Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fine-Scale Volcano-Tectonic Patterns Along the Hotspot and Non-Hotspot Influenced Fastest Spreading Parts of the East Pacific Rise, and Their Relation to Hydrothermal Activity
- Variations in the Mechanisms of Initiation and Growth of Mid-ocean Ridge Faults as a Function of Spreading Rate and Magma Supply?
- Chemical Denudation, Hillslope Morphology, and Long Term Persistence of Unchanneled Valleys
- Mafic injection and local hybridization in a nearly frozen magma chamber: failed (?) rejuvenation in the Searchlight pluton, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada (USA)
- Magmatic construction and duration of solidification of Searchlight pluton, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada (USA)
- Recycling Lower Continental Crust: Evidence From High Mg Andesites in the North China Craton
- Development Of A Least-Squares Finite-Element Based Lattice Boltzmann Method For Modeling Fluid Flow In Porous Media
- Downslope Asymmetry in Rainsplash Transport of Sand Revealed With High-Speed Imaging
- Effect of fluid composition on monazite solubility, coarsening and crystal size distribution at 1.0 GPa and 1000° C
- Flow, sedimentation, and biomass production on a vegetated salt marsh in South Carolina: toward a predictive model of marsh morphologic and ecologic evolution
- Location and Lateral Migration of Drainage Divides
- Model Development Framework for the Groundwater/Surface Water Interface: Approaches, Concerns and Challenges
- Points Along the Reaction Path: Complementary Approaches to Understanding Arsenic Transitions in Two Surficial Environments Impacted by Mining Activities
- A Close Coupling Between Salt Marsh Accretion Rates and Sea-Level Change Determined Through High Resolution Lead-210 Geochronologies: Evidence from Long Island, USA and Implications for Coastal Zone Change.
- Aiming at Excellence as Our Science Evolves Amidst the Bumpiness of Modern Academia
- Calibration of a Ground-Water Model for an Underground Nuclear Test Site to Magnetotelluric Results
- Geomorphic and sedimentary responses to strengthened early-Holocene monsoons: Evidence for contemporaneous 'events' in South Asia and Australia
- Hillslope soils as recording devices in transient landscapes
- Himalayan Response to Quaternary Climate Change as Recorded in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
- Modeling the Influence of Hydroperiod and Vegetation on the Cross-sectional Formation of Tidal Channels
- The Transience Of Soil Mantled Landscapes: Quantifying Sediment Transport Processes
- Ultra-fine scale magnetostratigraphy of Mn crust with SQUID microscope
- A 2 Million Year History of Plutonism and Volcanism in the Searchlight Magma System, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada (USA)
- A Modeling Tool for Determination of Process Importance across the Groundwater/Surface Water Interface
- A Tale of Two Plutons: Using Monazite to Reconstruct the Fluid History of Contact Metamorphic Aureoles
- Determining Mechanics of Segregating Small Crystals from Melt Using Modeling and SHRIMP-RG Trace Element Analysis of Zircons: Application to the Spirit Mountain Batholith, Nevada
- Ecogeomorphic Properties of Flood-ebb Flows on a Coastal North Carolina Salt-marsh Platform
- Elemental Analysis of Zircon by High Mass Resolution USGS-Stanford SHRIMP-RG: Measuring and Evaluating Ti-in-zircon Temperatures and Compositional Characteristics
- Eruption of Deep Mushy Magma from the Searchlight Magma System, Southern Nevada (USA): a Crystal Size Distribution and Geochemical Analysis
- Evidence for a newly discovered 2300-year-old tsunami deposit from Long Island, New York
- Function of Hexagenia (Mayfly) Burrows: Fluid Model Suggests Bacterial Gardening
- Hiding the Evidence: Growth of plutons by incremental emplacement of sheets in crystal mush
- High Biomass Polar Forests During the Permian: Evidence from the Buckley Formation, Beardmore Glacier Area, Antarctica Supports Climate Models
- High-Speed Imaging of Rainsplash of Dry Sand Reveals the Importance of Understanding Detachment Rates in Achieving a Model of Rainsplash Erosion
- Multi-proxy geochemical approach to interpreting sedimentary deposits of a complex margin system: The Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin
- Record of Fluctuating Magmatic Environments, Melt Fractionation, and Mixing of Crystals: Elemental Compositions of Zircon Zones, Spirit Mountain Batholith, Nevada
- Relationships between sedimentation, plant species, and the proximity to tidal channels in coastal salt marshes
- Relative Sea-level Variability in the Western Atlantic Basin: Causes and Consequences to Coastal Systems
- Soil Chronosequence as a Special Case of Non-steady State Hillslope Soil: Model Development and Simulation
- Trace Element Geochemistry of Zircons From the Dabie Shan Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Belt, East-Central China
- Depth Transects of Sediment Age, Reflectance, and Aquifer Arsenic in the Bac Bo Plain, Vietnam: Implications for Groundwater Arsenic Heterogeneity in the Red River Delta
- Evolution of Volcano-Plutonic Centers in the Northern Colorado River Extensional Corridor, Nevada-Arizona: Protracted Cycles of Replenishment, Mush Accumulation, Fractionation, and Melt Extraction
- Magmatic construction of the Searchlight magmatic system (Eldorado-Newberry Mountains, Nevada) as revealed through zircon geochemistry and Ti-in-zircon geothermometry
- Mechanical Interactions in South Iceland Pleistocene Basalt-Hyaloclastite Sequences
- New Experimental Measurements of Zircon/Melt Trace Element Partition Coefficients
- Rainsplash as an Advection-Dispersion Process, With Implications for Plant-Soil Interactions
- Rapid Crystallization of the Bishop Magma
- Real-Time Colloid Transport Monitoring Using Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
- Record of Hybridization Preserved in Zircon, Aztec Wash Pluton, NV
- Sediment Transport Pathways in a High-Energy Source-to-Sink System: Results From the Submarine Topsets of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh
- Simplified Marsh Platform Flow Model of Flood and Ebb Informed By Platform Length Scale and Biomass
- Zircon from Mount St. Helens Reveals Residence Times of Tens to Hundreds of Thousands of Years at Low Magmatic Temperatures Prior to Eruption
- A Multi-Agent Framework Manages a Representative Sensor Web
- Assessing Volcano-Pluton Connections in the Searchlight Magmatic System (Nevada) Using Zircon Size Distributions
- Downslope Transport of Soil Organic Carbon on Forested Hillslopes
- Economic Value Of Accurate Assessments Of Hydrological Uncertainty
- Evidence for a Tsunami Event and Coastal Reorganization in the New York Metropolitan Region ~2300 yr BP
- Exploring Radioactive Decay and Geochronology through Hydrostatic Principles
- Integrated Forecasts of the Response to Change in Rates of Sea-level Rise in Coastal North Carolina
- Late Holocene Regression of the Northern Peruvian Coast Near Rio Chicama
- Magma heterogeneity and the transition towards the Bishop supereruption recorded in crystals of the Bishop Tuff
- Mid-Miocene Rhyolite Sequence, Highland Range, NV: Record of Magma Evolution and Eruption From the Searchlight Pluton Magma Chamber
- Paleoclimatic and Faunal Significance of (Pliocene) Zoophycos in ANDRILL 1B
- Particulate Organic Material in a Stream Network: A Seasonal Source-to-Sink Study
- Rainsplash as a Stochastic Advection-Dispersion Process Affecting Desert Plant-Soil Interactions
- Sediment Conservation During River Meandering, With Implications for Meandering Behavior
- Storm-triggered mass failure and sediment liquefaction in the Swatch of No Ground canyon, offshore Bangladesh
- Sub-Sea Ice Sands Offshore of Dry Valleys: Potential Links between Onshore and Offshore Cenozoic Records
- The Co-Evolution of Asian Aquifers and Arsenic: How Understanding Sedimentary History can Help Predict Patterns of Arsenic Heterogeneity
- Ultra-fine scale magnetostratigraphy of Mn crust by SQUID microscopy with spacial domain inversion
- Utilization of a Model for Uptake of Cadmium by Plants as a Phytoremediation Assessment Tool
- Concentration-Discharge relationships in a mine-impacted catchment, New River, Tennessee: Comparison across spatial and temporal scales using time-series analysis
- Crystallization of the Bishop magma body (or magma bodies?): Lessons from thermodynamics
