Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory
flowchart I[Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (86)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (74)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Auroras Now! - Auroral nowcasting service for Hotels in Finnish Lapland and its performance during winter 2003-2004
- Low cloud amount and cosmic ray induced ionization: Correlated latitudinal variations
- ALPASS - Passive seismic monitoring in the Eastern Alps
- The Effects of the January 2005 Solar Events on the Middle Atmosphere
- The importance of atmospheric precipitation in storm-time relativistic electron flux drop outs: Observations of the January 21, 2005 Event
- What is Unusual About the 2005 January 20 SEP Event?
- Crust-mantle boundary in the central Fennoscandian shield: constraints from wide-angle P- and S-wave velocity models and new results of reflection profiling in Finland
- Evaluation of synthetic crustal geoid for the territory of Poland
- Fabrics of Precambrian Mantle Lithosphere - an Evidence for Early Plate Tectonics?
- Mesospheric Production of Odd Hydrogen During the January 2005 Solar Proton Event
- POLENET/LAPNET- a multidisciplinary geophysical experiment in northern Fennoscandia during IPY 2007-2008
- Sudden stratospheric vertical electric field fluctuations over Antarctica during a hard solar energetic particle event.
- Parameterization of a cross polar cap potential decrease during a hard solar energetic particle event using the Hill saturation model
- Radiation belt electron precipitation into the atmosphere: recovery from a geomagnetic storm
- Sprite-generated Infrasonic Chirps
- Characteristics of the Lower Thermosphere and Ionospheric D Region Deduced From High Time-Resolution Sporadic E-Layer Data During the Solar Eclipse of August 1, 2008
- 3-D crustal velocity model for Lithuania and its application to local event studies
- Atmospheric Data over a Solar Cycle: No Connection between Galactic Cosmic Rays and Particle Formation in Boreal Forest
- Cusp-related Pc3-5 Wave Activity
- EMIC Waves Observed During the July 2009 Geomagnetic Storm
- On the definition of geomagnetic activity: Case study at the auroral Sodankylä station
- Dependence of spectral width of polar cap HF echoes upon electric field
- Electrodynamics of high-latitude auroral arcs
- Ground-based estimates of outer radiation belt energetic electron precipitation fluxes into the atmosphere
- Monitoring of glacial seismic events from Greenland at regional distances: experience from the POLENET/LAPNET experiment during the IPY 2007-2009
- Satellite and ground based observations of a large-scale electron precipitation event
- Simultaneous Traveling Convection Vortex (TCV) Events and Pc 1-2 Wave Bursts at Cusp/Cleft Latitudes observed in Arctic Canada and Svalbard
- Solar Energetic Events and the Statistics of the Most Extreme Space Weather
- Sprite NOx perturbations in the WACCM climate-chemistry model
- Glacial seismic events from Greenland recorded by the POLENET/LAPNET seismic array during the IPY 2007-2009
- Hot Precursor Ejecta and Other Peculiarities of the 2012 May 17 Ground Level Enhancement Event
- Structure of the upper mantle beneath the northern Fennoscandian Shield revealed by high-resolution teleseismic P-wave traveltime tomography
- Automated real-time monitoring of the plasmasphere by means of ground-based magnetometer arrays in Europe and South Africa
- Compression-related EMIC waves and associated precipitation of relativistic electrons
- Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON
- Long-Period ULF Wave Activity in the Cusp Region
- Relationship between energy of ULF pulsations, Kp indices and some solar wind parameters
- Connection between high-latitude arcs and the low-latitude boundary layer during periods of northward IMF
- Eastward Propagating Auroral Vortices Observed in the Post-Midnight Sector
- Ground and satellite observations of multiple sun-aligned auroral arcs on the duskside
- Meteor Smoke Particles in the D-Region Ionosphere - Implications from the Sic Model on Ions and Other Neutrals
- Van Allen Probes, NOAA, and Ground Observations of an Intense Pc 1 Wave Event Extending 12 Hours in MLT
- Climatology of high-latitude ionospheric scintillation based on 38.2 MHz IRIS riometer measurements in Northern Finland
- Wide energy electron precipitations and their impact on the middle atmosphere associated with the pulsating aurora
- Dominant loss mechanisms in the radiation belts
- Investigating the Contribution of High-Energy Precipitation During Pulsating Aurora: KAIRA and Optical Data Comparison
- Magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling process in the auroral region estimated from auroral tomography
- Statistical study of magnetospheric ELF/VLF emissions simultaneously observed at Canada, Finland, and Syowa Station.
- Superposed Epoch Studies of the Response of the High-Latitude Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System to Solar Wind High-Speed Stream Driving
- Atmospheric Signatures and Effects of Space-based Relativistic Electron Beam Injection
- EMIC wave events during the four QARBM challenge intervals
- Energetic electron precipitation and auroral morphology at the substorm recovery phase
- Enhanced Research Opportunity to Study the Atmospheric Forcing by High-Energy Particle Precipitation at High Latitudes: Emerging New Satellite Data and the new Ground-Based Observations in Northern Scandinavia, including the EISCAT_3D Incoherent Scatter Facility.
