National Center for Atmospheric Research, High Altitude Observatory
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Case Study of the Ionospheric O<SUP>+</SUP> Upflow Burst
- A Comparison of CME-associated atmospheric waves observed in coronal (19.5 nm) and chromospheric (He I 1083 nm and H-alpha 656 nm) lines
- Analysis of an Temperature Inversion Event in the Lower Mesosphere
- Climatological Characteristics of the Polar Ionosphere Based on the Chatanika and Sondrestrom Incoherent Scatter Radars
- Climatology of Neutral Winds in the Lower Thermosphere Over Millstone Hill
- Collecting TIME-GCM Output Along TIMED Satellite Tracks
- Flux-transport type solar dynamos: where are we now and what's next?
- Global Ionospheric/Magnetospheric Response to the Bastille Day Storm
- Global-Scale Modeling of Solar Convection
- Interpreting observations of the three-dimensional coronal mass ejection
- Ion Composition in the E Region
- Ionospheric Dynamo Currents and Magnetic Perturbations Modeled in a Realistic Geomagnetic Field
- Lower-Thermospheric Wind Response to the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Mesospheric Gravity Wave and Neutral Wind Observation at the Early Polar Cap Observatory
- Modeling the Earth's Upper Atmosphere: Present Status and Future Projections
- Modeling the low latitude thermosphere and ionosphere
- Modes of the High-Latitude Electric Field Variability Derived From DE-2 Measurements: Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) Analysis
- Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of the Predictions of an α Ω Flux-Transport Model with Meridional Circulation
- Photoelectron fluxes observed by FAST compared with model predictions incorporating SNOE observations of the solar soft X-ray irradiance
- Polar Cap Potential Saturation During the Bastille Day Storm
- Progress and Problems in Solar Dyanmo Theory
- Satellite Observation of Nonmigrating Tides During November 1994
- Simulations of Plasmasheet Electrons in a Model Magnetosphere with AMIE Potentials: Implications for Diffuse Aurora
- Solar EUV and X-ray Irradiance: Recent Results and New Prospects
- Sources of Low-latitude Ionospheric Electric-field Disturbances
- Stormtime Access of Ring Current Ions Under AMIE Electric Field: Implications for Ring Current Formation and Decay
- Stratospheric disturbance effects upon the mesosphere thermal structure for late November, 1997
- Strong IMF By-related plasma convection in the ionosphere and cusp field-aligned currents under northward IMF conditions
- The MgII core-to-wing ratio: An update of the multi-satellite composite index
- The Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Geomagnetic Storms Simulated by the Coupled TING and LFM Models
- Weather and Climate of the Earth's Outer Atmosphere Driven by the Sun
- 3-Dimensional Density Model of the Solar Corona
- A Comparison of FUV Auroral Emissions During the April 2002 Events as seen by the IMAGE/FUV and TIMED/GUVI Instruments
- A Modeling Study of the Ionospheric F Region Electron Densities
- An Improved Calibration for Obtaining Intensity and Line-of-Sight Velocity Using MLSO/CHIP He I 1083 nm Observations.
- Chromospheric Waves Observed in HeI (1083 nm)- a Closer Look
- Coincidence Observations of Mesopause Region Temperatures and Winds of Ground-based Lidar with TIMED/SABER and TIMED/TIDI
- Dipole Tilt Angle Effects on Joule and Particle Heating in the Ionosphere
- Empirically Constrained Multidimensional MHD Model for the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Estimating the Effects of JPEG Compression and Radiation on the Accuracy of Vector Magnetic Fields Measurements for Solar-B
- Extreme Ultraviolet Variability of the Large Solar Flare on April 21, 2002 and the Terrestrial Photoelectron Response
- F2-Layer Behavior Modelled With Coupling From the Lower Atmosphere
- Field Aligned Current Patterns Derived by AMIE - Satellite Data versus Ground Based Data
- Global Ionospheric Response to the April 2002 Storm: Tracing the Energy Flow
- Global cause of localized high latitude aurora
- Has the Sun's Total Output at Minimum and Maximum Changed Over the Last 24 Years ?
- Indications and implications of twisted magnetic flux in the corona
- Interoperable Data Delivery in Solar-terrestrial Applications: CEDARWEB and OpENDAP.
- Ionospheric Dynamo Currents and Magnetic Perturbations at the Ground and Above the Ionosphere Modeled by the TIEGCM
- LTCS High Latitude Lower Thermospheric Wind Climatology
- Large-Scale Ionospheric Disturbances during the April 2002 Storms
- Lidar Observation of Summer Mesopause Region Diurnal and Semi-diurnal Tides in Temerature, Zonal and Meridional Winds
- QBO Influences on Large-Scale Waves in the Equatorial MLT Region
- Response of low - Latitude OI 630.0nm Dayglow Emission to geomagnetic disturbances
- Simulations of Stormtime Diffuse Aurora Using AMIE Electric Field and Flux-Dependent Electron Scattering Model
- Simulations of Stormtime Ion Ring Current Formation with AMIE Electric Field
- Solar EUV Irradiance Variability Results from the TIMED Solar EUV Experiment
- Solar Radiance Chain in the April 2002 Series of Flares
- Solar Synoptic Maps as a Means to Study the Global Sun
- Study of High Latitude-Low Latitude Coupling using MTIEGCM
- TIE-CGM Simulation of the Low-latitude Topside Ionospheric Responses to the April 17-24, 2002 Storms and Comparison with the ROCSAT-1 and ionosonde Data
- The Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Low Corona
- The Dynamic Evolution of Twisted Omega-loops in a 3-D Convecting Flow
- The Electrodynamics in the Ionosphere During Substorms
- The Relative Atmospheric Impacts and Energy Inputs of Precipitating Solar and Magnetospheric Ion and Electron Populations during the 17-24 April 2002 Events
- The Response of Thermospheric Nitric Oxide to the Geomagnetic Storm of April 2002
- The Role of Thermospheric Winds in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- The Substorm at 05:45 on October 13, 2001 Observed From the Ground, and the LANL, GOES, Polar, and Cluster Satellites
- The relation of sub-auroral electron and proton precipitation to plasmaspheric and magnetospheric conditions
- Variability of Auroral Ionospheric Electric Fields and Conductances as Observed by the EISCAT Facility
- Vector Magnetic Field Measurement Capabiliity of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on SDO
- A Coronal Multi Channel Polarimeter For Magnetic Field Measurements
- A General Code Coupling Framework and the Dissection of the LFM Code
- A Prototype for a Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
- A Statistical Study of Plasma Sheet Parameters in Geotail Data and the LFM MHD Model
- Acceleration of Prominences in the Low Corona
- Atmospheric Effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Disturbances: the Role of Initial Atmospheric States
- Branch Prediction and Speculative Execution in Magnetospheric Forecasting
- Calculation of Magnetic Perturbations at the Ground and Above the Ionosphere due to Ionospheric Currents From the TIEGCM
- Characterization of the global {ULF} environment during the 09/24/1998 geomagnetic storm, and effect on energetic electron dynamics.
- Comparison of LFM Simulation With Tsyganenko Models and GOES Observations
- Conditions Leading to Eruptions of CMEs Associated with Eruptive Filaments
- Coupling of Solar Wind Energy to the Magnetosphere via ULF Waves
- Development of 2D MHD Self-Consistent Empirical Model of the Corona and Solar Wind
- Eruption of a Buoyantly Emerging Magnetic Flux Rope
- Evolution of Large-scale Solar Magnetic Fields in a Flux-Transport Model Including a Multi-cell Meridional Flow
- Formation of Electric Current-Sheets and Magnetic Flux Ropes During Magnetic Flux Emergence
- High-latitude Energy and Momentum Balance in the Lower Thermosphere
- Initial results from the coupled LFM-TING model
- Magnetic maps of prominences
- Magnetospheric response to solar wind pressure during strongly southward IMF: MHD simulations
- Mesoscale and semiglobal scale view of the ionospheric electrodynamics of auroral torches
- Modeling Solar Irradiance With the PSPT Solar Disk Observations and RISE Solar Spectrum Synthesis
- Modeling of the Energy Balance in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Multi-Channel Polarimeter for Coronal Magnetic Filed Measurements
- Observational consequences of a magnetic flux rope topology
- Penetration of Meridional Circulation into a Stably-Stratified Region
- Physical Synthesis of the Solar Radiance, a Tool for Understanding Spectral Irradiance
- Possible Role of the Mesosphere in the 2002 Southern Hemisphere Major Stratospheric Warming
- Radial diffusion simulation of relativistic electron transport by ULF waves in the September 1998 storm
- Response of the Low Latitude Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Geomagnetic Storms
- Role of Ion-drag Processes in the Nighttime, Low-latitude Thermospheric Wind and Temperature Structure
- Simulated Radial and Azimuthal Structure of Proton Ring-Current Field
- Solar EUV Energy Deposition Rate Calculations for General Circulation Models
- Solar Ultraviolet and X-ray Energy Deposition and Partitioning in the MLT
- Studies on the Coupling Between the Neutral Winds and the Ionosphere at Low Latitudes
- Substorms in the ionosphere: LFM and GUMICS-4 global MHD simulations compared
- The Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejections
- The O(<SUP>1</SUP>D) emission rates observed by WINDII and simulated by the GLOW model
- The Penetration of Solar Storm Effects Into the Earth's Atmosphere
- The Polar Crown Filament Eruption and Associated CME of 2003 February 18
- The Thermosphere/Ionosphere (TI) Response to Magnetosphere Energy Inputs
- Time Evolution of Coronal Holes and Their Impact on the Solar Wind
- Turbulent Magnetic Field Generation in Rotating Stars
- Visualization and Data Analysis for CISM Models
- Winds in the High-Latitude Lower Thermosphere Estimated From the TIEGCM
- A Multisatellite View of the Recovery Phase of Substorms
- A study of low latitude electron densities using CMIT
- Analysis of temperature and wind measurements from the TIMED Mission: Comparison with UARS data
- Combined TIDI and Ground-Based Mesospheric Neutral Wind Observations
- Comparison of Geosynchronous Magnetic Field and Global MHD Simulation Results
- Comparison of Iridium Observations of Birkeland Currents Associated With Two Magnetic Cloud Events With MHD Simulations
- Diurnal Tidal Variability Over the Equator: Model and Measurement Comparisons
- Effects of Ejecta-Ejecta Interactions on the Magnetosphere: The Double Great Storm on March 31, 2001
- From the Inside of the Sun to its Atmosphere
- Global Energy Partition During Superstorms
- Global Occurrence Statistics of Mesospheric Inversion Layers Obtained From SABER Temperature Profiles
- High-latitude Momentum Force Balance in the Lower Thermosphere : Dependence on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Investigation of Sawtooth activity duing the Halloween Storms of 2003
- Investigation of observed day-to-day variability in September mesopause region tidal-period perturbations
