University of Toronto, Mississauga
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Additivity and Reciprocity of Anhysteretic Remanences
- Magnetic Chromites From the Pumices of Mt. Sakurajima, Japan
- New and Old Methods of Magnetic Granulometry
- Partial Transition Warming Remanence ("Inverse TRM")
- Stable Thermoremanence and Memory in Hematite
- Are ARM and TRM analogs? Thellier Analysis of ARM and Pseudo-Thellier Analysis of TRM
- Hydrogeomorphic Controls on Redox Chemistry Across Boreal Upland-Wetland Interfaces
- Micromagnetic Modeling of First-Order Reversal Curves (FORC) Diagrams for Single-Domain and Pseudo-Single-Domain Magnetite
- Rock Magnetic Properties and Paleointensity Determinations of Basalts From the Emperor Seamounts
- Thermoremanence and Stable Memory of Single Domain Hematites:Implications for Martian Magnetic Anomalies
- Eclogitic Minerals in Diamond: MORB Reincarnated
- First-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams of elongated single-domain grains at high and low temperatures
- Thermoremanence and Stable Memory in Multidomain Hematite
- How is a FORC diagram different from a Preisach diagram?
- Hydrologic and Climatic Controls on the Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon from Beverly Swamp
- Layered Mantle Structure Beneath the Western Guyana Shield, Venezuela: Evidence From Diamonds and Xenocrysts in Guaniamo Kimberlites
- Low Temperature Demagnetization of Chemical Remanent Magnetization in Magnetite
- Proterozoic Magnetic Field Intensities Obtained Using the Microwave Palaeointensity Technique.
- Thermoviscous Magnetization in Planetary Lithospheres
- Defect Moment and Magnetic Memory in Hematite
- Peridotite-suite dominated mineral inclusions in diamonds from Kelsey Lake Mine, Colorado U.S.A.
- Ti in Zircon Megacrysts From Kimberlite: Evidence for low Temperatures of Formation
- Correlated carbon and oxygen isotope signatures in eclogitic diamonds with coesite inclusions: A SIMS investigation of diamonds from Guaniamo, Argyle and Orapa mines
- Magnetic Properties of Hematites
- Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on Methylmercury Production and Export from a Boreal Wetland
- Estimating Ecosystem Responses to Changes in Mercury Loading: Lessons From the METAALICUS Project
- Is the Morin Transition Size Dependent?
- Mercury Mobilization in Urban Stormwater Runoff
- Rehabilitation of Abandoned Quarries to Calcareous Fens: Ecohydrological Insights from Natural Systems
- Coupling water table fluctuation to mercury speciation and transport in wetland ecosystems
- Hydrologic Fluctuations Resulting From Climatic Variability Cause Methylation Events in Peatlands Impacted by Elevated Sulfate Deposition
- Hysteresis and Coercivity of Multidomain Hematite
- Spatial Patterns of Peatland Pore Water Chemistry and Correlation With LIDAR Derived Geomorphic Gradients: Indicators of Methylmercury Hot Spots in Forested Landscapes
- Glacial asymmetry in response to tectonic and climate gradients in the Pamir Mountains, Western China
- Hallmarks of Maghemitization in Low-Temperature Remanence Cycling of Partially Oxidized Magnetite Nanoparticles
- Physical Basis of the Thellier-Thellier Paleointensity Method and its Descendants (Invited)
- Predicting storage dynamics based on landscape setting in a boreal, Precambrian Shield catchment
- Structural and Temporal Evolution of the Chinese Pamir Constrained Along two Orogen Perpendicular Transects
- Syntectonic Extension and Domes Development during NE-chinese Pamir - Formation, decreasing during the Plio-Pleistocene?
