Zhongshan University, China
flowchart I[Zhongshan University, China] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (208)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (44)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterization and Distribution of Hydrocarbons in Chinese Urban Air
- Environmental problems associated with groundwater flow system in the North China Plain
- Radar Based Precipitation Forecasting for Flood Warning
- Surface CO2 Isotopologues: Influence of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
- Simulation of a large river basin flood with remote sensing data available on public domain
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Measurements in Karachi, Pakistan (2006): a Comparison With Previous Urban Sampling Campaigns Worldwide.
- Air pollution and clouds in southern China: preliminary results from the observations in spring 2009 at Mt. Heng
- Coupling Radar estimated precipitation with distributed hydrological model for flood forecast
- Southeastward lower crustal channel flow beneath southern Tibet: geochemical evidences from Miocene adakitic rocks
- CINRDA radar precipitation estimation and its coupling with distributed hydrological modeling
- Comparison of 4 different precipitation interpolation method and its effects to distributed hydrological modeling
- Environmental Change from the Groundwater in the North China Plain: from Past to the Present
- Eocene high-Mg adakitic rocks of the northern Qiangtang terrane, central Tibet: possible delamination of lower crust and early uplift in the central plateau?
- Flash flood forecasting coupling physically-based distributed hydrological model with radar-estimated precipitation
- Liuxihe Model and its application in flood forecasting in Southern China: results and challenges
- Parameter calibration of physically based distributed hydrological model: preliminary results with cases in Southern China
- River cross-section size delineation and its application in distributed hydrological modeling
- Snow depth and sea ice thickness from 2009 and 2010 IceBridge ATM data in the Weddell Sea and the Bellingshausen Seas in Antarctica
- Advances in Three-temperature Model, a New Approach to Estimate Evapotranspiration
- Characteristics of Evapotranspiration over Nitraria tangutorun Nebkhas in a Desert-oasis Ecotone of Northwest China
- Developing versus Non-Developing Tropical Disturbances over the South China Sea
- Holocene Climate Change Revealed in a Peat Sequence of Central Tibet
- Holocene climatic variations documented by multiple biomarker proxies from Lake Gahai on the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Improved snow depth retrieval by combining AMSR-E data, MODIS snow cover products and SMO regression
- Multi-Scale Response of the Shelf-Estuarine-Wetland to Severe Weather: A Fully Wave-Current Coupled FVCOM System
- The Effects of Scale in Assimilation of GRACE Territorial Water Storage Data into Distributed Hydrological Model
- Biogeochemical Response to the Holocence Monsoon Climate in a Maar Lake, south China
- Constructing a Geology Ontology Using a Relational Database
- Error Analysis of Multi-Source Data for 3D Geological Modeling Using Entropy-based Weighting
- Global Palaeoclimate Signals in Climate in groundwater: the past is the key to the future
- Improving un-gauged hydrological modeling by assimilating GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage data
- Observed changes in precipitation extremes and structure of maximum consecutive wet days in China
- Human Influence As a Potential Source of Bias in Pollen-Based Quantitative Climate Reconstructions
- Predictions of Chemical Weather in Asia: The EU Panda Project
- Sustained Warmth in Low Latitudes during the Late Miocene-Pliocene: A High-Resolution Record from the Northern South China Sea
- Accessing the Impact of Sea-Salt Emissions on Aerosol Chemical Formation and Deposition Over Pearl River Delta, China
- Impact of urbanization on hydrological responses: a case study in Dongguan City in the Pearl River Delta Area
- Impacts of urbanization on nitrogen deposition in the Pearl River Delta region, China
- Investigation of the sources and formation mechanisms of regional haze in autumn over Pearl River Delta region, China
- A Process-Based Assessment of Decadal-Scale Surface Temperature Evolutions in Observations and in the NCAR CCSM4 Decadal Hindcast
