Georgia Institute of Technology, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Simplified Approach to Modeling Two-phase Flow of Seawater Near a Dike
- Archean Hydrothermal Activity
- Calcium Carbonate Precipitation/Dissolution in Salt Water - Fresh Water Mixing Zones
- Direct Observations of NO in South Pole Snowpack During ISCAT 2000
- Direct Seismic Detection of Methane Hydrate on the Blake Ridge in 2D and 3D
- Far-offset Airgun Imaging of the Mantle: Lithospheric Anisotropy of the North Atlantic
- Far-offset Airgun Imaging of the Mantle: Lithospheric velocity structure of the North Atlantic
- Fluvial Channels on the Continental Shelf: Using EM Understand Their Role in Hydrology.
- Heat-pipe Solutions and Brine Formation in NaCl-H<SUB>2</SUB>O Hydrothermal Systems
- Hydrologic and Geophysical Constraints on Submarsh Groundwater Flow to an Estuary in the Georgia Bight
- Influences of Amazon Rainfall on the Atmospheric Circulation over the North Atlantic Detected by QuikSCAT and TRMM
- Interactions between Aerosols and Photochemistry in the East Asia Troposphere
- Laboratory Studies of the Kinetics of Aqueous Phase Reactions of SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> and OH Radicals with Organo-Sulfur Compounds of Atmospheric Interest
- Mathematical Models of Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems Driven by Serpentinization of Peridotite
- Measurement of Pernitric Acid at the South Pole During ISCAT 2000
- Measurements of Sulfuric Acid and Methanesulfonic Acid During ISCAT 2000
- Meteorological Analysis of the ISCAT 2000 Field Program
- OH and HO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements at the South Pole During ISCAT-2000
- Seismic Investigations of Methane Migration Pathways Through the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone, Blake Ridge, U.S. Atlantic Margin
- Single Particle Source Profiles of Gasoline and Diesel Powered Vehicles, Biomass Burning and Coal Combustion Exhaust Emissions
- Soluble Acidic Gases at South Pole During ISCAT 2000
- Source Apportionment of PM2.5 in Beijing, China Using Organic Tracers
- South Pole HOx Chemistry: New Insights Based on ISCAT 2000 Observations
- South Pole NO Observations: An Assessment of the Factors Controlling the Large Variability Seen in the ISCAT 2000 Field Study
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture and Relations to Monsoon Precipitation
- The Coupling of the Common Land Model (CLM) to a Regional Climate Model
- Tomographic Imaging of Local Hydrate Concentrations Within a Faulted Gas-Hydrate Reservoir
- Visualization of Transport Phenomena and Fracture Evolution in Fractured Media
- A CIMS Technique for Fast Time Response PAN Measurements
- A Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer instrument for the Measurement of Tropospheric HO<SUB>2</SUB> and RO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A Comparison of NOy Budgets from the NOAA P3 during SOS99 and TexAQS 2000
- A Model Study on Sulfate Transport for the TRACE-P Period Using RAQMS
- Absorbing Aerosol in Asian Outflow: Size Dependent Properties, Links to Chemistry, and Humidity Growth
- Aerosol Chemical Composition Characterization During the 2000 Texas Air Quality Study
- Aerosol In Asian Outflow: Correspondence of Size-dependent Aerosol Volatility to Chemistry, Humidity Growth, and Absorption
- Airborne Observations of Transport and Removal of Nitric Acid During ITCT 2002
- Airborne Trace Gas and Aerosol Measurements During ITCT 2k2
- An Evaluation of TRACE-P Emission Inventories From China Using a Regional Model and Chemical Measurements At a Rural Site in China
- Analysis of Ambient Aerosol Measurements During PROPHET 2001
- Assessing Human Impacts on Climate System over Global Urban Areas
- Biological Fractionation of Ge/Si by Antarctic Diatoms - JGOFS/AESOPS Trap Results
- Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Aerosols over the Western Pacific as part of TRACE P
- Chemical Evolution of Ozone and Its Precursors in Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Clouds and Trace Gas Trends Observed During TRACE-P
- Comparison of observed chemical distributions during the presence and absence of Asian transport events during ITCT 2002
- Constraining the Hydrogeology of Marine Gas Hydrate Areas in the Gulf of Mexico Using High-Resolution Geophysical Methods
- Evidence of Heterogeneous Surface Chemistry in Asian Springtime Aerosol: a Focus on the Interactions of Fine Asian Mineral Dust with Urban Plumes
- Evidence of Nighttime Oxidation in the Remote Pacific Boundary Layer During the NASA TRACE-P Study
- Export of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds From the East Asia Region in Spring
- Hydrologic Processes Across Salinity Gradients at the Upland-Estuary Interface
- Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Tropical South American Precipitation During Austral Summer
- Interactive canopies with Nitrogen controls in the new NCAR land model
- Measurements of HOx during Trace-P
- Measurements of Nitric and Pernitric Acids at the South Pole during ISCAT 2000
- Measurements of the Hydroxyl Radical and Sulfuric Acid from the NOAA P3 during ITCT 2002
- Mechanism of the Wet Season Onset over Tropical South America
- Model analysis of sulfate and SO2 over the Asian-Pacific region during Spring 2001: Sources, distributions, and intercontinental transport
- Model-Measurement Comparisons of [OH], [HO2], and P(O3) in Houston
- Modeling the Influence of Different Processes on Iron Solubilization in Mineral Aerosols: From the Gobi Desert to the North Pacific Ocean
- On NO<SUB>x</SUB> Evolution in the Pacific during TRACE-P
- Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen Partitioning and Ozone Production Efficiencies during the PROPHET Summer 2000 and Summer 2001 Measurements Intensives
- Sensitivity of MPAN at the PROPHET Site
- Sources, Transport, and Charicteristics of aerosols over the Asian Pacific Region: A Global Model Analysis of in-situ and Satellite data During ACE-Asia
- Sources, distribution and partitioning of reactive nitrogen in the lower troposphere over western Pacific during TRACE-P
- TRACE-P Informal Instrument Intercomparison
- Testing Fast Photochemical Theory During TRACE-P Based on Measurements of OH, HO2, NO2, and CH2O
- The Behavior of the Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyl Radicals During TexAQS2000
- The Spatial Distribution and Size Evolution of Particles in Asian Outflow: The Significance of Primary and Secondary Aerosol during ACE-Asia and TRACE-P
- Using DAO Model Potential Vorticities for Estimating Isentropic Cross-Tropopause Ozone Fluxes
- A possible widespread Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene rift-related sequence under the marine shelf from Mazatlan to the Tres Marias islands, southeastern Gulf of California, Gulf of California MARGINS project
- An investigation of di-peptide modulation of calcite growth
- Carbonate Dissolution and Precipitation in Coastal Environments
- Clay Mineralogy of the Meade Peak Member of the Phosphoria Shale Formation, Idaho
- Constraints on Subsurface gas and gas Hydrate Distribution in a Gulf of Mexico Mound
- Continent- Ocean Transition Across the Alarcon Basin, Gulf of California from Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data.
- Crustal structure and rift evolution across the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- Cs-137 Distribution and Retention in Savannah, Georgia (USA) Estuarine, Marsh and Riverine Environments
- Did Flow of Weak Middle or Lower Crust Accommodate Extension in the Gulf of California and Salton Trough?
- Disequilibrium Two-Phase Flow? The Case at A Vent EPR 9° N, April 1991 and at Endeavor, JDF, June, 1999
- Dust, Aerosol Ions and Their Interactions with Gaseous Species in East Asia During Spring 2001: A three-dimensional model Study
- Eddy Covariance Fluxes of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) to a Coniferous Forest
- Effects of Kaolinitization on the K-Ar Sytematics in Weathered Muscovite From the Cretaceous and Tertiary Kaolin Deposits of Georgia
- Episodic Dust Passage and Phytoplankton Blooms in North Pacific Ocean
- Evaluation of Reprocessed SAGE-I (V6.0) Ozone Data and Updates of Ozone Trends
- Evidence of subsurface gas hydrate in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Expulsion of Barium and Methane at Mud Volcanoes in the Gulf of Mexico
- First Stage of Upper-stratospheric Ozone Recovery
- Formation and Growth of Sulfate Particles During Long-Range Transport From Asia to North America
- Gas-Phase Chemical Characteristics of Transported Asian Emissions Observed During ITCT2k2 Over the Eastern North Pacific Ocean
- Global Retrieval of Roughness Length from EOS-Terra Satellite Products and Limited Field Study Data
- Global Simulation of Ammonium-sulfate-nitrate Inorganic Aerosols: Implications for Natural Visibility in the United States and Intercontinental Transport of Pollution
- Hydrogeophysics in the Coastal Zone: Spatial and Temporal Constraints on Groundwater Processes from Coincident Wells and Geophysical Surveys
- Hydrothermal Systems on Europa
- Intraseasonal Forcing of Lightning and Convective Activity in the Southern Amazon as a Function of Cross Equatorial Flow
- Land cover controls on the diurnal cycle of smoke-land-atmosphere interactions
- NaCl-H2O Phase Diagrams and Equations of State for Modeling Geo-hydrothermal Systems
- New Techniques For Predicting Optical Properties Of Nonspherical Multicomponent Aerosols Using Single Particle Measurements
- Oceanic Crustal Structure North Of The Kane Fracture Zone From 87-147 Ma
- On Possible Relationships Between Diking, Magma Lenses, and Location of Hydrothermal Sites at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Operational regional air quality forecast over the U.S.
- PV Mapping and the Precision of Lower Stratospheric Ozone Column Measurements From Satellites
- Palinspastic Reconstructions of the Gulf of California Based on Airy Isostatic Profiles: Evidence for One Kinematic Phase of Neogene Shearing
- Phase Transition of Methane Gas Hydrate and Response of Marine Gas Hydrate Systems to Environmental Changes
- Preliminary Results of 3D Seismic Analysis of Methane Hydrate on the Blake Ridge
- Properties of Aerosol Particles Transported From Asia to North America
- Remagnetization and Clay diagenesis in Jurassic Sediments of Skye, Scotland
- Retrieving mineral dust composition, size and shape (CSS) properties from multi-angle remote sensing observations.
