Purdue University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
flowchart I[Purdue University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (756)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aerosol Influence on Cloud Optical Depth and Albedo Over the North Atlantic Shown by Satellite Measurements and Chemical Transport Modeling
- Atmospheric Chemistry of Nonanal and Other Long Chain Aldehydes
- Biogeochemical Characterization of Constructed Wetland Functions
- Developing Policies and Strategies for Dam Removal Based on Emerging Science
- Geomorphic Response to the Prehistoric Bridgeport-Vincennes Earthquake, Southern Illinois
- Imaging of Crustal Layers by Teleseismic Ghosts
- Measurement of Interfacial Area per Volume for Multiple Fluid Phases in Sandstone
- Micromodel studies of multiphase flow
- Modeling Groundwater Flow by the Element-Free Galerkin (efg) Method
- Modeling of Wide-Angle Seismic Attributes From Shot Gather 11 of SAREX in Southern Alberta
- Plates and Mantle Convection: A Far-From Equilibrium Self-Organized System
- Seismic Detection of Gas in a Partially Saturated Fracture
- The Rise and Fall of the Martian Mantle: Effects of a Crustal Dichotomy on Mantle Convection
- The Structure of the Martian Crustal Dichotomy from Gravity and Topography
- An Unparalleled Opportunity to Study Postseismic Processes
- Atmosphere-Forest Exchange: Important Questions Regarding the Atmosphere's Role in the Delivery of Nutrient Nitrogen and Impacts on Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling
- Cascade of clusters - from metaphor to algorithm?
- Comparison of Models, Theory, Experiment, and Field Observations of Isoprene Nitrates
- Crustal Deformation in Central Asia From GPS Measurements, 1994-2002
- Gaussian Beam Migration for Sparse Common-Shot and Common-Receiver Data
- Implications of old, glaciated surfaces at high elevations in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Laboratory Testing of Acoustic Tomography in Rock Samples Using Regularization of Incomplete Data
- Multiscale trend analysis: a new approach to studying complex time series
- On the short-term earthquake prediction: renormalization algorithm and observational evidence in S. California, E. Mediterranean, and Japan
- Organic Carbon Export From a Mixed Land Use Watershed
- Photochemical Processes in UV-Irradiated Arctic and Antarctic Snow Samples
- Production of Dissolved Organic Matter During Fungal Wood Rot Decay
- Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory
- Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen Partitioning and Ozone Production Efficiencies during the PROPHET Summer 2000 and Summer 2001 Measurements Intensives
- Seismotectonic Setting of the June 18, 2002, Evansville, Indiana Earthquake: Or What's a Nice Earthquake Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
- The Control of Mantle Viscosity Stratification on Plume Migration Rates Versus Plate Velocities In 3D Numerical Mantle Convection Models
- The Promotion of the use of Seismic Data via the IRIS Education and Outreach Program
- Was Antarctica kept warm by subtropical waters in the Eocene? Part 1: Evidence from biotic endemism
- Was Antarctica kept warm by subtropical waters in the Eocene? Part 2: Climate Model results
- A Science Plan for Integrated Studies of Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
- An Empirical Test of the Stream Power Law in Appalachian Plateau Fluviokarst
- Assessing the IRIS Professional Development Model: Impact Beyond the Workshops
- Autoregressive Extrapolation for Seismic Tomography problems with Applications to Soil and Rock Physics
- Coherence-Weighted Wavepath Migration of Teleseismic Data
- Correlation Migration of Scattered Teleseismic Body Waves With Application to the 1993 Cascadia Experiment
- Distribution and Sources of Lignin Monomers in Late Quaternary Sediments From Southwestern Coastal Plain of Taiwan
- Evidence of Powerlaw Flow in the Mojave Desert Mantle
- Frequency-Dependent Fracture Specific Stiffness
- Initialization of the Purdue Mesoscale Model with the Land Data Assimilation System
- Is Tharsis Admitting a Plume?
- Landscape Influences on Organic Matter Export From a Midwestern Watershed
- Mechanics of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002, Mw=7.9, Denali Fault Earthquake
- Production of Hydrolysable Tannin-Like Structures During the Microbial Demethylation of lignin: An Assessment Using13C-Labeled Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide Thermochemolysis.
- Rupture process of the Mw=6.9 Boumerdes (Algeria) earthquake of May 21, 2003 from seismological data
- Short-Term Premonitory Rise of the Earthquake Correlation Range
- Stereo Visualization of Time-Dependent 3D Convection: Illustrating Scales of Motion for Students (and Colleagues)
- Strategic Planning for Interdisciplinary Science: a Geoscience Success Story
- Testing intraplate deformation in the North American plate interior from a combined geodetic solution: implication for strain accumulation on potentially seismogenic faults in the central and eastern U.S.
- The Denali Fault: Crustal deformation before and after the 2002, Mw=7.9, Denali Fault Earthquake
- The Evolution of the Seismic-Aseismic Transition During the Earthquake Cycle: Constraints from the Time-Dependent Depth Distribution of Aftershocks
- The end of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum: Evidence for Concomitant Cooling of Southern Ocean Surface Waters and Global Deep Waters From Dinoflagellate Endemism.
- Visualization and Analysis of Multiple Fluid Phases in Sandstone for Drainage and Imbibition
- Water vapour, atmospheric dynamics and the greenhouse effect
- Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland: Lignin and Aliphatic Biopolymer Chemistry and Carbon Isotope Composition in Physical Fractions
- Carbon Structural Investigations of Concentric Layers Within Macro-aggregates From Forest and Agricultural Soils
- Combined Study of the 1992 Landers, 1999 Hector Mine, and 2002 Denali Postseismic Deformations: In Search of a Common Lithospheric Rheology
- Deep Lithospheric Mantle and Heterogeneous Crustal Flow Following the 2002 Denali, Alaska Earthquake
- Detecting Faults and Shear Zones With GPS and Other Survey Data
- Discrete Frame-Based Gaussian Beam Methods for Seismic Modeling and Imaging
- Displacement and Shear Discontinuities in GPS and Other Survey Networks
- Dynamics of Biopolymer Turnover in Soil Physical Fractions Following Land-Cover yChange in a Subtropical Savanna
- Earth-Shaking Seismology Activities for Middle School Classrooms
- Erosion Rates, Landscape Morphology, and Hillslope Processes in the Upper Beni River Region, Bolivian Andes
- Flood Pulse Influence on Export of Terrestrial Organic Matter
- From Greenhouse to Icehouse: Evidence for Late Early Eocene Concomitant Cooling of Southern Ocean Surface Waters and Global Deep Waters From Dinoflagellate Endemism
- Glacial Erosion Patterns in Valley Systems in Northern Sweden Investigated Using Cosmogenic Nuclides
- Hierarchical Description of Evolution of an Inverse Cascade in Percolation Model
- Imaging Offsets in the Moho: Synthetic Tests using Gaussian Beams with Teleseismic Waves
- Implementing Successful Geoscience Education and Outreach Efforts
- InSAR Observations of Time-Dependent Postseismic Deformation in the Mojave Desert: Resolving Tectonic From Non-tectonic Processes
- Insights on Lithospheric Foundering from the Sierra Nevada Earthscope Project (SNEP)
- Irrepressible El Nino: Perspectives on ENSO and Climate Change From the Deep Past.
- Lignin Phenol and δ <SUP>13</SUP>C Evidence of Quaternary Vegetation Change in South America
- Measurement of Wet Deposition of Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen in a Forest Environment
- Molecular and Isotopic Comparison of Aquatic Organic Matter Fractions With Associated Stream and Floodplain Sediments
- Nature and Dynamics of Carbon Accrued in a Forest Soil During Five Years of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment
- Poster Organization Style That Engenders Response (POSTER)
- Short-Term Earthquake Prediction Based on the Reverse Tracing of Lithosphere Dynamics
- The Combined Role Of Manganese Oxides And Microbes In The yAbiotic Uptake Of Amino Acid Nitrogen Into Litter And Soil Organic yMatter
- The Effect Of Scale On Seismic Measurements Of Fracture Properties
- The Effect of Mineral Deposition on the Hydraulic and Seismic Properties of Fractures
- Time-dependent evolution of stress over the past 200 years in Southern California
- Timing and Nature of the Deepening of the Tasmanian Gateway
- Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry of Leachable Organic Matter yFrom Wood after Progressive Fungal Decay
- Where Plumes Live
- A Discordancy Between Short-Term Sedimentation Rate Using Pb-210, Cs-137 and Pu and Long-Term Sedimentation Rate Using C-14
- A Giant Arctic Freshwater Pond at the end of the Early Eocene; Implications for Ocean Heat Transport and Carbon Cycling
- A Little Theory, a Tomography Model, a List of Hotspots, and GMT
- A Two-Layer Model of Deformation Along the San Andreas Fault System: Evidence from Shear-Wave Splitting, GPS, and Geologic Data
- A benchmark for the modeling of subduction zones
- A source model for the 2003 M 7.3 Altai earthquake from InSAR and GPS data
- Changes in Moisture and Energy Fluxes due to Groundwater-based Irrigation in the Indian Monsoon Belt
- Constraints of the Style of Tibetan Lithospheric Deformation and their Consequences for Resolving the Orogeny Paradox.
