Montana State University, Bozeman
flowchart I[Montana State University, Bozeman] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1271)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (253)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterization of Particles Recovered From a 4 Km Ice Core Above Lake Vostok, Antarctica
- Controls on Pool Characteristics Along a Resistant-Boundary Channel
- In Situ Water Retention Characteristic Measurements Using Reference Porous Media
- Interpreting the Climatic Significance of Trends in Twentieth-century Tree Growth at High Elevations
- Magnetic Helicity Transport in the Quiet Sun: Theory & Observations
- New Dimensions of Discovery About Earth and Space Science Using the Digital Library for Earth System Education(DLESE)
- Non-constant-alpha force-free reconstruction of the coronal magnetic field. Example of the active region NOAA 8151
- Simulations of an X-Ray Bright Point's Evolution
- The Yohkoh Public Outreach Project: A Space Science Resource for Formal and Informal Education
- 3-DIMENSIONAL Evolution of a Magnetic Flux Tube Emerging Into the Solar Atmosphere
- Amino Acid Racemization Measurements In Water Column of Ice Covered Antarctic Lakes (East And West Bonney Lakes)
- Bringing Research on Learning to the Earth Sciences: A Workshop Report
- Drawing Connections Between Local and Global Observations: An Essential Element of Geoscience Education
- EUV Dimmings: Simple or Enigmatic?
- Five years of Yohkoh science nuggets
- Human Disturbance around Tropical Nature Reserves and Implications for Biodiversity
- Influence of Biogenically Produced Fe(II) and Humic Acid Analogs on the Fate of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
- Magnetic Helicity Injection by Horizontal Flows in the Quiet Sun: II. Self Helicity Flux
- Microbial processes controlling the formation of As(V)-rich Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide deposits in acid-sulfate geothermal springs, Yellowstone National Park.
- Microstructural Studies on Bonds and Crystal Growth in a Snowpack
- Soil Water Characteristics Measurement Reproducibility
- The Right Amount of Glue: Technologies and Standards Relevant to a Future Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment
- Data Integration in the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Do Trees Tell the Same Story as Glaciers? Reconstructing Drought in Glacier National Park, Montana Since AD 1540
- Global plasmaspheric dynamics and L-shell dependent rotations from inverted data from the IMAGE EUV plasmaspheric imager
- Hydrologic Reconnaissance of Wetland-Bird Habitat in Areas With Potential to be Influenced by Water Produced During Coalbed Methane Production in the Northern Powder River Basin, MT
- Observational consequences of a magnetic flux rope topology
- Polar Science and Fast Ice Sheet Drilling - the FASTDRILL Perspective
- Predicting Groundwater Nitratre Concentration from Land Use in Nantucket, Massachusetts
- Preliminary structural analysis of the newly discovered Anaconda metamorphic core complex, western Montana, USA
- Resolving the Impact of Biological Processes on DNAPL Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media Through Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Time Measurements
- Stream-Upland Connections and the Effects of Stream Discharge on Transient Storage Processes
- Teaching Petrology in the 21st Century: A Workshop Report and Call to Action
- Temperature, Density, and Magnetic Field Reconstructions of Active Region Coronae
- The Active Region 8210: Observations, Coronal Magnetic Fields and Energetics
- The Atlantic Basin as a Source for North American Drought: New Perspectives from Proxy Climate Networks
- The DLESE Community Services Center
- The Influence of Siderophores Produced by Alkaliphilic Microorganisms on Iron and Metal Contaminant Speciation and Solubility
- The Virtual Solar Observatory -- the Why, What, How and Where
- Virtual Solar Observatory Distributed Query Construction
- A Microbial Community in Sediments Beneath the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice Stream C (Kamb)
- A stream tracer technique employing ionic tracers and specific conductance data
- Achieving Broader Impacts Through Partnering in a Digital World
- Ambient VOC Concentration and Emission Measurements during the MCMA 2002 and 2003 Field Campaigns
- Biofilm Growth Induced Transformation of Porous Media Dynamics
- Changes in the onset of spring in the western United States
- Comparison of Holocene fire-history records from temperate latitudes of western North and South America
- Compiling Web-Based Topical Pages for Teaching Geoscience With Visualizations
- Doing Science with the VSO: Signatures of CME Initiation
- Evidence for in-situ methane production in ice based on anomalous isotope analyses
- Fire-Climate Linkages in the Northern Rocky Mountains During the Holocene
- Geochemical and Microbiological Controls on Arsenic Cycling in Geothermal Springs of Yellowstone National Park
- Global Climate Change and the Wildlands of Montana: Promoting Scientific Understanding for K-12 Educators
- Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange as a Hydrologic and Water Quality Buffer
- Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area during the MCMA-2003 Field Measurement Campaign
- Instructional Practices in Introductory Geoscience Courses: Results of a National Faculty Survey
- Investigating the subglacial environment and geology of Antarctica and Greenland by direct means
- Land Use Change Around Nature Reserves: Implications for Sustaining Biodiversity
- Location and Mapping of an Ethyl Acetate Plume in Mexico City
- Microbiological and Biogeochemical Investigations of the Accreted Ice Above Subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica
- Mobile Laboratory Measurements of Black Carbon and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions in Mexico City: A New Method for Motor Vehicle Emission Inventory Calculations
- Mobile Laboratory Measurements of On-Road Vehicle Air Toxics Emissions in Mexico City
- Mountain Systems, Persistent Drought and the Vulnerability of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study from Glacier National Park, USA
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOy) in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Observations of Separator Reconnection to an Emerging Active Region
- On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program: Workshop and Web Resources for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty
- On-Line Resources for Teaching Geoscience with Visualization
- On-Road Measurement of Vehichle VOC Emission Measurements During the 2003 Mexico City Metropolitan Area Field Campaign
- Open-path Emission Factors Derived from DOAS and FTIR Measurements in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Paleo-environmental Perspectives on Climate-change Monitoring in the National Parks of the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains
- Rates, Fluxes, and Cycling in the Earth System: What Do We Know, What Are We Teaching?
- STEREO in the Virtual Solar Observatory Context
- Short-lived Lake(s) on the Late Wisconsin Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Musselshell Basin, Montana
- Sublgacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE)
- Synchroneity in Background Charcoal Records From the Northwestern U.S.
- Teaching with Data: Resources for Designing Effective Activities
- The Role Of Hydrologic Pathways And Biogenic Methane In The Sarita Wetland, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Three Dimensional, Patchy Reconnection in a One Dimensional Current Sheet
- Use of Bioluminescence to Study Reactive Solute Transport and Biofilm Growth and Activity in Porous Media
- Variability of Ambient Aerosol in the Mexico City Metropolian Area
- What We Can Learn From Solar Flare Statistics
- A Re-evaluation of the Magnetostratigraphy of the Gold Hill Loess, Interior Alaska
- CO2 Production and Efflux Across Riparian/Hillslope Transitions in the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana
- Climate Influences on Large-Magnitude Natural Snow Avalanches in John F. Stevens Canyon, Montana
- Disentangling the Climate/Growth Signal of Millennial Pinus Chronologies from the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA
- Dynamics of Active Region Loops: Temperature Measurements as a function of Time
- Early-Holocene Fire, Vegetation, and Climate Linkages in the Mid-Latitudes of Western North and South America
- Ecosystem Consequences of Forest Fragmentation in the Pacific Northwest: Biogeochemical Edge Effects within Old-Growth Forest Remnants
- Effects of mountain resort development on streamwater nitrogen export: Importance of spatial location of land use / land cover change
- Emissions of CO, NOx, VOCs, and PM from inter-city and transit buses in Mexicali, Mexico
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Flare Prediction and the Unresolved Corona
- Geochemical and Energetic Variability across Geothermal Systems in Yellowstone National Park (YNP)
- Groundwater-Stream Interactions in a Mountain - Valley Transition: Impacts on Catchment Hydrologic Response and Stream Water Chemistry
- Hewlett's legacy: Remaining challenges and possible ways forward
- Isolation and Distribution of an Iron-Oxidizing Thermophilic Acidophile from Acid Sulfate Chloride Geothermal Springs of Yellowstone National Park
- Measuring Braiding and Spin Helicity Fluxes in Active Regions
- Modeling Subsurface Behavior at the System Level: Considerations and a Path Forward
- Mt. St. Helens: Influence of Magmatic Activity on the Biogeochemistry of Thermal Springs
- On the Heterogeneity of CO2 Production and Efflux at the Watershed Scale, Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana
- On the Role of Hyporheic Exchange and Stream Flow Velocity in Driving Diurnal Fluctuations in Discharge During Baseflow Recession
- One University's Approach to Student-Based Experiential Training With Spaceflight Hardware
- REU program in Solar Physics at Montana State University
- Reconnection in the solar corona: probing the fundamental scales
- TRACE and SXT Responses to Flare Simulations Using Combined Non-Thermal Particle and Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Taylor Glacier basal ice, Antarctica; a biogeochemical hot-spot in a glacial environment
- Water Balance and Residence Time in Stream Functional Units of Differing Scales
- A Planned Facility and Field Experiment for Testing Atmospheric and Near-Surface CO2 Detection.
- Archean Crustal Evolution in the Northern Wyoming Province: Implications for Mantle Keels
- Arsenic and sulfur transformations in hydrothermal spring waters and microbial mats of Yellowstone National Park
- Authentic Research Experiences in Mineralogy
- BBAERI vs. BNAERI: A Comparison of Two Hyperspectral Atmospheric Downwelling Radiance Interferometers
- Biogeochemical Changes in Alpine Catchments in Response to Glacier Retreat
- Chemical and Hydrogen Isotope Compositions of Amphibole Phenocrysts in 1980 - 1986 and 2005 Mount St. Helens Eruption Products
- Circulation, chemistry, and biology of the subglacial lake beneath the Skaftárkatlar cauldron, Iceland
- Co-rotating MLT localized radial density depletions in the plasmasphere
- Combining HAFv2 Model Simulations With SMEI Images to Improve ICME forecasts and Interpretations of Observations
- Comparison of Stream Reach Scale Transport of Rhodamine WT and NaCl in Coupled Mountain Stream-Hyporheic System
- Coronal Mass Ejection Evolution in the Inner Heliosphere Geometry and Speed
- Effects of Mountain Resort Development on Streamwater Nitrogen Export: Importance of Spatial Location of Land Use/Land Cover Change
- Enchancements to the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Estimating Net Ecosystem Exchange in Complex Terrain: A Case Study from a Subalpine, Montane Forest System.
- Experimental Studies Using Supercritical CO2 to Challenge Brine Aquifer Reservoir Rocks
- Fluxon Modeling of Active Region Evolution
- Geochemical Attributes and Gradients Within Geothermal Systems Define the Distribution of Specific Microbial Populations
- Geochemical Evidence of Microbially-Mediated Subglacial Mineral Weathering
- Geomicrobiology of a Supraglacial Stream on the Cotton Glacier, Victoria Land, Antarctica.
- Global Distribution of Crenarchaeol in Terrestrial Hot Springs: Temperature Control or Biogeography?
- Identifying the role of cytochromes upon the attachment, growth and detachment of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 on hematite during dissimilatory iron reduction under natural- flow conditions
- Interplanetary Transient Events Seen by SMEI Which are not Observed by LASCO: Analysis and Interpretation
- Landscape controls on hillslope-riparian-stream hydrologic connections in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains
- Late Quaternary Extreme Hydroclimatic Events Recorded in Ugandan Dambo Wetland Sediments
- Melting and Metasomatism in the Mantle Lithosphere beneath the Pribilof Islands: Petrology and ICP-MS Analyses of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from St. George Island, Bering Sea, Alaska
- Microbial Metabolic Activity and Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Matter Under the Impact of Intense UV Radiation in Pony Lake, Antarctica
- Modeling the Dynamics of Hydrological Processes: Hierarchical Models vs Model Ensembles
- On Magnetic Flux Budget in Low-corona Magnetic Reconnection and Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
- On-Line Resources for Teaching Public Policy in the Earth Sciences
- Petrology and Geochemistry of Plagioclase-Phyric Basaltic Lava Flows on St. George Island, Alaska: Evidence for a Genetic Link Between Magmatic Centers of the Pribilof Islands
- Quaternary Charcoal Records from Western North and South America: Linkages to Fire, Climate, and Vegetation Change
- Reactive Diffusive Transport Of Heavy Metals In Lake Coeur d'Alene Sediments
- Relating RHESSI Footpoints to Reconnection: the Importance of Spines and Separators
- Research Coordination Network: Geothermal Biology and Geochemistry in Yellowstone National Park
- SMEI Observations and Space Weather Forecasting
- Scaling of Transient Storage Parameter Estimates with Increasing Reach Length in a Mountain Headwater Stream
- Simulation of Hard X-ray Looptop Sources in Solar Flares
- Soil CO2 Concentration and Surface CO2 Efflux Across Riparian/Hillslope Transitions
- Stars as Suns: Unravelling Long-term Solar Variability by Stellar Dynamo Modeling
- Storage and Release of Subglacial Water at an Outlet Glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Taking the Pulse of Hydrology Education
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: Measuring and modeling carbon and water fluxes from point to watershed scales
- The Coming of age of Low-cost Nanosatellites as Enablers for Constellation-class Space Weather Networks
- The Evolution of Comets in the Heliosphere as Observed by SMEI
- The Evolution of a Small, Faint Coronal Mass Ejection Into an Interplanetary Transient
- The Virtual Solar Observatory and the Heliophysics Meta-Virtual Observatory
- The current and future roles of virtual observatories serving the heliophysical data environment
- Titan's Thermal Emission: Analysis of Near-Surface Temperatures via Mid-Infrared Measurements
- Topological Estimates of Free-Energy Build-up in Active Regions
- Tracer Observations of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Water Exchange Across the Stream-Catchment Interface
- Using Macroscopic Charcoal to Reconstruct the Holocene Fire Activity of the Willamette Valley, Oregon and Washington
- Vegetation and fire dynamics in different geological settings since the last ice age, Klamath Mountains, northwestern, CA
- Watershed-Scale Heterogeneity of the Biophysical Controls on Soil Respiration
- "Primers" on Research Techniques Used in Geomicrobiology for Students and Novices from Microbial Life Educational Resources
- A Bayesian Uncertainty Framework for Conceptual Snowmelt and Hydrologic Models Applied to the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest
- A Controlled Field Pilot for Testing Near Surface CO2 Detection Techniques and Transport Models
- AmericaView - A State-Based Remote Sensing Initiative Integrating Remote Sensing Data Into Geospatial Education and Applications
- Analyzing Whitebark Pine Distribution in the Northern Rocky Mountains in Support of Grizzly Bear Recovery
- Biofilm enhanced subsurface sequestration of supercritical CO2
- Callable Virtual Observatory Functionality: Sample Use Cases
- Carbonaceous Aerosol Processing in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Comparing Least Squares and Robust Methods in Linear Regression Analysis of the Discharge of the Flathead River, Northwestern Montana.
