Colorado School of Mines
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Integrated Conceptual and Modeling Approach for Studying Groundwater Recharge in Arid/Semi-arid Regions
- DLESE and Data Access for the Educational Community
- Earth Science Research in the National Underground Science Laboratory at the Homestake Mine, South Dakota
- Fluid Density, Aquifer Heterogeneity, and Velocity Effects on Transverse Dispersivity in a Model Aquifer
- Global Climate Change and Society: Scientific, Policy, and Philosophic Themes
- Guiding Science and Policy Through the Global Climate Change Debate
- Iron Isotope Variations in Natural Aqueous Systems: Further Clues to Fractionation Mechanisms
- Mantle Evolution Associated With the Rio Grande Rift: Geochemistry of Upper Mantle Xenoliths
- Plate-Tectonic Circulation is Driven by Cooling From the Top and is Closed Within the Upper Mantle
- Probable Mid-Miocene Caldera in the Modoc Plateau, Northeast California
- Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Depleted Oil/Gas Fields: Evaluation of Gas Microseepage and Carbon Dioxide Fate at Rangely, Colorado USA
- Computational Simulation of Reverse-Time Seismic Wave Propagation
- Evaluation of the Partition Interwell Tracer Technique for Possible Characterization of Dnapl Pools
- Experimental Results and Simulation of Bench-Scale CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flow and Transport in Geologic Media
- Generalized Radon Transform in Global Seismology: Focusing Selected Neighborhoods of the CMB
- Integrating EarthScope Research and Education on a National Scale
- Numerical Modeling for Integrated Design of a DNAPL Partitioning Tracer Test
- Partial Source Zone Treatment at DNAPL Contaminated Sites: Issues of Heterogeneity, Characterization, Mass Transfer and Up-scaling
- Plumes do not Exist: Plate Circulation is Confined to Upper Mantle
- The Influence of a Chemical Remediation Agent on NAPL-Water Partition Coefficients and Partitioning Tracer Test Results
- Thermal Treatment of Clays Resulting in Magnetic Mineral Formation in a Smectite - An Analogy to low Burial Conditions
- Application of Flow Field Flow Fractionation-ICP-MS for the Study of Uranium Binding in Cell Suspensions of Shewanella oneidensis
- Breakdown of wave diffusion in 2D due to loops
- Building A Collaborative And Distributed E&O Program For EarthScope
- Estimating Equivalent Continuum Scales in Fractured Aquifer Watersheds Using Discrete Feature Network Simulation
- Generalized Radon Transform Inversion of Coda Waves: Imaging Selected Neighborhoods of the CMB
- JUPITER Project - Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability
- Numerical Simulations of Volcanic Eruptions Through a Crater Lake
- Origin, Age, and Geochemistry of the Tuff of Saguache Creek, Southwestern Colorado
- Seismic Background Noise Characterization at the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer Site
- Seismic Frequency Attenuation and Fluid Motion
- Study of DNAPL Pool Morphology Using X-ray Attenuation to Evaluate Limitations of Partitioning Tracer Method in Complex Entrapment Architecture
- Subduction Drive of Plate Tectonics
- Surface Monitoring of Leakage From Geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration
- Syn-Rift Stratigraphic Architecture Reveals the Growth History of a Sub-basinal Fault Population in the Outer Moray Firth, North Sea
- Thermal and compositional anomalies beneath the North American continent
- Uncertainty in Characterization of Source Zone DNAPL Entrapment Architecture Using Mass Flux Measurements Due to Geologic Heterogeneity
- Volcano Monitoring with Coda Wave Interferometry at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Volcano monitoring using continuous data
- Weathering of Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary Rocks in a Semi-arid Climate - An Engineering Application of Petrology
- 3D Inversion of magnetic total gradient in the presence of remanent magnetization
- A Raindrop Model for Passive Imaging
- A stream tracer technique employing ionic tracers and specific conductance data
- An Earthquake Swarm on the Galapagos Transform Fault: Implications for Earthquake Triggering
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon Flushing in Three Small Watersheds, Oregon USA
- Comparison of Gas Flux and Soil Gas Composition at Two Oil Fields: Rangely, Colorado With CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR, and Teapot Dome, Wyoming at Baseline Condition
- Constraining Relative Source Locations with Coda Wave Interferometry: Theory and Application to Earthquake Doublets in the Hayward Fault, California
- Coupling Surfactants/Cosolvents with Oxidants: Effects on Site Characterization and DNAPL Remediation
- Determining In-Channel Transient Storage by Comparing Solute Transport in a Bedrock Channel - Alluvial Channel Sequence, Lookout Creek Basin, Oregon, USA
- Does rapid climate change affect sedimentation in a fluvial system? Documenting the PETM using pedogenic carbonate in the Wasatch Formation of Western Colorado
- Dynamic Triggering of Landslides
- Effects of Aquifer Heterogeneity on Mass Flux Emission From DNAPL Entrapment Zones
- Estimating Scattering Strength from the Transition to Equipartitioning
- First seismic observation of a fluid pulse propagating along a fault
- Hundreds of Rimmed Circular Structures on Venus Formed From Impacts Before 3.9 Ga, Not From Young Plumes
- Imaging structure at and near the core mantle boundary with a generalized Radon transform of broad band ScS and SKKS coda waves
- In Situ Raman Analyses of Natural Gas and Gas Hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
- Influence of NAPL-mixture dissolution dynamics on contaminant plume movement
- Inverse Multiple Scattering
- Mapping hydrogeophysical structures with time--domain electromagnetic methods: Resolving small-scale details with large loops and three--component measurements
- Monitoring of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Surface Leakage at the Frio Pilot Injection Site
- Monitoring with Coda Wave Interferometry
- Multi-model Ranking And Inference In Ground-Water Modeling
- Phospholipid-Derived Fatty Acids and Their Stable and Radiocarbon Isotope Values as Indicators of Bacterial Methane Oxidation at a Thermogenic Methane Seep
- Potential Impacts of Increased Thermokarst Activity on Aquatic Ecosystems in Arctic Landscapes
- Power-law behavior of transient storage residence time distributions from a multi-scale stream tracer test in Lookout Creek, Oregon
- Seasonal Evolution of Hyporheic Zones in Arctic Tundra Streams, North Slope, Alaska
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transient Storage Model With Streambed Sorption Applied to Experimental Field Data
- Significance of Diffused Zone Mass Flux Plume in Determining the Longevity of Solute Plumes Emanating From Heterogeneous DNAPL Source Zones: Intermediate-Scale Experimental Investigations
- Stochastic Approach for Modeling of DNAPL Migration in Heterogeneous Aquifers: Model Development and Experimental Data Generation
- Stream Transient Storage as a Function of Land Use in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
- Uncertainty Estimation in Inverse Problems; an Uncertain Proposition
- Using Diverse Data Types in Ground-Water Models: Issues for Evaluation and Consensus
- An application of time-reversed acoustics to the imaging of a salt-dome flank
- Analysis of Treasure Island earthquake data using seismic interferometry
- Application of Soil Gas Composition, Carbon Isotopes, and Gas Fluxes to the Atmosphere in Order to Detect Low Rates of Leakage from CO2 Sequestration Projects
- Characterizing subsurface active-layer permafrost beneath arctic streams using 3D ground-penetrating radar
- Controls on Soil Moisture Wicking Extent Away From Lake Fryxell (Constant Boundary Condition) in the Dry Valleys Polar Desert, Antarctica
- Dependence of Uncertainty in Parameter Estimation in Non-stationary Heterogeneous Aquifers on the Number and Spatial Distribution of Observation Wells
- Effect of Morphology and Permafrost on Hyporheic Dynamics in Two Tundra Streams on the North Slope of Alaska
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration From a Domestic Leach-Field and Surrounding Lawn Using a Combined Measurement and Modeling Approach
- Experimental Investigation of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation of Complex DNAPL Source Zones by Permanganate
- Extracting the response of a building with seismic interferometry
- Hydrological/Biogeochemical Controls Over Microbial Diversity Across Varying Spatial Scales In Antarctic Riparian Zones
- Imaging Structure at and Near Upper Mantle Discontinuities using a Generalized Radon Transform
- Imaging structure at and near the core mantle boundary by generalized Radon transform of broad band ScS coda waves
- Impact of Flow Configuration and Source Size on Dispersivity Estimates From Field Tracer Tests: Laboratory Experiments and Computational Investigations
- Lagrangian framework of super-Fickian dispersion
- Landscape Characteristics and Variations in Longitudinal Stream Flow Contribution in two Headwater Semi-Arid Mountain Watersheds
- Microearthquakes beneath the Hydrothermal Vent Fields on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Results from the Keck Seismic/Hydrothermal Observatory
- Monitoring Contamination of the subsurface with Quasi-Static Deformation
- New Programming Environments for Uncertainty Analysis
- On the Predictability of Solute Transport in Fractured Media
- On the Role of Hyporheic Exchange and Stream Flow Velocity in Driving Diurnal Fluctuations in Discharge During Baseflow Recession
- Phosphorus Transport at a Wastewater Infiltration Site; Mines Park, CO
- Predicting Nitrogen Transport From Individual Sewage Disposal Systems for a Proposed Development in Adams County, Colorado
- Random-walk Solutions of Fractional Advection-dispersion Equations
- Review of Intraplate Tectonic and Basin Settings
- Seismic Imaging Investigation of the Calaveras Fault in Dunne Memorial Park, Hollister, CA
- Sensitivity of Model Parameter in the Predication of DNAPL Infiltration and Redistribution in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Simulating Fluid Movement in Saturated Heterogeneous Fractured Watersheds: Exploring the Influence of Data Distribution, Aquifer Structure, and Element Size on Model Accuracy
- Soils and the CUAHSI Vision and Beyond
- Subsurface Seepage of Seawater Across the Walvis Ridge: A Source of Water and Salt to the South Atlantic Rift Lakes During the Early Cretaceous
- Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Malawi rift, East Africa: Structural Controls on Sediment Dispersal in a Large Lake Basin.
- The Effect of Variable Geochemical Conditions on the Reactive Transport of U(VI) in Small Scale Tracer Tests
- Transport of Carbon Tetrachloride in a Fractured Vadose Zone due to Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations, Diffusion, and Vapor Density
- Up-scaling of Mass Transfer From Entrapped DNAPL Sources From Laboratory to Field- Experimental Validation of an Empirical Approach
- Use of Carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin (CMCD) as Flushing Agent for Remediation of Metal Contaminated Soil
- Water Balance and Residence Time in Stream Functional Units of Differing Scales
- 3-D seismic exploration of Earth's deep interior reveals intermittent D" stratification
- Ammonium Sulfate Evaporites Associated With Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Cells
- An Experimental Determination of Natural Clathrate Hydrate Dissolution Rates in the Deep Sea
- Applying Distributed, Coupled Hydrological Slope-Stability Models for Landslide Hazard Assessments
- Assessment of Spatial Scale Dependendies of Variably Saturated Flow Approaches for Regional Scale Ground Water Models
- Bioenhanced Dissolution of PCE from DNAPL Pools: Large Tank Experiments
- Comparison of Stream Reach Scale Transport of Rhodamine WT and NaCl in Coupled Mountain Stream-Hyporheic System
- Effects of Contaminated Fluids on Complex Moduli in Porous Rocks; Lab and Field.
- Ensemble Solute Transport in 2-D Operator-Stable Random Fields
- Ice Core Tomography with Laser Ultrasonics
- Imaging and characterizing structure in Earth's deep interior
- Improved Subsurface Model Calibration Using Soft Data on Geologic Heterogeneity
- In Situ Raman Spectroscopic Measurements of Undisturbed Seafloor Hydrates at Barkley Canyon
- Investigations of Hyporheic Temperature Regimes in Arctic Alaska Streams Using Time Series Analysis Techniques
- Landscape controls on hillslope-riparian-stream hydrologic connections in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains
- Nitrogen Cycling and Bacterial Diversity in Hot and Cold Desert Stream Margins
- Novel observations on the massive Barkley Canyon hydrates
- Observed temporal dynamics and thresholds of vertical hydraulic gradients in the bed of a mountain stream during seasonal streamflow recession, Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado.
- Persistence of Salinity in Tsunami Effected Coastal Aquifers In Sri Lanka: Conceptual Models and Research Needs
- Pore Scale- and Continuum Scale Modeling of Direct Gas Injection Experiments
- Prediction of Late-Time Concentration Tailing Through Characterization of Hydrofacies Distributions
- Preliminary Exploration of Dynamic Effect in a Field Soil Retention Curves: Direct Laboratory Quantification of Material Coefficient
- Relationship between triggered deep low-frequency events in western Japan and strain changes due to the Rayleigh waves from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Retention Curve Measurement for Sands Using a TDR-based Long Column and Modified Tempe Cell
- Rethinking the Meaning of "REV" in Modeling Fractured Rock Aquifers
- Scaling of Transient Storage Parameter Estimates with Increasing Reach Length in a Mountain Headwater Stream
- Simulation of Field-Scale Non-Fickian Plumes With Spatiotemporal Fractional Advection- Dispersion Equations
- State of the Art of Hydrates: Fundamentals and Applications
- Study of the Longevity of Solute Plumes Emanating from Heterogeneous DNAPL Source Zones: Intermediate-Scale Test Demonstration and Model Evaluation
- Taking the Pulse of Hydrology Education
- Temporal Dynamics of an Antarctic Riparian Zone Microbial Community
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: Measuring and modeling carbon and water fluxes from point to watershed scales
- The Archaea of a Hypersaline Microbial Mat
- The Exchange Reaction Between Methane Hydrate and Carbon Dioxide: An Oceanic Feasibility Test
- The McBride Honors Program in Public Affairs for Scientists and Engineers
- Thermokarst Characteristics and Distribution in a Transitional Arctic Biome: New Discoveries and Possible Monitoring Directions in a Climate Change Scenario
- Tracer Observations of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Water Exchange Across the Stream-Catchment Interface
- Using Multi-offset GPR Data to Estimate Porosity Variations Beneath Stream Channels
- Wetted Margin Dynamics: The Interplay of Soil Hydrology, Biogeochemistry, and Microbial Ecology in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica
- Wireless Sensor Network Continuous Plume Monitoring and Model Calibration: Proof of Concept in Intermediate-Scale Tank Test
- A Comparison of In-Channel Dead Zone and Hyporheic Zone Transient Storage Parameter Estimates Between a 1st and 5th Order Stream
- A Comparison of Naturally-Occurring and Artificially Stimulated Uranium(VI) Bioreduction in Sediment from a Field-scale Experiment in Rifle, CO
- A Stochastically Based Method for Multiphase Flow Modeling in Heterogeneous Media - Experimental Observations and Model Design
- Applying the Concept of Grade to Basin-Scale Stacking Patterns and Stratigraphic Architecture Along the Shelf to Basin Profile: An Outcrop Perspective
- Can more data make a model worse? A transport experiment in an exhaustively sampled sandstone slab
- Combined Hydraulic Tomography - Self Potential - Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Parameter Estimation in the Unconfined Aquifer at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site
- Combining Wireless Sensor Networks and Groundwater Transport Models: Protocol and Model Development in a Simulative Environment
- Conceptualizing, testing, and transferring watershed characteristics-runoff generation relationships
- Connecting Soil Pores to the Field: Uranium Transport Experiments at the Intermediate Scale
- Controlled placement of polyelectrolyte modified engineered nanomaterials in the subsurface: Correlating modifier layer properties and geochemistry with mobility
- Detection and Localization of Hydromechanical Disturbances in a Sandbox using the Self-potential Method
- Diffusion, Dispersion, and Uncertainty in Anisotropic Fractal Porous Media
- Direct laboratory quantification of dynamic coefficient of a field soil for drainage and wetting cycles
- Effect of Nanoparticle Aggregation, Polydispersity, and Concentration on Transport of Surface- Modified Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron (NZVI) Particles in Saturated Porous Media
- Expected Behavior of Basaltic Magma with the Proposed High Level Nuclear Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Extraction of P and S Wave Propagations and Measurement of Shear-Wave Splitting From Noise Data
- Frequency Dependence of Regional Coda Q: Numerical Modeling and a PNE Example
- High Resolution Receiver Functions From the Southern Great Basin, Nevada
- Increased Active Layer Development Associated with Thermokarst Activity in Continuous Permafrost Region in the Brook Range foothills, Alaska
- Investigation of coupled heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous porous media using numerical simulations
- Laboratory measurements and modeling of seismic attenuation in saturated limestones
- Nonlocal transport captured by spatiotemporal fractional derivative models: Modeling approach and field-scale applications
- Numerical Model of Large Bubble Bursts at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Observational Evidence for a Rapidly Moving Seismic Source at Mount St. Helens
- Quantifying Groundwater Model Uncertainty
- Relationships Between Stream - Ground Water Exchange and Topography of the Channel, Valley, and Watershed
- Robotic Preparation Of Thin Sections For Planetary Applications
- Solute transport in a physically and chemically heterogeneous aquifer model
- Spurious arrivals in seismic interferometry
- Statistical Analysis of Common Image Point Gathers at and near the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Study of Uranium Transport Utilizing Reactive Numerical Modeling and Experimental Data from Heterogeneous Intermediate-Scale Tanks
- The 14CH4 Measurement Record, Geologic Sources of Methane, and a new Reconciliation of the Global Methane Budget
- The Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado: Preliminary Results on Microbiological, Geochemical and Hydrologic Processes Controlling Iron Reduction and Uranium Mobility
- The inner structure of La Fossa di Vulcano (Vulcano Island, southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) revealed by high resolution electric resistivity tomography coupled with self-potential, temperature, and soil CO2 gas measurements
- Thermokarst Distribution in the Noatak Basin, Alaska: Increased Frequency and Correlations with Local and Regional Landscape Variables
- Tomography of ground water flow from self-potential data
- Topographic Controls on Hillslope-Riparian Water Table Continuity in a set of Nested Catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana
- Use of coda wave interferometry for estimating the variation in source orientation between double couples
- Using 3D Geospatial Models to Improve Outcrop Analog Studies: an Example Using Crevasse Splay and Point Bar Outcrops, Upper Cretaceous, NW Colorado
- A model of the heavy-tailed, anomalous dispersion of radioactive tracer sand by a river
- A semi-analytical solution for transient streaming potentials associated with confined aquifer pumping tests
- Arabia Terra: A partial multi-ring structure around the Borealis impact basin on Mars?