- Investigation of the origin and characteristics of {ULF} waves driven by the solar wind
- MHD Simulation of Solar Wind Magnetosphere Coupling During the Halloween Magnetic Storm
- Magnetic Field Measurements from The Coronal Multi-Channel Polarimeter
- Mesosphere-Thermosphere Coupling
- Mode Conversion in Magneto-Atmospheres
- Modeling ionospheric electric fields and currents with combined magnetospheric and ionospheric sources
- Modeling the dynamic plasmapause and plasmaspheric refilling
- Morphology Indicators of the Three-Dimensional Size of Flux Rope CMEs: A Prediction for STEREO
- Multi-year High Latitude Mesospheric Neutral Wind Observations Using a Fabry-Perot Interferometer
- New Perspectives on Atmospheric Tides and Planetary Waves From the TIMED Mission
- Numerical Simulations of the October-November 2003 Super Storms
- Power Spectra and Geophysical Variations in the Auroral Hemispheric Power
- Seasonal Dependence of the Low-Latitude Ionosphere Response to Magnetic Storms
- Short-term changes in solar spectral irradiance - synthesis calculations
- Simulations of Stormtime Ring-Current Magnetic Field Produced by Ions and Electrons
- Simultaneous TIMED/SABER and Ground-Based Measurements of the Semi-annual Oscillation in Mesospheric Temperatures
- Solar Cycle and Seasonal Variations in the Energy Balance of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
- Study of the Proton Arc Spreading Effect on Ionization Rates
- TIMED Doppler Interferometer Observations of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Tides
- Testing the Hill-Siscoe Model of Polar Cap Potential Saturation Using Observations From the October/November 2003 Superstorms
- The CISM Data Explorer
- The Climatology of the 5-Day Wave in the Mesosphere
- The Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
- Theoretical and Empirical Descriptions of Thermospheric Density
- Transient Coronal Holes: EUV and IR HeI 1083nm Observations
- Using the TIEGCM to Examine the Effects of Gravity and Plasma Pressure on Magnetic Perturbations at low Latitudes
- Visualization and Science Analysis for the CISM Models
- 11 Years of Geoscience Outreach through the Windows to the Universe Project: Lessons Learned for On-Line Education in Formal and Informal Settings
- Best Practices in Software Engineering, Use of Frameworks
- Changes in solar EUV produced conductivities during geomagnetic storms: seasonal differences
- Cluster observations of magnetospheric substorm expansion and recovery phase features in the near- and mid-tail regions: Comparison with numerical simulations
- Comparing Relativistic Electron Prediction Models at Geosynchronous
- Contribution of Enhanced Radial Transport to the Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Control of the Equatorial Ionospheric Morphology by Atmospheric Tides: TIMED GUVI and IMAGE FUV Observations
- Convective Injection of Energetic Radiation Belt Electrons Contrasted with Diffusive Loss in the Outer Zone: the Net Effect of Radial Transport
- Coordinated Lidar and TIMED observations of the quasi two-day wave during August 2002-2004 and possible quasi-biennial oscillation influence
- Dependence of High-Latitude Lower Thermospheric Winds on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Developing Use Cases to address Domain Analysis for the Earth's climate and upper atmosphere
- Diurnal Nonmigrating Tides From TIDI Wind Measurements: Monthly Climatologies
- EOS MLS Observations of Recent Two-Day Wave events
- Effects of neutral compositions on the ionospheric positive storms during the recovery phase
- Empirical Model of High-Latitude Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Energy Transfer Based on Dynamic Explorer-2 Data
- Enhancements of OI 630.0 nm Emission And Ionospheric Tomography Using GPS STEC Measurements During the Period of the Strong Geomagnetic Storm, 2003 Halloween Event in Korea
- Global Energetic Proton Precipitation During April 2002 and Its Impact on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Gravity wave influence on the global structure of the diurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Impact of the Near-Earth Space Environment on Human Radiation Exposure at Commercial Airline Altitudes
- Inferring storm induced variations in thermospheric composition over low-latitudes using ground-based daytime optical airglow emissions
- Influence of Thermal Conduction on Acoustic Waves in Coronal Loops
- Initial Results From Coupling Magnetosphere, Inner Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, and Thermosphere Models
- Initializing the TING model with the GAIM electron densities during a geomagnetic storm
- Ionospheric Electric Durrents and Their Geomagnetic Effects
- Joule Heating and Nitric Oxide in the Thermosphere
- LFM Simulation of the AE Index
- MHD Simulations of Transpolar Potential Saturation With the LFM Code
- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory and the SSSC Great Observatory
- Modeling Tidal Influences on CO2 15 μm Radiance Structure Above the Mesopause; Comparisons with SABER Data
- Observations of Mesospheric OH and Ozone During the Intense Solar Energetic Particle Events of January 2005
- On the Characteristic Time Scales of Storm-time Coupling Between the Plasmasphere, Ionosphere, and Electrodynamics
- Predicting the Ambient Solar Wind Emerging from Sources Near Active Regions
- Scientific Virtual Observatories Working for Education?
- Simulations of Ionospheric Storms using a Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model
- Solar-Terrestrial Ontology Development
- Spectral properites and scale dependent transport in simplified stratified systems subject to sporadic threshold adjustment
- Status of Ionosphere-Thermosphere Modeling: What's Missing?
- TIDI Broadband Neutral Wind Data and Comparison with Ground Based Radar Neutral Wind Measurements from Different Latitudes
- The Climatology of Neutral Winds in the MLT Region as Observed From Orbit
- The Mauna Loa Solar Observatory as a Virtual Observatory Data Provider
- The Mesospheric Wind Field as Measured by TIMED/TIDI and UARS/HRDI from 2002 to 2005
- The Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory: How is the paradigm working?
- Thermospheric Response to Solar EUV during Quiet and Flare Conditions
- Viscosity and the vertical profile of horizontal thermospheric winds
- Visualization, Analysis, and Data Mining with the CISM Data Explorer
- A Seasonal Study of Mesospheric Temperatures and Emission Intensities at Adelaide and Alice Springs
- A Set of Empirical Models of the High-Latitude Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Energy Transfer Based on Dynamic Explorer 2 Data
- A modular radiation-belt electron flux model
- Analysis of the substorm recovery phase using a multisatellite view and LFM MHD simulation
- Comparison between GITM simulation and JOULE rocket observation
- Compositional changes in thermosphere during a geomagnetic storm inferred using ground- based daytime OI 630.0nm optical airglow emissions
- Computational Framework for the Living with Star Program
- Continual Initialization of The TING Model with GAIM Electron Densities: Ionospheric Effects on The Thermosphere
- Crafting access to the virtual observatories and their data: The challenge of the non- specialist user
- Dependence of the High-Latitude Lower Thermospheric Momentum Forcing on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Developing cyber-infrastructure for addressing grand challenge questions in Sun-Earth system science: First results of a testbed worldwide online conference series
- Dynamo-based simulations of solar activity differences between north and south hemispheres and forecasts for cycle 24
- Energetics of the solar maximum ionosphere, thermosphere and mesosphere
- Energy Transfer and Geoeffectiveness in CIR-Driven and Ejecta-Driven Magnetic Storms
- Examination of Cadence of Solar Soft X-ray Flux on the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Fast flow channels in the LFM plasma sheet
- Geoeffectiveness of High-Speed Streams, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Interplanetary Shocks
- ICME polarity: it's origins and effects on the magnetosphere, and STEREO's potential for resolving key problems
- Improving Global Magnetosphere Models with Optimized Ionospheric Boundary Conditions
- Investigating the state of the Sun-Earth system during extreme events: First science results of a worldwide online conference series
- MHD experiments to isolate different influences on seasonal variation in MI coupling
- Magnetopause Reconnection in the LFM Code
- Magnetospheric activity during undriven recovery
- Modeling of the storm-time ionospheric electric fields
- Modeling the Semiannual Variation of Thermospheric Neutral Density
- Modelling the rate of recovery from geomagnetic storms at solar maximum and minimum
- Moonte Carlo Simulations of the Plumes on Enceladus
- Multi-fluid simulations of the magnetosphere-ionosphere interaciotn and convection
- OPeNDAP Server4: Buidling a High-Performance Server for the DAP by Leveraging Existing Software
- Object Persistence within Information Systems, how Relational Databases and Data Access Frameworks interoperate with Ontology based Portals.
- On the Large Wind Shear Above the Mesopause
- Progress in Earth and Space Science Infrastructure: Grids, Frameworks and Semantics
- Seasonal Variation of the Global Ionosphere
- Semantic Web Cyberinfrastructure for Virtual Observatories
- Semantically-Enabled Science Data Integration: Current Progres
- Semantics and interopability in the Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
- Simulated Response of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System to Different Forms of Empirically Regulated Ionospheric Outflows
- Sources of Electrodynamic Variability at Mid and Low Latitudes: Quiet and Disturbed
- Systematic Observations of High Latitude Dynamics in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) From Orbit
- TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI) observations of mesosphere and lower thermosphere tidal and planetary waves
- The Coronal Solar Magnetic Observatory (COSMO)
- The Global Structure and Long Term Variations of the Temperature Observed by TIMED/SABER
- The MLT Wind Field During the Declining Phase of Solar Cycles 22 and 23
- The Magnetic Variations of the Equatorial Electrojet and the Low-latitude Ionospheric Current Simulated by the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM).
- The Technology Behind Data Integration with Semantics
- The Virtual Observatory as Critical Scientific Cyber Infrastructure.
- The Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory Production Release
- The effects of mid and low latitude electric fields upon the ionosphere and magnetosphere
- The plague of too much data? Challenges and opportunities for using virtual observatories in the classroom
- Thermospheric Density and Composition: an Integrated Research Approach
- Thermospheric Global Change during Solar Cycle 24
- Unifying Workflows for Finding and Using Data Across Discipline Boundaries.
