Loughborough University, UK
flowchart I[Loughborough University, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (145)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (17)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Swash Zone Sediment Dynamics on Steep and Shallow Beaches
- Hafnium-Osmium Systematics of Cretaceous Group II Kimberlites from India
- Direct Correlation of Terrestrial and Marine Records of MIS 7 Using High Precision U-series Dating
- Measured and Modeled Rainfall Induced Soil Erosion under Varying Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions
- Neural Network Hydrological Modelling: Linear Output Activation Functions?
- High-resolution alkenone-based temperature reconstructions from southwestern Greenland
- Measured and Modeled Rainfall-Induced Soil Erosion Rates and Sediment Composition
- Aggradation at Tributary Confluences as a Control on Biodiversity in River Networks
- Alkenone-Based Temperature Reconstruction From Lakes of Southwestern Greenland: Insights from a haptophyte bloom and a new isotopic approach
- Contemporary proglacial aeolian sediment transport in West Greenland
- Ecological Change in Arctic Lakes: the Limitation of the Palaeolimnological Record
- Flow Structure in a Bifurcation: CFD modeling and Validation
- Hydroecology/ Ecohydrology: Development and Recent Advances
- Variation and Distribution of Sediments in a Mixed Glacifluvial-Aeolian System in West Greenland
- Iceland Dust Storms Linked to Glacial Outwash Deposits and to Sub-Glacial Flood (Jökulhlaup) Events
- Introducing a New International Society of Aeolian Research
- Marine Geophysical Investigations of Arctic and Antarctic margins: implications for paleoglaciology
- Marine geophysical evidence for former expansion and flow of the Greenland Ice Sheet across the northeast Greenland continental shelf
- Mid- to late-Holocene NAO-type variability and the impacts of climate change on Paleo- Eskimo and Norse occupation in West Greenland based on lacustrine alkenones and compound-specific hydrogen isotopes
- Aeolian sediment source response to climate change and ice-retreat: evidence from aeolian silt deposition in a high altitude lake, West Greenland
- Damage Surrounding Dynamically Propagating Shear Cracks in Granodiorite (Invited)
- Exploring the impact of flow surface waves on turbulence and bedload transport rates in gravel-bed rivers
- Modeling Size-Selective Soil Erosion and Nutrient Transport in Flume-Scale Experiments
- One-Dimensional Hairsine-Rose Erosion Model: Parameter Consistency in the Presence of Rainfall Splash
- Preferential dust sources in global aerosol models: a new classification based on geomorphology. (Invited)
- Unsteady Soil Erosion Modeling and Bedload Transport
- Effect of stone coverage on soil erosion
- Statistical downscaling for data sparse regions (Invited)
- Subducted seafloor relief stops rupture in South American great earthquakes: Implications for rupture behaviour in the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake
- Bed Surface Characterisation in Coarse-Grained Alluvial Rivers
- Catchment nitrogen saturation drives ecological change in an alpine lake in SW China (eastern margin of Tibet)
- Deglaciation, lake ontogeny and organic carbon cycling in SW Greenland lakes
- Experimental Investigation of Particle Detachment by Raindrop Impact: Three-Dimensional Measurements of Particle Trajectory and Velocity
- Simulating sediment transport on a hillslope: a marker-in-cell model
- Soil erosion transport through multiple rainfall events in the presence of stone cover: Laboratory flume experiments and analysis with the Hairsine-Rose model
- The effect of long range nitrogen deposition on nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth in lakes in South West Greenland
- Air-water temperature relationships in rivers and their prediction from environmental parameters
- Climate or land-use change? Complexities in the attribution of trends in river flow records
- Effects of lateral momentum transfer on the predication of river flow and flood inundation
- Evaluating long-term trends in mean- and high- river flows using a network of reference stations in Ireland
- High-resolution property-based flood damage estimation: how should urban topography be represented?