- Coupled Climate Model Simulations of Large-scale Eastern Boundary Current Forcing During the Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum
- Deconvolution of 3-component Teleseismic P-waves using the Autocorrelation of the P to SV Scattered Waves
- Density Variations in Subducting Slabs and Surrounding Mantle at the 670 km Discontinuity: Are the Slabs Lighter or Heavier?
- Dispersion Revisited: Generalized Hydrodynamics, Renormalization, Fractional Equations and the CTRW
- Evidence of Power-Law Flow in the Upper Mantle Beneath Southern Alaska
- Examining the Response of Tropical Terrestrial Vegetation to Paleoenvironmental Variability: an Organic and Isotopic Geochemical Record from Lake Malawi, East Africa
- Extremely High Late Paleocene - Early Eocene Sea Surface Temperatures On The North Pole
- Giant Aerosol Particles as a Potential Source of Supercooled Large Drops in Wintertime Stratiform Clouds
- Holocene climatic change in the northern Midwest: a comparison of updated paleoclimate reconstructions and new regional climate model experiments.
- Impacts of land use changes on heavy precipitation over the Indian monsoonal regions
- LEADX-2005: A system study of near-surface winter tropospheric processes near Barrow, Alaska
- Method of Detecting Simple-shear
- Modeling the Rheological Dependence of Strain Partitioning in Oblique Wedges During Active Collision and "Post-Tectonic" Relaxation
- Paleoaltimetry of the Tibetan Plateau based on stable isotopes from the Oiyug, Lunpola and Fenghuoshan basins, Tibet
- Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: Methane Hydrate Reservoirs on a Warm Earth
- Postseismic Deformation and Interseismic Models: Examples From Recent Large Earthquakes
- Potential Impacts of Aerosol-Land-Atmosphere Interaction on the Indian Monsoonal Rainfall Characteristics
- Processing of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Clouds in a Forest Environment
- RICO Graduate Student Research Flight: The Island Tail Objective
- Recovering Absolute Seismic Displacements Through Combined Use of 1 Hz GPS and Strong Motion Accereometers
- Reverse Tracing of Precursors: Ongoing Experiment in the Months-in-Advance Earthquake Prediction
- SAGE (Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience): Learning Geophysics by Doing Geophysics
- The Effect of Scale on Seismic Monitoring of Fracture Alteration by Reactive Flow
- Three Dimensional Modeling of Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics Elucidating Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling
- Using MODES to Detect Zones of Simple-shear in Slumgullion Landslide and along the Chi-Chi Rupture
- A Strategy for Collecting and Analyzing Multiple Electromagnetic (EM) Data Sets for Pre- Earthquake Signal Investigations
- A community benchmark for thermal convection in the compressible mantle
- A comparison between spectrally derived vegetation indices and CO2 fluxes measured over a hardwood forest
- A comparison of CO2 and sensible heat flux measurements from aircraft and tower-based platforms
- A software toolkit for processing and analyzing spectral and trace gas flux data collected via aircraft
- Analog Models of Contractional Wedges: Opportunities and Limitations in Testing Theory
- Bulk Crustal Properties of the Sierra Nevada
- Changes in 21st Century Summer Rainfall Over Southern Mexico and Central America in the IPCC AR4 Simulations
- Combining the evidence: Crustal and upper mantle structure above the flat slab in central Chile and Argentina
- Comparing Erosion Rates From 10Be With Other Methods in the Northern Apennines, Italy: Evidence for Dynamic Equilibrium
- Comparison of Anthropogenic CO2, NOx, and CO Emissions: Exploiting a Synergy Between Air Quality and Carbon Cycle Studies
- Comparison of GPS Integrated Electron Content Measurements with Electron Density Values acquired by the DEMETER Satellite in Japan
- Constraints on the magmatic plumbing system of the Dabbahu rift (Afar, Ethiopia) from InSAR and GPS.
- Continued seismic and magmatic activity following the September 2005 rupture of the Dabbahu magmatic segment, Afar
- Coupling of a hydrological model (VIC) with a high resolution regional climate model (RegCM3) for climate change studies
- Crustal anisotropy, deep crustal earthquakes, and the Moho hole beneath the west-central Sierra Nevada, California
- Deconvolution of 3-component Teleseismic Data from Southern Tibet and Eastern India using the SVA Technique
- Deep Crustal Earthquakes and Repeating Earthquakes in the West-Central Sierra Nevada, Western USA
- Deviations from Scale-Invariance in Extreme Event Phenomena: A Theoretical Analysis
- Effects of Viscoelastic Relaxation and Continuing Dike Intrusions on Surface Deformation During 2005 Afar Diking Episode
- Evaluation of the uncertainties of CO2 and sensible heat flux measurements from a light aircraft platform
- Evidence for Mechanically-Coupled Asian Lithosphere from the Joint Analysis of Surface Deformation and Seismic Anisotropy Data
- GPS Detection of Ionospheric Waves following the 2003 Explosion of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- High Resolution Analysis of Evolving Horizontal Deformation Fields in Model Wedges.
- Imaging the Tibetan Lithosphere: Gaussian-Beam Migration of Broadband Data from the Hi- CLIMB Seismic Array
- Improved Fossil/Industrial CO2 Emissions Modeling for the North American Carbon Program
- Integrated Regional Carbon Budgets from Anthropogenic and Biospheric Sources and Sinks: a holistic framework to evaluate mitigation and adaptive management approaches
- Investigation of Ionospheric Electron Content Variations Before Earthquakes in Southern California, 2003-2004
- June 2006 dike intrusion in the Dabbahu magmatic segment, Afar, Ethiopia
- Last Glacial Maximum Dated by Means of 10Be in the Maritime Alps (Italy)
- Lithospheric Thickening and Removal in the Central Andes
- Local versus Global Interfacial Energy Density of Porous Micro-Models
- Molecular Assessment of litter decay dynamics across old and young forest sites
- Observations of Lithospheric Foundering
- Plate Motions, Lithospheric Stress Field and Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling
- Quantifying the Flux of Slab Material Through the Transition Zone and Beyond
- Reactive Polyphenols: Adding a Function to DOM
- SKS Splitting Analyses From The Sierra Nevada EarthScope Project: Insights Into Lithospheric Foundering
- Stable isotope ratio monitoring of tap water in the contiguous USA
- Summer aridity in the United States: Response to mid-Holocene changes in insolation, ocean mean-state, and ocean variability
- The Effects of Severe Droughts on Net Primary Productivity and Carbon Sequestration of Terrestrial Ecosystems in China over the 20th Century
- The Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Coral Bleaching and Coral Diseases
- The Influence of the Changes of Wetland Area Extent on Carbon ýDioxide and Methane Dynamics over the Pan-Arctic from 1988 to 2000
- The rainfall limit of the soil N cycle on Earth: stable isotopes of N and O in arid to hyperarid soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Thin Sheet Modeling for the Seismogenic Crust of Western North America: How Strong is the top Slice of "Sandwich Bread" Above the "Jelly"?
- Transformations of DOM in forested catchments: the pathways of DOM from litter and soil to river export
- Tropical Cyclone-Induced Ocean Mixing, Ocean Heat Transport, and the Potential for Climatic Feedbacks
- A Best-fit Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling Model Constrained by Plate Motions and the Velocity Gradient Tensor Field in the Plate Boundary Zones
- A method for determining ultra-low concentration of acid-volatile sulfides in sediments and its implication for redox status of aquifer
- Aftershock identification problem via the nearest-neighbor analysis for marked point processes
- Aliphatic and aromatic plant biopolymer dynamics in soil particles isolated from sequential density fractionation
- Alternative Measures of Dispersion Applied to PTV Experiments
- Calibration of Pre-M25 Marine Magnetic Anomalies: Magnetic Polarity Composite of ýLate Callovian Through Kimmeridgian
- Complex Upper Mantle Seismic Structure Across the Southern Colorado Plateau / Basin and Range I: Results from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Complex Upper Mantle Seismic Structure Across the Southern Colorado Plateau / Basin and Range II: Results from Receiver Function Analysis
- Continued dyking in the Dabbuhu Rift segment, Afar, Ethiopia, from radar interferometry.
- Coulomb stress evolution in NE Caribbean over the past 250 years due to coseismic, postseismic and interseismic deformation
- Detecting the Presence of a Sub-Porosity in an Open Fluid-Filled Fractures
- Evolution of Plant Biopolymer Chemistry of Above and Below Ground Input in a ýThorn Woodland Chronosequence
- Far-Reaching Transient Motions After Mojave Earthquakes Require Broad Mantle Flow Beneath a Strong Crust
- Fine Scale Imaging of Structure at and Near the Mantle Transition Zone Using a Generalized Randon Transform
- Folding and Faulting at Tanliwun Along Leading Edge 1999 Chi-Chi Thrust
- Imaging the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Hi-CLIMB Seismic Array in Tibet Using Gaussian-Beam Migration of Radial Receiver Functions
- Insights on Lithospheric Foundering from the Sierra Nevada Earthscope Project (SNEP)
- Land surface coupling in regional climate simulations of tropical monsoon systems
- Long-term post-seismic deformation over Mongolia, a look from InSAR.