- Multi-point observations of VLF quasi-periodic emissions: Results from Arase, PWING and Van Allen Probes.
- Wide energy electron precipitations associated with chorus waves; Initial observations from Arase and ground-based observations
- Dynamics of the polar thermospheric wind and substorm phases
- Electron Energy Spectrum Estimation from Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
- Large scale ducting of Pc1 pulsations observed by Swarm satellites and multiple ground networks
- Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Ozone and the Polar Vortex: SPEs and SSWs
- Origin of hierarchical temporal variation in pulsating aurora
- Polarization electric field inside auroral patches: Simultaneous experiment of EISCAT radars and KAIRA
- Quantifying propagation of ELF/VLF waves using Kannuslehto and Arase conjunctions
- Recent results on the SAR arcs and ULF/ELF/VLF waves in the inner magnetosphere from the ground-based PWING longitudinal network at subauroral latitudes
- Study of longitudinal extent of magnetospheric ELF/VLF waves using multipoint PWING ground stations at subauroral latitudes
- Ionosphere research with Suomi100 cubesatellite's radio wave spectrometer
- Simultaneous observations of quasiperiodic emissions by spacecraft and ground-based instruments
- Statistical survey of Energetic Electron Precipitation events using coordinate observations from Arase and ground Riometer network
- An event study of the M-I-T coupling at a pseudo breakup during geomagnetically quiet conditions
- Measuring global signals in the atmospheric electric field at high latitude sites
- Statistical study on recently discovered high frequency emissions at Kannuslehto, Finland.
- Assessing the spatial variability of mesosphere/lower thermospheric winds from multi-static meteor radar networks applying tomographic retrievals with a 3DVAR algorithm
- Comparing interhemispheric differences of mesosphere/lower thermosphere dynamics from ground-based observations and three general circulation models
- Delay of the thermospheric wind response to a sudden westward turning of the ionospheric velocity at a pseudo breakup and irresistible force of the thermosphere in the energy dissipation process
- Ionospheric and auroral research research with the Suomi 100 nanosatellite, EISCAT HF facility and all-sky cameras
- Ray tracing study on magnetospheric propagation and ionospheric exit point of multiple VLF conjugate events between Arase and Kannuslehto, Finland.
- Reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure and precipitating electrons of pulsating auroras by Aurora Computed Tomography
- Role of ULF waves in relativistic electron loss by whistler-mode wave scattering
- Statistical study of longitudinal extent of Pc1 pulsations using seven PWING ground stations at subauroral latitudes
- The Fall-effect in VLF Amplitudes and Mesospheric Temperature
- AC Global Circuit Variation over 19 Consecutive Days
- Constraining the Size and Duration of Microburst-producing Chorus Regions: A Statistical Study of Low- and High- Altitude Observations
- HF Sounding Using Software Defined Radio
- Propagation of VLF conjugated events at sub-auroral latitudes from multi-point observations in Fennoscandia and the inner magnetosphere
- Relativistic electron precipitations by chorus waves and its impacts on the middle atmosphere: Conjugate observations by the Arase satellite and EISCAT radar
- Vertical wind observations from multi-static meteor radar networks considering the continuity equation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Halford
- A. Kumamoto
- A. W. Breneman
- Alan Liu
- Alex T. Chartier
- Atsuki Shinbori
- C. A. Cattell
- C. A. Colpitts
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Ciarán Beggan
- Claudia Martinez-Calderon
- Daniel R. Marsh
- Diego Janches
- Edith L. Macotela
- Esa Kallio
- F. Tsuchiya
- Guiping Liu
- Gunter Stober
- Hanli Liu
- Heikki Vanhamäki
- Huixin Liu
- I. Shinohara
- Ilya Usoskin
- J. G. Sample
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jorge L. Chau
- Joshua Pettit
- Juha Vierinen
- József Bór
- K. Hosokawa
- K. Keika
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazushi Asamura
- Lei Cai
- M. Kitahara
- M. Nosé
- Martin Connors
- Michael Stock
- Miroslav Hanzelka
- Mitsunori Ozaki
- Mizuki Fukizawa
- N. A. Frissell
- N. M. Pedatella
- Noora Partamies
- O. Santolı́k
- P. J. Espy
- Pekka T. Verronen
- Péter Steinbach
- R. Järvinen
- R. S. Lieberman
- R. Said
- Rachel A. Osten
- Sadie Elliott
- Satoko Nakamura
- Satoshi Kasahara
- Satoshi Kurita
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Shin‐ichiro Oyama
- Shoya Matsuda
- T. Sergienko
- Takuo T. Tsuda
- Thomas Ulich
- Tomoaki Hori
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Xiaojia Zhang
- Y. Ogawa
- Yakun Liu
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yuichi Otsuka
- Yutai Katoh
- Zishun Qiao
- А. V. Artemyev