- Soil erosion dynamics through multiple rainfall events
- The development of structure in coarse-grained fluvial sediment; reference to sediment flux and surface characteristics
- The impact of aquatic animals on bedload transport in gravel-bed rivers
- The impact of fire and abrasion on iron availability in aeolian sediments
- Upscaling from Particle to Catchment: Marker-in-Cell Approaches to Modelling Soil Erosion
- Using Particle Imaging Velocimetry and Radio Frequency Identification to gain insights into erosion processes
- Fine sediment impacts on Salmonid spawning success: Relative effects of pore blockage and oxygen demand
- Hydrographic measurements in Jökulsárlón lagoon, Iceland
- Identifying Erosion Time scales from the Hairsine-Rose Soil Erosion Model (Invited)
- Influence of the Little Ice Age on the biological structure of lakes in South West Greenland
- Organic Carbon Burial by Tibetan and Mongolian Lakes and its Implications for Regional Carbon Sequestration
- Origin, evolution and dynamic context of a Neoglacial lateral-frontal moraine at Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard
- Rainfall and temperature estimation for a data sparse region
- SDSM-DC: A smarter approach to downscaling for decision-making? (Invited)
- The Importance of Simulating Changes in Topography in Process-based Soil Erosion Modelling: Implications for Landscape-Evolution Modelling
- Use of narrative scenarios for evaluating drought management responses in the Upper Colorado River Basin (Invited)
- Deciphering the Ecology of Key Diatom Taxa to Understand Climate-Induced Changes in West Greenland Lakes over the Holocene
- Integrated Interpretation of Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Environmental Monitoring Data to Define Precursors for Landslide Activation
- Near Ice Oceanographic Observations of the Breiðamerkurjökull Glacier Melt Plume in Jökulsárlón Lagoon, Iceland
- New insights into the past glaciation of the northeast Greenland continental shelf
- Patterns and Changes in Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) across Lakes in Southwestern Greenland
- Quantification of Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Proglacial Meltwater from a Tidewater Glacier
- Understanding the Uncertainties in Consequences of Climate Change for the United States Power Sector Infrastructure when Considering a Realistic Mitigation Pace and Adaptation Needs.
- Beyond 'flood hotspots': co-production of knowledge between academia and stakeholders for improved resilience of emergency response to flood disasters
- Calibrating the FloodMap Model to Improve the Integrated HydroProg-FloodMap Real-Time Multimodel Ensemble System for Forecasting Inundation
- Coastal Flood Risks in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region, Thailand: Combined Impacts of Land Subsidence, Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge
- From Source to City: Particulate Matter Concentration and Size Distribution Data from an Icelandic Dust Storm
- Modelling surface water flood risk using coupled numerical and physical modelling techniques
- Quantifying Grain Fall and Avalanche Dynamics Under Changing Wind Conditions on Barchan Dunes
- Scaling Characteristics of Rill Networks
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Icelandic Dust Emissions: a decade of insights from MODIS
- Toward an Ethical Framework for Climate Services
- Wind erodibility response of physical and biological crusts to rain and flooding
- Abrupt Climate Events in Britain and the North Atlantic during Marine Isotope Stage 11
- Allowable CO2 emissions based on regional and impact-related climate targets: The role of land processes
- Biophysical response of dryland soils to rainfall: implications for wind erosion
- Characterizing Uncertainty of the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change
- Evaluating the use of augmented reality to support undergraduate student learning in geomorphology
- High latitude dust pathways from Iceland: implications for aeolian inputs to oceans and cryosphere
- Historical Climatology Of Dust Events At El Paso, Texas
- Impact of Holocene terrestrial vegetation succession on the biogeochemical structure and function of an Arctic lake, Alaska
- Implications of Grainfall for Avalanches and Barchan Dune Morphodynamics
- Long-term 4D Geoelectrical Imaging of Moisture Dynamics in an Active Landslide
- REAL-TIME high-resolution urban surface water flood mapping to support flood emergency management
- Soil surface morphology evolution under spatiallynon-uniform rainfall
- The changing Arctic carbon cycle: using the past to understand terrestrial-aquatic linkages
- Can we use Earth Observations to improve monthly water level forecasts?
- Cross-system nutrient transport: effects of locally-derived aeolian dust on oligotrophic lakes in West Greenland
- Detecting the Benefits of Shade Management in the Thermal Regime of an Upland River Under Positive and Negative Phases of the NAO
- Early-stage aeolian protodune development and migration
- High Latitude Dust Sources, Transport Pathways and Impacts
- Local versus regional controls on aquatic production in two adjacent low-arctic lakes in SW Greenland
- Mid-Holocene hydrology change in the south Taihu area of the Yangtze delta plain, China, and its relationship to the development of Neolithic cultures
- Past and future changes in streamflow in the U.S. Midwest: Bridging across time scales
- Prospects for Groundwater Drought Termination in the UK in 2017-18
- Subseasonal to Seasonal Predictions of U.S. West Coast High Water Levels
- The Hollin Hill Landslide Observatory - a decade of geophysical characterization and monitoring
- The impact of structural development on near bed flow dynamics in gravel bed rivers: coupling flume experiments with numerical modelling
- A comparative evaluation of multiple machine learning approaches for short range flood level prediction
- Bathymetric SfM Change Detection on the Teme River, UK
- COMPACT: A frequency analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar to identify agricultural soil compaction.