- Mantle Lithosphere Beneath Tibet: A Synthesis With Special References to Results From Project Hi-CLIMB
- Pole-to-pole sea surface temperatures from the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum using organic and inorganic paleothermometers: the ultimate test case for climate models
- Predictability of extreme events in spatially distributed driven hierarchical systems
- Prediction of Continental-Scale Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange by Combining MODIS and AmeriFlux Data
- Present-day Kinematics of the East African Rift
- Radar Interferometry Measures Underground Salt Leaching of Anthropogenic Origin in a Saharan Oilfield
- Response of California Current forcing to mid-Holocene insolation and sea surface temperatures
- Rotational Motion of the Victoria Plate with Respect to Nubia and Somalia Deduced from Space-Geodetic Observations
- Shear wave anisotropy beneath the Sierra Nevada range: Implications for lithospheric foundering and upper mantle flow
- Teleseismic Travel-Time Tomography of the Sierra Nevada and its Foundering Lithosphere
- The Environmental Fate of C60 Fullerenes: A Holistic Approach
- The Impact of Invasive Earthworm Activity on Biopolymer Character of ýDecayed Litter ý
- Thinking deeply: Is there a contribution to Asian tectonics from large-scale mantle flow?
- A Recent Shift in the Carbon Balance of High-latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems in Response to Changes in Climate and Disturbance Regime
- Activities of Extracellular Enzymes in Soils Following Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland
- Assessing site-specific spatio-temporal variations in hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes of human drinking water
- Assessing the role of different wetland methane emission pathways with a biogeochemistry model
- Bias-correction of high-resolution, daily-scale, climate simulations
- Bounds of foundering in the southern Sierra Nevada
- Carbon and Nitrogen Storage in Glomalin-Related Soil Protein During Grassland-to- Woodland Succession
- Characterizing Sediment Supply to Rivers: Effects of Lithology, Climate, Weathering and Erosion on Rock-fragment Abundance in Granitic, Hillslope Soils
- Colliding Lithosphere beneath Tibet: A Preliminary Synthesis of Results from Project Hi- CLIMB
- Comparison of Radiocarbon Ages for Multiproxy Paleoclimate Reconstruction of the Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Constraints on lithology of downwelling lithosphere from the Sierra Nevada, California
- Crustal Buoyancies Dominate over Plate Boundary Effects in the U.S. Basin and Range: The Requirement of Weak Faults
- Deconvolution of Teleseismic P-Waves Using the SV Autocorrelation Method with Application to the P-Wave Structure Beneath the Hi-CLIMB Array in Tibet
- Degradation of C60 Fullerol by White-Rot Basidiomycete Fungi: Implications for Environmental Release of Nanomaterials
- Distinct Litter Stabilization Dynamics Pathways for Decomposition of Pine Needle and Fine Root Within Soil
- Dynamics of Carbon Burial in the Coastal Oceans through the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Estimating Emissions Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Methane from Indianapolis Using an Aircraft Trace Gas and Wind Measurement Platform
- Evaluation of Transport Characteristics of GEOS-5 Using Chemistry Transport Model Simulations of Atmospheric CO2
- Evaluation of high-resolution simulations of temperature and precipitation extremes over the United States
- Focal Mechanisms for Deep Crustal Earthquakes in the Central Foothills and Near Yosemite National Park in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Hardwood Forest, Measured by Laser Induced Fluorescence
- Geodetic strain rates in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, 2000-2008: Converging Toward Zero
- Impact of future urban expansion on hydroclimatology in the Upper Great Lakes Region
- Inference of Shallow, Weak, and Stress-Dependent Asthenosphere at Active Continental Margins from Postseismic Observations: Confirmation of Experimental Power- Laws
- Investigating Tropical Cyclone-Induced Feedbacks Using an Ocean General Circulation Model
- Lessons Learned in Developing Research Opportunities for Native American Undergraduate Students: The GEMscholars Project
- Lithosphere-mantle coupling: constraints from the World Stress Map
- Measuring Regional CO2 Fluxes Using a Lagrangian Approach
- Microbial Accessibility of Soil Organic Matter Following Woody Plant ýEncroachment Into Grasslands
- Microbial Dynamics in a Slit-Pore With Sticky Boundaries
- New Atmospheric Observations from the Airborne GNSS Instrument System for Multistatic and Occultation Sensing (GISMOS)
- New Data Bases and Standards for Gravity Anomalies
- Post-rifting relaxation processes in the Afar region (Ethiopia) from GPS measurements and numerical modelling
- Rapid and Time-Transgressive Responses to Early Holocene Drying in the North American Mid-Continent
- Response of South Asian summer Monsoon to 21st century changes in greenhouse forcing and SST feedbacks
- Seismic character of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Sierra Nevada
- Shear wave anisotropy beneath the Sierra Nevada: Implications for lithospheric foundering and mantle flow
- Strain distribution in the East African Rift from GPS measurements
- Study of biomass burning plume heights using combined satellite measurements
- Tall-tower observations of pollution from near-field sources in central Texas during the Texas Air Quality Study 2006
- Temporal Variations in the Structural Evolution of the St. Elias Orogen: Long term variations driven by dramatic exhumation vs short term uncertaintie
- The Influence of El Nino/Southern Oscillation and Volcanic Aerosols on Tropical Terrestrial Carbon Flux
- The Magma Plumbing System of Dabbahu and Gabho volcanoes (Afar rift, Ethiopia) from InSAR, GPS and Seismicity data
- The Vulcan Project: Methods, Results, and Evaluation
- The effects of tropical cyclone winds on the upper ocean
- Tomographic observations connecting convective downwellings with lithospheric source regions, Sierra Nevada, California
- Transient carbon isotope changes in complex systems: Finding the global signal, embracing the local signal
- Using Cs-137, C-14 and biomarker compounds to identify reasons for C and N losses in resampled profiles
- 2002 Monthly Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Mexico at a 10x10k Spatial Resolution
- A Sigma-point Kalman Smoother for Atmospheric Trace Gas Inversion
- Airbursts in the Sky with Diamonds? Shock Limits to a Younger Dryas Impact. (Invited)
- Anisotropy and Mantle Flow in the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas from Shear Wave Splitting
- Anomalous Dispersion as Modeled by Brownian Motion Run with a Nonlinear Clock: Theory and Numerics (Invited)
- Arctic Eocene isotopic anomaly: unusual temperature/rainfall isotope relationship and a stormy world
- Assessing the Potential Effects of Northern High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems on the Climate System (Invited)
- Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Increase in Soil Physical Fractions Following Vegetation Change from Grassland to Woodland
- Changing Plate Motions: Is the Mantle an Active or Passive Accomplice? (Invited)
- Continental expression of post-PETM hyperthermals in the Bighorn Basin, WY
- Controls upon microbial accessibility to soil organic matter following woody plant encroachment into grasslands
- Converging Lithosphere beneath Tibet in 3-D: Highlights from Matching Hi-CLIMB Data with New Techniques (Invited)
- Denali Fault Earthquake Postseismic Deformation Models (Invited)
- Distinguishing between tectonic and lithologic controls on bedrock channel longitudinal profiles using cosmogenic 10Be erosion rates and channel steepness index
- Dynamics of Great Basin Crust-Mantle Coupling
- Dynamics of the seismogenic layer of Central and East Asia: Fault friction and the role of crustal buoyancies versus boundary conditions
- ENSO-Scale Variability in the Eocene Greenhouse Recorded by Fossil Bivalves and Wood from Antarctica (Invited)
- Earth Impact Effects Program: Estimating the Regional Environmental Consequences of Impacts On Earth
- Effects of Environmental Change on Carbon and Nitrogen Fluxes from a Midwestern Agricultural Watershed
- Eocene Precipitation: How Wet and Where? A Model-Proxy Comparison
- Flat-slab subduction and continental deformation: an integrated geophysical and geological investigation of basement uplifts within the eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
- Fluid circulation and structural discontinuities on the Santa Maria - Cerro Quemado - Zunil volcanic complex (Guatemala)
- Global carbon isotope records and carbon cycle feedbacks following the PETM perturbation (Invited)
- Imaging The Flat Slab Beneath The Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina, Using Receiver Function Analysis: Evidence For Overthickened Subducted Oceanic Crust
- Incision history of the Colorado River system over the last several Ma from cosmogenic burial dating of high terrace gravels
- Indentifying the Molecular Origin of Global Warming
- Insight to the coupling of terrestrial and ocean systems under rapid climate change and high CO2 conditions
- Intercomparison of Models to Estimate Methane Emissions From Rice Agriculture Using Common Data Sets
- Isotopic evidence of magmatic processes and tectonic setting in a tilted arc crustal section, southern Mongolia
- Joint analysis of GPS and shear-wave splitting data to understand large-scale continental deformation in the India-Eurasia Collision zone (Invited)
- Large-scale dynamics of the East African Rift
- Linkages between land Cover, enzymes, and soil organic matter chemistry following encroachment of leguminous woody plant into grasslands
- Mesozoic cyclostratigraphy, the 405-kyr orbital eccentricity metronome, and the Astronomical Time Scale (Invited)
- Modeling Wide-Angle Seismic Data from the Hi-CLIMB Experiment in Tibet
- Modeling the influence of a reduced equator-to-pole sea surface temperature gradient on the distribution of water isotopes in the Eocene
- Molecular and Isotopic Analysis of Earthworm Fecal Matter as a Tool for Determining Carbon Cycling Dynamics in two Great Lakes Region Forests
- Northward Thinning of Tibetan Crust Revealed by Virtual Seismic Profiles
- Numerical Modeling of Frequency-Dependent Characteristics of Pn Propagation with Applications to Data from Project Hi-CLIMB in Tibet
