University of Calgary, Department of Physics and Astronomy
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Auroral Poleward Boundary Intensifications and Modes of Energy Transport in the Plasma Sheet
- Comparison Between Ion Bulk Flows and E x B Drifts in the Topside Ionosphere.
- Correlation of solar wind parameters with Pc5 activity at all local times.
- Evaluation of the High Latitude Magnetic Conjugacy of Auroral Features Based on DE-1 and Viking Data
- Intense Langmuir Waves and Associated Field-Aligned Electrons Observed Between 500-1000 km During a Strong Aurora
- Relation of Substorm Breakup Arc to other Growth-Phase Auroral Arcs
- Signatures of Pseudo-breakup, Breakup of a Full Substorm Onset, and Poleward Border Intensifications Compared.
- Simultaneous DE-1 and Viking Observations of Magnetically Conjugate Auroral Phenomena and the Evolution with Increasing Latitudes
- Time-of-Flight Neutral Mass and Velocity Spectrometer for Atmospheric Research
- A Small Postmidnight Substorm During IMF Bz+ and By+ Conditions -- Joint Optical, Radar, Magnetic and Satellite Observations
- Auroral Image Classification via Machine Vision
- Auroral Poleward Boundary Intensifications: their two-dimensional structure and the associated dynamics in the Plasma Sheet
- Dusk-sector Pc6 Pulsation Activity Related to Magnetopause Oscillations During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- Evening Sector Pulsating Aurora Embedded in Quiet Time Diffuse Aurora
- Imaging the polar cap red-line shelf
- Investigation of the Initial Stages of Ion Heating in the Topside Ionosphere
- Modulation of >30 KeV Electron Precipitation by Pc5 Magnetic Pulsations
- Properties and Theory of Lower-Hybrid Density Cavities
- Sulphate in PM 2.5 in the Fraser Valley, Canada: Isotopic Evidence for its Sources and Oxidation Pathways
- The Substorm at 05:45 on October 13, 2001 Observed From the Ground, and the LANL, GOES, Polar, and Cluster Satellites
- 3-Hz Alfvén Wave and Electron Bursts in the Upper Ionosphere During a Substorm Intensification
- An Evening Sector Ps 6 - Omega Band Event
- Association of north-south Poleward Boundary Intensifications (PBI) orientation with plasma sheet flow direction and the IMF
- Cluster Observations of a Near-Earth Neutral Line on August 27, 2001
- Dual Rocket Observations of Large, Intermediate, and Short Scale Electric Fields in the Lower Auroral Ionosphere and Their Contribution to Joule Heating
- Evolution and Characteristics of Global Pc5 observations of ULF waves During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- Kink-mode Waves and Bifurcated Current Sheets: CLUSTER Observations and Analysis Techniques
- Mesoscale Structures Within the Auroral Bulge
- Observations of Highly Structured Precipitating Electrons in the Dayside Cusp/Boundary Layer Ionosphere
- Optical Signatures and Models of Dispersive Nonlinear Field Line Resonances
- Temporal and Spatial Structure of Substorm Associated High Energy Particle Precipitation
- The JOULE Experiment: Observations of Small-Scale Structure in the Auroral Oval During a Substorm Event
- The THEMIS All-Sky Imager Array
- Use of Sulphur and Boron Isotopes to Identify Natural Gas Processing Emissions Sources
- Velocities of Morning Sector Patchy Auroral Forms
- A Modified Method for Saline Lake Calcite Isotope Analysis: Application to a Study of Climate Change over 200,000 Years in Death Valley, California.
- BBELF and Electromagnetic VLF Wave Cavities in the Auroral Ionosphere
- Global evolution of the high energy magnetospheric electron population during substorms.
- High-resolution Ion Drift Measurements from the JOULE Sounding Rocket Mission.
- Infrastructure and autonomy: a comparison of the new CGSM and THEMIS-GBO instrument arrays
- Liapunov Stability of Plasmas: An Application to the Earth's Magnetotail at Substorms
- Meso-Scale Dynamics of the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet During Breakups
- Multi-point Characterization of ULF Wave Energy Transport in the Magnetosphere.
