University of Arizona, Department of Planetary Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Lower Limit on the Thickness of Europa's Ice Shell from Numerical Simulations of Impact Cratering
- A Small Metallic Core in the Moon? A Reassessment Considering Siderophile Elements and Giant Impacts
- A Tail Current Dominated Storm Main Phase: March 31, 2001
- An Evaluation of Interpolation Methods for MOLA Data
- Auroral Precipitation during the Bastille Day Storm Recovery
- Comparison of IMAGE EUV plasma plume images with LANL geosynchronous in situ plasma observations
- Comparisons of IMAGE RPI and EUV Observations of Longitudinal Electron Density Structures in the Plasmasphere
- Conjugate Auroral Substorm Dynamics
- Constraints on Core Formation Mechanisms From Metal-Silicate Equilibration Kinetics
- Diffusive-Compressive Acceleration of Charged Particles
- Equatorial electric field measurements by IMAGE EUV
- Extreme Convection Conditions for the Plasmasphere
- Galilean Satellite Surface Composition: New Cassini VIMS Observations and Comparison With Galileo NIMS Measurements
- Galileo SSI Images of Io During the I31 and I32 Flybys
- Global Imaging of Shrinking Plasmaspheres
- Icelandic Analogs for Volcanic and Fluvial Processes on Mars
- Investigating the climate sensitivity of Stratospheric Injections of Large Amounts of S-bearing Gases.
- Mapping and Interpretation of Lunar Crustal Magnetic Fields Using Lunar Prospector Magnetometer Data
- Modulation of Cosmic Rays in Heliomagnetic Fields with Organized Meridional Components
- Pitch-Angle Scattering of Charged Particles in Random Magnetic Fields
- Planetary Atmospheres: Decadal Survey of Priorities for 2003-2013
- Plasmaspheric Electron Density Distributions Sampled by Radio Plasma Imager on the IMAGE Satellite
- Problems and Issues in Solar System Aeronomic Modeling
- Recent Aqueous Floods From the Cerberus Rupes, Mars
- Rubbly Pahoehoe: Implication for Flood Basalt Eruptions and their Atmospheric Effects
- Steady Flow of Acoustically Fluidized Long Runout Landslides
- Surface Changes on Io: Evolution of a Polar Plume Deposit
- The Fast Neutron Flux Spectrum Aboard Mars Odyssey During Cruise
- The Global Distribution of Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields: Interpretation and Implications
- The Role of Shock in Lunar Paleomagnetism
- The Upper Atmospheric Wave Structure of Mars as Determined by Mars Global Surveyor
- The association of kilometric continuum with plasmaspheric bite-outs: a multi-event study using IMAGE, GEOTAIL and WIND measurements
- Titan - a New Laboratory for Oceanography
- Total Ozone Data From a European Network 1951-1957
- Viscous Creep Relaxation of Impact Craters Within the Martian Polar Layered Deposits
- Acoustic Fluidization and the Extraordinary Mobility of Sturzstroms
- Active Region and Coronal Holes Sources of Solar Wind at Solar Activity Maximum
- Altimetry-based analysis of valley systems on Mars
- Ammonia and the Interior of Titan
- Analysis of Mars Odyssey Fast Neutron Data to Constrain the Hydrogen Abundance and Stratigraphy Near the South Pole
- Athabasca Valles Region: New Insights From THEMIS
- Comparison Of The Genesis Solar Wind Regime Algorithm Results With Solar Wind Composition Observed By ACE
- Compression Acceleration of Energetic Charged Particles
- Constraints on the Derivation of Cerberus Plains Floodwaters From Cerberus Plains Volcanics
- Constraints on the Thickness of the Ionian Lithosphere
- Cosmic-ray Spectra at Spherical Shocks
- Diffusive Compression Acceleration and Turbulent Diffusion of Cosmic Rays
- Evidence for Subauroral Electric Fields from IMAGE EUV
- IMAGE-EUV Observation of Large Scale Standing Wave Pattern in the Nightside Plasmasphere
- Imaging and Stereo Observations from HiRISE on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Implications of the Near-Equatorial Distribution of Hydrogen for Past Near-Surface Water Deposits on Mars
- Io's Heat Flow Derived from Global Heat Balance Constraints
- Lava Lakes in Io's Paterae: Surface Expressions of Subsurface Processes
- Long-term Variability of Ozone and Temperature in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere: The Role of Extratropical Wave Forcing
- Lowstands in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana Suggest Episodes of Late-Quaternary Lowland Tropical Aridity
- Mapping of High Energy Neutrons from Mars: Results from Odyssey
- Matador 2002 Field Test: A Pilot Experiment on Heat and Aerosol Transport by Dry Convection and Dust Devils
- Metal/silicate partitioning of Pt and the origin of the "late veneer"
- Modeling Major Southern Hemisphere Martian Magnetic Anomalies
- Modeling Shock Acceleration in Evolving Magnetic Field Configurations
- Modeling Shoreline Formation on Mars and Titan
- Photoclinometry Measurements of Meter-Scale Slopes in Support of the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers
- Plasmaspheric Erosion
- Space Weather in the Io Plasma Torus
- Subsurface Ice Content in the Polar Region of Mars: Comparison Between North and South
- Surface Manifestation of Solid-State Convection in Europa's Ice Shell
- Synoptic Studies of the Plasmasphere's Shape by Imaging
- THEMIS Observations of Fluvial Landforms on Mars
- Tectonics on Io: Implications for lithospheric structure
- The Electrical Structure of Terrestrial Dust Devils: Implications of Multiple Vertical Measurements of the Electric Field
- The First Year of Solar-Wind Data From the GENESIS Mission
- The Varved Sediments of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana and Implications for a new Chronology of West African Hydrologic Change During the Late Quaternary
- The global transport of energetic particles in the heliospheric magnetic field
- The relation of sub-auroral electron and proton precipitation to plasmaspheric and magnetospheric conditions
- Time Variation of the North Polar Seasonal Frost Cap of Mars
- Titan and the Origin of Life
- Voyager 1/UVS data and model computations of the interplanetary Lyman alpha background in the outer heliosphere: 1993 to 2002.
- Winds in the martian upper atmosphere from MGS aerobraking density profiles
- A Brief Overview of the Heliosphere and Heliosheath
- A Strong Layer in Coprates Chasma, Mars
- Anomalous Cosmic Rays around the Termination Shock: Effects of a Dynamically Moving Shock
- Anomalous-Cosmic-Ray and Plasma Signatures of the Termination Shock
- Applications of High Etendue Line-Profile Spectroscopy and Spectro-Polarimetry to the Study of the Atmospheric and Magnetospheric Environments of the Jovian Icy Moons.
- Characterization of Instabilities in the Tidal Deformation of a Planetary Body
- Composition and Variability of Io's Pele Plume
- Constraints on the Distribution of Hydrogen in the Polar Regions of Mars and Implications for Ice Formation Processes
- Correlating Solar Wind Type as Determined by Genesis with Solar Wind Composition as Observed by ACE
- Dissipation, Entropy and Geomorphological structures
- Educational Testing of an Auditory Display of Mars Gamma Ray Spectrometer Data
- Effects of Solar Ultraviolet Variability on the Stratosphere: A Sun-Climate Connection
- Effects of asymmetric plasmasphere on MHD waves in a three-dimensional dipolar magnetosphere
- Evolution of the Martian Crust: Evidence from K and Th Measurements by the Mars Odyssey GRS
- General Circulation of the Transiting Exoplanet, HD209458b
- Global plasmaspheric dynamics and L-shell dependent rotations from inverted data from the IMAGE EUV plasmaspheric imager
- Hot-cold plasma interactions and the generation of transient dayside sub-auroral proton precipitation
- Modeling the Deformation of Lobate Debris Aprons on Mars by Creep of Ice-rich Permafrost
- Monitoring Jupiter's Atmosphere for Tidal Oscillations
- Numerical Modeling of the Impact-Induced Hydrothermal System at Sudbury Crater
- Origin of Lunar Crustal Magnetic Anomalies: Role of Impact Processes
- Photometric Evidence for Volatile Transport on Triton
- Plasmaspheric Dynamics: Solar-Wind/IMF and Sub-Auroral Coupling
- Plasmaspheric Loss Estimates
- Preliminary GRS Measurement of Chlorine Distribution on Surface of Mars
- Preliminary Thickness Measurements of the Seasonal Polar Carbon Dioxide Frost on Mars
- Shallow Water and Seasonal Deposits of Carbon Dioxide on Mars: Neutron Data Deconvolution of HEND/Odyssey
- Synoptic Meteorology of U.S. Southwest-Great Plains Summer Precipitation
- The Global Climate Anomaly in 1940-1942
- The MECA payload on the 2007 Phoenix Mars Scout mission
- The Mechanics of Pseudotachylite Formation in Impacts
- The Phoenix Scout Mission
- The Seismic Effect of Impacts on Asteroids: Early Modeling Results
- The Solar Cycle Variation of Total Ozone in the TOMS Record: Role of Extratropical Wave Forcing
- Turbulent Diffusion of the Radial Magnetic Field at the Solar Surface.
