JAXA, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
flowchart I[JAXA, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (842)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (242)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Glimpse of Invisible Cold Ions in the Mid-Night Plasma Sheet: GEOTAIL Observations During Solar Umbra
- Acceleration of Picked-up Interstellar Helium Ions at the Earth's Bow Shock: GEOTAIL Observation
- Application of multivariate Maxwellian mixture model to plasma velocity distribution function
- Decay of MHD-scale vortices mediated by parasitic electron dynamics
- Development of an Ion Energy Mass Spectrometer (PACE-IMA) on Board the SELENE Satellite
- Diffusive Electron Acceleration at Interplanetary CME Shocks: Comparison between events on 21 Feb 1994 and 15 July 2000
- Dynamics of duskside proton aurora observed with the Svalbard all-sky imager and the IMAGE satellite under northward IMF condition : November 26, 2000 event
- EUV measurement of ionospheric oxygen ions
- Electric field Deformation and Behavior of the Suprathermal Ionospheric Ions Observed in Density Depletion Regions in the High Altitude Auroral Ionosphere
- Error Estimation in deriving the Atmospheric Motion Vectors from cloud images
- Fluxropes in the Earth's Magnetosheath
- Geotail Observations of Magnetic Flux Ropes in Bursty Bulk Flows
- Hard X-rays Associated with CMEs
- Japan's Venus meteorological satellite: Planet-C
- Large Scale Structure of Magnetic Field, Plasma and Currents in the Magnetosphere
- Lunar Magnetic Field and Plasma Experiment (MAP) Onboard the Japanese Lunar Orbiter SELENE
- Measurements of the Thermal Properties of the Lunar Regolith Using the LUNAR--A Penetrators and Data Interpretation
- Mechanisms for IMF penetration into the ionosphere of Mars and Venus
- Nonthermal Ions With Partial Ring Structure in the Lunar Upstream Region
- Numerical Modelling of Trapped Electrons in an Expanding Solar Loop
- Optical Observation of the Ionospheric-Magnetospheric Outflowing Oxygen Ions by XUV Onboard Sounding Rocket SS-520-2
- Rapid magnetic field dissipation via coupling between KH and LHD instabilities in the magnetotail current sheet (1)
- Rapid magnetic field dissipation via coupling between KH and LHD instabilities in the magnetotail current sheet (2)
- Science goals of the Planet-C mission
- Stability and Uniformity of Electric Fields in the Magnetotail from the View of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Mapping Study
- The UV Imaging Spectrometer for the Bepi-Colombo mission
- The seasonal and the altitudinal dpendence of the auroral particle acceleration region
- Two spacecraft observations of plasmoid/TCR propagation in the magnetotail
- AKR Disappearance During Magnetic Storms
- Correlation of plasma and field behaviors in the near-Earth magnetotail with substorm injections
- Field-aligned currents in the outermost plasma sheet boundary layer with Geotail observation
- Finite Larmor Radius Effects in Ponderomotive Force
- Force-balanced Magnetospheric Structure with Thin Current Sheets
- Formation of thin-current layer embedded in an ion scale current sheet
- Global Observations of Flux Transfer Events and Their Effects on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System.
- Growth phase signature in the magnetotail associated with sawtooth injections
- High Frequency Waves and Associated Electron Heating in the Foot of Quasi-Perpendicular Collisionless Shocks
- Magnetosheath and plasma sheet observations by GEOTAIL during the low-density solar wind event on 24-25 May 2002
- Magnetotail Behavior Associated With `Sawtooth Injections' During the Magnetic Storm in April 2002
- Optical Observation of Oxygen Ion Upflow in the Cusp/Cleft Region
- Plasma Convection in the Cross-Section of the Magnetotail: Geotail Observation
- Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) experiment in Antarctica during 2002-2003
- Quick reconnection triggering and development of islands to larger scales
- The Response of the Tail to Extended Intervals of Bz < 0: Periodic Unloading Versus Steady Magnetospheric Convection
- A Statistical Study of Plasma Sheet Parameters in Geotail Data and the LFM MHD Model
- Acceleration and Transport of Diffuse Protons in the foreshock region of the Earth's Bow Shock
- An Evaluation of VLBI Observations for the Precise Positioning of the NOZOMI Spacecraft
- Generation of the Foreshock Field-Aligned Beam Observed by Geotail
- Initial value dependence of the tail current sheet tearing - comparing between 2- and 3-D
- Lateral Heterogeneities of the Lunar Crustal Thickness
- Multiple Electron Energy-time Dispersions Observed in the High-latitude Part of the Dayside Cusp Region
- Near-Earth Reconnection Confined in the Plasmasheet during the Substorm Growth Phase: A Study of the November 24, 1996, Event
- Numerical Simulation of the chemical effects of sprite phenomena in the mesosphere
- Quick reconnection triggering mediated by the lower-hybrid-drift instability
- Static Pressure Distribution in the Distant Tail Lobe and Compressional Variations Observed by Geotail
- Statistical Study of Hard X-ray Footpoint Region
- Statistical properties of cold ion populations in the plasma sheet: GEOTAIL observations
- Storm-time convection in the near-Earth plasma sheet
- Tether-Cutting Energetics of a Solar Quiet Region Prominence Eruption
- The structure of the plasma sheet under northward IMF
- Why do Some Storms Decrease the Flux of Relativisitic Electrons in the Radiation Belts ?
- AKR Activity During Magnetically Quiet Periods
- Akebono satellite observations of Alfvén waves related to dayside small-scale field-aligned currents
- An ENA Instrument for the Mercury-Exploring BepiColombo mission
- Climatology and origin of small-scale vertical structures of ozone in the lower stratosphere
- Constraints on the Temperature and Mineralogy of the Moon from a Joint Inversion of Apollo Seismic, Geodetic Data and Lp-Clementine Gravity Data
- Convection electric field in the near-Earth tail during the super magnetic storm on November 20-21, 2003
- Evolution of phase space densities from the dayside to nightside magnetosphere during a prolonged northward-IMF period: Cluster-II, GEOTAIL, and LANL-MPA comparison
- Field-line mapping of the near-Earth plasma sheet based on the plasma pressure information obtained by GEOTAIL
- Formation of the Cold Plasma Sheet in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- GEOTAIL Observation of Interplanetary Shock-Magnetic Hole Interaction on 25 September 2001: An overview
- Geosynchronous Response to Fast Plasma Flows in the Plasmasheet: Geotail-GOES Coordinated Observations
- Low Energy Charged Particle Measurement by Japanese Lunar Orbiter SELENE
- Lunar magnetic anomalies in the solar wind: Possible existence of mini-magnetosphere
- Motion of near-Earth neutral line in substorm recovery phase
- Multipoint Observations of Pi2 pulsations During Substorm Recovery
- NOZOMI/ACE Multispacecraft Observations of Solar Energetic Particles
- Particle Signatures Observed by Geotail at 9-30 Re and Mapping of Auroral Regions to the Magnetosphere Without Field-Line Models
- Signature of tail current disruption in the near-Earth plasma sheet
- Simultaneous Geotail and Wind Detections of Reconnection at the Subsolar and Flank Magnetopause
- SmartSat Experiment for the L5 Mission
- Sodium Imager in the BepiColombo Mercury mission
- Strong guide field effect on three-dimensional quick magnetic reconnection triggering
- Substorms During Prolonged Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Temperature Anisotropy Constraint In The Plasma Sheet
- The structure of the plasma sheet under northward IMF
- Transport Characteristics From Multi-Component Approach in Magnetotail Plasma Measurements
- A Statistical Study of Plasma Properties in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- Average Plasma Vorticity Field in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Coordinated Observation of Field Line Resonance in the Mid-magnetotail
- Coordinated Rocket and Ground-based Observations of Neutral Temperature during the Dynamics and Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere in Aurora (DELTA) Campaign
- DC Electric Field Measurement by the Double Probe System Aboard Geotail and its Simulation
- Detection of Rolled-up Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices From Single-Spacecraft Data
- Development of Medium Energy Ion Mass Spectrometer for Future Missions in the Inner Magnetosphere of the Earth
- GEOTAIL Observations of the Earth's Bow Shock: Whistler Critical Mach Number and the Diffusive Shock Acceleration of Electrons
- In Situ Observations of Neutral Temperature and Density in the Polar Lower Thermosphere during the DELTA Campaign
- Jovian Small Orbiter for Magnetospheric and Auroral Studies
- Mass ratio dependence on quick magnetic reconnection triggering in the presence of guide field
- Mean of Proton Temperature Anisotropy in the Solar Wind is Solely Controlled by the Threshold of its Excited Instabilities and its Implication: Two Years of Geotail Observations
- Numerical study of dynamo action at low Ekman numbers in rotating spherical shells
- Plasmoids Observed in the Near-Earth Magnetotail at X=-7 Re
- Spatio-Temporal Development of Fast Plasma Flow in the Plasmasheet
- Structure of the nightside plasma flows and magnetic fields in the induced magnetosphere of Mars
- The Fast Plasma Instrument for the MMS Mission
- The Solar-Terrestrial data Analysis and Reference System (STARS)
- Two steps triggering of magnetic reconnection in a bifurcated current sheet
- A New Type Neutral Mass and Velocity Measurement Instrument
- A Portal Service of Earth Observation Data via Google Earth
- Asymmetry of photoelectron distribution around GEOTAIL spacecraft and its possible cause
- Automatic meta-data collection of STP observation data
- Characteristics of black aurora obtained from simultaneous image and particle observations by the REIMEI satellite
- Comparison of fast plasma flows in the plasma sheet between storm time and non-storm time
- Dependence of electron dynamics on reconnection layer structure with density asymmetric current sheet
- Electron acceleration associated with magnetic island coalescence
- Estimation of electron density using spacecraft potential and electron temperature
- Feature Extraction of Microwave Emission Associated with Earthquakes
- Global Lunar Gravity Field Determination Using Historical and Recent Tracking Data in Preparation for SELENE
- Global structure of 2-D plasma sheet profiles for various IMF conditions : Geotail observations
- Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction: Recent Developments
- Large-Amplitude Alfven Waves Observed in the Magnetotail and Associated Magnetospheric Signature
- New Association of two Magnetic Structures: FTE and Pi2 Pulsations
- Observation of thin current sheets during magnetotail reconnection with a presence of a guide field
- Recovery of streamlines in the flank low-latitude boundary layer
