University of Saskatchewan, Canada
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- University of Saskatchewan, Department of Physics
- University of Saskatchewan, Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Attitude Determination for Limb-scanning Satellites: The "KNEE" at 305 nm
- Investigation of Mechanisms of Super-Continent Fracture using Spherical-Axisymmetric Models of Thermal Convection in the Earth's Mantle
- Lithospheric Structure in Central Europe Revealed by the CELEBRATION Seismic Experiment
- Microbial Oxidation of As(III) to As(V) in the Aquatic Environment: Implications for As Toxicity
- Nitrogen Recycling in the Atmosphere - Crust - Mantle Systems: Evidence From Secular Variation of Crustal N Abundances and δ <SUP>15</SUP>N Values, Archean to Present
- Pc 3 Pulsations in the Cusp
- Transition From Archean Plume-Arc Orogens to Phanerozoic Style Convergent Margin Orogens, and Changing Mantle Lithosphere
- Upper-Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Tropospheric Clouds
- Detailed Investigation of Shallow Lithospheric Anomalies in the Pannonia Basin
- Geochemical fingerprints of waters in the Lake Baringo-Bogoria region, Kenya: Implications for hydrogeochemical processes and water quality
- Global Observations of Flux Transfer Events and Their Effects on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System.
- On the use of Historic Atmosphere-Lake-Level Relationships for Reconstructing Stable Oxygen Isotope-Based Paleohydrology in Southern CA.
- Regional Travel Time Model of Northern Eurasia using Deep Seismic Sounding Data Sets
- Response Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Carbon Flushing in a Subarctic Alpine Catchment
- Search for solar connections in neutral winds at 80-100 km by MF/Meteor radars in April 2002
- Seismic Images Beneath the McArthur River Ore Bodies; Saskatchewan, Canada
- Surface Scattering as a Source of Teleseismic Arrival Coda
- Teleseismic Pn Coda Modeled as Crustal Scattering
- Variability of Snow Ablation: Consequences for Runoff Generation at the Process Scale and Lessons for Large Cold Regions Catchments
- Variation in the Strength of the Central American Monsoon During the Holocene From Speleothem Proxy
- <SUP>15</SUP>N Enriched Archean Crust, or <SUP>15</SUP>N Depleted Crust Recycled into -6 \permil Upper Mantle?
- Comparing simulated and measured sensible and latent heat fluxes over snow
- Could Scattering from an Accretionary Wedge Look Like a Slab?
- Flowpath Transformations of Precipitation Chemistry in an Arctic Tundra Catchment
- Lead Paradoxes as a Result of the Secular Evolution of Crustal Recycling Processes
- Lg Phase Propagation Characteristics in Northern Eurasia from Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Data
- Numerical and Parameterized Modeling of the Earth's Thermal History: Effects of Heat Producing Elements in the Core
- Rare Arsenic-Antimony-Sulphide Bio-immobilization and Bacterial S-layer Preservation in Siliceous Sediments from Champagne Pool Hot-Spring, Waiotapu, New Zealand
- Snow Processes: Current Understanding and Future Prospects
- The Interaction of Snow Physical Processes With Vegetation in Open and Forested Biomes
- Variability in the Mesosphere/Thermosphere/Ionosphere System During the Quiet Time of April 2002
- A New Model for Interpretation of Carbon Isotope Values of Lacustrine Sediment: Influence of Summer Moisture
- Crustal Structure Across Coast Shear Zoone in SE Alaska and Western British Columbia: Extension of ACCRETE Wide-Angle Results to 3-D
- Eddy correlation measurements of sensible and latent heat transfer coefficients over a high altitude glacier snow surface in the Andes Mountains, Bolivia.
- Evidence for a new Production Mechanism for the Singlet Delta State of Molecular Oxygen
- Finite-difference modeling of upper-mantle heterogeneities imaged by Lithoprobe's controlled-source seismic experiments beneath the Precambrian platform of Western Canada
- Ionospheric Signatures of Plasma Injections in the Cusp Triggered by Solar Wind Pressure Pulses
- Large Proterozoic Upper Crustal Intrusions Within the Eastern Athabasca Basin of Northern Saskatchewan, Canada
- Long-wave Irradiance Measurement and Modeling during Snowmelt, a Case Study in the Yukon Territory, Canada
- Numerical models of the Earth's thermal history
- Physical properties of rocks from the Trans-Hudson orogen, Canada
- Redox Cycling and Arsenic Transport to Groundwater in Bangladesh
- Relationship Between Atmospheric Circulation and Winter Precipitation d18O in Central New York State
- Snowmelt in a High Latitude Mountain Catchment: Effect of Vegetation Cover and Elevation
- Stable isotope values of rainfall and surface waters from Panama and Costa Rica
- The Surface Heat Flow Constraint Upon Mantle Convection and Earth Evolution
- Variations in Below Canopy Turbulent Flux From Snow in North American Mountain Environments
- Wide-Angle Controlled-Source Receiver Functions
- Wolf Creek Research Basin Cold REgion Process Studies - 1992-2003
- 3D Finite-Difference Modeling of Scattered Teleseismic Wavefields in a Subduction Zone
- A Multi-Instrument Study of the Spatial and Temporal Properties of Magnetic Reconnection.
- DANUBE 2004 Lithosphere Research Program
- Influence of Aspect on Snowmelt Irradiation on Forested Mountain Slopes
- Integrated Software Framework for Geophysical Data Processing
- Interaction between snowcover and climate, topography and vegetation in semi-arid mountain catchments
- Modelling variability in radiative fluxes on snow surfaces beneath coniferous canopies
- Numerical modeling of compositionally driven convection in a reactive porous layer
- Reconstructing meteorological conditions from tree-ring cellulose at sub-annual resolution using a multi-isotope approach
- SaskTran: A Radiative Transfer Tool for the Analysis of OSIRIS Measurements
- Small-scale spatial variability of sub-canopy radiant energy during snowmelt in deciduous and coniferous forest patches
- Snowmelt in an Arctic Mountain Shrub Tundra
- The Canada DRI, a new Drought Research Initiative for the Canadian Prairies
- The role of calcite dust in the marine Nd cycle
- Two-Satellite Comparison of Molecular Oxygen Singlet Delta in the Mesosphere
- A Comparison of Measured and Modeled Turbulent Fluxes Over Snow Based on Site Characteristics
- Acoustic Sounding of Snow Water Equivalent
- Analysis of subhorizontal crustal reflections by metamorhpic and rheologic effects in the eastern part of the Pannonian Basin
- Ca isotope fractionation in trees
- Decadal Geochemical and Isotopic Trends for Nitrate in the Transboundary Abbotsford- Sumas Aquifer and Implications for Agricultural Beneficial Management Practices
- Drought Research Initiative: A Study of the 1999-2005 Severe Drought over the Canadian Prairies
- Earth's Atmosphere-Hydrosphere from Carbonaceous-Like Comets: Evidence from Archean N-isotope Enriched Reservoirs
- Effects of sub-Arctic shrub canopies on snowmelt energetics
- First observations from the new Rankin Inlet SuperDARN radar at high northern latitudes
- Global production of nitric oxide by lightning inferred from satellite observations
- HirnantianShelftoBasinGradientinSeawaterd13CValues:EvidencefromtheNevadaCarbonatePl atformDuring theSeaLevelLowstand
- Implications of Global SuperDARN Convection Measurements for the Selection Criteria of Steady Magnetospheric Convection Intervals
- Interaction of Komatiitic Liquids With Archean Arcs
- Internal heating induced subadiabaticity in the lower mantle
- Low Latitude and High Altitude PMCs Detected by Odin/OSIRIS in 2005-2006
- Modelling Sub-canopy Shortwave Under Needle-Leaf Forests in Mountain Regions
- On the Estimation of Turbulent Fluxes in Forest Openings in Mountainous Terrain
- Ozone Product from OSIRIS Chappuis and Hartley-Huggins Data using the SASKTRAN Radiative Transfer Model and SASKMART Inversion Algorithm
- Retrieval of Vertical Profiles With Limb Scattered Sunlight Measurements Made by OSIRIS, a Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (MART) Approach
- Stratospheric Aerosol Retrieval with OSIRIS: Extinction and Particle Size
- The effects of a layer of high internal heating in D on the Earth's magnetic history
- Twin-vortex Convection in the Nightside High-Latitude Ionosphere Observed by the New Polar Cap SuperDARN Radar at Rankin Inlet
- What makes the difference between sawtooth and steady mangetospheric convection events?
- A Speleothem Record of Tropical Moisture Transport
- Calibration of meteorological conditions with tree ring chemistry: high-resolution stable isotope evidence from robotically micromilled cellulose
- Central American rainfall variations since 100 ka and moisture delivery to Greenland
- Climate variability in a Pliocene boreal forest: evidence from tree-rings of sub-fossil wood.
- Compositional Change of Meltwater Infiltrating Frozen Ground
- Evaluation of Measured and Simulated Turbulent Components of a Snow Cover Energy Balance Model in Order to Refine the Turbulent Transfer Algorithm.
- Frequency Dependence of Regional Coda Q: Numerical Modeling and a PNE Example
- Joint and Interactive Interpretation of Crustal Data in Two and Three Dimensions
- Numerical simulations of mantle convection with a basal stagnant layer bearing high internal heating: implications on Earth's thermal and magnetic evolution
- Odin/OSIRIS PMC properties in 2007 in context with the AIM observations
- Partially layered mantle convection and Earth's thermal history
- Poleward drifting auroral forms and their relationship to the cusp
- Results from a Long-term Litter Decomposition Experiment in Canadian Forests and Their Use in Soil Carbon Model Verification and Development.
- Spatial Scale for Modelling Blowing Snow on the Canadian Prairieis
- Synthesis of Various Ionospheric Convection Patterns for IMF BY-Dominated Periods: Split Crescent Cells, Exchange Cells, and Theta Aurora Formation
- Terrain and forest shelter effects on snowcover energetics, patterns of snow deposition, snowmelt and runoff over a semi-arid mountain catchment
- Thresholds controlling shifts in forest cover types in the boreal region of Interior Alaska: inter- actions between climate, fire and edaphic factors
- A dynamical and statistical investigation of the shape of splashform tektites
- Calcium Isotope Fractionation in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems
- Carbon isotope gradients on early Paleozoic platforms
- Characteristics of Steady Magnetospheric Convection: A SuperDARN Perspective
- Characterization, Monitoring, and Risk Assessment at the IEA GHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Climate Change During the Late Glacial and Early Holocene From Lough Monreagh, Western Ireland: Evidence From Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Values of Lacustrine Marl
- Did Lake Elsinore's Stormy Affair End, or Just Change, in the Mid-Holocene?
