Texas A&M University, College Station
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- Texas A&M University, College Station, Department of Geology and Geophysics
- Texas A&M University, College Station, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Lower Mantle Origin for the World's Biggest LIP? A High Precision Os Isotope Isochron From Ontong Java Plateau Basalts Drilled on ODP Leg 192
- An Oceanographer's Journey into the World of Education
- Bacterial Utilization of Gas Hydrate and Inhibition of Crystallization in Chemosynthetic Communities, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
- Can We Ever Solve The Magnitude Of Sea Level Question? Lessons Learned From ODP Leg 194, Marion Plateau, NE Australia
- Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics Over Houston, TX: 1989-2000
- Deformation, Structure, and Hydrogeology in the Nankai Accretionary Prism, Japan: Initial Results of ODP Leg 196 Logging While Drilling and Installation of Long-term Hydrogeological Observatories
- Effect of the watershed size on the shape of its hydrologic response
- Estimation of model error covariance matrices for different land-atmosphere hydrology models
- Fresh Dacitic Lavas from the Crest of Pual Ridge, Manus Basin, ODP Leg 193.
- From Protodecollement to Incipient Plate Boundary - Physical Property Characteristics of Nankai and Barbados Decollement Zones Compared
- Geochemical and Biological Implications of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Associated with Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico
- Hydrothermal Corrosion: A Major Pre-Ore Forming Process Documented by ODP Leg 193 (PACMANUS, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea)
- Measurement and Partitioning of Net Carbon Exchange in a Coastal Salt Marsh
- Mechanism and OH Yield of Ozonolysis of Isoprene
- Microbial Biomass in the Rhizosphere: Model Development and Column Experiments
- Microbiology of Massive Gas Hydrates from the Gulf of Mexico
- North American Lightning Detection Network (NALDN) - First Results: 1998-2000
- Paleomagnetic age Estimate for an Acoustic Basement Emplacement and Later Remagnetization in Marion Plateau, ODP Leg 194, NE Australia.
- Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated by Chlorinnated Hydrocarbons
- Redistribution of Water During Deformation of Milky Quartz
- Role of Gas Hydrate in Global Change Appears Overestimated: Results of Modeling in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
- Shrubs and Runoff in Semiarid Landscapes: Whats the Linkage?
- Stable Isotopic Composition of Interstitial Waters and Authigenic Carbonates, New Jersey Shelf: Origin of Carbonates and Implication for Methane Flux
- Temporal Patterns of Turbidites Offshore the Northern San Andreas Fault and Correlation to Paleoseismic Events Onshore
- The Influence of Subduction Zone Earthquakes on the Frequency of Submarine Landslides and the Destabilization of Gas Hydrate on Hydrate Ridge, Oregon Margin
- The Use of Biofilter to Reduce Atmospheric Global Warming Gas (CH4) Eemissions from Landfills
- The Use of Permeable Barriers to Inhibit Virus Migration in the Subsurface
- The impacts of NOx production by lightning on tropspheric chemistry
- Theoretical Study of OH Reaction with Toluene
- Towards the Understanding of Earthquake Generation in Accreting Subduction Zone: A summary of ODP Leg 196 Activity at the Nankai Subduction Zone.
- Twelve Years of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics, 1989-2000: Small Scale Results
- Using Magnetic Properties to Identify Missing Sapropels in Eastern Mediterranean Sediments
- Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Dust Deposition on Mars
- A Modeling Study of Low-Frequency Variation of ENSO Predictability
- Accuracy Assessment of Altimeter Derived Geostrophic Velocities
- Agricultural Drought Assessment for the Southern United States
- Analysis of Ambient Aerosol Measurements During PROPHET 2001
- Carbon Isotope Abundances in Lichen Deposits Might Reflect Past Moisture Trends
- Cell-Based Flow Routing Model
- Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics, 1989-2000: West Coast Percent Positive Anomaly
- Correlation of Physical Properties, Logging and Lithology Obtained by Drilling at the 45Ma Pacific Plate: ODP-Leg 200 H2Osite
- Correspondence of Hydraulic Functions and its Significance in Upscaling of Hydraulic Properties for Heterogeneous Soils
- Dry Deposition of Trace Elements to the Western North Atlantic
- Dynamic Data Integration Using Streamline Models
- Effective Soil Scaling Factor for Infiltration in Heterogeneous Soils
- Empirical Models of NAPL Dissolution and Their Applications in Subsurface Contaminant Transport Modeling
- Evidence for Carbonate Compensation Depth Shoaling at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on Shatsky Rise, ODP Leg 198
- Experimental Study of NO Production by Corona Discharge
- Field-Scale Soil Moisture Spatial Structure Under Different Soil, Slope, Vegetation, and Precipitation During the Soil Moisture Experiment 2002 (SMEX02)
- Houston Environmental Aerosol Thunderstorm (HEAT) Project - 2004/2005
- Hydrocarbon Observations as a Function of Meteorological Regime
- Is There Decadal Scale Information Present in the Texas Coastal Current?
- Magnetobiostratigraphic Chronology and Palaeoenvironmental History of Cenozoic Sequences From ODP Sites 1165 and 1166, Prydz Bay, Antarctica
- Magnetostratigraphy of Tertiary Sediments From the Wulanwula Lake Basin: Implications for the Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Tibetan Plateau
- Measurement and model results for gas phase OH and H2SO4 during PROPHET 2001.
- Measurement of Flow and Transport in Macroporous Soils
- Measurements of Hydroperoxides during the PROPHET 2001 Summer Intensive in Pellston, MI
- Meteorological Modeling of a Houston Ozone Episode
- Mobile-Immobile Model Simulation of Non-equilibrium Tracer Transport through Undisturbed Soil Columns under Transient Flow Conditions
- Models for scaling the variance of soil moisture
- New Evidence for Abrupt Climate Change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198 to Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific
- Physical Properties of Sediment Related to Gas Hydrate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Quantifying Land Cover Features of the Sabinal River Watershed Using ANFIS
- River Networks for Global Flow Routing Modeling
- Runoff from Semiarid Landscapes: a Key Ecological Process
- Salinity Variation in the Eocene Australo-Antarctic Seaway: A Record of the Waxing and Waning of Antarctic Ice?
- Seismic response of submarine slopes
- Studying Earth's Atmosphere from the FIDO Rover: Implications for the MER Mission to Mars
- The Oceans and the Teaching of Oceanography
- The Oxygen Isotopic Composition and Temperature of Southern Ocean Bottom Waters During the Last Glacial Maximum
- The controlled-source electromagnetic response of two buried plates, including mutual inductance and interaction with the host medium
- Topology and Parameters of Watershed and River Networks
- Toward a Theory for Step-Pools in Steep Mountain Channels
- Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques to Identify Watersheds for Brush Control to Maximize Water Yield
- Using SODA to Diagnose Decadal Variability in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- 3.5kHz Profiling with Vertically Separated Source and Receiver
- A New Approach to Global Surface Temperature Study
- A Stable Isotope Study of Runoff Processes in a Semi-arid Shrubland
- A theoretical and modeling study of volatile chemical partitioning during cloud hydrometeor freezing
- Analysis of Dissipation Response for the Piezoprobe and DVTP-P on ODP LEG 204
- Broadband Seismic Observations at the Hawaii-2 Observatory During ODP Leg 200
- Consolidation Characteristics of Hydrate Saturated Sediments from ODP Site 1244, Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Continental Margin
- Controls on Regional Gas Hydrate Occurrence at Southern Hydrate Ridge (ODP Leg 204)-Geochemical Evidence
- Deeptow magnetic survey of the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone: Implications for the marine magnetic anomaly timescale
- Development of an Algorithm for Studying the Tropical Cirrus Properties From CRYSTAL-FACE Groung-Based Infrared Measurements
- Dispersal of Sediment in the Western Adriatic during Energetic Wintertime Forcing
- Dual-Satellite Retrievals of Tropical Ice Cloud Particle Shapes and IWC During CRYSTAL-FACE: Comparisons With In-situ and Ground Site Observations
- Ecohydrology and Woody Plant Encroachment: a Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Landscape Consequences
- Education and Outreach Plans for the U.S. Drillship in IODP
- Effective Soil Hydraulic Parameters in Heterogeneous Soils
- Evaluation of PROPHET and Ameri-Flux Measurements Obtained Over the Period 1998 to 2003 for Evidence of Ozone Effects on CO2 and Isoprene Fluxes
- Evaluation of canopy transfer models for growing vegetation using in-canopy profile measurements
- Frequent Landslides from Ko`olau Volcano: Results from Cores 1 & 2 at ODP Site 1223
- Going Online With Ocean Drilling Publications
- Hydraulic Property Upscaling in heterogeneous Soils
- Implications of a Multi-well Tracer Test in the Transport of Pathogens at a Riverbank Filtration Experiment Site.
- In Situ Aerosol Size Distributions and Radiative Closure Study during Aerosol Intensive Operation Period Arm-Iop
- Influence of Intermediate Stress on Yielding of Berea Sandstone
- Information Technology in Science (ITS) Center for Teaching and Learning Environment Design Experiment Study for the Development of New Generation Leaders in Science Education
- Last ODP Legs Expand Black Shale Legacy of Scientific Ocean Drilling
- Lightning Climatology: Median Peak Current Increase Along the U.S. Coast
- Lightning Location Relative to Storm Structure in Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Long-term Measurement of Sediment Resuspension and Gas Hydrate Stability at a Gulf of Mexico Seep Site
- Perception of Wood in River Channels
- Rainfall Simulation at the Hillslope Scale: A Technique for Understanding the Role of Shrubs in the Water Cycle
- Retrieval of Cirrus Properties from Solar Spectral Irradiance During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Seismic Characterization Of Crust On The Newfoundland Non-Volcanic Rifted Margin: Prestack Depth Migrations Of The SCREECH Survey Around ODP Leg 210 Sites 1276 And 1277
- Soil Hydraulic Parameter Upscaling for Steady State Flows with Plant Rootwater Uptakes in Heterogeneous Soils
- Southern Louisiana: Compelling Evidence for Pollution Enhancing Cloud-to-Ground Lightning
- Temperature Time-Series from a Seafloor Gas Hydrate Deposit on the Gulf of Mexico Slope
- The Appalachian Lightning Jump
- The Use of the SWAT Model to Optimize Water Yield from Brush Control in the Upper Guadalupe River Basin
- Two Dimensional Multi-phase Flow Modeling of Hydrate Systems in Accretionary Complexes
- Uncertainty Estimates for Retrievals of Oceanic Rainfall from AMSR-E
- Understanding Science and Technology Interactions Through Ocean Science Exploration: A Summer Course for Science Teachers
- Voyage into the Unknown: Ocean Exploration for the 21st Century
- Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland: Changes in Whole-Soil Carbon Storage and Dynamics
- Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland: Lignin and Aliphatic Biopolymer Chemistry and Carbon Isotope Composition in Physical Fractions
- Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland: Storage and Turnover of Carbon in Soil Physical Fractions
- {In Situ} Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater via Enhanced Reductive Dehalogenation and Dual-Screened Wells
- A Three-Dimensional Subseafloor Observatory Network for Cross-Hole, Hydrogeologic Experiments Established in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Assessing River Channel Change Along Urbanizing Mountain Fronts
- Assessing the environmental costs and benefits of plantations under future carbon pricing scenarios
- Carbon Dioxide Exchange in Live Oak-Ashe Juniper Forest and C4 Grassland Ecosystems on the Edwards Plateau, Texas (Texas Hill Country)
- Carbon Sources to Authigenic Carbonate Rock at Chemosynthetic Communities: Lower Slope of the Gulf of Mexico
- Climate Change Science: A Vehicle for Engaging Undergraduates in Science
- Distribution of Post-Rift Sills on the Newfoundland Nonvolcanic Margin Around the ODP Leg 210 Transect From Waveform Inversions and Synthetic Seismograms
- Downwelling dynamics of the western Adriatic Coastal Current
- Dynamics of Biopolymer Turnover in Soil Physical Fractions Following Land-Cover yChange in a Subtropical Savanna
- Educator Exploration of Authentic Environmental Issues of the Coastal Margin Through Information Technology
- Electrically Active Storms in the Appalachian Mountains
- Environmental control of cloud-to-ground lightning polarity in severe storms
- Evidence For Deep-water Production In The North Pacific During The Early Cenozoic
- Experiences and Results from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Teacher at Sea Program, Expedition 301
- Fine Sediment Distribution in the Western Adriatic Coastal Current
- Forward and inverse dual-permeability model simulation of water flow in a soil column containing a preferential flow path
- From Research Scientist to Public Outreach: A Personal Journey
- Has the Classical Thermodynamic Concept of Solubility Lost Its Meaning for Carbonate Minerals in Complex Solutions
- Impacts of Black Carbon Aerosols on Photochemistry in Megacities
- Inference of Cirrus Cloud Properties Using ARM Data
- Integrated Modeling of Water Policy Futures in the Imperial-Mexicali Valleys
- Kinetic Modeling of Arsenic Cycling by a Freshwater Cyanobacterium as Influenced by N:P Ratios: A Potential Biologic Control in an Iron-Limited Drainage Basin
- Largest Off-axis Lava Flow Field From the Southern East Pacific Rise at 14\deg S - Preliminary Results of NIRAI-KANAI Cruise leg 1, YK04-07 Yokosuka/Shinkai6500 Dives
- Mixing in the Extratropical Tropopause Region: Observations and Modeling
- Nature and Dynamics of Carbon Accrued in a Forest Soil During Five Years of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment
- Non-Equilibrium and Two-Dimensional Flow Field Effects on Bromide Transport at a Tile-Drained Field Site
- Non-paragenesis of Authigenic Sulfide Minerals: Mackinawite and Greigite are Not Precursors of Sedimentary Pyrite
- Numerical Simulations of Hypoxia on the Texas-Louisiana Continental Shelf
- On the Equivalence of Two Models for Biodegradation During Contaminant Transport in Groundwater
- Root Zone Soil Moisture Assessment Using Passive Microwave Remote Sensing and Distributed Hydrologic Modeling
- Sediment Resuspension and Transport During Bora in the Western Adriatic Coastal Current
- Significance of Hydraulic Parameter Distribution Skewness on Effective Averaging Schemes in Heterogeneous Soils
- Single Crystal Elastic Constants From Surface-Wave Measurements on Petrologic Thin-sections
- Soil Organic Matter Dynamics Following Land-Cover Change in a Subtropical Savanna: Insights from Soil Physical Fractionation and Stable Isotopes
- Spatial Distribution of Sulfate and the Formation of Ettringite in Lime-Amended Soils of Central Texas
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Storage Following Woody Plant Encroachment Into Grassland
- Sub-Surface Flow Processes at a Juniper Covered Plot in a Karst Region of the Edwards Plateau.
- Sublgacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE)
- Submarine slope failures north of Puerto Rico, their estimated recurrence time, and their tsunami potential
- Teachers engaging in Authentic Education Research as They Engage Students in Authentic Science Research: A Collaboration Among Scientists, Education Researchers and Practitioners
- Teaching Biostratigraphy Using Real Cores and IODP Data: The use of Information Technology on Spatial Visualization Skills, Motivation and Transfer of Undergraduate Science Majors
- The Anthropogenic/Lightning Effects Around Houston: The Houston Environmental Aerosol Thunderstorm (HEAT) Project - 2005
- The Role of Cap de Creus Canyon in Off-Shelf Sediment Escape, Western Gulf of Lions, France
- Thoughts on the Significance of the East Pacific Rise "Undershoot" Seismic Results
- Tidal Bores as AN Analog for Tsunamis?
- Tidal Mixing and Buoyancy Advection: Joint Influences on Lobster Distribution in Coastal Maine
- Tropical Cirrus Cloud Characteristics Using MODIS Level-3 Data
- USIO-IODP Developing a New Fellowship for HBCU Students
- Undergraduate Student Research with the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program on Expedition 301
- Unique Aspects of Proposed San Antonio/Guadalupe Hydrologic Observatory in Texas
- Volatile Chemical Retention During Wet-growth Riming
- Zonal Variation of Meridional Overturning, Heat and Salt Fluxes in the Antarctic Zone
- A Fast Thin Cirrus Radiative Transfer Model Applied to AIRS Spectra for Cloudy Data Assimilation
- A Paleoenvironmental Record From High Latitude Eocene Nearshore Marine Sediments: Concretions from ODP Leg 189, Tasman Gateway
- A Revised Cretaceous-Cenozoic Apparent Polar Wander Path for the Pacific Plate and its Tectonic Implications
- A Soft Computing Approach for Estimating Natural Recharge Levels in the Semi-Arid Edwards Aquifer Region of Texas
- Age of the Xalnene Ash, Central Mexico and Archeological Implications
- Alkyl Nitrate Saturation Anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean During PHASE-1
- Carbon Dioxide and Energy Exchange Dynamics: the Interaction of Ashe Juniper Encroachment Onto Grassland/Live Oak Savannas on the Edwards Plateau
- Changes to Lignin Phenol and Hydroxy Alkanoic Acid yStable Carbon Isotope Composition and Concentration in ySoil Fractions from a Grassland/Woodland Conversion in ya Subtropical Savannay
- Correlations of Soil C and N With Vegetation and Soil Attributes and Their Spatial Scaling in a Subtropical Savanna Landscape
- Data Assimilation and Targeted Observation of Chemical Tracer Concentrations in a Sea Breeze Model Forecast Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Deformation Analyses and Lithologic Characterization in Overpressured Basins Based on Logging While Drilling and Wireline Results from the Gulf of Mexico
- Depth Profiles of Selected Halocarbons During PHASE-1
- Early Oligocene Onset of Deep-Water Production in the North Atlantic
- Effects of hydrothermal alteration on the magnetic mineralogy of mid-ocean ridge basalts, IODP Site 1301B, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Estimation of Average Rainfall Areal Reduction Factors in Texas Using NEXRAD Data
- Estimation of Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Regional Inverse Modeling
- Evaluation of Sulfate Reduction Using a Series of Modified Push-Pull Tests in an Aquifer-Wetland System Impacted by Landfill Leachate, Norman, OK
- Flow Measurement in Porous Media Using Particle Tracking Velocimetry and Matching Refractive Index
- Geochemical Considerations Regarding the Processes Involved in Mineral Deposition in Sedimentary Rock-Hosted Veins
- Geochemistry of Site U1309 Gabbros, IODP Expeditions 304/305 at the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N
- Hundreds of Cruises, Thousands of People, Endless Discoveries - Education and Outreach in the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
- Hydrologic Modeling of a Sub-continental Scale Mountainous River Basin - Case Study of the Head Area of Yellow River
- Ice Nuclei Variability and Ice Formation in Mixed-phase Clouds
- Lagrangian Model of the Sacramento Urban Plume
- Landslides and mass wasting offshore Sumatra - results from the Sumatra Earthquake HMS Scott survey January-February 2005
- Local Subsidence in Greater Mahala, Egypt, Detected by Radar Interferometry
- MM-Wave Radar Structure and Microphysical Characteristics of a Mixed Phase Altocumulus Cloud on 2 November 2001
- Mechanisms regulating tropical tropospheric water vapor
- Microphysical and Chemical Properties of Agricultural Aerosols
- Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation to Quantify Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Genetic Algorithm: A Field Scale Numerical and Validation Study
- Nighttime Lagrangian aircraft measurements of trace gases and aerosols in urban plumes: A tale of two cities
- Oceanography for the 21st Century
- On the Diffusivity of Water Vapor Under Thermal Gradients in Soils
- Pecos River Ecosystem Project: What are the Hydrologic Effects of Large-Scale Saltcedar Control?
- Performance & Initial Results of the Houston LDAR Network
- Photochemical Production of Alkyl Nitrates in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Pore-scale Analysis of Residual NAPL Blob Mobilization and Solubilization in Porous Media
- Precipitation Pulses in a Saltcedar Community: Are They Important?
- Quantifying the Spatial Configuration of Impervious Cover and its Effect on Runoff Generation in the Whiteoak Bayou Watershed In Texas
- Regional Climate Trends and Recession Patterns of the Irian Jaya Glaciers
- Relationship Between Winter Snowfall and Summer Droughts in the Northern Great Plains of North America
- Revised Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic Apparent Polar Wander Path for the Pacific Plate
- Runoff From a Spring-Fed Rangeland Catchment and Influence of Woody Plants
- Scaling Properties of PSR Based Soil Moisture Fields During SMEX02: A Wavelet Approach
- School of Rock: An Ocean-going, Hands-on Research Expedition for Earth and Ocean Science Teachers
- Short-term Response of Soil Respiration to Simulated Rainfall in a Subtropical Savanna
- Spatial Patterns of Plant δ13C and δ15N Along a Topoedaphic Gradient in a Subtropical Savanna Landscape
- Spatial Variability of Arctic Precipitation Bias Adjustments
- Statistical Significance of the Trends in the Extremes of Precipitation Over the US
- Tectonic Discrimination with Classification Trees
- The Impacts of Ashe Juniper (Juniperus Ashei) Removal on the Hydrologic Cycle in the Edwards Aquifer Region of Texas
- The South Pacific Bare Zone
- The Stratiform Region of an MCS on 19 June in TELEX 2004 Observed With Polarimetric and Doppler Radars, Electric Field Soundings, and a Lightning Mapping Array
- The relationship between the PDF of stream flow fluctuations and the spatial coherence of the watershed
- Time Series Analysis of Freshwater Inflows in an Urbanizing Coastal River Basin
- Total Lightning Characteristics and Inferred Charge Structure of Ordinary Convection.
- Towards a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Deep Drilling in Hole 1256D
- Trading water for carbon with biological carbon sequestration
- Transport of reactive contaminants in physically and chemically heterogeneous aquifers: Effect of the correlation between hydraulic conductivity and degradation rate
- Urbanization Impacts on River Landscapes in a Global Context
- Water Flow Processes in a Soil Column with a Cylindrical Preferential Flow Path: Experiment and Hierarchical Modeling
- Woody Plants and the Water Cycle on Karst Rangelands: Large Scale Rainfall Simulation Experiments
- Woody Plants and the Water Cycle on Semiarid Shrublands-Observations from the Field
- A Descriptive and Interpretative Information System for the IODP
- A Distributed Laboratory for Event-Driven Coastal Prediction and Hazard Planning
- A Fast Infrared Radiative Transfer Model Based on the Adding-Doubling Method for Narrow- band and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Applications
- A Multistage Sampling Method for Rapid Quantification of Uncertainty During Subsurface Characterization
- An 110 Ma Crocodilian-Bearing Vertebrate Assemblage Preserved Between Basalt Flows on a mid-Pacific Seamount, ODP Site 865, Allison Guyot
- An Environmental Information System for Hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay: A WATERS Network Testbed
- An Investigation of the Sensitivity to Infrared Retrievals of Cloud Properties With MODIS and AIRS
- An Observational Study of Large-Scale Stirring in the Upper Troposphere Due to a Cut-Off Low
- Anthropogenic and antecedent controls on the morphology of the inner-shelf of Galveston Island, Texas
- Benthic Foraminiferal Faunal Changes During the Eocene-Oligocene Climate Transition at ODP Sites 1209 A and 1211A at the Shatsky Rise, Pacific Ocean
- Bridging Communities: Culturing a Professional Learning Community that Supports Novice Teachers and Transfers Authentic Science and Mathematics to the Classroom
- Changes in Ocean Heat Transport and Heat Content in SODA-POP for the Period 1958- 2001
- Changes in ecosystem structure related to the type and extent of woody cover alter carbon dynamics and surface energy exchange in central Texas ecosystems.
- Characteristics of Ice Cloud Forcing Over the Tropics Using the MODIS and AIRS Measurements
- Chemical Behavior of the Tropopause Observed During the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START) Experiment
- Chemical Reactions and Cloud Nucleation on Soot Aerosols
- Climate Change and Glacier Retreat in Irian Jaya Over the Past Half Century
- Communication of climate change science through blogging
- Comparison of In Situ and Satellite Measurements of Cirrus Microphysical and Radiative Properties
- Development of a Fast Radiative Transfer Model for Simulating MODIS Solar Channels Under Cloudy Conditions
- Dissolved and Particulate Amino Acids in the Lower Mississippi and Pearl Rivers (USA)
- Drilling a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Hole 1256D
- Effective Soil Hydraulic Parameters Across Scales for Land-Atmosphere Interaction
- Effects of Viscous Muds on Random Waves in the Nearshore and Surf Zones
- Efficient pseudo-spectral time-domain method for light scattering by realistic aerosols
- Engaging Middle School Students with Google Earth Technology to Analyze Ocean Cores as Evidence for Sea Floor Spreading
- Eocene History of the Arctic Ocean Basin From Nd-Sr Isotopes in Fossil Fish Debris
- Evaluating the effect of land use land cover change in a rapidly urbanizing semi-arid watershed on estuarine freshwater inflows
- Evidence of an Asteroid Impact in the Central Arctic Ocean?
