Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
flowchart I[Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (247)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (122)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Charles University, Astronomical Institute
- Charles University, Department of Physics
- Charles University, Institute of Geophysics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Attemps to Find the Source Extension of EM Waves with the Four Cluster Satellites
- First Results of the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations Experiment (STAFF) of Cluster
- Stability of Chemically Distinct Mantle Reservoirs
- Fine structure of storm-time chorus
- On the Development of a Regional Climate Model for the Central Europe with Emphasis to Climate Change Study on the Territory of the Czech Republic
- Simultaneous Observation of Chorus Waves Going Back and Forth in the Magnetosphere by the CLUSTER Satellites
- The terrestrial biosphere: a missing C sink during the Mid-Miocene climate change?
- A new banded hiss-like emission observed by CLUSTER near the plasmapause
- Extent of Continental Crust Thickening Derived From Gravity Profile Leading From Aden Towards the Dhala Plateau in the Yemen Trap Series
- Geoelectric Soil Parameters Measurements During Ponded Infiltration Experiments in Field
- Mid-latitude hiss and plasmaspheric notch
- Pore Space Geometry and Seismic Anisotropy of Rocks: 3-D Experimental Investigation
- Wave-particle interactions in the source region of whistler-mode chorus
- AMS to strain inversion: synthesis of theoretical and empiric/experimental approaches
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Chorus Dispersion and Source Location
- Vertical gradients of PCBs and PBDEs in fish from European high mountain lakes
- A Kinematic Source Inversion Scheme With New Parametrisation
- Influence of the Earth's Magnetic Field on Ellipsoidal Particle Alignment in Viscous Media
- Interaction of Interplanetary Shocks with the Earth's Magnetosphere: Observations and Global MHD Simulations Compared During the Nov 9, 2002 Event
- Primary magnetic fabric in an ultrabasic body embedded in high-pressure felsic granulite from the Moldanubian Zone, European Variscides: resistance to exhumation-related medium- pressure granulite-amphibolite facies metamorphism
- The GLOBE Carbon Project: Integrating the Science of Carbon Cycling and Climate Change into K-12 Classrooms.
- Gravity Survey of Cavities in Soils - Dangers Involved in Interpretation of Measurements
- Regional Climate Change Modeling in High Resolution for Central and Eastern Europe in Project CECILIA
- Tracking Paleostrain in Arcs Using Magmatic Fabrics in Well-dated Plutons: An Example From the Tuolumne Batholith and Surrounding Plutons, Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Why post-perovskite should have a low viscosity and its dynamical consequences .
- High-resolution climate simulations for Central Europe: An assessment of dynamical and statistical downscaling techniques
- Modeling of local 3D effects of the April 6th 2009 l’Aquila (Italy) event in the City of Rome
- Propagation of CIR originated interplanetary shocks across magnetospheric boundaries
- The GLOBE Carbon Cycle Project: Using a systems approach to understand carbon and the Earth's climate system
- Thermal evolution of Mercury: implication for despinning and contraction
- Chorus emissions measured by Cluster spacecraft at different L-shells
- Lower mantle dynamics and the role of pressure-dependent thermodynamic and transport properties
- Positions of sources of lightning-related HF signatures measured by the DEMETER satellite
- Comparison of Dynamical Downscaling in Central Europe Using RegCM and CLWRF
- Localization of Deformation and Rheological Evolution of the Lower Crust Controlled by Dehydration and Hydration: Examples from Mm-Scale Shear Zones to Nappe Thrusts in Norway
- Seasonal changes of principal anions contents and other soil properties in acidified forest soils
- Shallow seismic surface waves analysis across a tectonic fault
- Static Source Parameters of the West Bohemia/Vogtland Earthquake Swarms
- Temporal variations of low molecular mass organic acids during vegetation period in temperate forest soil affected by acidification
- Tidal controlled temperature changes in Diamond Lake in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
- Triggered Seismicity at the Soultz-sous-Forets (France) Boreholes in 2003 as a Promising Tool for Understanding Driving Forces and Rupturing Processes in the West Bohemia/Vogtland Earthquake Swarms
- Changes of VLF wave intensity observed by the DEMETER spacecraft in the vicinity of earthquakes
- Cluster observations and simulations of He+ EMIC triggered emissions
- Constraints on mantle electrical conductivity from geomagnetic jerks observation
- Method for finding grains created by lightning discharge from the Younger Dryas Boundary layer
- Observations of the relationship between solar wind parameters and equatorial noise
- Quasi-periodic emissions observed by Cluster and DEMETER spacecraft
- Relationship between soil properties and forest health status in the Czech Republic
- Size of seismic events during borehole injections: the effects of source mechanisms, stress and pore pressure distribution
- Sounds of Earthquakes: Where Do the Epxlosions Come From?