- Comparison of Biomass Burning Signatures From Controlled Laboratory Fires With Burning Events Observed in Polluted Urban Environments of Mexicali and Mexico City
- Comparison of Hyperspectral, Carbon Isotopic, and Soil CO2 Flux Measurements Made During the plant stress part of the July 2007 ZERT CO2 Sequestration Field Experiment conducted at Bozeman MT
- Comparison of Soil CO2 Concentrations and Surface CO2 Efflux Across Riparian-Hillslope Transitions: Wet Versus Dry Growing Seasons
- Complete Chemical Analyses of Amphibole and Biotite: Evidence for Thermal Input and Volatile Loss in Shallow Silicic Magma Chambers by Multiple Mafic Magma Recharge Events at Lassen Volcanic Center
- Conceptualizing, testing, and transferring watershed characteristics-runoff generation relationships
- Constraints on the Depth of Generation and Emplacement of Magma in the Coast Plutonic Complex, British Columbia, From Magmatic Epidote Textures
- Correlations between Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol observed in Urban Locations
- Dealing with Large Dataset Queries in the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Design Considerations for Data Catalogs
- Differential Absorption Measurements of Carbon Dioxide for Carbon Sequestration Site Monitoring Using a Temperature Tunable Diode Laser
- Diurnal Hysteresis Between Soil CO2 and Soil Temperature is Controlled by Soil Water Content
- Environmentally Non-Disturbing Under-ice Robotic ANtarctiC Explorer (ENDURANCE)
- Exploring the solar origin of interplanetary magnetic flux ropes
- Expression of Genes Involved in Iron and Sulfur Respiration in a Novel Thermophilic Crenarchaeon Isolated from Acid-Sulfate-Chloride Geothermal Systems
- Flare Loop Top Sources: A diagnostic for non-thermal particle injection
- Gas and Particulate Aircraft Emissions Measurements: Impacts on local air quality.
- High resolution, spatial distribution of unit stream power using ALSM-derived stream networks
- High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Geology of St. George Island, Pribilof Islands, Alaska: Implications for Eruption Rates in the Bering Sea Basalt Province
- Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of Three Alpine Proglacial Environments Resulting From Recent Glacier Retreat
- In-Stream Nitrate Immobilization Across Development Gradients and Stream Network Position in a Rapidly Developing Mountain Watershed, West Fork of the Gallatin River, Big Sky, Montana.
- Insights Into the Evolution of the SW Laurentian Margin: Geochronological Constraints From the Paleoproterozoic Farmington Canyon Complex, Utah
- Isotope tracing of CO2 Seepage: Results from Controlled Release Experiment in Bozeman, Montana, USA
- Linking photochemical transformation of an Antarctica Fulvic Acid to diminished bioavailability and oxidation of organic electron shuttles
- Mapping Changes in Yellowstone's Geothermal Areas and Radiative Flux
- Measurements of Gas and Particle Phase Emissions From Munitions Detonation in a Field Environment
- Meeting Challenges for a Sustainable Future
- Microbial Energetics Beneath the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Modeling Near-Surface Carbon Dioxide Migration from a Shallow Horizontal Well
- Modelling geochemical and biogeochemical reactions in subglacial environments
- Monitoring Surface CO2 Fluxes Associated with Shallow Subsurface CO2 Release Experiments
- Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Forested Montane Watershed: Trends and Trials in Complex Terrain.
- New Approaches for Estimating Motor Vehicle Emissions in Megacities
- Numerical Simulations of Power Law Heating Functions for Quiescent Loops: Stability and Observables
- Relationships Between Stream - Ground Water Exchange and Topography of the Channel, Valley, and Watershed
- Semi-Automatic Detection Software for Supra-Arcade Downflows
- Signatures of Magnetic Stress Prior to Three Solar Flares Observed by RHESSI
- Soil CO2 Efflux Variability in Complex Terrain: Towards Estimation of Watershed-Level Rates
- Solar Eruptions and Large-scale Magnetic Fields
- Spatial Analysis of Drumlin Orientations
- Spatio-Temporal Controls of Stream Water Nitrogen Export in a Rapidly Developing Watershed in the Northern Rockies
- Teaching about the Early Earth: Evolution of Tectonics, Life, and the Early Atmosphere
- The Age and Tectonic Significance of the Paleoproterozoic Great Falls Tectonic Zone, Southwestern Laurentia
- The effect of reconnection on a confined flux rope
- Three Dimensional Structure and Time Evolution of a Transition Region Explosive Event Observed in He II
- Thresholds in conservation effectiveness under climate change
- Topographic Controls on Hillslope-Riparian Water Table Continuity in a set of Nested Catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana
- Underground Fiber-Optic Differential Absorption Instrument for Monitoring Carbon Dioxide Soil Gas Concentrations for Carbon Sequestration Site Monitoring
- Vesicle Microtextures and Fragmentation in Basaltic Plinian Eruptions
- Web-Based Resources to Help Students and Faculty Prepare to use Information Technology in the Field
- What does the future hold for Mexico City? Trends of emissions from mobile sources in the MCMA
- Yearly Streamflow Discharge Analysis Using Functional Regression Models
- A Study of Recently Developed MCMC Techniques for Efficiently Characterizing the Uncertainty of Hydrologic Models
- Building Bridges Between Cyberinfrastructure and Effective Instructional Practice in the Geosciences
- Changes in Shallow Groundwater Chemistry Following CO2 Injection at the ZERT Field Site, Bozeman, Montana
- Climate variability effects on landscape hydrologic connectivity, riparian buffering potential, and solute fluxes
- Controls on the Hydrologic Response to Climate and Land Cover Change of Headwater Streams
- Development and Application of a Parsimonious Snow-Hydrologic Modeling Suite: Investigating the Link Between Model Complexity and Predictive Uncertainty
- Dissecting the Species Energy Curve Geographically for Conservation Implications: A Case Study for North American Birds
- Dynamics of CO2 Concentrations and Fluxes During the 2008 ZERT Project Shallow Subsurface CO2 Release
- Geologic Storage at the Basin Scale: Region-Based Basin Modeling, Powder River Basin (PRB), NE Wyoming and SE Montana
- Geothermal Systems in Yellowstone National Park are Excellent Model Environments for Linking Microbial Processes and Geochemical Cycling
- Hydrological landscape analysis based on digital elevation data
- Important factors influencing microstructural estimates derived from the SnowMicroPen
- Infrared cloud imaging for diurnal remote sensing of cloud statistics including cloud type
- Investigations of ROx Radical Photochemistry During the MCMA-2006 Field Campaign
- Landscape Structure Controls Soil CO2 Efflux Variability in Complex Terrain: Scaling From Point Observations to Watershed Scale Fluxes
- Landscape Structure as a 1st Order Control on Whole Catchment Hydrologic and Solute Response Characteristics Across Contrasting Climate Conditions
- Laser Based Instruments Using Differential Absorption Detection for Above and Below Ground Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide
- Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement (MOCHA)
- Multi-Scale Reconstructions of Snowpack Variability for Key Watersheds in Western North America: Tree-Rings Provide Insights on the Past 500 to 1000 Years
- Multi-Scale Reconstructions of Snowpack Variability for Key Watersheds in Western North America: Tree-Rings Provide Insights on the Past 500 to 1000 Years
- Multispectral imaging of plant stress for detection of CO2 leaking from underground
- Observations and analysis of the April 9, 2008 CME using STEREO, Hinode TRACE and SoHO data
- Petrogenesis of Mafic Volcanic Rocks from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, by Melting of Metasomatically Enriched Depleted Lithosphere, Crystallization Differentiation, and Magma Mixing
- Pyrrhotite: an Iron Sulfide Mineral Formed During Growth of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria at a Hematite Surface
- Scaling From Stream Reach Observations of Groundwater-Surfacewater Exchange to Network Scale Behavior and Effects
- Stability of Uranium Incorporated into Fe(hydr)oxide Structure upon Oxidation and Under Fluctuating Redox Conditions
- The Yohkoh Legacy Archive
- Tundra Fires in the Noatak National Preserve, Northwestern Alaska, Since 6000 yr BP
- Using topological invariants to estimate magnetic free energy release from solar flares
- Variability in stream flow and specific discharge along three headwater streams in central Montana, USA
- Water and Nutrient Sources for Floodplain Trees: Model-Based Inference
- A Methanogenic Origin for Molybdenum-Nitrogenase (Invited)
- A Stream Network Based Semi-Distributed Model for Prediction of Hydrologic Connectivity and Runoff Generation
- Advancing multi-model approaches to rainfall-runoff modeling: strategies for model emulation and mixtures-of-experts modeling
- Aircraft emissions, plume chemistry, and alternative fuels: results from the APEX, AAFEX, and MDW-2009 campaigns
- Application of Ground Penetrating Radar and Geodetics to the Selection of an Ice Core Drill Site on the Kahiltna Glacier of Mount McKinley, Alaska
- Bacterially Induced Calcite Precipitation and Strontium Co-Precipitation under Flow Conditions in a Porous Media System
- Biotic Responses of Headwater Streams to Geophysical Alteration and Disturbance Related to Climate Change
- Carbon Budget of an Alluvial Floodplain in Northwest Montana, USA
- Challenges and Opportunities for Hydrology Education - The Blue Book, Now and the Future
- Characterization of the Sediment Routing System of the Argentine Las Peñas Thrust From ASTER Imagery Interpretation and DEM Terrain Analysis
- Community Efforts Bringing Research on Learning to the Geosciences
- Comparison of heavy metal toxicity in continuous flow and batch reactors
- Development and Initial Testing of a Multi-Sensor Platform for Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in the Lower Troposphere
- Earthly Analogues for the Limnology, and Astrobiological Potential on Titan (Invited)
- Ecological responses to mid- and late-Holocene climate variability in the Patagonian Andes (lat 34-55S)
- Eddy Covariance Detection, Mapping, and Quantification of Surface CO2 Leakage Fluxes: Examples from Mammoth Mountain, CA and the ZERT CO2 Release Facility, MT
- Effects from Bacteria and other Biological Particles on Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated Numerically
- Exploring Space Science Concepts using Interactive Animations and Learning Modules (Invited)
- Exploring Subglacial Microbial Ecology (Invited)
- Exploring the Radiation Belts with the Explorer-1 [Prime] CubeSat
- FIREBIRD: A Dual Satellite Mission to Examine the Spatial and Energy Coherence Scales of Radiation Belt Electron Microbursts
- Geophysical Investigation of Lone Mountain Rock Glacier, Big Sky, Montana
- Grassland Soil and Fossil CO2 Fluxes Monitored Using Continuous CELS Measurements of [CO2] and δ13C
- Heliophysics Science
- Hillslope hydrologic connectivity controls riparian groundwater turnover: Implications of landscape structure and organization for catchment scale source water dynamics (Invited)
- Hillslopes to hollows to first order channels: identification of transitions and characteristics of process domains in headwater catchments
- Hydrochemistry of ice stream beds - evaporitic or microbial effects?
- INRA Constellation of Experimental Watersheds: Cyberinfrastructure to Support Publication of Water Resources Data
- Inferring Nonthermal Particle Characteristics from Thermal Emission Signatures
- Interactions of climate, vegetation, and fire during the Holocene: lessons from high-latitude and high-elevation ecosystems (Invited)
- Interpreting the propagation and filtering of hydrological and biogeochemical signals in forested watersheds through the intersection of vegetation organization and topography (Invited)
- Joint topographic and vegetation controls on hillslope water table dynamics in a forested, northern Rocky Mountain watershed
- Measuring Coronal Magnetic Twist Injected by Photospheric Rotation
- Monitoring Surface CO2 Leaks Using Hyperspectral Plant Signatures During the 2008 and 2009 ZERT Shallow Subsurface CO2 Release Experiment in Bozeman, MT
- Multi-spectral Imaging of Vegetation for CO2 Leak Detection
- Quantifying stream nutrient uptake from ambient to saturation with instantaneous tracer additions
- Relating hydrologic system response functions and metrics of catchment structure
- Remote Detection of Carbon Stable Isotope of CO2 for Carbon Sequestration
- Seeing the Moon In a New Light: Educational Resources Developed in Association with M3
- Seepage CO2 Detection using ZERT Controlled Release site in Bozeman, MT
- Solute load sensitivity to stream flow gains and losses in transport simulations in coupled stream-subsurface systems
- Spatial and temporal analysis of snowpack strength and stability and associations with micro-climate on an inclined forest opening (Invited)
- Subglacial (bio)geochemical weathering and the unexplored Antarctic system
- Subglacial Methanogenesis and Its Role in Planetary Carbon Cycling
- Tackling a moving target: chemical and microphysical evolution of particulate emissions from aircraft engines
- Teaching With Projections in the Geosciences: Windows to Enlightenment or Barriers to Understanding?
- The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) Small Explorer
- The Role of Spatially Variable Soil Moisture in Modeling Landscape-Scale Soil Respiration
- Toward an Online Community of Educators: The Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement (MOCHA)
- Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Stream Temperature Across Pennsylvania
- Variable flushing mechanisms and landscape structure control stream DOC export during snowmelt in a set of nested catchments
- What do Solar Kinematic Models Tell us About the Current Minimum?
- Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD): Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats (Invited)
- A Bayesian Toolkit for Modeling Perennial and Ephemeral Catchments
- A Cyber-Infrastructure for a Virtual Observatory and Ecological Informatics System -VOEIS
- A Process-Based Assessment of Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions in Complex Terrain
- A Watershed Context for Interpreting the Landscape-Scale Spatial Heterogeneity of Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange in Complex Terrain
- A subzero microbial habitat in the basal ice of an Antarctic glacier (Invited)
- Abrupt Climate Change & Paleoindian Environments in western Colorado from 17-9 ka yr BP
- Aerosols in clean and smoky air at Bozeman, Montana
- An Invitation to the Improved Yohkoh Legacy data Archive
- Can nuclear magnetic resonance provide useful microscale data for quantitative testing of reactive transport models? (Invited)
- Cerro Uturuncu SW Bolivia: Preliminary Observations from Field work, Geochemistry and Petrology
- Changes of spectral and radiometric properties of vegetation and soil electric properties in response to simulated surface CO2 leakage of geologically sequestered CO2
- Channel water balances in Arctic tundra streams
- Characterizing Industrial Emissions using a Mobile Laboratory
- Chemoautotrophic Bacterial Production in the Redoxycline of an Ice-Covered Antarctic Lake (Invited)
- Climate, nitrogen limitation, and nitrate losses from tropical rainforests
- Comparison of Observed Full Sky Polarization to Radiative Transfer Model Using AERONET Retrieval Inputs
- Context Conundrums: Observations and Conceptual Models are Primary Controls on Interpretations of Temporal and Spatial Scales of Stream-Groundwater Interactions (Invited)
- Cryo-Microscopic Analysis of the Effects of Extra Cellular Proteins on Polycrystalline Ice Structure
- Determining the Importance of Microbial Processes on Gas Composition in Debris-Rich Antarctic Basal Ice Using Isotope Geochemistry
- Developing Students' Understanding of Complex Systems in the Geosciences (Invited)
- Development of a Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Carbon Sequestration Site Monitoring
- Development of a High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) Based on a Confocal Optical Filter for Aerosol Studies
- Diurnal cycle of greenhouse gases and biogenic hydrocarbons during summer near Cool, CA
- Efficient Bayesian Inference for Hydrological Modeling Applications: The Sequential Monte Carlo Sampler
- Environmental Constraints on the Distribution, Diversity, and Activity of Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Yellowstone Geothermal Complex
- Exsolution as an Example of Complex-System Behavior
- Field Studies—Essential Cognitive Foundations for Geoscience Expertise
- Forests tend to cool the land surface in the temperate zone: An analysis of the mechanisms controlling radiometric surface temperature change in managed temperate ecosystems
- Geomicrobiology of Hydrothermal Vents in Yellowstone Lake: Phylogenetic and Functional Analysis suggest Importance of Geochemistry (Invited)
- Google Mercury: The Launch of a New Planet
- Heliophysics
- Heliophysics Data Environment: What's next? (Invited)
- History and Vulnerability of Permafrost in Upland and Lowland Boreal Landscapes (Invited)
- Holocene climate variability and environmental history at the Patagonian forest/steppe ecotone: Lago Mosquito (lat. 42.50°S, long. 71.40°W) and Laguna del Cóndor (lat. 42.20°S, long. 71.17°W)
- How MESSENGER Meshes Simulations and Games with Citizen Science
- Implications of Stream Gains and Losses for Hydrologic Turnover and Solute Retention/Transport at the Stream Network Scale
- Intra-stream variability in tracer breakthrough curves: Geomorphic controls on tailing behaviors
- LASE system upgrade and measurements from the NASA GRIP field experiment
- Landscape structure controls on biogeochemical fluxes in complex terrain (Invited)
- Landscape structure controls on watershed DOC export (Invited)
- Linking catchment structure to hydrologic function: Implications of catchment topography for patterns of landscape hydrologic connectivity and stream flow dynamics
- Linking observed break-through curves from tracer injections in streams to experimental and environmental conditions
- Linking spatially distributed biogeochemical data with a two-host life-cycle pathogen:A model of whirling disease dynamics in salmonid fishes in the Intermountain West
- MESSENGER Education and Public Outreach Arranges a Ride to the Innermost Planet
- Mapping model structure to catchment structure: Complex observational data synthesis for model assessment
- Measurements of CO2 Carbon Stable Isotopes at Artificial and Natural Analog Sites
- Melt Regimes, Internal Stratigraphy, and Flow Dynamics of Three Glaciers in the Alaska Range
- Microbially enhanced carbon capture and storage - from pores to cores (Invited)
- Mosaic Postcards from Mercury
- Multi-spectral imaging of vegetation for CO2 leak detection
- New Horizons: Bridge to the Beginning - to Pluto and Beyond
- On Correct Likelihoods and Model Combinations: A Bayesian Multi-Model Conceptual Framework for Structural Uncertainty Assessment
- Physical and Chemical Effects of Two-Phase Brine/Supercritical-CO2 Fluid Flow on Clastic Rocks: Real-Time Monitoring and NMR Imaging of Flow-Through Core Experiments
- Rock glacier ice as a microbial habitat
- Seasonality in water, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes from an upland boreal catchment underlain by continuous permafrost
- Sensitivity of stoichiometric ratios to temporal variability in streamflow
- Stomatal Conductance, Plant Species Distribution, and an Exploration of Rhizosphere Microbes and Mycorrhizae at a Deliberately Leakimg Experimental Carbon Sequestration Field (ZERT)
- Sub-Surface Carbon Dioxide Concentration Measurement Using a Fiber Based Sensor in a Call/Return Geometry for Carbon Sequestration Site Monitoring
- Teaching Service Learning in the Geosciences: An On the Cutting Edge Workshop Report
- Tectonics, Microbes and Ice: Subglacial volcanism as a generator for microbial habitat beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The ENDURANCE (Environmentally Non-Disturbing Under-ice Robotic ANtarctic Explorer) project. (Invited)
- The Effects of Solute Breakthrough Curve Tail Truncation on Residence Time Estimates and Mass Recovery
- The Extreme Ice Survey: Capturing and Conveying Glacial Processes Through Time-Lapse Imagery and Narration
- The Yellowstone REU Site Project: Building Confidence, Competence and Capacity
- The role of stream network complexity in hydrologic turnover, nutrient retention, and watershed outlet signatures
- Training the next generation of scientists: Modeling Infectious Disease and Water Quality of Montana Streams
- Understanding the Deep Earth: Slabs, Drips, Plumes and More - An On the Cutting Edge Workshop
- Uranium isotopes in Pleistocene permafrost: evaluating the age of ancient ice
- Utility of Biofilms and Biologically-Induced Mineralization in Geologic Carbon Sequestration
- Vegetation influences on hillslope-stream connectivity in a forested northern Rocku Mountain watershed
- Virtual Workshop Experiences for Faculty: Lessons Learned from On the Cutting Edge
- A shift in microbial community composition as a result of a natural temporal change in in a hot spring ecosystem
- An Undergraduate Student's Perspective on Geoscience Research
- An organic geochemical investigation into lipid distribution at Imperial Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Archaea in Arctic Thermokarst Lake Sediments
- Bacterial activity in methane-rich, icy habitats
- Biophysical controls of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux through snow in lodgepole pine and clearcut ecosystems
- Boundary Layer Observations of Water Vapor and Aerosol Profiles with an Eye-Safe Micro-Pulse Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL)
- Carbon Dioxide Monitoring, Verification and Accounting (MVA) by Carbon Stable Isotope Measurements at Artificial and Natural Analog Sites
- Catchment isotope ecohydrology: Unraveling the combined influences of vegetation and topography on runoff generation in forested headwater catchments
- Characteristics of Submicron Aerosols Influenced by Mixed Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions: Results from the Carbonaceous Aerosol Radiative Effects Study (CARES)
- Characterizing thermal variation from synoptic floodplain water temperature measurements
- Cognitive Factors that Impact Learning in the Field: Observations from an REU Project on Precambrian Rocks of Yellowstone National Park
- Competing for Water: Tension Between Biological and Physical Influences on Runoff in Vegetated Watersheds
- Connecting top down and bottom up methods for characterizing VOC emissions from petrochemical facilities
- Crow Education Partnership: Science in a Cultural Context
- Decadal Heat Accumulation in Ice-Covered Lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Decadal- to millennial-scale interactions among climate, fire, and ecosystem processes in subalpine forests of the US Rocky Mountains
- Development of an Eye-Safe Micro-Pulse Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Carbon Dioxide Profilings
- Diversity, Abundance, and Potential Activity of Nitrifying and Nitrate-Reducing Microbial Assemblages in a Subglacial Ecosystem
- Doing hydrology forwards: Using field experimental data to inform a conceptual model of landscape driven hydrologic connectivity
- Ecohydrology of an Outbreak: Impacts of vegetation pattern and landscape structure on mountain pine beetle disturbance
- Effects of Changing Climate on Hydrological and Carbon Cycles
- Effects of geochemical changes on microbial community structure in a hot spring ecosystem
- Emerging Patterns in Coupled Terrestrial-Aquatic Processes
- Examination of the relationship between host worm community structure on transmission of the parasite, Myxobolus cerebralis by developing taxon-specific probes for multiplex qPCR to identify worm taxa in stream communities
- Exploring the Temporal Relationship Between Trans-Pacific Particulate Transport and Ozone Transport to Northern California Using Pb Isotopes
- Expression and Characterization of an Ice Binding Protein from a Bacterium Isolated at a Depth of 3,519 Meters in the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica
- Geophysical analysis of rock glacier internal structure and implications for deformation mechanics
- Geoscience Education Research: A Brief History, Context and Opportunities
- Geoscience Education Research: The Role of Collaborations with Education Researchers and Cognitive Scientists
- Heliophysics
- Hillslopes to Hollows to Channels: Identifying Process Transitions and Domains using Characteristic Scaling Relations
- Holocene Substrate Influences on Plant and Fire Response to Climate Change
- How do hyporheic exchange and stream flow velocity drive diurnal fluctuations in discharge during baseflow recession
- How does transient storage change as a function of valley position and flow rate?
- Hydrodynamics and the buffering of upslope throughflow and solutes across diverse riparian landscape positions
- Impact of the On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program on U.S. Geoscience Faculty
- Initial characterization of carbon flows through microbial communities in Beowulf spring, an acidic hot spring in Yellowstone National Park
- Investigating the Impact of Biological Impurities on the Liquid Vein Network in Polycrystalline Ice Using Magnetic Resonance Techniques
- Land-Use and Scale Influences on Nutrient Retention from the Reach to Watershed Scale
- Landscape structure and climate influences on hydrologic response
- Landscape structure, forest management, and climate influences on suspended sediment dynamics across 6 adjacent headwater catchments
- MESSENGER Educator Fellows Taking the Nation on a Ride to the Innermost Planet
- Mapping and quantification of geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain, CA and Soda Springs, ID, USA
- Microbe and Mineral Mediated Transformation of Heavy Metals, Radionuclides, and Organic Contaminants
- Microbial activity in debris-rich basal ice; adaption to sub-zero, saline conditions
- Modeling coupled element cycles in coastal plain wetlands subject to saltwater intrusion - linking sulfur dynamics with carbon and nitrogen cycling
- Modelling microbially induced carbonate precipitation and its influence on CO2 and water flow in the subsurface
- New Horizons Educator Fellowship Program: Taking You to Pluto
- Observations on the Origin of Across-Strike Geochemical Variations in Quaternary Silicic Lava Flows from the Andean Central Volcanic Zone: Comparision of Data from Individual Eruptive Centers
- On the Cutting Edge: Face-to-Face and Virtual Professional Development for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty
- Organization and scaling of carbon dynamics in complex landscapes: Implications of water, life, and landform feedbacks for terrestrial carbon cycling
- Patterns of Change in Terrestrial Emittance for Yellowstone National Park Using a 20-year Time Series of Landsat Thermal Data
- Petrographic and Geochemical Analyses of Mafic Enclaves from Uturuncu Volcano, SW Bolivia
- Plants as Indicators of Past and Present Zones of Upwelling Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> at the ZERT Facility
- Potential of Microbes to Increase Geologic CO2 Storage Security
- Predicting Hydrologic Response Through a Pooled Watershed Knowledge Base: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
- Preliminary simulation of hyporheic hydrology suggests systematic changes in hyporheic flow path length and residence time in response to reach-scale channel restoration in Meacham Creek, OR
- Probing the evolution of biological nitrogen fixation by examining phylogenetic relationships of nitrogen fixation genes related by gene duplication
- Quantitative Mapping of Archaeal Biodiversity on the Geochemical Landscape in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Scaling of shortwave radiation fluxes for sub grid topography
- Seismic detection of avalanches in an alpine basin
- Sensitivity of Landscape Hydrologic Connectivity to Climate Variability Across Catchments of Differing Structure
- Short-Term Biogeochemical Consequences of Long-Term Permafrost Degradation in a Northern Peatland
- Snow Hydrology: Effects of Mountain Pine Beetle on Snowpack Characteristics
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Elemental Abundance of Helium and Fractionation of Iron in the Fast Solar Wind - Indicators of an Evolving Energetic Release of Mass from the Lower Solar Atmosphere
- Solar Physics Automated Feature Detection: Progress and Scientific Return
- Spatio-temporal Variability of Controls on Water Balance Components in a Western Mountainous Headwater Basin
- Stream network travel times: Influence of watershed structure and network geometry
- Stream nutrient uptake stoichiometry: Coupled N and P kinetics from ambient to saturation
- Stream-Groundwater Interactions in Streams Wetting Up and Drying Down
- Subterranean Carbon Dioxide Concentration Analysis Utilizing a Scalable Optical Fiber-Based Absorption Cell Array for Carbon Capture and Storage Site Integrity Monitoring
- Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry in the 21st Century: Instructional Resources for Geoscience Faculty
- Testing a Model of 2.8 Ga Arc Magmatism with Trace Elements
- The Double-Ring Algorithm: A Tool for Assimilating Active Region Data Directly into Kinematic Dynamo Models
- The Mercury Surface Interactive: Exploring MESSENGER data and images from orbit
- The Role of SRB on the Formation of Protodolomite and Monohydrocalcite: Insights from Cold Seep Simulation Experiment
- The Structure of Magnetic Clouds in the Inner Heliosphere: An Approach Through Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction
- The highest cosmic ray fluxes ever recorded: What happened to the earth's deflector shield?
