Auburn University, Department of Physics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Generation and Propagation of Auroral Alfven Waves
- Generation of Near-Earth Reconnection by Divergent Flows in the Plasma Sheet
- Global Hybrid Simulation of the Magnetopause Boundary Layer in Low- and High-Latitude Magnetic Reconnections
- Mode conversion of Alfvén waves
- Beam-Plasma Interaction and Associated Ion Heating
- Simulation of Foreshock Strcutures at the Bow Shock
- Gyrokinetic-Electron and Fully-Kinetic Ion Particle Simulation -- A Novel Numerical Model
- The Relationship Between Proton Aurora and Trapped Ion Flux as Seen by IMAGE
- Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation of the Bow Shock
- Timing of Substorm Signals in the Plasma Sheet and the Auroral Region
- A gyrokinetic electron and fully kinetic ion particle simulation model for collisionless plasma dynamics
- Generation of Filaments by Beam-Plasma Interaction
- Ring Current Composition During Sawtooth Storms
- MHD Intermediate Wave Magnetosheath as Affected by Solar Wind MHD Disturbances and Magnetospheric Reconnection
- Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Earth's Equatorial Outer Magnetosphere and the Proton Cyclotron Instability
- Plasma Heating and Transport at the Magnetopause due to Nonlinear interactions with Kinetic ULF Waves
- Relationship of the ring current plasma pressure from ENA images and field-aligned currents
- Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation of Dayside Waves Associated With the Quasi-Parallel Bow Shock
- Anisotropic Pressure Evolution
- Correlations of Proton Energy Spectra and EMIC Waves in the Earth's Equatorial Outer Magnetosphere: SCATHA Satellite Results
- Hybrid Simulation of the Formation of Dayside Low-Latitude Boundary Layer Under Northward IMF
- Intermediate Bow Shocks and Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
- Observational Constraints on Theoretical Models of Plasma Entry for Northward IMF
- Position of the Ring Current Peak During ICME- and CIR-Driven Storms
- Trapped Ion Spectra During a Geomagnetic Storm as a Function of Equatorial Position
- 3D Global Hybrid Simulation of Flux Transfer Events at the Dayside Magnetopause
- A GKE/FKI Particle Simulation of Current Sheet Instabilities With Finite Guide Field and Comparison with Theory
- Entropy Constraints on Particle Entry and Tail Transport from DMSP Measurements
- Hybrid Simulation of Mode Conversion at the Magnetopause
- ICME and CIR Geomagnetic Storms as Seen by ENA Images and Ring Current Distributions
- Ring Current Morphology During Storm Main Phases
- Signatures of Resonant Mode Conversion at the Magnetopause
- 3-D Hybrid Simulation of Interaction Between Solar Wind Discontinuity and Magnetosphere
- Bow Shock Configurations as Affected by Planetary Dipole Tilt under Intermediate MHD Solar Wind Conditions
- First Principles Calculations Of Lattice Thermal Conductivity Of MgO At High Temperature And High Pressure
- Geomagnetic Storms Driven by CIRs as Seen by the TWINS ENA Imagers
- Seeing the Plasma Sheet with ENAs
- Simulation of Current Sheet Instabilities Using Gygokinetic Electron and Fully Kinetic Ion Particle Code
- 3-D Hybrid Simulation of the Magnetopause Reconnection and Associated Cusp Precipitating Ions
- Deconvolved Ring Current Ion Intensities from TWINS Stereo ENA Images of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Hybrid Simulation of Mode Conversion at the Magnetopause
- Investigation of Foreshock Waves and Cusp Energetic Ions by 3-D Hybrid Simulation
- Lattice Thermal Conductivity of MgSiO3 Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions: A First-Principles Study
- TWINS ENA imaging observations of the moderate storm of 22 July 2009
- The Method of Extracting Ion Distributions from TWINS ENA Images
- Evolution of low altitude and ring current ENA emissions from moderate magnetospheric storms: Continuous and simultaneous TWINS observations
- High Speed Stream Activity in an IMF-By magnetosphere (Invited)
- High-pressure phase relations in the composition of albite NaAlSi3O8 constrained by an ab initio and quasi-harmonic Debye model, and their implications
- How do heavy ions affect plasma entry and transport processes?
