University of New Hampshire, Department of Physics and Astronomy
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of the Motion of Auroral Ion Outflow Regions With the Motion of Auroral Arcs
- A Self-consistent Model of the Interacting Ring Current Ions with Electromagnetic ICWs
- Abundance Variations of Energetic He+ in CME Related SEP Events
- Artificial Plasma Jets Dynamics in "North Star" Active Experiment
- CLUSTER-2 Multipoint Observations of the mid-Altitude ion Cusp
- Cluster Observations of Ionosphere-Directed Poynting Flux at the High Latitude Plasma Sheet Boundary
- Cluster Observations of Particle Structures on Field Lines Mapping to Active Auroral Regions
- Cluster-CIS observations of bow shock-reflected ions
- Dayside Erosion During Intervals of Tenuous Solar Wind
- Dependence of Geoeffective Interplanetary Parameters on Heliographic Longitude: A Case Study for March 1979
- Direct Detection of Interstellar Neutrals from Earth Orbit
- Effects of EMIC Waves Scattering on Ring Current Dynamics
- Electron Heat Flux Instabilities in Coronal Holes: Implications for Ion Heating
- Energy Balance in the Flaring Solar Corona
- Energy transport along the auroral field lines, Cluster results.
- High Energy Particle Measurements
- Hybrid Simulation Studies of Wave-Ion Interactions With Application to the Corona and Solar Wind
- Interferences in Electric Field Spectrograms of WHISPER induced by the Electron Drift Instrument on Cluster
- Magnetospheric Convection as Observed by the Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) on Cluster Compared With Ground-based Radar Data
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Oxygen Beams from the Southern Polar Region by CIS Onboard Cluster.
- New Results for the Self-Consistent Parallel E-Field and Particle Distributions in the Auroral Return Current Region
- Occurrences of Pc 1 Waves in the Dayside Cusp, LLBL and BPS Region and Associated Enhancements of Proton Aurora
- Oxygen Outflow During the Large Magnetic Storms on March 31, 2001 and April 12, 2001. Measurements from the CLUSTER-CIS instrument.
- Parallell Current in the Plasma Sheet
- SEP Fe Charge States in 3He-Rich Interplanetary Shock Events
- Simultaneous Cluster/CIS and FAST Observations of Boundary Layer Plasmas
- The Echo Sounding Rocket Payloads as a Laboratory in Space to Study the Dynamics of the Natural Aurora Acceleration Mechanism and Other Important Contributions John Winckler has Made to the Field
- The Kinetic Shell Model of Coronal Heating and Acceleration by Ion Cyclotron Waves: Dispersive Waves
- The Theory of Particle Acceleration at Coronal/Interplanetary Shocks
- Thermal Electron Contributions to Current-Driven Instabilities: SCIFER Observations in the 1400-km Cleft Ion Fountain and Their Implications to Thermal Ion Energization
- Three-Dimensional Electric Field Measurements at the Plasma Sheet Boundary as measured by the Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) and the Electric Field and Waves Instrument ( EFW ) on the CLUSTER Spacecraft
- Transverse Waves in the Dayside Sector of the Magnetosphere Observed by Cluster
- A Comparison of SEP Ionic Charge States in Local Shock and Impulsive Events
- A Statistical Study of IMF Bz Formation
- Accelerated Plasma Flows in the Cusp Boundary Layer: A CLUSTER-FAST-Ground Conjunction Stud
- Bow Shock Specular Reflected Ions in Presence of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves: a Case Study
- CLUSTER Observation of Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail: Comparison with Hall Physics Effects.
- CLUSTER Observation of the Dynamics of Ionospheric O+ and H+ Ions in the Mid-Tail
- Cluster Observations of Ion Shell Distributions in the Plasma Sheet on 31 March 2001
- Composition of Auroral Polar Cap Boundary Ion Conics
- Convection Transients in the Polar Cap During Substorms
- Coupled Ion Acceleration and Wave Excitation at Earth's Bow Shock
- Electric Field Measurements at the Boundary of the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet as Measured by the Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) and the Electric Field and Waves Instrument (EFW ) on the CLUSTER Spacecraft
- Ion heating due to plasma microinstabilities in coronal holes and the generation of the fast solar wind
- Ionic Structures Observed in the Plasmasphere by CLUSTER
- Ionospheric Outflow and Ring Current Composition During 2001 Geomagnetic Storms
- Magnetic Moments and Temperatures in the Plasma Sheet
- Magnetospheric Oxygen in the Magnetosheath as Observed by CIS Cluster
- Observations of Storm-Time Ion Injection and Loss Processes in the Ring Current
- On the Origin of Perpendicular Cascades Among Nonlinear Alfvén Waves
- Particle Acceleration Associated with Three-Dimensional Fan Magnetic Reconnection
- Perpendicular transport of solar energetic particles: Ulysses observations at high heliographic latitudes
- Propagation of energetic particles to high heliographic latitudes
- Ring Current Modeling Using AMIE Potentials
- Simulation on the solar cycle variation of the radiation belts - Evaluation on time variation of radial diffusion -
- Sounding Rocket Study of Thermal Electrons in Active Auroral Precipitation
- Source of Diffuse Upstream Ions: Injection from the Thermal Solar Wind Distribution, Acceleration of a Suprathermal Population, or from the Magnetosphere?
- The Duskside Low Latitude Boundary Layer as Seen with Cluster and FAST
- The Source of Low Energy O+ in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Unusual Plasma Conditions during may 23-25, 2002
- A New Look at Driven Magnetic Reconnection at the Terrestrial Subsolar Magnetopause
- Alfvén Wave Modulation of Substorms and Outflowing O+ ions Observed by Cluster: Kinetic Features
- Alfvén wave modulation of Substorms and outflowing O+ ions Observed by Cluster: Bulk Parameter View
- Analysis of High-Latitude IMF Turbulence
- CLUSTER Measurements of Substorm Electric Fields at the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Boundary
- Cluster Observations During a Slow Crossing of the Duskside LLBL and Conjugate Observations in the Topside Ionosphere with FAST
- Cluster Observations of the Flank Boundary Layer Under Northward IMF Conditions
- Cosmic Rays, Solar Energetic Particles, and Climate: Where are the Links?
- Dayside Auroral Morphology During Southeast IMF Orientation:Spatial Structure and its Implications for Magnetopause Reconnection
- Dependence of the electric field in the inner magnetosphere on the IMF B<SUB>Y</SUB> component
- Determination of the Short- and Long-Range Parallel Potential in the Downward Auroral-Current Region From FAST Satellite Data and Theory
- Diurnal Variations of Quasi-Periodic and Periodic VLF emissions in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Subsolar Region Under Normal Dynamic Pressure: Wind Observations and Theory
- Global heliospheric disturbances near 1 AU caused by the launch of solar transients on January 1 and September 23, 1978.
- Intermittent coronal heating due to heat flux generated ion cyclotron waves
- MHD Simulations of SIs observed by Polar
- Measurement of Thermal Electrons at Rocket Altitudes in Nightside Active Aurora
- Modeling the Transport, Acceleration, and Loss of Energetic Particles During the October 2001 Storm
- Monitoring of magnetospheric convection near the plasmapause using corotating aurora
- Multipoint Observations of Ionic Structures in the Plasmasphere by CLUSTER-CIS and Comparisons With IMAGE-EUV Observations
- Observations of Two-Component Upstream Ions by Cluster
- Observations of a sharp boundary between field-aligned beams and gyrating ions in the foreshock
- Plasma Depletion Layer Dependence on Solar Wind Conditions and the Earth Dipole Tilt
- Probability Distribution Functions for Magnetic Field Fluctuations Inferred From Cluster Measurements: Evidence for Intermittent Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet.
- Relationships Between the Flux Tube Volume, Content, Plasma Pressure, and Density in the Plasma Sheet
- Simulation of energetic electrons dynamics on the Oct. 2001 magnetic storm
- The Dense Sheath Region of Magnetic Clouds as an Interplanetary Trigger of Geomagnetic Storms
- Two different approaches for the inner magnetosphere currents estimation: ion pressure measurements and the curlometer technique, using CLUSTER CIS and FGM data.
- A mechanism of dissipation of the perpendicular turbulent cascade in the solar wind
- Alpha Particle Heating in the Solar Wind: ACE Observations
- Ballooning Instability in the Magnetotail: MHD Simulations
- Cluster multi-point observation of the thin current sheets in the magnetotail
- Cluster/Double Star Observations of Substorm Dipolarization
- Cold Dense Plasma Sheet Formation During Northward IMF
- Comparisons of Thermal Electron Measurements on Two Sounding Rocket Experiments
- Correlation of Solar Wind Features Observed From Spacecraft Well-Separated in YGSE
- Correlations of Plasma and Field Parameters Within the Magnetotail
- Dissipation Range Observations in Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds
- Effect of Latitudinal Dependence of Boundary Conditions on Transport of Turbulence in the Heliosphere
- Effects of Ejecta-Ejecta Interactions on the Magnetosphere: The Double Great Storm on March 31, 2001
- Energy Budget in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere simulations.
- Enhancements of He<SUP>+</SUP> at Interplanetary Disturbances: A Survey
- FTE Structures: Multi-Spacecraft Observation and Global Modeling Combined
- Heavy Ions in the Magnetosphere: Results from CLUSTER/CIS
- Hybrid Simulation Study of Waves Supported by Tangential Discontinuities
- IMF By and seasonal dependence of the electric field in the inner magnetosphere
- Impulsive Reconnection Dynamics: From the Laboratory to the Local Cosmos
- Ion Acceleration in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layers
- Kinetic Aspects During a Quasi-Continuous Reconnection Event Tailward of the Cusp: Cluster CIS Observations.
- Modeling the Coupled Ring Current -- Plasmasphere System
- Multifractal analysis of magnetic field fluctuations inferred Cluster and solar wind measurements: Evidence for intermittent turbulence in the plasma sheet and solar wind.
