University of Toronto, Canada
flowchart I[University of Toronto, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1461)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (318)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Toronto, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of Toronto, Department of Physics
- University of Toronto, Dunlap Institute
- University of Toronto, Mississauga
- University of Toronto, Scarborough
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Carbon Isotopic Enrichment: A Tool for Monitoring Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes on Iron PRBs and Mineralization by Microbial Consortia
- Degassing of Felsic Magma and Possible Magmatic Contribution to the PACMANUS Hydrothermal System in the Eastern Manus Back-arc Basin: ODP Leg 193
- Densified SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass: A Raman and XANES Oxygen K-edge spectroscopic study
- Hydrocarbon Gases in Hydrogeologically Isolated Fractures in Au Mines of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Potential Substrates for Deep Subsurface Microorganisms
- Kinetic Controls on the Distribution of Chalcophile Elements Between Silicate and Metal-Rich Liquids
- Kinetics and Product Yields in the Heterogeneous Reactions of HOBr with Reactive Halide Surfaces
- Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds on Organic Water Surfaces
- Mantle Flow Modeling of the Anomalous Subsidence of the Silurian Baltic Basin
- Measurement of Knudsen Diffusion Coefficients in Dolostone Rock
- Microbial Abundance and Diversity at 0.8 to 3.6 Kilometers Beneath the Surface in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Mineralization of Iron Oxyhydroxides in the Presence and in the Absence of Bacterial Cells
- Mopitt CO Measurements: Assimilation and Inverse Modeling
- Noble Gas Study On Deep Mine Waters, South Africa
- Patterns of Carbon Source and Sink Distribution in Canada's Forests Resulting From Disturbance and Climate Change
- Slab Detachment and Polarity Reversal of Convergent Mantle Lithosphere at Continental Plate Collision
- Subseafloor Boiling Within the PACMANUS Hydrothermal System Indicated by Anhydrite-Hosted Fluid Inclusions from ODP Leg 193 Cores
- The Effect of Bacterial Surfaces on Silica Precipitation
- The Influence of Organic Coatings on the Hygroscopic Properties of Atmospheric Particles
- Time-dependent surface topography in a free surface crust-mantle convection model
- An Inverse Thellier Method of Paleointensity Determination
- Analysis of Non-Equispaced VLBI Nutation Measurements
- Are Organic Aerosols Good Cloud Condensation Nuclei?
- Climate Change in the North Pacific Region Over the Last Three Centuries as Expressed in an ice Core From Mount Logan
- Compound Specific Isotope Analysis: A Novel Method of Assessment and Quantification of In Situ Remediation Potential
- Hydrocarbon Gas and Microbial Geochemistry in the Deep Subsurface of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Hydrocarbon Observations as a Function of Meteorological Regime
- Interactions of Atmospheric Trace Organics With Aqueous Surfaces
- Intraplate Deformation Driven by Mantle Downwelling and the Effect of Crustal Radioactive Heating
- Kinetics of Calcite Precipitation Induced by Ureolytic Bacteria at 10 to 20 <SUP>o</SUP>C in Artificial Groundwater
- Mantle Flow, Dynamic Topography and Rift-Flank Uplift of Arabia
- Measurement of Total Non-volatile and Semi-volatile Organic Carbon Associated with PM2.5 in Vancouver during Pacific 2001
- Nonlinear and Multivectorial Paleointensity Data: Problems and Opportunities
- Numerical modeling of creep in high-contrast Maxwell solids
- Ore Metal-rich Fluids Degassed from a Fractionating Magma Chamber in the Eastern Manus Basin, Western Pacific: Evidence from Melt Inclusions and Vesicles
- Reaction Probabilities for N2O5 Hydrolysis on Organic Aerosols at Room Temperature
- Sensitivity of MPAN at the PROPHET Site
- Stable Carbon Isotope Evidence and Quantification of Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes at Kelly AFB, TX
- The Role of Mantle Flow in the Late Miocene Evolution of the New Hebrides Subduction Boundary
- The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars
- Uptake of Nitric Acid by Soot: Evidence for Reversible, Dissociative Adsorption
- Uptake of Water by Organic Films: the Influence of Degree of Oxidation on CCN Ability
- CO2 Well Gas, Noble Gases and the Origin of Volatiles in the Earth's Mantle
- Carbon Cycle and Vegetation Dynamics in the GFDL-Princeton University Coupled Atmosphere-Biosphere Model
- Direct Observation of the Kinetics of an Atmospherically Important Reaction at the Air-Aqueous Interface
- Dynamic Topography and Edge-Driven Mantle Convection
- Effect of Dicarboxylic Acids on the Phase Transitions of Model Tropospheric Aerosols
- Evaluation of PROPHET and Ameri-Flux Measurements Obtained Over the Period 1998 to 2003 for Evidence of Ozone Effects on CO2 and Isoprene Fluxes
- Evidence of a Positive Warming Effect on Boreal Productivity Derived From a 11-year Air CO2 Concentration Record at Fraserdale
- Interactions of Trace Atmospheric Species With Urban Surface Films
- Invisible Slabs: The Influence of Phase Boundary Deflection on Velocity Anomalies of Stagnant Slabs in the Transition Zone
- Iroquoian and Canadian Disturbance to the Ecosystem of Crawford Lake, Canada
- Marine Magnetotelluric Experiment for the Mariana Subduction System
- Microbial Diversity Associated With Geochemical Changes in a Deep Subsurface Aquifer
- Mount Logan Ice Core Evidence for Secular Changes in the Climate of the North Pacific Following the End of the Little Ice Age
- Numerical insights into 3-D microprocesses responsible for macroscopic granular shear
- On the CO2 Exchange Between the Atmosphere and the Biosphere: The Role of Synoptic and Mesoscale Processes
- Organic cloud condensation nuclei: the effect of phase, surface tension, trace soluble species, and oxidative processing on particle activation.
- Ozone Decomposition Kinetics on Aluminum Oxide: Effects of Relative Humidity, Ozone Partial Pressure and the State of Film Oxidation
- Partitioning of Sr<SUP>2+</SUP> into Calcite Precipitates Induced by Bacterial Ureolysis in Artificial Groundwater.
- Rare Arsenic-Antimony-Sulphide Bio-immobilization and Bacterial S-layer Preservation in Siliceous Sediments from Champagne Pool Hot-Spring, Waiotapu, New Zealand
- Rate dependence of acoustic emissions generated during granular shear
- Reactive Heterogeneous Chemistry on Organic Aerosols: Two Case Studies
- The Dependence of Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization on Alternating Field Decay Rate: Fundamental Origin and Paleomagnetic Applications
- The Dynamics and Characteristics of Aeolian Dust in Dryland Central Asia: Possible Impacts on Respiratory Health in the Aral Sea Basin
- The Role of "Dripping" Mantle Lithosphere in the Formation and Exhumation of UHP Metamorphic Crustal Rocks
- Time-Dependent Crustal Response to Linear and Point Mantle Lithosphere Instabilities: Analogue and Numerical Modeling
- A 7000 C-14 Year Record of Environmental Change From North Central Cuba: Implications for Regional Sea Level and Climate Change
- A new InterRidge Working Group : Biogeochemical Interactions at Deep-sea Vents
- Acoustic Emissions, Velocities And Permeability Evolution During Formation Of Compaction Bands In Sandstone.
- An Off-Line Intercomparison of Soil Moisture Simulation by AOGCMs
- Carbon Source and Sink Distribution in Canada's Forests and Wetlands Based on Remote Sensing, Forest Inventory, Large Fire Polygons, Drainage Class, Topography, and Climate
- Climate Signals and Trends in the Dasuopu Snow Accumulation Time Series Associated with the Indian Summer Monsoon, the Regional Hadley and Walker Circulations
- Fault-Assisted Vertical Pluton Growth: Coastal Cordillera, North Chilean Andes
- Fracture propagation, stable sliding and stick slip by pore pressurizing a fault gouge analog
- Geophysical and Petrological Consequences of the `Slab Water Cycle'
- High salinity volatile phases in magmatic Ni-Cu-platinum group element deposits
- Induced Seismicity at the Canadian Underground Research Laboratory 1987-2004
- Interactions Between Solar Forcing and Decadal to Centennial Timescale Climate Dynamics 1700-2000
- Intra-Lithospheric Tectonics: Iceberg Model for Stabilization of Archean Cratons
- Master Event Relative Location of Excavation Induced Micro Seismicity at the Underground Research Laboratory.
- Modelling the physical properties of cracked rocks using fracture mechanics and statistical physics
- Pb and Other Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions From Modern Seafloor Tectonic Settings
- Providing Seismic Data to the Public: Evaluation and Impact of IRIS/USGS Museum Displays
- Remediation of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids Using Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation
- Simulated Trends in African Glacial and Interglacial Vegetation: Implications for Late-Pleistocene Hominid-Plant Interactions
- Tephrochronolgical Studies of Late Neogene Sediments in Interior Alaska and the Yukon Territory
- Timescales and Mechanisms of Batholith Construction, Coastal Cordillera, Northern Chile, From Precise U-Pb Zircon Ages and Regional Geochronological Data
- Trace Gases and Ice: What Conditions Lead to Substantial Uptake?
- Transition from cataclastic flow to aseismic brittle failure in Carrarra marble
- Constraining Rates of Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes at Steep Concentration Gradients Using Stable Carbon Isotopes
- Coupling Between Cloud Base Height and Land Surface Processes in Lowland Amazonia
- Direct Comparison of Monazite Ages Obtained By in situ Techniques: Ion-Probe Isotopic Ages Versus Electron Microprobe Chemical Ages
- Distribution and Diversity of Microorganisms of Deep, Subpermafrost Brine in the Canadian Arctic
- Effects of Disturbance and Reforestation Programs on China's Forest Carbon Budget in 1901-2001
- Effects of Temperature on Immiscible Displacement of a Viscous NAPL
- Estimates of surface emissions of atmospheric CO based on measurements from the TES instrument
- Examining the role of Microcracks in Modelling the Permeability Evolution of Crustal Rocks at Elevated Hydrostatic Pressure.
- Experimental observations of slow aseismic failure due to intra-crystalline plasticity in Carrara marble
- Fractionation of Highly Siderophile Elements (HSEs) by Sulfide-Silicate Partitioning: A New Spin
- Gaseous Bromine Production from the Heterogeneous Reaction of Hydroxyl Radicals with Aqueous Salt Solutions
- Geochemical and Morphological Characteristics of Metalliferous Deposits at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- How are Gases Transferred from the Atmosphere to Snow and Ice Surfaces?
- Impact of Mantle Wind on Subducting Plate Geometry and Interplate Pressure: Insights From Physical Modelling.
- Kinetics of the Heterogeneous Reactions of Ozone with Several PAHs on Organic Films
- Length Scaling of Shear Zones at the Frictional-Viscous Transition (FVT)
- Magnetic Domain Observations on Magnetite Crystals in Biotite and Hornblende Grains
- Observations of Fracture in Westerly granite under AE feedback and Constant Strain Rate loading: Nucleation, Quasi-static Propagation, and the transition to Unstable Fracture Propagation
- On the Relationships Between Slab dip, Back-arc Stress, Upper Plate Absolute Motion and Crustal Nature in Subduction Zones
- On the use of Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization (ARM) in Paleointensity Determination
- Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Composition of Dissolved Sulfate in Interstitial Waters of the Great Australian Bight, ODP Leg 182.
- Premonitory Acoustic Emissions and Slip Nucleation during Stick Slip Experiments in Naturally and Smooth (Saw-cut) Faulted Westerly Granite
- Reaction-Transport Modeling of Biological Mediated Isotope Fractionation With Complete Substrate Consumption as Boundary Condition
- Residual topography in the north-central Mediterranean: A product of underlying mantle flow?
- Scaling in columnar jointing of Southwestern British Columbia
- Simulations of site-level ecosystem responses to SRES climate scenarios using a DGVM
- Structural Evolution of the Central Menderes Metamorphic Core Complex, Western Anatolia, Turkey
- The Role Of Mantle Flow At The North Fiji Basin: Clues From Anomalous Surface Topography
- Towards an Integrated Seismic Characterization of the Slave Craton
- A Mathematical Framework to Model Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Pyrite Formation in Anoxic Sediments
- A sulfate starved ocean and the perturbation of the global carbon and sulfur cycles in the Early Cretaceous
- An Extensive Middle to Late Pleistocene Distal Tephra Record From East Central Alaska
- Angular Variation of the Magnetic Properties and Reversal Mode of Aligned Single-Domain Iron Nanoparticles
- Biogeochemical Carbon Cycling in Ultrabasic Reducing Springs in Sonoma County, CA
- Calibration of the static GRACE-based geoid model over Canada
- Can Surface Erosion Affect Even the Deepest Part of Lithospheric Plates?
- Challenges facing missions by drilling into permafrost on Mars
- Comparison Of Landscape-level Carbon Flux Estimates from Budgeting The Planetary Boundary Layer And Footprinting On Remote Sensing Images
- Comparison of Numerical and Analogue Models of Thrust Wedges
- Coupled Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Investigations of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Reveal Sulfur Cycling Processes in Deep Sea Sediments.
- Coupled evolutions of fracture toughness and elastic properties at high crack density in Westerly Granite
- Dimensional scaling relationships of tabular igneous intrusions and their implications for a size, depth and compositionally dependent spectrum of emplacement processes in the crust
- Drip vs. Delamination: Are They Predictable Through Surface Observables?
- Experimental Abiogenic Synthesis and Stable Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Values of Gaseous Hydrocarbons and the Implications for Identifying Biosignatures
- Fluid-induced rupture of a fault gouge analogue in the laboratory: premonitory activity, aftershocks and stress induced acoustic activity fluctuations
- Formation of HONO From NO2 Uptake on Soot, Support for the Heterogeneous Reduction of NO2
- Formation of volatile organics in the reaction of solid stearic acid with gas-phase OH
- Gas Hydrate Saturations and Their Uncertainties From Chlorinity and Well Log Data at IODP Site U1325 (Exp. 311, Cascadia Margin)
- High-resolution paleoclimate reconstructions of the Canadian Arctic
- Impact of indentor geometry on lithosphere deformation - insights from analogue vice models
- Improved constraints on processes controlling tropospheric O3 and NOx through assimilation of observations from the TES, SCIAMACHY, and MOPITT satellite instruments
- Influence of Orientale impact melt on the lunar south polar regolith from Earth-based radar observations
- Kinematics of Post-Collisional Extensional Tectonics and Exhumation of the Menderes Massif in the Western Anatolia Extended Terrane, Turkey
- Laboratory Studies of Ice Formation via Deposition Mode Nucleation Onto Dust Particulates
- Morphological variation of Emiliania huxleyi: A new tool for reconstructing sea water salinities?
- Multi-Isotope Analysis as a Natural Reaction Probe of Biodegradation Mechanisms of 1,2- Dichloroethane
- On the scaling of columnar joints
- Reduction in Himalayan Snow Accumulation and Weakening of the Trade Winds Over the Pacific Since the 1840s
- Reductive Dechlorination of PCE DNAPL Source Zones
- Spatially Explicit Simulation of Mesotopographic Controls on Peatland Hydrology and Carbon Fluxes
- Surface Deformation on Venus Driven by Downwelling: Results of Scaled Analogue Experiments
- The Analogue Shear Zone: From Rheology To Associated Geometry
- The Effect of Mechanical Boundary Conditions on the Secular Cooling of Planetary Mantles.
- The May 25-27 2005 Mount Logan Storm: Implications for the reconstruction of the climate signal contained in Gulf of Alaska Ice Cores
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Quest for Rheological Similarity in Analogue Models: new Data on the Rheology of Highly Filled Silicon Polymers
- Time-dependence in Mantle Convection Models Featuring Dynamically Evolving Plates: Implications for Variability in Mantle Heat Flow
- Topographically Driven Lateral Water Fluxes and Their Influence on Carbon Assimilation of a Black Spruce Ecosystem.
- Towards a Multi-Surface and Multi-Sensor Altimetry Calibration Site in Churchill, Manitoba, Hudson Bay
- Treatment of TCE DNAPL Source Zones with Sequential In Situ Chemical Oxidation and Anaerobic Bioremediation
- A Study of Reactive Halogen Release From Frozen Sodium Halide Solutions: The Effect of Photons and Hydroxyl Radicals
- A Subduction Scissor and Development of the Intervening Plate Collision at South Island, New Zealand
- A Transition in Atmospheric Moisture Transport as Observed in Stable Isotope Data From Mount Wrangell
- An Overview of Polar HOx Chemistry and Potential Bromine Chemistry Impact.
- Atmospheric Chemistry of Fluorinated Ethers: Estimation of Radiative Forcing from Chemical Structure
- Atmospheric Conditions Associated With a Significant Greenland Melting Event
- Atmospheric oxygen levels, anaerobic methane oxidation, and the coupling of the global COS cycles by sulfate reduction
- Carbonaceous Aerosol Processing in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Chemical Cycling of Nitrogen Oxides on Urban Films
- Climate change in Canadian forests: Effect of global warming and CO2 fertilization on natural populations of black and white spruce
- Comparison of Urban and Biogenic Influences on Aerosol Composition at a Semirural Site in Southern Ontario
- Direct Experimental Evidence for a Heterogeneous Reaction of Ozone With Bromide at the Air- Aqueous Interface
- Distribution and Sources of Trace Metals in Volcaniclastic Sediments of the SuSu Knolls Hydrothermal Field, Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
- Distribution of Living Coccolithophores North of the Canary Islands: Vertical, Seasonal and Interannual Variations
- Dynamic loading of silica glass: elasticity, plasticity, fracture, and phase changes
- Estimates of Methane Production Rates Based on d13C of the Residual DIC in Pore Fluids from the Cascadia Margin
- Experimental validation of light scattering and absorption theories of fractal-like carbonaceous aerosol agglomerates
- Extended CMAM: Impacts of thermospheric neutral and ion chemistry on the middle atmosphere.