- Observations of the Magnetotail Reconnection Rate: its Relationship to the Occurence of Auroral Poleward Boundary Intensifications (PBIs) and to the Substorm Cycle
- Use of substorm onset observations by IMAGE-FUV for THEMIS ground-based system analysis
- Biogenic Sulphate and Sulphur Dioxide Over the North Atlantic: Spring 2003
- Fine Structure Withing Auroral Flicker
- Ion Drift and Electric Field Measurement Capabilities of the Canadian Suprathermal Ion Imager
- Near-Earth Breakup Triggered by the Burst Flow.
- Storm-Time Substorms and Sawtooth Events: Test for Substorm Models
- THEMIS Ground Based Observatories
- Variations in the Escaping Flux and Characteristic Energies of O+ and Other Ions as a Function of Solar Illumination.
- A Direct Determination of the Fractionation Factors Involved in the Making and Breaking of S-O Bonds in Sulfates
- Atmospheric Neutral Analyzer (ANA) for In-situ Neutral Mass Composition and Velocity Distribution Measurements
- Co-existence of self-organized criticality and intermittent turbulence in the solar corona
- Earthquake Recurrence as a Record Breaking Process
- High-energy electron injection associated with substorm dipolarization: Models and comparison with riometer observations
- Integration of auroral image data from multiple sources in a VxO environment
- Ion Flow Measurements from the JOULE Sounding Rocket Mission
- Laboratory-Relevant, Non-Linear, Two-Fluid Model of Stationary Inertial Alfven Waves for the Space-Plasma Physics Campaign at UCLA's BAPSF.
- Robust Measures of Dynamical Complexity for Magnetospheric Research
- Scaling and Universality in Rock Fracture
- Simultaneous ground and satellite observations of an isolated proton arc at subauroral latitudes
- Sulphur Concentration over the Northwest Atlantic
- The 16S rDNA Phylogenetic Composition of Bacteria Implicated in Sulfur Redox Cycles and Associated Sulfur Isotope Fractionation
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere
- The S isotope composition of methanesulfonic acid in Arctic aerosols
- Auroral mesoscale structure and dynamics
- Azimuthal evolution of the aurora in tens of seconds around the expansive phase onset
- Comparison of Auroral and Inner CPS in situ Measurements During an Expansive Phase Onset
- DMS Sulphate and MSA as tracers of marine biogenic productivity in an Arctic snowpack
- First THEMIS Results Concerning the Nature and the Role of the Electromagnetic Waves During Substorm Process Versus Radial Distance
- Ground Based optical observations of the March 23, 2007 substorm event from Alaska.
- Improved Model for Analysis of Thermal Charged-Particle Spectrograph Data for Ionospheric Research
- Ionospheric Electric Fields from Ion Distribution Images on Swarm
- Modeling the Turbulent Reconnection Dynamics of Earth's Magnetotail Plasma Sheet
- Multiscale Complexity Reflects Substorm Dynamics: Toward Designing a New Auroral Index
- Scaling, universality and spatio-temporal clustering in seismicity and rock fracture phenomena
- THEMIS overview, first results and near future
- The Auroral Acceleration Region: FAST Observations in the THEMIS Era
- Time Evolution of the Substorm Current Wedge from Ground and Space-based Magnetic Fields
- A New Atmospheric Neutral Analyzer Instrument for Thermospheric Composition, Density and Wind Velocity Measurements on the ISWEAT Micro-Satellite
- Automated Identification of Field-Aligned Electron Bursts from GEODESIC Sounding Rocket Data
- Ballooning instability in the near-Earth plasma sheet: Simulations and Observations
- Benefits of Electric Field Measurements in Combination with Precision Magnetic Field Observations on Swarm
- Electrostatic field prior to local current sheet disruption
- Error Sources for Velocity Moments Obtained by Imaging Ion Spectrographs
- Fine structures and dynamics in auroral initial brightenings at substorm onsets
- In-situ Ion Temperature Measurements in the Joule Heating Region
- Intensity, Duration and Motion of Auroral Arcs: Case Studies and Survey
- Ion Upflows in the Polar Magnetosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- Proton Auroral Emissions without Electron Auroral Emissions in Long-lasting Complex Substorms
- Rayleigh-Taylor type Instability in auroral patches
- Solar Wind Influence on the Driven Electrojet System and the Magnetotail
- Spatiotemporal clustering: A comparison between earthquake catalogs and models of seismicity
- Tail Reconnection Triggering Substorm Onset
- The coupling of tail fast flows to ionospheric flow signatures and their relationship to substorm onset
- A Direct Encounter with a VLF Saucer Source Region?