- Paleocene to Eocene hydrologic cycle records within the Flagstaff Formation, central Utah
- Post-rifting relaxation processes in the Afar region (Ethiopia) from geodetic measurements and numerical modeling
- Precipitation isotope (δ18O) gradients depict modern atmospheric circulation over the conterminous United States
- Progress in understanding Eocene climate and implications for estimating climate sensitivity to greenhouse gas variation
- Quantitative description and analysis of earthquake-induced deformation zones along strike-slip and dip-slip faults
- Recent Changes to the Strength of the CO2 Sink in Boreal Land Regions (Invited)
- Reconstructing the Mid-Tertiary Southwestern North America Cordilleran Crust: Crustal Anisotropy
- Response of marine subtropical Atlantic stratocumulus clouds to smoke from African savannah burning
- Scientific Advances from Paul Silver's Inspirational Leadership of the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory
- Self-shielding of thermal radiation by impact ejecta and implications for wildfires
- Soil Phosphatase Activity and Plant-available Phosphorus Increase Following Grassland Invasion by N-fixing Tree Legumes
- Soil-Earthworm-Litter System Controls on the Stabilization of Soil Organic Carbon in Eastern Deciduous Forests
- Spatial analysis of evaporation and recycling in the Lake Michigan Basin using stable isotope tracers
- Stable Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Nitrate using Denitrifying Bacteria
- Stable isotope record of Holocene climate and ecological change from brine shrimp cyst chitin for the Great Salt Lake, UT
- The Association of Pre-storm Ground Wetness with Inland Penetration of Monsoon Depressions : A Study Using Self Organizing Maps (SOM) C.M. Kishtawal Meteorology and Oceanography Group, Space Applications Center, Ahmedabad, INDIA Dev Niyogi2 Department of Agronomy, and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
- The Hestia Project: High Spatial Resolution Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions Quantification at Hourly Scale in Indianapolis, USA
- The Vulcan Project: Recent advances and emissions estimation for the NACP mid-continent intensive campaign region
- The relative importance of land use and atmospheric information accuracy in regional scale downscaling associated with land use change impact studies in remote regions
- Transient 120,000-year response of the large regional flow system at Yucca Mountain, Nevada to complex cyclical variability in paleoclimate
- Using Earthscope data to separate the influences of inherited lithospheric structures and more recent tectonics in driving the dynamics of the western United States
- Δ17O Isotopic Investigation of Nitrate Salts Found in Co-Occurrence with Naturally Formed Perchlorate in the Mojave Desert, California, USA and the Atacama Desert, Chile
- 4D-Var inversion of atmospheric methane fluxes by assimilating SCIAMACHY and AIRS satellite retrievals
- An Unusual Wadati-Benioff Zone Beneath West-Central Argentina
- Analysis of Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs to the Forest Through Isotope Mass Spectrometry
- Analysis of Oblique Wedges Using Analog and Numerical Models
- Changes in forest floor composition and chemistry along an invasive earthworm gradient in a hardwood forest
- Changes in soil phosphorus fractions following woody plant invasion of grassland
- Climate Variability Impact on Regional Carbon Fluxes over Temperate and Boreal North America
- Comparing batholith-source connections for the Cadiz Valley Batholith and a deeper sheeted intrusive complex in the Mojave Desert, CA through whole rock and pre-magmatic zircon geochemistry
- Contributions of Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Observations to Investigations of Moisture Evolution during the Development of Tropical Depressions and Storms
- Detection and modeling of the acoustic perturbation produced by the launch of the Space Shuttle using the Global Positioning System
- Discovering and measuring a layered Earth: A foundational laboratory for developing students' understanding of Earth's interior structure
- Do Fungi Transport 10Be During Wood Degradation?
- Dynamics of Flat Slab Subduction: Focal Mechanisms, Ridge Buoyancy, and Slab Tear in Central Argentina
- Dynamics of the Seismogenic Layer for Deforming Zones in Central and East Asia
- EarthScope in Midcontinent North America: Investigating the Architecture and Tectonic History of Cratonic-Platform Lithosphere
- Entrainment in a High-resolution Simulation of a Cumulus Cloud
- Exotic Earthworm Influence on Nitrogen Cycling in FACE Forest Soils
- Flat-Slab Dynamics: Deformation in the Central Andean Subducting Slab
- Fragmentation of metal diapirs in terrestrial magma oceans
- Ganymede crater dimensions from Galileo-based DEMs
- Geochemical and Isotopic Composition of Aerosols in Tucson
- Glacial Erosion in Brittle Wedges: Insights Using Quantified Analog Models
- High-resolution grain size analysis and its significance for detecting ocean acidification at the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; 55Ma) (Invited)
- How Deeply Divided? - The depth extent of the division between actively deforming North America and the stable interior
- If the Eocene was hot, what does this tell us about the future?
- InSAR observations of post-rifting deformation around the Dabbahu rift segment, Afar, Ethiopia
- Influence of invasive earthworm activity on carbon dynamics in soils from the Aspen Free Air CO2 Enrichment Experiment
- Investigation of methane emission sources from Indianapolis using an aircraft-based platform
- Is the Future State of North American Hydroclimatology Controlled by Tropical Cyclones and the Evolution of El Niño?
- Is the Tibetan Plateau important for the Asian Monsoon?
- Isotopic mixing model for quantifying contributions of soil water and groundwater in subsurface ('tile') drainage
- Kinematics and dynamics of the East African Rift from GPS geodesy and thin-sheet modeling
- Land Surface Biophysical-Climate Impacts of Tropical Deforestation with Time-dependence: Sensitivity to Deforestation Rates
- Lithospheric deformation overlying a shallowly subducting slab: insights from the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas seismic array (Invited)
- Measurements of BVOC fluxes Above Mixed Hardwood Forest Canopy During the 2009 CABINEX Field Campaign
- Modeling based analysis of urban influences on severe thunderstorms
- Modeling high resolution space-time variations in energy demand/CO2 emissions of human inhabited landscapes in the United States under a changing climate
- New Chemistry in the Atmosphere of Mars
- Pacific/North American teleconnection controls on precipitation isotope ratios across the contiguous United States
- Paleo-erosion rates from an isochron cosmogenic nuclide method: A 4 My erosion chronosequence from South Africa (Invited)
- Paleoclimate Data-Model Comparisons for Early Paleogene New Zealand
- Paleogene reconstruction of southern Pacific water mass composition using Nd isotopes
- Potential impacts of invasive European earthworms and soil moisture on herbaceous species richness within the Ojibwa Red Lake Reservation
- Potential resolution of discrepancies between scaling models for in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rates
- Quantification of uncertainty associated with United States high resolution fossil fuel CO2 emissions: updates, challenges and future plans
- Reconstruction of Early Paleogene North Pacific Deep-Water Circulation using the Neodymium Isotopic Composition of Fossil Fish Debris
- Recovering CO2 Fluxes with Different Observation Schemes
- Rejuvenation of Arctic Sea Ice and Tropospheric Chemical Change
- Respiration dynamics of size-separated soil fractions
- Seismic Investigations of an Accommodation zone in the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Short-Term versus Steady-State Crustal Deformation: Are Some Anomalies Driven by Transient Coupling with Mantle Flow? (Invited)
- Significant Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Northeastern Tibet: Implications for Continuous Deformation processes of eastern Tibet
- Slow river incision and erosion strongly limit active uplift in southern Africa
- Spatiotemporal Trends in Late 20th Century Precipitation Isotope Ratios Reflect Hemispheric Water Balance
- Teasing Apart the Influence of Past Land Use and Current Invertebrate Processes on the Controls of Soil Organic Matter Stabilization in Eastern Deciduous Forests, USA
- The INFLUX Project: Indianapolis as a Case Study for the Accurate and High Resolution Determination of CO2 and CH4 Emission fluxes from an Urban Center (Invited)
- The Tale of Hyper-arid Pedogenesis-Two Comparing Sites in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- U.S. regional greenhouse gas emissions analysis comparing highly resolved vehicle miles traveled and CO2 emissions: mitigation implications and their effect on atmospheric measurements
- Using geodetic, geologic, and seismic data to constrain asthenospheric flow beneath Tibet and SE Asia
- Velocity and Attenuation Structure of the Tibetan Lithosphere using Seismic Attributes of P-waves from Regional Earthquakes Recorded by the Hi-CLIMB Array
- Vertical profiles of HOx chemistry within a mixed hardwood forest during the 2009 CABINEX field campaign: Evaluations with a one-dimensional canopy-chemistry model
- 3D frequency modeling of elastic seismic wave propagation via a structured massively parallel direct Helmholtz solver
- A "tropical" Early Eocene marine environment on the Antarctic margin: TEX86 results from IODP expedition 318
- A Critical Evaluation of High TEX86-derived Sea Surface Temperatures from the Early Eocene
- A Field Study of First Ice Formation in Maritime Cumulus Clouds
- A Prototype Balloon-borne GPS Occultation Profiling System for Polar Studies
- Changes to Extractable Soil Amino Compounds Under Elevated CO2 and Ozone in an Aspen Plantation
- Characterization of surface moisture changes between the PETM and Early Eocene in a Global Climate Model
- Comparing Numerical and Analog Models of Oblique Convergence With Nature
- Coulomb stress change on surrounding faults by the January 12, 2010, Haiti earthquake
- Definition and kinematics of the northern of the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands block and the Lesser Antilles forearc based on an updated and improved GPS velocity field and revised block models
- Does Antarctic Glaciation Cause an Intensification of the Indo-Asian Monsoon Near the Eocene-Oligocene Transition?