- Elemental and Isotopic Evidence for Positive and Negative Feedback Mechanisms Governing Magmatic Flux in the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia
- Frequency-Dependent Attenuation and Q-band Model for the Earth
- Improving Snow Measurement Technology to Better Parameterise Cold Regions Hydrometeorology Models
- Influence of Frozen Ground on Spatial Soil Moisture Patterns in a Subarctic Canadian Shield Landscape
- Interchange Reconnection at Small IMF Clock Angles, as Identified by PolarDARN/SuperDARN
- Lateral Hyporheic Exchange Along a Beaver-Dammed Stream Draining a Montane Peatland
- Moisture transport across Canada: evidence from stable oxygen and deuterium isotope values of lakes and rivers
- OSIRIS 7-year subvisual cirrus climatology
- On the impact of energetic solar particles on Noctilucent Clouds
- Ozone Climatology Using OSIRIS Spectrograph Data and the SaskMART Ozone Retrieval Technique
- Progress with the PUB Initiative in Canada
- Seasonality, hydrology and life history in a Jurassic ecosystem: isotopic evidence from the Great Estuarine Group of Scotland
- Short-term Temporal Stability of Canadian Prairie Hydrometeorological Data
- Stable isotope assessment of water quality, primary productivity, nutrient sources, and food web structure in Lake Winnipeg
- Sub-canopy radiant energy during snowmelt in non-uniform forests spanning a latitudinal transect
- The Effect of Forest Structure on Snow Hydrology in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- The FORWARD Project: Incorporating Long-Term Hydrologic Datasets Into Detailed Forest Management Plans for the Canadian Boreal Forest
- Thermal and magnetic consequences of a stagnant layer at the base of the mantle that becomes entrained in mantle circulation
- Topographic Analysis for the Prairie Pothole Region
- USGS GSD-1G: A Geological Reference Glass for in situ Elemental and Isotopic Analysis
- Understanding oxygen isotope environmental signals in tree ring sequences from New York State
- Uranium Isotope Systematic in Saanich Inlet
- Using computer simulations to teach electrical and electromagnetic methods in applied geophysics
- Water Table Dynamics of a Canadian Rocky Mountain Peat Floodplain
- A New Method for Identifying SMCs
- A two electrode apparatus for electrical impedance measurements
- Accounting for canopy shading and emissivity in simulated radiation fields over a complex mountainous region (Invited)
- Acoustic Observation of Snow Structural and Thermal Properties
- Blowing Snow as a Transform of the Cumulative Snowfall Probability Density Function
- Ca isotopes, chemical weathering, and geomorphic controls on long-term climate
- Climate sensitivity of snow regimes simulated by physically based snow models (Invited)
- Earth’s Structure as the Cause of Frequency-Dependent t* and Q
- Eocene Precipitation: How Wet and Where? A Model-Proxy Comparison
- Examining the Influence of Pore Size Distribution and Geometry on Flow through Unsaturated Peat using 3D Micro-CT Scanning
- Modelling the spatial variability of the depth of ground thaw in a continuous permafrost, arctic tundra landscape
- Old versus new: comparing paleotemperature estimates from stable isotopes of freshwater mollusks and mosses from the Pliocene Arctic with ‘clumped isotope’ thermometry
- On the Use of Quality Factor in Seismology (Invited)
- On the mechanisms of sensible heat transfer between snow and a cold atmosphere
- Paleobotanical Evidence for Coupling of Temperature and pCO2 during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Parameterization of large scale snow redistribution models using high-resolution information: tests in an alpine catchment (Invited)
- Porosity localization by pure shear flow in a compacting porous medium
- Reaction paths and host phases of uranium isotopes (235U; 238U), Saanich Inlet
- Simulations of Snow Redistribution in Marmot Creek with a Coupled Multiscale Atmospheric-Land Surface-Blowing Snow Model
- Solar Sector Transitions and Their Relationship to SuperDARN Ionospheric Echoes
- The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project: Using High Resolution Paleoclimate Records From African Lake Deposits To Interpret Human Evolution
- The OSIRIS Database of Global Stratospheric Sulphate Aerosol Extinctions
- The elemental, δ44Ca, and δ26Mg geochemistry of granite weathering at pH = 1 and T = 25°C
- Ca isotopes reveal weak control of tectonic uplift on long-term climate change
- Factors controlling the spatial variability in end of winter snowcover and spring melt at an arctic tundra site
- Implementing an exposed vegetation parameterisation to investigate the effect of shrub-tundra expansion on snowmelt energetics (Invited)
- Integrating the impact of bioturbation to landscape-scale modeling of soil carbon dynamics: a case study of chernozems in Central Saskatchewan
- Linking large scale landscape change to water quality and quantity response in the lower Athabasca River, Canada: toward Cumulative Effects Assessment
- Memory effects of depressional storage in Northern Prairie hydrology
- Modeling snowmelt runoff response to forest disturbance in the Okanagan basin, British Columbia, Canada
- Physically based modelling of alpine snow hydrology in the Canadian Rockies (Invited)
- Prairie stream water quality in sub-basins characterized by differing degrees of wetland drainage
- Propagation direction of the nighttime mesospheric gravity waves in the OH airglow images at Tromsø, Norway in winter 2009
- Shear-Induced Porosity Bands in Three Dimensions
- Soil Nitrogen Dynamics within Profiles of a Harvested Temperate Forest Chronosequence
- Stable Isotope Analyses of Ancient Penguin Tissues Support the Krill Surplus Hypothesis in Antarctica
- Temporal Variations of Seismic Coda: Attenuation-Coefficient View
- The Ca Isotopic Composition of Dust-Producing Regions
- The Influence of Solar Sector Structure on the Ionosphere
- Tomographic Studies of Noctilucent Clouds
- Understanding the Global Response of Large-Scale Ionospheric Convection to Storms and Substorms
- What is the role of wind pumping on heat and mass transfer rates at the air-snow interface?
- A 9000-Year Record of Centennial-to-Multi Centennial Scale Pluvial Events From Lower Bear Lake Sediments (San Bernardino Mtns., Coastal Southwestern North America)
- Acoustic Imaging of Snowpack Physical Properties
- An extreme comparison of two downscaling approaches using Bayes factors
- Biogeochemistry and plant physiological traits interact to reinforce patterns of post-fire dominance in boreal forests
- Calcium and Carbon isotope changes during the Hirnantian glaciation event in an epeiric sea setting
- Calcium isotopes in wine
- Changes in the Phase of Precipitation across the Western Mountains of North America
- Converging and Diverging Shocks in Space Plasmas: Zonal Flow Effect?
- Effects of shrub expansion on the hydrology of the western Canadian Arctic
- Implication of mountain shading and topographic scaling on energy for snowmelt
- Lake Diefenbaker: Water Quality Assessment and Modeling for Management under Environmental Change
- Magnesium and calcium isotope study of limestone and dolomite in Middle and Upper Ordovician strata of the Williston Basin
- Modelling of seismic attenuation measurements in the lab
- Modelling strategies to predict the multi-scale effects of rural land management change
- Modelling the effects of forest cover change on snow accumulation and melt in the Okanagan region, British Columbia, Canada
- Nitrogen cycling in stream-groundwater exchange zones of a channeled peatland
- Numerical Modeling of Strain-Induced Melt Bands with Anisotropic Matrix Viscosity
- Ozone as seen by Odin-OSIRIS in the 2011 northern hemisphere springtime
- Pressure-Saturation Effects from AVO Attributes in CO2 Monitoring of Weyburn Reservoir, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Soil Nitrogen Dynamics Within Profiles of a Harvested Temperate Forest Chronosequence
- The Determination of a Time and Wavelength Dependent Spectral Point Spread Function for the OSIRIS Satellite Instrument
- Time-lapse Amplitude Variation with Angle (AVA) analysis in vertical seismic profiling of Weyburn reservoir, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Towards a new paradigm of Socio-Hydrology; insights from the Saskatchewan River Basin
- Unified Solid-Viscous Mantle Rheology
- Unusual Electronic Structures of CO2 at Deep Mantle Pressures
- A stochastic assessment of climate change impacts on precipitation and potential evaporation in Alberta
- Arctic Climate during Eocene Hyperthermals: Wet Summers on Ellesmere Island?
- Biophysical and ecological effects of aggrading vegetion on unsaturated water flow in the vadose zone
- Connecting the dots: An interdisciplinary approach to watershed connectivity using terrestrial diatoms
- Depression Storage Thresholds in Prairie Hydrology
- Determining During-Storm Precipitation Phase and the Rain/Snow Transition Elevation in a Mountain Basin
- Ecohydrological controls of watershed response to land use change in the montane cloud forest zone in Mexico
- Evaluation of Prairie Hydrological Simulations and Uncertainty Analyses of an Agricultural Basin in Southern Manitoba
- Examining the Role of Throughfall during Hydrologic Transition at the Catchment Scale
- High-frequency observations of δ2H and δ18O in storm rainfall
- Implications of mountain shading on calculating energy for snowmelt using unstructured triangular meshes
- Influence of time scale on performance of a psychrometric energy balance method to estimate precipitation phase
- Integrated Landscape Responses to Climate in Northern Catchments
- Internal Friction within the Earth and Seismic Attenuation
- Inversion for Anisotropic Frequency-Dependent Spreading of Body Waves in a VSP Dataset
- Magnesium isotope variability in whole-rock limestone through the Hirnantian glaciation event in an epeiric sea environment
- Modeling the effects of fire severity on soil organic horizons and forest composition in Interior Alaska
- Modelling catchment non-stationarity - multi-scale modelling and data assimilation
- Open research questions in hillslope hydrology: Where can geophysics help?
- Opportunities and challenges to conserve water on the landscape in snow-dominated forests: The quest for the radiative minima and more...
- Physical Models of Seismic-Attenuation Measurements on Lab Samples
- Quantifying catchment water cycle connections via the local meteoric and evaporation water lines
- Runoff generation in a steep, tropical montane cloud forest catchment on permeable volcanic substrate
- Skeletonization of Gridded Potential-Field Images
- Statistical study of the relationship between enhanced polar cap flows and PBIs
- Stochastic Drought Quantification for the South Canadian Prairie
- Striking a balance: On the usefulness of toggling back and forth between small and large watershed scales
- The Saskatchewan River Basin - a large scale observatory for transdisciplinary science
- UTLS Ozone Trends Using SAGE and OSIRIS Measurements
- Uranium, Ce and Fe(III) enrichments in Archean igneous rocks indicating the early development of the oxygenated atmosphere-ocean-crust system
- Virtual labs for applied geophysics techniques
- Was the Himalayan crystalline core emplaced by extrusion or underplating?
