University of New Hampshire, Institute for the Study of Earth Oceans and Space
flowchart I[University of New Hampshire, Institute for the Study of Earth Oceans and Space] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (946)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (19)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Collaboration in Support of LBA Science and Data Exchange: Beija-flor and EOS-WEBSTER
- A study of the relative occurrence of disparate wave phenomena leading to BBELF activity associated with ion conic production in the downward current and poleward boundary regions of the premidnight auroral oval
- ACE Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Interplanetary Disturbances
- Analysis of VEMAP II Projections of Future Runoff in the U.S. Under Climate Change
- Direct Observations of NO in South Pole Snowpack During ISCAT 2000
- East Coast Pressure Trough Indices and New England Winter Climate Variability
- Extreme Weather Events and ENSO Recorded in Speleothems: Potential for Detailed Paleoclimate and Paleoecological Reconstructions
- First Investigations for the Entrance System / Energy Analyzer of the PLASTIC Sensor on STEREO
- Holocene Volcanic Records in the Siple Dome Ice Cores
- Ice Core Evidence of Regionalization of Holocene Climate in the Circum-Arctic Region
- Interannual Variability in Amazonian Net Ecosystem Production: Implication for Regional Carbon Cycle.
- Ionospheric Thermal Plasma Acceleration Linked to Magnetopause Motions: First Cluster Results
- Measurement of Pernitric Acid at the South Pole During ISCAT 2000
- On the Evolution of Ion Distributions Across Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shocks: CIS Multipoint Observations
- Projecting the Future of the U.S. Carbon Sink
- Quantifying the Principal Components of Stormflow in a Forested and Developed Headwater Catchment with End-Member Mixing Analysis and Continuous Water Quality Measurements
- Relative Timing of Interacting Solar Flare Particles and Particles Seen in Space and at the Earth
- Return Current Region Aurora: Intense Energetic Non-gyrotropic Ion Conics
- Satellite Remote Sensing and its Contribution to Monitoring Surface Hydrography from Space
- Simulation of the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock: Comparison with CLUSTER
- Soluble Acidic Gases at South Pole During ISCAT 2000
- Soluble Ions in South Pole Snow During ISCAT 2000
- The Edmond Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge: Pushing the Envelope on MOR Brines
- The Synthesis Challenge
- A Model Study on Sulfate Transport for the TRACE-P Period Using RAQMS
- A Reassessment of Turbulent Heating Due to Interstellar Pickup Protons in the Outer Heliosphere
- ACE/SEPICA Observations of Energetic He<SUP>+</SUP> Associated With Interplanetary Disturbances at 1AU
- Aerosol Chemical Composition in Asian Continental Outflow During TRACE-P: Comparison to PEM-West B.
- Asian Dust Storm Events of 2001 and Associated Pollution Observed in New England by the AIRMAP Monitoring Network
- Assessing Methyl Bromide Flux in a Freshwater Peatland
- Characterizing the Pan-Arctic Hydrologic Cycle with Arctic-RIMS
- Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Fluids From EPR 21° N: 23 Years Later in a Phase Separating World
- Chemical Evolution of Ozone and Its Precursors in Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Chemical and Physical Properties of Bulk Aerosols Observed During TRACE-P: Evidence of Nitrate Uptake on Dust Particles
- Clouds and Trace Gas Trends Observed During TRACE-P
- Current Research in trace gas composition conducted at the Summit Research Camp, in Central Greenland.
- De-striping of MODIS Optical Bands for Ice Sheet Mapping and Topography
- EOS-WEBSTER - Providing Satellite Imagery for Everyone
- Energy Transport in the Terrestrial Polar Cap Regions by Alfvén Waves as Observed by the Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Aboard the CLUSTER Spacecrafts
- Explosive break-up of Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica, by a meltwater-triggered iceberg capsize mechanism
- Ion Reflection, Acceleration and Transmission at the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock: Cluster CIS Observations
- Late Holocene Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm-Pool From a High Accumulation-Rate Core off New Guinea in Relation to Highland Climate Change
- Long-Term Variations in the Levels of Hydrogen Peroxide, Methylhydroperoxide, and Selected Compounds Over the Pacific Ocean.
- Model analysis of sulfate and SO2 over the Asian-Pacific region during Spring 2001: Sources, distributions, and intercontinental transport
- Multiple-point measurements of auroral ion distributions from the SIERRA sounding rocket
- Multipoint Magnetic and Electric Field Measurements in the Auroral Ionosphere
- New Proxy for Recent Hurricane Events Using Stalagmite Stable Isotopes
- Observations of Peroxynitrates in the Remote Troposphere
- Oxygenated Organic Chemicals in the Pacific Troposphere: Sources and Chemical Consequences
- Photochemistry in Snow: Does it Really Impact Soluble Ionic Glaciochemical Records?
- Root Decomposition and Trace Gas Dynamics in Two Moist Tropical Forest Soils
- SNOW2002: NOx Production From Nitrate-In-Ice Photolysis at Two pHs and Comparison with NOx Levels From Nitrite-In-Ice Photolysis
- Seasonal Deuterium Excess in a Tien Shan Ice Core: Influence of Moisture Transport and Recycling in Central Asia
- Sensitivity of Eruption Dynamics to Volcanic Conduit Geometry: A Sensitivity Study Using the "Bubbledrive" Numerical Model
- Simulating Pan-Arctic Runoff With a Macro-Scale Terrestrial Water Balance Model
- TRACE-P Informal Instrument Intercomparison
- Testing Fast Photochemical Theory During TRACE-P Based on Measurements of OH, HO2, NO2, and CH2O
- The Pan-Arctic Water Budget: Major Challenges and Opportunities
- Using Data on Vegetation Height Structure to Improve Model Estimates of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes
- West Antarctic Ice Stream Discharge Variability: the evidence, a mechanism, and its implications
- A 3D Line-Tied Model of Flux Rope Eruptions
- A coordinated approach to investigating human perturbations to the Nitrogen cycle
- A major regional air pollution event in the northeastern U.S. caused by extensive forest fires in Quebec, Canada
- Carbon Cycle and Vegetation Dynamics in the GFDL-Princeton University Coupled Atmosphere-Biosphere Model
- Characterizing regional land cover change by synthesis of information at multiple spatial scales
- Cluster Observations of Channels of Enhanced Convection Velocity in the Ring Current Region
- Constraints on the Sources of Tropospheric Ozone From <SUP>210</SUP>Pb-<SUP>7</SUP>Be-O<SUB>3</SUB> Correlations
- Dependency of Ecosystem Respiration in a Cool Temperate Bog on Peat Temperature and Water Table
- Estimating the Uncertainty of Land-use History Reconstructions in the Global Carbon Balance
- Evaluating NOx/NOy Ratio as a method for Determining Long Range Vs. Short Range Pollution Events in New England.
- Evolution of Two Ion component Plasma In a Random Magnetic Field: Numerical Study
- Evolution of interplanetary magnetic clouds from 0.3 AU to 1 AU: A joint Helios-Wind Study
- Exploration of eruption mechanisms through parametric sensitivity analysis: Using a numerical model as a diagnostic tool
- Halocarbons, alkyl nitrates, and nonmethane hydrocarbons quantified from surface air and water samples in the Gulf of Maine during NEAQS
- High-Resolution, Low-Frequency Electric Field Measurements on an Auroral Sounding Rocket Experiment
- In-situ Measurements of NO<SUB>3</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> During NEAQS 2002
- Induced electric field and cross helicity in solar wind fluctuations
- Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds Observed by Wind and Helios 1 & 2: Influence of the Magnetic Field Strength on the Stand-off Distance
- Long-Term Decline of South Pole Neutron Rate
- Measurements of HNO<SUB>3</SUB> on the NOAA Research Vessel Ronald H. Brown During NEAQS 2002
- Meteorological Controls on Ozone at Two High-Elevation Monitoring Sites in New Hampshire
- Modeling Vertical Plasma Flows in Solar Filament Barbs
- Multiple Flux-Rope Magnetic Ejecta in the Solar Wind: Separated Flux Ropes
- Nighttime NOx Loss during NEAQS
- Nitrogen Oxide Trace Gas Efflux and Soil N Dynamics in Response to N Inputs in Temperate Forests of the Northeastern U.S.
- Nonmethane Hydrocarbon and Alkyl Nitrate Distributions at a Rural Site in New Hampshire
- Occurrences and Implications of Marine Air Tracers at Thompson Farm
- On Flux Rope in the 1997 May 12 Event
- Orientations of Correlated Wind and ACE Features
- Ozone Climatology for Portsmouth, NH 1978-2002
- Pb Isotopic Compositions of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in Continental Basalt, Eastern Snake River Plain
- Pre-Eruptive and Eruptive Magnetic Structures in the Solar Corona
- Propane and Light Alkene Enhancements at Thompson Farm: Impact on Local and Regional Ozone Production
- Quantification of Ozone Formation Metrics in Southeastern New Hampshire During NEAQS 2002
- Remote Sensing of pan-Arctic Snowpack Thaw Using the Seawinds Scatterometer
- Structured LF-MF Whistler Mode Emissions at Rocket Altitudes
- Surface-Level Ozone Variability in the Coastal Marine Boundary Layer Measured in the Gulf of Maine on a Commercial Ferry During NEAQS 2002
- The Photochemical Impact of Oceanic Hydrocarbons on the Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer over the Gulf of Maine
- The Timing of Spring Thaw and its Impact on Carbon Exchange in a New Hampshire Fen
- Three dimensional correlations in the solar wind: the two component model revisited.
- Toward the standardization of image analysis from X-ray tomography: Applications to vesicular rocks used for paleoelevation studies
- <SUP>210</SUP>Po-<SUP>210</SUP>Pb Dating and U-Series Disequilibria of a Young Basaltic Flow at 10° 44'N EPR
- A New MODIS-based Mosaic of Antarctica: MOA
- A New Technique for Sampling Firn Air
- A Recent Volcanic Eruption on a "Magma Starved" Segment of the East Pacific Rise ISS, "10\deg44'N
- An Extension of the Quasi-linear Theory on Shock Acceleration to Low-energy Ions
- Anisotropic MHD/EMHD Turbulence in the Solar Wind and the Interstellar Medium
- Anisotropy of solar wind fluctuations: fast wind vs slow wind.
- Antarctic Megadunes: Characteristics and Formation
- Are Inner Source Pickup Ions further Accelerated in Interplanetary Space?