- Gas Hydrate Occurrence Across the Cascadia Margin From Pore Water Chlorinity and Downhole Geophysical Logs (IODP Exp. 311)
- Identifying Controls on the Stable Water Isotope Composition of Precipitation in the Southwestern Yukon Using GCMs
- Influence of plate boundary geometry on the stress regime in an arc/back-arc setting
- Linking elastic, mechanical and transport properties in anisotropically cracked rocks
- Mars' internal viscosity structure and response to short-period loads
- Nested Global Inversion for the Carbon Flux Distribution in Canada and USA from 1994 to 2003
- On the Combined Use of GRACE and Geodetic Observations for Vertical Motion in the Great Lakes Region
- Parameterization of the CCN Activity of Organic, Nitrate and Mixed Aerosol During Pollution and Biogenic Episodes at a Rural Field Campaign in Ontario
- Photochemical Activity in Mexico City during MILAGRO 2006: results from the T1 site
- Process Model for Studying Regional 13C Stable Isotope Exchange between Vegetation and Atmosphere
- Reflections by a student and a faculty member on student-faculty collaborative geophysical field research
- Regional Air Quality Studies Using MOPITT CO Data : A Case Study of Linfen City and the Wei River Valley in China
- Seasonal Changes in the Biogeochemistry of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides in a Groundwater- Supplied Wetland
- Seasonal Evolution of Aleutian Low-Pressure Systems: Implications for the North Pacific Sub- Polar Circulation
- Sedimentological and Paleoecological Records From the Central and Western Canadian Arctic in Relation to ice Core Paleoclimatic Data
- Seismicity Patterns and Permeability Reduction Associated With the Anisotropic Propagation of Discrete Compaction Bands in Diemelstadt Sandstone
- Ship Rock Diatreme: is it a Classical Volcano? New Evidence on Magma Ascent and Emplacement Within the Navajo Volcanic Field
- Spatially explicit simulation of hydrologically controlled carbon and nitrogen cycles and associated feedback mechanisms in a boreal ecosystem in Eastern Canada.
- The dynamic similarity between columnar joints in basalt and starch
- The influence of lower mantle viscosity on plate velocity time-dependence in numerical mantle convection models
- Uplift and Extensional Deformation Caused By Delaminated Lithosphere of the Eastern Anatolian Plateau
- Uptake and Reactivity of Organic Compounds at the Air-Ice Interface
- VOC Measurements In Egbert, Ontario. Characterization Of Sources And Chemical Transformations Of Gas-Phase Species
- 34S/32S and 18O/16O ratios of dissolved sulfate from interstitial water samples above gas hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Expedition 311, Cascadia
- Abiotic Organic Chemistry of the Terrestrial Deep Subsurface: Isotopic Constraints on Hydrocarbon Formation
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- An Analysis of the Processes Controlling the Distribution and Interannual Variability of Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in the Tropical Troposphere Using TES and MLS Data and Global Models.
- An in situ Method for the Detection of Hydroxyl Radicals at the Air - Ice Interface
- Aptian Carbon and Sulfur Isotope Curves From ODP Site 765
- Blueberries on Earth and Mars: Correlations Between Concretions in Navajo Sandstone and Terra Meridiani on Mars.
- Characterization and Application of an Ambient Ion Monitor - Ion Chromatography (AIM-IC) System for the Detection of HONO and Nitrite in Polluted Environments
- Chemical Processing of Secondary Aerosol Components in Lake-Breeze Circulations: High Resolution Air Quality Modelling Results from the BAQS-Met Study
- Clouds in the Tropical Lowermost Stratosphere Observed by ACE
- Combining Concept Maps with Quantitative Data and Writing Assignments to Foster Student Engagement
- Detecting CO2 Fertilization in Tree Ring Records: Evidence from Natural Populations of Boreal Forest Species
- Effect of Electron Capacitance on Geobacter Growth and Metal Reduction in Subsurface
- Effects of Climate Change and Disturbances on Carbon Sequestration of California Ecosystems
- Environmental and Physiographic Controls on Inter-Growing Season Variability of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour Fluxes in a Minerotrophic Fen
- Evapotranspiration in the Mackenzie River Basin Determined From GRACE and Auxiliary Hydrological Datasets
- Field measurements of ammonia concentrations in Edinburgh, Scotland between August- September 2008: a comparison between chemical ionization mass spectrometric (CIMS) and quantum cascade laser (QCL) techniques
- Foreshock And Aftershock Sequences: Insight From Laboratory Cyclic Pore Pressure Experiments
- Fractionation Of Mercury Isotopes In The Environment
- Gaussian-Beam S-wave Polarization-based Location Method for Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity
- Geochemical and hydrological constraints on the deep subsurface terrestrial ecosystems
- Geophysical Study of Cyclone Canyon Graben, Canyonlands National Park, Utah: Sediment Depth and Structural Implications
- Global Monthly CO2 Flux Inversion Based on Results of Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling
- Greenland Summit HOx/Halogen Experiment; 2007 and 2008
- Halogen Activation in Frozen Seawater - by Nitrate Photolysis and Reaction With Ozone
- High-Ca Boninites From the Northern Tonga Region: Involvement of Four Independent Components During Petrogenesis, and Retention of Monosulfide Solid Solution in the Source
- High-Resolution Paleosalinity Reconstruction From Laguna de la Leche, North Coastal Cuba, Using Sr, O, and C Isotopes
- Highly Comminuted Impact Ejecta on Mars: Constraints on Ballistic Emplacement
- Hysteresis of Magnetite, Hematite and Pyrrhotite Crystals at High and Low Temperatures
- Ice Formation via Deposition Mode Nucleation Onto Dust Particulates: The University of Toronto Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber
- Impact of the Inter-annual Variability in CO2 Growth Rate from Atmospheric Transport and Contribution from Latitudinal Partition
- Influence of Lake-Affected Meteorology and Photochemical Processing on Aerosol Composition in Southwestern Ontario
- Integration of Genome-Scale Metabolic Nodels of Iron-Reducing Bacteria With Subsurface Flow and Geochemical Reactive Transport Models
- Investigating Long Term Changes in Nitrogen Oxides and Volatile Organic Compounds in the City of Toronto and Their Effect on Local Ozone Production
- Investigating the ability of General Circulation Models to capture the effects of Eurasian snow cover on winter climate
- Mantle Convection Models with Temperature- and Depth-dependent Thermal Expansivity
- Meteorological Influences on Receptor-Model Based Sources Identified With High Time- Resolution Mass Spectrometry in BAQS-Met 2007
- Modelling the Deformation Front of a Fold-Thrust Belt: the Effect of an Upper Detachment Horizon
- Morphological variation of Emiliania huxleyi a new paleosalinity proxy: Evidence from plankton analysis
- Observations of Dynamic Weakening in Simulated Fault Gouge
- PTR-MS and AMS measurements at Harrow, ON during BAQS-Met: Overall Degree of Photochemical Activity, Age of Air, and Relationship to Organic Aerosol Properties
- Palaeoenvironmental Evolution of Cenote Aktun Ha (Carwash) on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico and its Response to Holocene Sea-Level Rise
- Perfluoroalkyl Amines: A New Class of Long-Lived Greenhouse Gases?
- Pervasive Thermal and Rheological Discontinuities in Mantle Lithosphere: Effects on Mantle Flow and Intraplate Motions
- Photosensitized production of halogenated radicals at the sea-water surface
- Probing the temporal power-law characteristics of the global atmospheric circulation
- Radar, Radiometers, Interferometer and Lidar in Eureka, Canada and Barrow, Alaska for Cloud and Aerosol Studies
- Reactive uptake of ozone by chlorophyll at the ocean surface: a sink for ozone and a potential source for halogenated species to the MBL
- Remediation of viscous NAPLs via hot water flooding
- S-Isotope Fractionation Behavior of Desulfobacter Latus Under Sulfide Stress Conditions
- Secondary Organic Aerosol from Biogenic VOCs over West Africa during AMMA
- Seismic Modeling Of Reservoir Heterogeneity Scales: An Application To Gas Hydrate Reservoirs
- Small Radar-Bright Crater Populations as a Guide to Mega-Regolith Thickness in the Southern Lunar Highlands
- Spatial Variability in Ultrafine Particles at Five Sites in Southern Ontario, Canada During BAQS-Met 2007 Campaign: Implication of Regional Nucleation Events
- Sulphate Geoengineering in the UT/LS: Some Relevant Processes
- The Effect of Temperature and Oxidation on the Relative Importance of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol in Aged Urban Air Masses
- The First Two Years of Stratospheric Trace Gas Measurements With a New Fourier Transform Spectrometer at Eureka, Nunavut
- The Impact of Cloud Dynamical Processes on Cloud Droplets in Parameterized Shallow Cumulus
- Transitioning to a Geoid-Based Vertical Datum: Challenges and Opportunities
- 18O/16O-ratios of dissolved sulfate: Insights from porewater modeling (Invited)
- A regional dynamic vegetation-climate model for Central America
- Aerosol Chemical Composition Measured in the Arctic during ASCOS and Arctic-SOLAS
- Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 2 Orbit Operations: Over a Year of Pushing the Nanosatellite Performance Envelope
- Development of the ACE-FTS Climatological Data Set for the period of 2004-2009
- Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment: Initial global mapping results (Invited)
- Effect of gas accumulation and biofilm growth on the dispersivity of porous media
- Engineering considerations related to the application of nZVI for subsurface remediation
- Error correlation between CO2 and CO as constraint for CO2 flux inversions using satellite data
- Estimation of nuclear volume dependent fractionation of mercury isotopes
- Fine-grained impact ejecta on the Moon: Views from Earth-based radar and the LRO Diviner thermal mapper
- Fostering Team Awareness in Earth System Modeling Communities
- Fractionation of mercury isotopes by photo-oxidation in aquatic systems
- Geometry, scaling relationships and emplacement dynamics of a ca. 6 Ma shallow felsic sill complex, Calamita Peninsula, Elba Island, Italy
- Global OZone Chemistry And Related trace gas Data records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS)
- Halogen Activation from Frozen Sea Water Initiated by Uptake of Ozone and Hydroxyl Radicals and by Photolysis of Nitrate
- High Concentration of Surface Ozone Observed along the Khumbu Valley Nepal April 2007
- Identification of Preferential Groundwater Flow Pathways from Local Tracer Breakthrough Curves
- Identifying Blind Thrust Anticlines in the Subsurface using Drainage Patterns: Andean Foreland of Central Argentina
- Identifying Communication Barriers to Scientific Collaboration
- Influence of the Northern Annular Mode on precipitation δ18O over Europe: results from observations and a general circulation model
- Interpretation of Aura Satellite Observations of CO and Aerosol Index related to the December 2006 Australia Fires
- Interpreting Bacterial Growth and S-Isotope Enrichments - A Combined Growth Kinetic and Fractionation Model
- LRO Diviner Radiometer and the Apollo 15 Heat Flow Experiment
- LRO Diviner: First Look at Lunar Global Temperatures and Thermophysical Properties
- Large Contrast Between the Moment Magnitude of Tremor and the Moment Magnitude of Slip in ETS Events
- Mass-independent fractionation of mercury isotopes during photochemical reduction in freshwater systems
- Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds at Barrow, Alaska during the OASIS Spring 2009 Field Campaign
- Measurements of black carbon particles’ chemical, physical, and optical properties (Invited)
- Measuring the DC electrokinetic coupling coefficient of porous rock samples in the laboratory : a new apparatus
- Modelling the Influence of Magma Weight on the Growth of Laccoliths and Large Mafic Sills
- Multi-Scale homogenization methods for Magma Dynamics
- Noble gas-derived insights into carbon cycling into the deep biosphere
- OG1: A Natural Reference Material for Quantifying SIMS Instrumental Mass Fractionation of Pb Isotopes During Zircon Dating
- On the software quality of climate models
- Photoenhanced ozonation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on model urban film surfaces
- Pore-scale investigation of microbial growth and reactive transport
- Steady-state interstitial water sulfate O-18/O-16 ratios as a function of salinity
- Summertime Anthropogenic and Biogenic Influences on Particle Composition at a Remote Forested Site in Western Canada
- The Application of Low Temperature Electrical Resistance Heating for Subsurface Remediation
- The Canadian Geoscience Education Network: a collaborative grassroots effort to support geoscience education
- The Chemical and Aerosol Sounding Satellite (CASS): An Update
- The Effects of Inner Core Conductivity on Planetary Dynamo Models
- The Evolution of the Lithosphere From Subduction to Delamination: Insights from Analogue Modeling. (Invited)
- The Rationale for a New High-resolution Imaging Radar Mission to Venus
- The Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Arizaro Basin of the Puna Plateau in NW Argentina
- The Thermal Dissociation-Laser Induced Fluorescence (TD-LIF) technique for total Peroxy Nitrates (PNs) and comparisons to speciated PAN measurements
- The impact of aerosol and cloud dynamical processes on cloud droplets in parameterized shallow cumulus
- The influence of gas-particle partitioning on the spatial patterns of reactive nitrogen deposition
- The production of gas-phase molecular iodine by the photoenhanced reaction between chlorophyll and iodide at salt water surfaces
- The relationship between dissolved organic carbon quality and mercury transport in a boreal watershed
- Transport from the Asian monsoon to the stratosphere observed in satellite measurements of hydrogen cyanide
- Trends in stratospheric water and methane from the ACE-FTS (Invited)
- Understanding Satellite BrO Measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Using ToF-SIMS for the study of exposed melt inclusions
- Using Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) CO2 observations to improve inverse modeling estimates of carbon fluxes
- Varying crustal compositions on the role of continental collision in forming Archean sub-continental lithospheric mantle
- A trajectory analysis of atmospheric transport of black carbon aerosols to Canadian high Arctic in winter and spring (1990-2005)
- Analysing the tropical widening of the TTL with a Lagrangian approach using CCM and ERA-Interim data
- Application of Satellite Remote Sensing for Timely Updates to Emission Inventories and Constraints on Ozone Production (Invited)
- Are general circulation models representing processes controlling tropical and subtropical free tropospheric relative humidity properly? The added value of water vapor isotope measurements
- Can Polyphosphate Biochemistry Affect Biological Apatite Saturation?
- Carbon balance in conterminous U.S. forests based on historic changes in climate, atmospheric composition, and disturbances
- Constructing seasonal LAI trajectory by data-model fusion for global evergreen needle-leaf forests
- Coriolis forces influence the secondary circulation of gravity currents flowing in large scale sinuous submarine channel systems
- Deep Horizons - Implications of the deep carbon cycle for life, energy, and the environment (Invited)
- Developing Students' Understanding of Complex Systems in the Geosciences (Invited)
- Do Over or Make Do? Climate Models as a Software Development Challenge (Invited)
- Dynamics of the deep lithosphere during evolved continental collision: Applications to crustal underthrusting in the Tibetan Plateau
- Effect of Gas Bubble Mobilization on Contaminant Transport during Thermal Remediation
- Electrokinetics Enhanced Delivery of Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron
- Evolution of aerosol downwind of a major highway
- Exhumation of eclogite in an extrusion wedge: Insights from geodynamical modeling
- First Microbial Community Assessment of Borehole Fluids from the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL)
- GPR-Based Characterization of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Near Eureka, Ellesmere Island, Canadian High Arctic
- Gas-particle partitioning of atmospheric ammonia at the CalNex-LA ground site
- Hellas: A double-impact basin
- Hydroxyl Radicals on Ice: A Molecular Dynamics Study
- Hygroscopicity parameter of biogenic aerosols subject to OH-initiated heterogeneous oxidation at Whistler, British Columbia
- Integrated Geophysical Monitoring Systems for Deep Mines (Invited)
- Inverse modeling of CO2 sources and sinks using a combination of satellite and flask observations
- Isotope tracing of Hg pollution from artisanal small scale gold mining in an aquatic ecosystem of Amapá, Brazil
- Laboratory Studies of the Role of Organic Coatings in Affecting the Reactivity of Gas-Phase Ozone with Particle-Borne PAHs
- LiDAR-derived spatial models of hydrological and biogeochemical source areas to improve estimates of terrestrial-aquatic mercury export in northern forested landscapes
- Looking for little green bugs and methane in the Canadian high Arctic. (Invited)
- Measurement of the temperature dependent partitioning of semi-volatile organics onto aerosol near roadways
- Measurements of Atmospheric Ice Nuclei Concentrations at Two Canadian Sites: Downtown Toronto and Whistler, British Columbia
- Measurements of PM2.5 NH4+- SO42-- NO3- and associated precursor gases in Bakersfield, CA during CalNex 2010
- Mechanisms Controlling Species Responses to Climate Change: Thermal Tolerances and Shifting Range Limits. (Invited)
- Mercury-DOC dynamics in runoff during storm events in a Boreal Shield catchment
- Modeling the Internal Structure of Mars Using Normal Mode Relaxation Theory
- Multi-model prediction of climate-induced changes in ozone and reactive nitrogen fluxes into the troposphere
- Neogene Basin Development in the Waqia Valley, Southeast Pamir
- Observations of inorganic bromine species (BrO, HOBr, Br2 and BrCl) at Barrow, AK in spring 2009
- Observations of the Partitioning of Trace Acids During CalNex, Bakersfield: HONO, HCl and Oxalic Acid in an NH3-rich Environment
- On the value of incorporating spatial statistics in large-scale geophysical inversions: the SABRe case
- Organic condensation: A vital link connecting aerosol formation to climate forcing (Invited)
- Probability distribution of biofilm thickness and effect of biofilm on the permeability of porous media
- Recent work in Canada for the proposed Chemical and Aerosol Sounding Satellite (CASS) mission
- Relationships between net primary productivity and forest stand age derived from Forest Inventory and Analysis data and remote sensing imagery
- Retrospective Retrieval of Long-Term Global Leaf Area Index (1982-2010) by Fusion of AVHRR and Modis Data
- Sarychev Volcanic Aerosol and Chemical measurements over Eureka, Canada
- Simulation of nZVI Transport at a Push-Pull Field Trial
- Standard Materials for Microbeam Analysis of Lanthanides and Actinides
- Surface topographyic response to lithospheric instabilities and "driplets" beneath the central Andean
- The exploration of mechanisms of mass-independent fractionation of mercury (Invited)
- The high tide of the warm Pliocene: Implications of ~20 m Peak Eustatic Sea-Levels for Antarctic Deglaciation
- Time reversal seismic imaging using laterally reflected surface waves in southern California
- Transmission imaging in heterogeneous media
- Transport and Retention of Virus and Virus-sized Particle in a Variable-aperture Dolomite Rock Fracture under Unfavorable Attachment Conditions
- U-Pb ages of zircons from sites in Spain and Italy provide more evidence linking the Chicxulub impact to the global K-P boundary layer
- Upper Mesospheric Temperatures at Resolute (75 N) in the Context of the QBO, Solar Flux and the Polar Vortex
- Using Ancient Dust to Track Atmospheric Circulation and Orogenesis in Western Equatorial Pangaea
- A Hierarchical Systems Approach to Model Validation
- A field scale study of nZVI Mobility
- Acoustic Emission and Velocity Imaging of Fracturing under Poly-axial Loading
- Ammonia as an observational constraint on aerosol pH in rural and urban environments
- An Investigation of Regolith Cover on Ejecta Blocks: Implications for Regolith Development
- Analysis of glass shards from distal microtephra by LA-ICP-MS: current status and future directions
- Approaches for Landscape-scale Forest Carbon Assessment
- Aqueous oxidation of aerosol and cloud water samples at Whistler, BC: Secondary organic aerosol formation via oxidative cloud processing
- Attributing carbon sinks in conterminous US forests to disturbance and non-disturbance factors from 1901 to 2010
- Biological Apatite Formed from Polyphosphate and Alkaline Phosphatase May Exchange Oxygen Isotopes from Water through Carbonate
- Ce Speciation in Silicate Melts: Application to Ce-in-Zircon Oxybarometry
- Characterization of aerosols cloud residuals using a coupled counterflow virtual impactor and aerosol mass spectrometer during the 2010 Whistler Aerosol and Cloud Study (WACS)
- Characterization of the Changes in Hygroscopicity of Ambient Organic Aerosol due to Oxidation by Gas Phase OH
- Cloud water measurements of glyoxal and methylglyoxal during the Whistler Aerosol and Cloud Study (WACS)
- Colloid Transport in Variable-aperture Dolomite Rock Fractures
- Comparison of Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Untreated and Thermally Damaged Westerly granites Using a Geophysical Imaging Cell
- Constraints on near surface and free Troposphere CO2 concentrations using the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) CO2 data and the GEOS-Chem model
- Controls on Platinum-Group Element Abundances in 110 samples of Arc Lavas from the Southwest Pacific
- Dynamic Topology and Spatio-Temporal Complexity of Stick-Slip Events in Natural Faulted Westerly Granite
- ExArch: Climate analytics on distributed exascale data archives
- Flow structures in submarine channels affected by Coriolis forces: Experimental observations
- Formation and Growth of Ultrafine Particles from Secondary Anthropogenic Sources in Bakersfield
- Formation of Small Gas Phase Carbonyls from Heterogeneous Oxidation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA)
- Geodynamic mechanisms of extension in western Anatolia
- Geodynamic models of mature continental collision: Evolution of an orogen from lithospheric subduction to continental retreat/delamination
- Geotomography of a Shallow Sand Aquifer in North-Eastern Ontario
- Impact of Subsurface Heterogeneities on nano-Scale Zero Valent Iron Transport
- Importance of nitryl chloride to the radical budget in a continental region
- In situ Measurements of Gas- and Particle-Phase Organic Compounds: Insights for SOA Formation Mechanisms and Contributions of SOA to Organic Aerosol
- Influence of Aerosol Chemical Composition on Heterogeneous Ice Formation under Mid-Upper Troposphere Conditions
- Influence of Sediment Deposition on the Behaviour of the Deep Continental Lithosphere
- Invasive Species Undeterred by Increasing Urbanization and Climate Change
- Laboratory measurements of the angular light-scattering properties of internally mixed organic and sea-salt aerosol particles using polar nephelometry
- MLS and ACE-FTS measurements of UTLS Trace Gases in Relation to Multiple Tropopauses and Upper-Tropospheric Jets
- Mantle Flow Uplift and Heating of the Anatolian Block: Interpretations from Geophysical Evidence and Geodynamic Modeling
- Mass Transfer Limited Enhanced Bioremediation at Dnapl Source Zones: a Numerical Study
- Measurement of the temperature dependent partitioning of semi-volatile organics onto aerosols
- Mercury isotope record preserved in Archean rocks from 2.3 - 3.25 Ga
- Mineral Dust-Mediated Organic Photochemistry
- Modeling Transport of Viruses in Fractured Rock
- Molecular and spectroscopic analysis of non-hydrolyzable sedimentary organic matter from the St. Lawrence Estuary
- North America Terrestrial Carbon Sink Estimation using Top-down and Bottom-up Methods
- Photochemical reflectance index (PRI) observation and its relationship with light use efficiency in a temperate pine plantation in southeastern Canada
- Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project
- Quaternary Marine Sulfur Cycle Dynamics
- Record Arctic Ozone Loss in Spring 2011 compared with Antarctic Ozone Hole Conditions
- Record total ozone depletion in the Arctic vortex in 2011
- Remote sensing of fine aerosol: Applications to chronic and acute global exposures
- Retrievals of Extensive and Intensive Aerosol Parameters from Vertical Profiles of Extinction Coefficient Acquired by the MAESTRO Occultation Spectrometer: Case Study of Sarychev Volcano Plumes
- Seasonality of Overstory and Understory Fluxes in a Semi-Arid Oak Savanna: What can be Learned from Comparing Measured and Modeled Fluxes?