- Filtering Properties of a Nearshore Process Model
- Four years of ice cloud observations from the Aqua MODIS level-3 dataset
- Gas Hydrate Research Coring and Downhole Logging Operational Protocol
- Growing a Global Perspective: Utilizing Graduate Students as Scientists in the Classroom
- High-Resolution Sea Ice in Long-Term Global Ocean GCM Integrations
- Horizontal and Vertical Grading in a Tsunami Deposit
- Houston LDAR II Network: Performance Analysis
- IODP Expedition 311 A review of gas hydrate research on the Northern Cascadia Margin
- Impacts of Land Cover Change on Natural Recharge Levels in the Semi-Arid Edwards Aquifer Region of Texas
- Improving Soil Moisture Estimate within AMSR-E Footprints using MCMC-Based Technique and Hydrological Modeling
- Improving fossil fuel emissions scenarios with urban ecosystem studies: A case study in the Salt Lake-Ogden metropolitan region
- Including Topography and Vegetation Attributes for Developing Pedotransfer Functions
- Increasing the Knowledge of Stratification in Shallow Coastal Environments
- Interactive Genetic Algorithm - An Adaptive and Interactive Decision Support Framework for Design of Optimal Groundwater Monitoring Plans
- Interactive Momentum Flux Forcing over Sea Ice in a Global Ocean GCM
- Introducing Undergraduates to Environmental Geoscience
- Is there a correlation between teaching experience and the level of inquiry used in the classroom
- Laplace Transform Based Radiative Transfer Studies
- Longshore current prediction on various beaches
- Magnetic anomaly study and geologic implications for Gilbert and Tokelau seamounts, Pacific Ocean
- Methyl Bromide: Recent Trends and Budget
- Microwave Radiative Transfer: Theory and Applications
- Neodymium as a tracer of glacial to interglacial change in Atlantic water column structure
- Neogene Evolution of Deep-water Nd Isotope Values at Walvis Ridge ODP Sites 1262- 1264
- Neural Network-Based Multi-scale Pedo-Transfer Functions for Soil Water Retention
- New Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Results From Lower Crustal Rocks of IODP Site U1039, Atlantis Massif
- North Atlantic Climate Changes During the Last 100 ky as Reflected in Deep Sea Ostracod Assemblages at IODP Site U1314
- Observations of deep convective influence on stratospheric water vapor and its isotopic composition
- Ocean Environmental Assessment and Adaptive Resource Management within the Framework of IOOS and CLEANER
- Oceanic Core Complexes and Crustal Accretion at Slow-Spreading Ridges. Indications From IODP Expeditions 304-305 and Previous Ocean Drilling Results
- On the regulation of tropical tropospheric water vapor
- Parameter conditioning with a noisy Monte Carlo genetic algorithm (NMCGA) to estimate effective soil hydraulic properties from space
- Perceptions of Wood in Rivers and Challenges for Stream Restoration: an International Study of Students and River Managers
- Probe Length Effects on Thermally-Biased TDR Measurements
- Progress in Computing the Scattering and Absorption Properties of Nonspherical Ice Crystals: A Review
- Public Response to Hurricane Rita Forecasts Along the Texas Coast: An Undergraduate Research Study Linking Science and Society
- Radiocarbon Distribution of Atlantic Water Masses Over the Last 30 kyr - Results From a South Atlantic Sediment Depth Transect
- Regulation of H2O and CO in Tropical Tropopause Layer by the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Results of Elemental, Stable Isotope, Organic Matter, and Fission-track Analyses of SAFOD Drill-hole Cuttings and Core Material
- Revised Compilation of the M-anomaly Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale and its Implications
- Sea Surface Temperature Analysis: Implications for Climate Change based on a Multiple Proxy Approach
- Secrets of the Sediments: Using Real Data to Explore Earth's Histories in the 5-12 Classroom
- Separating Real Aerosol Effects from Artifacts in Using Satellite Retrievals for Studying Aerosol Indirect Effect
- Shallow Subsurface Flow in Semiarid Shrublands on Karst Terrain
- Significantly reduced mid-Holocene ENSO variance in a coupled model and links to the North Pacific climate
- Simulations of Effects of Aerosols and Relative Humidity on Cumulus Clouds Using Cloud- Resolving Models
- Soil and Topographic Controls on Runoff Generation from Stepped Landforms in the Edwards Plateau of Central Texas
- Statistical physics models and watersheds: what works and what makes sense
- Storm Identification and Tracking for Hydrologic Modeling Using Hourly Accumulated NEXRAD Precipitation Data
- Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environment Research in the IPY
- The Development of Air-Sea Chemical Exchange Research
- The Effective Mueller Matrix for 3d Broken Clouds Using the Monte Carlo Method
- The Relationship between Tornado Reports and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Polarity in the Southeastern United States during the Cool Season from 1989 to 2002
- The Total Lightning and Radar Characteristics of Two Mesoscale Convective Systems Over Houston
- The Tropical Water Vapor Feedback Implied by Aqua Observations
- Uncertainties in Estimating Decadal Global Steric Sea Level Rise
- Understanding Surface water Ground water Interactions in Arkansas-Red River Basin using Coupled Modeling
- Water Transfers, Air Quality, Ecosystems and Population Growth at the US-Mexico Border: An Integrated Model of the Mexicali and Imperial Valleys
- 3-D Resistivity Tomography for Cliff Stability Study at the D-Day Pointe du Hoc Historic Site in Normandy, France
- A Top-Down Approach for Estimating Effective Soil Hydraulic Parameters from Space
- ABI Solar Channel Bidirectional Reflectance Simulation
- Advancing Geospatial Technologies in Science and Social Science: A Case Study in Collaborative Education
- Aerosol Analysis with the High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer at the Urban SuperSite (T0) in Mexico City during MILAGRO
- Aerosol Nucleation Frequency and Hygroscopicity at a Forested Site in the Southeastern United States
- At-Risk and Bilingual Fifth-Grade Students' On-Task Behavior and Conceptual Understanding in Earth Science-Related Topics during Inquiry-, Technology-, and Game-Based Activities
- Atmospheric Heating by Saharan Dust and Its Implication on the Temperature Profiles over the Tropical Cyclone Main Development Region
- Atmospheric and surface/cloud parameters retrieved from satellite hyperspectral infrared sounder measurements
- Biogeochemical Cycling at Soil Interfaces in the Vadose Zone and its Impact on Hydraulic Conductivity
- Building Formal and Informal Partnerships Through a Land-Based, Hands-on Research Expedition for Earth and Ocean Science Teachers
- Calcite Dissolution in Saline Waters
- Can Stable Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen Tell you Which way the Wind is Blowing or has Blown in the Past?
- Creating Science Education Specialists and Scientific Literacy in Students through a Successful Partnership among Scientists, Science Teachers, and Education Researchers
- Data and Semantic Interoperability for the Oceans Sensor Web
- Determination of Volcanostratigraphy of ODP/IODP Hole 1256D: Qualitative and Quantitative Core-Log Integration
- Does Ammonia Accelerate New Particle Formation in the Marine Sulfur Cycle?
- Effect of Pore-scale Velocity on the Biodegradation of Contaminants during Transport in Porous Media
- Effect of The Surface Texture Of Ice Particles On The Retrieval Of Cirrus Properties
- Ensemble-based data assimilation for convective-resolvimg hurricane predictions: Impacts of assimilating ground-based and airborne radar observations during RAINEX
- Estimation of Tree Height, Biomass, and Standing Carbon in Miombo Woodlands Using Radar Interferometry
- Evolution of Plant Biopolymer Chemistry of Above and Below Ground Input in a ýThorn Woodland Chronosequence
- Factors Controlling Peak Ozone Concentrations in the Houston Area: Wind Speed and Mixing Height
- Fast airborne aerosol size and composition measurements from the NCAR C-130 during the MIRAGE-Mex 2006 field campaign
- From data to information: Tools and techniques educators can use to enhance Google Earth imagery with geographic information systems data and three dimensional models
- Geochemical Constraints on the pre-Cenozoic Subduction History of two Margins of the Chortis Block (Northern Central America)
- Geochemistry of a new Enriched Mantle Type Locality in the Northern Hemisphere: Implications for the Origin of the EM-I Source
- Geophysical Investigation of an Abandoned Cemetery: Teachers Discover Evidence of Unmarked Graves in Prairie View, TX
- Glacial-Interglacial Variations in Ostracod Assemblage Composition at IODP Site U1314 in the North Atlantic
- Glacier Change in the Rwenzori Mountains, East Africa
- Hygroscopic, Morphological, and Chemical Properties of Agricultural Aerosols
- Ice Cloud Optical Depth from MODIS Cirrus Reflectance
- Impurities in Snow: Effects on Spectral Albedo of Prairie Snowpacks
- Influence of Vegetation Cover on Rain Pulse Responses in Semi-Arid Savannas in Central Texas
- Isotopic variations within upper oceanic crust at IODP Site 1256: Implications for crustal recycling and the formation of ocean island basalts
- Linking Atmospheric and Ocean Circulation Change Across the Last Glacial Termination
- Long-range transport its effect on cloud condensation nuclei over the Pacific Ocean
- Mineral Occurrence, Translocation, and Weathering in Soils Developed on Four Types of Carbonate and Non-carbonate Alluvial Fan Deposits in Mojave Desert, Southeastern California
- Modeling Step-pool Sequences in Mountain Channels
- Multivariate analysis of homogeneous nucleation measurements: Application to the p-toluic acid/sulfuric acid/water system
- New Ar/Ar ages from the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean: Beginning of a robust Indo-Atlantic hotspot reference frame
- Observations of Processed Asian Pollution with a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) from the C-130 Aircraft During the INTEX-B Field Campaign
- Parameterization of Shortwave and Longwave Radiative Properties of Ice Clouds for Use in Climate Models
- Process-scaling Issues of Saltation Dynamics in Wind Tunnel and Field Environments
- Radiative Impacts of Misclassification of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase
- Real-time Science and Educational Collaboration Online from the Indian Ocean
- Recharge in Karst Shrublands of Central Texas: Monitoring Drip Rates in Shallow Caves
- Reconstruction of the Eocene Arctic Ocean Using Ichthyolith Isotope Analyses
- Regional Trends in Streamflow in Central Texas: Reconciling the Effects of Degradation and Woody Plant Encroachment
- Remote Sensing of Boreal Forest Biophysical and Inventory Parameters: A Review
- Role of Wind-Evaporation-Sea Surface Temperature (WES) Feedback in Internal and Forced Tropical Variability
- Scattering Theory for Lidar Remote Sensing Applications: Progress and Challenge
- Scattering properties of horizontally oriented hexagonal plates
- Sensitivity of Tropical Atlantic Sea-Surface Temperature Variability to Changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Snow Optical Properties for Different Particle Shapes with Application to Snow Grain Size Retrieval and Simulation of MODIS/CERES Radiances Over the Antarctic Plateau
- Some Uncertainties in the Inversion of Sediment Deposits to an Incident Tsunami Waveform
- Strontium Isotope Dating of Metalliferous Sediment in the SW Pacific Basin
- Teaching rapid climate change using examples from the geologic record - a discovery-based learning module for the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- The Hybrid Matrix Operator - Monte Carlo Method for Solving the 3D Vector RTE in Atmosphere-Ocean Systems
- The Role of Galveston Bay Meteorology in Ozone Concentrations in Houston, Texas
- The Role of Organics in Atmospheric New Particle Formation and Growth
- The poleward extent of the midlatitude storm tracks and Hadley circulation in an idealized GCM
- Theory and Practice in Determining the Long-Term Spatial Productivity of Drylands: A California Blue Oak Case Study
- Thoughts on the Significance of the East Pacific Rise "Undershoot" Seismic Results
- Use of Combined A-Train Observations to Validate GEOS Model Simulated Dust Distributions During NAMMA
- Was the North Pacific wintertime climate less stormy during the mid-Holocene?
- A GIS Tool for evaluating and improving NEXRAD and its application in distributed hydrologic modeling
- A Numerical Study of Antarctic Convective Overturning
- A Radar Climatology of Tropical Anvil
- A kinetics and mechanistic study of atmospheric reactions of elemental gaseous mercury with chlorine and bromine atoms
- Activities of Extracellular Enzymes in Soils Following Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland
- An Attempt to Estimate the Total Fracture Surface Energy of the Frontal Thrust
- Aqueous Iron-Sulfide Clusters in Variably Saturated Soil Systems: Implications for Iron Cycling and Fluid Flow
- Arctic Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysical Properties Deduced From ARM Surface And Aircraft Measurements During M-PACE
- Assessing commercial livestock appropriation of the productive capacity of US drylands: A remote sensing approach
- Atmospheric Fate and Transport of Agricultural Dust and Ammonia
- Bromoform and Dibromomethane in Coastal Waters During the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast Carbon (GOMECC) Cruise
- Carbon and Nitrogen Storage in Glomalin-Related Soil Protein During Grassland-to- Woodland Succession
- Characteristics of the fault rocks at the shallow portion of the megasplay fault system and the frontal thrust in the Nankai accretionary prism off Kumano
- Characterization of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in an Agricultural Field Using Karhunen-Loève Expansion with MCMC
- Closure Study of Modeled and Measured Cloud Condensation Nuclei During CLASIC 2007
- Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Determination Using Hyperspectral Infrared and Lidar Satellite Observations
- Coastal Emissions of Methyl Bromide and Methyl Chloride Along the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast of the U.S.
