Auburn University, Alabama
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Isotope Hydrologic Variations of Choshuichi Alluvial Aquifers After the Chi-Chi Earthquake
- No Stone Turned: Non-invasive Geophysical Surveys at Liquefaction Sites in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Numerical Analysis of Coseismic and Postseismic Hydrologic Processes of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
- A Model for Predicting Residual NAPL in the Vadose Zone
- An Analytical Model for Computing Ground Water Residence Times Near a Pumping Well
- Moving from Batch to Field Using the RT3D Reactive Transport Modeling System
- Numerical Analysis of Gravity Flow and Overpressure Development: Implications for Liquefaction Susceptibility in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Patterns in Stream Respiration and Primary Production Along a Gradient of Upland Soil and Vegetation Disturbance
- Scaling Capillary Pressure Head - Saturation Relationships for Saprolite: Correction for Uncertainty Introduced by Pressure Cell Measurements on Tall Columns
- The Effect of 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake on the Groundwater Flows of Choshuichi Alluvial Fan, Taiwan
- Upward-Facies Transition Analysis in Interpretation of Stratigraphic Sequence Within the Wetumpka Impact Structure, a Cretaceous marine impact in Alabama, USA
- Use of Model Error as a Screening Tool for Selecting a Model Structures for a Lab-Scale NAPL Dissolution Experiment
- Effects of bacterial sulfate reduction in saturated sediments on self-potential and magnetic measurements
- Linking Ecosystem Modeling with Remote Sensing and Field Observations for Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Carbon Budget in forested landscapes of southeastern US
- Carbon Sequestration in Southeast US: Ecosystem responses to multiple stresses
- Movement and Remediation of a Volatile, Multicomponent DNAPL in a Variably-Saturated, Heterogeneous Porous Medium
- Self-potential and Geochemical Measurements of Microbially Mediated Bacterial Sulfate Reduction in Saturated Sediments
- Investigation of the Cusp Energetic Ions Using a Global Hybrid Simulation
- Laboratory Investigation of Submarine Groundwater Flow and Recirculation Patterns in Coastal Aquifers
- Multidimensional, multifluid intermediate-scale experiments: Review and recommendations for future research
- Quantifying regional carbon budget: Lessons from studies in Tropics, China and the United States
- Analysis of the Error Associated With the Domenico Solution
- Poroelastic Modeling of the Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Regional Carbon Dynamics in Southeastern US: Quantifying effects of multiple stresses on terrestrial ecosystems through data-model assimilation
- A Microtremor Study in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Arsenic and Humic Substances in Alluvial Aquifers of Bangladesh and Taiwan: A Comparative Study
- Atmospheric Oxidation of Iodinated Hydrocarbons
- Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes
- Effects of Recent Climate Change on Facultative and Spontaneous Torpor in Apline Habitats
- FOCUS: Fault Observatory for the Central United States
- Modeling the fate and transport of saltwater discharged into a well during a tsunami event
- Physical and Numerical Modeling of Buoyant Groundwater Plumes
- Using a Process-Based Numerical Model and Simple Empirical Relationships to Evaluate CO2 Fluxes from Agricultural Soils.
- Arsenic and organic carbon in shallow alluvial aquifers of two different physiographic settings in Bangladesh
- Changes in terrestrial carbon storage in China induced by multiple environmental stresses
- Comparative study of modeling the impacts of air pollution on carbon and water cycles in terrestrial ecosystems of China during 1980-2005
- Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Carbon Sequestration in China as Simulated by Process-Based Ecosystem Models
- Enhancing Carbon Sequestration Through Afforestation and Reforestation in China as Simulated by the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model
- Experimental and Theoretical Study of Hydrodynamics of Groundwater Flow and solute transport in a Karst Aquifer
- Experimental data to demonstrate the density influenced transport characteristics of stabilized iron nanoparticles
- Kinetic and Thermochemical Studies of Weakly-Bound HO2 Complexes with Carboxylic acids
- Melt Generation Beneath Hainan Island: A U-Th Isotope Study of Young Dupal-like Basalts
- Paleomagnetism, Rock Magnetism, and Magnetic Mineralogy of the Eocene Disang Group, Changlang Area, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India
- Water EducaTion for Alabama's Black Belt (WET Alabama): Facilitating Scientific Understanding of the Hydrologic Cycle in Low-Resource Schools
- 12 years of intensive management increases soil carbon stocks in Loblolly pine and Sweetgum stands
- A coupled modeling approach to incorporate vadose-zone flow and solute transport in ground water models
- Are reactive transport models reliable tools for reconstructing historical contamination scenarios?
- Assessment of Groundwater Resources of Dauphin Island and its Connection to Urban Sprawl and Economic Growth
- Comparison of Areal-Recharge and Regional-Flux Driven Henry Problems
- Experimental Investigation of impact of variability in macropore structure in soils on saturated flow and solute transport
- Limitations of the Microtremor Method: A Study in the Los Angeles Basin, California
- PFLOW: A 3-D Numerical Modeling Tool for Calculating Fluid-Pressure Diffusion from Coulomb Strain
- U-Th zircon ages for Maanshan volcano, Tengchong, SE Tibetan Plateau and implications for magma dynamics
- Use of Constructed Wetlands for Polishing Recharge Wastewater
- A Study of the Spectral Stability of Microtremors in the Los Angeles Basin, California
- A case study of core-to-rim zoning patterns for radiogenic 40Ar in muscovite and cations in coexisting garnet for kyanite-orthoclase gneisses of Lofoten, Norway
- Dayside Magnetic Reconnection and Precipitating Cusp Ions during a Southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (imf) and Finite IMF by Component
- Exhumation of the Baltoscandian continental margin during late-stage (Early Devonian) Caledonian contraction, northern Norway
- Global greenhouse gas balance induced by nitrogen addition: Modeling annual fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O from 1948 to 2008
- Gyrokinetic Electron and Fully Kinetic Ion Particle Simulation of Instabilities in a Harris Current Sheet
- Investigations of a novel fauna from hydrothermal vents along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR) (Invited)
- Low Frequency Waves in the Reconnection Layer
- Modeling coupled cycles of carbon, water and nutrients in the terrestrial biosphere: DLEM model and its applications
- Self-Potential Measurements of a Pore-Water Modification Technique to Reduce Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Susceptibility
- TWINS Observations of Anisotropic ENA Emissions from Trapped and Precipitating Ions
- U-Th zircon dating of the great Millennium eruption of Changbaishan volcano: Evidence for rapid development of a catastrophic eruption
- Water and Nutrient Fluxes from Land to Coast in North America Driven by Climate Change, Land Use, and Nitrogen Deposition During 1900-2008
- Biogeochemical and hydrological controls on fate and distribution of trace metals in oiled Gulf salt marshes
- Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Terrestrial-Ocean Fluxes of Carbon and Nutrients and Associated Biogeochemical Cycling in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ecosystem
- Constraints on High-Latitude Regional Methane Fluxes Through Integration of Satellite, Aircraft and Ground-Based Observations with Models
- Could We Ignore the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Saltwater Intrusion?
