National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of the Relationship between the Southern Oscillation Index and Extended Tropical Precipitation in Coupled Global Climate Models.
- A Coupled Atmosphere-Snow Radiative Transfer Model
- A Global Version of the MM5 Mesoscale Model
- A comparative study of entrainment dynamics in the atmospheric boundary layer using remote sensing measurements and LES simulations
- A new Model for Studies of Tropospheric Ozone and Non-Methane Hydrocarbons: Characteristics, Evaluation, and Budgets of MATCH-MPIC, Version 3
- ACE-Asia Chemical Transport Modeling Overview
- ACE-Asia In-Situ Airborne Aerosol Measurements by PMS Probes on the NCAR C-130
- ACPI Elements 1 and 2: Initializing the Coupled Model from Observed Ocean Conditions and the Ensemble Runs
- Analysis of 3-month lightning activity in Colorado during the STERAO-A project
- Analysis of VEMAP II Projections of Future Runoff in the U.S. Under Climate Change
- Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Measurements on the NCAR C-130 During ACE-Asia
- Caribbean Climate Between the Atlantic and Pacific Basins
- Chemical Ozone Loss and Chlorine Activation Deduced From HALOE and OMS Measurements in Arctic Winter 1999-2000
- Cloud and Radiation Studies during SAFARI 2000
- Comparison of MLS, HALOE, POAM-II, SAGE-II, and ILAS Measurements in October-November 1996 Using Traditional Correlative Analysis and Trajectory Hunting Technique
- Connecting Visualization to Physical Insight: Strategies from the Visual Geophysical Exploration Environment
- Constructing an ensemble of precipitation fields from the historical climate record
- Control of Global Warming by Enhancement of the Albedo and Longevity of Low-Level Maritime Clouds
- Controls over Carbon Fluxes in a High Elevation Subalpine Forest
- Coupling of Land and Atmosphere Over Complex Terrain as Observed by Lidar and Wind Profiler Radar
- Detailed Validation of MOPITT Instrument Radiances Using In-situ Profile Data
- Determination of Ice Precipitation Rates and Thunderstorm Anvil Ice Contents from Satellite Observations of Lightning
- Development of a Canopy Environment Model - Estimates of Regional Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Fluxes from SAFARI 2000 measurements
- Development of a Reference Sonde System for Climate Monitoring
- Direct Observations of NO in South Pole Snowpack During ISCAT 2000
- Distributions of NOy, HNO3, and NO During the Sept. 1999 ACCENT Flights Including an Athena Rocket Plume
- Dynamical Forcing of the Annular Mode and its Recent Upward Trend
- Estimating Natural Variability of Asian Aerosols; Relationship of ACE-Asia to the 1990s
- Estimating Regional Nitrogen Oxide Fluxes From Northeastern Costa Rican Soils With An Ensemble Modeling Approach
- Evaluation of Nitrogen Species Using MOZART During the TOPSE Experiment
- Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Troposphere
- Fast response inlet and converter for nitric acid concentration and eddy correlation flux measurements
- First Results from the Photometer Experiment on TOMEX
- Global Distribution of Stratospheric NO2 Retrieved from UARS/CLAES Limb Radiance Measurements
- HALOE and SAGE Observations of Tropospheric Cirrus and Background Aerosol Near the Tropopause
- Horizontal variability 1-2 km below the tropical tropopause
- Identification of CO plumes through assimilation of MOPITT data
- Identification of the Source of Methyl Nitrate Observed in the Upper Troposphere During the April 1999 ACCENT Mission: A Successful Test of the Convective Influence Technique
- Impact of chemical heating on amplitude and structure of the diurnal tide
- Impact of mixing on the ozone chemistry in late Arctic spring 2000: Simulations with the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS)
- Implications of Non-Systematic Observations for Verification of Forecasts of Aviation Weather Variables
- Laboratory Studies of Hydrocarbon Oxidation Mechanisms
- Long-term Observations of Electric Field, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Rainfall Rate and Solar Insolation at a Remote Meteorological Observing Station
- Measurement of Pernitric Acid at the South Pole During ISCAT 2000
- Measurements of Sulfuric Acid and Methanesulfonic Acid During ISCAT 2000
- Measurements of nitric acid over the western Pacific from a new airborne instrument
- Measurements of the D/H and <SUP>13</SUP>C/<SUP>12</SUP>C Isotope Ratios in Stratospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> from the POLARIS, STRAT, and SOLVE Campaigns
- Modeling inter-annual variability at baseline CO<SUB>2</SUB> stations: Contributions from sources and transport
- Modeling the Effects of Soil Thermal Dynamics on the Seasonality of Carbon Fluxes across Northern Temperate and High Latitude Regions
- Modeling the effects of disturbance history and climate on carbon and water budgets in evergreen needleleaf forests
- Modeling δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and δ D of Stratospheric Methane: Implications for Kinetic Isotope Effects and the Isotopic Composition of Tropospheric Methane
- Modes of the High-Latitude Electric Field Variability Derived From DE-2 Measurements: Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) Analysis
- Mopitt CO Measurements: Assimilation and Inverse Modeling
- OH and HO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements at the South Pole During ISCAT-2000
- Observations of NO<SUB>2</SUB>, Σ PANS, Σ Alkyl Nitrates and HNO<SUB>3</SUB> During the TEXAQS-2000 Campaign
- Observations of Ozone and its Deposition to the Sea Surface During ACE-Asia
- Observations of Summertime NO Fluxes during ISCAT at the South Pole
- Observations of the Decay of Electric Fields in anvils over Kennedy Space Center
- On Temperature Inversions and the Mesospheric Surf Zone
- On the Vertical Alignment of an Atmospheric Vortex
- Peroxy Radicals and Ozone Photochemistry during the Northern Hemisphere Winter-to-Spring Transition
- Processing of oxygenated organic gases by sulfuric acid aerosols in the troposphere.
- Prospects for measurement of far infrared tropospheric spectra: Implications for climate modeling
- Real-Time Eddy-Resolving Ocean Prediction in the Caribbean
- Reflectivity and airborne measurement of the electric field recorded in Florida thunderstorms during the ABFM project
- Simulated Climate Change by the Community Climate System Model
- Simulations of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Electric Field at the Surface Beneath Thunderstorms
- South Pole HOx Chemistry: New Insights Based on ISCAT 2000 Observations
- South Pole NO Observations: An Assessment of the Factors Controlling the Large Variability Seen in the ISCAT 2000 Field Study
- Spatial Variations in Aerosol and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Characteristics over Southern Africa
- Successes and Problems with Climate Models: Present and Future
- The Causes of Time Variations of Winds and Temperatures in a Geomagnetic Storm
- The Effect of the Spatial Resolution of Climate Scenarios on Cotton Production in the SE USA.
- The Effects of Snowpack on Carbon Sequestration in a High Elevation Subalpine Forest
- The Emission and Chemistry of Reactive Nitrogen Species in the Plume of an Athena II Rocket
- The Evolution of the Causes of Negative Storm Effects at Middle Latitudes
- The Existence of a Tertiary Ozone Maximum in the High-latitude Middle Mesosphere
- The Influence of Horizontally Heterogeneous Soil Moisture on a Coupled PBL / Land-Surface System
- The Turbulent Oxygen Mixing Experiment (TOMEX): Introduction and Overview
- The impact of variable sea-surface temperature on the circulation and thermal structure of the middle and upper atmosphere
- The impacts of NOx production by lightning on tropspheric chemistry
- Trace Gas Observations in the Upper Troposphere During ACCENT
- Tropical Origins for Recent North Atlantic Climate Change
- Turbulence in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Uncertainties in high-latitude net CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes, seasonality and interannual variability from a Bayesian inversion
- Use of Space-borne Observations to Study Air-Sea CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange
- Water Vapor Enhancements in an Athena II Rocket Plume
- What do terrestrial biogeochemistry and chemical transport models tell us about the impact of nitrogen deposition on carbon and nitrogen cycling?
- Zonal Mean Diagnostics of the Transport Properties of GCMs and DASs
- A Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer instrument for the Measurement of Tropospheric HO<SUB>2</SUB> and RO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A Comparison of NOy Budgets from the NOAA P3 during SOS99 and TexAQS 2000
- A Look at HIAPER, the new NSF/NCAR Research Aircraft
- A National Program for Analysis of the Climate System
- A comparative assessment of simulated variations in Nebraska sand dune vegetation cover using Landsat TM NDVI and AVHRR Vegetation and Temperature Condition Index
- A history of C<SUB>2</SUB>-C<SUB>4</SUB> NMHC and related compounds in the atmosphere from firn air cores in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- A re-evaluation of South Pole HO<SUB>x</SUB> chemistry based on ISCAT 2000 observations
- A review of aerosol distributions produced using NCEP operational forecast products and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis
- Aerosol Climate Interactions in Climate System Models
- Aerosol and Trace Gases in Amazonia: Impacts on the Ecosystem Functioning and Climate
- Airborne Observations of PAN and Related Compounds During ITCT-2K2
- Airborne Observations of Transport and Removal of Nitric Acid During ITCT 2002
- Airborne Trace Gas and Aerosol Measurements During ITCT 2k2
- Airborne Tunable Diode Laser Measurements of Formaldehyde During TRACE-P: Distributions and Measurement Box-Model Comparisons
- An Intercomparison of Airborne VOC and PAN Measurements
- An Intercomparison of Aircraft Air-Motion Measurement Systems During the TRACE-P and ACE-ASIA Formation Flights
- An Open Software Tool to Support Data Visualization
- An Overview and Science Results from the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Satellite
- An overview of results from the Electra aircraft during the Texas 2000 study
- Atmosphere-Forest Exchange: Important Questions Regarding the Atmosphere's Role in the Delivery of Nutrient Nitrogen and Impacts on Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling
- Atmospheric Response to Anthropogenic Aerosols Modeled using Assimilation
- Biogenic Emission Inventories: Scaling Local Biogenic Measurements to Regions
- Breaking Gravity Waves Over Large-Scale Topography
- Changes in Neutral Composition During the Bastille Day 2000 Geomagnetic Storm
- Characterization of VOC Sources during the Texas Air Quality Study 2000 Using Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry
- Chemical Evolution of Ozone and Its Precursors in Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Chemical air mass characteristics along the West Coast of the United States during April 2002, Results from ITCT 2002
- Chemical and Meteorological Characteristics Leading to the Major Ozone Exceedences (>150 ppb) Observed in Houston, TX During TEXAQS 2000
- Chemical weather forecasts using the MOZART-2 global model in ITCT 2K2
- Climate Forcing by Black and Organic Carbon: Central Values and Uncertainties
- Clouds and Trace Gas Trends Observed During TRACE-P
- Comparison of observed chemical distributions during the presence and absence of Asian transport events during ITCT 2002
- Constraining the Single Scatter Albedo of Asian Dust Using In-situ Measurements
- Continental-Scale Trace Gas Measurements During COBRA and the Case for Airborne Flask Measurements in the NACP
- Contributions of Various External Forcings to NAM and SAM Trends
- Controls on the seasonal cycle of NEE: Inferring temperature dependence of photosynthesis in evergreen needleleaf forests using eddy covariance data
- Decadal Ozone Trends in the Eastern Pacific
- Determination of Thundercloud Ice Characteristics from Satellite Observations of Lightning
- Direct Observations of the Composition of Sub-20 Nanometer Ambient Aerosol
- Distribution of CO2 and other tracers in convective and non-convective regions during CRYSTAL-FACE.
- Diurnal variability in the mesosphere during northern hemisphere winter
- Drought in Central and Southwest Asia: La Nina, the warm pool, and Indian Ocean precipitation
- ENSO Response to Increased Greenhouse Gas Forcing in the NCAR Climate System Model
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Biogenic Oxygenated VOC Fluxes using Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS)
- Effects of Aerosols on Photolysis Frequency Measurements during TRACE-P
- Effects of soil thermal dynamics on carbon cycling in extratropical terrestrial ecosystems of the Northern Hemisphere
- Emissions of NOx, SO2 and CO2 From Power Plants: Evaluating Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) Data Using Airborne Field Measurements.
- Energy Balance in the Sun-Earth System During the Solar Storm Events of April 2002
- Engineering and Technical Configuration Aspects of HIAPER, the new NSF/NCAR Research Aircraft
- Evidence of Nighttime Oxidation in the Remote Pacific Boundary Layer During the NASA TRACE-P Study
- First direct observations of daytime NO<SUB>3</SUB> during TEXAQS 2000
- Fostering Diversity in the Earth and Space Sciences: The Role of AGU
- Global Aerosol Distributions From a Chemical Transport Model With MODIS Assimilation
- Global-scale, seasonal carbon sources and sinks from the TransCom atmospheric inversion experiment
- Halocarbon distributions and relationships in Asian outflow and US urban regions: Observations from TRACE-P, ITCT, and TEXAQS 2000 airborne samples
- Impact of clouds on photochemistry during TRACE-P
- Improving Diversity and Educational Outreach at the K-14 level: A Call to Action for the AGU Membership
- Influence of Asian outflow on the tropospheric distribution and lifetime of nitric acid over the western and central Pacific
- Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Tropical South American Precipitation During Austral Summer
- Interactive effects of nitrogen deposition and insect herbivory on carbon and nitrogen dynamics: Results from CENTURY
- Interannual Variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sources Estimated Using Multiple Transport Models: Results from TransCom 3
- Intercomparisons of Chemical Trace Species Measured on the Electra During TexAQS 2000
- Investigation of Meso-scale Land-Atmosphere Interactions Across the East-West Continental Precipitation Gradient: CASES in the International H20 Project (IHOP)
- J Value comparison with measurement and models in Houston
- Laboratory Studies of the Tropospheric Loss Processes for Acetic and Peracetic Acid
- Leaf-Level Controls Over Emissions of Methanol and 2-Methyl-3-buten-2-ol, Oxygenated VOC With Different Production Mechanisms and Solubilities.
- Long Term Trends in the Radiative Heating Rates and Planetary Wave Activity in the Winter Polar Stratosphere
- Lower Thermospheric Dynamics During April 2002
- Making NASA Data Easier to Use: Data Product Standardization for NASA's EOS Aura Mission
- Measurement and model results for gas phase OH and H2SO4 during PROPHET 2001.
- Measurements Alcohols, Ketones, and Aldehydes During Trace-P
- Measurements of HOx during Trace-P
- Measurements of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Ice Nucleation by Atmospheric Aerosols
- Measurements of Hydroperoxides during the PROPHET 2001 Summer Intensive in Pellston, MI
- Measurements of Ice Water Content in Tropopause Arctic Cirrus during SOLVE (SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment)
- Measurements of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Winds by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer
- Measurements of Nitric and Pernitric Acids at the South Pole during ISCAT 2000
- Mechanisms of ENSO Response to Glacial and Milankovitch Forcing in the NCAR Climate System Model
- Microphysical Properties and the Decay of Electric Fields in Florida Anvils
- Model-Measurement Comparisons of [OH], [HO2], and P(O3) in Houston
- Modeling Biomass Burning Emissions for comparison with MOPITT retrievals: Boreal Forest Case Studies
- Modeling diurnal rainfall in northwestern South America
- Multi-Sensor Observations of Asian Aerosol and CO
- Multi-tracer constraints on ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
- NCAR's Education and Outreach Program
- NMHCs and Halocarbons in Asian Continental Outflow during TRACE-P: Comparison to PEM-West B
- National Workforce Policies for Science and Engineering
- New results from inverse modeling of CO sources using MOPITT data.
- Numerical Simulation of Near-Surface Wind over Santa Barbara Channel and Southern California Bight
- Observations and Modeling of Ozone Photochemistry in Plumes from Petrochemical Facilities near Houston, TX.
- Observations of Gaseous Mercury Over the Eastern North Pacific: Gradients, Transports, Variability, and Lifetime Calculations
- Observations of PANs on Board the NASA P-3 During TRACE-P
- Observations of Peroxynitrates in the Remote Troposphere
- Observations of organic trace gases during ITCT: Characterization of sources, background, and long-range transport to the US West coast and eastern Pacific atmosphere
- Observations of the April 2002 Storm Period with TIMED-TIDI
- Observations of the O<SUB>2</SUB> Atmospheric Band Nightglow by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer
- On NO<SUB>x</SUB> Evolution in the Pacific during TRACE-P
- Optical Effects of Polar Stratospheric Clouds on Photolysis and Ozone Loss in the Arctic Lower Stratosphere during SOLVE
- Overview of One Aspect of the Sun-Earth Connection during the April 2002 Events: the "Magnetospheric Driver" Chain
- Oxygenated Organic Chemicals in the Pacific Troposphere: Sources and Chemical Consequences
- Particle Growth in Urban and Industrial Plumes in the Houston Metropolitan Area
- Peroxy Radical Measurements Aboard the NASA P-3B during TRACE-P
- Pollutant Transport During the Spring Months to the West Coast of the United States
- Preliminary Studies on Comparing the Effect of Cloud Chemistry on Tropospheric Oxidants from Modeling a Polydispersed Cloud Drop Population to Modeling a Monodispersed Cloud Drop Population
- Solar Synoptic Maps as a Means to Study the Global Sun
- Solar and Greenhouse Gas Forcing and Climate Response in the 20th Century
- Source and Latitudinal Distributions of Select Oxygenated VOCs
- Sources, distribution and partitioning of reactive nitrogen in the lower troposphere over western Pacific during TRACE-P
- TIDI Preliminary Wind Results: Tidal Features and Validation Effort
- TRACE-P Informal Instrument Intercomparison
- Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System: Integration of satellite and surface weather observations with ecosystem models
- Testing Fast Photochemical Theory During TRACE-P Based on Measurements of OH, HO2, NO2, and CH2O
- The Asian Brown Cloud
- The Behavior of the Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyl Radicals During TexAQS2000
- The CompreHensive collaborativE Framework (CHEF)
- The Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Water Vapor Entering the Stratosphere Inferred From High Precision CH<SUB>4</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- The Impact of Disturbance on Carbon Source and Sinks in Colorado Ecosystems
- The Influence of Synoptic Meteorology on Convective Boundary Layer Characteristics and the Observed Chemical Response During PROPHET 2000 and 2001 Summer Intensives
- The Role of Ecosystem Dynamics on the Global Ocean Carbon Cycle: Exploratory 3-D Simulations in the CCSM-Ocean Model
- The Role of Explosive Volcanism During the Cool Maunder Minimum
- The Role of Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation in Tropical Atlantic Variability
- The Spatial Distribution and Size Evolution of Particles in Asian Outflow: The Significance of Primary and Secondary Aerosol during ACE-Asia and TRACE-P
- Three-Dimension Analysis of the TRACE-P Aircraft Observations using the STEM Regional-Scale Chemical Transport Model
- Transport of North African dust to Big Bend, Texas, during the 1999 Big Bend Regional Aerosol and Visibility Study
- Two Views of MLT Winds: TIMED/TIDI and UARS/HRDI
- Two-Dimensional Modeling of Flood Events in Denver, Colorado
- Understanding Tropospheric Temperature Changes: Challenges for Observational and Model Studies
- Update on the Gender Gap in Geophysical Sciences Research
- Using Paleoclimatic Reconstructions of ENSO Variability during the Past Few Centuries to Re-Examine the Volcano-Enso Hypothesis
- Wildland Fire, Fire Suppression, and the US Carbon Budget: a Colorado Case Study
- 3D Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Simulation of Acoustic Waves in Turbulent Moving Media
- A 4-D Variational Data Assimilation Approach for Estimating Time-Varying Sources and Sinks of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A Biased View of Data Assimilation
- A Global Survey of the CO Emissions of Boreal Fires From MOPITT Data
- A Measurement of Gaseous and Particulate Biogenic Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in the Forest Atmosphere with an Annular Denuder Sampling System
- A New Direct Beam Irradiance Instrument for Aircraft Measurement of Ozone Columns and Wavelength Dependent UV and Visible Aerosol Optical Depths
- A Science Plan for Integrated Studies of Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
- A new instrument to measure UV extinction profiles and photolysis frequencies in a snowpack environment
- A review of the role of carbon cycle science in supporting carbon management policy
- Above Canopy Emissions of Isoprene and Monoterpenes from a Southeast Asian Tropical Forest
- Accounting for age Structure in Ponderosa Pine Ecosystem Analyses: Integrating Management, Disturbance Histories and Observations with the BIOME-BGC Model
- Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing - Estimates from a Global Aerosol Analysis with MODIS Assimilation
- Airborne Flask Measurements of O<SUB>2</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB>, Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Other Species During COBRA-NA 2003
- An Adjoint-Based Analysis of the Sampling Footprints of Tall Tower, Aircraft and Potential Future Lidar Observations of CO2
- An Analysis and Model Evaluation of the Marine Boundary Layer Height in the Eastern Pacific
- An Overview Of The SABER Experiment And Science Results
- An overview of the 2003 Chemical Emission, Loss, Transformation and Interactions within Canopies (CELTIC) study
- Arctic Chemical Ozone Loss Deduced from POAM III Using Chemical Transport Models
- Assessment of Scale-Dependent Runoff Generation Mechanisms in TOPLATS and Noah-router
- Biomass Burning versus Fossil Fuel Combustion Signatures of Air Masses Transported from Asia to the U.S. West Coast during ITCT2k2
- Building Successful Partnerships Between Scientists and Educators to Bridge Scientific Research to Education and Outreach Audiences at a National Research Laboratory
- Bulk Canopy Conductance and NDVI Along a Precipitation Gradient During IHOP 2002 in the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- Centennial scale climate variations and their spatial dimensions in coupled GCM simulations of the last millennium
- Changes in Nitrogen Tropical Deposition Driven by Biomass Burning and Industrialization
- Changes in stratospheric water vapor derived from HALOE, 1991-2003
- Comparison of in-situ Electric Field and Radar Derived Parameters for Stratiform Clouds in Central Florida
- Controls over the fractional stabilization of GPP: key processes and possible geochemical tracers
- Detecting Thermohaline Circulation Changes from Ocean properties
- Detection of cirrus and determination of cloud top pressure by HIRDLS
- Direct and Indirect Measurements of DMS, Ozone, and CO Fluxes Over the Eastern Pacific Ocean
- Discriminant Flash-Flood Forecasting in an Urban Environment
- Does the thermosphere play a role in the formation of patches?
- Drying and moistening by deep sub-tropical and tropical convection in large-eddy simulations of CRYSTAL-FACE and CEPEX field measurements
- Earth System Grid II (ESG): Turning Climate Model Datasets Into Community Resources
- Eddy Covariance Fluxes of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) to a Coniferous Forest
- Effect of Rainfall Aggregation on Hydrologic Predictions
- Effects of Geomagnetic Storms and Sudden Stratospheric Warmings on Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Winds
- Elevated Tropospheric Ozone Over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in Northern Midlatitudes
- Energetic and dynamic impact on the upper atmosphere during the April 2002 geomagnetic storm
- Environmental and Health Benefits and Risks of a Global Hydrogen Economy
- Estimates of soluble iron from observations and a global mineral aerosol model
- Evaluation of CO Simulations and the Analysis of the CO Budget for Europe
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Evidence That Most Florida Anvil Crystals Derive From Midtropospheric Aerosols
- Evidence of Deep Convective Transport of Reactive Constituents to the Tropical Tropopause Layer Using Convective Influence Calculations
- Evidence of the Effect of Summertime Midlatitude Convection on the Subtropical Lower Stratosphere: An Analysis of Tracer Measurements From the CRYSTAL-FACE Mission
- Evolution of Earth's Greenhouse Effect
- Examination of Long-Term Proxy Stationarity Using AOGCM Output: AD 1000-1999
- Fast planetary waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere observed by SABER
- Field Observations of Increased Isoprene Emissions Under Ozone Fumigation: Implications for Tropospheric Chemistry?
- Fine-scale Source Distribution of Biogenic VOCs Measured by Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry.
- Formation of Anvil Ice Particles in a Deep Cumulus Updraft of CRYSTAL-FACE Simulated with an Explicit Microphysics Model - The Influence of Various Nucleation Processes
- Galactic Cosmic Rays and Ion Induced Aerosol Production
- Gas-Phase Chemical Characteristics of Transported Asian Emissions Observed During ITCT2k2 Over the Eastern North Pacific Ocean
- Global Characteristics of PMCs From six Years of SNOE Data
- High Energy Precipitation and Consequences During the April 2002 Storms
- Horizontal Variability in the Upper Tropical Troposphere
- Hydroxyl and Peroxy Radical Chemistry in Rural Central Pennsylvania
- Ice Nucleation in Low-Temperature Aircraft Contrails During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Improving the Climate for Female Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Integrating MOPITT and Aircraft Observations to Estimate Asian CO Emission Sources
- Inverse Estimates of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide From Ocean Interior Carbon Measurements and Ocean General Circulation Models
- Inverse Modeling of Carbon Monoxide Surface Sources Using MOPITT Satellite Data
- Investigation of Shabansky Orbit Accessibility by Using 3D Particle Tracing in the Global MHD Simulations
- Key Issues and Strategies for Measurements in the Tropical, Subtropical and Midlatitude UT/LS
- Landscape Evolution and Carbon Accumulation: Uniformitarianism Revisited
- Large-Scale Equatorward Transport of Ozone in the Subtropical Lower Stratosphere
- Layers with biomass burning signature observed at 15.8 km in the stratosphere
- Lidar and Satellite Observations of Noctilucent Clouds in the Western Arctic
- Linked space physics models for operational ionospheric forecasting
- Low Density Magnetic Structures (Cavities) in the Solar Corona
- MHD Waves in Magnetic Flux Concentrations
- Measurements of HNO<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>y</SUB> on Cirrus Ice Particles and in Solution Aerosols During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Milankovitch Forcing of Last Interglacial Warming of the Arctic
- Mixing Near the Subtropical Jet - a Case Study
- Multi-platform observations of Siberian forest fires
- NAO signature in tropospheric ozone: data and model analysis
- New Multi-Emission Fabry-Perot Interferometer Observations at Resolute
- Nitric Acid Uptake on Subtropical Cirrus Cloud Particles
- Nitric acid depressions in and near midlatitude cirrus clouds during TRACE-P
- Observations of Seasonal Variations of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Tides by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer
- Observations of deep convective transport of reactive constituents to the tropical and mid-latitude tropopause region
- Oxygen-Hydrogen Chemistry and Emissions in the Mesosphere: Modeling and SABER Observations
- Precipitation controls isoprene emissions from tropical ecosystems
- Projects on Education, Research and International Training for Students and Junior Scientists in Atmospheric Sciences
- Quantifying Stratospheric Ozone in the Upper Troposphere Using in Situ Measurements of HCl
- Quantifying Transport Pathways in the Middleworld During CRYSTAL-FACE Using Tracer-Tracer Correlations and a Simple Mixing Model
- Quantifying biogenic VOC emissions over North America using formaldehyde column observations from space
- Recent Improvements to the FTIR Chemical Profile Retrieval Algorithm SFit2
- Response of the coupled climate system to aerosols simulated with a MODIS aerosol assimilation
- Retrieval of Temperature, Trace Species and Aerosols From the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS).
- Role of global oceanic forcing and local vegetation feedback in the 20th century Sahel drought: results from the coupled GENESIS-IBIS model
- Satellite Observations and Model Predictions of Rayleigh Scattered UV Radiance
- Seasonal Dependency of Diurnal and Semidiurnal Surface Wind Variations Over the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Seasonal wind fields as determined by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI)
- Sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystem models of carbon isotope ratios to changes in vegetation properties and meteorology
- Spatial analysis of growing season length control over NEE
- Spatially and Seasonally-Specific Responses to Forcing as Detected In Paleoclimate Reconstructions of Past Centuries
- Statistical properties and spatial distribution of the low-frequency solar signal in paleoclimate reconstructions and a coupled model
- Stochastic Forcing of the North Atlantic Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation
- Stochastic simulation of large explosive volcanic eruptions and their impacts on climate
- Strategies for the Use of Scaling for Subgrid Parameterizations for Globbal Circulation Models of the Atmosphere
- Stratospheric Water Vapor and the Asian Monsoon: An Adjoint Model Investigation
- Summertime Dynamics of the Middleworld Revealed by Aircraft Missions During the Last Decade
- The Bio-atmospheric N Cycle: A Story of Multiple Element Interactions, N, C, S, Atmospheric Chemistry and the Climate System
- The Coastal Stratocumulus Imposed Perturbation Experiment: Discerning aerosol indirect effects in stratocumulus clouds using imposed aerosol forcing
- The EEA method of chemical lifetime calculation and its application to the sodium layer
- The ENSO Signal on Tropospheric and Stratospheric MSU Temperatures
- The Effects of High Frequency ULF Wave Activity on the Spectral Characteristics of Coherent HF Radar Returns
- The High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) Experiment on Aura
- The High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) Validation Plan
- The Long-Term Change in Stratospheric Water Vapor Isotopes
- The Magnetic Fields of Quiescent Prominences
- The Microphysical and Radiative Evolution of a Cirrus Anvil During CRYSTAL-FACE
- The role of Alfvénic turbulence in Jupiter's M-I coupling
- Tidi Observations Relating to High Latitude Aeronomy
- Timing and Spatial Extent of Mid-Holocene Abrupt Climate Change
- Towards a rigorous MCMC estimation of PDFs of Climate System Properties.
- Towerbased and Airborne VOC Flux Measurements Over the Amazonian Rainforest During LBA-CLAIRE 2001
- Trace Gas Transport and Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production during a CRYSTAL-FACE Thunderstorm Simulated using a 3-D Cloud-Scale Chemical Transport Model
- Trace gas sources and distributions across the tropical Atlantic Ocean lower atmosphere
- Tropical Anvil Cirrus Microphysics
- Use of Carbon Isotopes in the Analysis of the Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget
- Validation of Aura Data: Needs and Implementation
- Vertical Resolution and Information Content of MOPITT CO Profiles
- Widespread Persistent Near-Surface Ozone Depletion at Northern High Latitudes in Spring
- Yearlong Na-Lidar observation of temperature and winds over full diurnal cycles above Ft. Collins, CO (40° N, 105° ): Diurnal and semidiurnal tidal perturbations
- A Semiarid Long-Term Hydrologic Observatory at the Continental Scale: The Upper Río Grande Basin
- A study of dust radiative forcing based on detailed transport and radiation models
- Advancing Into the Past: How Proxies and Models Explore Climate Before the Instrumental Record.
- An Analytical Form for the Effective Permeability Tensor
- An Asymptotic and Stochastic Theory for the Effects of Surface Gravity Waves on Currents and Infragravity Waves
- An assessment of the HOx budget constrained by Summit 2003 field observations
- Anomalously Low Water Vapor, Temperature and Ozone Near the Tropical Tropopause Since 2001
- Aragonite Undersaturation in the High-Latitude Surface Ocean Within the 21st Century
- Arctic Terrestrial Hydrology Simulated by CCSM3
- Assessing the environmental costs and benefits of plantations under future carbon pricing scenarios
- Assimilation Modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, and Strategy for Scaling up to the Region
- Boundary-layer measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration, carbon and oxygen isotopes of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> over montane forest regions in Colorado, USA
- Bridging the Divide Between Climate and Global Change Science and Education of Public and K-12 Visitors at the National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Carbon-Climate Feedbacks in the NCAR Community Climate System Model
- Climate Sensitivity of the Last Glacial Maximum from Paleoclimate Simulations and Observations
- Climate change at 8200 yrs BP: A synthesis of paleoclimate proxy records
- Communicating the Urgency and Challenge of Global Climate Change: Lessons Learned and New Strategies
- Considerations of Socio-Economic and Global Change Effects on Eurasian Steppes Ecosystem and Land-Atmosphere Interactions
- Constraining Oceanic N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production Mechanisms by an Inversion of Large-Scale Oceanic N<SUB>2</SUB>O Data
- Controls on Leaf Level Isoprene Emission Rates in a Tropical Rainforest
- Coordinated Ground and Space Based Observations of the Quasi Two-Day Wave in January 2004
- Correlation Between Aerosol Optical Depth and CO in the Atmosphere for the Forest Fire Events
- Demonstration of a New Capability for Airborne Measurement of Carbon Dioxide Fluxes and Accurate Mixing Ratios: Preliminary Results from GOTEX and ACME
- ENSO controls on dust emissions from large ephemeral lakes
- Effects of Aerosols on the Climate and Ecosystem of Northern Eurasia: Results from Global Models
- Emissions From the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Episodes of High Surface Ozone Amounts During the Summer at South Pole, Antarctica
- Factors that influence UV actinic flux in and above Arctic snow
- Fast time resolution airborne measurements of PANs during the New England Air Quality Study 2004 intensive
- First Three Years of TIMED: New Results in Sun-Earth Connections
- First results from coupling carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, and climate in the NCAR CCSM3 model.
- Grid-Scale CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Error Estimates from a Variational Data Assimilation Approach Processing Satellite-Based CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- HO<SUB>x</SUB> at the South Pole: Measurements and Model Predictions
- HYDRA: A Programmable Portable Trace-Gas Measuring System
- Hemispheric Differences and Evolution of the Cold Summer Mesopause Observed by the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Satellite
- Impact of biomass burning and biogenic emission on the evolution of Mexico City's air pollution plume
- Impacts of Black Carbon Aerosols on Photochemistry in Megacities
- Influence of Global Change and Asian Emissions on Regional Air Quality in the Pacific Northwest
- Insights into Stratospheric Dehydration Using Isotopes of Water
- Integrating biogeochemistry and atmospheric chemistry into Earth system models: Where are the non-linearities?
- Interannual Variability of Chlorofluorocarbons, pCFC Ages and Ideal Ages in the North Pacific from 1958-2000 as Simulated by an Ocean General Circulation Model
- Measurement of Mexico City Ultrafine Aerosol Size Distributions: Observations of New Particle Formation and Growth
- Measurement of Pernitric Acid, Nitric Acid and Sulfur Dioxide at the South Pole during ANTCI 2003
- Measurements of OH and HO2 + RO2 at Summit Greenland
- Mixing in the Extratropical Tropopause Region: Observations and Modeling
- Modeling and analysis of atmospheric chemistry over the South Pole during ANTCI
- Near-simultaneous Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the International Space Station and from Orbiting Optical Instruments
- Nonmigrating Diurnal Tidal Variability in Mesopause Region Winds: TIDI, TIME-GCM and GSWM Comparisons
- Observations of ozone and odd-oxygen in the mesosphere by the SABER instrument on the TIMED satellite
- On the Robustness of Air-Sea Flux Estimates of Carbon Dioxide from Ocean Inversions
- Overview of Measurements of Particle Emissions and Ambient Concentrations in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign
- Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Recently Fallen Snow Over the Wasatch Mountains of Northern Utah
- Reaping Environmental Benefits of a Global Hydrogen Economy: How Large, Fow Soon, and at What Risks?
- Regional and Season Variations in Stratus Cloud Properties from MODIS Observations
- Regional-Scale Carbon Flux Estimates Over Complex Terrain and the Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment
- Response of the atmospheric hydrologic cycle over the Arctic to climate change in CCSM3
- Role of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on Convection Initiation and Precipitation over the Southern Great Plains
- Satellite Drag and Space Weather Simulations for Undergraduates
- Seasonal Variation of Mesospheric Ozone Over Three Decades
- Seasonal diurnal tidal variation in the mesopause region over Ft. Collins, CO (40.6N, 105W).
- Separating Terrestrial, Oceanic and Stratospheric Signals in Atmospheric N<SUB>2</SUB>O: Seasonal Cycles and Isotopic Signatures
- Simulated variability and change in 20th and 21st century Arctic freshwater budgets
- Simulating the Redistribution of Formaldehyde in Deep Convection Using the Weather Research Forecast Model Coupled With Aqueous Chemistry
- Size, Time, and Composition-Resolved Aerosol Measurements in Mexico City During the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign: The Organic Component
- Smart Sensor Arrays for Environmental and Atmospheric Research
- Spatially and Chemically Segregated Energization of Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Stochastic Forcing of the North Atlantic Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation
- Summary of the Chemistry Transport in Deep Convection Cloud Modeling Workshop Intercomparison
- TOMS observations of increases in Asian aerosol in winter from 1979 to 2000
- The 2-day wave in the mesosphere observed by SABER
- The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment
- The Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA) project of IGBP
- The High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) Instrument on AURA
- The Role of Fire History in Northern Latitude Organic Matter: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of C and Hg
- The Ticosonde/NAME 2004 Experiment: A Program of High-Frequency Rawinsonde Observations over Costa Rica During Summer
- The Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
- The atmospheric boundary layer and its effect on NO concentrations during ANTCI-2003
- The impact of boreal summer monsoon circulations on dynamics and transport in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Uncertainties in Satellite Based Fire Emission Inventories in the Amazon
- Using Digital Imagery from a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to Estimate Arctic Melt Pond Coverage on Sea Ice
- Variability of Atomic Oxygen and its Effect on the Energy Budget Near the Mesopause
- A Comparative Study of Relative Humidity Distributions Inside and Outside of Clouds at Both the Middle and Tropical Latitudes
- A Regional Atmospheric Continuous CO2 Network In The Rocky Mountains (Rocky RACCOON)
- A Sustained Environmental Assessment Program in Southwest Asia
- A multi-platform analysis of the North American reactive nitrogen budget during the ICARTT summer intensive
- Airborne Spectroscopic Observations During the Polar Aura Validation Experiment (PAVE)
- Airborne Tunable Diode Laser Measurements of Formaldehyde During INTEX: Mixing Ratio Distributions Over North America and Comparisons with Models
- An Examination of Photochemistry Based on INTEX-NA Observations
- An Exploration of Gradient Descent Nonlinear Noise Reduction in Atmospheric Prediction Problems
- An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Pyro-cumulonimbus Injections of Aerosol on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Climate During Northern Hemisphere Summer
- An abrupt transition to September ice free conditions and its influence on the Arctic freshwater system
- Anomalies in the Distribution Patterns and Simulation of Aldehydes and PAN within Reacting Continental Outflow
- Application and Validation of a MODIS-based Vegetation Transpiration Model Over the Southern Great Plains Using IHOP 2002 Data
- Archiving Terrestrial Biogeochemistry Models
- Are Low-order Covariance Estimates Useful in Error Analyses?
- Assessing the Response of Aerosol Nucleation, Cloud Parameters, and Radiative Forcing Over Oceans to Variations in Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity
- Assessment of Mesospheric Chemistry From TIMED and Global Models
- Atmospheric Chemistry Response to Changes in Tropospheric Methane Concentration: Application to the Permian-Triassic Boundary.
- Atomic Hydrogen in the Mesopause Region Derived From the SABER Instrument
- Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Controls over Winter Soil Carbon Cycling in a Subalpine Forest Ecosystem
- Bering Strait Throughflow and the Thermohaline Circulation
- Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emission Rates From Urban Vegetation in Southeast China
- Boreal Forest Fire Cools Climate
- Boreal Forest Fires of 2002-2004: Eurasian and North American Impacts on CO Burden
- CAFS ozone column data for validation of the AURA ozone products
- Can We Detect a Signal of Anthropogenic Climate Change in California During the 20th Dentury?
- Causes of Sub-Auroral Variability of Nitric Oxide in the Thermosphere
- Characteristics and Chemistry of Power Plant Plumes: Conesville Case Study
- Characteristics of Atmpspheric Aerosols Over the United Arab Emirates
- Characterization of Aerosol Absorption From Space Using Near UV TOMS and OMI Observations
- Characterization of a CIMS Method for PAN Measurements During NEAQS/ICARTT 2004 and two Ground Campaigns
- Chemical Data Assimilation in Support of Air Quality Forecasts
- Climate Discovery: Integrating Research With Exhibit, Public Tours, K-12, and Web-based EPO Resources
- Constraints on Climate Sensitivity From the Observed Seasonal Cycle
- Convection Signatures and the Age of Air in the Upper Troposphere
- Correlation Between Cosmic-Ray Intensity and Total Solar Irradiance during the last three Solar Cycles
- Creating the Infrastructure for Rapid Application Development and Processing Response to the HIRDLS Radiance Anomaly
- Cross Validation of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Measurements Between AIRS and MOPITT on a Global Basis
- Data Challenges Facing the Sea Ice and Ocean Climate Modeling Community
- Deducing a Canopy Reduction Factor for Biogenic Emission Modeling
- Deposition Changes in the Past And The Future
- Derivation of Cloud Heating Rate Profiles using observations of Mixed-Phase Arctic Clouds: Impacts of Solar Zenith Angle
- Determining the Best-Estimate of Cloud Drop Size From a Variety of Remote Sensing Instruments
- Discoveries From 'A-Train' (MLS, AIRS, MODIS) Simultaneous Measurements of Cloud Properties.
- Discoveries on Upper-Tropospheric Cloud Ice From MLS: Comparisons With Analyses and GCMs
- Distribution of Formaldehyde Over North America: Implications for Satellite Retrievals and Mapping of Precursor Emissions
- Dust Particles in the Troposphere Over the UAE and Their Impact on Cloud Formation and Precipitation
- Dynamical influences on CO2 in the MLT: global model calculations.
- Effects of Auroral Precipitation on Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Efficient Transport of Nitric Acid in Urban Plumes Observed Over the North Atlantic Ocean
- Estimating Vegetative Fuel Loadings and Fuel Moisture Using Satellite Data for Modeling Biomass Burning Emissions
- Evaluation of Heterogeneous Processes in the Polar Lower Stratosphere in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM).
- Evaluation of diurnal precipitation rates from rain gauges over western Mexico
- Evolution of Melt Pond Cover in the Beaufort/Chukchi Sea Region During Summer 2004
- Flow and transport above and within forests in complex topography
- Forecast, Modeling, And Satellite And Lidar Measurements, Of A Rare Polar Ozone Filament Event Over Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
- GLOBE ONE: Providing a Model for a Project-based Approach
- Giant and Ultragiant Sea-salt Aerosols and Caribbean Trade Wind Cumuli
- Global Scale Modeling of the Equatorial Electrojet in the Light of Satellite Magnetic Measurements
- HIRDLS Level 1 to 2 Pre and Post Retrieval Data Processing
- HIRDLS Ozone Validation - Preliminary Results
- HIRDLS Software Visualization Tools
- Halocarbon and Hydrocarbon Distributions and Trends in the UT/LS Region: Results From Recent Aura Validation Experiments (AVE)
- Halogen-Driven Low Altitude Ozone and Hydrocarbon Losses in Spring at Northern High Latitudes
- High resolution wave activities observed in HIRDLS temperature data
- How often will it rain?
- Ice Nuclei Measurements From the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
- Ice Nuclei Variability and Ice Formation in Mixed-phase Clouds
- Impact Of Chemical Compositions And Size Distributions Of Anthropogenic Aerosols On Their Radiative Forcings: A Modeling Study Using An Interactive Aerosol-Climate Model Based On NCAR CAM3
- Impact of Desert Dust Radiative Forcing on Sahel Precipitation
- Impact of gage-based and remotely-sensed precipitation datasets on land data assimilation and quantitative precipitation forecasts
- Implications of North American Boreal Fires on Air Quality and Composition in Nearby and Remote Regions
- Importance of Peat Burning and Injection Heights in Boreal Fire Emissions: Evaluation With MOPITT Satellite Observations for the Summer 2004
- In-situ Observations of a Biomass Burning Plume in the Lower Stratosphere During the CRYSTAL-FACE Mission Flight of July 9, 2002.
- Indian Ocean sea surface temperature variability and change since 1960s: forcing and process
- Influence of Climate Change on Extratropical Cyclones and Resulting Effects on Arctic Hydrology
- Initiation of Convective Precipitation in Complex Terrain Under Reduced Moisture Conditions
- Isoprene flux measurements using eddy covariance and disjunct eddy accumulation
- LEADX-2005: A system study of near-surface winter tropospheric processes near Barrow, Alaska
- Large Enhancements of Nitrogen Oxides Over the Central North Atlantic Lower Free Troposphere Resulting From Boreal Wildfires: Observations at the PICO-NARE Station During Summer 2004
- Linking the Nitrogen and Water Cycless
- Measurement of HO2NO2 in the upper troposphere during INTEX-NA
- Meteorological Conditions During Extreme Dust Events in North Africa
- Modeled Changes in Seasonality of Abrupt Glacial Climate Events
- Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis of Saturated Flow Through Simulated Highly Heterogeneous Groundwater Aquifers
- NASA Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) Mission: Significant Findings and Evolving Research
- North Atlantic Responses for Heinrich and the 8.2 ka Events: Comparison of the Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea Ice Responses to Freshwater Perturbations in a Climate Model
- Numerical model experiments studying fine-scale meso-scale phenomena over the UAE and their impact on cloud and precipitation development
- Observations And Trends Of Chemically Active Stratospheric Constituents
- Observations of Cloud Reflectance and Aerosol Optical Depths over India and the Indian Ocean
- Observations of sub-planetary scale diurnal waves in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Observed Cloud Microphysical Characteristics in India and the Arabian Peninsula: High droplet concentrations does not always retard coalescence
- On the role of data assimilation in the remote sensing and modeling of tropospheric gases and their sources
- Ozone Depleting Substances: An Update on Fractional Halogen Release Rates and Short Lived Organic Halogens.
- PIE 2005: An intercomparison of measurement techniques for peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs)
- Permafrost and Climate Change: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow. A Coupled Climate Model Projection for the 20th and 21st Centuries.
- Planned Improvements to the MOPITT CO Product
- Possible Roles of Ice Nucleation Mode and Ice Nuclei Depletion in the Extended Lifetime of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Reactive Nitrogen Distribution and Budgets in the North American Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere
- Recent Results from the NCAR Water Cycle Program
- Recent observations on the vertical profiles of mixed-phase clouds during the Mixed Phase Cloud Experiment (MPACE) and the Alliance Icing Research Study (AIRS)-II
- Reducing Uncertainty in Coupled Land Surface-Atmosphere Modeling Via Simultaneous State and Parameter Estimation
- Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Feedback in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Regional-Scale Estimation of Carbon Fluxes in Complex Terrain Using a Budget Approach During the Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment
- Relationships among vegetation properties related to their interactions with atmosphere from the analysis of satellite derived data
- Resolution Dependence of the Simulation of a GCM for the Surface to Lower Thermosphere
- Results from fast airborne measurements of PANs during the 2004 New England Air Quality Study
- Science, Stakeholders, and Flood Decision-Making: Three Cases in Weather and Climate
- Scientific Virtual Observatories Working for Education?
- Sensitivity of M-PACE stratocumulus to variations in aerosol properties in a mesoscale model with detailed bulk microphysics
- Sensitivity of Top-Down Estimates of CO Sources to GCTM Transport
- Sensitivity of Trace Species to Transport and Diffusion Near the Mesopause
- Soils and the CUAHSI Vision and Beyond
- Solar-Terrestrial Ontology Development
- Spatial and temporal variations in terrestrial carbon isotope disequilibria simulated in coupled runs of the Community Climate System Model
- Summer aerosol particle mixing in different climate and source regions of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- Synoptic Analysis of 2000-2005 Significant Snowfall Events on Mt. Kilimanjaro
- Terrestrial carbon-nitrogen cycle coupling and interactions with the climate system
- The 1452 A.D. Kuwae Eruption Signal Derived from Multiple Ice Core Records: Greatest Eruption over the Past 700 Years
- The Earth System Grid - Building a Production Data Grid for Climate Research
- The Effect of Climate Base State on the Remote Response to North Atlantic Freshwater Forcing: Comparison of Heinrich and 8.2 ka Events
- The Effect of Global Change on Surface Ozone and Reactive Nitrogen Concentrations: Implications for the Biosphere
- The Effect of IMF By on Thermospheric Composition at High and Middle Latitudes
- The Greening of Land Surface Models: The Next Generation of Models and Lessons Learned for Climate and Vegetation Interactions
- The Influence of Lateral and Top Boundary Conditions on Regional Air Quality Prediction: a Multi-Scale Study Coupling Regional and Global Chemical Transport Models
- The Possible Role of air Pollution in Dust-Fe Mobilization and its Implications to Global Carbon Cycle
- The Response of the Mesopause Region to Solar Cycle Changes in Radiative and Geomagnetic Forcing
- The Search for Common Signatures From Natural Climate Variations in Reconstructed and Simulated Climate
- The UAE Rainfall Enhancement Assessment Program: Implications of Thermodynamic Profiles on the Development of Precipitation in Convective Clouds over the Oman Mountains
- The Use of High-resolution Satellite Rainfall Estimates over the Topographically Complex Area of NAME
- The Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory: How is the paradigm working?
- The WRF-Chemistry Air Quality Model: updates and online/offline comparisons
- The effect of large CCN on drizzle and precipitation production efficiency, United Arab Emirates case study
- The impacts of biomass burning emissions and land use change on Amazonian atmospheric phosphorus cycling and deposition
- The observation of nitric acid-containing particles in the tropical lower stratosphere
- Time-Dependent Bayesian Inversion of CO Surface Sources Based on the 2000-2003 MOPITT Satellite Data
- Trace Gas Transport Over Complex Terrain
- Tropospheric Airborne and Ground-based Peroxy Radical Observations using Chemical Ionization Mass Spectroscopy
- Tropospheric Sources and Distribution of Gas-Phase Ammonia Inferred From Aircraft Observations
- Uncertain Isoprene Emissions and Chemistry: Implications for Ozone in the Eastern United States
- Using GPS radio occultation data in the study of tropical cyclogenesis
- Using Paleoclimate Proxy Data with Middle School Students
- Validation of O3 and O2 column densities retrieved from airborne direct solar irradiance measurements and the effects of field inhomogeneity
- Vertical Structure of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During Geomagnetic Storms in May 2002
- Warming of the Eurasian Landmass is Making the Arabian Sea More Productive
- Wildland Fire Forecasting: Predicting Wildfire Behavior, Growth, and Feedbacks on Weather
- Winds in the Thermosphere
- eGY Education and Outreach: Creating a Virtual Educational Space that Pushes the Envelope for Connecting Teachers and Students to Data
- A Coupled Geodesic Ocean and Ice Model for Climate Studies
- A Fast Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism for the Community Climate System Model
- A High-Resolution WRF Tropical Channel Simulation Driven by a Global Reanalysis
- A Hybrid Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) -3DVAR data assimilation scheme for WRF
- A Modeling Study of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) Using the Slab Ocean Model Configured CAM3.1
- A comparison between spectrally derived vegetation indices and CO2 fluxes measured over a hardwood forest
- A constructive method for approximating transmission in radiative transfer calculations
- A large annual cycle in ozone above the tropical tropopause
- A new Technique for Studying Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Marine Stratocumulus.
- A numerical study of convectively generated gravity waves over the maritime continent region using the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model
- Abrupt reductions in the future Arctic ice cover
- Adaptive Mesh Refinement With Spectral Accuracy for Magnetohydrodynamics in Two Space Dimensions
- Amplification of climate model response to snow cover fraction parameterization through dynamic vegetation
- An Ensemble Adjustment Filter for Tropical Pacific State Estimation.
- An Evaluation of the Sensitivity of Mesoscale Weather Forecasts to the Choice of Forcing in a Land Data Assimilation System
- An Observational Study of Large-Scale Stirring in the Upper Troposphere Due to a Cut-Off Low
- An interdisciplinary network for young scientists in Earth System Science: building bridges between human and environmental sciences
- Analysis and Trends of Total Column Cl and F Species in the High Arctic from Solar Absorption FTS Spectra: 1999-2006
- Analysis and visualization of small-scale structures occurring in high-resolution MHD simulation
- Analysis of Observed Biases in MOPITT Radiances
- Application of 4DVar technique to atmospheric convective-scale data assimilation
- Application of COSMIC Refractivity in Improving Analyses and Forecasts of Temperature and Moisture Over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
- Arctic Climate Change: Are Current Climate Models too Conservative?
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate: A new Initiative for climate Studies.
- Atmospheric Formaldehyde Budget over North America During INTEX-NA and Implication for Carbon Isotope Composition
- Atmospheric Oxidation Mechanisms for Diethyl Ether and its Oxidation Products, Ethyl Formate and Ethyl Acetate.
- Boundary Layer Circulations Driven by Land Surface Contrasts within an Arid Environment
- CEOP Phase I In-Situ Reference Site Data Set
- Can Volcanic Eruptions Produce Ice Ages or Mass Extinctions?
- Carbon Dioxide and CO2 Isotopes at Three Spatial Scales Over the Rocky Mountains
- Challenges in Quantifying Climate Model Bias, Dependence and Performance
- Changes in Extreme Events: from GCM Output to Social, Economic and Ecological Impacts
- Characteristics of North American Summertime Rainfall with Emphasis on the Monsoon
- Characteristics of upper-tropospheric cloud ice as revealed by MLS, TRMM, CloudSat, and ECMWF analyses
- Characterization of Thin Cirrus Clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer by a Eulerian Three-Dimensional Microphysical Model
- Chemical Behavior of the Tropopause Observed During the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START) Experiment
- Chemical Data Assimilation and Forecasts for the INTEX-B Field Campaign
- Chemical Weather Forecasts of Air Pollution in Plumes and Detached Parcels for Field Campaign Flight Planning
- Climate Effects and Efficacy of Dust and Soot in Snow
- Climate Forcing by Particles from Specific Sources, With Implications for No-regrets Scenarios
- Climate Impact of Anthropogenic Aerosols in an Interactive Size-Resolving Aerosol-Climate Model
- Climatological Thermal Characteristics of the Tropical Tropopause Layer in Observations and GCMs
- Climatology Of Mesopause Region Temperature, Zonal Wind And Meridional Wind Over Fort Collins, CO (41ºN, 105ºW)
- Cloud Formation in the Plumes of Solar Chimney Power Generation Facilities: A Modeling Study
- Combined Methods for Quantifying Uncertainty of Regional Climate Change for Use in Policy and Resources Management
- Comparative measurements of the vertical profiles of black carbon size distributions and mixing fraction in air masses downwind of Mexico City and Asia
- Confessions of a Communications Junkie: Cliff Notes From the Science-Practice Interface
- Constraining CO Forecast With MOPITT Radiances: Assimilation of Space Data in the MOZART CTM
- Contrasting properties of single-layer and multi-layer Arctic stratus sampled during the Mixed Phase Cloud Experiment (MPACE)
- Decadal Variability in the North Pacific Ocean in a Coupled Physical-Ecosystem Model
- Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry: A Field Experiment Planned for Summer 2009
- Diagnosing Climate Feedbacks in NCAR's Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Earth System Modeling: Coupling the physical, chemical, biological and social aspects.
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Turbulent Fluxes of Atmospheric Aerosols From a Moving Ship From the Sea of Okhotsk to the Arctic Ocean
- Effects of high-order diffusion on circulations generated by land-surface heterogeneity in a numerical weather prediction model
- Effects of terrestrial carbon-nitrogen coupling on carbon-climate feedbacks
- Ensemble-based Chemical Data Assimilation in a Global Atmospheric Model
- Environmental Controls on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Forest Respired Carbon Dioxide Across a Vertical Canopy Profile in a Subalpine Coniferous Forest
- Evidence of Charge Separation in Long-lived Florida Anvils
- Explicit Modeling of SOA Precursors in Mexico City
- Fast, Interactive Analysis of Remote Sensing Data with the HARVIST System
- Formulation and Evaluation of a new Ice Cloud Effective Radius Parameterization for the use in (Regional) Climate models.
- From Data Collection to Data Archival, The Challenge of the Data Round-Up in IPY
- Geo-Engineering Climate Change with Sulfate Aerosol
- Geoscience Education in Latin America through Windows to the Universe and MILAGRO
- Global Forecast CO Residuals From Ensemble Data Assimilation Experiments
- Global Lightning Nitrogen Oxides Source Estimate from TROCCINOX
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Continuous, Global-Scale Ultraviolet Observations of Earth
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Mission Implementation
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Objectives
- Heightened Tropical Cyclone Activity in the North Atlantic: Natural Variability or Climate Trend?
- High Resolution Measurements of the Tropical Tropopause Region by HIRDLS
- High Temporal Resolution Inverse Modeling of CO Emissions from North American Boreal Fires and Their Injection Height During the Summer of 2004
- High-Latitude North Atlantic Versus Gulf of Mexico Freshwater Forcing During the Last Deglaciation
- How Uncertain is Climate Sensitivity? Constraints from Models, Observations, and Implications for Future Climate Projections
- Hurricane Microphysics: Observations and Modeling
- Hydrometeorological Analysis of the 2002 Flood in San Antonio, TX
- Ice Water Content Derived From Lidar Measurements in Tropical Cirrus
- Identifying CO2 Sources With Vertical Profiles of Δ14CO2 Above Colorado
- Impact of clouds and aerosols on photolysis frequencies in Tropical and Polar atmospheres
- Impact of convective outflow and biomass burning into the tropical lower stratosphere as diagnosed from satellite observations and model results
- Impact of methane and hydrogen sulfide on atmospheric ozone at the Permian-Triassic boundary
- Implementation of Biophysical Factors Into the Land Surface and Atmosphere Interaction Model
- Implementation of an explicit sub-grid land surface modeling framework for use in climate simulation
- Implications of Climate Warming on Local Water Management in the South Fork of the American River, California
- Improving modeling of changing and thawing permafrost in Alaska using NCAR CLM3
- In Situ Trace Gas Measurements from the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream-V Airborne Platform: Instrumentation and Preliminary Observations
- Influence of Large Scale Fires on NH, O3 and CO as Seen by Satellite and In-Situ Observations
- Infrared Extinction Measurements of Stratospheric Smoke from Boreal Forest Fires
- Interactions Of Aerosols With The Microphysics Of Deep Convective Cirrus During ACTIVE
- Interactions and Feedbacks in the Changing Arctic Hydrologic System
- Intercomparison of oxygenated volatile organic (OVOC) measurements at the SAPHIR atmosphere simulation chamber
- Isentropic Finite Volume Dynamical Core
- Lagrangian Photochemical Box-Model Calculations of Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Linking Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences in Continental Water Dynamics Modeling
- Low-Ozone Pockets in Stratospheric Anticyclones as a Process-oriented Diagnostic of Coupled Chemistry-Climate Models
- Mapping isoprene emissions from space using OMI formaldehyde measurements
- Measurement of Aerosol and VOC Turbulent Fluxes Over a Pristine Forest in Amazonia
- Measurements of OH at Night During CELTIC Niwot Ridge
- Middle Atmospheric Impacts Caused by Solar Proton Events
- Modeled seasonality and timing of abrupt climate events during the last glacial epoch
- Modelling the Multiphase Oxidation of Organic Carbon : an Explicit Approach
- Monitoring the Atmospheric Boundary Layer by Radio Occultation Signals Recorded by COSMIC Satellites
- Multiple Equilibria and Abrupt Transitions in Arctic Summer Sea Ice Extent
- NACP Data Center for Modeling and Synthesis
- New Particle Formation Observed During the HIAPER Progressive Science Missions: Atmospheric Dynamics, Surface Area, and Photochemisty on Nucleation
- Nighttime Lagrangian Measurements of Aerosols and Oxidants
- North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Producing Regional Climate Change Projections for Climate Impacts Studies
- North Atlantic Ventilation Estimates Using Satellites and Profilers
- Observational and Modeling Study of Long Term Trend and 11-Year Cyclic Variations in Mesopause Temperatures
- Observations of biogenic SOA and precursors from the Chemical Emission, Loss, Transformation and Interactions within Canopies - Niwot Ridge (CELTIC-Niwot Ridge) field study
- Ocean Heat Content Variability in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Results from the IPCC AR4 Simulations.
- On the Effects of Parameterized Mediterranean Overflow on North Atlantic Ocean Circulation and Climate
- Optimization of climate model performance using neural network emulation of a large perturbed-physics ensemble
- Overview of the Multi-Aircraft CALIPSO-CloudSAT Validation Experiment
- Ozone Pollution from Future Ship Traffic in the Arctic Passages
- POGO-FAN: Remarkable Empirical Indicators for the Local Chemical Production of Smog- Ozone and NOx-Sensitivity of Air Parcels
- Preliminary Results from the CCSM Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C- LAMP)
- Present day Climate Forcing and Response from Black Carbon in Snow
- Processes and Mechanisms in Simulations of the Mid-holocene African Summer Monsoon Circulation
- Processing of Chemical Constituents by Deep Convection
- Progress and Pitfalls in Global Change Scenario Use for Water Resources Management
- Progress in Earth and Space Science Infrastructure: Grids, Frameworks and Semantics
- Projections of the 21st Century Freezing/Thawing Index in the Northern Hemisphere
- Public Response to Hurricane Rita Forecasts Along the Texas Coast: An Undergraduate Research Study Linking Science and Society
- Putting Climate on a Map: Increasing Usability of Atmospheric Science Through GIS
- QBO Effects in a Chemistry Climate Model of the Entire Atmosphere
- Reconstructing Climates of the Last Millennium: Next Steps
- Regional and Local Carbon Flux Information from a Continuous Atmospheric CO2 Network in the Rocky Mountains
- Resolving Mesoscale Dynamics in High-Resolution Climate Models
- Response of Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity and Associated Precipitation to Climate Change, as Represented by CCSM3
- Role of Hurricanes in the Global Heat Balance
- Sampling and Variability Issues Related to Anthropogenic Warming of the World Oceans
- Seasonality of Forcing by Carbonaceous Aerosols
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation by Molecular-Weight Building Reactions of Biogenic Oxidation Products
- Semantic Web Cyberinfrastructure for Virtual Observatories
- Semantics and interopability in the Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
- Sensitivity of Chemical Budgets to Meteorology in MOZART-4
- Sensitivity of stratospheric climate and composition to sea-surface temperatures
- Small-Scale Structures in Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Solar Variability, Volcanic Eruptions, and Surface Temperature Over the Past Two Millennia
- Source characteristics of oxygenated volatile organic compounds and hydrogen cyanide
- Statistical Downscaling Of The Warm Season Precipitation In The Core North America Monsoon Region
- Statistical Methods for Quantifying Uncertainty in ENSO on Wind Power in the Northern Great Plains
- Sulfuric Acid in the Woods and a Connection to Aerosols
- Summer 2006 Precipitation over the Colorado Rockies Front Range Area
- Surface Exchange of CO2 Observed by Column Measurements
- Testing and Evaluation of Ice Water Content Retrieval Methods using Radar and Ancillary Measurements
- The Bering Strait, thermohaline circulation, and abrupt climate change
- The Effect of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Sources of Black Carbon on Observed and Predicted Aerosol Radiative Forcing over Central Mexico
- The Global Structure and Long Term Variations of the Temperature Observed by TIMED/SABER
- The Hemisphere-scale Stratospheric Impact of the Chisholm (Alberta) PyroCumulonimbus Eruption
- The Impact of Mexico City Emissions in Regional Air Quality: Comparing Modeled and Measured Concentrations along C130 Flight Tracks to Evaluate Ozone Production Regimes in Urban and Rural Mexico.
- The Influence of Aerosols on Biogenic Emissions: A Case Study in Mexico
- The Observational Record of Seasonal Trends in Arctic Sea Ice
- The Origin of Nonlinear Signatures of Planetary Wave Dynamics: Mean Phase Space Tendencies and Their Information
- The Relationship Between PBL Winds and Scale-Dependent Uncertainty in Land-Surface Heterogeneity
- The Response of the Indian Monsoon to North Atlantic Freshwater Forcing
- The Transition to and Conditions of a Seasonally Ice-Free Arctic Ocean
- The Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory Production Release
- The accuracy of remotely-sensed IWC: An assessment from MLS, TRMM and CloudSat statistics
- The effects of volcanic eruptions on simulated ocean heat content and thermal expansion
- The uncertain hockey stick: a statistical perspective on the reconstruction of past temperatures
- Time-stepping for high-order nonhydrostatic models
- Top-down and bottom-up carbon budgets of North America, Europe and Asia
- Towards an Earth System Knowledge Environment Designed to Promote More Usable Science
- Towards real-world applications of large-eddy simulations
- Transport Above the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone inferred from Aura MLS Tracers
- Transport and chemical transformations influenced by shallow cumulus over land
- Tropical distributions of thin cirrus observed by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Tropospheric Airborne Observations of HO2 and RO2 During MIRAGE and INTEX- B
- Two-moment stratiform cloud microphysics and cloud-aerosol interactions in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Understanding observed and simulated historical temperature trends in California
- Unifying Workflows for Finding and Using Data Across Discipline Boundaries.
- Using Satellite Based Techniques to Combine Volcanic Ash Detection Methods
- Validating Upper Tropospheric Climate Feedbacks
- Validation of Aura Observations Using Airborne Measurements During PAVE
- Validation of the COSMIC ionospheric measurements by the ground-based data and the model predictions
- Variability and Trends in the Global Tropopause Estimated from Radiosonde Data
- Verifying the Relationship between Ensemble Forecast Spread and Skill
- Volcanic Forcing of Climate over the Past 1500 Years: An Improved Ice-Core-Based Index for Climate Models
- Vortical Hot Towers in Tropical Depression Ophelia (2005)
- WAVES (Water Vapor Variability Satellite/Sondes) - An Aura Satellite Validation Field Campaign Hosted at the Howard University Research Campus in Beltsville, MD
- WRF/Chem Analyses and Comparisons With In Situ, Aircraft and Satellite Data During MILAGRO
- What do PANs Tell us about VOC-NOx Photochemistry in the Urban/Rural Interface?
- A Brief Overview of INTEX-B and OVOC Observations Over Mexico City, Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean
- A New Look at the Early Eocene Arctic Climate in CCSM3: Sensitivity to pCO2 and Basin Geography
- A global climatology of clean and polluted clouds
- Accounting for Uncertainties in Generating Reliable Probabilistic Flood Forecasts for Bangladesh
- Advanced Semantic Concepts and Services in the Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
- Aerosol Analysis with the High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer at the Urban SuperSite (T0) in Mexico City during MILAGRO
- Airborne Formaldehyde Measurements Onboard the NASA DC-8 Aircraft During the 2006 INTEX-B Campaign by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
- Airborne Formaldehyde Measurements Onboard the NCAR C-130 Aircraft During the 2006 MIRAGE Campaign Using a Difference Frequency Spectrometer
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements and Comparisons with Transport Models
- Airborne Measurements of Aerosol Size Distributions During PACDEX
- An Incremental and Interactive Process for Watershed Characterization and Modeling: A Case Study in Southwestern North America
- An Intensified Arctic Water Cycle? Trend Analysis of the Arctic System Freshwater Cycle: Observations and Expectations
- An Overview of INTEX-B/MILAGRO/IMPEX Instrument and Measurement Intercomparison
- An interdisciplinary network for young scholars in Earth System Science: building bridges between developing and developed countries
- Analysis and Comparison of the Vertical Disribution of Ozone from Satellite, Sondes and Ground-based FTS in Northern Greenland
- Analysis of Air Toxics From NOAA WP-3 Aircraft Measurements During the TexAQS 2006 Campaign: Comparison With Emission Inventories and Additive Inhalation Risk Factors
- Analyzing Regional Climate Experiments via Multivariate Spatial Models
- Analyzing Vegetation Phenology in the Context of Climate Variability in Burkina Faso: Preliminary Results
- Artificial Enhancement of Natural Forcings to Cool The Earth and Their Effects on the Climate System
- Atmospheric Dust Impacts on Marine Phytoplankton
- Atmospheric Measurements Aboard C-130 During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Atmospheric Moisture Demand Under Global Warming
- Atmospheric Oxidation of Iodinated Hydrocarbons
- Behavior of Tropospheric Peroxy Radicals during Several Recent Airborne Measurement Campaigns
- Biomass Burning Aerosols Intensify El Nino-Induced Drought in Equatorial Southeast Asia
- Calibration and intercomparison of water vapor instrumentation used on the NSF/NCAR HIAPER aircraft
- Can we Detect an Influence over North America From Increasing Asian NOx Emissions?
- Carbon Fluxes in the Underobserved Tropics
- Changes in the Asian Summer Monsoon over the Past Millennium
- Characteristics and Cloud Interactions of Ice Nucleating Aerosols From Asian Continental Emissions During the Pacific Dust Experiment
- Characterizing AOGCM Ability to Simulate Northern Hemisphere Teleconnection Patterns
- Chemical Data Assimilation of MOPITT CO and MODIS AOD Retrievals in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Chemical Isolation in the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone observed in Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE-FTS) data
- Climate Impact of Carbonaceous and Sulfate Aerosols in an Interactive Size-Resolving Aerosol-Climate Model
- Concentrations and Sources of Soot in Greenland Precipitation from 1788 to 2002: Implications for Radiative Forcing
- Constraining the budget of DMS in the remote marine boundary layer - results from the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE)
- Contrast Between the Sources and Atmospheric Processing of Fine Particles from Asia and North America Measured During INTEX B
- Contribution of Dust Particles to the Heterogeneous Removal of Acidic Gases From the Atmosphere During the MIRAGE Experiment
- Current and future uses of OWL for Earth and Space science data frameworks: successes and limitations
- Cycling Variational Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Observations for Prediction of Hurricane Katrina
- Cyclones of the Arctic: definitions, pattern and regional trends
- Defining Requirements for Future Satellite Air Quality Chemistry Observations
- Description and status of the the AC&C Initiatives
- Determination of Biogenic Emissions from Aircraft Measurements During TEXAQS2006 and ICARTT2004 Campaigns and Comparison with Biogenic Emission Inventories
- Different Strengths of the Bipolar See-saw During Glacial and Interglacial times
- Do tropospheric OH measurements agree with models?
- Dynamical variability of UTLS ozone and mixing near the extratropical tropopause from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) data
- Earth Observations from Space: The First 50 Years of Scientific Achievements
- Effects of Mount Pinatubo Volcanic Eruption on the Hydrological Cycle as an Analog of Geoengineering
- Enabling GPU Acceleration of HIRDLS Scientific Data Processing
- Energy spectra stemming from interactions of Alfvén waves and turbulent eddies
- Ensemble Filters in Space Weather Forecasting
- Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation With a Martian GCM
- Ensemble-based data assimilation for convective-resolvimg hurricane predictions: Impacts of assimilating ground-based and airborne radar observations during RAINEX
- Equatorial Waves Excited by Convection Studied With the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Estimation of Ultraviolet/Visible Absorption by Secondary Organic Aerosols From the Spectra of Condensible Gas Phase Precursors
- Evaluating atmospheric aerosol removal processes through integration of global modeling and satellite data
- Evaluation of Air Quality Predictions from MOZART-4
- Evaluation of Ensemble Meteorological Forcing in a Distributed Hydrological Model: Decomposing the Nonlinear Basin Response
- Evaluation of High Resolution Precipitation Products in Northwest Mexico during the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME)
- Evaluation of Real-time Hurricane Forecasts Using the Advanced Hurricane WRF Model for the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season.
- Evaluation of Transport Characteristics and Chemical Composition in the UTLS region using a 3D Chemistry-Climate Model
- Evaluation of the Time-Response of a Chemiluminescence Ozone Sensor for the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream-V Airborne Platform
- Fast airborne aerosol size and composition measurements from the NCAR C-130 during the MIRAGE-Mex 2006 field campaign
- Fast airborne formaldehyde measurements during the Texas Air Quality Study (TexAQS) in 2006
- First comparison of products from the NCAR Raman-shifted Eye-safe Aerosol Lidar (REAL) and the NCAR Integrated Surface Flux Facility (ISFF) during the Canopy Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (CHATS)
- Formation and Processing of Organic Aerosols Measured by a Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer during TexAQS/GoMACCS 2006
- Functional ANOVA Modeling of Regional Climate Model Experiments
- Fundamental influence of carbon-nitrogen cycle coupling on climate-carbon cycle feedbacks
- Gas phase tracer analysis of air sampled during the Pacific Dust Experiment (PACDEX)
- Global Monitoring of Tropospheric Pollution from Geostationary Orbit
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) - New Observing Capabilities for Space Weather Specification and Forecasting
- HIRDLS Observations of Strat-Trop Exchange in Thin Laminae in the Sub-Tropical Jet Region
- Hydrometeor Environments Near Lightning Centroids and the Impact on Initial Breakdown
- Inner Core Structures and Intensity Change Simulated With the Advanced Hurricane WRF Model
- Inter-annual Variations in CO as Seen at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory by Satellites, GEOS- Chem and Other Regional Surface Sites
- Interaction of nitric acid and cirrus clouds in the tropical upper troposphere during TC4
- Interannual variability in the effects of energetic particle precipitation (EPP) on the stratosphere
- Investigating Changes in Large-Scale Indicators of Extreme Weather
- Investigating smoke's influence on primary production throughout the Amazon
- Joint Application of Concentrations and Isotopic Signatures to Investigate the Global Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget: Inverse Modeling Approach
- Joint distributions of ice clouds and relative humidity: What can we learn from A-train measurements?
- Land/atmosphere Coupling Methodology and Regional Climate Downscaling --- A Study Using the JIFRESSE WRF/SSiB Model
- Lessons Learned From NARCCAP on Archiving Data and Meeting User Needs
- Long-range transport its effect on cloud condensation nuclei over the Pacific Ocean
- Long-term Atmospheric Changes Caused by the Very Large Solar Proton Event in July 2000
- Low-cost sensor packages for measuring narrowband canopy reflectance: implications for modeling regional C exchange
- MOPITT Retrieval Performance in Extreme Pollution Conditions
- Measured and modeled solar spectral irradiance and absorption for TC4 ice and water cloud scenes
- Measurement of Landscape-scale Fluxes in the Complex Terrain of a Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forest
- Measurements of Solar Spectral Irradiance During the PACific Dust EXperiment (PACDEX)
- Mechanisms for the Acceleration of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation in a Climate Change Scenario
- Mesospheric Joule Heating During the 2003 Halloween Superstorm
- Microphysical studies of mesospheric sulfate aerosol as PMC nuclei in WACCM3
- Modeled Anthropogenic Halocarbon Trends and Budgets Constrained With Firn air Data
- Modeling Gas-Aerosol Processes during MILAGRO 2006
- Modeling Overview of the MILAGRO Field Campaign
- Modeling and Synthesis Support for the North American Carbon Program
- Modeling permafrost and permafrost-related climate-change feedbacks in a GCM: Sensitivity to soil column depth and representation of soil organic matter
- Modeling the Chemical and Dynamical Response of the Whole Atmosphere to Energetic Particle Precipitation
- Modeling the Climates of the Mid and Latest Permian
- Mountain Wave Propagation Across the Tropopause
- NARCCAP - First Analyzes Concerning the Snow Regime of the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Navigating a Career in Science: from Experimental Atomic Physics to AGU
- Nitric, Nitrous, and Pernitric Acids in and around Mexico City
- Northern Eurasia: Evaluating processes and feedbacks in the context of climate change
- Numerical simulations of the three-dimensional distribution of polar mesospheric clouds using WACCM/CARMA
- OH Background Measurements and Their Significance
- OH Meinel (3,1) Airglow Emission Model Development and Comparison With Ground-based Observations
- OH reactivity measurement at Tomakomai Experimental Forest, Japan in late summer
- OMI Tropospheric NO2 from Lightning in Observed Convective Events
- Observational Constraints on the Global Budget of Ethanol
- Observations of Nighttime New Particle Formation in the Troposphere
- Observations of Processed Asian Pollution with a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) from the C-130 Aircraft During the INTEX-B Field Campaign
- Observations of nitric acid removal that strongly affects the relationship between ozone and NOx oxidation products
- Observations of volatile organic compounds downwind of Mexico City during MIRAGE- MEX
- On Using CO2 Concentration Measurements at Mountain top and Valley Locations in Regional Flux Studies.