- Solar wind control of plasma number density in the near-Earth plasma sheet: Correlation analysis of WIND-ACE/GEOTAIL observations
- Spatial signature of electron distributions around the X line
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- Superposed-Epoch Analysis of Magnetotail with Geotail Data and Implied Model of Substorm
- Temperture anisotropy effect on the tearing mode
- The Cold-Dense Plasma Sheet
- The Effects of Spatial Evolution on the Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices with Three-Dimensional Simulation
- The Japanese satellite mission ERG for Geospace research and applications
- The coalescence of MHD-scale Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices; Two-dimensional two-fluid simulations including finite electron inertia
- The role of guide field in magnetic reconnection: the case of relativistic magnetic reconnection in pair plasmas
- The time-scale for the formation of the cold-dense plasma sheet: A case study
- Broadband electrons during storm-time substorm: Simultaneous FAST and Double Star observations
- Cross calibration of soft X-ray telescopes between Hinode/XRT and GOES13/SXI
- Demonstration of X-line retreat by a large scale full particle simulation
- Development of the sprite and lightning imaging system onboard the SPRITE-SAT
- Discrimination of the earthquake-origin microwave emission from the data of the spaceborne radiometer
- Electron acceleration during magnetic islands coalescence in magnetic reconnection
- Evolution of the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorm expansion onsets
- Geotail observations of low-frequency MHD waves prior to dipolarization onsets in the near- Earth magnetotail
- Geotail observations of temperature anisotropies in the cold plasma sheet on the duskside
- Hinode SOT observations of plume upflows and cascading downflows in quiescent solar prominences
- Investigation of Electron Density Profile in the ionospheric D and E region by Kagoshima rocket experiment
- Ionospheric signature of flow bursts in the magnetotail: Geotail-SuperDARN conjunction study
- Launch of the SELENE(Kaguya) Mission and their Science Goals
- Magnetic reconnection with multiple X-lines in an open system: Two fluid simulations with finite electron inertial effects
- Mangetic field properties at the footpoints of solar microflares (active-region transient brightenings)
- Multi-spacecraft THEMIS - Geotail observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the low-latitude dayside and nightside magnetosphere for equal northward and dawnward IMF
- Observations of Non-thermal Gamma-Ray Emissions from Winter Thunderclouds
- On the Boundary Between a Proto-star Magnetosphere and its Protoplanetary Disk
- Preliminary Design of MIA (Mercury Ion Analyzer) for BepiColombo Mission
- Preliminary report of DC electric field measurements in the ionosphere by Kagoshima sounding rocket experiments
- Reconstruction of a bipolar magnetic signature in an earthward jet in the tail: Flux rope or 3D guide-field reconnection?
- Solar wind control of plasma number density in the near Earth plasma sheet: three- dimensional structure
- Telescope of Extreme ultraviolet (TEX) onboard Japan's lunar orbiter (SELENE): Imaging of the inner magnetosphere from the moon
- The Structure and Dynamics of the Quiet Corona from Observations with the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
- Variation of the cold plasma density structure above the polar ionosphere associated with geomagnetic storms
- WIND, FERIX-2 and ISUAL F-region imaging: Ionospheric Observation Campaigns over Japan in 2007
- Analysis of ESWs within reconnection diffusion region and slow-shock in the near-earth magnetotail: Geotail observations
- Anomalous Flow Deflection at the Low Alfven Mach-Number Bow Shock and its Effect on the Magnetosphere
- Asymmetric plasma mixing via symmetrically developed vortices at the Earth's magnetopause
- Detection of Land-surface Deformations Associated with Earthquakes from a Satellite- borne Microwave Radiometer Data
- Development of a Low Energy Particle Electron Spectrum Analyzer (LEP-ESA) onboard the ICI-2 sounding rocket
- Development of a Low-energy Ion Mass Spectrometer for Inner Magnetospheric Research
- Electron acceleration in the near-Earth magnetotail in substorms
- Imaging and Photometric Observations of TLEs by the JEM-GLIMS Mission
- In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Associated Energetic Particle Acceleration in Near-Earth Space
- Initial Global Mmapping of the Lunar Magnetic Anomaly by MAP-LMAG on SELENE (KAGUYA): Implication for the Lunar Crustal Magnetism
- Investigation of Lunar Impact Structures and Ridge Features by KAGUYA Altimetry (LALT) Data
- Ion Upflows in the Polar Magnetosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter in 2010
- Longitudinal association between magnetotail reconnection and auroral breakup based on Geotail and Polar observations
- Lunar Far Side Gravity From SELENE Mission And Dichotomy of the Moon
- Lunar plasma measurement by MAP-PACE onboard KAGUYA(SELENE)
- Magnetic Island Formation Between Large-Scale Flow Vortices at an Undulating Post- noon Magnetopause for Northward IMF
- Monitor System for Space Electromagnetic Environments: Sensor Network in Space
- Non-linear coupling between magnetic reconnection and MHD-scale Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Full particle simulations
- Observations and analysis of the April 9, 2008 CME using STEREO, Hinode TRACE and SoHO data
- Plasma Outflows in the Corona as Observed With Hinode XRT
- Plasmasphere from the Moon
- Pressure Change Associated with Dipolarization in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Radial profile of the storm-time convection electric field in the equatorial magnetosphere: THEMIS observations
- Retreat and reformation of X-line during quasi-continuous reconnection at the high- latitude magnetopause
- Sneaking of the Solar Wind Ions Into the Lunar Anti-subsolar Region Revealed by SELENE (Kaguya)
- Spatial Distribution of Dense Plasma in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet and its Transport Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Storm-time electric fields in the mid-latitude ionosphere observed by ground magnetometers and the Akebono satellite
- Sub-keV Electron Signatures Within Pulsating Aurora
- Tail Processes and Auroral Activity at the Substorm Expansion Onset
- The Effect Of Fast And Slow Solar Wind On The Venusian Upper Atmosphere.
- The SOLAR-C mission
- The Thermal Structures of Solar Corona Revealed with Hinode/XRT
- Unique properties of solar-wind-Mars interaction in terms of ion escape and mass-loading processes
- White Light Flare Observations from the Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode
- Access of the near-Earth electron plasma sheet to the inner magnetosphere seen by THEMIS
- Boundary layer plasma flows from high-latitude reconnection in the summer hemisphere for northward IMF: THEMIS multipoint observations
- Coordinated observations of electron density enhancements in the polar magnetosphere and ion upflows in the ionosphere during geomagnetic storms
- Current Status of Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES)
- Estimation of the Electromagnetic Energy Carried by the Alfven waves Traveling in the Plasma Sheet
- Evolution of fine magnetic structures in sunspot light bridges as observed with Hinode/SOT
- Fast flow pattern associated with the dipolarization region: THEMIS observation
- Imaging studies of Jupiter's H3+ infrared aurora
- Interaction between terrestrial plasma sheet electrons and the lunar surface: Kaguya (SELENE) observations
- Intrusion of the solar wind protons into the near-Moon wake revealed by SELENE (KAGUYA) (Invited)
- Ionospheric Ion Outflow from the Cusp and the Polar Cap Ionosphere: Current Observations, Knowledge Gaps, and Planned Observations (Invited)
- Lunar Neutral Exosphere Properties from Pickup Ion Analysis
- Magnetic topology of the magnetopause and low-latitude boundary layer deduced from THEMIS high-resolution electron and ion measurements
- Mercury's sodium exosphere and interplanetary dust distribution
- Multi-point observations of large-amplitude electric fields during substorms obtained by THEMIS
- Particle Acceleration and Multi-island Coalescence in the Magnetotail
- Plasma Sheet Changes Caused by Sudden Enhancements of the Solar Wind Pressure
- Plasma Sheet Thickness During A Bursty Bulk Flow Reversal
- Plasmaspheric EUV image seen from the lunar orbit:Result of Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope onboard KAGUYA spacecraft
- Preliminary global mapping of lunar magnetic anomalies at nominal and low altitudes by MAP-LMAG onboard SELENE (KAGUYA)
- Properties of the Magnetopause Deduced by Multi-Scale, Observations: Cluster, Themis, Double Star
- Role of Diffusion in Transport of Cold Dense Plasma Near the Magnetopause Deep Into the Magnetosphere: THEMIS Observations
- SAVNET and Japanese VLF observations of ionospheric disturbances caused by giant recurrent gamma-ray flares on January 2009
- Science Goal and Mission Status of JEM-GLIMS
- Scientific Achievements and Data Release by Kaguya Mission
- Simultaneous entry of oxygen ions originating from the Sun and Earth into the inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms
- Spatial and Temporal aspects of magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Storm-time electric fields in the mid-latitude ionosphere derived from the ground and satellite observations
- Structure of kinetic/non-kinetic scale velocity shear layers and associated Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices: particle simulations
- The Focusing Optics Solar X-ray Imager (FOXSI)
- The final status of Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter (PLANET-C) in the integration test
- The solar wind - Moon interaction discovered by MAP-PACE on KAGUYA
- Updated Lunar Gravity Results From Kaguya (SELENE) and Historical Tracking Data
- A Benchmark for Cloud Tracking Wind Measurements
- A Lunar Broad Band Seismometer on SELENE-2 / LUNETTE missions: Focus on VBB technical improvements
- A simple explanation for cross-field diffusion process by kinetic Alfven waves
- Anomalous deformation of the Earth's bow shock in the lunar wake: Joint observations by Chang'E-1 and SELENE
- Comparison of UV/IR auroral emissions from Jupiter and Saturn
- Concentrated Heavy Rain Detected by InSAR: a Case Study of the August 2008 Episode in Central Japan
- Considerations of broadband seismic observation on Mars
- Cooperative Planetary Image Data Center and Venus Cooperative Observation supporting Akatsuki
- Coordinated ESR-Reimei observations of the cusp ionosphere
- Development of a low energy electron spectrometer for SCOPE
- Energy release and transport in the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorms: THEMIS observations
- Estimation of the energy transport of Venusian atmospheric turbulence by the spectral analysis of the VEX/VMC UV images
- Estimation of the radial diffusion coefficient using REE-associated ground Pc 5 pulsations