- A Physically Motivated Stochastic-Integration Method for Energetic Particles at Shocks and Other Discontinuities
- A Theorist's View of Recent Observations by Voyager 1 in the Outer Heliosphere
- Accretion, Core Formation, and Redox State of the Primordial Earth
- Afternoon Subauroral Proton Precipitation Resulting from Ring Current - Plasmasphere Interaction
- Analysis of Plasmaspheric Plumes: CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations and Numerical Simulations
- Auroral Undulations in the Afternoon/Dusk Sector Observed with the IMAGE FUV/Wideband Imaging Camera and Their Magnetic Connection to Plasmaspheric Plumes
- CME Shock and Sheath Structures Relevant to Particle Acceleration
- Can Habitable Terrestrial Planets Co-exist With Hot Jupiters?
- Cassini Imaging Observations of Titan
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Phoebe
- Cassini-VIMS Observations of Saturn's Rings at SOI.
- Characteristics Of Titan's Clouds from VIMS T0 Observations
- Characterization of Instabilities in the Tidal Deformation of a Plaetary Body
- Correlations Between Magnetic Anomalies and Surface Geology Antipodal to Lunar Impact Basins
- Early Accretion of Water: Implications for the Oxidation State of the Planets.
- Early Results at Titan with the Cassini RADAR Radiometer
- Energy Spectra and Anisotropies at a 2-D Shock: Implications for Voyager-1 and the Termination Shock
- First Cassini RADAR Observations of Titan
- Four-Spacecraft Observations of Delayed Energetic-Particle Events Near Earth
- Galileo SSI Observations of High Temperature Lavas on Io: Improved Error Analysis and Implications for the Interior
- Geologic Windows Through Time on Mars
- High-Energy Solar Particle Events: Constraints on Diffusive Shock Acceleration Theory
- Implementing a Goal-Driven Education and Public Outreach Program
- Mars 2007 Phoenix Lander: Site Selection and Terrain Analysis
- Metal/Silicate Partitioning of W, Ge, Ga and Ni: Dependence on Silicate Melt Composition
- Modeling Multispacecraft Observations of Flux Dropouts seen in Impulsive Solar Particle Events
- New Observations of the Non-Thermal Continuum Radiation at the Plasmapause
- Olympus Mass Movement Study from Mars Global Surveyor and Comparison with Io's Volcanoes and Mountains from Galileo Mission
- Redistribution of the Stormtime Ionosphere and the Formation of a Plasmaspheric Bulge
- Remote-sensing and In Situ Study of Inner Magnetospheric Coupling During Storms and Substorms
- Saturn's A-ring Ionosphere as Observed by the Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer
- Solar Energetic Particles Acceleration and Transport Model Coupled With a Realistic CME Model.
- Spectral Imaging of Saturn by Cassini/VIMS: Early Science Results
- The Acceleration of Fast Charged Particles in Space Plasmas
- The Ring-dust Plasma Torus as Observed by Cassini RPWS
- The Solar Cycle Variation of Stratospheric Ozone: An Observational Update and Model Comparisons
- The Spatial Distribution of the Io Plasma Torus
- The fate of methane clathrate hydrate within Titan
- Titan's Surface Seen by VIMS/Cassini
- Titan: Explorations of a Frontier with Terrestrial Allusions
- VIMS Evidence for Palimpsests on Titan as a Constraint on Widespread Precipitation.
- 26Al in the Saturnian System - New Interior Models for the Saturnian satellites
- A Follow-On Titan Orbiter Mission Enabled by Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems
- A new scale of science observations from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Aerosol profiles and surface albedo retrievals from multi-band, near-IR, spatially-resolved spectra of Titan
- Alfvénic Turbulence and Micro-Stream Structure in the Polar Solar Wind.
- An Angstrom Sized Window on the Origin of Water in the Inner Solar System: Atomistic Simulation of Adsorption of Water on Olivine
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Phoebe, Iapetus, Enceladus, and Rhea
- Cassini-Huygens Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer: Early Saturn and Titan Results
- Comets: New Views on the D-H Story
- Contributions of Dynamical Transport Processes to Column Ozone Trends and Interannual Variability at Northern Midlatitudes
- Correlation Analysis of Turbulent Magnetic Fields at 1AU
- Crustal Magnetic Fields of the Moon and Mars
- Deep Jets on Gas Giant Planets
- Detection of Martian nightglow: NO recombination bands and aurora over crustal magnetic anomalies.
- Education And Public Outreach With MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE).
- Effects of Multiple Intersection between Field Lines and the Termination Shock on Particle Anisotropies and Energy Spectra Observed by Voyager-1
- Effects of a Large Convective Storm on the Equatorial Jet of Saturn
- Effects of moist convection on the large-scale circulation of Jupiter and Saturn
- Entropy Budgets in Oscillating and Freezing Systems
- Exploration of Titan by Balloon or Airship
- Exploring the Surface of Titan with Cassini-Huygens
- First Satellite Observation Results of Equatorial Convective Velocity in the Inner Magnetosphere in Association with Plasmaspheric Plume
- Geologic Features on Titan's Surface as Revealed by the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper
- Geomorphology of the 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Sites in the Northern Plains of Mars
- Haze Measurements in Titan's Atmosphere
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)
- Magnetospheric Electrons as a Source of Titan's Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with Cassini Data
- Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Site Selection
- Measurements and Modeling of Ionosphere-Plasmasphere Transport
- Monitoring Iceberg B15a With Airborne Radar Sounding
- New Insights into The Structure of the Turbulent Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- New Views of Saturn's Dynamic Atmosphere from Cassini ISS and VIMS
- Numerical Simulations of Impact Crater Formation and Modification on Icy Satellites
- Origin of Impacting Objects in the Inner Solar System
- Physical Characteristics and Processes of 100-m-scale raised-rim depressions (RRD's) on Earth: application to Mars
- Pitting within the Martian South Polar Residual Cap: Evidence for Pressurized Subsurface Carbon Dioxide
- Plasmaspheric mass and electron densities during a prolonged disturbed interval
- Preliminary Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring Interpretation on 2-D Seismic Reflection Profiles From R/V Maurice Ewing 2005 Survey.
- Results From the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) Experiment on the Cassini-Huygens Probe
- Resurfacing of Titan by Ammonia-Water Cryomagma
- SPICAM on MARS Express: An Overview of UV and Near IR Results
- Shock and Compression Acceleration of Suprathermal Electrons
- Tectonic Resurfacing of Icy Planets via Extensional Necking Instabilities: Modeling the Formation of Ganymede's Grooved Terrain
- The Depths of Saturn Revealed: Discrete Cloud Systems and Winds at the 2-Bar Level as Imaged by Cassini/VIMS
- The First Year of Cassini RADAR Observations of Titan
- The Global Structure of the Heliosphere: an Assessment After the First Termination-Shock Crossing
- The Peculiar Stratigraphy of Offset Troughs within the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits: Evidence for Deformation?
- Thermal Evolution Models for Enceladus Defining the context for the formation of the South Pole thermal anomaly
- Titan Surface Composition at the Huygens Landing Site from DISR Spectra
- Titan's Surface as Seen From Combined Cassini RADAR Scatterometry and Radiometry
- Titan's surface from combined SAR and radiometry using the Cassini RADAR
- Velocity and Vorticity Measurements of Jupiter's Great Red Spot Using Automated Cloud Feature Trackers
- Water and Hydrocarbon Distributions in Saturn's Upper Atmosphere
- 3D Effects in the Formation of Zonal Jets Through Inverse Cascade
- Are Strong Lunar Crustal Magnetic Anomalies Always Associated With Unusual High Albedo?
- Calderas on Titan: Implications for Cryovolcanism
- Cassini Imaging of the Enceladus Plumes: Measurements and Models
- Coherence and polarity distribution of the scaled magnetic fluctuation in solar wind
- Comparative Analysis of Mars Odyssey GRS Chemical Abundances with Other Mission Global Datasets
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Dione with Cassini VIMS and Implications for Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Constraints on Enceladus' Interior from Cassini Observations - Requirements for Future Geophysical Investigations
- Crystalline and Amorphous ice as Markers for Activity on Satellites
- Detection of Widespread Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Deposits on Titan's Surface Observed by Cassini VIMS
- Early Results From MRO/HiRISE
- Electron temperature at Titan
- Energetic Particles Around the Termination Shock: Numerical Simulations for a Blunt Shock with Cross-Field Diffusion
- Fine-Scale Structure in Titan's High Haze
- Flow and Mass Balance History of the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits: Prospective Tests from Imminent Radar-Stratigraphic Observations
- Formation of Magnetized Regions Antipodal to Lunar Impact Basins: Recent Model Calculations and Implications
- HiRISE Over the MSL Landing Sites
- Imaging Thermal He+ in Geospace from the Lunar Surface
- Impacts of Extreme Events on Phenology: Drought-Induced Changes in Productivity of Mixed Woody-Herbaceous Ecosystems
- LROC - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Laboratory Studies on the Production of Organic Haze on Titan and the Early Earth
- Landscape Evolution and the Reincarnation of the Residual CO2 Ice Cap of Mars
- Longitudinal Dunes on Titan as Indicators of Regional and Local Winds
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) Education And Public Outreach program
- Mapping fault-controlled volatile migration in equatorial layered deposits on Mars
- Mars 101: Linking Educational Content to Mission Purpose on the Phoenix Mars Lander Mission Web Site
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: An Overview of Early Results and Plans for Further Observation
- Microphysical Transition of Tholin Aerosols in Titan Atmosphere
- Modeling Jupiter's Interior with a Hydrogen-Helium Equation of State Derived From First Principles Computer Simulations
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of "Tassels" and "Dropouts": Features Associated With the Magnetic Flux Tube Structure of the Solar Wind
- New Consequences of the Blunt Termination Shock
- Numerical simulations of jets on giant planets: effects of large-scale latent heating
- Preliminary investigation on Titan's northern terrains using SAR and high resolution radiometry
- Recent Results of the 2005 LWS TR&T Focus Team for Solar Energetic Particles
- SEP Acceleration at CME Driven Shocks: Numerical Simulation with Evolving Shock Geometry and Downstream Structure
- Sampling and Studying Permafrost in Alaska and on Mars: Mars Arctic Regions Science Field Experience for Secondary Teachers (MARSFEST)
- Saturn Magnetospheric Interaction with Titan Ionisation Sources and Dynamics as Inferred from Cassini Observations
- Small-Scale Features of Interplanetary Shocks
- Solar Radiation and Magnetospheric Electron Sources of the Ionosphere of Titan: Model Comparisons With Cassini Data
- Spectral affinities in the icy moons of Saturn investigated through the G-mode multivariate classification method
- The Deposition of the K/T Boundary Layer: Atmospheric Chaos and the Double Layer
- The Effect of a Random Magnetic Field on SEP Event Onset Times
- The Image Spectrometer in the Near Infrared, JIRAM, Proposed to NASA for Joining to the Juno Mission to Jupiter
- The Lakes of Titan
- The Surfaces of Small Saturnian Satellites: What Causes the Range of Morphologies?
