University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Colorado
flowchart I[University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Colorado] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1283)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (201)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- DLESE and Data Access for the Educational Community
- Mixing a Career in the Geosciences with Real Family Life: One Woman's Perspective
- Strategies for Diversity: SOARS, a Case Study
- A Comprehensive Approach to Partnering Scientists with Education and Outreach Activities at a National Laboratory
- Are we Meeting our Goals in Geoscience Education Projects? The Critical Need for Program Evaluation
- Deuterium Enrichment in Stratospheric Molecular Hydrogen
- NCAR's Education and Outreach Program
- Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS)
- The DLESE Evaluation Toolkit Project
- The Digital Library for Earth System Education: A Progress Report from the DLESE Program Center
- An error analysis of ground-based GPS slant-path residuals in a simulation study
- Assessing the Accuracy of Slant Path Measurements Using a High Resolution Numerical Weather Model
- AudioGuides at a National Research Laboratory Supporting Visitors With Special Needs: Initial Lessons Learned
- COMET Multimedia modules and objects in the digital library system
- Estimation of GPS Site Height by using Dynamic Hydrostatic and Wet Mapping Functions Based on Radiosonde Refractivity Profile
- Leveraging Exceptional Teachers as Trainers in Geoscience Education: The National Center for Atmospheric Research Model for K-12 Teacher Professional Development
- Projects on Education, Research and International Training for Students and Junior Scientists in Atmospheric Sciences
- Support and Dissemination of Teacher-Authored Lesson Plans: a Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) and Geological Society of America (GSA) Collaboration
- The DLESE Ambassadors Program
- The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE): Progress and Opportunities for Engagement
- The Digital Library for Earth System Education: A Community Integrator
- The NCAR Modeling in the Geosciences Workshop for Middle and High School Educators
- The National Center for Atmospheric Research Education and Outreach Program: Successes, Lessons Learned, and the Role of Research Institutions
- The Visual Geophysical Exploration Environment: A Multi-dimensional Scientific Visualization
- The Windows to the Universe Project: Using the Internet to Support K-12 Science Education
- Bridging the Divide Between Climate and Global Change Science and Education of Public and K-12 Visitors at the National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Conveying Climate Science Through the Internet: Two Projects Serving Varied Audiences
- DLESE Teaching Box Pilot Project: Developing a Replicable Model for Collaboratively Creating Innovative Instructional Sequences Using Exemplary Resources in the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)
- Decoupled, localized deformation in the SE crater of Mount St. Helens associated with the 2004 eruption
- Earth and Space Sciences: The Need for Diversity in Global Science
- Geospatial Data Presentation and GIS in the GLOBE Program
- In Situ Electron Density in Low Earth Orbit From Radio Occultation Data
- Instant Gratification: Striking a Balance Between Rich Interactive Visualization and Ease of Use for Casual Web Surfers
- Monitoring Moisture in the Planetary Boundary Layer Using GPS Ground Stations
- PBO Strainmeters: Distribution, Design and Data Products
- Planning a New Education and Outreach Program Based on Past Experiences
- Seismic Sensors to Supercomputers: Internet Mapping and Computational Tools for Teaching and Learning about Earthquakes and the Structure of the Earth from Seismology
- Seismomagnetic Effects of the September 28, 2004, M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Sharing Climate and Global Change Science with Middle and High School Educators: Approaches and Lessons Learned from the NCAR Climate and Global Change and Modeling in the Geosciences Workshops
- Spanish Language Version of the "Windows to the Universe" Earth and Space Science Education Web Site
- The 27-day solar rotational cycle in the Freie Universitaet Berlin Climate Middle Atmosphere Model with interactive chemistry (FUB CMAM CHEM)
- The Campaign GPS Component of the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO): New Tools, New Strategies and New Opportunities to Support EarthScope Investigations
- The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Response Mt. St. Helens' 2004 Volcanic Crisis
- The Plate Boundary Observatory: Operational Status and Data Plans
- Volcano-Tectonic Deformation at Taal Volcano, Philippines
- 11 Years of Geoscience Outreach through the Windows to the Universe Project: Lessons Learned for On-Line Education in Formal and Informal Settings
- A New Model for Building Digital Science Education Collections
- Approach and Quality Assessment of Single Difference Processing of GPS Radio Occultation Data at the UCAR CDAAC
- Building Effective Scientist-Teacher Partnerships: A Case Study Investigation
- Climate Discovery: Integrating Research With Exhibit, Public Tours, K-12, and Web-based EPO Resources
- DLESE Teaching Boxes: Earth System Science Resources And Strategies For Using Data In The Classroom
- Data Stories: The Benefits and Opportunities of Narrative Metadata in Deciphering and Demystifying Data Collection and Analysis
- First Results From PBO Strainmeters On The Olympic Peninsula And Vancouver Island, Canada.
- From Basic Physics to Geoscience Applications: Floating Golf Balls and Levitating Magnets
- GEON Developments for Searching, Accessing, and Visualizing Distributed Data
- GLOBE Earth Science Education and Public Outreach in Developing Countries GLOBE Earth Science Education and Public Outreach in Developing Countries
- GLOBE at Night: Scientific Research outside of the Classroom
- GPS Installation Progress in the Northern California Region of the Plate Boundary Observatory Coyle, B., Basset, A., Williams, T., Enders, M., Feaux, K., Jackson, M.
- Geo-EarthScope Project Support at UNAVCO
- Integrating Research and Education at the National Center for Atmospheric Research at the Interface of Formal and Informal Education
- Inversion of SAC-C Open-Loop Radio Occultation Signals at UCAR
- NASA CloudSat and CALIPSO Satellite Missions Partner with the GLOBE Program for Successful Scientist-Student Collaborations
- Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Data Analysis
- Plate Boundary Observatory Infrastructure and Data Products in Education and Outreach
- Providing Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Research through Partnering two Undergraduate Research Programs: RESESS and SOARS
- Stalking the September 2005 Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip event: Results from a Dense GPS Deployment
- Support of EarthScope GPS Campaigns at the UNAVCO Facility
- The B4 Project: Scanning the San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault Zones
- The Earthscope Plate Boundary Observatory Akutan Alaskan Volcano Network Installation
- The Unidata Local Data Manager (LDM) at age 11
- A Campaign Study of Ionospheric Scintillations Using Simultaneous Formosat-3/COSMIC Radio Occultation Observations and AFRL SCINDA Ground Scintillation Measurements
- Assessing the Prospects for Employment in an Expansion of US Aquaculture
- Continuous GPS Measurement of Deformation at Erebus Volcano, Antartica
- Development of a Power and Communications System for Remote Autonomous Polar Observations
- Disseminated Museum Displays and Participation of Students from Underrepresented Populations in Polar Research: Education and Outreach for Joint Projects in GPS and Seismology Solid Earth Science Community
- Elastic and Viscoelastic Modeling of Time-Variable Deformation Patterns at Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Elementary GLOBE: Inquiring About the Earth System Through Elementary Student Investigations
- Estimates of the Precision of GPS Radio Occultations in the Neutral Atmosphere From the COSMIC/ FORMOSAT-3 Mission
- GPS Installation Progress in the Northern California Region of the Plate Boundary Observatory
- GeoWS: enabling data discovery within the geosciences
- Global Geoscience Initiatives From Windows to the Universe
- Halfway There: An EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory Progress Report
- Ice Cliffs and the Terminus Dynamics of Polar Glaciers
- Integrated Analysis of Seismological Models Using GEON Resources: an Illustration From the Western United States.
- Interactive Multimedia Prototype for Creating Case Studies in the Earth Sciences
- Ionospheric Observations From the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS Occultation Experiment: Preliminary Results
- Monitoring the Atmospheric Boundary Layer by Radio Occultation Signals Recorded by COSMIC Satellites
- Nighttime Ground and Space Based Ionospheric Measurements in Support of FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- Ozone Dependency of the Background Current in Ozonesondes
- PBO Borehole Strainmeters
- PBO Facility Construction: Basin and Range and Rocky Mountain Regions Status
- PBO Nucleus Project Status: Integration of 209 Existing GPS Stations into the Plate Boundary Observatory.
- Partnership Brings Educational Exhibits, Events, and Resources from Seven National Research Laboratories to the Public in a New Retail Center: The Wonders of Science at Twenty Ninth Street Project
- Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Measurements of the North American Plate Boundary
- Postseismic Deformation and Fault-slip From the 2004 M6 Parkfield, California Earthquake Using 2 Years of GPS and Creepmeter Data
- The Citizen-Scientist as Data Collector: GLOBE at Night, Part 1
- The Citizen-Scientist as Data Collector: GLOBE at Night, Part 2
- The Deployment of a PBO Strainmeter Site. Four Steps to a Better Understanding of the Earth.
- The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory Response to the 2006 Augustine Alaskan Volcanic Eruption
- The GEON IDV (Integrated Data Viewer) for Data Exploration and Discovery in the Geosciences
- The Influence of COSMIC Satellite Data on Regional Analysis
- The National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) - Plans for the Future!
- The Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Seismic Network
- The Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Strainmeter Program: Overview of Data Analysis and Products
- The Plate Boundary Observatory: Community Focused Web Services
- The Plate Boundary Observatory: Data Management Progress and Highlights
- Understanding the Shape of the Land and Watersheds Using Simple Models in the Classroom
- Using EarthScope Construction of the Plate Boundary Observatory to Provide Locally Based Experiential Education and Outreach
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping Imagery for GeoEarthScope
- Assessment of Precision and Accuracy of GPS Radio Occultation Data From the COSMIC/ FORMOSAT-3 Mission
- Atmospheric Measurements Aboard C-130 During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Changes in Snow Cover Characteristics Over the Russian Territory in Recent Decades
- Comparison of CHAMP Radio Occultation Climatologies of the UTLS to Operational ECMWF Analyses and Forecasts
- Current Status and Future Directives of the Nicoya Peninsula Continuous GPS Network, Costa Rica, In Regard to Slip Style and Distribution
- Data Access and Web Services at the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory
- Development of Cyberinfrastructure to Support the USA National Phenology Network
- EarthScope Website Revised
- Education and Outreach Initiatives for the POLENET Project for IPY
- Education, Outreach, and Diversity Partnerships and Science Education Resources From the Center for Multi-scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes
- Exploring Earth's Polar Regions Online at Windows to the Universe
- Forecast Performance of the New Local Three Month Temperature Outlook
- Fostering Inquiry and Scientific Investigation in Students by Using GPS Data to Explore Plate Tectonics and Volcanic Deformation
- GPS Installation Progress in the Northern California Region of the Plate Boundary Observatory
- Global Climatologies Based on Radio Occultation Data: A Potential Source for Climate Benchmarks
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems Data Handling, Archiving, Preservation, and Distribution Through the UNAVCO Data Center
- High-Resolution LiDAR Topography of the Plate-Boundary Faults in Northern California
- Highlights and Conclusions of the Unidata OGC Interoperability Day
- Integration of the Plate Boundary Observatory and Existing GPS Networks in Southern California: A Multi Use Geodetic Network
- Ionospheric Electron Density Measurements Using COSMIC
- Knowledge Provenance for Virtual Observatories
- LiDAR Acquisition for the GeoEarthScope Community
- Logistical Support for the Installation of the Plate Boundary Observatory GPS and Borehole Strainmeter Networks
- New Airborne LiDAR Survey of the Hayward Fault, Northern California
- PBO Borehole Strainmeters: Bridging the Gap Between Seismology and GPS
- PBO Facility Construction: Basin and Range and Rocky Mountain Regions Status
- PBO Nucleus Project Status: Integration of 209 Existing GPS Stations into the Plate Boundary Observatory
- Postcards from the Field: Using the Web to Bring Near-Real Time Field Work to the Public
- Real-time shipboard displays for science operation and planning on CGC Healy
- Starry Nights: The Great World Wide Star Count
- Support of EarthScope GPS Campaigns at the UNAVCO Facility
- The Atmospheric Science and Climate Literacy Framework: An Opportunity to Build Community-Wide Consensus
- The CF Conventions: Governance and Community Issues in Establishing Standards for Representing Climate, Forecast, and Observational Data
- The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory Akutan Alaskan Volcano Tiltmeter Installation
- The EarthScope Portal
- The Magmatic Component of the Plate Boundary Observatory.
- The Plate Boundary Observatory Student Field Assistant Program in Southern California
- The Plate Boundary Observatory: Data Management Progress and Highlights
- The Rosetta Model: Can the Different Physical Science Data Models be Reconciled?
- Three sciences- Two Years- One Solution- Using the Earth System Science Education Alliance On-line Course to build K-12 Teacher Earth System Science Content and Pedagogical Knowledge
- UNAVCO Software and Services for Visualization and Exploration of Geoscience Data
- UNAVCO-PBO Strainmeters on Mt. Saint Helens: The What, Where, When, and Why of a Strainmeter Array.
- Virtual Ballooning and Graphing Sea Ice Extent on Windows to the Universe
- Advances in Remote Autonomous Geodetic GPS Data Acquisition in the International Polar Year
- An Interactive, Integrated, Instructional Pathway to the LEAD Science Gateway
- An online mineral dust model within the global/regional NMMB: current progress and plans
- BINEX as a Format for Near-Real Time GNSS and Other Data Streams
- Bringing High Rate, Low Latency Data From Unimak Island, Alaska
- Comparison of MMS Pressure, Temperature, and Horizontal Wind Data With CFH/Ozonesonde and AVAPS Dropsonde Profiles Collected During TC4
- Comparison of Stratopause Height and Temperature in GEOS-5, WACCM, SABER, and MLS
- Completion of the PBO Borehole Strainmeter Network: Network Results and Review of Processing Techniques.
- Completion of the Southern California Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Network and Implementation of the Low Latency Salton Trough Network
- Drilling Boreholes and Installing Strainmeters in Yellowstone National Park.
- Exploring clouds, weather, climate, and modeling using bilingual content and activities from the Windows to the Universe program and the Center for Multiscale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes
- GPS antenna monuments and mounts supported by UNAVCO: Options and Effectiveness
- GeoEarthScope Airborne LiDAR and Satellite InSAR Imagery
- Geodesy in the 21st Century: new Applications and Education
- Integration: A new Frontier for NEESPI
- National Earth Science Teachers Association Achievements in Earth Science Education Leadership
- Noise characteristics of short drilled and deep drilled braced monuments in the PBO continuous GPS network
- PBO Facility Construction: Borehole Network Completed
- PBO Facility Construction: GPS Network Completed
- PBO Nucleus Project Summary: The Successful Integration of 209 Existing GPS Sions in the Plate Boundary Observatory
- Pole to Pole Videoconferences Connect Students and Scientists
- Real time data from the Plate Boundary Observatory continuous GPS network
- Short-term Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting - A Hydrologic Model Output Statistics (HMOS) Approach
- Support of EarthScope GPS Campaigns at the UNAVCO Facility
- Testing of Strainmeter Grouts: Observations on Workability vs. Strength of Expansive Grouts
- The Atmospheric Science Literacy Framework
- The GEON Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) for Exploration of Geoscience Data With Visualizations
- The Great World Wide Star Count
- Time-lapse photography of ice-shelf rift processes
- Updated science systems on USCGC Healy
- Use of GPS receivers as a soil moisture network to complement satellite studies
- 20th Century Trends In The Maximum And Minimum Temperatures In Colorado’s San Juan Mountains
- Beyond Illustration: New Data Driven Techniques for Visualizing Magnetospheric Structure
- Broadening Participation in the Geosciences through Participatory Research
- Can the Weddell Sea anomaly and related phenomena be explained by conjugate effects?
