NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research
flowchart I[NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (926)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (65)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Regional Modeling Study of the Influence of Urban Land Cover Change on the Lower Atmosphere in Baltimore-Washington DC
- Addressing the Information Gap between Global Climate Models and Observations
- Climate Observing Systems: Data System Challenges
- Cloud Detection with MODIS: Regional and Global Applications
- Computation of Global Water Balance Components Using Observational and Model Data
- Impacts on Volcanic Ash Detection Caused by the Loss of a 12.0 Micrometer "Split Window" IR Band on GOES Imagers
- Intercomparisons of Remotely Sensed Scatterometer Winds With Aircraft Hurricane Wind Observations Using a Mesoscale Model as a Baseline.
- Operational near real-time processing of ERS-2 orbits and altimeter data
- Potential Changes to Fire Patterns in Amazonia
- Spatial and Temporal Drivers of Fire Dynamics in the Amazon/Tocantins Basin
- The Fire Locating and Modeling of Burning Emissions (FLAMBE) Project
- What Controls the Timing and Severity of the Atlantic Hurricane Season?
- A Satellite Derived Climatology of Radiation Fog in Central California Using GOES Infrared Imagery and the Nighttime Fog Product
- A comparative assessment of simulated variations in Nebraska sand dune vegetation cover using Landsat TM NDVI and AVHRR Vegetation and Temperature Condition Index
- Airborne Dust Monitoring Activities at the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
- Inter-annual Variability of Biomass Burning Aerosol Optical Depth in Southern Amazonia, and the Impact of These Aerosols on the Diurnal Cycle of Solar Flux Reduction
- Near Real-Time High Resolution Ocean Wind Vectors from QuikSCAT
- Near-real time temperature and salinity profiles in the Indian Ocean from JASON-1 altimetry
- Ocean Observer Synthetic Aperture Radar User and Instrument Requirements and Configuration
- Overview of the Ocean Observer Satellite Study
- The Evolution of 20th Century Drought Monitoring Tools Leading to a 21st Century North America Drought Monitor
- Variability in Sea Surface Temperature Fronts off the U.S. West Coast
- A First Look at Volcanic Ash Detection From GOES-12: Coping Without the 12μ m IR Band
- A Statistical Analysis of Automated and Manually Detected Fires Using Environmental Satellites
- Analysis and Validation of the Reprocessed NOAA-11 and NOAA-16 SBUV/2 Total and Profile Ozone Data Sets
- Comparison of Evaporative Fractions Estimated with AVHRR and MODIS Sensors over South Florida.
- Development and Validation of Ocean Surface Wind Derived from the TRMM Precipitation Radar Measurements
- Estimates of the Atmospheric Water Balance Over the Oceans
- Estimation of Net Radiation using MODIS-Terra Data
- Geostationary Satellite Observations of Particulate Pollution: Spatial and Temporal Features of the June 24-28, 2003 Eastern US Air Pollution Episode
- Global Climatological and Real-Time Green Vegetation Fraction from AVHRR
- Global optimum interpolated microwave SSTs from Aqua's AMSR-E improve hurricane intensity forecasting
- Large-scale Transport of Carbon Monoxide as Observed by AIRS on Aqua
- Modeling and Mechanisms of Intercontinental Transport of Biomass-Burning Plumes
- Operational Smoke and Volcanic Ash Plume Monitoring in NESDIS' Satellite Services Division
- Retreival of Carbon Trace Gases From AIRS Data
- Satellite-Based Daily Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation
- Sea Ice Surface Temperature From the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
- Surface Water Applications of Satellite Scatterometry
- The Averaging Kernel of CO2 column measurements by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO), Its Use in Inverse Modeling, and Comparisons to AIRS, SCIAMACHY, and ground-based FTIR
- The Evaluation of an improved AMSU rain rate algorithm
- The Hazard Mapping System (HMS)-a Multiplatform Remote Sensing Approach to Fire and Smoke Detection
- The Ocean Circulation of the Ross Sea, Antarctica during the 1990s
- The Two Aerosol Products In The Terra/CERES-MODIS SSF Data: Comparison And Validation
- Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer Data Processed With a New Algorithm
- Volcanic Ash Image Products from MODIS for Aviation Safety and Natural Hazard Mitigation
- A Prototype for Earth Science Data on Demand
- A near real time system for producing and distributing EOS AQUA products to NWP centers
- An update on The Hazard Mapping System (HMS) - a multiplatform remote sensing approach to fire and smoke detection
- Comparison of GRACE mean gravity fields with airborne gravity measurements
- Gamma Function Parameterization of Sea-Ice Thickness Distribution
- Historical and Near Real-Time Physical, Chemical, and Biological Oceanographic Data in Support of the International Polar Year 2007-08
- Rainfall Variability Studies Based on a Long Term Radar-Rainfall Data Set
- Tidal Convergence Fronts in Cook Inlet, Alaska
- Uncertainties in Satellite Based Fire Emission Inventories in the Amazon
- A Review of the 2005 Antarctic Ozone Hole
- AIRS Carbon Monoxide Retrievals
- Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS)A Fully-distributed System
- Correcting Green Vegetation Fraction for Calibration and Spectral Effects in AVHRR and VIIRS
- Cross Validation of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Measurements Between AIRS and MOPITT on a Global Basis
- Daytime Land Cloud Detection Enhancements For The VIIRS Cloud Mask
- Determination of Atmospheric CO2 from AIRS Spectra by the Method of Vanishing Partial Derivatives
- Estimating Vegetative Fuel Loadings and Fuel Moisture Using Satellite Data for Modeling Biomass Burning Emissions
- Fire and Smoke Monitoring at NOAA' Satellite Service; Applications to Smoke Forecasting
- Forecasting stable long lived Antarctic ozone holes
- Geochemical Considerations Regarding the Processes Involved in Mineral Deposition in Sedimentary Rock-Hosted Veins
- Improved Automated Cloud Classification and Cloud Property Continuity Studies for the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
- Improving forecast of Antarctic ozone hole by using Aura OMI ozone data
- Long-range Horizontal Transport and Vertical Distribution of Carbon Monoxide as Seen by AIRS During the INTEX-A/ICARTT Field Experiment
- Monitoring Global Vegetation Phenology From MODIS: Spatio-Temporal Correspondence Between Climate and Vegetation Activity at Regional to Global Scales
- Nonlinear Spatial-Temporal Spectral Analyses for Diagnosing Solar 11-Year Signal in the Northern Hemisphere Atmosphere
- Science Enabling Applications of Gridded Radiances and Products
- Ship-based Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements in the Atlantic Ocean, Comparison with Satellite Retrievals and GOCART Model
- The Transition from Current Atmospheric Measurements to the NPOESS Era
- The Use of High-resolution Satellite Rainfall Estimates over the Topographically Complex Area of NAME
- Towards Better Utilization of NEXRAD Data in Hydrology
- Towards a new AVHRR Cloud Climatology (PATMOS-x)
- Use of SBUV/2 and Dobson Datasets to Validate a New Brewer Ozone Profile Algorithm
- Validation of OMPS Ozone Profile Data with Expanded Dataset from Brewer and Automated Dobson Network.
- AIRS Views of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning CO: INTEX-B/MILAGRO and TEXAQS/GoMACCS
- Challenges in Estimating the Vegetation Phenology With Remote Sensed Data
- Classical Rotating Annulus Fluid Model for Stratospheric Warmimg Events.
- Comparison of Land Surface Infared Emissivity From MODIS, AIRS, and SEVIRI
- Estimates of Surface Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation over North America from GOES Observations
- Geographic Information Network of Alaska: Real-Time Synoptic Satellite Data for Alaska and the High Arctic, Best Available DEMs, and Highest Available Resolution Imagery for Alaska
- Has There Been any Progress in Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting?
- Integrated Ocean Profile Data Delivery for Operations and Climate Research
- Low Frequency Variations of Relative Sea Level
- Over Ocean Atmospheric Validation Of Airs Radiances
- Recent Progress in Assimilating Advanced Satellite Sensor Observations for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Routine Ocean Monitoring With Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Obtained From the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Satellite Observation of Global Atmospheric Methane in the Past 3 Years by AIRS
- The temporal and spectral interpretation of passive microwave measurements for estimating Snow Water Equivalent and the Grain Size parameter over Northern US and Canadian Plains
- Tropical Cyclone Structure Analysis: A Multi-Sensor Approach
- Using regression models to enhance signals in a dispersive radiative field: Reducing stray light corruption in the limb profiles of the Ozone Mapper Profiler Suite (OMPS)
- WAVES (Water Vapor Variability Satellite/Sondes) - An Aura Satellite Validation Field Campaign Hosted at the Howard University Research Campus in Beltsville, MD
- A Geospatial Database that Supports Derivation of Climatological Features of Severe Weather
- A Global Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System for the USDA-FAS Crop Assessment Data Retrieval and Evaluation (CADRE) Decision Support System
- A Validation of Remotely Sensed Fires Using Ground Reports
- A-Train Tropospheric Chemistry Observations on 30 August 2006 over the 2006 TexAQS/GoMACCS Study Area
- ABI Solar Channel Bidirectional Reflectance Simulation
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements and Comparisons with Transport Models
- Biomass Combustions and Burning Emissions Inferred from GOES Fire Radiative Power
- Cloud Ice: A Climate Model Challenge With Signs and Expectations of Progress
- Community Radiative Transfer Model for Satellite Radiance Simulation
- Correcting Unintended Perturbation Biases in Hydrologic Data Assimilation Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Delineation of Aerial Extent of Precipitation Using Multi-Spectral Remotely Sensed Data
- Frequency and zonal wavenumber spectra of altimetric sea level in the North Pacific as revealed by 9 years of TOPEX data
- GIS Services, Visualization Products, and Interoperability at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
- Global Monitoring of Tropospheric Pollution from Geostationary Orbit
- Global Precipitation Reanalysis and Reconstruction Based on Satellite and In Situ Data
- Global ocean heat content 1955-2006 in light of recently revealed instrumentation problems
- Improved Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Profiles Using AIRS and TES Measurements
- Interoperability Between Geoscience And Geospatial Catalog Protocols
- Large-Scale Ozone and Aerosol Variations Observed Over the Pacific Ocean During the INTEX-B Field Experiment
- NOAA's Global Earth Observation - Integrated Data Environment (GEO-IDE)
- Observations of Ozone and Aerosols Over Mexico and Gulf of Mexico During INTEX- B/MILAGRO Field Experiment
- RAQMS chemical data assimilation studies of trans-pacific pollution transport during the 2006 INTEX-B field mission
- Sea Level Station Metadata for Tsunami Detection, Warning and Research
- Soil Moisture Data Assimilation with the Noah Land Surface Model
- Spatial Trend Patterns in Atmospheric Temperature Observations of the Microwave Sounding Unit
- Spatio-Temporal Associations of MISR and GOES AOD with Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentrations in Eastern US
- Study of Light Scattering and Reflectance by an Atmosphere with Nonspherical Mineral Dust Aerosols
- The NASA NEESPI Tools Use in Studies of Environmental Changes in Northern Eurasia
- The NOAA Near Real-time OMI-SO2 Cloud Visualization and Product Distribution System
- Tropical Cyclone Weather and Storminess
- Use of TES, AIRS and other satellite data for evaluation of air quality modeling efforts by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
- Using GOES Water Vapor to Define the Tropopause Break and Detect Stratospheric Ozone in the Upper Troposphere
- Validation of AIRS v5.0.14.0 CO Retrievals From INTEX-A and B
- Validation of Ozone Measurements From the SBUV/2 and OMI Data Sets
- Web Services at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
- An Overview of the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) Project
- Collection 5 MODIS LAI/FPAR Products
- Comparison of Airborne Lidar Measurements of Ozone to Model Analyses During the INTEX-B Field Experiment.
