University of Sheffield, UK
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- University of Sheffield, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
- University of Sheffield, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A transient carbon cycle event across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary ?
- First Results of the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations Experiment (STAFF) of Cluster
- A New Model for Scaling from Leaf Lifespan to Conifer Forest Structure and Function
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamics During the Holocene Revealed by Stomatal Frequency Analysis
- Dynamic Shock Modelling: MHD With Hysteresis Resistivity and Viscosity
- Feedback of atmospheric chemistry, via CH4, on the Eocene climate
- Spatial Dynamics of Nitrogen Hydrochemistry in a North Pennines (UK) Ecosystem
- Carbon isotope evidence for increased levels of multiple greenhouse gasses during the initial Eocene thermal maximum
- Delineating Reactive Natural Attenuation Zones: Multi-level Sampling in an Ammonium Plume
- Global warming in the early Eocene: was it driven by carbon dioxide?
- Helium ion Measurements From the Arecibo Incoherent Scatter Radar and the DMSP Satelites
- IntCal04: A New Consensus Radiocarbon Calibration Dataset from 0-26 ka BP
- Intensity Oscillations in the upper transition region above active region plage
- Magnetospheric Cusp Observed by Cluster on 18 April 2002
- Mesosphere Thermosphere Experiments for Coupling Studies
- The Dynamics and Characteristics of Aeolian Dust in Dryland Central Asia: Possible Impacts on Respiratory Health in the Aral Sea Basin
- Vertical Transverse Dispersion Controls the Natural Attenuation of Spatially Variable Plumes
- A Dipole Flow In Situ Reactor: Initial Modeling and Experimental Results
- Aspects of Numerical Simulation of DNAPLs in Fractured Bedrock
- Cluster Observations of Cusp Population by Solar Wind Compression
- Cretaceous records of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from fossil conifers
- ENSO controls on dust emissions from large ephemeral lakes
- First Simultaneous MLT and Thermospheric F-region Observations
- Ice Core Evidence of Recent Changes in Summer Melt Intensity of the Southern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Is Global Warming Melting the Greenland Ice Sheet?
- Isotopic Evolution of Soil Organic Matter Affects Paleo-vegetation and Paleo-pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Reconstructions
- Kp forecast models
- Modeling the dynamic plasmapause and plasmaspheric refilling
- Monitoring and Assessing Environmental Controls on Blowing Dust in Dryland Central Asia
- Seasonal Dependence of the Low-Latitude Ionosphere Response to Magnetic Storms
- Snow Accumulation, Ice Discharge and Mass Balance in Greenland and Antarctica from GRACE
- Acceleration and retreat of Kangerdluggsuaq glacier, East Greenland from ERS and Envisat SAR feature tracking
- Acoustic Wave Propagation in the Solar Subphotosphere
- Analytical Models for Plumes With Biodegradation in Both Fringe and Core
- Biogeochemical Linkages at Landscape Scales
- Cluster Cusp Crossing on 18 April 2002
- Design of Zero-Valent Iron Fracture Reactive Barriers for Remediating a TCE Plume in a Chalk Aquifer
- Dramatic Changes in the Flow Velocity of Helheim Glacier, SE Greenland: a Result of Climate Forcing?
- Experimental visualization and modeling of biodegradation at the plume fringe gradient
- Is global warming apparent from Greenland and Iceland air and sea temperature records?
- Multi-point Observations of the Waveform and Propagation of Lion Roars
- Nonlinear wave time dependent dynamic evolution in solar flux tubes
- On the Characteristic Time Scales of Storm-time Coupling Between the Plasmasphere, Ionosphere, and Electrodynamics
- Resonantly damped coronal loop oscillations
- Sediment Budgets, Scale and the Fallacy of the Sediment-Delivery Problem
- Separating climatic and human impacts in the early Holocene: biotic response around the time of the 8200 cal. yr BP event
- The Influence of Relative Submergence on the Near-bed Flow Field: Implications for Bed-load Transport
- What Processes can Damp Waves in Quiescent Prominences ?
- What do we learn form the combined study of CLUSTER and DSP U/ELF waves at the magnetopause and in the tail?
- A New Daily Pressure Variability Index as a Measure of Northern North Atlantic Storminess 1823-2005 and a Complement to Traditional NAO Indices.
- Antarctic temperatures over the past two centuries from ice cores
- Direct in Situ Measurements of Current Density Variations in the Ionosphere by Using the Current Density Probe Rogowski Coil Onboard Sych 1M Satellite
- Envisat ASAR Global Monitoring Mode: A New Approach to Monitoring Climate-Induced Change on the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
- Future Vegetation Damages from Ozone Pollution: Implication for the Carbon Cycle
- Modelling Methane Variations in the Past: Examples of Warm and Cold Climates
- Non-temperate glaciers: should the `Shrevian ideal' be reassessed?