- Beyond Infrastructure: EOS-WEBSTER and WebCOAST add Polish, Packaging and Pizzazz to Data Distribution
- Beyond Potential Vegetation: Combining Lidar Remote Sensing and a Height- Structured Terrestrial Ecosystem Model for Improved Estimates of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes at a Set of Sites in North and Central America
- Blasts, Roars, and Chugs at Tungurahua Volcano
- Climate / Greenhouse Gas Feedbacks in Northern Peatlands
- Climate and Climate Variability as Input to Surface Dynamic Models
- Comparison of Spring and Summer Hydroxyl Concentrations in the Snowpack at Summit, Greenland
- Continuing Evolution of the Hydrothermal System at the RIDGE2000 ISS, 9-10° N EPR: 1991-2004
- Detailed investigation of the overlapping spreading center and 9 degrees north on the East Pacific Rise: overview of the Medusa 2007 cruise activities
- Direct Evidence for Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind Near 1 AU
- Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of Alkenes, Halocarbons, and Alkyl Nitrates in the Surface Snowpack at Summit, Greenland
- Extracting Accumulation And Vertical Strain Rate Information From Internal Layering in Ice Penetrating Radar Profiles Over the Greenland Ice Sheet: Basic Assumptions, Recognition of Potential Errors, and Techniques for Large-Area Retrievals
- Forest Fire Signals Recorded in Ice Cores from Eclipse Icefield, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Global Fire Patterns and Trends from ENSO Events Estimated Using an Enhanced Ecosystem Model
- Global MHD Simulation of Three-dimensional Time Dependent Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
- Ice Core Evidence of Recent Changes in Summer Melt Intensity of the Southern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Land-to-Ocean Linkage in Eurasian Hydrological System
- Long-Term Observations of Active Hydrothermal Processes on the Gorda Ridge: The Sea Cliff Hydrothermal Field and Escanaba Trough
- Measurement of Pernitric Acid, Nitric Acid and Sulfur Dioxide at the South Pole during ANTCI 2003
- Measurements of OH and HO2 + RO2 at Summit Greenland
- Modeling and analysis of atmospheric chemistry over the South Pole during ANTCI
- Mount Logan Ice Cores : the Water Cycle of the North Pacific in the Holocene
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Energetic Heavy Ions Accelerated by Interplanetary Shocks Near Earth
- NSF-ARCSS Freshwater Initiative (FWI): Synthesis as Coordination of Thought to Discover Emergent System Properties
- Non-Equilibrium and Current Sheet Formation in Astronomical Magnetic Fields
- Potential and feasibility of operating satellite sensor systems dedicated to monitoring inland water bodies
- Precise Elevation Profiles Across Antarctic Megadunes
- Preliminary Hydrothermal Heat Flow Measurements at the 9-10º N East Pacific Rise
- Preliminary results on the evaluation of 3D correlation functions from ACE and WIND simultaneous data
- Project SMART at the University of New Hampshire: Integrating Space and Environmental Sciences Studies
- Properties of magnetic merging at the magnetopause inferred from dayside 557.7-nm all-sky images
- Quantifying CO2 fluxes of boreal forests in Northern Eurasia
- Quantifying the distribution of bubble sizes in volcanic rocks: Generalized statistical formulation and application to vesicular lavas
- Rapid Ice Flow Related Topography from ICESat Altimetry in NE Greenland
- Response of the Terrestrial Magnetosphere to an Interplanetary Shock
- Satellite, Observational, Meteorological and Thermal Records From Two Sites in the Antarctic Megadunes - Stability of Atmospheric Forcing, Thermal Cracking, and the Seasonal Evolution of the Thermal Profile
- Satellite-based mapping of paddy rice agriculture in Asia
- Seasonal Trends in Snow Photochemistry Impacts on Soluble Acidic Gases at Summit, Greenland
- Separator Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause under Northward IMF Conditions
- Signal-to-Noise Ratios and Climate Records from the Eclipse Icefield Ice Cores
- The Diffusion Mean Free Path Upstream of Earth's Quasi-Parallel Bow Shock
- The East Pacific Rise 8° -11° N Integrated Studies Site (ISS); Update and Opportunities
- The Saturation of Dayside Magnetosphere Erosion
- The Turbulent Correlation Length in the Distant Solar Wind
- Timing accuracy and variability of the planar propagation of magnetic field structures in the solar wind
- Turbulence and the Third Moment of Fluctuations: Kolmogorov's 4/5 law and its MHD Analogues in the Solar Wind
- Two-Dimensional Quasi-Steady and Impulsive Reconnection: A Comparative Study Using Particle-in-Cell and Hall MHD Simulations
- Upstream Diffuse Ions and Association With Low Frequency Hydromagnetic Waves: Cluster Observations at the Quasi-Parallel Earth's Bow Shock
- Variability in inherent optical properties in the Western Gulf of Maine
- Visualizing Three-dimensional Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
- Where Does Firn Air Come From?
- A Detailed Closure Study of CCN in the Northeastern United States
- A Wireless Seismoacoustic Sensor Network for Monitoring Activity at Volcano Reventador, Ecuador
- A multi-platform analysis of the North American reactive nitrogen budget during the ICARTT summer intensive
- Acceleration and Thermal Energy Release in a CME Model
- Aerosol Particle Growth Events during ICARTT 2004 at Appledore Island
- Assessing the Practicality and Viability of Basalt Vesicle Paleoaltimetry in Solving Regional Tectonic Problems in the Basin and Range
- Biogenic Impact on O3 Levels Under Elevated CO2 Conditions
- Biogenic and Stable Isotopic Evidence for Holocene Stability of the Larsen-B Ice Shelf
- Building a Model of Research and Education Collaboration Between Minority and Majority Universities
- CHAiOS: Chemistry of Halogens at the Isles of Shoals
- Changes in Moisture and Energy Fluxes due to Groundwater-based Irrigation in the Indian Monsoon Belt
- Characterization of Submicron Aerosol Organic Fraction by FTIR Spectrometry at Four ICARTT Platforms
- Comparing Meteorological Controls on Regional Air Quality in the Northeastern U.S. During the Summers of 2002 and 2004
- Computing the Topology of Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Distribution of Turbulence Throughout the Heliosphere
- Distributions of, and Relationships Between, Nitric Acid and Ozone in the UT/LS Over Eastern North America During PAVE
- Earth System Science Education for the 21st Century: Progress and Plans
- Estimating Changes in Forest Height and Structure in Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Using LIDAR Remote Sensing
- Estimation and Validation of Regional Biomass Using Vegetation Structure Measurements from ICESAT and Forest Inventory Analysis Data
- Estimation of leaf chlorophyll content and the fraction of light absorption by chlorophyll using MODIS images and a radiative transfer model
- Evidence for Terrestrial Sources of Methyl Iodide
- Fallout Radionuclides as Tracers in Southern Alps Sediment Studies
- Fluxgate Magnetometers for the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission
- High-Resolution Paleotempestology: Proxy Models for Reconstructing Interannual-Decadal Variations in Pre-Historic Tropical Cyclone Frequency and Intensity
- Hurricane Balloon Observations in the Hurricane Inflow Layer
- Hydro- and Halocarbon Oxidation in the New England Coastal Summer Atmosphere
- Hydrocarbon Measurements at Thompson Farm, NH and Appledore Island, ME: A Comparison of Relative Reactivities
- Ice streams stop and start: evidence from the Ross Ice Shelf, interpreted using numerical models of ice shelf flow
- Interannual variability in North American grassland biomass/productivity detected by SeaWinds scatterometer backscatter
- Isoprene and Monoterpene Emissions from Duke Forest: A Comparison of Ambient and Elevated CO2 Environments
- Mapping and monitoring of crop intensity, calendar and irrigation using multi-temporal MODIS data
- Measurements of Bromoform and Dibromomethane in the Seacoast Region of NH, 2002-2004
- Methane over the North American Continent - INTEX-NA, Summer 2004
- Methyl Halide Production by Fungi
- Modeling Large-Scale Biosphere NEE by Integrating Satellite Images and Climate Data - Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM)
- Nighttime Oxidation of VOCs at Appledore Island, ME During ICARTT 2004
- Nitric Acid Phase Partitioning and Cycling in the New England Coastal Atmosphere
- North Pacific Climate Variability in Ice Core Accumulation Records From Eclipse Icefield, Yukon, Canada
- Observations of Reactive Chlorine and Bromine over the Gulf of Maine
- Particle Acceleration at Perpendicular Shock Waves: Model and Observations
- Potential and Limitations of Satellite Data to Identify Deaths of Individual Trees in a Central American Tropical Rain Forest
- Preferential Perpendicular Heating of Coronal Hole Heavy Ions by the Fermi Mechanism
- Quantitative Understanding of Fracture Patterns in Ice Shelves
- Results from the DC-8 inlet characterization experiment (DICE): Airborne versus surface sampling of mineral dust and sea salt aerosols
- Stratospheric Influence on the Composition of the Mid- and Upper- Troposphere Over North America During INTEX
- Surface-Level Ozone Variability in the Gulf of Maine during ICARTT 2004
- The Gulf of Maine Ocean Data Partnership: Building a Region-wide Information System from the Bottom Up
- The Impact of Continental Outflow on Chemical and Aerosol Distributions Off the Northeast Coast of the U.S. During INTEX-NA
- The Relationship of Changes in the 9 50'N EPR Hydrothermal System to Observed Seismicity: 2002-2004
- The consequences and uncertainties of land-use history on patterns of carbon stocks and fluxes: three centuries of land-use transitions, wood harvest activity, and resulting secondary lands
- Time Scale Dependence of the Environmental and Plant Mediated Controls on Methane Flux From a Temperate Fen
- Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection Near a 3D Magnetic Null
- Western Tropical Pacific Convection and Temperature Since the Late Holocene Based on a High-Altitude Lacustrine Geochemical Record From New Guinea
- A Digital Elevation Model of West Antarctica from MODIS and ICESat: Method, Accuracy, and Applications
- A Kinetic Model of the Preferential Acceleration and Heating of Coronal Hole Minor Ions
- A Model for Spectral and Compositional Variability at High Energies in Large, Gradual Solar Particle Events
- A Spectral Analysis of Mars Surface Minerology
- A Spectral Analysis of Mars as a Grade 9-12 Outreach Tool
- Aerosol and Inorganic Gaseous Iodine at Appledore Island, Maine During Summers 2004, 2005 and 2006
- Analysis of Arctic Hydrological Data for Signs of Water Cycle Intensification
- Are seasonal MODIS spectral variations of two temperate deciduous broadleaf forest canopies during plant growing season only due to vegetation anisotropic nature?
- Changing firn character in Greenland: is the end of the dry snow zone in sight?
