Georgia Institute of Technology
flowchart I[Georgia Institute of Technology] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1676)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (446)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Center for Relativistic Astrophysics
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Physics
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A CIMS Technique for the Measurement of Peroxynitric acid, Nitric Acid and Nitrogen Dioxide During ISCAT 2000 at the South Pole
- Evidence for Methane Escape from the Free Gas Zone on the Blake Ridge
- Heat-pipe Solutions and Brine Formation in NaCl-H<SUB>2</SUB>O Hydrothermal Systems
- Laboratory Studies of the Kinetics of Aqueous Phase Reactions of SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> and OH Radicals with Organo-Sulfur Compounds of Atmospheric Interest
- Mathematical Models of Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems Driven by Serpentinization of Peridotite
- Measurement and Analysis of Buoyancy-driven Dissolution Enhancement in Rock Fractures
- Observations of Summertime NO Fluxes during ISCAT at the South Pole
- Optimized System to Improve Pumping Rate Stability During Aquifer Tests
- Overview of ACE-Asia Spring 2001 Investigations on Aerosol Radiative Effects and Related Aerosol Properties
- Visualization of Transport Phenomena and Fracture Evolution in Fractured Media
- A Comparison of Photochemical Environments in the NW Pacific as Observed during NASA_s PEM-West B (1994) and TRACE-P (2001) Airborne Field Studies
- A re-evaluation of South Pole HO<SUB>x</SUB> chemistry based on ISCAT 2000 observations
- Agricultural Drought Assessment for the Southern United States
- An Evaluation of TRACE-P Emission Inventories From China Using a Regional Model and Chemical Measurements At a Rural Site in China
- Dynamic phase equilibrium during formation and dissociation of marine gas hydrate
- Electron- and Vacuum Ultraviolet Photon-Induced Weathering of Outer Solar System Surfaces
- Indirect Climatic Effect of Aerosols: The Microphysical Link
- Measurement and model results for gas phase OH and H2SO4 during PROPHET 2001.
- Measurements of Fine Particle Chemical Composition As Part of the ITCT 2K2 Experiment
- Observations from the Williams Tower measurement site during TexAQS 2000: an Overview
- Observations of the Conversion of Nitric Acid to Ammonium Nitrate Over California During ITCT 2002
- On-line measurements of particle chemical composition with the Particle-Into-Liquid Sampler (PILS)
- Transformations of Nitrates and Hydrogen Chloride in Low-Temperature Ice Films
- Aerosol Mixing State Inferred From Highly Time Resolved Composition Measurements And an Aerosol Thermodynamic Model: Case Studies From ACE-Asia And TRACE-P
- An overview of the 2003 Chemical Emission, Loss, Transformation and Interactions within Canopies (CELTIC) study
- Characteristics of Saturn's Atmosphere from Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Comparison of Seasonal and Spatial Variations of LAI/FPAR From MODIS and Common Land Model
- Differential Scattering Technique for Imaging of Open and Productive Fractures
- Effect Of Interaction On Apertures Of Multisegmented Natural Veins
- Evaluating the Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health in China: the Price of Clean Air
- Experiments on Hydraulic Fracturing in Weakly Cemented Sediments
- Framework for Inclusion of Urbanized Landscapes in a Climate Model.
- How do summer precipitation variability correlate with pre-summer soil moisture variations in U.S.?
- Hydraulic Fracturing in Cohesionless Particulate Materials
- Impacts of Land Surface Condition on Regional Climate-Chemistry Modeling of East Asia.
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Processes Constrained by the FAIM Seismic Refraction Experiment
- Non-thermal production of molecular oxygen on the surface of Europa
- On Possible Relationships Between Diking, Magma Lenses, and Location of Hydrothermal Sites at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Operational regional air quality forecast over the U.S.
- Potential applications of Aura data in determining the influences of convective type and Rossby wave breaking on tropical and subtropical upper tropospheric water vapor
- Relations Between Albedos and Emissivities From MODIS and ASTER Data Over North African Desert
- Using Changes in Fracture Aperture During the Interpretation of Hydraulic Well Tests
- A Neptune/Triton Vision Mission Using Nuclear Electric Propulsion
- Chemical and Microphysical Properties of Particles in Aged Forest Fire Plumes From Alaska and Western Canada Observed Over the Northeastern U.S.
- Circulation on the Inner-Shelf of Long Bay, South Carolina: Vertical Current Variability and Evidence for Cross-Shelf Variation in Near-Bed Currents
- Diking, Magma Lenses, and Location of Hydrothermal Sites at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Failure of Marine Sediments due to Gas Hydrate Dissociation
- Fast time resolution airborne measurements of PANs during the New England Air Quality Study 2004 intensive
- GCM asessment of aerosol-cloud interactions.
- Heterogeneity of ozone yield with location of nitrogen oxide emission origin
- Measurements of OH and HO2 + RO2 at Summit Greenland
- Nonlinear Analysis of Tidal Forcing of Water Level Fluctuations in an Unconfined Permeable Coastal Aquifer, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER
- Overview of the Antarctic Tropospheric Chemistry Investigation (ANTCI)
- Parallel, time asynchronous modeling of plasmas: Overcoming the computational challenges in traditional (MHD, Hall MHD, Full Particle, Hybrid, Vlasov) codes
- Plume Development and Mass Flux Following Surfactant-Based Treatment of Heterogeneous PCE-DNAPL Source Zones
- Preliminary Hydrothermal Heat Flow Measurements at the 9-10º N East Pacific Rise
- The Quest for Transformative Partnerships in STEM Education: A Comparison of Policies, Structures and Evaluation Practices
- Upscaled Mass Transfer Correlations for Estimating Mass Discharge From DNAPL Source Zones: Comparisons to Field-Scale Numerical Simulations
- Weather it's Climate Change?
- A Detailed Closure Study of CCN in the Northeastern United States
- A Method for Chemical Characterization of the Ambient Organic Aerosol Soluble in Water by Group Speciation: Results From Urban Atlanta
- A Wavelet Approach to Reconstructing Near-Surface Temperature Time Series From Observations of Subsurface Temperatures at Several Meters Depth
- CCN Predictions: Is Theory Sufficient for Indirect Forcing Calculations?
- Changes in Pore Pressure due to Repeated Gas Hydrate Dissociation/Formation in Shallow Marine Sediments
- Characteristics and Chemistry of Power Plant Plumes: Conesville Case Study
- Characterizing Land-Atmosphere Coupling and the Implications for Subsurface Thermodynamics
- Chemical Characteristics of Aerosols in the Troposphere from the NOAA P3
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Fine Particle Composition Measured During ICARTT: An Overview of Inorganic Ions and Water Soluble Organic Carbon
- Fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from a tundra ecosystem.
- GCM asessment of aerosol-cloud interactions
- Georgia Teachers in Academic Laboratories: Research Experiences in the Geosciences
- Mechanical, Thermal and Electromagnetic Properties of Hydrate-Bearing Clay, Silt, and Sand at Various Confining Pressures
- Modeling Hydrothermal Response to Earthquakes at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Modeling of HONO at the South Pole during ANTCI 2003
- On Mechanisms of Hydraulic Fracturing in Cohesionless Materials
- Peroxy and Hydroxyl Radical Measurements During the Spring 2004 Summit Field Campaign
- Physical Properties of a Keathley Canyon Pressure Core Maintained at In Situ Pressure and Measured in a New Instrumented Pressure Testing Chamber
- Possible Roles of Ice Nucleation Mode and Ice Nuclei Depletion in the Extended Lifetime of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Regional Air Quality forecAST (RAQAST) Over the U.S
- Regional Impact Of The Ohio River Valley on Boundary-Layer SO4 Concentrations: Results From INTEX-NA
- Site Amplification and Attenuation Assessment through Downhole Seismogram Inversion
- Teleseismic travel times, the Isabella anomaly, and the missing Moho, from the Sierra Nevada EarthScope experiment
- The influence of loss saturation effects on the assessment of polar ozone changes
- Use of Nuclear Electric Power and Propulsion for a Neptune Mission
- Virtual Simulator: An infrastructure for design and performance-prediction of massively parallel codes
- A Model of Fault Reactivation due to Reservoir Depletion
- A Simple Hydrologic Model for Watershed Characterization
- Advective Travel-Time Distribution and A Local-Mixing Streamtube Approach
- Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter During the 2006 MIRAGE (MILAGRO) Field Campaign. Part I. Data Validation
- Application of Aerosondes to melt-pond observation over Arctic sea ice
- Assessment of aerosol-cloud interactions With the GISS-TOMAS GCM
- Biochemical and Molecular Genetic Studies on Biosilica Morphogenesis in Diatoms
- Deformation Associated with Serpentinization at Mid-Oceanic Ridges with Reference to the TAG Hydrothermal Field
- Droplet Growth Kinetics of CCN From Biomass Burning and Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Effect of Magma Degassing on Diking Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Elastic and Viscoelastic Modeling of Time-Variable Deformation Patterns at Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Exploring the Influence of Bioremediation on Dissolution in DNAPL Source Zones
- Framework for Integrated Water, Energy, and Environmental Resources Assessment, Planning, and Management: Lake Victoria Case Study
- Grid-based Infrastructure and Distributed Data Mining for Virtual Observatories
- Impacts of storms on coastal circulation in Long Bay, South Carolina
- Integrating nonlinear site effects in broadband ground motion models: Observations and simulations in the Los Angeles basin
- Interpreting Mechanical Displacements During Hydromechanical Well Tests in Fractured Rock
- Investigating the Formation of Ambient Secondary Organic Aerosol in Southeastern USA
- Issues Surrounding the Evaluation of Teacher Internship Programs
- Mixed-mode Mechanism of Hydraulic Fracture Segmentation
- Model analysis of riparian buffer effectiveness for reducing nutrient inputs to streams in agricultural landscapes
- Organic Aerosol is Formed in Unexpectedly Large Amounts in Urban Pollution Plumes
- Parameterization of cloud droplet formation in large scale models: including effects of entrainment
- Physical property changes in hydrate-bearing sediment samples due to depressurization/repressurization
- Sedimentation from the July 17th 2006 Java tsunami near Pangandaran, Indonesia
- Simulation of Low Interfacial Tension DNAPL Mobilization in Porous Media Using the Total Trapping Number Approach
- Studies of the Northern Alaskan Coastal System: Ongoing project work and synthesis activities
- Surface production of molecular oxygen and hydrogen by VUV photon and electron stimulated desorption of ices relevant to Saturn's rings
- Survey of the July 17, 2006 Central Javan tsunami reveals 21m runup heights
- Temperature-Density-Concentration Phase Diagrams of System NaCl+H2O at Conditions of Seafloor or Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems
- The Biological Response of a Small Catchment to Clear-Cutting
- The Downslope Propagation of a Disturbance in a Forested Catchment: An Eco-Hydrologic Simulation Study
- The Hydrologic Response of a Small Catchment to Clear Cutting
- The Role of Natural Gas Hydrates in Shaping the Global Continental Slopes
- The Use of Logistic Curves to Simulate Lateral Flow in Hydrologic Models
- The effect of phytoplankton on clouds in the Southern Ocean: A natural "shiptrack" (or "smog chamber"?)
- Uncertainties of Global Climate Change Impacts on Regional Air Quality over US
- Verifying the Relationship between Ensemble Forecast Spread and Skill
- What has enhanced the interannual variation of seasonal cycle in the Amazon in recent decades?
- 1-D Air-snowpack Modeling of Atmospheric Nitrous Acid (HONO) during ANTCI 2003
- A Method for the Analysis of Ultra-trace Levels of Semi-volatile and Non-volatile Organic Compounds in Snow and Application to a Greenland Snow Pit
- Advances in the Analytic Description of Canopy Radiation for Climate Models
- An Overview of Polar HOx Chemistry and Potential Bromine Chemistry Impact.
- Atmospheric Oxidation of Iodinated Hydrocarbons
- CCN measurements aboard the CIRPAS Twin Otter and the NOAA P3 platforms during TexAQS/GoMACCS
- Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds and Organic Aerosol in the Outflow from Mexico City
- Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Lake Victoria Basin
- Comparison of precipitation datasets over the tropical South American and African Continents.
- Development of Autonomous, Robotic Meteorological Stations for Improved Ice Sheet Climate Monitoring.
- Distinct Cloud Droplet Growth Kinetics Observed Above the Marine Boundary Layer
- Dynamic triggering of high-frequency bursts by strong motions during the 2004 Parkfield earthquake sequence
- Effect of Magma Degassing on Dike Propagation at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Effects of concentration fluctuations and gradients on reactive mixing
- Evaluation of Bottom-Up Mobile Emissions Inventories in the Upper Midwest
- Hydraulic Fracturing in Saturated Cohesionless Materials
- Hydraulic control for manipulating subsurface conditions for in situ experiments of uranium(VI) bioremediation
- Impact of prescribed fire emission on air quality over the southeastern US
- Interactions Between Fluid and Fractures During Well Tests in Fractured Rock
- Investigation of n-C60 Nanoparticle Transport and Retention in Saturated Porous Media
- Modeling Nonlinear Site Response Uncertainty in Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for the Los Angeles Basin
- Ocean acoustic interferometry using noise and active sources
- Organic Matter Export from North Slope Rivers of Alaska: Variations in Stable C and N Isotope Ratios over the Annual Hydrograph and Implications for Tracking Land-Derived Organic Matter in Coastal Waters
- PIT-MS Measurements of VOCs at a Suburban Ground Site (T1) in Mexico City During the MILAGRO 2006 Campaign: Emission Ratios and Source Apportionment
- Preciptation Parameterization for Idealized Land-Atmosphere Sahel Models
- Recent Deposition of Trace Metals to Central (Summit) Greenland as Recorded in 3-Meter Snow Pits
- The Amazon Water Budget as Diagnosed by ERA40
- The Importance of Aerosol Water
- The Microphysical and Optical Properties of Saharan Dust as Observed During NAMMA
- The formation and fate of oxidants on icy satellite surfaces
- The perturbation of near IR optical features of water ice induced by frozen acids, brines and organic polymers.
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- What can Maximum Entropy Production Tell us About General Trends in Land Surface Hydrology and its Predictability?
- A Holistic View of the Coupled Monsoon System
- A New Physically-Based Framework for the Parameterization of Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Formation in Large-Scale Simulations
- Airborne Measurements of Inorganic Bromine during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Assimilated Inversion of NOx Emissions Over East Asia Using OMI NO2 Column Measurements
- Comparison of NOx Emissions and NO2 Concentrations From a Regional Scale Air Quality Model (CMAQ-DDM/3D) With Satellite NO2 Retrievals (SCIAMACHY) Over the Continental U.S.
- Comparisons of corner frequencies and strain-drops from P and S waves generated by earthquakes along the Karadere-Düzce branch of the North Anatolian fault
- Copepod behavior in thin layers of attractive and deterrent chemical cues
- Coupling Surfactant Flushing and Bioaugmentation for PCE-DNAPL Source Zone Treatment
- Cyclone Nargis survey in Myanmar's Ayeyarwady River delta
- Detecting a Subsurface Ocean From Periodic Orbits at Enceladus
- Distributed Coseismic and Early Postseismic Dip-Slip from the 1 April 2007 Solomon Islands Earthquake: A Unique Image of Near-Trench Rupture
- Effects of bubble coalescence and breakup on conduit dynamics
- Enhancements for Hydrological Modeling in ESMF
- Evaluation of Global Anthropogenic Aerosol Indirect Effects in the GISS Model III
- Evidence for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Involving Liquid-Phase Partitioning to Haze Particles in Summertime Atlanta
- Export of NOy from the United States during summer 2004
- Global survey of earthquakes and non-volcanic tremor triggered by the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Impacts of East Asian summer monsoon on air quality over China
- Investigation of the Los Angeles Basin Atmospheric Sulfur Budget
- Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of the Reactions of Atomic Chlorine with C2H5Br, n- C3H7Br, and 1,2-C2H4Br2
- Kinetic and Thermochemical Studies of Weakly-Bound HO2 Complexes with Carboxylic acids
- Linking ESMF Applications With Data Portals Using Standard Metadata
- Looking for seismic scatterers: summer research experience for undergraduate students
- Magma periodic bursts into shallow volcanic reservoir. Implication for the quantification of intruded magma volumes.
- Modeling HOx/O3 chemistry in the tropical marine boundary during the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Modeling of DMS emissions, oxidation, and transport in the equatorial Pacific boundary and buffer layers during the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Modeling of the Transport and Retention of Fullerene C60 Aggregates in Porous Media
- Models of Hydrothermal Diffuse Flow Near Ocean Ridge Axes
- Near Source 2007 Peru Tsunami Runup Observations and Modeling
- Nutrient Limitation of Phytoplankton Growth in the Tropical South Pacific Ocean
- Observation of wave celerity evolution in the nearshore using digital video imagery
- On the Link Between Ocean Biota Emissions, Aerosols, and Maritime Clouds: Airborne, Ground, and Space-borne Measurements Along the Coast of California
- Prediction of Tsunami Waves and Runup Generated by 3d Granular Landslides
- Protecting Coastal Areas from Flooding by Injecting Solids into the Subsurface
- Recent Developments With Hydromechanical Well Tests
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- Self-Organization, Thermodynamics and Strong Feedbacks in Terrestrial Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling
- Sensitivity of cloud droplet number concentration, cloud fraction, and precipitation to nucleation
- Simple Method to Evolve Daily Ground Temperatures From Surface Air Temperatures in Snow Dominated Regions
- Solomon Islands 2007 Tsunami Near-Field Modeling and Source Earthquake Deformation
- Storm Surge Hazard in Oman Based on Cyclone Gonu and Historic Events
- Swarms, Mogi Doughnuts, and Earthquake Triggering Models
- Synthetic Ground Motions for Engineering Applications and the Role of Nonlinear Site Response
- Systematic Analysis of Temporal Changes in Site Response Associated With Strong Ground Motion in Japan
- Temporal changes in near-surface layers and deep fault zone scatterers after the 2004 Mw6.0 Parkfield earthquake observed by the UPSAR
- The Importance of Entrainment on Cloud Droplet Number and Indirect Forcing
- The impact of cold air incursion in central South America on the Amazon wet season onset.
- Transport and Retention of Fullerene Nanoparticles in Porous Media
- Transport and retention of fullerene (C60) nanoparticles in natural soils
- Unraveling Contributions of Urban, Biomass Burning and Secondary Organic Aerosols Near Mexico City During MILAGRO 2006
- A Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model of the Vicinity of DUSEL Homestake
- A New Tour Design Technique to Enable an Enceladus Orbiter
- A Thermal Technique of Fault Nucleation, Growth, and Slip
- A satellite multi-sensor approach to investigate radiative forcing of aerosol from the eruption of Redoubt Volcano
- A wavelet-based seismogram inversion algorithm for the in-situ characterization of nonlinear soil behavior
- Aerosol Spatial and Temporal Variations Over a Coastal Area: Implications for Geostationary Satellite Measurements
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements during ARCTAS
- An Overview of CCN Activity and Droplet Growth Kinetics Measurements of Arctic Aerosol During the 2008 NOAA ARCPAC and NASA ARCTAS Campaigns
- Another look at the possible role of OH in nighttime air chemistry (Invited)
- CCN as a Modulator of Ice Processes in Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Ion Observations Close to Enceladus: E3, E5 and E7
- Catchment Hydro-biogeochemical Responses to Forest Harvest Intensity and Spatial Pattern
- Challenges in remote sensing of CCN concentration: a comprehensive assessment with airborne measurements of AOD, CCN, chemical composition, size distribution, light scattering/absorption and humidity response in North America
- Changes in land-cover, land-use, and dust loadings in the Northern Eurasia drylands and implications for the surface energy balance and PAR
- Changes in the South Coast air Basin atmospheric sulfur budget between 2002 and 2008
- Climatic Effects of Marine Organic Aerosols
- Comparison between the Coastal Impacts of Cyclone Nargis and the Indian Ocean Tsunami
- DUSEL and the future of deep terrestrial microbiology (Invited)
- Detecting temporal changes around the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault associated with large teleseismic earthquakes
- Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenic Forcing to Diurnal Temperature Range Changes from 1950 to 1999: Comparing Multi-Model Simulations with Observations
- Direct Measurements of Hydrothermal Heat Output at Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Diurnal variability of aerosols seen from emission inventory, model simulation, and ground-based observations
- Effect of Organic Sea Spray Aerosol on Global and Regional Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentrations
- Effect of Tube Length on Transport of Multi-Wall Nanotubes (MWNTs) in a Water-Saturated Quartz Sand
- Effects of Periodic Replenishment, Initial Magma Sill Thickness, and Bulk Composition on Heat Transfer from Magma Chambers
- Electronic desorption from low temperature ices and analogs of outer solar system surfaces
- Electrons at Enceladus: recent encounters
- Emissions, transport, and chemistry downwind of oil extraction facilities in the Alaskan Arctic
- Evaluation of CMAQ sulfate simulations using surface and satellite measurements: Is cloud processing a source or sink of sulfate?
