Weddell Sea on a Decadal Time Scale
- Origin and Evolution of the Iceland Plateau
- Prospects and Challenges in tropical isotope dendroclimatology
- Rapid Centennial Scale Reductions in North Atlantic Deep Water During the Peak of the Last Interglacial Period Recorded in Sediments From the Eirik Drift
- Response of the Atlantic Inflow to the Nordic Seas to Individual Cyclones
- Seasonal Temperature Estimates From Late Holocene Barents Sea cod Otoliths: Problems and Potential
- The Scales of Coccolithophores: Adaptation to Climate Change
- Variability in ISOW Vigor Over the Last Millennium and its Relationship to Climate
- A Modern Concept for Autonomous and Continuous Measurements of Spectral Albedo and Transmissivity of Sea Ice
- A Next Model of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation History: ICE-6G (VM5a)
- A possible origin for upper mantle plumes
- Auroral Small-and Meso-Scale Structures, Origin and Function
- Auroral electrojets during deep solar minimum at the end of solar cycle 23
- Beryllium-10 Production Rates for Late-Glacial and Holocene western Norway and Implications for Records of Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Demise
- Climate and North Atlantic Deep Water variability since 600 AD: Multiproxy Evidence From the Eirik Drift
- Coupled delamination and indentor-escape tectonics in the southern part of the c. 650-500 Ma East African/Antarctic Orogen
- Cr stable isotope fractionation and reaction kinetics in aqueous milieu
- Deep lakes in the Polar Urals - unique archives for reconstructing the Quaternary climate and glacial history in the Russian Arctic
- Detection of CO2 Leaked Associated with its Geological Sequestration using Uniformly and Randomly Located Monitoring Wells
- Gas Hydrates on the Norway - Barents Sea - Svalbard margin (GANS); an overview and preliminary results
- Go With the Flow: The Reductionist View of Geospace at the System Level (Invited)
- Ice Sheet Oscillations During the Last Deglaciation in Western Norway
- Laser Ablation ICP-MS U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotopic Measurements of Granulite Facies Rocks from the Southern Part of Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic)
- Last deglaciation of the North Sea region
- Linking slope stability and climate change: the Nordfjord region, western Norway, case study
- Northward migration of tropical storms via the Saharo-Arabian desert belt during past interglacials
- Observational constraints and models for conjugate North Atlantic volcanic rifted margins formation
- Oceanic Intraplate Magmatism Off The Vøring Volcanic Passive Margin, Norway - Constraints On Origin From Seismic Velocity Structure
- Paleosecular variation analysis of high-latitude paleomagnetic data from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen
- Petermann Glacier, North Greenland: Large Ice-Discharge Episodes from 20 Years of Satellite Observations
- Pristine magnetic moments of magnetic grains in natural sediments; results of laboratory experiments with lacustrine and marine sediments
- Provenance of Neoproterozoic to Cretaceous sediments in eastern Greenland
- Reconnection Hall current system observed in the magnetotail and in the ionosphere
- Reconstructing Holocene climate change in Denmark
- Recurrent Pleistocene sub-marine slide events on the south Vøring Plateau, mid-Norwegian continental margin
- Sedimentary environments and gas hydrates on the Vøring Plateau, mid-Norwegian continental margin
- Strong ground motion simulation of the M = 8.0, May 12 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, using various slip models
- Structure and Geochemistry of the Continental-Oceanic Crust Boundary of the Red Sea and the Rifted Margin of Western Arabia
- The DATED Chronology and Reconstruction of the Deglaciation of the Eurasian Ice Sheets (Invited)
- The chronology and rate of ice-sheet margin retreat in the major fjords of Western Norway during the Early Holocene
- Three-dimensional numerical modelling of crustal extension
- Titanite mineralization of bioalteration textures - the possible Ti precursor
- Towards high-resolution and accurate calendar chronologies of long-term records of Pleistocene lacustrine-formations by integration of U-series and oxygen isotopes data (Invited)
- Trapping of CO2 in sloping aquifers - High resolution numerical simulations
- Use of multiple channeltrons for U-Pb laser ablation ICP-MS dating of accessory minerals with improved spatial resolution
- Vertically integrated approaches to large scale CO2 storage: Evaluating long-term storage security of CO2 injection in saline aquifers
- A universal salt model based on under-ground precipitation of solid salts due to supercritical water `out-salting'
- A variety of Microbial Mats cover the Chimney Walls of the Loki's Castle Hydrothermal Field
- Barite chimneys from two hydrothermal sites along the slow-spreading Arctic Ridge system: Initial isotope and mineralogical results
- Changes in the Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Index over the Western North Pacific in the SRES A2 Scenario
- Chinese stalagmites: proxies for the Indian Summer Monsoon response to an archetypal abrupt climate change
- Community Proteogenomics of a Cold-methane Seep Sediment at Nyegga, Mid-Norwegian Margin
- Crustal structure of the inner mid-Norwegian continental margin - Trøndelag Platform, from wide-angle seismic and potential field data
- Distribution of the Northern Water Mass Formation completing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Diversity of microbial communities of Loki's Castle black smoker field at the ultra-slow spreading Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Exploring the deglaciation and thinning of the west Greenland Ice Sheet using cosmogenic exposure dating
- Fe stable isotope fractionation in modern and ancient hydrothermal Fe-Si deposits
- Geochemistry of Rift Valley Sediments at the Ultra-slow Spreading Mohns-Knipovich Ridge
- Heterogeneous coupling along Makran subduction zone
- Increasing Arctic sea ice export driven by stronger winds
- Investigations of a novel fauna from hydrothermal vents along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR) (Invited)
- Landscape Response to Active Extensional Faulting and Multiple Local Base Levels: The Perachora Peninsula, Eastern Gulf of Corinth, Greece
- Lightning Discharges Producing Beams of Relativistic Runaway Electrons Into Space
- Loki's Castle: A sediment-influenced hydrothermal vent field at the ultra-slow spreading Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Loki's Castle: Discovery and geology of a black smoker vent field at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Metaproteomic Analysis of a Chemosynthetic Hydrothermal Vent Community Reveals Insights into Key-Metabolic Processes
- Microbial community composition in the deep sea sediments surrounding the Loki castle
- Microbial life associated with low-temperature hydrothermal venting and formation of barite chimneys at Loki's Castle vent field
- Northern Barents Sea Evolution Linked to the Arctic Ocean
- Observed temporal hydrate-pingo alteration at pockmark G11, Nyegga, - an important climate-change signal?
- Optical Remote Sensing of Electric Fields Above Thunderstorms
- Parameter sensitivity of ground motion simulations based on hybrid broadband calculations. A case study for Izmir, Turkey
- Pb-isotope evidence for crustal interactions with primitive magmas during the rift-to-drift transition at the Vøring Plateau, N.E. Atlantic
- Recurrent Pleistocene Mega-Failures in the Norway Basin, NE Atlantic Margin
- Rifted Continental Margins: The Case for Depth-Dependent Extension (Invited)
- Robustness of Vertically Averaged Models for CO2 sequestration
- Seismic Constraints on the Formation of the Galápagos and Iceland Platforms
- Structural style of inversion of rifts and passive margins: Feedback between mountain building and surface processes. Application to the Pyreneean Cantabrian Mts
- Subducting Slabs: Jellyfishes in the Earth's Mantle
- Subsurface Seismic Record of Sediment Failures in the Neogene of Deepwater West Africa: Causal Mechanisms and Characteristics
- The Nordic Seas Carbon Budget: Sources, Sinks And Uncertainties
- The association between a weakening AMOC and the ENSO and NAO inter-annual variability
- The impact of local-scale processes on solubility and capillary trapping of injected CO2
- The influence of interacting normal faults on drainage network evolution and basin stratigraphy
- The role of antecedent drainage networks and isolated normal fault propagation on basin stratigraphy
- The unique Chilean earthquake of May 22, 1960 (Mw =9.5)
- Toward a Time-Domain Fractal Lightning Simulation
- VLF Radio Observations and Modeling of the Ionospheric Effects of SGR 1550-5418
- A Rocket-Based Study of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Current Closure Ionosphere
- Auroral Current and Electrodynamics Structure (ACES) observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator
- Auroral Current and Electrodynamics Structure measured by two sounding rockets in flight simultaneously
- Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province Cenozoic igneous activity and its relation in space and time with the Late Jurassic rift-to-drift-related alkalic dikes
- Climatic study of the future drinking-water availability in Bergen, Norway, using a linear model for orographic precipitation
- Contraction along a previously extended plate boundary; analogue modelling of the Iberian - Eurasian suture zone
- Erodibility controls on the vertical and horizontal scalings of topography : a case study in the Himalayas
- Finite-fault scaling relationships in Mexico
- First results from the surface heterogeneity focus area of the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Fjord erosion, Quaternary sedimentation and isostatic rebound in western Scandinavia
- Future Marine Polar Research Capacities - Science Planning and Research Services for a Multi-National Research Icebreaker
- Geochemistry and Pb Isotopes from the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone and the Extinct Aegir Ridge
- Horizontal Ocean-Bottom-Sensor sediment coupling; Estimation of coupling parameters from seismic data
- Impact of Recent Results About TGFs and TLEs to the Scientific Return of the COBRAT Project
- Implications of considering finite fault rupture properties in seismic hazard and risk assessment
- Intermediate Water Radiocarbon Anomalies During the Last Deglaciation
- Interpretation of field change array data with time domain fractal lightning modeling
- Investigation of the decay of turbulence over a forest during the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Jan Mayen revisited, the sister volcanoes Sør-Jan and Nord-Jan (Beerenberg) and their evolution through time
- Linking past flood frequencies in Norway to regional atmospheric circulation anomalies
- Long-term biogeochemical impacts of liming the ocean
- Method meets application: on the use of earthquake scenarios in community-based disaster preparedness and response
- Multi-Layer, Sharp-Interface Models of Pore Pressure Buildup within the Illinois Basin due to Basin-Wide CO2 Injection
- Multi-scale Modeling Approaches for CO2 Injection, Migration, and Leakage
- Multiscale modeling and simulation of porous media
- New Insights From Geotechnical and Geophysical Data From the 1996 Finneidfjord Landslide, Northern Norway
- North American ultra-distal tephrochronology
- Observations and Models of Heat and Salt Generation at a Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Vent
- Parameterization of Wind Farms in a Mesoscale NWP Model
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment in the Mediterranean Sea
- Rapid Holocene glacier fluctuations in arctic Norway in concert with the strength and spatial pattern of the westerlies
- Relationship between solar irradiance and climatic variability in the subpolar North Atlantic since the Medieval Warm Period
- Retrieval of Marine Parameters in Coastal Waters Using a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Radiative Transfer Model
- Sedimentation controls on the growth of the Southern Pyrenean wedge: inferences from numerical modeling
- Synchronized postglacial colonization by magnetotactic bacteria
- The Eastern Jan Mayen Micro-Continent Volcanic Margin
- The Eggøyan eruption in 1732, Jan Mayen; an emerging ankaramitic surtseyjan type eruption
- The influence of a weakening AMOC on the frequency of NAO and ENSO
- The true distribution of TGF fluence measured from space
- Two and three-dimensional numerical modeling of multi-scale extensional basin formation
- Two planets: Earth and Mars - One salt model: The Hydrothermal SCRIW-Model
- A Composite Approach to Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperatures in the NE North Atlantic Ocean
- A New Approach To Characterizing The Holocene Slip History Of Active Normal Faults: An Integrated Study Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Ground Penetrating Radar, 36Cl Cosmogenic Exposure Dating And Field Analysis
- A combined Vibroseis-Explosive survey at Halvfarryggen, a local ice dome in East Antarctica
- A petrological study of Paleoarchean rocks of the Onverwacht Group: New insights into the geologic evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- A preliminary 10Be chronology of Scandinavian Ice Sheet retreat from southwestern Norway
- Analysis of converted S-waves and gravity anomaly along the Aegir Ridge: implications for crustal lithology
- Autotrophic DIC uptake rates and their association to microbial community structure in microbial mats from a sulfidic, saline, warm spring, Utah, USA
- Carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks in CMIP5 Earth system models
- Central North Atlantic paleoceanography during Marine Isotope Stage 16 (ca. 610-665 ka, Middle Pleistocene): insights from the dinoflagellate cyst record at IODP Site U1313
- Changes in orographic precipitation patterns caused by a shift from snow to rain
- Determining the Diversity and Species Abundance Patterns in Arctic Soils using Rational Methods for Exploring Microbial Diversity
- Did talus-derived rock glaciers and cirque glaciers co-exist during MIS 3 and 2 in coastal northern Norway?