- Determining Distances and Motions of Stars in the TW Hydrae Association for Studying Planet Formation Conditions
- Effects of Moisture and Grain Sizes on Rainsplash Transport with Implications for Desert Plant-Soil Interactions
- Evolution of the Peach Spring Tuff (Southwest USA) magma body revealed by textures and compositions of accessory minerals
- Geochemistry and petrogenetic significance of sphene: evidence from the Miocene Highland Range volcanic sequence, southern Nevada
- Geochronology of zircon surfaces enhances the record of magma storage and recycling beneath Mount St. Helens
- How Critical Is The Critical Zone To Arsenic: Trying To Solve How And From Where Arsenic Weathers Into The Aquifers Of Asia’s Deltas
- How sea level rise affects sedimentation, plant growth, and carbon accumulation on coastal salt marshes
- Human Impacts On The Bengal Delta's Response To Rapid Climate And Sea-Level Changes: Who Threatens Whom? (Invited)
- Rainsplash-induced mound development beneath desert shrubs: Modulation of sediment transport and storage, with implications for hillslope evolution
- Stochastic description of salt-marsh inundation from mixed astronomical-wind driven tides, with implications for macrophyte growth
- Sublimation of ground ice and erosion of glacial deposits quantified with cosmogenic nuclides, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- The Extensive View of Hydrologic Science Taken in the NSF Program: Interfaces with Geochemistry and Biology
- The response of zircon in eclogite to metamorphism during the multi-stage evolution of the Huwan Shear Zone, China: Insights from Lu-Hf-U-Pb isotopic and trace-element geochemistry
- Transient Dissolved Organic Carbon Through Soils
- Using MELTS to understand the evolution of silicic magmas: Challenges and successes in modeling the Highland Range Volcanic Sequence (NV)
- Using Zircon to Reconstruct the Magmatic History of Icelandic Rhyolite
- Using differential absorption radiography and acid dissolution to determine crystal size distributions of zircons: Methods and application to volcano-pluton connections in the Searchlight Magmatic System (Nevada)
- Zircon from Swift Creek stage eruptions records the assembly and evolution of an intrusive magmatic complex beneath Mount St. Helens
- A probabilistic definition of the bed load sediment flux: Theory (Invited)
- A probabilistic definition of the bedload sediment flux: Experiments
- Density Structure in the Plasmaspheric Boundary Layer (PBL) As Seen By IMAGE (Invited)
- Drivers of Diel Stream Nitrate Patterns in a Coastal Plain Stream
- Effects of channel constriction on upstream steering of flow around Locke Island, Columbia River, Washington
- Effects of moisture and grain size on the mechanisms of rainsplash transport
- Evolution Of An Upper Crustal Plutonic-Volcanic Plumbing System:Insights From High Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology Of Intracaldera Tuff And Intrusions In Silver Creek Caldera, Arizona, USA
- Experimental measurement of trace-element partitioning between zircon and hydrothermal fluids at High Pressure (1.5 GPa) metamorphic conditions
- Importance of LA-ICP-MS Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry in Determining the History of Magmatic Systems: Insights from the Graciosa A-type Province, Southern Brazil
- Modeling shrub population dynamics in response to overgrazing and climate change in the southwestern US desert
- Modeling the destabilization of large-volume silicic magmatic systems using rhyolite-MELTS and the Peach Spring Tuff
- Putting zircon surface geochronology and geochemistry in textural context using 3D Xray tomography: Probing the magmatic history of Mount St. Helens
- Rhyolite-MELTS: A Modified Calibration of MELTS Optimized for Silica-Rich, Fluid-Bearing Magmatic Systems
- Rock Levitation by Water and Ice; an Explanation for Trails in Racetrack Playa, California
- The Delivery Of Dissolved Organic Carbon From Forest Soils To A Head Water Stream
- The effect of diffusive transport of bedload particles in selecting the wavelength of sand ripples during their initial growth
- The evolution of the Peach Spring Tuff magmatic system as revealed by accessory mineral textures and compositions
- a Simple Probabilistic, Biologically Informed Model of the Population Dynamics of Desert Shrubs
- 3D imaging of glass inclusions in quartz using propogation phase-contrast x-ray tomography: Application to the Bishop Tuff (California, USA)
- A Historical Analysis of the Relationship Between Rice Production and PDSI Values in Sri Lanka
- A Method for Estimating the Activity of Titania in Magmatic Liquids From the Compositions of Coexisting Rhombohedral and Cubic Iron-Titanium Oxides
- A New Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Model for Calculating Hornblende-Bearing Phase Equilibria With Rhyolite-MELTS
- Coupled large eddy simulation and discrete element model of bedload motion
- Exploring spatiotemporal water and energy consumption patterns within the U.S
- Exploring the Effects of Climate Oscillations on the Hydroclimatology of a Regulated River Basin
- Groundwater in Southwest Bangladesh: Possible Consequences of Climate Change and Water Resource Management Practices
- Low Pressure Origin of High-Silica Rhyolites
- Mixing and melt sources in the Miocene Aztec Wash pluton (Nevada, USA) as revealed by zircon Hf and O and whole rock Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopes
- Modeling moraine degradation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California with a 1-D linear diffusion equation
- Modeling the Temporal Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Carbon in a Headwater Stream, Southeastern Pennsylvania
- New Evidence for the Low-Pressure Origin of Lava-Hyaloclastite Sequences in South Iceland
- Post-Supereruption (18-19 Ma) Magmatic Reactivation Beneath the Silver Creek Caldera, Black Mountains, AZ
- Reviving Moribund Intrusive Complexes: Mafic Thermal Input, the Accessory Mineral Record, and the Pluton-Volcano Connection
- Silent Sources and Scanning Magnetic Microscopy
- Superposed Epoch Analysis of Plasmaspheric Electron Density
- The Brahmaputra River: a stratigraphic analysis of Holocene avulsion and fluvial valley reoccupation history
- Thermal and compositional evolution of the Mid-Miocene Searchlight magmatic system recorded by zircon
- Understanding the Peach Spring supereruption through its basal layer deposits (Southwestern USA)
- A New Model for the Solubility of Water+Carbon Dioxide Mixed Fluids in Magmatic Systems
- A numerical investigation of crevasse propagation and stability of calving glaciers using nonlocal continuum damage mechanics
- Antecedent morphology and active tectonics in the upper Bengal Delta: Multi-temporal controls on river mobility and sediment preservation
- Applying the Ce-in-zircon oxygen geobarometer to diverse silicic magmatic systems
- Comparing lake and soil records to climate model simulations of hydrologic conditions across the western United States at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Contrasting Pristine and Human-Modified Deltaic Environments: Severe Consequences from Long-Term Coastal Embankments in Southwest Bangladesh
- Definition of mass-balance frameworks for interacting fluvial systems with application to Bangladesh
- Diffusion of a Sustainable Farming Technique in Sri Lanka: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
- Dynamics of desert-shrub populations in regulating soil transport based on plant-size scaling relevant to climate-change timescales
- Eruption triggering of giant magma bodies by internal versus external forcing: A rhyolite-MELTS study
- Farmer Resettlements and Water Energy Stresses Arising From Aggravating Drought Conditions in Mahaweli River Watershed, Sri Lanka
- Fertilizer Induced Nitrate Pollution in RCW: Calibration of the DNDC Model
- Glass and mineral analyses from first deposits of Peach Spring Supereruption (SW USA) illuminate initial tapping of a zoned magma chamber
- Hillslope recharge, advection, and dispersion as mechanisms for c-Q hysteresis
- Landscape Degradation and Regolith Transport in McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica
- Late Quaternary stratigraphy of an alluvial valley along an active convergence front: Interactions of fluvial processes, tectonic channel steering, and sea level in the eastern Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River delta
- Marsh Pool and Tidal Creek Morphodynamics: Dynamic Equilibrium of New England Saltmarshes?