- Contribution of Organic Vapors to the Growth of Secondary Aerosols
- Degradation of C60 Fullerol by White-Rot Basidiomycete Fungi: Implications for Environmental Release of Nanomaterials
- Dense-water cascading and the resulting sedimentation patterns in Lacaze-Duthiers and Cap Creus Canyons, Gulf of Lions
- Detailed structure and tectonics of the Ninetyeast Ridge near Site ODP 758 (on new geophysical data from KNOX06RR cruise of R/V Roger Revelle)
- Dynamics and Predictability of Hurricane Dolly (2008)
- ENSO from 1908-2007 in an Ocean GCM
- Efficient uncertainty quantification techniques in inverse problems for Richards' equation using coarse-scale simulation models
- Evaluation of Surface Hydrological Connectivity Between a Forested Coastal Wetland and Regulated Waters of the United States
- Evaluation of the Present and Past Hydrologic Cycles in the Tropics Using Stable Isotopic Measurements from the Surface, Aircraft and Satellites
- Export of Dissolved Lignin from Coastal Wetlands to the Louisiana Shelf
- Flux measurements of energy and trace gases in urban Houston, Texas
- Glacier Retreat in the Cordillera Quimza Cruz (Tres Cruces), Bolivia from 1975 to present
- Greenland Surface Melt Trends From SSM/I And QuikSCAT Data
- Groundwater Modeling of the Texas High Plains using Modflow
- Hafnium Isotopic Variations in Central Atlantic Intraplate Volcanism
- Hierarchical Coupled Regional Climate Modeling in the Atlantic Sector
- High resolution Mg/Ca and calcareous nannofossil records from middle Eocene of Blake Nose, ODP Site 1052
- HyFlux - Part I: Regional Modeling of Methane Flux From Near-Seafloor Gas Hydrate Deposits on Continental Margins
- HyFlux - Part II: Subsurface sequestration of methane-derived carbon in gas-hydrate- bearing marine sediments
- Identification of transport pathways using modeled and observed CO-O3 correlation
- Issues and Advances in Understanding Landslide-Generated Tsunamis: Toward a Unified Model
- Joint ARM/GCSS/SPARC TWP-ICE CRM Intercomparison Study: Description, Preliminary Results, and Invitation to Participate
- Laboratory Measurements of the Effect of Sulfuric and Organic Acid Coatings on the Optical Properties of Carbon Soot Aerosols
- Land Conservation in an Evolving Agricultural Industry: Trade-offs to Consider
- Late Neogene sea Surface Temperatures in the Sub-tropical North Pacific
- Long-term trends in stream nitrate concentrations and losses across watersheds undergoing recovery from acidification in the Czech Republic
- Low Frequency Wave Generation in a Spectral Model
- Mean and Variance Relationships for Soil Moisture at Multiple Scales
- Measurements of Ice Nucleation in Arctic Mixed Phase Clouds
- Microbial Accessibility of Soil Organic Matter Following Woody Plant ýEncroachment Into Grasslands
- Midlatitudes precipitation and the global atmospheric circulation
- Mud Rheology and Wave Dissipation on a Shallow Muddy Shelf
- Mycorrhizal Productivity Following Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland
- North Pacific Intermediate Water Circulation During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Southern California Margin
- Numerical simulations of buoyancy driven flow on the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf
- Observations of Dust, Ice Water Clouds, and Precipitation in the Atmosphere of Mars
- On the Influence of Topography Upon Scaling Characteristics of Soil Hydraulic Parameters
- On the linkage between Southern Ocean winds and the global ocean circulation
- Pacific Climate Change and ENSO activity in the mid-Holocene
- Phoenix Mars Lander: Vortices and Dust Devils at the Landing Site
- Phoenix and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Coordinated Atmospheric Science
- Phoenix landing site and sample context images from the Surface Stereo Imager
- Phytotoxicity and Plant Productivity Analysis of Tar-Enriched Biochars
- Possible Segregated Ice at the Phoenix Landing Site: Was Liquid Water Involved?
- Quantifying Redox Geochemistry Within Homogeneous and Layered Vadose Zone Using Regression Techniques
- Recent Decadal Warming and Freshening of Antarctic-Derived Abyssal Waters
- Relations Between Cloud Condensation Nuclei And Aerosol Optical Properties Relevant to Remote Sensing: Airborne Measurements in Biomass Burning, Pollution and Dust Aerosol Over North America
- Relative importance of network structure and spatial correlation of runoff on stream flow distribution tail
- Resistivity tomography of Pointe du Hoc cliffs for stability assessment
- Sea breeze driven ocean Poincare wave propagation and mixing near the critical latitude with application to the Gulf of Mexico
- Searching for Abrupt Circulation Shifts in Marine Isotope Stage 2 and 3
- Selected CFC and HCFC Tracers Observed During the Gulf of Mexico East Coast Carbon (GOMECC) Cruise
- Semantic Sensor Observation Networks in a Billion-Sensor World
- Sensitivity of a Nearshore Model to Bathymetric Resolution
- Shipboard Analytical Capabilities on the Renovated JOIDES Resolution, IODP Riserless Drilling Vessel
- Short-lived organic trace gases in the UT/LS: Results from recent field campaigns.
- Soil Properties Analysis of the Phoenix Landing Site Based on Trench Characteristics and Robotic Arm Forces
- Soil carbon in savanna landscapes - spatial pattern, uncertainty, and scaling
- Space-Time Characterization of Near-Surface Soil Moisture Across Varying Spatial Scales in an Agricultural Landscape During SMEX02
- Sparse Reconstruction for Subsurface Characterization: Feature Estimation Using l1-Norm Regularization
- Spreading history of the Central Indian and Wharton basins with special emphasis to the formation of the Ninetyeast Ridge
- Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 (START08) Experiment: Scientific Concept and Initial Results
- Subsurface Materials Exposed at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Teasing Apart Regional Climate and Meltwater Influences on Florida Straits Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity over the past 40 kyr
- Tectonic Fabric of the Ninetyeast Ridge, Central Indian Ocean: Implications for Ridge Formation.
- The Effects of Ashe Juniper on Groundwater Recharge in the Edwards Aquifer
- The Impact of the Subtropical Sea Breeze on Air Pollution in Texas
- The Nd Isotopic Composition of Southern Ocean mid-Late Cretaceous Deep Waters
- The Periglacial Landscape and Ground Ice at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- The Representation of Thin Ice in the Southern Ocean of a Global Ocean GCM
- The Upper Crustal Formation at the Superfast-Spreading East Pacific Rise: Insights on the Lava Deposition History at Hole 1256D
- The Wind-Evaporation-Sea Surface Temperature (WES) Feedback as a Thermodynamic Pathway for the Equator-ward Propagation of High Latitude Sea-Ice Induced Cold Anomalies
- The effect of nonsphericity on the scattering and radiative properties of mineral dust aerosols: An application to the deep blue aerosol retrieval algorithm
- The interhemispheric thermal gradient and tropical Pacific climate
- Theory and Applications of Variational, Sequential and Bayesian Hierarchical Methods in Data Assimilation
- Time-Dependent SSI Multispectral Properties for Rock, Soil, Ice, and Sublimation Lags at the Phoenix Landing Site on Mars
- Towards Realtime Assimilation of Doppler Radar Observations for Cloud-Resolving Hurricane Prediction
- Use of Sediment Core Records to Understand Anthropogenic Impacts on Carbon Delivery to the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, CA
- Using ANN to predict E. coli accumulation in coves based on interaction amongst various physical, chemical and biological factors
- Using Geostatistical Methods to Improve Radar Rainfall Estimates Accuracy
- Using Measurements of Natural Isotopes to Determine Oceanic Methane Sources, Sinks, and Fluxes
- Using Sediment Records to Reconstruct Historical Inputs Combustion-Derived Contaminants to Urban Airsheds/Watersheds: A Case Study From the Puget Sound
- VOC flux measurements using a novel Relaxed Eddy Accumulation GC-FID system in urban Houston, Texas
- Variation of Global Mean SST and Modulation of ENSO Activity in the 20th Century
- Velocity Structure of Upper Ocean Crust at ODP Site 1256
- Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) Paleointensity Determinations
- Wave Dissipation Formulations in Frequency Domain Models
- 2009 Samoa tsunami: factors that exacerbated or reduced impacts in Samoa and American Samoa
- A Protocol for Retrospective Remote-Sensing-based Ecological Monitoring of Rangelands
- A software package for a database of the single-scattering properties of dust-like aerosols
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions and Cloud Microphysical Properties in the Asir Region of Saudi Arabia
- Air-sea flux of methane from selected marine hydrate/seep sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico during HYFLUX
- Ambient Observations of the Soot Aging Process during the SHARP Intensive Field Campaign
- Analysis of Faulting and Tectonic Lineations Along the Ninetyeast Ridge from Multibeam Bathymetry Data
- Application of the Discontinuous Galerkin method to computation of ice crystal scattering properties
- Assessing Water Availability in the Rio Grande Basin using NOAH Land Surface Model and NLDAS2 Forcing Data
- Assessing the effect of Ross Sea source water mass variability on bottom waters offshore
- Atmospheric Aging and Its Impacts on Physical Properties of Soot Aerosols: Results from the 2009 SHARP/SOOT Campaign
- CCN Study at Urban Supersite (T0) During MILAGRO: the Essential Information for Prediction of Aerosol CCN Concentrations
- Can hydraulic parameters of a physically based model be identified by time series soil moisture data?
- Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Increase in Soil Physical Fractions Following Vegetation Change from Grassland to Woodland
- Caribbean Precipitation and the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Characterization of Ice Nuclei in the Arctic during the Indirect Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC)
- Climatic Effects of Contrail Cirrus over the Western United States: A Regional Climate Model Investigation
- Combined VLF and VHF lightning observations of Hurricane Rita landfall
- Combining SEBAL model and NMCGA algorithm for the estimation of effective soil hydraulic properties
- Comparing the Accuracy of Aboveground Biomass Estimates and Forest Structure Metrics at Large Footprint Level: Satellite Waveform Lidar vs. Discrete-Return Airborne Lidar
- Comparison of Cloud Properties between MODIS Observations and CAM3 Simulation
- Controls upon microbial accessibility to soil organic matter following woody plant encroachment into grasslands
- Decoupling of DOC and DON at the watershed scale - what can it tell us about DOM and watershed function? (Invited)
- Deglacial Neodymium Isotopic Ratios in the Florida Straits and the Response of Intermediate Waters to Reduced Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Determination of ice cloud models using MISR measurements
- Development of Lookup Tables and Validation Effort in Support of CRTM
- Do Tropical Cyclones Provide a Look at Past Changes in the Late Summer-Early Fall Jet Stream from Anomalously Low Stable Isotope Ratios in the Southern Greenland Ice Cores?
- Downscaling tropical cyclone activity using regional models: Impact of air-sea coupling on the frequency and intensity of Atlantic hurricanes Authors: Jen-shan Hsieh, Mingkui Li, R. Saravanan, and Ping Chang Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
- Downslope transport does not explain higher 230Th inventories in the Panama Basin
- Early Holocene Centennial-Scale Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Variability in the Florida Straits
- Effect of Coatings on the Uptake Rate and HONO Yield in Heterogeneous Reaction of Soot with NO2
- Effect of Fringing Reefs on Tsunami Inundation: American Samoa
- Effect of aging on morphology, hygroscopicity, and optical properties of soot aerosol
- Empirical analysis of the spatial structure of meander evolution: Insights into the development of compound loops
- Entropy Approach in Investigating The Interaction Between Human Disturbance and Soil Erosion
- Environmental magnetic analysis of a Texan vertisol reveals a record of the Younger Dryas
- Episodic deformation within the Twin Sisters ultramafic massif, Washington
- Estimates of the water vapor climate feedback during the El Niño Southern Oscillation
- Estimating Effective Stream Shade in Riparian Areas
- Evidence for a Southern Pattern of Deglacial Surface Warming in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Export Productivity and Carbonate Accumulation in the Pacific Basin at the Transition from a Greenhouse to Icehouse Climate (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene)
- Geochemical Features of Shallow Subduction Thrusts: Non-Destructive XRF Core-Imaging Scanner Analyses of NanTroSEIZE C0004 and C0007 Fault Zone Slabs
- HYFLUX: Satellite Inventory and Sea-Truth for Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate System
- Heterogeneous Freezing of Ice on Atmospheric Aerosols Containing Ash, Soot, and Soil
- High-flux Gas Seepage fuels Shallow Gas Hydrate Deposits in the Eastern Black Sea
- High-speed observations of faint positive lightning leaders and lightning spectra
- Influence of domestic pets on soil concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus under turfgrass in apartment complexes of Central Texas, USA