- Does rift lateral propagation depend on climate and surface processes?
- Evaluating the earliest traces of Archean sub-seafloor life by NanoSIMS
- Examining the effects of glacial erosion on the extent of glaciation
- Extracting Ocean Surface Currents from SAR: MCC and Doppler Centroid Tracking
- FRAM-2012: Norwegians return to the High Arctic with a Hovercraft for Marine Geophysical Research
- Flood variability in Norway's largest river during the last 10 000 years
- Geophysical survey of the Eggvin Bank and Logi Ridge - Greenland Sea
- Influence of meteorological patterns on global dimming and brightening in Europe
- Intercontinental Distribution of an Alaskan Volcanic Ash
- Kinks in subducted slabs: Petrological evidence points to additional hindrance to the exhumation of UHP rocks
- Landscape response to base-level fall in extensional settings: Amargosa River, Basin and Range, USA
- Magnitude and chronology of Late Glacial local glaciation in Finnkongdalen valley on Andøya, northern Norway - Implications for Late Glacial climate fluctuations and reconstructed climate system variables
- Mantle Convection beneath the Aegir Ridge, a Shadow in the Iceland Hotspot
- Mapping the distribution of fluids in the crust and lithospheric mantle utilizing geophysical methods (Part 1)
- Mapping the distribution of fluids in the crust and lithospheric mantle utilizing geophysical methods (Part 2)
- Mesoscale Influences of Wind Farms Throughout a Diurnal Cycle
- Metamorphic Evolution of Selected Pan-African Terrains across central Gondwana
- Microbial mediated formation of low-temperature hydrothermal barite chimneys
- Morphology, spatial distribution and formation mechanisms of pockmarks in Isfjorden, Svalbard
- Multi-model terrestrial and oceanic carbon exchange estimates from data assimilation in GEOCARBON
- Multi-proxy evidence for climate and North Atlantic Deep Water variability spanning the mid to late Holocene at the Erik sediment drift
- Multi-scale Modeling and Model Complexity in CO2 Sequestration Simulations
- New evidence for the Storegga tsunami event in lake basins systems: western Norway
- New knowledge on the Jan Mayen Vent Fields from high-resolution seafloor mapping with interferometric synthetic aperture sonar
- New reconstructions of Eurasian Ice Sheet build up and deglaciation
- New sedimentary constraints for changes in Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water linked to North Atlantic climate variability during the last interglacial period
- Observed Atmospheric Circulation during Summers of Anomalous Arctic Sea Ice Extent
- Optimal Placement of Pressure Monitoring Wells for CO2 Leakage Detection based on a Kalman filter and a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
- Outlet glaciers of southeast Greenland: rapid, synchronised regional retreat at the start of the Holocene?
- Photographic Characterization of Alteration of Igneous Glass from the Ocean Basins
- Reconstructing glaciers: Sedimentary sources, sinks and fingerprints
- Regional crustal inheritance explains lateral variation in the style of mountain building in the Pyrenees
- Representation of Wind Farms in Climate Models
- Scale-dependent coupling of hysteretic capillary pressure, trapping, and fluid mobilities
- Sensitivity analysis for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA)
- Storminess record and deglaciation history from lake Trehyrnvatnet on Langøya, Vesterålen, northern Norway - preliminary results
- The CAFÉ seismic and magnetotelluric experiments: An investigation of fluid processes in the Cascadia subduction system using a sequential inversion of passive seismic and magnetotelluric data
- The Prediction of Predominant Convection in Sedimentary Basin Systems
- The Spatial Distribution and Spectrum of Radiation Produced by Sparks
- The Vorticity Budgets of North Atlantic Winter Marine Extratropical Cyclones Development
- The relation between TGF and lightning
- The relationships between topography, rates of extension, subduction and mantle dynamics in the actively-extending Italian Apennines
- The three-dimensional structure of thermal and eddy driven eddy-mean flow interactions
- The trace and Pb isotope chemistry of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone and the extinct Aegir Ridge
- Timing and sequential evolution of one of Northern Europe`s largest canyons: Jutulhogget, central Southern Norway
- Understanding the Role of Ocean Dynamics for Changes in the North Atlantic Storm Track
- Vertical extent and timing of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet along a N-S transect in central southern Norway during the last deglaciation and Younger Dryas
- A fast and effective inversion approach to obtaining thermal history information from highly dispersed single grain (U-Th)/He ages
- A natural analogue for CO2 leakage: The release and fate of CO2 at the Jan Mayen vent fields (AMOR)
- A new high-resolution Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance series from 1870 to 2012 and comparison with GRACE/Envisat data of ice-sheet mass/surface elevation change
- An Online Approach for Training International Climate Scientists to Use Computer Models
- An Open and Transparent Databank of Global Land Surface Temperature
- An estimate of Greenland surface elevation changes derived from Envisat radar altimetry using combined repeat-track and cross-over results
- An update to the Surface Ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> Atlas (SOCAT)
- Analysing Climate Model Biases in the Tropical Pacific Using the Adjustment of Simulations Initialised Close to Observations
- Basin evolution, organization of faulting and the distribution of displacement within the Gulf of Corinth rift
- Caprock integrity for offshore CO2 storage in the Norwegian North Sea - Seismic investigation of a soft sediment seafloor fracture
- Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models (Invited)
- Characteristics of Pulsating Aurora
- Correlation between mesospheric ozone and Energetic Particle Precipitation over Troll, Antarctica in the years 2008 and 2009
- Coupling Thermo-Mecanical Simulation and Stratigraphic Modelling: Impact of Lithosphere Deformation on Stratigraphic Architecture of Passive Margin Basins
- Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles: interactions between ocean and sea ice intrinsic to the Nordic Seas
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System (Invited)
- Discovery of 3 km long seafloor fracture system in the Central North Sea
- Do ridge segments with asymmetric and symmetric spreading have distinctive geochemical signatures? (Invited)
- ESA Ice Sheets CCI: Overview and surface elevation change results for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Effective Permeability of Fractured Rocks by Analytical Methods: A 3D Computational Study
- Estimating snowfall from temperature and precipitation in data-limited Himalayan watersheds
- Flow-rate-dependent Equilibrium Saturation-distributions Through Hysteresis in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- How important are glaciers for Indus water resources?
- Human and Natural Influences on the Changing Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere (Invited)
- IODP Expedition 345: Bulk Mineralogy From Lower Oceanic Crustal Rocks of the Hess Deep
- IODP Expedition 345: Geochemical Characteristics of Fast Spread Lower East Pacific Rise
- Imaging the North Anatolian Fault using the scattered teleseismic wavefield
- Imaging the megathrust zone and Yakutat/Pacific plate interface in the Alaska subduction zone
- Impacts of abrupt CO2 exposure on deep-sea benthic ecosystem functioning
- Influence of Stress State, Stress Orientation, and Rock Properties on the Development of Deformation-Band 'Ladder' Arrays in Porous Sandstone
- Influence of capillary pressure and trapping hysteresis on large-scale CO<SUB>2</SUB>-migration
- Leakage of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from sub-seafloor CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage sites to the seabed; Impacts on sediment microorganisms and geochemical parameters during in situ and laboratory leakage experiments
- Lower Crstal Reflectity bands and Magma Emplacement in Norweigian sea, NE Atlantic
- Marine-Based Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Atlantic Multi-Decadal Variability
- Monitoring of Potential Seepage Through Surface Sediments in the Sleipner Carbon Capture and Storage Area
- Monsoon low-pressure systems over India: a climatology study and high-resolution climate sensitivity simulations
- Oceanic Core Complexes on the Mohns Ridge
- Operation of a Hovercraft Scientific Platform Over Sea Ice in the Arctic Ocean Transpolar Drift (81 - 85N): The FRAM-2012 Experience
- Past perspectives on Northern High-Latitude sensitivity to a 400ppm+ world (Invited)
- Petrological-Geochemical Constraints on Formation and Modification of Cratonic Lithospheric Mantle and Implications for its Thermophysical Properties (Invited)
- Reducing Model Systematic Error through Super Modelling - The Tropical Pacific
- Revisiting the 27th of November 1945 (MW=8.2) earthquake and assessment of future mega thrust in Makran subduction zone
- South Georgia glaciers through periods of fast and slow retreat
- Structure and evolution of the NE Atlantic conjugate margins off Norway and Greenland (Invited)
- Synchronous inter-hemispheric alpine glacier advances during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
- The Community of Family Circles (CFC) algorithm: a new inversion approach to obtaining self-consitent 4D thermal histories from large, spatially distributed thermochronological data sets
- The EISCAT_3D Project in Norway: E3DN
- The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN): A member-driven network approach to supporting women in the Geosciences
- The Importance of Drainage Integration and Fluvial Connectivity within Intra-continental Rift Settings
- The Role of the Barents Sea in the Arctic Climate System
- The Science of the Global-scale measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- The Time and Space Scales of Extreme Precipitation (Invited)
- Uncertainties in Arctic sea ice thickness and volume: New estimates and implications for trends
- Unraveling the Switch from Subduction to Exhumation within a Collisional Orogen: Split-stream U-Pb and Trace-element Results from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway (Invited)
- Vertical Structure of the Wind Speed Profile at the North Sea Offshore Measurement Platform FINO1
- Viscous roots of active seismogenic faults revealed by geologic slip rate variations
- Waves in Ice Forecasting for Arctic Operators
- Weakening AMOC connects Equatorial Atlantic and Pacific interannual variability
- 3D Discrete Element Modelling of Normal Fault Network Evolution in Multi-Phase Rift Basins
- A Data Gap Analysis and Efforts Towards Improving NOAA's Global Surface Temperature
- A Detailed Radiometric Chronological Framework for Nordic Seas Ocean-Ice Sheet Interactions Spanning 50-150 Ka BP
- A brief history of climate - the northern seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to global warming
- A multi-layer vertically integrated model with vertical dynamics and heterogeneity for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- A new framework for parameterization of heterogeneous ocean convection
- A novel approach to making microstructure measurements in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean.
