University of Saskatchewan, Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies
flowchart I[University of Saskatchewan, Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (75)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- OSIRIS on Odin: An Overview of OSIRIS - the Optical Spectrograph and IR Imager System
- OSIRIS on Odin: First Observational Results from the IR Imager System
- Ozone Profiles Retrieved From Odin/OSIRIS Obervations of Limb-Radiance Spectra
- Polar Mesospheric Clouds Observed by the Optical Spectrograph on Odin in July-August, 2001
- The Odin Atmospheric Mission
- The Validation Inter-comparison of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from OSIRIS with WINDII
- A Small Postmidnight Substorm During IMF Bz+ and By+ Conditions -- Joint Optical, Radar, Magnetic and Satellite Observations
- An Event Comparison of Global MHD Simulation and SuperDARN HF Radar in the North Polar Cusp
- Detection and Tracking of High Altitude Cirrus Clouds With the InfraRed Imaging System of OSIRIS on Odin
- Diagnosis of Mesospheric Oxygen Chemistry Using Odin/OSIRIS Observations at 1.27 æm and 762 nm
- New Observations of the Meinel OH Bands With the OSIRIS Imager on the Odin Satellite
- Ozone retrieval and the Investigation of Structures in the Oxygen Infrared Atmospheric bands observed with the OSIRIS Imager on the Odin satellite
- Range Effect in the Spectral Width of E-Region HF Coherent Echoes
- Seasonal Variation of F-region Echo Occurrence in the Midnight Sector
- The Investigation of Structures in the Meinel OH Bands and the Oxygen Infrared Atmospheric Bands Observed During the April 2002 Solar Storms Observed With the OSIRIS Imager on the Odin Satellite
- Validation of OSIRIS Ozone Inversions
- Validation of OSIRIS on Odin: Ozone Profiles and Total Column Since November 2001
- Two Years of PMC Observations With OSIRIS on Odin
- Comparison between ionospheric convection vortices and the associated equivalent currents
- Investigation of Dynamical Structures with OSIRIS on Odin
- Space-borne OH rotational temperature measurements with SCIAMACHY
- SuperDARN Observations in the Vicinity of Polarization Jets
- UV Remote Sensing of the Mesosphere With OSIRIS
- Vertical structure of NLCs observed by Odin/OSIRIS
- What are Sawtooth Events?
- Plasmoids Observed in the Near-Earth Magnetotail at X=-7 Re
- Restructuring of Nightside Convection During Substorm
- Severe Arctic Ozone loss in the Winter 2004-2005 using ACE and Odin Measurements
- TIDI Broadband Neutral Wind Data and Comparison with Ground Based Radar Neutral Wind Measurements from Different Latitudes
- The OH (v= 0) Altitude Distribution at Sunrise
- Limb Scatter Observations of the Oxygen Atmospheric Bands
- Polar Cap Dynamics and the PolarDARN radars: Status, rationale, first results
- Revised correlation between Odin/OSIRIS PMC properties and coincident TIMED/SABER mesospheric temperatures
- The Impact of Sea Glint upon Limb Scattering Measurements.
- Validation Results from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE)
- Ion Distribution Functions in Response to Cylindrically Symmetric Electric Fields That Change Linearly With Radius
- Ionospheric Response to the Changes in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Bz Under Strong Positive IMF By Conditions, as Seen using SuperDARN and PolarDARN Radars.
- Measurements of the Atmospheric Temperature Within a PMC
- Coordinated observations of a nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance in 630-nm airglow and HF radar echoes
- Detection and Tracking of Aerosols From the 2008 Kasatochi Eruption in the Lower Stratosphere With OSIRIS Limb Scattered Sunlight Spectra
- PolarDARN/SuperDARN radar echo signatures of moving polar cap arcs
- Proton Auroral Emissions without Electron Auroral Emissions in Long-lasting Complex Substorms
- The Odin satellite polar mesospheric noctilucent cloud database
- Optical properties of subvisual cirrus from OSIRIS
- A Unifying Model of Substorms: Evolving Magnetic Field Line Shape in the Magnetotail
- Atomic oxygen in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere
- Modelling troughs, blobs, and patches in the ionosphere for the HF SuperDARN-Radio Receiver Instrument experiment for the ePOP mission
- Nitric oxide in the polar mesosphere-lower thermosphere: comparisons between OSIRIS, SMR, and ACE-FTS satellite measurements
- OSIRIS Subvisual Cirrus Cloud Observations and Modeling
- Polar Cap Convection Structures: Relations to High Speed Streams and Plasma Sheet Dynamics
- Record low O3 total column measurements at Eureka, Canada during spring 2011
- Spectral widths of polar cap SuperDARN echoes: McMurdo and Rankin Inlet comparison
- Stratospheric aerosol particle size retrieval with OSIRIS limb scatter measurements
- SuperDARN Cross Polar Cap Potential: Correlation with the IMF and solar wind parameters
- A review of the various facets of ion-neutral coupling in the earth's ionosphere and thermosphere.
- Characterization of OSIRIS ozone profiles with the SAGE II dataset
- Comparison of SuperDARN irregularity drift measurements and F-region ion velocities from the Resolute Bay ISR
- Coordinated SuperDARN-THEMIS ASI Observations of Mesoscale Flow Bursts Associated with Auroral Streamers
- Modeling the Perpendicular Electric Field Structure in the Vicinity of Auroral Precipitation Arcs
- Temporal variations of the FeO nightglow emission
- A novel technique for studying F-region ionization patches with the Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar - North
- Analysis of Satellite Remote Sensing Observations of Low Ozone Events in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Links with Convection
- Direct Observations of the Evolution of Polar Cap Ionization Patches
- Drift-corrected Trends and Periodic Variations in MIPAS Ozone Measurements
- Multi-satellite studies of ULF wave phase characteristics in the outer magnetosphere
- Odin-OSIRIS detection of the Chelyabinsk meteor
- Reviewing the Mechanisms Underlying the Pre-reversal Enhancement of the Vertical Plasma Drift in the Low Latitude Ionosphere
- Role of Westward Traveling Surges in the Substorm Expansion Phase
- Spectacular ionospheric flow structures associated with substorm auroral onset
- The impact of planetary waves on the latitudinal and longitudinal variations of sudden stratospheric warmings
- How certain are we of the uncertainties in recent ozone profile trend assessments of merged limb/occultation records? Challenges and possible ways forward.
- Is Ozone Going Up Now?
- Quantifying emissions of CO and NOx using observations from MOPITT, OMI, TES, and OSIRIS
- The SAGE II/OSIRIS/OMPS-LP USask 2D Deseasonalized Anomaly Ozone Data Record for Use in Trend Analysis
- Comparing coincident SAGE III ISS measurements of stratospheric trace species with those measured by OSIRIS