- Application of The Alfvén-Assisted Precipitation Model to Field-Aligned Electron Bursts
- Auroral poleward boundary intensifications, their associated tail dynamics and ionospheric flows (Invited)
- Continuous Characterization of Growth Phase Using Ground Optical and Magnetic Data
- Correlation of solar wind and magnetospheric variations
- Ion Outflow in the Dayside Cusp Ionosphere and its Dependence on Soft Electron Energy Flux
- Ionospheric Ion Outflow from the Cusp and the Polar Cap Ionosphere: Current Observations, Knowledge Gaps, and Planned Observations (Invited)
- Mapping energy flux of precipitating particles and comparing to ground observations
- Modeling magnetotatail field during substorm dipolarizations
- Motion of Auroral Features and Plasmasheet Flow
- Network of recurrent events: an application to aftershock sequences and the ETAS model of seismicity
- New Observational Constraints on Theories of Auroral Arc Generation
- PFSIR observations of equatorward-expanding ionospheric F-region patch and its association with the flow and auroral activities
- Shipboard measurement of atmospheric DMS and its oxidation products over the Canadian Arctic
- THEMIS ground-space observations during the development of auroral spirals
- Using Networks to Find Signatures of Causality in Seismicity
- Using Optical and Riometer Observations to Study the Relationship Between the Spatio-temporal Evolution of Magnetic Field Topology and Dispersionless Electron Injection
- When the rubber hits the road: turbulence and intermittencies in Earth’s magnetosphere (Invited)
- Are earthquake magnitudes clustered?
- Atmospheric DMS and its oxidation products in relation to aerosol growth and formation in the Canadian Arctic
- Azimuthal Pressure Gradient and Associated Auroral Development in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Soon Before Substorm Onset
- Comprehensive ground-based and in situ observations of substorm expansion phase onset
- Direct Modulation of Electron Precipitation by Global ULF Oscillations
- Geostationary magnetic field response to solar wind pressure variations
- In-situ Measurements Within and Above the Ion-Neutral Coupling Region: Sounding Rocket versus Satellite Measurements (Invited)
- Inter-Hemispheric Comparison of GPS Phase Scintillation at High Latitudes during the Magnetic-Cloud-Induced Geomagnetic Storm of April 5-7, 2010
- Midnight Sector Observations of Auroral Omega Bands
- Multipoint Observations of the Large Substorm Associated with the Galaxy 15 Anomaly
- Multiscale Anisotropy and Instabilities in a Thin Electron Current Sheet: Simulation Results and Measurement Recommendations
- Observational Tests of Auroral Theories
- Oscillatory braking of BBFs and associated ionospheric response (Invited)
- Simulation of the longitudinal splitting of the nightside proton aurora during a substorm seen by the IMAGE spacecraft
- Stable isotopes in alpine precipitation as tracers of atmospheric deposition
- Statistical properties of aftershocks
- Statistics of Record-Breaking Events in the Self-Organized Critical Systems
- The Fate of the Helium Polar Wind in the Magnetosphere and its Implications on the Terrestrial Helium Budget
- The Modulation of VLF Wave Growth and Propagation by Global ULF Oscillations
- The Next Generation of Space Plasma Analyzer - Deployable Radial Imaging for Velocity, Energy, and Density (DRIVEN)
- The Space Physics ``Data Problem'' from the Perspectives of Different Stakeholders (Invited)
- The orientation of auroral arcs in general and in the late growth phase (Invited)
- Tracking the Topology of the Photospheric Magnetic Network in Multiscale Space-time: Towards New Precursors of Transient Coronal Events
- Universality of bursts in the solar wind?
- Alfvén Waves in the Alfvénic Aurora: Cause or Effect?