- Exploring Astrobiology: Future and In-Service Teacher Research Experiences
- Field Survey of the 29 September 2009 Tsunami on Savai’i Island, Samoa
- Flow Field and Nutrient Dynamics Control Over Formation of Parallel Vegetation Patterns in the Florida Everglades
- Flowing Afterglow Studies of Temperature Dependencies for Electron Dissociative Recombination of HCNH+, CH3CNH+ and CH3CH2CNH+ and Their Symmetrical Proton Bound Dimers
- Gas Phase Bromine in Ozone Depleted Air Over the Arctic Ocean
- Global OZone Chemistry And Related trace gas Data records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS)
- Ice Crystal Number Concentration Sensitivity to the Competition between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Freezing: A Global Modeling Study
- Interpretations of OH/HOH IR Absorptions on the Moon from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (Invited)
- Investigating the CCN Activation Kinetics of Aerosol in Arctic Haze and Canadian Boreal Forest Fires
- Journal of Geophysical Research Publications: Community Characteristics
- Mechanisms for Incorporation of Hydrogen in and on the Lunar Surface
- Mixing enhanced by kinetic mass transfer and dynamic forces in coastal aquifers
- Modeling the Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Modeling the role of HONO in the plume chemistry of boreal forest biomass burning emissions during the summer 2009 ARCTAS campaign
- Multi-Component Deformation of a Dipping Fracture Zone during a Well Test
- Nutrient and Organic Matter Export from Rivers to the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Contemporary Estimates, Implications for Coastal Productivity, and Potential Changes in the Future
- Ocean-Aerosol-Cloud Interactions off the Coast of California (Invited)
- Parallel Vegetation Stripe Formation Through Hydrologic Interactions
- Pattern Formation in Fluid Injection into Granular Media
- Possible origin and production pathway for BrO at Summit, Greenland
- Properties and transport of Asian dust from 10 years of MISR data
- Reconnaissance Survey of the 29 September 2009 Tsunami on Tutuila Island, American Samoa
- Simulating Metabolic Reductive Decholorination with Multiple Cultures during Bioenhanced PCE-NAPL Dissolution
- Simulation of maturity and decay of methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) in the atmosphere
- Snow Core Records of Recent Deposition of Trace Metals to Central (Summit) Greenland
- Some missing puzzle pieces in our understanding of the behavior of PAN during a polar spring time ODE
- Sources and Sinks of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Arctic in Spring
- Space Weathering Impact on Solar System Surfaces and Planetary Mission Science
- Spatial and temporal variations in seismicity and uplift within the Socorro Magma Body region in central New Mexico
- Stability evaluation of hydrate-bearing sediments during thermally-driven hydrate dissociation
- Stream Response Similarity in Nested Catchments Based on Scaling Relationships of Flow Percentiles
- The Reaction of Atomic Chlorine with Dimethyl Sulfide: Kinetics of the H-abstraction, Adduct Formation, and Adduct Dissociation Pathways
- Thermal reactivation of shallow crystalline mushes, the dual role played by volatiles
- Towards an integrated framework for characterizing mineral dust aerosol from multi-satellite, multi-sensor observations and regional transport model data (Invited)
- Transient Climate Simulation of Last Deglaciation in CCSM3 (Invited)
- Transport and Transformations of NOy and Other Species in Pyro-Convection
- Turbulence structures over mildly sloped pool riffle sequences (Invited)
- Understanding the aerosol-cloud droplet link in the Arctic: A perspective derived from ARCTAS and ARCPAC data
- Unique Science Needs: CAWSES-II and Virtual Observatories (Invited)
- VOCs as indicators of halogen chemistry during ARCTAS A and OASIS
- A Controllable Earthquake Rupture Experiment on the Homestake Fault
- A New Interpretation of Total Column BrO during Arctic Spring
- A network model for simulating sediment dynamics within a small watershed (Invited)
- Aerosol Effects on Cirrus Clouds and Climate in NCAR CAM5: Impacts of Heterogeneous Ice Nuclei
- America's Climate Choices: Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change (Invited)
- An Astrobiology Summer Program for High School Teachers and Students
- An MEP Model for Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration (Invited)
- Analysis of Ground Water Flow and Deformation in the Vicinity of DUSEL Homestake
- Assessment of Tidal Stream Energy Potential for the United States
- Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer near Vertical Heated Boreholes in Water-Saturated Rock: An Approach to the THMCB Experiment at DUSEL Homestake
- Breaking up the equivalence between buoyancy and pressure-driven flows in porous media: the effect of tortuosity
- Brief (<1 sec) delays to particle activation, and their influence on deposition patterns in the respiratory system
- CCN Activity, Hygroscopicity, and Droplet Activation Kinetics of Secondary Organic Aerosol Resulting from the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill
- Catchment Hydro-biogeochemical Response to Climate Change and Future Land-use
- Characteristics of tsunamis generated by 3D deformable granular landslides
- Characterization of Fractured Rock during Well Tests using Tilt-X, a Portable Tiltmeter and Extensometer for Multi-Component Deformation measurements
- Characterization of morphology of mineral dust particles for remote sensing applications and atmospheric transport models (Invited)
- Climate Response to US Aerosol Sources: 1950-2050
- Climate Surprises, Catastrophes and Fat Tails (Invited)
- Comprehensive rapid parameterizations of cloud drop and ice crystal formation: Developments and evaluations
- Contact Electrification and Charge Separation in Volcanic Plumes
- Detectability of biological activity in frozen Alaskan lakes using in-situ spectral probe
- Distribution of Dechlorinating Bacteria between the Aqueous and Solid Phases
- Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes in the Salton Sea Region of Southern California from Large Regional and Teleseismic Earthquakes
- Dynamic triggering of microearthquakes in the Long Valley Caldera and Coso Geothermal Field
- Dynamical Equilibrium States in Low Temperature Cirrus
- East Asian dust climatology as seen by MISR, MODIS, and OMI: multi-year mean spatial patterns, seasonal cycle, and inter-annual variability
- Effects of Terrain-modulated Radiation and Moisture Convergence on Grass Dynamics in a Semiarid Highly Seasonal Climate: Data Analysis and Numerical Model Experiments
- Effects of aquifer stratification on freshwater-seawater mixing-zone development
- Fractional crystallization and replenishment of the magma chamber at the East Pacific Rise 9°50' N
- Global isoprene emissions constrained by OMI formaldehyde column measurements
- Hear it, See it, Explore it: Visualizations and Sonifications of Seismic Signals
- Homogeneous crystal-rich vs. zoned crystal-poor ignimbrites: how much strain accumulates in large magma reservoirs between a new magma recharge and eruption? (Invited)
- How does complex terrain influence responses of carbon and water cycle processes to climate variability and climate change? (Invited)
- Impacts of land use change on atmospheric circulation and ecosystem dynamics in the Amazon from a coupled atmosphere-ecosystem model
- Interactions Between the Early Martian Dynamo, Surface Water, Atmosphere and Solar Wind
- Interglacial climate in the tropical West Pacific through the late Pleistocene
- Intra-stream variability in tracer breakthrough curves: Geomorphic controls on tailing behaviors
- Laboratory testing of a vertical axis turbine for tidal streams
- Late Quaternary faulting in Clayton Valley, Nevada: Implications for distributed deformation in the eastern California shear zone-Walker Lane
- Light-Absorbing Aerosol during NASA GRIP: Overview of Observations in the Free Troposphere and Associated with Tropical Storm Systems
- Modeling the role of HONO in the plume gas phase and aerosol chemistry of boreal forest biomass burning emissions during the summer 2009 ARCTAS campaign
- Molecular Simulations of Carbon Dioxide and Water: Cation Solvation and Wettability
- Multiphase Explosions on Mars: Numerical Studies of Phreatomagmatic Blast Dynamics (Invited)
- Novel Insights Into Microbial Uranium Reduction and Immobilization
- Nucleation and Arrest of Dynamic Fault Rupture on a Pressurized Fault
- Observations and Modeling of the 27 February 2010 Tsunami in Chile
- Observations of Longshore Currents at Cape Hatteras, NC
- On the effect of insoluble dust particles on global CCN and droplet number
- Overview and Major Findings of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Campaign
- Performance predictions for a mid-IR lidar suitable for measuring N2O in the boundary layer
- Pollution Effects on Marine Stratus off the Coast of California
- Probing adsorbed water on lunar regolith materials using thermal and non-thermal desorption (Invited)
- Rock Levitation by Water and Ice; an Explanation for Trails in Racetrack Playa, California
- Scaling Issues and Spatio-Temporal Variability in Ecohydrological Modeling on Mountain Topography: Methods and Future of the VELMA Model
- Sensitivity of the Global Distribution of Cirrus Ice Crystal Concentration to Heterogeneous Freezing (Invited)
- Spatial variability in streamflow predictions across United States: Role of climate and topography in predictability at ungauged basins
- Temporal variations in extension rate on the Lone Mountain fault and strain distribution in the eastern California shear zone-Walker Lane
- The Effects of Solute Breakthrough Curve Tail Truncation on Residence Time Estimates and Mass Recovery
- The Hygroscopic Properties of Volcanic Ash and Implications for the Evolution of Volcanic Plumes in the Atmosphere
- The Modulation of Crustal Magmatic Systems by Tectonic Forcing
- The Production and Detection of Magmatic Compositional Gaps: A Consideration of Nested Probabilities in Crustal Evolution (Invited)
- The impact of mineral dust particles on radiation and cloud formation during a Saharan dust event over Western Europe
- The role of root distribution in eco-hydrological modeling in semi-arid regions
- Trade-off in Selecting Structural Parameters for Bayesian Geostatistical Inverse Problems
- Tsunamis triggered by the 12 January 2010 Earthquake in Haiti
- Validity of macroscopic models of mean concentration for predicting mixing-controlled reactive transport
- Vegetation damage as a proxy for physical characteristics of PDCs
- Yearly Trends in South Pole Atmospheric Sulfur and Nitrogen Species and Their Potential Use in Ice Core Interpretations
- 2011 Japan tsunami current and flow velocity measurements from survivor videos using LiDAR
- 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Runup Distribution and Damages around Yamada Bay, Iwate
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami survey and its historical comparison at Rikuzentakata
- A geomorphic perspective on the organization of vegetation productivity on the landscape illustrated in a semiarid climate in Southwestern United States
- A physically-based approach of treating dust-water cloud interactions in climate models
- Aerosol Composition in the Los Angeles Basin Studied by High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Airborne observations of AOD-CCN relationship
- An Overview of Observations of Interstitial Aerosol during ICE-T
- Assessing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Transportation Infrastructure
- CCN activation kinetics: quantifying compositional impacts in polluted and pristine environments
- Comparison of present-day regional meteorological fields developed from a downscaled global model to in situ and reanalysis data
- Concept study for a Venus Lander Mission to Analyze Atmospheric and Surface Composition
- Continued Development of a Coupled Instrument Model for Quantifying Droplet Activation and Growth Kinetics in the DMT CCN Counter
- Deploying user-developed scientific analyses on federated data archives
- Development of a 3d Fbg Extensometer for Hydromechanical Well Testing
- Downscaling comparison between spectral nudging and grid nudging techniques using the Weather Research and Forecast model
- Dynamic Versus Static Triggering of Earthquake and Tremor in South-western Japan, Associated With the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Earthquake Nucleation and Fault Slip: Possible Experiments on a Natural Fault
- Effects of Crystallinity, Composition, and Texture on Hydrogen Solubility and Adsorption in Lunar Surface Materials and their Relevance to Remote Sensing
- Emplacement temperatures of boiling-over pyroclastic density currents from Tungurahua and Cotopaxi volcanoes, Ecuador
- Engineering a mid-IR lidar for boundary layer N2O
- Examining linkages between decadal changes in regional climate, land-cover and land-use, and dust emission in drylands in Central and East Asia
- Field- and Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of Uranium Sequestration: The Role of Sulfur and Iron Species
- Forecast Ensemble Reliability Assessment and Uncertainty Management for Reservoir Systems
- Ground motion amplification at Hotel Montana during the M7.0 2010 Haiti Earthquake: Topography Effects?
- Implications of Nitrogen-Climate Interactions for Ambient Air Pollution and Human Health
- Influence Of Subsurface Biosphere On Geochemical Fluxes From Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids: Direct Measurement Of Subsurface Hydrogen Oxidation
- Influence of Aerosol Acidity on the Chemical Composition of Secondary Organic Aerosol from β-caryophyllene
- Integrated Forecast and Reservoir Management for Northern California
- Interactions between vegetation, hydrology, and soil biogeochemistry in a Southern California annual grassland
- Ion flux at Ganymede
- Joint Variable Spatial Downscaling (JVSD): A New Downscaling Method with Application to the Southeast US
- Low-energy electron irradiation studies of acetonitrile and acetonitrile/acetylene ices relevant to Titan's atmospheric and surface chemistry
- MISR decadal observations of mineral dust: property characterization, and climate applications
- Measuring present-day strain rates along the Fish Lake Valley fault system, Pacific-North America plate boundary
- Melt inclusion data from the July/August 2006 and May 2010 eruptions of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Model Reduction via Principe Component Analysis and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Methods
- Modeling daily streamflow at ungauged catchments: What information is necessary?
