Direction des Applications Militaires, Ile-de-France
flowchart I[Direction des Applications Militaires, Ile-de-France] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (341)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (59)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ground-coupled air waves and diffracted infrasounds from the Arequipa earthquake of June 23, 2001
- Imaging Earthquake From Offsets Measured on Optical or Radar Images
- Impact of Climatic Change on Fluvial Incision in North Tian Shan (Northwestern China)
- Simulation of Radon transport and comparison with measurements in Europe and in the Indian Ocean
- The Chi-Chi Earthquake and the Seismic Cycle Associated with Mountain Building in Central Taiwan
- Variations of Fault Plane Orientations with Depth and Magnitude from CMT Solutions in the Tonga Subduction Zone
- Atmospheric Transport Simulation of the Chernobyl Accident by a GCM Eulerian Model
- Hydroacoustic Signals from Huge Icebergs in the Ross Sea
- Interseismic Deformation across the Himalaya of Central Nepal from GPS measurements, 1997-2001
- Measurement and simulation of ground-coupled air waves and diffracted infrasound from the Kokoxili Earthquake, 14th Nov. 2001
- Acoustic-Gravity Waves Induced by Earthquakes: Insights From Observations and Numerical Modeling
- An homogeneous seismological bulletin for the European-Mediterranean region
- Hydroacoustic signals from large icebergs drifting in the Southern Pacific, 2001-2003
- Hydrodynamic modeling of the 1946 Aleutian tsunami in the far field using a dislocation source
- Laser-driven shock compression on precompressed water: Exploring icy giant interiors
- Mechanical sensitivity of microbarometers MB2000 (France) and Chaparral5 (USA) to vertical and horizontal ground motion.
- Rupture process of the Mw=6.9 Boumerdes (Algeria) earthquake of May 21, 2003 from seismological data
- Six-years review of infrasound monitoring and studies at the French NDC
- Thermal and compositional anomalies beneath the North American continent
- A Tsunami Induced by a Coastal Uplift During the 2003 Zemmouri Earthquake (Mw=6.8, Algeria): Modeling and Results
- Amplitude-duration and other discriminants for seismically recorded hydroacoustic phases
- Detection of Acoustic Emission From Sprites
- Equation of State and Electrical Conductivity of Helium at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Horizontal Displacement of the Hector Mine Earthquake, (California, 16/10/99, Mw 7.1), Derived from Aerial Photography Intercorrelation
- Natural Radioactive Characterization by Gamma Ray Mapping in Relation with Radon-222, Radium-226 Contents in the Atmosphere, Dripping Groundwater and Mineral in a Dead-end Horizontal Tunnel
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment in Mongolia. Amplification Frequency Microzoning at Ulaanbaatar
- Quantifying Radionuclides Migration From U-series in an Unconfined Aquifer
- Simulating the 1946 Aleutian far-field tsunami: The successful dislocation and the impossible landslide.
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Interseismic Strain from GPS Monitoring (cgps and Campaign Data) and Seismic Monitoring in the Nepal Himalaya
- TARANIS: a Tool to investigate Potential Links Between Sprites and Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Plasmas
- Transient Versus Seasonal Geochemical Signals in Water Dripping From Fractured Rocks and Their Related Forcing
- An Original Approach for an Automatic Bulletin of Volcanic Activity in Indonesia : the First Results of Infrasound Array in Kalimantan
- Comparison of Simulated and Daily Measured Air Concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be at Tahiti
- Evidence For An Earthquake Barrier Model From Mw7.8 Kokoxili (Tibet) Earthquake Slip-Distribution
- Impact of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami in the SW Indian Ocean: numerical modeling on La Réunion island
- Inversion of satellite altimetry data to recover the Sumatra 2004 earthquake slip distribution
- Measuring and Modeling Rock Deformation in the Vicinity of an Artificial Lake
- Automatic Felt Maps: How to Rapidly Know When and Where an Earthquake has been Felt?