- Charting the Impacts of Disturbance on Biomass Accumulation in Old-Growth Amazon Forests
- Chemical Characterization of the Water Soluble Fraction of Size Segregated Organic Aerosol at Two Sites in New England
- Comparison of St. Elias Ice Core Accumulation Records and Their Relationships to Climate Indices
- Design Guide for Earth System Science Education: A Web-Based Resource for Teaching Earth System Science
- Developing Components of a Distributed Earth System Observatory using Open Source Technology
- Developing quantitative criteria to evaluate AOGCMs for application to regional climate assessments
- Distribution of Total Gas Phase Mercury During the NASA DC-8 INTEX-B Campaign
- Entrainment of free troposphere Asian dust/pollution into the marine boundary layer North of Hawai`i during INTEX-B
- Evaluating GCM Simulations of Climate Change in the Northeast US over the Last 100 years
- Holocene radiative forcing impact of northern peatland carbon accumulation and methane emissions
- Impact of Megadunes and Glaze Areas on Estimates of East Antarctic Mass Balance and Accumulation Rate Change
- Interactions and Feedbacks in the Changing Arctic Hydrologic System
- Interannual Variability of River Temperature and Energy Flux Across the Russian Arctic Watersheds
- Interannual to decadal scale North Pacific climate dynamics during the last millennium from Eclipse Icefield (St. Elias Mountains) ice core stable isotope records
- Investigation of QuikSCAT wind measurements in the coastal Gulf of Maine
- Ion thermalization and wave excitation downstream of Earth's bow shock: Cluster observations of He2+ acceleration and theory
- Magnetic reconnection at the heliospheric current sheet and the formation of closed magnetic field lines in the solar wind
- Modeling the Transition From Predominantly Gas- to Predominantly Aerosol-Phase Products From OH Reactions With the Homologous Series of C10 to C15 n- Alkanes
- Observed variability in coastal atmospheric CO2 and its impact on air-sea flux investigations
- PIC Simulation Study of the Impact of Ion Cyclotron Waves on Auroral Kilometric Radiation
- PTR-MS Measurements of VOCs at Thompson Farm, NH, 2004-2006
- Recent Results of the 2005 LWS TR&T Focus Team for Solar Energetic Particles
- Reconnection and Current Sheet Formation in Line-Tied Magnetic Flux Tubes: Energetics and Stability
- Reconstruction of Solar Wind Structures from Multi-spacecraft Data
- Research &Discover: A Pipeline of the Next Generation of Earth System Scientists
- Response of the 9-10N EPR Hydrothermal Systems to Recent Volcanic Eruptions
- Solar wind - magnetosphere coupling efficiency: Role of solar wind dynamic pressure
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ozone Over Houston in the 2006 Texas Air Quality Study
- Temporal Variability in Total Gas-phase Mercury over Central New England: Implications for Regional Budgets
- The Effect of increasing CO2 and Ocean Acidity on Marine Production of DMS and CH2ClI
- Two Point Measurements of statistical properties of solar wind turbulence
- Two Point Measurements of statistical properties of solar wind turbulence using Cluster data
- Variations of Solar Wind Parameters Over a Solar Cycle: Implications for STEREO Observations
- 1935-2006 Duration of Snowcover and Growing Degree Trends from the Summit and Base of Mount Washington, NH
- A Kinetic Model of the Ponderomotive Force of Alfven Waves in the Solar Wind
- Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS)
- Automated measurements of soil-atmosphere methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide fluxes in an undisturbed forest in the Brazilian Amazon
- Beyond Potential Vegetation II: Using Repeat Lidar Data on Changes in Vegetation Height to Test Model Predictions of Ecosystem Dynamics
- Building a Model of Collaboration Between Historically Black and Historically White Universities
- Changes in Greenland Outlet Glacier Systems Synchronous With Increasing Summer Sea Surface Temperatures Over the Past Decade
- Chemical and Aerosol Characteristics of Asian Outflow as Observed during INTEX-B and TRACE-P
- Coherent vertical changes in North Pacific climate dynamics during the last millennium
- Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes
- Convective Outflow From the U.S. to the Upper Troposphere Over the North Atlantic During the NASA INTEX-NA Airborne Campaign
- Cosmic Ray Observations from the COSPIN High Energy Telescope (HET) during Ulysses' Current Fast Latitude Scan
- Detailed investigation of the overlapping spreading center and 9 degrees north on the East Pacific Rise: overview of the Medusa 2007 cruise activities
- Distributions of Tropospheric SO2 from the INTEX field campaign
- Double Star observations of reconnection at the dayside magnetopause.
- Earth System Atlas: citable publication and visualization of datasets
- Environmental Monitoring in the Northeast US: Foundation for Assessing the Impact of Our Changing Climate
- Factors Influencing the Large-Scale Distribution of Hg(0) in the Mexico City Area and Over the North Pacific
- GPS and Conventional Surveying Measurement of Glacier and Iceberg Motion in the Jakobshavns Isbrae System
- Graduate Student and High School Teacher Partnerships Implementing Inquiry-Based Lessons in Earth Science
- Humans Transforming the Water Cycle: Community-Based Activities in Hydrologic Synthesis
- Hydrological changes across Northern Eurasia: contemporary status and future projections
- In-Situ (MC/IC) and Remote (Long-Path DOAS) Measurements of HONO During TRAMP.
- Interaction of nitric acid and cirrus clouds in the tropical upper troposphere during TC4
- Ionic Charge States of Low Energy Ions in Solar Energetic Particle Events: an Overview
- Long-Range Transport of Asian Sulfate and Its Effects on the Canadian Sulfate Burden
- Monitoring regional patterns of canopy-scale phenology with a network of digitial webcams
- NASA's DESDynI InSAR and Multibeam LIDAR Mission
- New Aerosol and Cloud Products from the NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET)
- New Hampshire Carbon Challenge: Reducing Residential Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- New Hampshire's Changing Wintertime Climate: Impact on Forestry Practices
- Nighttime Nitrate Radical Chemistry at Appledore Island, Maine during the 2004 International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation
- Observations of Halogens at Summit, Greenland
- Particle Acceleration Mediated by Magnetic Islands: Observations and Simulations
- Particle Acceleration to Ultrarelativistic Energies by Magnetic Reconnection in Electron- Positron Plasmas
- Pickup Helium in the Inner Heliosphere: an Overview
- Providing Authentic Research Experiences for Pre-Service Teachers through UNH's Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) Program
- Reconstruction of Trajectories, Mixing, and Dispersion of a Mexico City Pollution Outflow Event Using In-Situ Observations From Free-Floating Altitude-Controlled Balloons
- Retrieving canopy structure from synergy of multi-angle spectral and Lidar data
- Rising minimum flows in northern Eurasian rivers suggest a growing influence of groundwater in the high-latitude water cycle
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variation in Reactive Gaseous Mercury (RGM) in New England
- Secondary organic aerosol formation from the oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with two aromatic rings
- Severe storms and blow-down disturbances in the Amazon forest
- Simulating the Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on Wetland Hydrology in coastal South Carolina, USA
- Solar Wind Structure at Solar Minimum: 3D MHD Solar Wind Model Results Compared with STEREO and ACE Observations
- Solar wind ULF wave frequency dependence of the ionospheric response
- Supporting Inquiry-based Earth System Science Instruction with Middle and High School Earth Science Teachers
- Technique of Measuring Taylor Microscale
- The Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) program
- The effects of high ozone episodes on photosynthetic activity of temperate wetland plants
- Trans-Pacific Transport of Asian Dust During INTEX B
- Turbulence Transport Throughout the Heliosphere
- U.S. Contributions to Understanding Major Transformations of the Global Water System and World Water Resource Base
- Urban Pollution in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer: Chemical Processing and Vertical Transport
- Validating the GSM01 Algorithm for Chlorophyll Products in the Chesapeake Bay
- WaterNet: The NASA Water Cycle Solutions Network
- An Inquiry Approach to Fostering Stronger Earth Science Backgrounds in Current and Future Middle and High School Science Teachers: Research Techniques as Mechanisms of Teaching Time Scales and Systems Interactions in the Earth System
- Analysis of Aerosol Characteristics Measured in the Arctic Atmosphere during ARCTAS
- Analysis of seismic waveforms generated during iceberg calving events, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland
- Assessing scales of variability for atmospheric composition field data relevant to future Decadal Survey satellite observations
- Assessing the Stability of Hydrologic and Associated Biogeochemical and Geomorphic Regimes Using Historical Reconstructions
- Assessing the uncertainty in the global distribution of atmospheric methane using AQUA/AIRS and the Global Modeling Initiative's CTM
- CCN Measurements of Forest Fire Plumes Aboard the NASA DC-8 and P3-B Aircraft Platforms During ARCTAS
- Characterization of Surface Transient Storage Zone Exchange and Flow Dynamics in a 3rd-Order Stream, Massachusetts
- Diode Laser-based Sensor for High Precision Measurements of Ambient CO2
- Distribution of Sulfate Aerosol over Northern North America and the Arctic Ocean during April, 2008
- Double Exposure: Photographing Climate Change
- End-Pleistocene Soil Constituents from Selected Sites on the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain: First Results
- Evaluating a Gulf of Maine Bio-Optics Dataset Using Hydrolight and Simplified Bio-optical Models
- Exploring Linkages Between Remotely Sensed Canopy Nitrogen and Albedo in U.S. and Canadian Forests
- Gaseous elemental and reactive mercury at marine, coastal and inland sites in New Hampshire
- Graduate student involvement with designing inquiry-based Earth science field projects for the secondary-level classroom
- Greenland Summit HOx/Halogen Experiment; 2007 and 2008
- Influence of Biomass Burning and Mid-latitude Pollution on the Arctic Atmosphere During the ARCTAS Field Campaign: A Three Dimensional Modeling Analysis
- Initial Lidar Observations of the Kasatochi Plume at Multiple MPLNET Sites
- Investigation of the Aerosols Over the Los Angeles Basin during the ARCTAS-CARB 2008 Pilot Study
- Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland: DEMs, orthophotos, surface velocities, and ice loss derived from photogrammetric re-analysis of July 1985 repeat aerial photography
- Land surface phenology, hydrology and CO2 fluxes of forests and grasslands in Northern Eurasia
- Linking Models and Data on Vegetation Structure
- Measurements of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds Over the Ocean
- Micro-pulse Lidar Observations of the Arctic Haze During ICEALOT 2008
- Modeling C and N Dynamics in a Forested Wetland Watershed on Southeast Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA
- New Enhancements of an ERS1-2 + ICESat Digital Elevation Model of West Antarctica Using MODIS Imagery, Shapelets, and Kriging
- Observations and analysis of the April 9, 2008 CME using STEREO, Hinode TRACE and SoHO data
- Onset of Fast Reconnection and its Nonlinear Stabilization in Laboratory and Space Plasmas
- Physical and Biological Controls on the Invasion Speed of a Marine Invader with Planktonic Larvae, Illustrated with Examples From Carcinus maenas in the Gulf of Maine
- Potential contributions of process modeling to understanding and constraining the global methane budget
- Providing Decision-Relevant Information for a State Climate Change Action Plan
- Rare Earth Elemental Signatures in Fungal Fruiting Bodies as Probes into Mineral Breakdown Reactions in Post-glacial Landscapes
- Reactive Chlorine in the Tropical Marine Atmosphere
- Reconstructing Colonial Land Cover Changes Across the Northeastern United States to Understand Hydrologic Changes
- Role of Loss of Equilibrium and Magnetic Reconnection in Coronal Eruptions: Resistive and Hall MHD simulations
- Seismic activity associated with temperature perturbations at Bio 9 hydrothermal vent on the East Pacific Rise at 9deg50'N
- Simulations of the CME-Flare Relationship
- Slash and Burn Agriculture: A Dynamic Spatio-temporal Model of Shifting Cultivation Locations and Areas
- Slip-Squashing Factors as a Measure of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection
- Sounding rocket observations of particle data in the cusp
- Sugar Maple Pigments Through the Fall and the Role of Anthocyanin as an Analytical Tool
- Teachers as Researchers: Using Estuarine Processes to Learn and Teach Earth System Interactions
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of the Solar Wind Bulk Properties from STEREO SWEA/PLASTIC by Multi-Spacecraft Analysis
- The CME-ICME Connection and Interplanetary Structure During Solar Minimum
- The Flux of Open and Torroidal Interplanetary Magnetic Field as a Function of Heliolatitude and Solar Cycle
- The Role of Sedges in Methane Production and Emission From a Temperate Fen
- The Temporal Dynamics of the Impacts of U.S. Tropical cyclones on Forest Tree Mortality and Carbon Flux
- The Whole Heliosphere Interval: Campaign Summaries and Early Results
- Toward understanding the role of the atmosphere in pan Arctic change and sea ice loss; an update on the status of focused campaigns under POLARCAT.