- Integration of Dynamic Flow Measurements into Pattern-Based Facies Simulation
- IsoMAP (Isoscape Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction)
- Isomeric Selective Studies of the Dominant Addition Channel in OH Initiated Oxidation of Isoprene
- Linkages between land Cover, enzymes, and soil organic matter chemistry following encroachment of leguminous woody plant into grasslands
- Local and Remote Influences on Vertical Wind Shear over the Northern Tropical Atlantic Region
- Low-Frequency Response Following the Passage of Hurricane Andrew on the Texas-Louisiana Shelf
- Mass wasting in the Western Galapagos Islands
- Measurements at the Mt. Rainier IMPROVE Site of Aerosol Mass, Size and Composition and their Correlation with Particle Hygroscopicity
- Mid-Late Cretaceous Nd Isotopic Composition of Southern Ocean Deep Waters
- Mineralogy and Geochemical Processes of Carbonate Mineral-rich Sulfide Mine Tailings, Zimapan, Mexico
- Modeling Nitrate in Texas Groundwater at Regional and Aquifer Scales
- Observation and modeling of dust aerosol effect
- On the Representation of Antarctic Sea Ice in a Global Ocean GCM
- On the use of Equivalent Latitude and Potential Temperature Coordinates in the UTLS Region
- Paleo-thermal condition of the shallow mega-splay fault based on vitrinite reflectance: Core analysis of IODP NanTroSEIZE stage 1
- Particle size distributions, microstructures and chemistry of fault rocks in a shallow borehole adjacent to the San Andreas Fault near Little Rock, CA
- Physical Controls of Soil Hydraulic Parameter Scaling
- Preliminary Results from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 324: Coring Shatsky Rise to Test Models of Oceanic Plateau Formation
- Quantification of the Impacts of Asian Pollution on Pacific Storm Track (Invited)
- Quantifying Linkages between Biogeochemical Processes in a Contaminated Aquifer-Wetland System Using Multivariate Statistics and HP1
- Reactions along Transverse Mixing Zones in Heterogeneous Aquifers: Using Effective Dispersion Coefficients and Multi-Scale Finite Element Methods
- Real-time Environmental Monitoring from a Wind Farm Platform in the Texas Hypoxic Zone
- Recent mapping of Turbulent Mixing in the Weddell-Scotia Confluence
- Reconnaissance Survey of the 29 September 2009 Tsunami on Tutuila Island, American Samoa
- Regional & National Scale Assessment of the Impact of the US Livestock Footprint on Dryland Productive Capacity
- Regional Ocean Data Portal: Transforming Information to Knowledge
- Reinvesting in Geosciences at Texas A&M University in the 21st Century
- Sea surface temperatures of the subtropical North Pacific since the late Miocene: Cooling trends and mid-Pliocene warmth
- Seismic Interpretation and Quantification of Abyssal-Hill-Scale Pelagic Sedimentation Regimes in the 0-53 Ma Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Short-lived organic trace gases in the UT/LS: Results from recent field campaigns. (Invited)
- Soil Moisture Time Stability in Two Hydro-climatic Regions
- Soil Phosphatase Activity and Plant-available Phosphorus Increase Following Grassland Invasion by N-fixing Tree Legumes
- Source Contribution of Volatile Organic Compounds to Ozone Formation in Southeast Texas
- Spectral shortwave observations and modeling of ice clouds from TC4
- Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes of Hypoxic Waters: Indicators of Fresh Water Sources and Benthic Respiration on the Texas-Lousiana shelf
- Stream Biogeochemistry in Rural, Suburban and Urban Watersheds in south-central Texas
- Subantarctic Pacific hiatuses as clues to periods of enhanced oceanic circulation during the late Neogene
- Summer-Fall Seasonal Ices at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site: Results from CRISM Observations
- The Bering Sea Drilling, IODP Expedition 323 in 2009: Pliocene-Pleistocene climate change with high sedimentation rates
- The Comparison of AIRS and MODIS Effective Cloud Fraction, Cloud Top Temperature, and Radiative Consistency
- The North American Lightning Detection Network (NALDN) - 2001-2008: Flash Characteristics
- The PACIFIC EQUATORIAL AGE TRANSECT ('PEAT'): New insights into the Cenozoic link between climate and calcium carbonate compensation. (Invited)
- The effects of aerosols on Thunderstorms and Lightning over the Pearl River Delta, China
- Towards Capturing the Complex Flow of a Tsunami Inundating the Built Environment
- Towards Creating a Stand-Scale Ecohydrological Measurement Suite: Observations from Integrating Multiple Hydrological and Biophysical Approaches in a California Oak Savanna (Invited)
- Trajectory Calculations of Hydration/Dehydration in the Lower Stratosphere from Aura/MLS Water Vapor Measurements
- Tropical Atlantic climate response to low-latitude and extratropical sea-surface temperature: A Little Ice Age perspective
- Tropical North Atlantic Subsurface Temperature Change Linked to Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability During the Last Deglacial
- Undergraduate Research Experiences in Support of Dryland Monitoring: Field and Satellite Remote Sensing of Change in Savanna Structure, Biomass, and Carbon after Prescribed Fires
- Upper Ocean Processes Under the Stratus Cloud Deck in the Southeast Pacific Ocean
- Variability of A MODIS-Derived Clear-Sky Surface Temperature over the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf System (LGAISS)
- Volcanic Ash Impacts on Air Traffic from the 2009 Mt. Redoubt Eruption
- Woody Plant Encroachment Paradox: Rivers Rebound as Degraded Grasslands Convert to Woodlands
- 3-D resistivity imaging of buried concrete infrastructure with application to unknown bridge foundation depth determination
- A Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Process Model for Fate and Transport of Nitrate in Agricultural Areas of Texas
- A Horizon of Natural Gas in the Deep Gulf of Mexico Dominates the Microbial Landscape (Invited)
- A Topography-Based Scaling Algorithm for Soil Hydraulic Parameters at Hill-slope Scales
- A first approximation of sand distribution and provenance on the Canterbury Shelf, New Zealand - implications for across shelf vs. along shelf transport based on sediment cores recovered during IODP Expedition 317
- Abrupt Climate Change & Paleoindian Environments in western Colorado from 17-9 ka yr BP
- Acidity-Facilitated Mobilization of Surface Clay Colloid from Natural Sand Medium
- Air Quality measurements near the Gulf of Mexico Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill site in July 2010
- Along-Strike Variation in the Signature of Contourite Deposition: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
- Ambient measurements of N2O5 during SHARP using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
- An Analysis for Tropical Cyclone precipitation in Texas from 1950 to 2010
- An analysis of transport pathways that contribute to water vapor and ozone profiles measured in the Asian monsoon anticyclone
- Antarctic Circumpolar Current variability in the southwestern Atlantic
- Bering Sea conditions in the early Pliocene warm period (Invited)
- Biogenic Sedimentation in the eastern equatorial Pacific, 0-18 Ma: XRF scanning on Site U1338, IODP Expedition 320/321
- Carbonate Fluxes to the Eastern Equatorial Pacific during the Eocene: using the GENIE Earth System Model to investigate carbonate accumulation event mechanisms and dynamics revealed by the Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (PEAT)
- Changes in soil phosphorus fractions following woody plant invasion of grassland
- Characteristics of modern pollen rain and the relationship to vegetation in sagebrush-steppe environments of Montana, USA
- Characterizing effects of wind erosion on soil microtopography in a semiarid grassland using terrestrial laser scanning
- Characterizing patterns of historic shrub expansion in the North Slope of Alaska
- Comparison between measured and simulated far-infrared spectra
- Contributions of Organic Vapours to Atmospheric Nanoparticle Growth
- Contributions of biogenic volatile organic compounds to net ecosystem carbon flux
- Correlation of Lithology to Sequence Stratigraphy: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
- Coupled organic and inorganic carbon diagenesis in the deeply buried sediment of the northeastern Bering Sea Slope (IODP Exp. 323)
- Depositional sequences of offshore Canterbury, New Zealand, and preliminary results of stable isotope analyses of the samples from IODP Expedition 317
- Deriving Climate Quality Products from Hyper-Spectral Satellite Data
- Dislocation creep of polycrystalline dolomite
- Dust Telescopes and Active Dust Collectors: Linking Dust to Their Sources
- Dynamical and Chemical Characteristics of Tropospheric Intrusions Observed during START08
- Ecohydrological Consequences of Grasses Invading Shrublands: A Comparison of Cold and Warm Deserts
- Effect of Barrier Layers on Sea-Surface Temperature Response to Tropical Cyclones
- Estimating the stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layer's height using wind profilers
- Evaluation of WACCM simulations of the extratropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using data from the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 experiment (START08)
- Evaluation of terrain datasets for LiDAR data thinning and DEM generation for watershed delineation applications
- Evidence for significant C-5 alkene emissions from car traffic
- Evidence of linked biogeochemical and hydrological processes in homogeneous and layered vadose zone systems
- Evolution of environmental factors affecting tropical cyclones from the LGM through the Holocene
- Experimental Study of Flow and Solute Transport in a Channeled Single Fracture
- Extratropical Tropopause Transition Layer Characteristics from High-Resolution Sounding Data
- Feedback mechanisms linking barrier island transgression and storm response with beach-dune interaction
- Fossil ostracodes of continental shelf cores at IODP Site U1354 (Expedition 317)
- Generation of Wind Waves in the Persian Gulf: A Numerical Investigation
- Grid-based disaggregation algorithm with a new simulation-optimization scheme for remotely sensed soil moisture
- Groundwater dependent ecohydrology in a semi-arid oak savanna (Invited)
- High-speed spectral observations of a lightning negative stepped leader
- Hydrological Perturbations Drive Biogeochemical Processes in Experimental Soil Columns from the Norman Landfill Site
- Identifying Glacio-Eustatic Forcing of Unconformities In The Canterbury Basin (IODP Exp 317) Based on Oxygen Isotope Analysis Of The Fine Fraction
- Index of Unconfined Compressive Strength of SAFOD Core by Means of Point-Load Penetrometer Tests
- Influence of water coating on the optical scattering properties of fractal aggregates
- Interaction Between Transient Long Wave and Random Swell - Laboratory Investigations
- Intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding in molecular complexes formed from dicarboxylic acid and common aerosol nucleation precursors
- Investigating and parameterizing physical, chemical, and thermodynamic dependencies of ice nuclei concentrations (Invited)
- Investigating the relationship between climate teleconnection patterns and soil moisture variability in the Rio Grande/Río Bravo del Norte basin using the NOAH land surface model
- Long-term Sodium and Chloride Surface Water Exports from a Humid Subtropical Urban Gradient
- Mechanical and hydraulic properties of subducted sediments, Nankai Trough accretionary prism: Effect of stress path
- Modeled global scale threshold sensitivity to Greenland ice melt
- Modeling of Tsunami Currents in Harbors
- Multiple objective function simulator algorithm for hydraulic parameters estimation by surface soil moisture and evapotranspiration
- Multiscale plume modeling of the Deepwater Horizon oil-well blowout for environmental impact assessment and mitigation
- On the outflow of Weddell Sea Deep Water over the South Scotia Ridge: observations from a high-resolution hydrographic survey
- Ongoing Explorations of Exceptional Lightning Discharges in Several Meteorological Regimes
- Overview and Major Findings of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Campaign
- Paleogene reconstruction of southern Pacific water mass composition using Nd isotopes
- Permeability in Damaged Porous Rocks
- Pleistocene foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope records at the Gateway to the Arctic in the Bering Sea (IODP Exp. 323 Site U1343)
- Pliocene-Pleistocene paleo-productivity changes in the Bering Sea: results from IODP Expedition 323 (Invited)
- Predicting near-term climate change using a hierarchy of dynamical and statistical models
- Preliminary Results of Heat Flow Experiments during IODP Expedition 317 (Canterbury Basin, New Zealand)
- Preliminary Results of the Active Source Portion of the Bighorns Array Seismic Experiment (BASE), North-Central Wyoming, USA
- Production and isotopic composition of black nitrogen following experimental charring of plant materials
- Re-Assessment of the Eocene-Oligocene Age Model of ODP Hole 647A, with Implications for Correlation of Paleoceanographic Events from Very High to Low Latitudes
- Resolving the cause of large differences between deglacial benthic foraminifera radiocarbon measurements in Santa Barbara Basin
- Resonant interactions between weakly nonlinear long surface and interfacial waves
- Respiration dynamics of size-separated soil fractions
- Restricted use of ET as an indicator of soil moisture: Limitation of Observation Scale or Process Scale?