- Diamond at Extreme Conditions
- Lightning effect on the lower ionosphere deduced from MF recordings
- Mesoscale Backtracking by Means of Atmospheric Transport Modeling of Xenon Plumes Measured by Radionuclide Gas Stations
- Near-field tsunami simulations of the Great Sumatra earthquake of December 2004
- Quantifying hydroacoustic records of the Sumatra tsunami in the 5-12 mHz frequency band
- Quasi-hydrostatic equation of state of iron above 2 Mbar; implications for the Earth's core
- Seasonal Signal Variations in GPS Time Series in the Central Himalaya of Nepal
- The 17 July 2006 Tsunami Along the South Coast of Java, Indonesia: Field Survey and Near Field Tsunami Simulation
- The Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 in the ionosphere: observations and modelling
- Tropospheric Delay Correction in InSAR and Application to Enhancement of Tectonic Deformation Measurement
- Unsaturated Flow Modeling in the Seasonally Snow-Covered Roselend Granite (French Alps) Using High Resolution and Long Term Meteorological and Water Flux Time Series
- Detailed Modeling of the 2004 Tsunami Flooding in the Banda Aceh and Lhok Nga Districts (Sumatra, Indonesia)
- Detectability and significance of the 12h barometric tide in the radon-222 signal, dripwater flow rate, carbon dioxide concentration and air temperature of an underground laboratory.
- Is rapid exhumation of the High Himalaya driven by ramp overthrusting, the formation of mid- crustal duplex, or out-of-sequence thrusting associated with channel flow?
- Large earthquakes in the Himalaya, where, when, how often?
- Reconciling interseismic strain and geologic deformation across convergent plate boundaries
- Seasonal variations of seismicity and geodetic strain in the Himalaya induced by surface hydrology as revealed from GPS monitoring, seismic monitoring and GRACE measurements
- Spatial and Continuous Observations of Stream Hydrodynamics and Bedload Transport From Spectral Analysis of River Induced Seismic Noise
- Stereological analysis of fractures in the Roselend tunnel and permeability determination
- Tomography of the Alps using seismic ambient noise
- Tsunami Hazard in Western Mediterranean: Preliminary Study of Scenarios for the Balearic
- Assessing the detection capability of the global IMS infrasound network
- E-CANES: A Research Network dedicated to Electromagnetic Coupling of the Atmosphere With Near-Earth Space
- Infrasound monitoring in Kazakhstan: source localization and characterization
- Mie-Grüneisen-Einstein Equation of State as a Practical High Temperature Pressure Scale
- Misty Picture: A Unique Experiment for the Interpretation of the Infrasound Propagation from Large Explosive Sources
- Modelling dislocation cores in Forsterite
- Modelling dislocation cores in Mg2SiO4 wadsleyite at 15 GPa: Comparison with TEM observations
- Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology (NERIES)
- Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology (NERIES) - Web Portal Developments for Interactive Access to Earthquake Data on a European Scale
- Non Conventional Seismic Events Along the Himalayan Arc Detected in the Hi-Climb Dataset
- Seismic Detection of Debris Flow in the Himalayas and Their Spatiotemporal Characteristics
- Studies of Atmospheric Sources and Propagation Using the USArray
- TARANIS - a Microsatellite Project Dedicated to the Physics of TLEs and TGFs
- The ROSELEND-Gas Project: Research On Solicitation Effects in a Large-scale Experiment under Natural Dynamics with Gas
- Tsunami modelling and source constraints from regional tide-gages and tilt measurements for the 2008 M=7.5, Tocopilla subduction earthquake
- Analysis of friction effects on tsunami inundation: Application to the 2004 tsunami flooding in the Banda Aceh and Lhok Nga region (Sumatra, Indonesia)
- Current status of the European seismological data exchange and access; ORFEUS, EMSC, NERIES and EPOS
- Detection and localization capability of global and regional infrasound networks (Invited)
- Dislocations in olivine: insights from numerical modeling (Invited)
- Exploring the conditions for seismic and aseismic fault slip on the Longitudinal Valley Fault, Taiwan
- Far-Field Simulations of Tele-tsunami Observed in the Atlantic Ocean: Impact on the Lesser Antilles
- Infrasound from lightning: characteristics and impact on an infrasound station
- Probing the Atmosphere in Antarctica using continuous microbarom recordings
- Propagation model of electromagnetic waves generated by lightning: study of conductivity effects
- The 29 September 2009 Samoan earthquake and tsunami in the ionosphere: analysis of the near- and far-field GPS-TEC perturbations
- The Core Density and Elastic Anisotropy: insights from the hcp-Fe and Fe0.8Ni0.2 Alloy P-V-T Equations of State and c/a Ratio to 220 GPa and 3000 K
- The Tsunami Triggered by the El Asnam (Algeria) Earthquake of 1980: a New Hypothesis of Generation