- Modeling vegetation rooting strategies on a hillslope
- New Edition of the UNESCO-IOC International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) Post-Tsunami Survey Field Guide
- Observations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) from the Remote North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from the High-Wind Gas-Exchange Study (HiWinGS)
- Ongoing microseismicity in Nicoya of Costa Rica: What it says about megathrust locking
- Physicochemical Characterization of Cloud Drop Residual Particles in Eastern Pacific Marine Stratocumulus: Airborne Measurements Downstream of a Newly-Developed Counterflow Virtual Impactor Inlet during the 2011 E-PEACE Campaign
- Pit Gauges to Satellites: Precipitation Retrievals over the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Arizona
- Public Engagement on Climate Change
- Quantifying relative contributions of global emissions to PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> air quality attainment in the U.S
- Reactive Nitrogen, Ozone and Ozone production in the Arctic Troposphere and the Impact of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
- Regional Eco-hydrologic Sensitivity to Projected Amazonian Land Use Scenarios
- Review of laboratory and modeling efforts to understand and predict the evolution of water and hydroxyl on the Moon
- Riparian forest effects on nitrogen export to an agricultural stream inferred from experimental data and a model
- Seasonal Rainfall Forecasting Using Sea Surface Temperatures with an application in the Southeast US
- Solar Wind Manufacturing of Water on the Moon: An Ongoing NLSI Discussion
- Some Approaches to Modeling Diffuse Flow at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Surge Across the Chambo: Entrainment, topographical influences, and flow transformation of pyroclastic density currents using a combined field and multiphase modeling approach
- Temporal and spatial distributions of summer-time ground-level fine particulate matters in Baltimore-DC region
- The Chile tsunami of 27 February 2010: Field survey and modeling
- The Diversity of Aqueous Mineral-Bearing Deposits on Mars
- The Influence of Light Absorbing Aerosols on the Radiation Balance Over Central Greenland
- The Interaction of Volcanic Ash with Water and its Impact on Volcanic Plume Evolution
- Toughness-Dominated Regime of Hydraulic Fracturing in Cohesionless Materials
- Understanding the Factors That Control Snow Albedo Over Central Greenland
- Very shallow source of the October 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake from tsunami field data and high-rate GPS
- Volatility and Hygroscopicity of Atlanta CCN During New Particle Formation Events in Summer 2009
- Water Interactions with Micronized Lunar Analogs and Application to the Behavior of Water on the Moon
- Where Has All the Oil Gone? The use of trace metals as potential indicators of oil contamination in marine sediments and beach sands
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami video and TLS based measurements: hydrographs, currents, inundation flow velocities, and ship tracks
- 4 km Forecasting System to Support DISCOVER-AQ Campaigns: Model Configuration, Testing and Evaluation
- A Model of Surface Energy Budget over Water, Snow and Ice Surfaces
- A localized swarm of low-resource CubeSat-class spacecraft for auroral ionospheric science
- A network-base analysis of CMIP5 "historical" experiments
- Aircraft-based Assessment of Relationships between CCN Concentration and Aerosol Optical Depth
- An eco-hydrological modeling framework for assessing trade-offs among ecosystem services in response to alternative land use scenarios
- An evaluation of the uncertainties in biomass burning emissions
- Belowground adaptation and resilience to drought conditions
- Characterization of Cloud Water and Drop Residual Particle Properties in Northeastern Pacific Ocean Stratocumulus Clouds: Airborne Measurements during the E-PEACE 2012 Field Campaign
- Characterization of Multi-scale Variability of Atmospheric Dust Using the Regional Fully-coupled Dust Modeling System WRF-Chem-DuMo and Observations
- Cirrus Cloud Seeding has Potential to Cool Climate
- Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation Planning for the Southeast US
- Coalitions to engineer the climate
- Critical Mechanisms for the Formation of Extreme Arctic Sea-Ice Extent in the Summers of 2007 and 1996
- Development and applications of a Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System
- Droplet Growth Kinetics in Various Environments
- Dust Charging in Enceladus' Plume
- Effects of slope on the dynamics of dilute pyroclastic density currents from May 18th, 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption
- Ensemble simulations to study the impact of land use change of Atlanta to regional climate
- Estimating Hydrologic Processes from Subsurface Soil Displacements
- Exploring eco-hydrological consequences of the Amazonian ecosystems under climate and land-use changes in the 21st century
- Exploring the behavior of crystal mushes with physical models, recent advances and future challenges
- Extreme Temperatures and Their Mechanisms in NARCCAP Simulations
- Field Survey of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in Fukushima
- High-resolution three-dimensional modeling with an adaptive grid regional-scale air quality model
- Hydrated Sulfates in the Southern High Latitudes of Mars
- Images reveal that atmospheric particles can undergo liquid-liquid phase separations
- Improved understanding of aftershock triggering by waveform detection of aftershocks with GPU computing
- Improvement of High Resolution Precipitation Estimates via Data Assimilation of GPM-like Radiance and Rainfall Observations
- MISR perspective on dust spatial and temporal variability in major desert sources
- Managing Forecast Uncertainty and Risk in Multireservoir, Multiobjective, and Multistakeholder Systems
- Observations of BrO above Barrow, AK using Ground-Based MAX-DOAS: Investigating Effects of Surface Chemistry on Observed BrO Boundary Layer Vertical Column Densities
- Physical Modeling of Landslide Generated Tsunamis in Fjords and around Conical Islands
- Properties of Slowly Moving Thermal Waves in Saturn from Cassini CIRS Observations from 2004 to 2009
- Quantifying wildfire impacts on air quality during the ARCTAS-CARB campaign: Contribution of fire emissions to NAAQS exceedances
- Radiative and Dynamical Forcing of the Surface and Atmospheric Temperature Anomalies Associated with the Northern Annular Mode
- Recurring Slope Lineae in Valles Marineris, Mars
- Refining Reactive N Emissions over California's Central Valley through Assimilation of Ammonia-related Observations with the GEOS-Chem Adjoint Model
- Smog O3 Production Rate in California Air: Marker Compounds Allow Checks on Source Attribution to Fire and Other Sources
- Summer Rainfall Variability over the Southeastern United States in the 21st Century as Assessed by the CMIP5 Models
- Summer Research Experiences for Science and Art Teachers to Explore Astrobiology
- Systematic search for missing earthquakes in Central California around the 2003 Mw6.5 San Simeon and the 2004 Mw6.0 Parkfield earthquakes
- The Role of Atmospheric Rivers in Linking Weather Extremes: East Asian Cold Surge and High Impact Precipitation over the West Coast U. S
- The effect of lowered sea level on climate in the Indo-Pacific region as simulated by the SPEEDY AGCM
- The incorporation of fault zone head wave and direct wave secondary arrival times and arrival polarizations into seismic tomography: Application to the Parkfield, California area
- The microbiome of the upper troposphere: species composition and prevalence, effects of tropical storms, and atmospheric implications
- The role of fluids in extracting and transporting metals in shallow magmatic systems
- Three-dimensional topographic amplification of seismic motion: Engineering Applications
- Traceable accounts of subjective probability judgments in the IPCC and beyond
- Understanding the Relative Contributions of Aerosol Properties to Cloud Droplet Number: Adjoint Sensitivity Intercomparison of Activation Parameterizations in a Global Circulation Model
- Untangling the eco-hydro-geomorphic knot: Insights from an experiment seeking to explain patterns, processes, and feedbacks at the catchment scale
- Using satellite observations in performance evaluation for regulatory air quality modeling: Comparison with ground-level measurements
- Volatility of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Formed from Photooxidation of Isoprene
- 100 Days of ELF/VLF Generation via HF Heating with HAARP (Invited)
- A Multiagent Robotic System for In-Situ Modeling and Observation of Icebergs
- A Survey of Airborne Observations of Biological Aerosol over the Continental United States during NASA SEAC4RS
- A comparison of ICESat and Envisat altimetry measurements over Antarctica
- A parallel 3D model of quasi-electrostatic fields above active thunderstorms
- A probabilistic approach for shallow rainfall-triggered landslide modeling at basin scale. A case study in the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico
- A simplified model to tie magma chamber evolution to eruption frequency
- Abyssal Sequestration of Nuclear Waste in Earth's Crust
- Addressing pan-Arctic Black Carbon through the collective measurements of the IASOA observatories
- Aircraft-based assessment of relationships between CCN concentration and visible light extinction
- Analog and numerical experiments investigating force chain influences on bed conditions in granular flows
- Bias correction of temperature produced by the Community Climate System Model using Artificial Neural Networks
- Bubble suspension dynamics under shear flow: a numerical approach
- Carbon Flux Estimated from CO2 Concentration using Half Order Derivative Method
- Cassini CAPS and INMS Detection of Water Group Pick-Up Ions Near the Orbits of Saturn's Icy Moons Enceladus, Dione and Rhea
- Chemical Characterization of Water Soluble Organic Aerosol during SOAS Using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Connecting Soluble Trace Gases and Aerosol Vertical Distributions to Storm Properties
- Contributions from the Amazon River mouth to the carbonate and nutrient dynamics of the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Invited)
- Correlations Between Textures and Infrared Spectra of the Martian Surface in Valles Marineris
- Coupled dynamics of soil formation and erosion in natural and agricultural ecosystems
- Detection and Quantification of Nitrogen Compounds in Martian Solid Samples by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument Suite
- Detection of Missing Earthquakes within the Barnett Shale of Texas Using the USArray
- Diagnosing Influences on Tropical Pacific Corals: From Salinity Budgets to 20th Century Trends
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Cycling and Transformation Dynamics in A Northern Forested Peatland
- Dynamical Downscaling of GPM Precipitation Observations through 4DVAR Data Assimilation
- Dynamical, thermodynamical and hydrological effects of the third pole (Invited)
- Effect of DEM resolution on rainfall-triggered landslide modeling within a triangulated network-based model. A case study in the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico
- Fine-scale photochemical modeling of ozone and ammonium nitrate over California during CalNex 2010
- Flow Transformation in Pyroclastic Density Currents: Entrainment and Granular Dynamics during the 2006 eruption of Tungurahua
- Force-Restore Model of surface temperature using a new parameterization of ground heat flux
- High-performance parallel sparse-direct triangular solves (Invited)
- Humification and vertical stratification of organic matter transformations in the peat column at the SPRUCE site, Marcell Experimental Forest
- Hurricane Irene's Impacts on the Aftershock Sequence of the 2011 Mw5.8 Virginia Earthquake
- Incorporation of Advanced Activation Treatments into CESM/CAM5: Model Evaluation and Impacts on Aerosol Indirect Forcing
- Indirect radiative forcing efficiencies of spatially resolved aerosol and precursor gas emissions
- Investigating the sensitivity of crystal number to aerosol and meteorological fields in CAM 5.1 using the adjoint of a physically based cirrus formation parameterization
- Investigation of Aerosol in the Southeastern U.S. during the SOAS Field Campaign: Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity, Hygroscopicity, Droplet Activation Kinetics, and Volatility of Ambient and Water-Soluble Aerosol
- Ion Interactions at Enceladus: Plasma Observations from the E3 and E5 encounters in a Multifluid Modeling Context
- Low Velocity Zones along the San Jacinto Fault, Southern California, inferred from Local Earthquakes
- Midlatitude ice-rich ground on Mars as a target in the search for evidence of life and for in situ resource utilization on human missions
- Modeling regional crop yield and irrigation demand using SMAP type of soil moisture data
- Monitoring Changes in Soil Water Content Using Subsurface Displacement
- Multi-method Comparison of Icesat-1 Elevation and Volume Changes over Greenland and Antarctica
- Near-field entrainment in black smoker plumes
- Observations of atmospheric methyl peroxy nitrate during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry experiment
- Occurrence of near-surface ozone depletion in the Arctic spring strongly affected by Northern-Hemispheric climate variability
- Online collaboration and model sharing in volcanology via
- P-wave velocity features of methane hydrate-bearing turbidity sediments sampled by a pressure core tool, from the first offshore production test site in the eastern Nankai Trough, Japan
- Photochemical Bromine Production from Arctic Surface Snowpacks and Resulting Chemistry Aloft (Invited)
- Physical Modeling of Tsunamis Generated By 3D Deformable Landslides in Various Scenarios From Fjords to Conical Islands
- Predicting Real-Time Soil Carbon Fluxes in Alaska at High Spatial Resolution
- Preparing the Next Generation of Earth Scientists: An Examination of 25 Federal Earth Science Education Programs
- Quantifying evaporation and transpiration fluxes of an Eucalyptus woodland in complex terrain with varying tree cover using the Maximum Entropy Production model of evapotranspiration
- Quantifying the Behavior of Recurring Slope Lineae and Similar Martian Features
- Reconstruction of the Mesozoic subduction in the South China Sea and its implications on the opening of the South China Sea basins
- Recurring Slope Lineae in Mid-Latitude and Equatorial Mars
- Seasonality and spatial distribution of threshold wind velocity and dust emission in Central Asia
- Sediment biogeochemistry and microbial activity at natural hydrocarbon seeps and at sites impacted by anthropogenic hydrocarbon discharges
- Size-Resolved Measurements of Brown Carbon in Water and Methanol Extracts and Estimates of Their Contribution to Ambient Fine Particle Light Absorption
- Spatio-temporal patterns of post-earthquake seismicity and afterslip following the 5 September 2012 (M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.6) Nicoya Peninsula earthquake
- Studies of Arctic Tropospheric Halogen Chemistry via Field Measurements and Modeling
- Systematical Search for remotely triggered earthquakes in Tibet Plateau following the 2004 M9.2 Sumatra and the 2005 M8.6 Nias earthquake
- Tectonic Tremor Triggered along Major Strike-Slip Faults around the World
- Tectonic tremor and brittle seismic events triggered along the Eastern Denali Fault in northwest Canada
- Temperature sensitivity (Q10), and dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition in permafrost soils with different carbon quality and under experimental warming. R. Bracho1, E.A.G Schuur1, E. Pegoraro1, K.G. Crummer1, S. Natali2, J. Zhou, Y Luo3, J. L. Wu3, M. Tiedje4, K. Konstantinidis5 1Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 2Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA. 3Institute for Environmental Genomics and Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 4Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; 5Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics and School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- The Search for Nitrates on Mars by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument
- The Search for VLF Precursors to Major Earthquakes: A Case Study with the M9.0 Earthquake of 11-Mar-2011 (Invited)
- The Solomon Islands tsunami of 6 February 2013 field survey in the Santa Cruz Islands
- The hydrometeorological response to deforestation in the Amazon basin
- The seismic signature of glacier outburst floods (Invited)
- Tying Textures of Breadcrust Bombs to their Transport Regime and Cooling History (Invited)
- Understanding the Linkages between Climate, Land Use, and Land Degradation in Central Asia (Invited)
- Use of air quality modeling results as exposure estimates in health studies
- Wildfire-Driven Anomalies in the Asian Summer Monsoon System
- X-Band Microwave Radiometry as a Tool for Understanding the Deep Atmosphere of Venus
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami runup hydrographs, ship tracks, upriver and overland flow velocities based on video, LiDAR and AIS measurements
- A Model of Callisto's Ionosphere
- A New Framework for Robust Retrieval and Fusion of Active/Passive Multi-Sensor Precipitation
- A New Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Formulation for Modeling Thermal Transport in Complex Heterogeneous Media
- A Novel Stroke to Flash Clustering Algorithm to Investigate Storm Coupling
- A Seasonal Study of Uranus' Magnetosphere
- A Space-Time Unified Data Set of General Circulation Model Outputs for Land Surface Modeling over Amazonia
- Abiotic Nitrous Oxide Production in Natural and Artificial Seawater
- Adaptive Regulation of the Northern California Reservoir System for Water, Energy, and Environmental Management
- Adjoint Techniques to Minimize the Uncertainty in Heterogeneous Nucleation Spectrum
- Aerosol Phosphorus Composition: New Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy
- Agricultural Fires in the Southeastern U.S. during SEAC4RS: Emissions of Trace Gases and Particles and Evolution of Reactive Nitrogen and Ozone
- Air quality extremes and trends over the United States: Effects of regional climate
- Airborne Observations of BrO and HOBr by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) during CONTRAST (CONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics)
- Aircraft Measurement of Isoprene-derived Organic Aerosol during the Southeast Nexus (SENEX) Campaign Using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Aircraft- and ground-based assessment of the CCN-AOD relationship and implications on model analysis of ACI and underlying aerosol processes
- All Is Not Lost: The Transition from Order to Disorder in Greenland's Glaciers
- Analysis and Modeling of Intense Oceanic Lightning
- Annual Patterns and Sources of Light-Absorbing Aerosols over Central Greenland
- Anthropogenic processing of dust affects the oxygen content of the North Pacific Ocean
- Argus: An Io observer mission concept study from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School
- Assessing the Impact of Landscape Evolution on Carbon Dynamics: A Coupled Physically-Based Modelling Approach
- Biomass Burning Dominates Brown Carbon Absorption in the Rural Southeastern U.S.
- Biomass Burning: Major Uncertainties, Advances, and Opportunities
- Biomass burning as an important source of reactive oxygen species associated with the atmospheric aerosols in Southeastern United States - Implications for health effects of ambient particulate matter
- BrO in the Tropical and Subtropical UTLS: Longitudinal Gradients over the Pacific Ocean
- Brown carbon in the continental troposphere: sources, evolution and radiative impacts
- Characteristics of Arctic Spring Onset
- Characterization of aerosol composition and sources in the greater Atlanta area by aerosol mass spectrometry
- Chemical provinces reveal Elysium Volcano's compositional evolution
- Climate Change and the Extension of the Ozone Season in the United States: Extreme Case Studies
- Coherent Changes of Northern and Eastern Equatorial Africa Rainfall during the Last Deglaciation
- Comparing ground-based and airborne aerosol measurements during the Houston and Colorado DISCOVER-AQ field deployments
- Comparison of data fusion techniques using observations, chemical transport models, and satellite retrievals for air pollution exposure estimates in health studies
- Comparison of temperature proxies in tropical stalagmites
- Constraining Carbonaceous Aerosol Climate Forcing by Bridging Laboratory, Field and Modeling Studies
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Coupled THCM Modeling of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments
- Defining the Contribution of Fragmentation to Icy World Geology
- Development of a region-specific wildfire scheme in the Community Land Model of the CESM
- Diagnosing the connections between western US extreme precipitation and remote forcing
- Dynamically Triggered Earthquakes in the Geysers Region following the 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Dynamics of Wind-Affected Volcanic Plumes: The Example of the 2011 Cordon Caulle Eruption, Chile
- ENSO and Indo-Pacific Water Isotopes: Observations, Modeling, and Implications for Proxy Reconstructions
- Elevated Glyoxal Concentrations over the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: A Direct Biogenic Source?
- Enceladus Environmental Explorer (EVE): A Mission Concept
- Evaluation of fine soil moisture data from the IFloodS (NASA GPM) Ground Validation campaign using a fully-distributed ecohydrological model
- Field Comparisons of Three Biomarker Detection Methods in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
- Field survey of the 1 April 2014 Iquique tsunami along the coasts of Chile and Peru
- G. menardii Abundance and Thermocline Ventilation in the Florida Straits over the Deglaciation
- Global Changes in Stratospheric Composition: Aura MLS and Past Measurements versus Models
- Global Fire emissions and its impacts on terrestrial ecosystem carbon budget from 1901 to 2010
- Gravity-Driven Hydraulic Fractures
- Heat Source for Active Venting at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- High Levels of Molecular Chlorine found in the Arctic Atmosphere
- Identifying Dynamical Forcing and Cloud-Radiative Feedbacks Critical to the Formation of Extreme Arctic Sea-Ice Extent in the Summers of 2007 and 1996
- Impact of Boundary Conditions on Pumping in a Fully Bounded Aquifer
- In situ vertical profiles of aerosol extinction, mass, and composition over the SEUS during the SENEX and SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS studies
- Incorporating Functional Gene Quantification into Traditional Decomposition Models
- Insights into Proximal-Medial Pyroclastic Density Current Deposits at a High-Risk Glaciated Volcano: Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand
- Instrumented Pressure Testing Chamber (IPTC) Characterization of Methane Gas Hydrate-Bearing Pressure Cores Collected from the Methane Production Test Site in the Eastern Nankai Trough, Offshore Japan
- Interactions between Nitrogen Fixation and Methane Cycling in Northern Minnesota Peat Bogs
- Interactions between nitrogen cycling and methane oxidation in the pelagic waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
- Investigating Charon's Impact on Pluto's Interaction with the Solar Wind through Multifluid MHD Simulations
- Isolation and Characterization of Microbes Mediating Thermodynamically Favorable Coupling of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane and Metal Reduction
- Large-Scale Deformation and Uplift Associated with Serpentinization
- Lightning Nitrogen Oxides (LNO<SUB>x</SUB>) Vertical Profile Quantification and 10 Year Trend Analysis using Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Satellite Measurements, Air Quality Station (AQS) Surface Measurements, The National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN), and Simulated by Cloud Resolving Chemical Transport Model (REAM Cloud)
- Long-Term Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA (LEARN): Innovative Practices Suggested By a New Model for Teacher Research Experiences
- Magma Boiling Underneath Volcanoes: A Key to Massive S Release during Eruption
- Magnetospheric Interaction at Saturn's Icy Moons Enceladus, Dione, and Rhea: Cassini in-Situ Energetic Particle Measurements and Their Dynamics Compared with Simulation Results
- Metagenomics-Enabled Understanding of Soil Microbial Feedbacks to Climate Warming
- Modeling Heat Transfer, Fluid Circulation and Permeability Alteration in Hydrothermal Systems with Loose Coupling to Magmatic Intrusion Modeling in the Lower Crust
- Modeling of Biomass Burning Aerosols over Southeastern United States
- Modeling the Temporal Evolution of the Magma Chamber at Mount Hood (Oregon, USA)
- Modeling the transport pathways of iron from the continental shelves to the Southern Ocean
- Monitoring Changes in Moisture Load Using Elastic Displacements in the Vadose Zone
- Multi-scale 3D simulation of lightning and thunderstorm electrodynamics
- Multifluid MHD Investigation of Plasma Production and Transport in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Multifluid MHD Simulation of Saturn's Interchange Fingers
- Multiple-Station Observation of Frequency Dependence and Polarization Characteristics of ELF/VLF waves generated via Ionospheric Modification
- Multiproxy Records of Indo-Pacific Climate and Environmental Change from Lake Towuti, Indonesia, Since 60 Kyr BP
- NASA Data Evaluation: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- NC10 Bacteria in a Marine Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Observations of Terrestrial Biogenic and Biomass Burning Aerosol Impacts on Marine Stratocumulus off the Coast of California
- Oceanic oxygen in a warming climate: mechanisms, patterns, and timescales
- Oxygen Oases Before and After the GOE: Insights From Metals and Models
- Paired Vapor-Precipitation Isotope Data from Manus, Papua New Guinea
- Parameterizing Aggregation Rates: Results of cold temperature ice-ash hydrometeor experiments
- Postseismic Slip Inferred from Repeating Earthquakes Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya Earthquake in Costa Rica
- Precipitation Isotopes Reveal Intensified Indonesian Monsoon Circulation During the Dry Last Glacial Maximum
- Quantifying the Behavior of Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL)
- Re-Evaluation of the Earth's Surface Energy Balance Using a New Method of Heat Fluxes
- Reconciling Organic Aerosol Volatility, Hygroscopicity, and Oxidation State During the Colorado DISCOVER-AQ Deployment
- Regional Biases in Droplet Activation Parameterizations: Strong Influence on Aerosol Second Indirect Effect in the Community Atmosphere Model v5.