- Seismic and Transport Properties of Fontainebleau Sandstone: Fracturing Experiments under True Triaxial Stress Conditions
- Simulating Long Distance Seed Dispersal for Trees under Rapid Climate Change
- Slow NE-SW to NNE-SSW extension in the Pasto Ventura region of the southern Puna Plateau
- Soret fractionation of Fe isotopes in pure Fe and iron alloy melts at high pressure
- Spring temperature, growing season length and carbon sequestration in North America: a flux measurement based analysis
- Storage of Nitrogen in the Cyclosilicates Beryl and Cordierite: Nitrogen Cycling, Isotope Fractionation, and Fluid-Rock Interactions
- Suppression of Metal Inclusions and The Effect of Carbon on Pt Solubility in Haplobasalt at High Pressure and Temperature
- The Margin of a Gneiss Dome: Development of the Waqia Half-Graben, Southeast Pamir
- The Moon's Extremely Insulating Near-Surface: Diviner Infrared Observations of a Total Lunar Eclipse
- The Role of Slab Delamination and Break-off of a "Double-Slab" Set-up Beneath the Eastern Anatolia Convergent Zone
- The Software Architecture of Global Climate Models
- The effect of aerosol thermodynamics on ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> production: vertically resolved measurements of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> and its precursors
- Towards 250 m mapping of terrestrial primary productivity over Canada
- Transport of Iron Particles in the Silica Aquifers: Effect of Water Chemistry and Carboxy-Methyl Cellulose Polymer Coatings
- Unraveling the complexity of dissolved organic matter with chromatographic and multidimensional NMR applications
- Vertical profiles of HONO during NACHTT 2011: Relative importance of heterogeneous production on aerosol versus the ground surface
- Vertically Resolved Nitryl Chloride Observations and Yield Estimates
- What do Nitryl Chloride Observations imply about Chlorine Activation Chemistry on Aerosol Surfaces?
- What is the pH at ice surfaces?
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
- Atmosphere-Surface Exchange of Reactive Nitrogen and its Implications for PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>
- Atmospheric Detection of Perfluorotributyl Amine, an Uncharacterized Long-Lived Greenhouse Gas
- Characterization of active members in C and N cycles in the subsurface environment of the Witwatersrand Basin
- Constraints on the recent rate of lunar regolith accumulation from Diviner observations
- Coupled simulation of DNAPL infiltration and dissolution in a three-dimensional heterogeneous experimental aquifer
- Decadal Record of Satellite Carbon Monoxide Observations
- Deformation of the Pasto Ventura Basin of the Southern Puna Plateau (NW Argentina) since the mid-Miocene
- Determination of mixing state and sources of wintertime organic aerosol in Paris using single particle mass spectrometry
- Direct Measurements of the Surface-Atmosphere Exchange of Ammonia
- Distributed All-Optical Sensor to Detect dCO2 in Aqueous Environments
- Don't Feed the Trolls: An analysis of strategies for moderating discussions on climate blogs
- Effect of Organic Coatings on the Reactivity of Gas-Phase Ozone with Particle-Borne PAHs
- Evaluating the relationships between aboveground biomass, LAI and NDVI using field and remotely sensed data at subtropical Cryptomeria japonica D. Don plantation site of Central Taiwan
- Exploring variations in microbial carbon sources and cycling in the deep terrestrial subsurface using PLFA and δ13C analysis
- From Collision to Escape: Cenozoic Surface to Mantle Dynamics of Central Anatolia
- Gas-Phase Oxidation Kinetics and Organic Aerosol Products of Ethanolamine
- Geodynamic models of intraplate deformation: Applications to Canada's High-Arctic Eurekan Orogeny
- Heterogeneous Photochemistry of Fluorotelomer Alcohols: An Unexplored Loss Pathway
- How does the deposition of gas phase species affect surface pH at frozen salty interfaces?
- Hydroxyhydroperoxide (HHP) Formation From H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> Addition to Carbonyls in the Aqueous Phase and Its Environmental Implications
- Impact of katabatic wind events on the sea-ice and icebergs in a large glacial fjord in southeast Greenland
- Impact of thermally induced buoyant flow on contaminant transport in homogeneous and layered systems
- Influence of Vegetation on Peatland CH4 Flux at a New Hampshire Fen
- Insights on Microbial Activity from Reduction Potential: Electrochemical Noise Analysis of a Pristine Aquifer
- Investigation of Low Altitude Water Ice Cloud Formation in Mars using a Laboratory Based Cloud Chamber
- Life in Inner Space: Subsurface Microbiology Investigations in Underground Research Laboratories and Deep Mines
- Lithospheric Removal and Dynamic Uplift/Subsidence of the Central Anatolian Plateau
- Mapping the Fluid Pathways and Permeability Barriers of a Large Gas Hydrate Reservoir
- Measurements of variability in biofilm thickness in porous media and implications for the predictions of permeability and dispersivity
- Methane fluxes measured by eddy covariance at a temperate upland forest
- Microbial Diversity and Biogeochemistry of a Shallow Pristine Canadian Shield Groundwater System
- Multiphase Oxidation of Tropospheric Aerosol
- Neotectonics of Eastern Anatolia: Constraints from a GPS Strain Probe and Interpretation from Geodynamic Modeling
- Nitrous acid (HONO) nocturnal surface deposition and daytime acid displacement: An alternative mechanism contributing to the unknown daytime HONO source
- Northern CO2 observations from a highly elliptical orbit (HEO) mission
- Observations of reactive nitrogen oxide fluxes by eddy covariance above a mid-latitude mixed hardwood forest
- Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Seawater Sulfate in the past 5 Ma
- Paleomagnetism of an uppermost Permian section in the Lootsberg Pass area, central Karoo Basin: What remanence signal is recorded in the Permo-Triassic boundary sequences in the Karoo Basin?
- Phosphorus cycling in the Early Aptian
- Photochemical Chlorine Activation From Artificial Saline Snowpacks
- Pore-scale simulation of microbial growth using a genome-scale metabolic model: Implications for Darcy-scale reactive transport
- Quasi-geostationary viewing of high latitudes for Weather, Climate and Air quality data using highly elliptical orbits: PCW/PHEOS-WCA
- Rapid variablity of Cenozoic weawater sulfate concentrations
- Summertime Climate Response to Mountain Pine Beetle Disturbance
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The effect of organic compounds on the growth rate of cloud droplets
- The role of the substrate in heterogeneous atmospheric photochemistry
- 3D Anisotropic Velocity Tomography of a Water Saturated Rock under True-Triaxial Stress in the Laboratory
- A Field Measurement of Isocyanic Acid (HNCO): Evidence of a Secondary Source and Presence in Cloud Water
- A new ice nuclei counter SPIN: characterization and first results
- Acoustic Emission Patterns and the Transition to Ductility in Sub-Micron Scale Laboratory Earthquakes
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (Invited)
- An Integrated 3D Hydrogeological, Geophysical, and Microbiological Investigation of Geochemical Gradients in a Pristine Aquifer Located in Laurentian Hills, ON, Canada
- Analysis of the ICE-6G (VM5a) global GIA model performance with respect to geological inferences of relative sea-level history: from Barbados to the US East Coast
- Analyzing the δ2H of atmospheric CH4 in the field with a NIR-CRDS coupled to a cryogenic pre-concentrator
- Assessing Canada's Forest Carbon Sinks from 1901 TO 2008 BY Combining Inventory with Climate Data (Invited)
- Carboxymethyl Cellulose Stabilized Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron Transport in Porous Media: An Experimental and Modeling Study
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Deep Groundwater from the Witwatersrand Basin
- Characterizing information content in a high dimensional variational inversion system of trace gas fluxes
- Comparative Analysis of Continuous Acoustic Emission (AE) Data, Acquired from 12 and 16 Bit Streaming Systems during Rock Deformation Experiments
- Conditions for lower lithosphere exhumation from continental collision: South Island, New Zealand
- Constraining deformation history and recent activity along the Tuz Gölü fault zone, Central Anatolia, Turkey
- Continental aggregation, subduction initiation, and plume generation
- Continental subsurface waters support unique but diverse C-acquisition strategies
- Crustal controls on the dynamics of collisional orogenesis
- Dansgaard-Oeschger Oscillations and the Bi-Polar SeeSaw in a Comprehensive Model of Glacial Climate
- Deposition ice nucleation on fresh, cloud processed, internally mixed and oxidatively aged ?-pinene secondary organic aerosol
- Diffusion of nitrogen oxides and oxygenated volatile organic compounds through snow
- Effect of strong elastic contrasts on the propagation of seismic wave in hard-rock environments
- El Nino, The 2006 Indonesian Peat Fires, And The Distribution Of Atmospheric Methane
- Evaluation of Wave Propagation Properties during a True-Triaxial Rock Fracture Experiment using Acoustic Emission Frequency Characteristics
- Exploiting Stable Mercury Isotopic Analysis to Differentiate between Mercury Sources: Gold Mining vs. Land-Use Change (Invited)
- Exploring the Role of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron and Bacteria on the Degradation of a Multi-component Chlorinated Solvent at the Field Scale
- Fine-scale photochemical modeling of ozone and ammonium nitrate over California during CalNex 2010
- Formation of light absorbing organo-nitrogen species from evaporation of droplets containing glyoxal and ammonium sulfate
- Geodynamic numerical modeling of the South Island of New Zealand: The effects of varied deposition location on surface expressions and lithospheric evolution
- Growth of new particle in less and highly polluted atmosphere: Implication for an important role of NH4NO3 in growing new particles to CCN size
- H/V Ratio Characteristics for 3-Component Seismic Sensors
- High Resolution Hydro-Climate Projections for Western Canada
- High mobility of large mass movements: a study by means of FEM/DEM simulations
- High-resolution geophysical data for the South Range, Sudbury Structure (Canada)
- High-resolution seismic array imaging using teleseismic scattered waves
- Holocene peat initiation and carbon storage dynamics in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada
- Impact of the Mountain Pine Beetle on the Forest Carbon Cycle in British Columbia from 1999 TO 2008 (Invited)
- Investigation of permeability anisotropy and polymodal fracture pattern development using a true-triaxial geophysical imaging cell
- Late Quaternary landscape evolution, climate, and neotectonism along the eastern margin of the Puna Plateau: Pucará Valley, NW Argentina
- Light-Induced SO<SUB>2</SUB> Photochemistry at the Mineral Dust Surface
- Linking empirical Sherwood-Gilland models for NAPL dissolution to thermodynamic theory
- Magnetometry and Ground-Penetrating Radar Studies in the Sihuas Valley, Peru
- Mantle control of thrust fault location in the lithosphere of Io: implications for mountain formation
- Mapping a Pristine Glaciofluvial Aquifer on the Canadian Shield Using Ground-Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Mass Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes Preserved in the Precambrian
- Mercury isotope compositions in North American forest soils and litters
- Metagenomics, single cell genomics, and steady-state free energy flux provide insight into the biogeochemical cycling of deep, meteoric water
- Methane emissions from Carex rostrata
- Microbial Ecology of a Regional Flow System: Deep, Aerobic, Fractured Rock Aquifers of the US Basin and Range (Invited)
- Mobility and Deposition of pre-Synthesis Stabilized Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron in Long Column Experiments
- Modeling leaf chlorophyll content from ground, airborne and satellite reflectance data
- Multi-year and Multi-sensor investigations of Aerosol Optical Properties over the Canadian High Arctic
- New Insights from Electrochemical Noise: A Coupled Biogeochemical and Electrochemical Investigation of an Anoxic Groundwater Seep
- New Retrieval Developments and Validation Results for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS)
- Numerical modeling of the source mechanism for microseismic events induced during fluid injection
- On the Temperature Dependence of Organic Reactivity, Ozone Production, and the Impact of Emissions Controls in San Joaquin Valley California
- Optimization of ecosystem model parameters with different temporal variabilities using tower flux data and an ensemble Kalman filter
- Organohalide respiration and bioremediation: harnessing biogeochemical cycles (Invited)
- Photochemical Oxidation of Aqueous ?-Pinene SOA with Fe
- Photoredox Chemistry on Real Urban Grime
- Potential origins of atmospheric ammonia in winter in downtown Toronto
- Preparing to return to the Moon: Lessons from science-driven analogue missions to the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Canada, a unique lunar analogue site
- Proxy-Derived Reconstructions of Holocene Paleoclimate for the Hudson Bay Lowlands, an Extensive Peatland in Northern Canada
- Quantification of Crack Interaction in Loading-Induced Rock Deformation Tests
- Quasi-geostationary observations of CO2 from a highly elliptical orbit (HEO): a potential method for monitoring Arctic and Boreal CO2 fluxes (Invited)
- Sorption- and diffusion-associated isotope effects for chlorinated and non chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons in a sediment pore water diffusion sampler
- Tectonic imprints upon inferences of eustatic sea level history: the Pliocene warm period and the Orangeburg Scarp
- The Deep Cool Terrestrial Biosphere: Habitability of ancient fracture waters of the Canadian Shield (Invited)
- The Efficiency of 24 Minerals as Deposition Ice Nuclei: Focus on Feldspars, Clays and Metals
- The Use of Resistivity Methods in Terrestrial Forensic Searches
- The feasibility of microseismic source characterization based on waveform stacking, traveltime tomography and time reversal imaging
- The sea surface temperature response to anthropogenic forcing and its application to high latitude continental climate change
- Thermophysical properties of radar-dark ejecta haloes on the Moon: Constraints from Diviner thermal observations and modeling
- Upscaling DNAPL Dissolution With A Simple Model That Predicts Multistage Mass Discharge
- Variability And Trends In Barents Sea Winter Sea Ice And Its Association With Changes In The Atmospheric Circulation Across The Sub-Polar North Atlantic
- A Multimodel Carbon Assimilation System Using a Modified Ensemble Kalman Filter and Bayesian Model Averaging Scheme
- A New Global LAI Product and Its Use for Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Estimation
- ACE-FTS, MLS and Mipas Inter-Comparisons of Atmospheric Trace Species
- Aligned Olivine in the Springwater Pallasite
- Allogenic and Autogenic Controls on Carbon Uptake and Release since Mid-Holocene Peat Initiation in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada
- Amine Chemistry at Aqueous Interfaces: The Study of Organic Amines in Neutralizing Acidic Gases at an Air/Water Surface Using Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy
- Ammonia Surface-Atmosphere Exchange in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer
- An Approach Developed to Investigate New Particle Formation in Vertical Direction on Basis of High Time-resolution Measurements at the Ground Level
- Application of a New Method for Lunar Crater Age Dating to Copernican Impact Flux
- Are Colorado Plateau Eclogite Xenoliths Franciscan?: Oxygen Isotope Evidence From Zoned Garnet
- Assessing the Complementary Constraints on North American Methane Emissions Estimates Provided by Ground-based and Space-based Observations of Methane
- Assessing the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Carbon Balance of the Terrestrial Biosphere in Response to Climate Change in 1911-2000
- Atmospheric Controls on Upwelling in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic Ocean
- Atmospheric DMS and Biogenic Sulfur aerosol measurements in the Arctic
- Balloon Demonstrator Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer for the Measurement of Methane and Carbon Dioxide over the Arctic
- Biogenic Contributions to Summertime Arctic Aerosol: Observations of Aerosol Composition from the Netcare 2014 Aircraft Campaign
- Caloris Basin, Mercury: An Analysis of Cross-Cutting Tectonic Structures
- Can a solid FeS layer help explain Mercury's unique magnetic field?
