University of Calgary, Canada
flowchart I[University of Calgary, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1033)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (306)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- University of Calgary, Department of Geoscience
- University of Calgary, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Calgary, Institute for Space Research
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Constraining Water Quality Models With Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
- Developing a Geophysical Approach to the Study of Climatic Change Markers in Quaternary Formations of the Fresnal Valley, North Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico
- Electric field Deformation and Behavior of the Suprathermal Ionospheric Ions Observed in Density Depletion Regions in the High Altitude Auroral Ionosphere
- Evolution of the Geometry and Hydrology of Vatnajökull, Iceland, in Response to a Warming Climate
- Fluxropes in the Earth's Magnetosheath
- Ice Dynamics During Svalbard Surges Using Satellite Radar Interferometry
- Modeling Oxygen Isotope Fluxes out of an Ice Sheet
- Modeling Subglacial Erosion and Englacial Sediment Transport of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Modelling the Effects of Disturbances on Shallow Landsliding Rates and Sediment Transfers to Channel Systems
- Multiresolution Analysis of Geopotential and Gravity Data
- Normal Magnetization at ca. 1.5 Ma at Three Sites in Yukon Territory, Canada: The Gilsa Sub-chron?
- On the Secular Trend in Snow Accumulation from the Mount Logan Ice Core
- Stable Isotope Stratification of Neoproterozoic Seawater in a Post-Snowball Earth: Evidence From Deepwater Rocks of Western Canada
- An Empirical Model for the Calorimetrically-Defined Glass Transition Temperature with Applications to Natural Systems
- Climate Change in the North Pacific Region Over the Last Three Centuries as Expressed in an ice Core From Mount Logan
- Combining Glaciological Models and Tracers for Understanding Isotopic Records in Antarctica
- Comparison of Bed Load Formulae with Morphologic Transport Estimates, Lower Fraser River, British Columbia
- Enhanced Auroral Proton and Electron Precipitation Immediately Following Rapid Magnetopause Compressions
- First start-to-end global imaging of a sunward propagating giant undulation event: IMAGE/FUV observations
- Internal and External Error Assessment of GOCE Gradiometric Data
- Modeling Subglacial Permafrost Evolution
- Numerical modelling investigations of the conditions under the Southern Laurentide ice sheet
- Radiation Index Melt Modelling and Implications for the North American Deglaciation
- Satellite and Digital Terrain Data in the Detection of Landslides
- Stable Isotopes in Precipitation in the Canadian Rockies: Implications for Meteorological Controls on Annual Snowpack
- Alpine Glacier Mass Balance Modelling: Development and Application of an Indexed Temperature and Radiation Model
- Combined Sounding Rocket and SuperDarn/EISCAT Radar Observations of Plasma Convection, Shear, Irregularities and other Phenomena in the Cusp and Boundary Layer during IMF Bz Negative and By Negative Conditions
- Differentiating atmospheric and mineral sources of sulfur during snowmelt using δ <SUP>34</SUP>S, <SUP>35</SUP>S activity, and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O of sulfate and water as tracers
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Depression Focused Recharge
- Hypsometry of the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- Ice-Sheet Model Simulations of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Canadian Arctic Ice Caps in the Last Interglacial Period
- Investigating Effects of Resolution on Landslide Identification and Landscape Attributes in the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C.
- Mount Logan Ice Core Evidence for Secular Changes in the Climate of the North Pacific Following the End of the Little Ice Age
- Plasma Density and Temperature Measurements in the Cusp Ionosphere
- Regional Impact of Terrestrial Ecosystem on Global Carbon Cycle: Indicated by Isotopic Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 at Boreal Forest (Fraserdale, Canada)
- Surface Temperature Lapse Rates and Regional Temperature Variability on the Prince of Wales Icefield, Ellesmere Island, Canada
- Upland wildfires and fluvial processes: the response of tree populations along a gravel-bed watershed in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
- Use of Sulphur and Boron Isotopes to Identify Natural Gas Processing Emissions Sources
- Variability in Synoptic Circulation and Accumulation and Ablation Events in the Canadian Rockies, 1953-2003
- Why do Some Storms Decrease the Flux of Relativisitic Electrons in the Radiation Belts ?
- Wildfire Disturbance and Sediment Transfers over Millennial Time Scales: A Numerical Modelling Study
- A Modified Method for Saline Lake Calcite Isotope Analysis: Application to a Study of Climate Change over 200,000 Years in Death Valley, California.
- Causes of core ion upflow in the dayside cusp
- Constraints on P-T Conditions and Evolution of Granulite and Ultramafic Xenoliths From Prindle Volcano, Alaska
- Heat Transfer Processes Linking Fire Behavior and Tree Mortality
- Interactions Between Solar Forcing and Decadal to Centennial Timescale Climate Dynamics 1700-2000
- Isotopic Tracing of Atmospheric Sulfate in Forest Soils
- Isotopic Tracing of Sources of Riverine Nitrate: The Example of the Oldman River Basin, Alberta, Canada
- Mount Logan Ice Core Evidence For Changes In The Hadley And Walker Circulations Following The End Of The Little Ice Age
- Mount Logan Ice Cores : the Water Cycle of the North Pacific in the Holocene
- Organic Carbon Dynamics in Glacier Systems
- Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Vegetational Transboundary Propagation Due to Climate Change
- Spherical Harmonic Representation of Very High Resolution Global Datasets
- Valleys and Hillslopes: A Geomorphic Foundation for Landscape Ecology
- A colourful auroral substorm
- Accelerating the dissolution of stored CO2 in aquifers
- Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar to Hydrogeological Investigations in Coastal Environments
- Arctic Biogenic Aerosol Sulphate Using Isotope Apportionment Techniques: 1993-2003
- Contactor Energy Requirements for Capturing CO2 From ambient air using NaOH determined in a pilot-scale prototype system
- Decrease of Emissions Required to Stabilize Atmospheric CO2 Due to Positive Carbon Cycle-Climate Feedbacks
- Effects of Pressure Gradients and Convection on the Inner Plasma Sheet Stability.
- Engineering the earth system
- Evidence for Bacterial Sulfate Reduction in a Fissured-porous Karst System in Southern Germany
- GAIA - A Virtual Auroral Observatory
- High Energy Electron Precipitation During Expansive Phase Onset
- Isolating the Effect of Surface Roughness Changes on Climate
- Modeling Langjokull ice cap through the Holocene
- New Evidence for Holocene Glacier Fluctuations on Mt. Baker, Washington
- Observation of Proton aurora with a meridian-scanning filter-tilting photometer at Athabasca (62.6MLAT), Canada
- Optimization of Spherical Harmonic Transforms and Applications
- Origin of Relief in a Collisional Orogen: the Case of the Canadian Rockies
- Physical Characteristics and Processes of 100-m-scale raised-rim depressions (RRD's) on Earth: application to Mars
- Screen temperature lapse rates over alpine and Arctic icefields: Implications for mass balance modeling
- Sediment Disturbance and Transport on Burned Hillslopes in Mountainous Forests of Interior British Columbia, Canada
- Space-Time Modeling of Climate Change Effects on the Water Balance of Southwestern Alberta
- Sulzberger Ice Shelf Tidal Signal Reconstruction Using InSAR
- The Fate of Thermal Outflowing Terrestrial Ions Under Various IMF Conditions
- The Isotope Composition of Methanesulphonic Acid for Aerosols Over the Pacific Ocean
- The Spatial Response of Snow Isotopes to Varying Storm Types on a Lee-slope Glacier in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Winter Synoptic Controls on Precipitation Isotopes in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
- An Iterative Method for Potential Field Downward Continuation
- Azimuthal Evolution of Substorm Exapansive Phase Onset
- Biogenic Sulphate, Sulphur Dioxide and Methanesulphonic Acid Ratios over the North Atlantic
- Carbon-cycle feedbacks increase the likelihood of a warmer future
- Comparing Arrays for Induced Polarisation Surveys in a Saline Environment
- Comparison of St. Elias Ice Core Accumulation Records and Their Relationships to Climate Indices
- Do Glaciers on Cascade Volcanoes Behave Differently Than Other Glaciers in the Region?
- Effects of Lateral Heterogeneity and Power Law Rheology on Glacially Induced Surface Motion and Gravity Rate of Change
- Electrical Resistivity and Induced Polarization as Tools for Mapping Near-Surface Weathered Hydrocarbon Bodies
- Estimating Alfvén perpendicular wavenumber from spacecraft measurements of ion bulk drift and electric fields
- GRACE Observed Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Laurentia
- Hydrometric, Chemical, and Multi-Isotope Approaches to Assess the Water Balance and the Sources and Fate of Nitrate and Sulfate in the South Saskatchewan River Basin, Canada
- Imaging coastal permafrost conditions and sedimentary structures with GPR
- Non-temperate glaciers: should the `Shrevian ideal' be reassessed?
- Patterns and Controls of Cross-section Morphology for the Glaciated Bow River Valley, Canadian Rockies
- Reservoir engineering for CO2 storage: The role of heterogeneity
- The Global Auroral Imaging Access (GAIA) VxO Program
- The Impact of Permafrost and Ice Thermodynamics on Ice Marginal Hydrology of Polythermal Glaciers
- The Lifetime of DMS in Northern Latitudes: Results from Four Shipboard Experiments
- The May 25-27 2005 Mount Logan Storm: Implications for the reconstruction of the climate signal contained in Gulf of Alaska Ice Cores
- The Role of Convection and Bursty Flows in the Stability of the Inner Plasma Sheet.
- Towards a Multi-Surface and Multi-Sensor Altimetry Calibration Site in Churchill, Manitoba, Hudson Bay
- Tracking the Publications of the International Polar Year
- Trends and variability in sea ice cover in Canada's Arctic and sub-Arctic regions
- Use of TOPEX Altimetry for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Studies in the Hudson Bay
- Asymmetrical Growth of Footwall Topography in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru: Implications for Normal Fault Control on Landscape Evolution
- Biomarker evidence for shallow water marine euxinia through the PTB in the Panthalassic Ocean (Peace River Basin Embayment, Canada)
- DMS Sulphate and MSA as tracers of marine biogenic productivity in an Arctic snowpack
- Evaluating Object-Based Image Analysis on Glacial Micromorphology
- Feasibility of gravity field recovery from GRACE line-of-sight (LOS) gradiometry observations using the torus approach
- Geophysical Surveys Over a Terminal Moraine
- Halogen Activation from Heterogeneous Uptake of N2O5
- Highly periodic activations observed by THEMIS prior to substorm onset
- Investigation of space and ground low-frequency particle and field oscillations during the 23 March 2007 substorm
- Laurentia Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Observed From GRACE and Satellite Altimetry
- Mitigation of Ionospheric Effects on DGPS and WADGPS Operations
- Neoglacial fluctuations of Deming Glacier, Mt. Baker, Washington USA.
- On the Combined Use of GRACE and Geodetic Observations for Vertical Motion in the Great Lakes Region
- Opportunities in Atmosphere Monitoring Offered by Modernized/New Global Navigation Satellite Systems
- Optimizing Communications Between Arctic Residents and IPY Scientific Researchers
- Polluted Marine Boundary Layer Measurement of Nitryl Chloride; a Product of Nightime NOx and Aerosol Chemistry
- Proton auroral observation using a meridian-scanning filter-tilting photometer at a subauroral latitude
- Root Throw and Sediment Transport in the Rocky Mountains of Western Canada: Field and Modelling Investigations
- Soil Erosion in a Burned Mountainous Watershed, Kootenay National Park, British Columbia
- Substorm injection region propagation and plasma sheet flow outside geosynchronous orbit
- The Presence and Export of Labile Dissolved Organic Matter from Glacier Systems
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) measured aboard the Ronald H. Brown during TexAQS 2006 and their OH reactivity.
- Advances in Determining First-year Sea Ice Melt Pond Fraction Using C-band Polarimetric SAR
- Climate engineering and climate stabilization
- Contributions to Glacier Energy Balance From Turbulent Heat Fluxes and Meltwater Percolation Dynamics
- Coordinated use of ground-based auroral and high-precision LEO magnetic and electric field measurements to investigate auroral electrodynamics
- Distinctive stable carbon isotope ratios indicative of carbon-cycle perturbations at the Permian-Triassic boundary
- Exploring Monte Carlo Simulation Strategies for Geoscience Applications
- Fusion of Landsat with MODIS imagery to produce vegetation and change information with Landsat spatial and MODIS temporal characteristics
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Laurentia and Fennoscandia Observed by TOPEX/POSEIDON Radar Altimetry Over Land
- Global observations of injection region evolution during a reconnection initiated substorm
- Heterogeneity in Hydraulic Conductivity and Its Role on the Macroscale Transport of a Solute Plume from a Landfill: From Measurements to a Practical Application of Stochastic Flow and Transport Theory
- Impacts of Centimetre-scale Landscape Roughness on Depression Storage, Runoff and Sediment Transport
- Local Control of Forest Floor Organic Layer (F and H Layers) Drying Processes
- Modelling the Isotopic Evolution of Precipitation Across Western Canada
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies I: Aerosol Particle Design and Stratospheric Delivery Options
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies II: Impact Detection/Attribution and Field Testing
- Sensitivity of a Numerical Ice Sheet Model to Interannual Climate Forcing and Interactive Atmosphere-Ice Sheet Coupling.
- Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in the Fresh Water, King Sejong Station, King George Island, Antarctica
- THEMIS Observations of Current Sheet Flapping
- The Effects of Summertime Melt on Stable Water Isotopes: Implications for Paleotemperature Reconstructions from Firn Core Records
- The magnetotail implications of optical observations of the brightening substorm aurora
- A Statistical Study of Pulsating Aurora using THEMIS All-sky Ground Imagers
- An Active Auroral Streamer And The Concurrent Magnetotail Activity
- Englacial stress and velocity fields: Comparison of finite-element approximations to exact solutions
- Equatorward moving auroral signatures of a flow burst observed prior to auroral onset
- Evolution of snow distribution on first-year sea ice
- Expert judgments about transient climate response to alternative future trajectories of radiative forcing
- GeoChronos: An On-line Collaborative Platform for Earth Observation Scientists
- Glacial Meltwater Contirbutions to the Bow River, Alberta, Canada
- Go With the Flow: The Reductionist View of Geospace at the System Level (Invited)
- Linking July Sea Ice Concentration Anomalies in Hudson Bay to Inter-annual and Multi-decadal Variability of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures
- Low-frequency waves in auroral arcs: optical echo of magnetotail dynamics (Invited)
- Modelling Glacier Surface Temperature Using Weather Station Data and Historical Climate Reconstructions
- On Spherical Multiresolution Analysis and Synthesis
- OpenGGCM Modeling of Proton Aurora Near Substorm Onset
- Pavilion Lake Research Project - using multi-scaled approaches to understanding the provenance, maintenance and morphological characteristics of microbialites
- Pembina Cardium CO2-EOR monitoring project: Integrated surface seismic and VSP time-lapse seismic analysis
- Pulsating auroras observed by a 30-Hz all-sky imager during the THEMIS-ground campaign on January 2008
- Real-Life Turbulence in Earth’s Magnetosphere: Are We There Yet?
- Russian Arctic warming and ‘greening’ are closely tracked by tundra shrub willows
- Sample Artefacts in δ15N and δ18O of Nitrate in the atmosphere
- Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios Indicative of Global Carbon-Cycle Perturbations at the Permian-Triassic Boundary
- Structural and Geomorphic Controls in Altitudinal Treeline: a Case Study in the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Substorm onsets at Churchill, Manitoba, inferred from radiowave emission data
- Understanding Nearshore Processes Of a Large Arctic Delta Using Combined Seabed Mapping, In Situ Observations, Remote Sensing and Modeling
- A Simple Method to Account for the Effects of Longitudinal Stress Gradients in a Shear-deformational Glacier Ice-flow Model
- A study on the capabilities of the multi-channel singular spectrum method for extracting the main water mass anomaly information from GRACE and hydrology models
- Anastomosing Rivers are Disequilibrium Patterns
- Application of a New Temperature-Index Model to Glaciers of the Bow River Basin, Eastern Canadian Rockies
- Arctic climate response to decadally-paced explosive volcanism in CCSM3
- Can stratospheric sulfate aerosols prevent cryospheric change and sea level rise in the 21st? (Invited)
- Century-Scale Relative Sea-Level Changes in West Greenland - Unravelling the Contributions from the Cryosphere and the Ocean
- Characterization of microbial metabolism and isotopic biosignatures in saline, alkaline, evaporitic systems of the Cariboo Plateau, B.C
- Climate Responses to Stratospheric SRM: Results from a Perturbed Physics Ensemble Modeling Experiment
- Deciduous shrub growth and the greening of the Arctic in West Siberia
- Discriminant Analysis of a Spatially Extensive Landsliding Inventory for the Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada
- Discrimination of First Year Sea Ice Features Using Polarimetric SAR Data
- Efficient formation of stratospheric aerosol for geoengineering by emission of condensable vapour from aircraft (Invited)
- Exploring Various Monte Carlo Simulations for Geoscience Applications
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes in the Near-Earth Tail
- GeoCENS: Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Environment Sensing
- Geologic and geomorphic controls of altitudinal treeline in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Glacial impact on postglacial sediment flux in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Imaging continental lithospheric structure from S receiver functions: evidence of arc accreation for formation of cratonic keels
- Impact of the seasonal evolution of snow properties on microwave emission model performance
- Large-scale Aspects of Pulsating Aurora: Spatial/Temporal Evolution, Relation to Substorms, and Duration
- Observations of ClNO2 and PANs in a mid-continental urban environment
- On the definition and realization of an ITRF-compatible global vertical reference system (Invited)
- Photochemical transformation of nitrate in the presence of para-halogenated phenols in frozen solutions
- Quantification and analysis of nitryl chloride (ClNO2) during CalNex-LA 2010
- Remote-Sensing Radial Plasma Flows in the Magnetotail Using Multiscale Vector Field Techniques
- Responses of the electron radiation belt to high speed streams (Invited)
- Role of the Duff Layer in Post-fire Soil Hydrology and Erosion: Field and Modelling Observations
- Sensitivity of passive microwave brightness temperatures to snow cover properties through a seasonal cycle: observations and simulations
- Space-borne and ground-based observations of transient processes occurring around substorm onset
- Stable isotopes in alpine precipitation as tracers of atmospheric deposition
- Substorms, poleward boundary activations, auroral streamers, omega bands, and geosynchronous particle injections during a sawtooth event
- Sulfur Isotopes of SO2 and Aerosol sulphate during the onset of Arctic Winter
- Supporting Students' Development of Expert-Like Map and Cross-Section Visualization Skills
- Synthetic Ice Core Modeling on the Prince of Wales Icefield, Ellesmere Island, Canada
- Testing models of Jakobshavn ice stream mass changes during the last 800 years using relative sea-level data
- The Magnetospheric Source Location of the Proton Aurora
- The Seasonal Glacier Contributions to the Illecillewaet River Basin, British Columbia, Canada
- Thermal dissociation blue diode laser ring-down spectroscopy: A novel tool for quantification of nitrogen oxide reservoir species
- Time-lapse resistivity monitoring - two new approaches for imaging the evolution of a conductive contaminant
- Trends and variability in summer sea ice cover in the Canadian Arctic based on the Canadian Ice Service Digital Archive
- Understanding the collective effects of large scale wind energy production: Implications for minimizing impacts while maximizing electricity production
- Aerosol Frost flower vs Sea Salt Concentrations with the use of δ<SUP>34</SUP>S at Alert, Nunavut, Canada
- An developing ICDP drilling project on intraplate seismicity: Drilling Active Faults in Northern Europe (DAFNE)
- Application of a Three-Component Scattering Model for Snow-covered First-Year Arctic Sea Ice
- Assessment of physical approximations on simulating past and future dynamics of Haig Glacier in the Canadian Rockies
- AuroraMAX!
- Auroral activity and ion distribution associated with magnetotail earthward-propagating dipolarization fronts
- Carbon sequestration in soybean crop soils: the role of hydrogen-coupled CO2 fixation
- Climate insensitivity of treeline in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Definitive mapping in the late growth phase
- Englacial and subglacial hydrological conditions responsible for the generation of Fountain Glacier proglacial icing: Bylot Island, Canada
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes
- Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance 1870 to 2010 based on Twentieth Century Reanalysis, and links with global climate forcing
- How does the sensitivity of climate affect stratospheric solar radiation management?
- Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxy Chemistry at the CalNex-LA 2010 Site: Measurements and Modeling
- Importance of nitryl chloride to the radical budget in a continental region
- Limitations on the Quantitative Analysis of Time Domain Electromagnetic (TEM) Inversion due to Uncertainty in Data Scaling
- Microbial Communities of Pavilion Lake Microbialites
- Modelling effects of tree population dynamics, tree throw and pit-mound formation/diffusion on microtopography over time in different forest settings
- Nested modeling of high-order ice dynamics in outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Nocturnal chlorine radical reservoir species at noon during CalNex-LA 2010
- Quantification of the nocturnal NOx loss rate and its altitude dependence in Los Angeles, CA, during CalNex 2010
- Relating auroral arcs to their magnetospheric origin
- Seasonal measurements of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> and Cl<SUB>2</SUB> at a mid-continental urban environment
- Small-scale Features in Pulsating Aurora
- Statistics of the Longitudinal Splitting of the Proton Aurora during Substorms
- The origin and shape of diffuse auroral patches
- What controlled the distribution of Laurentide eskers?
- What do Nitryl Chloride Observations imply about Chlorine Activation Chemistry on Aerosol Surfaces?
- A "Mission-Class" Ground-Based Geospace Observing Program
- A Bird's-Eye View of Eco-Geomorphology From a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
- A graph theoretic approach to global earthquake sequencing: A Markov chain model
- Aerosol sulfate and ice nucleation: An exploration of experimental evidence in the Arctic atmosphere
- Assessing snow cover stability with simulated snow profiles
- Characteristics of the dispersionless injection region
- Electric Fields and Waves Instrument on the RBSP Spacecraft: Investigating the Dynamic of the Inner Magnetosphere
- Isotopic Signatures and Growth Rates of Freshwater Microbialites in Kelly Lake, British Columbia
- Large-scale precipitation: widespread, persistent pulsating aurora
- Next Generation Auroral Imaging From Space
- Novel or natural variation in ecohydrology-an example of smoldering combustion in the boreal forest
- Optimal Modeling and Filtering of Stochastic Time Series for Geoscience Applications
- Preliminary Results from VOC measurements in the Lower Fraser Valley in July/Aug 2012
- Sensitivity Analysis for Assessing Effects of Tree Population Dynamics on Soil Bioturbation
- Space Weather opportunity from Swarm products in near real time
- Statistical study of the relationship between enhanced polar cap flows and PBIs
- Submarine slope failures in the Beaufort Sea; Influence of gas hydrate decomposition
- Transport direction variability as control of aeolian bedform growth
- UAVSAR Ocean Observations: Small Eddies, Oil Spills, and Someday Sea Ice
- 10-year Field Measurement Program of Post-Wildfire Tree Root Decay, Kootenay National Park, British Columbia
- A Soil Moisture-Heat Based Early Establishment Model of Riparian White Alder (Alnus rhombifolia)
- Adapting Surface Ground Motion Relations to Underground conditions: A case study for the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
- Advances on Sensor Web for Internet of Things
- Asymmetric magnetospheric response to solar wind pressure: orientation effects and differential timing
- Auroral fragmentation due to macroscopic pressure-driven instability
- CCD-Based Imaging of Low-Energy Charged Particle Distribution Functions on ePOP and Swarm
- Dawn-Dusk Auroral Asymmetries as a Consequence of the Differential Inward Transport of Electrons and Protons (Invited)
- Daytime nitrogen oxides and photochemistry in the Lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia
- Empirical model for analyzing Langmuir Probe characteristics
- From the Polar Cap to Sub-Auroral: First light from a high-latitude new geospace observing facility
- Geophysical Methods for Improved Understanding of Managed Aquifer Recharge (Invited)
- In-situ spatio-temporal measurements of the detailed substructure of the substorm current wedge and its evolution (Invited)
- Insight into earthquake sequencing: Analysis and interpretation of time-series constructed from the directed graph of the Markov chain model
- Low-Altitude Ion Upflow Causes and Effects: Observational Considerations (Invited)
- MEMEX: Mechanisms of Energetic Mass Ejection Explorer
- Measurements of nocturnal nitrogen oxides in the Lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada
- Modelling Palaeohydrological Controls in Postglacial Mountain Drainage Basins
- Neotectonics of northern Central Europe: the legacy of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- New frontiers in H-Beta auroral photometry
- Nonlinear Seismic AVO in the Lab
- Numerical Simulation of the Issues Related to Uranium Mining and Tailings Management in Continuous Permafrost Zones in Nunavut, Canada
- Preonset white light and redline streamers: Do they represent different onset scenarios?
