RAS, Institute of Applied Physics, Novgorod
flowchart I[RAS, Institute of Applied Physics, Novgorod] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (72)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Hydro-Acoustic Location of an Oceanic Earthquake Origin Area
- The Preliminary Estimates of Tsunami Risk Zones for the Coast of Marmara Sea
- Large Methane Plumes Formed by Hydrate Coated Gas Bubbles from a Deep-Sea Submarine Mud Volcano
- Tsunami Risk for the Caribbean Coast
- A comparative study on the probable effects of future tsunamis for Maldivian Islands
- Electrical Structures in the Stratiform Precipitation Region of Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Lightning-Induced Transient Electric Fields and Currents in the Global Electric Circuit
- Natural Masers and Two Point Wave Studies in the Forthcoming RESONANCE Project
- Steady-State Contributions of Mesoscale Convective Systems to the Global Circuit
- Study of Wave-particle Interactions in the Inner Magnetosphere: RESONANCE project
- Estimations of Electrical Conductivity Above Thunderstorms
- Evolution of Above-cloud Electric Fields and Lightning
- Modeling Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit
- Modeling the Electric Structure of Small Storms and Their Contribution to the Global Electric Circuit
- On the Formation and Stability of MCS Stratiform Charge Layers
- Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit due to CG Lightning
- Excitation of Alfven vortices in the ionosphere by the magnetospheric convection
- Modeling Transient and Quasi-stationary Electric Fields in a Thundercloud
- Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit due to CG and IC Lightning
- E-CANES: A Research Network dedicated to Electromagnetic Coupling of the Atmosphere With Near-Earth Space
- Survey of Magnetospheric Line Radiation Observed by a Low-Altitude Spacecraft
- Amplitudes and frequency sweep rates of chorus wave packets
- Experimental Study of the Effect of the Initial Spectrum Width on the Statistics of Random Wave Groups
- Model of Artificial Ionospheric Ducts due to the HF-heating
- Prognosis of qualitative bechavior from time series: stochastic modeling framework
- Prognosis of qualitative behavior from time series: advantages and limitations of deterministic modeling
- Prognosis of qualitative behavior from time series: low-dimensional stochastic modeling of ENSO phenomena
- Ground-Based Microwave Spectroradiometry of the Middle-Atmosphere Temperature Profile
- Prognosis of critical transitions in a delay differential equations model of ENSO
- Stochastic approach to reconstruction of dynamical systems: optimal model selection criterion
- Use of stochastic models for the prognosis of qualitative transitions in ENSO dynamics
- ANN-based empirical modeling of SST variability in Equatorial Pacific region
- Ground-based microwave measuring of middle atmosphere ozone and temperature profiles during sudden stratospheric warming
- Quasi-periodic emissions and related electron precipitation observed by the low-altitude DEMETER spacecraft
- Selection of optimal complexity for ENSO-EMR model by minimum description length principle
- A self-consistent model of halo/sprite influence on the chemical balance of the mesosphere
- Amplitudes and frequency sweep rates of wave packets of whistler-mode chorus observed by the Cluster spacecraft
- Empirical models of ENSO phenomenon: long-term prognosis of critical transitions
- Empirical prediction of climate dynamics: optimal models, derived from time series
- Ionospheric potential variability in global electric circuit models (Invited)
- Modeling Atmospheric Electromagnetic Field Following a Lightning Discharge
- Separation of spatial-temporal patterns ('climatic modes') by combined analysis of really measured and generated numerically vector time series
- Incomplete Similarity of Internal Solitary Waves with Trapped Core
- Modeling Electrical Structure of the Artificial Charged Aerosol Cloud
- Nonlinear Decomposition of Climate Data: a New Method for Reconstruction of Dynamical Modes
- Novel Algorithms for Retrieval of Hydrology and Ice Regimes of Middle-sized Inland Water Bodies from Satellite Altimetry
- Optimal Empirical Prognostic Models of Climate Dynamics
- Construction of embedding for empirical prognostic models of climate
- Extraction of Nonlinear Dynamical Modes Underlying Climate Variability
- Modeling Structure, Dynamics, and Emission of Compact Intracloud Discharges
- Nonlinear Empirical Decomposition of Space-Time Distributed Data
- Combining MODIS aerosol and IASI CO retrievals with chemistry transport model data to study the aging dynamics of biomass burning aerosol
- Construction of Optimally Reduced Empirical Model by Spatially Distributed Climate Data
- Empirical Investigation of Critical Transitions in Paleoclimate
- Leading Nonlinear Mode of Inter-Annual and Decadal Climate Behavior
- New Methodology of ENSO Forecast
- Self-Consistent Model of Low- and High-Frequency Electromagnetic Emission of Compact Intracloud Discharges
- Data-Driven Modeling of Complex Systems by means of a Dynamical ANN
- Data-driven stochastic model for investigation of the mid-Pleistocene transition
- Extracting Leading Nonlinear Modes of Changing Climate From Global SST Time Series
- Nonlinear Dynamical Modes as a Basis for Short-Term Forecast of Climate Variability
- Predictability of Extreme Climate Events via a Complex Network Approach
- The Trajectory Method and the Description of Charged Particles Dynamics in the Current Sheet Magnetic Field Geometry.
- Data-driven stochastic model for the Pleistocene global temperature: Dynamical mechanism of the Middle Pleistocene transition
- Field Survey on the Coastal Impacts of the September 28, 2018 Palu, Indonesia Tsunami
- Quasiperiodic modulation of whistler mode waves in the inner magnetosphere
- An event study of the M-I-T coupling at a pseudo breakup during geomagnetically quiet conditions
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Experimental investigation on the effects of abrupt wind forcing on deep water gravity waves
- Nonlinear precipitation blocking of relativistic electrons by large amplitude EMIC waves
- Role of ULF waves in relativistic electron loss by whistler-mode wave scattering
- Two Stages of Lightning Discharge Initiation