Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division
flowchart I[Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (118)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Investigations of the Thermospheric Response to the Diffuse Aurora Using a 3-D High Resolution Model
- Nonlinear System Identification and Forecasting of Earthquake Fault Dynamics Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Possible Abrupt Changes in Ocean Circulation and Climate Due to the Changing Behavior of Ross Ice Streams, West Antarctica
- Reconnection in the Solar Corona: a study of the interaction of the 3-D Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and tearing instability
- A New Box-Model to Explain Glacial/Interglacial Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Variation
- Introduction to a Lagrangian-averaged Turbulence Closure Model
- Nonlocal and Localized Analyses of Conditional Mean Transient Flow in Bounded, Randomly Nonuniform Domains
- Short-Term Sensitivity of Sub-Antarctic and Global Thermohaline Ocean Circulation to Disintegration of West Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Simulation of Free Surface Dynamics in Random Media via the Mapping of the Regular Domain on the Flow Domain.
- A Mantle Dynamics Perspective on Generating an Early Lunar Dynamo
- Microphysics of Magnetic Reconnection: Experiments on RSX and Simulation
- Parameter estimation via risk-based optimization
- Solid-Solid Transitions at High-PT: Implications for the Earth's Core
- Theories of Mars' Interior: An alternative to plumes as the origin of Tharsis
- MgO: \textit{ab initio} equation of state and its dislocation properties from molecular dynamics simulations*
- MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Under Conditions of the Earth's Deep Interior
- Random Domain Decomposition for Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
- A new approach to the equilibrium and stability of current sheets
- Enabling space-based (GRACE) model assessment by linking hydrologic and geophysical models to forward model gravitational anomalies associated with geophysical masses
- Relaxation and merging flux ropes and 3D effects in the Reconnection Scaling Experiment at LANL
- The influence of a more realistic representation of snow on sea ice: Results from a coupled, single column model
- Universality of the reconnection physics
- Integrating fine scale hydrologic processes over large spatial and temporal extents
- Simulation Study of 3D Collisionless Reconnection
- Experimental merging, coalescence, reconnection, and bouncing of two flux ropes
- Global Optimization With a Limited Budget of Function Evaluations
- Molybdenum and Tantalum at High Pressure and Temperature: Melting from Another Solid Phase
- Multilevel Multiscale Mimetic Method for Two-Phase Flows in Porous Media
- Soil moisture: applications and needs in vadose zone hydrology
- Understanding Mixing and Entrainment of Oceanic Overflows Using Laboratory Experiments
- Upscaling Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Field-Scale Inverse Modeling and Bayesian Model Averaging
- Experiments using a two-dimensional, ice-sheet-stream-shelf model, fully coupled to an ocean-circulation model
- Melting of Fe and Fe120Si8 at the Earth's Core Pressures by ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
- Optimal Complexity of Nonlinear Rainfall-Runoff Models
- Thermalization and scalings in turbulence
- An Integrated Uncertainty Analysis and Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Framework for Operational Snow Predictions
- Enhancing multi-objective evolutionary algorithm performance with Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Interacting Effects of Land Management Strategies and Climate Change on the Ecohydrologic Systems of the Semi-Arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed
- Preliminary Results from a High Resolution 0.1° Global Coupled Ocean-Ice Simulation
- Principal Hugoniot at all pressures
- Quantum Calculations of the O + OH → H + O2 Reaction
- 3D fully kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection in asymmetric, anti-parallel configuration
- Comparison of CICE/CCSM simulated snow cover overlying the Arctic sea ice to in situ measurements
- How Important is Vegetation Drought Stress Response when Predicting Streamflow within the Semi-Arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed?
- Sensitivity of the MOC to Enhanced Greenland Freshwater Run-Off in a Global Eddy-Resolving Ocean Model
- The dynamics of tectonic tremor throughout the seismic cycle
- A prognostic model of sea ice salinity in CICE
- Analysis of cascades in space and scale for rotating and stratified Boussinesq flows
- Effect of spatially and temporally variable recharge on subsurface reactive transport of contaminants at Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge site
- Forest response to 1,000 years of drought variability in the Southwestern United States
- How does forest thinning affect short- and long-term water partitioning in the semi-arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed, and how do these changes compare to unmediated forest responses to climate change?