- Assessing the influence of various aquatic ecosystem types on biogeochemical fluxes at river network scales
- Changes in Tidal Tilt Associated With Surfactant Infiltration Into the Vadose Zone
- Characterization of Surface Transient Storage Zone Exchange and Flow Dynamics in a 3rd-Order Stream, Massachusetts
- Control of Montmorillonite Surface Coatings on Quartz Grains in Bentonite by Precursor Volcanic Glass
- Correlation to Predict Collision Efficiency of Natural Organic Matter (NOM)- and Polymer- coated Nanoparticles in Porous Media
- Coupled Modeling of Self Potential and Groundwater Flow to Estimate Permeability Structure of the Elkhorn Fault, South Park, Colorado
- Coupling Surfactants with Permanganate for PCE DNAPL Removal: Coinjection or Sequential Application as Delivery Methods
- Density Variations within the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars
- Determining Surface Transient Storage Zone Residence Time Distributions from Whole Stream Solute Injections
- Educating the Engineer for Sustainable Community Development
- Eduction and outreach for the global energy challenge
- Effects of DNAPL source morphology on contaminant mass transfer and the zone of effective treatment using nano-scale zero-valent iron
- Empirical two-point α-mixing model for calibrating ECH2O EC-5 soil moisture sensor in sands
- Exploring the Role of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Living Silica Stromatolites in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Green's function extraction for general linear systems
- Groundwater Hydrology within the crater of Mount St. Helens from Geophysical Constraints
- Influence of Thermokarst Failures on Hillslope and Stream Water Quality
- Methods for conditioning anisotropic, operator-scaling, fractal random fields, and the effect on solute transport simulations
- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture in Shallow Depths of the Vadose Zone: A Comparison of two and Three Dimensional Simulations to Capture Relevant Physical Processes
- Molecular Signatures of Microbial Metabolism in an Actively Growing, Silicified, Microbial Structure from Yellowstone National Park
- Monitoring change in volcanoes
- Montmorillonite Dissolution in Simulated Lung Fluids
- New Evidence for the Origin of Layered Deposits in Valles Marineris
- Overcoming Heterogeneity Effects Through Polymer-Enhanced Groundwater Remediation Techniques: Coupling Polymer Floods with Chemical Oxidants and Bio-agents
- Partitioning Surface and Hyporheic Transient Storage in Streams of Increasing Size
- Phospholipid Evidence for Methanogenic Archaea and Sulfate-reducing Bacteria in Coalbed Methane Wells in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
- Robotic Thin Section Sample Preparation Device for In Situ Planetary Exploration
- Role of the Inhomogeneity Angle in Attenuation Analysis
- Segmentation of the Tacoma fault: evidence from seismic and magnetic data
- Seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution as a means to compensate for anisotropic illumination
- Self-potential response of unsaturated flow and its application to the non-intrusive determination of the van Genuchten parameters
- Separation of River Network Scale Nitrogen Removal Between Surface and Hyporheic Transient Storage Compartments
- Simulation of Transport and Reaction Using Random Walks: Reactions Without Concentrations and the Automatic Simulation of Drastically Different Thermodynamic--- Versus Diffusion---Limited Reaction Rates
- Soil Moisture Processes in the Near Surface Unsaturated Zone: Experimental Investigations in Multi-scale Test Systems
- Stochastic joint inversion of temperature and self-potential data to determine the permeability of geological units in sedimentary basins
- Structural and δ13C Analyses of Bacterial Phospholipids in Marine Sediments Beneath the Ross Ice Sheet, Antarctica
- Subsurface Transport Model Performance in the Data Context of Wireless Sensor Networks
- The Tonga-Vanuatu Subduction Complex -- a Self-Optimized 3D Slab-Slab-Mantle Heat Pump
- The role of groundwater in the origin of the indurated layered deposits of Arabia Terra, Mars
- Two-Dimensional Transport of Concentrated Dispersions of Polyelectrolyte-modified Fe0 Nanoparticles in Saturated Sand
- Understanding the Impacts of Energy Production and Climate Change on Water Resources in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Use of Podcasts as Lecture Supplement and Educational Outreach
- Use of Stochastic Differential Equation Solution Methods for Bubble Migration in Porous Media
- Use of Video Technology for Lecture and Lab Material in Introductory Earth Science
- Using PLFA Biomarkers and Natural Abundance Stable and Radiocarbon Isotopes to Characterize the Microbial Ecology and Metabolism of Methane Cycling
- Variability in stream flow and specific discharge along three headwater streams in central Montana, USA
- Variable Density Flow and Transport in Homogeneous Porous Media; Understand the effect of tsunami on groundwater
- A coupled modeling approach to incorporate vadose-zone flow and solute transport in ground water models
- A framework for spatial and temporal prediction of shallow landslides induced by rainfall (Invited)
- A simple Bayesian method to combine lithofacies data with drawdown measurements when calibrating a groundwater flow model
- Aquifer characterization using transient streaming potentials generated by flow during pumping tests - New developments
- Catchment Scale Simulations at Hydrologic Resolution: Using Massively-Parallel Computing and Integrated Models in Hydrologic Discovery
- Compaction Trends in Carbonate Sediments - Theory and Experiments
- Comparison of a Physics-Based Lagrangian Reaction Algorithm and a Randomized Gillespie Algorithm To Simulate Bimolecular Reactions in Mixing-Limited Regimes
- Constraining Fault-Zone Hydrogeology through Integrated Hydrological and Geoelectrical Analysis
- Coupled Modes of SST-Precipitation Variability in Observations, Atmospheric GCMs, and Coupled GCMs
- D/H fractionation in lipids from terrestrial hydrothermal springs, Yellowstone National Park
- Effect of 2004 tsunami on groundwater in a coastal aquifer of Sri Lanka: Tank experiments, field observations and numerical modelling (Invited)
- Electrical and Magnetic Measurements from microHertz to teraHertz (Invited)
- Evaporites in Martian Paleolakes: Observations and Implications
- Evidence for Multiple Depositional Periods in Aram Chaos, Mars
- Evidence for Unconformable Deposition of Hydrated Sulfate-bearing Evaporitic Deposits in Northern Sinus Meridiani, Mars
- Head and velocity variance as indicators of flow connectivity
- Heat-induced evaporation in the shallow subsurface: Experimental and modeling investigation
- Integrated Hydrological Modeling of the Greater San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Integrated response and feedback of groundwater and the terrestrial hydrologic system under climate change (Invited)
- Investigation of Uranium Transport Utilizing Experimental Data and Reactive Numerical Modeling from a Heterogeneous Three-Dimensional Tank
- Isolating Effects of Terrain and Subsurface Heterogeneity on Land Surface Energy Fluxes using Coupled Surface-Subsurface Simulations
- Lu-Hf systematics of the ultra-high temperature Napier Complex, East Antarctica: evidence for the early Archean formation of continental crust
- Mechanistic Insights to the Influence of Adsorbed Organic Macromolecules on Nanoparticle Attachment Efficiency in Porous Media
- Microporosity in tight rocks: clues from neutron scattering experiments (Invited)
- Modeling Tools to Design In Situ Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron (NZVI) Emplacement Strategies
- Modeling of DNAPL migration, entrapment and dissolution in single and intersecting variable aperture fractures
- On the use of a coupled variably-saturated groundwater flow - land surface model to initialize a fully coupled subsurface - land surface - atmospheric model for wind energy forecasting
- On the use of bedrock-to-atmosphere models to diagnose spatiotemporal patterns within the hydrologic cycle. (Invited)
- Pollutant monitoring in a sand-column with Spectral Induced Polarization, Time Domain Reflectometry, and geochemistry analysis: experimentation and modeling
- Process-Response Numerical Modeling in Carbonate Systems - Current Status and Importance (Invited)
- Role of air on local water retention behavior in the shallow heterogeneous vadose zone
- Seasonal variability in Arctic temperatures during the early Eocene
- Structural Control on Hydrothermal Fluid Circulations in Two Volcanoes of the Aeolian Archipelago, Stromboli and Vulcano (Italy)
- The seismoelectric method: underlying theory in saturated and unsaturated conditions, forward and inverse modeling (Invited)
- Ultrasonic Velocities in Laboratory-Formed Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Urban Watershed Modeling Across Landscape Scales
- Use of an Intermediate-Scale Tank to Study Strategies for Modified NZVI Emplacement for Effective Treatment of DNAPL Source Zones
- Using an integrated surface-subsurface model to quantify baseflow and overland runoff in heterogeneous hillslopes
- Using geoelectrical signals to monitor ground water flow in geothermal systems and active volcanoes (Invited)
- Wind Energy Resource Assessment Using Coupled Groundwater-Land-Surface Atmospheric Models
- 3D inversion of lunar gravity data and preliminary results
- A Numerical Investigation of Cross-Hole Seismoelectric Conversion
- A Web-Based Earth-Systems Knowledge Portal and Collaboration Platform
- A multi-modal geological investigation framework for subsurface modeling and kinematic monitoring of a slow-moving landslide complex in Colorado, United States
- A quantitative methodology to assess the risks to human health from CO2 leakage into groundwater
- A saline pulse test method monitored with the self-potential method to characterize hydraulic connectivity (Invited)
- Air Flow Path Dynamics In The Vadose Zone Under Various Land Surface Climate Boundary Conditions
- Anomalous Mixing and Reaction induced by Superdiffusive Transport
- Assessing the Roles of Karst Conduit Versus Matrix Flow in the Santa Fe River Basin
- Assessment of microbial biomarkers with environmental genomics: a comparison of biochemical and phylogenetic indicators of microbial diversity in Yellowstone National Park
- Atom Probe Tomography of Olivine
- Changes in the Kinetics of Uranium(VI) Sorption Reactions to Mineral Surfaces in the Presence of Fulvic Acid
- Changes in the community structure of microbial mats along chemical and temperature gradients in a Yellowstone hot spring
- Characterizing In Situ Uranium and Groundwater Flux
- Comparison of Classical and Non-local Transport Theories in a ``Perfectly'' Sampled Sandstone Slab
- Comparison of caprock pore networks which potentially will be impacted by carbon sequestration projects
- Comparison of lipidomics and genomics to describe hydrothermal communities in Yellowstone National Park
- Considerations in regional integrated hydrologic modeling: grid resolution, topography, and overland flow processes
- Dating sub-20 micron zircons in granulite-facies mafic dikes from SW Montana: a new approach using automated mineralogy and SIMS U-Pb geochronology
- Effects of elevated CO2 on a methanogenic microbial enrichment from coal of the Powder River Basin, WY
- Evaporation from Soils Under Thermal Boundary Conditions: Experimental and Modeling Investigation to Compare Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Based Approaches
- Geobiological Assessment of Evaporite Deposits in the Great Salt Lake Desert: Preliminary Results
- Growth, Transport, And/or Breakdown of Accessory Minerals in Migmatites from the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica
- Human Impacts on the Hydrologic Cycle: Comparing Global Climate Change and Local Water Management
- Including wave interference in radiative transfer theory for P-SV waves
- Influences of Biogenic Gas Production on Lamina-Scale Microbial Microfabrics in Modern and Ancient Stromatolites
- Influences of subsurface heterogeneity and vegetation cover on soil moisture, surface temperature, and evapotranspiration at hillslope scales
- Insights into partial melting processes through integrated isotopic and trace element analysis of zircon (Invited)
- Intermediate-Scale Investigation of Capillary and Dissolution Trapping during CO2 Injection and Post-Injection in Heterogeneous Geological Formations
- Investigation of biogeophysical signatures at a mature crude-oil contaminated site, Bemidji, Minnesota
- Investigation of land-atmosphere feedbacks through coupled hydrologic modeling (Invited)
- Lamination Formation, CO2 Uptake And Environmental Effects On Morphology: Siliceous Stromatolite Formation In A Hot Spring, Yellowstone National Park
- Many-objective Groundwater Monitoring Network Design Using Bias-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filtering, Evolutionary Optimization, and Visual Analytics
- Mechanisms Resulting in Induced Polarization
- Microbial Diversity of a Living Stromatolite in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming: Learning How a Stromatolite Grows
- Microbial lifestyles that enable survival in lithifying habitats
- Mobilization of Pb in zircon during high-T metamorphism (Invited)
- Near-Real-Time Geophysical and Biological Monitoring of Bioremediation Methods at a Uranium Mill Tailings Site in Rifle, Colorado
- Numerical Simulations Of Potential Mineral Trapping of CO2 During Sequestration
- On the Equivalence of Purely Lagrangian Reaction Algorithms and Eulerian (Continuum) Reaction Equations: Required Adjustments to the Classical Theory
- Recent advances in modeling the coupled hydrologic cycle: Connecting atmospheric processes, land energy fluxes and hydrology (Invited)
- SHARAD Finds Voluminous CO2 Ice Sequestered in the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits
- Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison
- Shallow Radar soundings of the four candidate landing sites for MSL Curiosity
- Shear wave imaging with seismic interferometry of traffic noise (Invited)
- Spectral induced polarization signatures from a crude-oil contaminated site undergoing biodegradation, Bemidji, MN
- The Ganymede Interior, Surface, and Magnetosphere Observer (GISMO) Mission Concept
- The crustal structure of lunar impact basins
- The impacts of uncertainty and variability in groundwater-driven health risk assessment. (Invited)
- Time-lapse 3D inversion of spectral induced polarization measurements
- Ultrasonic Velocities in Methane Hydrate-Bearing Ottawa Sand F110
- Unified Measurement System with Suction Control for Gas Transport Parameters in Porous Media
- Uranium transport experiments at the intermediate scale: Do more heterogeneous systems create more complex behaviors?
- Use of the time fractional advection dispersion equation for push-pull tests at the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) site
- Was the Eocene Arctic a Source Area for Exotic Plants and Mammals? (Invited)
- Water flow and retention in coarse soil pockets in the shallow subsurface
- Wind energy forecast ensembles using a fully-coupled groundwater to atmosphere model
- 3D Conditional Fractal Simulation of Hydraulic Conductivity at the MADE Site
- A Fundamental Study of Vapor Generation from Nonaqeuous Phase Liquid Sources as a Function of Soil Moisture
- A New Strategy for Developing Vs30 Maps
- A Numerical Modeling Study of Effect of Heterogeneity on Capillary Trapping of Geologically Sequestrated CO2
- A fundamental study of gas formation and migration during leakage of stored carbon dioxide in subsurface formations
- A particle tracking scheme for coupled surface and subsurface flows
- Addressing climate and energy misconceptions - teaching tools offered by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
- An Experimental and Modeling Study of Evaporation from Bare Soils Subjected to Natural Boundary Conditions at the Land-Atmospheric Interface
- An organic geochemical investigation into lipid distribution at Imperial Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Analysis of High Frequency Water Quality Data in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER
- Anomalous Transport, Incomplete Mixing and Reactions
- Applying land surface - atmosphere interactions to improving wind energy forecasting systems
- Basin scale reactive-transport simulations of CO2 leakage and resulting metal transport in a shallow drinking water aquifer
- Biogenic Methane from Coal: The Oxidation Factor
- Carbon uptake, microbial community structure, and mineralization of layered mats from Imperial Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) - Supporting the Scientists and Citizens of Tomorrow
- Comparing flowmeter, aquifer test, and surface nuclear magnetic resonance data in Central Nebraska
- Comparison of Fickian and Temporally Non-Local Transport Theories Over Many Scales in an Exhaustively Sampled Sandstone Slab
- Constraining Effects of Brine Leakage from Carbon Sequestration Sites
- Constraining Fault-Zone Permeability
- Coupled Interpretation of Geoelectrical Surveying Results in Environmental Site Investigations
- Effect of Laser Power on Atom Probe Tomography of Silicates
- Electrical self-potential (SP) signatures of melt-water flow in snow: theory, numerical modelling and laboratory experiments
- Evaluating Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Dissolution and Chemical Oxidation in a three-dimensional, bench-scale fracture network
- Evaluating effective reaction rates of kinetically driven solutes in large-scale, anisotropic media: human health risk implications in CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage
- Evaluation of Pore Networks in Caprocks at Geologic Storage Sites: A Combined Study using High Temperature and Pressure Reaction Experiments, Small Angle Neutron Scattering, and Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Examination of event magnitude, contributing drainage basin area, channel gradient, and rainfall influences on channel yield rates of post-fire debris flows
- Experimental methods for the simulation of supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection at laboratory scale aimed to investigate capillary trapping
- Flow Processes and Sedimentation Associated with Erosion and Filling of Sinuous Submarine Channels
- Forward and Inverse Modeling of the seismic and electromagnetic disturbances associated with localized seismic sources in volcanic areas
- Future directions for the remediation of sites contaminated by Nonaqueous Phase Liquids
- Geophysical Signatures to Monitor Fluids and Mineralization for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in Basalts
- Groundwater contamination by pesticides and their metabolites: intrinsic properties and hydrodynamic constraints
- How Much Do Initial Conditions Really Matter? Effects of Model Spin-Up on Coupled Groundwater-Surface Water Simulations
- Hydrologic Controls on Losses of Individual Components of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Impacts of acetate biostimulation for uranium bioreduction on aqueous arsenic geochemistry
- Integrated hydrologic modeling: Effects of spatial scale, discretization and initialization
- Integrating Geochemical Reactions with a Particle-Tracking Approach to Simulate Nitrogen Transport and Transformation in Aquifers
- Inversion of gravity gradient data over the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa
- Investigating the Structure of a Shallow Geothermal System in the Upper Arkansas Valley of Colorado Using a Combination of Potential Field and Seismic Geophysical Data
- Joint Inversion of 3D Cross-well EM and DC Resistivity Data
- Laplace domain automatic data assimilation of contaminant transport using a Wireless Sensor Network
- Laser-based excitation and diagnostics of planar fractures
- Linking complex geochemical and hydrological processes using streamlines for highly-resolved, reactive transport CO2 leakage scenarios
- Linking rare earth element zoning in major and accessory minerals to better understand metasedimentary migmatites
- Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements as a Proxy for Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
- Megadroughts and Intensified Terrestrial Flooding - Underrated Consequences of Early Eocene Hyperthermals?