- Remote sensing of large scale methane emission sources with the Methane Airborne MAPper (MAMAP) instrument over the Kern River and Kern Front Oil fields and validation through airborne in-situ measurements - Initial results from COMEX
- SAGE 2014: Grain size variability across the Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland ice sheet Experiment (SAGE) traverse route
- Scattering of In-Plane Waves by Elastic Wedges
- Signatures of the Toba super-volcano eruption in Borneo stalagmite geochemistry: a multi-proxy approach
- Simulation of Anisotropic Rock Damage for Geologic Fracturing
- Soil Moisture Background Error Covariance Estimation in a Land-Atmosphere Coupled Model
- Soil Moisture and Vegetation Controls on Surface Energy Balance Using the Maximum Entropy Production Model of Evapotranspiration
- Solar Flare Induced Ionospheric Perturbations Observed by VLF Sferic Propagation
- Soluble dust as source of nutrients to the oceans and the role of humans
- Source Region Identification for Low Latitude Whistlers (L=1.08)
- Statistical Discrimination of Induced and Tectonic Earthquake Sequences in Central and Eastern US Based on Waveform Detected Catalogs
- Stratospheric Injection of Bromine from Very Short Lived (VSL) Sources Inferred from CONTRAST
- Tectonic Tremor along the Parkfield-Cholame Section of the San Andreas Fault Triggered by the 2014 M6.0 South Napa and Other Regional Earthquakes
- Temporal Feasibility of Rapid Joint Inversions in Response to Tsunamis Triggered by Megathrust Earthquakes
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Earthquake Source Parameters within the 2012 Nicoya, Costa Rica M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.6 Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Tgf Pulse and Radio Properties Detected at Close Range
- The Fate of Amazonian Ecosystems over the Coming Century Arising from Changes in Climate, Atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and Land-use
- The Generation of Surface-bound Exospheres via Electron-Stimulated Desorption (and Related Phenomena): Results from Apollo samples and Hermian Regolith Simulants
- The Hershfield Factor Revisited
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The Methane to Carbon Dioxide Ratio Produced during Peatland Decomposition and a Simple Approach for Distinguishing This Ratio
- The NSF-RCN Urban Heat Island Network
- The Variable Enceladus-Saturn Interaction
- The impact of molecular iodine photochemistry in the Arctic
- The influence of variations in Jupiter's plasma environment on the Europa interaction
- The microphysics of ash tribocharging: New insights from laboratory experiments
- The role of remote versus local climatic influences in shaping seasonal to interannual rainfall isotopic variations in northern Borneo
- Thermal and petrologic constraints on the lower crustal melt accumulation in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- Thermal history of pyroclastic density currents and pyroclasts at Tungurahua, Ecuador
- Tidal Heating and Melt Segregation and Migration within Io
- Titan's Midrange Magnetotail from Cassini Observations and Hybrid Modeling
- Topographic Regulators of the Seismic Cycle along the Subduction Megathrust
- Tracing the secular evolution of the UCC using the iron isotope composition of ancient glacial diamictites
- Tsunamis generated by 3D deformable landslides in various scenarios: laboratory experiments and numerical modeling
- Understanding the Linkages Between Climate, Land Use, and Land Degradation in Central Asia
- Variations in the association of H<SUB>2</SUB>O with sulfur on Mars
- Variations of Crustal Anisotropy along the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California
- Vertical profiles of cloud condensation nuclei, aerosol hygroscopicity, water uptake, and scattering across the United States
- Very large intramolecular D-H partitioning in hydrated silicate melts synthesized at upper mantle pressures and temperatures
- When History Repeats Itself: Typhoon Haiyan and Its 1897 Predecessor in the Philippines
- Whistler Observations on DEMETER Compared with Full Electromagnetic Wave Simulations
- The Role of the Tibetan Plateau in the South Asian Monsoon Atmospheric Circulation
- 3D Multifluid MHD simulation for Uranus and Neptune: the seasonal variations of their magnetosphere
- A Physically-Based and Distributed Tool for Modeling the Hydrological and Mechanical Processes of Shallow Landslides
- A Self-Consistent Model to Explain Shallow Volcanic Tremor
- A potential relationship between molybdenum speciation and its isotopic signature in sedimentary records: New insights from old shales
- AMS Observations over Coastal California from the Biological and Oceanic Atmospheric Study (BOAS)
- Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A.
- Aerosol pH buffering in the southeastern US: Fine particles remain highly acidic despite large reductions in sulfate
- Air Entrainment and Thermal Evolution of Pyroclastic Density Currents at Tungurahua, Ecuador
- Airborne Measurements of NO<SUB>x</SUB>, NO<SUB>y</SUB>, and O<SUB>3</SUB> Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
- Ambient VLF Transmitter Variation Detected at Many Locations
- Amplified subtropical stationary waves in boreal summer and their implications for regional water extremes
- An Ice Shell Impact Penetrator (IceShIP) for Organic Analysis on Europa
- Areal Distribution of Potential Felsic Material in Nili Patera at Syrtis Major, Mars
- Assessments of the contribution of land use change to the dust emission in Central Asia
- Astronomical Ice: The Effects of Treating Ice as a Porous Media on the Dynamics and Evolution of Extraterrestrial Ice-Ocean Environments
- Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Initial Clues from Dawn
- Beyond Roughness: Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Topographic "Structure" on Venus and Elsewhere in the Solar System
- Biochar-Facilitated Reduction of Crystalline Fe(III) in Hematite
- Brown Carbon: Results From Ground and Airborne Studies
- CCN activity of Amazonian aerosols during GoAmazon 2014/5
- Can tides influence volcanic eruptions?
- Case Study Examination of Dust and Smoke Using Observational Data and Models in the Western United States and Middle East
- Central Tropical Pacific Corals Reveal Reduced ENSO Variability 3-5kyBP
- Central Tropical Pacific SST and Salinity Variability over the Little Ice Age
- Ceres in Color: Surface variegation suggests a compositionally diverse landscape
- Characteristics of predictable MJOs
- Characterizing and Understanding Large-Scale Wave Propagation in the Atmosphere through Graphs of 3D Information Flow
- Charon's Impact on the Pluto-Solar Wind Interaction
- Climatology and Characteristics of In-situ Aerosol Optical Properties in the Arctic
- Contemporary changes of water resources, water and land use in Central Asia based on observations and modeling.
- Continued Trenchward Procession of Upper Plate GPS Sites Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya Earthquake
- Contributions of wildfire to climate variability
- Deconvoluting Mixtures ofEmissions Sources to Investigate PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>'s Ability to Generate Reactive Oxygen Species and its Associations with Cardiorespiratory Effects
- Detection and Modeling of the Tsunami Generated by 2013 Okhotsk Deep Focus Earthquake
- Development of a region-specific fire scheme in the CESM framework
- Discovering New Compounds on Icy Moon Surfaces with Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes and Tremors in Taiwan
- Effects of Hydrologic Processes on Vertical Displacements in the Critical Zone
- Emissions and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in Early Spring of Western U.S.: Interactions between Oil/Gas Emissions and Biogenic Emissions
- Engaging a moving target: Adapting to rates of climate change
- Estimating sub-monthly TWS using MODIS and GRACE satellite observations, a case study over Tonlé Sap floodplain
- Evaluating Foraminifera as an Archive for Seawater Chromium Isotopic Composition
- Examining the Role of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> Hydrolysis and ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> Production Over the Northeast United States: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Examining the interaction of Europa with the Jovian magnetosphere using eruptive and multifluid plasma dynamic simulations
- Exploring Formation Models for Ceres Tholi and Montes
- Fathoms Below: Propagation of Deep Water-driven Fractures and Implications for Surface Expression and Temporally-varying Activity at Europa
- Favia Corals: a New Paleoclimate Archive
- Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations
- Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
- Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
- Hygroscopicity of Black-Carbon-Containing Aerosol in Wildfire Plumes
- Impact of Increased Environmental Aerosols on the Development of Extratropical Baroclinic Disturbances
- Impacts of Hydrate Distribution on the Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
- Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Formation in the Colorado Front Range during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014
- Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions
- Influence of Soil Erosion and Landslide Occurrence on Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Loss in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico
- Insights on crustal growth from detrital zircons in ancient glacial deposits
- Integration of a Physically based Distributed Hydrological Model with a Model of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling: A Case Study at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico
- Integration of fuzzy logic and image analysis for the detection of gullies in the Calhoun critical zone observatory using airborne LiDAR data
- Interactions of wildland fire emissions with power plant and traffic emissions in Southeastern US
- Into the Deep Black Sea: The Icefin Modular AUV for Ice-Covered Ocean Exploration
- Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model
- Investigating the Relative Contributions of Secondary Ice Formation Processes to Ice Crystal Number Concentrations Within Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Lab-on-a-Chip Instrumentation and Method for Detecting Trace Organic and Bioorganic Molecules in Planetary Exploration: The Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA)
- Long-term Chemical Characterization of Submicron Aerosol Particles in the Amazon Forest - ATTO Station
- Mass Footprints of the North Pacific Atmospheric Blocking Highs
- Maximum Entropy Production Modeling of Evapotranspiration Partitioning on Heterogeneous Terrain and Canopy Cover: advantages and limitations.
- Measurement of pernitric acid (HO<SUB>2</SUB>NO<SUB>2</SUB>) using chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) with I<SUP>-</SUP>·H<SUB>2</SUB>O as the reagent ions: instrumentation and observations
- Measuring the CCN and IN ability of bacterial isolates: implications for the southeastern United States and Puerto Rico
- Meteorological and Aerosol effects on Marine Cloud Microphysical Properties
- Microbial exudate promoted dissolution and transformation of chromium containing minerals
- Microclimate controls on weathering: Insights into deep critical zone evolution from seismic refraction surveys in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Migration of buoyant non-wetting fluids in heterogeneous porous media
- Modeling Callisto's Interaction with the Jovian Magnetospheric Environment
- Modeling Greenland's Climate Response to the Presence of Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
- Modelling the hydrometeorological response to changing lengthscales of deforestation in the Amazon
- NASA Data Evaluation (2015): Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- New Insights into Amino Acid Preservation in the Early Oceans using Modern Analytical Techniques
- Numerical investigation of the impact of seasonal variability on Saturn's magnetosphere
- OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns
- Observation of Long Ionospheric Recoveries from Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation Events
- On the impact of spiciness on El Nino
- Optimization of Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation Imaging Across Large Dense Array
- Oxidative Weathering of Archean Sulfides: Implications for the Great Oxidation Event
- Particle pH Inferred from Aircraft Data: Validation and Geographical, Vertical and Seasonal Characteristics with Case Studies from the WINTER Campaign
- Photochemical Aging of α-pinene and β-pinene Secondary Organic Aerosol formed from Nitrate Radical Oxidation: New Insights into the Formation and Fates of Highly Oxygenated Gas- and Particle-phase Organic Nitrates
- Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling
- Precipitation and Seawater Isotopic Variability from Hawaii to the equator: the 2014-2015 ENSO cycle
- Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States
- Preservation of Lipid Biomarkers Under Prolonged and Extreme Hyperaridity in Atacama Desert Soils
- Production of Excess CO<SUB>2</SUB> relative to methane in peatlands: a new H<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- Pyroclastic density current dynamics and associated hazards at ice-covered volcanoes
- Quantifying Sources, Sinks and Gas-surface Interactions on the Moon from LADEE Measurements of Exospheric Na and K
- Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen outflow from the Front Range of Colorado
- RACORO Continental Boundary Layer Cloud Investigations: Large-Eddy Simulations of Cumulus Clouds and Evaluation with In-Situ and Ground-Based Observations
- Rainfall Microwave Spectral Atoms: A New Class of Bayesian Algorithms for Passive Retrieval
- Recent Findings Based on Airborne Measurements at the Interface of Coastal California Clouds and Clear Air
- Recovering Total Megathrust Slip Across the Seismic Cycle: Results from Two Decades of Study at the Nicoya Seismic Cycle Observatory (NSCO)
- Remote Triggering of Microearthquakes in the Piton de la Fournaise and Changbaishan Volcanoes
- Removable Tensor Strainmeter and Vector Tiltmeter System for Use With Forward and Inverse Methods for Characterizing Deformation During CO2 Injection
- Response of Ionosphere to the Tropospheric disturbances
- Revisit of the Global Surface Energy Balance Using the MEP Model of Surface Heat Fluxes
- Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
- Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission
- Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking Weathering, Erosion and Landscapes
- Source Parameters for Repeating Earthquakes along the Middle America Trench
- Sources and Distributions of Secondary Aerosols over the Northeastern United States during the WINTER Aircraft Campaign.
- Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Space Weathering of airless bodies in the Solar System - Combining hypervelocity dust impacts with energetic irradiation experiments
- Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements
- Statistical discrimination of induced and tectonic earthquake sequences in Central and Eastern US based on waveform detected catalogs
- Stratigraphic relationships and timing of the 2012 Havre submarine silicic volcanic eruption revealed by high resolution bathymetric mapping and observations by underwater vehicles.
- Systematic Detections of Early Aftershocks and Remotely Triggered Seismicity in China Following the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Systematic Study of Foreshocks and Triggered Earthquakes During the 2010 Mw7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Sequence
- The Behavior of Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements during Magmatic Differentiation as Observed in Kilauea Iki Lava Lake, Hawaii
- The Chthonic Charging of Volcanic Flows: The Generation of Vent Lightning
- The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express
- The Dependence on Topography of the Influence of Soil Erosion and Deposition on the Carbon Cycle at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- The Effects of Ice on the Frictional Electrification of Plumes
- The Effects of Pulsating Flow on Eruption Column Dynamics
- The Fate of Volatiles in Subaqueous Explosive Eruptions: An Analysis of Steam Condensation in the Water Column
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The NSF-RCN Urban Heat Island Network
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS): Enabling Required Plasma Measurements for the Exploration of Europa
- The Role of Clouds in Linking the Summer AO and Arctic Dipole to Summer Arctic Sea Ice Extent Variability on Seasonal and Interannual Timescales
- The Self-Regulated Induction of United States Cold Air Outbreaks by the North Atlantic Oscillation
- The Stability of Peatland Carbon Stores to Global Change: Evidence for Enhanced Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production
- The Water Retention Curves in THF Hydrate-Bearing Sediments - Experimental Measurement and Pore Scale Simulation
- The relationship between cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration and light extinction of dried particles: indications of underlying aerosol processes and implications for satellite-based CCN estimate
- Titan's Interaction With the Supersonic Solar Wind During T96: A Hybrid Simulation Study
- Tracing the secular evolution of the UCC using the iron isotope composition of ancient glacial diamictites
- Tracking Eukaryotic Production and Burial Through Time with Zinc Isotopes
- Tracking the Propagation and Effects of Crevasses in the Helheim Glacier in Greenland
- Transionospheric VLF Propagation as an Ionospheric Diagnostic
- Tropical cyclone Pam coastal impact survey in Vanuatu
- Ubiquitous presence of particle-phase organic nitrates in the southeastern United States
- Ultrarapid Poster Presentations
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
- Utilizing SO<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mixing Ratios to Determine SO<SUB>2</SUB> Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer
- Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Using Aircraft Data
- Variation of Geochemical Signatures and Correlation of Biomarkers in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
- Water Isotope Variability Across Individual Precipitation Events in Borneo
- Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central Pennsylvania
- Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability
- Wintertime aerosol chemical composition, volatility, and spatial variability in the greater London area
- X-ray Solar Flare Induced Ionospheric Perturbations Observed by VLF Sferics
- Dynamic interactions between the October 28<SUP>th</SUP> 2012 Haida Gwaii and January 5<SUP>th</SUP> 2013 Craig earthquakes and other faults in Southeast Alaska
- 3D Multifluid MHD Simulations at Uranus and Neptune: Seasonal Variations of Their Magnetospheres
- A 3D parameterization of nutrients atmospheric deposition to the global ocean
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Equatorial Magnetosphere of Saturn
- A Dynamical and Statistical Characterization of United States Hydrological Extremes and their Associated Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns
- A Satellite Based Method for Wetland Inundation Mapping
- A Search for Characteristic Seismic Energy Radiation Patterns to Identify Possible Fast-Rupturing Activity Associated with Tsunamigenic and Other Earthquakes Around the Solomon Islands
- Accelerated soil carbon loss by biological changes under warming in Alaskan tundra
- Advances in Understanding the Seismogenic Plate Interface From Nearly Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismic Observations on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- An Analysis of Inter-annual Variability and Uncertainty of Continental Surface Heat Fluxes
- An ensemble approach to reconstructing 20th century climate trends in data-sparse regions of the tropical Pacific using young fossil corals
- Analytical and Numerical Investigation of the Time-scale associated with Seawater Intrusion and Retreat in a Flux-controlled Coastal Aquifer System
- Assessing D-Region Ionospheric Electron Densities with Transionospheric VLF Signals
- Assimilation of Satellite Precipitation and Soil Moisture Data into a Coupled Land-Atmosphere Model
- Atmospheric acidification of mineral aerosols as a modulator of bioavailable phosphorus for ecosystems
- Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Modeling Water Vapor Production
- Bio-optical Provinces of the Biển Đông
- Biogenic and anthropogenic contributions to the observed correlations of surface O<SUB>3</SUB> with CO and CH<SUB>2</SUB>O in Washington-Baltimore regions
- Characterizing Subsurface Deformation from Changes in Moisture Content during Infiltration Experiments
- Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements During the First Year of the ORACLES Study
- Constraining the Sublimation Rate of the Louth Crater Ice Mound with Observations of Atmospheric Water Vapor in the Thermal Infrared
- Constraints on the Martian Core Dynamo: The Magnetic Signature of Apollinaris Patera
- Contrasting Cloud Composition Between Coupled and Decoupled Marine Boundary Layer Clouds
- CosmoQuest: Creative Engagement & Citizen Science Ignite Authentic Science
- Creating a Bio-Inspired Solution to Prevent Erosion
- Detailed analysis of precursory activities before the M5.8 Pawnee earthquake: propagating foreshocks leading to mainshock
- Detecting Possible Fault Zone Head Waves Along the Longmenshan Fault Zone Using Aftershocks of the 2013 Mw6.7 Lushan Earthquake
- Detection and Mapping of Hydrated Mineral Phases associated with Flat-Floored Noachian Impact Craters in the Southern Highlands on Mars
- Determining the Uncertainties in Prescribed Burn Emissions Through Comparison of Satellite Estimates to Ground-based Estimates and Air Quality Model Evaluations in Southeastern US
- Developing a Dust Emission Climatology for Central Asia Using a Fully Coupled WFR-Chem-DuMo Model
- Developing an Approach to Model UV Fluxes in Smoke Laden Conditions over Central Asia
- Development And Applications Of The Fully Coupled Model WRF-Chem-Smoke.
- Development of a Wave Resource Classification System
- Development of an Extraterrestrial Organic Analyzer (EOA) for Highly Sensitive Organic Detection on an Ice Shell Impact Penetrator (IceShIP)
- Disentangling plasma interaction and induction signatures at Callisto: The Galileo C10 flyby
- Dynamic Earthquake Triggering on Seismogenic Faults in Oklahoma
- Electron Stimulated Desorption Yields at the Mercury's Surface Based On Hybrid Simulation Results
- Enhanced seismicity at a geothermal spot in southern Tibet following 2004 M<SUB>w</SUB> 9.1 Sumatra earthquake
- Equivalent Black Carbon measurements and spectral analysis of absorption coefficient during a biomass burning episode in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.
- Estimating the D-Region Ionospheric Electron Density Profile Using VLF Narrowband Transmitters
- Exhumation Histories Across an Ancient Arc-craton Boundary, Northern North American Cordillera
- Experimental Determination of Bed Conditions in Concentrated Pyroclastic Density Currents
- Feldspathic Material in Nili Patera at Syrtis Major, Mars: Extent and Relation to Surrounding Units
- Field Survey of the 2015 Ilapel Tsunami in North Central Chile
- Field survey of the 1946 Dominican Republic tsunami based on eyewitness interviews
- First Results at Jupiter from the Microwave Radiometer Investigation
- Hybrid Simulations of Pluto's Plasma Interaction
- Ice under cover: Using bulk spatial and physical properties of probable ground ice driven mass wasting features on Ceres to better understand its surface
- Iceberg Ahead: The Effect of Bands and Ridges During Chaos Formation on Europa.
- Improvement in In-Situ Rheological Stress Measurements with Acoustic Wave Data
- Improving an Assessment of Tidal Stream Energy Resource for Anchorage, Alaska
- Incorporation of Multiple Datasets in Earthquake Source Inversions: Case Study for the 2015 Illapel Earthquake
- Increasing Pacific decadal variability under greenhouse forcing
- Influence of Atmospheric Processes on the Solubility and Composition of Iron in Saharan Dust
- Influence of Climate Change on the Evolution of Contrasting Tropical Landscapes in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
- Insights Into Ice-Ocean Interactions on Earth and Europa
- Integrating "Omics" Data Into A Biogeochemical Model: A New Model Scheme To Predict Climate Feedbacks From Microbial Function In Tropical Ecosystems
- Internal Tide Generation, Propagation and Transformation north of Pt. Conception, CA: Observations and Model Simulations
- Investigation of Mount St. Helens seismicity and volcanic arc structure with a hybrid passive and active source survey
- Investigation of Noachian crustal alteration using CRISM multispectral mapping data
- Kinetics of abiotic nitrous oxide production via oxidation of hydroxylamine by particulate metals in seawater
- LF/MF D-Region Ionospheric Remote Sensing
- Laboratory Evolved Gas Analyses of Si-rich Amorphous Materials: Implications for Analyses of Si-rich Amorphous Material in Gale Crater by the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument
- Landscape Evolution Associated with Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) on Mars
- Limits to parameterizing brown carbon absorption in models
- Linking the Agricultural Production and Climate Change in Central Asia: 1991-2015
- Mechanical Behavior and Microcrack Development in Nominally Dry Synthetic Salt-rock During Cyclic Loading
- Meteorology and Chemistry of High Nitrogen Oxide Episodes at the South Pole
- Microbial community profiles and microbial carbon cycling in Orca Basin
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Microseismic event detection and location using local coherence and subarray beamforming: applications to the Long Beach 3D array and the Hi-CLIMB linear array
- Model Reduction Using Principal Component Analysis and Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Hydrogeological Inverse Problems
- Modeled Response of Greenland Climate to the Presence of Biomass Burning-Based Absorbing Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
- Modeling coastal upwelling around a small-scale coastline promontory
- Monitoring seismic activities at Fairview and Woodward area in Oklahoma
- Near Surface Water on Europa?
