Wuhan University, China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Present-Day Deformation Across the Tibetan Plateau Measured by GPS
- Characteristics of Electrostatic Solitary waves near the diffusion region associated with reconnection: Cluster and Geotail observations
- Field-Aligned Currents Observed by CHAMP During the Superstorms in 2003
- Microstructure of reconnection in the magnetotail region
- Simultaneously Observation of reconnection by Cluster and Double Star
- Storm-time Outflow of Ionospheric Ions and Related Convection Shear and Particle Precipitation
- Is the Earth Expanding ?
- Substorm onset dynamics in the magnetotail: joint TC-1 and Cluster observation and SWMF simulation
- Twenty Years of GPS in Iceland: What Have we Learned About the Plate Boundary?
- 2008 Wen-Chuan Mw 8.3 Earthquake: Dynamic Deformation Analysis for Seismic Surface Waveforms with 1-Hz GPS PPP Results
- 3-D Hybrid Simulation of Interaction Between Solar Wind Discontinuity and Magnetosphere
- Ambiguity Resolution in Precise Point Positioning for Sub-cm Precision With Hourly Data
- Analysis of ESWs within reconnection diffusion region and slow-shock in the near-earth magnetotail: Geotail observations
- Determination of the geopotential difference based on gravity frequency shift equation
- Empirical predictions of UT1 and polar motion using least squares fit and ARIMA
- ICME-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction in Storm of November 6, 2001
- Near real-time radar interferometric mapping of the 12 May 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake in China
- Observations of 3-D Reconnection and Dynamics of Electron Scale Thin Current Sheets with Small Satellite Separation
- Coseismic Dip Slip Distribution of the 1 Apr 2007 Solomon Islands Mw8.1 Earthquake from a Fully Bayesian Inversion
- Coseismic, Episodic, and Interseismic Slip: Does surface roughness or strain energy control its distribution?
- Precursory superconducting gravity signals of large earthquakes
- Strategies Analysis for GPS Vertical Velocity Estimation, a Preparing Study for Investigating Vertical Motions of Tibetan Plateau
- Abnormal distribution of low-latitude ionospheric electron density during November 2004 superstorm as reconstructed by 3-D CT technique from IGS and LEO/GPS observations
- Collision of two supercritical quasi-perpendicular nonstationary collisionless shocks: full particle simulations
- Experiments and numerical modeling of monitoring the water irrigation by time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography
- Gravity field recovery from in-situ GOCE high-low SST and SGG data
- How Rapidly is the Tibetan Plateau Rising, and What Fraction of that is Tectonic? (Invited)
- Ion Dynamics Associated with Substorm Dipolarization Fronts
- Nonlinear interaction between Super-Alfvén flow and dipolarized magnetic field in the earth's magnetotail
- Nonlinear interaction of atmospheric gravity waves (Invited)
- Retrieval of ion distributions in RC from TWINS ENA images by CT technique
- The fast analysis of gravity field recovery from the GOCE observations along 979/61 nearly repeated orbit based on the SA method
- Coseismic and Postseismic slip distribution of the 2007 Solomon Islands Earthquake deduced from A Bayesian Inversion
- Drought Analysis in the Upper Han River Based on multivariable Method
- Estimation of aerosol particle composition using ground-based sun-sky radiometer measurements at typical sites in China
- Flood coincidence risk analysis using multivariate copula functions
- Identifying New Mascons of Moon Using Updated Chang'E-1 Lunar Topography and Gravity Models
- Introduction of LL-IV Distributed Hydrological Model and Applications in DMIP-II
- Risk Analysis of Multipurpose Reservoir Real-time Operation based on Probabilistic Hydrologic Forecasting
- Statistical Analysis of Pitch Angle Distribution of Radiation Belt Energetic Electrons Near the Geostationary Orbit: CRRES Observations
- Application of probabilistic hydrologic forecasting for risk analysis of multipurpose reservoir real-time operation
- Dependence of the Tidal Response on the Internal Structure of the Moon: Geodetic Implication to the Partial Melt Layer at the Lower-Most Part of the Lunar Mantle
- Frequency-dependence of the Love Numbers due to the Earth's Quasi-Rheology, Mantle Anelasticity and Ocean Tides
- Influence of thickness variation on net rotation of the whole lithosphere
- Landslide Monitoring in Three Gorges Area Using Multi-Frequency Insar Techniques
- Observations of Magnetosheath Turbulence at the Electron Scale
- Relevance Analysis between Mass Redistribution and Length of Day Variations within Earth System
- Retrieving coseismic signature with northern gravity gradient changes in GRACE solutions
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Severe Haze Pollution over Eastern China on June, 2012
- Strong Diffusion Limit in the Realistic Magnetosphere: Dependence on Geomagnetic Condition and Spatial Location
- The development and evaluation of new geoid model in the Xinjiang and Tibetan region, West China
- The global gravimetric geoid 2012 (GGG2012) determined by a new approach
- 3-D ion distribution and evolution in storm-time RC Retrieved from TWINS ENA by differential voxel CT technique
- A Bayesian inversion for slip distribution of 1 Apr 2007 Mw8.1 Solomon Islands Earthquake
- A Statistical Analysis on the Precipitated and Trapped Electron Fluxes Using Long-term POES Observations
- A statistical study on the whistler waves behind the dipolarization fronts in the Earth's magnetotail
- A two-stage method of quantitative flood risk analysis for reservoir real-time operation using ensemble-based hydrologic forecasts
- Compression-related EMIC waves and associated precipitation of relativistic electrons
- Coupled Numerical Study of Turbidity Currents, Internal Hydraulic Jump and Morphological Signatures
- Diurnal and seasonal variation of electromagnetic response in the ionosphere to the VLF transmitter on the ground
- Eutrophication of Typical Chinese Shallow Lakes as affected by Hydrologic Characteristics and Lake-Basin Morphology
- Exploring the linkage between flood frequency and annual water balance over the contiguous United States based on data-analysis
- Formation of dipolarization fronts inside reconnection diffusion region
- Global recovery of the Moho depths using the latest models of gravity and crust density structures
- Groundwater depletion in North China from GRACE satellites, ground-based monitoring network and groundwater modeling (Invited)
- Impacts of natural and human-induced changes on regional flood frequency over the contiguous United States
- Ionospheric Asymmetry Evaluation using Tomography to Assess the Effectiveness of Radio Occultation Data Inversion
- Meteorological Excitations of Polar Motion for an Earth Model with Frequency-dependent Responses
- Modeling Climate Change Effects on Stream Temperatures in Regulated Rivers
- Multi-Orbit Ps-Insar for Landslide Monitoring in Three Gorges Area (Invited)
- Observation of Large Amplitude Electromagnetic Wave at the Dipolarization Front
- On the Nature, the Scaling and the Anisotropy of Electron Dissipation Range in Solar Wind Turbulence (Invited)
- Orbit and clock determination of BDS regional navigation satellite system based on IGS M-GEX and WHU BETS tracking network
- Solar Eclipse Effects of 22 July 2009 on Es-layer
- Turbulence in Collisionless Space Plasmas: a Comparative Study Between the Solar Wind and the Magnetosheath
- Usefulness of Flux Measurements in Mapping Fractures Using Hydraulic Tomographic Survey
- Using Hydrus-1D to Predict Solute Conservative Tracer Transfer from Initially Saturated Soil into the Surface Runoff Water underwith Controlled Drainage Condition
- Water storage changes in China: trends from GRACE and their implications
- A Lightweight Remote Parallel Visualization Platform for Interactive Massive Time-varying Climate Data Analysis
- Can the annual flood control volume at Three Gorges Dam be predicted to size a variable flood control pool?
