Charles University, Department of Physics
flowchart I[Charles University, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (148)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (33)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- INTERBALL-1 Observations of Turbulent Plasma Upstream to the Earth's Bow Shock
- The Cusp-Magnetosheath Interface During a Period of the Horizontal IMF
- The High-latitude Magnetopause: Shape and Location
- The Shape and Location of the Magnetopause: The Tilt Angle Effect
- The Transverse Dimensions of Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions in the Source Region
- Filamentation of Langmuir waves and the role of absolute decay instability in the electron foreshock: comparison of CLUSTER observations and theory
- Systematic analysis of whistler-mode emissions below the lower hybrid frequency based on the data of the Cluster project.
- Auroral Hiss-Like Emissions Observed by Cassini Near the Rings of Saturn
- Average properties of wave emissions below 4 kHz in the inner magnetosphere based on the data of the STAFF-SA instruments on board the Cluster spacecraft.
- Low-frequency Plasma Waves Within an AKR Source Region: Possible Wave Stimulation
- Multi-point observations of density structures in the polar cap
- Dayside Inverted-Vs Observed During Conjunction of Cluster and Polar Spacecraft
- High-altitude Cusp Precipitation for Different IMF Orientations
- Influence of Ion Field Emission on the Dust Charge
- Interaction of Interplanetary Shocks With the Earth's Foreshock
- Interplanetary Shocks in the Magnetosheath: Comparison of Experimental Data With MHD Modeling
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Chorus Dispersion and Source Location
- Statistical study of ELF/VLF emissions observed in the vicinity of earthquakes by the DEMETER spacecraft
- Generation of Chorus Wave Emissions in the Source Region
- Modeling the interaction of interplanetary shocks with the Earth's magnetosphere: The first three steps
- OEDIPUS: a new tool to study the dynamics of planetary interiors
- Polar PWI Observations of Chorus Emissions and Electron Acceleration
- The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite with Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- Thermal evolution of Enceladus' interior: role of tidal dissipation and internal melting.
- Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Waves Observed in the Saturn Magnetosphere
- Chorus Observations at Saturn
- Electron density estimation in the magnetotail: a multi-instruments approach
- Movement of magnetospheric boundaries in response to an interplanetary shock: Themis contribution
- Multispacecraft observations of chorus dispersion and source location
- Nonlinear Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed in Connection with the 24 August 2005 Super-Substorm
- Preliminary Results of High Resolution Regional Climate Simulations in EC FP6 Project CECILIA: Impact of High Resolution on Reproducing Extremes
- Properties of Chorus Emissions Observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Investigation
- Another unexpected origin of plasmaspheric hiss?
- Control of the Polarity of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field on the Dawn-Dusk Symmetry of the Magnetopause
- Database of measurements of magnetosonic equatorial noise emissions from measurements of the CLUSTER spacecraft
- Estimation of Biogenic VOC Emissions From Ecosystems in the Czech Republic
- European Meteorological Society and Education in Atmospheric Sciences, EWOC 2009
- Generation of Chorus Waves and Their Effects on Electrons
- Kinetic properties of the electron current sheet and its neighbor magnetic islands
- Observations of oblique propagation of whistler mode chorus
- Wave Science with the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite with Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- Amplitudes and frequency sweep rates of chorus wave packets
- Benefits of High Resolution Regional Climate Change Modeling in Central and Eastern Europe - Project CECILIA
- Cassini observations of chorus at Saturn
- Dayside Outer Zone (DOZ) Chorus at High Latitudes: Properties and Possible Role of Minimum B Pockets (Invited)
- Electron Densities in Jupiter's Magnetosphere Determined from Voyager and Galileo Plasma Wave Spectra
- Generation of Whistler Chorus Emissions and Resulting Wave-Particle Interactions
- Lightning-related HF pulses measured by the DEMETER satellite
- Lunar Dust Simulant Under Electron and Ion Bombardments
- Observation of proton chorus waves close to the equatorial plane by Cluster