- VITMO: A Virtual Observatory for the ITM Community
- Variations of disturbance dynamo and ionospheric electron densities during geomagnetic storms
- A new simulation tool for coupling global magnetohydrodynamic models to ionosphere- thermosphere models
- Advanced Semantic Concepts and Services in the Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
- Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona
- An Analysis of Mid-Latitude Neutral Wind in the Lower Thermosphere: Comparison of Fall and Spring Equinoxes
- An improved parameterization of electron heating, with application to an X17 flare
- Analysis of High-Latitude Neutral Wind in the Lower Thermosphere: Comparison of Fall and Spring Equinoxes
- Assessment of the non-hydrostatic effect in general circulation models (GCMs)
- Comparisons of Observational and Model Estimates of Auroral Electron Precipitation
- Complexities of a 3-D flux rope as shown by MHD simulation
- Current and future uses of OWL for Earth and Space science data frameworks: successes and limitations
- Determining the Viscous Potential from MHD Simulations and Comparing it to Observations
- Developing packages and integrating ontologies for Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics and Atmospheric Science Data Integration
- Development of An Electrodynamically Coupled Model between RCM and CTIPe
- Earth's Thermosphere under extreme solar EUV radiation environment
- Effect of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field on the Thermospheric Density at High Latitude
- Effects of high-latitude ionospheric electric field variability on global thermospheric Joule heating and mechanical energy transfer rate
- Enabling Science with the Virtual ITM Observatory
- Hinode SOT observations of plume upflows and cascading downflows in quiescent solar prominences
- Impact of Solar Energy Protons and Magnetospheric Energetic Particles on the Upper Atmosphere
- Interannual variability in the effects of energetic particle precipitation (EPP) on the stratosphere
- Leveraging Someone Else's Knowledge Based System
- Long term variability in migrating diurnal tide observed by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI)
- Longitudinal Variability in the Geomagnetically Quiescent Ionosphere
- Low and middle latitude westward thermospheric wind jets during geomagnetic storms
- Magnetic and Doppler Observations of the Photosphere and Low Chromosphere with the Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode
- Magnetopause Reconnection in the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Code
- Magnetospheric Energy Coupling During CIR-Driven Storms
- Magnetospheric ULF Oscillations Driven by Interior Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes
- Mangetic field properties at the footpoints of solar microflares (active-region transient brightenings)
- Measurements of Solar Proton Event Generated HO2 and OH
- Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Reuse: Building a Data Server Using Existing Software
- Meridional Winds Derived from COSMIC Radio Occultation Measurements
- Model Simulation of the Equatorial Electrojet in the Peruvian and Philippine Sectors
- Modeling the Effect of Changes in the Terrestrial Magnetic Field on the Climatology of the Mid- and Low-Latitude Ionosphere.
- Non-classical Generators in the Global Electric Circuit
- Nonmigrating diurnal tide long term variability observed by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI)
- Observations and simulations of the ionospheric and thermospheric response to the December 2006 geomagnetic storm: Initial phase
- Observing the Influence of Alfven Waves on the Energetics of the Quiet Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Overview of TIMED CEDAR observations showing the MLTI system response to changing drivers from solar maximum to solar minimum
- Parallel Analysis of Spectro-Polarimetric Signals in Heterogeneous Grids, Using OPeNDAP BES to Perform Scatter-Gather High Performance Computing.
- Parameterization of Ionosphere/Inner-Magnetosphere Electrodynamic Interactions for Ionospheric Wind Dynamo Modeling
- Polar E-Region Thermospheric Properties from Ion Motion Characteristics
- Polar-Region Distributions of Poynting Flux: Global Models Compared With Observations
- Prototyping a Knowledge IntegrationFramework to Solve Science Problems
- Residence time of flux tubes in the auroral oval
- Seasonal variation of multi-day wave activity at Adelaide and Alice Springs
- Semantic Mediation and Integration of Volcanic and Atmospheric Data:In Search of Statistical Signatures
- Skill Scores for Ionospheric Modeling
- Solar Cycle and Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Density and Composition
- Storm-time ionospheric electron density structures simulated by coupled model runs at mid- and low-latitudes
- Studies of Magnetotail Dynamics and Energy Evolution During Substorms Using MHD Simulations
- The COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- The Remote NetCDF Invocation (RNI) middleware platform. Making Scientific Datasets Available for Ubiquitous Computing.
- The specific entropy of the LFM plasma sheet
- Thermospheric response to magnetospheric energy inputs
- Venus Upper Atmosphere Winds Traced by Night Airglow Distributions: NCAR VTGCM Simulations
- When Metadata Alone Is Not Enough
- Analysis of Substorm Recovery Phase Using a Global MHD Simulation and Satellite Data
- Annotating and embedding provenance in science data repositories to enable next generation science applications
- Comparison of AMIE modeled and Sondrestrom measured Joule heating: a study in model resolution and electric field/conductivity correlation
- Comparison of TIDI Wind Observations and the HWM07 Model
- Constructing a Data System to Support Analysis of the Whole Heliosphere Interval
- Coupling between the Arctic Middle and Upper Atmosphere during the IPY 2007-2008 Winter
- Dayside Reconnection and Plasma Transport in the LFM Code
- Dynamics of the upper chromosphere
- Effect of Externally-Driven Magnetospheric ULF Variations on Energetic Electron Dynamics in the Radiation Belts
- Effect of Ionospheric Outflow Parameters on Magnetospheric Configuration
- Enabling Science Research with Coordinated Data From SuperDARN and VITMO
- Estimation of the vertical diffusion coefficient in MLT region from the migrating diurnal tides observed by TIMED
- Gravity wave impacts on mesospheric forcing during Stratospheric Sudden Warming studied with a parameterization scheme
- High Latitude Meospheric and Lower Thermospheric Tide Observed from Ground-based and Spaceborne instruments
- High Latitude Thermosphere-Ionosphere Variability During the Solar Minimum IPY Period
- Impact of non-hydrostatic processes on the thermospheric density and winds
- Infusing semantic web into operational data systems: real application experiences.
- Large Dayside Geosynchronous Magnetic Field Compressions: Model Expectations vs. Observations
- Magnetospheric Cavity Modes Driven by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations: Initial Results From Global MHD Simulations and Applications to Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics
- Modeling of the Storm time Electric Fields and the Response of the Ionosphere- Plasmasphere-Thermosphere
- Modelling solar wind entry into the magnetosphere using mult-fluid MHD
- Next Generation Virtual Observatories
- Nonlinear Force-Free Magnetic Field Modeling of the Solar Corona: A Critical Assessment
- November 7-8, 2004 Superstorm: LFM Simulations with Causally Regulated Ionospheric Outflow
- OOI CyberInfrastructure - Next Generation Oceanographic Research
- Observational Study of Particle Acceleration in the 2006 December 13 Flare
- On the estimation of particle energies and fluxes incident over Boston during a daytime auroral event
- Performing Science Research with the Virtual ITM Observatory
- Physics of the chromosphere and the lower coronal boundary conditions
- Poynting Flux Response to Strong Solar Wind Pressure Enhancements
- Progress and Status on the Development of NASA's Nowcast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety (NAIRAS) model
- Provenance in Data Interoperability for Multi-Sensor Intercomparison
- Recent studies of the behavior of the Sun's white-light corona over time
- Report of the Cyberinfrastructure for Environment Observationa, Analysis and Forecasting workshop: toward collaborative VEOs
- Seasonal and solar activity variations of the Weddell Sea Anomaly observed in the TOPEX TEC measurements
- Semantic Data Integration and Ontology Use within the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Global Water Cycle Data Integration System
- Semantics of data and service registration to advance interdisciplinary information and data access.
- Semantics-Based Interoperability Framework for the Geosciences
- Signatures of the universal time effect in the thermosphere and ionosphere
- Solar Wind and Global Electron Hemispheric Power in Solar Minimum Intervals
- Spatial Variation of the Pre-reversal Enhancement - Model Results
- The Center-to-Limb Variation of TRACE Travel-Times
- The OPeNDAP and Remote NetCDF Invocation (RNI) middleware platform for Scientific Data Fusion.
- The Spectroscopic Footprint of the Fast Solar Wind
- The Thermosphere at Solar Minimum: Geomagnetic, Atmospheric, and Anthropogenic Effects
- The Whole Heliosphere Interval: Campaign Summaries and Early Results
- Thermosphere and Ionosphere Extension of the NCAR Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- Thermospheric Mixing by Intense Small-Scale Joule Heating
- Three-Dimensional Ionospheric Electron Density Structure of the Weddell Sea Anomaly
- Time Distance Coronal Seismology With the CoMP Instrument
- Using InterComm Enhanced ESMF to Couple TIME-GCM and CAM
- Variations of Auroral Electron Precipitation Measured by TIMED/GUVI
- A Comparison of Solar EUV Irradiance Reference Spectra and Their Affect on the Earth’s Thermosphere and Ionosphere
- A Computationally Compact Representation of Magnetic-Apex and Quasi-Dipole Coordinates with Smooth Base Vectors
- Are Unusual Solar Wind Conditions in SC23-24 Triggering Changes in the Geospace Response to High Speed Streams? (Invited)
- Beyond Illustration: New Data Driven Techniques for Visualizing Magnetospheric Structure
- Bow shock current closure for large IMF By: The unipolar generator
- Can the Weddell Sea anomaly and related phenomena be explained by conjugate effects?