- Nonlinear processes in the foreshock turbulence
- Quantitative Measurement of Colloid and Microbe Transport in Unsaturated Sand at Meso- Scale Using UV-Fluorescence Imaging
- Statistical properties of H-alpha and HXR flares in the cycle 23 in relation to sunspots and active regions detected from the Solar Feature Catalogues
- Subglacial Sediment Transport of a Marine Ice Stream During the Late Glacial Maximum, Northern North Sea
- The Empirical Basis for Modelling Soil Erosion
- The Impact of Permafrost and Ice Thermodynamics on Ice Marginal Hydrology of Polythermal Glaciers
- Valley Cross-section Characteristics in Glacial and Fluvial Landscapes
- Variability And Uncertainty Analysis Of Contaminant Transport Model Using Fuzzy Latin Hypercube Sampling Technique
- None
- Biologically-Mediated Weathering of Minerals From Nanometre Scale to Environmental Systems
- Concentrations of Aerosol related Particulate Matter and its darkening of Arctic Glacier Ice Surfaces
- Elucidating the Holocene Relative Sea-Level History of the US Atlantic Coast
- Estimating snow depth, snow water equivalent, and stratigraphy at high resolution using microwave radar
- Ground-Based Radar Measurements of the Northern Colorado Snowpack at CLPX- II
- Nonlinear Mirror Waves in Space Plasmas
- Oceanic And Terrestrial Controls On Chlorophyll -a Abundance Around The Island Of Okinawa, Japan
- Spring phenology in taiga and tundra
- Stability of the Stratospheric Ozone Shield During the End-Permian Mass Extinction
- Storm-time ionospheric electron density structures simulated by coupled model runs at mid- and low-latitudes
- Subcritical Shocks With Kinematic Relaxation
- The Fine Structure of Ion-sound Turbulence Observed in the Terrestrial Bow Shock Transition Layer
- Venus Express Magnetometer Observations: Global Vortices at the Ionopause
- Venus Express Observes a New Type of Subcritical Shock With Pure Kinematic Relaxation
- A 'Turing' Test for Landscape Evolution Models
- A geomorphological overview of glacial landforms on the Icelandic continental shelf
- A mechanistic, globally-applicable model of plant nitrogen uptake, retranslocation and fixation
- Aspects of Non-Newtonian Viscoelastic Deformation Produced by Slip on a Major Strike- slip Fault
- Chemical Composition Measurement of Cosmic Dust from Impact Generated Plasmas
- Climatic Consequences of Barents Ice Sheet Collapse During the Last Glaciation: Comparison With Other Release Locations
- Do Changes in Connectivity Explain Desertification?
- Drumlins in reverse gear: observations against the relationship between drumlin stoss and lee asymmetry and flow direction
- Dynamics and Resilience of Desert Ecosystems under Changing Climate
- Generation of a Solar Cycle of Sunspot Metadata Using the AIA Event Detection Framework - A Test of the System
- Greenland Ice Sheet Summer Mass Losses from GRACE, Passive Microwave and Modeling Results.
- High resolution ground-based snow measurements during the NASA CLPX-II campaign, North Slope, Alaska
- Hydrologic response of the Greenland Ice sheet: the role of oceanographic warming
- Land use Change, CO2 Suppression, and Anthropogenic Forcing - Impacts on Isoprene and the Chemical Composition of the Troposphere
- Late Ordovician land plant spore 13C fractionation records atmospheric CO2 and climate change
- Linking Environmental Régimes, Space and Time: Interpretations of Structural and Functional Connectivity
- Mackenzie Glacial Outburst Floods into the Arctic Ocean 13,000-10,000 Years ago
- Nonlinear dynamics of mirror instability
- Observing Microscale Variations in Snow Stratigraphy Using Near Infra-red Photography
- Particle movement by interrill erosion and 137Cs loss based on the transport distance model
- Reflex Project: Using Model-Data Fusion to Characterize Confidence in Analyzes and Forecasts of Terrestrial C Dynamics
- Seasonal Evolution of Supra-glacial Lakes Across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Testing a numerical model of ribbed moraine formation arising from an instability in the coupled flow of ice and subglacial sediment
- The Dipole Flow and Reactive Tracer Test for Aquifer Parameter Estimation
- Using NIR Photography to Document Snow Stratigraphy Quickly: Lessons from Three Field Campaigns
- Venus Express observations of solar wind magnetic field draping around Venus
- Wetland Methane Emission Response to Last Glacial Maximum Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration
- What lies beneath? New perspectives on the deep icy biosphere
- Energy Redistribution at Shocks: Known and Unknown (Invited)
- Field-based study of connectivity in an agricultural catchment
- Last deglaciation of the North Sea region
- Late Quaternary ice extent in Far NE Russia
- Mass spectra of organic and inorganic dust particles measured by an impact ionization mass analyzer instrument
- Mesocosm-Scale Experimental Quantification of Plant-Fungi Associations on Carbon Fluxes and Mineral Weathering
- Ocean regulation of glacier dynamics in south-east Greenland and implication for ice sheet mass changes
- Pattern and timing of retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet
- Polar terrestrial ecosystems, permafrost, and extreme warm paleoclimate dynamics (Invited)
- Relative Magnitude and Timing of Mass Change Mechanisms on the Greenland Ice Sheet from GRACE and Surface Mass Balance Models
- Seasonal and spatial variations in ice velocity, South-West Greenland
- Symptoms of change in multi-scale observations of arctic ecosystem carbon cycling
- The Biological Currency of Climate Change Effects?