- Multipoint Observations of Magnetospheric Oxygen Ions at the Dusk Flank Magnetopause: a Case Study with Cluster
- Observations of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet and Cusp Reconnection During Extended Periods of Northward IMF
- On the role of O+ on Magnetic Reconnection in the Earth's Magnetotail: a comparison between CLUSTER observations and simulation results
- Parallel Electric Fields and Double Layers in Downward Auroral-Current Regions from Theory and Satellite Data
- Particle Injection and Acceleration at Shock in Interplanetary Space: Kinetic Simulations
- Pc 1 Waves and Associated Unstable Distributions of Magnetospheric Protons Observed During a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- Review of Solar Wind Heating: Observations and Theory
- SERSIO Sounding Rocket Thermal Ion Data
- Solar Wind Heating: Critical Tests of a Turbulence Theory
- Space Weather Drivers in the ACE Era
- Survey of oxygen ions and mass density in the dayside near-magnetopause region
- The Boundary Layer in Transition: Structural Dependence On IMF Orientation
- The Earth's Bow Shock: The Outermost Terrestrial Boundary
- The Plasma and SupraThermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) Instrument: Final Diagnostic Development Phase for the STEREO Mission
- The Spherical Tearing Mode: A new Model for 3D Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
- The structure of the plasma sheet under northward IMF
- ULF Wave Activity in the Terrestrial Polar Cap and Polar Cap Boundary Regions as Observed by Cluster
- ULF waves in the solar wind, their coupling to the magnetosphere and associated higher-frequency pulsations.
- A Simple Dynamical Model for Filament Formation in the Solar Corona
- Acceleration and Loss Processes During CME-driven and CIR-driven Storms
- Accelerator Test of an Angle Detecting Inclined Sensor (ADIS) Prototype with Beams of 48Ca and Fragments
- Adaptive Data Compression Module for Auroral Images
- Ballooning Instabilty of Thin Current Sheets: A Possible Mechanism for Substorm Onset
- Burst Memory and Event Trigger System for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Calculation of Bounce-Averaged Velocities and Hydrogen Densities for a Non-dipole Magnetic Field
- Case Study of the Seeds and Evolution Auroral Ion Upflow From the SIERRA Sounding Rocket
- Cluster Encounter of a Magnetic Reconnection Diffusion Region in the Near-Earth Magnetotail on September 19, 2003
- Comparison Between Observed High Latitude Field-Aligned Current Systems and Predictions from Global Simulations
- Correlation Between Electron Counts at 500 eV and Magnetic Fields Downstream of the Bow Shock
- Design Concept for the High Energy Particle Sensor (HEPS) for NPOESS
- Fast Flows and Flux Tube Properties
- Ground-based Observations of ULF Waves in the Cusp Region and at Substorm Onset as Possible Evidence for Reconnection
- Impulsive Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection In Laboratory and Space Plasmas
- Ion Acceleration and Wave-Particle Interaction at the Interplanetary Shocks Associated with the Halloween 2003 and the 20 January 2005 Events: SOHO/HSTOF, SOHO/EPHIN, and ACE/MAG Observations.
- Ion Thermalization and Wave Excitation Downstream of Earth's Bow Shock: Cluster Data
- Ionospheric Convection Response to High-Latitude Reconnection: Cluster and SuperDARN Observations
- Ionospheric Erosion by Alfven Waves
- Measuring Reconnection Electric Fields on MMS: The Double Probe Technique
- Model results of the effect of solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements on the auroral size and strength and comparison with observations
- Observations of high-latitude reconnection on October 19, 1995 with Interball-Tail spacecraft.
- On the Closure Relations for Multimoment Fluid Models of the Long-Range Potential in Downward Auroral Current Regions
- On variation of outer radiation belt electrons and O+ ions in the inner magnetosphere during large magnetic storms: FAST observations
- Pc 1-2 waves and associated ion distributions observed during three extended conjunctions between the Polar satellite and Antarctic ground stations
- Pc5 ULF, energetic Oxygen Ion, and EMIC Wave-Particle Interactions During the Halloween 2003 Storm
- Polar cap size metrics study at CCMC
- Prospects and Challenges of Magnetospheric Data Assimilation
- Reconnection Tailward of the Cusp Under Negative IMF Bz Conditions
- Resistive and Hall MHD Dynamics of a Flux Rope Model of Eruptive Flares: Simulations and Observations
- Simulating Coupling Complexity in Space Plasmas: First Results from a new code
- Solar neutron events associated with large solar flares in solar cycle 23
- Statistical Study of Pi1B Magnetic Pulsations at Conjugate Hemisphere - The Observation of Wave Propagation at Substorm Onset
- Structure of thin current sheets in the magnetotail
- Teaching the Invisible: Education and Public Outreach for the MMS Mission
- The Distant Magnetotail Under Long Duration, Very Northward IMF Conditions: October 22-24, 2003
- The Effect of IMF Clock Angle and Geomagnetic Dipole Tilt Angle on Solar Wind Entry Under Northward IMF Condition
- The FIELDS Instrumentation Package on MMS
- The characteristics of Langmuir waves in the Earth's electron and ion foreshocks: evidence for nonlinear interactions and other physical processes
- Three-Spacecraft Detections of a Magnetic Reconnection X-Line Extending More Than 390 Earth Radii in the Solar Wind
- Turbulent Plasma Mixing in the Magnetotail
- ULF Waves in the Cusp Region as Observed by the SERSIO Sounding Rocket and on the Ground at Barentsburg, Svalbard
- 2006 LWS TR & T Solar Wind Focused Science Topic Team: The Beginnings
- Acceleration of heavy ions at CME-driven Interplanetary Shocks Near Earth
- Analysis of Cluster Observations of Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Field Fluctuations In a High Speed Flow Associated with Current Sheet Crossings in the Geomagnetic Tail
- Automated Detection and Analysis of Interplanetary Shocks with Real-Time Application
- Changes to Plasmasheet Composition During Geomagnetic Storms
- Cluster Observations of Plasma Flow Reversal in the Magnetotail During a Substorm
- Cold Plasma Flow in the Tail Inferred from Satellite Wake
- Comparisons of Ring Current Simulations Using Various Magnetic Field Approximations
- Core Field Generation Mechanisms in Flux Transfer Events
- Cosmic Rays Near the Equator and to >50° S Latitude in 2004-2006; Observations from the COSPIN High Energy Telescope on Ulysses and the CRNC Telescope on IMP- 8.
- Current Sheet Formation and Magnetic Reconnection at 3D Null Points
- Derivation of Electric Potential Patterns in the Inner Magnetosphere: Detailed Procedure
- Design and Calibration of the De-Spun Rocket Borne Imager~2 (DERBI2) for Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora (ROPA)
- Diffusive Drift Acceleration at a Blunt Termination Shock
- Directional Discontinuities Found During Bartels Rotation 2286
- Effect of solar wind dynamic pressure changes on convection and the aurora: modeling and observations
- Electric Fields and Particle Distribution Functions During a Magnetic Reconnection Event: Comparison of PIC simulations with Cluster observations
- Electron acceleration by impulsive reconnection near separatrices: Cluster observations
- First results from a closely-spaced induction coil magnetometer array in Svalbard
- Global Simulation of Cluster - DoubleStar-1 Flux Transfer Events
- Heat Fluxes in the Plasma Sheet
- High Energy Solar Physics from Lunar-Based Observatories
- High Latitude M-I Coupling as Seen by Multiple Spacecraft, Ground-Based Instruments, and Global MHD Models
- High-latitude magnetospheric plasma convection and its dependence on solar wind parameters: Statistical analysis of Cluster EDI measurements
- Ionic Charge States in Interplanetary Shock Related Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Measuring the Turbulent Cascade in the Solar Wind
- On the Nature of "Crater" Flux Transfer Events
- On the Relation of Bursty Bulk Flows to Poleward Boundary Intensifications: Global Simulation of the January 3, 2001 Event
- Parallel Electric Fields in Birkeland Current Sheets
- Pc 1-2 Waves and Energetic Particle Precipitation During and After Magnetic storms: Superposed Epoch Analysis and a Case Study
- Pi1B pulsations and Alfvenic aurora at substorm onset
- Poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) revisited: Relationships with plasma convection, field-aligned currents, and the IMF B_y polarity
- Propagation Characteristics of Electrostatic Solitary Waves Obtained Through Multi- Spacecraft Techniques
- Proton temperature anisotropy effect on the heat flux instability in the fast solar wind
- Signatures of heavy ion reconnection in the magnetotail: simulations and satellite observations
- The Distant Magnetotail Under Long Duration, Very Northward IMF Conditions: October 22- 24, 2003
- The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite with Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- The Electron Drift Instrument
- The Facility for Optical Calibration At Low Light Levels~(FOCAL}3)
- The Formation of Superdense Plasma Sheet near Geosynchronous Orbit
- The Magnetosphere Under Weak Solar Wind Forcing
- The Mission of Opportunity Radbelt Experiment (MORE) for the RBSP Program
- The North-south Structure of a Flux Rope From Cluster Observations
- The November 20, 2003 magnetic cloud: Comparison of two models.