- Rigorous Metric For Quantifying Ozone Recovery
- Seismic Images of Faulting and Fossil Subduction of the Southern Baja California Margins
- Seismic imaging of the continent-ocean transition in the southern Gulf of California
- The Effect of Spectral Optical Properties of Tropospheric Aerosols on Photolysis Rates
- The Impact of Aerosols on Near-IR Radiances: Implications for CO Retrievals
- The Need for Closer Integration of Measurements and Models - Results from Modeling Aerosols in the East Asia Outflow
- The New Polar Explorers of the 21st. Century: Autonomous Vehicles
- Timing, Style, and Magnitude of Upper Crustal Extension, Sierra San Felipe, NE Baja California, Mexico: Constraints on Rift Processes in the NW Gulf of California Extensional Province
- Widespread Persistent Near-Surface Ozone Depletion at Northern High Latitudes in Spring
- 3D Seismic Imaging of the Blake Ridge Gas Hydrate Province: Evidence for a Dynamic Gas System
- A Model for Hydrothermal Convection in the Near-Axis Region
- A Synergy Analysis of Global Aerosols and Assessment of Direct Radiative Effect
- Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing Climatology Based on AERONET Measurements
- Aerosol Ions and Their Gaseous Precursors over North America and their Sensitivity to Nitrogen Emissions
- Airborne Observations of NO, NOy, Particles, and Other Trace Gases Over the Antarctic Continent During ANTCI 2003
- An assessment of the HOx budget constrained by Summit 2003 field observations
- Boundary-Layer Ozone Production at South Pole, Antarctica
- Climate Model Parameterization is a Form of Statistical Modeling - Application to Land Surface Representation and Treatment of Hydrological Cycling
- Comprehensive Characterization of Size-resolved Composition and Morphology of Mineral Dust Particles for Radiative Forcing Studies
- Constraining Global Isoprene Emissions With GOME Formaldehyde Column Measurements
- Continental Rifting Across the Alarcon Basin, Gulf of California
- Crustal Structure of Southern Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, From Magdalena Microplate to Farallon Basin
- Diking, Magma Lenses, and Location of Hydrothermal Sites at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Effects of Changing Emissions on Ozone and Particulates in the Northeastern United States
- Elucidating the Linkage Between Changes in Land Use, Atmospheric Mineral Dust Loading, and Precipitation in Central Asia During the Past 50-years
- Estimating Snowfall in the Arctic
- Evaluation of Electrodialysis as Part of an Improved Method to Concentrate Dissolved Organic Matter from Seawater
- Evidence for a significant urbanization effect on climate in China
- Failure of Marine Sediments due to Gas Hydrate Dissociation
- HO<SUB>x</SUB> at the South Pole: Measurements and Model Predictions
- Heterogeneity of ozone yield with location of nitrogen oxide emission origin
- How Do Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, and Runoff Contribute to Layered Soil Moisture Memory? - Results from A Climate Simulation
- Hydrothermal Heat Output from a Convecting, Crystallizing, Replenished Sub-Axial Magma Chamber
- Identification of Late Pleistocene Ice-Rafted Debris (IRD) on the New Jersey Shelf
- In Situ Measurement of OH and (HO2 +RO2) during the 2003 and 2004 Summit, Greenland Campaigns
- Influences of biomass burning on land-atmosphere interactions and dry-to-wet transition over Amazonia
- Interannual variability of surface NOx at the South Pole
- Land use Changes and Mineral Dust Emission in Central and East Asia: the Role of Model's Spatial Resolution
- Making Existing Surface Albedo Products Compatible with the Needs of Land Surface Models
- Measurement of Pernitric Acid, Nitric Acid and Sulfur Dioxide at the South Pole during ANTCI 2003
- Microscale Phosphorus Distribution and Chemistry in Marine Particles: New Insights From X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy and X-ray Microscopy
- Modeling and analysis of atmospheric chemistry over the South Pole during ANTCI
- Nonlinear dynamics in a simple two-timescale vegetation-atmosphere system and its implications for North China drought
- Numerical Models of Layered Convection in a Heterogeneous Medium and the Relationship Between Focused and Diffuse Flow in Ridge Crest Hydrothermal Systems
- Numerical Simulations of 1-D Two-Phase Flow with Non-Zero Mass Fluxes: Application to Phase Separation at 9° N (EPR) and the Main Endeavour Vent Field (JDF)
- Observations of HONO at the South Pole during ANTCI
- On tracer correlations in the troposphere: The case of ethane and propane
- Operational Short-Term Flood Forecasting for Bangladesh: Application of ECMWF Ensemble Precipitation Forecasts
- Poisson¡_s Ratios in The Crust and Mantle North of The Kane Fracture Zone From 87-147 Ma
- Preliminary Hydrothermal Heat Flow Measurements at the 9-10º N East Pacific Rise
- Seismic Imaging of Rifted Margins in the Southern Gulf of California
- Simmulations and Inverse Modeling of Global Methyl Chloride
- Speleothem Records of Precipitation in the West Pacific Warm Pool
- Systematic Specification of Thermodynamic State and Phase Transition Processes of Natural Gas Hydrate Systems
- The atmospheric boundary layer and its effect on NO concentrations during ANTCI-2003
- The warming of the California Current System: Dynamics and ecosystem implications
- Tropical Atlantic Upwelling and SST Changes associated with the mid-Pliocene onset of glacial cycles
- Variations of the Velocity Contrast and Rupture Properties of M6 Earthquakes Along the Parkfield Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects Over the Northwest Atlantic, Northwest Pacific, and North Indian Oceans: Estimates Based on In-situ Chemical and Optical Measurements and Chemical Transport Modeling
- Aerosol Indirect Climatic Effect Assessments using the NASA Global Modeling Initiative
- Airborne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Measurements of the Submicron Aerosol Chemical Composition Downwind of Sources
- An Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of the South Portion of the California Current and Ecosystem Using ROMS
- An Examination of Photochemistry Based on INTEX-NA Observations
- Analysis of the Seasonal and Spatial Structure of the Gravity Waves Over the Central USA Using Data From the NOAA Wind Profiler Network
- Aura Tropospheric Ozone Columns Derived Using the TOR Approach and Mapping Techniques
- CCN Predictions: Is Theory Sufficient for Indirect Forcing Calculations?
- Changes in Pore Pressure due to Repeated Gas Hydrate Dissociation/Formation in Shallow Marine Sediments
- Characterization of a CIMS Method for PAN Measurements During NEAQS/ICARTT 2004 and two Ground Campaigns
- Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry Techniques for Measurements of Gas-Phase Ammonia
- Chemical Loss of Polar Ozone: Present Understanding and Remaining Uncertainties
- Chemical and Microphysical Properties of Particles in Aged Plumes From Forest Fire in Alaska and Western Canada
- Comparisons of Aerosol Phase Sulfate, Nitrate, and Ammonium Concentrations Measured by an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer and a Particle Into Liquid Sampler
- Convective transport over the Tibetan Plateau - A short-circuit of water vapor and pollution to the global stratosphere
- Correlation of Oxygenated Organic Aerosol With Water Soluble Organic Carbon in Tokyo
- Daytime and Nighttime Modelling of Radicals in the Lower Troposphere During the NEAQS 2004 Campaign
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Regional Precipitation Over East Asia
- Discoveries on Atmospheric HCl Variations From MLS, and Studies of Data Continuity
- Discrimination of Mineral Aerosols From Clouds With Passive Multi-channel Space-borne Sensors.
- Evaluation of Model Simulated Source Contributions to Tropospheric Ozone with Aircraft Observations on the Factor Projected Space
- Exploring the Potential of Polarimetric Measurements in Studies of Light Absorbing Urban Aerosols
- Fast Time Response Measurements of Aerosol Composition by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Fossil Coral Snapshots of ENSO and Tropical Pacific Climate Over the Late Holocene
- From Ground Deformation to Magmatic Source Processes, Why Simple Elastic Models are not Enough: Examples from Long Valley Caldera, California, USA
- Geologic and Site Survey Setting for JIP Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Drilling
- Gulf Stream Density Structure and Transport during the Last Millennium
- Halogen-Driven Low Altitude Ozone and Hydrocarbon Losses in Spring at Northern High Latitudes
- ICARTT Measurement Comparison of Dry Particle Size Distributions: NASA DC-8 vs. NOAA WP-3D
- Impact of Shallow Convection on the Gas Hydrate Reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico Salt Tectonics Province
- Joint Geophysical and Hydrologic Constraints on Shallow Groundwater Flow Systems in Clastic Salt Marshes of the South Atlantic Bight
- Late-spring Increase of Trans-Pacific Pollution Transport in the Upper Troposphere
- Low Temperature Gas-liquid Partitioning in Formaldehyde Solutions
- Measurement of HO2NO2 in the upper troposphere during INTEX-NA
- Measurements of Sulfuric Acid in the Ohio Valley and New York City from NOAA P3 during ICARTT 2004
- Mechanical, Thermal and Electromagnetic Properties of Hydrate-Bearing Clay, Silt, and Sand at Various Confining Pressures
- Meridional Overturning Circulation in the South Atlantic at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Modeling Fluid Flow in a Low Flux Methane Hydrate Province: A Multifaceted Geophysical Approach
- Modeling Hydrothermal Processes at Slow Spreading Ridges
- Modeling Hydrothermal Response to Earthquakes at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Modeling analysis of springtime transition of NO2, CO and O3 on the basis of satellite measurements
- Modeling the Sources of Organic Carbon Aerosol in the Free Troposphere
- Numerical Modeling of Convection in a Porous Layer with Temperature-Dependent Permeability: Application to Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- Optimal Estimation of the Soil Uptake Rate of Molecular Hydrogen from AGAGE and Other Measurements
- Physical Properties of a Keathley Canyon Pressure Core Maintained at In Situ Pressure and Measured in a New Instrumented Pressure Testing Chamber
- Reactive Nitrogen Distribution and Budgets in the North American Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere
- Results from fast airborne measurements of PANs during the 2004 New England Air Quality Study
- Sea Ice Albedo Feedback in the Coupled Climate System
- Seismic structure from multi-channel seismic reflection and wide-angle data of Transect 0E in the Southern Gulf of California
- Semblance-based imaging of shallow scatterers
- Sensitivity of IR radiative properties of dust aerosols to their mineralogical composition: implications for IR remote sensing
- Summertime Tropospheric Ozone Residuals Derived from OMI/MLS Measurements and their Comparison with Regional Air Quality Forecast (RAQAST) Model Results Over the United States
- Summertime influence of Asian pollution in the middle and upper troposphere during INTEX-A
- The Possible Role of air Pollution in Dust-Fe Mobilization and its Implications to Global Carbon Cycle
- The Use of Solid Phase Extraction and Size-Exclusion Chromatography to Characterize the Fine Particle Carbonaceous Aerosols Soluble in Water
- The effects of mass deposition, gas flux and salt diapirs on surface sediment geochemistry in Keathley Canyon (northern Gulf of Mexico)
- Thermodynamically Sufficient Models of Multicomponent Multiphase Fluid Flow, Transport and Phase Transformation in Geological Environments
- Transport and Evolution of Aerosol Plumes From Urban and Industrial Sources in the Eastern U.S.
- Variability in Nocturnal Nitrogen Oxide Processing and its Role in Regional Air Quality
- A New Assessment of the Dimethyl-Sulfide Oxidation Ratio of Methanesulfonic Acid to Non-Sea Salt Sulfate for the Antarctic Plateau versus the Coast
- Addressing challenges of the changing Asian monsoon climate and its terrestrial interactions in the context of global climate models.
- An empirical approach to retrieve Evapotranspiration over Amazonia
- An evaluation of magnitudes of reaction probability of sulfate and nitrate precursors onto East Asian dust particles
- Application of a PC analysis of remote sensing spectral reflectance data to determine source regions for dust storms.
- Cloud Formation in the Plumes of Solar Chimney Power Generation Facilities: A Modeling Study
- Cross-Network Microseismic Relocations of Some Aftershocks From the 1992 Nicaraguan Tsunami Earthquake
- Density Structure in the Florida Straits: Insights Into North Atlantic Circulation Over the Last 20 kyr
- Development of a Regional Dust Modeling System for Central and East Asia Under the NEESPI Initiative
- Distinct modes of multidecadal variability in North Atlantic tropical storm frequency and season length
- Evaluation of model-simulated source contributions to tropospheric ozone with aircraft observations in the factor-projected space
- Expanding tropical warm pool: Increased tropical cyclone season length and storm duration
- Experimental Assessment of Bioenhanced Dissolution and Microbial Distribution During PCE-NAPL Source Zone Bioremediation
- Fine-scale heterogeneity and differential rotation of the inner core from scattered waves recorded by the LASA
- Florida Current Salinity and Transport Variation across the Last Glacial Termination
- HOx Chemistry during Summer 2005 at a Rural Site in Central Pennsylvania: Observations and Modeling Study
- Heightened Tropical Cyclone Activity in the North Atlantic: Natural Variability or Climate Trend?