- The Sub-Arctic Carbon Cycle: Assimilating Multi-Scale Chamber, Tower and Aircraft Flux Observations into Ecological Models
- The Torsional Oscillation and the Solar Minimum
- The internal dynamics and magnetism of the sun -- the perspective from global helioseismology (Invited)
- Age and origin of ice-rich Yedoma silts at Duvanny Yar, northeast Siberia: a record of Beringian environmental change since the last interglacial
- Biogeochemistry of meltwater in the High Arctic with an emphasis on N species: A nested catchment approach
- Contributions of biological domains to nitrogen biogeochemical cycling in a High Arctic glacial ecosystem during summer melt
- Directing Environmental Science towards Disease Surveillance Objectives: Waterborne Pathogens in the Developed World
- Do glaciers reset their beds? Investigating the effects of glacial shearing on the luminescence of subglacial sediment
- Ecohydrological Consequences of Grasses Invading Shrublands: A Comparison of Cold and Warm Deserts
- Exploring the mobility of cryoconite on High-Arctic glaciers
- Hyperthermals and orbitally paced permafrost soil organic carbon dynamics
- Imaging on a Shoestring: Cost-Effective Technologies for Probing Vadose Zone Transport Processes
- Modelling the impacts of abrupt AMOC changes on terrestrial methane emissions
- Observations of Low Frequency Waves in the Magnetosheath of Venus
- Studying Uncertainty in Palaeoclimate Reconstruction: a framework for research
- Testing the instability hypothesis for the formation of drumlins
- The Heidelberg Dust Accelerator: Investigating Hypervelocity Particle Impacts
- An evaluation of a combined scanning probe and optical microscope for lunar regolith studies
- Bayesian Palaeoclimate Reconstruction with Marginal Mixture Posteriors and Predictive Processes
- Convergent Cenozoic CO<SUB>2</SUB> history
- Experimental Investigation of Particle Detachment by Raindrop Impact: Three-Dimensional Measurements of Particle Trajectory and Velocity
- Exploiting the natural dispersion of single crystal fragment (U-Th)/He age determinations using a new inverse approach to deriving thermal history information
- Geological constraints on Earth system sensitivity to CO<SUB>2</SUB> during glacial and non-glacial times
- Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance 1870 to 2010 based on Twentieth Century Reanalysis, and links with global climate forcing
- Hydrological control on carbon export and cycling in three subarctic micro-catchments
- Multipoint Cluster Measurements: Observations of Chorus Waves and Fine Plasma Structures
- On the internal flow velocity of snow avalanches
- Plant and mycorrhizal weathering at the laboratory mesocosm scale
- Sensitivity of palaeo-ice-stream retreat patterns to ice-ocean interactions and topography: a test of the marine ice sheet instability hypothesis
- Simulating sediment transport on a hillslope: a marker-in-cell model
- Statistical Study of high energy fluxes at GSO:Building on ERR results
- Atmospheric Blocking as a Mechanism for Arctic-Subarctic Linkages
- Dust emission dynamics and source area variability: field measurements for climate modelling
- Global vegetation responses to selected CMIP5 climate model projections: results from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP)
- Greenland ice sheet hydrology: insights from an isotope mixing model during the 2011 and 2012 melt seasons
- High Resolution Radar Measurements of Snow Avalanches
- Kinematic waves in polar firn stratigraphy
- Longitudinal Variation in GPS -TEC and Topside Electron Density Associated with the Wave Number Four Structures over South American Sector
- Microbial Cell Budget of a High-Arctic Supraglacial Catchment
- Microbial carbon and nitrogen fixation on the surface of glaciers and ice sheets
- Response of Himalayan debris-covered glaciers to climate warming: from observations to predictive modeling
- Single event upsets observed on the Cluster and Double Star Spacecraft
- Speed-up of a land-terminating margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet in contrasting melt years
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The last ice-sheet advance and retreat across the Antarctic continental shelf: Synchrony or diachrony?
- Virus activity on the surface of glaciers and ice sheets
- 100% Retention of Snowpack Derived Nitrogen Over 10 Years in High Arctic Tundra
- A Coupled Ocean-Iceberg Model Over The 20th Century: Iceberg Flux At 48°N As A Proxy For Greenland Iceberg Discharge
- A High-Resolution Sensor Network for Monitoring Glacier Dynamics
- A new high-resolution Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance series from 1870 to 2012 and comparison with GRACE/Envisat data of ice-sheet mass/surface elevation change
- Adaptation of soil microbial activity will accelerate the climate change induced release of C from the world's soils
- African tropical rainforest net CO2 fluxes in the 20th century
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- Archaeomagnetic Dating of Bronze Age Pottery in Syria: New Intensity Data for 2300 to 1000 BCE
- Are climate signals observed in the 3-D ice surface geometry of mountain glaciers?
- Chamber and Diffusive Based Carbon Flux Measurements in an Alaskan Arctic Ecosystem
- Cluster Inner Magnetosphere Campaign: Multispacecraft Observations of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Evaluating CO2 and CH4 fluxes in Arctic peatland and tundra using a satellite remote sensing driven biophysical model
- Expanding Spatial and Temporal Coverage of Arctic CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes
- From wetlands to sauropods (?) and cold seeps: New perspectives on methane cycling in the Phanerozoic (Invited)
- Greenland Ice sheet mass balance from satellite and airborne altimetry
- High-Resolution Monitoring of Glacier Dynamics During Calving Events at Helheim Glacier South-East Greenland
- High-resolution chronology of the Mekong delta coast for characterizing and predicting decadal to centennial changes
- Influence of Plant Communities on Active Layer Depth in Unburned and Post-fire Forest
- Influence of future climate and cropland expansion on isoprene emissions and tropospheric ozone
- Interactive effects of temperature and exo-enzyme age on substrate decay vary between C- and N-acquiring enzymes (Invited)
- Investigating hydrologic controls on glacier velocity using <SUP>222</SUP>Rn as a proxy for variable subglacial pressure
- Magnetic studies of archaeological obsidian: Variability of eruptive conditions within obsidian flows is key to high-resolution artifact sourcing (Invited)
- Multi-proxy evidence of a mid-Holocene shift in the climatic system of Maritime Canada at ca. 6.8 ka BP
- Nitrogen Accumulation and Partitioning in High Arctic Tundra from Extreme Atmospheric N Deposition Events
- Novel application of physiological theory and statistical modelling to the reconstruction of Phanerozoic atmospheric CO2 concentration
- On the increase and decay of the electron fluxes at GEO
- Predictive modelling of (palaeo-)subglacial lake locations and their meltwater drainage routeways
- Providing a challenge for isotope-enabled models: stable isotopic analysis of Sphagnum alpha-cellulose from raised peat bogs
- Scalabiliity of the Leeds Dynamo Code for Geodynamo Simulations
- Seasonal SAM Zonal Asymmetries and their Connection to Antarctic Temperature Variability
- Seasonal variability and trends in coastal upwelling across the Northwest African coastline, 1981-2012
- Spatial Scales and Structure of Dipolarisation Fronts using Multispaceraft Observations
- Temporal Dynamics of Sodic Playa Salt Crust Patterns: Implications for Aeolian Dust Emission Potential
- Testing the influence of subglacial erosion on the long-term evolution and stability of continental ice sheets using numerical modelling
- The Importance of Simulating Changes in Topography in Process-based Soil Erosion Modelling: Implications for Landscape-Evolution Modelling
- The Prediction of Drought-Related Tree Mortality in Vegetation Models
- The assessments of uncertainties in global vegetation and soil carbon projections in ISI-MIP study
- The response of the Southern Annular Mode to volcanic eruptions (Invited)
- Unexceptional dynamic response of the Greenland ice sheet to exceptional climate forcing
- Vegetation turnover and nitrogen feedback drive temperate forest carbon sequestration in response to elevated CO[2]. A multi-model structural analysis
- A Freshwater Starvation Mechanism for Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles
- Assessing the prehistoric shoreline changes of the Mekong delta, Vietnam
- Constraining Middle Pleistocene Glaciations in Birmingham, England; Using Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dating.