- Earth System Data Record Of Vegetation Leaf Area Index From Multiple Satellite-Borne Sensors: Evaluation And Validation
- Enhanced operational methods in the NOAA Umkehr ground-based network for the future OMPS validation.
- Establishing the calibration link between VIIRS on NPP/NPOESS and AVHRR on POES using the Antarctic Dome C site and SNO methodology
- Evaluation of ASCAT Ocean Surface Vector Wind (OSVW) Retrievals at NOAA OPC
- Evaluation of a Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System Over the Conterminous United States
- Global and regional aerosol variations during the EOS satellite era 2000-2007: An analysis using multiple satellite sensors and the global model GOCART
- Improved Tropopause Based Ozone Climatology For Infrared Satellite Retrievals
- Land Surface Emissivity Comparisons for IASI Window Channels in the NCEP Global Data Assimilation System
- Making GOES Data Available to the GEOSS Community through Technology Infusion
- NOAA's Approach to Integration of its Environmental Data Management Services
- NOAA's GEO-IDE Initiative - Enhancing the Discoverability, Accessibility, and Usability of Environmental Information
- NPOESS Observation Simulations in Preparation for Near Real-Time Data Distribution
- Pacific Region Integrated Climatology Information Products (PRICIP) Derived-data Products
- Retrieval of Tropopause with Hyperspectral Infrared Radiance Measurements
- Satellite observations of megacity air pollution, biomass burning emissions, and their long- range transport
- Simulating the Effects of Fire on Forests in the Russian Far East: Integrating a Fire Danger Model and the FAREAST Forest Growth Model Across a Complex Landscape
- Temperature Change and water vapor feedback. A Comprehensive assessment using the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder
- The Three-Dimensional Air Quality System (3D-AQS) as a Data Synthesis Toolbox
- The effect of nonsphericity on the scattering and radiative properties of mineral dust aerosols: An application to the deep blue aerosol retrieval algorithm
- Toward an Adequate Quantification of Summer CH4 Emissions From Asia Using Satellite Observation by AIRS and Atmospheric Transport Model
- Using CALIPSO Observations to Evaluate Model Predictions of Aerosol Transport into the Arctic
- Validation of Remotely Sensed Fire Detections Using Ground and Aircraft Reports
- Verification of Multi-sensor Precipitation Reanalysis
- Water Vapor Correction for the Operational Calibration of NOAA AVHRR Solar Reflective Channels
- Web-based near real-time global quality control and monitoring of satellite SST and clear- sky radiances over oceans
- Westward Traveling Speeds of Sea-level Variations in the North Pacific as Revealed by 2D Frequency-wavenumber Spectra From 9 Years of TOPEX Data
- 30-Year Mid-Tropospheric Temperature Trends over the Polar Regions Using MSU/AMSU-A Data
- A Multi-angle Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval Algorithm for GOES
- A Terrestrial Surface Climate Data Record for Global Change Studies
- Aerosol Spatial and Temporal Variations Over a Coastal Area: Implications for Geostationary Satellite Measurements
- Aerosol and Ocean Science Expedition (AEROSE) Dedicated Marine Radiosondes for CrIMSS and GOES-R Proxy Datasets
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Arctic Sea Ice and Its Changes during the Satellite Period
- Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) High Spectral Resolution Radiance Climate-Quality Dataset for Validating Climate Analyses
- Canadian and Siberian Boreal Fire Activity during ARCTAS Spring and Summer Phases
- Case study of the 2008 Northern California wildfires and their effect on local air quality
- Climate change and tropical total lightning
- Development of Lookup Tables and Validation Effort in Support of CRTM
- EO Clearinghouse for GEO
- Emissions, transport, and chemistry downwind of oil extraction facilities in the Alaskan Arctic
- Error Budget Analysis for the GOES-R ABI Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm
- Evaluating Contributions of Wetland and Lake Emissions of Methane to Atmospheric Methane Concentrations with models of Biogeochemistry and Atmospheric Chemistry Transport in Northern High Latitudes
- Evaluation of the RAQMS Regional Model During the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-North America
- Forecast of hurricane Track and Intensity Using Remote Sensing Data (Invited)
- Global changes in warm cloud morphological properties and feedback mechanisms as measured by the AVHRR satellite sensor
- Inferring Global Cloud Cover Properties And Trends From Thirty Years Of HIRS Data
- Investigating the Water Vapor Component of the Greenhouse Effect from the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS)
- Large-Scale Ozone and Aerosol Variations Observed Over the Arctic During the ARCTAS Field Experiment
- Laser Altimetry Sampling Strategies over Sea Ice
- Merging Satellites, Models and Gauges to Obtain New Precipitation Estimates
- Modeling study on the factors affecting regional air quality during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
- NOAA Plans for Next Generation, Space-based, Operational Observations (Invited)
- NOAA’s Global Earth Observation - Integrated Data Environment (GEO-IDE) in Action: Integration of Gridded Datasets
- NPOESS Preparatory Project Ozone Mapper and Profiler Suite - Expected Performance
- NPOESS Preparatory Project Validation Program for the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- NPOESS Preparatory Project Validation Program for the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite
- NRL Satellite Volcanic Ash Plume Monitoring
- New Automated Methods for Detecting Volcanic Ash and Retrieving its Macro- and Micro-physical Properties
- On the Interactions of Arctic Sea Ice, Cloud Cover, and Surface Temperature from Satellite Observations
- Progress on Data Integration at NOAA
- Reprocessing MSU/AMSU/SSU long-term satellite instruments for climate monitoring and reanalyses
- Retrieval of surface properties from high temporal resolution geostationary infrared radiance measurements
- Simulation of AMSR-E Brightness Temperature in LIS-CRTM System
- Spatial and Temporal Sampling Strategies Using High-Resolution Atmospheric Chemistry Model Data: Application for a Time-Resolved Tropospheric Chemistry Mission Study
- The Development of a Snowfall Rate Algorithm Using Satellite Passive Microwave Data
- The Expected Impacts of NPOESS Microwave and Infrared Sounder Radiances on Operational Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation Systems
- The GOES-R Approach to Imager Based Sulfur Dioxide Detection
- The NOAA-NASA OMI/GOME-2 Near-Real-Time Monitoring System of Volcanic SO2 and Aerosol Clouds
- The NPOESS Crosstrack Infrared Sounder (CrIS) and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) as a Companion to the New Generation AIRS/AMSU and IASI/AMSU Sounder Suites
- The Role of Local to Large Scale Meteorological Processes in the Development of Pollution Events in East Texas: Implications for a Geostationary Chemistry Mission
- Towards a Space-Based Estimate of Tropospheric Column BrO: A Description of Model Estimates of the Stratospheric Contribution to the Total Column
- Transport Analysis of Ozone Enhancement in Southern Ontario during BAQS-Met
- Understanding Satellite BrO Measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Understanding the transport pathways of pollutants to the Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/CARB campaign: A regional scale modeling study
- Using CLARREO for spectral calibration of NOAA operational satellite sensors: Lessons learned from studies with AIRS and IASI
- Validation of Volcanic Ash Forecasting Performed by the Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center
- Validations of GOES-R ABI Aerosol Products
- 4D-Var inversion of atmospheric methane fluxes by assimilating SCIAMACHY and AIRS satellite retrievals
- A Decision Support System for Ecosystem-Based Management of Tropical Coral Reef Environments
- A Multi-Sensor Approach to Access Precipitation Patterns and Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Southeastern United States
- A New Interpretation of Total Column BrO during Arctic Spring
- A Study of Warm-cloud rain Detection using A-Train Satellite Data
- A Validation of Automated and Quality Controlled Satellite Based Fire Detection
- A first comparison of CryoSat-2 and ICEBridge altimetry from April 20, 2010 over Arctic Sea Ice
- An Observing System Simulation Experiment for the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in improving tropical cyclone forecasts
- Analysis of Aerosol Optical and Physical Properties and Their Impact on Surface Radiative Energy Budget and Atmospheric Thermodynamics during Aerose Campaigns
- Assessment of Tidal Stream Energy Potential for the United States
- Automated Infrared Retrievals of Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Ash Cloud Properties (Invited)
- Can Models Replicate Observed Temperature Trends Over the Past Decade? (Invited)
- Comparisons and Assessments of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Fields of Modern Reanalyses
- Developing Winter Precipitation Algorithm over land from Satellite Microwave and C3VP Field Campaign observations
- Ensemble modeling of the Eyjafjallajokull plume of 15-20 April 2010
- Evaluating ERA-Interim Performance using recalibrated AMSU-A Observations
- Evaluation of High-Resolution Satellite Rainfall Products over the Nile Basin for Climatologic and Hydrologic Applications
- Examining Insurance Loss Return Periods with Extreme Event Intensity Thresholds across the US: 1980-2010
- Extended AVHRR Polar Pathfinder (APP-x) Products for Studying the Cryosphere During the Satellite Era
- IASI Products Processing System at the NOAA/NESDIS
- Integrating climate data management and access with the Unified Access Framework, a GEO-IDE project
- Inter-Comparison of Temperature Variability from Multiple Radiosondes, Reanalyses Products and CMIP5/IPCC Climate Model Simulation
- Interpreting the Latitudinal Structure of Differences Between Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends (Invited)
- Introduction of A Day/Night, Object-Based Quantitative Fog/Low Cloud Detection and Thickness Algorithm for GOES-R
- Large-Scale Circulation Trends coupled to Tropical Deep Convection and the Consequences for Climate Change
- Microphysical cloud parameters in the PATMOS-X data set derived from 30 years of AVHRR measurements
- Monitoring Inland Ice Cover under All-weather Conditions with the Combined Use of Microwave and GOES-R Observations
- Multispectral cloud-clearing using IASI sounding and collocated AVHRR imager measurements
- NOAA Enterprise Archive Access Tool
- Near-real Time Monitoring of Global Biomass Burning Emissions from Multiple Geostationary Instruments
- Nested-observation error covariance matrix in 1dVAR approach
- Operational Satellite-based Surface Oil Analyses (Invited)
- Radiative effects due to tropospheric ozone and carbonaceous aerosol enhancements caused by Asian wildfires during Spring, 2008
- Recalibration of Historical HIRS Level 1b data for Climate Studies
- Recent Improvements to the TRMM Microwave Imager Land Rainfall Algorithm
- Regional Assessment of Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Properties Using PATMOS-x
- Retrieving ice cloud properties by using a fast infrared radiative transfer model
- The AVHRR component of a long-term global active fire data record
- The Development Of NCEP Global Aerosol Modeling System: Fire Emissions
- The Development of AMSU-A Fundamental CDR's