- CHAMP Estimates of Fluctuating Small-Scale Field-Aligned Currents and Their Relation to Flickering Aurora
- Coupling of Dipolarization Front Flow Bursts to Substorm Expansion Phase Phenomena Within the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- Cross-Field Advection of Magnetic Energy as a Source of Power for Auroral Arcs
- Dynamical and Fractal Properties in a Soc Model for the Magnetospheric Central Plasma Sheet
- Earthquake interevent time distribution for micro-, nano- and picoseismicity
- Effects of Spatial and Temporal Ionospheric Variability on Incoherent Scatter Radar Validation of Satellite Measurements
- Efficient diffuse auroral electron scattering by electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the outer magnetosphere
- Extreme Value and Record Statistics in Heavy-Tailed Processes with Long-Range Memory: Application to Space Weather
- Extreme bursts in the solar wind
- Generalized Stormer-Verlet Method with Variable Time Steps Applied to Mapping of Solar Energetic Proton Distributions to the Upper Atmosphere
- Identification of Dispersionless Injection with Incoherent Scatter Radar
- Identifying the magnetotail source region leading to poleward boundary intensifications
- In Situ Thermal Ion Temperature Measurements in the E Region Ionosphere: Techniques, Results, and Limitations
- In-Transit Thermal Ionospheric Oxygen (O+) Ions Between the Ionosphere and the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current
- In-situ observations of the "preexisting auroral arc" by THEMIS all-sky imagers and the FAST spacecraft
- Ion distributions upstream of earthward propagating dipolarization fronts
- Kinetic-Scale Magnetic Fluctuations in the Near-Mercury Space Environment
- On the Need for the Great Geospace Observatory
- Polar Cap Convection Structures: Relations to High Speed Streams and Plasma Sheet Dynamics
- Possible signatures of an auroral arc's root in the central plasma sheet
- Potential Biases in the Estimation of the Delay Time in Multivariate Time Series: An application to Climate Data and Functional Networks
- Pre-onset Azimuthal Pressure Gradient and Associated Auroral Intensifications Related to Dipolarization Fronts
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Fall in the Arctic: Source Identification Using Sulfur Isotopes
- Solar Wind Density Propagation and Magnetospheric Response
- Solar wind and geomagnetic activity effects on the radiation belt particle population using over a solar cycle of satellite and riometer data
- Spatial distributions of electron and proton auroras identified by NORSTAR MSP
- Temporal Variation of the Cross-tail Current During Near-Earth Dipolarization With Multi-Satellite Observations
- Triggering cascades and statistical properties of aftershocks
- Triggering of substorm identified using modern optical versus geosynchronous particle data
- ABOVE: an Array for Broadband Observations of VLF/ELF Emissions
- Aerosol sulfate and ice nucleation: An exploration of experimental evidence in the Arctic atmosphere
- Auroral Precipitation during Earthward Propagating Dipolarization Events
- Auroral signatures associated with flow bursts measured by ARTEMIS
- Calibrating the magnetosphere-ionosphere mapping using the in-situ magnetic field-line curvature and ionospheric proton precipitation measurements
- Characteristics of whistler-mode wave Poynting vector observed on THEMIS
- Contribution of Meso-Scale Flow Channels/Auroral Streamers to Traditional Ground Magnetic Signatures of Substorm Expansion Onset
- Coordinated SuperDARN-THEMIS ASI Observations of Mesoscale Flow Bursts Associated with Auroral Streamers
- Development of Atmospheric Neutral Analyzer for Neutral Mass Composition and Velocity Distribution Measurements in the Upper Atmosphere
- Dynamics of Relation between Solar Proton Fluxes Measured outside Earth's Magnetosphere and Riometer Absorptions Measured inside Auroral Oval
- Electrodynamics of the high-latitude trough: Its relationship with convection flows and field-aligned currents
- Interpretation of link fluctuations in climate networks during El Niño periods
- Morphology of Quiet Auroral Arcs and Implications for Arc Generators in the Magnetosphere
- Multi-scale Observations of High-Energy Electron Precipitation in the Nightside Transition Region
- Multiple magnetic dipolarizations observed by THEMIS during a substorm
- Pulsating Aurora: the Equatorial Source Population & Local Morphological Interplay with Diffuse Aurora
- RISR-C First Light: Initial observations from the south facing Canadian Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar
- The effect of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) on HF radar scattering volume electron densities
- Transport of Thermal-energy Ionospheric Oxygen (O+) Ions between the Ionosphere and the Inner Magnetosphere at Quiet Times Preceding Magnetic Storms