- Critical Zone Science and Global Societal Challenges
- Divergent evolutionary histories of C<SUB>4</SUB> grasses shape global grassland ecology
- Dynamics of Glacier Calving at the Ungrounded Margin of Helheim Glacier, South-East Greenland
- Enhanced weathering strategies for cooling the planet and saving coral reefs
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Expanding the Range of Plant Functional Diversity Represented in Global Vegetation Models: Towards Lineage-based Plant Functional Types
- Greenland Blocking As a Mechanism for Recent Arctic/Mid-Latitude Weather Linkages
- Guiding Empirical and Theoretical Explorations of Organic Matter Decay By Synthesizing Temperature Responses of Enzyme Kinetics, Microbes, and Isotope Fluxes
- Ice Stream Dynamics during Deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Impacts of Thermokarst Formation and Wildfire on Boreal Forest Carbon Cycling
- Importance of Solar Atmospheric Coupling on P-Mode Power within Magnetic Elements
- In Situ Contribution of Old Respired CO<SUB>2</SUB> from Soils in Burnt and Collapsed Permafrost in Canada
- Influence of Plant Communities on Active Layer Depth in Boreal Forest
- Interpreting Coronal-Loop Oscillations as the Modes of a 2D Waveguide
- Investigating Greenland Outlet Glacier Annual Motion in Response to Varying Subglacial Hydraulic Structure
- Methane Emissions are Predominantly Derived from Contemporary Carbon from a Thawing Permafrost Peatland in Canada
- Modeling the Impact of Glacial Runoff on Fjord Circulation and Submarine Melt Rate using a New Parameterization for Glacial Plumes
- Modeling the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere response to an intense X-class solar flare
- Novel Approach to Construction Realistic Magnetic Field Configuration in the Lower Solar Atmosphere
- Observations on Multi-Slug Activity - Implications for Volcanic Processes
- On the Morphology of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves in the Terrestrial Inner Magnetosphere
- Reconstruction of a Palaeo-Subglacial Lake Network in Alberta, Canada
- Submarine melting at tidewater glaciers: comparison of numerical modelling, buoyant plume theory and hydrographic data.
- Tidewater glacier dynamics and the mass budget of the Northwest Greenland ice sheet
- Using vegetation model-to-data comparisons to test the role of abiotic factors in the Neogene and Quaternary origins of modern C<SUB>4</SUB> grasslands
- Wave Properties of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves as Observed by Cluster
- A Tale of Two Regions: Landscape Ecological Planning for Shale Gas Energy Futures
- Assessing Controls on Oceanic Heat Delivery to Greenland's Marine-Terminating Outlet Glaciers
- BRITICE-CHRONO: The project and highlights so far
- Cluster Close Separation at the Bow Shock Campaign: Initial Results.
- Cluster Observations of Non Time Continuous Magnetosonic Waves
- Co-evolution of tidewater glacier calving front morphology and submarine melt rates in a high resolution ocean model
- Comparison of Dst Index Coupling Functions
- Decadal slowdown of a land-terminating sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet during sustained climate warming - implications for wider ice sheet hydrology-dynamics coupling
- Dissipationless Damping of Compressive MHD Modes in Twisted Flux Tubes
- Electron Flux Models at GEO: 30 keV - 600 keV
- Evidence for a substantial West Antarctic ice sheet contribution to meltwater pulses and abrupt global sea level rise
- Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
- Impacts of Ozone-vegetation Interactions and Biogeochemical Feedbacks on Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality Under Climate Change
- Ion Dynamics and Field Structure of Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks near the Critical Mach Number
- Modelling the impact of variations in ice sheet runoff on fjord and coastal biological productivity over annual to decadal timescales
- Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Ozone-vegetation interaction in the Earth system: implications for air quality, ecosystems and agriculture
- Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
- Seasonal Greenland Ice Sheet ice flow variations in regions of differing bed and surface topography
- Spatially Variable Compressibility Estimation Using the Ensemble Smoother with Bathymetry Observations: Application to the Maja Gas Reservoir
- TLS in Aeolian Environments: Elucidating Process-Form Feedbacks in Dusty Deserts
- The Cluster Inner Magnetosphere Campaign - Results of Emw Waves Study.