- Measurements of Bed Load Particle Diffusion at Low Transport Rates
- Multi-scale dependence of Soil N2O emissions on soil moisture, soil temperature, and fertilization rates
- Rainfall over the past 60,0000 years based on U isotope variations in soils in the western United States
- Recent Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: 2000-2012
- Regional climate model-speleothem proxy record comparisons for the last deglaciation in California.
- SIMS δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and U isotope analyses of opal speleothems: potential for reconstruction of net infiltration and implications for paleoclimate studies
- Simultaneous in situ determination of both U-Th-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopes in monazite by laser ablation using a magnetic sector ICP-MS and a multicollector ICP-MS
- Subsurface Deformation in the Gangetic Plain - First results from the BrahmaSeis multichannel seismic survey on Bangladesh Rivers
- The "Flushing" of Dissolved Organic Carbon from Hillslope Soils to a Headwater Stream
- The Bishop Tuff giant magma body: An alternative to the Standard Model
- The Statistical Mechanics of the Bed Load Sediment Velocity Distribution
- Timescales of quartz crystallization estimated from glass inclusion faceting using 3D propagation phase-contrast x-ray tomography: examples from the Bishop (California, USA) and Oruanui (Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand) Tuffs
- Zirconia (NC) zircon as a potential standard
- A Microsoft Excel interface for rhyolite-MELTS: a tool for research and teaching of magma properties and evolution
- A Model to Simulate the In Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamic in a Headwater Watershed, PA
- A Tale of Two Deltas: Contrasting Perspectives on the State of Natural and Human-modified Regions of the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Delta (Invited)
- A comprehensive view of Late Quaternary fluvial sediments and stratal architecture in a tectonically active basin: Influence of eustasy, climate, and tectonics on the Bengal Basin and Brahmaputra River system
- A transect of Tertiary central volcanoes across northwest Iceland
- Adaptation Planning in Sri Lanka under Shifting Rainfall Patterns
- Case Study of Mixed-Phase to Ice Precipitation in the Arctic
- Characterizing silicic rocks in the Parana Magmatic Province: an update in their origin and emplacement
- Characterizing the Occurrence and Transport of Brackish Groundwater in Southwest Bangladesh
- Comparative Assessment of Irrigation Water Quality in Sri Lanka's Tank-Cascade and Mahaweli Irrigation Schemes
- Coseismic Deformation of the Great 1762 Arakan Subduction Earthquake Along South-Eastern Coast of Bangladesh
- Cosmogenic Ne-21 exposure ages of glacial boulders constrained by local bedrock erosion rates in Ong Valley, Antarctica
- Elucidating the construction of the Austurhorn Intrusion, SE Iceland, using zircon elemental and isotopic geochemistry and geochronology
- Experimental Constraints on the Bishop Tuff Magma Body
- Experimental analysis of bed load sediment motions using high-speed imagery
- Exploring nonlocal transport on soil-mantled hillslopes and its effect on topographic roughness and soil thickness
- Exploring the Effects of Climate Variability and Land Use Change on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
- Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: Balance of Subsidence, Sea level and Sedimentation in a Tectonically-Active Delta (Invited)
- Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution Model for the natural and human-impacted regions of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- How deep, how hot: comparing pressure and temperature estimates from amphibole and rhyolite-MELTS thermobarometry
- In the Balance: Natural v. Embanked Landscapes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Tidal Delta Plain
- Integrating Social Science, Environmental Science, and Engineering to Understand Vulnerability and Resilience to Environmental Hazards in the Bengal Delta
- Integrating mercury injection and nitrogen adsorption data to characterize marine sediment pore systems: An example from the Nankai Trough
- MEMEX: Mechanisms of Energetic Mass Ejection Explorer
- Measurements and modeling of soil creep rates based on vegetation impedance on steep hillslopes
- Nuclear magnetic resonance properties of marine sediments from the Nankai Trough
- Phase-equilibrium geobarometers for silicic rocks based on rhyolite-MELTS
- River avulsions in the presence of tectonic tilting, and the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
- Supereruption Time Scales: X-Ray Tomographic Analyses of Oruanui Pumice from the Taupo Volcanic Zone
- The Brahmaputra delta and its merger into an accretion wedge in advance of the progressive suturing between India and Asia
- The Influence of Seasonal Forecast Accuracy on Farmer Behavior: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
- The Role of Nonlocal Sediment Transport in Shaping Impact Crater Walls on Earth and Mars
- The intricate role of clouds in the Arctic surface energy budget: A look at the 2012 Greenland surface melt event (Invited)
- The role of probabilistic formulations of sediment transport aimed at describing the behavior of soil-mantled hillslopes over geomorphic timescales (Invited)
- Timescales and conditions of crystallization in the Pokai and Chimpanzee Ignimbrites, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Water and Social Justice in Bangladesh: A Transdisciplinary and Intercultural Approach
- Age and stability of sublimation till over buried glacier ice, inferred from <SUP>21</SUP>Ne measurements, Ong Valley, Antarctica
- Agricultural Adaptation and Water Management in Sri Lanka
- Between Sunda subduction and Himalayan collision: fertility, people and earthquakes on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
- Between Too Little and Too Late: Political Opportunity Costs in Climate Policy Analysis
- Categorizing Ice Crystals Using Airborne APR-2 and HVPS Observations during GCPEx
- Changes in ENSO Frequency and Character as Recorded in NE Indian Speleothem Oxygen Isotopes
- Chromospheric Acoustic Oscillations in Active Flaring Regions
- Constraining the Last Glacial Maximum Westerly Storm Track over Western North America through Model-Proxy Comparison
- Crystal-Melt Elemental Partitioning in Silicic Magmatic Systems: an Example From the Peach Spring Tuff High-Silica Rhyolite, Southwest USA
- Data-Model Comparisons of the October, 2002 Event Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Decades of Change on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta; Rivers, Coastlines, Agriculture and Development
- Dynamic Asia: Coupling of climate, tectonics, rivers, and people defines risk and opportunity for the world's largest human populations
- Enhancing University Courses and Field Schools through Cross-cultural Exchange: Joint US-Bangladeshi Trips to the Ganges-Brahmaputra and Mississippi Deltas
- Evidence for a tsunami generated by the 1762 Great Arakan earthquake, Southeastern Bangladesh
- Experimental Support of Statistical Mechanics Theory of Bed Load Sediment Motions Using High-Speed Imagery
- Exploring a Two-Dimensional Nonlocal Description of the Hillslope Sediment Flux
- Exploring the Effects of Base-level Change and Differential Subsidence on Fluviodeltaic Channels with a Reduced-Complexity Model
- Field Spectroradiometer Characterization of Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Monitor Plant Health, Estimate Carbon Flux, and Application as Ground-Truth Data
- Fire-Induced Variation of Essential Climate Variables in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa
- Further Investigations of Cosmogenic Ne-21 Exposure Ages of Glacial Boulders Constrained by Local Bedrock Erosion Rates in Ong Valley, Antarctica
- Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Poldered Landscape of Southwest Bangladesh
- Growth, Uplift and Truncation of Indo-Burman Anticlines Paced By Glacial-Interglacial Sea Level Change
- How Does Subsidence Affect Deltaic River Systems?