- On the Existence and Excitation of Eastward Propagating Quasi-Two Day Waves in the MLT
- On the Use of Ice Mass Fluxes to Estimate Total Lightning in Cloud Resolving Models
- Onset of coronal mass ejections due to loss of confinement of coronal flux ropes
- Operational Generation of Urban Wind Fields to Support Transport and Dispersion Modeling
- Ozone Photochemistry in Houston urban and industrial plumes as reflected by ambient measurements of carbonyls and organic nitrates
- PACDEX From a Satellite Perspective
- PANs measurements on board theNOAA P-3 during TexAQS-II
- Parameterization of Shortwave and Longwave Radiative Properties of Ice Clouds for Use in Climate Models
- Photochemistry Within Plumes of Various Origin During INTEX-B: A Case Study From May 5
- Precessional and Sea Level Induced Hydrological Changes in the Mediterranean Sea During the Messinian Salinity Crisis
- Predicted Impacts of Future Climate Change and Land-Use Change on Surface Ozone in the Houston Area
- Quantification of Ethene Emissions from Petrochemical Industries in Houston, Texas: Large Disagreements with Emission Inventories
- Quantifying Tropospheric Peroxy Radicals using Chemical Ionization Mass Spectroscopy with Chemical Conversion
- Quantifying the change in extreme seasonal precipitation events under global warming using a grand ensemble experiment
- Quantifying the lightning Nox emissions over the US using TES, NLDN, IONS data and the GEOS-Chem model
- RAQMS chemical data assimilation studies of trans-pacific pollution transport during the 2006 INTEX-B field mission
- Rapid directional alignment of velocity and magnetic field in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Reactive nitrogen chemistry in Mexico City outflow - a unique case
- Real-time and Retrospective Hurricane Simulations using the Advanced Hurricane WRF Model
- Reconciling bottom-up, top-down, and direct measurements of biogenic VOC emissions
- Reconstruction of Trajectories, Mixing, and Dispersion of a Mexico City Pollution Outflow Event Using In-Situ Observations From Free-Floating Altitude-Controlled Balloons
- Regional and Local Carbon Flux Information from a Continuous Atmospheric CO2 Network in the Rocky Mountains
- Relation between Surface Flux Measurements and Hydrologic Conditions in a Subtropical Scrubland during the North American Monsoon
- Remote sensing data assimilation for a prognostic model of vegetation phenology
- Response of Thermohaline Circulation to Freshwater Forcing under Present Day and LGM Conditions
- Response of the zonal mean atmospheric circulation to El Nino versus global warming
- Results from the CCSM Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C-LAMP)
- Seasonal Rectifier Effects in Atmospheric Potential Oxygen (APO) and CO2
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Red Sea
- Seasonal to decadal variability of tropical UTLS ozone observed with SHADOZ
- Secular Trends in GRACE Data
- Semantic Mediation and Integration of Volcanic and Atmospheric Data:In Search of Statistical Signatures
- Short-lived Organic Compounds in the UTLS
- Simulated Global and Regional Sensitivities of Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Simulated Modes Of Variability In the Permian (251 Ma): The North Panthalassic Oscillation
- Simulation of Arctic climate response to high- and low- latitude volcanic eruptions during the late 13th Century: Possible early onset of the Little Ice Age
- Simulation of Polar Mesospheric Clouds Within a 3-Dimensional Chemistry Climate Model
- Simulations of Medium Energy Electron Precipitation in WACCM
- Skill-Change Relations and Inter-Model Scatter in CMIP3 Surface Field Projections
- Software design for sequential/hybrid time integration in the Community Climate System Model
- Some Measured Ice Concentrations in Pacific Clouds
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Precipitation Morphology During the Intensification of Hurricane Dennis (2005)
- Spatial covariance of water isotope records in a global network of ice cores spanning 20th- Century climate change
- Storm Track Analysis from CCSM3: Present and Future Climate
- Study of vegetation effects on land-atmospheric interaction using the Weather Research and Forecasting model and MODIS data
- Suggestions on how to do Successful Science and Contribute to the Broader Aims of Science Policy
- Synoptic influences on Fram Strait sea ice flux
- TC4 campaign results: validating the Aura OMI total ozone data in tropics with the airborne CAFS and DIAL ozone measurements.
- Techniques for Efficiently Managing Large Geosciences Data Sets
- The Arctic Observing Network (AON)Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (CADIS)
- The Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Mentoring: Lessons from The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- The CF Conventions: Governance and Community Issues in Establishing Standards for Representing Climate, Forecast, and Observational Data
- The Effect of Inlet Aspiration of Aerosol Odd-nitrogen Species on NOy Budget Determination.
- The Formation and Growth of Atmospheric Aerosols: Recent Results from MILAGRO
- The Impact of Cloud Seeding of Marine Stratocumulus on the Ocean Atmosphere System
- The Importance of Dynamical Responses to Forcing in Understanding Climate Changes Over the Past Millennium
- The Mesospheric Polar Vortices in GEOS, WACCM, SABER, and EOS-MLS
- The North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME): Progress and challenges in warm season hydroclimate research
- The North American Regional Climate Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Overview and Early Results
- The Pacific Dust Experiment (PaCDEX) Field Campaign: A summary of accomplishments during the field campaign and examples of early results.
- The Role of the Nitrogen Cycle in the Climate System
- The Utility of a Geostationary Doppler radar applied to the hurricane analysis and prediction problem: A Report on the 1st Nexrad in Space Workshop
- The impact of biomass burning on air quality in and down wind of Mexico City
- The structure of the Tropical and Extratropical Tropopause Layer: 1960-2100
- The use of Fluxnet to improve processes and parameters in land surface models: a case study with the NCAR Community Land Model
- The use of the Multi-model Ensemble in Probabilistic Climate Projections
- Top-down constraints of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions
- Towards a realistic deposition coefficient expression for cirrus cloud modeling
- Towards an Understanding of Atmospheric Methanol
- Trans-Pacific Transport of Ozone and Reactive Nitrogen in Spring
- Transpacific Transport of Pollution and its Impact on Atmospheric Composition over North America
- Tropical Marine Clouds: Sinks, Sources and Transformers of CCN
- Turbulent flow over isolated ridges; influence of vegetation
- Ultraviolet Characteristics of PBL Aerosol in Mexico City
- Understanding the role of understory terpenoid emissions: The Bracken Fern story
- Urban Heat Island Effect and its Impact on Boundary Layer Development and Land-Sea Circulation over Northern Taiwan
- Using A-Train observations to constrain and improve arctic cloud parameterizations
- Using Satellite Measurements to Evaluate Clouds And Their Seasonal Variations in 10 Atmospheric General Circulation Models
- Using the Radiative Kernel Technique to Calculate Climate Feedbacks in NCAR's Community Atmospheric Model
- VOCs measurement at Tomakomai research forest, Japan
- Water Balance Studies Using GRACE
- Water-Aerosol Interactions Downwind of Mexico City: Inferences about Mixing State, Droplet Growth Kinetics and Aging of Ambient Aerosol
- 3-D Spherical Mantle Convection with Radial Basis Functions
- A 3-D Chemistry Transport Model for Titan's Thermosphere
- A Community Data Assimilation Facility for Confronting Climate GCMs with Observations
- A Conceptual Framework for the Resolution Dependence of Updraft Properties in Cloud System Resolving Models
- A Framework for Spatial Assessment of Local Level Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity to Extreme Heat
- A Hexagonal C-Grid Atmospheric Core Formulation for Multiscale Simulation on the Sphere
- A New Approach for Scenario Development for Future Assessments in the IPCC
- A New Solar-Terrestrial Connection: Multi-Day Oscillations in Thermosphere and Ionosphere Properties
- A Reusable Semantic Virtual Observatory Platform
- A Science Plan for Development of an Arctic System Model
- A Stratospheric Consensus Ozone Database for Long-Term Climate Simulations
- A Synthesis Of In Situ Measured Export Production in the Southern Ocean
- A WRF and MM5-based four-dimensional data assimilation weather analysis and forecasting system for wind energy applications
- A rotated version of the Jablonowski-Williamson baroclinic wave test case
- A series of stabilization runs in the 21st Century: Is there a tipping point?
- A study of OH imager observed concentric gravity waves near Fort Collins on 11 May 2004
- Absolute quality of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument ozone columns and ozone profiles
- Accelerated Arctic land warming and permafrost degradation during rapid sea ice loss
- Accelerating the Computation of Theoretical Spectro-Polarimetric Signals; Comparative Analysis Using the Cell BE and NVIDIA GPU for Implementing the Voigt Function.
- Advancing Glaciers and Positive Mass Anomaly in the Karakoram Himalaya, Pakistan
- Airborne Measurements of Inorganic Bromine during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Alfieri, J G
- An Ensemble of CFC-11 Tracer Distributions From a Global Eddying Ocean Circulation Model
- An Estimate of the Global Ocean Transit Time Distribution Computed With an Eddy Rich General Circulation Model
- An Intercomparison of 10 Atmospheric Model Dynamical Cores
- Application of the Method for Object-based Evaluation (MODE) for Evaluation of High- resolution Precipitation Forecasts
- Application of the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) System for Integrated Hydrologic and Scenario-based Water Resources Systems Modeling in the Western Sierra Nevada
- Arctic Observing Network Data Management: Current Capabilities and Their Promise for the Future
- Arctic Sea Ice Loss: Atmospheric Forcing and Response
- Arctic Synthesis Collaboratory: A Virtual Organization for Transformative Research and Education on a Changing Arctic
- Assessing Arctic sea ice predictability - from seasons to centuries
- Assessing Human Impacts on the Water Balance of Lake Victoria Using GRACE and Altimeters.
- Assessing Precipitation, Snowpack and Runoff Changes Over Colorados Headwater Basins in the 21st Century Using a High Resolution Coupled Atmosphere-Hydrology Model
- Assessing scales of variability for atmospheric composition field data relevant to future Decadal Survey satellite observations
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observations Made in Support of CLIMODE
- Atmospheric Circulation Trends, 1950-2000: Relative Roles of SST Forcing and Direct Atmospheric Radiative Forcing
- Atmospheric Tides Simulated by WACCM-1 and CMIP3 / IPCC Climate Models
- Atmospherically and climatologically relevant emissions from Mumbai, India
- Attributing Sources of Variability in Regional Climate Model Experiments
- Behavior of OH, H2SO4, and MSA during ARCTAS
- Behavior of OH, H2SO4, and MSA during PASE
- Benchmarking NWP Kernels on Multi- and Many-core Processors
- Big Projects, Diverse Users, and Usable Data: Lessons and Examples from NARCCAP
- Biogenic VOC emissions from African, American, and Asian tropical forests
- Bridging model and observations for study of aerosol-cloud indirect effects
- Cause of the Widening of the Tropical Belt Since 1958
- Climate Sensitivity Based on Atmospheric Response Operators From the Fluctuation- Dissipation Theorem
- Climatic Feedbacks and Predictors of Model Response in a Multi-GCM based Perturbed Physics Ensemble
- Coarse-scale Convective Transport of CO and O3 Over 36 Hours Above Southern United States
- Communicating the Science of the Earth System Through Arts and Culture to Reach Broad Audiences
- Comparison of Airborne Lidar Measurements of Ozone to Model Analyses During the INTEX-B Field Experiment.
- Comparison of Global Model Results from the Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C-LAMP) with Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Manipulation Experiments
- Computing the Delta-Eddington Approximation for Solar Radiation With Hardware Accelerators: Performance and Programmability on GPUs, FPGAs, and Microprocessors.
- Conditional Sampling of the Vertical Exchange of Aerosols Over a Water-Limited Pine Forest During BEACHON-2008
- Consistency Between Measurements and Theory for Sulfur Gases and Oxidants During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Constraining regional carbon fluxes in complex terrain: The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment 2007
- Constraining the budgets of DMS and Ozone in the remote marine boundary layer
- Control over ecosystem CO2 exchange by winter snow versus summer rain in a subalpine coniferous forest
- Current activity in the exchange of environmental data between the United States and the Russian Federation
- Detecting and Correcting Errors in Climate GCMs using Ensemble Data Assimilation
- Development and Implementation of the Community-based "Noah- distributed" Hydrological Modeling System for Regional Weather and Climate Applications.
- Drivers for the Formation and Variability of Ice Layers in the Mesopause Region
- Dynamic Crop Life Cycles in the CCSM
- Earth's changing energy and water cycles
- Emerging Arctic Amplification as Seen in the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis
- Emerging Trends in Terrestrial and Global Water Storage from GRACE
- Emissions and Photochemistry of BVOCs in a Ponderosa Pine woodland
- Energetic and Dynamic Response of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Impulse
- Enhancement of the Brewer Dobson circulation associated with ENSO
- Ensemble reconstruction of small-scale variability in Atlantic sea surface temperatures from 1870 - 2001
- Equatorial Superrotation in the IPESD Multi-scale MJO Model
- Estimation of the vertical diffusion coefficient in MLT region from the migrating diurnal tides observed by TIMED
- Evaluating Simulated Clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer using Lidar Observations from Space
- Evaluating Simulations of Primary Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Organic Aerosols using Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Data and Positive Matrix Factorization Analysis
- Evaluating parameterized variables in CAM forecasts against satellite data along the GCSS Pacific cross-section
- Evaluating the potential for forced signals in regional Arctic climate using simulations with the Community Climate System Model
- Evaluation of New Secondary Organic Aerosol Models for a Case Study in Mexico City
- Evidence of the Aerosol Core/Shell Mixing State Over Europe by Using CHIMERE Simulations and AERONET Inversions.
- Examining the Interaction of Growing Crops With Local Climate Using a Coupled Crop- Climate Model
- Extreme climate event trends: The data mining and evaluation of the A1FI scenario for 2000-2100
- Fast Chemistry Mechanisms for Climate Applications
- Forecasting for New York City and its Surroundings, with Emphasis on Sea-Surface Temperature's Effect on Sea Breezes and Other Coastal Circulations that Influence Air Quality
- From Neutral Clusters to Nano-particles: Recent Progress in Laboratory and Field Measurements
- Functional ANOVA and the analysis of model ensembles
- GECoRe: A New Geometrically Exact Remapping Scheme on the Sphere
- Geoengineering by seeding boundary layer clouds using two climate modeling paradigms
- Giving Meaning to Forecast Verification Statistics
- Ground-based GNSS/GPS measurements of water vapor for climate monitoring: Strength, Limitation and Reprocessing
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for IPCC 5th Assessment
- Helping Water Utilities Grapple with Climate Change
- Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Ice Nucleation in a GCM Framework and comparisons with observations.
- High Resolution Aqua Planet Simulations With the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) Using the HOMME Spectral Element Dynamical Core
- Highlights of the CAWSES Global Tidal Campaigns
- Hydrogen Peroxide and Methylhydroperoxide Budgets in the Marine Boundary Layer During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Ice Nucleation in Layer Clouds at tempertures from -8 to -40C:Observations from the ICE- L field calmpaign
- Ice content of polar mesospheric clouds from the AIM mission: Comparison with the WACCM general circulation model
- Identification of transport pathways using modeled and observed CO-O3 correlation
- Impact Of Geo-engineered Aerosols On Stratospheric Chemistry And Dynamics
- Impact of Eddy Diffusivity on Seasonal Variations of the Thermosphere
- Impact of Recent Laboratory Measurements of the ClOOCl Cross Section On Our Understanding of Polar Ozone Chemistry
- Impact of assimilating satellite microwave radiances on hurricane initialization and prediction
- Impact of model physics on estimating aerosol-related changes in cloud and precipitation in the Arctic
- Implementation and study of quality of compression of a non-lossy data compression technique for multi-dimensional field data
- Improved Tropopause Based Ozone Climatology For Infrared Satellite Retrievals
- Improving Riparian Land Surface Flux Estimation Through Root Zone Groundwater Interaction in Semiarid Environments
- Indirect Effect in NCAR CAM: Sensitivity to Aerosol-Cloud Parameterizations
- Influence of Biomass Burning and Mid-latitude Pollution on the Arctic Atmosphere During the ARCTAS Field Campaign: A Three Dimensional Modeling Analysis
- Influence of an Ultra Fast Kelvin Wave on the Migrating Diurnal Tide
- Initial Composition, Transformations, and Transport of Particles and Trace Gases From Mexican Biomass Burning
- Is Carbonyl Sulfide a Tracer for the Emissions and Oxidation Products of Biogenic VOCs?
- Is OH in the Upper Mesosphere a Sensitive Indicator for Eddy Diffusion? New Insights From SHIMMER Data
- Lightning NOx from Island Convection over the Maritime Continent - Local and Regional Perspectives
- Linking ESMF Applications With Data Portals Using Standard Metadata
- Long Term Statistics of Mixed-Phase Arctic Stratus at Barrow and Eureka: Process Studies, Assessment of CloudSAT Detection, and Applications to Models
- Long-Term Carbon Dioxide Monitoring in Salt Lake City
- Low Latitude Ionosphere Measurements by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Low-ozone bubbles observed in the TTL during TC4 campaign.
- MOPITT Version 4 Products for CO: Content, Format, and Validation
- Measurements of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds Over the Ocean
- Microphysical studies of mesospheric sulfate aerosol as PMC nuclei in WACCM3
- Model Simulations of the 8.2 ka Event
- Modeling HOx/O3 chemistry in the tropical marine boundary during the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Modeling of DMS emissions, oxidation, and transport in the equatorial Pacific boundary and buffer layers during the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Modeling of Tsunami Equations and Atmospheric Swirling Flows with a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and Radial Basis Functions (RBF)
- Modification of Cirrus Clouds to Reduce Global Warming
- Multi-instrumental Analysis and Assimilation of Carbon Monoxide Data
- Multi-model or Post-processing: Pros and Cons
- Multi-satellite Observations of Aerosol Effect on Ice Clouds
- New Metrics for Evaluation of Clouds Simulations in Climate Models
- Nocturnal Boundary Layer Measurements during the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (amaze)
- Nocturnal isoprene oxidation over the Northeast United States and its impact on reactive nitrogen partitioning and secondary organic aerosol
- Objective spatiotemporal proxy-model comparisons of the Asian monsoon for the last millennium
- Observation of local tidal variability and instability, along with dissipation of diurnal tidal harmonics in the mesopause region over Fort Collins, CO (41°N, 105°W)
- Observations of Peroxy Radicals aboard the NASA DC-8 during ARCTAS - Preliminary Results
- Observing Climate Sensitivity
- Ocean Freshwater Exchanges and Their Inter-annual to Decadal Variability
- On the Effect of Medium Energy Electron Precipitation on the Earth's Middle and Low Atmosphere
- PMC Morphology and its Dependence on Water Vapor and Temperature: Highlights From the AIM Mission
- Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE): An Overview
- Particle Nucleation and Growth During the NIFTy Experiment
- Peroxy Radical Behavior During PASE as Measured Aboard the NSF/NCAR C- 130
- Predictability of Wind-Driven Coastal Ocean Flow Over Topography
- Prediction Across Scales: the Nested Regional Climate Model Approach
- Preliminary Analysis of Wind Speed Simulations over the US Produced by Regional Climate Models
- Prescribed Burning as a Means of Reducing Emissions From Fires?
- Progress towards confronting NCAR's Community Atmosphere Model with A-train data
- Projected Arctic warming, rapid sea ice loss, and snow state changes: Influence on near- surface permafrost degradation
- Proxy Surrogate Reconstruction (PSR) - A Method for Blending Multiple Proxy Records with Climate Model Output
- Pseudo-Proxy Strategies for the PAGES/CLIVAR Paleoclimate Reconstruction (PR) Challenge
- Quantifying the impact of different ESMF regridding algorithms in a simplified coupled geophysical flow problem as coupled system resolution ratio is varied.
- Recent Field Measurements of Ice Nuclei and Their Relevance to Ice Formation in Clouds
- Regional Climate Responses To 20th Century Indian Ocean Warming
- Report of the Cyberinfrastructure for Environment Observationa, Analysis and Forecasting workshop: toward collaborative VEOs
- Representing Convective Organization in Global Atmospheric Models
- Respective Forcing Role of the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Warming on the Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation
- Response of plankton ecology and the carbon cycle to climate change over the 21st century
- Results of the UCAR 2008 Forum on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation
- Revisiting the Role of Atmospheric Forcing of Fram Strait sea ice export using Daily Data
- Satellite Measurements of Vertically-Resolved Instantaneous Radiative Forcing from Tropospheric Ozone
- Satellite Observations of Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Satellite Observations of Tropospheric Ammonia
- Sea Level Rise and Coastal Erosion: Past, Present, and Future Scenarios
- Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Lower Stratospheric Lamina as Observed by HIRDLS and Modeled by the Global Modeling Initiative
- Secular Warming in the Indian Ocean: Natural Variability or Global Warming?
- Sensitivity of WACCM/CARMA simulations of polar mesospheric clouds to gravity wave and microphysics parameterizations
- Short-lived Pollutants in the Arctic: Climate Impacts and Temporal Trends
- Short-lived organic trace gases in the UT/LS: Results from recent field campaigns.
- Significant warming of continental West Antarctica in the last 50 years
- Simulating the Late Ordovician (445Ma) with the fully coupled Community Climate System Model (CCSM3).
- Simulating the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period: how similar are the models?
- Snow and Soil Improvements to the Noah Land Surface Model for use in the Arctic System Reanalysis
- Some Geometric Properties of the Performance of Models and Their Averages
- Spatial Hierarchical Modeling of Precipitation Extremes from a Regional Climate Model
- Spatial and temporal climate forcing patterns from Amazon fires
- Spatial latent variable modeling for integrating output from multiple climate models
- Springtime Warming and Reduced Snow Cover from Carbonaceous Particles
- Stages of the Anthropocene: Assessing the Human Impact on the Earth System
- Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 (START08) Experiment: Scientific Concept and Initial Results
- Submicron Aerosol Composition during the ARCTAS campaign: Arctic Haze, Biomass Burning, and California Pollution
- Sulfuric acid and OH in a deciduous forest
- Surface and Mid-tropospheric Climate Change in Antarctica
- Terrestrial biogenic sources of organics in the atmosphere
- The Effects of Forcing Modes on the Simulations of Tidally Generated Internal Bores and Solitons
- The Impacts of Increasing Soluble Iron and Nitrogen Deposition on Ocean Biogeochemistry
- The Influence of Satellite-based Estimates of Precipitation on Modeled Land Surface States and Fluxes over the North American Monsoon Region
- The Joint Front Range Climate Change Vulnerability Study: Closing the Gap between Science and Water Management Decisions
- The Nested Regional Climate Model: An Approach Toward Prediction Across Scales
- The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climatic Significance and Environmental Impact
- The OPeNDAP and Remote NetCDF Invocation (RNI) middleware platform for Scientific Data Fusion.
- The Origins of Poleward-extending Thin Laminae of Low Ozone Seen by HIRDLS
- The Response and Feedback of Clouds and Cloud Radiative Forcing to the Direct Forcing of Sulfate and Carbonaceous Aerosols
- The Role of Arctic Clouds During Intervals of Rapid Sea Ice Loss
- The influence of the winter hemisphere on polar mesospheric clouds
- The seasonality of the composition of air in the tropical tropopause layer
- The significance of shortwave methane forcing for climate change
- Thermosphere and Ionosphere Extension of the NCAR Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- Thirty years of stratospheric mean age tracer measurements: no observable change in the stratospheric circulation
- Top-down constraints on the atmospheric acetaldehyde budget
- Total OH reactivity measurement by Laser Flash Pump and Probe Technique in Urban and Sub-urban Area in Tokyo
- Toward a Minimal Representation of Aerosol Direct and Indirect Effects
- Transient Simulation of Climate Evolution over the Last 21,000 years (TraCE-21,000): First Results
- Tropospheric Ozone and Associated Precursors Over Asian Mega-cities From Satellite Data and Regional Model Predictions
- Understanding Differences Between Co-Incident CloudSat, Aqua/MODIS and NOAA18 MHS Ice water Path Retrievals Over the Tropical Oceans
- Updated observations of stratospheric water vapor and temperature trends
- Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Water Vapor Measurements Using Optimized Raman Lidar and Balloon-borne Sensors
- Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Trace Gas Evolution in Recent Satellite Datasets: Relationships to Stratospheric and Upper Tropospheric Jets
- Upper Tropospheric Humidity and Clouds as seen from the AIRS and MLS
- User-Relevant Spatial Methods for Evaluating Gridded Precipitation Forecasts
- Using ACE tropospheric hydrocarbons to diagnose circulation in the UTLS
- Using CAM3 and the Alkenone Method to Understand how Pliocene SST's Affect California and Other Climates Adjacent to Upwelling Regions
- Using InterComm Enhanced ESMF to Couple TIME-GCM and CAM
- Using Semantic Web Technologies to Streamline the Implementation of the OGC Web Service Interface Specifications for Coverage and Feature Data Within OPeNDAP.
- Using satellite and in-situ observations to evaluate short-term forecasts of cloud-topped boundary layers with the Community Atmospheric Model
- Variations in the total water storage in the major river basins of India from GRACE satellite gravity data
- Variations of the thermosphere in response to geomagnetic forcing: our current understanding and some future plans
- Wave Accumulation and Tropical Cyclone Genesis
- Wave effects on subsurface turbulence: a comparison between observations and large eddy simulations
- Where Does the Carbon Go During the Atmospheric Oxidation of Hydrocarbons?
- Why do models behave badly?
- Wind Field Structure, Divergence and Vertical Exchange in PASE
- Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC): A Joint WWRP and WCRP Activity to Address the Challenges of Multi-Scale Organized Convection
- 30-year PMC variability modeled by WACCM (Invited)
- A Calibration for the Total Carbon Column Observing Network using HIPPO Aircraft Profiles
- A Pilot Study to Compare SSM/I Passive Microwave derived Melt Onset Dates to Satellite-Derived Albedo Melt Onset Dates for select points throughout the Arctic
- A Regional Modeling Study of Climate Change Impacts on Warm-Season Precipitation in the Central U.S
- A Sub-Visible Cirrus (SVC) Climatology with Comparisons to Ice Cloud Representations in CAM4
- A characterization of cloud base aerosol and associated microphysics in southeast Queensland
- A comparison of spectral element and finite difference methods for MHD
- A lagrangian case study of the evolution of aerosol composition from a boreal fire plume during the ARCTAS campaign
- A large eddy simulation study of carbon dioxide and water vapor isotopes in the atmospheric boundary layer
- A new global meso-beta-scale (40 km) downscaled climatography: Improving decision making for societal and ecological applications
- A regional-scale modeling study of Ozone transport from oceanic background to northern Sacramento Valley during ARCTAS/California period
- A spatio-temporal database for diagnosing drought vulnerability in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado
- ARkStorm: A West Coast Storm Scenario
- Accelerating a Cloud Resolving Method with GPUs
- Actinic flux and photolysis frequency characteristics in the Arctic atmosphere: Results from ARCTAS and OASIS
- Advances in simulating hydrologic processes in the Community Land Model version 4.0 (Invited)
- Aerosol Interactions with Extensive Stratus Cloud During VOCALS
- Aerosol size distribution variability as a function of distance to Caribbean Trade Wind Cumulus Clouds
- Aerosol, surface, and cloud optical parameters derived from airborne spectral actinic flux: measurement comparison with other methods
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions and Cloud Microphysical Properties in the Asir Region of Saudi Arabia
- Airborne Formaldehyde and VOC Measurements during Select Arctic Boundary Layer Runs in the 2008 ARCTAS Study and Estimates of Halogen Atom Mixing Ratios
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Aircraft-Induced Hole Punch and Canal Clouds
- An International Land-Biosphere Model Benchmarking Activity for the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
- An Overview of the Gas-Phase Measurements Made During the OASIS - Barrow Spring 2009 Campaign
- An above-canopy flux network for improving and evaluating biogenic VOC emission models: GLOBal Organic Emissions NETwork (GLOBOENET) (Invited)
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Another look at the possible role of OH in nighttime air chemistry (Invited)
- Anticyclones in the Middle Atmosphere During Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum
- Arctic Sea Ice Sensitivity and Recovery Potential due to Atmospheric Conditions in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM)
- Arctic freshwater export variability: A detailed model study
- Arctic tropospheric ozone depletion during spring 2008 : Source regions and transport
- Aspects of orogenic mesoscale convective organization admitted by a global multi-scale climate modeling framework
- Assessing Scales of Variability for Constituents Relevant to Future Geostationary Satellite Observations and Models of Air Quality
- Assessment of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Impact on Aerosol Properties over California as Observed During ARCTAS-CA
- Assimilation of low-resolution paleo-proxies for spatial reconstruction of North American climatology
- Atmospheric Influence of the Solar Proton Events and Ground Level Enhancement in January 2005
- Atomic Oxygen, Atomic Hydrogen, and Chemical Energy Deposition Rates Derived from SABER Measured Hydroxyl Airglow in the Mesosphere Region
- Behavior of HOx radicals in Ozone Depletion Events during OASIS-Barrow 2009
- Boreal and California forest fire emissions and influences on atmospheric composition & chemistry during ARCTAS
- Boundary Layer Ozone Dynamics during the Spring 2009 OASIS Experiment in Barrow, AK
- Branching Ratios for the Reaction of Carbonyl-Containing Organic Peroxy Radicals with Hydroperoxy Radicals
- Bridging social and geo-sciences data with GIS (Invited)
- Budget of Tropospheric Ozone during Spring in the Arctic
- CCSM3 simulation of climatic impact by volcanism during mid-late 13th century
- CCSM4 - A Flexible New Infrastructure for Earth System Modeling (Invited)
- CO and Black Carbon contribution of anthropogenic and fire emissions to the pollution in high northern latitudes using aircraft observations and MOZART4 model results
- CO2(ν2)-O Quenching Rate Coefficient Derived From Coincidental Fort Collins Lidar and SABER Measurements
- COSMIC Observations of the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Can 3D Models Explain the Primary and Secondary, Fossil and non-Fossil Organic Aerosols during the 2006 MILAGRO Experiment?
- Can the Weddell Sea anomaly and related phenomena be explained by conjugate effects?
- Case Study in Summertime North America UTLS Ozone Budget
- Changes in Arctic Vegetation Amplify High-Latitude Warming Through Greenhouse Effect
- Changes in Continental Freshwater Discharge from 1948-2004 (Invited)
- Characterising Emissions from Australia's Black Saturday Fires
- Characterization of Industrial Emission Sources and Photochemistry in Houston, Texas
- Chemistry of OH during ARCTAS
- Chemistry of hydrogen oxide (HOx) radicals in the Arctic troposphere in spring
- Cirrus in the upper troposphere and its relationship to deep convection
- Climatology of Major Sudden Stratospheric Warmings in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- Comparison of 8.2ka flood simulations: A model sensitivity experiment
- Comparison of land-precipitation coupling strength using observations and models
- Comparison of satellite-based instantaneous radiative forcing of tropospheric ozone to four global chemistry climate models
- Connecting Increased Intra-seasonal Variability and ENSO Changes Associated with Deep Convection Modifications in CCSM3
- Constrained Interpolation for Remapping in ESMF
- Coupled Climate Model Simulations of a Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Greenhouse Climate: Comparison with Proxy Data
- Demonstration of Effects on Tropical Cyclone Forecasts from Variation in Cumulus Convection Parameterization with a High Resolution Global Model
- Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenic Forcing to Diurnal Temperature Range Changes from 1950 to 1999: Comparing Multi-Model Simulations with Observations
- Determing Credibility of Regional Simulations of Future Climate
- Developing a Prognostic Methane Biogeochemistry Model in the CCSM: Model Evaluation and Regional Predictions
- Development of NASA’s integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from Spaceborne Platforms (ISSARS)
- Development of Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent Earth System Data Records (Invited)
- Development of the ACE-FTS Climatological Data Set for the period of 2004-2009
- Differential Effects of Ozone Exposure on Carbon Assimilation and Stomatal Conductance
- Effects of future US and global emissions on air quality in the US
- Effects of future climate and land cover changes on biogenic emissions and air quality in the US
- Effects of momentum and energy conserving gravity wave drag parameterization in a general circulation model
- Effects of tides on the upper atmosphere simulated by a non-hydrostatic general circulation model
- Electric Fields, Microphysics, and Reflectivity Observations from Trailing Stratiform Clouds in Florida
- Emissions, transport, and chemistry downwind of oil extraction facilities in the Alaskan Arctic
- Estimating Snow Depth Using GPS
- Evaluating parameterized variables in the Community Atmospheric Model along the GCSS Pacific cross-section during YOTC
- Flash Floods: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis A Case Study of the Flash Floods in Southwestern Missouri
- Forecast of hurricane Track and Intensity Using Remote Sensing Data (Invited)
- GPS Can't Do That, Can It? (Invited)
- Geochemical Changes in Response to Greenhouse Gas Forcing at the PETM using CCSM3
- Gravitational settling in the Ar/N2 Ratio observed during the START08 and HIPPO-Global Airborne campaigns
- HONO Measurements in Barrow, Alaska; using LOPAP technique
- HOx Chemistry and Ozone Production during ARCTAS
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- High Resolution Simulation of Annual Snowfall and Snowpack over Colorado and some Impacts of Climate Change using the Pseudo Climate Simulation Method
- High resolution fire emission estimates for air quality applications
- Hydrology, errors in climate models, and the prediction of extreme events in future climates
- Identification of transport pathways and location of mixing in the extratropical tropopause region using CO-O3 correlations and Lagrangian model simulations
- If the Sun is so quiet, why is the Earth ringing? A comparison of two solar minimum intervals
- Improved estimates of Antarctica seasonal and inter-annual ice mass variability from GRACE
- In-situ carbon isotopes of soil CO2 in a subalpine forest over three summers
- Incorporating Model Quality Information in Climate Change Detection and Attribution Studies (Invited)
- Infrared Correlation Radiometer for GEO-CAPE
- Integration of Weather Research Forecast (WRF) Hurricane model with socio-economic data in an interactive web mapping service
- Inter-hemispheric coupling in PMC observations and in models
- Isoprene Emission from the Midwestern United States: Why are model estimates different and which one is right? (Invited)
- Jet Alignment in a 2 Layer Quasi-Geostrophic Channel Using One-Dimensional Grid Warping
- Kinetics of Reactions of HO2 with HO2 and with organics
- Land Water Storage Variation over Southern India from Space Gravimetry
- Large Scale NMHC and Halocarbon Distributions during Spring in the Arctic
- Large-Scale Ozone and Aerosol Variations Observed Over the Arctic During the ARCTAS Field Experiment
- MOPITT Observations of Arctic Tropospheric CO from 2000 - 2009
- Massive hysteresis in Martian wind-blown sand
- Measurements and modeling of contemporary carbon-14 levels in the stratosphere to constrain stratospheric dynamics and the global carbon cycle
- Measurements of Carbon Monoxide with the MOPITT Instrument 1999-2009
- Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds at Barrow, Alaska during the OASIS Spring 2009 Field Campaign
- Microphysical Studies Of Mesospheric Sulfate Aerosol As PMC Nuclei In WACCM3
- Model biases in the Southern Hemisphere energy budget
- Modeling Deep Ocean Ventilation in the Last Glacial Period and Holocene with Long Transient CCSM3 Simulations
- Modeling interactions between permafrost, snow, and wetland distribution in an Earth System model (Invited)
- Modeling of secondary organic aerosols formation during MILAGRO 2006
- Modeling the Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Modeling the role of HONO in the plume chemistry of boreal forest biomass burning emissions during the summer 2009 ARCTAS campaign
- Monsoons across Epochs: Diagnosing Monsoonal Circulations across Warm, Greenhouse Climates as Simulated by the Community Climate System Model (CCSM3)
- Multiple High Resolution Climate Scenarios over North America for Application to Water Resources (Invited)
- Multispectral retrieval of CO from MOPITT
- NSF Gulfstream-V Aircraft: Enabling Real-Time Global Scale In-Situ Observations
- Nested high-resolution large-eddy simulations in WRF to support wind power
- Nocturnal Oxidation of Urban and Industrial VOCs aloft during TexAQS 2006
- Nonlinear problems in data-assimilation : Can synchronization help?
- North Atlantic melting water forcing of early Pacific deglacial warming and two-step North Pacific ventilation: a transient GCM study with CCSM3
- Novel approaches to reducing uncertainty in regional climate predictions (Invited)
- OH and OH Reactivity Measurements during the OASIS Campaign at Barrow, Alaska
- Observations of Alkyl Nitrates during ARCTAS: Investigation of the low NOx Chemistry of Isoprene Nitrates
- Observations of HOBr, BrO, and other halogen species by CIMS in Barrow, AK during OASIS
- Observations of Noctilucent Clouds by Odin/OSIRIS and AIM/CIPS
- Observations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Biomass Burning Plumes During POLARCAT/ARCTAS
- On the Use of Linearized Measurements from Satellite Observing Systems for Global Air Quality Forecasting
- On the instability of classic steady-state solutions for mantle convection at low Rayleigh number
- On the lack of universality in decaying magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- On the relationship of polar mesospheric cloud ice water content, particle radius and mesospheric temperature and its use as a parameterization in global climate models
- On the use of Equivalent Latitude and Potential Temperature Coordinates in the UTLS Region
- Parameterizing convection in high-resolution global atmospheric models (Invited)
- Persistent Daily Aerosol Nucleation Events at Mountain-Top Location
- Photochemical Analysis of ARCTAS Observations
- Photochemical Production and Export of NOx from the Antarctic High Plateau via the Transantarctic Mountains and Glacial Valleys
- Physical constraints on the emission of mineral dust aerosols from theory, measurements, and modeling of saltation (Invited)
- Potential biogeochemical and biogeophysical consequences of afforestation in North America
- Processes regulating short-lived species in the tropical tropopause layer
- Processing Community Model Output: An Approach to Community Accessibility (Invited)
- Quantification of Unidentified BVOC and their Oxidation Products in a forest canopy Using PTR-MS
- Quantifying the Impact of Mountain Pine Beetle Disturbances on Forest Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the Western US using the NCAR Community Land Model
- Quantifying the Perturbation of Atmospheric Chemistry from Medium-Size Asteroid Impacts in the Ocean
- Quantitative Analysis of Arctic Ozone Loss Using EOS MLS and SD-WACCM
- Recirculation of Air Pollutants During Lake Breeze Events in Chicago
- Requesting use of NSF facilities for education
- Response of carbon fluxes and climate to orbital forcing changes in the Community Climate System Model
- Robust Constraints for Climate Sensitivity in Multiple Perturbed Physics Ensembles (Invited)
- Robust Land-Ocean Contrasts in Energy and Water Cycle Feedbacks
- Satellite Air Quality Monitoring Before, During and After the Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics
- Satellite multispectral observations of carbon monoxide from a geostationary perspective
- Seasonal Cycles of Hydrocarbons in the Tropical UTLS
- Self-Organization of Coral Atolls and Their Response to Rising Sea Level and Ocean Acidification
- Sensitivity Analysis and Application of WRF-Fire
- Short-lived organic trace gases in the UT/LS: Results from recent field campaigns. (Invited)
- Simulating the Warm Climate of the Early Eocene (Invited)
- Simulation of particle size distributions in Polar Mesospheric Clouds from Microphysical Models
- Simulations of Cyclone Sidr in the Bay of Bengal with a high-resolution model: Impact of domain sizes
- Simulations of Thin Cirrus in the TTL using CAM4/CARMA and comparisons with CALIPSO, HIRDLS, COSMIC and MLS
- Some missing puzzle pieces in our understanding of the behavior of PAN during a polar spring time ODE
- Source Regions and Transport Pathways for Aerosol in the North American Arctic in April
- Sources and Sinks of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Arctic in Spring
- Standardization of NARCCAP Data for Automated Processing, Quality Control, and Usability
- Statistical Analysis of Double Tropopause Events Utilizing HIRDLS Temperature Data
- Statistical Downscaling of Seasonal Forecasts and Climate Change Scenarios using Generalized Linear Modeling Approach for Stochastic Weather Generators
- Strong enhancement in NOx mixing ratios from aircraft emissions in flight corridors over the south-central United States
- Subduction rates in the South Atlantic Ocean for different climatic periods
- Telling a Compelling Tale, Scientifically Speaking
- Ten-year variability in fluxes, meteorology, and environmental conditions at a Colorado subalpine forest site
- The CCSM4 Sea Ice Component and the Challenges and Rewards of Community Modeling
- The Global, Nitrogen Cycle in the Climate System: Models and Observations (Invited)
- The Great World Wide Star Count
- The Influence of Aerosol Chemistry on Spectral Aerosol Optical Properties During ARCTAS
- The Near-Omniprescence of Coalescence in Warm Clouds: A Different Explanation for the Hoppel Dip
- The North American Monsoon Forecast Forum at CPC/NCEP
- The Plate Boundary Observatory as a Network for Water Cycle Studies
- The Super-Fast Chemistry Mechanism for IPCC AR5 Simulations with CCSM
- The Surface-Pressure Signature of Atmospheric Tides in Modern Climate Models
- The Thermal Dissociation-Laser Induced Fluorescence (TD-LIF) technique for total Peroxy Nitrates (PNs) and comparisons to speciated PAN measurements
- The Tropopause Inversion Layer: New Observations, New Theories
- The effect of local and regional sources on the isotopic composition of nitrous oxide in the tropical free troposphere and tropopause layer
- The handshake between the integrated assessment and climate modeling communities: IPCC AR5 as a catalyst for improved networking, collaboration and communication
- The hydrologic and thermal evolution of tropical Africa since 21 kyr BP: Recent progress and synthesis
- The response of the stratosphere to solar variability: What role does the QBO play? (Invited)
- The role of water vapor and its associated latent heating in extreme Beaufort coastal storm surge events
- The role of wetlands in Community Land Model simulations of the hydrologic cycle of northern high latitude regions
- Total OH reactivity measurements at Manitou Experimental Forest in summer season during BEACHON-SRM08
- Total Water Storage Change Over the San Joaquin and Sacramento River Basins Comparing GRACE and Observational Data
- Toward Near Real-Time MOPITT CO Processing and Dissemination
- Towards a Space-Based Estimate of Tropospheric Column BrO: A Description of Model Estimates of the Stratospheric Contribution to the Total Column
- Towards development of a Regional Arctic Climate System Model --- Coupling WRF with the Variable Infiltration Capacity land model via a flux coupler
- Tracking Earth’s global energy (Invited)
- Tracking Progress in North American Monsoon Seasonal Forecasts: The NAME Forecast Forum (Invited)
- Transient Climate Simulation of Last Deglaciation in CCSM3 (Invited)
- Transport and Transformations of NOy and Other Species in Pyro-Convection
- Trends in Hydrocarbons and Other Trace Gases in the Arctic Lower Atmosphere
- Trends in River Basin, Groundwater and Global Water Storage from GRACE (Invited)
- Uncertainty of Regional Carbon Fluxes and Boundary Layer Heights in Complex Terrain: The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment 2007
- Understanding Satellite BrO Measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Understanding the transport pathways of pollutants to the Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/CARB campaign: A regional scale modeling study
- Using COSMIC GPS Observations to Constrain Analyses of Atmospheric Water Vapor
- Using radar and lidar instrument simulators to evaluate moist processes in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Using the satellite data to evaluate cloud and precipitation statistics in CAM
- VAPOR: A desktop tool for visualization aided analysis of earth sciences CFD data
- VOCs as indicators of halogen chemistry during ARCTAS A and OASIS
- Vertical Scan (V-SCAN) for 3-D Grid Adaptive Mesh Refinement for an atmospheric Model Dynamical Core
- Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Larrea tridentate (Creosote bush) during the North American Monsoon
- Volcanism and Climate Over the Past 2000 Years: Is There a Difference Between Modeled and Reconstructed Climate Impact?
- Warm Arctic terrestrial surface temperatures during the Pliocene: exploring potential feedback mechanisms
- Water Storage Change in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins Since 2003, Including Central Valley Groundwater Depletion
- Wave Coupling Between the Lower Atmosphere and Thermosphere: Solar Cycle Influences (Invited)
- West African convective storms during the land-ocean transition
- What 10 Years of MOPITT Data Have Taught Us About Tropospheric Chemistry
- What do Observations Tell us About the Causes of Recent Increases in Atmospheric CH4?
- Will substantial mitigation permit future climate change to reach a 2°C stabilization goal?
- Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC): Status and Research Agenda
- Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC): Status and Research Agenda (Invited)
- A Case Study of a Double-Moment Cloud Microphysics Parameterization in Cloud Resolving Model Simulations
- A Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Scheme for Scalable Parallel Pseudospectral Computations for Fluid Turbulence
- A Hypothesis-based Approach to Hydrological Model Development: The Case for Flexible Model Structures
- A Modeler's Perspective on Space Weather Forecasting (Invited)
- A Monte Carlo Method to Find Mass Flux Variability in the North Atlantic and Southern Oceans
- A Multi-Sensor Perspective on the Tropical Interannual Variability of Humidity and Clouds
- A New Fabry-Perot Interferometer for the Antarctica Peninsula
- A New Interpretation of Total Column BrO during Arctic Spring
- A Regional Approach to Climate Change Planning: The Joint Front Range Climate Change Vulnerability Study
- A Weakly Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Ensemble Data Assimilation System
- A dynamic ecosystem process model for understanding interactions between permafrost thawing and vegetation responses in the arctic
- A heterogeneous open ocean source for glyoxal and iodine oxide
- A new diagnostics method for mechanisms of near surface wind response to SST
- A new multibeam swath mapping echosounder for USCGC Healy
- A statistical approach for process-orientated analysis of regional climate models (Invited)
- Accuracy of Antarctica inter-annual mass variability from GRACE
- Adaptation to heat health risk among vulnerable urban residents: a multi-city approach
- Aerosol Effects on Cirrus Clouds and Climate in NCAR CAM5: Impacts of Heterogeneous Ice Nuclei
- Air Quality Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (Invited)
- Airmass Characteristics of Surface Air Quality over California
- Alpine ecosystem vulnerability to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau: Global implications for carbon balance, regional consequences for local pastoralists
- An Overview of the Future Development of Climate and Earth System Models for Scientific and Policy Use (Invited)
- An analysis of transport pathways that contribute to water vapor and ozone profiles measured in the Asian monsoon anticyclone
- Analysing the tropical widening of the TTL with a Lagrangian approach using CCM and ERA-Interim data
- Analysis of air quality trace gas spatio-temporal variability over the USA using the WRF-chem regional model
- Analysis of methane and ozone changes between1850 and 2100 in CMIP5 simulations. (Invited)
- Application of Solar Spectral Irradiance Variability in a Earth Atmospheric Model
- Arctic Observations Supporting Liquid-Dependent Ice Nucleation at Low-Altitudes and Moderate Temperatures
- Arctic climate response to decadally-paced explosive volcanism in CCSM3
- Assessing the Paleo-Forcings of Southeastern Patagonia Deglaciation using General Circulation Model Simulations (Invited)
- Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Transport over Mountain Terrain (Invited)
- Atmospheric Coupling via Energetic Particle Precipitation
- Atmospheric Measurements of Neutral Nucleating Clusters (Invited)
- Atmospheric Ozone Perturbation from Oceanic Asteroid Impacts: Seasonal and Zonal Effects
- Atmospheric moisture transports from ocean to land in reanalyses (Invited)
- Beyond Pretty Pictures: The Changing Role of Visualization in the Sciences (Invited)
- CCSM3 transient simulations of the deglacial evolution of precipitation in Africa
- Can Models Replicate Observed Temperature Trends Over the Past Decade? (Invited)
- Changes in carbon uptake and release cause by insect outbreaks in the Colorado Rocky Mountains from 2000 through 2010
- Characteristics of gravity waves in the summer polar mesosphere and their dynamical effects on polar mesospheric clouds (Invited)
- Chemical Nucleation of Sulfuric Acid and Reduced Organic Species
- Chemical and dynamical discontinuity at the tropopause based on START08 and WACCM trace gas analyses
- Climate Models, Spatial Scale, and Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture (Invited)
- Climate System Impacts of the Changing Nitrogen Cycle (Invited)
- Climate monitoring using NCAR global, 2-hourly, GPS-derived atmospheric precipitable water dataset: Value and Challenge
- Climatic controls on carbon exchange in the US mountain west at multiple scales
- Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in a Multiscale Aerosol Climate Model
- Co-Existence, Competition And Collapse: What Do New Demographic Data From Amazonia Tell Us About Ecosystem Resilience To Future drying? (Invited)
- Collaboration Web Spaces for the Community Initiative for Emissions Research and Applications (CIERA)
- Collaborative processes, research, and applications to improve drought-sensitive decision making in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Communicating Science
- Comparing Postprocessing Approaches to Calibrating Operational River Discharge Forecasts
- Comparison of Multiple Quantitative Precipitation Estimates for Warm-Season Flood Forecasting in the Colorado Front Range
- Comparison of carbon dioxide uptake between inverse and bottom-up models over the Mountain West
- Comparison of near-surface CO from multispectral measurements from MOPITT with WRF-Chem simulations using emissions inventory for the Beijing 2008 Olympics
- Composition changes in the lower thermosphere (Invited)
- Confirmation of integrated assessment models of climate change (Invited)
- Constraining the size distribution of mineral dust aerosols using theory, a compilation of literature measurements, and mesoscale modeling
- Continuous alpine snow depth mapping by laser rangefinder through a winter season
- Contrasts between urban and rural climate under climate change scenarios (Invited)
- Contributions of Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Observations to Investigations of Moisture Evolution during the Development of Tropical Depressions and Storms
- Correlative Observations with Space-Borne Direct Doppler Wind Instruments of the Rapid Transport of Shuttle Exhaust Plumes (Invited)
- Coupling hydrologic and hydraulic models in the Mackenzie Basin to quantify the spatial and temporal distribution of surface and subsurface water storages
- Current Enhanced Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Frequency: A Climate-Change Impact?
- Decadal Climate Prediction: Challenges and Opportunities
- Defining the Entrainment Zone in Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers
- Deglacial Subsurface Temperature Change in the Tropical North Atlantic Linked to Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability
- Density Diagnostics in Cavities: Incorporating and Bypassing Projection Effects
- Desert dust and anthropogenic aerosol interactions in the Community Climate System Model coupled-carbon-climate model
- Development and Application of Advanced Weather Prediction Technologies for the Wind Energy Industry (Invited)
- Development of a Data Assimilation System to Study Ecosystem Exchange of Carbon at the National Scale Using Data from the National Ecological Observatory Network
- Did the Lake Agassiz flood cause the 8.2 ka event? Evidence from CCSM3 model simulations and paleo-proxy records
- Direct Radiative Effects of Particulate Aerosols Emitted by the Space Transport Sector
- Direct and indirect effects of anthropogenic aerosols as simulated by SP-CAM global climate model with superparameterization of clouds
- Diurnal variability of isoprene and hydroxyl radical over tropical forests (Invited)
- Does Dynamical Downscaling Matter for Climate Change Adaptation on the Colorado River? (Invited)
- Does poleward heat transport affect Arctic amplification?
- Dst index in the 2008 GEM Modeling Challenge - Model performance for Moderate and Strong Magnetic Storms
- Dynamical and Chemical Characteristics of Tropospheric Intrusions Observed during START08
- Dynamically forced upwelling in the tropical lower stratosphere: climatology, trends and response to ENSO
- Earth System Modeling of Ozone, Methane, and DMS
- Effect of energetic particle precipitation on the atmosphere as simulated by WACCM
- Effect of sampling frequency on ozone trends: Lessons from MOZAIC
- Effects of Acute Ozone Exposure and Methyl Jasmonate Treatment on White Pine Monoterpene and Sesquiterpene Emission Rates
- Effects of Altered Weather Variables and Increased CO2 Concentrations on the Main Agricultural Crops of California's Central Valley Project
- Effects of Spatial Interpolation Algorithm Choice on Regional Climate Model Data Analysis
- Emerging Trends in Freshwater Availability from GRACE (Invited)
- Estimating geoid changes and over North America: past, present and future
- Evaluating the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) against satellite data during YOTC
- Evaluation of Modeled Clouds using the Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of WACCM simulations of the extratropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using data from the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 experiment (START08)
- Evolution of anthropogenic emissions at the global and regional scale during the past three decades
- Examining the contributions to the longitudinal variation of the low latitude upward ExB drift as simulated by TIME-GCM
- Explicit Modeling of Organic Chemistry and SOA Partitioning in Mexico City
- Explicit modeling of VOC oxidation: development and assessment of the GECKO-A modeling tool
- Externally Mixed Aerosols to Internally Mixed Aerosols: A Numerical Study of Cloud Processing Using a Bin Aerosol-microphysics Scheme Coupled With WRF
- Extratropical Tropopause Transition Layer Characteristics from High-Resolution Sounding Data
- Fast Physics, Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity
- Fate of the wolverine under climate change in the contiguous United States
- Forecasting Severe Floods for the Meghna River Basin
- Formaldehyde columns from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Urban versus background levels and evaluation using aircraft data and a global model
- GFS water vapor forecast error evaluated over the 2009-2010 West Coast cool season using the MET/MODE object analyses package
- GLOBal Organic Emissions NETwork (GLOBOENET) tools and strategies for quantifying canopy-scale biogenic volatile organic compound emissions (Invited)
- GPS Ground Networks As Remote Sensing Tools (Invited)
- GPS interferometric reflectometry: Forward and inverse modeling of GPS signal strength data applied to remote sensing of snow
- Geoengineering: Impacts of Stratospheric Sulfur Injection Schemes on Aerosol Size Distribution Investigated with a Microphysical Model coupled with a General Circulation and Chemistry Model
- Glacial Inception and Carbon Cycle in CCSM4
- Global Change in the Thermosphere: The Interaction of Solar EUV with Carbon Dioxide Cooling (Invited)
- Global Warming Pattern Formation: Sea Surface Temperature and Rainfall
- Global isoprene emissions constrained by OMI formaldehyde column measurements
- Global patterns in halogen-induced changes in vertically resolved stratospheric ozone
- Gravity Wave Source Variations and Their Impacts during the 2009 Stratospheric Sudden Warming
- Gravity Wave Tuning in WACCM/CARMA for Application to PMC Studies
- Halogen-driven Ozone Radiative Forcing in the Tropical Marine Atmosphere
- High-Latitude Inversion Layers from GPS Radio Occultation Observations
- How much urban population matters? Exploring the drivers of carbon emissions in 84 cities
- Impact of Temporal Data Resolution on Parameter Inference and Model Identification in Conceptual Hydrological Modeling: Insights from an Experimental Catchment
- Impact of the Asian monsoon on the chemical composition of the tropical tropopause layer (TTL): (Invited)
- Impacts of Asian emissions on ozone air quality over western U.S. in spring and summer
- Impacts of aerosols on the photochemistry in Mexico City during MILAGRO-2006 campaign
- Impacts of long-range transport and local emissions on California near-surface ozone and sulfur oxides during the ARCTAS period--A multi-scale modeling study
- Importance of secondary sources in the atmospheric budgets of formic and acetic acids
- Indicators of Water Cycle Acceleration from GRACE and NASA NEWS Datasets (Invited)
- Influence of global changes on modeled ozone response to changes in local emissions and the policy implications for ozone abatement strategies in the US
- Influence of the continental ice retreat on Future Global Climate
- Insights into the role of organics in the growth of freshly nucleated particles (Invited)
- Integrated Scenarios Analysis for the California Water Plan Update
- Inter-annual and Seasonal Variation of UT/LS Cloud Ice Water Content in the Asian Monsoon as Observed by CALIPSO
- Intercomparison of MODIS snow cover retrievals and their utility in hydrologic applications (Invited)
- Intercomparison of cloud model simulations of Arctic mixed-phase boundary layer stratus: Process interactions, self-maintenance, and rapid transition between states
- Interpreting Hydroclimatic Extremes in the North American Monsoon System (Invited)
- Interpreting regional climate projections (Invited)
- Interpreting the Latitudinal Structure of Differences Between Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends (Invited)
- Investigating Emissions and Evolution of Trace Gases and Aerosol Components from Biomass Burning Plumes in Canadian Boreal Forests during ARCTAS-2008
- Isotope Effect of Deuterated Methoxy Radicals (CH2DO) Reacting With O2
- Kuroshio Pathways in a Climatologically-Forced Model
- LWS FST: Determine and Quantify the Responses of Atmospheric/Ionospheric Composition and Temperature to Solar XUV Spectral Variability
- Late 20th Century Temperature Trends in the NARCCAP Regional Model Simulations
- Linking water use and carbon gain in an alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau
- Long-term changes in Arctic surface-based inverions
- Long-term measurements of aerosol hygroscopicity at a forested site in Colorado
- Low Latitude Thermospheric Winds Observed by the Timed Doppler Interferometer (tidi) during the C/nofs ERA
- MOPITT Cloud Detection Adapted to Multispectral CO Retrievals
- Maintaining Credibility with the Media and Public in Uncertain Times
- Mean circulation and transport of trace species in the polar winter middle atmosphere (Invited)
- Measurement Requirements for Greenhouse Gas Concentrations in Support of Treaty Monitoring and Verification (Invited)
- Measurements of hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons over the Southern California Air Basin and the California Central Valley during the CalNex-2010 mission
- Measuring Boundary-Layer Pollution from Space: MOPITT Multispectral Retrievals of CO During 2010 Russian Fires
- Measuring and modeling changes in land-atmosphere exchanges and hydrologic response in forests undergoing insect-driven mortality
- Mechanism for the Oxidation of Hydroxyacetone under Atmospheric Conditions
- Mesospheric Transport in WACCM
- Mineral dust in the mid-Holocene: towards a global database
- Missing links in atmospheric-ionospheric coupling (Invited)
- Model assessing the impact of biomass burning on air quality and photochemistry in Mexico City
- Modeling Fluctuating Winds by Blending Mesoscale Model Data with Computational Fluid Dynamics (Invited)
- Modeling feedbacks and interactions between the land, climate, and human systems in the Community Land Model (CLM4): Successes and further research needs (Invited)
- Modeling gas bubbles and dissolved gases in a turbulent ocean boundary layer
- Modeling of Dust Impact on Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation, and Wet Scavenging with the Weather Research Model
- Modeling the Multiday Evolution and Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosol During MILAGRO 2006
- Modeling the integrated ecology, biogeochemistry, and hydrology of the global terrestrial biosphere in the Community Land Model (CLM4) (Invited)
- Modeling the role of HONO in the plume gas phase and aerosol chemistry of boreal forest biomass burning emissions during the summer 2009 ARCTAS campaign
- Modelling PM2.5, ozone and precursors in New England. Comparison with inferred data retrieved from satellite AOD and surface observations
- Monitoring the depth of the atmospheric boundary layer by GPS radio occultation (Invited)
- NASA's integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from spaceborne platform (ISSARS) and its role for the GPM mission
- Necessary but Not Sufficient Conditions for Constraining Climate Model Simulations (Invited)
- Networking Skills as a Career Development Practice: Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- New global fire emission estimates and evaluation of volatile organic compounds
- Nitrogen oxides and PAN in plumes from boreal fires during ARCTAS-B and their impact on ozone: An integrated analysis of aircraft and satellite observations
- Northern Hemisphere Meltwater Discharge and the Last Ice-Age Termination (Invited)
- Northern Hemisphere cryosphere radiative forcing and albedo feedback during 1979-2008
- Observation, Analysis and Prediction of Atlantic tropical Cyclone Formation (Invited)
- Observations and Modeling of Fire-Induced Winds
- Observations of inorganic bromine species (BrO, HOBr, Br2 and BrCl) at Barrow, AK in spring 2009
- Observed 20th Century Desert Dust Variability: Impact on Climate and Biogeochemistry (Invited)
- Observed and Simulated Global Surface Heat Flux Feedback
- On the Eruption of Coronal Flux Ropes
- On the optimal combination of multi-model results using observational constraints
- On the possible long-term fate of oil released in the Deepwater Horizon incident, estimated by ensembles of dye release simulations
- Orogenic propagating precipitation systems over the US in a global climate model with embedded explicit convection
- Ozone column and solar zenith angle effects on ozone photolysis
- Ozone-induced reductions in photosynthesis and transpiration: Parameterizing the Community Land Model (CLM)
- Parameterizing convective organization
- Patterns of abrupt ecosystem change through the Holocene
- Permafrost - Surface water interactions in the Community Land Model
- Piecing together the past: Statistical insights into paleoclimatic reconstructions
- Polar Ozone Loss in a Changing Climate
- Precipitable water extremes from ground-based GPS measurements and relationship with precipitation extremes over U.S.A
- Probabilistic Forecast of North American Decadal Climate for 2011-2020
- Projections of near-surface permafrost degradation in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM4) (Invited)
- Quantifying the effects of mountain pine beetle infestation on water and biogeochemical cycles at multiple spatial and temporal scales
- Reactive Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is Prevalent in the Mumbai, India Urban Atmosphere
- Reconstructions of paleoclimate: Beyond the hockey stick. (Invited)
- Remote sensing evaluation of CLMCN GPP
- Response of precipitation extremes to global warming in an aqua-planet climate model: towards robust projection from regional to global scales
- Response of the Walker Circulation to LGM Forcing: Implications for Detection in Proxies
- Rethinking the Ocean's Role in the Southern Oscillation
- Retrieval of Spectral Aerosol Optical Properties and Their Relationship to Aerosol Chemistry During ARCTAS
- Satellite observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing in chemistry-climate models
- Seasonal and regional variation in UTLS convective water transport from ACE isotopic measurements (Invited)
- Seasonal biogenic volatile organic compound emission trends of four coniferous tree species
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced from Non-Measured Hydrocarbons Downwind from the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty of High-Latitude Terrestrial Methane Emissions in a Changing Climate: Application of a Methane Biogeochemical Model in CLM4
- Significant Climate Changes Caused by Soot Emitted From Rockets in the Stratosphere
- Simulating the Warm Arctic Environment for the Latest Cretaceous Using the Community Climate System Model (CCSM3) (Invited)
- Simulation of methane emissions from tropical wetlands and rice paddies in the Community Land Model (CLM4)-CN: Introduction and preliminary results
- Snowflake Visualization
- Soil Terpene Emissions in a Subalpine Coniferous Forest: Tree Species, Soil Temperature and Moisture Effects
- Southeast Pacific stratocumulus as depicted in two versions of the Community Atmosphere Model
- Spatial Statistics of likely Convective clouds in CloudSat data
- Statistical methods for analyzing regional climate model ensembles (Invited)
- Stratospheric Effects on the Lower Thermospheric Semidiurnal Tides (Invited)
- Stratospheric Sudden Warmings & elevated stratopauses as generated in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate model
- Study of the formation of the ``Black Cloud'' and its dynamics over Cairo, Egypt using MODIS and MISR sensors
- TThe role of nitrogen availability in land-atmosphere interactions: a systematic evaluation of carbon-nitrogen coupling in a global land surface model using plot-level nitrogen fertilization experiments
- Temperature and water vapor variance scaling from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, climate models, and aircraft data (Invited)
- Ten years of CO emissions as seen from MOPITT
- The Climate-G Portal: a scientific gateway for climate change
- The Community Initiative for Emissions Research and Applications
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed: New Algorithms and Applications
- The Effects of the 8.2 ka Event on the ITCZ in the Tropical Atlantic
- The Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA)
- The Great World Wide Star Count
- The HFIP High Resolution Hurricane Forecast Test
- The Influence of Anthropogenic Reactive Nitrogen Deposition on Oceanic N2O Emission
- The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program: Overview of Climate Change Results
- The Relationship of Cloud Top to the Tropopause/Jet Structure from CALIPSO Data
- The Rocky Mountain Epidemic of Bark Beetles and Blue Stain Fungi Cause Cascading Effects on Coupled Water, C and N cycles
- The Role of Precipitating Energetic Particles in Coupling Atmospheric Regions
- The Role of Vegetation In High-Latitude Warming During the Latest Cretaceous
- The Tropical Cyclone Modeling Team (TCMT): Evaluation of Experimental Models for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting in Support of the NOAA Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project (HFIP)
- The Use of the Data Assimilation Research Testbed for Initializing and Evaluating IPCC Decadal Forecasts
- The chemical composition of nanoparticles formed from the oxidation of real plant emissions
- The impact of bark beetle outbreaks on carbon cycling in the western US from 1997 to 2009
- The impact of diverse types of biomass burning in a tropical country
- The influence of initial conditions on predictability in the Arctic
- The influence of volcanic eruptions on the climate of the Asian monsoon region during the Common Era
- The isotope records from WAIS Divide and US ITASE: climate in West Antarctica over the past two millennia (Invited)
- The non-mass-dependent oxygen isotopic composition of CO2 in the stratosphere and laboratory: Evidence for another anomalous kinetic isotope effect beyond ozone formation?
- The relationship between snowflake characteristics and snow gauge collection efficiency
- The role of atmospheric circulations in regional climate change
- Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling and Mass Outflow - the Magnetosphere/Ionosphere Perspective (Invited)
- Thermospheric and Ionospheric Variability during 2006: Nonmigrating Tides in the Presence of Variable Solar Geomagnetic Conditions
- Three-dimensional morphology of a coronal prominence cavity
- Toward estimating snowfall from space: Microphysical constraints from intensive in situ surface observations
- Towards constraining sources of Unexplored VOC and their oxidation products in the forest environments
- Trace gas distributions and relationships in the remote atmosphere: Results from the HIAPER Pole to Pole Observations (HIPPO) flights
- Tracking the Flow of Energy in the Climate System with the NCAR CCSM4 (Invited)
- Transpiration and Evaporation measurements in a Mountain Ecosystem using Real-Time Field-Based Water Vapor Isotopes (Invited)
- Trends in Crop Management and Phenology in the U.S. Corn Belt, and Effects on Yields, Evapotranspiration and Energy Balance
- Trends in the Southern Hemisphere in WACCM4 Simulations
- Tropopause Pressure Connection Between Tropics and Extratropics
- Uncertainty Associated with Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Uncertainty analysis in global aerosol size distribution and composition using ensemble based data assimilation
- Understanding The Approaches Used by Different Communities To Model the Terrestrial Hydrosphere
- Understanding changes in the Arctic basin sea ice mass budget as simulated by CCSM4: Implications from melt season characteristics and the surface albedo feedback
- VOC Emission and Deposition Eddy Covariance Fluxes above Grassland using PTR-TOF
- Variability in snowpack accumulation and ablation associated with mountain pine beetle infestation in western forests
- Vertical profiles of HOx chemistry within a mixed hardwood forest during the 2009 CABINEX field campaign: Evaluations with a one-dimensional canopy-chemistry model
- Vorticity and helicity of coherent turbulent structures in Taylor-Green and ABC flows
- Vulnerability on the Roof of the World: Resilience to Climate Change and Natural Resource Policies on the Tibetan Plateau
- WRF Ensemble Model Performance during Atmospheric River Events in California
- Water Availability in the Tigris-Euphrates River Basin and the Middle East from GRACE
- Water vapor and odd hydrogen in the middle and upper atmosphere: an overview of current observations and modeling (Invited)
- Wavelet decomposition of Taylor-Green forced-turbulence: sensitivity of the incoherent component statistics to threshold value
- What Causes Arctic Amplification? (Invited)
- What does the 2003 SouthWest USA vegetation dieback event tell us about vegetation resilience to climate change? Results from a high-resolution land surface modeling exercise
- Why bother with Arctic clouds? A climate perspective. (Invited)
- Will a large-scale expansion of Arctic shrub extent increase or decrease permafrost vulnerability to climate change?
- World-avoided simulation using a fully coupled climate-chemistry model
- ``ALTITUDE Variation'' of the CO2(V2)-O Quenching Rate Coefficient in Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- A Comparison of Statistical and Dynamical Downscaling of Winter Precipitation Over Complex Terrain
- A Comparison of a Photochemical Model with SHIMMER hydroxyl and SABER ozone data
- A Field Study of First Ice Formation in Maritime Cumulus Clouds
- A Global Index for Tropical Cyclone Damage Potential
- A Mechanism for Land-Ocean Contrasts in Global Monsoon Trends in a Warming Climate
- A Multi-CPU/GPU implementation of RBF-generated finite differences for PDEs on a Sphere
- A Non-Gaussian Ensemble Filter for Data Assimilation
- A Prolific Warm Rain Process and its Possible Influence on Ice Nucleation as Observed During ICE-T
- A Regional Water Resource Planning Model to Explore the Water-Energy Nexus in the American Southwest
- A comparison of Arctic and Antarctic sudden stratospheric warmings generated in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- A first look at MPAS hydrostatic dynamical core in real-world simulations
- A new airborne sampler for interstitial particles in ice and liquid clouds
- A non-OH pathway to H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> production from the ozonolysis of alkenes in the presence of SO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A possible field test for marine cloud brightening geoengineering. A possible field test for marine cloud brightening geoengineering
- A regional hybrid GSI/ETKF data assimilation scheme for the WRF/ARW model
- A threshold-based approach for linking climate impacts with action: A case study of species conservation
- A-Train Observational Metrics for CMIP5 Model Evaluations and Diagnoses
- A-train satellite observations of very little cloud invigoration by aerosols
- Abrupt onset and intensification of the Little Ice Age in Arctic Canada linked to explosive volcanism and sea-ice/ocean feedbacks
- Accelerating Climate Data Analysis and Visualization with Parallel Scripting
- Acceleration of the Water Cycle over the Colorado Headwaters Region from Eight Year Cloud Resolving Simulations of the WRF Climate Model
- Addressing Science and Policy Needs with Community Emissions Efforts
- Advances in Modeling Interactions Between Thermal, Hydrologic, and Ecosystem States in Permafrost-affected Zones in the Community Land Model
- Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions in warm clouds in the PNNL-MMF multi-scale aerosol-climate model
- AgI plumes in WRF LES simulations versus airborne measurements
- Aircraft Observations of Water Vapor Transport in Atmospheric Rivers: Synthesis from Seven Events Using Dropsonde Data from the NASA Global Hawk, NOAA G-IV, and NOAA WP-3D
- Aircraft profile measurements of 18O/16O and D/H isotope ratios of cloud condensate and water vapor constrain precipitation efficiency and entrainment rates in tropical clouds
- An Economical PDF-Based Turbulence Closure Model for Cloud-Resolving Models and Global Climate Models
- An Improved Fractional Snow Covered Area Parameterization for the Community Land Model and its Effects on Simulated Climate
- An Overview of Observations of Interstitial Aerosol during ICE-T
- An improved cloud droplet number climatology and its application to the validation of climate models
- Analysis of Present-Day and Future Precipitation in the Southwestern United States
- Analysis of carbon monoxide levels over Nile Delta, Egypt, using MOPITT satellite data
- Application of Theory to Observed Cases of Orographically Forced Convective Rainfall
- Applying land surface - atmosphere interactions to improving wind energy forecasting systems
- Archive and Access Practices that Support Data Reuse and Transparency
- Arctic Sea Ice Snowmelt Onset Dates Climate Data Record Derived from Satellite Passive Microwave for 1979-2010
- Assessing Climate Change and Comparing Climate Models Through Exceedance Regions
- Assessing Hurricane Vulnerability Changes Arising from Climate Variability and Change
- Assessing the Reliability of Model-Based Estimates of High- and Low-Frequency Variability
- Assessing the impact of the expanding continuous measurement network in North America on carbon budgeting with an atmospheric inversion
- Atmospheric Temperature Changes in CMIP-5 Simulations of Forced and Unforced Climate Change
- Atmospheric VOC Flux Measurements using PTR-MS
- CHRONOS: Time Resolved Atmospheric Pollution Observations Commercially Hosted in Geostationary Orbit
- CISM Knowledge Transfer Group: Building Real-time Analysis and Prediction Tools for the CMIT Models
- CMIP5 Simulations with the Community Earth System Model - Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- Can Large Black Carbon Aerosol Forcing in the Indian-South Asian Monsoon Region Cause Future Changes in the General Circulation Through Local and Global Teleconnections?
- Canopies to Continents: What spatial scales are needed to represent landcover distributions in earth system models?
- Challenges in Developing Coupled Earth System Model Data Assimilation
- Challenges in Understanding and Modeling Regional Climate Extremes
- Changes in Arctic black carbon concentrations, deposition, transport, and sources during recent centuries
- Changes in carbon balance after insect disturbance in Western U.S. forests
- Characterization of intermittency and statistical properties of high-resolution rainfall observations across a topographic transect in Northwest Mexico
- Characterizing and Predicting Surface Melt in Antarctica
- Chemical weather in Arctic spring 2011: WACCM-GEOS5 data analysis of Aura temperature and constituents
- Chemistry and Climate in Asia - An Earth System Modeling Project
- Co-benefits of Global Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Air Quality and Human Health via Two Mechanisms
- Coarse particulate matter in the atmosphere: what do we really know?
- Combustion Aerosol over Marine Stratus: Long Range Transport, Subsidence and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions over the South East Pacific
- Comparison of microphysical cloud properties from the FSSP and CDP during the CAMPS field campaign
- Comprehensive modeling of the MLT in the post-SME era
- Computer Model Calibration with Application to the LFM-MIX Model
- Connection between Mature Stages of Deep Convection and the Vertical Transport of Aerosols in the Upper Troposphere
- Constraints on ocean and atmospheric models with high-resolution airborne observations of the O2/N2 ratio
- Contributions of individual biogenic VOC precursors to SOA production above a mixed forest
- Control of UTLS Tropical Ozone by the Seasonal Variation of Mid-latitude Effective Diffusivity
- Controlled Hurricane Weakening via Marine Cloud Brightening
- Convective injection into stratospheric intrusions
- Decadal Climate Prediction: Opportunities and Challenges
- Decadal changes in ozone and precursor emissions in the Los Angeles California region using in-situ airborne and ground-based field observations, roadside monitoring data, and surface network measurements
- Deep Time Paleoclimate Modeling: Including Aerosols in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Demonstration of a novel cavity ring down spectrometer for NO2 measurement during Discover AQ (July, 2011) where column profiles in the troposphere were collected over the mid Atlantic region of the United States
- Demonstration of novel polarization lidar technique for identifying horizontally oriented ice crystals
- Design and testing of a plot scale rainfall simulator in Sardina, Italy for calibration of a distributed hydrologic model
- Detection of iodine oxide and glyoxal in the tropical free troposphere
- Development of a regional-scale pollen release and transport modeling framework for investigating the impact of climate change on allergic airway disease
- Diagnosing cloud and nonlinear climate feedbacks with a novel radiative kernel updating technique
- Diagnosing the influence of model structure on the simulation of water, energy and carbon fluxes on bark beetle infested forests
- Different Magnitudes of Projected Subsurface Ocean Warming Around Greenland and Antarctica
- Direct and Semi-direct Effects of Aerosol on the Climate System
- Direct quantification of OH recycling rates from a comprehensive measurement suite during the BEACHON-ROCS field campaign
- Drought and Freshwater Resources under Global Warming
- Drought tolerance in the equatorial Amazon forest: Implications for ecosystem models
- Drought under Global Warming: A Review
- Dynamical conditions of ice supersaturation in the extratropical tropopause regions
- Early Ice Formation in Tropical Maritime Convection: First Results from ICE-T
- Economic impact of extreme events: An approach based on extreme value theory
- Eddy formation and propagation in the East Pacific warm pool: Role of subseasonal variability in Central American wind jets
- Effect of Vapor Pressure Scheme on Multiday Evolution of SOA in an Explicit Model
- Effects of an artificial drought on carbon cycling in an Amazonian forest
- Effects of marine cloud brightening on polar regions and the meridional heat flux
- Elevation Correction and Interpolation Bias in Regional Climate Model Data Analysis
- Emissions from Open Burning: Evaluation Challenges at Different Scales
- Empirically Estimating the Potential for Farm-Level Adaptation to Climate Change in Western European Agriculture
- Engaging an Earth System Feedback: The Antarctic Ice Sheet and Sea Level in a Warmer World
- Ensemble Data Assimilation for Streamflow Forecasting: Experiments with Ensemble Kalman Filter and Particle Filter
- Ensemble Kalman filtering for assimilation of mesosphere and thermosphere observations
- Equivalent Resolutions of Dynamical Cores in the CAM5 Framework - Established in Terms of Precipitation
- Estimation of tropospheric column BrO and free tropospheric BrO concentrations using satellite measurements of total column BrO and cloud pressure from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Aura satellite
- Evaluating Clouds in Climate Models Using Satellite Simulators: From Mean State to Feedbacks
- Evaluating Precipitation Trends in Alaska
- Evaluating hydrological model structure using tracer data within a multi-model framework
- Evaluating transport schemes using interrelated tracers, scatter plots and numerical mixing diagnostics
- Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Megacities and Wildfires
- Examination of the Applicability of an Incremental 4DVAR to Convective-scale Data Assimilation
- Facilitating career advancement for women in the Geosciences through the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- Fluxes and concentrations of BVOCs from CABERNET aircraft campaign over California
- GPS interferometric reflectometry for ground-based remote sensing of snow depth and density
- Gas- and aerosol-phase chemistry of nitrogen oxides (NOy) in a pine forest (BEACHON-RoMBAS 2011)
- Gas-Phase Photochemistry During the 2009 OASIS Barrow Field Intensive
- Generalized Dissimilarity Modeling of Late-Quaternary Variations in Pollen-Based Compositional Dissimilarity
- Global Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen Models: Successes, Failures and What next?