- Climatology of ionospheric high transition height derived from COSMIC satellites during the solar minimum of 2008
- Coastal Jets, Oceanic Upwelling, Mesoscale Eddies, and Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Comparison of Measurements from Co-Located Strainmeters in the PBO Strainmeter Network
- Doing Climate Science in Indigenous Communities
- EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory Data in the College Classroom (Invited)
- Eliassen-Palm Fluxes of the Diurnal Tides from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model-Extended (WACCM-X)
- Energy Choices and Climate Change: A New Interactive Feature on Windows to the Universe
- Engaging the Public in Climate Change Research
- Evaluation of WRF Model Physics in Wind Forecasts over Complex Terrain
- Geodetic observations of short-time-scale changes in glacier flow at Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers, East Greenland
- Heliophysics Science
- Inspiring Climate Education Excellence (ICEE): Towards a suite of online modules and self-directed learning resources for secondary science teachers
- Interactives: Comets, Orbital Motions, and Virtual Ballooning to Explore Planetary Atmospheres
- Monitoring gully-head propagation with terrestrial laser scanning, West Bijou Creek, Colorado (Invited)
- NASA NDATC Global Climate Change Education Initiative
- Orographic Effects on Rainfall Induced by the Passage of Tropical Cyclones over Mountainous Islands Part I: Control Experiment
- PBO Borehole Strainmeter Network: Data Products And Metrics
- Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Strainmeter Recordings Of The 29 September 2009 Tsunami
- Rapid Determination of Near-Fault Earthquake Deformation using LIDAR
- Repeated GPS surveys of the salar de Uyuni for continued calibration of ICESat altimeter data
- Research Enabled through Eighteen Years of Geodesy Data Sharing by the UNAVCO Data Center
- Research Opportunities in Solid Earth Science (RESESS): Broadening Participation in Geology and Geophysics (Invited)
- Rio Grande Rift GPS Measurements 2006-2009
- Scientific Advances from Paul Silver's Inspirational Leadership of the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory
- Secular and annual hydrologic effects from the Plate Boundary Observatory GPS network
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning Activities at UNAVCO: New Support Resources and Project Highlights
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning Support in Polar Regions, UNAVCO pilot projects 2008-2009
- The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) High-rate Real-time Cascadia network
- The Echo Cliffs Precariously Balanced Rock; Discovery and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- The Plate Boundary Observatory as a Network for Water Cycle Studies
- Toward an improved distribution approach for real-time data sharing
- Year Round Operation of Autonomous, Low Power Geophysical Stations in Antarctica
- Accuracy Assessment of High-Rate Kinematic GPS Based on Six-Degree-of-Freedom Shake Table Tests
- Advances in the NetCDF Data Model, Format, and Software
- Assessing Extremes Climatology Using NWS Local Climate Analysis Tool
- BudBurst Buddies: A New Tool for Engaging the Youngest Citizen Scientists
- Clouds, weather, climate, and modeling for K-12 and public audiences from the Center for Multi-scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes
- Communicating Science
- Communicating atmospheric science and research to diverse audiences using a field campaign
- Comparison of Deep Drill Braced Monument (DDBM) and Borehole Strainmeter (BSM) Wellhead GPS antenna mounts: a Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) case study from Dinsmore, CA
- Correlating the Transport of Precipitable Water Vapor with Rainfall in a Complex Orographic Environment Before, During and After a Tropical Storm: Case Study of Typhoon Morakot
- Determining the Optimal Sampling of Atmospheric Water Vapor from GNSS Observations
- Discovering and measuring a layered Earth: A foundational laboratory for developing students' understanding of Earth's interior structure
- Does Dynamical Downscaling Matter for Climate Change Adaptation on the Colorado River? (Invited)
- Earth's Elastic Response to Seasonal Cycles in Surface Loading in Greenland and Antarctica
- Effect of sporadic E clouds on GPS radio occultation signals
- Empirical Error Analysis of GPS RO Atmospheric Profiles
- Environments that Produce "Extreme" Convective Storm Behavior: Results from a Large Numerical Modeling Study
- Evaluation and Strategic Planning for the GLOBE Program
- Evaporative controls on afternoon convection in the NARR dataset and in GFDL models
- Every Student Counts: Broadening Participation in the Geosciences through a Multiyear Internship Program
- GPS Ground Networks As Remote Sensing Tools (Invited)
- Geodetic Seamless Archive Centers Modernization - Information Technology for Exploiting the Data Explosion
- Heliophysics
- Identification of Geomorphic Conditions Favoring Preservation of Multiple Individual Displacements Across Transform Faults
- Identifying sediment sources and quantifying rates of erosion along the North Fork Toutle River near Mount St. Helens, WA
- Interoperable Data Systems for Satellite, Airborne, and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
- Introducing Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) to Undergraduate Geology Curricula: Insights from the Indiana University G429 Field Course, Summer 2010
- Introduction to Climate Change from an Indigenous Perspective: an undergraduate course developed by and for Tribal Colleges and Universities
- Jules Verne Voyager, Jr: An Interactive Map Tool for Teaching Plate Tectonics
- Measuring Above Ground Biomass and Vegetation Structure in the South Florida Everglades Wetland Ecosystem with X-, C-, and L-band SAR data and Ground-based LiDAR
- Monitoring the depth of the atmospheric boundary layer by GPS radio occultation (Invited)
- Multiscale Eulerian Model Within NCEP's National Environmental Modeling System
- Planning for the Future of Geo-Cybereducation: Outcomes of the Workshop, Challenges, and Future Directions
- Project BudBurst: People, Plants, and Climate Change
- Radiation Storm vs. The Magnetic Shield: Superheroes of Magnetism & Space Weather Education - A Model for Teacher Professional Development Workshops
- Rapid GNSS and Data Communication System Deployments In Chile and Argentina Following the M8.8 Maule Earthquake
- Recent Improvements in Writing and Using Gridded Data with the GRIDSPEC Conventions in the LibCF Library
- Remote sensing of climate and management driven groundwater storage changes and land subsidence in the Central Valley, CA
- The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)
- The Curriculum Customization Service: A Tool for Customizing Earth Science Instruction and Supporting Communities of Practice
- The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) High-rate Real-time Cascadia network
- The Effects of L2C Signal Tracking on High-Precision Carrier Phase GPS Positioning
- The Geodetic Seamless Archive Centers Service Layer: A System Architecture for Federating Geodesy Data Repositories
- The Integration of TLS and Continuous GPS to Study Landslide Deformation: A Case Study at the El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico
- The PBO borehole seismometer network
- The Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Network: Combining Geodetic, Seismic and Environmental Data to Understand Plate Boundary Deformation
- The Unidata LDM Data Distribution System
- Toward Global Soundings and Atmospheric Measurements for Climate and NWP Using GNSS Radio Occultation Systems
- UNAVCO Response to the M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Uncertainty and its improvement of Abel retrieved electron density from radio occultation measurements
- Understanding potential changes in warm-season extreme precipitation events across the Colorado Front Range: A WRF-based modeling study
- Using GPS Interferometric Reflectometry to estimate soil moisture and vegetation water content fluctuations
- Using the LibCF/GRIDSPEC extensions to interpret data on mosaic grids with CDAT
- Visualization and data sharing of COSMIC radio occultation dataset
- "Getting Our Story Straight: Taking the scientific process out of science communication"
- 2011 Creep Event Observations in Borehole Strainmeter Instrumentation Along the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults
- 2011 Japan tsunami current and flow velocity measurements from survivor videos using LiDAR
- 2011 Operations and Maintenance Activities in the East Region of UNAVCO's Plate Boundary Observatory
- A Multi-Method Experiment to Investigate Geyser Dynamics: Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- A New NRC Report on Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges
- A Numerical Simulation for the Origins of Solar Magnetic Structure
- Addressing student beliefs about climate change while teaching climate science content
- Autonomous ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements for exploring biogenic gas dynamics of peat soils in a northern peatland
- Broadening Participation in Citizen Science Campaigns
- Building a Network of Internships for a Diverse Geoscience Community
- Building climate adaptation capabilities through technology and community
- COCONet, The Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network: Construction Progress and Highlights
- Calibrated Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Strainmeter Data
- Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) Increases in the Great Lakes Region, 1979-2010
- Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation Associated with the Mw7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake, Baja California, Mexico, from GPS Geodesy
- Data Interactive Publications Revisited
- Detection and modeling of low amplitude deformation signals in the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO)
- Detection of Mesoscale Vortices and Their Role in Subsequent Convection
- Ensuring Credit to Data Creators: A Case Study for Geodesy
- From regional-scale to storm-scale: NARCCAP-driven high-resolution simulations to evaluate changes in extreme precipitation events
- GLONASS Orbits in Teqc: Methodology and Future Extension for Using SP3 Orbits
- GNET detected an anomalous 'spike' in ice loss in Greenland during the 2010 melting season
- GPS/GNSS Interference from Iridium Data Transmitters
- GSL: An Open Source Framework for the Rapid Development of Data Archive Access Services
- Geohazard Data Sharing In The 21st Century: Three Online Venues For The Scientific Community
- Geophysical Investigation of Subsurface Characteristics of Icy Debris Fans with Ground Penetrating Radar in the Wrangell Mountains, Alaska
- Heliophysics
- High-resolution modeling approaches to understanding changes in extreme precipitation projections
- Monitoring the terrestrial water cycle with reflected GPS signals recorded by the Plate Boundary Observatory Network (Invited)
- Multi-scale, multi-method characterization of methane cycling in northern peatlands
- NLAS: Improving the Accessibility and Utility of Lidar Waveform Data in the Earth Sciences
- PBO Southwest Region: Baja Earthquake Response and Network Operations
- Periodic flow instabilities during Lone Star Geyser (YNP) eruptions, as deduced from acoustic measurements
- Probing the impact of different aerosol sources on cloud microphysics and precipitation through in-situ measurements of chemical mixing state
- Professional Development for Researchers in Solid Earth Science Evolved to Include Scientific and Educational Content
- Rapid Determination of Near-Fault Earthquake Deformation Using LIDAR
- Satellite Meteorology Education Resources Freely Available from COMET°
- Science applications in the Colorado River basin to improve drought management
- Simulations, Games, and Virtual Labs for Science Education: a Compendium and Some Examples
- Strategies for Evaluating Complex Environmental Education Programs
- Temporal Variations of Yellowstone Ground Deformation, 2004-2011, from Geodetic Observations and Magmatic Source Modeling
- The COMET° Program: Empowering Faculty via Environmental Science Education Resources and Training Opportunities
- The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)j
- The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Cascadia High-rate Real-time GPS Network - Network Completion to Data Products
- The Earthscope Plate Boundary Observatory Alaska Region an Overview of Network Operation, Maintenance and Improvement
- The GLOBE International Scientists Network: Connecting scientists, teachers and students from around the world
- The IPY Education, Outreach and Communication Assessment: How IPY is shaping the future of science outreach
- The Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Network: Geologic Resources from Drilling and Logging
- The Role of Belief, Trust and Values in Climate Change Science Education Efforts
- The role of an elevated reservoir in a six-day pollution event over the eastern US
- Towards Earth System Data Records from GPS Radio Occultation: Assessing Structural Uncertainty
- Video podcasts as a long-distance outreach tool: Polar science from Byrd Camp, West Antarctica
- Viscoelastic-cycle model of interseismic deformation in the western U.S.