- Climate Informed Low Flow Frequency Analysis Using Nonstationary Modeling
- Copula-based method for Multisite Monthly and Daily Streamflow Simulation
- Coupling an Inverse Gaussian Model with Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Soil Moisture from Hyperspectral Imagery
- Dayside Magnetopause Location During Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field Periods
- Does reservoir always decrease flood risk? A case study of the Three Gorges Reservoir for middle Yangtze River
- Joint Inversion of 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Source Parameters with GRACE Gravity Data and GPS Data
- Monitoring Fast-Moving Landslide in the Three Gorges Area By Offset Tracking Method with High-Resolution SAR Data
- Predominance of Ech Wave Contribution to the Diffuse Auroral Precipitation in Earth's Outer Magnetosphere
- Relating Variations in Streamflow to Variations in Climate in Catchments across the Contiguous United States
- Retrieving TN and TP Concentration of Urban River From High Resolution IKONOS Multispectral Imagery
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Altitudinal Lapse Rate of Temperature in Mainland China
- Statistical Character of Emic Waves: Van Allen Probe Observations
- A Section-based Method For Tree Species Classification Using Airborne LiDAR Discrete Points In Urban Areas
- A new framework for modeling urban land expansion in peri-urban area by combining multi-source datasets and data assimilation
- Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure
- Comparison of State and Parameter Estimation Methods for Soil Moisture Data Assimilation
- Contemporary Surface Seasonal Oscillation and Vertical Deformation in Tibetan Plateau and Nepal Derived from the GPS, Leveling and GRACE Data
- Crustal and Upper-mantle Structure of Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Inverted by Joining Surface Wave Dispersion and Receiver Function
- Data Assimilation of Unsaturated Flow: Considering the Vertical Measurement Scale of Soil Moisture
- Determination of gravitational potential and the orthometric height of Mt. Everest using clocks onboard satellite and on ground: preliminary simulation results
- Electromagnetic energy conversion at dipolarization fronts: Multi-spacecraft results
- Evaluation of stochastic weather generators for capturing the statistics of extreme precipitation events in the Catskill Mountain watersheds, New York State
- GLONASS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution (PPP-AR) and its Integration with GPS for Earthquake Early Warning
- Geomagnetic Storms and EMIC waves: Van Allen Probe observations
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Scenarios and Models of Nitrogen Processes
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Process Identification under Model Uncertainty
- Hiss induced radiation belt electron loss timescales in the plasmasphere based on ray tracings of wave propagation angle
- Ice Velocity Estimation Using SAR Data in PANDA Section, East Antarctica
- Impact of Extreme Climate Events on Terrestrial Water Storage from GRACE over China
- Impacts of the Three Gorges Project on Local Climate
- Improvement of stratospheric balloon positioning and the impact on Antarctic gravity wave parameter estimation
- Investigating the impact of haze on cloud detection of passive satellite by comparing MODIS, CloudSat and CALIPSO
- Ionospheric Response to 2013 SSW under High Solar Activity in Middle Latitude Observed by an Ionosonde Chain in China
- New Radar Altimeter Missions are Providing a Dramatically Sharper Image of Global Marine Tectonics
- Permafrost conditions over Heihe River Basin in Qilian Mountains of Western China
- Resonant scattering of radiation belt electrons and ring current protons by EMIC waves in a hot plasma
- Short-impending Anomaly of GPS Observation and its Implications in Yunnan Earthquake Predication
- Spatial-temporal characteristics of lake level change in Tibet and Qinghai from two decades of altimeter observations
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Island and Urban Metabolism by Satellite Imagery over the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- Strong Correlation between Quasi-periodic Echoes and Plasma Drift in E-region
- Terrestrial water storage variations and surface vertical deformation derived from GPS and GRACE observations in Nepal and Himalayas
- The Deep Lunar Interior with a Low-Viscosity Zone: Revised Constraints from Recent Geodetic Parameters on the Tidal Response of the Moon
- Three-dimensional Transient Magnetic Reconnection and Dipolarization Fronts in the Terrestrial Magnetotail
- Tsunami waves extensively resurfaced the shorelines of a receding, early Martian ocean
- Using Constraints from Satellite Gravimetry to Study Meteorological Excitations of the Chandler Wobble for an Earth Model with Frequency-dependent Responses
- Variability of the pitch angle distribution of radiation belt ultrarelativistic electrons during and following intense geomagnetic storms: Van Allen Probes observations
- A Single-Station Empirical Model of TEC over Changchun, China
- A new algorithm for surface currents inversion with HF over-the-horizon radars 2D Fourier expansion method
- A new monthly gravity field model based on GRACE observations computed by the modified dynamic approach
- A priori parameter estimates for global hydrological modeling using geographically based information: Application of the CREST hydrologic model
- A statistical study of proton pitch angle distributions measured by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)
- Aerosol Optical Properties During Haze Event in Wuhan, Center China
- An Improved Method for NPP Estimation in Wuhan, China
- Antarctic Snowmelt Detected by Diurnal Variations of AMSR-E Brightness Temperature
- Antarctic ice sheet thickness estimation based on P-receiver function and waveform inversion
- Application of MIMO Techniques in sky-surface wave hybrid networking sea-state radar system
- Assessing Spatio-temporal Variability of Karst Water Storage over Southwest China from GRACE and Reservoir Storage
- Correlation between Coulomb Stress Rate Change imparted by the Slow Slip Events and Seismic Rate Change in Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Coseismic and Afterslip Model Related to 25 April 2015, Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake and its Potential Future Risk Regions
- Coseismic and postseismic activity associated with the 2008 Mw 7.1 Yutian earthquake from InSAR observations
- Extraction of noise cross-correlation function with topography
- Extreme Ring Current Proton Spectra Measured by the Van Allen Probes
- Flood return level analysis of Peaks over Threshold series under changing climate
- Greenland mass balance from a combination of satellite altimetry and satellite gravimetry
- How does slope gradient affect runoff and soil erosion on hillslopes?