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere
- Time-of-Flight Detector System with Low Background Performance for the IBEX-lo Sensor
- Title: Accelerator Test of an Angle Detecting Inclined Sensor (ADIS) Prototype with Beams of 48Ca and Fragments
- Turbulent Cascade Rates in the Upper Inertial Range
- Two New Results in Solar Wind Turbulence
- VIDARS: Towards Painless Access to Space Physics Data
- Velocity Distributions, Charge States and Abundances of Inner Source Pickup Ions as Obtained from the Solar Wind Charge Exchange Model
- Weakly Compressible MHD Turbulence in the Solar Wind: Scaling of Anisotropic Magnetic Fluctuation Spectra
- A Parametric Study of the Kelvin - Helmholtz Instability of the Supersonic Magnetopause Flanks
- Anisotropies and Helicities in the Solar Wind Inertial and Dissipation Ranges at 1 AU
- Antarctic Ground-based Observations During Selected THEMIS Satellite Event Studies
- Asymmetry of Power Spectra for Interplanetary Fluctuations at 1 AU
- Charge states of energetic tellurium ions: Equilibrium and non-equilibrium calculations
- Correlation of Solar Wind Features from Well-Separated Spacecraft
- Correlative scale and effective magnetic Reynolds number determination from plasma sheet and solar wind magnetic field fluctuations
- Development in the SONNE Instrument, a Solar Neutron Spectrometer for Solar Orbiter and Solar Sentinels
- Diffusive Acceleration at the Blunt Termination Shock
- Dynamic Response of the far Tail of the Earth Magnetosphere to IMF Changes and Magnetospheric Activity: a STEREO View
- Effect of Oxygen on the Instability of Current Sheets
- Effect of solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements on convection and the aurora under different IMF conditions: modeling and observations
- Energetic Ion Bursts and Associated Polar Rain Electron Flux Enhancements During Magnetic Cloud Passage: A WIND-POLAR-DMSP Study
- Ground-Based and FAST Observations of Pc 1-2 Type ULF Waves in the Dayside Cusp Region
- Highly periodic activations observed by THEMIS prior to substorm onset
- Hybrid simulations of anisotropic proton distributions in solar coronal holes
- Improvement of Electric Field Model in the Inner Magnetosphere Using Cluster Data Set
- Interaction of the Bow Shock with a Tangential Discontinuity and Solar-Wind Density Decrease: Observations of Predicted Fast Mode Waves and Magnetosheath Merging
- Kolmogorov Versus Iroshnikov-Kraichnan Spectra: Consequences for Ion Heating in the Solar Wind
- MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere's Response to Solar Wind Tangential Discontinuities With Dynamic Pressure Changes
- Multi-Instrument Observations of Pc 3-4 Pulsations at Cusp Latitudes in Svalbard, Norway
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of ICMEs and Magnetic Clouds: Ulysses and STEREO
- Multi-spacecraft THEMIS - Geotail observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the low-latitude dayside and nightside magnetosphere for equal northward and dawnward IMF
- Multiple Cusps under Northward IMF Conditions: Observations and MHD Simulations Compared
- Multipoint Analysis by STEREO and WIND of the Magnetic Cloud on May 21-23, 2007
- Nonlinear Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed in Connection with the 24 August 2005 Super-Substorm
- OpenGGCM Simulation of the March 23, 2007 Substorm Observed by THEMIS
- PENGUIn Observations of the THEMIS March 23, 2007 Substorm Event
- Probing the 2-D Geometry of CIRs at Solar Minimum: Observations From STEREO
- Propagation Characteristics of Plasma Sheet Oscillations During a Small Storm
- Pulsating Aurora and Associated Particle Precipitation as Observed by the Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora Mission
- ROPA (Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora) and AMISR Observations of Precipitation and Ionospheric Conductivity During Pulsating Aurora
- Satellite Conjunction Study for Polar Cusp Neutral Upwelling
- Scaling of Reconnection and Stability of Current Sheets in Large Systems
- Solar Wind Measurements of the Alignment Between Vector Velocity and Magnetic Field Fluctuations and Comparisons to Boldyrev's Phenomenological Theory
- Solar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Populations at the STEREO Spacecraft Approaching Solar Minimum
- Solar-Wind Discontinuities and the Potential Role of Alfvénic Turbulence
- Sources of fast solar wind streams observed on STEREO and at L1
- Statistical Analysis of the High-Frequency Spectral Break of the Solar Wind Turbulence at 1 AU
- THEMIS overview, first results and near future
- The Interstellar Boundary Explorer Instrument Models and Predicted ENA Count Rates
- The Spatial Distribution of Upstream Ion Events Measured by ACE, Wind, and STEREO Near the Earth's Bow Shock
- The Turbulent Cascade at 1 AU: Energy Transfer and the Third-Order Scaling for MHD
- The inclusion of SAPS in the inner-magnetospheric electric field description
- Two-Stage Oscillatory Response of the Magnetopause to a Current/Vortex Sheet Followed by Northward IMF: Cluster Observations
- Two-spacecraft Reconstruction of a Magnetic Cloud and Comparison to its Solar Source
- Using ULF Waves Artificially Excited by the SPEAR High Power Radar as Diagnostics for Probing the High Latitude Ionospheric Alfven Resonator
- What Supports Parallel Electric Fields in Birkeland Current Regions?
- What is the Alfvenic Dissipation Scale in the Auroral Region?
- A comparison of ground and satellite observations of Pi1B pulsations
- A statistical study of the Cluster/CODIF observations of He+ energization in the magnetosphere
- Analysis of Suprathermal Events Observed by STEREO/PLASTIC
- Anisotropies of the Taylor Scale, Correlation Scale, and Effective Magnetic Reynolds Number Determination from Plasma Sheet and Magnetic Field Fluctuations
- Aspects of Magnetopause/Magnetosphere Response to Interplanetary Discontinuites, and Features of Magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves.
- Characteristics of Storm-time Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere Derived From Cluster Data
- Cluster and Double Star Multipoint Observations of a Plasma Bubble
- Cusp Injected Dispersive Ions as a Source for the Cold Dense Plasma Sheet: Simulation Results
- Diagnosing Pickup Ion Distributions beyond the Termination Shock through Ener-getic Neutral Atoms
- Do in Situ Observations of Solar Wind Stream Interfaces Reflect the Evolution of Coronal Holes?
- Effects of Field-aligned Potential Drops on the Inner Magnetosphere
- Evidence for Nonlinear Langmuir Wave Behavior in the Earth's foreshock: Cluster Observations and Instrumental Concerns
- Expected Performance of the IBEX Star Sensor for Accurate Pointing of IBEX-lo Sensor
- Ground Observations of ULF Pulsations During Pulsating Aurora
- How Ionospheric Ions Populate the Magnetosphere During a Magnetic Storm
- How to relate the 3D wavevector spectrum of Alfvenic fluctuations to the frequency spectrum observed by a single spacecraft when Taylor's hypothesis is not valid
- Initial model results of the inner magnetosphere obtained with OpenGGCM coupled with CRCM
- Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection speeds and temperatures relative to the background solar wind observed at ACE, WIND, and STEREO
- Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind at 0.3 and 1 AU
- Kinetic properties of the electron current sheet and its neighbor magnetic islands
- Landau Damping and Growth of Proton-Cyclotron Turbulence by the Electron Distribution Function in Downward Auroral-Current Regions
- Modeling of cusp ion structures during southward and northward IMF with particle tracing code
- Modeling the neutral hydrogen distribution function at the termination shock
- Multi-spacecraft Recovery of a Magnetic Cloud and its Origin From Magnetic Reconnection on the Sun
- Numerical Estimates of Polar Cusp Neutral Upwelling Using Satellite Conjunction Data
- Numerical simulations of the turbulence dissipation in the solar wind and corona
- O+ distributions near the reconnection X-line in the Earth's Magnetotail. CLUSTER observations.
- Occurrence Patterns of Magnetospheric EMIC Waves During Geomagnetic Storms: Ground-based Observations at Auroral and Subauroral Latitudes
- OpenGGCM/RCM simulation of the March 23, 2007 substorm event
- Oxygen Observations by STEREO/PLASTIC in the Slow Solar Wind
- Pc 3-4 Pulsations Near the Cusp: Latitude dependence near the open-closed field line boundary
- Pc 3-4 Pulsations Near the Cusp: Observations using Search Coil Magnetometers and HF Radars on Svalbard
- Plasma Flow Channels at Dawn/Dusk Polar cap Boundaries: Momentum Transfer on old Open Field Lines and the Roles of IMF By and Conductivity Gradients
- Prototype one day lead time forecasts of the magnetosphere with ENLIL and OpenGGCM
- ROMA (Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analyses) Spectra for Intermittent Fluctuations in Space Plasmas
- Rice Convection Model Simulation of Injection of an Observed Plasma Bubble Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- STEREO ICMEs and their Solar Source Regions Near Solar Minimum
- STEREO multi-spacecraft investigation of solar wind electron halo depletions at 90° pitch angle
- Signatures of Two Distinct Initiation Mechanisms in the Evolution of CMEs in the Lower Corona.
- Solar Wind Measurements on Solar Orbiter: Discovering the Links Between the Solar Wind and the Atmosphere of our Sun
- Statistical Prediction of Solar Flares Using Magnetic Field Data: A Status Report
- Statistical Properties and Stability of Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed at Shock Crossings by the CLUSTER and CASSINI Spacecraft
- Statistical properties of the multiple ion band structures observed by the FAST satellite
- Substorm Dynamics: THEMIS Data and OpenGGCM Simulations
- SuperDARN Observations of Pi2 Electric Field Pulsations during THEMIS Substorms
- THEMIS Observations of Current Sheet Flapping
- Tail Reconnection Triggering Substorm Onset
- Test of the Angle Detecting Inclined Sensor (ADIS) Technique for Measuring Space Radiation
- The Boltzmann H Function and Entropy in the Plasma Sheet
- Transport of O+ From the Cusp to the Plasma Sheet: Coordinated CLUSTER/Double Star TC-1 Observations
- Transverse ion heating, field-aligned electron acceleration, and parallel electric fields in the auroral acceleration region: Modeling several FAST events
- UV emissions observed by the SCIFER2 sounding rocket
- What Supports the Parallel Electric Field in the Birkeland (Field-Aligned) Current Regions of the Earth's Magnetosphere?