- Properties of Polar cap flow channels and their association with polar cap arcs, airglow patches and nightside auroral activity
- Randomness in Computing and Simulations for Spherical and Spatial Geoscience Applications
- Results from the ESA-funded project 'Height System Unification with GOCE'
- Reversed energy-latitude dependence of ion precipitation boundary: observations and possible mechanisms
- Testing the Auroral Current-Voltage Relation in Multiple Arcs
- The Auroral View of Substorm Onset (Invited)
- The Motion and Structure of Auroral Patches: A Neuroscientist's View
- The Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar: Initial Results and Future Opportunities (Invited)
- The Search for Precursor Redline Auroral Events
- Tracing industrial ammonium in atmospheric deposition in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada
- ULF Wave Modulation of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation: Observations and Modeling
- Unexpected patterns of vegetation distribution response and climate change velocities in cold ecosystems
- Using Patchy Pulsating Aurora to Remote Sense Magnetospheric Convection
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Whistler-mode refractive index gradients in the inner magnetosphere: Themis observations
- a Younger Dryas Advance of Cirque Glaciers Near the 60TH Parallel, Westernmost Canada
- A Case Study of Energetic Electron Precipitation Using Ground-Based VLF Radio Data
- A Novel ASI Array for Redline Auroral Imaging across Northern Canada
- Adapting Research Agendas and Observing Programs for Responding to Arctic Change
- Analyzing low frequency waves associated with plasma sheet flow channels
- Assessment of GIC Risk Due to Geomagnetic Sudden Commencements and Identification of the Current Systems Responsible
- Atmospheric DMS and Biogenic Sulfur aerosol measurements in the Arctic
- Azimuthal AVO Curvature As a Constraint on Anisotropy Orientation
- Ballooning Instabilities in the Plasma Sheet in Conjunction with Auroral Wave Structures
- Characterising Substorm Auroral Dynamics; A Statistical Analysis of the Morphology and Motion of the Aurora through the Substorm Growth and Early Expansion Phase.
- Coordinated Swarm in Situ and THEMIS All Sky Imager (ASI) Observations of the Motion of Patchy Pulsating Aurora
- Current-Driven Instabilities and Energy Dissipation Rates As a Predictive Tool for Solar Probe Plus
- Day-night coupling by a localized flow channel visualized by polar cap patch propagation
- Decadal climatic variability and regional weather simulation: stochastic nature of forest fuel moisture and climatic forcing
- Detection of Transionospheric SuperDARN HF Waves by the Radio Receiver Instrument on the enhanced Polar Outflow Probe Satellite
- Determining Substorm Onset Location Using 3D Empirical Force-Balanced Pressure and Magnetic Field Models for Substorm Growth Phase
- Developing a Correction to Remove Systematic Bias in U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Zircon Ages Related to Zircon "Matrix Effects"
- Direct and indirect indicators to identify potential leakage of contaminants associated with unconventional oil and gas development based on conceptual geochemical and isotopic monitoring approaches
- E-Pop Observations of Pulsating Aurora
- Early Results on Energetic Particle Precipitation Observed by the ABOVE Instrument Array
- Earth's polar cap ionization patches lead to ion upflow
- Earthquake Sequencing: Significance of Kuramoto Model on Directed Graphs
- Ecohydrology: no future without a past
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Saltwater and Freshwater Along the Coast of Monterey Bay
- Estimating Longwave Atmospheric Emissivity in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Evaluation of the Recent GOCE-based Global Geopotential Models in North America
- Formation and Growth of Sulfate Aerosols in the Presence of Hydrocarbons: Results from the 2013 Summer Oil Sands FOSSILs Field Campaign, Alberta, Canada
- GNSS Radio Occultation Methods for CubeSat Missions: The University of Calgary and Spire Partnership
- GREECE Sounding Rocket Mission Overview
- Geoengineering, Climate Harm, and Business as Usual
- Groundwater baseline sampling programs designed to identify potential leakage from unconventional gas plays in Alberta, Canada
- HF Radio Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere Observed with the ePOP RRI (Radio Receiver Instrument) -- SuperDARN Experiment
- High Resolution Estimates of Sea Ice Melt-Freeze Transitions in the Northern Canadian Arctic Archipelago from Radarsat
- How does gully recharge affect sediment transfers by debris flows? A numerical modelling study in steep mountainous terrain, coastal British Columbia
- Hydrological Compartmentalization: A Grand Challenge in the Critical Zone
- Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Using Iterative Method of Receiver Function Analysis: A Synthetic Seismogram Approach
- Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows
- Inner Magnetosphere/Subauroral Flow Bursts in the Partial Ring Region and Their Possible Driving by Tail Flow bursts
- Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling from Dynamics Explorer to Swarm and Beyond
- Ionospheric outflows as possible source of the low-energy plasma flux tubes controlling the dimension of pulsating auroral patches
- Land-Energy Nexus: Life Cycle Land Use of Natural Gas-Fired Electricity
- Long lead-time flood forecasting using data-driven modeling approaches
- Low Temperature Paleogene Thermal Evolution of the British Mountains using Apatite U-Th/He Dating, Northern Yukon, Canada
- Measurements from the Van Allen Probes EFW instrument on the role of electric fields in controlling the structure of the inner magnetosphere and the dynamic of particle energization
- Methane dynamics in a montane fen: Factors controlling production, accumulation and emissions
- Morphology and Dynamics of Auroral Arc
- Multipoint Measurements of Injection Region Evolution in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Observation of Polar Cap Patches and Calculation of Gradient Drift Instability Growth Times: A Swarm Case Study
- On the Effect of "Patchy" Aurora and Auroral Arcs on GPS Signals: Initial Investigations
- Peroxycarboxylic Nitric Anhydrides as Markers of Anthropogenic and Biogenic VOC Photo-oxidation in the Alberta Oil Sands
- Polynya Formation, Location, Sea Level History and Human Settlement in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Primary emissions and secondary formation of volatile organic compounds from natural gas production in five major U.S. shale plays
- Properties of localized polar cap flow enhancements and their connection to nightside poleward boundary intensifications and substorms
- Quantification of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Hydrocarbons using a Commercial Gas Chromatograph - Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer at a Ground Site near Fort McKay, AB
- RTEMP: Exploring an end-to-end, agnostic platform for multidisciplinary real-time analytics in the space physics community and beyond
- Reactive transport modeling to quantify trace element release into fresh groundwater in case of CO<SUB>2</SUB> leak from deep geological storage.
- Regularization of Instantaneous Frequency Attribute Computations
- Relationship between Pulsating Aurora and Small-scale Field-Aligned Current Systems
- Relative Timing of Substorm-Associated Processes in the Near-Earth Magnetotail and Development of Auroral Onset Arc
- Responding to Change in NW Alaska: Ethnographic Film and the Voices of the People
- Scientific Highlights from the Swarm Electric Field Instruments
- Secondary formation of nitrophenols in an oil and gas production region: insights from observations during the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study (UBWOS) 2014
- Seismic characteristics of tensile fracture growth induced by hydraulic fracturing
- Simultaneous ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Swarm In Situ Observations of F-Region Polar Cap Patches Created by Cusp Ionization
- Swarm Observations of Low-altitude Cusp Ion Upflow
- The Columbia Plateau Revealed; Low Temperature Thermochronology Across the Canadian Cordillera and Links to Lithospheric Delamination.
- The role of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in the dynamics of the dayside magnetopause and the inner magnetosphere
- USArray - Seismic Reconnaissance in Northwest Canada
- Understanding the near Earth plasma sheet instability responsible for substorm onset
- 2013 March 17 Storm: Synergy of Observations Related to Mid-Latitude Electric Field Drivers and their Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Effects
- 2D Maps of Convection Inferred from the Motion of Auroral Patches
- A Quantification of Methane Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas Extraction Regions in the Central/Western U.S. and a Comparison to Previous Studies
- A Rare Window Into Magmatic Conduit Processes: Time Series Observations From Active Lava Lakes
- A natural abundance stable isotope tracer experiment to define SO<SUB>2</SUB> oxidation pathways and their fractionation during heterogeneous oxidation
- An Improved, Automated Whole-Air Sampler and VOC Analysis System: Results from SONGNEX 2015
- Characteristics of GPS Scintillation signals in the midst of "Patchy Pulsating" Aurora and Auroral Arcs
- Conditioning geostatistical simulations of a bedrock fluvial aquifer using single well pumping tests
- Controls on infiltration due to spatial heterogeneity in a small recharge basin observed using time-lapse distributed temperature sensing
- Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Coupling between pre-onset flows and substorm onset waves
- Cusp Ion Fountain Observations from the e-POP Suprathermal Electron Imager (SEI) with DMSP and RISR-N conjunctions
- Discrete Global Grid Systems - A Framework for the next Era in Big Earth Data
- Does Funding for Arctic Research Align with Research Priorities and Policy Needs? Trends in the USA, Canada and Europe
- Dynamics of the Open Closed Field Line Boundary
- Early 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Area and Mass Change of Alpine Glaciers in Western Northern America
- Effect of escaping photoelectrons on the polar wind outflows
- Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from oil and natural gas activities: compositional comparison of 13 major shale basins via NOAA airborne measurements
- Emotional engagement with participatory simulations as a tool for learning and decision-support for coupled human-natural systems: Flood hazards and urban development
- Enhanced Oxidation of Isoprene and Monoterpenes in High and Low NO<SUB>x</SUB> Conditions
- Erosion of Fluted Cliffs on the Na Pali Coast, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands
- Evaluation of Uncertainties in Measuring Particulate Matter Emission Factors from Atmospheric Fugitive Sources Using Optical Remote Sensing
- Facies Analysis and b-Value for Operationally Induced Microseismicity
- Field-Scale Modeling of Local Capillary Trapping During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection into a Saline Aquifer
- First Satellite Imaging of Auroral Pulsations by the Fast Auroral Imager on e-POP
- First operations of the RISR-C incoherent scatter radar
- GAMM's as a New Tool for Evaluating Spatiotemporal Distributions of Nitrate and Bacteria in an Agricultural Watershed
- Gamma Ray and Very Low Frequency Radio Observations from a Balloon-Borne Platform
- Geo-Sandbox: An Interactive Geoscience Training Tool with Analytics to Better Understand Student Problem Solving Approaches
- Geological Evidence That Resolves the Baja-BC Controversy: Detrital Zircons Indicate That Vancouver Island Was Adjacent to Southern California in the Late Cretaceous
- Geomorphometirc Segmentation of Shield Deserts by Self-Organizing Maps
- Groundwater Storage and Flow Pathways in a Rock Glacier Complex in the Canadian Rockies
- High-Resolution Chronostratigraphic Correlation and Sedimentation Rate Calculations With Maximum Depositional Ages Derived From Large-n Detrital Zircon Datasets
- High-frequency Propagation through the Ionosphere from the Sura Heating Facility to the Orbiting CASSIOPE/e-POP Payload
- High-resolution Multi-instrument Observations of Ion Outflows in the Topside Ionosphere on the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP)
- Hydrological Compartmentalization: A Grand Challenge in the Critical Zone
- Identifying sources, formation pathways and geological controls of methane in shallow groundwater above unconventional natural gas plays in Alberta, Canada
- Implications of a Changing Arctic on Summertime Surface Seawater pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Variations in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Improved Accuracy and Precision in LA-ICP-MS U-Th/Pb Dating of Zircon through the Reduction of Crystallinity Related Bias
- In-Situ Apatite Laser Ablation U-Th-Sm/He Dating, Methods and Challenges
- Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows
- Initial Results from CASSIOPE/ePOP Satellite Overpasses above HAARP in 2014
- Intensity and Variability of Geomagnetic Time Derivatives
- Interhemispheric Differences in High-Latitude Flows and Poynting Flux Observed by Swarm
- Investigating the Hydro-geochemical Impact of Fugitive Methane on Groundwater: The Borden Aquifer Controlled Release Study
- Investigation of Energetic Particle Precipitation using the Array for Broadband Observations of VLF/ELF Emissions (ABOVE) and the Energetic Particle Telescope (EPT)
- Meltwater Runoff and Storage Based on Dielectric Properties of the Supraglacial Snowpack on Haig Glacier, Canadian Rocky Mountains.