- Sedimentary facies and grain-size variation in cores from IODP Expedition 317 - preliminary results
- Semi-analytical Solution of One-dimensional Multispecies Reactive Transport in a Permeable Reactive Barrier-aquifer System
- Spatio-temporal Variability of Nitrate Across Scales in Texas Aquifers
- Subsurface Flow Model Identification under Uncertain Geologic Continuity: A Sparse Model Representation and Detection Approach
- Surface Velocity Mapping of Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf System Using Feature-Tracking
- Sustaining Fracture Area and Conductivity of Gas shale Reservoirs for Enhancing Long-term Production and Recovery
- Teaching Marine Geoscience at Sea: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program's School of Rock Explores Cascadia Subduction Zone - Cores, Logs, and ACORKs
- The Impact of Livestock Grazing on US Rangeland Productive Capacity from 1981 to 2009
- The Influence of Anthropogenic Reactive Nitrogen Deposition on Oceanic N2O Emission
- The Role of Aerosol Composition in Arctic Cloud Formation
- The VASIMR® VF-200-1 ISS Experiment as a Laboratory for Astrophysics
- The effect of nutrient ratios on E. coli re-growth in urban streams
- The effect of shearing rate and slope angle on the simple shear response of marine clays
- The equatorial Pacific pelagic sedimentary system
- The influence of coastal wetlands on hurricane surge in Corpus Christi, TX
- The response of soil carbon cycling in managed loblolly pine forests to fertilization and the planting of families with differing growth rates
- The variation of the microphysical properties of arctic stratus clouds as a function of aerosol concentration: results from ISDAC
- Trials at Sea: Successful Implementation of a Unique Two-Month Professional Development Program
- Understanding and capturing first-order stream flow processes in a data-driven model for a watershed in the Lampasas Cut Plains, Central Texas
- Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to Investigate Beach-Dune Interaction at North Padre Island, Texas
- Using a two-moment bulk microphysics under the WRF framework to investigate effects of urban aerosols on thunderstorm and lightning in a megacity
- Wave attenuation and sediment transport over an intertidal sand flat on the Fraser River Delta (Invited)
- Wind Enhanced Raindrop Splash Sand Transport
- Wireline log and seismic stratigraphic correlation along a shelf-slope transect in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
- 3D high resolution mineral phase distribution and seismic velocity structure of the transition zone: predicted by a full spherical-shell compressible mantle convection model
- A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Simulate Sociotechnical Dynamics in Urban Water Resources Management
- A Multi-Index Approach to Delineate Surface Water Bodies in the Pastoral Regions of Mali Using ASTER Imagery
- A New NRC Report on Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges
- A Probabilistic Approach for the Waves Generated by a Landslide
- A calculation of feedbacks based on climate variations over the last decade
- A deep oxic ecosystem in the subseafloor South Pacific Gyre
- AASC Recommendations for the Education of an Applied Climatologist
- AMS Measurements in National Parks of Aerosol Mass, Size and Composition, Comparison with Filter Samples and Correlation with Particle Hygroscopicity and Optical Extinction Properties
- Active Marine Subsurface Bacterial Population Composition in Low Organic Carbon Environments from IODP Expedition 320
- Addressing Uncertainty in Contaminant Transport in Groundwater Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Altering recharge dynamics through woody vegetation removal: a study on the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer of south Texas
- An Investigation of Tropical Atlantic Bias in a High-Resolution Coupled Regional Climate Model
- Analysis of Present-Day and Future Precipitation in the Southwestern United States
- Anthropogenic And Biogenic Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Urban Houston
- Assessing the Impacts of the First Five Years of School of Rock On-Board and On-Shore Professional Development Program for Educators: Lessons for Other Teacher Professional Development Programs
- Assessment of Texas Rangelands Vegetation Trends using a 28-year Data Record of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity
- Battling through the thermal boundary layer: Deep sampling in ODP Hole 1256D during IODP Expedition 335
- Building A Drought Science Learning Community: Education and Engagement in an NSF CAREER Grant
- Building the North American Soil Moisture (NASM) Database
- Cloud thermodynamic phase, cirrus cloud optical thickness and effective diameter in the Version 6 Atmospheric Infrared Sounder data release
- Coastal Impacts of the March 11th Tsunami in the Galapagos Islands
- Comparisons of coupled water and heat transport models in the vadose zone
- Convective injection into stratospheric intrusions
- Copula approaches to the relationship between extreme rainfall and extreme flow
- Crustal structure of Shatsky Rise from joint refraction and reflection seismic tomography
- Dehydration of the Stratosphere
- Deriving Theoretical Boundaries to Address Domain and Resolution Dependencies of Triangle Models for Evapotranspiration Estimation
- Determining the geochemical structure of the mantle from surface isotope distribution patterns? Insights from Ne and He isotopes and abundance ratios
- Development of Deterministic Disaggregation Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Products
- Discovery and paleoceanographic significance of unconsolidated Cretaceous pelagic sediment cover on northern Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise (IODP Site U1348)
- Dominant Physical Controls of Soil Hydrology at Different Spatial Scales
- Drivers of belowground C accrual in response to woody plant encroachment of grasslands
- Drought Analysis in the Upper Han River Based on multivariable Method
- Eco-Hydrology of a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest: A New REU Site Hosted by Texas A&M University
- Ecohydrological Response to Rapid Vegetation Change on Texas Rangelands
- Ecohydrology across Scales in an Arid, Human-dominated Landscape: Implications for Ecosystems, Water Availability and Human Interactions
- Effective Soil Moisture and its Uncertainty using Multi-Model Simulation and Bayesian Model Averaging
- Effects of Chemical Aging on the Heterogeneous Freezing of Aerosols Containing Soot and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
- Enhancing Geologic Education in Grades 5-12: Creating Virtual Field Trips
- Entropy-copula method for bivariate drought analysis
- Estimating Soil Water Retention Parameters Using Remote Sensing Platforms and Data Assimilation Tools
- Evaluating Dominance and Temporal Evolution of Physical Controls of Soil Moisture: A Decadal Synthesis Study of SMEX02, SMEX03, SMEX05, CLASIC07 Field Campaigns
- Evidence for influence of the Galápagos hotspot on the East Pacific Rise MORB composition during times of superfast spreading
- Explosive volcanism from the Galapgos Hotspot: Evidence from Miocene marine tephras on top of the Cocos Ridge (IODP Exp. 334)
- Extratropical lapse rates during the Paleogene and other very hot climates
- Fair Partitioning of Digital Soil Data for Hydrologic Analysis at Multiple Spatial Scales
- Fast Ensemble Kalman Filter for Model Calibration with Streamline-Assisted Pseudo Forecasts
- Finding Closure between V3 CALIOP and MODIS optical depth retrievals using IR observations
- Flood coincidence risk analysis using multivariate copula functions
- Flow-Data Calibrated Facies Simulation from Uncertain Training Images
- Foraminiferal oxygen isotope records at the Bering slope (IODP exp. 323 site U1343) provide an orbital scale age model and indicate pronounced changes during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- GOES-R Global Lightning Mapper (GLM): A Monochromatic Spectrometer in the Near Infrared
- GeoX: A New Pre-college Program to Attract Underrepresented Minorities and First Generation Students to the Geosciences
- Geodynamic Inferences from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 330 to the Louisville Seamount Trail
- Groundwater Recharge in Juniper Woodlands: Insights from Long-Term Monitoring of Cave Drip Rates
- High-resolution Coupled Regional Climate Modeling in the Atlantic Sector
- Hyperspectral Infrared Remote Sensing In The Presence of Cloud
- Impact of Sea Level Rise on the Attenuation of Hurricane Storm Surge by Wetlands in Corpus Christi, TX
- Impact of the Gulf Stream SST front on North Atlantic climate variability: a high-resolution regional model study
- Improved understanding of the atmospheric methyl bromide and methyl chloride budgets
- Inclusion of Climate Dynamics in the American Meteorological Society's Bachelor's Degree Statement
- Inference of Geothermal Reservoir Properties from Micro-Seismic Events with Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Inter-annual Variability of High-Resolution Infrared Spectra, Cloud Properties and Thermodynamic Profiles Sorted by Cloud Regime using Aqua AIRS and MODIS
- Interaction of nearshore, beach and dune systems: implications for barrier island morphology (Invited)
- Joint Inversion of Flow and Temperature Observations for Characterization of Subsurface Heterogeneity
- Land Use and Management Change in the U.S. with Adaptation and Mitigation under Climate Change
- Lessons on tropical cyclone genesis from paleoclimate simulations
- Local to Global Scale Time Series Analysis of US Dryland Degradation Using Landsat, AVHRR, and MODIS
- Magma Variety and Geochemical Stratigraphy of Shatsky Rise
- Measures of correlation for river flows based on copula entropy method
- Miocene through Pleistocene Diatom biostratigraphy, the Antarctic margin off Wilkes Land, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 318 rise sites
- Modeling Equity for Alternative Water Rate Structures
- Modeling Stand-Scale Patterns in Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture in a Heterogeneous Plant Canopy: A Coupled Subsurface-Land Surface Approach
- Modeling Tropical Cyclone induced inland flooding for Houston metropolitan area
- Modeling soil moisture memory in savanna ecosystems
- NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates: 3-D Characterization and Comparison of Vegetation Structure in a Tropical Premontane Wet Forest
- New Particle Formation and Secondary Organic Aerosol in Beijing
- Observed Station-based 1956-2000 Soil Heat Flux Anomalies at 423 Sites Across the Eurasian High Latitudes
- On the Possible Relation of the Louisville Hotspot and Ontong Java Plateau from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 330 Results
- Paleomagnetic contributions to IODP Wilkes Land Expedition (318) science
- Passive Tomography using a Dense Array of Single-Channel Seismic Recorders with Applications to the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
- Pelagic erosion and sedimentation north of Carnegie Ridge, eastern equatorial Pacific
- Physical-geometric Optics Hybrid Method for the Solution of Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Distribution and Modification in the Sub-surface Plume Near the Deepwater Horizon Wellhead
- Preliminary results of stress and strain analyses, IODP Expedition 334, Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP)
- Present-day principal horizontal stress orientations in the Costa Rica subduction zone: Preliminary estimates from logging-while-drilling, IODP Expedition 334
- Probabilistic Forecast of Global Urban Expansion for 2030
- Probabilistic Water Availability Prediction in the Rio Grande Basin using Large-scale Circulation Indices as Precursor
- Progressive illitization in fault gouge caused by seismic slip propagation along a megasplay fault in the Nankai Trough
- Radiocarbon measurements of soil organic matter (SOM) and soil CO2 efflux provide unique insights into the SOM dynamics of managed loblolly pine plantations
- Retrieving Dust Aerosol Aspect Ratio with POLDER/PARASOL Measurements
- Return Stroke-Like Upward Illumination Occurring Immediately After Lightning Return Strokes
- River Meandering in Heterogeneous Floodplains
- Rooting depth and water source flexibility of Arundo donax across a wide and topographically varied floodplain inferred from stable isotopes
- Scandinavian Treelines are Impacted by Herbivory
- Simulations of the meridional overturning circulation during the Paleogene
- Soil C and N pools in oak savanna: Responses to temperature and rainfall manipulation
- Soil Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes in a Costa Rican Premontane Wet Forest
- Sparse Geologic Dictionaries for Identification of Subsurface Heterogeneity: A New Inverse Modeling Perspective
- Spatio-temporal evolution of biogeochemical processes at a landfill site
- Study of the Microphysical and Optical Properties of Ice Clouds and Dust Aerosols using observations made by active and passive satellite sensors in conjunction with modeling capabilities
- Subterranean Ground Water Discharge (SGD) in the Arctic as a Source of Atmospheric Methane
- Taking the Plunge: Looking to Constructed Ponds for a Better Big-Picture Understanding of Upland Ecohydrological Processes
- Testing a Coupled Global-limited-area Data Assimilation System using Observations from the 2004 Pacific Typhoon Season
- The Shatsky Rise Supervolcano and the Formation of Oceanic Plateaus
- The Volcanic Architecture of Rigil (Hole U1374A) and Burton Guyots (U1376A), IODP Expedition 330
- The deep biosphere below North Pond: A mid-Atlantic microbial observatory
- The effect of drought stress on carbon assimilation and isoprene emission capacities of oak species in urban and rural areas of Texas
- The pseudospectral time-domain method for light scattering
- Three-component magnetic downhole measurements on the Rigil and Burton Guyots, Louisville Seamount Trail, IODP Expedition 330
- Three-dimensional Numerical Analysis of Fracture propagation in a Multilayered Reservoir for Enhanced Geothermal System
- Topographically-derived hydrologic and fluvial characteristics influence Arctic shrub expansion dynamics
- Toward Improving Bulk Microphysics for Regional and Global Climate Simulations of Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Towards a paleolatitude record from the Louisville Seamount trail
- Tweeting in the Classroom: Instant feedback and assessment using a mobile web app
- Urban-to-Rural Environmental Gradients in Houston Metropolitan Area
- Water Budget Analysis of the Norman Landfill site, Oklahoma
- Web-based leaf water isoscapes in IsoMAP using raster modeling
- Why did you decide to become a Geoscience Major: A Critical Incident Study for the Development of Recruiting Programs for Inspiring Interests in the Geosciences Amongst Pre-College Students
- Woody encroachment by nitrogen-fixing species: impacts on nitrogen biogeochemistry expressed through nitrogen trace gases
- A Hamiltonian Formulation On Tsunami Over Swell
- A High-Resolution Drought Monitoring Prototype Tool for the United States
- A New Scale Based 'Heterogeneity Matrix' for Improving Soil Moisture Spatial Scaling
- A Remote Sensing Method for Mapping the Extent of Tree Mortality in Texas Following the 2011 Exceptional Drought Using Publicly Available Datasets
- A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for State to Aquifer Scale Mapping of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
- A Retrieval Method for Ice Particle Size Using PARASOL Observations
- A Sensitivity Study of Phase Matrices to Dust Ensembles
- A fast radiance simulator for the solar bands of NPP/VIIRS instrument
- A fully coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Double Porosity Formulation for Modeling Multiphysics Problems in Geological Media
- A long-lived ancient subduction-induced mantle boundary within the Pacific mantle
- A new parallel library and scripting language for analysis of ultra-large climate data sets
- A radiative-convective equilibrium perspective of the weakening of tropical Walker circulation in response to global warming
- A robust multigrid method for incompressible flow problems in porous media
- A study of ice crystal backscatter features from 5 years of collocated POLDER, MODIS and CALIOP observations
- Advances in Electromagnetic Scattering Computing Techniques
- Aeolian Processes of the Pismo-Oceano Dune Complex, California
- Alongshore variability in beach planform, grain-size distribution and foredune height of an embayed beach: Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia
- An Analysis of ASPECT Mantle Convection Simulator Performance and Benchmark Comparisons
- An Overview of Recent Developments in the Enhancement of Nearshore Circulation Modeling in Operational Contexts
- An analysis of the short-term cloud feedback using MODIS data