- Land Use, Livelihoods, Vulnerabilities, and Resilience in Coastal Bangladesh
- Long-term Boulder and Rock Fragment Weathering in McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Melt inclusion shapes: Timekeepers of short-lived giant magma bodies
- Natural and anthropogenic change in the morphology and connectivity of tidal channels of southwest Bangladesh
- New field evidence for silicic ignimbrites and proximal lavas and their distribution in the Parana Basin, Brazil
- Paleoseismic Records of 1762 and Similar Prior Earthquakes Along the South-Eastern Coast of Bangladesh
- Potential Impacts of Tsangpo Lake-Burst Megafloods and Their Preservation in the Bengal Basin and Delta System
- Provenance of Modern Soils and Limestone and Chert Bedrock of Middle Tennessee Assessed Using Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology
- Provenance of glacial tills in Ong Valley, Antarctica, inferred from quartz cathodoluminescence imaging, zircon U/Pb dating, and trace element geochemistry
- Rejuvenating Poldered Landscapes in a Tidally-Dominated, Sediment-Rich Delta: A Numerical Model and Analysis of the Effectiveness of Tidal River Management in Coastal Bangladesh
- Relationships between groundwater, surface water, and soil salinity in Polder 32, Southwest Bangladesh
- Short- and Long-lived Silicic Volcanism at Árnes and Hafnarfjall-Skarðsheiði Central Volcanoes, Iceland
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics of River Channel Migration on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: 2000-2013
- Stratigraphic architecture, bedload extraction, and mass balance of Holocene fluvial sediments in a tectonically subsiding basin within the Ganges-Brahmaputra River delta, Bangladesh
- Subtropical Low Cloud Responses to Central and Eastern Pacific El Nino Events
- Tales from supereruptions: Combining pumice and mineral textures with phase equilibria to constrain the evolution of giant silicic magma bodies in the crust
- The Oruanui and Taupo Magma Bodies (central Taupo Volcanic Zone, NZ): Evolution and Longevity as recorded in Pumice Textures
- The Sun's Meridional Flow and Its Role in Magnetic Flux Transport and the Sunspot Cycle
- Vegetation Response and Streamflow Anomalies: Exploring the Modulating Effect of Watershed Storage as Estimated by a Regionalized Stream Recession Index
- Water Conservation and Hydrological Transitions in Cities
- Why were Past North Atlantic Warming Conditions Associated with Drier Climate in the Western United States?
- Zircon geochronology of loess and alluvial sediment: implications for provenance of modern soils of Middle Tennessee
- A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
- An Intercomparison of Cloud Droplet Number Concentration Estimates from the MODIS Collection 5.1 and 6 Cloud Products
- Anthropogenic changes to the tidal channel network, sediment rerouting, and social implications in southwest Bangladesh
- Applications of Cosmogenic He-3 and Ne-21 Dating to Glacial Moraines in Antarctica and California
- Carbon, Oxygen and Uranium Isotopes in Pedothem Carbonates Reveal Anomalous North American Atmospheric Circulation 70,000 to 55,000 Years Ago
- Challenges in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry for Archaeological Mapping at High Elevations
- Characterizing Temporal and Spatial Trends in Soil Geochemistry on Polder 32, Southwest Bangladesh
- Climatological Conditions Driving Lake Levels During Past Cold and Warm Periods in Western North America
- Data-Model and Inter-Model Comparisons of the GEM Outflow Events Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Determining the climatic drivers of speleothem proxy variability: coupling modern cave monitoring with a multicomponent reactive transport model
- Developing and Incorporating Instructional Videos and Quizzes as a Blended and Online Learning Component in an Undergraduate Optical Microscopy Curriculum.
- Disturbance-driven Hillslope Diffusion Scales and Values Clarified by Extant Surface Roughness
- Effects of Neotectonic Deformation on Channel Planform and Avulsion History of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh
- Elements of Bed Load Particle Diffusion Based on a Large, High-Resolution Data Set Obtained from High-Speed Imaging: Toward a Physical Interpretation of Particle Kinematics
- Embracing Non-Stationarity - Hysteresis and Coherence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Source-to-Sink System and Its Imprint on the Stratigraphic Record.
- Emotional engagement with participatory simulations as a tool for learning and decision-support for coupled human-natural systems: Flood hazards and urban development
- Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
- Experimental Exploration of Scale Effects and Factors Controlling Bed Load Sediment Entrainment
- Forecasts of Agricultural Drought in Sri Lanka
- Geochemical and Isotopic Analysis of Escaped Natural Gases in Hydraulically Fractured and non-Fractured sites in Cumberland Forest, Tennessee
- Getting the Most Out of Dual-Listed Courses: Involving Undergraduate Students in Discussion Through Active Learning Techniques
- Holocene construction and evolution of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta: the influence of climate, eustasy, and tectonics on stratigraphic architecture and fluvial dynamics
- Hydrodynamic Properties of a Large Tidal Channel on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh, with Implications for Channel Morphology and Sediment Transport
- Increased Occurrence of Central-Pacific El Niño in ERSST Version 4
- Influences of Hardwood Riparian Vegetation on Stream Channel Geometry in Eastern Forested Environments
- Linking process, morphology, and stratigraphy in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
- Mass balance, bedload extraction, surface morphology, and Holocene stratigraphic architecture along distinct sediment transport pathways of the Brahmaputra River in Bengal Basin
- Measurements of the Balance of Subsidence and Sedimentation in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh
- Methane Emissions from Bangladesh: Bridging the Gap Between Ground-based and Space-borne Estimates
- Moisture Changes in the Mid-Holocene: Do PMIP3 Simulations Reflect the Proxy Record for the Western United States?
- Nd Isotope and U-Th-Pb Age Mapping of Single Monazite Grains by Laser Ablation Split Stream Analysis
- New insights on the subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Plain by using 2D multichannel seismic data, gravity and flexural modeling, BanglaPIRE Project
- Numerical and Physical Experiments to Clarify the Role of Vegetation as Sediment Capacitors in Modulating Changes in Hillslope Form
- Plucking in Mixed Alluvial-Bedrock Rivers: The Incipient Motion Problem
- Prediction Markets and Beliefs about Climate: Results from Agent-Based Simulations
- Priming Silicic Giant Magma Bodies: Finding Evidence for Internal Forcing Versus External Triggering of Supereruptions by Phase Equilibria Modeling.
- Regional Variations in Freshwater Withdrawals in the US for 100 MSAs
- Rejuvenating Poldered Landscapes: A Numerical Model of Elevation Equilibrium in Coastal Bangladesh
- River discharge controlling a tidal delta: the interplay between monsoon input and tidal reworking in SW Bangladesh
- Stratigraphic Evolution of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Lower Delta Plain and its Relation to Groundwater Arsenic Distributions
- Submergence and Uplift Associated to Paleoearthquakes in the Northern Sunda Subduction System: Implications for Future Earthquakes.
- The Morphology and Sedimentology of Fluvial Megascours
- The Success of Podcasting as a Success for Science Outreach
- The effect of growth rate on the production of Ti-enriched rims of quartz phenocrysts in the Bishop magma bodies.