- Turbulent Cascade Dynamics in the Interplanetary Plasma
- Turbulent Cascade Rates and Geometries in the Solar Wind at 1 AU
- UNH's Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) Program
- Velocity observations at Jakobshavn Isbrae 2006-2008
- Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory (VEPO)
- A Study of Dust and Haze Aerosol Interactions with Arctic Ice Clouds during ARCTAS using In Situ and Remote Measurements
- Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties of Arctic Haze, Forest Fire Plumes, and Ozone Depletion Events during ARCTAS (DC-8)
- Airborne In Situ Measurements of Ozone in the Tropospheric Plume of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Application of Ground Penetrating Radar and Geodetics to the Selection of an Ice Core Drill Site on the Kahiltna Glacier of Mount McKinley, Alaska
- Applications of Forest-DNDC to simulate daily carbon fluxes on the natural and inundated terrestrial ecosystems of Canada
- Assessment of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Impact on Aerosol Properties over California as Observed During ARCTAS-CA
- Authentic Research Experiences for Pre- and In-service Teachers: UNH’s Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) Program
- Boreal Forest Fires and Pyrocumulonimbus Convection as a Source of Hg(0) to the Troposphere
- CASCADES-II sounding rocket study of auroral poleward boundary intensifications
- Cascades2: Quantifying Shears in the Auroral Electric Field
- Classroom application of Earth System Science education professional development: Coupling content education with pedagogy and planning for teaching
- Coexistence of wave and strong turbulence anisotropic MHD flows
- Cold Climate Related Structural Sinks Accommodate Unusual Soil Constituents, Pinelands National Reserve, New Jersey, USA
- Comparing Stream Discharge, Dissolved Organic Carbon, and Selected MODIS Indices in Freshwater Basins
- Estimating 20th Century Evapotranspiration Trends in the Eastern United States
- Estimation of Tropical Forest Height and Biomass Dynamics Using Lidar Remote Sensing at La Selva, Costa Rica
- Generation of the Fast Solar Wind by Obliquely-Propagating Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Ground based observations of the Cascades2 sounding rocket ionosphere - characterization and interpretation
- Height of the Planetary Boundary Layer During ICEALOT 2008
- Ice Layers as an Indicator of Summer Warmth and Atmospheric Blocking in Alaska
- Ice Mechanics, Outlet Morphology, and Change Over Time on Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Ice Sheet Health during Deglaciation: Two End-Member Analysis using paired GCM and ice sheet model results
- Intercomparison of Models to Estimate Methane Emissions From Rice Agriculture Using Common Data Sets
- Iron Ionic Charge States at Suprathermal Energies: a Tracer for Local Acceleration at ICME-Related Interplanetary Shocks
- Jakobshavn Isbræ: is there a speed limit?
- Long-term Variability of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea: Results from NGHP Expedition 1
- Multipoint observations of nightside auroral activity: the Cascades2 sounding rocket mission
- Net Oxidation Rates of Gaseous Elemental Mercury in Simulated Urban Smog
- New Insights from Sediment Ages and Carbon Isotopes at a Paleo-Seep/Chemosynthetic Biological Community in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Offshore India
- Observations of Plume Transport and Continental Outflow in the Lower Troposphere during the ICARTT 2004 Campaign
- Paleomagnetism of Eocene Tuffs from Laramide Foreland Basins:Implications for the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale
- Partnership Opportunities In Earth System Science Education Between Historically Black and Historically White Universities: Elizabeth City State University and the University of New Hampshire
- Projecting the past and future impacts of hurricanes on the carbon balance of eastern U.S. forests (1851-2100)
- Seismic and satellite observations of calving events at Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland, from 1996 to present
- Sounding Rocket and Satellite Observations of Lower Hybrid and Ion-Bernstein Mode Waves Generated by Downflowing Ions in the Cusp
- Source Regions and Transport Pathways for Aerosol in the North American Arctic in April
- Spatial Distribution of Methane in Surface Water at the Land-Ocean Interface
- Stable, charred, or disappeared: Peatland soil temperatures and permafrost sensitivity to interactions between temperature increases and changing disturbance regimes
- Submarine Melting of the 1985 Jakobshavn Isbrae Floating Tongue and the Triggering of the Current Retreat
- The 26 April 2008 CME; a Case Study Tracking a CME into the Heliosphere
- The Effect of Beaver Activity on the Ammonium Uptake and Water Residence Time Characteristics of a Third-Order Stream Reach
- The Influence of Aerosol Chemistry on Spectral Aerosol Optical Properties During ARCTAS
- Understanding the transport pathways of pollutants to the Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/CARB campaign: A regional scale modeling study
- Variations in grounding line position on the Gould and Siple Coasts, West Antarctica, over the last 1000 years
- 3D reconstruction of volcanic ash particles using Stereo-SEM: two study cases from 200 Ky ash-rich eruptions
- A comparison of particulate organic carbon (POC) from in situ and satellite ocean color data off the coast of Antarctica
- A gas chromatographic instrument for measurement of hydrogen cyanide in the lower atmosphere
- A new multibeam swath mapping echosounder for USCGC Healy
- A ~9.4 Ma Ash Record from the Andaman Accretionary Wedge: Petrochemical Implications for Arc Evolution
- An Inquiry-based Instruction Model Designed to Recruit and Retain 2-year and 4-year Early Underclassmen and Undeclared Students into Biogeoscience Majors
- Artificially induced melt in firn at Summit, Greenland
- Asian Ice Core Array (AICA): Late Holocene Atmospheric Dust Reconstruction over Asia
- Assessing Hydroclimatological Sensitivity to Climate Change Across Northern Eurasia
- Changes in Carbon Pools 50 Years after Reversion of a Landscape Dominated by Agriculture to Managed Forests in the Upper Southeastern Atlantic Coastal Plain
- Channel water balances in Arctic tundra streams
- Characterization of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in aerosols at a semi-rural New England location: Temporal variations and implications for sources
- Cloud Impacts on Photolysis and Ozone Production Rates in Urban Southeast Texas
- Comparing near-earth and satellite remote sensing based phenophase estimates: an analysis using multiple webcams and MODIS (Invited)
- Context Conundrums: Observations and Conceptual Models are Primary Controls on Interpretations of Temporal and Spatial Scales of Stream-Groundwater Interactions (Invited)
- Continued analysis of sounding rocket particle data
- Coupled Variations in HNO3 and Soluble Gas Phase Chloride in the Houston Region
- Data-driven Diagnostics of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics over North America (Invited)
- Determining the impact of Carex rostrata on methane cycling in a temperate fen
- Digital Earth Watch And Picture Post Network: Measuring The Environment Through Digital Images
- Dynamics of iceberg detachment and mélange motion during the August 21, 2009, calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Eddy Covariance and Autochamber Measurements of Methane Isotopologues Using a Novel 13CH4 and 12CH4 Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer
- Firn characteristics of megadune accumulation areas and impact on radar return
- Functional Stereology for 3D Particle Size Distributions from 2D Observations: a Practical Approach
- Ice Front Position, Thinning and Speed Variability of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland (Invited)
- Impact of mercury from the Canadian boreal forest widfires to New England
- In Search of the Factors Driving the Relationship Between Canopy Nitrogen and Shortwave Surface Albedo
- Light-Absorbing Aerosol during NASA GRIP: Overview of Observations in the Free Troposphere and Associated with Tropical Storm Systems
- Magnetic Correlation Functions in the Solar Wind in the Eulerian Reference Frame
- Melt Regimes, Internal Stratigraphy, and Flow Dynamics of Three Glaciers in the Alaska Range
- Modeling N2O emissions from Japanese tea fields with modified DNDC model
- More than the Bottom: Multibeam Sonars and Water-column Imaging (Invited)
- New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The 2010 E/V NAUTILUS Field Season
- Predicting permafrost stability in northern peatlands with climate change and disturbance
- Quantifying Long-term Methane Flux Change by Coupling Authigenic Mineral Distribution and Kinetic Modeling at Southern Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
- Radical Budget and Ozone Production in Houston, TX during SHARP 2009
- Rapid Characterization of Near-Surface Seafloor Sediment using a Free Fall Penetrometer
- Remote Detection of Climate Change Indicators in the Mission Mountain Range: Tracking Ice Field Movement
- Remote Sensing and GIS Methods to Detect Uranium Contamination in Watersheds on the Navajo Nation: A NASA/AIHEC Summer Research Experience
- Scales of temporal variability in episodic CH4 emissions: from hours to seasons
- Seismic observations of long-period ocean waves generated by calving icebergs, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland
- Shared Semantics for Oceanographic Research: Development of Standard ``Cruise-Level'' Metadata
- Short Period Velocity Response to Tides and Calving Near the Terminus of Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Simulations of Overexpanding CME Cavities
- Snow Cover and Hydrology Changes over Large Siberian Watersheds (Invited)
- Spatial and Temporal Volatile Organic Compound Measurements in New England: Key Insight on Sources and Distributions
- Temporal Variability in Net Community Productivity on a Coastal Shelf Site as Determined by High-Rate Dissolved Oxygen and Nitrogen Data
- Temporal and spatial variability of greenhouse gas fluxes from soil in an undisturbed forest in the Brazilian Amazon
- Testing the Mass Balance of the Laurentide Ice Sheet During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Third moments and the role of anisotropy from velocity shear in the solar wind
- Third-Moment Studies of Cascade Dynamics in Solar Wind Turbulence (Invited)
- Transport of Solar Wind Fluctuations: A two-component model
- Trends in Extreme Temperatures and Dry Periods in the Northeastern United States
- Tropical Forest Backscatter Anomaly Evident in SeaWinds Scatterometer Morning Overpass Data During 2005 Drought in Amazonia
- Uncertainty Associated with Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Using GMD Data, AIRS Measurements, and the NASA Chemistry-Climate Model to Reveal Regional and Seasonal Variation of Methane
- Variation in Foliar Nitrogen and Albedo in Response to Elevated Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide
- Winter MODIS observations of West Greenland fjord ice activity
- 'Dipolarization' fronts as the exhaust fronts from reconnection in the midtail
- A Global, High-Resolution Gridded Dataset of Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes (EC-MOD) from 2000 to Present: A Benchmark Dataset for Model Evaluation
- A Multi-Satellite Study of Substorm Propagating Disturbances and Comparison With a Full-Particle Simulation of Reconnection
- A Nano-Dust Analyzer on the Moon
- A Preliminary Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Architectural and Archeological Resources in the Historic Strawbery Banke District of Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- A Statistical Analysis of Microburst Event Fluxes
- A Study to Understand the Potential Vulnerabilities to the Foundations of Historic Structures in Coastal Areas
- A comparison of measured and modeled nitrous oxide emissions from flood irrigated alfalfa in California using the DNDC model
- A comparison of the interaction of the solar wind with the Jovian and Kronian magnetospheres
- A statistical study of EMIC waves and associated plasma conditions in the inner magnetosphere: Cluster observations
- Advances in Fluid Modeling of the Solar Wind: Electron and Anisotropic Proton Temperatures from the Collisionless Dissipation of Alfven Wave Turbulence