- Drivers of belowground C accrual in response to woody plant encroachment of grasslands
- Early Paleogene clumped-isotope soil temperatures from southwestern North America
- Effects of Chemical Erosion on Cosmogenic Nuclide Buildup in Soils, Saprolite and Sediment
- Eocene precipitation: a global monsoon?
- Evaluating the role of Cenozoic flat-slab subduction processes on the regional tectonic, sedimentary basin, and climatic framework of southern Alaska
- Evaluating the role of organic N uptake in carbon dynamics of boreal terrestrial ecosystems
- Evolution of Hang Son Doong, Vietnam: the largest cave passage in the world
- Field Geophysics at SAGE: Strategies for Effective Education
- Future changes in air stagnation event frequency; a global perspective
- Graben on the Floors of Mercury's Medium-Sized Impact Basins: Extension from Cooling
- Impact activation of Martian permafrost: Numerical modeling
- Impacts of Aerosol Direct Effects on the South Asian climate: Assessment of Radiative Feedback Processes Using Model Simulations and Satellite/surface Measurements
- Impacts of urbanization on nitrogen cycling and aerosol, surface and groundwater transport in semi-arid regions
- Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments
- Influence of Climate-induced Vegetation Shifts on Future Land Use and Associated Land Carbon Fluxes
- Initial Results from the Ozark-Illinois-Indiana-Northern Kentucky (OIINK!) EarthScope Project in North America's Midcontinent Cratonic Platform
- Investigating the Combined Effects of Gravity and Rotation on Small-Body Surface Terrains
- Limitations on inferring relationships between kinematics and dynamics in continents
- Lithospheric Structure and Shape of Subducting Nazca Plate in the Pampean Flat Slab Region of Argentina
- Local response to warm Antarctic terrestrial temperatures in the Eocene: evidence from terrestrial biomarkers
- Making Waves: Seismic Waves Activities and Demonstrations
- Modeling the Mechanical Response of Glacially Eroded Wedges: Implications for Southern Alaska
- Neogene Sediment Transport, Deposition, and Exhumation from the Southern Alaska Syntaxis to the Eastern Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Numerical Simulations of Crater Formation with Dilatancy
- O-buoy measurements over the Arctic sea ice: Temporal and spatial extents of ozone depletion events
- Paleoclimate and complex basal thermal regime of the Haizishan ice cap on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau reconstructed by glacial modeling
- Patterns and controls of inorganic nitrogen cycling in ephemeral urban waterways of the semi-arid Southwest
- Quantifying the dynamics of land cover and land use, hydrology and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia
- Seasonal trends of Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N in atmospheric NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> of the Midwestern United States
- Seismic and Gravity Investigation of the Eastern Boundary of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Elemental Abundance of Helium and Fractionation of Iron in the Fast Solar Wind - Indicators of an Evolving Energetic Release of Mass from the Lower Solar Atmosphere
- Spatial and temporal distribution of onroad CO2 emissions at the Urban spatial scale
- Spatiotemporal isoscapes for migration research
- State of the Hydrological Cycle during the Eocene: Model-Data Comparison
- Strong Rocks and Weak Faults in the Lower Crust of California
- The Role of Margin Geometry and Rheology in the Structural Development of Curved Convergent Margins: Implications for the Bolivian Orocline
- The influence of large-scale mantle flow on the dynamics of the East African Rift
- Triggering of New Madrid Seismicity by Late Pleistocene Erosion
- U.S. onroad transportation CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions analysis comparing highly resolved CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions and a national average approach : mitigation options and uncertainty reductions
- Uncertainty analysis of vegetation distribution in northern high latitudes during the 21st century with a dynamic vegetation model
- Use of Multiple Stable Isotopes to Quantify Nitrogen Deposition in Arid-Urban Ecosystems
- Useful to Usable (U2U): Transforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers
- Using Anisotropy and GPS Data to Investigate the Role of the Mantle in Driving Surface Deformation in Asia
- Using MODIS AOD to Constrain Biomass Burning Emission Source Strength in the GOCART Model
- Using Short-Term Postseismic Displacements to Infer the Ambient Deformation Conditions of the Upper Mantle
- Winter Precipitation Isotope Gradients (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) of the Contiguous USA and Their Relationship to the Pacific/North American (PNA) Pattern
- A Novel Analytical Solution of Surface Energy Balance based on MODIS LST: Validation over All Semi-Arid FLUXNET Sites
- Altered soil organic carbon stability in eastern deciduous forest: interplay between forest successional Stage and invasive earthworm activity
- Are Late-Pleistocene Climate Reconstructions from Cirque and Valley Moraines Possible in Regions of Decaying Ice Sheets?
- Biodiversity of Soil Microbial Communities Following Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland: An Assessment Using Molecular Methods
- Bouguer Gravity Anomalies Associated with Lunar Craters: Initial Results from the GRAIL Mission
- Callovian (upper Middle Jurassic) magnetostratigraphy and its correlation to Pacific marine magnetic anomalies
- Capturing intermittent and low-frequency variability in high-dimensional data through nonlinear Laplacian spectral analysis
- Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Carbon Utilization Patterns in Response to Woody Encroachment into Grasslands
- Changes in Soil Phosphorus Fractions Following Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland
- Changes in soil carbon eight years after the death of mesquite, Prosopis velutina, in an arid environment
- Chlorine-36 Production Rate Calibration by the CRONUS-Earth Project
- Cometary Jet Collimation Without Physical Confinement
- Comparing Numerical Spall Simulations with a Nonlinear Spall Formation Model
- Comparison of dating methods for glacier chronology in the Tian Shan
- Constrained terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes of North America with eddy flux and satellite data during the MODIS era
- Continental-scale assessment of long-term trends in wet deposition trajectories: Role of anthropogenic and hydro-climatic drivers
- Development and Application of Geostatistical Models with Translation Variant Variograms
- Effect of Land and its Surface Characteristics on Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Structure - An idealized study using HWRF
- Evolution of Strain in Obliquely Convergent Analog Doubly-Vergent Wedges
- Extreme Heat Stress trends in ERA Interim 1979-2011
- Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP
- Gestures and metaphors as indicators of conceptual understanding of sedimentary systems
- Glaciation in a tectonically active environment: Preliminary observations from the Inylchek and Sary-Dzaz Valleys, Kyrgyz Tian Shan
- Glacier lake outburst floods caused by glacier shrinkage: case study of Ala-Archa valley, Kyrgyz Ala Too, northern Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan
- High-resolution, high-fidelity carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in northern Wyoming from cores recovered by the Bighorn Basin Coring Project
- Hydrological cycle during the early Eocene: What can we learn from leaf waxes?