- Global Hawk Dropsonde Observations of the Arctic Atmosphere from March 9-10, 2011
- Global Tranport of Radon and Methyl iodide in a Cloud-Resolving Global Climate Model
- Gravity Wave Source Variations and Their Impacts on the Upper Atmosphere During the 2009 Stratospheric Sudden Warming
- HIWIND Balloon Daytime Thermospheric Wind Observation
- High frequency and wavenumber ocean-ice-atmosphere coupling in the Regional Arctic Climate Model
- High-latitude ionospheric current inferred from space- versus ground-based magnetometers
- High-resolution modeling approaches to understanding changes in extreme precipitation projections
- Horizontal and vertical distribution of air pollution over Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay
- Impact of Halogens on Gas-Phase NMOCs in the Arctic Troposphere
- Impact of Horizontal Resolution on the Simulation of Tropical Storms in an Idealized Climate Model
- Impact of global variable resolution meshes on cloud processes
- Impact of solar spectral variability on middle atmospheric constituents
- Impacts of Boreal Forest Fires and Post-Fire Succession on Energy Budgets and Climate in the Community Earth System Model
- Impacts of Future Land-Use Change on Nitrogen Leaching and Global Water Quality
- Implications of Meteoritic Dust In The Upper Stratosphere
- Importance of Biotic vs Abiotic Controls on VOC Emissions from Ponderosa Pine
- Improved Understanding of Dust Distribution and Cap Edge Processes via Data Assimilation
- Improvement of OMI ozone profile retrievals in the troposphere and lower stratosphere by use of a tropopause-based ozone profile climatology
- Improving processes and parameterizations in the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature version 2.1 (MEGAN2.1) using eddy covariance measurements of volatile organic compound fluxes
- Improving the simulation of organic aerosols from anthropogenic and burning sources: a simplified SOA formation mechanism and the impact of trash burning
- Increasing Risk of Tree Mortality in Western North America towards the End of 21st Century
- Initial Comparisons of In-Situ, Model, and Remotely-Sensed NO2 Observations During DISCOVER-AQ
- Intense Arctic Ozone Depletion in the Spring of 2011 Over Northern Greenland
- Interactions between atmospheric water vapor, dew and leaf waters in an open-canopy forest using in situ isotopic measurements
- Intercomparison of Formaldehyde Measurements during BEACHON ROCS 2010
- Internally vs. Externally Forced Variability of Extreme Events
- Isoprene Suppression of New Particle Formation in a Mixed Deciduous Forest
- Key constraints on Earth's climate during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- Land Surface Data Assimilation: DART and CLM
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Flows in Complex Terrain
- Last Millennium Climate and Its Variability in CCSM4
- Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN) Workshop "Defining Your Research Identity"
- Local and Remote Hydro-Climatic Impacts of Projected Sun Corridor Expansion
- MOPITT Multispectral Retrievals of Carbon Monoxide: Validation and Evaluation
- Mapping methane emission sources over California based on airborne measurements
- Metal atoms observed in the thermosphere over Arecibo
- Model Analysis of Fast Photochemistry Over the Arctic Using In-Situ ARCTAS and TOPSE observations
- Modeling Gas-phase Glyoxal and Associated Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in a Megacity using WRF/Chem
- Modeling ozone depletion in the Arctic winter 2010/11 with CLaMS and SD-WACCM
- Modeling snowpack evolution in complex terrain and forested Central Rockies: A model inter-comparison study
- Modeling the Response of Tropical North Atlantic Subsurface Temperatures to Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability under Last Glacial Maximum Boundary Conditions
- Monitoring Global Freshwater Resources with GRACE
- Monitoring of atmospheric composition with IASI and MOPITT: CO distributions and trends
- Monoterpene emissions from a Ponderosa Pine forest. Does age matter?
- Multimodel intercomparison of preindustrial, present-day and future tropospheric OH and methane lifetime
- Multivariate Spatial Analysis of Annual Temperature Profiles from Regional Climate Model Output
- NOx Emissions and Lifetimes: Using DISCOVER-AQ to Evaluate CMAQ NO2 Through Use of Field Observations and Satellite Retrievals
- New observations of VOC emissions and concentrations in, above, and around the Central Valley of California
- Nitrogen Cycling in Wet Tropical Forests
- Nocturnal Air Seiches in the Arizona Meteor Crater
- Numerical daemons in hydrological modeling: Effects on uncertainty assessment, sensitivity analysis and model predictions
- Observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing
- Observations and Large-Eddy Simulations of Wave-Induced Boundary-Layer Separation
- Observations and Modeling of the Dynamical Response of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere to a Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event in the Southern Hemisphere During 2010
- Observations and interpretation of methanol and ethanol during the 2008 NASA ARCTAS experiment
- Observations of Heavy Rainfall in a Post Wildland Fire Area Using X-Band Polarimetric Radar
- On The Use of in situ Chemical Tracer Measurements in Diagnosing Chemistry Climate Models
- On the Instability of Classical Steady-State Solutions for Mantle Convection in 3D Spherical Shells
- Ongoing land use change exacerbates tropical South American drought by sea surface temperature variability
- Operational Dataset Update Functionality Included in the NCAR Research Data Archive Management System
- Ozone total column and surface comparisons during differing meteorological conditions at Edgewood, MD during summer 2011
- Paleoclimate simulations and reconstructions. An intercomparison for the last millennium
- Parameter Transfer in a Conceptual Snow Model
- Parameterization of Wind Farms in a Mesoscale NWP Model
- Permafrost carbon and nitrogen dynamics in CLM4
- Permeability Scaling of Kozeny-type Equations
- Pit Gauges to Satellites: Precipitation Retrievals over the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Arizona
- Plant water availability in dynamic vegetation models applied to Amazonia: The role of root water uptake functions under contemporary and simulated drought conditions
- Polar climate results from CCSM4 pre-industrial and 20th Century simulations
- Pore Characteristics and their Evolution of Shale and Coal during Petroleum Generation
- Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) flow-through reactor measurements of SOA formation from BEACHON-RoMBAS
- Pre-industrial to Present Day Chemistry Model Simulations: The Role of Different Forcings
- Probabilistic reconstructions of bivariate climate using a biologically-motivated model of tree-ring width
- Process coupling and control over the response of net ecosystem CO2 exchange to climate variability and insect disturbance in subalpine forests of the Western US
- Profiling of Lowermost Tropospheric Ozone from Simulated Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Measurements
- Quantifying Smog Ozone Pollution and Its Formation from Space: DISCOVER-AQ Measurements Connect the Retrievable to the Relevant
- Quantifying the Dust Impacts on the Ice Generation in Supercooled Stratiform Clouds
- Quantifying the impact of model biases in convective transport on inferred CO source estimates using multi-spectral CO retrievals from MOPITT
- Quantitative Analysis of 2010/11 Arctic Ozone Loss Using EOS MLS and WACCM4
- Rapid In Situ Identification of Source Water and Leaf Water in a Variety of Plant Species and Functional Types
- Reactive Nitrogen, Ozone and Ozone production in the Arctic Troposphere and the Impact of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
- Real-time data and communications services of NCAR's Earth Observing Laboratory
- Real-time data transmission, processing, and dissemination of GPS dropwindsonde data from the NASA Global Hawk unmanned aircraft
- Recent Aircraft Observations of High Aerosol Loadings in the Northern Hemisphere Pacific
- Reconciling leaf physiological traits and canopy-scale flux data: Use of the TRY and FLUXNET databases in the Community Land Model
- Record low O3 total column measurements at Eureka, Canada during spring 2011
- Regional Climate Modeling using Global Variable-Resolution Voronoi Meshes
- Regional climate: Design and analysis of computer experiments?
- Representation and impact of bromine and iodine from oceanic sources in a global chemistry-climate model
- Representing spatial variability of snow water equivalent in hydrologic and land-surface models: A review
- Roles of Forest in Photochemistry near Seoul, South Korea, Preliminary findings for understanding towards
- Satellite Observations of Elevated Carbon Monoxide in Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Emissions
- Satellite Products and Pollution: Examples of Validation and Process Studies from the Field
- Satellite radiance bias estimation with ensemble filters: Investigations with a simple model
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Seasonal and inter-annual mass variability in Antarctica from GRACE
- Seasonal distributions of low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids in the remote marine aerosols and their stable carbon isotopic composition
- Seasonal variability and trends in OLR sensitivity to tropospheric ozone
- Selected trace gas distributions and relationships: a comparison of HIAPER Pole to Pole Observations (HIPPO) and Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Sensitivity Studies on the Influence of Aerosols on Cloud and Precipitation Development Using WRF Mesoscale Model Simulations
- Sensitivity and applicability of ensemble filters for CO2 data assimilation
- Sensitivity of CICE/CESM Arctic ice extent and characteristics to a seasonal evolution of snow density and snow depth biases
- Sensitivity of in-situ trace gas profiles to air traffic and local urban sources as seen by MOZAIC and DISCOVER-AQ
- Sensitivity to Glacial Forcing in the CCSM4
- Simulated organic aerosol partition during the MEGAPOLI Campaign in the Greater Paris Region
- Snapshot of Atmospheric Trace Gases "Pole to Pole" - Highlights from the HIPPO Whole Air Sampler
- Solar Signal In WACCM4 Simulations
- Southern Ocean representation and change under future climate scenarios in CMIP5 models (Invited)
- Spring Indices (SI): National (and Global) Indicators of Climate Impacts on Ecosystems and Society
- Sprite NOx perturbations in the WACCM climate-chemistry model
- Statistical Post-processing Methods for Down-selecting Numerical Weather Prediction Multiphysics Ensembles for Wind Forecasting
- Stratospheric Ozone Intrusion over the Gulf of Mexico
- Stratospheric Radiocarbon in the Twenty-First Century: Comparing Measurements and Model Results
- Study of Regional Downscaled Climate and Air Quality in the United States
- Studying Uncertainties in Climate-Terrestrial Biogeochemical Feedbacks in the Northern High Latitudes using a Flexible Earth System Modeling Framework
- Studying the impact of climate change on flooding in 12 river basins using CCSM4 output
- Studyng the Influence of Aerosols in the Evolution of Cloud Microphysics Procesess Associated with Tropical Cyclone Earl Using Airborne Measurements from the NASA Grip Field Campaing 2010
- Taking a Multi-pronged Approach to Expand the Reach of Climate Research Results
- Targeting as a Mode of Science Communication: Principles, Issues and a Practical Example
- The Canopy Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (CHATS): Influence of canopy density and atmospheric stability on turbulent exchange
- The Causes of Changes in Hydrogen Distribution
- The GLOBE International Scientists Network: Connecting scientists, teachers and students from around the world
- The Impacts of Pine Tree Die-Off on Snow Accumulation and Distribution at Plot to Catchment Scales
- The Informed Guide to Climate Data Sets, a web-based community resource to facilitate the discussion and selection of appropriate datasets for Earth System Model Evaluation
- The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program: Overview of Climate Change Results
- The Principle of the Variety of Evidence and its Significance to Climate Science
- The Probability Distribution of Land Surface Wind Speeds
- The Real Life of a Data Scientist
- The Response of the Walker Circulation to LGM Forcing: Implications for Detection in Proxies
- The TIGGE Model Validation Portal: An Improvement In Data Interoperability
- The Utility of Remotely-Sensed Land Surface Temperature from Multiple Platforms For Testing Distributed Hydrologic Models over Complex Terrain
- The boundary layer, the land surface, and orographic precipitation: the 2012 ASCII campaign in the Sierra Madre, Wyoming
- The collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and its role in the 8.2 ka event: Evidence from CCSM3 simulations and paleo-proxy records
- The effects of UV radiation, litter chemistry, and drought on desert litter decomposition
- The land surface climatology of the Variable Infiltration Capacity model coupled within the NCAR Community Climate System Model
- The onset of tropical deep convection: observational metrics for climate models and the role of entrainment
- The representation of space and stochasticity in one-dimensional and deterministic global vegetation models
- The role of spatial variability on optimal stability-test spacing for assessing snow avalanche conditions
- The strength of contributions from topography mismatch and measurement filtering to simulated net ecosystem exchange in complex terrain
- Total OH reactivity measurements at Manitou Experimental Forest in summer season during BEACHON-ROCS field campaign
- Toward A Practical Implementation of An Interactive Multi-Model With Full GCM's
- Toward Improving Bulk Microphysics for Regional and Global Climate Simulations of Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Toward Robust and Efficient Climate Downscaling for Wind Energy
- Toward a mechanistic modeling of nitrogen limitation for photosynthesis
- Towards Establishing NARCCAP Regional Climate Model Credibility for the North American Monsoon
- Towards More Consistent Retrievals of Ice Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties from Polar Orbiting Sensors
- Trace Gas Exchange of Biofuel Crops
- Tracing the effects of solar variability to climate
- Tropospheric CO budget and variability over the U.S. during summertime
- Turbulent Boundary Layer Dynamics and its Relationship to Shallow Cumulus Convection over the Central Equatorial Pacific
- Uncertainties of Aerosol Transport Pathways into the Arctic Associated with Simulated Meteorological Fields
- Uncertainty in simulated 21st century Arctic sea ice loss: The role of internal climate variability
- Understanding Arctic clouds and radiative fluxes using synergistic observing and modeling
- Understanding Uncertainty in Physics-based Snow Models
- Unexpected high levels of molecular chlorine observed at Barrow in spring 2009 during OASIS
- Upstream Satellite-Derived Flow Signals for River Discharge Prediction
- Usable climate information
- Using synthetic tracers as a proxy for PM2.5 air quality in physical climate models
- Variability in upwelling across the tropical tropopause: correlations with tracers
- Variations of Ozone at the Secondary Maximum
- Variations of relative humidity in relation to meningitis in Africa
- Verification of NWP Cloud Properties using A-Train Satellite Observations
- Volatility and Hygroscopicity of Atlanta CCN During New Particle Formation Events in Summer 2009
- Water in the Balance: Changing Freshwater Availability as Viewed from Space
- Water, Carbon, and Nutrient Cycling Following Insect-induced Tree Mortality: How Well Do Plot-scale Observations Predict Ecosystem-Scale Response?
- When physiological models fail: Fixing the ozone oxidation problem
- Wildfire Impacts Upon US Air Quality for Current and Future Climate Conditions
- Winter time orographic cloud seeding effects in WRF simulations
- Wintertime Polar Ozone Evolution during Stratospheric Vortex Break-Down
- a Hybrid WRF-3DVAR and Fdda Assimilation System: Impact of Amsu-Ab Radiance Assimilation
- a Model-Data Fusion Approach to Integrate National Ecological Observatory Network Observations Into AN Earth System Model
- A Bayesian Climate Ensemble with Uncertainty Using Data from the North American Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)
- A Comparison Between Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes in Observations and Climate Models
- A Comprehensive Framework for Quantitative Evaluation of Downscaled Climate Predictions and Projections
- A Coral Sea Rehearsal for the Eclipse Megamovie
- A Less Cloudy Outlook: The Role of Subsiding Air Teleconnections in Climate Sensitivity
- A Normal Mode Baroclinic Wave Simulation on Nested-grid and Variable-Resolution Voronoi Meshes
- A Novel Approach for Detection of Drought-caused Tree Mortality from MODIS
- A Regional Climate System Model RegCM4-CLM4-CN-DV: Model Development, Validation and Sensitivity Tests
- A Regional Water Resource Planning Model to Explore the Water-Energy Nexus in the Southeastern United States
- A computational framework to advance hydrometeorological prediction capabilities in cold regions
- A global experiment to improve observations of snow: The World Meteorological Organization Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (WMO-SPICE)
- A multi-decadal study of cirrus in the upper troposphere
- A new parallel library and scripting language for analysis of ultra-large climate data sets
- Accounting for Natural Climate Variability in Future Climate Trends
- Actinic flux measurements and photolysis frequencies enhancements near clouds during DC3 and TORERO
- Aerosol Indirect Effects in Subtropical Marine Boundary Layer Clouds: LES vs. SCAM5
- Aerosol effects on deep convection in a multi-scale aerosol-climate model
- Air Quality and Health Impacts from the Colorado Wildfires in June 2012
- Air mass transformation in the Rocky Mountain Region; the present and future climate
- Airborne quantification of upper tropospheric NOx enhancements from lightning in deep convective storms over the continental U.S. during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) experiment
- Aircraft and Satellite Observations of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in the Remote Pacific
- Aircraft observations of biomass burning emissions in the lower stratosphere during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3)
- Aircraft-radar synergy in GPM-GV field campaigns
- Alkyl nitrate distributions and seasonal variation over the Pacific Ocean during HIPPO
- An Intercomparison of Clouds and Radiation in CMIP5 Models Using MISR and ISCCP Simulators
- An Investigation of Ammonia and Inorganic Particulate Matter in California during the CalNex Campaign
- An Investigation of Urban Air Pollution in Xi'an, China
- An Overview of the Lightning - Atmospheric Chemistry Aspects of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment
- An improvement of Climate Prediction from Regional Climate Downscaling
- An integrated downscaling system for seasonal rainfall prediction
- Analysis of long time series of GPS precipitable water vapour from IGS reprocessing
- Analysis of present day and future OH and methane lifetime in the ACCMIP simulations
- Analyzing and Projecting U.S. Wildfire Potential Based on NARCCAP Regional Climate Simulations
- Anisotropy and non-universality in scaling laws of the large scale energy spectrum in rotating turbulence
- Annual cycle of whole-system isoprene fluxes from an oak-dominated forest
- Antarctic sea ice climatologies and trends in multiple data sets
- Applications of proxy system modeling in high resolution paleoclimatology
- Applying super-droplets as a compact representation of warm-rain microphysics for aerosol-cloud-aerosol interactions
- Arctic radiative processes and the influences of clouds and aerosol using CAM5
- Arctic sea ice albedo through the summer melt cycle: CCSM4 compared with a satellite/empirical record over 1979 -2005
- Assessing Tropical Cyclone Damage
- Assessing the effects of the Great Eastern China urbanization on the East Asian summer monsoon by coupling an urban canopy model with a Regional Climate Model
- Assessment and ground-based correction of the Level-3 MODIS daily aerosol optical depth: Implications in the context of surface solar radiation prediction and numerical weather modeling
- Assessment of dynamical downscaling ability of RCMs to reproduce temperature and precipitation extremes and climate variability over United States
- Atmospheric Oxidation of Two Isoprene By-Products, Hydroxyacetone and Glycolaldehyde
- Atmospheric circulation and Arctic sea ice: Forcing of sea ice loss by remote teleconnnections and central Arctic responses / feedbacks
- Biogenic particle formation and growth in an isoprene dominated ecosystem in Missouri
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Boundary layer sources for the Asian anticyclone: Regional contributions to a vertical conduit
- Boundary layer structure in the subtropical stratocumulus decks of the Community Atmosphere Model
- Brokering Services for Real-time Weather Data and Climate Prediction Products Data Discovery and Access
- CO2(v2)-O Quenching Rate Coefficient Derived From Coincidental SABER/TIMED And Ground-Based Lidar Observations Of The Mesosphere And Lower Thermosphere
- CWEX-10/11: Overview of Results From the First Two Crop/Wind-Energy Experiments
- Calibration and Field Deployment of the NSF G-V VCSEL Hygrometer
- Can we estimate precipitation rate during snowfall using a scanning terrestrial LiDAR?
- Carbon monoxide observations over open ocean during the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen species and Oxygenated VOC (TORERO) experiment
- Carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks in CMIP5 Earth system models
- Challenges and Methods for Exploring Climate Risk in an Integrated Water Resource Plan by a Municipal Water Supplier
- Characteristics of Double Tropopause Layers Observed During TORERO
- Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosol Precursors Using Two-Dimensional Gas-Chromatography
- Characterizing internal and forced low-frequency temperature variability in the equatorial Pacific during the last millennium
- Characterizing the ice microphysical observations near the foothills of Himalayas during CAIPEEX
- Chemical OSSE Studies using WRF-Chem/DART
- Climate Feedback Uncertainty in a new perturbed CESM-CAM5 ensemble
- Climate Impacts Mid-1800's Deforestation in New England using the Weather, Research, and Forecasting Model
- Climate model response from the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)
- Climatic implications of Nitrogen constraints on terrestrial C sequestration estimates in CMIP5 model projection
- Climatology of the Planetary Boundary Layer over the Continental United States and Europe
- Co-benefits of Global Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Future Air Quality and Human Health via Two Mechanisms
- Combined model-data analysis during the recent stratospheric warming events: WACCM-X predictions and upper atmosphere data assimilation
- Comparative evaluation of ensemble Kalman filter, particle filter and variational techniques for river discharge forecast
- Conflict as barrier to climate literacy: Findings from work with broadcast meteorologists
- Constraining isoprene emission factors using airborne flux measurements during CABERNET
- Constraints on tropospheric CO2 from TES and ACOS-GOSAT assessed with TCCON and HIPPO measurements
- Contributing factors to an enhanced ice albedo feedback in Arctic sea ice
- Contribution of glyoxal to organic aerosol formation in California during CARES and CalNex 2010: exploring the formation pathways and regional significance with WRF-Chem
- Contribution of the surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet to 21st-century sea level rise as simulated by the global climate model CESM
- Contributions to Terrestrial and Global Hydrology from a Decade of GRACE Measurements
- Correlated variations of MLS stratospheric water vapor and tropical tropopause temperatures derived from GPS radio occultation data
- Correlation Analysis of Column-Density Data with Surface Mixing Ratios for o3 and NO2 during Discover-Aq
- Cosmic meteor dust: potentially the dominant source of bio-available iron in the Southern Ocean
- Coupling approaches for groundwater-soil-atmosphere interaction in a pre-Alpine environment
- Cross-tropopause ozone flux: diagnosing methods and interannual variations
- Current status of North American Monsoon Research
- DISCOVER-AQ Airborne Measurements Quantify How Satellite-Retrievable Becomes Health-Relevant: The Example Of Smog And Its Production
- Data Assimilation of Cosmic-ray Derived Soil Moisture
- Data Conservancy Lineage Service: A Key Component for Data Preservation
- Data Curation Education in Research Centers (DCERC)
- Data assimilation and input reconstruction for the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (GITM) using Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART)
- Decadal Record of Satellite Carbon Monoxide Observations
- Demonstrating Advancements in 3D Analysis and Prediction Tools for Space Weather Forecasting utilizing the Enlil Model
- Designing a Roadmap for Workflow Cyberinfrastructure in the Geosciences: From Big Data to the Long Tail
- Determining Boundary Layer Mixing State based on NASA DISCOVER-AQ Airborne Soundings over the Baltimore/Washington Area
- Development and Applications of the Community Ice Sheet Model
- Development and testing of a new whole air sampler for use on the NASA Global Hawk aircraft during the Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX)
- Development of a Carbon Number Polarity Grid SOA Model with the use of Generator of Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics of Organics in the Atmosphere
- Development of a WRF-RTFDDA-based high-resolution hybrid data-assimilation and forecasting system toward to operation in the Middle East
- Development of climate projections for water resources planning
- Development, testing, and dynamics of a vertically-resolved C and N model in CLM4
- Diagnosing Present and Future Permafrost from Climate Models
- Diagnosing current land surface models' ability to represent snowpack evolution in complex terrain and forested Central Rockies
- Diagnosing horizontal gradients in aircraft soundings over the Baltimore metropolitan area during DISCOVER-AQ
- Diagnosis of the Marine Low Cloud Simulation in the NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM) and the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS)
- Diode-laser-based water vapor differential absorption lidar (DIAL) profiler evaluation
- Distributions and Sources of Methanesulfonic Acid (MSA) over the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Droplet dispersion in premonsoon and monsoon clouds over Indo-Gangetic valley during CAIPEEX
- Dynamical Climate and Chemistry Downscaling in the United States
- Dynamical and Chemical Structure of the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone in the UTLS
- Eddy PV Fluxes in the Kuroshio Extension at 144<SUP>o</SUP>-148<SUP>o</SUP>E
- Effects of Amazon River Discharge on the Oceanic Physics and Surrounding Circulation System
- Effects of Soil Moisture on the Responses of Soil Temperatures to Climate Change in Cold Regions
- Effects of a convective organization scheme in CAM5
- Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Urban Xi'an, China - Direct Measurements by Eddy Covariance
- Estimating Uncertainty in Global Climate Projections using Gaussian Error Propagation
- Estimation of non-inductive ice-ice collisional charging in anvils
- Estimation of wetland methane emissions in a biogeochemical model integrated in CESM: sensitivity analysis and comparison against surface and atmospheric measurements
- Evaluating Different Model Structures for Representing Watershed Functions through the use of Signature Measures
- Evaluating Lightning-generated NOx (LNOx) Parameterization based on Cloud Top Height at Resolutions with Partially-resolved Convection for Upper Tropospheric Chemistry Studies
- Evaluating alternative approaches to modeling terrestrial C and N interactions using observations of ecosystem response to nitrogen deposition and experimental fertilization
- Evaluating carbon dioxide variability in the Community Earth System Model against atmospheric observations
- Evaluating litter decomposition and soil organic matter dynamics in earth system models: contrasting analysis of long-term litter decomposition and steady-state soil carbon
- Evaluating the Tropospheric Ozone Budget as Part of the POLARCAT Model Intercomparison Project (POLMIP)
- Evaluation of ACTM forward simulations using HIPPO
- Evaluation of Diagnosed Fields in Model Operational Analyses during the CINDY2011-DYNAMO-AMIE Field Campaign
- Evaluation of NWP Cloud Properties using A-Train Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of effect of initial condition on seasonal interannual streamflow forecasting system in Rangitata and Waitaiki river basins (New Zealand)
- Evaluation of preindustrial to present-day black carbon and its albedo forcing from ACCMIP
- Evaluation of surface energy and carbon fluxes within a large wind farm during the CWEX-10/11 Crop Wind-energy EXperiments
- Examining the stratospheric response to the solar cycle in coupled WACCM simulations with an internally generated Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
- Exploring model-dependent hydrologic sensitivity to climate change
- Exploring the Limits of Flood Forecasting in Mountain Basins by using QPE and QPF Products in a Physically-based, Distributed Hydrologic Model during Summer Convection
- Facilitating NCAR Data Discovery by Connecting Related Resources
- Fast Offline Ocean Tracer Transport Model for the Community Earth System Model
- Feasibility Study of Short-Term Storm Forecasting Over the Gulf of Mexico by Blending Satellite-Based Extrapolation Forecasts with Numerical Weather Prediction Results
- Fluxes of ozone and Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in a mixed Mediterranean forest over a transition period between summer and fall
- Forest-atmosphere exchange of CO2 isotopes over six years at the Niwot Ridge Ameriflux forest
- Fully-coupled hydrometeorological prediction of catastrophic Mediterranean floods
- Future local and remote influences on Mediterranean ozone air quality and climate forcing
- Games, Simulations and Virtual Labs for Science Education: a Compendium and Some Examples
- Gap size and ecosystem resilience in land surface models.
- Geostationary atmospheric composition observations from the NASA Decadal Survey GEO-CAPE mission
- Geostrophic balance and the emergence of helicity in rotating stratified turbulence
- Global Monsoons in the Half Degree CCSM4 for Current and Future Climates
- Global distributions of CO2, trace gases and potential temperature in HIPPO: lessons about global rates of tracer transport and inverse modeling.
- Gravity wave-induced mean flows and turbulence at the tropopause
- Gravity waves and gravity wave "breaking" as contributors to aviation turbulence
- Groundbreaking constraints on emissions from GEO-CAPE: case studies of CH4, NH3, SO2 and NO2
- Heterogeneity of speleothem records of North American monsoon rainfall: cave or climate?
- High Latitudes Phenology in the Community Land Model Version 4 (CLM4)
- High Resolution Modeling of the Water Balance in the Colorado Headwaters Region and Sensitivity to Climate Change
- High latitude cooling associated with landscape changes from post-fire succession in North American boreal forests
- High-Resolution Regional Climate Simulations in the Rocky Mountains: Regional Temperature Responses to Climate Change
- High-resolution climate simulation using CAM
- Identifying and forecasting deep stratospheric ozone intrusions over the western United States from space
- Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature: Are results robust to uncertainties?
- Impact of Climate Change on Heavy Precipitation Events : Application of Extreme Value Theory to a Future Climate Simulation over the Colorado Headwaters Region
- Impact of Southern California anthropogenic emissions on air quality in the Western US
- Impact of Tropospherically-Generated Tides on the Mean State of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Impact of Very Short-lived Halogens on Stratospheric Ozone Abundance and UV radiation in a Geo-engineered Atmosphere
- Impact of nucleation schemes on cirrus cloud formation in a GCM with sectional microphysics
- Impacts of Surface Mass Balance Uncertainties on Ice Sheet Initialization and Predictions of Sea Level Rise
- Impacts of including super-thermal ionospheric outflow in simulations of the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system
- Impacts of sea ice on the iron cycle and marine ecosystems
- Impacts of updated green vegetation fraction data on WRF simulations of the 2006 European heat wave
- Importance of Particle Shape and Refractive Index in Climate Simulations of the Dust Aerosol Lifecycle
- Improved Boundary Layer Cloud Representation in the Community Atmosphere Model with a Higher-Order Turbulence Closure
- Improved assimilation of surface ozone air quality from a geostationary satellite using ozone-CO error correlations
- Improved ice microphysics for numerical studies of ice fog using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model
- Improvement on OMI Ozone Profile Retrievals and Validation With Ozonesonde Observations
- Improving Consistency between Cloud Parameterizations in CAM5
- Improving aerosol distributions below clouds by assimilating satellite-retrieved cloud droplet number
- Improving and Evaluating Ice-Phase Precipitation Models for GPM Radar-Radiometer Algorithm Applications
- Improving wind energy forecasts using an Ensemble Kalman Filter data assimilation technique in a fully coupled hydrologic and atmospheric model
- In Situ Water Vapor and Ozone Measurements in Lhasa and Kunming during the Asian Summer Monsoon
- In pursuit of balance: Why your career path is unique
- Increased Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide Negligibly Impacts Stratospheric Aerosol Compared to Moderate Volcanoes during the decade 2000-2010
- Insects, Fires, and Climate Change: Implications for Snow Cover, Water Resources and Ecosystem Recovery in Western North America
- Insights from measurements of atmospheric water isotopic composition
- Integrated Water and Energy Analysis at Decision Relevant Scales
- Integrating Observations to Inform Soil Biogeochemistry in CLM4
- International Collaboration in the field of GNSS-Meteorology and Climate Monitoring
- Investigating the Impacts of Transient Land Cover Change and Wood Harvest on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) from 1850 to 2100
- Investigating the Potential Range Expansion of the Vector Mosquito Aedes aegypti in Mexico with NASA Earth Science Remote Sensing Results
- Ion-neutral coupling: Geomagnetic activity modulation of the Equatorial Thermosphere Anomaly
- Is the radiative kernel technique appropriate for feedback calculations from short term climate variability?
- Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes and concentrations from an oak dominated forest in the Ozarks (Missouri)
- Land surface heat stress extremes within CESM for paleo and future climates
- Large-Scale Features of Pliocene Climate: Results from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project
- Large-scale increase in the seasonal cycle of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Northern Hemisphere since 1960
- Lidar observations of the full backscatter phase matrix from oriented ice crystals
- Local impacts of Saharan dust on convection and on the monsoon circulation during the pre-onset and the established monsoon periods
- Lower Cloud Albedo in Ship Tracks
- MOPITT Validation and its Relevance to Product Users
- Machine Learning based Compiler Optimization
- Marine Cloud Brightening: Recent Developments
- Measurement and Modeling Results on the Evolution of Aerosol Size Distributions in the Tropics
- Measurement of Rapid Variations in Lower-Tropospheric Humidity Profiles Using Ground-Based Scanning Compact Microwave Radiometers
- Measurements of Short-Lived Organohalogens Over the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean During TORERO
- Measurements of vertical distributions of bromine oxide, iodine oxide, oxygenated hydrocarbons and ozone over the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Measuring Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Marine Boundary Layer over the North Pacific Ocean using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Solid Absorbent Cartridges
- Measuring Earth Radiation Imbalance from a Massive Constellation of Flux Radiometers
- Mechanisms driving ocean carbon cycle response to rising atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>: results from the Community Earth System Model, version 1
- Megadroughts: a framework for assessing risk in the coming century
- Meteoric Dust as Condensation Nuclei of Small-Mode Particles in the Upper Haze of Venus
- Meteoric smoke in the middle atmosphere: seasonal cycle, composition, and interaction with polar mesospheric clouds
- Microphysical Simulations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds in 2010-2011 Spring Based on SD-WACCM/CARMA Model
- Missing energy: the conundrum of colder temperatures but a bigger energy imbalance at the top-of-atmosphere
- Mitigation of 21st century Antarctic sea ice loss by stratospheric ozone recovery
- Model Errors in Simulating Precipitation and Radiation fields in the NARCCAP Hindcast Experiment
- Model simulation of the influence of anthropogenic aerosols on the Asian monsoon
- Model-error representations for ensemble data assimilation
- Modeling CCN effects on tropical convection: An statistical perspective
- Modeling Regional Air Quality Impacts from Indonesian Biomass Burning
- Modeling SOA production from the oxidation of intermediate volatility alkanes
- Modeling Uncertainty in Climate using Ensembles of Regional and Global Climate Models and Multiple Observation-based Data Sets
- Modeling and Prediction of the North American Monsoon Using an Improved Regional Climate Model
- Modeling excess ice and thermokarst in the Community Land Model
- Modeling permafrost and hydrological cycle interactions in CESM
- Modeling study of the impacts of inertial gravity wave forcing in middle atmosphere polar region
- Modeling the Variability of Canopy Resistance and Evapotranspiration over a Desert Steppe Site in Inner Mongolia, China
- Modeling the atmospheric effects of the eruption of the Siberian Traps
- Multi-Scale Statistical Evaluation of CMIP5 Predictions of Extreme Precipitation Events
- NCPP's Use of Standard Metadata to Promote Open and Transparent Climate Modeling
- NSF Lower Atmospheric Observing Facilities (LAOF) in support of science and education
- New CAM topography generation software
- New Particle Formation in and Around Ice Clouds
- New measurements of particulates in glacial snow and ice in the Cordillera Blanca mountains of Peru
- Next Generation Carbon-Nitrogen Dynamics Model
- Objective Inferences of the Ionospheric Conductance From a Synthesis of Electromagnetic Observations
- Observation of CO from space over megacities
- Observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing from the Atmospheric Chemistry Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP)
- Observational constraints on the sub-grid variability of cloud and rain: Implications for microphysical parameterization
- Observations and Interpretation of Descent and Mixing in the Northern Hemisphere Brewer Dobson Circulation
- Observations and modeling of formaldehyde during TORERO
- Observations that polar climate modelers use and want
- On Prediction and Predictability of the Arctic Climate System
- Online and in-person networking among women in the Earth Sciences Women's Network at
- Optical Properties of Remote Ocean Aerosols As Measured by an Air-borne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Overview of ARM observations during the ARM MJO Investigation Experiment (AMIE)
- Overview of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment
- Pacific Decadal Sea Level Change Patterns associated with a Warming Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- Palmer Station FPI Thermospheric Wind Observations and Comparison with TIEGCM Simulations
- Pan-arctic permafrost C quality and vulnerability over time: A synthesis of long-term incubation studies
- Particle size distribution measurements on the NSF Gulfstream V during DC3
- Peroxy Radical Chemistry and Partitioning under a Ponderosa Pine Canopy
- Perturbed-parameter hindcasts of the MJO with CAM5
- Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) flow reactor measurements of SOA formation in a Ponderosa Pine forest in the southern Rocky Mountains during BEACHON-RoMBAS
- Potential Organic Aerosol Formation from Biogenic Compounds: Model and Measurement analysis of the BEACHON-RoMBAS 2011 field data
- Predictive capability of a gravity-based flood potential indicator
- Processes Controlling CH2O Over the Baltimore/Washington DC Metropolitan Region: A Box Model Analysis Using Data from DISCOVER-AQ
- Processes explaining Arctic climate change in coupled climate models
- Progress and opportunities in Earth System model coupling with emphasis on hydrological model components
- Progress on Assessing the Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Planktonic Calcification using Satellite Analysis, Field Data and Earth System Modeling
- Prospects for projecting the impact of Earth system processes on Integrated Assessment
- Pursuing the method of multiple working hypotheses for hydrological modeling
- Quality Control and Peer Review of Data Sets: Mapping Data Archiving Processes to Data Publication Requirements
- Quantifying tracer transport near the tropical tropopause using WACCM
- Recent and predicted changes in atmospheric composition over the United States from climate, emissions, and pine beetles
- Recent developments in the representation of cloud microphysics in climate models
- Recent laboratory and field observations of the chemical composition of atmospheric nanoparticles
- Recovery of Global Mean Sea Level after the 2011 La Niña
- Regional Characteristics of Statistically Bias-Corrected NARCCAP Data
- Regional climate model-speleothem proxy record comparisons for the last deglaciation in California.
- Regional climate simulations using variable-resolution meshes
- Regional water and energy cycles
- Relationships between large-scale meteorological conditions and surface radiative state in the Arctic
- Relative role of ocean variability and global warming on zonal mean atmospheric circulation features and subtropical droughts
- Representation of Boundary Layer Moisture Transport in Cloud-Resolving Models
- Research Aircraft - Controlling Instruments from the Ground in a Secure and Authenticated Fashion
- Response to External Forcing in Simulations and Reconstructions of the Last Millennium
- Results from a thirty-year high resolution simulation over North America using the Nested Regional Climate Model
- Risky business: Incorporating decadal predictions into decision-making
- Satellite Measurements of Volcanic Carbon Monoxide from Mount Nyiragongo (DR Congo)
- Satellite based estimates of reduced CO and CO2 emissions due to traffic restrictions during the 2008 Beijing Olympics
- Sea spray dynamics in the marine boundary layer
- Seasonal Northern Hemisphere CO2 Exchange as Observed by HIPPO
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from 2-Methyl-3-Buten-2-ol (MBO) Photooxidation: Evidence for Acid-Catalyzed Reactive Uptake of Epoxide
- Self-consistent Castaing distribution of solar wind turbulent fluctuations
- Sensitivity of low cloud transitions to climate perturbations
- Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases
- Sensitivity of the Regional Arctic System Model surface climate to ice-ocean state
- Shear and Turbulence Estimates for Calculation of Wind Turbine Loads and Responses Under Hurricane Strength Winds
- Similarities and Differences in Field Projects for the Study of Tropical Cyclones within the Last 10 Years: An Overview of Operations Support
- Simulating Dust Cycling during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Simulating and Evaluating Radiative Properties of Clouds in Global Models
- Simulating halogen radical chemistry and Br propagation during ozone depletion events in Barrow, Alaska
- Simulation of the June 2011 Nabro Eruption with CESM1(WACCM)
- Size and Time-Resolved Growth Rate Measurements of Freshly Formed Atmospheric Nuclei
- Smog O3 Production Rate in California Air: Marker Compounds Allow Checks on Source Attribution to Fire and Other Sources
- Source contributions to seasonal vegetative exposure to ozone in the US
- Southern Ocean Sensitivity to Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Depleted Stratospheric Ozone in a Fine Resolution Ocean Climate Model
- Space Weather Model Validations Using dBH/dt at High and Mid-Latitude Magnetometer Locations
- Spatial distribution of Aerosol Surface Area, OVOC, and Halogens during TORERO
- Spatial methods for nonstationary fields
- Spectral analysis of impact of Quasi Biennial Oscillation on Antarctica net precipitation using global reanalysis data sets
- Study of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds at the French Guiana Tropical Forest
- Sub-urban OH response to isoprene chemistry: A case study in the Dallas-Ft Worth Area
- Summary of results from ACCMIP and CMIP5
- Supporting Decadal and Regional Climate Prediction through NCAR's EaSM Data Portal
- Systematic Error Model Error: The Impact of Increased Horizontal Resolution versus Improved Stochastic and Deterministic Parameterizations
- Temperature sensitivity of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, CO, and H<SUB>2</SUB> release during photodegradation of organic material
- The 2012 Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP)
- The Change of the North American Monsoon Seasonal Precipitation in the CCSMv.4 under IPCC CO2 Emission Scenarios
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART): New Capabilities for Analysis and Forecasting of Earth System Components
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed: A Community Facility for Ensemble Data Assimilation
- The Data Conservancy: Early experiences with cross-disciplinary data management
- The Effect of Weighting on the NARCCAP Ensemble Mean
- The HIPPO Project Archive: Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gas Data
- The Hydrological Cycle Response to Rapid vs. Slow Global Warming
- The Impact of Arctic Sea Ice Loss on Global Climate: Robust Results and Outstanding Issues
- The Impact of Cloud Type on Surface Radiation and Road Pavement Temperature
- The Maintenance of Decoupled Arctic Stratocumulus
- The NCAR Ensemble-RTFDDA System for Wind Power Prediction in Northwestern China
- The NCEP-NCAR Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition Climate Process Team
- The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program: Overview of Climate Change Results
- The Regional Arctic System Model: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities
- The Response of Polar Mesosphere-Low Thermosphere (MLT) Ozone to Major Stratospheric Sudden Warming
- The Siberian Flood Basalts: Connecting the Mantle, the Continental Crust, and the Atmosphere
- The Significance of Land-Atmosphere Processes in the Earth System
- The Transformation of Climate Models to Earth System Models and their Role in Policy Development and Decision Support
- The Use of Hydrological Similarity Concepts to Represent Sub-grid Variability in a Snowmelt Dominated Watershed
- The contribution of sea-level rise to flooding in large river catchments
- The impact of desert dust on climate during Heinrich Events
- The impact of past and future climate change on global human mortality due to ozone and PM2.5 outdoor air pollution
- The impact of the Permafrost Carbon Feedback on Global Carbon Policy
- The importance of the tropopause inversion layer in double tropopause formation, an observational analysis
- The influence of chronic ozone exposure on global transpiration and gross primary productivity: implications for climate
- The microphysical properties of small ice particles measured during MACPEX
- The problem of what to expect when you are expecting regional change -- Different evaluation strategies of regional prediction and projection performance in the NCPP framework
- The relationship between the energy flux equator and tropical rainfall on interannual timescales
- The representation of the TTL in a tropical channel version of the WRF model
- The sea ice simulation in the CESM suite of models
- The seasonal changes in the relationship between neutral composition and NmF2 from 2002 to 2007
- The value of explicitly bivariate climate reconstructions from tree-ring width
- Thermodynamic Environments of Deep Convection in Atlantic Tropical Disturbances
- Title:- Effects of Marine Cloud Brightening on Polar Regions and Meridional Heat Flux
- Top-down and bottom up estimates of methane emissions from the 2006 Indonesian peat fires using Aura TES satellite observations of CH4 and CO and GEOS-Chem"
- Toward a Unified Parameterization of Convection across the Scale-Barrier
- Toward an improved representation of ice microphysics in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5
- Towards Better Understanding of the Atmospheric Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss: Comparisons between Models and Experimental Designs
- Towards a Unified Test Case Suite for Global Atmospheric Models
- Towards a high-resolution climatography of seasonal precipitation over the south-eastern Mediterranean
- Tracer and Chemistry Modeling of Thunderstorms for the DC3 Field Experiment
- Transmedia Storytelling in Science Communication: One Subject, Multiple Media, Multiple Stories
- Transport of the urban pollution plume in a mountain regime during the RoMBAS-BEACHON field study
- Triple water vapor isotopic (H<SUB>2<SUP>18</SUP></SUB>O, HD<SUP>16</SUP>O, H<SUB>2<SUP>17</SUP></SUB>O) measurements above the Greenland Ice Sheet and importance for understanding the atmospheric hydrological cycle in the Arctic
- Twenty-first Century Challenges in Water Resources - A Land-Atmosphere Interaction Perspective
- Uncertainty quantification and the statistical analysis of the NARCCAP ensemble
- Understanding human-induced climate change
- Understanding the main uncertainties in hydrological impact ensembles of Regional Climate Models predictions for large catchments in the UK
- Use of real-time tools to support field operations of NSF's Lower Atmosphere Observing Facilities
- Using HIPPO Data for Formal and Informal Science Education
- Using Islands to Systematically Compare Satellite Observations to Models and Theory
- Using Relative Humidity Forecasts to Manage Meningitis in the Sahel
- Using Satellites, Sondes, and Surface Measurements to Assess Regional Model Ozone Performance
- Using Statistical Comparisons Between Simulations and Observations to Understand Physical Processes Controlling Midlatitude Cirrus Ice Concentrations
- Using a network of eddy covariance flux measurements to inform a land surface model at regional scales
- Using laboratory experiments to improve reliability in rainfall and solid precipitation weighing-gauge measurements
- Using satellite measurements of stable water isotopes to constrain hydrologic processes in the isotope-enabled Community Atmosphere Model
- Using the Hillslope-Storage Boussinesq (hsB) Model for horizontal water movement in global land modeling
- Validation of Sonde Moisture Corrections using GPS and MWR Precipitable Water Retrievals during DYNAMO-CINDY2011-AMIE
- Variability in planetary wave activity in the wintertime Arctic Mesosphere Lower Thermosphere following Stratospheric sudden warmings
- Variations in stratospheric HCl and ClO
- Vertical Transport of Formaldehyde by Thunderstorms
- Vertical profile measurements of water vapor, ozone and ice particles within the Asian monsoon anticyclone: New results from Kunming, China
- Viewing the top of the cyclone: CALIOP Ice water content in the uppermost layer of tropical cyclones, 2006 - 2011
- WRF simulations of convectively generated gravity waves in opposite QBO phases
- Walker circulation slowdown: Role of SST gradient and implications for SST reconstruction
- Water Decisions for Sustainability of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer
- West Antarctic Surface Melt: Recent Context, Future Directions
- Why are aerosol indirect effect estimates by global models so large?
- Widespread locally-absent rings in tree-ring records across the Northern Hemisphere during the last millennium
- Will Global Warming modify the Madden-Julian Oscillation activity: A CCSM4 study ?
- Wind energy prospecting: socio-economic value of a new wind resource assessment technique based on a NASA Earth science dataset
- A Bayesian hierarchical model for regression-based climate-change detection and attribution
- A Computationally Efficient Platform To Examine the Efficacy of Regional Downscaling Methods
- A GigaLES of the TWP-ICE Field Campaign
- A Last Millennium Ensemble Study with the Community Earth System Model (Invited)
- A New Computationally Frugal Method For Sensitivity Analysis Of Environmental Models
- A Transport Analysis of In Situ Airborne Ozone Measurements from the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Campaign
- A Unified Cloud and Convection Scheme for Atmospheric GCMs
- A WRF-Chem flash rate parameterization scheme and LNOx analysis of the 29-30 May 2012 convective event in Oklahoma during DC3
- A new stomatal paradigm for earth system models? (Invited)
- Absence of Biogenic New Particle Formation in the Southern U.S. during the 2013 SOAS Field Campaign
- Acid rain, ozone depletion, and the climate response to pulsed Siberian Traps magmatism
- Addressing impacts of different statistical downscaling methods on large scale hydrologic simulations
- Aerosol Optical Depth Assimilation for a Size-Resolved Sectional Model: Impacts of Observationally Constrained, Multi-Wavelength and Fine Mode Retrievals on Regional Scale Analyses and Forecasts
- Aged Organic Aerosol in the Upper Troposphere: Aging of boundary layer aerosol during and after convective transport and in-situ SOA formation during DC3. (Invited)
- Aircraft based Isoprene and Monoterpene Fluxes in the Southeast U.S
- Alternative futures for societal change: The Shared Socio-Economic Pathways (SSPs) (Invited)
- An Analysis of Climate Oscillations in Pacific Subtropical Cells
- An Examination of Low Cloud Properties Against Large-Scale Meteorological Variables from Multisensor Satellite Data for an Evaluation of CLUBB in CAM5 and AM3
- An Overview of Lightning NOx Production Research Associated with the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment (Invited)
- An effective hyper-resolution pseudo-3D implementation of small scale hydrological features to improve regional and global climate studies
- An inter-comparison of plot-scale, satellite and earth system model estimates of tropical net primary productivity (Invited)
- An investigation of evapotranspiration rates within mid-western agricultural systems in response to elevated carbon dioxide and ozone concentrations and climate change
- An operator-splitting time integration scheme for Discontinuous Galerkin non-hydrostatic model
- An optimized parallel LSQR algorithm for large-scale full-wave tomography based on the scattering-integral method
- Analysis of CO2/CO correlations from GOSAT/MOPITT observations using the GEOS-chem model
- Analyzing nonlinear statistical relationships between air parcel thermal and moisture histories and cirrus cloud observations from CALIPSO in the tropical tropopause layer
- Application of Thorpex-Tigge Multi-Center Weather Forecasts for River Discharge Forecasting: Application to Major Rivers in South Asia
- Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing Products to Enhance and Evaluate the AIRPACT Regional Air Quality Modeling System
- Approach to Integrate Global-Sun Models of Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport for Space Weather Studies
- Arctic spring ozone reduction associated with projected sea ice loss
- Are weather models better than gridded observations for precipitation in the mountains? (Invited)
- Assessing latent heat flux estimates from the Community Land Model using GRACE and FLUXNET-MTE data
- Assessing the Influence of Western Boundary Ozone Inflow for the Pacific Northwest Using the AIRPACT-4 Air-Quality Forecast System
- Assessing the ability of operational snow models to predict snowmelt runoff extremes (Invited)
- Assessment of summer extreme statistics in regional climate models
- Assessment of the GECKO-A modeling tool using chamber observations for C12 alkanes
- Attribution of ionospheric vertical plasma drift perturbations to large-scale waves and the dependence on solar activity (Invited)
- Australia: The Little Continent that Can Influence Global Sea Level (Invited)
- BUFR2NetCDF - Converting Observational Data to a Self Describing Archive Format
- Bark Beetle Impacts on Ecosystem Processes are Over Quickly and Muted Spatially
- Bayesian Methods for Hydrometeorological Modeling and Forecasting (Invited)
- Bayesian model averaging to evaluate regional temperature and precipitation in the United States
- Bias Correction of NARCCAP Daily Regional Climate Model Output Using Distribution Mapping
- Biogenic VOC Oxidation is Modulated by Anthropogenic Pollution in the South East US
- Biogenic and Anthropogenic VOC Emissions over the Central and Southern U.S.: Results from Recent Airborne Field Campaigns (Invited)
- Biological aerosol particles and ice nuclei during rain, and other insights (Invited)
- Boreal fire influence on Arctic tropospheric ozone, ecosystems and climate forcing
- Boundary-Layer Phenomena in the Vicinity of an Isolated Mountain: A Climatography Based on an Operational High-Resolution Forecast System
- Can we use remotely sensed land surface temperatures to evaluate and improve model simulations of the urban heat island?
- Carbon Impacts of Fire- and Bark Beetle-Caused Tree Mortality across the Western US using the Community Land Model (Invited)
- Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models (Invited)
- Changes in the air-sea interactions in the warm pool during summer around the mid-1990s
- Changes in the terrestrial water cycle across an elevation gradient in the Colorado Headwaters region from cloud resolving simulations with the WRF regional climate model
- Characterization of Sources and Chemical Transformations of Volatile Organic Compounds (Invited)
- Characterization of intermittency and statistical properties of high-resolution rainfall observations across a topographic transect in Northwest Mexico
- Characterization of the TTL using O3-H2O tracer correlations measured on the NASA Global Hawk during the ATTREX experiment
- Characterizing 3D Structure of Convective Momentum Transport Associated with the MJO Based on Contemporary Reanalyses
- Characterizing the Amount and Chemistry of Biogenic SOA Formation from Pine Forest Air Using a Flow Reactor
- Characterizing ultrafine particle growth at a pine forest site influenced by anthropogenic pollution during BEACHON-RoMBAS-2011
- Chemical Evolution in Upper Tropospheric Convective Outflow: Case Study of a Mesoscale Convective System During DC3 (Invited)
- Chemical gradient of selected organic trace gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer observed during the Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment 2013 (ATTREX-2013)
- Climate Change and Agriculture in the U.S.: Effects and Adaptation (Invited)
- Climate Predictions and Projections in the Coming Decades: Uncertainty due to Natural Variability
- Climate Variability is Influencing Agricultural Expansion and Output in a Key Agricultural Region of Brazil
- Climate of the Eocene Greenhouse Intervals from TEX<SUB>86</SUB> and Other Proxies: Evidence for a More Energetic Hydrologic Cycle? (Invited)
- Climate warming increases Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance variability
- Climatology and Morphology of the Early Morning Upward Drift (Invited)
- Coastal Inundation in the Chesapeake Bay produced by Extratropical Systems: Current and Future
- Community Service and User Support for the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) Data Assimilation and Analysis System
- Comparison of Observed and Simulated Boundary Layer Height Estimates during Discover-Aq July 2011
- Comparison of a coupled atmosphere-ocean (WRF-ROMS) model with an atmosphere only model (WRF) of two North Atlantic hurricanes
- Comparisons of cirrus cloud formation and evolution lifetime between five field campaigns
- Compensatory vapor loss and biogeochemical attenuation along flowpaths mute the water resources impacts of insect-induced forest mortality
- Connecting Soluble Trace Gases and Aerosol Vertical Distributions to Storm Properties
- Contributions of Asian SO2 Pollution to the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Convective dynamo and emerging flux in the solar convective envelope (Invited)
- Convective invigoration and lifecycle enhancement by Aerosols-Cloud Field Couple over the Tropical Region using the A-Train and ISCCP Satellites Datasets
- Convective transport of water vapor into the lower stratosphere observed during double tropopause events (Invited)
- Coral Reef Habitat Suitability in Future Climate Scenarios from NCAR CESM1 considering a Suite of Biogeochemical Variables
- Correcting for Position Errors in Variational Data Assimilation
- Creating a Standard Set of Metrics to Assess Accuracy of Solar Forecasts: Preliminary Results
- DART: Tools and Support for Ensemble Data Assimilation Research, Operations, and Education
- Daily Evolution of Boundary Layer Properties based on NASA DISCOVER-AQ Airborne Profiles over the California San Joaquin Valley
- Data Citation Impediments: Human and Institutional Inertia
- Data Management Practices and Advanced Technologies in Environmental Science: Lessons from Academia
- Data Mining the CMIP5 Archive for Constraints on Climate Sensitivity (Invited)
- Day-to-day ionospheric variability due to lower atmosphere perturbations
- Daytime aircraft HONO Measurements over water surface during NOMASS Field Study
- Decadal climate variability and prediction: Understanding the mid-1970s climate shift and the early-2000s hiatus (Invited)
- Design and development of a community carbon cycle benchmarking system for CMIP5 models
- Developing a calibrated CONUS-wide watershed-scale simulation platform for quantifying the influence of different sources of uncertainty on streamflow forecast skill
- Development and application of a benchmarking system for land models (Invited)
- Diagnosing time scales of flux tower-model agreement as a function of environmental regime
- Disseminating Guidance on Climate Data and Model Metrics through the Climate Data Guide
- Distinguishing the tropospheric and stratospheric pathways of El Niño-Southern Oscillation teleconnections
- Distributions, Sources and Sinks of biogenic volatile organic compounds in the Southeast U.S. (Invited)
- Does internal climate variability impact radiative feedback estimates?
- Downscaling Climate Data from Distributed Archives
- Dramatic changes of the thermosphere and ionosphere caused by the quasi-two-day wave forcing
- Dynamics of transient upwelling across the tropical tropopause
- ENSO's Variable Influence on Global Mean Sea Level (Invited)
- Earth's Energy Imbalance
- Effect of the Bering Strait on the AMOC hysteresis and glacial climate stability (Invited)
- Effects of Deep Convection on Upper Tropospheric Outflow Ice Supersaturation and Cirrus Cloud Formation
- El Nino, The 2006 Indonesian Peat Fires, And The Distribution Of Atmospheric Methane
- Elevated O3 in Fresh and Aged Lightning-NOx Plumes Interacting with Biomass Burning Plumes over the Central U.S. during DC3 (Invited)
- Emergent structures and understanding from a comparative uncertainty analysis of the FUSE rainfall-runoff modelling platform for >1,100 catchments
- Emerging Soil and Groundwater Storage Trends from GRACE with Contributions to Global Mean Sea Level Rise (Invited)
- Enhancing the relevance of new scenarios for climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research
- Ensemble Generation of Forecast Initial Conditions Constrained by Streamflow and Snow Observations
- Estimates of Free-tropospheric NO2 Abundance from the Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Using Cloud Slicing Technique
- Estimating the Global Cosmic Dust Input from Lidar Observations of the Vertical Fluxes of Mesospheric Na and Fe
- Evaluate the urban effect on summer convective precipitation by coupling a urban canopy model with a Regional Climate Model
- Evaluating Ice Nucleation in Global Models and its Impact on climate (Invited)
- Evaluating MOPITT and ACE Upper-Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Retrievals with HIPPO In-Situ Measurements
- Evaluating methane dynamics under thawing permafrost using CLM4.5BGC
- Evaluating relationships between particle size distribution parameters and environment from GCPEx
- Evaluating the Ice Water Content and Microphysical Properties of Cold Ice Clouds
- Evaluating the adequacy of climate change information to support long-term water resource planning
- Evaluation of CMAQ predictions of the concentration and flux of nitrogen species over a loblolly pine forest
- Evaluation of Climate Model Data using the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES): Application to Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology
- Evaluation of Different Model-Error Schemes in Mesoscale Ensemble Forecasts (Invited)
- Evaluation of Oceanic Transport Statistics By Use of Transient Tracers and Bayesian Methods
- Evaluation of the Importance of Wet Scavenging for the may 29, 2012 DC3 Severe Storm Case Using Results from Wrf-Chem Simulations
- Evaluation of the cloud thermodynamic phase in CMIP5 models using CALIPSO-GOCCP
- Evolution of Upper Tropospheric Composition Perturbed by a Mesoscale Convective System during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Campaign
- Expanding Snow Treatment in CESM Vegetation
- Exploration of health risks related to air pollution and temperature in three Latin American cities
- Fire severity estimated from remote sensing data to evaluate the Coupled Atmosphere-Wildland Fire-Environment (CAWFE) model
- Forecasting Space Weather in the Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere (Invited)
- Formaldehyde Photochemistry in the Upper Troposphere in and Near Convective Storms During the DC3 Study
- Freshly Emitted, Unexpectedly High SO2, SO4=, NOx, CH4, and i-C4H10 Offshore of Los Angeles Attributed to Several Source Sectors
- Future Climate and Earth System Modeling
- Generation of Fine Scale Wind and Wave Climatologies
- Geospace Response to a Slow Moving Unipolar Magnetic Cloud
- Global Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to the April 2010 Geomagnetic Storm
- Global and regional downscaling study of climate and air quality under RCPs
- Greenland temperature response to climate forcing during the last deglaciation
- Halogens, OVOC and H2O Distributions over the Eastern Pacific Ocean during TORERO
- Heater-induced ionization inferred from spectrometric airglow measurements
- Held-Suarez simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model Spectral Element (CAM-SE) dynamical core: a detailed global axial angular momentum analysis using Eulerian and Floating Lagrangian vertical coordinates
- Heterogeneous sources of oxygenated hydrocarbons in the tropical free troposphere: Field evidence for a biogeochemical cycle of marine organic carbon?
- High-resolution simulation and forecasting of Jeddah floods using WRF version 3.5
- Holiday CO2: Inference from the Salt Lake City data
- How do Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability Alter Links between Microbial Growth Efficiency and Soil Carbon Storage?
- How do Soil Microbial Enzyme Activities Respond to Changes in Temperature, Carbon, and Nutrient Additions across Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability?
- Human and Natural Influences on the Changing Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere (Invited)
- Idealized climate change experiments from the CMIP5 archive
- Impact of Variable-Resolution Meshes on Regional Climate Simulations
- Impact of climate change on long-term trend and interannual variations in the stratospheric ozone influx
- Impacts of Model Errors on Global Estimates of CO and CH4 inferred from MOPITT and TES datasets
- Impacts of long- and short-term climate variability on terrestrial biogenic emissions and their influence on the remote tropical troposphere
- Implications of the choice and configuration of hydrologic models on the portrayal of climate change impact
- Importance of dry and wet deposition of condensable organic vapors on the budget of secondary organic aerosols
- Improving CTIPe neutral density response and recovery during geomagnetic storms
- Improving carbon cycle predictions in an Earth System Model using a data assimilation system for state estimation
- Improving continental-scale hydrology simulations (Invited)
- Improving dynamical downscaling of thunderstorms in New England
- Improving the Climate of Atmospheric GCMs that Utilize Explicit Convection (Invited)
- In-situ observations of supercooled liquid clouds over the Southern Ocean during the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observation (HIPPO) campaigns
- Indicators of photochemistry in DISCOVER-AQ observations: Implications for diagnosing ozone production and photochemical intensity from space
- Influence of elevated NOx levels on the oxidation capacity of the atmospheric boundary layer in Barrow, Alaska
- Influence of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the middle atmosphere temperature and ozone
- Influences of dust aerosols on regional aerosol optical properties, radiation budget and tropospheric chemistry during a typical pre-monsoon season dust storm in northern India
- Integrated Analysis of Data from Impending Thermosphere-Ionosphere Missions
- Integrated hydrometeorological predictions with the fully-coupled WRF-Hydro modeling system in western North America
- Interactions between clouds and radiation on Arctic present and future climates using CMIP5 models
- Inverse Energy Cascades in Rotating Turbulence
- Investigating Ice Nucleation with an Aerosol Enabled Multi-scale Modeling Framework
- Investigating NARCCAP Precipitation Extremes via Bivariate Extreme Value Theory (Invited)
- Investigating the evolution of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways with a large number of scenarios
- Is dry deposition of semi-volatile organic gases a significant loss of secondary organic aerosols (SOA)?
- Kinetics and Mechanism of the Gas-Phase Reaction of Selected Carbonyls with Cl Atoms between 250 and 340 K
- LES simulation of synoptic, mechanic-forcing, and thermally-driven flow interaction of Granite Mountain, UT
- Land-atmosphere carbon cycle research in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Large sample hydrology in NZ: Spatial organisation in process diagnostics
- Large sensitivity to freshwater forcing location in 8.2 ka simulations
- Large-scale Impact of Lightning NOx on the Upper Tropospheric Composition Over the U.S
- Large-scale contributions to the convective injection of tropospheric air into the extratropical lower stratosphere
- Learning about equilibrium climate sensitivity and transient climate response from observations
- Lessons learned from the National Climate Predictions and Projections (NCPP) platform Workshop on Quantitative Evaluation of Downscaling 2013
- Long-Term Baseline Ozone Changes: Disagreement between 3 ACCMIP/CMIP5 Models and Observations (Invited)
- Lower Boundary Forcing related to the Occurrence of Rain in the Tropical Western Pacific
- Mantle convection benchmarking in a 3D spherical shell: on the transitional behavior of polyhedral pattern formations
- Marine Cloud Brightening: regional applications to the weakening of hurricanes and reduction in coral bleaching
- Mechanisms driving the global and seasonal structure of the 16-day planetary wave
- Megacity-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in East Asia
- Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) in a YOTC MJO event
- Microphysical simulations of polar stratospheric clouds during the 2010-2011 Arctic Winter
- Model simulations of strong atmospheric conductivity disturbances and induced responses of the Global Electric Circuit
- Modeling Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Using the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) Model
- Modeling Urban Systems in an Earth System Model (Invited)
- Modeling land-surface processes and land-atmosphere interactions in the community weather and regional climate WRF model (Invited)
- Modeling the Causal Regulation of Transversely Accelerated Ion (TAI) Outflows
- Modeling the Electrical Characteristics of the Global Electric Circuit
- Modelling Precipitation and Temperature Extremes: The Importance of Horizontal Resolution
- Monitoring lowermost tropospheric carbon monoxide from a geostationary constellation: observation simulations
- Monsoon low-pressure systems over India: a climatology study and high-resolution climate sensitivity simulations
- Multi-model GCM ensemble simulations of idealized tropical cyclones
- Multi-scale analysis of idealized Walker Cell
- Multisensor Observations of the Lifecycles of Propagating Tropical Convective Systems: Horizontal and Vertical Structure, Diabatic Heating and Moistening, and Relationship to Environmental Parameters
- My path to becoming a data scientist
- NCAR Integrated Sounding System Observations during the SOAS / SAS Field Campaign
- Nanoparticle Composition at Two Rural U.S. Sites
- Non-linear Feedbacks Between Forest Mortality and Climate Change: Implications for Snow Cover, Water Resources, and Ecosystem Recovery in Western North America (Invited)
- Non-linear controls on the persistence of La Nina
- Nonstationary Extreme Value Analysis in a Changing Climate: A Software Package
- OH Production from Reactions of Organic Peroxy Radicals with HO<SUB>2 </SUB>: Recent Studies on Ether-Derived Peroxy Radicals
- Observation of Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona (Invited)
- Observational constraints on carbon-climate sensitivity (Invited)
- Observations and simulations of the wind structure in the boundary layer around an isolated mountain during the MATERHORN field experiment
- Observations of a large mid-tropospheric aerosol plume: High-Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) optical properties, Real-time Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS) back trajectory analysis and Trace Organic Gas Analyzer (TOGA) chemical properties
- Observations of atmospheric methyl peroxy nitrate during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry experiment
- Observed Arctic Ocean clouds, sea ice, and radiative fluxes during the early 21st century (Invited)
- On The Need for an Information-Based Approach to Evaluating Model Structural Hypotheses (Invited)
- On the correspondence between mean forecast errors and climate errors in CMIP5 models
- Overshooting Convection from High-Resolution NEXRAD Observations
- Oxidation During NOMADSS
- Ozone reactivity of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions during the Southeast Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS)
- Pacific Northwest ecosystem responses to atmospheric changes in the 21st century
- Performance of an interactive mesoscale ensemble system (Invited)
- Phenology of forest-grassland transition zones in the Community Land Model
- Photochemistry in Power Plant and Urban Plumes over Forested and Agricultural Regions during SOS (1990s) and SENEX (2013) field intensives (Invited)
- Photolysis frequency and cloud dynamics during DC3 and SEAC4RS
- Potential Impacts of the Permafrost Carbon Feedback on Global Temperature
- Precipitation Downscaling Products for Hydrologic Applications (Invited)
- Processes controlling Southern Ocean cloud-climate feedbacks (Invited)
- Progress Toward an Autonomous Field Deployable Diode Laser Based Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Profiling Water Vapor in the Lower Troposphere
- Quantifying Changes in Accessible Water in the Colorado River Basin
- Quantifying the benefit of GOSAT total column CO2 observations for constraining the global carbon budget: An inter-comparison study with bottom-up CO2 flux estimates from MsTMIP (Invited)
- Quantitative Assessment of Antarctic Climate Variability and Change
- Radar detectability studies of slow and small Zodiacal Cloud Dust Particles
- Reconstructing meridional flow speed variation by implementing EnKF/DART sequential data assimilation
- Reducing Initial-Value Uncertainties in Decadal-Scale Climate Predictions: Practical Concepts in Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Data Assimilation
- Regime and scale dependent comparisons of temperature and water vapor between AIRS pixel scale retrievals and climate model and reanalysis snapshots
- Regional climate impacts of short-lived climate forcers (Invited)
- Relating seasonal streamflow forecast skill to uncertainties in initial conditions, future forcings, and hydrologic modeling
- Remote Sensing and River Discharge Forecasting for Major Rivers in South Asia (Invited)
- Research Problems in Data Curation: Outcomes from the Data Curation Education in Research Centers Program
- Resolving contradictory reconstructions of Alpine climate in 1540 - Using Nonlinearities in Tree Growth Response to Climate
- Results From Satellite-Derived Short-term Insolation Forecast Technique: Comparison Against Surface Observations, NWP Predictions, and Challenges
- Risk across disciplines: An interdisciplinary examination of water and drought risk in South-Central Oklahoma
- SOA multiday growth: Model artifact or reality?
- SOFIE Observations of Meteoric Smoke and Mesospheric Ice
- Scaling microbial physiology in global models (Invited)
- Seasonal extreme temperature and precipitation change under RCPs in CMIP5 models
- Selection of soil hydraulic properties in a land surface model using remotely-sensed soil moisture and surface temperature
- Sensible heat flux at the spray-laden air-sea interface
- Sensitivity of Near-Surface Temperature Forecasts to Soil Properties over a Dryland Region in Complex Terrain
- Sensitivity of aerosol-induced effects on numerically simulated squall lines to the vertical distribution of aerosols
- Simulating a Cold-Air Outbreak with SHOC (Simplified Higher-Order Closure)
- Simulation of meso-gamma-scale morning-transition flows at Granite Peak, Utah with NCAR's WRF-based 4DWX and observations from the MATERHORN 2012 field campaign
- Simulation of semi-explicit mechanisms of SOA formation from glyoxal in a 3D model
- Simulation of snow microwave radiance observations using a coupled land surface- radiative transfer models
- Snowpack in the NARCCAP Regional Climate Models
- Software Engineering Designs for Super-Modeling Different Versions of CESM Models using DART
- Solving climate uncertainty one tiny satellite at a time: Earth's Radiation Imbalance System
- Sources and Chemistry of Mercury over the Eastern United States during the NOMADSS Campaign (Invited)
- Southern Ocean Surface Climate Trends Since 1979: Context and Comparison with Earlier Decades
- Space Climate Initiative
- Spatial Modeling of Agricultural Land-Use Change at Global Scale
- Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Transport of Ozone Induced by Thunderstorms Observed in the DC3 Experiment
- Studies of meteoric smoke particles in the middle and upper atmosphere using a Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- Subcolumns in the Community Atmosphere Model Sampled From a Higher Order Closure Moist Turbulence Parameterization
- Summary of Global Ozone Measurements Collected from Field Campaigns
- Supporting New Missions by Observing Simulation Experiments in WACCM-X/GEOS-5 and TIME-GCM: Initial Design, Challenges and Perspectives
- Supporting Regional Climate Variability Prediction through NCAR's NRCM Data Portal
- Surface Temperature Probability Distributions and Extremes in the NARCCAP Hindcast Experiment: Evaluation Methodology and Metrics, Results, and Associated Atmospheric Mechanisms
- Surface observations of aerosols and vertical ozone profiling: Influence from the Indo Gangetic Plain, biomass burning and LRT
- Synchronous Coupling of Large Climate Models for Improved Climate Change Projection
- Teaching vs. Preaching: Complex Climate Shown Simply
- Temperature Extremes in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Testing competing models on spatial fields (Invited)
- The Arctic Cooperative Data and Information System: Data Management Support for the NSF Arctic Research Program (Invited)
- The Development of North America CORDEX
- The Dynamics of Vulnerability and Implications for Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from Urban Water Management
- The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN): A member-driven network approach to supporting women in the Geosciences
- The Lower Thermosphere during the Northern Hemisphere Winter of 2009: a modeling study using High-Altitude Data Assimilation Products in WACCM-X
- The Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN) Program: An Overview
- The NCAR Research Data Archive's Hybrid Approach for Data Discovery and Access
- The Potential Utility of High Resolution Ensemble Sensitivities During Weak Flow in Complex Terrain
- The Time and Space Scales of Extreme Precipitation (Invited)
- The effect of future outdoor air pollution on human health and the contribution of climate change
- The future of climate science analysis in a coming era of exascale computing
- The impact of differing physical assumptions on a water isotope climatology simulated by an isotope-enabled version of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 5 (CAM5)
- The impact of sudden stratospheric warming events on energetic particle precipitation effects
- The lunar ionospheric current system during SSW and non-SSW winters
- The solar cycle dependence of the response of thermospheric winds to geomagnetic storms
- The value of GRACE TWS data in improving CLM4 snow simulation
- Thermospheric winds around the cusp region
- Time Resolved Atmospheric Carbon Satellite Observations from Geostationary Orbit
- Tools for analysis and scenario-development for climate impacts applications from large multi-model ensembles data distributions
- Total Storm Currents and their Relationship to Microphysical and Dynamical Cloud Properties
- Total Storm Currents in Relation to Storm Type and Lifecycle
- Trajectory modeling of O3 and CO transport in the UTLS
- Transport and chemical evolution of trace species following convective events during DC3
- Tropospheric response to an 'ozone depletion'-like polar stratospheric cooling
- UAS measurements of ice fog and diamond dust in the Arctic at the DOE ARM mobile facility of Oliktok Point, Alaska
- USGS Geospatial Fabric and Geo Data Portal for Continental Scale Hydrology Simulations
- Uncertainties in projections from global climate models: statistical idiosyncrasies and future directions in their analysis (Invited)
- Understanding uncertainty in process-based hydrological models
- Uniform and variable resolution nonhydrostatic global atmospheric simulations using Voronoi meshes in MPAS-Atmosphere (Invited)
- Unprecedented upper-air dropsonde observations over Antarctica from the 2010 Concordiasi Experiment: Validation of surface-based inversions from ERA-Interim and Satellite data
- Update on the formulation of CMIP6
- Upper Atmosphere Data Assimilation using an ensemble Kalman filter
- Use of narrative scenarios for evaluating drought management responses in the Upper Colorado River Basin (Invited)
- Use of spatially refined satellite remote sensing fire detection data to initialize and evaluate coupled weather-wildfire growth model simulations
- Using Data Assimilation and State Augmentation to Update a Numerical Weather Prediction Model Parameter in Complex Terrain
- Using in situ measurements of ice residuals to evaluate cirrus microphysics in CAM5
- Using observational and experimental data of ecosystem response to N addition to improve predictions of coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling in Earth System models. (Invited)
- VOC Source and Inflow Characterization during the Deep Convective Cloud and Chemistry (DC3) experiment
- VOC signatures from North American oil and gas sources (Invited)
- Variabilities in Ozone and Precursors over the Central Himalayas: Relation with Photochemical and Dynamical Processes
- Variability in Ecosystem Carbon Predictions in the CCSM4.0 Ensemble
- Variable Resolution Modeling of California Snowpack within the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Verification of a decadal prediction for the tropical Pacific and a discourse on regime shifts (Invited)
- Vertical coupling in the polar middle atmosphere during Stratospheric Sudden Warming events
- Vertical transport of Formaldehyde by Thunderstorms in DC3 (Invited)
- Wake Characteristics of a Single Turbine During the CWEX-10/11 Crop Wind-Energy EXperiments
- Weather Conditions During the 2013 SAS/SOAS Field Campaign: Providing Meteorological Context to the Extensive Project Measurements
- Weather Forecaster Understanding of Climate Models
- Weather Prediction in Mountainous Terrain: Recent Progress and Current Challenges
- What can decision makers achieve from computer simulations of environmental systems?