- Under Pressure: New Geobarometer Developed to Determine Crystallization Conditions and Storage Depths of Intermediate Magmas
- Zircon Geochemistry of Granitic Rocks from Ong Valley and Moraine Canyon in the Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- Zooming into the Paraná-Etendeka silicic volcanics, southern Brasil: a physical volcanological approach
- Actual vs. Perceived Climate Variability among Smallholding Rice Farmers
- Apparent Temperature-Redox Trends in the Bishop Tuff: A Result of Rapid Growth of Fe-Ti Oxides Under Constant Temperature/Redox State Conditions
- Assessment of Variable Planting Date as an Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Variability in Sri Lanka
- Asteroid Threat Assessment: Land versus Water Impact Risk
- Betting and Belief: Modeling the Impact of Prediction Markets on Public Attribution of Climate Change
- Characteristics and evaluation of nonlocal hillslope sediment transport
- Drivers of pluvial lake distributions in western North America
- Dynamics of Individual and Collective Agricultural Adaptation to Water Scarcity
- Experimental Exploration of Particle-Scale Bed Load Transport and Near-Bed Fluid Velocities
- Geomorphic Transport Laws and the Statistics of Topography and Stratigraphy
- Geomorphic evolution and sediment partitioning in the Tista Fan and Barind Tract areas, NW Bangladesh, during the Late Quaternary
- Improving XCO2 Retrievals from OCO2 by using CALIOP-derived Aerosol Priors
- Insights about the interaction between sea-level rise, sediment accumulation and subsidence: the example of the Ganges Brahmaputra Delta during the Holocene
- Interpreting Field-based Observations of Complex Fluvial System Behavior through Theory and Numerical Models: Examples from the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- Interseismic deformation at the leading edge of obliquely converging Burmese plate in densely populated Bangladesh.
- Modeling Elevation Equilibrium in the Face of Sea Level Rise
- Multicriteria Decision Analysis of Freshwater Resource Management in Southwestern Bangladesh
- Patterns of Downstream Fining and Facies Change Reflecting Differing Modes of Mid-Holocene Sediment Dispersal across the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- Possible Evidence of Coronal Loops Cooling from X-ray to EUV Images
- Quantified Objectives for Assessing the Contribution of Low Clouds to Climate Sensitivity and Variability
- Quantifying the seasonal and spatial variability of sedimentation in a mesotidal mangrove stand on a mega delta
- Research-informed Outreach informs Research: Using games to inform and understand farmer decisions in Sri Lanka
- Saturation Length of Erodible Sediment Beds Subject to Shear Flow
- Stable isotope signatures of northern California precipitation during an El Niño winter: implications for speleothem paleoclimate reconstructions
- The 3D Distribution of Magma Bodies that Fed the Paraná Silicic Volcanics, Brazil: A Combination of Field Evidence, Textural Analysis, and Geothermobarometry
- The Indo-Burma Ranges: Eocene—Pliocene Coevolution of the paleo-Brahmaputra Fluvial-Deltaic System and Indo-Burma Accretionary Prism
- The TROPICS smallsat tropical cyclone mission: High temporal resolution microwave imagery as part of NASA's third Earth Venture-Instrument (EVI-3) program
- The depths of magma extraction in the most productive silicic volcanic system on Earth, central Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- The development of the Ganges-Brahmaputra tidal delta plain: construction to maintenance phase changes in platform and channel morphology
- The persistence of glacier moraines in Ong Valley, Antarctica
- Tidally-Driven Flow through a System of Interconnected Tidal Channels with Varying Hydraulic Geometry and Planform Configuration
- Tracking Regional and Global Teleconnections Recorded by Western North American Speleothem Records
- Validating Luminescence Dating for the Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Delta
- Waste Not, Want Not: Role of Waste Generation, Management, and Treatment in Food-Energy-Water Nexus Interactions
- A Search for Freshwater in the Saline Aquifers of Coastal Bangladesh
- A suture delta: the co-evolution of tectonics and sedimentology as a remnant ocean basin closes; the Indo Burman ranges, northeast India and Bangladesh
- Agricultural response to changes in water availability and temperature in the coterminous U.S.
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Soil Salinity, Acidity, and Arsenic Concentration in a Polder in Southwest Bangladesh
- Calibrating multiple isotopic proxies in a modern aragonite speleothem from northeast India
- Channel Capture as a Response to Anthropogenic Modification of a Tidal Landscape: Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Southwest Bangladesh
- Characteristics of Terrestrial-Source Ion Distributions In and Around the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Comparative Assessment of Physical and Social Determinants of Water Quantity and Water Quality Concerns
- Damage Mechanics Approach to Penetration of Water-filled Surface Crevasses
- Evaluating XCO2 Retrievals from OCO-2 with CALIOP-Derived Aerosol Priors
- Evaluating order in vertical successions of deltaic Holocene sediments on the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
- Farzana's Journey: A Children's Book for Research-based, Educational Outreach in Remote Communities of Bangladesh
- Forecasting of Seasonal Rainfall using ENSO and IOD teleconnection with Classification Models
- Influence of the Institutional Structure of Surface Water Rights on Agricultural Production in the Central Valley
- Linking the distribution of carbon isotope ratios in soil carbonates and speleothems to climate conditions in the past: A model for the dependence of respiration rate on soil moisture
- Mechanical stratification during extreme sediment accretion in the Indo-Burman Ranges: geological and theoretical constraints on the megathrust geometry
- Modeling Elevation Equilibrium and Human Adaptation in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
- New Science Enabled by the NASA TROPICS CubeSat Constellation Mission
- New Zircon-Melt Partition Coefficients from Natural Zircon-Glass Pairs Elucidate Magmatic Storage and Interactions beneath Mount St. Helens Volcano
- Patchy distribution of magma that fed the Bishop Tuff supereruption: Evidence from matrix glass major and trace-element compositions
- Patterns of Late Quaternary hydrologic variability and atmospheric change inferred from a Northern California speleothem
- The Aysen Glacier Trail (AGT): Fostering leadership and personal growth towards understanding our place in the environment through experiential learning and scientific inquiry in northern Patagonia, Chile
- The History of a Plutonic-Volcanic System Determined from Compositional and Mineral Inclusion Mapping of Alkali Feldspar Megacrysts
- The role of seasonal sediment storage in tidal channels on a mesotidal delta
- Two-regime distance-time scaling of bedload hops unifies disparate particle velocity distributions
- Water Resources: the Central Component of the WEF Nexus?
- A Machine Learning Analysis of Multiple Social Surveys to Understand Environmental Migration in Coastal Bangladesh
- A Study of the Geographic Variances in Water Salience using Local Newspapers
- A comparison of fracture-physics-based calving models including hydrofracturing
- A probabilistic physical interpretation of luminescence in soils with applications to sediment tracing and soil mixing.