- The thermospheres of Titan and Venus: What can we learn from their comparison?
- Thermal convection in ice I shells of Titan and Enceladus
- Titan's Complex Neutral Composition as Measured by Cassini INMS
- Unstable Extensional Tectonics on Enceladus: Forming Ridge-and-Trough Terrain
- Uranus' Aurora and Magnetosphere
- VIMS Observations of Titan's Surface
- Volcanism on Titan and Comparisons with Earth
- What new Observations Will Advance Our Understanding of the Origin of Solar-Energetic Particles?
- Zonal Jets on the Giant Planets
- A Closer Look at Gully Morphology and Formation on Mars with HiRISE
- A Mid-latitude Cloud Eruption on Titan Observed by the Cassini Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) in July 2007
- A Test for Past Ice Flow in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits Based on Observed Radar Stratigraphy
- Analysis of the Argyre Planitia (Mars) Sinuous Ridges Using Early MRO Images
- Bright Gully Deposits in Hale Crater and Implications for Recent Water
- Clast Breakdown on Desert Surfaces by Differential Insolation of Cracks
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Iapetus with Cassini VIMS and Implications of Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Coorbital Collision as the Source of Enceladus Heat
- Craters Clusters on Mars: Atmospheric Dispersion of Small Impactors
- Current and Past Aeolian Processes as Seen by the HiRISE Camera
- Deposition of Distal K/T Ejecta via Density Currents
- Discovery and Distribution of Chloride-Bearing Deposits in the Ancient Cratered Terrain of Mars From THEMIS
- Displacement-Length Scaling Relations for Geologic Structural Discontinuities and Implications for Near-Tip Processes
- Energy Spectra of Energetic Particles Upstream of the Termination Shock
- First Measurements of Neutrons at Venus Using the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer
- Geological Evidence That Enceladus Librates About Synchronous Rotation
- HiRISE Images of the Sublimation of the Southern Seasonal Polar Cap of Mars
- HiRISE Observations and Slope Stability Analysis of Rotational Landslides in Bahram Vallis, Mars
- HiRISE Observations of Martian Mid-Latitude Fractured Mounds
- HiRISE Observations of the Mars North Polar Layered Deposits
- HiRISE observations of potential MSL landing sites
- High-Resolution Imaging of Lava Flow Terrains on Mars by MRO HiRISE
- High-resolution structural mapping in Southwest Candor Chasma
- Hot Spot of Enceladus: Role of Thermal Convection and Tidal Internal Heating in the Ice Shell
- Hybrid simulations of the interaction of a current sheet with the termination shock
- Iapetus as Seen Through the Multispectral Eyes of Cassini VIMS
- Impact and Aqueous Strata in Holden Crater, Mars
- Interactions of Energetic Particles and Heliospheric Turbulence: Issues and Challenges
- Isolated Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: Relation to Surface Albedo and Interaction with the Solar Wind
- JIRAM, the Jupiter Infrared Auroral Mapper on Juno
- Juxtaposition of Layered Sulfate and Phyllosilicate Deposits, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- MRO Observations of Light-toned Layered Deposits along the Plains Adjacent to Valles Marineris
- Maximum Velocity of a Boulder Ejected From an Impact Crater Formed on a Regolith Covered Surface
- Models of Titan's Ionosphere
- Multispacecraft Observations of "Dropouts" in Impulsive Events
- New Insights into Gemina Lingula of the Northern Polar Layered Deposits, Mars from SHARAD Observations
- Non-condensable gas in a Mars General Circulation Model
- Photochemical Origin of Nitrogen on Titan and Enceladus
- Photoclinometry, Morphometry, and Spectroscopy of Titan's Sand Dunes from Cassini/VIMS
- Saturn's Rings Observed with Cassini-VIMS
- Saturn's Titan: Searching for Surface Change
- Simulations of Diffusion in Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Solar Induced Variations of Odd Nitrogen and Ozone in the Stratosphere and Lower Mesosphere: Analysis of UARS HALOE Data
- South Polar Residual Cap of Mars: Features Within, and Models of, MRO HiRISE Data
- Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Arabia Terra Layered Deposits from HiRISE Imagery and Derived Meter Scale Topography
- Surface-Atmospheric Separation Models for Titan: Plane Parallel vs. Spherical Shell Radiative Transfer Solutions for Cassini VIMS Data
- The Geology of Mars as Seen by MRO's HiRISE
- The Global Expansion and Resurfacing of Ganymede
- The Jupiter System Observer: Probing the Foundations of Planetary Systems
- The north polar lakes of Titan as observed by Cassini Radar
- Titan's Lake Distribution and Classification from the Cassini RADAR
- Titan's Spin State from Cassini SAR Data: Evidence for an Internal Ocean
- Titan's sand seas of longitudinal dunes as indicators of winds and sediment transport
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- VIS-NIR Spectrophotometric Study of the Saturnian icy Satellites by Cassini-VIMS
- Venus Airglow Measurements Obtained by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer During MESSENGER's Second Venus Flyby
- Venus Measurements by the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray and X-Ray Spectrometers
- A View of Mercury's Neutral Hydrogen Exosphere Through the First Two MESSENGER Flybys
- A View of the Prebiotic Earth's Atmosphere: Greenhouse Gases, Oxidized Organic Haze, and the Anti-Greenhouse Effect
- Acceleration of Anomalous Cosmic Rays at a Blunt Termination Shock with Varying Strength along the Shock Face
- An Overview of Ultraviolet Through Infrared Reflectance Observations of Mercury during the Second Messenger Flyby.
- Are Charged Particles Accelerated by the Solar Wind Termination Shock?
- Atmospheric Dynamics at the Phoenix Landing site as seen by the Surface Stereo Imager
- Cassini Imaging Observations of Lakes and Clouds at Titan's High Latitudes and the Implications of the Changes Therein
- Cassini/Huygens Investigations of Titan's Methane Cycle
- Clays and Sulfates in a Potential Lacustrine Evaporite Sequence at Columbus Crater, Mars
- Combining the HSTOF ENA Observations With Voyager ion Data to Image the Forward Heliosheath
- Comparison of Exospheric Observations by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer during the First and Second MESSENGER Flybys with Concurrent Ground-based Observations
- Comparison of the Color Properties of Selected Features on Mercury from Mariner 10 and MESSENGER Multispectral Images
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Constraints on Titan's Topography Through Fractal Analysis of Shorelines
- Cratering on Mercury Interpreted from MESSENGER's First Two Flybys
- Craters and Resurfacing of the Martian North Polar Cap
- Cryovolcanism on Titan
- Cryovolcanism on Titan: Interpretations from Cassini RADAR data
- Current Results From High-Resolution Structural Mapping in Southwest Candor Chasma
- Decadal Recruitment and Mortality of Ponderosa pine Predicted for the 21st Century Under five Downscaled Climate Change Scenarios
- Different appearance of Titan's dunes
- Discovery of Perchlorate at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Discovery of lake-effect clouds on Titan
- Diverse Habitable Environments Characterized with Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express Data
- Drift Effects and Average Features of Cosmic Ray Density Gradient in Cirs During Successive Two Solar Minimum Periods
- Effects of Fluid Velocity Shear on Energetic-Particle Transport
- Empirical Characterization of Plasmaspheric Plumes
- Enceladus South Polar Terrain Geology: New Details From Cassini ISS High Resolution Imaging
- Exploring Mercury's Surface-Bound Exosphere with the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer: AN Overview of Observations during the First Messenger Flyby
- Formation and Tectonic Evolution of Sedimentary Sequences on Mars from HiRISE Stereo Topography
- Formation of zonal jets by moist convection on gas-giant planets
- From Mars to Media: The Phoenix Mars Mission and the Challenges of Real-Time, Multimedia Science Communication and Public Education
- Future observations in the IR of Jupiter Auroras during the Juno mission
- Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Measurements at Mercury during MESSENGER's First Two Flybys
- Global Distribution of Dunes on Titan With VIMS
- Growth and Decay of the South Polar Residual Cap of Mars
- HiRISE Images of the Sublimation of Mars Northern Seasonal Polar Cap
- HiRISE Observations of Glacial Morphologies in Argyre Planitia, Mars
- High resolution VIMS images of Titan's surface: implications for its composition, internal structure and dynamics
- How Surface-Atmospheric Separation Radiative Transfer Models Compare to Cassini VIMS Data for Titan
- Identification of Color Units From the Ultraviolet to the Near Infrared During the Second Messenger Flyby of Mercury
- Identifying Alternative Conceptions About Water on Mars Held by Middle School Science Teachers
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982 to 2006
- Low-Temperature Volcanism and Pyroclastic Flows on Comet Tempel 1
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Observations during the Second Mercury Flyby
- MRO Imaging of the Candidate Landing Sites for the Mars Science Laboratory
- Magnetic field, shock, and crustal magnetization effects of lunar basin-forming impacts
- Mars Aeolian Features and Processes Observed Concurrently From Orbit and the Ground
- Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer Observations of Sodium and Calcium in Mercury's Exosphere During the Second MESSENGER Flyby
- Modeling the Formation of Bright Slope Deposits Associated With Gullies in Hale Crater, Mars: Implications for Recent Liquid Water
- Noachian Megabreccia on Mars
- Observational and Theoretical Assessment of Possible Pingos on Mars
- Observations of Dust, Ice Water Clouds, and Precipitation in the Atmosphere of Mars
- Observations of Mercury's Exosphere With the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer During the Second MESSENGER Flyby
- Origin and Evolution of Titan's Nitrogen-Methane Atmosphere: A Cassini-Huygens Perspective
- Perpendicular Diffusion of Solar Energetic Particles
- Phoenix Magnetic Properties Experiments Using the Surface Stereo Imager and the MECA Microscopy Station
- Phoenix Mars Lander: Vortices and Dust Devils at the Landing Site
- Phoenix and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Coordinated Atmospheric Science
- Phosphorus Redox on the Early Earth: First Identification of Low-Oxidation State Phosphorus Compounds in Terrestrial Samples
- Photolytical Generation of Carbon Dioxide
- Physical Properties of the Icy Soil at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Physical and Thermodynamical Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
- Pit-floor Craters on Mercury: Characteristics and Distribution From the First and Second MESSENGER Flyby
- Preliminary identification of minerals at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles Associated with Impulsive Solar Flares in Turbulent Interplanetary Magnetic Fields
- Ranking GCM Estimates of Twentieth Century Precipitation Seasonality in the Western U.S. and its Influence on Floristic Provinces.