- Microbial survival in strongly lithifying hotspring environments, Yellowstone National Park
- Modeling Stand-Scale Patterns in Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture in a Heterogeneous Plant Canopy: A Coupled Subsurface-Land Surface Approach
- Modeling and inversion Matlab algorithms for resistivity, induced polarization and seismic data
- Modeling immiscible displacement in variable aperture fractures
- Modeling the Impacts of the Mountain Pine Beetle on Water and Energy fluxes in the Rocky Mountain West
- Monitoring Physical and Biogeochemical Dynamics of Uranium Bioremediation at the Intermediate Scale
- Numerical modeling of experimental observations on gas formation and multi-phase flow of carbon dioxide in subsurface formations
- Numerical simulation of dispersive magma shock waves
- Passive methods for quantifying the In Situ Flux of Water, Uranium, and Microbial Biomass
- Phylogenetic diversity of hpnP, the hopanoid methylase, and its implications for 2-methylhopanoids as biomarkers
- Porosity and Permeability of Jurassic-Triassic Formations of the South Georgia Rift Basin: Potential Implications for CO2 Storage
- Possible Seiches in Lake Yellowstone and Their Implications
- Quantifying Leakage Rates of CO2 in the Intermediate Zone due to Geologic Sequestration
- Quantum Monte Carlo Computations of Phase Stability, Equations of State, and Elasticity of High-Pressure Silica
- Sorption of Perfluorochemicals to Matrices Relevant to Sites Impacted by Aqueous Film-Forming Foam
- Sorption of U(VI) to G. uraniireducens and A. palmae under Old Rifle Conditions
- Study of effects of formation heterogeneity of carbon dioxide gas migration using a two-dimensional intermediate scale
- The Effect of Imperfect Mixing on the Rates (and Governing Equations) of Chemical Reactions
- The impact of subsurface characterization on regional water budgets in an integrated physical hydrology model of the Upper Klamath Basin
- Three-dimensional density structure of the lunar upper lithosphere
- Time-lapse monitoring a building with deconvolution interferometry applied to earthquake and ambient noise data
- Traditional and New Developments in Petroleum Remote Sensing Operations
- Using time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography to visualize conduit-matrix exchange a sink-rise system of a semi-confined karst aquifer
- 3-D earthquake surface displacements from differencing pre- and post-event LiDAR point clouds
- A new joint inversion strategy using a priori petrophysical information as constraints
- A new model for the spectral induced polarization signature of bacterial growth in porous media
- Advantages of High Resolution Modeling to Investigate Urbanization Impacts
- An Overview of GIS Applications in Landslide Susceptibility Study through Case Studies
- Application of a Particle Method to the Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equation
- Assessing the impact of CO2 leakage on groundwater quality in siliclastic aquifers: an experimental investigation of CO2-water-rock reactions
- Autotrophic DIC uptake rates and their association to microbial community structure in microbial mats from a sulfidic, saline, warm spring, Utah, USA
- Bark-beetle infestation affects water quality in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado
- Basin ring faults and giant dikes on the Moon revealed by GRAIL gravity gradiometry
- Big trouble in a little box: Can we distinguish groundwater transport hypotheses given observational uncertainties?
- Biogeochemistry of a Field-Scale Sulfate Reducing Bioreactor Treating Mining Influenced Water
- Biological Production of Hydrogen Peroxide in Prochlorococcus-Dominated Oligotrophic Waters
- CO2 and H2O Leakage Rates From the Injection Zone to Overlying Units as a result of Geologic Sequestration
- Comparison of natural aquifer geochemical variability with uncertainty from model-predicted CO<SUB>2</SUB> induced geochemical changes: How detectable is leakage from carbon sequestration sites?
- Connecting Streams to Watersheds Through Stream-Groundwater Exchange as Determined from the Channel
- Constraining the depth of the time-lapse changes of P- and S-wave velocities in the first year after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan
- Coupling groundwater, vegetation and atmosphere processes: a comparison of two integrated models
- Decimeter-resolution fault zone topography mapped with Structure-From-Motion
- Development of remote sensing products to improve understanding of land surface disturbance and altered watershed behavior
- Developments for 3D gravity and magnetic modeling in spherical coordinates
- Effective conductivity and permittivity of unsaturated clayey materials in the frequency range 1 mHz to 1GHz: A unified model and its appications in hydrogeophysics
- Elevated pCO<SUB>2</SUB> effects on the geochemistry of carbonate aquifers: calcite dissolution as a driver of elevated metal concentrations
- Estimating Urban-Induced Groundwater Recharge Through Coupled Hydrologic Modeling in Ballona Creek Watershed, Los Angeles, CA
- Evaluating time-lapse ERT for monitoring DNAPL remediation via numerical simulation
- Evaluation of surfactant modified zeolite (SMZ) as a filter for removal of E. coli and fecal coliforms from drinking water wells in Malawi
- Exploring controls on saline tracer movement within the hyporheic zone using finite-element modeling and electrical resistivity
- Extreme Seasonality During Early Eocene Hyperthermals
- Field-scale evidence for biogeophysical signatures resulting from natural attenuation of a well characterized crude oil spill
- Fracture Patterns within the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Geochemical Influence on Microbial Diversity in the Warm, Salty, Stinking Spring, Utah, USA
- Geologic and climatic controls on streamflow generation processes in a complex eogenetic karst basin
- Groundwater surface water mixing in a semi-confined karst aquifer using field and particle tracking forward-model inversions
- Hunting the European-Adriatic plate boundary in Eastern Alps: a receiver function perspective
- Hydrodynamic fractionation of minerals and textures in deep-water lobe strata: The effects of grain size, shape, and density
- Imaging Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Landslide Movement with Ground-Based Radar Interferometry
- Improving wind energy forecasts using an Ensemble Kalman Filter data assimilation technique in a fully coupled hydrologic and atmospheric model
- Integration of Heat-Pulse and Sensible Heat Balance Methods to Estimate Evaporation From Bare Soils
- Integration of Urban Features into a Coupled Groundwater-Surface Water Model
- Interplay between local and macro dispersive processes resulting from different modeling approaches of aquifer heterogeneity
- Investigation of Anomalous Terrains on the West Flank of Olympus Mons using CRISM Data
- Long-term Behavior of DNAPL Residuals
- Long-term Changes to Hydrology and Sediment Transport due to Climate Variability in Southern California Watersheds
- MODELING THE CENTRAL VALLEY: Investigating the Effects of Irrigation on a Semi-Arid Hydrologic Cycle
- Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor Applications to Geothermal Assessment in New Zealand and New Mexico
- Microbial Diversity and Lipid Abundance in Microbial Mats from a Sulfidic, Saline, Warm Spring in Utah, USA
- Micromodel Study of Influence of Pore Geometry on Water-Oil Displacement with and without Surfactant
- Modeling Bimolecular Reactions and Transport in Porous Media via Particle Tracking
- Near surface characterisation with passive seismic data - a case study from the La Barge basin (Wyoming)
- Necessity for Industry-Academic Economic Geology Collaborations for Energy Critical Minerals Research and Development
- Opportunities for Fundamental University-Based Research in Energy and Resource Recovery
- Pore scale to flood plain scale modeling of reactive transport processes
- Quantifying and Predicting Outdoor Water Use in Los Angeles
- Reductions in urban outdoor water use as an adaptation to declining water supplies in southern California
- Rock Physics Characterization of Porous Media Containing Hydrates Formed Out of Solution: Tetrathydrofuran VS. Dissolved Methane
- Satellite-derived potential evapotranspiration for distributed hydrologic runoff modeling
- Scale Model Simulation of Enhanced Geothermal Reservoir Creation
- Simulating nitrogen transport and transformation through urban riparian zones using a particle-tracking approach
- Simulation of Geomechanically Coupled IOR Processes in Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs
- Spatial variation in the composition of turbidites due to hydrodynamic fractionation
- Static and Dynamic Reservoir Characterization Using High Resolution P-Wave Velocity Data in Delhi Field, la
- Stochastic joint inversion of geoelectrical cross-well data for salt tracer test monitoring to image the hydraulic conductivity field of heterogenous aquifers
- Study of the Effect of Wind Speed on Evaporation from Soil Through Integrated Modeling of Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Shallow Subsurface
- Subordination of the Markov Chemical Reaction Process Resulting from Imperfect Mixing
- Superoxide production and decay in the subtropical North Pacific
- Supporting Teachers in Climate Change Instruction - The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Tool Kit
- The Effects of Heterogeneity on CO2 Gas Phase Evolution in the Shallow Subsurface During Leakage from Geologic Sequestration Sites: Intermediate Scale Experiments and Numerical Simulations
- The Response of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Solar Wind Variability for 2002-2010
- The response of complex and direct-current electrical measurements in the presence of multirate solute transport
- The role of physical and geochemical heterogeneity in non-linear, kinetic, reactive transport
- Time - lapse imaging using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Time series analysis of geophysical images to quantify subsurface transport of solute plumes
- Time-lapse changes in velocity and anisotropy in Japan's near surface after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Transport of Chemical Vapors from Subsurface Sources to Atmosphere as Affected by Shallow Subsurface and Atmospheric Conditions
- Understanding Changes to Interrelated Hydrologic and Trace Metal Cycles in Mountain Pine Beetle Infested Watersheds
- Upscaling of U(VI) Desorption Modeling from Batch Scale to Decimeter Scale
- Using Neutron Scattering to Understand How Porosity opens in Weathering Rocks to Form Regolith
- Using a satellite-based potential ET product for operational hydrologic forecasting
- Using integrated modeling to understand the role of groundwater - surface water interactions in water management decision making
- Utilizing Remote Sensing Information to Improve Post-fire Rainfall-runoff Predictions after the 2010 Bull Fire in the Sequoia National Forest, CA
- Variation of elastic moduli of clays with humidity
- 3D Hydraulic tomography from joint inversion of the hydraulic heads and self-potential data. (Invited)
- A 2D forward and inverse code for streaming potential problems
- A Comparison of Mass Transport Models for Evaluating U(VI) Desorption at the Decimeter Scale
- A Framework for Estimating Groundwater Concentrations of VOCs Emanating from a Vadose Zone Source (Invited)
- A Fundamental Study of Convective Mixing of CO2 in Layered Heterogeneous Saline Aquifers with Low Permeability Zones using Surrogate Fluids and Numerical Modeling
- A Non-classical Hydrostatic Equation for Unsaturated Porous Media
- A Theoretical Approach Representing Hysteresis in Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationship Based on Connectivity in Void Space
- A hydro-mechanical framework for early warning of rainfall-induced landslides (Invited)
- A mountain watershed hydrology field course: Experiential learning in hydrologic concepts and measurement techniques
- Ambient Noise Tomography in the Eastern Alps of Europe
- An Integrated, Low Temperature Process to Capture and Sequester Carbon Dioxide from Industrial Emissions
- Anomalous Solute Transport in Saturated Porous Media: Linking Transport Model Parameters to Electrical and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Properties
- Application of MODSCAG and MODIS snow products in post-fire watersheds in the western U.S
- Architecture and Channel-Belt Clustering in the Fluvial lower Wasatch Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah
- Atom Probe Tomography of Geomaterials
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, UT Part I: Inorganic carbon dynamics and constraints on nutrient fluxes in a warm, salty, sulfidic spring
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, Utah. Part II: Microbial Diversity and Photo- and Chemo-Autotrophic Growth Rates in a Layered Microbial Mat
- Changes in Elastic Wave Velocity and Rock Microstructure due to Basalt-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Water Reactions
- Characterizing the Response of Fluvial Systems to Extreme Global Warming During the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum: An Analysis of the Wasatch and Green River Formations, Uinta Basin, UT
- Comparison of Rock Physics Properties of Tetrahydrofuran and Cyclopentane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Comparison of two integrated numerical models for groundwater-land surface-atmosphere interactions
- Complex conductivity of organic-rich shales
- Complex electrical conductivity model, influence of surface conductivity and new strategies for the inversion of resistivity and induced polarization data (Invited)
- Computational Hydrology: simulating the integrated water cycle using high performance computing (Invited)
- Connecting Increased Groundwater Contributions to Transpiration Losses in Bark Beetle-Infested Watersheds
- Coupled Three-Dimensional Fracture Stimulation and Prediction Model for Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Deep-seated bedrock landsliding in Grand Canyon: unraveling the mechanics of a series of ancient landslides
- Developing Hydrogeological Site Characterization Strategies based on Human Health Risk
- Diagnosing scaling behavior of groundwater with a fully-integrated, high resolution hydrologic model simulated over the continental US (Invited)
- Effects of Atmospheric Conditions and the Land/Atmospheric Interface on Transport of Chemical Vapors from Subsurface Sources
- Effects of Extreme Monsoon Precipitation on River Systems Form And Function, an Early Eocene Perspective
- Effects of bark beetle infestation on hydrology and land-energy feedbacks in mountain headwaters
- Effects of the Laramide Structures on the Regional Distribution of Tight-Gas Sandstone in the Upper Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah
- Evaluating the Biological Influences on Ooid Formation in the Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Evaluation of MODIS, Epan and DAYMET-derived Potential Evapotranspiration Products in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Evaluation of groundwater resources of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed using an integrated hydrologic model
- Evaluation of the impacts of urban development on groundwater storage at the regional scale
- Evaporation and condensation in soils: Experimental and modeling investigation to compare non-equilibrium-based approaches under different atmospheric boundary conditions
- Feedbacks Between Topographic Stress and Drainage Basin Evolution
- Fundamental Study on the Dynamics of Heterogeneity-Enhanced CO2 Gas Evolution in the Shallow Subsurface During Possible Leakage from Deep Geologic Storage Sites
- Geologic controls on fracture distributions within the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Geophysical Characterization and Monitoring for Anomalous Transport (Invited)
- High-resolution reactive transport: A coupled parallel hydrogeochemical model
- Hydrochemical Impacts of Carbon Dioxide Leakage in Carbonate Aquifer Materials (Invited)
- Hydrogeophysical Data Assimilation Using a Fast Kalman Filter for Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery
- Hydrogeophysics and geochemistry reveal heterogeneity and water quality improvements in aquifer recharge and recovery (ARR) (Invited)
- Hydrologic Controls on Losses of Individual Components of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Hydrologic and Land Surface Modeling of the Semi-Arid Urban Environment: Ballona Creek, Los Angeles, CA
- Hydrologic recovery in post-burn watersheds in the western U.S
- Impact of pine needle leachates from a mountain pine beetle infested watershed on groundwater geochemistry
- Improving Estimates of Root-zone Soil Water Content Using Soil Hydrologic Properties and Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture
- Improving Student Writing: Methods You Can Use in Science and Engineering Classrooms
- Induced polarization and self-potential geophysical signature of bacterial activity in porous media (Invited)
- Integrating Remote Sensing Data in Noah-UCM Parameterization and Validation: A Case Study for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
- Investigation of Multiphase Modeling Approaches for Behavior of Super Critical CO2 in Deep Formations Using Analog Fluids in the Laboratory
- Laboratory Validation of a Screening Model: Exploring the Interplay between Dissolution and Degradation Rates in Ganglia-Dominated Source Zones
- Laboratory estimation of fracture properties under uniaxial stress
- Linking Microbial Ecology to Geochemistry in Sulfate Reducing Systems
- Lithospheric structure of the Illinois Basin from teleseismic P-wave tomography
- Measurement and evaluation of the relationships between capillary pressure, relative permeability, and saturation for surrogate fluids for laboratory study of geological carbon sequestration
- Modeling CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Migration of Shallow Subsurface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage Experiments
- Near field 3D displacement of El Mayor-Cupapah Earthquake: A hybrid approach. (Invited)
- Numerical Simulation of Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical Processes during CO2 Geo-sequestration in Saline Aquifer
- Predicting the geophysical response to changes in permafrost associated with lake talik evolution
- Propagating uncertainty from hydrology into human health risk assessment
- Rapid, decimeter-resolution fault zone topography mapped with Structure from Motion
- Reactions in Non-Uniform Flows
- Realistic modeling of environmental tracer migration and composite age distributions in a pine beetle impacted watershed
- Reassessment of 50 years of seismicity in Simav-Gediz grabens (Western Turkey), based on earthquake relocations
- Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration in Sub-Alpine Environments
- Self-potential and Complex Conductivity Monitoring of In Situ Hydrocarbon Remediation in Microbial Fuel Cell
- Structural information in the inverse problem
- Sulfur as a Matrix for the Development of Microbial Biofilm Communities
- Surface Ozone and Climate Change
- The 3-D density structure of Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) inferred by inversion of marine and land-based gravity data
- The Central Raman Laser Facility at the Pierre Auger Observatory
- The Impact of The Energy-time Distribution of The Ms 7.0 Lushan Earthquake on Slope Dynamic Reliability
- The Lithosphere and Asthenosphere of the U.S. Great Plains
- The effectiveness of recent water restriction policies on single-family water use in Los Angeles, California
- The role of clay in enhancing attenuation of trace organic contaminants during managed aquifer recharge
- The role of imported water on urban water budgets in southern California
- Towards Improved Modeling of the Hydrologic Cycle in Streamflow Prediction Models Through Satellite Remote Sensing Applications
- Towards Spherical Mesh Gravity and Magnetic Modelling in an HPC Environment
- Transitioning to Zero Freshwater Withdrawal for Thermoelectric Generation
- Understanding impacts of subsurface and surface heterogeneity on evapotranspiration in mountain pine beetle infested watersheds
- Urban Stormwater Modeling: Ultra-High-Resolution Evaluation of Best Management Practices
- Using paired U-Pb and Hf isotopes to characterize the Yavapai - Mojave province boundary in Grand Canyon, AZ
- Using the stratigraphic record to document tectonic-geomorphologic interactions in a foreland basin setting: outcrop study of the Ainsa Basin, Spain
- What can be learned about the lunar mantle from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)?
- What can environmental tracer concentrations tell us about groundwater residence time?
- Why Groundwater Matters: An Innovative Look at Pumping, Irrigation, System Dynamics and Sustainability
- Why High-Resolution Characterization Matters: 3D Transport Simulations at the MADE Site
- A High Resolution, Integrated Approach to Modeling Climate Change Impacts to a Mountain Headwaters Catchment using ParFlow
- A field comparison of techniques to quantify surface water - groundwater interactions
- A new look at regional groundwater flow using a high-resolution integrated hydrologic model of the Continental U.S.
- An efficient numerical simulation of coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical process in CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage through fractured caprocks
- Analyzing urban sub-grid processes using high-resolution land cover and an integrated hydrologic model
- Application of the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System to evaluate water budgets after forest fuel management
- Assessing the value of different data sets and modeling schemes for flow and transport simulations
- Build an Ensemble-based Remote-Sensing Driven Coupled Flash Flood and Landslide Warning System and Its Evaluation Across the United States
- Carbon fixation in oceanic crust: Does it happen, and is it important?
- Changing stream water sources from climate-exacerbated insect infestation in forested watersheds: a combined field and multi-scale modeling analysis.
- Characterization of Hydraulic Conductivity with underwater Self-potential Measurements
- Comparison of evaporative fluxes from porous surfaces resolved by remotely sensed and in-situ temperature and soil moisture data
- Connecting the subsurface to the atmosphere: Exploring the sensitivity of parameterizations and interactions of evapotranspiration in the PF-CLM integrated hydrologic model
- Coupling Hydraulic Fracturing Propagation and Gas Well Performance for Simulation of Production in Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs
- Cross-bedding Related Anisotropy and its Role in the Orientation of Joints in an Aeolian Sandstone
- Defining the base of the Critical Zone: Stress, Topography, Fracture Permeability
- Effects of Lithology of Deep Layered Geologic Formations on Trapping of Dissolved CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Estimating groundwater dynamics at a Colorado floodplain site using historical hydrological data and climate information
- Estimation of Observatory Geoelectric Fields Induced during Great Magnetic Storms
- Evaluating the efficiency of catchments as chemical reactors
- Evaluation of Lava Tube Formation Mechanisms Using Three-Dimensional Mapping, and Viscosity Modeling: Lava Beds National Monument, California.