- Numerical modeling of clogging/unclogging mechanism for delayed injection-induced seismicity in fractured crystalline rock
- On the coupled effect of topography, vegetation cover, and soil properties on the partition of water and energy fluxes of seasonally water-stressed ecosystems
- Oxychlorine species on Mars: Implications from Gale Crater Samples
- Physical Mechanisms of Coastal Fog Retreat From Aircraft Observations
- Physicochemical Characterization of Nanoparticles from Indoor Ventilation Systems and Their Potential Health Impacts
- Pitted Terrain on Dwarf Planet Ceres: Morphological Evidence for Shallow Volatiles at Low and Mid Latitudes
- Plasma interaction, induction and energetic particle dynamics near Callisto: A case study of Galileo's C21 and C30 flybys
- Quantifying co-benefits of source-specific CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission reductions in Canada and the US: An adjoint sensitivity analysis
- Quantifying the Contribution of Urban-Industrial Efficiency and Symbiosis to Deep Decarbonization: Impact of 637 Chinese Cities
- Quicklook Constituent Abundance and Stretch Parameter Retrieval for the Juno Microwave Radiometer using Neural Networks
- Rapid uncertainty estimation in finite fault inversion: Case study for the 2015, Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake
- Recent advances in measurement-based insights of secondary organic aerosols and their impact on global climate sensitivity
- Recovering the Full Afterslip Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica Earthquake
- Remote sensing of mesospheric dust layers using active modulation of PMWE by high-power radio-waves
- Results from New Strainmeters and Forward and Inverse Models for Monitoring Deformation During CO2 Injection
- Rising Variance and Synchrony across Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems of Western North America
- Robust evidence for forced changes in ENSO: from the mid-Holocene to the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Sedimentary and diatom evidence of the 2015 tsunami on the north-central coast of Chile in the absence of significant coastal deformation
- Sedimentological characteristics of the 2015 Tropical Cyclone Pam overwash deposits from Vanuatu, South Pacific
- Seismicity Increase in North China After the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake.
- Shallow seismicity at open-vent volcanoes
- Simulation of Antenna Brightness Temperatures for the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Slush Fund: Modeling the Multiphase Physics of Oceanic Ices
- Source parameter validations using multiple-scale approaches for earthquake sequences in Oklahoma: implications for earthquake triggering processes
- Spatial and Temporal Ionospheric Monitoring Using Broadband Sferics
- Statistical study of ICME effects on Mercury's magnetospheric boundaries and northern cusp region
- Stratospheric Inorganic Bromine Loading Inferred from CONTRAST BrO and Organic Bromine Observations
- Systematic Detection of Remotely Triggered Seismicity in Africa Following Recent Large Earthquakes
- Tectonic and Anthropogenic Effects on Increased Intraplate Seismicity: The Oklahoma Case
- Tectonic tremor activity associated with teleseismic and nearby earthquakes
- Temperature- and Pressure-Dependent Kinetics Studies of Atomic Chlorine Reactions with Some Fluorinated Olefins and Ethers
- The Effect of Large Scale Climate Oscillations on the Land Surface Phenology of the Northern Polar Regions and Central Asia
- The NSF-RCN Urban Heat Island Network
- The Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Geoporphyrins: New Results from the Paleozoic and Mesoproterozoic
- The Possible Decapitation of a Megathrust Indenter: Evidence from Imaging of Time-dependent Microseismic Structures before and after the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica
- The Post-85 Ma Idaho Batholith Represents Melting in Thickened Continental Crust, Not Arc Magmatism
- The Structure and Large-Scale Organization of Extreme Cold Waves over the Conterminous United States
- The VLF Scattering Pattern of Lightning-Induced Ionospheric Disturbances
- The effect of secondary ice process parameterizations on a simulated cold frontal rainband
- The global impact of mineral dust on cloud droplet number concentration
- The nature of PV fluxes in the upper tropical troposphere
- The role of vegetation on gully stabilization at a severely degraded landscape: a case study from Calhoun experimental critical zone observatory
- The shallow water cycle budget of Mars from Recurring Slope Lineae
- Thermal and Magmatic Evolution of a Silicic Center: Melt Residence and Accumulation at Laguna del Maule, Chile
- Towards A Synthesis Of Land Dynamics And Hydrological Processes Across Central Asia
- Tropical Pacific climate during the Medieval Climate Anomaly: progress and pitfalls
- Understanding the Dynamics of Bomb Sags: a High Velocity Impact Experimental Approach
- Understanding the Pluto-Charon Plasma Environment during the New Horizons Encounter
- Upper crustal LP earthquakes occur during a quiescent period at Mount St. Helens
- Using physicochemical data to examine giant sea salt particle relationships with stratocumulus clouds
- Value of Adaptive Drought Forecasting and Management for the ACF River Basin in the Southeast U.S.
- Western Water and Climate Change-An Overview
- Western tropical Pacific hydroclimate across four glacial cycles
- When Organic-Rich Turbidites Reach 5000 m: "Cold-Seep Like" Life in the Congo Deep-Sea Fan
- A "Carbon Reduction Challenge" as tool for undergraduate engagement on climate change
- A Dynamic Hydrology-Critical Zone Framework for Rainfall-triggered Landslide Hazard Prediction
- A Force-restore Model of Near-surface Air Temperature using a New Parameterization of Sensible Heat Flux
- A Prognostic Methodology for Precipitation Phase Detection using GPM Microwave Observations —With Focus on Snow Cover
- A comprehensive picture of Callisto's magnetic and cold plasma environment during the Galileo era and implications for JUICE
- A synthesis of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge, the deposits and the post event state of the coast.
- A three-dimensional model of Pluto's interaction with the solar wind during the New Horizons encounter
- ALIF: A New Promising Technique for the Decomposition and Analysis of Nonlinear and Nonstationary Signals
- Accelerated sliver transport during transition from postseismic to interseismic conditions
- Active Molecular Iodine Photochemistry in the Arctic
- Airborne remote sensing of ultraviolet-absorbing aerosols during the NASA ATom, SEAC4RS and DC3 campaigns
- Aircraft-based Observations and Modeling of Wintertime Submicron Aerosol Composition over the Northeastern U.S.
- An Assessment of the Direct Radiative Impact to the Surface Albedo and Key Minerals using the WRF-Chem-DuMo Model
- An Empirical Model of Titan's Magnetic Environment During the Cassini Era: Evidence for Seasonal Variability
- An Evaluation of Spacecraft Pointing Requirements for Optically Linked Satellite Systems
- An uncertainty analysis for satellite-based estimates of cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations
- Analysis of crevasse patterns on Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers in Greenland
- Analysis of the Temporal Asymmetry of Seawater Intrusion and Retreat
- Anisotropy Controls on Precipitation-Dissolution Related Porosity and Permeability Evolution in Porous Media
- Aseismic Slip Throughout the Earthquake Cycle in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Bayesian Model Selection of Error Models in Bayesian Inverse Problems
- Biogeochemical stability and reactions of iron-organic carbon complexes
- Biomarker Production and Preservation on Europa
- Borneo stalagmites reveal climatic excursions associated with Toba ash layers prior to Greenland Stadial 20
- Cascading hazards: Understanding triggering relations between wet tropical cyclones, landslides, and earthquakes
- Central Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Ceres' Global Cryosphere
- Characterizing Air Pollution Exposure Misclassification Errors Using Detailed Cell Phone Location Data
- Characterizing the anthropogenic signature in the LCLU dynamics in the Central Asia region
- Chemical characteristics of submicron particles at the central Tibet Plateau: influence of long-range transport
- Cloud Chemistry in the United States: Problems and Prospects
- Cloud Forecasting and 3-D Radiative Transfer Model Validation using Citizen-Sourced Imagery
- Coarse-grained Mineral Dust Deposition in Alpine Lake Sediments: Implications for Regional Drought Patterns and Land-use Changes in the Southwest USA
- Constraining 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Pacific Trade-Wind Variability Using Coral Mn/Ca
- Constraining wintertime sources of inorganic chlorine over the northeast United States
- Constraints on particle density evolution within a CME at Mercury
- Contribution of dust and anthropogenic pollution to aerosol optical depth in South Korea during Spring/Summer 2016
- Controls on Methanogenesis in Organic-Rich Anaerobic Environments
- D-region Ionospheric Imaging Using VLF/LF Broadband Sferics, Forward Modeling, and Tomography
- Data Assimilation to Improve CMAQ Model Estimates of Particulate Matter Pollution during Wintertime Persistent Cold Air Pool Events in Salt Lake City, Utah
- Detecting Micro-seismicity and Long-duration Tremor-like Events from the Oklahoma Wavefield Experiment
- Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of Uranus' Magnetopause under Different IMF
- Dynamic Triggering of Microseismicity in the North Island of New Zealand following the Mw7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake
- ELF/VLF Wave Generation and Scattering from Modulated Heating of the Ionosphere at Arecibo Observatory
- Ecohydrologic Changes due to Tree Expansion into Tundra in the Polar Urals, Russia
- Effects of the Solar Wind Pressure on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Enhancing SMAP Soil Moisture Retrievals via Superresolution Techniques
- Estimating Parameters for the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide Using VLF Narrowband Transmitters
- Estimation of the global climate effect of brown carbon
- Europa's induced magnetic field: How much of the signal is from the ocean?
- Evaluation of quality of precipitation products: A case study using WRF and IMERG data over the central United States
- Evaluation of the reactive nitrogen budget of the remote atmosphere in global models using airborne measurements
- Evapotranspiration estimation using a parameter-parsimonious energy partition model over Amazon basin
- Exploring Ocean-World Habitability within the Planned Europa Clipper Mission
- Exploring the Impact of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> on the Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity in South East Asia during KORUS-AQ 2016
- Exploring the observational constraints on the simulation of brown carbon
- Feldspathic Rocks and Associated Mineral Phases on Mars: Evidence for Metamorphism?
- Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling for Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
- Field Survey of the 17 June 2017 Landslide and Tsunami in Karrat Fjord, Greenland
- Formation, Evaporation, and Hydrolysis of Organic Nitrates from Nitrate Radical Oxidation of Monoterpenes
- Geospatial cross-correlation analysis of Oklahoma earthquakes and saltwater disposal volume 2011 - 2016
- Global change modeling for Northern Eurasia: a review and strategies to move forward
- Global-scale Airborne Observations of Tropospheric Reactive Nitrogen Species from the NASA Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Hydrologic Drivers of Soil Organic Carbon Erosion and Burial: Insights from a Spatially-explicit Model of a Degraded Landscape at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- Ice exposures and landscape evolution in the Martian mid-latitudes
- Implications of Using the GAD Hypothesis in Paleopole Studies for the Moon
- Improved Management of the Nile River Basin Through Modeling the Sudd, a Wetland with Vital Socioeconomic and Environmental Services
- In situ Culturing with Isolation-chip Technology in Hydrogeothermal Springs
- Increases to Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols from SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Southeastern US
- Investigation of short-term effective radiative forcing of fire aerosols over North America using nudged hindcast ensembles
- Knowledge to Action - Understanding Natural Hazards-Induced Power Outage Scenarios for Actionable Disaster Responses
- LF/MF Propagation Modeling for D-Region Ionospheric Remote Sensing
- Large scale meteorological patterns and moisture sources during precipitation extremes over South Asia
- Layered/Pancake-like Ejecta on Ceres: Inferring the Composition and Mechanical Properties of the Cerean Surface through Modeling of Ejecta Emplacement
- Linking Global Patterns of Nitrogen Resorption with Nitrogen Mineralization During Litter Decomposition
- Locations of injection-induced earthquakes in Oklahoma controlled by crustal structures
- Low-Frequency Plasma Waves in Saturn's Magnetosphere: A Comprehensive Analysis of Magnetometer Data from the Cassini Era (2004-2017)
- Machine-Learning Inspired Seismic Phase Detection for Aftershocks of the 2008 M<SUB>W</SUB>7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Massive Statistics of VLF-Induced Ionospheric Disturbances
- Measuring and interpreting borehole strainmeter data to improve CO2 storage
- Mediating Data and Building Community for Informed, Intelligent Decision Making for the Polar Regions
- Microbial Community Structure of an Alluvial Aquifer Treated to Encourage Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation
- Microcracking and Healing in Semibrittle Salt-Rock: Elastic and Plastic Behavior
- Modeling secondary ice production in mixed-phase clouds
- Multiphase modeling of channelized pyroclastic density currents and the effect of confinement on mobility and entrainment
- New Strainmeters used to Monitor Deformation During Injection and Withdrawal
- Non-thermal Processes in the Formation of Mercury's Tenuous Exosphere
- Numerical modeling perspectives on zircon crystallization and magma reservoir growth at the Laguna del Maule volcanic field, central Chile
- Pacific Meridional Modes and Tropical Decadal Variability: Past and Future
- Parameterization of Nitrogen Limitation for a Dynamic Ecohydrological Model: a Case Study from the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
- Plasma Interaction and Energetic Particle Dynamics near Callisto
- Quantifying Variability and Correlation in Biomarker and Mineralogical Measurements: Lessons from Five Astrobiological Mars Analogue Expeditions in Iceland
- Quantifying the impact of smoke aerosol on the UV radiation
- Re-evaluating the possible link between the Zipingpu reservoir and 2008 Ww7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Remote Triggering of Microseismicity in Antarctica
- Repeating ice-earthquakes beneath David Glacier from the 2012-2015 TAMNNET array
- Resolution testing and limitations of geodetic and tsunami datasets for finite fault inversions along subduction zones
- Results on Jupiter's Atmosphere from the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ
- Seismic anisotropy beneath the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions revealed by shear-wave splitting analyses
- Slush Fund: The Multiphase Nature of Oceanic Ices and Its Role in Shaping Europa's Icy Shell
- Spatiotemporal patterns of fire-induced forest mortality in boreal regions and its potential drivers
- Studying and Understanding the Jovian Aurora Based on Measurements from the Juno MWR Taken during Perijove 5
- Systematic capture of MeV electron beams by MWR
- Temperature sensitivity differences with depth and season between carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling enzyme activities in an ombrotrophic peatland system
- The Applicability of Maximum Entropy Production Theory for Turbulent Heat Flux Modeling Over the Arctic
- The D-Region Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Solar Eclipse
- The LUVOIR Decadal Mission Concept
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on The Europa Clipper Mission
- The mid-IR spectral effects of darkening agents and porosity on the silicate surface features of airless bodies
- The propagation of GPS signals through electrically charged plumes
- The sensitivity of particle pH to NH<SUB>3</SUB>: Can high NH<SUB>3</SUB> cause London Fog conditions?
- Two-year concurrent observation of isoprene at 20 sites over China: comparison with MEGAN-REAM model simulation
- Uncertainties in emission estimates of greenhouse gases and air pollutants in China and India and their impacts on regional air quality
- Urban Summertime Ozone of China: Peak Ozone Hour and Nighttime Mixing
- Variability of Europa's Interaction with the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Hephaestus Fossae Cratered Cones, Mars
- Water isotope variability across single rainfall events in the tropical Pacific
- What's Cooler Than Being Cool? Icefin: Robotic Exploration Beneath Antarctic Ice Shelves
- "Carbon Reduction Challenge": a scaleable model to save carbon, save money, and train the next generation of climate solvers
- A Hybrid Simulation Study of the Interaction between Europa's Plumes and Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- A Large Ensemble Testbed to Evaluate pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Interpolation Methods
- A New Method to Detect Dynamically Triggered Earthquakes by High Frequency Power Integral Difference
- A Physical Approach to Constraining Chemical Transport PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Modeling Outputs Using Surface-Monitor Measurements and Satellite Retrievals
- A Physically Constrained Inversion for Super-resolved Passive Microwave Retrieval of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Water Content in L-band
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on direct air capture, carbon mineralization, and carbon sequestration
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on terrestrial technologies
- A Synthesis on the Dynamics of Water and Energy Partitioning of Seasonally Dry Forests
- A cloud computing approach to massively-parallel distributed stochastic optimization with application to geomechanical reservoir characterization
- Aersosol acidity and divalent ion complexation drive the partitioning of organic carboxylic acids to the aerosol phase
- An Ionospheric Remote Sensing Method Using an Array of Narrowband VLF Transmitters and Receivers
- Analysis of Crevasse Patterns and Melt Pond Evolution on Four Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- Analysis of Terminus Position and Large Calving Events on 4 Greenland Tidewater Glaciers from 2001-2017
- Anthropogenic Enhancements to Production of Highly Oxygenated Molecules from Autoxidation
- Astrobiological Assay Validation across Gradients in Mars Analogue Sites: Lessons from the FELDSPAR Project
- Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe
- Calibration of Foraminifera Carbonate Calcification Temperatures Derived from Clumped Isotope Analysis
- Changes in Surface Processes Due to Tree Expansion into Tundra, Polar Urals, Russia
- Characterizing Potential Pingo Morphology on Ceres
- Characterizing the Subsurface Using Deformation from Pumping and Surface Loading Tests
- Climate-change driven air pollution extremes
- Cloud Morphology Associated with Jovian Lightning
- Dawn's second extended mission at Ceres: The final harvest
- Degradation of Buried Crude Oil in a Florida Sandy Beach
- Determining crustal melt and water contents from geophysics and experimental work to characterize a long dormant volcano: Ciomadul (Romania)
- Discriminating Depth Phases from Earthquake Energy for Automated Real-time Assessment
- Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of Uranus' and Neptune's Magnetopause under Different IMF
- Dynamic Triggering of Microseismicity in Yunnan Following the 2004 Sumatra and 2012 Indian Ocean Earthquakes
- Earthquake Detective: Engaging Citizens in the Detection of Dynamically Triggered Seismic Events
- Earthquake Relocation and In Situ Vp/Vs Ratio Estimation Based on a Newly Detected Event Catalog for Salton Sea
- Earthquake Similarity through Graphical Modeling of Arrival Time Data
- Effect of Different Land Use Generated Polluting Sources on Columnar Atmospheric Aerosol
- Effects of the Solar Wind on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Elastic Behavior with Grain Boundary Sliding in Semi-brittle Synthetic Salt-rock
- Energetic Ion Dynamics Near Callisto
- Estimation biases of NOx emissions from fitting high-resolution satellite composite data
- Evolution of Acrolein Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (APAN) in Petrochemical and Agricultural Fire Plumes
- Evolution of Aftershocks along Longmenshan Fault Zone
- Evolution of Energy, Water and Carbon Cycles due to Land-Use Change at Calhoun Critical Zone
- Expanding the Stratigraphic Record of Tsunami Inundation Along the Semi-arid, Siliciclastic Coast of North-central Chile
- Exploring the Depth-differentiation Hypothesis for the Deep-water Coral Callogorgia delta in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Extraterrestrial Contributions to the Prebiotic Inventory of the Early Earth from Meteorites
- FOXSI-3: Mission Overview and Observations from the Third Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager
- Field survey of the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi tsunami
- Floor Fractures in Ezinu Crater: Evidence of Solid State Flow on Ceres?