- Towards a near real-time estimate of the detection capability of the global IMS infrasound network (Invited)
- Trans-Mediterranean Infrasound Propagation in Summer: Theory and Observations
- Tsunami warning in French Polynesia during the 2009 Samoa event
- Ab initio melting curve of iron at extreme pressures: implications for exoplanets' cores
- Barometric pressure forcing on radon-222 and temperature in fumarolic gases: a tool to describe flow-rate dynamics
- Field survey, modeling and free oscillations of the 2010 Chilean tsunami in the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia
- Forecasting database for the tsunami warning regional center for the western Mediterranean Sea
- High energy electron diffusion by resonant interactions with whistler waves in the inner radiation belt
- Infrasound data inversion for atmospheric remote sensing: Application to volcanic eruption signals from Vanuatu
- Long-range infrasound observations of eruptions April-May 2010 Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland and June 2009 Sarychev Peak, Kuril Islands
- Monitoring lightning from space with TARANIS
- Near Field data analysis of the Maule event by comparison between tide gauges, long base tiltmeters and broad band seismometers
- Recent enhancements of the PMCC infrasound signal detector
- Seasonal geodetic displacements in the Himalaya induced by surface load variations and implications for shallow elastic structure of the Earth
- Seasonal geodetic signals observed by the Caltech-DASE-NGS cGPS network in Nepal
- Towards an enhanced picture of the detection capability of the IMS infrasound network
- An analysis of the Infrasound Atmospheric Sounding problem
- Analytical estimates of quasi-linear diffusion coefficients and electron lifetimes in the inner radiation belt
- Coherent ambient infrasound recorded by the global IMS network
- Contribution to the top-down alert system associated with the upcoming French tsunami warning center (CENALT): tsunami hazard assessment along the French Mediterranean coast for the ALDES project
- Determination of the source time function of seismic event by blind deconvolution of regional coda wavefield: application to December 22, 2009 explosion at Kambarata, Kyrgyzstan
- Field Survey in French Polynesia and Numerical Modeling of the 11 March 2011 Japan Tsunami
- Field-scale gas tracing experiment in unsaturated fractured media: from deep injection to surface monitoring
- Forecasting database for the tsunami warning center for the western Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic basins
- How to estimate yield using remote infrasound recordings?
- Imaging the structure of the atmosphere with infrasound waves
- Imaging, radio, and modeling results pertaining to the ionospheric signature of the 11 March 2011 tsunami over the Pacific Ocean
- Incorporating numerical modelling into estimates of the detection capability of the IMS infrasound network
- Incorporation of Xe in silicates at high P and T: a mechanism for isotope fractionation and trapping at depth
- Interseismic strain accumulation across an active thrust system: an InSAR case study in the Himalaya
- Large-scale organization of metamorphic carbon dioxide discharge in the Nepal Himalayas: an evidence for earthquake induced permeability changes?
- Melting of geomaterials under high-pressure using in-situ time-resolved XRD
- Multiple detection of a "rapid" slow slip event before the March, 2011 Tohoku earthquake from regional and global ionospheric, ground GPS and oceanic DART observations
- Recent Development of Operational Infrasound Monitoring System at the Idc
- Seismic Surface-wave Tomography From Cross-correlations Of Ambient Noise At The Valhall Oil Field
- Signatures of Krakatau Tsunami Recorded by Tide Gauges along the European Atlantic Coast
- Sound velocity measurements of hcp-Fe at high pressure and high temperature: assessing the limits of the Birch's law
- Studying of Infrasonic Sources Generated by the Swell
- Synergy between infrasound, lidar and airglow layer observation networks for atmospheric studies: the ARISE project
- Three-dimensional numerical modeling of tsunami-related internal gravity waves in the Hawaiian atmosphere
- Tsunami hazard assessment in La Reunion and Mayotte Islands in the Indian Ocean : detailed modeling of tsunami impacts for the PREPARTOI project
- Use of a Pre-Computed Data Base of Tsunami Simulations for Rapid Estimation of Tsunami Amplitude: Application to the Effective Tsunami Warning of the Great Tsunami of 11 March 2011 IN French Polynesia
- A combined method for determining of the groundwater circulation in a karst aquifer based on hydrodynamic and geochemical analysis
- Absorption of inertia-gravity waves in vertically sheared rotating stratified flows