- COMPACT: Quantifying the hydrological impacts of agricultural soil compaction under different land management practices.
- Climate modes of variability and fluvial response over interannual to multidecadal timescales
- Exceptional Heat-Humidity Combinations in the Observational Record
- Flood Simulation by Coupling a Hydrodynamic Model with a Hydrological Model
- Hydromorphological and Ecological Impacts of Water Injection Dredging in the River Parrett, Somerset Levels, Somerset, UK.
- A Physical-Based Particle-Tracking Scheme for Non-Point Source Particulate Pollutants Wash-off and Transport Processes in Urban Impervious Surfaces
- A fully coupled shallow water and morphodynamic model for non-cohesive sediment transport considering bank collapse
- A real-time risk forecasting system for urban flooding based on 2D hydrodynamic modelling and vulnerability analysis
- Adjustment of river channel morphology to modes of climate variability
- Automatic Weather Stations at Extreme Elevations on Mt. Everest: Initial Observations and Applications
- Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of the Burrowing Behaviour of Invasive Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus): Mesocosm Experiments
- Catchment-Scale Hydrodynamic Modelling of Seasonal Fluvial Processes
- Gravitational Instability and Convection in a Granular Porous Medium: Pore Scale Experimental Study and Implications for Solubility Trapping Of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Meteorological Analysis of High Altitude Automatic Weather Station Data from the Everest Region
- New Heights in Glacier-Climate Research: Initial Insights From the Highest Weather Stations on Earth
- Organic carbon quality changes in response to altered hydrological regime and rapid climate warming of an arid, permafrost environment (Kangerlussuaq, SW Greenland)
- Quantifying uncertainty in heavy rainfall forecasts used to support flood modelling and emergency responders
- Simulation of Debris-Structure Interaction in Violent Shallow Flows
- The Hydraulics and Bedload Dynamics of Flash Flood Bores
- The Origin of Aeolian Dunes - PIV measurements of flow structure associated with early stage protodune development in a refractive-index-matched flume
- A GIS-based DEM Correction Method to Improve Urban Flood Simulation Results
- Controlling Factors of Global Heat-Humidity Extremes
- Investigating present-day dune formation on Mars
- Multi-Scale Analyses of Landscape: New Tools for Studying the Effect of Erosion and Deposition on Landscape Morphology and Complexity
- Multi-hazard dependencies can increase or decrease risk
- Natural and human contributions to pre-monsoon snow and stream chemistry in the Khumbu/Mt. Everest region, Nepal
- Nonlinear electron interaction with whistler-mode waves: mapping technique for multiwave systems
- Quantile NARMAX Model: Modelling Uncertainty for Data Based Space Weather Forecasts
- Strengths and limitations of using model simulations (UNSEEN) to assess and anticipate climate extremes beyond the observed record
- The Origin of Aeolian Dunes: the development of flow structure over low-angle protodunes
- The emergence of proto-bedforms in a bimodal wind regime
- The influence of bed conditions on sand transport behaviours in aeolian desert environments.
- Where Does the World's Highest Glacier Get Its Moisture?
- Aeolian Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Dynamics of a Topographically-Constrained Dunefield: Atacama, Chile
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Contribution of glacier runoff during heat waves in the Nooksack River Basin USA and potential impact on Salmon
- Insights from a new high altitude meteorological network in the vulnerable southern Andes water tower
- New weather observations from Mt. Everest reveal widespread winter melting and intense sublimation
- Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount Everest Region in 20202021
- On the Role of Whistler-Mode Waves in Electron Interaction With Dipolarizing Flux Bundles
- Quantifying the relationship between co-occurring flood and wind damage over North-West Europe, in a present and future climate.
- Stress-testing low-likelihood high-impact extreme events