- Improvement in In-Situ Rheological Stress Measurements with Acoustic Wave Data
- InSAR and GPS imaging of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake rupture and early transient afterslip
- Integrated simulation and assessment of water quantity and quality of a large urban lake group under the water network connection project
- MMS Observations of Ion-scale Magnetic Island in the Magnetosheath Turbulent Plasma
- Modeling anthropogenic disturbance on precipitation-runoff relationships of the Yellow River basin based on time-varying copula method
- Monitoring seismic activities at Fairview and Woodward area in Oklahoma
- New Science ang technology development about CSES and LAIC coupling mechanism
- New perspectives on equatorial electrojet tidal characteristics derived from the Swarm constellation
- Non-stationary Annual Maximum Flood Frequency Analysis using a Conceptual Hydrologic Model with Time-varying Parameters
- Nonstationary Frequency Analysis of Extreme Floods Using the Time-varying Two-component Mixture Distributions
- Numerical modeling of clogging/unclogging mechanism for delayed injection-induced seismicity in fractured crystalline rock
- Ocean Wind Field off the Shore within100 km Determined by HF Surface Wave Radar
- Pore-scale observation and 3D simulation of wettability effects on supercritical CO<SUB>2 </SUB>- brine immiscible displacement in drainage
- Retrieval of interseismic displacement from multi-temporal InSAR measurements: challenges and solutions
- Spatiotemporal Variability and in Snow Phenology over Eurasian Continent druing 1966-2012
- The Application of Laser-induced Fluorescence Lidar in Monitoring of Nitrogen Fertilizer Level of rice
- The spatial distribution of VLF transmitters at topside ionosphere and the VLF-induced heating phenomena
- The specific humidity and the temperature response of ENSO in the troposphere with COSMIC GPS radio occultation observations from June 2006 to February 2015
- Troposphere Augmentation for GNSS Real-time Precise Point Positioning in National BDS Augmentation Service System (NBASS) of China
- 3D Simulation of Multiple Simultaneous Hydraulic Fractures with Different Initial Lengths in Rock
- A distributed, mobile-immobile domain transport model based on local mass transfer with recirculation zones
- Abrupt Change of the Transboundary Runoff and Its Influence on Water Security of Lanstang-Mekong River
- An enhanced structure tensor method for sea ice ridge detection from GF-3 SAR imagery
- Analysis of Correlation Tendency between Wind and Solar from Various Spatio-temporal Perspectives
- Analysis of the Source and Ground Motions from the 2017 M8.2 Tehuantepec and M7.1 Puebla Earthquakes
- Characterizing hydrological activities over Yangtze River basin using the new HUST-Grace2016 model, MODIS, and NCEP/NCAR data
- Climate-informed flood frequency analysis based on Bayesian theory and teleconnection for the Three Gorges Dam (TGD)
- Coastal Sea Level and Estuary Tide Modeling in Bangladesh Using SAR, Radar and GNSS-R Altimetry
- Combined GPS and seismic monitoring of a 12-story structure in a region of induced seismicity in Oklahoma
- Crossover from capillary fingering to viscous fingering in a rough fracture
- Deciphering flood frequency curves from a coupled human-nature system perspective
- Derivation of Optimal Operating Rules for Large-scale Reservoir Systems Considering Multiple Trade-off
- Evaluating the Impacts of Spatial Uncertainties in Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) Products on Flood Modelling
- First evaluation of the utility of GPM precipitation in global flood monitoring
- Four decades of wetland changes of the largest freshwater lake in China in response to the Three Gorges Dam
- Freezing-season ground uplift over permafrost area estimated using GPS Interferometric Reflectometry
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Identifying Important Parameters of Nitrogen Nitrification and Denitrification under Model and Scenario Uncertainties
- Groundwater storage variations in the North China Plain using multiple space geodetic observations
- Hydraulic tomography for characterizing the heterogeneity of pump-and-treat sites
- Hydroclimatic variability in East Asia: A case study in the Yangtze river basin
- Improving the Nightside Mid-latitude Ionospheric Density in the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model
- In situ Observations of Magnetosonic Waves Modulated by Background Plasma Density
- Influence of High Temperature Treatment on Mechanical Behavior of a Coarse-grained Marble
- Investigation of Polyaxial Stress-Dependent Permeability of Three-Dimensional Fractured Rocks using TOUGH-DPUM
- Ionospheric Response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm along the Longitude of 100<SUP>o </SUP>E
- Lithospheric structure of east Asia from ambient noise and two-station Rayleigh wave tomography
- Long-lived tsunami edge-waves within the Tehuantepec Gulf triggered by the Mw8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake
- Modeling the Along-Strike Rake Variation in the 2009 Dachaidan Earthquake with Boundary Element Method
- NChina16: A stable geodetic reference frame for geological hazard studies in north China
- Observations of electron vortex magnetic holes and related wave-particle interactions in the turbulent magnetosheath
- Observations on the Daytime F-region Irregularities in Two Magnetic Quiet Days Using Hainan Coherent Scatter Phased Array Radar (HCOPAR)
- Opposite latitudinal dependences of the pre- and post-midnight enhancements in the electron density of midlatitude F-layer
- Perspective on Eco-Hydrology Developing Strategy in China
- Postseismic deformation of the 2015 Mw 6.5 Pishan, Xijiang earthquake from Sentinel-1 observations
- Primary drainage in geological fractures: Effects of aperture variability and wettability
- Quality Improvement of the Satellite Soil Moisture Products by Fusing In Situ and GNSS-R Observation
- Quantifying the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons during a Rapid Dropout Event
- Reduction in plasmaspheric hiss wave amplitudes during a substorm
- Remote Estimation of Vegetation Fraction and Yield in Oilseed Rape with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data
- Research on the coordination framework for water resources utilization on the interests of mutual compensation in Lancang-Mekong River
- Resilience of the Nexus of Competitive Water Consumption between Human Society and Environment Development: Regime Shifts and Early Warning Signals
- Retrieving rupture history using waveform inversions in time sequence
- Revisiting surface albedo changes over Greenland since 1980s using satellite data from GLASS, CLARA, MODIS, and Landsat
- Sea Ice Concentration Estimation Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing Data Fusion
- Seasonal modulations of the main tides on the coasts of Gulf of Mexico
- Secular Tidal Torque from Ocean and Atmosphere: Revisited with New Approach
- Seismic displacements monitoring for 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal earthquake with GNSS data
- Sensitivity of Coulomb stress changes to slip models of source faults: A case study for the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Southern hemisphere craton modification by plume-lithosphere interaction