- Whole Hillslope Irrigation Reveals Differential Interflow Behavior of Dye Tracers, Conservative Solutes and Nutrients
- A High Spatial Resolution Three Dimensional Version of the SASKTRAN Radiative Transfer Model
- A New Monte Carlo Version of the SASKTRAN Radiative Transfer Model
- A multi-physics ensemble land surface model for northern prairies (Invited)
- Carbon cycling, aquatic productivity and environmental changes during the Holocene and Late Pleistocene in NW North America: a high-resolution multiproxy study of carbon isotopes in lacustrine marl and organic matter from Spirit Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Challenges for understanding the combined impacts of climate change and the 2001-2010 fires on carbon cycling in Alaskan boreal forests (Invited)
- Combined influence of temperature forcing and lapse rate on empirical melt-model performance
- Controls on Connectivity and Streamflow Generation in a Canadian Prairie Landscape
- Deciduous Tree Species Alter Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability in Mid-successional Alaskan Boreal Forest
- Deciphering and modeling interconnections in ecohydrology: The role of scale, thresholds and stochastic storage processes
- Effects of Land Management Practices on Cold Region Hydrological Processes in an Agricultural Prairie Basin (Invited)
- From the Polar Cap to Sub-Auroral: First light from a high-latitude new geospace observing facility
- Groundwater recharge patterns on hillslopes: exploring the role of soil depth, bedrock permeability, and lateral flow
- High resolution limb scatter measurements of the UTLS from stratospheric balloon
- Historical changes in the annual number of large floods in North America and Europe
- Lower Boundary Forcing related to the Occurrence of Rain in the Tropical Western Pacific
- Measurements of the temporal variation of snow surface temperature
- Mixing and connectivity of groundwater and surface water within the near-stream saturated zone of a small headwater catchment (Luxembourg)
- Modeling post-fire vegetation succession and its effect on permafrost vulnerability and carbon balance
- Multi-instrument, high-resolution imaging of polar cap plasma transportation
- Multisensor Observations of the Lifecycles of Propagating Tropical Convective Systems: Horizontal and Vertical Structure, Diabatic Heating and Moistening, and Relationship to Environmental Parameters
- Nonlocal Unified Type-I and Type-II Model of the Low-Latitude E-region Irregularities at Solar Minimum and Solar Maximum
- Numerical Calculation of Permeability and Electrical Formation Factor from AN Oil Reservoir Rock Using Geometry Obtained from Synchrotron X-Ray Computed Microtomography
- Physical vs. Mathematical Models in Rock Mechanics
- Potential impacts of intensive cellulosic biofuel production on water quality and quantity in the Upper Coast Plain, US
- Properties of Polar cap flow channels and their association with polar cap arcs, airglow patches and nightside auroral activity
- Runoff generation on semi-arid, low-angled terrain: A long-term data set showing non-stable threshold response
- Socio-Hydrology Modelling for an Uncertain Future, with Examples from the USA and Canada (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of water storage in hydropedological units in northern headwaters: integrating isotopic and hydrometric approaches
- The Altitude Distribution of Iron Monoxide in the Mesosphere
- The Changing Cold Regions Network: Atmospheric, Cryospheric, Ecological and Hydrological Change in the Saskatchewan and Mackenzie River Basins, Canada (Invited)
- The Inclusion of Thermal Emissions Within the SASKTRAN Framework
- The Odin-OSIRIS Data Sets - Twelve Years of Ozone, Bromine Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and Stratospheric Aerosols
- The Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar: Initial Results and Future Opportunities (Invited)
- The Saskatchewan River Basin - a large scale observatory for water security research (Invited)
- Time-Lapse Receiver Functions Mapping Yearly Variations of Shallow Subsurface
- Tracing paleo-ocean redox using Cr isotopes in carbonates spanning the Great Oxidation Event
- Uncertainty in alpine snow mass balance simulations due to snow model parameterisation and windflow representation
- Use of a novel new irrigation system to observe and model water vapor flow through dry soils
- Water resource management under deep uncertainty: The concept and application of vulnerability maps
- A Cold Rain-on-Snow Event in a Canadian Rockies Alpine Catchment: Characteristics and Modelling
- A Double-Disruption Substorm Model - The Growth Phase
- A new non-parametric framework to determine time-variant catchment transit times and their distributions
- An Intercomparison of Model Performance and Uncertainty in Forcing Data for the Mackenzie River Basin
- Characteristics of Precipitation Event Life Cycles in the Tropical Western Pacific (TWP)
- Climate-Driven Trends in the Occurrence of Major Floods in North America and Europe
- Complexity vs. Simplicity: Tradeoffs in Integrated Water Resources Models
- Correcting Inadequate Model Snow Process Descriptions Dramatically Improves Mountain Hydrology Simulations
- Day-night coupling by a localized flow channel visualized by polar cap patch propagation
- Deciphering Ecohydrological Interactions Using Stable Isotopes
- Detection of Transionospheric SuperDARN HF Waves by the Radio Receiver Instrument on the enhanced Polar Outflow Probe Satellite
- Dominant controls on catchment hydrological functions: what can we learn from biological and isotopic tracers?
- Dynamic Downslope Travel Distance Modeling: Interflow Modeling from Bottom of Slope Upwards
- Effect of Permafrost Degradation on the Development of the Rainfall-controlling Thermokarst Ponds on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Estimation of Self-Clutter of the Multiple-pulse Technique for HF Radars
- Examining Soil Moisture Variability and Field Mean Estimation Methods using Nested Observations
- Exploring groundwater processes in Rocky Mountain headwaters
- Extreme F-region gradients generated by patch-arc interactions in the polar cap
- Field-testing competing runoff source and hydrochemical conceptualisations
- First Observation of the Altitude Distribution of Atomic Potassium Dayglow in the MLT
- HF Radio Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere Observed with the ePOP RRI (Radio Receiver Instrument) -- SuperDARN Experiment
- Hydrological Compartmentalization: A Grand Challenge in the Critical Zone
- Impact of Increasing Rainfall and Rain-on-Snow on Flood Generation in a Canadian Prairie Catchment
- Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows
- Insights into Contaminant Leaching Through An Intensive Field Monitoring Program
- Integrated water resource management under water supply and irrigation development uncertainty
- Interflow Moving over Leaky Impeding Layers: How Far Can We Expect It to Go?
- Land Use Change Effects on Catchment Runoff Response in a Humid Tropical Montane Region
- Learning from models: Insights into the behavior of water in unsaturated fractured-porous media
- Marine Carbonate δ<SUP>53</SUP>Cr Values Reflect Inputs From LIP Volcanism During OAE 2
- Mechanistic assessment of runoff connectivity patterns: The hierarchy of space-time controls
- Merging the SAGE II and OSIRIS Stratospheric Aerosol Records
- Modelling infiltration processes in frozen soils
- Multiresolution comparison of precipitation datasets for large-scale models
- North American Precipitation Isotope (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) Zones Revealed in Time Series Modelling across Canada and the Northern United States
- OSIRIS Detections of a Tropospheric Aerosol that Absorbs at Wavelengths Near 350 nm - Black Carbon?
- Observation of Polar Cap Patches and Calculation of Gradient Drift Instability Growth Times: A Swarm Case Study
- Partitioning Residue-derived and Residue-induced Emissions of N<SUB>2</SUB>O Using <SUP>15</SUP>N-labelled Crop Residues
- Post-settlement drivers of streamflow variability in the Canadian Prairies: an analysis of the effects of the Anthropocene
- Properties of localized polar cap flow enhancements and their connection to nightside poleward boundary intensifications and substorms
- Ray Trace Modeling to Determine Optimal Forest Canopy Gap Size for Reduced Solar Irradiance During Snowmelt: Field Verification and Continental Scale Application
- Recent advances and applications in the analysis of organic C and N using soft X-ray XANES
- Responding to Change in NW Alaska: Ethnographic Film and the Voices of the People
- SASKTRANIF- a New Engine for the Radiative Transfer Modeling of Solar Occultation Measurements.
- Scientific Highlights from the Swarm Electric Field Instruments
- Sensitivity of Alpine Snow and Streamflow Regimes to Climate Changes
- Significant runoff exports of particulate nitrogen (PN) with large tropical storms: Implications of climate variability for watersheds and aquatic ecosystems
- Simulation of Lake Surface Heat Fluxes by the Canadian Small Lake Model: Offline Performance Assessment for Future Coupling with a Regional Climate Model
- Snowmelt sensitivity to warmer temperatures: a field-validated model analysis, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Streamflow life cycles spanning the USA
- Subglacial groundwater recharge and the isotopic composition of the Laurentide and Fennoscandanavian ice sheets
- Subsurface Complexity of Rocky Mountain Peatlands Regulates Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Swarm In Situ Observations of F-Region Polar Cap Patches Created by Cusp Ionization
- Terrestrial diatoms: a breadcrumb trail for tracking rapid flowpaths connectivity across scales
- The Changing Cold Regions Network: Improving the Understanding and Prediction of Changing Land, Water, and Climate in the Mackenzie and Saskatchewan River Basins, Canada
- The Influence of the Solar Sector Angle on the Ionosphere
- The Ozone Distribution Above the Asian Monsoon as seen by the OSIRIS Instrument from 2002-Present
- The Pools, Fluxes and Residence Time of Water Across the Amazon Basin
- The field-aligned-current system of a sun-aligned arc over Resolute Bay
- Towards improved large scale hydrological modeling: applications to the Saskatchewan River Basin
- Tree Species Linked to Large Differences in Ecosystem Carbon Distribution in the Boreal Forest of Alaska
- Trends in Stratospheric Ozone Derived from Merged Odin-OSIRIS and SAGE II Satellite Observations
- Water quality response after two years of short-rotation pine management for bioenergy in the southeastern U.S.
- What Do We Mean By Sensitivity Analysis? The Need For A Comprehensive Characterization Of Sensitivity In Earth System Models
- A Cr Isotope Proxy For Ocean Deoxygenation
- A Digital Bistatic Radar Instrument for High-Latitude Ionospheric E-region Research
- A Mechanistic Assessment of a Near-stream Saturated Area Dynamics in a Headwater Catchment
- A New 50-MHz VHF Digital Bistatic Radar for E-region Space Physics Research
- Assessing the Impacts of Reservoir Regulations and Climate Variability on the Peace River Runoff and Peace-Athabasca-Delta Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
- Beauty and the beast: Some perspectives on efficient model analysis, surrogate models, and the future of modeling
- Beyond the SCS curve number: A new stochastic spatial runoff approach
- Can Tree Ring Analyses Predict Resilience of Black Spruce Forests to Fire in Interior Alaska?
- Changing Flows, Chaning Livelihoods: Long-Term Changes in Hydro-Ecology and Socio-Economy in the Saskatchewan River Delta, Canada
- Controls on Water Storage, Mixing and Release in a Nested Catchment Set-up with Clean and Mixed Physiographic Characteristics
- Cr Isotope Response to Ocean Anoxic Event 2
- DEM-based Modeling at the Hillslope Scale: Recent Results and Future Process Research Needs
- Diagnosis of Hydrological Resiliency and Functional Change in a Canadian Rockies Mountain Basin
- Early 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Area and Mass Change of Alpine Glaciers in Western Northern America
- Enhanced Identification of hydrologic models using streamflow and satellite water storage data: a multi-objective calibration approach
- Farley-Buneman Waves at Large Aspect Angles
- Field Evaluation of a Novel 2D Preferential Flow Snowpack Hydrology Model
- First operations of the RISR-C incoherent scatter radar
- Geochemistry and Microbial Communities in Iron- and Manganese-Enriched Cold Groundwater Biofiltration Units
- Headwater Streams in Porous Landscapes - What's the contributing area?
- High Resolution Climate Modeling of the Water Cycle over the Contiguous United States Including Potential Climate Change Scenarios
- High-resolution Multi-instrument Observations of Ion Outflows in the Topside Ionosphere on the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP)
- How Earth works 100 years after Wegener's continental drift theory and IGCP 648
- Hydrologic Transit Times in Tropical Montane Watersheds: Catchment Scale and Landscape Influences
- Hydrological Compartmentalization: A Grand Challenge in the Critical Zone
- Impacts of climate and land use changes on regional nutrient export in the South Saskatchewan River catchment
- Improvement of SuperDARN Data Products by Signal-Derived Weights
- Influence of Forest-Cover Types on Spring Thaw Timing in the Southern Boreal Forest
- Ionospheric Plasma Circulation Associated with Polar Cap Arcs Detached from the Auroral Oval
- Is Substorm Onset Seeded by Cross-Tail Current Enhancement Resulting from Parallel Energization of Oxygen Ion Polar Cap Outflow?
- Merging OSIRIS, SAGE II and MLS Vertical Ozone Profiles for the Determination of Long Term Trends
- Mesoscale Icefield Breezes over Athbasca Glacier.
- Modeling the Ecohydrologic Response of the Forest-Grassland Ecotone in Western Canada to Changes in Annual Precipitation
- Modelling the effects of Prairie wetlands on streamflow
- Nutrient Models Developments Using Runoff-Nutrient Relationships in an Agricultural Prairie Basin, Manitoba.