- The Evolution of Operational Satellite Based Remote Sensing in Support of Weather Analysis, Nowcasting, and Hazard Mitigation
- The ICESat Arctic-Ocean Mean Sea Surface: Reference Field for Future Satellite and Airborne Altimetry over Sea Ice
- Toward Global Soundings and Atmospheric Measurements for Climate and NWP Using GNSS Radio Occultation Systems
- Towards community consensus clear-sky ocean radiances and SSTs from AVHRR
- Uncertainties Evaluation of Temperature Trends from Multiple Radiosondes, Microwave Sounding Units and Reanalyses Products
- Validation of GOES-R Rainfall Rate Algorithm through TRMM PR and NIMROD radars
- 10-Years of Aqua and Terra MODIS and Regional Cloud Amounts
- A Five-Year Data Set of Insolation from GOES
- A GOES Thermal-based Drought Early Warning System
- A Terrestrial Surface Climate Data Record for Global Change Studies
- Accessing Recent Trend of Land Surface Temperature from Satellite Observations
- Aerosol Quality Monitor (AQUAM)
- An Objective Methodology to Optimally Merge Satellite- and Model-Based Soil Moisture Products for Obtaining a New Drought Product
- Analysis of the interhemispheric tropospheric vertical distribution of ozone over the Atlantic Ocean: Assessing the "ozone paradox" during the 2011 Aerosols and Ocean Science Expedition (AEROSE-VII)
- Arctic Sea Ice Changes, Interactions, and Feedbacks on the Arctic Climate during the Satellite Era
- Arctic sea ice freeboard from CryoSat-2: Validation using data from the first IceBridge underflight
- Assessment of NOAA Processed OceanSat-2 Scatterometer Ocean Surface Vector Wind Products
- Brewer Umkehr ozone profile retrievals
- Bringing it All Together: NODC's Geoportal Server as an Integration Tool for Interoperable Data Services
- Characterization of precipitation extremes at high spatial and temporal resolution in the Southeastern United States derived from long-term satellite and radar rainfall estimates
- Comparison of Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements from GOES-13, Aircraft, AERONET and the Surface During DISCOVER-AQ in July 2011
- Developing an orographic adjustment for the SCaMPR algorithm
- Diurnal cycle of precipitation in the Southeast U.S. using high spatial and temporal resolution quantitative precpitation estimates and radar-reflectivity products derived from National Mosaic and Multi-sensor QPE (NMQ/Q2)
- Dual Assimilation of Microwave and Thermal-Infrared Satellite Observations of Soil Moisture into NLDAS for Improved Drought Monitoring
- Estimating the Mg II Index from 1961 Through 1981 Using Ca II K Images from the MtWilson Observatory
- Evaluation of Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks using TRMM/LIS Observations
- Evaluation of SCaMPR Satellite QPEs for Operational Hydrologic Prediction
- GLM Proxy Data Generation: Methods for Stroke/Pulse Level Inter-comparison of Ground-based Lightning Reference Networks
- Impacts of extra-regional pollutants on summertime California ozone levels and the implications on the secondary ozone standard design values
- Integration and Visualization of Multiple Sensors in Generating the NOAA Operational Snow and Ice Cover Products
- Inter-comparison of Convective Cell-based Lightning Trends from Ground-based Networks: Applications toward GLM
- Intercomparisons of ground-based and satellite-based lightning measurements used in creating a proxy dataset for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Land Cover Classification at Continental to Global Scales using Kernel Machines
- North American Satelite Climatology of 3d Solar Cloud Effects and its Applicability for Renewable Energy Sources
- Pre-launch Research to Integrate NASA SMAP Soil Moisture and Freeze/Thaw State Products in Applications
- Progress in Near Real-Time Volcanic Cloud Observations Using Satellite UV Instruments
- Radiative Forcing, Satellite Validation, and Thermodynamic Impact of Aerosols during Aerose Campaigns
- Real-time Transmission and Distribution of NOAA Tail Doppler Radar Data and Other Data Products
- Remote Sensing for Air Quality Applications: An Overview for the Eastern US
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Ozone in the Boundary Layer and Free Troposphere
- Surface Solar Radiation from Geostationary Satellites for Renewable Energy
- The Arizona Wallow Wildfire: Monitoring It's Progress, Extreme Behavior and Long Range Smoke Transport from Multiple Satellite Platforms
- The Development of AMSU-B/MHS Fundamental CDR's
- The GOES-R Air Quality Proving Ground: Introducing the Air Quality User Community to the Next Generation of NOAA Geostationary Satellite Products
- The GOES-R Proving Ground: 2012 Update
- The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) version 5
- The Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST) From Research to Operation
- The Unified Access Framework (UAF) guide to building an interoperable gridded data service in about 15 minutes
- The consistency of cloud climatologies derived from several sensors
- The next generation of ocean data services at the U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
- Towards an integrated soil moisture drought monitor for East Africa
- Transitioning a Chesapeake Bay Ecological Prediction System to Operations
- Uncertainties in PATMOS-x Cloud Climate Data Record Time-Series
- Uncertainty analysis of the hydro-estimator and the self-calibrating multivariate precipitation retrieval over a mountainous region
- VIIRS Cloud Mask Validation Exercises
- What Happened to Temperature and precipitation with Sunspot Activity in the Past 100 Years?
- A Terrestrial Surface Climate Data Record for Global Change Studies
- A fast radiance simulator for the solar bands of NPP/VIIRS instrument
- A ground-based trace gas observing system for detection of Arctic and Boreal change
- A physical/variational approach to the inversion of precipitation and quantification of the associated errors
- Accuracy Assessments of ATMS Upper-Level Temperature Sounding Channels Using COSMIC RO Data
- Adapting MODIS Dust Mask Algorithm to Suomi NPP VIIRS for Air Quality Applications
- Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval using GOES-East and GOES-West Reflected Radiances over the Western United States
- Aerosol indirect effect on tropospheric ozone via lightning
- Analysis of In-Situ of Ozone Measurements in Saharan Mineral Dust during AEROSE Cruises
- Application of Cloud Vertical Structure to Investigate the Microphysical and Optical Properties of Cirriform, Anvil, and Deep Convective Clouds
- Assessment of polar orbiting and geostationary satellite active fire retrievals using a suite of ground, airborne and spaceborne reference data sets
- Assessment of the Suomi NPP/VIIRS aerosol products using the collocated Aqua/MODIS aerosol products
- Atmospheric Motion Vectors Derived via a New Nested Tracking Algorithm Developed for the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)
- Bias correction of AMSU in GSI for HWRF
- CREST-Snow Analysis and Field Experiment (CREST-SAFE): Continuous In Situ Observations of Snow Physical Properties and Microwave Emission
- Characteristics of Double Tropopause Layers Observed During TORERO
- Comparison between NPP-VIIRS aerosol data products and the MODIS Aqua 'Deep Blue' Collection 6 dataset
- DEA-I: A Globally Configurable Open Source Software Package in Support of Air Quality Forecasts
- Derivation of AN Experimental Satellite-Based T-S Diagram
- Detecting Power Outages with the VIIRS DNB Images - potentials and challenges
- Developing a compositing algorithm for retrieval of green vegetation fraction
- Development of a Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America
- Downlink Specifications for GOES-R Direct Readout Users
- EPA AirNow Satellite Data Processor (ASDP) for Improving Air Quality Information
- Effects of Surface Albedo on Smoke Detection Through Geostationary Satellite Imagery in the Hazard Mapping System (HMS)
- Envisioning Improvements in NOAA Environmental Data Management
- Evaluation and Improvement of the NPP CrIMSS Rain Flag
- Evaluation of Recent VIIRS Sensor Performance in the Coastal Ocean
- Evaluation of a Remotely Sensed Evaporative Stress Index for Monitoring Patterns of Anomalous Water Use
- Expanding the Estimation of Surface PM2.5 from Aqua and Terra MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth in the EPA's AirNow Satellite Data Processor to Suomi NPP VIIRS
- Five Ages of Data Discovery and Access from the US National Oceanographic Data Center
- Forecasting Stratospheric Intrusion Events over the Western US for Exceptional Event Demonstration
- From MODIS to VIIRS: Steps toward continuing the dark-target aerosol climate data record
- Global drought watch from space at work: Crop losses and food security
- Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature: Are results robust to uncertainties?
- Impact Assessment and Data Assimilation of NOAA NPP/JPSS Sounding Products and Quality Control Parameters
- Impact of Southern California anthropogenic emissions on air quality in the Western US
- Impact of Spatial Resolution on Surface PM2.5 Monitoring using Satellite-derived Aerosol Optical Thickness
- Impacts of Wind Farms on Local Land Surface Temperature
- Improving OMPS Products Through the Use of Higher Spatial Resolution Data
- Improving monitoring of tropical forests using year 2009 SEVIRI data
- Inter-Comparison of NPP/CrIS with AIRS and IASI
- Leveraging currently available spaceborne microwave observational datasets for GPM-related algorithm development purposes
- Long-Term Stability Assessment of Sonoran Desert for Vicarious Calibration of GOES-R
- Monitoring Fires from Space: a case study in transitioning from research to applications
- Monitoring evapotranspiration and water resources with thermal infrared geostationary sensors: An intercomparison with model-based ET predictions and tower observations
- Moving Toward Continuous Satellite Monitoring of PM2.5 Using the GOES Aerosol/Smoke Product (GASP) and Aircraft Profiles
- NESDIS OSPO Data Access Policy and CRM
- NOAA In Situ - Satellite Blended Analysis of Surface Salinity (BASS): Prototype Algorithm and Applications
- NOAA's operational predictions of wildfire smoke and dust from dust storms for air quality applications
- Noaa's Jpss Program: the Next Generation of Operational Earth Observations
- North American Water Program (NAWP): A Vision to Address North America's Freshwater Sustainability Challenges
- OMPS SDR Status and Performance Evaluation
- Observations and modeling of formaldehyde during TORERO
- Observing System Simulation Experiments for DWSS in the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
- Ocean Acidification Scientific Data Stewardship: An approach for end-to-end data management and integration
- On the New Satellite Aerosol Measurements for Atmospheric Applications: VIIRS Aerosol Products
- Operational Applications from the Suomi Npp and Jpss Satellites
- Operational Use of Near Real Time Remote sensing Data at the U.S. National Ice Center (NIC)
- Optimal ATMS Resampling for Precipitation and Atmospheric Sounding
- Overview of NPP VIIRS Aerosol Algorithms and Data Products
- Quantifying Uncertainty in the MODIS Cloud Record for use in Climate Applications
- Quantifying wildfire impacts on air quality during the ARCTAS-CARB campaign: Contribution of fire emissions to NAAQS exceedances
- Radiative accuracy assessment of CrIS upper level channels using COSMIC RO data
- Satellite Observations of Mid-upper Tropospheric Methane Using Infrared Sounders AIRS, IASI, and CrIS
- Satellite radar altimetry in the Arctic: An analysis of Envisat/RA-2 and CryoSat-2 measurements over sea ice.