- Recent Results From MRO/HiRISE
- Regionally heterogeneous paleoenvironmental responses in the West African and South American monsoon systems on glacial to millennial timescales
- Regolith-Atmosphere H2O Exchange and Surface Energy Balances at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Remarkable Opposition Surges on the Satellites of Saturn Revealed by the Cassini Spacecraft
- Seasonal Variation of Oxygen in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Self-Shielding of Thermal Radiation by Chicxulub Ejecta: Firestorm or Fizzle?
- Spatially Resolved Information on Ice Dynamics From Topography on the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits
- Sublacustrine Depositional Fans in Melas Chasma
- Sublimation of Exposed Snow Queen Surface Water Ice as Observed by the Phoenix Mars Lander
- Surface Properties and Characteristics of Mars Landing Sites from Remote Sensing Data and Ground Truth
- The Aqueous Chemistry of the Soils at the Phoenix Landing Site
- The Aurora and Magnetic Field of Uranus
- The Detached Haze Layer in Titan's Mesosphere
- The Formation of Ganymede's Grooved Terrain: Importance of Strain Weakening
- The Plume Ionosphere of Enceladus as Seen by the Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer
- The Suppression of the Rhines Effect and the Location of Vortices on Saturn
- The Titan Saturn System Mission
- Thunderstorm-Related Clouds of Saturn Observed by Cassini/VIMS
- Titan after Cassini Huygens
- Titan's Ionospheric Structure -- Dependence on Solar Illumination Conditions
- Titan's Plasma Interaction: New Perspectives from the Cassini Flybys
- Titan's Surface at the end of the Cassini-Huygens Prime Mission
- Titan's global asymmetry in lake distribution and implications
- Titan's global lake distribution and implied hydrocarbon hydrology from Cassini SAR imagery and topography
- Topography of Mercury from Stereophotoclinometric Analysis of MESSENGER Flyby 2 and Mariner 10 Images
- Turn the heat up - A first look at MESSENGER's near-infrared spectra of Mercury using new high-temperature emissivity measurements
- Validating Habitability Assessment of Mars Soils: Life at the Soil-Ice Boundary in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Visualizing the Operations of the Phoenix Mars Lander
- Volcanism on Mercury: Characteristics and Distribution from the First MESSENGER Flyby
- Voltammetric and Chronopotentiometric Soil Analysis at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Was Apollinaris Patera the source for the Gusev crater basalts?
- Wet Chemical Analysis of Antarctica Dry Valley Soils
- Winds at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Active Martian S. Hemisphere Dune Gullies
- Aqueous Alteration and Martian Bulk Chemical Composition
- Can the Moon be magnetized by shock?
- Cassini’s Discoveries at Saturn and the Proposed Cassini Solstice Mission
- Compositional units on Mercury from principal component and clustering analyses of MESSENGER spectrometer observations
- Constraints on Titan's topography through fractal analysis of shorelines and comparison with terrestrial analogues
- Constraints on the Acceleration of Charged Particles in the Heliosphere (Invited)
- Copernican craters: Early results from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Epithermal Neutron Observations and Lunar South Pole Targeting for LCROSS impact planning using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), Lunar Exploring Neutron Detector (LEND)
- Evaporites in Martian Paleolakes: Observations and Implications
- Evolution of Saturn's Bright Polar Aurora
- Exploring Mercury’s Surface-bound Exosphere with the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer: An Overview of Observations during the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Fast forward modeling of Titan’s infrared spectra to invert VIMS/CASSINI hyperspectral images
- Further Estimation of the Thickness of the Heliosheath using Updated SOHO Data
- Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Measurements at Mercury During the MESSENGER Flybys
- Geology and Geophysics of Io (Invited)
- Getting the Spin Right: The Importance of Knowing Saturn’s Rate of Rotation for Assessing Global Circulation and Dynamics
- Impact Melt Deposit Morphology and Distribution on the Moon and Mars
- Implications of Voyager ACR Observations on the Injection Rate along the Termination Shock
- Interpreting Cosmic Rays in the Current Anomalous Sunsport Minimum (Invited)
- Iron on the Surface of Mercury: From Contradiction to Convergence? (Invited)
- LROC - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle Cameras: Laboratory and Initial Flight Calibration
- Mapping the Moon with LROC: Global ultraviolet through visible color observations
- Measurements of Calcium in Mercury’s Exosphere During MESSENGER’s Three Flybys
- Measuring sap flow, and other plant physiological conditions across a soil salinity gradient in the lower Colorado River at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge: Vegetation and soil physiology linkages with microwave dielectric constant
- Mercury's magnetosphere-solar wind interaction under northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field during the MESSENGER flybys
- Mercury’s atmosphere and magnetosphere: MESSENGER third flyby observations (Invited)
- Metal/Silicate Partitioning of Mo, W and V: Effects of T, P, X and fO2
- Minimum Irrigation Requirements for Cottonwood (Populus fremontii and P. deltoides) and Willow (Salix gooddingii) Grown in a Desert Environment
- Modeling Specular Reflections from Hydrocarbon Lakes on the Surface of Titan
- North American Monsoon Variability from Instrumental and Tree-Ring Data: A Progress Report (Invited)
- Observations of Metallic Species in Mercury’s Exosphere During the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Observed Strong Enhancements of N2 and Ar Test New Theories of the Dynamics of Mars Polar Atmosphere
- Radar Evidence For Past Ice Flow on Gemina Lingula in the North Polar Layered Deposits
- Resolved Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectra of Mercury from the Third MESSENGER Flyby
- Self-shielding of thermal radiation by impact ejecta and implications for wildfires
- Spacecraft Exploration of Titan and Enceladus
- Specular Scattering on Titan observed by Cassini VIMS: Liquids in the North Polar Region
- Sulfur Distribution on the Martian Surface Determined by Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
- Sulfur concentrations of the Martian surface derived from orbital Mars Odyssey GRS and in-situ MER APXS measurements: implications on the selection of future landing sites
- Synthetic study of heliospheric Ly-alpha data
- The 1 AU region around M-dwarfs as a habitable zone for exotic life
- The EUV Spectrum of the Uranian Aurora
- The Effect of Large Scale Magnetic Turbulence on the Acceleration of Electrons by Perpendicular Collisionless Shocks
- The Origin of Low-Energy Anomalous Cosmic Rays at the Solar-Wind Termination Shock
- The Role of Planetary System Architecture in Planetary Habitability
- Tidal Heating and the Boundaries of the Habitable Zone
- Tree rings and monsoon season rainfall variability in the Southwestern US: Strategies for sensitive chronology development
- Tree-Ring Analysis of Netleaf Hackberry: Applications of Dendrochronology in Riparian Conservation
- VIS-IR spectrophotometric indicators for Saturn's rings and spokes
- Voyager UVS observations of the Hydrogen Wall
- A Benchmark for Cloud Tracking Wind Measurements
- Argon Diffusion in Shocked Pyroxene, Feldspar, and Olivine
- Asymmetric impacting on the Moon and its dependence on debiased NEA models
- Cassini/VIMS Discovery of Organic Evaporite Deposits in Titan's Dry Lakebeds
- Causes of Titan's Lake and Cloud Distributions and Predictions of Future Changes
- Causes of variability in plasmasphere rotation rate: IMAGE EUV observations (Invited)
- Charged particles time-dependent transverse transport
- Correlation of Illumination and Topography Factors with Epithermal Neutron measurements at the Lunar Poles using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND)
- Correlations between VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan: Implications for Titan's surface properties
- EUV-VUV photochemistry in the upper atmospheres of Titan and the early Earth
- Electron Transport and Energization in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Empirical Approaches To Reduce The Atmospheric Component In VIMS Surface Images Of Titan
- Following cloud activity in Titan's atmosphere around the equinox with VIMS/Cassini
- Ganymede crater dimensions from Galileo-based DEMs
- Geological mapping and temporal survey of Ontario Lacus on Titan from 2005 to 2009, using VIMS, ISS and Radar data
- Helium Abundance in the Atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn
- HiRISE: The People's Camera
- High-resolution morphologic and spectral characteristics of Crater-exposed Bedrock on Mars: Insights into the petrogenesis, stratigraphy and geologic history of the Martian crust