- The role of spatial variability on optimal stability-test spacing for assessing snow avalanche conditions
- Thermal Imaging of Vegetation for Detecting Leaking CO2 in a Near-Surface Release Experiment
- Tools and Methods for Visualizing and Representing Seismic Waves in College Classrooms
- Towards modeling hydrodynamic stress limitations on transpiration
- Understanding Biogenic and Anthropogenic Trace Gas Variations Measured Near Cool, CA in June 2010
- Using Classification Trees to Examine Spring Wet Slab and Glide Avalanche Occurrence Along the Going-To Road Corridor, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
- Using an Acoustic System to Estimate the Timing and Magnitude of Ebullition Release from Wetland Ecosystems
- Using beta regression to obtain interpretable parameters and estimates of error for environmental variables: a solar radiation case study
- Water and energy flux observations from a global eddy covariance network: Patterns, trends, and a critical analysis of uncertainty
- Watershed structure, stream network geometry, and kinetic influences on instream nutrient retention
- When the entire landscape is riparian: the challenges to understanding and modeling ecosystem dynamics in lowland headwaters
- spatial and temporal distribution of nutrients in a linked stream-lake ecosystem
- A global experiment to improve observations of snow: The World Meteorological Organization Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (WMO-SPICE)
- Analysis and Modeling of Continuous Heating and Long Lasting Outflow in a Flare Observed by AIA and EIS
- At the Cratonic Crossroads: A geochronologic and geochemical perspective on the Little Rocky Mountains, Montana
- Biofilm-induced calcium carbonate precipitation: application in the subsurface
- Biogeophysical interactions control the formation of iron oxide microbial biofilms in acidic geothermal outflow channels of Yellowstone National Park
- Changes in microbial intact polar membrane lipids related to environmental parameters at Yellowstone National Park hot springs
- Characterization of a rarely studied ecosystem: Initial insights into the functioning of Antarctic supraglacial streams
- Comparing and Contrasting the Active Component of Subglacial and Supraglacial Microbial Communities Through Transcriptional Analyses
- Competition for Ammonia Structures the Composition of a Hydrothermal Microbial Community
- Connecting Streams to Watersheds Through Stream-Groundwater Exchange as Determined from the Channel
- Constraining Gas Diffusivity-Soil Water Content Relationships in Forest Soils Using Surface Chamber Fluxes and Depth Profiles of Multiple Trace Gases
- Controls on soil carbon loss with permafrost thaw in Alaskan peatland ecosystems
- Controls on the microbial utilization of carbon monoxide and formic acid in Acidic Hydrothermal Springs in Yellowstone National Park
- Developing A Large-Scale, Collaborative, Productive Geoscience Education Network
- Diode-laser-based water vapor differential absorption lidar (DIAL) profiler evaluation
- Effects of cereal production on nutrient dynamics of shallow, unconfined aquifers in central Montana
- Emission Measurements from Natural Gas Development and Regional Background Characterization of Ambient Air Quality in the Marcellus Shale Region
- Establishing a connection between hydrologic model parameters and physical catchment signatures for improved hierarchical Bayesian modeling in ungauged catchments
- Ethylene glycol emissions from on-road vehicles: implications for aqueous phase secondary organic aerosol formation
- Evapotranspiration and energy flux observations from a global tower network with a critical analysis of uncertainties
- Evolving drainage networks and nutrient fluxes in continuous permafrost zones of interior and arctic Alaska
- Exploring the controls of soil biogeochemistry in a restored coastal wetland using object-oriented computer simulations of uptake kinetics and thermodynamic optimization in batch reactors
- Field Observations of the Effects of Explosives on Snow Properties
- Forward modeling the perovskite-postperovskite transition in seismically anisotropic models beneath a slab
- Geochemical and physical drivers of microbial community structure in hot spring ecosystems
- Hydrologic and biologic influences on stream network nutrient concentrations: Interactions of hydrologic turnover and concentration-dependent nutrient uptake
- Hysteresis in catchment storage - discharge relationships: Implications for interpreting catchment biogeochemical fluxes
- Impact Velocity as a Source of Variations in Crater Depth on Mercury
- Improving Control of Microbially-Induced Mineral Precipitation in Flow Systems - Experiments and Modelling
- InTeGrate: Transforming the Teaching of Geoscience and Sustainability
- Initial Characterization of Carbon Metabolism in Iron Oxidizing Microbial Communities of Acidic Hot Springs in Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- Inter-annual variability in the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapor in adjacent pine and hardwood forests: links to drought, disturbance, and seasonality
- Interaction of Parallel Flow Mixing Zones and Calcium Carbonate Precipitation with High and Low Permeability Inclusions in Porous Media
- Laboratory-scale column studies to evaluate ureolytically driven CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> mineralization
- Methane Emission through Diffusion and Ebullition in Thaw Wetlands in Interior Alaska
- Model Assessment and Optimization Using a Flow Time Transformation
- Multi-technique monitoring of CO2 leakage from an engineered CO2 leakage experiment
- Nitrate and Groundwater Residence Time in an Isolated Shallow Aquifer of the Judith River Basin, Montana
- Nitrification and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fixation in hot springs in the presence and absence of a nitrification inhibitor
- Nutrient movement in soils and its relation to ecosystem nutrient retention
- On the Magnetic Field Topology and Magnetic Flux Budget of CME-ICME Intercomparison
- On-line Resources for Teaching Sustainability
- Photoperiodic controls on ecosystem-level photosynthetic capacity
- Phylogenetic Evidence for H2 based Electron Bifurcation In Early Life
- Pore-scale imaging of biofilm grown under varying flow rates
- Quantification of Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using the Eddy Covariance Method
- Reaction Progress and the Changing Diversity of Chemolithotrophic Microbial Communities
- Recent advances in avalanche forecasting using classification trees
- Reconfigured Groundwater Hydrology and Energy Dynamics in a Restored Western River
- Resistive Heating in Radial Geometry Diamond Anvil Cell
- Responses of Mycorrhizal Symbioses to Deliberate Leaks from AN Experimental CO<SUB>2 </SUB> Sequestration Field: the Zert Site
- Seasonal fluctuation and estuarine removal of glacially-derived iron fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska
- Seasonal patterns of photosynthetic capacity: photoperiodic control and its carbon cycling implications
- Shallow groundwater dynamics across complex terrain: Influences of landscape position and climate
- Soil Carbon Transformation in Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Space-time variability of stream discharge across a headwater catchment
- Spatial Heterogeneity of Ice Cover Sediment and Thickness and Its Effects on Photosynthetically Active Radiation and Chlorophyll-a Distribution: Lake Bonney, Antarctica
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks
- Spatio-temporal controls on diurnal streamflow fluctuations
- Stream characteristics determine the importance of transient storage processes
- Students Engaging the Public in Exciting Discoveries by NASA's MESSENGER Mission
- Teaching Environmental Geology in the 21St Century: A Workshop Report
- The Distribution, Diversity, and Geobiology of Thermoproteales Populations in Yellowstone National Park
- The Effect of Physiographic Parameters on the Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent in Mountainous Terrain
- The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
- The Potential of Microbial Activity to Increase the Efficacy of Geologic Carbon Capture and Storage
- The Role of Oxygen in the Evolution of Molybdenum Nitrogenase
- The combined effects of topography and vegetation on catchment connectivity
- The role of ecophysiology in determining monoterpene concentrations and emissions from pinyon pine under drought conditions
- Trace gas fluxes in complex terrain: The space-time dynamics of soil methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide
- Tracking Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Discontinuous Permafrost Zone using Multi-Resolution Analysis
- Use of Seasonal Meteorological Metrics to Forecast for Deep Slab Avalanches in Southwest Montana
- "Energy States of the Solar Corona as Seen in Coronal Loops"
- Adiabatic controls over evapotranspiration: A study of the Priestley-Taylor alpha parameter at the ecosystem scale
- Alignment of Learning Goals, Assessments and Curricula in an Earth Sciences Program to Prepare the Geoscience Workforce for the 21st Century
- Applicability of MICP in Subsurface and Fractured Environments (Invited)
- Assessing the importance of terrain parameters on glide avalanche release
- Beneath the Arctic Green: Have recent increases in plant production been offset by increases in soil decomposition?
- Brick Kiln Emissions Quantified with the Aerodyne Mobile Laboratory During the Short Lived Climate Forcing (SLCF) 2013 Campaign in Guanajuato Mexico
- Climate driven thresholds for post-glacial soil development (Invited)
- Climate-vegetation-fire linkages on decadal-to-millennial time scales along the Patagonian forest-steppe ecotone (41 - 43°S)
- Constraining the Coronal Heating Mechanism Using Data from AIA, EIS, and Hi-C
- Cookstove Emissions Quantified with the Aerodyne Mobile Laboratory During the Short Lived Climate Forcing (SLCF) 2013 Campaign in Pátzcuaro Mexico
- Coupled Radon and Water Temperature Measurements to Characterize the Effects of Altered Stream Channel Planform
- Coupling autotrophic sulfide mineral weathering with dolomite dissolution in a subglacial ecosystem
- Development and Testing of a Scanning Differential Absorption Lidar For Carbon Sequestration Site Monitoring
- End of the trend: Cold desert ecosystem responses to climate variability
- Engaging the Public in the MESSENGER Spacecraft's Confirmation of Water Ice on Mercury by Using Actual Data
- Estimating root zone soil moisture using near-surface observations from SMOS
- Evapotranspiration from a winter wheat field: seasonal patterns and implications for scaling
- Examining the spatial variability of surface hoar at the mountain range scale
- Experimental Determination of Clay Mineral Reactions in Clastic Reservoir Rock Resulting from the Injection of Supercritical CO2
- Extracting archaeal populations from iron oxidizing systems
- Flat-field and Dark Frame Corrections for IRIS Data
- Geochemical and biological influences on the distribution of bacteriohopanepolyol biomarkers in hydrothermal springs
- Geomicrobiology of Subglacial Lake Whillans, Antarctica
- High Time Resolution Measurements of Methane Fluxes From Enteric Fermentation in Cattle Rumen
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Effects on the Spatial and Temporal Variability of the δ13C of Soil CO2 and CO2 Efflux in Complex Terrain
- Image-based Modeling of Biofilm-induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
- Initial Calibration and Performance of the IRIS Instrument
- Insights into the biological source and environmental gradients shaping the distribution of H-shaped glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in Yellowstone National Park geothermal springs
- Investigating the relationship between hydrologic model parameters and physical catchment metrics for improved modeling in data-sparse regions
- Isotopic steady state of transpired water in wheat leaves grown under different watering regimes
- Landscape heterogeneity modulates forest sensitivity to climate
- Linking soil water balance and water age with leaching of nitrate to groundwater in an agricultural setting
- Magnetic Field-line Twist in Interplanetary Flux Ropes and its Implications for Their Solar Sources
- Measurement of Black Carbon and Co-pollutants Emitted from Diesel Vehicles in Mexico
- Methane emissions by management and treatment of municipal wastewater in Mexico 2010
- Microstructural Evolution During Strain Localization in an Active Syn-Convergent Normal Fault: Cordillera Blanca Detachment, Peru
- Mobile Measurements of Gas and Particle Emissions from Marcellus Shale Gas Development
- Monothetic Clustering of Hydrologic Catchment Characteristics
- More Interesting Than You Thought: IRIS Observations of Explosive Events
- Observing Molecular Hydrogen with IRIS
- Plate Scale, Wavelength and Geometric Calibration of Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) Data
- Progress Toward an Autonomous Field Deployable Diode Laser Based Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Profiling Water Vapor in the Lower Troposphere
- Quantifying the uncertainty of Landsat tm derived energy balance parameters in the discontinuous permafrost zone: A Monte Carlo approach
- Real-Time Measurements of Ethane for Source Attribution of Methane Plumes from Oil and Gas Facilities
- Rheology of the crust during the early stages of syn-convergent extension: Insights from the Cordillera Blanca detachment, Peru
- Scaling of Physical Constraints at the Root-Soil Interface to Macroscopic Patterns of Nitrogen Retention in Ecosystems
- Scaling up in the face of uncertainty - controls on trace gas fluxes in heterogeneous landscapes (Invited)
- Short-Term Protein Stable Isotope Probing of Microbial Communities to Associate Functions with Taxa (Invited)
- Simulation of semi-explicit mechanisms of SOA formation from glyoxal in a 3D model
- Site Specific Emission of Marcellus Shale Development using Fast Mobile Measurements
- Soil bacterial and archaeal communities of the Stringer Creek Watershed in relation to soil moisture, chemistry, and gas fluxes
- Spatial Variability of Snowpack Fracture Propagation Propensity at the Slope Scale
- Statistical Methods for Assessing Changes in Similarity Maps between Locations in Monthly Temperatures and Precipitation over Time
- Strontium Co-precipitation During Biomineralization of Calcite in Porous Media Using Differing Treatment Strategies
- The Mg II h&k lines as seen by IRIS: what do they tell us about the solar chromosphere? (Invited)
- The Road to IRIS data products
- The effect of hydraulic loading on bioclogging in porous media: Quantitative results from tomographic imaging
- The effect of wind velocity on transpiration in a mixed broadleaved deciduous forest
- The effects of climate variability on the rainfall runoff response of catchments from monthly to annual timescales
- Two Decades of Variability in Nutrient Budgets for Ice-Covered, Closed Basin Lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Understanding Uncertainty in the Characterization of Transient Storage Zone Processes in Rivers (Invited)
- Using High-Resolution Models to Predict the Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Ecosystems in the Crown of the Continent
- Watershed scale soil biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas fluxes: Space-time dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O
- What NASA Does Best - Providing Effective Experiences in Authentic Science: The IRIS Mission EPO Program
- Workshops without Walls: Sharing Scientific Research through Educator Professional Development
- Acoustic Propagation Modeling for Marine Hydro-Kinetic Applications
- All-Sky Imaging of Skylight Polarization With Wildfire Smoke
- An REU Project on the Precambrian Rocks of Yellowstone National Park: Some lessons learned
- Applications of dendrochronology for informing terrestrial carbon cycle modeling
- Assesing Ecohydrological Impacts of Forest Disturbance using Open Source Software
- Assessing the long-term performance of terrestrial ecosystem models in northeastern United States: linking model structure and output
- Automatic vs. Human Detection of Bipolar Magnetic Regions: Using the Best of Both Worlds
- Biological Sources of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs) in Terrestrial Hot Springs: A Possible Link Between Nitrogen-cycling Bacteria and brGDGT Production
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Characterization of Early Stage Marcellus Shale Development Atmospheric Emissions and Regional Air Quality Impacts using Fast Mobile Measurements
- Characterization of Quartz and Feldspar Deformation in the Mid-crust: Insights from the Cordillera Blanca Shear Zone, Peru
- Characterizing Turbulent Flow in Quiescent Prominences
- Constraining Centennial-Scale Ecosystem-Climate Interactions with a Pre-colonial Forest Reconstruction across the Upper Midwest and Northeastern United States
- Coupled Iron and Sulfur Transformations in Hydrothermal Springs
- Disturbance, A Mechanism for Increased Microbial Diversity in a Yellowstone National Park Hot Spring Mixing Zone
- Early Measurements of Electron Precipitation Using the Firebird Cubesats
- Emergent Patterns of Forest Biomass Production from Across and within a Micro-Network
- Ethane: A Key to Evaluating Natural Gas Industrial Emissions
- Experimental Determination of the Effects Carbon Sequestration into Dolomite and Marl Beds of the Jefferson Formation, Montana
- Forest age, channel morphology, and biogeochemical processes in mountain rivers
- Geochemical Constraints on the Distribution and Function of Thermoproteales Populations in Yellowstone National Park
- Geochemical and Isotopic Data from Micron to Across-Arc Scales in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone: Applications for Resolving Crustal Magmatic Differentiation and Modification Processes
- Geoethics and the Role of Professional Geoscience Societies
- Heating the Ice-Covered Lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica - Decadal Trends in Heat Content, Ice Thickness, and Heat Exchange
- How does land use link terrestrial and aquatic carbon in western North America?: Implications from an agricultural case study in central Montana
- Hydrogen Peroxide Cycling in Acidic Geothermal Environments and Potential Implications for Oxidative Stress
- In situ ecophysiology of Aigarchaeota from an oxic, hot-spring filamentous 'streamer' community
- Infusing Sustainability Across Disciplines to Build Student Engagement
- Internal versus external controls on age variability: Definitions, origins and implications in a changing climate
- Landscape Heterogeneity Modulates Forest Sensitivity to Climate
- Landscape analysis of methane flux across complex terrain
- Landscape and plant physiological controls on water dynamics within a watershed
- Light, temperature and water: How the combined effects of drought control terrestrial carbon flux
- Long-term Decline in Grassland Productivity Driven by Increasing Aridity
- Magnetic Field-line Length and Twist Distributions within Interplanetary Flux Fopes from Wind Spacecraft Measurements
- Microbial Fe(III) Oxide Reduction in Chocolate Pots Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park
- Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) - A Technology for Managing Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured Media
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Net ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange of a primary tropical peat swamp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia
- On the Cutting Edge: Workshops, Online Resources, and Community Development
- Onset of Flare Reconnection and Coronal Mass Ejection Acceleration in Eruptive Events
- Opportunities and Limitation of Hyporheic Restoration in a 4<SUP>th</SUP> Order Semi-Arid Floodplain: a Case Study of Meacham Creek, Oregon
- Parsing the Sources of Gross Gains in Stream Flow Based on Mass Recovery of Concurrent Instantaneous and Constant-Rate Tracer Releases Over Multi-Scaled Reaches
- Phototrophy in Mildly Acidic Hot Spring Ecosystems
- Precipitation and Topography as Drivers of Tree Water Use and Productivity at Multiple Scales
- Processes influencing rainfall features in the Amazonian region
- Quantifying nitrogen and carbon emissions from large-scale cattle feeding operations through the use of a mobile measurement platform.
- Role of Plumes and Plates in the Construction and Preservation of Hadean-Archean Continental Nuclei
- Small- and Large-scale Morphology of the Near-Earth Energetic Charged Particle Environment from a Ten-element CubeSat Constellation
- Soil geochemistry controls fire severity: A soil approach to improved understanding of forest fire consequences in southwest Montana.
- Solar Coronal Holes and Open Magnetic Flux
- Sources and sinks of methane beneath polar ice
- Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica; Solute Dynamics and Fluxes to the Ross Sea
- Survey of Emissions Associated with Enclosed Combustor Emission Control Devices in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
- Teaching GeoEthics Across the Geoscience Curriculum
- The Co-Distribution of Nitrifying Archaea and Diazotrophic Bacteria in Geothermal Springs
- The Importance of Thermal Dispersivity in Predicting Water Movement Through Coarse-grained Alluvial Aquifers by Analysis of Seasonal Temperature Signals
- The McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems responding to climatic events that enhance hydrologic transport acress the landscape
- The Nature of CME-flare Associated Coronal Dimming
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- The contribution of semi-arid ecosystems to interannual global carbon cycle variability
- Thermal Structure and Dynamics in Supra-arcade Downflows and Flare Plasma Sheets
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Turbulence and chemistry in the atmosphere of a central Amazonian forest
- Two-Ribbon Flares Spreading in the Third Dimension
- Uncertainty in sap flow-based transpiration due to xylem properties
- Undergraduate Research in Earth Science Classes: Engaging Students in the First Two Years
- Use of a finite difference hydrologic model to assess the potential effectiveness of changes in cropping practices to reduce nitrate loading to a shallow aquifer.