- On the Impact of Uncertainty in Initial Conditions of Hydrologic Models on Prediction
- Parallel and Preemptable Dynamically Dimensioned Search Algorithms for Single and Multi-objective Optimization in Water Resources
- Partial Melt Systems in Plate-Driven Corner Flow: Evaluating the Formation of Porosity Bands as a Mechanism for Magma Focusing at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Past and future hydro-climatic change and the 2015 drought in the interior of western Canada
- Persistent Cold Weather Events in the Central-Eastern North America
- Polar Cap Precursor of Nightside Auroral Oval Intensifications Using Polar Cap Arcs
- Probabilistic Assessment of Meteorological Drought Risk over the Canadian Prairie Provinces Based on the NARCCAP multi-RCM Ensemble
- Saltating Snow Mechanics: High Frequency Particle Response to Mountain Wind
- Sedimentological and geochemical support for a large flood ca. 4400 cy BP in the coastal southwest United States (Lake Elsinore, CA): Evidence for a Drought Buster Atmospheric River Storm?
- Sensitivity Analysis and Insights into Hydrological Processes and Uncertainty at Different Scales
- Shift from Snowfall to Rainfall in the Canadian Rockies: Consequences for Snowpacks, Glacier Mass Balance and Streamflow in an Emerging Drought
- Simulating Heterogeneous Infiltration and Contaminant leaching Processes at Chalk River, Ontario
- Simulating groundwater-surface water interactions in the Canadian Prairies using a coupled land-atmosphere model (ParFlow-CLM)
- Slow Narrow Spectral Width E Region Echoes Observed During the March 17-2015 Storm and What They Reveal About the Disturbed Ionosphere.
- Snowcover Influences Upon Episodic Release of Nitrous Oxide from Agricultural Soils During Spring Thaw
- Snowpack response to warmer temperatures: a southern Sierra Nevada case study
- Spatial and Temporal Variation in Feather Moss Associated Nitrogen Fixation in Coniferous and Deciduous Dominated Alaskan Boreal Forests
- Stable Isotopes Indicate Within-Canopy Processes During Interception of Rainfall
- Substorm Bulge/Surge Controlled by Polar Cap Flow Channels
- Supercontinent Cyclicity: Relevant Data, Constraints, Limitations and Aspects Requiring Particular Attention
- The Canadian SHOW Instrument: <em>S</em>patial <em>H</em>eterodyne<em> O</em>bservations of <em>W</em>ater in the UTLS and stratosphere.
- The Dynamics of Plasma Convection in the Polar Cap Ionosphere under Northward IMF Conditions
- The Four-Part Field-Aligned Current System in the Ionosphere at Substorm Onset
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland
- The Vulnerability of Saskatchewan Water Resource System to Multi-Year Hydrologic Droughts at North and South Saskatchewan Rivers: Fusing Paleo Tree Ring Data with Stochastic Reconstruction
- The effect of plasma density structure on HF radio wave propagation at auroral and polar latitudes measured by e-POP
- The incorporation of an organic soil layer in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model and its evaluation over a Boreal Aspen Forest
- The influence of tree temperatures on potential snowmelt energy in a discontinuous coniferous forest
- Towards large scale modelling of wetland water dynamics in northern basins.
- Trend analysis of nutrient loadings in the South Saskatchewan River catchment
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing of Shallow Snow: Assessment and Possibilities for Improved Snow Depletion Prediction
- Using a novel Mg isotope tracer to investigate the dolomitization of the Red River Formation in the Williston Basin
- Variogram Analysis of Response surfaces (VARS): A New Framework for Global Sensitivity Analysis of Earth and Environmental Systems Models
- VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models
- Visualizing and Quantifying Bioaccessible Pores in Field-Aged Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Clay Soils Using Synchrotron-based X-ray Computed Tomography
- Young and old water in global rivers and aquifers
- A Four Lake Latitudinal Comparison Along Coastal Southern to Central California: A Late-Holocene Perspective on the Western US Precipitation Dipole.
- A Novel Global Sensitivity Analysis Technique for an Enhanced Multi-criteria Analysis of the Behavior of Complex Environmental Models
- A Passive Microwave L-Band Boreal Forest Freeze/Thaw and Vegetation Phenology Study
- A climate and environmental context for hominid evolution: Preliminary biomarker and compound specific isotope data from Lake Magadi, Kenya
- A global, space-based stratospheric aerosol climatology: 1979 to 2014
- Addressing Curse of Dimensionality in Sensitivity Analysis: How Can We Handle High-Dimensional Problems?
- Assessment of food-water nexus by water footprint: a case study in Saskatchewan, Canada
- Assessment of pore pressures and specific storage within sedimentary strata overlying underground mines
- Assimilation of GRACE derived terrestrial water storage data into Canadian land surface and hydrology model
- Atmosphere-ocean-lithosphere interactions during the Great Oxidation Event: insights from zircon δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Beaver Mediated Water Table Dynamics in Mountain Peatlands
- Caution is Warranted for Reconstruction of Paleohydrology in Cold Semi-arid Regions
- Climigration? Population and Climate Change in Arctic Alaska
- Contribution of General Circulation Models and climate change scenarios to the uncertainty in Reservoir Operation. The case of the Limarí Basin reservoir, Chile.
- Coupling hydraulic and hydrological models to simulate the streamflow of a large arctic river: The case of the Mackenzie River
- Definition of initial conditions and soil profile depth for Hydrological Land Surface Models in Cold Regions
- Design of Soil Salinity Policies with Tinamit, a Flexible and Rapid Tool to Couple Stakeholder-Built System Dynamics Models with Physically-Based Models
- Determining River Ice Displacement Using the Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) technique
- Environmental change and hydrological responses in the interior of western Canada: Towards improved understanding, diagnosis, and prediction by the Changing Cold Regions Network
- Finding Positive Feedback Loops in Environmental Models: A Mathematical Investigation
- Fire Effects at the Tundra-Boreal Ecotone in Interior Alaska
- Fire Severity and Soil Carbon Combustion in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems
- Framework for National Flood Risk Assessment for Canada
- HF radar transmissions that deviate from great-circle paths: new insight from e-POP RRI
- How much water flows? Examining water allocations using a mobile decision lab
- Hybrid Spectral/PIC Fully Kinetic Simulations of Weak Turbulence Driven by Tenuous Beams in a Background Plasma
- Hydrologic processes governing near surface saturation of alpine wetlands in the Canadian Rockies
- Identifying key hydrological and biochemical processes for predicting field scale nitrate and ammonia export in agricultural cold regions
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Impacts of climate and land use changes on regional nutrient export in the South Saskatchewan River catchment
- Improving Simulations of Precipitation Phase and Snowpack at a Site Subject to Cold Air Intrusions: Snoqualmie Pass, WA
- Increasing fire severity, alternate successional trajectories, and the carbon balance of Alaskan boreal forests
- Intercomparison of Lab-Based Soil Water Extraction Methods for Stable Water Isotope Analysis
- Is Ozone Going Up Now?
- Large Scale Observatories for Changing Cold Regions - Recent Progress and Future Vision
- Linking Bedrock Groundwater, Landscape Structure and Mean Transit Time
- Long-Term Hydrological Reconstruction From a Beaver Meadow Using Testate Amoebae
- Managing Water-Food-Energy Futures in the Canadian Prairies
- Measurement of Polar Cap Ionospheric Velocities Using the RISR-C and SuperDARN Radars
- Mesoscale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling along Open Magnetic Field Lines Associated with Airglow Patches: Field-aligned Currents and Precipitation
- Modeling of Sandstones and Bitumen Sands by "General Linear Solid" Rheology
- Modelling unsaturated/saturated flow in weathered profiles
- Mountains, Climate Change and North American Water Security
- Near-Noon Meridional Plasma Flows for IMF Bz>0
- Observation-based Model Development for Groundwater Dominated Catchments
- On the importance of hysteresis in hydrological modeling
- Plant hydraulic strategies and their variability at high latitudes: insights from a southern Canadian boreal forest site
- Progressive Sampling Technique for Efficient and Robust Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Environmental Systems Models: Stability and Convergence
- Projected changes to precipitation extremes over the Canadian Prairies using multi-RCM ensemble
- Quantifying emissions of CO and NOx using observations from MOPITT, OMI, TES, and OSIRIS
- Radio Receiver Instrument (RRI) ePOP transionospheric observations from an HF transmitter in Ottawa (45N, 75W)
- Runoff generation on the northern Great Plains: What's changing, what's not and why?
- Soil, Water, Plants and Preferred Flow in All Directions: A Biosphere-2 Experiment
- Stratospheric Polar Vortex Characteristics and Northern Hemisphere Winter Weather
- Substorm Events from Observations of Energetic Particle Injections at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Substorms: The Attempt at Magnetospheric Dynamic Equilibrium between Magnetically-Driven Frontside Reconnection and Particle-Driven Reconnection in a Multiple-Current-Sheet Magnetotail
- The Canadian Hydrological Model (CHM): A multi-scale, variable-complexity hydrological model for cold regions
- The Dst Recovery Near Substorm Onset Due to the Transformation of the Blocked Cross-Tail Current into the Substorm Current Wedge
- Time-Lapse Acoustic Impedance Inversion in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration Study (Weyburn Field, Canada)
- To diagnose surface coupling strength in Noah-MP using FLUXNET observations and high resoultion WRF RCM simulations
- Tracing groundwater recharge to a confined aquifer in the Canadian prairies
- Using UAV photogrammetry to study topographic change: application to Saskatchewan Glacier, Alberta, Canada
- VARS-TOOL: A Comprehensive, Efficient, and Robust Sensitivity Analysis Toolbox
- Water Quantity and Water Quality Impacts of Intensive Woody Biomass Feedstock Production in the Southeastern US.
- Wind and airglow variability in the mesopause region
- Worldwide Interlaboratory Comparison of Cryogenic Water Extraction Systems for Soil Water Stable Isotope Analysis
- A Comparison of Swarm Cross-Track Ion-Drifts and SuperDARN Line-of-Sight Velocities
- A stream temperature model for the Peace-Athabasca River basin
- Agricultural management legacy affects microbial energetics, resource utilization and active bacterial community membership during <SUP>13</SUP>C-glucose consumption
- An Overview of OCTAV-UTLS (Observed Composition Trends and Variability in the UTLS), a SPARC Emerging Activity
- Assessment of the Suitability of High Resolution Numerical Weather Model Outputs for Hydrological Modelling in Mountainous Cold Regions
- Boreal Tree Light- and Water-Use: Asynchronous, Diverging, yet Complementary
- Building a Testate Amoebae-Based Transfer Function in Mountain Fens for Paleohydrological Reconstruction Expansion
- Carbon combustion in boreal black spruce and jack pine stands of the Northwest Territories, Canada
- Characterizing the Meso-scale Plasma Flows in Earth's Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Classification of Prairie basins by their hysteretic connected functions
- Climate reconstruction from borehole temperatures influenced by groundwater flow
- Computational Analysis of Two-Phase Corner-Flow: An Analogy to Fluid Movement in the Upper Mantle Beneath the Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Conceptual modelling to predict unobserved system states - the case of groundwater flooding in the UK Chalk
- Cutting through the noise: an evaluative framework for research communication
- Determining hydrological changes in a small Arctic treeline basin using cold regions hydrological modelling and a pseudo-global warming approach
- Diagnosing land management and climate change impacts on snowmelt in semi-arid agricultural cold regions with an improved snowmelt model
- Differential soil water sourcing of managed Loblolly Pine and Sweet Gum revealed by stable isotopes in the Upper Coastal Plain, USA
- Estimations of natural variability between satellite measurements of trace species concentrations
- Evaluation of Direct Vapour Equilibration for Stable Isotope Analysis of Plant Water.
- Extending the stratospheric aerosol record with OMPS-LP measurements
- Forecasting of rain-on-snow events in alpine region using a fully coupled atmosphere/snowpack/hydrology model
- Global CO emission estimates inferred from assimilation of MOPITT and IASI CO data, together with observations of O<SUB>3</SUB>, NO<SUB>2</SUB>, HNO<SUB>3</SUB>, and HCHO.