- Location of Saturn's Northern Infrared Aurora Determined from Cassini VIMS Images
- Lunar Regoliths: Solving Geochemical Mysteries Using Lunar Impact Glasses
- Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays during the Last Solar Cycle: Modeling with Continuously Changing Heliospheric Current Sheet
- New Hybrid Simulations of the Acceleration of Pickup Ions to High Energies at the Termination Shock
- Quantifying the azimuthal plasmaspheric density structure and dynamics inferred from IMAGE EUV
- Quantitative Mapping of Surface Texture on the Northern Polar Residual Cap of Mars
- The Matsuno-Gill Model and Equatorial Superrotation
- Theories of Charged-Particle Acceleration in the Heliosphere (Invited)
- Thermal weathering of airless rocky bodies
- Understanding Cosmic-Ray Acceleration and Transport in the Heliosphere (Invited)
- A Revised Martian Magnetic Time Line
- A Strong Constraint on The Anomalous-Cosmic-Ray Source Location
- Active Mass Wasting of Ices in the North Polar Region of Mars
- Atmospheric circulation of extrasolar giant planets
- Calcium in Mercury's Exosphere: Modeling MESSENGER Data
- Charged Particle Transport in Anisotropic Magnetic Turbulence
- Cosmic Rays During the Most-Recent Sunspot Minimum
- Differential Melt Scaling for Oblique Impacts on Terrestrial Planets
- Discovery of a Nickel Oxide feature in the night airglow
- Distribution of Hydrogen in the Lunar Polar Regions
- Dust Accumulation on MER Solar Panels
- Efficient electron acceleration by flare termination shocks
- Energetic Particles Near and at the Heliopause
- Exploring Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere: An Overview of Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Generation of Saturn's Periodicities Through A Global Mode of the Centrifugal Interchange Instability
- HiRISE Wind Measurements of Martian Dust Devils
- High-temperature laboratory measurements in support of a statistical analysis of spectral data from MESSENGER
- Hollows on Mercury: Bright-haloed depressions imply recent endogenic activity
- Implications of the MESSENGER Discovery of High Sulfur Abundance on the Surface of Mercury
- Insolation Effects on Lunar Hydrogen: Correlated observations of LEND and Second Order Insolation Effects Derived from LOLA Modeling
- Integrated Research and Education in Solar Physics, Space Weather, and Energetic Charged Particles at the University of Arizona
- Lava erosion on Mercury: Model results using new observations from MESSENGER
- Limiting the Thickness of the Solar Tachocline
- Local Time and SKR Phase Dependence of Saturn's Infrared H3+ Auroral Intensity
- MESSENGER Measurements of Radioactive Elements on Mercury: Implications for the Planet's Formation and Evolution
- MESSENGER Searches for Less Abundant or Weakly Emitting Species in Mercury's Exosphere
- Magnetic Anomalies Within Lunar Impact Basins: Constraints on the History of the Lunar Dynamo
- Major-element composition of Mercury's surface from MESSENGER X-ray Spectrometry
- Martian dune-gully seasonal activity and formation
- Measuring sand flux on Mars using HiRISE Images
- Modeling of Titan's surface processes constrained by shoreline fractal analysis and comparison with terrestrial analogs
- Natural impacts on the Moon and Mars: seismic constrains on the impact shock wave and perspectives in term of crustal and upper mantle imaging.
- Non-LTE Modeling of the Stratosphere of Jupiter
- OSIRIS-REx - Exploration of Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36
- OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission
- Observations of ice-exposing impacts in the Martian mid-latitudes
- Orbital Normalization of MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Data
- Recent Observations of Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars
- Recent geologic activity on Mercury
- Saturn's aurora as viewed by Cassini VIMS
- The Chronology of Basin Formation and Subsequent Volcanism on the Moon and Mercury
- The Effects of Magnetic Field Fluctuations on the IBEX Ribbon
- The Evolution of Saturn's Northern Storm of 2010-2011 and Environs as Viewed by Cassini/VIMS
- The Hemispheric Dichotomy of Convection and Heat Flux on Enceladus
- The Tectonics of Mercury: The View from Orbit
- The Thermal Structure of Titan's Upper Atmosphere
- The Transport of SEPs from Impulsive Solar Flares in the Inner Heliosphere
- The Troposphere-Ocean Response to 11-Year Solar Forcing and Feedbacks on the Lower Stratosphere
- The rate and causes of lunar space weathering: Insights from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera ultraviolet observations
- Titan at the Edge: Global Simulations of Titan's Plasma Interaction near Saturn's Magnetopause
- Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Spectral Variation of Geologic End-members on Mercury
- VOYAGER UVS Lyman-alpha reanalysis: 1993-2011
- Velocity correlation function for charged particles in strong magnetic turbulence
- Widespread and voluminous flood volcanism in the northern high latitudes of Mercury revealed by MESSENGER: Relation to global volcanic processes
- Aerosol growth in Titan's ionosphere through particle charging
- Atmospheric circulation of extrasolar giant planets
- Bedform Migration on Mars: Current Results, Implications, and Future Plans
- Carbon and nitrogen isotope fractionation during possible organic aerosol formation in Titan and the early Earth
- Comparing Numerical Spall Simulations with a Nonlinear Spall Formation Model
- Constraints on the deep interior structure of the Moon
- Cosmic Rays as Probes of the Global Structure of the Heliosphere
- Dependence of Polarization of the near-Earth Asteroids (1036) Ganymed and (5143) Heracles on Wavelength and Phase Angle
- Effects of Viewing Geometry and Temperature on Spectral Reflectance of Planetary-analog Materials
- Elemental composition of the surface of Mercury from the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
- Equinoctial Activity Over Titan Dune Fields Revealed by Cassini/vims
- Formation of jets and water clouds on Jupiter
- How to stabilize the Pickup Ion ring distribution in reproducing the ENA ribbon?
- Hydrogen-Bearing Volatiles at the Lunar Equatorial Terminator
- Imaging of a Newly Forming Polar Hood Over The South Pole of Titan By VIMS/Cassini
- Impact Melt Emplacement on the Moon: New Results from Mini-RF on LRO
- Insolation Effects on the Lunar Hydrogen Budget: Correlated Observations of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's LEND, LOLA and Diviner Instruments
- Internal Gravity Waves modulate the apparent misalignment of Exoplanets around Hot Stars
- LROC NAC Stereo Anaglyphs
- Low-latitude ethane rain on Titan
- Mars' Active Surface: Observing Changes with Orthorectified HiRISE Images
- Mercury's Sodium Exosphere: Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Monitoring Gully Activity in Martian Winter
- Origin of Strong Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: More Detailed Mapping in Regions Antipodal to Young Large Basins
- Physical Parameters of Asteroids Estimated from the WISE 3 Band Data and NEOWISE Post-Cryogenic Survey
- Physical Processes That Disperse Solar-Energetic Particles in Space and Their Relation to Multi-Point Observations
- Present-Day Surface Changes on Mars: Implications for Recent Climate Variability and Habitability
- Recurring Slope Lineae in Valles Marineris, Mars
- Repeat Observations of New Impact Sites on Mars: Changes in Blast Zones
- Seasonal Variability and Local Time Dependence of Mercury's Dayside Magnesium Exosphere
- Sources and Losses of Mg in Mercury's Exosphere Inferred from MESSENGER Observations
- Streamer-type II radio bursts: electron acceleration via the streamer-shock magnetic collapsing trap (MCT) system
- Surface Compositional Units on Mercury from Spectral Reflectance at Ultraviolet to Near-infrared Wavelengths
- Temporal variations of the FeO nightglow emission
- Testing of Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions for Water Ice: LEND Results for about Three Years of Observations
- The Acceleration of Electrons at Collisionless Shocks in the Existence of Large-scale Magnetic Fluctuations
- The Physics of Particle Acceleration From Thermal to Suprathermal Energies at Collisionless Shocks
- The escape of exoplanetary atmospheres under strong irradiation
- Thermal Weathering and Bedrock Erosion On Airless Bodies
- Tracing water ice and chromophores across Saturn's moons and rings
- Type II spectral bumps and Diagnostics on the Properties of the Radio Source
- Viewing Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere from Orbit: Eighteen Months of Observations by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer aboard the MESSENGER Spacecraft
- Voyager UVS measurements of Galactic Cosmic rays and their recent evolution
- Water Ice Permafrost at Lunar Poles: Observational Evidence from Lend Instrument Onboard Lro
- What is the Outer Boundary of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Modulation by the Heliosphere?