- Active faults in Lebanon : kinematics and interseismic behavior measured from radar interferometry (InSAR)
- An Overview of Peach, the Atmospheric Electricity Component of Hymex
- Characterization of high-altitude winds from infrasound observations
- Color pictures of sprites from non-dedicated observation on-board the International Space Station
- Consequences of oblique chorus waves on the loss and acceleration of trapped electrons
- Derived Image of the Rupture Process of the Great Earthquakes Using Processing of Dense Arrays
- Determination of elemental impurities and U and O isotopic compositions with a view to identify the geographical and industrial origins of uranium ore concentrates
- Earthquake depth estimations in the Padano-Emiliana North Italy Plain using regional and teleseismic data: influence on seismic properties and tectonic process understandings
- Focusing of the seismic waves at the epicenter's antipode observed with the USArray
- Global scale stratospheric processes as measured by the infrasound IMS network
- Melting curve of iron to 200 GPa
- Non-diffusive resonant acceleration of electrons in the radiation belts
- 2013 Russian Fireball Largest Ever Detected by CTBTO Infrasound Sensors (Invited)
- Ab initio equation of states for planetary and exoplanetary modeling
- Analysis of infrasound waves generated by the May 2012 earthquake sequence in Northen Italy
- Analysis of long decay periods observed from the HEO satellites in the vicinity of the slot region
- Assessing Infrasound Network Performance Using the Ambient Ocean Noise
- Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe: The ARISE Project
- Atmospheric sounding with infrasonic waves: from larger to smaller scale
- Detection of Polonium-210 on Spirit Dust Magnets and Implications for the Global Martian Dust Cycle
- Effects of chorus wave obliquity on radiation belt electron energization: dependence on geomagnetic activity
- Gas detection and migration in geological media: lessons learned from the Roselend Natural Laboratory (Invited)
- Homogenized Tomographic Models: a Tool for Efficient Numerical Modeling of Seismic Wave Propagation
- Investigation of phase transitions of iron under extreme dynamic compression with XANES measurements at LCLS
- Laser compression of Iron and Quartz relevant to planetary conditions
- Lightning characterization through acoustic and electromagnetic measurements recorded during the HyMeX SOP1 and simulation of the acoustic nonlinear propagation in realistic thunderstorm meteorological conditions
- Nonlinear wave-particle resonant interaction in the radiation belts: Landau resonance vs. fundamental cyclotron resonance
- On infrasound detector performances using data set with modeled coherence loss
- Passive monitoring of Mt. Etna and Mt. Yasur to probe the upper atmosphere
- Radon emanation during compression, fracturing and heating of granites
- Rapid inundation estimates at harbor scale using tsunami wave heights offshore simulation and coastal amplification laws
- Return period of great Himalayan earthquakes in Eastern Nepal: evidence from the Patu and Bardibas strands of the Main Frontal Thrust
- Tectonic geomorphology, aftershock relocation, and sources of the great 1950 and 1897 East Himalayan earthquakes
- Upper atmospheric processes as measured by collocated Lidar, infrasound, radiometer and airglow measurements
- a Comparative Study of Sequences of Pulses Occuring Prior to the First Stroke of a Lightning Flash
- A low-order model for long-range infrasound propagation in random atmospheric waveguides
- Assessing and optimizing infrasound network performance: application to remote volcano monitoring
- Automatic Detection and Location of Teleseismic Events with Using Usarray As a Big Antenna
- Barometric Pumping of a Fractured Porous Medium
- Big Data Solution for CTBT Monitoring Using Global Cross Correlation
- Challenges and Solutions in Reassessing Parameters of Seismic Catalog over the last 50 Years: Example of the SI-Hex Collaborative Project
- Development of a Magnitude-Scaling Law for Non-Volcanic Tremors in Cholame Near Parkfield, California
- Effect of light elements (S, Si, C, O) on liquid iron alloys structural properties under high pressure studied by XRD, XANES and molecular dynamics
- Electron Lifetimes from Narrowband Wave-Particle Interactions within the Plasmasphere
- Enhanced Method for Molybdenum Separation and Isotopic Determination in Geological Samples and Uranium-Rich Materials
- Exotic behavior of matter in the deep interiors of exoplanets
- First Laser Shock Experiment at Esrf to Probe Warm Dense Iron
- High-Order Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) Method for Wave Propagation Simulation in Complex Geophysical Media - Elastic, Acoustic and Hydro-Acoustic - an Unifying Framework to Couple Continuous Spectral Element and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods.