- Global importance of soil freeze-thaw induced emissions of nitrous oxide from croplands
- HF coherent backscatter in the ionosphere: In situ measurements of SuperDARN backscatter with e-POP RRI
- Holocene Climate Change in Sub-Alpine Southwestern Alberta: Evidence from Oxygen and Carbon Isotope values of Hogarth Lake Marl.
- Hydroclimatic variability in East Asia: A case study in the Yangtze river basin
- Improved quantification of mountain snowpack properties using observations from Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs)
- Landscape-based discretization for modeling of hydrological processes in the semi-arid Andes Cordillera: a case study in Morales Basin
- Madden-Julian Oscillation and Summer Precipitation over the Canadian Prairies
- Merged SAGE II, Ozone_cci and OMPS ozone profiles dataset and evaluation of ozone trends in the stratosphere
- Methane Fluxes and Consumption in an Oil Sands Tailings End Pit Lake
- Modeling snowmelt infiltration in seasonally frozen ground
- Modelling Changing Glacier Hydrological Processes using an Object Oriented Cold Regions Hydrological Model and Long-term In-situ and Remote Sensing Information
- National water resource management as a global problem: The example of Egypt
- Oh Magadi! Interpreting isoGDGTs and n-alkanes in a saline tropical lake: Lake Magadi, Kenya
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- PBSM3D: A finite volume, scalar-transport blowing snow model for use with variable resolution meshes
- PULSE: A numerical model for the simulation of snowpack solute dynamics to capture runoff ionic pulses during snowmelt
- Pacific southwest United States Holocene summer paleoclimate inferred from sediment calcite oxygen isotopes (Lake Elsinore, CA)
- Penguin Proxies: Deciphering Millennial-Scale Antarctic Ecosystem Change using Amino Acid Stable Isotope Analysis.
- Plate tectonic influences on Earth's baseline climate: a 2 billion-year record
- Projected changes over western Canada using convection-permitting regional climate model and the pseudo-global warming method
- Putting people into water quality modelling.
- Quantifying the drivers of water security risks in a complex northern deltaic ecosystem
- Quantitative and qualitative synthesis of socio-hydrological research
- Reimagining Energy in the North: Developing Solutions for Improving Renewable Energy Security in Northern Communities
- Remotely Sensed Snow Redistribution Indices
- Resilience of Socio-Hydrological Systems in Canadian Prairies to Agricultural Drainage: Policy Analysis and Modelling Approach
- Scenarios of Earth system change in western Canada: Conceptual understanding and process insights from the Changing Cold Regions Network
- Simulating Complex, Cold-region Process Interactions Using a Multi-scale, Variable-complexity Hydrological Model
- Simulating Snow in Canadian Boreal Environments with CLASS for ESM-SnowMIP
- Simulating the convective precipitation diurnal cycle in a North American scale convection-permitting model
- Snow sublimation on a high-altitude Himalayan glacier
- Spatial Heterodyne Observation of Water (SHOW) from a high altitude aircraft
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of historical droughts over Canada: role of observational uncertainties and teleconnections
- Spreading speed of magnetopause reconnection X-lines using ground-satellite coordination
- Stream and tree water sources in a coast redwood forest
- The SAGE II/OSIRIS/OMPS-LP USask 2D Deseasonalized Anomaly Ozone Data Record for Use in Trend Analysis
- The role of turbulent fluxes in the atmospheric boundary layer above a debris-covered glacier in the Himalayas
- The versatility of limb scattered sunlight measurements
- Timescales of subsurface water storage and release- Multiple models of transit time distribution tested against tracers
- Towards an Improved Represenation of Reservoirs and Water Management in a Land Surface-Hydrology Model
- Trade-offs Between Socio-economic Development and Ecosystem Health under Changing Water Availability
- Understanding the drivers of post-fire albedo and radiative forcing across Alaska and Canada: implications for management.
- Validation of Tomographicially Retrieved Ozone with the OMPS Limb Profiler
- Water Futures for Cold Mountain Ecohydrology under Climate Change - Results from the North American Cordilleran Transect
- "A tree falls the way it leans" - aquatic reactions to terrestrial actions
- A Large Amplitude (>300 M/S) Neutral Wind "Jet" Observed Near 130 km Altitude and Associated DC Electric Fields, Energetic Electron and Other Measurements Revealed by a Vapor Trail and Dual Sounding Rocket and Ground-Based Instruments in the Auroral Zone Lower Ionosphere
- A Novel Multi-Species Physiology-Based Toxicokinetic Modelling Approach in Support of Ecological Risk Assessment
- A Stakeholder-Driven Land Data Assimilation System for Water Resources Applications in the Western United States
- A Study of E Region Electron Temperatures from an Unusually Disturbed Electric Field Event
- A hydrological and water temperature modelling framework to simulate the timing of river freeze-up and ice-cover breakup in large-scale catchments
- A new multi-source dataset describing surface water regimes across North American wetlandscapes
- A new stratospheric temperature record from OSIRIS spanning 2002-2018
- A novel stochastic modelling framework for ice-jam flood risk assessment and hazard mapping
- Above and Belowground Carbon Emissions from Historical Fires Across Alaska and Canada
- Are nutrients being stored or going downstream? The carbon and phosphorus retention of restored, drained, and intact wetlands on agricultural landscapes
- Carbonate Clumped Isotope-derived Climate Records of the Early Paleogene from Ellesmere Island and Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Arctic Canada
- Comparing coincident SAGE III ISS measurements of stratospheric trace species with those measured by OSIRIS
- Concentration-Transit Length: A new relationship linking hydrology and biogeochemistry for science-based management of wetland-dominated landscapes
- Connecting human dimensions and hydrological models.
- Coordinated Satellite-SuperDARN Observations of a Long-lasting Poloidal ULF Wave
- Direct Quantification of Groundwater Exports From Headwaters to Higher-Order Streams
- Drivers of carbon stocks and combustion in response to wildfire events in the southern boreal forest
- Dynamic Contributing Drainage Area Mapping in the Prairie Pothole Region: Applying a Bayesian Deep Learning Technique to Multi-temporal Radarsat-2 Images
- Early Eocene climates from mid-latitude upland and high-latitude Arctic environments in Canada: insights from Palaeobotanical proxies
- Exploring the potential of integrating and assessing flood risk analysis in real-time ice-jam flood forecasting.
- Extending the OSIRIS aerosol extinction measurements into the UTLS
- Food Grows where Groundwater Flows: California Grapples with Chronic Water Scarcity
- GPS L1 Scintillation Detection Using a Novel 3-Dimensional PFISR Mode
- Global Water Futures - Translation of Transdisciplinary Observations, Science, and Predictions into Societal Action for Water and Climate Imperatives in Cold Regions
- How Can GRACE and GRACE-FO Global Hydrology Inform Land Surface Model Development and Evaluation?
- Hydrological Response of Two Mountain Glaciers in the Canadian Rockies to Warming Climate and Change in Glacier Configurations.
- Improved Understanding, Diagnosis and Prediction of Earth System Change in Western Canada: The Achievements and Legacy of the Changing Cold Regions Network
- Improving Streamflow Estimates Of The RAPID River Routing Model With Data Assimilation
- Influences of glacier retreat, summer weather and winter snowpack on the increased variability in runoff composition in a quickly changing glacierized catchment
- Integration of a water resource management model with large-scale land surface modelling for integrated management of Canadian large river basins
- Investigating the consistency and reliability of multiple datasets in estimating water balances in major Canadian river basins
- Knowledge mobilization in Canada's multi-institutional Global Water Futures research collaboration
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Large-scale changes in subsurface water budgets from oil and gas production
- Late-Holocene sedimentation and sodium-carbonate deposition in the hypersaline alkaline lake Nasikie Engida, southern Kenya Rift Valley
- Lhù'ààn Mǟn - Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory, the Impending Hydrological Fate after Slims River Piracy
- Linkage between surface mobility and composition dependent properties in the early Earth
- Multi-scale Snowdrift-resolving Modelling of Mountain Snowpack Evolution
- Ozone Trend Analysis in UTLS Region Using the OSIRIS/SAGE II/OMPS-LP/Ozonesonde Data Record
- Palynostratigraphy of the early Paleogene Margaret Formation at Stenkul Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada: a comprehensive microfossil record of Arctic hyperthermal (ETM-2) vegetation
- Post-fire ecosystem resilience and carbon dynamics in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
- Properties of magmas at depth from SiO<SUB>2</SUB> density and local structure measured using X-ray absorption and X-ray Raman spectroscopy
- Quaternary Diatom and Palynomorph Stratigraphies and Palaeoenvironments of the Koora Graben and Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya Rift Valley
- Reconstructed precipitation tritium leads to overestimated groundwater recharge
- Regional scenarios of change over the Mackenzie River Basin: future hydrological projections and challenges with observational uncertainty
- Regional scenarios of change over western Canada: future climate projections
- Remote Sensing of Arctic Sea Ice Using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network
- Scenario Planning for Uncertain Urban Water Futures
- Seasonality of global land and ocean mass as a metric of global water cycle variability
- Sediment Yield and Transport Model for Cold Region Catchments
- Spatially-Explicit Climate Forcings from Wildfire in Boreal North America
- Strategies for Handling Simulation Model Crashes in Global Sensitivity Analysis
- SuperDARN and AMPERE observations of Field-Aligned Currents at Substorm Onset
- Surficial geology-based mapping of the future changes in groundwater recharge in a semi-arid watershed in the Canadian Prairies with climate warming
- The Canadian Young Hydrologic Society: the growth and development of a national YHS branch
- The Effect of Pressure on the Prebiotic Carbon of the Early Solar System
- The Global Water Futures Core Modelling Strategy
- The Great Lakes Runoff Inter-comparison Project for Lake Erie (GRIP-E)
- The Impact of Landuse Change on Regional Climate in the Canadian Prairies Simulated by a Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Model
- The Interactions Between Plant Hydrodynamics and Soil Water Sources at Controlled and Natural Environments
- The effect on SuperDARN HF propagation predictions of polar cap plasma density gradients measured with the RISR radars
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The responsibility of the 16-day wave for the SW1- and SW3-tidal-like signatures during 2009 and 2013 sudden stratospheric warming events
- Towards Improved Subsurface Representation in Land Surface-Hydrology Models
- Towards an Improved Parameterization of Reservoir Operation for Large-Scale Hydrological Modeling
- Understanding Controls on Evapotranspiration from Seasonally Frozen Forests and Their Representation in Land-Surface Schemes
- Using DMSP and AMISR for studying ionospheric flow channels and density structures due to magnetic reconnection
- Using convection-permitting regional climate model to study the impact of climate change over western Canada
- VARS-TOOL: A Novel Toolbox for Comprehensive and Efficient Global Sensitivity Analysis
- Variogram-based global sensitivity analysis of environmental models with dependent variables
- Velocity of E region SuperDARN echoes and ExB plasma drift
- Vulnerability of boreal forest legacy carbon to combustion increases with shortened fire return intervals
- A Comparison of WorldView and MODIS in Detecting Fractional Snow Cover over High Mountain Asia
- A Map of the Future of Water and the Urgent Need for Greater Transdisciplinarity in Hydrology
- A Sociohydrological Framework to Understand Conflict and Cooperation Dynamics in Transboundary Rivers
- A generic platform for engaging stakeholders in water quality management and decision making
- A global network of VLF antennas to detect earthquake precursors
- A physically-based modelling framework for operational forecasting of river ice breakup floods
- Aerosol composition in the UTLS and its connections to the anthropogenic and natural emissions and the monsoon convective system
- Analysis of Stratospheric Temperatures Retrieved from OSIRIS from 2002-2019
- Analytical Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Characterization: Review of Advantages, Limitations and Optimal Combinations
- Annual cycle of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in the Canadian Boreal Forest
- Application of synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence (XRF) mapping, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to study the mineral-organic matter associations in the rhizosphere soils of Canola genotypes
- Are sedimentary plant wax n-alkanes derived from conifers? Insights from rarely preserved early Cenozoic conifer-dominated landscapes
- Birkeland Current Impacts on Cusp Ionospheric Irregularities
- Bottom-up control of carbon combustion from boreal wildfires
- CaNoRock STEP: The Canada-Norway Rocket Science Training and Educational Program
- CoSMoS: A Platform for Complete Stochastic Modelling Solution
- Compositional changes in the mantle and surface mobility in the early Earth
- Dayside Polar Cap Flows and Density Enhancements Triggered by Substorms
- Different hydrological response of mountain snowpacks to climate warming
- Does combining multiple precipitation datasets improve streamflow simulations? A test study in the Saskatchewan River basin, Canada
- Dos and Don'ts for Supporting Better Water Management in a Changing Climate
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- Early Warning of Global Change Effects on Catchment Nutrient Exports
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Global Water Futures Data Management: Learning How to Steer a Big Ship With a Small Paddle.