- Evidence for a flux transfer event generated by multiple X-line reconnection at the magnetopause
- Evolution of an MHD-scale Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex accompanied by magnetic reconnection: Two-dimensional particle simulations
- Hard X-ray and microwave sources located around the apex of a solar flare loop
- Identification of substorm onset location and pre-onset sequence using Reimei, THEMIS GBO, PFISR and Geotail (Invited)
- Impact seismology on terrestrial planets and Small bodies (Invited)
- Implications of the Distinctive Mafic Mound in Central SPA (Invited)
- Ionization non-equilibrium plasma during magnetic reconnection in solar corona
- Ionospheric Current System over the African Region and East Asian Region as Observed by MAGDAS Stations (Invited)
- Kelvin Helmholtz driven vortices on the dayside magnetopause- single spacecraft detection using Double star 1
- Lithium Release Experiment in the Thermosphere (Invited)
- Location of Saturn's Northern Infrared Aurora Determined from Cassini VIMS Images
- Lunar BroadBand Seismometer System in the Japanese lunar landing mission SELENE-2: its science goals and instrument details
- Lunette: A Dual Lander Mission to the Moon to Explore Early Planetary Differentiation
- Multi-Scale Observations of Magnetic Reconnection at the Subsolar Magnetopause
- Multi-scale Observations of the Near-Earth Flow Braking Region
- On the characteristic feature of the electron density irregularities in the cusp
- Oscillatory braking of BBFs and associated ionospheric response (Invited)
- Plasma Waves Related to Solar Wind - Moon Interaction Observed by WFC onboard KAGUYA
- Recovery of evolution of Grad-Shafranov equilibria from single-spacecraft data: Benchmarking and application to a flux transfer event
- Results of a 3-D full particle simulation of quasi-perpendicular shock
- Scattering Properties of Jovian Tropospheric Cloud Particles Inferred from Cassini/ISS: Mie Scattering Phase Function and Particle Size in South Tropical Zone III
- Spatial distribution of the airglow observed by the Reimei/MAC limb observations
- Spatiotemporal variations and generation mechanisms of flickering aurora
- Supercorotating plasma in Saturn's dawn magnetosphere
- The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)
- The Evolution of Auroral Forms and Vorticity on Small-Scales (Invited)
- The first in-situ observations of echoing HF radar backscatter targets
- The occurrence and characteristics of high-latitude ion outflows observed with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radars and the FAST spacecraft
- optimization of seismic network design: application to a geophysical international lunar network
- A proposal of utilization of penetrators as a quick deployment system of instruments in an emergency
- A survey of KHI activity at the magnetopause
- Auroral counterpart of magnetic field dipolarizations in Saturn's tail
- BepiColombo Euro-Japan Joint mission to Mercury: MMO Project Status
- Data assimilation of the solar wind in the inner heliosphere
- Degradation of Akebono solar cell panels and variation of proton radiation belt
- Direct evidence for a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause
- Electron Acceleration in the Foot Region of a Quasi-Perpendicular Shock
- Energetic Electron Acceleration at Reconnection Jet Fronts in the Magnetotail
- Evidence for plasma transport via kinetic Alfven waves at the magnetopause: An event study of THEMIS observations
- Generation of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves around the Moon
- Hayabusa Sample Curation in the JAXA's Planetary Material Curation Facility
- High speed imaging system in continuum and H-alpha at the Hida observatory for the study of high energy particles in solar flares
- Imaging observation of the Earth's upper atmosphere by Ionosphere, Mesosphere, upper Atmosphere, and Plasmasphere mapping observation (ISS-IMAP) mission
- Improved High-Resolution Lunar Gravity Field Model From SELENE and Historical Tracking Data
- In-Transit Thermal Ionospheric Oxygen (O+) Ions Between the Ionosphere and the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current
- Local Time and SKR Phase Dependence of Saturn's Infrared H3+ Auroral Intensity
- Ly-alpha polarimeter design for CLASP rocket experiment
- Magnetic Reconnection X-Line Retreat Associated with Dipolarization of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Magnetopause Reconnection Across Wide Local Time
- Neutron Emission from the Solar Flare of September 07, 2005, Detected by the Solar Neutron Telescope at Sierra Negra, Mexico
- Non-gyrotropic electron velocity distribution functions near the lunar surface
- Observation of O3, HCl, ClO, and HOCl by ISS/JEM/SMILES inside and outside Arctic Polar Vortex during 2009-2010 Winter
- Penetration of various projectiles into low-density aerogels
- Photometric observation of Venus from Akatsuki Ultraviolet Imager (UVI)
- Photometry of the dayside of Venus at 0.90 μm using IR1 onboard Akatsuki
- Radio occultation observation of the solar corona with Venus explorer Akatsuki
- Reconstruction of three-dimensional, magneto-hydrostatic plasma and magnetic field structures from multi-spacecraft data
- Return to Venus of AKATSUKI, the Japanese Venus Orbiter
- Saturn's aurora as viewed by Cassini VIMS
- Solar wind proton deceleration at higher altitude above lunar magnetic anomalies
- Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Water Vapor during a Heavy Rain Detected by InSAR, GPS and Weather Radar
- Spectral analysis of lunar swirls using the data from Spectral Profiler onboard SELENE/Kaguya
- Statistical studies of electron density around lunar wake boundary derived from WFC observation onboard KAGUYA
- Strong deformation of magnetospheres under low Alfven Mach number solar wind
- Study of the Jupiter X-ray imaging spectrometer on JMO
- Temporal and spatial variations of pulsating auroras obtained from ground-based observations at Poker Flat Research Range: Initial result
- The 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake : from GPS ground deformations to ionospheric perturbations
- The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)j
- The First Recovery of Asteroidal Samples by the Hayabusa Mission
- The Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex in the asymmetric velocity shear layer: PIC simulations
- The Selene 2 LBBS seismic experiment
- The impact of snow impurity assumption on snow parameters retrieved from satellite data
- VLBI mission proposed for SELENE-2 and its contribution to constrain the lunar internal structure
- Albedo and Christiansen Feature Relationships among Remotely Sensed Extreme Lunar Compositions: Olivine and Silica Rich Locations
- An intercomparison study of isotopic ozone profiles from the ACE-FTS, JEM-SMILES, and Odin-SMR instruments
- Auroral arc features at Saturn and their relation to magnetopause reconnection
- Biogeochemical linkage between atmosphere and ocean in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean: Results from the EqPOS research cruise
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's Nightside UV Auroral Oval: In Situ Evidence of its Periodic Motion
- Cluster observations and simulations of He+ EMIC triggered emissions
- Contribution of SELENE-2 geodetic measurements to constrain the lunar internal structure
- DC electric field measurement in the mid-latitude ionosphere by S-520-26 sounding rocket in Japan
- Developing a Standardized Testing Procedure for Cloud Tracking Wind Measurement Methods
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Rising Tone Emissions Driven by Anisotropic Protons Injected into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Electrostatic solitary waves and plasma environment near the moon observed by KAGUYA
- Emission Height and Temperature Distribution of White-Light Emission from the 2011 January 27 Flare Observed by Hinode/SOT
- Evaluation of solar energetic particles exposure on the Venus orbiter Akatsuki
- Fine scale structures of pulsating auroras in the early recovery phase of substorm using ground-based EMCCD camera
- Generation of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic waves around the Moon
- Geotail observation of the dissipation region in magnetotail reconnection
- Ground Experiment on Performance of High-energy Electron Detector for Probing the Inner Magnetosphere under High-counting Conditions
- Hinode observations of the Venus corona during the 2012 transit of Venus
- Imaging observation of the mesoscale structures in the Ionosphere, mesosphere, and plasmasphere from the international space station
- Initial Results Derived from JEM-GLIMS Observations
- Inner plasma structure of the low latitude reconnection layer
- Investigation of the solar UV/EUV heating effect on the Jovian radiation belt by GMRT-IRTF observation
- Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package for Lunar Lander - Definition Study
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's bow shock and magnetosheath
- Magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
- Mapping of the VIS-NIR spectral features observed around the lunar swirls and implications for the origin of the albedo structure
- Monochromatic imaging observation of sprites with the Reimei satellite
- Multi-mission conjunction to probe the spatial and temporal aspects of the magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- New discoveries in the Venusian Foreshock
- Numerical simulation of the gravitational separation in the stratosphere
- On the Transition Between the Inner Plasma Sheet and the Outer Plasma Sheet in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Performance tests of medium-energy electron analyzer and ion mass spectrometer developed for SPRINT-B/ERG
- Return to Venus of Japanese Venus Orbiter AKATSUKI
- Returning Samples from Enceladus
- Significance of Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer for direct measurement of nonlinear wave-particle interactions
- Solar wind proton reflection by lunar crustal magnetic fields observed at low altitude
- Sounding rocket/ground-based observation campaign to study Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTID)
- Spatial configuration of a flux rope observed downstream from the Martian crustal magnetic fields
- Spatial distribution and local structure of reconnection jet fronts in the Jovian magnetosphere
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager
- The brightness temperature observation with the growth of thin sea ice
- The structure and dynamics of a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause
- Transport of Thermal-energy Ionospheric Oxygen (O+) Ions between the Ionosphere and the Inner Magnetosphere at Quiet Times Preceding Magnetic Storms
- Trial of the Sodium detection in the Lunar / Venusian atmosphere: Solar Eclipse (May 21) / Venus Transit (June 6)
- Wave activity around the X-line observed in the near Earth magnetotail
- Whistler-mode waves near lunar crustal magnetic anomalies in the solar wind