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami video and TLS based measurements: hydrographs, currents, inundation flow velocities, and ship tracks
- A Consolidated and Reformatted ICESat-GLAS Data Set with Enhanced Quality Parameters
- A Coral Sea Rehearsal for the Eclipse Megamovie
- A New Model for Climate Science Research Experiences for Teachers
- A framework for integration of scientific applications into the OpenTopography workflow
- An Analysis of GPS and Remote Sensing Data of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, during the July 2003 Dome Collapse: Implications for Detection of Ash Plumes and Vertical Deformation
- Analysis of and results from the GPS component of the Plate Boundary Observatory
- Assessing Future Changes of Climate and Drought over the South-Central United States Projected by the CMIP5 Models
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Brokering Services for Real-time Weather Data and Climate Prediction Products Data Discovery and Access
- COCONet (Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network): Network Status and Project Highlights
- Carbon and black carbon in Yosemite National Park soils: sources, prescribed fire impacts, and policies
- Comparison analysis between NODC in situ analyzed sea surface salinity and Aquarius sea surface salinity
- Constraints on the Upper Crustal Magma Reservoir Beneath Yellowstone Lake Inferred From Lake-Seiche Induced Strain Observations
- Developing a curricular module for introductory geophysics or structural geology courses to quantify crustal strain using EarthScope PBO GPS velocities
- Developing climate change indicators and a climate change monitoring plan for decision-makers at a National Marine Sanctuary
- Development of an Online Archive for Terrestrial Lidar Data
- EarthScope Content Module for IRIS Active Earth Monitor
- Effects of Earthquake Ground Motion on Tracking Characteristics of New GNSS Hardware
- Extending the reanalysis to the ionosphere based on ground and LEO based GNSS observations
- From Learning to Research: Developing a Hybrid Teacher Professional Development Model
- GEOScan: A GEOScience Facility From Space
- Geodesy for Evaluating the Impact of Sea Level Rise on NASA Centers and Facilities
- Global Tropical Cyclone Winds from the QuikSCAT and OceanSAT-2 Scatterometers
- Height-Integrated Pedersen Conductivity in both E and F regions from COSMIC Observations
- Heliophysics
- Helping Students Move from Coding to Publishing - Teaching Scientific Communication to Science Interns
- Into the deep: using stable isotopes of trees to examine groundwater dynamics in bedrock outcrops
- Involving REU interns in community-based research in southern Louisiana - Lessons learned from a summer on the Bayou
- Landforms in Lidar: Building a Catalog of Digital Landforms for Education and Outreach
- NGSS and Inquiry-Based Learning with The GLOBE Program
- New Geodesy MATLAB Tools To Compute Earth Tides And Analyze Strain Data
- PBO-H2O: GPS Sensing of Snow Depth in the Western United States
- Partners in Science: A Suggested Framework for Inclusive Research
- Plate Boundary Observatory East Region Update and Status: Supporting New Science Through Enhanced Telemetry, Monument Evaluation, and Continued Operations and Maintenance
- Postseismic Deformation of Large Normal Faulting Earthquakes in the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain with Implications for Lithospheric Rheology
- Preliminary Result from an Observational and Modeling Study of Coronal Pseudostreamer Structure as a Solar Wind Origin
- Preliminary results from the retrieval and assimilation of GPS radio occultation refractivity observations during tropical storm development
- Preparing Scientists to be Community Partners
- Quantifying The Quality Of PBO Borehole Strainmeter Data
- Real-time GPS Networks on Active Convergent Margins, Updates From Cascadia and Elsewhere
- Role of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes from the Ocean in the Genesis of Tropical Cyclone Nargis (2008)
- Satellite Meteorology Education & Training Resources from COMET
- Seamless Synthetic Aperture Radar Archive for Interferometry Analysis
- Selecting their Own Research Topic: An Effective Means of Engaging Undergraduates in Geoscience Careers
- Statistical analysis of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection
- Student Researchers Reaching Out: Building Skills to Connect Science and Communities
- Summary of ICESat-1 inter-campaign elevation biases and detection methods
- The 1707 M8.7 Hoei Earthquake Triggered the Largest Historical Eruption of Mt. Fuji
- The Application of COCONet to Determine Water Vapor Variability in the Caribbean
- The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory Alaska Region: Highlights from the 2012 Summer Field Season
- The Effects of L2C Signal Tracking on High-Precision Carrier Phase GPS Positioning: Implications for the Next Generation of GNSS Systems
- The GLOBE International Scientist Network: Connecting Scientists and Schools to Promote Earth System Science
- Turning Content into Conversation: How The GLOBE Program is Growing its Brand Online
- UNAVCO Enhanced data products for the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, COCONet, and other regional networks
- UNAVCO Geodetic HIgh-Rate and Real-Time Products and Services: A next generation geodetic network
- UNAVCO-PBO Southwest Region Network Operations
- Unique and remarkable observations of Seiche behavior in Lake Yellowstone
- Using Relative Humidity Forecasts to Manage Meningitis in the Sahel
- Validation of Sonde Moisture Corrections using GPS and MWR Precipitable Water Retrievals during DYNAMO-CINDY2011-AMIE
- World Ocean Atlas 2013: Improved vertical and horizontal resolution
- Yellowstone Hotspot Geodynamics
- A Comparison of Snow Depth from GPS-Interferometry vs. AMSR-E/AMSR-2
- A Detailed Examination of DTM Source Data: Light, Camera, Action
- A New Global Geodetic Strain Rate Model
- A Teacher-Scientist Partnership as a Vehicle to Incorporate Climate Data in Secondary Science Curriculum
- A justification for semantic training in data curation frameworks development
- Accelerated thermokarst formation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Along strike variation in fault creep on the active Alto Tiberina low angle normal fault inferred from GPS geodesy
- BUFR2NetCDF - Converting Observational Data to a Self Describing Archive Format
- Climate Narratives: Combing multiple sources of information to develop risk management strategies for a municipal water utility
- Comparison of Real-Time Kinematic GNSS Positioning Techniques Using Moving and Stationary Antennas
- Contemporary Deformation of the Wasatch Front, UT, and its Implication on the Interseismic Loading of the Wasatch Fault Zone
- Develop an early warning climate indicator to support the Nation's resilience to 'flash' droughts over the US Great Plains
- EarthScope: Cyberinfrastructure to access Plate Boundary Observatory data products and services
- Engaging students in geodesy: A quantitative InSAR module for undergraduate tectonics and geophysics classes
- Engaging teachers, interpreters and emergency management educators in disaster preparedness and EarthScope science through joint professional development workshops (Invited)
- Evaluation of SNODAS snow depth and GPS-measured snow depth in the Western United States
- Federated query services provided by the Seamless SAR Archive project
- Games and Simulations for Climate, Weather and Earth Science Education
- Geodetic Time Series: An Overview of UNAVCO Community Resources and Examples of Time Series Analysis Using GPS and Strainmeter Data
- Geodetically resolved slip distribution of the 27 August 2012 Mw=7.3 El Salvador earthquake
- Geoscience Workforce Development at UNAVCO: Leveraging the NSF GAGE Facility
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- Heliophysics
- High-Rate Strainmeter Observations Of Aseismic Creep In A Transition Zone Between Creeping And Locked Sections Of The San Andreas Fault
- Incorporating Space Science Content Into the Undergraduate Curriculum by the NASA Education Forums' Higher Education Working Group
- Increasing the Impact of High-Resolution Lidar Topography Through Online Data Access and Processing
- Innovations in making EarthScope science and data accessible (Invited)
- Integrated data search and access to geophysical data for Geohazards Supersites and Natural Laboratories
- Integrative analysis and discoveries of Yellowstone science revealing new interpretations and assessments of earthquake and volcano risk
- Kinetics and Product Yields of the Gas-Phase Reactions of Isoprene Hydroxynitrates and Isoprene Carbonynitrates
- Leveraging High Resolution Topography for Education and Outreach: Updates to OpenTopography to make EarthScope and Other Lidar Datasets more Prominent in Geoscience Education
- Low and Mid Level Tropical Atmosphere Characterization during African Dust Outbreaks Using Particle Size Distribution Data Retrieved from ICE-T and PRADACS Field Studies
- Magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection: occurrence statistics, radial evolution and geo-effectiveness
- Mass changes at different levels revealed by micro-gravity and deformation measurements at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i. (Invited)
- Methane Emission Resolving Power of the Proposed GEO-CAPE Satellite
- Monitoring the terrestrial water cycle with reflected GPS signals recorded by the Plate Boundary Observatory Network (Invited)
- Monoterpene emissions from Pinus halepensis forests in a semi-arid region (Israel)
- New Collaboration Among Geodesy Data Centers in Europe and the US Facilitates Data Discovery and Access
- New PBO GPS Station Construction: Eastern Region Network Enhancements and Multiple-Monument Stability Comparisons
- Observing active deformation of volcanoes in North America: Geodetic data from the Plate Boundary Observatory and associated networks
- Ontology development for provenance tracing in National Climate Assessment of the US Global Change Research Program
- Optimization of Kinematic GPS Data Analysis for Large Surface Deformation from the July 2003 Dome Collapse at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- PBO H2O: Plate Boundary Observatory Studies of the Water Cycle
- Partnerships for building strong internship and research experiences for undergraduates
- Predictability of Regional Climate: A Bayesian Approach to Analysing a WRF Model Ensemble
- Rapid CMT determination through the joint inversion of GPS and strain data
- Rich Support for Heterogeneous Polar Data in RAMADDA
- Satellite Constellations for Space Weather and Ionospheric Studies: Overview of the COSMIC and COSMIC-2 Missions
- Stability of GNSS Monumentation: Analysis of Co-Located Monuments in the Plate Boundary Observatory
- Supporting the whole student: Inclusive program design for making undergraduate research experiences accessible
- Tablet and Face-to-Face Hybrid Professional Development: Providing Earth Systems Science Educators Authentic Research Opportunities through The GLOBE Program at Purdue University
- The Arctic Cooperative Data and Information System: Data Management Support for the NSF Arctic Research Program (Invited)
- The Assessment and Validation of Global Analysis and Reanalysis Products within the Broader Caribbean from the Continuously Operating Caribbean Observational Network (COCONet)
- The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Facility: Innovations, Transformations, and Impact
- The Plate Boundary Observatory Cascadia Network: Development and Installation of a Large Scale Real-time GPS Network
- The Plate Boundary Observatory: Current status and plans for the next five years
- The UNAVCO Real-time GPS Data Processing System and Community Reference Data Sets
- The role of Facilities in Engaging and Informing the Public of EarthScope Science
- UNAVCO: A Decade Supporting EarthScope - Three Decades of Supporting Geodesy for Science Innovation
- Validation of ACE-FTS measurements of CFC-11, CFC-12, and HCFC-22 using ground-based FTIR spectrometers
- Water and Energy in the Southwestern US- Linking the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) and the Long-range Energy Analysis and Planning (LEAP) decision support systems to explore the implications of water and energy choices in California
- Weather Forecaster Understanding of Climate Models
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami runup hydrographs, ship tracks, upriver and overland flow velocities based on video, LiDAR and AIS measurements
- A Teachable Moment in Earth Deformation: An Undergraduate Strain Module Incorporating GPS Measurement of the August 24, 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- An Analysis of Interannual Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data: Imprints of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Comparison to Models
- An OSSE study using the GFDL ensemble coupled data assimilation system: Biased twin experiment for deep Argo array
- Analyzing post-fire topography at the hillslope-channel interface with terrestrial LiDAR: contrasting geomorphic responses from the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire of Colorado and the 2013 Springs Fire of California
- COCONet enhancements to circum-Caribbean tsunami warning, tidal, and sea-level monitoring: update on tide gauge installations
- Changes in the Seasonal Cycle of Sea Surface Salinity during the Argo-era (2004-2013)
- Comparing Geodetic Data Quality from PBO and non-PBO GPS Stations at Decadal and Continental Scales
- Connecting the Public to Natural Hazards Through a Hands-on Museum Exhibit
- Continuous creep measurements on the North Anatolian fault
- DART: Tools and Support for Ensemble Data Assimilation Research, Operations, and Education
- Decadal-Scale Decoupling of the Japan Trench Prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake from Geodetic and Repeating-Earthquake Observations
- Development of the TLALOCNet GPS-Met Network in Northwestern Mexico: Supporting Continuous Water Vapor Observations of the North American Monsoon
- EarthScope's Plate Boundary Observatory in Alaska: Building on Existing Infrastructure to Provide a Platform for Integrated Research and Hazard-monitoring Efforts
- Educator professional development as a component of earthquake and tsunami readiness and early warning systems
- Effects of the April 1<SUP>st</SUP>, 2014 GLONASS Outage on GNSS Receivers
- Energy Requirements by the Water Sector in the Southwestern US: Past, Present, and Future
- Engaging Indigenous Communities and Research Scientists to Manage Climate Risk
- Evaluating Observational Methods to Quantify Snow Duration under Diverse Forest Canopies
- Evaluating the Impact of Internships - Longitudinal Participant Tracking in the Soars Program
- Evaluating the Impact of Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding on NASA Centers and Facilities by Implementing Terrestrial Laser Scanning Surveys to Improve Coastal Digital Elevation and Inundation Models
- GETSI Project: Using geodetic data to each about changes in ice mass and sea level in introductory courses
- GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI): Undergraduate curricular modules that feature geodetic data applied to critical social topics
- GNSS Radio Occultation Observations as a data source for Ionospheric Assimilation: COSMIC-1 & COSMIC-2
- GPS data analysis and results from the Geodesy Advancing Geosciences and EarthScope (GAGE) project
- Geoscience Workforce Development at UNAVCO: Building a Continuous Support Structure for Student Success
- Hydrological Modeling and Repeatability with Brokering
- Ice Nucleating Particles and their Role in California Winter Clouds
- Impact of GNSS Clock Instability on Radio Occultation Retrievals from the COSMIC-2 Mission
- Impact of Loss of Microwave and Radio Occultation Observations in Operational Numerical Weather Prediction in Support of the US Data Gap Mitigation Activities
- Impacts of atmospheric and oceanic resolution on the tropical Pacific climatology simulated by GFDL's new climate models
- Influence of Physics Parameterizations and Ocean Coupling on Simulations of Tropical Cyclones using a Regional Climate Model (WRF) and a Coupled Modeling System (COAWST)
- Interhemispheric asymmetry of ionospheric conductance and neutral dynamics
- International Collaborations Fostering Data Discovery and Access of Geodetic Data for the Geosciences
- Ionospheric Density Enhancements at Low and Middle Latitudes during Superstorms Observed from Multiple Satellites
- Large-scale anisotropy in stably stratified rotating flows
- Lessons Learned in over Two Decades of GPS/GNSS Data Center Support
- Longitudinal and Hemispheric Variations of Nighttime E-Layer Electron Density in the Auroral Zone
- Mechanisms of flash-flood generation in a gullied high-plains grassland: evidence for partial contributing area runoff
- NSF Antarctic and Arctic Data Consortium; Scientific Research Support & Data Services for the Polar Community
- Observations of Enhanced Semi Diurnal Lunar Tides in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere at Mid and High Northern Latitudes during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
- OpenTopography: Addressing Big Data Challenges Using Cloud Computing, HPC, and Data Analytics
- Opportunities in Heliophysics
- PBO Borehole Strainmeter Recordings of The M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- PBO Strainmeters: Extending the Spectrum of Fault Deformation Observations
- Plate Boundary Observatory Southwest Region Network Operations, Expansion and Communications Hardening
- Pre-, Co-, and Post-Seismic Fault Slip in the Northern Chile Seismic Gap Associated with the April 1, 2014 (Mw 8.2) Pisagua Earthquake.
- Predictability and Ensemble Modeling of the Space-Atmosphere Interaction Region
- Preliminary Obtained Data from Borehole Geodetic Measurements in Marmara Region, Turkey
- Proposed Requirements-driven User-scenario Development Protocol for the Belmont Forum E-Infrastructure and Data Management Cooperative Research Agreement
- Quantifying widespread canopy cover decline through the course of a beetle kill epidemic in Colorado with remote sensing of snow
- Recent Developments and Applications of the WRF-Hydro Modeling System for Continental Scale Water Cycle Predictions
- Reconstructing meridional flow speed variation from synthetic magnetic observations by using EnKF data assimilation
- Response of Middle Atmospheric Hydroxyl Radical to the 27-Day Solar Forcing
- Solar Cycle Induced Variability in Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>x</SUB> — Abundances and Partitioning
- Starting them Early: Incorporating Communication Training into Undergraduate Research Internships
- Study of Atmospheric Processes over the Maritime Continent with Radio Occultation Technique
- Supporting REU Leaders and Effective Workforce Development in the Geosciences
- Tailoring Summer Research Experiences to Diverse Student Cohorts: Lessons Learned from Teaching Scientific Communication to Summer Interns
- Taking Another Look at the Data Management Life Cycle: Deconstruction, Agile, and Community
- The Continuously Operating Caribbean Observational Network (COCONet): Supporting Regional Development of Geoscience Research Across the Circum-Caribbean
- The Effect of Moderate Rotation on Stratified Turbulence
- The Future of the Plate Boundary Observatory in the GAGE Facility and beyond 2018
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The Mw4.8 Norris Geyser Basin Earthquake of 30 March, 2014 and its Relationship to Crustal Deformation and Seismic Activity of the Yellowstone Volcanic System
- The Plate Boundary Observatory Cascadia Network: Development and Installation of a Large Scale Real-time GPS Network
- The Seamless SAR Archive (SSARA) Project and Other SAR Activities at UNAVCO
- Translating above-ground cosmic-ray neutron intensity to high-frequency soil moisture profile at sub-kilometer scale
- UNAVCO Real-Time GNSS Positioning: High-Precision Static and Kinematic Testing of the Next Generation GNSS network.