- Forecasting Local Tsunamis with GNSS Earthquake Source Products
- Forward Modeling of Geophysical Signals to Link Magma Dynamics Modeling to Geophysical Datasets: Laguna del Maule as a Case Study of Silicic Magmatism
- Global and regional methane emissions for 2000-2017 estimated from CTE-CH<SUB>4</SUB> - contribution to GCP methane
- Global and regional modeling of absorbing aerosols in the southeast Atlantic during ORACLES 2016: comparisons to new observations
- Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning Algorithms for Real-Time Signal/Noise Classification
- Hindcasting May 2018 Kilauea Summit Explosions with Remote Sensing, Geophysical Monitoring, and Eruption Simulations. Part 1: Seismic Source Inversions and Self-consistent Initial Conditions for Plume Models.
- How accurately can we predict the rate of marine ice sheet collapse?
- Hybrid Simulations of Pluto's Plasmainteraction
- Implications of stochastic sediment transport for storage of signals in stratigraphy
- In-situ and Acoustic Observations of Hydrothermal Discharge at ASHES Vent Field: preliminary results from an OOI Cabled Array Case Study
- Inferring compressible fluid dynamics from vent discharges during volcanic eruption
- Influence of Asymmetries in the Magnetic Draping Pattern at Titan on the Emission of Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Integrated Forecast and Reservoir Management (INFORM) for Northern California: Tools to Facilitate Forecast-based Operational Frameworks.
- Integrating environmental metabolomics and proteomics to describe changes in carbon decomposition resulting in increased greenhouse gas flux under whole ecosystem warming at the Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments (SPRUCE) experimental site
- Intermediate water regime shifts in the Florida Straits over the last 34 kyr
- International Post-Tsunami Survey for Tsunami Palu-Donggala (ITST-Palu)
- Interpreting zircon geochronology through the lens of multi-phase numerical modeling
- Investigating Apparent Anticorrelation of Repeating Aftershocks and Afterslip in Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Investigating the influence of biogenic emissions and extreme weather events on recent ozone formation in North China
- LWPC Modeling of Lightning Induced Changes in D-Region Electron Density
- Life Under Ice: Antarctic Ocean World Analogs with HROV Icefin and RISE UP
- Lightweight CNN-based Real-time Phase Picker Embedded in Seismic Sensors
- Massive Computations in 3D Turbulent Flow: Science Goals and an Asynchronous GPU Algorithm Towards the Exascale
- Matched-Filter Detection of Microearthquakes Along the Cona Rift, Southern Tibet
- Maximum sediment flux precedes peak ice discharge in Heinrich events
- Microseismicity detection across the Antarctic continent
- Microwave observations of Jupiter's atmosphere from 1 bar to 200 bars
- Mistastin Lake Impact Melt Glasses: Textures and chemical composition
- Multi-scale Temporal-spatial Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Stationary Frontal System in the observation and GFDL HiRAM
- Non-local mixing
- Not so Solid: The Effects of Multiphase Reactive Transport Processes on the Spatiotemporal and Physicochemical Properties of Europa's Ice Shell
- Observations of High Levels of Molecular Chlorine and Nitryl Chloride at a Rural Site in the Yellow River Delta
- Occator Crater at 35 km Altitude: Dawn XM2 Mapping of a Pristine Impact Basin on a Hydrous Dwarf Planet
- OpenHVSR: Processing Toolkit and Inversion; Two Computer Programs engineered for the complete workflow of the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method and for the Investigation of Lateral Variation of the Informative Content of Data.
- Organic Aerosol Compositional Variability: Impacts on Aerosol Phase State and Miscibility
- Oxychlorine detection in Gale Crater, Mars and implications for past environmental conditions
- Particle pH and the Gas-Particle Partitioning of Inorganic and Organic Species: Observations Versus Predictions
- Physical modeling of submarine volcanic eruption generated tsunamis
- Quantifying seismic hazard from interseismic locking distribution along the subduction megathrust
- Ready for Their Close-up: Insights about Occator's Bright Faculae Derived from New, Highest Resolution Observations of Ceres
- Remote Inferences of the D-region Ionospheric Structure Using Broadband Lightning Sferics
- Remotely Triggered Seismicity in Northeast China Following the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Detected by the Matched Filter Technique
- Repeating Aftershocks Following the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan Earthquake
- Results From The Juno MWR Instrument
- Retrieval of Friction Velocity from Sensible Heat Flux Parameterized Using MEP Model over Land Surfaces
- Role and Variability of Mesoscale and Submesoscale Dynamics along the West Coast of Greenland
- SHOTS: Comparison of numerical approaches for the solar wind interaction with Mercury's magnetosphere within the BepiColombo simulation group
- Scattering Pattern of Lightning-Induced Ionospheric Disturbances
- Seismic Detection of Very Early Aftershocks Following the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield Earthquake
- Signature of spatiotemporal dynamics of encroaching vegetation in timberline ecotone of the Polar Urals region
- Soft X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the Sun using a high-speed CMOS sensor with the FOXSI-3 sounding rocket
- Sulfate Formation via Cloud Processing from Multifunctional Organic Hydroperoxides
- Surface energy budget in the Arctic: a maximum-entropy-production perspective
- Systematic Detection of Long-term Microearthquakes Around the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- The Magnetospheric Interaction between Neptune and Triton
- The Responses of Stream Ecosystems to Future Scenarios of Atmospheric Deposition Derived from Changing Land-use-related Emission and Projected Future Meteorological Conditions
- The climate geoengineering and global income inequality paradox
- The estimation of surface heat fluxes based on the maximum entropy production model over the central Tibet Plateau
- The influence of macroscopic flow properties on bed force distributions in rapid granular flows
- The possible role of water and ice in the geology of Ceres' Occator crater
- The third flight of the FOXSI rocket: Performance and results
- Toward the Predictive Understanding of Greenhouse Gas Production in High Latitude Peatlands
- Towards improved simulations of the Jovian synchrotron radiation belts as seen by Juno's MWR
- Tracking the Fate of new C in Northern Peatlands by a Compound-Specific Stable Isotope-Labeling Approach coupled with multiple analytical techniques and gas fluxes analysis
- Transfer Learning for Seismic Phase Picking on Different Geographic Regions
- Triggering relationship between earthquakes and the 2009 Typhoon Morakot in southern Taiwan
- Turbulent pyroclastic density currents - a numerical and large-scale experimental investigation
- Turning the Global Thermostat—Who, When, and How Much?
- Underestimation of dissolved oxygen trends in CESM Large Ensemble
- Understanding an Observed Enhancement of Formaldehyde within Forest Canopies: Implications for Formaldehyde as an Oxidative Tracer of Gas-Phase Chemistry
- Upscaling Strategies for Quantitative Modeling of Soil Microbial Metagenomics in a Biogeochemical Model
- Using Satellite and In-situ Data to Model Wetlands: Application to the Sudd Wetland in the Nile River Basin
- Using a new parameter to account for the effect of stratification in coastal aquifers
- What we do and don't know about the 2018 Palu Tsunami - A future plan
- Where Are Things Shaking? A Seismological Perspective for Potential Landing Sites on Europa
- Will it bend? Insights into the mechanical properties and thermal evolution of Ceres' Nar Sulcus
- "Periglacial" Planet? Ground Ice on Ceres Expressed by Surface Flows
- A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model for Earthquake Phase Picking in Taiwan
- A Laser Based Micrometeorite Accelerator for Impact Studies
- A Massive Public Repository of Global ELF/VLF Radio Data
- A comprehensive study of Titan's magnetic pile-up region during the Cassini era
- A preliminary study of desaturation in porous media in the presence of motile bacteria
- Afternoon Slump; The role of antecedent snowpack on midday transpiration declines
- An Integrated Monitoring and Modeling System for Fire Smoke Exposure and Health Impact Assessment
- An Introduction to the Green New Deal and its Implications For Climate Policy
- Artificial Neural Networks for Characterizing Trends in the Ionosphere's D-Region
- Assessing the Ability of Zonal d<SUP>18</SUP>O Contrast in Benthic Foraminifera to Reconstruct Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Astrobiology and Landscape Ecology: Never the twain shall meet? Lessons learned from FELDSPAR's Iceland volcanic analog sites
- Attribution and Predictability of Ice Sheet Change under Variable Climate Forcing
- Characterization of a Shallow Firn Aquifer at the Matthes-Llewellyn Glacier Divide, Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Characterizing D-Region Roughness using LF/MF Signals of Opportunity
- Chemical Composition and Oxidation State of Iron-Containing Aerosol Particles Observed during US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Cruise GN01
- Coupling of Snow and Freeze-Thaw Processes to Model Permafrost State in a Timberline Ecotone
- D Region Tomography: A Technique for Ionospheric Imaging Using Lightning-Generated Sferics and Inverse Modeling
- Dependency of the Energetic Neutral Atom morphology at Titan on the Magnetic Field Configuration
- Designs and Results from Three New Borehole Optical Fiber Tensor Strainmeters
- Developing consistent criteria for assessing the origins of pitted cones on Mars
- Development of a Tidal Energy Resource Classification System
- Development of a new integrated decision support tool (i-DST) for optimizing the benefits and tradeoffs of greener to greyer stormwater infrastructure.
- Distribution of Storms and Moist Convection on Jupiter derived from Juno MWR data
- Does microbial diversity in nitrous oxide reducers regulate soil nitrous oxide emissions?
- Effects of the Solar Wind Conditions on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Energetic Electron Dynamics near Callisto
- Energetic Ion Dynamics in the Perturbed Electromagnetic Fields near Europa
- Estimating Prescribed Fire Impacts on Air Quality and Human Health in Southeastern U.S.
- Excitation of Tumbling in Phobos and Deimos
- Expanding the stratigraphic record of tsunami inundation along the semi-arid, siliciclastic coast of north-central Chile
- Extending the Mesospheric Density Climatology from Rayleigh Scatter Lidar above ALO-USU into the Lower Thermosphere
- Fast and Slow Responses of Equatorial SST Pattern to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Forecasting Substorms using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Fracture thresholds of glacier ice during cauldron collapse and surface loading
- Framework for Characterizing Strain in the Vicinity of Leaky Reservoirs
- Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water: Something Fishy in the Ice Age North Atlantic
- Global Spatial Trends in Apparent Calcification Depth for Tropical Planktonic Foraminifera from the Late Holocene
- Global model simulation of remote tropospheric brown carbon constrained by Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) Observations
- Hardware upgrades and science outcomes from the latest flights of the FOXSI rocket
- Hillslope Model of a Lakeshore Onsite Wastewater Treatment System
- Ice Shelf Collapse as a Rate-Limited Phase Transition: Insights from Statistical Mechanics
- Improving fresh groundwater storage of oceanic islands using a less permeable slice along the shoreline
- Influence of the Hermean Sodium Exosphere on the Magnetospheric Structure
- Insights on Impact of Aquifer Heterogeneity on Freshwater-Seawater Interface
- Interpreting the Strain Tensor During Injection into a Reservoir
- Jupiter As Seen By The Juno Microwave Radiometer: A Progress Report
- Kinetics of Ce Oxidation by Mn Oxides and Influence of Mn Oxide Mineralogy
- LGM Tropical SST from Mg/Ca and Implications for Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity
- Large-Scale Laboratory Experiments on Tsunamis Generated by Underwater Volcanic Eruptions
- Linking Numerical Modeling of Magmatic Systems to Observed Geophysical Datasets via Forward Modeling
- Low-energy Electron- and Vacuum Ultraviolet Photon-Stimulated Formation of Volatiles at Buried Ice: Graphite Grain Interfaces
- Magnetic Signatures of Plumes at Europa
- Magnetospheric Interactions of Saturn's Moon Dione 2005-2015
- Mapping Landslide Susceptibility and Exposure in the Dominican Republic Using NASA Earth Observations
- Maturation of the Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA) for Automated Sensitive Detection of Biosignature Compounds in Enceladus Plumes
- Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) Method for Modeling Surface Energy Budget - Theory and Applications to Arctic Regions
- Measuring Effects of Jupiter's Aurorae using the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Microbial controls on biogeochemical cycling of carbon using stable isotope labeling and other novel techniques
- Modeling Active Layer Depth of Permafrost under Changing Surface Boundary Conditions
- Monsoon and ENSO for Pangea Supercontinent
- Near-source field survey of the 22 December 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami in the Sunda Strait
- Nowcasting of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Using the Random Forest and Deep Neural Network Machine Learning Methods
- Observational Constraints on Mobile Source Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in the Urban Southeast US
- Observations of Water, Energy and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes at Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- Photosynthesis and evapotranspiration along central Amazonia during an extreme drought event
- Potential triggering relationship between the 2009 Typhoon Morakot and earthquakes in Taiwan
- Putative Pingos may Populate Portions of Occator Crater, Ceres
- Radiated Energy from Shallow Earthquakes around Japan: Improving Near-field Determinations for Rapid Response
- Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Technique for Measurement of Thermospheric Neutral Densities
- Residual Study: Testing Jupiter Atmosphere Models Against Juno MWR Observations
- Results from Juno's Stellar Reference Unit Survey of Jovian Lightning
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- Revisiting the anthropogenic impacts on biogenic secondary organic aerosol in southeast US
- Seismic Velocity Changes Associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Shallow Groundwater Influenced Land Surfaces at Global Scale Detected from SMAP Soil Moisture Retrievals
- Simulating characteristics of oxygen isotope in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Simulating the Damages and Recovery of a Tropical Rainforest from Hurricane Disturbances with the Ecosystem Demography Biosphere Model
- Spatial-temporal Evolution before the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Study of the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault, California, using a new microearthquake catalog
- Synchrotron radiation belts at Jupiter - Juno's MWR observations versus modeling results
- The Dynamics of Energetic Ions and Electrons While Embedded in Callisto's Perturbed Electromagnetic Environment
- The Interdisciplinary Consortium for Evaluating Volatile Origins (ICE Five-O)
- The Lunar Volatiles Orbiter: A Discovery mission proposal to determine the history and dynamics of solar system volatiles through observations of the Moon
- The Potential for Ka-Band Radio Occultation Measurements in the Study of the Venus Atmosphere
- The contribution of the world's main source regions to the global cycle of desert dust
- Towards GNSS Enhanced Local Tsunami Warning
- Triggered Seismicity and Temporal Change of Seismic Velocity in Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- Triggering of deep tremor and slow earthquakes along the Parkfield-Cholame section of the San Andreas Fault by the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake and other large regional earthquakes
- U.S. hydrologic design standards insufficient due to large increases in frequency of rainfall extremes
- Ultra-Sensitive Broadband Remote Sensing Instrument for Longwave Radio Reception
- Understanding Drought Perturbations on Biosphere-Atmosphere-Chemistry Relationship with GISS ModelE+MEGAN simulations
- Using Preformed Phosphate to Quantify the Role of the Biological Pump in the O(100 ppm) CO<SUB>2</SUB> Drawdown of the Last Ice Age
- Viruses don't breathe: Understanding ecosystem effects of viruses in marine oxygen minimum zones
- Water on the Moon from a Surface Science Perspective
- Water, on Ice! : Diurnal-scale Observational Analysis of the Hydrology of Three Greenland Tidewater Glaciers from Planet Satellite Imagery
- What do the tsunami deposits of the 2018 Palu, Indonesia earthquake say about the hydrodynamics of the tsunami?
- A 3-D Model of Antarctic Ice Shelf Surface Hydrology
- A Comparative Morphological and Geospatial Analysis of Terrestrial Pingos and Anomalous Hills on Ceres
- A New Paradigm for Atlantic Ocean Deep Water Formation
- A Submersible Digital Holographic Microscope for In Situ Microbial Imaging
- A synthesis of ice-ocean boundary observations from the underwater vehicle Icefin
- Active faulting along the Noa Dihing River, easternmost Himalaya
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Analysis to Understand Spatial Distribution of Terrestrial Biosignature's in Brine Pools as an Analog for Planetary Extant and Relic Oceans
- Along-strike variations in porosity at the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand from electromagnetic data
- Analysis of Geomagnetically Induced Currents through Network Analysis with Magnetometer Measurements
- Analysis of LEP events and their impact on radiation belt dynamics
- Analytical Instrumentation Techniques for the Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer(IMPOA)
- Applying Ion Energy Spectrograms to Search for Plumes at Europa
- Arctic D Region Ionospheric Remote Sensing with an Array of VLF Receivers and D Region Tomography
- Assessing Impacts of Climate Change and Climate Migration on Urban Infrastructure Resilience
- Assessing the influence of freshwater consumption priorities on zero-carbon electricity planning: A case of Senate Bill 100 compliance in California
- Assessing the potential capability of reconstructing glacial Atlantic water masses and AMOC using multiple proxies in CESM
- Atmospheric Oxidation Impacts on Sea Spray Produced Ice Nucleating Particles
- Best Practices for Coral Proxy-SST Calibration for 20th Century δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο<SUB>sw</SUB> Reconstruction - Initial Results from CoralHydro2k
- Beyond Carbon in Socioenvironmental Assessment for Zero Carbon Systems
- Biomass Burning Observations From the 2020 Wildfire Season in Eastern Australia
- Centaur Environment and Surface Activity Measurement Experiment (Cesame)
- Changing Spatial Distribution of NO<SUB>2</SUB> in Atlanta During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Climatic and Oceanographic Controls on Coral Bleaching Conditions in the Maldivian Region.
- Computational simulation of coupled poromechanical processes in deformable fractured and porous media
- Concentrated Solar Driven In-Situ Resource Utilization On The Moon
- Connecting laboratory and field measurements of smoke composition to build a framework explaining ozone formation from Western U.S. wildfires measured during FIREX-AQ
- Connection Between the Enhancement of Tropical Precipitation and Subtropical Land Drying Under Climate Change
- Constraints on the Hydrologic Systems of Three Tidewater Glaciers using High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Dam-Induced Global Surface Water Dynamics: Introducing the Global Dam Tracker
- Data as a Service in Space Weather
- Detailed Fault Structure of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone using Matched Filter Detection on 15 Years of Seismicity
- Detection of Energetic Auroral Precipitation via VLF Remote Sensing
- Detection of Molecular Water on the Sunlit Moon Using SOFIA
- Determining the Global Water Abundance in Jupiter from Juno MWR
- Distinct Outlet-Glacier Responses to Surface-Mass-Balance and Ocean Variability
- Earth Topside Ionosphere Electron Density Prediction for the Advancement of Space Weather Forecasting
- Earthquake Detection in Slowly Deforming Iberia using a Convolutional Neural Network Phase Picker
- Effects of Trans-boundary Structural Interventions on the Indus River Flows
- Electronic Life-detection Instrument for Enceladus/Europa (ELIE)
- Emissions and evolution of SO<SUB>2</SUB> from biomass burning during FIREX-AQ
- Environmental Implications of the EV Cyber-Physical System
- Evolution of Central Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures Over the Last 150 ka
- Exploring different iron regimes in the global ocean by an unsupervised clustering technique
- Extracting Disaster Variables with Deep Learning Methods to Improve Earth Science Data Set Retrieval
- Forecasting of Ionospheric real GPS TEC and SAMI3 model output parameters using the LSTM deep recurrent neural network
- GTDef: An Open-Source Dislocation Modeling Toolset
- Geomagnetically Induced Currents at Middle Latitudes: Quiet-time Climatology, Significance during Geomagnetic Disturbances, and Machine-Learning Modeling
- Geometry of the eastern Thwaites ice shelf cavity and implications for continued grounding zone retreat
- Global Survey of Oxygen Minimum Zones Reveals Endemism and Functional Redundancy in Viral Communities
- Groundwater Production from Geothermal Heating on Early Mars as a Potential Solution to the Faint Young Sun Paradox
- Harnessing virtual platforms to build a low-carbon, equitable, and fun future for science
- Illusory Stability of Marine-Terminating Glaciers at Bedrock Peaks
- Impact of Eddies on Drake Passage pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Variability
- Impact of Spatially Variable Recharge on Fresh Groundwater Lens Development in Small Strip Islands
- Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Quality in Atlanta, GA
- Improving the Lead Time of Geomagnetic Index Forecasts using Solar Wind Forecasts and Deep Learning
- In Situ Vp/Vs Ratios from Microearthquakes in Northern and Southern California
- Influence of Europa's Time-Varying Electromagnetic Environment on Energetic Ion Precipitation
- Influence of Titan's Variable Electromagnetic Environment on the Emission of Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Interpretation of Borehole Strain Measurements Using Surrogate Modeling-Based Optimization
- Investigation of α-Pinene atmospheric oxidation using ambient perturbation experiments
- Landslide hazard assessment using a physics-based model informed by radar interferometry
- Large electronic circular dichroism effects measured in chiral amino acids
- Lateral Change of In-plate Stress and Outer-rise Seismicity along the Southern Mariana Trench
- Limits on the X-ray emission of the quiet Sun from the FOXSI sounding rockets
- Localization for MCMC: sampling high-dimensional posterior distributions with local structure
- Machine Learning for Quantifying Effects of Seasonal Variation and Natural Phenomenon on the D-region Ionosphere
- Magma transport beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Measurement of Aerosol Chromophores Contributing to Brown Carbon during FIREX-AQ
- Melting at the Grounding Zone of Thwaites Glacier Observed by Icefin
- Mélange controls on calving behavior at tidewater glaciers in a high-fidelity model of ice fracture
- Non-methane organic and nitrogen emissions from wildfire plumes during FIREX-AQ
- Nuclear Blast Discrimination using a Convolutional Neural Network
- Observations of Jovian electrical storms by Juno's SRU
- Oceanographic Conditions in the Grounding Zone Region of Thwaites Glacier
- Open Knowledge Networks for geoscience: A powerful use case through space weather
- Optimizing between green and grey stormwater infrastructure using hydrologic modeling, life cycle costs, and a benefit analysis.