- A Study of Turbulence Associated with Corotating Interaction Regions
- A statistical study of EMIC wave-associated He+ energization in the outer magnetosphere: Cluster/CODIF observations
- An Investigation of the Solar Cycle Effect on Substorms
- Anomalous Resistivity Generated by the Current Driven Ion Acoustic Instabilities in Weakly Collisional Plasmas
- Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) Data Archiving in the CAA
- Cluster- and Ground-Based Observations of Pc 1-2 waves Poleward of the Cusp
- Cusp ion structures and their relation to reconnection: Results from OpenGGCM simulation
- Cusp-related Pc3-5 Wave Activity
- Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (Invited)
- Distinct Electron Regions Around a 3D Magnetotail Reconnection Site
- Dual Reversed Convection and Magnetospheric Reconfiguration Under Strongly Northward IMF Conditions (Invited)
- Effects of Minority Species on Magnetic Reconnection
- Effects of the solar cycle on cusp/cleft O+ outflow access to the polar cap and lobes
- Entropy Gradients in the Plasma Sheet
- Equatorward moving auroral signatures of a flow burst observed prior to auroral onset
- Extension of the electron dissipation region in collisionless Hall MHD reconnection
- FTE Generation for Predominantly East-West IMF
- Fast Reconnection in Extended High-Lundquist-Number Current Sheets Due to the Plasmoid Instability
- Geospace simulations using modern accelerator processor technology
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- Ground and Satellite Conjunction Study of Small-scale Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp
- High-Latitude Plasma Convection from Cluster EDI Measurements: North-South Asymmetries
- Kinetic, Magnetic and Cross-helicity Contributions to the Turbulent Cascade in the Solar Wind
- Laboratory Measurements of Electrostatic Solitary Structures Generated by Beam Injection
- Linking remote imagery of two coronal mass ejections to their in situ signatures at 1 AU
- Mapping the Inflow and Exhaust Regions of a Kinking Magnetotail Reconnection Site using Data from Cluster
- Mirror Mode Stuctures Detected by THEMIS in the Near-Earth Midnight Tail Plasma Sheet
- Modeling the local interstellar flow: comparisons to first observations from IBEX
- Motion of Auroral Features and Plasmasheet Flow
- Observation of Low-Frequency Waves due to Interstellar Pickup He+
- Observational Signatures of Thermal and Suprathermal Ion Acceleration at CME-Driven Interplanetary Shocks
- On the dissipation scale of broadband ELF waves in the auroral region
- Pickup Ion Distributions at the Termination Shock: A Numerical Study for IBEX
- Propagation Characteristics of Pc 1-2 Waves at High Latitude Ionospheric Waveguide
- Properties of energy conversion regions observed by Cluster in the plasma sheet
- Properties of intense current filaments formed at the reconnection electron layer
- Review of recent results on the plasmasphere by the CLUSTER and IMAGE missions
- Scale-Dependent Alignment of Velocity and Magnetic Fluctuations in Anisotropic MHD Turbulence
- Statistical Study of Ducted Propagation Characteristics of ULF Pi1B Pulsations
- Studies in the Sensitivity of IBEX to Variable Heliosphere Boundary Conditions
- Superposed epoch analysis of storm-time electric fields in the inner magnetosphere
- Synthetic Magnetogram Code for Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Models
- Test of the Angle Detecting Inclined Sensor (ADIS) Technique for Measuring Space Radiation
- The 2009 Space Science Component of UNH Project SMART and High School Students Building a High-Altitude Balloon Payload
- The Turbulent Cascade and Proton Heating in the Solar Wind at 1 AU with Emphasis on High Cross Helicity States (Invited)
- The Turbulent Cascade and Proton Heating in the Solar Wind at 1 AU: Comparison with Observed Proton Heating and Dynamics of High Cross Helicity States
- Time Variations of the ENA Flux Observed by IBEX: Is the Outer Heliosphere Evolving?
- Toward calculating heliospheric filtration of interstellar oxygen on its way to IBEX
- Transport of Ionospheric Ions to the Plasma Sheet during Geomagnetic Storms (Invited)
- ``Crater'' Flux Transfer Events: Highroad to the X-line?
- 3-D Plasma Sheet Models Based on the Time from Substorm Onset and on Average Solar-Wind/Magnetosphere Coupling Functions
- A case study of EMIC wave-associated He+ energization in the inner magnetosphere
- A statistical study of narrow-band ELF events observed at the South Pole
- Acceleration of O+ from the cusp to the lobe
- Accelerator Tests of the Prototype Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor (EHIS) for GOES-R
- Auroral Precipitation as a Driver of Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp
- Cluster observations of solitary waves near the center of the current sheet in association with magnetic reconnection
- Comparison of High Lundquist Number Scaling of Dayside Magnetospheric Reconnection in BATSRUS and OpenGGCM with the Hall term
- Comparisons of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Directions obtained from the IBEX Ribbon and Interstellar Polarization Measurements
- Current Closure in the Ionosphere: Results from the ACES Sounding Rocket
- Dependence of cusp ion structures on a satellite orbit
- Electron Scale Structure of Magnetic Holes in the Plasmasheet
- Escape of O+ Through the Distant Tail Plasma Sheet
- Evolution of the heliospheric plasma sheet observed in situ by 3 spacecraft over 4 solar rotations
- Far Tail (255 Re) Fast Response to Very Weak Magnetic Activity
- Fast Solar Wind Streams From the Sun to 1 AU During the Recent Solar Minimum
- First Cosmic Ray Proton Albedo Map of the Moon
- Flow of neutral interstellar helium into the heliosphere as inferred from IBEX-Lo observations and simulations
- Heliophysics
- High-Lundquist Number Scaling Analysis on the Parker's Model of Solar Coronal Heating due to Random Photospheric Footpoint Motion
- Initiation and Evolution of Corotating Interaction Regions
- Investigation of Plasmaspheric Plumes Measured by Cluster
- Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Heliosphere (Invited)
- Large-scale Reduced MHD Simulations of Coronal Heating via GPGPUs
- Measurements of the 2005 January 20 GLE with the Milagro Water Čerenkov Detector
- Multiple, Distant (40 deg) in situ Observations of a Magnetic Cloud and a Corotating Interaction Region Complex
- Observational Evidence of Wave Turbulence That Can Support Field-Aligned Electric Fields in the Downward Birkeland Current Region
- Observational Signatures of Ion Acceleration Near CME-Driven Interplanetary Shocks
- OpenGGCM Simulation of Ballooning and Axial MHD Mode at Substorm Onset (Invited)
- Perpendicular Ion Heating by Low-Frequency Alfven-Wave Turbulence in the Solar Wind (Invited)
- Persistent Excitation Over Several Days of EMIC waves in Association With a High Speed Stream
- Porting fluid and kinetic plasma models for space plasma physics to heterogeneous architectures: Benefits and Challenges (Invited)
- Propagation of BBFs and Dipolarization Fronts in the Global MHD simulation of February 27, 2009 Substorm
- Recent Successes of Wave/Turbulence Driven Models of Solar Wind Acceleration
- Separation of the IBEX Ribbon from the Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux
- Simulation of Earth-Moon-Mars Environments for the Assessment of Organ Doses
- Simulation of the longitudinal splitting of the nightside proton aurora during a substorm seen by the IMAGE spacecraft
- Simultaneous Traveling Convection Vortex (TCV) Events and Pc 1-2 Wave Bursts at Cusp/Cleft Latitudes observed in Arctic Canada and Svalbard
- Sources and Formation of the Ribbon Observed by IBEX: ``... Good Things may be Close by''
- Temporal evolution and spatial variation of the solar wind from multi-spacecraft measurements
- The CME/ICME relationship for the 3-5 April 2010 and Aug 1-4 2010 events
- The Relation Between Ionospheric Poynting Flux Enhancement and Cusp Reconnection
- The energy spectrum of heliospheric ENAs and properties of their parent protons
- Two Years of Interstellar Flow Observations with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) - Implications on the LIC Parameters and the Boundary (Invited)
- Wave-particle interactions in solar flares
- What Supports the Parallel Electric Field in the Turbulent Birkeland Current Regions of the Earth's Magnetosphere? A New Paradigm
- 3D Dynamics of Magnetopause Reconnection Using Hall-MHD Global Simulations
- A Cusp Density Enhancement Study using Ground-Based Auroral Imagers
- A Rocket-Based Study of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Current Closure Ionosphere
- A Self-Consistent Marginally Stable State for Parallel Proton-Cyclotron Waves
- A Statistical Study of Occurrences of Pc 1-2 waves at Antarctic Ground Stations Before, During and After Magnetic Storms: April 2006 - December 2010
- A statistical study of Cluster and ground-based observations of Pi1B pulsations at substorm onset
- Acceleration of O+ Ions in the Plasma Sheet Boundary
- Association of Pi1B Micropulsations and Poleward Boundary Intensifications
- Auroral Current and Electrodynamics Structure (ACES) observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator
- Auroral activity and ion distribution associated with magnetotail earthward-propagating dipolarization fronts
- CME and Reconnection Contributions to the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Comparisons of Primary and Secondary Magnetic Island Evolution in 2D Reconnection
- Coronal Electron Temperature from the Solar Wind Scaling Law throughout the Space Age
- Data and Model Views of Energy Input to the Dayside Thermosphere When the East-West Interplanetary Magnetic Field Is Large
- Elliptical approximation for the fronts of ICMEs and application to STEREO events in August 2010 and February 2011
- Equatorial electron flux pulsations correlated with ground-based pulsating aurora observations
- Experimental evidence of resonant cavities in the high--latitude ionosphere above Svalbard
- Forced Magnetic Reconnection at an X-point: Comparative Fluid and Fully Kinetic Studies
- GEM-CEDAR Challenge: Comparing Ionospheric Models with Poynting Flux from DMSP Observations
- Heavy Ion Effect on Magnetic Reconnection in The Earth's Magnetotail
- High Latitude Magnetometer Arrays: Multipoint and Conjugate Data for Studies of Currents, Transients, and Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in Earth's Space Environment
- Induction Versus Potential Electric Fields: Validating the Frozen-in Condition for the Inner Magnetosphere
- Influence of the Proton Pressure Tensor on the Turbulent Velocity Spectrum at Ion Kinetic Scales
- Interpretation of the 1991 June 11 High Energy Solar Flare
- Interstellar Magnetic Field: Comparing directions from the IBEX "ribbon" and stellar polarizations
- Investigating the role of the entropy parameter in plasma sheet dynamics
- Investigation of the Cooling Behavior of Interstellar HE+ Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere
- Ion distributions upstream of earthward propagating dipolarization fronts
- Laboratory Observations of Electron Phase-Space Holes Driven during Magnetic Reconnection
- Maximum Likelihood Fitting of the Interstellar Neutral Gas Flow as Observed by IBEX for Comparison with Analytical Modeling
- Monte-Carlo Simulation of Pickup Ion Velocity Distributions in the Inner Heliosphere
- Multi-Spacecraft Reconstruction of the Magnetic Fields InICMEs with Writhe Structure
- Multi-spacecraft observation of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection during propagation
- Nature of Axial Tail Instability and Bubble-Blob Formation in Near-Earth Plasma Sheet*
- New Neutral Interstellar Helium Flow Parameters Based on IBEX-Lo Observations
- Nightside sounding rocket study of precipitating ions in a Poleward Boundary Intensification
- Noise, backgrounds, and efficiency of the IBEX-Hi sensor over time
- Observation of Secondary O in the Interstellar Neutral Gas Flow with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)
- Observational Constraints on the Role of Kinetic Alfven Waves in the Solar Wind
- Observations of draping plasma accelerations in the magnetosheath under IMF Bz North
- Particles and waves Upstream of ICME Driven Interplanetary Shocks
- Perpendicular Ion Heating in Low-frequency Alfvén-wave Turbulence
- Persistent occurrence of EMIC waves around magnetic noon after a high speed solar stream
- Plasmoid instability in a large post-CME current sheet system
- Simulations of Alfven Wave Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Solar Energetic Particle Studies with PAMELA
- Solar Wind/Plasma Sheet Coupling
- Spectral Properties of Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by IBEX and Their Implications for the Microphysics of the Termination Shock
- Statistics of the Longitudinal Splitting of the Proton Aurora during Substorms
- Testing Possible Sources of the IBEX Ribbon With Observations of Energetic Neutral Atoms
- The Effect of Wave Escape on Fast-wave Turbulence in Solar Flares
- The Evolution of Ion Distributions and the Associated ENA Production at the Heliospheric Termination Shock: Hybrid Simulations
- The First Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Map of the Moon
- The Relation between Dayside Local Poynting Flux Enhancement and Cusp Reconnection
- The Spaghetti Model of the Turbulent Solar Wind: Implications for the Scaling of Magnetic Fluctuation Spectra
- The nature of the local interstellar magnetic field from IBEX and polarization data
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Interaction Between Flux Ropes in the Solar Corona
- Three-dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) Modes in a Finite Magnetic Field
- Tools for Predicting the Rates of Turbulent Heating for Protons, Electrons, and Heavy Ions in the Solar Wind
- Twisting and Bending of the Geomagnetic Tail under Northward IMF: OpenGGCM Simulations and Predictions for ARTEMIS
- Vortical Structures in the Near-tail Boundary Layer Under Collinear Magnetic and Velocity Fields in the Solar Wind
- Whistler amplification: a free electron laser in the Earth's magnetosphere
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Properties of Small Transients in the Solar Wind in 2007-2009: STEREO-A and Wind Observations
- A New Model for Chorus Wave Chirp in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- A Rocket-Borne Study of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Current Closure Ionosphere: Modeling
- A Velocity Shear Driven Turbulence Model for Recent ACE Magnetometer Observations
- A method for combining search coil and fluxgate magnetometer data to reveal finer structures in reconnection physics
- A review of electron microbursts
- Analytical Treatment of the Secondary ENA Model for the IBEX Ribbon
- Antarctic Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves
- Association Between Pi1B Pulsations, Poleward Boundary Intensifications and Alfvénic Aurora
- Changes in the Inner Magnetosphere Ion Population over the Solar Cycle
- Combined Maximum Likelihood Fitting and Analytical Modeling of the Interstellar Neutral Gas Flow as Observed by IBEX
- Constraining Sun-to-Earth Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections with Coordinated Heliospheric Imaging, Radio and In Situ Observations
- Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Yield Correlated with Lunar Elemental Abundances
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Magnetotail Particle Distributions
- Dayside reconnection in 3D global Hall MHD numerical simulations
- Deep Solar Activity Minimum 2007-2009: Solar Wind Properties and Major Effects on the Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Diagnostics of the Interstellar Gas with IBEX Neutral Atom Observations in the Inner Heliosphere
- EMIC waves observed by Cluster at middle magnetic latitudes in the dayside magnetosphere
- Electron Anisotropy in the Open Exhaust Region of Reconnection
- Emergence of the active magnetotail plasma sheet boundary from transient, localized ion acceleration
- Filtration of interstellar helium in the heliosphere
- Forced Magnetic Reconnection at an X-point: A Fully Kinetic Study
- Forecasting coronal mass ejections at 1 AU using Heliospheric Imagers
- How Electron Plasma Flows in the Diffusion Region Are Modified by the Presence of Magnetic Islands
- IBEX polar heliospheric ENA flux variations and correlations with solar wind observations over more than three years
- Instability Thresholds for Oblique Alfvén/Cyclotron Modes in the Presence of an Alpha Particle Beam
- Intensities and spectral properties of 0.03-6 keV Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Along the Lines-of-Sight of Voyager
- Kinetic Effects and the Dissipation of the Turbulent Energy Cascade in the Solar Wind
- Kinetic Models of Fast Solar Wind Driven by Imbalanced Ion Cyclotron Dissipation - What Will Solar Probe See?
- Kinetic Reconnection Simulations for CME Initiation Driven by Velocity-Shear
- Kinetic mirror instability in the magnetosphere
- Lack of magnetopause Kelvin Helmoltz waves in the THEMIS era
- Magnetic Helicity Signature Produced by Cross-Field 2D Turbulence
- Magnetic Reconnection at the Dayside and Dawnside of Cusp When IMF Bz is Near Zero
- Measuring the Polarization of Hard X-Ray Solar Flares with GRAPE
- Multi-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations for Instabilities and the Evolution of Ion Distributions at the Termination Shock and Beyond
- Multi-instrument Observations from Svalbard of a Traveling Convection Vortex, Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Burst, and Proton Precipitation Associated with a Bow Shock Instability
- Nanoflare and Current Sheet Distributions in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Coronal Heating
- New Tools to Discover the Physical Links From CME Eruptions to Radiation Effects in Deep Space: a First in Heliospheric End-to-End Coupling
- Observables to distinguish magnetic islands generated in extended electron current layers during fast magnetic reconnection
- Observational Evidence of Alfvén Wings at the Earth
- Observed and modelled effects of auroral precipitation on the thermal ionospheric plasma: comparing the MICA and Cascades2 sounding rocket events
- OpenGGCM simulations of different types of storms with a coupled inner magnetosphere model.