- Case Studies of Ionospheric Effects of Stratospheric Sudden Warmings
- Climatology of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global Magnetosphere Model
- Current System in the Daytime and Post-sunset Ionosphere
- Disturbed Ionospheric Electrodynamics (Invited)
- Dual Reversed Convection and Magnetospheric Reconfiguration Under Strongly Northward IMF Conditions (Invited)
- Effects of Stormtime Causally Driven Outflow in the MFLFM Global Simulation
- Eliassen-Palm Fluxes of the Diurnal Tides from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model-Extended (WACCM-X)
- Enhanced Thermospheric Density: The Roles of East-West and Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Global MHD simulations of the relative effects of solar wind features on cold dense plasma sheet formation during the August 31 2005 storm
- Global Modeling of Different Modes of Geomagnetic Activity (Invited)
- Granular Scale Magnetic Flux Cancellations as Observed with the Hinode/SOT
- Impact of Upward Propagating Kelvin Waves on the Thermosphere During Solar Minimum
- Interhemispheric Currents Associated with Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Drivers (Invited)
- Ionosphere Mesosphere Polar Aeronomy Campaign (IMPAC)
- Ionospheric response to the initial phase of geomagnetic storms: Dependence on storm onset time
- Lower thermosphere molecular oxygen derived from the volume emission rate of the Atmospheric band
- Magnetospheric ULF Wave Power as a Function of Solar Wind Variations
- Modeling seasonal variations of auroral particle precipitation
- Modeling the Effects of Tropospheric Tides on the Ionosphere using SAMI3 Coupled with TIME-GCM
- Non-Migrating Tidal Effects on the Upper Atmosphere: New Tropospheric Forcing
- Numerical study of ionospheric responses to planetary waves under different solar conditions
- Numerical sunspot models - subsurface structure and helioseismic forward modeling (Invited)
- Observing the Roots of Coronal Heating - in the Chromosphere
- Primary heating mechanisms for the substantial neutral density enhancement in the cusp region
- Prototype Development of an Operational Global Aircraft Radiation Exposure Nowcast
- Radiative MHD simulation of an Emerging Flux Region
- Radiative MHD simulations of sunspot structure
- Scaling of reconnection at the dayside magnetopause
- Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Neutral Density from Solar Cycle 20 to Solar Cycle 23
- Seasonal and hemispheric variations of the total auroral precipitation energy flux from TIMED/GUVI
- Seasonal variation of the ionospheric F2-layer intensity at midlatitudes during the solar cycle 23
- Simulating the viscous interaction under a variety of solar wind conditions, with some comparisons to satellite data
- Solar Forcing of the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System from Maximum to Minimum (Invited)
- Study of Gravity Wave Variations in the Polar Regions Using ECMWF T799
- The Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Summer Nighttime Anomaly
- The Lack of Ring Current Response to Large Y-Component IMF
- The Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere at Solar Minimum: Cyclical and Secular Variation (Invited)
- The characteristics of the ionospheric asymmetries during the solar cycle 23 (Invited)
- Uncertainties in EUV and XUV ionospheric heating over solar cycle 23
- Variability of storm time electric fields associated with nonlinear interactions in the coupled geospace system (Invited)
- 3D Study of Solar Eruptions Using SDO and STEREO Observations
- A ring of polarized light: evidence for twisted coronal magnetism in cavities (Invited)
- Auroral Electric Fields and Currents: Local Manifestations and Global Consequences (Invited)
- Automated detection of oscillatory signals in the solar atmosphere: first results from SDO-AIA data
- Broadband Electron Precipitation in Global MHD Simulation and its Effect on the Ionosphere
- CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for Systematic Assessment of Ionospheric Models
- Comparative study of stratopause at the South Pole and Rothera
- Creating synthetic coronal observational data from MHD models: the forward technique
- Energetic Coupling of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System During High-Speed Streams (Invited)
- Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations)
- Fast meridional transport in the lower thermosphere by planetary-scale waves
- First results for the Solar Ultraviolet Magnetograph Investigation (SUMI)
- Flare Rising Time and Duration: Modeling the Thermosphere and Ionosphere Response
- Formation of Solar Active Regions (Invited)
- Generating QBO in WACCM using the parameterized inertial gravity waves
- Global views of energetic particle precipitation and their sources: Combining large-scale models with observations during the 21-22 January 2005 magnetic storm (Invited)
- Implementation of Inductive Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and its Effects on Global MHD Magnetospheric Simulations
- Interaction of MHD Waves with Sunspots
- Is There Enough Solar EUV to Maintain the Global Mean Thermospheric Temperature? Revisiting a 37-year-old Problem (Invited)
- Large scale impacts of lower atmospheric waves on the ionosphere (Invited)
- Line profile asymmetries in the transition region: models and observations
- Magnetic Field Measurements at the Photosphere and Coronal Base
- Magnetic Flux Circulation During Dawn-Dusk Oriented Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Magnetospheric Sawtooth Oscillations Induced by Ionospheric Outflow
- Meridional transport in the lower thermosphere (Invited)
- Modeling the gravity and magnetic pressure driven currents in the F-region ionosphere
- Morphology of a hot coronal cavity core as observed by Hinode/XRT
- Neutral Density and Wind Enhancements in the Polar Cap
- Nonlinear Interaction Between the Migrating Diurnal Tide and the Quasi-Two Day Wave
- On the Ionospheric Application of Poynting's Theorem
- Parameterization of Monoenergetic Electron Impact Ionization
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate spectral and temporal variations of solar EUV and XUV irradiance models over solar rotation and solar cycle time scales
- Poynting Flux Deposition in the Northern Hemisphere Near-Cusp Region
- Quantifying the sources of the disturbed electrodynamics
- Radiation Belt Electron Response to CME- and CIR-driven Geomagnetic Storms (Invited)
- Seasonal and longitudinal variations of the solar quiet current system during solar minimum determined by CHAMP satellite magnetic field observations
- Space Based Observations of Coronal Cavities in Conjunction with the Total Solar Eclipse of July 2010
- Sunspot Seismology with the Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
- The Highest Cosmic Ray Fluxes Ever Recorded: What Happened to the Earth's Deflector Shield?
- The Relation Between Ionospheric Poynting Flux Enhancement and Cusp Reconnection
- The Rise of Active Region Flux Tubes in the Turbulent Solar Convective Envelope
- The ionospheric mid-latitude trough observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC during solar minimum
- The role of the chromosphere in filling the corona with hot plasma (Invited)
- A Family of Simple Solar Dynamo Models for Testing Data Assimilation Methods
- An Investigation of Dynamical Mechanisms Associated with Planetary Wave Disturbances of the Winter Polar Middle Atmosphere
- Analyzing the Location of the Ion Convection Reversal Boundary in Polar Regions using DMSP Satellite Data
- Cavity magnetic observations: A survey using AIA and CoMP data
- Climatology of terdiurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere from TIMED SABER/TIDI, ground-based sodium lidar and NCAR TIME-GCM model
- Comparative effects of meteorological and in-situ forcing in the Earth's upper atmosphere
- Comparing Global Coronal Models to CoMP Data
- Comparing Simulations of Rising Flux Tubes Through the Solar Convection Zone with Observations of Active Region Properties: Constraining the Dynamo Field Strength
- Computer Model Calibration with Application to the LFM-MIX Model
- Diagnosing the Prominence-Cavity Connection
- Does the Kinetic Alfven Wave or Oblique Whistler Wave dominate the Dissipation Range of Solar Wind Turbulence?
- Effects in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere due to Meteorological and Geospace Variability During 2006
- Effects of Soft Electron Precipitation on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Efficiency of Solar Wind Energy Coupling to the Ionosphere
- Equatorial thermosphere anomaly: Observations and simulations
- Estimates of the Geoeffective Length During the Whole Heliospheric Interval from Simulations
- Evolution of Coronal Holes with the Solar Cycle: Implications for the Solar Wind at Earth
- Evolution of the Birkeland Currents During the Whole Heliosphere Interval from Various Simulations
- GEM-CEDAR Challenge: Comparing Ionospheric Models with Poynting Flux from DMSP Observations
- Global Change in the Upper Atmosphere
- HMI vector magnetic field products: the long-awaited release has come! Now what?
- Height Distribution of Joule Heating and its Influence on the Temperature and Density of the Upper Atmosphere
- How Solar Flare Spectral Characteristics Determine the Thermosphere-Ionosphere Response
- Influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the middle atmosphere temperature and ozone
- Latitudinal and Longitudinal Variations Associated With Penetration Electric Fields
- Longitudinal variations of nighttime electron auroral precipitation in both the northern and southern hemispheres from TIMED/GUVI
- Lyman Alpha Spicule Observatory (LASO)
- Magnetic Flux Emergence and Evolution in the New Solar Cycle
- Mesospheric concentric gravity waves generated by multiple convection storms over the North America Great Plain
- Model simulation of the response of thermosphere and ionosphere to subauroral polarization streams (SAPS)
- Modeling the Space Weather Impacts of CR2060 and CR2068
- Nighttime variability in the thermosphere forced from below: Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM) simulations
- Numerical simulations of the subsurface structure of sunspots
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate solar EUV and XUV model irradiance spectra
- Physical Modeling of Neutral Winds in the Thermosphere: Initial Results
- Progress in Space Weather Modeling and Observations Needed to Improve the Operational NAIRAS Model Aircraft Radiation Exposure Predictions
- Pulsed Alfvén Waves in the Solar Wind
- Segmentation of EUV spectroheliograms to track and measure solar EUVI variability within a solar cycle
- Sequential Data Assimilation In A Flux-transport Dynamo Model Using Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Solar Cycle Influence on Ionospheric Outflows and Implications for Geomagnetic Activity
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Elemental Abundance of Helium and Fractionation of Iron in the Fast Solar Wind - Indicators of an Evolving Energetic Release of Mass from the Lower Solar Atmosphere
- Solar-cycle variation of oscillation frequencies and surface magnetic field
- Spectropolarimetric Comparison Between SDO/HMI and Hinode-SOT/SP Through THEMIS/MTR
- Studies of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Dynamics Using Satellite Observations and Numerical Models
- Studying 'cold pole' problem in WACCM and comparisons to lidar temperature morphology
- Studying the Viscous Interaction during the Whole Heliosphere Interval
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during the 2006 AGU Storm
- Systematic Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during November 2007 to February 2008
- Testing Helioseismic Measurements of the Solar Meridional Flow with Numerical Simulations
- The 3D Nature of Convective Dynamos
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory (COSMO)
- The Relation between Dayside Local Poynting Flux Enhancement and Cusp Reconnection
- The Response of the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System to a 25% Reduction in the Dipole Moment of the Earth's Magnetic Field
- The highest cosmic ray fluxes ever recorded: What happened to the earth's deflector shield?