- TWINS ENA observations of ring current dynamics during an ICME-driven geomagnetic storm on 6 April 2010
- Three-Dimensional Hybrid Simulation of Mode Conversion at the Magnetopause
- 3D Global Simulations of Mode Conversion at the Magnetopause with Quasi-Parallel Shocks
- First-principles study of lattice thermal conductivity of MgSiO3 perovskite
- Generation of Kinetic Alfven Waves by Beam-Plasma Interaction in Nonuniform Plasma
- H and O ENA observations of the 22 July 2009 storm as observed by the TWINS mission
- Investigation of Tearing Instability Using GeFi Particle Simulation Model
- Ring Current Energy Spectra During Geomagnetic Storms as Observed by TWINS
- Ring Current Pressure Profiles During Geomagnetic Storms as Observed by TWINS
- 3-D Global Hybrid Simulation of the Magnetotail Dynamics
- Investigation of Mode Conversion at the Magnetopause Using Global Hybrid Simulation
- Ion Diffusion in the Mode Conversion Associated with Kinetic Alfvén Waves
- Storm phase variation of energy and composition of Low Altitude and High Altitude energetic neutral atoms as observed by TWINS
- 3-D Global Hybrid Simulation of the Storm-Time Magnetotail and Ion Injection
- Excitation of Whistler Waves in the Magnetosphere and the Associated Electron Scattering
- Loss of Inner Radiation Belt Protons due to Magnetic Field Line Curvature Scattering: Test Particle Simulation Results
- The Origin of Low Altitude ENA Emissions from Storms in 2000-2005 as Observed by IMAGE/MENA
- TWINS Geomagnetic Storm Catalog
- Field Aligned Currents Derived from Pressure Profiles Obtained from TWINS ENA Images
- Modeling Earth's Ring Current Using The CIMI Model
- TRYAD: a Pair of CubeSats to Measure Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Beams
- Field Aligned Currents Derived From Pressure Profiles Obtained From TWINS ENA Images for Geomagnetic Storms That Occurred On 01 June 2013 and 17 March 2015.
- Instabilities Driven by a Pickup Ion Velocity Ring in the Heliosphere: Linear Theory and PIC Simulations
- Fast Flows in the Magnetotail and Energetic Particle Transport: Multiscale Coupling in the Magnetosphere
- Generation of Rising-tone Chorus in a Two-dimensional Mirror Field by Using the General Curvilinear PIC Code
- Global Hybrid Simulation of Alfvenic Waves Associated with Magnetotail Reconnection and Fast Flows
- Magnetic field reconnection and evolution of flux ropes in the dayside magnetosheath: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation
- Simulating Chorus Waves in a Dipole Magnetic Field
- The Locations of Ring Current Pressure Peaks: Comparison of TWINS Measurements and CIMI Simulations for the 7-10 September 2015 CIR Storm
- The Roles of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling on Ring Current development: Comparison of TWINS Measurements and CIMI Simulations for the 7-10 September 2015 Geomagnetic Storm
- Time evolution of magenetic flux ropes in dayside magnetopause reconnections
- CHARGED: Understanding the Physics of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Global Hybrid Simulation of Alfvenic Waves Associated with Magnetotail Reconnection and Fast Flows
- Interaction of magnetosheath reconnection with magnetopause reconnection driven by interplanetary tangential discontinuity: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation with Oblique IMF
- Investigation of magnetic reconnection under a strong guide field
- Simulation of Energetic Particle Transport with Combined Global Hybrid and CIMI Models
- Streamer Discharge Initiation from an Isolated Hydrometeor Modeled as a Conducting Sphere with Rigid Surface
- Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of rising-tone chorus waves in a dipole magnetic field
- 3-D Global Hybrid Simulations of Field Line Resonance in the Magnetosphere in response to Foreshock Waves
- 3-D Global Simulation of Energetic Particle Transport with Combined Hybrid and CIMI Models
- A System Science Approach to Understanding the Coupling between Tail Flows and Alfvenic Poynting Flux in a Global Hybrid Simulation
- Comparison of Kinetic Alfven Waves from Magnetotail to the Ionosphere between Global Hybrid Simulation and Observations
- Diagnostics of the atomic and molecular physics of small bodies atmospheres available in the ultraviolet
- Generation of kinetic Alfvén waves in dayside magnetopause reconnection: A 3-D global-scale hybrid simulation
- Laboratory Scaling Studies of a Shear Alfvén Wave Parametric Instability relevant to the near-Sun solar wind
- Magnetopause Reconnection as Influenced by the Dipole Tilt under Southward IMF Conditions: MMS Observations and Hybrid Simulation
- Statistically Determining the Spatial Extent of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events Using 2 second Polar-Orbiting Satellite Data
- Storm-Time Magnetosphere Viewed with Combined 3-D Global Hybrid and CIMI Models
- Two-dimensional general curvilinear particle-in-cell (gcPIC) simulation model
- Two-dimensional general curvilinear particle-in-cell (gcPIC) simulation of rising-tone chorus waves in a dipole magnetic field
- An Information-Theoretical Approach to Analyzing Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in Hybrid Simulations
- Evolution of a foreshock bubble from dayside to nightside and its impact on the magnetosheath/magnetopause: 3D global hybrid simulation
- Impacts of Time-dependent Magnetotail Reconnection on the Energetic Particle Injections into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Investigation of the interaction between magnetosheath reconnection and magnetopause reconnection driven by oblique interplanetary tangential discontinuity using three-dimensional global hybrid simulation
- Observational evidence for solar wind proton heating by ion-scale turbulence
- Plasmaspheric Plume Turbulence: Signature of an Electrostatic Corotation-Convection Shear-Layer Instability
- Probing the Field Line Resonances in response to Foreshock Waves using 3-D Global Hybrid Simulations
- Propagation and evolution of a rising-tone chorus wave investigated by particle-in-cell simulations
- Simulation of the scattering of continuously injected pickup ions in the outer heliosheath