- Modelled Growth and Decay of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet Through the Last Glacial Cycle
- Moment-Based Inversions for Electrical Resistivity Tomography - A Problem-Specific Approach to Reducing the Dimensionality
- Multi-Frequency Measured and Modeled Microwave Backscatter from a Highly Saline Snow Cover on Smooth First-Year Sea Ice
- Multiparameter seismic full waveform inversion in fractured media: anisotropic parameter estimation and cross-talk suppression
- Multipoint Satellite and Ground Observations of the Injection Region
- Nocturnal Ozone Depletion Events at the Amphitrite Point Observatory on West Vancouver Island
- Oil Sands Operations in Alberta, Canada: A large source of secondary organic aerosol
- On the Importance of the Earthquake-Earthquake Triggering in Microseismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing
- PoLAR Voices: Informing Adult Learners about the Science and Story of Climate Change in the Polar Regions Through Audio Podcast
- Polar Cap Precursor of Nightside Auroral Oval Intensifications Using Polar Cap Arcs
- Potential causes of absolute gravity changes in Taiwan over 2004-2014
- Poynting Flux in the Region 1/2 Current Systems and Magnetic Cusp
- Quantification of Alkyl Nitrates in Ambient Air by Thermal Dissociation Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy with Preconcentration
- Quantitative analysis of the dynamics and morphology of substorm aurora
- Red-Line (630nm) Pulsating Auroras And Their Possible Magnetospheric Driver
- Relating C-band Microwave and Optical Satellite Observations as A Function of Snow Thickness on First-Year Sea Ice during the Winter to Summer Transition
- Remote Sensing Radial Profiles of Magnetospheric Convection using the Motion of Patchy Pulsating Aurora
- Rockfall-Talus Process-Response Systems in the Canadian Rockies, Canada
- SWARM Observations of the Motion of Low-latitude Plasma Depletions Coordinated with Ground-based TEC Measurements
- Sea ice melt onset dynamics in the northern Canadian Arctic Archipelago from RADARSAT
- Several firn core records suggest relatively stable accumulation rates during the past two centuries over the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica
- Sketch-based geologic modeling
- Soil Surface Leak Detection From Carbon Storage Sites Using Δ(CO<SUB>2</SUB>:O<SUB>2</SUB>) Measurements
- Sources of Size Segregated Sulfate Aerosols in the Arctic Summer
- Substorm Bulge/Surge Controlled by Polar Cap Flow Channels
- Substorm Onset: Getting the Sequence of Events Right
- Supercritical Submarine Channel Morphodynamics from Integrated Investigation of the Western North American Continental Margin
- Swarm Observations of Field-aligned Currents Associated with Pulsating Auroral Patches
- Swarm observations of kilometer-scale low-altitude cusp/cleft ion upflow and downflow
- The Auroral Zone: A citizen science project to classify auroral imaging data
- The Birkland Currents, the Electrojets, Auroral Precipitation, Intense Electric Field Channels, and the Open-Closed Field Line Boundary: A Synthesis of Quiet Time Auroral Current Structure Near the Harang Discontinuity.
- The Implications of Detrital Zircon Maximum Depositional Age (MDA) from Large Sample Datasets (<em>n</em>>500)
- The Plausibility of the Stationary Inertial Alfven Wave in Explaining Important Morphological and Temporal Signatures of Auroral Arcs based on Laboratory Experiments and Auroral Observations
- The Role of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- The Spatial Footprint of Natural Gas-Fired Electricity
- The effect of plasma density structure on HF radio wave propagation at auroral and polar latitudes measured by e-POP
- Three-dimensional data assimilation and reanalysis of radiation belt electrons: Observations over two solar cycles, and operational forecasting.
- Tracer Cycles and Water Ages in Heterogeneous Catchments and Aquifers
- Triggering proccesses in fracture and compaction experiments: On the importance of large-scale heterogeneities
- Using Contaminant Transport Simulations to Optimize Electrical Resistivity Tomography Survey Design for Improved Contaminant Detection at Lined Ponds
- Van Allen Probes observations of intense parallel Poynting flux associated with magnetic dipolarization, conjugate discrete auroral arcs, and energetic particle injection
- Visualizing plumes of heavy metals and radionuclides
- White Arctic vs. Blue Arctic: Making Choices
- Young and old water in global rivers and aquifers
- e-POP Radio Science Using Amateur Radio Transmissions
- A GNSS auroral space weather product-Quantifying auroral effects on GNSS
- A UAV-based gas sensing system for detecting fugitive methane emissions
- A leak monitoring method for CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage sites using ratio of ΔCO<SUB>2</SUB>:ΔO<SUB>2</SUB> at the soil surface
- Accuracy Dependence of Solar Wind Timeshifting on IMF Orientation
- Aeolian Rat Tails (ARTs): A New Morphological Indicator of Abrasion Direction
- Analysis of Decadal-Scale Shoreline Change along the Hamlet of Paulatuk (Canadian Arctic), using Landsat Satellite Imagery and GIS techniques from 1984 to 2014.
- Anisotropic ion heating and BBELF waves within the low-altitude ion upflow region
- Antarctic black carbon parallels insolation and millennial scale climate variation
- Applying Flow Line Modelling, and GIS to Reconstruct the Glacier Volume Loss for Athabasca Glacier, Canadian Rockies.
- Arctic BioMap: Building Participatory Technologies for Community-Specific Environmental Monitoring and Decision Making in the North
- At the craton edge: Geodynamic evolution of the southern Canadian Cordillera
- Biogeography of thermophilic, endospore-forming bacteria in deepwater hydrocarbon seep sediments of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
- Change In Course Pattern Of The Teesta River: After Effect Of An Engineering Project
- Cluster and THEMIS observations of the magnetosphere dayside boundaries in preparation for the SMILE mission
- Comparison of a UAV-derived point-cloud to Lidar data at Haig Glacier, Alberta, Canada
- Conditioning geostatistical simulations of a heterogeneous paleo-fluvial bedrock aquifer using lithologs and pumping tests
- Correlation between ballooning instability of near-Earth plasma sheet and pre-onset auroral beading in 29 March 2009 THEMIS substorm event*
- Creative Visualization in Discrete Global Grid System
- Day-to-Day Changes of Thermospheric Zonal and Meridonal Winds Obtained from a Data Assimilation Model
- Determining the Equatorial Dayside Plasma Density using Travel-time Magnetoseismology
- Detrital zircon geochronology support for Baja-BC hypothesis or Why zircons in the Nanaimo Basin, British Columbia are not from the Rocky Mountains.
- Differentiating Types of Patchy Pulsating Aurora
- Earth's ion upflow associated with polar cap patches global and in-situ observations
- Effects of Landscape Development Processes on Soil Water Variability and Plant Community Structure
- Effects of Spontaneous Colonization by Eriophorum vaginatum on Belowground C and N Mobilization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Restored Boreal Peatland
- Equinoctial Asymmetry in the Topside Ionosphere Observed by the Swarm Satellites
- Evidence of kinetic Alfvén eigenmode in the near-Earth magnetotail during substorm expansion phase
- Field-aligned currents associated with multiple arc systems
- Formation and Demise of an Icing-Dammed Proglacial Lake on Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada
- Full-Scale Model of Subionospheric VLF Signal Propagation Based on First-Principles Charged Particle Transport Calculations
- Geophysics field school: A team-based learning experience for students and faculty
- Global Groundwater Flushing Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Ground and balloon-based observations of energetic electron precipitation from the ABOVE2 mission
- Groundwater Discharges to Rivers in the Western Canadian Oil Sands Region
- HF Propagation Directions Observed by the e-POP Radio Receiver Instrument
- HF radar transmissions that deviate from great-circle paths: new insight from e-POP RRI
- High Resolution Stratigraphic Mapping in Complex Terrain: A Comparison of Traditional Remote Sensing Techniques with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
- High-volume rainfall events in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and their relationship to HYSPLIT back trajectories and chemical constituents
- Identification of Correlated GRACE Monthly Harmonic Coefficients Using Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
- Imaging Saltwater Intrusion Along the Coast of Monterey Bay Using Long-Offset Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Landsat 8 Data Modeled as DGGS Data Cubes
- Laser ablation U-Th-Sm/He dating of detrital apatite
- Late Paleozoic to Triassic Arc Magmatism North of the Sverdrup Basin in the Canadian Arctic: Evidence from Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology
- Linking recent observations of cyclic steps from fjords to outcropping stratigraphic products, British Columbia, Canada
- Links Between Clay Dehydration and Plate Boundary Earthquakes Along the Costa Rica Subduction Megathrust
- Maximum Depositional Ages From Large-n Detrital Zircon Samples Constrain Timing and Distribution of Contemporaneous Submarine Conduits on a Cretaceous Forearc Basin Margin
- Means of Slope Retreat on the Na Pali Cliffs, Kauai, Hawaii
- Measurement of Polar Cap Ionospheric Velocities Using the RISR-C and SuperDARN Radars
- Mesoscale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling along Open Magnetic Field Lines Associated with Airglow Patches: Field-aligned Currents and Precipitation
- Methane Leak Detection and Emissions Quantification with UAVs
- Modeling Self-Similar Triggering Rates: Simulations and Stability Analysis
- Modeling particle injections during magnetospheric substorm by a propagating earthward electromagnetic pulse.
- Modulation of whistler-mode chorus waves by ULF and the effects on auroral precipitation
- Molecular Ions and Hot Oxygen Geo-Corona in the Topside Ionosphere
- Near-surface Permeability of Northern Hemisphere Glaciers
- Non-trivial Clustering and Inter-Event Triggering in Microseismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing
- Nutrient Distribution between Different Compartments of a Wastewater Effluent Impacted River Before and After a Major Flood
- On the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Field-Aligned Currents Observed with the Swarm Satellite Constellation: Implications for the Energetics of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- One-Dimensional Modelling of Biofilm Activity in Bioretention Cells (Rain Gardens) Engineered to Treat Organic Matter and Nitrogen Compounds
- Optical signatures of field line resonances: comprehensive survey and precipitation mechanisms
- Particle injections associated with magnetotail dipolarizations
- Polar Voices: Relaying the Science and Story of Polar Climate Change through Podcast
- Radio Receiver Instrument (RRI) ePOP transionospheric observations from an HF transmitter in Ottawa (45N, 75W)
- Radiocarbon-based Source Apportionment of Organic, Elemental and Water-soluble Organic Carbon Aerosols and the Light Absorption of Water-soluble Organic Carbon Aerosols in the East Asia High-intensity Winter Campaigns in 2014
- Raked Pattern TARs: Evolution and Formation of a Unique Pattern in an Active Sediment Transport Environment
- Rapid-response Sensor Networks Leveraging Open Standards and the Internet of Things
- Regional mapping of depression-focussed groundwater recharge incorporating variable topography, climate, and land use
- Relating triggering processes in lab experiments with earthquakes.
- Relationship between RADARSAT-2 Derived Snow Thickness on Winter First Year Sea-Ice and Aerial Melt-Pond Distribution using Geostatistics and GLCM Texture
- Replacement of Multiyear sea ice and Changes in the Open Water Season Duration in the Beaufort Sea Since 2004
- Rockfall-Talus Process-Response Systems in the Canadian Rockies
- SMILE: A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Relationships
- Scoping Alternatives for Negative Emission Technologies. FRACCC - Possible Routes to Biomass-Derived Carbon Injection in Shallow Aquifers?
- Selection of FUV Auroral Imagers for Satellite Missions
- Spatial correlation of auroral zone geomagnetic variations
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of a Coastal Island Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case in Hatiya Island, Bangladesh
- Storm-time Convection Dynamics Viewed from Optical Auroras: from Streamer to Patchy Pulsating Aurora
- Strong Ionospheric Electron Heating Associated With Pulsating Auroras - A Swarm Survey
- Subglacial Bedform Development Explored with a Reduced Complexity Model
- Swarm Ion Drifts From Combined Spherical and Planar Langmuir Probe Measurements
- Swarm-Aurora: A web-based tool for quickly identifying multi-instrument auroral events
- The SMILE Ultra-Violet Imager (UVI): Instrument design and performance modeling
- The fast oxidation of SO<SUB>2 </SUB>in oil sands regions of Alberta,Canada
- The linkage between fluvial meander-belt morphodynamics and the depositional record improves paleoenvironmental interpretations, Western Interior Basin, Alberta, Canada
- Tracing carbonaceous sources by using particulate carbon and sulfate in precipitation in Calgary, Alberta Canada
- Transpiration accounts for two thirds of global terrestrial evaporation
- U-Pb Dating of Unabraded Detrital Zircon Metamorphic Rims in the Nanaimo Basin, British Columbia
- UAV-LiDAR accuracy and comparison to Structure from Motion photogrammetry
- Using synthetic forward seismic models of channelized deep-water slope deposits to inform stratigraphic interpretation, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile
- VLF Waves and Energetic Electron Precipitation Observed by the ABOVE<SUP>2</SUP> Stratospheric Balloon Mission
- Vadose zone dynamics governing snowmelt infiltration and groundwater recharge in a seasonally frozen, semi-arid landscape
- Wavelet Transforms for Managing Landsat Data Sets on a Geospatial Client-Server Discrete Global Grid System
- Western USA Groundwater Regulation and Infrastructure for Irrigated Agriculture
- Western USA groundwater drilling
- What are the control mechanisms of evenly-spaced parallel strike-slip faults? Insights from DEM modeling
- Where did all the water go? Surface water-groundwater interactions during a historic flow in the Lower Colorado River.