- Snow cover detection and snow depth algorithms for the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) AMSR2 instrument
- Status Report on Evaluation of OMPS SDR
- Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Environmental Data Records: Algorithm Status and Product Maturity
- Suomi Npp and Jpss Pre-Launch Test Data Collection and Archive
- São Paulo Lightning Mapping Array (SP-LMA): Deployment, Operation, Network Assessment and Initial Results
- The GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM)
- The NASA EV-2 CYGNSS Small Satellite Constellation Mission
- The NASA EV-2 Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Mission
- The New and Improved Imager on GOES-R
- The Satellite Observed channel Radiance simulation in OSSEs
- The Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP) CalVal Overview
- Total Column Ozone and Ozone Profiles from the OMPS Nadir Instruments on NPP
- Towards Interoperable Data Access through
- Tracer Modeling with the Hybrid Coordinates Ocean Model (hycom)
- Tropical Cyclone Warm Core Structure Retrieved from ATMS
- Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Variability from AIRS and IASI Under Cloudy Conditions
- Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) - Long-term Tropospheric Ozone and Aerosol Profiling for Satellite Continuity and Process Studies
- Two Years of Ozone Vertical Profiles Collected from Aircraft over California and the Pacific Ocean
- Uses of Satellite Data for Hurricane Modeling and Coastal Precipitation Forecasts: Part I: Observations and Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts
- Utilization of Precipitation and Moisture Products Derived from Satellites to Support NOAA Operational Precipitation Forecasts
- What is a Cloud: the Choices People Make and Why They Regret Them
- Wind Lidar OSSEs in the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
- A Physical Approach to the Inversion of Geophysical Products from GCOM-W1 AMSR2 using the MiRS Algorithm
- Application of Uncertainty in the Modis Cloud Climatological Record
- Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from Satellite Observations, Aircraft Field Campaign Measurements, and Numerical Model Simulations
- Assessment of Cryospheric Products Derived from Microwave Sensors Using the MiRS Algorithm with Applications to GCOM-W/AMSR2
- Beyond MODIS: Developing an aerosol climate data record
- Calibration/Validation of S-NPP/VIIRS Day-Night Band using Moon Light
- Characterizing uncertainty in the motion, future location and ash concentrations of volcanic plumes and ash clouds
- Climate Monitoring from Space - Architecture for Sustained Observations
- Community Radiative Transfer Model for Aerosol Radiance Assimilation in Global and Regional Models
- Comparison between DMSP-OLS and S-NPP Day-Night Band in Correlating with Regional Socio-economic Variables
- Current Status of Suomi NPP VIIRS Aerosol Products
- Distribution of tropospheric ozone over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
- Estimation of Precipitation from GCOM-W1/AMSR-2 Using the MiRS Algorithm: Assessment and Preliminary Results
- Evaluating tropospheric humidity observations from modern space-borne microwave instruments
- Evaluation of Extinction Profiles and Aerosol Optical Depth from Lidar and DRAGON in the Baltimore-Washington DISCOVER-AQ Experiment (Invited)
- Evaluation of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions over California in Spring 2010
- Evaluation of atmospheric chemical models using aircraft data (Invited)
- Forecasting Stratospheric Intrusion Events over the Western US for Exceptional Event Demonstration
- Global Ocean Nowcast/Forecast SST's from Multi-model Ensembles
- Gravity current model of the volumetric growth of volcanic clouds: remote assessment with satellite imagery and estimation of mass eruption rate
- Initial Results from the Diurnal Land/Atmosphere Coupling Experiment (DICE)
- Interannual Variations in Global Vegetation Phenology Derived from a Long Term AVHRR and MODIS Data Record
- International collaboration between Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers: Geospatially enabled tools to ensure forecast harmonization across global air routes
- Investigating Satellite Microwave observations of Precipitation in Different Climate Regimes
- Land Long Term Climate Data Records from AVHRR, MODIS and VIIRS
- Mid-Pacific Ground-Truth Data For Validation of the CrIMSS Sensor Suite Aboard Suomi-NPP
- NOAA Activities and Plans for New Operational Space Weather Platforms and Sensors
- NOAA GCOM-W1/AMSR2 Product Processing and Validation System (Invited)
- NOAA Satellite Air Quality Proving Ground: Providing Near-Real Guidance to Forecasters on Dust and Haze Events using Suomi-NPP/VIIRS and GOES-R/ABI Aerosol Products
- Near real-time global profile and total amounts of ozone using S-NPP CrIS and OMPS sensor products
- Observations of a large mid-tropospheric aerosol plume: High-Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) optical properties, Real-time Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS) back trajectory analysis and Trace Organic Gas Analyzer (TOGA) chemical properties
- Observations of ozone transport from the free troposphere to an exceedance area
- Preliminary snow products from the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) AMSR2 instrument
- Role of Central American biomass burning smoke in increasing tornado severity in the US
- Sea Ice Concentration with the Combined Use of Microwave and Visible/infrared Observations
- The 2013 Eruptions of Pavlof and Mount Veniaminof Volcanoes, Alaska
- Validation of NOAA's AMSR2 Precipitation Product
- A Photo Storm Report Mobile Application, Processing/Distribution System, and AWIPS-II Display Concept
- A near real time regional JPSS and GOES-R data assimilation system for high impact weather research and applications
- Algorithm to Detect Dust and Smoke in Suomi-NPP VIIRS Imagery
- All-Weather Sounding of Moisture and Temperature From Microwave Sensors Using a Coupled Surface/Atmosphere Inversion Algorithm
- BrO in the Tropical and Subtropical UTLS: Longitudinal Gradients over the Pacific Ocean
- Characteristics and Seasonality of the Submesoscale Regime in the Gulf Stream Region
- Characterization of the Difference between Aerosol Retrievals from Multi-Sensors and AERONET
- Characterizing Uncertainty in a New Patmos-x Merged AVHRR/Hirs Cloud Record
- CloudSat & A-Train Observations of Tropical Cyclones: Examining Effects of Wind Shear on Storm Structure
- Community Radiative Transfer Model for Inter-Satellites Calibration and Verification
- Comparing sources of variability in cloud-characterized HIRS radiances
- Coupling analyses of new high-resolution regional ocean climatologies and ocean model output in relation to long-term AMOC fluctuations
- Development of an Algorithm Suite for MODIS and VIIRS Cloud Data Record Continuity
- Ensemble Forecasting - Reducing Systematic Error and Identifying Forecast Errors
- Evaluating NCEP Global Dust Forecasts using VIIRS Dust Mask Index and VIIRS Aerosol Observations
- Evaluation of HWRF Synthetic Satellite Brightness Temperatures
- Evaluation of VIIRS, GOCI, and MODIS Collection 6 AOD retrievals against ground sunphotometer measurements over East Asia
- Evaluation of global stream flow routing based on gridded run-off fluxes of Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS)
- Evolving Data System Architectures in NOAA: Perspectives from the National Data Centers
- GOES-R Rapid Refresh Imagery Advancements for the Earth and Space Weather Enterprise
- Global Tpw and Uth Trends Inferred from 10 Years of Hiirs and MODIS Data
- Improved Ozone Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from S-NPP and NASA "A Train" Satellites
- Improved Satellite Techniques for Monitoring and Forecasting the Transition of Hurricanes to Extratropical Storms
- Improvements in Satellite-Derived Short-Term Insolation Forecasting: Statistical Comparisons, Challenges for Advection-Based Forecasts, and New Techniques
- Improvements to a Low-Latency, GPM-Ready Rainfall Rate Algorithm
- Improving Surface Reflectance Estimation for VIIRS AOT Retrieval over Land
- Ionospheric Forecast during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Using the IDEA Model
- JPSS Cryosphere Algorithms: Integration and Testing in Algorithm Development Library (ADL)
- Lessons Learned from the Deployment and Integration of a Microwave Sounder Based Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Surface Wind Estimation Algorithm into NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Product Operations
- Long-term dust climatology in the western United States
- MDA8 O<SUB>3</SUB> Values at Rural Surface Sites in Nevada, USA: Results from Two Years of the Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative (NVROI)
- Maintaining JPSS Product Quality
- NOAA View: An Exploration Tool to Simplify Data Access and Visualization
- NOAA/MiRS: A 1-Dimensional Variational Retrieval Approach for the GPM Microwave Imager
- Near Real Time Integration of Satellite and Radar Data for Probabilistic Nearcasting of Severe Weather
- New Radiosonde Temperature Bias Adjustments for Potential NWP Applications Based on GPS RO Data
- Potential Updates to VIIRS Aerosol Optical Thickness Algorithm
- Radiometric Inter-Comparison between Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 on METOp-A/B
- Real-time testing of satellite-based wild fire detection and their associated pollution impact on surface concentration of particulate matter
- S-NPP CrIS Full Resolution Sensor Data Record Processing and Evaluations
- S-NPP OMPS Nadir In-Flight Performance
- Scientific Overview of Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) Program
- Snow cover detection and snow depth algorithms for the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) AMSR2 instrument using AMSR-E/AMSR2 measurements
- Snpp CrIS Instrumental Status and Raw Data Record Quality Since the Mission
- Stratospheric contribution to surface ozone in the desert Southwest during the 2013 Las Vegas Ozone Study
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) CubeSat Constellation
- Tests of WRF Microphysics in GFS
- The GOES-R ABI Fixed Grid Format: Overview and Case Study
- The Morphological Composite Product of Cloud Properties for Alaska
- The National Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Database: A Comprehensive Resource for United States Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Records
- The Role of Suomi NPP VIIRS Data in Land Science and Applications.