- The ionospheric gravity and diamagnetic current systems
- The role of magnetic field in supergranular scale selection
- The solar wind structure and heliospheric magnetic field in the solar Cycle 23-24 minimum and in the increasing phase of Cycle 24
- Theoretical comparison of plasma and magnetic feature tracking (MFT) flows: a perspective for assimilating meridional flow data in flux-transport models
- Thermosphere-Ionosphere Response to Structures in the Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Thermospheric Neutral Wind Observations from Three Antarctic Sites Compared with Data from Two Near-Conjugate Sites in the Northern Hemisphere
- Toward Consistent Understanding Of The Coupling Between The Ionosphere And Plasmasphere
- Two Components of the Coronal Emission Revealed by Extreme-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Observations
- Understanding Space Weather and the Physics Behind It
- Vector Tomography Inversion for the 3D Coronal Magnetic Field Based on CoMP data
- 27-day, 13.5-day and 9-day responses of lower thermosphere to solar activity and geomagnetic activity
- 2D MHD test-particle simulations in modeling geomagnetic storms
- 2D and 3D Simulations of Radiation Belt Response to the Mar-Apr 2008 Whole Heliosphere Interval Corotating Interaction Regions
- A Hemispheric Asymmetry of Solar Photospheric Magnetism: Radiative, Particulate and Heliospheric Impacts
- A High-resolution Model of Field-Aligned Currents through Empirical Orthogonal Functions Analysis (MFACE)
- A Space Weather Mission to the Earth's 5th Lagrangian Point (L5)
- Assimilation of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron density profiles into a coupled Thermosphere/Ionosphere model using ensemble Kalman filtering
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by SOHO-UVCS and MLSO
- Effects of Proton Precipitation on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Effects of Soft Electron Precipitation on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Effects of gravity wave dissipation on the thermosphere and ionosphere from deep convection: Excitation of secondary gravity waves, and large-scale changes to the background neutral wind, temperature, plasma frequency, and TEC
- Effects of high-latitude drivers on Ionosphere/Thermosphere parameters
- Field aligned plasma coupling between the ionosphere and plasmasphere
- Flow Channels in the Magnetosphere:
- Geomagnetic and auroral activity driven by corotating interaction regions during the declining phase of Solar Cycle 23
- How Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Differentiates Magnetospheric Convection Modes
- Impact of the quasi-two-day traveling planetary wave on the ionosphere
- Influence of non-hydrostatic processes on gravity-wave simulation in the upper atmosphere
- Initial results from global MHD simulations of magnetospheric ULF pulsations driven by IMF fluctuations
- Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections: A Comparison of AR11158 with a Simulation of Flux Cancellation
- Ionospheric Poynting Flux Response to Sudden Enhancements in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Large-scale Ionospheric Disturbances due to the Dissipation of Convectively-generated Gravity Waves over Brazil
- Lessons Learned From the CISM-DX Open Source Visualization and Data Analysis Experience
- Model Simulation of Plasma Flow in the Topside Ionosphere
- Modeling Thermospheric Energetics: Implications of Cooling Rate Measurements by TIMED/SABER
- Modeling of Ionospheric Super-Fountain Effect Based on the Coupled TIMEGCM-SAMI3: Initial Results
- Polar Winter Middle Atmosphere Gravity Wave Generation and Mesosphere Cooling
- Properties of Electromagnetic Energy and Momentum Transfer Between the Magnetosphere and Upper Atmosphere
- Reconstruction of the 3D Coronal Magnetic Field by Vector Tomography with Infrared Spectropolarimetric Observations from CoMP
- Response of ionospheric field-aligned currents to a sudden increase in the solar wind dynamic pressure: high-resolution LFM simulations and AMPERE observations
- Response of the Ionospheric Current System to Stratospheric Sudden Warmings
- Scaling the Pseudo-Spectral Mountain: Spherical Anelasticity at 10,000 Cores
- Solar Active Longitudes and North/South Flux Emergence Asymmetries Resulting from Thin Flux Tube Simulations in a Solar-like Convective Envelope
- Solar Cycles 23 and 24: Effects in the Heliosphere
- Solar Flare Impacts on Equatorial Ionosphere
- Solar Meridional Circulation and Differential Rotation as Viewed Through Numerical Simulation
- Solar wind control of energy input into the upper atmosphere
- Statistical Maps of Geomagnetic Disturbance and Climatological Validation of Geospace Models
- Study of In-situ Gravity Wave Sources at High Latitude using High-Resolution Model
- Studying "beating" patterns of modes between North and South hemispheres' solar cycles
- Sub auroral interaction between plasma flow and neutral wind
- The Decision to Develop Open Source Science Software
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- The Response of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Solar Wind Variability for 2002-2010
- The Role of Turbulence and Bursty-Bulk Flows in Plasma Sheet Transport
- Thermosphere mass density response in the Oxygen/Helium transition region
- Tidal Variability in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere due to the El-Nino Southern Oscillation
- Understanding the Mass-cycle of the Outer Solar Atmosphere
- Wavelength dependence of solar flare irradiance enhancement and its influence on the thermosphere-ionosphere system
- What Happens to Atmospheric Tides When Changing the Vertical Resolution in CESM/WACCM-X?
- What is causing the vertical drift changes in the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere-Electrodynamics-GCM during Stratospheric Sudden Warming?
- Winter Temperature Structures and Wave Activities from the Lower to Upper Atmosphere at McMurdo (77.8S)
- A Decline in Solar Cycle Strength
- Calculating Hemispheric Power and Joule Heating using Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F13 data
- Characteristics of the Global Ionosphere During the Solar Minimum of Cycle 23/24
- Comparison of drift velocities of nighttime equatorial plasma depletions with the ambient plasma drifts and the thermospheric neutral winds
- Composition change and its effect on mass density response during geomagnetic storm
- Disturbances of the Wintertime Polar Upper Stratosphere and Lower Mesosphere: Observations, Modeling, and Mechanisms
- Drivers of Quiet-Time Equatorial Evening Electrodynamics
- Eruptions of Coronal Jets in Numerical Simulations
- Flat-field and Dark Frame Corrections for IRIS Data
- Global magnetohydrodynamic simulations of resonant ultra-low frequency mode coupling in the inner magnetosphere and plasmasphere
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- IRIS Observation of a Sunspot and the Surrounding Plage Region
- Initial Calibration and Performance of the IRIS Instrument
- Initial Examination of the Long Term Thermosphere Changes As Seen in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model - eXtended (WACCM-X) J. M. McInerney, L. Qian, and H.-L Liu
- Introducing GHOST: The Geospace/Heliosphere Observation & Simulation Tool-kit
- Investigating TIME-GCM Atmospheric Tides for Different Lower Boundary Conditions
- Latitudinal and seasonal variations of nonmigrating tides in the thermosphere: comparison of WAM simulations with CHAMP observations
- Low-latitude Ionospheric Heating during Solar Flares
- Mapping Ionospheric Electrodynamics with SuperDARN Data: An Assimilative Technique
- Mesospheric and Thermospheric Observations of the January 2010 Stratospheric Warming Event
- Mid latitude fly wheel: a connection from the inner magnetosphere to lower thermosphere
- Model study of the effects of gravity wave dissipation on the thermosphere and ionosphere from deep convection worldwide 15-27 June 2009
- Modeling the radiation belt electron response to CME-driven storms: the first year of the Van Allen Probes (Invited)
- Numerical Simulations of multi-scale solar global convection (Invited)
- Observing Molecular Hydrogen with IRIS
- Pathways to thermospheric heating via cusp electron precipitation
- Plate Scale, Wavelength and Geometric Calibration of Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) Data
- Reconstructing meridional flow speed variation by implementing EnKF/DART sequential data assimilation
- Seasonal and Latitudinal Changes of Turbulent Mixing in the Mesopause Region (Invited)
- Sensitivity of Ionosphere/Thermosphere to different high-latitude drivers
- Simulating Cyclic Evolution of Coronal Magnetic Fields using a Potential Field Source Surface Model Coupled with a Dynamo Model
- Solar Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Measurements for Thermosphere and Ionosphere Studies (Invited)
- Stratospheric Sudden Warming Effects on the Ionospheric Migrating Tides during 2008-2010 observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
- The CME Rate over Four Solar Cycles: Filling the Final Gap with MLSO MK3 Observations [1989-1996]
- The GOLD Science Data Center - Algorithm Heritage, Data Product Descriptions and User Services
- The Quasi-Annual Forcing of The Sun's Eruptive, Radiative, and Particulate Output
- The Science of the Global-scale measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- The neutral dynamics during the 2009 sudden stratosphere warming simulated by different whole atmosphere models
- The role of flux tube entropy on transport of plasma into the inner magnetosphere (Invited)
- The role of the large-scale coronal magnetic field in the eruption of prominence/cavity systems
- Very high-resolution simulations of depolarization fronts in global scale MHD simulations of the magnetosphere
- What can we learn from simulating Stratospheric Sudden Warming periods with the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere-Electrodynamics GCM?
- A catalog of Dimming Regions from the SDO AIA mission
- Assessing the Relative Impact of Distinct Ionospheric Outflow Populations on Geospace Dynamics using Multi-Fluid Global MHD simulations
- Atmospheric Tidal Effects on the Zonal Mean Thermal and Dynamical Structure of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Comparison of Multi-fluid Lyon Fedder Mobarry global magnetosphere simulations with observations
- Comparisons Between TIME-GCM/MERRA Simulations and LEO Satellite Observations
- Composition and the Winter Anomaly
- Contributions of the Higher Vibrational Levels of Nitric Oxide to the Radiative Cooling of the Thermosphere
- Coronal Eruptions in Simulations of Magnetic Flux Emergence from the Convection Zone
- Determination of ITM Key Parameters By the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Dynamic Geomagnetic Hazard Maps in Space Weather Operations
- Effects of Meteorological Variability on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System during the Moderate Geomagnetic Disturbed January 2013 Period As Simulated By Time-GCM
- Electron Precipitation Models in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Simulations
- Ensemble Assimilation Using Three First-Principles Thermospheric Models as a Tool for 72-hour Density and Satellite Drag Forecasts
- Ensemble Ionospheric Total Electron Content Forecasting during Storms
- Grand Minima: Is The Sun Going To Sleep?
- Hemispheric Asymmetry and Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Composition
- Impact of Radiatively Active Trace Gases on Long-Term Changes in the Middle Atmosphere
- Inner magnetosphere plasma, statistics from the Van Allen Probes HOPE instrument and data release 3.
- Joule Heating, Particle Precipitation and Dynamical Heating as Possible Tidal Sources in the Antarctic Winter Lower Thermosphere
- Local-time Variation of Nitric Oxide: Modeling and Observations
- MHD modeling of ULF wave activity for three Van Allen Probes storms of 2012 and 2013
- Mid Latitude Thermospheric and Ionospheric Observations during the Stratospheric Warming in 2013
- Modeling Loss and Rebuilding of the Earth's Outer Zone Electrons and Comparison with Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Multi-Resolution Assimilative Analysis of High-Latitude Ionospheric Convection in both Hemispheres
- Multi-resolution global magnetohydrodynamic magnetosphere studies of the bursty bulk flows in the magnetotail
- Observation of the neutral-ion coupling through 6-day planetary wave
- Plasma sheet access to the inner magnetosphere during bursty bulk flows
- Plasma-Neutral Coupling on the Dark and Bright Sides of Antarctica
- Poynting Flux-Conserving Boundary Conditions for Global MHD Models
- Predictability and Ensemble Modeling of the Space-Atmosphere Interaction Region
- Predicting Thermospheric Density at High Latitude during Magnetic Storms using Coupled Global Geospace Simulations
- Principles and Problems of Data Assimilation for High-Latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Promoting Scientist Communications Through Graduate Summer School in Heliophysics and Space Physics
- Propagation of Pi2 Pulsations through the Braking Region: Results from UCLA and Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global MHD Simulations
- Prototype Operational Advances for Atmospheric Radiation Dose Rate Specification
- Sensitivity of Low-Latitude Ionospheric Convection in the Evening to E-Region Conductivity
- Storm Enhanced Densities simulations using the Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (IPE) Model
- The Impact of Plasmapheric Mass Loading on Dayside Reconnection
- The National Science Foundation's Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) Student Community
- The Response of Thermospheric Winds to Geomagnetic Storms and Its Solar Cycle Dependence
- The Role of Ionospheric Conductivity in the Response of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Changes in the Earth's Magnetic Field
- The Role of Polar Cap Flux Tube Deformation and Magnetosheath Plasma Beta in the Saturation of the Region 1 Field-Aligned Current System
- Waves and Magnetism in the Solar Atmosphere (WAMIS)
- Why Is Non-thermal Line Broadening of Lower Transition Region Lines Independent of Spatial Resolution?