- Spatial Characteristics of Regional Effects and Their Evolution Revealed by GNSS Time Series
- Study on Net Primary Productivity over Complicated Mountainous Area based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
- Study on relationship between evolution of regional gravity field and seismic hazard
- The Evolution of Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis of Tibetan Plateau
- The MMS observation of an off-equatorial dipolarization front and associated wave characteristics in the near-Earth magnetotail
- The characteristic response of whistler mode waves to interplanetary shocks
- Typhoon Changes in Northwestern Pacific Region and Its Relationship to Hydrologic Variability
- Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary Conditions and Eddy Diffusion on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Unusual refilling of the slot region between the Van Allen radiation belts
- Using a history of subduction to constrain timing and depth of seismic anisotropy development under the western United States
- 3-D density structure of the Ross Sea basins, West Antarctica from constrained gravity inversion and their tectonic implications
- 3D spherical inversion method for full gravity gradient tensor data
- A 6-year westward rotary motion in the Earth: Detection and possible MICG coupling mechanism
- A General Double Layer-Averaged Hydro-Sediment-Morphodynamic Model for Reservoir Sedimentation Management
- A High-Resolution Global Map of Soil Hydraulic Properties Produced by a Hierarchical Parameterization of a Physically-Based Water Retention Model
- A Method to Estimate Erythemal UVB Radiation with MODIS Data
- A Stochastic Hydro-Wind-Photovoltaic Cooperative Operation Model Based on Tendency Scenario Reduction
- A new Quasi 3D modeling framework for regional unsaturated-saturated water flow with large spatial and time steps
- A numerical study of the middle-latitude neutral temperature and wind responses to geomagnetic storms in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region
- A study on the influences of water bodies' shapes on seismic signals excited by artificial sources
- A universal visco-inertial flow model in geologic porous media
- AOD Recovery from Terra/Aqua MODIS Scanning Gaps Using NDVI-based Weighted Linear Regression
- An Analysis of Longitudinal Variations of Small-scale Irregularities of Sporadic E Layers Based on GPS-CHAMP Occultation Measurements
- Angular Independence of Break Position for Magnetic Power Spectra Density in Solar Wind Turbulence and Its Relation with the Breakdown of the Frozen-in Condition in the Wavenumber Space
- Anthropogenic changes have significantly intensified global storm runoff extremes
- Assessing the Impacts of Management Styles on the Trends of Aboveground Carbon Fluxes in Eastern US Forestland 1986 - 2015
- Can GNSS be a sensing tool for spatial-temporal pattern of surface deformation? A case study in China
- Cluster analysis of a shallow Mw4.1 earthquakes in Sichuan Basin (China)
- Combined Scattering of Outer Radiation Belt Electrons by Simultaneously Occurring Chorus, Exohiss and Magnetosonic Waves
- Compensatory Relationship between Ecosystem Transpiration and Evaporation at Inter-annual Time Scale
- Complex-EOF Analysis of Surface Currents Observed by Simultaneous Dual-Frequency High-Frequency Radar Network
- Compressible MHD turbulence in the Earth's magnetosheath: estimation of the energy cascaderate using in-situ spacecraft data
- Compressible turbulence in Earth's magnetosheath: energy cascade rate from the MHD to the ion-scales
- Constructing The Global Distribution Of Whistler Mode Chorus Wave Using The POES Electron Data: An Improvement Of The Technique
- Coordinated Observations of Sporadic E layers, Ionospheric Irregularities, and Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in Midlatitude Nighttime Ionosphere
- CoulombAnalysis: Program for Flexibly Calculating Coulomb Stress Changes on Receiver Faults with Any Orientations and Non-vertical Profiles with Any Trends
- DEM Modeling of Coupled Multiphase Flow and Granular Mechanics: Wettability Control on Fracture Patterns
- Detecting millimeter-level subdaily loading deformation using multi-GNSS data and advanced IGS products: a case study for the December 5, 2013 storm surge event around the southern North Sea
- Development of a new aurora model for the small- and meso-scale structures through deep-learning methods and their influence on the upper atmosphere
- Effect of Fire on Tensile Strength of Surrounding Rock in Tunnel
- Effects of Irrigation on Water Cycle in an Arid Basin
- Energy conversion reveals regime transition of imbibition in a rough fracture
- Enhanced Degradation of Permafrost Under Increasing Inundation in The Kuparuk Delta, Alaska
- Enhanced atmospheric stability by anomalous elevated aerosols during winter in China
- Estimating Forest Disturbance Intensity in Southeastern US Using Time Series Landsat Observations and Field Inventory Data
- Estimating Terrestrial Water and Carbon Fluxes using an Integrated Rate Methodology
- Estimation of instantaneous and daily solar radiation using an optimization-based method: from MODIS to VIIRS
- Evapotranspiration estimation over the two large-scale basins in China from GRACE, daily precipitation and discharge data
- Evidence of Solar Proton Albedo Neutron Decay (SPAND) Produced Electrons in the Slot Region During a Ground Level Event (GLE)
- Experimental study of unsaturated flow through fracture intersections
- GNSS-derived VTEC Ingestion into IRI-2016
- Generation of Electron Acoustic Waves in the Topside Ionosphere From Coupling With Kinetic Alfven Waves: A New Electron Energization Mechanism
- Geodetic and Hydrologic Measurements Reveal the Recent Acceleration in Groundwater Depletion in North China Plain
- Global Gravity Field Model IGGT_R1C Without any Disturbing Impact of the GOCE Polar Gap by Using Real Terrestrial Gravimetry Data
- Greening of the Earth Increases the Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity
- How Changing Fluvio-deltaic Systems Affect Permafrost
- How well can satellite AOD indicate the ground-level PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> variations in China in recent 5 years?
- Hydro-morphological Thalweg Adjustments in the Yichang-Chenglingji Reach of the Middle Yangtze River in Response to the Three Gorges Dam operation
- Ice Flow Variations at Polar Record Glacier, East Antarctica
- Identification of Hydrological Model Structural Nonstationarity using the BMA Method
- Improvement of HYDRUS-1D for Considering Dynamic Root Growth and Enhanced Salt Tolerance Under Different Soil Salinity and Nitrogen Applications
- Incorporating reservoir impacts into flood frequency distribution functions
- Integrating and assessing multi-objective reservoir operation with forecasting information
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Investigate the influence of natural caves on hydraulic fracture propagation numerically and experimentally
- Investigating the Changes in Surface Elevation of Permafrost Terrain in the Canadian Arctic Measured by GPS Interferometric Reflectometry
- Investigation on the diffusion and consolidation effect of multiple groutings based on TOUGH2-FEMM
- Is small-hydropower implementation a good solution to boosting synergistic benefits of Water-Food-Energy Nexus?