- Impact Chemistry and the Origin of Life
- Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments
- Influence of Changes in Wetland Inundation Extent on Net Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Northern High Latitudes from 1993 to 2004
- Intense weathering of Archean basement associated with acid saline lakes in Western Australia
- Interferometric Redatuming and Imaging of Low Frequency Earthquakes for Fine-Scale Subduction Zone Structure
- Land surface heat stress extremes within CESM for paleo and future climates
- Mapping large-scale mantle flow driving surface motions in southern and central Alaska through the integration of GPS and shear-wave splitting data
- Measurements of Urban Area-Wide CO2 and CH4 Fluxes as part of the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX)
- Measurements of Vertical Profiles of Turbulence, Temperature, Ozone, Aerosols, and BrO over Sea Ice and Tundra Snowpack during BROMEX
- Modeling stable isotope abundances in atmospheric nitrate using a photochemical box model
- Out-Of-Sequence Thrusting In Coulomb Wedges: Implications For The Structural Development Of Mega-Splay Faults And Forearc Basins
- Paleoglaciation of Shaluli Shan, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Paleoglaciology of the Ala-Archa and Ak-Shyrak areas, Kyrgyz Tian Shan
- Plate boundary kinematics and magmatism during inter and post rifting periods in Afar, Ethiopia
- Plate-Tectonic Setting of the Mid-Continent Rift
- Preliminary results from the retrieval and assimilation of GPS radio occultation refractivity observations during tropical storm development
- Projectile Remnants in Central Peaks of Lunar Impact Craters
- Recent Seismicity in Southern Illinois and Southern Missouri: Initial Results from the EarthScope OIINK Flexible Array Experiment
- Reconstructing spatial and temporal patterns of paleoglaciation along the Tian Shan
- Reconstruction of South Pacific Dust Accumulation during the Early Paleogene Greenhouse
- Rigidity of Nubia and Kinematics of the Ear from Combined GPS and DORIS Solutions: Implication to Afref
- Role of the tropical Pacific Ocean in strengthening the East Asian Monsoon: Climate model study of MIS-13
- Scattered Waveform Modelling of Low Frequency Earthquakes for Fine Scale Structure and Depth Location
- Segregation and Alteration of Phenolic and Aliphatic Components of Root and Leaf Litter by Detritivores and Microbes
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Caja del Rio Geothermal Area, New Mexico
- The Impacts of Permafrost Thaw on Land-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Exchange in Recent Decades over the Northern High Latitudes
- The Late Paleogene Evolution of Southern Ocean Deep-water Formation - the Onset of Global Thermohaline Circulation
- The Nucleation and Propagation of Thrust Ramps: Insights from Quantitative Analysis of Frictional Analog (Sandbox) Models
- The Use of Satellite-Measured Aerosol Optical Depth to Constrain Biomass Burning Emissions Source Strength in the GOCART Model
- The crust of the Moon as seen by GRAIL
- The implications of successful modelling of the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum for future climate projections
- Two-scale Renormalization Group Classification of Stochastic Processes in Geophysics
- Using 3-D dynamic models of the India-Eurasia collision zone to highlight the implications for vertical viscosity substructure
- Using Smart Planning to Mitigate Drought in Urban Areas: A Seasonal Simulation of the Impact of Urbanization on Precipitation in the Indianapolis Region
- What controls the isotopic composition of tropospheric nitric acid and nitrate aerosols?
- 3-D geodynamic models of the India-Eurasia collision zone: investigating the role of lithospheric strength variation Sarah Bischoff and Lucy Flesch EAPS, Purdue University
- 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulation Across a Complex Fault System: the Mw7.0, 2010, Haiti Earthquake
- A 50-ky record of climate, ecosystem, and erosion rate change in the Oregon Coast Range
- A Library approach to establish an Educational Data Curation Framework (EDCF) that supports K-12 data science sustainability
- Accurate characterization of exposure duration and erosion depth from glacial troughs using paired in situ 14C-10Be measurements and a Bayesian isochron analysis
- Analysis of evapotranspiration uncertainty due to uncertain forcing data in the Northern Eurasia
- Be-10 derived basin-wide erosion rates of Southern Qilian Shan, NE Tibet
- Changes in soil carbon with encroachment and mortality of velvet mesquite, Prosopis velutina, in a semi-arid environment
- Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be in quartz and magnetite: Using the same nuclide in multiple minerals to quantify differential weathering
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Ozark Plateau and Illinois Basin using the OIINK Flexible Array
- Deep-seated bedrock landsliding in Grand Canyon: unraveling the mechanics of a series of ancient landslides
- Early Pleistocene to Holocene glacial activity along the southern Alaska continental shelf inferred from the sedimentary record in the northern Gulf of Alaska - preliminary results
- Evidence of active mantle flow beneath South China (Invited)
- Failure was not an option- the Mid-Continent Rift system succeeded
- High-resolution Profiling of the Lower Troposphere from Airborne GPS Radio Occultation
- Imaging the Lithosphere under Southern Illinois Basin based on Ozark-Illinois-INdiana-Kentucky (OIINK) Flexible Array Experiment
- Improving High-resolution Weather Forecasts using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model with Upgraded Kain-Fritsch cumulus Scheme
- Influence of data length and data coverage on model parameterization and in situ, regional quantifications of terrestrial ecosystem carbon dynamics
- Insights on Biogeochemistry from the Triple Isotope System of Nitrate (Invited)
- Is the Tibetan Plateau important for the global monsoon?
- Linking charring temperature and wood source to the structure and degradation rates of pyrogenic organic matter in soil
- Lithospheric structure of the Illinois Basin from teleseismic P-wave tomography
- Long-term deeper snow causes changes in litter quality, soil C and N storage in moist acidic tundra in Northern Alaska
- Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts on the Stable Isotopes of Nitrogen and Oxygen of Ice-Core Nitrate
- New Kinematic Block Model for the Caribbean Plate
- Paleoclimate and complex basal thermal regime of the Haizishan ice cap on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau reconstructed by glacial modeling
- Potential bioenergy production and climate change mitigation in marginal lands of the United States
- Pre-Little Ice Age advance and retreat of Linnébreen on Svalbard
- Probing the Deep Rheology Across the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Constraints from the 2008 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.9 Wenchuan, China Earthquake
- Production Rate of Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Magnetite
- Random renormalization groups and Bayesian scaling of dispersion/diffusion in Lake Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico
- Recent developments in cosmogenic nuclide production rate scaling
- Seismic Imaging of Flat Slab Subduction: Examples from the Pampean Flat Slab Region (Invited)
- Slab, drip, or peeling lithosphere: Teleseismic P-wave tomography and the Isabella anomaly of the southwestern Sierra Nevada, California
- Strike-slip Fault Structure in the Salton Trough and Deformation During and After the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Studies of Low Frequency Earthquakes in Northern Cascadia
- The implications of microbial and substrate limitation for the fates of carbon in different organic soil horizon types: a mechanistically based model analysis
- Using computer models of stable isotope abundance to trace and understand NO<SUB>x</SUB> transformation to HNO<SUB>3</SUB>
- Using existing programs as vehicles to disseminate knowledge, provide opportunities for scientists to assist educators, and to engage students in using real data
- What can be learned about the lunar mantle from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)?
- White-rot fungal response to fresh and photolytically-weathered pyrogenic organic matter
- a Younger Dryas Advance of Cirque Glaciers Near the 60TH Parallel, Westernmost Canada
- Does Temperature (Rather than Precipitation) Dictate the Geomorphic Legacy of Glacial Intervals in Unglaciated Mid-Latitude Terrains?
- Linking Pyrogenic Organic Matter Reactivity in Soil to its Charring Temperature and Wood Source
- Local Signs of MJO Convection Initiation
- Representing Microbial Dormancy in Soil Decomposition Models Improves Model Performance and Reveals Key Ecosystem Controls on Microbial Activity
- Spatial Distribution of Hydrologic Ecosystem Service Estimates: Comparing Two Models
- Sustainability analysis of bioenergy based land use change under climate change and variability
- The Importance of Permafrost Thaw, Fire and Logging Disturbances as Driving Factors of Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Alaskan Ecosystems
- Topographic - thermal circulations and associated GPS-measured moisture variability at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
- Airborne Observations of Urban-Derived Water Vapor and Potential Impacts on Chemistry and Clouds
- Analysis of Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectra of Mercury's Southern Hemisphere
- Biofuel Induced Land Use Change effects on Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality
- Enrichment Ratio and Aggregate Stability Dynamics in Intensely Managed Landscapes
- Hill slope and erosional controls on soil organic geochemistry in intensely managed landscapes
- Promoting US-China Critical Zone Science Collaboration and Coordination Through Established Subnational Bilateral Science Partnerships: The US-China EcoPartnership for Economic and Environmental Sustainability.
- The Gas-Filled-Magnet at PRIME Lab: Increased Sensitivity of Cosmogenic Nuclide Measurements
- The Reduction of Friction in Long Runout Landslides as an Emergent Phenomenon.
- The stability of Pyrogenic Organic Matter is dependent upon its wood source and charring temperature
- Towards an International Network of Critical Zone Observatories
- Using a paleo perspective to decipher climate controls on erosion and landscape evolution
- Wood source and pyrolysis temperature interact to control PyOM degradation rates
- A scaling relationship for impact-induced melt volume
- Anthropogenic Reorganization of Critical Zone in Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Effects of Processing and Ambient Noise Distribution on Seismic Interferometry using Auto-Correlation Stacks
- Exploring the Geophysical Evolution of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Prolonged Effect of the Stratospheric Pathway in Linking Barents-Kara Sea Sea Ice Variability to the Midlatitude Circulation in a Simplified Model
- Regolith thickness formation on the lunar surface
- Species-specific responses of tree ring and leaf stable isotope signals in isohydric and anisohydric trees to drought
- Using a paleo perspective to demonstrate climate controls on glacial-interglacial weathering: insights from Little Lake, OR.