- Entropy Constraints On The Origin Of Plasma Sheet Populations And Mechanisms Of Plasma Entry
- Fate and Transport of Organic Contaminants in Coastal Marsh Sediments Resulting from the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill
- First-principles calculation of lattice thermal conductivity of (MgxFe1-xO)ferropericlase at lower mantle conditions
- Gravity and Magnetic Modeling of Basement Rocks Beneath Alabama and the Gulf Coastal Plain
- Impact of Natural Organic Matter on Uranium Transport through Saturated Geologic Materials: From Molecular to Column Scale
- Modeling Nutrients Export in responses to Land Use Changes in Mississippi River Basin during 1901-2008
- Modeling macrophyte decompositions in Lake Baiyangdian, China
- 3-D Flow Visualization with a Light-field Camera
- Contemporary and projected changes in global water use efficiency and crop productivity induced by land use and climate change
- Dual scattering and absorption-emissions mechanisms of heat transfer: implications for a cooler and conducting deep Earth
- Effect of Halite and Calcite Coatings on Thermal Infrared Spectra with Implications for Mars Exploration
- Global wildfire emissions as controlled by multifactor environmental changes from 1901 through 2010
- Greenhouse gases balances in the terrestrial ecosystems of North America: patterns and contributions of individual gases to the radiative forcing of the atmosphere
- Historical and projected changes in carbon and nutrient exports to the Gulf of Mexico as resulted from climate change and land use: 1850-2099
- Integration of Daily Inundation Extent Estimates into an Ecosystem-Atmosphere Gas Exchange Model
- Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions from California based on 2010 CalNex Airborne Measurements
- Potential hazards from structural and gravitational anomalies within sedimentary basins of northwest Washington
- Scattering and radiative properties of complex soot and soot-containing particles
- Simulation Study of Particle Acceleration, Transport, and Loss in the Radiation Belts and Ring Current
- Sustainable Management of Coastal Environments Through Coupled Terrestrial-Coastal Ocean Models
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- Understanding the causes of changing grassland use and productivity in Inner Mongolia, China
- A Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Model of the Magnetosphere
- A new perspective on ancient martian volcanism: evidence for supervolcanoes in Arabia Terra, Mars
- Ages of zircons from pre-, syn- and post-caldera eruption products of the Changbaishan Volcano, indicating rapid magmatic development
- Bringing Global Climate Change Education to Alabama Middle School and High School Classrooms
- Can Methane Fluxes from Wetland and Biomass Burning Explain Global Methane Anomalies?
- Deformation of the Bellingham Basin in the Northern Cascadia Forearc as Inferred from Potential Field Data
- Effects of Climate-Induced Hydrologic Modifications on Biogeochemical Cycling of Trace Metals in Alluvial and Coastal Watersheds
- Effects of increasing forest plantation area and management practices on carbon storage and water use in the United States
- Emplacement, Deformation and Exhumation of the Çatalda? Plutonic Complex: Implications for Neotectonic Evolution of NW Anatolia (Turkey)
- Energetic electron response to the March 1 storm: coordinated observations between Van Allen Probes and THEMIS spacecraft
- Evaluating natural and human impacts on carbon balance of global agro-ecosystems during 1901-2010 based on multiple terrestrial models and data
- Global Impacts of atmospheric nitrogen enrichment on carbon fluxes and storage in terrestrial biosphere
- Global soil organic carbon dynamics as estimated by multi-terrestrial ecosystem models and field observations
- Integration of Satellite Estimates of Daily Inundation Extent into a Land Surface Ecosystem-Atmosphere Gas Exchange Model: Impacts on Methane Modeling
- Intense plasmaspheric ULF waves observed from the Van Allen Probes
- Large Thermal Diffusivity Database Reveals a New Mechanism for Heat Transport in Geomaterials: Diffusion of IR-Polaritons Substantially Augments Phonon-Phonon Scattering
- Microbial mechanisms to reduce the uncertainties in the CH4 emissions from global rice fields
- O+ concentration at geosynchronous orbit, and its effects on waves and magnetopause reconnection (Invited)
- PIC Simulations of Banded Chorus Events from Van Allen Probes Observations
- Recent patterns of methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in the terrestrial biosphere: The bottom-up approach (Invited)
- Stepglue, AN Effective Method for Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis of Geochemical Models with Wide Parameter Dimensionality
- Structures of Mode Conversion at the dayside Magnetopause Under Various IMF Conditions
- Assessing Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Terrestiral-Ocean Fluxes of Carbon and Nutrients and their Cycling in Coastal Ecosystems
- Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Fire-Affected Pinus Palustris Forests
- Attributing Changes in Gross Primary Productivity from 1901 to 2010
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Correlating DMSP and NOAA Ion Precipitation Observations with Low Altitude ENA Emissions During the Declining Phase of Solar Cycle 23
- Correlations between chorus properties and electron velocity distributions: Van Allen Probes
- Emergence of Electron Distributions Related to Banded Chorus Excitation
- Examining EMIC wave spectral properties using in situ measurements of multi-ion species and hybrid simulations
- Exploring a Multi-resolution Approach Using AMIP Simulations
- Global Fire emissions and its impacts on terrestrial ecosystem carbon budget from 1901 to 2010
- Gyrokinetic Theory of Electromagnetic Drift Instabilities Near the Center of a Harris Current Sheet with Guide Field<SUP>†</SUP>
- Hybrid code simulations of whistler mode chorus waves in one- and two-dimensinoal dipole coordinates
- Increasing Mississippi river discharge throughout the twenty-first century influenced by changes in climate, land use and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Intercomparison of the Wetchimp-Wsl Wetland Methane Models over West Siberia: How Well Can We Simulate High-Latitude Wetland Methane Emissions?
- Investigation of Magnetic Reconnection by Gyrokinetic Electron and Fully Kinetic Ion Particle Simulation
- Investigation of the Magnetotail and Inner Magnetosphere with Combined Global Hybrid and CIMI Models
- Laboratory Observations Consistent with Non-linear Decay of a Kinetic Alfvén Wave
- Lithologic Heterogeneity and Variable Valley Width in the Buffalo River Watershed, AR
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Modeling pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Variability in the Gulf of Mexico
- Modeling the Inner-Magnetosphere Ionosphere with the CIMI Model
- Natural and Anthropogenic Controls over Global Terrestrial N2O Emission Growth at a Century-Long Time Scale
- Net exchanges of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O between the terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere in boreal and arctic region: Towards a full greenhouse gas budget
- Potential Impacts of Droughts on Crop Productivity in the United States over 21<SUP>st </SUP>Century
- Quantification of carbon uptake inhibited by the phosphorus limitation in tropics: Application of Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model
- Sensitivity of Carbon and Water Fluxes to Droughts across the Conterminous United States
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Rice Paddy as Influenced by Climate Change in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeastern China
- Structure and Evolution of Magnetic Reconnection and Flux Rope in the Magnetotail: A Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation
- Study of Site Response in the Seattle and Tacoma Basins, Washington, Using Spectral Ratio Methods
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Changes in terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget in Siberia in the past three decades
- Characterizing Soil Organic Carbon Recalcitrance in Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill) Stands
- Climate change impacts on soil carbon storage in global croplands: 1901-2010
- Contributions of wildfire to climate variability
- Dipolarization fronts as earthward propagating flux ropes: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Drought and Wildfire Impacts on Carbon and Water Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Estimation of Pre-industrial Nitrous Oxide Emission from the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Evidence of Crustal Faulting and Deformation in the Muckleshoot Basin, Washington
- Exact simulation of polarized light reflectance by particle deposits
- Fast Flows and Entropy Evolution in Global Hybrid Simulation
- Four decades of modeling methane cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: Where we are heading?
