Massachusetts Institute of Technology
flowchart I[Massachusetts Institute of Technology] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (6)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2947)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (818)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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- Haystack Observatory
- MIT, Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- MIT, Department of Physics
- MIT, Laboratory of Nuclear Science
- MIT, Lincoln Laboratory
- MIT, School of Engineering
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Space Weather: Solar wind and predicting geomagnetic storms on Earth
- 3D Deformation at the Coso Geothermal Field - Observations and Models
- A Preliminary List of Shocks seen by Wind, from Launch till August 2001
- A Study of the Atmospheric Oxidation Mechanism of Propylene Using Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Benoit Mandelbrot is really a Hydrologist
- Constraints on the Dip of the Anisotropic Symmetry Axis Beneath Japan From Shear Wave Splitting
- Data Assimilation of Highly Nonlinear Features
- Does Fault Length Limit Earthquake Size?
- Estimating Coseismic Slip and Crustal Stress Changes from Surface Displacement Data and Elastically Layered Earth Models: Findings from the 1999 Izmit, Turkey Earthquake
- Evidence of a Deep Origin for Primitive Pliocene Absarokites From the Sierra Nevada, California
- Forecast 4d-Var: Exploiting Model Output Statistics
- Global Signatures of the Traveling Convection Vortex on November 9, 1993
- HYDROS: The Hydrosphere State Exploratory Mission
- Is Climate Change Dominantly 'Cyclic'?
- Joint Observations of Marine Lightning Over the Atlantic by the FORTE Satellite and the United Kingdom Meteorological Office sferics array
- Lithospheric Mantle Deformation From Seismic and Mechanical Anisotropy
- Meta-stable Vegetation Cover and Erosion Cycles
- Modulation of Mesoscale Lightning and Rainfall over Africa by the Global 5 Day Wave
- Orbital Theory, Marine Isotope Stage 11, and the Holocene Problem
- Poisson's Ratio beneath Alaska from the Surface to the core mantle boundary
- Re-evaluating the Orbital Theory of Pleistocene Climate
- Relating Measurements of Decaying Postseismic Surface Deformation to Viscoelastic Relaxation: This is no Time for Elsasser Time
- Simulation of Borehole Failure Phenomena Using Discrete Element Modeling
- Solar Cycle Variation of Shocks in the Heliosphere
- Spectral Evidence for Ionization in Air-Filled Glow Discharge Tubes: Application to Sprites
- Stick Slip, Creep and Frictional Behavior of Laboratory Fault Zones Subject to Time-Dependent Fluctuations of Normal Load
- Sub-regional Dynamic Topography and Deformation of the Lower Crust by Decoupled Channel Flow in Tibet
- The Sensitivity of Deep-Ocean Heat Content to the Surface Freshwater Flux in the MIT Adjoint OGCM
- The effectiveness of ocean carbon sequestration by direct injection: Leakage and discount rates
- The geoeffective scale sizes of solar wind events
- Thirty Years of Flood Forecasting with John Schaake: Latest Advances in Distributed Modeling
- Ultra-Long Lightning Continuing Current
- Utilizing NEXRAD-based QPEs and short-term QPFs in a TIN-based Distributed Hydrologic Model for Hydrologic Forecasting
- Vapor-Saturated Melting of Fertile Peridotite Revisited: A new Experimental Approach and Re-evaluation of the Hydrous Peridotite Solidus
- A Quarter Century of Uncertainty in the Aqueous Underground
- A Theory For The Influence Of The Subtropical Thermocline On The Solubility Pump Of Carbon
- An Application of Kriging Method to Study Ice Volume Changes Using ERS Radar Altimetry Data
- An Eddy-resolving State Estimate of the Ocean Circulation During the Subduction Experiment Using a North Atlantic Regional Model (ECCO)
- An Erosional Record of Tibetan Plateau Uplift and the Asian Monsoon in the East Asian Marginal Seas
- An Optimality Principle of Evaporation Over Non-vegetated Land Surface
- An analysis of the role of fluids in fracture initiation and propagation using direct simulation of the coupled fluid-solid system
- Assimilation of Multi-resolution Passive and Active Remote Sensing Data for the Estimation of Soil Moisture Fields
- Biomass, Growth and Grazing Responses in the SOFeX Iron-Fertilized Patch at 66°S
- Controls on Deep Water Iron Distribution: A Modeling Study
- Darwinian Expression of Vegetation Form and Function
- Dead or Alive? Probing Microbial Ecosystems With Intact Polar Lipids.
- Deep Convection, Aerosol, and Tropospheric Chemistry
- Effects of Surface Waves on a Turbulent Current Over a Rough Seabed
- Ensemble Approaches to Hydrologic Data Assimilation
- Estimation of Surface Energy Balance Components Over the US Midwest using Multi-Platform and Multi-Resolution Satellite Measurements
- Evidence for the Formation of Pliocene Sierran High-Potassium Magmas from Deep Melting of a Phlogopite-Clinopyroxene Metasomatized Peridotite
- Experimental Constraints on the Interpretation of Martian Reflectance Spectra
- Experimental Investigations of Oxygen Atom Loss on Mesospheric Dust Surrogates
- Full ELF/VLF Bandwidth Observations of Lightning in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide
- GPS Survey of the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, for Satellite Altimeter Calibration
- Generalized Radon Transform in Global Seismology: Focusing Selected Neighborhoods of the CMB
- Investigations of Sprites During the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study
- Modeling Effects of Snow Burial on Cosmogenic Exposure Age Dating, Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland, and Wind River Range, WY
- Modeling the Activation of Externally Mixed Inorganic Aerosol Populations: the Effects of Competition and its Sensitivity to Mixing State
- Multi-tracer constraints on ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
- Noise levels in Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) data; Preliminary results
- Particle heating and energization in intense reconnection current layers
- Phase Changes in Subducted Continental Crust: Implications for Slab Dynamics and Crustal Recycling
- Plankton Community Response to Iron-Fertilization in the "Northern Patch" at 56°S
- Potential of Leaf Wax Lipids for Synchronization of Marine Sediments and Polar Ice Cores
- Responses of phytoplankton and bacteria to two mesoscale iron additions in the Southern Ocean (SOFEX)
- Sensitivities and Uncertainties of DMS Oxidation Products in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer
- Sensitivity of Climate Change on Diapycnal Diffusion in Global Warming Experiments
- The Deep-Ocean Heat Uptake in Transient Climate Change
- The Hydrosphere State (HYDROS) Mission Approach to High Resolution and Frequent Revisit Data Products for Hydrometeorological and Hydroclimatological Applications
- The Role of Cloud Base Height in the Convective Vigor and Flash Rate of Thunderstorms
- The Role of Diffusion in Solute Transport and Reaction in Porous Media: Results from Direct Visualization of Laboratory Experiments
- Time evolution of probability density functions observed in solar wind plasma densities
- Timescales of Pluton Construction and the Crystallization History of the Mt Stuart Batholith, North Cascades, WA
- Toward an ITRF2000 Combined Solution for the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Wind Observations of Extreme Ion Temperature Anisotropies Within the Lunar Wake
- A Comparison of Multiple-Event Location Methods
- A New Global Model for 3-D variations in P Wave Speed in Earth's Mantle
- A modeling study on the effects of vegetation and disturbances on episodic sediment delivery
- Alkenone Paleotemperatures in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Since the LGM: Magnitude and Timing of Deglacial Warming
- Analogue or Anomaly? Ocean Drilling Evidence From Marine Isotope Stage 11
- Assessment of Regional-Network Seismic Location Accuraty Using Relative and Master-Event Techniques and a Nevada Test Site Dataset
- Bedrock and Sediment Controls on Channel Morphology in the Henry Mountains, Utah
- Biogeochemical Regime Shifts in a Model of the Subtropical Oceans
- Climate Change, Air Pollution, and the Economics of Health Impacts
- Comparing Topography of Martian and Terrestrial Drainage Basins Using Integral-Geometry Morphological Image Analysis -- Implications for Origin of Martian Channel Networks
- Comparison of gold and MgO pressure scales at 22-56 GPa and 300-1150 K and its implications for mantle models
- Coupled surface-subsurface response to rainfall: Runoff nonlinearity and scale-dependence in a topographically complex catchment
- Coupling catchment hydrology and landscape evolution: Interactive effects on hydrograph and basin shape
- D'' Layer Activation via Tidal Dissipation: A Link Between Non-Hydrostatic Ellipticity, Non-Chondritic Heat Flux, and Non-Plume Head Generation of Flood Basalts
- Estimation of Trace Gas Fluxes by Inverse Modelling
- Evidence for Chemical Heterogeneities Derived From Poisson's Ratio in the Lower Mantle Beneath Alaska.
- Formation of Kinetically Inert Copper Compounds in the Presence of Sulfide and Thiols
- Generalized Radon Transform Inversion of Coda Waves: Imaging Selected Neighborhoods of the CMB
- High-Pressure Experiments on Harzburgite Melting With and Without H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Holocene Loess Deposition in Iceland: Evidence Against Long-term AO/NAO Modulated Climate Change
- Implications of Ozone on Carbon Sequestration and Climate Policy in the U.S. Using the MIT Integrated Global Systems Model
- Laser-Ablation (U-Th)/He Geochronology
- Localization of Oceanic Fronts and Feature Boundaries Using a Variational Technique
- Measuring inter-seismic deformation by INSAR in Eastern Turkey
- Mechanisms for creating accommodation space during early Tertiary sedimentation in Tibet.
- Modeling the implications of fluvial erosion and bank failures on gully development and growth
- Multiple-Event Location with Station-Correlated Path Corrections
- NASA Education and Public Outreach Initiatives at the MIT Center for Space Research
- On the Dynamics of the North-South Seasonal Migration of Global Lightning
- Seismological Constraints on Mantle Structure and Composition
- Solar wind magnetic fluctuations and its Probability Density Function
- Strength, strain, and structure of the Australian continental lithosphere
- The Hydrosphere State Mission (HYDROS) Soil Moisture and Freeze/Thaw Exploratory Mission
- The Solar Wind Near 70 AU in the Declining Stage of the Solar Cycle.
- Towards a rigorous MCMC estimation of PDFs of Climate System Properties.
- Tracking Past Shifts in the Eastern Pacific ITCZ With Foraminiferal Oxygen Isotopes and Mg Paleothermometry
- Understanding Active Processes at the Surfaces of Jupiter's Icy Moons
- Variability in Summer Arctic Temperature and Arctic Oscillation Over the Past 600 Years
- Which Tropical Continental 'Chimney' Dominates the Global Electrical Circuit, and Why?
- A ~100 Kyr SST record based on the Mg/Ca of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) from the Labrador Sea.
- AGU Committee on Education and Human Resources Sub-Committee on Diversity Program for the term 2004-2006
- Ambient VOC Concentration and Emission Measurements during the MCMA 2002 and 2003 Field Campaigns
- An hypothesis for tropical climate stability and extratropical instability
- Application of GeoFEST With PYRAMID Mesh Refinement to Southern California Crustal Deformation
- Aragonite Undersaturation in the High-Latitude Surface Ocean Within the 21st Century
- Auroral and Non-auroral X-ray Emissions from Jupiter: A Comparative View
- Basal Topography of the South Polar Layered Deposits
- Behavior of the Thermohaline Circulation as a Function of Climate Sensitivity for Various Increased CO<SUB>2</SUB> Scenarios
- Biomarker changes across the Toarcian (early Jurassic) ocean anoxic event
- Characterization of Ambient Aerosols in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Campaign using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer: Overall Trends and the Inorganic Component
- Cloud-Radiative Interactions With Upper Tropospheric Circulations
- Coordinate Time Series Generation
- Correlation of Solar Wind Features Observed From Spacecraft Well-Separated in YGSE
- Crustal Structure Study In Turkey With Controlled Seismic Sources
- Crustal Structure of China and Surrounding Regions from P and S Wave Travel-time Tomography
- Crustal velocity structure in the Changbaishan volcanic area, NE China, determined from a wide-angle refraction/reflection experiment and a temporary broadband array
- Determination of Methane Emissions by Region and Generating Process Using Inverse Methods
- Effects of initialization conditions in distributed hydrological response: spatio-temporal dependencies on rainfall forcing, watershed topography and soils.
- Experimental Bedrock Channel Incision: Scaling, Sculpture and Sediment Transport
- Experimental Study of Sinuous Channel Evolution Associated with Depositional Turbidity Currents
- Further Test of the Hypothesis of Maximum Evaporation Using New Field Observations
- Groundwater Flow and Arsenic Biogeochemistry in Bangladesh
- Hydrocarbon Measurements during the MCMA2003 Field Experiment: Intercomparison and Analysis
- Implications of the Anomalous Cratering Record of the South Layered Deposits
- In Situ X-ray Diffraction Study of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite to the Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
- Incorporation of Complex Rheologies Into Models of Interseismic Displacements
- Insights into Planar Magnetic Solar Wind Structures Using New Visualization Methods
- Iron Isotopes in the Amazon River System: Weathering and Transport Signatures
- Kappa distribution and Probability Density Functions in Solar Wind
- Kinematic and dynamic models of deep afterslip following the 1999 Izmit-Duzce earthquake sequence
- MAX-DOAS measurement of Glyoxal at the MIT in Cambridge during the NEAQS-ITCT 2004 Campaign
- Mars 2007 Phoenix Lander: Site Selection and Terrain Analysis
- Martian residual-ice cap albedos from MOLA radiometry
- Near Sea Surface Wind Estimations Using Airborne GPS Systems
- On the Survival of a Heterogeneous Deep Mantle Reservoir: Constraints from Evolutionary Numerical Mantle Convection Models
- Optimal estimation of regional N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions using a three-dimensional global model
- Overview of Measurements of Particle Emissions and Ambient Concentrations in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign
- Physical and biogeochemical controls on the air-sea disequilibrium of trace gases
- Reconstruction of the West Pacific ENSO precipitation anomaly using the compound-specific hydrogen isotopic record of marine lake sediments of Palau
- Redox Cycling and Arsenic Transport to Groundwater in Bangladesh
- Sedimentary Rocks and Evidence for Aqueous Environment on the Surface of Mars
- Size, Time, and Composition-Resolved Aerosol Measurements in Mexico City During the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign: The Organic Component
- Solubility of Helium in Olivine at 1 Atmosphere
- Stability and Crystal Structure of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite in the Earth's Deep Mantle
- Stratification, Sediment Transport, and the Early Wet Surface of Meridiani Planum
- Summary of the Chemistry Transport in Deep Convection Cloud Modeling Workshop Intercomparison
- The Effect of Melt Pressure on the Rheology of Compacting, Partially Molten Peridotite
- The Evolution of Stratospheric Dynamics and Thermal Structure in the Presence of a Weak Surface Temperature Gradient
- The Production and Redistribution of Oxygen in Saturn's Magnetosphere: CAPS Cassini Data
- Thin shell dynamo models consistent with Mercury's weak observed magnetic field
- Upper Mantle Anisotropy and Normal Mode Coupling
- Variability of Ambient Aerosol in the Mexico City Metropolian Area
- X-ray Diffraction and Vibrational Spectroscopy Studies on Brucite-type β -Cadmium Hydroxide to 36 GPa.
- Zinc isotope variations in natural and cultured marine phytoplankton.
- A Method to Objectively Relate the Accuracy of Satellite Trace gas Measurements to Uncertainty in Inversely Estimated Trace gas Emissions.
- A Neighbourhood Algorithm Analysis of the Constraints Provided by Surface Wave Dispersion Data on Upper Mantle Structure
- Archaeal and Bacterial Variation Across Geochemical Gradients in an Arsenic-Rich, Shallow Submarine Vent, Papua New Guinea
- Birch Lecture: Uplift and Evolution of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Colloid Traps:Microscale Modeling of Solid Transport Through a Single Rock Fracture
- Composition Dependence of Pressure-Induced Spin Transitions in the (Mg,Fe)O System
- Composition Dependence of Pressure-Induced Spin Transitions in the (Mg,Fe)SiO3 System
- Continuum Statistics of the Bed Topography in a Sandy River
- Controls on helium solubility in olivine at low pressures
- Crustal Structure and P and S Wave Velocities in Central Turkey
- Detrital Thermochronology as a Tool for Studying the Evolution of Transient Landscapes
- Dynamical evolution of channels driven by subsurface flow
- Ecosystem and Societal Consequences of Ocean versus Atmosphere Carbon Storage
- Estimation of Land Surface Latent Heat Flux and Its Determinants Based on Remotely Sensed Measurements
- Estimation of Permeability Field via Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Grain Growth Pinning and Strain Localization: Implications for Plagioclase Flow Laws and Strength of the Lower Crust
- High Pressure Phase transition in Mn2O3 to the CaIrO3-type Phase
- Hopping Microbot Access to Subsurface (Cave) and Rugged Terrain on Mars and Hazardous Extreme Earth Astrobiology Sites
- How Slab Geometry,Trench Velocity and Viscous Stress Vary in Subduction Systems
- How accurate the satellite observations need to be? --required accuracy of satellite data to provide information beyond ground based observations for optimization of the CH4 flux estimate
- Identification of Magnetosome Chains by Ferromagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Land Surface Energy Balance and Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) Principle
- Lithospheric Structure of East Asia from Seismic Tomography
- Missing Halocarbon Source? Data from a Recent New England Landfill Field Campaign
- Myths about Mathematical Modeling in Hydrology and Geomorphology
- Net methane exchanges between the atmosphere and land ecosystems in the northern high latitudes over the 21st century
- New Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Systems for High-Temperature Studies in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Optimal Rooting Profiles in Water-Limited Ecosystems
- Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Data Analysis
- Relationship between geodetic and geologic fault slip-rates with more realistic rheologies and rupture histories
- Role of Groundwater Aquifers in the Climate System
- SeaRover: An Emerging Technology for Sea Surface Sensor Networks
- Seismic, Webcam and Satellite Observations of Eruptions at Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska, January-February 2005
- Survey of interplanetary shock characteristics
- Temperature Structure of Saturn from Spectral Mapping by Cassini CIRS and Joint High-Resolution Subaru COMICS and IRTF MIRSI Mid-Infrared Imaging
- The Enceladus Neutral Cloud and the OH Torus
- The stratospheric polar vortex: evolving perspectives
- Thermodynamics of Spin Transitions in the Lower Mantle
- Topographic Influence on Vegetation Distribution: A Distributed Hydrologic Model with Vegetation Dynamics
- Towards Underwater Sensor Networks: A Reconfigurable Acoustic Network
- Towards an Integrated Seismic Characterization of the Slave Craton
- Ultra-fine scale magnetostratigraphy of Mn crust with SQUID microscope
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Ferric Calcium Silicate Perovskite to 62 GPa
- A Localized Surface Vegetation - Boundary Layer Feedback Mechanism in a GCM Simulation
- A new U/Pb date for the basal Meishucun section and implications for the age of the Cambrian explosion
- Ab Initio Study of the Composition Dependence of the Pressure-Induced Spin Transition in the (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite System
- Assimilation of Production Data for Oil Reservoir Characterization: A Parameter Estimation Problem
- Can the concept of fundamental and realized niches be applied to the distribution of dominant phytoplankton in the global ocean?
- Carbon dioxide and oxygen fluxes in the Southern Ocean: mechanisms for interannual variability
- Characterization of Postseismic Deformation Derived from GPS Measurements
- Chemical Variation and MORB Generation on the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (9°-25° E)
- Climate Impact of Anthropogenic Aerosols in an Interactive Size-Resolving Aerosol-Climate Model
- Climate Variability and Hurricanes
- Collaborative Multi-Agent Based Simulations: Stakeholder-Focused Innovation in Water Resources Management and Decision-Support Modeling
- Constraining the flow and fracture of planetary ices through laboratory experiment
- Coupling of atmospheric and oceanic annular modes in an Aqua-Planet
- Direct Assessment of Water Vapor and Cloud Feedbacks From Observations
- Direct Radiative Forcing of Black Carbon Aerosols and Tropical Convective Precipitation
- Effect of Pressure Scale Inconsistency on the Determination of the Equation of State of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite
- Effect of Solute Impurity of Mg on the Microstructure of Calcite
- Electrochemistry in Geophysics
- Extensive partial melting and melt extraction in pelitic metasediments: An example from the Chiwaukum schist (Washington Cascades)
- Generation of Internal Waves in the Southern Ocean.
- Geochemical characteristics of West Molokai shield- and postshield- stage lavas: Constraints on Hawaiian plume models
- Hurricanes and the Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation
- In Situ Raman Spectroscopy Measurements of Spinel up to 1400 °C
- Investigating the Depth of Komatiite Melting Using Experimentally Determined Olivine and Orthopyroxene Melt Reaction Coefficients
- Isotope fractionation of zinc during electroplating
- Lipid Biomarker Records Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary from Kap Stosch, Greenland
- Low-Frequency Sea Level Variability Estimated From a Data-Constrained General Circulation Model
- Mantle P wave travel time tomography of Eastern and Southern Africa: New images of mantle upwellings
- Microbial Response to a Deep-Sea Volcanic Eruption at 9N on the East Pacific Rise
- Morphodynamics of Levees Built by Turbidity Currents: Observations and Models
- North Cascades, WA: The Collapse of a Continental Magmatic Arc
- Observations of the High-Latitude Interplanetary Helium Abundance with Ulysses
- Postseismic Models Consistent with Interseismic Deformation
- Putting the t into EarthScope: Evolution of North American Lithosphere in the 4th Dimension
- Radio Observatory for Lunar Sortie Science (ROLSS)
- Raman Spectroscopy of Perovskite, Post-Perovskite, and Glass in MgGeO3 to 1.2 Mbar
- Running GCM physics and dynamics on different grids: Algorithm and tests
- SCREAM (Subsurface Characterization Rover for Exobiology Assessment on Mars)
- Solar wind propagation from Ulysses to Voyager 2
- Spectral Analysis of Variations in Neutral Winds in the Lower Thermosphere Over Thirty Days.
- The Effect of Deviatoric Stress on the High-Pressure Phase Stability of Ca(OH)2
- The Fate of Wet Mantle Melts: Fractionation Crystallization Processes Preserved in Magmatic Inclusions, Mt. Shasta CA
- The Horoman Peridotite Massif: an Example of Ancient Ultraslow-Spreading Ridge Abyssal Peridotites?
- The Lofting of Aerosol by Gust Fronts in the West African Sahel
- The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Laser Ranging Investigation
- Two-Dimensional Pseudospectral Simulation of Global Seismic Wave Propagation Through Core-Mantle Boundary Ultra-Low Velocity Zones
- WRF/Chem Analyses and Comparisons With In Situ, Aircraft and Satellite Data During MILAGRO
- An Analysis of Mid-Latitude Neutral Wind in the Lower Thermosphere: Comparison of Fall and Spring Equinoxes
- An Integrated Approach to Economic and Environmental Aspects of Air Pollution and Climate Interactions
- Analysis of Global Atmospheric and Terrestrial Hydrological Budget Using Merged Satellite Data Sets
- Application of the Time Reversed Acoustic Concept to Earthquake Location and Focal Depth Determination
- Are Patterns in Paleo-Hurricane Landfalls Significant? Statistical Comparisons with Modeled Hurricane Climatology
- Biomarker evidence for shallow water marine euxinia through the PTB in the Panthalassic Ocean (Peace River Basin Embayment, Canada)
- Carbonaceous Aerosol Processing in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Carbonate-rich Sediments in the Hawaiian Plume: Evidence from Mahukona Volcano
- Changes in Crystal Structure and Thermo-Elastic Properties of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 across the Post-Perovskite Transition
- Channel Flow in the Deep Crust and its Topographic Expression
- Circulation in the Southwest tropical Pacific for the year 2000 from an assimilated model
- Climate Impact of Carbonaceous and Sulfate Aerosols in an Interactive Size-Resolving Aerosol-Climate Model
- Constraints on melt-water flux through the West Greenland ice-sheet: modeling of hydro- fracture drainage of supraglacial lakes
- Constraints on the evolution of East Asia's mantle from P-wave travel time tomography
- Core-log Integration as a Tool for Improving Depth Resolution
- Crack Coalescence in Molded Gypsum and Carrara Marble
- Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Front
- Deep structure of the strain concentration zone in northern Miyagi Prefecture, NE Japan
- Deepening of the mixed layer during ice-rafting events: implication for the Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Detecting Aseismic Fault Slip and Magmatic Intrusion From Seismicity Data
- Dusty Gusts and Rusty Dust: The Role of Iron in the Contrast in Physical Properties of Surface Soil between Sahara and Sahel
- EARTHTIME: Isotopic Tracers and Optimized Solutions for High-Precision U-Pb ID-TIMS Geochronology
- Evaluating Treatments of Aerosol Optical Properties and their Effect on Radiative Forcing using MILAGRO Measurements
- Evaluation of the use of high spatial resolution AOD retrievals from MODIS on air quality monitoring system in urban areas
- Extending the Wet Mantle Solidus: Implications for H2O Transport and Subduction Zone Melting Processes
- Google Moon, Google Mars, and Beyond
- Growth of the Tuolumne Batholith: Zircon Crystallization Temperature, Age and Trace Element Data
- High-precision multiple-sulfur isotope analysis as a new tool to decouple isotope mixing and fractionation: application to subsurface sulfur cycles
- Hydroxyl Radical Determination From Methyl Chloroform: Current Utility and Future Viability
- Imaging the Andaman and Sunda Subduction Zones Using Regional Double-Difference Tomography
- Initial Analyses and Demonstration of a Soil Moisture Smart Sensor Web Using Data Assimilation and Optimal Control
- Integrating retrieved cloud information with model simulation to extend usability of tracer gas retrievals.
- Linear Chain Formation by Unicellular Bacteria During Mat Growth Under Low-Energy Flows
- Linked magma ocean solidification, cumulate mantle compositions, and atmospheric growth
- Measurement of Activation Volume of Dry Olivine at High Pressure
- Mercury's core fraction and ancient crustal composition: Predictions from planetary formation under extremely reducing conditions
- Modeling Carbon Fluxes Between the Arctic Atmosphere, Ocean and Land Ecosystems
- On foundering lithosphere and volatile migration: Upside-down melting
- Penguin Bank: A Loa-Trend Hawaiian Volcano
- Physiology and Mechanism of Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidation by Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1
- Precise relocations of deep low-frequency earthquakes beneath NE-Japan and estimation of 3-D seismic velocity structure in the surrounding areas
- Propagating Rift Explanation for the V-Shaped Ridges South of Iceland
- Response of the zonal mean atmospheric circulation to El Nino versus global warming
- Sandbar Formation Under Surface Waves
- Seismic imaging of dehydration reactions in the subducted oceanic crust
- Sensitivity Of The Low Frequency Variability Of The Atmosphere To The Surface Friction In An Idealized Model
- Shallow mantle melting beneath Newberry Volcano, central Oregon, USA
- Simulation of the Impact of Climate Variability on Malaria Transmission in the Sahel
- Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Ferric-Rich MgSiO3-Perovskite
- The Acoustic Signature of Woodford Shale and Upscale Relationship from Nano-Scale Mechanical Properties and Mineralogy
- The Early Lunar Orbit and Principal Moments of Inertia
- The Effect of Synoptic Scale Mountain Meteorology on Nocturnal Peak Ozone Mixing Ratios for Wintertime Conditions
- The Impact of Deep Convection on the Mid- and Upper Tropospheric Aerosol Size Distribution
- The Post-Perovskite Transition in NaMgF3 Measured Under an Ar Medium
- The Soil Moisture Active/Passive Mission (SMAP)
- The Solar Wind in the Foreshock Upstream of the Termination Shock
- The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO)
- Tidal Evolution of Mimas, Enceladus, and Dione
- Tracing The Fate Of Methane-Derived Carbon: Insights Into The Ecological Physiology Of Anaerobic Methanotrophy Via Quantitative Molecular and Geochemical Approaches
- "Electrically-Hot" Convection and Tropical Cyclone Development in the Eastern Atlantic
- A California Statewide Three-dimensional Seismic Velocity Model From Both Absolute and Differential Times
- A Detailed Analysis of Aerosols Containing Zn, Pb, and Cl from an Industrial Region of Mexico City
- A Grain-Scale Coupled Model of Multiphase Fluid Flow and Sediment Mechanics: Application to Methane Hydrates in Natural Systems
- A MITgcm/DART Ocean Analysis and Prediction System with Application to the Gulf of Mexico
- A New Kinetic Based Fluid Approach to Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- A geodynamic and tectonic framework for the Wenchuan Earthquake of May 12, 2008
- Aerosol-Cloud Interaction in Tropical Deep Convection and Its Impact on Cloud Transport/Processing of Chemical Species Including Aerosols
- An Impact Event on the Lunar Surface at ~3.3 Ga Inferred From 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronometry of Multiple Samples in Apollo 16 Soil 63503
- An eleven-year validation of a physically-based distributed dynamic ecohydorological model tRIBS+VEGGIE: Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed
- Analysis of Bias in Surface Wave Phase Velocities from Ambient Noise Interferometry and an Iterative Approach for Azimuthal Anisotropy
- Atmospheric Tides Simulated by WACCM-1 and CMIP3 / IPCC Climate Models
- Changes in mean and extreme precipitation with global warming
- Chaotic Internal Wave Motion due to Multiple Bragg Resonances
- Conditions Under Which Gaseous Methane Will Fracture Ocean Sediments and Penetrate Through the Hydrate Stability Zone: Modeling Multiphase Flow and Sediment Mechanics at the Pore-Scale
- Consequences of considering carbon/nitrogen interactions on the feedbacks between climate and the terrestrial carbon cycle.
- Data Sharing and Science: Legal, Normative, and Social Issues
- Data-Conditioned Distributions of Groundwater Recharge Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Deformation induced slip-system transition in olivine at high pressures
- Development of Levenberg-Marquardt, Resilient Back-Propagation, and Conjugate Gradient Powell-Beale Artificial Neural Networks for Peak Urban Water Demand Forecasting in Nicosia, Cyprus
- Distinctive stable carbon isotope ratios indicative of carbon-cycle perturbations at the Permian-Triassic boundary
- ECCO2: High Resolution Global Ocean and Sea Ice Data Synthesis
- Early planetary evolution: The crust and mantle before convection
- Enhanced Monte-Carlo Adaptive Moving Window Inversion and its Application in China
- Evidence for small-scale thermal convection near the CMB from joint multi-scale analysis of seismic images and finite element modelling
- Formation of Submarine Debris Flows from Strain Weakening: Examples From the Ursa Basin, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Fourier Shape Analysis of Simple Crater Morphology: Relating Crater Shape and Target Properties.
- GPS and Geologic Deformation Rates Agree to Within Uncertainties in the Arabia-Africa- Eurasia Zone of Plate Interaction
- GPS reference frame realizations
- Generation and dissipation of temperature and salinity variability in the ocean
- Going beyond the unitary curve: incorporating richer cognition into agent-based water resources models
- Heterogeneity and Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Crust in SE Tibet and Sichuan Province from Surface Wave Array Tomography
- High-Precision TIMS Dating of Oceanic Crustal Accretion: Vema Lithospheric Section, Mid- Atlantic Ridge
- How to make the most out of level sets for geodynamical modeling
- Impact of ocean shortwave absorption on tropical cyclogenesis
- Improving the Ability of RegCM3-IBIS to Simulate the Hydroclimatology of the American Midwest
- In situ Raman Study on the Phase Transition at 1500 K in MgSiO3 Enstatite
- Inference of Hydrologic and Plant Interactions From Unsaturated Zone Chemical and Physical Data
- Interdisciplinary modeling of the California Current System
- Iron Distribution in the Surface and Oxygen Minimum Waters of the Tropical North Atlantic
- Is plant migration restrained by available nitrogen supply in high latitudes?
- Lack of Young Subsidence in the East Tibetan Foreland: Implications for Crustal Thickening Processes at Depth
- Large-scale effects of aerosol on precipitation: observations and model simulations
- Lithospheric processes that enhance melting at rifts
- Low-mode Internal Tide Generation: an Experimental and Numerical Investigation
- Magma processing in the lower crust as recorded in mafic inclusions from Mt. Shasta, CA
- Magnetic reconnection in the heliosphere: a global picture
- Modeling the Hydroclimatology of Kuwait: The Role of Subcloud Evaporation in Semiarid Climates
- Molecular- and nm-scale Investigation of the Structure and Compositional Heterogeneity of Naturally Occurring Ferrihydrite
- Oasis Recharge Detected by Satellite Radar Interferometry
- P and S Velocity Structure in China and Surrounding Areas from Seismic Travel-time Tomography
- Phase speed spectra and the latitude of surface westerlies: interannual variability and global warming trend
- Polar coronal holes properties during two solar minima
- Prediction of Seasonal to Inter-annual Hydro-climatology including the Effects of Vegetation Dynamics and Topography over Large River Basins
- Preparations for Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter gravity and altimetry missions
- Primitive Subduction Zone Magmatism at Mt. Shasta, California: Geochemical and Petrologic Characteristics of Hydrous Mantle Derived Melts
- Quantifying eddy diffusivity in the Southern Ocean
- Realizations of a Yearlong Eddy-Permitting Hindcast of the Tropical Pacific With the ECCO Assimilation System
- Regional and Global Mean Sea Level Variability Over the Modern Instrumental Record
- River Mediated Development of an Active Extensional Culmination: the Yulong Mountains, Southwestern China
- Seismic Tomography Of The Arabian-Eurasian Collision Zone And Tectonic Implications
- Size Matters - Lessons from the Interiors of Earth and Mars
- Spin transition in Fe3+ in Mg-silicate perovskite
- Statistical Prediction of Solar Flares Using Magnetic Field Data: A Status Report
- Structural Aspects of Synthetic Ferrihydrite
- Structural Transitions and Strengths of Mg-Silicate Glasses to 80 GPa
- The Fair-weather Electric Field Near the Bird's Nest During the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
- The Heliosheath: Temperature distributions and temporal changes
- The Hydrology of Malaria: Model Development and Application to a Sahelian Village
- The Latitudinal Gradient of Rainfall, Mineralogy, Albedo and Magnetic Susceptibility in West Africa
- The Response and Feedback of Clouds and Cloud Radiative Forcing to the Direct Forcing of Sulfate and Carbonaceous Aerosols
- The SMAP Algorithm Development Testbed: A Simulation Environment for Algorithm Development and Mission Design Studies
- The fate of aging: Insight into arc maturation processes from the Kohistan Island arc
- The relative contribution of partial melting and crustal assimilation for upper continental crust formation: a lower crustal perspective from the Kohistan arc.