- Oxygen Ion Flux Variations Associated With a Stormtime Dipolarization Event at L ~ 4
- PAMELA Observations during Solar Cycle 24
- PIC simulation studies for instabilities in a current sheet with finite normal magnetic fields
- Perpendicular Ion Heating by Low-Frequency Alfven-Wave Turbulence in the Corona and Solar Wind
- Perpendicular Ion Heating by Low-frequency Alfvén-wave Turbulence
- Predictions of Plasma Entry and its Ionospheric Signatures from Global Simulations
- Preliminary Observations of Ionospheric Response to an Auroral Driver from the MICA (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén Resonator) Sounding Rocket Campaign
- Pulsating Aurora: the Equatorial Source Population & Local Morphological Interplay with Diffuse Aurora
- Revision of an Electric Field Model in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Solar Cycle Impact on O+ Abundance Throughout the Magnetosphere
- Sounding rocket observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator
- Space Weather Model Validations Using dBH/dt at High and Mid-Latitude Magnetometer Locations
- Statistical Study of O+ in the Magnetotail during Sawtooth Events
- Statistical analysis of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection
- Stochastic Heating of Protons by Alfven Waves Turbulence Near R = 0.3 AU in Fast Solar Wind
- Structure of a reconnection layer poleward of the cusp under extreme density asymmetry
- Study of solar energetic particles with PAMELA
- Testing the Maximum Magnetic Shear Model with OpenGGCM
- The Coupling of Ballooning and Axial Tail Instabilities in Near-Earth Magnetotail*
- The Deflection of CMEs During Instances of CME-CME Interactions
- The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- The pulsed nature of the nightside contribution to polar cap convection: Repetitive substorm activity under steady interplanetary driving
- The role of Alfven wave reflections in MHD turbulence
- Thermospheric Geo-effectiveness of Solar Wind Disturbances Monitored with Low Earth Orbit Measurements of Magnetic Perturbations and Poynting Flux
- Validating a new method for deriving the kinematics of ICMEs with a numerical simulation
- What in situ measurements of thermal electrons tell us about electron heating in the high-latitude ionosphere
- 'Trunk-like' ion structures observed by the Van Allen Probes
- A Statistical Analysis of Properties of Small Transients in the Solar Wind 2007-2009: STEREO and Wind Observations
- Analysis of Van Allen Probes Data Showing Nonlinear Electric Field Feedback During a Magnetic Storm
- Cause and Properties of the Extreme Space Weather Event of 2012 July 23
- Challenges and Opportunities For Space Plasma Physics in the Use of Electromagnetic Fields Measurements (Invited)
- Comparison of sounding rocket observations to model predictions of precipitation-driven electron heating
- Connecting white light to in situ observations of 22 coronal mass ejections from the Sun to 1 AU
- Constrained Kinematics of ICMEs from Multi-point in Situ and Heliospheric Imaging Data
- Contribution to Solar-Wind Heating by Alpha-Particle Induced Drift Instabilities
- Detecting Low-Contrast Features in the Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Yield Map of the Moon
- Dipole tilt and IMF control of Flux Transfer Event motion
- Electron Characteristics in Inflow Regions during Magnetotail Reconnection
- Electron Temperature Anisotropies in the Solar Wind: Properties, Regulation and Constraints
- Energy Release, Acceleration, and Escape of Solar Energetic Ions
- Estimates of Total Radiation Belt Electron Content (TRBEC) and its Time Evolution using the RBSP-ECT Instrument Suite on the Van Allen Probes Mission
- FTE Dependence on IMF Orientation and Presence of Hall Physics in Global MHD Simulations
- Forced Magnetic Reconnection at an X-point: Particle-In-Cell and Ten-Moment Extended MHD Simulations
- Foreshock dynamics controlled by Hot Flow Anomaly: relation between dawn and dusk sector events
- Formation and evolution of plasmoids and flux-ropes in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Global Simulations of the Magnetosphere under Sub-Alfvénic Solar Wind Conditions. (Invited)
- HAWC and Solar Energetic Transient Events
- High-Energy Solar Flare Studies with HAWC and Neutron Monitors
- IBEX ENA observations from comet Elenin
- In Situ Observations of Corotating Rarefaction Regions with STEREO
- In Situ and Ground-Based Observations of a Long-Duration Pulsating Aurora Event
- Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)-Hi observations of heavier-than-hydrogen energetic neutral atoms
- Interstellar He+ Ring-Beam Distributions: Observations and Implications
- Interstellar neutral gas flow measurements with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) - implications on heliospheric boundary diagnostic (Invited)
- Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at Earth's magnetopause triggered by Flux Transfer Events (Invited)
- Kinetic Approaches to Shear-Driven Magnetic Reconnection for Multi-Scale Modeling of CME Initiation
- M-I coupling across the Harang reversal during storm--substorm activity driven by an interplanetry ICMEs
- Mapping Between the Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere Using Global Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations
- Nature of Subproton Scale Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- New population of neutral helium in the heliosphere discovered by IBEX
- O<SUP>+</SUP> behavior in magnetopause reconnection and its possible effect on the reconnection rate: Cluster observations
- Observational and Modeling Study of Pickup Ion Cooling Behavior in Solar Wind Compression and Rarefaction Regions
- Observations of dayside subauroral proton arcs and EMIC waves associated with increases in solar wind pressure
- Origin of High Energy Solar Energetic Particles
- PIC simulations of magnetosheath mirror mode structures
- Plasma energization in asymmetric magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause during magnetic storms
- Possible Modification of the Cooling Index of Helium Pickup Ions by Electron Impact Ionization in the Inner Heliosphere
- Properties of Mirror Mode Waves and Ion Cyclotron Waves Observed by Stereo
- Pulsating Auroral Nitric Oxide Production in the Lower Ionosphere
- Pulsating aurora observed on the ground and in-situ by the Van Allen Probes
- Radial Evolution of the Wavevector Anisotropy of Solar Wind Turbulence Between 0.3 and 1 AU
- Solar wind dynamic pressure pulse driven magnetospheric vortices and waves
- Spatial Confinement of the IBEX Ribbon: A "Dominant Turbulence" Model
- Structure of a Reconnection Layer Poleward of the Cusp Under Extreme Density Asymmetry
- Supra-Arcade Downflows: Observations and MHD Simulations
- THEMIS survey of the frequency of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at Earth's magnetopause
- Temporal Evolution of Electron Precipitation-Driven Ion Upwelling and Coupling to Neutral Particles
- Test-Particle Simulations of Inner Zone Proton Belt Loss During Geomagnetic Storms
- The Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor (EHIS) for GOES-R: Accelerator Calibrations of Flight Unit 1
- The Evolving Heliosphere Observed Over IBEX's First Five Years (2009-2013)
- The relative importance of dayside and nightside reconnection on the ionospheric convection system during sudden enhancements of solar wind dynamic pressure: OpenGGCM-CTIM results
- Three-Dimensional Simulations of the Parker Model of Coronal Heating Using Four-Field Equations
- Time-Variation of ENA Flux Observed by IBEX at the Heliospheric Poles: Has the Recovery Begun?
- Two distinct transition regions within the exhaust during asymmetric magnetopause reconnection
- Using Multi-Spacecraft Technique to Identify the Structure of Magnetic Field in CMEs
- 2012 May 17th GLE: New Views of a GLE with PAMELA
- A Statistical Look at the Radiation Belt Seed Population
- Alpha-Particle/Proton Differential Flow in the Solar Wind: Implications for Plasma Heating, Azimuthal Flow, and the Parker Spiral Magnetic Field
- Characterizing Total Radiation Belt Electron Content Using Van Allen Probes Data
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Out-of-Equilibrium Plasma of the Inner and Outer Heliosheath Regions
- Deep dielectric and surface charging of regolith in the Moon's permanently shadowed regions
- Design, Calibration and Specifications of the Space Environment in-Situ Suite (SEISSS) Space Weather Instruments for the GOES-R Program
- Earth-Directed ICME Magnetic Field Configurations
- Energetic Particle Measurements on Mars and in Lunar Orbit
- Energy ranges and pitch angles of outer radiation belt electrons depleted by an intense dayside hydrogen band EMIC wave event on February 23, 2014
- Galactic Cosmic Rays and Lunar Secondary Particles from Solar Minimum to Maximum: CRaTER Observations and Geant4 Modeling
- Impact Angle Control of Interplanetary Shock Geoeffectiveness
- Laboratory Observations Consistent with Non-linear Decay of a Kinetic Alfvén Wave
- Lunar Proton Albedo Anomalies: Soil, Surveyors, and Statistics
- Multi-point Observations and Modeling of Particle Injections
- Multi-point observations of energetic particle injection deep into the inner magnetosphere: Implications for the ring current and radiation belts
- NASA's Van Allen Probes RBSP-ECT Data Products and Access to Them: An Insider's Outlook on the Inner and Outer Belts (and We Don't Mean the Nation's Beltway...)
- Openggcm Simulations of Energy Conversion in Dipolarization Fronts
- Radiation Dosimetry Experiment (RaD-X): High-Altitude Balloon Flight Mission for Improving the Nairas Aviation Radiation Model
- Signal Propagation from the Tail to the Ionosphere
- Solar zenith angle dependence of empirical formulas between energy inputs to the ionosphere and O<SUP>+</SUP> and H<SUP>+</SUP> ion outflows
- Source of O<SUP>+</SUP> in the ring current: Van Allen Probes observations during the 1 June 2013 storm
- Spontaneous formation of magnetotail bursty bulk flows, dipolarization fronts, and corresponding changes of magnetic topology
- The Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor (EHIS) for GOES-R: Accelerator Calibrations of Flight Unit 1
- Ubiquity of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at Earth's Magnetopause
- A Neural Network Reconstruction of the Coupled Inner Magnetospheric Environment
- A Role for Stochastic Heating in the Near-Sun Environment
- Acoustic Properties of Return Strokes and M-components From Rocket-Triggered Lightning
- Analysis of the Longitudinal Variation of Energetic Particle Radiation during the 23 July 2012 Solar Event Using STEREO and LRO/CRaTER with the BRYNTRN Model
- Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions Generated at Low L Values During March 2015 Storm: Van Allen Probe ECT Observations
- Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure
- Compressive Solar-Wind Turbulence and Anisotropy-Driven Micro-Instabilities
- Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Coupling MHD Simulations of CMEs to SEP Models
- Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injections
- Early results on energetic particle dynamics and structure from the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- Electron Dropout Events Caused by Low-Density Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and Shocks Within CMEs
- Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions
- Energy ranges and pitch angles of outer radiation belt electrons depleted by an intense dayside hydrogen band EMIC wave event on February 23, 2014
- Evolution of relativistic electron phase space density related to in-situ acceleration observed by Van Allen Probes
- Excitation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: RBSP Observation and Modeling
- Exploring the Galactic Environment of the Sun with IMAP
- Fine Structure ENA Sources Beyond the Termination Shock: Observational Constraints and Detection Limits
- Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Generation and effects of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes on 18 March 2013
- Global, Energy-Dependent Ring Current Response During Two Large Storms
- Ground Level Observations of a Possible Downward-Beamed TGF during a Rocket-Triggered Lightning Flash at Camp Blanding, Florida in August 2014
- How Might the Thermosphere and Ionosphere React to an Extreme Space Weather Event?
- Impact of Planetary Gravitation on High Precision Neutral Atom Measurements
- Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections from MESSENGER Orbital Observations at Mercury
- Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere - neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP
- Ion spectral structures observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Latitude, Energy, and Time Variations of Energetic Neutral Atom Spectral indices Measured by IBEX
- Location of EMIC Wave Events Relative to the Plasmapause: Van Allen Probes Observations
- Long-term VERB Code Simulations of Ultra-relativistic Electrons and Comparison with Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Low and High Energy Electron Velocity Distributions During Wave-Particle Interaction Events
- MagEIS and REPT Observations Related to Low Frequency Waves
- Magnetospheric Effects on High Energy Solar Particles: PAMELA Measurements
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Observations of Energetic Particle Dynamics and Structures Prior To and During Its First Encounters with the Reconnection-Rich Regions of Earth's Magnetopause
- Mars-Moons Exploration, Reconnaissance and Landed Investigation (MERLIN)
- Microburst Precipitation Measured with the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats
- Modeling SEPs and Their Variability in the Inner Heliosphere
- NASA's RBSP-ECT Science Investigation of the Van Allen Probes Mission: Highlights of the Prime Mission Phase, Data Access Overview, and Opportunities to Collaborate in the Extended Mission Phase
- Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth's Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015
- On the Energy Spectra of Individual Terrestrial Gamma ray Flashes
- OpenGGCM-RCM modeling of SAPS events
- Penetration of Large Scale Electric Field to Inner Magnetosphere
- Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Planting the Seed: Quantifying the Role of the Radiation Belt Source and Seed Populations
- Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer
- Prompt Recovery and Enhancement of the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt due to Relativistic Electron Injections
- Quantifying Energy-Time Dispersion of Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Constrain Their Generation Mechanism: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD, Van Allen Probes, and BARREL
- Radiation Protection Challenges for a Human Mission to Mars
- Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field
- Ring Current Response to Different Storm Drivers. Van Allen Probes and Cluster Observations.
- SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model
- Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes
- Spectral Modulation of the IBEX Ribbon Flux by the Dynamic Draping of the Interstellar Medium over the Heliosphere
- The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements
- The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt
- The geomagnetic condition dependence of the spatial distributions of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
- The local interstellar medium based on ISN He observations with Ulysses and IBEX and future IMAP measurements
- The plasmasheet H+ and O+ contribution on the storm time ring current
- The statistics of relativistic electron pitch angle distribution in the Earth's radiation belt based on the Van Allen Probes measurements
- Van Allen Probes observations of dipolarization and its associated O<SUP>+</SUP> flux variations in the inner magnetosphere
- Van Allen Probes observations of intense parallel Poynting flux associated with magnetic dipolarization, conjugate discrete auroral arcs, and energetic particle injection
- Variations of energetic electrons associated with solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement in the outer radiation belt
- A case study of the characteristics of intervals of pulsations of diminishing periods (IPDP) observed on February 19, 2013 using conjugate ground-satellite observations
- A model of storm-time oxygen in the magnetosphere: Data-model comparisons
- An Investigation of the Possibility of Detecting Gamma-ray Flashes Originating from the Atmosphere of Venus
- Analysis of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations from simulated Solar Probe Plus measurements: Interpretation and predictions.
- Changes in the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejection During Propagation That May Affect Their Imapct on Planetary Magnetospheres
- Comparison of lighting activity and inner radiation belt particle fluxes perturbations
- Dependence of Solar Wind Speed on O<SUP>+</SUP>/C<SUP>+ </SUP>Abundance
- Detailed Analysis of the Width of the IBEX Ribbon - Variations in Position and Energy
- Dielectric Breakdown Weathering by Solar Energetic Particles Charging Airless Bodies in the Inner Solar System
- Differentiating Between Acceleration Mechanisms during the Van Allen Probes Era.
- Differing Lunar Regolith Hydrogen Distributions as a Possible Source of Variations in Proton Albedo: Geant4 Simulations
- Dominant loss mechanisms in the radiation belts
- EMIC Waves Accompanied by a Sudden Decrease in Ambient Magnetic Fields
- Early-Stage Acceleration of SEPs by CME-Driven Shocks and Compressions
- Effects of Energetic Ion Outflow on Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Energetic electron spectral features in the inner magnetosphere
- Estimation of NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production from Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Evolution of heliospheric energetic neutral atom emissions over seven years of IBEX observations
- Examination of Energetic Electron Acceleration in the Vicinity of Earth's Dayside Magnetopause with MMS
- Explaining the Dynamics of the Ultra-relativistic Third Van Allen Radiation Belt
- Fitting and Reconstruction of Simple Flux Rope CMEs
- Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent cascade of slow waves in sub-ion-gyroradius scale in low-beta plasma
- Hydration of Lunar Regolith at Local Sunrise
- IBEX-lo Sky Maps: A Tool for Remote Sensing the Plasma Flows Around the Heliosheath
- Interstellar He flow analysis over the past 8 years with IBEX neutral observations
- Interstellar O, He and Magnetic Field from IBEX and IMAP Predictions
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations
- MMS Observations of Energetic Particle Escape Dynamics at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) and Van Allen Probes Study of Substorm Injections
- Modulation of whistler-mode chorus waves by ULF and the effects on auroral precipitation
- Multipoint Measurements of Energetic Electron Deep Penetration into the Low L Region
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- On the Geo-effectiveness of Shocks and Sheaths
- On the Role of Ionospheric Ions in Sawtooth Events
- On the production of Gamma rays and Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches from Martian dust storms
- OpenGGCM Simulations of Electron Microinjections Observed by MMS/FEEPS in the Dusk to Midnight Region
- Oxygen energization and loss during the main phase of the 17 March 2015 storm: Van Allen Probes observations
- Prediction of Ultra-Relativistic Electron Flux Dynamics Through a Fusion of Machine-Learning and Physics-Based Models
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere Using Observations of the Polar ENA Flux from IBEX and Cassini/INCA
- Prompt injections of ultra-relativistic electrons induced by interplanetary shocks: A statistical study of Van Allen Probes observations
- Radiation Environments for Future Human Exploration Throughout the Solar System.
- Remotely Sensing Magnetopause Dynamics Using Energetic Electrons: Exploring the Association of MMS/FEEPS Observations of "Microinjections" and Dynamical Magnetopause Processes
- SEP Modeling Throughout the Inner Heliosphere Based on the ENLIL Global Heliospheric Model
- Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves and Energetic Proton Responses: Van Allen Probes Observation
- Sferics of Multipulse Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- Solar Energetic Particle Spectra Measured with PAMELA
- Space Science in Project SMART: A UNH High School Outreach Program
- Spectral Properties of Large Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events and Their Implications for Near-Sun CME Shocks
- Statistical Properties of Microbursts Derived from the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats
- Statistical study of ICME effects on Mercury's magnetospheric boundaries and northern cusp region
- Structure of the Heliotail from Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Observations: Implications for the 11 Year Solar Cycle and Pickup Ions in the Heliosheath
- THOR contribution to space weather science
- Temporal evolution of ion spectral structures during a geomagnetic storm: Observations and modeling
- Testing Linear Theory on inner magnetosphere EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
- The Complex Nature of Storm-time Ion Dynamics: Transport and Local Acceleration
- The Hidden Dynamics of Relativistic Electrons (0.7-1.5 MeV) in the Inner Zone and Slot Region
- The O+ contribution and role on the ring current pressure development for CMEs and CIRs using Van Allen Probes observations
- The Parallax and the Energy-dependent Position of the IBEX Ribbon - Implication for its Origin
- The Role of Convection in the Buildup of the Ring Current Pressure during the March 17, 2013 Storm
- The Roll-over of Heliospheric Neutral Hydrogen at Energies below 100 eV: Observations with IBEX and their Implications for the Pressure Balance of the Heliosheath
- The Storm Time Ring Current Dynamics and Response to CMEs and CIRs Using Van Allen Probes Observations and CIMI Simulations
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- The Sun's Magnetic Field During The Maunder Minimum And Modern Risks From A Weak Field
- Third-Moment Descriptions of the Interplanetary Turbulent Cascade, Intermittency, and Back Transfer
- Time-Dependent Spatial Domains of Electrons Accross the Energy Spectrum
- Understanding the generation mechanisms of highly oblique lower-band chorus waves
- Using IBEX Data to Constrain the Heliosphere's Large-scale Structure: Interstellar Neutral Gas and the Warm Breeze
- Van Allen Probes Observation of a Giant Pulsation Event
- Why are Solar Energetic Particle Intensities so Much Lower in Solar Cycle 24, Especially at High Energies?
- X-ray emission from upward initiated lightning at Gaisberg tower
- A High-Speed Spectroscopy System for Observing Lightning and Transient Luminous Events
- A Population Synthesis Study of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- A multi-pulse, downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash from a winter thunderstorm in Japan
- An Event Observed as a Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) and a Terrestrial Electron Beam (TEB) by Fermi GBM
- Balloon Borne Instrumentation for Detection of Gamma Ray Glows
- Broadband VHF Interferometer Observations of an Energetic In-cloud Pulse (EIP)
- Characteristics of NLDN-Reported Radio Frequency Emissions Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Gamma-ray signatures of neutrons from Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- HF and VHF Spectra of Fast Breakdown Processes
- Importance of CME Radial Expansion on the Ability of Slow CMEs to Drive Shocks
- Initiation of Negative Streamers from Hydrometeors at Subbreakdown Field Conditions
- Interpreting Dust Impact Signals Detected by Antennas on Spacecraft
- Interstellar He Flow Analysis over the Past 9 Years with Observations over the Full IBEX-Lo Energy Range
- Lightning leader models of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- Long Duration Gamma-Ray Flares & Solar Energetic Particles — Is there a Connection?