- Alkyl Nitrates and Oxidized Volatile Organic Compounds during NACHTT: Influence on Reactive Chlorine Activation
- Biogenic Contributions to Aromatic Hydrocarbon Production over Continental North America
- Characterization of Nonmethane Hydrocarbons during the NACHTT Campaign at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory
- Combining Research and Pedagogy in a Field-based Inquiry at a Temperate Peatland
- Craters, Crackers, and Cosmic Rays: A Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Workshop for Educators
- Electrostatic solitary waves generated by beam injection in LAPD
- Examining effects of changing seasonality on arctic stream nutrients using a model of in-stream and hyporheic zone biogeochemical cycling
- Exploring the limits of peatland stability using a peat accumulation model
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Dose Rate at 1 A.U. During Solar Activity Cycle 24 Minimum
- Galactic cosmic ray linear energy transfer spectra at the Moon during solar minimum
- Hydrogen soil dynamics in northern boreal and subarctic Sweden
- Irrigation from the cryosphere - a global analysis of the contribution of melt water to irrigation water supply
- Land-Use in Climate Models: Lessons, Limitations, and Challenges for the Future
- Magnetopause Shadowing Signature During Relativistic Electron Flux Dropout Events
- Measurements of Acetic Acid and its Relationships with Trace Gases on Appledore Island, ME during the ICARTT Campaign
- Measurements of Halocarbons at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory during NACHTT 2011
- Monitoring Urban Water Quality Variability Using Continuous In-Situ Sensors
- New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The 2011 E/V NAUTILUS Field Season
- On the effect of heavy ions on magnetopause reconnection
- PIC simulations of the tearing stability of the magnetotail current sheet
- PREDICCS: Predictions of Radiation from REleASE, EMMREM, and Data Incorporating CRaTER, COSTEP (EPHIN), and other SEP measurements
- Phase Partitioning of Soluble Trace Gases with Size-Resolved Aerosols during the Nitrogen, Aerosol Composition, and Halogens on a Tall Tower (NACHTT) Campaign
- Predicting distributions of charcoal in Amazonian soils: approaches from earth and space
- Quantifying the influence of halogens on nitrate photochemistry at Summit, Greenland
- Salt in the Air during the Nitrogen, Aerosol Composition, and Halogens on a Tall Tower (NACHTT) Campaign
- Seasonal Aerosol Distributions at Summit, Greenland: EC, OC, 14C and Individual Particle Analysis
- Short-Term Biogeochemical Consequences of Long-Term Permafrost Degradation in a Northern Peatland
- Spatial modeling of contemporary crop yields in China under sustainable and unsustainable water use scenarios
- Studying the Important Relationship Between Earth's Plasma Sheet and the Outer Radiation Belt Electrons Using Newly Calibrated and Corrected Themis-Sst Data
- The Influence of Light Absorbing Aerosols on the Radiation Balance Over Central Greenland
- The free escape boundary of diffuse ions upstream of the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock
- The gap between ice-penetrating radar observations and the boundary conditions used in ice-sheet models
- The origin and shape of diffuse auroral patches
- Towards Unraveling Multiscale Solar, Terrestrial, and Heliospheric Drivers of Global Change
- Understanding controls on dissolved organic carbon flux and lability in United States watersheds
- Understanding the relation between pre-eruptive bubble size distribution and observed ash particle sizes
- Upscaling Carbon Fluxes Over Grasslands of the U.S. Great Plains and Northern China: A Comparative Study
- Using an Acoustic System to Estimate the Timing and Magnitude of Ebullition Release from Wetland Ecosystems
- Using measurements at various scales to explore uncertainty in model predictions of carbon budgets and cycling through time and space
- Variability in the nutrient content of intermediate waters in the Bay of Bengal over the past 20,000 years
- Variation of Pick-up Ion Pressure throughout the Heliosheath: 3-Dimensional Multi-ion, Multi-fluid Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Outer Heliosphere
- Vertical profiles of HONO during NACHTT 2011: Relative importance of heterogeneous production on aerosol versus the ground surface
- Vertically Resolved Nitryl Chloride Observations and Yield Estimates
- What do Nitryl Chloride Observations imply about Chlorine Activation Chemistry on Aerosol Surfaces?
- What drives the Amazon green up phenomenon?
- Acoustic Monitoring of Ebullitive Flux from a Mire Ecosystem in Subarctic Sweden
- Affect of dairy cow manure, urine, and slurry on N<2>O, CO<2>, and CH<4> emissions from Pasture
- Aircraft observations of biomass burning emissions in the lower stratosphere during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3)
- Automatic Chamber Measurements of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes and the Isotopologues of CH<SUB>4</SUB> in a Sub-Arctic Mire
- Being There & Getting Back Again: Half a Century of Deep Ocean Research & Discovery with the Human Occupied Vehicle "Alvin"
- Characteristics of Microbursts
- Climate Change in the School Yard: Monitoring the Health of Acer Saccharum with A Maple Report Card
- Climate Impacts Mid-1800's Deforestation in New England using the Weather, Research, and Forecasting Model
- Continuous Measurement of Methane Ebullition Flux from a Northern Peatland using a Fast Methane Analyzer
- Deep dielectric charging of the Moon
- Developing biogeochemical tracers of apatite weathering by ectomycorrhizal fungi
- Development and Testing of the Positron Identification by Coincident Annihilation Photons (PICAP) System
- Early Eocene cyclicity in BBCP drill cores, Wyoming: Orbital forcing and environmental response
- Ecosystem-Vegetation Dynamics in sub-arctic Stordalen Mire, Sweden
- Examining dropouts of Earth's outer radiation belt electrons using multipoint observations of particles and waves
- Exploration of the Black, Aegean, and Mediterranean Seas Aboard E/V Nautilus
- Fine-scale Seafloor Topography and Mean Currents in a Tidally Modulated Inlet
- First Results from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) - Energetic particle, Composition, and Thermal plasma (ECT) Suite Science Investigation
- First Results from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes REPT instrument
- Forbush Decrease events in Lunar Radiation Environment observed by the LRO/CRaTER
- Global Characteristics of Drift Magnetopause Loss
- Heavy Ion Heating from the Sun to 1AU
- High-resolution, high-fidelity carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in northern Wyoming from cores recovered by the Bighorn Basin Coring Project
- Hydraulic and topographic response of sand-bed rivers to woody riparian seedlings: field-scale laboratory methods and results
- Influence of Vegetation on Peatland CH4 Flux at a New Hampshire Fen
- Initial Look at the Electron Slot and Inner Zone Regions with RBSP/MagEIS
- Ion Composition Measurements from the RBSP/HOPE Instruments
- Long-term carbon accumulation in tropical peat swamp forests in Indonesia
- Methane Emission through Diffusion and Ebullition in Thaw Wetlands in Interior Alaska
- Methane and carbon dioxide dynamics in peatland lake sediments from arctic Sweden
- Monitoring of phenological control on ecosystem fluxes using digital cameras and eddy covariance data
- Multi-point Measurements of Radiation Belt Electron Phase Space Density Gradients
- Multiproxy records of Holocene climate and glacier variability from sediment cores in the Cordillera Vilcabamba of southern Peru
- Nano-Dust Analyzer for the detection and chemical composition measurement particles originating from near the Sun
- New Hampshire Sugar Makers Participate in Climate Change Study of Acer Saccharum
- Northern Peatland Lakes - Hotspots of Carbon in a Future Arctic?
- Optimizing Multibeam Data Across the U.S. Academic Research Fleet
- Origin of magnetic susceptibility variations in early Paleogene BBCP cores (Wyoming)
- PhenoCam: A Continental Observatory in Support of Monitoring, Modeling, and Forecasting Phenological Responses to Climate Change
- Population, Environment, and Climate in the Albertine Rift: Understanding Local Impacts of Regional Change
- Processing of Nitrate in Snow at Summit, Greenland
- Putting the Capital 'A' in CoCoRAHS: A Pilot Program to Measure Albedo using the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network
- Reconstructing Winter North Pacific Sea-Level Pressure Anomalies Over the Past Three Centuries Using a New Calibration Method with the Eclipse and Mt. Logan Ice Cores
- Simulating halogen radical chemistry and Br propagation during ozone depletion events in Barrow, Alaska
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Reindeer Diet in Northern Sweden and Norway
- Stable Isotopes Indicate Nitrogen Sources in Pinguicula vulgaris Across Contrasting Habitat Types in Sub-Arctic Sweden
- Substorm Injections and the Generation of Whistler Chorus Waves
- Test Particle Simulation of Thermal Plasma Distribution Observed by the HOPE Instrument on RBSP-ECT
- The 2010 Spring Drought Reduced Primary Productivity in Southwestern China
- The Electric Fields and Waves (EFW) Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes: Science Operations Center, Operational Modes, and Data Products
- A Drying Trend in Central Equatorial Africa
- A Model Assessment of mid-Century Pressures on Water resources in West Africa Arising from Population Growth and Climate Change
- A comparison of measured and modeled nitrous oxide emissions from flood irrigated alfalfa in California using the DNDC model
- A new paradigm for Summit: enhanced traverse capabilities and satellite camps.`
- Acoustic and manual measurements of methane ebullition in peatlands
- Albedo and Snow Structure Evolution
- Brown Carbon in the Free Troposphere Measured from the NASA DC-8 as Part of the Deep Convection Clouds and Chemistry Experiment
- Changes in Net Ecosystem Exchange and the Isotopic Composition of Ecosystem Respiration across Permafrost Thaw Gradient in a subarctic Mire
- Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions between Two Dairy Farm Systems (Conventional vs. Organic Management) in New Hampshire Using the Manure DNDC Biogeochemical Model
- Contributions of Mycorrhizal Trees to Mg Isotopic Variations in Weathering
- Correlation of Earthquake Locations with Volumetric Source Components in TauTona Gold Mine, South Africa
- Deep dielectric charging of the lunar regolith within permanently shadowed regions
- Design and Fabrication of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice
- Development and Testing of the Positron Identification by Coincident Annihilation Photons (PICAP) System
- Development of the Nano-Dust Analyzer for Detection and Compositional Analysis of Nanometer-Sized Dust Particles Originating in the Inner Heliosphere
- Differentiating Sudden Loss Mechanisms of Inner-belt Protons from Multisatellite Observations
- Distribution and Movement of Chemical Impurities in Snow and the Impacts on Albedo
- Dredged bedrock samples from the Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Early inventory of black carbon particulate size in accumulated snow and ice
- Employing passive acoustics as a temporally precise monologue for constraining ebullitive methane fluxes in warming subarctic lakes
- Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX): Evidence for Multiple Heliosheath Ion Populations
- Energetic electron dynamics in the Earth's radiation belts: New results from the REPT instrument on board Van Allen probes
- Energy Input is a Primary Controller of Methane Bubbling in Subarctic Lakes (Invited)
- Evolution of electron spectra and pitch angle distributions during the September 2012 electron storage-ring event
- Examining the Relationship between Surface Albedo and Glacier Mass Balance in the Central Alaska Range
- Excitation of Poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interaction (Invited)
- Ground-based portable radar interferometer for imaging glacier flow, ocean-glacier ice interactions, and river ice breakup
- High-resolution stable isotope measurements elucidate patterns of CH<SUB>4</SUB> metabolism in temperate and northern wetlands (Invited)
- How are pools influencing the long-term rate of peat accumulation at the ecosystem scale in northern peatlands?