- Virtual Tools to Broaden Participation in the Earth and Space Sciences through Geolead (Geoscience Learning, Engagement And Development)
- Waves and Magnetism in the Solar Atmosphere (WAMIS)
- Which forcing data errors matter most when modeling seasonal snowpacks?
- A Community-Contributed InSAR Product Archive at UNAVCO
- A Comprehensive Archive of Aerosol and Trace Gas Spatial Distributions for Model and Satellite Validation
- A Regional View of Easterly Waves over Pacific and Atlantic Ocean: Tropical Cyclogenesis Thresholds and Rainfall
- A Sensitivity Study of Mesospheric and Stratospheric HOx Chemistry
- Accurate Characterization of Winter Precipitation Using In-Situ Instrumentation, CSU-CHILL Radar, and Advanced Scattering Methods
- Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A.
- Agile Data Curation: A conceptual framework and approach for practitioner data management
- Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- An Extensible Global Land Data Assimilation System Based on NCAR's Community Land Model (CLM) and Data Assimilation Research Testbed
- An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign
- Assessing Ozone Chemistry Using Observations of Alkyl Nitrates during Summer in Colorado
- Atmospheric Organic Gases from Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities: Analysis and Modeling
- Bringing the Unidata IDV to the Cloud
- Building Pipelines for Information: Developing Partnerships Between Scientists, Educators, and Community Groups to Learn More About Hydraulic Fracturing in Colorado
- COCONet and TLALOCNet: Multi-hazard GNSS/Met Observatories, Enhancing Geodetic Infrastructure and the Scientific Community in Mexico and the Caribbean
- Cascading Impacts of Longwave Radiation Uncertainty on Modeled Snowmelt and Summer Evapotranspiration at Mountain Research Sites
- Case Studies of Mixed-phase Winter Orographic Clouds with High Liquid Water Content over Idaho
- Characterising Biomass Burning Aerosol in WRF-Chem using the Volatility Basis Set, with Evaluation against SAMBBA Flight Data
- Characteristics of Wintertime Precipitation in Two Western Wyoming Mountainous Regions
- Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
- Cold/Shoulder Season Precipitation Near 0°C Over Northern Eurasia
- Comparison of the Assimilation of Compact Phase Space Retrievals (CPSRs) with Conventional Retrieval Assimilation Methods for MOPITT CO in WRF-Chem/DART
- Comparisons of cirrus cloud properties between polluted and pristine air based on in-situ observations from the NSF HIPPO, EU INCA and NASA ATTREX campaigns
- Conceptual and computational challenges in continental-domain hydrologic model parameter estimation: VIC applications over the contiguous USA
- Constraints on Anthropogenic NO<SUB>x</SUB> Emissions from Geostationary Satellite Observations in a Regional Chemical Data Assimilation System: Evaluation Using Observing System Simulation Experiments
- Continental-Scale Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Modeling
- Crowdsourcing Science to Promote Human Health: New Tools to Promote Sampling of Mosquito Populations by Citizen Scientists
- Dataworks for GNSS: Software for Supporting Data Sharing and Federation of Geodetic Networks
- Developing Research-Ready Skills: Preparing Early Academic Students for Participation in Research Experiences
- Development of a hybrid 3-D hydrological model to simulate hillslopes and the regional unconfined aquifer system in Earth system models
- Diagnostic testing and evaluation of the community WRF-Hydro Modeling System for national streamflow prediction application
- Dispersion of particles in complex terrain: comparisons between WRF LES and simulations using different PBL schemes
- Dry Layers in the Tropical West Pacific as Observed with GPS Radio Occultation and CONTRAST Aircraft Measurements
- EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, Southwest Region - Communications, Challenges, and Cooperation
- Engaging Communities to Understand and Adapt to Environmental Changes with The GLOBE Program
- Enlisting User Community Perspectives to Inform Development of a Semantic Web Application for Discovery of Cross-Institutional Research Information and Data
- Exploring links between biomass burning smoke and tornado likelihood: From regional to large-eddy scale simulations
- Exploring the Potential of Snow Data Assimilation to Improve Seasonal Streamflow Prediction Across the Western United States
- Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations
- Formation of Polar Ionospheric Tongue of Ionization during Minor Geomagnetic Disturbed Conditions
- From Traceability to Reproducibility: the Focus of Earth Science Provenance
- Front-end Evaluation as Part of a Comprehensive Approach to Inform the Development of a New Climate Exhibit at NCAR
- Games and Simulations for Climate, Weather and Earth Science Education
- GeoCSV: tabular text formatting for geoscience data
- Geodesy Brings the Geoscience Community Together as Geophysicists
- Geodesy and the UNAVCO Consortium: Three Decades of Innovations
- Geodetic Infrastructure, Data, Education and Community Engagement in Response to Earthquakes and Other Geophysical Events: An Overview of UNAVCO Support Resources Plus Highlights from Recent Event Response
- Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections
- Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Occultation: Processing Algorithms, Science Applications, and COSMIC-2 Mission Status
- Graceful Failure, Engineering, and Planning for Extremes: The Engineering for Climate Extremes Partnership (ECEP)
- Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
- High Resolution Climate Modeling of the Water Cycle over the Contiguous United States Including Potential Climate Change Scenarios
- Hydrologic Modeling at the National Water Center: Operational Implementation of the WRF-Hydro Model to support National Weather Service Hydrology
- Impact of Stronger Production and Loss Rates of Secondary Organic Aerosols on their Global Distribution and Budget
- Impacts of Graupel Parameterization on Idealized and Real Case Simulations of Squall Lines
- Impacts of Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling on Ionospheric Predictability in an Ensemble Data Assimilation and Forecasting System
- Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
- Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Formation in the Colorado Front Range during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014
- Improving streamflow simulations in the Western United States via ensemble snow data assimilation
- Incomplete décollement rupture in the 25 April 2015 Gurkha earthquake; Implications for past and future Himalayan earthquakes
- Incorporating Geodetic Data in Introductory Geoscience Classrooms through UNAVCO's GETSI "Ice Mass and Sea Level Changes" Module
- Insights into Chemical Transport and Oxidative Processing in the Arctic Springtime
- Insights into Submicron Aerosol Composition and Sources from the WINTER Aircraft Campaign Over the Eastern US.
- Installation of EarthScope Borehole Strainmeters in Turkey to complement GONAF.
- Integrating Satellite, Radar and Surface Observation with Time and Space Matching
- Inter-hemispheric asymmetry of Pedersen conductance
- Interannual Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data and Comparison to Climate Models
- Internships and UNAVCO: Training the Future Geoscience Workforce Through the NSF GAGE Facility
- Interplay of Waves and Eddies and Energy Exchange in Rotating Stratified Geophysical Flows
- Interseismic, coseismic, postseismic, and slow slip event deformation above a shallow subduction thrust in the western Solomon Islands
- Ionosphere variability at mid latitudes during sudden stratosphere warmings
- Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) model and its coupling to terrestrial weather toward transitioning to operation
- LOTOS: A Proposed Lower Tropospheric Observing System from the Land Surface through the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Large Earthquake Potential in the Southeast Caribbean
- Large Scale Ionospheric Response During March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm: Reanalysis Based on Multiple Satellites Observations and TIEGCM Simulations
- Latitudinal and Solar Cycle Variability of Thermosphere Composition at the Solstices
- Long Duration Enhancement And Depletion Observed In The Topside Ionospheric Electron Content During The March 2015 Strong Storm
- Lunar tidal effects during the 2013 stratospheric sudden warming as simulated by the TIME-GCM
- Mantle-Crust Volcanics and Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot from Seismic and GPS Imaging and Earthquake Swarm Magmatic Interaction
- NASA Global GNSS Network (GGN) Status and Plans
- New Tools and Data to Understand and Adapt to Hydroclimatic Variability and Change in Alaska and Hawaii
- Observations of Non-OH Oxidants of SO<SUB>2</SUB> during NOMADSS and FRAPPE
- On the Variations of Electricity, Lightning and Storm Properties
- Online Resources and Community Support for REU Leaders
- Online matchmaking: It's not just for dating sites anymore! Connecting the Climate Voices Science Speakers Network to Educators
- Ontology Reuse in Geoscience Semantic Applications
- Operational Data Quality Assessment of the Combined PBO, TLALOCNet and COCONet Real-Time GNSS Networks
- Operational, hyper-resolution hydrologic modeling over the contiguous U.S. using themulti-scale, multi-physics WRF-Hydro Modeling and Data Assimilation System.
- Outreach on a National Scale: The Critical Role of Facilities
- Ozone and Volatile Organic Compound Distributions in Rocky Mountain National Park During FRAPPÉ: Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Park Air Quality
- PBO Operations in Alaska and Cascadia, Combining Regions and Collaborating with our Regional Partners
- Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling
- Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Network Status in California
- Plug and Play GPS for Earth Scientists: Providing Immediate Access to Low-Latency Geodetic Products for Rapid Modeling and Analysis of Natural Hazards
- Post-Earthquake Geology in the ERA of Ubiquitous Point Clouds
- Professional development for graduate students in the atmospheric sciences
- Profiles of Ionospheric Storm-enhanced Density during the 17 March 2015 Great Storm
- Progress connecting multi-disciplinary geoscience communities through the VIVO semantic web application
- Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for Areas of Highest Seismic Risk in the Western U.S.
- Provenance of Earth Science Datasets - How Deep Should One Go?
- Pushing the Regional Arctic System Reanalysis to Higher Resolution: A comparison with the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis for the Arctic and Beyond
- Quantifying uncertainty due to internal variability using high-resolution regional climate model simulations
- Real-time demonstration and evaluation of over-the-loop short to medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasting
- Requirements to Observational Systems for a Better Quantification and Understanding of Hydroclimate Extremes
- Response of Thermospheric Hydrogen to Solar Variability and Greenhouse Gases
- Retrievals of Vertical Air Motion from the HIAPER Cloud Radar during CSET
- Revealing Risks in Adaptation Planning: expanding Uncertainty Treatment and dealing with Large Projection Ensembles during Planning Scenario development
- Rosetta: Ensuring the Preservation and Usability of ASCII-based Data into the Future
- Rotation of the Pacific Northwest and Deformation Across the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt Estimated with GPS
- Semi diurnal lunar tides in the MLT at mid and high northern and southern latitudes during major sudden stratospheric warming events
- Short-Term Tidal Variability in the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere from SABER
- Slip kinematics and ground motions of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake imaged with 5Hz GPS data and ALOS-2 InSAR constraints
- Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.
- Small-Scale Behavior of Decaying Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Surface Hydrological Load Displacements from the National Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) model
- Synthesis of Creep Measurements from Strainmeters and Creepmeters along the San Andreas Fault: Implications for Seismic vs. Aseismic Partitioning
- TLALOCNet: A Continuous GPS-Met Array in Mexico for Seismotectonic and Atmospheric Research
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion teaching resources for undergraduate field education courses
- Testing the Susceptibility of GNSS Receivers to Radio Frequency Interference
- The AirWaterGas Teacher Professional Development Program: Lessons Learned by Pairing Scientists and Teachers to Develop Curriculum on Global Climate Change and Regional Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
- The Climate Voices Speakers Network: Collaborating with Nontraditional, National Networks to Develop Climate Literacy on a Local Level
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The Impact of Residential Combustion Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health in China
- The NOAA Big Data Project: NEXRAD on the Cloud
- The Remarkable Condensational Growth of Cloud Droplets Grown on Giant Sea-salt Aerosol Particles
- The Strong Control of Sea Ice Dynamics on Lower Cell Circulation Changes
- Thermospheric Wind Changes During and After the March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm
- Total Storm Conduction Currents Derived Using a Global Climate Model
- Undergraduate teaching modules featuring geodesy data applied to critical social topics (GETSI: GEodetic Tools for Societal Issues)
- Unidata LDM-7: a Hybrid Multicast/unicast System for Highly Efficient and Reliable Real-Time Data Distribution
- Unidata: 30 Years of FOSS for the Geosciences
- Unidata: Community, Science, and Technology; in that order.
- Using NMME in Region-Specific Operational Seasonal Climate Forecasts
- Utilization of a UAV platform for instrument development and flight-testing
- Variations of Hydrogen in the Thermosphere: Nature and Causes
- A community dataspace for distribution and processing of "long tail" high resolution topography data
- A regional approach to the Co-Production of climate information for water utilities- Managing Messages, Approaches, Benefits, and Lessons learned
- A satellite view of the sources and interannual variability of free tropospheric PAN over the eastern Pacific Ocean during summer and its timeline for trend detection
- An Efficient Workflow Environment to Support the Collaborative Development of Actionable Climate Information Using the NCAR Climate Risk Management Engine (CRMe)
- An Overview of the National Weather Service National Water Model
- Analysis of Extreme Hydrologic Events in the NOAA National Water Model
- Analysis of Surface Electric Field Measurements from an Array of Electric Field Mills
- Analysis of drought-related hydrologic loading signals from Plate Boundary Observatory GPS stations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Anomalous mixing in unforced rotating stratified turbulence with parameters relevant to the atmosphere and the oceans, using the Boussinesq equations with buoyancy Reynolds numbers up to 10<SUP>5</SUP>
- Are We Telling Decision-makers the Wrong Things - and with Too Much Confidence?
- Assessing the viability of `over-the-loop' real-time short-to-medium range ensemble streamflow forecasts
- Borehole Strainmeters and the monitoring of the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Sea.
- Bringing the Science of Climate Change to Elementary Students with new Classroom Activities from Elementary GLOBE
- Building Quantitative Hydrologic Storylines from Process-based Models for Managing Water Resources in the U.S. Under Climate-changed Futures
- Building Training Curricula for Accelerating the Use of NOAA Climate Products and Tools
- CF Standard Names: Supporting Increased Use of netCDF-CF Across the Geoscience Community
- CONUS domain application of Multi-scale Parameter Regionalization for spatially distributed model parameter estimates
- Can we detect national-scale under-reporting of CO2 emissions using OCO-2 XCO2 observations in a carbon-weather data assimilation system?
- Certainty and Uncertainty in Convection Permitting Modelling: Downscaling the CESM Large Ensemble
- Changes in Convective Rainfall in future climates over Western Europe.