- The role of ocean biology in setting atmospheric pCO2: the preformed nutrient theory
- Thermal structure and evolution of tidally-locked Super Earths
- Thickness of the Post-Perovskite Boundary in Fe2+ and Fe3+ Bearing Systems
- Ultra-fine scale magnetostratigraphy of Mn crust by SQUID microscopy with spacial domain inversion
- Using Global Emissions Inventories for Regional Air Quality Forecasting in South America.
- Using WAS/MYWAS For Water Management And Conflict Resolution
- WaterNet:The NASA Water Cycle Solutions Network
- A Search for Plumes on Mimas, Tethys, and Dione
- A Simple Method for Estimation of Thermal Inertia Using Remote Sensing Observations
- Adaptive Gridding Tomography: refining P-wave velocity models for mantle structure beneath Africa
- Annual Rainfall Maxima: Theoretical Estimation of the GEV Shape Parameter k Using Multifractal Models
- Assessment and improvement of the accuracy of GPS terrestrial origin and scale (Invited)
- Changes to carbon oxidation state during the photochemical aging of organic aerosol
- Comparing the roughness of the Moon from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) to asteroids and planets
- Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models
- Comprehensive understanding of a deep transition zone from an unstable- to stable-slip regime of the megathrust interplate earthquake
- Coupling Socioeconomic and Hydrologic Models to Improve Understanding of Human-Natural Systems Linkages in a Water-Rich Environment
- Detecting Strain Transients in the Salton Trough (Invited)
- Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (Invited)
- Dusty Gust Fronts at Synoptic Scale, Initiated and Maintained by Moist Convection over the Sahara Desert
- Evaluating Contributions of Wetland and Lake Emissions of Methane to Atmospheric Methane Concentrations with models of Biogeochemistry and Atmospheric Chemistry Transport in Northern High Latitudes
- Evidence for a Metallic Core in the CV Chondrite Parent Planetesimal
- Experimental Constraints on the Rheology of the Lithospheric Mantle
- Exploring the History of Time in an Integrated System: the Ramifications for Water
- Fast and Improved Monte-Carlo Adaptive Moving Window Method and its Application in Sichuan and Yunnan Region
- Formation of a ravine network by seepage: coupling groundwater to sediment transport
- From Texas to the Northwest Territories: Low temperature history of the North American craton using a radiation damage model for apatite He diffusion
- Geology of the Kohistan-Ladakh arc and its relation to the main Himalayan belt
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- Halo Observations from the Ground and from Space: Further Checks on the Sprite Polarity Paradox
- High Resolution Seismic Images of Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath the Hawaii-Emperor Seamount Chain
- How much of the range in mantle potential temperatures is natural?
- Hydrologic Change during the Colonial Era of the United States: Beavers and the Energy Cost of Impoundments (Invited)
- Impact of Climate Mitigation on Aerosol Concentrations and Health Effects in Asia
- Incorporating plant migration constraints into the NCAR CLM-DGVM model: Projections of future vegetation distribution in high latitudes
- Interplanetary shock characteristics and associated geosynchronous magnetic field variations deduced from sudden impulses observed on the ground
- Joint magnetotelluric and seismic investigation of the Cascadia subduction zone structure: Preliminary results and outlook
- Lithospheric Structure of Central Asia
- Lithospheric deformation of SE Tibet from azimuthal and radial anisotropy using surface wave and ambient noise array data
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Observations in Support of the LCROSS Mission
- Microbial growth under a high-pressure CO2 environment
- Mode 1 Mantle Convection in Tidally-locked Rocky Exoplanets
- Modeling the local interstellar flow: comparisons to first observations from IBEX
- On the origin of lunar magnetization (Invited)
- Orientation and Magnitude of the Interstellar Magnetic Field from Heliosheath Flows
- Particulate organic nitrate and organic sulfate contributions to SOA: Response of the AMS and constraints from field studies
- Predicting Summer Dryness Under a Warmer Climate: Modeling Land Surface Processes in the Midwestern United States
- Primitive Magnesian Andesites at Mt. Shasta, California: A Real Mix-up
- Relocation of Iran Earthquakes Using the National Seismic Networks
- Seismic Detectability of the Postperovskite Boundary (Invited)
- Sensitivity of the Strength of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation to SST Perturbations in an Aqua-planet Model
- Short timescale variation in the ENA flux emanating from the heliospheric poles: IBEX observations
- Simulation of Dynamic Soil Crusting Processes and Vegetative Feedbacks in Semi-Arid Regions
- Source Repeatability of Time-Lapse Offset VSP Surveys for Monitoring CO2 Injection
- Spectral behavior of a land-atmosphere coupled model and applications to hydrometeorology (Invited)
- Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios Indicative of Global Carbon-Cycle Perturbations at the Permian-Triassic Boundary
- Strain Memory of the Verwey Transition and its Application for Estimating Pressures in Meteorite Impact Craters
- Structural, petro-geochemical and modelling constraints on melt migration by porosity waves in sub-arc mantle
- Structure and Morphology of the Moon's South Pole-Aitken Basin from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- Structures and Spectral Variations of the Outer Heliosphere in the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom Sky Maps
- Studies in the Sensitivity of IBEX to Variable Heliosphere Boundary Conditions
- Sulfur in submarine eruptions: Observations and preliminary data from West Mata, NE Lau Basin
- The Behavior of Gust Fronts in West Africa Based on Radar and Satellite Observations
- The Effects of Dust Emissions on the Summertime Climate of Southwest Asia: Incorporating Sub-grid Variability in a Regional Climate Model’s Dust Scheme
- The Surface-Pressure Signature of Atmospheric Tides in Modern Climate Models
- The fabric of Mass Transport Deposits in the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- The generation and scattering of a low mode internal tide
- The jammed-to-mobile transition in frozen sand under stress
- Time Variations of the ENA Flux Observed by IBEX: Is the Outer Heliosphere Evolving?
- Tomographic Imaging of Pn and Sn Velocities in the Middle East and Central Asia
- Understanding the role of secondary chemistry, functionalization and chemical erosion in the heterogeneous oxidation of organic aerosols
- Uppermost Mantle Structure beneath the Dabie Mountain
- Using Physics to Generate Tropical Cyclone Event Catalogs
- Using statistics and software to maximize precision and accuracy in U-Pb geochronological measurements
- Voyager 2 enters the transition to the high-speed solar wind near the termination shock?
- What is the slab surface? Evidence from seismology (Invited)
- ``Crater'' Flux Transfer Events: Highroad to the X-line?
- 14C and δ13C in Mytilus californianus shells as a proxy of upwelling intensity
- 21st century climate change projections for Northern Eurasia
- A Review of Super-Earth Exoplanets Observations (Invited)
- A Scale Model for CO2 Sequestration
- A new effective static stability for moist eddy circulations, with climate-change applications
- AcquiControl: Seismic Data Logger Control via iPhone
- Anomalous Physical Transport in Complex Networks
- Are Solar Wind Reconnection Events Fossil Sites?
- Asymmetric Earthquake Aftershock Distributions Resulting from Timing Within the Seismic Cycle
- Automated sensor networks to advance ocean science
- Carbon-Water Coupling in Forests, Grasslands, and Shrublands in the Arid Western U.S
- Case study of nightside magnetospheric magnetic field response to interplanetary shocks
- Chamber investigations of multigenerational chemistry
- Changes of land use and land cover and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia in response to climate change and the global economy
- Climate-Induced Shifts in Extreme Precipitation Events Based on Resolved Atmospheric Changes
- Complex plume dynamics in the transition zone underneath the Hawaii hotspot: seismic imaging results
- Connections of water and malaria in Africa
- Coseismic Slip Distribution of the 2010 Mw 7.3 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Crustal and lithosphere structure of the Northwestern U.S. with ambient noise tomography: Terrane accretion and Cascade arc development
- Economic Data and Models in a Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System (Invited)
- Effective Transport in Lattice Fracture Networks with Uncorrelated and Correlated Velocity Field
- Electron diffusion region phase space distribution for collisionless antiparallel reconnection
- Environment, Energy and Sustainability from a Systems Perspective
- Estimating Indirect Emissions from Land Use Change Due to Biofuels (Invited)
- Evolution of the heliospheric plasma sheet observed in situ by 3 spacecraft over 4 solar rotations
- Experiments on the Southern Oscillation with CAM3 coupled to a Mixed Layer Ocean
- Fidelity of Mare Basalts as Magnetic Recorders and Implications for Lunar Paleomagnetism
- Flow of neutral interstellar helium into the heliosphere as inferred from IBEX-Lo observations and simulations
- Fluid mixing from viscous fingering
- Geophysical Simulations Conducted by the SEG Advanced Modeling Project (SEAM) for a Deepwater Subsalt Resource
- Global emissions of the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) HFC-365mfc, HFC-245fa, HFC-227ea, and HFC-236fa based on atmospheric observations
- HST Imaging Observations of Jupiter's Hydrogen Corona
- High Resolution Spectrum Analysis of Jupiter's Lyman-alpha Bulge
- Humans Transforming the Water Cycle: Implications for Society and Nature over a Multi-Century Timeframe through Synthesis Studies (Invited)
- Hydrometeorological and Epidemiological Time Markers for Urban Malaria in Niamey, Niger (Invited)
- Imaging the Lowermost Mantle in Large Scale Beneath East Asia With ScS and SKKS Data
- Impact of methane flow through deformable lake sediments on atmospheric release
- Impacts of land use change on atmospheric circulation and ecosystem dynamics in the Amazon from a coupled atmosphere-ecosystem model
- Implications of Climate Policies for Future Aerosol: Health and Economic Impacts
- In-Situ Ion Analysis of Fresh Waters via an ISE Multiprobe and Artificial Neural Networks
- Interiors of Mercury and the Moon: Current Status and Anticipated Progress (Invited)
- Investigating the Relationship between Precipitation in the Tropics and Tropical Cyclone Frequency and a Possible Feedback Mechanism between Tropical Cyclone Activity and Column Water Vapor
- Investigating the land-sea surface warming contrast in simulations of climate change with an idealized GCM
- Joint Inversion of Vp, Vs, and Resistivity at SAFOD
- Kinematic fault slip model from joint inversion of teleseismic, GPS, InSAR and subpixel-correlation measurements of the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake and postseismic deformation (Invited)
- Long-term transient groundwater dynamics in a tidally influenced coastal aquifer
- Modeling the Hydroclimatology of the Midwestern United States: Predicting Soil Moisture Under a Warmer Climate
- New Approaches for Increased Precision and Accuracy of ID-TIMS U-Pb Geochronology
- Nitrous oxide isotopomers in tropospheric air
- On the Role of Boundary Conditions in Simulations of Mineral Aerosols by Regional Climate Models
- Paleomagnetic tests for impact-generated fields at Lonar and other terrestrial craters
- Parameterization of Storm Models for Extreme Rainfall Analysis
- Photochemical aging of organic aerosol: Laboratory studies of the heterogeneous oxidation of oxidized organic species
- Plasma observations in the heliosheath through 2010
- Posterior Predictive Modeling Using Multi-Scale Stochastic Inverse Parameter Estimates
- Precise Geodetic Infrastructure: National Requirements for a Shared Resource
- Quantifying Future Changes in High-Latitude Methane Emissions and potential climate feedback Under Regional Climate Change Uncertainty
- Real-Time Characterization of Particle and Gas Phase Diesel Emissions - Understanding the Influence of a Diesel Particulate Filter
- Recent Lunar Magnetism
- Relative Contributions of Electrified Shower Clouds and Thunderstorms to the Global Circuit: Can 10 Years of TRMM Data Help Solve an Old Puzzle? (Invited)
- Reverse-time migration, constraining small-scale thermal and thermo-chemical convection in the lowermost mantle, and the post-perovskite phase transition (Invited)
- Risk Management Framework for Incorporating Climate Impacts into Policy Analysis (Invited)
- Rock Levitation by Water and Ice; an Explanation for Trails in Racetrack Playa, California
- Short timescale variation in the heliospheric ENA flux: IBEX observations and correlations with solar wind observations
- Stability of Post-Perovskite in MgSiO3 analogy NaMgF3 and its Implication for the Mantle Dynamics of Super-Earths
- Super-Earths Interior Structure and Dynamics (Invited)
- The Arsenic crisis in Bangladesh (Invited)
- The Circularity and Stability of the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Ribbon
- The Delivery of Water to the Lunar Mantle by Late Planetesimal Accretion (Invited)
- The Impact of Detailed Urban-Scale Processing on the Aerosol Direct Effect and its Impacts on the Climate
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission (SMAP) Science Data Products: Results of Testing With Field Experiment and Algorithm Testbed Simulation Environment Data
- The crustal and mantle velocity structure in central Asia from 3D traveltime tomography
- The effect of error models in the multiscale inversion of binary permeability fields
- The influence of the large scale circulation on an eastern boundary current
- The role of root distribution in eco-hydrological modeling in semi-arid regions
- Two Dynamic Systems: The Indian/Eurasia Intracontinental Convergent and the West Pacific Subduction Systems Controlled the Evolution of the Tibetan Plateau and the Development of Basins within Eastern Asia and Adjacent Offshore During Cenozoic Time
- Understanding the linkages and feedbacks in human-water systems: development of an integrated systems framework
- Use of multi-platform and frequency remote sensing data for mapping latent and sensible heat flux over the Gourma Region in West Africa
- Volcanic Lightning: Review of Global Observations and the Role of Water (Invited)
- What they eat is how they fractionate: controls on sulfur isotope fractionations during microbial sulfate reduction in culture and nature (Invited)
- Whipple Crater at the lunar North Pole: A smaller version of Shackleton at the lunar South Pole?
- A Pragmatic Path to Investigating Europa's Habitability
- A Quantification of Climate Feedback from Permafrost Degradation, Thermokarst-Lake Expansion, and Subsequent Methane Emission Under Climate Policy and Uncertainty
- A Robust Wireless Sensor Network Architecture for the Large-scale Deployment of the Soil Moisture Sensing Controller and Optimal Estimator (SoilSCaPE)
- A joint geophysical investigation of the Cascadia subduction system in central Washington using dense arrays of passive seismic and magnetotelluric station data
- A mechanism for the formation of non-zonal striations in the thermocline
- A new fitting algorithm for petrological mass-balance problems
- A new melting model for variably metasomatized mantle and its implications for the generation of intraplate basalts in Oregon's High Lava Plains and the Modoc Plateau
- A reduced-order model of fluid mixing in strongly heterogeneous porous media
- Air-sea CO2 flux estimates from two data-constrained ocean models for the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project and their impact on atmospheric CO2 concentration variability
- Altimetric Crossover Analysis: Application to Slowly-rotating Planetary Bodies
- Anisotropic Electron Equations of State in 2D and 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- Applying plate tectonics to continents
- Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Global Hurricane-Induced Damages
- Bedform reconstruction using Terrestrial Laser Scanning at Hunt's Hole, New Mexico: implications for sediment transport in pyroclastic surge deposits and criteria for their identification on Mars
- Climate at high obliquity
- Concept study for a Venus Lander Mission to Analyze Atmospheric and Surface Composition
- Coupled Estimation of Surface Heat fluxes and Vegetation Dynamics From Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation
- Critical Infrastructure for Ocean Research and Societal Needs in 2030
- Decadal variation in the Chandler amplitude and the decadal oscillation in the observed dynamic oblateness J<SUB>2</SUB>
- Detection and modeling of low amplitude deformation signals in the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO)
- Direct Radiative Effects of Absorbing Aerosols on Indian Summer Monsoon
- Discontinuous submarine groundwater discharge in a tidally influenced coastal aquifer
- Distribution of Surface Slopes and Roughness in Mercury's Northern Hemisphere
- El Mayor Cucapah earthquake: Postseismic Deformation from InSAR and GPS observations
- Electric Field Measurements in Terrestrial Dust Devils and Dust Storms, as an Analog to Mars
- Energy flow in a high-resolution 3D tropical cyclone simulation
- Ensemble Data Assimilation for Streamflow Forecasting: Experiments with Ensemble Kalman Filter and Particle Filter
- Escape paths for biogenic methane gas in lake sediments: morphology and dynamics
- Exploring the time dispersion of the IBEX-Hi ENA spectra at the ecliptic poles
- Feedbacks of Density and Viscosity Nonlinearities on Convective Mixing: Experiments and High-resolution Simulations
- Fluvial Features on Titan: New Insights from Morphology and Hydraulic Modeling
- Formation of secondary organic aerosol from the direct generation of alkoxy radicals from alkyl nitrite photolysis
- GEOScan: A Geoscience Facility from Space
- Genomic insights into growth and survival of supercritical-CO2 tolerant bacterium MIT0214 under conditions associated with geologic carbon dioxide sequestration
- Geologic Mapping of Basalt Flows: Implications for Petrology
- Gravity Fingering During Infiltration: Impact of Medium Heterogeneity
- Gravity currents arrested by convective mixing
- How convective mixing slows down
- Hurricanes in a Warming Climate
- Hydrology of Malaria: A New Class of Models for Environmental Management and Studies of Climate Change
- Hydrology of a Tropical Peatland
- IBEX Heliospheric neutral atom energy spectra between 0.01 and 6 keV
- Impacts of Seed Dispersal on Future Vegetation Structure under Changing Climates
- Initial Results of the Dawn Gravity Investigation at Vesta
- Interferometric imaging of the underside of a subducting crust
- Investigating the polar spectra in IBEX's global ENA sky maps
- JHelioviewer: Open-Source Software for Discovery and Image Access in the Petabyte Age
- Joint Tomographic Inversion of Body-Wave Arrivals and Gravity Data at the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- Kinetics of S and Fe Isotopic Exchange Between Pyrite and Hydrothermal Fluid
- Laboratory Observations of Electron Phase-Space Holes Driven during Magnetic Reconnection
- Laser altimetry of Mercury, Moon, and Mars
- Low-Volatility Compound Evaporation from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Macroscopic phase-field model of partial wetting: bubbles in a capillary tube
- Mantle heterogeneity and the D" discontinuity
- Measurements of low-volatility organic compounds (LVOCs) at a biogenically-influenced site
- Measuring active deformation of the Yakima fold and thrust belt using GPS and InSAR
- Mechanisms of Strain Localization in Poly-Phase Rocks
- Mercury Lithosphere and Crustal Properties from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Mercury's Gravity Field After The First Months Of MESSENGER'S Orbital Phase
- Mid-Miocene unification of deep zones of weak crust beneath the Tibetan region
- Mixing and Velocity Disorder: From Viscous Fingering to Heterogeneous Media
- Modeling vegetation rooting strategies on a hillslope
- On Day-to-Day Variability of Global Lightning Activity as Quantified from Background Schumann Resonance Observations
- Particle Size of CO2 Condensates in Mars' Atmosphere: a Joint Analysis of Radio Occultation, Climate Sounder and Laser Ranging Experiments
- Patterns and processes in landscapes: Surprises from Earth and beyond
- Petrology, geochemistry and modelling of the granulitic-ultramafic rocks in Beni Bousera (Rif, Morocco): implications for direct crust-mantle interactions and melt-extraction systems
- Possible climate change over Eurasia under different emission scenarios
- Precision Time Transfer and Obit Determination Using Laser Ranging to Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Predicting the Eastern Mediterranean Basin
- Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project
- Promoting Science-Policy Education on Global Environmental Issues: The Mercury Game
- Quantifying Risks in the Global Water-Food-Climate Nexus in the Coming Decades: An Integrated Modeling Approach
- Quantifying the dynamics of land cover and land use, hydrology and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia
- Regional Eco-hydrologic Sensitivity to Projected Amazonian Land Use Scenarios
- Roughness of lunar terrains: Slope statistics and power spectral density in cratering and diffusive equilibrium
- Scalable, massively parallel approaches to upstream drainage area computation
- Scaling of Reactive Transport in Fracture Networks with Incomplete Mixing: A Metapopulation Network Approach
- Seismic Imaging of the Middle America Subduction Zone Beneath Mexico
- Seismic images of the transition zone: is Hawaiian volcanism produced by a secondary plume from the top of the lower mantle?
- Simulating Residential Demand in Singapore through Five Decades of Demographic Change
- Simultaneous Regional and Global Trace Gas Emissions Using Eulerian and Lagrangian Chemical Transport Models
- Small and Low-Cost GNSS Radio Occultation Receivers
- Spectral Properties of Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by IBEX and Their Implications for the Microphysics of the Termination Shock
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- The 2010 Transient Events in the Heliosheath - Comparing the Observations of IBEX and the Voyagers
- The Impact of Fingering Instabilities on Vegetation Dynamics in Water-stressed Ecosystem
- The South Polar Structure on Vesta from Dawn: Using Geologic, Topographic and Compositional Mapping and Planetary Analogs to Test Origin Models
- The Storm Time Energy and Dynamics Explorers
- The Wind, Temperature, and Surface Pressure on Pluto from a Pluto General Circulation Model
- The shape of Mercury's south-polar region
- Time-varying Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Caused by N2 Condensation Flows on a Simulated Triton Atmosphere
- Tracer transport in the Martian atmosphere
- Understanding the varied response of the extratropical storm tracks to climate change
- Use of artificial neural networks to improve in-situ measurement of ionic species in natural waters
- Using GEOS-5 Atmospheric Transport Simulations to Test the Consistency of Land- and Ocean- Carbon Fluxes with CO2 Observations
- Using IBEX Polar ENA Flux Variations to Estimate the Dimensions of the Outer Heliosphere
- X-Ray Computed-Tomography Imaging of Preferential Mode of Gas Migration through Water-Saturated Sediments
- A Parameterized Model for Peat Formation and Water Table Dynamics in Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Brunei Darussalam
- Activator-inhibitor systems on heterogeneous ecological networks
- Aerosol influences on decoupled Arctic mixed-phase stratocumulus
- An Ongoing Observational Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Greater Boston Area
- Basin ring faults and giant dikes on the Moon revealed by GRAIL gravity gradiometry
- Bay in Flux: Marine Climate Impacts, Art and Tablet App Design
- Black Swan Tropical Cyclones
- Can Transport of Saharan Dust Explain Extensive Clay Deposits in the Amazon Basin? A Test Using Radiogenic Isotopes
- Capillary Pinning of Immiscible Gravity Currents in Porous Media
- Changes in microbial intact polar membrane lipids related to environmental parameters at Yellowstone National Park hot springs
- Channel Base Current Model for Negative Multiple Cloud-to-ground Lightning
- Characterization of the interfacial geomechanics in gas shales via integrated Raman spectroscopy, nanoindentation and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
- Characterizing Changes in Drought Risk for the United States from Climate Change
- Classroom virtual lab experiments as teaching tools for explaining how we understand planetary processes
- Comparison of Numerically Modelled Lunar Impact Basins with GRAIL-derived Gravity Maps
- Constrain the crust and upper mantle structure beneath the equatorial Eastern Pacific Rise from ambient noise and earthquake surface waves
- Coupled Modeling of Fault Poromechanics During Geologic CO2 Storage
- Current and historical record of indium deposition from the atmosphere to an ombrotrophic bog in northeastern United States
- Data Assimilation with Optimal Maps
- Dealing with Uncertainty in Water Management: Finding the Right Balance Between Risk and Opportunity to Build Trust and Create Value
- Detailed dynamics and seasonal persistence of methane venting from lakes
- Development and validation of software to process radio occultation data: From time series of frequency residuals to vertical profiles of atmospheric and ionospheric properties
- Distal transport of hydrothermal iron in the deep Eastern South Pacific Ocean
- Effect of viscosity contrast on mixing and dispersion in a capillary tube
- Emerging temperature signal in low latitudes
- Ensemble-based fusion of noisy images
- Evolution and hydration of the Juan de Fuca crust and uppermost mantle: a plate-scale seismic investigation from ridge to trench
- Fingering and fracturing in granular media
- GEOScan: A GEOScience Facility From Space
- Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Primary Mission Overview
- Hierarchical algorithms for modeling the ocean on hierarchical architectures
- Hurricane Modification and Adaptation in Miami-Dade County, Florida
- Impact of Climate Variability on Forest Dynamics in Eastern Amazon: the Role of Large-Scale Droughts, Local Droughts, and Other Disturbances
- Implications of NARCCAP on the Likelihood of Regional Climate Change and an Integrated U.S. Water-Impact Assessment
- Improving simulation of the feedback between radiation, convective clouds and rainfall over the Maritime Continent
- Improving the Green's function reconstruction with a passive inverse filter
- In-situ Characterization of Gas Phase Organic Emissions from a Medium Duty Diesel Engine
- Influence of River Recharge and River Morphology on Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations in Vietnam
- Inter-annual variability in atmospheric nitrous oxide from 1996 to 2009
- Isobaric heating and cooling path of the lower crust of a Variscan exotic unit: evidences from P -T estimates in NW Iberian metapelitic granulites
- Isolation of microorganisms from CO2 sequestration sites through enrichments under high pCO2
- Length scale of viscous fingers in multiphase flow through porous media
- Lightning and Climate
- Long-Term Surface Deformation from CO2 Injection in a Carbonate Reservoir: a Chemo-Mechanical Perspective
- MISR perspective on dust spatial and temporal variability in major desert sources
- Magnetic Fluctuations in the Martian Ionosphere: Crustal Fields, Lightning, or Noise?
- Magnetic Reconnection Regimes at the Real Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio
- Mechanism of organic aerosol formation and aging: Role of the precursor carbon skeleton
- Megaripples, multiple cap carbonates, and apparently conformable sections: observations that normalize some interpretations of Snowball Earth stratigraphy while complicating others
- Metatranscriptome Sequencing of a Reef-building Coral Elucidates Holobiont Community Gene Functions in Health and Disease
- Methanogenic Blow-up in the End-Permian Carbon Cycle
- Nanosatellite Architectures for Improved Study of the Hydrologic Cycle
- Nature and Inference of Scaling in Temporal Rainfall
- New dissipative modes and decay time-scales in the equatorial troposphere with a leak
- Nonstationary Phenomena in the Heliosheath
- North American Water Program (NAWP): A Vision to Address North America's Freshwater Sustainability Challenges
- Observational constraint on the response of tropical precipitation extremes to climate change
- On Use of WWLLN Data as an Initial Guess in the Inverse ELF Problem for Global Lightning
- Optimizing Decadal and Precursor Science on Small Solar System Bodies with Spacecraft/Rover Hybrids
- Origin of primitive arc basaltic andesites by shallow, hydrous mantle melting
- Pan-Arctic Water Vapour Measurements using the Microwave Humidity Sounder
- Phase diagram of methane at high pressures and temperatures
- Possible climate change over Eurasia under different emission scenarios
- Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project.
- Quantification of Tropical Cyclone track variability in climate models
- Quantifying Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation Events Based on Resolved Synoptic Atmospheric Patterns
- Radiative absorption enhancements due to the mixing state of atmospheric black carbon
- Rainfall Climatology of the US Based on a Multifractal Storm Model
- Recent and predicted changes in atmospheric composition over the United States from climate, emissions, and pine beetles
- Reconnection Experiments with Flux Ropes near 3D Magnetic Nulls
- Rethinking Recycling in Arcs
- Rupture history of the 2010 Mw 7.3 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
- Satellite and Modeling Synergies: Organic Aerosol, Ammonia, Colorado Fires and African Dust
- Scaling of Convective Mixing in CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration}
- Scaling of Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection with Anisotropic Fluid Closure
- Seismic Migration of Multiples for Subsalt Imaging
- Serious Simulation Role-Playing Games for Transformative Climate Change Education: "World Climate" and "Future Climate"
- Simulation of EMIC growth and propagation within the plasmaspheric plume density irregularities
- Simulations of Water and Energy Cycles over the Congo and Upper Blue Nile basins by IPCC GCMs
- Stable isotopes as tracers of the subsurface biosphere in oceanic basement
- Statistics of Submesoscale Turbulence in the Upper Ocean
- Subduction of Indian Continental Lithosphere?
- The CAFÉ seismic and magnetotelluric experiments: An investigation of fluid processes in the Cascadia subduction system using a sequential inversion of passive seismic and magnetotelluric data
- The Earth Phenomena Observation System (EPOS): A Coordination Manager for Enhanced Hurricane Data Collection
- The High Resolution Gravitational Field of the Moon from GRAIL and Implications for Interior Structure
- The Impacts of Anthropogenic Absorbing Aerosols on the Indian Summer Monsoon
- The Lifetime of Carbon Capture and Storage as a Climate-change Mitigation Technology: How both Pressure and Migration Constrain CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Capacity
- The MicroMAS CubeSat Mission
- The Ocean De-excites the Chandler Wobble
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission: Geophysical Products and Algorithm Development
- The Tropospheric Response to Stratospheric Sudden Warmings as a function of the Tropospheric Mean State
- The U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect: Big Science at sea on large ships with every berth filled
- The development of space geodetic observations of crustal kinematics and deformation.
- The effect of mineral aerosols on the climate of West Africa
- The interaction between vegetation dynamics and dust emissions over West Africa
- The role of aqueous-phase oxidation in the chemistry of organic aerosol
- The role of gravity fingering in mitigating CO2 leakage during storage in anticlines
- The significant ionization emission N2+ 1N in pure halo without sprite streamer
- Toward a taxonomy of asteroid spectra in the 3-μm region
- Uncertainty Quantification in Ocean State Estimation using Hessian Information
- Uncertainty in climate change and its impacts on the United States
- Vertical profile of warming in the middle and upper troposphere under climate change
- Volcanic Lightning: New Global Observations and Constraints on Source Mechanisms
- Vulnerability to changes in malaria transmission due to climate change in West Africa
- X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy: the Potential of Astrophysics-developed Techniques
- 21st Century Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over the United States: Can Climate Analogues Help or Hinder?
- A Parameterized Model for Peat Formation and Water Table Dynamics in Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Brunei Darussalam
- A Plate Tectonic Explanation for Anomalously Fast Convergence of India and Eurasia (Invited)
- A Sensitivity Theory for the Equilibrium Boundary Layer Over Land
- A climatic control on river network geometry
- A framework for modeling uncertainty in regional climate change (Invited)
- A new ice nuclei counter SPIN: characterization and first results
- A record of multiple stages of melt migration from ocean-continent transition to supra-subduction setting in the Dinarides
- Aging of organic aerosol components via condensed-phase radical chemistry (Invited)
- Agricultural climate impacts assessment for economic modeling and decision support
- Air Quality Co-Benefits of a Carbon Policy: Regional Implementation
- Aliasing Effects of Q-bursts on Background Spectra of Schumann Resonances
- Analogue Experiments Identify Possible Precursor Compounds for Chlorohydrocarbons Detected in SAM
- Arctic Precipitable Water Measurements and Comparisons using the Microwave Humidity Sounder
- Are mid-lithospheric discontinuities (MLDs) caused by layers of frozen-in melts?
- Array-based hydroacoustic characterization of P, S, and T-phases in the Philippine Sea
- Assessing ComSciCon 2013: A science communication workshop for STEM graduate students (Invited)
- Assessing the Roles of Regional Climate Uncertainty, Policy, and Economics on Future Risks to Water Stress: A Large-Ensemble Pilot Case for Southeast Asia
- Assessment of forced and internal variability in the AMO through analyses of SST data from CMIP5 historical simulations and observations
- Atmospheric models for post- giant impact planets
- Bacterial and Archaeal Community Dynamics at CO2-RICH Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Vents (panarea, Italy)
- Bifurcation dynamics of natural drainage networks (Invited)
- Biotic Origin for Mima Mounds Supported by Numerical Model
- Chemo-mechanical microscale characterization of materials heterogeneity in oil/gas shales: linking organics and inorganics
- Cluster analysis of explicitly and downscaled simulated North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks
- Combining seismic and geochemical constraints on magmatic processes in the Aleutian arc (Invited)
- Complete Moment Tensor Determination of Induced Seismicity in Unconventional and Conventional Oil/Gas Fields
- Constraining the properties of hydrocarbon oxidation products via SOA studies at high loadings
- Coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics analysis of the 2011 Lorca earthquake
- Deploying Methane Bubble Traps at Varying Lake Depths to Validate Bubble Dissolution Models
- Detecting Complex Organic Compounds Using the SAM Wet Chemistry Experiment on Mars
- Dissolution patterns from geochemical reactions during CO2 convective mixing in saline aquifers
- Droughts and floods over the upper catchment of the Blue Nile and their connections to the timing of El Nino and La Nina Events
- Elucidating the origin of solute spreading in fracture networks: permeability heterogeneity vs fluid mixing at fracture intersections
- Estimating Soil Moisture Profiles with P-band Low-frequency Radar Measurements Using Regularization
- Explaining and Forecasting Interannual Variability in the Flow of the Nile River
- Flow and fracture of ices, with application to icy satellites (Invited)
- Four Years on Orbit at the Moon with LOLA
- Global Connections: A Selection of Long Unsolved Problems (Invited)
- Global budget and radiative forcing of black carbon aerosol: constraints from pole-to-pole (HIPPO) observations across the Pacific
- Gravity constraints on origin and evolution of Vesta
- Horizontal Advection and Mixing of Pollutants in the Urban Atmospheric Environment
- How do how internal and external processes affect the behaviors of coupled marsh mudflat systems; infill, stabilize, retreat, or drown?