- How citizen seismology is transforming rapid public earthquake information: the example of LastQuake smartphone application and Twitter QuakeBot
- Listening to Ambrym Volcano (Vanuatu) By an Acoustic Array: Cyclictity in Gas Volume at an Open Vent Volcano
- Local and remote infrasound from explosive volcanism
- Melting of iron close to Earth's inner core boundary conditions detected by XANES spectroscopy in laser shock experiment
- Modeling of Tsunamis Induced by Landslides: Application in the Bay of Biscay.
- No Magnitude, No Glory !!
- Resolution analysis of the tsunami generated by the 2014 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.1 Pisagua earthquake using a simple slip model
- Transient radon release from low- and high- porosity rocks under upper crustal environment
- A Precursory Phase to a Sudden Enhanced Activity at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu) : Insights from Simultaneous Infrasonic and Seismic Records
- Acoustic Surveillance of Hazardous Eruptions (ASHE) in Asia
- Detecting and Cataloging Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network
- Global detection and localization of seismic sources by using beamforming of multiple body wave phases with USArray
- High Resolution Topography and Multiple Seismic Uplift on the Main Frontal Thrust near the Ratu River, Eastern Nepal
- High-resolution surface-rupture map and slip distribution for the 1905 M8 Tsetserleg-Bulnay, Mongolia, earthquake sequence
- Highly resolved effects of whistler-mode hiss waves in March 2013
- Integrated multidisciplinary fault observation in Marmara Through MARSite - Project Achievements
- LastQuake app: a tool for risk reduction that focuses on earthquakes that really matter to the public!
- LastQuake: a comprehensive strategy for rapid engagement of earthquake eyewitnesses, massive crowdsourcing and risk reduction
- MicroCameras and Photometers (MCP) instrument on board TARANIS satellite: scientific objectives, design, characterization results and products
- New high-order, semi-implicit Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin - Spectral Element Method (HDG-SEM) for simulation of complex wave propagation involving coupling between seismic, hydro-acoustic and infrasonic waves: numerical analysis and case studies.
- On the use of remote infrasound and seismic stations to constrain the eruptive sequence and intensity for the 2014 Kelud eruption
- Real-Time Science on Social Media: The Example of Twitter in the Minutes, Hours, Days after the 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake
- Recreating the Deep Interior Conditions of Gas Giants in the Laboratory: Phase Separation in Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures at Jovian Planet Conditions
- Refining the chemical composition of the inner core with multicomponent alloys: from first-principles to thermodynamics and seismology
- Regional and Teleseismic Source Inversion of the M7.8 Nepal Earthquake Sequence
- Revealing the Eruptive History of Volcanoes from Massive Cross-Correlation of Seismic Signal at Global Scale
- Rupture Process of the Mw=7.9 2015 Gorkha Earthquake (Nepal): Insights into Himalayan Megathrust Segmentation
- Searching for the Hydrogen Plasma Phase Transition on the National Ignition Facility
- Slip rates and ages of past earthquakes along the western Bogd and Valley-of-Lake strike slip faults (Gobi-Altay, Mongolia)
- Sub-ionospheric Propagation of Preliminary Breakdown Pulses Preceding Negative Cloud-to Ground Lightning Discharges
- Theoretical Analysis of Radial Transport in the Inner Belt and the Slot Region
- Toward Expanding Tremor Observations in the Northern San Andreas Fault System in the 1990s
- Using large meteoroids as global infrasound reference events
- Using radiosilver and plutonium isotopes to trace the dispersion of contaminated sediment in Fukushima coastal catchments
- Wave Distribution Functions of Plasmaspheric Hiss and their Effects on Radiation Belt Dynamics
- a Real-Time Earthquake Moment Tensor Scanning Code for the Antelope System (brtt, Inc)
- Absorption of Infrasounds in Mountain Wave Fields
- Analysis of the ground motions from the M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Gorkha and M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.3 Dolakha earthquakes in Nepal in 2015
- Automatic analysis of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake aftershock sequence.
- Characterizing global infrasonic ocean ambient noise
- Decaying shock studies of phase transitions in MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> systems: implications for the Super-Earths' interiors
- Global and regional volcanic infrasound from the April 2015 eruption of Calbuco, Chile
- GridMT: 4 Years of a Continuous Seismic Source Scanning in Northern California - Description, Performances, and Improvements
- Hard-rock GMPEs versus Vs30-Kappa Host-to-Target Adjustment Techniques : Why so Large Differences in High Frequency Hard-Rock Motion ?