- Global Evaluation of Vegetation Carbon Residence Times as Simulated by ISI-IMP2 Global Vegetation Models (GVMs) Using a Data Product based on Satellite and Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Global differences between moderate and large storms
- Historical Pattern and Future Trajectories of Terrestrial N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emission driven by Multi-factor Global Changes
- Impacts of climate and land use change on ecosystem hydrology and net primary productivity: Linking water availability to food security in Asia
- Laboratory Study of Non-linear Decay of a Kinetic Shear Alfvén Wave
- Late Triassic island-arc--back-arc basin development along the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone (central Tibet): Geological, geochemical and chronological evidence from volcanic rocks
- Linear growth and nonlinear saturation of proton ring-driven instabilities in the inner magnetosphere: Linear theory and PIC simulations
- Modeling Earth's Ring Current Using The CIMI Model
- Modeling the Severe Storm on St. Patrick's Day 2015
- New Insights on Ring Current-Radiation Belt Dynamics from Observation and Simulation Studies
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Optimizing water management practices for enhancing rice production and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in Asia: The food-water-climate nexus approach
- Simulation of 3-D Magnetic Reconnection by Gyrokinetic Electron and Fully Kinetic Ion Particle Model
- TRYAD: a Pair of CubeSats to Measure Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Beams
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- Trapped Ring Current Ion Dynamics During the 17-18 March 2015 Geomagnetic Storm Obtained from TWINS ENA Images
- Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach
- Basement Structure Beneath the New York-Alabama Lineament and Amish Anomaly in Alabama
- Carbon sequestration potential in operational loblolly pine plantations
- Dipolarization fronts as Earthward Propagating Flux Ropes: A Three-dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation
- EMIC Waves Accompanied by a Sudden Decrease in Ambient Magnetic Fields
- Global Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Agricultural Soils: Magnitude and Uncertainties Associated with Input Data and Model Parameters
- Global synthesis and simulation of forest harvest impacts on soil methane fluxes
- Gyro-Kinetic Electron and Fully-Kinetic Ion Simulations of Fast Magnetosonic Waves in the Magnetosphere
- Impacts of extreme heat and drought on crop yields in China: an assessment by using the DLEM-AG2 model
- Impacts of multiple global environmental changes on African crop yield and water use efficiency: Implications to food and water security
- Indirect Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Major Rivers in the World: Integration of a Process-based Model with Observational Data
- Kinetic Alfven Waves in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection
- Response-time analysis of groundwater discharge and recharge through wells
- Secondary Instability in 3-D Magnetic Reconnection
- Shifted hot spots and nutrient imbalance in global fertilizer use for agriculture production in the past half century
- Slowdown of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from China's croplands
- The Global Nitrous Oxide Budget: A joint new activity of GCP and INI
- Throughfall reduction and nutrient availability effects on carbon balance in loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States
- Understanding the dynamic climate-fire-ecosystem interactions using the CESM: Fire model development and implications for decadal climate variability
- <SUB>Land-atmosphere coupling and soil moisture memory contribute to long-term agricultural drought </SUB>
- A Physically-based Model for Predicting Soil Moisture Dynamics in Wetlands
- Assessment of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mineralization and Dynamic Rock Properties at the Kemper Pilot CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Site
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Biogenic CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions overwhelm land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink in Asia: Toward a full GHG budget
- Comparative assessment of several post-processing methods for correcting evapotranspiration forecasts derived from TIGGE datasets.
- Constraints on the perturbed mutual motion in Didymos due to impact-induced deformation of its primary after the DART impact
- Effect of Modulation of ENSO by Decadal and Multidecadal Ocean-Atmospheric Oscillations on Continental US Streamflows
- Enhanced global forest ecosystem nitrous oxide emissions in response to deforestation
- Evaluation of a Socio-Hydrologic Model for the Rebuilding of Biloxi, Mississippi
- Exploring applications of GPR methodology and uses in determining floodplain function of restored streams in the Gulf Coastal Plain, Alabama
- Extensional unroofing of the metamorphic core of the southern Appalachian orogen prior to the breakup of Pangea: Insights from <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar thermochronology
- Forest restoration as a strategy to mitigate climate impacts on wildfire, vegetation, and water in semi-arid forests of the southwestern U.S.
- Generation and Evolution of Quaternary Magmas Beneath Tengchong: Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotope and Zircon U-series Age Constraints
- How changes of climate extremes affect summer and winter crop yields and water productivity in the southeast USA
- Impact of pore and pore-throat distributions on porosity-permeability evolution in heterogeneous mineral dissolution and precipitation scenarios
- Impacts of 1.5 °C versus 2 °C Warming on Terrestrial Ecosystems in China
- Impacts of climate variability and change on crop yield in sub-Sahara Africa
- Investigation of Reactions between Glauconite and Carbon Dioxide, with Implications for Carbon Sequestration
- Largely Increased Nitrous Oxide Emission from Global Livestock Sector during 1860-2014: A geospatial-temporal analysis
- Measuring Engagement and Learning Outcomes During a Teacher Professional Development Workshop about Creative Climate Communication
- Nitrogen delivery from the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico: magnitude, attribution, and uncertainty
- Nitrous Oxide and Methane Fluxes in Responses to Conservation Management across Cropping Systems in Asia from a Data-Model Integration Perspective
- Nitrous oxide emissions from grassland ecosystems: Magnitude, spatio-temporal pattern and attribution
- Observations of Building Performance under Combined Wind and Surge Loading from Hurricane Harvey
- Phosphorus Limitation on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization Effect in the Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Polymer-cement interactions towards improved wellbore cement fracture sealants
- Potential Role of the Mirror and Ion Bernstein Instabilities on the Pickup Ion Dynamics in the Outer Heliosheath: Linear Theory and Hybrid Simulations
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- Predicting marine physical-biogeochemical variabilities in the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern U.S. shelf sea
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- Quantifying and predicting historical and future patterns of carbon fluxes from the North American Continent to Ocean
- RT DDA: A hybrid method for predicting the scattering properties by densely packed media
- Source Apportionment of Suspended Sediment Sources using <SUP>137</SUP>Cs and <SUP>210</SUP>Pb<SUB>xs</SUB>
- Spatiotemporal patterns of fire-induced forest mortality in boreal regions and its potential drivers
- The Nitrous Oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) Budget: Constraints from Atmospheric Observations and Models
- The overwhelming role of soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions in net greenhouse gas balance of the U.S. Corn Belt: Modeling estimate of nitrogen fertilizer impacts
- The representation of stream water temperature in the dynamic land ecosystem model and its applications to Chesapeake and Delaware Bay Watersheds
- Transport and Fate of Nutrients Along the U.S. East Coast
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Understanding and Projecting Climate and Human Impacts on Terrestrial-Coastal Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes
- Understanding the exchange of groundwater and seawater fluxes across a saltwater wedge
- Upland Trees Contribute to Exchange of Nitrous Oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) in Forest Ecosystems
- Using Measurements of Topography to Infer Rates of Crater Degradation and Surface Evolution on the Moon and Mercury
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages of muscovite from the Appalachian hinterland and foreland basin
- A Continuous 100 Thousand-year Stalagmite δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Record from the Yucatan Peninsula: Implications for Caribbean Hydroclimate on Orbital and Millennial Timescales.