- A High Resolution (4 km) WRF Regional Climate Simulation for Indiana Climate Change Impact Assessment: Model Evaluation and Statistical Bias Correction
- Agriculture and irrigation as potential drivers of urban heat island
- An efficient method for accelerating the spin-up process of a process-based biogeochemistry model and its applications for quantifying global high spatial and temporal resolution carbon budget
- Astrochronology and magnetostratigraphy of the Xujiahe Formation of South China and Newark Supergroup of North America: implications for the Late Triassic time scale
- Catchment-averaged denudation rates from cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl in magnetite: Evaluation and application to an andesitic landscape
- Constraints on Aqueous Environments for Hematite Formation in Gale Crater from Mastcam and CRISM Spectra
- Correlative assessment of two predictive soil hydrology models with measured surface soil geochemistry
- Crustal layering and gravity highs in the Midcontinent of North America - implications for the formation of the Illinois Basin
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Testable Hypotheses, First Results, and Implications for Habitability
- Effect of Modulation of ENSO by Decadal and Multidecadal Ocean-Atmospheric Oscillations on Continental US Streamflows
- Enhanced conversion of newly-added maize straw to soil microbial biomass C under plastic film mulching and organic manure management
- Erosion patterns produced by the paleo Haizishan ice cap, SE Tibetan Plateau
- Exploring changes in vertical ice extent along the margin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in western Dronning Maud Land - initial results of the MAGIC-DML collaboration
- Frozen-Ground Cartoons: An international collaboration between artists and permafrost scientists
- Future Midwest Heat Waves in WRF
- Glacial Chemical Alteration of Mars-Like Bedrock
- High Affinity Methanotrophy is an Important but Overlooked Methane Sink in the Pan-Arctic Budget
- Hydrostratigraphic and structural controls on streamflow generation in the Chuska Mountains, Navajo Nation, AZ/NM
- Interaction of Land Management Intensity and Micro-topography Controls on Geochemistry of Raindrop-Liberated/Mobilized Soil Particles
- Microstructural controls on the macroscopic behavior of geo-architected rock samples
- Mineralogy of Sediments on a Cold and Icy Early Mars
- Mt. Sharp as a Source of the Sand within Gale Crater
- One Isotope, Two Tales: using plant and cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C to constrain Holocene glacier activity on Baffin Island.
- Quantifying carbon budget and nitrous oxide emissions of terrestrial ecosystems in the Eurasian Arctic and the Dry Latitudinal Belt of Northern Eurasia
- Quantifying the Global Nitrous Oxide Emissions Using a Trait-based Biogeochemistry Model
- Systematic losses of outdoor production from heat stress and climate change
- Testing of Marchenko Redatuming and Imaging for Carbon Sequestration Monitoring
- The Interacting controls of pyrolysis temperature and plant taxa on pyrogenic organic matter stability and decomposition in a Northern Michigan forest soil
- The Mechanics of Peak-Ring Impact Crater Formation from the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364
- The Role of Driving Factors in Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Wetland Ecosystems of Alaska
- The Role of Management in Enrichment Ratio Dynamics and Resilience of Aggregate Fractions Via Raindrop Impact within Agricultural Hillslopes
- The composition of secondary amorphous phases under different environmental conditions
- The influence of swarm deformation on the velocity behavior of falling swarms of particles
- Toward a standardized soil carbon database platform in the US Critical Zone Observatory Network
- Using Spectroscopy to Infer the Eruption Style and Volatile History of Volcanic Tephras
- Virtual Vertical Seismic Profiling using Seismic Interferometry and Marchenko Redatuming
- 3-D Modeling of the Co-evolution of Landscape and Soil Organic Carbon
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Airborne CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emission Estimates Sensitivity to Regional Background at Indianapolis with the Assistance of WRF-Chem Model
- Application of Marchenko Redatuming and Imaging to Data from the Frio Carbon Sequestration Experiment
- Arctic Chlorine Chemistry Influenced by NO<SUB>x</SUB> Pollution from Villages and Oil Fields
- Assessing the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Natural Gas Fired Power Plants
- Assessing the uncertainty in the aircraft-based mass balance estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from the Baltimore-Washington area: Comparison of top-down estimates to various bottom-up inventories
- Assessment of climate change impacts on semi-arid watersheds in Peru
- Atmospheric Bromine and Chlorine Chemistry in the Changing Arctic
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux inversions in the Washington DC / Baltimore metropolitan area: FLAGG-MD 2016 flight campaign
- Cascading Simplifying Assumptions Overestimates Damages From Heat Stress
- Comparison of numerical models of particle swarm evolution in fractures
- Correlating Mastcam Multispectral Data and Rock Morphology to Understand Potential Links Between Ferric Spectral Features Along Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale Crater, Mars
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Major Findings and Implications for Habitability
- Denudation, chemical weathering, and critical zone structure through the last glacial-interglacial transition
- Drainage basin reorganization in the upper Hei River basin, northern Qilian Shan, Tibet
- Dry and Semi-Dry Tropical Cyclones
- Enhancing The Resolution Of Near Surface Seismic Reflection Data Using Time Variant Iterative Time Domain Deconvolution
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Green Infrastructure on Hydrology and Water Quality in a Combined Sewer Overflow Community
- Event Scale Variations in Water Isotopes: What Do They Tell Us?
- Exhumation along the Southern Side of the Eastern Denali Fault of South-Central Alaska: Evaluating the Importance of Fault Geometry vs Terrane Rheology
- Fractional methane emissions from natural gas infrastructure in urban domains in the Eastern United States using airborne measurements and Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling
- GEODES: A model for graduate-student led initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Geomorphic and structural mapping in pursuit of a slip rate for the Santa Susana Fault, southern California
- High affinity methanotrophs are an important overlooked methane sink in the pan-Arctic and global methane budget
- Improved measurement datasets and prior emission information for advancing global methane inverse modeling
- Incorporating Isotope into Atmospheric Chemistry Models
- Indigenous Research Frameworks: Creating Dynamic Learning Environments for Diverse Learners
- Induced fractures from geomechanical-geochemical coupling in geo-architected rocks during drying
- Influence of past soil erosion and burial on the reactivity of deep soil carbon
- Investigating sulfate aerosol formation mechanisms during a severe winter Haze-fog event in Nanjing, China using stable sulfur isotopes
- Investigating the Diversity of Lunar Pyroclastic Constructs Using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Investigating the chemical signatures of cold-climate alteration on Mars at a glaciated volcanic complex in the Oregon Cascades
- N Isotopes Suggest Agriculture is not a Significant Source of NOx Emissions in the Central Valley of California
- New radiocarbon constraints for an earlier Holocene Thermal Maximum on Baffin Island
- OH Radical-initiated Oxidation of (E)- and (Z)-β-ocimene in the Presence of NO<SUB>x </SUB>at Different Relative Humidities: Secondary Organic Aerosol Yields, Organic Nitrate Formation and Hydrolysis
- Overview of SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments
- Quantification of Field Scale Denitrification by Stable Isotope Analysis of NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O from Tile Drain Runoff
- Quantifying Background CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission in Rural Sites Around Indianapolis Using Airborne Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Quantifying Regional and Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Using Microbial Trait-Based Biogeochemistry Models
- Quaternary Slip History of the Central Sierra Madre Fault, Southern California
- Remote Sensing of Volcanic Deposits of the Apollo 17 Landing Site Region
- Satellite-observed enhanced carbon sink with local greening in China
- Seasonal variations in δ<SUP>15</SUP>N of nitrate aerosols collected in Baring Head, New Zealand: Indicator of atmospheric nitrogen chemistry in pristine marine boundary layer.
- Source apportionment of aerosol ammonium in an ammonia-rich atmosphere: An isotopic study of summer clean and hazy days in urban Beijing
- Space Weathering of Carbonaceous Asteroids and Meteorites
- Stress States and Induced Seismicity Near Fox Creek, Alberta: A Quantitative Test of Frictional Faulting Theory
- The Thermophysical Variability of the Vera Rubin Ridge as Explored by the Mars Science Laboratory
- The dynamic elastic properties of anisotropic metamorphic rocks collected near the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- The relationship between environmental variables and springtime boundary layer ozone over the Arctic Ocean
- The urban methane paradox: Results from the 2018 East Coast Outflow experiment
- Tracing deep biogeochemical impacts in the intensively managed desert region of Arequipa, Peru
- Uncertainty Quantification of Global Net Methane Emissions from Land Ecosystems Using Mechanistically-Based Biogeochemistry Models
- Understanding Land Surface Controls of Severe Local Storm Environments over North America: Role of Elevated Terrain and the Gulf of Mexico
- Weathering in the forelands of two rapidly retreating alpine glaciers of volcanic bedrock in the Three Sisters, Oregon, USA
- A Bayesian approach to deconvolving <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar data from multi-component mixtures
- An Exploration of Extreme Precipitation from Tropical Cyclones over the Eastern United States in Variable-Resolution CAM
- Assessing Variability in Multi-sensor Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Estimates and the Impact on Urban Flood Simulation for Hurricane Florence (2018).