- 3D structure and dynamics of prominences in IRIS-Hinode collaborative observations
- A Global Model of Saturn's Magnetopause
- A study on the generation mechanisms of the lunar originating ions
- Characteristics of the near-Earth magnetotail variations at the time of substorm onset
- Characteristics of the spatial structure of Martian magnetic flux ropes recovered by the Grad-Shafranov reconstruction technique
- Detection Method of Lightning and TLEs by JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observation
- Electromagnetic energy conversion at reconnection fronts
- Electromagnetic ion cyclotron rising tone emissions observed by THEMIS probes outside the plasmapause
- Examination of Japanese Project to Study Martian Atmospheric Escape
- Height Dependence of Plasma Properties of a Dark Lane and a Cool Loop in a Solar Limb Active Region Observed by Hinode/EIS
- Investigation of patch structure displacement and its insight to magnetic flux transport
- Japanese Exploration to Solar System Small Bodies: Rewriting a Planetary Formation Theory with Astromaterial Connection (Invited)
- Magnetic diffusion and ion nonlinear dynamics in magnetic reconnection
- Mid-infrared Observation of C/2012 S1 (ISON) with Subaru+COMCIS
- On spatial distribution of proton radiation belt from solar cell degradation of Akebono satellite
- Photometric Characteristics of Sprites and Elves Derived from JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observations (Invited)
- Preliminary results of the imaging observation of the MTI region by Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Upper Atmosphere, and Plasmasphere Mapping Mission on the International Space Station
- Radius of lunar core estimated by GRAIL results
- Recovery of an evolving magnetic flux rope in the solar wind: Decomposing spatial and temporal variations from single-spacecraft data
- Soft X-ray study of solar wind charge exchange from the Earth's magnetosphere : Suzaku observations and a future X-ray imaging mission concept
- Study on Triggering Process of Solar Flares Based on Hinode Satellite Observations
- The plasma depletion layer in Saturn's magnetosheath
- Triggering Process of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Rising Tone Emissions in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Type-II entry of solar wind protons into the lunar wake: Effects of magnetic connection to the night-side surface
- Venusian Upper Hazes Observed with an Imaging-Polarimetry System HOPS
- Vertical CO2 gradient as an indicator of stratospheric circulation
- White-Light Emission and related Particle Acceleration Phenomena in an X1.8-class Flare on 2012 October 23
- A Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) for the Hayabusa 2 Mission to 1999 JU3: The Scientific Approach
- Common Characteristics of the Pulsating Aurora Electrons and Relativistic Electron Microbursts: Satellite Observations and Simulation
- Dual-Spacecraft Reconstruction of a Three-Dimensional Magnetic Flux Rope at Earth's Magnetopause
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere with a Kappa-Maxwellian Proton Distribution
- First High-resolution Spectroscopic Observations by IRIS of a Fast, Helical Prominence Eruption Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection
- Geotail observation of low frequency wave activity in a 3D structure of magnetotail reconnection site
- ICI-III sounding rocket investigation of a Reversed flow event seen by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar
- Imaging and spectrophotometric measurement of lightning by JEM-GLIMS
- In-situ observations of magnetic reconnection in the Jovian nightside magnetosphere
- Investigation of solar wind dependence of the plasma sheet based on long-term Geotail/LEP data evaluation
- Lightning and Sprite Detection from Internationa Space Station
- Local electron heating in the Io plasma torus associated with Io: the HISAKI observation
- Mini-Magnetospheres at the Moon in the Solar Wind and the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- Multi-wavelength observations of Jupiter's aurora coordinated with Hisaki and other space telescopes
- Observational Evidence of Resonant Absorption in Oscillating Prominence
- Observations of oxygen in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn by Hisaki
- Observations of the Io Plasma Torus Using Exceed Onboard Hisaki
- Plasma Instability Growth Rates in the F-Region Cusp Ionosphere
- Preliminary Results from a Coordinated Hisaki/Chandra/XMM-Newton Study of the Jovian Aurora and Io Plasma Torus
- Radio Wave Generation by a Collision or Contact between Various Materials
- Solar wind influence on the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Io plasma torus observed by HISAKI/EXCEED
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Sprites and Sprite-related VHF Signals Measured by JEM-GLIMS
- Standing shear Alfven waves driven by the Jupiter dipole wobbling
- Statistical Study of Concentric Gravity Wave in the Lower Thermosphere by using the ISS-IMAP/VISI Data of 2013
- Statistical analysis of plasmaspheric EMIC waves
- Variability of Jupiter's Main Auroral Emission in Response to Magnetospheric Hot Plasma Injections
- Variation of Jupiter's Auroral Energy Input Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- 3-years Occurrence Variability of Concentric Gravity Waves in the Mesopause Observed by IMAP/VISI
- 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- An Overview of Three-year JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observations of Lightning and TLEs
- Current Status of Japanese Participation to Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer "JUICE"
- Effect of escaping photoelectrons on the polar wind outflows
- Expectations of BepiColombo MMO: Space plasma physics of the Hermean magnetosphere
- FOXSI-2 Observations and Coronal Heating
- Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS
- Formation Process of Relativistic Electron Flux Through Interaction with Chorus Emissions in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars
- Io's volcanic influence on the Io plasma torus: HISAKI observation in 2015
- Kaguya observations of the lunar wake in the terrestrial foreshock
- Kink-mode oscillations of the magnetotail current sheet driven by quasi-continuous reconnection during a steady magnetospheric convection: Geotail and THEMIS conjunction
- MMS Observations of Velocity-dispersed Ion Populations in Earth's Magnetotail.
- MMS observations of kinetic-scale structure in a magnetic depression
- Nonlinear Wave Growth Theory of Coherent Hiss Emissions in the Plasmasphere
- Open source software integrated into data services of Japanese planetary explorations
- Propagation of electric fields during Pi2 pulsations based on multiple magnetospheric satellites and ionospheric radars
- Relation of the lunar volcano complexes lying on the identical linear gravity anomaly
- Solar wind influence on the Jovian inner magnetosphere observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- Spatial Dimensions of the Electron Diffusion Region of Anti-Parallel Magnetic Reconnection
- Statistical analysis of plasmaspheric magnetosonic mode waves from Van Allen Probes observations
- Structure of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient observed by MAVEN and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Summary of Global lightning and sprite measurements (GLIMS) mission
- Surface Mass Balance around the Japanese Antarctic Station, Syowa, in East Antarctica
- The Deep Lunar Interior with a Low-Viscosity Zone: Revised Constraints from Recent Geodetic Parameters on the Tidal Response of the Moon
- The Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- The Science of Asteroid Sample Return Mission Hayabusa2
- The kinetic scale structure of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Implications of collisionless magnetic reconnection and first MMS observations
- The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7<SUP>th</SUP>, 2015
- The shapes of fragments in hypervelocity impact experiments ranging from cratering to catastrophic disruption
- Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Venus' Cloud-level Convection
- Two types of flow reversal events observed in magnetotail
- A Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) on board the Hayabusa 2 Mission to the near Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu
- Albedo observation of near Earth C-type asteroid by Hayabusa2 LIDAR
- Analysis of Microflares from the Second Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI-2)
- Anisotropic spatial distribution of pulsating proton aurora and related Pc1 geomagnetic pulsation
- Bepicolombo MPO-MMO Coordinated Observations for Mercury's Space Weather Investigation
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's High-Mach Number Bow Shock
- Co-evolution of upstream waves and accelerated ions at parallel shocks
- Cold ion demagnetization near the X-line of magnetic reconnection
- Cold plasma and magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause boundary layer
- Comparison of Ohm's Law Terms Using New High Resolution Fast Plasma Investigation Plasma Moments
- Comparison of property between two Viking Seismic tapes
- Continuous Monitoring of Jupiter's Aurora and Io Plasma Torus with the Hisaki Satellite during Joint Observing Campaign with Juno
- Creation of Super-Hot Plasmas in a Flux Eruption Event as seen in Soft X-rays with Hinode/XRT
- Current status and science operations plan of BepiColombo MMO
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Diamagnetic effect in the foremoon solar wind observed by Kaguya
- Dynamic Response of Jupiter's Inner Magnetosphere to Io's Volcanic Activity Seen by Hisaki
- Effects of Lower-hybrid Waves on Electron And Ion Heating During Asymmetric Reconnection
- Global Occurrence Rates and Their LT/Monthly/Seasonal Variations of Lightning, Elves, and Sprites Derived from JEM-GLIMS Observations
- Guide-Field Dependence of Dissipation Processes in Magnetopause Reconnection
- High resolution observations of prominence rotation by Hinode and IRIS
- Inverse Energy Dispersion of Energetic Ions Observed in the Magnetosheath
- Ion Larmor Radius Effects and the Larmor Electric Field Near the X-line During Magnetopause Reconnection
- Jupiter's Auroral Energy Input Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED and its Modulations by Io's Volcanic Activity
- Jupiter's auroras during the Juno approach phase as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- Lunar global geologic features based on a global reflectance spectral characteristics map using SELENE SP spectral cube data
- MAVEN observations of a giant ionospheric flux rope around Mars in consequence of interactions between local crustal and overlaid interplanetary magnetic field lines
- MMS Observations of the Flux Transfer Events in presence of the cold ions
- MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause
- MMS observations of magnetic reconnection in small-scale current sheets in magnetosheath turbulence.