- Towards the Consideration of Surface and Environment variables for a Microwave Precipitation Algorithm Over Land
- Trends and uncertainties in U.S. cloud cover from weather stations and satellite data
- VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Products for Air Quality Applications
- VIIRS Unique Fires Compared to the NOAA Hazard Mapping System Fire Analysis
- Wintertime Cloud Cover as a Contributor towards Inter-Annual Sea Ice Variability.
- A Gauge - OLR Blended Analysis of Global Daily Precipitation: A 37-Year Data Record for Hydroclimate Applications
- A Study of Aerosol Effect on Marine Water Clouds with Long-term Satellite Climate Data Records
- A Study of Global Cirrus Optical and Microphysical Properties Based on an Efficient Infrared Retrieval Method
- Accessing and Visualizing Satellite Data for Fisheries Managers in the Northeast Large Marine Ecosystem
- An Active Forward Model for Simulating Satellite Radar Observations
- Application of Airborne Sea Ice Observations Towards Improving Satellite-based Products
- Assessing Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling from a Global Land Data Assimilation Reanalysis
- Assessment of Long-Term Stability in the PATMOS-x Cloud Climate Data Record
- Automated JPSS VIIRS GEO code change testing by using Chain Run Scripts
- Biological Heating in a Global Operational Ocean Forecast System: Using VIIRS Products and a Two-band Scheme
- C3Winds: A Novel 3D Wind Observing System to Characterize Severe Weather Events
- Community Radiative Transfer Model Applications - A Study of the Retrieval of Trace Gases in the Atmosphere from Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Data of a Full-spectral Resolution
- Designing Collaborative Developmental Standards by Refactoring of the Earth Science Models, Libraries, Workflows and Frameworks.
- Detection of supercooled liquid water-topped mixed-phase clouds >from shortwave-infrared satellite observations
- Development of an Algorithm for MODIS and VIIRS Cloud Optical Property Data Record Continuity
- Development of an Aura Chemical Reanalysis in support Air Quality Applications
- Diagnosing Cloud Biases in Climate Models by Comparing Forecast-Mode Simulations With Satellite Observations
- Evaluating the new NASA S-NPP continuity cloud products for climate research using CALIPSO and L3 analysis
- Evaluation of quantitative satellite-based retrievals of volcanic ash clouds
- Extending MODIS Cloud Top and Infrared Phase Climate Records with VIIRS and CrIS
- Extending the Global and Regional Cloud Amount trends from MODIS through VIIRS
- Fostering Engagement Activities To Advance Adaptation And Resiliency
- Full Spectral Resolution Data Generation from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder on S-NPP at NOAA and its Use to Investigate Uncertainty in Methane Absorption Band Near 7.66 µm
- GSICS Satellite Intercalibration Products
- How to Get Data from NOAA Environmental Satellites: An Overview of Operations, Products, Access and Archive
- Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA "A Train", NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
- Inter-Comparisons between Radiometric and Geometric Cloud Top Height Products
- Investigation of ozone sources in California using AJAX airborne measurements and models: Implications for stratospheric intrusion and long range transport
- JPSS application in a near real time regional numerical forecast system at CIMSS
- Monitoring Satellite-derived Surface Solar Radiation with Near Real Time Reference Data
- NOAA SBUV(/2) Ozone Merged Cohesive Climate Data Record
- NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) Environmental Data Record and Validation
- Neural Network Technique For: (a) Gap-Filling Of Satellite Ocean Color Observations, And (b) Bridging Multiple Satellite Ocean Color Missions
- Precipitation Climate Data Records
- Presenting DSCOVR: The First NOAA Mission to Leave Earth Orbit
- Rainfall Controls on Land Surface Phenology over "Never-green" and "Ever-green" Lands in Africa
- Reduction of NCEP Global Forecast System 2-m Temperature Forecast Errors
- Science-Grade Observing Systems as Process Observatories: Mapping and Understanding Nonlinearity and Multiscale Memory with Models and Observations
- Sea Ice in the NCEP Climate Forecast System
- Space-time downscaling of precipitation for high resolution LDAS experiment
- Studies on the Synergy of TEMPO/GEO-CAPE with GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations
- The NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS): Recent Science Improvements and Validation Results
- The use of moonlight reflectance for improving cloud parameters at night
- Towards Continuity in Cloud Properties from MODIS and Suomi-NPP Polar-Orbiting Sensors
- Use of Air Quality Observations by the National Air Quality Forecast Capability
- Value-added Impact from Future Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Observations on Hurricane Forecasts
- Variation in Tropical Deep Convection Observed by PATMOS-x from 1979 to 2014
- Where are the lightning hotspots on Earth?
- Wild Fire Emissions for the NOAA Operational HYSPLIT Smoke Model
- 50 Years of NOAA N. Hemisphere Snow Cover Analysis: Impact on NOAA NWP Forecasts and Vice Versa
- A Stochastic Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux Boundary Layer and Shallow Convection Parameterization in 1-D NCEP GFS: Implementation and Initial Results
- A coupled high-resolution modeling system to simulate biomass burning emissions, plume rise and smoke transport in real time over the contiguous US
- Assessment of NOAA's NEXRAD reanalysis
- Characterizing the Responses of Land Surface Phenology to the Rainy Season in the Congo Basin
- Cloud and Precipitation Products from CSPP LEO CLAVR-x
- Developing Aerosol Algorithm over Ocean and a Littoral Zone Using the Next Generation Geo-Stationary Observations
- Developing Gridded Products for JPSS VIIRS Land Enterprise Algorithms
- Development of the physics driver in NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS)
- Dust Influences in the Eastern Mediterranean: Multi-scale Assimilation of MODIS AOD
- Early Assessment of Sentinel-3A measurements over Arctic Sea Ice
- Efficient Estimation of the Impact of Observing Systems using EFSO
- Evaluating NASA S-NPP continuity cloud products for climate research using CALIPSO, CATS and Level-3 analysis
- Evaluation and Monitoring of Jpss Land Surface Temperature Data
- Forecast Sensitivity and Observation Impact (FSOI) Inter-comparison Experiment
- GOES-R - Preparing for an Extreme Space Weather Event
- Global Changes in Boundary Layer Clouds and Estimation of Feedback Sensitivity Using the Multi-Decadal PATMOS-x AVHRR + HIRS Cloud Satellite Climatology
- Hands-on Activities Designed to Familiarize Users with Data from ABI on GOES-R and AHI on Himawari-8
- High Resolution Trajectory-Based Smoke Forecasts Using VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth and NUCAPS Carbon Monoxide Retrievals
- Implementation of Globally Simulated Dust within a Physical Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Improvements in Cloud Remote Sensing from Fusing VIIRS and CrIS data
- JPSS Data Product Applications for Monitoring Severe Weather and Environmental Hazards
- JPSS Preparations at the Satellite Proving Ground for Marine, Precipitation, and Satellite Analysis
- Long-term (> 40 years) monitoring of near-surface salinity needed to detect global changes in the hydrological cycle
- Mid-tropospheric Spectral Length-scale Analysis of Many Constituents from Aircraft, Satellite and Model Results During the 2013 SENEX Field Study.
- Monitoring the performance of the next Climate Forecast System version 3, throughout its development stage at EMC/NCEP
- Multi-year strongest California drought from 500 m SNPP/VIIRS
- NCEI-TSG: A Global in situ Sea-surface Salinity and Temperature Database of Thermosalinograph (TSG) Observations
- NOAA Interest in Small Satellite Solutions for Mitigation of Data Gaps
- NOAA Observing System Integrated Analysis (NOSIA): development and support to the NOAA Satellite Observing System Architecture
- NOAA's Regional Climate Services Program: Building Relationships with Partners and Customers to Deliver Trusted Climate Information at Usable Scales
- Ocean Climate Shift Derived from Northwest Atlantic Regional Climatology
- Ocean Data Assimilation in the Gulf of Mexico Using 3D VAR Approach - Preliminary Results
- On The Usage Of Fire Smoke Emissions In An Air Quality Forecasting System To Reduce Particular Matter Forecasting Error
- Operational Ocean Heat Content Variability Estimates From Altimetry: Implications for Weather and Climate Studies
- Performance of the LFSO2 algorithm at NOAA for near real time monitoring volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> cloud
- Precipitation Sedimentation and Advection in GFS
- Preliminary assessment of the GOES-R ABI hourly land surface albedo and reflectance products prototyped with Himawari AHI data
- Progress towards MODIS and VIIRS Cloud Fraction Data Record Continuity
- Progress towards MODIS and VIIRS Cloud Optical Property Data Record Continuity
- Real-time Volcanic Cloud Products and Predictions for Aviation Alerts
- Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Height Distributions for the Arctic Ocean in Winter, Just Prior to Melt
- Sea State Dependent Air-Sea Fluxes in Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Models
- Selection of on-orbit references for Global Space Based Inter-Calibration System
- Signatures of Aerosol Indirect Effect in the Long-term Satellite Climate Data Records over the Global Ocean
- Status and Prospects for Low-Light Visible Sensing from the VIIRS Day/Night Band on Suomi NPP and JPSS-1
- Structural Criteria for Quality Control of Oceanographic Data
- Sub-Seasonal Precipitation and Surface Temperature Forecast Skill Using the Extended Range NCEP Global Ensemble Forecasting System
- The Effects of Ocean Color and Biological Heating on the Upper-ocean Thermal Structure: Sensitivity Analyses Using Science-quality VIIRS Products
- The Interactive Multi-sensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) over the Last Two Decades.
- The MUlti-SpEctral, MUlti-SpEcies, MUlti-SEnsors (MUSES) Retrievals from the EOS to the Suomi-NPP Era
- The NPP and J1 CrIS Operational High-Resolution Channel Selection for the NUCAPS algorithm: A demonstration of global applicability to meet users needs
- The comparison of in-situ Sea Surface Temperature anomalies gridded data sets.
- Thin Sea-ice Thickness Retrievals from SMAP Brightness Temperatures
- Toward Satellite Sea-Surface Salinity Data Validation using NCEI Real-time and Delay-mode in situ Observations
- Toward an Improved Extended Range Forecast Using the NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System
- Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interaction in the NCEP Global Forecast System
- Using Potential Vorticity to Represent the Effect of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange on Vertical Ozone Distributions in the Front Range During the FRAPPE 2014 Field Campaign.
