Charles University, Institute of Geophysics
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Efficient 3D Hybrid Ray-FD Modeling for Elastic Media with Locally Complex Structures
- Influence of Terrestrial Weathering on the Magnetic Record of a LL Chondrite
- Initial-Value Approach to the Electromagnetic Induction in a~Heterogeneous Sphere
- Secondary Instabilities Developed in Upwellings of High Rayleigh Number Convection.
- The Method of Lines in Computing Viscoelastic Relaxation of the Earth
- Magnetomineralogy as a tool for determination of the meteorite weathering
- Visual Computing of Global Postglacial Rebound in a Spherical Domain
- Coulomb Stress Modelling as a Practical Tool in Real-time Aftershock Hazard Assessment: the Example of the PRESAP Blind Test
- Evidence for Terrestrial Magnetic Contamination of the Chondritic Meteorites
- Seismic Hazard Assessment for Large Aftershocks
- Strong Ground Motion Prediction By Composite Source Model
- Venus - Dynamic Interior, Gravity Field and Topography Analyzed by Multiresolution Methods
- Visualiztion of Viscous Heating in the Earth's Mantle Induced by Glacial Loading
- Dynamical Consequences of the Post-Perovksite Phase Transition and Implications for Radiative Heat Transfer in Deep Mantle.
- Application of the Wiener optimal filter to GRACE gravity solutions
- Dynamic Stress Field of Kinematic k-squared Source Model
- Gravimetry And Internal Structure Of Terrestrial Planets
- Inferring the resolution of source kinematic inversions: a blind test
- Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Strong Ground Motion Prediction: Application to 1980 Irpinia Earthquake, M=6.9, Southern Italy
- Numerical testing of certain features of probabilistic aftershock hazard assessment
- Spectral-finite element approach to present-time mantle convection
- Time-Domain Approach to Geomagnetic Induction Based on Joint Use of Surface and Satellite Data
- Geoid change over Australia: Analysis of the GRACE gravity-field solutions
- Stress Distribution in the Subducted Slab in the Transition Zone
- Preliminary Results of Modeling of Strong Ground Motion due to the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Seismic wave injection - a general boundary condition for the Alterman and Karal hybrid approach
- Solid tidal friction above a liquid water reservoir as the origin of the South Pole Hotspot on Enceladus
- A Community Benchmark for 2D Cartesian Compressible Convection
- Can the longwavelength geoid be used to map postperovskite in the D" layer?
- Influence of the Viscosity Stratification on the Density Structure and the Geoid: Application to Venus
- Liquid Water and Thermal Activity of Enceladus' South Polar Terrain
- On the difficulty to detect Mercury's mantle convection from future gravity data
- Seismic Waves In Dissipative Anisotropic Media
- The Influence of Fault Kinematic Variability in Ground-Motion Estimates: Comparison of Different Simulation Approaches
- The role of thermal expansion and volume changes on the slab stress distribution
- Field-dependent AMS and AMR of some ultramafics and host granulites of the Bohemian Massif: implications for metamorphism induced fabric changes
- Mantle dynamics with the post-perovskite phase change: Numerical simulations with the latest constraints from mineral physics
- The effect of a realistic thermal diffusivity on numerical model of a subducting slab
- Thermal stability of internal liquid water reservoir at Enceladus' South pole
- Tidally heated compressible mantle convection in planets and moons
- Tidally-induced thermal runaway on extrasolar Earth: Impact on habitability
- Effect of a metallic core on transient geomagnetic induction
- Free-oscillations of 2011 Tohoku earthquake: source models and data
- Massively parallel approach to time-domain forward and inverse modelling of EM induction problem in spherical Earth
- On the survival of an internal liquid water reservoir at Enceladus' south pole
- Relative uncertainty of moment tensors, examples from Greece
- Effect of complex rheology on the dynamics of Enceladus' south pole
- Iapetus' despinning and ridge formation triggered by a giant impact
- Melting of ice and liquid water transport in the ice shell of Europa
- The tidal response of super-Earths and large icy worlds
- Time-Varying Subduction and Rollback Velocities in Slab Stagnation and Buckling
- Titan's outer ice shell structure and dynamics constrained from Cassini data
- Continental Construction and Crustal Growth of Central Asian Orogenic Belt in Mongolia
- Impact of Lateral Variations in Antarcatic Lithosphere Structure on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- M5.6 Aftershock of the 2009 L'Aquila, Italy, Earthquake: Broadband Composite Source Modeling with 1D Deterministic Green's Functions
- Ocean effect correction in global inversion of geomagnetic observatory data
- Sensitivity of grounding line dynamics to viscoelastic deformation of the solid Earth: Inferences from a fully coupled ice sheet - solid Earth model
- Tidal stress in Enceladus' ice shell: dependence on the internal ocean width
- Uncertainty Quantification in Finite-Fault Earthquake Source Inversions: The SIV project
- A new strategy to compare inverted rupture models exploiting the eigen-structure of the inverse problem
- Kinematic modeling the 2014 Mw6 South Napa, California, earthquake using near-fault strong-motion data and 3D Green's functions
- Uncertainty of Green Functions for Waveform-based Earthquake Source Inversions
- Ocean effect correction and Hessian application in global inversion of geomagnetic observatory data
- Sandy experiments highlight geomorphological stress control on erosion
- Estimating the effects of laterally heterogeneous elasticity on coseismic deformation -a rotationally symmetric case
- The Insulating Effect of Methane Clathrate Crust on Titan's Thermal Evolution