- Combining metal and nonmetal isotopic measurements in barite to identify mode of formation
- Cooling History for the Sierra Laguna Blanca (NW Argentina) on the Southern Puna Plateau, Central Andes
- Copper Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melts: the Effects of Temperature, Melt Compositions, Oxygen Fugacity and Water Concentrations
- Creation and Characterization of an Observation-based, Multi-dataset Snow Water Equivalent Product for Climate Model and Climate Forecast Validation
- Deep Carbon Cycling in the Deep Hydrosphere: Abiotic Organic Synthesis and Biogeochemical Cycling
- Degradation of toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene using heat and chelated-ferrous iron activated persulfate oxidation
- Dependence of Isoprene SOA Yield on the Phase of Ammonium Sulfate Seed Particles
- Developing a Forward Model of Encrusting Coralline Algae
- Dramatic Weakening of the Pacific Water Boundary Current in the Beaufort Sea during the First Decade of the 2000s.
- Dynamic Evolution of Microscopic Hybrid Events
- Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis of Continuous Acoustic Emission (AE) Data from Laboratory Rock Deformation Experiments
- Empirical analysis of aerosol and thin cloud optical depth effects on CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from GOSAT
- Enriching the Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Geoscience Through Student Feedback
- Estimating the anthropogenic sea surface temperature response using pattern scaling
- Evaluating CMAQ Simulations of Ammonia Sources, Formation and Impacts using Surface, Aircraft, and Satellite Data
- Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets.
- Evidence of Chlorobenzene Natural Attenuation in Contaminated Sediments Using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis and High Resolution Pore Water Sampling
- Evolution of Tides and Tidal Dissipation Over the Past 26,000 Years Using a Multi-Scale Model of Global Barotropic Tides
- Exoplanet Magnetic Fields and Their Detectability
- FTIR measurements of biomass burning species in the Arctic
- Field and Laboratory Investigations of Organic Photochemistry on Urban Surfaces
- GPR Mapping of a Buried Paleolithic Landscape Near Kathu, South Africa
- Geodynamic Evolution of the Eurekan Orogen of Ellesmere Island
- Geophysical Properties of Hard Rock for Investigation of Stress Fields in Deep Mines
- Global Distribution of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Volume Mixing Ratio in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Long-Term Changes Observed By Saber
- Hardrock Elastic Physical Properties: Birch's Seismic Parameter Revisited
- High Latitude Snow Cover from Satellite and Model-Derived Products: Quantifying Uncertainty in Current Datasets and Identifying Potential Future Opportunities
- High Precision Dielectric Permittivity Measurements of Planetary Regolith analogs Using A Split-Cylinder Resonator
- Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment Controls on Induced Microseismicity Attributes
- Ice Age Sea Level Change on a Dynamic Earth
- Ice Nucleating Abilities of Coastal and Sea Surface Microlayer Aerosol Particles
- Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Using Iterative Method of Receiver Function Analysis: A Synthetic Seismogram Approach
- Impacts of depolarization calibration methods on cloud phase interpretation at Eureka during 2013 and 2014 CRL lidar measurement campaigns
- In situ Analysis of North American Diamond: Implications for Diamond Growth Modeling
- Influence of the Salting-out Effect of Ammonium Sulfate on the Gas-Particle Partitioning of Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
- Influence of vegetation on water isotope partitioning across different northern headwater catchments
- Interactive Online Modules and Videos for Learning Geological Concepts at the University of Toronto Department of Earth Sciences
- Intercomparison of TCCON and MUSICA Water Vapour Products
- Long term impacts of CMC/nZVI amendment injection on organohalide-respiring microbial communities at a chlorinated solvent field site
- Lower Tropospheric CO2 from OCO-2
- Lunar Impact ejecta: The View from Radar and Thermal Infrared Observations
- Magma Boiling Underneath Volcanoes: A Key to Massive S Release during Eruption
- Mantle Driven Dynamic Uplift of Hangay Dome: New Seismological Constraints from Adjoint Tomography
- Mantle viscosity constraints from U.S. East coast relative sea level histories: Implications for understanding the glacial isostatic adjustment of the North American continent
- Mapping the Vertical Structure of the Lunar Regolith in Volcanic Regions and at Constellation Sites
- Measurements of Ice Nuclei at a Remote Coastal Site in Western Canada
- Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds (Including Dimethyl Sulfide), Aerosol Particles, and CCN in the Canadian Arctic: Preliminary Results from the Summer 2014 NETCARE Expedition Aboard the CCGS Amundsen
- Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age Impacts on Prehistoric Human Migrations in the Eastern North American Arctic
- Methane Cross-Validation Between Spaceborne Solar Occultation Observations from ACE-FTS, Spaceborne Nadir Sounding from Gosat, and Ground-Based Solar Absorption Measurements, at a High Arctic Site.
- Methods for the Identification of the Three Major Eruptions from the Toba Complex, Indonesia
- Microbial Carbon Processing in Gas-Rich Ultrabasic Wells from Groundwaters Hosted in Serpentinizing Diamondiferous Kimberlite Pipes
- Microbial Substrate Use at Sites of Continental Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAD and the Cedars, CA, USA
- Mobility, Deposition and Remobilization of pre-Synthesis Stabilized Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron in Long Column Experiments
- Modelling Lake Ice and the Future of the Arctic Lake Ice Cover
- Multi-Centennial Record of North Atlantic Freshwater Variability since the Little Ice Age Archived in Coralline Algal Ba/Ca
- NASA Data Evaluation: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- Nano-scale zero valent iron transport in a variable aperture dolomite fracture and a glass fracture
- Natural and Human-induced Disturbances and Their Impacts on Forest Carbon Budgets in North America
- Numerical Simulation of nZVI at the Field Scale
- Oblique Deformation in Central Turkey: Fault Interaction and River Incision at the Intersection of the Tuz Gölü and Central Anatolian Fault Zones
- ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for Seismology - Recent Developments and Applications
- Optimizing Photosynthetic and Respiratory Parameters Based on the Seasonal Variation Pattern in Regional Net Ecosystem Productivity Obtained from Atmospheric Inversion
- Past and Prospective Carbon Stocks of United States Forests: Implications for Research Priorities and Mitigation Policies
- Postglacial Rebound Model ICE-6G_C (VM5a) Constrained by Geodetic and Geologic Observations
- Preliminary Broadband Measurements of Dielectric Permittivity of Planetary Regolith Analog Materials Using a Coaxial Airline
- Reconstructing Pliocene coastlines, topography and bathymetry: A geodynamic perspective
- Reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene DNAPL source zones: source zone architecture versus electron donor availability
- SASKTRANIF- a New Engine for the Radiative Transfer Modeling of Solar Occultation Measurements.
- Seasonal Transpacific Transport of Asian Ozone and PAN Using Aura TES PAN Retrievals
- Simulation Of Broadband Seismic Wave Propagation In A Deep Mine in Sudbury Ontario Canada
- Small-Scale Convection Raising East Anatolia and Northern Iran
- Starting a European Space Agency Sample Analogue Collection for Robotic Exploration Missions
- Subducted Farallon Plate Carries Water for Hydration Above the Flat Slab and Deep into the Mantle: Evidence from the Navajo Volcanic Field HP and UHP Xenolith Suite
- Summertime Relationships Between NO<SUB>x</SUB>, NO<SUB>y</SUB>, and O<SUB>3</SUB> in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
- The Feedback Between Continents and Compositional Anomalies in the Deep Mantle
- The Feedback Between Surface Mobility and Mantle Compositional Heterogeneity: Implications for the Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets
- The Influence of Earth structure on a coupled Antarctic ice sheet - sea level model
- The Paleo-ecology of C4 Evolution
- The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover.
- The Role of Subduction and Mantle Plumes in the Supercontinent Cycle
- The role of climate-ecosystem interactions on summer time ground level ozone pollution in North America
- Tidal Tomography: Constraining Long-Wavelength Deep Mantle Structure Using Earth's Body Tide Signal
- Transport Pathways of Pollution Plumes into the Canadian Arctic during RACEPAC and NETCARE 2014
- Transtensional Basin Forming Processes in the Quaternary of Northern Greece: The Mygdonia Pull-Apart Basin
- Trend and Inter-Annual Variability in Southeast Greenland Sea Ice: Impacts on Coastal Greenland Climate Variability
- Tropospheric control of tropopause folding and the efficiency of mixing across tropopause in idealized simulations of baroclinc-wave life cycles
- Unusual mercury isotopic compositions in aqueous environment
- Vertical Profiles of Ammonia in the Colorado Front Range: Impacts of Source Region and Meteorology
- pH at the Air-Ice Interface: Connections to Halogen Activation Chemistry
- 3-D Computational Modelling of Oblique Continental Collision near South Island, New Zealand
- A Mentee and his Mentor Speak their Minds
- Abiogenic and Microbial Controls on Volatile Fatty Acids in Precambrian Crustal Fracture Waters
- Accumulation of methylmercury in rice and flooded soil in experiments with an enriched isotopic Hg(II) tracer
- Ammonia in the summer Arctic marine boundary layer: Sources, Sinks and Implications
- An Ontology Representation for Water Bodies
- An aircraft-based case study of new particle formation and growth in the summertime Arctic
- An approach to investigate new particle formation in the vertical direction on the basis of high time-resolution measurements at ground level and sea level
- Aqueous photooxidation of isoprene hydroxyhydroperoxides (ISOPOOH)
- Arctic System Reanalysis better depicts topographically-forced winds near Greenland
- As Ethics is a Core Attribute of Science, So Geoethics Must Be at the Core of Geoscience
- Atmospheric pseudo-retrievals for averaging kernel and total uncertainty characterization for ACE-FTS level 2 (PRAKTICAL) data
- Baseline Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in the Northeast U.S. Over 2001 - 2010
- Better Understanding Transport Related Differences Between CCMs and Trace Gas Measurements With an Idealized Stratospheric Model
- Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
- Black carbon aerosol optical properties are influenced by initial mixing state
- CMT Source Inversions for Massive Data Assimilation in Global Adjoint Tomography
- Can environmental conditions trigger cyanobacterial surfaces and following carbonate formation: implication for biomineralization and biotechnology
- Characterization, Validation and Intercomparison of Clumping Index Maps from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR Satellite Data Over Reference Sites
- Chlorophyll Fluorescence Is a Better Proxy for Sunlit Leaf Than Total Canopy Photosynthesis
- Co-boiling of NAPLs and water during thermal remediation: experimental and modeling study
- Combined remediation technologies: results from field trials at chlorinated solvent impacted sites
- Comparing Temporal Variations in LUE and GPP across Evergreen and Deciduous Forest Types
- Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of the aqueous photodegradation of substituted chlorobenzenes
- Controls on the formation of pulverized off-fault rocks: Laboratory investigations using Arkansas Novaculite
- Current Validation and New Developments for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Data Set
- Degradation and Volatilization of Chlorofluorocarbons in Contaminated Groundwater Explored by Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
- Diffusive Transport of Sulphide through an Engineering Barrier System in a Deep Geological Repository
- Earthquake-triggered fluid release at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
- Estimating Ecosystem Carbon Stock Change in the Conterminous United States from 1971 to 2010
- GLOBMAP LAI: A long-term global Leaf Area Index (1982-2014) With Seperation of forest overstory and understory
- Geodynamic models for the post-orogenic exhumation of the lower crust
- Glacial erosion during orogenesis: A study of the intraplate Eurekan Orogeny of Ellesmere Island.
- Global Pattern of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere from ACE-FTS measurements Compared to GEOS-Chem Simulations
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Arctic Freshwaters: Approaches for Scaling UP
- HONO Formation from Heterogeneous Photochemistry of Nitrogen Oxides on Urban Grime
- Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from Near-, Intermediate-, and Far-Field Locations
- Hydrostratigraphy of a Sand Aquifer from Combined ERT and GPR
- Investigation of Seasonal Cycles of CO, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, N<SUB>2</SUB>O, and O<SUB>3</SUB> in the High Arctic at Eureka, Canada and Barrow, Alaska using Infrared Emission Spectroscopy
- Long-term variation in above and belowground plant inputs alters soil organic matter biogeochemistry at the molecular-level
- Mapping the Near-Subsurface Structure of Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits
- Meteorological and Aerosol effects on Marine Cloud Microphysical Properties
- Microbial Carbonate Precipitation by <em>Synechococcus</em> PCC8806, LS0519 and <em>Synechocystis</em> PCC6803 on Concrete Surfaces and in Low Saturation Solution
- Modeling Polymer Stabilized Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron Transport Experiments in Porous Media to Understand the Transport Behavior
- Modeling the evolution of lithospheric delamination under the Eastern Anatolia by testing various rheological and compositional properties
- Modelling urban δ<SUP>13</SUP>C variations in the Greater Toronto Area
- Monitoring Spring Recovery of Photosynthesis and Spectral Reflectance in Temperate Evergreen and Mixed Deciduous Forests
- Multi-centennial reconstruction of Aleutian climate from coralline algae
- Multi-decadal NDACC Measurements of Trace Species in the Arctic Free Troposphere
- Multiple Magma Batches Recorded in Tephra Deposits from the Toba Complex, Sumatra.