- Evaluation of wildfire patterns at the wildland-urban fringe across the continental U.S.
- Experimental Investigation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapping and Leakage Mechanisms in Deep Geologic Formations for Model Improvement
- Experimental Investigation of Soil and Atmospheric Conditions on the Momentum, Mass, and Thermal Boundary Layers Above the Land Atmosphere Interface
- Experimental and numerical study of two dimensional heat and mass transfer in unsaturated soil with and application to soil thermal energy storage (SBTES) systems
- Exploring the Effect of Media, Salinity and Clay on the Thermoelectric Coupling Coefficient in Self-Potential Data
- Extreme Geoelectric Fields Induced By Magnetic Storm Sudden Impulses
- Feasibility of Imaging Asteroid Interior Using Gravity Gradiometry
- Formation of the Moon's Orientale multi-ring basin
- Gaining a Better Understanding of Surface-Subsurface Reactive Transport using a High-Order Advection Approach
- Geophysical expression of a buried niobium and rare earth element deposit: the Elk Creek carbonatite, Nebraska, USA
- Geospatial Hydrochemical and Microbiological Implications on the Occurrence of Crude Oil Biodegradation and Methanogenesis
- Groundwater Contributions to Intermittent Streamflow in a Headwater Catchment: How do Geoclimatic Controls Influence Downstream Water Quality?
- Hydrologic-Based Soil Texture Classification
- Hyporheic Zone Management: Nitrate Removal from Treated Wastewater Effluent using an Engineered Hyporheic Zone as a Bioreactor
- Identifying the dominant metabolic strategies used by microorganisms within basalt-hosted, anoxic deep subsurface basement fluids via environmental genomics
- Impact of Microbial Growth on Subsurface Perfluoroalkyl Acid Transport
- Implications of Prospective Climate Change for Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States
- Improving USGS National Hydrologic Model Parameterization with Satellite-Based Phenology Products
- Insights into Microbial Mats and Possible Stromatolite Formation from Little Hot Creek, California
- Investigating Chemotactic Potential Within Crustal Fluid Communities
- Investigating the Hydrogeologic Controls on Memory and Feedbacks to Climate Change in Mountain Groundwater Systems: An Integrated Modeling Approach
- Investigating the Potential for Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Shale Gas Formations
- Investigation of the Origins of Modern Firmgrounds in Walker Lake, Nevada: Implications for Lacustrine Climate Records and Hardgrounds in the Rock Record
- Jointing around Magmatic Dikes as a Precursor to Conduit Geometry Evolution
- Laboratory Assessment of a Screening Model: Exploring the Coupling between Dissolution and Degradation Rates in Ganglia-Dominated Source Zones
- Laboratory Visualization Experiments of Temperature-induced Fractures Around a Borehole (Cryogenic Fracturing) in Shale and Analogue Rock Samples
- Lunar Crustal Properties: Insights from the GRAIL Gravity Signatures of Lunar Impact Craters
- Mapping Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Heterogeneities in Fractured Granite through Transient Hydraulic Tomography
- Modeling three-dimensional topographic stress and its effects on bedrock fractures
- Multiple Imputation of Groundwater Data to Evaluate Spatial and Temporal Anthropogenic Influences on Subsurface Water Fluxes in Los Angeles, CA
- New Observations of Coseismic Fault Zone Deformation from Differencing Pre- and Post-Earthquake Lidar Data
- New Observations of Storm Enhanced Density, Tongues of Ionization and Polar Cap Patches in Antarctica
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Unconventional Rocks: What Do the Data Tell Us?
- Numerical Modeling of a Shallow Borehole Thermal Energy Storage System
- Occurrence, pathways and implications of biological production of reactive oxygen species in natural waters
- Particle-Tracking within an Ultra-High-Resolution Urban Domain Integrated with Best Management Practices
- Plant Functional Type Shifts in Big Sagebrush Ecosystems: Impacts on Dryland Ecosystem Water Balance
- Rapid, Real-time Methane Detection in Ground Water Using a New Gas-Water Equilibrator Design
- Rapid-Response or Repeat-Mode Topography from Aerial Structure from Motion
- Reservoir hydraulic properties from oscillating pore pressure method
- Resolving Spatiotemporal Climate Change Impacts on San Joaquin Basin Hydrology
- Seismoelectric Beamforming Imaging Technique Proof of Concept By Numerical Modeling and Experimental Measurements
- Seismoelectric Coupling in a Poroelastic Material Containing Two Immiscible Fluid Phases
- Seismoelectric coupling in partially water-saturated porous media: From the theory to the detection of saturation fronts
- Simulating Biodegradation Under Mixing-limited Conditions Using Michaelis-Menten (Monod) Kinetic Expressions in a Particle Tracking Model
- Simulating Mobility of Chemical Contaminants from Unconventional Gas Development for Protection of Water Resources
- Stochastic Image-guided Structure-constrained Inversion
- Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity Structures: Enhanced Hyporheic Exchange and Contaminant Removal in Model and Constructed Stream
- Stromatolites provide a terrestrial record of a ~35ka warming event in Walker Lake, a remnant of the Pleistocene Lake Lahontan (Western Nevada, USA)
- Structure of the Moon's Orientale Basin from Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Observations
- Study of the effect of soil disturbance on vapor transport through integrated modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer and shallow subsurface
- Studying Cryogenic Fracturing Process and Fracture Morphology using Transparent Specimens
- Synthesis of Concepts in Disturbance Hydrology and the Importance for Hydrologic Response to Extreme Hydroclimatic Events in the Critical Zone
- Testing the limits of high-resolution whole-rock δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>carb </SUB>stratigraphy
- The 2013 Mw 6.2 Khaki-Shonbe (Iran) Earthquake: Seismic Shortening of the Zagros Sedimentary Cover
- The Fluid Mechanics of Chemical Reaction
- The Interplay of Regolith Evolution and Watershed Hydrodynamics on Shale Weathering Fluxes
- Topographic Stress, Bedrock Fractures, and Landscape Evolution
- Urban Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling - Resolution Modeling Comparison for Water Quantity and Quality
- Using Geochemical Indicators to Distinguish High Biogeochemical Activity in Sediments
- Using the EPA's SUSTAIN Model to Assess the Capability of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to Improve Water Quality in the Los Angeles Basin
- Vertical deformation along the Indio Hills, San Andreas Fault, California
- WRF-UCM Modeling of Urban Land-Atmosphere Interactions with a Focus on Landscape Irrigation in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
- Wildfire Impacts on Water Quality, Macroinvertebrates and Trout: An Initial Survey After the West Fork Complex Fire in the Upper Rio Grande
- An Assessment of Risk of Migration of Hydrocarbons or Fracturing Fluids to Fresh Water Aquifers: Wattenberg Field, CO
- Aspect Controls on Bedrock Fracturing and Seismic Velocity within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
- Assessment of Ecosystem Services in a Semi-arid Agriculture-dominant Area: Framework and Case Study
- Beyond seismic interferometry: imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers inside the earth
- Clay Mineralogy of AN Alluvial Aquifer in a Mountainous, Semiarid Terrain, AN Example from Rifle, Colorado
- Climate change and storage response in alpine geologic endmember catchments using integrated modeling and baseflow recession analysis
- Communicating Geosciences with Policy-makers: a Grand Challenge for Academia
- Community Characterization of Microbial Populations Found at a Cold Water Sulfidic Spring in the Canadian High Arctic
- Determinants of Post-fire Water Quality in the Western United States
- Development of a Control Optimization System for Real Time Monitoring of Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Systems Using Intelligent Sensors
- Disturbance Hydrology in the Tropics: The Galápagos Islands as a Case Study
- Does Reality Matter? Social and Science Bases of Public Beliefs about Arctic Change
- Does model structure limit the use of satellite data as hydrologic forcing for distributed operational models?
- Down Conversion of Ambient Seismic Noise As A Tool To Detect Non-Linearity And Estimate Instrument Noise Levels In A Gravity Meter
- Effects of Extensive Beetle-Induced Forest Mortality on Aromatic Organic Carbon Loading and Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential
- Energy Budget Changes Impact Arid Mountain Hydrology More Than Rain-Snow Transitions
- Engineered Hyporheic Zones as Novel Water Quality Best Management Practice: Flow and Contaminant Attenuation in Constructed Stream Experiments
- Evaluating the Impact of Conservation Measures on Urban Water Fluxes in Los Angeles, California
- Evaluating the Risks of Surface Spills Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Activities to Groundwater Resources: a Modeling Study in the South Platte Alluvial Aquifer
- Evaluation of Distributed BMPs in an Urban Watershed - High Resolution Modeling for Stormwater Management
- Evapotranspiration Estimates in the Mountain West Utilizing Multi-platform Remote Sensing
- Exploring the Interactions among Beetle-induced Changes in Catchment-scale Ecohydrology, Land Surface Fluxes and the Lower Atmosphere with a Coupled Hydrology-Atmospheric Model.
- Flashy Water and Sediment Delivery to Fluvial Megafan andFan Delta Systems on Opposing Shorelines of an Early Eocene Lake
- Fluid flow and coupled poroelastic response in low-permeability rocks
- Forecasting SEP Events with Solar Radio Bursts
- Forensic Analysis of the May 2014 West Salt Creek Rock Avalanche in Western Colorado
- Fusing existing land cover products to produce an improved spatio-temporal record
- Future Water Management in the South Platte River Basin: Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing, Population, Agriculture, and Climate Change in a Semi-Arid Region.
- Heat and Water Transfer at the Land-Atmosphere Interface - Interweaving Experimental and Modeling Approaches
- Heterotrophic potential of Atribacteria from deep marine Antarctic sediment
- High Resolution Displacement Monitoring for Urban Environments in Seattle, Washington using Terrestrial Radar Interferometry
- Hydro-epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) in Sri Lanka and Its Similarities to the CKD Epidemic in Meso-America.Sarath Gunatilake M.D, Dr. P.H, Professor, California State University, Long Beach California
- Hydrologic Response to Widespread Land Cover Change Simulated from the Hillslope through the Regional Scale
- Hyporheic transport in headwater mountain streams is time-invariant in locations where geologic controls dominate hydrologic forcin
- Identifying Hydrologic Flowpaths on Arctic Hillslopes Using Electrical Resistivity and Self Potential
- Imaging changes at depth: coda wave depth sensitivity in 3D heterogeneous media
- Implementing a Travel Time Model for the Entire River Adige: the Case on JGrass-NewAGE
- Incorporation of GRACE Data into a Bayesian Model for Groundwater Drought Monitoring
- Intermediate-Scale Experimental and Numerical Study of Multiphase CO<SUB>2</SUB> Attenuation in Layered Shallow Aquifers During Leakage from Geologic Sequestration Site
- Lagrangian simulation of age and environmental tracer concentrations through integrated hydrologic systems
- Linear Modeling and Evaluation of Controls on Flow Response in Western Post-Fire Watersheds
- Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat
- Micro X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging and Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements of Hydrate-Bearing Porous Media
- Modeling wildfire impact on hydrologic processes using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Soil Heterogeneity around Landmines in Natural Soil
- On the Origin of the Crestone Crater: Low-Latitude Periglacial Features in San Luis Valley, Colorado
- Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of ~40ka stromatolites from the ancient Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA
- Petrophysical Rock Typing of Unconventional Shale Plays: A Case Study for the Niobrara Formation of the Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin
- Porosity-Tortuosity Relations in Complex Porous Media Using Pore-Scale Numerical Simulation
- Post-Earthquake Geology in the ERA of Ubiquitous Point Clouds
- Potential for the Use of Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage Risks
- Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of Energy Fluxes to Land Surface Parameter Selection Using the Active Subspace Method
- Removal of Nitrogen and Pathogens in Agricultural or Urban Channles using Engineered Streambeds
- Salinity effect on the spectral induced polarization porosimetry: theory and experiment
- Scale-dependent interactions between vegetation, landscape, and climate: How critical zone structure influences ecohydrological reslience in a rapidly changing world
- Self Potential as an indicator of biogeochemical transformations during active hydrocarbon biodegradation processes
- Sensitivity Kernels for Coda Wave Interferometry: Theory and Numerical Evaluation in 2-D Anisotropically Scattering Media
- Shallow Subsurface Soil Moisture Dynamics in the Root-Zone and Bulk Soil of Sparsely Vegetated Land Surfaces as Impacted by Near-Surface Atmospheric State
- Simultaneous Measurement of Elastic and Electrical Anisotropy of Shales under Elevated Pressure: A Preliminary Study
- Slope Stability Analysis of Mountain Pine Beetle Impacted Areas
- Soil and groundwater attenuation factors for nitrogen from septic systems in the Chesapeake Bay TMDL
- Soil-Water Balance (SWB) model estimates of soil-moisture variability and groundwater recharge in the South Platte watershed, Colorado
- Spatiotemporal Assessment of Groundwater Resources in the South Platte Basin, Colorado
- Street Level Hydrology: An Urban Application of the WRF-Hydro Framework in Denver, Colorado
- The Effect of Loading Rate on Hydraulic Fracturing in Synthetic Granite - a Discrete Element Study
- The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
- The Impact of Early Time Behavior of Solute Transport at High Peclet Number on Upscaled Markovian Transport Models
- The impact of groundwater depletions on groundwater surface water interactions and streamflow across the contiguous US
- Three-dimensional topographic stress controls on bedrock fractures and landscape evolution
- Tomography & Geochemistry: Precision, Repeatability, Accuracy and Joint Interpretations
- Towards a high resolution, integrated hydrology model of North America.
- Trends in Soil Moisture Reflect More Than Slope Position: Soils on San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos as a Case Study
- Understanding the impacts of anthropogenic processes on the Los Angeles Basin with an integrated high-resolution hydrologic model
- Using Coupled Subsurface-Atmospheric Simulations to Investigate the Impact of Irrigation on Atmospheric Response in the San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Using integrated models to diagnose scaling of hydrologic processes to the continent.
- Value of Information: Comparing Surface-Wave Dispersion Curves Estimated from Conventional Seismometers Versus Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record
- <p>Arbitrarily Complex Chemical Reactions on Particles
- 1,4-Dioxane Vadose Remediation by Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction
- A Eukaryotic green alga, Picocystis, dominates Mono Lake, California in an algal bloom - Hints at cryptic oxygen cycle in euxinic waters
- A Global Catalog of Calibrated Earthquake Locations
- A Kernel-based Lagrangian Method for Imperfectly-mixed Chemical Reactions
- A Simple Water Balance Model Adapted for Arctic Hydrology Reveals Glacier and Streamflow Responses to Climate Change in the Copper River, Alaska
- A meander-scale field investigation of linkages between fluvial geomorphology and patterns in hyporheic exchange
- A role for charcoal's physical properties in its carbon cycle fluxes
- Addressing the challenges of GRACE application in basins with hydraulic fracturing activity
- An Adsorption Capacity Study of Supercritical CO2 on Zeolite, Illite and Organic-Rich Shales
- An Evaluation Tool for CONUS-Scale Estimates of Components of the Water Balance
- An inductive model of hyporheic flowpath geometry and dynamics during baseflow recession
- Analysis of the geochemical gradient created by surface-groundwater interactions within riverbanks of the East River in Crested Butte, Colorado
- Application of a Lagrangian Particle Tracking and Reaction method to simulate the field-scale bioremediation experiment at the Schoolcraft site, Michigan
- Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar for Mapping Fluvial Sediments at the East River Floodplain Near Crested Butte, Colorado
- Aquifer-scale Application of GRACE across the South Platte Basin, Colorado, for Assessing Groundwater Resources
- Assessing the Biogenicity of Tufas and Their Potential as Biosignature Repositories
- Assessing the Biological Contribution to Mineralized Cap Formation in the Little Hot Creek Hot Spring System
- BEST Engineered Hyporheic Zones: Enhanced Hyporheic Exchange and Resazurin and Nitrate Cycling in Constructed Stream Experiments
- Beneficial Use of Produced Water from Oil and Gas Operations for Agriculture: Effects on Crop Health and Crop Uptake of Contaminants
- Beyond the water balance: assessing the role of groundwater pumping in the integrated hydrologic cycle
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Effects on Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Response
- Can a simple lumped parameter model simulate complex transit time distributions? Benchmarking experiments in a virtual watershed.
- Concentration-Discharge Relationships, Nested Reaction Fronts, and the Balance of Oxidative and Acid-Base Weathering Fluxes in an Alpine Catchment, East River, Colorado
- Connecting Evapotranspiration and Groundwater Fluxes in the Critical Zone
- Connections between groundwater flow and transpiration partitioning: using integrated continental-scale simulations at high resolution to diagnose hydrologic process interaction
- Connections between residence time distributions and watershed characteristics across the continental US
- Constraints on the Geophysical Detection of Brine within the Europa Ice Shell From a Synthesis of Dielectric Spectroscopy Measurements
- Current climate variability as a guide to the `new normal': exploring multiyear climate warming impacts in the San Joaquin River basin using an integrated hydrologic model
- Determining the Economic Feasibility of Using Produced Water for Agriculture in Colorado Through Life Cycle Cost Analyses
- Developing a Soil Moisture Index for California Grasslands from Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
- Development of a Model of Nitrogen Cycling in Stormwater Control Measures and Application of the Model at the Watershed Scale
- Evaluating Non-potable Water Usage for Oil and Gas Purposes in the Permian Basin
- Evaluating Water Quality Response and Controlling Variables for Burned Watersheds in the Western United States
- Evaluating groundwater flow using passive electrical measurements
- Evaluating relationships between urban land cover composition and evapotranspiration in semi-arid regions
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Stormwater Decision Support Tools for Infrastructure Selection and the Barriers to Implementation
- Evapotranspiration Estimates Derived Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing in a Semi-arid Region
- Experimental and theoretical studies of the effect of temperature on supercritical CO2 adsorption on illite
- Fluid flow and coupled poroelastic response in low-permeability rocks
- Generation of Kappa-like Distribution due to energization of charged particles by time-dependent chaotic magnetic field
- Groundwater-Quality Impacts from Natural-Gas Wellbore Leakage: Numerical Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrogeologic, Geostatistical, and Source-Term Parameterization at Varying Depths
- Hydrological modeling in a small central Amazonian watershed: Insights from one to three-dimensional models
- Hyper-resolution aquifer map of North America: estimating alluvial aquifer thickness, vertical structure, and conductivities
- IODP Expedition 362: Initial results from drilling the Sumatra subduction zone - the role of input materials in shallow seismogenic slip and forearc plateau development
- Identifying Variations in Hydraulic Conductivity on the East River at Crested Butte, CO
- Imaging changes at depth with probabilistic 3D sensitivity kernels
- Importance of Considering Hysteresis in Macroscopic Models of Two-phase Flow in Porous Media
- Increases in Terrestrial Nitrogen Availability and Microbial Biogeochemical Indicators in Association with Extent of Surrounding Tree Mortality in Bark Beetle Impacted Forests
- Integrating Non-Collocated Well and Geophysical Data to Capture Lithological Heterogeneity at a Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Site
- Interplay between tectonics and topography: Topographic stress controls on bedrock fractures and surface processes
- Investigation of a Modern Incipient Stromatolite from Obsidian Pool Prime, Yellowstone National Park: Implications for Early Lithification in the Formation of Light-Dark Stromatolite Laminae
- Limits to global groundwater consumption
- Living Between A Rock And A Hard Place: New Insights On The Crustal Deep Biosphere
- Mass Delivery and Frequency of Submarine Fan-Building Turbidity Currents
- Metal cycling within mountain pine beetle impacted watersheds of Keystone Gulch, Colorado
- Methane-related metabolisms of deep-sea sediments captured with a colonization experiment.