- A quantitative reconstruction of rainfall from stalagmite δ<SUP>18</SUP>O during the last glacial interval: implications for paleo-rainfall reconstruction and Caribbean hydroclimate
- A resilience-based approach to human-flood interaction modeling for decision support in Biloxi, Mississippi, USA
- Aggravating positive feedback of ecosystem greenhouse gases to climate warming beyond 2<SUP>o</SUP>C
- Assessing Socio-Environmental Factors for a Childhood Leukemia Cluster in Cleburne County, Alabama
- Assessing changes of crop failure risks in the United States: The Impact from Large-Scale Climate Circulations
- Assessing possible mutual orbit period change by shape deformation of Didymos after a kinetic impact in the NASA-led Double Asteroid Redirection Test
- Attributing Relative Contributions of Nitrification and Denitrification to Global Nitrous Oxide Production from Soils
- Balancing Open Science and Individual Data Privacy in the Earth Sciences
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part I: Evaluating the National Water Model's baseflow and deep percolation estimation in the Northern High Plains
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part II: Alternative Non-Linear Reservoir Functions for Improving Hydrograph Forecasts
- Brightness and Color Variations on the Surface of 162173 Ryugu: Space Weathering, Thermal Fatigue and Mass Movement
- Building Better Graphs for Climate Change Communication: Evidence from Eye-tracking
- Classification Mapping and Yield Forecasting of Maize Crop: The Influence of Machine Learning, Satellite Observations, and Land Surface Simulations
- Communicating Global Change through Music: The Affect on Attendee Engagement, Conceptions, Perceptions, and Behaviors
- Comparing soil moisture dynamics in climate reanalyses, land surface models, and remote sensing retrievals over the continental United States
- Constraints on sediment dispersal and provenance based on muscovite <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages of the Late Mississippian Stanley Group to Middle Pennsylvanian Krebs Group, Arkoma-Ouachita Basin, Southeast Oklahoma
- Data-driven uncertainty in estimating carbon emission due to land use and cover changes across the conterminous U.S.
- Detrital history of Cenozoic sequences of the Eastern Himalayan Foredeep: Source-to-sink geochronologic and petrofacies constraints on the Assam-Bengal system
- Development of a new porosity-permeability relationship for improved permeability prediction in non-uniform reaction scenarios
- Disruption and Reaccumulation as the Origin of the Ryugu and Bennu Top Shapes?
- Drought Management Plans in Major Cities in Alabama and the Southeastern United States
- Effects of cyclic freezing-thawing on greenhouse gas emissions in permafrost regions
- Engaging high school students from underrepresented minorities in the geosciences through graduate student-led, challenge-based learning
- Estuarine Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux from Space: with Application to Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
- Evaluation of Atmospheric Active Soil Moisture Residence Time in Climate Models
- Evaluation of geochemical reactions in compressed energy storage systems
- Global nitrous oxide emissions from streams and rivers: A process-based modeling study
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- Groundwater and Surface Water Responses to Climate Change: A Case Study in Georgia, USA
- Heterotrophic respiration and the divergence of productivity and carbon sequestration
- Impact of image resolution on quantification of mineral distribution and accessible surface areas
- Impacts of Changes in Watershed Nutrient Inputs and Climate on Carbon Cycling in Chesapeake Bay
- Increased Dermo Disease in Chesapeake Bay Oysters Caused by Continued Warming and Nutrient Loading
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Interactive simulations and systems thinking to broaden pathways into climate change and sustainability
- Investigation of magnetic reconnection under a strong guide field
- Lonar Crater, an impact in basalt: A review of shock metamorphic products
- Measuring Mass Fluxes of Nutrients to a First-Order Stream within a Pristine Mountain Rainforest in Costa Rica
- Modeling uncertainty in agricultural soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions across the continental US
- Numerical and Experimental Examination of Brine-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Treated Rock Formations
- Ocean Circulation Causes Strong Variability in Mid-Atlantic Bight Net Community Production
- Plant Functional Traits of Carapa guianensis, a Widespread Tropical Tree, Adapted to Local Climate Conditions at Two Elevations in Costa Rica
- Polymer-based wellbore sealant degradation and sealant-cement interactions towards improved wellbore cement fracture sealants
- Preliminary Findings of st the GEER-HATTi Reconnaissance Investigation of the Palu Earthquake
- Reservoir Thermal Stratification Model Development and Validation Over the Continental US
- Satellite Estimation of Coastal PCO2 and Air-Sea Flux of Carbon Dioxide in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Simulating potential effects of conservation tillage on cropland soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in the Conterminous US during 1979-2015
- Simulation of calcite dissolution at the pore scale using OpenFOAM
- Socio-Environmental Systems (SES) on the Changing Mongolian Plateau: A review
- Stakeholder-Driven Modeling in Support of Groundwater Sustainability: the Floridan Aquifer Collaborative Engagement for Sustainability (FACETS) Project
- Stream periphyton metabolism correlates with hydraulic signature
- Streamflow Forecast Using CMIP5 Projections in SWAT
- Streamflow Responses to Runoff and Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations within Two Nested Watersheds in Costa Rica
- Surficial Geology of Siloe Patera at Arabia Terra, Mars
- The dependency of coherent backscattering and shadow-hiding effects on particle aggregation
- The effect of biopolymers on the soil strength
- Top-down estimates of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions over the past two decades
- Tracking fast-evolving Nitrogen budgets in crop production on a national scale
- Transmission of Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Variability from Precipitation to Dripwater at Rio Secreto Cave in the Yucatan Peninsula: Implications for Speleothem Rainfall Reconstruction.
- Understanding the Transient Changes in Freshwater Lens Volumes in Island Aquifers
- Using UAV Technology to Collect Vertical Temperature and Relative Humidity Profiles over a Tropical Montane Rainforest
- Warmer Waters Welcome Increased Nutrient Loading: Linking Effects of Future Climate Change to Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia
- We performed crater size-frequency measurement on Ryugu using high-resolution images obtained by Hayabusa2. Using Ryugu cratering chronology model, the surface age of Ryugu was estimated to be 0.1 to 1 billion years from the density of craters larger than 100 m in diameter.
- Analyzing Sustainable Solutions for Desiccation Cracking in Clay Soil
- Assessing the impact of a challenge-based, Collectivist approach to learning on minority student engagement in the Geosciences
- Bayesian Crop Model Optimization for Corn Yield Forecasting Over the US Corn Belt
- Bias in regression methods used for CSIA mechanistic interpretations
- Can Soft Data Help Improving Intra-Watershed Processess in Hydrologic Modeling?