- A square root approach to incorporating model error in ensemble methods
- Analysis and Modeling of Intense Oceanic Lightning
- Aridification of the Sahara desert caused by Tethys Sea shrinkage during Late Miocene
- Breakup Style and Magmatic Underplating West of the Lofoten Islands, Norway, Based on OBS Data.
- Bridging the Gap Between Multiscale Methods and Solvers: Inexact Solvers and Non-Linear Preconditioning
- Characterising fjord circulation patterns and ice flux from time-lapse imagery at Sermilik Fjord, southeast Greenland
- Chemical Potential of Triethylene Glycol Adsorbed on Surfaces Relevant to Gas Transport and Processing - Studies Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Climate and Antartic Intermediate Water Covariations on Centennial-Millennial Timescales during MIS 3—Constraining the Role of the "Oceanic Tunnel" in Abrupt Climate Change.
- Climate and abrupt vegetation change in Northern Europe during the Lateglacial and Holocene.
- Combined Detrital U/Pb Zircon and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Mica Geoochronology to Test Structural Models for a Devonian Orogenic Collapse Basin in the Norwegian Caledonides
- Coupling and feedback between tectonics and surface processes during rifted margin formation
- Data-Model Comparisons of the October, 2002 Event Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Geospace
- Day-night coupling by a localized flow channel visualized by polar cap patch propagation
- Diagnosing and Understanding the AMOC Biases in NorESM
- Drive-Response Analysis of Global Ice Volume, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and Insolation using Information Transfer
- Dynamics of a complex streamer structure
- Early Pliocene Nordic Seas Palaeoceanography - Relation with Ocean Gateways
- Elevated Channel Concavities Arising from Sediment-Flux Effects in Natural Rivers
- Establishing the skill of climate field reconstruction techniques for precipitation with pseudoproxy experiments in Europe
- Evidence From Adakitic Rocks For Lithosphere Recycling At The U.S. East Coast Volcanic Rifted Margin
- Expanding lipid proxies to the next dimension: Developing methods for determination of oxygen isotope ratios in plant waxes
- Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature Version 4 (ERSST.v4), Part I. Upgrades and Intercomparisons
- Extreme Precipitation along the Himalayan Slope - Main Processes and Long Term Trends
- Factors Controlling Slab Retreat and the Formation of Back-Arcs: Insights from Numerical Models
- Generation of Field Aligned Currents during IMF By; mechanisms and theory
- Glacistore: Understanding Late Cenozoic Glaciation and Basin Processes for the Development of Secure Large Scale Offshore CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage (North Sea).
- High resolution images of the mid- to lower-crust beneath the North Anatolian Fault obtained using the scattered seismic wavefield
- Holocene Temperature Reconstructions from Arctic Lakes based on Alkenone Paleothermometry and Non-Destructive Scanning Techniques
- Homogeneous geochemical signal of Jan Mayen intraplate volcanism and its radial dispersion along adjacent ultra-slow spreading ridges.
- How to Sustain Warm Northern High Latitudes during the Late Pliocene? Roles of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, Orbital Changes and Increased Mediterranean Salinity on Oceanic Circulation
- Imaging accretionary structures in the crust and mantle of the southeastern U.S.A.
- Increased ventilation of Antarctic deep water during the warm mid-Pliocene
- Influence of SSTs over Nino-3.4 Region on the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
- Insight into the Pacific Sea Surface Temperature- North American Hydroclimate Connection from an Eastern Tropical North Pacific Coral Record
- Insights into the internal structure and formation of striated fault surfaces of oceanic detachments from in situ observations (13°20'N and 13°30'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
- Interaction of substorm injections with the plasmasphere: A turbulent plasmaspheric boundary layer
- Investigating the Influence of Anomalous Heating Related to Arctic Amplification on Wintertime Stationary Wave Activity: An Idealized Approach
- Investigating the Uplift of Southern Africa Using Coupled Thermo-mechanical and Surface Processes Models
- Late Glacial Mountain Glacier culmination in Arctic Norway 14,000 years ago consistent to southern mid-latitudes
- Late Glacial and Holocene glacier fluctuations at high Northern latitude
- Late Glacial and Holocene mountain glacier fluctuations in the northern hemisphere, the bipolar seesaw, and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Linking Historical Earthquake Records to Long Term Fault Slip Rates Using Cosmogenic 36Cl: Evidence for Migrating Earthquake Activity on a Millenial Timescale Across the Central Italian Apennines
- Molecular Dynamics Study of the Interactions Between Minerals and Gas Hydrate Species
- New Simulator for Non-Equilibrium Modeling of Hydrate Reservoirs
- Oblique orogenic deformation: comparing the cool Caledonian orogen and the hot Araçuai-Ribeira belt
- Plasma Instability Growth Rates in the F-Region Cusp Ionosphere
- Quantifying Coseismic Normal Fault Rupture at the Seafloor: The 2004 Les Saintes Earthquake (Mw 6.3) Along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles)
- Quantitative Interpretation of Seismic Deformation in Iran
- Recognising the Different Roles and Expressions of Dynamic Mantle Flow and Plate Kinematics in the Evolution of Africa's Topography
- Reconstructing Hydroclimate Changes During the Holocene using Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope Records from the Norwegian Arctic
- Reconstructing eddies using Mg/Ca of multiple species of planktonic foraminifera
- Reconstructing the Thermo-tectonic history of the Rwenzori Mountains, D. R. Congo
- Seasonal differences in ionospheric current rise and decay times
- Stress Pattern of the Shanxi Rift System, North China, Inferred from the Inversion of New Focal Mechanisms
- Study of Mix CO2/CH4 Hydrate Phase Transitions vs the Thickness of Surrounding Water Film
- Swarm In Situ Observations of F-Region Polar Cap Patches Created by Cusp Ionization
- The Easternmost Southwest Indian Ridge: A Laboratory to Study MORB and Oceanic Gabbro Petrogenesis in a Very Low Melt Supply Context
- The Growth and Interaction of Faults in Multiphase Rifts: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea
- The High-latitude Electric Potential Disparity and Hemispheric Differences in the Upper Thermospheric Neutral Wind Circulation
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- The three-dimensional structure of thermally and eddy-driven midlatitude jet variability
- Toward an Optimized Third Catalog of RHESSI TGFs
- Tropical Connections to Climatic Change in the Extratropical Southern Hemisphere: The Role of Atlantic SST Trends
- Tropical Diabatic Heating and Its Influence on the Extratropical Jet during Winter
- Two Decades of Global and Regional Sea Level Observations from the ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level Project
- Two-Phase Fluid Leakage through Faults Using a Multi-Scale Analytical-Numerical Modeling Approach
- Using Auroral Asymmetries to Test MHD Models
- Van Allen Probes, NOAA, and Ground Observations of an Intense Pc 1 Wave Event Extending 12 Hours in MLT
- Vertically Integrated Models for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage with Coupled Thermal Processes
- Vibroseismic-Streamer Systems to Image Sub-Ice Properties and Englacial Layering on Large Scales
- Whistler Observations on DEMETER Compared with Full Electromagnetic Wave Simulations
- Wind Turbine Wake Experiment - Wieringermeer (WINTWEX-W)
- <p>On which timescales are B<SUB>y</SUB> induced in the closed magnetosphere?
- 3D Numerical Experiments of Lithospheric Transtension Reveal Complex Crustal-Scale Flow and Strain Partitioning in Transdomes
- Birkeland Current Effects on High-Latitude Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations
- Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the Presence of Convective Mixing and the Capillary Transition Zone
- Consequences of Future Increased Arctic Runoff on Arctic Ocean Stratification, Circulation, and Sea Ice Cover
- Constraining formation of the Eggvin Bank (West of Jan Mayen, N. Atlantic) from OBS data
- Coulomb stress changes over a 660-year period in central Italy: Implications for understanding fault interactions and earthquake occurrence
- Data-Model and Inter-Model Comparisons of the GEM Outflow Events Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Early Earth rock analogues for Martian subsurface processes
- Effects of Gridcell Inundated Fraction Parameterization on CH<SUB>4</SUB> Dynamics in the Community Land Model
- Extrinsic and Intrinsic Responses to Environmental Change: Insights from Terrestrial Paleoecological Archives
- Fault Growth and Interactions in a Multiphase Rift Fault Network: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea
- Glacier Surface Lowering and Stagnation in the Manaslu Region of Nepal
- Global lithospheric imaging using teleseismic receiver functions
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
- Helium isotopes reveal a ubiquitous recycled component in the MORB mantle
- Hemispheric asymmetries in high-latitude ionospheric convection and upper atmosphere neutral wind circulation
- Holocene Climate and Catchment-Specific Responses to Climate Change, Recorded in a Transect of Icelandic Lakes
- How Do Normal Faults Grow?