- Land surface temperature difference between the forest and grassland: mechanism and implication
- Landsat 30m Surface Albedo Variation Caused by Urbanization in Chinese Cities During 1986-2015
- Modeling Lithospheric Stress of Continental United States
- Modeling the Magnetopause Shadowing Loss during the June 2015 Dropout Event
- Mw6.0 Myanmar Earthquake Ruptured a Previously Undiscovered Thrust Fault: Using Aftershock Relocations, Seismic and Geodetic Inversions to Infer Fault Geometry
- Non-Darcian Flow Effect on Groundwater Inflow into a Tunnel in Karst Aquifers
- Numerical Study of Fluid Flow in Single Fractures Considering Thermal-Hydraulic Coupling
- Obtaining A Spatial and Temporal Continuum Soil Moisture Dataset Based on Remote Sensing Products over the Tibet Plateau From 2002 to 2015
- On the Initial Enhancement of Energetic Electrons and the Innermost Plasmapause Locations: During HSS-driven storm periods and non-storm periods
- RAM-SCBE Simulations of the March 2017 CIR-Driven Storm Period
- Radiometric Cross Calibration for the 50m GaoFen-4 Geostationary Satellite Data
- Regional adaptability improvement of aerosol inversion algorithms in Central China
- Research on Rockfall Fragmentation and Movement Characteristics of Rock Slope Based on Energy Tracking Method
- Response of Quasi 2 Day Waves in the MLT Region to the 2013 SSW Revealed by a Meteor Radar Chain
- Retrieving Topography from Landsat 8 in Lake Donghu, China
- Retrieving altimeter data in the nearshore region by waveform decontaminating and retracking techniques: a case study in the Black Sea
- Risk of hospitalization for asthma associated with changes in timing of spring onset
- Roughness and Flow Rate Impact on Immiscible Displacement in 2D Fractures
- Satellite-Based Spatiotemporal Trends and Transport Analysis of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in Hubei, Central China
- Self-acceleration and instability of localized gravity wave packets in large domain
- Slow slip transient before the Mainshock of the 2015 Kumamoto earthquake sequence
- Solving the switching-form Richards' equation for modeling unsaturated-saturated flow and solute transport across scales
- Source and Loss of Inner Radiation Belt Electrons of Quiet Time during Van Allen Probe Era
- Statistical Study of Electromagnetic Energy Conversion at Dipolarization Fronts by MMS Observations
- Sunflower Growth and Compensatory Root Water Uptake inHeterogeneous Saline Soils
- Temporal Variation and Scaling of Parameters for a Monthly Hydrologic Model
- Temporal scale features of medium and long-range hydrologic forecasting
- Testing and Improving the WOFOST Model for Sunflower Simulation on Saline Soils of Inner Mongolia, China
- The August 3, 2014 MW 6.1 Ludian Earthquake: Application of GPS and RADARSAT-2 SAR Interferometry on a Complex Conjugated Ruptured Event in the Northwestern Yunnan Rift Zone, SW China
- The Underwater Precise Positioning Strategy of the combined GNSS and acoustic technology
- The coupling between global water and carbon cycles and its changes in the past 30 years
- Time Series Frontal Line Extracting in Amery Ice shelf Using Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
- Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary variations on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System using GITM and WACCM-X
- Understanding the Resilience of Soil Moisture Regimes
- A Nonstationary Standardized Precipitation Index for drought assessment: A case study in Hanjiang Basin, China
- A Two-Layer Streambed Model for Assessing Sediment-Bacteria Interaction
- A Two-Step Fusion Framework for Quality Improvement of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Product: A Case Study for ECV product over the Tibetan Plateau
- A constraint on shear velocity at the top of inner core from PKIIKP/PKIKP amplitude ratios at antipodal distances
- A novel Bayesian inference framework for improved calibration of hydrological models: a case study in the Renhe River basin in China
- A numerical study of noontime bite-outs in electron density over equatorial, low, and middle latitudes
- A simple efficient non-parametric regression based strategy to fuse spatial-temporal information, for gap filling, cloud/cloud shadow recovery, and relative radiometric normalization
- A unified framework for water balance models and its applications on monthly, annual, and mean annual time scales
- Adaptive regulation of wind-solar-hydro complementary system considering multiple uncertainties
- An Approximate Non-Darcian Model for Constant-rate Tests with Linear Flow Pattern
- An Improved Budyko-based Framework for Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Annual Runoff
- Analysis on the Ability of Marine Gravity Inversion from the SWOT Wide-swath Altimeter Mission
- Analytical Modelling of Vapor Intrusion Facilitated by Bubble Vertical Migration
- Analytical and Numerical Study of the Heat Transfer Coefficient Between Rock Fracture Walls and Flowing Fluid
- Assessing CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange of two paddy fields with different agronomic measures in southern China using the eddy covariance method
- Assessment of Future Drought Risk Considering Drought Hazard and Socio-Hydrologic Vulnerability
- Assessments of haze transport in China via optical flow method based on satellite-retrieved AOD image sequences
- Asthenosphere-lithosphere interaction shapes the geology of the western United States
- Automatic Extraction and Tracking the Arctic drift ice based on FY-3/MERSI data
- Biosurfactants for Sustainable Soil Management
- Clustering and dispatching hydro, wind, and photovoltaic power resources with multiobjective optimization of power generation fluctuations: a case study in southwestern China
- Considering larger-scale weather phenomena and temporal variation on the global distribution of extreme heat events (EHEs) across 150 most populated metropolitan locations
- Coseismic displacements and finite fault inversions of a triplet of Mw 6 Hojedk earthquakes on December 2017 using geodetic data from radar and optical images
- DEM Modeling of Coupled Multiphase Flow and Granular Mechanics: Wettability Control on Fracture Patterns
- Deriving adaptive long-term complementary operating rules for a large-scale hydro-photovoltaic power system using the ensemble Kalman filter
- Detection of Saturnian Convective Dynamo by Gravitational Sounding
- Diffuse Auroral Electron Scattering by Dayside Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves: A Case Study
- Dispersion of grass carp eggs in steady uniform flows: flume experiments
- Dynamical optimal water resource allocation under changing total water use control index
- Dynamics of Relativistic Electrons in the Slot Region During Geomagnetically Quiet Times: Losses due to Various Wave-Particle Interactions Versus Source from Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay(CRAND)
- Ecological network analysis as a tool for characterizing multiple relationships and sustainability of Tibet's water resources system, China
- Effect of xanthan gum on aqueous stability of iron-based nanoparticles and their transport in sand porous media
- Estimating the interannual variations of the contribution of oceanic moisture to summer precipitation in eastern China: A stable isotope approach
- Estimation of Daily Global Solar Radiation in China from High-density Ground Meteorological Observations Using Random Forest Model
- Estimation of Non-point Source Pollution in the Yangtze River Basin Based on Export Coefficient Method
- Estimation of rock deformation using groundwater levels at the active Xianshuihe fault of China
- Evaluations of Satellite-derived Spring Phenology and Implications in Public Health Applications
- Experimental Study of Corner Flow Using 2.5-D Microfluidic Porous Media
- Flash droughts identification in a typical arid region: A case study in the Loess Plateau, China
- Forecast of Ionosphere GNSS TEC using CNN and LSTM neural network
- Forest disturbance in China from 2000 to 2005: models of trend and variance in size-frequency distributions
- Formation of slab tears controls Earth's major silicic volcanisms
- Fusing Multi-sensor Data for Crop Monitoring in Regions with Complex Cropping System
- Generating Intuition and Hypotheses with a Simplified, Watershed-Scale Phosphorus Model
- Generating LAI and FPAR Products from GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Data
