Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change (WegCenter) and Institute for Geophysics, Astrophysics, and Meteorology (IGAM), University of Graz, Austria, Leechgasse, 25, Graz, 8010, Austria
Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change (WegCenter) and Institute for Geophysics, Astrophysics, and Meteorology (IGAM), University of Graz, Austria, Leechgasse, 25, Graz, 8010, Austria
COSMIC Project Office, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307, United States
Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change (WegCenter) and Institute for Geophysics, Astrophysics, and Meteorology (IGAM), University of Graz, Austria, Leechgasse, 25, Graz, 8010, Austria