- Hydrologic Control of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes from Tropical Peat
- Hydrology and Mosquito Population Dynamics around a Hydropower Reservoir in Africa
- Impact of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on Ocean Heat Uptake and Transient Climate Change
- Impact of wettability on two-phase displacement patterns in granular media
- Implementation of Localized Ensemble Assimilation for a Three-Dimensional Radiation Belt Model (Invited)
- Influence of the wet chemistry on the SAM GCMS analysis
- Interplay between viscous-fingering and permeability heterogeneity in the prediction of mixing in porous media flows
- Investigating hygroscopic behavior and phase separation of organic/inorganic mixed phase aerosol particles with FTIR spectroscopy
- Joint flow-seismic inversion for characterizing fractured reservoirs: theoretical approach and numerical modeling
- Journey to a metal world: Concept for a Discovery mission to Psyche
- Kinematics of Rift-Parallel Deformation Along the Rukwa Rift, Western Branch, and Main Ethiopian Rift
- Kinetics of Reactive Fronts in Porous Media: quantification through a laboratory experiment
- Laboratory studies of aqueous-phase oxidation of polyols in submicron particles
- Laboratory studies of in-particle oxidation pathways in the evolution of organic aerosol
- Lifetimes of Stratospheric Ozone-Depleting Substances, Their Replacements, and Related Species
- Lifetimes of the outer radiation belt electrons in a realistic magnetic field model using a realistic chorus wave model
- Long Time Evolution of Sequestered CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Porous Media
- Magnetically Controlled Structures and Variability in the Martian Ionosphere
- Measurement of nonlinear parameters in a semi-infinite medium: laboratory experiment in a berea sandstone
- Measuring Bi-Directional Reflectance with a Constellation of SmallSats
- Mechanisms of delayed Southern Ocean warming
- Merging Energy Policy Decision Support, Education, and Communication: The 'World Energy' Simulation Role-Playing Game
- Meteoritic material in stratospheric particles
- Methane emission estimates in East Asia from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- Microbial imprint on soil-atmosphere H2, COS, and CO2 fluxes
- Mixing and dispersion upscaling from a 2D pore scale characterization of Lagrangian velocities
- Modeling a tropical rainforest river basin in the Philippines using the distributed hydrologic model MOBIDIC
- Multi-Model Investigation of Ecological Response to Extreme Events
- Nano-Chemomechanical Assessment of Organic Rich Shales
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- Non-Resonant Scattering of Inner Belt Protons by Oblique Emic Waves from a Space-Borne Antenna
- North Polar Temperatures on Mercury: Thermal Models Derived from the Latest MESSENGER Topography
- Obtaining accurate source parameters for describing the diversity of earthquake source physics
- On Using WWLLN Observations as Starting Information for the Quantitative Schumann Resonance Monitoring of Global Lightning Activity
- On the frequency distribution of volcanic degassing intensity obtained from scanning-DOAS monitoring at the NOVAC volcanoes
- Organic carbon compounds detected by the SAM instrument suite on Curiosity: results of the first year of exploration at Gale Crater (Invited)
- Oxygen Isotopes in Intra-Back Arc Basalts from the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
- Phase Field Modeling of Viscous Fingers in Dense Suspensions
- Plasma in the Heliosheath (Invited)
- Plastic Faulting in Ice: Shear Localization under Elevated Pressure
- Primitive, high-Mg basaltic andesites: direct melts of the shallow, hot, wet mantle
- Probabilistic projections of 21st century climate change over Northern Eurasia
- Quantification of the uncertainty in estimates of climate system properties due to differences in available reconstructions of historical data
- Quantifying methane flux from lake sediments using multibeam sonar
- Reassessing Storm Surge Risk for New York City (Invited)
- Reconstructing the History of Stream Networks Incised by Groundwater Flow: Theory and Observation
- Relationships Between Basin-Wide and Landfalling Atlantic Tropical Cyclones: Comparing Long-Term Simulations with Paleoevidence (Invited)
- Relative contributions of the uncertainty in climate sensitivity and rate of the heat uptake by the ocean in the uncertainty of the projected climate change
- Response of radiation belt simulations to different radial diffusion coefficients
- River Capture in Disequilibrium Landscapes
- Role of WEGENER (World Earthquake GEodesy Network for Environmental Hazard Research) in monitoring natural hazards (Invited)
- Searching for Lunar Tidal Deformations with LRO/LOLA
- Shallow afterslip following the Mw 7.2 October 23, 2011 Van earthquake (Turkey) deduced from GPS observations
- Solving climate uncertainty one tiny satellite at a time: Earth's Radiation Imbalance System
- Sources and Chemistry of Mercury over the Eastern United States during the NOMADSS Campaign (Invited)
- Studying the response of the southern ocean to SAM forcing: constraining Climate Response Functions to "ozone-hole" forcing using observations
- The 2010-2011 Microearthquake Swarm in Krýsuvík, SW Iceland: Was it Triggered by Crustal Magma Injection?
- The Large-Scale Morphology and Vadose Zone Dynamics of an Undisturbed Tropical Peat Forest in Brunei Darussalam
- The MIT Integrated Global System Model: A facility for Assessing and Communicating Climate Change Uncertainty (Invited)
- The Near-Earth Flyby of Asteroid 2012 DA14 (Invited)
- The Stability of A Coupled Energy-Water Balance System
- The ocean's role in polar climate change: asymmetric Arctic and Antarctic responses to greenhouse gas and ozone forcing. (Invited)
- The stochastic structure of critical transitions in water-stressed ecosystems
- Thermochemistry and Photochemistry in Thick Atmospheres on Super Earths and Mini Neptunes
- To Grow or Not To Grow: Exploring Feedbacks between Patches of Vegetation, Flow, and Deposition (Invited)
- Topography and Reflectance of Mercury After Two Years of Laser Altimetry
- Tropical Cyclones' influence on the ocean: from event scale processes to climate scale consequences
- Unified theory of microseisms and hum
- VGOS operations and geodetic results
- Validation of Artemis Mobility Simulations for the Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity Mars Rovers
- Vegetation in water-limited environments prioritizes photosynthesis over structural development when water is most abundant
- Velocity and Strain Rate Fields in Eastern Marmara Region Inferred from a Combination of Survey Mode and CORS GPS Data
- What can be learned about the lunar mantle from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)?
- What is Environmentalism When it Comes to "Fracking"?
- When did the lunar core dynamo cease?
- Where was Siberia in Mid Paleozoic? New paleomagnetic evidence
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Changes in Precipitation Extremes Based on Resolved Atmospheric Patterns
- <SUP>4</SUP>He in Bahamas Carbonates: A Link between Dust Export and North African Mega-droughts over the Last Millennium
- A Cahn-Hilliard framework for thin-film flows in the partial-wetting regime
- A Computational Model of Coupled Multiphase Flow and Geomechanics to Study Fault Slip and Induced Seismicity
- A Description of Local and Nonlocal Eddy-Mean Flow Interaction in a Global Eddying State Estimate
- A Fast, Portable, Fiber Optic Spectrofluorometer for Eddy Correlation Flux Measurement in the Aquatic Environment
- A Laser Altimeter for a Planetary Flyby Mission
- A Map of Kilometer-Scale Topographic Roughness of Mercury
- A Microscale View of Mixing and Overturning Across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- A Multi-wavenumber Theory for Eddy Diffusivities: Applications to the DIMES Region
- A New Arabia-Africa-Eurasia GPS Velocity Field (1994-2014) and E Mediterranean Block Model: Implications for Continental Deformation in a Zone of Active Plate Interaction
- A New Dual-Pore Formation Factor Model: A Percolation Network Study and Comparison to Experimental Data
- A New Method for Determining the Non-Linear Effective Pressure
- A New View of Dynamic River Networks
- A Phase-Field Approach to Modeling Hydrate Formation on Methane Gas Bubbles in a Water Column
- A Statistical Look at the Radiation Belt Seed Population
- A complete tropical cyclone radial wind structure model and comprehensive comparison with observations
- A high-resolution spherical harmonic degree 1200 lunar gravity field from the GRAIL mission
- A novel methodology to measure methane bubble sizes in the water column
- A search for transient water frost at the lunar poles using LOLA
- AMS+ALS: Kinetic and Product Studies of the Heterogeneous Oxidation of Organic Aerosol at the Advanced Light Source
- Activity Dependent Global Model of Electron Loss inside the Plasmasphere
- Aircraft Observations of Mercury over the US: The Nomadss Experiment
- Amplitude retrieval from correlations of the ambient seismic field
- An Analysis of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and Their Impacts on Coastal Inundation in New York and New Jersey during the Last Millennium
- An Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Trap as a Potential Source of Organic Compounds Detected by the SAM Instrument on the Curiosity Rover
- An Impaired View of Earth's Early History
- An Integrated Analytical Approach to Obtaining Reliable U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Data from Complex (>3.9 to 3.3 Ga) Zircon from the Acasta Gneiss Complex
- Analysis of Atmospheric Delays and Asymmetric Positioning Errors in GPS
- Analysis of Dispersive Landslide Tsunami Waves in the Lagrangian Framework
- Analysis of High Frequency Site-Specific Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide at Mace Head, Ireland
- Assessing the Global and Arctic Transport of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Under Present and Future Climate and Emissions
- Assessment of Systematic Differences Between the SPC and SPG Vesta Shape Models Derived from the Dawn Mission
- Attributing Variability in Atlantic Meridional Overturning to Wind and Buoyancy Forcing
- Bacterial Motility As a Biosignature: Tests at Icy Moon Analogue Sites
- Bed Shear Stress in Channels with Emergent Vegetation
- Boundary Element Method in a Self-Gravitating Elastic Half-Space and Its Application to Deformation Induced by Magma Chambers
- CO<SUB>2</SUB>- and Ca-rich Fluids Drive Dolomite Formation During Hydrothermal Alteration of Peridotite
- Carbon and sulfur isotopes as tracers of fluid-fluid and fluid-rock interaction in geothermal systems
- Catchment Power and the Joint Distribution of Elevation and Travel Distance to the Outlet
- Changes in opal fluxes along the northwest African margin during the last glacial period; linking high and low latitude patterns of productivity
- Characterization of Early Stage Marcellus Shale Development Atmospheric Emissions and Regional Air Quality Impacts using Fast Mobile Measurements
- Characterizing Rayleigh Wave Velocity and Amplitude Anisotropy in an Alpine Glacier
- Clumped Methane Isotopologue Temperatures of Microbial Methane
- Comparing Geodetic Data Quality from PBO and non-PBO GPS Stations at Decadal and Continental Scales
- Compositional Constraints on the Best Characterized Rocky Exoplanet, Kepler-36 b
- Connecting Stratospheric and Ionospheric Anomalies
- Connections Between Multi-Decadal SST Variability and the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
- Consequences and Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt
- Controls on Shallow Landslide Area, Depth, and Shape
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Coseismic and early postseismic slip of the 2014 South Napa earthquake from ABIC-based modeling of campaign GPS and InSAR data
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation due to the South Napa earthquake inferred from modeling of Global Positioning System data
- Coupled Flow and Geomechanical Modeling of Fluid Production and Injection in the Cavone Oil Field, Northern Italy: an Assessment of the Potential for Induced Seismicity
- Decadal Changes in Arctic Radiative Forcing from Aerosols and Tropospheric Ozone
- Decadal-Scale Decoupling of the Japan Trench Prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake from Geodetic and Repeating-Earthquake Observations
- Deep Carbon Cycling in the Deep Hydrosphere: Abiotic Organic Synthesis and Biogeochemical Cycling
- Deep-Seated Reverse Faults in Mare Crisium, the Moon
- Defining the base of the Critical Zone: Stress, Topography, Fracture Permeability
- Determination of the Possible Source of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Detected By SAM during MSL Mission
- Development and Carbon Fluxes of Tropical Peat Domes
- Direct Correlation Between Aromatization of Kerogen in Organic Shales during Maturation and Its Visible Absorption Edge
- Direct ambient noise tomography for 3-D near surface shear velocity structure: methodology and applications
- Disorder Versus Correlation Control: Non-Fickian Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media and Correlated Continuous Time Random Walks
- Disrupting Bacteria Accumulation in Heterogeneous Flow Structures By Chemotaxis
- Does spacecraft potential depend on the ambient electron density?
- Dynamic Time Warping for coda wave interferometry studies
- EMIC Waves in the Radiation Belts
- Earthquke-related variation in Schumann Resonance (SR) spectra and Q-bursts as simulated with a global TDTE Network
- Eastward escape of Tibet facilitated by mid-crustal upwelling where conjugate faults meet at its western end
- Ecomorphodynamic Feedbacks and Couplings Between Landscape Subsystems Influence Barrier Island Response to Changing Climate
- Ecosystem Resiliency Study under Extreme Droughts using Multi-Land Surface Models
- Eddy diffusivity in the equatorial and tropical Pacific Ocean diagnosed from an ocean state estimate
- Effects of China's Energy Policy on Future Air Quality in China and the U.S.
- Enceladus Environmental Explorer (EVE): A Mission Concept
- Estimates of climate system properties based on recent climate records up to 2012
- Estimating Carbon Storage in Eelgrass Meadows in the Gulf of Maine
- Estimation of the radiation effects on the astronauts for different phases of the solar cycle and shielding
- Evaluation of Tropical Biomass Burning Emissions using a Global Aerosol Model: Implications for Climate and Air Quality
- Evaporation Estimation over the Upper Blue Nile Basin By Combining Satellite Observations and River Flow Gauges
- Evolution of Strain Partitioning during Creep of Carrara Marble
- Experimental Assessment of Collection Efficiency of Submicron Aerosol Particles by Cloud Droplets
- Experimental Constraints on Fluid-Rock Reactions during Incipient Serpentinization of Harzburgite
- Experimental Studies of the Effect of Permeability on Seismoelectric Conversion Coefficients in Natural and Synthetic Sandstones
- Experimental Study of Olivine-rich Troctolites
- Exploring a microbial ecosystem approach to modeling deep ocean biogeochemical cycles
- Exploring the potential for spatio-temporal mapping of VOC-OH reactions from column measurements of CH<SUB>2</SUB>O and NO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Extended Triple Collocation: Estimating Errors And Correlation Coefficients With Respect To An Unknown Target
- Fast solar wind measurements from the Bright Monitor of the Solar Wind instrument on Spektr-R
- Fingering, Fracturing and Dissolution in Granular Media
- Formation of the Moon's Orientale multi-ring basin
- GPS Constraints on the Spatial Distribution of Extension in the Ethiopian Highlands and Main Ethiopian Rift
- GPS data analysis and results from the Geodesy Advancing Geosciences and EarthScope (GAGE) project
- Geodetic constraints on postseismic deformation following the Mw 7.2 October 23, 2011 Van earthquake (E.Turkey)
- Glacier Changes in the Russian High Arctic.
- Global 3-D model of oceanic mercury coupled to carbon biogeochemistry and particle dynamics: application to the transport and fate or riverine mercury
- Global Emissions of Refrigerants HCFC-22 and HFC-134a: Unforeseen Seasonal Contributions
- Global trends in mineral dust aerosol: determining causes and attributing uncertainty with the GEOS-Chem model
- Grain size evolution in the mantle and its effect on geodynamics and seismic observables
- Harmonization of Initial Estimates of Shale Gas Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Electric Power Generation
- High-resolution global and local lunar gravity field models using GRAIL mission data
- Historical and Present Day Mercury Contamination From Gold Mining in Three Feeding Guilds of Bats From the Peruvian Amazon
- Hurricane Economic Damage and Climate Change: Considering Hurricane Climatology and Regional Resilience
- Hydrologically Induced Basal Slip Triggers Greenland Supraglacial Lake Drainages
- Identification of Dynamic Processes Responsible for Preconditioning the Atmosphere for Severe Convective Outbreaks in Midlatitudes
- Imaging Micrometer Scale Rock Magnetism Using a Quantum Diamond Microscope
- Imaging the D" reflector with noise correlations and array processing
- Impact of Activation Treatment and CCN/IN Concentrations on Simulations of A Continental Convective System
- Impact of Mixing State on Anthropogenic Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Associated Climate Response
- Impact of Wettability on Fluid-Fluid Displacement in Porous Media: A Pore-Scale Model
- Impact of Wettability on Fracturing of Nano-Granular Materials
- Impact of flow correlation and heterogeneity on transport in fractured media: field evidence and theoretical model
- Impact of potential large-scale and medium-scale irrigation on the West African Monsoon and its dependence on location of irrigated area
- Impact of saturation on dispersion and mixing in porous media
- Impact of viscous fingering and permeability heterogeneity on fluid mixing in porous media
- Impact scaling for lunar impact basins: Contributions from GRAIL and hydrocode modeling
- Impacts of Irrigation Development on Regional Rainfall in Africa
- Impacts of the Minamata Convention for Mercury Emissions from Coal-fired Power Generation in Asia
- Importance of Particle Morphology on the Heterogeneous Oxidation of Organic Aerosol
- Improved Stratigraphic Interpretation of Dense Lacustrine Carbonates from Lake Bonneville, UT
- Improved texture measurement during deformation of polycrystalline olivine at high pressure
- Improvement of Europa's Gravity and Body Tides and Shape with a Laser Altimeter during a Flyby Tour
- In Situ Measurements of the Post-Spinel and Post-Garnet Phase Boundaries in Pyrolite at 17-32 GPa and 1500-2400 K
- In-orbit Calibration of the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter Via Two-Way Laser Ranging with an Earth Station
- Inversion of Multi-Station Schumann Resonance Background Records for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units
- Investigating the Emission and Optical Properties of Brown Carbon Aerosol using both Field Measurements and Global Model Simulations
- Investigations & Analysis of Reverse Polarity Repeating Earthquakes at intermediate-depth in the Bucaramanga nest, Colombia
- Ionospheric Effects of Sudden Stratospheric Warming During Solar Maximum and Minimum Periods: What Do We See from Puerto Rico?
- Ionospheric Response to the 2009 Sudden Stratospheric Warming over the Equatorial, Low- and Mid-Latitudes in American Sector.
- It Takes Two to Tango: The Timing of the India -Eurasia Collision and the Origin of the Super-Fast India-Eurasia Convergence Rates.
- Joint Inversion of Body-Wave Arrival Times and Surface-Wave Dispersion Data in the Wavelet Domain Constrained by Sparsity Regularization
- Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Velocity Structure and Hypocentral Locations of the Colombian Subduction Zone
- Kalman filtering and smoothing of radiation belt observations on the basis of model and measurement error identification
- Landform-Water-Vegetation Feedbacks: Exploring Ecosystem Stability and Restoration Potential in Semiarid Hillslopes
- Let the Games Begin: New Opportunities to Address Climate Change Communication, Education, and Decision Support
- Life with and Life without Plate Tectonics
- Linking Siberian Snow Cover to Precursors of Stratospheric Variability and Intraseasonal Predictability
- Linking hemispheric radiation budgets, ITCZ shifts, and monsoons
- Lipids biomarkers of the deep terrestrial subsurface biosphere
- Long-Term Periodicity of the Mars Exospheric Density from MRO and Mars Odyssey Radio Tracking Data
- Lunar Crustal Properties: Insights from the GRAIL Gravity Signatures of Lunar Impact Craters
- Lunar Phase Function in the Near-Infrared from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter
- MLT-Dependent 3D Reanalysis of Radiation Belt Elections: Quantifying Errors in Current and Future Magnetic Field Models
- Mantle Origin of Olivine-rich Troctolites in a Rift Environment
- Mars Rover Curiosity Traverses of Sand Ripples
- Marsh Edge Erosion Effects in Coupled Barrier Island-Marsh Systems
- Measuring Bi-Directional Reflectance for Gross Primary Productivity with a Constellation of SmallSats
- Methane Production and Transport in a Tropical Peatland
- Micro-scale observations of semi-brittle failure in Carrara marble
- Microbial Substrate Use at Sites of Continental Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAD and the Cedars, CA, USA
- Microclimate-induced Lateral Channel Migration as a Driver for Hillslope Asymmetry in Semi-arid Landscapes
- Microporoelastic Modeling of Organic-Rich Shales
- Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration Mission (MiRaTA): Advancing Weather Remote Sensing with Nanosatellites
- Mid Latitude Thermospheric and Ionospheric Observations during the Stratospheric Warming in 2013
- Miocene to Present Sea Level and the Origin of Modern Rimmed Atoll Morphology
- Modeling Post-Entrapment Modification of Volatile Contents in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Modeling three-dimensional topographic stress and its effects on bedrock fractures
- Multi-Eady models of surface and deep instabilities
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Indian Space Research Organisation Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission Concept
- Nebular Paleomagnetism
- New Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of Methane at Sites of Active Continental Serpentinization
- New Observations of Storm Enhanced Density, Tongues of Ionization and Polar Cap Patches in Antarctica
- New geodetic constraints on strain accumulation along the North Anatolian Fault from the Karliova Triple Junction to the N Aegean Trough
- New paleomagnetic results from Ladakh, Western Himalaya support multi-stage collision scenario between India and Eurasia.
- Non-equilibrium model of two-phase porous media flow with phase change
- North African dust deposition and hydroclimate over the last 60 ka: A combined view from the east and west of the continent
- Numerical Simulations of Nonlinear Wall-Mode Convection
- Observations and Model Analysis of Enhanced Oxidized Mercury in the Free Troposphere during NOMADSS
- Observations of BrO Using Limb Scanning DOAS During the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- Observed and Modeled Sediment Transport Around Katama Inlet, Martha's Vineyard
- On The Unique Trends between East Asian Cloud Coverage, Urbanization, and Haze
- Onset and Mechanisms of Surface Creep on Strike Slip Faults: Clues from the North Anatolian Fault and Comparisons with the San Andreas Fault
- Optimal Biofilm Featues: metabolic and geometric response to multiple oxidants
- Orographic Precipitation Changes and Shallow Landslide-Derived Sediment in Steep Landscapes
- Oxygen Isotope Trajectories of Crystallizing Arc Magmas
- Paleomagnetism of a primitive achondrite parent body: The acapulcoite-lodranites
- Parameterization of Observed Saturn Z-Mode Wave Power for r < 4R<SUB>s</SUB>
- Phenomenology of the low-latitude ionosphere during northern winter and association with sudden stratospheric warmings
- Plate Tectonics on Earth and on Alien Worlds - Novel Insights into Mantle Dynamics
- Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Bioaccumulation in Fish: A Look at Michigan's Upper Peninsula
- Possible Global Distribution of Reduced Carbon in Surface Sediments on Mars: Evidence from Volatiles Released from the Rocknest Eolian Drift, Gale Crater
- Potential of Higher Moments of the Radar Doppler Spectrum for Studying Ice Clouds
- Precise Relative Earthquake Depth Determination Using Array Processing Techniques
- Predicted impacts of climate change on malaria transmission in West Africa
- Predicting Equilibrium Mineral Assemblages in Contact Metamorphism By Integrating Thermodynamic and Numerical Models of Magma Chamber Cooling
- Prompt Energization of Relativistic and Highly Relativistic Electrons during a Substorm Interval
- Propagation of the 2012 March Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun to Heliopause
- Proxy Applications of Pa/Th Investigated with Scavenging Chemistry in the North Atlantic
- Quantifying wave-breaking dissipation using nonlinear phase-resolved wave-field simulations
- Quantitative spatiotemporal characterization of methane venting from lake sediments
- Radium Adsorption to Iron Bearing Minerals in Variable Salinity Waters
- Rapid True Polar Wander Oscillations Preserved In Continuous Orosirian Strata
- Recent Results from the MicroMAS Global Environmental MonitoringNanosatellite Mission
- Regional 3D Numerical Modeling of the Lithosphere-Mantle System: Implications for Continental Rift-Parallel Surface Velocities
- Regional and Teleseismic Constraints on Intermediate-Depth and Deep focus Earthquake Mechanisms
- Regional climate predictability from regional climate feedbacks.
- Regional climate projection of the Maritime Continent using the MIT Regional Climate Model
- Reproductive Potential of Salmon Spawning Substrates Inferred from Grain Size and Fish Length
- Response of Simulated Mixed-Phase Arctic Stratus Clouds to Slowly Activated Ice Nuclei
- Reversal Asymmetry after the end of the Cretaceous Superchron
- Rock magnetic evidence of non-random raw material selection criteria in Cerro Toledo Obsidian Artifacts from Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Search for Radio Emission from HD80606b: a Highly Eccentric Exoplanet
- Seismic Properties of Partially Molten Rocks: Constraints from Experiments and Observations on Natural Rocks
- Seismic Tomography Beneath the Western United States Using a Joint Body Wave-Surface Wave Inversion Algorithm
- Sensing the Electrical Conductivity of the Upper Mantle and Lithosphere Using Satellite Magnetic Signal Due to Ocean Tidal Flow
- Separation of continuous GPS transients using independent component analysis and low rank methods
- Simulations of low-mode internal tides in realistic mean flows
- Source Parameters of the Upper-Mantle September 21, 2013 Mw4.8 Wyoming Earthquake
- Stable Isotope and Trace Element Records of Parts of MIS 5 and MIS 6 from Stalagmites from Lehman Cave, Nevada, USA
- Stochastic Trends in Global Sea Level Rise
- Storage and Transport of Hydrocarbons in Organic-Rich Mudstones
- Subduction-related oceanic crust in the Khantaishir ophiolite (western Mongolia).
- Subglacial hydrological controls on meltwater <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr and the strontium flux from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Supporting ITM Missions by Observing System Simulation Experiments: Initial Design, Challenges and Perspectives
- Surface Strains Associated with the Evolution of Mercury's Domical Swells
- Surface deformation before, during and after the 2014 South Napa, California, earthquake from a spatially dense network of survey and continuous GPS site
- Ted Madden's Network Methods: Applications to the Earth's Schumann Resonances
- Temperature and CAPE Dependence of Rainfall Extremes in the Eastern United States
- The D-Region Ledge at Nighttime: Why are Elves Collocated with the OH Meinel Band Airglow Layer?
- The Development of Subduction Below the Oman-UAE Ophiolite: Detailed Temporal Constraints from High Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
- The Early Stages of Groundwater-fed River Bifurcation
- The Human Thirst for Water Under Global Change: What and where are the Future Risks?
- The Impact of Miscible Viscous Fingering on Mixing
- The Impact of Unsteady Reconfiguration on Turbulence Structure within a Flexible Canopy: Experimental Study of a Model Seagrass Meadow
- The Impact of Unsteady Reconfiguration on Turbulence Structure within a Flexible Canopy: Large-Eddy Simulation Study of a Cornfield
- The Influence of Microphysics on the Behavior of Moist Convection at Different Surface Temperatures
- The Influence of Water on Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Upper Mantle
- The Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE) on the yet-to-be-named Mars 2020 Lander
- The Mercury Gravity Field after the MESSENGER Low-Altitude Gravity Campaign
- The Motion Decoupled Delivery System: A New Deployment System for Downhole Tools
- The New England Climate Adaptation Project: Enhancing Local Readiness to Adapt to Climate Change through Role-Play Simulations
- The Poleward Migration of Tropical Cyclone Peak Intensity
- The Relationship Between Recent Arctic Amplification and Extreme Mid-Latitude Weather
- The Surface Composition Investigation for Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
- The Vertical Profile of Ocean Mixing
- The global diversity of intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes
- The lamellar structure of reactive mixtures in porous media: Pore scale experimental imaging and upscaling
- Three-Dimensional Vp and Vs Models of Continental China From Joint Inversion of Body Wave, Surface Wave, and Gravity Data
- Time-transfer experiments between satellite laser ranging ground stations via one-way laser ranging to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Topographic Stress, Bedrock Fractures, and Landscape Evolution
- Toward Understanding Crustal Body Wave Recovery with Ambient Noise Seismic Interferometry Applied to USArray
- Toward seismic source imaging using seismo-ionospheric data
- Tracking Monsoon Related Provenance Changes in Continental Margin Sediments of the East China Sea: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 346.
- Transient Climate Impacts for Scenarios of Aerosol Emissions from Asia: A Story of Coal versus Gas
- Transition Zone Structures beneath Hawaii Imaged with SS precursors
- Transport and scavenging of biomass burning aerosols in the maritime continent
- Transport map-accelerated Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian parameter inference
- Trends and Variability of Southern Ocean Temperature and Salinity in Models and Observations
- Uncertainties in recent volcanic aerosol optical depths and implications for global climate change
- Understanding global cycling of atmosphere-surface exchangeable pollutants and its implications
- Understanding the Development and Stabilization of Mn(III) Intermediates during Microbial Manganese Reduction
- Upscaling mixing in porous media from an experimental quantification of pore scale Lagrangian deformation statistics
- Use of NOMADSS Observations to Improve Our Understanding of the Land and Ocean Fluxes of Mercury
- Using Geostationary Communications Satellites as a Sensor: Telemetry Search Algorithms
- Variations in Crustal Structure, Lithospheric Flexural Strength, and Isostatic Compensation Mechanisms of Mars
- Variations in shear strength properties of clay-rich sediments over the effective stress range of 0.1 to 100 MPa
- Vertical Redistribution of Oceanic Heat Content
- Virtual Exploration of Earth's Evolution
- Volcanic Lightning: Update on New Global Observations and Constraints on Source Mechanisms
- Voyager Observations of the Heliosheath
- Water under a Changing and Uncertain Climate: Lessons from Climate Model Ensembles
- Wave Properties of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves as Observed by Cluster
- Wave-Vortex Decomposition of One-Dimensional Ship Track Data
- Wettability Control on Fluid-Fluid Displacements in Patterned Microfluidics
- What Can Radiocarbon Depth Profiles Tell Us About The LGM Circulation?
- Widespread Lake Highstands in the Southernmost Andean Altiplano during Heinrich Event 1: Implications for the South American Summer Monsoon
- Winter Cold tongue in the South China Sea
- iVFTs - immersive virtual field trips for interactive learning about Earth's environment.
- <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D kinetic isotope effects for methane oxidation by OH - predicting the "clumped" isotopic signature of atmospheric methane
- <SUP>206/207</SUP>Pb and Radiocarbon: An Unlikely Pair for Identifying the Source and Delivery Time of Ocean Advection in the South China Sea
- A Decade of Graduate Climate Conferences for Training the Next Generation of Earth Scientists
- A Global Ocean State Estimate at the Last Glacial Maximum
- A Physically-based Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model
- A Statistical Model for Determining the Probability of Observing Exoplanetary Radio Emissions
- A high-resolution spherical harmonic degree 1500 lunar gravity field from the GRAIL mission
- A look at dynamic time warping in seismology
- Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Geochronology as a Collaborative Endeavor: A Decade of Progress, A Decade of Plans
- Air quality and human health improvements from reduced deforestation in Brazil
- Air quality co-benefits and costs under state, regional, or national cooperation to regulate CO<SUB>2</SUB> from existing power plants
- Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview
- Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations
- An Assessment of Uncertainty in Projections of Climate-Induced Changes to U.S. O<SUB>3</SUB> Pollution
- An Improved, Automated Whole-Air Sampler and VOC Analysis System: Results from SONGNEX 2015
- An Inter-comparative Study of the Effects of Aircraft on Surface Air Quality
- An Observationally-Constrained Global Dust AOD Suggests a Systematic Underestimation of Dust in Model
- Analysis of Volcanic Deposits on Venus Using Radar Polarimetry
- Anthropogenic Effects on the Mixing State of Aerosols over Manaus during the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) Campaign
- Are climate and land cover changes in East Asia important factors for dust emission variability in the past 30 years?
- Assessing Global Mercury Cycling and Trends in the Context of the Minamata Convention
- Assessment of new large-scale cloud cover and rainfall parameterizations for Regional Climate Modeling over the Upper Blue Nile basin
- Assessment of thermal comfort level at pedestrian level in high-density urban area of Hong Kong
- Basalt of Summit Creek: Eocene Magmatism Associated with Farallon Slab Break Off
- Basalt: Biologic Analog Science Associated with Lava Terrains
- Basin-Wavelength Equatorial Deep Jet Signals Across Three Oceans
- Bayesian Inference of High-Dimensional Dynamical Ocean Models
- Bedform Disequilibria in Unidirectional and Oscillatory Flows
- Calibration of a Carboniferous U-Pb and Ar-Ar Standard
- Can Impact-generated Plasmas be Responsible for Magnetization on the Moon?
- Carbon cycle and climate commitments from early human interference
- Characterizing Hurricane Tracks Using Multiple Statistical Metrics
- Charon's Color: A view from New Horizon Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera
- Climate Feedback: Bringing the Scientific Community to Provide Direct Feedback on the Credibility of Climate Media Coverage
- Climate Stabilization at 2<SUP>o</SUP>C and "Net Zero" Emissions
- Climatic and tectonic influences on ocean island erosion inferred from a global dataset
- Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
- Community-based Approaches to Improving Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility in U-Pb and U-Th Geochronology
- Comparison of Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Variability and Trends with Sr/Ca Records from Multiple Corals
- Comparison of different UHI mitigation strategies: the street- versus roof-level implementation
- Completion of the Boundary Element Method in a Self-Gravitating Elastic Half-Space, with Application to Gravity Gradient Observations
- Compositional controls on subducted slab dynamics in the early Earth
- Comprehensive Characterization of Atmospheric Organic Carbon using Multiple High-Resolution Mass Spectrometric Instruments
- Constraining Methane Abundance and Cloud Properties from the Reflected Light Spectra of Directly Imaged Exoplanets
- Constraining methane emissions from the Indo-Gangetic Plains and South Asia using combined surface and satellite data
- Constraining the Timescales of Magmatic Differentiation with U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
- Constraints on Ceres internal strcuture from the Dawn gravity and shape data
- Constraints on Crustal Structures, Residual Topography, and Isostasy in the Western US from Virtual Deep Seismic Sounding (VDSS)
- Constraints on Flow Dynamics within the Oceanic Asthenosphere from a High-Resolution Estimate of Seismic Anisotropy
- Continuous Time Random Walks and the Causes of Non-Fickian Transport in Heterogeneous Media
- Controls on radium transport by adsorption to iron minerals
- Coupled Modeling of Flow, Transport, and Deformation during Hydrodynamically Unstable Displacement in Fractured Rocks
- Deep-sea coral record of human impact on watershed quality in the Mississippi River Basin
- Degassing and Vesiculation during the 2011 Eruption of Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Dependence of simulations of long range transport on meteorology, model and dust size
- Detailed Analysis of the Illapel Mw 8.3 Earthquake Source and Nucleation from Geodetic and Seismological Data
- Detailed gas and diesel vehicle emissions: PTR-MS measurements of real-time VOC profiles and comprehensive characterization of primary emissions for IVOC, SVOC, and LVOC by gas chromatography with vacuum ultra-violet ionization mass spectrometry
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- Development of the Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration (MiRaTA) CubeSat for all-weather atmospheric sounding
- Do Jack Hills Detrital Zircons Contain Records of the Early Geodynamo?