- Communicating Global Change through Music
- Community Based Research to Help Identify a Connection between Geology and Groundwater Contamination to Elevated Cancer Rates in Fruithurst, Alabama
- Developing Improved Leaf Wetness Duration Models with Machine Learning and Climate Reanalysis Data
- Diagnostics of the atomic and molecular physics of small bodies atmospheres available in the ultraviolet
- Drivers and Barriers of Infrastructure Adaptation: An Analysis of Stakeholder Perspectives Working with Rural Alaska Communities
- Evaluation of Temperature and Precipitation Trends and Long-Term Persistence in CMIP6 Twentieth-Century Climate Simulations
- Excessive fertilizer application accelerates the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of major croplands in China
- Feasibility of 3D Printing to Improve Understanding of Geochemical Reaction Rates in Porous Media
- Finite element method approach for quantifying the conditions for shape deformation of the primary of binary asteroid Didymos after the DART impact
- Global Manure Phosphorus Production during 1960-2016: a 5-arcminute Gridded Global Dataset for Earth System Modeling
- Global cropland-N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission dataset
- Greenhouse gas emissions from livestock sector in East Asia: 1961-2017
- Impact of image resolution on quantification of mineral properties and simulated CO<SUB>2</SUB>-brine-mineral reactions and reaction rates
- Impact of mineral composition and distribution on the mechanical properties of porous media
- Impacts of Land Conversion on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Stock: Magnitude and Uncertainties
- Incentivizing Ecosystem Services from Crop Production: Implications for Energy Crop Production by Risk-Averse Farmers
- Increased nitrous oxide emissions in East Asia as estimated by bottom-up and top-down approaches
- Integrating streambank microcosms and slope stability modeling to understand the development of streambank stability in a recently constructed stream restoration project
- Investigating UAV Multispectral Imagery for Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitoring in Small Streams
- Legacy of the Storm: Paleo-perspective on tropical cyclone activity along the northern Gulf of Mexico region and associated impacts on ecosystem health
- Modeling of light scattering by packed media: applications to icy layers on cosmic bodies
- Nitrous oxide emission from North America based on bottom-up and top-down approaches: trends, drivers, and comparison
- Numerical Simulation of Compressed Energy Storage in a Porous Aquifer
- On the Relationship Between the Mass Concentration of Water-Soluble Species in Cloud Droplets and Cloud Droplet Number Concentration
- Polymer Network Materials for Wellbore Repair: Curing kinetics and physical properties of thiol-crosslinked PEOD/DGEBA Copolymers
- Potential field models yield insight into the relationship of seismicity to crustal structure in the New Madrid seismic zone
- Production and application of manure nitrogen and phosphorus in the continental U.S. during 1860-2017
- RTE/DDA hybrid method to predict the polarization state of reflected and transmitted light for densely packed media
- Reconstruction of the Taconic orogen in the southern Appalachians suggests similarities between southeastern Laurentia and western Baltica in the Middle Ordovician
- Role of Mineralogy in Controlling Fracture Formation
- Seeing is believing: Evidence-based graph design for advancing climate literacy
- The GLACE-Hydrology Experiment: Effects of Land-Atmosphere Coupling on Soil Moisture Variability and Drought Predictability
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- The role of porous pavements in mitigating stormwater pollution
- Upper Crustal Deformation of the Bellingham Basin Revealed by Gravity and Magnetic Data Modeling
- Use of genomics technologies to explore adaptations to chemosymbiosis in the deep-sea seep-dwelling siboglinid (Annelida) tubeworms
- What's in the Water?: Tracing the Transport and Deposition of Sediments in Fragmented Transboundary Rivers of the SE USA
- A Reduction in the Cooling Impact of the Land-Use Change in the Global Warming Scenarios from the CMIP6-LUMIP Climate Experiments
- A century-long trajectory of phosphorus export from the Mississippi River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico: A process-based modeling study
- A deep learning-based framework for high-resolution surface soil moisture mapping
- An Evaluation of Species Status Assessments: Discovering Climate Information Themes, Understanding USFWS Scientists' Climate Information Needs and User Engagement with a Web-based Decision Support Tool
- Assessment of Geochemical Limitations to Utilizing CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Compressed Energy Storage Systems in Porous Saline Aquifers
- Biologically-Mediated Back Diffusion of Chlorinated Ethenes in Heterogeneous Porous Media due to Dehalococcoides mccartyi Activity
- Build a Safe Normal Initiative
- Centaur Environment and Surface Activity Measurement Experiment (Cesame)
- Changes of agroclimate conditions and induced yield variability in the breadbaskets of the world
- Climate and grazing impacts on grassland productivity, livestock population and methane emissions on the Mongolian Plateau: a simulation study with DLEM
- Comparison of Crop Yields, Soil Moisture, and Nitrate Leaching with South Georgia Soils in SWAT at the Field Scale under UGA Checkbook Irrigation
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Contributions of rivers and lakes to the carbon balance of the United States during 1900-2019
- Converging science and policy-based greenhouse gas budgets for North America for the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes Study (RECCAP-2)
- Crustal porosity reveals the bombardment history of the Moon
- Deep Learning for Daily Precipitation and Temperature Downscaling
- Depolarizing climate change communication: A simulation-based experience shifts climate change beliefs and worldview among people who value individualism and social hierarchy
- Dimorphos' orbital perturbation induced by shape modification of Didymos after the DART impact
- Effects of climate warming differ among plant functional groups in a temperate/subtropical forest
- Effects of the land-atmosphere coupling on drought predictability
- Fabrication of Reactive Rocks with 3D Printing
- GHG mitigation potentials in the U.S. Corn-Soybean cropping system: Promises and threats from genetically engineered crops, weed resistance and tillage practices
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Land Use Change in the United States during 1900-2019
- How the Simulation-Based Learning Game, World Climate, Shapes Climate Change Perspectives Among High School and College Students, Traditionally Under-Represented in STEM Fields
- Human Imprint of Water Withdrawals in the Wet Environment: A Case Study of Declining Groundwater in Georgia, USA
- Impact of Timing, Severity, and Duration of Drought on Crop Yield in the United States
- Impacts of climate changes and extremes on the yields and GHG emissions for major crops in China
- Impacts of nitrogen enrichment on ecosystem productivity and GHG emission: A comparative study between China and USA
- Improving short to medium range GEFS precipitation forecasts in India using post-processing techniques
- Influence of tropical cyclones rain on the δ<SUP>18</SUP>O drip water composition at Río Secreto Cave in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.
- Long-term changes in inland water CH4 emissions across the United States in response to climate change and anthropogenic activities
- Machine Learning techniques with X-ray microcomputed tomography to segment mineral phases in a Marcellus and a Mancos shale.