- High pressure High Temperature X-ray studies in the laser heated diamond anvil cell - Problems and solutions -
- Influence of lightning generated whistlers on radiation belt losses in the plasmasphere.
- Long-times Series of Infrasonic Records at Open-vents Volcanoes (Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, 2003-2014): a Key to Forecast Volcanic Eruptions ?
- Magnetotelluric survey in the quest for crustal conductivities in Nepal after the Mw 7.9 Gorkha earthquake of April 25, 2015
- New optical microbarometer
- Predicting the Blockage of High Frequency Regional Seismic Phases for CTBT Monitoring
- Raman and X-Ray Investigation of High-Temperature Methane in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Reanalysis of large infrasound datasets with FLOWS
- Recent progress in nuclear test detection using infrasound technology
- Reproducing the energy-dependent structure of Earth's electron radiation belts during quiet times
- Spatial coherency of polarization properties of the seismic wavefield through the LSBB 3-component broadband array: a method for extracting seismic phases
- Statistical Study of electron flux dropouts at GEO : occurrences, magnitudes, and main driving factors
- Understanding the generation mechanisms of highly oblique lower-band chorus waves
- Along-fault variation of horizontal displacement during successive earthquakes along the strike-slip Bulnay fault, Mongolia
- BARREL observations of Energetic Electron Precipitation Associated with a Detached Plasma Region
- Characterization of organic matter in cloud waters sampled at the puy de Dôme mountain using FT-ICR-MS
- Coastal amplification laws for the French tsunami Warning Center: numerical modeling and fast estimate of tsunami wave heights along the French Riviera
- Effects of whistler mode hiss waves on the radiation belts structure during quiet times
- Giant-FOG: A new player in ground motion instrumentation
- Long-times series of infrasonic records at open-vents volcanoes (Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, 2003-2014): the remarkable temporal stability of magma viscosity
- Mapping lightning discharges on Earth with lightning-generated whistlers wave emission in space and their effects on radiation belt electrons
- Measurement of the 3-component rotational motion induced by the Norcia earthquake (30/10/2016), Italy, with the portable 3-component rotational blueSeis-3A sensor at the Low Noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB), Rustrel, France
- MicroCameras and Photometers (MCP) on board the TARANIS satellite
- Neoclassical diffusion at low L-shel
- New Optical Microbarometer
- Teleseismic and regional data analysis for estimating depth, mechanism and rupture process of the 3 April 2017 M<SUB>W</SUB> 6.5 Botswana earthquake and its aftershock (5 April 2017, M<SUB>W</SUB> 4.5)
- The Analytical Solution of the Transient Radial Diffusion Equation with a Nonuniform Loss Term.
- The M6 1799 Vendée intraplate earthquake (France) : characterizing the active fault with a multidisciplinary approach.
- Transient radon signals driven by fluid pressure pulse, micro-crack closure, and failure during granite deformation experiments
- A double medium approach to simulate groundwater level variations in a fissured karst aquifer
- Assessing the consistency of data-driven whistler mode hiss wave scattering effects during storm-recovery via dedicated error metrics
- Characterizing ocean ambient noise using infrasound network
- Corrections of Unwrapping Errors, Tropospheric and Ionospheric Effects on SAR Interferometry: Application to the Central Segment of the North Anatolian Fault
- Estimating the ground motion distribution of the 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice, Italy earthquake using remote infrasound observations
- First Observations of Lightning Associated with TGFs by ASIM on the International Space Station
- IONOGLOW: new insight for ionospheric detection of tsunamis by airglow camera from space
- Maps and statistics of lightning-generated power estimated at the Van Allen Probes footprints from the World-Wide Lightning Location Network database
- Observations of Lightning, TLEs and TGFs with ASIM on the International Space Station
- On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times
- Properties of intense field-aligned lower-band chorus waves: Implications for nonlinear wave-particle interactions
- Recent activity on the Main Boundary Thrust in western Nepal: implications for mechanics of the Himalayan thrust system
- The observable macroscopic effects of nonlinear wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in the outer radiation belt
- The properties of chorus waves effective for wave-particle interactions in the outer radiation belts
- 25,000 Years Long Earthquake Cycle in Slow Deforming Continental Region: The M7 1967 Mogod (Mongolia) Event
- Characterizing ocean ambient noise using a regional infrasound network: a sensitivity analysis
- Discussing the Formation of Artificial Phase Space Density Peaks in the Outer Radiation Belt During Storms
- Evidence for Crustal Extension in the Main Himalayan Thrust Hanging Wall During the Latest Great Himalayan Earthquake in Western Nepal
- Feasibility analysis and Implementation of a Rapid Moment Tensor Algorithm (GRiD MT) for Earthquake Monitoring and Tsunami Warning at French Tsunami Warning Center
- In-situ and Real Time 2D Temperature Mapping Using 4 Color Pyrometry at the Beamline PSICHE, Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Infrasound from coastally-reflected ocean waves recorded on a stratospheric balloon
- Investigation on HF-VHF Electromagnetic Emissions from Collision of Sprite Streamers
- Local and Statistical Maps of Lightning-Generated Wave Power Density Estimated at the Van Allen Probes Footprints From the World-Wide Lightning Location Network Database
- Monitoring of environmental radioactivity by airborne gamma-ray spectrometry : results of a long-term, multi-instrument field survey.