- Reliability of Prediction of Magnetosheath Magnetic Field Components from IMF Observations
- Satellite study of electromagnetic perturbations connected with seismic activity
- Sources of Transients in the LLBL
- Spatial distribution of distinct oscillations in temperature fields of different GCMs used in the ENSAMBLES project
- Specification of Biogenic VOC Emission Data in the Coupled System of Regional Climate and Atmospheric Chemistry/Aerosols Model
- Wave vector directions of whistler-mode chorus (Invited)
- Auroral hiss observations at high magnetic latitudes at Saturn
- Comparison of Secondary Emission from Lunar Dust Simulants JSC, MLS, and LHT
- IMF Bz as Dominant Factor for the LLBL Formation
- Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Different Sheaths
- Magnetopause Position Under Different Conditions
- Non-Linear Processes Associated with the Generation of Whistler Waves and their Effects on Electrons
- Properties of Equatorial Noise and its Connection with Disturbances in the Solar Wind Using Data from the Cluster Mission
- Sources of the Oscillations Observed in the Magnetopause Layers
- Type III Radio Bursts at Long Wavelengths: Statistics from STEREO/Waves 2007-2010
- A Huge Deformation and Motion of Magnetospheric Boundaries
- Attenuation of VLF electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere above earthquakes: statistical study using data from the DEMETER spacecraft
- Cassini and Polar observations of low frequency equatorial noise emission at Earth
- Foreshock Influence on Magnetosheath Magnetic Field Fluctuations
- Moment Tensor Resolvability: Application to Southwest Iberia
- Satellite observations of Magnetospheric Line Radiation
- Secondary Electron Emission from LHT Dust Grains of Various Shape and Surface Roughness
- Spatial Profiles of Magnetosheath Plasma and Magnetic Field Parameters: Experiment and Model
- Spontaneous Discharging of Carbon and Glass Dust
- Automated Shock Detection Algorithm for the Solar Orbiter Spacecraft
- Magnetosonic equatorial noise at Earth: Polar and RBSP observations
- QBO and SSC Reanalyzed Anomalies in the Ozone Field
- Quasi-periodic emissions and related electron precipitation observed by the low-altitude DEMETER spacecraft
- STEREO-Wind Direction Finding of a Stream Interaction Region
- Characteristics of Large Amplitude Whistler Mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes EMFISIS Instruments
- Constraining MarMCET Model Martian Nightside Electron Densities Using MARSIS Topside Sounding
- Intermittency of Solar Wind Turbulence Between Ion and Electron Scales
- MARSIS Observations of the Martian Nightside Ionosphere Depending on Solar Wind and IMF Conditions
- Observations of the LLBL spatial profile and mechanisms of its formation
- Statistical investigation of six years of the Demeter measurements of the VLF quasi-periodic emissions
- Investigation of propagation properties of quasi-periodic (QP) VLF emissions observed by the DEMETER spacecraft.
- Poynting flux analysis of whistler-mode chorus using THEMIS data
- Slab Stagnation and Buckling in the Mantle Transition Zone: Petrology, Rheology, and the Geodynamics of Trench Migration
- Hydrological and Geoelectrical monitoring of Landslides in the tropical Andes: Case Study Medellín - Colombia
- Influence of lightning generated whistlers on radiation belt losses in the plasmasphere.
- Variability of electromagnetic signatures of lightning initiation observed in the West Mediterranean basin
- A Statistical Study of Interplanetary Type II Bursts: STEREO Observations
- ELF whistler events with a reduced intensity observed by the DEMETER spacecraft
- Multi-instrument Observations of Transient Luminous Events Associated with a Small-scale Winter Thunderstorm
- New Moment Tensor Solutions Along the Central Lesser Antilles and Implication for the Seismogenic Coupling
- Observations directly linking chorus to relativistic microbursts: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
- Quasiperiodic modulation of equatorial noise emissions: Cluster and Van Allen Probes observations
- Spatial and temporal variability of chorus and hiss
- Statistics of EMIC Rising Tones Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Synchronization and Causality Across Time-scales: Complex Dynamics and Extremes in El Niño/Southern Oscillation
- Urban Canopy Effects in Regional Climate Simulations - An Inter-Model Comparison
- Anomalous Plasma Waves Observed During Cassini's Ring-grazing Orbits
- Bipolar electric field structures observed in Saturn's magnetosphere by Cassini Wideband receiver
- Do we need urban parameterization in high resolution regional climate simulations?