- What can we learn from simulating Stratospheric Sudden Warming periods with the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere-Electrodynamics GCM?
- What will it take to bring down uncertainty in predictions of precipitation change? (Invited)
- Will A Warmer West Antarctic Also Bring A Wetter Ice Sheet?
- Wintertime Air Quality Measurements in the Southern San Joaquin Valley as Part of Nasa's Discover-aq Campaign
- "Supporting Early Career Women in the Geosciences through Online Peer-Mentoring: Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)"
- 3D Coronal Magnetic Field Reconstruction Based on Infrared Polarimetric Observations
- 3D Location of Small Solar Wind Tracers
- A Babcock-Leighton solar dynamo model with multi-cellular meridional circulation in advection- and diffusion-dominated regimes
- A Comparison of Inventoried and Measured U.S. Urban/Industrial Hg Emission Factors during the NOMADSS Experiment
- A Comparison of Satellite-Based Radar and Passive Microwave Estimates of Global Wilson Current Source
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> formation from OH and sCI pathways in high BVOC environments
- A Few Examples of Novel Behavior of Turbulence in the Presence of Waves: Intermittency, Helicity and Dual Energy Cascades in Geophysical Flows
- A Mixed Phase Tale: New Ways of using in-situ cloud observations to reduce climate model biases in Southern Ocean
- A Multi-Model Analysis of Aerosol Effects on Clouds Simulated By Global Climate Models
- A Negative Feedback Between Anthropogenic Ozone Pollution and Enhanced Ocean Emissions of Iodine
- A New Approach to Construct Representative Future Forcing for Dynamical Downscaling
- A New Promising Approach of Pattern Scaling
- A Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Dynamical Core in CAM-SE
- A Robust Multimodel Framework for Ensemble Seasonal Hydroclimatic Forecasts
- A Variational Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Assessment Approach for Quantifying Streamflow Forecast Skill Elasticity
- A Weather climate change Impact Study at Extreme Resolution (WISER)
- A comparison of cirrus cloud observations from the NASA ATTREX-3 field mission with simulations from the NCAR atmospheric CESM model (CAM5) coupled with an advanced cirrus cloud model (CARMA).
- A mechanistic nitrogen limitation model for CLM(ED)
- A new analysis system for whole air sampling: description and results from 2013 SENEX
- A new large initial condition ensemble to assess avoided impacts in a climate mitigation scenario
- AMOC Evolution in the Last Deglaciation: Forcing Mechanism, Thermohaline Instability and Implications
- Abrupt Climate Transitions in an unforced Integration of CESM (Community Earth System Model)
- Access to the NCAR Research Data Archive via the Globus Data Transfer Service
- Advances in Solar Power Forecasting
- Advancing Our Understanding of the Impacts of Historic and Projected Land Use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Aerosol Composition, Size Distribution and Optical Properties during SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS Simulated by a Sectional Aerosol Model
- Aerosol and Dry Air Entrainment Impacts on Thermally Driven Orographic Clouds and the Development of Precipitation
- Aerosol/cloud Base Droplet Size Distribution Characteristics and the Onset of Coalescence in Shallow and Deep Convective Clouds
- Air-sea enthalpy fluxes and evidence of spray effects within tropical cyclones
- Airborne Eddy Covariance Fluxes Provide Novel Constraints on Sources and Sinks of Reactive Gases in the Planetary Boundary Layer
- Airborne Observations of BrO and HOBr by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) during CONTRAST (CONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics)
- Airborne Observations of Enhanced Marine Boundary Layer Carbon Monoxide over Remote Tropical Oceans
- An Aircraft And Radar Based Analysis Of Cloud And Precipitation Microphysics In Mid-Latitude Continental Clouds
- An Albedo-Ice Regression Method for Determining Ice Water Content of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from UV Observations
- An Analysis of Deep Convective Transport in May 21, 2012 DC3 Alabama Thunderstorms Using Results from WRF-Chem Simulations
- An Examination of Satellite Aerosol Product Assimilation in an Aerosol Transport Model Using Ensemble Versus Variational Methods
- An Overview of Ozone and Precursor Temporal and Spatial Variability in DISCOVER-AQ Study Regions
- An efficient hierarchical compression scheme for array-oriented climate data
- An investigation of terrain effects on the global kinetic energy spectra using an idealized test case
- Analyses of fire growth and behavior using new VIIRS 375 m active fire data and a coupled weather-fire model (CAWFE)
- Analysis of the Evolution of the Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere over the Past Three Decades: Comparisons of Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations with In-situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- Anisotropic Mesoscale Eddy Transport in Ocean General Circulation Models
- Assessing and correcting spatial representativeness of tower eddy-covariance flux measurements
- Assessing short to medium range ensemble streamflow forecast approaches in small to medium scale watersheds across CONUS
- Assessing the Assessment Methods: Climate Change and Hydrologic Impacts
- Assessing the Parameterization of Nitric Oxide Emissions By Lightning in a Chemical Transport Model with Nitric Acid Columns from the IASI Satellite Instrument
- Assessment of IASI CO and MOPITT CO Data Assimilation in CAM-Chem.
- Assessment of Modeling Capability for Reproducing Storm Impacts on TEC
- Assessment of Two Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes (ACM2 and YSU) within the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model
- Assessment of the GECKO-A Modeling Tool and Simplified 3D Model Parameterizations for SOA Formation
- Atmospheric Composition Monitoring with MOPITT and IASI: CO, a Tracer of Pollution
- Atmospheric Rivers in the CESM: Validation, Connections to Extreme Precipitation, and Projections for the Future
- Attracting Students Into Science: Insights From a Summer Research Internship Program for Community College Students in Colorado
- Attribution of Uhi Intensity for Cities in North America
- Avoided Impacts in Ensembles of Tropical Cyclone Damage Potential
- Avoiding Drought Risks and Social Conflict Under Climate Change
- Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-Atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Compared to TES and IASI Observations
- Beyond the climate envelope: using trait filtering models to predict biome boundaries from plant physiology.
- Biogenic Emissions of Light Alkenes from a Coniferous Forest
- Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Vegetation and Paper Mills in the Southeast United States during the SENEX (Southeast Nexus) Campaign in 2013
- Bjerknes-like Compensation Between Eddy Components of Meridional Heat Transport in the Wintertime North Pacific
- Boundary layer stability acts to ballast the mass of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Bounds on the performance of particle filters
- BrO in the Tropical and Subtropical UTLS: Longitudinal Gradients over the Pacific Ocean
- Building an Explicit Representation of Sub-Grid Variability with Subcolumns in CAM
- CESM-simulated 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Changes in Large Scale Crop Water Requirements and Yields
- Carbon Isotopes in the Ocean Model of the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Categorizing Ice Crystals Using Airborne APR-2 and HVPS Observations during GCPEx
- CentNet—A deployable 100-station network for surface exchange research
- Challenges and Solutions for Simulating Drought-Caused Tree Mortality in Earth System Models
- Challenges and opportunities for remote sensing of air quality: Insights from DISCOVER-AQ
- Challenges in Analyzing and Representing Cloud Microphysical Data Measured with Airborne Cloud Probes
- Changes of the Ionosphere Caused By the Interaction Between the Quasi-Two-Day Wave and Tides
- Characteristics of Precipitation Event Life Cycles in the Tropical Western Pacific (TWP)
- Chemical Gradient and Inter-hemispheric Distribution of Selected Organic Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over the Western Pacific
- Climate Change and Mountain Community Fire Management in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Climate Change and the Permafrost Carbon Feedback
- Climate Simulations Using the Community Atmosphere Model Coupled with a Multi-Variate PDF-Based Cloud Scheme
- Climatic controls on the isotopic composition and availability of soil nitrogen in mountainous tropical forests
- Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Triggered by Strong Aerosol Emissions in the Arctic
- Coastal Downscaling Experiments: Can CESM Fields Successfully Force Regional Coastal Ocean Simulations with Strong Freshwater Forcing?
- Coherent Changes of Northern and Eastern Equatorial Africa Rainfall during the Last Deglaciation
- Comparing CLM and CLM-ED as a basis for representing carbon cycling dynamics in a Central Amazonian forest
- Comparing Cirrus Cloud Formation and Evolution Using in Situ Aircraft Observations and a Cloud Resolving Model
- Comparison With In-Situ Observations and Model Improvements of Ice Cloud Properties Simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5)
- Comparison of Multi-fluid Lyon Fedder Mobarry global magnetosphere simulations with observations
- Comparison of airborne and ground based measurements and the relationships between microphysical parameters from GCPEx
- Comparisons Between TIME-GCM/MERRA Simulations and LEO Satellite Observations
- Composition and the Winter Anomaly
- Constraining CO Emissions Using MOPITT, TES, and OMI Satellite Retrievals
- Constraining snow model choices in a transitional snow environment with intensive observations
- Constraining the Parameterization of Polar Inertia Gravity Waves in WACCM with Observations
- Convection Electric Field Patterns for Quiet and Disturbed Periods
- Convective Momentum Transport Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation Based on Reanalysis Dataset
- Coronal Eruptions in Simulations of Magnetic Flux Emergence from the Convection Zone
- Coupling and Correlation-analysis Between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres' Solar Cycle Features based on Sunspot Area Data
- DART: Tools and Support for Ensemble Data Assimilation Research, Operations, and Education
- Daily Temperature Records in a Warming Climate
- Data Curation in the Long Tail of Science: Preparing Community Land Model Validation Data for Reuse and Preservation
- Decadal Potential Predictability of Soil Water, Vegetation, and Wildfire Frequency over North America
- Deforestation fires versus understory fires in the Amazon Basin: What can we learn from satellite-based CO measurements?
- Deposition fluxes of oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) above FLONA Tapajós in central Amazon rainforest, Brazil.
- Design of an Autonomous Polarized Raman Lidar for Arctic Observations
- Determination of stratospheric and anthropogenic contributions to enhanced mid-tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> in the tropical western Pacific
- Determining the Contribution of Measured New Particle Formation on Aerosol Size Distributions During the SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS Campaign
- Developing a Forward Model of Encrusting Coralline Algae
- Developing a Spatial Model to Examine Rainfall Extremes in Colorado's Front Range
- Development of High-Resolution Regolith Thickness and Topographic Datasets for Regional/Global Land-Surface Modeling
- Development of an Ensemble Gridded Hydrometeorological Forcing Dataset over the Contiguous United States
- Development of large-ensemble hydrology simulations in support of water resources planning and management
- Diagnosing the Transport of Pollution to the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere using Aura Microwave Limb Sounder Measurements of Methyl Chloride and Other Trace Gases
- Diagnosis of Insidious Data Disasters
- Discovering New Global Climate Patterns: Curating a 21-Year High Temporal (Hourly) and Spatial (40km) Resolution Reanalysis Dataset
- Distributions and Correlations of Organic Trace Gases in the Western Pacific Atmosphere
- Dynamical Adjustment of Surface Air Temperature Fields from Large Initial-Condition Ensemble Simulations: Ensemble Spread and Multi-Decadal Trend Attribution
- Dynamical Conditions of Ice Supersaturation and Cirrus Clouds in the Extratropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Dynamical influences on thermospheric composition: implications for semi-empirical models
- Dynamics of Resolved Turbulence in Large Eddy Simulations of Hurricanes
- ENSO and its Precursor simulated by UNICON with CESM1
- EarthCube - Earth System Bridge: Spanning Scientific Communities with Interoperable Modeling Frameworks
- Effect of photolysis on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation and lifetime
- Effects of Chemical Aging on Global Secondary Organic Aerosol using the Volatility Basis Set Approach
- Effects of Meteorological Variability on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System during the Moderate Geomagnetic Disturbed January 2013 Period As Simulated By Time-GCM
- Efficacy and cloud impacts of SO2 injections in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
- Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Northern Ecosystems - Observations and Models
- Ensemble Assimilation Using Three First-Principles Thermospheric Models as a Tool for 72-hour Density and Satellite Drag Forecasts
- Ensemble Ionospheric Total Electron Content Forecasting during Storms
- Equatorial Pacific Coral Geochemical Records Show Recent Weakening of the Walker Circulation
- Errors in the Simulated Heat Budget of CGCMs in the Eastern Part of the Tropical Oceans
- Estimating the Role of Natural Variability in Climate Change Using Observations
- Estimating the importance of multi-phase processing on secondary organic aerosol based on a functional-group resolving volatility basis set approach
- Estimating the relative contributions of human withdrawals and climate variability to changes in groundwater
- Evaluating Lossy Data Compression on Climate Simulation Data within a Large Ensemble
- Evaluating National Weather Service Seasonal Forecast Products in Reservoir Operation Case Studies
- Evaluating Recharge Estimates of three LSMs across the Western U.S.
- Evaluating the ENSO Impact on Last Millennium Megadroughts Using Improved Coral Forward Models
- Evaluation of Biogenic and Fire Emissions in a Global Chemistry Model with NOMADSS, DC3 and SEAC4RS observations
- Evaluation of Experimental Models for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting in Support of the NOAA Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project (HFIP)
- Evaluation of Intercontinental Transport of Ozone Using Full-tagged, Tagged-N and Sensitivity Methods
- Evaluation of a High-Resolution Regional Climate Ensemble
- Evaluation of a Regional Climate Ensemble using Self-Organizing Maps
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Examination of Climate Simulations Across Spatial Resolutions and their Representation of the Continental High Temperature Bias over North America
- Examining In-Cloud Convective Turbulence in Relation to Total Lightning and the 3D Wind Field of Severe Thunderstorms
- Examining the Oxidative Capacity of the Troposphere in the Remote Tropical Western Pacific Using Measurements from CONTRAST
- Exploring Variable and Uniform Resolution Modeling Approaches Using Global MPAS-A Aquaplanet Simulations: Sensitivity to Specification of Equatorial Channel
- Extending the Satellite Data Record of Tropospheric Ozone Profiles from Aura-TES to MetOp-IASI
- Extrapolating Solar Dynamo Models Throughout the Heliosphere
- Extreme Water Levels in Bangladesh: Past Trends, Future Projections and their Impact on Mortality
- FTIR measurements of biomass burning species in the Arctic
- First Airborne PTR-ToF-MS Measurements of VOCs in a Biomass Burning Plume: Primary Emissions and Aging
- Fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes emitted by Tapajos National Forest, eastern central Amazonian rainforest, Santarem-PA, Brazil
- Fluxes of reactive trace gases from Tapajos forest: Upwind precursor emissions to complement the GoAmazon campaign.
- Forests, Snow, and Change: How Modeling History Is Shaping Our Predictions for the Future
- Future Changes in Snowpack over North America from NARCCAP
- Gaussian vs non-Gaussian turbulence: impact on wind turbine loads
- Generalized Continental Scale Hydrologic Model Parameter Estimates: Application to a VIC model implementation for the Contiguous United States (CONUS)
- Generation of Gridded Daily Weather Ensembles for Decision Support in the Argentine Pampas
- Global Changes in Stratospheric Composition: Aura MLS and Past Measurements versus Models
- Global Distribution of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Volume Mixing Ratio in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Long-Term Changes Observed By Saber
- Global Famine after a Regional Nuclear War
- Global Monsoon Variability in the CESM1-CAM5 Last Millennium Ensemble
- Global Observations of Thermospheric Lunar Tidal Winds
- Global Radiative-Convective Equilibrium in the Community Atmosphere Model: Understanding Model Sensitivities
- Global Warming or Global Cooling in the Holocene?
- Gravity Wave Detection from Hirdls
- Gravity Wave Effects in the Thermosphere - What Will the GOLD Imager See?
- Ground Magnetic Manifestations of Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling by Planetary Waves
- Groundwater and surface water scaling over the continental US using a hyperresolution, integrated hydrologic model.
- Heating of the Sunlit Polar Cap Ionosphere by Reflected Photoelectrons
- Helium as a Dynamical Tracer in the Thermosphere
- Hemispheric Asymmetry and Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Composition
- Hemispheric Effects in Ionospheric Plasma Convection and Irregularity Occurrence
- High HONO concentrations in aged biomass burning plumes in NOMADSS campaign
- High Levels of Molecular Chlorine found in the Arctic Atmosphere
- Hiwind Balloon Fabry-Perot Interferometer Measurements Show the Importance of the Solar Wind Influence on Thermospheric Density and Wind Models at Quiet Times
- How Important Is Snowmelt Input for Runoff during Rain-on-Snow Floods over the Western U.S. Mountains?
- How Seasonal Variations of High Latitude Total Ozone are Controlled by Transport Barriers
- How Strong is the Case for Geostationary Hyperspectral Sounders?
- How much did the N. American ice sheet contribute to the Meltwater Pulse 1a sea level rise event ?
- How to Establish the Scientific Value of Multiple GCM-RCM Simulation Programs: An Example from NARCCAP
- Hydroclimate Variability in the Southwestern US Since the Last Interglacial: Insights From Cave Paleodata and Process Studies
- Hydrologic controls on the permafrost carbon-climate feedback
- IO in the Lower Stratosphere and Vertical Profiles over the Tropical Eastern and Western Pacific
- Impact of Radiatively Active Trace Gases on Long-Term Changes in the Middle Atmosphere
- Impact of Variable-Resolution Meshes on Regional Climate Simulations
- Improvements in Satellite-Derived Short-Term Insolation Forecasting: Statistical Comparisons, Challenges for Advection-Based Forecasts, and New Techniques
- Inferring Mountain Basin Precipitation from Streamflow Observations Using Bayesian Model Calibration
- Influence of Dynamics and Chemistry on the Diurnal Variation of VOCs in the Planetary Boundary Layer above a Mixed Forest Canopy in the Southeastern United States
- Influence of Physics Parameterizations and Ocean Coupling on Simulations of Tropical Cyclones using a Regional Climate Model (WRF) and a Coupled Modeling System (COAWST)
- Initialized Decadal Climate Predictions of the Observed Early-2000s Hiatus of Global Warming
- Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
- Insights Into Precipitation Processes As Revealed By Profiling Radar, Disdrometer and Aircraft Observations During The MC3E Campaign.
- Intensification of Climate-Carbon Feedbacks after 2100 and Implications for Disturbance Regimes
- Interactions of future climate, carbon dioxide, and ozone change crop and forest productivity and water use
- Interglacial Climate from Deglaciation to Glacial Inception
- Interhemispheric asymmetry of ionospheric conductance and neutral dynamics
- Internal Variability Limits the Predictability of a Summer Ice-Free Arctic
- Interoperable Access to NCAR Research Data Archive Collections
- Interpreting Aerosol Sources and Seasonality over the Southeast United States with the GEOS-Chem Model: Lessons from the SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Investigating Climate Responses to Large Volcanic Eruptions in an Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations
- Investigating SOA from alpha-pinene ozonolysis with the GECKO modeling tool.
- Investigating fire emissions and smoke transport during the Summer of 2013 using an operational smoke modeling system and chemical transport model
- Ionospheric Density Enhancements at Low and Middle Latitudes during Superstorms Observed from Multiple Satellites
- Ionospheric Poynting Flux and Joule Heating Modeling Challenge: Latest Results and New Models.
- Isohaline Salinity Budget of the North Atlantic Salinity Maximum
- Isoprene and their oxidation products in the rural atmosphere of the Amazon during the GoAmazon campaign
- Joint Bias Correction of Multiple Climate Model Outputs for Impacts
- Key Signatures in the Barotropic Vorticity Budget within Ocean Western Boundary Currents : Understanding the Gulf Stream Pathway
- Land-Use/Land Cover Change as Driver of Earth System Dynamics: past progress, future priorities, and new data and models for advancing the science
- Land-atmosphere interactions in a changing climate: An overview of the GLACE-CMIP5 experiment
- Large Eddy Simulation of Wind Turbine Wake Dynamics in the Stable Boundary Layer Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Large-scale anisotropy in stably stratified rotating flows
- Light-Weight Parallel Python Tools for Climate Model Workflows
- Limited Effect of Anthropogenic Nitrogen Oxides on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Linkages between the Madden Julian Oscillation, process-level diagnostics and GCM parameterization behavior in YOTC simulations
- Linking Tropical Forest Function to Hydraulic Traits in a Size-Structured and Trait-Based Model
- Links Between the Amundsen Sea Low and the Sea Ice Variability in the Ross Sea.
- Long-term Terrestrial Carbon and Water Cycle Responses to Projected Climate Change Beyond 2100
- Longitudinal and Hemispheric Variations of Nighttime E-Layer Electron Density in the Auroral Zone
- Low Ozone and High Mixing Ratios of Long-Lived Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer over the Western Pacific
- MLT Dynamics Related to Major Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
- MOPITT Products and Their Growing Scientific Impact
- Measurements of Flow Distortion within the CSAT3 Sonic Anemometer
- Measurements of Light Absorbing Particles on Tropical South American Glaciers
- Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation and Chemistry Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014 and Other Campaigns
- Measurements of the Aerosol Size Distribution Down to 1 Nanometer to Investigate Aerosol Nucleation and Initial Growth During the GoAmazon Campaign
- Mechanisms for the formation and growth of nanometer-sized particles in the Amazon: New insights from GoAmazon2014 and the Tapajos Upwind Forest Flux Study (TUFFS).
- Mesoscale organization in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM)
- Microphysical Simulations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds Compared with Calipso and MLS Observations
- Microphysics of Amazonian aerosol under pristine condition and the impact from the Manaus urban plume observed during the GoAmazon campaign
- Mid Latitude Thermospheric and Ionospheric Observations during the Stratospheric Warming in 2013
- Mitigation of hurricane potential intensity by the Montreal Protocol
- Model Evaluation of Aerosol Wet Scavenging in Deep Convective Clouds Based on Observations Collected during the DC3 Campaign
- Model Simulations of the Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of the Global Electric Circuit Using a Consistent 3D Model Framework
- Model evaluation using a community benchmarking system for land surface models
- Modeling the Formation of Tropical Rings of Atomic Bromine and Iodine
- Multi-Decadal Global Cooling and Unprecedented Ozone Loss Following a Regional Nuclear Conflict
- Multi-Frequency Radar and Microwave Radiometer Simulations of Surface Snowfall Events from GCPEx: Synergistic Application of In-Situ Microphysics Observations with Modeled Ice Scattering Properties
- Multi-Resolution Assimilative Analysis of High-Latitude Ionospheric Convection in both Hemispheres
- Multicloud parametrization of mesoscale convective systems for the ITCZ
- NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory's Data Tracking System
- NCAR Global Climate Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation (CFDDA) Hourly 40 km Reanalysis: a high-resolution dynamically downscaled climatography
- NCAR's Research Data Archive: OPeNDAP Access for Complex Datasets
- NOAA Utilization of the Global Hawk Unmanned Aircraft for Atmospheric Research and Forecast Improvement
- Nanoparticle composition at a rural U.S. forest site: evidence for diverse sources
- Newly Implemented Snow-Vegetation Representation in the Community Land Model
- Noah-MP-CROP: an integrated atmosphere-crop-soil modeling system for regional agro-climatic assessments.
- Numerical Study of Urbanization Effect on 2012 Heavy Storm Precipitation in Beijing
- Objective Identification of Atmospheric Rivers, and Implications for Extreme Precipitation at the Basin Scale
- Observations of Melting-Layer Microphysical Processes
- Observations of Wind Asymmetries in Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
- Observations of a stratospheric depletion and annual mean interhemispheric gradient in the atmospheric Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> ratio from the HIPPO Global campaign
- Observations of mesospheric nitric oxide and ozone variability above Halley station, Antarctica
- Observed High-altitude Warming and Snow Cover Retreat over Tibet and the Himalayas Enhanced by Black Carbon
- Observing BVOC Emissions, Oxidation, Deposition, and Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollutants to Form SOA in the Southeast United States
- On the Attribution of Tropospheric Ozone Variability
- On the Size of the Cosmic Dust Input to the Earth's Atmosphere
- Optimizing global CO concentrations and emissions based on DART/CAM-CHEM
- Organic Halogen and Hydrocarbon Distributions During SEAC4RS Measured from the ER-2 and DC-8.
- Organic Halogen and Related Trace Gases in the Tropical Atmosphere: Results from Recent Airborne Campaigns Over the Pacific
- Ozone Bioindicator Gardens: an Educational Tool to Raise Awareness about Environmental Pollution and its Effects on Living Systems
- Ozone Production Efficiency in the Baltimore-Washington Urban Plume
- Ozone variability in the troposphere and the stratosphere from six years of IASI observations (2008-2013)
- PC/CIC: A Tandem 3U CubeSat Mission for Global Cloud Ice Mass Measurement
- Parameter estimation and data assimilation with the Community Land Model (CLM) to upscale net CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from plot to catchment scale
- Parametric Behaviors of CLUBB in Simulation of Low Clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5)
- Particle Formation in the Upper Troposphere as a Source of Aerosol in the Northern mid-Latitudes
- Patterns in Polar Climate Change: How Well Do GCMs Capture Melt-Season Variability?
- Performance evaluation of CESM in simulating the dust cycle
- Phenomenology of the low-latitude ionosphere during northern winter and association with sudden stratospheric warmings
- Photochemical Control of the Distribution of Water and Sulphuric Acid Aerosols in the Clouds and Upper Haze of Venus with Comparison to Venus Express SOIR Observations
- Population exposure to heat-related extremes: Demographic change vs climate change
- Preparing CAM-SE for Multi-Tracer Applications: CAM-SE-Cslam
- Progress and Challenges in Coupled Ice-Sheet/Climate Modeling with CESM
- Progress and Priorities of the US AMOC Program
- Properties of Mlso MK3 White-Light CMEs from 1989-1996
- Providing a Fuller Characterization of Uncertainty in Climate Impact Assessments to Better Inform Local-to-Regional Scale Decisions in the Water Resources Sector
- Quantifying Livestock Heat Stress Impacts in the Sahel
- Quantifying the Influence of Biomass Burning on Measurement Sites in the Western U.S.
- Rapid Intensification as Seen in the WRF-JONR Hurricane Nature Runs
- Rate Coefficient Determinations for the Reaction of Br-Atoms with a Series of Oxygenated VOCs
- Realtime Prediction in Disturbed Landscapes: Identifying Highest Priority Disturbance Characteristics Impacting Streamflow Response in a CONUS-Scale Operational Model
- Recent Developments and Applications of the WRF-Hydro Modeling System for Continental Scale Water Cycle Predictions
- Reconstructing meridional flow speed variation from synthetic magnetic observations by using EnKF data assimilation
- Regional Climate Model Projection Credibility for the North American Monsoon
- Representing surface and subsurface hydrology at hyperresolution for Earth system models: Development of a hybrid 3-D approach
- Requirements analysis for remote sensing of carbon-climate feedbacks
- Review of Mitigation Costs for Stabilizing Greenhouse Gas Concentrations
- Role of Wet Scavenging of HO<SUB>x</SUB> Precursors in DC3 Oklahoma and Alabama Thunderstorms as Determined Using Aircraft Observations and Results from WRF-Chem Simulations
- Role of forced and internal variability in Pacific sea-level trends
- Satellite Based Analysis of Carbon Monoxide Levels Over Alberta Oil Sand
- Satellite Observations of the Epic California Drought
- Scale- and Aerosol-Aware Kain-Fritsch Convection Parameterization: Formulations and Tests
- Sensing winter soil respiration dynamics in near-real time
- Sensitivity Analysis of the Land Surface Model NOAH-MP for Different Model Fluxes
- Sensitivity of Low-Latitude Ionospheric Convection in the Evening to E-Region Conductivity
- Sensitivity of summer ensembles of super-parameterized US mesoscale convective systems to cloud resolving model microphysics and resolution
- Sensitivity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone to land surface processes and vegetation distributions in California
- Shaping Meridional Circulation in Solar and Stellar Convection Zones
- Simulating an Evolving Mixed-Phase Cloud-topped Boundary Layer with SHOC (Simplified Higher-Order Closure)
- Simulating the effect of glacial sea level changes on Indo-Pacific climate
- Smoke plume impacts on photolysis frequencies during SEAC4RS
- Sodium lidar observed gravity wave breaking event and its associated significant sodium sporadic layer
- Soil Hydraulic Properties Modeled from Meter to Kilometer Scales Based on in Situ and SMOS Soil Moisture Data
- Sonic Anemometer Vertical Wind Speed Measurement Errors
- Source Attribution of Near-surface Ozone in the Western US: Improved Estimates by TF HTAP2 Multi-model Experiment and Multi-scale Chemical Data Assimilation
- Sources of Black Carbon Aerosols in South Asia and Surrounding Regions During the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, Gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB)
- Sources of Ozone in the Free Troposphere in Houston During DISCOVER-AQ 2013
- Sources, properties, aging, and anthropogenic influences on OA and SOA over the Southeast US and the Amazon during SOAS, DC3, SEAC4RS, and GoAmazon
- Southern Hemisphere climate trends skewed by coarse temporal resolution of specified stratospheric ozone
- Spatial Distributions and Source Characterization of Trace Organic Gases during SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS and Comparison to DC3
- Spatial distributions of trace organic species: Results from the TORERO and CONTRAST airborne campaigns with the interpretation aided by the CAM-Chem 3D chemistry climate model
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Trace Gases in the San Joaquin Valley during DISCOVER-AQ.
- Storm-Time Behaviors of the Thermospheric O/N2 and NO Variations
- Stratospheric Injection of Bromine from Very Short Lived (VSL) Sources Inferred from CONTRAST
- Stray light corrections to actinic flux measurements during CONTRAST
- Streamflow forecasting and data assimilation: bias in precipitation, soil moisture states, and groundwater fluxes.
- Summer polar mesosphere and lower thermosphere response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- Supporting ITM Missions by Observing System Simulation Experiments: Initial Design, Challenges and Perspectives
- Surface Radiation Budget Variability at Climatic Time Scales
- Temperature Extremes and Associated Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns in NARCCAP Regional Climate Models: Towards a framework for generalized model evaluation
- Temperature and Precipitation Extremes in the United States: Quantifying the Responses to Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- Testing Connections between Campanian Ignimbrite Volcanism, Climate, and the Final Decline of the Neanderthals
- The Bidirectional Exchange of VOCs between a Mixed Forest and the Atmosphere in the Southeast US
- The CESM Last Millennium Ensemble: Tropical Response to the Samalas, Kuwae and Tambora Eruptions
- The CONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) Experiment
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory (COSMO)
- The Costs of Climate Change: Impact of Future Snow Cover Projections on Valuation of Albedo in Forest Management
- The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Field Experiment
- The Effect of Moderate Rotation on Stratified Turbulence
- The Engineering for Climate Extremes Partnership
- The Evaporative Demand Drought Index: The Physical Basis.
- The Evolution of NSF Arctic Data Management: Challenges and Lessons Learned after Two Decades of Support
- The Global Influence of Southern Ocean Shortwave Radiation Biases
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The Influence of Land Cover Characterization on Emissions Estimates from the Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN)
- The Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model
- The International Data Sharing Challenge: Realities and Lessons Learned from International Field Projects and Data Analysis Efforts
- The Madden-Julian Oscillation in the NCAR Community Earth System Model Coupled Data Assimilation System
- The PlioMIP and PRISM Projects: Mid- and High-Latitude Warmth during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- The Relative Roles of Dynamics and Energetic Particle Precipitation in Driving Variability of High-Latitude Mesospheric NOx
- The Response of Thermospheric Winds to Geomagnetic Storms and Its Solar Cycle Dependence
- The Response of Trade-wind Clouds to a Changing Environment: Why Climate Model Cloud Feedbacks Might Differ from Nature?
- The Separation of Simple and Complex Ice Particles Based on Aircraft Observations
- The Stratospheric Contribution to Tropospheric Ozone Variability and Trends
- The Structure and Dynamics of Coherent Vortices in the Eyewall Boundary Layer of Tropical Cyclones
- The atmospheric composition geostationary satellite constellation for air quality and climate science: Evaluating performance with Observation System Simulation Experiments
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- The impact of projected Arctic sea ice loss on the Tropics: the role of ocean dynamics
- The influence of local circulations on vertical profiles of NO2 and O3 at semi-rural sites during DISCOVER-AQ campaigns in California, Texas, and Colorado
- The role of ice-ocean inertia in representing the impact of storms on sea ice in fully coupled Earth System Models
- There's an Elephant in the Room! How Talking Around Climate Can Be More Effective Than Talking About Climate
- Tidal Response of the Ionosphere/Thermosphere System to ENSO and Qbo
- Timescales and Magnitude of Internal Variability in Surface Ocean pCO<SUB>2</SUB>: 1975-2036
- To the Geoportal and Beyond! Preparing the Earth Observing Laboratory's Datasets for Inter-Repository Discovery
- Toward Exa-Scale Computing in CAM-SE
- Toward Improved Off-Shore Wind Predictions by Combining Observations with Models through State Estimation - An Analysis of Marine Boundary Layer Parameterizations
- Toward a Better Characterization of Aerosols, Clouds, and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Climate Modeling through Increasing Horizontal Resolution
- Toward a Simple Probabilistic GCM Emulator for Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts
- Towards guided data assimilation for operational hydrologic forecasting in the US Tennessee River basin
- Towards understanding implications of urbanization for regional and global climate in the GFDL Earth System Modeling framework
- Tracking anthropogenic influence on isoprene chemistry over Amazonia
- Transport of Formaldehyde to the Upper Troposphere In Deep Convective Storms During the 2012 DC3 Study
- Tropical Pacific Variability and its Influence on Twenty-First Century Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Tropical and Subtropical Low Clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model using a PDF Cloud Parameterization
- Tropospheric HONO Distribution and Chemistry in the Southeastern U.S.
- Trouble Upstairs: Reconstructing Permian-Triassic Climate during Siberian Traps Magmatism
- Turbulence and Heating in the Side and Wake Regions of Coronal Mass Ejection in the Low Corona
- Ultraviolet Absorption by Secondary Organic Aerosols
- Uncertainty in Climate Change Projections due to Internal Variability
- Understanding and Prediction of Convective Transport, Scavenging, and Lightning-Produced Nitrogen Oxides Based on DC3 Thunderstorm Cases
- Understanding regional variations in TWS in Eurasia using GRACE time variable gravity data and CLM 4.5 output products
- Understanding the 2013 Boulder Flood: Assessing Extreme Precipitation Events and Future Climates in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Unidata's Vision for Transforming Geoscience by Moving Data Services and Software to the Cloud
- Updated Chemical, Radiative, and Transport Properties of Thermospheric Odd Nitrogen
- Updates in the Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs)-Double Fourier Series (DFS) Dynamical Core
- Updates to the contribution of VSL species to stratospheric Br<SUB>y</SUB>
- Urban-Scale Boundary Layer and Lower Free Tropospheric Ozone Variability in Houston During DISCOVER-AQ (September 2013)
- Use of a Regionally-Refined Model for Simulations of North American Climate
- Using NPMR to forecast fire season severity for the state of Oregon
- Using the Annual Cycle to Understand Climate Model Biases in Trade-wind Clouds
- Utilizing LiDAR Datasets From Experimental Watersheds to Advance Ecohydrological Understanding in Seasonally Snow-Covered Forests
- Variability and trends in UTLS temperatures and water vapor
- Variability in Pacific trade winds inferred from coral Mn/Ca: Implications for the rate of global warming
- Variability of O<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Profile Shapes during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011
- Variable-Resolution Ensemble Climatology Modeling of Sierra Nevada Snowpack within the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Variable-Resolution Global Atmospheric Simulations Bridging the Hydrostatic and Nonhydrostatic Regimes
- Variations of nighttime enhancement in neutral and ion temperatures
- Venus Then and Now: Simulating Sulfuric Acid Clouds Using Latitudinally Dependent VIRA and VeRA Temperature Profiles
- Vertical Distributions of Cloud Water Content Associated with Different Cloud Types as Observed by A-Train Satellites
- Vertical Profiles of Ammonia in the Colorado Front Range: Impacts of Source Region and Meteorology
- Vertical Redistribution of Halogenated Very Short-Lived Substances by Midlatitude Convective Storms During the DC3 Field Campaign
- Waves and Magnetism in the Solar Atmosphere (WAMIS)
- Which forcing data errors matter most when modeling seasonal snowpacks?
- Why were Past North Atlantic Warming Conditions Associated with Drier Climate in the Western United States?
- Wind increase over cooling Southern Ocean driven by tropical warming and polar ozone hole
- Zero-D to One-D: Challenges and implications of considering vertical soil C profiles in Earth System Models
- 'Pliocene Climates: The Nature of the Problem' Revisited
- A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas
- A Hybrid Framework for Improving NMME Precipitation Forecasts
- A Novel, Physics-Based Data Analytics Framework for Reducing Systematic Model Errors
- A Reduced Complexity Framework for Evaluating Convection at High-Resolutions
- A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading
- A Regional View of Easterly Waves over Pacific and Atlantic Ocean: Tropical Cyclogenesis Thresholds and Rainfall
- A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges
- A Self-Organizing Map-Based Approach to Generating Reduced-Size, Statistically Similar Climate Datasets
- A Simple Method for Simulating Tropical-Cyclone Boundary Layers
- A Systematic Assessment of the Relationship Between the Complexity and Fidelity of Hydrological Models
- A global scale mechanistic model of the photosynthetic capacity
- A new Ensemble Consistency Test for the Community Earth System Model
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
- Abrupt Climate Change Caused by Global Fires from a Large Meteor Impact
- Advances in Fast-response Acoustically Derived Air-temperature Measurements
- Advances in Simulating Large-scale Water Cycle Processes in the Community Land Model Version 5.0
- Advancing the cyberinfrastructure for sustaining high resolution, real-time streamflow and flood forecasts at a national scale
- Aerosol Characterisitics Over Alberta Using Modis and OMI Satellite Data
- Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A.
- Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- Alignment of Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Sensors at Sloped Sites: An Integrated Strategy
- Allowances for evolving coastal flood risk under uncertain local sea-level rise
- An Airborne Mission to Study Background Sulfur and Prepare for a Rapid Response to a Large Volcanic Eruption
- An Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor in the MERRA-2 Reanalysis: Comparisons with MLS and In Situ Water Vapor Measurements
- An Assessment of the Cirrus Cloud Representation in the Tropical Tropopause Layer of the CAM5/CARMA Model Through Comparisons With ATTREX 3 and CALIPSO Observations
- An Evaluation of Snow Initializations for NCEP Global and Regional Forecasting Models
- An Extensible Global Land Data Assimilation System Based on NCAR's Community Land Model (CLM) and Data Assimilation Research Testbed
- An Inter-comparative Study of the Effects of Aircraft on Surface Air Quality
- An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign
- Analog Ensemble Methodology: Expansion and Optimization for Renewable Energy Applications
- Analysis of Variability in Formaldehyde and Ozone Column Densities
- Analysis of the Impact of Wildfire on Surface Ozone Record in the Colorado Front Range
- Analysis of the efficiency of the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Marginal and Joint Posteriors
- Analyzing the Grell-Freitas Convection Scheme from Hydrostatic to Non-Hydrostatic Scales Within a Global Modeling Framework
- Anelastic and Compressible Simulation of Moist Dynamics at Planetary Scales
- Annual cycle of wave driving in the tropical tropopause layer
- Applying Causal Discovery to the Output of Climate Models - What Can We Learn from the Causal Signatures?
- Applying an economical scale-aware PDF-based turbulence closure model in NOAA NCEP GCMs.
- Assessing Climate Change under Future Warming Scenarios with Improved Canopy Snow Representation in CESM
- Assessing Information Quality: Use Cases for the Data Stewardship Maturity Matrix
- Assessing Ozone Chemistry Using Observations of Alkyl Nitrates during Summer in Colorado
- Assessing the Contribution of Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity to Coral δ18O using a Weighted Forward Model
- Assessment of large-scale water storage dynamics in the Community Land Model
- Assimilative Mapping of Interhemispheric Polar Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Atmospheric Organic Gases from Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities: Analysis and Modeling
- Atmospheric Rivers in the Mid-latitudes: A Modeling Study for Current and Future Climates
- Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Using TES and IASI Observations
- Benchmarking and improving microbial-explicit soil biogeochemistry models
- Big Data and Big Models: Using NEON Data to Inform the Community Land Model
- Black Carbon Emissions and Impacts on the South American Glacial Region
- Bridging the Gap Between Climate Science and Water-resource Applications
- Bridging the knowledge gap between Big Data producers and consumers
- CAM-SE-CSLAM: Consistent finite-volume transport with spectral-element dynamics
- Calibration and Validation of Aqua AIRS and AMSU Measurements using COSMIC Global Positioning System Radio Occultation Observations
- Carbon Dioxide and its Stable Isotopes at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
- Carbon Monoxide Data Assimilation for Atmospheric Composition and Climate Science: Evaluating Performance with Current and Future Observations
- Cascading Impacts of Longwave Radiation Uncertainty on Modeled Snowmelt and Summer Evapotranspiration at Mountain Research Sites
- Case Studies of Mixed-phase Winter Orographic Clouds with High Liquid Water Content over Idaho
- Challenges in the Management and Stewardship of Airborne Observational Data at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL)
- Changes in Emissions in Megacities during the Past Decades: Impact on the Distribution of Atmospheric Compounds
- Changes in the global methane budget since 2000
- Changing Trends and Variance in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures over the Twentieth Century
- Changing ocean biogeochemistry in the CESM Large Ensemble
- Characteristics of Wintertime Precipitation in Two Western Wyoming Mountainous Regions
- Characterization and Quantification of Uncertainty in the NARCCAP Regional Climate Model Ensemble and Application to Impacts on Water Systems
- Chasing Perfection: Should We Reduce Model Uncertainty in Carbon Cycle-Climate Feedbacks
- Chemical Response of CESM/CAM-Chem to MOPITT CO Ensemble-based Chemical Data Assimilation
- Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
- Climate change influences on the annual onset of Lyme disease in the United States
- Climate impacts of regional SO2 emissions
- Climatic Effects of Medium-Sized Asteroid Impacts on Land
- Climatology of Dry Layers in the Tropical Troposphere Derived from CONTRAST Observations and GFS Analyses
- Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Clouds and Precipitation Simulated by the US DOE Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME)
- Comparing global soil models to soil carbon profile databases
- Comparison of Ground- and Space-based Radar Observations with Disdrometer Measurements During the PECAN Field Campaign
- Comparison of Measured and WRF-LES Turbulence Statistics in a Real Convective Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain
- Comparison of the Assimilation of Compact Phase Space Retrievals (CPSRs) with Conventional Retrieval Assimilation Methods for MOPITT CO in WRF-Chem/DART
- Comparisons of Anvil Cirrus Spatial Characteristics between Airborne Observations in DC3 Campaign and WRF Simulations
- Conceptual and computational challenges in continental-domain hydrologic model parameter estimation: VIC applications over the contiguous USA
- Conduction Currents in Oceanic and Continental electrified Clouds
- Connecting real-time data to algorithms and databases: EarthCube's Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Constraining Processes Involved with Aerosol Effects on Cloud Radiative Forcing
- Constraints on Anthropogenic NO<SUB>x</SUB> Emissions from Geostationary Satellite Observations in a Regional Chemical Data Assimilation System: Evaluation Using Observing System Simulation Experiments
- Continental river routing model for water resources applications
- Continental-Scale Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Modeling
- Contribution of Fire Emissions to the Global Methane Budget
- Control of Shortwave Radiation Parameterization on Tropical Climate Simulation
- Coronal plasma diagnostics from eclipse observations
- Coupling Eddy Covariance Measurements with Remote Sensing to Upscale Net Carbon Flux Across a Heterogeneous Landscape
- DART: New Research Using Ensemble Data Assimilation in Geophysical Models
- Deepening Thermocline Displaces Salmon Catch On The Oregon Coast
- Dependence of Simulated Tropospheric Ozone Trends on Uncertainties in U.S. Mobile Fleet Emissions.
- Design and Application of a Community Land Benchmarking System for Earth System Models
- Detecting Patterns of Changing Carbon Uptake in Alaska Using Sustained In Situ and Remote Sensing CO2 Observations
- Detection and Attribution of Extreme Temperature and Drought using an Analogue-Based Dynamical Adjustment Technique
- Detection of Amines and Ammonia with an Ambient Pressure Mass Spectrometer using a Corona Discharge Ion Source, in an Urban Atmosphere and in a Teflon Film Chamber
- Determinants of urban resource use and resilience: a comprehensive framework
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- Developing a Validated Long-Term Satellite-Based Albedo Record in the Central Alaska Range to Improve Regional Hydroclimate Reconstructions
- Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
- Development of an Adaptable Display and Diagnostic System for the Evaluation of Tropical Cyclone Forecasts
- Diagnostic testing and evaluation of the community WRF-Hydro Modeling System for national streamflow prediction application
- Diode-Laser-Based Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Long Term Autonomous Field Deployment
- Direct Comparisons of Ice Cloud Macro- and Microphysical Properties Simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 with HIPPO Aircraft Observations
- Dispersion of particles in complex terrain: comparisons between WRF LES and simulations using different PBL schemes
- Does extreme precipitation intensity depend on the emissions scenario?
- Downscaling of reanalysis precipitation data using the analog ensemble method for global and regional reanalysis
- Dry Layers in the Tropical West Pacific as Observed with GPS Radio Occultation and CONTRAST Aircraft Measurements
- EarthCube Integration and Test Environment (ECITE) : An environment to verify, validate, integrate and demonstrate EarthCube technology components
- Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate
- Effect of Wildfire Aerosols on NO<SUB>2</SUB> Photolysis and Ozone Production at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory
- Effect of downscaling methodology on decision-making
- Effects of Gridcell Inundated Fraction Parameterization on CH<SUB>4</SUB> Dynamics in the Community Land Model
- Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere
- Effects of PBL Mixing on Simulated NO<SUB>2</SUB> Profile Shapes in the Coupled WRF/CMAQ Model and Comparison to Observations during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011
- Effects of microphysics, shallow and deep convection on MJO simulations.
- Effects of trans-Eurasian transport of anthropogenic pollutants on surface ozone concentrations over China
- Energy Flow in the Polar F-region Ionosphere-Thermosphere System through an Indirect Momentum-Energy Coupling Mechanism
- Enlisting User Community Perspectives to Inform Development of a Semantic Web Application for Discovery of Cross-Institutional Research Information and Data
- Errors Associated With Measurements from Imaging Probes
- Establishing the Scientific Value of Multiple GCM-RCM Simulation Programs: The Example of NARCCAP
- Estimated Impacts of Emissions Reductions on Wheat and Maize Crops
- Estimating Drag Coefficients for Dense Vegetation Canopies
- Evaluating Consistency in the Ocean Model Component of the Community Earth System Model
- Evaluating the Influence of Entrainment on Surface Ozone in the Colorado Front Range
- Evaluation of Cloud Microphysics Schemes in the WRF Model for a Snowstorm Case with GPM GMI and DPR Measurements
- Evaluation of Meteorology Data for MOPITT Operational Processing
- Evaluation of Statistical Downscaling Skill at Reproducing Extreme Events
- Evaluation of a Remote Sensing Instrument Suite to Measure Gas Columns from a Mobile Laboratory
- Evaluation of a Sub-Grid Topographic Drag Parameterizations for Modeling Surface Wind Speed During Storms Over Complex Terrain in the Northeast U.S.
- Evolution and Forcing Mechanisms of El Niño over the Last 21,000 Years
- Evolution of Fine-scale Penumbral Magnetic Structure and Formation of Penumbral Jets
- Examining the Impact of Prandtl Number and Surface Convection Models on Deep Solar Convection
- Exploring links between biomass burning smoke and tornado likelihood: From regional to large-eddy scale simulations
- Exploring the Interactions among Beetle-induced Changes in Catchment-scale Ecohydrology, Land Surface Fluxes and the Lower Atmosphere with a Coupled Hydrology-Atmospheric Model.
- Exploring the Potential of Snow Data Assimilation to Improve Seasonal Streamflow Prediction Across the Western United States
- Extending ICON-ART - Comparison of Simulations with Aircraft Data in the Tropical and Extra-Tropical UTLS
- Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones in the North Atlantic: Multi-Decadal Climatology and Phase Space Analysis using a Variable-Resolution GCM
- Extreme Updrafts and Wind Speeds Measured by Dropsondes in Tropical Cyclones
- Extremely tall convection: characteristics and controls
- Feature extraction from scientific datasets using Apache Spark
- First synchronous realistic simulations of Antarctic and Greenland SMB in a fully coupled climate model
- Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations
- Formation of Polar Ionospheric Tongue of Ionization during Minor Geomagnetic Disturbed Conditions
- Front-end Evaluation as Part of a Comprehensive Approach to Inform the Development of a New Climate Exhibit at NCAR
- Fusing enhanced radar precipitation, in-situ hydrometeorological measurements and airborne LIDAR snowpack estimates in a hyper-resolution hydrologic model to improve seasonal water supply forecasts
- Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N<SUB>2</SUB>O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
- Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections
- Global Simulations from CAM with a Unified Convection Parameterization using CLUBB and Subcolumns
- Global climate impacts of fixing the Southern Ocean shortwave radiation bias in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
- Graceful Failure, Engineering, and Planning for Extremes: The Engineering for Climate Extremes Partnership (ECEP)
- Hard-coded parameters have the largest impact on fluxes of the land surface model Noah-MP
- High Resolution Climate Modeling of the Water Cycle over the Contiguous United States Including Potential Climate Change Scenarios
- High Resolution Projection of Future Air Quality in South Asia
- High-Spectral Resolution Lidar Observations of Aerosols Between Northern California and Hawaii: Their Optical Properties and Possible Origins Using Back Trajectory Analysis.
- High-resolution regional climate model evaluation using variable-resolution CESM over California
- High-resolution regional climate simulations of precipitation and snowpack over the US northern Rockies in a changing climate
- High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
- How Might Recharge Change Under Projected Climate Change in Western US?
- How can we best use climate information and hydrologic initial conditions to improve seasonal streamflow forecasts?
- How wild is your model fire? Constraining WRF-Chem wildfire smoke simulations with satellite observations
- Hydrogen stable isotopic constraints on methane emissions from oil and gas extraction in the Colorado Front Range, USA
- Hydrologic Modeling at the National Water Center: Operational Implementation of the WRF-Hydro Model to support National Weather Service Hydrology
- Hydroxyl, hydroperoxyl, and OH reactivity during the FIXCIT study in the CalTech environmental chamber in January 2014
- Identifying and Tracing Persistent Identifiers of Research Resources : Automation, Metrics and Analytics
- Identifying ozone production from oil and gas versus urban emissions sources in the Denver Metro Area and North Front Range of Colorado
- Impact of Decreasing Perennial Arctic Sea Ice Extent on Local and Remote Water Masses as Depicted by a 60-Year Forced Global Coupled 0.1° Ocean/Sea Ice Simulation
- Impact of Spatial Resolution and Forcing on the Simulation of Drought and Floods
- Impact of Stochastic Parameterization Schemes on Coupled and Uncoupled Climate Simulations with the Community Earth System Model
- Impact of Stronger Production and Loss Rates of Secondary Organic Aerosols on their Global Distribution and Budget
- Impact of land surface conditions on the predictability of hydrologic processes and mountain-valley circulations in the North American Monsoon region
- Impact of land use and land cover change on climate and air quality in the CESM
- Impacts of Graupel Parameterization on Idealized and Real Case Simulations of Squall Lines
- Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
- Impacts of Ozone-vegetation Interactions and Biogeochemical Feedbacks on Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality Under Climate Change
- Impacts of multi-year La Niña events on persistent drought conditions over the southern US
- Impacts of resolution-dependent physics in aquaplanet simulations
- Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Formation in the Colorado Front Range during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014
- Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA "A Train", NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
- Improvements towards using subgrid CLM output to study land-atmosphere interactions
- Improving streamflow simulations in the Western United States via ensemble snow data assimilation
- Improving subsurface hydrology in Earth System Models
- Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models
- In-Situ Atmospheric Sounding Data Lifecycle from Data Collection, Analysis and Quality Control to Documentation, Archival and Tracking
- In-situ Balloon Measurements of Small Ice Particles in High-Latitude Cirrus
- Incorporating Detailed Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Emissions into Air Quality Models
- Incorporating Excess Ground Ice in the Community Land Model on Projections of Permafrost in a Warming Climate
- Increasing ENSO-Driven Drought and Wildfire Risks in a Warming Climate
- Increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the upper atmosphere observed by SABER
- Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Heat Waves in the Great Plains
- Inferring the unobserved chemical state of the atmosphere: idealized data assimilation experiments
- Influence of ambient water intrusion on the coral reef acidification in the coral-rich western Pacific Ocean
- Influence of the freshwater forcing pathway on the AMOC during 8.2k event
- Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
- Insights into Chemical Transport and Oxidative Processing in the Arctic Springtime
- Insights into Submicron Aerosol Composition and Sources from the WINTER Aircraft Campaign Over the Eastern US.
- Inter-variable relations in regional climate model outputs
- Interactive Ion-Neutral Dynamics in the Low Latitude Evening Ionosphere
- Interplay of Waves and Eddies and Energy Exchange in Rotating Stratified Geophysical Flows
- Ionosphere variability at mid latitudes during sudden stratosphere warmings
- Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) model and its coupling to terrestrial weather toward transitioning to operation
- Ionospheric Effects of Strong El Nino Southern Oscillation Conditions
- Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Katabatically Driven Downslope Windstorm-Type Flows on the Inner Sidewall of Arizona's Barringer Meteorite Crater
- LOTOS: A Proposed Lower Tropospheric Observing System from the Land Surface through the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Land Surface Modeling Applications for Famine Early Warning
- Land-atmosphere interactions at the subgrid scale in a climate model
- Latitudinal and Solar Cycle Variability of Thermosphere Composition at the Solstices
- Leveraging Globus to Support Access and Delivery of Scientific Data
- Light-weight Parallel Python Tools for Earth System Modeling Workflows
- Limitations of Global models in Representing Arctic Tropospheric Ozone and its Precursors
- Limiting Factors for Satellite-Based Retrievals of Surface-Level Carbon Monoxide
- Linking Tropical Forest Function to Hydraulic Traits in a Size-Structured and Trait-Based Model
- Links Between the Amundsen Sea Low and Sea Ice Variability in the Ross Sea
- Long Duration Enhancement And Depletion Observed In The Topside Ionospheric Electron Content During The March 2015 Strong Storm
- Long-range transport, air quality and climate impacts of volcanic sulfur from the 2014-2015 eruption at Holuhraun (Bárðarbunga, Iceland)
- Lunar tidal effects during the 2013 stratospheric sudden warming as simulated by the TIME-GCM
- Mass Loss of Glaciers and Ice Caps From GRACE During 2002-2015
- Measurements of the Spatial Variability of Mean Wind Profiles Using Multiple Doppler Lidars over Distances less than 1 Km
- Megadrought Risk and ENSO Over the Last Millennium
- Microphysics of Amazonian aerosol under background conditions and the impact from the urban pollution and biomass burning
- Mitigating the Urban Heat Island under Climate Change through Urban Management
- Mobile Column Measurements of HCHO, NO<SUB>2</SUB>, NH<SUB>3</SUB>, and C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB> in Colorado during FRAPPE
- Mobile Disdrometer Observations of Nocturnal Mesoscale Convective Systems During PECAN
- Modeling the Soil Moisture Response to Permafrost Thaw and Implications for the Permafrost-Carbon Feedback
- Modifications to WRF's dynamical core to improve the treatment of moisture for large-eddy simulations
- Momentum Budget Analysis of Westerly Wind Events Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during DYNAMO
- Multi-RTM-based Radiance Assimilation to Improve Snow Estimates
- Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Multi-decadal NDACC Measurements of Trace Species in the Arctic Free Troposphere
- Multimodel estimates of premature human mortality due to intercontinental transport of air pollution
- Net Ecosystem Fluxes of Hydrocarbons from a Ponderosa Pine Forest in Colorado
- New Tools and Data to Understand and Adapt to Hydroclimatic Variability and Change in Alaska and Hawaii
- Nighttime NO<SUB>x</SUB> Chemistry in Coal-Fired Power Plant Plumes
- Noah-MP-Crop: Enhancing cropland representation in the community land surface modeling system
- Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes from 1850 to 2300
- Numerical Study of the Wintertime Planetary Boundary Layer Development in the Urban Area of Sao Paulo - Brazil
- OCO-2 observations of Africa fire CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns
- Observational Constraints on Atmospheric and Oceanic Cross-Equatorial Heat Transports: Revisiting the Precipitation Asymmetry Problem in Climate Models
- Observations of Non-OH Oxidants of SO<SUB>2</SUB> during NOMADSS and FRAPPE
- Observed Local Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Feedbacks within the Context of Remote SST Anomalies: Lessons From Recent Droughts
- Ocean mediation of tropospheric response to reflecting and absorbing aerosols
- On a Spurious Cloud/PBL Oscillation in CAM5 CAPT Simulations with CLUBB and MG2 Scheme
- On the Observation and Simulation of Solar Coronal Twin Jets
- On the Variations of Electricity, Lightning and Storm Properties
- On the assumed PDF method for climate simulations
- On the role of circulation changes in future Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate change
- Ongoing analysis of DISCOVER-AQ observations and their implications for remote sensing of air quality
- Ontology Reuse in Geoscience Semantic Applications
- Operational, hyper-resolution hydrologic modeling over the contiguous U.S. using themulti-scale, multi-physics WRF-Hydro Modeling and Data Assimilation System.
- Optimization of precipitation and streamflow forecasts in the southwest Contiguous US for warm season convection
- Organized Convection Parameterization for the ITCZ
- Oxygen gradients across the Pacific Ocean: Resolving an apparent discrepancy between atmospheric and ocean observations and models
- Ozone and Volatile Organic Compound Distributions in Rocky Mountain National Park During FRAPPÉ: Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Park Air Quality
- Ozone-vegetation interaction in the Earth system: implications for air quality, ecosystems and agriculture
- Parameter Estimation for Observation Bias with an Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Parameter Transferability Across Spatial and Temporal Resolutions in Hydrological Modelling
- Photochemical modeling of nonmigrating tides in the 15 μm infrared cooling of the lower thermosphere over one solar cycle and comparison with SABER
- Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling
- Playing with Science: Using Interactive Games to Improve Public Engagement
- Potential Bias in Projecting Future Regional Megadrought Risk: Insights From A Global Data-Model Framework
- Precipitation and Seawater Isotopic Variability from Hawaii to the equator: the 2014-2015 ENSO cycle
- Precipitation trends in the High Sierra of California inferred from streamflow and snowpack observations
- Probing Solar Eruption by Tracking Magnetic Cavities and Filaments
- Profiles of Ionospheric Storm-enhanced Density during the 17 March 2015 Great Storm
- Progress connecting multi-disciplinary geoscience communities through the VIVO semantic web application
- Projected changes in regional weather patterns and associated temperature extremes arising from Arctic sea ice loss
- Projecting 21st Century Snowpack Trends in the Western United States using Variable-Resolution CESM
- Projections of Increasing Flood Frequency and Magnitude Across the Western United States
- Providing Access to a Diverse Set of Global Reanalysis Dataset Collections
- Pushing the Regional Arctic System Reanalysis to Higher Resolution: A comparison with the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis for the Arctic and Beyond
- Quantifying the Causes of Differences in Tropospheric OH within Global Models
- Quantifying uncertainty due to internal variability using high-resolution regional climate model simulations
- Radiance Data Assimilation for Binary Typhoon Cases
- Real-time demonstration and evaluation of over-the-loop short to medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasting
- Realtime Prediction in Disturbed Landscapes: Identifying Highest Priority Disturbance Characteristics Impacting Streamflow Response in a CONUS-Scale Operational Model
- Recent Divergences Between Stratospheric Water Vapor Measurements by Aura MLS and Frost Point Hygrometers
- Reconciling biases and uncertainties of AIRS and MODIS ice cloud properties
- Reconstruction of three-dimensional auroral ionospheric conductivities via an assimilative technique
- Regional differences in major carbon emissions observed during FRAPPE (Front Range Air Pollution Photochemical Experiment) and WINTER (Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emissions, and Reactivity) experiments
- Regional statistical assessment of WRF-Hydro and IFC Model stream Flow uncertainties over the State of Iowa
- Representation of Sea Ice Processes in State of the Art Earth System Models.
- Representation of the Bi-modal Distribution of Free Tropospheric Ozone Over the Tropical Western Pacific in CAM-CHEM
- Representing Effects of Complex Terrain on Mountain Meteorology and Hydrology
- Response of Thermospheric Hydrogen to Solar Variability and Greenhouse Gases
- Response of the Amazon Carbon Balance to the 2010 Drought Derived with CarbonTracker South America
- Responses of Polar Neutral Winds and Temperature to Recent Great Storms, Observed by Fabry-Perot interferometer at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica
- Retention controls on-shelf hypoxia in coastal upwelling systems
- Revealing Risks in Adaptation Planning: expanding Uncertainty Treatment and dealing with Large Projection Ensembles during Planning Scenario development
- Revisiting PLUMBER: Why Do Simple Data-driven Models Outperform Modern Land Surface Models?
- Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA
- Robust and Heterogeneous Hydrological Changes under Global Warming
- Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
- Sampling Line Heating Improves Frequency Response of Enclosed Eddy Covariance Gas Analyzers
- Scenario-neutral Food Security Risk Assessment: A livestock Heat Stress Case Study
- Seeing through the Smoke: A collaborative, multidisciplinary effort to address the interplay between wildfire, climate, air quality, and health
- Sensitivity of Ocean Processes to Changes and Uncertainties in Global River Discharge
- Sensitivity of WRF model to landuse, with applications to Chicago metropolitan Urban Heat Island and lake breeze
- Separating Transported and Local Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide in Australasia with Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing
- Separating methane emissions from biogenic sources and natural gas by vertical column enhancements of ammonia, ethane, and methane in the Colorado Front Range
- Simulated 2050 aviation radiative forcing
- Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes
- Simulation of Organized Convection and Tropical-wave Coupling in a YOTC MJO
- Simultaneous Two-Station Observation of Polar Cap Thermospheric Winds
- Snow: A New Model Diagnostic and Seasonal Forecast Influences
- Soil temperature change on the Tibetan Plateau
- Source Characterization of Formaldehyde in the Wintertime Eastern US
- Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Spaceborne Methane Observations by Airs Over Alberta
- Spatiotemporal Variability in the Salinity-Oxygen Isotope Relationship of Seawater Across the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Spectral characteristics of mid-latitude continental convection from a global variable-resolution Voronoi-mesh atmospheric model
- Stratospheric Intrusions over the U.S.: Impacts on Tropospheric Composition from NASA Aircraft Campaigns, MERRA-2, and the GEOS-5 Model
- Stratospheric sulfate geoengineering impacts on global agriculture
- Street Level Hydrology: An Urban Application of the WRF-Hydro Framework in Denver, Colorado
- Structural Characteristics of Nocturnal Mesoscale Convective Systems in the U.S. Great Plains as Observed During the PECAN Field Campaign
- Subtropical cloud response to increased carbon dioxide in single-column models
- Summertime Acyl peroxy nitrates (PANs) in the Colorado Front Range
- Testing the hybrid-3D Hillslope Hydrological Model in a Real-World Controlled Environment
- The Bering Sea Project Archive: a Prototype for Improved Discovery and Access
- The CHORDS Portal: Lowering the Barrier for Internet Collection, Archival and Distribution of Real-Time Geophysical Observations
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- The Dynamics of Helium and its Impact on the Upper Thermosphere
- The Earth Science Women's Network: The Principles That Guide Our Mentoring
- The Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) - an overview
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Modeled Versus Observed Regional Trends in Late 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Antarctic Sea Ice
- The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
- The Impact Of Climate Change On Production Of Multiple Food Crops In The 21st Century- An Analysis Based On Two Land Surface Models
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The Impact of Residential Combustion Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health in China
- The Influence of Aerosol Composition on Photolysis Rates Based on Airborne Observations
- The Interaction of Trade-Wind Clouds with the Large-Scale Flow in Observations and Models
- The Latitudinal and Longitudinal Variations of the Thermospheric Density Caused by Aurora Heating
- The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Research Data Archive: a Data Education Center
- The Object-analogue approach for probabilistic forecasting
- The Remarkable Condensational Growth of Cloud Droplets Grown on Giant Sea-salt Aerosol Particles
- The Role of ULF Driven Radial Transport in Rebuilding the Earth's Outer Radiation Belts
- The Salinity Budget of the Subtropical Salinity Maxima
- The Strong Control of Sea Ice Dynamics on Lower Cell Circulation Changes
- The Surface Storm Tracks in the Three CMIP5 Global Climate Models
- The Temporal Evolution of Changes in Carbon Storage in the Northern Permafrost Region Simulated by Carbon Cycle Models between 2010 and 2300: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics
- The Transport of Low-Frequency Turbulence in Astrophysical Flows. II. Solutions for the Super-Alfvenic Solar Wind
- The Variable Nature of Convection in the Tropics and Subtropics: A Legacy of 16 Years of the TRMM Satellite
- The current California drought through EDDI's eyes: early warning and monitoring of agricultural and hydrologic drought with the new Evaporative Demand Drought Index.
- The global hydrological cycle in a climate model hierarchy
- The impact of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> production on tropospheric nitrogen oxides and oxidants in a global model
- The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo
- Thermodynamic Environments Supporting Extreme Convection in Subtropical South America
- Thermospheric Wind Changes During and After the March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm
- Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Electron Density in the Solar Corona
- Total Storm Conduction Currents Derived Using a Global Climate Model
- Toward Improving Ice Water Content and Snow Rate Retrievals from Spaceborne Radars, Emphasizing Ku and Ka-Bands
- Toward Reducing Uncertainties in Biospheric Carbon Uptake in the American West: An Atmospheric Perspective
- Toward more realistic freshwater forcing experiments of the 8.2 ka event
- Towards Optimization of Reservoir Operations for Hydropower Production in East Africa: Application of Seasonal Climate Forecasts and Remote Sensing Products
- Towards a Data-Optimized Coronal Magnetic Field Model (DOC-FM): Simulating Flux Ropes with the Flux Rope Insertion Method
- Towards a Data-Optimized Coronal Magnetic Field Model (DOC-FM): Statistical Method for Diagnosing the Coronal Magnetic Field
- Towards a Data-Optimized Coronal Magnetic Field Model (DOC-FM): Synthetic Test Beds and Multiwavelength Forward Modeling
- Trend analysis of carbon monoxide distributions for changes in fire vs. anthropogenic sources in diverse African regions
- Trend of climate extremes in North America: A comparison between dynamically downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 simulations
- Two Scales of Mixed Rossby-gravity and Kelvin Waves in the lower Stratosphere
- UTLS Transport by Asian Summer Monsoon: A Model Investigation and Hypotheses for In Situ Observations
- Understanding future changes in Northern Hemisphere winter meridional wind and regional hydroclimate
- Understanding institutional constraints and preferences influencing the development and use of seasonal water supply forecasts
- Understanding the Tropospheric Ozone Response to Changes in the Stratospheric Circulation
- Urban Heat Islands in China Enhanced by Haze Pollution
- Use of radar rainfall data for high-resolution flash flood forecasting in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area
- Using Coupled Subsurface-Atmospheric Simulations to Investigate the Impact of Irrigation on Atmospheric Response in the San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Using Eddy Covariance Tower Clusters To Evaluate Biogeophysical Impacts Of Land Cover In The Community Land Model (CLM)
- Using snowboards and lysimeters to constrain snow model choices in a rain-snow transitional environment
- Using the Community Land Model to Assess Uncertainty in Basin Scale GRACE-Based Groundwater Estimates
- Utilizing SO<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mixing Ratios to Determine SO<SUB>2</SUB> Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer
- Validation of Multi-Scale Simulations of the Flow over Big Southern Butte Using Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Using Aircraft Data
- Variability in reef connectivity in the Coral Triangle
- Variable-Resolution Tropical Cyclone Prediction Using the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS)
- Variations of Hydrogen in the Thermosphere: Nature and Causes
- Views of Growing Methane Emissions near Oil and Natural Gas Activity: Satellite, Aircraft, and Ground
- WFIP2 - The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
- WRF-Solar: Upgrading the WRF representation of the aerosol-cloud-radiation feedbacks in support of solar energy forecasting
- Wavelet-enabled progressive data Access and Storage Protocol (WASP)
- What Can The Engineering for Climate Extremes Partnership Do For Global Resilience?
- What do we need to know to model the microphysical evolution of volcanic clouds and how can we make these measurements?
- Whole Atmosphere Modeling and Data Analysis: Success Stories, Challenges and Perspectives
- Zonally uniform tidal oscillations in the tropical middle atmosphere
- a Roadmap to Advance Understanding of the Science of Space Weather
- mRM - multiscale Routing Model for Land Surface and Hydrologic Models
- 2000-2014 Antarctic sea ice expansion driven by tropical Pacific decadal climate variability
- 2015 Indonesian fire activity and smoke pollution show persistent non-linear sensitivity to El Niño-induced drought
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Projected Changes in Arctic Cyclone Activity
- 3D Global Coronal Density, Temperature, and Vector Magnetic Field Derived from Coronal Observation.
- A CPT for Improving Turbulence and Cloud Processes in the NCEP Global Models
- A Community Assessment Tool for Education Resources
- A Computationally Wise Nonhydrostatic Finite-Volume Solver with the Split-Explicit Time Stepping
- A Flexible Decomposition of Global Climate Predictability and Variability into Regional Components and Teleconnections
- A Flexible Socioeconomic Scenarios Framework for the Study of Plausible Arctic Futures
- A New Estimate of Surface Fluxes and Implications, especially for Ocean Heat Transports
- A Paleoclimate Modeling Perspective on the Challenges to Quantifying Paleoelevation
- A Physically-based Parameterization for BC-Snow Interaction with Application to Snow Albedo Reduction over the Tibetan Plateau
- A Simple Approach to Account for Climate Model Interdependence in Multi-Model Ensembles
- A Systematic Exploration of the Local and Remote Climate Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions from Key Regions
- A Three-dimensional PBL Parameterization for High-resolution Mesoscale Simulation over Heterogeneous and Complex Terrain
- A coupled high-resolution modeling system to simulate biomass burning emissions, plume rise and smoke transport in real time over the contiguous US
- A novel method to improve MODIS AOD retrievals in cloudy pixels using an analog ensemble approach
- A physiologically-based plant hydraulics scheme for ESMs: impacts of hydraulic trait variability for tropical forests under drought
- A two year La Niña coming?
- Achieving scale-independent land-surface flux estimates - Application of the Multiscale Parameter Regionalization (MPR) to the Noah-MP land-surface model across the contiguous USA
- Addressing model uncertainty through stochastic parameter perturbations within the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) ensemble
- Advancing Low Latitude Aeronomy with the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Aeronomic Impacts of a Revision to the Solar Irradiance Forcing for CMIP6
- Aerosol effects and variable-resolution modelling approaches in regional climate applications
- An Efficient Workflow Environment to Support the Collaborative Development of Actionable Climate Information Using the NCAR Climate Risk Management Engine (CRMe)
- An Overview of the National Weather Service National Water Model
- Analog Ensemble (AnEn): Optimal Predictor Weighting and Exploitation of Spatial Characteristics in AnEn Generation
- Analog ensemble and Bayesian regression techniques to improve the wind speed prediction during extreme storms in the NE U.S.
- Analysis and Modeling of Trace Gases and Aerosols in Severe Convection: The 22 June 2012 DC3 Case
- Analysis of Alberta forest fire events during the 2016 El Nino burning season
- Analysis of Extreme Hydrologic Events in the NOAA National Water Model
- Analysis of Long term Measurements of Trace Species at 20°, 40° and 76° North
- Analysis of the residual in column integrated atmospheric energy balance
- Anomalous QBO Behavior in 2016 Observed in Tropical Stratospheric Temperatures and Ozone
- Anomalous mixing in unforced rotating stratified turbulence with parameters relevant to the atmosphere and the oceans, using the Boussinesq equations with buoyancy Reynolds numbers up to 10<SUP>5</SUP>
- Antarctic Sea Ice Response to Late 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Ozone Changes: a Modeling Perspective on Regional and Seasonal Trends and Variability
- Applying an economical scale-aware PDF-based turbulence closure model in NOAA NCEP GCMs
- Aquaplanet hydrologic cycle sensitivities to climate change and model physics, resolution, and configuration
- Are We Telling Decision-makers the Wrong Things - and with Too Much Confidence?
- Are the CCMI Emission Trends Consistent with MOPITT CO Observations?
- Assess Climate Change's Impact on Coastal Rivers using a Coupled Climate-Hydrology Model
- Assess Surface Energy Balance at ten Sites over the Tibetan Plateau and implication for LSMs modeler
- Assessing Impacts of Selective Logging on Water, Energy, and Carbon Fluxes in Amazon Forests Using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
- Assessing changes in extreme convective precipitation from a damage perspective
- Assessing the Central U.S. Land-Atmosphere Hotspot using Dynamical Adjustment
- Assessing the Errors from Dimensional Splitting in a 3D Discontinuous Galerkin Atmospheric Model
- Assessing the viability of `over-the-loop' real-time short-to-medium range ensemble streamflow forecasts
- Assessment of Climate Change and Vector-borne Diseases in the United States
- Assessment of the Simulated Molecular Composition with the GECKO-A Modeling Tool Using Chamber Observations for α-Pinene.
- Assimilating MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Observations to Assess the Impact of Saharan Mineral Dust on the Genesis and Evolution of Hurricane Ernesto (2006)
- Assimilation of sea ice concentration data in the Arctic via DART/CICE5 in the CESM1
- Atlantic meridional heat transports computed from estimating Earth's energy locally
- Atmospheric Effects from the September 2005 Solar Flares and Solar Proton Event
- Atmospheric Effects of Energetic Electron Precipitation
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Origins of Tropical Precipitation Variability across Different Timescales
- Behind the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Patricia, the Strongest Recorded Hurricane in History
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Bias-Correction of Extreme Temperatures and Precipitation in NA-CORDEX Regional Climate Model Output
- Biophysical Feedbacks as Amplifiers for Past Greenhouse Climates
- Bridging the Gap Between Observations and Models.