- Tectono-thermal evolution of the Western Pamir Mountains, using 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology on modern river sands
- The role of terrestrial vegetation in mercury deposition: fate of stable mercury isotopes applied to upland and wetland forest canopies during the METAALICUS experiment (Invited)
- Asymmetrical erosion and morphological development of the Ladakh Range, northern India
- Climatic Inferences from Extant and Fossil Reptiles: Toward a Metabolic Paleothermometer
- In situ analysis of carbon isotopes in North American diamonds
- Magnetic Properties of Rocks of the Kapuskasing Uplift (Ontario, Canada) and Origin of Long-Wavelength Magnetic Anomalies
- Paleoelevation of the Puna Plateau, northwestern (NW) Argentina inferred from deuterium isotopic analyses of volcanic glass
- Water storage dynamics and runoff response of a Boreal Shield headwater catchment
- 350 years of paleoceanographic change in the Aleutian archipelago extracted from the skeletons of a subarctic coralline alga
- Greenhouse gas and soil nutrient dynamics at Haliburton Forest: nitrogen and phosphorous amendments to soils to study the effects of high nitrogen deposition
- Holocene Slip Rate Along The Northern Kongur Extensional System, Chinese Pamir
- Marine proxy evidence linking decadal North Pacific and Atlantic climate
- Multi-geochronology analyses of Pamirs river detritus: Insights into Pamir-Tibet connections
- Multiple nuclide cosmogenic dating of very old desert pavements on the Puna Plateau, Northwest Argentina
- Origin of Coercivity in Multidomain Hematite
- Paleoclimatology of the Early Paleogene using Kimberlite-Hosted Mummified Wood from the Canadian Arctic
- Slab Rollback and Subduction Erosion Model for the North Pamir - Alai Intracontinental Subduction Zone
- Slow NE-SW to NNE-SSW extension in the Pasto Ventura region of the southern Puna Plateau
- Syntectonic Extension and Dome Development during Formation of the NE-Chinese Pamir
- Deformation of the Pasto Ventura Basin of the Southern Puna Plateau (NW Argentina) since the mid-Miocene
- Development of high-latitude coralline algae as proxy archives: a Mg/Ca replication and calibration study
- Evidence against Late Quaternary activity along the Northern Karakoram Fault
- Oceanic-style Subduction Controls Late Cenozoic Deformation of the Northern Pamir and Alai
- Throughfall and stemflow dynamics in a riparian cedar swamp: possible ecohydrological feedbacks
- Eclogite-facies guyanaite, carmichaelite and eskolaite in xenoliths of Cr-omphacitite from Navajo diatremes, Utah: Hydration and dehydration in the subducted Farallon plate
- Late Quaternary landscape evolution, climate, and neotectonism along the eastern margin of the Puna Plateau: Pucará Valley, NW Argentina
- Major and trace element geochemistry of ilmenite suites from the Kimberley diamond mines, South Africa
- Tectonic Geomorphology and 36Cl geochronology of the Camardi Alluvial Fan Complex, Central Anatolia: Implications for Neotectonic activity of the Central Anatolian Fault Zone (CAFZ)
- The High Arctic's Only Great Lake Is Succumbing To Climate Warming
- Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for phenotypic mapping of white spruce genotypes along environmental gradients
- Eclogite Xenoliths from Chino Valley, Arizona: Jurassic Oceanic Crust of the Farallon Plate Metamorphosed During Late-Cretaceous Subduction
- Understanding Seasonal Dynamics of the Photo-Protective Xanthophyll Cycle Improves Remote Detection of Photosynthetic Phenology in Deciduous Trees and Evergreen Conifers
- Upscaling from leaf to canopy chlorophyll/carotenoid pigment based vegetation indices reveal phenology of photosynthesis in temperate evergreen and deciduous trees
- A 400-year tree-ring reconstruction of gaseous elemental mercury in northwestern Canada
- A late-Holocene record of winter temperatures derived from ice-wedge water isotopes in the Mackenzie Delta region, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Late Miocene-Pliocene paleo-elevations in southern Alaska constrained by precipitation isotopes archived in fossil leaf waxes and hydrated volcanic glass shards
- Quantifying the role of aseismic slip in the source processes of induced earthquakes
- A Holocene record of winter temperatures from ice wedges in the northwestern Canadian Arctic
- A full Holocene record of fossil plant waxes and hydroclimate change in southern Yukon (N.W. Canada)
- A preliminary Cenozoic record of terrestrial polar amplification in south-central Alaska
- Deciphering a Large-Scale, Wind-Dominated Landscape in the Central Andes: Aeolian Topography in the Salina del Fraile Depression, Southern Puna Plateau
- Flood hazard dipole across the Mississippi River basin: Observations, Reconstructions, and Implications
- Frequent stormwater management pond turnover leads to poor water quality performance
- Ice Sheet-Moderated Changes in the Precipitation Isotope Climatology of NW Canada during the Late Deglacial
- Investigating the Effects of Near-Streamflow Regions on Temperate Region Lake Ice
- Late Miocene to late Pleistocene temperature trends inferred from precipitation isotopes in hydrated volcanic glass shards in central Alaska and Yukon.