- The Distribution of Chorus and Plasmaspheric Hiss Waves in the Inner Magnetospahere as Functions of Geomagnetic Activity and Solar Wind Parameters as Observed by The Van Allen Probes.
- The Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial (127-110 ka): A New Record From the Patriot Hills
- Towards an International Network of Critical Zone Observatories
- Using satellite snapshots of aerosol optical depth to constrain biomass burning emissions for global model applications
- Validation of single spacecraft based methodologies for the identification of spatial scales of collisionless shocks
- Vortex Identification in the Lower Solar Atmosphere
- A study of ionopause perturbation and associated boundary wave formation at Venus.
- Active fault slip and potential large magnitude earthquakes within the stable Kazakh Platform (Central Kazakhstan)
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge Driven by Atmosphere-Ocean Feedbacks Across the Last Glacial Termination
- Climate and human intervention effects on future fire activity and consequences for air pollution across the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Climate-related Large-scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate - Evaluating Global Vegetation Models Using Remote Sensing Products of Biomass and NPP
- Controlling Factors on the Future Distribution of Supraglacial-lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Defining the `negative emission' capacity of global agriculture deployed for enhanced rock weathering
- Determination of the dynamics of low frequency turbulence upstream and downstream of the Earth's Bow shock using Cluster measurements
- Error Reduction Based Approach to the Parameterization of Statistical Wave Models for Chorus, Hiss and Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves.
- Evaluating Spatiotemporal Differences in Methane Fluxes on the North Slope of Alaska via Eddy Covariance Footprint Modelling
- Evaluation of the Added Value from Increasing RCM Spatial Resolution and Quantile Mapping Bias Correction to Simulate Climate and Hydrology: A Case Study in an Upland Catchment Using an Euro-CORDEX RCM Ensemble
- Grounding-Zone Wedges on the Porcupine Bank Offshore Western Ireland: Sedimentology, Age and Paleoglaciological Implications
- Harnessing the agricultural critical zone for climate change mitigation through enhanced rock weathering with croplands
- High-resolution record of the deglaciation of the British-Irish Ice Sheet from North Atlantic deep-sea sediments.
- Ice Flow Velocities and Response to Tidal Forcing at Helheim Glacier, South-East Greenland
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Incremental slip rate and paleoseismic data from the eastern Hope fault, New Zealand: the Hossack and Green Burn sites
- Investigations into the Fish Lake Valley Fault Zone (FLVFZ) and its interactions with normal faulting within Eureka and Deep Springs Valleys
- Ion transmission and reflection in low-Mach number shocks
- Jet Formation in Solar Atmosphere due to Magnetic Reconnection
- Magnetic and Energy Characteristics of Recurrent Homologous Jets from an Emerging Flux
- Making an Impact: Stories with Data, Tips, and Lessons Learned from Collaborating With and Across Communities
- Modeling Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat in warm climates: a historical perspective.
- Multi-Model Simulation of Biomass Burning Emission Source Strength in AERCOM BB Experiment Phase 1.
- Near-surface Permeability of Northern Hemisphere Glaciers
- Nonlinear Analysis of the Climate Response to Astronomical Forcing before and after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Observation of chorus waves by the Van Allen Probes: dependence on solar wind parameters and scale size
- Offshore-onshore correlations refining the glacial history of western Ireland
- Physical Controls on the Presence of Dark Ice on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Processes Controlling the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet for Improving Mass Balance Estimates: Outcomes from a Community Workshop
- Progress Towards Improved MOPITT-based Biomass Burning Emission Inventories for the Amazon Basin
- Quantifying the impact of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient parameter uncertainty on the physical transport processes in rivers
- Radiation belt electron flux forecasts: Driving VERB using NARMAX GSO flux forecasts
- Reconstruction of the Final Phases of Activity and Retreat of the North Sea Lobe Ice Stream during the Late Devensian
- Scaling arctic tundra vegetation from plot to the landscape across the North Slope of Alaska, U.S.A
- Spatial and temporal variation in ice sheet surface reflectance characteristics at the MODIS-pixel scale in the ablation area of SW Greenland
- Spatial variability in mass loss of glaciers in the Everest region, central Himalaya, between 2000 and 2015
- Statistical Study of electron flux dropouts at GEO : occurrences, magnitudes, and main driving factors
- The Patterned Topography of Ice Stream Beds; Insight from the Spatial Frequency of Mega-Scale Glacial Lineations
- The magnetosphere of Venus under unusual Solar Wind condition
- Widespread surface meltwater drainage in Antarctica
- A Process-Based Transport-Distance Model of Aeolian Transport
- A statistical study of ionopause perturbation and associated boundary wave formation at Venus.
- Biological darkening of ice: measurements and models
- Dynamics of Whistler-mode Waves Below LHR Frequency: Application for the Equatorial Noise
- Forecasting of Radiation Belts: Results From the PROGRESS Project.
- How robust are in situ observations for validating satellite-derived albedo over the dark zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet?