- A self-consistent combined radiative transfer hydrodynamic and particle acceleration model for the X1.0 class flare on March 29, 2014
- Airborne Infrared Spectrograph for Eclipse Observations
- Effect of Geospace Model Resolution on Predictions of Ground Magnetic Perturbations
- Effects of solar wind and IMF on BBFs in high-resolution LFM simulations of the magnetotail
- Energy Flow in the Polar F-region Ionosphere-Thermosphere System through an Indirect Momentum-Energy Coupling Mechanism
- Examining the Impact of Prandtl Number and Surface Convection Models on Deep Solar Convection
- Feature extraction from scientific datasets using Apache Spark
- First Results from Including Macroscopic Effects of Small-Scale E-Region Turbulence in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) Models
- Formation of Polar Ionospheric Tongue of Ionization during Minor Geomagnetic Disturbed Conditions
- Global and Meso-scale Thermospheric Neutral Wind Response to Geomagnetic Storm
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
- Hemispheric Asymmetries of the Subauroral Ion Drifts
- Impacts of Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling on Ionospheric Predictability in an Ensemble Data Assimilation and Forecasting System
- Impacts of ionospheric outflow on storm-time <em>F</em>-region thermospheric mass density modeling
- Influence of Causally Regulated Ion Outflow on Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics
- Interactive Ion-Neutral Dynamics in the Low Latitude Evening Ionosphere
- Investigations of the origin and evolution of inner magnetospheric temperature anisotropies, and implications for radiation belt dynamics
- Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) model and its coupling to terrestrial weather toward transitioning to operation
- Large Scale Ionospheric Response During March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm: Reanalysis Based on Multiple Satellites Observations and TIEGCM Simulations
- Latitudinal and Solar Cycle Variability of Thermosphere Composition at the Solstices
- Long Duration Enhancement And Depletion Observed In The Topside Ionospheric Electron Content During The March 2015 Strong Storm
- Mapping PI2 Pulsations from the Ground to the Plasma Sheet: Results from UCLA and Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global MHD Simulations
- Modeling the 17 March 2015 CME-shock driven storm using MHD-test particle simulations
- Modeling the three-dimensional structure of ionospheric electrodynamics
- On the Observation and Simulation of Solar Coronal Twin Jets
- On the impact of fluctuations on the magnetotail reconnection
- Origins and Closure of the Region 1 Currents of Iijima and Potemra
- Profiles of Ionospheric Storm-enhanced Density during the 17 March 2015 Great Storm
- Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms
- Relative Contributions of Heating and Momentum Forcing to High-Latitude Lower Thermospheric Winds
- Response of Thermospheric Hydrogen to Solar Variability and Greenhouse Gases
- SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar Polar Region
- Simulation of the geospace response to a sudden change in IMF orientation.
- Solar Cycle Variability in Mean Thermospheric Composition and Temperature Induced by Atmospheric Tides
- The Dynamics of Helium and its Impact on the Upper Thermosphere
- The Latitudinal and Longitudinal Variations of the Thermospheric Density Caused by Aurora Heating
- The Role of ULF Waves in Ring Current and Radiation Belt Dynamics as Revealed by NASA's Van Allen Probes
- Thermospheric Wind Changes During and After the March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm
- Variations of Hydrogen in the Thermosphere: Nature and Causes
- Vertical Profile of the Thermospheric Response to Magnetic Storms at Polar Latitudes
- 10 Years of Student Questions about the Radiation Belts
- A simulation study of seasonal variations in upward propagation of the thermospheric migrating terdiurnal tides
- Advancing Low Latitude Aeronomy with the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Analysis of the steady-state eddy available energy budget in the high-latitude lower thermosphere
- Climate Change in the Upper Atmosphere
- Double-Peak and Wave Signatures of Subauroral Ion Drifts
- Drag Effects in the Upper Thermosphere: New Insights into Momentum Sources of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Driving the Heliospheric Jellyfish
- Eclipse Megamovie Citizen Science: The Diamond Ring
- Eclipse Megamovie: Solar Discoveries, Education, and Outreach through Crowdsourcing 2017 Eclipse Images
- Effects of 27-day averaged tidal forcing on the thermosphere-ionosphere as examined by the TIEGCM
- Effects of Auroral Potential Drops on Field-Aligned Currents and Nightside Reconnection Dynamos
- Effects of including electrojet turbulence in LFM-RCM simulations of geospace storms
- Effects of mass loading on dayside solar wind-magnetosphere interactions
- Equatorial ionospheric response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day magnetic storm
- Estimating Ionosphere-Thermosphere Energy Budget: the ICME Storm of 16-19 March 2013
- Farley-Buneman Instability Effects on the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Global Effects of Neutral Wind Variability in the E and F Region Ionosphere
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission - A New Approach to Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of Earth's Space Environment
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- High-latitude energy input and its impact on the thermosphere
- IMF control of small-scale Alfvén wave activity in the magnetosphere-ionosphere transition region: FAST observations
- IRIS and SDO/AIA observations of coronal heating associated with spicules
- Improved Orbit Determination and Forecasts with an Assimilative Tool for Atmospheric Density and Satellite Drag Specification
- Improving Ionospheric Source Models for Imaging Upper Mantle/Transition Zone Resistivity
- Improving Solar Soft X-Ray (SXR) Irradiance Results from Broadband Photometers with New SXR Spectral Measurements from a CubeSat
- Influence of Extreme Magnetic Storms on the Upper Atmosphere
- Influence of geomagnetic energy inputs in the polar cap on the upper atmosphere during geomagnetic storms
- Interpreting ionospheric current systems from Swarm magnetic measurements
- Ionospheric data assimilation and forecasting during storms
- Is There a Compositional Signature That Could Explain Middle Latitude Ionospheric Signatures during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings?
- Magnetic and Energy Characteristics of Recurrent Homologous Jets from an Emerging Flux
- Multi-Probe Studies of the Equatorial Nighttime Ionosphere During Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- New Science ang technology development about CSES and LAIC coupling mechanism
- Nonmigrating tidal impact on the CO<SUB>2</SUB> 15 μm infrared cooling of the lower thermosphere over one solar cycle
- Observations of Poynting flux in the dayside cusp region at different altitudes
- Plasma sheet low-entropy flow channels and dipolarization fronts from macro to micro scales: Global MHD and PIC simulations
- Radial Diffusion study of the 1 June 2013 CME event using MHD simulations.
- Simulation of Sub Aurora Polarization Stream in the storm time
- Simulation of Theoretical Most-Extreme Geomagnetic Sudden Commencements
- Simulations of vertical ion-drag effect on neutral winds and density at low and middle latitudes
- Space weather effects measured in atmospheric radiation on aircraft
- Statistical Maps of Ground Magnetic Disturbance Derived from Global Geospace Models
- Structure of high latitude currents in magnetosphere-ionosphere models
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) : Mission Design and Planning
- The McIntosh Archive: A solar feature database spanning four solar cycles
- The anisotropy of 3D shock evolution and its connection to the longitudinal distribution of SEP properties
- The effect of subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) on the thermosphere and ionosphere during the 2015 St. Patrick's day major storm
- The importance of high-resolution observations of the solar corona
- Thermospheric recovery during the 5 April 2010 geomagnetic storm
- ULF Wave Analysis and Radial Diffusion Calculation Using a Global MHD Model for the 17 March 2015 Storm and Comparison with the 17 March 2013 Storm
- What Drives the Variability of the Mid-Latitude Ionosphere?
- Why are there winds in the upper thermosphere?
- 10 Years of Student Questions about the Sun and Solar Physics: Preparing Graduate Students to Work with Parker Solar Probe Data
- A comparison of quiet time thermospheric winds between FPIs and models
- A scale-separated analysis of forces in rapidly rotating convection and convection-driven dynamos in a spherical shell
- AFT: An Updated Solar Cycle 25 Prediction
- AFT: Extending Solar Cycle Prediction with Data Assimilation
- ASPIRE - Airborne Spectro-Polarization InfraRed Experiment
- An analysis of ionospheric versus oceanic tidal magnetic signals
- Anticipated Observation of Waves and Tides by the GOLD Mission Using a GCM and GLOW model
- Approaches and Activities of Professional Development During Graduate/Postdoctoral Summer Workshops
- Atmospheric Signatures and Effects of Space-based Relativistic Electron Beam Injection
- Automatic near-real-time detection of CMEs in Mauna Loa K-Cor coronagraph images
- Characteristics and climatology of mid-latitude F-region ionospheric irregularities observed by COSMIC radio occultation measurements
- Chasing the Great American 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: Coronal Results from NASA's WB-57F High-Altitude Research Aircraft
- Combined Global MHD and Test-Particle Simulation of a Radiation Belt Storm: Comparing Depletion, Recovery and Enhancement with in Situ Measurements
- Competition Between Radial Loss and EMIC Wave Scattering of MeV Electrons During Strong CME-shock Driven Storms
- Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulation of the System Response to a Sudden Reversal in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field B_y Component
- Coupled storm-time magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere simulations including microscopic ionospheric turbulence
- Digging into the corona: A modeling framework trained with Sun-grazing comet observations
- Eclipse Science Results from the Airborne Infrared Spectrometer (AIR-Spec)
- Effects of high-latitude forcing uncertainty on the low- and mid-latitude ionosphere
- Empowering Geoscience with Improved Data Assimilation Using the Data Assimilation Research Testbed "Manhattan" Release.
- Evidence of the Lower Thermospheric Winter-to-Summer Circulation
- Formation of the UV Spectrum of Molecular Hydrogen in the Sun
- GAMERA - The New Magnetospheric Code
- Global Geospace Modeling of Upper Thermospheric Dynamics during Storm Time
- Global Pattern of The Evolutions of the Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission -Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of Earth's Space Environment from Geostationary Orbit
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- Gravity Waves and Tidal Measurement Capabilities from a Space-borne Lidar across the Mesopause.