- Managing agricultural nitrogen loss to restore air and water quality in the United States
- Mineral surface area evolution during CO<SUB>2</SUB>-mineral-brine reactions
- NEAT: A Multi-Comet Flyby Mission that Performs Discovery-Level Science on a SIMPLEx Budget
- Patterns of Thermal Acclimation of Leaf Respiration in a Marsh-Mangrove Ecotone
- Pore network modelling of reactive permeability evolution during simultaneous mineral dissolution and precipitation
- Potential Impacts of international food trade on global agricultural greenhouse gas emissions under climate change
- Predicting forest inventory parameters with ICESat-2
- Predicting the impacts of intensifying heavy precipitation on nitrogen loading to the Gulf of Mexico during the 21st Century
- Reactive evolution of mineral surface area
- Role of mineralogy in controlling fracture formation
- Spatial Distribution of Water Ice Thickness Implied by Regolith Mixing in Permanently Shaded Regions in the Lunar South Pole
- Spatial distribution modeling of eucalypt bark traits significant to fire behaviour in SE Australian forests
- Spatiotemporal Soil Moisture Variability in Corn and Cotton Fields with Uniform Irrigation During the Growing Season
- Standardizing Time Series Data Access across Heliophysics and Planetary Data Centers using HAPI
- Streamflow and Soil Moisture Forecast Skills as a Function of the Biophysical Attributes and the Dynamic Soil Moisture Conditions in the National Water Model
- The Combined Impact of Heat-Humidity Extremes on Mortality Risks in Major Cities in the Sun Belt of the United States
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The role of soil piping in rainfall-induced landslides: A case study from western Alabama
- Understanding Evolution of Mineral Reactive Surface Area for Improved Prediction of Mineral Reaction Rates in Porous Media
- Using CESM-RESFire to Understand Climate-Fire-Ecosystem Interactions and the Implications for Decadal Climate Variability
- A Neural Network Based Model of the Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- A Parametric Comparison Study of Magnetosonic Wave Instability by Proton Ring and Shell Distributions
- A human-natural framework for assessing, forecasting and managing watersheds for coastal resiliency along the Gulf of Mexico
- A watershed modeling framework to assess the impacts of environmental changes in the Mobile Bay, Alabama
- An Annually Resolved Record of Permafrost-thaw Induced Carbon Cycling Changes for the Past 60 Years from White Fish Lake, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Application of SWAT-MODFLOW for evaluating the impacts of climate change on the surface- and groundwater resources of the lower Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint River Basin, USA
- Applying deep neural networks and remote sensing to predict yields of major crops in the United States
- Assessemnt of internal climate variability in CESM2-LE and its comparsion with mutli-model CMIP6 large ensemble
- Automated crater counting approach to effectively count small craters in heavily bombarded regions on Ceres
- Bias Correction of Multi-model GCMs Daily Temperature based on Deep Learning
- Changing drought and pluvial risks in North America linked to mean-state changes in ENSO and soil moisture
- Comparing National Greenhouse Gas Budgets Reported in UNFCCC Inventories against Atmospheric Inversions
- Comparison of CH4 emissions reported in UNFCCC inventories against atmospheric inversions
- Crop Insurance, Fertilizer Use and Crop Yields
- Deriving a Gridded Canopy Cover Product from ICESat-2
- Developing an approach for sustainable irrigation to promote food security and minimize environmental impacts
- Divergent historical GPP trends among state-of-the-art multi-model simulations and satellite-based products
- Effect of Aerobic Biosurfactant Producing Soil Bacteria on the Transport and Retention of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Water-Saturated Quartz Sand
- Effect of Linear and Non-linear Detrending on Streamflow Data
- Effects of Geomagnetic Storms on Earths Ionosphere over Arecibo
- Evaluating the effects of urbanization on vegetation and temperature patterns of a medium sized coastal city, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) in India
- Field Scale Applications of Biochar for Water Remediation: A Review
- Finite Element Thermophysical Model for the Yarkovsky and YORP Investigations - The YORP Effect's Insensitivity to Small Topographic Features
- Fire Regimes across Eastern Siberian Taiga and Tundra from 2001-2020
- Geochemical Insights on the Utilization of CO2 as Cushion Gas in Compressed Energy Storage Systems
- Global Crop Failure and Associated Changes in Agroclimate Conditions
- Global and Local Processes of Thin Current Sheet Formation during Substorm Growth Phase
- Greenhouse gas emissions from global dryland ecosystems during 1960-2020
- Hot Flow Anomalies: A Global Asymmetry
- How decision-makers are using local ecological knowledge and participatory processes to recover from hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico
- IPEAT+UI/CLOUD:Cloud-based Automatic Calibration Tool for SWAT+
- Impact of foreshock transients on the flank magnetopause and the ionosphere
- Impacts of land use and climate change on hydrological processes and ecosystem productivity in Chinas Yellow River Basin
- Improving Crop Yield Simulation by Better Representing the Dynamic Crop Growth Processes and Management Practices
- Improving Urban Form Predictions to Improve Urban Microclimate Models.
- Increased N2O Emissions Due to Anthropogenic Nitrogen Input to Global Lakes and Reservoirs
- Increased soil N2O emissions from the Arctic-Boreal region: A non-negligible non-carbon climate feedback
- Increased uncertainty in land-use change impacts on near-surface air temperature due to global warming in CMIP6-LUMIP experiments
- Integrated systems modeling for sustainable Food-Energy-Water nexus under multi-factor global changes: Innovative comparison between Yellow River and Mississippi River Basins
- Integrating watershed modeling and paleolimnological techniques to understand the role of geographically isolated wetlands in mitigating non-point source pollution in agricultural landscapes
- Leaf economic and stomatal traits influence leaf temperature regulation and heatwave tolerance in North American oak (Quercus) species
- Long-Term Environmental Consequences and Fate of the Oil Residues Found along Alabamas Beaches after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Gulf of Mexico
- Long-term nutrient loading and its effect on N:P stoichiometry at the land-ocean continuum along the Mississippi River Basin
- Magnetic entanglement at the Earths magnetopause: from observation to models
- Mechanisms controlling hypoxia trend in Chesapeake Bay from 1985 to 2005: Results from A Terrestrial-Estuarine-Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling System
- Mechanisms of post-fire larch forest recovery in far northeastern Siberia
- Multi-Event Studies of Sudden Energetic Electron Enhancements in the Inner Magnetosphere and Its Association with Plasmapause Positions
- Multi-MeV Electron Dynamics near the Inner Edge of the Outer Radiation Belt
- Observations of Quasi-Periodic behavior in Proton Shell Distributions associated with Quasi-Periodic Rising Tone Fast Magnetosonic Waves
- Physiological capacity and acclimation of a widespread C4 grass to heat and drought
- Possible Interior Layout of (16) Psyche Constrained by a Three-layer Model and Finite Element Model (FEM) Approach
- Potential changes in rainfall erosivity under climate change in southeastern United States.
- Quantifying tradeoffs among nitrate flux, water yield, and economic returns for agricultural and silvicultural practices in the Floridan Aquifer region
- Rates of Neotectonic Lateral Hotspot Motion Determined From Monte Carlo Inversion
- Representing Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon in an Earth System Model
- Representing silvicultural management practices in SWAT and quantifying their impact on water yield
- Reservoir Integration into Dendritic Inland Hydraulic Routing for National Water Model V3.0
- Shrubs compensate for tree leaf area index (LAI) variation and influence vegetation indices in post-fire Siberian larch forests.