- MMS observations of wave-particle interactions in a kinetic-scale Alfvén-branch wave
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Flux-Rope Interactions in the Turbulent Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Motion of the MMS spacecraft through magnetic reconnection structures
- Near-Earth magnetotail flow braking observed by multi-spacecraft MMS, Geotail, and Cluster
- Observations of partially developed Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Mars
- Occurrence pattern and direction of motion of multiple X-lines at the dayside magnetopause
- Particle Dynamics at and Near the Electron and Ion Diffusion Regions
- Prioritization for Downlink of Scientific Observations for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Using Trigger Parameters from the Fast Plasma Instrumentation
- Reconstruction of the electron diffusion region observed by MMS: First results
- Regional variation in the shape of Moho uplift beneath lunar impact basins
- Response of Jupiter's Aurora to Plasma Mass Loading Rate Monitored by the Hisaki Satellite During Io's Volcanic Event
- Shift of the Magnetopause Reconnection Line to the Winter Hemisphere under Southward IMF Conditions: Geotail and MMS Observations
- Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer (SWPIA) in the ERG mission
- Statistical study of solar wind control on Jovian UV auroral activity obtained from long-term Hisaki EXCEED observations
- Structures of the Hall magnetic field in the dayside magnetic reconnection inferred from Geotail data
- Three-Dimensional Development of Front Region of Plasma Jets Generated By Magnetic Reconnection
- Triggering of explosive reconnection in a thick current sheet by temperature anisotropy boosted tearing mode
- Triggering of explosive reconnection in a thick current sheet via current sheet compression: Less current sheet thinning, more temperature anisotropy
- #AltPlanets: Exploring the Exoplanet Catalogue with Neural Networks
- A New Approach to Modeling Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- A study on the non Maxwellian nature of ion velocity distribution functions using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data
- Accurate calibration of waveform data measured by the Plasma Wave Experiment on board the ARASE satellite
- Application of Wave Distribution Function Method to the ERG/PWE Data
- Arase: mission overview and initial results
- Characteristics of Terrestrial-Source Ion Distributions In and Around the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Characteristics of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite
- Characterization of Jupiter's Atmosphere from Observation of Thermal Emission by Juno and Ground-Based Supporting Observations
- Comparison of the Earth's high-latitude disturbances with energetic electrons measured by the ERG/Arase satellite
- Constraining Plasma Conditions of the IPT via Spectral Analysis of UV & Visible Emissions and Comparing with a Physical Chemistry Model
- Direct Measurements of Energy Transfer between Hot Protons and He<SUP>+</SUP> via EMIC Waves Observed by MMS in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Dynamics of ionospheric convection during disturbed periods observed by the mid-latitude SuperDARN radars in the premidnight and postmidnight sector
- Energetic electrons observed in higher latitude regions of the plasma sheet near the outer radiation belt
- Energy and mass dependence of the contribution to storm-time plasma pressure observed by Arase/MEP-i
- Energy dependence of relativistic electron variations in the outer radiation belt during the recovery phase of magnetic storms: Arase/XEP observations
- Energy spectra variations of high energy electrons in magnetic storms observed by ARASE and HIMAWARI
- Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign
- Global distribution of ULF waves during magnetic storms on March 27, 2017 and April 4, 2017
- High resolution mapping of cold ions within flux transfer events using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data
- Identifying events with prominent fluctuations common to particle and wave observations by the ERG/Arase satellite
- In situ statistical observations of EMIC waves by Arase satellite
- In-Situ Sampling Analysis of a Jupiter Trojan Asteroid by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in the Solar Power Sail Mission
- Initial report of the High Frequency Analyzer (HFA) onboard the ARASE (ERG) Satellite: Observations of the plasmasphere evolution and auroral kilometric radiation from the both hemisphere
- Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase Observation
- Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations: A possibility of anomalous resistivity inferred from MMS observations
- Ion flux oscillations and ULF waves observed by ARASE satellite and their origin
- Kinetic-scale fluctuations resolved with the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission.
- Low-energy particle experiments - electron analyzer (LEPe) for the Arase mission
- Lower Hybrid Waves at Comet 67P
- MMS observations of guide field reconnection at the interface between colliding reconnection jets inside flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause
- Magnetic Field Dipolarization and Its Associated Ion Flux Variations in the Inner Magnetosphere: Simultaneous Observations by Arase and Michibiki Satellites
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Flux Transfer Event signatures
- Measuring the accelerating effect of the planetary-scale waves on Venus observed with UVI/AKATSUKI and ground-based telescopes
- Medium-Energy Particle experiments (MEPs) for the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) mission
- Multi-point observations of VLF quasi-periodic emissions: Results from Arase, PWING and Van Allen Probes.
- Multi-scale observations of whistler, hiss and other magnetospheric plasma waves during a series of conjunctions between ARASE (ERG) and Van Allen Probes.
- Observation of relativistic electron loss induced by EMIC waves in the outer radiation belt: Arase and PWING induction magnetometer array collaboration
- Observations of low-energy ions with Arase/LEPi
- Onboard Processing on PWE OFA/WFC (Onboard Frequency Analyzer/Waveform Capture) aboard the ERG (ARASE) Satellite
- Optical Imaging Observation of the Geospace from the International Space Station by ISS-IMAP
- Overview of HST observvations of Jupiter's ultraviolet aurora during Juno orbits 03 to 07
- Quasiperiodic modulations of energetic electron fluxes in the ULF range observed by the ERG satellite
- Radial and azimuthal distribution of Io's oxygen neutral cloud observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- Rapid acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: Simulation study with Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
- Reconnection properties in Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities
- Revisiting a magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz event seen by the MMS spacecraft on 8 September 2015: Large-scale context and wave properties
- Science Experiments of a Jupiter Trojan asteroid in the Solar Power Sail Mission
- Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the ARASE satellite
- Space-borne observation of mesospheric bore by Visible and near Infrared Spectral Imager onboard the International Space Station
- Statistical analysis of low-energy electron fluxes in the radiation belt: ERG LEP-e measurements
- Statistical and observational research of solar flare for total spectra and geometrical features
- Strategy of Planetary Data Archives in Japanese Missions for Planetary Data System
- Studies of small scale irregularities in the cusp ionosphere using sounding rockets: recent results
- Study on the thermal structure of the Venusian polar atmosphere
- The Extreme Ultraviolet spectrometer on bard the Hisaki satellite
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Study of the plasmaspheric refilling using the data from the ERG, the VAPs, the ground-based magnetometers and the IPE model
- The magnetic field investigation on the ARASE (ERG) mission: Data characteristics and initial scientific results
- The micron- to kilometer-scale Moon: linking samples to orbital observations, Apollo to LRO
- The plasma wave experiment (PWE) on board the Arase (ERG) Satellite Initial results and collaboration with the ground network stations and Van Allen Probes
- Transient brightening of Jupiter's aurora observed by the Hisaki satellite and Hubble Space Telescope during approach phase of the Juno spacecraft
- Variations of System IV period of the sulfur ions in the Io torus for the volcanic event in 2015 observed by the HISAKI/EXCEED
- Wide energy electron precipitations associated with chorus waves; Initial observations from Arase and ground-based observations
- Wire Probe Antenna (WPT) and Electric Field Detector (EFD0 of Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) aboard ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results
- ``High energy Electron exPeriment (HEP)'' onboard the ERG satellite
- A first look at Bennu and Ryugu for signatures of formation in the arrangements of its surface features
- A study of the critical condition for the onset of solar flares based on the theory of magnetohydrodynamic instability
- An Origin and Evolution of Solar Eruptive Flux Ropes
- Arase and Van Allen Probes Observations of Rapid Variations of Energetic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions and Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions During Substorm Plasma Injections
- Automatic detection of the lunar boulders with deep learning
- Brightness and Color Variations on the Surface of 162173 Ryugu: Space Weathering, Thermal Fatigue and Mass Movement
- Characteristics of spatial distribution of boulders on Ryugu
- Characteristics of temporal and spatial variations of storm-time midlatitude trough based on Arase satellite and GNSS-TEC observation data analysis
- Clustering analysis of visible spectra of asteroid Ryugu
- Collaborative measurements of VLF waves by the Arase and the Van Allen Probes
- Comparative Study of Lunar Catenas on their Feature and Origin
- Comparison of Color Maps of Asteroids Ryugu and Bennu from the Approach Phase of Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions
- Contribution from mass-dependent acceleration to the buildup of the ring current: Arase observations
- Contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt dynamics based on Arase observations and BATSRUS+CRCM modeling
- Cusp and Nightside Auroral Sources of O+ in the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current
- Deformation of electron pitch angle distributions caused by upper-band chorus observed by the Arase satellite
- Direct Measurements of Energy Transfer from Hot Protons to EMIC Waves Observed by MMS during Pc5 Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Disruption and Reaccumulation as the Origin of the Ryugu and Bennu Top Shapes?