- I. Jet Formation and Evolution due to 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- MHD Wave Modes of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tube
- Macromolecular Rate Theory (MMRT) Provides a Thermodynamics Rationale to Underpin the Convergent Temperature Response in Plant Leaf Respiration
- Magnetic Local Time Dependant Low Energy Electron Flux Models at Geostationary Earth Orbit
- Physical basis for a thick ice shelf in the Arctic Basin during the penultimate glacial maximum
- Predicting the Future Contribution of Himalayan Debris-covered Glaciers to River Discharge: Advances and Challenges
- Quantifying Future PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Associated Health Effects Due to Changes in US Wildfires
- Quantifying the Significance of Heterogeneity in Supraglacial Reflectance Characteristics for Meltwater Production in Southwest Greenland
- Reconciliation of Antarctic marine and terrestrial geologic records: climate and ice-sheet variability in the mid-Miocene
- Responses of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes to Arctic Browning Events in a Range of High Latitude, Shrub-Dominated Ecosystems
- Risk-based decision making to manage water quality failures caused by combined sewer overflows
- Spatial and temporal delivery of tephra to the Eastern North American seaboard
- SunPy: Python for Solar Physics
- The Role of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on Recent Greenland Surface Mass Loss and Mass Partitioning
- Towards a more robust sediment wash-off model
- A New Approach to Identifying MHD Wave Modes in Sunspots and Pores
- A Simplified Approach for Estimating Seasonal Variations in Iceberg Freshwater Flux into Glacial Fjords using High-resolution Satellite Imagery
- A stratigraphic investigation of the Celtic Sea megaridges based on seismic and core data from the Irish-UK sectors
- Application of basalt reduces nitrous oxide evolution from annual and perennial crops
- Assessing trends on tree species diversity and biomass change across human-dominated tropical forests
- Carbon isotopes reveal signals of the Anthropocene in soil carbon pools deep within the critical zone
- Chorus waves during Van Allen Probes lapping events
- Early Last Interglacial ocean warming drove substantial ice mass loss from Antarctica
- Evaluating the spatial representativeness of eddy covariance towers across the Arctic Alaska
- Fine structure of the field and plasma waves within the front of a quasiperpendicular shock
- II. Analysis of 3D plasma motions in a chromospheric jet formed due to magnetic reconnection
- Improvement in terrestrial nitrogen cycle modeling for estimating ammonia emission from food production using current practices and sustainable alternatives
- Integrating Climatic, Glaciological and Geomorphological Data to Better Forecast Debris-covered Glacier Evolution in the Himalaya
- Inversion of HF Radar Doppler Spectra using a Neural Network
- More than Methane: Biogeochemical Processes in High Arctic Fjord Valley Infill Sediments
- NARMAX Based MLT Dependent Forecast of Energetic Electrons at GEO
- Observations of kinematic relaxation at very-low Mach number inner planet bow shocks during ICMEs
- Phase effects in subionospheric VLF/LF signals observed at middle and low latitudes during the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse
- Photospheric Observations of Surface and Body Modes in Solar Magnetic Pores
- PlasmaPy: A Community Python Package for Plasma Physics
- Potential of basalt amendments to increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency and reduce the N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission factor of agriculture
- Recovery from Acid Deposition Increases Streamwater Carbon Export Potential in a Silicate-Treated Forested Watershed
- Short timescale degassing dynamics in a very young plume revealed by proximal Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) measurements at Volcán Villarrica, Chile
- Simulating carbon flux over the Arctic tundra by incorporating remote-sensing data into a plant-level process-based model
- Stable rate of slip along the Karakax Valley Fault from observation of inter-glacial and post-glacial offset morphology and surface dating
- Sustainable Software and a Satellite Data Hackathon- Outcomes from a UK Polar Network Workshop for Early Career Polar Scientists
- The SunPy Ecosystem
- The development of a real time forecasting tool for the Dst Index: A system identification approach
- The impact of floating ice on sea level estimates across multiple glacial cycles
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- Towards adaptive reservoir management: insights into policy and input variable selection for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)
- 25 years of airborne radar sounding: Insights into the time varying changes in Greenland glacial hydrology
- APHRODITE: Contribution for the early warning of heavy rainfall and consequence of landslides in Nepal
- Adaptive Monitoring of Tracers Using Model Guided Mobile Sensors
- Bagging and Ensemble of Cloud-NARMAX Models for Understanding and Predicting Geomagnetic Indices
- Basalt application for carbon sequestration reduces nitrous oxide fluxes from croplands
- Direct Evidence of Nonstationary Collisionless Shocks in Space Plasmas
- Equatorial magnetosonic waves observed by Cluster satellites: The Chirikov resonance overlap criterion
- Evolution of the Sahara revealed by eleven million years of variability in dust export
- Extending instrumental sea-level records with coral microatolls
- Finite volume shallow water modelling with direct uncertainty propagation: is it worth it?
- Ground Basalt Application to Agricultural land as an Enhanced Weathering Strategy for CO2 Sequestration
- High-Speed Jets Downstream of the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock: Types and Properties.
- High-resolution Holocene to late Pleistocene records of paleseismology and incremental slip rates along Conway segment of Hope fault, South Island, New Zealand: Towards a dated path of earthquake slip through time
- Icebergs at the Agulhas Plateau through the Pleistocene: Accumulation, Provenance, and Interpretation of Ice-Rafted Debris
- Imaging UK railway tunnels using a mobile muon tomography system
- Inferring sediment dynamics using single-grain feldspar post-IR IRSL luminescence dating in southern California, North America
- Information theoretic evaluation of sensing and compression of space plasma data
- Investigation of the Evolution of Magnetosonic Wave Emissions Using Transfer Functions
- Laboratory simulations of the movement mechanisms in a submarine landslide during seismic loading
- Local Time Dependent Electron Flux Models for Geostationary Orbit: A Machine Learning Approach
- Meshing workflows for multiscale hydrological simulations: Wavelet-based approach improves model accuracy
- Modeling Turbulent Mixing Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Streams
- Modeling ammonia-aerosol-climate feedback mechanisms using an earth system model: Implications for future food security and air quality
- Modelling the Acceleration, Transport and Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons with the Rad-Sat Project
- NARMAX Based Forecasting Models for Key Emissions in the Outer Radiation Belt.