- A Study of Aerosol Liquid Water Content and its Impact Factors in the Pearl River Delta Region During Spring 2014
- Aerosol hygroscopcity, volatility and chemical composition between the Pearl River Delta Region and Okinawa: a comparison
- Approach for evaluating inundation risks in urban drainage systems
- Detection of Hydrological changes of Wujiang River
- Estimated Influence of Urbanization on Surface Warming in Eastern China Using Time-varying Land Use Data
- Extending flood forecasting lead time in large basin by coupling bias-corrected WRF QPF with distributed hydrological model
- Global Snow Cover Estimation with Microwave Brightness Temperature Measurements and One-Class in situ Observations
- Influence of Relative Humidity and Mixing State on Aerosol Optical Properties in the Pearl River Delta Region, China
- Investigation of Global Distributions of Cloud Types and Their Radiative Impacts from MODIS Collection 6 Observations
- Land Use/Cover Change in highly urbanized watershed and impact to flood responses
- Parallel computing method for simulating hydrological processesof large rivers under climate change
- Pattern of land use/cover change of Dongguan City based on satellite remote sensing
- Quantitative analysis of aliphatic amines in urbanaerosols based on online derivatization and highperformance liquid chromatography
- Study of enhanced bare land index using Landsat ETM+ image
- Study on Catchment Runoff Variations and Possible Responds to Climate Change and Human Activities
- Uncertainty in evapotranspiration estimation caused by resistance: a case study using Penman-Monteith equation and the three-temperature model
- Using remote sensing time series to model the impact of changing flooding regimes on riparian vegetation in Australia's most important river basin
- A Method of Tropical Cyclone Generation Prediction in South China Sea
- A new software to calculate evaporation, transpiration, and evapotranspiration based on the three-temperature model and infrared remote sensing
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure across the Tibet-Qinling Transition Zone in NE Tibet: Implications for Material Extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau
- Equilibrium lithium isotope fractionation in Li-rich minerals
- Flood Damage Assessment in Pearl River Delta Rural Area Application in Huashan Town, Huadu District,Guanghzou during the 2017 5.7 Heavy Rain Storm
- Hydrologic Evaluation of Integrated Multi-satellite Retrivals for GPM over Nanliu River Basin in Southern China
- Identification and characterisation of individual Fractures in 3D fracture-network of shale reservoir rocks from microtomography
- Inter-comparison of Precipitation Estimation Derived from GPM Dual-frequency Radar and CSU-CHILL Radar
- Long-term strain accommodation in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights from 3D thermo-kinematic modelling
- Nonuniform subduction of the Indian crust beneath the Himalayas
- Numerical Simulations of the Thermodynamic Process of Granite Formation on the Geological model of In-situ Melting
- On the Threshold Behavior of Extreme Precipitation-Temperature Relationships and Potential Future Changes
- Source-receptor relationships for PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> during typical pollution episodes in the Pearl River Delta city cluster, China
- The Moho structure beneath the Yarlung Zangbo Suture and its implications: Evidence from 2000 kg large dynamite shots
- The Quanzhou large earthquake: environment impact and deep process
- Thermodynamic evidence of partial melting of the crust at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Urbanization Effect on Heat Wave in China
- 3D geometry of the range front blind ramp and its impacts on deformation of the southern Longmen Shan, eastern Tibet
- A Post-collision Tectonic Activity Model Dominated by Extension:Taking the Dabie Mountain Area as an Example
- A new model to simulate leaf area index and phenology of deciduous broadleaf forests
- Analysis of heavy rainfall spatiotemporal characteristics induced by typhoon Nida based on PERSIANN estimated precipitation
- Anomalous Small-scale gravity wave activities in the Arctic mesopause region during the 2015/2016 winter
- Application of Different Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Estimate Models in Urban Agglomeration Areas