- Earth System Stability Through Geologic Time
- Effects of Particulate Organic Matter Complexation and Photo-Irradiation on the Fate and Toxicity of Mercury(II) in Aqueous Systems
- Emergence of Anomalous Transport in Stressed Rough Fractures
- Emission Inventory of Halogenated greenhouse gases in China during 1980-2050
- Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from oil and natural gas activities: compositional comparison of 13 major shale basins via NOAA airborne measurements
- Estimation of the Heat and Water Budgets of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf using a two-way, coupled Gulf-atmosphere regional model (GARM)
- Evaluating Observational Constraints on N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions via Information Content Analysis Using GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint
- Evaluating the Paleomagnetic Potential of Zircons
- Exploring ancient microbial community assemblages by creating complex lipid biomarker profiles for stromatolites and microbial mats in Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Australia
- Exploring the intriguing differences between Saturnian and Jovian magnetospheric neutral tori
- Extra-tropical origin of equatorial Pacific cold bias in climate models
- Extremely High Magma Emplacement Rates Recorded in the Golden Horn Batholith, WA
- First Continuous High Frequency in Situ Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> in Rwanda Using Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy
- Fluid Compressibility Effects during Hydraulic Fracture: an Opportunity for Gas Fracture Revival
- Forecasting unconventional resource productivity - A spatial Bayesian model
- Fracturing in granular media: the role of capillarity, wetting, and disorder
- Geomorphogenesis and Carbon Fluxes of Tropical Peat Domes
- Geostationary Communications Satellites as Sensors for the Space Weather Environment: Telemetry Event Identification Algorithms
- Getting the Lead Out of Bermuda; The Legacy of a Forty Year Record in the North Atlantic Using a Transient Experiment in the Atmosphere and Water
- Global Evaporation Estimates from SMAP Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals Using Conditional Sampling.
- Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage
- High-resolution gravity field modeling using GRAIL mission data
- High-resolution gravity models for Mercury from MESSENGER tracking data
- Historical Records of Combustion Practices Using Molecular and Isotopic Markers in Sediment Profiles Around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Historical droughts in northern Vietnam captured by variability in speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Hydrogen Sulfide Sequestration and Storage in Geothermal System: New Mitigation Strategy to Reduce H<SUB>2</SUB>S from the Atmosphere and Detect its Mineralization with Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Systematics
- Ice Accumulation and the Apparent Seasonal Variation of GPS Stations in Alaska
- Ice nucleation by plant structural materials and its potential contribution to glaciation in clouds
- Impact of Viscous Fingering on Mixing
- Impact of normal stress on multiphase flow through rough fractures
- Impact of pickup ions on the shock front nonstationarity andenergy dissipation of the heliospheric termination shock:Two-dimensional full particle simulations and comparison with Voyager 2 observations
- Impacts of Irrigation Development on Regional Rainfall in Africa
- Inferring global and regional methane sources and sinks using isotopic observations and atmospheric chemical transport models
- Interior Evolution of Ceres and Vesta Revealed by Dawn
- Internal Wave Generation by Turbulent Convection
- Interpreting the Ultraviolet Aerosol Index Observed with the OMI Satellite Instrument to Understand Absorption by Organic Carbon Aerosols and Implications for Atmospheric Oxidation
- Investigating Baseline, Alternative and Copula-based Algorithm for combining Airborne Active and Passive Microwave Observations in the SMAP Context
- Investigating global brown carbon from both measurements and models
- Investigation into MIS 11 in the U.S. Great Basin Using Trace Elements and Stable Isotopes from two Lehman Caves Stalagmites
- Isotope exchange between natural and anthropogenic Pb in the coastal waters of Singapore: exchange experiment, Kd model, and implications for the interpretation of coastal 210Pb data
- Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- Kinematic and Dynamic Source Inversions using Elliptical Patches constrained by Teleseismic Source Time Functions and Source Spectra Estimation
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Observed Along-Rift Surface Motions in the East African Rift System
- Laboratory and Ambient Measurements of Oxidized Organic Compounds in the Gas Phase Using Nitrate Ion Chemical Ionization Coupled with High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
- Laboratory and Field Characterizations of a Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO) Collector Module for a Chemical Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (CI-TOFMS) Instrument
- Laser Guidestar Satellite for Ground-based Adaptive Optics Imaging of Geosynchronous Satellites and Astronomical Targets
- Laser Ranging in Solar System: Technology Developments and New Science Measurement Capabilities
- Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene Climate Change Linked to Tectonic Eevolution of Neo-Tethyan Subduction Systems
- Lateral Variation of Crustal Structure Beneath a Stable Craton: Seismic Evidence from Ordos, China
- Law-of-the-wall buffer layer explained by a simplified cospectral budget model
- Local slope, hillslope length and upslope unstable area as 1<SUP>st</SUP> order controls on co-seismic landslide hazard.
- Localisation of shear in ice by recrystallisation on kinks and grain boundary networks: new EBSD data in old experiments
- Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior.
- Low Order Uncertainty Dynamics in Ocean State Estimation: Reduced Hessian Method for Constraining Barotropic Drake Passage Transport
- Lunar Field Geological Interpretations Assisted by LROC, Mini-RF and M3: Taurus-Littrow
- MSNoise: Not Only dv/v! A Framework for Continuous Seismic Data Analysis
- Mapping South American Summer Monsoon Changes during Heinrich Event 1 and the LGM: Insights from New Paleolake Records from the Central Andes
- Mars Gravity Field and Upper Atmosphere from MGS, Mars Odyssey, and MRO
- Measurement and Modeling of Site-specific Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide at Mace Head, Ireland
- Measurements of Background and Polluted Air in Rural Regions of Rwanda
- Melt-Rock Reaction in the Mantle Wedge
- Melting Systematics in Mid-ocean Ridge Basalts and Implications for Global CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes
- Mercury's lithospheric thickness and crustal density, as inferred from MESSENGER observations
- Mesoscale eddies over the Laptev Sea continental slope in the Arctic Ocean
- Meteor Ablation as Origin for the D-region Ledge in Electrical Conductivity
- Methanogenesis in Peat Bogs - Insights from <SUP>14</SUP>C Data Synthesis and Modeling
- Migration Based Event Detection and Automatic P- and S-Phase Picking in Hengill, Southwest Iceland
- Modeling Dynamics of Mercury on the Antarctic Plateau: Roles of Photochemistry and the Underlying Snowpack
- Modeling Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using an Enhanced SatStressGUI
- Moist formulations of the EP flux and their connection to surface westerlies in current and warmer climates
- Molecular evidence for a microbial role in ooid formation and preservation of molecular biosignatures in ancient oolite
- Multiparameter seismic full waveform inversion in fractured media: anisotropic parameter estimation and cross-talk suppression
- Nebulization of Microliter-sized Environmental Samples: Aerosol Mass Spectrometry as an Offline Analytical Technique.
- New Horizons LORRI Pluto Haze Spatial Analysis
- Nonlinear Kinetic Instabilities in Plasma Wakes
- Observational constraints on the response function of Southern Ocean SST to SAM forcing
- Occultation Evidence for Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere in 2015 at the New Horizons Encounter
- On The Observability Of Turbulent Transport Rates By Argo: Supporting Evidence From An Inversion Experiment.
- OpenAQ: A Platform to Aggregate and Freely Share Global Air Quality Data
- Optimizing Shear Stresses at the Tip of a Hydraulic Fracture - What Is the Ideal Orientation of Natural Fractures with respect to Hydraulic Fracture?
- Organic Composition and Morphology of Sea Spray Aerosols as a Function of Biological Life during IMPACTS
- Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle
- Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Biogenic Manganese(III/IV) Oxides
- Past, Present, and Future Threat of Tropical Cyclones and Coastal Flooding in New York City
- Perfluorocarboxylic acid (PFCA) atmospheric formation and transport to the Arctic.
- Photochemical Alternation of Phragmites australis Plant Litter: New Insight into the Chemical Evolution of Particulate Organic Matter
- Photometric Properties of Pluto and Charon: Comparison to Other Bodies
- Planetary dynamics from laser altimetry: Spin and tidal deformation of the Moon and Mercury
- Plasma and Magnetic Field Characteristics of Coronal Mass Ejections in Relation to Geomagnetic Storm Intensity and Variability
- Pleistocene Permafrost Thawing History of Alaska, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories from U-Th Dating of Cave Speleothems
- Pluto As Seen by the LEISA Spectrometer on New Horizons
- Pluto's Global Color Variability as Seen by the New Horizons Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera
- Preliminary Assessment of Mercury Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Parameterizations for Incorporation into Chemical Transport Models
- Preliminary Results form the Japanese Total Lightning Network
- Present-Day Kinematics of the Dead Sea Transform and Internal Deformation within the Sinai and Arabian Plates
- Preservation of Lipid Biomarkers Under Prolonged and Extreme Hyperaridity in Atacama Desert Soils
- Probing Core Processes in the Earth and Small Bodies Using Paleomagnetism
- Probing the Lunar Polar Crust with GRAIL Gravity
- Quantification of physical and economic impacts of climate change on public infrastructure in Alaska and benefits of global greenhouse gas mitigation
- Quantifying the Impacts of Surface Albedo on Climate Using the WRF Model
- Rapid and direct screening of H:C ratio in Archean kerogen via microRaman Spectroscopy
- Reassessing the Ancient Martian Ocean Hypothesis using Global Distribution of Valley Networks
- Regional Climate Change Over Southwest Asia
- Reservoir Characterization in an Underground Gas Storage Field Using Joint Inversion of Flow and Geodetic Data
- Response of mixed-phase boundary layer clouds with rapid and slow ice nucleation processes to cloud-top temperature trend
- Retrieving Vegetation Parameters and Soil Reflection Coefficients with P-band SAR Polarimetry
- Rewinding the History of Growth of Stream Networks Fed by Groundwater
- Rotation of the Pacific Northwest and Deformation Across the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt Estimated with GPS
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Ultra-Low Super Ultra-Low and Partial Zero Emission Vehicle Exhaust
- Seepage Bifurcation as a Critical Process
- Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Heat Source of an Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal System (Rainbow, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 36° 10-17'N)
- Seismic Tomography of the Continental United States from a Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Body Waves
- Shallow Landslides Hazards in a Changing Climate
- Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto
- Simulating malaria transmission in the current and future climate of West Africa
- Solar Wind at 33 AU: Setting Bounds on the Pluto Interaction
- Source Mechanism, Stress Triggering, and Hazard Analysis of Induced Seismicity in Oil/Gas Fields in Oman and Kuwait
- Southern Ocean Cooling in a Warming World: Reassessing the Role of Westerly Winds
- Spatiotemporal signature of methane venting from lake sediments: from lab to field scale
- Speleothem isotopic evidence for rapid human-induced expansion of grasslands in Madagascar at 890 CE
- Static and dynamic parameters of deep earthquakes from global seismic data
- Stratigraphic relationships and timing of the 2012 Havre submarine silicic volcanic eruption revealed by high resolution bathymetric mapping and observations by underwater vehicles.
- Stress Localization and Kinking as a Potential Source of Rheological Weakening in the High-Stress Deformation of Polycrystalline Ice
- Systematic Search of the Nearest Stars for Exoplanetary Radio Emission: Preliminary Results from LOFAR
- Temporal evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea: Insights from vent fluid chemistry and bathymetric observations
- Testing Astronomical and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Timescales for the K/Pg Boundary Interval Using High-Resolution Magnetostratigraphy and U-Pb Geochronology in the Denver Basin of Colorado
- The Air Quality and Economic Impact of Atmospheric Lead from General Aviation Aircraft in the United States
- The Application of Computer-Aided Discovery to Spacecraft Site Selection
- The Asian monsoon's role in atmospheric heat transport responses to orbital and millennial-scale climate change
- The Asphalt Ecosystem of the Southern Gulf of Mexico: Results from F/S METEOR Cruise M114
- The Effect of Pre-Impact Porosity and Vertical Density Gradients on the Gravity Signature of Lunar Craters as Seen by GRAIL
- The Fifth International Ice Nucleation Workshop Activities FIN-1 and FIN-2: Overview and Selected Results
- The Global Reactive Carbon Budget of the Troposphere
- The Global Scale Relaxation State of Ceres
- The Identity of Hydrous Defects Controlling the Rheology of Olivine
- The Influence of Water on Seismic Wave Speeds and Attenuation in the Upper Mantle: an update from the Laboratory
- The Influence of the Asymmetric Ionosphere on the Schumann Resonances
- The Interdependence of Plate Coupling Processes, Subduction Rate, and Asthenospheric Pressure Drop across Subducting Slabs
- The Low-Degree Shape of Mercury
- The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Status and Early Results
- The Rock Record Has It About Right—No Significant Continental Crust Formation Prior to 3.8 Ga
- The Role of Accessory Phases in the Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics of the Acasta Gneiss Complex
- The Role of the Persian Gulf in Shaping Southwest Asian Surface Climate
- The Structure of Olivine Grain Boundaries Inferred from Transient and Steady State Deformation Experiments
- The World Climate Exercise: Is (Simulated) Experience Our Best Teacher?
- The World Climate Project: Bringing the UN Climate Negotiations to Classrooms, Boardrooms, and Living Rooms Near You
- The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn
- The dynamics of double slab subduction from numerical and semi-analytic models
- The electrical conductivity of the upper mantle and lithosphere from satellite magnetic signal due to ocean tidal flow
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- The global atmospheric loading of dust aerosols
- The gravity field and orientation of Mercury after the MESSENGER mission
- The interacting surface and atmosphere of Pluto
- The origin of olivine-rich troctolites/plagioclase-dunites
- The role of meltwater variability in modulating diurnal to inter-annual ice-sheet flow: New insights from a ~decade of high-temporal resolution GPS observations on the western Greenland margin
- The role of tree-fall dynamics in long-term carbon storage of tropical peatlands
- The two-timescale response of Antarctic sea-surface temperature and sea-ice cover to ozone depletion
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mercury's Lower Mantle Linked to Early Volcanism
- Three-Dimensional Vp and Vs Models of Continental China From Joint Inversion of Body Wave, Surface Wave, and Gravity Data
- Three-dimensional topographic stress controls on bedrock fractures and landscape evolution
- Towards a Predictive Theory of Malaria: Connections to Spatio-temporal Variability of Climate and Hydrology
- Transients in the outer heliosphere and interstellar medium.
- Trends in atmospheric temperature and winds since 1959
- Tropospheric response to varying approaches of prescribing Siberian snow anomalies
- Understanding the Lifecycle of Organic Carbon Through Multiple Generations of Aging
- Using Depth Phases and Array Processing to Characterize Intermediate-depth and Deep Earthquake Clusters
- Using a Novel Optical Sensor to Characterize Methane Ebullition Processes
- Using the 11-year Solar Cycle to Predict the Heliosheath Environment at Voyager 1 and 2
- Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
- Validation of Large-Scale Geophysical Estimates Using In Situ Measurements with Representativeness Error
- Variation of the Meridional Wind at 95 km with Season and Local Solar Time from Observations of the 11.072 GHz Ozone line and 557.7 nm Oxygen line
- Virtual Deep Seismic Sounding for a Uniform Measure of Crustal Thickness
- Virtually-Enhanced Fluid Laboratories for Teaching Meteorology
- Viscous fingering with partially miscible fluids
- Volatile element isotope systematics of volcanic geothermal fluids, Krafla Iceland
- Voyager 1 and 2 Observations of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field and Heliosheath
- Voyager 2 observations of plasma in the heliosheath.
- WRF-Chem Simulation of Air Quality Over China in 2013
- Weathering, Fractures and Water in the deep Critical Zone: Geophysical investigations in the U.S. Critical Zone Observatories
- Wettability Control on Hydro-capillary Fracturing in Granular Media
- Wettability control on fluid-fluid displacements in patterned microfluidics
- Wetting and Roughness: Pattern Formation in a Rough Fracture
- When Did Midcontinent Rift Volcanism End and Where Was Laurentia at that Time?
- Whole Atmosphere Modeling and Data Analysis: Success Stories, Challenges and Perspectives
- A Global Perspective on Reactive Organic Carbon in the Atmosphere
- A New High Resolution Climate Dataset for Climate Change Impacts Assessments in New England
- A Test of General Relativity with MESSENGER Mission Data
- A framework for investigating the interactions between climate, dust, solar power generation and water desalination processes in Desert Climate
- Acoustic Gravity Waves Generated by an Oscillating Ice Sheet in Arctic Zone
- Alpha Recoil Flux of Radon in Groundwater and its Experimental Measurement
- An Independent Constraint on Marine Sulfate Levels at the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
- Analysis of Storm-Time Oscillations in the Total Electron Content
- Are We Ready to Measure the Expansion of the Solar System?
- Are arc lower crustal metasediments derived from above or below? A detrital zircon study in the lower crust of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Assessing a 1500-year record of Atlantic hurricane activity from South Andros Island, the Bahamas, using modeled hurricane climatology
- Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach
- Assessment of the Simulated Molecular Composition with the GECKO-A Modeling Tool Using Chamber Observations for α-Pinene.
- Auroral Oval "Images" in GPS TEC Maps
- Ceres' darkest secret and its putative exosphere
- Ceres' obliquity history: implications for permanently shadowed regions
- Chemical and Isotopic Characterization of Surface Water and Active Layer Pore Water in a Tundra Landscape, Barrow, Alaska, USA
- Climate Response Functions for the Arctic Ocean
- Clouds, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity in a Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Channel Model
- Coded continuous wave meteor radar
- Comparing climate policy co-benefits in the United States and China
- Computer-Aided Discovery Tools for Volcano Deformation Studies with InSAR and GPS
- Confronting Future Risks of Global Water Stress and Sustainability: Avoided Changes Versus Adaptive Actions
- Constraints on Lunar Structure from Combined Geochemical, Mineralogical, and Geophysical modeling
- Constraints on Passive Margin Escarpment Evolution from River Basin Reorganization in Brazil
- Constructing Simple Predictive Models from Paleoclimate Records
- Continuous monitoring of high-rise buildings using seismic interferometry
- Continuous time random walks for the evolution of Lagrangian particle velocities in heterogeneous porous and fractured media flows
- Contributions of Uncertainty in Droplet Nucleation to the Indirect Effect in Global Models
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Earthquake Detection and Location of Seismicity in Central Oklahoma
- Coral Sr-U Thermometry
- Coupled transport, mixing and biogeochemical reactions in fractured media: experimental observations and modelling at the Ploemeur fractured rock observatory
- Cratonic modification and subsequent asthenospheric interaction: Evidence from absolute P-wave tomography
- Decadal variations in sea level patterns and the recent global mean surface warming slowdown
- Deep-Sea Carbonate Accumulation and Surface Ocean Saturation State in the Aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction
- Density and Vs contrasts across mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Central Pacific
- Does desert dust cool or warm the Earth system?
- Effects of Energetic Solar Emissions on the Lower Ionosphere as seen in Ionosonde Observations
- Effects of iron oxide mineralogy on methanogenesis transpiring in soils and sediments
- Enhanced tropical storm activity during the African Humid Period induced by Sahara greening and reduced dust emissions
- Erosion of volcanic ocean islands: insights from modeling, topographic analyses, and cosmogenic exposure dating
- Evaluating Interpolation Methods for Velocity and Strain Rate in the Western United States
- Evolution, response to forcing, and feedbacks of the floe size and thickness distribution
- Experiments and Phase-field Modeling of Hydrate Growth at the Interface of Migrating Gas Fingers
- Exploring the Deep Biosphere in Ophiolite-hosted Systems: What Can Metabolic Processes in Surface Seeps Tell Us About Subsurface Ecosystems in Serpentinizing Fluids?
- Exploring the Response of the Ocean and the Coupled Climate System to Volcanic Eruptions in a Hierarchy of Models
- First Continuous High Frequency in Situ Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> in Rwanda Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, and Preliminary Results of Regional Emission Estimation
- Formation Mechanisms for Spur and Groove Features on Fringing Reefs
- Geometry of channel networks incised by subsurface flow
- Gravitational Steady States of Coronal Loops as Magnetic Flux Ropes
- Ground Motion Analysis of Co-Located DAS and Seismometer Sensors
- HF beacon network for ionospheric specification in Peru
- HabEx: Finding and characterizing Habitable Exoplanets with a potential future flagship astrophysics mission
- Heavy Precipitation in Regional Climate Models: Does it Pay to Play Analogue?
- Heterogeneous Oxidation of Laboratory-generated Mixed Composition and Biomass Burning Particles
- Heterogeneous State of Stress and Seismicity Distribution Along the San Andreas Fault in Southern California: New Insights into Rupture Terminations of Past Earthquakes
- High temporal resolution observations of auroral electron density using superthermal electron enhancement of plasma lines
- High-precision Temporal Calibration of the Early Cambrian Biotic and Paleoenvironmental Records: New U-Pb Geochronology from Eastern Yunnan, China.
- Hydrologically Controlled Arsenic Release in Deltaic Wetlands and Coastal Riparian Zones
- Immiscible displacement in a rough fracture: beyond Darcy's law
- Impact of Anthropogenic Emissions on Isoprene Photochemical Oxidation Pathways in Central Amazonia
- Impact of Hurricanes and Nor'easters on a Migrating Inlet System
- Impact of Stress on Anomalous Transport in Fractured Rock
- Impact of blade motion on mass flux to seagrass blade
- Impact of capillarity and wettability on fracturing in granular media
- Impacts of Different Anthropogenic Aerosol Emission Scenarios on Hydrology in the Mekong Basins and their Effects on Irrigation and Hydropower
- Impacts of Ocean Surface Boundary Layer Observations on Ocean State Estimation
- Impacts of changing atmospheric composition on atmospheric response to emissions: an adjoint sensitivity analysis of anthropogenic combustion emissions to PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> related health impacts
- Implications of climate variability for monitoring the effectiveness of global mercury policy
- Improvements in Laser Ablation Split Stream (LASS) methodology: simultaneous U-Th-Pb and Sm-Nd Isotope Measurement of Monazite, Titanite, Apatite, Allanite, and Perovskite
- Inferring Large-Scale Terrestrial Water Storage Through GRACE and GPS Data Fusion in Cloud Computing Environments
- Initial Results from the Deep Drilling of Lake Junin, Perú
- Insight into the Global Distribution and Chemical Composition of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> from the SPARTAN Global Aerosol Network
- Integrated modeling of land-use change: the role of coupling, interactions and feedbacks between the human and Earth systems
- Interplay between tectonics and topography: Topographic stress controls on bedrock fractures and surface processes
- Interpreting the GNSS Vertical Coordinate Variations:
- Interseismic coupling of major faults in the north San Francisco Bay from InSAR, GPS and seismic data
- Inverted Polarity Thunderstorms Linked with Elevated Cloud Base Height
- Investigation of lunar maria structure from cross-analysis of GRAIL gravity and Kaguya radar data
- Ionospheric data assimilation and forecasting during storms
- Is There a Compositional Signature That Could Explain Middle Latitude Ionospheric Signatures during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings?
- Joint Model and Parameter Dimension Reduction for Bayesian Inversion Applied to an Ice Sheet Flow Problem
- Joint tomographic inversion of surface wave and body wave data: shear wavespeed and Vp/Vs ratios in the mantle beneath the Continental US
- Key atmospheric elements to evaluate a successful Minamata Convention
- Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow inside flexible vegetation canopies
- Learning-based Wind Estimation using Distant Soundings for Unguided Aerial Delivery
- Limiting the Effects of Earthquake Shaking on Gravitational-Wave Interferometers
- Linking the modern to the ancient with a comprehensive geobiological understanding of biosignature preservation in microbial mats
- Low-latitude arc-continent collision as a driver for global cooling
- Low-velocity layer in upper mantle of western Tibet from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Data: Lunar Topography and Surface Properties After 7 Years
- Measurements of Organic Composition of Aerosol and Rainwater Samples Using Offline Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Measurements of Parallel Electric Fields during Guide Field Reconnection in Laboratory and Space Plasmas
- Melting of the subducted slab and mantle wedge during subduction initiation below the Semail (Oman-UAE) ophiolite
- Metagenomic analysis of carbon cycling and biogenic methane formation in terrestrial serpentinizing fluid springs
- Methane Oxidation in a Tropical Peatland
- Microbial Innovation after the GOE
- Microfluidic Experiments Studying Pore Scale Interactions of Microbes and Geochemistry
- Mid-ocean ridge serpentinite in the Puerto Rico Trench: Accretion, alteration, and subduction of Cretaceous seafloor in the Atlantic Ocean
- Minerva: An Integrated Geospatial/Temporal Toolset for Real-time Science Decision Making and Data Collection
- Mixing and reactions in multiphase flow through porous media
- Modeling multiphase, multicomponent flows at the pore scale: Wetting phenomena and non-equilibrium phase behavior
- Modeling of Occurrence and Dynamics of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During Storm and Non-Storm Conditions
- Modest Little Ice Age cooling of the Western Tropical Atlantic inferred from Sr-U Coral Paleothermometry
- Molecular characterisation of secondary organic aerosol formed during cloud condensation-evaporation cycles from isoprene and methacrolein photooxidation (CUMULUS project)
- Morphology of GALÁPAGOS Platform Seamounts: a History of Emergence and Submergmence
- Multi-Land Surface Models Sensitivity Study on Ecosystem Responses to Enhanced and Extended Drought Conditions
- Multi-instrument observations and numerical modeling of intense ion upflows during stormtime polar cap expansion
- Multi-model Ensemble Regional Climate Projection of the Maritime Continent using the MIT Regional Climate Model
- Noise-Based Seismic Measurements of Tidal-Induced Velocity Changes from Large-N Arrays at the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- Observations of stratiform lightning flashes and their microphysical and kinematic environments
- On Sun-to-Earth Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections: II. Slow Events and Comparison with Others
- On the Elastic Shear Modulus of Jupiter's Solid Core
- On the Origin of High Shear Wave Velocities in the Deep Roots of Cratons
- On the renewed growth of atmospheric methane: implications for the oxidative capacity of the troposphere
- Optimal Estimation of Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions on Regional and Global Scales Using Advanced 3D Inverse Modeling and AGAGE Observations
- Optimal Reservoir Operation using Stochastic Model Predictive Control
- Orbit Determination of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Status and Recent Development
- Origin of carbon released from ecosystems affected by permafrost degradation in Northern Siberia
- Origin of deep lava flows at the base of the Galápagos Platform
- Oxidation of Tree Oil Containing a Complex Mixture of Sesquiterpenes: Keeping Track of the Carbon
- Oxygen Fugacity in Large Metal Capsules
- Paleomagnetic evidence for a partially differentiated H chondrite parent planetesimal
- Paleomagnetism of Hadean and Archean Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Perpendicular Diffusion of Solar Energetic Particles; Model Results and Implications for Electrons
- Phase-field modeling of unstable infiltration coupled with evapotranspiration and stochastic rainfall in heterogeneous field soils
- Phase-field models for fluid-driven fractures in elastic and porous media: validation of the model and fracture patterns.
- Photochemical Reactions of Particulate Organic Matter: Deciphering the Role of Direct and Indirect Processes
- Photochemically Driven Reduction of Hg(II) in the Presence of Particulate Organic Matter
- Planetary Dynamics From Laser Altimetry: Spin and Tidal Deformation of the Moon and Mercury
- Plasmapause Variations During the 17 March 2013 Identified by Ground-based and Space-based GPS Signals
- Popping Rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 13.77° N
- Popping rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Insights into mantle volatile concentrations and degassing dynamics
- Potential decoupling between the regional monsoon intensity and local moisture conditions during the last millennium in central Brazil
- Pre- and post- seismic activity associated with hydrated slab structures: The Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake (Chile).
- Prediction of velocity distribution from pore structure in 3D porous media
- Private-sector Support of Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Probabilistic Estimates of Climate Impacts of the Paris Agreement
- Probabilistic Predictions of Regional Ocean Dynamics
- Public Health Impacts of Excess NO<SUB>X</SUB> Emissions from Volkswagen Diesel Passenger Vehicles: a comparison between Germany and the United States
- Quantifications of Geomagnetic Storm Impact on TEC and NmF2 during 2013 Mar. event
- Quantifying Station Quality from Residual Vertical Motions in the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Network
- Quantifying the Impact of Technological Trends and Spatiotemporal Variability in Hydraulic Fracturing Water Intensity
- Quaternary subsidence of the Oahu Coastal Plain, Hawaiian Islands
- Recent Changes in the Variability and Seasonality of Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere
- Response of the North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Climatology to Global Warming: Application of Dynamical Downscaling to CMIP5 Models
- Risk assessment of tropical cyclone rainfall flooding in the Delaware River Basin
- SAMI3/RCM Stormtime Simulations of SAPS
- Scientific analogs and the development of human mission architectures for the Moon, deep space and Mars
- Seismic coupling at divergent plate boundaries from rate-and-state friction models
- Sensitivity of Global Mortality to Sulfate Geoengineering
- Simulating Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using SatStressGUI: Now with Polar Wander
- Simulating the impact of brine from desalination plants on the salinity of the Persian/Arabian Gulf
- Simultaneous Observations of Topside H<SUP>+</SUP> Ions at Sub-auroral and Middle Latitudes Using IS Radars at Millstone Hill and Kharkiv: Initial Results
- Small Volume Isotopic Analysis of Zircon Using LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb and Lu-Hf and Sub-ng Amounts of Hf in Solution
- Source mechanism inversion and ground motion modeling of induced earthquakes in Kuwait - A Bayesian approach
- Source-Specific Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Ireland and UK from New Isotopically Resolved Measurements and Models
- Stochastic Lagrangian Coherent Structures
- Stories from OpenAQ, a Global and Grassroots Open Air Quality Community
- Structure and Seismogenesis of Double Benioff Zones
- Subtleties of Estimating Scale Changes in Regional GPS Networks and Their Impact on Height Estimates.
- Sunward-Propagating Alfvénic Fluctuations Observed in the Heliosphere
- Systematic Search of the Nearest Stars for Exoplanetary Radio Emission: VLA observations in L and S Bands
- Tectonic tremor activity associated with teleseismic and nearby earthquakes
- The Absence of Large Craters on Ceres Is Consistent with an Early Phase of Tectonic Activity
- The Colors of Pluto: Clues to its Geological Evolution and Surface/Atmospheric Interactions
- The Dynamics of Stepwise Oxygenations and Corresponding Carbon Isotopic Fluctuations
- The Effect of GPS Satellite Antenna Phase Centre Offset Modeling on the ITRF?
- The Global Array of Primitive Arc Melts: the Nature of the Slab Component and its Heterogeneous Addition to the Mantle Wedge
- The Impact of Water Scarcity on Food, Bioenergy and Deforestation
- The Influence of Particles on the Rheological Behavior of Ice
- The Interior Structure of Ceres as Revealed by Surface Topography and Gravity
- The Lateral Migration of Groundwater-fed Streams
- The Linear Predictability of Sea Level: A Benchmark
- The Ocean's Role in Damping ITCZ Shifts
- The Role of Arctic Sea Ice in Last Millennium Climate Variability: Model-Proxy Comparisons Using Ensemble Members and Novel Model Experiments.
- The Role of Surface Water for the Branching Geometry of Mars' Channel Networks
- The Size-Distribution and Volume of Earth's Lakes: Theory and Observations
- The Strengthening Effect of Ice on Two Extraterrestrial Analogs: A Cautionary Tale
- The Turbulent Diffusivity of Convective Overshoot
- The effect of roughness on the nucleation and propagation of shear rupture on small faults
- The influence of mineral dust particles on the energy output of photovoltaic cells
- The strength of the diabatic circulation of the stratosphere and its relationship with ozone
- Thermal evolution of the lithosphere near oceanic hotspots and the subaerial lifespan of volcanic ocean islands
- Things fall apart: Fragmentation reactions in the oxidative aging of organic species
- Trade-space Analysis for Constellations
- Transient Volcano Deformation Event Detection over Variable Spatial Scales in Alaska
- Transport at the Top of the Polar Vortices in WACCM
- Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed During Sudden Stratospheric Warming, Equinox and Solstice Periods with Kharkiv and Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radars
- Tropical peatland modeling for impact and mitigation assessment
- Uncertainty Categorization, Modeling, and Management for Regional Water Supply Planning
- Understanding Decreases in Land Relative Humidity with Global Warming: Conceptual Model and GCM Simulations
- Untangling Slab Dynamics Using 3-D Numerical and Analytical Models
- Using a Water Balance Model to Bound Potential Irrigation Development in the Upper Blue Nile Basin
- Using the Galileo Solid State Imager as a Sensor of Jovian Energetic Electrons
- VOC Reactivity and the Ozone Climate Penalty: Modeled Impacts of Updated Aromatic and Monoterpene Chemistry on the Ozone-temperature Connection
- Variability of North African hydroclimate during the last two climatic cycles: New insights from dust flux and provenance
- Voyager Observations of the Inner and Outer Heliosheath
- Water sensitivity of the seismic properties of polycrystalline olivine
- Were Chondrite Parent Bodies Magnetized by the Early Solar Wind?
- Wet Deposition Flux of Reactive Organic Carbon
- Wettability Effects on Fluid-Fluid Displacement in a Capillary Tube
- Wettability control on multiphase flow in patterned microfluidics
- What Happens in the Thermosphere if the Stratosphere is Strongly Disturbed?
- What makes Stellwagen Bank a whale feeding ground?
- <p>Analysis of intermediate period correlations of coda from deep earthquakes
- 23 October 2011 (Mw=7.2) Van Earthquake (Turkey): Revised Coseismic and Postseismic Models from New GPS Observations
- 3-D subduction dynamics in the western Pacific: Mantle pressure, plate kinematics, and dynamic topography.