- Changes in Precipitation Characteristics over North America by the Late 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Simulated by a Convection-Permitting Model
- Changing Characteristics of convective storms: Results from a continental-scale convection-permitting climate simulations
- Characterization of various data uncertainties involved in comparing collocated soundings of radiosonde and GPS Radio Occultation
- Citizen Environmental Science in Support of Educatio
- Climate Change in the Upper Atmosphere
- Climate Voices: Bridging Scientist Citizens and Local Communities across the United States
- Cloud storage and computing resources for the UNAVCO SAR Archive
- Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study of a Squall Line Case from MC3E - Properties of Convective Core
- Cloud-based NEXRAD Data Processing and Analysis for Hydrologic Applications
- Comparison two physics suites for global TC simulations using variable resolution of non-hydrostatic model
- Controlling Influence of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy - Atmosphere Feedback on the Kuroshio Extension Jet
- Coordinated scenarios for a transdisciplinary assessment of the scientific understanding of Arctic environmental change
- Crowd-Sourcing with K-12 citizen scientists: The Continuing Evolution of the GLOBE Program
- Data-proximate Visualization via Unidata Cloud Technologies
- Detecting and Measuring Land Subsidence in Houston-Galveston, Texas using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Global Positioning System Data, 2012-2016
- Development of a Three-Dimensional Spectral Element Model for NWP: Idealized Simulations on the Sphere
- Distilling Design Patterns From Agile Curation Case Studies
- Ensemble versus Variational Data Assimilation Methods for Incorporating Sparse Observational Data Streams into Aerosol Forecasting Systems
- Estimating the impact of 2015 El Niño and 2011 La Niña on terrestrial biosphere flux variability with multiple satellite observations
- Evaluating and Modifying a Partially Double Moment Microphysics Scheme for Hurricane Simulations
- Evaluation of High Resolution Rapid Refresh-Smoke (HRRR-Smoke) model products for a case study using surface PM2.5 observations
- Evidence for New Particle Formation Acquired from Equator to Pole and From the Surface to 20 Km Altitude
- Expanding the Impact of Photogrammetric Topography Through Improved Data Archiving and Access
- GLOBE Cornerstones: Advancing Student Research Worldwide through Virtual and Regional Symposia
- GLOBE Observer and the Association of Science & Technology Centers: Leveraging Citizen Science and Partnerships for an International Science Experiment to Build Climate Literacy
- GLOBE Observer: A new tool to bring science activities and measurements home
- GLOBE and Place-based learning
- GLOBE-al Impact through Diversity Bootcamps and Student Research Symposia
- Geodetic Data Via Web Services: Standardizing Access, Expanding Accessibility, and Promoting Discovery
- Hazard Monitoring in a Spectrum-Challenged Future: US Department of Transportation Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment of Interference on High-Precision GNSS Receivers
- Heliophysics as a Scientific Discipline
- High Resolution Regional Climate Simulations over Alaska
- High resolution regional climate simulation of the Hawaiian Islands - Validation of the historical run from 2003 to 2012
- Hydrographic and terrestrial datasets to support continental-scale hydrologic modeling in Version 1 of the National Water Model
- Impact assessment of GPS radio occultation data on Antarctic analysis and forecast using WRF 3DVAR
- Impact of Antarctic Polar Front Variability on Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry
- Impact of the 2015 El Niño on the Indonesian carbon balance: implications for carbon mitigation
- Impacts of Tropopause Polar Cyclones on Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Improved Orbit Determination and Forecasts with an Assimilative Tool for Atmospheric Density and Satellite Drag Specification
- Improvements of modern land surface model and impacts on the regional climate modeling in the Tibet Plateau
- Improving Earth Science Metadata: Modernizing ncISO
- Incorporating Decadal Predictions into Water Management Decisions
- Influence of Ionospheric Weather on GNSS Radio Occultation Signals
- Integrating STEM Place-Based, Culturally Responsive and Citizen Science Learning in Exploring the Impacts and Feedbacks of a Changing Arctic
- Interactions of river discharge parameterizations with the Madden Julian oscillation in the CESM
- International postseismic response after the Mw=7.8 April 16, 2016 Pedernales Earthquake in Ecuador
- Introducing a New Elementary GLOBE Book on Climate: Supporting Educators and Students in their Understanding of the Concepts Underlying Climate and Climate Change
- Ionospheric data assimilation and forecasting during storms
- Is There a Compositional Signature That Could Explain Middle Latitude Ionospheric Signatures during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings?
- Large ensemble and large-domain hydrologic modeling: Insights from SUMMA applications in the Columbia River Basin
- Leveraging Available Technologies for Improved Interoperability and Visualization of Remote Sensing and In-situ Oceanographic data at the PO.DAAC
- Linking netCDF Data with the Semantic Web - Enhancing Data Discovery Across Domains
- Managing Earth's Future: Global Self-Restraint for the Common Good or Domination by Incentive and Power?
- Mechanisms for Seasonal and Interannual Sea Surface Salinity Variability in the Indian Ocean
- Merging science, engineering, and data with FUN: Recreational Drones in STEaM Education Activities and Science Fair Projects
- MetEd Training Resources from COMET: Assisting User Readiness for JPSS Era
- Meteorological Instrumentation and Measurements Open Resource Training Modules for Undergraduate and Graduate Education
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Microphysical and macrophysical characteristics of ice and mixed-phase clouds compared between in-situ observations from the NSF ORCAS campaign and the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model
- Moisture Mode Processes and MJO Predictability in Coupled NAVGEM/HYCOM Hindcasts
- Networking Cyberinfrastructure Resources to Support Global, Cross-disciplinary Science
- OGC NetCDF specifications: Towards a unified Interface for Earth Observation data in the Geospatial Information domain
- Observational perspectives on cloud-atmosphere-surface coupling at Summit, Greenland
- Ocean Ensemble Forecasting in the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability
- On Model Complexity and Parameter Regionalization for Continental Scale Hydrologic Simulations
- On the Origin of Large Tropical Cyclone Track Errors
- Overview of the NCAR-MOPITT reanalysis, investigation of chemical error correlations
- PBO Strainmeters: A Decade of Open Data Access and Review Of Network Performance
- PW Characteristics during the 2013 Colorado Flood using Ground-Based GPS Measurements
- Practical implementation of a particle filter data assimilation approach to estimate initial hydrologic conditions and initialize medium-range streamflow forecasts
- Pre- and post-seismic deformation related to the 2015, M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
- Probabilistic weather analysis and prediction using the local particle filter
- Professional Development For Community College Faculty: Lessons Learned From Intentional Mentoring Workshops
- Quantifying Station Quality from Residual Vertical Motions in the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Network
- Regional decadal predictions of coupled climate-human systems
- Robust drying influence of mean ocean surface warming on The Sahel and implications for constraining future rainfall change
- Role Of Fires On The Global Methane Budget And Atmospheric Methane Increase Since 2006
- Satellite Constellations for Space Weather and Ionospheric Studies: Overview of the COSMIC and COSMIC-2 Missions
- Scale Dependence of Air-Sea Interaction
- Serving Real-Time Point Observation Data in netCDF using Climate and Forecasting Discrete Sampling Geometry Conventions
- Shallow and deep creep events observed and quantified with strainmeters along the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield
- Shear lines facilitate transport of reactive trace gases from East Asia into the deep tropics.
- Simulating boundary-layer effects of a wind turbine array using LES and RANS in convective and stable conditions
- Simulating mesoscale convective systems using a global variable-resolution model at convection-permitting scales
- Slower snowmelt in a warmer world
- Social Media: Gateway to Public Preparedness and Understanding of GeoHazards
- Societal challenges-oriented data-rich undergraduate teaching resources for geoscience classrooms and field courses
- Starting a Conversation: Engaging Scientists with the Public through Interactive Activities
- Strategies for exposing students to potential careers in the geosciences and preparing them with skillsets valued by today's workforce: a case study
- Stratospheric Inorganic Bromine Loading Inferred from CONTRAST BrO and Organic Bromine Observations
- Subseasonal predictability of tropical cyclone genesis in a global high-resolution climate model
- Subtleties of Estimating Scale Changes in Regional GPS Networks and Their Impact on Height Estimates.
- Supporting Information Linking and Discovery Across Organizations Using the VIVO Semantic Web Software Suite
- Swath Data Representation in netCDF-CF Files
- Teaching Structure from Motion to Undergraduates: New Learning Module for Field Geoscience Courses
- Tectono-Magmatic Investigations with Societal Implications: Progress on the Tanzania Volcano Observatory (TZVOLCANO)
- TerrSysMP-DART Interface: An Integrated Data Assimilation Platform for Coupled Atmosphere, Land Surface and Groundwater Model.
- The Airborne Research Instrumentation Testing Opportunity (ARISTO)
- The GLOBAL Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Data Visualization and Retrieval System. Building a robust system for scientists and students.
- The Power of Large Scale Partnerships to Increase Climate Awareness and Literacy Around the World
- The Unidata Integrated Data Viewer
- The comparison of in-situ Sea Surface Temperature anomalies gridded data sets.
- The direct effects of black carbon on tropical cyclone statistics
- The future intensification of hourly precipitation extremes
- The impact of multi-decadal sub-surface circulation changes on sea surface chlorophyll patterns in the tropical Pacific
- The impact of sea surface temperature biases on North American precipitation biases and drought variability in a GFDL climate model
- The potential for geostationary remote sensing of NO<SUB>2</SUB> to improve weather prediction
- Towards understanding and predicting the spurious `double ITCZ' problem in CMIP5 models
- Trace Gas Distributions and Correlations Observed In The Southern Ocean Atmosphere During the ORCAS Mission
- Tracing Aerosols Through Drops to Precipitation in Marine Stratocumulus
- Understanding Atypical Mid-Level Wind Speed Maxima in Hurricane Eyewalls
- Understanding geodesy and geoscience processes through interactive demonstrations for the general public
- Unidata Cyberinfrastructure in the Cloud
- Unidata and the Hydrologic Community
- Using The GLOBE Program to address the Global Development Goals
- Using UAVs to Conduct Student-led Research Projects
- VIVO Open Source Software: Connecting Facilities to Promote Discovery and Further Research.
- WIND SPEED Monitoring in Northern Eurasia
- Water-Energy Nexus Challenges & Opportunities in the Arabian Peninsula under Climate Change
- Why are there winds in the upper thermosphere?
- 500 Women Scientists: Science Advocacy Through Community Action
- <SUB>How Many Women Scientists Does It Take?</SUB>
- A Methodological Inter-Comparison of Gridded Meteorological Products
- A scaling law for the mixing efficiency in weakly rotating unforced stratified turbulence in the atmosphere and the oceans based on the slowing down of energy transfer to the small scales because of waves
- Activities, Animations, and Online Tools to Enable Undergraduate Student Learning of Geohazards, Climate Change, and Water Resources
- Adapting and Bending the Portal to the Public: Evaluation of an NSF-Funded Science Communication Model for UNAVCO's Geoscience Summer Internships
- Advancing the Explicit Representation of Lake Processes in WRF-Hydro
- Agile Data Curation Case Studies Leading to the Identification and Development of Data Curation Design Patterns
- An Object-Based Approach to Evaluation of Climate Variability Projections and Predictions
- Basic to Advanced InSAR Processing: GMTSAR
- Beyond Climate Scenarios: Advancing from Changes in the Mean to a Better Understanding of Physical Processes to Enhance Stakeholder Engagement
- Characteristics and climatology of mid-latitude F-region ionospheric irregularities observed by COSMIC radio occultation measurements
- Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves and the MJO in Subseasonal Forecasts from Global Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Models: Activity and Predictive Skill
- Decadal GPS Time Series and Velocity Fields Spanning the North American Continent and Beyond: New Data Products, Cyberinfrastructure and Case Studies from the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) and Other Regional Networks
- Diversity of Communications, Diversity of Communities: Strategic Choices for Maximum Engagement
- EarthCollab, building geoscience-centric implementations of the VIVO semantic software suite
- EarthCube Cyberinfrastructure: The Importance of and Need for International Strategic Partnerships to Enhance Interconnectivity and Interoperability
- Engaging Citizen Scientists across North America to Monitor Eclipse-driven Environmental Change through NASA GLOBE Observer, Results and Lessons Learned
- Enhancements to the WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model Structure for Semi-arid Environments
- Evaluating Commercial and Private Cloud Services for Facility-Scale Geodetic Data Access, Analysis, and Services
- Evaluation of Model Performance over the Maritime Continent
- Evidence of the Lower Thermospheric Winter-to-Summer Circulation
- Examining the Performance of Statistical Downscaling Methods: Toward Matching Applications to Data Products
- Exploring cloud and big data components for SAR archiving and analysis
- Face Time: Meaningful Public Engagement Through Interactive, In-Person Outreach Efforts
- Fault creep and persistent asperities on the western section of the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Future Missions for Space Weather Specifications and Forecasts
- GNSS Radio Occultation Excess Phase Processing with Integrated Uncertainty Estimation for Thermodynamic Cal/Val of Passive Atmospheric Sounders and Climate Science
- Geodetic mass balance measurements on debris and clean-ice tropical glaciers in Ecuador
- High Precision Positioning at Field Camp: Using GNSS as the primary data source to answer geologic questions
- INSPIRE Project (IoNospheric Sounding for Pre-seismic anomalies Identification REsearch): Main Results and Future Prospects
- Impact of RO Dynamic Observation Error Estimate on NWP Using the NCEP GFS/GSI System
- Impact of biomass-burning aerosols on the diurnal cycle of convective clouds and precipitation over a tropical island
- Impact of drought on the North America carbon balance: implications for global carbon mitigation.