- A Comparison of Swarm Cross-Track Ion-Drifts and SuperDARN Line-of-Sight Velocities
- A Constrained Maximization Model for inspecting the impact of leaf shape on optimal leaf size and stoma resistance
- A transient fully coupled climate-ice-sheet simulation of the last glacial inception
- Aftershocks and triggering processes in rock fracture
- Alfvénic Dynamics and Fine Structuring of Discrete Auroral Arcs: Swarm and e-POP Observations
- An Analysis of Two-Dimensional Field Line Resonance Flows, Field-Aligned Currents and Periodic Auroral Arcs
- Analysis of Magnitude Correlations in a Self-Similar model of Seismicity
- Assessment of the Suitability of High Resolution Numerical Weather Model Outputs for Hydrological Modelling in Mountainous Cold Regions
- C- and L-band space-borne SAR incidence angle normalization for efficient Arctic sea ice monitoring
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> convective dissolution controlled by temporal changes in free-phase CO<SUB>2</SUB> properties
- Characterization of meltwater 'ingredients' at the Haig Glacier, Canadian Rockies: the importance of glaciers to regional water resources
- Characterizing Uncertainty In Electrical Resistivity Tomography Images Due To Subzero Temperature Variability
- Characterizing the Meso-scale Plasma Flows in Earth's Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Computational Model of D-Region Ion Production Caused by Energetic Electron Precipitations Based on General Monte Carlo Transport Calculations
- Conceptual models of microseismicity induced by fluid injection
- Coupled Long-Term Evolution of Climate and the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial and Implications for the Future
- Development of Virtual Field Experiences for undergraduate geoscience using 3D models from aerial drone imagery and other data
- Electron Injections Caused by a Dipolarization Flux Bundle
- Energetic Particle Precipitation Measurements from High Altitude Balloons
- Enhanced Recovery in Tight Gas Reservoirs using Maxwell-Stefan Equations
- Estimation of Ion temperatures in the Ionosphere using Swarm Langmuir Probe data and a Physics-Based Model
- Evidence of Ubiquitous Large-Amplitude Alfven waves in the Global Field-Aligned Current System
- Evidence of two-phases of Rodinian rift-related magmatism in Sauk sequence sandstones of western North America
- Exploring the relative boundaries of the patchy pulsating aurora
- F-Region Neutral Winds Obtained from the Thermospheric Wind Assimilation Model (TWAM).
- HF coherent backscatter in the ionosphere: In situ measurements of SuperDARN backscatter with e-POP RRI
- Increased Arctic Deposition of Persistent Compounds as a Result of the Montreal Protocol
- Influence of fracture network physical properties on stability criteria of density-driven flow in a dual-porosity system
- Investigation into spore coat properties for the rapid identification of endospores in marine sediments
- Ionospheric electron heating associated with pulsating auroras: joint optical and PFISR observations
- Late Holocene sea ice conditions in Herald Canyon, Chukchi Sea
- Low-altitude ion heating with downflowing and upflowing ions
- Microseismic data records fault activation before and after a M<SUB>w</SUB> 4.1 induced earthquake
- Mission Concept to Connect Magnetospheric Physical Processes to Ionospheric Phenomena
- Molecular Ions in Ion Upflows and their Effects on Hot Atomic Oxygen Production
- Multi-scale investigation of low-altitude ion upflow and electron temperature correlations in the cusp/cleft ionosphere
- Neural Network Substorm Identification: Enabling TREx Sensor Web Modes
- New Calgary Neutron Monitor Data Acquisition System
- New Science in Plain Sight: Optical Manifestations of Coupled Subauroral Features Documented by Citizen Scientists
- Nightside High Latitude Magnetic Impulse Events
- Observations of Bromine Chloride (BrCl) at an Arctic Coastal Site
- On the Impact of Snow Salinity on CryoSat-2 First-Year Sea Ice Thickness Retrievals
- On the location of Steve, the mysterious subauroral feature
- On the relation between GNSS phase scintillation and auroral brightness around satellite's IPP
- Origins and ages of fracture fluids in the South African Crust
- Plasma Irregularities on the Leading and Trailing Edges of Polar Cap Patches
- Polar CAP Boundary Identification Using Redline Imaging Data
- Poynting flux at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer (PSBL) in Conjunction with the Ground Aurora: Dipolarization in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Quantification of Uncertainty in the Flood Frequency Analysis
- Quantifying Water-Rock Interactions during Hydraulic Fracturing from the Analysis of Flowback Water
- Riometer based Neural Network Prediction of Kp
- SWARM-THEMIS ASI observation of flow shears at the poleward boundary of Omega bands
- Serpentinization as a reactive transport process: The brucite silicification reaction
- Statistical Characteristics of Ionospheric Polar Cap Patches Observed by RISR-C
- Striped aeolian bedforms: a novel longitudinal pattern observed in ripples and megaripples on Earth and Mars
- SuperDARN HF Scattering and Propagation in the Presence of Polar Patches Imaged Using RISR
- Swarm observation of field-aligned current and electric field in multiple arc systems
- The Role of Natural Hydrate on the Strength of Sands: Load-bearing or Cementing?
- The UV Imager and its Role in the SMILE Mission
- The role of mountain precipitation as a drought buffer in Puerto Rico: Assessing natural systems' resilience to change
- The winter gap effect in methane leak detection and repair with optical gas imaging cameras
- Threshold energy for confinement of charged particles by an axisymmetric magnetic field.
- Tuning critical failure with viscoelasticity: How aftershocks inhibit criticality in an analytical mean field model of fracture.
- Unconventional Tight Reservoirs Characterization with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Understanding the interactions between Social Capital, climate change, and community resilience in Gulf of Mexico coastal counties
- Utilizing field-aligned current profiles derived from Swarm to estimate the peak emission height of 630 nm auroral arcs: a comparison of methods and discussion of associated error estimates in the ASI data.
- VLF and X-ray Instruments for Stratospheric Balloons: ABOVE<SUP>2</SUP> and EPEx
- Van Allen Probe measurements of intense Poynting Flux, magnetic dipolarization, and particle energization and auroral arcs.
- Where on Earth can we find Mars? Characterization of an Aeolian Analogue in Northwestern Argentina
- A Canadian perspective on measurement, estimation and mitigation of life cycle GHG emissions of natural gas
- A multi-stakeholder framework for demonstrating equivalence between regulatory and alternative leak detection and repair programs
- Alfvenic Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: A Northern Preference for Electromagnetic Energy Input
- Annual streamflow in a Rocky Mountain eastern slopes river is much younger than previously thought
- Atmospheric Bromine and Chlorine Chemistry in the Changing Arctic
- Ballooning instability in the transition region in conjunction with non-substorm auroral wave structures
- Bridging the GRACE/GRACE-FO Gap with Time-variable Gravity from the Swarm Satellites
- CaMI Field Research Station, Alberta, Canada: Feasibility study for time lapse seismic monitoring and ambient noise correlation
- Characterizing baseline soil gas conditions at the Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI) CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Site in Alberta, Canada
- Comprehensive Multi-Solar Cycle Observations of Auroral Luminosity
- Computational Geophysical Approach to the Stochastic Inversion Modelling of Intracellular Copper Transport Kinetics and Steady-State Isotopic Fractionation within Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
- Converting Riometer Absorptions to Electron Energy Fluxes Based on the First Principle Modeling of Ionospheric Responses to Energetic Electrons, X-Rays and Solar Protons Precipitations
- Detection and location of earthquakes in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Trench by kurtosis and Bayesian sampling in the presence of strong cultural noise
- Distinguishing Subauroral Ion Drifts From Birkeland Current Boundary Flows
- Dynamics of meso-scale electron precipitation and conductance in the nightside auroral oval
- EPEx: Imaging Precipitation-Driven X-ray Bremsstrahlung Over Western Canada
- Eclipse-Induced Changes to Topside Ion Composition and Interhemispheric Ion Flows in the August 2017 Solar Eclipse: Swarm-E (e-POP) Observations
- Energetic Particle Precipitation Measurements From High Altitude Balloons with Imaging X-ray Detectors
- Establish the Physical Link between Tree Growth and Critical Zone Processes Using a Coupled Hydrology-root system Optimization Model
- Estimation of F-Region Neutral Winds using the Thermospheric Wind Assimilation Model (TWAM)
- Evidence for Flow Channel Control of Eastward and Westward Expansion of the Substorm Expansion Phase
- Experimental Examination of the Coupled Dissolution-Precipitation Kinetics of Ca-Feldspar and Calcite at 80<SUP>o</SUP>C
- Firn densification in the accumulation zone of Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada
- First-Light Observations from the Transition Region Explorer (TREx) Ground-Based Network
- Formation Mechanism of Diffuse Aurora Patches based on THEMIS Satellite-Imager Conjunctions
- Geophysical and Geochemical constraints on a regional hydrogeological model of Banff Hot Springs.
- Geophysics as an Aid to Reducing Fluoride Concentrations in Drinking Water in the Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, and the Identification of Skeletal Fluorosis in a Resettled Refugee
- Ground-based statistics of meso-scale flow and precipitation in Earth's nightside, high-latitude ionosphere
- Ground-motion analysis of an induced-seismicity sequence associated with a hydraulic-fracturing stimulation in a Duvernay shale play, western Canada
- HF Propagation Experiments Through Ionospheric Heated Regions Using e-POP
- Highly correlated ion upflow and electron temperature variations in the high latitude topside ionosphere
- Hydrogeophysical Characterization of the Unique Groundwater Discharge Features Termed "Soap Holes" on the Great Plains
- Impacts of access road on the hydrological connections of forested boreal peatlands
- In Sutu Ion Density and Composition Measurements with the Radio Receiver Instrument on e-POP Using Excitation of Plasma Waves by Photo Electrons
- Induced seismicity due to hydraulic fracturing: how far from faults?
- Inversions of airborne and ground-based electromagnetic data sets at Sylvan lake
- Investigating gas leakage from oil and gas wells in NE BC, Canada through statistical analysis of occurrence, regional hydrogeological field investigations and controlled subsurface natural gas release experiments
- Ion dynamics in single and multiple electrostatic waves: Simulation and e-POP data comparison
- Key LIME: Observations of Unusual Auroral and Magnetic Field Signatures
- LIME in Local Time: The Magnetosphere Acting Impulsively
- Magnetospheric conditions associated with STEVE
- Monitoring Methane Gas Migration in a Near Surface Partially Confined Aquifer Using Geophysical Methods
- N<SUP>+</SUP> and Molecular Ions in Auroral Ion Upflows and Downflows
- New Daytime Thermosphere ionosphere observations during the HIWIND Flight in 2018
- Nutrient Chemistry in the South Saskatchewan River Basin: Drivers of Spatial Variation and Long-term Change
- On the origin and geomagnetic conditions of STEVE's formation
- Petrographic and numerical evaluation of the glauconite carbonation reaction as a CO<SUB>2</SUB> trapping mechanism
- Plasma energization and field-aligned ion bulk flow observations from the Suprathermal Electron/Ion Imager (SEI) instrument onboard the e-POP (Swarm-E) satellite
- Quantifying recent shoreline changes along the Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT and the implications for future coastal management.
- RAM-SCBE Simulations of the March 2017 CIR-Driven Storm Period
- REGO and e-POP observations of Alfvenic aurora
- Removing the GIA Contribution from GRACE Monthly Solutions: An Assessment of GIA Models in North America
- Responses of Different Types of Auroal Patches in Cosmic Noise Absorption
- Scientific Discoveries Enabled by the Swarm Electric Field Instruments: The First Five Years
- Sensitivity of snow thermophysical properties on Ku-band altimeter estimates of Arctic first-year sea ice thickness
- Statistical Characteristics and Generation Mechanism of Polar Cap Patches Using Multi-Instruments and Numerical Models
- Statistical Relations Between Geomagnetic Field Data and Harmonic Distortion Driven by Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Québec, Canada
- Summary of Results from the NOAA Shale Oil and Natural Gas Nexus (SONGNEX) Study
- Surficial geology-based mapping of the future changes in groundwater recharge in a semi-arid watershed in the Canadian Prairies with climate warming
- Swarm observation of electrodynamics associated with multiple arc systems
- Swarm-E Radio Occultation Measurements of the Topside Ionosphere During the August 2017 Solar Eclipse
- Systematic Mapping of An Ocean-Continent Transform Plate Boundary: The Queen Charlotte Fault System, Southeastern Alaska and Western British Columbia
- The Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability: advancing local to global connectivity through cross-cultural collaboration and distributed architecture.
