University of Sheffield, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Overview of Results from the Cluster Wideband Plasma Wave Investigation
- Hysteresis Model of a Nonstationary Shock
- Multipoint Observations of Magnetospheric Plasma Emissions by the Whisper Instrument on Cluster
- Plasma Waves and Turbulence as Seen by Cluster
- Solitary Potential Structures Observed on the Cluster Spacecraft: Correlated Wave and Particle Measurements
- Terrestrial Bow Shock in the Electrostatic Subshock Regime
- Wave Mode Identification Using Cluster Data
- An Investigation of the Spatial Scales of the Change in Electric Field Observed at the Front of a Quasi-perpendicular Shock.
- Low Frequency Electric Field Turbulence in the Magnetosheath Observed by Cluster
- A Comparison of Shock Normals
- A Comparison of Wave Mode Identification Techniques.
- Bursty Electron Heating in Nonstationary Shocks
- Filamentation of Langmuir waves and the role of absolute decay instability in the electron foreshock: comparison of CLUSTER observations and theory
- Low Frequency Waves in the Magnetosheath as Seen by Cluster
- Mirror Waves With Finite Ion Larmor Radius Effects
- Wave Mode Identification for a Cluster Magnetosheath Crossing using the Phase Differencing Technique
- A Comparison of EFW Probe Potentials Observed During Crossings of the Terrestrial Bow Shock
- An Overview of Cassini Radio, Plasma Wave, and Langmuir Probe Observations in the Vicinity of Saturn
- Bump on the tail instability in mirror stable space plasmas
- Continuous Time Model for the Dst Index
- Correlation Dimension Analysis Applied to a Magnetotail Coupled-Map Lattice Model
- Finite Larmor Radius Effects on Mirror waves
- Cluster Measurements of Low Frequency Waves at the Terrestrial Bow Shock and the Problem of Cosmic Ray Acceleration at Supernova Remnant (SNR) Related Shocks.
- Downstream turbulence and polarization of radio emissions from SNR.
- Halo Instability in the Foreshock and Cosmic Ray Acceleration
- NARMAX Approach to the Magnetopsheric System.
- Natural Masers and Two Point Wave Studies in the Forthcoming RESONANCE Project
- Short Scale Electric Field Turbulence.
- Simultaneous MLT and Thermospheric F-region Observations and Modeling
- Study of Wave-particle Interactions in the Inner Magnetosphere: RESONANCE project
- VEX Magnetometer: Application of Neural Networks to the Data Processing
- What Processes can Damp Waves in Quiescent Prominences ?
- A Systems Identification based approach to the detection of spacecraft generated interference in Venus Express magnetometer data
- Average properties and variability of whistler-mode chorus emissions measured by the Cluster and Double Star spacecraft.
- Geoeffectiveness of Extreme Solar Winds
- Mode Identification of Terrestrial Foreshock ULF Waves Observed by Cluster
- Nonlinear Structures in the Vicinity of Terrestrial Bow Shock
- Nonlinear processes in the foreshock turbulence
- Q-Burst Origins in Africa
- Response of the Global Ionosphere to CME Events
- Study of Lower Hybrid Waves in the Shock Front
- Venus Bow Shock Location at Solar Minimum Observed by Venus Express
- Cluster Observations of Scales in the Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks
- ELF Q-bursts from African Squall Lines
- Electrostatic Solitary Waves in the vicinity of the Terrestrial Bow Shock
- Speed of Compression of Magnetosphere by CME Clouds
- Advanced Regularization Methods for Plasma and Wave Data Analysis in Solar Wind, Magnetosphere and Ionosphere Studies
- Balikhin, M
- Observations of Nonlinear Ionopause Waves in 32Hz Venus Express Magnetometer Data
- Solar Wind Control of the Venus Bow Shock
- Venus Express Contribution to Space Plasma Physics
- A Statistical Study of Giant Magnetic Vortices Observed in the Venusian Magnetosheath
- A comparative statistical study of the occurrence of magnetic holes using VEX and Cluster data
- Cleaning of Venus Express high-resolution magnetometer data and observations of large scale field rotations in the magnetosheath
- Using the NARMAX OLS-ERR algorithm to obtain the most influential parameters that affect the evolution of the magnetosphere
- A Statistical Study of the Magnitude of Cross Shock Electrostatic Potential
- A Statistical Study of the Spatial Scales of the Terrestrial Bow Shock
- Data derived Dst model
- Dynamics of Ion Sound Waves in the Front of the Terrestrial Bow Shock
- Multipoint study of waves and nonlinear structures in the solar wind
- Problems of Collsionless Shocks Physics: Theory and Multipoint Measurements Versus PIC Simulations
- A Systems Approach to Venus Express Magnetic Field Data Cleaning
- A Systems Approach to the Problems of Solar-Terrestrial Physics
- Fine Structures at the Front of the Quasi-perpendicular Terrestrial Bow Shock Observed by Cluster
- Generation of ULF electromagnetic variations at early phase of earthquake preparation
- Magnetic Holes in the Vicinity of Dipolarization Front
- Physical mechanisms and statistics of ionospheric storms at low and mid latitudes
- The identification of solar wind parameters that influence the relativistic electron fluxes by employing a NARMAX OLS-ERR approach
- Analysis of Trends between Solar Wind Velocity and Energetic Electron Fluxes at Geostationary Orbit Using the Reverse Arrangement Test
- Cluster observations of waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Comparative Study of Solar Wind Control on Ion and Electron Fluxes at Geo from Low to Relativistic Energies
- Global Model of Lower Band and Upper Band Chorus from Multiple Satellite Observations
- SEMEP: Search for Electro-Magnetic Earthquake Precursors
- System Approach to the Forecast of Electron Fluxes iAT Geostationary Orbit
- A study of Shocks in the vicinity of Venus during the passage of an ICME
- Prediction of high-energy radiation belt electron fluxes using a combined VERB-NARMAX model
- Statistical study of waves distribution in the inner magnetosphere using geomagnetic indices and solar wind parameters
- The statistical study of Chorus waves using the Double star TC1 data
- Prediction of the Nighttime VLF Subionospheric Signal Amplitude by Using Nonlinear Autoregressive with Exogenous Input Neural Network Model
- Validation of single spacecraft based methodologies for the identification of spatial scales of collisionless shocks
- Determination of the dynamics of low frequency turbulence upstream and downstream of the Earth's Bow shock using Cluster measurements
- A statistical study of ionopause perturbation and associated boundary wave formation at Venus.
- Application of multi-parameter chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models in radiation belt modeling
- ICARUS Mission, Next Step of Coronal Exploration after Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Magnetic Local Time Dependant Low Energy Electron Flux Models at Geostationary Earth Orbit
- Statistical Study of the Properties of Magnetosheath Lion Roars using MMS observations