- Validation of Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler Ozone Measurements
- Validation of VIIRS Cloud Base Heights at Night Using Ground and Satellite Measurements over Alaska
- A generalized drop size distribution normalization method for bulk microphysics schemes
- Aircraft Observation of Gravity Wave Breaking at the Storm Top and Comparison with High Resolution Cloud Model Simulations and Satellite Images
- An Assessment of the Subseasonal Forecast Performance in the Extended Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS)
- Big Data Discovery and Access Services through NOAA OneStop
- Characterizing the 3-D atmosphere with NUCAPS sounding products from multiple platforms
- Collaborative Preservation of At-Risk Data at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information
- Cross-Referencing GLM and ISS-LIS with Ground-Based Lightning Networks
- Current Operational Use of and Future Needs for Microwave Imagery at NOAA
- Customer Use Cases and Analytics for Climate Data at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information
- Data in the Classroom: New Tools for Engaging Students with Data
- Developing a Unified Global Coupled System at NCEP for S2S Prediction
- Ensemble generation methods for CFSv2 subseasonal forecasts
- Estimation of snow emissivity via assimilation of multi-frequency passive microwave data into an ensemble-based data assimilation system
- Evaluating the Impact of Whole Atmosphere Coupling on Storm Time Response in the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere
- Evaluation of Reprocessed Suomi NPP VIIRS Sensor Data Records based on Sensitivity of Environmental Data Records Trending to Changes in Sensor Data Records
- Evaluation of snow modeling with Noah and Noah-MP land surface models in NCEP GFS/CFS system
- Future Missions for Space Weather Specifications and Forecasts
- GLM Post Launch Testing and Airborne Science Field Campaign
- GOES-R Space Weather Data: Achieving User Ready Products
- In Situ Global Sea Surface Salinity and Variability from the NCEI Global Thermosalinograph Database
- Integrating Polar-Orbiting Products into the Forecast Routine for Explosive Cyclogenesis and Extratropical Transition
- Introduction to SNPP/VIIRS Flood Mapping Software Version 1.0
- JPSS Operational and Research Applications: The Pathway from Observations to Applications to Information.
- Leveraging CubeSat Technology to Address Nighttime Imagery Requirements over the Arctic
- Merging Sounder and Imager Data for Improved Cloud Depiction on SNPP and JPSS.
- NOAA's Joint Polar Satellite System's (JPSS) Proving Ground and Risk Reduction (PGRR) Program - Bringing JPSS Science into Support of Key NOAA Missions!
- NOAA's National Air Quality Prediction and Development of Aerosol and Atmospheric Composition Prediction Components for NGGPS
- New GOES-R Risk Reduction Activities at CIRA
- No Longer Have to Choose
- North Atlantic near-surface salinity contrasts and intra-basin water vapor transfer
- Preparing for Operational Use of High Priority Products from the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) in Numerical Weather Prediction
- Recent Enhancements in NOAA's JPSS Land Product Suite and Key Operational Applications
- Science on a Sphere and Data in the Classroom: A Marriage Between Limitless Learning Experiences.
- Sea Ice in the NCEP Seasonal Forecast System
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of PATMOS-x AVHRR Lake Surface Temperatures in the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Status of the NPP and J1 NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS): recent algorithm enhancements geared toward validation and near real time users applications.
- The Simulations of Wildland Fire Smoke PM<SUB>25</SUB> in the NWS Air Quality Forecasting Systems
- The impact of underwater glider observations in the forecast of Hurricane Gonzalo (2014)
- USGEO DMWG Cloud Computing Recommendations
- Understanding the Data Complexity continuum to reduce data management costs and increase data usability through partnerships with the National Centers for Environmental Information
- Use of NEXRAD radar-based observations for quality control of in-situ rain gauge measurements
- Using JPSS VIIRS Fire Radiative Power Data to Forecast Biomass Burning Emissions and Smoke Transport by the High Resolution Rapid Refresh Model
- Utility of NCEP Operational and Emerging Meteorological Models for Driving Air Quality Prediction
- VIIRS Marine Isoprene Product and Initial Applications
- Validation and Demonstration of the NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) in Support of User Applications
- A Conventional Observation Reanalysis for Climate Monitoring at NCEP
- A High-Resolution Blended Snow Analysis for the Next Generation Global Prediction System
- A New Approach to Stereo Observations of Clouds
- A Unified Line of Gridded (L3) SST Products at NOAA
- A risk-based assessment of the impacts of a changing climate in the U.S. Northeast
- AMSU-A Antenna Pattern Correction Algorithm Development and Validation
- Accuracy assessment of MERRA-2 temperature and humidity profiles over the tropical ocean using AEROSE observations
- Advances Cloudy Radiance Simulation using the Community Radiative Transfer Model
- Advances in STAR Integrated Calibration/Validation System Long-Term Monitoring
- Advances in state of the art in tropical cyclone forecasts for storm size and structure using operational HWRF
- Aerosol measurements during the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS 2017)
- An Assessment of Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite Sensor Data Record Quality onboard Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership and NOAA-20 through STAR's Integrated Calibration/Validation System Long-Term Monitoring
- An Assessment of the Impact of an Enhanced Suite of NOAA JPSS Active Fire Products on Rapid Refresh Smoke Models
- An Early Warning System for Marine Flooding of Reef-Lined Islands
- An Overview of Integrated Calibration/Validation System (ICVS) for Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)
- Analysis of high-resolution gridded weather datasets obtained from NCEP's URMA and LDAS reanalysis
- Applications of Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) at NCEP: Update on Assimilation of Ocean Color Products into the Operational Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS-Global)
- Archival of Non-standard Data Imagery at NOAA's NCEI
- Arctic MISST: Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature: Continuing the GHRSST Partnership and Improving Arctic data
- Arctic Ocean Data in the World Ocean Database
- Assessment and Validation of an Observing Systems Simulation Experiment (OSSE) System using a Summary Assessment Metric (SAM) Inter-comparison of OSSE and Observing System Experiment (OSE) Results
- Atmospheric Redistribution of Freshwater and Near-Surface Salinity Variability over the North Atlantic Ocean
- Calibration and Validation of GOES-R ABI
- Characterizing Tropospheric Trace Gas Retrievals from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- Comparing Satellite Architecture Studies Using Standard Taxonomy Approach
- Comparison of the cloud products from TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor and VIIRS/S-NPP
- Data Assimilation Development for the Proposed 2020 Operational FV3-Based Global Forecast System (GFS)
- Decadal Variability of the Eighteen Degree Water derived from the Northwest Atlantic Regional Climatology
- Developing Cloud-cleared Backgrounds to Assist in GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager Multi-spectral Imagery Applications
- Development of Events-Driven Chemical Lateral Boundary Conditions (LBC) in Support of NOAA Air Quality Forecast Prediction
- Development of a biomass burning smoke prediction system including near-real time constraints on emissions over the Western U.S.
- Development of the NCEP Unified Land Data Assimilation System (NULDAS)
- Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry of Smoke from the Oct. 2017 Northern California Fires
- Evaluating a Coupled Air-sea-ice Model for Sub-seasonal Prediction in the Polar Regions
- Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of Multi-Source Evapotranspiration Analyses over the Continental United States
- Evaluation of FV3GFS and FV3Meso Meteorological Predictions for Multi-scale Air Quality Applications
- Evaluation of radiometric calibration consistency of GOES-17 ABI using GEO-GEO collocations
- Evaluation of the NOAA Enterprise Aerosol Optical Depth Algorithm Applied to GOES-16 ABI
- Evaluation of the dominant modes of sub-seasonal variability in the NCEP GEFS 35-day Experiments
- Extreme wildfire events: Understanding and prediction
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Findings on Energy Supply, Delivery, and Demand
- GOES-16 ABI L1b Product Maturity Status and Future
- GOES-17 Post-Launch Testing Summary and Results
- GSICS References for Monitoring Geostationary and Polar Instruments
- Global Validation of Geostationary Satellite Active Fire Products: GOES-16, HIMAWARI, and Meteosat Second Generation series
- How much can we learn about rain microphysics from polarimetric radar observations? An investigation of information content and parameter estimation using the Bayesian Observationally-constrained Statistical-physical Scheme (BOSS)
- Identifying the Sensitive Regimes and Active Regions of Aerosol Indirect Effect for the Ice Clouds over the Global Oceans by Using Long-Term Satellite Observations
- Impact Study of the Assimilation of Surface Sensitive Microwave Radiances in the GEOS
- Impact of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Emissions on High Ozone Episodes Along the Lake Michigan Shoreline
- Improved WRF-Chem Settings for Air Quality Meteorology Over Lake Michigan in Summer: Sensitivity to Boundary Condition, Initial Condition, Land Surface Parameterization, and PBL Scheme with Subsequent Influence on Biogenic Emissions and Ozone Formation
- Improvement in Ensemble Spread in the Next NWS Global Ensemble Forecast System Using Stochastic Physics
- Improving Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Dark Land Targets from Multispectral Satellite Observations
- Improving SNPP VIIRS Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Product using S5P TROPOMI and NUCAPS CO Retrievals
- Improving VIIRS Fire Radiative Power Estimates for Smoke Emission Modeling Applications
- Initial Demonstration of Polar Satellite Microwave and GPSRO Data Climate Monitoring Using GRUAN Measurements
- Integrating dissolved oxygen from ocean observing systems for ecosystem and variability studies
- Integration of Recent Advances in Aerosol Optical Models into the Community Radiative Transfer Model
- Inter-comparison of CRTM and RTTOV to support JPSS Satellite Data Calibration
- JPSS Sea Surface Temperature Reanalysis
- JPSS User Readiness Scorecard
- JPSS/STAR ICVS Severe Event Watch System Development and Applications
- Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Proving Ground and Risk Reduction (PGRR) Program Evolution
- Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS), NOAA's Proving Ground Initiative on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Impact Studies and Critical Weather Applications.
- Late Winter Observations of Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Sail Heights
- Lessons Learned from High Spatiotemporal Airborne NO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements in Urban Coastal Regions
- Magnetospheric Outlook on MI Coupling Processes in the Regions of Diffuse Aurora
- Maximum Precipitation Estimates from Five Environmental Data Records with Varying Resolutions and Periods of Record
- Monitoring Smoke/Dust Events using High Resolution GOES-16 Aerosol Detection Product
- Monitoring the Location and Evolution of Wildfires and Smoke during Summer 2018 using High Resolution Observations from the GOES-16, SNPP, and NOAA-20 Satellites
- NOAA Direct Broadcast Real-Time Network (DBRTN): Advanced infrared and microwave sounder data from polar orbiting satellites for numerical weather prediction (NWP) and other time-sensitive applications
- NOAA Operational products from S-NPP and NOAA-20 Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS)
- NOAA/NCEI data assembly center for NOAA/OMAO's ship and aircraft fleet
- Observation and model-based constraints on ozone production along the Lake Michigan coastline: Insights from intensive field experiments and long-term monitoring data
- Observation of summer heat waves on the planetary boundary layer and air quality in the New York City region
- Ocean-Sea Ice Coupled Three Dimensional Variational Global Ocean Data Assimilation at National Centers for Environmental Prediction.
