Pepperdine University, California
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Motion of Poleward Moving Auroral Forms During a Shift of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Bz-Component, From a Southward to Northward Orientation
- Communities of Practice Transition Online - Lessons learned from NASA's EPO Online Workspace
- The Connection between Solar Wind Speed and Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
- Generation of poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) during periods of dayside auroral oval expansions/contractions and periods when the dayside auroral oval is expanded and stable
- Ion Beam Instabilities in Solar Wind Reconnection Exhaust
- Characterising Substorm Auroral Dynamics; A Statistical Analysis of the Morphology and Motion of the Aurora through the Substorm Growth and Early Expansion Phase.
- Creating a Scale for Ionospheric Distubance
- Dayside Auroral Activity During Solar Maximum and Minimum Periods
- Foreshock Significance in Generation of ULF Waves
- Morphology and Dynamics of Auroral Arc
- ULF Waves in the Foreshock and Their Effect on the Magnetosphere
- A Study of the Different classes of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
- The Brightening History of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
- What Solar Wind Conditions Lead to the Generation of the Different Types of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms?
- Dayside Auroral Oval Shifts Due to Enhanced Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- East-West Brightening in Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms and the Interplanetary Magnetic Field By -Component
- Ionospheric Response to a Transient Event at the Magnetopause
- Poleward-moving auroral forms and their connection to the solar wind speed
- Poleward-moving auroral forms and dayside magnetic reconnection
- Comparisons of two foreshock bubbles and their different impacts on the magnetosphere: Ionospheric signatures
- Comparisons of two foreshock bubbles and their different impacts on the magnetosphere: Spacecraft observations
- Dayside Auroral Activity
- Origin of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
- Possible New Dayside Auroral Signature of High Latitude Magnetic Reconnection
- Dayside Auroral Activity: Extreme and Enhanced Brightening Events (EBEs) Generated by Solar Wind Transients
- Dependence of Auroral Activity on Magnetic Local Time
- Linear dependence of poleward-moving auroral forms on the solar wind speed
- Measuring Magnetic Reconnection Rate and Shear in a Two-ribbon Flare
- The East-West Brightening Dependence of Multiple Brightening Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms with the Interplanetary Magnetic Field By-Component