- The Census of Deep Life: Metadata Then and Now
- The Resilient Schools Consortium (RiSC): A Legitimate and Salient Community Resilience Literacy Project Anchored in Place-Based Pedagogy
- The effect on SuperDARN HF propagation predictions of polar cap plasma density gradients measured with the RISR radars
- Towards a Comprehensive, Long-Term Arctic Observing System: Arctic Observing Summit 2018 Call to Action
- Using a Numerical MHD Model to Improve Solar Wind Time-shifting
- Utilizing Swarm Observations of Field-line Resonance Arcs to Investigate the Electrodynamics Associated with the Production of this Unique Auroral Form.
- Velocity of E region SuperDARN echoes and ExB plasma drift
- Volcaniclastic turbidites are high-volume, in-situ clay mineral factories
- A Toolbox for the Accurate Detection of the Sources of Fugitive Methane Associated with Development of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources
- A geospatial method to assess site suitability for static vehicle-based measurements of methane plumes
- A receiver function investigation into the crustal structure of the Rocky Mountain Trench near Valemount, British Columbia
- Assimilation of L-band Brightness Temperatures into a Global Land Surface Model to Improve Groundwater Table Estimates in Northern Peatlands
- Atmospheric Dimethyl sulfide and its role in aerosol formation and growth in the Arctic summer
- Auroral Reconstruction CubeSwarm - ARCS: a NASA Heliophysics mission concept for decoding the aurora
- Birkeland Current Impacts on Cusp Ionospheric Irregularities
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Monitoring Using Hybrid Structural-Petrophysical Joint Inversion at the CaMI Field Research Station (CaMI.FRS), Canada
- CaNoRock STEP: The Canada-Norway Rocket Science Training and Educational Program
- Changing freshwater contributions to the Arctic: a 90-year trend analysis
- Charactering understory structure with multi-band LiDAR data.
- Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the Hydro-power Generating System Operated by Manitoba Hydro
- Comparing Energetic Particle Precipitation Driven by Different Processes
- Complex Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Coastal Dead Zones
- Comprehensive Observations of Multi-scale Polar Ionosphere Structuring Processes During October 13, 2016 Geomagnetic Storm
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Event-event triggering in Oklahoma and southern Kansas
- Evidence for Projectile Tunneling at Small Craters on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Examining the Role of Dispersion Relation and Collision Frequency Formulations on Estimation of Shortwave-Fadeout
- Exploring ambient noise correlation technique for monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection at the CaMI Field Research Station
- First Observations from the TREx Spectrograph: the Optical Spectrum of STEVE and the Picket Fence Phenomena
- Flowers to Fruits: A Novel Framework for Predicting Understory Phenology
- From SAPS and DAPS to Flow Channel Control of Auroral Omega Bands and Auroral Substorm Development
- Global crude oil refining: carbon intensity and mitigation potential
- High Altitude Balloons and Riometers as Tools to Understand Energetic Electron Precipitation - Results from The ABOVE^2 and EPEx Missions
- Hydraulic-Fracturing Induced Seismicity Driven by Aseismic Creep
- Identifying STEVE's magnetospheric driver using conjugate observations in the magnetosphere and on the ground
- Imaging Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation from Low-Earth Orbit via Bremsstrahlung X-ray Emissions
- Impact of isotope tracer data on the simulation of hydrological processes under climate change
- Impact of thawing permafrost and frozen soils on Arctic freshwater runoff under changing climate
- Induced seismicity and the phenomenon of runaway rupture earthquakes
- Interactive 3D Visualization and Dissemination of UAV-SfM Models for Virtual Outcrop Geology
- Investigating the effects of climate change on cascaded hydropower system in the Lower Nelson River Basin
- Is the physical hydrologic model HYPE well suited for the simulation of water quantity in North-American watersheds? - A modelling experiment with the newly developed RDRS meteorological reanalysis data
- Lawsonite oxygen isotope and trace element records of subduction fluids
- Magnetospheric dynamics associated with STEVE
- Mapping Coastal Change along Southwest Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Marginal Impacts of Near-Zero Emissions Technologies on Price and GHG Emissions in Fossil-Fueled Electricity Grids
- Methane plume characterization from rapid single-pass drive-by measurements
- Migrating knickpoints are primary morphodynamic agents in submarine channels that control deep-water stratigraphy
- Mode Conversion from Kinetic Alfven Waves to Electron Acoustic Waves in the Topside Ionosphere
- Modeling of the Photoelectron Space-Energy Distribution Based on a Contemporary Coupled Photon-Electron Transport Approach
- Moving Test Particles in an Empirical E & B Model as a Way to Develop a 'Feel' for the Magnetosphere
- Multi-scale statistical analysis of Poynting flux using Swarm: Quantifying the Impact of Small- and Meso-scales in Electromagnetic MIT coupling
- N<SUP>+</SUP> Ions in Auroral Ion Upflows and Downflows
- Neutral dynamics associated with STEVE: multi-instrumental observations
- Next Step Space Weather Benchmarks for Ionospheric Disturbances
- Next Steps in Establishing Benchmarks for Extreme Space Weather
- Novel approaches to geospace particle transfer in the digital age: Progress through data science
- Novel strategies for biochar application to densely populated livestock regions in North America - Impacts on soil nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas emissions
- Overview of Probing Regions via Ionospheric Modification (PRIM)
- Parameter Grouping for the Robust Calibration of Complex Hydrologic Models
- Passive seismic monitoring at the CaMI Field Research Station, Alberta, Canada
- Pc6 Modulation of High Energy Electron Precipitation and the Investigation of its Possible Source
- Permian to present tectonic and geodynamic evolution of the eastern Tethys
- Plasma Sheet Pi2 Pulsations Associated with Bursty Bulk Flows
- Plasma heating perpendicular to the magnetic field in the topside ionosphere
- Plate Deformation at Cascadia's Northern Terminus
- Polar Cap Flows and Ion Heating: Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations and Outstanding Questions
- Pore fluid analysis of marine sediments suggests gas hydrate abundance and active fluid flow along the Queen Charlotte Fault
- Preliminary Beacon Total Electron Content (TEC) and Scintillation Measurements during the 2019 Probing Regions via Ionospheric Modification (PRIM) Campaign
- RISR Measurements of Polar Patches Created by Fast Azimuthal Flows
- Response of the soil water budget in a grassland of the Canadian Prairies to climate change
- Seasonal Cycles of Air-Sea CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange in an Arctic Coastal System
- Sediment Source to Sink Record of a Glaciated Convergent Plate Margin: an Example from Southeast Alaska
- Seismic Hazard due to Fluid Injections
- Seismic interpretation of late Quaternary sediments of the Esquimalt Lagoon, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
- Soap holes: Localized static liquefaction of clays on the Canadian prairies
- Spatial organization of potential accommodation space and organic carbon storage along valley floors, Kananaskis, Canadian Rockies
- Stationary Hydrologic Frequency Analysis for Non-stationary Datasets by Incorporating Uncertainty Assessment
- Steve: The Optical Signature of Intense Subauroral Ion Drifts
- SubMachine: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography models
- Subsurface natural gas migration in heterogeneous Quaternary deposits of the Montney Resource play, northeastern British Columbia (NE BC), Canada: Insights provided by a controlled release experiment
- SuperDARN echo occurrence during "Steve" events
- Swarm E/ ePOP-RRI Observations of Proton Whistlers and Other Natural Emissions
- Swarm Observations of Dawn/Dusk Asymmetries Between Pedersen Conductance in Upward and Downward Field-Aligned Current Regions
- The Arctic Observing Summit:Continued Progress towards an Integrated, Multipurpose, International Arctic Observing System
- The CaNoRock Undergraduate Student Rocket School
- The Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability: Developing an Integrated Canadian Arctic Data Management System
- The LDAR Simulator: An Agent-Based Numerical Model for Comparing Leak Detection and Repair Programs
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- Time Domain Modelling of Geoelectric Fields in Québec, Canada
- Topographic Susceptibility to Windthrow of Trees in Subalpine Forests, Canadian Rockies
- Topology and properties of aftershock clusters in a viscoelastic model of quasi-brittle failure.
- Topside Ionosphere Heating by Conjugate Photoelectrons
- ULF Waves Modulating and Acting as Mass Spectrometer for Datside Ionospheric Outflow Ions
- Using Optical Flow Techniques to understand magnetospheric convection
- Utilizing the Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory to Understand Particle Injections: Their Scale Sizes and Propagation Directions
- Validation of Swarm ion drift measurements using an incoherent-scatter radar empirical high-latitude convection model
- Waveform-based techniques applied to high-frequency acoustic emission events
- e-POP observations of suprathermal electron bursts in the ionospheric Alfvén resonator
- A Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by High Frequency Amateur Radio Networks.
- A Comparison of GLobal airglOW (GLOW) and MCNP-based Models Applied to the Coupled Photon-Electron Transport and Photo-Electron Heating of Ambient Electrons at Swarm Altitudes.
- A New Method to Retrieve Electron Precipitation Spectra from High Altitude Balloon X-ray Spectrometer Data
- A Novel Approach to Study the Vertical Distribution of Multi-Scale Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities Using High-Rate e-POP GAP-O Measurements
- A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Interactions: SMILE
- A Regularization-based Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithm for Horizontal Radial Plume Mapping of Trace Gases
- Air Quality Model Simulations for the Canadian Oil Sands
- Alkalinity Constraints on Basalt Carbonation for Permanent CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage
- Are Narrow Spatial Aftershock Zones Specific To Fluid-induced Earthquakes?
- Assessing Cusp Core Plasma Heating With VISIONS-2
- Assessing the impact of E-region coherent backscatter on HF propagation at auroral latitudes with e-POP RRI measurements and ray trace modeling
- Auroral Optical flow velocities compared with SuperDARN convection
- Automatic Polar Cap Boundary Identification Using Redline Imaging Data
- Cascadia low frequency earthquakes along the base of an overpressured subduction shear zone
- Characterization of Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling from the VISIONS-2 Mission
- Characterizing ozone and SOA formation potentials from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions in an oil industry center in Canada
- Daedalus, a Candidate Mission for the Exploration of the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere: Mission Performance Demonstration of Multi-point Sampling Capability
- Derivation of D-region Electron-Density Profile Using New Multi-Frequency Riometer Instruments
- Do mobile screening technologies offer cost-effective methane leak detection?
- Driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind dynamic pressure structures: Analysis of balloon and satellite data
- Early Miocene evolution of C4 vegetation and open ecosystems across equatorial East Africa
- Electron Temperature Variability in the Polar Cap: RISR Observations of Cold Patches, Hot Patches, and Polar Cap Arcs
- Enabling Robust Real-time Information from Ground-Based Riometers: A Machine Learning Approach
- Evaluation of soil layer discretization in HYPE to analyse water balance components for Nelson Churchill River Basin under changing climate
- Evidence of low-energy electron scattering and ionospheric precipitation by time domain structures
- Fluvial response to climate change-induced stream capture, Yukon, Canada
- Flux Transfer Events and Polar Patch Formation Observed by the RISR Radars
- Global Observations of Electron Injections Using Data From Ground-Based Instruments.
- Handling the complexity of the space weather system: Novel approaches through particle precipitation and ion outflow
- Hydrologic Model Parameter and Process Sensitivity to Stable Isotope Data
- Impulsive Geomagnetic Events and Space Weather Implications
- Insights on Snow/Ice Radar Backscatter using the KuKa Radar during MOSAiC
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Penetration and Scattering - Altimetric Measurements over Evolving Snow and Sea Ice during MOSAiC
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Signatures Of Winter Snow-Covered Sea Ice: Observations from the 2019-2020 MOSAiC International Arctic Drift Expedition
- Lower ionospheric variations under intense SAID: simulations and implication to the STEVE and Picket Fence phenomena
- M-I Coupling via Alfvén Waves and Suprathermal Particles: Perspectives from Swarm and ePOP
- Magnetic Fields, Atmospheres, and the Connection to Habitability (MACH) - Using Team Science to Determine How Magnetic Fields Influence Habitability
- Microseismic monitoring at a shallow CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection site, the CaMI Field Research Station in Alberta, Canada
- Multi-satellite ionospheric drift from the Swarm mission
- N<SUP>+</SUP> and Molecular Ion Composition in Topside Auroral Upflows and Downflows
- Nightside high-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere responses to an extreme substorm
- Observation of High-Energy Electrons Precipitated by NWC Transmitter from PROBA-V Low-Earth Orbit Satellite
- On the Preferential Generation of Large Amplitude Alfven Waves in Downward Field-Aligned Current Regions
- On the value of isotope-informed model calibration
- Raytracing simulation of HF radio wave propagation in high latitude ionosphere
- Reanalyzing MAHLI Images from the Bagnold Dune Field: Lessons in Uncertainty and Production of the Largest Known Dataset of Martian Grains
- Reconstruction of Tweedsmuir Glacier's surge cycle with historical images
- Relative contributions of large-scale and wedgelet currents in the substorm current wedge
- Remote Sensing of Sea Ice on the MOSAiC Ice Floe
- Rock exhumation in the northern North American Cordillera
- Seasonally-Averaged Interhemispheric Asymmetry in Poynting Flux in Low-Earth Orbit: Swarm Observations
- Seismicity in Simulated Sheared Granular Matter
- Sequential observations of flux transfer events, poleward-moving auroral forms, and polar cap patches
- Spontaneous Imbibition Dynamics of Liquids in Homogeneous Nanoporous Media: Experiment and Theory
- Statistical Analysis of Co-existence of Ionospheric Irregularities and Alfvénic Structures in the Equatorial Ionosphere
- Statistical Study of Whistler-mode Waves during Substorm Injections
- Temporal Evolution of Near-Slot Precipitation Events During and After Slot-Filling Injections
- The AEPEX Mission: Atmospheric Effects of Precipitation through Energetic X-rays
- The Apparent Motion of STEVE and Picket Fence Phenomena
- The Arctic Observing Summit as a mechanism to develop and link observing capacity from the local to the global scale
- The BaySys project: Hydrology, climate change, anthropogenic water use, and model uncertainty at the continental scale
- The Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability: Enabling Timely, Innovative and Internationally Leading-edge Research
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- The association between slot-filling injections and subauroral (STEVE) emissions
- The spatial footprint of seismic activity and aftershock triggering in a conceptual model of fluid-induced seismicity
- Thermal history modelling in extensional settings: the Rwenzori Mountains of the East African Rift
- Towards a cold regions hydrometric streamflow uncertainty framework for Canada
- U-Pb Dating of Oligocene-Miocene Petrified Wood Carbonates from the Turkana Basin, Kenya
- Winter limnology: how do hydrodynamics and carbon biogeochemistry shape unique ecosystems under ice?