- Micro X-ray CT Imaging of Sediments under Confining Pressure
- Microbial Composition and Preliminary Age of Ooids from the Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Microbial and Metabolic Diversity of the Alkaline Hot Springs of Paoha Island: A Late Archean and Proterozoic Ocean Analogue Environment.
- Modeling Continental Rifts and Melting Under Precambrian Mantle Conditions: Effects of Mantle Potential Temperature and Rheology
- Modeling and Management of Increased Urban Stormwater Runoff Using InfoSWMM Sustain in the Berkeley Neighborhood of Denver, Colorado
- Modeling the efficacy of future BMP implementation to improve water quality in the highly urbanized watersheds of Dominguez Channel and Machado Lake in Los Angeles California
- Modeling the influence of physical heterogeneity on the time dependence of anorthite weathering rates
- Observing Triggered Earthquakes Across Iran with Calibrated Earthquake Locations
- Observing and Modeling Snow Processes Across Spatial and Temporal Scales in Rocky Mountain Headwater Catchments
- Perfluoroalkyl Acids Shift Microbial Community Structure Across Experimental Scales
- Post-fire Water Quality in the Western United States: Understanding and Predicting Short and Long-term Response
- Predicting Fecal Indicator Bacteria Fate and Removal in Urban Stormwater at the Watershed Scale
- Predicting Mountainous Watershed Biogeochemical Dynamics, Including Response to Droughts and Early Snowmelt
- Projects for People: An International Exchange Focused on Drinking Water Quality in Rural Peru
- Shifts in Geochemical Parameters and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes following Insect-Induced Tree Mortality
- Slab2 - Updated subduction zone geometries and modeling tools
- Slope-Aspect Control on Geochemical Weathering within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
- Spatiotemporal Categorical Map Fusion (SCaMF) - A methodology to fuse multiple categorical maps in space and time using parallel computing
- Studying Exchange with Less-mobile Porosity at the Laboratory Scale: Experimentation and Multiphysics Simulations
- Successes of a new NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET): Water-Energy Education for the Next Generation (WE<SUP>2</SUP>NG) Empowers K-12 Educators to Train Our Future Scientists to Solve Critical STEM Issues
- Surface Spills at Unconventional Oil and Gas Sites: a Contaminant Transport Modeling Study for the South Platte Alluvial Aquifer
- Surface rupture characteristics of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake from field data and correlation of lidar and optical imagery
- The 1959 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.3 Hebgen Lake earthquake revisited: morphology and mechanics from lidar
- The Biogenicity of Carbonate/Silica Structures in Little Hot Creek: Tenants and Builders
- The Biogeography of Endorheic Soda Lakes in the Western United States
- The ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE<SUP>2</SUP>ST (Water-Energy Education, Science, and Technology): Lessons Learned from an Innovative Research-Education-Outreach Center at Colorado School of Mines
- The Influence of Topography on Subaqueous Sediment Gravity Flows and the Resultant Deposits: Examples from Deep-water Systems in Offshore Morocco and Offshore Trinidad
- Thermophysical Variation within Dune Fields in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars
- Understanding Long-term Greenness, Water Use, and Redevelopment in Denver, Colorado
- Understanding Transitions Toward Sustainable Urban Water Management: Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles
- Using Satellite Data to Build Climate Resilience: A Novel East Africa Drought Monitor
- Using an Integrated Hydrologic Model to Assess the Ecohydrological Impacts of Change on a Mountain Headwaters Critical Zone
- Using integrated modeling to study the effect of grid resolution on hydrologic response to climate change in headwaters catchments
- Using the Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation of the Rocky Mountain West to Develop a Collaborative, Experiential Course on Science Communication
- Utilization of data and modeling at multiple scales to compare varying formulations of the soil resistance term affecting evaporative flux from the soil surface.
- Where will the flow go after the snow? Case study of the Diguillín Watershed, Central Chile
- 3D magnetization vector inversion based on fuzzy clustering: inversion algorithm, uncertainty analysis, and application to geology differentiation
- A Geodynamic model for melt generation and evolution of the Mid-Continental Rift
- A Multi-physics Approach to Understanding Low Porosity Soils and Reservoir Rocks
- A Multidisciplinary Approach to Decommissioning Offshore Wells Using Stakeholder Engagement, Risk Identification, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Advances in Global Full Waveform Inversion
- Advancing Venus Geophysics with the NF4 VOX Gravity Investigation.
- An Analytical Solution and Numerical Modeling Study of Gas Hydrate Saturation Effects on Porosity and Permeability of Porous Media
- An Integrated Hydrologic Model and Remote Sensing Synthesis Approach to Study Groundwater Extraction During a Historic Drought in the California Central Valley
- An integrated geophysical and geochemical exploration of critical zone weathering on opposing montane hillslope
- Anisotropy Assessment of Dipole Sonic Log Data through Dispersion Analysis
- Application of a MODIS Soil Moisture-Evapotranspiration (MOD-SMET) Model to Evaluate Landscape and Hydrologic Recovery after the High Park Fire in Colorado, USA
- Application of a New Integrated Decision Support Tool (i-DST) for Urban Water Infrastructure: Analyzing Water Quality Compliance Pathways for Three Los Angeles Watersheds
- Assessing the Effects of Climate on Global Fluvial Discharge Variability
- Autogenic Deposits as A Potential Recorder of High-Frequency Signals: The Role of Autogenic Processes Revisited
- Automated Processing Workflow for Ambient Seismic Recordings
- Azimuthally Anisotropic Global Adjoint Tomography
- Biogeochemical reactive transport of carbon, nitrogen and iron in the hyporheic zone
- Bridging Numerical and Analytical Models of Transient Travel Time Distributions: Challenges and Opportunities
- Characterization of nanoporous shales with gas sorption
- Characterizing Dissolved Organic Matter and Metabolites in an Actively Serpentinizing Ophiolite Using Global Metabolomics Techniques
- Constraints on the thickness of the long-lived North Qaidam UHP terrane, China: evidence from T-t trends and phase equilibria modelling
- Constructing an everywhere and locally relevant predictive model of the West-African critical zone
- Contrasting model complexity under a changing climate in a headwaters catchment.
- Data and Workflow Management Challenges in Global Adjoint Tomography
- Data-model integration to interpret connectivity between biogeochemical cycling, and vegetation phenology and productivity in mountainous ecosystems under changing hydrologic regimes
- Development and Exploration of a Regional Stormwater BMP Performance Database to Parameterize an Integrated Decision Support Tool (i-DST)
- Development and Validation of Hyper-Resolution Modeling Capability for WRF-Hydro
- Double-Difference Global Adjoint Tomography
- Drought on the North American High Plains: Modeling Effects of Vegetation, Temperature, and Rainfall Perturbations on Regional Hydrology
- Dynamics of biogeochemical sulfur cycling in Mono Lake
- Effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection and Kerogen Maturation on Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Response
- Effects of Formation Heterogeneity in Semi-Confining Shale Layers in Enhancing Mixing and Storage of Dissolved CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Effects of Gravel Mulch Properties and Thickness on Evaporation from Underlying Soil
- Elucidating Critical Zone Process Interactions with an Integrated Hydrology Model in a Headwaters Research Catchment
- Engineering Hyporheic Zones to Attenuate Heavy Metals in Constructed Urban Streams: Performance Data from Constructed Stream Flumes
- Engineering hyporheic zones for the attenuation of urban pesticides and other stormwater trace organic contaminants
- Engineering hyporheic zones to target nitrification versus denitrification: performance data from constructed stream flumes
- Evaluating Non-potable Water Usage for Oil and Gas Purposes in the Permian Basin Using Reactive Transport Modeling
- Evaluating the Sensitivity of Three Budyko Approaches to Groundwater Sorage Changes Across the Continental US
- Evidence of weak land-atmosphere coupling under varying bare soil conditions: Are fully coupled Darcy/Navier-Stokes models necessary for simulating soil moisture dynamics?
- Exploring the Validity of Modeled Surface Mass Balance Over Greenland With LIVVkit 2.1
- Expression of Geochemical Controls on Water Quality in Loch Vale, Rocky Mountain National Park
- From Scientists to the Public: Communicating Science through Blogs on and
- From Waste to Wealth: Using Produced Water for Agriculture in Colorado
- Fully automatic time-window selection using machine learning for global adjoint tomography
- Geomechanical Modeling of Deformation Banding in the Navajo Sandstone, San Rafael Monocline, Utah
- Geophysical mapping of deep permafrost change after disturbance
- Global Adjoint Tomography - Hotspots and Slabs
- Global hotspots of river erosion under global warming
- Globally Deghosting for Marine Streamer with Alternating Minimization Approach in Frequency-slowness Domain
- Grid vs Mesh: The case of Hyper-resolution Modeling in Urban Landscapes
- H, C, O, and N stable isotopes to decipher climate feedbacks in a mountainous watershed (East River, Colorado)
- High Resolution Mapping of Drought Impacts on Small Waterbodies using Sentinel 1 SAR and Landsat Observations
- High-Performance Reactive Particle Tracking with Adaptive Representation
- How Reducing was the Late Devonian Ocean? The Role of Extensive Expansion of Anoxia in Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Redox Sensitive Metals.
- How to Recharge a Confined Aquifer: An Exploration of Geologic Controls on Groundwater Storage.
- Hyper-resolution aquifer map of North America: estimating alluvial aquifer thickness, vertical structure and conductivities
- Hyporheic Interfaces Serve as Ecological Control Points for Mountainous Landscape Biological Productivity
- Hyporheic less-mobile porosity and solute transport in porous media
- Impact of Salinity Gradients on Ammonia Bioattenuation Processes in a Photosynthetic Wetland Biomat
- Improving National Water Modeling: An Intercomparison of two High-Resolution, Continental Scale Models, CONUS-ParFlow and the National Water Model
- In Situ Magnetic Susceptibility Variations at Two Contaminated Sites: Brandywine, MD and Bemidji, MN
- Induction Hazard Assessment: The Variability of Geoelectric Responses During Geomagnetic Storms Within Common Hazard Zones
- Integration of DAS (distributed acoustic sensing) vertical seismic profile and geostatistically modeled lithology data to characterize an enhanced geothermal system.
- Intermediate Scale Experimental Design to Validate a Subsurface Inverse Theory Applicable to Date-sparse Conditions
- Investigating the Role of Hydrologic Residence Time in Nitrogen Transformations at the Sediment-Water Interface using Controlled Variable Head Experiments
- Just Around the Riverbend: Seasonal hydrologic controls on dynamic hyporheic zone redox biogeochemistry
- Late Quaternary Surface Displacement Across a Normal-Fault Structural Boundary on the Northern Lost River Fault Zone (Idaho, USA)
- Lithologic Controls on Critical Zone Processes in a Variably Metamorphosed Shale-Hosted Watershed
- Machine-learning classifiers applied to habitat and geological substrate mapping offshore South Carolina
- Micro X-ray CT imaging of pore-scale changes in unconsolidated sediment under confining pressure
- Microbial ecology of soda lakes: investigating sulfur and nitrogen cycling at Mono Lake, CA, USA
- Microseismic Image-domain Velocity Inversion: Case Study From The Marcellus Shale
- Microseismic Monitoring Design Optimization Based on Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis
- Monitoring burned and unburned hillslopes from North Carolina to southern California: insights into hydrologic and geomorphic controls on disturbance-recovery cycles
- Monitoring earthen dams and levees with ambient seismic noise
- Multi-wavelength observations of the solar atmosphere from the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse
- Multivariate Analysis of Physical and Elastic Properties in Sandstones, Measured in Laboratory and Compare to Well Logs
- North American water availability under stress and duress: building understanding from simulations, observations and data products
- Numerical Modeling of Anaerobic Microzones Development in Bulk Oxic Porous Media: An Assessment of Different Microzone Formation Processes
- Parameterizing the Spatial Markov Model from Breakthrough Curve Data Alone
- Passive Signals from Aggressive Methods: The Origin and Implications of Organic Material in a Carbonate Stromatolite
- Plans for a Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory
- Polarization Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017
- Post-fire Water Quality Response and Associated Physical Drivers
- Predicting Bacteria Removal by Enhanced Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) at the Watershed Scale
- Predictive Understanding of Mountainous Watershed Hydro-Biogeochemical Function and Response to Perturbations
- Preliminary biological sampling of GT3 and BT1 cores and the microbial community dynamics of existing subsurface wells
- Probabilistic Determination of Green Infrastructure Pollutant Removal Rates from the International Stormwater BMP Database
- Quantifying Temperature Effects on Snow, Plant and Streamflow Dynamics in Headwater Catchments
- Reactive Minerals and Dechlorinating Communities: Mechanisms Governing the Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes during Back Diffusion from Low Permeability Zones in Aerobic and Anaerobic Environments
- Seismotectonics of the Zagros (Iran) from orogen-wide earthquake relocations
- Simulating land-atmosphere feedbacks and response to widespread forest disturbance: The role of lower boundary configuration and dynamic water table in meteorological modeling
- Slab2 - Updated Subduction Zone Geometries and Modeling Tools
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns In Ecohydrological Separation
- Stormwater Infrastructure at Risk: Predicting the Impacts of Increased Imperviousness due to Infill Development in a Semi-arid Urban Neighborhood
- Study of the Effect of Turbulence and Large Obstacles on the Evaporation from Bare Soil Surface through Coupled Free-flow and Porous-medium Flow Model
- Technology-Critical Elements: Economic and Policy Perspectives
- Terrane-Scale Metastability in Subducted Himalayan Continental Crust as Revealed by Integrated Petrological and Geodynamic Modeling
- The Dual Role of Vegetation as a Constraint on Mass and Energy Flux into the Critical Zone and as an Emergent Property of Geophysical Critical Zone Structure
- The East River, Colorado Community Watershed: Hydrobiogeochemical Studies Spanning Scales and Disciplines
- The Nicobar Fan and sediment provenance: preliminary results from IODP Expedition 362, NE Indian Ocean
- The Three-Pronged Approach to Community Education: An Ongoing Hydrologic Science Outreach Campaign Directed from a University Research Center
- The hydrodynamics of plant spacing distance: Optimizing consumptive and non-consumptive water use in water-limited environments
- The relationship between active deformation, stratigraphic architecture, and submarine slope failure in the Santa Barbara Channel, southern California
- Time Lapse Electrical Resistivity to Connect Evapotranspiration and Groundwater Fluxes in the Critical Zone
- Time-Lapse Monitoring with 4D Seismic Coda Waves in Active, Passive and Ambient Noise Data
- Towards a Better Understanding of Water Stores and Fluxes: Model Observation Synthesis in a Snowmelt Dominated Research Watershed
- Transitioning Groundwater from an Extractive Resource to a Managed Water Storage Resource: Geology and Recharge in Sedimentary Basins
- Understanding Natural Gas Methane Leakage from Buried Pipelines as Affected by Soil and Atmospheric Conditions - Field Scale Experimental and Modeling Study
- Upgrading the Arecibo Potassium Lidar Receiver for Meridional Wind Measurements
- Visualising Earth's Mantle based on Global Adjoint Tomography
- What Can Catchment Transit Time Distributions Tell Us About Runoff Mechanisms? Exploring "Age Equifinality" with an Integrated Surface-Groundwater Model.
- 2018 Update of the National Seismic Hazard Models for the United States
- A Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Monitoring System for Remote, Autonomous, In-situ Studies of River and Subsurface Environments Over Multiple Seasons.
- A Lagrangian Method for Reactive Transport with Solid/Aqueous Chemical Phase Interaction
- A New Inverse Method for Contaminant Source Identification under unknown Boundary Conditions
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on terrestrial technologies
- A bias-free seismicity catalog for the entire Zagros (Iran) orogeny
- A horizontal permeable reactive barrier stimulates nitrate removal and shifts microbial ecology during rapid infiltration for managed recharge
- ARES: An Autonomous Roving Exploration System for Planetary Active-Source Seismic Data Acquisition
- Active tectonics of the NW Zagros reevaluated in light of the 2017 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.3 Ezgeleh-Sarpolzahab earthquake
- Adjoint Tomography of South America based on 3D Spectral-Element Seismic Wave Simulations
- Advancing K-12 STEM Education in the Water-Energy Nexus Through an NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program
- Advancing tools for holistic management of water resources: Development of an integrated decision support tool (i-DST) for grey and green infrastructure implementation
- An Active Deep Subsurface Microbiome Supported by C1 Products of Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite
- An Efficient Bayesian Framework for Updating PAGER Loss Estimates
- An Integrated Decision Support Tool (i-DST) for Urban Stormwater Management: A User's Perspective
- Application of a new integrated decision support tool (i-DST) for urban water infrastructure: Analyzing water quality compliance pathways in Ballona Creek Watershed in Los Angeles, California
- Applying the Spatial Markov Model to predicting breakthrough curves in laboratory column experiments
- Assessing spectral-element seismic wave propagation on current HPC architectures
- Biogeochemical Controls on River Water Quality: Quantifying Dynamic Surface-Subsurface Interactions using Reactive Transport Models
- Biological methane cycling in serpentinization-impacted fluids of the Samail ophiolite of Oman
- Characterization Length-Scales to Determine Atmospheric Forcing to Simulate Evaporation and Shallow Subsurface Soil Moisture Dynamics
- Characterization of microbial communities associated with advanced wastewater treatment for water reuse
- Constraining the deformation history of the frontal wedge of Hikurangi Subduction Margin with analog modeling and bedding trends from borehole logging of IODP Expedition 372
- Controls on interannual storage changes in a continental scale integrated hydrologic model and comparisons to GRACE
- Deep Learning for Making Sense of Ambient Seismic Noise
- Demand Response & Off-Grid Assessment of Renewable Energy-Driven Closed Circuit Desalination
- Detecting Changes in Rock Physics Signatures due to CO2
- Developing Hydro-Meteorological Thresholds for Shallow Landslide Initiation and Early Warning
- Devising a framework to Couple Electromagnetic Geophysical Measurements with Reservoir Simulations to Monitor CO<SUB>2</SUB> Plume Movement
- Diel controls on nitrogen loss pathways in a photosynthetic wetland biomat
- Difference in Flooding Character and Magnitude between Frequent Floods and Extreme Events
- Direct Air Capture - assessing Energy, Cost and Kinetic constraints based on outlined boundary conditions
- Early Snowmelt Timing Controls the Magnitude of Soil Nutrient Flux and Microbial Community Turnover During the Winter-Spring Transition
- Effects of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Pipelines and Implications for Detection Systems
- Episodic Buckling and Collapse - The Breathing Subduction Zones
- Evaluating Groundwater Use and Sustainability in the California Central Valley: Using Remote Sensing Data to Dynamically Constrain Groundwater Extraction Rates in an Integrated Hydrologic Model
- Evaluating Hydrologic Partitioning and Water Yield Following Wildfire in Forested Watersheds
- Evaluating Risk of Mosquito Bourne Viruses in Brazil
- Evaporation Behavior Analysis from Layered Soil and its Application to Estimate the Soil Property Profile
- Examining diel patterns of soil and sap flow from the single-tree to hillslope scale
- Exploring Changes in Sediment Carbon Cycling at the Tidal Raritan River Using a Natural Salinity Gradient
- Exploring Controls on Anomalous Solute Transport in 1-D - and 3-D Tank-Scale Experiments
- Exploring Earth's interior in collaborative immersive VR environments
- Exploring the Relative Importance of Hydrofacies Configuration and Hydraulic Properties for Managed Aquifer Recharge Feasibility in Alluvial Aquifer Systems
- Formation Pore Pressure through the Tuaheni Landslide Complex and the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone at IODP Expedition 372 Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Geomorphic Effects of Floods - Integrating Ancient, Modern and Experimental Records
- Global Adjoint Tomography - New Generation Earth Mantle Model
- Hydraulic conductivity across the continental US: Towards a better representation of the subsurface in continental-scale, integrated hydrologic models.