- Hurricane Sandy's Fingerprint: Ripple Bedforms at an Inner Continental Shelf Sorted Bedform Field Site
- Impact of event-specific chorus wave realization for modeling the October 8-9, 2012, event using the LANL DREAM3D diffusion code
- Incorporating human activities into an earth system model of the Northeastern United States: socio-hydrology at the regional scale
- Increase in sedge biomass across a permafrost thaw gradient correlates to changes in the magnitude and isotopic composition of methane emissions
- Kinetic Eigenmodes and Particle Acceleration from the Van Allen Probes
- Large scale maps of cropping intensity in Asia from MODIS
- Linking ice core and climate research to the K-12 and broader community in Denali National Park, Alaska
- Long term trends in GPP and ET on the Mongolian Plateau in context of climate and land cover/land use change. (Invited)
- Measuring Ebullition of Methane in a Temperate Wetland
- Measuring auroral precipitation parameters without in situ microchannel plate instrumentation
- Melt generation in the West Antarctic Rift System: the volatile legacy of Gondwana subduction?
- Mercury Dynamics In Sub-Arctic Lake Sediments Across A Methane Ebullition Gradient
- Mercury export pathways in thawing Peatlands: Insights from Stordalen, Sweden
- Methane Concentrations and Biogeochemistry in Lake Sediments from Stordalen Mire, Sub-Arctic Sweden
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production Rates in Lake Sediments from Sub-Arctic Sweden
- Methane emissions from Carex rostrata
- Modeling Nitrogen Processing in Northeast US River Networks
- Modeling cultivar-specific crop growth and CH4 and N2O emissions using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model: Calibration and validation in California rice systems
- Morphodynamic Impacts of Hurricane Sandy on the Inner-shelf (Invited)
- Murky details of the Miocene Atlantic Ocean
- Natural peat degradation of equatorial peatlands in inland Borneo as a threshold-response to enhanced Late Holocene El Niño activity
- Observational signatures of low-altitude low-energy ion motions up and down auroral field lines: a survey of sounding rocket measurements (Invited)
- Probing Global Characteristics of Microburst Precipitation
- Quantifying Glacier Sensitivities to Holocene Climate Change in the Southern Peruvian Andes
- Radial Diffusion Caused by Pitch Angle Scattering and Drift Shell Splitting - Simulation and Van Allen Probes Observations
- Radiation Measurements in Cruise and on Mars by the MSL Radiation Assessment Detector
- Response of vegetation and carbon accumulation to changes in precipitation and water table depths in two bogs during the Holocene: a modelling exercise
- Scientific Discoveries in the Central Arctic Ocean Based on Seafloor Mapping Carried out to Support Article 76 Extended Continental Shelf Claims (Invited)
- Separation of spatial and temporal structure of auroral particle precipitation (Invited)
- Spatial variability of methane ebullition from permafrost thaw ponds in a subarctic mire
- Species Composition at the Sub-Meter Level in Discontinuous Permafrost in Subarctic Sweden
- Spectral Reflectance and Albedo of Snow-Covered Heterogeneous Landscapes in New Hampshire, USA: Comparison of Ground-based, Airborne Hyperspectral, and MODIS Satellite Data
- Stormtime Relativistic Electron Phase Space Density Profiles Measured by the Van Allen Probes Using L* Computed From the Rice Convection Model-Equilibrium
- Synthesis of Methane Emission from Lakes and Ponds Across Climate Sensitive Permafrost Environments
- The Caledonian suture in the high Arctic? New data from the Chukchi Borderland, Amerasia Basin
- The hidden regional costs of improving irrigation efficiency: a case study from India
- The sound of bubbles: Monitoring methane fluxes from thaw ponds using acoustic systems
- Tree-fall gaps and carbon cycling in the Brazilian Amazon: results from two large forest plots
- Understanding the Linkages between Climate, Land Use, and Land Degradation in Central Asia (Invited)
- Update on Science Results from CubeSat: Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE)
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Direct Wave Particle Interactions
- Canopy diversity in relation to carbon fluxes, water use and spectral reflectance in North American forests
- Characterization of subarctic vegetation using ground based remote sensing methods
- Comparison of Stem Map Developed from Crown Geometry Allometry Linked Census Data to Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar at Harvard Forest, MA
- Controls On Water Use Efficiency For Different Forest Ecosystems Across North America: From The Leaf To Landscape
- Differentiating between Land Use and Climate-driven Change using Long-term Vegetation Index Trends adjusted for Precipitation on the Mongolian Plateau
- Distinct types of electron velocity distributions in magnetotail reconnection exhausts
- Draping of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Over the Heliosphere - A Passive Field Model
- Effects of ion dynamics on kinetic structures of the diffusion region during magnetic reconnection
- Heterogeneity in a Suburban River Network: Understanding the Impact of Fluvial Wetlands on Dissolved Oxygen and Metabolism in Headwater Streams
- Impact of Surficial Weathering on the Magnetic Properties of Paleosols: a Core to Outcrop Comparison from the Bighorn Basin, WY
- Impacts of recent droughts on North American terrestrial ecosystems
- Inference of GHG Emissions at Regional Scales: A Critical Review of Progress to Date
- Investigation of sounding rocket observations of field-aligned currents and electron temperature
- Multi-sensor remote sensing of the extent and persistence of the 2005 Amazon drought
- Observation of the distribution of heavy neutral atoms in the IBEX-Lo all-sky maps
- SAGE 2014: Grain size variability across the Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland ice sheet Experiment (SAGE) traverse route
- SAGE 2014: Spatial and Seasonal Variability in the Accumulation of Black Carbon and Soluble Ions in the Snow Pack in Northwest Greenland.
- Sediment Supply as a Control on Plant-Morphodynamic Interactions
- Sensing winter soil respiration dynamics in near-real time
- Sensitivity analysis of vegetation-induced flow steering in channels
- Solar cycle dependence of ion cyclotron wave frequencies
- Standardizing PhenoCam Image Processing and Data Products
- Transient Storage Parameterization of Wetland-dominated Stream Reaches
- Use of High Resolution UAS Imagery to Classify Sub-Arctic Vegetation Types
- Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates
- Characterization of Vegetation Change in a Sub-Arctic Mire using Remotely Sensed Imagery
- Comparison of clumped isotope signatures of dolomite cements to fluid inclusion thermometry in the temperature range of 74-180 °C
- Data Management System for the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework
- Differentiating TOC sources, preservation, and potential methane emissions in sub-Arctic lakes in Sweden
- Exploring the Galactic Environment of the Sun with IMAP
- Fluvial Wetland Nitrogen Removal in Shallow Sloped, Coastal New England Watersheds
- High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland
- Hypothetical signals beyond the primary ISN He flow as perspective targets for IMAP
- IBEX-Lo Observations of Secondary Interstellar Helium and Oxygen Distributions
- Impact of Planetary Gravitation on High Precision Neutral Atom Measurements
- Interactions between fluvial forces and vegetation size, density and morphology influence plant mortality during experimental floods
- Interstellar Flow Longitude from Pickup Ion Cut-off Observations at 1 AU
- Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere - neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP
- Ion Upflow Dependence on Ionospheric Density and Solar Photoionization
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Observations of Energetic Particle Dynamics and Structures Prior To and During Its First Encounters with the Reconnection-Rich Regions of Earth's Magnetopause
- Measurement of Creep on the Calaveras Fault at Coyote Dam using Terrestrial Radar Interferometry (TRI).
- Modeling of the solar cycle modulated interstellar He, Ne, and O pick-up ion flux along the Earth orbit
- Nutrient Controls on Methane Emissions in a Permafrost Thaw Subarctic Peatland
- Observing the Interstellar Neutral He Gas Flow with a Variable IBEX Pointing Strategy
- Removal of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems of a temperate river network.
- Sensitivity of New England Stream Temperatures to Air Temperature and Precipitation Under Projected Climate
- The local interstellar medium based on ISN He observations with Ulysses and IBEX and future IMAP measurements
- Tropical peatland carbon dynamics simulated for scenarios of disturbance and restoration and climate change
- Using Eddy Covariance Tower Clusters To Evaluate Biogeophysical Impacts Of Land Cover In The Community Land Model (CLM)
- Using remote sensing and field based measurements to understand short term changes in a permafrost landscape
- Water-Constrained Electric Sector Capacity Expansion Modeling Under Climate Change Scenarios
- "Greening" and "browning" of the Earth's land surface: is there evidence from FLUXNET observations?
- Dependence of Solar Wind Speed on O<SUP>+</SUP>/C<SUP>+ </SUP>Abundance
- Detecting Vegetation Changes Induced by Government Policy in China Using Multiple Satellite Products
- Determining the Interstellar Flow Longitude from the Pickup Ion Cutoff at 1
- Dust Analyzer Instrument (DANTE) for the detection and elemental analysis of dust particles originating from the inner heliosphere
- Estimating the Shape of the Heliopause from IBEX Observations of Secondary Neutral Helium
- Evolution of Ice Mélange Motion During Periods of Terminus Quiescence
- Flow behavior of ice mélange modeled at the laboratory-scale
- IBEX-lo Sky Maps: A Tool for Remote Sensing the Plasma Flows Around the Heliosheath
- Interstellar He flow analysis over the past 8 years with IBEX neutral observations
- Interstellar O, He and Magnetic Field from IBEX and IMAP Predictions
- Jamming of granular ice mélange in tidewater glacial fjords
- Mass balances of dissolved gases at river network scales across biomes.
- Processing of Interferometric Time-Series acquired with Ground-Based Radar for Mapping Deformation of the Calaveras Fault at Coyote Dam
- Radiation Environments for Future Human Exploration Throughout the Solar System.