- Operational High Resolution Analysis of Significant Wave Height for CONUS
- Operational Ocean Reanalysis at NCEP: Upgrading from 1 degree MOM3 GODAS to ¼ degree MOM6 Hybrid-GODAS
- Operational river ice monitoring for NOAA NWS RFCs using SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS imagery
- Opportunities for Assessing Observation System Value
- Optimization of Future SmallSats Constellations through OSSE: A Test Case of Assessing the Value of Deploying EON-MW in High- and Low-Inclination Orbits
- Overview of NOAA space weather capability and plans
- Parameterizing karst for implementation in Land Surface Models: A research-to-operations framework
- Performance of 2018 real-time HMON-based hurricane ensemble forecast system and sensitivities of HMON to physics schemes
- Performance of Linear Fit SO2 algorithm on NOAA-20 OMPS retrieval
- Preliminary Evaluation of GOES-16 ABI Aerosol Optical Depth Product
- Rapidly-updating high-resolution predictions of smoke, visibility and smoke-weather interactions using the satellite fire products within the Rapid Refresh and High-Resolution Rapid Refresh coupled with Smoke (RAP/HRRR-Smoke) modeling system
- Recent Updates to the NOAA National Air Quality Forecast Capability Operational Model
- Regional Ocean Climatologies with Mesoscale Resolution derived from the World Ocean Database
- Scale-dependent weighting and localization for global numerical weather prediction
- Sensitivity of the downstream effect of spring Western U.S. land surface temperature to domain choice, dynamic cores and land surface parameterization on extreme flooding over North America
- Simulations of Wildland Fire Smoke PM<SUB>25</SUB> in the NWS Air Quality Forecasting System
- Structural Criteria for Quality Control of Oceanographic Data and its Potential Impact on the Construction of Climatic Fields
- Surface PM2.5 Estimates from GOES and VIIRS AOD over the United States
- The Advance of Lunar Contamination Correction in AMSU-A instrument calibration
- The Dark Target aerosol algorithm applied to Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI)
- The Global Oceanographic Data Archeology and Rescue Project - returning historic ocean profile data to community use.
- The JPSS-SPARKS Initiative: Bridging Between the CUNY Classroom and the NOAA Workforce
- The Joint Polar Satellite System Calibration and Validation Program
- The NOAA Satellite Observing System Architecture (NSOSA) Study
- The NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS). Algorithm updates geared towards users applications and first light results from NUCAPS NOAA-20.
- The NOAA-20 CrIS SDR Validated Product
- The National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS): Understanding user needs and decisions at the local to regional scale
- The Relationship Between Penetrating Tops in a Tornadic Supercell and the Evolution of the Storm at Mid and Low Levels: Analysis of Both Geosynchronous Satellite and Ground-based, Mobile, Rapid-scan, Polarimetric, X-band, Doppler Radar Data
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- The WRF Lightning Forecast Algorithm: Sensitivities to Microphysics and Other Physics Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- The World Ocean Atlas 2018: Improvements and Uses of Climatological Mean Fields
- Thermal Stress and Bleaching in Coral Reef Communities during the 2014-2016 Caribbean Bleaching Event
- Understanding and Improving 2-m Surface Air Temperature Forecasting in the NCEP Global Forecast System
- Using MODIS imagery to map coastal floods from Hurricane Irene
- Validation of the SNPP NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) Carbon Trace Gas Products
- 'DEAR-ABII': GOES-R ABI Offers Practical Advice to the Weather Community
- A New Era of Geostationary Satellites: Towards the next generation of space-based precipitation estimation
- A comparison of global scale FV3 versus regional scale NAM meteorological drivers for regional air quality forecasting
- A new near-real time fire emissions product from VIIRS daily global coverage
- Advances in STAR Integrated Calibration/Validation System (ICVS)
- Advances in fire science from a constellation of satellite sensors
- Advancing CrIS and ABI Inter-comparison Applicable for JSTAR Integrated Calibration/Validation System
- Advancing the Integrated Calibration and Validation System (ICVS) for Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
- Air quality and aerosol predictions at NOAA/National Weather Service
- An Evapotranspiration Data Product at 2km resolution from NOAA GOES-16
- An Eyewitness Account of Cross-tropopause Transport of Water Substance by Storms in East Asian Summer Monsoon and Its Implication on UT/LS Exchange
- Applying the Community Radiative Transfer Model to Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation
- Assessment of Stratospheric Balloon Observations towards Assimilation in NOAA's GSI-based Global Data Assimilation System
- Bias Correction Algorithm for GOES Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrievals
- Characterization and Application of JPSS Products in Biomass Burning Studies
- Contributions of GEO-LEO Satellite Imagery in Flood Mapping for Flood Forecasting and Monitoring
- Developing Aerosol Algorithm Using the Next Generation Geostationary Observations as a part of ONR MURI program
- Developing an Interactive Global Drought Information Dashboard Using Remotely Sensed Near-Real Time Monitoring
- Development of Level 3 Land Surface Temperature Product for JPSS Mission
- Development of a Fast-Response Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> Prediction System: A Study for the 2018 Mt. Kilauea Eruption using a Chemical Transport Model and Satellite Data
- Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry of Smoke from Western U.S. Wildfires
- Environmental Data Records Long Term Monitoring System and its Applications for the Disaster Monitoring
- Evaluation of OCO-3 Cloud Screening
- Evaluation of Wildland Fire Smoke PM<SUB>25</SUB> emissions in the NWS Air Quality Forecasting System
- Evaluation of biomass burning smoke simulations incorporating near real-time inversions of multi-fire emissions over the Western U.S.
- Evaluation of cloud microphysics parameterizations during the ICEPOP field campaign in Korea
- Evaluation of the Impacts of Precipitation Uncertainties on Flood Magnitude and Timing
- Exploring Potential of Loon Stratospheric Balloon Instrument Hosting Capability
- Exploring Spatial Distributions of Systematic Errors in the NCEP's Global Ensemble Precipitation Forecast Products
- First airborne observations of the Planetary Boundary Layer by the Compact Midwave Imaging System
- Flying a U.S. Hyperspectral IR Sounder at GEO: Trade Study and Business Case
- From ICESat to ICESat-2 via IceBridge: New Insights into a Changing Sea Ice Cover
- GOES-17 ABI L2 Algorithm Status
- High-resolution (3km) forecasting of smoke and visibility for the US by ingesting the VIIRS and MODIS FRP data into HRRR-Smoke during August 2018
- Hurricane Reanalysis and Reforecasts Using Operational HWRF with High-Resolution land-sea Mask for COASTAL Act
- Impact of black carbon on boundary layer and its effect on surface ozone
- Impacts of Different Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Emissions on Global Aerosol Forecasts using NCEP's Online Coupled Model GEFS-Aerosols
- Indirect Validation of the OMPS Limb Profile Ozone Retrievals
- Insights Into the Electrification of Volcanic Plumes from Lightning and Infrasound
- Moving Environmental Data Management from the Ground to the Cloud at NOAA's NESDIS and NCEI
- NOAA's Joint Polar Satellite System's (JPSS') Proving Ground and Risk Reduction (PGRR) Program - The Success of the PGRR Initiative Program in Guiding the Application of JPSS Capabilities to Forecasting Challenges.
- National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan - implications for space weather observations and applications
- Near Rear Time 1 km SMAP Soil Moisture Data Product for Potential Use in National Water Model
- Novel use of satellite data for improving national air quality forecasts through emission data assimilation
- Observational Surface-Based CAPE from Merged Hyperspectral IR Satellite Sounder and Surface Meteorological Station Data
- Perspectives on atmospheric carbon monoxide, an attempt to disentangle errors from chemistry and emissions using multiple satellites and assimilation frameworks
- Potential GNSS-R CYGNSS Land Applications for NOAA's Hydrological Predictions
- Preliminary Development and Assessment of the NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System for Tropical Cyclones (MiRS-TC) : A Passive Satellite Microwave Retrieval Algorithm Optimized for the Tropical Cyclone Environment
- Probabilistic retrieval of volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> altitude and loading using the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS): Examples from Raikoke, Sierra Negra, Bogoslof, and Anak Krakatau
- Re-assessing Lifetime Geolocation Performance of CrIS aboard Suomi-NPP with ICVS
- Recent Development in NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Snowfall Rate Product and Its Applications
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- Retrieval of Wind Speed Measurements Over the Great Lakes Using Satellite Radar Altimetry
- Retrievals of Sea Surface Emissivity and Skin Temperature from M-AERI Observations from the MARCUS Field Campaign
- Sea-ice floe length distribution from high resolution SAR altimetry
- Synergistic Retrieval of Smoke, Dust, and Smog using SNPP VIIRS and S5P TROPOMI
- TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor cloud products version 2 and comparison with VIIRS/S-NPP
- The Assimilation of Precipitation affected Microwave Radiances in NCEP FV3 Hybrid Data Assimilation System
- The BB-FLUX project: How much fuel goes up in smoke?
- The Dark Target aerosol algorithm applied to Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) looking at the KORUS-AQ and CAMP2EX field campaigns
- The Major Leap Forward of NOAA's JPSS and GOES-R Satellite Programs to Support Environmental Disaster Monitoring and Response for the Next 20 Years.