- Quantum Calculations of Quenching of Vibrationally Excited OH in Collisions With Atomic Oxygen
- Spectral flux of barotropic vorticity closures
- The kinetic structure of collisionless slow shocks and reconnection exhausts
- Climate change and the rising cost of living for forests in the southwestern United States and beyond
- Comparing the Impacts of Forest Thinning and Mortality on Streamflow, Recharge, and Forest Productivity in a Semi-Arid Mountain Watershed
- Development of capability for microtopography-resolving simulations of hydrologic processes in permafrost affected regions
- Glimmer-CISM in the Community Earth System Model: Implementation, Evaluation and Initial Predictions of 21st Century Greenland-Sourced Sea Level Rise
- Lattice-Boltzmann Modeling of Interfacial Dynamics in Porous Media
- Machine Learning Methods for Hydrofacies Delineation
- Quantum mechanical investigations of O(<SUP>1</SUP>D)+H<SUB>2(v)</SUB> and OH(v)+O reactions
- a co-volume scheme for the rotating shallow water equations on conforming non-orthogonal grids
- Acceleration of acoustical emission precursors preceding failure in sheared granular material
- Microtopography-resolving simulations of surface and subsurface hydrology in thawing and topographically evolving permafrost regions (Invited)
- Temperature is a potent driver of regional forest drought stress, disturbance, and tree mortality (Invited)
- Vibrational quenching versus chemical reactivity in OH(v)+O collisions
- Which mechanisms dominate the net effects of forest thinning on water yield and forest productivity in the semi-arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed?
- "Smoking-Gun" Observables of Magnetic Reconnection: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Electron Characteristics Throughout the Diffusion Region
- A New Variable Resolution Sea-ice Model
- A connectionist-geostatistical approach for classification of deformation types in ice surfaces
- Dual-Spacecraft Reconstruction of a Three-Dimensional Magnetic Flux Rope at Earth's Magnetopause
- Inverse Modeling Via Linearized Functional Minimization
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves/Vortices and Magnetic Flux Ropes at Earth's Magnetopause
- Non-linear feedbacks affecting sea ice deformation in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Origins of Highly Structured Distribution Functions in Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts: Understanding Electron Acceleration and Heating
- Plasma mixing and transport caused by the three-dimensional development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Successes and Challenges in Linking Observations and Modeling of Marine and Terrestrial Cryospheric Processes
- The Effect of the Ion Gyro Motion to Nonlinear Processes of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- A Global Sensitivity Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice to Parameter Uncertainty in the CICE v5.1 Sea Ice Model
- A Rosetta Stone for in situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in Bursty Hot Electron Enhancements in the Mid-Tail Magnetosheath
- Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
- Ganymede as a Laboratory for Multiscale Physics
- Hybrid (Kinetic Ion/Fluid Electron) Simulations of Reconnection Including Electron Pressure Anisotropy
- Inter-comparison of isotropic and anisotropic sea ice rheology in a fully coupled model
- Light Absorption in Arctic Sea Ice - Black Carbon vs Chlorophyll
- Mapping Out the Diffusion Region in Magnetopause Reconnection: from CLUSTER to Magnetospheric Multiscale
- Pulsating Reconnection in the interaction of Two Magnetic Fux Ropes.
- Snow in Large-Scale Sea Ice Models: State-of-the-Art and Way Forward
- Study of Multiple Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection on the FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments)
- The importance of kinetic ion physics in the interaction of magnetic islands
- Automated connectionist-geostatistical classification as an approach to identify sea ice and land ice types, properties and provinces
- Hydraulic Inverse Modeling Using Total-Variation Regularization with Relaxed Variable-Splitting
- Modelling of Sea Ice Thermodynamics and Biogeochemistry during the N-ICE2015 Expedition in the Arctic Ocean
- Reconstruction of the electron diffusion region observed by MMS: First results
- An iceberg model implementation in ACME.
- Flux transfer events formed in the reconnection exhaust region between two X-lines and in the velocity shear layer of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices
- Revisiting a magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz event seen by the MMS spacecraft on 8 September 2015: Large-scale context and wave properties
- Variational Ridging in Sea Ice Models
- Magnetotail dipolarization and dipolarization fronts using spacecraft conjunctions
- Planet Growth via Accretion of Pebble-to-Boulder Size Solids
- The Next Generation of Cryosphere Science for "Navigating" the New Arctic
- Electron-MHD reconstruction of magnetotail reconnection regions observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
- Fully Coupled Variable Resolution Sea Ice Simulations in E3SM
- Integrated Coastal Modeling of Human and Earth System Processes in the Mid-Atlantic Region
- Mixing of Condensible Constituents with H/He During Formation of the Giant Planets
- Multi-omics Integration for Substrate-Explicit Biogeochemical Modeling and More
- Resilient Remediation under Climate Change: Application of machine learning-based In situ Groundwater Monitoring and Reactive Transport Modeling
- Statistical Representations and Unbiased Metrics for Stable Isotope Fractionation
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration and Coupled Carbon-Climate Experiments
- Transport, Composition, and Lifetime of Extreme Wildfire Smoke to Assess their Impacts
- Understanding integrated hydrology and geochemistry processes in a mountainous watershed using the Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS)
- Estimating Material and Environmental Parameters for Spacecraft Charging using van allen probes Data
- Evaluating Aerosol Solar Reflection Climate Models by Post Stratospheric Mass Injection Response Observations
- Inverse Problem Approach to Spacecraft Charging Simulations
- Mixing of Condensable Constituents with H/He During the Formation of the Giant Planets
- Sea Ice Climate of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, Version 2
- The Climate Response to Megafires: Uncertainty Quantification for the 2017 British Columbia Stratospheric Mass Injection Event