- Temporal variation of aqueous-extractable Ca, Mg and K in acidified forest mountainous soils under different vegetation cover
- Amplitudes and frequency sweep rates of wave packets of whistler-mode chorus observed by the Cluster spacecraft
- Despinning and shape evolution of Iapetus triggered by a giant impact
- Direct Determination of Wavenumbers of ULF Waves Using the Cluster Multipoint and Multicomponent Measurements
- Enhanced ionization of the Martian nightside ionosphere during solar energetic particle events
- Fog-Influenced Submicron Aerosol Number Size Distributions
- Long term trends of middle latitude stratospheric winds from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis
- Slip inversions in complex media: the uncertainty of rupture parameters estimation due to lateral velocity heterogeneities and topography
- Supersonic landing of meteorite in Chebarkul Lake, Russia, and its underwater magnetic signature
- The Age of the Moon As Told By Dynamics and Asteroidal Meteorites
- The effect of time variable stress shadows on rates of induced seismicity (Invited)
- Thermal relations leading to the formation of gaseous phase within the ice covering lakes and ponds
- A New and Improved Model of the Near-Earth Object Population
- A reexamination of long-duration radial IMF events
- Analysis of Bow Shock Oscillations Observed by the Cluster Spacecraft
- Analysis of Internal Gravity Waves Using GPS RO Density Profiles
- Anatomy of a diffuse cryptic suture zone exemplified by European Variscan belt: a new view on the internal architecture of collisional orogens
- Application of Uav Photogrammetry for Assessment of Fluvial Dynamics of a Montane Stream. Case Study - Roklanský Creek, Šumava Mts., Europe.
- Case studies of quasi-periodic VLF emissions and related ULF fluctuations of the magnetic field
- Character, Distribution and Significance of Coarse Sedimentary Material in Mid-Mountain Valleys: Case Studies from Bohemian Forest Mts.
- Effect of Water Ice Transition on Murchison Meteorite
- Evolution of MHD Turbulence through Shocks and a Role of the Foreshock in This Process
- Experimental Study of Photoemission from Glass Dust
- Extremely weak lower crust and the lower crustal flow induced by crustal thickening
- Fast solar wind measurements from the Bright Monitor of the Solar Wind instrument on Spektr-R
- High-Frequency Waves Associated with Collisionless Shocks
- Implications of Depth Determination from Second Moving Average Residual Magnetic Anomalies on Mars
- Ion Density Fluctuations at the Kinetic Scale: Experimental Investigations
- Magnetic Remanence Recorded in the Bullet and Its Relation to Meteorite Entry.
- Magnetic Susceptibility of Submicroscopic Metallic Iron Formation Through Laser Irradiation of Olivine
- Mercury's Low-Degree Geoid and Topography from Insolation-Driven Elastic Deformation
- On the Comparison of EuroCORDEX and ENSEMBLES RT3 Ensembles - Has New Generation of Simulations Improved the Results?