- Heterogeneous uptake coefficients for N2O5 from in-situ atmospheric measurements and their implications for coupling between NOx, O3 and aerosol
- High Resolution Imaging of Fault Zone Structures With Seismic Fault Zone Waves
- Impact of Atmospheric Mineral Dust on the Surface Energy Balance and PAR in the NEESPI Study Domain
- Impacts of Land Surface Hydrological Parameterizations on Terrestrial Carbon Flux Simulation
- Influence of Amazon Rainfall on the Onset of Atlantic Nino
- Influence of Cloud Heterogeneity in Stochastic Dynamics of Ocean Surface Wind over Subtropical Marine Stratus and Stratocumulus Regions
- Lagrangian Photochemical Box-Model Calculations of Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Late 20th Century Freshening in the Central Tropical Pacific Inferred from Modern Coral Records
- Measurement of HCl in the troposphere and lower stratosphere during INTEX- B
- Measurements of Aerosol Size and Chemical Composition by a Compact Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (C-ToF-AMS) Aboard NOAA WP-3D Aircraft during TexAQS- 2006
- Modeling analysis of springtime transitions of O3, NOX, and CO over North America on the basis of in situ and satellite measurements
- Monsoon variability and hydrology of South Asia
- Overview of carbonaceous material in single free tropospheric aerosols
- Oxygenated and water-soluble organic aerosols in Tokyo
- Pliocene-Pleistocene Shifts in Tropical Atlantic Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling
- Reconstruction of a 50-year climatology of dust storms in Central and East Asia from ground-based and satellite observations
- Role of Hurricanes in the Global Heat Balance
- Rupture and Energy Characteristics of the July 17, 2006 Tsunami Earthquake near the Java Trench
- Secondary Aerosol Formation in Urban and Industrial Plumes in the Eastern United States
- Sensitivity of aerosol indirect forcing and autoconversion to cloud droplet parameterization: an assessment with the NASA Global Modeling Initiative.
- Source Properties of Repeating Small Earthquakes in the Aftershock Zones of the 1999 Izmit and Duzce Earthquakes
- Source characteristics of oxygenated volatile organic compounds and hydrogen cyanide
- Source properties of earthquakes and site effects in the aftershock zones of the 1999 İzmit and Düzce earthquakes from iterative spectral stacking for common source and receiver terms
- Stalagmite Reconstructions of Western Tropical Pacific Climate From the LGM to Present
- Structural properties and temporal evolutions of the Calaveras fault zone revealed from waveform analysis of repeating earthquakes in the rupture zone of the 1984 Morgan Hill earthquake
- Temporal Variability of Rainwater and Dripwater Geochemistry at a Malaysian Cave Site: Diurnal, Seasonal, and Interannual Signals
- The Effect of Lower Sea Level on Volume Transport Through the Florida Straits During the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Effect of Size-resolved Mineralogical Composition on the Heterogeneous Chemistry on Dust Particle Surfaces
- The Recovery of Earth's Ozone Layer
- The role of Asian monsoon/Tibet convection in stratosphere hydration and creating tape recorder signal
- The role of subsurface heat storage in climate model simulations
- Variability in Shallow Subduction Zone Locking Inferred From Earthquake Activity Near Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- A Practical Method for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from AMSR-E over the Amazon Forest
- A Rapid Energy-Duration Discriminant for Tsunami Earthquakes
- A Re-assessment of Nitrogen Recycling on the Antarctic Plateau
- A regional climate model study of how biomass burning aerosol impacts the land- atmosphere interactions over the Amazon
- Accounting for Uncertainties in Generating Reliable Probabilistic Flood Forecasts for Bangladesh
- Aerosol / Cloud Interactions Using The Nasa Global Modeling Initiative
- An Improved Global Energy to Moment Ratio Catalog: More Events, Stations, and Rupture Durations
- Analyses of Ground-based and Satellite Observations for Developing a Dust Climatology in Central and East Asia
- Analysis of fault zone head waves in the San Andreas and Southwest Fracture Zone around the hypocenter of the 2006 M6 Parkfield earthquake
- Assessing U.S Air Quality Using CALIPSO and MODIS Data via Giovanni
- Boundary Layer Models of Martian Hydrothermal Systems
- CCN Properties of Water-Soluble Organics Collected From PILS During GoMACCS 2006
- CCN Studies at Different Locations: Relative Importance of Aerosol Composition, Hygroscopicity and Mixing State
- CCN measurements aboard the CIRPAS Twin Otter and the NOAA P3 platforms during TexAQS/GoMACCS
- Causes of Recent Changes of Rainfall Variabilities and Implications to the Future Climate in the Amazon Region
- Changes in the Discharge of Major Rivers in the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Yangtze Rivers During the Next 100 years
- Changes of cloudiness over tropical land during the past few decades and its link to global climate change
- Coral Records of Late 20th Century Warming and Freshening in the Central Tropical Pacific
- Distributions of Tropospheric SO2 from the INTEX field campaign
- Evaluation of Orographic Effect on Surface Climate with WRF Climate Model
- Factors Influencing Aerosol Concentrations and Properties over the Tropical Eastern Pacific: Observations from TC4
- Factors Influencing the Large-Scale Distribution of Hg(0) in the Mexico City Area and Over the North Pacific
- Forecasting Flooding in the Brahmaputra and Ganges Delta of Bangladesh on Short (1-10 days), Medium (20-30 days) and Seasonal Time Scales (1-6 months)
- Geodetic Characterization of Santorini Caldera From Continuous GPS Measurements
- Geodetic and Modeling Constraints From Ongoing Uplift at Long Valley Caldera: Continued Episodic Dome Growth Observed in 2002-2003
- Hydrothermal Heat Output from a Convecting, Crystallizing, Replenished Sub-Axial Magma Chamber
- Impact of prescribed fire emission on air quality over the southeastern US
- Investigating Linkages Between the Dynamics of Dust Events and Synoptic and Land Surface Conditions With a Regional Dust Modeling System WRF-DuMo in Central and East Asia Under the NEESPI Initiative
- Land Surface Skin Temperature and Its Variations from FIFE and Beyond
- Linking Atmospheric and Ocean Circulation Change Across the Last Glacial Termination
- Minority Retention and Success through Professional Development Initiatives"
- Modeling the impacts of convective transport and lightning NOx production over North America: Dependence on cumulus parameterizations
- NOy partitioning and the role of alkyl nitrates in Tecamac, Mexico
- Non-Volcanic Tremor Near Parkfield, CA Systematically Excited by Teleseismic Waves
- North Pacific Gyres Oscillation: a tropical source of ocean climate and ecosystem change
- Observations of Halogens at Summit, Greenland
- Observations of Processed Asian Pollution with a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) from the C-130 Aircraft During the INTEX-B Field Campaign
- Observations of local and regional ozone and carbon monoxide over Asia from the Tropospheric Ozone Spectrometer
- On the Causes of the Poor Simulation and Forecast of the Intraseasonal Oscillation by Numerical Models
- Oscillations of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the Genesis of Easterly Waves
- Photochemical Activity in Mexico City during MILAGRO 2006: results from the T1 site
- Radiocarbon Variability in the Tropical Pacific During the Last Millennium
- Rapid Temporal Changes of Fault Zone Site Response Associated With Strong Ground Motion
- Seasonally Varying Leaf Area for Climate and Carbon Models from Assimilation of Satellite Reflectance data into a Dynamical Leaf Model
- Simulations of Inner Core Coda Waves with a Multiple-Scattering Phonon Based Algorithm
- Spatial Variability in Apparent Stress for Subduction Zone Earthquakes Along the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Spatio-temporal Distribution of Latent Heating in the Southeast Asian Monsoon Region
- Teleseismically-induced tremor near Parkfield, CA - a cacophony or a symphony?
- Temporal Changes of Shear Wave Velocity and Anisotropy in the Shallow Crust Induced by the 10/22/1999 M6.4, and M6.0, Chia-Yi, Taiwan Earthquake
- The North Pacific Gyre Mode
- The Velocity Contrast Across the Parkfield Section of the San Andreas Fault Near the SAFOD Drill Site
- The evolving influence of local and remote sea-surface temperature variability on the Asian monsoon during the last century
- The weakening of the Indian Monsoon-ENSO relationship in the '80s and '90s and low frequency variability in the Tropical Atlantic
- Trans-Pacific Transport of Ozone and Reactive Nitrogen in Spring
- Using CALIPSO Space Lidar Data in Conjunction with Passive Remote Sensing for Characterization of Spatiotemporal Distribution of Asian Dust Outbreaks and Their Radiative Impact
- Variability and Expansion of the Tropical Ocean Warm Pool
- Variability of the South Pacific Convergence Zone and its Influence on the General Atmospheric Circulation
- Variations Of Velocity Contrast Along The Rupture Zone Of The 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake On The San Andreas Fault
- Variations of the Velocity Contrast and Rupture Properties of M6 Earthquakes Along the Parkfield Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Velocity Contrast along the Hayward Fault From Analysis of Fault Zone Head Waves
- Water-Aerosol Interactions Downwind of Mexico City: Inferences about Mixing State, Droplet Growth Kinetics and Aging of Ambient Aerosol
- Widespread Triggered Non-volcanic Tremor Along the California Transform Plate Boundary
- An Energy Rate Magnitude for Large Earthquakes
- An Examination of AIRS data during overshooting deep convection events observed from MODIS, CloudSat and CALIPSO data
- An Investigation of Biogenic Trace Gas Emissions from the Southern Ocean: Impact on Boundary Layer Marine Composition and on the Distant Antarctic Plateau Atmosphere
- Analysis of Aerosol Characteristics Measured in the Arctic Atmosphere during ARCTAS
- Apparent Stress Variation in Response to Seamount Subduction at Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Assessing scales of variability for atmospheric composition field data relevant to future Decadal Survey satellite observations
- Assessment of prediction skill of intraseasonal variation from dynamical, statistical, and combined models
- Behavior of OH, H2SO4, and MSA during ARCTAS
- CCN Measurements of Forest Fire Plumes Aboard the NASA DC-8 and P3-B Aircraft Platforms During ARCTAS
- Centennial- to millennial-scale changes in tropical Pacific climate from central tropical Pacific fossil corals: temperature and hydrological signals
- Challenges to modeling the energy and water budgets of the Arctic
- Complex Non-volcanic Tremor Near San Andreas Fault Around Parkfield Triggered by the Great 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- Consistency Between Measurements and Theory for Sulfur Gases and Oxidants During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Distributed Coseismic and Early Postseismic Dip-Slip from the 1 April 2007 Solomon Islands Earthquake: A Unique Image of Near-Trench Rupture
- ENSO and the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation: a dynamical framework to understand present and future climate
- Episodic tremor and slip - a kinder and gentler variety of earthquake
- Evolution of the tropical dynamical warm pool and modulation of the intensity and numbers of tropical cyclones
- Examining Enceladus' plume through observations and simulations
- First Year-Round Measurements with a Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (CIMS) in Coastal Antarctica.
- GOZCARDS: Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere
- Geomorphic mapping of the southern Maacama fault based on LiDAR data
- Global Methyl Chloride Distribution from ACE-FTS Solar Occultation Measurements
- Greenland Summit HOx/Halogen Experiment; 2007 and 2008
- Hydrogen Peroxide and Methylhydroperoxide Budgets in the Marine Boundary Layer During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Identification of repeating earthquakes and spatio-temporal variations of fault zone properties around the Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault and the central Calaveras fault
- Impact of Boundary Layer Stability on Measured Halogen Levels
- Impact of model physics on estimating aerosol-related changes in cloud and precipitation in the Arctic
- Incorporating and reporting uncertainties in fault slip rates
- Influence of Biomass Burning and Mid-latitude Pollution on the Arctic Atmosphere During the ARCTAS Field Campaign: A Three Dimensional Modeling Analysis
- Integrating multiphase, macroscopic models of particle-laden volcanic flows with experimentally-derived subgrid models
- Investigation of the Aerosols Over the Los Angeles Basin during the ARCTAS-CARB 2008 Pilot Study
- Is Carbonyl Sulfide a Tracer for the Emissions and Oxidation Products of Biogenic VOCs?