- A Cenozoic water isotope record of the evolution of the Patagonian Andes
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- A Global Assessment of Rain-Dissolved Organic Carbon
- A Global Circuit Diagram to Contrast the Behavior of the DC and AC Global Circuits
- A Markov Environment-dependent Hurricane Intensity Model and Its Comparison with Multiple Dynamic Models
- A Parametric Study of the Cold Plasma Refilling Rate on the Plasmasphere and Inner Magnetosphere Dynamics during the 17-March-2013 and 28-June-2013 Magnetic Storms
- A Quantitative Socio-hydrological Characterization of Water Security in Large-Scale Irrigation Systems
- A Tensile Origin for Pulverized Fault Zone Rock
- A Uranium-Lead Chronology of Speleothem Deposition in the Canadian Arctic
- A hierarchical spatial model for well yield in complex aquifers
- A paradigm shift toward a consistent modeling framework to assess climate impacts
- A possible mechanism for earthquakes found in the mantle wedge of the Nazca subduction zone
- ASTERIA: Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research in Astrophysics
- African Cenozoic hotpot tectonism: new insights from continent-scale body-wave tomography
- Air Quality Co-benefits of Energy Policy in China: Evidence from Iron & Steel and Cement Industries
- An 11-Year Climatology of Storms in Which Most Cloud-to-Ground Flashes Lower Positive Charge
- An Experimental Investigation of Liquid Hydrocarbons on the Surface of Titan: Nitrogen Dissolution and the presence of Nitrogen Bubbles.
- An Observation of Repeating Events at local asperities during a Laboratory Stick-slip Experiment of a Saw-cut Cylindrical Lucite Sample
- An accurate, fast, and scalable solver for high-frequency wave propagation
- Analyzing nearly four decades of historical radiosonde observations of tropical tropopause layer and cold-point temperatures
- Anomalous Transport in Natural Fracture Networks Induced by Tectonic Stress
- Anthropogenic Emissions Change the Amount and Composition of Organic PM<SUB>1</SUB> in Amazonia
- April 3, 2017 M<SUB>w </SUB>6.5 Moiyabana, Botswana Earthquake resulted from extensional reactivation of Precambrian Limpopo Belt thrust splay: Evidence from potential field data and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) analyses
- Astronomically Forced Hydrology of the Late Cretaceous Sub-tropical Potosí Basin, Bolivia
- Automatic Earthquake Detection in the Western Alps Using a Matched-Filtering Based Method.
- Bayesian Lagrangian Data Assimilation and Drifter Deployment Strategies
- Bayesian prediction of future ice sheet volume using local approximation Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
- Biological signatures of dynamic river networks from a coupled landscape evolution and neutral community model
- Ca and Sr isotope records support ocean acidification during end-Permian mass extinction
- Calculating Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using SatStressGUI
- Can role-play with interactive simulations enhance climate change knowledge, affect and intent to act?
- Caught in the act: Crustal foundering documented by thermobarometric, Lu-Hf and U-Pb data from Colombian xenoliths
- Ceres' Global Cryosphere
- Changes in biogenic and detrital fluxes across the last two glacial terminations at the Shatsky Rise
- Changing duration and spatial extent of midlatitude precipitation extremes across different climates
- Characterizing the "Time of Emergence" of Air Quality Climate Penalties
- Cloudy with a Chance of Ice: The Stratification of Titan's Vernal Ponds and Formation of Ethane Ice
- Clumped Isotope Records of Environmental Change and Diagenesis at the Onset of the Cryogenian
- Comparing Global Organic Aerosol Simulations with Aircraft Observations
- Comparison of MERRA-2 and ECCO-v4 ocean surface heat fluxes: Consequences of different forcing feedbacks on ocean circulation and implications for climate data assimilation.
- Constraining pre-eruptive volatile contents and degassing histories in submarine lavas
- Constraints on the shear speed, crust thickness and residual topography of western Tibet from surface wave tomography and virtual deep seismic sounding
- Context, Biogeochemistry, and Morphology of Diverse and Spatially Extensive Microbial Mats, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- Contribution of bioaerosols to the global organic aerosol budget
- ConvNetQuake: Convolutional Neural Network for Earthquake Detection and Location
- Coupled Fe and multiple-S isotope systematics of pyrite and evidence of increasing atmospheric oxygen in 2.5 Ga sediments of the Kaapvaal Craton
- Coupling Adaptation Tipping Points and Engineering Options: New Insights for Resilient Water Infrastructure Replacement Planning
- CubeX: The CubeSAT X-ray Telescope for Elemental Abundance Mapping of Airless Bodies and X-ray Pulsar Navigation
- Decadal GPS Time Series and Velocity Fields Spanning the North American Continent and Beyond: New Data Products, Cyberinfrastructure and Case Studies from the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) and Other Regional Networks
- Dependence of radiation belt simulations to assumed radial diffusion rates
- Dependency of the injection induced seismicity b-value on the stress state of existing fractures
- Depth and sharpness variations of 410-km and 660-km discontinuities in North China Craton from dense array ambient noise interferometry
- Detecting slab structure beneath the Banda Arc from waveform analysis of deep focus earthquakes
- Disruption of River Networks in Nature and Models
- Dry and Semi-Dry Tropical Cyclones
- EMIC wave events during the four QARBM challenge intervals
- Early Solar System Magnetism and its Implications for Planet Formation: Insights from Meteorite Paleomagnetism and Solar Physics
- Elucidating Microbial Species-Specific Effects on Organic Matter Transformation in Marine Sediments
- Emission and chemistry of organic compounds from biomass burning: measurements from an iodide time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer (I<SUP>-</SUP> ToF-CIMS) during the FIREX FireLab 2016 intensive
- End-to-End Trade-space Analysis for Designing Constellation Missions
- Estimating crop yields and crop evapotranspiration distributions from remote sensing and geospatial agricultural data
- Evidence for Crustal and Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle Decoupling beneath the Malawi Rift
- Evolution of Optical Properties of Biomass Burning-Derived Particles
- Evolution of magnetic field turbulence as observed by the Voyagers in the heliosheath and in the local interstellar medium.
- Exploring Ocean-World Habitability within the Planned Europa Clipper Mission
- Exploring the observational constraints on the simulation of brown carbon
- Fault creep and persistent asperities on the western section of the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Future Effects of Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Zonal Asymmetries on Climate
- Generating Contextual Descriptions of Virtual Reality (VR) Spaces
- Genomic Evidence of Chemotrophic Metabolisms in Deep-Dwelling Chloroflexi Conferred by Ancient Horizontal Gene Transfer Events
- Geodetic and Seismic Constraints on Strain Accumulation on the Hellenic Subduction Zone off Crete
- Geographical and Vertical Distribution of Organic Aerosol (OA) during ATom-1 and 2: Chemical removal and aging as a function of photochemical age
- Geometric and thermal controls on normal fault seismicity from rate-and-state friction models
- Global change modeling for Northern Eurasia: a review and strategies to move forward
- Global scale variability of the mineral dust longwave refractive index from laboratory chamber experiments: re−evaluation of its direct radiative effect
- Global simulation of ice-nucleating particles and implications for cloud radiative effects
- Greenland Regional and Ice Sheet-wide Geometry Sensitivity to Boundary and Initial conditions
- Historical volcanic eruptions in the Canary Islands, tephra composition, and insights into the crystal cargo of basaltic magmas
- How is arc crust built? Insights from field observations and modeling
- Impact of Operating Rules on Planning Capacity Expansion of Urban Water Supply Systems
- Impact of Variable-Density Flow on the Value-of-Information from Pressure and Concentration Data for Saline Aquifer Characterization
- Impacts of Climate Change on Malaria Transmission in Africa
- Impacts of Particulate Pollution from Fossil Fuel and Biomass Burnings on the Air Quality and Human Health in Southeast Asia
- Improving Constraints on Climate System Properties withAdditional Data and New Statistical and Sampling Methods
- In situ seismic anisotropy around deep earthquakes in Japan subduction slabs using Japan Meteorological Agency moment tensors
- Inception of the Laurentide Ice Sheet using asynchronous coupling of a regional atmospheric model and an ice model
- Inflation of a magma chamber surrounded by poroelastic mush shell
- Initial Efforts in Characterizing Radiation and Plasma Effects on Space Assets: Bridging the Space Environment, Engineering and User Community
- Initiation of the Andean orogeny by lower mantle subduction
- Insights Regarding Ice Nucleating Particle Measurement Capabilities from Laboratory and Field Measurements During the Fifth International Ice Nucleation Workshop
- Insights into Vesta and Ceres internal structures from their topography
- Insights into lithospheric structure beneath the Central and Eastern United States from a joint inversion for Vp and Vs anomalies
- Integrated Modeling of Crop Growth and Water Resource Management to Project Climate Change Impacts on Crop Production and Irrigation Water Supply and Demand in African Nations
- Invetigation of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances during the Memorial Day Weekend Geomagnetic Storm of 27 - 28 OF may, 2017 Over North America.
- Isotopic composition of reduced and oxidized sulfur in the Canary Islands: implications for the mantle S cycle
- It's the little things that matter most: The role of volatiles in volcanoes and their magmatic roots
- Jupiter's X-ray Auroral Pulsations and Spectra During Juno Perijove 7
- Kinematics of the entire East African Rift from GPS velocities
- Klinkenberg Effect and Effective Pressure for Gas Permeability of Tight Sandstones
- Laboratory estimate of the regional shortwave refractive index and single scattering albedo of mineral dust from major sources worldwide
- Laser Spectroscopy Monitoring of <SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUP>16</SUP>O and <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>17</SUP>O<SUP>16</SUP>O of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
- Latitude Variation for Pluto's Crater Distribution
- Leveraging Mechanism Simplicity and Strategic Averaging to Identify Signals from Highly Heterogeneous Spatial and Temporal Ozone Data
- Low-latitude arc-continent collision as a driver for global cooling
- Lower Charles River Bathymetry: 108 Years of Fresh Water
- MIT Project Apophis: Surface Evaulation & Tomography (SET) Mission Study for the April 2029 Earth Encounter
- Macro-scale Tectonics of the Eastern North American Shield: Insights from a new Absolute P-wave Tomographic Model for North America.
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Geomagnetic Substorm on March 1, 2017
- Managing a Common Pool Resource: Real Time Decision-Making in a Groundwater Aquifer
- Mercury's Interior from MESSENGER Radio Science Data
- Metagenomic and Clumped Isotopologue Evidence for Microbial Methanogenesis in the Zambales Ophiolite
- Methane Bubbles Transport Particles From Contaminated Sediment to a Lake Surface
- Methods and recent results on earthquake source parameters scaling, diversity and physical interpretations
- Mineral and Geochemical Classification From Spectroscopy/Diffraction Through Neural Networks
- Modeling effects of EMIC wave in the radiation belts simulation.
- Modeling urbanization patterns at a global scale with generative adversarial networks
- Monitoring daily and sub-daily variations in crustal strain with seismic arrays
- Multiple Convective Cell Identification and Tracking Algorithm for documenting time-height evolution of measured polarimetric radar and lightning properties
- Nanoindentation of dry and fluid-saturated micro-porous rocks
- Network-level fossil of a phosphate-free biosphere
- New Noble Gas Studies on Popping Rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 14°N
- Nonlinear equilibrium climate sensitivity in a perturbed physics ensemble
- Nucleation and arrest of slow slip earthquakes: mechanisms and nonlinear simulations using realistic fault geometries and heterogeneous medium properties
- OH-initiated Aging of Biomass Burning Aerosol during FIREX
- Observational Inferences of Lateral Eddy Diffusivity in the Halocline of the Beaufort Gyre
- On the Relative Influences of Different Ocean Basin Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies on Southern African Rainfall in 20<SUP>th</SUP> and 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century GCM Simulations
- OnSight: Multi-platform Visualization of the Surface of Mars
- Ongoing River Capture in the Amazon via Secondary Channel Flow
- Optimal Experimental Design of Borehole Locations for Bayesian Inference of Past Ice Sheet Surface Temperatures
- Optimal allocation of land and water resources to achieve Water, Energy and Food Security in the upper Blue Nile basin
- Optimizing Land and Water Resources for Agriculture in the Krishna River Basin, India
- Paleomagnetic Evidence for Partial Differentiation of the Silicate-Bearing IIE Iron Meteorite Parent Body
- Paleomagnetism of Hadean to Neoarchean Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Planetary Sources for Reducing Sulfur Compounds for Cyanosulfidic Origins of Life Chemistry
- Plasma Heating inside ICMEs by Alfvenic Fluctuations Dissipation
- Plasmapause Dynamics Observed During the 17 March and 28 June 2013 Storms
- Polarimetric radar convective cell tracking reveals large sensitivity of cloud precipitation and electrification properties to CCN
- Popping Rocks Revealed: Investigations from 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Postseismic deformation of the 1999 Izmit Earthquake (Turkey) - the longest recorded afterslip on a major continental fault
- Precise positioning with sparse radio tracking: How LRO-LOLA and GRAIL enable future lunar exploration
- Predicting the Occurrence of Haze Events in Southeast Asia using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Present-day kinematics of the Danakil block (southern Red Sea-Afar) constrained by GPS
- Primary emissions and chemical oxidation of volatile organic compounds emitted from laboratory biomass burning sources during the 2016 FIREX FireLab campaign: measurements from a H<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUP>+</SUP> chemical ionization mass spectrometer
- Provenance Changes Over Glacial-Interglacial Timescales Recorded in Japan Sea Sediments (IODP Site U1430)
- Pulling it all together: the self-consistent distribution of neutral tori in Saturn's Magnetosphere based on all Cassini observations
- Pyrite-H<SUB>2</SUB>S/SO<SUB>4</SUB> S isotope exchange at hydrothermal conditions: An experimental study at 300°C and 500 bars
- Quantifying Future PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Associated Health Effects Due to Changes in US Wildfires
- Quantifying carbon budget and nitrous oxide emissions of terrestrial ecosystems in the Eurasian Arctic and the Dry Latitudinal Belt of Northern Eurasia
- Rainfall-induced slope failures near Los Angeles detected by time series of high-resolution satellite imagery
- Rapid Non-Gaussian Uncertainty Quantification of Seismic Velocity Models and Images
- Rapid increase in Chloroform (CHCl<SUB>3</SUB>) emissions in China
- Reimagining Carbon Sequestration in Fluviodeltaic Systems: Contributions from Clastic Overbank Deposits versus Peat
- Removal of atmospheric organic carbon via wet deposition: quantification and characterization of organic carbon in rainwater across the United States.
- Resiliency of the Nation's Power Grid: Assessing Risks of Premature Failure of Large Power Transformers Under Climate Warming and Increased Heat Waves
- Resolving Ozone Vertical Gradients in Air Quality Models
- Response of Antarctic sea surface temperature and sea ice to ozone depletion
- Role of the ocean's AMOC in setting the uptake efficiency of transient tracers
- SSTs from Fossil Corals using Sr-U Thermometry
- Searching for Lunar Horizon Glow With the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- Searching for the Signature of Wastewater Injection in continuous GPS Data from The Geysers Geothermal Field
- Seismic anisotropy of 70 Ma Pacific-plate upper mantle
- Seismic structure of the Slave craton crust
- Simple rules govern the patterns of Arctic sea ice melt ponds
- Small Bodies in the Kuiper Belt : Lessons from Pluto's Small Satellites
- Solar Eclipse-Induced Changes in the Ionosphere over the Continental US
- Stalling Tropical Cyclones over the Atlantic Basin
- Steady State Model for Solar Coronal Loops
- Steps towards Improving GNSS Systematic Errors and Biases
- Stirring up a storm: convective climate variability on tidally locked exoplanets
- Stochastic Ocean Predictions with Dynamically-Orthogonal Primitive Equations
- Stratospheric circulation diagnostics from age of air
- Subsidence in tropical peatlands: Estimating CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from peatlands in Southeast Asia
- Supersonic Localized Excitations Mediate Microscopic Dynamic Failure
- Systematic detection and classification of earthquake clusters in Italy
- Temporal variations in the relationship between surface speed and modeled effective pressure on the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Testing the Crystalline Integrity of Baddeleyite: A Systematic EBSD and Confocal Laser-Raman Spectroscopy Study
- The 2014 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.9 Gokceada and 2017 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.3 Lesvos Earthquakes in the Northern Aegean Sea: The Transition from Right-Lateral Strike-Slip Faulting on the North Anatolian Fault to Extension in the Central Aegean
- The Effect of Early Diagenesis on the <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U Ratio of Platform Carbonates.
- The Emergent Capabilities of Distributed Satellites and Methods for Selecting Distributed Satellite Science Missions
- The Impact of Aerosol Microphysical Representation in Models on the Direct Radiative Effect
- The Impact of Climate Change on New York City's Coastal Flood Hazard: Increasing Flood Heights from the Pre-Industrial to 2300 CE
- The comparison of SRs' variation affected by solar events observed in America and in China
- The effect of the solar eclipse on the thermospheric and ionospheric state
- The grain-size dependence of yield strength during low-temperature plasticity of olivine: Evidence for weak lithospheric mantle
- The impact of vegetation on near-bed turbulence and bedload transport rate in the low transport regime
- The importance of grain size to mantle dynamics and seismological observations
- The influence of water and redox conditions on the seismic properties of olivine
- The ins and outs of mélange diapirs: a multidisciplinary approach to formation, ascent, and observation
- The response of tropical cyclone activity to tropospheric aerosols, greenhouse gases and volcanic eruptions
- Tools for Understanding Space Weather Impacts to Satellites
- Trends in simulated chemical composition of global and regional population-weighted fine particulate matter over the recent 25 years
- Trilogy, an Interplanetary Constellation to Measure the Rate of Mass Loss by the Sun
- Turbulent Dynamics of Partially-Ionized Fluids in 2D
- Turbulent Heat Transfer from a Thermally Forced Boundary in a Stratified Fluid
- Two-way laser ranging and time transfer experiments between LOLA and an Earth-based satellite laser ranging station
- Understanding Air Quality in East Africa: Estimating Biomass Burning and Anthropogenic Influence with Long-Term Measurements
- Understanding the Cryosphere of Europa Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Urban water supply infrastructure planning under predictive groundwater uncertainty: Bayesian updating and flexible design
- Use of Soil-moisture Retrievals from SMAP to Refine Global Land Emissions of Trace Gases
- Validation of foF2 and TEC Modeling During Geomagnetic Disturbed Times: Preliminary Outcomes of International Forum for Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment
- Water incorporation in olivine at upper mantle pressures and water-undersaturated conditions
- Water supply infrastructure planning under multiple uncertainties: A differentiated approach
- What controls intermediate depth seismicity in subduction zones?
- 3-D Estimates of Atmospheric Dust Properties Obtained by Leveraging Observational and Theoretical Constraints
- A Decade of Seismicity in the Shallow Subduction Zone of Nicaragua-Costa Rica
- A Dedicated Ultraviolet CubeSat for Astrophysics, SPARCS (Star Planet Activity Research CubeSat)
- A Deep Learning Parameterization for Ozone Dry Deposition Velocities
- A Landsat-derived Record of Lake Area Fluctuations on the Altiplano-Puna Plateau
- A Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Daily Air Temperature Globally
- A Nairobi experiment in using low cost air quality monitors
- A budget for the size of convective self-aggregation
- A comprehensive analysis of global tropospheric chlorine chemistry
- A comprehensive portrait of the central Pacific lithosphere-asthenosphere system from NoMelt seafloor geophysical observations
- A new wavelet-based approach to measure time- and frequency-dependent seismic velocity variations
- A possible delayed surface deformation response of wastewater injection in The Geysers geothermal field
- Aerosol Evolution and Global Stratospheric Circulation Impacts of the 1783-1784 Laki Volcanic Eruption in Iceland
- Aging and Persistence of Natural Organic Matter
- Air-sea Interactions in a High-Resolution Ocean-atmosphere Simulation
- An Evaluation of Hurricane Superintensity inAxisymmetric Numerical Models
- An Evaluation of VGOS Data, Precision, and Accuracy
- An Examination of the Causes of Secondary Eyewall Formation
- An Implicit-Interface Approach for Modeling Coupled Flow-Geomechanics and Induced Seismicity
- Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Beneath Tropical Peat
- Anelasticity from Seismic to Tidal Timescales: Theory and Observations
- Application of novel isotopic tools and thermodynamics to elucidate the origins of organic-rich hydrothermal vent fluids
- Assessing Fault Leakage Potential during Underground CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage in the Gulf of Mexico
- Assessment of Ocean Reference Models as the Basis for Long-Range Passive Acoustic Localization
- Atmospheric Mass Loss Due to Giant Impacts: The Importance of the Thermal Component for H/He Envelopes
- Atmospheric abundance, droplet and ice formation potential of coal fly ash
- Automated Mineral and Geochemical Classification From Spectroscopy Data using Machine Learning
- Benchmarking and parameter sensitivity of FATES predictions of ecosystem structure and function at Barro Colorado Island, Panama
- Bringing citizen science efforts into coastal acidification monitoring
- Carbon Balance Observatory (CARBO) instrument overview
- Celebrating Fifty Years of Apollo Science - With the World
- Cell Level Interactions on Particulate Organic Matter Shape Ecosystem Function
- Changes in Laplacian of SST Important for Response of Precipitation to Climate Change over Tropical Oceans
- Circular Economy Strategies for Criticality Mitigation
- Climatic response to international shipping emissions in a quasi-equilibrium climate
- Combined Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning for Tomography
- Combining global tomographic inversions with geodynamical growth models to constrain the origins of Earth's inner core features
- Comparing in-situ and ex-situ stress measurements in polymineralic rocks
- Comprehensive Study of Oxidation of Aromatic Compounds in the Urban Atmosphere
- Comprehensive in situ constraints on LPO fabric of fast-spreading oceanic lithosphere from seismic anisotropy
- Confronting Future Risks of Water Stress in the United States with Climate Mitigation
- Confronting and Reducing Future Water-Stress Risks: Adaptation Versus Mitigation - A Multi-Sectoral and Multi-Scale Assessment
- Connecting field data with constitutive physical models for production forecasting of unconventional oil and gas
- Constraints on oxygen fugacity within metal capsules
- Convolutional autoencoders for earthquake anomaly detection in InSAR
- Cooling and freshening of the circumpolar Southern Ocean by Antarctic ice melt
- Correlation between rate dependent frictional stability and viscoelastic energy dissipation
- DEM Modeling of Coupled Multiphase Flow and Granular Mechanics: Wettability Control on Fracture Patterns
- Data Challenge: Machine Learning for Earthquake Detection and Rupture Timing
- Dawn's second extended mission at Ceres: The final harvest
- Deep Learning for Making Sense of Ambient Seismic Noise
- Deformation mechanisms at the base of the seismogenic layer
- Demographic modeling and Landsat sensitivity to forest recovery following tropical clear-cuts and boreal heat-driven forest mortality events
- Detecting High-Emitting Methane Sources in Oil/Gas Fields from Current and Future Satellites (TROPOMI, GeoCARB, Next-Generation Geostationary) Including Future Hyperspectral Imagers (EnMAP, PRISMA)
- Detrital history of Cenozoic sequences of the Eastern Himalayan Foredeep: Source-to-sink geochronologic and petrofacies constraints on the Assam-Bengal system
- Developing a novel method to extract nonlinear viscoelastic characteristics of Earth rock by propagating elastic waves
- Drivers of atmospheric escape at close-in exoplanets
- Dry and Semi-Dry Tropical Cyclones
- Dynamical Downscaling Improves Climate Projections
- Dynamics of allocations and deliveries in irrigation systems: investigating human-water interactions
- Dynamo-generated magnetic field with different inner cores
- Earth's climate state is set by the presence or absence of arc-continent collisions in the tropics
- Emergence of a cryptic nitrogen cycle in the co-evolution of Prochlorococcus and sympatric heterotrophs
- Enhancement of the Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation by the Phase State Change of Organic Aerosols
- Estimating Surface Soil Moisture from AMSR2 TB with Machine Learning Methods and SMAP Products
- Estimations of ambient seismic noise source distribution with waveform inversions of multi-component Rayleigh-wave crosscorrelations
- Evaporation-Induced Instability during Dry Gas Injection into Water-Saturated Porous Media
- Experimental investigation on the effective pressure coefficient for permeability and deformation in the tight sandstone
- Exploring Martian subsurface through a new approach of monitoring Martian trace gases in future missions
- Exploring the Range of Reconstructed Plate Tectonic Motions Within Global Geodynamic Constraints
- First Images Of Magnetite In Jack Hills Zircon - Are They Primary Inclusions?
- First National Scale Measurements of Ambient and Indoor Air Pollution in Rwanda
- Fluid infiltration promotes both ductile and brittle deformation within the deep crust: Examples from Southwestern Montana and the Central Alps
- Focused blind deconvolution of earthquake signals
- Formation of the El Laco magmatic magnetite deposits by Fe-Si melt immiscibility and bubbly suspension flow along volcano tectonic faults
- Fracture Flow Tests and Aperture Measurements
- Future Changes in Stratospheric Ozone Intrusions
- Geoscientists are humans too: Increasing inclusivity in geosciences through empathy building conversations with Diversi-Tea
- Global characterization of seismicity along Double Benioff Zones
- Global subduction dynamics: links between slab dip angles, dynamic pressure, and lower mantle mass flux
- Heliosheath Magnetic Field and Plasma Observed by Voyager 2 during 2015 near Solar Maximum and Interstellar Magnetic Fields Observed by Voyager 1 during 2017 and 2018
- Helping Rice Farmers in Bangladesh Restore Yields by Inverting High-arsenic Soil on the Basis of Soil Field Tests with a Kit
- High-Resolution Gravity Field Models from GRAIL Data and Implications for the Density Structure of the Moon's Crust
- Historical Warming Has About Tripled Global Population Annually Exposed to Extreme Events
- How Important are Marsh Properties for Assessing Flood Mitigation Benefits?
- How Long Will It Take To Identify Trends In Tropical Cyclones?
- How do Changes in Convective Dynamics Impact Tropical Precipitation Extremes in a Warming World?
- How do planetary bodies respond to periodic tidal forcing and how does that influence heat flow and orbital evolution?- Report from the KISS Workshop entitled "Tidal Heating-Lessons from Io and the Jovian System"
- How fast can an arc build new crust?
- Hydro-mechanical behavior of Musandam limestone fracture with confining pressures less than 1MPa
- Hydrologic length scale of L-band radiometric soil moisture retrievals
- Impact of Motile Bacteria on Viscous Fingering
- Impact of vegetation on bed load transport rate and bedform characteristics
- Impacts of Plant Deformation on Particle Transport in Turbulent Canopy Flows
- Implementation of reconstructed topography in landslide susceptibility mapping
- Improving Wildfire Predictability via Machine Learning
- Influence of Wettability on Dynamic Fluid-Fluid Displacement in Micromodels
- Inter-Hemispheric Coupling of Large Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances during Geomagnetic Storms
- International Observe the Moon Night - Nine Years of Engaging Visitors in Lunar and Planetary Exploration
- Interpreting Complex Mass Spectrometric Measurements from Laboratory Chamber Experiments
- Investigating the Relationship Between TOA Energy Fluxes and Surface Temperature as a Function of Frequency
- Investigating the Role of Underplating and Mantle Plumes in the Midcontinent Rift Using Vp and Vp/Vs Tomography
- Investigating the early 21st century droughts in Central California using seismic interferometry
- Is the Chromium Concentration Profile in the Argentine Basin Anomalous?
- Is there "just enough" iron in the ocean? Climatic effects of the iron-microbe feedback.
- Joint theory of friction and fracturing for earthquake rupture modelling
- Large-scale circulation and precipitation decline in the Mediterranean
- Learn Locally: Showcasing Local Scientific Research through Scientist-Science Writer Collaborations
- Learning about climate change uncertainty to enable flexible water infrastructure planning
- Long-term Ostwald ripening of gas bubble population in porous media: pore-geometry-driven anti-coarsening effect vs. gravity-driven coarsening effects
- Longitudinal Differences in the Response of Low-Latitude Ionosphere to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings of 2016, 2017, and 2018
- Lunar Gravity Anomalies and South Pole-Aitken
- MRO Radio Science Occultations of Mars Lower Atmosphere
- Magnesium isotopic systematics in postshield lavas from Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Mapping modification of deep crustal structure in the Wyoming province using xenoliths, crystalline basement exposures, and receiver functions
- Measuring Lunar Surface Roughness on Sub-mm Scales with the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter
- Measuring the Dynamics and Scale of the Solar System
- Measuring volcanic air pollution at Kilauea using a distributed network of low-cost sensors: providing open data during an air quality emergency
- Migrating Scarps in the Hapi Region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Mixing and Mass Partitioning at Fracture Intersections: The Effects of Surface Roughness and Flow Rate
- Model and Data Analysis of Storm Enhanced Density/Tongue of Ionization events in the Arctic and Antarctic during Solar Cycle 24
- Modeling Growth and Diffusion of Groundwater Pumping at Multiple Sub-Provincial Scales
- Modeling submarine pyroclast dispersal using the distribution of giant pumice at Havre Volcano
- Modeling the formation of the cloudy zone in iron and iron-rich meteorites to better constrain their paleointensity estimates.
- Modeling the impacts of plant hydraulics in tropical forest response to drought
- Monitoring Global Tropospheric OH Concentrations using Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Methane
- Monsoon-driven Saharan dust variability over the last 240,000 years: Implications for Plio-Pleistocene African climate evolution
- Moons' unstable plasma wake: electron phase-space holes predicted and observed
- NEX-AI: A Cloud and HPC Agnostic Framework for Scaling Deep Learning and Machine Learning Applications for Earth Science
- Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems
- New Insight Into the Seismicity of the Western Alps from Automated Analysis of Dense Linear Array Data
- New Perspective of the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere from GNSS Sensor Constellations
- Non-local mixing
- Nondimensionalization and Perturbation Analysis of Seismo-electromagnetic Governing Equations
- Nonequilibrium hydrate growth on an expanding gas-liquid interface: insights from Xenon-water experiments and phase-field modeling
- Oblique view through Big Sky orogenic crust in southwestern Montana and potential relations to geophysical structure of northern Wyoming cratonic margin
- Observations of Stress and Strain at a Floe Scale during Fracture Formation in the Sea Ice Pack
- On the Controls of Fragment Size in Pulverized Fault Zones: The Competition Between Strain Energy and Kinetic Energy during Transient Tensile Fragmentation
- On the Possibility of Asteroid Magnetospheres
- Ongoing Variability in Transits of the Disintegrating Rocky Exoplanet K2-22b
- Open Access: from Aspiration to Implementation
- Optimization and Reduced Order Modeling for Land and Water Management in the Closing Krishna Basin
- Origin and Cycling of Methane and Short Chain Alkanes in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
- Paleoproterozoic conditions initiating iron formation deposition and evolution of unique microbial communities
- Pedagogical Development and Implementation of Student-Produced Audio Narratives (SPAN): Building a Network of Faculty Partners
- Photolytic Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles; Evidence for a Significant Photo-Recalcitrant Fraction.
- Planetary Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Recoverable Experiment - Coronagraph (PICTURE-C): A high altitude balloon experiment to directly image and characterize debris disks around nearby stars
- Planning for the Exploration of the Martian Subsurface
- Polybaric crystallization of hydrous basalts in a continental arc: evidence from Hidden Lakes mafic complex, Sierra Nevada batholith, California
- Possible Signatures of a Termination Shock in the 29 March 2014 X-Class Flare Observed by IRIS
- Potential Impacts of Remotely-Sensed Ocean Surface Boundary Layer LiDAR Profiler Observations on Ocean State Estimation
- Precipitation Efficiency Across Different Climates in Radiative-Convective Equilibrium
- Prevalence of Isomers in the Atmosphere and Their Impacts on Interpreting Laboratory Data
- Process-based models for ice-stream shear margins
- Projections of high resolution climate change for Northwest Africa using MIT-Regional Climate model
- Prototyping an Observatory for Invasive Water Plants in Benin to Support Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land
- Quantifying China's Carrying Capacity: Using Optimization to Explore the Limits of Food Production under Water Constraints and Changing Diets
- Quantifying the influence of oxygen fugacity on the seismic properties of olivine
- Quasi-Geostrophic Analysis of Changes in Vertical Velocities in Extratropical Precipitation Extremes
- Random Voronoi Cells Based Parsimonious Inversion: Methodology and Application to Global S wave Arrival Time Data
- Reconstructed Solar-induced Fluorescence - a machine learning approach to vegetation productivity
- Reconstructing the East Asian Monsoon from Provenance of Marine Sediment in the Ulleung Basin
- Regional Climate Change in the Central United States Due to Agricultural Development During the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century
- Reliability of representing fracture permeability with statistical roughness parameters
- Ridge to Reef: Mapping Sediment Transport and Determining the Storms of Geomorphic Relevance on West Hawaii (USA)
- Robust learning of transport maps with applications to nonlinear filtering
- Routine Estimation of Coronal Mass Ejection Magnetic Fields at Coronal Heights
- S-to-P receiver functions for the central Pacific from NoMelt
- SWEAP takes a scoop: Overview of the coronal and solar wind plasma instruments on Parker Solar Probe
- Sea Ice Control on the Depth of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Sea-salt aerosol as a driver of tropospheric bromine radical chemistry
- Seasonal carbon balance in Arctic tundra and boreal forests
- Seismic investigation of the 2010-2011 volcanic unrest in Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica
- Seismological observations of the isostatic support of southwestern Tibet
- Selecting Multiple Borehole Locations for Maximizing Bayesian Information Gain on Past Ice Sheet Surface Temperatures
- Self-consistent mapping of 3D lithospheric and asthenospheric viscoelastic structure using seismic tomography & anelasticity parameterisations
- Simulated inter-hemispheric phasing for an abrupt Northern Hemisphere warming
- Simulating drought-induced forest mortality for rainforests within ELM-FATES
- Slip Behaviors on an Artificial Fault Surface with Engraved Topography in a Laboratory Stick-Slip Experiment: Insights on the Roles of Fault Roughness in Spatial and Temporal Seismic Distribution
- Slip Instability of a Single Degree of Freedom Poroelastic System
- Slow-Slip Events in Northern California with 8-Month and 6-Year Periods.