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Flash Drought in the Continental United States
- Standardizing Access to Heliophysics Data - HAPI Specification Updates and Some New Usages for Cloud and Model Data
- Statistics of Multi-MeV Electron Drift-Periodic Flux Oscillations Driven by Broadband ULF Waves
- The Greenhouse Gas Budgets in Central and Western Asia from 1960 to 2019
- The greenhouse gas budgets of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia during 2000s and 2010s
- The impacts of agricultural activities on riverine nitrogen footprint of grain crop production in the Mississippi Atchafalaya River Basin, USA
- The interactions between extreme flooding and terrestrial processes during enhanced hurricane events: implication for climate extreme mitigation
- Throughfall Reduction Causes Small Reductions in Leaf- and Canopy-Level Physiology in a Longleaf Pine Plantation
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Understanding Heat-Related Morbidity across the Rural-Urban Spectrum: A Comparison of Two States in the United States Sun Belt
- Upper limit of relativistic electrons observed in the Earths radiation belts
- Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Ground-Penetrating Radar and Grain-Size Analysis to Characterize Subsurface Conditions Influencing Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction
- Using Stereolithography 3D Printing to Fabricate Reactive Porous Media
- Virginia Scientist-Community Interface: A multi-institutional graduate student group dedicated to providing scientific expertise for community-led activism and advocacy
- What is the Student/Early Career Working Group (SECWG) of the AGU Education Section?
- 3-D global hybrid simulation of outflows in the Earth's magnetosphere
- 3D Physics of Kinetic Alfven Waves Associated With Magnetopause Reconnection: Generation and Global Transport
- 3D Reactive Porous Media: A New Approach to Understanding Porosity and Permeability Evolution from Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Reactions
- A Methodological Framework for Mapping Canopy Cover with ICESat-2: Insights from a Case Study of 2 Southern US Sites
- A Parametric Study of Oxygen Ion Cyclotron Harmonic Wave Excitation and Polarization by an Oxygen Ring Distribution
- A meta-analysis of studies using REDFIT to attribute significance to solar irradiance forcing
- Azimuthal Electric Fields Associated with 100s keV Electron Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Best practices for drone remote sensing research: A critical perspective
- Connecting Undergraduate Conceptions of Biogeochemical Cycles to Earth Systems Thinking Skills
- Coupled Geochemical-geomechanical Processes in CO2 Sequestration Reservoirs in Southeast, US
- Critical metals resources required to achieve carbon neutrality: Where will they come from and are there enough?
- Cusp Ion Precipitation Associated with Magnetopause Reconnection Viewed from Global Hybrid Simulations
- Customized Deep Learning for Precipitation Bias Correction and Downscaling
- Developing a Broad Measure of Undergraduate Students' Sustainability and Renewable Energy Knowledge and Perspectives
- Effect of climate change and land use on peak streamflow for the Conterminous United States
- Efficient Removal of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Biochar-Surfactant Systems by Hydrated Electrons
- Ejecta Blanket Thickness from Large Complex Craters on Ceres
- Estimation of the change in velocity experienced by Dimorphos in response to the DART spacecraft impact
- Evolution of Mineral Accessible Surface Area in Porous Media
- Examining Subsurface Erosion in Slopes using Physical Models
- First Assessment of the Dynamical State of the Didymos Binary Asteroid System Before and After the DART Impact
- Four-century land use and land cover change in the United States
- Gap Formation Around 0.5Ωe in the Whistler-Mode Waves Due To the Plateau-Like Shape in the Parallel Electron Distribution
- Greenhouse gas budget for South Asia Region
- Impacts of future climate change on global food production: perspectives from model simulations of multiple emission scenarios
- Improving the Design of Saturated Riparian Buffers to Reduce Nitrate Export from Farmland
- Initial Modeling Results of the Deflection Efficiency Resulting from the DART Impact
- Integrating multi-scale observations, machine learning and systems modeling for coastal Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction (Coast-MAP) in the context of multiple stresses
- Intraseasonal Hydroclimate Variability in the Yucatán Peninsula During the Historical and Maya Terminal Classic Periods: A Proxy Record of Paleo-MJO
- Investigating Caribbean hydroclimate variability on orbital and millennial timescales using a 100 thousand-year stalagmite δ18O record from the Yucatan Peninsula
- Investigating the impact of fire severity on tree recruitment, soil properties, and ecosystem carbon storage in a high latitude forest in the Yakutia region of Southeastern Siberia
- Land Initializations Contribute Most to the Sub-seasonal Soil Moisture Forecast Skill in the Agricultural Regions of the United States
- Late Neogene leaf wax and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon records from Lake Baikal, Russia
- Making Heliophysics Data Easier to Use: Updates on the HAPI Specification
- Mapping Root Zone Soil Moisture for Irrigation Management by Artificial Intelligence Using Data from Both Satellite Soil Moisture Products and In-Situ Observations
- Measurement of Bacterial Transport and Immobilization in Carbonate Bedrock Aquifers of Wisconsin
- Mesoscale enhancements of warm plasma cloak: THEMIS observation
- Mid-Silurian OIB-like Magmatism prior to the Late-Carboniferous Amphibolite Facies Metamorphism during Alleghanian Orogeny recorded in the Western Blue Ridge Terrane (Tate, GA, USA)
- Modeling Ejecta Blanketing Around the NASA/VIPER Investigation Site Near the Lunar South Pole: Implication of Material Transport and Burial of Water Ice
- Modeling ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere-A Comparison between Hybrid Simulations and a Full Wave Finite Element Model
- Modeling the Pollution Potential from Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: The Power of Data to Elucidate Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Statistical Distribution of ULF waves in Magnetic Latitude and Implications for Current Estimates of Radial Diffusion
- NASA's DART Impact: Reshaping-induced Mutual Orbit Perturbation on (65803) Didymos
- Observations of Deep, Outer Radiation Belt Electron Penetration Based on REPT PHA Data
- On the loss of ultra-relativistic electrons (>2 MeV) near L* = 3.5 during the Van Allen Probes era
- On the spatial and temporal energy-dependence of the deep (L<3) penetration of outer radiation belt electrons
- Orbit Period Variations of Dimorphos After the DART Impact
- Perspectives Revisited: The Distribution of Interplanetary Dust Near 1-AU Detected by STEREO and MMS
- Petrogenesis of Almond Trondhjemite (Alabama): Implications for Southern Appalachian Tectonics.
- Providing Outreach and Engagement Programming through the Education Section Student and Early Career Working Group
- Quantification of net greenhouse gases emissions from U.S. croplands using data-model integration
- Radially dependent models for magnetospheric mass density and average ion mass for L = 3 to 10 from spacecraft data
- Recent advances in miniaturized energetic particle instruments for CubeSat platforms
- Risk Assessment of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall Extremes using a Statistical Modelling Framework
- Robust Changes in North America's Hydroclimate Variability and Predictability
- Size Dependence of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Submicron Aerosol Particle Suspensions
- Soil moisture modulates land-use change impact under global warming
- Spatial Scales of Rising-Tone Chorus in a Dipole Magnetic Field: Two-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulation
- Statistical Analysis of the Differential Deep Penetration of Energetic Electrons and Protons Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Statistics of Radiation Belt Electron Flux Oscillations and Their Relation to ULF Waves
- Structural Behavior of the Neck of the Bilobated Kuiper Belt Object (486958) Arrokoth After the Sky Impact
- Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) Electric Field Induced Deep Particle Penetrations into Lower L Shells
- Subseasonal flash drought forecast skill over the contiguous United States.