- High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Heating by Alfvénic Fluctuations
- How does the predicted geomagnetic main field variation alter the thermosphere-ionosphere storm-time response?
- How the circulation can affect neutral composition at solar minimum: possible implications for the F2 region and topside ionosphere
- Impact of high-latitude energy input on the mid- and low-latitude ionosphere and thermosphere
- Impacts of the high latitude electric field variability on ionosphere and thermosphere during a geomagnetic storm
- Improving the Ionospheric Auroral Conductance in a Global Ring Current Model and the Effects on the Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Influence of Cusp Neutral Upwelling on Ion Upflow and Outflow
- Ion Transport and Acceleration at Dipolarization Fronts: High-Resolution MHD/Test-Particle Simulations
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Solar Wind Driving Conditions
- Magnetospheric Response Associated With Multiple Atmospheric Reflections of Precipitated Electrons in Aurora.
- Measuring Solar Coronal Magnetism during the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017
- Mid-latitude thermospheric dynamics from an inter-hemispheric prospective
- Modeling and Analysis of the D-region Response to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Modeling the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: Prediction Results and New Techniques
- Modeling the dynamics of a storm-time acceleration event: combining MHD effects with wave-particle interactions
- Multi-wavelength observations of the solar atmosphere from the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse
- New nighttime retrievals of O(<SUP>3</SUP>P) and OH densities in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere using SABER/TIMED observations
- Observations and Modeling of Transition Region and Coronal Heating Associated with Spicules
- Planetary Wave-Tide Interactions in Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, Xiaoli Zhang, Jeffrey M. Forbes, Astrid Maute, and Maura E. Hagan
- Polarization Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017
- Predicting the La Niña of 2020-21: Termination of Solar Cycles and Correlated Variance in Solar and Atmospheric Variability
- SAPS effects on thermospheric winds during the 17 March 2013 storm
- SAPS simulation with GITM/UCLA-RCM coupled model
- Simulation of the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse Using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model - eXtended (WACCM-X)
- Solar Cycle Variations of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB> and MLS H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region
- Solar cycle variability of nonmigrating tides in the infrared cooling of the thermosphere
- Statistical Maps of Ground Magnetic Disturbance Derived from Global Geospace Models
- Studies of Global Solar Magnetic Field Patterns Using a Newly Digitized Archive
- Surveying the IR corona during the 2017 solar eclipse
- Terminator 2020: Get Ready for the "Event" of The Next Decade
- Test Particle Simulations of Electron Injection by the Bursty Bulk Flows (BBFs) using High Resolution Lyon-Feddor-Mobarry (LFM) Code
- The Effect of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) on Ionosphere and Thermosphere during 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm: Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (GITM) Simulations
- The Evolution of the Solar Magnetic Field: A Comparative Analysis of Two Models
- The Influence of Magnetosheath Beta and Ionospheric Conductivity in the Structure of the Lobes Near Solstice
- The Role of Solar Wind Density in the Cross Polar Cap Potential Saturation under Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- The causes of thermospheric composition variations during and after major geomagnetic storms
- Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary Conditions and Eddy Diffusion on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Unusual behavior of tongue of ionization (TOI) simulated by the high-resolution Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM)
- 10 Years of Student Questions about the the thermosphere and ionosphere: Preparing Graduate Students to Work with Data from ICON
- Alfvénic Heating in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Boundary-oriented convection and particle precipitation patterns for IMF Bz southward dominant conditions and their impacts on Joule heating: Preliminary results
- Concurrent Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017
- Coronal Hole Lifespans at Lower Latitudes Studied with the McIntosh Archive
- Coupling the Rice Convection Model-Equilibrium with the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global Magnetohydrodynamic Model
- Ensemble Alfvén Wave Model for CHAMP Small-Scale Field-Aligned Currents
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Early Orbit Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): First Light Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Overview of Daytime Exospheric Temperature Science Data Product
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Overview of Daytime Neutral Temperature Science Data Product
- He II 304 Å proxy for magnetic field properties in far-side complex topologies
- Heat flow from the upper to the lower thermosphere.
- Impact of Thermospheric Preconditioning on Geospace Coupling
- Impacts of meso- and small-scale forcing on the ionosphere-thermosphere system: from above and below
- Interplanetary Magnetic Field By Effects on the Polar Neutral Composition
- Large-scale ionospheric disturbances during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm: A model-data intercomparative study
- Localized Neutral Temperature Responses to Magnetospheric Energy Inputs and Gravity Wave Effects in the Polar Region
- Long-Term Changes in Ionospheric temperatures
- Modeling global magnetic fields in the daily variation band for mantle induction studies
- New Daytime Thermosphere ionosphere observations during the HIWIND Flight in 2018
- New High-Altitude Observations of the IR and Visible Solar Corona from the 2017 Eclipse
- Observations and Modeling of Atomic/Molecular Composition in the Thermosphere
- Observations of Solar Eruptions On-Disk through the Low Corona out to 4 solar radii: Current Observations from SDO and Proposed Instruments to Fill the Gap
- On Fine Structures in the Solar Corona
- Poynting Flux Measured on DMSP Satellites and Its Influence on the Thermosphere
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmosphereand Ionosphere
- Results from the 2017 Eclipse Observation of the Airborne Infrared Spectrometer
- SAPS in the 2013 March 17 Storm Event: Simulation Results of the Coupled LFM-TIEGCM-RCM Model
- Scale-dependent dynamics in natural dynamos: simultaneously satisfying geostrophic and magnetostrophic force balances
- Seasonality and Solar Cycle Response of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB>-derived and WACCM-X Eddy Diffusion Coefficients in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region
- Spontaneous generation of westward magnetic drift in a simple geodynamo model
- Storm-time thermospheric neutral density variations: Impacts of nitric oxide cooling, and solar EUV, Particle and Joule heating
- Sunny-side up: The promise of future solar polar missions
- Termination of Solar Cycles and Correlated Tropospheric Variability
- Thermosphere-Ionosphere Variability induced by Planetary Waves and Tides due to Earth's magnetic field
- Tide-Kelvin Wave Interactions in the Tropical Ionosphere and Thermosphere: An ICON Perspective
- Uncertainty in simulating the ionosphere-thermosphere response to geomagnetic storms due to lower atmosphere and high-latitude forcing
- Vertical Resolution of Observations in the Whole Atmosphere Data Analysis
- Was magnetic storm the only driver of the long-duration enhancements of daytime total electron content during the September 2017 storm recovery phase?
- A correlation Study of Coronal EUV Brightenings and Radio Emission Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- A numerical study of noontime bite-outs in electron density over equatorial, low, and middle latitudes
- Advective Process Modeling for Radiation Belt Electrons
- Assimilative analysis of equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics using a coupled thermosphere-ionosphere model during a moderate storm period
- Ballooning-interchange Instability at the Inner Edge of the Plasma Sheet as a Driver of Auroral Beads: High-resolution Global MHD Simulations
- Can we simulate magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via field-aligned current in GCMs?
- Comparison of GOLD nighttime measurements of OI 135.6 nm radiance with the total electron content map: preliminary results
- Composition Changes Around the Equinoxes
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Predicting The Impact of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections on The Near-Earth Magnetic Field
- Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Coronagraphs and Their Association with Solar Energetic Particle Events - A Progress Report
- Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory Science Objectives
- Discovering fine structures of the ionosphere-thermosphere system using high-resolution general circulation models: A coordinated study of Feb 20, 2014, geomagnetic storm
- Electron Density and Temperature Fluctuations in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Implication for Transport
- Gibson & Low Flux Rope Model: More Than a Spheromak!
- Global-scale Observations of the Twilight Airglow
- Ground-Based Coronagraph Observations as an early warning system for Solar Energetic Particle Events
- High-Altitude Instrumentation for Infrared Observations of the Solar Corona
- High-latitude electrodynamic forcings and their impacts on the ionosphere and thermosphere: Static-binned vs boundary-oriented forcings
- IMF B<SUB>y</SUB> Effects on the high-latitude Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Impacts of multi-scale field-aligned currents (FACs) on the ionosphere-thermosphere system
- Modeling Coherent Injections Produced by Substorm Dipolarizations
- Modeling Study of Electron Precipitation Effects on the Generation of Subauroral Polarization Streams
- Modeling magnetic field variations in the daily variation band with ground-based and satellite data
- Neutral Responses to Fine-Structure Energetic Particle Precipitation and Electric Field Variability During Geomagnetic Storm
- Novel Measurements of Solar Corona during the July 2 2019 Total Eclipse over Chile
- Novel approaches to geospace particle transfer in the digital age: Progress through data science
- Novel observations of the middle corona during the 2017 total solar eclipse
- Probing the solar corona with Sun-grazing comets: comparing MHDsimulations with EUV observations
- Radial transport in Saturn's Magnetosphere: view from the entropy concept
- Sources of day-to-day variability of equatorial electrojet (EEJ) currents
- The driving processes for the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) responses to magnetic storms
- Timing Terminators: Forecasting Sunspot Cycle 25 Onset, Activity Levels and Overcoming Social Constraints That Hamper Progress
- Tomographic Measurements of Magnetic Free Energy in CME Source Regions
- Transient Ionospheric Convection Associated with Negative Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Pulse
- Twenty Years of Space Weather Summer School
- WHPI Hα "McIntosh" Carrington Maps
- 3D Tomographic Reconstruction of Storm-Enhanced Density (SED) Plume During March 17, 2013 Storm
- A Possible Link Between the Occurrence of Metallic Calcium Ions Within the Intermediate Descending Layers at Arecibo and Equatorial Electrodynamics
- An empirical 3D model of the ionospheric currents spanning 20 years
- Analytical Calculation and Event Study of the Effect of High ULF-waves Mode Numbers on Diffusion Rate of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Assimilation of Ionosphere Observations in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere-ionosphere eXtension
- Atmospheric Tidal Study using ICON/MIGHTI Observations
- Automated Single Point Inversions of Infrared Forbidden Lines for DKIST Coronal Observations
- Coronagraphy from the Ground: Current and Future Observations
- Derivation of Toroid Patterns from Analysis of Magnetograms And Inferring Their Deep-origin
- Developing the NASA Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE)
- Direct evidence of ionospheric variability driven by the neutral wind dynamo
- Effective vertical diffusion by atmosphere gravity waves
- Electron Density Fluctuations in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Ensemble modeling of interplanetary CMEs with data-constrained internal magnetic flux rope
- Flare Simulations with the MURaM Radiative MHD Code
- Global Solar Flows and Magnetic Fields: Observing, Simulating and Predicting Their Impact on the Heliosphere and Terrestrial Atmosphere
- Global modeling of equatorial spread F with SAMI3/WACCM-X/HIAMCM
- Global modeling of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at the limit of the fluid approximation: Auroral beads and ballooning-interchange instability in the magnetosphere
- Global multi-scale modeling of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during an isolated substorm
- Hall Physics at the Magnetosphere Mesoscale
- How wrong is the model and how can it still be useful?