- Global assessment and error analysis on SMAP, SMOS, AMSR2 and ESA CCI soil moisture products
- Ground Deformation of Wuhan, China, revealed by Multi-temporal InSAR
- Half-century lake reclamation changes in the Yangtze Plain, China
- Implication on the Density Structure of Cratonic Lithosphere from Global Topography and Gravity Anomaly
- Improving Global Precipitation Estimation by Fusing Gauge Observations, Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Datasets
- Improving the MERRA-2 derived solar irradiance forecasts incorporating an efficient physically based models for estimating solar irradiance and an cloud transmittance formula
- Improving the Representation of Soil Moisture Dynamics in Land Surface Models
- Influence of clogging substances on pore characteristics and permeability of geotextile envelope of subsurface drainage pipe in arid areas
- Influence of viscous and capillary forces on immiscible displacement in 3D rough fracture
- Investigate the Frost Heaving Induced Cracking with In-situ Stress
- Investigate the instability of slopes with pre-existing faults after long-term immerse using nanoindentation test
- LEO constellation augmented multi-GNSS for real-time retrieval of tropospheric parameters
- Late Quaternary Slip Rate of the Aksay Segment and its fast decreasing gradient along the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Long-term Variation of Surface Net Radiation over Antarctic Sea Ice Region during the Summer
- Long-term variations of inner belt electrons observed by DEMETER and SAMPEX
- Mapping PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentration at Sub-km Level Resolution: A Dual-Scale Retrieval Method
- Mode Conversion from Kinetic Alfven Waves to Electron Acoustic Waves in the Topside Ionosphere
- Modeling Electron Enhancement and Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt and Slot Region
- Multi-GNSS Precise Orbit/Clock Determination with Zero-Differenced Ambiguity Resolution and Its Applications
- Multi-GNSS and multi-frequency PPP rapid ambiguity resolution with GPS/BDS/GLONASS/Galileo observations
- Multi-Scale Integrated Perception Ecological Environment Indicator System (MSIP-EEIS) Based on Sensor Web Monitoring in Smart Sustainable Cities
- Multi-day Observations of Electron Butterfly Pitch Angle Distribution in the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Multicomponent Transport Modeling of Uranium Biosequestration
- Multivariate bias correction of climate model outputs for hydrological impact studies
- On the Ion Precipitation from the inner magnetosphere by EMIC waves
- On the Uncertainty of Initial Condition and Initialization Approaches in Variably Saturated Flow Modeling
- Optimal operation for the complex flood control system composed of cascade reservoirs, navigating-power junctions and flood storage areas
- Optimization-based surface shortwave radiation estimating from multiple geostationary sensors
- Origin of two-band chorus in the Earth's outer radiation belt
- Parametric Sensitivity of the Formation of Reversed Electron Energy Spectrum Caused by Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Pattern transition of immiscible displacement in disordered porous media
- Phase diagram of quasi-static immiscible displacement in disordered porous media
- Planning utility-scale photovoltaic power generation for integration into a hydropower plant by incorporating the effects of variations in climate
- Precise Estimation of Subsurface Moisture Content based on 3D GPR Field Survey
- Quantifying ECH Wave Contribution to Diffuse Auroral Precipitation
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise in The Deltaic Regions
- Quantifying the impact of land-cover changes on global evapotranspiration during past three decades
- Quantitative three-dimensional description of fracture geometry considering flow mechanism
- Quasi 10- and 16-Day Wave Activities Observed Through Meteor Radar and MST Radar During Stratospheric Final Warming in 2015 Spring
- Ray-traced Mapping Function from Standard Atmosphere for Characterizing tropospheric turbulence and water vapor
- Real-time inversion of earthquake source rupture process with strong motion and high-rate GPS data
- Regional Climate Impact Assessment of Vegetation Change in Loess Plateau: Combining WRF-NOAH Model and Long Time Series Satellite Observations
- Regional Mapping of Forest Height and Biomass with Lidar, Optical and SAR Data in Hunan Province, China
- Research on Connectivity of Rivers and Lakes System based on Graph Theory
- Research on the Transformation of Shallow Groundwater in Northeast of Jianghan Plain
- Reservoirs Ecological Operation Based on Optimal Water Resources Management
- Response of shortwave directional spreading to wind speed studied by High Frequency Surface Wave Radar
- Roughness and flow rate impacts on fluid-fluid displacement patterns in rock fractures
- Sea Level Monitoring in French Polynesia: the Tide Gauges Network of the Geodesy Observatory of Tahiti
- Short-Term Solar Irradiance Forecasts Using Sky Images and Radiative Transfer Model
- Six-degree-of-freedom Seismogeodesy using Android GNSS, accelerometer and gyroscope data for Rapid Earthquake Response
- Socioeconomic exposures of droughts might significantly increase with 1.5 ºC and 2 ºC global warming
- Spatiotemporal Characterization Analysis and Water Quality Assessment of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project of China
- Study of Mean Wind Variations and Gravity Wave Forcing Via a Meteor Radar Chain and Comparison with HWM-07 Results
- Study on time scale effect of hydropower reservoirs medium and long term operation optimization
- Taylor hypothesis at electron scales and its effects on measured energy spectra onboard spacecraft
- Ten-Years Investigation of Aerosol Optical Properties and Related Radiative Effects in a Typical Megacity of Central China in Winter Haze
- The Critical Role of Plasmasphere in Shaping the Radiation Belt Electron Energy Spectra
- The Effect on Reservoir Rainfall of Three-Gorges Dam Impoundment
- The Influence of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Landslide Susceptibility Based on Slope Unit: A Case Study in Zhushan Town, Xuanen County (Hubei, China)
- The Performance of Pyrite-based Autotrophic Denitrification Column for Permeable Reactive Barrier under Natural Environment
- The Potential of ERA5 in Discrete Troposphere Delay Modeling
- The Spatial Mapping of Sugarcane Planting Area and Yield in Guangxi, China
- The Synthetic Seismic Catalogs and Their Implications to Seismicity in Eastern Tibetan Plateau: A Finite-element Study
- The competing effects of inertial losses and fracture dilation on the permeability of fractured rocks
- The complex kinematics and multi-fault rupture process of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- The effect of pore-water velocity on sub-CMC solubilization of dodecane by rhamnolipid in saturated porous media
- The field-aligned plasma transport in the plasmaspheric plume during a magnetic storm: A simulation study
- The suitability assessment of cultivated land in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
- The use of machine learning for the rapid prediction of radiation belt dynamics
- To build orogenic belts: weaken the mantle lithosphere!
- Transport of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in porous media mediated by low-concentration surfactants: the critical role of surfactant to change cell surface hydrophobicity
- UV Radiation Estimation in the United States Using MODIS Data
- Understanding the Effects of Earth's Lower Atmosphere on Upper Ionospheric-Thermospheric Semi Annual Oscillation - Using GITM, MSIS and WACCM-X
- Using Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting Evolution of Storm Time Plasma Density in the Inner Magnetosphere
- 3D Tomographic Reconstruction of Storm-Enhanced Density (SED) Plume During March 17, 2013 Storm
- A case study of the daytime intense radar backscatter and strong ionospheric scintillation related to the low-latitude E-region irregularities
- A global assessment of changes in 20-year, 50-year, and 100-year river flood return periods
- A preliminary study on numerical simulation of the Jiama porphyry metallogenic system, Tibet, China
- Alfalfa Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Ensemble Learning
- An Experimental Study of Miscible Displacement Regimes in A Microscopic Heterogeneous Porous Media.