- Using Co-Emitted Species to Identify Natural Gas Emission Vectors
- Vegetation Response to Holocene Variations in Climate and Fire Activity in Southwestern Oregon
- WISSARD at Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica:scientific operations and initial observations
- A method to harness global crowd-sourced data to understand travel behavior in avalanche terrain.
- Addressing spatial scales and new mechanisms in climate impact ecosystem modeling
- Affordable Open-Source Data Loggers for Distributed Measurements of Sap-Flux, Stem Growth, Relative Humidity, Temperature, and Soil Water Content
- As Ethics is a Core Attribute of Science, So Geoethics Must Be at the Core of Geoscience
- Changes in the global methane budget since 2000
- Contextualizing Solar Cycle 24: Report on the Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
- Detecting Disturbance and its Impact on Ecosystem Carbon Balance from Global to Regional Scales
- Diode-Laser-Based Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Long Term Autonomous Field Deployment
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Disturbance Hydrology in the Tropics: The Galápagos Islands as a Case Study
- Ecosystem composition changes over the past millennium: model simulations and comparison with paleoecological observations
- Elucidating Native and Non-Native Plant-Fog Interactions Across Microclimatic Zones in San Cristobal Island, Galapagos
- FLUXNET to MODIS: Connecting the dots to capture heterogenious biosphere metabolism
- Fostering Critical Thinking in the Geosciences: Combining Geoethics, the Affective Domain, Metacognition, and Systems Thinking
- Frequency Modulated Spectroscopy (FMS) - A Novel Method for Standoff Trace Gas Detection
- Geo-Needs: Investigating Models for Improved Access to Geosciences at Two-Year and Minority-Serving Colleges
- Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing?
- Impact of land use change on the land atmosphere carbon flux of South and South East Asia: A Synthesis of Dynamic Vegetation Model Results
- Influence of Jet Fuel Composition on Aircraft Engine Emissions: A Synthesis of Aerosol Emissions Data from the NASA APEX, AAFEX, and ACCESS Missions
- International Assistance in Naming Craters on Mercury
- Inverting mobile lab spatial data to address atmospherically relevant questions
- Investigating Biofilm Recalcitrance In Pipe Flow Systems
- Landscape Heterogeneity Modulates Forest Sensitivity to Climate
- Landscape controls on nitrogen availability in a western forest watershed
- Linking Tree Growth Response to Measured Microclimate - A Field Based Approach
- Mantle to Surface Fluid Transfer Above a Flat Slab Subduction Zone: Isotopic Evidence from Hot Springs in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Lake Cores as a Measure of Climatic and Erosional Change
- Microbial community dynamics and methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrous oxide concentrations in upland forest and riparian soils across a seasonal gradient of fully saturated soils to completely dried soils
- Microburst Precipitation Measured with the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats
- Modeling spatial-temporal dynamics of global wetlands: Comprehensive evaluation of a new sub-grid TOPMODEL parameterization and uncertainties
- NASA SMD/STMD Joint Study on Science Measurements and Technology Capability Potential of SmallSats
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program - An effective model built from years of experience
- Preliminary Insights Into the Interplay Among Oxygen, Organic Carbon, and Microbial Metabolism in North Atlantic Subseafloor Sediment Communities
- Quantifying Energy-Time Dispersion of Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Constrain Their Generation Mechanism: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD, Van Allen Probes, and BARREL
- Radiogenic Isotope Constraints on Fluid Sources in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System
- Reducing uncertainty for estimating forest carbon stocks and dynamics using integrated remote sensing, forest inventory and process-based modeling
- Revisiting mechanisms underlying tree mortality induced by drought in the Amazon: from observation to modeling
- Soil chemical weathering under morphologic and climatic controls in the Northern Rockies, Montana
- Sr and O Isotope Geochemistry of Volcán Uturuncu, Andean Central Volcanic Zone, Bolivia: Resolving Crustal and Mantle Contributions to Continental Arc Magmatism
- Structural analysis of the Cordillera Blanca detachment: Geometry, kinematics and fault rocks
- Student Planetary Investigators: A Program to Engage Students in Authentic Research Using NASA Mission Data
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- The Biogeochemistry beneath the Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica: Evidence for a Chemoautotrophically Driven Ecosystem
- The Interaction between Surface-Atmosphere Exchange and Convective Precipitation in the Amazon: Results of the GoAmazon Boundary Layer Experiment
- The Past as a Window to the Future - What Does Long Term Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Tell Us About the Trajectory of Polar Ecosystems?
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- The role of extremophile in the redox reaction of Fe and As relating with the formation of secondary phase mineral in extreme environment, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Top-Down Assessment of the Asian Carbon Budget Since the Mid 1990s
- Using Confidence Intervals and Recurrence Intervals to Determine Precipitation Delivery Mechanisms Responsible for Mass Wasting Events.
- Using Novel Approaches in Process-Based Modeling for Interpreting Inter-Annual Variability in Tree Ring Widths, Wood Density Profiles, and Cellulose Isotopic Ratios
- A 2D Discrete Surface Flux Transport (DSFT) model applied to polar and quiet sun regions.
- A Statistical Study of Relationship between Flare Evolutions and Their Associated CMEs
- Air pollutant mapping with a mobile laboratory during the BEE-TEX field study
- An Integrated, Observation-based System to Monitor Aboveground Forest Carbon Dynamics in Washington, Oregon, and California
- An On Orbit Determination of Point Spread Functions for the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
- Balloon Based Observations of Relativistic Electron Microbursts
- Beyond Forest Classification: Continuous Mapping of Forest Species Composition, Mortality, and Sub-Canopy Using Landsat Imagery and Agnostic Analysis
- Classification of high-resolution multi-swath hyperspectral data using Landsat 8 surface reflectance data as a calibration target and a novel histogram based unsupervised classification technique to determine natural classes from biophysically relevant fit parameters
- Comparison of Far-side Helioseismic Predictions of Active Regions from SDO/HMI with Far-side Observations of Solar Activity from STEREO/EUVI
- Connecting Soil Water to Groundwater to Streams: Understanding Controls of Nitrate Losses from a Dryland Agricultural Landscape in the Upper Missouri River Watershed
- Constraints on the Geophysical Detection of Brine within the Europa Ice Shell From a Synthesis of Dielectric Spectroscopy Measurements
- Controlling Fluid Flow in the Subsurface through Ureolysis-Controlled Mineral Precipitation
- Cooling Trends from Agricultural Management Practices that Conserve Soil Carbon Resources in the North American Northern Great Plains: Important First Steps in the Transition toward a BECCS Economy
- Core Dimming Regions as Probes of Magnetic Connectivity and Reconfiguration.
- Could the Mantle Under Island Arcs Contribute to Long Wavelength Magnetic Anomalies?
- Declining snowpack and forest productivity in a montane ecosystem in the Northern Rocky Mountains
- Detecting changes in water limitation in the West using integrated ecosystem modeling approaches
- Developing a Climate Change Boundary Organization: the Montana Adaptation Exchange
- Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
- Development of a Singly-Resonant Optical Parametric Oscillation for a Laser Transmitter of an Eye-Safe Ground-Based Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Carbon Dioxide (CO<SUB>2</SUB>) and Methane (CH<SUB>4</SUB>) Studies
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Waters Draining Permafrost Landscapes - a Circumpolar Synthesis
- Ethics Instruction for Future Geoscientists: Essential for Contributions to Good Public Policy
- Extracting information about solute uptake kinetics in advective-dispersive transport based on instantaneous-release tracer experiments in streams
- First Flight and Future Prospects for the Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar flares (GRIPS)
- First direct evidence of a one-one correspondence of chorus wave packets and microbursts: Van Allen Probes EFW and FIREBIRD
- Focusing Solar Hard X-rays: Expected Results from a FOXSI Spacecraft
- For a Limited Time Only? How Long Can Trees Maintain Enhanced Chemical Defenses During Pre-Mortality Heat and Drought Stress
- Forward Modelling of Long-wavelength Magnetic Anomaly Contributions from the Upper Mantle
- Freshwater processing of terrestrial dissolved organic matter: What governs lability?
- Global crowd data to understand risk taking behavior: Understanding the costs of crowd sourcing
- Green Algae from Coal Bed Methane Ponds as a Source of Fertilizer for Economically Important Plants of Montana
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- Harnessing long-term flux records to better understand ecosystem response to drought
- Insights Into Ice-Ocean Interactions on Earth and Europa
- Large-Scale Controls and Characteristics of Fire Activity in Central Chile, 2001-2015
- Monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> Intrusion in shallow aquifer using complex electrical methods and a novel CO2 sensitive Lidar-based sensor
- Monitoring of coalbed water retention ponds in the Powder River Basin using Google Earth images and an Unmanned Aircraft System
- Mycorrhizal strategies for nitrogen acquisition have divergent effects on soil carbon
- Oblique Non-Ridge Parallel Magmatic Layering and Foliations in Lower Crustal Gabbros from Hess Deep Rift
- Patterns and controls of methane fluxes across permafrost and ice-wedge degradation wetland chronosequences in Arctic and boreal Alaska
- Progress towards the use of publicly available data networks to conduct cross-scale historical reconstructions of carbon dynamics in US Drylands
- Quantification of emissions due to the natural gas storage well-casing blowout at Aliso Canyon/SS-25 using tracer flux ratio methods.
- Radiocarbon and uranium isotopes in surface waters reveal enhanced hydrologic connection with permafrost thaw
- Rapid dissipation of semi-arid carbon sink with drought and shift in rainfall sensitivity across Australia over past three decades
- Respiration the forgotten flux: new insights on ecosystem respiration and its global significance
- Results from the Two-Year Infrared Cloud Imager Deployment at ARM's NSA Observatory in Barrow, Alaska
- Revisiting drought impact on tree mortality and carbon fluxes in ORCHIDEE-CAN DGVM
- Simulation Study of the Spreading/Elongation of Ribbons in Two-Ribbon Flares.
- Snowdrift and avalanche activity in a High Arctic Maritime Climate
- Statistical Properties of Microbursts Derived from the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats
- Strain Localization near the Brittle-Ductile-Transition along the Cordillera Blanca Shear Zone, Peru
- Subsurface Environment Sampler for Improved In Situ Characterization of Subsurface Microbial Communities
- The North American Carbon Budget Past, Present and Future
- The Role of Mycorrhizal Associations in Controlling Biogenic Volatile Organic Carbon Flux From a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- The future of the North American carbon cycle - projections and associated climate change
- Turbulent transport and chemistry of isoprene and monoterpenes within and above tropical forest canopies
- Using tree-rings to constrain terrestrial carbon cycling: advances, pitfalls, and opportunities.
- A Parametric Study of the Cold Plasma Refilling Rate on the Plasmasphere and Inner Magnetosphere Dynamics during the 17-March-2013 and 28-June-2013 Magnetic Storms
- A field-deployable GC-EI-HRTOF-MS for in situ characterization of volatile organic compounds
- Along and Across Arc Variation of the Central Andes by Single Crystal Trace Element Analaysis
- An Investigation on the Spatial Variability of Manning Roughness Coefficients in Continental-scale River Routing Simulations
- An investigation of the role of winter and spring precipitation as drivers of streamflow in the Missouri River Headwaters using tree-ring reconstructions
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Composition and Structure of Microalgae Indicated in Raman and Hyperspectral Spectra and Scanning Electron Microscopy: from Cyanobacteria to Isolates from Coal-bed Methane Water Ponds
- Comprehensive Characterization of Droughts to Assess the Effectiveness of a Basin-Wide Integrated Water Management in the Yakima River Basin
- Crushing of Subglacial Lake Sediment as a Source of Bio-utilisable Gases.
- Deciphering flood frequency curves from a coupled human-nature system perspective
- Deciphering the Preparatory and Triggering Factors Responsible for Post-Glacial Slope Failures: Insights from Landslide Age and Morphology in Yellowstone National Park
- Depositional characteristics of the Indus Group in the India-Asia collision zone, northwest India
- Detection of Organic Matter in Greenland Ice Cores by Deep-UV Fluorescence
- Determining timing of Alaska Range exhumation and glaciation through cosmogenic nuclide burial dating.
- Developing a Climate Change Boundary Organization: the Montana Adaptation Knowledge Exchange
- Dynamical nexus of water supply, hydropower and environment based on the modeling of multiple socio-natural processes: from socio-hydrological perspective
- Elicitation of State and Local User Needs for Future Moderate Resolution Earth Observations: The AmericaView Contribution
- Emissions from cold heavy oil production with sands (CHOPS) facilities in Alberta, Canada
- Filamentous Morphology as a Means for Thermophilic Bacteria to Survive Steep Physical and Chemical Gradients in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Fluvial gravel stabilization by net-spinning Hydropsychid caddisflies: exploring the magnitude and geographic scope of ecosystem engineering effect and evaluating resistance to anthropogenic stresses
- Geophysical Investigations of Hypersaline Subglacial Water Systems in the Canadian Arctic: A Planetary Analog
- Ground-based eye-safe networkable micro-pulse differential absorption and high spectral resolution lidar for water vapor and aerosol profiling in the lower troposphere
- Heavy metal immobilization via microbially induced carbonate precipitation and co-precipitation
- How small bugs tie down big rocks: Measuring and modeling the forces acting between nets spun by Caddisfly larvae (Hydropsychidae) and gravel particles at the onset of motion
- Identifying forest patterns from space to explore dynamics across the circumpolar boreal
- Infiltration capacity in a tropical montane landscape: Disentangling the effects of land-use intensity and biophysical gradients
- Insights into Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dynamics and Climate Stability along the Hawaiian Kohala Climosequence
- Investigating the role of evergreen and deciduous forests in the increasing trend in atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplitude
- Laftr
- Long wavelength magnetic anomalies over continental rifts in cratonic region
- Meta-analysis on Macropore Flow Velocity in Soils
- Metabolic diversity and modeling of organisms involved in the anaerobic oxidation of methane
- Methane Emissions Measurements in the Fayetteville and Denver-Julesburg Natural Gas Producing Basins
- Methane emissions from the global oil and gas supply chain: recent advances and next steps
- Modeling sediment yield in small catchments at event scale: Model comparison, development and evaluation
- Moistening of the northern North American Great Plains enhances land-atmosphere coupling
- NASA's Van Allen Probes RBSP-ECT and NSF's FIREBIRD Data Products and Access to Them: An Insider's Outlook on the Inner and Outer Belts.
- Net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange in tropical rainforests - sensitivity to environmental drivers and flux measurement methodology
- Observation and Simulation of Daytime Strong Winds on Northern Slopes of Himalayas, near Mount Everest
- Observations directly linking chorus to relativistic microbursts: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
- Oceans Apart: Using Stable Isotopes to Assess the Role of Fog in Two Semi-Arid Island Ecosystems
- Oxygen and clumped isotope evidence for late Paleogene high elevations of the east-central Tibetan Plateau
- Physical responses of volcanic soils to land-use intensity in tropical headwater catchments of central Veracruz, Mexico
- Physico-Chemical Evolution of Organic Aerosol from Wildfire Emissions
- Plasmapause Dynamics Observed During the 17 March and 28 June 2013 Storms
- Plastic Scintillator Based Detector for Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes.