- Subglacial lithologic and topographic controls on ice flow stability at Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Sulfur Systematics Record the Volatile-Rich, Oxidized, and Recycled Nature of the Canary Island Mantle Source
- Sulfur partitioning in hydrous subduction zone magmas: a new experimental approach
- Supporting Engaged Geoscientists: How Universities Can Lead the Way
- Surface Roughness and Fluid Viscosity Controls on Propagation of a Hydraulic Fracture Across a Frictional Interface
- Surface-wave and Body-wave Tomography for Central California
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models for Predictions of TEC and foF2 during the 2013 March Storm Event
- Team-based community outreach: A tool for developing scientific identity and social belonging in trainees and promoting geoscience literacy
- Temporal variability of seafloor spreading processes documented along an 80-Myr geophysical transect across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- The Emergent Linearity of Outgoing Longwave Radiation in a Moist Atmosphere: Implications for the climates of Earth and Extrasolar Planets.
- The Goldilocks Zone: How Cooling Rate Controls the Ability of Iron Meteorites to Record Ancient Magnetic Fields
- The Hidden Emissions Impact of Operational Variability of Fossil Fuel Fired Power Plants
- The Paleoinclination and Paleointensity of the Early Lunar Dynamo
- The Payenia volcanic province, deciphering the role of the lithospheric mantle
- The Probability of Severe Weather in Storms in Which Most Cloud-to-Ground Flashes Lower Positive Charge
- The Role of the Polar Vortex in Whole Atmosphere Coupling
- The True Nature of Remanence Carriers Revealed: High-resolution Tomography for Single-Crystal Rock Magnetic Applications
- The Vertical Structure of Relative Dispersion
- The bottom line: measuring public financial investments in, and returns on, research
- The dynamic role of volatiles in igneous systems: a perspective from reactive transport modeling
- The impact of biomass burning aerosols on convection system in Southeast Asia
- The impacts of anthropogenic aerosols emitted from Asia on the precipitation and hydrology of mainland Southeast Asia.
- The internal structure of the African superplume; insights from body-wave seismic tomography and converted phases
- The response of Southern Ocean sea surface temperature to ozone depletion: Comparison of linear and nonlinear response functions
- The surface as a window into the subsurface: Lessons from Antarctica
- Thermal history of phenocrysts during mafic injection resolved by granular-scale simulations
- Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Processes in Deep Borehole Repository in Granite Host Rock for a High Level Nuclear Waster Repository
- Time of Steady Change
- Towards Deriving Theories from Data: Explorations of Model Inference in Geophysics
- Towards Generative Deep Learning Emulators for Fast Hydroclimate Simulations
- Towards Mars Subsurface Habitability in 4D with Parameterized and Full Mantle Convection Thermal Evolution Models
- Towards expressing InSAR in a terrestrial reference frame: Preliminary tests and results of tidal loading
- Transfer Learning of InSAR Atmospheric Effects for Earthquake Characterization
- Tropical Cyclone Hazard to Mumbai in the Recent Historical Climate
- UV light on Early Earth and on M-dwarf Exoplanets: Implications for Prebiotic Chemistry
- Ultrasound Probes of the Damage Evolution in Impulsive Fragmentation of Rocks
- Understanding the Control of Hydraulic Traits in Tropical Forests Using a Hydrodynamic Model Within a Demographic Vegetation Model
- Understanding the Ice Nucleation of Organic Sea Spray Aerosols
- Unraveling shorelines to fingerprint active processes shaping the coastal worlds of Titan and Earth
- Unstable Imbibition in Rough Fractures: Emergence of a Thin—Film Front in Strongly Wetting Conditions
- Unsupervised Learning Reveals Geography of Global Ocean Dynamical Regions
- Using GOSAT satellite data to test inventories of 2010-2015 North American methane emissions and their trends
- Using SatStressGUI to Calculate Tidal Stresses on Moons: Applications to Europa
- Variable ascent rates in persistently degassing volcanoes as a consequence of flow switching in the conduit
- Vertical Structure and Evolution of an Anticyclonic Eddy in the South China Sea
- Volcanic Aerosol Control on Reactive Nitrogen Species in the Post-Pinatubo Era
- Wettability Control on Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: A Benchmark Study on Current Pore-Scale Modeling Approaches
- What Can Surface Observations Tell Us About Ceres' Interior?
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- What have we learned from the paleomagnetism of iron meteorites?
- Which factors contribute to zooplankton congregation over Stellwagen Bank?
- Whole Atmosphere Modeling of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere Variability during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- a Deep Learning Architecture for Intermediate-Depth Earthquake Detection, Phase Picking and Magnitude Estimation
- A Humidity-Entrainment Mechanism for Aerosol Invigoration of Convection
- A Machine Learning Examination of Methane Lifetime Differences Among Model Simulations for CCMI-1
- A Multi-Geophysical Study of an Old Stream Valley at Kaiwi Coast (O'ahu, Hawai'i), using Ambient Noise Surface Wave Tomography and Self-Potential Data
- A New Empirical Model for Ionospheric Total Electron Content
- A New Look at the Environmental Conditions Favorable to Secondary Ice Production.
- A Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance Activity Index
- A deep-learning framework for inference in geomechanics
- A new P-wave mantle tomographic model for Africa and a receiver function study of the Ethiopian plateau
- Accommodation of African Rifting across the Turkana Depression and adjacent rift segments
- Adaptive Science Planning for the Location of Hydrocarbon Seepage in the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Aging of nitrate-containing organic aerosols and its implication for the NO<SUB>x</SUB> budget
- An experimental study of gravity fingering during water infiltration coupled to evaporation in a 3D porous medium
- An explicit estimate of terrestrial evaporative fraction based on weather data for a boundary layer at diurnal equilibrium
- Anthropogenic methane emissions in China estimated from GOSAT satellite observations
- Application of Machine Learning to Track Natural Gravel Undergoing Bedload Transport
- Arsenic-contaminated deep groundwater in the Bengal Basin: origin and implications for mitigation
- Assessing lake noise characteristics and the potential for shallow crustal imaging in the Great Lakes region
- Assessing the Potential for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Migration along Fault Zones during Geologic Carbon Storage: A Computational Model of Offshore-Texas Sedimentary Formations
- Attribution of the 2010-2017 trend in atmospheric methane by improved inverse analysis of GOSAT satellite observations
- Automated Experiment Selection and Scheduling in the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Autonomous Detection and Mapping of Methane Cold Seeps: Ground-Truth Observations from the Costa Rican Active Margin
- Bayesian Learning Machines for Dynamical Ocean Models
- Beyond Aquaplanet: Is Deep Learning Emulation of Global Superparameterization Viable in Realistic Settings?
- Box Model Assessments of Biomass Burning Smoke Oxidation and the Interplay Between VOCs, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, and NO<SUB>y.</SUB>
- Bubble Breathing during Dissolution in Partially Wetting Pores
- Building theory on the drivers of effective adaptive water supply planning using Bayesian learning and engineering options analysis
- Calibration and Validation of On-Orbit MicroMAS-2A CubeSat Microwave Radiometer
- Changes in Aircraft Emissions Impacts due to Subgrid-Scale Plume Processes
- Characterization of a Shallow Firn Aquifer at the Matthes-Llewellyn Glacier Divide, Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Characterizing farm-scale variability in maize yields in West Africa by integrating optical and passive microwave earth observation data with a process model
- Co-Designing an Environmental Observatory to Support Eco-Entrepreneurship in Benin
- Cobalamin-dependent biosynthesis of 2-methylhopanoids in nitrite-oxidizing bacteria: Implications for the geologic record of hopanoids
- Comparative Study of Low-magnitude Earthquake Detection Techniques for Use with Dense Seismic Monitoring Arrays: Applications for Induced Seismicity Monitoring
- Comparing Convective Self-Aggregation in Idealized Models to Observed Moist Static Energy Variability near the Equator
- Comprehensive comparison of pore-scale models for multiphase flow in porous media
- Comprehensive monitoring of velocity variation near L'Aquila region: modeling the pre- post- and cosesimic crustal response to different perturbations
- Constraining the surface composition of asteroid (16) Psyche and supporting future observations from the NASA Psyche mission's Multispectral Imager using reflectance spectroscopy of metal-rich meteorites
- Constraints on the distances and timing of solid migration in the early solar system from meteorite paleomagnetism
- Continental-scale hydraulic gradients
- DEM Modeling of Coupled Multiphase Flow and Granular Mechanics: Wettability Control on Fracture Patterns
- Deep-crustal Deformation: An Experimental and EBSD-based Study of Amphibole's Seismic Anisotropy
- Dehydration in intermediate-depth earthquakes? Insight from earthquake depth phases extracted using P-wave coda auto-correlation
- Deposition and Detectability of Deltas on Titan
- Detailed Comparison of Chamber Measurements and Mechanistic Predictions to Improve Understanding of SOA Formation Mechanisms
- Developing Sequence Stratigraphic Modeling in Landlab to improve understanding of the tectonics in the Gulf of Kusadasi, Turkey
- Developing an ultrasound probe array for a high pressure-high temperature solid medium deformation apparatus
- Dissolution of dust-borne primary iron(II) silicates sourced from physically weathered regions, and its impact on iron and silica utilization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> drawdown by diatoms
- Distinguishing slip from the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes using campaign GPS, seismic and InSAR data
- Early Morning Equatorial Thermosphere-Ionosphere Anomaly
- Earth observation systems to promote public sector monitoring of mangroves and terrestrial forests in Benin and Ghana in support of SDG15
- Earthquake rupture modeling using Finite Element Method: fracturing vs. friction
- Eddy activity response to seasonal jet characteristics: implications for the Pacific midwinter minimum
- Efficient Optimal Bayesian Experimental Design of Snow Depth Sensors for Inferring Sea Ice Thickness
- Electric Field Polarity Asymmetry in the Occurrence of Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements during the End of Storm Oscillation (EOSO)
- Emulation and Calibration of Soil Moisture Parameterizations in CESM Using Soil-Moisture Retrievals from SMAP
- Estimating Anthropogenic and Natural Methane Emissions in Canada using Surface and GOSAT Satellite Observations
- Estimating the Relative Uncertainties of the GOES-NOP Magnetometer Measurements and the TS04 Magnetic Field Model from 2013-2018
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Experimental Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Injection Near a Dormant Fault: Effect of Fault Structure on Fluid Pressurization in the Subsurface
- Experimental Study on the Seismic Behavior of Fault Gouge under Large Shear Strain
- Experimental constraints on sulphur solubility and speciation in primitive arc magmas
- Experimental investigation of amphibole rheology and deformation mechanisms at deep crustal conditions
- Exploring Earth's High Latitude Aurora in Radio: The AERO and VISTA Cubesat Missions
- Exploring parameter uncertainty in the presence of trait filtering, using the FATES model at a tropical forest site
- Exploring the link between microbial production, chelating ligand concentration, and global ocean nutrient limitation
- Extending Lenormand's diagram to arbitrary wettability: a "moving capacitor" dynamic pore-network model and microfluidic experiments
- Field Studies of Depositional Ice Nucleating Particles: Correlations with Ambient Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentration
- Finding Anthropogenic Dark Earth in the Amazon Basin Using Fully Convolutional Networks
- Fracture thresholds of glacier ice during cauldron collapse and surface loading
- Freight Trains as a Powerful Seismic Noise Source for Monitoring Active Faults
- Global High-resolution Emissions for Soil NOx, Biogenic VOCs, and Sea Salt
- Global tropospheric OH concentrations in the past four decades inferred from surface network and satellite trace gas observations
- Going beyond blue carbon: Organic carbon storage rates in clastic strata outpace rates in organic-rich strata in freshwater deltaic environments
- Gravity-Induced Ripening Undermines Capillary Trapping Stability
- Harvesting Elastic Potential from Interfacial Energy
- Heterogeneous Chlorine Activation in the Tropical UTLS via the Matsuno-Gill Heating Response
- High-Mountain Asia hydro-climate under projected warming conditions
- High-dimensional ensemble filtering with nonlinear local couplings
- High-resolution Gravity Field and Tides of Callisto from the MAGIC Gravity Investigation
- Hints of an Eoarchean magnetic field from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Greenland
- How Much Carbon is Stored in Ancient Amazonian Anthrosols?
- Impact of Gravity Fingering on Deep Drainage in Arid Environments
- Impact of Wettability on Multiphase Flow and Granular Mechanics: Experiments, Modeling and Theory
- Impact of fault permeability on the nucleation, mode-of-rupture and magnitude of injection-induced earthquakes
- Increased CFC-11 Emissions from China: Recent Developments and the Search for Source Processes
- Increasing ocean model resolution reveals impact of tuning eddy permitting models
- Influence of particle shape on bedload transport efficiency
- Informative Learning: A Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Approach to Deep Learning
- Interaction of the Heliosphere with the Interstellar Medium: Magnetic Field Results from Voyager 2
- Interactive and Real-time Flood Inundation Mapping on Client-Side Web Systems
- International Observe the Moon Night: An Engagement Opportunity for Scientists, Science Festivals, and Lunar-Enthusiasts Around the World
- Investigating Lunar Surface Photometric Properties in the Near-Infrared with LOLA
- Investigating Sub-Resolution Surface Properties of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Optical Photometry
- Investigating the Surface Composition of Europa with the Europa Clipper
- Investigating the significance of centennial timescale paleohurricane activity using modeled hurricane climatology over the past millennium
- Ionospheric Response to the July 2, 2019 South American Solar Eclipse
- Joint Inversion of Body Wave Arrival Times, Surface Wave Dispersion Data and Receiver Functions: Method and Application to Southwest China
- Knickpoints Drive Allopatric Speciation in the Blue Ridge Relict Landscape
- Leaf temperature threshold: the effects of leaf temperature on tree physiology and their relations with air temperature during the 2015-2016 ENSO in the Amazon forest
- Learning and Inference of Advective Fluid Transport in Marine Environments
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Lessons Learned and Outcomes from 10 Years of Evaluating International Observe the Moon Night
- Localized decision-making factors governing safe-source selection and their policy implications: a case study in West Bengal, India
- Long-term Behavior of Stratospheric Aerosol Plumes in a Solar Geoengineering Scenario
- Loop-top oscillations observed with IRIS spatially correlated with nonthermal emission from EOVSA in the September 10 2017 X8 Flare
- Low-temperature plasticity of the upper mantle: Olivine, orthopyroxene, and harzburgite
- MAGIC, A Discovery Proposal to the Icy Moon Callisto
- Machine learning for parameterization of subgrid processes in the atmosphere
- Magnesium isotope compositions of Mauna Kea lavas: Crystal fractionation effect
- Measuring Isotope Ratios in Mixed-Phase Cloud Particles and Water Vapor for Investigating Ice Crystal Growth
- Mechanisms Controlling Rainfall over Idealized Tropical Islands in Radiative Convective Equilibrium
- Micromagnetic Tomography applied to natural samples: first steps towards deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic data from subsets of magnetic grains in lavas
- Micromagnetic Tomography: determining the optimal sample dimensions
- Microphysics-Based Bulk Parameterizations of Enthalpy and Momentum Fluxes Through the Turbulent Hurricane Spray Layer.
- Migrating Scarps as a Significant Driver for Cometary Mass Loss
- Miniature Laser Retro-Reflector Arrays (LRA) for Lunar Landers
- Mixing Dynamics during Radial Viscous Fingering
- Modeling CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage in a Gulf of Mexico Reservoir Using Coupled Flow and Geomechanics
- Monitoring and imaging water saturation variations using ballistic body- and surface-waves from seismic ambient noise correlations
- Motile Bacteria in Viscous Fingering Flows
- Multi-Nodes Observation Architectures with Time-Varying Value Assessment
- Multi-lingual Jupyter notebooks for learning the Open Global Glacier Model
- Multi-scale Watershed Modelling: From Point-scale to Basin-scale using Surrogate Models and Data Assimilation
- New analysis of Mercury Laser Altimeter crossovers with an advanced data weighting to improve geodetic constraints by MESSENGER
- Noise-Based Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Changes in Crustal Seismic Wavespeed in Southern California
- NuSTAR hard X-ray observations of the Jovian aurorae during Juno perijove and apojove intervals
- Observability of Venus' torque balance
- On The Measurement Of Seismic Travel-Time Changes In The Time-Frequency Domain With Wavelet Cross-Spectral Analysis
- On the Stability & Origin of MU69's and Pluto's Ices
- On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda Arc
- On-Ramps to More Effective Teaching: Quick-Start Guides to Strategies for Actively Engaging Students in The Classroom to Improve Learning
- Oxygenated Aromatic Compounds Contribute Substantially to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Photooxidation of Wildfire Emissions
- Parameterizing turbulent transport of reactive tracers
- Pre-Earthquake Deformation, Coseismic Displacements and Post-Earthquake Transient Motions in the Region of the Ridgecrest Earthquakes From Survey and Continuous GNSS Observations
- Probabilistic quantification of chlorofluorocarbons banked in equipment and their contributions to emissions: results from a Bayesian assessment
- Probing climate feedbacks on different time-scales with single frequency forcing simulations
- Quantifying ancient precipitation with annual resolution records of speleothem magnetism
- Rapidly Changing Transport Conditions In a Mississippi River Marsh
- Recent Increases in Artisanal Gold Mining in West Africa
- Reducing Uncertainty in Contrail Climate Impacts by Constraining Contrail Ice Optical Properties.
- Refining the global P- and S-wavespeed models with Poisson Voronoi cells based parsimonious inversion
- Response of Long-Valley Caldera hydrothermal system to stress transients from the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake inferred from ambient noise seismic interferometry
- Rising future tropical cyclone-induced extreme winds in the Mekong River Basin
- Roughness, Inertia, and Diffusion Effects on Anomalous and Reactive Transport in Rough Fractures
- Roughness-induced Residual Fluid Redistribution in Fractured Media
- Scale Interactions and Energy Transfer in the Hurricane Boundary Layer Using a Large Eddy Simulation and New Measurements
- Scaling of Rainfall Clusters in the Tropics
- Scientific and regulatory developments in estimating benefits: The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards and Beyond
- Searching for Liquid Water in the Martian Deep with TH2OR
- Searching for Waves on Titan's Seas with Coastline Measurements and Modeling
- Secondary Eyewall Formation in an Idealized Axisymmetric Model
- Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Natural Faults: The FaultScan Project
- Seismic constraints on crustal permeability inferred from tidal modulation of subsurface seismic velocity
- Selecting Water Infrastructure Investments in the Water-Energy-Food nexus of the Zambezi River Basin
- Simultaneous Inversion for Glacier Bed Properties and Ice Rheology using Adjoint-Based Methods
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping of Seafloor Cold Seeps with Autonomous Underwater Gliders
- Slow-slip events along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Student Produced Audio Narratives (SPAN) - Initial results of a regional pilot implementation program
- Subduction dynamics and mantle pressure: Towards a global understanding of slab dip angles
- Summary of Space Environment Magnetometer and Particle Replacement Experiment (SEMPRE) Study
- Suspended Particle Motion in Turbulence - Effects of Shape and Size on Rotation
- Teleseismic detection of ver long period signals from Mayotte volcanic crisis
- The Formation of Mid-latitude Irregularities and Potential Impacts on Systems During Magnetic Storms and Sub-Storms
- The Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx)
- The Impact of Large-Scale Orography on Northern Hemisphere Winter Synoptic Temperature Variability
- The Learnability of Feedforward Neural Networks in Dissipative Chaotic Dynamical Systems
- The distribution of microseismicity correlates closely with velocity structure in the San Jacinto fault-zone region of Southern California
- The role of aviation and intercontinental transport in local air quality
- Thermal Modeling of Ice Penetrators for Ocean Worlds
- Thermal and chemical properties of the global mantle transition zone from PP and SS precursors
- Three-dimensional simulation of two-phase multicomponent displacements at the pore scale
- Titan's Bistable Climate and the Origin of its Atmospheric Methane
- Towards Systematic Classification of Seismic Signals with Deep Neural Networks
- Transient Warming is More Sensitive to Uncertainty in the Radiative Forcing than to Uncertainty in the Radiative Feedbacks
- Turbulent Cross-scale Evolution of Intermittency and Magnetic Energy Flux: Voyager Observations in the Inner Heliosheath and Local Interstellar medium
- Two Fundamental Patterns for Earthquake Triggering at Intermediate-depths.
- Understanding Rate Effects in Injection-induced Seismicity
- Understanding the interplay of rooting strategy and plant hydraulic traits on the response of forest stands to climate variation of California
- Unsupervised Learning Reveals Geography of Global Ocean Dynamical Regions
- Update on High Resolution Searches for KBO Binaries using New Horizons LORRI
- Using Dynamic Vegetation Modeling to Explore Boreal Forest Canopy-cover Shifts Under Water Stress and Changing Climate
- Using Remanence FORCs to Test for Magnetofossils in Martian Meteorite ALH84001
- Vector Sensor Simulation and Processing of Auroral Radio Emissions
- Visualization of Dissolving Sugar Particles in Turbulent Flow
- Voyager 2 Plasma Observations of the Heliopause and Interstellar Medium
- WISTContin & WISTFUL: New Toolboxes for Interpreting Seismic Wave Speed into Whole Rock Compositions
- WISTFUL thinking: seismic evidence for mantle iron enrichment beneath the Midcontinent Rift
- Wet and Deep vs. Dry and Shallow: Global Fractionation Conditions in Volcanic Arcs
- Wetland FLUXNET synthesis for CH<SUB>4</SUB>: understanding CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes at daily to interannual timescales
- Xenon Hydrate as an Analog of Methane Hydrate in Geologic Systems Out of Thermodynamic Equilibrium
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- #GeoHackeo, the GeoLatinas hackathon - Testing our Digital Literacy toolkit
- A Closer look into Slickenlines: The link between surface roughness and microstructure.
- A Comparison of Ancient and Modern Antarctic Microbial Mats using Molecular Biosignatures
- A Comparison of Tropical Cyclone Projection in a High-Resolution Global Climate Model and Downscaled by Statistical and Statistical-deterministic Methods
- A Comprehensive Investigation for Gravity-driven Ostwald Ripening in Porous Media
- A Dynamic Wave Damping Model for Flexible Marsh Plants
- A Fast Radiosity Method for Thermal Modeling on Rough Planetary Surfaces
- A Flexible Next Generation Incoherent Scatter Radar Architecture for HAARP Diagnostic Support and Enhanced Science Capabilities
- A Life Cycle Assessment Framework for Evaluating Options, Impacts, and National Energy Choices
- A New Method for Inferring Paleopoles using Spacecraft Magnetic Field Measurements
- A New Model for Ionospheric Total Electron Content: the Impact of Solar Flux Proxies and Indices
- A Quantitative Assessment of Radiometric Calibration Errors on Crop Cover Classifications
- A Source Model for Earthquakes near the Nucleation Dimension
- A Tale of Three Divides: Investigating the erosional signature of divide motion along the Blue Ridge Escarpment
- A fixed-stress split for the simulation of coupled pore-scale flow and grain mechanics
- A long-lived planetesimal dynamo powered by core crystallization
- A multi-control climate policy process for a trusted decision maker
- Accelerated Bayesian computation for global imaging spectroscopy
- Acceleration Site of Anomalous Cosmic Rays: New Results from Voyager 2
- Air Quality and Climate Impacts of United States Nuclear Power Plant Closures
- Air quality trade-offs of a rapid expansion of personal electric vehicles in China.
- An Environmental Determinant for Transmission of Viral Respiratory Disease
- Analysis of Mid-to-High Latitude GNSS Total Electron Content and its Variability during Solar Cycle 24 Minimum
- Annual resolution rainfall proxy for central-eastern Brazil from high resolution speleothem magnetism
- Another Surprising Turn in the Global Emission of CFC-11
- Antiracism & Technology Design: Building Frameworks to Advance Justice in Complex Sociotechnical Systems
- Applying a systems framework to examine policies that address sustainability challenges arising from agricultural practices in north India
- Assessing the Potential for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Migration along Fault Zones during Geologic Carbon Storage in Offshore-Texas Sedimentary Formations
- Automating the search for new reaction pathways in atmospheric oxidation chemistry
- Balloon-based Atmospheric Investigations of Venus
- Bayesian Time of Emergence: Addressing uncertainty and spurious trends in precipitation change using a CMIP5 ensemble
- Beyond Benzo[a]pyrene: Human Health Risks of Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Mixtures
- Can we use causal theory to understand how Earth processes shape life? Examples from the Baja GeoGenomics consortium
- Centaur Environment and Surface Activity Measurement Experiment (Cesame)
- Characterization of a Total Carbon Measurement for Use in Laboratory Chamber Experiments
- Chemical Depletion of US Sediments
- Chemical evolution of particle-phase dimethyl sulfide oxidation products
- Climate Change Impacts on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus of the Zambezi River Basin
- Climate Modulates Lithologic Control of River Incision
- Collaboration for In-Depth and Authentic Public Service and Education: Developing Long-Lasting Community Partnerships Via Collaboration among a Learning Community, a Public-Service Center and Community-Based Organizations
- Comparing Environmental and Energy Policy Options in India: Sectoral Impacts and Interactions
- Comparing Results from Comprehensive Chamber Studies and Explicit Chemical Mechanisms Provides Mutual Benefits
- Comparing VOC Oxidation Results from Atmospheric Chamber Studies and Explicit Chemical Mechanisms
- Connecting laboratory and field measurements of smoke composition to build a framework explaining ozone formation from Western U.S. wildfires measured during FIREX-AQ
- Constraining Modal Error in Ultramafic Thermodynamic Solution Models: Validating Interpretations of Seismic Wave Speed
- Convective Storms over an Idealized Synoptic Scale Soil Moisture Gradient with Horizontal Mean Wind
- Corona Discharge in Wind: Revisited
- Crustal fingering facilitates free-gas methane migration through the hydrate stability zone
- Crustal porosity reveals the bombardment history of the Moon
- Depolarizing climate change communication: A simulation-based experience shifts climate change beliefs and worldview among people who value individualism and social hierarchy
- Designing Decision Support Systems with Interdisciplinary, International Teams: A Case Study of the Environment, Vulnerability, Decision, Technology Model
- Detailed traveltime tomography and seismicity around the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA, earthquake using dense rapid-response seismic data
- Detecting and Projecting Changes in Extreme Temperature Events over Alaska
- Detection and societal impact of global hydroclimate extremes in the late Holocene
- Detection of Microbial Lipids as Life Markers and Their Response to Increasing Temperatures in the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone
- Developing Hydroclimate Risk Quantification with High Resolution Global Climate Modeling
- Development and application of a tropospheric-stratospheric adjoint to identify the ozone-neutral aircraft cruise altitude
- Development of the Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO) 3.0 as a general emissions component for atmospheric models
- Development of workflow using geologically constrained coupled flow and geomechanics simulations to predict pressure and stress at known microseismicity localities induced by CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection: validation using the Illinois Basin Decatur Project dataset
- Dominant formation pathways and impacts for aerosols resulting from aviation emissions
- Dynamic recrystallization and energy balance within glacier shear margins
- Earth Observation Technology Applied to SDG 15.8 in West Africa: Multi-data Stream Analysis and Validation Approaches
- Earth observation in support of the SDGs: Trends from the Humanitarian and Development sectors
- Effect of ambient vibrations and earthquake ground motions on the response of a 14-story building.
- Egypt and the Nile
- Electronic Life-detection Instrument for Enceladus/Europa (ELIE)
- Endmember Identification and Characterization of Martian Meteorites with Microimaging Infrared Spectroscopy
- Error Scaling with Confusion Matrices for Global Optical Remote Sensing of Building and Road Detection
- Estimating the Causes of Past Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Multidecadal Variability
- Evaluating possible sources for phosphine on Venus
- Evidence for a continental lithospheric mantle earthquake in northern South America
- Experimental Results of Melt Probes in Cryogenic Ice for a Future Europa Lander
- Experimental Study on the Seismic Behavior of Fault Gouge under Changing Pore Pressures
- Experimental study of fracture deformation, flow and transport using a novel pressure-controlled Hele-Shaw cell
- Exploring iron asteroid magnetospheres
- Fingered water infiltration in soil suggests higher resilience of ecosystem in water-stressed climate
- Floodplain architecture and organic carbon storage in discontinuous permafrost
- Flow Laws for Ice Sheet Modelling: what do Experiments tell us?
- Flow structure associated with wood in rivers
- Fluid-fluid displacement in mixed-wet porous media
- Fluid-fluid displacement in porous media: completing Lenormand's phase diagram for arbitrary wettability.
- Forced Imbibition in Rough Fractures
- Foreshocks on Geometrically Heterogeneous Faults
- Framework for Coordinated Efforts in the Exploration of Volatiles in the South Polar Region of the Moon
- Garbage Burning in South Asia - How important is it to regional air quality?
- General circulation under reversed merdional temperature gradient
- Generating net moment inversions and demagnetization spectra at micro-meter resolution using the quantum diamond microscope (QDM)
- Geodetic Clues in Planetary Treasure Hunts
- Geolatinas Digital Literacy Toolkit: A Diverse Community Developing Coding Skills for the Open Source World.
- Getting to impact at scale: A community-based model to guide propagation of systems thinking and simulation-based learning about climate change in higher education
- Global Health Impacts of International and Domestic Shipping
- Gravity fingering control on evaporation and deep drainage in a 3D porous medium
- Groundwater in high mountains: Climate change impacts on a hidden water resource
- Heliospheric Ly α Absorption in a Split Tail Heliosphere
- Higher Density of Interstellar Hydrogen from Pickup Ion Observations in the Outer Heliosphere
- How does the Mediterranean's location dictate its dynamical response to climate change?
- How the Simulation-Based Learning Game, World Climate, Shapes Climate Change Perspectives Among High School and College Students, Traditionally Under-Represented in STEM Fields
- Identifying hotspots of multi-sector vulnerability: A risk triage framework
- Impact of Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming on Low and Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Impact of dilatant strengthening on fault slip stability
- Impact of large wood jams on channel hydraulics and backwater rise
- Improving Stoneley-mode constraints on the structures near the core-mantle boundary
- Inclusive Design of Earth Observation Decision Support Systems (DSS) for Environmental Governance
- Incorporating Explicit Crown Damage into a Vegetation Demographic Model to Assess Impacts on Mortality and Carbon Turnover
- Incorporating High-fidelity Air Quality Simulation into Integrated Assessment Models
- Incorporating physical knowledge in machine learning parameterizations of convection
- Inferring Lifetimes, Banks and Unexpected Emissions of CFC-11, 12 and 113
- Inferring ice rheology in Antarctic ice shelves using remotely-sensed surface velocity and ice thickness observations
- Inferring oceanic vertical velocities from sea surface data with machine learning
- Informing decision-making to mitigate the air quality and health impacts of agricultural residue burning in India using an adjoint modeling approach
- Infrared Analysis of Photolytically Aged Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol
- Insights into Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Highly-extended Current Sheets with Laser-produced Plasmas
- Insights into incipient rifting in thick lithosphere from a GNSS survey of the southern Malawi Rift
- Introducing machine learning methods to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin region of Nevada
- Investigating Urban Heat Island effects in the classroom through authentic scientific experiences
- Investigating flow development and sediment deposition within artificial and real seagrass meadows
- Investigating plume-lithosphere interactions through a joint analysis of seismic and petrologic modeling
- Investigating the coupling between plume volcanism and massive iron formation deposition after the rise of oxygen
- Isotopic variation in shallow groundwater across the United States - Insight into hydrologic and ecologic processes
- LAPS - A Digital Data Repository Workflow in Experimental Rock Deformation
- Laboratory investigation of dimethyl sulfide oxidation: Comprehensive product characterization, peroxy radical isomerization, and implications for sulfur distribution
- Land Use Change in the Continental United States under a Multisystem Dynamics Approach: Are There Tipping Points?