- Impact Assessments and Projections in Microclimates: Working with End-Users
- Improved Timing of Deglaciation of the Southwestern Scandinavian Ice Sheet Using <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating
- Incorporating Excess Ground Ice in the Community Land Model on Projections of Permafrost in a Warming Climate
- Influence of ENSO on Gulf Stream cyclogenesis and the North Atlantic storm track
- Interpretation of the Crustal Structure Around the Northern Viking Graben Based on Recent Seismic Data: Assessment of Previous Models
- Investigating Model Initial Drift in the Tropics in Seasonal Hindcasts
- Is the "Atlantification" of the Arctic Ocean extending?
- Isostatic and Dynamic Support of High Passive Margin Topography in Southern Scandinavia
- Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes Provide Insight into Hydrologic Changes During the Little Ice Age on Svalbard
- Long-term coupling and feedbacks between surface processes and tectonics during rifting
- Mapping geomorphology, groundwater bodies and springs in Simadal, Norway.
- Mechanical Stability of Stratified Sediments along the upper continental Slope off Vesterålen, northern Norway - Insights from <em>in situ</em> CPTU Tests
- Millennial strain partitioning and fault interaction revealed by <SUP>36</SUP>Cl cosmogenic nuclide datasets from Abruzzo, Central Italy
- Modeling Factors Controlling Retrowedge Evolution in Doubly Vergent Orogens
- Modelling Sea Ice and Surface Wave Interactions in Polar Regions
- Monsoon Season Moisture Deficit Limits Growth in Co-Occurring Alpine Shrub (Cassiope fastigata) and Tree (Abies spectabilis) Species in the Central Himalayas, Nepal
- Multi-decadal Variability of Heat Transport in the Arctic
- New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
- New insights on the final stages of the Appalachian orogeny in the southeast U.S.A.
- Ocean - ice sheet interaction along the NW European margin during the last glacial phases
- On the importance of magnetotail untwisting
- Potential Importance of Midlatitude SST Fronts for the Annular-Mode Variability, and Inter-Basin Differences in the Southern Annular-Mode Signature
- Probabilistically Constraining Age-Depth-Models of Glaciogenic Sediments
- Projected Changes in CMIP5 Low Level North Atlantic Storm Tracks: Relative Roles of Local and Remote SST
- Re-visiting our understanding of surface temperature response to climate forcing
- Regime shifts in the northern North Atlantic during the past 6,000 years: A record of seabird population size and precipitation isotopes on Bjørnøya, Svalbard
- Rifted Continental Margins: The Case for Depth-Dependent Extension
- SONARC: A Sea Ice Monitoring and Forecasting System to Support Safe Operations and Navigation in Arctic Seas
- Solar Illumination of the Polar Ionosphere and Its Effects on Cold Ion Outflow.
- Solar Wind - Ionosphere Coupling Times from the Dayside to the Nightside as Observed by AMPERE
- Sulfate in the Palaeoarchean Ocean: Localized Enrichment or Variable Preservation?
- The Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV Climate Monitoring Project
- The critical role of extension-orthogonal shears in oblique rift development
- Trends in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) associated with urban development in arctic and subarctic Western Siberia
- Using Social Media to Expand Peer-to-Peer Discussion in an Online Course about Regional Climate Modeling
- Using radar to determine the mechanical and thermodynamic effect of tides on an ice shelf
- What is magnetically quiet time?
- What role does structural inheritance play in controlling the geometry of rifted basins during multiple phases of extension? A case study from the Northern North Sea
- <p>Constraints to do realistic modeling of the electric field at the tip of a lightning leader
- A New CCI ECV Release (v2.0) to Accurately Measure the Sea Level Change (1993-2015)
- A tephra based marine-ice core synchronization of the GS-9/GIS-8 transition (38-40.5 ka b2k)
- Air-sea flux characteristics close to the sea-ice edge during Cold Air Outbreaks
- Alkenone-based reconstructions show four-phase Holocene temperature history for Arctic Svalbard
- Arctic-Atlantic Climate Predictability provided by Poleward Ocean Heat Transport
- Assessment of the High-Energy Spectral Component of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Barents Sea Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure from Deep Seismic and Potential Field Data
- Beryllium-10 dating the last retreat of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream at Utsira, western Norway
- Biases and Projected Uncertainty of Ural Blocking: Linkage to the East Asian Winter Climate
- Characterisation of Weak TGFs in RHESSI Data
- Climatic variability in sclerochronological records from the northern North Sea
- Coherent Sea Ice Variations in the Nordic Seas and Abrupt Greenland Climate Changes over Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles
- Combination of Alternative Models by Mutual Data Assimilation: Supermodeling With A Suite of Primitive Equation Models
- Constraining the long-term climate reponse to stratospheric sulfate aerosols injection by the short-term volcanic climate response
- Cratonic modification and subsequent asthenospheric interaction: Evidence from absolute P-wave tomography
- Decadal variability of summer southern African rainfall variability, and their teleconnections in the CMIP5 models
- Direct Iterative Nonlinear Inversion by Multi-frequency T-matrix Completion
- Dynamically Intuitive and Potentially Predicatable Three-Dimensional Structures in the Low Frequency Flow Variability of the Extratropical Northern Hemisphere
- Effect of melt/mantle interactions on MORB chemistry at the eastermost Southwest Indian Ridge (61 to 67°E)
- Energetic Electron Precipitation in Weak to Moderate Geomagnetic Storms associated with Corotating Interaction Regions
- Evolution of surface and deep water conditions in the Antarctic Southern Ocean across the MPT
- Extra-tropical ocean warming and wintertime Arctic sea ice cover since the 1990s
- Facies-controlled fluid migration patterns and subsequent reservoir collapse by depressurization - the Entrada Sandstone, Utah
- Fine-scale crustal structure of the Azores Islands from teleseismic receiver functions
- Flexure in the Corinth rift: reconciling marine terraces, rivers, offshore data and fault modeling
- Geological evidence of a catastrophic ice-dammed lake outburst in the North Sea during the last deglaciation
- Global and Country-Level Fragility to Major Disruptions in Crop Production
- High resolution fault slip rate determination reveals temporal and spatial strain partitioning in Abruzzo, Italy
- High-angle faults control the geometry and morphology of the Corinth Rift
- Holocene Mass Transport Deposits in Western Norwegian fjords and lakes revealing prehistoric earthquake history of Scandinavia
- Holocene ocean and sea ice history in the European Arctic from past to present warm extremes: preliminary results from NE Svalbard
- How the IMF By induces a By component on closed field lines during northward IMF Bz
- Hydrographic and Current Observations Collected during the N-ICE2015 Expedition in the Arctic Ocean north of Svalbard
- Hydrothermal exploration of the Mariana Back Arc Basin: Chemical Characterization
- IMF Bx effects on the ionospheric current system
- Impacts of sea ice / SST changes for the observed climate change -GREENICE project-
- Influence of magmatic volatiles on boron isotope compositions in vent fluids from the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
- Lake sediment-based Late Holocene glacier reconstruction reveals medieval retreat and two-phase Little Ice Age on subantarctic South Georgia
- Lower crustal metastable gabbro and volcanism in warm subduction systems
- Measurement of Compressional-Wave Velocity in Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sandstone
- Mechanisms and detectability of oxygen depletion in the North Atlantic
- Mini Array for TLE Detection
- Modeling corona sheath dynamics and effects
- Molluscan sclerochronology on the Faroese Shelf and its potential to obtain closer insights into the climate variability of North Atlantic water masses
- NeXtSIM, a New Lagrangian Sea Ice Model
- Neutron bursts from long laboratory sparks
- New Boundary Layer Facility at Andøya, 69N 16E
- Ocean-Ice Sheet Interactions in the Norwegian Sea and Teleconnections to Low Latitude Hydrology and Atmospheric Circulation
- Offshore-onshore correlations refining the glacial history of western Ireland
- On the impact of fjord geometry on grounding line stability
- Pseudoproxy Experiments Using the BARCAST Reconstruction Technique: Effects on Spatiotemporal Persistence Properties
- Reconstructing MIS 3 ocean states from proxy records via an inverse method - a quantification of uncertainties
- Reconstruction of the Final Phases of Activity and Retreat of the North Sea Lobe Ice Stream during the Late Devensian
- Regional Temperatures in Norway since the Mid-Holocene: Sensitivity, Reliability and Representativeness
- Relating water-discharge and catchment area in modern and ancient catchments
- Relationship between Tectonics and Geochemistry at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from Kane to Atlantis.
- Repeated advance and retreat of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet on the continental shelf during the early Pliocene warm period
- Revealing the crustal architecture of the least understood composite craton on Earth: East Antarctica
- Robust Spatial and Seasonal Changes to the Coupled Arctic Energy Budget in a Large Ensemble
- Sea Ice Forecasting with neXtSIM-F
- Sea Ice Retreat and its Impact on the Intensity of Open-Ocean Convection in the Greenland and Iceland Seas
- Simulated transition from RCP8.5 to RCP4.5 through three different Radiation Management techniques
- Six Months of Ocean Mixing Rates and Heat Flux in the Arctic North of Svalbard
- Slab Seismicity in the Western Hellenic Subduction Zone: Constraints from Tomography and Double-Difference Relocation
- Spectral characteristics of VLF sferics associated with TGFs
- Teaching Computational Geophysics Classes using Active Learning Techniques
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Island of Amsterdamøya: a key site for studying past climate in the Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard
- The Role of the Upper Atmosphere for Dawn-Dusk and Interhemispheric Differences in the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission
- The asymmetric geospace during a magnetic storm on August 17, 2001
- The use of XRF core scanner technique to identify anthropogenic chronological markers for dating recent sediments and for mapping and estimating the quantity of contaminated sediments in different fjord settings in western Norway
- Timing, variability and sediment provenance of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Towards decadal time series of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice thickness from radar altimetry
- Tuffaceous Mud is a Volumetrically Important Volcaniclastic Facies of Reararc Submarine Volcanism
- Typhoon-driven landsliding induces earthquakes: example of the 2009 Morakot typhoo
- Unexpected climatic impacts of orbital forcing out of the Quaternary
- Using lake sediments from Buarvatnet to reconstruct multiple episodic events found at Folgefonn Peninsula, Norway
- Variable Phase Propagation Velocity for Long Range Lightning Location System
- 3D modeling of coupled tectonics and surface processes: the role of active erosion/deposition in continental rift systems
- A penalty-based nodal discontinuous Galerkin method for spontaneous rupture dynamics
- Addressing challenges in convection permitting modelling: A Norwegian case
- Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice thickness from CryoSat and Envisat radar altimetry
- Assessing performance and seasonal bias of pollen-based climate reconstructions in a perfect model world
- Assessing the Impacts of Mid-latitude Circulation Changes under +1.5ºC and +2ºC Warming
- Asymmetric Signature of Glacial Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Central South Pacific
- Atmospheric Circulation Response to Episodic Arctic Warming in an Idealized Model
- Benthic Foraminifera Clumped Isotope Calibration
- Calibration of the clumped isotope thermometer for planktic foraminifers
- Connecting Ocean Heat Transport Changes from the Midlatitudes to the Arctic Ocean
- Data interoperabilty between European Environmental Research Infrastructures and their contribution to global data networks
- Deep crustal structures in the northern North Sea rift: observations from new 3-D seismic reflection data
- Direct observations of atmosphere - sea ice - ocean interactions during Arctic winter and spring storms
- Does the Magnetosphere go to Sleep?