- Comparison of Three Ice Cloud Optical Schemes in Climate Simulations with Community Atmospheric Model Version 5
- Continental subduction drives Himalayan orogen: Insights from geodynamic numerical modeling
- Destruction of the North China Craton
- Eastward Extrusion and Northward Expansion of the Tibetan Plateau—Discussions for the Deep Processes of the Plateau Uplift
- Evaluating the elastic effective thickness of the lithosphere in the South China Sea and its tectonic significance
- Fine flood processes observation in urban area with remote sensing techniques
- Global Snow Depth Retrieval from Microwave Brightness Temperature Measurements and Ground in situ Observations
- High Resolution Mapping of Cropping Cycles by Fusion of Landsat and MODIS Data
- High resolution imaging of lithospheric structures in northeastern Tibet by full waveform inversion of teleseismic body waves
- Impact of Urbanization on Flood of Xinkai River Basin in Central Dongguan City
- Impacts of transboundary air pollution and sectoral emissions to air quality in china and the implications: air quality, public health, crop production, and economic costs
- Improving simulation of gross primary production based on MODIS in deciduous broadleaf forests by considering light use efficiency seasonality
- Influence of aerosol hygroscopicity and mixing state on aerosol optical properties in the Pearl River Delta region, China
- Large Eddy Simulations of the Dusty Martian Boundary Layer and Dust Devils with MarsWRF
- Late Cenozoic exhumation history of the Gaoligong and Chongshan shear zones (SE Tibet)
- Lithospheric Structure of the Southwest Subbasin, South China Sea and Its Implication on Breakup Process
- Lithospheric electrical structure of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Long-term relative decline in evapotranspiration despite increasing runoff
- Optical dating of paleoearthquakes of the Ms7.4 1985 Wuqia earthquake surface ruptures along the Pamir Front Thrust
- Paleozoic Subduction zone beneath the Hexi Corridor, NW China Revealed by the Deep Seismic Reflection profile
- Primary Discussion about Tectonic Deformation Characteristics in East Yarlungzangbo Suture and Subsurface Structure of Yarlhashampo Dome Revealed by Deep Seismic Reflection Profile
- Quantitative determination of slip rate and tectonic transformation of the Tianjingshan fault of NE Tibet, China
- Real time monitoring of snow depth and ice thickness by SIMBA ice mass balance buoys deployed in the Arctic Ocean during 2018 field expeditions
- Revealing Moho and lower crust fabrics to the Lhasa Terrane by Large Dynamite shots Near Vertical Reflection Seismic Profiling
- Seasonally Dependent Impacts of Easterly Anomalies on the Development of El Niño Events
- Separating evapotranspiration into its components using the three-temperature model and thermal remote sensing
- Simulation on the Effect of the Urbanization on the Flood of the Shenzhen Reservoir Basin
- Synoptic moisture pathways associated with mean and extreme precipitation over Canada for summer and fall
- The Crustal-scale Shortening on the Eastern Margin of the Tibet Plateau: the Main Mechanism of Uplift-Revealed from Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles Across the Min Shan and Hu Ya Faults
- The Propagation of Error in Global Precipitation Estimation through a Distributed Hydrological Model
- The source properties of Jiuzhaigou earthquake.
- Ultra-wideband rising-tone chorus waves observed inside the oscillating plasmapause
- Uncertainty caused by resistance terms in evapotranspiration estimation: a comparison of the Penman-Monteith equation and the three-temperature model
- VULnerability of Populations under Extreme Scenarios (VULPES project)
- Why the torus-unstable flux rope eruption failed?
- A new approach to develop the street-scale high-resolution on-road emission inventories based on dynamic traffic big data
- A new coupled modeling system developed for Arctic sea ice and climate prediction
- Basement structure of the Northern Orogenic Belt in NE China: a study of the first-arrival tomography from deep seismic reflection profile
- Characterization of microfractures in three-dimensional space — methodology, examples and future applications
- China's Carbon Budget
- Climate engineering to mitigate the projected 21<SUP>st</SUP>-century terrestrial drying of the Americas: carbon capture and storage vs. stratospheric sulfate injection ?