- Large source of mercury from the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Large-scale CO2 Storage in Offshore Sedimentary Formations: 3D Flow-Geomechanics Modeling Assessments of Gulf of Mexico Reservoirs
- Leaky Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves
- Lightning response to smoke-laden air from Australian wildfires
- Linking tree life history characteristics and population dynamics to plant hydraulics
- Localization for MCMC: sampling high-dimensional posterior distributions with local structure
- Longitudinally Varying Thermospheric Composition and Its Connection to the Extraordinary 2019 SSW
- MICA: Microfluidic Icy-World Chemistry Analyzer
- Making the Invisible Visible - Community Science for Environmental Monitoring in the Ohio River Valley
- Marine Cloud Brightening and Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Northern Hemisphere Weather Control
- Methods and tools to improve understanding and application of biodiversity data based on satellite Earth observation: Examples from Benin, Ghana and Brazil
- Mid-Latitude Ionospheric and Thermospheric Eclipse Responses in Solar Minimum Conditions, and Plans for 2024 Observations at Millstone Hill
- Minimizing water losses during crop irrigation by optimizing irrigation schedule and introducing soil heterogeneity
- Modeling Adaptive Capacity in Co-Evolving Water and Agriculture Systems
- Modelling Streamers as Quasi-Steady Structures Characterized by Macroscopic Parameters
- Multi-physics Characterization of Time-dependent Brittle Deformation in Basalt Undergoing Carbonation
- Multi-satellite MMS analysis of electron holes in the Earth's magnetotail: origin, properties, velocity gap and transverse instability
- Multiple Equilibria in Weak Temperature Gradient Simulations over a Land Surface
- NEAT: A Multi-Comet Flyby Mission that Performs Discovery-Level Science on a SIMPLEx Budget
- Normalization strategy for seismic interferometry with scattered waves
- Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Earthquake Rupture with Different Failure Laws
- Observational evidence for a modulation of the tropical radiation budget by deep convective aggregation
- Observational evidence regarding phosphine on Venus
- Ocean Dynamics on Icy Worlds
- Paleocene Latitude of the Kohistan-Ladakh Arc Indicates Multi-Stage India-Eurasia Collision
- Paleointensity and Rock magnetism of Martian nakhlite meteorite MIL03346: Small Scale Magnetization of the Martian Crust
- Plessite as a Recorder of Past Magnetic Fields on Planetesimals
- Poroelastic Problems in Pylith
- Potential Impacts of international food trade on global agricultural greenhouse gas emissions under climate change
- Prediction of Subsurface Geological-Induced Drilling Non-Productive Time Incidents Using Geophysical Inputs
- Recent estimates of changes in the emissions of CFC-11 and related ozone-depleting substances from eastern China
- Reconstruction of snowpack dynamics in the High Atlas by assimilation of data from satellites, ground-station, and reanalysis products
- Recursive detection of swarms of volcanic long-period seismicity in Marie Byrd, Antarctica
- Regional seismic velocity models for Southern California based on travel time tomography with Poisson Voronoi cells parameterization
- Revisiting Pigmentation as Biomarker and Biosignature for Extraterrestrial Life
- Rheology of Talc at High P-T Conditions with Implications for Subduction-zone Interface
- Riverine transport of terrestrial organic carbon in permafrost-dominated floodplains
- Searching for subsurface oceans on the moons of Uranus using magnetic induction
- Secondary Eyewall Formation in Idealized Axisymmetric Models
- Seismic or aseismic: a machine learning approach to classification of frictional fault systems
- Seismic wavefield and traveltime modeling using machine learned functions
- Semi-brittle Transient Creep and Twinning-induced Plasticity in Carrara Marble
- Significant decrease in wet deposition of anthropogenic chloride across the Eastern U.S., 1998-2018
- Slip stability at heterogeneous interfaces with large-slip kinematics
- Small Magnitude Seismicity Helps Identify Transient Signals of Fault Creep on the North Anatolian Fault in Noisy GPS Recordings
- Stable Isotopes As Tracer Of Water Cycling From Precipitation To Tap Water Across Canada
- Stable machine-learning parameterization of subgrid processes for climate modeling at a range of resolutions
- Static Capillary Pressure of Ganglion in Porous Media
- Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Evaluating Emissions Reduction Policies under Changing Meteorological Conditions
- SymAE: redatuming timelapse data to create virtual baseline sources in the monitoring medium
- Synergies and tradeoffs between climate action and mercury reductions: a matrix approach to analyzing human-technical-environmental systems
- The Changing Nature of Hydroclimatic Risks Across Southern and South Africa
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The CubeSat Imaging X-ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS)
- The ECCO-Darwin Data-assimilative Global-ocean Biogeochemistry Model: A New Modeling Framework for Ocean Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Studies
- The Effects of Motile Bacteria on Viscous Fingering
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The Impact of Social Distancing Policies on the Lives of Individuals from Vulnerable Job Sectors in Greater Boston
- The Influence of Vegetation on the Retention of Sediment Within a Marsh Platform: Comparing Supply Restriction and Trapping Efficiency
- The Parallel Fate and Transformation of Toxins in the Body and in the Atmosphere
- The Potential of Different Cover Crop Systems in Mitigating Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The Under-actuated Under-ice Oceanographic (U<SUB>2</SUB>O) mission concept
- The Vida Decision Support System: an integrated modeling framework to inform and monitor regional COVID-19 responses
- The definitive fate and magnetospheric distribution of neutral torus particles originating from Enceladus
- The lunar crustal magnetic anomalies were not produced by impact plasmas
- Three-dimensional Community Velocity Model in Southwest China from Joint Body and Surface Wave Traveltime Tomography
- Time-lapse uncertainty quantification using state of the art Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method
- Tracking methane emission and oxidation in tropical peatland drainage canals using stable carbon isotopes
- Transition Regions Between Regions of Episodic Tremor and Slip in Cascadia
- Uncertainty-Aware Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Parametrizations in Ocean Modeling
- Under Pressure: Strain and Stress Constraints on the Longevity of Modern Plate Tectonics Inferred From 3.5 Ga Intrusions in Isukasia, Southwest Greenland
- Undergraduate Distance-Based International Fieldwork During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Variance in annual biomass change of Amazonian experimental logged forests and relationships to atmospheric fluctuations
- Watercolour Graphs
- What makes the Earth lose weight?
- What shapes Ice Shell of Enceladus?
- Why are there more tropical cyclones in the northern hemisphere?
- Widespread Drainage, Subsidence and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions in Tropical Peatlands
- Widespread pumping has altered groundwater recharge sources in the Bengal Basin: isotopic evidence
- 3DSeaVizKit: A Web Toolkit for Ocean Visualization
- A Closer Look into Slickenlines: Deformation On and Under the Surface
- A Conceptual Model for Tropical Convective Organization
- A Geospatial Assessment of Environmental Toxicity and Exposure to Extreme Weather Events in Carceral Geographies
- A Grid-Stretching Capability for the GEOS-Chem Atmospheric Chemistry Model
- A High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Space Weather Modeling
- A Humidity-Entrainment Mechanism for Aerosol Invigoration of Convection
- A Multi-Fidelity Framework for Ocean Temperature Reconstruction Based on Model-Inferred Dynamics and Real Time Satellite and Buoy Measurements
- A New Depth to Lacustrine Paleothermometry: Applying Brillouin Thermometry as a Novel Tool for Resolving the Temperature, Depth, and Seasonal Biases in the Evaporite Record of Holocene/Pleistocene Searles Lake, California
- A New Model for Dynamic and Thermal Compensation around Mantle Plumes: Implications for Volume and Heat Flux
- A Paleomagnetic Investigation of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body to Understand Core Formation and Differentiation on Small Bodies
- A Re-Analysis of Murchison Meteorite Using Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide (TMAH) Thermochemolysis Under Simulated Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Pyrolysis GC-MS Conditions
- A Representation of Crown Damage in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator Leads to Increased Carbon Starvation Mortality and Decreased Aboveground Biomass
- A Roof Albedo Estimation Method Using Deep Learning
- A Study of Flares in the Ultra-Cool Regime from SPECULOOS-South
- A Time-Dependent Split Tail Heliosphere
- A Time-Resolved Paleomagnetic Record of Main Group Pallasites: Evidence for a Large-Cored, Thin-Mantled Parent Body
- A Turbulent Heliosheath Driven by Rayleigh Taylor Instability
- A comparison of heliotail configurations arising from different treatments of non-ideal MHD effects with ENA maps at IBEX energies
- A detailed earthquake catalogue for Timor and Eastern Indonesia using machine-learning phase picker and an automated workflow
- A machine-learning model for prescribed fire smoke in the Southeastern U.S.
- A new framework for global soil moisture dry-down analysis and its application for vegetation water stress quantification
- A source model for earthquake nucleation
- A stalagmite record (4-45 kyr BP) of fall/winter monsoon variability from central Vietnam
- A surface temperature model of Arrokoth, a Kuiper Belt Object visited by New Horizons
- Accuracy of Terrain and Canopy Heights from Spaceborne Laser Altimetry in Brunei's Tropical Peatlands
- Accurate Prediction of Ocean Basins Using Upper Mantle Potential Temperatures
- Acoustic constraints on semi-brittle deformation of Carrara marble
- Aeolian sediment transport on Io from lava-frost interactions
- Ambient noise-based monitoring of seismic wave velocity modulations at the CarbFix reinjection site, SW-Iceland
- An Active-source Seismic Velocity Cross-section of the Andreanof Segment of the Aleutian Island Arc
- An Economy-wide Framework for Assessing Global Transition Risk in the Energy Production Sector
- An Efficient Tsunami Arrival Time Estimator Coupled to Acoustic Gravity Wave Multi-Fault Rupture solution
- An Energetic Evaluation of the Response of the Walker Circulation to Warming
- An energetics perspective of ice deformation
- An experimental approach for studying sulfur in high pressure, oxidized and hydrous melts
- An experimental study of magma-mush compaction
- Antiracism & Technology Design: Considering Dual/Multi-Use Technology Sectors and Fostering Epistemic and Institutional Equity
- Applying the Reactive Organic Carbon Framework to Understand Regulatory VOC and PM Emissions
- Assessing Current, Compounding, and Co-Evolving Risks Across Multiple Systems and Sectors: A Triage-based Visualization Platform
- Assessing the Environmental Impact of Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) Discharges from Seagoing Ships
- Assessing the use of vegetation attribute from Sentinel-1A/1B C-band SAR to improve performance of the SMAP-Sentinel active-passive high-resolution soil moisture product
- Asymmetry of extreme Cenozoic climatecarbon cycle events
- Atmospheric Impacts of a Near Future Supersonic Aircraft Fleet
- Attributing the rise of Indian summer monsoon extreme precipitation events to local anthropogenic factors and climate variability
- Barely metamorphic: carbonate clumped isotope thermometry applied to low-T reaction zones in marbles of the Alta Stock contact aureole, Utah
- Biomarkers, compound-specific isotopes and their applications in understanding the carbon isotope record during the end-Triassic mass extinction event
- Breaking the Ice: Understanding Large-Scale Fracture Initiation Processes on Antarctic Ice Shelves through Observations of Strain Rate and Estimates of Stress
- Brush accumulation behind logjams with a lower gap: formation and impact on backwater rise
- COVID-19 indoor airborne transmission risk estimation based on practical risk indicators or CO2 level
- Calibration of Near-Infrared Passive Radiometry from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- Changing Coastal Flooding for At-Risk Communities in the Developing World
- Characterizing aqueous-phase oxidation of dimethyl sulfide using chemical ionization mass spectrometry
- Chemical composition of the first rocks sampled by the Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, Mars
- Classifying Agnostic Biosignatures using Raman, VNIR, and Elemental Data
- Climate change impacts to peatland soil moisture and fire risk in Southeast Asia
- Climate change increases the frequency of joint rainfall-surge extremes along the US coastline
- Clumped methane isotopologue based temperatures reveal sources of methane in marine gas hydrates and associated vent gases
- Coastal Digital Twin: Learning a Fast and Physics-informed Surrogate Model for Coastal Floods Via Neural Operators
- Coastline Shape and the Partitioning of Landmasses into Drainage Basins
- Combined soils and in situ 14C approach to evaluate erosion of non-lithified landforms
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Comparing High-Precision Timelines of Columbia River Basalt Emplacement and the Miocene Climate Optimum with U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
- Constraining the Effects of Nepheloid Layers on 230Th-Normalization and 231Pa/230Th
- Contaminant Source Attribution in a Region of Recent Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in the Appalachian Basin Through Joint Application of Multivariate Methods and Compositional Data Analysis
- Contrasting Seasonal Response of Northern Hemisphere Precipitation Extremes to Climate Change
- Contributions of Transient Rheology to Geophysical Deformation: Examples from the Deep to Shallow Earth
- Could Weakly Magnetized Martian Basins Reflect Cooling in a Reversing Dynamo Field?
- Coupled Geochemical-Sedimentological Depositional History of the Pleistocene/Holocene Lacustrine Sediments from Evaporite Core SLAPP-SRLS17, Searles Lake, California
- Coupling Different Hierarchies of Climate Models with the CliMA Coupler
- Creep of Basaltic Rocks Undergoing Carbonation
- Decomposition and Inference of Sources through Spatiotemporal Analysis of Network Signals: The DISSTANS Python Package
- Desalination Brine Disposal Using Plunging Liquid Jets
- Designing a Regional Biogas System: an Optimization Model for Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Networks with Case Studies from Brazil
- Detailed Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition Combining Multiple Mass Spectrometric Techniques
- Development of Decision Support Systems Utilizing Earth Observation and the Environment-Vulnerability-Decision-Technology modeling framework Towards Natural Resource Management for the Yurok Tribe
- Development of a Low-Cost Sensor Array to Characterize VOC Mixtures
- Diverse carbon-rich peatlands in the Amazonia and Orinoquia of Colombia
- Diversity of phytoplankton physiology maximizes primary productivity in an eddying ocean
- Double Disproportionality in Industrial Air Pollution in Canada: Emissions and Exposure
- Drivers of Holocene Southeast Asian Winter and Summer Monsoon Variability
- Dynamic and thermodynamic contributions to changes in precipitation extremes in quasi-global simulations at high resolution
- Dynamics-aware transport for Bayesian filtering of chaotic dynamical systems
- Early indications of the time of emergence of precipitation change: Improving estimates by integrating climate model ensembles with Bayesian statistics
- Elevated risk of tropical cyclone precipitation and pluvial flood in Houston under global warming
- Elucidating ecological complexity: Unsupervised learning determines global marine eco-provinces
- Emergent observed coupling of terrestrial water, energy, and carbon fluxes
- Energetic Electron Precipitation-related Changes in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity as Indicated by Schumann Resonance Measurements
- Enhanced open-ocean fish production and community resilience across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- Environment-Vulnerability-Decision-Technology (EVDT): A Framework for Integrated Environmental & Socioeconomic Analysis using Biodiversity Knowledge to Inform Policy Decisions
- Erosion of heterogeneous rock drives fish diversification in a tectonically quiescent mountain range
- Establishing a U/Th-based age model for the >200 kyr SLAPP core, Searles Valley, CA
- Evaluating Atmospheric Mercury (Hg) Uptake by Vegetation in a Chemistry-Transport Model
- Evaluating Rates of Learning about Climate Uncertainty on Flexible Water Infrastructure Planning
- Evaluation of OpenET DisALEXI and Ensemble ET over the State of California
- Examining the Topographic Evolution of Volcanic Landscapes along an Island Chronosequence
- Experimental Results and Model Validation of Melt Probes in Cryogenic Ice for the Exploration of Ocean Worlds
- Explicit Atmospheric Convection and the Climate and Habitability of Tidally Locked Planets
- Exploring Deposition Observations as a Constraint on Emissions in the United States
- Exploring New Gas-Phase Reactions of Carbonyl-Substituted Peroxy Radicals
- Exploring the provenances of asteroids using meteorite magnetism
- Fast, friendly, flexible, and fun ocean modeling on CPUs and GPUs in Julia with Oceananigans.jl
- FastMapSVM: Classifying seismograms using FastMap and Support-Vector Machines
- Fault Permeability from Physics-based, Stochastic Modeling of Clay Smears
- First Results of the Surface Energy Budget, Thermal Inertia and Albedo at Jezero Crater, Mars, as obtained from the Mars 2020 MEDA Instrument
- First results of the Perseverance environmental stations (MEDAs) Relative Humidity Sensor
- First-Light Results from the NASA TROPICS Pathfinder Mission and Preparations for the TROPICS Constellation Mission
- Flow channelization in stressed rough fractures and the evolution of the transport regime
- Fluid-Fluid Displacement in Mixed-Wet Porous Media
- Forecasting global geophysical states using a deep learning model for Spacecraft constellation scheduling and planning
- From MAVEN to Bayes: A Data-Driven Approach to Mars Space Environment
- Glacier Melt Dominates Late Season Dinwoody Creek Streamflow in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA
- Global 3D Model of Mantle Attenuation using Normal Modes
- Global Mid-Ocean Ridge Melting Conditions Constrained from 13,589 Basaltic Glasses
- Global methane emissions derived from two years of TROPOMI observations: Sensitivity to OH and missing sources
- Grain-size Sensitivity of Viscoelastic Relaxation in Dry, Melt-free Polycrystalline Olivine: An Update
- High Resolution Radar Clutter Analysis Of The Selene (Kaguya) Lunar Radar Sounder Data.
- High-dimensional flow law parameter calibration and uncertainty quantification over Antarctic ice shelves: a variational Bayesian approach using deep learning
- How Does Iceberg Shape Affect Melting?
- How do slow electron holes persist in the Earth's magnetosphere
- How strongly do plumes influence Pacific seamount distribution?
- How will lightning change during the pollution-reduced COVID-19 pandemic period? A data study on the global lightning activity
- Hydroclimate variability of the glacial Yucatan Peninsula from speleothem stable isotopes
- Ice Nucleation of Fluorinated Secondary Organic Aerosol from Next-Generation Refrigerant Emissions
- Illuminating the Cascadia Subduction Zone with ultra-long offset Multi-Channel Seismic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer data: Overview on the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21).
- Impact of Small-scale Gravity Waves on Chemistry
- Impacts of multi-layer overlap on contrail radiative forcing
- Impacts of the Loop Current state on transport connectivity in the Gulf of Mexico
- Incoming Plate and Forearc Structure of the Alaska Peninsula Subduction Zone from 3-D Local Earthquake Tomography
- Increased Inputs Lead to Faster Transit Times but No Greater C Storage: Radiocarbon Insights from a 60-year Pasture Soil Archive in New Zealand
- Inferring Ice Thickness in Grounding Zones from Tidal Flexure of Ice Shelves with ICESat-2
- Influence of Different Atmospheric Aerosol Compositions on the Life Cycle of Stratiform Clouds over Southern West Africa
- Integration of in situ Wireless Sensor Networks and UAVs for Soil Moisture Mapping
- Interdisciplinary conversations on climate modeling and the built environment
- International Collaboration Aimed at Identifying Relevant Social, Policy, and Environmental Factors in the Progression of SARS-CoV2/COVID-19 in Six Metropolitan Areas
- Invisible Variables: the impact of social distancing policies and norms on vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Joint Self-Potential and Fluid Flow Inversion for Imaging Permeability Structure and Fractures.
- Karst Development and Re-Inundation by Suboxic Fluids of the Ediacaran Basal Ara Carbonate, South Oman Salt Basin
- Key parameters under varying phosphorus supply and temperature in the nutrient-enabled land surface model ELM-FATES
- Kinetic-Alfven-wave turbulence in the low beta limit: tearing mediation and electron Landau damping
- Laboratory Investigation of Bedload Sediment Transport in Submerged Vegetation
- Laboratory studies of the evolution of gas and particle phase organic carbon over multi-day to multi-week timescales
- Lattice Boltzmann simulation of convection-diffusion to model viscous fingering with polymer additives
- Long-Term Assembly of Complex Marine Ecosystems in Tropical Reefs Following the Worst Extinction of Animal Life
- Loss of twenty percent of global wetlands since 1700 estimated by soil drainage reconstruction
- Lunar Megaregolith Boundary Revealed by GRAIL Gravity Data
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Pickup H+ Near Jupiter: Neutral Hydrogen Loss by the Planetary System
- Magnetization of carbonaceous asteroids by nebular fields and the origin of CM chondrites
- Mapping Subsidence of Tropical Peatlands
- Mapping the M5.8 Mineral Earthquake Aftershock Sequence and the Virginia Seismic Zone
- Mapping the Severity of Ice Sheet Melt by applying a Geophysical Model Based Algorithm using SMAP L-band Microwave Radiometry
- Mars 2020s First Sample: The Fractured Rough Rock Unit on the Floor of Jezero Crater
- Mars Global Magnetic Field Response To Localized Crustal Fields and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Direction
- Massive Probabilistic Forecasts for the Gulf of Mexico: Dynamically-Orthogonal Primitive Equations
- Matryoshka Neural Operators: Learning Fast PDE solvers with Limited Training Data
- Mayotte 2018-2021 Eruption likely sourced from a magmatic mush
- Mechanisms for Modulation of the MJO by the QBO
- Mechanisms for microseismicity occurrence due to CO2 injection at Decatur, Illinois: A coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics perspective
- Meta-analysis of Cryogenian through modern quartz microtextures reveals sediment transport histories
- Mining scientific literature for descriptive dimensions of dolomite abundance through geologic time
- Mission Configuration and Retrieval Technique for Profiling Water Vapor in the Marine Boundary Layer by Collocated Radio Occultation and Passive Microwave Sounding
- Mixed Seismic and Aseismic Slip in the North Anatolian Fault Zone Evidenced by the Collective Behavior of Earthquakes
- Modeling Iceberg Tracks and IRD Extents During Heinrich Events
- Modeling the Atmospheres of Tidally Locked Exoplanets in N columns
- Modelling the Thermodynamical Evolution of Rivers on Titan
- Monitoring Velocity Changes Beneath Mount St. Helens During Slow Slip With Receiver Functions
- Multiple methods tell time in Ediacaran Oman
- Natural and Forced Contributions to Atlantic Hurricane Actvity Multidecadal Variability
- Neural-Network Parameterization of Subgrid Momentum Transport Learned from a High-Resolution Simulation
- New High Resolution Polar Topographic Products From The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- Nexus vs. Silo Investment Planning Under Uncertainty
- Northeast Mexico precipitation primarily controlled by Atlantic SSTs
- Observation and Origin of the Most Energetic X-rays from Jupiter
- Observations of the Jezero Crater Delta Front by Perseverance Cameras
- Observed landscape responsiveness to climate forcing
- Olivine dislocation structure from conventional EBSD maps
- On the use of satellite observations to fill gaps in the Halley station total ozone record
- Organic Molecules on Mars: Results from the First In Situ TMAH Thermochemolysis Experiment at Gale Crater, Mars
- Organized Kinetic Energy Backscatter in the Hurricane Boundary Layer from Radar Measurements
- Origins of Roughness Evolution and its Effects on the Slip Response of Rate-and-state Faults
- PINNtomo: Seismic tomography using physics-informed neural networks
- Paleomagnetic Analysis of Geological Samples with Complex Magnetization Using Multipole Fitting
- Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Multi-Stage India-Eurasia Collision.
- Paleomagnetic Evidence for an Intermittent Lunar Dynamo
- Paleomagnetic results from the 2.72-2.69 Ga Vermilion District of the Superior Craton, Minnesota
- Paleomagnetism of Calcium-aluminum-rich Inclusions from CO chondrites
- Parameterizing the Rain Formation Processes Through Machine Learning
- Petrologic constraints on the occurrence of garnet-lherzolite melts in the mantle source under Loihi, Hawaii
- Photo-poromechanics: visualizing the evolving effective stress in fluid-filled granular media
- Physically-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Visualizing Climate Impacts
- Precursory slow slip and foreshocks on rough faults
- Predictability of U.S. Regional Extreme Precipitation Occurrence Based on Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns (LSMPs)
- Present-day motion of the Arabian plate
- Propagation of Slow Slip Events on a Rough Fault
- QuakeCast: Forecasting Earthquakes from Preseismic Ionospheric Signals Using Machine Learning Refinements and Advances
- Quantifying earthquake source parameter uncertainties associated with local site effects using a dense array
- Quantifying localized heating and grain rotation in fault zones using high-resolution magnetic field imaging
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of Microearthquake Slip Inversions to Station Distribution Using the LASSO Nodal Array in Oklahoma
- Quantifying uncertainty in global and sub-global socioeconomic and greenhouse gas emissions futures
- Radar Diagnosis of Thunderstorm Configurations Favorable to Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements
- Recent Trends in Land Cover and Climate Across Ghana
- Reconstructing Basin-Scale Nutrient Dynamics at the Dawn of Planetary Oxygenation: Insights from New Agouron Institute Drill Cores
- Reconstructing Glacial Indian Ocean Hydroclimate from a Madagascan Speleothem
- Reconstructing river flows on Mars and Titan with dimensionless hydraulic geometry
- Redox Dynamics and Reduced Benthic Faunal Abundance Across the Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction
- Regarding the Putative Diagenetic Origins for Neoproterozoic Sponge Steranes
- Regional Summary of Variations in Particle Phase Organic Nitrate Concentrations and their Representation in GEOS-Chem
- Remote sensing and machine learning reveal abundance and patterns of Amazonian dark earth
- Repeating and Near Repeating Earthquake Variability at Intermediate Depth in the Bucaramanga Nest
- Resolving long-term variations in North Atlantic hurricane activity over the past millennium using a pseudo proxy network approach
- Robust determination of geodetic strain rates and their uncertainties through geostatistical methods and multiple modeling techniques
- SIDEx Observations of Sea Ice Stress-Strain-Fracture Fields
- Sampling deltaic rocks and their source terranes at Jezero crater to understand early Martian history
- Seagrass meadow wave damping and flow structure in combined wave-current conditions
- Seamount Volcanism along the KyushuPalau Ridge and Controlling factors on its Spatio-temporal DistributionEvidence from Accurate Calculation on Seamount Volume
- Seasonal Loops between Local Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Surface Temperature
- Seismic Evidence for Hot Mantle Southeast of Hawaii
- Silicate Weathering Products of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks as a Control on Steady State Climate
- Simulating the Impact of Agile, Heterogeneous, Distributed Spacecraft with Intelligent Scheduling (D-SHIELD) to reduce global Soil Moisture Uncertainty
- Social and Earth Systems Modeling using Greens Functions: Air Quality, Climate and Energy Policy
- South American Trade Wind Changes over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle
- Space-Time Monitoring of Groundwater in the Coastal Los Angeles Basins via Seismic Interferometry
- Spatiotemporal Evolution of Slow-Slip in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Stability of the North American Craton from Petrologic Interpretations of Seismic Tomography
- Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Evaluating Air Quality Policies under Changing Meteorological Conditions
- Streamer Corona Discharge in Wind
- Stress State on the North Anatolian Fault Thirteen Years After the 1999 M7.4 Izmit Earthquake
- Student-created audio stories impact perceptions of learning environment
- Ten months of Perseverance on Mars
- The Bathymetric Consequence to the Long-Term Carbon Cycle: Paleogene to Present
- The Diabatic Rossby Vortex: Growth Rate, Length Scale, and the Wave-Vortex Transition
- The Effect of Elasticity on Acousticgravity Waves From Multifault Rupture
- The Effects of Atmospheric Oxidation on the Mutagenic Potential of Benzo[a]pyrene Aerosol Particles
- The Environment-Vulnerability-Decision-Technology Modeling Framework Applied to Environmental Justice Activism in Carceral Landscapes
- The Feasibility of Space-Based Stellar Occultation Observations of Uranus and Neptune
- The Global Budget and Drivers of Fungal Spore Bioaerosol
- The Global Fingerprint of Modern Ice-Mass Loss on 3-D Crustal Motion
- The Impact of Very-Short Lived Chlorine Compounds and GHGs on Trends in Stratospheric Ozone
- The Kids Arent Alright
- The Northwest African Monsoon through the (ice) ages: new evidence for low-latitude drivers of monsoon rainfall, vegetation and dust flux over the past 1.1 million years
- The Notional Plan for Sample Collections by the Perseverance Rover for Mars Sample Return
- The Paleoinclination of the Ancient Lunar Magnetic Field from an Apollo 17 Basalt
- The Role of Relative Humidity on the Photo-bleaching of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol
- The co-occurrence of volcanic eruptions and chlorophyll blooms at Nishinoshima Volcano, Japan
- The detectability of asteroid magnetospheres
- The early phase lunar magnetic field as recorded by Apollo 17 mare basalts
- The enigma of lobate soil patterns: Bridging scales, materials, and worlds
- The ferric-ity ferrous wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The impact of model uncertainty in surface forcings on the properties of Southern Ocean mode waters.
- The importance of atmospheric ammonia oxidation as a secondary source of N2O
- The importance of speciated observational constraints for improving aerosol pollution attribution over India
- The influence of stress history and geologic heterogeneity on fracture opening and abundance at Forsmark, Sweden
- The mycorrhizal associated nutrient economy hypothesis: New formulations, context dependencies and research needs
- The role of sub-hazards in tropical cyclone impact modelling now and in a changing climate
- Thermospheric modification by isolated periods of geomagnetic activity during solar minimum.
- Time-Lapse Imaging of Seismic Velocity Changes in Response to Earthquakes and Hydrologic Processes
- Toward a Simulation - Retrieval System for Demonstrating Tomography of Internal Gravity Waves: Analysis of High-Resolution MPAS Simulations
- Towards an Improved Representation of Fire VOCs: Emissions to Reactivity
- Towards robust modeling and upscaling of wetland CH4 emission using FLUXNET-CH4 dataset, remote sensing and machine learning
- Towards the development of 3D lunar surface depth-data collection for geology in virtual reality.
- Transport methods for nonlinear smoothing
- Trends in the representation of women among US geoscience faculty from 1999-2020: the long road towards gender parity
- Understanding the Distribution of Convective Precipitation over an Idealized Synoptic Scale Soil Moisture Gradient with Horizontal Mean Wind
- Understanding the seismic cycle with a simple poly-linear failure law in a 1D spring-slider model
- Unlocking the Secrets Held by Organic Carbon Deposited within Speleothems: A Test Case in Northwestern Madagascar
- Unsupervised spectral feature extraction applied to acoustic emissions during brittle creep of basalt under dry and wet conditions
- Uptake of HCl and HNO3 on solid particles in potential solar geoengineering scenarios: experiments and modeling
- Using Magnetic Flux Conservation to Determine Heliosheath Speeds
- Using SQUID Microscopy to Obtain High Resolution Paleomagnetic Records from Speleothems
- Using Saildrone Observations to Understand Diurnal Variability in Arctic Sea Surface Temperature
- VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, And Spectroscopy): Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World
- Valuation and Mapping of Environmental and Economic Factors to Support Climate-Friendly Land Use Decisions in the Massachusetts Cranberry Industry
- Water-Related Threats to Indonesias Economy
- Wave propagation on Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, quantified with remote sensing
- Wettability axis in Lenormands phase diagram
- What makes low-frequency earthquakes low frequency: cluster-based constraints on the attenuation structure of the Nankai plate interface (Japan)
- Wildfire Extremes in Australia and Their impacts to Local Infrastructure and Economies
- 4D computed tomography of granular force chains
- A 4.565-Ga record of the solar nebula field
- A High-Fidelity Approach for Physics-Based Modeling of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- A Sedimentary Sink for Mars' Early Carbon
- A WENO-based Vector Invariant advection scheme for Implicit Ocean LES
- A data-driven snapshot algorithm for high-resolution soil moisture retrievals for the upcoming NISAR mission
- A new scenario framework for the Multi-Sector Dynamics and related communities
- AC Global Circuit Variation over 19 Consecutive Days
- ALOS-2 Observations Across Spatial Scales in Central and Northern California
- Accelerated Optimal Data Acquisition When Learning Subgrid-Scale Parameters in an Idealized GCM
- Adaptive Water Supply Planning under Uncertain Climate Oscillation Patterns
- Advances in Simulating the Global Spatial Heterogeneity of Air Quality and Source Sector Contributions: Insights into the Global South
- An assessment of the performance of bias correction techniques for surface ozone burdens simulated by global chemistry-climate models
- Applications of Earth Observation data to address Forest and Coastal Wetland related SDG indicators 6, 14 and 15 in West Africa
- Applications of GNSS to Lithium-ion Battery Waste Management: Preliminary Analysis Towards Identifying Potential Lithium-ion Battery Waste Locations
- Applications of the Environment-Vulnerability-Decision-Technology (EVDT) Integrated Analysis Framework to support Biodiversity Management in West Africa
- Assessing Air Quality Using Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors in the Greater Atlanta Area
- Assessing the controls on rainfall and δ18O variability in Mexico
- Background nitrogen dioxide (NO2) over the United States and its implications for satellite observations and trends: roles of aircraft, wildfires, and nitrate photolysis
- Bayesian Joint Inversion of Sp Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities for the Structure of the Cratonic Upper Mantle
- Buttressing Effect and Disintegration of the Landfast Sea Ice Pack in the Larsen B Embayment, Antarctic Peninsula
- Calibration of non-heating methods for paleointensity estimation from chemical remanent magnetization
- Can We Constrain the Structure Under Large Basins from Gravity?
- Cassini RSS Bistatic Observations of Titan's seas: new insights into their composition and roughness
- Chamber Studies of the Products and Mechanism of Dimethyl Sulfide Oxidation
- Characterization of Acoustic Emissions during Transient Creep Deformation due to Brittle Creep using Geometric-Mean Reverse-Time Migration
- Characterizing Caribbean Hydroclimate Variability across the Last Deglacial: Insights from High-Resolution Speleothem Records
- Characterizing Seasonal Variation in Airborne Measurements of Dimethyl Sulfide in the San Joaquin Valley of California
- Characterizing Transient Brittle Creep by Ultrasonic Pulsing
- Climate Extremes and the Future of the Power Sector in the U.S. Heartland: A Multi-Sector Dynamics Perspective
- Climate change is increasing the risk of compound flooding by tropical cyclones in New York City
- Cloud Feedback on Earth's Long-term Climate Simulated by a Near-global Cloud-permitting Model
- Clumped and conventional isotopes of natural gas reveal basin burial, denudation, flushing, and biodegradation history
- Co-Producing Remote Sensing Tools to advance Environmental Justice in Prison Landscapes
- Collaborative Development and Evaluation of Remote Sensing Analyses to Support Decision Making Regarding Coastal Resilience in Pekalongan, Indonesia
- Combined STIS and VIMS Retrievals of Titan's Haze Methane Distributions and Selected Surface Albedo Maps
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Comparing Organic Nitrate Formation in Different VOC & NOx Regimes
- Compressible Turbulence in the Heliosheaths: Spectral Properties of Plasma and Magnetic Field Fluctuations
- Constraining mountain streamflow constituents by integrating citizen scientist acquired geochemical samples and Sentinel-1 SAR wet snow time series for the Shimshal catchment in the Karakoram Mountains of Pakistan
- Constraining the Conditions Under Which Ice Fractures on Antarctic Ice Shelves Using Satellite Observations
- Constraints on the Seawater δ18O-Sea Surface Salinity Relationship across the Strong 2015/2016 ENSO Cycle
- Continuous high spatial and temporal resolution remote sensing observations will allow rapid learning of physics from data
- Convective plume and tracer transport under the geysers on Enceladus
- Correlating Spatial Heterogeneity in Carbon Sequestration and Hydrodynamic Intensity in Seagrass Meadows
- Daily Space-Based Observations of Nitrogen Dioxide Inequalities in Major U.S. Cities
- Decarbonized Future Power-Gas Systems under Large-Scale Electrification of Building Heating
- Deformation on the Microscale: Quantifying Source Parameters and Localized Heating during High-pressure Failure in the Laboratory
- Detecting Coastal Landforms on Titan
- Detection of tectonic tremor activity along the NW zone of the Caribbean coast and its implication with subduction processes: An study case with Colombia-Venezuela CARMA seismological network
- Determining shallow structure beneath the dense LASSO array to improve ground motion prediction and source-parameter estimation
- Developing an Interactive Mapping Tool with MATLAB to Identify the Optimal Carbon-Emitting Facilities to Retrofit with CCS
- Differentiation of the Angrite Parent Body: implications of a moon-sized planetesimal in the early Solar System.