- Distribution and morphology of craters on asteroid Ryugu
- Distribution of Olivine and Plagioclase around the lunar impact basins from Multiband Imager Data
- Electron Energy Spectrum Estimation from Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
- Electron density spatial distribution and ion mass from coordinated observation of Arase and Van Allen Probes
- Energetic electron flux variations of the outer radiation belt during magnetic storms observed by Arase/HEP - Calibration of the instrument using Geant4 and superposed epoch analysis
- FOXSI-3: Mission Overview and Observations from the Third Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager
- Flux evolution of relativistic electrons of the outer radiation belt associated with coronal hole streams: Arase observations
- Four-spacecraft measurements of the shape and dimensionality of magnetic structures in the near-Earth plasma environment
- Gas chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to reveal the chemical composition of a Trojan asteroid with the OKEANOS space mission
- Geology on asteroid Ryugu revealed by Hayabusa2 visible multi-band imaging observations
- Global distribution of lineaments on Ryugu
- Hayabusa2 Landing Site Selection: Scientific Evaluation on Asteroid Ryugu
- Hayabusa2/NIRS3 spectral observations of asteroid (162173) Ryugu
- Hydrogen Lyman Alpha Imaging Camera onboard PROCYON
- Infrasound observation at Japanese Antarctic Station :10 years observations and results
- Initial Perspectives on Surface Geology of (101955) Bennu including Comparisons to (162173) Ryugu
- Initial report of Hayabusa2 laser altimeter (LIDAR)
- Instantaneous frequency analysis on nonlinear EMIC emissions: Arase observation
- Interpretation of infrared spectra of asteroid Ryugu based on comparison to carbonaceous chondrites and other meteorites
- Investigation of Small Scale Electron Density Perturbations Observed by the ARASE Satellite Near the Plasmapause
- Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations: A possibility of anomalous resistivity inferred from MMS observation
- Local Thermal Properties of Asteroid Ryugu observed with Thermal Infrared Imager onboard Hayabusa2
- Longitudinal structure of oxygen torus near the plasmapause deduced from simultaneous observations by Arase and Van Allen Probes
- Magnetic Field Disturbances Observed by Arase (ERG) Associated with the Magnetic Dipolarization
- Magnetic Field and Energetic Particle Flux Oscillations and High-Frequency Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere during Substorm Dipolarization: Arase Observations
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere connection of storm-time Region-2 field-aligned current and ring current: Arase and AMPERE/Iridium observations
- Magnetotail dipolarization and dipolarization fronts using spacecraft conjunctions
- Measuring energy conversion in near-Earth space plasmas with MMS
- Mid-infrared spectra and images of Jupiter's auroral regions during perijoves 11 - 15
- Moon Diver: A Discovery Mission Concept for Understanding Planetary Flood Basalts through the Exploration of a Lunar Mare Cross-Section
- Multi-point measurements and ray-tracing simulations of chorus wave packets
- Observational Analysis of Venusian Atmospheric Equatorial Waves and Superrotation
- Open Numerical Simulation Data of Planetary Magnetosphere
- Optimization of the hydrogen absorption cell dedicated to small satellite missions.
- Origin of hierarchical temporal variation in pulsating aurora
- Particle injections observed by Arase satellite in the inner magnetosphere
- Photometric Correction of Ryugu Multiband Visible Image Data
- Precipitation of radiation belt electrons in a broad energy range from keV to MeV by whistler chorus bursts: Data driven simulation using the ERG plasma wave observations
- Preliminary geomorphological map of asteroid Ryugu
- Prompt acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with the solar wind pressure pulse: Comparative study between a code-coupling simulation and Arase observations
- Pulsating aurora associated with temporal structures of chorus elements: Coordinated Arase satellite and PWING observations
- Quantifying propagation of ELF/VLF waves using Kannuslehto and Arase conjunctions
- RAM-SCBE Simulations of the March 2017 CIR-Driven Storm Period
- Radial profiles of phase space density of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt during 6 magnetic storms in 2017: Arase/XEP observations
- Relativistic effect on substorm particle injections
- Remote observation of Earth's plasmasphere from Earth-Moon L2 point by nano-spacecraft
- Sampling and Analysis of Ryugu Regolith
- Shape and geophysical properties of the asteroid Ryugu from initial observations by Hayabusa2
- Soft X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the Sun using a high-speed CMOS sensor with the FOXSI-3 sounding rocket
- Statistical properties of molecular ions in the ring current and their possible supply mechanisms from the ionosphere: Arase and EISCAT radar observations
- Strong diffusion of hot electrons powering diffuse aurora
- Substorm injection like signatures of energetic electrons observed at the plasma sheet boundary
- Surface Thermophysical Properties of Near Earth Asteroid (162173) Ryugu from in-situ Observations: First Results from the MASCOT MARA Radiometer.
- Surface grain sizes of the touch down sites revealed by proximity imaging by Hayabusa2
- The change of Io's oxygen neutral cloud during a volcanically active period observed by Hisaki
- The distribution of crater morphologies across Ryugu: Implications for seismic shaking
- Theoretical study of the Venus cloud by a general circulation model
- Thermo-physical properties of asteroid 162173 Ryugu by TIR on Hayabusa2
- Tracking the region of high correlation between pulsating aurora and chorus: simultaneous observations with Arase satellite and an all-sky imager in Russia
- Ultraviolet aurora's response to solar wind measured with Hisaki and Juno
- Van Allen Probes and Arase Observations of Magnetospheric ULF Waves Associated with Pi2 Pulsations Observed on the Ground
- Visible Spectrophotometry of 162173 Ryugu
- We performed crater size-frequency measurement on Ryugu using high-resolution images obtained by Hayabusa2. Using Ryugu cratering chronology model, the surface age of Ryugu was estimated to be 0.1 to 1 billion years from the density of craters larger than 100 m in diameter.
- A Severe Erosion of the Plasmasphere Arising from the September 2017 Storm
- A Statistical Study of Slow-mode Shocks and Rotational Discontinuities in the Dayside Magnetopause Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)
- Acceleration of Ions in Jovian Plasmoids: Does Electromagnetic Turbulence Play a Role?
- Akatsuki's IR2 nightside data Restoration-by-Deconvolution (RD) and Scientific Outcomes
- An alternate source of lunar surface hydration: Earth wind
- Analyses of the Bright Spectra as Detected by NIRS3 on Asteroid (162173) Ryugu
- Artificial impact crater formed by Hayabusa2 small carry-on impactor on the surface of asteroid Ryugu
- Axisymmetric conductance distribution of Jupiter's middle- and low-latitude ionosphere: Effects of meteoric ions
- Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus: New insights from the Hisaki satellite
- Calibration status of the high-energy electron experiments (HEP) onboard the Arase satellite
- Characterization of Charge Sharing in the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Hard X-ray Detectors Using the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley
- Comparative Study of Data-driven Coronal Field Models with a Ground-truth Flux Emergence Simulation
- Comparative study on chorus waves and energetic electron variations during CIR-driven storms between the Arase observations and RAM-SCB and electron hybrid simulations
- Direct detection of nonlinear generation process of electromagnetic ion cyclotron emissions observed by the Arase spacecraft
- Dynamics of the Convective Turbulence in the Solar Granulation Studied by the Spectral Line Broadening and Asymmetry
- EMIC (ElectroMagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves during the Van Allen Probes and ERG era: Spatial distributions of EMIC waves depending on geomagnetic conditions
- Electron cyclotron harmonic waves observed by the Arase satellite: identification of their wavelengths and phase speeds
- Electron vorticity observed during fundamental physical processes in near-Earth space
- Electron-MHD reconstruction of magnetotail reconnection regions observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
- Energy calibrations between the HEP and the XEP observations onboard Arase using Geant4 and comparing with the SEDA-e onboard the HIMAWARI
- Enhancement of the oxygen atoms escape from Io's atmosphere and relation to the volcanism and Io plasma torus
- Estimating the temperature and density of a spicule from 100 GHz data obtained with ALMA
- Evaluation of the calibrated waveform data observed by the plasma wave experiment on board the Arase satellite
- FOXSI-4: Instrument Upgrades for a Proposed Fourth Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Generation of plasmaspheric hiss in full particle simulation
- Ground-Based Observational Analysis of Venus's Atmospheric Features in UV
- Hardware upgrades and science outcomes from the latest flights of the FOXSI rocket
- In-Situ Investigation of Asteroid (162173) Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 MASCOT Lander
- Infrared Spectra of Dark Asteroid Ryugu and Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Introduction of the space physics and heliophysics education at the University of Tokyo
- Ion energization in the near-Earth magnetotail observed by Arase
- Ionospheric flow fluctuations at mid-latitudes during storms as seen by SuperDARN-Van Allen Probes-Arase conjunctions
- Jupiter's Auroral Variations as Revealed by Hisaki: Internal and External Drivers
- Low Energy Electron Precipitation Caused by Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves Based on Arase Observations
- Lunar Crater Spatial Distribution for Each Surface Model Age
- MMS Observation of Stochastic Shock Drift Acceleration of Non-thermal Electron at Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shock
- MeV electrons observed at the plasma sheet boundary associated with substorm onsets
- Meridional Distribution of Middle-energy Protons And Pressure-Driven Currents in the Nightside Inner Magnetosphere: Arase Observations
- Molecular ion upflow observed by the EISCAT radar in conjunction with the Arase (ERG) satellite during the September 7, 2017 magnetic storm
- Observation of MeV protons in the inner belt and slot region by the high-energy electron experiments (HEP) instrument onboard the Arase satellite
- On the Ubiquity of Magnetic Reconnection inside Flux Transfer Events at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Perpendicular heating of cold ions and fast magnetosonic waves in the inner magnetosphere observed by Arase (ERG) satellite
- Pi2 pulsations observed by the Arase satellite inside and outside the plasmapause
- Plasma Environment below 10km Altitude around Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
- Polynomial reconstruction of the magnetic field around the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft
- Prediction of Extreme Ultraviolet Dynamic Spectrum during Large Flare using Convolutional Neural Network
- Propagation characteristics of whistler mode chorus waves deduced from the observations by PWE/OFA onboard the Arase satellite
- Pulsating aurora from electron scattering by chorus waves
- Recent updates on the Hisaki observations for Jupiter's magnetosphere and Io's atmosphere
- Relative contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt variation: Comparison between multiple observations and BATSRUS + CRCM simulation
- Source region of auroral arcs and diffuse auroras in the inner magnetosphere observed by Arase on 11 September 2018
- Spatial distribution of oxygen and hydrogen upper atmospheres of Mars as observed by Hisaki and MAVEN/IUVS
- Spatial extent of quasi-periodic emission simultaneously observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes on November 29, 2018.