- Effects of Branching on the Waveforms of Preliminary Breakdown Pulses
- Electromagnetic Signatures of Initiation of High-peak Current Winter Flashes Observed in the Mediterranean
- Five Centuries of Meteorological Droughts in Central Europe: Temporal Variability Patterns and Their Drivers
- Localized gravity wave forcing in the stratosphere - influence of the hotspot position
- Multi-point measurements and ray-tracing simulations of chorus wave packets
- Observations of Jupiter lightning-induced electromagnetic waves from the Juno Waves investigation
- Observations of Lightning on Jupiter by the Juno Stellar Reference Unit
- Spatial Temperature-Precipitation Compound Events in Europe: Weather Generator vs. Regional Climate Models, Future vs. Present climate
- Urbanization of weather forecast, air-quality prediction and climate scenarios for Prague - project URBI PRAGENSI
- Analysis of Surface Urbat Heat Island of Prague
- Characteristics of attempted cloud-to-ground lightning leaders
- Comparison of Two Mechanisms of M Components Based on Their Electrodynamic Models
- Employment of Compound Events in Developing and Validating the Stochastic Spatial Weather Generator
- Global Drought Patterns: Effects of Large-Scale Climate Variability Modes
- Global Projections of Changes in Köppen-Trewartha Climate Zones Derived from RegCM CORDEX-CORE Simulations
- Meteorological information at the end of 19<SUP>th</SUP>century from Romanian newspapers - an intro to the database
- New insights into the natural and anthropogenic seismicity of the High Agri Valley (southern Italy) from data collected by the INSIEME seismic network
- Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves with Rising Tones During a Van Allen Probes Conjunction
- On the urban effects on local climate in the cities
- Stratospheric Shrinkage Trends by CCMI Simulations
- Survey of whistler-mode emissions behind the terrestrial bow shock
- Sustainability potential in Urbanization of weather forecast, air-quality prediction and climate scenarios for Prague - project URBI PRAGENSI
- The July 2018 M<SUB>L</SUB> 4.5 sequence analysis, Sea of Galilee: geodynamic investigation using moment tensor and local earthquake tomography.
- The impact of the physical process representation in models on the urban weather phenomenon
- Anthropogenic and Natural Emissions for Atmospheric Chemistry Global and Regional Modelling
- Broadband electromagnetic field measurements both above and below thunderstorms: the IME-HF instrument for the TARANIS mission and related ground-based instrumentation
- Effects of Stratospheric Sulfate Injection on Tropopause Height
- Nonlinear Regression Techniques for Estimation of Missing Values in Daily Temperature Series
- On the urban heat island effects under extreme weather conditions - heat waves
- Optical and electromagnetic observations of wave shapes of continuing currents in sprite-producing positive cloud-to-ground lightning
- Quantifying the regional emission reductions during the COVID-19 lockdown and effects for Central European surface air quality
- Test-Particle Simulation of the Interaction of Hot Electron Velocity Distribution with the Fine Structure of Chorus Emissions
- Candidate cryovolcanic regions on Ganymede: a target priority for JUICE
- Electrodynamic Model of the M-components and K-changes
- Electromagnetic evidence of stepwise extension of the Jovian lightning channels
- Inter-Calibration of Measurements of Electromagnetic Waves by Arase and Van Allen Probes
- On impacts of the perturbations of vertical turbulent diffusion on the concentrations of secondary inorganic aerosols and their gas precursors over Central Europe
- Ray tracing study on magnetospheric propagation and ionospheric exit point of multiple VLF conjugate events between Arase and Kannuslehto, Finland.
- The potential role of the wind-blown dust emissions over non-arid areas: a modeling study over Central Europe
- Urban-climate-chemistry interactions over central Europe: the mutual role of the urban canopy meteorological forcing and urban emissions
- Lightning activity in Northern Europe during a stormy winter: disruptions of weather patterns originating in global climate phenomena
- Radar Attenuation in Enceladus' Ice Shell: Obstacles and Opportunities for Constraining Shell Thickness, Chemistry, and Thermal Structure
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Matsuoka
- Anezina Solomonidou
- Baptiste Cecconi
- C. A. Kletzing
- Claudia Martinez-Calderon
- D. P. Hartley
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- F. Tsuchiya
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- I. Shinohara
- Ivana Kolmašová
- J. E. P. Connerney
- K. M. Soderlund
- K. Stephan
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Klára Kalousová
- M. Běhounková
- M. Kitahara
- Maribeth Stolzenburg
- Natalie S. Wolfenbarger
- O. Santolı́k
- Peter Huszár
- Petr Kašpar
- R. Lopes-Gautier
- S. J. Bolton
- Satoko Nakamura
- Shoya Matsuda
- T. C. Marshall
- T. Dudok de Wit
- W. S. Kurth
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yutai Katoh