- Kinetic and Thermochemical Studies of Weakly-Bound HO2 Complexes with Carboxylic acids
- Late 20th Century Warming and Freshening in the Central Tropical Pacific
- Late Quaternary Glacier Retreat in the Mongolian Altai
- Lightning and anthropogenic NOx sources over the U.S. and the western North Atlantic Ocean: Impact on tropospheric O3 from space-borne observations
- Low-Frequency Tropical Pacific Sea-Surface Temperature over the Past Millennium: Reconstruction and Error Estimates
- Low-frequency variability of the Indian Monsoon-ENSO relation and the Tropical Atlantic: The 'weakening' of the '80s and '90s
- Mutnovsky Volcano: Exploring the feedback loop between arc volcanism and continental hydrothermal systems
- Nocturnal isoprene oxidation over the Northeast United States and its impact on reactive nitrogen partitioning and secondary organic aerosol
- Observed Interannual Variability of the Cyclone Landfall Pattern Along the US Pacific Coast: Tropical Influences and Implications for the Winter Precipitation Extremes in the Western US
- Origin of Electron Plasma Populations Transport in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE): An Overview
- Phosphorus in coral skeleton: Evidence and species-specific global calibrations for a novel seawater phosphate proxy
- Predictability of Tropical Cyclones Using the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System
- Rates of Extension Along the Fish Lake Valley Fault and Transtensional Deformation in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Recent Atmospheric Methane Growth: AGAGE and CSIRO Measurements and Optimal Estimation of Hemispheric Emission Rate Increases
- Remote Triggering of Non-volcanic Tremor Around Taiwan
- Results from the ANTCI 2005 Antarctic Plateau Airborne Study
- Salinity Variability in the California Current System
- Satellite observations of ozone and carbon monoxide from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer over Beijing and China between 2005-2008
- Searching for Abrupt Circulation Shifts in Marine Isotope Stage 2 and 3
- Sensitivity of Aerosol Indirect Effects to Representation of Autoconversion
- Sensitivity of indirect effects to cloud formation parameterization and meteorological fields
- Spatial and temporal constancy of seismic strain release along the Death Valley-Fish Lake Valley fault and Pacific-North America plate boundary strain distribution
- Strong Rupture and Postseismic Response of the 8 June, 2008 Dextral Strike-Slip Earthquake in Western Peloponnese, Greece
- Structure and Geomorphic Expression of the Delüün Fault and Late Cenozoic Transpressional Mountain Building in the Mongolian Altai
- Surface Ocean Circulation and Dynamics in the Philippine Archipelago Region
- Systematic Analysis of Temporal Changes in Site Response Associated With Strong Ground Motion in Japan
- Teasing Apart Regional Climate and Meltwater Influences on Florida Straits Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity over the past 40 kyr
- Tectonic, climatic, and anthropogenic influences on ultra-high rate of bedrock incision in the Ta-An River Gorge, western Taiwan
- The Extent of the Oceanic Biosphere Throughout Geologic Time
- The Importance of Entrainment on Cloud Droplet Number and Indirect Forcing
- The Transport Capacity of Pyroclastic Flows
- The dynamic warm pool: A new paradigm for understanding the role of the tropics in the global heat balance
- The impact of tropical cyclone size on North Atlantic ACE and PDI
- The stability and spacing of crustal magma chambers
- Theory and Applications of Variational, Sequential and Bayesian Hierarchical Methods in Data Assimilation
- Towards the Reconstruction of the Thermocline Ridge in the Western Tropical Pacific: Implications for LGM Tropical Atmospheric Circulation
- Trans-Pacific Transport Events of Asian Dust and Pollution: Changes in Transport Pathways and a Global Model Simulation.
- Tremor triggered near Parkfield by teleseismic waves
- Variations of Velocity Contrasts and Fault Zone Damage Along the Parkfield Section of the San Andreas Fault Using Fault Zone Trapped Waves
- Wave Accumulation and Tropical Cyclone Genesis
- A lagrangian case study of the evolution of aerosol composition from a boreal fire plume during the ARCTAS campaign
- A microanalytical perspective on late stage conduit dynamics at Tungurahua and Cotopaxi Volcanoes, Ecuador
- Aerosol Hygroscopicity at High (99 to 100%) Relative Humidities
- Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties of Arctic Haze, Forest Fire Plumes, and Ozone Depletion Events during ARCTAS (DC-8)
- Aggregation of volcanic ash in explosive eruptions
- Airborne Formaldehyde and VOC Measurements during Select Arctic Boundary Layer Runs in the 2008 ARCTAS Study and Estimates of Halogen Atom Mixing Ratios
- Airborne Observations of Ammonia in Aged Biomass Burning Plumes
- An Overview of CCN Activity and Droplet Growth Kinetics Measurements of Arctic Aerosol During the 2008 NOAA ARCPAC and NASA ARCTAS Campaigns
- Arctic tropospheric ozone depletion during spring 2008 : Source regions and transport
- Assessment of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Impact on Aerosol Properties over California as Observed During ARCTAS-CA
- Boron isotopes in Archean cherts: investigating early Earth marine conditions
- Clast morphologies and heating experiments constrain the thermal conditions during pyroclastic density current emplacement at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Comparison of the Chemical and Physical Evolution and Characteristics of 495 Biomass Burning Plumes Intercepted by the NASA DC-8 Aircraft during the ARCTAS/CARB-2008 Field Campaign
- Coseismic, Episodic, and Interseismic Slip: Does surface roughness or strain energy control its distribution?
- Coupling between the magnetospheres of Ganymede and Jupiter (Invited)
- Deglacial Neodymium Isotopic Ratios in the Florida Straits and the Response of Intermediate Waters to Reduced Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Detecting early aftershocks in California and Japan based on a matched filter technique
- Detecting temporal changes around the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault associated with large teleseismic earthquakes
- Early Holocene Centennial-Scale Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Variability in the Florida Straits
- Effects of Diagenesis on Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Modern and Young Fossil Corals
- Emergent Flow Dynamics in Volcanic Flows: Insight From Multiphase Modeling (Invited)
- Emissions of Black Carbon Particles from Biomass Burning and Their Physical and Chemical Properties
- Emissions of Black Carbon Particles in Anthropogenic and Biomass Plumes over California during CARB 2008
- Examining Titan’s atmospheric conductivity profile using Cassini radio occultations
- Geodetic Observations and Numerical Models of Magmatic Activity at Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Heat transfer coefficients for natural volcanic particles
- Impact of Wildfire Smoke Aerosol on Clouds and Precipitation in High Latitudes
- Investigating the CCN Activation Kinetics of Aerosol in Arctic Haze and Canadian Boreal Forest Fires
- Large Scale NMHC and Halocarbon Distributions during Spring in the Arctic
- Low-Frequency Tropical Pacific Sea-Surface Temperature over the Past Millennium: Reconstruction and Error Estimates
- Observations of HOBr, BrO, and other halogen species by CIMS in Barrow, AK during OASIS
- Overview of POLARCAT intercomparisons
- Photochemical Production and Export of NOx from the Antarctic High Plateau via the Transantarctic Mountains and Glacial Valleys
- Plasma-neutral interactions: Enceladus' plume as a case study
- Pore-pressure and deformational response of subglacial till to seismicity
- Pumice, a window into the volcanic conduit
- Quantum magmatism: The Probability of Magma Chamber Melt Extraction From a Dynamics Perspective (Invited)
- Radiated Seismic Energy for Rapid Determinations of Large Earthquake Size, Duration, and Tsunami Earthquake Potential, and long-term Tsunami Earthquake Hazard Assessment
- Remotely triggered seismicity in Continental China
- Rounding of Clasts by Abrasion and Comminution in Pyroclastic Density Currents
- Sensitivity of Cloud Microphysical Properties and Autoconversion Rates to Nucleation and Nucleation Mode Dynamics
- Sonification of Earthquake Data: From Wiggles to Pops, Booms and Rumbles
- Spatiotemporal Distribution of Earthquakes During Slow Slip in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Systematic Search of Non-Volcanic Tremors Triggered by Regional Earthquakes Along the Parkfield-Cholame Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Systematic Search of Remotely Triggered Tremor in Northern and Southern California
- Systematic analysis of nonlinear ground motion and temporal changes of material properties produced by small and medium earthquakes
- Systematic analysis of triggered and ambient tremor beneath the Central Range in Taiwan
- The Reaction of Atomic Chlorine with Dimethyl Sulfide: Kinetics of the H-abstraction, Adduct Formation, and Adduct Dissociation Pathways
- The Thermal Dissociation-Laser Induced Fluorescence (TD-LIF) technique for total Peroxy Nitrates (PNs) and comparisons to speciated PAN measurements
- Understanding Satellite BrO Measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Understanding the aerosol-cloud droplet link in the Arctic: A perspective derived from ARCTAS and ARCPAC data
- A Comparison of Aerosol Optical, Microphysical, and Chemical Measurements between LAX and Long Beach Harbor
- A closer look at the pyroclastic density current deposits of the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt St Helens
- A lattice-Boltzman model for noble gas diffusion
- Aerosols in clean and smoky air at Bozeman, Montana
- AmPMS: Detection of Ammonia and Amines in Particle Formation and Growth Experiments
- Ash aggregation in explosive volcanic eruptions
- CCN Activity, Hygroscopicity, and Droplet Activation Kinetics of Secondary Organic Aerosol Resulting from the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill
- CCN, hygroscopicity, and activation kinetics of Los Angeles aerosol
- Case Study of Hurricane Felix (2007) Rapid Intensification
- Characterizing the unique photochemical environment in China
- Climate model parameter optimization and sensitivity and the challenges of precipitation
- Cloud Impacts on Photolysis and Ozone Production Rates in Urban Southeast Texas
- Comparing Postprocessing Approaches to Calibrating Operational River Discharge Forecasts
- Comparison of the 2010 and 2007 Solomon Island Tsunamis
- Controls on magma outgassing and their influence on the effusive-explosive transition of volcanic eruptions
- Cross-Pacific forcing of the boreal winter hydrological extremes over western North America
- Data-adaptive truncation in RegEM: potential for multiproxy temperature reconstructions over the Common Era
- Deep Tremor Activities beneath the Central Range in Taiwan and Their Relationship to Local, Regional, and Teleseismic Earthquakes
- Delay and Migration of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Early Aftershocks, Observed Using High-Resolution Waveform Data
- Detecting missing earthquakes on the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault following the 2003 Mw6.5 San Simeon earthquake
- Dynamics of the North Pacific Oscillation and Connections to Tropical Pacific Variability
- Early determinations of earthquake duration and rupture directivity from variations in the rate of seismic energy release
- Ecosystem Resilience of Coastal Marshes Following a Massive Oiling Event
- Evolution of silicic magmas in the Kos-Nisyros volcanic center: cycles associated with caldera collapse
- Examining the Impact of Smoke on Clouds and Precipitation during the 2002 Yakutsk Wildfire Season with the WRF-Chem-SMOKE Model and Satellite Data
- Forecasting Severe Floods for the Meghna River Basin
- Gas-particle partitioning of atmospheric ammonia at the CalNex-LA ground site
- Global Modeling of In-Cloud Oxalate Formation
- Hanging-wall topographic expression in oblique contractional orogens
- Heating of ions by low-frequency Alfven waves in partially ionized chromosphere