- High Latitude Dynamics and Fast Flow Channels: Implications for Ionospheric Structuring and Energy Dissipation
- High Pressure Simulations on Diamond Formation from CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB> using First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
- High resolution global river-lake network modeling for Earth System models
- High-resolution vertical profiling of UTLS water vapour using the Spatial Heterodyne Observation Water Vapour Instrument
- Human dimensions of changing global freshwater availability
- Hydrograph Separation Using Dual Isotopes in Catchments with Minimal Seasonality: A Bayesian Mixing Model Approach
- Hydrologic-Land Surface Modelling of a Complex System under Precipitation Uncertainty: A Case Study of the Saskatchewan River Basin, Canada
- Hydrological responses in a boreal forest basin to climate and land cover changes
- Hydromorphological changes of a large boreal inland river delta and the implications for aquatic habitats
- ICEBEAR 3-D: Utilizing a 2-D receiver configuration to obtain 3-D Mapping of E-region Plasma Density Irregularities
- Identifying STEVE's magnetospheric driver using conjugate observations in the magnetosphere and on the ground
- Impact of climate warming on low flows, snow drought, and streamflow drought
- Impacts of increasing wildfire severity on the long-term carbon dynamics of Alaskan boreal forests
- Improved classification and geolocation of SuperDARN ground scatter
- Integrated Modelling for Analysis of Transboundary Water Resources System Vulnerability under Changing Streamflow and Infrastructure Development
- Intensification of the dryline over the lee of the Canadian Rockies in a warmer climate
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Long-term effects of forest harvesting on summer mean daily flow in the Oregon Coast Range: Alsea Watershed Study Revisited
- Mapping ecosystem services change in Canadian Prairies under combined climate and drainage scenarios
- Maximizing the Utility of Streamflow gauge data in calibrating a hydrology land surface model: an application of MESH to the Yukon River Basin, Canada
- Mg and Ca Isotopes and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr Ratios Identify the Deep Structural Center of the Williston Basin as a Source of Mg for Dolomitization: Implications for Reconstructing Seawater Secular Records Using Dolomite
- Modeling regional crop yield and irrigation amount for corn and soybean in Central U.S.
- Multi-Objective Model Calibration Guided by Sensitivity Analysis
- Multiphysics simulations of geophysical phenomena using multipurpose software tools
- Nepal National Water and Weather Week 2019
- New magnetic and gravity views of Precambrian and Pan-African age crustal features between the Shackleton Range and Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Paleobotanical proxy-based reconstructions of early Eocene climates from mid- to high latitudes in Canada.
- Peering beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet with recent aerogeophysical imaging: the hidden secrets of the Pensacola Pole Basin and its basement disclosed
- Perceptions and impacts of gender inequality in the geosciences
- Periodic Fluctuations in the Thermospheric Neutral and Plasma Densities in response to Solar Wind Conditions
- Plant Water Status and Source Water Partitioning: A Combined Analysis of Plant Hydraulics, Root Distribution, Isotopic Dynamics, and Soil Matric Potential
- Post-fire ecosystem and carbon recovery in the Northwest Territories, Canada
- Process-based diagnosis of recent variations in streamflow in an alpine glacierized catchment
- Quantifying Helium Flux from the Crystalline Basement and Determining the Processes Controlling Its Transport in the Williston Basin
- Quantitative tracing of precipitation in the critical zone: The Spike II experiment
- Recent global decline in endorheic basin water storage and its implications for the water cycle
- Response of the soil water budget in a grassland of the Canadian Prairies to climate change
- Seasonal dependence of stratospheric ozone trends in 2000-2018 derived from several merged datasets
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of Cooperation and Conflicts in the Transboundary River Nile
- Soil phosphorus management for food and water security in cold agricultural regions
- Stable isotope composition of soil water, groundwater, streams, and trees of the California Northern Coast Range
- Steve: The Optical Signature of Intense Subauroral Ion Drifts
- Stratospheric ozone recovery: Summary of the SPARC/WMO/IO3C LOTUS analyses
- SuperDARN echo occurrence during "Steve" events
- Swarm E/ ePOP-RRI Observations of Proton Whistlers and Other Natural Emissions
- Swarm Observations of Dawn/Dusk Asymmetries Between Pedersen Conductance in Upward and Downward Field-Aligned Current Regions
- The Aerosol Limb Imager: a hyperspectral, polarization imager for aerosol and cloud profiling in the UTLS
- The CaNoRock Undergraduate Student Rocket School
- The Future of Evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources
- The Global Space-based Stratospheric Aerosol Climatology: Features of v2.0
- The ICEBEAR Radar: An Overview of Results from a Year of Operations
- The Impact of Landuse Change on Regional Climate in Western Canada Simulated by a Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Model
- The Impact of Tracer Repositioning on Mass and Energy Conservation in Thermochemical Mantle Convection Models: Application to Entrainment at High Rayleigh Numbers
- The International Space Mission, a Canada-Norway collaborative training program
- The Potential to Reduce Uncertainty in Regional Water Security Projections with Climate Models
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The Vertical Distribution of the Optical Emissions of a Steve and Picket Fence Event
- The Wolf Creek Research Basin: 25+ Years of Subarctic Research
- The influence of scale on modeled carbon combustion from historical wildfires across Alaska and Canada
- Tracking Precipitation Systems in Western Canada: the Advanced Features and the Requirement on Temporal Resolution of Source Data
- Transdisciplinary Knowledge Mobilization for Effective Solutions to Changing Water Futures in Canada and other Cold Regions of the World
- Trends and Variability in Merged SAGE II and OSIRIS NO<SUB>x</SUB>
- United They Stand, Divided They Fall: The Example of Nile Basin Countries
- Water cycle modifications and Earth System resilience: roadmap to a new water planetary boundary
- Widespread ecological reorganization of boreal forests following severe wildfires
- A Sociohydrological Framework to Understand Conflict and Cooperation Dynamics in Transboundary Rivers
- A new SUMMA and MizuRoute hydrologic modeling resource for US water applications
- Accessing Potash Mine Geohazards using Electromagnetics
- Additions to the SASKTRAN Radiative Transfer Framework: Air Mass Factors and Rotational Raman Scattering Using the Monte Carlo Method
- Advances in resolving snow-vegetation interactions with UAV-lidar remote sensing
- Advancing Stochastic Streamflow Prediction and Projection at Single and Multiple Sites by using Large Scale Climate Indices
- Alternative Approaches to Quantifying the Soil Freezing Characteristic Curve in Field and Laboratory Soils.
- Analysis of storms and precipitation across the continental divide in the Canadian Rockies
- Assessing the cost and effectiveness of agricultural Beneficial Management Practices to improve water quality at local and watershed scales
- Australian wildfires caused a major perturbation of the stratosphere and generate a smoke-charged vortex rising up to 35 km as inferred from satellite observations
- CONUS II, a new 20-year convection-permitting simulation over North America: How well does it performs on snowpack?
- Canadian Prairies Extreme Precipiation Events and Atmospheric Circulation under Current and Future Climate
- Changes in Mountain Hydrology from 1962 to 2100: The Past, Present and Future of a Canadian Rockies Headwaters Basin Subject to Climate Change and Forest Management
- Characterizing a Snowpack's Ability to Store Liquid Water at the Small Catchment Scale - A Comparison of Ground-Based Remote Sensing Observations and Hydrologic Modeling
- Climate Change Education; Investing in Tomorrow's Sustainability Leaders in Developing Countries
- Diel observations suggest earlier snowmelt-driven streamflow than land surface modeling
- Digital-Rock-Physics Modelling of Carbonates and Sandstones
- Dos and Don'ts for navigating model selection in climate change work for water planning and management
- EMDNA: Ensemble Meteorological Dataset for North America
- Effects of Wind Flow and Topography on Snow Distribution and Liquid Water Content in Mountain Snowpacks
- Evaluation of snowpack and glacier dynamics using a physically parameterized hydrological land surface scheme and in-situ meteorological forcing in the Canadian Rockies
- Examination of the accuracy of retrievals of trace-gas emissions and lifetimes from satellite measurements using high-resolution plume modelling.
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Exploring climate-groundwater-wetland nexus in North America Prairie Pothole Region using convection-permitting simulations
- Facilitating Reproducible Science: a Workflow for Setting up SUMMA Simulations Anywhere on the Globe
- First results on simulated climate variability since the Last Glacial Maximum from experiments with simple, idealized and comprehensive climate models
- Flux Transfer Events and Polar Patch Formation Observed by the RISR Radars
- Fossil Groundwaters: Relict of Past Climates or Flow System Size?
- From the American West to the Middle East: Trickle-down theory applied to snow science
- Ground Validations of GPM IMERG in Extreme Events over the Conterminous United States
- Headwater-to-Consumer Drinking Water Security Assessment Framework and Associated Indicators for Small Communities.
- How can we improve our hydrological models and their predicted travel times? Lessons learned from a vegetated lysimeter experiment.
- How confident are we with the global groundwater recharge estimates under climate change?
- Hyper-resolution land surface modeling enables hydrologically consistent 30-m SMAP-based soil moisture retrievals over continental scales
- Impacts of changing winter warm spells on snow ablation in the mountains of western North America
- Intensification of the hydrological cycle during Eocene `greenhouse' climates
- Intercomparison of approaches for modelling infiltration in frozen soil
- Ion-neutral Coupling in the E- and F-regions during a Substorm
- Large Area High-Resolution Albedo Retrievals from Remote Sensing to Assess the Impact of Wildfire Soot Deposition on High Mountain Snow and Ice Melt.
- Laugh Tests for Land Models
- Local to Regional Time-Frequency Relations, Attenuation, and Kappas for S Waves in Southeastern Iran
- Magnetotelluric Study of the Saskatchewan Elbow Impact Structure and Applications of Finite-Element Modeling
- Mamawi-atosketan in the Saskatchewan River Delta.