- Boreal lakes are continuous methane sources in the 21<SUP>st</SUP>century: An analysis using a process-based lake biogeochemistry model
- Carbon accumulation and heavy metal concentrations in the recently irrigated desert of southern Perú
- Characteristics of damage evolution, fluid front displacement, and geophysical signatures in clay-rich and non-clay geo-architected synthetic rocks
- Characterizing dynamics in materials through automated learning and classification of acoustic signals emitted during drying of geo-architected rocks
- ChemCam Visible/Near-infrared Spectra of Drill Tailings and Nontronite-bearing Rocks in the Northern Glen Torridon area, Gale Crater, Mars
- Constraints on Mars' paleopressure history from small ancient craters: new results and a new synthesis
- Cooling methods for people in Sahelian Africa: Considerations for policy makers
- Correctly Determining the Static and Dynamic Elastic Anisotropy of Transversely Isotropic Rocks: Application to the Unconventional Duvernay Reservoir, Canada
- Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be-<SUP>14</SUP>C-<SUP>3</SUP>He Observations in Gotthard Pass, Switzerland, Document Snow-Related Rock Temperature Increases During the Industrial Period
- Crustal Structure from Correlation Analysis of the Coda of Local Seismicity Beneath a Large-N Array
- Developing an international science research partnerships at a grand scale: The Arequipa Nexus Institute
- Diverse Rock Types Detected in the Lunar South Pole-Aitken Basin by Chang'E 4
- Drainage basin reorganization in the Qilian Shan, NE Tibet
- Drivers of high latitude atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal cycle and amplitude: considering the role of plant functional types
- Exploring the evolution of the coupled mantle-atmosphere system: A 1D parameterized approach
- Future nitrogen availability and its effect on carbon sequestration in Northern Eurasia
- Geochemical characteristics and origins of trace metals in PM<SUB>10</SUB> at urban and rural sites in Arequipa, Peru
- Geographic Controls of Severe Local Storm Environments over North America: Role of the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf of Mexico
- Green Roofs to mitigate the urban extreme precipitation events? An experimental study over Mumbai, India
- Hemisphere-scale Climate Teleconnections Controlling the Source-to-sink Sedimentary Systems into the East China Seas during the Middle and Late Holocene Stages
- High Resolution Modeling of the Quaternary Climate of the Alps for a Nuclear Waste Repository
- Impact of Large-Scale Faulting and Weak Lower Crust on the Surface Deformation of India-Eurasia Collision Inferred from 3-D Viscous Modeling
- Impacts of Particle Composition and NO<SUB>x</SUB> on the Vertical Distribution of Reactive Bromine in the Arctic Troposphere
- Improved constraints on global methane emissions and sinks using δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Incorporating Isotope into Atmospheric Chemistry Models
- Integrated Early Triassic time scale of geomagnetic polarity, cyclostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and geochemical excursions from South China and its global correlation
- Just how unprecedented is modern warming in the Arctic?
- Laboratory Studies of Extraterrestrial Clouds through Terrestrial Means
- Log-law wind profiles for the prediction of the drag coefficient and their radial dependence in tropical cyclones
- Magnetostratigraphy of U/Pb-dated Boreholes in Svalbard, Norway, Implies that the Barremian-Aptian Boundary (Beginning of Chron M0r) is 121.2 ±0.4 Ma
- Mass and ion characterization of particulate matter in Arequipa, Peru
- Nexus Institute: Quantifying four decades of arid-region agricultural development in Arequipa, Peru using Landsat
- Nitrogen and oxygen isotopes in aerosol nitrate collected in Arequipa, Peru
- Optimizing the N and O isotopic analysis technique of nitrate using Ti(III) reduction method
- Parameterizing the cereal rye crop in SWAT model and evaluating its impact in watershed scale simulations
- Percent-Level Production of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar by an Overlooked Mode of <SUP>40</SUP>K Decay
- Precise Determination of the <SUP>26</SUP>Al/<SUP>10</SUP>Be Production Rate Ratio
- Process-based mapping of global wetland carbon isotopic signatures of methane
- Quantifying the nitrogen isotopic fractionation of NO<SUB>x</SUB> in atmospheric simulation chamber
- Relating Relative Watershed Residence Times to Stream Nitrate Concentrations in Tile-Drained Landscapes Using Stable Isotope Variability
- Revised M-sequence of Late Jurassic though Early Cretaceous Polarity Chrons Based on New U-Pb Dates and Cyclostratigraphy
- SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments First Results
- Sediments Lurking in the Deep: Peraluminous Granulites in Lower Continental Crust
- Sensitivity of tropical cyclone formation rate to surface warming in idealized numerical simulations
- Soil erosion and burial control soil C reactivity and interaction with extractable metals in a Midwestern agricultural floodplain
- Stuck in the clay: Organic matter preservation in clay-rich surface paleoenvironments of Earth and Mars
- Studying atmospheric moisture transport in southern Peru during the weak 2019 El Nino using stable isotopes of daily precipitation
- Sulfur Isotope Constraints on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Sulfate Aerosol Sources in Arequipa, Peru
- The Imaging of Sparse Seismic Data using Convolutional Neural Networks
- The Performance Evolution of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall using WRF model and TRMM Over North Indian Ocean
- The Transient Responses of An Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclone to Instantaneous Surface Roughening and Drying
- The role of microbial dynamics of methanogens and high affinity methanotrophs in current and future net land methane emissions in the Arctic
- Tillage driven erosion: a transport mediated filter of organic carbon across intensively managed landscapes
- Upper Plate Motion, Slab Geometry, and Slip Behavior Along the Eastern Alaska Subduction Zone
- Using Evaporation Stable Water Isotopologues to determine Great Lakes Influence on Atmospheric Moisture
- Wave Interaction with Evolving Fracture Systems
- A Framework of Tradeoffs in Soil Health: A Case Study of Soil Carbon and Salt Accumulation in an Arid Agroecosystem
- A high-density nodal array to study the structure and seismogenic behavior of the southern Cascadia forearc
- A simple physically-based model to predict the radius of maximum wind from outer size
- Amplified stress concentration in nonlinear elastic formations: Implications for quantitative stress constraint
- An IMERG based Assessment of the Contribution of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones to Rainfall Climatology in the US Atlantic Basin
- Applications of in situ <SUP>14</SUP>C to ice thickness changes in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Can Existing Theory Explain How the Tropical Cyclone Wind Field Responds to Surface Roughening and Drying?
- Constraining Paleoenvironments on Mars from Infrared Spectral Observations of Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Alteration Products
- Converting Smaller Seismic Arrays to Larger-N Synthetic-Aperture Arrays Using Deep Learning
- CyberTraining Modules for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) science in Water and Climate
- Developing Soil Health Monitoring Decision Support Software for Use in Arid Climates
- Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Isotopic Tracer Reveals the Shift of Landscape Connectivity During Storms in Dry and Wet Seasons
- Effect of Nitrogen Additions in the Microbial Contribution to Agricultural Soil Organic Matter
- Effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Phase State on the Seismological Properties of Porous Materials: Implications for Seismic Monitoring of Volcanic Hazards and Sequestered Carbon
- Evaluating the impacts of climate change on severe local storms in the United States through idealized dynamical downscaling method
- Evaluation of Fracture in Cement-Clay Systems through Application of Non-Local Peridynamics
- Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Gale Crater, Mars from X-ray Amorphous Component Compositions
- Evolved gas analysis of Mars-analog paleosols
- Favorability of hurricane genesis on tidally locked exoplanets orbiting M-dwarf stars
- Glacier-driven Chemical Alteration of Volcanic Rock: Implications for an Icy Low-Temperature Geochemical Cycle on the Surface of Mars
- High orbital obliquity promotes planetary oxygenation
- Hurricane size is strongly limited by the Rhines scale: experiments with a barotropic model
- Identifying the products of volcano-ice interaction in Icelandic Mars analog sedimentary environments using Mars rover techniques.
- Impacts of Large Scale Natural Climate Variability on Severe Weather Over the United States
- Improved constraints on global methane emissions and sinks using δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Improving the Resolution of Rates and Dates by Integrating Paleomagnetic and High-precision Geochronological Techniques
- Incorporating Nitrogen Stable Isotopes into Atmospheric Chemistry Models
- Investigating the behavior of clay in cement systems
- Kinematics of the Fairweather-Queen Charlotte Transform System and Deformation of the Northeast Pacific plate
- Machine Learning for the Imaging of Sparse Seismic Data in Blocky Subsurface Models
- Mastcam Multispectral Results from Vera Rubin Ridge and Laboratory Studies to Support and Enhance the Interpretation of Multispectral Data from the Curiosity rover
- Mesh-Free numerical simulation of swarm transport and evolution in fractured media
- Non-detection of O2/O3 informs frequency of Earth-like planets with LUVOIR but not HabEx
- On Conceptual Understanding of Blocking Dynamics and Baroclinic Annular Mode
- Persistent high latitude amplification over the past 10 million years
- Simulating Miocene warmth: insights from an opportunistic Multi-Model ensemble (MioMIP1)
- Simulations and Experiments Reveal Effect of Nanopores on Helium Diffusion in Quartz
- Testing the temperature dependence of high-alpine erosion with in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C-<SUP>10</SUP>Be-<SUP>3</SUP>He
- The role of elevated terrain and the Gulf of Mexico in the production of severe local storm environments over North America
- Tracing the impact of glacial melt on the hydrology of the Andean Nevado Coropuna glacier and adjacent drainages
- Translating analog field studies for mission science and operations on Mars2020: Approaches from Iceland and Padre Island, TX
- Utilizing diffusion kinetics to learn more from <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Glen Torridon and Greenheugh Pediment areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- XGBoost-based Hurricane Wind Reconstruction
- Forarc dehydration in warm subduction zones provides ample fluids at the depths of episodic slip and tremor
- Long Term Desert Irrigation Impacts on Soil Geochemistry in Vineyard Systems of the Northern Atacama Desert, Peru