- Building Quantitative Hydrologic Storylines from Process-based Models for Managing Water Resources in the U.S. Under Climate-changed Futures
- CONUS domain application of Multi-scale Parameter Regionalization for spatially distributed model parameter estimates
- Can we detect national-scale under-reporting of CO2 emissions using OCO-2 XCO2 observations in a carbon-weather data assimilation system?
- Canopy structural complexity influences forest canopy reflectance: linking terrestrial lidar with Landsat observations
- Certainty and Uncertainty in Convection Permitting Modelling: Downscaling the CESM Large Ensemble
- CfRadial - CF NetCDF for Radar and Lidar Data in Polar Coordinates.
- Changes in Convective Rainfall in future climates over Western Europe.
- Changes in Precipitation Characteristics over North America by the Late 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Simulated by a Convection-Permitting Model
- Changes to the quasi-biennial oscillation due to tropical SO<SUB>2</SUB> injections
- Changing Characteristics of convective storms: Results from a continental-scale convection-permitting climate simulations
- Characterization of Satellite-Based Carbon Monoxide Surface Retrievals from MOPITT
- Characterizing Uncertainty of the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change
- Characterizing oxidative flow reactor SOA production and OH radical exposure from laboratory experiments of complex mixtures (engine exhaust) and simple precursors (monoterpenes)
- Characterizing the Climatological Distribution of Rain Frequency and Intensity
- Charting a path forward: building AGU's capacity to help foster scientist-decision maker engagement
- Climate Change in the Upper Atmosphere
- Climate Impacts of Cover Crops
- Climate Impacts of Geoengineering in a Delayed Mitigation Scenario
- Climate Induced Changes in Global-Scale Litter Decomposition and Long-term Relationships with Net Primary Productivity
- Climate Modeling and Analysis with Decision Makers in Mind
- Climate Variability and Wildfires: Insights from Global Earth System Models
- Climate and health impacts of clean cookstove implementation programs in Africa
- Climate and human intervention effects on future fire activity and consequences for air pollution across the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Climate model applications at the scale of NWP
- Climate, bleaching and connectivity in the Coral Triangle.
- Climatological temperature senstivity of soil carbon turnover: Observations, simple scaling models, and ESMs
- Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study of a Squall Line Case from MC3E - Properties of Convective Core
- Combining Ecosystem Observations, Manipulations and the Data Assimilation Research Testbed to Provide New Insights into Community Land Model Performance
- Combining aerosol injection at several different latitudes to optimize the climate response to geoengineering
- Comparing turbulent mixing of biogenic VOC across model scale
- Comparison of CAM-Chem with Trace Gas Measurements from Airborne Field Campaigns from 2009-2016.
- Comparison of Deep Convective Transport in Cumulus-Parameterized and Cloud-Resolved WRF-Chem Simulations of Different Scale Storms during the DC3 Field Campaign
- Comparison two physics suites for global TC simulations using variable resolution of non-hydrostatic model
- Constraining the long-term climate reponse to stratospheric sulfate aerosols injection by the short-term volcanic climate response
- Contributions to Pliocene Arctic warmth from removal of anthropogenic aerosol and enhanced forest fire emissions
- Controlling Influence of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy - Atmosphere Feedback on the Kuroshio Extension Jet
- Convective Influence on Short-lived Species in the Tropical Upper Troposphere
- Convective Propagation Characteristics Using a Simple Representation of Convective Organization
- Convective transition statistics for climate model diagnostics
- Convectively-driven cold layer and its influences on moisture in the UTLS
- Coordinated scenarios for a transdisciplinary assessment of the scientific understanding of Arctic environmental change
- Coupled Climate Variability and Megadrought Over the Common Era and Implications For the 21st Century
- Coupling integrated assessment and earth system models: concepts and an application to land use change
- DART: A Community Facility Providing State-of-the-Art, Efficient Ensemble Data Assimilation for Large (Coupled) Geophysical Models
- Declining runoff efficiency in the Southwestern US and implications for forecasting and water management
- Defining Tropospheric Chemistry As A Heterogeneous Ensemble Of Reactive Air Parcels
- Developing a Survey Instrument for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Data Management Training Materials
- Development And Applications Of The Fully Coupled Model WRF-Chem-Smoke.
- Development and Application of Version 2.1 of the Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN)
- Development of Gridded Ensemble Precipitation and Temperature Datasets for the Contiguous United States Plus Hawai'i and Alaska
- Development of Innovative Technology to Expand Precipitation Observations in Satellite Precipitation Validation in Under-developed Data-sparse Regions
- Diagnosis of chemistry-dynamics interactions in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Direct Comparisons of Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties Simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 with ARM SPartICus Observations
- Diurnal cycles of NO<SUB>x</SUB> over the United States: Comprehensive evaluations and implications for NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions
- Do Chemistry-Climate Models Project the Same Greenhouse Gas Chemistry if Initialized with Observations of the Trace Gases: A Pre-ATom Test
- Does surface roughness dominate biophysical forcing of land use and land cover change in the eastern United States?
- Dominance of atypical oxidant sources in the polluted wintertime boundary layer: insights from the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign
- Dominant hydrological process identification for ungauged basins: Bayesian approach
- Dos and don'ts for using climate information for water resource planning and management
- Drag Effects in the Upper Thermosphere: New Insights into Momentum Sources of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Dynamical downscaling simulation of gravity waves generation by tropical cyclone
- Economic Effectiveness of The Florida Building Code
- Eddy Tracer Fluxes Linked to Isentropic Mixing Around the Subtropical Jets
- Effects of Convective Transport on the Budget of Amazonian Aerosol under Background Conditions
- Effects of modeling decisions on cold region hydrological model performance: snow, soil and streamflow
- Enabling Cross-Discipline Collaboration Via a Functional Data Model
- Enhanced outage prediction modeling for strong extratropical storms and hurricanes in the Northeastern United States
- Enhancing the NOAA National Water Center WRF-Hydro model architecture to improve representation of the Midwest and Southwest CONUS climate regions
- Estimating black carbon concentrations from combustion tracers: synergistic perspective using in-situ measurements, multi-satellite retrievals, and chemical transport model
- Evaluating Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions in the Urban Salt Lake Valley through Inverse Modeling: Combining Long-term CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations and an Emission Inventory using a Multiple-box Atmospheric Model
- Evaluating CONUS-Scale Runoff Simulation across the National Water Model WRF-Hydro Implementation to Disentangle Regional Controls on Streamflow Generation and Model Error Contribution
- Evaluating Land-Atmosphere Moisture Feedbacks in Earth System Models With Spaceborne Observations
- Evaluation of High Resolution Rapid Refresh-Smoke (HRRR-Smoke) model products for a case study using surface PM2.5 observations
- Evaluation of a wavelet-based optical flow algorithm through the use of large eddy simulations
- Evaluation of streamflow forecast for the National Water Model of U.S. National Weather Service
- Evaluation of the CMAQ and GMI Model-Simulated Shape Factors with DISCOVER-AQ Observations with Implications for Retrievals
- Evidence that Palmer Station Antarctica seasonal O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> cycles understate regional marine boundary layer means
- Extreme April 2016 temperatures in Mainland Southeast Asia caused by El Niño and exacerbated by global warming
- Factors Leading to Dominica's Extreme Precipitation from Tropical Storm Erika
- Finding certainty in uncertain projections of warm-season precipitation in the southern U.S. Plains.
- Fishermen Follow Fine-scaled Physical Ocean Features For Finance
- Flux observations of isoprene oxidation products above a South East US forest point to chemical conversions on leaf canopy surface
- Future Interannual Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Area and its Implications for Marine Navigation
- GHG warming impact on the removal and transport of particulate matter: mean and extreme pollution
- Geochemical Evidence for Calcification from the Drake Passage Time-series
- Global Model Comparison with NOAA Observed Surface Ozone to Understand Transport in the Arctic
- Global Soil Moisture Estimation through a Coupled CLM4-RTM-DART Land Data Assimilation System
- Global carbon export at 0.1 degrees: the effects of resolving mesoscale circulation on the biological pump
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission - A New Approach to Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of Earth's Space Environment
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- Gravity Wave Dynamics in the Whole Atmosphere Models and MLT Observations: Sub-grid Scale GW Physics and Resolved Mesoscale
- Ground-based Observations and Atmospheric Modelling of Energetic Electron Precipitation Effects on Antarctic Mesospheric Chemistry
- Gusts and Shear in an Idealized LES-modeled Hurricane
- Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Has the Rate of Sea Level Rise Accelerated During the Altimeter Era?
- High Resolution Climate Modeling of the Water Cycle over the Western United States Including Potential Climate Change Impacts
- High Resolution Regional Climate Simulations over Alaska
- High resolution regional climate simulation of the Hawaiian Islands - Validation of the historical run from 2003 to 2012
- How well do we know global long-term tropospheric ozone changes?
- Hydrographic and terrestrial datasets to support continental-scale hydrologic modeling in Version 1 of the National Water Model
- Hydrological Modeling in the Bull Run Watershed in Support of a Piloting Utility Modeling Applications (PUMA) Project
- Hydrological control on Ozone greenhouse gas effect
- IPCC Reasons for Concern Regarding Climate Change Risks: Implications for 1.5 and 2 C Targets
- Ice Sheet/Climate Coupling in the Community Earth System Model
- Impact assessment of GPS radio occultation data on Antarctic analysis and forecast using WRF 3DVAR
- Impact of fire on global land carbon, water, and energy budgets and climate during the 20th century through changing ecosystems
- Impact of internal climate memory on future sea level rise
- Impact of time-scales in physical parameterizations on simulated precipitation using CAM-MPAS
- Impacts of 3D Topography and BC Deposition on Climate Change Over the Tibetan Plateau
- Impacts of ENSO on Air-Sea Oxygen Exchange: Observations and Mechanisms
- Impacts of Solar Radiation Management on Surface Ozone
- Impacts of Tropopause Polar Cyclones on Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Importance of Orbital Forcing for Pliocene ENSO
- Improved estimates of ocean heat content from 1960-2015
- Improving Entrainment for LES of Stratocumulus with the Dynamic Reconstruction Turbulence Closure Model
- Improving medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts through statistical post-processing
- Improving the Representation of Cryospheric Processes in Land Models
- Improving the Representation of Estuarine Processes in Earth System Models
- In-Situ Observations Define the Role of Sulfur Dioxide in Stratospheric Aerosol Formation
- Increasing Megadrought Risk at the Intersection of Decadal to Centennial Variability and Climate Change
- Influence of El Nino on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Findings from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Mission
- Influence of Ion Outflow on the Diffuse Aurora Over Varying Levels of Solar EUV Forcing
- Influence of agricultural and vegetation responses to climate variability on land-atmosphere coupling in the U.S. Great Plains
- Influence of winds on Ross Sea Ice Cover: Seasonal lags and explained trends
- Initialized Decadal Prediction for Transition to Positive Phase of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
- Insights into Tornadoes and Hurricanes from High-Resolution Numerical Simulations
- Intensification of tropical Pacific biological productivity due to volcanic eruptions
- Intensified multi-year droughts in California due to land-atmosphere interactions and land-memory processes
- Interactions of river discharge parameterizations with the Madden Julian oscillation in the CESM
- Intermediate-Range Convection-Permitting Forecasts: A Comparison Between Global Variable-Resolution and Regional Forecasts
- Intermittency of Precipitation: Duration, Frequency, Intensity and Amount Using Hourly Data
- Introducing Hillslope Flow Processes in the Community Land Model
- Introducing Water Tracers in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Investigating Evolution of Sulfur Species as Sources of Inter-model Variability in the VolMIP-Tambora Aerosol Climate Model Ensemble
- Investigating the impact of VOC composition on the NO<SUB>y</SUB> budget in the northern Colorado Front Range
- Ionosphere-Thermosphere Heating by Bursty Alfvén Waves
- Ionospheric data assimilation and forecasting during storms
- Irreducible Uncertainty in Terrestrial Carbon Projections
- Is There a Compositional Signature That Could Explain Middle Latitude Ionospheric Signatures during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings?
- Is the input of meteoric sulphur to the Earth's atmosphere really negligible?
- Is the zero emission requirement aligned with 2.0°C and 1.5°C stabilization targets?
- It Takes More than a Data Portal or: Leveraging the Common Framework for Earth-Observation Data to Improve Interoperability
- Jetstream Influences on Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers in the Mid-latitudes
- Key Process Uncertainties in Soil Carbon Dynamics: Comparing Multiple Model Structures and Observational Meta-analysis
- Land-atmosphere coupling and climate prediction over the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- Large ensemble and large-domain hydrologic modeling: Insights from SUMMA applications in the Columbia River Basin
- Large-Scale Numerical Simulations of Ocean and Tidal Channel Boundary Layers
- Local Plant Physiological Responses to Increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB> Contribute to a Zonally Asymmetric Pattern of Precipitation Change over Tropical Forests
- Long term measurements of light absorbing particles on tropical glaciers
- Long-term Changes Of Global Gravity Waves Derived From SABER Temperature Observations
- Long-term atmospheric effects of medium-energy electron precipitation from chemistry-climate modelling
- Lower-tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from near-infrared ACOS-GOSAT observations
- Making Sense of High-latitude Geospace Observations Through Bayesian State Estimation for Gaussian Processes
- Mapping Extreme Heat Vulnerability and Health Outcomes to inform the District of Columbia's Climate Adaptation Plan
- Measurements of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Turbulence Outside and Within a Wind Farm from a Network of Surface Flux Stations and a Tall Tower Network
- Mechanisms of elevation-dependent warming over complex terrain in high-resolution simulations of regional climate change
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Minimizing the Uncertainties in Empirical Estimates of the Bulk Mean Canopy Drag Associated with Non-Stationary Mean Velocity
- Model error analyses of photochemistry mechanisms using the BEATBOX/BOXMOX data assimilation toy model
- Modeling Climate Impacts of the 1783-1784 Laki Eruption in Iceland
- Modeling Future Fire danger over North America in a Changing Climate
- Modeling Multiple Plasma Populations During the June 23, 2015 Geomagnetic Storm
- Modeling Transport and Processing of Light Absorbing Aerosols Deposited on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- Modelling simulations of NOx and HOx in the middle and upper atmosphere using a 3D Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with D region ion-neutral chemistry
- Moist static energy budget analysis of tropical cyclogenesis in climate models
- Mopitt in Lance
- Multi-decadal trend and space-time variability of sea level over the Indian Ocean since the 1950s: impact of decadal climate modes
- Multi-scale ocean and climate drivers of widespread bleaching in the Coral Triangle
- Multiscale Coherent Structure Parameterization for Organized Moist Convection
- NA-CORDEX: Overview and Sample Results
- NCAR's Experimental Real-time Convection-allowing Ensemble Prediction System
- NOAA frostpoint hygrometer (FPH) comparisons, uncertainty measurements, and recent instrument improvements
- NOAA's operational path forward: Developing the Coyote UASonde
- New Capabilities for Adaptive Mesh Simulation Use within FORWARD
- New Insights into the Column CH2O/NO2 Ratio as an Indicator of Near-surface Ozone Sensitivity
- New Perspectives on Processes Responsible for Cloud Feedback: Beyond Warm Low Clouds
- New sciences enabled by the new SABER CO2 data
- New tools for linking human and earth system models: The Toolbox for Human-Earth System Interaction & Scaling (THESIS)
- Next-generation soil decomposition models: representing ecological process complexity across scales
- Nitric Oxide Produced by Energetic Electron Precipitation During a Geomagnetic Storm in April 2010 - Models vs Observations
- O<SUB>3</SUB> OSSEs on a Regional Scale for the GEO-CAPE Mission
- Observability and Frequency of Spatial and Temporal Gradients Relevant to Air Quality During DISCOVER-AQ
- On Model Complexity and Parameter Regionalization for Continental Scale Hydrologic Simulations
- On evaluating the skill of using anticyclonic wave activity to predict surface ozone in the US
- On the Origin of Large Tropical Cyclone Track Errors
- On the Possible Role of Gently Sloping Topography in Influencing the Nature of Convective Storms: A Case Study on the High Plains of the U. S.
- On the information content of hydrological signatures and their relationship to catchment attributes
- Overview of the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report Process, results and next steps
- Overview of the NASA Pacific Oxidants, Sulfur, Ice, Dehydration, and cONvection (POSIDON) Experiment
- Overview of the NCAR-MOPITT reanalysis, investigation of chemical error correlations
- Ozone Production and Its Sensitivity to NO<SUB>x</SUB> and VOCs: Results from the DISCOVER-AQ Field Experiment, Houston 2013
- Parameterizing the impacts of ozone-vegetation coupling and feedbacks on ozone air quality in a chemical transport model
- Pathways to 1.5 degrees: new GCM simulations for scenarios which meet the Paris temperature targets
- Permafrost in Earth System Models: Recent Progress and Future Challenges
- Plasma Drifts in the Intermediate Magnetosphere: Simulation Results
- Polar thermospheric winds and temperature observed by Fabry-Perot Interferometer at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica
- Post-processing Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts via Integrating Climate Indices and the Analog Approach
- Power Spectra and Eddy Dissipation Rate Measured by the Coyote Unmanned Aircraft System in Hurricane Edouard (2014)
- Practical implementation of a particle filter data assimilation approach to estimate initial hydrologic conditions and initialize medium-range streamflow forecasts
- Precipitation forecast verification over Brazilian watersheds on present and future climate
- Probabilistic weather analysis and prediction using the local particle filter
- Probing the Physical Connection between Solar Prominences and Coronal Rain
- Process Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Climate Models
- Progress Towards Improved MOPITT-based Biomass Burning Emission Inventories for the Amazon Basin
- Quantifying fire emissions and associated aerosols species using assimilation of satellite carbon monoxide retrievals.
- Rain Microphysics Uncertainty Quantification and Development of a Polarimetric Radar Forward Simulator for the Bayesian Observationally-constrained Statistical-physical Scheme (BOSS)
- Reanalysing the deglaciation with models and data
- Recent advances in measurement-based insights of secondary organic aerosols and their impact on global climate sensitivity
- Reconciling the Observed and Modeled Southern Hemisphere Circulation Response to Volcanic Eruptions
- Reduced ENSO Variability at the LGM Revealed by an Isotope-enabled Earth System Model
- Regional Climate Modeling of Vegetation Feedbacks on the Asian-Australian Monsoon Systems
- Regional decadal predictions of coupled climate-human systems
- Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models
- Representing heterogeneous snow accumulation and melt in snowmelt models
- Retrospective Snow Analysis Across the Continental United States for the National Water Model
- Retrospective evaluation of continental-scale streamflow nudging with WRF-Hydro National Water Model V1
- Reversal of tropical ocean hypoxia with sustained climate warming
- Robust evidence for forced changes in ENSO: from the mid-Holocene to the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Role Of Fires On The Global Methane Budget And Atmospheric Methane Increase Since 2006
- Role of stratospheric processes on ENSO-NAO connections on Seasonal-to-Subseasonal timescale
- SF<SUB>6</SUB> Lifetime Adjustment Based on Mesospheric Loss Measured in the Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- SUMMA and Model Mimicry: Understanding Differences Among Land Models
- Scalable and memory efficient implementations of the multi-resolution approximation for spatial data
- Scale Dependence of Air-Sea Interaction
- Scale-dependency of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions using Scale-Aware Cloud Microphysics in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Sea Ice Summer Camp: Bringing Together Arctic Sea Ice Modelers and Observers
- Seasonal measurements of organic acid fluxes over a ponderosa pine forest
- Seasonality of semi-arid and savanna-type ecosystems in an Earth system model
- Sensitivity of the Younger Dryas climate to changes in orbtial, greenhouse gas, and freshwater forcing in CESM1
- Shear lines facilitate transport of reactive trace gases from East Asia into the deep tropics.
- Simulating boundary-layer effects of a wind turbine array using LES and RANS in convective and stable conditions
- Simulating mesoscale convective systems using a global variable-resolution model at convection-permitting scales
- Simulation of urbanization effect on East China regional climate using a WRF/SSIB/URBAN model
- Slower snowmelt in a warmer world
- Snow Water Equivalent in NARCCAP and NA-CORDEX Simulations Including Measures of Observational Uncertainty
- Snow in Earth System Models: Recent Progress and Future Challenges
- Software and Process Developments in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
- Solar Energetic Particle Events and CME Accelerations in the Low Corona: MLSO Observations
- Source for the traveling planetary waves in the polar winter mesosphere and lower thermosphere: vertical coupling versus in-situ instability.
- Southern Ocean Zonal Scale Summertime Oxygen Outgassing and Carbon Dioxide Ingassing
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Major Climate Elements over the Tibetan Plateau during 1960-2015
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- State of the Carbon Cycle of North America: Overarching Findings
- Storm Surge Predictability
- Stratospheric Inorganic Bromine Loading Inferred from CONTRAST BrO and Organic Bromine Observations
- Study of Convective Transport of Pollutants into the Upper Troposphere Using Data From the CONTRAST Experiment and the CloudSat Satellite Mission
- Sub-seasonal Evaluation of East African Rainfall for Improved Hydrologic Forecasting
- Subkilometer-scale motions in the tropical tropopause layer from aircraft measurements: characterization and impact on vertical mixing
- Subseasonal predictions of eastern US hot weather
- Summertime Atmospheric Boundary Layer Gradients of O2 and CO2 Over the Southern Ocean
- Supporting Information Linking and Discovery Across Organizations Using the VIVO Semantic Web Software Suite
- Tapping the Core - a study of Alfvénic energy flow in an erupting flux-rope configuration
- Tectono-Magmatic Investigations with Societal Implications: Progress on the Tanzania Volcano Observatory (TZVOLCANO)
- TempestExtremes: Automated Detection and Characterization of Extreme Weather
- TerrSysMP-DART Interface: An Integrated Data Assimilation Platform for Coupled Atmosphere, Land Surface and Groundwater Model.
- Testing turbulence schemes in land models during stable conditions
- The 2015-16 El Nino As A Proving Ground for Coral Proxy Reconstructions
- The 2015/16 El Niño Event as Recorded in Central Tropical Pacific Corals: Temperature, Hydrology, and Ocean Circulation Influences
- The Airborne Research Instrumentation Testing Opportunity (ARISTO)
- The CESM Large Ensemble Project: Inspiring New Ideas and Understanding
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Moist Baroclinic Wave Test Case
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Supercell Test Case
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Tropical Cyclone Test Case
- The Greenland Ice Sheet in the Last Interglacial Warm Period: Surface Mass Balance and Implications for the Large-scale Circulation
- The HEPEX Seasonal Streamflow Forecast Intercomparison Project
- The Interaction between Very Deep Convection and Biomass Burning Plumes during DC3 and the Impact on the UTLS Region over The North Atlantic
- The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and Experimental Design
- The Land-Atmosphere Feedback Experiment (LAFE)
- The MUlti-SpEctral, MUlti-SpEcies, MUlti-SEnsors (MUSES) Retrievals from the EOS to the Suomi-NPP Era
- The McIntosh Archive: A solar feature database spanning four solar cycles
- The Meridional Mode in an Idealized Aquaplanet Model: Dependence on the Mean State
- The Role of Data Assimilation in Model Diagnostics
- The Role of Orbital Variability on the Distribution of Water Isotopes in the Quaternary
- The Sensitivity of Regional Precipitation to Global Temperature Change and Forcings
- The Social Dimensions of Carbon in the SOCCR-2: Some Reflections
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The effect of subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) on the thermosphere and ionosphere during the 2015 St. Patrick's day major storm
- The future intensification of hourly precipitation extremes
- The impact of standard and hard-coded parameters on the hydrologic fluxes in the Noah-MP land surface model
- The potential for geostationary remote sensing of NO<SUB>2</SUB> to improve weather prediction
- The predicted impact of VOCs from Marijuana cultivation operations on ozone concentrations in great Denver, CO.
- The role of the stratospheric flow configuration prior to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings: A case study
- The simulation of stratospheric water vapor in the NH summer monsoon regions in a suite of WACCM models
- The strength of the diabatic circulation of the stratosphere and its relationship with ozone
- The viability of trajectory analysis for diagnosing dynamical and chemical influences on ozone concentrations in the UTLS
- Thresholds of understanding: Exploring assumptions of scale invariance vs. scale dependence in global biogeochemical models
- To diagnose surface coupling strength in Noah-MP using FLUXNET observations and high resoultion WRF RCM simulations
- Tools in Support of Planning for Weather and Climate Extremes
- Toward a Climate OSSE for NASA Earth Sciences
- Toward a Multi-Decadal Record of Satellite CO from MOPITT to Suomi NPP/CrIS: Overview and Initial Results
- Towards an Improved Representation of Polar Snow and Firn in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Trace Gas Distributions and Correlations Observed In The Southern Ocean Atmosphere During the ORCAS Mission
- Tracing Scientific Facilities through the Research Literature Using Persistent Identifiers
- Tropospheric Transport Differences Between Models Using the Same Large-Scale Meteorological Fields
- ULF Wave Analysis and Radial Diffusion Calculation Using a Global MHD Model for the 17 March 2015 Storm and Comparison with the 17 March 2013 Storm
- Understand and mitigate uncertainties in land-surface simulations over the Tibetan Plateau
- Understanding Atypical Mid-Level Wind Speed Maxima in Hurricane Eyewalls
- Understanding California Mountain Wintertime Hydroclimate Trends using an Ensemble of High-Resolution Variable-Resolution CESM Simulations
- Understanding parameter sensitivities in continental-domain hydrologic modeling
- Understanding the Varied Influence of Midlatitude Jet Position on Clouds and Cloud-Radiative Effects in Observations and Global Climate Models
- Unexpected Diurnal Variations in Electron Temperature in the Mars Ionosphere
- Untangling the Causes of Variation in ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> Yield from the WINTER Campaign
- Upwelling and coastal current biases in climate models
- Urbanization, Extreme Climate Hazards and Food, Energy Water Security
- Using ARM observations to identify deficiencies in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) simulations of marine boundary layer clouds
- Using Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) in a range of geoscience applications
- Using Lagrangian flights and modeling to study O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes over the Southern Ocean during the O<SUB>2</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB> Ratio and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Airborne Study (ORCAS).
- Using NCAR Yellowstone for PhotoVoltaic Power Forecasts with Artificial Neural Networks and an Analog Ensemble
- Using Potential Vorticity to Represent the Effect of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange on Vertical Ozone Distributions in the Front Range During the FRAPPE 2014 Field Campaign.
- Using Short-term Hindcast Skill to Add Confidence to the Choice of Uncertain Model Parameter Values in CESM Climate Change Simulations
- Using The GLOBE Program to address the Global Development Goals
- Using cloud and climate data to understand warm season hydrometeorology from diurnal to monthly timescales
- Using e90 to Diagnose UTLS Tracer Transport in WACCM Simulations
- Using polarimetric radar observations and probabilistic inference to develop the Bayesian Observationally-constrained Statistical-physical Scheme (BOSS), a novel microphysical parameterization framework
- Utilizing Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Special Observations to Study Air Quality Over Megacities: A Case Study of Mexico City
- VAPOR 3.0: A Desktop Tool for the Visual Exploration of Large Earth Science Simulation Data Sets
- VIVO Open Source Software: Connecting Facilities to Promote Discovery and Further Research.
- Variational Iterative Refinement Source Term Estimation Algorithm Assessment for Rural and Urban Environments
- Vertical Overlap of Probability Density Functions of Cloud and Precipitation Hydrometeors
- Vertical Profiles of Photolysis Frequencies Calculated From Actinic Flux Measurements in Recent Airborne Campaigns
- Water Vapor in the Tropical Tropopause Region and Tropical Stratosphere from long term in situ observations
- Water isotope tracers of tropical hydroclimate in a warming world
- Wetter or drier? A model inter-comparison of future soil moisture and runoff projections in permafrost landscapes
- What are the roles of air-sea coupling and resolution for the Northeast Pacific stratocumulus to cumulus transition in the Community Earth System Model?
- What can be seen by IASI during pollution events in East Asia?
- What impact have TIMED/TIDI neutral wind measurements of the ITM had on our knowledge of the upper atmosphere ?
- What the Collapse of the Ensemble Kalman Filter Tells Us About Particle Filters
- Who, What, When, Where? Determining the Health Implications of Wildfire Smoke Exposure
- Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model With Lower Ionospheric Chemistry: Improved Modeling of Nitric Acid and Active Chlorine During Energetic Particle Precipitation
- Why are there winds in the upper thermosphere?
- Why do Models Overestimate Surface Ozone in the Southeastern United States?
- Wind-driven Sea-Ice Changes Intensify Subsurface Warm Water Intrusion into the West Antarctic Land Ice Front
- (Un)certainty in climate change impacts on global energy consumption
- 2007-2017: 10 years of IASI CO retrievals
- 500 Women Scientists: Science Advocacy Through Community Action
- <SUB>How Many Women Scientists Does It Take?</SUB>
- <SUB>Land-atmosphere coupling and soil moisture memory contribute to long-term agricultural drought </SUB>
- A Framework for Characterizing how Ice Crystal Size Distributions, Mass-Dimensional and Area-Dimensional Relations Vary with Environmental and Aerosol Properties
- A Methodological Inter-Comparison of Gridded Meteorological Products
- A Moment-Based Polarimetric Radar Forward Operator for Rain Microphysics
- A direct estimate of evapotranspiration over the Amazon basin and implications for our understanding of carbon and water cycling
- A generalized drop size distribution normalization method for bulk microphysics schemes
- A modeling study of the thermosphere-ionosphere interactions during the boreal winter and spring 2015-2016: Tidal and planetary-scale waves effect on the ionospheric structure.
- A multi-model assessment of terrestrial biosphere model data needs
- A new large ensemble of statistically downscaled meteorology for hydrologic modeling: towards understanding uncertainty in climate forcings
- A new space-time characterization of Northern Hemisphere drought in model simulations of the past and future as compared to the paleoclimate record
- A regime perspective on the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet stream response to sudden stratospheric warmings
- A robust null hypothesis for the potential causes of megadrought in western North America
- A test harness for accelerating physics parameterization advancements into operations
- A transient fully coupled climate-ice-sheet simulation of the last glacial inception
- ALM-FATES: Using dynamic vegetation and demography to capture changes in forest carbon cycling and competition at the global scale
- ASPIRE - Airborne Spectro-Polarization InfraRed Experiment
- Actinic Flux and Photolysis Measurements During the NASA KORUS-AQ Campaign
- Advancing the Explicit Representation of Lake Processes in WRF-Hydro
- Airborne remote sensing of ultraviolet-absorbing aerosols during the NASA ATom, SEAC4RS and DC3 campaigns
- Amplified North Atlantic Warming in the Late Pliocene by Changes in Arctic Gateways
- An 'Observational Large Ensemble' to compare observed and modeled temperature trend uncertainty due to internal variability.
- An Ensemble Approach to Understanding the ENSO Response to Climate Change
- An Object-Based Approach to Evaluation of Climate Variability Projections and Predictions
- An assessment of surface radiative forcing and response in climate models
- An operational ensemble prediction system for catchment rainfall over eastern Africa spanning multiple temporal and spatial scales
- Analyzing nearly four decades of historical radiosonde observations of tropical tropopause layer and cold-point temperatures
- Application of High Resolution Air-Borne Remote Sensing Observations for Monitoring NOx Emissions
- Application of multi-constituent satellite data assimilation for KORUS-AQ
- Applying ILAMB to data from several generations of the Community Land Model to assess the relative contribution of model improvements and forcing uncertainty to model-data agreement
- Applying an economical scale-aware PDF-based turbulence closure model in NOAA NCEP GCMs.
- Arctic System Science: Meeting Earth System and Social Impact Challenges through Integrative Approaches and Synthesis
- Are recent hurricane (Harvey, Irma, Maria) disasters natural?
- Assessing Hydroclimatic Change in Southwest Louisiana Rivers using WRF-Hydro
- Assessing methane emission estimation methods based on atmospheric measurements from oil and gas production using LES simulations
- Assessing the Impacts of forest degradation on water, energy, and carbon budgets in Amazon forest using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator
- Assessing the competing roles of model resolution and meteorological forcing fidelity in hyperresolution simulations of snowpack and streamflow in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Assessing the role of "bottom-up" emissions and simplified chemical mechanisms in reconciling CESM2.0 with TOGA observations from the ORCAS and ATom-2 campaigns
- Assessment of snow modeling decisions in the extra-tropical Andes Cordillera
- Assessment of the Suitability of High Resolution Numerical Weather Model Outputs for Hydrological Modelling in Mountainous Cold Regions
- Asynchronous warming and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O evolution of deep Atlantic water masses during the last deglaciation
- Atmospheric River Characteristics under Decadal Climate Variability
- Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Science Goals and Preliminary Analysis
- Atmospheric sensitivity to land surface changes: comparing the impact of albedo, roughness, and evaporative resistance on near-surface air temperature using an idealized land model.
- Attaining insight into interactions between hydrologic model parameters and geophysical attributes for national-scale model parameter estimation
- AutoGNI, the Robot Under the Aircraft Floor: An Automated System for Sampling Giant Aerosol Particles by Impaction in the Free Airstream Outside a Research Aircraft
- Autoxidation as a source of gas-phase highly-oxidized multifunctional compounds (HOM) - measured by chemical ionization spectrometry (CIMS) utilizing various reagent ion chemistries
- Below-Canopy Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry and Dynamics in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest Canopy during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Campaign.
- Benchmarking CCMI models' top-of-atmosphere flux in the 9.6-µm ozone band using AURA TES Instantaneous Radiative Kernel
- Bimodal Distributions of Ozone in Relation to Water Vapor, Cloud Hydrometeors, and Other Chemical Tracers Over the Tropical Western Pacific
- Biosphere 2, a nexus of partner networks that improve student experiences and outcomes
- Boundary Layer Characterization during Perdigão Field Campaign 2017
- Bridging the Gap Between Large-Scale Drivers of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Lifetime Model Differences & Instantaneous, Localized Measurements of OH & Related Species
- Building a foundation for continued dialogue between climate science and water resource communities
- Can green roofs reduce urban heat stress in vulnerable urban communities: A coupled atmospheric and social modeling approach
- Causes of Cool-Season Precipitation Bias in the East South Central U.S.
- Challenges in land model representation of heat transfer in snow and frozen soils
- Changes in stratiform precipitation properties in response to usage of different cloud microphysics parameterizations for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- Changing Conditions in the Arctic: An Analysis of 45 years of Tropospheric Ozone Measurements at Barrow Observatory
- Changing Urbania: Estimating Changes in Urban Land and Urban Population Using Refined Areal Interpolation Techniques
- Changing predictability characteristics of Arctic sea ice in a warming climate
- Characterizing boundary layer height using surface and column measurements of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and formaldehyde
- Chemical Processing of Organics within Clouds: Pilot Study at Whiteface Mountain in Upstate NY
- Climate mode links to atmospheric carbon monoxide over fire regions
- Climate model diversity in the Northern Hemisphere Polar vortex response to climate change.
- Climate-forced variability of suboxia and associated N-loses in the Pacific Ocean
- Cloud Chemistry in the United States: Problems and Prospects
- Cloud Forecasting and 3-D Radiative Transfer Model Validation using Citizen-Sourced Imagery
- Cloud Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Implications for Feedbacks in the CESM1 Climate Model
- Cloud-enabled large-scale land surface model simulations with the NASA Land Information System
- Coexistence of Trees and Grass: Importance of climate and fire within the tropics
- Collaborative Science with Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Solutions: Why, How, and with Whom?
- Colorado River basin sensitivity to disturbance impacts
- Combining Statistics and Physics to Improve Climate Downscaling
- Comparison of rotational temperature derived from ground-based OH airglow observations with TIMED/SABER to evaluate the Einstein Coefficients
- Comparison of the stratospheric polar vortices in five reanalyses datasets
- Comparisons of Cloud Properties over the Southern Ocean between In situ Observations and WRF Simulations
- Consequences of hydraulic trait coordination and their associated uncertainties for tropical forest function
- Constraining Stochastic Parametrisation Schemes Using High-Resolution Model Simulations
- Constraints on Southern Ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes and Seasonality from Atmospheric Vertical Gradients Observed on Multiple Airborne Campaigns
- Contribution of Black Carbon Aerosol to Drying of the Mediterranean
- Contributions of internal climate variability to mitigation of projected future regional sea level rise
- Coupled Long-Term Evolution of Climate and the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial and Implications for the Future
- Coupling a Neural Network with Atmospheric Flow Simulations to Locate and Quantify CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions at Well Pads
- Coupling of a Detailed Snow Model to WRF-Hydro for Glacier Mass Balance and Glacier Runoff Studies
- Customizing WRF-Hydro for the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin
- Cyberinfrastructure to Support Collaborative and Reproducible Computational Hydrologic Modeling
- Data Assimilation using observed streamflow and remotely-sensed soil moisture for improving sub-seasonal-to-seasonal forecasting
- Data Quality Assurance and Provenance Tracking in ICOADS Release 3.0
- Data-driven local-scale modeling of ionospheric responses to auroral forcing using incoherent scatter radar and ground-based imaging measurements
- Decadal climate prediction in the large ensemble limit
- Deep Convective Transport in Cumulus-Parameterized and Cloud-Resolved WRF-Chem Simulations of an MCS and Storms from Different Convective Regimes during the DC3 Field Campaign
- Detection of the long-range transport of wildfire pollution to the Arctic using a network of ground-based FTIR spectrometers, satellite observations and model result
- Developing a Framework for Seamless Prediction of Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States.
- Development and Validation of Hyper-Resolution Modeling Capability for WRF-Hydro
- Development of Rotary-Wing UAS for Use in Atmospheric Sensing of Near-Storm Environments
- Development of a large-sample catchment-scale hydro-meteorological, land cover and physical dataset for Chile
- Diagnosis of middle atmosphere chemistry-dynamics interactions
- Diagnostics of sources of tropospheric ozone using data assimilation during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Different Mechanisms of Soil Microbial Response to Global Change Result in Different Outcomes in the MIMICS-CN Model
- Direct Measurements of the Ozone Production Rate: Methods, Measurements, and Implications for Air Quality Monitoring
- Distributed HUC-based modeling with SUMMA for ensemble streamflow forecasting over large regional domains.
- Disturbance Driven Rainfall in O`ahu, Hawai`i (1990-2010)
- Divergent patterns of experimental and model derived variables of tundra ecosystem carbon exchange in response to arctic warming
- Diversity in Detection Algorithms for Atmospheric Rivers: A Community Effort to Understand the Consequences
- Diversity of Communications, Diversity of Communities: Strategic Choices for Maximum Engagement
- ENSO Influence on Trace Gases in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere
- EarthCollab, building geoscience-centric implementations of the VIVO semantic software suite
- Eclipse Science Results from the Airborne Infrared Spectrometer (AIR-Spec)
- Effects of the deep convection schemes in variable-resolution aquaplanet simulations
- Empowering Geoscience with Improved Data Assimilation Using the Data Assimilation Research Testbed "Manhattan" Release.
- Engaging diverse community college students in the geosciences through a year-round career mentoring and research workforce program
- Enhancements to the WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model Structure for Semi-arid Environments
- Ensemble streamflow assimilation with the National Water Model.
- Eocene Hyperthermal Climate Sensitivity to Greenhouse Gas and Aerosol Forcing
- Establishing the Common Community Physics Package by Transitioning the GFS Physics to a Collaborative Software Framework
- Estimating NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions and surface concentrations at high spatial resolution using OMI
- Evaluating High-Resolution CESM Hurricane Climatology: Comparing Model Landfalls to Observational Landfalls
- Evaluation of Deep Learning Representations of Spatial Storm Data
- Evaluation of Ensemble Water Supply and Demands Forecasts for Water Management in the Klamath River Basin
- Evaluation of High Resolution IMERG Satellite Precipitation over the Global Oceans using OceanRAIN
- Evaluation of NWP-based Satellite Precipitation Error Correction with Near-Real-Time Model Products and Flood-inducing Storms
- Evaluation of Organic Bromine Compound Distributions in CAM-Chem Using Whole Air Sampler Data From Multiple Seasons and Locations
- Evaluation of inlet sampling integrity on NSF/NCAR airborne platforms
- Evaluation of the reactive nitrogen budget of the remote atmosphere in global models using airborne measurements
- Evaluation of three temperature profiles of a sublayer scheme to simulate SST diurnal cycle in a global ocean general circulation model
- Examination of Cross-Scale Coupling During Auroral Events using RENU2 and ISINGLASS Sounding Rocket Data.
- Expanding NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS
- Experiments with Interaction between the National Water Model and the Reservoir System Simulation Model: A Case Study of Russian River Basin
- Exploring tropical forest vegetation dynamics using the FATES model
- Extreme Ozone and Temperature Distributions over the United States: Present and Future
- Fate of pollution emitted during the 2015 Indonesian Fire Season
- Finding the Root Causes of Statistical Inconsistency in Community Earth System Model Output
- Flood Risk Assessment and Forecasting for the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basins
- Forecast Verification: Identification of small changes in weather forecasting skill
- Forecasting wildland fire behavior using high-resolution large-eddy simulations
- From Buckets to Basins: Scaling up from the CZO to the NOAA National Water Model
- From Descriptive to Explanatory: Using Metrics to Identify Candidate Phenomena for Process Evaluation in NA-CORDEX and NARCCAP
- Future Effects of Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Zonal Asymmetries on Climate
- Future changes in large-scale transport and stratosphere-troposphere exchange
- Future flood risk in the tropics as measured by changes in extreme runoff intensity is strongly influenced by plant-physiological responses to rising CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Geographical and Vertical Distribution of Organic Aerosol (OA) during ATom-1 and 2: Chemical removal and aging as a function of photochemical age
- Geoscience Digital Data Resource and Repository Service
- Geoscience Diversity Experiential Simulations (GeoDES) Workshop Report
- Glacial changes in warm pool climate dominated by shelf exposure and ice sheet albedo
- Global Geospace Modeling of Upper Thermospheric Dynamics during Storm Time
- Global Synthesis of Common Era Hydroclimate using Water Isotope Proxies from Multiple Archives: First Results from the PAGES Iso2k Project
- Ground-based eye-safe networkable micro-pulse differential absorption and high spectral resolution lidar for water vapor and aerosol profiling in the lower troposphere
- Growing the Next Generation of Data Professionals at the National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Hazardous Convective Weather in the Central United States: Present and Future
- Heat exposure in cities: combining the dynamics of temperature and population
- Hemispherically Dependent Responses of the Global Monsoon to Volcanic Eruptions in the CESM Last Millennium Ensemble
- High Spectral Resolution LIDAR as a Tool for Air Quality Research
- Historical carbonyl sulfide observations support long-term growth in atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplitude
- How Hydroclimate Influences the Effectiveness of Particle Filter Data Assimilation of Streamflow in Initializing Short- to Medium-range Streamflow Forecasts
- How accurately can the instantaneous aerosol effect on cloud albedo be constrained?
- How do the methodological choices of your climate change study affect your results? A hydrologic case study across the Pacific Northwest
- How well can we reconcile ocean heat content, top-of-atmosphere energy imbalance and the sea level budget?
- Human impacts on 20th century fire dynamics and implications for global carbon and water trajectories
- ISINGLASS Auroral Sounding Rocket Campaign Data Synthesis: Radar, Imagery, and In Situ Observations
- Identifying Patterns in Extreme Precipitation Risk and the Related Impacts
- Identifying robust regional precipitation responses to regional aerosol emissions perturbations in three coupled chemistry-climate models
- Impact of Basal Hydrology Near Grounding Lines: Results from the MISMIP-3D and MISMIP+ Experiments Using the Community Ice Sheet Model
- Impact of Convection and Long Range Transport on Short-Lived Trace Gases in the UT/LS
- Impact of GHG warming on the mean and extreme loading of particulate matter pollution in a chemistry-climate model ensemble simulation
- Impact of Moist Physics Complexity on Tropical Cyclone Simulations from the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast System
- Impact of a Stochastic Parameterization Scheme on El Nino-Southern Oscillation in the Community Climate System Model
- Impacts of Stratospheric Sulfate Geoengineering on PM2.5
- Impacts of a Stochastic Ice Mass-Size Relationship on Squall Line Ensemble Simulations
- Impacts of auroral current systems on ionospheric upflow/outflow
- Impacts of deep convection on upper tropospheric composition diagnosed using chemical tracer measurements and CloudSat cloud data
- Impacts of historic and projected land-cover, land-use, and land-management change on carbon and water fluxes: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Impacts of initial convective structure on subsequent squall line evolution
- Implementing real-time GNSS monitoring to investigate continental rift initiation processes
- Improved Atmospheric Correction Over the Indian Subcontinent Using Fast Radiative Transfer and Optimal Estimation
- Improvement of Storm Forecasts Using Gridded Bayesian Linear Regression for Northeast United States
- Improvements and Lingering Challenges with Modeling Low-Level Winds Over Complex Terrain during the Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2
- Improvements in the spatial representation of lakes and reservoirs in the contiguous United States for the National Water Model
- Improving Air Quality (and Weather) Predictions using Advanced Data Assimilation Techniques Applied to Coupled Models during KORUS-AQ
- Improving Microphysics in a Spectral Convective Parameterization: Possibilities and Limitations.
- Improving National Water Modeling: An Intercomparison of two High-Resolution, Continental Scale Models, CONUS-ParFlow and the National Water Model
- Improving Representations of Near-Surface Permafrost and Soil Temperature Profiles in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Improving high impact weather and climate prediction for societal resilience in Subtropical South America: Proyecto RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Improving short-term air quality predictions over the U.S. using chemical data assimilation
- Increased Surface Wind Speeds Follow Diminishing Arctic Sea Ice
- Influence of sea ice on Arctic coasts
- Initializing carbon cycle predictions from the Community Land Model by assimilating global biomass observations
- Integrating heterogeneous earth observation data for assessment of high-resolution inundation boundaries generated during flood emergencies.
- Interactions between meteoric smoke particles and the stratospheric aerosol layer
- Intercomparison of Chemical Multiphase Box Models
- Internally Generated and Externally Forced Multidecadal Oceanic Modes and their Influence on the Summer Rainfall over East Asia
- Investigating High O<SUB>3</SUB> Days at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory in Summer 2015
- Investigating biosphere-atmosphere exchange of oxidized organic carbon, particles and black carbon
- Investigating the Impact of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on the Interannual Carbon Flux
- Investigating the climate and carbon cycle impacts of CMIP6 Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Community Earth System Model (CESM2)
- Investigating the direct meltwater effect in oxygen-isotope records using an isotope-enabled Earth system model
- Ionospheric electron heating associated with pulsating auroras: joint optical and PFISR observations
- Is climate change intensifying the drying-trend in the Caribbean?
- Is ozone model bias driven by errors in cloud predictions? A quantitative assessment using satellite cloud retrievals in WRF-Chem
- Kelvin waves in the tropical stratosphere observed in OMPS-LP ozone measurements
- Lagged correlations between the NAO and the 11-year solar cycle: forced response or internal variability?
- Landsat Sensitivity To Recovery from Burning and Clearcuts in Amazonia
- Large Scale Analysis of Geospatial Data with Dask and XArray
- Large projected increases in rain-on-snow flood potential over western North America
- Leaf enclosure measurement for determining marijuana volatile organic compound emission factors
- Leveraging Mechanism Simplicity and Strategic Averaging to Identify Signals from Highly Heterogeneous Spatial and Temporal Ozone Data
- Leveraging Past Climate Variability to Inform Methodological Choices and Improve Hydrologic Projections
- Lidar Penetration Depth Observations for Constraining Cloud Longwave Feedbacks
- Localization of a variational particle smoother
- Low-warming Scenarios and their Approximation: Testing Emulation Performance for Average and Extreme Variables
- MOPITT Near Real-Time Data for LANCE: Automatic Quality Assurance and Comparison to Operational Products
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Geomagnetic Substorm on March 1, 2017
- Markers for Chinese and Korean Air Masses: Halocarbons and Other Trace Gases Measured During KORUS-AQ
- Measuring Engagement and Learning Outcomes During a Teacher Professional Development Workshop about Creative Climate Communication
- Measuring Solar Coronal Magnetism during the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017
- Mesoscale Convective Systems Under Climate Change: Results from North American Scale Convection-Permitting Climate Simulations
- Mesoscale thermospheric wind in response to nightside auroral brightening
- Meteorological Instrumentation and Measurements Open Resource Training Modules for Undergraduate and Graduate Education
- Meteorological air quality forecasting using the WRF-Chem model during the LMOS2017 field campaign
- Meteorology Research in DOE's Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) Program
- Microphysical characteristics of squall-line stratiform precipitation and transition zones inferred using an ice particle property-evolving model
- Mid-latitude thermospheric dynamics from an inter-hemispheric prospective
- Modeled changes in 100 year Flood Risk and Asset Damages within Mapped Floodplains of the Contiguous United States
- Modeling Extreme Precipitation over East China with a Global Variable-Resolution Modeling Framework (MPAS)
- Modeling Mountain Wave Dynamics from 0-200 km in Large Domains at High Resolution
- Modeling Precipitation Extremes using Log-Histospline
- Modeling SST gradient changes, the hydrological cycle response, and deep water formation in the North Pacific
- Moist Thermodynamics of Tropical Cyclone Formation and Intensification in High-Resolution Climate Models
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Boreal Forest Vegetation Growth Under the Influence of Permafrost and Wildfire Interactions
- Multi-wavelength observations of the solar atmosphere from the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse
- NA-CORDEX: Overview and New Results
- NCAR CESM2 release of CAM-SE: A reformulation of the spectral-element dynamical core in dry-mass vertical coordinates with comprehensive treatment of condensates and energy
- NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory - An End-to-End Observational Science Enterprise
- NO<SUB>x</SUB> Lifetime During WINTER
- National Water Model assessment for water management needs over the Western United States.
- Near Real-Time MOPITT Data - Its Architecture, Obstacles Overcome, and Strategic Decisions
- Near-global covariability of hourly precipitation in space and time.
- NetCDF-CF: Supporting Earth System Science with Data Access, Analysis, and Visualization
- New Particle Formation in the Tropical UTLS Near Costa Rica: Contrast January and February with June and August
- New watershed-based climate forecast products for hydrologists and water managers
- Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes
- Nonlinearity in ENSO-Precipitation-Terrestrial Water Storage Relationships
- Numerical MHD Coronal Simulations: Energy Statistics and FORWARD Analysis.
- Observation and simulation of ethane at 23 FTIR sites
- Observation-based modelling and analysis of O<SUB>3</SUB> Production in the Seoul Metropolitan Area during KORUS-AQ
- Observational Analyses of Dramatic Developments of A Severe Air Pollution Event in the Beijing Area
- Observational Constraints on a Novel Source of Secondary Methanol
- Occurrence rate of ion upflow and downflow observed by the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)
- Ocean Heat Uptake Slows 21st Century Surface Warming Driven by Extratropical Cloud Feedbacks
- On the Threshold Behavior of Extreme Precipitation-Temperature Relationships and Potential Future Changes
- Ozone depleting substances: a key forcing of the Brewer-Dobson circulation
- Partnerships and Grassroots Action in the 500 Women Scientists Network
- Penetrating Shortwave Radiation and Sea Ice Algae feedbacks using the Community Earth System Model
- Photogrammetric Analysis of Rotor Clouds Observed during T-REX
- Physical Mechanism, Spectral Detection, and Potential Mitigation of 3D Cloud Effects on OCO-2 Radiances and Retrievals
- Polarization Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017
- Precipitation variability increases in a warmer climate
- Predictive Skill and Predictability of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenesis in Different Synoptic Flow Regimes
- Preliminary Numerical Simulations of Sudden Warming from Chinooks in the Lee of the Alaska Range
- Present-day distribution and trends of global tropospheric ozone from satellite observations: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR)
- Probabilistic Predictions of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Using a Novel Ensemble Design for the NAQFC
- Probabilistic verification of cloud fraction from three different products with CALIPSO
- Process-Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Global Climate Models
- Progress with lossy compression of data from the Community Earth System Model
- Projected drought risk in 1.5°C and 2°C warmer climates
- Quadratic Polynomial Regression using Serial Observation Processing:Implementation within DART
- Quantifying Future PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Associated Health Effects Due to Changes in US Wildfires
- Quantifying Source Sector and Region Contributions of BC and Dust Deposition on the Arctic Snow and the Resulting Albedo Reduction
- Quantifying the Interannual Variability in Global Carbon Fluxes from Heterotrophic Respiration using a Testbed and Pulse Response Modeling Approach.
- Quantifying the impact of smoke aerosol on the UV radiation
- Radar Rainfall Statistics During PECAN
- Recent developments and assessment of a three-dimensional PBL parameterization for improved wind forecasting over complex terrain
- Recent improvements in hydrometeor sampling using airborne holography
- Recognizing and exploring the right questions with climate data: An example of better understanding ENSO in climate projections
- Reducing uncertainty in Earth system model terrestrial carbon cycle projections - the Community Land Model experience
- Regional Community Climate Simulations with variable resolution meshes in the Community Earth System Model
- Regional, seasonal and lagged influences of the Amundsen Sea Low on Antarctic Sea Ice
- Relationship between macroscopic and microphysical properties for mixed-phase and ice clouds over the Southern Ocean in ORCAS campaign
- Relative influence of aerosols and different meteorological conditions on the total volume of rainfall of the mesoscale convective systems.
- Removing Circulation Effects to Assess Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Observations and GLACE-CMIP5
- Representing Plant Hydraulics in a Global Model: Updates to the Community Land Model
- Results from the BRACE 1.5 study: Climate change impacts of 1.5 C and 2 C warming
- Revision of global carbon fluxes based on ocean heat constraints
- Revisiting the PLUMBER Experiments from a Process-Diagnostics Perspective
- Rice emissions during field flooding and air pollution feedbacks across South Korea
- Role of the North Atlantic Ocean in Low Frequency Climate Variability
- Salinity information in coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records
- Satellite-based Analysis of CO Variability over the Amazon Basin
- Scaling analysis of cloud and rain water in marine stratocumulus and implications for scale-aware microphysical parameterizations
- Scoring Methods in the International Land Benchmarking (ILAMB) Package
- Sea Ice in the NCEP Seasonal Forecast System
- Seasonality of photosynthesis of a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest: implications for SIF as a metric for GPP
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ
- Sensitivity of an Antarctic Ice Sheet Model to Sub-Ice-Shelf Melting
- Sensitivity of the jet-stream to Arctic temperatures
- Sensitivity of tropical cyclone forecasts using Grell-Frietas scheme with Hurricane WRF model
- Separating methane emissions from agricultural sources and natural gas: direct measurements of excess columns of CH<SUB>4</SUB>, C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB> and NH<SUB>3 </SUB>in the Colorado Front Range
- Simulating a Mesoscale Convective System Using New Fast Spectral Bin Microphysics: The Major Ice Hydrometeor and Aerosol Effects
- Simulating land-atmosphere feedbacks and response to widespread forest disturbance: The role of lower boundary configuration and dynamic water table in meteorological modeling
- Simulating the convective precipitation diurnal cycle in a North American scale convection-permitting model
- Simulation of Deep Convective Clouds with the Dynamic Reconstruction Turbulence Closure
- Simulation of the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse Using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model - eXtended (WACCM-X)
- Simulations of Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium (SNA) aerosols during the extreme haze events over Northern China in October 2014
- Small Groups, Big Change: Preliminary Findings from the Sparks for Change Institute
- Smoke exposure and associated health effects across several fire seasons and locations in the Western US
- Soil Moisture or Groundwater?
- Soil warming response: field experiments to Earth system models
- Solar Influences on El Nino/Southern Oscillation Dynamics Over the Last Millennium
- Solar activity across the scales: from small-scale quiet-Sun dynamics to magnetic activity cycles
- Sources and Characterization of Submicron Aerosols in a Rural Forest During the PROPHET-AMOS 2016 Campaign
- Sources of enhanced SO<SUB>2</SUB> in the tropical Western Pacific UT/LS
- Southern Arizona hydroclimate over the last 3000 years: a comparison of speleothem elemental data and climate model simulations
- Stationarity: Insights toward Determining a Sonic Anemometer's Coordinate System
- Statistical Characteristics of Ionospheric Polar Cap Patches Observed by RISR-C
- Statistical Compression for Climate Model Output
- Statistical Downscaling of 2D Reanalysis Fields with the Analog Ensemble
- Stratospheric circulation diagnostics from age of air
- Strong constraints on aerosol-cloud interactions from volcanic eruptions
- Structural and parameteric uncertainty quantification in cloud microphysics parameterization schemes
- Studies of Global Solar Magnetic Field Patterns Using a Newly Digitized Archive
- Supporting Operational Data Assimilation Capabilities to the Research Community
- Surveying the IR corona during the 2017 solar eclipse
- Systemic swings in end-Permian environments from Siberian Traps carbon and sulfur outgassing
- Terminator 2020: Get Ready for the "Event" of The Next Decade
- Test of Thompson's Microphysics Scheme in FV3GFS
- The 2015-2016 El Niño and the response of the carbon cycle: Findings from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission
- The Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom): Comparing the Chemical Climatology of Reactive Species and Air Parcels from Measurements and Global Models
- The Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): Quantifying the Impact of Gravity Waves on the Edge of Space
- The Backscatter Cloudprobe with Polarization Detection: A New Aircraft Ice Water Detector
- The Community Earth System Model-Polar Climate Working Group and the status of CESM2.
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 4 Updates: Merging Toward Capabilities of the National Water Model
- The Dependence of Cloud-SST Feedback on Circulation Regime and Timescale
- The Effect of Large Scale Salinity Gradient on Langmuir Turbulence
- The Evolution of the Solar Magnetic Field: A Comparative Analysis of Two Models
- The Global Modeling Test Bed - Building a New National Capability for Advancing Operational Global Modeling in the United States.
- The Historical Context of the 2017 Hurricane Season's Ocean Warmth
- The Impact of Chemical Mechanism Design on Simulated Surface Ozone in CAM-Chem
- The Impact of Infiltration Losses and Model Resolution on the Simulated Hydrometeorological Response of a Semi-Arid Catchment
- The Impact of Varying the Physics Grid Resolution Relative to the Dynamical Core Resolution in CAM-SE-CSLAM
- The Impacts of Various Environments Factors and Adaptive Management Strategies on Food Crops in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Based on a Land Surface Model
- The Intensity and Structure Changes of Hurricane Charley (2004) During its Landfall: A Study with Radar Data Assimilation
- The Isinglass Auroral Sounding Rocket Campaign: data synthesis incorporating remote sensing, in situ observations, and modelling
- The NCAR Digital Asset Services Hub (DASH): Implementing Unified Data Discovery and Access
- The Response of the Southern Hemisphere Middle Atmosphere to the Madden-Julian oscillation during Austral Winter Using the Specified-Dynamics Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- The Rise of Complexity in Flood Forecasting: Opportunities, Challenges and Tradeoffs
- The Role of Divergent Flow in the Parameterized and Resolved Convective Precipitation over the Amazon Forest
- The Role of Solar Wind Density in the Cross Polar Cap Potential Saturation under Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- The Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report: A Scientific Basis for Policy and Management Decisions
- The Use of Ambient Humidity Conditions to Improve Influenza Forecast
- The effect of education on climate change risks
- The effect of mixing and residual transport on Mean Age of Air in CCMVal-2 and CCMI model simulations
- The evolution of process-based hydrologic models: historical challenges and the collective quest for physical realism
- The impact of including export limitation in photosynthetic models from leaf to global scales
- The impact on UT/LS cirrus clouds in the CAM/CARMA model using a new interactive aerosol parameterization.
- The importance of the southern ocean on distributions and lifetimes of non-methane organic compounds
- The organic trace gas composition over South Korea as measured by PTR-ToF-MS during KORUS-AQ
- The potential for geostationary remote sensing of NO<SUB>2</SUB> to improve weather prediction
- The role of ecosystem memory in predicting inter-annual variations of the tropical carbon balance.
- The uneven nature of daily precipitation and its change
- The use of a probabilistic approach to compare observed and simulated cloud properties: Results from a squall line sampled during MC3E
- Three-moment representation of rain in a cloud microphysics model
- Toward Understanding Dynamics in Shifting Biomes: An Individual Based Modeling Approach to Characterizing Drought and Mortality in Central Western Canada
- Towards Better Simulation of US Maize Yield Responses to Climate in the Community Earth System Model
- Towards Verifying National CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Towards a Better Understanding of Water Stores and Fluxes: Model Observation Synthesis in a Snowmelt Dominated Research Watershed
- Transforming Atmospheric and Remotely-Sensed Information to Hydrologic Predictability in South Asia
- Transport of Gas-Phase Anthropogenic VOCs to the Remote Troposphere During the NASA ATom Mission
- Tropical Cyclone Intensity in Global Models
- Tropical Hydroclimate Change during Heinrich Stadial 1: An Integrative Proxy-Model Synthesis
- Tropical cyclones and climate of the mid-Piacenzian warm period in a super high resolution atmosphere-ocean coupled simulation
- Tropospheric ozone observations - How well can we assess tropospheric ozone changes?
- Uncertainties in Future Regional Sea Level Trends: How to Deal with the Internal Climate Variability?
- Uncertainty in Arctic hydrology projections and the permafrost-carbon feedback
- Uncertainty in the Future of Seasonal Snowpack over North America.
- Understanding Atypical Mid-Level Wind Speed Maxima in Hurricane Eyewalls
- Understanding Emissions in East Asia - The KORUS 2015 Emissions Inventory
- Understanding the Acceleration of Sea Level Rise During the Altimeter Era
- Understanding the Role of Air-Sea Interaction on Extreme Rainfall in Aquaplanet and Earth-like CESM2
- Understanding the d18O Response to Precession in the South Asian Monsoon Region
- Understanding the influence of topography on the dynamics of the North American monsoon in climate model simulations
- Unique Observations in Hurricane Maria (2017) using the Coyote Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS)
- Upper and Lower Limits of the Rate of SO<SUB>2 </SUB>Oxidation In Wintertime Atmosphere Over The Eastern United States
- Urban and Industrial VOC Emissions in the Seoul Metropolitan Area and Surrounding Region during the KORUS-AQ Field Study
- Urbanization Induces Nonstationarity in Extreme Rainfall Characteristics over Contiguous United States
- Use of In-Situ and Remotely Sensed Snow Observations for the National Water Model in Both an Analysis and Calibration Framework.
- Using Four Downscaling Techniques to Characterize Uncertainty in Updating Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Under Climate Change
- Using Peroxynitric Acid (PNA) to Assess HO<SUB>x</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> Budgets during the NASA ATom Mission
- Using Simulated Crystal Aggregates to Represent Snow and Melting Precipitation in the GPM Combined Radar-Radiometer Algorithm
- Using Temperature Forecasts to Improve Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in the Colorado and Rio Grande Basins
- Using Total Peroxy Radicals to Evaluate Ozone Production in Northern Michigan and San Antonio
- Using Unsupervised Learning to Unlock the Potential of Hydrologic Similarity
- Using Weather Types to Understand and Communicate Weather and Climate Impacts
- Using decadal climate prediction to characterize and manage changing drought and flood risks in Colorado
- Using multi-source satellite data to assess snow-cover change in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in last decade
- Validation of Bin Microphysics in Large Eddy Simulations for the 30 January 2012 Lake Effect snow case during GCPEx
- Variational Ridging in Sea Ice Models
- WRF-Hydro Simulated Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Streamflow Extremes over the CONUS during 1993-2016 and Possible Connections with Climate Variability
- Western Arctic Temperature Sensitivity Varies under Different Mean States
- What Makes Hydrologic Models Differ? Using SUMMA to Systematically Explore Model Uncertainty and Error
- Why do modelled and observed surface wind stress climatologies differ in the trade wind regions?
- Winter Arctic sea ice growth: current variability and projections for the coming decades
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- 150-Year CONUS Quasi-Dynamical Downscaling with ICAR
- A Cross-Scale, Hydro-Meteorological Forecast Evaluation of National Water Model Forecasts of the May 2018 Ellicott City, MD Flood
- A Decision Support System for Seasonal Hydropower Planning in East Africa Using Remote Sensing and Ensemble Forecasts
- A Framework for Testing Plant Allocation and Reactive Transport Hypotheses
- A Hindcast Approach to Understanding the Equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue Bias in CESM1
- A Large Amplitude (>300 M/S) Neutral Wind "Jet" Observed Near 130 km Altitude and Associated DC Electric Fields, Energetic Electron and Other Measurements Revealed by a Vapor Trail and Dual Sounding Rocket and Ground-Based Instruments in the Auroral Zone Lower Ionosphere
- A Pathway for Improvement of Frozen Phase Precipitation Processes Based on Synthesizing Advanced In-Situ and Radar Observations and Sophisticated Bin Microphysical Scheme Outputs
- A Pliocene perspective on ocean circulation and nutrients: the role of Pacific overturning on Earth system timescales
- A Strategic Vision for STEM Education in Earth System Sciences - The Role of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Supporting the Community
- A Testbed to Analyze Colorado River Streamflow Forecasts and Operational Projections
- A Tool to Identify Convective Outflows in Numerical Weather Prediction Models for Fire Weather Forecasting
- A new approach to benchmark present-day's TOA flux in 9.6-μm ozone band from model ensemble
- A new lightning assimilation technique based on 4DVAR
- A novel ensemble design for fine particulate matter probabilistic predictions and quantification of their uncertainty
- A numerical study of the middle-latitude neutral temperature and wind responses to geomagnetic storms in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region
- A preliminary look at the impacts of assimilating UAS data into high resolution WRF simulations of the San Luis Valley
- A stratospheric pathway linking a colder Siberia to Barents-Kara sea ice loss
- A tracer study to reveal pathways and ocean influences of global riverine freshwater
- A whole-atmospheric perspective on connections between intra-seasonal variations in the troposphere and thermosphere
- AIR-Spec 2.0 Plans for the July 2 2019 South Pacific Eclipse
- Actinic Flux and Photolysis Rate Measurements on the NSF/NCAR C130 during the WE-CAN Campaign
- Advances in Operational Monitoring of Snow in the Alps using Airborne LiDAR Data
- Advances in continental-domain hydrologic modeling and prediction
- Aerosol Evolution and Global Stratospheric Circulation Impacts of the 1783-1784 Laki Volcanic Eruption in Iceland
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions from Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano
- Air-sea exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): a missing link between the sea surface carbon pool and the reactive carbon in the atmosphere
- Airborne Measurements and Air Quality Impacts of the 2016 California Soberanes Megafire
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- Alkyl nitrate measurements using Whole Air Sampling (WAS) during ATom
- An Emergent Pattern of Forced Sea Level Rise in the Satellite Altimeter Record and Implications for the Future
- An Ensemble Reanalysis with the Community Earth System Model 2.0
- An information technology foundation for fostering interdisciplinary oceanographic research and analysis
- Analysis of Trends in Total Stratospheric Ozone
- Analysis of high-resolution gridded weather datasets obtained from NCEP's URMA and LDAS reanalysis
- Analyzing Effects of Inundated Land Area on Downstream Flow in the Red River Basin
- Anomalous Small-scale gravity wave activities in the Arctic mesopause region during the 2015/2016 winter
- Application of an ensemble-based modeling approach for assimilating observations to improve hydrologic and streamflow predictions
- Arctic Chlorine Chemistry Influenced by NO<SUB>x</SUB> Pollution from Villages and Oil Fields
- Assessing Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering on Terrestrial Biogeochemical Feedbacks
- Assessing and Mitigating Uncertainties in the Noah-MP Land-Model Simulations over the Central Tibetan Plateau
- Assessment of in-situ and remote sensing NO<SUB>2</SUB> observations during DISCOVER-AQ and KORUS-AQ field campaigns
- Assessment of the reanalysis data on cloudy atmospheres with satellite observations
- Assimilating Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) Water Surface Elevations into the WRF-Hydro Modeling System in Alaska using HydroDART
- Asymmetry variabilities of mesoscale eddy activity alongside the Kuroshio Extension
- Asynchronous response to late Holocene cooling by glaciers in the Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the Arctic explained by weakening AMOC and intensified Aleutian Low: a data-model comparison
- Atmospheric Bromine and Chlorine Chemistry in the Changing Arctic
- Atmospheric Impacts of a Close Cometary Encounter
- Atmospheric responses to Arctic sea ice loss in a high-top atmospheric general circulation model
- Augmenting Stream Gauges for Calibrating the NWM V2.0
- Benchmarking and parameter sensitivity of FATES predictions of ecosystem structure and function at Barro Colorado Island, Panama
- Benefits of 1-km Forecasts for Extreme Weather Prediction
- Bilingual science outreach and communication: Broadening the participation of Spanish-speaking communities in the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- Building a Community of Practice: HEPEX's 15 years of successful collaboration to advance ensemble streamflow forecasting for risk-based decision-making in water management
- CHORDS: Building the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- CMA Global Reanalysis: Status and Plans
- Can NAO-Related Buoyancy Fluxes in the Labrador Sea Alone Produce Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and Its Associated Climate Impacts?
- Can the Salt Advection Feedback Be Detected in Internal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?
- Canopy Interception and Climate Change
- Carbon monoxide budget during KORUS-AQ, first joint assimilation of NUCAPS CrIS and MOPITT CO retrievals
- Catchments to Continents: Impacts of Spatially Variable Soil Depth Characterization on NOAA National Water Model Streamflow Prediction
- Changes in hurricanes predicted in a large domain convection permitting regional climate model
- Changing biogeochemistry of the polar oceans
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- Characteristics and Sources of VOCs in the Seoul Region during KORUS-AQ
- Characterizing Snow Water Equivalent uncertainty in vegetated regions for the Airborne Snow Observatory
- Chemical Reactivity in the Remote Troposphere: Patterns and Heterogeneity based on ATom measurements
- Chemistry-Climate Links for Carbon Monoxide in Northern Hemisphere Boreal Fire Regions and an Assessment of Global Fire Inventories
- Climate Adaptation Best Practices for Water Utilities
- Climate Engineering: Design and Feedback
- Climatology and Characteristics of Medium-Scale F-region Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities Observed by COSMIC Radio Occultation Receivers
- Climatology of mesopause region nocturnal temperature, zonal wind, sodium density, and GW momentum flux observed by sodium lidar over Hefei, China (32°N, 117°E)
- Closing the Gap Between the Sun and Heliosphere
- Cloud Impacts on Photochemistry: Statistical Analysis of Global Chemistry Models and Measurements from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Cloud phase distributions based on in-situ and ground-based observations over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and comparisons with a GCM
- Cloud-Aerosol Interactions and Aerosol Variability Near Southern Ocean Low Clouds
- Comparing Dynamically Downscaled Regional Climate Models Using a Low-Level Jet Metric
- Comparing Ocean Boundary Vertical Mixing Schemes with Langmuir Turbulence
- Comparing causes of impact winter at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary with an Earth system model
- Comparison of Near-Source BTEX Flux Measurements to Inventory Estimates for Upstream Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Identification of Specific BTEX Sources in the Northern Colorado Front Range.
- Comparison of Noah-MP and VIC long-term drought predictions over the Western U.S.
- Comparison of Univariate and Multivariate Bias-Correction of Daily NA-CORDEX Data
- Comparisons of Tropospheric CO Measurements from Sentinel-5P TROPOMI and Terra MOPITT
- Comparisons of different AMO indexes and their global impacts
- Competing roles of the fast and slow response in the total coupled West African precipitation response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing
- Concepts for a Next Generation Solar Physics Mission
- Conceptual Operation Schemes to Enhance the Representation of Reservoirs in the NOAA National Water Model
- Concurrent Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017
- Connecting regional aerosol emissions reductions to mean and extreme precipitation responses
- Constraining cryospheric contributions to streamflow through international collaborations and scientific capacity building
- Coronal Hole Lifespans at Lower Latitudes Studied with the McIntosh Archive
- Coronal magnetism: spectropolarimetric diagnostics from IR to UV
- Creating and Connecting Champions for Diversity in the Geosciences: Hearts of GOLD
- Current variability and future projections of winter Arctic sea ice thickness
- Customizing the National Water Model to meet Regional Needs for Water Prediction
- Data management services supported by NCAR's Research Data Archive
- Decadal-Scale Variations in Stratospheric Circulation Driven by Seasonal Timing of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
- Defining Extreme Temperatures Using Social Remarkability: Evidence from Twitter for Rapidly-Shifting Baselines in a Changing Climate
- Defining the 'Typical' Coronal Mass Ejection Using Nonparametric Statistics
- Demographic modeling and Landsat sensitivity to forest recovery following tropical clear-cuts and boreal heat-driven forest mortality events
- Deploying ESGF Node as Docker containers on Google Cloud: A GFDL experience
- Description and evaluation of the Colorado Fire Prediction system (CO-FPS)
- Designing a New Coronal Magnetic Energy Diagnostic
- Detecting climate change impacts on North Atlantic hurricane precipitation and size in a high-resolution climate model
- Detection and attribution of anthropogenic and natural signals in the ocean warming
- Determining the Ground Heat Flux over Vertically Heterogeneous Soil
- Developing Scale-Aware Algorithms for the Ensemble Filtering of Geophysical Flows
- Developing new watershed-based climate forecast products for water managers
- Development of Machine Learning Models for Estimation of Fuel Moisture Content Based on MODIS Satellite Observations
- Development of a Global Quasi-3-D Multiscale Modeling Framework
- Development of a biomass burning smoke prediction system including near-real time constraints on emissions over the Western U.S.
- Development of the Observational Large Ensemble for analysis of regional climate variability
- Developmental Testbed Center: Engaging the community in Research to Operations transitions
- Diagnosis of multi-decadal evolution characteristics of middle atmosphere temperature changes
- Disseminating CONUS National Water Model Simulation Data at Watershed Scales to Engage a Broad Community of Water Scientists
- Distribution of mantle <SUP>3</SUP>He in the Indian Ocean simulated by an Ocean General Circulation Model
- Distributions and Chemistry of NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Remote Troposphere and the Validity of the Photo-stationary State Approximation
- Disturbance of Pre-existing Magnetic Polarities Prior to Subsequent Emergence of Magnetic Flux in Close Proximity
- Diurnal Temperature Variability: an Observations-Climate Model Intercomparison
- Do the modern AMOC and PMOC form a natural climate seesaw?
- Does data citation aid provenance?
- Does elevation-dependent warming hold true above 5,000 m elevation?