- An evolution equation for nonlinear wave transformation
- Assemblage Composition and Glacial-Interglacial Variations in Deep-Sea Ostracoda from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (odp Site 1238) Over the Last 460 KA
- Basin-Wide Temperature Constraints On Gas Hydrate Stability In The Gulf Of Mexico
- Biodiversity of Soil Microbial Communities Following Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland: An Assessment Using Molecular Methods
- Boron and Strontium Isotope Systematics of Interstitial Water from IODP Expedition 343, Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Carbon Utilization Patterns in Response to Woody Encroachment into Grasslands
- Changes in Soil Phosphorus Fractions Following Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland
- Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols in a Costa Rican Premontane Cloud Forest
- Characterization of Lesser Antilles Volcanic Landslide Deposits from Downhole Logging, IODP Expedition 340
- Characterizing forest carbon stocks at tropical biome and landscape level in Mount Apo National Park, Philippines
- Comparing Urban-to-Rural Environmental Gradients in the Houston Metropolitan Area between a drought (2011) and a normal year (2012)
- Comparison of Modeled Effective Brightness Temperature and Radiometer Obtained Brightness Temperature using Various Averaging Techniques in Heterogeneous Landscape
- Comparison of multiple scaling approaches for soil hydraulic parameters
- Comparison of the impact of fire, floods, and large herbivore grazing on the 3-D structure and biomass of Mopane Woodland in Kruger National Park using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Compartmental modeling of PAH transport in soil column experiments under variably-saturated flow conditions
- Convective-resolving regional climate simulations for the Amazon Basin: Comparison to TRMM precipitation data
- Data Distribution and Documenting Uncertainty Information for the Earth System Data Record: The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Determining rip current circulation patterns and velocities in the vicinity of a groin using GPS equipped drogues
- Development of Observatories for the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project
- Development of a Drought Severity Assessment Framework using Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Products under Climate Change Scenario
- Development of a Scaling Algorithm for Remotely Sensed and In-situ Soil Moisture Data across Complex Terrain
- Development of a VIIRS Radiance Simulator for Ice Clouds
- ENSO Characteristics in SODA and CMIP5
- Effect of growth rate on TEP production and aggregation by Thalassiosira weissflogii
- Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 levels and differential day/night atmospheric warming on nitrogen cycling through a Phalaris sward
- Effects of ice particle surface roughness on ice cloud radiative forcing simulations
- Effects of permafrost on groundwater constituent fluxes via submarine groundwater discharge in high latitude coastal environments
- Estimation of the drag coefficient from the upper ocean response to a hurricane: a data assimilation approach
- Evaluation of Soil Moisture Simulations Using In Situ Data from Iowa (1954 to 1990)
- Event Driven Deltaic Sedimentation On A Low Gradient, Low Energy Shelf: The Sediment Dynamics Of The Brazos River Subaqueous Delta
- Exploratory Water Budget Analysis of A Transitional Premontane Cloud Forest in Costa Rica Through Undergraduate Research
- First results of the AIRS Version 6 cloud top microphysical properties
- Formation, Transformation, and Climate Impacts of Atmospheric Aerosols
- Global Forecasts of Urban Expansion to 2030 and Direct Impacts on Biodiversity and Carbon Pools
- Global Sea-level Changes Revealed in the Sediments of the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand: IODP Expedition 317
- Gulf of Alaska and California bamboo corals: Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca records
- Heat flow in the Lesser Antilles island arc and adjacent back arc Grenada basin
- High-resolution seismic profiling in the trench axis area of the Japan Trench and its preliminary correlation with the results of IODP Expedition 343
- Holocene Development and Progression of Aeolian Blowouts on Padre Island National Seashore
- Horizontal stress orientations in the largest displacement area of the Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake
- Hydrological Processes in a Pre-montane Tropical Forest
- Impacts of Aminium Sulfates on Atmospheric Aerosol Properties
- Implications for hazard assessment and long-term magmatic evolution of the Lesser Antilles arc: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 340 - Lesser Antilles Volcanism and Landslides
- Improving Climate Literacy: A State Climatologist's Perspective
- Increased Accuracy in Statistical Seasonal Hurricane Forecasting
- Investigating Decadal Trends in Precipitation and Evapotranspiration in Two Contrasting Hydrological Regimes in Africa
- Investigating the Deep Biosphere using Downhole Measurements, North Pond, IODP Expedition 336
- Investigation of the impacts of Asian pollution on Pacific storm track using multi-scale modeling results
- Land Use Effects on Vegetation Diversity in High-Elevation Ecosystems: a Comparison of Disturbed and Undisturbed Paramos
- Large-scale spatial variation in plant δ2H and δ18O - altitude, longitude and tissue type effects
- Leaf wax n-alkane δD values as ecohydrological proxies that reflect the δD values of precipitation and leaf water evaporative deuterium enrichment
- Least-Squares Mixed Formulations for Flow Problems
- Lidar based vegetation height models to quantify carbon stocks in Galveston saltmarshes
- Luminosity Coincident with Initial Breakdown Pulses in Lightning
- Many-Body Iterative T-matrix (MBIT) method
- Mapping Depth to Bedrock in a Tropical Pre-Montane Wet Forest in Costa Rica
- Microscale Throughfall and Precipitation Heterogeneity in a Transitional Cloud Forest
- Middle to Late Eocene Carbonate Accumulation Events in the equatorial Pacific - new high resolution geochemical records from IODP Exp 320/321 and ODP Leg 199
- Modeling Mantle Mixing in 3D with Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Implications for Mantle Reservoirs
- Modeling the Hydrodynamic Process and Salinity Distribution of Keluke - Tuosu Lake System
- Monitoring and Assessment of US Drylands
- Oceanic Origin of Tropical Atlantic SST Biases
- Oligocene to mid-Pliocene deep sea Ostracoda from the South Pacific Gyre and their paleoceanographic significance
- On Precipitation in the Southeastern Pacific Marine Subsidence Region
- Overview of ARM observations during the ARM MJO Investigation Experiment (AMIE)
- Paleogene Seawater Osmium Isotope Records
- Plasma Jet Simulations Using a Generalized Ohm's Law
- Potential Effects of SLR and Land-Cover Changes on Hurricane Surge and Damage
- Preliminary rock-magnetic studies of core samples from the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Probabilistic Prediction of Precipitation Deficits using Large-scale Circulation Indices as Precursors - The Role of The Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Reassembling the Ontong Java-Manihiki-Hikurangi large igneous province: Insights and challenges
- Reconstruction of South Pacific Dust Accumulation during the Early Paleogene Greenhouse
- Regionalization of Space Time Hydrological Drought Variability for the State of Texas
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: A Non-Traditional Approach
- Rossby Wavebreaking and Transport between the Tropics and Extratropics above the Subtropical Jet
- Seasonal Rainfall Variability and its Impact on Vegetation Dynamics in the Southwestern United States: AN Outlook on Future Water Budget Issue
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from 2-Methyl-3-Buten-2-ol (MBO) Photooxidation: Evidence for Acid-Catalyzed Reactive Uptake of Epoxide
- Seismic slip propagation to shallow subduction thrust: Insights from the dark gouge and high-velocity frictional properties of the décollement zone in the Nankai subduction zone
- Seven-Year Trends of Carbon Dioxide Exchange in a Tundra Ecosystem Affected by Long-Term Permafrost Thaw
- Simulation of Soil Temperature Distribution in Russia Based on the VIC Land Surface Model
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Deciduous Forest Exposed to Twelve Years of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment
- Spatial patterns of nonstationarity: does the statistical test matter?
- Stirring by the Asian Monsoon Circulation
- Stochastic Model for Hydrologic Drought Prediction under Climate Change Scenarios
- Terrestrial Arctic Amplification Due to Changes in the Eurasian Soil Thermal Regime
- The Change of the North American Monsoon Seasonal Precipitation in the CCSMv.4 under IPCC CO2 Emission Scenarios
- The Houston Lightning Mapping Array: Installation, Operation, and Preliminary Results
- The Influence of Hurricane Parameters on Hurricane Surge and Waves in Complex Coastal Zones
- The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (IODP Exp. 343&343T JFAST): Making Scientific Drilling History in the Japan Trench
- The Late Paleogene Evolution of Southern Ocean Deep-water Formation - the Onset of Global Thermohaline Circulation
- The North American Soil Moisture Database
- The Origin of Stratospheric Air
- The Paleogene record of South Pacific Deep Water - Nd isotopes from IODP Site U1370
- The Rock Magnetic Record Across the 12.9 ka Younger Dryas Boundary: Evidence for Impact?
- The Role of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Hydrocarbons in Aging of Atmospheric Soot
- The contribution of large trees to total transpiration rates in a pre-montane tropical forest and its implications for selective logging practices
- The groundwater flow into fully penetrating well with moving interface of the Darcian flow and Forchheimer flow region
- The hydrokinetic power resource in a macrotidal estuary: the Kennebec River of the central Maine coast
- The role of the faculty mentor to the REU experience: insights from an international REU
- Three dimensional electrical resistivity for monitoring cracking in an expansive clay soils
- Uncertainty Analysis and Parameter Estimation For Nearshore Hydrodynamic Models
- Understanding Groundwater Uptake by Phreatophytic Vegetation using a System Dynamics Modeling Approach
- Upscaling Geochemical and Hydrologic Parameters using a Novel Depth Fragmented Approach
- Upward Lightning in Rapid City, SD and the First Season of the Upward Lightning Triggering Study (UPLIGHTS)
- Validating Annual Growth Bands of Deep Sea Corals from the Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern United States
- Video analysis of Aeolian streamers
- Water Vapor and Cloud Formation in the TTL: Simulation Results vs. Satellite Observations
- Water retention properties of soil in a tropical pre-montane transitional forest
- What do the CMIP5 models tell us about the water vapor feedback?
- What we have learned about Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau from IODP Expedition 324
- ΔCO<SUB>3</SUB> from benthic U/Ca in Caribbean core VM28-122: comparison with benthic B/Ca, δ<SUP>11</SUP>B, and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C
- A Bayesian hierarchical model for regression-based climate-change detection and attribution
- A Comparison of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation during MIS 7-10 between the Bering Sea (IODP Ex. 323) and North Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 172): Implications for the space/time pattern of field and environmental variability (Invited)
- A Long-Lived Tracer Perspective on the Origin of Air in the Tropical Tropopause Layer during ATTREX
- A New Assessment of the Relationships Between Crack Morphology, Porosity, and Seismic Velocity in Young Upper Oceanic Crust
- A general model for nonwetting phase relative permeability of disturbed porous media with lognormal pore size distribution
- A new approach to assess student perceptions of gains from an REU program
- A stratospheric water vapor feedback
- A water quality index model using stepwise regression and neural networks models for the Piabanha River basin in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Acid-Catalyzed Reaction of Epoxides on Atmospheric Nanoparticles
- Adaptive Conditioning of Multiple-Point Geostatistical Facies Simulation to Flow Data with Facies Probability Maps
- Adjustment of Submarine Channel Architecture to Changes in Sediment Supply, Western Niger Delta Slope
- Advancing Integrated Understanding of Treeline Response to Environmental Change: the Alpine and Arctic Treeline Ecotone Network
- Aerosol and CCN Concentrations under Extremely High DMS Levels over the North Atlantic Ocean
- Aerosol-Cloud Interaction from Asian Pollution on Local, Region, and Global Scales (Invited)
- An Evaluation of CMIP5 Precipitation Variability for China Relative to Observations and CMIP3
- Authigenic Carbonates from the Gas Hydrates Seafloor Observatory, Mississippi Canyon 118 (MC118), Gulf of Mexico: A Mineralogical, Geochemical, Chronological and Lipid Biomarker Study
- Baseflow separation in a premontane transitional rainforest using stable isotope techniques
- Calibration and parameterization of a semi-distributed hydrological model to support sub-daily ensemble flood forecasting; a watershed in southeast Brazil
- Can homogeneous stress states reproduce the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake rupture?
- Canopy Influence on Throughfall in a Transitional Cloud Forest
- Changes in Soil Nitrogen Storage and Dynamics in Response to Forest Management in Southeastern Pine Forest
- Characterization of Ambient Black Carbon Aerosols
- Characterizing Sedimentary Responses to Coastal Faulting Using High-Resolution Geochronology and Sedimentology: East Matagorda Peninsula, Texas
- Characterizing the instability of aeolian environments using analytical reasoning
- Cloud and precipitation impacts on the energy budget of low cloud regimes
- Comparing measured OH concentrations from olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (NAMs) with aH<SUB>2</SUB>O estimated from amphibole equilibria in mantle xenoliths: a test of NAM OH retention
- Constitutive behavior of gouge from the Central Deforming Zone of the San Andreas Fault approaching in-situ strain-rates
- Continental-Scale Stable Isotope Measurements at NEON to Address Ecological Processes Across Systems
- Coupling Backbarrier Shorelines to Geomorphologic Processes
- Decision Support System to Guide Land Use Fingerprinting Using Stable Isotopes under Hydrologic Uncertainty
- Development of Dimensionless Surge Response Functions for Hazard Assessment at Panama City, Florida
- Development of Physics-Based Hurricane Wave Response Functions: Application to Selected Sites on the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Differences in Preferential Sorting of Fine Particles in the Panama Basin Over the Past 25 kyr: Effects on 230Th-derived Focusing Factors
- Diurnal and seasonal variation of various carbon fluxes from an urban tower platform in Houston, TX
- Does rain fall preferentially over dry soils (or wet soils)?
- ENSO in an Ocean Reanalysis 1846-2011
- Effectiveness of Geosciences Exploration Summer Program (GeoX) for increasing awareness and Broadening Participation in the Geosciences
- Effects of fertilization and drought on substrate decomposition and inorganic nitrogen concentration in a managed loblolly pine forest
- Effects of fluid-flow on the strength of gouge-filled fault zones: liquefaction and dilatant hardening
- Estimating Available Water Capacity in the Lower Mekong River Basin by Integrating GRACE Observations into a Land Surface Model
- Estimating root zone soil moisture using near-surface observations from SMOS
- Evaluation of CMIP5- and CMIP3-generation GCM Soil Moisture Predictions against GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies for the Mississippi River Basin
- Evaluation of Historical and Projected Surface Air Temperature Simulations over China in CMIP5
- Evaluation of the real time TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis for global hydrologic prediction
- Evidence for Seismic and Aseismic Slip along a Foreland Thrust Fault, Southern Appalachians
- Forecasts of Urban Expansion in Watersheds across the World and in Megadeltas of Asia and Africa
- From grass to forest biomass: uncertainty estimates with lidar remote sensing (Invited)
- Geochemical Characteristics of Core Samples from IODP Expedition 343, Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Ground Penetrating Radar at Alcatraz Island: Imaging Civil-War Era Fortifications Beneath the Recreation Yard
- High-latitude Paleomagnetic Records of Quaternary Sediments from Baffin Bay, Western Greenland Margin (Invited)
- How Dusty was the Early Paleogene Greenhouse World?