- Effects of the reconnection electric field on crescent electron distribution functions in asymmetric guide field reconnection
- Estimating the Rate of Cessation of Magnetospheric Activity in AMPERE Currents
- Estimating the global production rate of TGFs
- Evaluating Key Controls on Sediment Flux to the Gulf of Corinth over the Last 130 kyrs Using a Forward Modeling Approach
- Evolving lithospheric flexure and paleotopography of the Pyrenean Orogen from 3D flexural modeling and basin analysis
- Fluvial Connectivity and Sediment Dispersal within Continental Extensional Basins; Assessment of Controlling Factors using Numerical Modelling
- Gaining trust from the scientific climate change community and increasing the visibility of their data
- Gamma-ray observations at 20 km altitude above thunderstorms
- Global Drainage Patterns to Modern Terrestrial Sedimentary Basins and its Influence on Large River Systems
- High Resolution Modeling of the Thermospheric Response to Energy Inputs During the RENU-2 Rocket Flight
- Impact of Idealized Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on the Future Ocean and Land Carbon Cycles
- Impacts of the spatial extent of pollen-climate calibration-set on the absolute values, range and trends of reconstructed Holocene precipitation
- Improve projections of changes in southern African summer rainfall through comprehensive multi-timescale empirical statistical downscaling
- Influence of pre-existing rift faults during the development of an overlying fault network, northern Browse Basin, NW Australia
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Lightning Channel Corona Formation Treated as a Large System of Streamers
- Long-Term Coupling and Feedbacks Between Surface Processes and Tectonics During Rifting
- Macro-scale Tectonics of the Eastern North American Shield: Insights from a new Absolute P-wave Tomographic Model for North America.
- Mantle exhumation at magma-poor rifted margin: a competition between frictional shear zones and thermally weakened necking domains. Consequences on time of breakup at Galicia/Newfoundland margins.
- Mid Ocean Ridge Processes at Very Low Melt Supply : Submersible Exploration of Smooth Ultramafic Seafloor at the Southwest Indian Ridge, 64 degree E
- Multi-Mode 3D Kirchhoff Migration of Receiver Functions at Continental Scale With Applications to USArray
- New aeromagnetic data of eastern Dronning Maud Land: implications for the spatial extent of a major Early Neoproterozoic juvenile crustal province
- Non-ideal energy conversion during asymmetric magnetic reconnection with a moderate guide field
- North Atlantic Jet Variability in PMIP3 LGM Simulations
- Orientation and spread of reconnection x-line in asymmetric current sheets
- Paleohydrology of the Polar Urals from the Last Glacial Maximum Through the Holocene
- Primordial domains in the depleted upper mantle identified by noble gases in MORBs
- Reassessing the Role of Sea Ice Drift in Long Term Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Results from the Subglacial Hydrology Model Intercomparison Project (SHMIP)
- Rotation, narrowing and preferential reactivation of brittle structures during oblique rifting
- Scaling of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Rate with Guide Field
- Slab Seismicity, Metamorphism and Deformation Associated with a Transition from Oceanic to Continental Subduction in Western Greece
- Teleconnection between Sea Ice in the Barents Sea in June and the Silk Road, Pacific-Japan and East Asian Rainfall Patterns in August
- The Role of Nongyrotropy in Balancing the Reconnection Diffusion Region
- The Transition from Volcanic to Rift Dominated Crustal Breakup - From the Vøring Plateau to the Lofoten Margin, Norway
- The link between eddy-driven jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector
- The role of different ion species in the cessation of magnetic reconnection
- Towards extensive spatio-temporal reconstructions of North American land cover: a comparison of state-of-the-art pollen-vegetation models
- Variables that influence energy partition in asymmetric reconnection
- ``Supemodeling" by Coupling Multiple Atmospheres to A Single Ocean Simulates Single-ITCZ Climatology
- A Richter scale reveals the magnitude of global food disruptions
- A Simple Framework to Evaluate the Interactions between Evaporation and Shallow Mixing in the Marine Boundary Layer from Water Isotopic Measurements
- A methodology for anomaly coupling in numerical s2s forecasts
- A wave-like evolution of polar cap ionization patches associated with wider distributed nightside reconnection
- An investigation of midlatitude circulation errors in a hierarchy of climate prediction ensembles
- Antarctic Ocean surface residence time and the development of the hundred-thousand-year ice age cycle
- Assessing the global sea level budget and its uncertainties: progress from ESA's CCI Sea Level Budget Closure project.
- Assessing the risk of hazards at Norwegian plateau glaciers in a warmer climate
- Assessment of Arctic sea ice and ocean observing systems based on INTAROS survey
- Bivalve proxy records from coastal northern Norway: Evidence for increasing sea surface temperatures and persistent multidecadal variability since the Little Ice Age
- Closing the Water Vapor Exchange Budget between the Ice Sheets and Free Atmosphere: A pilot study for the use of drones
- Continental lithosphere - a complicated birth
- Controls of shallow convection on water isotopes in the North Atlantic deduced from conjoint analysis of surface and free tropospheric water isotope observations
- Coupled stability and change in hydrothermal fluid chemistry during a quarter century at 9°50'N East Pacific Rise
- Crustal Structure in Hotspot and Cratonic Environments: a Reappraisal of the H-k Stacking Technique
- Crustal architecture of the composite East Antarctic craton between the Shackleton Range and Dronning Maud Land
- Deep Learning of Geological Structures in 3-D Seismic Data
- Development of the Igneous Logi Ridge, NE Atlantic, From Seismic Reflection Data
- E-region nitric oxide response to energetic electron precipitation
- Early Holocene temperature oscillations exceed amplitude of measured and modeled change in three Svalbard lakes
- Electromagnetic Surface Waves on Hall Current Sheets Associated with Magnetic Reconnection
- Exploitation, assessment, and gap analysis of the existing Arctic observing systems under the INTAROS project: method and first results
- Exploration of the Mata Submarine Volcano Group Reveals Volcano-Tectonic-Hydrothermal Links
- Exploring the impact of the rise of Greenland-Scotland Ridge on ocean circulation and climate
- Flexural Wave Attenuation in X-T Domain by Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition.
- Flood-Climate Interactions and the Prospect of Generating Data of Societal Value
- Global surface ocean pH from 1770 to 2100
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Early Orbit Observations
- High resolution measurements of ion upflow and downflow within the cusp help to quantify the impact on ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling, even during quiet periods
- How does the orientation of a pre-existing basement weakness influence fault development during renewed rifting? Insights from three-dimensional discrete element modeling
- How unmagnetized oxygen leads to a reduced reconnection rate
- Hydroclimate of the Last Interglacial, from models and proxies
- Ice core evidence of enhanced multi-decadal to centennial-scale climate variability in west Greenland during the last millennium
- Including microbial dynamics is essential for modelling Arctic methane emissions
- Influence of fault zones on the self-organization of hydrothermal outflow and recharge: Constraints from analog experiments
- Influence of the Pacific decadal variability on Arctic climate
- Integrated Computing in solid Earth sciences: the case of EPOS Integrated Core Services Distributed Infrastructures
- Inter-annual to Multi-centennial Variabilities of Simulated AMOC in an Earth System Model
- Interoperability and Reproducibility through FAIR-aligned Best Practices - an ocean exemplar of a development hub for archiving and expanding best practices
- Investigating Connection between Decadal Mean Sea Level Variations and Extreme Sea Levels on the Norwegian West Coast
- Investigating the future evolution of Norwegian glaciers and hydrological impacts: an integrated modelling approach (EVOGLAC project)
- Late Holocene glacier change on Kerguelen Islands tracks shifts of the Southern Westerly Winds
- Magnetosheath high speed jets and magnetopause observations by Cluster and MMS simultaneously
- Magnetotail reconnection following a flapping motion of the magnetotail on 17 July 2017
- Mapping the Mw6.3 2004 Les Saintes earthquake seafloor rupture with deep-sea vehicles: Length, displacement, nature, and links between coseismic deformation and erosion/sedimentation
- Multi-Mode 3D Kirchhoff Migration of Receiver Functions in Southern Alaska using Permanent and Temporary Array Data
- No evidence for globally synchronous cold and warm epochs during the pre-industrial Common Era
- Observations-constrained projections reveal early and strong deoxygenation in the interior North Atlantic
- On Electron Heating in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnectiomn
- Past Global Changes Early-Career Network
- Pore-Scale Visualization of Hydrate Formation and Dissociation
- Potential Drivers of Projected Uncertainties in Northern Winter Extratropical Circulation in CMIP5 Coupled Models
- Present observational capacities in the Arctic with the focus on European observational networks. Maturity assessment from INTAROS H2020 project.