- e-POP Satellite Observations of Ion Upflow over Pulsating/Diffuse Aurora
- e-POP observations of suprathermal electron bursts in the ionospheric Alfvén resonator
- A Model of the Photoelectron Spectra Formation at the E- and F-regions of the Ionosphere
- A Next Generation Space Weather Particle Precipitation Model: Mature machine learning approaches, multiscale mesoscale prediction, and an open science framework for machine learning
- A Scaling Relation to Evaluate the Radial Mapping of Diffusive Leakage in CO2 Storage Sites
- A comprehensive model of crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of Western Canada
- Adaptation to Climate Change Induced Water Stress in Major Glacierized Mountain Regions
- Advancing Space-Time Simulation in Hydroclimatology and the Environment
- Alkalinity Generation Constraints on Basalt Carbonation for Carbon Dioxide Removal at the Gigaton-per-year Scale
- An integrated seismic reservoir characterization workflow for a Montney reservoir stimulated during hydraulic fracturing
- Analyzing plasma convection using optical flow technique: from the aurora to the solar wind
- Arctic Sea Ice Melt Pond Onset Detection from C-band SAR and Scatterometer Data
- Canadian EON-ROSE: Induced Seismicity, Mineral Exploration and Critical Zone Observatories
- Climate change and landscape instability in High Mountain Asia
- Compact Wide Field-of-View X- and Gamma- ray Imaging Spectrometer for Planetary and Space Science Applications
- Comparison of Multi-Well Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Three-Component Geophones for Microseismic Monitoring
- Composition and Velocity Analysis of Ionospheric Upflows and Downflows
- Cryospheric response to the June, 2021 Heat Dome
- Deforestation Outpaces Climate Change in a Biodiversity Hotspot
- Detecting the Imprint of Climate Change in High Mountain Hazards: Challenges and Opportunities
- Effect of Coulomb Scattering on Propagation of Photoelectrons Between Conjugate Ionospheric Points
- Evidence of Alfvenic Poynting Flux as the Primary Driver of Auroral Motion During a Geomagnetic Substorm
- Examination of the temporal and spatial correlation scales of ionospheric absorption events using the GO-Canada riometer network
- Experimental Evaluation of the Impact of Induced Fractures on Cyclic Solvent Injection Performance in Low-permeability Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
- Experimental rates of mineral carbonation of basaltic minerals at temperatures between 25-100C and elevated pCO2
- Geology of the Latmikaik and Xcacau Coronae, Venus
- Global constraints on secular changes in mid-ocean ridge subseafloor sulfide deposition and metal fluxes through Earth history
- Health risk-oriented source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in eight Canadian cities and implication for regional emission control
- Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in the Mackenzie and Selwyn Mountain Ranges, Northwest Canada
- Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Seasonal Variations at a Shallow CO2 Injection Site, the CaMI Field Research Station in Alberta, Canada
- How do trees survive on cliffs? A problem of water transport
- Identifying the Structure and Propagation of Pc5 ULF Waves Using Space-ground Conjunctions
- In-situ Magnetometer Calibration Routines Developed for the Swarm-Echo Mission
- InSAR Data Reveal Induced Slow-Slip Fault Activation in Northern Canada
- Kinetic Plasma Structures Associated with Substorm Auroral Beads by Space-Ground Coordinated Observations
- Machine learning applied to data from the THEMIS All-Sky Imager Array: Clouds and APA
- Magnetospheric conditions and particle injections conjugate to STEVE
- Mapping Vertical Ice Sheet Melt Profiles using Spaceborne Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometry
- Metaphor in Geoscience: How Does the Use of Conceptual Metaphor Affect Communication Between Experts and Novices?
- Modal Analysis of Freestanding Rock Towers in Utah, USA
- Modeling the fate of carbon mobilized from subducted sediments in the overlying lithospheric mantle
- Monitoring auroral and polar precipitation and their associated scintillation with GNSS networks combined with all-sky imager and SuperDARN observations
- Monitoring of an Active Tailings Dam with Ambient Noise Interferometry
- Monitoring the development of magnetospheric storms and substorms with GNSS TEC, Scintillation, and All-sky cameras: A New Madrigal Product
- Observations of Ion Upflow in Conjunction With Pulsating Aurora
- Polar Cap Boundary identification using redline optical data and DMSP satellite particle data
- Precipitating Energy Flux, Average Energy, and Hall Auroral Conductance from THEMIS All-Sky-Imagers during Two Substorms: Mesoscale Contributions
- Probing electron precipitation scales sizes via combined cosmic and terrestrial HF signal analysis
- Progressive Fault Activation and Near-Field Strain Signature Revealed by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Quantifying the Total Radiation Belt Electron Content
- Quasi-Tomographic Study of Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularity Distributions Using Multiple Instruments Onboard CASSIOPE/Swarm E
- Robust Measurements of Electron Precipitation Spectra from High Altitude Balloon X-ray Spectrometer Data
- Rocket Exhaust Driven Amplification of Whistler Waves from Ground VLF Transmitters
- Signatures of STEVE in SuperDARN HF backscatter data
- Solar Wind Alfven Waves Coupling to the M-I-T System Generating Polar Cap Patches and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances during Geomagnetic Storms
- Standing Alfven Waves Within Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
- Statistical Distributions of Small-Scale (Sub-decameter) Plasma Density Irregularities in the Topside Ionosphere Using High-cadence Plasma Current Measurements on e-POP (Swarm-E)
- Statistical Study of Whistler-mode Waves and Expected Pitch Angle Diffusion Rates during Dispersionless Electron Injections
- The Arctic Observing Summit Accomplishments from 2013-20, and Goals for 2022!
- The Association of Relativistic Electron Microbursts with The Aurora
- The Canadian SWeeping Energetic Particle Telescope (SWEPT): Pitch Angle Resolved Energetic Particles in the Lunar Environment
- The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
- The RADiation Impacts on Climate and Atmospheric Loss Satellite (RADICALS) Mission
- The SMILE Mission: Science and Technical Status
- The Stress-dependence of Poroelasticity in Low-permeability Rocks
- The anatomy and uncertainty of a Canadian National River Gauging Network
- The mid-Holocene sea-level highstand in Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling
- The role of topographic amplification in triggering landslides from the 2005 M7.6 Kashmir Earthquake
- Toward 4D automated change detection in cryospheric systems: A multi-resolution approach to point cloud registration without control points
- Understanding rock-tree-atmosphere interactions on bedrock cliffs
- Updated location of the continental-oceanic boundary along the Queen Charlotte Fault
- Using frequency-domain anomalies to mark the onset of fault activation due to hydraulic fracturing
- Validation of TREx-ATM model and inversion of electron precipitation parameters from TREx
- Vanishing weekly hydropeaking cycles in American and Canadian rivers
- Warming Soil Temperatures and Increasing Baseflows in Response to Recent and Potential Future Climate Change across Northern Manitoba, Canada
- Winter Limnology: How do Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemistry Shape Ecosystems Under Ice?
- A Benchmark for Probabilistic Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting over North America
- A Holistic Approach to Monitoring Abrupt Environmental Shifts in the Kluane Lake Region through Knowledge Co-Production
- A SAR arc evolving into STEVE during extreme subauroral plasma conditions
- A Two-Frequency Study of Transionospheric HF Signal Propagation
- Accounting For Dynamic Contributing Areas in The HYPE Model Framework
- Active Control of the Radiation Belt Particle Populations with Ionospheric Amplification of VLF Waves
- Aeolian Bedforms with a Two-Species Slab Model: Relationships Between Form, Evolutionary Conditions, and Sediment
- An Evaluation of the Accuracy of Maximum Depositional Age (MDA) Algorithms in a Variety of Tectonic Settings Using MDAPy a New Python-Based Application
- Application of Empirical River Flow Forecasting Models for Poorly Gauged and Ungauged Basins Located in Cold Weather Regions
- Assessment of Deep-Groundwater Interactions in some Selected Sub-Basins in Great Lakes Basin: Introducing a New Baseflow Module in a Hydrology Land-surface Scheme (MESH)
- Centroid Moment Tensor Inversion using Different Data Domains in Bayesian Framework
- Changes in Tree Root Distribution, Tensile Force at Failure and Lateral Root Cohesion over a 10-year Period Following a Crown Wildfire, Kootenay National Park, Canadian Rockies
- Clumped and conventional isotopes of natural gas reveal basin burial, denudation, flushing, and biodegradation history
- Comparison of Photoelectron Energy Spectra Calculated with a Monte-Carlo Model with FAST Observations
- Conservation or Harvesting? Carbon Dynamics of Old-Growth Forests in Coastal British Columbia
- Constraining the Size and Duration of Microburst-producing Chorus Regions: A Statistical Study of Low- and High- Altitude Observations
- DAS Signatures of Aseismic Slip During Hydraulic Fracturing: Field Observations and Modeling
- Data and Model Appraisal for Joint Inversion of Magnetotelluric, Receiver Function, Rayleigh Wave Dispersion, and Horizontal to Vertical Amplitude Ratio (HV) Data
- Development of an open-source workflow for community large-scale hydrological modeling
- Diagnostic fingerprinting of natural and anthropogenic basalt carbonation via in situ laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of REE and Y in carbonates
- Distinguishing the quasi-static and Alfvénic systems in the high-latitude ionosphere
- Does Decreased Forest Harvest Cause Substitution of Higher Global Warming Products? An Empirical Study.
- Embedded Region 1 and 2 Field-Aligned Currents, a Long-Simulated but Newly Observed Feature of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System, is Likely a Consequence of Meso-scale Magnetotail Dynamics, as Revealed by Their Preference on Geomagnetic Activity
- Equatorward Extending Auroral Streamers and the Associated Localized Current System
- Evaluating RDRS Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs): Hydrologic Modelling Perspective
- Evaluating sources and fate of nitrate in riparian aquifer under agricultural land using in situ measured noble gases, stable isotopes, and functional genes
- Extended Finite Element Analysis of Injection-induced Seismicity on a Rate-and-State Fault
- First beam-forming observations from the new IRIS riometers
- Fracture Imaging Using DAS-recorded Microseismic Reflections
- Gaining Insights into Sub-Daily Precipitation through a High-Density Rain Gage Network and Space-Time Stochastic Simulations
- Geomagnetic field-line resonances at equatorial latitudes observed by Swarm
- HF Observations of Ocean Surface Waves Using HAARP
- High-Latitude Plasma Convection Based on SuperDARN Observations and the Locally Divergence-Free Condition
- High-Resolution Poynting Flux Statistics from the Swarm Mission: What are we missing?
- High-Resolution Seasonal Climate Variation in Equatorial Africa Revealed by Modern and Fossil Primate Teeth
- High-Resolution Study of the Relationship Between the Region 2 Equatorward Boundary and Soft Electron Fluxes
- How the past creates the present: reviewing the foundational roles of colonialism and systemic racism and their modern manifestations in paleontology
- How to Write Journal Articles: A Learning-By-Doing Graduate Summer School Concept
- Impacts of a Geoscience Research Experience for Undergraduates Program on Broadening Participation in Scientific Research and Increasing Retention in STEM.