- Hydrogeologic Controls of Arsenic and Uranium Mobility in Groundwater of the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota
- Hydrogeophysical applications for full-waveform inversion (FWI) of ground-based ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data
- Hydrologic connectivity in snow-dominated basins as a function of climate
- Identifying subsurface biologically-mediated processes occurring during modern water/rock interaction in the Samail ophiolite
- Imaging the Subsurface: The Effect of Logjams on Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange
- Impact of sea-level and bottom water temperature change on methane-hydrate stability: IODP Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin
- Impacts of heterogeneity on water and energy fluxes at high resolutions using a fully-integrated hydrologic model
- InSAR-Measured Seasonal Surface Deformation Induced by the West African Monsoon
- Influence of Small Scale Geological Heterogeneity on Capillary Trapping of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Intermediate scale experiments to test a new inversion theory for subsurface characterization and leakage source identification as applied to CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in deep geologic formations.
- Investigating Lake-Area Dynamics across a Permafrost-Thaw Spectrum Using Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys and Remote Sensing Time-series Data
- Is pore water pressure always tensile in unsaturated soil?
- Joint Inversion of GPR and ER Data Using the Adjoint Method
- Less-mobile Exchange Dynamics in Porous Media
- Linking Scientific Research with Stakeholder Participation for Improved Water Supply Forecasting in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado
- Managing Urban-use Pesticides with Enhanced Green Infrastructure on the Watershed Scale
- Modification of lithospheric structure via subduction, terrane accretion, and rifting: Preliminary results from the SEISConn broadband experiment, Connecticut, USA
- Multi-disciplinary Insights in to the Effects of Vegetation Change on Hydrologic Partitioning.
- NAPL Characterization and Cleanup: What Have We Learned and Where are We Going?
- Naked Trees, Killer Beetles and Dirty Water: A K-12 Teacher Workshop on the Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation and its Impacts to Water in the Rocky Mountain West
- Numerical Simulation of Proppant Transport in Propagating Hydraulic Fractures with Coupled MP-PIC and DDM Method
- Observation of Less-mobile Porosity Dynamics in an Urban Stream
- Observations of Long-term Subsidence in an Induced Permafrost Warming Experiment Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Observations of Subsurface Meltwater Lake Collapse on an East Antarctic Ice Shelf
- Overview of Results and Lessons Learned from the PoroTomo project at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada: Poroelastic Tomography by Adjoint Inverse Modeling of Data from Seismology, Geodesy, and Hydrology
- PVGeo: an open-source Python package for geoscientific visualization in VTK and ParaView
- Permafrost Monitoring with Brillouin Based Fiber Optic Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensing: Findings from a Controlled Thaw Experiment
- Pore morphology, permeability, and constraints on gas hydrate accumulation in sediments from the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, NZ
- Preliminary Results of the Metal Earth Magnetotelluric Survey
- Relaxation behavior of dry and icy regolith simulants using a modified penetrometer (teaching an old tool new tricks)
- Response of Gas Hydrate Systems to Subduction-Zone Processes on the Northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Revealing Hidden Flowpaths in a Permeable Alpine Catchment Using Endmember Mixing Analysis and a Hierarchical Bayesian Mixing Model
- Reverse-Time Migration and Full-Waveform Inversion of Surface Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
- Seafloor Overthrusting Creates Ductilely Deformed Fault Rocks in Marine Sediments at the Hikurangi Margin: Implications for Fault Zone Evolution and Mechanics at IODP Site U1518
- Sensitivity and Model Reduction of Simulated Snow Processes: Contrasting Observational and Parameter Uncertainty to Improve Prediction
- Shallow fault geometry from differential lidar: examples from the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah and 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura earthquakes
- Simulating groundwater surface water interactions across the continental US with an integrated hydrologic model
- Software for Ice Sheet Model Validation Using Recently Available and Extensible Datasets
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of nitrogen in a mountainous watershed
- Study of Evaporation from Wavy Surfaces by Coupled Turbulent Air Flow and Porous Media Flow
- Study of the Orientation of the Bladed Terrain Feature in Tarturus Dorsa, Pluto
- Subsurface Cycling of Nitrogen in the Actively Serpentinizing Samail Ophiolite, Oman
- Subsurface Methane Migration from Natural Gas Distribution Pipelines as affected by Soil Moisture and Heterogeneity: Field Scale Experimental Study
- Teaching Ethics and Multicultural Norms in Geosciences
- The Applicability of the <SUP>230</SUP>Th Constant-Flux Proxy in Sediments Offshore of the Niger River Delta
- The Influence of Snow Accumulation on Groundwater Flux to Streams in a Colorado River Headwater Basin
- The M7 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, Earthquake: Surface Strain in the Fault Damage Zone and Shallow Fault Slip Revealed with Near-Field Geodetic Imagery
- The geomagnetic coast effect in geoelectric hazard assessment: examinations of data and models from Costa Rica
- The impact of interfacial properties on fluid fate and transport during production of hydraulically fractured unconventional gas wells
- Thick- versus thin-skinned tectonics in the continental collision zone of the Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt from crustal delay time imaging with seismicity and receiver functions
- Time-lapse Charged Wellbore Casing Controlled Source Electromagnetic Surveys for Monitoring Injected Carbon Dioxide
- Time-lapse imaging of a controlled permafrost thaw experiment with strongly non-stationary vehicle noise and a 4,000 component distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) array
- Tipping Point Analysis Using Remote Sensing to Investigate the Impacts of Green Infrastructure on Social and Environmental Benefits in Urban Areas in the United States
- Transient Anoxic Micro-zone Development in an Alpine Stream
- Understanding Urban Evapotranspiration Changes Due to Redevelopment and Infill through Remote Sensing Analysis in Denver, Colorado
- Updating USGS ShakeMap Shaking, Ground Failure, and PAGER Loss Models with Ground Truth Observations
- Using Integrated Models to Elucidate Plant Water Use in Headwaters Systems Under Drought Conditions
- Using flowpath decomposition to understand time-varying transit time distributions and storage selection with an integrated surface-groundwater model of a small watershed
- Using integrated, continental scale hydrologic simulation to unravel interconnections and feedbacks
- Validation and development of multiphase reservoir simulations with controlled source electromagnetics
- Watershed-Scale Rock Property Responses to Regional Thermal Gradients: Implications for Integrating Critical Zone Processes
- Wildfire and water: Utilizing remote sensing and in situ observations to monitor post-fire impacts on water supply in the western U.S.
- 3D investigation of controls on slope failure in the western Santa Barbara Channel
- A Scale-Aware Modeling Framework to Quantify Subsurface Geochemical Exports and River Water Quality
- A decade of earthquakes mapped with differential lidar: resolving fault kinematics, off-fault deformation, and rupture anelasticity
- AGU Celebrates its Centennial with the Initiation of a New Journal: Perspectives in Earth and Space Science
- Adjoint Tomography of South America based on 3D Spectral-Element Seismic Wave Simulations
- Advancing Understanding, Modeling, and Scaling of Ecological Control Points in Mountainous River Corridors
- An integrated approach for estimating directly connected impervious areas in ungauged basins and implications for stormwater planning
- Analysis of Satellite Remote Sensing Data of NO<SUB>2</SUB> over U.S. Oil and Gas Production Areas
- Anatomy of a draining subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Anelastic Global Adjoint Tomography
- Application of a Monthly Water Balance Model to Better Understand Cryospheric Change in Alaska
- Applying Information Theory and Bayesian Inference to Paleoenvironmental Interpretation: A Potential Solution to the Non-uniqueness Problem
- Are Large Magnitude Events the Norm in the sedimentary record? Learnings Modern Fluvial Fans
- Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Urban Stromwater Control Measures in the Los Angeles Basin
- Assessing the impact of lateral groundwater flow on flood risk in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Assessing water availability for food-energy-water nexus via integrative surface water-groundwater modeling in San Joaquin River Basin, USA
- Azimuthal Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle based on Global Adjoint Tomography
- Baseflow Age Distributions in a Snow-Dominated Headwater Stream as a Function of Climate and Watershed Structure
- Boulder Stranding in Ejecta Launched by an Impact Generated Seismic Pulse
- Building a Community Watershed in the Upper Gunnison River Basin: Scientific Research and Stakeholder Participation in an Era of Hydrologic Uncertainty
- CHIP - Continental Hydrologic Intercomparison Project: A Conceptual Evaluation Framework for Large-Scale Hydrology Model Comparisons
- CO2 storage in reservoir and seal rocks - rock physics implications
- Captured biogeochemical "hidden processes" in a high-altitude watershed during wintertime isolation
- Carbon isotopes reveal carbon cycling of montane ecosystem soils (Rocky Mountains, Colorado)
- Climate Change and Plant Water Use: Inter-annual Differences in a Snowmelt-dominated System
- Climate-model Ensemble Consistency Testing
- Clustering Surface Ozone Diurnal Cycles to Understand the Impact of Circulation Patterns in Houston, Texas
- Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning for Quantifying Watershed Organization and Functions Based on High-resolution Airborne Remote Sensing Data
- Comparing factors in post-fire debris-flow probabilities in the Pacific Northwest and Southern California
- Contextualizing and Communicating the Co-benefits Associated with Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- Contrasting wildfire impacts on hydrologic properties and processes in boreal forest in Alaska and coniferous forest in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA
- Core-scale characterization of hydraulic and poroelastic properties using oscillating pore pressure method
- Crustal structure beneath southern New England: Influences of subduction, terrane accretion, and rifting
- Cryospheric process representation in local to national-extent hydrologic models
- Delimiting Hyporheic Area and Sub-Compartments Using Electrical Resistivity Inversions and Time Series Clustering Algorithms
- Demonstration and Analysis of Rarefied Particle Motions on Hillslopes
- Design of intermediate-scale experiments to validate tools for the optimal design of monitoring systems for brine leakage in carbon storage in deep geologic formations.
- Designing a critical zone research coordination network to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Determination of the correlation structure of an alluvial aquifer from multi-frequency 3D GPR reflection measurements
- Development of a new integrated decision support tool (i-DST) for optimizing the benefits and tradeoffs of greener to greyer stormwater infrastructure.
- Dissolved Organic Carbon (doc) Characteristics in Mountainous Watersheds Impacted by Abandoned Hardrock Mines
- Eastern Iran tectonics revisited with high-quality earthquake locations
- Effect of thermal variations in Mars' mantle on 3D seismic wave propagation
- Elastic properties of the Corinth Rift sediments: improving shallow velocity model with new experimental and modeling data
- Electromagnetic imaging of subglacial hydrogeology of Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Emerging Breakthroughs and Potential Applications in Borehole Gravimetry
- End-to-End Workflow-Driven Hydrologic Analysis for Different User Groups in HydroFrame
- Estimating metabolic responses to carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous additions in different stream compartments.
- Evaluating the control of heterogeneities on anorthite dissolution rates using microfluidics: bridging the gap between lab and field reaction rates
- Evaluating the effect of the surface soil layer on the near-surface state variables during evaporation
- Evaluation of global soil products to simulate hydrological water paths in the West-African critical zone.
- Evolution and Insights from a 4-year NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Program: Professional Development in Water-Energy Education for the Next Generation (WE<SUP>2</SUP>NG)
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Less-mobile Domain Processes in Naturally Occurring Porous Media
- Experimental testing of an inversion theory integrating limited deep formation observations with shallow aquifer data for subsurface characterization and leakage monitoring in geologic carbon storage and hydraulic fracturing
- Fishery Management from Space: Matching VIIRS Boat Detection with VMS Tracks
- Formation criteria for hyporheic anoxic microzones: Assessing interactions of hydraulics, nutrients and biofilms
- Full-waveform Inversion of GPR and ER Data with the Envelope Transform and Cross-gradients
- Geochemical processes at the pore-scale: advancing experimental approaches with microfluidic devices in reactive mineral substrates
- Geometry, hydrology and environmental controls on a 'stacked' firn aquifer on a temperate high-accumulation ice field
- Geomorphic and Sedimentological Controls on Hyporheic Flow in an Alpine River
- Geophysical Investigation of the Northwestern Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Global Adjoint Tomography - Model GLAD-M25
- Gone with the Wind: Natural Gas Emissions from Leaking Underground Pipelines and Implications for Detection Systems
- Hints of an Eoarchean magnetic field from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Greenland
- How Lessons from an Evolving Comprehensive Approach for Water and Sanitation Initiatives Can Improve Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Environmental Initiatives
- How Turbidity Current Flow Properties Shape Submarine Levees
- Hydroframe: A Software Framework to enable Continental Scale Hydrologic Simulation
- Hydrologic Impacts of Linked Disturbances in Boreal Alaska, USA
- Hydrologic Representation Complexity in Land Surface Models Influences GRACE Signal Restoration in Forward Modeling Approaches
- Hydrologic response to pre-fire mitigation treatments in the Ashland, Oregon basin
- Hydrological controls on subsurface shale bedrock-nitrogen release and export from a mountainous watershed hillslope
- Hyperspectral sensing, evapotranspiration, and harvests of plant canopies in a mountain watershed help to understand what part plants play in seasonal water budget
- Identifying Sediment Contribution from Rills to Post-Fire Debris Flows
- Imaging changes in living ponderosa pine tree trunk moisture with multi-offset ground-penetrating radar data
- Implications of Model Selection: Inter-Comparison of Publicly-Available CONUS Extent Hydrologic Component Estimates
- Improved DNAPL source zone architecture characterization with the use of self-potential signals and hydraulic/partitioning tracer tomography
- Improving Access to Continental-Scale Hydrology Models for Research and Education - A Subsetting Adventure
- Improving the software architecture for a continental scale integrated modeling framework for better software productivity: Boundary Conditions, Programming Abstractions, and Developments in the ParFlow modeling platform
- In-situ evidence of lake drainage via hydrofracture on the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Inter-source interferometry for body waves
- Inversion of dissolved plume concentration data under unknown initial and boundary conditions: theoretical analysis and laboratory verification
- Investigating the role of heterogeneous flow paths in the lab vs. field weathering rate conundrum
- Isotopic insights into the fate of snowmelt water in a high elevation, mountainous watershed in the Colorado Rockies
- Just Around the Riverbend: Hyporheic heterogeneity controls microbial ecology and metabolism
- Key Controls on Water and Nitrogen Exports occurring across Lifezones, Compartments and Interfaces of the Mountainous East River Watershed, CO
- Large Environmental and Demographic Data Sets in Models for Mosquito Borne Disease Risk in Brazil and Ecuador
- Mapping Marine Ice Beneath Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, with ROSETTA-Ice Radar Sounding and ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry
- Martian Dust Cover May Permit More Detailed Subsurface Discovery
- Measurement and Modeling of Perennial Thaw Zone Development in Boreal Alaska
- Measuring Basal Force Fluctuations of Debris Flows Using Seismic Recordings and Empirical Green's Functions
- Modeling Irrigation using Remote Sensing to Assess the Influence of Evolving Urban Dynamics on Water Demand in Denver, Colorado
- Modeling the Cratonic- to Deposit-Scale Resistivity Structure of the Archean Superior Province, Canada Using a Sequential Inversion Workflow of Magnetotelluric Data
- Multi-scale characterization of geological controls on groundwater flow in a mineralized mountain headwater system: Redwell Basin and upper East River, Colorado
- Near-surface Hydrologic Investigations of Pleistocene lakes within the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Non Linearity of Crustal Thickness Sensitivity of Surface Waves and Crustal Guided Waves on Mars
- On the Separate Treatment of Mixing and Spreading by the Reactive-Particle-Tracking algorithm: An Example of Accurate Upscaling of Reactive Poiseuille Flow.
- Optimizing Data Compression for the Community Earth System Model
- Petrological modeling of subduction of oceanic crust: insights into slab dehydration and melting
- Plate kinematic and mantle seismic tomography constraints for the India-Asia collision
- Pore Space Estimation Using Optimized DRP Workflow in Complex Reservoirs
- Potential of Sulfidated Iron (Oxides) to Abiotically Reduce Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater
- Predicting carbon pools and fluxes in alpine meadows using remotely-sensed functional diversity indices
- Preparing to image the Martian subsurface: planetary active-source seismology vs. radar, and the ARES concept
- Rare earth element (REE) metasomatism in iron-oxide-apatite mineral deposits: stability of hydrothermal monazite and xenotime
- Reactive Particle-tracking Solutions to a Benchmark Problem on Heavy Metal Cycling in Lake Sediments
- Reading gas flare histories with VIIRS nightfire temporal profiles: preliminary results
- Recovery of Snow Radar Velocities From Horizontally Unconstrained Aerial Ground Penetrating Radar Transects
- Remotely estimating groundwater pumping and irrigation: a synthesis approach using GRACE and advances in integrated hydrologic modeling
- Resolution Matters: Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Subgrid Heterogeneities on Soil Moisture Distribution with a Physically Based Hydrological Model
- Scales and Velocity Contrasts of Scatterers in the Lower Mantle using USArray Recordings of S-wave to P-wave Conversions
- Science Festivals as Proving Grounds for Activities Developed in a Geoscience Education and Outreach Pipeline
- Seismic Full Waveform Inversion: Feasibility For Measuring Firn Properties
- Seismic Signature, Geomorphology, and Petrophysical Response of Paleo-Submarine Mass Transport Complexes in a Salt-Controlled Minibasin, Gulf of Mexico
- Setbacks as Policy Instruments: Evidence from Colorado Oil and Gas Wells
- Signatures of Intact Lava Tubes on the Western Flank of Alba Mons in Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Data
- Slope, roughness and grain size control particle motion on burned and vegetated hillslopes
- Smokey the Beaver: Can Beaver Dams Help Protect Riparian Vegetation During Wildfire?