- Quantifying post-depositional snow-air water isotope exchange using laboratory experiments and in-situ observations from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Reconstructing Holocene Glacier and Climate Fluctuations from Lake Sediments in Vårfluesjøen, Northern Spitsbergen
- Relationships between Southern Hemisphere ion upflow, "DC" and "AC" Poynting fluxes, and "DC" and "AC" field variations
- Results from the RENU2 Sounding Rocket: Fine Scale Drivers and Ionospheric Response in the Cusp during a Poleward Moving Auroral Form
- Revisiting how Water Isotopes in Ice Cores Record the Climate Signal
- Sclerochronological investigations in the area southwest off Iceland using Arctica islandic shells: Preliminary results
- Sea Level Variability Along the Gulf of Guinea from Cmems
- Sensitivity of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream to uncertainties in geothermal heat flux
- Spatio-temporal evolution of exhumation and topography of the Pyrenees Mountains
- Stability of asymmetric magnetic reconnection x-line in periodic systems — an implication to laminar vs. turbulent diffusion region.
- Structural style and evolution of multi-phase rifts: Examples from the northern North Sea Rift
- Svalbard integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) as a node of Sustained Arctic Observing Networks (SAON)
- Testing assumptions of hemispheric asymmetries in ionospheric currents with respect to the IMF By and dipole tilt angle
- The Response of Polar Cyclone Intensification to Changing Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature
- The effects of increased sedimentation on orogenic wedges - dynamic model results in comparison with critical taper theory
- The ion/electron temperature characteristics of polar cap classical and hot patches and their influence on ion upflow
- Three-Dimensional Structures in the Low-Frequency Flow Variability of the Extratropical Troposphere
- Trait Shifts affect Ecosystem Carbon Exchange under Climate Change in Alpine Grasslands
- Using Re-Forecast Ensembles for Extreme Value Statistics
- Variability in Normal Fault Activity in the Central Italian Apennines: Insights from Thermo-Mechanical Modelling
- Viscous Fingering in Fractured Porous Media
- Volcanic Imprints in the North Atlantic Climate Variability
- A big data approach towards the emergent constraint of the future climate change in the Southern Hemisphere in CMIP5 models
- A limit to effective viscous weakening in the mid-to-lower crust
- A new P-wave mantle tomographic model for Africa and a receiver function study of the Ethiopian plateau
- A new era of abrupt climate change - perspectives from Marine Isotope Stage 3
- An assessment of the nitrogen effects on the future terrestrial carbon cycle: state-of-the-art and future perspectives
- An explanation of the opposite dawn-dusk asymmetry at magnetotails of Earth vs. Mercury.?
- Applications of Surface Seismic on Thawing Saline Permafrost: Examples From the Norwegian Arctic
- Arctic salinity from space: Monitoring the freshwater system.
- Birkeland Current Impacts on Cusp Ionospheric Irregularities
- CAPER-2 and TRICE-2 Sounding Rocket Investigations: Whistler and Upper-Hybrid Waves in the Polar Cusp
- Cancellation of the precessional cycle in δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records during the Early Pleistocene
- Centennial shifts in flood frequency and magnitude over the last thousand years in Western Norway
- Contrasting Geomorphic Response to Normal Fault Growth During Single and Multi-phase Rifting
- Cryoseismological recordings in West-Greenland, from permanent and community based seismic stations
- Demonstrating the Potential of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Hydrate Self-Sealing During Geological CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage
- Detecting robust responses of the ENSO teleconnection to global warming using a multi-model large-ensemble experiment
- Dissipation in the Electron Diffusion Region of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
- Drainage Integration in Active Continental Rifts: Tipping the Balance between Basin Filling and Subsidence
- Dual Sounding Rocket Observations of Plasma Convection and Shear, Field-aligned Currents, and Alfven waves and Irregularities in the Cusp during IMF Bz Negative Conditions
- Dynamical sequence of ocean, atmosphere, and sea ice changes during an abrupt stadial-to-interstadial climate transition
- Earthquakes track subduction fluids from their source in the slab to their sink in the mantle wedge
- Effect of Out-of-Plane (Guide) Magnetic Field on the Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Rate
- Effect of cold protons and oxygen on the reconnection process
- Effects of intensified drought on ecosystem carbon cycling are mediated by land-use history and plant functional diversity in Atlantic heathlands
- Elastic properties of the Corinth Rift sediments: improving shallow velocity model with new experimental and modeling data
- Electron acceleration and thermalization at reconnection separatrices
- Energy Transport and Partition in the Vicinity of the Magnetopause Reconnection Electron Dissipation Region
- Estimating pressure and temperature conditions of hydrothermal vent fluid formation: Historic and recent observations at the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Evolution of N-Izu Rear Arc Magmas After the Backarc Shikoku Basin Formed: Site U1437, IODP Exp. 350
- Evolution of the foreshock and shock dynamics caused by the turning of the interplanetary magnetic field associated with extreme geomagnetic storms
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Exceptionally high Geothermal heat flux needed to sustain the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Genomic Expansion of Archaeal Lineages Resolved from Deep Costa Rica Sediments
- GeoLatinas: a new, inclusive, and innovative organization embracing, empowering, and inspiring Latin-women in Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Global Sea Level Budget and Ocean Mass Budget, with Focus on New Data Products and Uncertainty Characterization.
- High resolution analysis of rates of early rifting, fault development, sedimentation and climate-basin environment interaction from IODP drilling of the Corinth active rift, Greece
- How does the magnetosphere go to sleep?
- Hydrodynamic Influences on Proxy Records in Marine Sediment Drifts: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
- Impact of snow initialization in subseasonal-to-seasonal winter forecasts with the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model
- Implications of 3D teleseismic ray-tracing on focal mechanism determination
- Interoperability Across Ocean Research Infrastructures Through Use Of Ocean Best Practices
- Intrusion of Atlantic Water on an Arctic Shelf
- Investigation of FUV Irradiances Form Sdrs Data Based on Dmsp/ssusi during Various Strong Geomagnetic Storm Events
- Limitations of global MHD models of the Earth's magnetosphere
- MOSAiC's Pan Arctic Water Isotope Network & Discoveries
- Magnetic reconnection observations in the bow shock transition region
- Magnetospheric response and reconfiguration times following IMF By reversals
- Magnetotelluric Constraints on Upper Mantle Viscosity Structure and Basal Melt Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Measuring water vapor isotopes above the Greenland Ice Sheet using unmanned aerial vehicles: a pilot study for understanding water vapor exchange.
- Modeling scintillation produced by ionospheric Kelvin Helmholtz in the cusp ionosphere using GEMINI-SIGMA
- Multi-proxy evidence for the evolution of Indo-Pacific Warm Pool temperature since the Pliocene
- New magnetic and gravity views of Precambrian and Pan-African age crustal features between the Shackleton Range and Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Next Steps in Determining Space Weather Benchmarks for Ionizing Radiation Hazards
- Normal Fault Activity in Response to Dynamic Surface Uplift in the Central Italian Apennines: Insights from Thermo-Mechanical Modelling
- North Atlantic blocking regulates cold season air temperature variability over Greenland coastal and ice sheet ablation areas
- Novel approaches to geospace particle transfer in the digital age: Progress through data science
- On the Effect of Cold Protons on Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- On the Impact of a Streaming Oxygen Population on Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- On the Nature of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection at the Earth's Magnetopause
- On the effect of cold ions on dipolarization fronts
- On the fast magnetic reconnection rate value of order 0.1
- Pacific Contribution to Decadal Winter Temperature Trends in the Arctic
- Paleokarst reservoir modelling based on recent cave system analogs - A novel methodology for importing geometrically complex geobodies into geocellular reservoir models
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Peak- to post-orogenic landscape evolution of the Pyrenees Mountains from numerical modeling and thermochronology
- Pore-Scale Controls of Reactive Transport in Carbonate Porous Media
- Pre-LGM chronological framework of the Quaternary sediment package in the North Sea Basin
- Quantifying the dipole tilt influence on reverse convection cells during northward IMF using spherical elementary functions
- Scaling nutrient transport kinetics of marine microbes
- Seasonal Precipitation Change in the Western North Pacific and East Asia under Global Warming in Two High-resolution AGCMs
- Seismic Signature of Shear Zones: Insights from 2-D PSF-based Convolution Modelling
- Sensitivity of decadal climate predictions in the North Atlantic to anomaly initialisation choices
- Sensitivity of submarine melting of 79<SUP>o</SUP>N glacier to ocean forcing
- Strengthened Linkage between Midlatitudes and Arctic in Boreal Winter
- Subglacial Landscape of Folgefonna (Norway) Indicate Significant Hydrological Changes in a Future Ice-free Environment
- The Crustal Structure of Cyprus: Insights from Joint-Inversion of Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- The Pliocene Expansion of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- The development of 1D seismic velocity model and the intermediate depth seismicity analysis in the Indo-Burma Subduction zone, Myanmar
- The impact of vertical mixing on glacial ocean circulation and sea ice
- The performance of Harmony's two-dimensional sea-ice-drift observations
- The temporal evolution of normal faults
- Timescales of Dayside and Nightside Field-Aligned Current Response to Changes in Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling
- Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of magnetic reconnection and kinetic physics in the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock
- Uncertainties characterization of tropospheric profile retrieval by a Bayesian inversion as compared to state-of-the-art methods from ground-based microwave radiometry
- VISIONS-2 Observations of Electron Dynamics and Alfvén Waves
- VISIONS-2 observations of ion heating and energization near the exobase, and the role of wave-particle interactions
- VISIONS-2 observations of the electrodynamics of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- Validating the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) for applications in northern Europe: Ground magnetic perturbation validation
- Variability in North Atlantic Deep Water Ventilation During Late Pleistocene Interglacials
- What controls the selective influence of pre-existing basement structures during rifting? Insights from analogue modelling
- What is the shortest possible x-line extent for 3D magnetic reconnection?
- Wide angle seismic data constraints on crustal structure and erosion of the northernmost Norwegian shelf
- X-line spreading in three-dimensional asymmetric magnetic reconnection
- #GeoHackeo, the GeoLatinas hackathon - Testing our Digital Literacy toolkit
- A long-lasting auroral bright spot around magnetic north pole: Is it the evidence of stable lobe magnetic reconnection?
- A simulation model for fracture reactivation accounting for thermo-hydro-mechanical forces with applications to geothermal systems
- Acceleration and thermalization of cold ions during magnetic reconnection
- Are the Impacts of the Observed Arctic Sea-ice Variability on the Cold Season Atmospheric Circulation Underestimated in AGCM Experiments?