- Drivers of Decadal Rainfall Variability in Mainland Southeast Asia: Insights from Tree-Ring Reconstructions and the Last Millennium Ensemble
- Drivers of Variability in the Position of the Subtropical Jet Over Nepal in the Last Millennium Ensemble
- Ductile-Brittle Damage Mechanics using a Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Cohesive Zone Model
- Earth's Earliest Atmosphere and Volatile Loss During Accretion
- Effect of natural variability in mediating short term adaptation to air pollution
- Effects of Snow Conditions on Antarctic Air-Dropped Penetrator
- Entraining West African scientists into the global science enterprise via open-source software and cloud computing
- Escaping outflows from disintegrating exoplanets: day-side versus night-side escape
- Estimating the dominant creep mechanisms and viscous stress exponent (n) in fast-flowing glaciers
- Evaluating Simulations of Secondary Inorganic Aerosols Using a Suite of Aircraft Campaigns
- Evaluating uncertainties in latewood tree ring reconstructions of tropical cyclone precipitation using statistically/dynamically downscaled storms
- Evolution of Convective Energy and Inhibition before Instances of Large CAPE
- Examining the Sensitivity of Ice Sheet Models to Updates in Rheology (n=4)
- Expected particle radiation around magnetized small bodies and implications to mission design
- Experimental Constraints on the Strength and Deformation Mechanisms of Glaucophane at Subduction Zone Conditions
- Exploring Injection Locations for Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering to Maximize Particle Lifetime in the Stratosphere
- Exploring the Potential of Storing Hydrogen in Undeground Salt Caverns in the US.
- Extended active magnetic reconnection X-lines in three-dimensional kinetic turbulence
- Extreme Event Projection for a Changing Chaotic Attractor
- Fault Roughness Promotes Re-rupturing and Back Propagation
- Fault Zone CO2 Migration Hazard during Large-Scale Geologic Carbon Storage in the Miocene Section, Gulf of Mexico
- Fingerprinting coastal erosion processes from shoreline morphology on Earth and Titan
- First beam-forming observations from the new IRIS riometers
- Flow distribution and turbulence structure due to partially spanning logjams
- Fluid Inertia and Geometry Effects on Mixing at Three-dimensional Fracture
- Fluid Simulation of Farley-Buneman Instabilities: Model Description and Applications
- Fluid-Driven Transport of Round Sediment Particles: From Discrete Simulations to Continuum Modeling
- Fluid-filled granular media in confined geometries: a photoporomechanics study
- Forward and inverse modeling of nonisothermal multiphase poromechanics using physics-informed neural networks
- Future Ozone-Related Short-Term Excess Mortality Under a Changing Climate: A Multi-Location Study in 407 Cities in 20 Countries
- Generation and Maintenance of Negative Saturation Potential Vorticity in the Midlatitudes
- Glacial changes in sea level modulated millennia-scale variability of the Southeast Asian autumn monsoon
- Global Climate Impacts of Greenland and Antarctic Glacial Melt: A Comparative Study
- Global Maps and Drivers of Annual Plant Nitrogen Absorption
- Global ocean, sea-ice, and ocean biogeochemistry state estimates from the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Consortium
- Grain Size Sensitivity of Viscoelastic Relaxation in Dry, Melt-free Polycrystalline Olivine and its Seismological Implications
- Groundwater Fluctuations: 4D Constraints From Passive Seismic Interferometry
- Groundwater Methane Influenced by Surface Topography and Potential Sulfate-mediated Biogeochemical Processes in Shale Gas Development and Coal Mining Regions across Northern Appalachia
- Health benefits and employment impacts of decarbonization in China's electric power system
- Health impacts of smoke exposure in South America: Increased risk for populations in the Amazonian Indigenous territories
- Heterogeneous Coseismic Stress State Describes Off-fault Fractures Orientation in the 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence
- High-Resolution Paleomagnetic Analysis of a Detrital-Rich Portuguese Speleothem Using Magnetic Microscopy
- How can tropical peatland management problems benefit from a morphological perspective?
- Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Summer Agriculture in the American Midwest
- Impact of climate variability and change on the ozone response to NOx emissions reductions
- Impacts of Automated Isoprene Chemical Mechanism Reduction on SOA Chemistry and Air Quality in GEOS-Chem
- Impacts of Salinity and Consolidation on the Erosion Threshold and Microstructure of Smectite Clay
- Impacts of future climate change on global food production: perspectives from model simulations of multiple emission scenarios
- Implications of Policy Design and Socioeconomic Uncertainties for Energy Transitions and Sectoral Responses
- Increase in global and East Asia Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) emissions inferred from atmospheric observations
- Increased Momentum Loss by Secondary Circulation and Flow Separation in Estuarine Meanders
- Influence of Built Environment & Climate Variables on Semi-Volatile Organic Chemical Behaviour in Urban Environments
- Information Geometry of Statistical Manifolds and its Use in Data Assimilation
- Initiation of Sediment Resuspension by combined Wave-Current Conditions in an Artificial Seagrass Meadow
- Integrated laboratory and model approach to understanding the multiphase product distribution of Cl-initiated VOC oxidation
- Integrating portfolios for managing the water-energy-food nexus
- Intentional Creation of Carbon-Rich Dark Earth Soils in the Ancient Amazon
- Intermittency and electron heating in kinetic-Alfvén-wave turbulence
- Internal Tides on Europa and Implications for Surface Deformation
- Investigating Caribbean hydroclimate variability on orbital and millennial timescales using a 100 thousand-year stalagmite δ18O record from the Yucatan Peninsula
- Laboratory Study of Mechanical and Transport Properties of Bishop Tuff
- Lake levels in California using GNSS inversion with horizontal regularization
- Land Surface Influence on Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) Evolution During Drydowns
- Large Mitigation Potential of Smoke PM2.5 in the US from Human-Ignited Wildfires and Agricultural Fires
- Last Millennium Reconstruction of Thermocline Variability in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia - Implications for Large Scale Winds
- Lattice model of bed load sediment transport based on collective entrainment
- Lessons Learned From Quantifying the Propagation of Traveling Waves on Columbia Glacier, Alaska
- Localization of the Global Overturning Circulation in the Southern Ocean mapped by Thickness-Weighted Velocities
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Pickup H+ Near Jupiter: Neutral Hydrogen Loss By The Planetary System
- Magnetic gradiometry techniques developed for the Psyche Magnetometry Investigation
- Magnetic properties of martian basins cooled in a reversing dynamo
- Mapping Groundwater Level Changes using Surface Displacement and Machine Learning in California's Central Valley
- Mapping Organic-Mineral Associations in Jezero crater
- Mapping of Traveling Velocity Waves over Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, with Sentinel-1
- Meltwater generation in ice stream shear margins: case study in Antarctic ice streams
- Microscopic Defect Dynamics of a Brittle-to-Ductile transition
- Modeling Cosmogenic Nuclide Concentrations in Weathering Soils across Transient Evolving Topography
- Modeling Molecular Complexity: Building a Novel Multidisciplinary Machine Learning Framework to Understand Molecular Synthesis and Signatures
- Modeling Traveling Waves in Glaciers: Case Study on Sermeq Kujalleq, Greenland
- Modeling the Production of Heinrich Layers with an IRD Enabled Iceberg Model in MITgcm
- Modeling the impact of the urbanization on the Indian Summer Monsoon precipitation extremes
- Molecular Complexity to Biosignatures: A Machine Learning Pipeline that Connects Mass Spectrometry to Molecular Synthesis and Reaction Networks
- Multi-dimensional urban environmental justice analysis: exploring patterns, synergies, and trade-offs in Metro Vancouver
- Multiple Sulfur Isotope Insights on the Tectonic Evolution of the 4.02-2.94 Ga Acasta Gneiss Complex
- Multiple sulfur isotope fingerprints of sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane
- Neoproterozoic Dolomites Preserve Primary Clumped Isotope Temperatures
- New ALMA Maps of the Thermal inertia and Dielectric Constant of Asteroid (16) Psyche
- New Microbial Sources of 2- and 3-Methylhopanoids in Modern Anoxic, Acidic Hydrothermal Springs
- New Topographic Products for the Lunar South Pole from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- No Groundwater, No Fish: The Crucial Role of Groundwater in Supporting Streamflow in Non-Glacial, Salmon-Bearing Streams in South-Central Alaska
- Nonlinear Ensemble Transport Smoothing
- North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Response to Diverse El Niño Sea Surface Temperature Patterns Over the Past Millennium
- OPERA RTC Product, Algorithm, and Validation Approach
- Observations of Wave Propagation on Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Illuminate the Mechanics of Slip at the Bed
- Observations of the climate near the surface of Jezero over a half Mars year
- Obtaining High-resolution Holocene Paleomagnetic Records from Speleothems using Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) Microscopy
- On icy satellites, size controls the ice geometry
- On the Energization of Pickup Ions Downstream of the Heliospheric Termination Shock by Comparing 0.52–55 keV Observed Energetic Neutral Atom Spectra to Ones Inferred from Proton Hybrid Simulations
- Ophiolite-derived Clays Enhance Organic Carbon Burial
- Orienting Rock Cores on Mars Drilled by the Perseverance Rover for Martian Paleomagnetism Studies
- Our Evolving Understanding of Ocean Turbulence
- Phantom: An Aerobot Mission to the Skies of Venus
- Phase separation in magmatic reservoirs at intermediate crystallinities: experimental and modeling constraints
- Physical Insights from the Prediction of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability using Explainable Deep Neural Networks
- Physical Properties of Bishop Tuff (RORD REU Program)
- Physical properties of the solar corona derived from radio scintillation observations with the Akatsuki spacecraft
- Physics to machine learning, and machine learning back to physics
- Physics-embedded Inverse Analysis with Automatic Differentiation for Seismic Inversion
- Post-breakthrough evolution of viscous fingers
- Postseismic deformation following the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes from 3 years of survey GNSS data
- Pre-Equinox Wind Observations in Titan's Middle Atmosphere from Stellar Occultations and Direct Doppler-Shift Measurements with Comparisons to GCM Simulations
- Precipitation and temperature variability in Northern Mexico during the Eemian Interglacial.
- Psyche's Flyby of Mars: A First Test for the Magnetometers
- Quantifying carbon export and remineralization during a spring bloom using 238U-234Th disequilibrium in the EXPORTS Program
- Quantifying the Compounding, Co-Existing Nature and Inequities of Physical and Transition Risks Across the United States
- Quantifying the impact of terrestrial carbon and nutrient discharge on the global-ocean carbon cycle over seasonal-to-interannual timescales
- Reducing Biases and Improving Resolution of General Circulation Models with Statistically Consistent Machine Learning
- Refining Age Models of Columbia River Basalt Emplacement and the Miocene Climate Optimum with High-Precision Geochronology
- Regimes of hydrothermal plumes on Icy Ocean Worlds
- Reorientation of the Moon from its Bombardment History
- Retrieval of Snowpack Density and Ice Grain Radius From Time-Domain Diffuse Optical Measurements
- Risks and benefits of stratospheric solid particle injection for climate intervention
- Ruggedizing a Commercial Depth Camera for Novel Lunar Exploration
- SHERLOC investigations of the Jezero delta reveals preservation of organic compounds
- Sediment Entrainment by Waves and Tides on Titan
- Seismic evidence for a 1000-km mantle discontinuity under the Pacific
- Seismotectonic Evolution and Geothermal Energy Production in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification of E3SM Methane model using Machine Learning
- Shadow Chaser: a SmallSat concept to determine the middle and upper atmospheric structures of Uranus and Neptune through stellar-occultation measurements from Earth orbit
- Shallow ice-sheet composite structure revealed by seismic imaging near the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Camp
- Shear stress based models of bedrock river hydraulic geometry and long river profiles
- Simulation and Analysis of Deformation and Stability in Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Size Ranges of Magnetic Domain States in Tetrataenite and Implications for Past and Future Paleomagnetic Studies
- Soil Moisture Impacts on Convective Lightning Triggering
- Soil Moisture Profile Estimation by Combining P-band SAR Polarimetry with Soil Hydrological Modeling
- Soil moisture in Southeast Asian peatlands: data-driven estimates and its response to climate change
- Solar wind with Hydrogen Ion charge Exchange and Large-Scale Dynamics (SHIELD) DRIVE Science Center
- Space Weather Simulations Summer School
- Spatial Variability in Formaldehyde and Nitrogen Dioxide Diurnal Cycles in the NYC Area
- Spatially-resolved Lunar Phase Function at 1064 nm from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Passive Radiometry
- Stratospheric Modulation of the MJO through Cirrus Cloud Feedbacks
- Sulfur isotope fractionation during arc crust formation and differentiation: Evidence from the Talkeetna island arc, south-central Alaska
- Supersonic Ascent in the Hunga Tonga Hunga H'Apai Eruption to Account for Traversal of the Stratosphere
- Sustained long-term collapse of Conger-Glenzer ice shelf, East Antarctica
- Synthesizing Sinks: How Mars' Evolution Influenced the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
- System Engineering, Remote Observation, and Urban Planning in the Mid-1900s and Today: A Review and Research Agenda
- Systematic Investigation of Fluid-Fluid Displacement in Mixed-Wet Porous Media
- Targeting the Meso-Scale: The TREx Ground Network
- Testing Models of Conjugate Faulting in the Late Paleozoic New England Appalachian Orogen
- The Climate Consensus Network - Creating Capacity for Climate Outreach Within our Universities
- The Effect of Obliquity on Abiotic Oxygen Production in Habitable Zone Planet Atmospheres
- The Equilibrium Response of Climate and Composition to Lightning
- The International GNSS Service: Overview and Update
- The Northeast Dip of the Southern San Andreas Fault from Space Geodetic and Seismic Imaging
- The Psyche Magnetometry Investigation
- The Role of Space Charge Transport in the Self-Pulsating Behavior of Streamer Coronas
- The effect of fluid pressurization on energy partitioning during the earthquake cycle
- The influence of glaciers on iron cycling and export across a latitudinal gradient in Chilean Patagonian
- The intensification of winter mid-latitude storm tracks in the Southern Hemisphere
- The seismic anisotropy of glaucophane aggregates experimentally deformed at subduction zone pressure and temperature conditions
- Time-dependent Strain-rate Fields Forecast Rift Propagation: Case Study on the Brunt Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Timelines of plume characteristics of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption sequence from 19 December 2021 to 16 January 2022: Himawari-8 observations
- Towards a better understanding of thallium isotope cycling in modern redox-stratified settings
- Towards a theory for the Indo-Pacific middepth stratification
- Trace-Level Volatile Organic Compound Occurrence in Domestic Groundwater Wells in Areas of Extensive Horizontal Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing Activity
- Tropical surface temperature response to vegetation cover changes and the role of drylands
- Tropospheric Influence on Stratospheric Tropical Upwelling
- Turbulence and Bedload Sediment Transport in Submerged Vegetation Canopies
- Two millennia of tropical rain belt expansion and contraction driven by Pacific decadal variability
- UV Detectors and Instrumentation for Exoplanet Studies
- Understanding Hydrochemical Data Through a Geological Context in the Anchor River Watershed, Kenai Peninsula Lowlands, Alaska
- Understanding the Origin and Evolution Iron-Rich Worlds from Spacecraft Exploration of Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Unraveling the complex interplay of different mechanisms driving the seismicity at the Alto Tiberina Fault with unsupervised clustering.
- Uranus' Lower Thermosphere is Cooler than Previously Thought
- Use of Terrestrial HF Signals in Riometer Data to Investigate the Size of the Absorbing Region
- Using Open Data to Understand Air Pollution Exposure in Resource-Constrained Environments
- Using Quantile Regression to Detect Regional and Global Signals in Atmospheric Mercury Trends
- Using Ultrasound Probes to study magma mush compaction: Effects of particle shape and particle interactions in an analog system
- Using banded iron formations to resolve variations in the Precambrian paleomagnetic field: first steps and future directions
- Validating SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth in Forests: Summary of Activities in 2022
- Variational Inference of Ice Shelf Rheology with Physics-Informed Machine Learning
- Volcanic Smog Observations During the Current Kīlauea Eruption Using a Low-cost Sensor Network
- Volume Fraction of Subducted Basaltic Crust Above the Core-Mantle Boundary Revealed by PKPdf and PKPbc Waves
- Voyager Observations of the Energy Dependence of Galactic Cosmic Rays Anisotropies in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
- WISER - A Customizable, Extendable Visualization and Analysis Tool for Imaging Spectroscopy Data
- Wettability effects on fluid-fluid displacement in a capillary tube: phase-field modeling and experiment
- Workshop report: Future of the U.S. reanalysis efforts
- Wormhole Formation in a Porous Medium: A Three-Dimensional Study of Its Length Scaling and Effect on Permeability
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Allam
- A. A. Borsa
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. B. Jost
- A. Bécel
- A. C. McAdam
- A. E. E. Rogers
- A. Ermakov
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Ridley
- A. Jarnot
- A. S. Brecht
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- A. Verbiscer
- Aaron Berg
- Abigail Azari
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adam Michael
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Ajay Lotekar
- Akihiko Ito
- Alan D. Rooney
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Ale×ander R. Cobb
- Ali Abdolali
- Ali Sarhadi
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Aline Peltier
- Alireza Tabatabaeenejad
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Allan H. Treiman
- Allyson Bieryla
- Amanda Giang
- Amy Hrdina
- Amy J. Williams
- Ana M. Vicedo‐Cabrera
- Anastasia Romanou
- Anastasia Yanchilina
- Andrea Corpolongo
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrei P. Sokolov
- Andrew D. Ashton
- Andrew J. S. Meijers
- Andrew R. Babbin
- Ane Alencar
- Angel Mojarro
- Angela Gallego‐Sala
- Angelo Gurgel
- Anke Fluhrer
- Ann M. Bauer
- Annabel Wolf
- Annemarieke Béguin
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Arnaud Buch
- Arya Udry
- Aryeh Feinberg
- Ashley K. Lang
- Ashok Kumar Gupta
- Asier Munguira
- Atsushi Yamazaki
- Atılım Güneş Baydin
- Avantika Gori
- Avni Malhotra
- B. Boston
- B. Fleck
- B. Horgan
- B. K. Holtzman
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. P. Weiss
- Barry A. Klinger
- Bas van de Schootbrugge
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin H. Tiger
- Benjamin N. Murphy
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin T. Uveges
- Benjamin V. Rackham
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Bodo Bookhagen
- Bradford H. Hager
- Bradley W. Goodfellow
- Brent Minchew
- Brian C. O’Neill
- Brian Evans
- Brian J. Harding
- Bruce Chapman
- Bryan G. Mark
- Bryan Riel
- C. A. Raymond
- C. B. Olkin
- C. C. Walker
- C. D. Cappa
- C. Hain
- C. Havlin
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. J. Bierson
- C. M. Jackman
- C. R. Englert
- C. T. Russell
- Cailey Condit
- Calum P. Fox
- Camilla Cattania
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Carolina Lithgow‐Bertelloni
- Carolina Martin-Rubio
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Carsten Montzka
- Catherine Wilka
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Charles W. Smith
- Chen Wu
- Chengxin Jiang
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chet Ruszczyk
- Chien Wang
- Chris Hill
- Chris Polashenski
- Christian Huber
- Christian Tate
- Christine Hatté
- Christine McCarthy
- Christoph Müller
- Christopher A. Shuman
- Christopher B. Gardner
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher H. House
- Christopher W. Kinsley
- Christopher W. MacMinn
- Christopher Y. Lim
- Ciarán Beggan
- Claire Nichols
- Clara Orbe
- Claudia Cenedese
- Clay Tabor
- Colette L. Heald
- Colin J. Lonsdale
- Colin Pennington
- Colin R. Meyer
- Colin Triplett
- Colin Wilson
- Colleen M. Hansel
- Connor Henley
- Cyril Szopa
- César Terrer
- D. C. Nunes
- D. E. Lalich
- D. Florez
- D. J. Cziczo
- D. J. Lawrence
- D. K. Henze
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. M. Gillies
- D. M. Ricciuto
- D. Queloz
- D. R. Ardila
- D. T. Shindell
- Danica Adams
- Daniel H. Rothman
- Daniel J. Short Gianotti
- Daniel M. Tartakovsky
- Daniel Martín
- Daniel Ortega‐Arroyo
- Daniel P. Glavin
- Daniel Zuleta
- Danielle Wood
- Dara Entekhabi
- David A. Randall
- David Bekaert
- David Essing
- David K. Ralston
- David Lagomasino
- David McGee
- David N. Bresch
- David R. Thompson
- David W. Keith
- Dayang Wang
- Delia W Oppo
- Donald K. Perovich
- Donald R. Blake
- Douglas A. Day
- Duo Li
- Dustin Carroll
- Dylan B. Millet
- E X Bonilla
- E. Cardarelli
- E. Heggy
- E. J. Wallace
- E. K. Sutton
- E. M. Golos
- E. Mazarico
- E. Roussos
- E. S. Cochran
- E. Spanswick
- Earle Williams
- Eduardo A. Lima
- Edwin S. Kite
- Ehsan Haghighat
- Elfatih A. B. Eltahir
- Elias N. Mansbach
- Elisephane Irankunda
- Elizabeth C Sibert
- Elsa Ducrot
- Emma Boland
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Enrico Milanese
- Enrique Rojas Villalba
- Eri Saikawa
- Eric Deal
- Eric Kirby
- Erwan Monier
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eun‐Soon Im
- Eva L. Scheller
- F. Bagenal
- F. J. Pozuelos
- F. L. Vernon
- F. S. Mozer
- F. Waldhauser
- F. X. Timmes
- Facundo Sapienza
- Fangqun Yu
- Federico Fraternale
- Feng Dong
- Fernando Garcia–Menendez
- Florent Aden-Antoniów
- Foteini Vervelidou
- France Lagroix
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- Franck Montmessin
- Frank D. Lind
- Frank N. Keutsch
- Frederik J. Simons
- Frédéric Masson
- Fátima Husain
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. A. Prieto
- G. B. Crew
- G. C. Beroza
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. P. Zank
- G. Ricker
- Gabriel Bridges
- Gabriel Chiodo
- Gabriela Serrato Marks
- Gabriele Morra
- Gan Luo
- Gareth Izon
- Gareth J. Funning
- Garima Raheja
- Gavin McNicol
- Gaël Forget
- Gisela Winckler
- Go Murakami
- Grant Ferguson
- Gregory A. Neumann
- Gregory L. Britten
- Gregory LeClaire Wagner
- Gregory T. Carling
- Guanju Wei
- Guido D. Salvucci
- Gurjeet Singh
- Gustavo H. X. Shiroma
- Guy J. G. Paxman
- Gábor Tóth
- H. A. Weaver
- H. C. F. C. Hay
- H. C. P. Lau
- H. F. Mark
- H. Fichtner
- H. L. Nguyen
- Han Huang
- Hanchao Jian
- Hannah S. Kenagy
- Hanqin Tian
- Haozhe Yang
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Havala O. T. Pye
- Heidi Nepf
- Helen G. Siegel
- Helena Vallicrosa
- Helene C. Muller‐Landau
- Hilary Chang
- Hiroki Ando
- Hongkyu Yoon
- Hongrui Qiu
- Hugh Coe
- I. Gama
- I. H. Hutchinson
- I. Jun
- I. Kowalska-Leszczyńska
- I. R. Linscott
- I. Y. Vasko
- Ian Fenty
- Ian Jackson
- Ian Raphael
- Ichiro Fukumori
- Imke de Pater
- Inés Sanz-Morère
- Ioan Lascu
- Isabel F. Trigo
- Isabella Schalko
- Ishir Dutta
- Ishita Shrivastava
- Isla R. Simpson
- Ivan di Stefano
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. A. Tarduno
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. C. Kasper
- J. C. Rowland
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Mitchell
- J. Helbert
- J. J. Kavelaars
- J. Jiménez-Martín
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. L. Hora
- J. L. Whitten
- J. Liang
- J. M. Sokół
- J. Maurer
- J. Ott
- J. P. Burrows
- J. P. Canales
- J. R. Johnson
- J. R. Spencer
- J. Sylwester
- J. T. Clarke
- J. T. Keane
- J. Taylor Perron
- J. U. Ness
- J. W. Head
- Jacob S. Jordan
- Jaden J. A. Hastings
- James East
- James Hall
- James Harle
- James T. Kirby
- James W. Elkins
- James W. Hannigan
- Jan Riad El Kassar
- Janni Yuval
- Jason M. Soderblom
- Jason P. Dworkin
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jennifer Kasbohm
- Jennifer S. Lund
- Jens Mühle
- Jeremy G. Venditti
- Jesse H. Kroll
- Jesse Reimink
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica L. Conroy
- Jian Gong
- Jiarui Lei
- Jiaxuan Li
- Ji‐Hyun Kim
- Joanna J. Bryson
- Jocelyn N. Reahl
- Joeri Rogelj
- John C. Gosse
- John Marshall
- John S. Kimball
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan E. Grindlay
- Jonathan J. Buonocore
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Jonathan Lin
- Jonathan R. Lamontagne
- Jordan E. Krechmer
- Jorge Núñez
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Josef Dufek
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Joshua C. Bregy
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Joshua N. Winn
- Josimar A. Silva
- José M.G. Merayo
- Juan M. Lora
- Judy Q. Yang
- Julianne J. Miller
- Jun Meng
- Jun Wang
- Jun Yang
- Junle Jiang
- Justin Estep
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin L. Rubinstein
- Justin N. Maki
- József Bór
- K. Dialynas
- K. H. Williford
- K. Kobayashi
- K. M. Fischer
- K. N. Singer
- K. R. Johnson
- Kai Chen
- Kane Stone
- Kang Sun
- Kara D. Lamb
- Karl M. Seltzer
- Katharine R Hendry
- Kathryn C. Conlon
- Kathryn Materna
- Kazumasa Iwai
- Ken L. Ferrier
- Ken O. Buesseler
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kilian B. Kemna
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kostas Tsigaridis
- Kristen E. Fauria
- Kristin Bergmann
- Kunio M. Sayanagi
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. A. Ward
- L. C. Ray
- L. E. Brown
- L. Golub
- L. Iess
- L. K. Tamppari
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- L. W. Beegle
- Laiyin Zhu
- Lambert Delbeke
- Laura Schaefer
- Laura Slivinski
- Lee T. Murray
- Liam Bindle
- Liam J. Kelly
- Lily Zhang
- Lionel Garcia
- Lise Retailleau
- Lluís Saló-Salgado
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Louis S. Hansen
- Louis Verchot
- Louis-Alexandre Couston
- Louisa I Bradtmiller
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- Léo Martire
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Nolan
- M. D. Behn
- M. D. Dyar
- M. D. Smith
- M. E. French
- M. E. Hill
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. H. Burger
- M. H. Hecht
- M. J. Cooper
- M. K. Barker
- M. M. Hirschmann
- M. Nachon
- M. Opher
- M. Pätzold
- M. R. Argall
- M. Simons
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. T. Zuber
- M. Tzortziou
- Madankui Tao
- Maike Sonnewald
- Malcolm C. A. White
- Manlin Xu
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Mara Freilich
- Marc Kornbleuth
- Marc Simard
- Marco Dentz
- Marco Zannoni
- Mariah Baker
- Mark A. Sephton
- Mark Branson
- Mark Hoggard
- Mark Weber
- Markus Ammann
- Markus Scheucher
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martin Connors
- Martin Cordiner
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masuo Nakano
- Matthew B. Goss
- Matthew Levy
- Matthew Newman
- Matthew Parno
- Matthew Rigby
- Matthew Route
- Matěj Peč
- Maximilian Ramgraber
- Maya F. Stokes
- Megan Lickley
- Meghan Miller
- Meghana Ranganathan
- Meng Li
- Mengyu Wei
- Michael Andrew Chen
- Michael F. Howland
- Michael Floyd
- Michael H. Cosh
- Michael L. Griffiths
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael M. Sori
- Michael Person
- Michael S. Pritchard
- Michael Stock
- Michael Weimer
- Michael Wolff
- Michelle K. Lee
- Miguel Ramos
- Min Chen
- Mingyu Yan
- Mitsuteru Sato
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- Mohammad Mousavi
- Mumin Oladipo
- Márcia C. Castro
- N. A. O'Mara
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Lapusta
- N. Mangold
- N. V. Pogorelov
- Naota Hanasaki
- Nathan Dadap
- Nathaniel A. Lifton
- Nathaniel C. Miller
- Nicholas A. Lombardo
- Nicholas Wright
- Nick Scroxton
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Ning Lin
- Noelle E. Selin
- Nori Nakata
- Nuno Loureiro
- Oliver R. A. Dunbar
- Olivier L. de Weck
- P. Corlies
- P. Elósegui
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J. Polissar
- P. K. Byrne
- P. M. Bremner
- P. R. Mahaffy
- P. Segall
- P. Swaczyna
- P. Y. Meslin
- P. de Vicente
- Paige E. Martin
- Pamela Wales
- Pascal Audet
- Patrick Dobson
- Patrick Heimbach
- Patrick L. Barnard
- Paul A. O’Gorman
- Paul Lerner
- Paul Withers
- Paula do Vale Pereira
- Pauli Kehayias
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Peidong Wang
- Peishi Jiang
- Peng Mun Siew
- Perry A. Gerakines
- Peter K. Kang
- Piero Poli
- Pierre Beck
- Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux
- Pierre Gentine
- Pierre Romanet
- Pieter‐Ewald Share
- Pilar Sánchez‐Pastor
- Pincelli M. Hull
- Ping Zhang
- Plinio Jaqueto
- Preet Lal
- Prithvi Thakur
- Prithviraj Pramanik
- Péter Móra
- Péter Steinbach
- Qian Li
- Qing Zhu
- Qing‐Yu Wang
- R. A. Beyer
- R. A. Yingst
- R. B. Decker
- R. D. Cottrell
- R. G. French
- R. G. Gillies
- R. Hueso
- R. I. Trindade
- R. Ilie
- R. J. Harrison
- R. J. Salawitch
- R. M. Harrington
- R. M. Skarbek
- R. N. Greenberger
- R. Palermo
- R. Pappalardo
- R. R. Forster
- R. Said
- R. Wordsworth
- Rachel C. Glade
- Rachel E. Abercrombie
- Raffaele Ferrari
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Randall V. Martin
- Raphael Marschall
- Raphaël Payet-Burin
- Ray F. Weiss
- Rei Chemke
- Renyu Hu
- Richard Cosentino
- Richard P. Phillips
- Robbie M. Parks
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert F. Rogers
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robert Sullivan
- Robert Weisberg
- Robin R. Dawson
- Roger C. Wiens
- Roland Bürgmann
- Rolando R. García
- Rolf Dach
- Romina Nikoukar
- Ronald G. Prinn
- Rubén Juanes
- Ruzbeh Akbar
- Ryosuke Ando
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. A. Montzka
- S. A. Stern
- S. E. Smrekar
- S. F. Sholes
- S. Gburek
- S. P. Joy
- S. R. Kamaletdinov
- S. Rodríguez
- S. S. Leroy
- S. Zurita‐Zurita
- Saleh Al Nasser
- Sally E. Pusede
- Samuel Birch
- Samuel Kachuck
- Samuel L. Goldberg
- Sander Goossens
- Santiago J. Benavides
- Sara Navarro
- Sara Shamekh
- Sarah C. Steele
- Sarah Fletcher
- Sarah Greer
- Sarah J. Feakins
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sebastian D. Eastham
- Seulgi Moon
- Seyed Hamed Alemohammad
- Shane Stoner
- Shannon MacKenzie
- Shaozhuo Liu
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Shufen Pan
- Shujuan Mao
- Sidhant J. Pai
- Sidharth Misra
- Siegfried Eggl
- Sigurjón Jónsson
- Sijie Yu
- Simon Kraatz
- Simon N. Gosling
- Simon Yueh
- Simone Servadio
- Sonali McDermid
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Sophie Coulson
- Stefano Bertone
- Stephanie Dutkiewicz
- Stephen Bourguet
- Stephen R. Guimond
- Steve P. Lund
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Sujata A. Murty
- Sun Hong-wei
- Sunanda Sharma
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Susan Benecchi
- Susan Solomon
- Susana Hoyos
- Susanne E. Bauer
- Sylvain Barbot
- Sylvia Dee
- T. A. Herring
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. J. Immel
- T. Prusti
- T. S. J. Gabriel
- Tak Chu Li
- Takahiko Uchide
- Takeshi Imamura
- Tamás Bozóki
- Tao Sheng
- Tarique Adnan Siddiqui
- Theodore M. Present
- Theresa Sawi
- Therese S. Carter
- Thibaud M. Fritz
- Thomas Clune
- Thorne Lay
- Tian Zhao
- Tiange Xing
- Tianjia Liu
- Tim M. Conway
- Timothy D. Gebhard
- Timothy W. Cronin
- Tobias Köhne
- Tom Beucler
- Tong Bai
- Tong Bo
- Tongzhang Qu
- Tripti Bhattacharya
- Trista J. Vick‐Majors
- Tristan H. Abbott
- Tristan J. Horner
- Tushar Mittal
- Tyler J. Mackey
- U. Faul
- Ulrich K. Krieger
- Umair bin Waheed
- V. Apéstigue
- V. Faye McNeill
- V. J. Bray
- V. Z. Sun
- Valentin Churavy
- Valeria Barra
- Valerio Poggiali
- Valère Lambert
- Vandana Jha
- Vernon F. Cormier
- Veronika Eyring
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Vincent Rossi
- Vishnu Viswanathan
- Vladislav Izmodenov
- W. Frank
- W. Lei
- W. Neely
- W. P. Kustas
- W. Rideout
- Wanyi Lu
- Wanying Kang
- Wei Li
- Weiwei Ding
- Wenfeng Liu
- William J. Riley
- William J. Shinevar
- William R. Boos
- William R. Saunders
- Wim Thiery
- Wu Hao
- Wyn Williams
- Xiaojing Fu
- Xiaojuan Yang
- Xiaoli Sun
- Xingqian Cui
- Xinyi Song
- Xinyuan Wei
- Xuan Ji
- Xueying Yu
- Yajing Liu
- Yakun Liu
- Yanan You
- Yang Li
- Yannick Peings
- Yaowei Li
- Yehuda Ben‐Zion
- Yi Ming
- Yi Qi
- Yi Wang
- Yihe Huang
- Yingcai Zheng
- Yixiao Zhang
- Yi‐Hsin Liu
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yonggang Liu
- Yoshihide Wada
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Young‐Oh Kwon
- Yuankun Xu
- Yue Zhang
- Yuexin Li
- Yuri Fialko
- Yuyun Yang
- Zhendong Zhang
- Zihao Bian
- Ziwei Li
- Zunli Lu
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo
- Étienne Bresciani
- А. V. Artemyev