- Age and history of a Buried Glacier Ice Mass, Ong Valley, Southern Transantarctic Mountains
- Agent-based Modeling of Human Adaptation in the Sinking Landscapes of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
- An Approach to Screen Water Management Decisions of Multipurpose Reservoir Cascade System Using Measures of Performance Including Reliability, Resilience and Vulnerability
- Application of the Speleothem Calcium Isotope Paleo-Rainfall Proxy to the 8.2 Ka Event in Coastal California
- Clastic Dikes as a Possible Paleo-Earthquake Indicator in the Bengal Basin
- Complex Reheating and Reactivation of Basal Cumulate in the Peach Spring Tuff (USA) Magma Body Revealed by Glass and Feldspar Textures and Compositions
- Continental Scale Variations of Flow-Frequency Duration Curves and Hydraulic Geometry
- Current Status of the TROPICS CubeSat Constellation For Providing High Temporal Resolution Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Structure, Intensity, and Environmental Thermodynamic Data
- Direct Observations of the Greenhouse Effect of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> over Greenland
- Dynamic River Stage Variations Lead to Multimodal Residence Time Distributions of Hydrologic Exchange Flows
- Evaluating Flood Resilience in Rural Communities: Case-Based Assessments for Five Counties in Western Tennessee
- Examining floods from individual events to cumulative floodplain storage across the conterminous US
- Exploring Patterns of Mass Extraction in the Construction and Preservation of Delta Stratigraphy
- From Technology Demonstration to Science Mission: MicroMAS-2 and TROPICS
- Gas Migration Experiments and Hydrologic Effects of Explosions in Fractured Granite
- Global Change Induced-regime Shifts in the Capacity of River Basins to Regulate Extreme River Flows Inferred from the Temporal Variations of Scaling Properties: An Empirical Study in Large Basins of Tropical South America and the United States
- Heat transport in dynamically-changing hyporheic zones
- How Hydrologic Connectivity Regulates Water Quality in River Corridors
- Hydrological Controls on the Dissolved Organic Carbon Delivery from Watershed Soils to Streams in Hailiutu River Basin
- Implications of sediment capacitors as a source of stochastic transport
- Improving regional water quality predictions by parsing river corridor contributions to "whole-stream" reactions
- Is pool-riffle formation a threshold driven phenomenon in low sinuosity settings?
- Is the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta drowning? Elevation and sediment dynamics in the natural and human altered tidal deltaplain
- Linking geomorphic process regimes and the persistence of local elevation
- Million-Year-Old Ice Cored from Buried Ice Mass in Ong Valley, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica.
- Modeling sediment depositional patterns over varying fluvio-tidal regimes
- Modeling the Effects of Turbulence on Hyporheic Exchange and Local-to-Global Nutrient Processing in Streams
- Modeling the origin and impacts of near-Earth plasma
- Multi-wavelength Fourier Observations of Solar Acoustic Waves Near Active Regions with GONG and SDO AIA
- New geologic map, cross sections, and structural models of the Indo-Burman accretionary prism.
- Oxygen Isotopic Record of Silicic Magma Genesis in Iceland through Time: Evidence Suggests Abrupt Late Pleistocene Onset of Glacial Climate Influence
- Quantifying Spatial Patterns of Hyporheic Exchange in a Floodplain Meander System via High-Resolution Hydrogeologic, Geochemical and Geophysical Observations
- Reconstructing the Fluvial History of the Paleo-Ganges Delta Plain
- Reduced-order models for simulating hyporheic exchange across multiple bedforms: How accurate is our current understanding of single-bedform induced flow under transient flow conditions?
- Sediment Accretion and Erosion in Poldered and Non-Poldered Regions within the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Bangladesh: Implications for River Channel Migration and Flood Risk
- Storm-driven variability of biogeochemical cycling at ecohydrological interfaces
- Striking Similarities and Subtle Differences Across the Hadean-Archean Boundary: Model Melt Insight into the Early Earth Using New Zircon/Melt Kds
- Subsidence and relative sea level history in the Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Delta during the Holocene
- The Effect of Topography and Geology on the Amount and Spaciotemporal Scales of Baseflow Generation during Prolonged Droughts
- The FEW Nexus in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Connections between Resource Availability, Governance, Socioeconomic Development, and Health Outcomes
- The Significance of Instantaneous and Seasonal Water Surface Gradients for Driving Mass Exchange within a Macrotidal Distributary Channel Network
- The role of ponded waters versus rivers in regional nutrient budgets
- Transient recharge as a driver of water table and baseflow dynamics: Reconciling the Hubbert-Toth conceptual models
- Using MicroCT to Improve <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U Dating of Speleothems
- Using NOAA and Mount Wilson Observatory Sunspot Data to Investigate the Impact of Joy's Law Tilt on Simulations of Solar Cycle 22 with the Advective Flux Transport Model
- A New Look at Water Resources: Science and Society
- A Recipe for Greenland snow events: Atmospheric Blocking and Moisture
- A coherent framework to upscale hydrologic exchange processes along river corridors: A proof of concept for Sinuosity-Driven Hyporheic Exchange
- Agent-based modeling platform to inform regional decision-making for food, energy, and water resources management and services provision: A test case for Cape Town, South Africa
- Ancient Ice Preserved Under A Meter-Thick Layer Of Debris; Ong Valley, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- Arsenic-contaminated deep groundwater in the Bengal Basin: origin and implications for mitigation
- Assessing risk in groundwater contaminated sites: The importance of preserving subsurface connectivity and integrating multiple data sources
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions Near Geysers, Fumaroles, Mudpots, Travertine Terraces, and Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park
- Comparing Precipitation Seasonality During the Last Deglaciation from Speleothem Records and Isotope-enabled Model Simulations
- Constraints on the Age of Million-Year-Old Buried Ice Mass in Ong Valley, Antarctica Obtained from Cosmogenic Nuclide Measurements
- Controls on Branching and Looping Channels on River Deltas
- Coupled Modeling of Landscape Evolution and Human Adaptation in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
- Coupled climate and surface process signals in the stratigraphic record of an alpine sedimentary basin of the Northern Patagonian Ice Field
- Demonstration and Analysis of Rarefied Particle Motions on Hillslopes
- Elevation and Stratigraphic Profiles of Three Mid-Channel Bars in a Tidal-Dominated System in the Lower Meghna River, Bangladesh
- Exploring Bagnold's sediment transport formulations using numerical simulations
- Exploring FEW security at city scale: An Agent-Based Modeling approach for the City of Cape Town
- Exploring the Dynamics of Hyporheic Exchange: the Role of Discharge and Temperature Variability
- Exploring the Role of Land Surface Topography on the Structure and Scaling of Multiscale Groundwater Flow Systems
- Extraction, Storage, and Eruptibility of Magmas that Fed the Paired Ohakuri-Mamaku Eruption, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Global modeling of the drivers and impacts of storm-time plasma composition
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O or fO<SUB>2</SUB>? Deciphering the Dominant Determinant of Differentiation trends:a Monte Carlo MELTS Methodology
- High-Resolution Simulations for Understanding the Climate of Southwest North America at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes Hint at Two Ancient, Stacked Ice Bodies, Ong Valley, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- Identification of fractionation processes in the Himalayan leucogranites
- Interpreting the Plumbing of the Rincon Geothermal System using Electromagentic Surveys and Hydrothermal Models
- Investigating Hillslope Self-Similarity: Field Observations of Weathering Profiles Across a Sequence of Repeating Ridges and Valleys
- Investigations into diffuse fluxes and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C compositions of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in N. American calderas
- Last Millennium Aragonite Speleothem Trace Element Record of Water Flow and Land Cover Change in NE India.
- Long-term nitrogen concentration saturation in river corridors weakens removal capacity and increases regional export
- Magmatic processes captured by large alkali feldspar crystals from the Tuolumne Intrusive complex: new insights from crystal size distribution and trace elements
- Modeling Turbulent Mixing Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Streams
- Modelling Conductive and Convective Heat Extraction from Silicic Magma Bodies in the Central Taupō Volcanic Zone
- Multi-scale analysis of tropical forest canopy productivity and function using heterogeneous remote sensing data on Barro Colorado Island, Panama
- Multiple Magma Batches: Understanding the Pre-Eruptive Architecture and Magmatic Processes of Supereruptions Based on Textural, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Features of Fiamme from the Ora Ignimbrite (Permian, Italy)
- National-extent Modeling of River Corridor Functions: What Level of Process Representation Improves Management Outcomes for Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems?