- Assessing how long-term shifts in species and functional composition have impacted carbon and water cycling the southern Rocky Mountains
- Assessing the sensitivity of evapotranspiration to shifts in plant traits, changing climate, and earlier snowmelt: Long-term observations from a 1,000m elevation gradient in the East River Watershed, Colorado, USA
- Cracking Induced by Desiccation: A Mixed-Dimensional Unsaturated-Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Model
- Deep ocean δ<SUP>18</SUP>O seawater values in the middle Miocene: a new paradox?
- Drilling the Corinth active rift, Greece: High resolution records of interacting tectonics, climate and sedimentation during rift evolution
- Elevation Changes of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Interior During the Last Deglaciation
- Evidence for Deep Uneclogitized Subducted Crust Under Alaska
- Extensive decentralized hydrogen export from the Atlantis Massif
- Faunal characteristics of the Nyegga/Storegga cold-seep, NE-Atlantic
- Field Evidence of Group Modulation of Open-Ocean Wave Breaking
- From snowflake to ice core - what processes are influencing the climate signal in the water isotopic composition of the snow from it is deposited to it becomes buried?
- Future Research Opportunities with Magnetospheric Multiscale: Results of the 2020 Heliophysics Senior Review
- How do Tropical SSTs Impact Moisture Transport into the Arctic?
- Hydrologic changes in the Polar Ural Mountains between 24 and 1 ka using leaf wax hydrogen isotopes
- Imaging lithospheric structures beneath Connecticut with receiver function and wavefield migration techniques
- Influences of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on the North Pacific Ocean circulation
- Influences of the North Pacific Anomalies on the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset
- Interplay Between Volcanic and Tectonic Axial Processes in a Cold Slow-spreading Ridge: the Mid-Atlantic Ridge South of the Romanche Transform Tault
- Intraplate seismicity in Nordland, Northern Norway: Insight from Seismic Tomography
- Is there a universal temperature dependence of plant metabolism?
- Magnetic-field annihilation and island formation in electron-scale current sheet in Earth's magnetotail
- Multiple transpolar auroral arcs reveal insight about coupling processes in the Earth's magnetotail
- On the Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- On the hunt for unusual subduction zone earthquakes - Clues from secondary phases in seismograms of local earthquakes
- Perspectives on Magnetic Reconnection from MMS
- PyGLImER: A New Modular Software Suite to Image Crustal and Upper-Mantle Discontinuities Using a Global Database of Ps and Sp Receiver Functions
- Re-visit the Linkage between Spring Arctic Sea Ice and East Asian Summer Precipitation
- Regional Climate in Southern Africa Through Ancient Times: What Can We Infer From Numerical Modelling?
- Revisiting the origin of Greenland moisture sources: Regional differences, seasonality and land/ocean sources
- Shallow water hydrothermal systems: Constraints on distribution, nature, and heat fluxes of outflow from Milos (Greece)
- Slip stability at heterogeneous interfaces with large-slip kinematics
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- Supercool Southern Ocean Waters from Sinking Plumes and Ice-Shelf Melting
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- The effect of ionospheric conductance on the decay rate of magnetospheric convection
- Thermal State of Lithosphere and New Temperature Measurements at Knipovich Ridge and NW Barents Sea Margin
- Towards a Strategy on Ocean Data and Information Stewardship for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Winter (sub)mesoscale variability in the central Arctic Ocean : eddy observations and modeling during the MOSAiC drift.
- 3D Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Accretionary Margin by the Joint Inversion of Surface-Wave and Scattering Constraints
- A Next Generation Space Weather Particle Precipitation Model: Mature machine learning approaches, multiscale mesoscale prediction, and an open science framework for machine learning
- A new spherical elementary current technique to investigate temporal variations in the electrojets above Fennoscandia
- A user-friendly, multi-parameter protocol for monitoring permafrost thaw
- ASIM TGF Imaging 2018-2019
- An Investigation of the Dawn Dusk Asymmetry In the Aurora Occurrence Probability
- Assesing long-term shifts in functional composition and impacts on carbon and water cycling in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Autonomous detection of ice core particles via deep learning
- Blue Flashes as Counterparts to Narrow Bipolar Events: the Optical Signal of Shallow In-Cloud Discharges
- Carbonate-Brucite Chimneys At The Southwest Indian Ridge: The Old City Hydrothermal Field
- Central Anomaly Magnetization High and Crustal Accretion at the East Pacific Rise, 950N
- Changes in hydrothermal fluid origin conditions approaching the next eruption at 9 50N East Pacific Rise
- Characterization of Long-term Wettability Alteration on CO2 Storage Efficiency and Containment
- Climate Sensitivity and Ecoclimate Sensitivity from the LGM to Present: Theory, Usage, and Implications for 21st-Century Biospheric Responses
- Cold and Heavy Ions Entrained in the Dayside Magnetopause Boundary Layers
- Combining Machine Learning with Data Assimilation to Improve Numerical Models and Estimate the Systems State.
- Coupled hydromechanical numerical modelling of a hydroshearing experiment at the Grimsel Test Site using a discrete fracture-matrix model
- Crustal Structure across Central Scandinavian Peninsula along Silver Road Refraction Profile
- Dependence of streamer propagation on background field conditions
- Double TGFs and optical pulses observed by ASIM
- Effect of different simulation configurations on the prediction performance of the Space Weather Modeling Framework on ground magnetic perturbations
- Ensemble Kalman Filter for Non-Conservative Adaptive Meshes and Lagrangian Observations With a Joint Physics and Mesh Update.
- Ensemble Kalman Filter for Non-Conservative Moving Mesh Solvers With a Joint Physics and Mesh Location Update.
- Evolving Air-Sea Interaction due to Sea-Ice Retreat Points to a Re-organisation of Water Mass Transformation in the Nordic and Barents Seas
- Greenland Land-terminating Glaciers Velocity Trends Estimations in the Last Decades: Impact of Satellite Image Pairs Temporal Variability
- HEPPA III intercomparison experiment on electron precipitation impacts: Estimated ionization rates during a geomagnetic active period in April 2010
- Human Migration in the North Atlantic: Re-evaluating Timing and Environmental Consequences
- Imaging Seismic Velocity Perturbations beneath the Appalachians with 2-D Scattered Wavefield Migration Technique
- Impacts of cold ionospheric ions in magnetic reconnection at the Earths magnetopause and magnetotail
- Improved Arctic sea ice forecasting by combining ensemble Kalman filter with a Lagrangian sea ice model
- Investigating the fluence of bright TGF events detected by the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor
- Isolating and quantifying the effect of lobe reconnection on high latitude ionospheric convection during IMF By dominated periods
- Local Mapping of Polar Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Low-cost O3 sensor in remote Alpine environment
- Low-cost wireless sensor networks for measuring transboundary transport phenomena of air pollutants in the eastern Italian Alps
- MMS Observations of an Expanding Oxygen Density Wave in Magnetic Reconnection
- Magnetic Reconnection During Varying Inflow Conditions
- Magnetic reconnection for low-density inflow conditions
- Mantle exhumation at magma-poor rifted margins: a competition between frictional shear zones and thermally weakened necking domains
- Modulating the reconnection efficiency by moments and field variability and various inflow characteristics
- Multifrequency optical observations of lightning with ISS-LIS and ASIM
- North Atlantic Oscillation in winter is largely insensitive to autumn Barents-Kara sea ice variability
- North Atlantic Water Mass Distribution since the Last Glacial Maximum: New Insights
- Oblique continental rifting. Insights from 3-D forward geodynamic modelling coupled with surface processes and application to the Equatorial passive margins formation.
- Propagating uplift controls on high-elevation, low-relief landscape formation in Southeast Tibetan Plateau
- Quantifying the topographic evolution of mountain belts during growth and decay
- Segmentation of Common Conversion Point Stacks using a Neural Network
- Sizing up the 2005-2006 volcanic eruption near 950N, East Pacific Rise, using repeat near-bottom surveys
- Statistical Evidence of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes Production during the Early Stages of Lightning Flashes
- Structure of the Knipovich Ridge Based on Seismic Investigations Projects KNIPAS & KNIPSEIS
- Stuoragurra Fault: a Review and Update of the Historical Seismicity Catalog
- The Development of Seismic Anisotropy Below South-central Alaska: Evidence From Shear Wave Splitting
- The Global Geomagnetic Response to Rapid Changes in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- The IPCC WGI Atlas Chapter - A Major Innovation
- The impact of Medium Energy Electrons(MEE) on the mesospheric chemistry, temperature, and dynamics.
- The meltwater feedbacks on ice dynamics, influence of melt amplitude, duration and extent.
- The relationship between the Spring Bering Sea Ice and the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Processes
- The role of resistivity on the efficiency of magnetic reconnection in MHD
- Time-series Monitoring of Hydrothermal Processes During the Run-up to the Next Volcanic Eruption at the East Pacific Rise 9 50N
- Trace metal controls in high temperature hydrothermal fluids leading up to the next eruption at 950N East Pacific Rise
- Tracking Changes in Hydrothermal Vent Temperatures and Crustal Permeability During Seafloor Eruptions at the East Pacific Rise, 9 50'N
- Tungsten Abundance and Isotope Composition of the Upper Mantle
- UAS based Atmospheric Research in Polar Regions Experiences and Perspectives from Sea-ice and Ship-based Operations
- Were rapid late glacial climate changes expressed throughout the Arctic? An example from the Polar Ural Mountains
- A 3-D Probabilistic Shallow Velocity Model in Myanmar and Its Implication for Subduction Tectonics
- A 70-year Perspective on Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Interaction and Deep Convection in the Greenland Sea
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- Abundances and Distribution of Short-Chain (C1-C6) Carboxylic Acids in Diverse Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids
- An Updated Model for Determining the Latitudinal Extent of Medium Energy Electron Precipitation Using MEPED Onboard NOAA POES
- Anisotropy Distribution of TGFs Couples: Central America Region is the Key.