- Nonlinear resonant interaction of electrons with intense field-aligned chorus waves
- Observing and Modeling the Ocean Ambient Noise: Comparison of Co-Localized Microseism and Microbarom Signals
- Occurrence Rates of Nonlinear Electron Interaction with Intense Chorus Waves
- Physical, Chemical and Biological Controls on Surface-gas Fluxes Quantified With High-resolution Monitoring of Multiple Tracers.
- Seismicity in Far Western Nepal reveals flats and ramps along the Main Himalayan Thrust
- Source size and surface expression of the 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake
- Structural transition in liquid FeO
- The model of outer radiation belt electron lifetimes based on combined Van Allen Probes and Cluster VLF measurements
- The nonlinear wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in the outer radiation belt
- Characteristic variations in offset and deformations for the last two great earthquakes along the Bulnay fault, Mongolia
- Constraining the Depth of the Winds on Uranus and Neptune via Ohmic Dissipation
- Coseismic Slip Distribution and Earthquake Recurrence Along the Bulnay-Tsetserleg Fault Zone (Mongolia) : Insights From UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Paleoseismology
- Electron dropout events and flux enhancements associated with geomagnetic storms observed by PROBA-V/EPT from 2013 to 2019
- Energy Transport in a Multiple-Scattering Crustal Waveguide: Role of Polarization
- Evaluating microbarom source models using infrasound recorded on a stratospheric balloon
- Hematite phase diagram under laser shock compression
- In-depth seismo-acoustic analysis of mining-induced Mw 4.9 Kiruna earthquake
- Lightning Generated Whistler Amplitudes Measured by the Van Allen Probes
- Metamodel-based Bayesian localization of infrasound sources
- Observation of High-Energy Electrons Precipitated by NWC Transmitter from PROBA-V Low-Earth Orbit Satellite
- Outer radiation belt electron lifetime model based on combined Van Allen Probes and Cluster VLF measurements
- Rapid Frequency Variations within Intense Chorus Wave Packets: Constraints on the Nonlinear Resonant Electron Acceleration
- Recent Results on the Understanding of Earth's Double Outer Radiation Belt Events and Remnant Belt confinement
- Seismo-acoustic characterization of the 2019 Stromboli volcano paroxysm events
- Source identification of extreme event deposits in the Lesser Antilles using forward numerical modeling of tsunami wave propagation and sediment transport
- Temporal Evolution of Near-Slot Precipitation Events During and After Slot-Filling Injections
- The association between slot-filling injections and subauroral (STEVE) emissions
- Tsunami Hazard Associated to Earthquakes along the French Coastlines. Probabilistic Approach and Sensibility.