- Late Quaternary intraplate deformation: The Las Chacras Fault Zone (LCFZ), West-Central Argentina
- Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Antofalla Basin in the Puna Plateau, NW Argentina
- Classification of Tree Genotype using Spectro-temporal Variance in Biophysical Traits Estimated from UAV-based Hyperspectral Time Series Data
- Effects of fluid-induced aseismic slip on earthquake cycles and earthquake source processes
- Evaluation of SMAP Level 2-4 soil moisture products over Michigan, USA
- Late Cenozoic paleotemperatures reconstructed from the lignin-methoxy hydrogen isotope composition of sub-fossil wood in the Canadian Arctic
- Marine Aerosol Contribution to Ice-Wedge Geochemistry: Potential for Paleo-Sea Ice and Paleogeography Reconstructions in the Canadian Arctic
- Methodologies for conducting a tectono-geomorphic study in a low relief, low-moderate seismically active area, in the Temiskaming region, Eastern Canada
- Recent behavior of the Nares Strait ice arches: anomalous collapses and enhanced export of multi-year ice from the Arctic Ocean
- Salar de Antofalla depression, Puna Plateau, Argentina: an effect of transient extension in a compressional orogen following a mantle lithosphere drip
- The effects of mid-winter rain on lake ice in the mid-latitudes
- Winter limnology: how do hydrodynamics and carbon biogeochemistry shape unique ecosystems under ice?
- Characterizing groundwater variations in Canada using GRACE/GRACE-FO observations and model outputs
- Comparison of MERRA-2 PRECTOTCORR and ERA5 total precipitation over the Great Lakes basin
- Complex Fault Slip Behavior Under Varying Rate and Magnitude of Pore Pressure Perturbation
- Delayed Downregulation of Photosynthesis in Southern White Spruce Genotypes Compared to Northern Genotypes in Response to Autumn Warming
- Do shallow injection wells contribute to the triggering of the 2020 M5.0 Mentone earthquake in the Delaware Basin, Texas?
- High-throughput Phenotypic-Trait-Class Mapping using Crown Structural Information in Very-High-Spatial-Resolution Photogrammetric Multispectral Drone Data
- Holocene paleoenvironmental change in northern Finland reconstructed from two regionally novel biomarkers
- Hydrogen Isotopes in Boreal Conifers as Indicator of Extreme Hydrological Changes
- Refining the representation of medium and large sized freshwater lakes to improve simulations of lake ice off in Canada
- Rheology of a synthetic fault gouge simulated using smooth-joint contact model
- Stormwater Management Ponds Are Year-Round N and P Control Points to Downstream Urban Watercourses
- Assimilation of SMAP Soil Moisture for Advancing Integrated Groundwater-Surface Water Modeling
- Climatic and environmentally driven variability in lacustrine brGDGT distributions at local to regional scales in Alaska and northwestern Canada
- Coming in Hot: Increased Carbon Losses and Reduced Growth Under Warming in Two Genotypes of Field-Grown White Spruce
- Comparing Modeling and Seismological Stress Drops of the Repeating Earthquake Sequences Near Parkfield, California, USA
- Comparison of the Dissolution Rates of Pyrite and Barite
- Coupled Interaction between Fluid Pressure Perturbation, Aseismic slip, and Seismic Rupture in Injection-Induced Earthquakes
- Examining the Linkage Between Satellite-based Soil moisture and Integrated Groundwater-surface Water Modelling
- Reconstructing Herbivore Diets: A Multivariate Statistical Approach to Interpreting Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotope Values
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Heavy Metals among Urban Riparian Zone Sediments
- Transitions from Groundwater Upwelling to Storm-Surge Surface Water Downwelling Along an Urban Stream and Associated Redox-Sensitive Solute Fluctuation