- Controls on <SUP>10</SUP>Be-derived basin-wide erosion rates in the south-central Andes: a multivariate Bayesian approach
- Correlation of the East Asian precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>O to the various monsoon indexes
- Crust and uppermost mantle electrical structure beneath the middle Qilian Mountain and adjacent regions in northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal Structure beneath the Yumu Shan, NE Tibet and its Tectonic Implications
- Decadal variations of total freeboard and sea ice thickness in the Bellingshausen and Weddell Seas retrieved from ICESat and IceBridge laser altimetry, 2003-2017
- Deep learning approaches for tree species diversity mapping in a tropic wetland using airborne LiDAR and high resolution remote sensing images
- Double side deep crust scale subduction toward the south and north: Indicating the polarity of the subduction of the ancient Asian ocean, Evidence from large dynamite shots of the deep seismic reflection profile
- Effect of public transport accessibility on UHI and UHW patterns in five mega-regions across the globe
- Electron acceleration in interaction of helical magnetic structure in three-dimensional large temporal-spatial turbulent magnetic reconnection
- Flat Moho discontinuity beneath the Lhasa Terrane - Revealed by Large Dynamite shots Data
- Full-waveform inversion for the lithospheric velocity structure along a dense short-period seismic array in northeastern Tibet
- Full-waveform inversion of deep seismic reflection data in southern Tibet and its tectonic implications
- Geodynamic modeling on the continuous process: fromoceanic subductionto continental subduction
- Geomorphologic and infilling characterization of the slope-confined submarine canyons in Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea: sediment routing system in continental margin
- Late Quaternary Slip Rate of the Aksay Segment and its fast decreasing gradient along the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Lateral fault growth in the Kashi anticline (Chinese Tian Shan): Insights from seismic interpretation, shortening distribution and tri-shear methods
- Magmatic record of the continuous Neo-Tethyan subduction after initial India-Asia collision in the central part of southern Tibet
- Mixing State and Particle Hygroscopicity of Organic-dominated Aerosols over the Pearl River Delta Region in China
- Modelling investigations of the impacts of focused erosion on crustal dynamics along the Sutlej River, NW Indian Himalaya
- Numerical Simulation of Micro-interface Interaction Between Fine Sediment Particle and Copper Ions
- Paleomagnetic Secular Variations since middle Holocene in the Pearl River Delta, Southern China
- Pleistocene rapid decrease in extensional exhumation of the Diancang Shan implies tectonic changes in SE Tibet
- Radially anisotropic lithospheric shear wave velocity structure of the Pamir-Hindu Kush region and its implications for continental subduction and intra-plate intermediate-depth seismicity
- Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Hato (2017) over Shallow Water
- Runoff sensitivity to changes in climate and other factors in the Urumqi River basin, China
- Shallow Megathrust Slip During Large Earthquakes That Have High P Coda Levels
- Similar sensitivities but different responses of land surface temperature to deforestation in two global earth system models
- Study of the utilization of dissolved organic phosphorus by Symbiodinium voratum in vitro
- Study on Crustal Electrical Structure of Longzhong Basin in the Northeastern Margin of Tibet Plateau
- Substantial increase in the joint occurrence and human exposure of heat and haze hazards over South Asia in the mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Tectonic Activity Characteristics of South Tibet Detachment System (STDS) in Eastern Himalayas Revealed by a High-resolution Seismic Reflection Profile
- The late Quaternary formation and evolution of river terraces along the Yulin River: Implication for the northwest outward of the Altyn Tagh fault, on the northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China
- Towards Automation of Statewide Impervious Surface Mapping Using High Resolution Aerial Imagery and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Using hydrological-biogeochemical linkages to elucidate carbon dynamics in coastal wetlands subject to relative sea-level rise
- Using the Receiver Function Method to Study the Crustal Structure Across the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone
- World's Potential Energy Production from Microalgae on Marginal Land
- A Comparison Between Measurements Using Surface Renewal, Eddy-Covariance, and Radiant Temperature Based Aerodynamic Methods, and Satellite-Based Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Estimates for Fallow and Cropped Fields
- A LES-based analysis of assumed PDF methods for diagnosing lead-generated boundary layer cloud fractions in the Arctic
- Adjoint tomography of teleseismic direct P and coda waves for high-resolution lithosphere structure: methodology and application
- Analysis of Aerosol Life Cycles over Indian Region in the ECHAM6-HAM2
- Automated Radiation and Geometric Correction Processing Method of Polar-Observing CubeSat BNU-1 Images
- Chlorine speciation reveals the occurrence of perchlorate in deserts on Earth and implications for Mars