- Paleo-Magnetic Field Recorded in the Parent Body of the Murchison Meteorite
- Probing the Interior of Enceladus from Eruption Activity
- Quasi-periodic Whistler Mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes Spacecraft
- Solar Cycle Variability in New Merge Satellite Ozone Datasets
- Structural and metamorphic evolution of western part of the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps
- The Impact of Urban Emissions on Chemistry and Climate over Central Europe
- Two Decades of Seismic Monitoring by WEBNET: Disclosing a Lifecycle of an Earthquake Swarm Zone
- Two-Point Observations of High- and Low-Frequency Variations of Helium Abundance in the Solar Win
- Unique Field Measurement Detects Mpemba Effect during the Natural Ice Thickening
- Variability of Electron Densities in the Low-Altitude Martian Nightside Ionosphere Derived from the Intensity of Marsis AIS Surface Reflections
- Detection of spatio-temporal changes of Norway spruce forest stands in Ore Mountains using airborne hyperspectral imagery
- Effect of Ice-Shell Thickness Variations on the Tidal Deformation of Enceladus
- Empirical Model of the Martian Dayside Ionosphere: Effects of Crustal Magnetic Fields and Ionizing Flux at Higher Altitudes
- Empirical scaling law as a tool for absolute paleointensity determination
- Equatorial Noise Emissions and Their Quasi-Periodic Modulation
- Evidence for fluid-triggering underlying the year 2014 aftershock sequences in NW Bohemia
- Hyperspectral data for assessment of temporal changes in Norway spruce forest conditions in the mountainous region of the Czech Republic affected by long-term acidic deposition
- Magnetic Susceptibility Analyses of Nanophase Iron Particle Diameters and Volumes Produced through Laser Irradiation.
- Magnetic Susceptibility of Wet vs. Dry Sediment and Mass Normalized vs. Volume Normalized Magnetic Susceptibility
- Magnetic fabric of selected loess/paleosol sections as studied by AMS, anisotropy of frequency-dependent susceptibility and anisotropy of out-of-phase susceptibility
- Meteorite Movement during deceleration Studied Analogically with Magnetic Remanence in the Bullet.
- Model Study of IGW Hotspot Implications for the Middle Atmospheric Dynamics and Transport
- Modelling of Ocean Induced Magnetic Signals in Swarm Satellite Data
- Multi-Spacecraft Investigation of Terrestrial Bow Shock: Cluster Observations
- Obtaining Magnetic Properties of Meteorites Using Magnetic Scanner
- Quantification of surface emissions: An historical perspective from GEIA
- Retention Curve Hysteresis of Capillary Barrier
- Role of volatile compounds on the thermal evolution of Pluto and Charon
- Statistical attribution of temporal variability in global gridded temperature data
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Quasi-Periodic Whistler Mode Waves
- Anticorrelation between whistler occurrence and MLR and QP emissions
- Continuous, Pulsed Export of Methane-Supersaturated Meltwaters from the Bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Drone Detects Hotspots of Radiation and CO2 Outgassing
- Ecosystem Disturbances in Central European Spruce Forests: a Multi-proxy Integration of Dendroecology and Sedimentary Records
- Export of Organic Matter and Microbes from the Greenland Ice Sheet: Sources, Composition, and Downstream Implications
- Ice sheets as a missing component of the global silicon cycle
- Magnetic minerals' classification for sources of magnetic anomalies
- Ocean effect correction and Hessian application in global inversion of geomagnetic observatory data
- One year on VESPA, a community-driven Virtual Observatory in Planetary Science
- Quasiperiodic modulation of equatorial noise emissions
- Sackung in the highest mountains of Carpathians: response to retreat of Quaternary glaciers and regional climate changes?
- Dust Observations by Faraday Cups Onboard Spektr-R
- Geothermal modelling and geoneutrino flux prediction at JUNO with local heat production data
- How robust are in situ observations for validating satellite-derived albedo over the dark zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet?