- Implementing real-time GNSS monitoring to investigate continental rift initiation processes
- Improving Frozen Precipitation Density Estimation in Land Surface Modeling
- Improving Precipitation Forcings for the National Water Model
- Improving the Characterization of Arctic Coastline Ecosystem Change near Utqiagvik, Alaska Utilizing Multiyear Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Integrated Visualization of Multi-sensor Ocean Data across the Web
- Intercomparison of Streamflow Simulations between WRF-Hydro and Hydrology Laboratory-Research Distributed Hydrologic Model Frameworks
- Ionospheric Irregularities Characterization by Ground and Space-based GPS Observations
- Measuring and interpreting borehole strainmeter data to improve CO2 storage
- MetEd Learning Resources from COMET: Assisting With User Readiness for the JPSS Era
- Meteorological Instrumentation and Measurements Open Resource Training Modules for Undergraduate and Graduate Education
- Methane loss during the early 21st century: Observational constraints on hydroxyl abundance
- Multi-instrumental Study of Storm-induced Ionospheric Irregularities at Midlatitudes
- Multi-wavelength observations of the solar atmosphere from the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse
- NetCDF-CF: Supporting Earth System Science with Data Access, Analysis, and Visualization
- New Strainmeters used to Monitor Deformation During Injection and Withdrawal
- PBO Borehole Strainmeters and Pore Pressure Sensors: Recording Hydrological Strain Signals
- PBO Borehole Strainmeters: 2017 Episodic Tremor and Slip Event for Southern Vancouver Island, BC, Canada through Olympia, WA, USA
- Picture the Atmosphere: Adding the Arts to Weather, Climate, and Air Quality Learning Experiences
- Place-based Learning About Climate with Elementary GLOBE
- Plasma density irregularities and Total Electron Content gradients over Europe
- Polarization Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017
- Preparing the Plate Boundary Observatory GNSS Network for the Future
- Real-time and rapid GNSS solutions from the M8.2 September 2017 Tehuantepec Earthquake and implications for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning Systems
- Recognizing and exploring the right questions with climate data: An example of better understanding ENSO in climate projections
- Reducing Time to Science: Unidata and JupyterHub Technology Using the Jetstream Cloud
- Resolving Peak Ground Displacements in Real-Time GNSS PPP Solutions
- Responses of tropical terrestrial biosphere carbon cycle to the 2015-2016 El Niño
- Seasonal and Surface Hydrologic Loading Signals at GPS Stations Processed by the GAGE Facility
- Stability of GNSS Monumentation: Analysis of Co-Located Monuments in the UNAVCO Plate Boundary Observatory
- TLALOCNet continuous GPS-Met Array in Mexico supporting the 2017 NAM GPS Hydrometeorological Network.
- Teaching Resources and Instructor Professional Development for Integrating Laser Scanning, Structure from Motion, and GPS Surveying into Undergraduate Field Courses
- The 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season as Observed by COCONet and HoustonNet - Utilizing Geodetic Infrastructure to Observe the Atmosphere
- The Characteristics of Kelvin waves in the Navy Global Coupled System
- The Comparison of Point Data Models for the Output of WRF Hydro Model in the IDV
- The Kinematics of Central American Fore-Arc Motion in Nicaragua: Geodetic, Geophysical and Geologic Study of Magma-Tectonic Interactions
- The Looming Potential Gap in Microwave Imagery - How did we get here and what can we do about it?
- The importance of the southern ocean on distributions and lifetimes of non-methane organic compounds
- The role of ecosystem memory in predicting inter-annual variations of the tropical carbon balance.
- The weight of a storm: what observations of Earth surface deformation can tell us about Hurricane Harvey
- UNAVCO's Education and Community Engagement Program: Evaluating Five years of Geoscience Education and Community Outreach
- Understanding Himalayan extreme rainfall to inform disaster governance
- Using Recreational Drones to Promote STEM Learning
- Using Simulated Crystal Aggregates to Represent Snow and Melting Precipitation in the GPM Combined Radar-Radiometer Algorithm
- Variability of Kelvin wave momentum flux from high-resolution radiosonde and radio occultation data
- Vertical Strain Measured in the Mississippi River Delta Using Borehole Optical Fiber Strainmeters
- Why We Need to Have Broad-Based Societal Discussions of the Governance of Geoengineering, at national and international levels, starting with scientists and increasingly with policy makers?
- 1D and 2D Hydrodynamic Modeling of Riverine-Estuary System under Extreme Storms: A Case Study of Delaware Bay/River Basin
- A Real-Time GNSS Network of the Americas
- A Strategy for Global Snow Information for Nature and Society
- A Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Archive for Multi-Temporal Mapping Across Research Disciplines
- A decade of continuous autonomous station operations in remote polar regions
- A self-consistent model for coronal magnetic energy buildup and explosive eruption
- A whole-atmospheric perspective on connections between intra-seasonal variations in the troposphere and thermosphere
- Addressing Equity and Student Self-Efficacy through Student Research Symposia
- Advancement of GNSSRO assimilation in the framework of the JCSDA next generation data assimilation system
- Application for the Routine Evaluation of Operational Hydrologic Forecasts
- Application of ESMF/NUOPC Coupled Framework for Total Water Level Studies
- Bridging the Gap between Earthquake Hazards Research and Community Education
- Building 3D Model COLLADA in the UNIDATA's IDV
- Building a decision-making framework for operational landslide monitoring: Evaluating radar, lidar and UAV methods to monitor slope stability.
- CARIB18: A stable geodetic reference frame for geological hazards monitoring within the Caribbean region
- Centering Native Voices within Atmospheric Sciences: An Inquiry into Opportunities and Challenges Experienced by Native Students and Junior Scholars
- Changes in hurricanes predicted in a large domain convection permitting regional climate model
- Climatology and Characteristics of Medium-Scale F-region Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities Observed by COSMIC Radio Occultation Receivers
- Cloud-Aerosol Interactions and Aerosol Variability Near Southern Ocean Low Clouds
- Coding in the Geoscience Classroom
- Concurrent Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017
- Customizing the National Water Model to meet Regional Needs for Water Prediction
- Data-rich Societally-situated Undergraduate Teaching Resources and Instructor Professional Development for Geoscience Classrooms and Field Courses
- Deciphering the mass balance regimes of very small glaciers: A case study from Colorado's Front Range
- Disturbance of Pre-existing Magnetic Polarities Prior to Subsequent Emergence of Magnetic Flux in Close Proximity
- Does the Antarctic climate system response to external forcing depend on the mean state of the model?
- Does the model horizontal resolution matter for the diurnal cycle simulation of land precipitation?
- Downscaled Precipitation Sensitivity to Gridded Observation Data and Downscaling Technique
- Earth Science Data Visualization Through Augmented Coloring Books
- EarthConnections Pathways: Linking Geoscience Learning and Community Involvement to Develop Community Science Literacy
- Eclipse-Induced Changes to Topside Ion Composition and Interhemispheric Ion Flows in the August 2017 Solar Eclipse: Swarm-E (e-POP) Observations
- Emission and Atmospheric Impact of Ice Nucleating Particles Produced from Sea Spray in the Southern Ocean
- Empowering Scientists, Media, and the Public to Stimulate Interest, Action, and Results: What Do We Know and What Don't We Know?
- Estimating seasonal snow accumulation and melt in the Sierra Nevada from GPS vertical displacement time series
- Examining the Impact of Great Lakes' Temperature Perturbations on Simulated Downwind Precipitation
- Extending the THREDDS Data Server Web Services to Promote Data Discovery and Usability
- Forward Scattering 'Radar of Opportunity' aboard the PAZ Satellite: Sensing of Heavy Precipitation and Synergies with GPM and other Precipitation Radars
- From Development to Decision-Making: Applied Hydrological and Disease Modeling by the National Center for Atmospheric Research
- GNSS Radio Occultation for Weather, Climate and Space Weather Applications
- Generating Daily Soil Moisture Records by Calibrating CYGNSS Satellite Constellation Observations with SMAP Data
- Geodetic Imaging of snow, ice and rock with UAS and TLS.
- Getting to "Why": Focusing on the Societal Relevance of Science
- Global citizen science using the GLOBE Program
- Hands-on Learning About the Atmosphere in the New GLOBE Weather Curriculum
- Hydrologic Operational Evaluation Reporting System for the National Water Model
- Hyper-Resolution Flood Inundation Modeling: Use of Surveyed High Water Marks in the Evaluation of Hyper-Resolution Hydrologic Models
- Hyper-Resolution Flood Inundation Modeling: a NOAA/NWS Path Forward
- Imaging the Subsurface: The Effect of Logjams on Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange
- Improving SWE for Free: Data Assimilation of Snow Depth from Lidar and Other Techniques Improves Estimation of Snow Density and SWE
- Improving hydrological simulations via the integration of remotely sensed data assimilation and coupling of the WRF-Hydro model with NASA's Land Information System (LIS)
- Improving scientific data discovery and access - a case study using high resolution topography data in OpenTopography
- Improving the sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction of extreme precipitation events via co-production of knowledge.
- Influence of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation of Sea Spray Aerosol on Southern Ocean Clouds in theNCAR Community Atmosphere Model
- Integrating High Resolution Topography Methods into Undergraduate Field Courses
- Interfacing National Water Model Physics with Abstract Software Modules
- Investigating the Effectiveness of Cloud Services for Geodetic and Seismic Data Management
- Ionosphere Nowcast using GIRO and COSMIC
- Large-scale ionospheric disturbances during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm: A model-data intercomparative study
- Linear variation of dissipation efficiency in rotating stratified turbulence
- Long-lead Forecast of Heatwaves in the Eastern United States using Artificial Intelligence
- Marine Ice Nucleating Particles: Creation, Characteristics and Controls over Emissions
- Measuring coseismic deformation with differential topography in undergraduate geoscience courses
- Mentoring Success: How multi-level mentoring helps prepare two-year college students for research experiences
- Multi-variate evaluation of the NOAA National Water Model
- NOAA's National Water Model: An Update on Model Activities and Related Initiatives
- Network of The Americas GNSS Operations In Alaska, Challenges and Performance
- New Approaches to Address Scaling Issues of Water Flow through Snow
- Outcomes of the NCAR / EOL Workshop Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Atmospheric Research
- Ozone Bioindicator Gardens: a Citizen Science project to raise awareness about ozone pollution and its effects on living systems
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Wind and Solar Electricity Generation in Texas
- Preparing Mentors for Research Internship Roles
- Progress on SEGUE: Interactive Online Lessons for Undergraduate and Graduate Training in Meteorological Instrumentation and Measurements
- Project 418: A Funded Project of the EarthCube Science Support Office
- Quality Control Metrics for Real-Time High-Rate GNSS Data
- Quantifying the Degree of Distortion in Radio Occultation Excess Phase due to Inconsistency in GNSS Measurement Time
- Rapid Assessment of Fuel Load Using the GLOBE Observer Fire Fuel App
- Real-time Seasonal Prediction of Tropical Cyclones in 2018 using GFDL High-Resolution Global Coupled Model
- Reimagining AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices
- Representing Anthropogenic Processes in the National Water Model: A Machine Learning Approach to Reservoir Operations
- Revealing and Assessing Statistical Downscaling and Bias Correction Method Uncertainties
- SOARS: Broadening participation in the atmospheric sciences with research, mentoring, and community
- Sharing Geodetic Observations for Disaster Preparedness, Warning, Mitigation and Response
- Signatures of the Tongue of Ionization Structure in Space-based GPS Observations
- Simulating Extreme Precipitation in the Lake Champlain Basin using a Regional Climate Model: Limitations and Uncertainties
- Slow strain release along the eastern Marmara seismic gap offshore Istanbul in conjunction with enhanced local seismic moment release
- Sounding Climate: An Exhibit Showcasing Data Sonification and Visualization from the Community Earth System Model
- Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Oceans
- Swarm-E Radio Occultation Measurements of the Topside Ionosphere During the August 2017 Solar Eclipse
- Taking Geostationary Lightning Mapper data to the community with Python
- Tectonic Damage Zones: How Large Across Faults? Insight From Empirical Scaling Relations in Granite Dells Fault Zone, Arizona, USA
- Testing validity of stormwater infrastructure design methods under changing climate conditions: analysis of changes in homogeneous sub-daily rainfall intensity regions in Pennsylvania
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 5 melding with the National Water Model: Enhancements and Education
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART): Ensemble Data Assimilation for NCAR Community Earth System Models
- The FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Satellite Mission: Expanding the Observational Capabilities for the Space Weather Community
- The GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project: Citizen Science for Global Health
- The Network of the Americas (NOTA) GNSS Network - Providing Reliable Data Streams for Early Warning Applications in California Through Robust State-of-Health Monitoring
- The stratigraphic signatures of relative sea-level change, flood variability, and channel avulsion in river deltas
- Tools & Services for Integrated Oceanographic Data Access: The Oceanographic In situ data Interoperability project (OIIP)
- Towards Open Access GNSS/GPS Velocity Solutions at UNAVCO
- Transformative Tuna: How Electronic Animal Tags Improved Rosetta for Everyone.
- UDECIDE: Connecting decadal predictive capacity to stakeholder needs
- Unidata Science Gateway: A Cloud-based Platform for Enabling Open and Reproducible Science
- Using the CESM large ensemble to explore sea ice conditions possible during the MOSAiC field experiment
- Web-based Topographic Differencing of High Resolution Topography Data
- Whose Ethics? Which Values? And Where Do We Find Them, Anyway, When Producing and Using Climate Science for Enhancing Water and Energy Security in the Developing World?"
- World Watching Thing: Find the Grow Up Places Where Babies of Tiny Flying Animals That Bite, Using the Phone That You Take With You All the Time
- 2019 CF Conventions for netCDF Workshop
- 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence Demonstrates The Benefit of Real-time GNSS in Earthquake Early Warning
- A Process-Based Examination of Madden-Julian Oscillation Behavior in the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability
- A Proposed Hydrologic Model Taxonomy as a Means to Improve Hydrologic Model Comparison, Evaluation, and Reproducibility
- AERONET Observations as a Source of Cloud Analysis and Forecast Verification for the 557WW
- Advancing tools to understand and adapt to hydroclimatic variability and change in Alaska and Hawaii
- Agua Salud Tropical Experimental Catchments, Panama
- An Integrated Approach to Evaluating the Impacts and Consequences of Climate Intervention Strategies
- Analog Ensemble Probabilistic Forecasting using Deep Generative Models
- Analysis of Equatorial GNSS Signal Scintillation and Stratospheric Gravity Waves Observed by COSMIC RO Method
- Annual and Semiannual Variations of Thermospheric Composition Observed by GOLD
- Assessing Runoff Risk to Support Nutrient Application Timing Using a Hybrid of Physically-based and Statistical Models—an Application of National Water Model
- Assessing the Roles of Primary and Secondary Ice Formation in Clouds Through Measurements and Modeling
- Assessing the Value of Integrating Remote-Sensing-Based Snow Products into the NOAA National Water Model for Seasonal Water Supply Prediction in the Western U.S.
- Automated Processing, Streaming, and Integration of InSAR Time Series and GNSS Data; as part of the Collaborative GeoSciFramework Research Project
- Best Management Practices Learned from NSF's EarthScope Project
- Bringing Unstructured Grid Support to the THREDDS Stack
- Building and Maintaining Partnerships with Academia, Geoscience Organizations, and Government Agencies: Creating Sustainable Pathways for Interns
- Building the Foundation for Field Research | Interactive Online Training in Instrumentation and Measurement of Atmospheric Parameters
- COSMIC-2 Precise Orbit Determination
- Can Limited Area Mesoscale Models Forecast Tropical Cyclones?