- History of Atmospheric SF6 Emissions from 1973 to 2008
- Interseismic Megathrust Coupling near Nicoya, Costa Rica Between 1994 and 2010
- Investigating Emissions and Evolution of Trace Gases and Aerosol Components from Biomass Burning Plumes in Canadian Boreal Forests during ARCTAS-2008
- Investigating Source to Sink Processes with Cosmogenic 10Be Concentrations in Multiple Alluvial Grain Sizes
- Investigating the Kinetics of Mercury Oxidation and the Contribution of Halogen Radicals from Field Measurements in Barrow, AK
- Modeling Mars' Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Modeling the Effects of Weathering Processes on Uranium-series Comminution Ages
- Multi-Fluid/Multi-Scale Simulations of Plasmoid Production at Saturn
- Multiphase Dynamics in the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption
- Nitrogen oxides and PAN in plumes from boreal fires during ARCTAS-B and their impact on ozone: An integrated analysis of aircraft and satellite observations
- Northern Hemisphere Meltwater Discharge and the Last Ice-Age Termination (Invited)
- Observations of inorganic bromine species (BrO, HOBr, Br2 and BrCl) at Barrow, AK in spring 2009
- On the effect of insoluble dust particles on global CCN and droplet number
- Overview of the chemistry and physics of the Los Angeles aerosol from CIRPAS Twin Otter deployment during CalNex 2010
- Pattern formation at the ocean surface: The distribution of Sargassum and the role of the eddy field
- Preliminary Results on Seismicity and Fault Zone Structure Along the 1944 Rupture of the North Anatolian Fault East of Ismetpasa
- Present-Day Rates of Deformation Across the Southern Walker Lane From a Densified Regional GPS Network
- Quartz Zoning and the Pre-eruptive Evolution of the ~340 ka Whakamaru Magma Systems, New Zealand
- Reactive multiphase flow at the pore-scale: the melting of a crystalline framework during the injection of buoyant hot volatiles
- Remote Triggering in Continental China
- Replication of Subdecadal Holocene δ18O Records from Borneo Speleothems
- Reynolds-number dependency in homogeneous, stationary two-dimensional turbulence
- Seismic Investigations of an Accommodation zone in the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Shallow Megathrust Rupture Propagation of Some Large and Giant Earthquakes: Its Tsunami Potential and Identification from Spectral Energy Content
- Sources of Water-soluble Organic Aerosol in the Southeastern United States - Evidence of SOA Formed Through Heterogeneous Reactions
- Spatio-temporal variability of aerosol in the tropics and its relationship with the hydrological cycle
- Studying the dynamic influence of the ionospheric and plume components of Enceladus' exosphere through simulations and observations
- Substrate Erosion and Force Chain Dynamics in Dense Granular Flows
- The Hygroscopic Properties of Volcanic Ash and Implications for the Evolution of Volcanic Plumes in the Atmosphere
- The South ``West'' Pacific Convergence Zone: Large-scale feedback on atmospheric subsidence to the east
- The role of subsurface ocean dynamics in the memory of Central Pacific Warming Pattern
- The thermal evolution of pyroclastic density currents: Exploring the thermal histories of juvenile clasts of Tungurahua and Cotopaxi, Ecuador
- Thermo-mechanical reactivation of locked crystal mushes: melting-induced internal fracturation and assimilation processes in magmas
- Towards an understanding of the constancy of fault slip rate at multiple time scales along the central Garlock fault
- Tremor evidence for dynamically triggered creep events on the deep San Andreas Fault
- Triggered Non-Volcanic Tremor in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand
- Yearly Trends in South Pole Atmospheric Sulfur and Nitrogen Species and Their Potential Use in Ice Core Interpretations
- A 1-D Coupled Air-Snowpack Model to Investigate Boundary Layer HONO Concentrations during ANTCI 2003
- A New Estimate of the Earth's Land Surface Temperature History
- A Study of Temperature Trends Using Rural Sites Identified from MODIS Classifications
- A physically-based approach of treating dust-water cloud interactions in climate models
- Ammonia as an observational constraint on aerosol pH in rural and urban environments
- An Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of an eddy permitting state estimate of the Peruvian Current System
- Analysis of accelerated failure process before the 1999 Mw7.1 Düzce earthquake based on near-fault seismograms
- Assessments of the Emission and Impact of Smoke from the 2002 Yakutsk Wildfires using the WRF-Chem-SMOKE Model and Satellite Data
- CCN activation kinetics: quantifying compositional impacts in polluted and pristine environments
- Clast comminution during pyroclastic density current transport: Mt St Helens
- Climate variability and tropospheric ozone depletion in the Arctic spring
- Coherent anti-phasing between solar forcing and tropical Pacific climate over the past millennium: derivation and implications
- Comprehensive analysis of triggered tremor around the Parkfield-Cholame section of the San Andreas Fault
- Contemporary Fault Slip Rates in the Southern Walker Lane from Block Modeling of GPS Data
- Continued Development of a Coupled Instrument Model for Quantifying Droplet Activation and Growth Kinetics in the DMT CCN Counter
- Coral Records of 20th Century Central Tropical Pacific SST and Salinity: Signatures of Natural and Anthropogenic Climate Change
- Coupling Eruptive Dynamics Models to Multi-fluid Plasma Dynamic Simulations at Enceladus
- Delayed Triggering of Early Aftershocks by Multiple Waves Circling the Earth
- Deriving emissions on regional to global scales from atmospheric observations
- Determination of the sources and impacts of aerosols on clouds and orographic precipitation during CalWater
- Differentiating static and dynamic triggering near Salton Sea following the 2010 Mw7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
- Discrete Element Modeling of Bed Force Anomalies due to Force Chains in Dense Granular Flows
- Dynamic Triggering around Fangshan Pluton near Beijing,China
- Dynamical Downstream Modulation of the eastern North Pacific Atmospheric River Activity by East Asian Cold Surge
- Engineering a mid-IR lidar for boundary layer N2O
- Erupted silicic cumulates in large ignimbrites
- Estimation of tropospheric column BrO and free tropospheric BrO concentrations using satellite measurements of total column BrO and cloud pressure from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Aura satellite
- Evidence for different SOA formation mechanisms in Los Angeles and Atlanta with contrasting emissions
- Evidence for phase separation in atmospheric particle samples
- Experimental characterization of bubble coalescence
- Fossil coral records of tropical Pacific climate over the last millennium: relationship to external forcing
- Generation of Saturn's Periodicities Through A Global Mode of the Centrifugal Interchange Instability
- Global Search for Deep Triggered Tremor
- Granular Disruption During Explosive Volcanic Eruptions
- Improving Holocene Climate Reconstructions from Galápagos Lake Sediments: New Insights From Long-Term Lake Monitoring
- In-situ Measurements of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions During the 2011 E-PEACE Campaign: Case Studies of Clouds Perturbed by Ship Emissions
- Incorporating fault zone head wave and direct wave secondary arrival times into seismic tomography: Application at Parkfield, California
- Integrating field and numerical techniques to understand the dynamics of pyroclastic density currents: Mount St Helens
- Inter-annual Variations and Decadal Trends in Surface Equatorial Pacific Phosphate Concentrations: Coral Records from the Line Islands
- Intercolony Sr/Ca variability in Palmyra Island corals: Implications for paleo-SST reconstructions
- Investigating Sediment Source to Sink Processes in a Post-Orogenic Landscape
- Listening to data from the 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake
- Low-Frequency Earthquakes within Non-Volcanic Tremor in Southern Taiwan Triggered by Large Earthquakes
- Melt Segregation and Tidal Heating at Io
- Melt Segregation in Crustal Magmatic Systems: A Coupled Dynamics and Thermodynamics Approach
- Modeling the Daly Gap: The Influence of Latent Heat Production in Controlling Magma Extraction and Eruption
- Moment Tensor Inversion of the Mw 5.8 May 16 2010 Deep Earthquake in Puerto Rico
- Mongolian Summit Plateaus: Uplifted Mesozoic Erosion Surfaces or the Leveling of Topography by Quaternary Glacial and Periglacial Processes?
- Nitrogen isotopes of coral skeleton-bound organic matter and a 20-year record from Central Equatorial Pacific
- Non-Volcanic Tremors beneath the Southern Central Range in Taiwan
- Novel Modeling of Mars' Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Nucleation and growth of sulfate aerosol in coal-fired power plant plumes: Sensitivity to background aerosol and meteorology
- Observational constraints on the global organic aerosol budget
- Observations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) from the Remote North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from the High-Wind Gas-Exchange Study (HiWinGS)
- PM2.5 soluble brown-carbon measured in contrasting urban and rural environments
- Plate Coupling and Transient Events Detection from Geodetic Measurements in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Potential impact of dust aerosols on the pre-Helene (2006) mesoscale convective vortex
- Process-Resolving Decomposition of the Global Temperature Response to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- Quantifying the influence of halogens on nitrate photochemistry at Summit, Greenland
- Quantitative rock-fall hazard and risk assessment for Yosemite Valley, California
- Reconstructing 20th Century Summer Precipitation on the South-Central Tibetan Plateau
- Renewed Geodetic Unrest at Santorini Caldera, Greece
- Search for near-field and remotely triggered earthquakes associated with the 2011 Mw5.8 Virginia earthquake
- Stalagmite record of millennial-scale hydroclimate variability in Borneo during the last glacial period
- Tectonic Tremor beneath the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault Triggered by Shear and Surface waves from the MW 9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, Earthquake
- Temporal changes of site response and high-frequency bursts during the 2011 Mw 9.0 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake sequence
- The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Averaging Methodology
- The ITCZ, easterly wave generation, equatorial westerlies: A common solution for some fundamental questions in the tropics
- The Influence of Light Absorbing Aerosols on the Radiation Balance Over Central Greenland
- The Missing Source of Glyoxal (CHOCHO) over China and Its Implications on Organic Aerosol Budgets
- The Role of Proximal Dynamics and Particle Aggregation in Ash Dispersal
- The Topographic Wake of Transient Landscape Response Forced by Knickpoint Retreat in Post-Orogenic Settings
- Total Megathrust Rupture of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake evidenced by its Energy release rate
- Understanding the Peach Spring supereruption through its basal layer deposits (Southwestern USA)
- Unexpected high levels of molecular chlorine observed at Barrow in spring 2009 during OASIS
- Unraveling the Detailed Aftershock Sequence of the Mw=9.0, 2011 Tohoku Megathrust Earthquake Through the Application of Match Filtered Techniques
- Uranium Biomineralization by Natural Microbial Phosphatase Activities in the Subsurface
- Uranium-series Comminution Ages for Dating Detrital Sediments: Investigating the Methodological Underpinnings
- Using 3D Multi-Fluid Simulations to Investigate the Periodicity of the Auroral Brightness at Ganymede and its Dependence on Precipitating Particle Temperatures
- Variations and radiative forcing of atmospheric aerosols in the U. S. Southeast from ground and space based measurements over the past decade
- Wet surface and dense atmosphere on early Mars inferred from the bomb sag at Home Plate, Mars
- What do Nitryl Chloride Observations imply about Chlorine Activation Chemistry on Aerosol Surfaces?