- Assessing Research Gaps in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis
- Auroral electrodynamics along DMSP satellite tracks
- Breaking Up is Hard to Do - Simulating Extreme Sea-Ice Breakup Events in the Beaufort Sea
- Circulation of Ionospheric Ions in the Outer Magnetosphere and Implications for Magnetic Reconnection
- Comparative Metagenomics Reveals Diverse Metabolic Potential within Ectothiorhodospiraceae in Extreme Environments: a Case Study in the Hypersaline, Alkaline Mono Lake, California
- Coupled stratosphere-troposphere-Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and its importance for near-future climate projection
- DIYnamics: An Active Learning, Scalable Climate Sciences Teaching Platform
- Direct observations of anomalous resistivity and diffusion in magnetic reconnection
- Diverse styles of hydrothermal chemistry on the ultraslow Arctic Mohns Ridge: the Fåvne, Ægir and Loki's Castle vent fields
- Ecoclimatic Sensitivity in the Tropics to Last Glacial-Interglacial Climate Change via Data Mobilization in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database
- Evidence of a Non-Orthogonal X-Line in Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection
- Excitation and Decay of Auroral Flux
- Extreme Sediment Accretion: Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Forearc Margin from Joint Inversion of Surface-Wave and Scattering Constraints
- Global Famine After Nuclear War
- Global Scale Analysis on the Geomorphology of Rivers and Channel Belts
- Hailstorm: A Rocket Mission to Study the Role of Neutral Winds and Horizontal Currents in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling Using a Modernized Falling Spheres Technique
- How high do mountains grow - quantifying growth and decay of topography in collisional orogens
- How to Distinguish the Different Subglacial Hydrological Types from Velocity Data?
- Impact of Subglacial Drainage on Fjord Circulation and Submarine Melt in Ilulissat Icefjord
- Influence of Mid-latitude Sea Surface Temperature Fronts on the Atmospheric Water Cycle and Storm Track Activity
- Insights from Sedimentary Ancient DNA for Polar Paleoceanography during the Last Interglacial
- Into the Arctic Ice: Vent Fluid Chemistry, Heat and Mass Fluxes from the Aurora Hydrothermal Ecosystem, Gakkel Ridge
- Investigation of the Effect of Solar Wind Data Simplifications on Ground Magnetic Perturbations Prediction Performance of Geospace Physics-Based Models
- Iron Oxide- and Oxyhydroxide-rich Hydrothermal Deposits at the Fåvne Vent Field on the Ultraslow Mohns Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Library of simulated gamma-ray glows and application to previous airborne observations.
- MIS 5e Sea Ice and Paleoceanography in the NW Subpolar Gyre
- Melt onset at MOSAiC: Resiliency of the ice column to preconditioning by warming extremes
- Multi-point and Multi-source Observations of the Electrojets by the EZIE (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer) Mission
- Numerical analysis of inception and propagation conditions of negative streamers
- Oblique continental rifting. Insights from 3-D forward geodynamic modelling coupled with surfaceprocesses and application to the Equatorial passive margins formation
- Observations of Sea Ice in the Arctic Using Multi-Sensor Data From Recent Scientific Cruises in the Arctic Ocean
- Potential benefits and costs of solar geoengineering on global fish biomass and catches
- Precipitation and temperature variability in Northern Mexico during the Eemian Interglacial.
- Recommendations for the Application of Near-Surface Geophysical Methods to Characterise the Subsurface around Glacier Margins
- Reconciling Conflicting Evidence for the Cause of the Observed Early 21st Century Eurasian Cooling
- Refining the TEX86 paleothermometer in speleothems
- Resurrecting IMAGE MENA data for M-I comparisons with FUV data
- Revisiting the Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Guide-Field Reconnection
- Scattered wavefield migration imaging applied to dense broadband seismic arrays deployed across the Appalachian orogen
- Sensitivity Analysis and Machine Learning of a Sea Ice Melt Pond Parametrisation
- Simulation of Induced Fracture Opening and Propagation in Poroelastic Rocks
- Solar Wind Structures as Drivers of the High-Energy Tail of the Precipitating Energetic Electron Spectrum
- Spatial Resolution in Analyses of Ionospheric Currents
- Statistics of high-speed electron flows in the magnetotail
- Supermodeling: Synchronising Models to Improve Predictions
- Temporal Variability of Cu Isotope Signatures in Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits from PACMANUS Vent Field, East Manus Basin (2006-2011)
- The Climate Consensus Network - Creating Capacity for Climate Outreach Within our Universities
- The Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer mission OSSE
- The Formation and Stability of Methanol in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- The Lompe code: A Python Toolbox for Ionospheric Data Analysis
- The Mansurov Effect: A new perspective on the correlation between By and polar pressure
- Time-scale dependence of solar wind-based regression models
- Tracking the transition from contractional to extensional tectonics in the upper plate of a retreating subduction system: A case study in the Aegean forearc, in the Southern Hellenides, Northern Peloponnese, Greece
- Voyage to the Ridge: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and 2022 Contributions to the Atlantic Seafloor Partnership for Integrated Research and Exploration
- Why Sensitivity Auditing Matters for the Socio-hydrological Perspective in Water Resources Modelling
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. B. Jost
- A. G. Burrell
- A. Glocer
- A. J. van der Horst
- A. M. Keesee
- A. N. Mezentsev
- A. Ø. Hovland
- Adrian K. George
- Alan Robock
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Alejandro Luque
- Alek Petty
- Alexandra Auderset
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Alfredo Martínez‐García
- Ali Aydoğdu
- Amy Gartman
- Anders Eriksson
- Anders Ohma
- Andrey Divin
- Ankit Barik
- Annika Herbert
- Antonio Pio Rinaldi
- Arlan Dirkson
- Astrid Maute
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- Barry A. Klinger
- Basile de Fleurian
- Binbin Tang
- Brian J. Enquist
- Bryan G. Mark
- C. J. W. Carchedi
- C. Labanti
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. T. Russell
- Camille Li
- Cecilia Norgren
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chi Wang
- Chris Alexander Skeie
- Christopher Cox
- Christopher R. German
- César Hinojo-Hinojo
- D. A. Streletskiy
- D. J. Gershman
- Daniel B. Graham
- Daniele Brunelli
- Danielle Grant
- Dariusz Wójcik
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David A. May
- David M. Miles
- David McGee
- David Sarria
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Donald K. Perovich
- Dongshuai Li
- E. G. Thomas
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Eirik Keilegavlen
- Eivind Støren
- Eldho Midhun Babu
- Eliza Karlowska
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Enrico Camporeale
- Eoghan P. Reeves
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Etienne Dunn‐Sigouin
- F. J. Gordillo‐Vázquez
- Federico Dallo
- Felix Halpaap
- Finn Løvholt
- Florian Schmid
- François Massonnet
- G. W. K. Moore
- Gaopeng Lu
- Gisela Winckler
- Gábor Tóth
- Hans Thybo
- Harriet Zoe Yin
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Heikki Vanhamäki
- Hidetaka Kuniyoshi
- Hélène Seroussi
- I. D. Bastow
- I. G. Richardson
- I. J. Cohen
- Inga Berre
- Irina Artemieva
- J. B. Gaherty
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. E. Kay
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. F. Drake
- J. L. Burch
- J. M. Aurnou
- J. Navarro‐González
- J. S. Byrnes
- J. W. Gjerloev
- Jeng‐Hwa Yee
- Jessica L. Blois
- Jiayuan Yao
- Jing Liu‐Zeng
- Jinlun Zhang
- Joan Montanyà
- Johanna Marquardt
- John Jamieson
- John W. Williams
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan W. Rheinlænder
- Jone Peter Reistad
- Juan M. Lora
- Julia Chacón‐Labella
- Julien Brajard
- Justin H. Lee
- Jérémy Dargent
- Jörn Behrens
- K. M. Laundal
- K. R. Johnson
- Kareem Sorathia
- Kim Scherrer
- Kirk Martinez
- Kjetil Våge
- Kyoung‐Joo Hwang
- L. Kepko
- L. M. Kistler
- Lars Max
- Laurent Bertino
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Lina Boljka
- M. Hesse
- M. J. Owens
- M. Kahraman
- M. Marisaldi
- Manon Bickert
- Maria Usanova
- Marika M. Holland
- Martin Schneebeli
- Mathilde Cannat
- Mats André
- Matthew D. Shupe
- Maureen D. Long
- Maurice A. Tivey
- Michael Gallagher
- Michael Grose
- Michael Madelaire
- Michael P. Erb
- Michael S. Steckler
- Michael Steele
- Michel Tsamados
- Mingfang Ting
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Mohammad Ghoreishi
- Márcia Maia
- N. Ahmadi
- N. G. Lehtinen
- Naoki Bessho
- Neha Pathak
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nicola Falco
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- Nikolai Østgaard
- Noel Keenlyside
- Norah Kaggwa Kwagala
- O. P. Verkhoglyadova
- Olivier Chanrion
- Ondřej Mottl
- P. Connell
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J. Espy
- P. Kochkin
- P. Ola G. Persson
- P. Tenfjord
- Paolo Cristofanelli
- Patricia Persaud
- Patrick Alken
- Patrick Gatlin
- Pekka T. Verronen
- Phillip M. Bitzer
- R. B. Torbert
- R. M. Allen
- R. Nakamura
- Raymond S. Bradley
- Razi Sheikholeslami
- Richard I. Cullather
- Richard J. Walker
- Robert S. Pickart
- Romain Hemelsdaël
- Ross Parnell‐Turner
- Ryan McGranaghan
- S. A. Cummer
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. Eriksson
- S. J. Schwartz
- S. K. Vines
- S. Rondenay
- S. Wang
- Samuel I. Pereira
- Samuele Lo Piano
- Sandra M. Durán
- Sarah J. Ivory
- Sebastian G. Wolf
- Sergio Toledo‐Redondo
- Shengji Wei
- Simon Haberle
- Simon Zwieback
- Simone Maria Stuenzi
- Sonali McDermid
- Souradeep Mahato
- Spencer Hatch
- Stefan Bender
- Stefan Sobolowski
- Susan Hill
- Susan S. Hubbard
- Susanne Flø Spinnangr
- Suzette G. A. Flantua
- T. A. Morrow
- T. D. Phan
- T. E. Moore
- T. Moretto
- Tamara Baumberger
- Thibaut Barreyre
- Thomas Driesner
- Thomas Theunissen
- Tien Vo
- Timo Asikainen
- Timothy J. Lang
- Torsten Neubert
- Uma S. Bhatt
- V. G. Merkin
- Valdir F. Novello
- Vera Schlindwein
- Von P. Walden
- Víctor Reglero
- W. Lei
- W. Y. Li
- Wenbin Wang
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- William Merryfield
- Wojciech Czuba
- Xiaodan Chen
- Xiaojun Yuan
- Xiaoping Yuan
- Yantao Luo
- Yanyun Liu
- Yi Qi
- Yi‐Hsin Liu
- Yoshio Murai
- Yu Wang
- Yumeng Chen
- Yutian Wu
- Zachary M. Labe