- Challenges in Modeling Organic Aerosols in the Remote Troposphere
- Climate Correction of Radiosonde Temperature Biases in the Lower Stratosphere using GPS RO data
- Climatology of the equatorial plasma bubbles captured by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
- Collaboration: Water, A GLOBE Program Intensive Observation Period and Worldwide Cooperative Project
- Communicating Geohazards: Delivering Information Responsibly in Crisis and Calm
- Concentrations and Characteristics of Ice Nucleating Particles in Nascent Sea Spray at Macquarie Island
- Constraining Oil and Natural Gas Emission in the Northern Front Range (NFR) Colorado Through a Multiplatform Inversion
- Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory Science Objectives
- Designing Data-rich Undergraduate Teaching Materials That Get Used
- Developing a Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Flood Forecasting System for Lake Champlain
- Development of Innovative Low-cost Atmospheric Observation Networks to Improve Monitoring in Data-sparse Regions
- Drought vulnerability and consequential scenarios for diverse stakeholders: The Upper Colorado River Basin
- EarthConnections Geoscience Pathways: An Ecosystem Supporting Learning from K to Career
- Enhancing total water prediction for the Great Lakes through calibration of the National Water Model in Canadian watersheds
- Evaluating Anubis software for GNSS data quality control in the GAGE Facility
- Evaluating the Impact of COSMIC-2 RO on Regional Numerical Weather Prediction using a High-Resolution Hybrid 3DEnVar System at CWB
- Evaluation Methods Employed in the Development of a Middle School Instructional Unit about Weather
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Experimental investigation of amphibole rheology and deformation mechanisms at deep crustal conditions
- Focus Group on Climate Change
- GAGE Facility Geodetic Data Archiving, Accessibility and Attribution
- Generating Structured Metadata via the GeoCODES User Interface using and the Project 418 Geoscience Extensions for Indexing by Commercial Search Engines
- Global Tracing of Large-scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances from their Origination at Auroral Zones
- Global View of Ionospheric Response Impacts on Kinematic GPS Positioning during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- Going with the floe: using the CESM Large Ensemble sea ice to better understand climate- and process- scale observations
- Helping Middle School Students Build Understanding of Hazardous Weather and Its Impacts with the GLOBE Weather Curriculum
- High Equilibrium and Transient Climate Sensitivity in the Community Earth System Model: Evolution from CESM1 to CESM2
- Hydrology Model Water Resource Estimation with Advanced 3D Visualization and Analysis
- Hyper Resolution Modeling of Urban Flooding
- Impact of Tail Doppler Radar Observations on Tropical Cyclone Structure using the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Modeling System
- Implementation and evaluation of channel infiltration in the NOAA National Water Model for semi-arid environments
- Implementation of Real-Time Strainmeter Data Flow across NOTA and its Use for Rapid Earthquake Magnitude Estimation from Dynamic Strain Observations
- Incorporating the Network of the Americas (NOTA) GNSS Network into ShakeAlert
- Influence of snow model spatial resolution on process representation of snowmelt dynamics and patterns
- Initial Performance Assessment and Science Highlights of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS Radio Occultation Data
- Inverse and Bidirectional Cascades of energy and helicity in Fluid and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: A Brief Review
- IoT Sensors and Their Pathway to HPC
- Ionospheric plasma irregularities specification in 3D
- Linking Continental-Scale Watershed Hydrologic and Coastal Hydrodynamic Models for Improved Water Level and Inundation Prediction in the Great Lakes
- Linking dissipation, anisotropy and intermittency in rotating stratified turbulence at the threshold of linear shear instabilities
- Making a Case for Hands-Off, Student-Lead Research in Alternative Settings
- Managing a Community Data Collection with Open Source Software
- Mesoscale and Microphysical Factors Impacting Projected Future Changes in Snowfall and Snowpack in the Western U.S. as Captured by a Convective Permitting Climate Simulation
- MetPy: An Community-Driven, Open-Source Python Toolkit for Meteorology
- Mosquitoes buzz around GLOBE!—The Challenges and Successes of a Citizen Science Project
- On-Demand 3D topographic differencing hosted by OpenTopography
- Opportunities and Challenges in Flood Monitoring Using GNSS-R
- Parameterizing waterbodies in a level pool scheme: a National Water Model application
- People Around the World are Looking for the Wet, Warm Places Where Annoying Tiny Flying Animals Make Their Homes
- Performance of the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Tri-GNSS Radio Occultation System (TGRS) Instrument During Early Orbit Operations for Space Weather Applications
- Predicting Compound Flooding in Low-Lying Coastal Areas Produced by Tropical Storms
- Rapid subsidence from groundwater withdrawal in Kathmandu Valley measured by GPS and InSAR
- Rapid-response GPS following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes: A Traveling Exhibition Reaches Broad Audiences in order to Engage Communities in Discussions about Impacts and Solutions
- Regional-Scale Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Riverine-Estuarine System under Extreme Storms: Application to U.S. East Coast
- Remarkable and Persistent Seiches in Lake Yellowstone
- Representing Anthropogenic Processes in the National Water Model: A Persistence Approach to Reservoir Operations
- Satellite-based snow persistence maps for SNOTEL site characterization
- Simulating Southern Ocean Mixed Phased Aerosol-Cloud interactions and Ice Microphysics with the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model
- Simulation and Validation of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Space Weather Products: Global Ionospheric Specification Electron Density Structure and Aided Abel Electron Density Profile
- Status Update and Regional Performance Evaluation of the National Water Model
- Teaching Heliophysics from a Curriculum
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 5.1.1/National Water Model Version 2.0 Updates & New Supporting Tools
- The Correlation Between The Enhanced Sulfur Abundance in Slow Solar Winds and The Magnetic Field Geometry of Their Source Regions
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed: Nonlinear Algorithms and Novel Applications for Community Ensemble Data Assimilation
- The Formation of Mid-latitude Irregularities and Potential Impacts on Systems During Magnetic Storms and Sub-Storms
- The GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project: An Interdisciplinary Project
- The Influence of Snow Depth Observation Timing and Uncertainty on Data Assimilation Improvements to SWE
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The USGS Southern California GNSS Network: Real-time Estimates of Crustal Deformation Associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Sequence
- The impact of atmospheric chemistry on Arctic clouds and sea ice state in the Community Earth System Model version 2
- Things to look forward to in Version 2.0 of the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM)
- Three Steps to a Better Scientific Community-Through Science Communication Training
- UNAVCO Network of the Americas Performance During 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Verification of Air Force Weather Cloud Analyses and Forecasts Using the NASA Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC)
- What Does Data Collected for the GLOBE Program Indicate About Changing Environmental Extremes Over the Past Two Decades?
- A Comparison of Fully-Coupled and Reanalysis-Forced Simulations of the Effect of Arctic Cyclones on Short-Term Sea-Ice Evolution
- A Mission Concept for a Solar Observatory in a Highly-Inclined Heliocentric Orbit - Demystifying the Magnetic Nature and Activity of our Star
- A Multivariate Hydrologic Benchmark for the WRF-Hydro-Based NOAA National Water Model over Experimental Alaskan Watersheds
- A New Vision for Summer Schools: Moving the Heliophysics Summer School to a Remote Model
- ALMA and IRIS Observations Highlighting the Dynamics and Structure of Chromospheric Plage
- Advances to Global Unstructured Mesh Storm Tide Modeling for Operational Forecasting
- An Explanation for Arecibo Plasma Line Power Striations
- Arctic Cyclones and the Influence on Short-Term Changes in Sea Ice
- Are Water Tracks Wetting or Drying as Arctic Permafrost Thaws?
- Building the Foundation for Field Research | Interactive Online Training in Instrumentation and Measurement of Atmospheric Parameters
- COMET MetEd Resources Supporting Weather and Decision Support Applications through the NOAA Satellite Proving Ground Training Initiative
- COSMIC-2, GOLD, and ICON Observations of Plasma Bubbles and Vertical Ion Drifts
- Changing sea ice in Antarctic coastal polynyas in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Characterization of NOTA Borehole Strainmeter Performance for Earthquake Early Warning Applications
- Citizen Science as a Cultural Bridge: The GLOBE Virtual Exchange Toolkit
- Coastal Ocean Modelling Infrastructure Development at the NOAA National Ocean Service in Support of Disaster Mitigation and Marine Navigation
- Comparison of InSAR time series generation techniques as part of the collaborative GeoSciFramework research project
- Data assimilation for tsunami forecast with ship-borne GNSS data in the Cascadia subduction zone
- Developing a Common Cloud Platform for Geophysical Data Services
- Development of a "nature run" for observation system simulation experiments (OSSE) for snow mission development
- Development of a Coupled Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic-Wave Flood Forecasting System for Lake Champlain
- Education Resource Development and Assessment for ShakeAlert®,the Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States
- Engaging Learners in Online Instructional Environments
- Establishing Connection in Online Instructional Environments
- Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Electricity and Water Systems in the Western US with a Cross-Sectoral Energy-Water Nexus Modeling Approach
- Evaluating tropical upwelling variability and trends using GPS-RO and reanalyses
- Evaluation of High-Resolution Simulated Runoff in the Midwest using the National Water Model
- Evaluation of Spire GNSS RO data for global tropopause and PBL detections
- Evaluation of Tropospheric Moisture Characteristics Between COSMIC-2, ERA5, and MERRA-2 in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Evolution of a foreshock bubble from dayside to nightside and its impact on the magnetosheath/magnetopause: 3D global hybrid simulation
- Examining Artifacts from GLOBE Program Research Symposia & Using Network Analysis Techniques to Characterize Students' Authentic STEM Investigations
- Extending Ensemble Kalman Filter Algorithms to Assimilate Observations with an Uncertain Observation Time
- Extratropical Surge & Tide Operational Forecast System (ESTOFS): Global Upgrade, Future Development, Pacific Enhancement
- False springs and spring phenology: Sensitivity to downscaling techniques and training data
- GSeisRT: A precise point positioning software to capture ground deformations for geohazards in real time using GPS/BeiDou/GLONASS/Galileo/QZSS observations
- Geo-Launchpad, RESESS, and the UNAVCO Student Internship Program Go Remote in 2020: Facilitating successful online internships for geoscience students from under-represented groups
- Hurricane Resilience: A High School Curriculum to Connect the Science of Tropical Cyclones, Their Coastal Impacts, and Strategies for Resilience
- Implementation of an Impact-based Decision Support Weather Forecast System in Barbados
- Implementing Assessment in Online Instructional Environments
- Improvements and Enhancements to the International GNSS Service (IGS) Central Bureau Information Systems
- Improving Coastal Flood Risk Assessment for Large Inland Lakes
- Increasing Frequency of Extreme Precipitation in Japan due to Global Warming Detected by a Machine Learning Technique
- Initial results from the NASA SnowEx 2020 L-Band campaign at Cameron Pass, Colorado
- Lightning Characteristics and Storm Kinematics during the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Low molecular weight oxygenated volatile organic compound (OVOC) emissions during FIREX-AQ: Distributions, reactivity, chemical evolution, and comparison with other measurements
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Observations of Foreshock Transients at Their Very Early Stage
- Mind the Mosquitoes!: Preliminary Feedback from the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project
- Modernizing Marine Navigation using S-111 Surface Current Forecast Guidance Derived from NOS Operational Oceanographic Forecast Systems
- Moving from Citizen Science to Community Science: Lessons from using GLOBE Observer, a Global Citizen Science Program, in Community-based Science to Meet Community Priorities
- Multi-scale Snow-Atmosphere Interactions Over Mountain Snowpack for Climate Applications
- Near Real-Time Global Plasma Irregularity Monitoring by FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Next-Generation Water Resources Modeling System: A Community Research, Development, Testing and Operations Software Framework
- Observation and simulation of upwelling growth and equatorial plasma bubbles with FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC2, GOLD, and SAMI3/ESF
- Operational near real-time system for evaluating continental-scale hydrologic prediction at the time scale of individual events
- Organic Composition of Three Different Size Ranges of Aerosol Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Processes Controlling Extratropical Cloud Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity from the Micro to Global Scale
- Project Resilience: Empowering Gulf Coast Youth to Thrive in Transformative Communities
- Projected Changes in South Asian Monsoon Low-pressure Systems
- Protecting Coastal Infrastructure in a Changing Climate by Integrating Optimization Modeling and Stakeholder Observations
- Real Results with Simulated Data: OSSE Experiments with Data Assimilation of Snow Depth at Basin Scales Inform Mission Design
- Real-time GNSS Quality in the Network of the Americas
- Regional Analysis of Climate Feedbacks and Sensitivity
- Relative Slip in Damage Zones: Insights from Bishop Tuff Normal Faults
- Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle with the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)
- Representing Active Water Management within the National Water Model: Real-time Assimilation of Reservoir Releases from NWS River Forecast Centers
- Research Experiences in Solid Earth Science for Students (RESESS) Go Remote in 2020: Interns successfully conduct geoscience research projects and build community online
- Subseasonal prediction of land cold extremes in boreal wintertime
- Supplementing Virtual Citizen Science with In-Person Training: Preliminary Analysis of Workshop Efficacy During The GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project
- The 2D Evolution of Thermospheric ∑O/N<SUB>2</SUB> Response to Weak Geomagnetic Activity During Solar-Minimum Observed by GOLD
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 5.2 Updates & New Community Focused Testbed
- The Effects of Bubbles and Biotic Impurities on Snow and Ice Radiative Transfer Properties
- The GLOBE Program's International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)
- The Network of the Americas: Measuring multi-scale geophysical signals using geodesy
- The Paths to Resilient Shorelines: An Engineering Analysis of Sea Level Rise Planning from the Gulf Coast to the Mid-Atlantic
- The influence of hydrological coupling method experimented with one-way loose coupling of TOPMODEL and NWM
- Topobathymetric and Hydraulic Roughness Data Enhancements for National Water Model Coastal Module
- Towards an Operational Data Assimilation System for the National Water Model: Progress and Plans
- Use of Causal Inference to Improve Model Predictions
- Using information-theory to investigate climate stress test and top-down realization ensembles: an application for long-term vulnerability assessment
- Verification of Absolute Total Electron Content (TEC) from the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Tri-GNSS Radio Occultation System (TGRS)
- A Deep Learning Approach to GNSS-R: An Application in Soil Moisture Estimation and its Generalizability to Estimating Other Surface Parameters
- A New Ethics Workshop: Addressing Racism and Colonialism in the Geosciences
- A wetter Brahmaputra River with greater flood risk
- Active Water Management within the National Water Model V3.0: Assimilation of Reservoir Outflow and Glacier Dammed Lake Releases
- Advancing Equity and Inclusion at the Interface of Climate Science and Community Engagement: New Approaches of the NOAA Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) Program
- COSMIC 2 Geolocation of Equatorial Irregularities and Validation Using GOLD UV Images
- Climate sensitivity for radial growth and tree-ring stable isotopes suggest a decoupling between carbon sink and carbon source processes as aridity increases in the semiarid Central Andes
- Comparing Read Times of Zarr, HDF5 and netCDF Data Formats
- Compression Support in NetCDF Zarr
- Detection, Mapping and Tracking Monsoon Dynamics Using CYGNSS Level-1 Coherence Detections
- Development and Applications of the Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit
- Development of a Flood Forecasting System for Lake Champlain
- Direct Correlations of Solar Drivers to the Spatial-Scales of High-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Density Structures
- Educational Efforts of NCAR Earth System Data Science Initiative: Making the Python Scientific Ecosystem More Accessible to GeoScientists
- Emissions of Ice-Nucleating Particles from Seawater and Freshwater
- Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Maps as Constructed on the Base of the COSMIC-2 Ion Velocity Meter Observations
- Expanding and Strengthening the Transition from NCL to Python Visualizations
- Expanding the Support of Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) Program, and Promoting Wellness of the Proteges, Mentors, and the Staff/Team during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Exploring GNSS Remote Sensing Applications in Geosynchronous Orbit Using GOES GPS Receivers
- FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Space Weather Calibration and Validation in Support of Mission Full Operational Capability (FOC)
- Features of Post-Midnight Ionospheric Irregularities Observed from an Anomaly Crest Location Using COSMIC-2 and Ground GNSS
- Global Monitoring of the Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities Using COSMIC-2 Data
- Growing Impact of Wildfire on Western United States Water Supply
- Hemispheric Asymmetry Evolution of the Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly in the South American Longitude Sector
- High School Students in Louisiana Gain Expertise About Decreasing Vulnerability to Hurricanes and Increasing Community Resilience
- High performance computing for high-resolution snow modeling
- High-resolution snow modeling and data assimilation techniques for the next generation of remotely sensed observations on a snow covered digital twin
- Identifying Land Cover Change Trajectories in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia using the LandTrendr Segmentation Algorithm
- Implementing SnowModel into the Land Information System Framework to Support High Resolution Modeling of Snow Heterogeneity
- Influences of Global Positioning System Radio Occultation Data Assimilation on Full Forecast Skill of Tropical Cyclone Formations in the Western North Pacific
- Influences of equatorial waves on tropical tropopause layer structure and lower stratospheric water vapor during QBO disruptions
- Integrating Zarr with the NetCDF Ecosystem
- Machine Learning Predictive Model of Ice Supersaturated Regions (ISSRs) with Advanced 3D Visualization and Analysis
- Machine Learning Visualization via Containerization with AWIPS
- Mapping Flood Inundation Using Data From CYGNSS
- Merging SMAP and CYGNSS Observations to Create a Downscaled Soil Moisture Product
- Methods for Evaluating Arbitrary Hydrologic Models and Process Modules in the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
- NY Stakeholders' Interaction and Feedback on a Coastal Protective Strategy Optimization
- Optimal Protective and Mitigation Strategies Against Flooding and Future Climate Risk
- Oxygen stable isotopes in tree rings reveal 300 years of precipitation variability in the South American Altiplano
- Pangeo and Project Pythia: Helping Geoscientists Navigate the Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Project Pythia: A Resource to Help Geoscientists Navigate the Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Project Raijin: Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Grids
- Quantifying the Influence of Wave Climate on Coastline Morphology at False Cape, Central Florida Atlantic Coast
- Quantifying uncertainty in regional precipitation projections and using data driven approaches to identify process errors
- Quantization and Next-Generation Zlib Compression for Fully Backward-Compatible, Faster, and More Effective Data Compression in NetCDF Files
- Simulating the Southern Ocean: Cross-generational Improvements and Persistent Model Biases to Target with New Diagnostics.
