Towards an Integrated Seismic Characterization of the Slave Craton

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Listed Authors
Rondenay, S.
Snyder, D. B.
Chen, C.
Straub, K. M.
Bank, C.
Bostock, M. G.
Listed Institutions
MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave, 54-512, Cambridge, MA 02139 United States
Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E9 Canada
MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave, 54-512, Cambridge, MA 02139 United States
MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave, 54-512, Cambridge, MA 02139 United States
University of Toronto, Earth Science Center, 22 Russell St., Toronto, ON M5S 3B1 Canada
University of British Columbia, 2219 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada

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