- Wind-Forced Baroclinic Beta-Plumes
- A Multiphase Assessment of Melt Segregation, Residence Time and Compositional Evolution in Crustal Magmatic Systems
- A New And Fundamental View Of Organized Tropical Convection
- A network-base analysis of CMIP5 "historical" experiments
- A new multi-species pore-scale reactive transport modeling of arsenic sorption in dissolving porous media using lattice Boltzmann method
- Accounting for Recoil Effects in Geochronometers: A New Model Approach
- Aerosol Optical Properties and Black Carbon Measurements (Ambient and Thermally-Denuded) from Detling, UK During the ClearfLo IOP in Winter 2012
- Aerosol characterization over the past decade in the Southeastern U.S. with implications to air quality policies
- Aircraft observations of biomass burning emissions in the lower stratosphere during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3)
- An Operational Flood Forecast System for the Indus Valley
- Application of Cloud Vertical Structure to Investigate the Microphysical and Optical Properties of Cirriform, Anvil, and Deep Convective Clouds
- Assessing the triggerability of glacier (icequake) seismicity
- Assessment of UTLS water vapour measurements from limb-sounders within the SPARC Data Initiative
- Boreal Low Frequency Variability in CMIP5 models
- Comparison of Global Models for the Escape of Martian Atmospheric Plasma
- Continuing Studies of Dynamic Triggering near Fangshan, Beijing
- Controls on the evolving grain size distribution of ash in explosive eruptions and feedback in vent proximal dynamics
- Distributions and Sources of Methanesulfonic Acid (MSA) over the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Droplet Growth Kinetics in Various Environments
- Dust Charging in Enceladus' Plume
- ENSO-driven nutrient variability recorded by central equatorial Pacific corals
- Effects of thermal quenching on the breakup of pyroclasts
- Environmental Litigation and the Role of Climate Scientists
- Examining Direct and Indirect Radiative Forcings of Smoke Aerosol during the 2002 Yakutsk Wildfire Season
- Examining the influence of land cover and land use change and meteorological conditions on total and anthropogenic dust emission in Central Asia
- Experimental Observations and Discrete Element Simulations of Bed Force Anomalies due to Force Chains in Dense Granular flows
- Experimental evaluation of ash aggregation across a range of eruptive conditions
- Exploring Geometric Complexities of Locking Along the Megathrust Beneath Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Four centuries of tropical Pacific sea-surface temperature from coral archives
- Geodetic Observations of Ongoing Unrest at Santorini Caldera, Greece
- Horizontal Deformation Rates Measured by Ten Years of GPS Observations on the Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico, USA
- Hydrated Sulfates in the Southern High Latitudes of Mars
- Impact of declining Arctic sea ice on northern hemisphere winter weather
- Improved assimilated inversion of NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions using OMI and GOME2 measurements over China
- Improved understanding of aftershock triggering by waveform detection of aftershocks with GPU computing
- Incorporation of neutral cloud coupling in a global multifluid simulation of Saturn's magnetosphere
- Investigation of Potential Triggered Tremor in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Linking petrology and numerical modeling to understand geophysical signals of unrest at Rabaul caldera (Papua New Guinea)
- Lithosphere-to-Ionosphere Plug-and-Play Architecture (LION-PNP): Networking the Physical World Made Cheap and Easy
- Local and regional climatic controls on high-resolution rainfall and cave dripwater oxygen isotopes in northern Borneo
- Long-term changes in regular and low-frequency earthquake inter-event times near Parkfield, CA
- Love Wave Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor in the Nankai Region, Southwest Japan: Observations and Physical Interpretation
- Low-frequency Eddy Dynamics in the California Current System
- Modeling Breadcrust Bombs to Better Understand Their Transportation Mechanisms and Thermal History
- Modeling of Mars' ionospheric electrodynamics under various local magnetic field topologies
- Modeling the Thermal and Chemical Evolution of Magmatic Systems in Extensional Environments
- Multi-phase Modeling of Dusty Eruptions on Enceladus
- Natural climate variability modulates the expansion of oxygen minimum zone in the tropical Pacific
- New Estimates of Late Pleistocene Slip Rates on the White Mountains Fault, Eastern California
- On the interaction between fluid turbulence and particle loading: numerical simulation of turbidity currents and prediction of their deposits
- Plume Electrification: Laboratory and Numerical Experiments
- Predictability and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones on Daily to Interannual Time Scales
- Processing of Nitrate in Snow at Summit, Greenland
- Saline Snow Surfaces and Arctic Bromine Activation
- Sediments on the Line Islands Ridge Provides a Suitable Archive for Paleoceanographic Research
- Seismic Imaging of a Bimaterial Interface along the Hayward Fault, CA, with Fault Zone Head Waves and Direct P Arrivals
- Simulating halogen radical chemistry and Br propagation during ozone depletion events in Barrow, Alaska
- Systematic search for missing earthquakes in Central California around the 2003 Mw6.5 San Simeon and the 2004 Mw6.0 Parkfield earthquakes
- Testing late 20th century El Nino-Southern Oscillation variability against new coral-based estimates of natural variability
- The Effects of Freshwater Dissolution on Coral Geochemistry and Morphology
- The Meridional Mode and Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability in the CMIP5 Models
- The microbiome of the upper troposphere: species composition and prevalence, effects of tropical storms, and atmospheric implications
- Thermal and mechanical evolution of magma reservoirs
- Toward An Empirical Scaling For Bubble Coalescence Rates
- Tremor, remote triggering and earthquake cycle
- Tremors Triggered along the Queen Charlotte Fault
- Understanding NOx emission trends in China based on OMI observations
- Understanding the Relative Contributions of Aerosol Properties to Cloud Droplet Number: Adjoint Sensitivity Intercomparison of Activation Parameterizations in a Global Circulation Model
- Understanding the temporal characteristics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Using a 2D Model of the Io Plasma Torus to Investigate the Effects of Density Variations on the Morphology and Intensity of the Io Footprint
- Vortices and flux tubes: The crossover
- Weak rupture along the shallow megathrust evidenced by high frequency seismic energy release rates
- What Can Sounds Tell Us About Earthquake Interactions?
- Wind-forced baroclinic beta-plumes: A linear approach and an application to the Hawaiian Lee Countercurrent
- A Probabilistic Model of Chronological Errors in Layer-Counted Climate Proxies: Applications to Annually-Banded Coral Archives
- A Study of the Extratropical Baroclinic Eddy Activity during Arctic Spring Onset
- A new stable water isotope-salinity dataset from the central tropical Pacific
- Aircraft measurement of glyoxal (CHOCHO) over southeast U.S. during SENEX2013
- Analysis of small earthquake source parameters along the Nicoya Peninsula: Probing changes following the 2012 Mw=7.6 earthquake and within slow slip and tremor zones
- Application of Thorpex-Tigge Multi-Center Weather Forecasts for River Discharge Forecasting: Application to Major Rivers in South Asia
- Borneo cave dripwater isotope timeseries resolve the 2009-2012 ENSO cycle
- Brown Carbon in the Free Troposphere Measured from the NASA DC-8 as Part of the Deep Convection Clouds and Chemistry Experiment
- Characterization of the Geologic Setting of Recurring Slope Lineae: Constraints on Their Formation Mechanism
- Characterizing Pluto's plasma environment through multifluid MHD modelling
- Chemical Characterization of Water Soluble Organic Aerosol during SOAS Using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Cloud condensation nuclei measurements during the NOAA SENEX mission
- Collaborative Investigation of Remotely Triggered Tremor and Earthquakes in Latin America
- Collisions on the Fly: pairing numerical modelling with high speed imagery to explore pyroclast-pyroclast interactions
- Cosmogenic beryllium-10 exposure dating of probable earthquake-triggered rock avalanches in Yosemite Valley, California
- Declining ocean anoxia in a warming climate (Invited)
- Electrodynamics of the Martian dynamo region near magnetic cusps and loops using the Martian Multifluid Magnetohydrodynamic Model (M<SUP>4</SUP>)
- Europa's shallow subsurface: lakes, layers and life? (Invited)
- Evolution of Shallow Aseismic Slip Around the MW 7.6 September 5th 2012 Nicoya Megathrust Earthquake
- Fine Particle Water-Soluble Organic Carbon Over The Southeastern United States (Invited)
- Freshly Emitted, Unexpectedly High SO2, SO4=, NOx, CH4, and i-C4H10 Offshore of Los Angeles Attributed to Several Source Sectors
- Generation of Periodic Signatures at Saturn Through Titan's Interaction with the Centrifugal Interchange Instability
- Geodetic and Structural Constraints on Locking and Failure Around the 5 September 2012 Nicoya (Mw7.6), Costa Rica Earthquake
- High-frequency Seismic Signals in Antarctica Triggered by the 2010 Mw8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
- Influence of elevated NOx levels on the oxidation capacity of the atmospheric boundary layer in Barrow, Alaska
- Insights into the western tropical Pacific's role in late Pleistocene hydroclimate variability: 160ky Borneo stalagmite ?18O record (Invited)
- Intercolony Sr/Ca variability in Palmyra Island corals: Implications for paleo-SST reconstructions
- Investigating the Link Between Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles and Ocean Circulation Changes (Invited)
- Large Vertical Gradient of Reactive Nitrogen Oxides in the Boundary Layer: Modeling Analysis of DISCOVER-AQ Observations
- Lithosphere-to-Ionosphere Plug-and-Play Architecture (LION-PNP): Sensor Networking Made Cheap and Easy
- Magmas and reservoirs beneath the Rabaul caldera (Papua New Guinea)
- Mendenhall Glacier (Juneau, Alaska) icequake seismicity and its relationship to the 2012 outburst flood and other environmental forcing
- Multi-phase Modeling of Dusty Eruptions on Enceladus
- Multifluid MHD Simulation of the Magnetosphere of Uranus
- Multifluid MHD simulation of Saturn's magnetosphere: Dynamics of mass- and momentum-loading, and seasonal variation of the plasma sheet
- Multiproxy reconstructions of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation: progress and challenges (Invited)
- Nitrate chemistry in the snow and atmosphere at Summit, Greenland
- Non-volcanic tremor characteristics and tremor generation environment in Taiwan and a case study of their stress interaction with local earthquakes
- Numerical Study of Sulfur Outgassing in Response to Decompression and Crystallization
- Observations of slip-coincident basal seismicity near the nucleation zone of Whillans Ice Plain stick-slip events
- Operational Hydrologic Forecasts in the Columbia River Basin
- Particle Emission, Formation, and Growth in Industrial and Urban Plumes in the Southeastern United States
- Photochemistry in Power Plant and Urban Plumes over Forested and Agricultural Regions during SOS (1990s) and SENEX (2013) field intensives (Invited)
- Potential Vorticity and the South Asian Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations
- Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainties in Estimating OMI Tropospheric Column NO<SUB>2</SUB> Trend over The United States
- Remote Love Wave Triggering of Tremor in the Nankai Subduction Zone: New Observations and Dynamic Stress Modeling
- Remote Sensing and River Discharge Forecasting for Major Rivers in South Asia (Invited)
- Scaling Laws for Impacts into Wet Substrates: Applied to the Bomb Sag at Home Plate, Mars
- Seismicity Patterns and High-Resolution Fault Interface Properties Associated with the 2010 Mw6.9 Yushu, Qinghai Earthquake
- Systematic search of triggered and ambient tectonic tremor in Southern California
- Thermal Evolution of Crustal Magmatic Systems in Extensional Settings
- U-Series Dating of Tropical Stalagmites
- Understanding the Linkages between Climate, Land Use, and Land Degradation in Central Asia (Invited)
- Using Seismic Arrays to Detect Triggered and Ambient Tremor in Taiwan
- Very Low Frequency Earthquakes Embedded within Shallow Tremor offshore the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Volatile dynamics in crystal-rich magma bodies, perspectives from laboratory experiments and theory
- Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Extreme Weather Events- A Case Study from Bangladesh
- 2009 Slow Slip Event under the Northeast Taiwan at the Backarc Extension of the Ryukyu Subduction Zone from Continuous GPS Data
- A Comparison of Rapid-Screen <SUP>14</SUP>C Dates and U/Th Dates from Fossil Corals: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
- A Probabilistic Model of Chronological Errors in Layer-Counted Climate Proxies
- A pore scale description of calcium isotope exchange and equilibration with calcite
- A self-consistent rheological model for bubble and crystal-bearing magmas
- Aircraft Measurement of Isoprene-derived Organic Aerosol during the Southeast Nexus (SENEX) Campaign Using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Biomass Burning Dominates Brown Carbon Absorption in the Rural Southeastern U.S.