- Snowmelt mediates microbial metabolic potential and soil metabolite profiles in a high altitude watershed
- Stormwater control impacts on urban hydrology: A meta-analysis
- Structural Analysis of Planar Structural Data from the Nashoba-Putnam Terrane, and Adjacent western Avalon Terrane and eastern Merrimack Belt, southeastern New England Appalachians, USA
- Study of Evaporation and Boundary Layer Development from Permeable Undulating Soil Surfaces under Turbulent Airflow
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applications for Rangeland Famine Early Warning Systems
- Terrestrial impact structures as analogs for characterizing cratering processes on other planets and moons
- The Cambrian Explosion Was Enabled by Plate Tectonics
- The Future of Drone Based Airborne GPR
- The Northern Terminus of Ground-Ice Detections in Arcadia Planitia on Mars May Be Attributable to Surface Effects
- The Study of PFAS mobility and retention in unsaturated soils using column tests with x-ray attenuation and liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS)
- The Watershed Function Scientific Focus Area: elucidating controls on water, carbon, and elemental export within a mountainous watershed
- The effect of topographic processes on runoff simulation over the continental US
- The enigmatic Fethiye-Burdur trend, SW Turkey: a half century of seismicity but still no strike-slip faulting
- Thermophysical & Rheological Properties of Natural Gas Hydrates
- Three-Dimensional Eolian Bounding Surface Architecture of the Entrada Sandstone, Utah: Expanding our Understanding of Dune Morphodynamics and Ancient Erg Evolution
- Time-dependent freshwater fluxes from deep and shallow meltwater sources under Antarctica's large ice shelves
- Toward watershed characterization: investigation of above-belowground interactions with hyperspectral remote sensing and near-surface geophysical measurements within the Upper Colorado Basin
- Unfolding Overlapping Spectral Images to Determine the Plasma Velocity During a Solar Flare
- Using Eddy Covariance Observations to Constrain Energy Fluxes and Plant Water Use in Complex Regions
- Validation Of a Recently Proposed Method For Coda Wave Inversion: A comparison of field and synthetic data.
- Varied and Changing Mountain Snow Regimes Necessitate Snow Experiments, Globally: From Colorado Beginnings to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Virtual and Augmented Reality for Visualization of Big Data: Examples from Deep Earth to Subsurface
- Why Does Soil Water Resist Freezing?
- Wildfire Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems and the Recovery that Follows
- Will wastewater recycling impact ecology in the Los Angeles River?
- Zircon Geochronology of Subducted Crust: Interpreting Zircon-Garnet Equilibrium and Disequilibrium, North Qaidam Terrane, Western China
- 3D data sensitivities of seismic phases to the upper-most outer core and D'' region
- A Comparative Morphological and Geospatial Analysis of Terrestrial Pingos and Anomalous Hills on Ceres
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Dry Surface Layer Based Bare Soil Evaporation Model: Development and Evaluation
- A Machine Learning Approach to Estimating Evapotranspiration and Applications for Prediction Under Future Climate Scenarios
- A Site Scale Tool for Estimation of Pollutant Removal in Stormwater Best Management Practices
- A Validation and Comparison of Unique, Analytically-derived Hydraulic Conductivity Datasets Using the Upper Colorado River Basin as a Testbed
- A novel approach for placement of green infrastructures in a watershed
- Adaptability of microbial community in a membrane bioreactor treating produced water to varying salinities
- Analyzing Lunar Polar Water Ice Using Available Datasets
- Are plot-scale spatial soil moisture patterns universal?
- Assessing the Impact of Water Reuse on Water Quality in the Los Angeles River
- Assessing the performance of a hyper resolution, integrated hydrology-land surface model across the contiguous United States: Advancing high fidelity estimates of continental-scale energy and water fluxes with ParFlow-CLM
- Assessment of features within the south polar layered deposits of Mars with 3D radar imaging
- Attributing landscape-scale land surface flux partitioning in a complex terrain, snow-dominated basin in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Basal Ice Stratigraphy from Mercer Ice Stream, West Antarctica: Implications for sub ice stream accretionary processes
- Changes to Outdoor Water Demand Associated with Residential Redevelopment Highlight the Importance of Integrated Land Use and Urban Water Planning
- Clays are not created equal: How clay mineral type affects soil parameterization
- Cloud software for enabling community-oriented integrated hydrologic modeling
- Comparing Aggradation, Superelevation, and Avulsion Frequency of Submarine and Fluvial Channels
- Compilation and re-analysis of post-wildfire soil hydraulic properties across climate zones of the western United States
- Delimiting and quantifying seasonal changes in hyporheic extent using inverted electrical resistivity data
- Design of Direct Path Synchronized Bistatic Radar Technique for Long Offset Glacial Temperature Tomography
- Determination of Vapor and Momentum Roughness Lengths above an Undulating Soil Surface Based on PIV-measured Velocity Profiles
- Determining the transit time of carbon in shale-rich soils
- Developing Storytelling Techniques with Earth Science at NASA Ames Research Center
- Development and Performance Assessment of a Power-Independent Low-Cost Particulate Monitor for Air Quality Monitoring in the Bronx - New York City
- Eddy Covariance in a Mountain Headwaters: Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Tale of Two Limitations
- Evaluating Southern Ocean Tides Using ICESat-2 over Ice Shelves
- Evaluating Variation in Hydrologic Transport in Steep-Forested and Low Gradient-Agricultural Streams
- Evaluating the impact of substrate temperature on thermal habitat suitability and ecological restoration in shallow urban rivers
- Evaluating the temporal implications of land cover change on watershed hydrology across the continental US with an integrated hydrologic model
- Evaluation of intensive irrigation on hydrological responses in a Peruvian arid plateau
- Examining the Economic and Environmental Impacts of COVID-19 Using Earth Observation Data
- Examining the role of Fe-cycling in microbial mat lithification and stromatolite abundance through Earth history
- Experimental Studies of Improved Oil Production from High-Porosity Analog Media
- Extensive saline groundwater beneath Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Fusion of ICESat-2 and complementary remote sensing data for interactive visualization in Jupyter
- Global Liquefied Natural Gas Industry Expansion May Imperil Paris Climate Targets
- Groundwater-Stream Connectivity Mediates Metal(loid) Geochemistry in the Hyporheic Zone of Watersheds Impacted by Historic Mining and Acid Rock Drainage
- High Helium Reservoirs in the Four Corners Area of the Colorado Plateau, USA
- Historic Water Quality Data as a Forensic Tool to Understand the Connections Between Environmental Watershed Perturbations and Disinfection Byproduct Formation in Drinking Water
- Hydrological Extremes and Human Society
- Implications of model resolution and parameterization for modeling water management impacts on land-surface, surface, and subsurface processes
- Improved calibration of absolute InSAR deformation estimates in support of permafrost active layer retrievals
- Incorporating "Positive Deviants" into Community Development Projects: A Case Study from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Colombia
- Influence of anaerobic oxidation of methane on the precipitation of the seep carbonates of the Moreno Formation, Panoche Hills, California
- Integrating ICESat-2 and Sentinel-1 measurements to quantify thaw subsidence in Alaska
- Integrating scientific and local knowledge to enhance remediation efficacy using community-informed conceptual site models
- Investigation of Post-fire Evapotranspiration Rate Changes and Recovery using Remotely-Sensed SSEBop Data at the CONUS Scale
- Laboratory model-scale simulation of multi-well EGS reservoir creation and heat extraction in large heated granite blocks
- Machine Learning Approaches in Lunar Mantle Heterogeneity Investigations
- Mantle Shear Wave Splitting based on 3D Seismic Wave Simulations
- Measuring Post-fire Rill Network Density
- Modeling Subsurface Origins and Transport of Methane on Mars
- Modeling fully dynamic earthquake cycles on a bent fault governed by rate- and state-dependent friction using EQsimu
- Modelling Post-Fire Hydrologic Recovery in Snow Dominated Catchments in Colorado's San Juan Mountains
- Multi-temporal Spectral Analysis to Quantify and Monitor Post-Wildfire Changes to Hillslope and Channel Topography
- Multidimensional, Reach-Scale Models of Hyporheic Exchange due to Complex Log Jams in Mountain Streams
- Multimodal Dataset Integration for Cloud Masking of ICESat-2
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- New seismological constraints on the crustal structure of Mars and the Moon
- Novel observations on the structure and deformation of the overriding plate in subduction zones and their implications for slow slip
- Objective Optimization of Hydrometeorological Thresholds for Landslide Initiation using HydroMet
- On the origin and cycling of Holocene-aged carbon beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Optimizing between green and grey stormwater infrastructure using hydrologic modeling, life cycle costs, and a benefit analysis.
- P-wave arrival-time tomography of the Middle East
- Projected Large-Scale Regional Baseflow Decreases in Response to Changing Climate in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Raspy-Cal: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Open-Source Python Program for Automatic Calibration of HEC-RAS Hydraulic Models
- Runout Number: A New Way to Measure Landslide Runout and the Associated Hazards
- Rupture behavior of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elazig (Turkey) earthquake and its tectonic implications
- Sedimentary Evolution and Seismogenic Slip at the Sumatra Subduction Zone
- Seismic Velocities Distribution in a 3D Mantle: Implications for InSight Measurements
- Self-consistently matching sediment supply, water discharge, and channel slope: Lane's balance at the catchment scale
- Shallow Ice Detection on Mars: Integration of Thermal and Neutron Datasets into the Mars Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) Project
- Simulating Mineral Weathering in 3D Fractured Media
- Snowmelt supports more of transpiration at the bottom than top of an alpine hillslope in the East River Watershed, Colorado
- Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Cloud Data
- Statistical Characterization of a Confined Submarine Fan System: the Pennsylvanian Lower Atoka Formation, Ouachita Mountains, USA
- Strengthening Causal Connections Between the MJO and the North Atlantic in Future Climate Projections
- Submarine Landslide Exploration through Scientific Drilling, Seismic Data, and Numerical Modeling
- Submarine Slope Failure Dynamics in Sand-Rich Systems: Insights from Physical Experiments and Numerical Models
- The Impacts of Drought and Water Allocation Practices on River Systems and Communities
- The ParFlow Sand Tank Model: An Educational Resource at the Interface of Hydrology and Computer Science
- The VIIRS Day/Night Band Lights Pathways Toward Improved Nocturnal Applications and Situational Awareness
- Undergraduate Distance-Based International Fieldwork During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Understanding the hydrologic impacts of wildfire management strategies using MIKE SHE
- Using Plumes as Indicators for Mantle Flow in the South America Subduction Zone
- Warning in Context: Earthquake Early Warning as Achievements in Environmental, Social, and Technical Worlds
- Waste or Resource: Produced Water Characterization and Potential for Beneficial Reuse in Agriculture
- Wastewater discharges as a management tool to support beneficial uses of urban rivers
- What can advances in Antarctic deglacial sediment <SUP>14</SUP>C dating tell us about grounding line evolution?
- Wildfire, permafrost, and vegetation interactions in a discontinuous permafrost region revealed by dual-frequency airborne radar observations
- A Machine Learning Model for Urban Water Quality Predictions in the Los Angeles River
- A deep and dynamic groundwater system beneath an Antarctic ice stream
- A river on fiber: capturing fluvial processes with distributed acoustic sensing
- A snow modeling and water prediction testbed for benchmarking the water resources impacts of Earth Observations in North America
- A spatially distributed sensing technology for monitoring gas migration through vadose zone and land surface concentrations
- Accounting for Oceanic Reverberations in MERMAID Waveforms
- Active Layer Thickness as a Function of Soil Water Content in Alaska and Canada
- Addressing Current Limitations in Simulating Lake-Effect Snowfall in Operational Numerical Weather Predictions
- Adjoint Tomography of the Middle East
- An Efficient Two-Platform Approach to Determine the Drivers of Discharge Temperature in a Thermally Stratified Reservoir
- An Exact Penalty for the Computational Entropy of Discretized Model Solutions: Incorporation into a Model Information Criterion.
- Auroral Drivers of Intense dBdt During Geomagnetic Storms
- Background climate regulates importance of green and bluespace for urban cooling
- Basal channel outflow inferred from persistent polynya variability at the Eastern Thwaites Ice Shelf
- Baseflow response to future climate change in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Can Stream Corridor Processes Alone Sustain Chemostasis of Primary Nutrients?
- Characterization of Nano-Scale Mineral Dust Aerosols by Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- Characterizing Logjams as Drivers of Transient Storage at Different Discharges in a Flume
- Classification of Solar Wind Discontinuities Using Supervised Machine Learning
- Classification of Solar Wind Structures via Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Cloud Fraction Estimates from Saildrone Sky Cameras during ATOMIC
- Comparison of GPS Observations of Crustal Deformation and Hydrologic Storage Estimates
- Connecting the deep and shallow critical zone: Quantifying inherited heterogeneity of the CZ structure
- Continental-scale Mapping of 30-meter Evapotranspiration Using Machine Learning
- Controls on critical zone thickness in the Appalachian Piedmont: lithology, vegetation, and state of stress
- CrackMap: Automated Extraction of Crevasses from High-Resolution Optical Imagery using Edge Detection
- Detection of Groundwater Inflow for Characterizing Contaminant Transport Using Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Developing evidence-based guidelines for protective actions and earthquake early warning systems
- Discrimination of Active and Inactive Burn Areas in the 2020 Cameron Peak Fire from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Time Series
- Documenting SmKS Slowness, Back Azimuth, and Travel Time Anomalies using Seismic Array Methodologies
- Effect of the Coriolis Force on Body Wave Polarization Anomalies Inferred From 3D Wave Simulations
- Effects of Crust and 3D Mantle Heterogeneity on Shear Wave Splitting Using 3D Wave Simulations
- Effects of the subducting Nazca Plate on South American upper-mantle dynamics, inferred from adjoint waveform tomography
- Efficient irregular sparse MT ground acquisition: A study using Auslamp MT data from Australia
- Estimating Antarctic Grounding Zone Ice Flexure with ICESat-2 Data
- Evaluation of Irrigation Practices and Nutrient Pollution in a Peruvian Arid Plateau Using a Crop-Field Scale Framework
- Exploring coupled surface hydrology and freeze-thaw dynamics around Toolik Lake, Alaska, using ICESat-2 and InSAR data
- Fine-Resolution Measurement of Soil Moisture from InSAR Phase Closure
- Geophysical imaging reveals lithologic controls on weathering at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA
- Historical and environmental drivers of microbial community structure in West Antarctic subglacial lake sediments
- Hydrologic Response to Forest Treatment Practices for Wildfire Mitigation in Sierra Nevada Watersheds
- IRIS/UNAVCO+: Joining Forces for Unlearning Racism in Geoscience
- Improving resolution of mantle seismic anisotropy using array techniques: Shear wave splitting of beamformed SmKS phases
- Insights on bioturbation-driven, post-fire soil mixing and sediment transport mechanics from short-lived radionuclides.
- Intelligent prediction of stable isotope geochemistry of coalbed gas for its origin
- Investigating Persistent Polynya Structure and Variability at Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Using Seal-borne Measurements and Thermal Remote Sensing
- Investigating trade-offs in anelastic full-waveform inversions for regional- to global-scale models
- Investigation of rill initiation using high-resolution topography after 2017 Thomas Fire, CA
- Is Saving Water Enough? The Economic Sustainability of a Groundwater Fee
- Lessons learned designing the HydroGEN machine learning platform for hydrologic exploration: a story of collaboration between hydrologic scientists, software developers, machine learning researchers and water managers
- Lessons learned from the AGU EPSP URGE pod on how to structure an equitable, inclusive, and safe committee space
- Leveraging Multiple Continuous Monitoring Sensors for Emissions Alerting on Oil and Gas Facilities
- Linking Fire-induced Evapotranspiration Shifts to Streamflow Signals in the Western United States
- Linking bioturbation and wildfire to nonlocal transport in steeplands of the California Bay Area
- Long-term increase in precipitation intermittency and intensity at Paleogene mid latitudes
- Metagenomic Investigation into 300 Years of Cyanobium Population Dynamics in Mono Lake
- Mission in a minute: Complex Spatial Query and Data Access in the Cloud for the ICESat-2 Mission
- Mitigating Data Scarcity for Joint Physics-Based and Data-Driven Time-Lapse Seismic Inversion
- Molecular-scale Characterization of the Nanogeochemical Environment in Soils and Surface Waters to Measure the Impacts of Climate Change on Trace Elements in Boreal Ecosystems
- Monitoring of Brine Leakage form Carbon Storage in Deep Saline Formations: Method Validation Using Intermediate-Scale Testing
- Near the Brink: An Example of a Weak Layer in the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Non-negligible Surface Charge Within Mesoporous Siliceous Analogue and Applicability to Biogenic Siliceous Mudstone (Mowry Shale)
- Numerical Solution to the 2-D Acoustic and Elastic Radiative Transfer Equations
- On Archean craton growth and stabilisation: insights from lithospheric resistivity structure of the Superior Province
- Opportunities to Reduce Regional Water Supply Gaps through Infill Development in Denver, Colorado
- Optimal time step length for Lagrangian, interacting-particle simulations of diffusive mixing
- Panola Mountain revisited: intensive geophysical and geochemical studies reveal the structure of the deep critical zone at a classic hydrologic study site
- Passively Synchronized Bistatic Radar System for Subsurface Tomography of Glaciers
- Performance evaluation and influential factor analysis for stacking-based seismic location
- Persistent Snow Patch Hydrologic Contributions to Antarctic Polar Desert Streams
- Physical and Biological Nitrogen Storage Along an Entire Intermittent Stream Corridor
- Quantification, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Natural Gas Production Sites
- Quantifying channel networks indicates that the Jezero system is a fluvial fan rather than delta
- Radar Attenuation of Low Reflectivity Zones in the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits
- Rapid Surface-Deployment of DAS Cable for Earthquake Hazard Assessment
- Reactive Organic Carbon Export and Associated Contributions to Disinfection Byproduct Formation During Drinking Water Treatment in a Subalpine Watershed
- Reconciling Evapotranspiration Cross Method Synthesis and Uncertainty Quantification at the East River Watershed
- Reconciling Reservoir Simulation with Rock Physics Models
- Relation between concentration-discharge patterns and groundwater residence times in a headwater stream in the Colorado Front Range
- Roots as Agents of Rapid Soil Structural Change in the Anthropocene
- SnowEx Snow Microstructure for Simulation of Microwave Scattering
- Soil carbon transit time determination in shale-rich environments
- Spectral Unmixing of Antarctic Snow Grain Size Distribution: A Data-Driven Perspective
- SphGLLTools: A toolbox for visualization of large seismic modelfiles based on 3D spectral-element meshes
- Surface Topography Observations Needed to Advance Cryosphere Science in the Coming Decades
- Teaching Climate Change and Climate Sustainability with Energy Studies
- The Impacts of Drought and Water Allocation Practices on River Systems and Communities: A Coupled Water Supply System and Economic Modeling Approach
- The Influence of Topography on Discharge and Specific Conductivity in the Hotel Gulch Watershed in Central Colorado
- The Los Angeles River Environmental Flows Project: Balancing Water Reuse and Ecological Support Goals in an Effluent Dominated River
- The Seismic Signature of Tree-Captured Wind
- The beginnings of SCOPED: Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Towards Automated Facies Recognition Using Digital Outcrop Models and Machine Learning
- Towards an Anelastic Global Full-Waveform Mantle Model
- Trace Metal Removal by Benthic Microbial Biomats as Compared to an Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Sorbent
- URGE Pod Outcomes for the AGU EPSP Section
- Upper Mantle Anisotropy from Global Adjoint Tomography
- Using Time-Domain Electromagnetic Surveys to Image the Thickness of the Basalt Cap on South Table Mountain in Golden, CO
- Using multi-scale SUMMA watershed modeling for seasonal streamflow prediction to support water operations at Buffalo Bill Reservoir, Wyoming
- Variability in Post-Wildfire Soil Hydraulic Properties Related to Local and Regional Climatological, Geological, and Burn Characteristic Factors.
