University of Hawaii, Manoa, Institute for Astronomy
flowchart I[University of Hawaii, Manoa, Institute for Astronomy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (147)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (56)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Origin of Earth's Volatiles: The Case for a Cometary Contribution
- Solar Radius Observations by the Michelson Doppler Imager
- Sources of Water for Oceans on Planets
- Observing Silicate-Rich Asteroids in Technicolor: Detailed Compositional Constraints from SpeX.
- Planetary Nomenclature
- Measuring Coronal Magnetic Fields with Coronal Emission Line Polarimetry
- The New 1.7 m Off-Axis Solar Telescope (NST) Project: a Path to Better Solar Science
- Thermal IR Prospects for Coronal Magnetic Field Measurement
- Distribution, Exchange, and Topographic Control of Subsurface Ice on Mars
- New results From HIPWAC Measurements of Ethane in the Stratosphere of Titan
- Origin and Evolution of Titan's Atmosphere: Testing the Models
- An Endogenic Origin of Titan,s Methane
- Improved Access To Aging Ocean Basement Biosphere For Microbial Geochemical Studies
- Results From the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) Experiment on the Cassini-Huygens Probe
- Titan: A Fiercely Frozen Echo of the Early Earth
- Using Imaging Infrared Coronal Spectropolarimetry to Measure the Near-Sun Plasma
- Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements and Comparison with Theoretical Model
- Evidence of the interaction of multiple CMEs: what can we learn from simulations?
- Ice in the Outer Solar System
- Large Scale Coronal Abundance and Density Structures, and Their Association With the Magnetic Field Structure
- MHD Models of the Ambient Solar Wind Constrained by the Wang-Sheeley-Arge and Fisk Models
- Polarimetric Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Corona from 400 to 2000 nm during the Total Solar Eclipse of 29 March 2006
- Recent Results of the 2005 LWS TR&T Focus Team for Solar Energetic Particles
- Shock Wave Dynamics and the Particle Acceleration and Transport for 2002, April,21 Event
- The Coronal Solar Magnetic Observatory (COSMO)
- Titan and Exobiology: A Fiercely Frozen Echo of the Early Earth?
- Twisted Sheet Structures and the Appearance of Coronal Streamers at Solar Maximum
- A 3D view of coronal mass ejections in interplanetary space
- CME Initiation and Shock Formation in Complex Active Regions: Comparing the April 21 and August 24, 2002 CME Events
- Modeling STEREO White-Light Observations of CMEs with 3D MHD Simulations
- Multipoint Validation of a Global 3D MHD Model for the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere
- Observing Interstellar Neutral Helium from the Ground
- Pore-Filling Ice Diffusively Derived From Atmospheric Water Vapor Under Mars Conditions
- The COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- The Interstellar Boundary Explorer Instrument Models and Predicted ENA Count Rates
- Ultra-Fine-Grained Atmospheric Aerosol and Trace Gas Measurements with Future Space- based Tunable Laser LIDAR: The STARCaL Project
- 4D Model for MHD Wave Turbulence in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Clouds on Titan during the Cassini mission: a complete analysis of the VIMS data
- Comparative Formation of the Gas Giant Planets and their Atmospheres
- Comparison of MHD Simulations of CME Evolution and Structure with Coronagraph Observations
- Detection of Super-Earth Planets via the Transit Timing Variation Method
- Disentangling the Magnetic Flux Rope Topology From Coronal Mass Ejections
- Interactions of Multiple CMEs with Complex Interplanetary Medium as Revealed by STEREO
- Investigating the Thermal Effects of Water on the Differentiation of Large Proto-planetary Bodies in the Early Solar System
- Origin and Evolution of Titan's Nitrogen-Methane Atmosphere: A Cassini-Huygens Perspective
- Planetary Waves on Titan
- RHESSI Observations of Facular Limb Darkening at 670 nm
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- The Global Photospheric Temperature Field
- The Role of Heavy Ions as Coronal Diagnostics: Recent Results from Total Solar Eclipse Observations
- Determining CME azimuthal properties from stereoscopic heliospheric observations
- Developing a Thermodynamic MHD Model of the Global Solar Corona with the SWMF
- Educational Outreach for Astrobiology
- Latitude-Dependent Temperature Variations at the Solar Limb
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of the 2009 Jupiter impact debris field: Constraints on particle composition, size and vertical distribution
- On the reconstructing the coronal magnetic field from Fe XIII 10747 A emission line observations
- Thermal Evolution and Composition of the July 2009 Jupiter Impact Site from 7-25 Micron Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Turbulent Alfven Waves as a Solar Wind Driver: Results from a new 4D model for the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Fast Method to Determine CMEs properties at 1 AU and Propositions for an Automated Detection of CME Fronts
- Heliospheric Observations of CMEs with STEREO/SECCHI: A Modeler's Perspective (Invited)
- Importance of Heliospheric Evolution to Understand CME Geo-effectiveness
- Interpreting SDO/AIA observations of EUV waves, a comprehensive analysis with direct comparison to global MHD simulations
- Magnetic Field Measurements at the Photosphere and Coronal Base
- Nature of the Magnetic Fields in Magnetic Clouds: Twist or Writhe?