- Biomass Burning: Major Uncertainties, Advances, and Opportunities
- BrO in the Tropical and Subtropical UTLS: Longitudinal Gradients over the Pacific Ocean
- Bubbles Accumulation And Their Role On The Eruptability Of Melt-Rich Silicic Lenses In Upper Crustal Magma Reservoirs
- Chemical Structure and Molecular Dimension As Controls on the Inherent Stability of Charcoal in Boreal Forest Soil
- Climate sensitivity of the Antarctic ventilation
- Dynamically Triggered Earthquakes in the Geysers Region following the 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- ENSO and Indo-Pacific Water Isotopes: Observations, Modeling, and Implications for Proxy Reconstructions
- Evaluating the ENSO Impact on Last Millennium Megadroughts Using Improved Coral Forward Models
- Factors Controlling O<SUB>3 </SUB>in the Southeastern United States during Summer as Constrained by the SEAC<SUP><SUB>4</SUB></SUP>RS Campaign
- Fast in-situ measurements of glyoxal (CHOCHO) and nitrous acid (HONO) in northern Chinese plane during CAREBEIJING - NCP2014
- Forward and Inverse Modeling of Magma Chamber Dynamics and Crystal Zoning Provides Insights into Rates and Processes Leading to Eruption
- G. menardii Abundance and Thermocline Ventilation in the Florida Straits over the Deglaciation
- Ice Stream Slip Triggered by Distant Earthquakes
- Identifying the Crystal Graveyards Remaining After Large Silicic Eruptions
- Imaging and Understanding Foreshock and Aftershock Behavior Around the 2014 Iquique, Northern Chile, Earthquake
- Multifluid MHD Investigation of Plasma Production and Transport in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Multiproxy Reconstruction of Tropical Pacific Holocene Mean State Variability
- Paired Vapor-Precipitation Isotope Data from Manus, Papua New Guinea
- Quantifying the Usefulness of Ensemble-Based Precipitation Forecasts with Respect to Water Use and Yield during a Field Trial
- Resilience and Vulnerability of Southeast Asian Societies to Climate Variability in the Pre-Modern Era
- Seismic Observations of the 15 February 2013 Chelyabinsk Meteor from Dense ChinArray
- Soluble Manganese(III) in the Marine Environment
- Sweet Spot Tremor Triggered by Intraslab Earthquakes in the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Systematic detection of seismic activity before recent large earthquakes in China
- Tectonic Tremor along the Parkfield-Cholame Section of the San Andreas Fault Triggered by the 2014 M6.0 South Napa and Other Regional Earthquakes
- Testing for supply-limited chemical erosion in field measurements of soil production and chemical depletion
- The Antarctic Circumpolar Current during the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- Treatment of reactive interfaces in pore-scale reactive transport with the phase-field method
- Two Contrasting Views of Multidecadal Climate Variability in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century
- Variations of Crustal Anisotropy along the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California
- The Role of the Tibetan Plateau in the South Asian Monsoon Atmospheric Circulation
- Accurate and Precise Bottom Water Paleotemperatures from Aragonitic Benthic Foraminiferal Li/Mg: Calibration, Theory, and Application
- Aerosol pH buffering in the southeastern US: Fine particles remain highly acidic despite large reductions in sulfate
- Amount Effect, Altitude, and Moisture Source Influences on Precipitation Isotopic Variability in the Galápagos Islands
- An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign
- Attribution of Multidecadal Climate Trends in Observations and Models
- Can tides influence volcanic eruptions?
- Central Tropical Pacific Corals Reveal Reduced ENSO Variability 3-5kyBP
- Central Tropical Pacific SST and Salinity Variability over the Little Ice Age
- Characteristics of predictable MJOs
- Contributions of wildfire to climate variability
- Deep Ocean Circulation, Heat Transport and the Timing of Climate Change
- Development of a region-specific fire scheme in the CESM framework
- Drought and Wildfire Impacts on Carbon and Water Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Evolution and Forcing Mechanisms of El Niño over the Last 21,000 Years
- Exploiting sedimentation datasets to model the impact of sediment loading on sea level at the Yellow River Delta
- Favia Corals: a New Paleoclimate Archive
- Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations
- Hindrance Velocity Model for Phase Segregation in Suspensions of Poly-dispersed Randomly Oriented Spheroids
- Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate
- Identifying Oxygen Isotopic Signatures of ENSO Dynamics Through Isotope-Enabled Regional Ocean Modeling
- Ignimbrites to Batholiths
- Incorporating Sediment Compaction Into a Gravitationally Self-consistent Model for Global Sea-level Change
- Measurement of pernitric acid (HO<SUB>2</SUB>NO<SUB>2</SUB>) using chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) with I<SUP>-</SUP>·H<SUB>2</SUB>O as the reagent ions: instrumentation and observations
- Migration of buoyant non-wetting fluids in heterogeneous porous media
- Particle pH Inferred from Aircraft Data: Validation and Geographical, Vertical and Seasonal Characteristics with Case Studies from the WINTER Campaign
- Precipitation and Seawater Isotopic Variability from Hawaii to the equator: the 2014-2015 ENSO cycle
- Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
- Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Spatiotemporal Variability in the Salinity-Oxygen Isotope Relationship of Seawater Across the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Systematic Study of Foreshocks and Triggered Earthquakes During the 2010 Mw7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Sequence
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The crystal's view of upper-crustal magma reservoirs
- Thermal history of caldera-forming magmatic systems
- Thermocline Structure and ENSO Variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Ubiquitous presence of particle-phase organic nitrates in the southeastern United States
- Utilizing SO<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mixing Ratios to Determine SO<SUB>2</SUB> Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer
- Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Using Aircraft Data
- Water Isotope Tracers of Indo-Pacific Atmospheric Circulation: A Modern Take on Past Dynamics
- Water Isotope Variability Across Individual Precipitation Events in Borneo
- Water Soluble Ions in Bulk Aerosol During the WINTER 2015 Campaign.
- Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability
- A Process-Based Assessment of Decadal-Scale Surface Temperature Evolutions in Observations and in the NCAR CCSM4 Decadal Hindcast
- Alpine lakes preserve mineral dust signatures: Implications for long-range mineral dust transport and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) tornado frequency in the United States
- An Coral Ensemble Approach to Reconstructing Central Pacific Climate Change During the Holocene
- An ensemble approach to reconstructing 20th century climate trends in data-sparse regions of the tropical Pacific using young fossil corals
- Atmospheric acidification of mineral aerosols as a modulator of bioavailable phosphorus for ecosystems
- Bio-optical Provinces of the Biển Đông
- Biogenic and anthropogenic contributions to the observed correlations of surface O<SUB>3</SUB> with CO and CH<SUB>2</SUB>O in Washington-Baltimore regions
- Chromium isotopic fractionation in aquatic systems and foraminiferal calcite
- Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements During the First Year of the ORACLES Study
- Constraining the 0-20 km Vertical Profile of Water Vapor in the Martian Atmosphere with MGS-TES Limb Sounding
- Coral Ensemble Estimates of Central Pacific Mean Climate During the Little Ice Age
- Coupling landscapes to solid-Earth deformation over the ice-age
- Coupling of Equatorial Pacific Mean Climate State and ENSO Variability during the Holocene: Evidence from a High-Resolution Borneo Speleothem Record
- Developing a Sediment Budget for the Upper Elk River Watershed, Northwestern California: Do Natural or Anthropogenic Sources Dominate?
- Diurnal cycles of NO<SUB>x</SUB> over the United States: Comprehensive evaluations and implications for NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions
- Dominance of atypical oxidant sources in the polluted wintertime boundary layer: insights from the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign
- Effects of Transient Perturbations in Physical Erosion Rates on Modeled Chemical Erosion Rates
- Enhanced Trans-Himalaya Pollution Transport to the Tibetan Plateau by the Cut-off Low System
- Erosion of volcanic ocean islands: insights from modeling, topographic analyses, and cosmogenic exposure dating
- Experimental Determination of Bed Conditions in Concentrated Pyroclastic Density Currents
- Free Tropospheric Brown Carbon: Radiative Impact and Sources
- Global silica cycle paced by astronomical cycles recorded in the Mesozoic bedded chert: Implications for early Mesozoic extinctions
- Iceberg Ahead: The Effect of Bands and Ridges During Chaos Formation on Europa.
- Intensification of tropical Pacific biological productivity due to volcanic eruptions
- Last Millennium External Forcing Undetectable in Coral Records of Central Pacific Climate
- Limits to parameterizing brown carbon absorption in models
- Micro-scale δ<SUP>18</SUP>O analyses of a Borneo stalagmite across the Toba super-eruption
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Observational Constraints on the Tropospheric Chlorine Budget from the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Plagioclase, Amphibole, and Magnetite in the 1991 Pinatubo Reservoir: Timescales of Crystallization and Storage
- Reconciling "Whiffs" of O2 with the Archean MIF S Record: Insights from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments
- Recycling, Remobilization, and Eruption of Crystals from the Lassen Volcanic Center
- Robust evidence for forced changes in ENSO: from the mid-Holocene to the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Shallow seismicity at open-vent volcanoes
- Slumps and Fog in Valles Marineris
- Stratospheric Inorganic Bromine Loading Inferred from CONTRAST BrO and Organic Bromine Observations
- Testing the Control of Mineral Supply Rates on Chemical Erosion Rates in the Klamath Mountains
- The 2015-16 El Nino As A Proving Ground for Coral Proxy Reconstructions
- The 2015/16 El Niño Event as Recorded in Central Tropical Pacific Corals: Temperature, Hydrology, and Ocean Circulation Influences
- The Wintertime Fate of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>: Observations and Box Model Analysis for the 2015 WINTER Aircraft Campaign
- The nature of PV fluxes in the upper tropical troposphere
- The weathering of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur in Earth's crust and its importance for regulating atmospheric composition, seawater chemistry, and stable isotope records
- Tropical Pacific climate during the Medieval Climate Anomaly: progress and pitfalls
- Understanding the dynamic climate-fire-ecosystem interactions using the CESM: Fire model development and implications for decadal climate variability
- Untangling the Causes of Variation in ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> Yield from the WINTER Campaign
- Using coral Ba/Ca records to investigate seasonal to decadal scale biogeochemical cycling in the surface and intermediate ocean.
- Water isotope tracers of tropical hydroclimate in a warming world
- A "Carbon Reduction Challenge" as tool for undergraduate engagement on climate change
- Arctic Sea Ice, Eurasia Snow, and Extreme Winter Haze in China
- Atmospheric Expression of Seasonality on the Early Earth and Earth-like Exoplanets
- Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol as a Modulator of Droplet Number in the Southern Atlantic
- Cascading hazards: Understanding triggering relations between wet tropical cyclones, landslides, and earthquakes
- Central Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Constraining 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Pacific Trade-Wind Variability Using Coral Mn/Ca
- Discharge variability and bedrock river incision on the Hawaiian island of Kaua'i
- Dry or wet in East Asia during North Atlantic cooling? New perspectives from multiproxy climate records and coupled model simulations
- Dust and chemical erosion biases in cosmogenic nuclide studies: A factor-of-ten problem that could mask strong climatic effects on landscape evolution
- Exploring the Impact of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> on the Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity in South East Asia during KORUS-AQ 2016
- Helium Ion Microscopy: A Promising Tool for Probing Biota-Mineral Interfaces
- How do the radiative effects of springtime clouds and water vapor modulate the melt onset of Arctic sea ice?
- Impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño event on rainwater and cave dripwater isotopes in Northern Borneo
- Influences of sediment redistribution on sea-level changes along the U.S. Atlantic margin since the mid-Pliocene
- Investigation of short-term effective radiative forcing of fire aerosols over North America using nudged hindcast ensembles
- Mountain erosion over decades and millennia: New insights from sediment yields and cosmogenic nuclides
- Observational Insights into N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> Heterogeneous Chemistry: Influencing Factors and Contribution to Wintertime Air Pollution
- Pacific Meridional Modes and Tropical Decadal Variability: Past and Future
- Salinity information in coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records
- Testing the control of mineral supply rates on chemical erosion in the Klamath Mountains
- The Applicability of Maximum Entropy Production Theory for Turbulent Heat Flux Modeling Over the Arctic
- The SeaView EarthCube project: Lessons Learned from Integrating Across Repositories
- The sensitivity of particle pH to NH<SUB>3</SUB>: Can high NH<SUB>3</SUB> cause London Fog conditions?