- A coupled ion-neutral photochemical model for the Titan atmosphere
- Ab Initio Equation of State Calculations for Jupiter's Interior
- Association of Suprathermal Particles with Coherent Structures and Shocks
- Atmospheric Heat Redistribution on Hot Jupiters
- Atmospheric circulation modeling of super Earths and terrestrial extrasolar planets using the SPARC/MITgcm
- DAN Active Parameters and Mastcam Hydration Survey Imaging: Comparisons Across Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Diurnal Effects on Lunar Slope Hydration derived from the Lunar Orbiting Neutron Spectrometers and Lunar Orbiting Laster Altimeter Topography
- Dust-Driven Halos on the Martian South Polar Residual CAP
- Empirical correction of Titan surface photometry and atmospheric scattering from Cassini/VIMS data
- Estimating the depth of the zonal jet streams on Jupiter and Saturn through inversion of gravity measurements by Juno and Cassini
- Evolution of Titan's outer icy shell: Role of ocean crystallization and surface weathering
- Exploration of Volatile Resources on the Moon with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND)
- First calibration and visible band observations of Khayyam, a Tunable Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy (SHS)
- Four Years of the Lunar Hydrogen Exploration by the LEND experiment on-board the LRO mission
- General Circulation and Dynamical Transport of the Jovian Stratosphere
- Generation of Periodic Signatures at Saturn Through Titan's Interaction with the Centrifugal Interchange Instability
- High-Precision Simulation of the Gravity Field of Rapidly-Rotating Barotropes in Hydrostatic Equilibrium
- Initial Polarimetric Analysis of the Vestoid Asteroid Family
- Mapping secondary crater fields in Arcadia Plantia, Mars: Implications for subsurface ice
- Mars Without Borders: Creating a Global Community with the HiTranslate Project
- Melt migration through Io's convecting mantle
- Mercury's High-Latitude Sodium Exosphere: Observations During MESSENGER's Orbital Phase
- Metamorphic Formation of Extraterrestrial Portlandite in the Sutter's Mill Meteorite (SM3)
- Meteoritic and Geologic Context of the Chelyabinsk Near-Earth Asteroid Air Burst (Invited)
- Montecarlo Simulations of Light Scattering from a Cometary Coma: Application to 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Seen by VIRTIS-Rosetta
- Observation of Comet ISON by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO)
- Persistent Aeolian Activity at Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Quantifying the Behavior of Recurring Slope Lineae and Similar Martian Features
- Radiative Transfer on Titan: Towards a Massive Inversion of Atmospheric and Surface Properties From VIMS/Cassini Observations of Titan
- Recent Impacts on the Moon
- Remote Identification of Pyroclastic Deposits on Mars and the Moon with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Saturn's northern auroras as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope
- Saturn's satellites temperatures inferred from Cassini-VIMS reflectance spectra
- Study of Megabreccia in Ritchey Crater Central Uplift, Mars
- The Contribution of Mascons to the Lunar Figure
- The Surface Climate Response to 11-Yr Solar Forcing During Northern Winter: Tests of the Stratospheric (UV-Ozone) Forcing Mechanism
- The acceleration of SEPs by shocks during periods of weak solar activity (Invited)
- Thermal Remote Sensing of Lava Lakes on Io and Earth (Invited)
- Thick subsurface water ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars
- UVS-VOYAGER 1 observations in the outer heliosphere: 2003-2013
- Using high-resolution HiRISE digital elevation models to study early activity in polar regions
- Voyager 1 UVS measurements of Galactic cosmic rays
- What can be learned about the lunar mantle from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)?
- Argus: An Io observer mission concept study from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Performance and Prospects of Khayyam, A Tunable Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer (SHS) for High Spectral Resolving Power Observation of Extended Planetary Targets in Optical Wavelengths
- The Influence of Topographic Obstacles on Basaltic Lava Flow Morphologies
- The Influence of True Polar Wander on Climate and Glacial Inception in North America
- VIRTIS-Rosetta Observations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Nucleus and Coma During the Mission Pre-Landing Phase.
- Digital Elevation Models Aid the Analysis of Flows at Hrad Vallis, Mars
- Fragmentation Mechanisms Associated with Lacustrine Lava-Water Explosions
- Hidden in the Neutrons: Physical Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander
- Lost Jim Lava Flow, Seward Peninsula, Alaska as an analog for lava-ice interactions on Mars
- Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations
- Phase-Angle Dependence of Determinations of Diameter, Albedo, and Taxonomy: A case study of NEO 3691 Bede
- The Kilauea 1974 Flow: Quantitative Morphometry of Lava Flows using Low Altitude Aerial Image Data using a Kite-based Platform in the Field
- Tidal Currents between Titan's Seas Detected by Solar Glints
- VIRTIS/Rosetta Observes Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Nucleus and Coma Derived Composition and Physical Properties.
- Who is in the Driver's Seat? Millennial-Scale Records of Wildfire in the Western USA Reveal a Complex Interplay of Climate, Fire, and Vegetation
- Decoding the Margins: What Can the Fractal Geometry of Basaltic Flow Margins Tell Us?
- Global-scale tectonic patterns on Pluto
- Hazards on Hazards, Ensuring Spacecraft Safety While Sampling Asteroid Surface Materials
- Latitudinal Gradients in Tree Ring Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes Reveal Differential Climate Influences of the North American Monsoon System.
- OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample-Return Mission
- Reconstructing Ecosystem-Scale Vegetation Activity Across the Terrestrial Mediterranean using Tree-Ring Width Data
- Reorientation Histories of the Terrestrial Planets
- Repeat terrestrial lidar mapping of the new volcanic vent at Holuhraun, Iceland
- Socio-ecological transitions trigger fire regime shifts and modulate fire-climate interactions in the Sierra Nevada, CA, 1600-2015 CE
- Stand structure and composition provide differential tree-ring growth signals in eastern U.S. forests
- Validating the Spring Jet Stream Indices Using Extended Spring Index (SI-x) Models
- A 650-year record of past summer temperatures from Pirin, Bulgaria tree-ring density
- Assessment of Methods to Determine Tree Ring Response to Large Magnitude Mississippi River Floods
- Construction of Improved Maps of Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field at Northern Midlatitudes
- First Gridded Spatial Field Reconstructions of Snow from Tree Rings
- Global-scale hydrology on Mars and the timing of Tharsis
- Ice exposures and landscape evolution in the Martian mid-latitudes
- Icy Islands reveal similar volatile behavior on Pluto and Mars
- Investigating the Source of Water and/or Hydroxyl on Asteroid (16) Psyche
- New Measurements of Mars Thermospheric Variability from MAVEN EUVM Solar Occultations
- Ocean Tidal Dynamics and Dissipation in the Thick Shell Worlds
- Photometric Modeling of Simulated Surace-Resolved Bennu Images
- Radar Observations of Asteroid 101955 Bennu and the OSIRIS-REx Sample Return Mission
- Recent Increase in North Atlantic Jet Variability Emerges from Three-Century Long Context
- SIIOS in Alaska - Testing an `In-Vault' Option for a Europa Lander Seismometer.
- SPCOLA: Combining laser altimetry and stereophotoclinometery to obtain topography for Bennu
- Summer Temperature Extremes in the Northern Rockies: A Tree-Ring-Based Reconstruction (1670-2014) from the Bighorn Mountains, WY
- Surface Activity Distributions of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Derived from VIRTIS Images
- The UV Spectrum of Phobos as measured by MAVEN/IUVS
- The Wibbly-Wobbly Moon: Rotational Dynamics of the Moon After Large Impacts
- The planetary spatial data infrastructure for the OSIRIS-REx mission
- Tidal dissipation in the subsurface ocean of Enceladus
- A first look at Bennu and Ryugu for signatures of formation in the arrangements of its surface features
- A tree-ring based reconstruction of spring Northern Hemisphere tropical belt movements over the past 800 years
- Active Volcanism on Io: Implications for Terrestrial Planets and Ocean Worlds
- Analogs of Ice and Fire: Conducting Fieldwork in the Icelandic Highlands to Inform Volcanic Interpretations on Mars and Instrument Development for Europa
- Ancient Bedforms within Valles Marineris, Mars
- Atmospheric Circulation of Saturn- and Jupiter-like Planets and Brown Dwarfs: Zonal Jets, Long-term Variability, and QBO-Type Oscillations
- Boulder Size Frequency Distribution (SFD) of (101955) Bennu
- Broad-scale and local drivers of pre-instrumental summer temperature extremes in the central Balkan region from tree-ring records
- Carbon Photochemistry and Densities in the Martian Atmosphere under MAVEN Deep Dip 2 Conditions
- Characterization of a Europa analog environment at Kverkfjöll, Iceland
- Comparison of Color Maps of Asteroids Ryugu and Bennu from the Approach Phase of Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions
- Crater Population(s) on (101955) Bennu, a B-Class Asteroid and Target of the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- Determining the volatile surface activity of comet 67P/CG from Rosetta remote sensing measurements
- Disruption and Reaccumulation as the Origin of the Ryugu and Bennu Top Shapes?