- ICON observations of longitudinal variations from 95 km to the spacecraft altitude of 575 km
- Impact of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation on the Upper Atmosphere
- Impact of auroral conductance on global ionospheric electrodynamics
- Improving Conductance Modeling in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulations during Geomagnetic Storms: An Important Element of Space Weather Modeling
- Inter-hemispheric asymmetries of high-latitude electrodynamic forcing and their impacts on the I-T system: GITM simulations
- Ionosphere-thermosphere response to high-speed solar streams during 2018-2019 as observed by Swarm-C, GNSS TEC and modeled by SD/WACCM-X
- Low and Mid-latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to the April 2020 Storm
- MHD of double-bands representing extended solar cycle
- MHD-test particles simulations of moderate CME and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms at solar minimum and comparison with Van Allen Probes radiation belt electron measurements
- Madden-Julian Oscillation Effects on Ultra-Fast Tropical Waves in the Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere System during 2018-2019
- Modeling Coherent Injections Produced by Substorm Dipolarizations
- Modeling Diurnal Variation Magnetic Fields for Mantle Induction Studies
- Modeling Equatorial Magnetic Perturbation Using the 3D Electrodynamo model: A case study in March 2009
- Multidecadal Variability of Upper Atmospheric Hydrogen
- On the responses of atomic oxygen at middle thermosphere ( 160 km) to the 20-21 November 2003 superstorm
- Oscillations in Secondary to Primary Polar Crown Polarity Inversion Lines around Solar Maximum over Five Solar Cycles
- Prediction of the In Situ Coronal Mass Ejection Rate for Solar Cycle 25: Implications for Parker Solar Probe In Situ Observations
- Solar Energetic Proton Access to the Inner Magnetosphere during the 7-8 September 2017 event
- Solar Wind Helium Abundance Heralds the Onset of Solar Cycle 25
- Spectral Contrast in Chromospheric Quiescent Emission
- Spectropolarimetric Insight into Plasma Sheet Dynamics of a Solar Flare
- Spectroscopic Inversions & Calibrations for DKIST Coronal Observations
- Statistical study of high-to-medium frequency and mesoscale gravity waves in the high-resolution Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- SunCET: A CubeSat Mission Dedicated to the Middle Corona
- Tachocline Instabilities and Solar Activity: a Fifty-Six-Year Personal Perspective
- The Effects of Small Scale Plasma Turbulence on Conductance Modeling in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulations during Geomagnetic Storms
- The Hale Cycle Clock
- The High Inclination Solar Mission (HISM)
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- The Magnetic Skeleton of the Solar Corona Over Several Solar Rotations: Features, Analysis, and Community Availability
- The effect of subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) on the global thermosphere and ionosphere during geomagnetic storms
- Thermospheric Neutral Density Specification and Forecasting via Driver Estimation and Assimilation of COSMIC Radio Occultation Data
- Tracking CME substructure evolution through the solar wind
- Tracking Movement of Coronal Holes from Long Term McA Data
- Uncertainty Quantification in Data-Driven Ensemble Modeling of the Upper Atmosphere
- Understanding Solar Energetic Particle Events and CME Dynamics in the Low Corona using MLSO and Spacebased Coronagraph Observations - Progress Report
- Variation of Small-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields with Hinode
- A Next Generation Space Weather Particle Precipitation Model: Mature machine learning approaches, multiscale mesoscale prediction, and an open science framework for machine learning
- A Statistical Approach to Study Spatial Characteristics of EUV Emission in Active Regions
- Chromospheric Heating Mechanisms in a Plage Region Constrained by Comparison of Magnetic Field and Mg II h & k Flux Measurements with Theoretical Studies
- Coronal Holes and High Speed Streams within the Heliosphere SC24 25 Solar Minimum
- Hall Physics at the Magnetosphere Mesoscale
- Inter-Hemispheric Asymmetry in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System During the 8-9 October 2012 Geomagnetic Storm: Multi-Instrumental Observations and GITM Simulations
- Interactions Among Magnetic Bands in Extended Solar Cycles
- Investigating the ionospheric and thermospheric responses during the 2013 St. Patricks Day storm using FAC-driving GITM simulations
- Large-scale and Mesoscale Neutral Mass Density Perturbations During 17 March 2013 Magnetic Storm
- Low and middle latitude thermosphere and ionosphere responses to the September, 2020 geomagnetic activity event
- Magnetoseismology for the solar corona: from 10 Gauss to coronal magnetograms
- Multi-parameter observations of the quasi-6-day wave and corresponding oscillations in the upper atmosphere observed by ICON and GOLD
- Observational evidence of spot-producing magnetic ring's split during MHD evolution
- Ongoing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts in the CEDAR Community
- Origin of Rossby waves observed near the solar surface
- Polarized forbidden coronal line emission in the presence of active regions
- Preferred Longitudes and Other Characteristics of Polar Coronal Hole Extensions over Five Solar Cycles
- Progresses and Challenges to specifying the I-T system during weak storms
- Solar energetic proton access to the inner magnetosphere compared with GOES and Van Allen Probes measurements
- Spatio-temporal Drifts of Long-lived Equatorial Coronal Holes: Do they follow the Local Differential Rotation or Rossby Waves?
- The dominant composition on the O/N2 responses during a geomagnetic storm
- Variability of the neutral wind dynamo observed by NASA's ICON mission
- Visualizing the Solar Corona in Virtual Reality
- Characteristics of Asymmetric Coronal Hole Motions over Five Solar Cycles
- Cross-validation of the ionospheric electric field measurements on ICON/IVM, SWARM and ground-based radar in the Jicamarca Radio Observatory
- Day-to-day variability of the global equatorial electrojet modeled using ground- and space-based magnetometer data: March 2009 and December 2019 case studies
- Day-to-day variability of the neutral wind from 90 to 300 km: Second-order statistics from ICON-MIGHTI and WACCM-X
- How Does The Sun Know Which Way Is Up? The Difference Between Odd And Even Cycles As Measured By Flare Occurrence Rates And Other Activity Measures
- Impact of high-latitude electrodynamic forcings on the interhemispheric asymmetry in the ionosphere during the 2013 St Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm
- Inter-Hemispheric Asymmetry (IHA) in the High-Latitude Forcing and Its Impacts on the Mid- and Low-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere During the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- Migration of Low Latitude Long Lived Coronal Holes in the McA: An Analysis of Rossby Waves Based on Coronal Hole Drift Speeds
- Multi-point and Multi-source Observations of the Electrojets by the EZIE (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer) Mission
- Observations and Simulations of Solar Flows and Their Roles in Magnetic Activity Patterns at the Surface
- Penetration of tachocline Rossby waves through the convection zone to the surface
- Systematic Biases in Polar Field Measurement Partially Explain the Open Flux Problem
- The Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer mission OSSE
- The McIntosh Archive Plus; Extending a Long-term Data Set into the Modern Era
- The Solar Transition Region UltraViolet Explorer
- The Thermosphere and Ionosphere Responses to Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During the March, 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm
- Understanding Predictability of Solar Proton Events from GOES statistical features and MHD coronal models.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Norton
- A. C. Birch
- A. Ciaravella
- A. G. Burrell
- A. G. de Wijn
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- Aatiya Ali
- Alin Rǎzvan Paraschiv
- Alina-Catalina Donea
- Astrid Maute
- B. Belucz
- B. J. Anderson
- B. L. Alterman
- Bradley W. Hindman
- Brian J. Harding
- C. R. Englert
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Cheng Sheng
- Chihoko Y. Cullens
- Christian Möstl
- Christopher Moore
- Claudia Stolle
- Colin Triplett
- D. A. Lacatus
- D. C. Braun
- D. J. Knipp
- D. T. Welling
- David M. Long
- Dong Lin
- Enrico Camporeale
- F. Auchère
- G. Lu
- G. Valori
- Haosheng Lin
- Heikki Vanhamäki
- Huixin Liu
- Ian Hewins
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- J. Correira
- J. G. Lyon
- J. J. Makela
- J. R. Kuhn
- J. Schou
- J. W. Gjerloev
- James Paul Mason
- Jeffrey M. Forbes
- Jeng‐Hwa Yee
- Juan Gómez
- K. Kobayashi
- K. Zawdie
- Kareem Sorathia
- Katrina Bossert
- Krishna M. Jain
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. Golub
- L. J. Paxton
- L. Kepko
- L. R. Lyons
- Lei Cai
- Levan Lomidze
- Linghua Wang
- Lisa Upton
- Lucas A. Tarr
- M. Engel
- M. H. Stevens
- M. J. Owens
- M. J. Wiltberger
- M. R. Hairston
- M. Romoli
- M. Wüest
- Maria D. Kazachenko
- Martin A. Reiss
- Maulik Patel
- Mausumi Dikpati
- McArthur Jones
- Mei Zhang
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael Madelaire
- Nicholas J. Nelson
- O. P. Verkhoglyadova
- P. H. Scherrer
- P. J. Espy
- Patrick Alken
- Qian Wu
- Qingyu Zhu
- R. A. Heelis
- R. Erdélyi
- R. J. Morton
- R. S. Lieberman
- R. S. Selesnick
- R. Stoneback
- Ramón López
- Robert J. Leamon
- Ryan McGranaghan
- S. B. Mende
- S. E. Gibson
- S. England
- S. K. Vines
- S. M. Nossal
- S. Tomczyk
- Sarah Matthews
- Scott W. McIntosh
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Spencer Hatch
- Subhamoy Chatterjee
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. J. Immel
- T. S. Metcalfe
- Tetsu Anan
- Thomas A. Schad
- Tingting Yu
- Tingyu Gou
- Tomoko Matsuo
- V. G. Merkin
- W. Rideout
- Wenbin Wang
- Xudong Sun
- Xuguang Cai
- Yang Pan
- Yen‐Jung Wu
- Yongliang Zhang
- Yue Deng
- Zhao Li
- Zhipeng Ren
- В. В. Пипин
- Л. П. Гончаренко