- Dynamic Evolution of Polar Tongues of Ionization and Patches in the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Dynamics of High-latitude F-region Winds Driven by Multi-scale Magnetospheric Energy Input
- Dynamics of Lower-tropospheric Vorticity in Idealized Simulations of Tropical Cyclone Formation
- E-region nitric oxide response to energetic electron precipitation
- ESIPhub: Notebook Driven Workshops in a Shared Computational Environment
- Early results from the RELAMPAGO Lightning Mapping Array
- Energizing Turbulence Closures in Ocean Models
- Engineering of the HiWIND Thermospheric Wind Observatory
- Enhancements to the WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model Structure for Semi-arid Environments
- Enhancing Community Collaborations through NWP Software Containers
- Eocene Hyperthermal Events - A DeepMIP Study With CESM1.2
- Estimating the Azimuthal Mode Structure of ULF Waves Based on Multiple GOES Satellite Observations
- Estimating the Sources of Black Carbon Deposition to the Himalayan Glaciers in Current and Future Climates through Dynamical Downscaling
- Evaluating Generative Adversarial Network Stochastic Parameterizations of the Lorenz '96 Model at Climate and Weather Scales
- Evaluating a Bottom-up Inventory of Volatile Chemical Products and Mobile Source Emissions with Field Measurements in New York City
- Evaluating and improving ice sheet clouds, radiation, and precipitation in the Community Earth System Model
- Evaluating the climate impact of different land-surface properties: separating the role of atmospheric feedbacks from surface-driven changes
- Evaluating the impacts of short and long-term fates of nitrogen additions on forest carbon pools in Earth system models
- Evaluation and Attribution of Global CO Emissions and Trends to Natural and Anthropogenic Sources
- Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of Multi-Source Evapotranspiration Analyses over the Continental United States
- Evaluation of Pleaides-derived snow height map using Airborne Snow Observatory data
- Evaluation of Winter Weather Prediction During Extreme Snowfall Events for the NE US.
- Evaluation of measurement bias of cloud water probes under icing conditions in the southern hemisphere during SOCRATES
- Evolution of Acrolein Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (APAN) in Petrochemical and Agricultural Fire Plumes
- Evolution of ICME structure in the inner heliosphere: a parametric study
- Evolution of surface emissions in China and impact on changes in air quality
- Examining historical impacts and mitigation potential of soil tillage practices in the Community Land Model
- Extending NSIDC's Passive Microwave Satellite Record Beyond the SMMR-SSM/I-SSMIS 40-Year Time Series
- Extreme Heat and Ozone in Houston: Assessing and Reducing Health Risks
- Extreme Sub-daily Winter Precipitation vs. Model Resolution in the Upper Mississippi River Valley
- Extreme wildfire events: Understanding and prediction
- Extremes of Opportunity: Characterizing Warm Season Streamflow in New Mexico River Basins
- Factors contributing to bias and variability of stratiform precipitation properties with various cloud microphysics schemes for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- Fifteen-year Trend in African Dust Outbreaks across the eastern Caribbean
- First experimental investigation into the possible connections between the zonal neutral wind speeds and equatorial plasma bubble drift velocities over the African region
- First in-situ observations of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>and ClNO<SUB>2</SUB>in the upper atmosphere: Results from ATom
- Formaldehyde Sources in the Remote Upper Troposphere
- Fostering Trust in Data Repositories: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Strategy and Results
- Frontiers Appear at the Edges of Domains: Are We Still at the Edges Now for Assembling Policy-maker Partnerships with Geoscientists for Projecting Climate Change?"
- Future Exposure to Heat Stress in Countries Bordering the Great Lakes of Africa: Climate Change and Human Population Growth
- GPS L1 Scintillation Detection Using a Novel 3-Dimensional PFISR Mode
- GPU parallelization of a hybrid pseudospectral fluid turbulence framework using CUDA
- Global Changes in Mesoscale Eddy Kinetic Energy under Greenhouse Warming
- Global OH Reactivity in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer and the Potential of Missing Reactivity
- Global impacts of polar sea ice loss in the 21st century
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Early Orbit Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): First Light Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Overview of Daytime Exospheric Temperature Science Data Product
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Overview of Daytime Neutral Temperature Science Data Product
- Going to Extremes in the "New" Arctic
- Groundwater-Atmosphere Interactions: A Scale-dependent Process to Combat Persistent Warm Bias in Seasonal Forecasts over the Central United States
- Hail Size Distribution Parameterization:Theoretical Considerations and Application to Radar Retrievals
- Heat flow from the upper to the lower thermosphere.
- Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Vertical Ion Drifts Observed by DMSP
- High Latitude aircraft observations of NMHCs, halocarbons and COS during ATom
- High-Resolution Future Climate Change Simulation in Alaska using a Pseudo-Global Warming Scenario
- High-resolution statistically downscaled climate and hydrology projections over Alaska
- How Long Will It Take To Identify Trends In Tropical Cyclones?
- How Well Can We Model Seasonal Variations in Land Water Storage Globally?
- How best to add structural complexity to cloud microphysics parameterization schemes?
- How do model decisions impact our projections of hydrologic extreme events? Exploring the sensitivities of floods and droughts under climate change
- How does the rainfall change over Hawaii in the future? High resolution regional climate simulation of the Hawaiian Islands.
- How much can we learn about rain microphysics from polarimetric radar observations? An investigation of information content and parameter estimation using the Bayesian Observationally-constrained Statistical-physical Scheme (BOSS)
- How strong is the relationship between the large-scale environment and tropical cyclone climatology in climate models?
- Hydro-DART: ensemble streamflow assimilations with WRF-Hydro and the Data Assimilation Research Testbed
- HydroShare tools and recommended practices for sharing and publishing data and models in support of collaborative reproducible research
- Hydroclimate of the Last Interglacial, from models and proxies
- Hydroclimatic Extremes as Challenges for the Water Management Community: Lessons from Oroville Dam and Hurricane Harvey
- Hydrologic Classification as a New Approach to Parameter Regionalization for the National Water Model
- IS-GEO 2018 Summer Workshop: Bringing Scientists to the Sensors and Back Again, across 8 of the world's 11 ecosystems
- Identifying potentially neglected sources of uncertainty in flood frequency estimation using a multi-model framework
- Imbroglio by an Inferno: The IS-GEO Hawaii Workshop and ad hoc sensor network session
- Immersive undergraduate research experiences: maximizing benefits for diverse students
- Impact of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Emissions on High Ozone Episodes Along the Lake Michigan Shoreline
- Impact of CESM1 American Monsoon Biases on Variability and Climate Change
- Impact of Changes in Land Use and Land Management on Nitrogen Loading Within the Continental United States
- Impact of Cloud-induced Solar Radiation Biases on Antarctic Sea Ice Variability in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Impact of Land use and Land cover Change on Regional Climate over the Contiguous United States using Variable-Resolution CESM2
- Impact of Precipitation Uncertainty on High-Resolution Snow Simulations over Western US Mountain Regions
- Impact of Rainfall Estimation Uncertainty on Early Warning Procedures: The Case of Montecito Mudslides in 2018.
- Impact of Thermospheric Preconditioning on Geospace Coupling
- Impacts of land cover and soil texture uncertainty on land model simulations over the central Tibetan Plateau
- Impacts on Agriculture from Surface Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Changes Due to Stratospheric Sulfate Injection
- Impacts on Maize and Wheat Crops of Alternative Warming Scenarios
- Implementation and Testing of the Experimental Design for ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet Simulations
- Improved Sea Ice Thermodynamics in the Community Earth System Model version 2.
- Improved UT/LS aerosol and cirrus simulations using the CAM/CARMA cloud model with MAM aerosols
- Improved WRF-Chem Settings for Air Quality Meteorology Over Lake Michigan in Summer: Sensitivity to Boundary Condition, Initial Condition, Land Surface Parameterization, and PBL Scheme with Subsequent Influence on Biogenic Emissions and Ozone Formation
- Improving Bottom-up Emissions Information Based on Air Quality Measurement and Modeling Feedbacks - The KORUS Emissions Inventory
- Improving hydrological simulations via the integration of remotely sensed data assimilation and coupling of the WRF-Hydro model with NASA's Land Information System (LIS)
- Incorporating Observed Solar Variability into Model Forecasts: New Developments in WRF-Solar v2
- Influence of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation of Sea Spray Aerosol on Southern Ocean Clouds in theNCAR Community Atmosphere Model
- Influences of Pacific Ocean domain extent on the western US hydroclimatology in variable-resolution CESM
- Information Theoretic Approach to Discovering Causal Dependence in Solar Cycle Dynamics
- Information theoretic fingerprinting of hydrologic Models
- Initial Measurements of Thermospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> Density Profiles from GOLD
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Interaction of Langmuir turbulence and inertial currents in the ocean surface boundary layer under tropical cyclones
- Interannual oscillatory modes in the CESM model and the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis: regional and global
- Intercomparison of methods for calculating ground heat flux over the Tibetan Plateau
- Interfacing National Water Model Physics with Abstract Software Modules
- Interplanetary Magnetic Field By Effects on the Polar Neutral Composition
- Investigating Wildfire Emissions and Plume Pollution Transport viaJoint Assimilation of Satellite Aerosol and Carbon Monoxide Retrievals
- Investigating irregularities over Resolute Bay through observations and simulations of GNSS and Beacon signal propagation through gradient-drift instability
- Investigating the future evolution of Norwegian glaciers and hydrological impacts: an integrated modelling approach (EVOGLAC project)
- Investigation of flood modeling and inundation mapping techniques for Hurricane Harvey using the WRF-Hydro modeling framework
- Invigoration of Deep Convection in Polluted Environments: Myth or Reality?
- Irreducible Uncertainties and Persistence in Sea Level Variations
- Isolating Fast and Slow Response of the Regional Climate over Southeast Asia to Anthropogenic Aerosols using Variable Resolution-CESM
- Issues with Understanding Atmospheric Oxidation and Ozone Production during KORUS-AQ
- LAPSE-RATE: Advancement of Science and Technology during the 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- LUH2: Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Large influence of soil moisture on the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Large-scale controls and latitudinal dependence of North Pacific atmospheric rivers across a CESM2 hierarchy
- Lasers vs. Lasers: An intercomparison between lidar datasets, GNSS, and snow-probe transects from NASA's SnowEx campaign.
- Lessons from the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Leveraging network science to evaluate mechanisms and models of soil organic matter stabilization and change
- Leveraging the Data and Network of the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- Lightning and Blue Jets: Modeling of their global distribution, occurrence rate and chemical atmospheric effects
- Linkage between SIF and GPP in a seasonally-dormant high-elevation subalpine forest
- Linking Scientific Research with Stakeholder Participation for Improved Water Supply Forecasting in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado
- Localized Neutral Temperature Responses to Magnetospheric Energy Inputs and Gravity Wave Effects in the Polar Region
- Long-Term Changes in Ionospheric temperatures
- Long-lead Forecast of Heatwaves in the Eastern United States using Artificial Intelligence
- Low-cloud feedback in CAM5-CLUBB: physical mechanisms and parameter sensitivity analysis
- MOPITT Forward Model Software Enhancements for Broader Application
- Machine Learning Parameterizations of Surface Layer Fluxes
- Magnetofrictional Modeling of a Pseudostreamer Before and During Eruption
- Making the Most of Landing Pages
- Mapping the Oxidizing Capacity of the Global Remote Troposphere
- Measurements of Ash Particles in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere
- Medium-scale gravity waves in the bottomside F region
- Megadrought Risk in Low-Warming Scenarios
- Mesoscale Convective Systems within Variable-resolution CESM
- Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Nonstationarity on Seasonal Streamflow Predictability in the U.S. Southwest
- Modeling evidence for large, ENSO-driven interannual wintertime AMOC variability
- Modeling of Cloud Microphysics: Can We Do Better?
- Modeling of the global distribution and chemical effects of Blue Jets
- Modeling the Global MEK Budget in GEOS-Chem
- Modelled and observed multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic jet stream and its connection to sea surface temperatures
- Modulation of Arctic Sea Ice Loss by Atmospheric Teleconnections from Atlantic Multi-Decadal Variability
- Multi-scale interactions between thermal anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau and extreme precipitation in southern China
- Multi-variate evaluation of the NOAA National Water Model
- Mysteries of the Young Solar Wind
- NOAA's National Water Model: An Update on Model Activities and Related Initiatives
- NOAA/HATS Atmospheric Trace Gas Profiles and Trends from Long-term and Campaign Sampling: Observations from Ground Sites, Balloons and Aircraft
- National Water Model Assessment for Reclamation's Water Management Needs
- National Water Model Community Collaboration and Engagement: A Software Development Approach
- New Daytime Thermosphere ionosphere observations during the HIWIND Flight in 2018
- New look at the nighttime IR emissions of OH(v) and CO<SUB>2</SUB>(v) in the MLT
- Non-robust influence of solar variability on the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Nuclear Winter Temperature Patterns Driven By Extreme Stratospheric Circulation Changes
- Observation-based metrics for evaluating typical precipitation across generations of CMIP
- Observations and Models of Oceanic Macroturbulence: Meet the New Bias, Same as the Old Bias
- Observations and Parameterizations of Autoconversion in Marine Stratocumulus:Giant Cloud Condensation Nuclei (GCCN) and the Case for a Major Shift in Aerosol-Cloud Interaction in Climate Prediction.
- Observations of Secondary Ice in Southern Ocean Stratiform Clouds
- Observations of Solar Eruptions On-Disk through the Low Corona out to 4 solar radii: Current Observations from SDO and Proposed Instruments to Fill the Gap
- Observing the tropical carbon balance sensitivity to memory and climate extremes.
- OceanWorks: Enabling Interactive Oceanographic Analysis in the Cloud with Multivariate Data
- On Fine Structures in the Solar Corona
- On the Contributions of Photolysis Reactions to the Bottom Side Mesospheric Na Layer Variations.
- On the Linkage between Summertime Tropopause Folds and Elevated Low-Level Ozone over North America
- On the Use of Airborne In Situ Tracer Measurements to Estimate Transit Time Spectrum: An Observation-Based Diagnostic of Convective Transport
- Optimization of TZVOLCANO to Stream Real-Time GNSS Data into Cloud Hosted Real-Time Data for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Organized Convection Parameterization for Global Climate Models
- Orographic Precipitation Response to Microphysical and Environmental Perturbations for Idealized Moist Nearly Neutral Flow
- Outcomes of the NCAR / EOL Workshop Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Atmospheric Research
- Overcoming Nutrient Limitation: Will Phosphorus Availability Constrain Global Plant Production Under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>?
- Overview and experimental design for the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Overview of the Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project (PAMIP)
- Overview of the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- Ozone Bioindicator Gardens: a Citizen Science project to raise awareness about ozone pollution and its effects on living systems
- PFISR observations of ion upflow in conjunction with pulsating aurora
- Pangeo: Community tools for analysis of Earth Science Data in the Cloud
- Patterns of warmth in the Pliocene past and the imminent future
- Persistent Polar Ocean Warming in a Strategically Geoengineered Climate
- PhotoSpec - A New Instrument to Measure Spatially Distributed Red and Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: An Overview of First-Year Experience
- Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density in a High-Elevation Subalpine Conifer Forest
- Physical Mechanisms of Tropical Cyclone Intensification in Environments with Temporally Varying Vertical Wind Shear
- Population, sustainable development, and climate change policy
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Wind and Solar Electricity Generation in Texas
- Potential Impacts of Snow and Ice Changes on Water Availability for People in High Mountain Asia
- Preliminary evaluation of realtime predictions with WRF LES using UAS and surface-based remote-sensing data collected during 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Preparing Mentors for Research Internship Roles
- Preserving the MIS 4 Glacial Record in Beringia: Laurentide Ice Sheet Configuration Disrupts Large-scale Atmospheric Circulation During MIS 2
- Prior and Posterior Inflation for Ensemble Filters: A Comparative Study using the Community Atmosphere Model
- Probabilistic Forecasting of solar energy generation using numerical modeling and remote sensing
- Probabilistically Informing a New Class of Particle-Property-Predicting Bulk Ice Microphysics Schemes with Polarimetric Radar Observations
- Process based simulation of global agricultural ammonia emissions in an earth system model
- Process-based investigation of convection schemes using cycled data assimilation
- Progress on SEGUE: Interactive Online Lessons for Undergraduate and Graduate Training in Meteorological Instrumentation and Measurements
- PyroCb Smoke Rises and Persists in the Global Stratosphere: Constraints on injected smoke mass, black carbon abundance, and ozone reaction rates with organic coatings
- Quality Assessment and airborne measurements in the Colorado Front Range using the Unmanned Whole Air Sampling System (UWASS)
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmosphereand Ionosphere
- Quantifying the Arctic Local Radiative Feedbacks Based on Observed Short-term Climate Variations
- Quantifying the Impact of Heterotrophic Respiration on Variability in the Global Carbon Dioxide Growth Rate.
- Quantifying the Upscale Effects of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Implications to Model Biases in Large-Scale Circulation
- Quantifying the impact of African emissions on global atmospheric composition
- Quantitative Hydrologic Storylines Simplify Use of Process-model Chains for Characterizing Uncertain Future Water and Energy Security
- Rapid Expansion of Nuclear Arsenals by Pakistan and India Threatens Regional and Global Catastrophes
- Re-Framing Future Risks of Extreme Heat in the United States
- Re-visiting the High Temperature and Low Moisture Model Bias in the Central United States
- Reducing Uncertainty in Global Carbon Fluxes from the Community Land Model Through Assimilating Remotely-Sensed Land Surface Properties
- Reducing Uncertainty in Land Surface Models
- Reexamining Linkages Between United States East Coast Sea-level and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Regional Grid Refinement in an Earth System Model: Impacts on the Simulated Greenland Surface Mass Balance
- Regional scale ensemble streamflow assimilation with coupled WRF-Hydro and DART.
- Reimagining AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices
- Representation of Extreme Events in High Resolution Versions of the CESM
- Representing Agricultural Systems in Earth System Model: implementation, calibration, and multi-scale validation of CLM-AgSys
- Results from the 2017 Eclipse Observation of the Airborne Infrared Spectrometer
- Retrievals of ozone profiles over Greenland and their relationship to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- Revisiting the Modulations of Ionospheric Solar and Lunar Migrating Tides during the 2009 Stratospheric Sudden Warming by using Global Ionosphere Specification
- Revisiting the Quasi 6-day Wave Dynamics in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere by using WACCM+DART Data Assimilation System
- SOARS: Broadening participation in the atmospheric sciences with research, mentoring, and community
- SSW induced northern North American cold air outbreaks in the context of sea ice loss
- Scale-aware and definition-aware evaluation of modeled near-surface precipitation frequency using CloudSat observations
- Science to Action: Building a foundation to improve the utility of climate information in water management
- Seasonal and spatial variation in atmospheric hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl: comparison to a photochemical box model.
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production across Worldwide Megacities and Its Impact on Mortality
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Local Emissions Dominates OA Budget over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ
- Shallow-to-deep transition of continental moist convection: cold pools, surface fluxes, and mesoscale organization
- Short-term CO/CO2 Ratios and Modeled CO Tracers for Assessing Regional Transport Over the Seoul Megacity During the 2016 KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Short-term variability and the weather of the day in the lower thermosphere and ionosphere using a whole atmosphere model with upper atmospheric observations
- Significant contribution of anthropogenic dust to fine aerosol mass during a Chinese haze event as measured by KORUS-AQ observations
- Simulating Impacts of Land Use Change in the Northern North American Great Plains with a Convection-Permitting Model
- Simulating Pine Island Glacier Extents Under Multiple Forcing Scenarios Using Damage Mechanics
- Simulating Transient Crop Management in the Community Land Model Version 5
- Simulating drought-induced forest mortality for rainforests within ELM-FATES
- Simulating the Solar Minimum Corona in UV and Visible/IR Wavelengths with Forward Modeling
- Simulation of Chemical Transport by Typhoon Mireille (1991)
- Simulation of stratocumulus clouds observed in SOCRATES using the particle simulator model
- Smoke exposure and associated health effects across several fire seasons and locations in the Western US
- Solar cycle variability of nonmigrating tides in the infrared cooling of the lower thermosphere from SABER and photochemical modeling
- Sounding Climate: An Exhibit Showcasing Data Sonification and Visualization from the Community Earth System Model
- Sources of Uncertainty in Historical Simulations of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle (1850-2014)
- Sources of skill in decadal predictions of Sahel precipitation
- Sources of uncertainty in the chain-of-models approach for projecting climate change impacts on water resource systems: development and analysis of a large ensemble of hydrologic climate projections
- Space and Time-scales of air-sea interaction: where does the ocean-force the heat fluxes?
- Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Oceans
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Radiative Forcing by Light-Absorbing Particles in Snow in Northeastern China Retrieved from Satellite Observations
- Statistical Characteristics and Generation Mechanism of Polar Cap Patches Using Multi-Instruments and Numerical Models
- Stratospheric Water Vapor Variations Observed by SAGE III/ISS
- Sunny-side up: The promise of future solar polar missions
- Surface-independent Aerosol Retrieval from Hyperspectral Imagery
- Sustained Non-Photochemical Quenching Shapes the Seasonal Pattern of Solar-Induced Fluorescence at a High-Elevation Evergreen Forest
- Termination of Solar Cycles and Correlated Tropospheric Variability
- The "thermal chain" as a basic element of moist convective updraft structure
- The 26th June 2018 eruption at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos archipelago: early results on seismic tremor and low frequency seismicity from a temporary network
- The Asian summer monsoon Chemical and Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP)
- The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Quantifying the Uncertainties in Atmospheric River Climatology and Impacts
- The CLIVAR Working Group on Large Ensembles: Sharing Large Ensemble output from different models for the analysis of climate variability and change
- The Climate Response to Solar Forcing in the Last Millennium Ensemble Simulations
- The Climate Responses to Past and Future Explosive Volcanism in CESM Climate Model Simulations
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 5 melding with the National Water Model: Enhancements and Education
- The Comparison of SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Removal Rates under Clear and Partly Cloudy Conditions in the Wintertime over the Eastern United States
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART): Ensemble Data Assimilation for NCAR Community Earth System Models
- The Development of Sharable pySUMMA Simulation Environment using Singularity on HydroShare
- The Effect of the Madden- Julian Oscillation on the Mesospheric Migrating Diurnal Tide: A Study Using SD-WACCM
- The FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Satellite Mission: Expanding the Observational Capabilities for the Space Weather Community
- The Great Lakes Runoff Inter-comparison Project for Lake Erie (GRIP-E)
- The Hadley Cell and climate variability and change in Mediterranean-type climates
- The MJO Across Future Time Periods and Scenarios in CESM1: When are Changes Detectable?
- The Role of the Polar Vortex in Whole Atmosphere Coupling
- The SOCCR2 Architecture: What did over 200 minds across government, academic and private institutions assess across North America? Why and How We Did It.
- The Sensitivity of Regional Climate Models to Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity
- The Southern Ocean Climate Studies: Observations and modeling of Southern Ocean clouds and aerosols
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- The WCRP Water for the Food Baskets Grand Challenge and Convection-Permitting modelling
- The World Climate Research Programme: A New Decadal Plan
- The co-occurrence of heat and haze hazard over South Asia and its substantial increase in 2050
- The dependence of the microphysical characteristics of supercooled liquid and mixed-phase clouds over the Southern Ocean on scale, vertical velocity and ambient humidity using in situ observations acquired during SOCRATES
- The dialogue between fast-process diagnostics and stochastic process models for precipitation
- The effect of vegetation heat storage on surface temperature and atmospheric stability in the Community Land Model.
- The impact of aerosol-radiation interactions on the effectiveness of emission control measures
- The impacts of the North America Fires of 2017 on air quality and climate
- The pattern of HCHO and NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns in the downwind area of Seoul during KORUS-AQ campaign.
- The predicted impact of VOC emissions from Cannabis spp.cultivation facilities on ozone concentrations in Denver, CO.
- The presence of and effects from meteoric-sulphuric particles within the stratospheric aerosol layer
- The relationship between changing sea ice and surface air temperature in the Arctic
- The role of vegetation canopy structure in the variability of the terrestrial carbon sink
- The roles of cloud-circulation feedbacks and ocean heat transport on subtropical sea surface temperature variability
- Thermospheric Wind Observation using Fabry-Perot Interferometers at Arecibo and Nigeria
- Three-year (2015-2017) winter-time air pollution in China: ambient PM2.5 concentration changes derived from retrospective analysis
- Topographic Influences on the North American Monsoon
- Toward a Search Space Extension for the Analog Ensemble technique to Improve Probabilistic Predictions
- Toward better simulations of hurricane winds in urban canopies
- Towards a Chemical Inverse Modeling System Experiment: First Results on CO Inter-comparison
- Towards a Complex Terrain Carbon Monitoring System (CMS-Mountains): Development and Testing in the Western U.S
- Towards a Permanent Thermosphere-Mesosphere Observing System
- Towards an improved representation of organic aerosol (OA) in the remote troposphere: Chemical removal and aging of OA during the ATom mission as a function of photochemical age
- Towards measuring atmospheric temperature using a combined differential absorption and high spectral resolution lidar
- Tracking Flows and Disturbances in Coronagraph Data
- Tracking Fossil Fuel Emissions in East Asia by Combining Model Simulations, Satellite Observations, and Field Measurements of the CO-to-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ratio
- Trends in Warm Season Extreme Precipitation over the Central United States in an Ensemble of Regional Climate Simulations
- Tropical Cyclones in High-Resolution Community Atmosphere Model version 5: Evaluation for Western North Pacific
- Tropical Pacific climate over the last 6,500 years - insights from a coral ensemble approach and an isotope enabled GCM
- UDECIDE: Connecting decadal predictive capacity to stakeholder needs
- Uncertainty in simulating the ionosphere-thermosphere response to geomagnetic storms due to lower atmosphere and high-latitude forcing
- Uncovering Long-term Regional Trends in the Satellite Altimeter Record
- Understanding the Control of Hydraulic Traits in Tropical Forests Using a Hydrodynamic Model Within a Demographic Vegetation Model
- Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary variations on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System using GITM and WACCM-X
- Unexpected slowdown of US pollutant emission reduction in the past decade
- Unprecedented NH<SUB>3</SUB> emissions detected in the high-Arctic from the 2017 Canadian wildfires
- Update on Powell Research Group Study Integrating GRACE Satellite Data, Regional Groundwater Models, and In-Situ Data to Assess Water Storage Changes in Major Aquifers in the U.S.
- Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Convective Systems on MJO analog above the Equator and Its Parameterization in An Idealized GCM
- Use of Remotely Sensed Snow Observations for National Water Model Analysis.
- Using A-Train Observations to Evaluate Cloud Occurrence and Radiative Effects of Tropical Clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Using DMSP and AMISR for studying ionospheric flow channels and density structures due to magnetic reconnection
- Using Machine Learning to Emulate Critical Cloud Microphysical Processes
- Using Volcanic Eruptions to Characterize and Reduce Uncertainties in Aerosol Radiative Forcing of Climate
- Using a hydrochemistry-based mixing model comparison to constrain the role of groundwater and meltwater in streamflow of a glacierized catchment (Langtang Valley, Nepal)
- Using integrated, continental scale hydrologic simulation to unravel interconnections and feedbacks
- Using the CESM large ensemble to explore sea ice conditions possible during the MOSAiC field experiment
- Using the NASA ATom Mission to Investigate the Peroxide Budget of the Global Remote Troposphere
- Using the NCAR Model Evaluation Tools (MET) to Evaluate Predictions of Ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC)
- Utilizing SMAP Soil Moisture Data to Improve Irrigation Parameterizations in Land Surface Models
- Variability and Trends in Tropical Tropopause Layer Temperatures Derived from Four Decades of Satellite-informed Radiosonde Observations
- Variable-resolution Aquaplanet Simulations with the Grell-Freitas Deep Convection Scheme Implemented in CAM-MPAS
- Vertical drafts and mixing in stratified turbulence
- Volcanic Aerosol Control on Reactive Nitrogen Species in the Post-Pinatubo Era
- Volcanic radiative forcing from 1979 to 2015
- Water Vapor Increases after 2002 IN the Stratosphere and Mesosphere Observed by Saber and Mls
- WaterSmart: A cyberinfrastructure-based integrated decision-support web service system to facilitate informed irrigation decision-making
- Wet Scavenging in Cumulus-Parameterized WRF-Chem Simulations of a Supercell Storm during the DC3 Field Campaign
- When Can Climate Variability Mitigate Future Megadrought Risk?
- Whole Atmosphere Coupling : Investigations of Weather and Space Weather at Poker Flat Research Range, Chatanika, Alaska
- Whole Atmosphere Modeling of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere Variability during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- Whose Ethics? Which Values? And Where Do We Find Them, Anyway, When Producing and Using Climate Science for Enhancing Water and Energy Security in the Developing World?"
- Winter Precipitation Efficiency of Mountain Ranges in the Colorado Rockies under Climate Change
- 2017-2018 North America wildfires and their impact on air quality and climate.
- A Comparison of PM<SUB>1</SUB> Emissions in Smoke Plumes from Aircraft UHSAS and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements During the WE-CAN and MILAGRO Campaigns
- A Forward Model of Total Column Humidity and Water Vapor δD Compared to Subtropical FTIR Observations
- A Global Assessment of Tree Demographic Rates and the Implications of Size- and Age-Dependent Mortality for Carbon Storage
- A Large, Sustained El Niño-Like Response To Nuclear Conflict
- A Machine Learning Examination of Methane Lifetime Differences Among Model Simulations for CCMI-1
- A Mini-Documentary Series - Celebrating the Human Experience of Advancing Polar Research
- A Multi-faceted Evaluation of National Water Model Snow Processes in Complex Terrain.
- A New Metric for Evaluating Northern Hemisphere Growing Season Net Flux in Climate Models
- A Novel Ensemble System for PM2.5 Probabilistic Predictions over the US
- A Retrospective Analysis of an Epistemological Computer Simulation That Framed the Design of the US Global Operational Observing Systems for the Past 50 Years and Future Decades.
- A Retrospective on Common Era Modeling Efforts of the Past Two Decades and a Look into the Future
- A Statistical and Numerical Study of Presunrise Equatorial F-region Irregularities in the American Sector
- A Stochastic Approach for Representing Uncertainty and Variability in Cloud Microphysical Parameters for use in Process-Oriented Studies
- A comparison of bulk- and bin-microphysical schemes for warm rain processes and their polarimetric radar fingerprints : sensitivity analysis and implications for microphysical parameterizations
- A machine learning approach to quantify land model parameter uncertainty
- A multi-model perturbed parameter ensemble to quantify the uncertainty in aerosol effects on the climate
- A new ocean state after nuclear winter
- A novel sector-based inversion to update NO<SUB>x</SUB>, SO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO emissions at the process level using satellite observations
- A numerical study of noontime bite-outs in electron density over equatorial, low, and middle latitudes
- A paleohydrologic view to risk-based water resources planning in the western United States
- A pathway to assess chemistry-climate models' tropospheric ozone radiative forcing from satellites
- A preliminary evaluation framework to assess the value of flow forecasts to power system analytics
- A regional nuclear conflict has global implications for food security
- A simulation study on the relationship between the field-aligned and field-perpendicular plasma velocities in the ionospheric F-region
- A watershed-scale approach to understanding socio-ecological systems: Combining multiple data streams to assess a land surface model
- A world-wide Service for Air Pollution Forecasts: The MAP-AQ Project
- Accelerating MPAS-A model radiation schemes on GPUs using OpenACC
- Adaptive localization for satellite radiance observations in global and regional models
- Advances in Diversity and Inclusion at a National Research Center - What can be achieved through Strategic Investment, Policy Changes and Individual Commitment
- Advancing Convergence Research at the National Center for Atmospheric Science through Investment in Early Career Innovators
- Advancing our understanding of the impacts of historic and projected land use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Advancing tools to understand and adapt to hydroclimatic variability and change in Alaska and Hawaii
- Agriculture Responses To Nuclear Winter
- Agriculture increases seasonal drawdown of terrestrial carbon in the Community Land Model
- An Assessment of Non-Traditional Methods Used to Streamline the Model Validation Process
- An Evaluation of Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Physics Suites Across Scales
- An Integrated Approach to Evaluating the Impacts and Consequences of Climate Intervention Strategies
- An Online Air-Sea Exchange Model Framework for Trace Gases powered by Machine-Learning
- An assessment of the nitrogen effects on the future terrestrial carbon cycle: state-of-the-art and future perspectives
- Analysis of Equatorial GNSS Signal Scintillation and Stratospheric Gravity Waves Observed by COSMIC RO Method
- Analysis of GOLD Thermospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> Density Measurements
- Analysis of Long -Term Global Measurements of OCS from NDACC/IRWG Stations
- Annual and Semiannual Variations of Thermospheric Composition Observed by GOLD
- Antarctic Climate in CESM2: Sea ice Variability and Atmosphere Interactions
- Antarctic Sea Ice Response to Winds: Influences of Ocean Mixing, Mean State and Circulation
- Applications of emerging technologies in climate downscaling and hydrologic modeling for water resources monitoring, planning and management
- Are Southern Ocean Low-Cloud Droplet Numbers Buffered by Recently Formed Particles Associated with Cyclonic Uplift?
- Are climate feedbacks linear with carbon dioxide forcing?
- Assessing Space Weather Prediction Center Products using the NCAR Model Evaluation Tools
- Assessing the Ability of Zonal d<SUP>18</SUP>O Contrast in Benthic Foraminifera to Reconstruct Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Assessing the Reliability of GRACE-derived Groundwater Storage using Ground-based Monitoring and Regional and Global Modeling in Major U.S. Aquifers
- Assessing the Roles of Primary and Secondary Ice Formation in Clouds Through Measurements and Modeling
- Assessing the Utility of CO<SUB>2</SUB>:CO Correlations in Improving Top-down Estimates of Fossil-fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Assessing the Value of Integrating Remote-Sensing-Based Snow Products into the NOAA National Water Model for Seasonal Water Supply Prediction in the Western U.S.
- Assessment of CMIP6 Climate Model Simulations of Recent Changes in Earth's Radiation Budget Using CERES Observations
- Atmospheric Gravity Wave Sources Correlated with Resolved-scale GW Activity and Sub-grid Scale Parameterization in the FV3gfs Model
- Atmospheric Ionization from Radiation Belt Electrons using Observations from FIREBIRD and Van Allen Probes
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the Second Phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Atmospheric circulation response to Arctic sea ice loss: sensitivity to background SSTs
- Atmospheric drivers of boundary layer cloud properties in the southern oceans in observations and a climate model
- Atmospheric drivers of major flood producing storms in India
- Attribution of Diurnal Temperature Range Trends to Radiative and Physiological Effects of Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
- Automated Multi-Domain Regression Testing of the WRF-Hydro Model with User-Specified Deviation Tolerance
- Big Science with Small Satellites: The Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere
- Bounding aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
- Building a Community Watershed in the Upper Gunnison River Basin: Scientific Research and Stakeholder Participation in an Era of Hydrologic Uncertainty
- Building the Foundation for Field Research | Interactive Online Training in Instrumentation and Measurement of Atmospheric Parameters
- CESM2-Metals: A Self-Consistent Model of Mesospheric Metal Layers
- CHIP - Continental Hydrologic Intercomparison Project: A Conceptual Evaluation Framework for Large-Scale Hydrology Model Comparisons
- CHORDS: Helping to build the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- Calibrating the National Water Model V2.1 over the Contiguous United States
- Can satellite greenhouse gas remote sensing capture regional spatial variability in fluxes, drivers, and atmospheric response?
- Causes of Decelerating Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude at Mauna Loa
- Challenges in Modeling Organic Aerosols in the Remote Troposphere
- Changes in Clay Mineralogy and Provenance in Response to Shifting Hydrologic Patterns During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Salisbury Embayment, USA
- Changes in Orographic Precipitation Across Scales
- Changing Climate And Its Effect On Urban Life: Ozone and Particulate Matter exceedance events and a CyberGIS toolkit for Urban Sustainability
- Characterising the response of OAP in-situ particle imagers: implications for cirrus observations
- Characteristics of total column CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory missions: biases, information content and implications for flux inversions
- Characterizing the Size of Atmospheric Rivers: an Approach Independent from the Detection Algorithm.
- Chemical Evolution of a Large Wildfire
- Citing Educational Resources and Services using the ESIP-hosted Data Management Training Clearinghouse as an Example - What's the User Experience?
- Climate Vulnerability Mapping: State of the Art and Recommended Practices
- Climate engineering to mitigate the projected 21<SUP>st</SUP>-century terrestrial drying of the Americas: carbon capture and storage vs. stratospheric sulfate injection ?
- Climate-model Ensemble Consistency Testing
- Climatology of the equatorial plasma bubbles captured by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
- Cloud-locking reveals no influence of cloud feedbacks on surface-based Arctic Amplification in CESM1
- CloudBOSS: a new Bayesian approach to bulk cloud and precipitation parameterization with tuneable structural complexity
- Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning for Quantifying Watershed Organization and Functions Based on High-resolution Airborne Remote Sensing Data
- Comparing surface and stratospheric impacts of geoengineering with different SO<SUB>2</SUB> injection strategies
- Comparison of GOLD nighttime measurements of OI 135.6 nm radiance with the total electron content map: preliminary results
- Comparison of New York State Mesonet Profiler Measurements with Radiosonde Observations
- Comparison of measured and modeled ozone distributions over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans from the ATom mission
- Composition Changes Around the Equinoxes
- Comprehensive Observations of Multi-scale Polar Ionosphere Structuring Processes During October 13, 2016 Geomagnetic Storm
- Connecting Laboratory Measurements and In-Situ Observations of Ice Crystal Growth with Model Parameterizations
- Conservation of dry air, water, and energy in CAM and its impact on tropical rainfall
- Constraining equilibrium climate sensitivity through simulation of Eocene extreme warmth
- Contributions of aerosol-cloud interactions to mid-Piacenzian seasonally sea ice-free Arctic Ocean
- Contributions of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption to volcanology: A 40-year perspective
- Convective Transport of Aerosols at Hydrostatic and Non-Hydrostatic Scales using the Model for Prediction Across Scales
- Convective-permitting modeling for retrospective sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasting using the framework of the Coordinated Regional Ensemble Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Predicting The Impact of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections on The Near-Earth Magnetic Field
- Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory Science Objectives
- Data assimilation of CrIS and TROPOMI satellite carbon monoxide concentrations and its potential for constraining global OH concentrations
- Daytime Observations of the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Daytime Oxidized Reactive Nitrogen partitioning in western U.S. wildfire plumes
- Declined Decrease of Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Past Decade
- Decoupling Cloud Radiative Effects and Dynamics: Does It Affect the Extratropical Storm Tracks?
- Deriving stratospheric age-of-air spectra from satellite water vapor measurements
- Detecting robust responses of the ENSO teleconnection to global warming using a multi-model large-ensemble experiment
- Develop the Plant Hydrodynamics in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Developing a Youth Science Education TV Series from the Ground Up
- Developing the Near-Real Time and Retrospective Data Analysis of Neutral Dynamics and Composition in the ITM
- Development of a novel high-resolution long-term gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States for health studies
- Development of watershed-based large-domain modeling to support monitoring, prediction and water management applications
- Diagnosing Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Constrained by ILAMB
- Diagnosing Energy and Heat Transfer in the North Atlantic Region of Idealized and Realistic Ocean-Atmosphere Models: A Frequency-Domain Approach
- Differential Credibility of Statistical and Dynamical Downscaled Future Climate Projectionsin the Southern Great Plains
- Dilution impacts on aerosol aging in biomass burning plumes: combining WE-CAN and BBOP measurements with modeling to learn how dilution rates and cross-plume concentration gradients impact smoke aerosol
- Discovering fine structures of the ionosphere-thermosphere system using high-resolution general circulation models: A coordinated study of Feb 20, 2014, geomagnetic storm
- Discretization strategies for distributed models of mountainous watersheds
- Disentangling the Drivers of Interannual Variability in Trace Gases in the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere Using the Community Earth System Model and Measurements from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder
- Disentangling the drivers of global and tropical Pacific decadal variability using large ensembles
- Does elevation-dependent warming hold true above 5000melevation? Lessons from the Tibetan Plateau
- Dos and Don'ts for Supporting Better Water Management in a Changing Climate
- Downward Coupling of Energetic Particle Precipitation Driven Polar Mesospheric Ozone Loss
- Drivers of the Altimeter-Era Forced Response in Regional Sea Level and Consequences for the Coming Decades
- Drought Variability and Trends over the Conterminous United States over the Past Century
- ENSO Modulation and Mean State Interactions Revisited: Implications for the Early 2000s Regime Shift
- Early Morning Equatorial Thermosphere-Ionosphere Anomaly
- Effects of Observational Dataset Choice on Multivariate Bias Correction
- Embracing the challenge of truly interdisciplinary science
- Emulating critical cloud processes Using Machine Learning
- Energetic Intra-Cloud Lightning in the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Energetic and thermodynamic controls on the meridional distribution of meteoric isotopes
- Enhanced aerosol-radiation interaction effects due to altered entrainment rates in the boundary layer
- Enhancing Climate Preparedness by Matching Existing Resources with Community Needs
- Enhancing Sub-seasonal Climate Forecast Skill through Post-processing at the Scales of Water Management
- Enhancing total water prediction for the Great Lakes through calibration of the National Water Model in Canadian watersheds
- Eocene Hyperthermal Hothouse Climate Sensitivity - A DeepMIP Study with CESM1.2
- Estimating emissions of Amazonian biomass burning using in situ and satellite measurements of atmospheric carbon monoxide
- Estimation of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration from Limited Climatic Variables in Coastal Regions
- Estimation of Fuel Moisture Content Based on Integrating Surface and Satellite Observations Using Machine Learning
- Evaluate the Impact of Assimilating Dual-Polarized Quality Controlled Radial Velocity on Storm Forecast with an Operational Functional Similar HRRR System
- Evaluating Tropical Tropospheric Ozone and Water Vapor in MERRA-2, ERA-Interim, and CAM-Chem using Observations from the Western Pacific
- Evaluating the impact of urban and shipping emissions on aerosol pollution, vegetation photosynthesis and transpiration: a satellite-constrained modeling study with policy implications
- Evaluating top-down NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia and their impacts on simulated O<SUB>3</SUB> concentrations in South Korea using OMI retrievals and aircraft observations during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Evaluation of Nutrient Allocation Hypotheses in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
- Evaluation of Precipitation Fields for National Water Model Prediction over Large Lakes and International Basins
- Evaluation of biomass burning smoke simulations incorporating near real-time inversions of multi-fire emissions over the Western U.S.
- Evaluation of modeled precipitation in oceanic extratropical cyclones using IMERG: Rain Rates, Occurrence, and Sensitivities
- Evaluation of the Cloud Characteristics in NCAR CAM model over the Southern Ocean and the Arctic Region
- Evaluation of the Regional NCAR Air Quality Forecasting System using Ozone Lidar during FIREX-AQ
- Evolution of ocean heat content related to ENSO
- Evolution of the geoeffective April 5, 2010 CME in the inner heliosphere: A global MHD model with a data-constrained magnetic flux rope specification.
- Expanding CU SOF Data Products for Evaluating the Impacts of Biomass Burning Emissions during the 2018 Pacific Northwest Wildfire Season: Emission Fluxes and Enhancement Ratios of CO, NH<SUB>3</SUB>, C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>4</SUB>, C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB>, HCN, HCHO, CH<SUB>3</SUB>OH and HONO
- Experimental studies of ice nucleation processes occurring across the Solar System
- Exploring parameter uncertainty in the presence of trait filtering, using the FATES model at a tropical forest site
- Exploring the Effect of Fuels and Forest Structure on Daily Emissions and Smoke Production from the Rim Fire
- Extrapolating Satellite Data Records for Short-Term Regional Sea Level Projections: Understanding the contributions of forcing agents
- Fast Transport Pathways Connecting the Northern Hemisphere Surface to the Lower Stratosphere during Boreal Summer
- Feature Tracking in TempestExtremes: Automated Detection and Characterization of Extreme Weather
- Feb 11: Girls InSpace at Arecibo Observatory
- Finding the missing reactive carbon in the atmosphere: lessons learned from acetaldehyde and implications for laboratory and field experiments
- Fire behavior and climate drive functional thresholds of tropical forest and savanna biome stable states: Insights from an ecosystem demography model
- First Measurement From the Geostationary Orbit of the Equatorial Plasma Bubble (EPB) Characteristics Using GOLD Data
- First Synoptic and Global-Scale Observations of Geomagnetic Storm Effects in the OI 135.6nm Dayglow by the Global-scale Observations of Disk and Limb (GOLD) Mission
- First satellite in-situ observations of the storm enhanced density (SED) and polar plasma clouds associated with the polar tongue of ionization (TOI) detected during the 20 November 2003 magnetic storm
- Focus Group on Climate Change
- Forecasting Daily Reference Evapotranspiration by the Hybrid Wavelet-Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Network Approach
- Forecasting Eastern US Cold Air Damming using a Multi-Scale Dynamical-Statistical Hybrid Approach
- Fostering Computational Skills in Secondary Education Earth Sciences through Jupyter Notebooks
- From Neptunism And Orology To A Holistic View Of The Environment: Alexander Von Humboldt's Legacy In Earth System Science (537914)
- Full implementation of matrix approach to biogeochemistry module of Community Land Model version 5 (CLM5)
- Gibson & Low Flux Rope Model: More Than a Spheromak!
- Glaciogenic cloud seeding potential of cold-season orographic clouds in a warming climate over the mountains in western Wyoming
- Global Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget 2000-2017 Inferred From Multi-species Atmospheric Inversions
- Global Tools and Products from the Space Weather Prediction Center for Real-Time Ionosphere Situational Awareness and Commercial Weather Data Validation
- Global Transport of Fe<SUP>+</SUP> Ions in the WACCM-X Model
- Global View of the Night-Ionosphere: Seasonal Changes
- Global-scale Observations of the Twilight Airglow
- Going with the floe: using the CESM Large Ensemble sea ice to better understand climate- and process- scale observations
- Gravitational fractionation of Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> and age of air in the lowermost stratosphere
- Ground-Based Coronagraph Observations as an early warning system for Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) in fresh and aged western US wildfire smoke
- Heat Transport by Atmospheric Rivers under Global Warming: Projections using a High-Resolution Earth System Model
- High Equilibrium and Transient Climate Sensitivity in the Community Earth System Model: Evolution from CESM1 to CESM2
- High Latitude Dynamics and Fast Flow Channels: Implications for Ionospheric Structuring and Energy Dissipation
- High Latitude aircraft observations of NMHCs, halocarbons and COS during ATom
- High latitude ozone variation and their relationship to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- High predictability of terrestrial carbon fluxes from an initialized decadal prediction system
- High resolution global river-lake network modeling for Earth System models
- High-Altitude Instrumentation for Infrared Observations of the Solar Corona
- Hot off the Press: Preview of a Handbook on Running Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in the Geosciences
- How Much Can We Learn About Rain Microphysics from Polarimetric Radar Observations? An Investigation of Information Content and Parameter Estimation Using the Bayesian Observationally-constrained Statistical-physical Scheme (BOSS)
- How and why has extreme hourly precipitation changed in the major urban agglomerations over China?
- How to better define the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation and its spatial pattern?
- Hydometeorological Modeling of Extreme Rainfall Events using WRF and WRF-Hydro during the RELAMPAGO Campaign in Argentina
- Hyper Resolution Modeling of Urban Flooding
- IMF B<SUB>y</SUB> Effects on the high-latitude Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Ice Collisional Charge Transfer in Thunderstorms Including Convective, Anvil and Stratiform Regions
- Ice Sheet-Moderated Changes in the Precipitation Isotope Climatology of NW Canada during the Late Deglacial
- Identifying and quantifying uncertainties in process representations regulating aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions and constraining them using deep learning techniques
- Impact of QBO and ENSO on the summer polar mesospheric water vapor
- Impact of Solar Radiation Modification in Mean and Extreme Climate over Southern Africa
- Impact of Topography on Black Carbon Transport to the Southern Tibetan Plateau during Pre-monsoon Season and Its Climatic Implication
- Impacts of Alfvén Energy Deposition in the Cusp Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Impacts of Nuclear War on Terrestrial Carbon Processes
- Impacts of Particle Composition and NO<SUB>x</SUB> on the Vertical Distribution of Reactive Bromine in the Arctic Troposphere
- Impacts of Polar Tongues of Ionization and Patches on high-latitude upper thermosphere
- Impacts of Solar Radiation Management on seasonal variability of the Equatorial Atlantic Cold Tongue
- Impacts of climate versus human intervention on water storage changes based on GRACE satellites in major U.S. aquifers
- Impacts of stochastically perturbing microphysical and turbulent mixing parameters on simulations of deep convection
- Impacts on polar climate by sea salt aerosol from blowing snow
- Implementation and evaluation of channel infiltration in the NOAA National Water Model for semi-arid environments
- Implementing Hillslope-scale Hydrology in the Community Terrestrial Systems Model: Do hillslope-scale hydrologic processes affect predictions of global environmental change?
- Important role for plant responses to meteorology on the cumulative stomatal flux of ozone
- Improved ice cloud representation in the CAM/CARMA cirrus model using interactive sulfate aerosol and heterogeneous nucleation.
- Improving Access to Continental-Scale Hydrology Models for Research and Education - A Subsetting Adventure
- Improving air quality predictions in New Delhi during the crop-residue burning season via chemical data assimilation
- Improving the Regional Air-Quality Analysis and Forecasting System using WRF-Chem/WRFDA
- Improving the Simulation of Carbon Cycle Fluxes in Arctic-Boreal Vegetation in the Community Land Model
- Including Aerosols in Photorate Calculations in CESM2 for Volcano Simulations
- Increase in the rate of ocean warming
- Indian Ocean Warming Trend Reduces Pacific Warming Response to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases: An Interbasin Thermostat Mechanism
- Influence of Soft Electron Precipitation on O+ Outflow
- Influence of convection on stratospheric water vapor in the North American monsoon
- Influence of smoke composition on climate effects from fires following nuclear war
- Information theoretic approach to discovering causalities in the solar cycle
- Initial Performance Assessment and Science Highlights of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS Radio Occultation Data
- Initiation of deep moist convection over the Sierras de Córdoba mountains in Argentina
- Integrating Forest Policy and Management Practices into a Size-Structured Vegetation Model, FATES-CLM
- Intensification of the Hydrologic Cycle and Rainfall Extremes due to Tropospheric Melting Level Height Increases
- Intensification of the dryline over the lee of the Canadian Rockies in a warmer climate
- Inter-comparison of publicly available downscaled extreme rainfall projections to facilitate stormwater infrastructure adaptation strategies
- Inter-hemispheric coupling during the extreme sudden stratospheric warming events
- Interactions of Urban Plumes with Biomass Burning Emissions During the 2018 WE-CAN Field Campaign
- Interannual Variations of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB>-derived Global-mean Eddy Diffusion Coefficients in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Intermittency of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Multi-decadal Variability: Quantification and Mechanisms
- International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP): An Unprecedented Set of High-Resolution Simulations
- Introducing SOils DAta Harmonization tools (SoDaH)
- Investigating Gas-Particle Partitioning of Reduced Nitrogen in Western Wildfire Smoke
- Investigating air quality and climate impacts of fires using an interactive fire module in CESM2
- Investigating the Characteristics of Future North American Monsoon Temperature and Precipitation
- Investigating the Impacts of Large-Scale Soil Moisture Anomalies on Regional Hydroclimate in Southeastern South America Using Reanalyses and Modeling-Based Approaches
- Investigating the Soil Moisture Feedback on Precipitation Over the CONUS
- Investigation of Transport Processes in Association with the Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Using Balloons, Lidars, and Aircrafts − Japanese Collaboration with the ACCLIP
- Investigation of valley region composition and dynamics using GOLD satellite mission: A data assimilation approach
- IoT Sensors and Their Pathway to HPC
- Ionospheric modulation by Pc5 ULF waves and wave structure detected by THEMIS-PFISR conjunction
- Isotopic Expressions of ENSO: The Last Millennium to the 21st Century
- Isotopic Fingerprints of Last Millennium Volcanic Eruptions
- Key role of internal thermohaline ocean dynamics in Atlantic Multidecadal Variability: multiple lines of evidence from both observations and simulations
- Kinetic theory for photoelectron driven instabilities: Applications to 150 km echoes
- Land use and land cover changes strongly modulate warm-season precipitation over the Central United States
- Land-Use Harmonization 2: New Features and New Scenarios
- Land/Ocean Water Exchange - Impacts on the Global Hydrologic and Sea Level Budget
- Large-scale drivers of connected atmospheric rivers along the US West Coast
- Leading Practices in Climate Adaptation for Water Utilities
- Leveraging CFMIP experiments to evaluate clouds in CESM2
- Leveraging CubeSat constellations and the GOLD mission for ITM science
- Leveraging model-generated hypotheses and cross-network observations to understand biome- to global-scale controls on soil organic matter stocks
- Linking field, model, and remote sensing methods to understand when tree mortality breaks the forest carbon cycle
- Linking the inter-basin climate variability through the overturning circulation
- Local land-atmosphere interactions: Exploring the terrestrial leg with "little omega"
- Localization on multiple scales using eigenvector estimation
- Log-law wind profiles for the prediction of the drag coefficient and their radial dependence in tropical cyclones
- Long-Term Trends of Topside Ionospheric Electron Density Derived from DMSP Data
- Machine Learning Parameterization of the Surface Layer: Bridging the Observation-Modeling Gap
- Making Data Matter: Increasing the Use and Value of Earth science Data & Information
- Managing diverse data submissions within a multi-repositories ecosystem
- Mass fluxes of radical precursors in wildfire plumes: a remote sensing perspective
- Measuring Isotope Ratios in Mixed-Phase Cloud Particles and Water Vapor for Investigating Ice Crystal Growth
- Mesoscale and Microphysical Factors Impacting Projected Future Changes in Snowfall and Snowpack in the Western U.S. as Captured by a Convective Permitting Climate Simulation
- Microphysical characteristic of clouds over Southern Ocean observed during SOCRATES field campaign
- Middle atmosphere temperature trends in the 20<SUP>th</SUP>and 21<SUP>st</SUP>centuries simulated with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Model intercomparison of climatic effects of idealized global deforestation experiments
- Modeling Asian dust storms using the WRF-Chem model constrained by the GOCI, MI, and SMAP satellite observations
- Modeling Plant Canopies in the Earth System: Moving Beyond the Big-Leaf Paradigm to Multilayered Canopies
- Modeling Study of Electron Precipitation Effects on the Generation of Subauroral Polarization Streams
- Modeling extreme precipitation over East China with a global variable-resolution modeling framework (MPASv5.2):impacts of resolution and physics
- Modeling regional crop yield and irrigation amount for corn and soybean in Central U.S.
- Modelling the Transport of Meteoric Sodium through the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere
- Modelling the Transport of Sodium from Meteors through the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
- Montane conifer water use under more episodic and earlier snowmelt
- More Explicit Alkane Chemistry Improves the Representation of Several Volatile Organic Compounds Including Methyl Ethyl Ketone in The Remote Atmosphere
- Morphology of Frequent Upper Tropospheric Temperature Inversions in the Indian Monsoon
- Multi-platform, multi-sensor snow surface properties for energy balance and model validation
- Multi-scale Predictions of Air Quality with a Variable Resolution Global Model
- Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis of Orographic Precipitation Within an Idealized Atmospheric River Environment
- Mutually Interactive Decadal-timescale Processes Connecting the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific
- N2O-based climatology of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation in WACCM, a chemical reanalysis and a CTM driven by four dynamical reanalyses
- NCAR CESM Large Ensemble Numerical Simulation Data on AWS
- NCAR Explorer Series: Videos of Real People, Doing Real Science
- NCAR's Earth Observing Laboratory Legacy Field Campaign Data Rescue
- Near-inertial Gravity Waves and the Mesoscale Spectrum of Kinetic Energy in the Stratosphere
- Neutral Responses to Fine-Structure Energetic Particle Precipitation and Electric Field Variability During Geomagnetic Storm
- New Advances in Thermospheric Wind Observations
- New Insights into Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing of Global/Regional Climate Evolution
- Next Generation National Water Model Architecture: Organizing principles to support evolving capabilities.
- Next generation fire pollution prediction: What satellite observations are required to monitor and predict air quality hazards from fires?
- Nighttime observations of the low latitude ionosphere using GOLD and ground-based optical and radio data.
- Nitric oxide distributions in the Antarctic winter-time middle atmosphere: Energetic electron production versus horizontal transport during geomagnetic storms
- Nonmigrating Tides in the Thermosphere from SABER Infrared Cooling Rates
- Observation of Sea Spray Aerosol Size Distribution in Hawai'i
- Observations of Clouds at McMurdo Station in Antarctica and Evaluation of Climate Simulations
- Observations of Marine Stratocumulus Cloud and Precipitation Properties from ORACLES: Comparison of multi-frequency radar and in-situ instrumentation
- Observations of New Particle Formation in the Remote Atmosphere from NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Observations of atmospheric composition in fire plumes over the Western United States in summertime from the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder
- Observatory- and model-based efforts to understand the influence of cloud-nucleating particles on clouds in Arctic Alaska
- On natural atmospheric variability of CFC-11
- On the Remote Impact of Observed Southern Ocean Cooling
- On the integration of FV3 into NCAR's CESM
- On the ion precipitation due to EMIC waves and field line curvature (FLC) scattering and their subsequent impact on the ionosphere
- On the robustness of quality prediction performance assessments
- Optimal Estimation of Spectral Surface Reflectance in Challenging Atmospheres
- Optimal Network Design Applied to Monitoring and Forecasting Surface Temperature in Antarctica
- Optimizing Data Compression for the Community Earth System Model
- Organized Convection Parameterization in MJO and CCEW Context
- Overcoming Obstacles to Analyzing Large-Scale Smoke Plumes with MOPITT
- Ozone Production in Western U.S. Wildfire Plumes sampled by the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- PUNCH: a new view on the middle corona
- Parameterizing waterbodies in a level pool scheme: a National Water Model application
- Peering inside the black box: Using deep learning to improve understanding of weather phenomena
- Performance of the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Tri-GNSS Radio Occultation System (TGRS) Instrument During Early Orbit Operations for Space Weather Applications
- Perspectives on atmospheric carbon monoxide, an attempt to disentangle errors from chemistry and emissions using multiple satellites and assimilation frameworks
- Perturbation of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System due to the July 2, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse as Observed by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Phenolic Compounds in Wildfire Plumes: Gas-Phase Emissions, Chemistry, and Contributions to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Photochemistry and O<SUB>3</SUB> production in Boise, Idaho: An urban area with persistent smoke influence
- Planetary wave-like oscillations in thermospheric composition
- Planning for LOTOS: A New LOwer Troposphere Observing System
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH): Imaging the Corona and Solar Wind as a Single System
- Potential ozone loss in mid-latitude lowermost stratosphere during summer today and in future
- Precipitation Observation Quality Control with Deep Learning in Complex Terrain
- Precipitation probability distributions in CMIP6 models: relationship to the thermodynamic environment and of daily to sub-daily timescales
- Primary and Secondary Solar Polar Crown PILs over Five Solar Cycles
- Prioritizing Actions to Adapt America's Infrastructure for Climate Change
- Progress in the Asian summer monsoon Chemical and Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP)
- Progress in the Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): A NASA Mission of Opportunity for Global Gravity Wave Investigations
- Progress on Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting and Applications: Opportunities and Challenges
- Projected end-of-century changes in water available for runoff across mountain basins of western North America
- Projection of anthropogenic PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> over India in the near future under global warming and its policy implications
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Projections of Global Urban Heat Waves Empowered by Machine Learning
- Quantifying Influences of Dispersive Motions on Observed Canopy Turbulence Response to Atmospheric Stability
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Quantifying different climatic controls on d-excess and <SUP>17</SUP>O-excess in Antarctic ice cores with the isotope-enabled Community Atmosphere Model (iCAM)
- Quantifying organic aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constrains on physical and chemical removal of OA provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantifying spatial-scale-dependency on drought-relevant seasonal snowpack simulation in the United States
- Quantifying the Stratospheric Circulation from Satellite Measurements
- Quantifying the impact of African biomass burning on the remote Atlantic atmosphere
- Quantifying the nitrogen isotopic fractionation of NO<SUB>x</SUB> in atmospheric simulation chamber
- Quasi-biennial Oscillation and Solar Cycle Response of SABER H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the Mesosphere
- Radiation Belt Electron Impact on Polar Atmospheric Ozone: a Simulation Study on Importance of Magnetic Local Time Dependency
- Rapid Expansion of Nuclear Arsenals by Pakistan and India Portends Regional and Global Catastrophes
- Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes: A Traveling Exhibition Reaches Broad Audiences in order to Engage Communities in Discussions about Impacts and Solutions
- Recent Variability in Stratospheric Water Vapor observed by the SAGE III/ISS
- Recent additions to Reanalysis holdings at NCAR's Research Data Archive
- Reconciling Measured OH through Box Model Simulations during GoAmazon2014/5
- Recurrent U-net: Deep learning to predict summertime ozone over the United States
- Regional Attribution of Tropical Expansion
- Regionally refined test bed in E3SM atmosphere model version 1 (EAMv1) and applications for high-resolution modeling
- Representing Anthropogenic Processes in the National Water Model: A Persistence Approach to Reservoir Operations
- Representing Urban Infiltration in the National Water Model
- Representing the Topographic Effects on Solar Radiation in the National Water Model to Improve Snowmelt Runoff Prediction
- Response of High Latitude Seasonal Cycle to Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering
- Results from An Ensemble Reanalysis with the Community Earth System Model 2.1
- Retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial
- Retrospective analysis of 2015-2017 wintertime PM2.5 changes in China: The innegligible role of aerosol-radiation feedback in differentiating the driving factors of emission and meteorology
- Revising the Ozone Depletion Potentials Metric for Short-Lived Chemicals such as CF<SUB>3</SUB>I and CH<SUB>3</SUB>I
- Scientific Data Services for Field Campaigns: 62 years and counting - NCAR's Earth Observing Laboratory
- Seasonal Pigment Changes Allow Detection of Activity and Dormancy of Evergreen Photosynthesis in Cold-Climate Conifer Forests
- Seasonal injection strategies for stratospheric aerosol geoengineering
- Sensitivity of stratospheric ozone changes with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Short to Sub-seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for Reservoir Operations in India
- Short-term changes in Arctic sea ice during the melt season from high surface winds in cyclones
- Simulating Northern Hemisphere glacial inception in a fully coupled climate-ice-sheet model
- Simulating Southern Ocean Mixed Phased Aerosol-Cloud interactions and Ice Microphysics with the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model
- Simulating the Stratospheric Volcanic Ash Evolution after the 2014 Mt. Kelut Eruption
- Simulating the role of fire in forest structure and functional type coexistence: Testing FATES-SPITFIRE in California forests
- Skillful Multiyear Predictions of Ocean Acidification in the California Current System
- Smokin' Chemistry under Moonlight. Determining Air Quality and Climate Impacts from Wildfire Smoke Requires an Investigation of how Smoke Changes Chemically, in the Dark.
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Exploring Variability and Uncertainty in Modeled SWE Estimates Using an Ensemble-based Approach
- Solar Flare Effects on 150-km Echoes Observed Over Jicamarca: WACCM-X Simulations
- Solaris: A Case for a Solar Polar Mission
- Spatial heterogeneity of liquid, ice and mixed phase low-level clouds over the Southern Ocean derived using in situ observations acquired during SOCRATES
- Spectral Properties and Heavy Ion Abundances of Energetic Particles in SEP and CIR events observed during the first two Parker Solar Probe Orbits
- Status Update and Regional Performance Evaluation of the National Water Model
- Stirring Things Up - Productivity Boost or Just a Drain? Nutrient Sensitivity to Meridional Overturning in the Pliocene
- Stratospheric Orographic Gravity Waves from Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula: Observations, Model Validation and Inter-Comparison
- Subseasonal Variability of Rossby Wave Breaking and Impacts on Tropical Cyclones during the North Atlantic Warm Season
- Substantial increase in the joint occurrence and human exposure of heat and haze hazards over South Asia in the mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Sudden Emergence of a Shallow Aragonite Saturation Horizon in the Southern Ocean
- Supercooled Liquid Clouds during SOCRATES: Analysis of Observations and Forecasts
- Surface Deposition in a Sulfate Geoengineering Scenario: Risks and Vulnerabilities for Soils and Human Health
- Tangible use of Airborne Snow Observatory SWE Products for enhanced runoff forecasting
- Temporary slowdown of ocean acidification following a nuclear conflict
- Terra Trends: A Global Slowdown in Decreasing Atmospheric CO and the Regional Interpretation Using AOD
- Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks to a geoengineered climate
- Testing Data-driven Simulations of Solar Eruptive Flares Using Synthetic Magnetograms from Flux Emergence Simulations
- The AGU Art and Science Community
- The BB-FLUX project: How much fuel goes up in smoke?
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 5.1.1/National Water Model Version 2.0 Updates & New Supporting Tools
- The DAILI (Daily Atmosphere and Ionosphere Limb Imager) CubeSat Mission
- The Data Archive as the Dataset: Machine Learning the Metadata
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed: Nonlinear Algorithms and Novel Applications for Community Ensemble Data Assimilation
- The Evolution of More Effective Geoscience Diversity Programs
- The Evolution of NOAA's National Water Model: An Overview of Version 2.1 and Future Operational Plans
- The Future of Snow: High Resolution Snow Projections for the Continental United States Under Lower and Higher Climate Forcing
- The GLACE-Hydrology Experiment: Effects of Land-Atmosphere Coupling on Soil Moisture Variability and Drought Predictability
- The Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on Tropical Pacific as Assessed from CMIP6/DCPP-C Idealized Simulations
- The Influence of Western United States Wildfires on Ice Nucleating Particle Concentrations
- The June 2019 Raikoke eruption: a case study for forecasting volcanic sulfate evolution
- The North Atlantic Climate Response to Stratospheric Sulfate Geoengineering
- The PUNCH Bowl: Data System and Data Products for NASA's PUNCH Mission
- The Pangeo Platform: a community-driven open-source big data environment
- The Pinatubo Emulation in Multiple models (PoEMS) experiment
- The Pivotal Role of Heterogeneity in the Persistence of Soil Organic Matter
- The Pluviometric Optimum on the Andes of Colombia
- The Potential of Integrated Machine Learning Algorithms for Tropical Cyclone Detection in Advanced Climate Modeling
- The Potential to Reduce Uncertainty in Regional Water Security Projections with Climate Models
- The RELAMPAGO Lightning Mapping Array: Preliminary scientific results and application to GLM calibration and validation
- The Research Data Archive at NCAR's strategy to support evolving community research needs
- The Response to Variable Solar Forcing in WACCM Simulations for CMIP6
- The Role of Interannual ENSO Events in Decadal Timescale Transitions of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
- The Role of Technology in Affecting Vulnerability to Heat Disasters in a Warming World
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The Scientific Impact of Large Geochemical Data Sets
- The Sensitivity of WRF-Fire Predictions of Area, Location, and Propagation Direction to Changes in Ignition Point Location and Time
- The State of Acidity in the Atmosphere: Particles and Clouds
- The Study of Nitrate Radical Reactions with Catechol and Phenol by a Dark Oxidation Flow Reactor and Chamber Experiment.
- The Use of the Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) Verification and Diagnostic Capability in S2S
- The Utility of Gauge-measured Streamflow Records in Improving Month-ahead Streamflow Forecasts through Variational Data Assimilation
- The Varied Role of Indo Pacific Surface Characteristics on MJO fidelity in CESM
- The WCRP Water for the Food Baskets Grand Challenge and Climate Modelling across Scales
- The boon and bane of natural water storage in mountains
- The driving processes for the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) responses to magnetic storms
- The effect of self-consistent ionospheric outflow on magnetotail stability and flows
- The future of snow science: Spatial data assimilation and modeling in mountain regions
- The global budget of Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)
- The impact of atmospheric chemistry on Arctic clouds and sea ice state in the Community Earth System Model version 2
- The influence of high-energy electron precipitation on middle atmosphere chemistry in WACCM
- The ocean's role in the coupled climate response to high-latitude forcing
- The regional hydroclimate response to stratospheric sulphate geoengineering and the role of stratospheric heating.
- The role of clouds and diabatic processes for the short-term dynamics of the North Atlantic Oscillation
- The role of isotope-enabled GCM complexity in simulating circulation changes in high-CO<SUB>2</SUB> scenarios
- The temporally evolving environmental consequences of LIP outgassing
- The transient response of atmospheric and oceanic heat transports to anthropogenic warming
- Thermal properties of coronal cavities
- Thermospheric Density Enhancements due to Alfvénic Heating in NCAR's CMIT Model
- Time Series of Ocean Meridional Heat Transports and the Role of the Indonesian ThroughFlow
- Tohoku-Oki Tsunami Revisit: Improved Tsunami-Ionosphere Coupling Model WP-GITM
- Too Smooth Operators: Limitations of Bulk Microphysics in Reproducing the Observed Spatial Structure of Precipitation
- Toward Consistent Physical Constant Sets for Interoperable Earth System Models
- Toward Greater Resilient Water Infrastructure to Future Hydrometeorological and Climate Extremes: Lessons from Oroville Dam and Hurricane Harvey
- Towards a Complex Terrain Carbon Monitoring System (CMS-Mountains): Development and Testing in the Western U.S.
- Tracking ICESat-2 Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard
- Transport from the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone Over the Western Pacific
- Transport into the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere over North America during northern summer
- Trends and Variability in Merged SAGE II and OSIRIS NO<SUB>x</SUB>
- Trends in Upper Tropospheric Tropical Ozone and Carbon Monoxide: Microwave Limb Sounder and Model Results
- Tropical Precipitation Systems in a Hierarchy of Aquaplanet Simulations
- Turbulent Heat Fluxes: Estimation with Variational Data Assimilation Method and Validation
- Twenty Years of NCAR Radar Data from Field Campaigns
- Twenty Years of Space Weather Summer School
- Understanding Anthropogenic Combustion in Major Cities of Africa from Multiple Data Streams
- Understanding Drivers of Subseasonal to Seasonal Streamflow Variability over Contiguous United States
- Understanding Sources of Model Uncertainty Through Diagnostic Characteristics of the Great Plains Low-Level Jet
- Understanding Southern Hemisphere Circulation and Rainfall Trends: the Role of Ssts
- Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured by KORUS-AQ
- Understanding emissions and chemistry in Asia by reconciling the regional chemical transport model results with the observations from satellites, aircrafts, ship, and surface monitors
- Understanding the Effects of Earth's Lower Atmosphere on Upper Ionospheric-Thermospheric Semi Annual Oscillation - Using GITM, MSIS and WACCM-X
- Understanding the interplay of rooting strategy and plant hydraulic traits on the response of forest stands to climate variation of California
- Updraft and Downdraft Core Kinematics of Mesoscale Convective Systems through Observations and Idealized Simulations
- Upper atmosphere smoke penetration from mass fires simulated in WRF
- Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Its Parameterization in an Idealized GCM for a MJO analog above the Equator
- Using Airborne VOC Measurements to Derive a Transit Time Spectrum: Variabilities and Uncertainties
- Using CESM2 to isolate radiative effects of clouds on tropical subseasonal variability
- Using CESM2 to isolate the modeled climate response from varying model resolutions and chemical complexity
- Using Eddy Covariance Observations to Constrain Energy Fluxes and Plant Water Use in Complex Regions
- Using In Situ Measurements to Evaluate the Lagrangian Dry Point (LDP) Approach for Calculatingthe Stratospheric-entry Water Vapor Concentration
- Using Model Ensembles and Stochastic Parameter Perturbations to Forecast Severe and Hazardous Weather
- Using Polarimetric Doppler Radar Observations to Probabilistically Inform a New Class of Particle-Property Predicting Bulk Ice Microphysics Schemes
- Using Single-Forcing Initial-Condition Large Ensembles to Identify the Evolving Contributions of GHG, Anthropogenic Aerosols and Internal Variability to Historical Climate Trends
- Using Student Affairs Best Practices to Support STEM Interns
- Using cloud-friendly data format in earth system models
- Using the CESM to Evaluate Land Carbon Mitigation Potentials of Global Reforestation and Afforestation
- Variation of Magnetospheric Ultra-Low Frequency Wave Power Spectrum during the 27-28 May 2017 Challenge Event: LFM-RCM Simulation Results
- Varied and Changing Mountain Snow Regimes Necessitate Snow Experiments, Globally: From Colorado Beginnings to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Verification and Application of FORMOSAT-3 and FORMOSAT-7 Radio Occultation Data
- Vertical Resolution Requirements for High-Resolution Atmospheric Simulation
- Vertical variability of microphysical properties of Southern Ocean stratus clouds observed during the SOCRATES field campaign
- Visibility Observations and Predictions during the C-FOG Project
- Vulnerability to heat and ozone among older adults: Results from a household survey in Houston, TX
- WHPI Hα "McIntosh" Carrington Maps
- Warm Season Forecast Experiments with Different Treatments on Ground Water and Evaporative Parameterizations in the NCEP Coupled Forecast System
- Weather Extremes During the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- What are the major volatile organic carbon influences on the remote pristine troposphere?
- What gives supercells the most intense updrafts of all modes of convection?
- What is the basic structural unit of cumulus convection, and why does it matter?
- Which Remotely Sensed Quantities Relate to Pollutants and Toxics at the Surface? An Overview from California, October 2018 and WE-CAN 2018
- Whole Earth System Subseasonal Prediction Research Framework
- Wildfire-driven Changes in the Abundance of Gas Phase Pollutants in the City of Boise, ID during summer 2018
- Wintertime Constraint of Primary and Secondary Formaldehyde Emission Sources over the Eastern Coastal United States.
- Global coupled climate response to polar sea ice loss: evaluating the effectiveness of different ice-constraining approaches
- 3D Tomographic Reconstruction of Storm-Enhanced Density (SED) Plume During March 17, 2013 Storm
- <SUP>Understanding How GCM Momentum Flux Parameterization Impacts Simulated Boundary Layers in Tropical Cyclones</SUP>
- A Comparison of Three Ensemble Kalman Filters Using a Thousand-Member AGCM Ensemble
- A Comprehensive 0-D Chemical Model Simulation of Wildfire Plume Composition Evolution: Insights into Radical Oxidant Sources, NO<SUB>x</SUB> Lifetime, and the Formation of Secondary Products
- A Fire-Spotting Parameterization Coupled with the WRF-Fire Model
- A Meteorological Forcing Engine for Hydrology: Development and Applications
- A Method to Retrieve Charge Layer Polarity Applied to Anomalous Thunderstorms in Cordoba During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- A Modeling System for Predicting the Behavior of Wildland Fires by Simulating Their Two-Way Interaction with the Atmosphere
- A Multivariate Hydrologic Benchmark for the WRF-Hydro-Based NOAA National Water Model over Experimental Alaskan Watersheds
- A New CAM6+DART 80-Member Ensemble Reanalysis for 2011-2019: Initial Conditions for CAM, CLM and CICE Forecasts and Forcing for POP, CLM and CICE
- A New Metric for Evaluating Northern Hemisphere Growing Season Net Flux in Climate Models
- A New Technique for Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction of Analog Ensemble Predictions
- A Pan-NCAR Large Eddy Simulation and Single Column Model Case Study
- A Statistical Study of Pulsating Aurora and its Impact on M-I Coupling
- A Surface Energy Budget Perspective on Aerosol-Climate Interactions: Role of the Evaporative Pathway
- A Synthesis of Observations of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions over the Pristine, Biologically Active Southern Ocean and the Implications for Global Climate Model Predictions
- A Transition to an Ammonia Dominated World? Simulations of Future Agricultural Ammonia Emissions in an Earth System Model
- A chemical data assimilation framework for utilizing data products from multiple platforms to optimize NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia: a case study during the KORUS-AQ
- A comparison of historical North Atlantic variability in multi-cycle OMIP2 simulations at two different horizontal resolutions
- A comparison of the environmental responses of canopy SIF and GPP in a subalpine conifer forest in Colorado, USA.