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- Monitoring High Altitude Aerosol Injections and Climate Impacts from a New Canadian Instrument Suite Concept (HAWC)
- Multi-wavelength imaging observations of STEVE at Athabasca, Canada
- On the Connection Between Continent Scale Rates of Lightning and Solar Wind Sector Structures
- Opportunities to Revolutionize First Nations Drinking Water Governance in Canada
- Overview of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) during 2013-2020
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- PrecipGAN: Merging Microwave and Infrared Data for Satellite Precipitation Estimation using Generative Adversarial Network
- Preferential elution of ionic solutes in melting snowpacks: Improving process understanding through field observations and modelling in the Rocky Mountains
- Probabilistic simulations and predictions of hydrological processes over North America
- Process oriented insights from interpretable machine learning - what influences flood generating processes?
- Process-Based Model Evaluation of Continental Domain Snow Simulations
- Quantifying evapotranspiration and infiltration in a seasonally frozen forest
- Quantifying streamflow predictability across North America on sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales
- Quantifying uncertainty in deterministic observed meteorological datasets: A case study applied to large-domain gridded NLDAS-2 daily precipitation and temperature fields
- Radiative transfer and viewing geometry considerations for the SIF/GPP relationship
- Random Fields Simplified: Spatiotemporal simulation preserving extremes using the CoSMoS R package
- Residence time of basinal fluids and paleo flow system in the Paradox Basin using radio-krypton isotopes
- Results from Mapping ICEBEAR Coherent E-region Scatter Using a Linear Receiving Array
- Revisiting the Behavior of the E-region Electron Temperature During Strong Electric Field Events at High Latitudes
- Runoff and Climate Change at the Field-Scale: Comparing Projections and Observations Across Regions
- Simulating wetland-upland hydrological interactions in the Canadian boreal region
- Simulation in Preferential Flow by Multi-dimensional Modeling Approach
- So Much Data and So Few Ways to Use It: The Era of Data Rich Hydrology
- Solar Cycle Effects in Occurrence of SuperDARN Echoes at Various Latitudes
- Spatial floods in the United States: understanding, modeling, and hazard estimation
- Spontaneous Potential Measurements with Electrodes in Surface Waters
- Stable isotopes in the cold Critical Zone: Snowmelt water contributes significantly to tree water storage refilling
- Terrestrial Temperatures during the Early Eocene Hyperthermals from the Canadian Arctic (Stenkul Fiord, Ellesmere Island): Evidence from a brGDGT Peat-Specific Temperature Proxy.
- The Anthropocene in the Deep Subsurface
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- The Risk of "One-Size Fits All" Conservation Recommendations to Improve Agricultural Water Quality
- The impact of global reservoir expansion on the present day climate
- The social-ecological hotspots of changing global freshwater availability
- To impermeable, and beyond: Expanding conceptual models for the hidden hydrogeosphere
- Toward a physically based canopy metric for estimating snow accumulation in forests
- Towards global-scale estimates of fresh submarine groundwater discharge
- Uncertainty in aerosol limb measurements following the Raikoke eruption
- Understanding the Dynamics of Parameter Importance for Global Parameterization of Modeling Semi-Arid Watersheds.
- Variations in the convergent margin metallogenic cycle as a key to secular tectonic processes
- Vulnerable waters confer watershed resilience
- Water resources optimization and irrigation advisory based on farm-level remote sensing and crop water demand
- Water-food-trade planning: An opportunity for re-framing and addressing the conflicts over the Nile water
- Weakening of Hydrologic Episodes Leads to Biogeochemical Disruptions in Northern Forests
- Weather, snow and ice: Hydrological and landscape changes in the Canadian Rockies headwaters
- A Science Plan for a Coordinated Regional Hydroclimate Project in the United States Focussed on Land-Atmosphere Processes
- A benchmark for probabilistic seasonal streamflow forecasting across North America
- A new spin on global sensitivity analysis: worldwide sensitivity analysis of the SUMMA model
- A novel approach to systematically evaluate precipitation datasets using decision trees
- A snow modeling and water prediction testbed for benchmarking the water resources impacts of Earth Observations in North America
- Advancing the science and practice of community hydrologic modeling: Development of open-source models, methods, and datasets to enable process-based hydrologic prediction across North America (and beyond)
- An Improved OSIRIS NO2 Profile Retrieval in the UTLS and Intercomparison with ACE-FTS and SAGE III/ISS
- An equatorward mid-latitude neutral wind enhancement in response to higher latitude SAPS
- Applications of the end-to-end simulator of the Thin Ice Clouds and Far IR Emissions (TICFIRE) instrument to the cold regions of the globe and upper troposphere
- Assessing E-CHAIM ionospheric model with the SuperDARN radars
- Assessing the effectiveness of Beneficial Management Practices in improving water quality under changing climate conditions
- Bridging Local-scale Water Resource Operations to River Basin Economy to Inform Decision-Making about Sustainable Water Policies
- Challenges and opportunities from farm-level impacts of climate change on agriculture based on agent-based modelling simulation
- Changes in agricultural droughts and heatwaves in Western Canada cropping regions under the RCP8.5 scenario
- Characterizing global hydrological modeling uncertainties using the Ensemble Meteorological Dataset for Planet Earth (EM-Earth)
- Characterizing the distributions of temperature and precipitation since the Last Glacial Maximum in transient simulations from a hierarchy of climate models
- Classifying the energy of pulsating aurora and its connection to substorms using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)
- Climate Change Impacts on Wetlandscapes
- Climate Sensitivity to Volcanic Aerosol Forcing
- Cold Regions Process Hydrology: Principles, Processes, Management and Prospects
- Community modeling: supporting large-domain water resources modeling through an open-source model configuration toolbox
- Conflict and Cooperation Phenomenon: the Eastern Nile River Basin
- Connections Matter: National Classification Links Wetlands and Water Quality
- Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations over South America
- Coupled natural-human impacts of a winter weather whiplash event
- Creating an open-source, reproducible water resources modelling workflow
- Deep learning versus process-based modelling: Are they reconcilable?
- Defining renewable groundwater use and implications for quantitative groundwater resource management
- Developing Strategies to Strengthen Stewardship and Sharing of Water Science Data in Canada
- Direct Connection Between Auroral Oval Streamers/Flow Channels and Equatorward Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Discrepancies in Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification Using Ten Global Gridded Products
- Drought Conditions Accelerate the Energy Cycle over Continental Europe in a Fully Coupled Terrestrial Model
- Earth System Science Advances are Outpacing their Uptake for Informing Adaptation Actions: How can We do Better?
- Estimating Groundwater Demand for Agriculture to Explain Groundwater Depletion in North China Plain
- Estimating flow velocities and roughness coefficients of Canadian Prairie basins
- Evaluation of Water Use Efficiency and Optimal Irrigation Quantity of Spring maize in Hetao Irrigation District using Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Examining the accuracy of satellite retrievals of trace-gas emissions using high-resolution plume modelling.
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Exploring summer continental temperature variability response to surface evaporative resistance through idealized simulations
- Exploring the relationships among environmental attitudes, empathy, and decision making in water resource management. A pre- and post-test study using an experimental decision laboratory in the Canadian Prairies
- Extreme Temperature Trends in Megacities Worldwide
- First-principles Study on the High-pressure Structure of B2O3 Glass
- From plants to planets: the effect of land surface properties on global climate
- Global patterns of the phenomenon of human migration and water
- Hydrology and society: Phenomena emerging from the interactions and feedbacks between human and water systems
- Impact of precipitation forcing on gridded snow water equivalent estimates across North America
- Implementing EDI Across A Large Formal Research Network: Protocols and Practice in Water Research
- Implementing Reservoir Operation in a Global River Routing Model for Integration in Earth System Models
- Inter- and Intraspecific Variability of Boreal Tree Water Deficit
- Investigation of MJO signals in the E-region of NH high latitude region with PFISR and SD-WACCMx
- Ionospheric Sounding with SuperDARN HF Radars
- Irrigation adaptation for crop production under climate change a modeling study in North America
- Krypton Isotopes Constrain Timing of Regional Meteoric Circulation Enhanced by Rapid Denudation
- Lake morphology influences response of phytoplankton biomass to climate change
- Leaky wells, injection wells and aquifer-aquitard systems A holistic view of groundwater protection in oil and gas producing regions
- Mayenite Granulization for Chloride Removal from Hydrocarbon and Salt-Impacted Groundwater Through Natural Mayenite-to-Hydrocalumite Mineral Phase Change
- Measurements of the meridional advective acceleration, modified Coriolis parameter, and neutral wind forcing in the E-region during different geomagnetic activity
- Modelling of the I-T System with the High-latitude Input for Meso-scale Electrodynamics (HIME) Framework
- Oxygen Isotope Values and Schlerochronology of Crassostrea virginica Shells from Chesapeake Bay: Applications to Historical Paleoclimate
- Persistent Weather Patterns over Western Canada in Current and Future Climate and Implication for Agriculture
- Phenological assessment of boreal forest transpiration
- Physical and ecophysiological controls on the relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity across diurnal and seasonal scales in the boreal forest
- Plant water source investigations using 2H and 18O: A community overview of xylem sampling practices
- Plants alter oceanic clouds: the land wake and its intensification by CO2-induced stomatal closure
- Profiling Stratiform Mixed-phase Cloud Properties
- Pulsating aurora: the possible connection between auroral substorms and climatological effects
- Quantifying the Impacts of Wetland Management and Climate Change on the Hydrology of an Agricultural Catchment in the Canadian Prairies
- Radiative transfer and viewing geometry considerations for remote sensing as a proxy for carbon uptake in boreal ecosystems
- Reasoning about Model Complexity with a Multi-scale Approach
- Reconstructing postglacial hydrologic and environmental change in the eastern Kenai Peninsula lowlands using proxy data and mass balance modeling
- Relationship between Large Scale Environmental Flow Violations and Freshwater Biodiversity
- Retreating glaciers and changing hydrological functioning in a small headwater alpine catchment in the Canadian Rockies
- Scaling Up Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Wetland Complexes in The Prairie Pothole Region
- Signatures of STEVE in SuperDARN HF backscatter data
- Stratospheric temperature and ozone anomalies associated with the 2020 Australian bushfires
- Sustained Observations of Arctic Sea Ice Using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network: First Results
- Temperature Extremes Under Global Warming Using the SC-Earth Dataset
- The Agricultural Rebound Phenomenon: Why, What, and How?
- The Climatology of Low-Precipitation Supercell Thunderstorms - in the Canadian Prairies
- The RADiation Impacts on Climate and Atmospheric Loss Satellite (RADICALS) Mission
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The SUMMA-SUNDIALS Earth System Model
- The abuse of popular performance metrics in hydrologic modeling
- The anatomy and uncertainty of a Canadian National River Gauging Network
- The groundwater benefit zone, proposals, contributions and new scientific issues
- The primary drivers of climate change impacts on the terrestrial water cycle
- Towards a multi-scale predictive model of the high-latitude ionospheric convection
- Uncovering Impacts of Seasonality and Land Use Land Cover on E. coli Contamination in Private Drinking Water Wells: A Machine Learning Application
- Under what conditions do the global warming responses of drought indices and land-surface models agree?
- Understanding the Information Content in the Hierarchy of Model Development Decisions: Learning From Data
- Using Argon-39, Noble Gases, and other Environmental Tracers to Infer Changes in Recharge to the Semi-Arid Tucson Basin (Arizona, USA) over the Holocene
- Wetlands as Economically Viable Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation
- What explains the year-to-year variation in the start and end of the photosynthetic growing season of boreal black spruce forests?