- Statistical analysis for trunk structure of ring current ions using Arase ion observations
- Statistical and Observational Research of Solar Flare EUV Spectra and Geometrical Features for Predicting Total Flare Emission Spectra
- Statistical properties of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite
- Statistical study on electron and ion temperatures in the near-Earth reconnection and magnetic pile-up regions
- Statistical survey of Energetic Electron Precipitation events using coordinate observations from Arase and ground Riometer network
- The radial transport of plasmas around Jupiter's inner magnetosphere with response Io's to volcanic activity
- Whistler mode waves near the magnetic field intensity minimum of mirror structures in magnetosheath
- 5-Season's Optical Observation of Neutral Helium in Interplanetary Space by Hisaki
- A comprehensive study of EMIC (ElectroMagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves observed by the Van Allen Probes and Arase satellites: Spatial distributions depending on geomagnetic conditions and wave properties
- Active auroral arc powered by accelerated electrons from very high altitude
- An Ocean May Have Been Necessary to Produce the Surface Geology on Early Mars
- Centaur Environment and Surface Activity Measurement Experiment (Cesame)
- Characteristics of the magnetic field variations at and above proton cyclotron frequency observed by Arase
- Comparative study of ions, electrons flux and pressure variations in inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms using Arase observations, RAM-SCB simulations and ground magnetic data
- Concentrically expanding ring-shaped pulsating aurora: simultaneous observations with Arase and high-speed cameras in Scandinavia
- Current Status of the Solar-C_EUVST Mission
- Delta-sunspot Formation in Realistic Magnetic Flux Emergence Simulations
- Effect of Sulfur on Siderophile Element Partitioning Between Olivine and Martian Basaltic Melt
- Evidence of Heat Transport from Jupiter's Polar Ionosphere to Lower Latitudes Found in Ground-based Keck-telescope Maps of Jupiter's Ionospheric H<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>+</SUP>
- Evolution of macro- and micro-scale turbulence during magnetic reconnection
- Exploration of subsurface structure in eastern Coprates and Capri Chasmata, Mars using radar sounding data
- Field-aligned low-energy O<SUP>+</SUP> ion flux variations in the inner magnetosphere observed by Arase
- First observation of source plasma and field variations of a substorm brightening aurora at L=6 by a ground-based EMCCD camera and the Arase satellite on 12 October 2017
- First simultaneous observation of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using an airglow imager and the Arase satellite in the inner magnetosphere
- IRIS Mg II Observations and Non-LTE Modeling of Off-limb Spicules
- Identifying the Physical Mechanisms to Explain the Extreme Plasmaspheric Erosion for the September 2017 Storm
- Instabilities Associated with Electron-Scale X-line Evolution
- Io plasma torus and Jovian aurora activity during the Juno era: Current status of Hisaki/EXCEED
- Isolated electrostatic potential structures correlated with low energy electron beams: Arase satellite observations
- Limits on the X-ray emission of the quiet Sun from the FOXSI sounding rockets
- MESSENGER observations of flux transfer event showers and their influences on sodium ions in Mercury's dayside magnetosphere
- MMS and Cluster conjugate observation of current sheet disturbances associated with localized fast flows in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Magnetic-field annihilation and island formation in electron-scale current sheet in Earth's magnetotail
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling processes shape precipitating electron distribution functions within the aurora
- Modulation of energy transfer between hot protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves by compressional Pc5 ULF waves
- Multi-event analysis of plasma and field variations in the source of Stable Auroral Red (SAR) arcs in the inner magnetosphere during non-storm time substorms
- New Methods for Solar Hard X-ray Imaging Analysis with the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Nonlinear generation mechanism of whistler-mode hiss emissions near the equatorial plasmasphere
- Observations of drifting hole structures in radiation belt electrons induced by EMIC waves
- Observations of mass- and charge-dependent ion energization in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Parametric dependence of the generation of plasmaspheric hiss emissions
- Plasma Waves Causing Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events at International Space Station: Lessons from Conjunction Observations with Arase Satellite
- Polynomial reconstruction of the magnetic field in the vicinity of the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) spacecraft: New results
- Quasi-Periodic Variation of Jupiter's Aurora Compared with Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Reflectance spectra measurement plan of captured samples from Ryugu: current status
- Relative contribution of ULF waves and whistler-mode chorus to the radiation belt variation during May 2017 storm
- Reproduction and validation of flare spectra and their impact on the global environment
- Resolving the evolution of pulsating aurora: High-speed Tjörnes-Arase-Syowa conjugate observation
- Search of shallow subsurface structures in Chryse and Acidalia Planitiae on Mars
- Simulation of seismic wave propagation on Ryugu induced by the SCI impact experiment of the Hayabusa2 mission: Limited seismic shaking due to low yield strength of the surface regolith
- Simultaneous observations of the electric field and particle characteristics in the plasmapause / SAPS region with the Arase satellite and SuperDARN radars
- Spatial evolution of injected energetic electrons as observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes
- Statistical Comparisons of Spin-Averaged Electron Flux from ARASE and Van Allen Probes Instruments
- Statistical analyses of low energy ion heating by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves via wave-particle interaction analyses: Arase observations
- Statistical investigation of cross energy coupling during magnetic storms: Arase observations
- The Changing Source of the Plasma Sheet During Geomagnetic Storms
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: High Resolution Focused X-ray Observations of the Sun
- The physical processes responsible for adiabatic electron heating in Saturn's radiation belts
- Thermal Inertia of MASCOT landing site revisited with Digital Terrain Model
- A comparative study on electron contribution to the ring current during CME and CIR driven geomagnetic storms using RAM-SCB simulations and Arase and ground magnetic data
- A statistical study of EMIC (Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron) wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere using Arase observations
- Analysis of Observational Sampling and Geometry Effects on Dayside Measured Winds during Venus Express
- Auroral particle pitch-angle distributions for different types of aurora using REIMEI data
- BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter VGAM2: coordinated observations of the ion composition and the total ion flux in the induced magnethosphere of Venus
- Case analysis of SAPS Wave Structures observed by Arase satellite and SuperDARN
- Deflection of upflowing ion beams by a converging electric field in very-high altitude auroral flux tube
- Demonstration of Chromospheric Magnetic Mapping with CLASP2.1
- Development of radiation belt forecast model based on the recurrent neural network
- Direct observations of electron current in whistler-mode waves
- Effects of the satellite body on the spin-modulated component of the satellite potential as observed by the Arase satellite
- Enhancement of planetary ions at Mercurys cusp during flux transfer event showers: MESSENGER observations
- Error evaluation of energetic electron flux data obtained by the high-energy electron experiments (HEP) aboard the Arase satellite
- Field-aligned low-energy O+ (FALEO) ion flux enhancements in the inner magnetosphere: A possible source of warm plasma cloak and oxygen torus
- First results of Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard Mio/BepiColombo during Mercury and Venus flybys
- Hard X-ray upper limits of the quiet Sun with new FOXSI observations
- How Unlike-Earth are Earth-like Planets?
- Initial Results of Venus and Mercury Fly-by Observations by MPPE-MIA on BepiClombo/Mio
- Ionospheric outflow associated with SAPS observed by SuperDARN and Arase
- Modeling Effects of Charge Sharing on the Response of the FOXSI Sounding Rockets
- Parametric Dependence of Whistler-mode Hiss Generation in the Plasmasphere
- Physical properties of the solar corona studied by spacecraft radio scintillation and the difference between fast and slow winds
- Pi2 oscillations in a substorm brightening aurora and source ion spectra observed on 28 December 2018 by a ground EMCCD camera and the Arase satellite at L 5
- Pneumatic Sampler (P-Sampler) for the Martian Moons Exploration (MMX)
- Precipitating electron energy of pulsating aurora estimated from multi-wavelength optical observations
- Rapid flux enhancement of relativistic electrons associated with dynamic pressure enhancements of the solar wind
- Reconstruction of the Electron Diffusion Region with Inertia and Compressibility Effects
- Return to Mercury: Results from BepiColombo's first Mercury flyby and other activities during cruise
- Simultaneous pulsating aurora and microburst observations with ground-based fast auroral imagers and CubeSat FIREBIRD-II
- Statistical analyses on low energy ion heating by EMIC waves via wave-particle interaction analyses: Arase observations
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: High Resolution Focused X-ray Observations of the Sun
- A Study of Temporal and Spatial Variations of Plasmaspheric Total Electron Content during Geomagnetic Storms by Using the GPS Total Electron Content Data
- A new cold electron density model for the inner plasmasphere and its effect on wave particle interactions
- A statistical study of the behaviors of energetic ions (H+, He+, and O+) in the inner magnetosphere using the Arase satellite observations
- AOS Inclined Time-Varying Observations of Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation
- An Introduction to GPM Version 07
- Analysis of Electron Precipitation and Ionospheric Density Enhancements due to Hiss Using Incoherent Scatter Radar and Arase Observations
- Arase observation of the simultaneous enhancement of electron flux and whistler-mode chorus emissions associated with toroidal mode ultralow frequency waves
- BepiColombo 2nd Mercury flyby: Ion composition measurements from the Mass Spectrum Analyzer onboard Mio
- BepiColombo Cruise Science: a Planetary Mission Providing Synergistic Observations of Interplanetary Transients in the Inner Solar System
- Comparisons of Energetic Particle Injections Using Multipoint Observations from MMS, Van Allen Probes, and Arase
- Conjugate observation of the source region in a storm-time substorm auroral arc using the Arase satellite at L 6 on September 8, 2017
- Constraining the Size and Duration of Microburst-producing Chorus Regions: A Statistical Study of Low- and High- Altitude Observations
- Cooling of thermal electrons in the Jovian inner magnetosphere due to the solar wind effect: the HISAKI observation
- Coupled Exobase-Plasmasphere Hydrogen System Investigation in the American Sector
- Development of Thermophysical Model to Simulate Non-Gravitational Acceleration on Binary Asteroid Didymos and Dimorphos
- Direct Observations of Energy Transfer from Resonant Electrons to Whistler-Mode Waves near the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- EMIC wave induced proton precipitation during the 27-28 May 2017 storm: Comparison of BATSRUS+RAM-SCB simulations with ground/space based observations
- Electron acceleration observed by Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard Mio/BepiColombo during its second Mercury flyby
- Enabling High Resolution X-ray Imaging of Solar Sources via Charge Sharing in CdTe Detectors
- Estimating the altitude of pulsating aurora emission: triangulation from three ground-based stations during the LAMP rocket experiment
- Generation of Ion-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes from Electron-Scale Magnetopause Current Sheet
- He+ emission in Earth's plasmasphere observed by EUV telescope onboard nano-spacecraft.