- Background continental atmospheric deposition from a remote alpine site in the Canadian Southern Rocky Mountains
- Comparison between predictions of whistler-mode wave spectra and observations: Implications for the distribution of plasma along the magnetic field direction
- Effects of Magnetotail Stretching and IMF on the Orientation of Quiet Auroral Arcs
- Flow shear as the magnetospheric source of the pre-breakup arc
- Importance of Stratabound Fracture Networks for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Hydraulic Fracturing
- In situ observations of medium frequency auroral radio emissions
- Magnetic Oscillations Associated with Earthward Moving Flows and Ballooning Instability
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in the Ionospheric Trough Region During Substorms
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere connection in 3D-force balanced magnetic field configurations driven by empirical plasma sheet pressure under different geomagnetic conditions
- Modeling and simulations of the double-probe electric field instrument in tenuous and cold streaming plasmas
- Quantified Energy Dissipation Rates in the Terrestrial Bow Shock
- Role of Westward Traveling Surges in the Substorm Expansion Phase
- Spectacular ionospheric flow structures associated with substorm auroral onset
- Substorm auroral onset triggering by flow-wave interaction detected with high-resolution radar and imager measurements
- The Canadian Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP)
- The Motion and Structure of Auroral Patches: A Neuroscientist's View
- A GNSS auroral space weather product-Quantifying auroral effects on GNSS
- Cluster and THEMIS observations of the magnetosphere dayside boundaries in preparation for the SMILE mission
- Conjugate observation of auroral finger-like structures by ground all-sky cameras and THEMIS satellites
- Differentiating Types of Patchy Pulsating Aurora
- Dynamics of CME and HSS Storms Revealed from Auroral Imaging
- Field-aligned currents associated with multiple arc systems
- Form the end of substorm growth phase till the first 1-2 minutes of onset: Evidence of a transitional stage in optical auroral and in-situ observations
- Link between premidnight second harmonic poloidal waves and auroral undulations
- Measurement of Polar Cap Ionospheric Velocities Using the RISR-C and SuperDARN Radars
- Modeling particle injections during magnetospheric substorm by a propagating earthward electromagnetic pulse.
- Modulation of whistler-mode chorus waves by ULF and the effects on auroral precipitation
- On the spatio-temporal and energy-dependent response of riometer absorption to electron precipitation: drift-time and conjunction analyses in realistic electric and magnetic fields
- Optical signatures of field line resonances: comprehensive survey and precipitation mechanisms
- Particle injections associated with magnetotail dipolarizations
- SMILE: A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Relationships
- Selection of FUV Auroral Imagers for Satellite Missions
- Statistical Properties of Substorm Auroral Onset Beads/rays
- Storm-time Convection Dynamics Viewed from Optical Auroras: from Streamer to Patchy Pulsating Aurora
- Strong Ionospheric Electron Heating Associated With Pulsating Auroras - A Swarm Survey
- Swarm-Aurora: A web-based tool for quickly identifying multi-instrument auroral events
- The SMILE Ultra-Violet Imager (UVI): Instrument design and performance modeling
- What Magnetic Conditions Do Determine the Latitudinal Extent of SAPS/SAID Subauroral Flow Enhancements?
- Ionospheric electron heating associated with pulsating auroras: joint optical and PFISR observations
- Multi-scale investigation of low-altitude ion upflow and electron temperature correlations in the cusp/cleft ionosphere
- New Calgary Neutron Monitor Data Acquisition System
- Computational Geophysical Approach to the Stochastic Inversion Modelling of Intracellular Copper Transport Kinetics and Steady-State Isotopic Fractionation within Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
- Energetic Particle Precipitation Measurements From High Altitude Balloons with Imaging X-ray Detectors
- Highly correlated ion upflow and electron temperature variations in the high latitude topside ionosphere
- REGO and e-POP observations of Alfvenic aurora
- High Altitude Balloons and Riometers as Tools to Understand Energetic Electron Precipitation - Results from The ABOVE^2 and EPEx Missions
- Moving Test Particles in an Empirical E & B Model as a Way to Develop a 'Feel' for the Magnetosphere
- Neutral dynamics associated with STEVE: multi-instrumental observations
- Assessing the impact of E-region coherent backscatter on HF propagation at auroral latitudes with e-POP RRI measurements and ray trace modeling