- New Elliptical Flux Tube Model to Explain Sunspot Oscillations
- Nonlinear Analysis of the Climate Response to Astronomical Forcing before and after Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Novel Approaches to Improve Robustness of K-feldspar IRSL Age Estimates of Sediment from Active Tectonic Contexts
- Observations of Ground-level Auroral Kilometric Radiation and its relationship to simultaneous AKR observed with the Geotail and Cluster satellites
- Observing of pre-earthquake transients features in the Earth atmosphere-ionosphere environment associated with M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes of July 2019
- Phenological control on the high Arctic ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange
- Relative sea-level stability and the radiocarbon marine reservoir correction at Natuna Island, Indonesia, since 6400 yr BP
- Remote Sensing of Plant Physiological Traits in Arctic Vegetation
- Resolving key processes controlling the dynamic evolution of debris-covered Himalayan glaciers
- Saddle Collapse of the Eurasian Ice Sheet in the North Sea caused by combined ice flow, surface melt and marine ice sheet instabilities
- Seasonal variability in leaf reflectance, the photochemical reflectance index, and their response to light stress in a mixed temperate deciduous forest in Ontario, Canada
- Sensing and place-making in the Critical Zone.
- Spatial Scales of Collisionless Shock Ramps Observed by the Magentospheric Multiscale Mission
- Spicule jets in the chromosphere-corona interface modeled with resistive MHD with thermal conductivity
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- The model of outer radiation belt electron lifetimes based on combined Van Allen Probes and Cluster VLF measurements
- Understanding near-Earth magnetotail tailward flows using MHD simulation
- Why is the atmosphere becoming drier? - An investigation of the role of dynamical drivers on recent trends in relative humidity
- A machine learning approach to modelling the spatiotemporal evolution of emissions and electron fluxes in the inner magnetosphere
- Abnormal volume transport during the 1990s in the Banda Sea: a causal analysis using a box model
- Carbon Dioxide Removal via Enhanced Rock Weathering With Agriculture in Large-Scale Field Trials
- Climate drivers that contribute to phytoplankton production along Chilean coasts
- Continent-wide bimonthly mapping of Antarctic supraglacial lakes using Google Earth Engine
- Effects of Constrained Enhanced Rock Weathering with Cropland on Climate Change and Ocean Acidification in an Earth System Model
- Examining single-grain luminescence dating uncertainties between upstream fans and downstream sediment deposits in the seismically active southern California
- Exploration on the Applicability of Different Rainfall Products for Hydrological Simulations
- Increased CO2 and decreased CH4 emissions in response to drying of northern peatlands: experimental observations vs. model simulations
- MHD of double-bands representing extended solar cycle
- Mid-Holocene Slip Rate of the Central Garlock Fault from the Summit Range East Site: Implications for Spatiotemporal Variations in Slip Rate and Fault Interactions in Southern California
- Optimal spin-up time exploration of the WRF model by using various hydrometeor species as the initial conditions
- Outer radiation belt electron lifetime model based on combined Van Allen Probes and Cluster VLF measurements
- Predicting Iceberg Severity off Newfoundland, Canada, Using a Control Systems Model and Machine Learning Tools
- Quantile NARMAX Model: Modelling Uncertainty for Data Based Space Weather Forecasts
- Reconstructing Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in the Khumbu Himal, Nepal, using Be-10 exposure-age dating
- Regional geomagnetic disturbances in Fennoscandia: statistical observations, modelling, and driving mechanisms
- Satellite Radiation Risks Forecasts in the UK
- Set up for failure. High sedimentation rates, earthquakes and the Tuaheni Landslide Complex.
- Spicule Jets in the Solar Atmosphere Modeled with Resistive MHD and Thermal Conduction
- The role of differential ablation in driving accelerated mass loss from debris-covered Himalayan glaciers: predicting the life expectancy of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal
- Towards coupling fluid flow and rate-and-state friction in compacting visco-poro-elasto-plastic reservoirs
- Volatile metal emissions from volcanic degassing and lava-seawater interactions at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- What are the solar wind parameters that control fluxes of relativistic electrons at GEO?
- A Decade of Aboveground Woody Biomass Dynamics in Africa
- A Method to Evaluate the Degree of Bleaching of IRSL Signals in Feldspar: The 3ET Method
- Channelised meltwater drainage beneath deglaciating ice sheets
- Controls on post-seismic landslide behaviour in brittle rocks
- Cutting the San Gorgonio Knot: Luminescence Thermochronology Suggests Quaternary Uplift Across Mill Creek Fault in Southern California
- Effects of Future Land Use and Land Cover Change on Surface Ozone Air Quality Over the Mid-21st Century
- Exploring the Roles of Key Parameters in a Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition, using Statistical Emulation of a Large-Eddy Simulation Model
- Great Earthquakes in the Dzhungarian Region Interpreted from Palaeo- and Historical Sources: Implications for Intraplate Earthquake Occurrence and Scaling
- Impact of Time-varying High-latitude Meridional Circulation Cell in Polar Fields
- Impact of global climate and land use change on soil reactive nitrogen emissions - implication on air quality
- Impacts of sugarcane fires on air quality and public health in South Florida
- Improving and assessing luminescence chronological approaches for the determination of slip rate and in paleoseismology
- Improving the Incorporation of Ice Streams in North American Ice Sheets by Combining Datasets of Subglacial Geology, Landform Evidence and a Revised Model of Subglacial Hydrology
- Interactions Among Magnetic Bands in Extended Solar Cycles
- Multiple elevated temperature (MET) IRSL used to assess pre-depositional sediment transport history
- On horizontal Poynting flux in the solar photosphere
- Outburst of a subglacial flood from the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Periodic behaviors of white-light faculae
- Propagation of Magnetoacoustic Waves in Symmetrically Structured Non-Uniform Solar Waveguides with Spatially Varying Equilibria and Flow
- Quantifying Atmospheric Composition and Net Climate Feedbacks from Large-Scale Afforestation and Reforestation Proposals
- Rapid Auroral Wandering During the Laschamps Event
- Sediment Transport and Depositional History from Nested Alluvial Fans to Flood Plains Using Single-grain Luminescence
- Small scale magnetic structures: Cluster observations
- Space-based, Stereo-derived Aerosol Plume Heights and Applications
- Subglacial meltwater channel formation beneath deglaciating ice sheets
- The Solar Magnetic Vortices
- Using Machine Learning Tools To Estimate Photospheric Velocity Fields Prior To The Formation Of Active Regions.