- Space Science in Project SMART: A UNH High School Outreach Program
- Thaw Stage and Incoming Solar Radiation Influence Ebullitive Methane Fluxes from Peatland Ponds
- The Roll-over of Heliospheric Neutral Hydrogen at Energies below 100 eV: Observations with IBEX and their Implications for the Pressure Balance of the Heliosheath
- Trends in spring and autumn phenology over the Tibetan Plateau based on four NDVI datasets
- Using IBEX Data to Constrain the Heliosphere's Large-scale Structure: Interstellar Neutral Gas and the Warm Breeze
- Using carbon isotopes of methane from porewater to understand methane emissions across a permafrost thaw gradient
- Using local research sites to engage undergraduates in environmental science research
- A global analysis of the urban heat island effect based on multisensor satellite data
- An interactive toolkit to extract phenological time series data from digital repeat photography
- Asian Dust Observed During the KORUS Air Quality Mission Creates Significant Super-Micron NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>, NH<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>+</SUP>, and SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> Aerosols.
- C:N and δ13C indicate aquatic carbon source for methanogenesis in peatland lakes
- Century-scale Variations in Plant and Soil Nitrogen Pools and Isotopic Composition in Northern Hardwood Forests
- Changes in carbon allocation to aboveground versus belowground forest components is driven by a trade-off involving mycorrhizal fungi, not fine roots
- Characterizing anthropogenic impacts on two mid-altitude Himalayan lakes in the Western Himalaya: A look at shifts in water chemistry and phytoplankton communities
- Characterizing sub-arctic peatland vegeation using height estimates from structure from motion and an unmanned aerial system (UAS)
- Constraining wintertime sources of inorganic chlorine over the northeast United States
- Contrasting Response of Carbon Fluxes to Winter Warming across Land Cover Types in Southern NH, USA
- Distinguishing Among Mechanisms That Determine Pi 2 Pulsation Period
- Downstream impacts of climate induced glacier change in High Mountain Asia
- Estimating Surface Soil Moisture in a Mixed-Landscape using SMAP and MODIS/VIIRS Data
- Evaluating the relationships between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 and gross primary productivity from eddy covariance flux towers
- Field- and Remote Sensing-based Structural Attributes Measured at Multiple Scales Influence the Relationship Between Nitrogen and Reflectance of Forest Canopies
- Four years of UAS Imagery Reveals Vegetation Change Due to Permafrost Thaw
- Global Survey of Submicron Aerosol Acidity (pH)
- Illuminating Geochemical Controls of Methane Oxidation Along a Gradient of Permafrost Thaw
- Impacts and societal benefits of research activities at Summit Station, Greenland
- Interactions between EMIC and Magnetosonic Wave Modes at Heavy Ion Boundaries
- Interstellar He Flow Analysis over the Past 9 Years with Observations over the Full IBEX-Lo Energy Range
- Methane Carbon Isotopic Composition Reveals Changing Production Pathways Across a Gradient of Permafrost Thaw
- Modeling N Cycling during Succession after Forest Disturbance: an Analysis of N Mining and Retention Hypothesis
- Optimized estimation and its uncertainties of gross primary production over oasis-desert ecosystems in an arid region of China
- Patterns of Carbon Storage and Greenhouse Gas Losses in Urban Residential Lawns
- Radiation Risks From A Weak Field in the Coming Years
- Recent trends in vegetation greenness in China significantly altered annual evapotranspiration and water yield
- Reciprocal interactions between fluvial processes and riparian plants at multiple scales: ecogeomorphic feedbacks drive coevolution of floodplain morphology and vegetation communities
- Scaling isotopic emissions and microbes across a permafrost thaw landscape
- Simulating grazing practices in a complete livestock system model: estimating soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions in grazed versus un-grazed agroecosystems using the Manure-DNDC model
- Spatial Patterns of Greenhouse Gases Across an Urbanization Gradient in a Suburban River Network
- Spatial and temporal variability in carbon cycling in a northeastern U.S. forest in relation to leaf traits, canopy diversity and climate variability
- Statistics of EMIC Rising Tones Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Subarctic Lake Sediment Microbial Community Contributions to Methane Emission Patterns
- The GOES-16 Energetic Heavy Ion Instrument Proton and Helium Fluxes for Space Weather Applications
- The GOES-16 Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor (EHIS) Ion Composition and Flux Measurements
- The Role of Water Governance and Irrigation Technologies in Regional-Scale Water Use and Consumption in the US West
- The Use of Satellite Data to Relate Waterbody Surface Area and Temperature to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Across a Subarctic Landscape
- The carbon commute: Effects of urbanization on dissolved organic carbon quality on a suburban New England river network
- Tracking nitrogen oxides, nitrous acid, and nitric acid from biomass burning
- Understanding flow and stress in ice mélange: the world's largest granular material
- University of New Hampshire's Project SMART 2017: Marine and Environmental Science for High School Students
- Upper and Lower Limits of the Rate of SO<SUB>2 </SUB>Oxidation In Wintertime Atmosphere Over The Eastern United States
- Van Allen Probe measurements of intense Poynting Flux, magnetic dipolarization, and particle energization and auroral arcs.
- Van Allen Probe observations of EMIC wave propagation in the inner magnetosphere
- "Negative Injections" of electrons observed in Earth's middle magnetosphere by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- A Comparison of Forest Biodiversity Metrics Using Field Measurements and Aircraft Remote Sensing
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Overview of Results from Stage 1 Research
- Accumulation of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in the Global Surface Ocean: A Data-Based Approach
- An Inner Magnetosphere Empirical EMIC Wave Amplitude Prediction Model
- Assessing the Role of Substorms on Ring Current Energisation and Decay
- Autochthonous carbon from submerged aquatic vegetation fuels methane production in lake sediments
- Average thermal electron spectra in the inner magnetosphere as a function of L, MLT and Kp
- Bounce Resonance between 10 keV Protons and Poloidal Pc4 waves Observed by Van Allen Probe A
- Characteristics, Occurrence and Decay Rates of Three-Belt events in the Earth's Radiation Belts.
- Chlorophyll-a Detection for 317 Maine Freshwater Lakes Through the Use of Archived Data from LANDSAT Satellite Imagery, 23,000 in situ Samples, and Google Earth Engine
- Contemporary changes in the pan-Arctic river flow and analysis of their potential causes
- Contrasting behavior of dipolarization-related electron and ion injections inside GEO
- Contribution of High Mountain Asia glacier changes to river basin hydrology from GRACE and model output products.
- Correcting tree-ring ẟ<SUP>13</SUP>C-based water-use efficiency time series for tree-size and canopy-position effects in eight temperate tree species
- Cryospheric connections - Tracking the fate of glacier and snow melt water in High Mountain Asia: Implications for regional food security
- Does Diversity in Species Specific Leaf Traits Promote Stability of Forest Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes?
- Does tree diversity in North American forests influence carbon and water fluxes between ecosystems and the atmosphere?
- Earth, Wind and Mire: Utilizing low sun angle to enhance topographic estimation related to vegetation cover classes and methane flux
- Expansion Effects in Voyager Magnetic Field Spectra
- Feedbacks between fluvial forces and differing vegetation morphologies moderate riparian seedling losses during experimental floods; implications for restoration using environmental flows
- Flume and field investigations link woody riparian vegetation plant traits to morphodynamics across scales
- Impacts of surface and groundwater availability to changing irrigation technologies in a semi-arid agricultural region
- Insights from Methanotrophy to Methane Emissions Patterns in a Temperate Fen
- Integrating Microbial and Isotopic Observations to Characterize Methane Emissions from Global High-Latitude Peatlands
- Longitudinal structure of oxygen torus near the plasmapause deduced from simultaneous observations by Arase and Van Allen Probes
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations During 2015-2018
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Measured by the Voyager Spacecraft From 1 to 45 AU
- Managing Intensive Rotational Grazing for Soil Carbon
- Mapping out the plasmasphere: How to arrive at robust results for plasmasphere-radiation belt interactions in the light of diverging techniques to measure cold plasma.
- Modeled Albedo Proton Surface Emission Spectra for the CRaTER Instrument at Nadir and Limb Orientations
- Modeling the Penetration of the Barrier to Ultra-relativistic Electrons in the Outer Van Allen Belt during Extreme Magnetic Storms
- Modeling the response of permafrost affected mesoscale watersheds to long term warming
- Modulation at the solar rotation period of outer belt electrons, plasmapause location, convection electric field, hiss and chorus waves over the Van Allen Probes mission
- NASA's Van Allen Probes RBSP-ECT and NSF's FIREBIRD Data Products and Access to Them: An Insider's Outlook on the Inner and Outer Belts
- No Consistent Evidence for Advancing or Delaying Trends in Spring Phenology on the Tibetan Plateau
- Observations of Energetic Electron Precipitation with the FIREBIRD Cubesats
- Phenology of temperate deciduous forests: Roles of energy and moisture
- Precise Measurement of the Interstellar Flow with IMAP, Informed by IBEX Observations
- Probing the Presence of Hydrogen at Varying Depths Beneath the Lunar Surface Using Albedo Protons and Neutrons: Geant4 Simulations
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmosphereand Ionosphere
- Rapid Permafrost Collapse Spurs Changes in Methane Oxidation
- Reservoirs in Hydrological Models: Is There a Pilot on Board?
- Revealing the Multiscale Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas with an Innovative Swarm of Spacecraft
- Revisiting Wind's Prograde Orbits During SC23 Maximum: Coronal Mass Ejections
- Shallowly-Buried Hydrogenation in the Lunar Regolith: Using Albedo Protons to Refine Latitude and Local Time Trends
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence exhibits a nearly universal relationship with terrestrial photosynthesis across a wide variety of biomes
- Sources of Uncertainty in Gross Primary Productivity Simulated by Light Use Efficiency Models: Model Structure, Parameters, Input Data, and Spatial Resolution
- Synthesizing Observations of Water Ice in the Moon's Polar Regions
- The Development of Chorus, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
- The Dynamics of Plasmaspheric Oxygen Ions: Global Imaging and In Situ Sampling
- The GLOBE Program facilitates involvement of scientists to help students to understand Carbon Cycle: experience from Czech and U.S. collaboration
- The Role of Winter in Forest Ecosystem Carbon Metabolism Across the Northeastern United States
- The South Pole ice core (SPICEcore) project
- The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt and inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms
- Tracking AOM through TOC and Elemental S: Implications for Methane Charge in Gulf of Mexico Marine Sediments
- Tracking the "Vernal Window" with bundled Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) protocols
- Using Aircraft Remote Sensing to Map Tree Species Distribution at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, USA
- Using Van Allen Probes to Mitigate Space Weather Impacts in the Radiation Belts
- Using a Paleolimnological Approach to Understand Climate Change in Sub-Arctic Sweden
- Using stable isotope analysis of methane in the bubbles and sediment porewater of ponds to determine methane production pathways
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Rising Tones: Occurrence Statistics
- Vegetation Characterization of UAS-borne Hyperspectral Imagery from an Arctic peatland in Central Interior Alaska
- What Causes Radiation Belt Enhancements: A Look at the Energy and Pitch Angle Dependence
- What is winter? A reckoning for seasonally snow-covered, social-ecological systems
- Winter weather whiplash: impacts of extreme meteorological events misaligned with natural and human systems in seasonally snow-covered regions
- A lengthening vernal window: hydrologic impacts of changes in the timing of snow melt and budburst in northeastern North America
- A simple model to simulate the seasonal changes in the canopy color of northern evergreen forests
- Analysis of wood cellular structure in early Holocene charcoal fragments from the Yucatan reveals Post-Glacial human activity and forest composition.