- Impacts of the 2020 Elliot Creek Outburst Flood on Sea Surface Turbidity
- Influence of Tectonic History and Geomorphic Process Operation on Organic Carbon Storage Associated with Vegetation on Valley Floors, Kananaskis, Canadian Rockies
- Interaction between Subauroral Proton Aurora, SAR Arcs and SAPS Unveiled by Citizen Scientist Photographs
- Investigating Influence of Wetland Connectivity on Streamflow Modeling in a Precambrian Shield watershed Using The tracer-aided Hydrological Model isoWATFLOOD
- Investigating Natural Radio Emissions using RRI on ePOP/SWARM-E
- Investigating the Timescales of Substorm Driven Chorus and the Connection to Pulsating Aurora
- Investigation of Precipitation-induced Riometer Absorption During Different D-region Ionosphere Profiles
- Ionospheric Electron Density Over Resolute Bay According to E-CHAIM Model and RISR Radar Measurements
- Land Surface Hydrological Modelling of the Mackenzie River Basin: Parametrization to Simulate Streamflow and Permafrost Dynamics Concurrently
- Landslide runout analysis using remote sensing for Lower and Upper Barun lakes
- Large Lithospheric Seismic Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Learning from Hydrologic Model Failure: a Case from Phase 1 OF the NELSON-MiP Project
- Living on Frozen Ground as concept for a Shared Arctic Variable
- Long-term survival of conifers in a water limited environment: Limestone Cliffs.
- Minor Ion Composition and Velocities in the High Latitude Ionosphere
- New Insight into the Transition from a SAR Arc to STEVE
- Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Generated by Sources in the Upper and Lower Atmosphere
- On the detached green proton auroral structure during Canada Thanksgiving storm
- On the need for an International Geospace Systems Program (IGSP)
- Overview of the "Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations" (LAMP) Sounding Rocket Mission
- Persistent, Energetic Pulsating Aurora Observed During the LAMP Sounding Rocket Mission Launch Window
- Polar Cap Boundary Identification Using Redline Optical Data and DMSP Satellite Particle Data
- Polarization Characteristics of Transionospheric Radio Waves: Observations and Modeling
- Predicting the Unpredictable: Advances in Large-Domain Hydrologic Modeling
- Probing the Reactivity of Fe-serpentine to Interpret Its Role in Controlling and Recording Earth's Biogeochemical Evolution
- PyAuroraX: using the AuroraX search engine for auroral data discovery
- Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation using the Total Radiation Belt Electron Content
- Relation between GPS scintillation and aurora in the nightside high-latitude ionosphere
- Riometer Observations of Electron Injection Drift Dispersion
- Slow Slip within Induced Fracture Networks: What, Where, Why and How?
- Solid Carbon: Safe and Durable Carbon Storage in Ocean Basalt - From Feasibility to Demonstration to Global Potential
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Pulsating Aurora during the Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) Rocket Mission
- Spatiotemporal Clustering of Seismicity in the Kiskatinaw Seismic Monitoring and Mitigation Area
- Structure and Evolution of Meso-scale Flows in the Nightside Auroral Ionosphere during Storms and Substorms
- Swarm-Like Behavior of Icequakes Associated with Surface Crevassing Activity on a Mountain Glacier
- THEMIS-ASI at 15: Its Demonstrated Value for Studying the System of Systems that is Geospace
- Targeting the Meso-Scale: The TREx Ground Network
- The Comprehensive Auroral Precipitation Experiment for NASA's Geospace Dynamics Constellation
- The Dependence of Embedded Region 1 and 2 Currents, Inducer of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Instabilities and Ionospheric Heating, on Geomagnetic Activity Level
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- The Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) rocket mission: Multiplatform, multipoint measurements to study microbursts and pulsating aurora
- The SMILE Mission: Global Imaging of Solar-Terrestrial Interactions
- The hydraulic response and water sources for trees growing on bedrock cliffs
- The impact of meteorological forcing uncertainty on hydrological modeling in representative cryosphere basins on the global scale
- Toward a 3D Amphibious Shear-Wave Velocity Model of New Zealand's Lithosphere from a Two-Station Surface-Wave Analysis
- Towards a Viable Virtual Observatory for Geospace Ground-Based Observations
- Transport and Retention of Pickering Nanoemulsions in Fractured Reservoirs
- Uncertainty Due to Precipitation Phase Estimation Methods of Large-Scale Hydrological Predictions Under Climate Change
- Understanding Deep Subsurface Microbial Ecosystems across distinct aquifers of the Paradox Basin
- Understanding the Variability of Precipitation Extremes in CMIP6 Projections: Should We Use Stationary or Nonstationary Models?
- Use of Terrestrial HF Signals in Riometer Data to Investigate the Size of the Absorbing Region
- Use of a New Core Analysis Method ('RTAPK') to Evaluate Permeability to Multiple Gases Using a Low-Permeability Coal Sample: Implications for CO2 Sequestration
- Utility of Open-Access Scintillation Data: Review of 2022 Space Weather Events in the NSF CEDAR Madrigal Database
- Utilizing high-latitude ground-based observatories in conjunction with satellite observing systems: A focus on all-sky-imagers and radar to provide 2D context and verification
- Utilizing optical flow technique to understand plasma convection
- Validating Ionosphere Model Predictions for OTHR HF Metrics
- Validating Snow Depth on Land-Fast Sea Ice from CRYO2ICE in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Archaeological Sites in the Western Canadian Arctic - A case study of Sachs Harbor, NWT, Canada.
- Wet-dry cycling and subsurface refugia in prebiotic alkaline lake environments
- What Controls the Extent of Aftershocks in Fluid-Induced Seismicity?
- Wide energy electron precipitation during pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket experiment and computer simulation
- aurora-asi-lib: A User-Friendly Auroral All-Sky Imager Analysis Library
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Samsonov
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Ridley
- A. Kouznetsov
- A. Masson
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. S. Reimer
- A. V. Koustov
- A. W. Breneman
- A. W. Yau
- Adam C. Hawkins
- Adam Kellerman
- Alain Pietroniro
- Alan Dyer
- Alex T. Chartier
- Allison Jaynes
- Anders Eriksson
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew J. Newman
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Anna Irrgang
- Anne Gold
- Audrey Dunham
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. J. Anderson
- B. Larsen
- B. Lavraud
- B. Wang
- Bernhard Mayer
- Boxin Ding
- Brent M. Goehring
- Brian Menounos
- Bruce Davison
- Burcu Kosar
- C. A. Cattell
- C. A. Colpitts
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. Ferradas
- C. Forsyth
- C. L. Siefring
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. R. Martinis
- Carley Martin
- Cheng Sheng
- Chi Wang
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Chris Watson
- Christine F. Dow
- Christine Gabrielse
- Clément Estève
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. M. Gillies
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. P. Hartley
- D. Schutt
- D. W. Danskin
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Dan H. Shugar
- Daniel Billett
- Daniel R. Green
- Daniel R. Marsh
- Daniel S. Brothers
- Daniel T. Trugman
- David M. Miles
- David Shean
- David W. Eaton
- Dmytro Sydorenko
- Donald Hampton
- Dongfeng Li
- E. Bethell
- E. Ceren Kalafatoglu Eyiguler
- E. G. Thomas
- E. K. Sutton
- E. Kiser
- E. Spanswick
- E. Zesta
- Edward A. Johnson
- Enrico Camporeale
- Eric Anderson
- Erin K. Bessette-Kirton
- F. Allegrini
- F. D. Wilder
- Fabián Drenkhan
- Fuad Yassin
- G. Branduardi‐Raymont
- G. C. Hussey
- G. D. Reeves
- G. E. Flowers
- G. S. Bust
- G. Savard
- G. V. Khazanov
- G. W. Perry
- Gabriela Fernández‐Viejo
- Giuseppe Mascaro
- Grant Berland
- Grant Ferguson
- Greg Lucas
- Gregory J. McDermid
- Guiping Liu
- Guoqiang Tang
- H. Akbari
- H. J. Gilbert
- H. U. Frey
- Hajo Eicken
- Hannes Vasyura‐Bathke
- Hassan Hassanzadeh
- Hervé Awoye
- Hongli Liu
- Honn Kao
- Hylke E. Beck
- Hyomin Kim
- I. J. Rae
- I. R. Mann
- I. Shinohara
- Ian Giesbrecht
- Ian S. Williams
- J. F. Ripoll
- J. G. Sample
- J. Gosselin
- J. H. Hecht
- J. Jahn
- J. K. Burchill
- J. Klenzing
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Semeter
- J. Liang
- J. M. Amundson
- J. M. Bell
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. M. Shea
- J. M. Weygand
- J. P. Thayer
- J. R. Wygant
- J. Scott Evans
- J. T. Freymueller
- J. W. Gjerloev
- J. Wroten
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jakob Steiner
- James Andrew Leong
- James R. Craig
- Jan Dettmer
- Jaroslav Chum
- Jeffrey A. Priest
- Jeffrey R. Moore
- Jennifer C. McIntosh
- Jennifer Carter
- Jiang Liu
- Ji‐Hyun Kim
- Joachim Jansen
- John W. Pomeroy
- Joshua Pettit
- Juliane Mai
- Julianne J. Miller
- Junga Hwang
- Jörn Davidsen
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. Greer
- K. Hosokawa
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. Ogasawara
- Karine Issautier
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kathryn Boyd
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kevin Shook
- Kuldeep Pandey
- L. A. Avanov
- L. A. Coogan
- L. Andersson
- L. Capannolo
- L. G. Ozeke
- L. Kepko
- L. R. Lyons
- L. W. Blum
- Lei Dai
- Levan Lomidze
- Lindsay Goodwin
- Liying Qian
- Louise Arnal
- M. Conde
- M. Gołkowski
- M. Hartinger
- M. J. Owens
- M. Lessard
- M. Nosé
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Osburn
- M. Samara
- M. Shumko
- Mahkameh Taheri
- Man Hua
- Mansoor Ahmed
- Margaret W. Chen
- Marie Macquet
- Martin Connors
- Martin Scherwath
- Martyn P. Clark
- Martyn Unsworth
- Matthieu Cartigny
- Michael G. Loso
- Minna Palmroth
- Mitsunori Ozaki
- Mohamed Elshamy
- Mohamed S. Abdelhamed
- Mohammad Mousavi
- Nadine Igonin
- Naomi Maruyama
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Omid Khajehdehi
- Onja H. Razafindratsima
- P. A. Bernhardt
- P. J. Erickson
- P. Prikryl
- Pablo Reyes
- Pascal Audet
- Paul C. Loikith
- Paul H. Whitfield
- Paul R. Geimer
- Pedro M. Monarrez
- Peter Schlosser
- Q. Ma
- R. A. D. Fiori
- R. C. Aster
- R. D. Hyndman
- R. G. Gillies
- R. H. Varney
- R. M. Lauer
- R. M. Millan
- R. Michell
- R. Rankin
- Rajtantra Lilhare
- Rebecca O. Salvage
- Richard E. Ernst
- Riley Troyer
- Robert J. Ridgway
- Ryan McGranaghan
- S. A. Thaller
- S. B. Mende
- S. D. Bale
- S. England
- S. Papalexiou
- S. R. Kaeppler
- S. Tian
- Sadie Elliott
- Salli Dymond
- Satoko Nakamura
- Sebastijan Mrak
- Sergey Samsonov
- Shawn J. Marshall
- Shervan Gharari
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Shibaji Chakraborty
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Simon Wing
- Sneha Yadav
- Solène Lejosne
- Spencer Hatch
- Stan E. Dosso
- Stanley C. Solomon
- Stephen J. Déry
- Stephen M. Hubbard
- Susanne M. Ouellet
- T. C. Bartholomaus
- T. S. Ledley
- Takeshi Sakanoi
- Taku Namekawa
- Tanghua Li
- Taylor A Tracey Kyryliuk
- Thomas E. Barchyn
- Thomas S. Eyre
- Ting Zhang
- Tobias Bolch
- Tomoaki Hori
- Toni Lyn Morelli
- Tricia A. Stadnyk
- U. K. Haritashya
- V. Ledvina
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Vincent Fortin
- Vincent Vionnet
- Vishnu Nandan
- W. A. Bristow
- W. E. Ward
- Walter W. Immerzeel
- William Archer
- Wouter Knoben
- X. Wang
- Xiaoxin Zhang
- Xiong Ying
- Y. Nishimura
- Yangyang Shen
- YeoJin Ju
- Ying Zou
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yue Deng
- Yunfeng Chen
- Yuni Lee
- А. V. Artemyev