- A Monte Carlo Markov Chain Approach to the Probabilistic Drag Based Model for Coronal Mass Ejection Propagation
- A Revised Database of CME Characteristics from In-situ and Remote Observations
- Advances in Global Mapping of Leaf Chlorophyll Content By Land Cover Type
- Analysis of Impact Ionization Mass Spectra of Anthracene Dust Particles – a Pilot Study Characterizing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Using Dust Analyzer Instrument
- Co-benefits for agriculture of enhanced rock weathering as a carbon dioxide removal strategy
- Combined Impacts of Hydraulic Conductivity Heterogeneity and Pumping Intensity on Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers: A Numerical Investigation Using a Henry Problem with a Pumping Well
- Effects of Various Ion Distributions on Relaxation of the Transmitted Cold Ion Beam Downstream of Shocks
- Energy transport and vorticity in photospheric vortex tubes
- Enhanced Rock Weathering Benefits the Carbon Balance of Crops Grown for Bioenergy
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Impact ionization dust detection with compact, hollow and fluffy dust analogs
- Impacts of Changes in Land Use, Climate, and Emissions on Global Air Quality by 2050 following the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
- Investigation of smoke exposure during the fire season in Australia: Importance of quantifying plume injection heights
- Logistic Regression as an Alternative to Neural Networks or ARMAX for Predicting GOES-13 40-150 keV Electron Flux
- Magnetohydrodynamics Instabilities of Double Magnetic Bands in a Shallow-water Tachocline Model
- Numerical modelling of MHD waves excitation by photospheric vortex motions
- Potential for additional climate stabilization from enhanced rock weathering
- Quasiparallel Shocks at Venus: VEX Observations Versus Theory.
- Rapid Auroral Wandering During the Laschamp Event
- Real time forecast model for the electron fluxes measured by GOES 16
- Sensor calibration to enhance large-scale low-cost air quality monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa
- Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in Island Aquifers
- The Machine Learning application to the Spatiotemporal Prediction of Equivalent Ionospheric Currents
- The Response of Equivalent Ionospheric Currents to the External Drivers via Spatiotemporal Prediction by Neural Network
- Trapping of Thermal Rossby Waves within the Sun's Convection Zone
- What Can We Learn about Magnetotail Mesoscale Dynamics from Observations at Lunar Orbit?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Morelan
- A. G. de Wijn
- A. Runov
- Agnit Mukhopadhyay
- Ajay Tiwari
- Akihiko Ito
- Alex Mayer
- Amber Leeson
- Amos P. K. Tai
- Anders Eriksson
- Anthony Y. H. Wong
- Austin Brenner
- B. Belucz
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bradley W. Hindman
- Brice Noël
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. M. De Nardin
- Changhui Peng
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Colby Haggerty
- D. Malaspina
- D. T. Welling
- Donglai Ma
- Ed Rhodes
- Elena Blanc‐Betes
- Enrico Camporeale
- Evan H. DeLucia
- Fortunat Joos
- H. Nowell
- Hadi Madanian
- Hanqin Tian
- Hemraj Bhattarai
- Hideyuki Hotta
- Holly Croft
- Homayon Aryan
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- I. Ballai
- J. M. Weygand
- J. N. McElwaine
- J. Schou
- Jacob Bortnik
- James D. Kirkham
- Jannis Teunissen
- Jenny A. Fisher
- Jiang Liu
- Jing M. Chen
- João M. B. Carreiras
- K. H. Yearby
- K. K. Khurana
- K. S. Carslaw
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- L. K. Emmons
- Laura E. Simms
- Leighton A. Regayre
- Lennart R. Baalmann
- Louise Sandberg Sørensen
- M. E. Oskin
- M. Gedalin
- M. Horányi
- M. Stangalini
- Mads Huuse
- Maria Val Martin
- Matthew J. Brain
- Mausumi Dikpati
- Michael W. Liemohn
- Miren Vizcaíno
- N. A. Murphy
- Natalia Ganushkina
- Nathan D. Brown
- Nicolas Delbart
- Olivier Poch
- P. Lawrence
- Peter H. Keys
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qiuan Zhu
- R. Erdélyi
- R. Srama
- Raffaello Foldes
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Randall V. Martin
- Rekha Jain
- Richard Boynton
- Robert D Larter
- Robert J. Leamon
- Robert Zinke
- S. Hunziker
- S. J. Schwartz
- S. Jafarzadeh
- S. N. Walker
- Sally F. McGill
- Sanja Panovska
- Sarah Bradley
- Sebastian B. Simonsen
- Seulgi Moon
- Simone Tilmes
- Sourav Saha
- Steven Christe
- T. Dudok de Wit
- Tianjia Liu
- Tingyu Gou
- V. Fedun
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- William J. Riley
- William Lipscomb
- X. Cao
- Xiangyu Liu
- Xinbin Feng
- Z. Sternovsky
- А. V. Artemyev
- Е. Е. Григоренко