- On the Origin of Coronal Mass Ejections: How Does the Emergence of a Magnetic Flux Rope Reorganize the Solar Corona?
- Propagation Directions and Kinematics of STEREO CME/ICMEs Events
- Space Based Observations of Coronal Cavities in Conjunction with the Total Solar Eclipse of July 2010
- Testing the vector tomography method for 3D reconstruction of the coronal magnetic field for different coronal field models
- Tomography and the distribution of streamers in the extended solar corona: some implications for large-scale MHD models
- A Sensitive Search for Traces of Stratospheric NH3, PH3, C2H5D, and CH2C2H2 within Saturn's Beacon
- Coupled MHD and Particle-In-Cell Model of Solar Eruptive Events in the Context of Global Space Weather Simulations
- Effect of Solar Wind Drag on the Determination of the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections from Heliospheric Imager Data
- Elliptical approximation for the fronts of ICMEs and application to STEREO events in August 2010 and February 2011
- Heliospheric Observations of STEREO-Directed Events in 2008-2010: Lessons for Future Observations
- MHD Wave Turbulence as the Energy and Momentum Source for Heating the Solar Corona and Driving the Solar Wind in Global Space Weather Models
- Modeling the multi-component solar wind from the surface of the Sun out to several astronomical units
- Multi-Spacecraft Reconstruction of the Magnetic Fields InICMEs with Writhe Structure
- Origin of The Atmospheres of Earth and Mars
- Preliminary Results from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer's NEOWISE Search for Minor Planets
- Realistic MHD Modeling of EUV Waves: Insight From a Coupled Observational and Modeling Analysis
- Using the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) for remotely mapping surface roughness on alluvial fans: A comparison of Death Valley, CA to Mojave Crater on Mars
- Validation of a New Method to Derive Sun-to-1 AU Kinematics of ICMEs with a Numerical Simulation
- Ejecta From Impacts: Experimental Studies of Target Effects and Application to Planetary Impacts
- Examining the Range of Cometary Dust Characteristics with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer
- Fine scale structures of pulsating auroras in the early recovery phase of substorm using ground-based EMCCD camera
- First Steps Toward K-12 Teacher Professional Development Using Internet-based Telescopes
- MHD Waves and Coronal Heating: Unifying Empirical and MHD Turbulence Models
- Magnetic Field Structure in ICMEs: Comparison and Validity of Different Models
- Reconstruction of the 3D Coronal Magnetic Field by Vector Tomography with Infrared Spectropolarimetric Observations from CoMP
- The Influence of an Extended Mass Distribution on Planetesimal Capture
- The Role of Prominences in the Dynamics of the Solar Corona
- Trial of the Sodium detection in the Lunar / Venusian atmosphere: Solar Eclipse (May 21) / Venus Transit (June 6)
- Development of Activity in Comet C/2012 S1 ISON
- New insights into the complexity of the source regions of the solar wind (Invited)
- Observing Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) With the Spitzer Space Telescope
- Quasi-periodic acceleration of electrons by a plasmoid-driven shock in the solar atmosphere
- The Lunar Thermal Ice Pump
- 3D Coronal Magnetic Field Reconstruction Based on Infrared Polarimetric Observations
- Combining Linear Polarization Measurements of both Forbidden/Permitted Coronal Emission Lines for measuring the Vector Magnetic Field in the Solar Corona
- Microarsecond Solar Limb Astrometry from Space
- Observation results of Jupiter's extended sodium nebula in 2013-2014
- Planetary Doppler Imaging
- Properties of solar prominences as obtained by SDO/AIA and the associated differential emission measure analysis
- Variable Cascade Dynamics and Intermittency in the Solar Wind at 1 AU
- Coronal plasma diagnostics from eclipse observations
- Dynamics and Thermodynamics of the Corona Observed During the Total Solar Eclipse of 20 March 2015
- HST and ground-based observations of bright storms on Uranus during 2014-2015.
- Physical properties of CAI-rich asteroids
- Space Physics Instruments for Nano-Spacecraft
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- The Total Solar Eclipse on Svalbard 2015
- Unique Insights into the Origin and Expansion of Coronal Structures from Total Solar Eclipse Observations
- 3D Global Coronal Density, Temperature, and Vector Magnetic Field Derived from Coronal Observation.