- Multiscale Finite-frequency Seismic Imaging of the Southern Alaska Subduction Zone
- NASA Data Evaluation (2015): Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- Neotectonics and Paleoseismology of a Previously Unmapped Reverse Fault in Central Philippines―Insights from the Magnitude Mw 7.2 Bohol Earthquake of 15 October 2013
- New Constraints on the Rock Size Distribution on the Moon from Diviner Infrared Measurements
- Optical Properties and Mixing State of Aerosols from Residential Wood Burning and Vehicle Emissions in Central and Southern California
- Perennial plate tectonics with lasting mantle lithosphere scars
- Processes Controlling the Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Aerosol Number and Size Distributions
- Pushing the Regional Arctic System Reanalysis to Higher Resolution: A comparison with the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis for the Arctic and Beyond
- Reactivity of seismicity rate to static Coulomb stress changes of two consecutive large earthquakes in the central Philippines
- Reassessing the Ancient Martian Ocean Hypothesis using Global Distribution of Valley Networks
- Recovery of Carbonate Ecosystems Following the End-Triassic Mass Extinction: Insights from Mercury Anomalies and Their Relationship to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
- Regional Deformation of the Southern Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Recorded by Basin Evolution and Bedrock Exhumation History
- Regolith Formation Rates and Evolution from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Seedling Growth and Phosphorus Cycling in Northern Forest Soils Amended With Biochar and Wood Ash
- Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
- Sources of Dimethyl Sulfide in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Baffin Bay
- Sources of Size Segregated Sulfate Aerosols in the Arctic Summer
- Spatial-temporal controls on peatland carbon dynamics in the Hudson Bay Lowland, Canada: Reducing landscape-scale uncertainty in a changing climate
- Standing and Travelling Wave Contributions to the Persistent Ridge-Trough Over North America During Winter 2013/14
- Temporal variation of optimal UV exposure time over Korea: risks and benefits of surface UV radiation
- The Influence of Crystal Anisotropy on Failure Stability: Evidence from Multiple-Cracking Noises
- The Interaction Between Supercontinent Cycles and Compositional Variations in the Deep Mantle
- The Role of Noble Gases in Defining the Mean Residence Times of Fluids within Precambrian Crustal Systems
- Time-lapse Geophysical Data from a Stressed Environment
- Timing and magnitude of the Caribbean mid-Holocene highstand
- Toward a Quantitative Assessment of the Influence of Regional Emission Sources on Ozone Production in the Colorado Front Range
- Transient Surface Tectonics Controlled by the Convective Thinning of the Lithosphere: Geodynamic Modeling perspective
- Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015
- A Framework for Resolving Geotechnical Parameters in Hardrock Setting
- A Fresh Look at Aging Lunar Ejecta: Insights from Optical Maturity (OMAT) and Rock Abundance (RA)
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Simple Proxy System Model of High-Latitude Encrusting Algal Oxygen Isotope Composition (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O)
- A comparison between north-central Apennines and southeastern Carpathians in terms of present-day geodynamic features
- A full Holocene record of water isotopes from syngenetic pore ice in central Yukon Territory, Canada
- A new combined nanoSIMS and continuous-flow IRMS approach to measure hydrogen isotopes from water in hydrated rhyolitic glass
- A synthesis of collaborative integrated studies of permafrost disturbance impacts on carbon and nitrogen composition and export
- Ammonia sources, transport, and deposition in northern Colorado
- Amplification of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation at the end of the Little Ice Age
- Anisotropic Impact Cratering on the Moon Observed in the Lunar Cold Spot Crater Population
- Arctic summertime measurements of ammonia in the near-surface atmosphere
- Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentrations Enhanced on Sulfate-Containing Particles during Multi-Day Stagnation Events at Look Rock during SOAS
- Biogenic influence on the composition and growth of summertime Arctic aerosol
- Climate Change and Wildland Fire Intensity
- Continuous, Pulsed Export of Methane-Supersaturated Meltwaters from the Bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Dansgaard-Oeschger Oscillations in a Comprehensive Model of Glacial Climate
- Deep, saline and isolated crystalline brines: looking for a parent body
- Drainage reorganization and tectonic deformation in the Chaschuil and Fiambalá basins of NW Argentina
- Drip Tectonics and The Uplift of Central Anatolia
- Drought as a driver of declining boreal forest growth: Integrating forest inventory measurements with models to gain insight into underlying mechanisms
- Electrokinetic Enhanced Permanganate Delivery for Low Permeability Soil Remediation
- Estimating ecosystem carbon change in the Conterminous United States based on 40 years of land-use change and disturbance
- Evidence for a Novel Source of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds in the Summer Time Marine Arctic Boundary Layer
- Exploring the Contribution of Primary Marine Organic Matter to the Arctic Boundary Layer
- Exploring the deep, ancient hydrogeosphere within Precambrian crystalline rocks using noble gases
- Geodynamical Factors Controlling the Plateau Uplift in the Eastern Anatolia-Lesser Caucasus
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Along the Pacific Coast of Central North America
- Hg concentrations from Late Triassic and Early Jurassic sedimentary rocks: first order similarities and second order depositional and diagenetic controls
- High-resolution Seismic Modeling of the Core-mantle Boundary Region Based on Hybrid Methods: Preliminary Results
- Hydrated Spinel Websterite Xenoliths From Moses Rock Diatreme, Navajo Volcanic Field: Metasomatism in the Mantle Wedge of the Colorado Plateau Above the De-watering Farallon Plate
- Impact-Driven Overturn of Lunar Regolith: A Refreshed Approach
- Implications of Sub-Grid NO<SUB>2</SUB> Dry Deposition in a Chemical Transport Model
- Improving the Retrieval of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> from Total Carbon Column Observing Network Solar Spectra
- Improving winter leaf area index estimation in evergreen coniferous forests and its significance in carbon and water fluxes modeling
- Injection of sodium borohydride and nzvi solutions into homogeneous sands: H<SUB>2</SUB> gas production and implications
- Integrating Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics into State-and-Transition Simulation Models of Land Use/Land Cover Change
- Integration of Airborne and Walk Magnetic Data for the Imaging of Basement Structures beneath Glacial Cover in Northern New Brunswick, Canada
- Interaction Between the Supercontinent Cycle and the Evolution of Intrinsically Dense Provinces in the Deep Mantle
- Interactions between SO2 oxidation and Secondary Organic Aerosol formation through Criegee intermediate chemistry
- Investigation of C-O-H-S fluids directly exsolved from melts associated with the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius magmas
- Isolating the Role of Moist Isentropic Transport in the Linkage between the Midlatitude Surface and the Arctic Troposphere
- Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Study
- Kinetic Energy associated with Dynamic Fragmentation in Brittle Solids
- Lasting mantle scars lead to perennial plate tectonics: damage structures, jelly sandwiches, and a crème brûlée
- Late Quaternary Arc-parallel Extension of the Kongur Extensional System (KES), Chinese Pamir
- Leaf Chlorophyll Content as a Proxy for Photosynthetic Parameters for Estimating Carbon and Water Fluxes at a Forest Site
- MATLAB as an incentive for student learning of skills
- Mantle Lithosphere Rheology and Vertical Tectonics: Driving the Burial and Exhumation of Crustal Rocks
- Measurements in Vacuum of the Effect of Ilmenite on the Complex Dielectric Permittivity of Planetary Regolith Analog Materials
- Microbial Repopulation Following In Situ STAR Remediation
- Microscopic Observation of Tremor-Like Excitations during Dynamic Loading of Trapped Liquids
- Modeling Changes in Precipitation Extremes: the Added Value of Very High Resolution
- Modelling Regional Air Quality in the Canadian Arctic: Simulation of an Arctic Summer Field Campaign
- Monitoring phenology of photosynthesis in temperate evergreen and mixed deciduous forests using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) at leaf and canopy scales
- Multi-proxy Paleoclimate and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reconstruction from the Latest Middle Eocene Sedimentary Fill of a Subarctic Kimberlitic Maar Crater
- Multiscale finite-frequency seismic imaging of the southern and central Alaska subduction zone
- New Frontiers for Deep Fluids and Geobiology Research in the World's Oldest Rocks
- Nitrate photolysis in salty snow
- ObsPy: A Python toolbox for seismology - Sustainability, New Features, and Applications
- One-dimensional canopy modeling of biogenic VOC during the 2016 PROPHET AMOS campaign
- Optimization of terrestrial ecosystem model parameters using atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration data with a global carbon assimilation system (GCAS)
- Organosulfate Formation through the Heterogeneous Reaction of Sulfur Dioxide with Unsaturated Compounds
- Past Peatland Distribution as an Indicator of Hydroclimate and Temperature
- Potential Enhancement of Ground Penetrating Surveys with Dispersion Properties
- Radar Detection of Layering in Ice: Experiments on a Constructed Layered Ice Sheet
- Reductive Dechlorination of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene and Its Metabolites at a Contaminated Site in Nanjing, China: Concordance between Field and Microcosm Data
- Regional Inversion of the Maximum Carboxylation Rate (V<SUB>cmax</SUB>) through the Sunlit Light Use Efficiency Estimated Using the Corrected Photochemical Reflectance Ratio Derived from MODIS Data
- Regional and global climate for the mid-Pliocene using CCSM4 with PlioMIP2 boundary conditions
- Response of High Latitude Coralline Algae to pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and Thermal Stress
- SIGKit: a New Data-based Software for Learning Introductory Geophysics
- Sea-Level Fingerprints in a Region of Complex Earth Structure: the Case of WAIS
- Seasonal & Daily Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations from Ground & Space Used to Evaluate Tropical Ecosystem Models
- Seasonal Variations in Resistivity at a Police Forensic Site and the Effectiveness of Unconventional Array Types
- Simulated responses of ecosystem net primary productivity to climate and atmospheric changes in recent decades for the conterminous U.S.
- Source Attribution of Arctic Black Carbon Constrained by Surface and Aircraft measurements
- Spin Transition in the Lower Mantle Minerals: A Single Solution for Two Enigmatic Problems-Superplumes and Mid-mantle Slab Stagnation
- Spin Transition in the Lower Mantle: Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition of Superplumes from the Mid-mantle and Mid-mantle Slab Stagnation
- Stagnant-lid convection in large versus small-core spherical shells: implications for modeling the Moon and Galilean satellites
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- Sulfur isotope fractionation derived from reaction-transport modeling in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 201, Site 1226)
- The Barrancas anticline in west-central Argentina: new geomorphic and geologic constraints on the geometry and activity of a fault-related fold
- The Contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Projections of Sea Level Change Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America
- The ICE-6G_C (VM5a) Global Model of the GIA Process: Antarctica at High Spatial Resolution
- The Influence of 3-D Earth Structure on a Coupled Antarctic Ice Sheet - Sea Level Model
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Model Output: Sensitivity to Seismic Model Input
- The Influence of Monoterpene and Isoprene Nitrates on the Chemistry and Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol in a Low-NO<SUB>x</SUB> Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous Forest
- The Influence of True Polar Wander on Glacial Inception in North America
- The Lunar Rock Size Frequency Distribution from Diviner Infrared Measurements
- The RIMFAX GPR on Mars 2020 - Bringing a New Dimension to Rover Science.
- The Relative Abundances of Resolved <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D and Mechanisms Controlling Isotopic Bond Ordering in Abiotic and Biotic Methane Gases
- The Role of Convective Shell Thickness on Dynamo Scaling Laws for Magnetic Field Morphology: Implications for the Ice Giants and Future Earth
- The Search for Efficiency in Arboreal Ray Tracing Applications
- The Tree-Ring Mercury Record of Gold Mining in the Klondike, Central Yukon Territory
- The long-term rotational stability of terrestrial planets with viscoelastic lithospheres: A new theory with application to Mars
- Thermophysical properties of lunar impact ejecta and their evolution through time
- Tidal Tomography: New Insights into Long Wavelength Deep Mantle Buoyancy Structure
- Trade-offs between obtaining plate-like surface motion and constraining core heat loss in global mantle convection models
- Validation and Drift Analysis for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Trace Gas Data Set
- Why are Upward EP-flux and Temperature Positively Skewed in the Stratosphere?
- Young Lunar Volcanic Features: Thermophysical Properties and Formation
- 3-D Numerical Modelling of Oblique Continental Collisions with ASPECT
- 3D Numerical Examination of Continental Mantle Lithosphere Response to Lower Crust Eclogitization and Nearby Slab Subduction
- A Numerical Approach to the Accretion of Micro-Continental Blocks and Subsequent Subduction Initiation
- A high-resolution sulfur isotope record of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Abrupt Climate Transition of Icy Worlds from Snowball to Moist or Runaway Greenhouse
- Adjoint tomography of Empirical Green's functions from ambient noise in Southern California
- Age and Origin of Eclogite Xenoliths from Navajo Diatremes on the Colorado Plateau
- Aircraft NO<SUB>x</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> measurements during wintertime temperature inversions in Salt Lake City, Utah
- Aircraft measurements to characterize polluted winter boundary layers: Overview of twin otter flights during the Utah Winter Fine Particulate Matter Study
- Ambient noise adjoint tomography for a linear array in North China
- An Overview of OCTAV-UTLS (Observed Composition Trends and Variability in the UTLS), a SPARC Emerging Activity
- Analysis of Ozone Trends and Spatial Variations in the North American Lower and Middle Troposphere from a Long-term Ozone Climatology Dataset
- Angular Normalization of Ground and Satellite Observations of Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Assessing Vegetation Productivity
- Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for phenotypic mapping of white spruce genotypes along environmental gradients
- Below-Canopy Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry and Dynamics in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest Canopy during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Campaign.
- Biochar and Ecosystem Restoration: Plant Ecophysiological Responses
- Biodegradation of Chlorofluorocarbons in a Groundwater Plume using Compound Specific Carbon Isotope Analysis
- Broad-scale lake expansion and flooding inundates essential wood bison habitat in northwestern Canada.
- Changes in carbon stock associated with post-settlement wetland conversion in Southern Ontario, Canada, and implications for Holocene carbon dynamics
- Chemistry, toxicology, and persistence of particulates during and after the 2016 Fort McMurray Wildfires in Alberta, Canada
- Chlorophyll dynamic accounts for spatial and temporal variabilities in terrestrial carbon uptake and evapotranspiration
- Commercial helium reserves, continental rifting and volcanism
- Compiling Holocene RSL databases from near- to far-field regions: proxies, difficulties and possible solutions
- Constraining Bulk Densities of Near-Earth Asteroid Surfaces from Radar Observations Using Laboratory Measurements of Permittivity
- Controls on drainage divide migration in the northern Sierras Pampeanas assessed through morphometric indicators
- Deep Mantle Layering by Post-Perovskite Dissociation at 0.9 TPa in GJ876d Super Earth
- Detection of the long-range transport of wildfire pollution to the Arctic using a network of ground-based FTIR spectrometers, satellite observations and model result
- Do Vertical Gradients in Soil Environmental Conditions Regulate Exudation Rates from Peatland Vegetation?
- Dynamics of Lithospheric Extension and Residual Topography in Southern Tibet
- Eclogite Xenoliths from Chino Valley, Arizona: Jurassic Oceanic Crust of the Farallon Plate Metamorphosed During Late-Cretaceous Subduction
- Effect of seawater contamination on modeled sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate reduction (ODP Leg 201, Site 1226)
- Electrokinetically Emplaced Amendments for Enhanced Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents in Clay: a Pilot Field Test
- Establishment of a Methanogenic Benzene-Degrading Culture and its Implication in Bioremediation
- Estimations of natural variability between satellite measurements of trace species concentrations
- Evolution of Lunar Crater Ejecta Through Time: Influence of Crater Size on the Record of Dynamic Processes
- Formation of Particulate Matter during Wintertime Inversions in the Salt Lake Valley.
- Geophysical insights on the GIA process provided by high-quality constraints from peripheral regions: An outlook on perspectives from North America and from the Mediterranean basin
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Derived Boundary Conditions for Paleoclimate Simulation: the Refined ICE-6G_D (VM5a) Model and the Dansgaard-Oeschger Oscillation
- HVSR Response Evolution due to Seasonal Variation: Observations from 2 Years of Continuous Monitoring
- High pollution events in the Great Salt Lake Basin and its adjacent valleys. Insights on mechanisms and spatial distribution of the formation of secondary aerosol.
- High-resolution seismic modeling of deep Earth interior based on hybrid methods: preliminary results
- How robust is the atmospheric circulation response to Arctic sea-ice loss in isolation?
- How would you decide? Helping geoscience students consider ethical dimensions in a gescience context
- Ice nucleating efficiency of atmospheric particles and possible sources of ice nucleating particles at two coastal marine sites
- Impact of OH Heterogenous Oxidation on the Evolution of Brown Carbon Aerosol Optical Properties
- Implications of climate change on winter road networks in Ontario's Far North and northern Manitoba, Canada, based on climate model projections
- Increases to Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols from SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Southeastern US
- Interactions of ice sheet evolution, sea level and GIA in a region of complex Earth structure
- Investigating the rupture direction of induced earthquakes in the Central US using empirical Green's functions
- Limitations in Using Chemical Oxidative Potential to Understand Oxidative Stress from Particulate Matter
- Machine Learning and Inverse Problem in Geodynamics
- Measurements in Vacuum of the Complex Permittivity of Planetary Regolith Analog Materials in Support of the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- Measurements of ice nucleating particle concentrations at 242 K in the free troposphere
- Mercury anomalies as a proxy for large igneous province volicanism and effects on the carbon cycle in a U-Pb age-constrained section spanning the end-Triassic mass extinction, Levanto, Peru
- Merged SAGE II / MIPAS / OMPS Ozone Record : Impact of Transfer Standard on Ozone Trends.
- Merged SAGE II, Ozone_cci and OMPS ozone profiles dataset and evaluation of ozone trends in the stratosphere
- Methane Provenance Determined by CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D Abundances
- Modeling of meteorology, chemistry and aerosol for the 2017 Utah Winter Fine Particle Study
- Multidimensional Mantle Convection Models in Eastern Anatolia, the North Arabian Platform, and Caucasus Region
- Non-isothermal processes during the drying of bare soil: Model Development and Validation
- Numerical Simulations of Slow Stick Slip Events with PFC, a DEM Based Code
- ObsPy - A Python Toolbox for Seismology - and Applications
- Observation and simulation of ethane at 23 FTIR sites
- Observations of Nitrogen Oxides Diurnal Variations and Eddy Covariance Fluxes above a Mixed Hardwood Forest during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Campaign
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- Origins and ages of fracture fluids in the South African Crust
- Passive sampling for the isotopic fingerprinting of atmospheric mercury
- Photo-oxidation of Nitrophenols in the Aqueous Phase: Reaction Kinetics, Mechanistic Insights, and Evolution of Light Absorption
- Pitfalls in Trend Analysis: Sampling, Drifts, and Orthogonality
- Reaction Rates Of Olivine Carbonation - An Experimental Study Using Synthetic Fluid Inclusions As Micro-Reactors
- Reassessing the Role of Sea Ice Drift in Long Term Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Regional scale temperature and circulation impacts of short-lived climate pollutants reductions
- SIGKit: Software for Introductory Geophysics Toolkit
- SOA derived from isoprene epoxydiols: Insights into formation, aging and distribution over the continental US from the DC3 and SEAC4RS campaigns
- Shock Wave Propagation in Layered Planetary Interiors: Revisited
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence tracks the trend of canopy stomatal conductance and transpiration at diurnal and seasonal scales
- Source characterization and dynamic fault modeling of induced seismicity
- Sources and Characterization of Submicron Aerosols in a Rural Forest During the PROPHET-AMOS 2016 Campaign
- Sources and Removal of Springtime Arctic Aerosol
- Spatial Distribution of Ammonia and its Contribution to Particulate Matter Formation in the Great Salt Lake Region in Winter
- Structural characteristics of the décollement zone and underthrust sediments in the Nankai accretionary prism: Geologic architectures in the Site C0023, IODP Expedition 370
- Surface albedo in relation to disturbance and early stand dynamics in the boreal forest: Implications for climate models
- Targeted Investigation of Base Metal Mineralization beneath Glacial Cover using Magnetic Field Methods, Petrophysics, and Petrology
- The Effects of Mineral Matrices and Extraction Method on Quantification of Bacterial Phospholipid Fatty Acids.
- The Impact of Stratospheric Circulation Extremes on Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Extent
- The Impacts of 3-D Earth Structure on GIA-Induced Crustal Deformation and Future Sea-Level Change in the Antarctic
- The Importance of Asia as a Source of Black Carbon to the Arctic Constrained by Aircraft and Surface Measurements.
- The Sensitivity of the Midlatitude Moist Isentropic Circulation on Both Sides of the Climate Model Hierarchy
- The contribution of glacial isostatic adjustment to projections of sea-level change along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America
- The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content and seasonal controls on carbon uptake
- The interplay between rheology and pre-existing structures in the lithosphere and its influence on intraplate tectonics: Insights from scaled physical analogue models.
- The origin of soil organic matter controls its composition and bioreactivity across a mesic boreal forest latitudinal gradient
- Trends in land surface phenology and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonality in the Northern Hemisphere terrestrial ecosystems
- Tropospheric ozone observations - How well can we assess tropospheric ozone changes?
- True-triaxial experimental seismic velocities linked to an in situ 3D seismic velocity structure
- Understanding Seasonal Dynamics of the Photo-Protective Xanthophyll Cycle Improves Remote Detection of Photosynthetic Phenology in Deciduous Trees and Evergreen Conifers
- Upscaling from leaf to canopy chlorophyll/carotenoid pigment based vegetation indices reveal phenology of photosynthesis in temperate evergreen and deciduous trees
- Wintertime Reactive Chlorine Sources and Speciation in the Great Salt Lake, UT Region
- 200 years of northern Svalbard sea ice history recorded in encrusting coralline algae
- 3-D Analysis of Lithospheric 'Super-Drips': Insights From High Resolution Analog Models
- A 400-year tree-ring reconstruction of gaseous elemental mercury in northwestern Canada
- A Lunar Dynamo Driven by Mantle Precession and Convection
- A Simplified Algorithm to Estimate Latent Heating Rate Using Vertical Rainfall Profiles over the Tibetan Plateau
- A stratospheric pathway linking a colder Siberia to Barents-Kara sea ice loss
- Acceleration, Jerks, and External Signals: Global Characterization of Earth's Field on Sub-Annual Time Scales with Space Constellation Measurements
- AirCore profiles of greenhouse and trace gas species for sites within the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) and comparisons to models and ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) retrievals
- An Explanation for the Nitrous Oxide Layer Observed in the Mesopause Region
- An Investigation of the Mechanism of Biotransformation of Chlorofluorocarbons through Compound Specific Isotope Analysis
- Anaerobic Transformation of Chlorobenzenes and Benzene in Groundwater and Characterization of the Microbial Community
- Apollo's Agglutinates: An Analysis of Lunar Agglutinate Reflectance and Implications for Space Weathering
- Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe
- Base-level and lithologic controls of drainage reorganization in NW Argentina
- Bioretention Cells Under Cold Climate Conditions
- Blocking statistics in a varying climate: lessons from a 'traffic jam' model with aperiodic forcing
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- Characterization of Methane Emissions in the Greater Toronto Area Using In-Situ Mobile Measurements
- Characterizing pool-dominated DNAPL source zones using hydraulic tomography
- Cloud Condensation Nuclei over the Canadian Arctic During Summer
- Competing roles of the fast and slow response in the total coupled West African precipitation response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing
- Concentrations of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in indoor house dust after 2016 Fort McMurray Wildfires
- Connecting air mass heat content to diabatic sources in an idealized moist general circulation model
- Controls of the lower crust on lithospheric deformation in an intraplate setting: Insights from scaled physical analogue models
- Correcting Historical Errors: An investigation of systematic errors in Arrhenius's 1896 climate model
- Crustal Radial Anisotropy of Southern California Revealed by Multi-component Ambient Noise Adjoint Tomography
- Current Validation Results for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) on SCISAT
- Development of a Facility Level Methane Emission Inventory for a Canadian City
- Diagnosis of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Using Satellite Data: One Way to Reduce Uncertainty
- ENSO in two complementary warm climates: the mid-Pliocene warm period and the climate of the future
- Effects of a transient marine sulfur reservoir on marine sulfate δ<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>SO4</SUB> during the PETM
- Eikonal equation-based teleseismic traveltime tomography of Sumatra
- Enigmatic Pre-collisional Extensional Tectonics in Microcontinents
- Experimental determination of the serpentinization rates of orthopyroxene using synthetic fluid inclusions as micro-reactors.