- Ozone Production from Wildfires during FIREX-AQ
- Pathways of the Overturning Circulation in the South Atlantic
- Physical Linkage Between Sensible and Ground Heat Flux
- Physical Modeling of Tsunamis Generated by Submarine Volcanic Eruptions in a Large Scale Wave Basin
- Plant Exudate-Soil Interactions Linked to Delayed Mineralization of Subsurface C Stores After 3 Years of Experimental Warming.
- Progress Towards Operational Rapid Tsunami Forecast via GNSS analysis
- Quantifying LGM carbon drawdown due to changes in the biological pump efficiency through the reconstruction of deep-water oxygen, preformed phosphate, and preformed δ<SUP>13</SUP>C
- ROV Icefin at Ross Ice Shelf Grounding Zone: 5 km of ice, ocean, seafloor, and crevasse exploration
- Retrieval of Alaskan Wildfire Aerosol Properties from GOES-17
- Seawater Desalination Using a Salinity-gradient Solar Pond-vacuum Freezing Ejector Absorption Hybrid System
- Simulations of Potential Radio Occultation Studies of Jupiter's Atmosphere using the Juno Spacecraft
- So Much Data and So Few Ways to Use It: The Era of Data Rich Hydrology
- Source Apportionment of Urban Volatile Organic Compounds Measured via PTR-ToF-MS and HR-ToF-CIMS during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Atlanta, Georgia
- Spatiotemporal Characterization of Tree Encroachment Process at Timberline Ecotone
- Spectral Characterization of Lava Fields and Glaciovolcanic Sand Seas of Iceland: Implications for Mars
- Studying Microbial Adaptation in the Laboratory: Sensor & Control Upgrades for an Experimental Evolution Biofluidics System
- Subducting topography generates upper plate porosity that promotes slow slip at the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- The Cape Romain Coastal Conservation Partnership: multi-decision-maker adaptation planning for global change along the U.S. Atlantic coast
- The Continuum of Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwaves and Their Relationship to the Tropical Pacific
- The Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX): A New NSF Supported CubeSat Project
- The global distribution of spectral optical properties of mineral dust aerosols
- The influence of spreading rate and permeability on melt focusing beneath mid-ocean ridges
- The internal structure of Jupiter's Great Red Spot
- The potential for bioactivity and biological preservation in fumaroles at Holuhraun, a fissure eruption Mars analog site in the Icelandic Highlands
- Tidally forced bending of the Thwaites glacier grounding zone and implications for seawater pumping
- Towards a Domain-Informed Search Engine for NASA Earth Science Data
- Tracking HCN Molecules in Crater Melt Ponds on Titan
- Transcrustal Magma Dynamics: Perspectives on Process-Based Numerical Models and Integration with Geochemical and Geophysical Measurements
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Upper mantle hydration indicated by decreased shear velocity near the Southern Mariana Trench from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Using Strain in the Vadose Zone During Sinusoidal-Rate Well Tests to Characterize an Aquifer
- Using high-resolution, multi-disciplinary simulations to investigate the effect of community and structural vulnerabilities on neighborhood recovery
- Utilizing small satellites for improved gravity science of icy moons
- VERNE Sample Intake and Processing (SIP): Investigation and Development of Liquid Water Sampling for Subsurface Probe on Europa
- VERNE WALKIEE: Wireless Acoustic LinK through Ice on Earth and Europa
- Variability in the energetic electron bombardment of Ganymede
- Vertical Entry Robot for Navigating Europa (VERNE) - A Mission Concept and Identification of Technologies Needed to Access Europa's Ocean
- Vessel-Generated Edge Waves Along Commercial Shipping Channels
- 3D Machine Learning for Ionospheric Forecasting with Synthetic Data and Data-Model Fusion
- A Dataset and Deep Learning Method for Retrieval of Vertical Cloud Distributions from Multi-Angle, Polarimetric Imagery
- A New Four-Parameter D-Region Ionospheric Model: Including the Ledge
- A Non-Gradient Model of Turbulent Gas Fluxes over Land Surfaces
- A Novel Analysis to Quantify Plume Crosswind Heterogeneity Applied to Biomass Burning Smoke Sampled During FIREX-AQ
- A Physically Based Analytical Model of Permafrost Active Layer Thawing Depth
- A Robust Empirical Orthogonal Function Method for Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of SMAP Soil Moisture Retrievals
- A supervised autoencoder (SAE) for tele-seismic event distance prediction and waveform compression
- Alkali metals in Jupiters atmosphere
- Alternations to Fluid Viscosity and Fluid Displacement in Porous Media by Motile Bacteria
- Ambiguity in Observation Based HONO Heterogeneous Production Mechanisms and the Divergent Ramifications on Ozone Production
- Analysis of along-strike porosity variations at the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand using marine electromagnetic data
- Anomalous Behavior of the Thermosphere Triggered by the Category 4 Hurricane Maria.
- Application of a Dataset-Publication Knowledge Graph for Improving Earth Science Data Search
- Applications of Research Grade Low-Cost Sensors for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring: Assessing the Impact of Deploying Air Cleaners in University Classrooms
- Bottom Water Oxygen Reconstructions off Southern Australia During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Brown Carbon Lifetime and Chemistry in Aged Wildfire Plumes from the Western U.S.
- Chapter 1: Framing, context, and methods
- Characteristics of Parent Lightning of Sprites Observed Using the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Characterization of tidal current velocity profiles for hydrokinetic energy conversion
- Chemical heterogeneity in wildfire plumes: implications for large-scale air quality models and satellite retrievals
- Concentration, transportation, and deposition of microplastics along the Savannah River, Georgia (USA).
- Constraining Tropical Thermocline Structure using Oxygen Isotope Measurements in Planktonic Foraminiferal Tests from Multiple Species
- Contributions of aviation and on-road traffic to variability in near-airport tropospheric NO2 columns during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Costs and Climate and Heath Benefits of U.S. Policies to Decarbonize the Electricity Sector
- Detailed Study of the 2004 Mw 6 Parkfield Earthquake Sequence Using a New Relocated Microearthquake Catalog
- Detecting Foreshocks of the 2010 Mw6.9 Yushu, Qinghai Earthquake
- Determining the drivers of recent retreat at Sermeq Kujalleq (Jakobshavn), Greenland through large ensemble simulations
- Development and testing of a Miniature Robotic Electrodialysis (MR ED) system to remove salts for ocean world sampling
- Development of a Knowledge Graph for Dataset Discovery and Identification at a NASA Data Center.
- Development of topographic and exhumational asymmetry in the Southern Alps of New Zealand: interpretations from detrital thermochronology
- Disentangling Natural Versus Anthropogenically-Forced Retreat of Marine-Terminating Glaciers
- Distributed Space Telescopes Enabled by Constellation of Small Satellites
- Distribution of subglacial channels beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet based on airborne radar sounding
- Dynamical Characterization of the Loop Current Attractor
- Early Earth Influence of Radiogenic Heating on Seafloor Subsidence and Mid Ocean Ridge Depths
- Ecohydrological Functions of Clay Horizons
- Effects on Multi-Generational Oxidation Reactions in the Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Nitrate Oxidation of Isoprene
- Energetic particle deposition onto Callisto's atmosphere
- Ensemble Simulations of Glacier Retreat over Randomly Generated Self-Similar Subglacial Topography
- Estimation of the elemental composition of organic aerosols in the mid-latitude lower stratosphere over the continental US
- Europa Seismic Package (ESP): Development of a seismometer for the exploration of Europas interior
- Evaluation of Large Point Source Emissions over South Korea Using NASA KORUS-AQ Aircraft Field Campaign
- Exploring the Feasibility of a Unified D-region Ionosphere Model
- Exploring the Surface Pathways between the North Brazil Current (2N) and the RAPID Line (26N)
- Exploring the role of biotite characteristics on regolith production
- Extending solar wind forecasts using SDO data products
- Four-decades of Ross Ice Shelf Change: Part 1. Modern Ice Shelf Basal Conditions based on ROSETTA-Ice and NASA/NSF IceBridge Radio-echo Sounding Observations
- Four-decades of Ross Ice Shelf changes: Part 2. Comparison using archival SPRI-NSF-TUD and modern ROSETTA-Ice and NASA/NSF IceBridge radio-echo sounding data
- Glacial South Indo-pacific intermediate and deep water oxygen and preformed phosphate reconstructions and its linkage to atmospheric CO2 drawdown
- Global Shallow Groundwater Distribution from SMAP Soil Moisture Satellite Retrievals
- Global wave energy resource classification system
- Hard X-ray upper limits of the quiet Sun with new FOXSI observations
- High-Temperature water rock interaction in the Martian underground: Implications for crustal evolution, magnetism, hydrology, and habitability.
- High-resolution solar and wind resources prediction and its benefit analysis in Yalong River hybrid energy system
- Hourly GOES-16 Fire Radiative Power-based Fire Emissions in WRF-Chem: Evaluation of Aerosol Simulations during FIREX-AQ
- How Much Does Ocean Initial State Contribute to Ensemble Spread? Insights from the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1 Large Ensemble
- Hydroelectricity Modeling for Low-Carbon and No-Carbon Grids: Empirical Constraints for Optimization and Dispatch Models
- Ice loss from asymmetric melting at Thwaites Glacier grounding zone
- Illuminating Fault Structure of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone using 15 Years of Seismicity with a Matched Filter Technique
- Illuminating Seismic Structures in Iberia Using a Deep Learning Seismic Phase Detector
- Impact of Hurricane Disturbances and Climate Change on the Species Composition and Aboveground Biomass of a Tropical Rainforest in Puerto Rico
- Impact of Tibetan lake outburst floods on erosion, morphology, and sedimentary record of the eastern Himalaya from source to sink
- Improved estimates of preindustrial biomass burning reduce the magnitude of aerosol climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere
- Influence of Europas Non-Uniform Electromagnetic Environment on Surface Weathering
- Influence of Europas Time-Varying Electromagnetic Environment on Magnetospheric Ion Precipitation
- Initial Geophysical characterization of crustal deformation following the May 2021 Nyiragongo eruption and GPS network design for continued study
- Investigating basal thaw as a driver of mass loss across Antarctica
- Investigating spatiotemporal variations of intermediate-depth earthquakes in the subduction zone of Japan before and after M9 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Investigating the Influence of Symbiont Community Composition on Coral Geochemical Proxy Records in the Central Equatorial Pacific
- Investigating the Moon's Interaction with the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobe Plasma
- Investigating the thermal stress on coral proxies during the 2015/2016 El Nino event.
- Juno MWR Revealed Points-of-interest from Error Analysis
- Long Lived Radiogenic Hydrothermal Systems on Mars
- Machine Learning Detection of P-Waves in Laboratory Acoustic Emission Events to Understand the Mechanics of Deep-Focus Earthquakes
- Melt Fraction and Volatile Content Estimates Using MELTS-constrained Bayesian Magnetotelluric Inversions: Case Study from Uturuncu, Bolivia
- Meltwater Infiltration and Refreezing Beneath Ice Slabs in Northwest Greenland
- Microbial habitability of early Mars assessed through genome-scale metabolic modeling
- Millennial-scale events in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during Termination 1: Insights from a new northern Borneo stalagmite record
- Mining climate as a high-dimensional dynamical system: application to the Tropical Pacific
- Modeled Bulk Mineralogy Suggests Limited Alteration in Eridania Basin, Mars
- Modeling Global Biosphere Response to Enhanced Riverine Nutrient Delivery During the Late Devonian Kellwasser Event
- Modeling Mercury's Disappearing Dayside Magnetopause Under Extreme ICME Conditions
- Modeling the Composition and Structure of Jupiters Northern Aurora based on Junos MWR Maps
- Modeling the Influence of Meltwater Inputs on Subglacial Hydrology Downstream of a Perennial Firn Aquifer: The Dance of SHAKTI Below Helheim Glacier, East Greenland
- Morphological aspects of Jupiters cyclones based on JIRAM observations and related implications
- Morphology of 'Peak Monsoon' Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) Thunderstorms producing Up-ward Electric Discharges - the TLE's
- Novel radio, optical, and meteorological observations of a gigantic jet with extraordinary charge transfer
- Numerical and Experimental Validation of Coupled Poro-elasto-plasticity of Geomaterials
- Observations and Reconstruction Methods of Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Droplet Number and Their Atmospheric Drivers during CAMP2Ex in the Western Pacific
- Observations and modeling insights from a massive collection of lightning-induced ionospheric disturbances
- Observations of Ganymedes Ionosphere from a Dual-Frequency Radio Occultation with Juno
- Ocean carbon cycles past and future
- Overflow Water Pathways in the North Atlantic: New Observations from the OSNAP Program
- Ozone Production from Wildfires during FIREX-AQ
- P-wave first-motion polarity determination using deep learning
- Persistent, three-fold higher black carbon concentrations over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean following late 13th C Maori settlement of New Zealand
- Photochemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Yellow River Delta, China: Formation of O3 and Peroxyacyl Nitrates
- Preliminary results from the Electromagnetic Alaskan GeoPRISMS Experiment (E-MAGE)
- Processing of Europas surface by its perturbed space environment
- Quantifying Net Irrigation from SMAP Retrievals
- Reconciling assumptions in bottom-up and top-down approaches for estimating aerosol emissions from wildland fires in the Western US using observations from FIREX-AQ
- Remineralization dominating the 13C decrease in the mid-depth Atlantic during the last deglaciation
- Role of wind within the canopy and fuel bed on fire spread
- Seamounts are sponges, and other insights from electromagnetic imaging at the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Seismic Velocity Inversion and Uncertainty Quantification Using Conditional Normalizing Flows
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Tropical Pacific Seawater Oxygen Isotopes and Salinity During the 2015/16 El Nino and the 2016/17 La Nina Events
- Stable isotopic insights into intraseasonal variability of East African monsoon precipitation
- Substrate addition primes soil organic matter decomposition in a peat bog
- Summer Meltwater Dynamics at Three Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- The COVID-19 Pandemic in Atlanta, GA: effects on particle composition as the pandemic progressed
- The CoralHydro2k Database: a global compilation of coral 18O and Sr/Ca records for reconstructing tropical hydroclimate over the Common Era
- The CoralHydro2k Seawater 18O Database: A Crowdsourced, FAIR-aligned Database of Hidden Seawater Isotope Data
- The Influence of Topography on Discharge and Specific Conductivity in the Hotel Gulch Watershed in Central Colorado
- The Stochastic Ice Sheet Project and Its Approach to Greenland Surface Mass Balance
- The effect of Fe2+ concentration in biogenic silica transformation at low Al level in reverse weathering
- The impact anthropogenic emissions on future summer ozone concentrations over China based on CMIP6
- The role of freshwater forcing in the predictability potential of the Gulf of Mexico.
- The slow then Big South Sandwich Magnitude 8.1 earthquake from radiated energy
- Three-dimensional microstructural analysis of MICP cemented sand samples
- Tidal energy resource assessments using moving vessel measurements
- Topside Ionosphere Model Using Satellite Data and Machine Learning
- Towards a Rapid Integrated Associator for Seismic Events
- Tracking NOx and -pinene oxidation chemistry utilizing novel oxygen isotopic constraints
- Trans-ionospheric signals from VLF Transmitters and Lightning Sferics as a D-Region Diagnostic
- Trends and spatial shifts in lightning fires and smoke concentrations in response to 21st century climate over the national forests and parks of the western United States
- Triton's Variable Interaction with Neptune's Magnetosphere
- Uncertainty in East Antarctic Firn Thickness Constrained Using a Model Ensemble Approach
- Understanding the formaldehyde (HCHO) budget in a pristine forested environment using field and laboratory studies and the 1-D FORCAsT model
- Understanding the interconnected space weather system: The Convergence Hub for the Exploration of Space Science (CHESS) project and workshop
- Unsupervised Cluster Mapping of the Cucomungo Alluvial Fan, and Implications for Mapping Fans on Mars.