- Evidence for Primordial Water in Earths Deep Mantle: D/h Ratios in Baffin Island and Icelandic Picrites
- Neptune's New Dark Vortex: Imaging with HST/WFC3
- Constraining Line-of-sight Confusion in the Corona Using Linearly Polarized Observations of the Infrared FeXIII 1075nm and SiX 1430nm Emission Lines
- Dynamics of Coronal Structures Captured During the 2012 and 2013 Total Solar Eclipses
- Magnetic Topology of a Long-Lived Coronal Condensation Site Lasting Eight Months
- Practicing for 2023 and 2024: What the AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force Learned from the "Great American Eclipse" of 2017
- The Noble Gas Abundances in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/ROSINA
- The Unique Scientific Assets of Multi-Wavelength Total Solar Eclipse Observations
- Formation of a Kilogauss Magnetic Flux Rope Prior to an X9-Class Flare
- On the Detection of Fast Moving H, He and Neutral Atoms in the Solar Corona During the Total Solar Eclipses of 2015 and 2017
- Retrieving 3D Coronal Magnetic Field from Spectropolarimetry of Coronal Emission Lines.
- CME Induced Thermodynamic Changes in the Corona as Inferred from Fe XI and Fe XIV Emission Observations during the 2017 August 21 Total Solar Eclipse
- Cooling Condensation at Coronal Null Points and Quasi-Separatrix Layers Involving Magnetic Reconnection
- Deep-Integrated Solar Polar Magnetic Field Observed by SDO/HMI
- Tomographic Measurements of Magnetic Free Energy in CME Source Regions
- Explaining Empirical Relationships Found in Sunspot Number and Area Time Series with a Simplified Dynamo Model
- Ion Tail Dynamics of C/2020 F3 NEOWISE and other Comets
- Is Non-Neutralized Electric Current a Projection Effect?
- Metis - Solar Orbiter Topical Team on "Modelling of CME propagation/evolution in corona and solar wind in connection with Space Weather"
- New Constraints from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) Data on the 17 Degree Inclination Partial Dust Band and the Emilkowalski Asteroid Disruption
- A new color-based method for K- and F-corona extraction
- Rapid Disintegration of Bald Patches in a Major Solar Eruption
- Solar Filament Channels: Magnetic Forces Shaping Multi-Scale Coronal Dynamics
- The Double-bubble Coronal Mass Ejection of the 2020 December 14 Total Solar Eclipse
- CryoNIRSP Commissioning Observations of Si X 1430 nm: Opening up a New Diagnostic
- Exploring Energy Transfer from the Bell Instability using Simulations and Field-Particle Correlation Analysis
- First Observations from the DKIST/Cryogenic Near-IR Spectropolarimeter (CryoNIRSP)
- Heliophysics from the Moon in the Age of Artemis: Solar Corona Observations from Lunar Orbit and the Surface
- NEOWISE Observations of Low Production Comets Near Perihelion
- Spectroscopic observations of the corona in the visible and extreme ultraviolet during the 2017 August 21 total solar eclipse
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory: Overview and Recent Progress
- Understanding the Kinetic Physics of Particle Energization at Quasiperpendicular Collisionless Shocks Using the Field-Particle Correlation Technique
- Unlocking Coronal Mysteries with DKIST: The First Chapter
- Using Infrared Extreme Limb spectropolarimetry with DKIST and CryoNIRSP to Understand the Photospheric Shear Layer
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Berlicki
- A. Cellino
- A. G. de Wijn
- A. Springmann
- A. T. Tokunaga
- Alexei A. Pevtsov
- André Fehlmann
- C. Briois
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Christian Möstl
- Christoph Baranec
- Colby Haggerty
- Cooper Downs
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. Spadaro
- D. V. Reames
- David M. Long
- E. E. DeLuca
- Eric Agol
- G. Cauzzi
- G. G. Howes
- Haosheng Lin
- Ian Cunnyngham
- J. F. Cooper
- J. M. Bauer
- J. Masiero
- J. R. Kuhn
- J. V. Keane
- J. Zhang
- James Juno
- John Rayner
- Kelly Fast
- Lucas A. Tarr
- M. Delcroix
- M. Romoli
- M. Stangalini
- Maria Womack
- Martin Rubin
- R. A. Frazin
- Rui Pinto
- S. E. Gibson
- S. J. Bus
- S. Tomczyk
- S. Vance
- Salvatore Mancuso
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- Sijie Yu
- Stefaan Poedts
- Tanja Amerstorfer
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tetsu Anan
- Thomas A. Schad
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- W. T. Reach
- Xudong Sun
- К. J. Meech