- Deep Seismic Reflection insights into the crustal structure and deformation characteristics of the Haiyuan Arcuate Fault Zone, NE Tibet
- Direct Measurement of Excitation and Growth of Large Amplitude Cyclotron Waves in Front of Shock by Reflected Ion Beams
- Global and Local Carbon Footprints of Hong Kong and Macao from 2000 to 2015
- Global changes in baseflow under the impacts of changing climate and vegetation
- Increased urban exposure to flooding from 1985 to 2015
- Mantle Reflection in the Southern Songliao Basin Reveals the Process of the Ancient Block Convergence: Evidence from the Large Dynamite Shots of Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling
- Opening and Termination History of the Heilongjiang Ocean: Implications for the Evolution of the Jiamusi and Songliao blocks, NE China
- Performance Assessment of GEDI and ICESat-2 Laser Altimeter Data for Terrain and Canopy Height Retrievals
- Persistence of the long-duration daytime TEC enhancements at different longitudinal sectors during the August 2018 geomagnetic storm
- Present-day Deformation Related to Large Earthquakes in the Past 100 Years in the Tibetan Plateau
- Quantifying Economic Impacts of Climate Change under Nine Future Emission Scenarios within CMIP6
- Seismic reflection imaging of crustal deformation within the easternYarlung-Zangbo suture zone
- Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution in Beibu Gulf over Southern China
- The Lower Crust and Moho Structure Beneath the Great Xing'an Ranges in Northeast China: Revealed by the Large Dynamite Shots
- The new shear wave velocity and radial anisotropic models from surface wave tomography reveal the variations of lithospheric strengths along the strike of the Tien Shan orogenic belt
- Unusual Anomaly Pattern of the 2015/2016 Extreme El Niño Induced by the 2014 Warm Condition
- A Global Empirical Model of Electron Density Profile in the F Region Ionosphere Basing on COSMIC Measurements
- A Magnetospheric Driver of Westward Traveling Surge: Plasma-Sheet Bubble
- An integrative investigation on the bump-on-tail ion distribution functions and nose spectral structures
- Asymmetric magnetic reconnection between two coalescing flux ropes as squeezed by convergent flows
- Characteristics of the diurnal pulse in tropical cyclones and their relationships to TC intensity change
- Cost and benefit analysis of carbon farming with regenerative agriculture across the US
- Development of Multiple Injection Channels during a Sawtooth Substorm Event
- Global Evaluation of GEOS-5 Precipitation Forecast and its Utility in Flood Modeling
- InSAR Data Reveal Induced Slow-Slip Fault Activation in Northern Canada
- Incorrect Asian aerosols affecting the attribution and projection of regional climate change in CMIP6 models
- Interaction of tsunamis generated by successive Mw 7.4 and Mw 8.1 earthquakes on Kermadec Islands on March 4, 2021
- Intracloud to Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Ratio over China and Its Relationship with Thunderstorm Structure
- Magnetospheric Source and Electric Current System associated with Intense SAIDs
- Plasma Sheet Thinning in the Wake of Bubble Injections
- Streamflow temperature estimation based on Landsat thermal infrared and optical bands data
- The relationship between the Spring Bering Sea Ice and the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Processes
- Uncertainty Assessment of Radar-raingauge Merged Rainfall Estimates in River Discharge Simulations
- Using cloud-top chemical species to constrain the surface process, atmospheric dynamics and cloud formation on Venus
- An investigation on the generation of electron "zebra stripes" in the inner radiation belt
- Field Aligned Potential Drops in an Ionospheric Streamer
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Integrative Economic Analysis of Climate Mitigations by Adopting Cover Cropping and Reduced Tillage in the Contiguous US
- Interactions between Surface Waves and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence
- Lithospheric Electrical Structure Across the Bangong-Nujiang Suture In Northern Tibet Revealed By Magnetotelluric
- Progressive tectonic evolution from crustal shortening to mid-lower crustal expansion in the southeast Tibetan Plateau: Insights from a synthesis of structural and thermochronological data
- The Magnetospheric Driver of the Westward Traveling Surge: Plasma-Sheet Bubble Injections
- The Role of Gravity Waves in the Asymmetric Development of Mesoscale Convective Systems
- The role of soil in improving resilience of global crop yield to climate change
- Two Intra-continental Subduction Beneath the Qilian Orogenic Belt:Dynamics From Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles and Numerical Modeling
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Tian
- Akihiko Ito
- Benjamin Poulter
- C. J. Bierson
- Changhui Peng
- Changlong Liu
- David W. Eaton
- Dawei Han
- Dong Wei
- F. Toffoletto
- Fortunat Joos
- Hanqin Tian
- He Huang
- Hongpei Yang
- Honn Kao
- Hua Zhang
- Huijun Le
- Jason Derr
- Jiahao Zhong
- Jian Yang
- Jing Tao
- John S. Kimball
- Kenji Satake
- Maosheng He
- Miguel A. Rico‐Ramirez
- Mohammad Heidarzadeh
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qiaoling Li
- Qing Zhu
- Qiuan Zhu
- R. A. Wolf
- Sergey Samsonov
- Thomas S. Eyre
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Weiqin Sun
- William J. Riley
- Xi Deng
- Xi Zhang
- Xiangyu Liu
- Xingfu Huang
- Yangyang Xu
- Yuchen Wang
- Yuntao Tian