- Using large ensembles to elucidate the possible roles of Southern Ocean meridional overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean SST trend
- Utilizing Machine Learning and Matched Filter Techniques to Expand the 2011-2012 Summerville, South Carolina Earthquake Catalog
- Validation of Remote Monitoring of Geomagnetically Induced Currents: Differential Magnetometer Measurements on Albertas High Voltage Network
- Vapors are Lost to Walls, Not to Particles on the Wall: Development of Artifact-Corrected Parameters and Implications for Global Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Varying Melting Conditions and Tidally-Dominated Estuarine Circulation at the Kamb Ice Stream Grounding Zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Water-soluble Metals and Aerosol Toxicity
- What can radar-based measures of subglacial hydrology tell us about basal shear stress? A case study at Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Whole-Ecosystem Warming of a Boreal Peatland Decreases Microbial Diversity and Stimulates Methane Production from Plant Metabolites
- Year-Long Observations of Englacial and Subglacial Hydrology at Store Glacier from Autonomous Radar
- a New Optimization Method for a Large Reservoir System Method
- 22 Years of Coal Pollution and Premature Deaths in the Medicare Population
- A Look at Unifying VLF Transmitter and Lightning-Based D-Region Ionosphere Remote Sensing Techniques
- A New Groundwater Sampling Method by Using Transition Pumping Period to Achieve an Ideal Groundwater Sampling Window
- A Retrieval Algorithm of Vegetation Water Content and Soil Surface Emissivity - Theory and Application of Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) Method
- A Systemic Equity Assessment of Houston's Incentive Program for Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- A multi-fluid MHD investigation of the magnetic quadrupole influence on the inner magnetosphere of Uranus
- A sensitivity analysis of the SMAP SCA algorithm for soil moisture retrieval over the Amazon
- A statistical parameterization of supraglacial melt pond area and depth on fractal ice sheet surfaces from percolation theory
- Absorption Angstrom Exponents Of Light Absorbing Aerosol Particles In Western United States Wildfires
- Accessible Oceans: Exploring Ocean Data Through Sound
- Air Quality Impacts of Prescribed Burning at Military Forts in Georgia, USA
- An Updated 3-D Model Of Ice Shelf Surface Hydrology
- Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT): A new ground-based high time-resolution air quality monitoring network
- Aviation-related Air Pollution Observations Near the Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport
- Basal Melting of Ross Ice Shelf based on ROSETTA-Ice Radio-echo Sounding Observations
- Biological Smoke Emission Factors: The Foundation for a Terrestrial-Atmospheric Exchange Budget for Microbes Aerosolized by Wildland Fires
- Calibrating a Multi-Coral Genus Approach to Reconstructing Central Tropical Pacific Climate
- Can sedimentation pause marine-ice-sheet retreat over retrograde slopes? A case study on Pine Island Trough
- Cellular Response Mechanisms of Water- and Organic- Soluble Ambient Aerosols
- Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C-CIES): Building Inclusive Excellence, Diversity, Equity, and Community into Earthquake Science
- Characteristic Aerosol Properties during Monsoon and COVID Lockdown under Cleaner Conditions: Source Apportionment and Chemical Properties from a High-Altitude site in India
- Chlorophyll a Estimation in Lakes Using Multi-parameter Sonde Data
- Climate Change in The Indo-Pacific Basin From Mid-To Late Holocene
- Combining 3D N-body simulation and climate modeling to decipher the climates of exoplanets in compact multi-planet systems
- Combining ML with Existing Empirical Models for Earth's Topside Ionosphere
- Comparing Social and Environmental Vulnerability Indexes to Summer Heat in Fredericksburg, Virginia
- Comparison of Automated Seismic Event Detection Approaches in East Antarctica
- Compound flood analysis with GIS-based Dynamic Flood model and Identification of Flooding Drivers for Coastal Urban areas
- Constraints on the Seawater δ18O-Sea Surface Salinity Relationship across the Strong 2015/2016 ENSO Cycle
- Coupled indoor-outdoor aerosol mass, composition, and size measurements from a residential home in Fairbanks, Alaska during ALPACA 2022
- D-Region Ionosphere Electron Density Mapping via Tomography
- DNN Model for Near Real-Time Location and Origin Time Determination Using a Global Network
- Deciphering the Basal Conditions of Wilkes Basin, East Antarctica, with Ice-Penetrating Radar and Ice Sheet Modeling
- Defining Spatial Heterogeneity: Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Map the Boundaries between Soil, Saprolite, and Bedrock in the Critical Zone
- Detecting Hurricane-Driven Disturbances to the D-Region at Arecibo, PR
- Detecting Sporadic E Using Supervised Learning Model
- Development of Operational Flood Prediction System for Coastal Urban Areas with WRF-Hydro: A Case Study in Tybee Island, Georgia
- Development of an Updated Isoprene Emission Inventory for China
- Drivers of the Decline of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under Climate Change in a Hierarchy of Climate Models
- Effect of Climate Change on Early Diagenesis and the Acidification of River-Dominated Continental Margins
- Effects of Chlorine Chemistry on Atmospheric Composition in Contrasting Urban Environments
- Emission of Energetic Neutral Atoms at Callisto and Europa
- Empirical Dynamical Modeling and Prediction of Coastal Water Levels: Combining Hyper-local Sensor Networks with Spatial Information from Numerical Dynamical Models
- Episodic magma hammer forces causing the recent cataclysmic Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption
- Estimating Irrigation Amounts using SMAP Observations: Irrigation Impact on Crop Productivity in Energy and Water Limited Systems
- Exploring possible dynamic triggering of intermediate-depth earthquakes in Northern Chile following the 2010 M8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake
- Formaldehyde and its main sources in wintertime Fairbanks, Alaska
- Generating Antarctic Sub-shelf Melt Using Recurrent Neural Network-based Generative Adversarial Networks on Spatiotemporal Pixel Clusters
- Geographical Repositioning Efforts and Vertical Calibration of Z-scopes from SPRI-NSF-TUD surveys at Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Geotechnical and geophysical investigations of river-infrastructure interaction in response to the 2021 Ahr Valley flood
- High cloud forming potential of anthropogenic sulfate aerosols arising from SO2 emissions of a coal-fired power plant during relatively cleaner conditions of Covid lockdown in India
- Identifying pinning point elevation thresholds for Ross Sea ice streams (West Antarctica) over the last deglaciation based on glacial isostatic adjustment and grounding line simulations
- Imaging a Complex Earthquake Sequence in Sparta, North Carolina, Eastern United States
- Imaging the Subsurface of the Critical Zone in Garner Run and Bear Meadows using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Impact of Vegetation Change on Surface Energy Budget during Growing Seasons in the Arctic
- Improving model representation of NOx and α-pinene oxidation chemistry utilizing oxygen and nitrogen stable isotope constraints
- Influence of Europa's Time-Varying Electromagnetic Environment on Magnetospheric Ion Precipitation and Surface Weathering
- Insights into Fault Scaling from Small Faults, Upper Gaylor Lake, CA, USA
- Intercomparisons of OMI, TROPOMI, and MAX-DOAS observations of NO2 and HCHO at a rural coastal site
- Investigating the Roles of Fluids and Bulk Composition in Eclogitization Reactions in Continental Lithosphere
- Ion Sputtering at Europa: Feedback between the Space Environment and the Surface
- Ionosphere of Europa from an X-band Radio Occultation with the Juno Spacecraft
- Ionospheric Characterization Using VLF Whistlers
- Jupiter's tropospheric temperature and composition
- Kivu Rift Dike Intrusions: a comparison of the 2002 and 2021 Nyiragongo eruptions and associated ground deformation using InSAR data
- Laboratory Study of Mechanical and Transport Properties of Bishop Tuff
- Large-scale Inverse Modeling of Hydraulic Tomography by Physics Informed Neural Network
- Leveraging Multidecadal Remote Sensing Data to Evaluate Interactions Between Century-Scale Ice-Dynamics and the Local Evolution of Crary Ice Rise
- Looking for the Fill-and-Spill Mechanism with Ground Penetrating Radar-Panola Mountain, Georgia
- Lower Stratospheric Ozone Trends from Satellite Observations and GMI Chemistry Transport Model Simulations
- Machine Learning for Ionospheric Forecasting by Emulation of Simulations and further Empirical Additions
- Mars Laboratory Analog Sediment Flows: Investigating the Effects of Composition
- Mars Laboratory Analog Sediment Flows: Investigating the Effects of Pressure and Water-rock Ratio
- Mass based Hygroscopicity of Atmospheric aerosols from a high-altitude site in India using precision-based Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) technique
- Mechanical and Hydraulic Characteristics of Hydrate-Bearing Layered Sediments under Undrained Triaxial Shear
- Meltwater generation in ice stream shear margins: case study in Antarctic ice streams
- Modeling the Damage Challenge Using DEM with a Displacement-Softening Contact Law
- Modeling the Impact of Heterogeneous Reactions of Chlorine on Springtime Nitrate Formation in Seoul, South Korea
- Near-term predictions of multiple marine stressors
- New Opportunities with the Alaska and Cascadia Near-Trench Community Geodetic Experiment
- No Major Changes Through Geologic Time in Earth's Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon Reservoir
- Noise-Induced Drift in the First Large-Scale Stochastic Ice Sheet Model
- Numerical modeling the full spectrum of failure envelope of quasi-brittle materials
- Observations from Seismic Refraction Survey of Solifluction Lobes at Garner Run and Bear Meadows, Pennsylvania
- Observing Marine Heatwave Spatial Patterns in the Chesapeake Bay using Satellite Data
- On Validating a Novel Approach to the Differential Magnetometer Measurement for Geomagnetically Induced Currents on Alberta's High Voltage Network
- Partitioning of Urban NOx Between Short- and Long-Lived Reservoirs and Its Impact on Regional Ozone Production
- Physical Properties of Bishop Tuff (RORD REU Program)
- Preliminary Relocation Results from a Temporary Seismic Deployment Around the Source Zone of the 1886 M 7 South Carolina Earthquake
- Quantifying past changes in ocean oxygenation and productivity using carbon isotope gradients in benthic foraminifera
- Quantifying the impact of lightning on the radiation belts
- Radio Occultation Studies of Jupiter's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and Aurorae using the Juno Spacecraft
- Reconstructing Westerly Wind Bursts and Climate over Abaiang Atoll using Coral Mn/Ca and δ18O Records
- Reconstructing mid-Pliocene El Padre thermocline conditions
- Reconstruction of Oxygenation Changes During the Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas off the Coast of New Zealand
- SMAP Soil Moisture Estimation Based on Deep Neural Networks
- Seasonality of the Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Subpolar North Atlantic
- Seawater intrusions beneath grounded ice at Thwaites Glacier
- Seismic Imaging of a Weakly Extended Magmatic Rift Zone: the Kivu Rift Project
- Seismicity Cluster Analysis of Intermediate-depth Earthquakes in Japan using the Nearest-neighbor Method.
- Sequence to Sequence Learning for Solar Wind Dynamics
- Shaking it Up: Analyzing the Utility of Raspberry Shake Seismometers to Determine Radiated Earthquake Energy
- Size-Resolved Characterization of Sulfate and S(IV) Species in Atmospheric Aerosols in Fairbanks, Alaska Winter
- Spatial Patterns of Background Soil Heavy Metal Geochemical Phases in Pittsburgh, PA
- Spatial- and Temporal- Variations in Jupiter's Atmosphere
- Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes Show Primary Sulfate is the Dominant Source of Particulate Sulfate During Winter in Fairbanks, AK
- Summer climate change over Great Lakes Region in late 21st century
- Synchronization of Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger Events Through Ice-Ocean Interactions
- The Geomorphic Legacy of Megaflood-derived Boulders on River Processes and Form
- The Impacts of Wave State Dependent Fluxes on Global Climate in E3SMv2
- The OH Burst from Aerosols at the DOE Southern Great Plain ARM Site
- The Origin of Asymmetrical Coronae on Venus: Morphology Classification and 3D Thermo-Mechanical Models of Plume-Margin Interactions
- The Potential for Meltwater Pulses from Greenland Ice Saddle Collapse under Future and Past Climate Change
- The Role of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on Cordilleran Ice Stream Stability Over the Last Glacial Cycle
- The Role of Turbulent Mixing in Seawater Intrusion Under Grounded Ice Sheets
- The Solenoid-based Actuator Assembly for Impact Penetrators (SIP): A Miniature Microfluidic Sample Router for Impact Penetrators
- The Stochastic Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level System Model v1.0 (StISSM v1.0)
- Thickness of Salt Layers Precipitated from Sills in Europa's Shallow Subsurface
- Toward Internet Photonic Sensing: Sensitivity Analysis of Commodity Transport Hardware
- Toward understanding the relationship between stable isotope variations in precipitation and moisture transport history in the East African monsoon domain
- Using Deep Learning to Forecast Marine Fishery indicators in the North Pacific
- Using Rounding to Reconstruct the Depositional and Transport Histories of Conglomerates in Gale Crater, Mars
- Variability of North Atlantic Water Mass Properties over the past 20 years
- What Determines the Pathways of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water in the Eastern North Atlantic?
- Winter Subglacial Hydrology Modeling: High Water Pressure and Spatially Variable Transmissivity
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Velasco
- A. Adriani
- A. C. Stanciu
- A. Chapman
- A. J. Soja
- A. M. Middlebrook
- A. M. Morgan
- A. M. Rymer
- A. M. Sayer
- A. Mura
- A. Nag
- A. R. Poppe
- A. Springmann
- A. W. Rollins
- Adam Kellerman
- Adiv Paradise
- Adrienne M. Marshall
- Alan C Mix
- Alan Fried
- Albert A. Presto
- Aleksey Y. Sheshukov
- Alexander Robel
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexandros Savvaidis
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Alison R. Duvall
- Allen L. Robinson
- Allison L. Steiner
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amit Kumar Maurya
- Amorée Hodges
- Amy S. Bower
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Ananyo Bhattacharya
- Andrea L. Moore
- Andrea Pozzer
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew F. Thompson
- Andrew K. Saydjari
- Andrew P. Ingersoll
- Andrew R. Babbin
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrew T. Wittenberg
- Andrew V. Newman
- Anna Gülcher
- Annalisa Bracco
- Anne‐Marie Tréguier
- Antonietta Capotondi
- Ardeshir M. Ebtehaj
- Armin Mehrabian
- Armin Wisthaler
- Athanasios Nenes
- B. E. Schmidt
- B. H. Samset
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Becky Alexander
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Brady Flinchum
- Brent C. Christner
- Brent Minchew
- Brett B. Palm
- Bryan Quaife
- Bryn Hubbard
- Budi Gunawan
- C. D. Cappa
- C. H. Thurber
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. Max Stevens
- C. R. Wilson
- C. S. Paty
- C. Warneke
- C. Wauthier
- Carley D. Fredrickson
- Carolina O. Dufour
- Caroline C. Womack
- Charles T. Driscoll
- Cheng Li
- Chengping Chai
- Christian Huber
- Christina L. Hulbe
- Christine Chesley
- Christine McCarthy
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Christopher E. Carr
- Ciaran J. Harman
- Clare Eayrs
- Cody C. Mason
- Colin R. Meyer
- D. A. Schmidt
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. Litwin
- D. M. Rabin
- D. R. Hood
- Dandan Wei
- Daniel Heyner
- Daniel M. Deocampo
- Dante Fratta
- Daoxun Sun
- Darcy Cordell
- David K. Richardson
- Delia W Oppo
- Donald R. Blake
- Dongjin Kim
- Douglas M. Mach
- Dustin Buccino
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. C. Apel
- E. Heggy
- Eli Galanti
- Elisa Mantelli
- Elisabeth L. Sikes
- Eliza Dawson
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elliott L. Hazen
- Emanuele Di Lorenzo
- Emily Grubert
- Emily Kraus
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Eric C. Bruning
- Eric G. Cosio
- Eric Rignot
- Ewan Crosbie
- F. Bagenal
- F. J. Beron-Vera
- F. Rivera‐Hernández
- Fabiano Oyafuso
- Fabrizio Falasca
- Fangjun Li
- Feiyu Lu
- Francesca Gallo
- Frank Flocke
- Frank N. Keutsch
- Fábio Vargas
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- G. Cremonese
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- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriel M. Filippelli
- Gabriele Pfister
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Guoqing Lin
- H. L. Ford
- Hannah Halliday
- Harihar Rajaram
- Heather H. Furey
- Herbert F. Wang
- Hongkyu Yoon
- Hongyu Guo
- Howard Chen
- Hugh Coe
- Huw Horgan
- Hélène Seroussi
- I. R. Mann
- Isobel J. Simpson
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- J. Andrew Neuman
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- J. D. Crounse
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- J. J. Buffo
- J. L. Hayes
- J. Lautenbach
- J. Mao
- J. McCormick
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. Peischl
- J. R. McConnell
- J. S. Halekas
- J. W. Partin
- J. Zhang
- J. de la Beaujardiere
- J.A. Caggiano
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jakob Lindaas
- Janusz Młynarczyk
- Jason M. St. Clair
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jeffrey P. Chanton
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jennifer Kaiser
- Jens Zinke
- Jessica Eisma
- Jessica L. Conroy
- Jian Luo
- Jianfeng Li
- Jiaying Zhang
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- Joel A. Thornton
- John B. Nowak
- John H. Adler
- John Paden
- Johnathan Hair
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Joseph Hughes
- Joseph M. Katich
- Joshua D. Shutter
- Judit González-Santana
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- Justin Lawrence
- K. A. Lang
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. L. Pankow
- K. L. Riverman
- K. Mandt
- Kamini Singha
- Karthik Venkataramani
- Katherine R. Travis
- Kazushige Obara
- Keith W. Nicholls
- Ken L. Ferrier
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kerry Key
- Kevin J. Sanchez
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kirk Knobelspiesse
- Kirk Ullmann
- Kristin Poinar
- Kristina Keating
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kyle T. Mandli
- Kyung Y. Kim
- L. A. Stearns
- L. K. Emmons
- L. Ojha
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Leda N. Kobziar
- Leigh N. Fletcher
- Li Hu
- Lidya G. Tarhan
- Lizz Ultee
- Logan Brenner
- Logan Elliott Mann
- Louis S. Hansen
- Louisa Barama
- Lucas Henneman
- Lucas Liuzzo
- Luis Gomez Casajus
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Lun Gao
- Lydia Keppler
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Janssen
- M. B. Cohen
- M. Béla
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Palucis
- M. E. French
- M. Gołkowski
- M. J. Olascoaga
- M. Khayat
- M. M. Arienzo
- M. P. Panning
- Maisa Rojas
- Makoto Matsubara
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Malcolm McMillan
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Manlin Xu
- Marco Zannoni
- Mark A. Zumberge
- Martyn Unsworth
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matthew J. Hoffman
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew Newman
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew S. Smart
- Matěj Peč
- Meeta Cesler‐Maloney
- Megan Mueller
- Meghana Ranganathan
- Mehmet Evren Soylu
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Melissa Scruggs
- Mercedes Pozo Buil
- Meredith G. Hastings
- Michael Diamond
- Michael G. Jacox
- Michael H. Wong
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael Peterson
- Michaela I. Hegglin
- Miguel Neves
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Mitchell McMillan
- Modi ZHU
- Mónica Maceira
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- N. L. Ng
- Natalie J. Burls
- Natalie Robinson
- Natalie S. Wolfenbarger
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nathan Chellman
- Nathaniel C. Johnson
- Nicholas Holschuh
- Nicole S. Lovenduski
- Nimisha Roy
- Nina Stark
- Ningyu Liu
- Norma Salinas
- Oscar A. van der Velde
- P. Elósegui
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- P. Miron
- P. O. Wennberg
- P. R. Veres
- P. S. Athiray
- Paul G. Steffes
- Paul J. Hanson
- Paul Withers
- Pedrina Terra
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Pengfei Xue
- Peter Addison
- Peter E. D. Davis
- Poul Christoffersen
- Qimin Wu
- Qinghua Ding
- Qiushi Zhai
- R. A. Washenfelder
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- R. M. E. Williams
- R. S. Hornbrook
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- Rachel Wegener
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- Richard H. Moore
- Riley Culberg
- Riovie D. Ramos
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- Robert Mulvaney
- Robinson I. Negrón‐Juárez
- Roman A. DiBiase
- Ryan McGranaghan
- Ryan Park
- S. Anandakrishnan
- S. E. Strahan
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- S. Karunatillake
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- S. M. Tulaczyk
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- S. Vance
- Sabine Eckhardt
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- Samuel Doyle
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- Sara R. Warix
- Sarah B. Kapnick
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- Shumenghui Zhai
- Shuwen Dong
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- Sidharth Misra
- Sifan Gu
- Simon C. Stähler
- Siyuan Wang
- Spahr C. Webb
- Stephen Price
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- Steven J. Bograd
- Steven S. Brown
- Sujata A. Murty
- Susan Benecchi
- Susan Elliott Sim
- Susan Lozier
- Susana Custódio
- Susannah Morey
- Sven Simon
- T. B. Ryerson
- T. F. Hanisco
- T. Guillot
- T. Ryan McCarley
- TC Chakraborty
- Taiyi Xu
- Tamara Pico
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- Thomas Felis
- Thomas L. Delworth
- Thomas M. Marchitto
- Tianqi Zhang
- Tiegan Hobbs
- Timothy M. Merlis
- Todd A. Ehlers
- Tom Pike
- Tun Jan Young
- V. Chmielewski
- V. Y. Ivanov
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- W. R. Simpson
- W. Steven Holbrook
- Warren E. Heilman
- William H. Brune
- William Pringle
- Winnie Chu
- Wonbae Jeon
- X. Cao
- Xiaobiao Xu
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- Zhigang Peng
- guangpeng liu
- Émilie Pauline Dassié