- A new SUMMA and MizuRoute hydrologic modeling resource for US water applications
- A new look at the influence of mineral dust on cirrus cloud formation by combining global-scale measurements, global modeling, and detailed microphysical simulations
- A new ocean state after abrupt cooling events
- A novel high-resolution long-term gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States for health studies
- A preliminary result of ICON MIGHTI data assimilation using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere eXtension Data Assimilation Research Testbed system
- Accelerating improvements in process-representation in weather and climate models through active community engagement
- Acceleration of Non-Maxwellian Electron Distributions and Estimates of Radio Emission Observables
- Accounting for interhemispheric asymmetries in geospace models
- Added Value of Using Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave Coupled Modelling System on Mediterranean Tropical-like cyclones
- Advances in Magnetotelluric modelling and inversion with SimPEG
- Advances in characterizing auroral precipitation in a coupled global geospace model and applications in the simulation of SAPS
- Advances in integrated modeling of terrestrial systems
- Aerosol Indirect Effects on Ice and Mixed-phase Clouds based on Eight NSF Flight Campaigns and Climate Model Simulations
- Aerosol pH indicator and Organosulfate Detectability from Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Measurements
- Agricultural Fertilization Drives Increased Seasonal Amplitude of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange
- AirCore Carbon Monoxide Profiles for MOPITT and TROPOMI Validation
- An Unprecedented Set of High-Resolution Climate Simulations from the International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP)
- An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
- Analysis of Atmospheric Seeing Measurements
- Analysis of Horizontal Shear and Mixing at a Range of Length Scales Using Filtered Large-Eddy Simulation of a Flow over Complex Terrain
- Analyzing ozone variations and associated transport mechanisms at high latitudes over Sudden Stratospheric Warming events
- Antarctic ice sheet ensemble studies to better quantify uncertainties in sea level rise
- Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Contribute Substantially to Air Pollution Mortality
- Application of an Artificial Neural Network for Storm Surge Forecasting
- Applying Machine Learning to Associate Precipitation Extremes with Synoptic-Scale Weather Events
- Arctic Sea Ice Sensitivity to Lateral Melting Representation in a Coupled Climate Model
- Are the Impacts of the Observed Arctic Sea-ice Variability on the Cold Season Atmospheric Circulation Underestimated in AGCM Experiments?
- Assessing California Wintertime Precipitation Responses to Various Climate Drivers
- Assessing Fine Scale Variability of Urban Pollution with Aircraft Data and the Implications For Satellite Validation and Model Evaluation
- Assessing the Impact of the 2018 Colorado Wildfires on Carbon Monoxide and the Aerosol Burden
- Assessment of WRF-Fire's modeling skill on large wildfires under variable grid spacing and input conditions
- Assimilation of Ionosphere Observations in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere-ionosphere eXtension
- Assimilation of NASA's Airborne Snow Observatory snow measurements for improved hydrological modeling: A case study enabled by the coupled LIS/WRF-Hydro system
- Atmospheric Ionization from Radiation Belt Electrons from 2012-2019 based on Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD-II Observations
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the second phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Atmospheric rivers in the PETM: Importance for cool season precipitation
- Attributing landscape-scale land surface flux partitioning in a complex terrain, snow-dominated basin in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Attribution of NAO predictability beyond two weeks
- Bark Beetle Impacts on Forest Evapotranspiration and its Partitioning
- Bayesian Calibration with Neural Network-Based Emulation of a Land Model
- Bias, drift, anomaly calculations, and the complications of volcanoes for Pacific decadal climate predictions
- Biogeochemical impacts of changes in upper-ocean physics with a warming climate: reductions in nutrient supply and new production in the northeastern North Atlantic quantitatively linked to physical changes on scales down to the submesoscale
- Biome- to global-scale controls over soil carbon storage: divergence in observations and process-based models
- Blending BUFR and TAC Marine in Situ data for ICOADS Near-Real-Time Release 3.0.2
- Building the Foundation for Field Research | Interactive Online Training in Instrumentation and Measurement of Atmospheric Parameters
- CONUS II, a new 20-year convection-permitting simulation over North America: How well does it performs on snowpack?
- COSMIC-2, GOLD, and ICON Observations of Plasma Bubbles and Vertical Ion Drifts
- Challenges to Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere System at Solar Minimum
- Challenges with Machine Learning Interpretability as shown by a Climate Study
- Changes in weather patterns influencing future tropical cyclone risk in the Caribbean
- Changing PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and related meteorology over India from 1950-2014: A new perspective from a chemistry-climate model ensemble
- Changing sea ice in Antarctic coastal polynyas in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Characteristics of Global Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance
- Characterization of High-m Poloidal ULF Wave signatures in GPS TEC Data
- Characterization of In-Flight Icing Conditions on the SOCRATES Mission Using Airborne Radar and Lidar Data in Conjunction with In Situ Cloud Measurements
- Characterizing the Longitudinal Dependence of Ionospheric Irregularities
- Characterizing the Surface Impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings in the Context of Internal Variability
- Characterizing the air quality impact of COVID-19 emission reductions through experimental forecasts with the Rapid-Refresh model coupled to chemistry (RAP-Chem)
- Characterizing the physical and chemical evolution of organic aerosol in biomass burning smoke using molecular tracers from laboratory and FIREX-AQ observations
- Chemical Drivers of Ozone Production in Smoke Transport: Characterization by Model Diagnostics and Measurements During FIREX-AQ
- Chemical Patterns Controlling Tropospheric Ozone and Methane: The ATom Dataset
- Chemical transformation of wildfire smoke at the transition from day to night.
- Climate Change Over the Last Millennium: the Role of Natural Variability
- Climate change impacts on hurricane storm surge inundation in the coastal United States
- Climate feedbacks through chemistry and aerosols in CMIP6 Earth system models
- Cloud Characteristics and Thermodynamic Conditions at McMurdo Station, Antarctica Based on DOE/ARM Remote Sensing, Radiosonde Observations and Climate Model Simulations
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Coastal Fog Microphysics and Dynamics During C-FOG: Parameterization Development and Scale issues
- Collaboration to better understand Arctic change
- Comparing SHEBA and MOSAiC Observations of the Seasonal Evolution of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo
- Comparing simulation and results from two models during a period of large IMF By
- Comparison of Aircraft Measured Microphysics with Down-looking Multifrequency Radar During IMPACTS
- Comparison of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Estimates From Slab Ocean, 150 Year, and Longer Simulations
- Confronting Microphysical Uncertainty with BOSS
- Connecting laboratory and field measurements of smoke composition to build a framework explaining ozone formation from Western U.S. wildfires measured during FIREX-AQ
- Connections Between the Organic Aerosol Composition and Optical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols Measured from the NOAA Twin Otter Aircraft During the 2019 FIREX-AQ Project
- Constraining the climate sensitivity in CESM2 through simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Constructing Shortwave GOES-16 Synthetic Imagery at Night
- Contemporary Analysis Methods for Coronagraph and Heliospheric Imager Data
- Contributions of Ten World Regions to the Global Tropospheric Ozone Burden Change from 1980 to 2010: High Sensitivity to Emissions from South and Southeast Asia
- Controls on conifer coexistence in a vegetation demographic model
- Convection-permitting regional climate simulation of warm-season heat extremes over Eastern China
- Convective Updraft and Downdraft Kinematics of Mesoscale Convective Systems in Convection-Permitting Model Across Different Model Grid-Spacings
- Convective impact on the stratospheric-entry water vapor through the tropical UTLS in boreal winter and summer
- Coral Reefs Are Complex and So Are the Science Disciplines Needed to Save Them
- Coronagraphy from the Ground: Current and Future Observations
- Creating an inclusive environment in the Geosciences through science education programs
- DART-PFLOTRAN: An Ensemble Data Assimilation System for Modeling Subsurface Process
- DART: Empowering Geoscience with Improved Ensemble Data Assimilation
- Data-driven low-dimensional modelling of solar tachocline dynamics
- Daytime PAN and PPN Production Mechanisms in Western U.S. Wildfire Smoke Plumes
- Deforestation Strengthens Dust Transport from North Africa to the Amazon
- Derivation of Toroid Patterns from Analysis of Magnetograms And Inferring Their Deep-origin
- Designing and Implementing Strategies for Advancing Convergent Research
- Developing emulators of regional climate responses to regional aerosol perturbations using three coupled chemistry-climate models
- Development and Evaluation of Nitrogen Cycling in the Noah-MP-CN Land Surface Model
- Development of a "nature run" for observation system simulation experiments (OSSE) for snow mission development
- Development of a chemical data assimilation system for air quality reanalysis
- Development of a global bathymetric dataset for lakes and reservoirs
- Development of reservoir geometry and discharge parameters for National Water Model waterbodies
- Development of the Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO) 3.0 as a general emissions component for atmospheric models
- Diabatic Ocean Processes Drive La Niña Events
- Differential Credibility Analysis of Statistical and Dynamical Downscaled Future Climate Projections over a Spatial Domain in the Southern Great Plains
- Diffuse radiation impact on vegetation under Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project G6 experiments
- Do Cloud Feedbacks, Different External Forcing, or Something Else Enhance 21st-Century Warming in the Latest Generation of an Earth System Model?
- Do Organized Turbulent Motions Influence Ozone Dry Deposition to Forests?
- Does the Sun have a polar vortex?
- Dos and Don'ts for navigating model selection in climate change work for water planning and management
- Drought Variability over the Conterminous United States for the past century
- Dry season soil moisture dynamics along secondary forest succession in Panama: impacts of soil hydraulic properties vs. tree root profile
- Duration of El Niño and La Niña Events: Dynamics and Multiyear Predictability
- Dynamical and thermodynamic changes responsible for a tripling of Alaskan convective storms in future climate
- EMDNA: Ensemble Meteorological Dataset for North America
- ENSO modulation and mean-state interactions: a review
- ENSO-induced teleconnection: development of process-oriented diagnostics (POD) to assess Rossby wave sources in climate models
- Earth System Science Machine Learning Challenge Problems
- Eddy Covariance in a Mountain Headwaters: Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Tale of Two Limitations
- Eddy-mediated Hadley cell expansion caused by zonally-symmetric angular momentum adjustment
- Effect of tropical cyclone characteristics and landfall angle on Brisbane flooding potential
- Effective Radiative Forcing from Aerosols and Reactive Gases: A Multimodel Comparison from AerChemMIP Experiments
- Effects of Stratospheric Sulfate Injection on Tropopause Height
- Emergent Constraints on the Large Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Regional Hydroclimate: Do They Still Work in CMIP6 and How Much Can They Actually Constrain the Future?
- Emissions from Western Wildfires and Southeastern Agricultural Fires: An analysis of VOC measurements from the NASA DC-8 during FIREX-AQ
- Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Western U.S. Wildfires Measured During WE-CAN
- Emissions of atmospheric pollutants during the Covid-19 pandemic: input for atmospheric models
- Emulator-accelerated perturbed parameter ensembles: methods for addressing observational biases, parametric errors, and structural errors in GCMs
- Enabling Smoke Impacts Research Through Blended Earth Observations
- Enabling real time scientific discovery by connecting measurements from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) with models from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
- Enhancing observational capabilities of water vapor micro pulse differential absorption lidar through simultaneous denoising and inference
- Ensemble hindcasts using the E3SM Atmosphere Model and the Data Assimilation Research Testbed
- Ensemble modeling of interplanetary CMEs with data-constrained internal magnetic flux rope
- Estimate of PM2.5 concentration in New York State during fire seasons of 2016 - 2019 using machine learning
- Estimating persistent and random components in spatio-temporal evolutionary patterns of active regions using information theoretic approach
- Estimating the "noise" with the Observational Large Ensemble
- Evaluating Model Physics in the Unified Forecast System (UFS): An Exercise of Using the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Single-Column Model under the Hierarchical Testing Framework
- Evaluating Terrestrial Biological Nitrogen Fixation in CMIP6 Earth System Models
- Evaluating soil heterotrophic respiration simulated by microbially-explicit global models
- Evaluating the impacts of an ocean NO<SUB>x</SUB> source on O<SUB>3</SUB> and OH in the remote troposphere
- Evaluating tropical upwelling variability and trends using GPS-RO and reanalyses
- Evaluation and intercomparison of multiple models forecasting biomass-burning smoke during FIREX-AQ 2019
- Evaluation of Interannual-to-Decadal Climate Variability in CMIP6 Models Using the New "Climate Variability Diagnostics Package for Large Ensembles"
- Evaluation of National Water Model in simulating Evapotranspiration fluxes across multiple spatio-temporal scales
- Evaluation of Tropospheric Moisture Characteristics Between COSMIC-2, ERA5, and MERRA-2 in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Evaluation of a Stochastic Mixing Scheme in Kilometer-scale Simulations of Tropical Oceanic Deep Convection
- Evaluation of boundary-layer and urban-canopy parameterizations for simulating wind in Miami during Hurricane Irma (2017)
- Evaluation of global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2)
- Evidence of in situ cirrus formation in the Tropical Tropopause Layer over the Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Evolution of PAN in wildfire smoke plumes detected by the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) over the western US during summer 2018.
- Evolution of Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition, Volatility, and Gas-Particle Partitioning During Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds Under Conditions Relevant to Biomass Burning
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Examining the relationship between deep convection and cirrus formation in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Experiments with a Continuously-cycling 3-km Ensemble Kalman Filter Over the Entire Conterminous United States
- Explicitly simulating tropical cyclones of the mid-Piacenzian in an atmosphere-ocean coupled model
- Exploiting synergies between air quality and greenhouse gas measurements in refining bulk emission characteristics
- Exploring Atmospheric Variability Due to Arctic Sea Ice Loss with Machine Learning
- Exploring Extended Warm Periods in an Observational Large Ensemble of Historical European Temperature
- Exploring climate-groundwater-wetland nexus in North America Prairie Pothole Region using convection-permitting simulations
- Exploring the Relationship between Tropical Cyclogenesis and Kelvin Waves with MPAS-Aquaplanet Simulations
- Extreme Event Exposure Uncertainty in NA-CORDEX Projections
- Extreme Precipitation Across the North Atlantic: Model-Data Comparisons from the PETM
- Facilitating Reproducible Science: a Workflow for Setting up SUMMA Simulations Anywhere on the Globe
- Fires in the 21st Century under Different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) using CESM/WACCM ensemble projections
- Flux Transfer Events and Polar Patch Formation Observed by the RISR Radars
- Formaldehyde Evolution In Wildfire Plumes During FIREX-AQ
- Formaldehyde as a Proxy for Hydroxyl Radical Variability in the Remote Troposphere
- From Playas to Peaks: Developing Infrastructure and Methods to Constrain Dust Dynamics and Monitor Impacts on Snow Water Resources in the Intermountain West
- Future changes in the Frequency of Winter Snowstorms over North America.
- GOLD Observations of the Nighttime F-region Ionospheric Response to the Quasi-16-Day Wave Driving
- Generalizable Spatial Downscaling of 2-m Temperature with Multiple Data Sources - Insights from the Recent Advances in Deep Learning
- Glacial Heinrich events mute water isotope records at Greenland due to sea ice
- Glacier Mass Balance and Hydrological Modeling with the WRF-Hydro/Glacier System
- Global Agricultural Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention With An Overshoot Scenario
- Global Air quality Forecast and Information Systems (GAFIS) - a new WMO-GAW initiative
- Global Model Simulations of the Effects of COVID-19 on the Level of Primary and Secondary Air Pollutants
- Global air quality responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Global change in continental climate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: a view through the window of terrestrial palynology
- Global modeling of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at the limit of the fluid approximation: Auroral beads and ballooning-interchange instability in the magnetosphere
- Global multi-scale modeling of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during an isolated substorm
- Global trends in carbon monoxide abundance and emissions
- Going virtual: Lessons Learned From a Two-Week Virtual Summer Research Experience for Community College Students.
- Harnessing Mid-Term Temperature Skill to Improve Streamflow Management in the Colorado River Basin
- Have Land Surface and Carbon Cycle Processes in Earth System Models Improved Over Time?
- Heavy Ion Effects on Magnetotail Stability in Global Multi-Fluid MHD Simulations
- Helioseismic Constraints on the Solar Interior Dynamics and Dynamo
- High-Resolution Detection and Attribution for Extreme Precipitation over the Contiguous United States
- Historic changes to convective environments and their impact on extreme precipitation in the northern North American Great Plains
- How Much do Monsoon Rains Buffer Reduced Snowpack in a Colorado River Headwater Stream?
- How Warm Can Snow Survive Its Fall Through the Melting Layer Before Fully Melting
- How much of the uncertainty in paleoclimate reconstructions arises from uncertain climate physics? Quantifying structural uncertainties with an application to the Last Millennium
- Hurricane Resilience: A High School Curriculum to Connect the Science of Tropical Cyclones, Their Coastal Impacts, and Strategies for Resilience
- Hydro-DART: Ensemble Streamflow Data Assimilation using WRF-Hydro and DART with an application to Hurricane Florence
- Hydroclimate Footprint Accompanying Asian Monsoon Water Isotope during Last Deglaciation
- Ice and Supercooled Liquid Water Distributions over the Southern Ocean Based on In-Situ Observations and Three Climate Model Simulations
- Impact of Calibration Objective Function on the Performance of National Water Model
- Impact of Climate Change on Australian Tropical Cyclones
- Impact of GOLD Disk Temperatures on a Whole Atmosphere Data Assimilation Model
- Impact of Model Resolution on Tropical Cyclone Simulation of Present-day and Future Projection using the HighResMIP Multi-model Ensemble
- Impact of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation on the Upper Atmosphere
- Impacts of COVID-19 Emissions Reductions on Aerosol-Cloud Interaction: from Chemistry to Climate
- Impacts of including global vegetation demography and dynamic plant competition in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Impacts of the Novel Corona virus shutdowns on CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions, concentrations and distribution.
- Impacts on College and Graduate Student Mentors from Guiding Secondary Students in a Community-based Climate Change Outreach Program
- Implementation and use of the Model Diagnostics Task Force package version 3.0
- Implementing a high-resolution dust emissions scheme in Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) and its implications for the air quality
- Improved Representation of Horizontal Variability in Wind Energy Forecasts Over Complex Terrain: Application to Cold Pool Events
- Improved estimates of changes in upper ocean salinity and the water cycle
- Improved integrated flood prediction at coastal regions via one-way coupled WRF-Hydro-ADCIRC
- Improved ozone sensitivity regime classification over Seoul using high-resolution GeoTASO HCHO and NO<SUB>2</SUB> observations
- Improvement in predictive skill across timescales: Justification for a seamless approach
- Improvements to an intermediate complexity atmospheric model for high-resolution downscaling in very complex terrain.
- Improving CLM5.0 Biomass and Carbon Exchange across the Western US Using a Data Assimilation System
- Improving Conductance Modeling in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulations during Geomagnetic Storms: An Important Element of Space Weather Modeling
- Improving Parameterizations of Snow in the National Water Model with Observations from the New York State Mesonet, to Better Simulate Snow and Streamflow in the Northeastern United States
- Improving U.S. fine particulate matter air quality forecasts during wildfires based on chemical data assimilation
- Improving dynamical assumptions in deep convective parameterizations
- Improving seasonal streamflow forecasts by assimilating high-resolution radar precipitation and snow data
- Improving the Temperature Dependence of Modeled Isoprene Emissions in MEGAN with Remote Sensing Constraints
- Improving the parameterization of dust emission threshold in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Improving the robustness of Upper Rio Grande water supply forecasting in the face of climate trends and variability
- Improving the simulation of the leaf-to-canopy scaling of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in Community Land Model version 5
- Incorporating Explicit Crown Damage into a Vegetation Demographic Model to Assess Impacts on Mortality and Carbon Turnover
- Increased Northern Hemisphere vegetation cover as a potential solution to the Holocene Temperature Conundrum
- Integrating proxy and model estimates of Antarctic climate variability over the last millennium
- Inverting ionospheric electron density perturbations to tsunami wave height
- Investigating hurricane-induced compound flooding and sediment dispersal using coupled hydrology and ocean models
- Investigating the correlation between optically identified rip channels in time exposure imagery and in situ observations, including bathymetry and flow
- Investigating the response of the polar mesosphere to the 11-year solar cycle
- Ionosphere-thermosphere response to high-speed solar streams during 2018-2019 as observed by Swarm-C, GNSS TEC and modeled by SD/WACCM-X
- Is There a Forced Signal in the Recent Reduced Rate of Arctic Sea Ice Loss?
- Is there a shift in stratospheric aerosol composition ?
- Is there a tropical response to observed Southern Ocean warming and cooling?
- Isolating the Radiative Effects of Clouds on Tropical Subseasonal Variability in CESM2
- Isotope constraints on moisture exchange processes from EUREC4A and ATOMIC
- Jupyter meets the Earth: advancing an open ecosystem that supports science
- Laboratory Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Cloud Particle Formation and Growth on Titan, Mars, and Earth
- Lagrangian Analysis of Ozone Production in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area Based on Air Parcel Trajectories and In Situ Airborne Measurements from the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Campaign
- Large eddy simulations of upper-ocean turbulence across the equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue
- Latitudinal Variation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Drift Velocities Derived From GOLD Data
- Laugh Tests for Land Models
- Lightning Geolocation and Classification During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Likelihood of Cloud Gaps Allowing C-gas Exchange Estimates: A Survey of Amazonia Across Broad Temporal Scales, Cloud-Gap Dimensions, and Accuracy Assessments
- Linkage between urbanization and the change in extreme precipitation over the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan
- Linking tree life history characteristics and population dynamics to plant hydraulics
- Local-Scale Predictors of Fire Spread Across the U.S. (2001 - 2019)
- Low molecular weight oxygenated volatile organic compound (OVOC) emissions during FIREX-AQ: Distributions, reactivity, chemical evolution, and comparison with other measurements
- MAP-AQ: An International Initiative for Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Global to Regional and Local scale Air Quality
- MHD of double-bands representing extended solar cycle
- MOPITT Carbon Monoxide Validation with Canadian High Arctic Ground-based NDACC/TCCON FTIR Measurements
- MOPITT Data Enhancement Through Cloud Detection Improvement
- Machine Learning Based Process-oriented Earth System Model Evaluation
- Mapping yearly fine resolution global surface ozone through Regionalized Air Quality Model Performance corrections and Bayesian Maximum Entropy data fusion of observations and model output for 1990-2017
- Marine wild-capture fisheries after nuclear war
- Mesoscale convective system precipitation characteristics over East Asia: Regional differences and seasonal variations
- Mesoscale-resolving global modeling of geospace
- Mesoscale-resolving space weather modeling
- Microphysics of Cumulus Clouds over the Philippine and South China Seas
- Midterm Projections of Colorado River Streamflow and Water Resources Operations Conditioned on Temperature Projections
- Modeling Heating Rate to Distinguish Black Carbon from Other Impurities in Snow
- Modeling Storm Time Interhemispheric Asymmetries: What is our capability?
- Modeling Wildfire Plume Chemistry using the GECKO-A Box Model
- Modeling scale variant stratified three-dimensional turbulent fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer
- Modeling the Magnitude and Direction of SIF and GPP in Response to Light Conditions Across Evergreen Forests
- Modelling the Impact of Rain-Driven Pollutant Plumes on Lake Michigan Beaches
- Models underestimate the increase of acidity with remoteness biasing radiative impact calculations
- Moisture condition impact and seasonality of National Water Model performance under different runoff-infiltration partitioning schemes
- Moving Beyond the Incorrect but Useful Paradigm: Re-envisioning Forests in Earth System Models
- Multi-Scale Understanding and Modeling of Plant Hydraulics
- Multi-scale Snow-Atmosphere Interactions Over Mountain Snowpack for Climate Applications
- Multidecadal Variability of Upper Atmospheric Hydrogen
- NCAR's Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS): A campaign driven micronet in support of micrometeorological research
- NOAA's National Water Model: From V2.1 Operations to Future Enhancements in V3.0
- NSF/NCAR airborne facility observations of carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide enhancements in biomass burning plumes in the Northwestern United States in the summer of 2018
- NWM V3.0 Alaska Domain Expansion: Development of a Geospatial Hydrologic Data-fabric for Hydrologic Prediction in South Central Alaska
- NWM V3.0 Alaska Domain Expansion: Overview, Forcing Evaluation and Initial Model Testing
- Near-term predictions of biogeochemistry in the Community Earth System Model
- Nightside high-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere responses to an extreme substorm
- North American Wildfires are Changing the Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Seasonal Cycle
- Novel Sea Ice Volume Tracers in an Earth System Model: Understanding the Thermodynamic and Dynamic Processes Governing Arctic Sea Ice Evolution at the Regional Scale
- Observation and simulation of upwelling growth and equatorial plasma bubbles with FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC2, GOLD, and SAMI3/ESF
- Observation-Enabled Assessment of Simulated Southern Ocean Aerosol and INP Populations in the Community Atmosphere Model Version 6
- Observations and Impact of Atmospheric River-Driven Extreme Precipitation over Thwaites Glacier
- Observed versus simulated characteristics of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in megacities in East Asia
- Observing, resolving and predicting the terrestrial carbon cycle and its sensitivity to climate.
- Off-equatorial deep cycle turbulence forced by Tropical Instability Waves in the equatorial Pacific cold tongue
- On Determining Nonstationary Events during Extended Data-Acquisition Episodes: Eliminating Prescribed Analysis Periods
- On the responses of atomic oxygen at middle thermosphere ( 160 km) to the 20-21 November 2003 superstorm
- On the way to realistic large eddy simulations - A comparison of virtual measurements with CHEESEHEAD19 field measurements
- Optical closure of multispectral aerosol optical properties: Effect of aerosol liquid water during the Two-Column Aerosol Project
- Organic Aerosol and Brown Carbon Evolution in Fresh Wildfire Plumes: Roles of Dilution-Driven Evaporation and Phenolic Chemistry
- Oscillations in Secondary to Primary Polar Crown Polarity Inversion Lines around Solar Maximum over Five Solar Cycles
- Persistent Stratospheric Warming due to 2019-20 Australian Wildfire Smoke
- Physical Characteristics and Spatial Variability of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Urban Climate Modeling
- Polarimetric Doppler Radar-based Bayesian Estimation of Ice Crystal Growth Parameters within a Microphysical Model
- Potential Impacts of Supersonic Aircraft Emissions on Ozone and Resulting Forcing on Climate
- Predicting the Duration of El Niño and La Niña Events during 1954-2015
- Probabilistic Weather Prediction with Bayesian Neural Networks
- Probabilistic simulations and predictions of hydrological processes over North America
- Process Oriented Diagnostics for High Frequency Impact Events: Bringing the Weather Scale to Climate
- Process-oriented Model Diagnostics for Extended-range Forecasts
- Processes Controlling Extratropical Cloud Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity from the Micro to Global Scale
- Progress in variable resolution, global domain, vector river-lake network routing model
- Projected Effects of Climate Change on Simultaneous North American Megafires Based on NA-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations
- Protecting Coastal Infrastructure in a Changing Climate by Integrating Optimization Modeling and Stakeholder Observations
- Quantifying and Diagnosing Biases in Mesoscale Convective Systems in High Resolution Climate Simulations
- Quantifying canopy-intercepted snow mass from tree sway observations: a demonstration over six winters in a subalpine coniferous forest
- Quantifying present and future impacts of reactive soil nitrogen emissions on global air quality
- Quantifying speciated aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constraints on physical and chemical removal of organic aerosol (OA) provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantifying streamflow predictability across North America on sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales
- Quantifying the relationship between CO mass fluxes and satellite fire radiative power from wildfires
- Quantifying uncertainty in deterministic observed meteorological datasets: A case study applied to large-domain gridded NLDAS-2 daily precipitation and temperature fields
- Re-evaluating the climate impacts of sulfur emissions by developed and developing countries from the perspective of consumption
- Real-time Weather Awareness for Enhanced Advanced Aerial Mobility Safety Assurance
- Reanalysis of global temperature variability during the last 24,000 years
- Reappraisal of the Climate Impacts of Ozone-Depleting Substances
- Regional Analysis of Climate Feedbacks and Sensitivity
- Regional Drivers of the Sahel Precipitation Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing
- Regional Hydrological Variations Along the California Coast During the PETM
- Remotely-sensed observational constraints on snow-covered area and snowpack albedo improve snowpack and streamflow simulations in the NOAA National Water Model
- Resiliency by Design at the MOPITT LANCE Node
- Responding to Extreme Heat in the Time of COVID-19: Results from a three-wave U.S. national survey
- Response of a rubber plant functional type in the Community Land Model (CLM5) to inter-annual variations in climate and nitrogen fertilization rates
- Results from the COORDE Project: A Model Comparison of Resolved and Parametrized Orographic Drag
- Revisiting AMOC Transport Estimates from Models and Observations
- Revisiting exposure-response functions for six morbidity endpoints associated with short-term PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposures and an application of the cost-and-benefit of air pollution control in Asia using an integrated assessment framework
- Ring current formation in the coupled GAMERA-RCM model
- Role of AMOC in transient climate response to greenhouse gas forcing in two coupled models
- Role of Long-range Transport, Downward Transport and Biomass Burning on the Tropospheric Ozone over the central Himalaya
- Role of large-scale forcing on the development of nonprecipitating continental convective clouds revealed from LASSO large-eddy simulations
- Role of mesoscale ocean variability in thermodynamic air-sea interactions in multi-century, high-resolution climate simulations
- Role of tropical variability in driving decadal shifts in the Southern Hemisphere summertime eddy-driven jet
- Satellite Deuterium Observations Quantify Spatio-Temporal Variability of Amazon Water Balance
- Scale-dependent ambient air quality uncertainties within MUSICA, a fully-coupled chemistry-climate model
- Seamless Machine Learning Architecture Access to Long-Tail In-Situ Data through EarthCube's BALTO Cyberinfrastructure
- Sector-based inversion of CO emissions during the COVID-19 lockdown
- Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Forests, Climate Change, and Our Future
- Sensitivity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to Different Paleoclimate States Simulated with the Community Earth System Model
- Short-term Impacts of Arctic Summer Cyclones on Sea-ice in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Simulated Changes in Arctic Cold Season Surface Heat Fluxes and the Relative Influences of Sea Ice Concentration, Sea Ice Thickness and the Sea Ice Thickness Distribution
- Simulating Organized Convective Storms in Different Climate Zones with Kilometer-Scale Models
- Simulation of Boreal Treeline Migration in A Warming World
- Smoke plumes, brown carbon and photolysis frequency dynamics
- Snapshots of Solar Minimum: Data and Model Results From the Past Two Solar Minima
- Snowmelt supports more of transpiration at the bottom than top of an alpine hillslope in the East River Watershed, Colorado
- Soil moisture-driven increases in hot and dry days in the American West
- Solar Prominence Bubbles and Associated Plasma Instabilities: IRIS Observations and MHD Modeling
- Spatial floods in the United States: understanding, modeling, and hazard estimation
- Spatial scales of vertical mixing in the lower atmosphere during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- Spatially resolved oxidation chemistry of reactive organic compounds in wildfire plumes
- Spurious Late Historical-Era Warming in the CESM2 Large Ensemble and Other CMIP6 Simulations
- Statistical Comparison of the CIR- and CME- Induced Geomagnetic Activity Effects on Lower Thermospheric Temperature
- Study the storm-enhanced density and plasmasphere in response to the electric fields in a magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupled system
- Summer high-wind events and phytoplankton productivity in the Arctic Ocean
- Summertime Transport Pathways from Different Northern Hemisphere Regions into the Arctic
- SunCET: A CubeSat Mission Dedicated to the Middle Corona
- Systematic Patterns in Land Precipitation over the Maritime Continent due to Land-Sea Contrast during MJO Propagation
- Testing an Implementation of WRF-Hydro for the Chena River (AK) watershed
- The 2D Evolution of Thermospheric ∑O/N<SUB>2</SUB> Response to Weak Geomagnetic Activity During Solar-Minimum Observed by GOLD
- The Aerial Hydrologic Cycle in a Warming World: Perspectives from Numerical Water Tracers and Implications for the Interpretation of Water Isotopes
- The CAM-MPAS model simulations for the HighResMIP experiments
- The Community Land Model (CLM5) Parameter Perturbation Ensemble Project: Towards Comprehensive Understanding of Parametric Uncertainty on the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 5.2 Updates & New Community Focused Testbed
- The Effects of Small Scale Plasma Turbulence on Conductance Modeling in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulations during Geomagnetic Storms
- The Emergence of the Forced Response of Climate Change in the Altimeter Sea Level Record
- The Geometry of Lagrangian Accelerations in Geostrophic Eddies
- The Impact of Black Carbon Emissions from Projected Arctic Shipping on Regional Ice Transport
- The Impact of Climate Change on Mixed Layer Depth and its Role in Shaping Past and Future Marine Heatwaves
- The Impact of Smoke on Boundary Layer Trace Gas Abundance in the California Central Valley
- The Impacts of COVID-19 on Summer Research Internships and the Response of the Geoscience Community
- The Importance of Hydraulic Traits to Tropical Forest Dynamics
- The Magnetic Skeleton of the Solar Corona Over Several Solar Rotations: Features, Analysis, and Community Availability
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- The Polar Field Reversal Process over Five Solar Cycles Using the McIntosh Archive
- The Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH) Small Explorer Mission: Status and Next Steps
- The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Tracer Transport Across Multiple Timescales
- The Relationship of Lightning Flash Rate to Convective Upscale Growth during RELAMPAGO
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The Role of Resolution in Characterizing the North American Monsoon Variability
- The Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Planetary Boundary Layer and Convective Mixing Layer at the ARM/SGP sight Based on Raman and Doppler Lidar Measurements
- The Solaris Solar Polar Mission: Exploring one of the last Unexplored Regions of the Solar System
- The Value of Initialization on Decadal Timescales: State-Dependent Predictability in the CESM Decadal Prediction Large Ensemble
- The effect of subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) on the global thermosphere and ionosphere during geomagnetic storms
- The global budget of atmospheric methanol: new constraints on secondary, oceanic, and terrestrial sources
- The impact of cloud processes and the transport of biological emissions on the vertical structure of cloud condensation nuclei in the Southern Ocean.
- The impact of global reservoir expansion on the present day climate
- The influence of the 2009 Arctic vortex split on the distribution of NO near the polar winter mesopause
- The practical predictability of convective hazards in a convection-permitting weather reforecast dataset
- The prevalence of meteoric-sulphuric particles within the stratospheric aerosol layer
- The role of elevated terrain and the Gulf of Mexico in the production of severe local storm environments over North America
- The role of internal variability and atmospheric teleconnections in determining Arctic sea ice loss
- The role of the mean state on MJO simulation in CESM2 ensemble simulation
- The simulated influence of snow on sea ice in a coupled climate model
- The strong impact of weak horizontal convergence on continental shallow convection
- Thermospheric Composition Response to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings Observed by the Global-Scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Instrument
- Thermospheric data-model comparison using GOLD's solar eclipse observations
- Top-of-atmosphere radiation bias from neglecting three-dimensional cloud morphology
- Toward Improving Parameter Regionalization for the National Water Model Using the CAMELS Dataset
- Toward a Coupled Land-Lake Model Framework
- Towards a multiscale crop modelling framework for climate change adaptation assessment
- Towards an Operational Data Assimilation System for the National Water Model: Progress and Plans
- Tracing the origins of Arctic vapor and clouds
- Tracking CME substructure evolution through the solar wind
- Tracking Movement of Coronal Holes from Long Term McA Data
- Tracking shallow convective mixing and its influence on low-level clouds with stable water isotopes
- Triose phosphate limitation of photosynthesis: an unnecessary complexity in terrestrial biosphere models
- Tropical Variability of Idealized Coupled Aqua and Ridge Planets using the Community Earth System Model
- Troposphere - stratosphere integrated BrO, NO<SUB>2</SUB>, HCHO profile retrievals over the central Pacific Ocean
- Turbulence-chemistry interactions in fresh wildland fire plumes: implications from high-resolution LES-chemistry simulations
- Uncertainty in Current and Projected Atmospheric Rivers: A Call for Process-Oriented Constraints on AR Detection
- Understanding Carbon Dioxide Removal and Management within an Integrated Research Program for Evaluating Climate Intervention Strategies
- Understanding Heterogeneity to Improve Snow-albedo Feedbacks in a Simplified Regional Climate Model
- Understanding the Impact of the Interactions between the Diurnal Cycle and Topography on the MJO in the Maritime Continent
- Upper ocean stratification: regional differences between high and low resolution climate models
- Urban Heat Risks in a Changing Climate
- Using Data Assimilation of Leaf Area Index to Constrain Decadal Global Carbon Dynamics in the Community Land Model 5.0
- Using High-resolution Satellite Precipitation Products to Explore the Effect of Urbanization on Heavy Rainfall over Yangtze River Delta of China
- Using ICAR and En-GARD to understand future climate variability of the Colorado River Basin
- Using machine learning to advance next-day probabilistic convective hazard prediction with convection-permitting models.
- Utilizing Discharge Flow Measurements to Estimate Continental-Scale Hydraulic Resistance and Channel Geometry
- Validation of SAGE III/ISS water vapor data and implications for a continued middle atmosphere water vapor data record
- Validation of model internal variability for partitioning climate projection uncertainty in Large Ensembles and CMIP5/6
- Validation of satellite measurements in wildfire plumes: A first look using aircraft in situ and remote sensing instruments
- Value of flow forecast for power system analytics
- Variability and diel dependence of O<SUB>3</SUB> - NO<SUB>x</SUB> - VOC chemistry in western wildfire plumes: Results from the NOAA Twin Otter during FIREX-AQ
- Variations in Flash Flood-Producing Storm Characteristics Associated with Changes in Vertical Velocity in a Future Climate in the Mississippi River Basin
- Verification of Absolute Total Electron Content (TEC) from the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Tri-GNSS Radio Occultation System (TGRS)
- Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions during FIREX-AQ: Distributions, emission ratios, and comparison with ARCTAS and SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS
- Volcanic Eruptions in Global Climate Models: Lessons Learned from the VolMIP-Tambora Interactive Stratospheric Aerosol Ensemble
- Volcanic drivers of the stratospheric sulfur cycle in GFDL ESM4
- WHPI Synoptic Coronal Hole Maps and Solar Wind Studies
- Was the 2015 subpolar North Atlantic cold blob predictable?
- Water vapour in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS): A new vertically resolved dataset from limb and nadir satellite observations
- What Can We Learn from the Equatorial ionization Anomaly (EIA) Locations in GOLD Observations?
- Which Family Trees of Snow Interception Modeling History have the Essentials for Success?
- Wind Resource Assessment over the Columbia River Gorge using a Three-Dimensional Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization
- WindCube: A CubeSat Thermospheric Wind Instrument
- Examining the role of flare-driven D-region electron density enhancement on Doppler Flash
- A 3D Mesh-Free Solver for Magnetohydrostatic Simulations in the Corona
- A Docker / Amazon Web Services Implementation of Numerical Weather Prediction Services
- A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation and Benchmarking of Hydrologic Model Performance
- A General Ensemble Filtering Framework using Quantiles: Application to Bounded Quantities and Parameter Estimation
- A Multi-Model Investigation of Asian Summer Monsoon UTLS Transport over Western Pacific
- A New Ethics Workshop: Addressing Racism and Colonialism in the Geosciences
- A Novel Analysis to Quantify Plume Crosswind Heterogeneity Applied to Biomass Burning Smoke Sampled During FIREX-AQ
- A Representation of Crown Damage in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator Leads to Increased Carbon Starvation Mortality and Decreased Aboveground Biomass
- A Science Plan for a Coordinated Regional Hydroclimate Project in the United States Focussed on Land-Atmosphere Processes
- A Statistical Approach to Study Spatial Characteristics of EUV Emission in Active Regions
- A Stochastic Correction to the Large Scale Density Field in Ocean Models: Theory and Dynamical Effects
- A benchmark for probabilistic seasonal streamflow forecasting across North America
- A case study for decision-relevant GCM selection in the western US
- A model-based assessment of the relative contribution of different regions to water isotopes in precipitation over India
- A novel application and multi-objective optimization of CTSM: Arctic hydrology in Alaska and Yukon River Basin
- A proposed model intercomparison study to evaluate the role of SST variability on MJO eastward propagation in climate models
- A snow modeling and water prediction testbed for benchmarking the water resources impacts of Earth Observations in North America
- A threshold for initiation of moist deep convection based on the ratio of sub-cloud updraft horizontal area to environmental saturation deficit
- A zonal dipole across the tropical Indian Ocean governed precipitation during Heinrich Stadial 1
- ASOPOS (Assessment of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for OzoneSondes) 2.0: Measurement Principles and Best Operational Practices for Ozonesondes
- Acceleration in the Low Corona of CMEs Associated with Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Accurate load balancing accelerates Lagrangian simulation of water ages on distributed, multi-GPU platforms
- Active Water Management within the National Water Model V3.0: Assimilation of Reservoir Outflow and Glacier Dammed Lake Releases
- Advances in Land Surface Models and Indicators for Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Advances in land surface modeling and prediction frameworks and tools to support risk-based national-scale water and emergency management
- Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities, in Coupled Wildland Fire Simulations
- Advancing seasonal water supply predictions for water management applications in Colorado headwaters using airborne lidar and gap-filling radar information
- Advancing the science and practice of community hydrologic modeling: Development of open-source models, methods, and datasets to enable process-based hydrologic prediction across North America (and beyond)
- Advancing the understanding and improvement of precipitation biases using a new storm-resolving model: a case study of precipitation extremes over the western united states
- Aerosols and Chemistry in the CMIP6 models new science from AerChemMIP
- Airborne Phased Array Weather Radar: Anticipated Scientific and Technological Advancement
- An Assessment of Changes in the Seasonal Precipitation of Central California during PETM
- An Energetic Evaluation of the Response of the Walker Circulation to Warming
- An Enhanced Noah-MP for Nextgen: Modularization and Implementation of the Basic Model Interface
- An Implementation of the Particle Flow Filter (PFF) in the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART)
- An Improved OSIRIS NO2 Profile Retrieval in the UTLS and Intercomparison with ACE-FTS and SAGE III/ISS
- An Overview of Preliminary Results from Emissions-MIPa Climate and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project
- An Updated Examination of the Post-2013 Ozonesonde Total Column Ozone Dropoff
- An idealized study of fire emissions impact on pyroconvective clouds with WRF-Fire
- An updated vegetation dataset increases previous runoff projections in the Colorado River Basin
- Analyzing Ozone Variations and Uncertainties at High Latitudes During Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Using MERRA-2
- Analyzing the Structure of Coronal Loops in MURaM Radiation MHD Simulations
- Application of Hierarchical System Development Approach to Inform Physics Development of the Global Forecast System
- Application of process-oriented diagnostics to assess ENSO-induced teleconnections in climate model development versions.
- Arctic Rain on Snow Events: Bridging Observations to Understand Environmental and Livelihood Impacts
- Arctic Shipping Guidance from the CMIP6 Ensemble on Operational and Infrastructural Timescales
- Assessing Responses and Impacts of Solar climate intervention on the Earth system with stratospheric aerosols (ARISE-SAI) simulations
- Assessing seasonal streamflow forecast strategies for Upper Rio Grande basin water management using SUMMA watershed models
- Assessing the Predictability and Probability of 21st Century Rain-on-Snow Flood Risk for the Conterminous U.S.
- Assessment of WRF-Fires Forecasting Skill on Large Wildfires
- Assimilating SMAP-Sentinel1 High-Resolution Soil Moisture Data in Numerical Modeling to Quantify the Irrigation Water Use
- Atlantic Multidecadal Variability damps ENSO through weakened thermocline feedback
- Atmospheric rivers in the Eocene: What can we learn about high latitude moisture transport using Earth system models?
- Augmenting the double-Gaussian representation of atmospheric turbulence and convection via a coupled stochastic multi-plume mass flux scheme
- Automating Model-Data Comparisons
- BVOC Emission Response to Global Change and Biosphere-Atmosphere Chemical Interactions in Urban Areas
- Balloon soundings with an oscillating ascending and descending paths
- Benefits of stochastic parameterizations in subseasonal to seasonal forecasts with CESM2
- Boundary Data-driven MHD Simulations of the Emergence and Eruption of Active Region 11158
- Brown Carbon Lifetime and Chemistry in Aged Wildfire Plumes from the Western U.S.
- Brown carbon climatic impacts over High Mountain Asia: WRF-Chem model implementation and application
- Building Trusted Satellite Passive Microwave Data Sets: New Advancements in Calibrated, Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperatures for Cryospheric Applications
- Building a NOAA Data Collection at the National Snow and Ice Data Center While Breaking the Researcher-Contributor Hesitancy Barrier
- Building a sectional nitrate aerosol model from the surface to the stratosphere
- CESM2-Large Ensemble on AWS
- CLEDB - An Algorithm for Inverting Vector Magnetic Fields in The Solar Corona
- COSMIC 2 Geolocation of Equatorial Irregularities and Validation Using GOLD UV Images
- Calculated OH Reactivity of Western U.S. Wildfires Measured During WE-CAN
- Calibration of a Visible-Light Prototype for the CORSAIR Polarimeter
- Calibration of the Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System for the Assessment of Wintertime Cloud Seeding Impacts on Seasonal Water Supplies for the Upper Snake River Basin
- Can artificial injection of sulphate aerosol to mitigate heatwaves save lives?
- Carbon Monitoring System in Mountains (CMS-Mountains): Leveraging Satellite-Based Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Understand Forest Drought and Mortality in the Western U.S.
- Causes and implications of the observed desiccation of the US Southwest
- Change in extreme precipitation characteristics in urban areas under global warming
- Characterization of Southern Ocean Boundary Layer Clouds Using Airborne Radar, Lidar Data, and In-situ Cloud Measurements: Results from SOCRATES
- Characterization of the recent drought in the US Southwest: historical context and what can we expect in the future?
- Characterizing the Wildland Fire Environment for Smoke Modeling and Air Quality Mapping
- Characterizing wave-dependent diffuse precipitation with the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment model
- Chemical Reactivity of the Remote Troposphere over the Ocean Basins observed by NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- Chemical heterogeneity in wildfire plumes: implications for large-scale air quality models and satellite retrievals
- Classifying the energy of pulsating aurora and its connection to substorms using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)
- Climate Change Advocacy in School Psychology
- Climate response and ocean adjustment to interannual fluctuations of biomass burning aerosol emissions in the CESM2 Large Ensemble Simulation
- Climate variability and extremes over the complex terrain of the western U.S.
- Climatology of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Residual Circulations and Mesopause Height derived from SABER Observations
- Climatology of West Antarctic Atmospheric Rivers and their Impacts on Surface Mass Balance
- Cloud and Environmental Conditions of the Late-March Marine Cold-Air Outbreak during COMBLE: An Observational Case Study
- Cloud-performant reading of NetCDF4/HDF5/Grib2 using the Zarr library
- Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain (CFACT): A Field Campaign and Science on Cold Fog, Low-Level Clouds, and Aerosols
- Collapse of Antarctic Sea Ice in Climate Model Simulations of Soot Injection into the Stratosphere
- Combined data-driven magnetofrictional and MHD simulations of an eruptive solar active region
- Community modeling: supporting large-domain water resources modeling through an open-source model configuration toolbox
- Comparable sulfate climate impacts by consumption of developed and developing countries despite large emission differences
- Comparing Solar Climate Intervention Outcomes Under Multiple Forcing Scenarios
- Comparing interhemispheric differences of mesosphere/lower thermosphere dynamics from ground-based observations and three general circulation models
- Comparison of CESM and WRF Model Simulations for South America.
- Comparison of long-term hemispheric and regional sea ice extent trends from passive microwave sea ice climate records
- Competing roles of regional aerosol emissions on the tropical Pacific climate: climatology, trend, and decadal variability
- Constraining hydroclimate interpretations of the North American monsoon since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Constraining the Seasonal Cycle of the Southern Ocean CO2 Uptake with Airborne Observations
- Constraints on the Physical and Chemical Lifetime of Organic Aerosol (OA) in the Remote Troposphere based on in-situ measurements during the ATom mission
- Container-Based Continuous Integration Testing for the MDTF-diagnostics Package in the Cloud
- Contribution of the lower atmosphere to day-to-day variation of thermospheric density
- Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations over South America
- Coordinated observations of the daytime thermosphere with ICON and GOLD
- Coordinating scientific and operational needs in region weather station network design
- Coronal Holes and High Speed Streams within the Heliosphere SC24 25 Solar Minimum
- Credibility Evaluation of a Convolutional Neural Net for Downscaling GCM Output over the Southern Great Plains
- Cross-scale oceanographic drivers of human impacts on marine biodiversity
- Daily, Seasonal, and Interannual Variations of the Migrating Diurnal Tide Component of Carbon Monoxide and Temperatures from Aura/MLS and SD-WACCM-X
- Data assimilation of LAI and biomass into CLM to constrain carbon dynamics in the Arctic and Boreal region
- Data-driven Modeling of the Day-to-Day Variability of the Equatorial Electrojet Using Ground- and Space-based Magnetometer Data
- Decadal-Scale Forecasting of ENSO and Implications for Arable Crop Prices
- Deglacial trends in Indo-Pacific Warm Pool hydroclimate in an isotopeenabled Earth system model and implications for isotope-based paleoclimate reconstructions
- Deglacial variability of South China hydroclimate heavily contributed by autumn rainfall
- Deriving a Transport Diagnostic for the Convectively Dominated Tropical Western Pacific Upper Troposphere based on Airborne Trace Gas Measurements
- Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Approaches to Short- and Long-Lived Climate Forcers
- Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Overcoming Limited Observations, Modeling Uncertainty, and Large Internal Variability
- Developing 21st Century Approaches for Land Cover Change Data Visualization and Dissemination
- Developing 4-D ionospheric specification over U.S. with a new TEC-based ionospheric data assimilation system (TIDAS)
- Developing Multi-scale Modeling Over Australia for the 2019/2020 Extreme Wildfire Season
- Development of New Physically-Based Algorithms for the WRF-Hydro Community Model to Simulate Water Temperature in Riverine Systems
- Development of a Cloud-based Data Match-Up Service (CDMS) in Support of Ocean Science and ApplicationsDevelopment of a Cloud-based Data Match-Up Service (CDMS) in Support of Ocean Science and Applications
- Development of a Framework to Predict Edge-of-Field Runoff Risk Using a Continental Scale Operational Hydrological Model Combined with Data Driven Modeling Approaches
- Development of a high-resolution chemical reanalysis and air quality products for societal applications
- Diagnosing and evaluating the dynamics of terrestrial carbon cycle models
- Differential Credibility Analysis of Dynamical Downscaling Framework with a Focus on Precipitation Characteristics over Southern Great Plains
- Direct Connection Between Auroral Oval Streamers/Flow Channels and Equatorward Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Direct Measurements and Physical Controls of Reservoir Evaporation in the Colorado Front Range
- Discovery and Open Access to Cryospheric Tools and Data Use Tutorials at the National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Discrepancies in Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification Using Ten Global Gridded Products
- Diurnal and Semi-diurnal Variations in the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation over the Tropical Oceans in a Global Storm-Resolving Model
- Divergent historical GPP trends among state-of-the-art multi-model simulations and satellite-based products
- Downscaling CESM2 in CLM5 to Hindcast Tropical Mountain Glaciation
- Drivers of the tropospheric ozone anomalies during the year 2020
- Driving Influences of Solar Flare Effects on the Doppler Flash Observed by SuperDARN HF Radars
- Dynamic ecosystem assembly and escaping the fire-trap in the tropics: Insights from FATES-SPITFIRE
- Early Results from Whole Heliosphere Planetary Interactions (WHPI) Campaigns
- Earth System Science Advances are Outpacing their Uptake for Informing Adaptation Actions: How can We do Better?
- EarthWorks
- Educational Efforts of NCAR Earth System Data Science Initiative: Making the Python Scientific Ecosystem More Accessible to GeoScientists
- Effect of Greenland Ice Sheet Freshwater Fluxes on the AMOC in a Warming Climate
- Effects of 2020 September Moderate Geomagnetic Storms in the Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) as Observed by GOLD Mission
- Effects of Multiple Solar Geoengineering Methods and CO2 Emissions Reduction on Global Crop Yields
- Effects of fire diurnal variation and plume injection on U.S. air quality during FIREX-AQ based on the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA-V0)
- Effects of organized mesoscale convection on the MJO and precipitation in E3SMv1 and CESM2
- Effects of the stratospheric dynamics and chemistry on the surface climate of the Last Glacial Maximum in CESM2(WACCM6ma)
- Efficient kinetic Lattice Boltzmann simulation forthree-dimensional geospace turbulent flows
- Enhanced atmospheric response to Gulf Stream SST anomalies in CAM6 simulations with 1/8-degree regional grid refinement over the North Atlantic
- Enhanced jet stream waviness induced by suppressed tropical Pacific convection during boreal summer
- Enhancement of Quasi-6-Day Wave during the 2019 Southern Hemisphere (SH) sudden stratospheric warming and its influence on diurnal tides and gravity waves observed by two meteor radars at SH midlatitudes
- Enhancement of the next-generation intensity-duration-frequency (NG-IDF) curves for Land Cover Types over the Conterminous United States
- Enhancing NSIDCs Passive Microwave SMMR-SSM/I-SSMIS Data Records by Adopting Community Driven Data Principles
- Enhancing NWM Parameter Regionalization to Improve Physical Similarity Representation While Accounting for Uncertainties
- Ensemble Based LES Simulations of Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Environmental Conditions Associated with the Development of Anomalous Charge Structures in Central Argentinian Thunderstorms
- Equatorial Ionospheric Response to Penetrating Electric Field Simulation and Observations
- Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Maps as Constructed on the Base of the COSMIC-2 Ion Velocity Meter Observations
- Establishing flux rope chirality using white light polarization data from the PUNCH mission
- Estimating Atmospheric Electron Precipitation using Observations from FIREBIRD-II CubeSats and the Van Allen Probes
- Estimating Groundwater Demand for Agriculture to Explain Groundwater Depletion in North China Plain
- Estimating Rainfall Erosivity using High Resolution IMDAA Precipitation Product over India
- Estimating Tracer Sources with Ensemble Data Assimilation: Tests in an Augmented Lorenz-96 Model with Tracer Advection
- Estimating the Risk of Extreme Wind Gusts in Tropical Cyclones Using Large-Eddy Simulations and a Statistical-Dynamical Model
- Evaluating Twenty-Year Trends in Earths Energy Flows from Observations
- Evaluating and Improving Urban VOC Chemistry in Los Angeles using WRF-chem
- Evaluating large ensembles for persistent extreme events such as the 2020 temperature anomaly over Siberia
- Evaluating the Application of Reanalysis Wind Products in a Trajectory Model Study of Convective Transport
- Evaluating the UTLS nitrate model during the Asian summer monsoon season
- Evaluation and Parametric Sensitivity of the Nutrient Enabled Ecosystem Model FATES-ELM at a Tropical Testbed
- Evaluation and bias correction of a novel high-resolution gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States
- Evaluation of A New Framework for Modeling the Dust Cycle in the Community Atmosphere Model (Version 6.1)
- Evaluation of Extratropical Cyclones and their associated Precipitation and Snowfall over North America in CMIP6.
- Evaluation of Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Characteristics in GCMs based on In-situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- Evaluation of Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Properties in Three Climate Model Simulations using Airborne Observations over the Southern Ocean
- Evaluation of Large Point Source Emissions over South Korea Using NASA KORUS-AQ Aircraft Field Campaign
- Evaluation of Leading Modes of Climate Variability in the CMIP Archives
- Evaluation of Snowpack Simulation and the Role of Impurity Effects in the Sierra Nevada based on High-resolution Regional Climate-aerosol-snow Modeling
- Evaluations of Model Simulated Ozone and its Precursors in MUSICA-V0 Against In-situ and Airborne Measurements over the Continental US
- Evidence for hot plasma and current sheet formation during a coronal cavity eruption
- Evolution of the Atlantic ITCZ from the Cretaceous and its implication on the South American and African rainforests.
- Examination of the influence of shallow convective mixing on low-level clouds with observations of stable water isotopes
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Expanding access and accelerating science through high-resolution, full featured climate simulations on the cloud.
- Expanding and Strengthening the Transition from NCL to Python Visualizations
- Exploration of the Physical and Spectroscopic Characteristics of Coronal Rain
- Exploring summer continental temperature variability response to surface evaporative resistance through idealized simulations
- Exploring the Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Ocean Heat Transport in Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Aquaplanets
- Exploring the Predictability of Connected Extremes
- Exploring the ability of a regionally refined Earth system model in simulating cryospheric-hydrological variables in High Mountain Asia.
- Extensions to the Basic Model Interface to Support Serialization of a Model's State Variables for Load Balancing and Checkpointing
- FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Space Weather Calibration and Validation in Support of Mission Full Operational Capability (FOC)
- Facilitating the development of complex models with the Common Community Physics Package and its Single-Column Model
- Flavors of Antarctic atmospheric rivers and the modes of variability that matter
- Formation of Alfven Wave Ducts by Magnetotail Flow Bursts
- Formosat-5/Advanced Ionospheric Probe observes Night-time Top-side Ionospheric density responses to Quasi-6-day wave events
- Forward Modeling of Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements Based on a Magnetic-field-induced Transition in Fe X
- From 1973 to the 2020s, from SKYLAB to 3D vector magnetic fields in prominences
- From storylines to anthologies Systematically examining the implications of climate change on known weather extremes and their multisectoral impacts
- Future Trends of Arctic Surface Wind Speeds and their Relationship with Sea Ice in CMIP5 Climate Model Simulations and the CESM2 Earth System Model
- Future projections of the large scale atmospheric circulation: our biggest uncertainties and progress through the CMIPs
- Geospace response to 10 June 2021 polar solar eclipse
- Global Famine After Nuclear War
- Global Monitoring of the Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities Using COSMIC-2 Data
- Global changes in terrestrial vegetation and continental climate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Global solar flows and their impact on magnetic activity
- Global warming and ocean acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Globally resolved climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum: new insights from models and proxies
- Greenhouse Gas Flux Trends for Africa, 1985-2019
- Hall Physics at the Magnetosphere Mesoscale
- Halogen Chemistry in Fire Plumes: Aircraft Observations from FIREX-AQ 2019
- Harmonizing IceBridge, ICESat and ICESat-2 Lidar Data using IceFlow
- Hemispheric Asymmetry Evolution of the Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly in the South American Longitude Sector
- High Resolution Assimilation of Multiple Satellite Retrievals with Emissions Adjustment to Improve Air Quality Forecasting with WRF-Chem/DART
- High Resolution Modeling in a Coastal Urban Environment in Support of Geostationary Satellite Retrievals of Air Quality
- High performance computing for high-resolution snow modeling
- High prediction skill of tropical Pacific decadal climate in a decadal prediction system without volcanic forcing
- High resolution coupled modeling of the inner magnetosphere
- High-Resolution Regional Climate Simulations of Alaskan Hydroclimatic Change
- High-resolution smoke simulations for the Williams Flats fire by ingesting JPSS VIIRS and GOES-16/17 ABI satellite fire radiative power data into the FV3 limited area model
- How Jupiters unusual magnetospheric topology structures its aurora
- How a cloud based JupyterHub can scaffold researchers' scientific workflows and teaching activities
- How strong is ocean mixing in the Pacific Ocean cold tongue, and does it matter?
- How to Measure the Magnetic Origins of Coronal Dynamics
- How to fulfill open science expectations for simulation based research?
- Hydraulically-vulnerable trees survive on deep-water access during droughts in a tropical forest
- Identification of Moisture Sources to Better Understand and Predict Hydrologic Extremes
- Identifying directions for improving water prediction by evaluating multiple national-scale hydrologic models
- Impact of FireLab/FIREX-AQ Fuel Burned Amounts and Emission Factors on Pyrogenic Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter Simulated by a Regional Chemical Model
- Impact of GNSS radio occultation data on the prediction of convective systems associated with a Mei-Yu front
- Impact of Groundwater Loss Calibration on the National Water Model Streamflow Prediction
- Impact of Small-scale Gravity Waves on Chemistry
- Impact of Time-varying High-latitude Meridional Circulation Cell in Polar Fields
- Impact of Typhoons on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Composition
- Impact of entrainment-mixing and turbulent fluctuations on droplet size distributions in a cumulus cloud
- Impact of global climate and land use change on soil reactive nitrogen emissions - implication on air quality
- Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2).
- Impact of photovoltaic rooftops in the Chicago metro area
- Impact of thermospheric wind data assimilation on thermospheric and ionospheric weather monitoring using a coupled whole atmosphere data assimilation system.
- Impacts of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the Tropical Pacific: a multi-model study
- Impacts of Climate-Crop Model Coupling on Predictions of Agricultural Production and Climate with Global Warming and Stratospheric Geoengineering.
- Implementation of a new lake scheme in the Weather Research Forecasting Model Hydrological modeling system (WRF-Hydro)
- Implementing Reservoir Operation in a Global River Routing Model for Integration in Earth System Models
- Implementing SnowModel into the Land Information System Framework to Support High Resolution Modeling of Snow Heterogeneity
- Improved Hydrologic Parametrization and Spatial Uncertainty Characterization of the Community Land Model over the Conterminous United States
- Improvement in the representation of wintertime surface temperature variability in CESM2 related to the representation of snow density
- Improving Momentum Flux Parameterization in Global Models with Sondes, Large-Eddy Simulations, and Process-Oriented Diagnostics
- Improving National Water Model Streamflow Performance Through Parameter Calibration
- Improving Thermosphere-Ionosphere States and Dynamics by Assimilating GOLD Observations in a Whole Atmosphere Data Assimilation Model
- Improving on the representation of subtropical clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model using CLUBB+MF
- Indices of Extremes: Geographic patterns of change in temperature and precipitation and associated vegetation impacts
- Influence of Total Solar Eclipse on the Magnetosphere
- Influences of Global Positioning System Radio Occultation Data Assimilation on Full Forecast Skill of Tropical Cyclone Formations in the Western North Pacific
- Influences of Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Change on Thermospheric Hydrogen
- Influences of equatorial waves on tropical tropopause layer structure and lower stratospheric water vapor during QBO disruptions
- Information Horizon of Magnetic Active Regions
- Informing Nature-based Climate Solutions with the best-available science: a research agenda for the land-atmosphere flux community
- Integrating and exposing Greenland geospatial data via QGreenland
- Interactions Among Magnetic Bands in Extended Solar Cycles
- Intercalibration of the plasma density measurements in Earth's topside ionosphere
- Intercomparison of Box Models Simulating Cloud Chemistry
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of Modeled Joule Heating Variations During the 2013 and 2015 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storms
- Introducing the CESM2-Large Ensemble: Detecting the ubiquity of human-induced changes in climate variability
- Investigating Expanding Air Pollution and Climate Change on the African Continent
- Investigating the Mass and Heat Budget of Lower Green Bay Under Different River Loading Scenarios
- Investigating the Sources for Long Term Variability in the Polar Summer mesosphere
- Investigating the impact of carbon cycle processes on low anomalies in atmospheric carbon monoxide and potential feedbacks in atmospheric chemistry
- Investigating the ionospheric and thermospheric responses during the 2013 St. Patricks Day storm using FAC-driving GITM simulations
- Investigation of MJO signals in the E-region of NH high latitude region with PFISR and SD-WACCMx
- Ionospheric Quasi-6-Day Oscillation generated by the Secondary Child Waves During the 2019 Antarctic Sudden Stratosphere Warming
- Ionospheric disturbances triggered by the 2011 Tohoku reflected tsunami ocean waves
- Irrigation adaptation for crop production under climate change a modeling study in North America
- Key parameters under varying phosphorus supply and temperature in the nutrient-enabled land surface model ELM-FATES
- KinSim: an Igor Pro-based visual chemical-kinetics simulator capable of efficiently solving fully explicit atmospheric chemical systems
- Large Influence of Dust on the Precambrian Climate and Snowball Earth Events
- Large ensemble simulations of CMEs in the inner heliosphere: toward constraining distributions of CME parameters near the Sun
- Late Pliocene as an analogue for studying sensitivity of Pacific Walker Circulation to CO2 forcing
- Less surface sea ice melt in the CESM2 improves Arctic sea ice simulation with minimal non-polar climate impacts
- Leveraging Docker and Singularity container software to create a portable end-to-end numerical weather prediction (NWP) system.
- Limited surface impacts of the January 2021 sudden stratospheric warming
- Long-Term Effect of Barotropic Instability across the Moat in Double-Eyewall Tropical Cyclone-Like Vortices in Forced and Unforced Shallow-Water Models
- Long-term trends in surface ozone and fine particulate matter over contiguous US using meteorological normalization
- Low and middle latitude thermosphere and ionosphere responses to the September, 2020 geomagnetic activity event
- Low-latitude nighttime F-region ionospheric response to the September 2019 Antarctic sudden stratospheric warming as seen by the GOLD mission
- Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Cooling Responses to the December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse
- Lunar Tide in the Thermosphere/Ionosphere Revealed in ICON and GOLD measurements
- MAGE simulations of flux transfer events, poleward moving auroral forms, and polar cap patches
- Machine Learning, Process-Based Modeling, and Observational Data: the Wildfire Modeling Triangle
- Machine Learning-Based Feature Detection to Associate Precipitation Extremes with Synoptic Weather Events
- Magnetoseismology for the solar corona: from 10 Gauss to coronal magnetograms
- Mapping Global Surface Ozone Concentration Annually Through Data Fusion at Fine Resolution for 1990 to 2017 to Support Health Assessment
- Measurement of carbonyl photolysis quantum yields and implications for oxidant production in the troposphere
- Measurements of the meridional advective acceleration, modified Coriolis parameter, and neutral wind forcing in the E-region during different geomagnetic activity
- Mechanisms and Impacts of Climate Tipping Elements
- Merging Airborne Snow Data with Long-term Hydrometeorological Observations to Improve Water Supply Forecasting
- Microphysical Properties of Tropopause Cirrus Clouds during BATAL campaigns in India.
- Model simulations and satellite data analysis of aerosol impacts to snow cover over High Mountain Asia
- Model studies of metal layers in the mesosphere and thermosphere using a global Community Earth System Model
- Modeled Boundary Layer and Cloud Properties Observed during the 28-29 March 2020 Cold-Air Outbreaks in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (COMBLE) Event
- Modeled snow intercomparison over Fairbanks, Alaska domain: spatial and interannual variability from Land Information System simulations
- Modeling Plasmasphere Irregularities with SAMI3/WACCM-X/HIAMCM
- Modeling insights into processes affecting water isotopes in polar regions
- Modeling of riverine transport and reaction of anthropogenic nitrate in the Great Lakes Basin
- Modeling particulate pollution at the city scale: Application of the WRF-chem model to the city of Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
- Modeling the Evolution of the Storm Time Ring Current Energy Distribution
- Modeling the Impact of E Region Metal Ions on Equatorial Plasma Bubbles with SAMI3/WACCM-X
- Modeling the Solar Atmosphere: From quiet Sun to Flares
- Modelling climate and weather for deep-time warm paleoclimates: Lessons from the Eocene
- Modelling of the I-T System with the High-latitude Input for Meso-scale Electrodynamics (HIME) Framework
- Molecular Mass and Absorption of Water-Soluble Brown Carbon Chromophores from Wildfire Plumes in the Western USA
- Multi-model estimates of 16-year trends in wildfire exposure and associated health burden in the Western United States
- Multiconstituent Data Assimilation With WRFChem/DART: Potential for Adjusting Anthropogenic Emissions and Improving Air Quality Forecasts Over Eastern China
- Multimodel Uncertainty in Projected Changes of Simultaneous Megafires in the Great Basin Based on NA-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations
- Multiyear climate impacts of interannually varying biomass burning emissions in CESM2 Large Ensemble simulations
- NASA Earthdata Access in the Cloud Using Open-source Libraries
- NCAR Datasets Published in the Cloud
- NY Stakeholders' Interaction and Feedback on a Coastal Protective Strategy Optimization
- NYSolarCast: A Solar Power Forecasting System for New York State
- Natural Vegetation Responses in Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G6 Experiments
- Near-continuous observations of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf conditions andsub-ice-shelf environment
- Neutral density variations associated with magnetosphere-ionosphere and lower atmosphere coupling during 1-3 February 2016
- Next Generation National Water Model: Strategy and Preliminary Performance of Initial Model Formulations
- Non-storm time thermospheric O/N2 depletion and NO enhancement
- Northern Midlatitude Warming Pattern Tied to Pacific and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability
- Observational Constraint on Secondary HONO Production in Aged Wildfire Smoke from Airborne Measurements in Western US
- Observational evidence of spot-producing magnetic ring's split during MHD evolution
- Observations of Ion Upflow in Conjunction With Pulsating Aurora
- Observed and Modeled Long Term Trends in Vertically-Propagating Tides
- Observed and Modeled Streamflow Response to Hydroclimatic Changes in Alaska
- On advanced, coupled Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance, ice flow and global climate evolution: century and multi-century simulations with CESM2-CISM2
- On importance of mesoscale processes in storm-time geospace
- On the magnitude and sensitivity of the QBO response to a tropical volcanic eruption
- On the relationship between traveling atmospheric and ionospheric disturbances
- Operational Hydrologic Modeling: Current Status of NOAAs National Water Model and Plans for the Future
- Optimal Protective and Mitigation Strategies Against Flooding and Future Climate Risk
- Orbital Forcing of Western North American Hydroclimate during the Early Eocene Greenhouse
- Origin of Rossby waves observed near the solar surface
- PUMAS: Parameterization of Unified Microphysics Across Scales for Weather and Climate prediction
- Pangeo and Project Pythia: Helping Geoscientists Navigate the Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Periodic behaviors of white-light faculae
- Planetary wave-driven enhanced NO descent into the top of the Arctic polar vortex during major and minor SSWs
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere: Mission status, activity, and science planning
- Potential Ecological Impacts of Climate Intervention with Solar Radiation Modification
- Predicting life in the Earth system: Linking ecological observations with modeling tools
- Prediction of the first and last X-Flares of Cycle 25 Active Regions
- Preferred Longitudes and Other Characteristics of Polar Coronal Hole Extensions over Five Solar Cycles
- Pricing the interannual variability in marine accessibility on the Northern Sea Route
- Prioritizing GCMs for Regional Dynamical Downscaling
- Probing the Physics of the Solar Atmosphere with the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE): II. Flares and Eruptions
- Progresses and Challenges to specifying the I-T system during weak storms
- Project Pythia: A Resource to Help Geoscientists Navigate the Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Project Raijin: Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Grids
- Pulsating aurora: the possible connection between auroral substorms and climatological effects
- Quantifying Atmospheric Composition and Net Climate Feedbacks from Large-Scale Afforestation and Reforestation Proposals
- Quantifying Forced Changes to Unforced Modes of Atmospheric Variability
- Quantifying NOx Emissions from U.S. Oil and Gas Production Regions using TROPOMI NO2
- Quantifying Seasonal Snow Depth Spatial Variability in Complex Mountain Terrain
- Quantifying and characterizing climate nonstationarities in response to forcing across the CESM1 Large Ensemble, Forced Ensembles, and observational products
- Quantifying uncertainty in regional precipitation projections and using data driven approaches to identify process errors
- Radar-based Bayesian Estimation of Ice Aggregate Parameters Within a Microphysics Model
- Recent Advances in Understanding the Thermosphere-Ionosphere From the Global-scale Observations of The Limb And Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Recent Progress in Mesoscale to Microscale Coupling
- Recent advances and applications of land surface models in addressing key hydrological and environmental issues: Examples from Noah-MP LSM community efforts
- Reconciling Evapotranspiration Cross Method Synthesis and Uncertainty Quantification at the East River Watershed
- Record Low North American Monsoon Rainfall in 2020 Reignites Drought over the American Southwest
- Regional Variability of the South Asian Monsoon Through the PETM
- Regional and Seasonal Trends in Tropical Lowermost Stratospheric Ozone from SHADOZ profiles: Reference for Models and Satellite Products
- Relating the Gross Moist Stability to SST and SST gradients
- Relationship between pre-fire climate conditions with summer wildfire burned area highlights the important role of snow drought
- Relationship of Doppler radar measurements at 4 wavelengths to ice microphysics from IMPACTS
- Remineralization dominating the 13C decrease in the mid-depth Atlantic during the last deglaciation
- Representation of surface heterogeneity impact in E3SM: Experience from single-column model simulations over ARM SGP during summertime
- Resolved Convection Improves the Representation of Equatorial Waves and Tropical Rainfall Variability in a Global Nonhydrostatic Model
- Retrievals of ozone in the troposphere and lower stratosphere using FTIR observations over Greenland
- Role of Advection of Parameterized Turbulence Kinetic Energy in Idealized Tropical Cyclone Simulations
- Sampling error in the ensemble Kalman filter for small ensembles and high-dimensional states
- Satellite Observations , Machine Learning and Their Potential Contribution to Global Sustainable Goals : a Perspective Based on Experience with TROPOMI and MOPITT Satellite Data
- Seasonal and Longitudinal Variability of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Occurrence and Drift Velocity During Solar Minimum from the GOLD Mission
- Seasonality of the Migrating Semidiurnal Tide in the Tropical E-region Ionosphere
- Sensitivity of stratospheric sulfur to volcanic drivers in GFDL ESM4
- Sensitivity of the Near Surface Atmosphere to Subgrid Land Surface Heterogeneity in CESM2
- Shallowing Glacial Antarctic Intermediate Water by Changes in Sea Ice and Hydrological Cycle
- Simplifying Infrastructure for Sophisticated Earth-System Modeling & Data Integration with Containers
- Simulated Trapping of Solar Energetic Protons as Measured by Van Allen Probes for the 7-8 September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Simulating Local-scale Air Quality with the Global Model MUSICA
- Skillful Wintertime Temperature Forecasts out to 6 Weeks with Machine Learning Methods over the America's
- Smoke Aerosols Hinder Solar Irradiance Forecasts during the 2020 Western US Wildfires
- Snapshot hyperspectral imaging of evapotranspiration dynamics
- SnowEx Data Access Tools and Resources
- Solar Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Model Comparison based on 3D MHD Simulations
- Solar Energetic Particle Events Associated With Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Some OH Reactivity Is Missing in the Lower Atmosphere over South Korea and Its Environs
- Source Contributions to Nigerias Atmospheric O3, CO and NO2 Concentrations and the Impact on Africa
- South American Equatorial Wave Propagation in Two High Resolution Models (WRF and CESM)
- Spatial patterns of temperature and hydroclimate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Fingerprints of a warmer world
- Spatio-temporal Drifts of Long-lived Equatorial Coronal Holes: Do they follow the Local Differential Rotation or Rossby Waves?