- Ion Ramp Structure of Bow shocks and Interplanetary Shocks: Differences and Similarities
- Magnetopause Shape and Location in a Light of New Observations
- Potential climatic mechanisms associated with the mega drought at 4200 cal yr BP: linking proxy data with modern climate analogues
- SPAGETTA: a Multi-Purpose Gridded Stochastic Weather Generator
- The Heat Flux through the Ice Shell on Europa, Constraints from Measurements in Terrestrial Conditions
- Updated Reference Model for Heat Generation in the Lithosphere
- Variations of Helium Parameters within ICMEs
- Advances in Neutrino Geophysics
- Assessing the consistency of data-driven whistler mode hiss wave scattering effects during storm-recovery via dedicated error metrics
- Dust Detection in Space by Wave Instruments
- Evaluating Whistler Influence on the VLF Wave Intensity in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Events Relocation and Source Parameters of Central Brazil Earthquakes
- Global model for radiogenic heat production in the lithosphere and Earth's geoneutrino flux
- Hyporheic Retention and Mineralization of N-fixing Nostoc Sustains Downstream Microbial Mat Biomass in Polar Desert Streams in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- Long-term forest cover, disturbance changes and their drivers: a case study on mountainous Norway spruce forests in the Czech Republic, heavily affected by acidic pollution
- Maps and statistics of lightning-generated power estimated at the Van Allen Probes footprints from the World-Wide Lightning Location Network database
- Refining the Mechanisms of Dust Detection by Antenna Instruments
- Rupture Process of the 2018 Northern Osaka Earthquake (Mw 5.6), an Earthquake Involving Both Thrust and Strike-slip Faults Near a Junction of Major Active Fault Systems Surrounding the Osaka Basin, Japan
- The GLOBE Program facilitates involvement of scientists to help students to understand Carbon Cycle: experience from Czech and U.S. collaboration
- The South Central and Eastern European Regional Information Network (SCERIN) update and Prospects for Satellite Monitoring of Canopy Chlorophyll Content
- The influence of isoprene emission on biogeochemical responses of tropical forests to climate from leaves to ecosystems
- Asymmetric reconnection at the bow shock
- Can magnetic fabric indicate overthrust directions? Insights from West Spitsbergen Fold-and-Thrust Belt
- Can seafloor voltage cables be used to study large scale transport? An investigation in the Pacific Ocean.
- Fault Segmentation governing the occurrence of the Main Shocks of the 2016 Central Italy Seismic Sequence
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Visean (Early Carboniferous): North-Western England, Cumbria
- Millennial-scale dynamics of submerged macrophytes (Isoëtes spp.) reflect long-term environmental changes in mountain lakes situated in Central Europe
- New insights into the natural and anthropogenic seismicity of the High Agri Valley (southern Italy) from data collected by the INSIEME seismic network
- Out-of-Phase Susceptibility and Viscous Magnetization: Effective Tools for Magnetic Granulometry of Loess and Paleosols
- Particle-in-cell simulations of fast magnetosonic waves on a drift shell surface in the dipole magnetic field
- Quasiperiodic modulation of whistler mode waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Real Time Response of the Ionosphere of Mars to an X-Class Solar Flare
- Refining the mechanisms of dust detection by antenna instruments
- Relative paleointensity estimates from magnetic anisotropy
- Simultaneous observations of quasiperiodic emissions by spacecraft and ground-based instruments
- Spatial extent of quasi-periodic emission simultaneously observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes on November 29, 2018.
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Field and Velocity Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
- Anthropogenic and Natural Emissions for Atmospheric Chemistry Global and Regional Modelling
- Broadband electromagnetic field measurements both above and below thunderstorms: the IME-HF instrument for the TARANIS mission and related ground-based instrumentation
- Combined observations of the heliospheric current sheet with Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Comparing the Seasonal Dynamics in Vegetation Function, Biophysical and Spectral Properties, Using Orbital Observations at Globally Distributed Flux Sites
- Comparisons of MAVEN/ROSE Results to an Empirical Ionospheric Model
- Demagnetization by shock
- Disturbance of pre-reversal's Matuyama-Brunhes paleomagnetic sediment record (ODP Leg 175, Hole 1082C)
- Early results from the Proton Alfa Sensor (PAS/SWA) onboard Solar Orbiter: the Solar Wind at different scales.
- Earthquake rupture and ground motion modeling of the 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice and Mw 6.5 Norcia, Central Italy earthquakes constrained by Bayesian dynamic finite-fault inversion
- Earthquake swarms of the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge 4˚-5˚N from regional seismic recordings
- Large source of mercury from the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Relating Imaged Streamer Flows to the Slow Solar Winds measured by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Suite: Early results from the Electron Analyser System
- Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Suite: Initial Results of an Alpha-particle Relative Abundance Study within 0.5-1 AU
- Solar Wind Turbulence Features for Parallel and Perpendicular Sampling Direction
- The Solar Orbiter Fast Ion Spectrometer PAS in-flight calibration and the first "ready for scientific use" data.