- Variation in Hillslope Sediment Size Controlled by Differences in Subsurface Weathering in a Transient Piedmont Landscape, South Carolina, USA.
- Weighted compressive sensing applied to seismic interferometry
- When and where do top-down processes govern critical zone structure and feedback to influence climate?
- 2023 U.S. 50-State National Seismic Hazard Model
- 4D Data-driven Deep Waveform Learning: a Case Study at CCUS Site, San Juan NM
- A Basal Mantle Layer at the Top of Mars' Core Inferred from Geodynamically-constrained Inversions of InSight Seismic Data
- A Community Science Approach to Assessing Drinking Water in Three Navajo Nation Communities
- A Geo-structurally Based Correction Factor for Apparent Dissolution Rates in Fractured Media
- A Meta-analysis of Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Numerically Simulated Rainfall Partitioning for Post-Wildfire Burned Watersheds across the Western United States
- A Missing Flux? Measuring CH4 Emissions from Bioenergy Agroecosystems Across Crop Types Under Varying Climatic Conditions in the Midwestern United States
- A Spatio-temporal Model to Estimate West Nile Virus Cases in Ontario
- A pumping-test analog for characterizing integrated root-zone and plant hydraulic systems based on above-ground measurements
- An Overview of the Ocean-focussed Aspects of TARSAN (Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes)
- An overview of global full-waveform inversion workflow
- Analysis of Dynamics of Ions in the Plasmasphere Using a Machine Learning Model
- Automated Detection of West Antarctic Persistent Polynas using Physics-Featurized Neural Networks
- Automatic hydraulic fracturing designs for tight conglomerate reservoirs in Mahu, China
- Back to the future: What evolution of Holocene grounding lines in the Amundsen Sea Embayment tells us about Pine Island's future
- Biological Smoke Emission Factors: The Foundation for a Terrestrial-Atmospheric Exchange Budget for Microbes Aerosolized by Wildland Fires
- Capturing Forest Disturbance in a Watershed Model in the Rio Grande Headwaters
- Capturing Seismicity from Vibroseis Survey and Local Tectonics with a Surface DAS Array at Utah FORGE
- Categorical Skill Assessment for Ice Thickness and Concentration in the Great Lakes
- Channel restoration in highly urbanized systems: using ecological flow targets to optimize channel design under future management scenarios
- Characterizing Controls on Postfire Steepland Ravel - When Does Bioturbation Go Too Far for Diffusive Models?
- Connection between concentration-discharge relations and near-stream groundwater residence times
- Constraining surface mass balance, firn air content, ICESat-2 volume change, and GRACE/-FO mass change to improve ice-sheet mass balance estimates
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Crust and upper mantle beneath the Middle East from Adjoint Tomography
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- CryoSat-2/ICESat-2 integrated time series and comparison of shoreline evolution in Antarctic active subglacial lakes
- Delineating Event-Scale Metal(loid) Fluxes in an Alpine Stream Catchment
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data Analysis Ecosystem (DASDAE): Open-source Python Packages for Easier DAS Data Use
- Dominant Source Areas Shift Seasonally from Longitudinal to Lateral Contributions in a Montane Headwater Stream
- Dynamics of Plasmaspheric Ions Modeled by a Neural Network
- Effects of C-O-H degassing and bubble growth on the explosivity of lunar volcanic eruptions
- Energy Security as a Policy Driver
- Ergodic sampling: A new geophysical data acquisition method to save cost and gather more information
- Estimating methane emissions on oil and gas facilities using continuous monitoring data
- Exploration and Quality Control of Large-scale Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data to Study Permafrost Degradation in Arctic Alaska
- Exploring performance of an upgraded bathymetry dataset in 1-D lake models
- First observations of seismic waves travelling through the Martian core
- Gas Hydrate Saturation Estimates at the Alaska Gas Hydrate Production Test Site Using Seismic Amplitude Analysis
- Geographical Repositioning Efforts and Vertical Calibration of Z-scopes from SPRI-NSF-TUD surveys at Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Geomorphic Effects of Floods - Integrating Ancient, Modern and Experimental Data
- Geophysics in the EGS Collab Project: Our Eyes and Ears
- High-Frequency Sensors Reveal Variable Concentration-Discharge Relationships Across Temporal Scales in a Snowmelt-dominated Rocky Mountain Catchment.
- How Might Streamflow and Baseflow Respond to Climate Change in the Colorado River Basin?
- Hydrologic Signals in GNSS Geodesy and Their Implications for Advancing Hydrologic Models
- Identification of Cryoseismic Events in Utqiaġvik, Alaska Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Identifying the Seismic Power Contribution of Tree-Captured Wind Using the Earthscope Transportable Array
- Integrating ICESat-2 altimetry, optical imagery, and digital elevation models to measure erosion rates and coastal morphology along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Coast
- Integrating Ice Analyses into Real-Time Great Lakes Ice Prediction
- Intermediate-scale testing of a spatially distributed sensing technology for monitoring greenhouse gas migration through vadose zone to the atmosphere
- Introducing a Typology for Hydroelectric Dams
- Investigation of caprock fracture zone parameter uncertainties on potential leakage brine plume development from storage of CO2 in deep geologic formations using intermediate-scale testing and modeling.
- Jupyter Book-based Supplemental Material: a FAIR Practice to Connect Research Articles with Scientific Data
- Knock Knock, Who's There? Identifying the Source of Signals in the First DAS Deployment in a Fluvial Setting
- Leveraging Multidecadal Remote Sensing Data to Evaluate Interactions Between Century-Scale Ice-Dynamics and the Local Evolution of Crary Ice Rise
- Long-Term Paleogene Increase in Precipitation Intermittency and Intensity at Mid Latitudes
- Mapping Ice Shelf Calving Fronts at Thwaites Glacier using Deep Learning and Satellite Imagery in a Cloud-Based Workflow
- Mapping dynamic mass loss by fully decomposing glacier elevation change
- Modeling the influence of floodplain topography on river avulsion style in Delft3D: gilgai topography limits progradational avulsion
- Multi-year characterization of land surface energy and water fluxes from a mid-continent, high elevation, riparian area
- New Insights from Advanced 3-D Radar Imaging of the Martian North Polar Cap and Mid-latitude Ices and Volcanics
- New insights into crustal and mantle structure beneath the New England Appalachians from temporary broadband seismic deployments and integration with geological constraints
- Nitrogen and Phosphorous in Wildfire and Retardant-affected Soils and Reservoir System
- On the Importance of Forecast Skill and Water Trade in Drought Mitigation
- On the Utility of a Surface DAS Array to Monitor Induced Micro-Seismicity and Operation Activities at the Utah FORGE EGS Facility
- Pairing eyes in the sky with instruments in the deep: mapping the Antarctic Coastal Current in the Amundsen Sea
- Quantifying Channel Network Morphometrics at Jezero and Eberswalde Craters
- Quantifying and Comparing Evapotranspiration Dynamics Using Temporal Moment Analysis of Sap Flow Time Series
- Reconstructing subglacial lake activity with physics-based altimetry inversions
- Relating Groundwater Residence Time and Stream Hydraulic Conductivity in the Manitou Experimental Forest
- Reversible ice sheet thinning in the Amundsen Sea Embayment during the Holocene
- Revisiting riparian zones: When and where can riparian transformation matter more than hyporheic transformation?
- River Communities and The Politics of Responsibility: Understanding Different Conceptions of Fault and Repair After a Water-Quality Disaster
- Second Seismic Anchor Point of the Martian Crustal Structure Away from the InSight Landing Site
- Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery (SCOPED), Year 1: Collaboration, Software, Training, and Workshops
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon and Chemical Weathering Dynamics to Variations in Landcover, Lithology, and Aspect in High Elevation Montane Systems
- Simultaneous Winds and Surface Currents from Space: ODYSEA (Ocean Dynamics and Surface Exchange with the Atmosphere)
- Surface Water-Groundwater Connectivity Controls on Metal(loid) Fate and Transport
- The Future of Stream Stage Diel Cycles in Snow-dominated Montane Ecosystems
- The Need for Integrated Critical Zone Process Understanding of Water Flow in Cities
- The Sound of Water: Spatially Continuous River Monitoring Through Distributed (Hydro)Acoustic Sensing
- The importance of "stuff getting stuck" in hydro(geo)logy
- Uncertainties in hyporheic zone solute transport estimated from electrical resistivity inversions: A numerical study
- Using Particle Size Distribution to Identify Changes in Sediment Transport After a Wildfire
- Using Short-Lived Radionuclides to Examine Bioturbation on Hillslopes After Wildfires
- Water Adsorption-induced Pore Water Pressure in Earthen Materials
- Wintertime Polynya Structure and Variability at Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, from Thermal Remote Sensing and Seal-borne Observations
- With A New Scope, the AGU Journal "Perspectives of Earth and Space Sciences" Aims to Play a Broader AGU Role and Promote a More Diverse AGU Authorship
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Borsa
- A. Bergstrom
- A. F. Sheehan
- A. G. Stubblefield
- A. J. Coster
- A. M. Kinoshita
- A. Mittelholz
- A. T. Russell
- A. W. Wood
- Aaron N. Koop
- Abdullah Cihan
- Adam P. Young
- Adam S. Ward
- Adrienne M. Marshall
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alek Petty
- Alex Gardner
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexandra E. Hatem
- Amy Leventer
- Ananya Mallik
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrew D. Parsekian
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Angela Stallone
- Anna Horleston
- Anna M. Wilson
- Anna Marshall
- Annie L. Putman
- Armando Espindola-Carmona
- Arvind P. Ravikumar
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Audrey H. Sawyer
- Ayumi Fujisaki‐Manome
- B. Banerdt
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. E. Smith
- Banafsheh Ferdousi
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Bastien Y. Queste
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamin J. Tully
- Benoît Tauzin
- Beth Hoagland
- Bhavna Arora
- Boris Faybishenko
- Bradley J. Carr
- Brady Flinchum
- Brandon Dugan
- Brent C. Christner
- Brent M. Goehring
- Brian A. Ebel
- Brian J. Enquist
- Brianna John
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- Brooke Medley
- C. B. Voter
- C. Max Stevens
- C. R. Lawrence
- C. S. Riebe
- Caio Ciardelli
- Carl Tape
- Caroline Beghein
- Cecilia Durán
- Chad A. Greene
- Chet Hopp
- Chloé Michaut
- Christiane Jablonowski
- Ciaran J. Harman
- Claire J. Oswald
- Claire Masteller
- Colin R. Meyer
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Craig T. Simmons
- Cynthia Gerlein‐Safdi
- D. A. Frost
- D. C. Templeton
- D. L. Roth
- D. Litwin
- Daniel K. Jones
- Daniel Martín
- Daniel Peter
- Daniel Philippus
- Daniele Antonangeli
- David Gochis
- David Shean
- Denis Felikson
- Diane M. McKnight
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Doerthe Tetzlaff
- Donald F. Argus
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Dorit Hammerling
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Doyeon Kim
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. E. Small
- E. Mazarico
- Edward J. Garnero
- Eileen E. Hofmann
- Elena Leonarduzzi
- Elizabeth Andrews
- Elizabeth Hoy
- Elizabeth K. Williams
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elizabeth Wig
- Ellen Knappe
- Ellen Wohl
- Emily Grubert
- Emma L. Aronson
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eric J. Anderson
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- F. F. Pollitz
- F. Nimmo
- F. Waldhauser
- Fabrice Ardhuin
- Facundo Sapienza
- Foivos Karakostas
- Francis K. Rengers
- G. A. Morgan
- G. Di Achille
- G. J. Hill
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Ge Jin
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. R. Barnard
- Haipeng Li
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Hari Viswanathan
- Harihar Rajaram
- Henri Samuel
- Hilary R. Martens
- Hima J. Hassenruck‐Gudipati
- Hongli Liu
- Hoori Ajami
- Huade Guan
- I. B. Smith
- I. J. Daubar
- J. C. Andrews-Hanna
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. G. Singley
- J. L. Hayes
- J. L. Whitten
- J. N. Bassis
- J. P. Perkins
- J. Paul Winberry
- J. Prancevic
- J. R. Bourke
- J. Thomas Farrar
- J. W. Holt
- J. William Carey
- Jacob Bortnik
- James Badro
- James C. Stegen
- Jay P. Zarnetske
- Jay R. Alder
- Jeffrey D. Hyman
- Jeffrey Kwang
- Jiancong Chen
- Jiang Liu
- Jiaqi Li
- Jill Marshall
- Jordyn M. Wolfand
- Joshu Mountjoy
- Julia S. Reece
- Justin L. Rubinstein
- Jyoti Behura
- K. L. Pankow
- K. M. Hill
- Kamini Singha
- Karen E. Alley
- Kasey Aderhold
- Katie E. Schneider
- Katie Murenbeeld
- Kenneth Hurst
- Kerry Key
- Kevin Schaefer
- Kristin Morell
- Kristopher L Kuhlman
- Kyle Blount
- L. E. Webb
- L. R. Lyons
- L. S. Sklar
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Lars Boehme
- Laura E. Condon
- Laurie Padman
- Leda N. Kobziar
- Lei Li
- Li Li
- Lisa Luna
- Luke Gezovich
- Lígia F. T. de Souza
- M Hansford
- M. A. Zimmer
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. Wysession
- M. M. Weng
- M. N. Gooseff
- M. P. Panning
- M. Ralph
- Manika Prasad
- Manuel A. Jaimes
- Marc Spiegelman
- Marcelo Assumpção
- Marine Denolle
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin van Driel
- Martyn P. Clark
- Matthew P. Miller
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthias Sprenger
- Matthieu Plasman
- Maureen D. Long
- Max Berkelhammer
- Max Collinet
- Maximiliano Bezada
- Megan Thompson-Munson
- Melanie R. Fewings
- Melody Sandells
- Michael B. Underwood
- Michael Durand
- Michael Nole
- Michael Schmidt
- Miles E. Daniels
- Ming Pan
- Morgan P. Moschetti
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Putzig
- N. M. Gasparini
- Nancy B. Grimm
- Nander Wever
- Naomi Maruyama
- Natalie M. Collar
- Nathan Miles
- Neala Creasy
- Nicholas B. Engdahl
- Nicholas Holschuh
- Nienke Brinkman
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Ning Lu
- Okke Batelaan
- Oliver S. Boyd
- P. Lognonné
- P. Moitra
- Pamela L. Sullivan
- Patrick Dobson
- Philippe Lognonné
- Piret Plink‐Björklund
- Qiqi Cao
- Quancheng Huang
- R. Gök
- R. J. Michaelides
- R. L. Hawley
- R. P. Callahan
- Rebecca Bendick
- Ricardo A. Gonzales
- Richard B. Wanty
- Richard H. Chen
- Robert B. Hull
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert Mahon
- Robert T. Hensley
- Ross Maguire
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- Ruth C. Heindel
- S. B. Mende
- S. Grigsby
- S. Nerozzi
- S. Tharimena
- S. W. McCoy
- S. W. Tyler
- Sahra Kacimi
- Samuel Kachuck
- Samuel Saxe
- Sara R. Warix
- Sarah H. Ledford
- Sarah T. Gille
- Satish Karra
- Scott Braddock
- Scott D. King
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sean K Ahdi
- Sebastián Carrasco
- Seulgi Moon
- Sharon A. Billings
- Shihang Feng
- Sidney A. Bush
- Simon C. Stähler
- Sophie Cravatte
- Stephen Price
- Steven M. Smith
- Subhrendu Gangopadhyay
- Susan S. Hubbard
- Susheel Adusumilli
- Suzan van der Lee
- T. C. Sutterley
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. Neumann
- T. Ryan McCarley
- T. S. Hogue
- Tetsu K. Tokunaga
- Tilman Spohn
- Timothy J. Kneafsey
- Timothy S. Collett
- Tom Pike
- Tong Lee
- Tyson L. Swetnam
- V. J. Sahakian
- Vadim Levin
- Valier Galy
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- W. K. Peterson
- W. Payton Gardner
- W. Steven Holbrook
- Wendy Bohon
- Wendy H. Yang
- Whyjay Zheng
- William Daniels
- William Farmer
- William Shotyk
- Winnie Chu
- Xi Zhang
- Xiaolang Zhang
- Xin Sun
- Yantao Luo
- Ying Zou
- Yinzhi Wang
- Youzuo Lin
- Yuehua Zeng
- Yuxin Wu
- Yvette D. Kuiper
- Z. H. Hoylman
- Zane R. Jobe
- Zexuan Xu
- Zongbo Xu
- xiangmin Sun
- É. Beucler
- É. Stutzmann