- The Space Weather Follow On Program to Sustain Operational Space Weather Space-based Observations
- Thirty Years of Explosive Volcanism and Aviation: Redoubt, Pinatubo, Eyjafjallajökull and beyond
- Toward Consistent Physical Constant Sets for Interoperable Earth System Models
- Transforming Data to Information: The Ongoing Evolution of Satellite Products
- Uncertainty estimates for sea surface temperature and land surface air temperature in NOAAGlobalTemp version 5
- Using Extreme Events to Build Regional Resilience: The Midwest/Plains Inundation of 2019
- VIIRS Active Fire Products in NOAA JPPS Suite: Potential Algorithm Improvement in Specific Fire Scenarios
- VIIRS Day-Night Band Satellite Remote Sensing
- Validating and Improving GOES-16/17 operational aerosol optical depth product
- Volcanic Ash Forecast Verification using HYSPLIT and Satellite Ash Observations Identified by VOLCAT
- A Scheme of Atmospheric Correction with A Revised POLYMER model Using Same-day Observations
- A novel physics- and object detection-based approach for estimating volcanic SO2 degassing flux from satellite measurements of volcanic clouds
- A simple physically-based model to predict the radius of maximum wind from outer size
- Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) forecast evaluation of NOAA's GEFS-Aerosols
- An Improved National Air Quality Forecasting Capability Using the NOAA Global Forecast System Version 16
- An automated river ice mapping system over northern watersheds in the USA using VIIRS imagery
- Analysis and Mitigation of Occasional Precipitation-Type Problems in NCEP Global Forecast System
- Capability of NOAA's Global Aerosol Forecast Model (GEFS-Aerosols) in Forecasting Hazardous Air Quality
- Challenges in Developing Aerosol Algorithms Applied to the Next Generation Geo-Stationary Imagers
- Characterization of Fire Diurnal Cycles using GOES-R ABI Fire Observations across North and South America
- Characterizing Arctic sea-ice floe elevation distribution using NASA's IceBridge ATM data
- China and Taiwan: A Tale of Two COVID-19 Lockdown Measures and Air Quality Impacts
- Confronting Microphysical Uncertainty with BOSS
- Correlating Economic Activity Indicators and Tropospheric Column Nitrogen Dioxide during COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
- Coupled Seasonal to Subseasonal Model Development within NOAA's Unified Forecasting System
- Daedalus, a Candidate Mission for the Exploration of the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere: Mission Performance Demonstration of Multi-point Sampling Capability
- Detection of Low Cloud in Multilayer Scenes with the GOES ABI
- Development and Evaluation of a Volcanic Ash Ensemble Forecasting System Using the NOAA HYSPLIT Model
- Development of NASA VIIRS-Like Cloud Property Algorithms for Next Generation Geostationary Imagers
- Drastic Changes in Regional NO<SUB>2</SUB> pollution during COVID-19 observed by OMPS-NMs on NOAA-20 and SNPP
- Early NOSIA Refresh Insights of Weather Forecaster Usage/Preferences of GOES-R ABI Channels and Products
- Effects of Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry on Prediction of Air Quality Impacts from Fires
- Enhancing Evapotranspiration Data Product from GOES-16/17 Advance Baseline Imagers for NOAA NWP, NWM and Drought Monitoring Operations
- Evaluation of Geo-Stationary Ice Cloud Optical Depth Retrievals using High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Evaluation of JPSS Aerosol Detection Algorithm with eMAS Measurements during Firex-AQ Field Campaign
- Exploring the Cloud and Radiation Interactions in the GFS
- Following the Impacts of Smoke on Air Quality using Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from the GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)
- Forecasting smoke pollution from the 2018 Camp Fire using HRRR-Smoke
- Freshwater Variability in the Northern North Atlantic: Does the Hydrological Cycle Play an Important Role?
- Impact of Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Dropsonde Data on NCEP GFS Forecast: A Case Study
- Impacts of Wave-Coupling in the Unified Forecast System Seasonal to Subseasonal Model
- Improvement of Satellite Cloud Vertical Cross-section Products for Aviation Weather Applications
- Improving Sea Ice Concentration Estimates by Blending Visible/Infrared and Passive Microwave Retrievals
- Incorporation of Solar Sail Technology into NOAA's Space Weather Next Program
- Infrared Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Skin Temperature Sensitivity to Aerosol Vertical Distribution - Field Data Analysis and Model Simulations
- Initiative to explore uncertainty in Earth's Energy Imbalance calculations
- Intercomparison of VIIRS Neural Network Cloud Detection and Current Operational Methods
- Investigations into lake breeze influence on ozone measurements at the Lake Michigan shoreline using an Unmanned Aerial System and LIDAR at Chiwaukee Prairie State Natural Area, Wisconsin
- Lake-Effect Snow Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Nowcasting through Blended GOES, NEXRAD, and PIP Observations
- Multi-decadal Variability of Gulf Stream and Slope Water
- NOAA CWDP2 Data Evaluation and Forecast Impact
- NOAA Environmental Observations and Research in the time of COVID-19
- NOAA NCEI Global Marine Microplastics Database Initiative
- NOAA in the next decade: The Space Weather Program
- NOAA's Center for Artificial Intelligence: Experiences, Plans and Status
- NOAA's Commitment to GRUAN and Satellite-Coordinated Science Activities at the Howard University Beltsville GRUAN Site: Examples of Validation Work and Strategy
- Near Real Time One-kilometer SMOPS Soil Moisture and Its Potential Applications
- Optimizing future observational capabilities: Trade studies for NOAA's Space Weather Program
- Overview of NOAA Research on Atmospheric Impacts Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Pixel Level Aerosol Optical Depth Bias Estimates for Suomi NPP and NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
- Protecting air travel from volcanic ash in the coming decade
- Quantifying the relationship between CO mass fluxes and satellite fire radiative power from wildfires
- Roles of TAO/TRITON and Argo in tropical Pacific observing system: An OSSE study for multiple time scale variability
- Sea-Ice Freeboard Determination from High Resolution SAR Altimetry
- Seasonal and near real-time forecasts of coral disease outbreak risk to aid management responses
- Sentinel 5p "Tropomi" Perspectives on FIREX-AQ and WE-CAN: Tracing Emissions over Hours and Days of Development
- Soil moisture controls on evapotranspiration, photosynthesis, and ozone dry deposition during ACT-America 2016
- Stability of NN Emulations of Long- and Short-wave Radiation Parameterizations in a GCM
- The 2020 Summer Extreme Dust Event: Effects of the Albedo Drag Partition on the FENGSHA Dust Emission Parameterization in GEFS-Aerosol
- The Dark Target aerosol retrieval algorithm applied to Low Earth Orbit and GEOstationary imagers: progress towards an integrated LEO-GEO view of global aerosol
- The Hierarchical Testing of Noah-MP as a Candidate Land Model for the Unified Forecast System
- The Impact of COVID-19 Shutdown on Particulate Pollution: Analysis of Satellite and Ground Observations
- The World Data Service for Oceanography, reopening its doors to the world observing community
- The World Ocean Database Cloud (WODc) - community participation andinteraction with a global database
- Towards an Operational Data Assimilation System for the National Water Model: Progress and Plans
- Using Data Assimilation of Leaf Area Index to Constrain Decadal Global Carbon Dynamics in the Community Land Model 5.0
- Using Machine Learning to Superob Observations for Use in Aerosol Data Assimilation
- Vectorized CRTM for the Simulation and Direct Assimilation of Satellite Radiances
- Verification of the HRRR-Smoke simulations for the BB-FLUX and WE-CAN field campaigns during July-September, 2018
- Wildfire Impacts in Air Quality Prediction
- Assimilation of Blended Satellite Soil Moisture Data Products to Further Improve Noah-MP model Skills
- Capability of NOAAs Global Aerosol Forecast Model (GEFS-Aerosols and UFS-Aerosols) in Forecasting Fire Events
- Delivering Severe Convection Nowcasts and Near Future Lightning Forecasts to Mariners
- Enhanced Evapotranspiration and Evaporative Stress Index Data Products for NOAA NWP, NWM and Drought Monitoring Operations
- Estimates of Surface PM2.5 using Merged GOES-16/17 ABI Aerosol Optical Depths for 2020 California Fires
- First Detection of Bioluminescent Milky Seas by the VIIRS Day/Night Band: Maritime Continent
- First Retrieval of Absorbing Aerosol Height Using TROPOMI Oxygen B Band: Algorithm Development and Application for Surface Particulate Matter Estimates
- Impact of FireLab/FIREX-AQ Fuel Burned Amounts and Emission Factors on Pyrogenic Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter Simulated by a Regional Chemical Model
- Impact of Suomi-NPP CrIS Midwave Band Failure on the NUCAPS Retrieval Products and User Feedback.
- Improved Cloud Screening Using DEBRA and a New High Resolution Cloud Mask for Aerosol Retrievals Applied Geo-Stationary Imagers
- Improved Representation of Diurnal Variability of Aerosol Optical Depth in the Operational GOES-16 Product
- Improving Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrievals using a Bias Correction Algorithm
- Ozone recovery as detected in NOAA Ground-Based and Satellite Ozone Measurements
- Prediction of Wildfire Impacts on Air Quality in the United States
- Reference Atmospheric Temperature Trends Observed from Satellites in Stable Orbits
- The Challenges of Wildfire Emission Forecasts Related to NOAA National Air Quality Forecasting Capability
- The Integration of Artificial Intelligence for Improved Operational Air Quality Forecasting
- Thermodynamic Sea Ice Growth Observation from Satellites using Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures and an Energy Balance
- Varying partitioning of surface turbulent fluxes regulates temperature-humidity dissimilarity in the convective atmospheric boundary layer
- Web Presentation of CENRAIS Monitoring of GOES-R ABI Image Navigation and Registration
- Artificial Intelligence in Support of Coastal and Ocean Resilience to Climate Change
- Characterizing Winter/Spring Arctic Ocean sea-ice elevation distribution using NASA's ICESat-2 and ATM data
- Cold-season cloud response to the sea ice loss in the Arctic
- Enterprise Version 8 Total Column Ozone Algorithm (EV8TOz) Application to multiple UV/Visible satellite sensors
- Evaluation of Modeled Diurnal Warming Estimates for Use in Producing SST Analyses
- Forecast Aware Model-Driven Deep Learning Bias Correction for Improved Operational Air Quality Forecasting
- Multi-Scale Intercomparison of Surface Soil Moisture in the Chihuahuan Desert using Orbital, Sub-Orbital and Ground-Based Measurements
- NOAA's Global Aerosol Forecast Capabilities: GEFS-Aerosols and UFS-Aerosols
- Nowcasting Applications of Geostationary Satellite Hourly Surface PM2.5 Data
- Planning for Future Earth Observations: How GeoXO Will Expand Geostationary Measurements
- Stratospheric Ozone Vertical Distribution at Select NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory Dobson Monitoring Stations and Updated Trends of the Based on the LOTUS Regression Model
- Towards the next generation of air quality forecast models with NOAA's High-Resolution Rapid-Refresh model coupled to chemistry (HRRR-Chem)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Soja
- A. M. Middlebrook
- Barry Baker
- Brian McDonald
- C. Barnet
- C. Draper
- C. Hain
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. Warneke
- Cheng‐Zhi Zou
- Christine Wiedinmyer
- Daniel Tong
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Eric James
- G. J. Frost
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Hai Zhang
- Heping Liu
- Huiqun Wang
- Irina Petropavlovskikh
- Ivanka Štajner
- J. C. Kasper
- J. M. Roberts
- James M. Wilczak
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jifu Yin
- John E. Yorks
- Jordan L. Schnell
- Joseph B. Olson
- Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero
- Jun Wang
- Katelyn O’Dell
- Kyle Duncan
- M. Béla
- M. de Graaf
- Martha C. Anderson
- Matthew J. McGill
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Meng Ling
- Menghua Wang
- Michael L. Stevens
- Nicholas R. Nalli
- Patrick Campbell
- Peter Effertz
- Peter R. Colarco
- Richard Querel
- Rick Saylor
- Robert C. Levy
- S. E. Strahan
- S. L. Farrell
- Siyuan Wang
- Steven D. Miller
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Susan C. Anenberg
- Vernon R. Morris
- W. M. Angevine
- Walter H. F. Smith
- Wei Shi
- Xiangde Xu
- Xiaoyang Zhang
- Xiwu Zhan
- Youhua Tang
- Zigang Wei