- Electron scale magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath: Kinetic PIC simulation study
- Enhanced climatic variability over California post-1950: A synthesis of observed and reconstructed trends and possible explanations
- Evidence for Electron Landau Damping in Solar Wind Turbulence
- Facies Characterization of the 2014-2015 Holuhraun Lava Flow Field from Remote Sensing Data and Field Observations
- Field Logistics for Terrestrial Analog Environments
- First Resolved Images of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Hanging out on Ceres is stressful: overhanging cliffs reveal strong crust
- Hazard Identification Using CosmoQuest Citizen Science for the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- How do planetary bodies respond to periodic tidal forcing and how does that influence heat flow and orbital evolution?- Report from the KISS Workshop entitled "Tidal Heating-Lessons from Io and the Jovian System"
- Imprint of Heliosphere Geometry on Starlight that is Linearly Polarized by MagneticallyAligned Interstellar Dust Grains
- In-flight Performance and Science Results from the OSIRIS-REx Visible and IR Spectrometer (OVIRS)
- Initial Perspectives on Surface Geology of (101955) Bennu including Comparisons to (162173) Ryugu
- Interplay between intermittency and dissipation in collisionless plasma turbulence
- Intra-annual tree-ring δ<SUP>18</SUP>O variations in subtropical China reflect seasonal transitions in climate response
- Key Questions in Planetary Science to be Addressed by Exploration of a Lunar Magnetic Anomaly: The Lunar Compass Rover Discovery Mission Concept
- Magnetic Reconnection May Control the Ion-scale Spectral Break of Solar Wind Turbulence
- Mapping and Characterizing Subsurface Ice in Arcadia Planitia using Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar Instrument (SHARAD)
- Mass Determination of (101955) Bennu and Related OSIRIS-REx Gravity Science
- Microbial carbon cycling in planetary-analogue hydrothermal environments at Kverkfjoll volcano, Iceland
- Moist convection on gas giant planets simulated by a new global circulation model - planetMPAS
- Moon Diver: A Discovery Mission Concept for Understanding Planetary Flood Basalts through the Exploration of a Lunar Mare Cross-Section
- O<SUB>2</SUB> Activity in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Observations of Electron Dissociative Excitation by the Rosetta-Alice Far-ultraviolet Spectrograph
- OCAMS Reveals (101955) Bennu
- OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Astronomical Observations of Asteroid Bennu: Searches for Hazards and Lightcurve, Color and Phase Function Photometry
- OSIRIS-REx Encounters Bennu: Initial Assessment from the Approach Phase
- Observations of Didymos: Past Results and Future Plans
- On the Frequency and Drivers of Ion Scale Instabilities in the Solar Wind
- Photometric Modeling of Surface-Resolved Bennu Images During Approach
- Properties of a zone of preferential ion heating surrounding the Sun and predictions for Probe and Orbiter
- Ready for Their Close-up: Insights about Occator's Bright Faculae Derived from New, Highest Resolution Observations of Ceres
- Reassessing the surface roughness of Europa using Galileo stereo images.
- Repeat field campaigns at Holuhraun, Iceland: Exploring a new volcanic vent as a terrestrial analog for planetary surfaces
- Revealing the Multiscale Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas with an Innovative Swarm of Spacecraft
- Rising temperatures drive fire activity and economic loss in China
- Schedule of Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer Data Product Releases to the Planetary Data System
- Simple Dependence of Proton Density and Temperature on Solar Wind Speed and Compression
- Solar Wind Turbulence From MHD Down to Electron Kinetic Scales: Artemis Observations
- Spectral Analysis for the OSIRIS-REx Mission at Bennu
- Surface Lineaments and Large-Scale Mass Movement on Bennu
- The 2018 Qaanaaq Fireball: A Seismic Recording of a Meteorite Impact Event into the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Field-Particle Correlation Technique: A Method for Determining Particle Energization in the Inner Heliosphere
- The Global Thermal Infrared Spectrum of Bennu: Comparison with Spitzer IRS Asteroid Spectra
- The Multi-Scale Nature of the Solar Wind
- The OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) Instrument
- The Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS) in Greenland: Testing Instrument Performance on an Icy World Analog
- The Shape of Bennu.
- The Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders >10 m on Asteroid 101955 Bennu: landing safety and scientific return.
- The Variation of Hydrogen in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars as Observed by MAVEN NGIMS
- The pulse of a semi-arid forest: intra-seasonal progression of water and carbon exchange.
- The statistical properties of solar wind temperature parameters near 1 AU observed by Wind
- Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Data
- Tidal Dissipation in Subsurface Oceans: Enceladus and Other Icy Moons
- Understanding Life Signatures Across Geothermal-Ice Gradients in Europa-like Environments using Raman Spectroscopy
- Variability of Mars' turbopause
- When and where are plants responding to synoptic circulations?
- "Observing Dissipation Scale Dynamics of the Inner Heliosphere with Merged Search Coil and Fluxgate Magnetometer Measurements"
- A 1200-year perspective on modern high- and low-frequency variability in California's Sierra Nevada cold-season precipitation using tree rings
- A Mass-Conserving Bed Solution for the Hubbard Glacier from Airborne Radar Data
- A comparative analysis of the deep atmospheric dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in light of the Juno and Cassini gravity measurements
- A new spin on librational dynamics and an appraisal of tidal-librational dissipation in Enceladus
- A simple wave particle correlator for the Parker Solar Probe Mission - Invited Paper 491142
- A warm layer in the summer night side mesosphere of Mars
- Alfvenic slow solar wind and proton temperature anisotropy in inner heliosphere by PSP observations
- Alpha Particle Content in the Solar Wind as Observed by the SPAN-Ion Instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- Ambient Seismicity on Europan Analogs using the Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS)
- An interstellar origin for H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the inner Solar System?
- Ancient Volcanically-Induced Transient Lunar Atmosphere and its Effect on Polar Volatiles
- Asymmetric magnetic anomalies over fresh impact craters on Mercury
- Aubrite meteorites as geochemical analogues to Mercury
- Boulder Stranding in Ejecta Launched by an Impact Generated Seismic Pulse
- Carbon Photochemical Escape Rates from the Modern Mars Atmosphere
- Characterization of Phase Space Energy Transfer in 2-D Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection using Field-Particle Correlations
- Characterization of the Effects of Anisothermality on OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data
- Characterization of warm layers on Mars with the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph on board the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution spacecraft
- Climate Orbiter for Mars Polar Atmospheric and Subsurface Science (COMPASS)
- Color and albedo heterogeneity of asteroid Bennu and implications for its origin
- Configuration of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Near the Heliosphere from Polarized Starlight
- Constraining the Properties of a Subglacial Lake in Northwest Greenland with Active Source Seismology
- Determining the volatile surface activity of comet 67P/CG from Rosetta remote sensing measurements
- Diagnosing Energy Dissipation in Turbulent Fully Kinetic Continuum Vlasov-Maxwell Plasmas
- Diagnostics of the atomic and molecular physics of small bodies atmospheres available in the ultraviolet
- Diverse Rock Types Detected in the Lunar South Pole-Aitken Basin by Chang'E 4
- Eight Hundred Years of North Atlantic Jet Stream Variability and its Influence on European Climate Extremes
- Evidence for Projectile Tunneling at Small Craters on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Evidence for water-rock interaction in VNIR and TIR spectra of B-type asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Glaciers on the Brink: New Alaskan Ice thickness Constraints from Operation IceBridge Airborne Radar Sounding
- Global Tectonic Patterns of the Moon
- Global Trends of Forest's Water Use Efficiency Response to Rising CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Identification of Small Scale Structures from PSP Observations
- Improved AWSoM Modeling of the First Two PSP Encounters
- Internal energy dissipation in Enceladus's subsurface ocean from tides and libration & the role of inertial waves
- Intra-annual tree-ring δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C as ecophysiological indicators for tree growth in Southeastern China
- Leveraging Observations for Earth System Process Research, Modeling and Predictions
- Lura Lakes, Albania Tree-ring Maximum Latewood Density Temperature Proxy
- MAGIC, A Discovery Proposal to the Icy Moon Callisto
- MAVEN/IUVS Measurements of the D/H Ratio in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Moon-Moon Tides in the Galilean Satellites
- Multi-centennial Spring Flood Reconstruction using Novel Application of Wood-cell Anatomy in Eastern Boreal Canada.