- An experimental study of two distinct regimes during miscible displacement in fracture
- Assessment of haze transport via multi-scale pyramid optical flow method based on satellite-retrieved AOD image sequences
- AutoCoulomb: Program for flexibly calculating Coulomb stress changes on receiver faults with any orientation and nonvertical profiles with any trend
- Cascading Bias Correction for Assessing the Vulnerability of Water Supply Systems to Multi-Year Hydrological Extremes
- Case Studies of the Low-latitude F-region Field-aligned Irregularities Generation or Suppression During Geomagnetic Disturbances
- Characterization of High-m Poloidal ULF Wave signatures in GPS TEC Data
- Co-seismic Deformation and Source Model of the 2017 Mw6.3 Earthquake in Jinghe, Northwest China Constrained by InSAR and GNSS Measurements
- Community structure of zooplankton and its response to aquatic environmental changes based on eDNA
- Controlling factors analysis and improvement for the Himawari-8 aerosol optical depth accuracy from the standpoint of orientation information in China
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation of the Changning earthquake constrained by geodetic data
- County-level Water Demand Distribution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Under the Context of Regional Synergistic Development
- Effect of confinement on grain fragmentation during frictional instabilities in granular fault gouge
- Electron Scattering Effect due to VLF transmitters in Near-Earth Space
- Energetic Electron Scattering in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt and the Slot Region
- Environmental DNA analysis provides the potential to detect new spawning ground for rare and endangered species: an example from Chinese Sturgeon
- Forecasting global ionospheric total electron content (TEC) using deep learning
- Functional characteristics of a braided river in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
- GSeisRT: A precise point positioning software to capture ground deformations for geohazards in real time using GPS/BeiDou/GLONASS/Galileo/QZSS observations
- GTDef: An Open-Source Dislocation Modeling Toolset
- High-resolution forest carbon modeling for climate mitigation planning over the 11-state RGGI+ region, USA
- Impacts of human activities on hydrology and morphology of braided channels in Lhasa River of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- InSAR evidence indicates a link between fluid injection for salt mining and the 2019 Changning (China) earthquake sequence
- Investigating the softening of weak interlayers during landslides using nanoindentation experiments and simulations
- July 2020 Simeonof Earthquake: Was slip in the earthquake contained within the interseismically locked region?
- Local Time Dependant Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Ionosphere During the September 7-8 2017 Storm: Multi-Instrument Observations
- Nature of mid-crustal low velocity zones in central and southern Tibetan Plateau from joint inversion of surface wave dispersion, receiver function, and Pn station delay
- Pore-scale visualizing and quantifying the impact of flow rate on dissolution front in microfluidic rough fractures
- Quasi-2-day and tidal wave modulation of the lower E-region winds and equatorial electrojet during sudden stratospheric warming events
- Recent Advances in Understanding Earth's Inner Radiation Belt
- Space Science the Hanson Way
- Spatial and Temporal downscaling of TRMM Precipitation with Novel Algorithms
- Spatial and temporal variations of quantity and quality in greenspace in Seoul over 1987-2017
- Spatial variations of stochastic noise properties of GPS time series
- Statistical Distributions of Bifurcation of Earth's Inner Radiation Belt due to VLF Transmitters
- The Propagation of Hydraulic Fractures in Fracture-Cavity Reservoir
- The propagation and interaction of multiple cracks induced by freezing in rock
- Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change and Socio-economic Development on the Food-energy-water Nexus
- Unsaturated flow in fractured media: role of liquid splitting dynamics at fracture intersections
- Uranium Biosequestration and Biosequestered Uranium Re-oxidation Multicomponent Transport Modeling
- Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool to Evaluate the Performance of Dynamically Downscaled Regional Climate Models
- Volcano and ship tracks lend causal relationship to large aerosols effects on marine boundary layer clouds cover and radiation
- A Simple Multiscale Algorithm for Aerosol and Cloud Layer Detection of Space Lidar
- Alfalfa Nutritive Value Prediction Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Multi-task Learning
- Comparisons Between TIDI and Other Wind Measurements
- Contrasting effects of fine and coarse aerosols on warm marine clouds microstructure, precipitation and climate implications
- Determining the Mechanical Parameters of Martian Rocks Using Meteorites and micro-RME
- Drought and Flood Characterization and Connection to Climate Variability in the Pearl River Basin in Southern China Using Long-Term GRACE and Reanalysis Data: The Role of Reservoir Storage Change
- Dynamics of colloidal transport during multiphase flow in porous media
- Effects of polarization reversed EMIC waves on the ring current dynamics
- Ensemble Skill Gains Obtained From the Multi-Physics Versus Multi-Model Approaches for Continental-Scale Hydrological Simulations
- Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains
- Expansion of the vegetated areas by human activities and vegetation growth simultaneously explain the greening of Seoul
- Experimental Insights into the Impact of Flow Rates and Buoyancy on Dissolution in Rough Fractures.
- Film entrainment and microplastic particles retention during gas invasion in suspension-filled microchannels
- Global Phosphorus Losses from Croplands under Future Precipitation Scenarios
- High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Over Urban Areas Based on GaoFen-1 and GaoFen-6 Synergistic Observations
- How long it takes for neck cutoff to occur in highly sinuous meandering rivers?