- Characteristics of the drift rate of the rising tone chorus waves measured by the Van Allen Probes
- ELFIN Observations of Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Nonlinear Landau Resonance with Oblique Whistler Waves
- Electrical conductivity and optical properties of hydrogen-helium mixtures in giant planet interiors
- Evaluating long range middle atmospheric variability for global infrasound monitoring
- Feasibility analysis of grid search moment tensor inversions for the rapid detection and characterization of seismic events in southeastern France: outcomes and source uncertainties
- Infrasound stratospheric guiding and propagation simulations investigated using high-resolution global models resolving gravity waves
- Loss mechanisms in the radiation belts: comparing dropouts and flux decays simulated and observed by PROBA-V/EPT and Van Allen Probes/MagEIS
- Machine Learning Methods Applied to the Global Modeling of Event-Driven Pitch Angle Diffusion Coefficients During High-Speed Streams
- Magnetospheric conditions and particle injections conjugate to STEVE
- New IMS Broadband Bulletin Products for Atmospheric Studies and Civilian Applications
- Persistent segmentation of the seismicity across seismic cycle at the downdip end of the seismogenic zone : the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal
- Propagation and dispersion of lightning-generated whistlers measured from the Van Allen Probes
- Quantifying the Total Radiation Belt Electron Content
- SIS1 New infrasound sensor designed by CEA & SEISMO WAVE
- The Extreme Electromagnetic Power of Lightning Superbolts on Earth and in Space
- A new cold electron density model for the inner plasmasphere and its effect on wave particle interactions
- Adaptive physics-informed deep learning for the parameterization of orographic gravity waves
- Balloon-borne observations of infrasound waves from the January 2022 eruption of the Hunga volcano, Tonga
- Bursty energetic electron precipitation by high-order resonance with very-oblique whistler-mode waves
- Characteristics and Variabilities of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Lightning Measured from Space by the Van Allen Probes
- Earthquake Source and Tsunami Analysis of the Mw 6.0 Event Offshore Bejaia (Algeria) on March 18, 2021
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Patterns in Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Equilibrium disruption and enhancement of inner belt electron decay rates
- Exploring Physical Properties and Processing Choices at the Origin of Misclosure and Associated Biases in InSAR Time Series: a Case Study in Normandie (France)
- Infrasound-driven stochastic gravity wave parameterizations
- Inner belt wisp precipitation measured by ELFIN: regimes of energetic electron scattering by VLF transmitter waves
- Machine Learning Opportunities to Reduce the Dimensionality of Uncertain Complex Geophysical Media
- Nonresonant scattering of relativistic electrons by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in Earth's radiation belts
- On a Contribution of Nonlinear Resonant Effects to Diffusion Rates
- Plasmapause and dense outer edge of the plasmasphere from Van Allen Probes EFW and EMFISIS measurements for radiation belt modeling
- Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation using the Total Radiation Belt Electron Content
- Seismoacoustic Source Inversion of the 2020 Beirut Explosion
- Separation of source, attenuation and site parameters of 2 moderate earthquakes in France: an elastic radiative transfer approach
- Simulation of Fine Scale Structures in the Magnetotail during Long High-Speed Stream Events
- Spatial distribution of plasma waves statistically revealed by the PWE/OFA aboard Arase
- The Multi-Channel Maximum-Likelihood (MCML) method: a new approach for infrasound detection and wave parameter estimation
- Towards a reference attenuation map of Metropolitan France from a complete modeling of seismogram envelopes
- Training a recurrent neural network (RNN) to predict long-range infrasound ground-to-ground transmission loss in range-dependent realistic atmospheres
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Matsuoka
- Adam Michael
- Alain Hauchecorne
- Alexis Le Pichon
- Audrey Gailler
- Aurélien Podglajen
- C. A. Kletzing
- Claudia Christine Stephan
- Constantino Listowski
- D. M. Gillies
- D. Malaspina
- D. P. Hartley
- Dmitri Vainchtein
- E. H. Lay
- Enrico Camporeale
- Ethan Tsai
- F. Tsuchiya
- François Soubiran
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. Cunningham
- G. D. Reeves
- I. Shinohara
- J. F. Ripoll
- J. M. Broll
- J. R. Wygant
- Jacob Bortnik
- Kareem Sorathia
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- L. Gan
- Lars Ceranna
- M. Gołkowski
- M. Kitahara
- Marine Ménager
- O. Santolı́k
- Oleksiy Agapitov
- Patrick Hupe
- Q. Ma
- Quentin Brissaud
- Robin S. Matoza
- Romain Jolivet
- S. A. Thaller
- S. G. Claudepierre
- Shoya Matsuda
- Solène Lejosne
- Sophie Lambotte
- Sven Peter Näsholm
- T. Vinci
- Thomas Farges
- Ulrich Achatz
- V. G. Merkin
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Viviane Pierrard
- W. S. Kurth
- Xiaojia Zhang
- Xin An
- Yangyang Shen
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- А. V. Artemyev