- Assessment of the Water Balance Model performance as a fresh water component in the Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System
- Association of SAPS Morphology with Ionosphere Parameters
- Carbon Accumulation, Flux, and Fate in Stordalen Mire
- Closing the Gap on the Coming Shortfall of Geoscientists in the Workforce: Partnerships for Recruiting into the Geosciences through Field Immersion and Academic Year Support
- Compound Hydro-Climatic Extremes and Agricultural Crop Yields
- Consequences of intensive rotational grazing on soil carbon versus nitrogen
- Constraining Stable K Isotope Mass Balance of the Global Ocean and Its Implications for the Modern and Past Silicate Cycle
- Data Assimilation techniques for Space Weather: optimal use of data in the sparse and limited coverage of the Solar System
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at Earth's magnetopause
- Dependence of Energetic Storm Particle Heavy Ion intensities, Spectra, and Abundances on Shock Geometry from Multi-Spacecraft Observations
- Dynamics of Energy Conversion in Generator Regions During Magnetic Reconnection
- Electromagnetic Energy Conversion within Reconnection Diffusion Regions
- Estimating pressure and temperature conditions of hydrothermal vent fluid formation: Historic and recent observations at the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N
- Evaluation of triple oxygen isotopes in daily East African precipitation as a potential tracer of recycled continental moisture
- Grand Challenges of Hydrologic Modelling for Water Resource Management in High Mountain Asia
- Harnessing Machine Learning and Citizen Science Data to Improve Remotely Sensed Estimates of Lake Water Clarity and Document Regional Clarity Trends
- He<SUP>+</SUP> Pickup Ion Tail Variations with Location across Solar Wind Compressions and Interplanetary Conditions
- High-resolution stable isotope measurements elucidate vegetation and climate drivers of CH<SUB>4</SUB> metabolism in a temperate wetland
- Investigating multi-moment fluid model closures using particle-in-cell simulations
- Limitations of global MHD models of the Earth's magnetosphere
- Listen for the Pop: The capture and quantification of ebullitive methane from thaw ponds using a high frequency acoustic bubble trap system
- Longitudinal Distribution of Heavy Ion Peak Intensities and Spectral Properties in Energetic Storm Particle Events: A Multi-Spacecraft Analysis
- Mapping global urban change for 25+ years with space-borne microwave scatterometry
- Measuring Forest Biodiversity on the Ground and in the Air: Comparing Biodiversity Estimates from Ground-Based Surveys and Areal Imagery
- Mercury isotopic constraints on mercury cycling across a permafrost thaw gradient in Stordalen Mire, Sweden
- Modeling Millennial Time Scale Changes in Water Balance of Mesoscale Watersheds within Permafrost Regions
- On the collapse of Mercury's dayside magnetosphere
- Pixel to Process to Price: A Framework for Remote Sensing Ecological Model Fusion Analyses for Ecosystem Service Evaluation
- Plausible 21<SUP>st</SUP> century water management through stakeholder-driven modeling of a water-stressed, agricultural socio-economic system in the American West
- Some Recent Observational and Theoretical Progress in Understanding Inner Magnetosphere Plasma Transport Dynamics
- Spatial Patterns of Snow Depth Observed from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Mounted LiDAR System
- Streamflow and water quality responses to winter weather whiplash events at long-term research sites
- Taking nitrogen by storm: Insights from sensors and spatial sampling
- Testing the Efficacy of Selected Scalar Parameters for Identifying Ion Diffusion Regions in MMS Data
- The Effect of SW Compression Regions on the PUI He+ Cutoff Determined ISN Inflow Direction
- The Evolution of Plasma Sheet Injections into the Ring Current Region
- The Future of Snow: High Resolution Snow Projections for the Continental United States Under Lower and Higher Climate Forcing
- The Local and Global Expansion of Coronal Mass Ejections: Multi-spacecraft Measurements
- Tracking the Vernal Window Using Bundled Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) protocols
- Travel-time Magnetoseismology: Successes and Outstanding Questions
- Understanding changes in river flow to the Arctic Ocean from Eurasia using hydrological modeling
- Using stable isotopes to determine dominant methane production pathways of thaw ponds in a subarctic peatland
- Variations in Snow Albedo Due to Red Algae on the Juneau Icefield
- Water Budget of the Indus River Basin between 2002 and 2015
- A Deep Learning Approach to the Forecasting of Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations at High and Mid-Latitudes
- A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- A Smallsat Platform for Large-scale Interplanetary Studies (SPLIS): Rideshare Opportunities and Pathway to Sub-L1 Space Weather Missions
- A Survey of Interplanetary Small Flux Ropes at Mercury
- A multi-proxy reconstruction of Pleistocene-Holocene denudation rates in the eastern Teton Range, Wyoming
- A new pattern of coupling strength in North America using a linear inverse modeling framework of the land-atmosphere system
- Aerosol pH indicator and Organosulfate Detectability from Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Measurements
- Analyzing the Properties and Formation of Diverse CME-driven Sheath Regions Following Fast-Forward Shocks with STEREO in-situ Measurements.
- Assessing The Expansion of Beaver in Northeastern Coastal Watersheds Using High-Resolution Remotely-Sensed Data and the Implications for Biogeochemical Fluxes
- Can Broad-band Remote Sensing Provide Regional Estimates of Foliar N and Amax?
- Changes in trace gas radiative forcing of Stordalen Mire from 1970-2014
- Characterizing global urban change 1993-2018 with space-borne microwave scatterometry
- Complexity of climatic signals in tree-ring width proxies from Yenisei River basin applicable to modeling Arctic river flow and water balance
- Deformations of the geomagnetic tail during flapping observed by MMS
- Diagenetic degradation of paleoenvironmental signals in magnetic susceptibility in sediments from the northern Bay of Bengal (IODP Expedition 353)
- Electromagnetic Energy Conversion within Exhaust Regions of Reconnection
- Environmental Stressors Can Intensify the Impacts of Pandemics on Earth's Natural Resources and Global Food Systems
- Exploring diurnal cycles of surface urban heat island intensity in Boston with land surface temperature data derived from GOES-R geostationary satellites
- Geomagnetic storms: Occurrence rate related to Solar cycle and the role of Alfvénic turbulence
- Hyperspectral Airborne Remote Sensing Estimates Functional Diversity Rather Than Species Diversity at a Local Scale for Temperate Forests
- Improving river flow and temperature forecasts in a coupled climate, hydrology and ocean forecasting system
- Incorporating Machine Learning into Mission Operations
- Influences of Solar Irradiation and Aerosol Surface Area on Nitrous Acid Production in Western U.S. Wildfire Smoke
- Injections into the inner magnetosphere: Initial results of a coupled OpenGGCM-CIMI model
- Integration of multi-moment fluid models into the OpenGGCM global magnetosphere model
- Interannual Changes of the Upper Indus Basin Hydrological Cycle
- Interhemispherical Asymmetries in Radial Currents Observed at Low Altitudes by AMPERE During a Geomagnetic Storm
- Ion Acceleration at Thin Current Sheets far Downstream of the Earth's bow Shock.
- Isotopically Tracking Nitrogen Oxides, Nitrous Acid, Nitric Acid, and Particulate Nitrate from Wildfire during FIREX-AQ
- Land-Use Harmonization Datasets for Global Carbon Budget 2019 and Beyond
- Linking Hydroclimatic Dynamics and Economic Business Cycles
- Measurement of Aerosol Chromophores Contributing to Brown Carbon during FIREX-AQ
- Mercury stocks and vulnerability in permafrost soils and lake sediments
- Mineralogic Constraints on Magma Assembly beneath Augustine
- Models underestimate the increase of acidity with remoteness biasing radiative impact calculations
- Monitoring changes over time in thaw pond size with unmanned aerial systems (UAS): connections to ebullitive methane emissions
- Near Real Time Forecasting of Ground Magnetic Fluctuations and Geomagnetically Induced Currents Risk Assessment
- Observations and modeling of Lagrangian transport in the Gulf of Maine
- Observations of Aerosol Absorption and Attribution to Black Carbon, Brown Carbon, and Coating Enhancement in Wildfire Smoke during the FIREX-AQ Mission
- Observations of Low-Frequency Waves Excited by Newborn Interstellar Pickup He+ as Seen by the Juno Spacecraft
- Observations of Low-Frequency Waves Excited by Newborn Interstellar Pickup He+ as Seen by the Ulysses Spacecraft
- On the effect of ULF waves on the outer radiation belt during geomagnetic storms
- Overview of the Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) 2019 Field Campaign
- Physical Drivers of Thin Snowpack Spatial Structure from Unpiloted Aerial System (UAS) Lidar Observations
- Polar cap boundary during Extreme Space Weather events
- Predicting Ground Magnetic Field Fluctuations from Geomagnetic Storm Data Using a Novel Transformer-Based Model
- Prediction of Geomagnetic Field Disturbance across Alaska using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks trained from OMNI and superMAG 2000-2015 datasets
- Quantitative Model of Subauroral Polarization Stream Based on Global MHD Simulations
- Recent Results on the Understanding of Earth's Double Outer Radiation Belt Events and Remnant Belt confinement
- Single-particle transmission electron microscopic analysis of biomass burning aerosol during the FIREX-AQ 2019 campaign
- Spatial and Temporal Occurrence of Preformed Nitrate Anomalies in the Subtropical Ocean
- Submicron Particle Composition and Acidity in Fire Plumes during FIREX-AQ aircraft study
- Synergistic use of SMAP and OCO-2 data in assessing the responses of ecosystem productivity to the 2018 U.S. drought
- The Physical Mechanism of Lightning HF/VHF Bursts with Weak Sferics
- The Role of Dead Wood as an Ecosystem Nitrogen Sink
- The University of New Hampshire's Mentorship Academy: Training Undergraduate Research Mentors
- The onset of reconnection in Earth's magnetotail: simultaneous observations from Magnetospheric Multiscale and the Heliophysics System Observatory
- The role of O+ and He+ on the propagation of Kinetic Alfven Waves in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
- The unusual 2018-2019 rainy seasons in western Uganda through the lens of precipitation isotopes, satellite data, and farmer observations
- Theoretical blooming mechanisms for Cochlodinium polykrikoides in a coupled population dynamics and ecosystem model
- Thin current sheets downstream of the Earth's bow shock
- Ulysses Observations of Solar Wind Turbulence During the First Fast Latitude Scan
- Using Machine Learning and Geomagnetic Storm Data to Determine the Risk of GIC Occurrence
- Using Vegetation Greenness to Predict Seasonal Variation in Evaporative Fraction at AmeriFlux Sites
- Water and energy fluxes to the Kara Sea based on a combination of observational data and hydrological modeling.
- Wind contributions to current forcing in a tidal inlet: A case study at Oregon Inlet, NC
- Examining links between forest structure and function and the influence on reflectance across different scales
- Oaks and other hardwoods appear remarkably resilient when facing prolonged drought-stress in a northeastern temperate forest
- TROPOMI observations allow for robust exploration of the relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and terrestrial gross primary production