- Influence of local splitting behavior at intersections on unsaturated flow dynamics in fracture networks
- Insights into the June 2020 Aniangzhai landslide in Danba County, China: A remote sensing analysis using satellite radar and optical data and corner reflectors
- Investigation of Leaf Area Index and Evapotranspiration in paddy field using UAV and Satellites data combined
- Joint Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 SAR data to study the earthquake induced by EGS injection in Pohang, South Korea
- Low-frequency pulses associated with downward terrestrial gamma-ray flashes in Japan
- Multiscale analysis of a current sheet crossing associated with a fast earthward flow during a substorm event detected by MMS
- Nonlinear precipitation blocking of relativistic electrons by large amplitude EMIC waves
- Pattern transitions and a theoretical model for dissolution regimes in rough fractures
- Predicting fluid invasion from flow geometry in ordered porous media
- Processes of neck cutoff and channel adjustment affected by seeding herbaceous vegetation and variable discharges
- Representing functional enzymes: a step towards greater realism in microbial ecological modeling
- Research Progress of Socio-Hydrology in Chinese Urban Water System
- Separating Primary Aerosol Convective Invigoration from Meteorology Co-variability including Feedback
- Statistical Study on Spatial Distribution and Polarization of Saturn Narrowband Emissions
- Stress Triggering and Megathrust Cascades Along the Eastern Alaska Subduction Margin
- Subsurface geophysical investigation of the lunar Aristarchus Plateau volcanism system through high resolution GRAIL gravity data inversion
- TOUGH-AiFrac for modelling the 3D fracture propagation with HMT coupling process
- Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval Method for Airborne Fourier Transform Thermal Infrared hyperspectral Imagery
- The July 2020 Simeonof Earthquake: Coseismic Slip and the Megathrust Slip Budget
- The State of the Art of Global Inland Hydrography: Advances, Challenges and Future Directions
- Theoretical and Experimental Study of Unsaturated Flow in a Discrete Fracture Network
- Thermal pressurization induced the frequency-dependent rupture during the 2019 Mw8.0 Peru intermediate-depth earthquake
- Thermo-hydro-mechanical model calibration for the Heber geothermal field with leveling, InSAR and temperature observations
- Understanding the quasi-linear effects of wave-particle resonant interactions in Earth's radiation belts
- Upper limit of relativistic electrons observed in the Earths radiation belts
- A Copula-based Comprehensive Method for River Ecological Flow Quantification and its Risk Assessment in the Hanjiang River, China
- A comparative study of seismic tomography models of the Chinese continental lithosphere
- Accurate Estimation of Surface Albedo in Mountains Contributes to Describing Energy Budget over Mountainous Ecosystem
- Active Control of the Radiation Belt Particle Populations with Ionospheric Amplification of VLF Waves
- Analysis of Arctic Daytime Cloud Fraction Spatio-Temporal Variation from Multiple Satellite Products
- Combined Scattering of Concurrent Unusual High Frequency EMIC Waves and MS Waves on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Coseismic Slip Model Evaluation and 3-month Stress Driven Afterslip Simulation of the July 29, 2021 Mw 8.2 Chignik Earthquake.
- Coulomb Stress Evolution in the Shumagin Gap and Surrounding Regions of the Alaska Subduction Zone for an Mw > 6.9 Earthquake Sequence from 1917 to 2021 due to Coseismic, Postseismic and Interseismic Deformations
- Did the Megathrust Slip during the 2020 M7.6 Sand Point, Alaska, Strike-Slip Earthquake?
- Experimental and numerical studies on fracture dissolution under a gravity field
- Experimental study of the relationship between pore-scale mineral dissolution and reactive surface area with real-rock microfluidics.
- Hidden Large Aerosol-driven Cloud Cover Effect over High-latitude Ocean
- Improving Sargassum Transport Modeling in the Tropical Atlantic with Continuous Satellite Observations
- Improving Streamflow and Flood Predictions Through Computational Simulations, Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification
- Improving the Performance of the Noah-MP Model for Simulating Water and Energy Transfer Processes in Partially Mulched Irrigated Croplands by Jointly Considering the Effect of Partial Plastic Mulch Cover and Dynamic Irrigation
- Inferring Channel-floodplain Connection from Morphological Variations of Oxbow Lakes in the Zoige Basin, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Investigating the multi-scale mechanical behavior of rocks using accurate grain-based modeling and microscale experiments
- Local Time Response of Auroral Electrojet During Magnetically Disturbed Periods: DMSP and CHAMP Coordinated Observations
- Local time and longitudinal variation of the ionospheric radial current: Swarm observations and TIE-GCM simulations
- Local time variations of the Equatorial Electrojet in simultaneous response to Subauroral polarization streams during quiet time
- Modeling Diffuse Electron Precipitation Using Event-Specific Wave Diffusion Rates
- Prediction modelling framework comparative analysis of dissolved oxygen concentration variations using support vector regression coupled with multiple feature engineering and optimization methods in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project of China
- Space Weather Simulations Summer School
- Spatial Parameter Optimization of a Terrestrial Biosphere Model for Improving Estimation of Carbon Fluxes by An Efficient Model-Data Fusion Method
- The 2021 Mw 8.2 Alaska Peninsula Earthquake: Compressional Initial Rupture Induces Subsequent Extensional Coseismic Rupture
- The Experimental Observation of Salt Precipitation and Capillary Backflow During Gas Injection into Brine-Filled Fractures
- Unpiloted Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Image Velocimetry for Validation of Two-dimensional Hydraulic Model Simulations
- Using K-M Slope to Evaluate Magnitude-Frequency Distribution in Earthquake Sequences
- Very Early Postseismic Deformation of Megathrust Earthquakes Using Kinematic GNSS
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Ridley
- Adriana Paluszny
- Alessandro Retinò
- Andrew J. Barbour
- B. L. Giles
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Benjamin Hogan
- Bin Zhao
- Binbin Ni
- Bowen Ling
- C. M. Jackman
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Chen Wu
- D. J. Gershman
- Daniel Rosenfeld
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- E. A. Johnson
- E. K. Sutton
- Eric Kirby
- Esteban Gazel
- F. D. Wilder
- Feiyue Mao
- Feng Liang
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Francisco Ortega‐Culaciati
- Gang Luo
- Gangsheng Wang
- Gedong Jiang
- George H. Allen
- H. Tsuchiya
- H. Y. Wei
- Han Yue
- Hong Zhao
- Hongyu Zeng
- J. D. Menietti
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. M. Albert
- J. Mukherjee
- J. S. Byrnes
- J. T. Freymueller
- J.Y. Li
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jianghui Geng
- Jiashun Hu
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jingjing Xu
- John C. Aragon
- Juan Yi
- K. Hosokawa
- Kai Li
- Kedeng Zhang
- Kenneth R. Bromund
- L. Capannolo
- L. S. Wagner
- Lu Zhang
- M. Gołkowski
- M. R. Argall
- Mahdi Motagh
- Man Hua
- Mark A. Trigg
- Maureen D. Long
- Maximiliano Bezada
- Mian Liu
- Mohamed Amrouche
- N. Ahmadi
- O. Le Contel
- P. A. Bernhardt
- Peirong Lin
- Peng Gao
- Peng Mun Siew
- Q. Ma
- Qiuhong Tang
- R. B. Torbert
- R. D. Williams
- Ran Hu
- Revathy M. Parameswaran
- Robert Evans
- Ronni Grapenthin
- Ruoxian Zhou
- S. S. Wei
- S. Y. Huang
- Sayan Dey
- Scott D. King
- Shangxin Liu
- Shengji Wei
- Shengyi Ye
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Shujing Qin
- Siddharth Saksena
- Simone Servadio
- Siyuan Wu
- T. Chust
- Tao Huang
- Tianhao Zhang
- V. K. Jordanova
- Venkatesh Merwade
- W. Li
- W. S. Kurth
- Wenfeng Liu
- Wenli Fei
- Wen‐Ying Wu
- Xiao Yang
- Xiaohai Tang
- Xing Cao
- Xingcai Liu
- Xinlin Li
- Xizhi Nong
- Yangmao Wen
- Yiqun Yu
- Yi‐Feng Chen
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yu Gu
- Yun Pan
- Yunfang Zhong
- Yuuki Wada
- Zheng Xiang
- Zhibing Yang
- Zhiwei Li
- Zhongfeng Xu
- Zhuohui Xiao
- Zong‐Liang Yang
- А. V. Artemyev