- A Benchmark for Probabilistic Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting over North America
- A New Spin on Global Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity Analysis of the SUMMA Model on the Global Scale
- A Two-Frequency Study of Transionospheric HF Signal Propagation
- Accounting For Dynamic Contributing Areas in The HYPE Model Framework
- Advancing Ice-jam Flood Risk Assessment Using Agent-based Modeling: a Conceptual Framework on Human Adaptation
- Advancing capabilities of terrestrial system models
- Agricultural practices help mitigate climate change challenges on food production and water use in the North American Breadbasket
- An Observational and Modeling Strategy in Support of a Regional Hydroclimate Project "Digital Twin" of the United States
- Anomalous Electric Field Perturbations In Pre- and Post-Midnight Hours over the Low Latitude Ionosphere During a Minor Geomagnetic Storm
- Application of Geophysical Methods to Supplement Geotechnical Site Characterization of Small-Scale Landslide
- Are Beneficial Management Practices Still "Beneficial" Under Warming Climate?
- Assessing Water Management Pathways for Environmental Flow Management under Uncertain Futures in the Upper Yamuna Basin
- Assessing the effectiveness of adaptation measures in mitigating drought impacts on crop yield using an integrated modeling framework: a case study of spring wheat in Saskatchewan
- Assessment of Deep-Groundwater Interactions in some Selected Sub-Basins in Great Lakes Basin: Introducing a New Baseflow Module in a Hydrology Land-surface Scheme (MESH)
- Augmenting traditional hydrometric observations with trail cameras to capture ecohydrological dynamics of beaver dams.
- CAMELS-spat: Catchment Data for Spatially Distributed Large-Sample Hydrology
- Can restoration of freshwater mineral soil wetlands deliver nature-based climate solutions to agricultural landscapes?
- Climate feedback to stratospheric aerosol forcing: the key role of the pattern effect
- Clumped and conventional isotopes of natural gas reveal basin burial, denudation, flushing, and biodegradation history
- Coherent scatter radar: Separating meteor trail echoes from ionospheric scatter
- Comparison of Manual and Machine Learning Assisted HF Amateur Radio LSTID Observations
- Continuous Quantitative Model of Global Paleogeography Through 2.0 Billion Years
- Determining the size and number density for stratospheric aerosols from OMPS-LP measurements
- Development of an open-source workflow for community large-scale hydrological modeling
- Development of the Prairie Hydrology Design and Analysis Product (PHyDAP)
- Distinguishing the quasi-static and Alfvénic systems in the high-latitude ionosphere
- Effects of large-scale irrigation on precipitation during crop growing season in Northwest China
- Efficient utilization and optimal allocation of water resources for high-quality agricultural development in the Yellow River Basin
- Evaluating and intercomparing satellite and reanalysis precipitation products by using decision trees
- Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden commencement
- Global Water Cycle Shifts Substantially Beyond Stable Pre-industrial Conditions - Planetary Boundary for Freshwater Change Transgressed
- Global assessment of industrial impacts on freshwater: big data analytics and evidence synthesis
- Global change effects on calcium promotes shifts in zooplankton community compositions in northern lakes
- Global perturbation of stratospheric water and aerosol burden by the Hunga eruption
- Habitat-trait interactions that control response to climate change: North American ground beetles (Carabidae)
- High-Resolution Poynting Flux Statistics from the Swarm Mission: What are we missing?
- How to Write Journal Articles: A Learning-By-Doing Graduate Summer School Concept
- Hydrogeodesy: A technological platform to evaluate the status of global water resources and stability of the Earth system, and to answer unsolved hydrological questions
- Impact of Land Data Assimilation on Land-Atmosphere Interactions in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
- Impact of meteorological forcing data on integrated crop-water-use-climate simulations over North America
- Incorporating beaver dams in a physically-based hydrological model
- Insights into spatiotemporal evolution of permafrost under climate change - hydrologic-land surface modelling in the Canadian subarctic
- Instabilities in spring N export caused by cumulative effects of climate changes, acidification recovery, and forest harvesting activities in northern temperate forests
- Interpreting excess air in groundwater with new hydroclimate tracers
- Investigating Natural Radio Emissions using RRI on ePOP/SWARM-E
- Ionospheric Electron Density Over Resolute Bay According to E-CHAIM Model and RISR Radar Measurements
- Land Surface Hydrological Modelling of the Mackenzie River Basin: Parametrization to Simulate Streamflow and Permafrost Dynamics Concurrently
- Large Extent Snowdrift-resolving Snowpack Simulations Across the Canadian Cordillera
- LiDAR-derived snow depth and associated uncertainties from four forested watersheds in south-western British Columbia.
- Linking plant hydraulics, groundwater access, and tree water isotopes to understand water strategies in a tropical ecosystem
- Model-Dependent Stratospheric Aerosol Effective Radiative Forcing in the VolMIP volc-pinatubo-full Ensemble
- Modeling Water Use Efficiency and Optimal Irrigation Quantity for Spring maize in Hetao Irrigation District in China
- Modeling the Streamflow Sensitivity to Wetland Drainage and Restoration Over the Canadian Prairies Using a Basin Classification Approach
- Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models Toolbox (MARRMoT) v2.1: a better, faster and more accessible tool for reproducible watershed modelling.
- Nearly enclosed bays as oases of life on Snowball Earth
- Polarization Characteristics of Transionospheric Radio Waves: Observations and Modeling
- Poleward Moving Auroral Forms Induced by Transient Alfvénic Poynting Fluxes
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Future Transboundary Water Conflicts in the Middle East
- Quantifying Spatio-Temporally Distributed Snow Density across Four Forested Mountain Watersheds in South-Western British Columbia
- Quantifying the Hydrological Effects of Agricultural Land-use and Climate Change in a Cold Semi-Arid Region
- Raytracing Simulation and Observations of HF Transmission Between McMurdo and e-POP During the December 4, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse
- Relation between magnetopause position and dayside reconnection rate under quasi-steady solar wind dynamic pressure
- Remote Sensing and Modeling of Global Scale Groundwater Recharge and Groundwater Storage Changes Using SMAP, GRACE/FO, and GLDAS
- Remote Sensing of Arctic Sea Ice Using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network: New Results and Data Products
- Scale-matching bias-correction of high-resolution dynamical downscaling climate simulation for hydrological application
- Status and Performance of the Upcoming ALTIUS Limb Mission
- Temperature-dependent nonlinear attenuation of the glycerol-saturated sandstones
- The Art-Water-Climate Connection: Changing Attitudes through Art
- The Doppler Shift of Farley-Buneman Waves Under Strongly Disturbed Conditions.
- The Model Intercomparison Project on the Climatic Response to Volcanic Forcing (VolMIP): Status and Future Perspectives of the Initiative
- The dissipation of F region ionospheric irregularities
- The growth of ring current/SYM-H under northward IMF Bz conditions present during the 21-22 January 2005 geomagnetic storm
- The impact of meteorological forcing uncertainty on hydrological modeling in representative cryosphere basins on the global scale
- The impacts of anthropogenic activities on terrestrial water cycle, Part Ⅰ: census data based estimation of irrigation amount in North China Plain
- The promise and limits of boreal peatlands as a nature-based hydrological solution: Defining the effects of peat swelling/shrinking on extreme events - and the rest of the hydrological regime
- Title: Forests for Forests: Combining vegetation indices and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in random forest models improves gross primary production prediction in the Boreal Forest
- Unambiguous High-Resolution VHF Coherent Radar Observations of the E-region by the Fully Digital ICEBEAR-3D Radar
- Uncertainty Due to Precipitation Phase Estimation Methods of Large-Scale Hydrological Predictions Under Climate Change
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of a Semi-Distributed Non-Parsimonious Hydrologic Model Across Spatial and Temporal Scales Using New and Traditional Global Sensitivity Analysis Approaches
- Unsteady Magnetopause Reconnection Under Quasi-Steady Radial IMF
- Utilizing optical flow technique to understand plasma convection
- Validating SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth in Forests: Summary of Activities in 2022
- Variations in Groundwater Recharge during the mid-Holocene Revealed in the Tucson Basin (Arizona, USA) using Radioisotopes and Noble Gases
- Velocity of SuperDARN Echoes Received via 1&1/2-hop Propagation Path
- Vertical wind observations from multi-static meteor radar networks considering the continuity equation
- Why Sensitivity Auditing Matters for the Socio-hydrological Perspective in Water Resources Modelling
- Wither Sublimation? Lower Sublimation Losses with Climate Warming Due to Suppression of Blowing Snow Transport and Forest Snow Interception Processes
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. Kumar
- A. M. Keesee
- A. Park Williams
- A. S. Reimer
- A. V. Koustov
- A. W. Wood
- A. W. Yau
- Aaron Berg
- Abigail L. S. Swann
- Adam Bourassa
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Ahmed Abdelkader
- Ahmed Yosri
- Alain Pietroniro
- Alan Dyer
- Alan Liu
- Alan Robock
- Alexander Norton
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Ali Nazemi
- Allison Jaynes
- Amin Dezfuli
- Amin Elshorbagy
- Andreas Colliander
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew Bennett
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew J. Newman
- Anthony J. Jakeman
- Ashley E. Van Beusekom
- Asti Bhatt
- Aurélien Podglajen
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. Kunduri
- Barry Croke
- Bart Nijssen
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Bernard Legras
- Binzheng Zhang
- Brian M. Walsh
- Brian Menounos
- Bruce Davison
- C. T. Dhanya
- Carina Furusho
- Carl Hartick
- Carley Martin
- Cecilia M. Bitz
- Cenlin He
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Chinchu Mohan
- Chris Frans
- Christopher B. Marsh
- Christopher Spence
- Claudia Stolle
- Claudia Teutschbein
- Colleen Mortimer
- Corinne J. Schuster‐Wallace
- Craig R. Ferguson
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. L. Hysell
- D. M. Gillies
- D. W. Danskin
- Daniel Billett
- Dara Entekhabi
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David G. Tarboton
- David M. Lawrence
- David M. Miles
- David R. Bowling
- Debora Griffin
- Dev Niyogi
- Diego Janches
- Diptiranjan Rout
- Donald Hampton
- Dong Lin
- Doğacan Öztürk
- E. Ceren Kalafatoglu Eyiguler
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. G. Thomas
- E. Spanswick
- Elisa Savelli
- Elisa Ziegler
- Elmira Hassanzadeh
- Fabrizio Fenicia
- Fei Chen
- Fernando Jaramillo
- Flavio Lehner
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- Francina Domínguez
- Fuad Yassin
- G. A. Grubbs
- G. C. Hussey
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Ricker
- G. W. Perry
- Gabriele C. Hegerl
- Ghassan Taha
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Grant Ferguson
- Guiping Liu
- Gunter Stober
- Guoqiang Tang
- H. K. Connor
- Hannes Müller Schmied
- Haonan Wu
- Hauke Schmidt
- Heather E. Golden
- Henry M. Johnson
- Hilary R. Martens
- Hongli Liu
- Hoori Ajami
- Hylke E. Beck
- I. R. Mann
- Ignacio Aguirre
- Inne Vanderkelen
- Irena F. Creed
- Isamu Morino
- Isla R. Simpson
- J. B. Baker
- J. D. Huba
- J. I. López‐Moreno
- J. K. Burchill
- J. L. Semeter
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Oberheide
- J. S. Famiglietti
- J. Stutz
- J.-P. St.-Maurice
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jacob Scheff
- James R. Craig
- Jason A. Leach
- Jay R. Christensen
- Jean‐Pierre Blanchet
- Jeffrey P. Severinghaus
- Jennifer C. McIntosh
- Jennifer J. Swenson
- Jiang Liu
- Ji‐Hyun Kim
- John Barnes
- John W. Pomeroy
- Jonathan Ng
- Jonathan R. Lamontagne
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Juan S. Acero Triana
- Juliane Mai
- Julie Schindlbeck-Belo
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. N. Musselman
- Kabir Rasouli
- Karen A. McKinnon
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