- New Insights on Hydroclimate Signal in Giant Sequoia Tree-Ring Growth
- Numerical Models of the Atmospheric Circulation on Jupiter and Saturn:Zonal Jets, Long-term Variability, and QBO-type Oscillations
- Numerical simulations of the evolution of magnetic field kinks in the solar wind
- OSIRIS-REx Precision Orbit Determination
- OSIRIS-REx Sample Site Selection PDS Archive Bundle: Preservation of a Decisional Data Set
- OSIRIS-REx at Asteroid (101955) Bennu: Selecting the Prime and Backup Sample Sites, Invited Paper 492627
- Observations of Non-Thermal Structure in the Proton Velocity Distribution Function Using Proton Beams Below 0.3 AU from Parker Solar Probe and at 1 AU with Wind
- Observed Properties of Solar Wind Jets inside 0.25 AU
- Optical seismometer for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Solar Energetic Particles Associated with a Slow Coronal Mass Ejection at 0.25AU
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Release of Density Blobs and Flux Ropes at the Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Parker Solar Probe approaches the Alfvén Point
- Parker Solar Probe observations of proton beams simultaneous with ion-cyclotron waves
- Poleward Excursions of the Himalayan Sub-tropical Jet during the Past Four Centuries
- Predicting Breakouts in Basaltic Lava Experiments
- Predicting the Solar Wind at Parker Solar Probe Using an Empirically Driven MHD Model
- Project-Based Learning Opportunities and Exploration of Mentorship (POEM) for Students with Visual Impairments: Lessons Learned from Year 1
- QBO/Solar Modulation of the Boreal Winter MJO: Observational Tests Through the 2018/2019 Winter
- Radar-Derived Ice Thickness and Bed Topography Measurements of the Bering-Bagley Glacier System, Alaska
- Radar-Detected Layering in Ice: Experiments, Field Data, Modeling, and Application to Mars
- Rapid Flux Angle Measurements in the Inner Heliosphere
- Recent increases in drought frequency cause observed multi-year drought legacies in the tree rings of semi-arid forests
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- Seasonal and latitudinal variations of dayside N<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> ratio in the Martian thermosphere derived from MAVEN IUVS observations
- Seasonal jet stream controls on surface climate influence the timing of plant growth: a mechanistic perspective on landscape phenology shifts in a warming world
- Seismicity on Tidally Active Ocean Worlds in our Solar System and Beyond
- Serendipitous Geodesy from Bennu's Short-Lived Moonlets
- Shape, spin, and stability of Bennu
- Snowpack Signal in Cell Anatomy of Sierra Nevada Tree Rings
- Stochastic heating of the solar wind becomes increasingly significant close to the Alfven critical point
- Sub-solar electron temperatures in the lower Martian ionosphere
- Surface densities and size-frequency distributions of meter-size boulders inside craters on (101955) Bennu
- The Interaction of the Hadley Circulation and Equatorial Superrotation in Idealized Models of Terrestrial Exoplanets
- The Lunar Environment Monitoring Station (LEMS) as a building block for a geophysical network at the Moon
- The MILO Space Science Institute and Smallsat Missions to Explore the Diversity of Near-Earth Asteroids
- The Maple Leaf on Bennu: Canada's Participation on the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- The Near-Surface Gravity of Bennu from Osiris-Rex Data
- The Prevalence of Ion-Scale Instabilities in the First Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- The Transition from Alpine Glacier to Rock Glacier: A Case Study at Sulphur Creek, Wyoming
- The effects of intermittency on the dissipation of plasma turbulence
- Towards a Temperature Reconstruction for Southern Africa: Exploring the Climate Signal in Tree-Ring Density of Clanwilliam Cedar from South Africa
- Turbulence Transport Modeling and PSP Observations
- Understanding the Recent Enhancement in Precipitation Variability over California
- Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose Particle Energization in Turbulence, Magnetic Reconnection, and Shocks
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- Zone of Preferential Heating for Heavy Ions in the Solar Wind
- A Kinetic Plasma Rosetta Stone for Understanding Plasma Heating and Particle Acceleration in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
- A multi-century history of North Pacific SSTs from annual growth increments in the bivalve Panopea generosa
- Adapting Historical Climate Network Precipitation and Temperature Data for Water-Balance Modeling
- Bi-directional streaming of particles accelerated at interplanetary shocks: the case-study of a STEREO reverse shock and statistical analysis of shock-spikes from ACE archive
- Carbon Photochemical Escape Rates from the Modern Mars Atmosphere
- Characterization of Warm Layers in the Martian Atmosphere with the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph on board the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Spacecraft
- Characterizing the Aqueous Geochemical History at Tyrrhena Terra, Mars
- Cold Lightweight Imagers For Europa (C-LIFE)
- Complexity of climatic signals in tree-ring width proxies from Yenisei River basin applicable to modeling Arctic river flow and water balance
- Constraints on formation of the Moon and exomoons
- Day-night variation of O<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Mars lower thermosphere
- Determining the volatile surface activity of comet 67P/CG from Rosetta remote sensing measurements
- Electron Heat Flux in the Near-Sun Environment
- Energetic Particles Observations Near the Sun from the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISʘIS) Instrument Suite on Parker Solar Probe
- Energetic Particles near the Sun from Parker Solar Probe
- Enigmas of the Ionian Rock Cycle
- Fire and climate in the eastern Siberia over the past 500 years (1500-2010 CE)
- Formation of Planetesimals through Gravitational Collapse
- Free energy available to microinstabilities in the solar wind
- Globally distributed mass movement towards the equator on asteroid (101955) Bennu
- How to determine if Io has a magma ocean
- Investigating Machine Learning as a Basis for Asteroid Taxonomies in the 3-Micron Spectral Region
- Jet formation and tracer cycles simulated by a new Jupiter GCM (JupiterMPAS)
- Laser Altimetry Reveals Hemispherical Shape Differences of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Low Altitude 5-16 Hz Martian Ionospheric Waves
- MACIE: Mars Astrobiological Caves and Internal Habitability Explorer (a New Frontiers Mission Concept) for the next decade
- Macroporosity and Grain Density of Rubble Pile Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Mass and Shape Determination of (101955) Bennu Using Inter-Orbital Phase Tracking Data
- Maximum latewood density records of Great Basin Bristlecone pine (Pinus Longaeva) in the White Mountains, California
- Multiscale Solar Wind Turbulence Properties inside and near Switchbacks measured by Parker Solar Probe
- Near-Surface Plasma Effects of OSIRIS-REx Sampling
- New Plasma Physics Pushing Closer to the Sun with PSP/SWEAP
- O2+ temperature profiles measured by MAVEN STATIC
- Observations and Statistics of Secondary Alpha Populations in the Inner Heliosphere
- Observed Turbulent Properties of Spherically Polarized Alfvénic States
- On the location of the Solar Alfvén Point and the imminent crossing by Parker Solar Probe
- Ongoing shape modification of Bennu by terracing.
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Ion Velocity-Space Diffusion Associated with Ion-Scale Right-Hand Polarized Waves
- Photochemical Modeling of Upper Atmospheric D/H on Mars
- Photometric Modeling of Bennu at 1064-nm with the OLA Normal Albedo
- Pickup ion acceleration at the termination shock at multiple locations
- Planetary inertial modes and their relation to nutations
- Polarimetric Decomposition of Arecibo Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids
- Proton Core Behaviour inside Magnetic Field Switchbacks
- Reconstructing the geologic history of Hebrus Valles and Hephaestus Fossae, Mars with SHARAD
- Reexamining the Potential to Characterize Lava Flows from Margin Geometry
- Relative heating of ions and electrons in the young solar wind due to turbulent dissipation mediated via Landau damping
- Roughness Analysis of the Holuhraun Lava Flow-Field for Lunar and Martian Volcanic Analogs
- Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the First Two Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration at Shock Waves Driven by Fast and Wide Coronal Mass Ejections
- Spatiotemporal trends in observed precipitation and streamflow variability across California
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) on Mars to Characterize In Situ Resources
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (Swim) Project: Characterizing the Inventory of Nonpolar Ice on Mars
- Surface densities and boulders size-frequency distribution on binary asteroid (65803) Didymos-Dimorphos
- The Acceleration of Energetic Particles at Coronal Shocks and Q/A Dependence of Spectral Breaks
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The Effects of Non-Equilibrium Features on Solar Wind Plasma Evolution
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The Highly Variable Ratio of D/H in Atoms Escaping from Mars
- The Librations, Tides, and Interior Structure of Io
- The Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS)
- The Structure and Origin of Switchbacks: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- The biennial libration of Io
- The effect of the Meandering Interplanetary Magnetic Field and source spectrum on the time-intensity profile of Ground-level Enhancement (GLE) events.
- The jet stream as a driver of continental phenology and its impact on monarch migration
- The viscous and Ohmic damping of the Earth's Free Core Nutation
- Thermophysical and Compositional Trends of Lithified Bedforms on Mars
- Turbulence Characteristics of Switchbacks and Non-switchbacks Intervals Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Vent Morphology at the Holuhraun Lava Flow (Northern Iceland) as an analog for martian fissure vents
- Volcanic Outgassing from Lunar Maria as a Possible Source of Polar Volatiles: 3-D Simulation of Volatile Transport by Transient Volcanically-Induced Atmospheres.
- Wave-particle energy transfer directly observed in an ion cyclotron wave
- HCO+ Dissociative Recombination and Other Significant Drivers of Nonthermal Hydrogen Loss at Mars
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. Longobardo
- A. Malakhov
- A. Migliorini
- A. Raponi
- Alessandro Rossi
- Anders Eriksson
- Ashraf Moradi
- B. L. Alterman
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Colby Haggerty
- D. C. Richardson
- D. Ruffolo
- D. Turrini
- D. V. Reames
- Daniel Lo
- Daniel V. Cotton
- Dimitra Koutroumpa
- E. Dotto
- E. D’Aversa
- E. Hanson
- E. Mazarico
- Emanuele Simioni
- Eryn Cangi
- F. Capaccioni
- Fan Guo
- Federico Fraschetti
- G. Bellucci
- G. Filacchione
- G. Piccioni
- G. Rinaldi
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. Masiero
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- J. R. Brucato
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Justin Deighan
- Jérémy Rekier
- K.‐M. Aye
- L. D. Woodham
- L. Golub
- M. A. Mischna
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Ciarniello
- M. Formisano
- M. H. Burger
- M. Pajola
- M. R. Combi
- Mario D'Amore
- Martin Rubin
- Martin Turbet
- Matteo Crismani
- Michael Chaffin
- Michael L. Stevens
- N. E. Raouafi
- P. H. Reiff
- Perry A. Gerakines
- R. Orosei
- Rui Pinto
- S. A. Triana
- S. Erard
- S. Ieva
- S. Silvestro
- Sean N. Raymond
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Seth Redfield
- Shiwei Feng
- T. Dudok de Wit
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Thomas Quinn
- V. Galluzzi
- V. J. Bray
- V. Mennella
- W. Rideout