- Surface and Internal Properties of Didymos and Dimorphos from Fractures/Lineaments Analysis and Mass Movements/Wasting Processes
- Survey of Quasi-Periodic behavior in Proton Shell Distributions associated with Quasi-Periodic Rising Tone Fast Magnetosonic Waves
- The Composition and Source of Magnetite Bodies at the Tibes Iron Deposit, Puerto Rico
- The Effects of 3d Geologic Block Models on Student Understanding of Spatial and Structural Geology Concepts: Comparing Digital and Physical Modalities
- The Miniaturized High Energy Resolution relativistic electron Telescope (HERT): High Energy Resolution Electron Flux Measurements of Earth's Radiation Belt
- The Post-impact Spin State of Dimorphos Resulting from the DART Impact
- The Ring current Energetic Neutral Atom (RENA) instrument on the NASA STORIE mission with emphasis on heavy ions.
- The Roles of Forests on Water Supply and Quality Across the Mississippi River Basin: a Quantitative Assessment with DLEM Model.
- The Storm Time O+ Ring current Imaging Evolution (STORIE) Mission
- The potential for Agrivoltaics to sustainably intensify food and energy production
- Tracking Impacts of Sinkholes and Other Subsidence Events through Media Reports
- Understanding pore connectivity and mineral surface area with CT imaging
- Using Information Theory to Analyze Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in ANGIE3D Magnetotail Hybrid Simulations
- Using craters to explore the ages and surface properties of asteroids (65803) Didymos and Dimorphos
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Cheng
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- A. Glocer
- A. M. Stickle
- A. Matsuoka
- A. N. Deutsch
- A. N. Wlostowski
- A. Runov
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adam J. Mathews
- Akihiko Ito
- Alan K. Knapp
- Alessandro Rossi
- Alice Lucchetti
- Allison Jaynes
- Alson Time
- Amy Frappier
- Ana Bastos
- Andrei P. Sokolov
- Angelo Gurgel
- Anna C. Talucci
- Anson H. Cheung
- Anthony R. Cummings
- B. J. Buratti
- Benjamin Hogan
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bijoychandra S. Takhellambam
- Bin Peng
- Bo Cheng
- Brendan Byrne
- Bryan S. Beckingham
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. A. Thomas
- C. I. Fassett
- C. M. Ernst
- C. T. Russell
- C. Zhang
- Chaoqun Lü
- Charles S. Hopkinson
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Chris O’Dell
- Chris R. Rehmann
- Christa Brelsford
- Christopher Anderson
- Christopher Zahasky
- Colm Sweeney
- D. A. Kaplan
- D. A. Roberts
- D. C. Richardson
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. N. Baker
- D. P. Hartley
- Dafeng Hui
- Daniel J. Scheeres
- David Crisp
- David McGee
- David R. Johnson
- Declan O’Brien
- Dengjun Wang
- Di Tian
- Donglai Ma
- Dubravko Justić
- Dylan B. Millet
- E. Dotto
- E. E. Palmer
- E. Heggy
- Elena Blanc‐Betes
- Elijah T. Johnson
- Eric A. Davidson
- Eun Hwa Kim
- Evan H. DeLucia
- F. Chevallier
- F. Němec
- Fortunat Joos
- G. D. Reeves
- Ge Sun
- Geping Luo
- Greg A. Barron‐Gafford
- H. A. Weaver
- Hanqin Tian
- Harlan E. Spence
- Haw Yen
- Heather D. Alexander
- Heather Kropp
- Hong Yi Li
- Hong Zhao
- I. Shinohara
- J Bernard Blake
- J. B. Miller
- J. D. Perez
- J. D. Vandegriff
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. M. Weygand
- J. W. Manweiler
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jadwiga H. Richter
- Jasmeet Judge
- Jean‐Baptiste Vincent
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeremy W. Lichstein
- Jianzhou He
- Jun Wang
- Junjie Liu
- K. J. Trattner
- K. Zhang
- Kaiyu Guan
- Karen J. Wang
- Karl‐Heinz Glaßmeier
- Kaushlendra Singh
- Kazue Takahashi
- Kelley C. Wells
- Kelly Best Lazar
- Kevin Gaastra
- Kyle Lesinger
- Kyung-Hwan Min
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. W. Blum
- Lana L. Narine
- Latif Kalin
- Laura Bilenker
- Lauren E. Beckingham
- Leigh G. Terry
- Liang Chen
- Linnea Saby
- Loulou C. Dickey
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. M. Loranty
- M. Pajola
- M.‐C. Fok
- Mallory E. DeCoster
- Maria Usanova
- Marielle Saunois
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Masayuki Kondo
- Matthew Newman
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Michael J. Aspinwall
- Ming Lo
- Murali Krishna Gumma
- N. L. Chabot
- Natalie L. Cápiro
- Nathan Reaver
- Naveen Chandra
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Olivier S. Barnouin
- P. J. Polissar
- P. Lawrence
- Patrick Michel
- Paul Sánchez
- Pedro Montalvo
- Pengfei Han
- Perry A. Gerakines
- Prabir K. Patra
- Quanming Lu
- R. A. Beyer
- R. E. Denton
- R. M. Candey
- R. S. Selesnick
- R. S. Weigel
- R. T. Daly
- Rahil Makadia
- Rebecca E. Hewitt
- Richard G. Gordon
- Richard S. Vachula
- Rob de Rooij
- Robert B. Jackson
- Rona L. Thompson
- Ronald-Louis Ballouz
- Ryodo Hemmi
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. A. Thaller
- S. Califf
- S. F. Fung
- S. Marchi
- S. Rogers
- Sandra M. Guzmán
- Sanjiv Kumar
- Scot M. Miller
- Sean Crowell
- Selvaraj Dharmalingam
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Seth A. Spawn‐Lee
- Shufen Pan
- Siegfried Eggl
- Simon Wing
- Sourish Basu
- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Steven J. Davis
- Susan M. Natali
- T. E. Sarris
- T. L. Weiglein
- T. Oda
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Tian Zhou
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Venkatesh Merwade
- W. Kent Tobiska
- Wanyun Shao
- Wei Ren
- Weichao Tu
- Wendy D. Graham
- Wenlong Liu
- Wenyao Gu
- X. Zhang
- Xiangning Chu
- Xiaojia Zhang
- Xinlin Li
- Xin‐Zhong Liang
- Xu Liu
- Xueyi Wang
- Y. D. Jia
- Y. Lin
- Y. Nishimura
- Yaeji Kim
- Yanan You
- Yang Mei
- Yi Ming Qin
- Yi Qi
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Yun Zhang
- Zeli Tan
- Zheng Xiang
- Zhiyang Xia
- Zhongyuan Shi
- Zhu Deng
- Zihao Bian
- Zixu Liu
- А. V. Artemyev