- Exploring the Limits of Life in a South African Deep Subsurface Brine
- Gas migration and bubble-facilitated transport during the injection of nanoscale zero-valent iron into a trichloroethene plume
- H<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Production, Storage, and Release Over 4.5 Gyr of Martian History: Implications for Atmospheric Warming, Habitability, and ISRU
- Heart Attack Mortalities Elucidated through North Atlantic Climate Patterns
- Heinrich Event 1: Constrained by Hudson Strait Regional RSL Histories and Triggered by Tidal Forcing
- High and diverse photosynthetic capacity of global farmland illustrated by satellite chlorophyll fluorescence measurements
- Imaging Depth to Bedrock and Sediment Saturation in a Canadian Shield Aquifer by Combined S and P-wave Refraction
- Impact Gardening Across the Solar System
- Impact of Secondary Organic Aerosol Exposure on the Pathogenesis of Human Influenza Virus (H1N1)
- Impact of changing environmental conditions on a high-latitude coralline algae climate proxy archive
- Impact of model resolution on the representation of wind power statistics: an example from the UK
- Improving Lake Ice Simulations for Temperate Region Lakes
- Isolating Fast and Slow Response of the Regional Climate over Southeast Asia to Anthropogenic Aerosols using Variable Resolution-CESM
- Large Eddy Simulations of the Dusty Martian Boundary Layer and Dust Devils with MarsWRF
- Late Cenozoic exhumation history of the Gaoligong and Chongshan shear zones (SE Tibet)
- Late Holocene relative sea-level changes and glacial isostatic adjustment of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island (USA)
- Long-term observation of aerosol acidity in Toronto: impacts from meteorological conditions and water-soluble compositions
- Low-severity wildfire on a tree covered peat plateau: interactive effects of runoff flowpath and ground thaw dynamics on porewater chemistry
- Magnetometry at Palaikastro, a Bronze Age Archaeological Site in Eastern Crete
- Mapping Global Photosynthetic Capacity from Optical Remote Sensing Data
- Mapping Sea-Level Change in Time, Space, and Probability
- Measurement-based modeling of the dielectric permittivity of particulate geologic material for improved radar interpretation
- Melt Transport through Ammonia-Rich Ice Shells: Implications for the Evolution of Triton
- Modeling evidence for large, ENSO-driven interannual wintertime AMOC variability
- Modeling the Complex Interaction between Natural and Fluid-Driven Fractures in Shale Reservoirs
- Observing Drought-induced Changes in Light Use Efficiency and Photosynthetic Performance in Grassland Ecosystems: The Use of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Organic geochemistry of soil organic matter with long-term nitrogen enrichment: Molecular-level insights on impacts to soil biogeochemistry
- Paleo-thermal anomaly along with the decollement off the Cape of Muroto, Japan: controlled by subduction
- Parameterizing the radar-scale roughness of snow on sea ice: a wavelet-based approach
- Re-Evaluating Potential Uncertainty in Mechanistic Interpretations Using CSIA
- Regional terrestrial ecosystem carbon flux constrained with GOSAT XCO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- SSW induced northern North American cold air outbreaks in the context of sea ice loss
- Satellite observations of atmospheric HCFC-142b and the recent decline in its rate of increase
- Searching for ancient crustose coralline algae: collection and application of a high-latitude climate archive
- Sensitivity kernels for multi-component ambient noise empirical Green's functions based on adjoint method
- Settling-driven convection limits the spatial scale of deposition beneath buoyant turbid flows in lakes and the coastal ocean
- Soil biogeochemical processes controlling subsurface carbon and nutrient fluxes under variable winter conditions
- Source apportionment of aerosol ammonium in an ammonia-rich atmosphere: An isotopic study of summer clean and hazy days in urban Beijing
- Stadial-Interstadial Transitions of MOC Intensity in the nonlinear Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillation: An explanation of their occurrence as a linear convective instability of the sub-sea ice water column
- Subsidence along the Gulf and Atlantic coast of the United States exacerbates ocean inundation of the land produced by sea level rise
- Surface-atmosphere exchange of ammonia over a corn field: eddy covariance flux measurements using QC-TILDAS
- Testing for Climate Limit Cycles on Tidally Locked Planets
- The Arrhenius Model of Climate Change as a Classroom Experiment
- The effect of MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> on serpentinization rates: Implications for the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn
- The influence of a compositionally distinct component in the deep mantle on thermal structure, core heat loss, and plate-like surface dynamics
- The influence of core size and viscosity law on convective cooling in spherical shells
- The response of canopy reflectance, vegetation indices and solar induced fluorescence to the 2017 solar eclipse in a mixed temperate deciduous forest
- Timescale of Paleoceanographic History at Iodp Site U1474, Natal Valley, Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Tree stems methane emissions research: a path forward
- UV-Vis Absorbance Spectroscopy in Single Acoustically Levitated Droplets as a Tool to Study Atmospheric Chemistry in Real Time
- Understanding an Observed Enhancement of Formaldehyde within Forest Canopies: Implications for Formaldehyde as an Oxidative Tracer of Gas-Phase Chemistry
- Using Monte Carlo Simulations to Constrain the Impact of Debris on the Infant Moon
- Validation of the Global Precipitation Measurement IMERG Early and Final Product in the Canadian Arctic
- Volcanic gases include slab- and air-derived nitrogen but no contributions from the mantle: a <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N perspective
- Warming and nitrogen addition alters soil organic matter composition in a temperate forest soil
- What Insights Can the Holocene Provide on Previous Interglacial Sea Levels?
- Which Burners Heat the Arctic Atmosphere?
- Wintertime ammonium nitrate aerosol pollution in urban areas: NO<SUB>x</SUB> and VOC control as mitigation strategies
- 3-D Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Shear Wave Velocity Model of Myanmar, Southeast Asia from Ambient Noise Tomography
- A Global Perspective on Habitability in Fracture Fluids in Precambrian Shield Environments Anchored on <SUP>4</SUP>He, <SUP>40</SUP>Ar, and H<SUB>2</SUB> Production
- A New High-Pressure Experimental Apparatus to Study Magmatic Processes at Precisely Controlled Redox Conditions
- A Simple Tool for Assessing Ecohydrological Data: Application of Interactive Parallel Coordinates for Streams and Lakes in Canada
- A full Holocene record of fossil plant waxes and hydroclimate change in southern Yukon (N.W. Canada)
- Abiotic (Prebiotic?) Organic Chemistry in a Potentially Ancient Hypersaline Brine: New Insights on the Limits of Microbial Life Inhabiting 3.1 km Deep Fracture Fluid in South Africa
- Abiotic CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux from the Precambrian Shield on Earth and during the Noachian, Hesperian, and Amazonian periods on Mars
- Actionable knowledge and the art of engagement
- Aging of nitrate-containing organic aerosols and its implication for the NO<SUB>x</SUB> budget
- Atmospheric Aging Effects on the Toxicity of Naphthalene Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Australian palaeoclimate, palaeohydrology, and archaeology of the Mid-Holocene: Trends in the human settlement of Australia's arid interior
- Bias in regression methods used for CSIA mechanistic interpretations
- Carbon Accumulation in Freshwater Marsh Soils: A Synthesis for Temperate North America
- Changing lake ice cover across Canada: towards refining lake ice simulations by resolving lake size.
- Characteristics of Ozone and Particles in the Near-surface Atmosphere in the Urban Area of the Yangtze River Delta, China
- Collective impacts of biomass burning and synoptic weather on surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and CO in Northeast China
- Constraining dust particle size during the 2018 global dust storm using Mars Science Laboratory observations and MarsWRF
- Controls on <SUP>10</SUP>Be-derived basin-wide erosion rates in the south-central Andes: a multivariate Bayesian approach
- Cube2sph toolkit: Efficient continental-scale seismic-wave simulations by the SPECFEM3D package
- Data-driven discovery in mineralogy: Insights from natural kind clustering
- Deep crustal source for hydrogen and helium gases in the São Francisco Basin, Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Deep subsurface, Precambrian hypersaline environments as training sites for exploration of the Martian subsurface
- Deglacial flooding of midlatitude North America could be a trigger for extensive no-analog wetland vegetation and a contributor to the Bølling-Allerød methane rise
- Determining the Extent of a Gravel Layer Using a GPR Survey at the Pniel Archaeological Site, Northern Cape, South Africa
- Did the cessation of mantle convection in Mercury's mantle increase the rate of heat loss from its core?
- Dynamically Downscaled Climate Change Projections for South and Southeast Asia: Mean and Extreme Monsoon Precipitation Changes and Physics Parameterization Impacts
- Earthquake Forecasting from Mean Field Recurrent Neural Networks
- Earthquake Magnitude, Distance, First Motion Polarity, and Noise/Event Determination Using AE, CNN1D, RNN Networks
- Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds and Reduced Sulfur Compounds from a Tailings Pond in the Oil Sands Region of Alberta
- Estimations for the Thermal State of the Planetary Mantle from Mean Field Deep Learning
- Europa's nvisible Meters: Impact gardening, Sputtering, Sintering, and Radiolysis.
- Evaluation of Steam Flushing for Removal of A Mixture of Volatile and Non-Volatile Compounds from Layered Porous Media
- Evolution in Chemical Composition of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Heated-Cooking Oil Emissions
- Fault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes - complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc setting
- Field Studies of Depositional Ice Nucleating Particles: Correlations with Ambient Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentration
- From Directional to Total Canopy Fluorescence Emission As A Better Proxy of Remote Sensing of Photosynthesis
- Frontiers for Biogeophysics: How to Look for Life in Earth's Subsurface and Possible Subsurface Habitats on Mars
- Fully 3D Data-Driven Global MHD Model for Predicting Multiple CME Initiation, Propagation, and Evolution
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment with 3D Earth models in North America
- Global Mapping of Leaf Photosynthetic Capacity Using Remote Sensing Methods
- Global patterns of subsurface microbial diversity through deep time and space
- Great Expectations? Reconciling the Aspirations, Outcomes, and Possibilities of Co-production
- Hydrothermal <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N abundances constrain the origins of mantle nitrogen
- Impacts of Boreal Forest Fires on Air Quality in Ontario, Canada
- Improving maximum carboxylation rate estimation with chlorophyll content as a proxy of RuBisCo
- Influence of Geochemical and Geohydraulic Conditions on Self-Potential Measurements in a Pristine Sand Aquifer
- Insights into the role of turbulence on model-measurement agreement of oxidants in forested environments
- Joint inversion of ambient noise and teleseismic body-wave data for linear arrays based on adjoint tomography
- Joint regional earthquake and teleseismic traveltime tomography of Myanmar
- Journey to Subduction Zones: Microcontinents vs Oceanic Plateaus
- Kinetics of the Aqueous Phase Oxidation of Ammonia and Amines with OH
- Large Arctic Warming from Ozone-Depleting Substances in the Latter Half of the 20th Century
- Late Quaternary intraplate deformation: The Las Chacras Fault Zone (LCFZ), West-Central Argentina
- Linkages Between Sea Ice and Snow Phenology in the Canadian High Arctic from 1997 - 2017
- Lithosphere Structures of Alaska Revealed by Ambient-Noise Adjoint Tomography
- Long-term Nitrogen Addition Decreases Organic Matter Decomposition and Increases Forest Soil Carbon
- MCMC-Based Model Parameter Estimation from Measurements of the Complex Electromagnetic Characteristics of Planetary Regolith Analog Materials
- Magnesium and strontium stable isotopes in hypersaline microbial mats
- Mapping ecosystem integrity in Siberian forests using MODIS time series
- Methane Measurements Using Portable Fourier Transform Spectrometers in the Greater Toronto Area
- Microbes help and hinder the stabilization of soil C
- Modelling global river dissolved silicon export using machine learning
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopes Reveal a Possible Non-Crustal Source of Sulfur for the Bushveld Province
- Natural clustering of pyrite with implications for its formational environment
- Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Sensitivity Kernels of Rayleigh-wave Ellipticity Based on the Adjoint-State Method
- Observed Influences of the Rising Tropopause on Tropospheric Column Ozone in the Past Four Decades from Global Ozonesonde Data
- On the Non-existence of a Unique Equilibrium Climate Under Last Glacial Maximum Conditions
- Online Continuous Relaxed-Eddy Accumulation Ion Chromatographs: New Instrumentation To Measure The Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Of NH<SUB>3</SUB> From Urea Fertilized Maize Field
- Opportunities and challenges of crop biomass mapping based on ecosystem modeling at regional scale using high resolution Sentinel-2 data
- Oxic sulfur cycling during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Particulate Sulfate Formation from Uptake of SO2 onto Organic Aerosol
- Predicting the thermal dependencies of infectious disease with the metabolic theory of ecology
- Quantifying Helium Flux from the Crystalline Basement and Determining the Processes Controlling Its Transport in the Williston Basin
- Rapid cadence estimation of Earth's magnetic field structure reflecting core processes from the Iridium constellation
- Recent changes in seasonal snow and alpine glaciers in the Columbia River Basin, Canada
- Recurrent U-net: Deep learning to predict summertime ozone over the United States
- Regional Land and Ocean Carbon Flux Inferred from OCO-2 XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Data
- Relationship of mercury methylation and demethylation potential rates to methylmercury concentrations in vegetated and unvegetated rice paddy soil
- Remote Sensing of Plant Physiological Traits in Arctic Vegetation
- SPECFEM3D: An Improvement of the Internal Mesher for Full-Waveform Modeling with 3D Elastic Parameters, Acoustic/Elastic Propagation, and Bathymetry/Topography
- Satellite-measured long-term variations of atmospheric carbon monoxide over Asia and their sensitivity to biomass burning
- Seasonal variability in leaf reflectance, the photochemical reflectance index, and their response to light stress in a mixed temperate deciduous forest in Ontario, Canada
- Seismic Refraction to Identify the Extent of Archaeologically Significant Subsurface Layers Between Excavation Sites at Kathu Pan, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
- Soil carbon, where does it come from? Where does it go? Insights from the long-term DIRT network.
- Spatial Variability of the Moisture Flux in the Congo Basin
- Spin Transition at Mid-mantle and Spawning Superplumes
- Stability of fen and bog peatland types over the Holocene Epoch in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada
- Static and Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Recorded at the InSight Landing Sight
- Streamflow Chloride Concentration Trends in the Dorset Catchments, ON Canada, and Efforts to Harness High-Frequency Specific Conductivity-Chloride Monitoring for Event Chloride Load and Flowpath Investigations
- Strong redox control on the liquid/vapor partitioning of sulfur and its implications for magmatic-hydrothermal ore genesis
- Tectonic geomorphology of the Tuz Gölü fault zone: combining morphometrics and structural geology to assess changes in deformation rate and pattern over time
- The Dorset Catchments: A History of Boreal Shield Catchment Research in Central Ontario, CA
- The Dripping Continents and Their Role in the Development of Plateaus in Central Anatolia and the Central Andes: Models and Observations
- The Impact of Tracer Repositioning on Mass and Energy Conservation in Thermochemical Mantle Convection Models: Application to Entrainment at High Rayleigh Numbers
- The Interdisciplinary Consortium for Evaluating Volatile Origins (ICE Five-O)
- The Maple Leaf on Bennu: Canada's Participation on the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- The Millenium Timescale Dansgaard-Oeschger Oscillation: How Small Scale Turbulent Mixing Controls Both its Existence and its Period
- The Snowball Bifurcation on Tidally Locked Planets
- The Temporal Evolution of Arctic Amplification in Coupled Climate Models
- The VALKYRIE Payload for Probing the Martian Subsurface
- The ocean's role in the coupled climate response to high-latitude forcing
- Thermal Evolution of the Planetary Interior - Impacts from Big Data
- Thermal structure and exhumation history of the Northern Range, Trinidad: new constraints from RSCM thermometry
- Tidal Forcing of non-Laurentide Ice Streams during Heinrich Event Instability
- Transform offsets in divergent plate boundaries determined by the yield stress in global mantle convection models
- Using Phytoplankton Cultures as a Guide to Replicate the Sea-Surface Microlayer for Laboratory Experiments
- Variable lithospheric drips and their surface expressions: exploring the role of viscosity with analogue modelling
- Visualization and Analysis of Multi-Parameter Geophysical Data to Delineate Bedrock Structure Beneath Overburden
- Worldbuilding from Tectonic First Principles
- Yellowstone's tectonic parabola and lower-crustal flow: Application of the waterbed model for ductile lower crust
- A Decade of Nitrogen Fertilization Alters Soil Organic Matter Composition and Degradation in A Temperate Agroecosystem
- A Narrative Approach to Building Computational Capacity in Professional Masters Students
- A Novel Proxy-Based Estimate of Holocene Methane Fluxes for the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada
- A new type of hydrous alteration on Mars? Investigating the unique textures of olivine in martian meteorite NWA 7042
- Adjoint tomography of teleseismic direct P and coda waves for high-resolution lithosphere structure: methodology and application
- African humid period precipitation sustained by robust vegetation, soil and lake feedbacks
- Assessment of the Quality of TROPOMI High-spatial-resolution NO<SUB>2</SUB> Data Products and COVID-19 Lockdown Air Quality Changes in the Greater Toronto Area
- Automatic simultaneous source localization and focal mechanism inversion based on strain Green's function database for 3D background models
- BMTK - A python based box modeling toolkit for teaching Earth System Science
- Behavior of nitrous acid (HONO) and isocyanic acid (HNCO) in a test house
- Canadian Atmospheric Laser Absorption Spectrometer Experiment Test-bed (CALASET): Field Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O with a Stratospheric Balloon-Borne Laser Spectrometer
- Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Antofalla Basin in the Puna Plateau, NW Argentina
- Classification of Tree Genotype using Spectro-temporal Variance in Biophysical Traits Estimated from UAV-based Hyperspectral Time Series Data
- Constraining Glacial Isostatic Adjustment models with the quality-controlled deglacial relative sea-level data from the Russian Arctic
- Cosmogenic Erosion Rates and Calibrated Incision Models in the Northern U.S. Cordillera Reveal the Progression and Drivers of Landscape Transience
- Crop rotational diversity alters soil organic matter composition in soil physical fractions
- Deep terrestrial fluxes- investigating the role of deep H<SUB>2</SUB> and He-rich sources in the Precambrian São Francisco Basin, Brazil
- Detection and description of spatio-temporal patterns in weather-type classifications across Canada
- Distribution and variability of NH<SUB>3</SUB> in Mexico City from ground-based FTIR and space-based IASI measurements
- Drainage evolution in broken forelands: A case study from NW Argentina
- Dust emission enrichment of bioavailable arsenic as measured in the stress response of wild snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus)
- Earth-like Habitable Environments in the Subsurface of Mars
- Effects of Forest Harvesting and Residual Biomass Harvesting on Mercury Mobilization and Mercury Accumulation in a Peatland Catchment
- Effects of fluid-induced aseismic slip on earthquake cycles and earthquake source processes
- Evaluating the effects of plant biodiversity on surface temperature in forest restoration projects using UAV, Landsat, and ECOSTRESS data
- Evaluation of modeled aerosol-cloud interactions using data from the ORACLES and LASIC field campaigns
- Extremely low geomagnetic field strength recorded in the Ediacaran Grenville Dykes.