- Two-year concurrent observation of isoprene at 20 sites over China: comparison with MEGAN-REAM model simulation
- Urban Summertime Ozone of China: Peak Ozone Hour and Nighttime Mixing
- Variability of Europa's Interaction with the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Water isotope variability across single rainfall events in the tropical Pacific
- Water storage in marine sediment and implications for inferences of past global ice volume
- "Carbon Reduction Challenge": a scaleable model to save carbon, save money, and train the next generation of climate solvers
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Aersosol acidity and divalent ion complexation drive the partitioning of organic carboxylic acids to the aerosol phase
- Air-sea exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): a missing link between the sea surface carbon pool and the reactive carbon in the atmosphere
- Climate-change driven air pollution extremes
- Constraining the Mid-Holocene ENSO Minimum in the Central Pacific Using Geochemistry of a 5,000-year-old Porites Fossil Coral
- Decadal Evolution of the Surface Energy Budget during the Fast Warming and Global Warming Hiatus Periods in the ERA-Interim
- Deglacial AMOC Changes and the Biogeochemistry of Intermediate Waters in the Florida Straits
- Detecting Biosignatures on Weakly Oxygenated Terrestrial Exoplanets: The Importance of UV Imaging Capabilities of Next Generation Telescopes
- Drainage basin reorganization in the upper Hei River basin, northern Qilian Shan, Tibet
- Estimation biases of NOx emissions from fitting high-resolution satellite composite data
- Evolution of Acrolein Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (APAN) in Petrochemical and Agricultural Fire Plumes
- Exploring the Depth-differentiation Hypothesis for the Deep-water Coral Callogorgia delta in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Extreme El Nino Events Over the Last Millennium: A Model/Proxy Synthesis Approach
- Forecasting mid-century forest productivity by assimilating regional observations from plot networks and ecosystem experiments into a process-based model
- Global OH Reactivity in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer and the Potential of Missing Reactivity
- Influence of rapid sediment erosion and deposition on sea-level change in Taiwan
- Intermediate water regime shifts in the Florida Straits over the last 34 kyr
- Life Under Ice: Antarctic Ocean World Analogs with HROV Icefin and RISE UP
- Links Between Sulfur Dioxide, Transition Metals and Adverse Health Effects
- Multi-scale Temporal-spatial Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Stationary Frontal System in the observation and GFDL HiRAM
- Observations of High Levels of Molecular Chlorine and Nitryl Chloride at a Rural Site in the Yellow River Delta
- Particle pH and the Gas-Particle Partitioning of Inorganic and Organic Species: Observations Versus Predictions
- Photosynthetic ecology and Earth system evolution
- Retrieval of Friction Velocity from Sensible Heat Flux Parameterized Using MEP Model over Land Surfaces
- Role and Variability of Mesoscale and Submesoscale Dynamics along the West Coast of Greenland
- Seasonal and spatial variation in atmospheric hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl: comparison to a photochemical box model.
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production across Worldwide Megacities and Its Impact on Mortality
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Local Emissions Dominates OA Budget over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ
- Spatiotemporal Variability of the Tropical Dynamical Warm Pool
- Sub-seasonal reconstructions of Brahmaputra River discharge
- Subtropical stationary waves: a bridge connecting the frequency of hydrological extremes with global warming in boreal summer
- Surface energy budget in the Arctic: a maximum-entropy-production perspective
- Survey of Paired δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δD and Salinity for the Chesapeake Bay and its Major Tributaries: Applications to Regional Paleohydrology
- The estimation of surface heat fluxes based on the maximum entropy production model over the central Tibet Plateau
- The imprint of discharge variability on bedrock river incision on the Hawaiian island of Kaua'i
- The influence of macroscopic flow properties on bed force distributions in rapid granular flows
- Triggering relationship between earthquakes and the 2009 Typhoon Morakot in southern Taiwan
- Tropical Pacific climate over the last 6,500 years - insights from a coral ensemble approach and an isotope enabled GCM
- Underestimation of dissolved oxygen trends in CESM Large Ensemble
- "Periglacial" Planet? Ground Ice on Ceres Expressed by Surface Flows
- A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model for Earthquake Phase Picking in Taiwan
- A Retrospective on Common Era Modeling Efforts of the Past Two Decades and a Look into the Future
- A Wetter Brahmaputra River with Greater Flood Risk
- An Interactive Online Course in Climate and Climate Change: 21st Century Applications for Non-Atmospheric Science Majors
- Antarctic ice-covered lakes as windows into ancient microbial ecosystems
- Assessment of SAGE III-ISS solar ozone data and sampling biases in merged ozone datasets
- Atmospheric Teleconnection Linking Winter Air Stagnation and Haze Extremes in China to Regional Arctic Sea Ice Decline
- Characterizing the Aerosol Composition and Formation throughout Winter, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Dependency of the Energetic Neutral Atom morphology at Titan on the Magnetic Field Configuration
- Dramatic ozone enhancement resulting from extra biogenic emissions due to heat waves and land cover in summer 2017 over North China
- ENSO as documented by paleoclimate observations: a long-term context for anthropogenic changes.
- ENSO's Impact on the Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone: New Insights from a Network of Pacific Coral Records
- Earthquake Detective: Engaging Citizens in the Detection of Dynamically Triggered Seismic Events
- Evaluating the Consistency of All Submicron Aerosol Mass Measurements (Total and Speciated) in the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- Fast and Slow Responses of Equatorial SST Pattern to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- From Wind to Coral: Assessing the Mechanism Behind the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy
- Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water: Something Fishy in the Ice Age North Atlantic
- Global model simulation of remote tropospheric brown carbon constrained by Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) Observations
- Heat and freshwater convergence over the extra-tropical North Atlantic
- Isotopic Expressions of ENSO: The Last Millennium to the 21st Century
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- North and South Pacific Meridional Modes contributions to ENSO and Tropical Decadal Variability
- Oxidative Potential of Particulate Matter and Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Epithelial Lining Fluid: Field Measurements and Kinetic Modeling
- Paleo to Policy: A Workshop to Build Bridges Between Paleoclimate Research and Decision Making
- Plastic Yielding and Tectonic Regimes in Thin Ice Shells: Effects of Latitudinal Surface Temperature Variations
- Potential triggering relationship between the 2009 Typhoon Morakot and earthquakes in Taiwan
- Putative Pingos may Populate Portions of Occator Crater, Ceres
- Reliable coral Sr/Ca estimates from an altered fossil coral using SIMS
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- Revisiting the Linear Instability View of the South Asian Monsoon Onset
- Seismic Reflectivity as a Proxy for Megathrust Pore-fluid Pressures: Mapping Megathrust Pore Fluids in Space and Time with Ambient Seismic Noise
- Seismic Velocity Changes Associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Spatial-temporal Evolution of Microseismicity and Repeating Earthquakes Following the 2016 Ms 6.4 Qinghai Menyuan Earthquake
- Species-dependent chromium isotope fractionation across the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Study of the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault, California, using a new microearthquake catalog
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The State of Acidity in the Atmosphere: Particles and Clouds
- Triggered Seismicity and Temporal Change of Seismic Velocity in Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- Water, on Ice! : Diurnal-scale Observational Analysis of the Hydrology of Three Greenland Tidewater Glaciers from Planet Satellite Imagery
- Western Pacific Fossil Coral Records Reveal Change in Tropical Climate during the Past Millenium
- A Comparative Morphological and Geospatial Analysis of Terrestrial Pingos and Anomalous Hills on Ceres
- A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- A Submersible Digital Holographic Microscope for In Situ Microbial Imaging
- A synthesis of ice-ocean boundary observations from the underwater vehicle Icefin
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Analysis to Understand Spatial Distribution of Terrestrial Biosignature's in Brine Pools as an Analog for Planetary Extant and Relic Oceans
- Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Contribute Substantially to Air Pollution Mortality
- Assessing the Reliability of the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy: Interpreting the Mn Signal Lag
- Best Practices for Coral Proxy-SST Calibration for 20th Century δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο<SUB>sw</SUB> Reconstruction - Initial Results from CoralHydro2k
- Biomass Burning Observations From the 2020 Wildfire Season in Eastern Australia
- Changing Spatial Distribution of NO<SUB>2</SUB> in Atlanta During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Climatic controls on the triple oxygen isotope composition of East African monsoon precipitation and implications for speleothem paleoclimate reconstructions
- Connecting laboratory and field measurements of smoke composition to build a framework explaining ozone formation from Western U.S. wildfires measured during FIREX-AQ
- Constraints on the Hydrologic Systems of Three Tidewater Glaciers using High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Coral constraints on ENSO in a warming world
- Detailed Fault Structure of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone using Matched Filter Detection on 15 Years of Seismicity
- Diagenesis Scorecard for Reducing Uncertainty in Holocene Coral Reconstructions
- Earthquake Detection in Slowly Deforming Iberia using a Convolutional Neural Network Phase Picker
- Estimated 2020 Emission Reductions from COVID-19 in Virginia
- Exploring different iron regimes in the global ocean by an unsupervised clustering technique
- Extreme Melt Season Ice Layers Reduce Firn Permeability in Greenland's Interior
- Geometry of the eastern Thwaites ice shelf cavity and implications for continued grounding zone retreat
- Harnessing virtual platforms to build a low-carbon, equitable, and fun future for science
- Impact of Ice-Shelf Estuaries on Ice-Shelf Surface Drainage Efficiency
- Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Quality in Atlanta, GA
- In Situ Vp/Vs Ratios from Microearthquakes in Northern and Southern California
- Influence of Europa's Time-Varying Electromagnetic Environment on Energetic Ion Precipitation
- Investigating longitudinal fractures along ice-shelf estuaries
- Investigation of α-Pinene atmospheric oxidation using ambient perturbation experiments
- Measurement of Aerosol Chromophores Contributing to Brown Carbon during FIREX-AQ
- Melting at the Grounding Zone of Thwaites Glacier Observed by Icefin
- No consistent ENSO response to volcanic forcing over the last millennium
- Non-methane organic and nitrogen emissions from wildfire plumes during FIREX-AQ
- Nuclear Blast Discrimination using a Convolutional Neural Network
- Observations of Aerosol Absorption and Attribution to Black Carbon, Brown Carbon, and Coating Enhancement in Wildfire Smoke during the FIREX-AQ Mission
- Observing the Isotopic Expression of Weak vs. Strong El Niño: A Palmyra Atoll Case Study
- Oceanographic Conditions in the Grounding Zone Region of Thwaites Glacier
- Ozone Production from Wildfires during FIREX-AQ
- Particle Size Distribution Dynamics Can Help Constrain the Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- ROV Icefin at Ross Ice Shelf Grounding Zone: 5 km of ice, ocean, seafloor, and crevasse exploration
- Slip rate and high-resolution seismic structures along the creeping section of the Haiyuan Fault, NE Tibet
- Source Apportionment of Urban Volatile Organic Compounds Measured via PTR-ToF-MS and HR-ToF-CIMS during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Atlanta, Georgia
- Source and Chemistry of Hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Subpolar North Atlantic western boundary density anomalies and the meridional overturning circulation
- Systematic Detections of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in the Subduction Zone of Central and Northeastern Japan
- The Continuum of Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwaves and Their Relationship to the Tropical Pacific
- The Europa Seismic Package
- The Legacy of Redlining on Urban Heat in Virginia Cities
- The impact of volatile organic compounds on ozone formation in the suburban area of Shanghai
- The impacts of Extra-tropical ENSO Precursors on Tropical Pacific Decadal-scale Variability
- Thermal and chemical evolution of small, shallow water bodies on Europa
- Tracking HCN Molecules in Crater Melt Ponds on Titan
- Updated iodine cycle constraints and parameters in the cGENIE model: implications for modern iodine redox transformation and paleoredox reconstruction
- Using CESM-RESFire to Understand Climate-Fire-Ecosystem Interactions and the Implications for Decadal Climate Variability
- Using Remote Sensing to Characterize Change in Planetary-Analog Brine Environments
- VERNE Sample Intake and Processing (SIP): Investigation and Development of Liquid Water Sampling for Subsurface Probe on Europa
- VERNE WALKIEE: Wireless Acoustic LinK through Ice on Earth and Europa
- Vertical Entry Robot for Navigating Europa (VERNE) - A Mission Concept and Identification of Technologies Needed to Access Europa's Ocean