- Tidal dissipation in Europa's silicate mantle undergoing partial melting
- Tidally-induced magmatic pulses on the oceanic floor of Jupiter's moon Europa
- Understanding the generation of magnetosonic waves using PIC simulations in a dipole magnetic field
- Anisotropy of AC Magnetic Susceptibility (Both In-phase and Out-of-phase Components) Due to Eddy Currents in Virtually Non-magnetic but Electrically Conductive Materials
- Anthropogenic emissions observed by the Van Allen Probes spacecraft
- Broadband (up to 5 Hz) dynamic rupture modeling with fractal fault roughness and topography: the 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice, Italy earthquake
- Catchment characteristics and seasonality influence the composition of microbial assemblages exported from three outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Constraining Rheology and Deformation Processes of Wet Quartzite from High-Pressure and High-Temperature Experiments
- Detection of Dust Grains by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Diversity of responses to parameterized orographic gravity wave drag hotspots in a chemistry-climate model.
- First results of Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard Mio/BepiColombo during Mercury and Venus flybys
- Friction on tiger stripes: application to Eceladus's tidal deformation
- Greenhouse Gases and Atmospheric Pollutants: a Global Emissions Dataset for the 2000-2021 Period
- Intercomparing Global Foliar Trait and Canopy Height Maps: Upscaling Approaches and Spatial Patterns
- Ion-Driven Instabilities in the Inner Heliosphere as Observed by Helios
- Lightcurve observations of near-Earth asteroids with the Unistellar's network of citizen astronomers
- Linear and nonlinear teleconnections in global drought data
- Magnetic reconnection as a mechanism to produce multiple proton populations and beams locally in the solar wind
- Migration of Seismic Clusters Helps Identifying the Underlying Triggering Mechanisms
- New CORDEX FPS on Urbanization - URBan environments and Regional Climate Change (URB-RCC)
- New Considerations on the Marine 18O Record as an Indicator of Continental Ice Volume
- Observations of Quasi-Periodic behavior in Proton Shell Distributions associated with Quasi-Periodic Rising Tone Fast Magnetosonic Waves
- On impacts of the perturbations of vertical turbulent diffusion on the concentrations of secondary inorganic aerosols and their gas precursors over Central Europe
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of High Plasma Beta Solar Wind from Streamer Belt
- Physical Properties of Near-Earth Asteroids
- Prediction Error Growth in a more Realistic Atmospheric Toy Model with Three Spatiotemporal Scales
- Refining North American deglaciation using cosmogenic nuclide (10Be and 26Al) and calibrated radiocarbon (14C) ages
- Role of the distance to the magnetopause on the EMIC occurrence rate in the radiation belts
- Solar Orbiter - Short scale structures propagating in the Solar Wind and effects on the proton distribution functions: observations from PAS.
- Solar wind evolution - from the Sun toward the magnetopause
- Statistical Ray Tracing Analysis of Low Altitude Equatorial Noise Observed by DEMETER
- Switchback-like structures observed by Solar Orbiter
- The potential role of the wind-blown dust emissions over non-arid areas: a modeling study over Central Europe
- Topography and Tectonic Stresses Induced by Heat Flux from Titan's Ocean.
- Trends in the stratosphere/mesosphere exchange
- URBan environments and Regional Climate Change (URB-RCC) New FPS on Urbanization at CORDEX
- Understanding cosmic dust detection using antenna instruments
- Urban-climate-chemistry interactions over central Europe: the mutual role of the urban canopy meteorological forcing and urban emissions
- Variations of power spectral density of magnetic field and ion velocity fluctuations through the heliosphere
- Waveform analysis of dust impact signals detected by Cassini at Saturn
- An Atlas of Air Pollution Based on a Reanalysis and Emissions for the Past Two Decades
- Asteroid science with the Unistellar's network of citizen astronomer
- Automatic Detection of Magnetic Reconnection: Solar Orbiter Reveals that Reconnection Jets Cluster in the Solar Wind
- Detailed Analysis of Transport in the Middle Atmosphere
- Dust Impact Detection by the Solar Orbiter RPW/TDS
- Dust detection by antenna instruments - full 3D modeling of antenna waveforms from first principles
- Earhhquake swarms preceding the 2021 and 2022 Fagradalsfjall eruptions, Iceland
- Explanation for Differences in Vertical Distribution of the Parameterized Orographic Gravity Wave Drag in CMIP6 Models.