- Preliminary biological sampling of GT3 and BT1 cores and the microbial community dynamics of existing subsurface wells
- Quantification of Concentration of Microalgae Anabaena Cylindrica, Coal-bed Methane Water Isolates Nannochloropsis Gaditana and PW-95 in Aquatic Solutions through Hyperspectral Reflectance Measurement and Analytical Model Establishment
- Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation And Its Effect on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Quantifying Heterogeneities in Soil Cover and Weathering in the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountains, Montana: Implications for Glacial Legacies and their Morphologic Control on Soil Formation
- Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Properties of Microbursts with Multi-spacecraft Missions
- Regional crop gross primary production and yield estimation using fused Landsat-MODIS data
- Representing Reservoir Stratification in Land Surface and Earth System Models
- Representing macropore flow at the catchment scale: a comparative modeling study
- Reservoir-induced Alterations in Flood Seasonality: Patterns, Processes, and Implications
- SOCCR-2, Chapter 2: A Synthesis of the North American Carbon Budget
- Sequential Observations of Radiation Belt Precipitation by the FIREBIRD-II Cubesats
- TGF Observations From A Small, Low-Cost, Low-Mass, High-Speed Versatile Detector System.
- Terminator 2020: Get Ready for the "Event" of The Next Decade
- The Complex Relationship Between Heavy Storms and Floods: Implication on Stormwater Drainage design and Management
- To Tree, or not to Tree: Sediment Storage in Forested and Non-forested Mountainous Hillslopes of the Bitterroot Mountains, MT
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Understanding Water-Energy-Ecology Nexus from an Integrated Earth-Human System Perspective
- Upper crustal extension of Tibet and the High Himalaya - Implications for landscape development, the internally drained Tibetan plateau, and the Yarlung-Tsangpo River
- Using Total Peroxy Radicals to Evaluate Ozone Production in Northern Michigan and San Antonio
- WATSON: Detecting organic material in subsurface ice using deep-UV fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy
- Will building new reservoirs always help increase the water supply reliability? - insight from a modeling-based global study
- 3-D Simulation Study of the Spreading/Elongation of Ribbons in Two-Ribbon Flares
- A Statistical Study of CME Kinematics and its Relationship to the Magnetic Reconnection Flux
- A Stress Perturbation Model in the Context of the Earthquake Cycle for Mid-crustal Earthquake Rupture in the Homestake Shear Zone, Colorado
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- An Active Deep Subsurface Microbiome Supported by C1 Products of Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite
- Analysis of the Magnetotelluric Profile Data from the Española Basin, New Mexico
- Application of Next Generation Air Monitoring Methods in the South Coast Air Basin
- Balancing human and ecological needs in drought preparedness and response: a case from Montana's Upper Missouri Headwaters
- Big Science on a Small Budget: Innovative Experiments for Radiation Belt Science
- Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling in Hypersaline Mono Lake Sediments
- Biological methane cycling in serpentinization-impacted fluids of the Samail ophiolite of Oman
- Connections Between Hydrothermal System Geochemistry and Microbiology: Traversing Tectonic Boundaries in the South-Central Peruvian Andes
- Core values: large-scale analysis of environmental constraints on microbial community assembly, activity, and dispersal in groundwater and sediment from a contaminated subsurface aquifer.
- Deep-UV fluorescence and Raman instrumentation for organic detection in subsurface environments
- Development of a Light, Fast, and Inexpensive TGF Detector
- Differential Use of Winter Precipitation by Upper and Lower Elevation Douglas FIR in the Northern Rockies
- Drought propagation through natural-human systems: the nonlinear filtering effects
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Frequent burning alters the composition and activity of microbial communities in soils by changing soil chemistry and plant traits
- Future Steps and an Architecture for Predicting the Solar End of Space Weather
- Granular sheetflow at steep slopes
- High Temporal Resolution of Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Tree Rings Reveal Trends in Forest Vulnerability in the SW USA.
- Hillslope topography mediates the sensitivity of western U.S. net primary productivity to climate
- How variable is the variability in annual evapotranspiration?
- Identification of E.Coli and Coliform Bacteria in Drinking Water in Baray, Cambodia
- Identifying Extra Spectral Content in MOSES Images
- Identifying subsurface biologically-mediated processes occurring during modern water/rock interaction in the Samail ophiolite
- Improving Ecological Vulnerability Assessments Through Deliberate Collaboration between Ecologists and Climate Scientists
- Interplanetary Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Solar Sources: Implications for Flux Rope Origination
- Investigation of EMIC Scattered Electron Precipitation During a Conjunction of Cluster and FIREBIRD-II
- Linking mountain snowmelt to interbasin transfers of groundwater in the semi-arid Andes
- Longitudinal Patterns in Stream Stable Isotope Chemistry along a Snowmelt Driven Headwater Suggest Seasonally Dynamic Connectivity between Proximal Streamflow Generation Sources
- Machine Learning Techniques for Computed Tomography Imaging Spectroscopy of the Solar Atmosphere
- Mapping land-atmosphere feedbacks using FLUXNET information flows
- Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Dark Ice and Ice Algae with Sentinel-3 Imagery over Southwest Greenland
- Mapping the hydrogeology of Smoke Jumper Hot Spring, Yellowstone Caldera with airborne geophysical data: Implications for understanding factors that control microbial biodiversity
- Maximum entropy production reveals differences in resilience to drought from variations in energy use efficiency across sites in a longleaf pine savanna
- Microburst Spatial Scale Size Distribution Derived Using The AeroCube-6 CubeSats
- Multiscale seismic characteristics of fluids in natural fractures from the GCS pilot project, Kevin Dome, Montana
- Observationally Quantified Reconnection Providing a Viable Mechanism for Active Region Coronal Heating
- Observations of Energetic Electron Precipitation with the FIREBIRD Cubesats
- Origin and Cycling of Methane and Short Chain Alkanes in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
- Preliminary investigations into fluid inclusion chemistry, orientation, and entrapment conditions during mylonitization of the Cordillera Blanca Detachment Fault
- Properties of Magnetic Reconnection and Hard X-ray Energetics in Two-ribbon Flares
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmosphereand Ionosphere
- Representing reservoir effects on riverine sediment processes
- Representing the macropore flow processes in a watershed hydrological model and evaluating the effect of macropore flow on the flood peaks
- Reservoir Thermal Stratification Model Development and Validation Over the Continental US
- Revisiting the Hynesian View of Streams and Their Valleys
- Seasonality of irrigation water withdrawal simulated by fully coupled land surface, river, and water management models
- Signatures of Coronal Heating in Si IV Line Profiles
- Simulating Impacts of Land Use Change in the Northern North American Great Plains with a Convection-Permitting Model
- Soil erosion causes substantial loss of terrestrial organic carbon and nutrients in the conterminous United States
- Stable isotope geochemistry of volatiles in thermal springs along the transition from amagmatic flat-slab subduction to the magmatic arc in the Peruvian Andes
- Subsurface Cycling of Nitrogen in the Actively Serpentinizing Samail Ophiolite, Oman
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- The Evaluation Of Nutrients in Water Sources Around The Village Baray, Cambodia
- The Future of US Forest Function Under Changing Climate, Disturbance, and Forest Management
- The Superposition of Climate and Topography Influence Atmospheric Demand, Soil Moisture and Resultant Shallow Subsurface Flow Dynamics across Six Mountain Catchments
- Thermophilic Filamentous Microbial Communities associated with Sulfidic Hydrothermal Vents in Yellowstone Lake
- Towards a global synthesis of land-surface fluxes for natural and human-altered watersheds using the low-dimensional Budyko framework
- Towards measuring atmospheric temperature using a combined differential absorption and high spectral resolution lidar
- Tree species responses to changing fire and climate in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- Weathering thresholds and the resilience of soils in mountainous systems
- 3500 Feet Beneath the Ice: The Transmedia E&O Behind SALSA's Exploration to a Subglacial Lake in Antarctica In December 2018, the SALSA team burrowed 3500 feet through the ice to reach Lake Mercer. We discuss the E&O behind this research: a film for PBS, short science films, a social media campaign, a museum installation and PBS Learning Media modules.
- A Bayesian Modeling Approach for Improved Land Use Classification
- A Dynamic Holocene Grounding Line: In situ sedimentary evidence from Whillans and Mercer ice streams, West Antarctica
- A Neural Network-based Data Analysis Technique for the EUV Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph
- A Preliminary Study of the Data From the ESIS/MOSES III Sounding Rocket Flight and Coordinating Observatories
- A Statistical Study of Magnetic Flux Ropes with Strong Non-neutralized Current
- A dynamic sulfur cycle at suboxic, high-temperature vents in Yellowstone Lake is mediated by deeply-rooted thermophiles and their associated viruses
- A tale of two lakes - contrasting weathering regimes in proximal subglacial Antarctic systems
- AEROKATS and ROVERs - Powered by STEAM
- Analysis of benefits of hyperspectral vs multispectral imagery: A case study of crop and weed differentiation
- Anatomy of a draining subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Assessing Environmental Variability in High Mountain Region from Sediment Core of Gokyo Lake, Eastern Nepal
- Assessment of Spatiotemporal Variability in Arctic-boreal Carbon Flux Budgets
- Atmospheric Ionization from Radiation Belt Electrons using Observations from FIREBIRD and Van Allen Probes
- Atmospheric Perturbations Induced by the Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019
- Automated Analysis of Transition Region Plasma Characteristics Under Hot Coronal Footpoints
- Biogeochemical legacies of a century of Eastern US reforestation
- Biomineralization induced by microbial Fe/As redox reaction in extreme environment: Formation of Pharmacosiderite in acido-thermal spring of Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of the Burrowing Behaviour of Invasive Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus): Mesocosm Experiments
- Boulder Solar Alliance REU Boot Camp
- Challenges in the Analysis of Images from the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- Characterization of the Background Atmosphere to Aide in the Detection of Atmospheric Gravity Waves Induced by the 2 July 2019 Total Solar Eclipse near Andacollo, Chile.
- Complex multi-fault earthquake rupture recorded by pseudotachylytes from the Ikertôq shear zone, western Greenland
- Conduit controls on the release of material at the onset of two caldera-forming eruptions: case study from the Bandelier Tuff
- Deciphering the tectonometamorphic evolution and localization of deformation within the Wyoming Province of southwest Montana
- Denitrification Patterns Across a Dryland Agroecosystem in the Northern Great Plains
- Development of a Deep Drilling Probe with Integrated Deep-UV Fluorescence & Raman Spectrometer for Mars
- Differentiating Subglacial Drainage Patterns through the Depolarization of Airborne Radar Sounding Measurements
- Direct Observation of Sub-Relativistic Electron Precipitation Driven by EMIC Waves
- Direct driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind density structures: A case study and statistical survey with BARREL and satellite data
- Early results from the space weather instrument KSEM aboard the geostationary satellite GK2A at 128.2<SUP>o</SUP>E longitude
- Effect of aerosol source and cloud structure on the deposition of biological ice nucleating particles in precipitation
- Evidence for Extended Charging Periods Prior to Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Examination of Separator Reconnection Rates in a Series of Adjacent Emerging/Existing Active Region Pairs
- Experimental evaluation of the fidelity of glass reentrants for reconstructing decompression rates
- Experimental investigation of the evolution of 3D pore network geometry during supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection in a carbonate reservoir, Kevin Dome, Montana
- Field Campaign Strategies for High-Resolution Vertical Data Collection
- Fire history, climate change, and temperate forest resilience
- First Flight of the EUV Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph
- From "valley of the dead" to "vibrant ecosystem" - the evolution of our understanding of life at the edge
- From Van Allen to REAL
- Genomic characterization of uncultivated Actinobacterial acetogens
- Groundwater Connection and DOC Transport in the Yukon River Basin Inferred from Uranium and Strontium Isotopes in Permafrost Catchments
- Groundwater Subsidies to Salmon-Bearing Streams: A 10+ Year Retrospective from South-Central Alaska
- Heating Features of Interesting Supra-arcade Downflows
- Hydrogen and methane production from silicate minerals in laboratory experiments simulating subglacial environmental conditions
- Hydrogeochemical Parameters Influence the Efficacy of Microbial Selenium Reduction in Contaminated Groundwater
- Hydrological changes in Yellowstone Lake (USA) during the Holocene based on the analysis of oxygen isotopes in diatoms
- ICED (International Center for Earth Data) sustainable cloud platform for Near Real Time data
- IMPRESS: A Scintillation Detector for Solar Flare Observations
- Improving the Spatial Resolution of Snow Albedo Measurements in Mountainous Regions Using a Dual-sensor UAV
- Inland water bodies as surface energy hotspots
- Investigating the impacts of power plants, oil and gas operations, and biogenic emissions on ozone production in San Antonio
- Latitudinal variations of the interplanetary Lyman alpha background from SWAN and SOLSTICE
- Leveraging Peer-Developed Resources for Designing and Implementing Successful Field Experiences
- Managing wheat-based cropping systems for chemodiverse dissolved organic matter: Bulk- and molecular-level composition analyses
- Methane Pools and Dynamics within the Subglacial "Wetlands" of West Antarctica
- Methane Production from Organic-Mineral Reactions under Cold, Hypersaline Conditions in a Perennially Ice-Covered Antarctic Lake
- Microbial communities in hydrologically active subglacial lakes of the Siple Coast, West Antarctica
- Microburst Pitch Angle Dependence using SAMPEX in Spin Mode
- Microburst Spatial Size Distribution Derived Using The AeroCube-6 CubeSats
- Mining High-Resolution Datasets to Understand OH Reactivity in San Antonio
- Modelling Observable Differences in Flare Loop Evolution Due to Current Sheet Structure
- Multi-point Investigations of Chorus Propagation with Van Allen Probes/ARASE Conjunctions, and Chorus Microburst Generation using VAP/Firebird Conjunctions
- New Insights into Microbial Ecosystems in Antarctic Subglacial Lake Environments
- On the Toroidal Configuration of Large-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes
- Physical and chemical characterization of sediments from Mercer Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica
- Physiological Ecology of Microbial Communities in Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmospheric Chemistry
- REAL: A CubeSat to Study Energetic Electron Precipitation into Earth's Atmosphere
- SALSA: An Integrated Program Focusing on Carbon Transformations in Mercer Subglacial Lake located 1100 m beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Satellite Monitoring of Global Soil Health Attributes Using the SMAP Level 4 Carbon Product
- Shading Beyond the Channel: Influence of Floodplain Shade on Hyporheic Water Temperatures
- Simultaneous ash venting and effusive magma extrusion modulated by fracture outgassing at the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle eruption, Chile
- Snowpack Influences Spatial and Temporal Soil Nitrogen Dynamics in a Western U.S. Montane Forested Watershed
- Solar flare hard X-ray and gamma-ray imaging spectro-polarimetry with GRIPS and SAPPHIRE/SHARPIE
- Southern Westerlies and interannual climate variability as drivers of regional vegetation and fire history in southern South America (35-55°S)
- Stabilities of magnetic flux ropes anchored in the solar surface
- Sub-Alfvènic Spreading of 3D Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection and Application to Two-Ribbon Solar Flares
- Sub-Auroral Ionospheric and Stratospheric Electric Field Responses to an Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Subglacial Antarctic Lakes: What they tell us about the exploration of Ocean Worlds Beyond Earth
- THE DYNAMIC FLOOR OF YELLOWSTONE LAKE: A Geologic Record Over the Past 14 ka of Hydrothermal Explosions, Doming, and Faulting
- Talking is Hard: Building Communication between Mentors and Students
- Teaching Heliophysics from a Curriculum
- Tectonic and compositional controls on magma storage depths globally: Results from CIDER 2019
- Tectonic evolution of Kevin Dome Northwestern Montana, evidence from new Apatite thermochronology (AHe) results.