- Magnetotail processes and their ionospheric signatures
- Messenger Observations Inside 1 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Inner Source Pickup Protons
- Modeling of a new electron-streamer acceleration mechanism
- OpenGGCM Simulations of Bursty Bulk Flows: Observational Signatures
- Polarization of TGFs and X-rays from natural and rocket-triggered lightning and its association with source geometry
- Properties, propagation, and excitation of EMIC waves observed by MMS: A case study
- Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation And Its Effect on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Radiation Risks From A Weak Field in the Coming Years
- Sawtooth events and O<SUP>+</SUP> in the plasma sheet and boundary layer: CME- and SIR-driven events
- Simulations of Ionospheric Precipitation Effects on Reconnection Rate, Cross Polar Cap Potential Saturation, and Viscous Interaction
- Superposed epoch analysis of O<SUP>+</SUP> auroral outflow during sawtooth events and substorms
- The Effect of Topography on the Exposure of Airless Bodies to Space Radiation: Phobos Case Study
- The GOES-16 Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor (EHIS) Ion Composition and Flux Measurements
- The Large Scale Distribution of Water Ice in the Polar Regions of the Moon
- UNH Project SMART 2017: Space Science for High School Students
- Using Proton Radiation from the Moon to Probe Regolith Hydrogenation in the Upper 1-10 cm
- X-ray emissions from centimeter-long streamer corona discharges
- A Multi-School Approach to STEM Education Through Ballooning
- An Inner Magnetosphere Empirical EMIC Wave Amplitude Prediction Model
- Balloon-Borne Instrumentation for Detection of Gamma-ray Glows from Lightning
- Changes of Pickup Ion Velocity Distribution Due to Solar Wing Compressions andInterplanetary Shocks
- Comparing the Outflow of O+ during SIR and CME Sawtooth events with re-calibrated FAST/TEAMS Data
- Comparison of Diffusion Region Proxy Parameters in the Geomagnetic Tail
- Correlation Scales of the Turbulent Cascade at 1 AU
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Factors Controlling H<SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>+</SUP> Outflow in the Cusp
- Forecasting Periods of Strong Southward Magnetic Field Following Interplanetary Shocks
- Ground-level terrestrial gamma-ray flashes produced by upward positive leaders
- Heavy Ion Composition and Flux Measurements as a New, Sustainable Window on Space Weather: Observations From the GOES-16 Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor (EHIS)
- Imprint of Heliosphere Geometry on Starlight that is Linearly Polarized by MagneticallyAligned Interstellar Dust Grains
- In-Situ Measurements of the Thermosphere during Magnetospheric Forcing Events: Results from the Neutral Gas Instruments on the Auroral Jets and RENU2 Sounding Rocket Missions
- LRO CRaTER Observations of the Solar Modulation Potential at 1AU
- Lightning Interferometry Using RAPID
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Measured by the Voyager Spacecraft From 1 to 45 AU
- Modeled Albedo Proton Surface Emission Spectra for the CRaTER Instrument at Nadir and Limb Orientations
- More on the internal structure of Coronal Magnetic Eruptions
- New insight into an EIP event from detailed interferometric imaging
- On the Role of Heavy Ions in Sawtooth Events: Superposed Epoch Analysis of In Situ Data
- Precise Measurement of the Interstellar Flow with IMAP, Informed by IBEX Observations
- Probing the Presence of Hydrogen at Varying Depths Beneath the Lunar Surface Using Albedo Protons and Neutrons: Geant4 Simulations
- Propagation Effects on the Spectrum Resulting From the 12 July 2012 CME, a Coupled MHD and Focused Transport Simulation Effort.
- Recent Results from Tests of a Low-Voltage, Ultra-Compact Plasma Spectrometer
- Revisiting Wind's Prograde Orbits During SC23 Maximum: Coronal Mass Ejections
- Shallowly-Buried Hydrogenation in the Lunar Regolith: Using Albedo Protons to Refine Latitude and Local Time Trends
- Simulations of Radio Emissions from TGFs
- Sounding The Dimensions of the Heliosphere Using the Time-Correlation Between IBEX ENA Observations and the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Streamer Discharge Initiation from an Isolated Hydrometeor Modeled as a Conducting Sphere with Rigid Surface
- Synthesizing Observations of Water Ice in the Moon's Polar Regions
- The First Space-based Radio Interferometer for Solar and Space Physics: The SunRISE Mission Concept
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- The ionization state of the local interstellar matter revealed by IBEX observations of interstellar neutral atoms
- Variations of the IBEX ENA ribbon properties and their correlation with solar wind observations
- What the 4.3 - 8 8 keV ENA flux reveals about termination shock pickup ion spectra and heliospheric structure?
- A Serendipitous New View of Lunar Albedo Radiation
- An Encounter with the Electron Diffusion Region at a Flapping, Twisted Tail Current Sheet
- Broadband Radio Interferometer Observations of Initial Breakdown Pulses
- Characterization of Sprites and Their Parent Lightning Flashes Occurring in and Around Florida
- Comparison of Enhancements in Energetic Neutral Atom and Auroral All Sky Images.
- Comparison of a Modeled TGF VLF-VHF Spectrum with Recent Observations
- Direct entry and radial dependence of O<SUP>+</SUP> in the near-Earth plasma sheet
- Efficient Techniques for Making Measurements of Neutral Species in the Near-Earth Space Environment
- Factors Controlling Ionospheric Outflows in the Cusp: FAST/TEAMS observations
- High-Speed Spectroscopy of Natural Lightning Leaders and Return Strokes
- Improving LRO/CRaTER Measurements of Cosmic-Ray LET Spectra and Lunar Albedo Protons
- Instrumentation and Methodology for Balloon-Based Detection of Gamma-Ray Glows in Central Florida Thunderstorms
- Investigating multi-moment fluid model closures using particle-in-cell simulations
- Ion-Scale Structure of the Outer Electron Diffusion Region
- Ionospheric O<SUP>+</SUP> Outflow during Sawtooth Events and Substorms Using Recalibrated FAST/TEAMS Data
- Lunar Albedo Protons and the Hunt for Subsurface Hydrogen
- Modulation of the Galactic Cosmic Radiation through Solar Cycle 25: Predictions in the Case of a Modern Secular Minimum Condition
- On Gamma-Ray and Radio-Frequency Radiation from Thunderstorms
- Radio Emissions from Streamer Ensembles
- Reflection-driven MHD turbulence in the solar atmosphere and solar wind
- Spectrum of Radio Emissions from Streamer Collisions in Weak Field Conditions
- Superposed Epoch Analysis of Sawtooth Events: Investigating the Role of Heavy Ions for Different Interplanetary Drivers
- Testing the Efficacy of Selected Scalar Parameters for Identifying Ion Diffusion Regions in MMS Data
- The Cylindrical Electron Retarding Potential Analyzer (CERPA): An ejectable instrument for distributed electron temperature measurements
- The Importance of Solar Neutrons in Understanding Solar Flares
- The Local and Global Expansion of Coronal Mass Ejections: Multi-spacecraft Measurements
- The Space Weather Underground: A Student-Built Array of Ground-Based Fluxgate Magnetometers in Northern New England
- The Thermal Gated Ion Time of Flight (TIGTOF) Instrument Overview
- The meter-scale VHF structure of negative leaders
- Voyager Observations of the Turbulent Transport and Heating of the Solar Wind: 1 to 35 AU
- X-Ray Emission Associated with Collision of Opposite-Polarity Streamers at the Onset of the Breakthrough Phase of the Lightning Attachment Process
- A Deep Learning Approach to the Forecasting of Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations at High and Mid-Latitudes
- A Survey of Interplanetary Small Flux Ropes at Mercury
- An Analytic Solar-Wind Model Including Alfven-Wave Turbulence and Heat Conduction into a Radiative Lower Solar Atmosphere
- Characteristics of O<SUP>+</SUP> Outflow during Sawtooth Events
- Coordinated Observations of Plasma Sheet Ion Temperatures and Auroral Enhancements.
- Deep Learning of Solar Wind Time-Frequency Representations for Predicting Local Ground Horizontal Magnetic Component
- Deformations of the geomagnetic tail during flapping observed by MMS
- Design of the IMAP Thermospheric CubeSat at the University of New Hampshire
- Electromagnetic Energy Conversion within Exhaust Regions of Reconnection
- Energetic Particles near the Sun from Parker Solar Probe
- Evidence for Dielectric Breakdown Weathering on the Moon
- GDC science and supporting capabilities in instrumentation
- Global Imaging of Magnetotail Dynamics
- In Situ Measurements of Plasma Convection with FAST TEAMS
- Interferometric Imagining of Lightning Initiation on LOFAR Data
- Lightning observations with the Long Wavelength Array in Sevilleta, New Mexico (LWA-SV)
- Magnetospheric Shielding of Energetic Particles at the Moon
- Near Real Time Forecasting of Ground Magnetic Fluctuations and Geomagnetically Induced Currents Risk Assessment
- Nightside Auroral H<SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>+</SUP> Outflows versus Energy Input During a Geomagnetic Storm
- Predicting Ground Magnetic Field Fluctuations from Geomagnetic Storm Data Using a Novel Transformer-Based Model
- Predicting the Next Solar Maximum using Trends in the Historical Sunspot Numbers
- Prediction of Geomagnetic Field Disturbance across Alaska using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks trained from OMNI and superMAG 2000-2015 datasets
- Radial dependence of O<SUP>+</SUP> and direct entry into the near-Earth plasma sheet (5 to 26 R<SUB>E</SUB>)
- Secular Solar Minimum Predicted by Galactic Cosmic Radiation Modulation
- TGF and elves produced by the same thunderstorm system
- The Changing Source of the Plasma Sheet During Geomagnetic Storms
- The Dependence of Poynting Flux and Ion Heating on the Presence of O+ Ions in Dayside and Tail Reconnection
- The Nature of Needle Activity as seen in VHF
- The Physical Mechanism of Lightning HF/VHF Bursts with Weak Sferics
- The Solar Neutron TRACking (SONTRAC) Instrument
- The Space Weather Underground: Design and Early Results from A Student-Built Array of Ground-Based Fluxgate Magnetometers in Northern New England
- The Space Weather Underground: Early Results from A Student-Built Array of Ground-Based Fluxgate Magnetometers in Northern New England
- The onset of reconnection in Earth's magnetotail: simultaneous observations from Magnetospheric Multiscale and the Heliophysics System Observatory
- Using Machine Learning and Geomagnetic Storm Data to Determine the Risk of GIC Occurrence
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alexander M. Hegedus
- Anders Eriksson
- B. G. Andersson
- B. R. Dennis
- Baptiste Cecconi
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Christian Möstl
- D. V. Reames
- Daniel V. Cotton
- Daniel Verscharen
- G. B. Crew
- G. Facskó
- H. Fichtner
- J. C. Kasper
- Jinxing Li
- Jun Yang
- K. E. Korreck
- M. A. Kubiak
- M. Bzowski
- Michael L. Stevens
- P. H. Reiff
- P. Swaczyna
- R. Bruno
- S. P. Moschou
- Seth Redfield
- Stefaan Poedts
- Tanja Amerstorfer
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla