Vortical Structures in the Near-tail Boundary Layer Under Collinear Magnetic and Velocity Fields in the Solar Wind

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Listed Authors
Farrugia, C. J.
Gratton, F. T.
Gnavi, G.
Torbert, R. B.
Listed Institutions
Space Science Center and Dept of Physics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA;
Instituto de Fisica del Plasma, (INFIP-CONICET and UBA), and Physics Dept., Fac.Cs. Fisicomatematicas e Ingenieria, UCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Instituto de Fisica del Plasma, (INFIP-CONICET and UBA), and Physics Dept., Fac.Cs. Exactas y Naturales, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Space Science Center and Dept of Physics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA;

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