- Spatio-temporal Pattern Analysis of Trace Gases and Aerosol Abundance Using PCA, SOMs, and Convolution Auto-encoders
- Specifying Thermospheric Temperature and Composition using Physics-Based Data Assimilation of COSMIC Radio Occultation Data
- Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopes Reveal Separate Dust and Pollution Sources as a Function of Elevation in the Alaska Range, USA
- State-dependent forecast skill on the S2S-timescale:An application of the python forecast verification package "climpred"
- Stochastic Decadal Projections of Colorado River Streamflow and Reservoir Pool Elevations Conditioned on Temperature Projections
- Stormtime Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in a Mesoscale-Resolving Global Geospace Model
- Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project
- Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention effects on stratospheric composition and total column ozone
- Stratospheric temperature and ozone anomalies associated with the 2020 Australian bushfires
- Streamflow simulation using WRF-Hydro/Glacier in the NEF River basin from the Northern Patagonian Ice cap
- Study of a polar low in Norwegian Sea using COMBLE observations and numerical modeling
- Studying air quality in India using the multi-scale MUSICA-v0 model
- Subauroral polarization streams in magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
- Supporting Students Well-being and Fostering a Sense of Belonging in the Sciences Through Vulnerable Exploration of Identity, Border Crossings, and Imposter Syndrome
- Symmetry-reduced dynamic mode decomposition of solar tachocline dynamics
- Synoptic Categorization of Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers Near Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica Using Self-Organizing Maps
- Systematically Quantifying Neutral Wind Response Times Over the High Latitude Auroral Oval
- Temperature Extremes Under Global Warming Using the SC-Earth Dataset
- The CESM Modeling of Global Ozone Trends with Updated Emission Inventory
- The COMPLETE mission concept for the Heliophysics Decadal Survey
- The COronal Magnetism Observatory (COMO)
- The Challenge of Making Actionable Forecasts of Hurricane Landfalls
- The Contribution of Atmospheric Rivers to Antarctic Ice Sheet Snowfall
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed; a Suite of Tools for Understandingthe Earth System with Confidence.
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- The Effects of E-Region Turbulence, Precipitation, and their Interactions on Global MagnetosphereIonosphereThermosphere Simulations During Intense Geomagnetic Events
- The Elephant in the Room: Supporting Students During Social Upheaval
- The Fall-effect in VLF Amplitudes and Mesospheric Temperature
- The IPCC WGI Atlas Chapter - A Major Innovation
- The Impact of Assimilating COSMIC-2 Electron Density Observations in WACCMX
- The Impact of Very-Short Lived Chlorine Compounds and GHGs on Trends in Stratospheric Ozone
- The Impact of the Mt. Pinatubo Climate Perturbation on Marine Productivity
- The Impact on Sulfate Aerosol Effective Radii of Including Aerosol Optics in Photorate Calculations for Volcanic Clouds
- The Intensity- and Size-Dependent Response of Tropical Cyclones to Increasing Vertical Wind Shear
- The Interannual Variability of Carbon Monoxide in the Upper Troposphere-Lower Stratosphere over the Asian Summer Monsoon Region
- The Internal Variability of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- The NASA MEaSUREs ITS_LIVE project: Accelerating glacier science through satellite data synthesis
- The Need to Account for Water Resources Management in Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Studies
- The Next Generation GONG (ngGONG) Project: Ground-based Synoptic Studies of the Sun
- The Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework: Open Source, Standards Based, Community Accessible, Model Interoperability for Large Scale Water Prediction
- The Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Crest Latitudes Dependence on Longitude with Season in 2020 GOLD Mission Observations
- The Solaris Solar Polar MIDEX Mission Concept: Revealing the Mysteries of the Sun's Poles
- The System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere (SIMA): Unifying community modeling for Weather, Climate, Air Quality and Geospace Applications
- The WRF-Solar model: Current status and on-going developments
- The abuse of popular performance metrics in hydrologic modeling
- The anatomy and uncertainty of a Canadian National River Gauging Network
- The decline of summer fallow in the Northern Plains cooled near-surface climate during the growing season but had minimal impacts on precipitation
- The dominant composition on the O/N2 responses during a geomagnetic storm
- The equatorial Pacific cold tongue bias in CESM1 and its influence on ENSO forecasts
- The evolving role of models in satellite observations of clouds and aerosols - blurring the boundary between observations, retrieval, model and observation simulators
- The impact of projected changes in climate variability on heat stress events in the CESM2 LENS
- The importance of the time response of Electrochemical Concentration Cell (ECC) ozone sondes for measurements of tropical upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone
- The influence of variability in meridional overturning on global ocean circulation
- The inherent uncertainty of precipitation variability, trends, and extremes due to internal variability, with implications for Western US water resources
- The limits of the predictability of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- The near-surface moisture variability in the coastal environments revealed from weather radars
- The primary drivers of climate change impacts on the terrestrial water cycle
- The relationship between the ring current and geospace plume development: A geospace storm simulation by a magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupled model
- The role of different temperature targets for determining climate engineering outcomes and trade-offs
- The use of Convective Permitting Modeling in South America Research
- Themospheric Variability During Quiet and Active Geomagnetic Conditions Using GOLD Disk Observations
- Thermospheric response to the December 14, 2020 solar eclipse comparison of the modeled response to observations by GOLD and ICON
- Thinking of new ways to engage through the NCAR Explorer Series
- Tips for Developing a Safe, Inviting, and Inclusive Research Internship Community
- Toward closing the regional energy budget over ocean when integrating satellite derived energy data products
- Towards Usable Predictive Climate Information at Decadal Timescales for Water Resources Decision-Making
- Towards a Coupled Land Surface Model - MODFLOW modeling Framework: a Regional Case over the Northern High Plains aquifer
- Trends in the representation of women among US geoscience faculty from 1999-2020: the long road towards gender parity
- Tropical Convection Simulation in the Grey Zone: Impact of Horizontal Resolution and Convective Parameterization
- Tropospheric Mid-Latitude Halogen-Induced Ozone Depletion Observed from an Industrial Source over the Great Salt Lake
- Turbulence-vegetation-chemistry interactions: Impacts on OH reactivity at a deciduous forest
- TwoDimensional Evolution of Ionospheric Response to Weak Geomagnetic Activity During Solar Minimum
- Uncertainty in Future Mesoscale Convective System Rainfall and Hydrologic Response
- Uncertainty in the winter tropospheric response to Arctic Sea ice loss: the role of stratospheric polar vortex internal variability
- Understanding Long-Term Tropospheric Moisture and Temperature Variability Using COSMIC-1 GNSS RO Observations
- Understanding Sensitivity of Climate with a Perturbed Parameter Ensemble of the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Understanding Solar Eruptions, Solar Wind Formation, and how the Sun Connects to the Heliosphere through a Polar Perspective
- Understanding climate change through Earths energy flows
- Understanding the coronal origins of global heliospheric phenomena through 3D measurements with COMPLETE
- Understanding the geographic controls of severe thunderstorm environments using real-world and idealized global climate model experiments
- Understanding variability of East Asian dust emissions under a changing climate
- Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Convective Systems on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Its Parameterization in a Coarse-Resolution GCM
- Using Drama and Humor to Evade Defensiveness to Communicating about Climate Change
- Using Future streamflow to inform Decision-making efforts in Arctic River systems
- Using multi-scale SUMMA watershed modeling for seasonal streamflow prediction to support water operations at Buffalo Bill Reservoir, Wyoming
- Using past climates to develop Earth system models: how a simple paleoclimate metric can help greatly
- Using the Hierarchical Testing Framework to Investigate Land-Atmosphere Interactions in the Unified Forecast System
- Validation of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC2 IVM Ion Density and TGRS Orbit Electron Density
- Validation of GOSAT-2/TANSO-FTS-2 Carbon Monoxide Using MOPITT, TROPOMI, and Airborne Vertical Profiles
- Variability of water vapor in the middle atmosphere observed from satellites and interpreted using SD-WACCM simulations
- Variations in Thermosphere Composition and Ionosphere Total Electron Content Under Geomagnetically Quiet Conditions at SolarMinimum
- Vertical Fluctuations on Radio Occultation TEC Profiles Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC during the Storm-time Ionosphere
- Vertical Profiles of Ozone Concentrations in the Lower Troposphere Downwind of New York City during LISTOS 2018 and 2019
- Visualizing the Solar Corona in Virtual Reality
- Volatile organic compound (VOC) enhancements and evolution in 2018 and 2019 North American biomass burning plumes
- WaterSmart: A data-driven intelligent irrigation decision-making web service system
- What Deep and Extended Minima Tell us about Magnetism Below the Surface?
- What is the Satellite Altimetry Record Telling Us About Future Sea Level Change?
- Where Are the Leaves and Plants? The Status of Physiological Ecology in Earth System Models
- Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecasting System
- Wildfire Emission Factor Uncertainty and Modeled Atmospheric CO and O3
- Wildland fires in the western US and their impacts on ozone
- Winter Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice and Sea Ice Thickness (2003-2020) from AMSR and AVHRR measurements
- "Decision-Relevant" Multi-Model Hydrologic Evaluation in the Delaware River Basin for Assessments of Water System Vulnerability under Drought
- 17O-excess in tropical cyclones is controlled by integrated local and remote evaporative conditions
- 2019 Southern Hemispheric SSW triggered Q6DW-Tide-GW interactions observed by meteor radars at 30°S
- 2022 Hunga-Tonga eruption: stratospheric aerosol evolution in a water-rich plume
- A 2D Global Atmospheric Model and Inverse Method to Estimate Emissions of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases and Ozone Depleting Substances
- A Benchmark for Probabilistic Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting over North America
- A Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer Utilizing Ammonium Ions (NH4+ CIMS) for Measurements of Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
- A Comparison of Radiative Components from Three Reanalyses to Observational Datasets Across the Arctic Ocean
- A Data Assimilation Approach for Improved Operational Wildland Fire Forecasting using WRF-Fire
- A Half-Century Passive Microwave Record of Sea Ice
- A Hierarchical Modeling Approach for the Himalaya-Karakoram Glaciers
- A Multi-Index Examination of Future Fire Season Length and Severity Over the United States
- A Multi-Probe Automated Classification of Ice Crystal Habits During the IMPACTS Campaign
- A Multi-Year Tropical Pacific Cooling Response to Recent Australian Wildfires in CESM2
- A Nested Grid TIEGCM Study of Wave Propagation during Tonga Eruption
- A New Process-based Dust Emission Scheme for Global Climate Models: A Case Study for the Community Earth System Model (CESM2)
- A Novel Approach for Characterizing Dominant Drivers of Anthropogenic Changes in Interannual Climate Variability
- A One-Step-Ahead Ensemble Kalman Smoothing Approach Toward Estimating the Tropical Cyclone Surface-Exchange Coefficients
- A Python Package to Search and Access NASA Earth Science Data.
- A Quantile Conserving Ensemble Filtering Framework: Regressing Quantile Increments to Update Unobserved Variables
- A Statistical Study of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Carrington Rotation Using the MAGE Global Model
- A Survey of TADs in the Middle Thermosphere Observed by GOLD
- A Synthesis of Delaware River Basin Water Use, Water Management, and Land Use Information in Support of Water Availability Modeling and Assessment
- A coordinated enhanced network strategy proposal to monitor North America's major agricultural systems, prove NASA's satellite products, and improve hydrologic prediction
- A data set for understanding the impact of nuclear war on human society
- A global discrepancy in historical near surface humidity trends between Earth System Models and observations.
- A hydrological dataset for water resources applications in Chile
- A machine learning approach targeting parameter estimate for modeling plant coexistence using ELM-FATES
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- A multi-pronged effort needed to enhance measurements of GHG vertical profiles
- A new process-oriented ensemble hydrological prediction system for flood prediction and water management in the US Pacific Northwest
- A scheme for representing aromatic secondary organic aerosols in chemical transport models: application to source attribution of organic aerosols over South Korea during the KORUS-AQ campaign.
- A study on cloud radiative effects in the CONUS404 simulation
- Abrupt Flash Drought: Investigating Flash Drought Occurrence over Vital Agricultural Regions
- Abrupt increase in subarctic wildfires following permafrost thawing
- Accelerated Sea-Ice Loss from Late-Summer Cyclones in the New Arctic
- Accelerating Cryospheric Research with Cloud-based, Open Source Tutorials
- Accelerating TEMPO Air Quality Science Through STAQS
- Adequacy and Reliability of Earth System Models: Actionable Purposes, Model Inadequacy and Epistemic Risk
- Advances and Opportunities for Predicting and Understanding Gulf Stream Impacts on Weather and Climate: 2022 CLIVAR Workshop Report
- Advancing our understanding of the impacts of historic and projected land use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Agricultural practices help mitigate climate change challenges on food production and water use in the North American Breadbasket
- Air pollution simulation in South America using the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA) model
- Air quality dashboard: a public facing platform to strengthen air quality decision-making activity over the CONUS
- All-Sky Radiance Assimilation Impact on Tropical Cyclone Inner Core Structure and Rapid Intensification
- Amazon basin precipitation interannual variability
- An Adaptive Blending of Particle Filters with Ensemble Kalman Filters for Convective-Scale Data Assimilation
- An Examination of Recent Global Ozonesonde Network Data Quality
- An Integrated Hydrologic and Water Systems Model in Support of Water Availability Modeling and Assessment for the Delaware River Basin
- An Observational and Modeling Strategy in Support of a Regional Hydroclimate Project "Digital Twin" of the United States
- An Overview of Two-Decade-Long Convection Permitting Regional Climate Downscaling over the Continental South America
- An Unexpected Decline in Atmospheric Humidity as a Possible Driver of Increased Summer Burned Area in the Southwestern U.S.
- An evaluation of anthropogenic sources of submicron particulate halogens in East Asia
- An observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) using the Particle Flow Filter (PFF) in a high-dimensional geophysical system in the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART)
- Application of Lidar-Radar Data Products during the IMPACTS Field Campaign for High-impact Wintertime Storm Events
- Application of Statistical Downscaling for Climate Change Assessment of Wind Energy in the Northeast U.S.
- Application of the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA) over Africa
- Arctic Atmospheric Rivers and impacts on sea-ice: Past, Present, and Future.
- Assessing the Atmospheric Response to Subgrid Surface Heterogeneity in CESM2 and WRF-LES
- Assessing the Impact of Assimilating Ionosphere-Thermosphere Observations on Analysis and Short-term Forecasts
- Assessing the Reliability of Regional Climate Assessments
- Assessing the performance of error metrics using a regional climate model ensemble
- Assessment of ionospheric and thermospheric models during the geomagnetic storm times in low and moderate solar flux years
- Assimilating Leaf Area Index and Aboveground Biomass into the Community Land Model to Constrain Carbon Dynamics in the Arctic and Boreal Region
- Assimilation of CO from MOPITT, CrIS and TROPOMI to evaluate small fires, biogenic and anthropogenic sources in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Asymmetric hemispheric decline of American Cordillera snowpack with future warming
- Atmospheric Feedbacks Modulate Land Parameters' Influence on Land Surface Fluxes
- Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT): A new ground-based high time-resolution air quality monitoring network
- Attribution of Hydroclimate Trends over the Southwestern US: Combination of a Linear Inverse Model and an Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Attribution of North American Subseasonal Precipitation Prediction Skill
- Axial Asymmetry in Jovian Magnetopause Reconnection
- Biomass-burning smoke aging and cloud interactions: an intercomparison of WRF-Chem, CESM-Cam-Chem, and E3SM across multiple field campaigns in the southeast Atlantic.
- Biophysical Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Subgrid Temperature in CMIP6 Models
- Breaking-wave crest lengths and associated vorticity input under varying directional spread
- Bridging current indirect and future direct estimates of convective mass flux toward quantifying the role of convective cores on anvil area time tendencies
- Bridging the Cosmos: DEI Initiatives between Earth-System Science and Spiritual/Faith-based Communities
- Bringing Scientific Field Campaigns Into The Classroom Through Teacher Guides
- Broadscale fire forecasting and high-resolution drought forecasting in the western United States with statistical models
- Build-up of the Storm-Time Ring Current via Mesoscale Plasma Sheet Flows
- Buoyancy Flux and Helicity Trends in Stably Stratified Turbulence
- CONUS cloud frequency dynamics in the recent two decades from MODIS and CONUS404 data
- CONUS404 Winter Precipitation Climatology
- Calculating Modified Combustion Efficiency in Biomass Burning Plumes Sampled from Aircraft for Cases with Significant Biosphere Influence
- Can Regional Marine Cloud Brightening Target Local Climate Change Impacts?
- Captured QBO-MJO Connection in a Subseasonal Prediction System
- Causes of Large-scale Ionospheric Disturbances and Challenges in Predicting Them
- Challenges and Successes of Snowfall Forecasting Using Machine Learning and Numerical Prediction for the Northeast United States
- Challenges and opportunities for water resource focused actionable Earth System Science
- Chamber Studies of the Products and Mechanism of Dimethyl Sulfide Oxidation
- Changes in Hourly Precipitation During the Anthropocene
- Changes in Mediterranean Convective Storms under Climate Change Conditions
- Changes in high frequency internal variability alter extreme heat stress projections
- Characteristics and example applications of a novel urban heat island focused gridded meteorology dataset over the contiguous United States
- Characteristics of Asymmetric Coronal Hole Motions over Five Solar Cycles
- Characteristics of Precipitation and MCS over the Peruvian Central Andes based on Convection-Permitting Simulations
- Characterizing auroral precipitation and ionospheric conductance with the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment model
- Chemical Imaging of Biomass Smoke Particles from North American Wildfires Collected Onboard Research Aircraft
- Cities modify regional cloud cover
- Classification and Detection of Organized Convection using Deep Learning
- Climate Change Impacts on Drought Risk and Water Security in the Delaware River Basin
- Climatic Controls on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Rainfall on the North Island of New Zealand.
- Climatology of Thermospheric Mean Winds and Circulation based on ICON/MIGHTI Observations
- Coalignment of Skylab Imagery for CME Analysis
- Coherent and Stochastic Transport of Trapped Energetic Particles in Earth's Radiation Belts
- Combining Diverse Datasets with an Integrated Hydrologic Model to Explore Controls on Groundwater Flow to Streams Across Mountain Basins
- Combining Measurements from Stationary and Mobile Platforms Over the Los Angeles Basin to Comprehensively Evaluate the Weather Research and Forecasting Model During SUNVEx
- Combining machine learning and SMILEs to classify, better understand, and project changes in ENSO events
- Community Data Assimilation Tools for the GDC mission and Beyond
- Community Simulations of Solar Climate Interventions freely available on the AWS ASDI Open Data Store
- Community effort to build a GeneralIzed Aerosol/chemistry iNTerface (GIANT) for Earth System Models to promote collaborative science
- Comparing Water Partitioning among CONUS-Scale Hydrologic Models and Data Products to Inform Model Development Priorities for Water Availability Assessments
- Comparison Between the GOLD's Observation of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Morphology with the ICON's Neutral Wind and Vertical Drift Measurements
- Comparison of Observations and WACCM-X Simulations of Multi-decadal Variability in Thermospheric Hydrogen
- Composition and Reactivity of Volatile Organic Compounds in the South Coast Air Basin and San Joaquin Valley of California
- Connection between daytime vertical zonal wind gradient and zonal current at low latitude using ICON and Swarm observations.
- Consistency of Simulated Tropical Cyclone Intensity Across a Range of Horizontal Resolution
- Continuous Improvements to Calibrated, Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperatures (CETBs) for Near Real-Time Cryospheric Applications
- Contribution to Solar Brightness of small-size magnetic elements
- Convective and Stratiform Precipitation in the Illinois River Basin: Intercomparison of Convection Permitting Modeling and Observed Results
- Convective updrafts near sea-breeze fronts
- Coordinated ground and airborne extended observations of TSE 2024 with Citizen CATE and NASA's WB-57s
- Coronal cavities, coronal mass ejections, and the solar cycle.
- Coupled Mesoscale to Microscale Simulations of a Flow over Complex Terrain Using the GPU Based LES Model FastEddyÒ Coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Coupling the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) to a National Water Model (NWM) configuration of WRF-Hydro and Evaluating Warm Season Convective Forecasts
- Creating Sustainable Practices for Ensuring the Safety of BIPOC Scientists in the Field
- Cross-Attractor Transformations: A Novel Machine Learning Framework to Minimize Forecast Error in the Presence of Model Bias
- Curating information to guide NASA Earthdata users into the cloud
- Data-model Synthesis of Tropical Hydroclimate Change During the Last Deglaciation
- Deep Learning Forecast Uncertainty for Precipitation over Western US
- Deep Learning to Infer Boundary Conditions for Models of the Solar Photosphere and Atmosphere
- Defying Chaos Theory: Using Machine Learning to Extend Earth System Prediction
- Demonstration of Hierarchical System Development to Inform Model Physics Development: An Example from An ARM SGP Case on June 11 2016
- Demonstration of a Cloud-based Data Match-Up Service (CDMS) in Support of Ocean Science Applications
- Deploying Coupled Snow and Runoff Models in the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
- Detection and Predictability of Convection and Extreme Precipitation in the North American Monsoon
- Developing 3-D ionospheric specification with a new TEC-based ionospheric data assimilation system (TIDAS)
- Developing a High Resolution Model of Historic (1990-2020) Alaskan River Temperatures
- Developing high-resolution Community Earth System Model (CESM 2.x) land use and land cover change data for actionable science at regional and local scales
- Development and Application of Chemical Mechanisms for Wildfire-Derived Organic Compounds
- Development of SC-WACCM with the Non-Hydrostatic MPAS-A Dynamical Core
- Development of a Global Representative Hillslope Dataset for Earth System Models
- Development of a WRF Cloud Framework: Facilitating Access to a State-of-the-Art Forecasting System to Under-Resourced Communities through Cloud-Based Technologies
- Diffuse radiation fertilization effect and its impacts on gross primary productivity and global terrestrial evapotranspiration
- Diminishing Winter Sea Ice in the Pacific Arctic Promotes Extreme Cyclones
- Direct Infrared Spectral Observations of Global Greenhouse Gas Forcing and Feedback
- Disentangling GxExM impact on historical global agricultural productivity using Earth System Model
- Displacement Error Characteristics of 500-hPa Troughs and Cutoff Lows in Operational GFS Forecasts
- Does climate change exacerbate North American monsoon failure?
- Downscaling Global Climate Models to Evaluate Extreme Precipitation Events in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- Downslope Windstorms in Coastal Environments and Interactions with the Continental and Marine Boundary Layers: Lessons Learn from the Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX-2022), Santa Barbara, CA
- Drivers of Spatial Variations in the Temporal Spectra of North Atlantic Upper Ocean Temperatures in Models and Proxy Records
- Drivers of the geospace plume: MAGE simulation of the March 31, 2001 Superstorm
- Dynamically downscaled global climate models over the Western United States using the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model
- Dynamics of Equatorial ionization Anomaly Junction and Suppression of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Observed during a Geomagnetic Storm
- Early Results from the MJO-SST Sensitivity Model Intercomparison Project (MSMIP)
- Effects of Calibration Metric Selection and Regularization Strategies on Simulated Spatial Patterns
- Effects of Coupling MODFLOW with Land Surface Models to Reduce Bias in Groundwater-flow Simulations
- Effects of Forest Characteristics on Hydrologic Extreme Events across the Climate Gradients of the Conterminous United States
- Effects of Resolving Mesoscale Structures in Ion Outflow Modeling
- Effects of a Changing Climate on Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Arctic
- Effects of coupled chemistry on the quasi-biennial oscillation simulated with WACCM
- Effects of grid resolution on the angular momentum transport in global simulations of deep solar convection
- Effects of organized mesoscale convection on the tropical variability simulated by E3SMv2
- Effects of snow water storage on hydrologic partitioning across the mountainous, western United States
- Effects of vertical mixing due to orographic gravity wave breaking in the extratropical lower stratosphere
- Efficiency of marine cloud brightening simulated by Community Earth System Model version 2
- Emergence of multiple feedbacks in the extreme and persistent warmth over Siberia in 2020
- Emission Factors from FIREX-AQ for Agricultural and Prescribed Fires
- Emission Uncertainties of Soot from an Asteroid Impact at the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction Event
- Enhanced Sea Level Extremes in Coastal Indonesia during 2010-2017: Roles of Anthropogenic Forcing and Decadal Climate Variability
- Enhancing snow albedo modeling in Community Land Model (CLM/CTSM)
- Enhancing the Interoperability and Reusability of In Situ Oceanographic Data Through the Cloud-based Data Match-Up Service (CDMS)
- Environmental heterogeneity and aspect drive hillslope-scale differences in productivity among alpine tundra vegetation communities
- Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Discontinuity Observed by Global-scale Observations of Limb and Disk (GOLD): Preliminary Results
- Equatorial Pacific Ocean large eddy simulations enable data-driven parameterization and understanding of ocean mixing
- Estimating Global Mortality Burden Attributable to Fine Particulate Matter in 2040 under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
- Estimating the Risk of Extreme Wind Gusts in Tropical Cyclones Using Idealized Large-Eddy Simulations and a Statistical-Dynamical Model
- Evaluating Orographic Flows in the Community Atmosphere Model using a Variable-Resolution Configuration
- Evaluating Scale-Dependent Bias in the Community Earth System Model's Representation of the Mean Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation over South America
- Evaluating future changes in electricity demand over the southeastern United States using a set of high-resolution climate projections
- Evaluating the Modeled Representation of the Asian Summer Monsoon UTLS using Airborne In Situ Observations
- Evaluating the National Water Model's Evapotranspiration Representation through Comparison to OpenET
- Evaluating the Propagation of Climate Vulnerability Through the Western US Water System and Interdependent Electricity System
- Evaluating the Role of Parameterized Momentum Flux on the Global Climate in the Community Earth System Model
- Evaluating the simulation of precipitation by storm type in Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Evaluation of Model Simulated Ozone and its Precursors Using High-Resolution Model Simulations during the Michigan-Ontario Ozone Source Experiment (MOOSE)
- Evaluation of Native Earth System Model Output with ESMValTool
- Evaluation of the 20 Year WRF Model Simulation of South America Historical Hydroclimate
- Evaluation of the N2O Rate of Change as a Diagnostic of the Stratospheric Brewer-Dobson Circulation in a Chemistry-Climate Model
- Evaluation of the WRF-Hydro 1-D Lake Physics Module in Simulating Lake Dynamics and Vertical Water Temperature Profiles
- Evaporation Processes in Marine Atmospheric Cold Pools during ATOMIC
- Evolution of Droplet Size Distributions During the Transition of an Ultraclean Stratocumulus Cloud system to Open Cell Structure: an LES Investigation Using Lagrangian Microphysics
- Examination of future changes in snowfall, snow water equivalent, and runoff over California in a warming climate using the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model
- Examining state dependence of the cloud feedback using a perturbed parameter ensemble
- Examining the Fidelity of Climate Model Simulations over Sub-grid Scale Heterogeneous Land Surfaces
- Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE)
- Exploring Cloud-native Frameworks for Integrating Atmospheric Modeling in Workloads
- Exploring Future Northern Hemisphere Winter Seasonal Variability and Predictability under Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
- Exploring Patterns Between SMAP Soil Moisture and GPM Rainfall During Landslide Events in the Western US
- Exploring performance of an upgraded bathymetry dataset in 1-D lake models
- Exploring the Dynamics of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly over South America using Multi-Spectral Observations
- Fire episodes and air quality over India from January to June.
- First Observation of Chromospheric Waves in a Sunspot by DKIST/ViSP
- First Results from DAILI, a 6U CubeSat designed to study O2 density from 140 to 200 km at low and mid latitudes
- First study of ionospheric density profiles in response to EMIC-driven proton precipitation: simultaneous observations and GLOW simulations
- Forest Structure and Progressive Nitrogen Limitation in Duke and Oak Ridge FACE Experiments Simulated with ELM-FATES-CNP
- Formation of Ionospheric G-condition following a Total solar eclipse
- From Science to Application: The AQ-WATCH Project and the AQ-WATCH Toolkit to Address Air Pollution Issues
- Fuel sources to carbonaceous aerosols at the eastern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau, China: Δ14C and δ13C evidences
- Fully coupled water tracer and isotope-enabled Earth system model simulations under historical and future forcing
- Future Ozone-Related Short-Term Excess Mortality Under a Changing Climate: A Multi-Location Study in 407 Cities in 20 Countries
- Future sea level rise uncertainty: what impacts on coastal areas ?
- Geomagnetic storm induced thermospheric changes at mid and high latitudes: GOLD-ICON observations
- Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden commencement
- Global Calibration of Demographic Rates and Forest Structure in E3SM-FATES
- Global Climate Impacts of Cropland Intensification
- Global Modeling of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles with SAMI3/WACCM-X
- Global and Technical Aspects of the HyperFACETS Dynamical Downscaling Simulations over North America by the CAM-MPAS Variable-Resolution Model
- Global modeling of the mesoscale buildup of the ring current and its role in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- Growing uncertainty in projected spring onset variability in the Northern Hemisphere
- Halocarbons in the Lower Stratosphere during the North American Summer Monsoon Season
- Hemispherical Symmetry between Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Electron Density and Magnetospheric Quasi-Static Poynting Flux
- Hierarchical Testing for Improvement of Stochastic and Deterministic Physical Parameterizations
- High Latitude Atmospheric Rivers: Teleconnections and Impacts
- High Resolution Paleoclimate Modelling for Hydroclimates
- High-resolution spatial and temporal snow distribution trends over CONUS (1990-2021)
- High-resolution, Fully-coupled Simulations of the Greenland Ice Sheet in a Future, Strong Warming Scenario
- How Sensitive are Projections of Cool Season Precipitation on the US West Coast to Microphysical Parameterization Choice?
- How does the Pinatubo eruption influence our understanding of long-term changes in ocean circulation and biogeochemistry?
- How the Large-Scale Environment and Mesoscale Convective System Modulates the Diurnal Rainfall Strength over Offshore West Africa
- Hydrometeorology and terrestrial hydrology in Alaska and Yukon River Basin: a high-resolution coupled land-atmosphere modeling (1990-2020) informed by knowledge co-production
- Icepyx as an Icebreaker: Starting Conversations and Building Competencies in Open Science
- Identifying Optimal Model Sets and Configurations in the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
- Identifying challenges to increase collaboration between field ecologists and modelers
- Immediate and long-lasting impacts of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption on ocean oxygen and carbon inventories using the CESM-LENS
- Impact of Ensemble Design in the Rapid Refresh Forecast System Using Time Lagging and Stochastic Perturbations
- Impact of External Forcing on North Atlantic Decadal Variability in the CESM2 Large Ensemble
- Impact of Future Sea Ice Loss on Large-Scale Patterns of Atmospheric Variability
- Impact of High-resolution Mesoscale and Atmospheric Stability on predicting Offshore Wind in the Northeast Atlantic Cluster
- Impact of Improved Characterization of Uncrewed Aircraft System Observation Error Covariance on Meso-Gammascale Weather Predictions
- Impact of Land Data Assimilation on Land-Atmosphere Interactions in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
- Impact of assimilating GOLD Temperature and O/N2 Observations in WACCMX+DART
- Impact of high-latitude electrodynamic forcings on the interhemispheric asymmetry in the ionosphere during the 2013 St Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm
- Impact of mesophyll diffusion on carbonyl sulfide (OCS) fluxes in global terrestrial ecosystems
- Impact of meteorological forcing data on integrated crop-water-use-climate simulations over North America
- Impact of photovoltaic rooftops in the Chicago area
- Impact of the Latitude of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on the Southern Annular Mode
- Impact of the North Pacific meltwater events on the thermohaline circulation
- Impact of tropical cyclone winds on ENSO
- Impacts of Forest Cover on Hydrologic Extreme Events over the Conterminous United States: Changes and Mechanisms
- Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention on Surface Air Pollutants
- Impacts of forest fires versus agricultural fires on air quality
- Implementing Hydrologic Design to Address Non-Stationary Climate
- Implementing a Boundary Layer Mass Flux Modification to the Spectral Weak Temperature Gradient Method in NCAR's Single Column Atmospheric Model SCAM6
- Importance of heterogeneous reactions for the evaluation of ozone formation mechanism and implications for ozone mitigation strategies
- Improvements To The Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research (ICAR) Model For Efficient Dynamical Downscaling.
- Improving Earth System Model Development via Hierarchical System Development and the Common Community Physics Package
- Improving Hurricane Harvey rainfall simulation with the Local Climate Zone urban classification
- Improving Methods for Selecting and Evaluating Earth System Models for Climate Change Impact Applications over the Pacific Northwest
- Improving air quality forecasts during wildfires using analog-based post-processing techniques
- Improving the prediction of precipitation, snowpack and streamflow in mountainous basins through ensemble-based variable-complexity watershed modeling
- Improving the relationship of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to chronic ozone exposure in the ozone damage function of Community Land Model 5
- Influence of Orbital Forcing of North American Hydroclimate on Paleolake Depth During the Early Eocene Greenhouse
- Influence of Total Solar Eclipse on the Magnetosphere
- Influences of Volcanic Eruptions on Ongoing Multi-year Droughts over Europe
- Initial Observations with the Upgraded Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (UCoMP)
- Injection of unprecedented amounts of water vapor into the stratosphere by the eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai
- Integrated Water Prediction at Regional and National Scales
- Intense geoelectric and geomagnetic field perturbations observed after an interplanetary magnetic field turning
- Interactive Computational Modules for Reproducible Research Training
- Interactive Visualizations and Analysis for CTSM Simulations at NEON Sites: A Successful Example of Utilizing Open-source Software for Democratizing Access to Climate Science and Enabling Scientific Discovery
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of Modeled Joule Heating Variations and Solar Insolation During the 2013 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storm
- Intermittency and Diurnal Cycle of Warm-Season Precipitation over the CONUS as Revealed from Multi-Decade Convection-Permitting Regional Hydroclimate Simulation
- Investigating Last Interglacial Antarctic Proxy Signals Through Earth System Modeling
- Investigating the Uncertainties of Forecasting NE Cold Season Precipitation in NWP Models
- Investigation of Precipitation-induced Riometer Absorption During Different D-region Ionosphere Profiles
- Investigation of Turbulent Entrainment Mixing Processes in Shallow Cumulus Clouds with High Resolution Datasets in HISCALE and LES with Lagrangian Microphysics
- Investigation of the Southern Hemisphere Mid-High Latitude Thermospheric ∑O/N2 Response to the Space-X Storm
- Investigation on the impacts of transported smoke on air quality over NYS using WRF-Chem
- Isolating the Gravity Wave Imprint in Global and Local Datasets
- Lagrangian Supersaturation Statistics in Turbulent Cloudy Rayleigh-Bénard Convection: Applications for LES Subgrid Modeling
- Land Initializations Contribute Most to the Sub-seasonal Soil Moisture Forecast Skill in the Agricultural Regions of the United States
- Land-Use Harmonization: Past, Present, and Future
- Large Ensemble Diagnostic Evaluation of Hydrologic Parameter Uncertainty in the Community Land Model Version 5 (CLM5)
- Large-Scale Dynamical Forcing Considerations for Lagrangian Large-Eddy Simulations of Arctic Cloud Transitions
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Leveraging aircraft measurements and natural laboratories to constrain climate model behavior and aerosol forcing
- Linking atmospheric rivers to cloud feedback through precipitation and radiative efficiency
- Local time variations of the Equatorial Electrojet in simultaneous response to Subauroral polarization streams during quiet time
- Local, regional, and global ionospheric disturbances following the Tonga volcanic eruption
- Looking at the Sun's wind where it's young and weird
- Lower thermosphere circulations during geomagnetic storms
- MELODIES MONET - A New Community Diagnostic Tool for Evaluating Air Quality and Atmospheric Chemistry Models Against Observations
- MIPL-Ice: A Multi-Instance Proportion-Label Learning Method for Polygon-Level Sea Ice Classification
- Machine Learning-Based Detection of Weather Fronts and Associated Extreme Precipitation in Historical and Future Climates
- Magnetohydrodynamics Instabilities of Double Magnetic Bands in a Shallow-water Tachocline Model
- Marine Cloud Brightening Forcing and Climate Response in the Community Earth System Model 2
- Marine Ice Nucleating Particles: Progress and Needs
- Measurements of Reconnecting Magnetic Fields with DKIST
- Mechanisms of Enhanced Historical Indian Ocean Warming: Insights from the CESM1 Large-Ensemble Coupled Simulations
- Mechanistic Drivers of Runoff Sensitivity to Temperature in the Community Land Model: A Study on the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Mesosphere and lower thermosphere dynamics over Peru using multi-static specular meteor radar configurations
- Meteorological Drivers and Local Impacts of the Exceptional 2020 Labor Day Weather Event over Western North America
- Mid-Pliocene North American Monsoon in Weather Resolving Coupled Simulations
- Migration of Low Latitude Long Lived Coronal Holes in the McA: An Analysis of Rossby Waves Based on Coronal Hole Drift Speeds
- Mitigation Through Bioenergy Expansion Versus Reforestation Yields Divergent Terrestrial Carbon Storage and Regional Climate Responses
- Model Resolution Dependence of Simulated Precipitation and Snowpack over the Colorado Headwaters
- Modeling Eocene-Aged Oceanic ɛ144Nd Distribution with CESM 1.2
- Modeling Strategy in Support of Integrated Water Availability Assessments in Regional Water Science Basins
- Modeling The Global Significance Of Equatorial Glaciers Of The Permocarboniferous
- Modeling and Data Assimilation for the Atmosphere Observing System Mission
- Modeling the day-to-day variability of equatorial plasma bubbles with SAMI3/WACCM-X
- Monitoring fuel moisture content over the contiguous U.S. and Alaska based on VIIRS
- Multi-fluid Hall/drift Simulations of the Magnetosphere
- Multi-point and Multi-source Observations of the Electrojets by the EZIE (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer) Mission
- Multi-satellite and ground-based instrument data assimilation analysis of shears in the lower thermosphere
- Multi-scale Constraints Towards Understanding Conifer Forest Carbon Uptake in Complex Terrain within the Carbon Monitoring System-Mountains Project
- Multi-year characterization of land surface energy and water fluxes from a mid-continent, high elevation, riparian area
- Multimodal Ice Crystal Size Distributions in Atlantic Coast Snowstorms: Results from IMPACTS 2020
- Multiscale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During Stormtime: A Case Study of the Dawnside Current Wedge
- NCAR's In-Situ Sensing Mesonet in Support of Boundary Layer Field Operations
- Near-term predictions of multiple marine stressors
- Nested Rings CME Cavity from WISPR Imager onboard Parker Solar Probe
- Network-scale Data Integration to Improve Earth-System Modeling
- Nitrosat, a Satellite Mission Concept for Mapping Reactive Nitrogen at the Landscape Scale
- Observing Ice Phase Clouds and Precipitation with Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Radiometry during the IMPACTS field campaign: Algorithm Development for the Emerging Class of Microwave Radiometers
- On the Parameterization of Sub-Grid Scale Density Variations in Ocean Circulation Models
- On the importance of the lower-thermospheric circulation in determining thermospheric density and composition
- Open Radar Science in Action
- Optimal low-dimensional representation of solar tachocline dynamics
- Optimizing High-Resolution Simulations with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for the German Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
- Optimizing Surface Water Representation for Lakes in the Unified Forecast System (UFS)
- Origin of dawnside subauroral polarization streams during major geomagnetic storms
- Overestimation of light absorption of brown carbon by using filters with large pore size and its implications for related study at glacier region of the Tibetan Plateau
- Overview of Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather
- Overview of the CHemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) Campaign Conducted Along the Coastal Alaskan North Slope
- Oxidized Organic and Organic Nitrate Compounds in Fresh and Aged Wildfire Smoke
- Pacific North American Circulation Sensitivity to Tropical Divergence and Vertical Diabatic Processes During ENSO
- Parametric uncertainty and the terrestrial carbon sink: the CLM5 parameter perturbation experiment
- Partitioning of Urban NOx Between Short- and Long-Lived Reservoirs and Its Impact on Regional Ozone Production
- Penetrating electric field study with simulation and observation
- Penetration of tachocline Rossby waves through the convection zone to the surface
- Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic
- Persistent Threat to Coastal Ecosystems from Marine Heatwaves
- Persistent, Energetic Pulsating Aurora Observed During the LAMP Sounding Rocket Mission Launch Window
- Perspectives on Flood Risk, Vulnerability, and Early Warnings in Peru
- Physical Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and Marine Cloud Brightening in the Arctic in CESM2
- Plasma irregularities observed by ISS FPMU: Multi-instrument case-study and modeling results
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere: Novel Measurements and Mission Status
- Poleward Moving Auroral Forms Induced by Transient Alfvénic Poynting Fluxes
- Potential Evapotranspiration Module Parameter Sensitivity Evaluation within the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
- Potential Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on Crop Suitability and Planting Season over West Africa
- Potential future agricultural production under stratospheric aerosol intervention with adaptive crop calendars
- Predictability of Passive Scalar Dispersion in Atmospheric Surface Layers with Urban-like Roughness: An LES Study
- Predictability of Persistent Marine Heatwaves in the Extratropical Pacific
- Predictable and unpredictable sea level changes in observations and models
- Present and Future Climate Sensitivity Studies of Downslope Winds in Boulder, Colorado
- Processes controlling vertical moisture transport in cloudy regimes of the Atlantic trade cumulous region
- Production and evaluation of bias-adjusted precipitation and temperature data over the CONUS from a convection-permitting regional climate model as forcings for a hydrological model
- Progress and challenges by early career polar scientists (USAPECS) in addressing inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility
- Project Pythia: A Pangeo Community Tool for Open-Source Education
- Project Pythia: Transforming Software Engineering Education for GeoScience
- Projected Changes in Inter-Regional Simultaneity of Megafires in the Western US Based on NA-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations
- Prolonged and Pervasive Perturbations in the Composition of the Southern Hemisphere Midlatitude Lower Stratosphere From the Australian New Year's Fires
- QPE/QPF Resources for Caribbean Region Operational Applications
- Quantification of gravity wave forcing and mixing using scale invariance
- Quantifying Structural Uncertainties in Reconstructions of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability over the Last Millennium
- Quantifying post wildfire land cover recovery and land use adaptation
- Radiative Forcing and Ozone Depletion from Stratospheric Injections between 2014 and 2022
- Radio Diagnostics of CMEs and CME Progenitors
- Recent progress in self-consistent geospace modeling
- Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs)
- Removing the Kalman from the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Representation of Northern Pacific Atmospheric River Flavors in CESM2 Large Ensemble
- Requirements, Uncertainties, and Challenges in Coupled Fire Weather - Fire Behavior Forecasting
- Resolving CME Characteristics with Polarized PUNCH Data
- Response of Thermospheric Composition to the Interaction of Planetary Waves and Tides Propagating from the Lower Atmosphere
- Rise of tropical high clouds and the fall of the iris effect
- Rossby waves in the solar tachocline: nonlinear interactions and instabilities
- Rough Amazon Suppresses South American Tornado Potential
- Sea Ice Type Classification using Deep Convolutional Networks and Partial Label Learning
- Sea-Level Projections via Spatiotemporal Deep Learning from Altimetry and CESM Large Ensembles
- Seasonal and Day-to-Day Variability in the Lower to Middle Thermosphere Observed by GOLD
- Simulating the Impact of Cloud Microphysics and Ice Nucleation on Southern Ocean Clouds using Models Constrained by Observations
- Simulation of Caribbean Hydroclimate in CESM and Other CMIP Models
- Simulation of Marine Stratocumulus Using the Super-Droplet Method: Numerical Convergence and Comparison to a Double-Moment Bulk Scheme
- Simulation of latent heating rate from the microphysical process associated with Mesoscale Convective System over Korean Peninsula
- Simulation of whole atmosphere responses to Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano Eruption
- Simulations With EarthWorks
- Software Design for the MUlti-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA)
- Soil moisture modulates land-use change impact under global warming
- Solar Energetic Particle-Associated Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the Mk3 and Mk4 Coronagraphs of the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Solar Polar - The Why, When, and How
- Spatiotemporal Variations in Precipitation Isotopes and Hydroclimate Across Africa Since the Last Glacial Maximum: A Data-Model Synthesis
- Specifying Neutral Density and Satellite Drag Through Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere Data Assimilation of Radio Occultation Electron Density Profiles
- Spectral line broadening and asymmetry observed with DKIST-ViSP
- Spectropolarimetric Inversion in Four Dimensions with Deep Learning (SpIN4D): Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling and Forward Synthesis Pipeline
- Storm structure and precipitation features of RELAMPAGO IOP17 simulated by WRF in two convection-permitting resolutions
- Storm types and antecedent conditions during local and regional floods in the United States
- Stratospheric temperature and circulation impacts of the Hunga-Tonga Eruption
- Streamflow Extremes over the CONUS during 1980-2021 in the National Water Model Configuration of WRF-Hydro Driven by the WRF-downscaled CONUS404 and Observation-based AORC Datasets
- Sub-cloud Rain Evaporation in the North Atlantic Ocean during ATOMIC Campaign
- Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone Prediction and Modulations by MJO and ENSO in CESM2
- Subseasonal predictability from atmospheric, land, and ocean initial states
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction of River Flow for India's Cauvery, Narmada, and Yamuna River Basins: Improving Predictability using a Multi-Scale Dynamical-Statistical Hybrid Approach
- Substantial contribution of internal variability to satellite-era tropospheric warming inferred from CMIP6 large ensembles
- Successes And Vision For Open Earth Sciences
- Supporting Science and Education via QGreenland: Challenges and Opportunities for Making Greenland-focused Geospatial Data Accessible and Exciting
- Surfzone Eddy Processes Consistent with an Inverse Energy Cascade: Laboratory Experiments in a Directional Wave Basin
- Surveying the First Year of SAIL Data and Formulating Hypotheses for its Second Year
- Synergistic Integration of Wildfire Models to Simulate Fire Spread in the Wildland Urban Interface
- Testing an upgraded bathymetric dataset in 1-D lake models in a two-way coupled land-atmosphere model
- The CAMP approach: Separating aerosol representation from multiphase chemistry in aerosol models
- The CCPP Framework: a Tool for Unifying Physics Across Earth System Models for Operations, Research, and Development.
- The COMPLETE mission concept for comprehensive 3D understanding of coronal magnetic energy storage and release
- The Chromospheric Magnetism Explorer (CMEx)
- The Comprehensive Auroral Precipitation Experiment for NASA's Geospace Dynamics Constellation
- The Copernicus Missions Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5, Expected Capabilities with an Operational and Science Perspective.
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory: Overview and Recent Progress
- The Effects of Fuel Characteristics on Simulated Fire Dynamics using WRF-Fire
- The Evolutions and Large-scale Mechanisms of Summer Stratospheric Ozone Intrusion across Global Hotspots
- The Firefly Constellation: Exploring the Heliosphere from the Solar Interior to the Solar Wind
- The Future of Extreme Winter Windstorms in the US Northeast
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- The Global Thermosphere and Ionosphere Responses to the November, 20, 2003 Extreme Storm Event
- The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano Model Intercomparison Project (Tonga-MIP)
- The Impact of Local vs Regional Sources on Air Quality in Northern Thailand
- The Impact of the Ocean Heat Fluxes on Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity in the CESM Slab Ocean Model Configuration
- The Importance of Clouds for Weather and Climate
- The Influence of Non-Equilibrium Wall Models on Large-Eddy Simulation of Tornadoes
- The Latest from the Data Assimilation Research Testbed: New Algorithms for Non-Gaussian Distributions and Sampling Errors; New Memory Management for Larger Models and Faster Execution; New Model and Observation Interfaces for Land, Upper Atmosphere, and Ocean Biogeochemistry.
- The Logic of Actionable Science: Recommendations for Holistically Assessing Adequacy and Reliability of Earth System Models and Their Products
- The Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) rocket mission: Multiplatform, multipoint measurements to study microbursts and pulsating aurora
- The McIntosh Archive Plus; Extending a Long-term Data Set into the Modern Era
- The Modular Spectrometer for Atmosphere and Ionosphere Characterization (MoSAIC) for the Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission.
- The NCAR Geoscience Data Exchange: A Large-Capacity Repository for Open-Access Earth Science Data
- The NCAR/USGS 4-km Long-term Regional Hydroclimate Re-analysis over the CONUS
- The National Water Model: Current Status and Evolution to the NextGen Framework
- The Open Flux Problem: The Need for High Latitude Observations
- The Organization and Vertical Structure of Shallow Convection in Marine Cold Air Outbreaks, based on the Cold-Air Outbreaks in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (COMBLE)
- The QGreenland Approach to Building Sustainability via Collaboration
- The Role of Fire-induced Turbulence on Ember Transport
- The Role of Tropical Upwelling in Explaining Discrepancies Between Modeled and Observed Recent Lower Stratospheric Ozone Trends
- The Sea Surface Temperature Pattern Effect in the Last Glacial Maximum Reduces Climate Sensitivity Estimates
- The Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Planetary Boundary Layer at the ARM SGP Supersite
- The Study of Precipitation, the Lower Atmosphere and Surface for Hydrometeorology (SPLASH) - Outcomes from the first year of observations
- The System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere (SIMA): A New Framework for Weather, Climate, Air Quality and Geospace Community Modeling
- The Thermosphere and Ionosphere Responses to Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During the March, 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm
- The Transient Emergence of a New Wintertime Arctic Energy Balance Regime
- The Use of Atmospheric Composition Variable Standard Names in Airborne and Field Data Products
- The essential ingredients of summertime continental near-surface air temperature variance
- The future of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation: Using large ensembles to illuminate time-varying responses and inter-model differences
- The impact of meteorological forcing uncertainty on hydrological modeling in representative cryosphere basins on the global scale
- The impact of stratospheric aerosol injection on extreme fire weather risk varies regionally
- The impacts of anthropogenic activities on terrestrial water cycle, Part Ⅰ: census data based estimation of irrigation amount in North China Plain
- The role of mesoscale processes in stormtime geospace dynamics
- The temperature and composition structure of the Earth's Thermosphere – what we have and could learn from GOLD observations
- Thermosphere-ionosphere conditions during the moderate geomagnetic storm of 3-4 February 2022 that led to the loss of 40 Starlink satellites
- Thermospheric Condition During 3 to 4 February 2022 Geomagnetic Storm: The SpaceX Satellite Loss Event
- Thermospheric temperature and density variations from GOLD and WACCM-X
- Tidal Advection of Mesospheric Water Vapor Studied With SD-WACCM-X
- To What Extent Does River Routing Matter in Hydrological Modeling?
- Tools to Calculate Adiabatic Invariants from Dynamic Simulations of Earth's Magnetosphere
- Tools to assist simulation based researchers in deciding what project outputs to preserve and share
- Tracing the sources of black carbon deposition over the glaciers in High Mountain Asia: A tagged-tracer approach using WRF-Chem
- Tracking the effect of Lateral Flow on Transit Times using a water tracer model in WRF-Hydro
- Tropical tropopause layer temperature, water vapor, and wave activity during QBO disruptions
- Tropospheric and stratospheric submicron aerosol chemical composition over the remote northern Pacific ocean during the TI3GER campaign.
- Twenty Years of Space Weather Summer School
- Two Perspectives on Amplified Warming over Tropical Land
- Two Significant Low-latitude Ionospheric Effects of the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption: Strong Development of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Pronounced X-pattern of Equatorial Ionization Anomalies
- Uncertainty Analysis and Parameter Estimation for Landscape Models using an Iterative Ensemble Smoother
- Uncertainty in Atmospheric River Detection and Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation due to Reanalysis Selection
- Uncertainty in projecting regional sea level change due to the internal climate variability
- Understanding Hydrologic Extremes Using a Multi-Feature Tracking Method
- Understanding Predictability of Solar Proton Events from GOES statistical features and MHD coronal models.
- Understanding marine impacts of stratospheric aerosol injection using an Earth system model with an ocean ecosystem biogeochemistry component
- Understanding the Distribution of VSLS and Their Interhemispheric Transport Based on Global Model Simulation and Measurement Data
- Understanding the Drivers of Connected Extreme Precipitation Events
- Unraveling Regional Patterns of Sea Level Change over the Altimeter Era
- Update on Project Raijin: Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Grids
- Urban Fugitive Dust over the US East Coast and its Potential Impact on Regional Air Quality and Climate
- Use of FUV emissions to trace thermospheric dynamics: O/N2 and NO
- Use of METPlus to Evaluate Monthly CFSv2 Data at the Climate Prediction Center
- Using Bayesian Methods to Detect Abrupt Transitions in Transient Holocene Climate Model Simulations
- Using Isotope-Enabled Climate Simulations to Investigate CO2- and Orbitally- Driven Oxygen Isotope Variability in the Early Eocene
- Using Measurements of PM2.5 to Assess the Applicability of Low-Cost Sensor Networks for Understanding the Impact of Wildfire Smoke
- Using Satellite Observations and Earth System Models to Reveal Biological Hotspots in Coastal Antarctica
- Using Self Organizing Maps to identify mechanisms for future increases in wintertime sea ice in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Using Variable Resolution Grids to Model Atmospheric Rivers around the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Using paleoclimate data to constrain clouds and convective parameterizations in the GISS E2.1 climate model
- Utilization of simulations in space weather research and mission development
- Validation of Ionosphere Data Assimilation Systems using GNSS Positioning Algorithms
- Validation of Ionospheric Specifications During Geomagnetic Storms: TEC and foF2 during the 2013 March Storm Event-II
- VizAccess: Designing Scientific Visualizations That Are Accessible to People Who Are Blind/Vision Impaired
- Wave-dependent ring current electron loss and magnetospheric precipitation during a geospace storm
- What are the dominant atmospheric patterns responsible for surface-forced decadal AMOC variability?
- What is the best technique to dynamically downscale regional climate change?
- Where Does the Dust Deposited over the Sierra Nevada Snow Come From?
- Who Matters and Why: Identifying Hotspots of Vulnerability and Resilience to Cascading and Consecutive Disasters in Portland, Oregon
- Will correcting cloud radiative biases over the Southern Ocean improve precipitation biases over the Indian subcontinent in CESM2 simulations?
- Workshop report: Future of the U.S. reanalysis efforts
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Akinsanola
- A. A. Arendt
- A. A. Norton
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. Bennett
- A. C. Aiken
- A. E. Lawman
- A. F. Arellano
- A. G. Burns
- A. G. de Wijn
- A. Gannet Hallar
- A. H. Lynch
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Ridley
- A. J. Soja
- A. Jarnot
- A. Johnson
- A. L. Dugger
- A. M. Fox
- A. M. Keesee
- A. M. Middlebrook
- A. M. Thompson
- A. Madhulatha
- A. P. Barrett
- A. Park Williams
- A. Pouquet
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. R. Ravishankara
- A. S. Reimer
- A. V. Rocha
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Merkel
- A. W. Rollins
- A. W. Wood
- A. W. Yau
- A. Y. Ukhorskiy
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Aaron Spring
- Aatiya Ali
- Abhishekh Srivastava
- Abigail Azari
- Abigail Jaye
- Abigail L. S. Swann
- Abigail M. Smith
- Adam Bourassa
- Adam H. Sobel
- Adam Herrington
- Adam Michael
- Adam Varble
- Adriana Bailey
- Ahmad Jan
- Aiguo Dai
- Aixue Hu
- Alain Pietroniro
- Alain Pumir
- Alan Dyer
- Alan Fried
- Alan Liu
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alan Robock
- Albert A. Presto
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alejandro Di Luca
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alek Petty
- Alex Gardner
- Alex Guenther
- Alex Hall
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alexander J. Thompson
- Alexander Laskin
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexandra Nicole Ramos-Valle
- Ali Akherati
- Ali Nazemi
- Alice K. DuVivier
- Alin Rǎzvan Paraschiv
- Alistair Adcroft
- Alla Zelenyuk
- Allegra N. LeGrande
- Allen L. Robinson
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison Jaynes
- Alma Hodzic
- Amanda R. Fay
- Amir Caspi
- Amir Mazrooei
- Amy H. Butler
- Ana M. Vicedo‐Cabrera
- Anders Eriksson
- Anderson Banihirwe
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andreas Richter
- Andrew Bennett
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew Hamilton
- Andrew J. Heymsfield
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Andrew N. French
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrey M. Stejko
- Andy Ridgwell
- Angeline G. Pendergrass
- Anja Schmidt
- Anne Gold
- Annett Bartsch
- Annmarie G. Carlton
- Anthony C. Jones
- Anthony P. Walker
- Anthony Y. H. Wong
- Arlan Dirkson
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Armin Sorooshian
- Armin Wisthaler
- Aroh Barjatya
- Artem Smirnov
- Arun Kumar
- Ashish Sharma
- Ashley E. Payne
- Ashraf Rateb
- Astrid Maute
- Aubrey L. Hillman
- Ayman Nassar
- B. A. Forman
- B. Belucz
- B. C. Sive
- B. Ervens
- B. G. Koffman
- B. J. Anderson
- B. J. Thompson
- B. L. Lefer
- B. Toon
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Barry Baker
- Bart De Pontieu
- Bart Geerts
- Bart Nijssen
- Baylor Fox‐Kemper
- Behrooz Roozitalab
- Behzad Vahedi
- Ben Chibuzo Amadi
- Ben H. Lee
- Ben Kravitz
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Benjamin D. Santer
- Benjamin D. Stocker
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- Benjamin N. Murphy
- Benjamin R. Johnston
- Benjamin R. K. Runkle
- Benjamín Lucas
- Bert Verreyken
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Bhavna Arora
- Bianca Adler
- Bianca C. Baier
- Bingliang Zhuang
- Bingxian Luo
- Binzheng Zhang
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- Boris Faybishenko
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- Boualem Khouider
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- Britton B. Stephens
- Bruce C. Forbes
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- Burcu Kosar
- C. E. DeForest
- C. J. Henney
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- C. M. De Nardin
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. Oaida
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Morrill
- C. R. Englert
- C. R. Martinis
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. R. Thompson
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- C. Warneke
- Calvin Howes
- Can Li
- Carley D. Fredrickson
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
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- Cenlin He
- Cenlin He
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- Chayan Roychoudhury
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- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chia Ping Huang Yang
- Chia-hung Chen
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- Chien-Hung Lin
- Ching-Tien Hsu
- Chloe Y. Gao
- Chonggang Xu
- Chris Frans
- Chris Lowder
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- Christina S. McCluskey
- Christina Schädel
- Christine A. Shields
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christine Wiedinmyer
- Christopher A. Davis
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- Christopher D. Holmes
- Christopher Horvat
- Christopher L. Wolfe
- Christopher Lennard
- Chun Zhao
- Chuntao Liu
- Claire C. Treat
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- Claire L. Parkinson
- Clara Deser
- Claudia Acquistapace
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- Claudia Tebaldi
- Clay Tabor
- Colette L. Heald
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Colin Triplett
- Colm Sweeney
- Cooper Downs
- Cornelius Csar Jude H. Salinas
- Craig R. Ferguson
- Cristian Proistosescu
- Cynthia Gerlein‐Safdi
- Cécile Hannay
- César B. Rocha
- D. A. Lacatus
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. Feldman
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knipp
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. K. Henze
- D. L. Hysell
- D. M. Lindholm
- D. M. Ricciuto
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. N. Bernstein
- D. P. Edwards
- D. W. Tarasick
- D. W. Toohey
- Daehyun Kim
- Damien Irving
- Dan Li
- Dan Smale
- Danica Lombardozzi
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel B. Whitt
- Daniel Billett
- Daniel E. Amrhein
- Daniel L. Swain
- Daniel McCoy
- Daniel R. Chavas
- Daniel R. Marsh
- Daniel Rothenberg
- Daniel S. Goll
- Daniel Tong
- Daniel W. Zietlow
- Daniel Ziskin
- Daniel Zuleta
- Daniele Telloni
- Daniele Visioni
- Danielle Touma
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- David A. Bailey
- David A. Randall
- David D. Turner
- David E. Siskind
- David G. Tarboton
- David Gochis
- David J. Delene
- David Lesmes
- David M. Lawrence
- David Noone
- David Painemal
- David Paynter
- David R. Bowling
- David W. Keith
- David W. Pierce
- Dedong Wang
- Deeksha Rastogi
- Deepak Cherian
- Deepak K. Karan
- Delia W Oppo
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Derek J. Posselt
- Diego Cerrai
- Diego Janches
- Dimitry Sein
- Dié Wang
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Dmitry Sidorenko
- Donald Hampton
- Donald M. Hassler
- Donald R. Blake
- Dong L. Wu
- Dong Lin
- Donghoon Lee
- Dongwook Kim
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Doug Smith
- Douglas A. Day
- Douglas G. MacMartin
- Douglas S. Hamilton
- Doğacan Öztürk
- Duggirala Pallamraju
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- Durgesh Tripathi
- E. A. Ray
- E. A. Sproles
- E. C. Apel
- E. C. Osterberg
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. J. Hintsa
- E. J. Hyer
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- E. Maroon
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- E. Spanswick
- E. Yizengaw
- E. Zesta
- Edith L. Macotela
- Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Edward G. Patton
- Ehsan Jalilvand
- Elinor R. Martin
- Elizabeth A. Barnes
- Elizabeth A. Payton
- Elizabeth Agee
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elliot L. Atlas
- Elliott L. Hazen
- Elvira Astafyeva
- Emanuele Di Lorenzo
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Emily V. Fischer
- Emma Nuss
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Ercha Aa
- Erdal Yiğit
- Eric C. Bruning
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- Eric J. Morgan
- Eric J. Steig
- Eric James
- Eric P. Chassignet
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Erich Becker
- Erich H. Peitzsch
- Erich M. Fischer
- Erin Dougherty
- Erin E. McDuffie
- Erin Robinson
- Esther C. Brady
- Ethan T. Coon
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Evan A. Kalina
- Ezra J. T. Levin
- F. Allegrini
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- F. Toffoletto
- Fabio Feraco
- Fabrizio Sassi
- Facundo Poblet
- Falko Judt
- Fan Mei
- Farid Salama
- Farnoush Banaei-Kashani
- Farshid Felfelani
- Fazlul I. Laskar
- Fei Chen
- Flavio Lehner
- Florian Pappenberger
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- Francina Domínguez
- Frank Flocke
- Frank N. Keutsch
- Frank O. Bryan
- Frank Werner
- François Massonnet
- Frédéric Castruccio
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- Gab Abramowitz
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Gabriel J. Kooperman
- Gabriele Pfister
- Galen A. McKinley
- Gary A. Morris
- George C. Hurtt
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Gerald A. Meehl
- Gerald M. Heymsfield
- Gert‐Jan Duine
- Ghassan Taha
- Gibbon I. T. Masukwedza
- Gijs de Boer
- Gonzalo Miguez‐Macho
- Govindasamy Bala
- Graeme A. MacGilchrist
- Graham Feingold
- Greg L. Bryan
- Greg Lucas
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Gregory J. Hakim
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Gregory S. Elsaesser
- Gregory S. Okin
- Gregory Starr
- Guido Grosse
- Guiling Wang
- Guillaume Gronoff
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Guiping Liu
- Gunter Stober
- Guoqiang Tang
- Guotao Yang
- Guy Brasseur
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- H. A. Singh
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- H. U. Frey
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- Hanli Liu
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- Hannah Holland‐Moritz
- Hanqin Tian
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- Harlan E. Spence
- Hartmut Herrmann
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Havala O. T. Pye
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- Heidi Rodenhizer
- Heikki Vanhamäki
- Helene C. Muller‐Landau
- Helene Muri
- Henry B. Selkirk
- Hervé Giordani
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- Holger Vömel
- Holly Olivarez
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- Hongli Liu
- Hongliang Zhang
- Hongxiang Yan
- Hongyu Liu
- Huancui Hu
- Huanping Huang
- Hugh Morrison
- Hui Li
- Hui Wan
- Huilin Huang
- Huiqun Wang
- Huisheng Bian
- Huixin Liu
- Hwan‐Jin Song
- Hye‐Mi Kim
- Hylke E. Beck
- Hyomin Kim
- I. G. Richardson
- I. Tsagouri
- Ian Grooms
- Ian Hewins
- Idowu Ajibade
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- In Sun Song
- Inne Vanderkelen
- Irina Kitiashvili
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- J. D. Huba
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- J. David Neelin
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- J. Federico Conte
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- Jeng-Feng Lin
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- Jun Hu
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- Justin S. Mankin
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. C. Aikin
- K. Chance
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- Kai Chen
- Kai Huang
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- Kaiyu Guan
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- Kamal Kant Chandrakar
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karen A. McKinnon
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- Karine Issautier
- Karl Stein
- Kasra Shamsaei
- Kate Marvel
- Katherine Dagon
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- Kathryn McKain
- Kathy Pegion
- Katrina E. Bennett
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kedeng Zhang
- Keer Zhang
- Keith B. Rodgers
- Kelley C. Barsanti
- Kelsey Bisson
- Kenneth E. Kunkel
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kevin A. Reed
- Kevin E. Trenberth
- Kevin M. Grise
- Kevin Pham
- Kevin Shook
- Kim Scherrer
- Kimberlee Dubé
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- Kimberly A. Prather
- Kirk Ullmann
- Kirsten Mayer
- Krishna M. Jain
- Krista A. Dunne
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- Kristen M. Krumhardt
- Kristi R. Arsenault
- Kristian D. Hajny
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kristopher B. Karnauskas
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Krzysztof Wargan
- Kwun Yip Fung
- Kyle Benjamin Heyblom
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyle M. Nardi
- Kyle S. Hemes
- Kyoko Ikeda
- Kôichi Sakaguchi
- L. A. Avanov
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- L. Andersson
- L. Fita
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- L. P. Chini
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- L. Rastäetter
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. T. Berner
- L. W. O’Neill
- Landon Rieger
- Lantao Sun
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Larry K. Berg
- Larry W. Horowitz
- Laura D. Riihimaki
- Laura Fierce
- Laura L. Pan
- Laura Landrum
- Laura Slivinski
- Laurel G. Larsen
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- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Lawrence D. Carey
- Lee R. Kump
- Lee T. Murray
- Lei Cai
- Lei Huang
- Leighton A. Regayre
- Leila M. V. Carvalho
- Leiqiu Hu
- Leo van Kampenhout
- Leon Hermanson
- Leonardo Maracahipes‐Santos
- Leonhard Pfister
- Leslie R. Lait
- Lewis Kunik
- Li Hu
- Liang Chen
- Linda E. Sohl
- Lingcheng Li
- Linghua Wang
- Lingwei Li
- Lionel Renault
- Lisa Milani
- Lisa Upton
- Liv Herdman
- Liying Qian
- Loren C. Chang
- Loren D. White
- Louise Arnal
- LuAnne Thompson
- Lucas A. Tarr
- Lucas J. Sterzinger
- Lucia Scaff
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Lulin Xue
- Luo Liu
- Lyatt Jaeglé
- Lydia Keppler
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Merrifield
- M. Benna
- M. Burleigh
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- M. Codrescu
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- M. E. Frediani
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- M. J. Wiltberger
- M. Joan Alexander
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- M. N. Gooseff
- M. Nosé
- M. Park
- M. Pulupa
- M. Ralph
- M. Romoli
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. S. Torn
- M. Samara
- M. Schnaiter
- M. Skiles
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- Mahdi Navari
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- Manish Shrivastava
- Manolis K. Georgoulis
- Manuel Schlund
- Manuela Irene Brunner
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- Marcos Longo
- Marcus Löfverström
- Marcus van Lier-Walqui
- Margaret L. Palmsten
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- Maria J. Chinita
- Maria Val Martin
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- Mariko Oue
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- Mark E. Hervig
- Mark S. Wigmosta
- Martin G. Mlynczak
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- Marysa M. Laguë
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- Masaki Satoh
- Masih Eghdami
- Mason Leandro
- Matt Newman
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- Matthew C. Long
- Matthew Huber
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- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew Newman
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Matthew Rigby
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- Matthew S. Mayernik
- Matthias Röthlisberger
- Matthias Sprenger
- Mausumi Dikpati
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- Maxwell Grover
- McArthur Jones
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- Meghana Ranganathan
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- Meng Huang
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- Meng Ling
- Mercedes Pozo Buil
- Mian Chin
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- Michael A. Goldstein
- Michael Barlage
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- Michael Gallagher
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- Michael J. McPhaden
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- Michael J. Prather
- Michael L. Griffiths
- Michael N. Fienen
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- Ming Lo
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- Minghui Diao
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- Min‐Yang Chou
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- Miriam C. Jones
- Mitchell Bushuk
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- Moritz Linkmann
- Morteza Karimzadeh
- Mukesh Kumar
- Mélanie Becker
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Frazier
- N. G. Heavens
- N. J. Livesey
- N. Koushik
- N. L. Ng
- N. M. Mahowald
- N. M. Pedatella
- N. M. Viall
- N. Nitta
- N. P. Molotch
- N. Richard Knowles
- Nan Rosenbloom
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- Nancy H. F. French
- Naomi Goldenson
- Naomi Maruyama
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathan J. M. Laxague
- Nathaniel H. Mathews
- Nathaniel W. Chaney
- Neel Desai
- Neil P. Lareau
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- Nicholas Siler
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Nicola Maher
- Nicole Riemer
- Nicole S. Lovenduski
- Nicoleta Cristea
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- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Ningchao Wang
- Niraj Agarwal
- Norman G. Loeb
- O. P. Verkhoglyadova
- Olivia Clifton
- Osamu Miyawaki
- P. A. Delamere
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. B. Kirchner
- P. B. Shepson
- P. C. D. Milly
- P. H. Lauritzen
- P. H. Scherrer
- P. J. Erickson
- P. J. Espy
- P. K. Rajesh
- P. Lawrence
- P. O. Wennberg
- P. R. Shreedevi
- P. R. Thompson
- P. R. Veres
- P.J. van Oevelen
- Paloma Trascasa-Castro
- Pamela Wales
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- Paquita Zuidema
- Patricia DeRepentigny
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- Patrick Campbell
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- Paul A. Dirmeyer
- Paul A. Newman
- Paul A. O’Gorman
- Paul C. Loikith
- Paul C. Stoy
- Paul Ginoux
- Paul H. Whitfield
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paul T. Griffiths
- Paul W. Staten
- Paul Walter
- Paul‐Arthur Monerie
- Pavlos Kollias
- Pay Liam Lin
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Peng Wu
- Pengfei Han
- Pengfei Yu
- Pete Riley
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- Phoebe L. Zarnetske
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- Qingyu Zhu
- Quan Gan
- R. A. Heelis
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- R. Anthony Shaw
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- R. C. Colaninno
- R. Commane
- R. E. Daniell
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- R. G. Gillies
- R. H. Varney
- R. J. Salawitch
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- R. M. Forbes
- R. M. Samelson
- R. Michell
- R. P. Acosta
- R. Paul Lawson
- R. S. Gao
- R. S. Hornbrook
- R. S. Lieberman
- R. S. Nerem
- R. S. Selesnick
- R. Stoneback
- R. W. Portmann
- R. Walter
- R.J. Barthelmie
- RJ Dawson
- Raffaello Foldes
- Rajesh Kumar
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- Ramón López
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- René Stübi
- Reza Abdi
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- Richard I. Cullather
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- Rong Fu
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- Ryan M. Stauffer
- Ryan Patnaude
- Ryohei Yamaguchi
- Rémi Laxenaire
- Rémi Tailleux
- S. A. Montzka
- S. B. Malevich
- S. B. Mende
- S. C. Tripathy
- S. D. Bale
- S. D. Peckham
- S. E. Gibson
- S. E. McDonald
- S. England
- S. Garelick
- S. K. Vines
- S. L. Goldstein
- S. L. Jones
- S. M. Nossal
- S. Martínez‐Alonso
- S. Nicholls
- S. Ohtani
- S. Papalexiou
- S. R. Elkington
- S. R. Kaeppler
- S. Schauffler
- S. T. Henderson
- S. T. Lepri
- S. Tomczyk
- S. W. Tyler
- Sally E. Pusede
- Sam Rabin
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- Samantha Stevenson
- Samar Minallah
- Samuel R. Hall
- Samuel Saxe
- Sandip Dhomse
- Sang-Moo Lee
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- Sanjiv Kumar
- Sara C. Pryor
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- Sarah A. Strode
- Sarah Bradley
- Sarah Schlunegger
- Saurav Aryal
- Scott E. Giangrande
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- Scott Knapp
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- Scott W. McIntosh
- Sean Bruinsma
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- Sean Swenson
- Seaver Wang
- Sebastian Milinski
- Sebastian Sippel
- Sebastijan Mrak
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- Shadia Rifai Habbal
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- Shaocheng Xie
- Shaoneng He
- Shaoqing Zhang
- Shea Hess Webber
- Shervan Gharari
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- Shih-Yu Wang
- Shima Bahramvash Shams
- Shineng Hu
- Shin‐ichiro Oyama
- Shixuan Zhang
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Sifan Gu
- Silvina Guidoni
- Simon P. de Szoeke
- Simon Wing
- Simone Tilmes
- Siyuan Wang
- Si‐Wan Kim
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Soon‐Il An
- Stacey A. Archfield
- Stanley C. Solomon
- Stefan Metzger
- Stephanie E. Cleland
- Stephen J. Vavrus
- Stephen P. Good
- Stephen Po‐Chedley
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- Steven C. Wofsy
- Steven J. Bograd
- Steven J. Woolnough
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- Subhamoy Chatterjee
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- Sun‐Seon Lee
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- Swarup China
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- Sylvain Gnamien
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- Sékou Keita
- T. A. O’Brien
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- T. F. Hanisco
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- TC Chakraborty
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- Tao Wang
- Tarique Adnan Siddiqui
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- Thomas Clune
- Thomas Cram
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- Thomas M. Roberts
- Tiffany A. Shaw
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- Timothy Kodikara
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- Timothy O. Hodson
- Timothy W. Juliano
- Tingting Yu
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- Travis Thurber
- Tricia A. Stadnyk
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- Trude Eidhammer
- Twila Moon
- Tzu‐Wei Fang
- Tércio Ambrizzi
- Ulrike Romatschke
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- Ummed Singh Saharan
- Urszula Bąk-Stęślicka
- V. Faye McNeill
- V. G. Merkin
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- V. H. Hansteen
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- V. Lynn Harvey
- V. Martínez Pillet
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- Vincent Vionnet
- Volker Wulfmeyer
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- W. M. Angevine
- W. R. Simpson
- W. Rideout
- Wade Permar
- Walker Lee
- Walter N. Meier
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- Wan‐Ling Tseng
- Ward E. Sanford
- Wei Ji Leong
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- Who M. Kim
- Whyjay Zheng
- Wiebke Deierling
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- William D. Collins
- William E. Chapman
- William E. McClintock
- William H. Brune
- William J. Gutowski
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- William L. Smith
- William Lipscomb
- William Merryfield
- William R. Boos
- William R. Wieder
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- William Ryan Currier
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- Y. S. Dimant
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- Yadu Pokhrel
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- Yang Yang
- Yangyang Shen
- Yangyang Xu
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- Yanyun Liu
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- Yassir A. Eddebbar
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- Ying‐Hwa Kuo
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- Yunqian Zhu
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- Zachary C. J. Decker
- Zachary Fair
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- Zachary S. Miller
- Zackary Mages
- Zexuan Xu
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- Zhengzhao Johnny Luo
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- Zhiyong Yang
- Zhonghua Yao
- Ziheng Sun
- Zishun Qiao
- Zong‐Liang Yang
- Zuzana Procházková
- Željka Fuchs‐Stone
- Л. П. Гончаренко