- Storm Stories: High School Students Learn from Their Community About Life with Hurricanes
- THEMIS and MMS Observations of Foreshock Conditions of Hot Flow Anomalies and Foreshock Bubbles
- The Elephant in the Room: Supporting Students During Social Upheaval
- The use of the Unidata Science Gateway as a cyberinfrastructure resource to facilitate education and research during COVID-19
- Understanding Long-Term Tropospheric Moisture and Temperature Variability Using COSMIC-1 GNSS RO Observations
- Updating the NetCDF Users Guide
- Use of Low-Cost Observation Networks to Support Agriculture and Hydrometeorological Applications
- Using a Resilience Planning Toolkit with High School Students to Empower Youth to Increase Resilience and Improve Their Communities
- Validation of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC2 IVM Ion Density and TGRS Orbit Electron Density
- Visitor Contributions in a Climate Change Exhibition Facilitate Community and Conversation
- A Network System for Environmental Monitoring, Data Sovereignty and Data Governance on Tribal Lands
- A diagnostic study of the Martian sky over the Bay Area on September 9, 2020
- Air quality dashboard: a public facing platform to strengthen air quality decision-making activity over the CONUS
- An Integrated Hydrologic and Water Systems Model in Support of Water Availability Modeling and Assessment for the Delaware River Basin
- Assessing the performance of error metrics using a regional climate model ensemble
- Asynchronous carbon assimilation and tree growth explains ring-width climate sensitivity of Eastern US temperature oaks
- Blending modeled and observed precipitations to force ocean general circulation models
- Bridging Legacy Scientific Software and Cloud-Native Data with Open-Source Application Streaming
- Building a dynamic middleware framework to couple 2D ocean circulation models to the National Water Model
- Community Radiative Transfer Model: Implementing a new cloud scattering database and developing the forward radar module
- Development of A Compound Flood Modeling System for the COASTAL Act Program
- Development of a WRF Cloud Framework: Facilitating Access to a State-of-the-Art Forecasting System to Under-Resourced Communities through Cloud-Based Technologies
- Development of a software framework for integrated water assessments at the U.S. Geological Survey
- Direct Comparisons of Geomagnetic Conditions, Plasma Density Spatial-Scales, and Ionospheric Radar Scatter in the Polar Cap
- Dissipation Mechanisms in an Unstructured Global Tidal Model
- Evaluating Orographic Flows in the Community Atmosphere Model using a Variable-Resolution Configuration
- Evaluation of the 20 Year WRF Model Simulation of South America Historical Hydroclimate
- Evaluation of the WRF-Hydro 1-D Lake Physics Module in Simulating Lake Dynamics and Vertical Water Temperature Profiles
- Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE)
- Exploring Atmospheric Dust and Climate: Working with Scientists to Create Engaging Museum Activities That Bring Complex Science Concepts to Life
- Exploring performance of an upgraded bathymetry dataset in 1-D lake models
- First Efforts Towards a USGS Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Framework
- From Biology to Physics to Earth-System Science: Making Sense of Optical Signals for Tracking the Seasonality of Photosynthesis in Evergreen Forests
- Harmonization of aerosol Assimilation Models and Retrievals (HAMR)
- High-resolution spatial and temporal snow distribution trends over CONUS (1990-2021)
- How and Why to Increase Dataset Compression Ratios Relative to CMIP6
- IMERG Verification of Global Scale Precipitation Forecast Improvements Using the JEDI Data Assimilation System
- Impacts of Solar Cycle and QBO: From the Polar Area to Mid-latitude
- Initial Validation of 3km Downscaled SMAP/CYGNSS Soil Moisture
- Investigating the Sources, Persistence and Emissions of Ice-Nucleating Particles in the Arctic Tundra
- Leading Science Culture Shifts for Convergence Science: Haskell Indian Nations University and NCAR|UCAR's Rising Voices Center for Earth Sciences
- Levels 1 and 2 Overview of Spire's Ocean GNSS-R Observations
- Marine Ice Nucleating Particles: Progress and Needs
- Morphological Regimes and their Spatial Scales in Low-Level Mixed-Phase Stratocumuli in the Southern Ocean
- Multi-year characterization of land surface energy and water fluxes from a mid-continent, high elevation, riparian area
- On The Applications of Coherence Detection For Inland Water Sensing Using CYGNSS Level-1 Measurements
- Panel Discussion: Climate Intervention and Global Climate Change: Technological and Ethical Considerations - A Conversation of Candid Perspectives
- Penetration of tachocline Rossby waves through the convection zone to the surface
- Project Pythia: A Pangeo Community Tool for Open-Source Education
- Project Pythia: Transforming Software Engineering Education for GeoScience
- Python Development for Unstructured Data Analysis & Visualization
- QPE/QPF Resources for Caribbean Region Operational Applications
- Rapidly approaching a thermal tolerance tipping point in the Eurasian boreal forest at its southern margins
- Remote Sensing by CYGNSS for Terrestrial Hydrology and Ecosystems
- Saturation Dynamics Along Thawing Continuous Permafrost Hillslopes
- Saturation Patterns of Water Track-thermoerosional Gully Complexes Situated on Hillslopes Underlain by Continuous Permafrost
- Seasonal and Day-to-Day Variability in the Lower to Middle Thermosphere Observed by GOLD
- Seasonal changes in species specific ecophysiology within a flux tower footprint in the rainforest in Costa Rica
- Simulating the Impact of Cloud Microphysics and Ice Nucleation on Southern Ocean Clouds using Models Constrained by Observations
- Storm Surge Hindcasting Studies Using CYGNSS
- Subseasonal Controls of U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
- Successes And Vision For Open Earth Sciences
- Testing an upgraded bathymetric dataset in 1-D lake models in a two-way coupled land-atmosphere model
- The Climate Consensus Network - Creating Capacity for Climate Outreach Within our Universities
- The NCAR/USGS 4-km Long-term Regional Hydroclimate Re-analysis over the CONUS
- The Tables of Aerosol Optics (TAO) Project
- Toward Regime-Aware Stochastic Parameterizations of Mesoscale Dynamics - Vertical Structure of horizontal scaling behavior of atmospheric wind and moisture fields under different stability conditions
- Tropical tropopause layer temperature, water vapor, and wave activity during QBO disruptions
- Understanding Hydrologic Extremes Using a Multi-Feature Tracking Method
- Understanding the Coupled Effect of Upland Hydrology and Ocean Hydrodynamics During Extreme Events Along the East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts of the US
- Update on Project Raijin: Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Grids
- Using Time Series Segmentation to Generate a Novel Land Cover Classification for Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia
- VizAccess: Designing Scientific Visualizations That Are Accessible to People Who Are Blind/Vision Impaired
- Voyage to the Ridge: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and 2022 Contributions to the Atlantic Seafloor Partnership for Integrated Research and Exploration
- What Factors Influence Cloud-driven Cooling and Heating of Earth?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. G. Burns
- A. G. de Wijn
- A. J. Coster
- A. L. Dugger
- A. Park Williams
- A. W. Wood
- Abigail M. Smith
- Aiguo Dai
- Alan Robock
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Ali Abdolali
- Ana P. Barros
- Anderson Banihirwe
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Anna Possner
- B. A. Forman
- B. T. Crosby
- Baoqiang Xiang
- Bar Oryan
- Barry A. Klinger
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin R. Johnston
- Billy E. Johnson
- Brian E. J. Rose
- Brian Medeiros
- Bryan G. Mark
- Caroline Leland
- Caroline S. Juang
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Cenlin He
- Cenlin He
- Charles S. Zender
- Cheng Chen
- Cheng Dang
- Christina S. McCluskey
- Christopher S. Ruf
- Christopher Y. S. Wong
- Coleman Blakely
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Cécile Hannay
- D. L. Turner
- D. M. Peteet
- Damien Irving
- Daniel Rothenberg
- Daniel W. Zietlow
- Darren McKague
- David Gochis
- David Lesmes
- David R. Bowling
- Deepak Cherian
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Dorothy K. Hall
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. E. Small
- E. Yizengaw
- Edward R. Cook
- Elisabeth Andrews
- Eric C. Bruning
- Eric J. Anderson
- Eric James
- Erin Dougherty
- Ethan Davis
- F. Auchère
- Fei Chen
- Flavio Lehner
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Franziska Glassmeier
- G. P. Schill
- G. W. Perry
- Gan Zhang
- Gisela Winckler
- Gonzalo Miguez‐Macho
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- H. Zhang
- Hanli Liu
- Henok Kefelegn
- Irina Zakharenkova
- Isaac Moradi
- Isabel L. McCoy
- Iurii Cherniak
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. Stutz
- Jake J. Gristey
- James M. Done
- Jason E. Smerdon
- Jessica D. Lundquist
- Jessica Danker
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jia Yue
- Jie W Weiss
- John Braun
- Joseph D. Hughes
- Joseph McInerney
- Julia C. Yang
- Jun Wang
- Justin S. Mankin
- K. Kobayashi
- K. M. Sampson
- Karen A. McKinnon
- Kathryn A. Moore
- Kevin L. Griffin
- Kimberly A. Prather
- King Fai Li
- Krista A. Dunne
- Kristen L. Rasmussen
- Kristi R. Arsenault
- Kyoko Ikeda
- L. Golub
- Lindsay Goodwin
- Lindsey Hayden
- Liying Qian
- Lucas Harris
- Lulin Xue
- M. N. Gooseff
- M. Romoli
- Mahdi Navari
- Marika M. Holland
- Mariko Oue
- María Teresa Contreras Vargas
- Masanori Saito
- Masih Eghdami
- Mathias Vuille
- Matthew C. Long
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Mausumi Dikpati
- Maxwell Grover
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Mian Chin
- Michael Diamond
- Michael P. Jensen
- Min‐Yang Chou
- Mohan K. Ramamurthy
- Mukund Palat Rao
- N. M. Pedatella
- N. Richard Knowles
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. Elósegui
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paul W. Staten
- Paulette Blanchard
- Pavlos Kollias
- Pierre Gentine
- Ping Yang
- Piyush Bhardwaj
- Qian Wu
- R. A. Heelis
- R. Anthony Shaw
- R. Eastes
- R. H. Varney
- R. L. Beadling
- R. M. Forbes
- R. Paul Lawson
- R. Stoneback
- Rajesh Kumar
- Rashmi Shah
- Richard H. Moore
- Richard Neale
- Roger Marchand
- Rui Cheng
- Ryan Patnaude
- S. Jafarzadeh
- Saeed Moghimi
- Sally Newman
- Sarah G. Evans
- Scott W. McIntosh
- Sonali McDermid
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Sven Wedemeyer
- T. A. Morrow
- T. S. Metcalfe
- Thomas C. J. Hill
- Thomas L. Delworth
- Thomas M. Roberts
- Timothy Logan
- Troy S. Magney
- Valérie Daux
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- W. Lei
- Wei Zhang
- Wenbin Wang
- William J. Randel
- William Pringle
- William S. Schreiner
- Ying‐Hwa Kuo
- Yongxin Zhang
- Yuki Miura
- Zackary Mages
- Zixu Liu
- Zoe Pierrat
- Оleg Dubovik