- First Paleointensity Data from the Mid-Neoproterozoic 300Myr void. Implications for Inner Core Nucleation Age?
- Forestry and mercury: Site specific factors that influence the catchment sensitivity to forest harvest
- Full-waveform Inversion at the Mid-Ocean Ridge based on PI-LAB Experiment
- Greenhouse gas fluxes from green roof substrates and biochar as a mitigation tool
- Ground-based networks in support of air quality satellite missions
- High-Resolution Lithospheric Structures Beneath Central California Revealed by Two-Dimensional Linear-Array Ambient-Noise Adjoint Tomography
- Himalaya air quality impacts from the COVID-19 lockdown across the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- How Self-Organizing Maps and Bayesian Statistics Can be Used to Develop a Severe Convective Windstorm Climatology of Australia
- Implementation of perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary condition for curvilinear grids in the SPECFEM3D package
- Inter-Annual Variability in the Winter Beaufort High and its Impacts on the Arctic Climate
- Investigating the Effects of Different Pore Pressure Perturbation Scenarios on Short- and Long-term Fault Response
- Large Freshwater Phages with the Potential to Augment Aerobic Methane Oxidation
- Late Cenozoic paleotemperatures reconstructed from the lignin-methoxy hydrogen isotope composition of sub-fossil wood in the Canadian Arctic
- Long-term observation of NHx gas/particle partitioning and the potential impacts of organic ammonium salts
- MOPITT Data Enhancement Through Cloud Detection Improvement
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning Predictor Models in Estimation of the Thermal State of a Planetary Mantle
- Methodologies for conducting a tectono-geomorphic study in a low relief, low-moderate seismically active area, in the Temiskaming region, Eastern Canada
- Microplastics in San Francisco Bay: Abundance, Transport, Fate, and Policy Recommendations
- Molecular Chemodiversity of Dissolved Organic Matter in Runoff from Central Canadian Boreal Forest Streams
- Molecular biogeochemistry of soil organic matter after twenty years of litter additions and exclusions in a coniferous old-growth forest
- Molecular-level geochemical characterizaiton of organic matter heterogeneity in bentonite
- New insights on fluids from the deep hydrogeosphere of the Rio das Velhas Greenstone Belt, SE Brazil
- Nighttime Oxidative Aging of Biomass Burning Brown Carbon
- North American Swamps: What Lies Beneath
- Novel Radiogenic Noble Gas Signatures in the Crust: The Krypton Factor
- Now we're cooking: How do activities in the home impact exposure?
- On the hunt for unusual subduction zone earthquakes - Clues from secondary phases in seismograms of local earthquakes
- Out of the Ice-Age: Mega-Tides of the Arctic Ocean and the Bölling-Alleröd, Younger Dryas Transition
- Oxidation of sedimentary sulfides as negative feedback to ice-sheet expansion: A case study from the Eocene-Oligocene Antarctic glaciation
- Photochemical Singlet Oxygen Production by Atmospheric Road Dust: Implications for Urban Pollutant Lifetimes
- Plot Scale Evapotranspiration from Restored and Unrestored Extracted Peatlands
- Predict arrival time of acoustic emissions on a laboratory fault without the velocity model
- Projected Changes in Seasonal Snow in the Columbia River Basin, British Columbia, Canada
- Quantifying present and future impacts of reactive soil nitrogen emissions on global air quality
- Radial anisotropy of the Alaskan lithosphere revealed by multi-component ambient-noise adjoint tomography
- Rapid methanogenesis as a significant control on carbon capture and storage
- Recent behavior of the Nares Strait ice arches: anomalous collapses and enhanced export of multi-year ice from the Arctic Ocean
- Reconciling Ground-Based Remote Sensing and In-Situ Observations of COVID-Related Air Quality Changes in the Boston Area
- Regional Drivers of the Sahel Precipitation Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing
- Remediation of LNAPLs by In Situ Chemical Oxidation: The Case of Toluene Oxidation by Activated Persulfate
- Revisiting the 3 µm feature on the lunar surface with an updated rough surface correction
- Salar de Antofalla depression, Puna Plateau, Argentina: an effect of transient extension in a compressional orogen following a mantle lithosphere drip
- Spatial-temporal Analysis of Ammonia Emission Potentials in the Canadian Great Lakes
- Tectonic Geomorphology and Site Response Analysis of Taxila city, Pakistan Himalaya: An Essential Step towards Mitigation of Potential Earthquake Disaster
- Terrane Geodynamics: From Pre-Collision to Post-Collision
- Testing the Implications of a Superionic Ice Layer Beneath Ice Giant Dynamos
- The "space weathering" of Europa
- The Effects of Misregistered Topography on Lunar Thermal Modeling
- The Impact of High Salinity on Radiolytic H<SUB>2</SUB> Yield and the Evolution of Subsurface Brine
- The Thin Ice Clouds in Far IR Experiment (TICFIRE): A Potential Canadian Contribution to NASA A-CCP
- The Viscosity of the Top 500 km of the Lower Mantle estimated using GPS, GRACE, and Relative Sea Level measurements of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- The effects of mid-winter rain on lake ice in the mid-latitudes
- The impact of enhanced sulfate deposition and recovery on mercury dynamics and water quality in a peatland catchment
- The lunar space weathering rate: dichotomies in agents and products
- The vertical transport of helium, hydrogen and methane within the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- To impermeable, and beyond: Expanding conceptual models for the hidden hydrogeosphere
- Total and methylmercury export in central Canadian boreal forest headwater catchments before and after forest harvest
- Towards Joint Inversion of Geophysical Datasets in Planetary Analog Studies
- Towards a quantitative description of forensic anomaly - a numerical and field study using magnetometry to detect buried weapons
- Warmer Summer Surface Air Temperatures Increase the Risk of Cigarette Smoking Consumption Among Young and Older Men
- Water Stable Isotopes of Peatland Catchments: Toward a Better Understanding of Water Budgets in the Marcell Experimental Forest, MN
- Welcoming Remarks: Elise Pendall, Biogeosciences Section president
- Why Robust Software Engineering Matters for Atmospheric Composition Retrievals
- A Hidden Deformation Episode: Pre-Collisional Terrane Extension
- A High Resolution Climatology of the Wind Field along Nares Strait
- A comparison of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 TCCON data products
- A continuous record of climate and vegetation change from Late Miocene Lake Fort Yukon in continental Alaska
- ACE-FTS uncertainty budgets for temperature, ozone, and other baseline species
- Accelerated Sea Ice Loss in the Wandel Sea Points to a Change in the Arctics Last Ice Area
- Additivity, separability, and robustness of the ocean-atmosphere responses to sea-ice loss and greenhouse forcing
- An Overview of the New and Improved OCO-3 ACOS v10 XCO2 Data Product
- Arctic Feedbacks: The Interconnected Roles of Sea Ice, Atmospheric Energy Transport, and Lapse Rate Changes
- Are climate models biased in the atmosphere-ocean partitioning of poleward energy transport?
- Assessment of Temperature Impacts on Natural Organic Matter Composition in Bentonite for Used Nuclear Fuel Storage
- Atmospheric, oceanic, and sea-ice variability along Nares Strait: a numerical model study
- Batch and Column Experiments for Remediation of Toluene Contaminated Groundwater by Heat Activated Peroxydisulfate
- Biases in Estimate of Tropospheric Column Ozone (TCO) Induced by Applying Reanalysis Tropopause Data
- Building confidence in students: lessons from teaching science in prison
- Calibration of divalent cations diffusivities in garnet and dolomite based on the P-T-t history of the Western Tianshan UHP Metamorphic Belt
- Characterization and modeling of phosphorus cycling in an urban bioretention cell
- Characterization of the Martian subsurface with RIMFAX.
- Comparison of the NOx Source from Particle Nitrate Renoxification and Soil Emissions across North America
- Complex Fault Slip Behavior Under Varying Rate and Magnitude of Pore Pressure Perturbation
- Continental fragment formation by rifting of orogenic belts
- Contrasting Tillage Practices and Fertilization Rates Alter Microbial Community and Soil Organic Matter Molecular Composition
- Cube2sph: a toolkit enabling accurate and efficient continental-scale seismic wave simulation using SPECFEM3D
- Deforestation Outpaces Climate Change in a Biodiversity Hotspot
- Delayed Downregulation of Photosynthesis in Southern White Spruce Genotypes Compared to Northern Genotypes in Response to Autumn Warming
- Did the cessation of convection in Mercury's mantle allow for a dynamo supporting increase in heat loss from its core?
- Diverse Coupling/Decoupling Patterns Between Photosynthesis and Evapotranspiration Among Various Ecosystems
- Do global inversion systems systematically underestimate the seasonal amplitude of net ecosystem CO2 flux?
- Do shallow injection wells contribute to the triggering of the 2020 M5.0 Mentone earthquake in the Delaware Basin, Texas?
- Does shelf sediment erosion act as negative feedback to atmospheric pCO2 during glaciations? A case study of the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- Drivers of high rates of carbon accumulation during the Middle and Late Holocene in a riverine-influenced freshwater marsh in a Lake Erie watershed
- Elucidating the effects of gravity when simulating drainage in porous media via an image-based porosimetry method
- Elucidating the role of Antarctic sea-ice loss within the response to greenhouse warming
- Emissions and Air Quality Impacts of Nitrogen-Containing Gases and Particles from Cooking
- Estimating CO2 emissions for the Greater Toronto Area using Orbiting Carbon Observatory 3 (OCO-3) observations and high resolution modeling
- Evaluating Divide Migration Distances Using Vestiges of Prior Drainage Networks: Insight from Modeling and Application to the Dadeldhura Klippe, Western Nepal
- Evaluating Model Concentrations of Short-Lived Climate Forcers, as Used in the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, with Ground-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- Evaluating salinity and pH as drivers of elevated 15N in alkaline lakes of Coorong Lagoon, South Australia
- Evaluating the Role Of Geochemistry on Baseline Tracer Production in the Subsurface and its Effects on Hydrochronology
- Evaluation of dry density compaction on the geochemical composition of organic matter in bentonite clays for used nuclear fuel storage
- Evolving Air-Sea Interaction due to Sea-Ice Retreat Points to a Re-organisation of Water Mass Transformation in the Nordic and Barents Seas
- Exploring functional diversity and metabolic capabilities of microbial communities across the continental and marine subsurface
- Fourteen Years of Continuous Warming and Nitrogen Addition Alters Soil Organic Matter Molecular Biogeochemistry
- Geodynamic Influence on Landscape Evolution in the Northern U.S. Cordillera: Cosmogenic Erosion Rates, Incision Models, and Basalt Flow Ages Show Canyon Incision to be Mid- to Late Miocene in Age
- High pressure redistribution of nitrogen and sulphur during planetary stratification
- High-throughput Phenotypic-Trait-Class Mapping using Crown Structural Information in Very-High-Spatial-Resolution Photogrammetric Multispectral Drone Data
- Holocene Fire Frequency and Potential Carbon Release at a Forested Peatland Site on the Western Hudson Bay Lowlands Margin, Canada
- Holocene paleoenvironmental change in northern Finland reconstructed from two regionally novel biomarkers
- Impact Gardening on Europa and Repercussions for Possible Biosignatures
- Impacts of Atmospheric Transport and Biomass Burning on the Inter-annual Variation in Black Carbon Aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau
- Indiscriminate Spread and Tree Mortality of Beech Bark Disease in an Unmanaged Temperate Forest
- Influence of Alpha Particle Radiolysis on the Formation and Microbial Metabolic Composition of a Deep Subsurface Hypersaline Brine in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Integrative Molecular Biogeochemistry of Soil Organic Matter After 15 Years of Detrital Manipulation in a Temperate Forest
- Intercomparing Global Foliar Trait and Canopy Height Maps: Upscaling Approaches and Spatial Patterns
- Intrusions of sediment laden rivers into density stratified water columns could be an unrecognized source of mixing in many lakes and coastal oceans.
- Investigation of Urban Vegetative Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide over the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
- Kinetics Modeling of Sequential Anaerobic Lindane Biotransformation to Non-toxic End Products
- Lithospheric Dripping Under a Weak Crust: Geodynamic Modelling of the Southern Puna Plateau, Argentina
- Lithospheric Structures beneath Mid-continent Rift Revealed by Full-waveform Joint inversion of Ambient-Noise Data and Teleseismic P waves
- Long-term Monitoring of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn Contamination in the Northern South China Sea through Oysters: Spatiotemporal Distributions, Interacting Effects, and Risk Assessment to Human Health
- Modeling the effect of source distribution outside the computation domain on noise cross-correlations using wavefield extrapolation and injection: 2-D acoustic case
- New chronostratigraphic constraints on the Lower Jurassic PliensbachianToarcian Boundary at Chacay Melehue (Neuquen Basin, Argentina) and the relationship to Karoo Large Igneous Province
- Nickel Isotope Fractionation in Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-S alloys by Thermodiffusion
- Observationally Calibrating Free Parameters for a Snow-on-Sea-Ice Model Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
- Obtaining Absolute Neutral Densities in the Mesosphere from Rayleigh-Scatter LIDAR Using AN Optimal Estimation Method
- On the Hemispheric Origins of MWP1b
- Paleogene syn-collisional leucogranite with rutile exsolution in garnet, southern Tibet
- Plane-wave Wave-equation Migration Velocity Analysis using Radon domain Common Image Gathers
- Plant Trait Regulation of Methane Emissions from Coastal Wetlands
- Poleward heat transport from sea ice loss and tropical warming in the earth system model hierarchy
- QuadSEM-Hdm: a hybrid toolkit for FWI model-resolution assessment and inter-parameter trade-off analysis via full Hessian kernels
- Recent Validation Comparisons for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS)
- Representation of Design-level Wind Events with the Potential for Infrastructure Damage in the Built Environment in Models and Reanalysis
- Responses of Soil Organic Matter Molecular Biogeochemistry to Altered Detrital Inputs are Determined by Site-specific Ecosystem Properties: A Comparison Across Temperate Forests.
- Rheology of a synthetic fault gouge simulated using smooth-joint contact model
- Sensitivity of convective overturning and turbulent mixing of dissolved gases in the Labrador Sea to modes of atmospheric variability
- Shear-velocity and anisotropic model of the Alaskan lithosphere obtained by ambient-noise adjoint tomography
- Simple Snow Temperature Index Models Help Assess Discrepancies Between Snow Water Equivalent Products
- Simulation of Cold Processes in the CMIP6 Land-Historical Simulations
- Simultaneous inversion and uncertainty analysis of moment tensor and source location based on 3D strain Greens function database computed by spectral-element methods: with applications to the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence
- Soil Carbon Cycling Under Elevated CO2 as Influenced by Arbuscular and Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Nutrient Availability
- Stochastic sampling method for Full Moment Tensor inversion and uncertainty estimation
- Stormwater Management Ponds Are Year-Round N and P Control Points to Downstream Urban Watercourses
- Subsurface geology of the Jezero crater floor as characterized with the ground penetrating radar RIMFAX.
- The Lagged Impact of Autumn Surface Temperature Conditions on the Wintertime Beaufort High
- The Lithospheric Structures Beneath Appalachian Mountains Revealed by Joint Full-waveform Inversion of Ambient Noise and Teleseismic Data from MAGIC Array
- The Molecular Composition of Water Extractable Organic Matter and Cotransport of Mercury to Boreal Streams
- The RADiation Impacts on Climate and Atmospheric Loss Satellite (RADICALS) Mission
- The Role of Ester Sulfate and Organic Disulfide in Mercury Methylation in Ombrotrophic Peat Soils
- The Role of Fire on Water and Carbon Cycling Across Two Contrasting Terra Firme Amazonian Forests
- The effect of surface dust availability on the timing of Martian dust storms.
- The hydrological cycle drives atmospheric heat transport in a hierarchy of models and reanalyses
- The importance of atmospheric ammonia oxidation as a secondary source of N2O
- The role of porosity in H2 production in fracture fluids from the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- The signatures of fluids involved in marble formation at 63 Ma in Gangdese arc, southern Tibet
- Thermohaline Staircase Formation in the Diffusive Convection Regime: A Theory Based Upon Stratified Turbulence Asymptotics
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Top-down global methanol budget: the view from IASI, FTIR and in situ measurements
- Toward Data Assimilation of the Solar Wind: Comparison of Variational and Sequential Assimilation for 1D Magnetohydrodynamics Flows
- Towards a quantitative understanding of the relationship between properties of seismic waveforms and the underlying scattering media
- Transitioning to perennial agricultural systems: Climate and land-use impacts on the water and carbon cycling
- Uptake of Ozone by Pollen
- Vapors are Lost to Walls, Not to Particles on the Wall: Development of Artifact-Corrected Parameters and Implications for Global Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Vertical oscillations of the thermocline caused by internal waves modify fish distributions in large lakes.
- Winter Limnology: How do Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemistry Shape Ecosystems Under Ice?
- A Climate Model Hierarchy Reveals Time-evolving Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Monsoonal Climate
- A multi-satellite approach to assess urban emissions
- Advances in Global Mapping of Leaf Chlorophyll Content By Land Cover Type
- An Analysis of Nitrate Reactivity with Volatile Organic Compounds in the Greater Toronto Area and Montreal
- Assessing pyrite oxidation during barite extraction from synthetic marine sediments
- Assessing the Relationship Between PAH Concentrations in Urban Surface Films and Wildfire Smoke Influence as Determined by the Trajectory-Fire Interception Method
- Assessing the efficacy of bioretention cells for phosphorus and nitrogen load reduction in stormwater runoff: Interrogating the International Stormwater Best Management Practices Database
- Assessment of Salinity and Temperature Impacts on Dissolved Organic Matter Chemistry in Bentonite for Used Nuclear Fuel Storage
- CO2 Emission Estimations over the Greater Toronto Area: OCO Observations Comparison with High-Resolution Model Simulations and EM27/SUN Measurements
- Can Trends in Nitrate Radical Sources and Sinks Contribute to Changes in the Odd Oxidant Budgets in Urban Areas over the Last Two Decades?
- Can restoration of freshwater mineral soil wetlands deliver nature-based climate solutions to agricultural landscapes?
- Climate and Soil Texture Exert Different Controls on Plant- and Microbial-Derived Soil Organic Matter in Temperate Agroecosystems
- Climatic and environmentally driven variability in lacustrine brGDGT distributions at local to regional scales in Alaska and northwestern Canada
- Colloidal Activated Carbon: Colloidal Properties and Mechanisms
- Combining 3D N-body simulation and climate modeling to decipher the climates of exoplanets in compact multi-planet systems
- Coming in Hot: Increased Carbon Losses and Reduced Growth Under Warming in Two Genotypes of Field-Grown White Spruce
- Comparing Modeling and Seismological Stress Drops of the Repeating Earthquake Sequences Near Parkfield, California, USA
- Comparison of Fish Communities in Natural and Restored Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands
- Comparison of TROPOMI Satellite Inversions of Methane to Regional-scale Modelling in Canada
- Comparison of the Dissolution Rates of Pyrite and Barite
- Composition of Soil Organic Matter Changes After 20 Years of Detrital Manipulation in a Temperate Forest in Central Europe
- Confirmation of Microbial Degradation of Naphthenic Acids during Oil Sands Reclamation
- Controls on Organic Carbon Burial and Masses in Restored Marsh Soils in Highly Altered Watersheds of the Long Point Region of southern Ontario, Canada
- Coupled Interaction between Fluid Pressure Perturbation, Aseismic slip, and Seismic Rupture in Injection-Induced Earthquakes
- Cumulative Effects of Beaver Impoundments and Forest Harvest on Surface Water Mercury Concentrations in Boreal Watersheds
- Deformation on the Microscale: Quantifying Source Parameters and Localized Heating during High-pressure Failure in the Laboratory
- Dynamic control of slab geometry at a flat slab to steep-angle subduction transition zone
- Earth's Earliest Atmosphere and Volatile Loss During Accretion
- Effects of artificial heat added by sea ice perturbation methods
- Emplacement of the Franklin large igneous province and initiation of the Sturtian Snowball Earth
- Evaluating JAXA/GOSAT two-layer XCO2 with aircraft measurements and OCO-2 MIP simulations
- Exploration of the Martian subsurface by the RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover.
- Exploring tectonic, climatic, and substrate influences on topography in the Ghaghara watershed, western Nepal
- Extensional Deformation in the Pacific Oceanic Plateaux
- From Biology to Physics to Earth-System Science: Making Sense of Optical Signals for Tracking the Seasonality of Photosynthesis in Evergreen Forests
- Fugitive Emissions of Organic Acids from a Tailings Pond and Major Facilities in the Canadian Oil Sands Region
- Global change effects on calcium promotes shifts in zooplankton community compositions in northern lakes
- Highly Differentiated Lavas Examined by PIXL in Jezero Crater
- How High-Resolution Models Better Represent Atmospheric Circulations Associated With Extreme Wind Events in Midlatitude Cities
- Icepyx as an Icebreaker: Starting Conversations and Building Competencies in Open Science
- Identification of Novel Primary and Secondary Emissions in Indoor Environments
- Identifying wetland type from pollen assemblages using machine learning
- Imaging the Alaskan Lithosphere Based on Full-waveform Joint Inversion of Seismic Ambient Noise and Local Earthquake Data
- Individual Source Measurements of Methane Emissions from Biogenic Urban Sources in Canadian Cities
- Influence of Built Environment & Climate Variables on Semi-Volatile Organic Chemical Behaviour in Urban Environments
- Influence of Dayside Land on Climates and Transit Spectra of Synchronously Rotating Rocky Planets
- Influence of the mid-Holocene Green Sahara on South American climate
- Instabilities in spring N export caused by cumulative effects of climate changes, acidification recovery, and forest harvesting activities in northern temperate forests
- Interannual variation and trend in springtime carbon monoxide over the North Atlantic European region from the 2000s to 2010s
- Investigating the Fast Timescales of Polar Amplification
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Linear trend recognition-based interval partitioning for discontinuous ODE systems
- Lithospheric Imaging of the Central Cascadia Subduction Zone based on Full-waveform Inversion
- Lithospheric Structures beneath the Mid-continent Rift Revealed by Full-waveform Joint Inversion of Ambient-Noise Data and Teleseismic P waves
- Long-term Warming in Forests Alters the Molecular Biogeochemistry of Soil Organic Matter
- Microdrones in Field-Based Structural Geology: a Photogrammetry and Fracture Quantification Case Study from the North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Mid-Holocene Asian Monsoon: Dynamically Downscaled Simulations and the Influence of the Green Sahara
- Milankovitch Splines for Calculation of Diurnal Land Surface Temperature Cycles
- Modeling the effect of a regional dust storm in Jezero crater using MarsWRF mesoscale and large eddy simulations.
- Monitoring of air-surface exchange of total gaseous mercury in the Canadian Arctic at Alert, Nunavut, Canada
- Neural style transfer between satellite observation and simulation data for improving detection performance of tropical cyclones
- Nitrosat, a Satellite Mission Concept for Mapping Reactive Nitrogen at the Landscape Scale
- Noble gas tracers as proxy to deep subsurface energy production and residence times
- Observationally Calibrating Free Parameters in a Snow-On-Sea-Ice Model
- Optimizing the Isoprene Emission Model MEGAN with Satellite and Ground-based Observational Constraints
- Outdoor NOx Plumes Ventilated Indoors Likely Perturb VOC Oxidation Chemistry and Enhance Pollutant Formation
- PIXL's augmented capability of detecting perchlorates and Fe-Ti-oxides using multispectral measurements
- Pan-Arctic Anomalous Sea Ice Motion associated with the February 2018 'Beast from the East'
- Passive teleseismic imaging based on amplitude-preserved wave-mode decomposition
- Phosphorus retention in a bioretention cell: Insights from process-based reaction-transport modelling
- Plastic in the deep sea - the ocean floor reservoir
- Plate Tectonics in Massive Rocky Super-Earth Planets: A Consequence of the Dissociation Transition of Post-Perovskite at 0.9 TPa
- Potential and limitations of remote sensing metrics for tracking ecosystem photosynthesis: Insights from a network of tower spectrometers and aircraft data
- Predicting Floor-Based Variability in Composition and Concentration of Indoor Aerosol of Outdoor Origin in a High-Rise Multi-Family Building
- Prominent Impact of Rainfall Diurnal Variations on Evapotranspiration and Gross Primary Productivity over Tropical Forests
- Quantifying Facility-Scale CO2 Emissions using OCO-2 and OCO-3
- Quantifying the effect of shelf pyrite oxidation on the marine carbonate system during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Reconstructed Multidecadal Snow Depth Data Yield Negative October Snow Cover Extent Trends
- Reconstructed Snow Cover Datasets Provide No Evidence of Hemispheric Atmospheric Teleconnections Involving October Eurasian Snow Cover
- Reconstructing mid-Pliocene El Padre thermocline conditions
- Relationships between Air Pollution and Income in Canadian Metropolitan Areas
- Reproducing Stratospheric Superrotation in Titan's Atmosphere with the TitanWRF GCM
- Resolving Full Moment-Tensor Source Mechanisms Based on 3D Background Models: With Applications to Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Satellite-Based Analysis of CO Variability Caused by Wildfires Over the Western United States During September 2020
- Seismic moment tensor estimation and uncertainty quantification in 1D and 3D Earth models using regional waveforms with application to the Middle East
- Slow Fe-Mg-Mn interdiffusion in dolomite-ankerite revealed by high-pressure experiments
- Snowfall Extremes in the Arctic Contribute to Rapid Seasonal Snow Cover Advance
- Spatial Asynchrony in the Western Basin of Lake Erie derived from High Frequency Buoy Data
- Stoichiometric Mineral Identifications in Mars 2020 Perseverance PIXL Data using the Automated MIST Algorithm
- Storm-track weakening in response to Arctic sea ice loss arises with ocean coupling
- Synoptic Conditions During Two Modes of Ice Transport in the Nares Strait
- TROPOMI SIF captures photosynthetic and land surface phenology better than traditional vegetation indices over North America
- The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE): Validation Studies of Halogenated and Ozone-related Species
- The Effects of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruption on Water Vapour Trends in the Stratosphere and Predictions for Future Effects on Atmospheric Temperatures
- The Geodynamic Evolution of the Jean Charcot Troughs: A Remote-Predictive Mapping Approach
- The Remnants of Continental Collision in Southern Appalachians: Constraints from Joint Full-waveform Inversion
- The influence of stably stratified layers on Jupiter's dynamo magnetic field
- The role of stably stratified layers in separating deep and shallow dynamos
- The state of global carbon cycle in 2020 and 2021
- The use of satellite observations to assess burn pit exposures experienced by military personnel deployed in Southwest Asia.
- Three-Moment Dust Microphysics for Mars.
- Toluene Remediation by Heat-activated Persulfate: Column Experiments, Intermediates Analyses, and X-ray Computed Tomography
- Total Reactive Nitrogen Budget Measured in a Commercial Kitchen
- Toward Fully-Automated In-Field Geophysical Survey Designs using Reinforcement Learning
- Toward Geostationary Remote Sensing of the Coupled Terrestrial Carbon and Water Cycles
- Toward a Green function database for Global 3-D centroid moment tensor inversions
- Tracing the fate of artisanal and small-scale gold mining derived mercury in the Peruvian Amazon using mercury stable isotopes
- Update on Benthic Isotope Stratigraphy for Site U1472, Natal Valley, Southeastern Africa
- Updated Hypsographies for the Major Ocean Basins
- Updating TCCON GGG2020 data to the WMO X2019 CO2 scale and application to satellite validation
- Using Machine Learning Models to Estimate Drinking Water Occurrence of Lithium to Link to Human Health Data
- Utilizing Digital Field Tools to Promote Public Geoscience Education
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Arendt
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- A. García Muñoz
- A. J. Brown
- A. R. Tye
- A. W. Frederiksen
- A. W. Yau
- Aaron Donohoe
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adam R. Martin
- Adina Paytan
- Adiv Paradise
- Adrienne Hoarfrost
- Aisha Al Suwaidi
- Akihiko Kuze
- Alan C Mix
- Alan P. Jackson
- Alek Petty
- Alemu Gonsamo
- Alex Cabaj
- Alex Guenther
- Alexander Fogal
- Alexander L. Peace
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Ali Jalali
- Alison R. Duvall
- Allan H. Treiman
- Allegra N. LeGrande
- Amanda Giang
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Andreas Richter
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Ankit Barik
- Ankur R. Desai
- Anne de Vernal
- Aronne Merrelli
- Arya Udry
- Asier Munguira
- Barra A. Peak
- Benjamin Dechant
- Bianca C. Baier
- Bingliang Zhuang
- Brad Weir
- Brandi Kiel Reese
- Brandy M. Toner
- Brendan Byrne
- Brent E. Sleep
- Brian J. Yanites
- C. A. Nixon
- C. D. Cappa
- C. Jackson
- C. P. T. Groth
- C. Rychert
- Cameron G. MacDonald
- Carl P. J. Mitchell
- Carl Tape
- Caroline Pierce
- Cathy Clerbaux
- Charles E. Lesher
- Cheryl Rogers
- Chi Hung Yan
- Chris Derksen
- Chris O’Dell
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher Lee
- Christopher Y. S. Wong
- Clay Tabor
- Cody S. Sheik
- Colette L. Heald
- Colm Sweeney
- D. C. Nunes
- D. C. Richardson
- D. W. Tarasick
- Daniel J. Varon
- Daniel Ortega‐Arroyo
- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
- David Crisp
- David Lumley
- David M. Lawrence
- David R. Bowling
- Debra Wunch
- Dirk Plettemeier
- Doyeon Kim
- Dylan B. A. Jones
- E. L. Moreland
- Edwin S. Kite
- Elise Pendall
- Elizabeth Cottrell
- Emily S. Bernhardt
- Erin Flowers
- Erkan Gün
- Ethan E. Butler
- F. A. Darbyshire
- F. Chevallier
- Felix Vogel
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. W. K. Moore
- Gabriel Chiodo
- Guofang Miao
- Göran Ekström
- H. L. Ford
- H. M. Worden
- Han Han
- Hanqin Tian
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Hardiljeet K. Boparai
- Hejun Zhu
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- Holly Croft
- Howard Chen
- Huan Tong
- I. R. Mann
- Ian Robert Hall
- Irena F. Creed
- Isamu Morino
- Isla H. Myers‐Smith
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. B. Miller
- J. G. Murphy
- J. M. Guerrero
- J. P. Lowman
- J. P. Veefkind
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. Stutz
- Jack Tarricone
- Jacqueline R. Gerson
- James A. Bradley
- James A. Screen
- Jane Liu
- Jason A. Leach
- Jason A. Otkin
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jean-François Müller
- Jeannine Cavender‐Bares
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jeremy J. B. Wentzell
- Jesse Velay‐Vitow
- Jessica Scheick
- Jing M. Chen
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jingzhi Liang
- Jinlun Zhang
- Joachim Jansen
- Joachim Meyer
- Jochen Braunmiller
- Johanna Wong-Bajracharya
- John C. Gosse
- Jonathan M. Plett
- Jonathan P. D. Abbatt
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Joshua L. Laughner
- Julia C. Yang
- Junjie Liu
- Justin I. Simon
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. J. Mayer
- K. L. Siebach
- K. Moore
- K. W. Bowman
- Kai Wang
- Kaley A. Walker
- Kate Lajtha
- Kathryn McKain
- Kazuyuki Miyazaki
- Kelsey Bisson
- Kelvin C. Fong
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kimberly Strong
- Knute J. Nadelhoffer
- Krista L. Plett
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyubo Noh
- L. G. Ozeke
- L. M. Carter
- Laura Castañeda‐Gómez
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Lei Li
- Li Zhang
- Lifei Wang
- Lindsay M. Schoenbohm
- Lorenzo M. Polvani
- Lu Pan
- Lucas Sawade
- M. A. Mischna
- M. Altaf Arain
- M. C. Nolan
- M. E. Schmidt
- M. H. Shahnas
- M. M. Hirschmann
- M. T. Lemmon
- Mahyar Shafii
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Marissa A. Davies
- Markus Reichstein
- Martin Connors
- Martin Cordiner
- Mary Kang
- Mathew G. Wells
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Matěj Peč
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Meredith Franklin
- Michael F. Link
- Michael L. Griffiths
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael Previdi
- Michael Steele
- Ming Tang
- Mingdong Yang
- Mitchell McMillan
- Mukund Palat Rao
- Myrna J. Simpson
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. L. Ng
- N. Lapusta
- Nadine Nettelmann
- Natalie A. Griffiths
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nate Mitchell
- Nathan Collier
- Nathaniel A. Brunsell
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas Harmon
- Nicole Feldl
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Nima Madani
- Ning Zeng
- Nolan J. T. Pearce
- Oliver Warr
- Omid H. Ardakani
- Onja H. Razafindratsima
- P. F. DeCarlo
- P. J. Tackley
- P. O. Wennberg
- Paul G. Myers
- Paul J. Kushner
- Philip J. Heron
- Philipp Köhler
- Philippe Lognonné
- Ping Tong
- R. A. D. Fiori
- R. Hueso
- R. J. Sica
- R. M. Staebler
- R. N. Pysklywec
- R. R. Ghent
- R. Rankin
- Ray Nassar
- Rebecca M. Flowers
- Richard Cosentino
- Riovie D. Ramos
- Robert R. Nelson
- Robert S. Pickart
- Robert Sullivan
- Roger Seco
- Rosalyn Kish
- Rui Cheng
- S. J. Bolton
- S. L. Goldstein
- S. M. Perl
- S. R. Hemming
- S. R. Hinton
- S. T. Henderson
- Sabine Stanley
- Sandra M. Durán
- Sara Navarro
- Sarah A. Finkelstein
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sean Crowell
- Semechah K. Y. Lui
- SeongJu Jeong
- Sha Feng
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shao-Meng Li
- Shelley A. Wright
- Sidhant J. Pai
- Sigurd Eide
- Sourish Basu
- Stephanie Hay
- Stephen D. Sebestyen
- Stephen Po‐Chedley
- Susana Hoyos
- T. Guillot
- T. Oda
- T. Taylor
- Tijian Wang
- Timothy W. Lyons
- Titus M. Casademont
- Toni Lyn Morelli
- Trevor C. VandenBoer
- Trevor J. Porter
- Troy S. Magney
- Tyler P. Janoski
- Ulrich G. Wortmann
- V. Apéstigue
- Voltaire A. Velazco
- W. E. Ward
- W. Richard Peltier
- Wai Ying Lam
- Wei Ji Leong
- Weiqi Yao
- Xuan Ji
- Yadvinder Malhi
- Yarisbel Garcia‐Quintana
- Yen‐Yu Lin
- Yingjie Yang
- Yuchen Ma
- Yueyang Jiang
- Yujiang Xie
- Zachary Fair
- Zoe Pierrat
- Álvaro Moreno-Martínez