- Initial Results of the Second Mercury Flyby Observation by MPPE (Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment) on BepiClombo/Mio
- International Mars Ice Mapper: Mission Concept Outline and Traceability to Decadal Survey Priorities
- LAMP-HEP Observation of Microburst Precipitation associated with Pulsating Aurora
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Statistical Distribution of ULF waves in Magnetic Latitude and Implications for Current Estimates of Radial Diffusion
- Multi-event analysis of three-types of optical emissions at subauroral latitudes using ground optical and radio instruments and the Arase and Van Allen Probes satellites
- Neutral Helium Emission in Interplanetary Space from the Earth's Exosphere by the Hisaki Satellite
- Observation of pulsating auroras with a multi-spectral auroral camera AIC2 on the LAMP rocket
- Overview of the "Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations" (LAMP) Sounding Rocket Mission
- Persistent, Energetic Pulsating Aurora Observed During the LAMP Sounding Rocket Mission Launch Window
- Physical properties of the solar corona derived from radio scintillation observations with the Akatsuki spacecraft
- Pieces of the Solar System puzzle obtained from the carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu
- Plasma pressure distribution of ions and electrons in the inner magnetosphere during CIR and CME driven storms observed by Arase satellite
- Propagation of VLF conjugated events at sub-auroral latitudes from multi-point observations in Fennoscandia and the inner magnetosphere
- Radiation Belt Daily Average Electron Flux Model (RB-Daily-E) from the Seven-Year Van Allen Probes Mission and Its Application to Interpret GPS On-orbit Solar Array Degradation
- Raytracing Simulations of DSX-Arase Conjunctions
- Relativistic electron precipitations by chorus waves and its impacts on the middle atmosphere: Conjugate observations by the Arase satellite and EISCAT radar
- Rock-magnetic and paleointensity studies of returned samples from asteroid (162173) Ryugu
- SAPS electric field and particle boundaries in the equatorial magnetosphere as observed by Arase
- Shock remanence distribution of single-domain titanomagnetite-bearing basalt sample: implications for magnetic anomaly over impact crater
- Signatures of Auroral Potential Structure Extending Through the Near-Equatorial Inner Magnetosphere
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Pulsating Aurora during the Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) Rocket Mission
- Spatial distributions of EMIC (Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves and characteristics of rising tone EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere using Arase observations
- Statistical analyses on low energy ion heating by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves via wave-particle interaction analyses: Arase observations
- Structure and Variability of Low-Energy Ions in Mercury's Magnetosphere: Initial Results from BepiColombo Mio MIA Observations
- Study of SO2 transport using UV images taken by Akatsuki and radiative transfer calculation
- Temporal evolution equatorial anomaly in the nightside ionosphere derived from ISS-IMAP/EUVI data
- The Distribution and the Effect of Chorus Waves in the Earth's and the Jupiter's Radiation Belts
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: Focusing X-ray Instrument for Solar Flare Observations
- The Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) rocket mission: Multiplatform, multipoint measurements to study microbursts and pulsating aurora
- The Propagation and Coherency of Whistler Mode Chorus Waves to Higher Magnetic Latitudes
- Time variations of molecular ions in the inner magnetosphere observed by Arase
- UV-Visible Reflectance Spectra of Grains Returned from 162173 Ryugu Unexposed to Earth's Atmosphere
- Vertical structure of the thermal tides in the Venusian equatorial region clarified by Akatsuki radio occultation measurements
- Wave Amplitude Dependence of the Pulsating Aurora Emissions
- Wide energy electron precipitation during pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket experiment and computer simulation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Boyd
- A. J. Halford
- A. Johnson
- A. Kumamoto
- A. Matsuoka
- A. Milillo
- A. Runov
- A. Saikin
- A. W. Breneman
- Alan Dyer
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alexander Drozdov
- Allison Jaynes
- Amanda Hendrix
- Anders Eriksson
- Atsuki Shinbori
- Atsushi Yamazaki
- B. H. Mauk
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- Beatriz Sánchez‐Cano
- C. A. Cattell
- C. A. Colpitts
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. J. Owen
- C. J. Pollock
- C. Pilorget
- C. T. Russell
- Cayman T. Unterborn
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Changkun Li
- Chao Yue
- Charles W. Smith
- Christina O. Lee
- Christine Gabrielse
- Claudia Martinez-Calderon
- Colby Haggerty
- D. C. Richardson
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. Fischer
- D. J. Gershman
- D. Lario
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. P. Hartley
- Daniel Heyner
- David M. Long
- Dedong Wang
- Dominique Delcourt
- Dominique Fontaine
- Donald Hampton
- E. Heggy
- E. P. Nowottnick
- E. R. Sánchez
- E. Spanswick
- E. Zesta
- Elias Odelstad
- Emily Berndt
- Eri Tatsumi
- Erika Palmerio
- F. Tsuchiya
- F. Vilas
- Fernando Tinaut-Ruano
- G. Cunningham
- G. D. Reeves
- George J. Huffman
- Go Murakami
- H. O. Funsten
- Harlan E. Spence
- Hiroki Ando
- Hiroshi Hasegawa
- Hiroshi Naraoka
- Hong Zhao
- Hyomin Kim
- Hélène Brogniez
- I. A. Galkin
- I. Dandouras
- I. J. Cohen
- I. Park
- I. Shinohara
- Ivan di Stefano
- J Bernard Blake
- J. A. Slavin
- J. Benkhoff
- J. D. Menietti
- J. F. Ripoll
- J. G. Sample
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Roeder
- J. M. Raines
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jamie M. Jasinski
- Jana Šafránková
- Javier Peralta
- Jessie Duncan
- John E. Yorks
- Joshua Pettit
- Justin H. Lee
- K. Hosokawa
- K. Keika
- K. Kobayashi
- K. Seki
- Karl‐Heinz Glaßmeier
- Kazumasa Iwai
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazuo Yoshioka
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kevin McGouldrick
- Kunio M. Sayanagi
- Kyoung‐Joo Hwang
- L. Capannolo
- L. Golub
- L. Iess
- L. M. Kistler
- L. R. Lyons
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Engel
- M. Kitahara
- M. L. Mays
- M. Laneuville
- M. Lessard
- M. Nosé
- M. Pajola
- M. Popescu
- M. Pätzold
- M. Samara
- M. Stęślicki
- Marissa F. Vogt
- Martin Connors
- Martin Rubin
- Masaaki Teramoto
- Masanori Kanamaru
- Masataka Shimojo
- Miki Kawamura
- Miroslav Hanzelka
- Mitsunori Ozaki
- Mizuki Fukizawa
- Moa Persson
- Moe Matsuoka
- N. A. Murphy
- N. Ahmadi
- N. Krupp
- N. Sergis
- Naoki Terada
- Naritoshi Kitamura
- Nicolas André
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Nobuhiro Takahashi
- Norihiko Sugimoto
- O. Santolı́k
- Oleksiy Agapitov
- P. G. Richards
- P. Gonçalves
- P. Louarn
- P. R. Shreedevi
- P. S. Athiray
- Pablo Reyes
- Pekka T. Verronen
- Pierre Henri
- Q. Ma
- Q. Zong
- R. B. Torbert
- R. Bruno
- R. C. Allen
- R. E. Denton
- R. H. Varney
- R. J. MacDowall
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. K. Choudhary
- R. M. Dewey
- R. Michell
- Reiko Nomura
- Riley Troyer
- Robert E Ergun
- Ryodo Hemmi
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. G. Claudepierre
- S. Gburek
- S. Livi
- S. M. Nossal
- S. Nakano
- S. R. Kaeppler
- S. S. Limaye
- S. Y. Fu
- Sadie Elliott
- Sae Aizawa
- Sandeep Kumar
- Satoko Nakamura
- Satoshi Kasahara
- Satoshi Kurita
- Seiji Sugita
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Shigeto Watanabe
- Shinji Saito
- Shin‐ichiro Oyama
- Shoji Motomizu
- Shoya Matsuda
- Shun Imajo
- Slava G. Turyshev
- Steven Christe
- Sunny Wing-Yee Tam
- T. E. Sarris
- T. F. Chang
- T. Leonard
- Takanobu Amano
- Takeshi Imamura
- Takeshi Sakanoi
- Taku Namekawa
- Takuji Kubota
- Takuma Nakamura
- Takuya Sori
- Tomoaki Hori
- Tomoki Kimura
- Tyler J. Thorsen
- V. K. Jordanova
- V. Ledvina
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- W. Sun
- Wei Xu
- Weichao Tu
- Wenlong Liu
- William R. Johnston
- Xianzhe Jia
- Xinlin Li
- Y. Ogawa
- Y. Saito
- Yasumasa Kasaba
- Yeon Joo Lee
- Yiqun Yu
- Yixin Hao
- Yohei Miyake
- Yoshiharu Omura
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yuichi Otsuka
- Yuki Harada
- Yuri V. Khotyaintsev
- Yuta Hozumi
- Yutai Katoh
- Zdeněk Němeček