- Oscillating Storage: The Conditions and Sequence of Magma Storage and Eruption Through the Protracted Whakamaru Supereruption, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Partitioning of fluvial sediment across the Bengal margin - a comprehensive sediment budget for the Holocene Ganges-Brahmaputra River delta
- Possible Factors Affecting Trace Element Concentrations in Southwest Bangladesh Surface Waters: The Role of Seasonality, Evaporation, and Irrigation Source
- Quantifying Regional Stratigraphic Correlations and Provenance from Miocene-Pliocene deposits of the Ancestral Brahmaputra Delta, a Record of Eastern Himalayan Exhumation and the Onset of the Indian Monsoon
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a Holistic Representation of River Corridors from Headwaters to the Ocean
- River corridors are global hotspots of microplastic pollution, exceeding the amount of plastics found in the world's oceans
- Slope, roughness and grain size control particle motion on burned and vegetated hillslopes
- The Contribution of Hyporheic Respiration to Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Inland Waters in the Continental United States
- The Importance of Secondary Channels for Delta Plain Maintenance and Management
- The role of small shallow landslides in landscape evolution as revealed by high resolution differential lidar surveys and field mapping
- Toward quantitative records of rainfall using speleothem Ca and Sr isotopes
- Towards using initial uranium isotope ratios in speleothems as paleoenvironmental indicators
- Transitions between the Hadean, Archean, and Modern World: Zircon/melt Kds clarify formation conditions of Earth's earliest crust
- Updating satellite-based estimates of aerosol-cloud interactions with refined approximation of cloud condensation nuclei
- Use of High Resolution Flux Time Series and a Probabilistic Birth-death Model to Examine How Collective Bed Load Particle Entrainment Controls the Transport of Particle Size Mixtures
- What Global Modelers Want to Know About Terrestrial Plasma Outflows
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Mixed-Method Approach to Detecting and Attributing Changes in Streamflow
- Accumulation of mismanaged plastic waste in rivers across the globe
- Acute morphodynamic responses of the Ganges-Brahmaputra tidal deltaplain to natural and anthropogenic perturbations
- An Agent-Based Model of Migration and Environmental Shock in Bangladesh
- Bayesian seismic refraction inversion for critical zone science and near-surface applications
- Calcium Isotopes in Stalagmites as a Quantitative Precipitation Proxy for Comparison to Instrumental Records
- Can We Detect Regional to Local Groundwater Flow systems using Electromagnetic Methods?
- Coevolution of Baseflow and Multiscale Groundwater Flow during Prolonged Droughts
- Competition Between Little Channels and Big Earthquakes to Drive River Avulsion Timescales
- Controls on spatial variation of hyporheic zone denitrification in the Columbia River Basin
- DAGpy: A Python package for data assimilation in groundwater modeling
- Dynamics of a Coupled Human-Natural System Revealed through Combined Archaeological and Deltaic Landscape Chronologies
- Dynamics of giant pumice dispersal in deep sea eruptions
- Earth Horizons: Addressing the Lack of Diversity in the Geosciences through a TSU-Vanderbilt Partnership
- Environmental and Societal Associations of the Global Resurgence of Dengue Fever
- Flood Risk and Resilience: Enhancing Rural Communities' Ability to Prepare for and Respond to Flood Events
- Generating actionable information through the fusion of text and timeseries data: A case study of extreme weather effects at Photovoltaic plants
- Interdisciplinary Modeling of the Socioeconomic Tradeoffs of Water Management in River Basins with Potential for Disconnection between Surface and Groundwater
- Jamming in the pocket: the rhythmic interactions between turbulence, bed structure, and sediment motion
- Livelihoods, Mobility, and Flood Infrastructure in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ocean dispersal of the 2019 Tonga pumice raft and insights on submarine eruption mechanisms (SW Pacific)
- Policy exploration for Food-Energy-Water security at a city-regional level: an example in Cape Town, South Africa
- Pollution in the Press: Employing Text Analytics to Understand Regional Water Quality Narratives
- Quantifying mass inputs, sediment dispersal, and long-term sediment storage in the Holocene Bengal Basin
- Rain rate estimation from FY-3C/MWHS-2 observations at 89-190 GHz
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a New Generation of Continental-Scale Water Quality Models
- Remote Detection of Pumice Rafts and Discolored Water from Submarine Volcanic Eruptions Using Satellite Imagery
- Retrievals of marine liquid water cloud microphysical properties from OCO-2 observations
- Seasonal Infilling and Sedimentary Characteristics in Sandy Versus Muddy Borrow Areas on the Louisiana Continental Shelf, USA
- Spatial Variation in Bedrock Weathering Under a sequence of ridges and valleys in the Great Valley Sequence of Northern California revealed through geophysics and deep drilling
- Stratigraphy of abandoned deltaic distributary channels and implications for assessing avulsion style
- Sub-millimeter strategies for observing the diurnal cycle of tropical ice clouds
- The Effect of Storm Direction on Flood Frequency Analysis Using Physically-Based Streamflow Simulations
- The Influence of Melting Snow in the Ocean Surface Heat Budget
- The quest for understanding the organisational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling across scales
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using integrated models to avoid tipping points in a multi-objective water allocation problem
- A comparative analysis of hydrological changes in water supply sources across the USA
- A network approach to delta sustainability
- A performance index based on hydrograph moments: A descriptor to identify strengths and shortcomings hydrological simulations
- A reactive transport approach to modeling cave seepage water chemistry for improved understanding of speleothem-based paleoclimate proxies.
- A simple Python-based kinematic model of particle transport
- An Extension-Induced, Hot-Dry-Reduced Ignimbrite Flare-up in the Cascades Arc: The Deschutes Formation, Central Oregon
- Basin-scale hyporheic zone respiration in the Columbia River Basin
- Bedrock water storage dynamics under extreme drought: consequences for plant water availability, recharge, and runoff
- Breaking Barriers to STEM Education in the Geosciences A Place-Based, Cross-Institutional Exploration of Marine Science and Engineering
- Can Geologically Instantaneous, Event-Scale Processes Exert Basin-Scale Influence on Sediment Dispersal Patterns and the Long-Term Stratigraphic Record?
- Changes in Glacial Flow Patterns and Provenance of the Mid-Miocene in the Friis Hills and Olympus Range, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Classification of precipitation types over oceans using microwave observations between 89 and 190 GHz
- Cold and Heavy Ions Entrained in the Dayside Magnetopause Boundary Layers
- Core from Buried Ice Mass Dated to Late Pliocene, Ong Valley, Transantarctic Mountains
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Buried Ice Mass Using Englacial Debris; Ong Valley, Antarctica
- Cross-Margin Filtering of Source Signals How Himalayan Erosion is Recorded in the Bengal Delta
- Development of a Parsimonious Hydrological Model to Evaluate the Effect of Changes in Storm Tracks in Flood Events Under Future Climates
- Engaging Multi-Disciplinary Student Teams Across Institutions With The Youth Environmental Alliance In Higher Education (YEAH)
- Exploring the hydrodynamics and biogeochemical potential of sinuosity-driven hyporheic zones
- First-Light Results from the NASA TROPICS Pathfinder Mission and Preparations for the TROPICS Constellation Mission
- Geochemical Records of Southern Caribbean Hydroclimate Variability during the Holocene from Curacao Speleothems
- Hyporheic Exchange under Seasonally Connected Groundwater Surface-water Systems
- Identification and Analysis of Hydrocarbon Plume at Tennessee State University Agricultural Research Farm
- Impact of Tibetan lake outburst floods on erosion, morphology, and sedimentary record of the eastern Himalaya from source to sink
- Improving LGBTQ+ retention in STEM: A transatlantic perspective on current barriers and best practices
- Investigating Xylene and Toluene in Disadvantaged Communities Downwind of LAX
- Investigation of levoglucosan as proxy for biomass burning events and its relationship with established proxies in a speleothem from White Moon Cave, CA.