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: A decade of research and education on coupled carbon and water cycles in snow-dominated watersheds
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration and Coupled Carbon-Climate Experiments
- The Driver of Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
- The Forming Slow Solar Wind Imaged along Streamer Rays by the Wide-Angle Imager on Parker Solar Probe
- The HD-YLAKE project: or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Smell of Hydrogen Sulfide
- The Signature of Explosive Events in the FUV Spectrum of the Sun as a Star
- The global carbon balance of forests based on flux towers and forest age data
- The reliability of pre-eruptive H<SUB>2</SUB>O estimates from quartz-hosted melt inclusions
- Understanding hydrologic impacts of land conversion in tropical montane cloud forest watersheds: Using hydrologic modeling as a framework to scale up lessons learned from point, catchment, and watershed scales.
- Understanding microbial respiration and energy flow in seasonally hypoxic streams via in situ and in silico experimentation
- Using a mobile laboratory to characterize emission hot spots
- Validating the WRF Montornès et al. Eclipse Module With The July 2, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse
- Validation of a carbonate-brine-CO<SUB>2</SUB> reactive transport model against new experimental core-flooding results
- WATSON: In-situ Analysis of Microbial and Organic Analysis in Subsurface Ice Boreholes
- Wavelength Calibration of the Full-Sun Ultraviolet Rocket SpecTrometer (FURST)
- A Data-driven Collaborative Research Experience in Extreme Biology and Biophysics.
- A New Vision for Summer Schools: Moving the Heliophysics Summer School to a Remote Model
- A Particle-Based Image Segmentation Method for Phase Separation and Interface Detection in PIV Images of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
- A Relatively Simple Method for Extracting Wet Channels under Canopy from Spatial and Spectral LiDAR Data
- A policy-driven framework for conserving the best of Earth's remaining moist tropical forests
- A statstical study of plasma energetics in flare-CME events
- APECS Initiatives for Fostering Inclusive Polar Policies
- Adaptation to Water Scarcity in Irrigated Agriculture in California
- An assessment of the ability of the SWAT model to simulate land-use change impacts in tropical montane areas of Central Veracruz, Mexico
- Analysis of Energetic Electron Precipitation and its Associated Drivers Using Multi-Point Observations
- Analysis of Solar Wind Ejecta Observed by the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- Atmospheric Ionization from Radiation Belt Electrons from 2012-2019 based on Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD-II Observations
- Background Characterization of the Atmosphere When Looking for Eclipse-induced Gravity Waves
- Basal Ice Stratigraphy from Mercer Ice Stream, West Antarctica: Implications for sub ice stream accretionary processes
- Beam Theory Applied to Slab Avalanche Release
- Characterizing Chromospheric Condensation from Shocks Driven by Thermal Conduction
- Characterizing Laboratory-Prepared Specimens of Snow and Firn with Electron Backscatter Diffraction
- Combined crossed molecular beam and theoretical studies of the N(<SUP>2</SUP>D) + benzene and toluene reactions: primary products, branching ratios and implications for the atmospheric chemistry of Titan
- Compact Instrumentation for Energetic Particles at Magnetized Planets
- Comparisons of Energetic Electron Precipitation between FIREBIRD-II and POES Observations
- Constructing Solar and Zero Pressure High Altitude Balloons
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Tomographic Imaging Spectroscopy of the Solar Atmosphere
- Democratizing access to remotely-sensed seasonal snow data with user-focused cloud computing portals - SnowCloudMetrics and SnowCloudHydro
- Design and Fabrication of a Membrane-Based Sensor for Capillary Pressure Measurement in 2D Micromodels
- Developing a New Geospatial Approach for Rangeland Carbon Monitoring
- Doppler Measurements of Transition Region Transient Events at 630 Angstroms from the ESIS Sounding Rocket
- Experimental, Microbiome, and Geochemical Evidence for Methane Oxidation by Archaeal Ammonia Oxidizers in Hot Springs of Yellowstone National Park
- Explosive Event Contribution to the IRIS Si IV Transition Region Lines of the Sun-as-a-Star
- Extraction of Physical Snow Surface Characteristics from LiDAR Return Intensity
- Flare Models of Magnetic Energy Release into Plasma Heating and Particle Acceleration
- Flow Profile Analysis of High-altitude Weather Balloons Via Transient Fluid-structure Interaction Simulation in ANSYS
- Geoheritage in Support of Geoscience Research and Broader Impacts
- High Resolution Visualization of Snow and Ice via Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar Techniques
- Historic changes to convective environments and their impact on extreme precipitation in the northern North American Great Plains
- Hydroxyl in Quartz and Feldspar Phenocrysts from the Bishop Tuff, CA, and the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff, Yellowstone
- IRSL ages and significance of Late Pleistocene surficial sand deposits in the lower Khumbu region, Nepal
- Identification of suitable Managed Aquifer Recharge locations In California's Central Valley using an evolutionary multi-objective optimization
- Implications of the correlation between Doppler shifts and line widths in Si IV spectral lines from the active region transition region
- In Situ Field Demonstration of a Drill-instrument Combination for the Detection of Microbes and Organics in the Icy Crusts of the Ocean Worlds
- Individual Storm Event Influence on Seasonal Snow Depth Distribution in Complex Mountain Terrain
- Influence of past climate change on subglacial microbial communities and biogeochemical processes beneath Siple Coast ice streams, West Antarctica
- Intermittency effects in single- and multi-phase flow and anomalous transport in heterogeneous porous media
- Investigating the Mechanical Behavior of H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>-Doped Specimens of Simulated Polar Firn
- Investigation of the Energy Spectrum of Electron Microbursts Observed by FIREBIRD-II
- Jurassic to Neogene quantitative crustal thickness estimates in southern Tibet from recalibrated Sr/Y and La/Yb trace element geochemical proxies
- Laboratory determination of crevasse fracture criterion using crack arrest fracture toughness
- Laboratory-Scale Mapping of Water Percolation in Snow with Upward-Looking Radar and Hyperspectral Imaging
- MACIE: Mars Astrobiological Caves and Internal Habitability Explorer (a New Frontiers Mission Concept) for the next decade
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measurements of Mass and Energy Transport: Oxygen transport in microbially impacted porous media and energy transport by forced and natural convection in packed beds
- Managing Weather- and Market-Related Financial Risk in Algae Production for Biofuel and Co-products
- Mantle-to-Surface Fluid Transit Times Estimated from Helium Isotopes in Thermal Springs above the Peruvian Flat Slab: Implications for Tectonic Controls during Flat Slab-to-Lithosphere Fluid Transfer
- Measuring and Monitoring River Ice Using UAV and Satellite Imagery
- Mobile Laboratory Characterization of Rendering Plant Emissions
- Modeling Fracture Hazards at Europa for Cryobot Tunneling and Communication
- Modeling Sub-Alfvénic Outflow in Flare Reconnection via Interactions with the Surrounding Plasma Sheet
- Newly digitized structural data from the southern Appalachians and comparisons to subsurface anisotropy from seismic stations
- Non-Hysteretic Capillary Pressure in Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: An Experimental Investigation Using 2D Porous Micromodels
- On the Quasi-Three Dimensional Configuration of Magnetic Clouds
- On the origin and cycling of Holocene-aged carbon beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Our relationship to water and experience of water insecurity among Apsáalooke (Crow Indian) people, Montana
- Processes contributing to the maintenance of CO<SUB>2</SUB> super-saturation in a large boreal river
- Quantifying Chromospheric Condensation Characteristics through IRIS Observations in Si IV
- REAL: A CubeSat Mission to Study Energetic Electron Precipitation into Earth's Atmosphere
- Reentrants: Reliable Recorders of Magma Decompression Rates?
- STEM Student Engagement Using High Altitude Ballooning During Eclipses
- Scaling theory of magnetic reconnection spreading
- Sedimentology of Glacial Lake Core from Gokyo Valley, Everest Region, Nepal
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Radiation Belt Electrons Using FIREBIRD-II and the Van Allen Probes
- Statistical Comparison of Van Allen Probes Loss Cone Electron Measurements and FIREBIRD Observations for 2015-2019
- Statistical Properties of Electron Curtain Precipitation Estimated with AeroCube-6
- Stereo and LiDAR observations of young North American boreal forest regrowth
- Student Involvement in Collaborative Scientific Research: A Case Study from Atmospheric Gravity Wave Radiosonde Field Campaigns
- Teaching Crystal Symmetry Using "Old Time" Dances
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of Global Coronal Temperature and Emission Measure Derived from Solar Soft X-ray Imagers
- The Connection Between Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Lightning Activity in Their Originating Thunderstorms
- The IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer (IMPRESS): A Time Focused X-ray CubeSat
- The Nature of Solar Flare Reconnection
- The Neupert Effect of Flare Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Emissions
- The Relationship Between Instantaneous Lightning Flash Rates and TGF Production in Thunderstorms
- The resilience and vulnerability of the regional carbon sink in Alaska and Canada
- Topographic Correction of Broadband Albedo of Snow Measured from a UAV
- Trends in Regional Large Magnitude Snow Avalanche Occurrence and Associated Climate Patterns in the U.S. Northern Rocky Mountains
- Understanding the impact of terrain and avalanche characteristics on the detection of avalanche debris in Sentinel-1 imagery
- Using MEMS and Micro-CT to Investigate Micro-scale Temperature Gradients at Stratigraphic Interfaces in Snow
- Using an Fe-55 Source for Gain Fluctuation Characterization in Sounding Rockets
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using the WRF-ARW Model to Visualize and Predict Atmospheric Parameters During an Eclipse
- Viruses in Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments
- What can advances in Antarctic deglacial sediment <SUP>14</SUP>C dating tell us about grounding line evolution?
- What information from reach-scale tracer experiments can be effectively upscaled to represent longer study reaches?
- Wind Determination Using a Rigid-Body Model of Quadrotor Motion
- A multi-objective optimization framework for Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
- A unified functional relationship between catchment water balance and vegetation productivity
- Active Surface Uplift of the Gangdese Range, Southern Tibet
- An Examination of Prompt and Delayed Lightning Sferics Associated with TGFs
- An Operational Methodology for Validating Satellite Albedo from a UAV
- An assessment of highly variable prairie snow from multiple sensing platforms
- Analysis of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by Multiple Spacecraft, including by WISPR on Parker Solar Probe
- Application of Balloon-borne High Precision GPS for Atmospheric Gravity Wave Characterization
- Arctic REU the Rocky Mountains: A Late COVID Pivot to Preserve a Face-to-Face, Undergraduate Field Research Experience in the Geosciences
- BARREL Observations of Microbursts
- Beyond the window of detection: Using multi-scale solute tracer studies to assess mass recovery at the detection limit
- Biogeochemical variation across discrete depths in a peridotite aquifer assessed using borehole packers in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
- Calcium carbonate micro-precipitates by bacteria in droplets
- Characteristics and possible causes of high-density, hot loop-top ridges in two-ribbon flares
- Characterizing the Crystallographic Orientation of Snow Crystals with Electron Backscatter Diffraction
- Chorus and Microbursts: Synopsis (2015-2019) of high resolution wave and particle measurements during magnetic conjunctions of the Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD CubeSats
- Connecting chromospheric condensation signatures to reconnection driven heating rates in an X1.0 flare
- Constraining the effect of climate and rock porosity on weathering extent in the volcanic island of Santa Cruz (Galapagos, Ecuador)
- Correlated Spatio-temporal Evolution of Extreme-Ultraviolet Ribbons and Hard X-rays in a Solar Flare
- Determination of Coronal Streamer Coordinates using Images from WISPR on Parker Solar Probe
- Distributed Space Telescopes Enabled by Constellation of Small Satellites
- Drought-induced decoupling between tree growth and carbon uptake impacts forest carbon turnover time
- Enhancing avalanche flow models for theoretical and operational avalanche forecasting applications with high resolution LiDAR data
- Estimating Atmospheric Electron Precipitation using Observations from FIREBIRD-II CubeSats and the Van Allen Probes
- Evaluating the Viability of Cosmic Ray Neutrons for Estimation of Snow Water Equivalent in a Prairie Environment
- Evaluation of WRF-ARWs Ability to Simulate Simultaneous Atmospheric River and Total Solar Eclipse at High Resolution Utilizing Data Assimilation
- Evidence for protracted fault-hosted hydrothermal circulation and high topography during synconvergent extension in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Evidence of sub-relativistic electron precipitation from multi-satellite measurements in association with EMIC waves
- Evolution of Non-neutralized Electric Currents in Eruptive Solar Active Regions
- Evolution of magma ascent and discharge during a Plinian event (Late Bronze-Age eruption, Santorini) from multiple eruption-intensity proxies
- Exploring environmental conditions driving high spatial variability in CO2 and CH4 fluxes in a boreal wetland
- Explosive Events in Full disk SUMER data in C IV and Ne VIII
- Extraction of Effective Grain Diameter and Physical Snowpack Characteristics from LiDAR Reflectance
- Fire-Climate-Human interactions as recorded by levoglucosan, charcoal and fecal sterols
- Heterogeneous coarsening in snow during melt freeze cycles
- Historical and environmental drivers of microbial community structure in West Antarctic subglacial lake sediments
- How Do Changes in Glacier and Basin Geometry Affect the Evolution of Ice-Dammed Glacier Outburst Floods?
- IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer (IMPRESS): Science and Detector Goals
- Investigating Energy Release during Solar Eruptive Events with RHESSI, STEREO, and SDO
- Investigating Enzyme Urease Capabilities for Subsurface Biomineralization
- Investigating Geocoronal Absorption for Wavelength Calibration of Sounding Rockets
- Investigation of Basal Carbon Pools and Microbial Communities Associated with a High Arctic Glacier
- Investigation of Energy Partition in Ten Flare-CME events
- Kinematic and Vorticity Analysis of the Slide Lake and Homestake Shear Zones, Central Colorado, USA
- Local hydraulic resistance in heterogeneous porous media
- Mapping Liquid Water Content in Snow: An Intercomparison of Mixed-Phase Optical Property Models Using Hyperspectral Imaging, Radiative Transfer Simulations, and In Situ Measurements
- Meet Grotifer: a CubeSat that Will Provide Highly Accurate Three-Component Electric Field Measurements throughout the Heliosphere
- Microbiological considerations for in situ CO2 storage in peridotite: Results from the Oman Drilling Project and related research
- New Snow Metrics Show Variable Impacts of Changing Climate Across Snowpack Regimes
- Non-Hysteretic Capillary Pressure Functional Form in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: An Experimental Investigation Using 2D Porous Micromodels
- Observations of Electron Precipitation on the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats Associated with VLF Transmissions from the DSX Satellite
- Observations of Inertial Gravity Waves during the 2020 Solar Eclipse over South America
- Persistent, three-fold higher black carbon concentrations over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean following late 13th C Maori settlement of New Zealand
- Petrologic approaches to understanding magma ascent: A comparative study of the June 12theruption of Mt. Pinatubo
- Planetary Boundary Layer Height Determination and Lapse Rate Analysis Based on Atmospheric Conditions Surrounding the 2020 Total Solar Eclipse
- Polarization of Moonlight Measured Through Wildfire Smoke
- Pore-Scale Dynamics of Liquid CO2-Water Displacement in 2D Axisymmetric Porous Micromodels Under Strong Drainage and Weak Imbibition Conditions: High-Speed micro-PIV Measurements
- Probing the Physics of the Solar Atmosphere with the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE): II. Flares and Eruptions
- Properties of Magnetic Reconnection and Flare Energetics: a Case Study
- Quantifying Heterogeneities in Soil Cover and Weathering in Montanas Rocky Mountains
- Quantifying Recent Movement, Ice Thickness Distribution, and Meltwater Contributions of the Dana Glacier, Sierra Nevada, California
- Quantifying Seasonal Snow Depth Spatial Variability in Complex Mountain Terrain
- Quantifying a LiDAR Return Intensity Signature Intrinsic to Water Under Canopy, and Leveraging it to Map Occluded Waterways
- Quantifying black carbon emissions from lake sediments near late 13th century Maori settlements
- Quantifying microburst precipitation as a radiation belt loss mechanism The IMPAX (Imaging Microburst Precipitation with Atmospheric X-Rays) CubeSat mission
- Quantitative Study of CME Flux Rope Topology through Simulation and Observations
- Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation: Recent BARREL Observations
- Radiosonde Eclipse Campaign Education: Increasing Accessibility Through Adaptability and Affordability
- Reducing the spread of heavy metal contaminants by trapping them in biominerals
- Regional Ray-Tracing of Atmospheric Gravity Waves During the Total Solar Eclipse Over South America on December 14th, 2020
- Relationship Between Onsets of CME Acceleration and Magnetic Reconnection in CME-flare Events
- Satellite Correction Modelling for UAV Data Collected in Complex Mountainous Terrain
- Scaling between UAV- and satellite-based measurements of river ice
- Simultaneous pulsating aurora and microburst observations with ground-based fast auroral imagers and CubeSat FIREBIRD-II
- Space Public Outreach Team: Engaging Families in STEM Learning
- Stepping it Up: Reevaluating Embayments from Silicic Caldera-Forming Eruptions with a Two-Stage Decompression-Diffusion Model
- Storage Configuration and Evacuation of the Lava Creek Tuff, Yellowstone, Investigated Using Sanidine Chemistry
- Surviving in Ocean Worlds: An Experimental Characterization of Mechanical and Optical Transmission Performance of Fiber Optic Tethers Across Ice Faults
- The Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Unmanned High Altitude Balloons for the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project
- The Effects of Sulfuric Acid on the Thermomechanical Properties of Simulated Specimens of Polar Firn
- The IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer Mission at the University of Minnesota
- The Relativistic Electron Atmospheric Loss CubeSat
- The ferric-ity ferrous wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Toward monitoring forest ecosystem integrity within the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- Trends and Patterns of Glacier Surface Albedo and Temperature in the Canadians Cordillera and Alaska
- Understanding the connection between chorus and microbursts through multipoint observations
- Wildfire impacts to aridland stream chemistry across a hydroclimatic gradient
- (In)stability of the Laurentian Surface from Multisystem Thermochronometry
- 3D Reconstructions of the Solar Atmosphere using Neural Radiance Fields
- A "solar space elevator": imaging and spectroscopic analysis of repeated eruptions in a jet-like structure observed by IRIS
- A High-Rate, High-Sensitivity Scintillator Detector for Solar Hard X-Ray Spectroscopy
- A Model for Gradual Phase Heating Driven by MHD Turbulence in Solar Flares
- An Experimental Study of Pore-Scale Mineral Dissolution Using 2D Porous Micromodels
- An integrated analysis of the timing and impacts of arroyo formation and deposition in a wet meadow system in the New Mexico Rocky Mountains
- Applying the RBSL and Helicity-pumping Methods to the Modeling of the 2011 October 1 Pre-eruptive Configuration
- Arctic Geology at the Aasivissuit-Nipisat UNESCO World Heritage Site, Western Greenland: Connecting Student Science and Indigenous Land Use Through an NSF REU
- Assessing Soil Supply and Plant Demand to Interpret Long-Term Post-Fire Stream N Export
- Assessment of Water Availability for Irrigation within the Elevational Gradient of a Mountainous Catchment in Southwestern Montana
- Balloon Trajectory Prediction: Improving Calculation-based Techniques
- Characterization of Ionospheric Disturbances with the Shannon Information Content
- Combined Geophysical Techniques Constrain the Devon Ice Cap, Canadian High Arctic, Subglacial Environment
- Compound Tropical Cyclone-Elevated Heat Events in the United States
- Constraining the Size and Duration of Microburst-producing Chorus Regions: A Statistical Study of Low- and High- Altitude Observations
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Cooling the coldest continent: The 4 December 2021 Total Solar Eclipse over Antarctica
- Developing High Spatiotemporal Resolution Inundation Maps to Detect Rapid Changes in Surface Hydrology and Methane Emissions across Ecosystem Gradients in Alaska
- Developing a Rangeland Carbon Tracking and Monitoring Tool using Remote Sensing Imagery and Process-based Modeling Approach
- Diversity, function, and cultivation of the first methanogens outside the Euryarchaeota
- Does Management Reinforce or Mitigate Climate Change Driven Shifts in Forest Function? Integrating Management in Ensemble Vegetation Modeling
- Early Bursts during Flare Precursor and the Relationship to Onset of Solar Eruption
- Early EUV irradiance forecast using virtual spacecraft outside the Sun-Earth viewpoint
- Energy Release Process in the 2021 October 28 X1.0 Flare
- Evaluating the Impacts of Deficit Irrigation on Processing Tomatoes with Remote Sensing
- Examining the differences between traditional and interactive learning methods for educating students about eclipses
- Exploring Fine-scale Drivers of Methane Sources and Sinks in a Boreal Wetland
- Feedbacks between geomorphic processes and permafrost dynamics on soil-mantled hillslopes of Interior Alaska, USA
- First Images of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events Observed with the COSI-Balloon Detector
- Flare Ribbon Signatures of Reconnection Plasmoids
- Geologic controls on subglacial thermal conditions and old ice preservation from a COLDEX perspective - insights from East Antarctic airborne geophysical surveying
- Helicopter-Borne Lidar to Resolve Snowpack Variability in Southwest Idaho
- How (Un)important are Channel Heads to Hillslope-Channel Sediment Connectivity?
- Hydroclimate and Biomass Burning in the Interior Pacific Northwest During the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age: Reconciling Different Proxy Archives
- Imaging of Moon Polarization in Support of Nighttime Cloud Phase Remote Sensing
- Incorporation of Microbial Communities into Reactive Transport Modeling of Nitrogen in Subsurface Systems under Rainfall Perturbations
- Influence of Shallow Snow Spatial Variability on Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent in a Prairie Environment
- Influences of Land-Cover and Land-Use Change on Dangerous Humid Heat across the African Continent
- Insights into Lithium Movement in Ascending Silicic Systems: Variations Recorded in Melt Embayments from Four Volcanic Centers
- Insights into Solar Flare Reconnection and Energetics from Novel Forms of Observation and Modeling
- Intrafield Variability of Soil Health Indicators After Whole Orchard Recycling
- Investigating Energy Release during Solar Eruptive Events
- Kinematic Evolution of the Tangra Yumco Rift, South-Central Tibet
- Legacy of Agriculture and Urbanization Influence Water Quality in Two Tributary Watersheds of the Upper Missouri River
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Mapping the Sun and its Irradiance in Extreme Ultraviolet from any Viewpoint with an End-to-End ML Pipeline
- Measuring Magnetic Reconnection Rate and Shear in a Two-ribbon Flare
- Methane emissions show exponential inverse relationship with electrical resistivity from discontinuous permafrost wetlands in Alaska
- Modeling Streamflow Source Area Contributions in a Forested Watershed of the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Petronet: a Petrology and High-Temperature Geochemistry Community Built Within AN Antiracist and Inclusive Framework
- Pore-Scale Multiphase Flow of Water-Air in Dual-Porosity Porous Media: A Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement in 2D Micromodels.
- Quantifying Snow Covered Area and Snow Depth in a Prairie Environment Using UAVSAR Data
- Quantifying Tropical Peatland Water Table Levels from Space
- Rethinking Field Camp: A New Approach to Geological Methods Capstone Courses
- Shift from snow to rain and increasing water scarcity impact nutrient dynamics in agricultural landscapes of the semi-arid Northern Great Plains
- Simulating global dynamic surface reflectances for imaging spectroscopy spaceborne missions - LPJ-PROSAIL
- Simultaneous high-frequency measurements of O2 and pCO2 provide insights into river metabolism
- Snow Water Equivalent Modeling in Complex Mountainous Terrain Based on Snow Telemetry and Snow Depth Trends
- Statistical Size of the Microburst-Producing Chorus Source Determined From FIREBIRD II and Van Allen Probes Conjunctions
- Sustainable Partnerships for Sustaining Life on Land: Using Earth Observations to Develop Nationally Validated SDG 15 Indicators in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
- Systems Understanding of Cross-scale Magnetotail Dynamics
- Temporal Diversity within Cretaceous Methane Seeps, Great Valley Group, Central California
- The Competition Between Wave-Driven and Current Sheet Scattering-Driven Precipitation of Relativistic Electrons
- The Impulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer (IMPRESS) CubeSat Science and Status
- The Multi-scale Inner Structure of Coronal Streamers Imaged by WISPR/Parker Solar Probe
- The Realizable Potential of Soil Carbon Sequestration in U.S. Croplands
- UV Foot-point Calorimeter (UFC) Method and the UV-SXR Neupert Effect in Solar Flares
- Understanding Snow Deposition Patterns Leading to Natural Avalanche Formation in Heterogenous Mountain Terrain
- Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Locate Groundwater Discharge to Salmon-Bearing Streams
- Vulnerable Waters - Headwater Streams and Non-Floodplain Wetlands - are Essential to Watershed Resilience
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Arendt
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. Johnson
- A. R. Rhoden
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Breneman
- A. W. Nolin
- Adam M. Forte
- Adam S. Ward
- Aislin Reynolds
- Alejandro Fernández
- Alex J. Webster
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Alice Dohnalkova
- Alison S. Criscitiello
- Amir Caspi
- Amy Leventer
- Andrew C. Wilcox
- Andrew K. Laskowski
- Andrew Mullen
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Anja Rutishauser
- Ankur R. Desai
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. L. McGlynn
- B. R. Dennis
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Bart De Pontieu
- Becky Brice
- Behnaz Hosseini
- Benjamin Poulter
- Betsy M. Summers
- Bo Guo
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brock A. Parker
- Bryce Currey
- Byron A. Steinman
- C. A. Cattell
- C. A. Colpitts
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. Brenhin Keller
- C. Elder
- C. J. N. Wilson
- Cailey Condit
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles K. Gatebe
- Charles R. Lane
- Chonggang Xu
- Christian Möstl
- Christine F. Dow
- Christine McCarthy
- Christine R. Rollinson
- Christoforos Pappas
- Christopher B. Gardner
- Christopher R. German
- Cibele Hummel do Amaral
- Colin A. Shaw
- Cooper Downs
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. M. Rabin
- Daniel B. Nothaft
- Daniel P. Bigelow
- Daniel R. Marsh
- David E. Rupp
- David J. P. Moore
- David M. Smith
- David R. Thompson
- Deniz Bozkurt
- Dennis L. Newell
- Donald O. Rosenberry
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. A. Sproles
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. N. Jack Brookshire
- Eran Hood
- Eric S. Boyd
- Erich H. Peitzsch
- Erika K. Wise
- Erika Rader
- F. Nippgen
- F. S. Mozer
- F. Tsuchiya
- Farzan Kazemifar
- G. P. Zank
- Genevieve Ali
- George Kourakos
- Gian Luca Delzanno
- H. E. Dahlke
- H. U. Frey
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Harlan E. Spence
- Heather E. Golden
- Hong Yi Li
- I. R. Linscott
- I. Shinohara
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- Irena F. Creed
- Iuliia Burdun
- J Bernard Blake
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Sample
- J. M. Amundson
- J. M. Warren
- J. R. McConnell
- J. S. Deems
- J. Stutz
- J. W. Bonnell
- Jack Tarricone
- Jacob Parker
- James Dillon
- James M. Watkins
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jane W. Baldwin
- Jean L. Dixon
- Jie Gong
- Jinwoo Im
- Joachim Meyer
- Joanna R. Blaszczak
- Joel Dahlin
- Jonathan Kingslake
- Jonathan Sanderman
- Jordan A. Caraballo‐Vega
- Joshua Pettit
- Juerg M. Matter
- Justin T. Maxwell
- K. Goetz
- K. Hosokawa
- K. Kobayashi
- Kalin T. McDannell
- Katharina Methner
- Kathleen L. Craft
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kenneth T. Christensen
- Kevin Hammonds
- Kimberley Miner
- L. Capannolo
- L. Golub
- L. J. Paxton
- L. Kepko
- L. Ruby Leung
- Leonardo Regoli
- Lin Ding
- Lucia Gurioli
- M. Kitahara
- M. Myers
- M. N. Gooseff
- M. Newcomer
- M. Shumko
- M. Skiles
- M. Snow
- M. Swisdak
- Manolis K. Georgoulis
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Martin Connors
- Martin Schneebeli
- Martyn Unsworth
- Masahito Ueyama
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Megan Harris
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Meng Jin
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael D. DeGrandpre
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael McCarthy
- Miki Kawamura
- Mitsunori Ozaki
- Mizuki Fukizawa
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Nitta
- Nancy B. Grimm
- Nandita B. Basu
- Natalie Kehrwald
- Natasha L. S. Jeffrey
- Nathan Chellman
- Neerja Zambare
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Nina Brooks
- Nithin Sivadas
- Odeta Qafoku
- P. Rojo
- Paola Testa
- Pascal Corso
- Paulett C. Liewer
- Peter K. Zeitler
- Petrus C. Martens
- Phillip Hess
- Quirine Krol
- R. A. Howard
- R. J. Redmon
- R. K. Larkey
- R. M. Millan
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- René D. Garreaud
- Rezy Pradipta
- Robbie M. Parks
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert Holder
- Robert Mulvaney
- Rossella Guerrieri
- Rui Pinto
- S. A. Ewing
- S. B. Mende
- S. E. Tuttle
- S. K. Antiochos
- S. Ohtani
- S. O’Neel
- S. T. Henderson
- S. Vargas Domínguez
- S. W. Cooley
- S. W. Tyler
- Sabine Eckhardt
- Sadie Elliott
- Sapna Shekhar
- Satoko Nakamura
- Scott G. Leibowitz
- Scott J. Goetz
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Shinji Saito
- Shin‐ichiro Oyama
- Shoya Matsuda
- Shuai Yan
- Solène Lejosne
- Soumaya Belmecheri
- Steven Christe
- Susan M. Natali
- T. Motoba
- T. P. Covino
- Tim M. Conway
- Tomoaki Hori
- Trista J. Vick‐Majors
- Tyler A. Grambling
- V. G. Merkin
- V. H. Hansteen
- V. S. Titov
- Valier Galy
- W. Payton Gardner
- William R. Guenthner
- William Setterberg
- Xiaochen Shen
- Y. Ogawa
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yushu Xia
- Yutai Katoh
- Zachary S. Miller
- Zoe Pierrat