- GaiaDR3: A sharp window into physical properties of asteroids
- Greigite (Fe3S4) as the Magnetic Carrier of the Paleolake sediments from the Most Basin, Czech Republic
- HENON: the HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce
- Investigation of Compaction Effects on Pore Structure and Hydraulic Properties of Spherical-Shaped Glass Beads Using Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Ionospheric depletions at Mars detected by MAVEN
- Is There a Partially Molten Layer at the Base of the Lunar Mantle?
- Isolating the Gravity Wave Imprint in Global and Local Datasets
- Laboratory Study of Ion Expansion from Hypervelocity Dust Impacts
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of the Merging of two Coronal Mass Ejections during Propagation
- On the Processes causing Stratospheric Contraction and its Implications
- Overview and Classification of Solar Wind Instabilities in the Inner Heliosphere
- Project FOCI - Non-CO2 Forcers and Their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts
- Radar Attenuation in Enceladus' Ice Shell: Obstacles and Opportunities for Constraining Shell Thickness, Chemistry, and Thermal Structure
- Shape Model of Asteroid (16) Psyche from SPHERE Images.
- Solar Wind protons: Gaussian and Inverse-Gaussian components
- Survey of Quasi-Periodic behavior in Proton Shell Distributions associated with Quasi-Periodic Rising Tone Fast Magnetosonic Waves
- The Bombardment Histories of the Giant Planet Satellites
- Tidally driven hydraulic model of Enceladus's plume activity
- Urban Environments and Regional Climate Change - CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study URB-RCC
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Greco
- A. P. Rouillard
- A. W. Case
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- B. Grison
- B. L. Alterman
- B. Lavraud
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Benjamin Dechant
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. Froment
- C. J. Owen
- C. M. Fowler
- C. Marmo
- Claire Granier
- D. Malaspina
- D. Píša
- Daniel Verscharen
- David Stansby
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- Ethan E. Butler
- F. Allegrini
- F. Němec
- Franck Marchis
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. Choblet
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Tobie
- G. Zimbardo
- Giuseppe Consolini
- Go Murakami
- Hakan Ucar
- Holly Croft
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- Hynek Bednář
- I. Dandouras
- I. Zouganelis
- Ingrid Mann
- Isla H. Myers‐Smith
- J. C. Kasper
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. L. Verniero
- J. M. Raines
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. Souček
- Jakub Vaverka
- Jana Šafránková
- Jeannine Cavender‐Bares
- Jia Huang
- Jiří Pavlů
- K. G. Klein
- K. M. Soderlund
- K. W. Paulson
- Karine Issautier
- Klára Kalousová
- Laura de la Torre
- Leonardo Regoli
- Libor Nouzák
- Lorenzo M. Polvani
- Lubomír Přech
- Luca Franci
- M. Běhounková
- M. F. Marcucci
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. Horányi
- M. Martinović
- M. Moncuquet
- M. Øieroset
- Maria Usanova
- Markus Reichstein
- Martin Lanzendörfer
- Mathilde Kervazo
- Michael L. Stevens
- Mikael Granvik
- Mingzhe Liu
- Mitchell M. Shen
- Moa Persson
- N. Fargette
- Natalie S. Wolfenbarger
- Nicolas André
- Nima Madani
- O. Santolı́k
- Ondřej Souček
- P. Louarn
- Patrick Michel
- Peter Huszár
- Petr Pišoft
- Petr Šácha
- R. Bruno
- R. D’Amicis
- R. Nakamura
- Raphael Marschall
- Roland Eichinger
- Rui Pinto
- Rungployphan Kieokaew
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. D. Bale
- S. Erard
- S. Livi
- S. Perri
- Sae Aizawa
- Sandra M. Durán
- Sebastian Hainzl
- Sergio Toledo‐Redondo
- Shengyi Ye
- Sibdas Ghosh
- Soheil Safari Anarkouli
- Sophie L. Norris
- Sékou Keita
- Tatiana Niembro
- Tereza Ďurovcová
- Tomáš Fischer
- Victor Réville
- W. S. Kurth
- W. Sun
- Y. Saito
- Yadvinder Malhi
- Z. Sternovsky
- Zdeněk Němeček
- Zuzana Procházková
- Álvaro Moreno-Martínez