- Land-atmosphere water budget over time in huge river basins: evidence of a changing water cycle
- Linking large geochemical and geophysical data sets to understand magmatic processes in Cascadia
- Modern Climate Change Recorded in a Rocky Mountain Speleothem: Assembling a Late-Holocene Climate Record for Titan Cave, Wyoming
- North American rainfall patterns during past warm states: A proxy network-model comparison for the Last Interglacial and the mid-Holocene
- Paleoenvironmental Implications for Future Sediment Delivery to the Bengal Delta
- Paleomagnetic Analysis of Geological Samples with Complex Magnetization Using Multipole Fitting
- Provenance of the Sirius Till from Tillite Spur in the Reedy Glacier area, Antarctica, determined by LA-ICP-MS of detrital zircon
- Quantifying Sources of Uncertainty in Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Using Physics-based Hydrologic Modeling
- Reconciling models and observations to improve our understanding of hydrologic connectivity along river corridors
- Science Objectives of the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Radiometers
- Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Activity at the LGM
- Temporal Variability in Seawater Sr/Ca Ratios within Coral Reef Environments: An Indicator of Marine Calcifier Community Diversity
- The Provenance of Glacial Till and Beach Sand in the Cape Cod Area
- The co-occurrence of volcanic eruptions and chlorophyll blooms at Nishinoshima Volcano, Japan
- Two different types of internal microtextures cause pumice clasts to float
- Two-Dimensional Particle Motions during Rarefied Transport in a Static Bath: Implications for Bedload Diffusion
- Understanding Temperature Overturns near the East Rincon Hills Fault Zone, New Mexico using Hydrothermal Modeling and Magnetotelluric Data
- Variation in Glacial Till Provenance Among Recessional Moraines of a Laurentide Ice Sheet Lobe
- (Dis)equilibrium of the Sundarbans tidal platform elevation
- A Systematic Assessment of the Pumping Model as a Tool to Understand and Upscale Hyporheic Exchange Processes
- A continent laced with meandering waterways: Using machine learning to characterize meanders and their implications for river corridor connectivity
- Advanced continuum damage models for simulating ice shelf fracture
- Artificial light at night: an under-appreciated effect on plant phenology in urban areas
- Circulation of Ionospheric Ions in the Outer Magnetosphere and Implications for Magnetic Reconnection
- Cloud and Aerosol Detection using Spectral, Spatial and Temporal Information from Passive Satellite Instruments
- Conditions and Timescales of Magma Storage and Eruption Revealed by Crystal, Melt Inclusion, and Glass Compositions and Textures: A Comparison of Giant and Large Silicic Eruptions at the Taupō Volcanic Center (New Zealand)
- Damage Mechanics Challenge: Predictions based on the phase field fracture method
- Effects of Nutrient Pollution and Urbanization on Diel Cycles and CO2 Emissions in Two Middle TN Streams
- Extreme seismic challenges on the Moon: requirements for targeting the faintest seismic signals from Moon interior and those of gravitational waves.
- Forest edge effects on the Amazon rainforest under climate change
- Global Greenhouse Gases Emissions Effect on Extreme Events under an Uncertain Future: a case study in Western Cape, South Africa
- Infrared heating induced tendency towards stabilization and destabilization effects in cirrus clouds: simulations and observations
- Insights on Physical Controls and Statistical Effects on the Interpretation of Peak Flow Scaling from a Mesoscale Basin to the Mississippi River Basin
- Leveraging Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data to Monitor Exposure of Transportation Networks to Flood Hazards
- Quantifying elevation dynamics in relation to effective sea-level rise: implications for flood risk in the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
- Rapid Mobilization of Crystal-Rich Silicic Magma and Antecedent Mush Rejuvenation: Perspectives from the Searchlight Pluton and Highland Range Volcanic Sequence, Nevada, USA
- Simultaneous Creation of a Large Vapor Plume and Pumice Raft by an Explosive Submarine Eruption
- Space Ionizing Radiation Environment and Effects (SIRE2) Toolkit Version 2.0 Update
- Stable Instability: Exploring the role of Arctic stream-lake chains on watershed-scale carbon and nutrients
- Stalagmite record of Indian Summer Monsoon variability during Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Stream Metabolism Characterized Using Dissolved Oxygen Measurements in Two Middle TN Streams
- Testing the hypothesis that extremes in stream specific conductance are associated with snowmelt.
- The Potential Contribution of Household Detergents to Inland Freshwater Salinization
- Timelines of plume characteristics of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption sequence from 19 December 2021 to 16 January 2022: Himawari-8 observations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Glocer
- A. Jarnot
- Alex Huth
- Anastasia Piliouras
- Anders Eriksson
- Arial J. Shogren
- Ashok Kumar Gupta
- B. E. Smith
- B. G. Delbridge
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- B. P. Weiss
- Brandee Carlson
- C. R. Lawrence
- C. Wang
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Clay Tabor
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel González-Duque
- Daniel J. Morgan
- David Dralle
- David Jon Furbish
- Donald R. Blake
- Eduardo A. Lima
- F. Joseph Turk
- G. A. Abers
- G. A. Gualda
- Gabriel Pérez
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gilberto Pastorello
- Guo Yu
- H. A. Janiszewski
- Hélène Brogniez
- I. Overeem
- Isabel P. Montañez
- Isaiah W. Bolden
- J. A. O’Donnell
- J. B. Gaherty
- J. H. Adams
- J. K. Shuman
- Jacob O’Connor
- Jan Riad El Kassar
- Jay P. Zarnetske
- Jayaram Hariharan
- Jennifer L. Druhan
- Jessica L. Oster
- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
- Jiafu Mao
- John C. Ayers
- Josipa Majstorović
- Juan F. Salazar
- Julian P. Sachs
- Justin H. Lee
- Jérémy Dargent
- K. A. Lang
- K. J. McGuire
- Kenneth C. Carroll
- Kristen E. Fauria
- Kyongho Son
- L. M. Kistler
- Lee B. Corbett
- Liam J. Kelly
- Lianhong Gu
- Lin Meng
- Lisa Upton
- Lise Retailleau
- M. D. Nelson
- M. P. Panning
- Marcos Longo
- Marcus Löfverström
- Margaret Garcia
- Mark Person
- Mats André
- Megan Mueller
- Michael Diamond
- Michael S. Steckler
- Nicolás Velásquez
- P. Lognonné
- P. Tenfjord
- Paola Passalacqua
- Paulo M. Brando
- R. B. Torbert
- R. Sincavage
- Ravindra Duddu
- Ricardo Mantilla
- Robert F. Rogers
- Robinson I. Negrón‐Juárez
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. J. Mitchell
- S. Joseph Munchak
- S. K. Vines
- S. L. Goodbred
- S. Platnick
- Sergio Toledo‐Redondo
- Shane R. Coffield
- Shantanu V. Bhide
- Shawn M. Chartrand
- Stanley B. Grant
- Susannah Morey
- T. D. Scheibe
- T. E. Moore
- Tushar Mittal
- W. Jesse Hahm
- W. Y. Li
- Warren D. Sharp
- Witold F. Krajewski
- Xingyuan Chen
- Yilin Fang
- Yingxi Shi
- Yunxiang Chen
- Zachary D. Robinson