- How to better link regional monsoon circulation to local hydroclimate for interpreting tree-ring chronologies in Southeast Asia
- Hydrogeologic Processes in a Transitional Tropical Forest
- IODP Exp 345: Primitive Layered Gabbros From Fast-Spreading Lower Oceanic Crust
- IODP Expedition 345: Geochemical Characteristics of Fast Spread Lower East Pacific Rise
- Impacts of Land Use Changes on Water Balance of the Amazon Basin Using Remote Sensing
- Impacts of Vegetation and Precipitation on Throughfall Heterogeneity in a Tropical Pre-Montane Transitional Cloud Forest
- Impacts of irrigated agriculture on surface and groundwater resources simulated by the Community Land Model
- Impacts of soil moisture in different layers on soil moisture-evapotranspiration interactions over the U.S. Great Plains
- Improvement of subsurface process in land surface modeling including lateral flow under unsaturated zone
- Influence of Channel Morphology on Flow Hydraulics in a Compound Meander Bend of the Lower Brazos River, Texas
- Interaction of nearshore, beach and dune systems: implications for barrier island morphology (Invited)
- Investigating Land-Atmosphere Interactions using the North American Soil Moisture (NASM) Database
- Investigating ancient microbial biosignatures with Micro-XRF in situ elemental analysis
- Laboratory-Numerical Investigation of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection and Magnetoconvection in Liquid Gallium
- Low Streamflow Forcasting using Minimum Relative Entropy
- Madden Julian initiation experiments in CAM
- Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover initial Mastcam geomorphologic and multispectral characterization of the Gale crater field site
- Martian dust aerosols and clouds in the North Polar summer: size and sedimentation
- Microbial Responses to Forest Management in the Western Gulf Coastal Plain, USA
- Monitoring Reservoir Storage in South Asia from Satellite Remote Sensing
- Multi-scale Evaluation of a Real Time Multi-satellite Precipitation Forced Global Hydrological Modeling System
- Nitrogen transformations in response to temperature and rainfall manipulation in oak savanna: A global change experiment
- Nitrous Acid: Intercomparison of techniques and Implications of measurements for photochemistry
- Non-Parametric Evolutionary Algorithm for Estimating Root Zone Soil Moisture
- Observations and Analysis of dynamic non equilibrium effects on soil hydraulic parameters
- Observed changes in precipitation extremes and structure of maximum consecutive wet days in China
- Oil Spill Detection along the Gulf of Mexico Coastline based on Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Onset and evolution of millennial-scale variability of the Asian monsoon and its possible relation with Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau uplift; Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 346
- Operational Coupled Forecasting of Waves, Currents and Coastal Inundation in Cook Inlet, Alaska
- Overprinting deformations in mantle rocks of Dun Mountain, New Zealand
- Past Asian Monsoon circulation from multiple tree-ring proxies and models (Invited)
- Past fluctuations and current status of the Gangotri Glacier
- Physical controls of soil moisture variability at multiple scales
- Plant traits that determine water use in wet tropical trees - do universal rules apply?
- Pleistocene seismic sequences may result from eustatic change but can they be used for global correlations? New Insights from the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
- Polarization properties of ice clouds (Invited)
- Positive Flash High-Speed Spectral Characteristics in the Upward Lightning Triggering Study (UPLIGHTS)
- Potential of Coastal Vegetation in Damping Tsunami Inundation on a Sloping Beach
- Precipitation Contribution of Tropical Cyclone in the Caribbean
- Preliminary Results from MCS and MSL Atmospheric Joint Observations
- Preliminary magnetostratigraphy of cores collected during IODP Expedition 344 (CRISP-A2) offshore Costa Rica
- Preliminary results on horizontal stress orientation and stress magnitude off Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Preparing the Next Generation of Earth Scientists: An Examination of 25 Federal Earth Science Education Programs
- Projecting Wind Energy Potential Under Climate Change with Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations
- Quantifying Sediment Transport in a Premontane Transitional Cloud Forest
- Quantifying Shrink Swell Capacity of Soil Using Soil Moisture Isotherms
- Quantitative Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: preliminary results from the IODP Site U1385 (Exp 339), the Shackleton Site
- Record of Eolian Dust Provenance in the North Pacific from 65- 35 Ma
- Relationship among climate, glacio-eustasy and sequence boundary formation: core analyses from the Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Remote Sensing of The Carbon Stocks of the UNESCO World Heritage Site: Mt. Apo Natural Park, Philippines
- Results from a new seismic survey around the JFAST drill site
- Retrieving pace in vegetation growth using precipitation and soil moisture
- Rheology of magnesite and implications for subduction zone dynamics
- Salt Marsh Sediment Mixing Following Petroleum Hydrocarbon Exposure from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Sea surface temperature variability in the Gulf of Mexico from 1734-2008 CE: A reconstruction using cross-dated Sr/Ca records from the coral Siderastrea siderea
- Seafloor structure and uppermost sedimentation in the Pigafetta Basin, Magellan Seamount Chain, and East Mariana Basin of the Central-Western Pacific
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in the Captive Aerosol Growth and Evolution (CAGE) Chambers during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) in Centreville, AL
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using MSL Pressure Data
- Simulating Groundwater-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions in a Semiarid Savanna
- Soil Moisture Variability in Iowa
- Soil moisture controls beyond the Darcy scale
- Solar Radiation Patterns and Glaciers in the Western Himalaya
- Spatial and temporal variation in carbon deposition in a Galveston, Texas salt marsh: The role of elevation and relative sea level history
- Stepped-to-dart Leaders in Cloud-to-ground Lightning
- Structure and Variability of Mediterranean Outflow Water Flow Recorded in Contourite Sedimentation in the Gulf of Cadiz and west of Portugal
- Sulfur and iron cycling in deep-subsurface, coal bed-containing sediments off Shimokita (Japan)
- Summary of IODP Expedition 344, CRISP-A2, offshore the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Tectonic Tremor Triggered along Major Strike-Slip Faults around the World
- Testing for orbital and solar forcing of the ENSO system during the Holocene
- The Archaeology of Archaeology
- The Effects of Landscape Heterogeneity on Brightness Temperature and Soil Moisture Retrieval
- The Effects of Ozone and Organic Ligands on Manganese Speciation in Surface Seawater
- The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle Earth System Data Record
- The Impact of Canonical and Non-canonical El Niño on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity: High-resolution Tropical Channel Model Simulations
- The Moho Structure of Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau, Northwest Pacific, from Multichannel Seismic Reflection and Wide-angle Refraction Data
- The Overshoot Phenomenon in Geodynamics Codes
- The effect of fertilization levels and genetic deployment on soil organic matter chemistry and turnover in managed loblolly pine forests
- The relationship between water surface temperature change and oyster production in Galveston Bay, Texas
- The role of low-level convective heating in tropical weather and climate (Invited)
- Tracing Water Sources and Quantifying Evaporation in the Brazos River, Central Texas
- Trajectory modeling of O3 and CO transport in the UTLS
- Transient increase in proto-Indian Ocean upwelling during the Cenomanian/Turonian OAE2
- Trends in Tropical Cyclone Precipitation and Discharge in Watersheds near Houston, Texas
- Tropical North Atlantic subsurface temperature anomalies: evidence for AMOC variability across Dansgaard-Oscheger events?
- Understanding continental-scale variation in plant hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios - Pseudotsuga menziesii across a 1500 km transect
- Uplift of Lord Howe Rise during the Late Paleogene: Constraints from Micropaleontological Proxies
- Using Mixed Morphometrics and Near-Surface Geophysics to Characterize Geomorphic Evolution of the South Texas Coastal Zone
- Using New Optical Scattering Measurements to Identify Atmospheric Aerosols, Dusts, and Ice Crystals
- Watershed Scale Stable Isotope Distribution and Implications on Soil Organic Carbon Loss Monitoring under Hydrologic Uncertainty
- Watershed-Scale Effects of Cropland Abandonment and Woody Plant Encroachment: Implications for Water Resources (Invited)
- Widespread Tree Mortality from the 2011 Texas Drought: Consequences for Forest Structure and Carbon Stocks
- "Spring break" of Dissolved Organic Matter above the Arctic Circle: New Hints on Source and Composition
- A Fast Radiative Transfer Parameterization Under Cloudy Condition in Solar Spectral Region
- A Fuzzy Cognitive Model of aeolian instability across the South Texas Sandsheet
- A Multi-satellite Remote Sensing Product of Reservoir Storage, Elevation, and Surface Area in South Asia
- A New Method to estimate Daily Tropical Cyclone Precipitation from the GHCND Rain Gauges
- A Robust Gold Deconvolution Approach for LiDAR Waveform Data Processing to Characterize Vegetation Structure
- A Southwest Pacific Coral Perspective on ENSO Variability: Precessional Forcing vs. Internal Variability
- A Spatially-Explicit Modeling Approach to Examine the Interaction of Reproductive Traits and Landscape Characteristics on Arctic Shrub Expansion
- A Two-habit Ice cloud Optical Property Parameterization for GCM Application
- A seismic search for the paleoshorelines of Lake Otero beneath White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico
- Advancing Science Literacy Through the Climate Change National Forum
- Aerosol Impacts on Sea Breeze over Houston Area
- Age Spectra and Transport Rates in the UTLS over the Tropics and the North American Monsoon Region
- Agent-based Modeling to Simulate the Diffusion of Water-Efficient Innovations and the Emergence of Urban Water Sustainability
- An Application Using Triaxial Ellipsoids to Model Martian Dust at the Phoenix Landing Site
- An Evaluation of Coupled Water and Heat Transport Models in the Vadose Zone with Different Assumptions and Processes
- An Investigation of the Local Energetics of the Martian Atmosphere
- Anatomy of A Local Scale Drought
- Application of GPR, EMI, and Lidar to Assess the Role of Antecedent Geology in Barrier Island Evolution
- Assesing Ecohydrological Impacts of Forest Disturbance using Open Source Software
- Assessing the Variability and Accuracy of Vertical Profiles of Heating and Vertical Motion in the Tropical Eastern Pacific
- Authigenic Uranium in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sediments
- Automated Feature Extraction of Foredune Morphology from Terrestrial Lidar Data
- Automated Processing of MABEL and mATLAS Photon Counting Lidar Data: Initial Steps Toward Global-Scale Forest Measurements From ICESat-2
- Ba/Ca Reproducibility and Growth Banding in Gulf of Alaska Bamboo Corals
- Biologic Indicators of Seabed Methane Venting Along the US Mid-Atlantic Margin
- Breaking Rossby Waves, Moisture Streamers, and the Southern Hemisphere Diagonal Convergence Zones
- Burial of Authigenic Carbonate in Reducing Sediments of the Cenomanian/Turonian Western Interior Seaway
- Calculation of Steady-state Evaporation for an Arbitrary Matrix Potential at Ground Surface
- Canada's Fraser River Basin transitioning from a nival to a hybrid system in the late 20<SUP>th</SUP> century
- Carbon distributions in Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marshes in Galveston, Texas: The role of elevation, relative sea level history, and land cover conversions
- Changing Global Patterns of Urban Exposure to Flood and Drought Hazards
- Characterization of Principal Tidal Constituents in the Northern Arabian (Persian) Gulf
- Chemical and Isotopic Thresholds in Charring: Implications for the Interpretation of Charcoal Mass and Isotopic Data
- Climate, Biofuels and Water: Projections and Sustainability Implications for the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Cloud Forming Potential of Aminium Carboxylate Aerosols
- Cloud feedback on climate change and variability
- Combining Traditional Hydrometric Data, Isotope Tracers and Biophysical Landscape Characteristics to Improve the Understanding of Landscape Hydrology in the Humid Andes
- Constraints on the Circulation of the Interior South Atlantic During the Last Glacial Maximum Inferred from a Highly-Resolved Sedimentary Depth Transect
- Controls of Carbon Preservation in Coastal Wetlands of Texas: Mangrove vs. Saltmarsh Ecosystems
- Copula-based method for Multisite Monthly and Daily Streamflow Simulation
- Coupled THCM Modeling of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments
- Decadal Changes in Hydrography of the Southern Pacific Ocean and Ross Sea
- Deciphering the Transitional Tectonics of the Southern Alaska Margin Through Gulf Sedimentology and Geophysics: IODP Expedition 341
- Decoupled Changes in Western Niger Delta Primary Productivity and Niger River Discharge Across the Last Deglacial
- Deglacial Ocean Circulation Scheme at Intermediate Depths in the Tropical North Atlantic
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Differences in photosynthesis and isoprene emission in post oak (Quercus stellata) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) trees along an urban-to-rural gradient in Texas
- Diversity and Innovation for Geosciences (dig) Texas Earth and Space Science Instructional Blueprints
- Does rain fall preferentially over wet or dry soils?
- Ecohydrological Response of Trees to Leaf Wetness Gradients Under Wet and Dry Canopy Conditions in a Montane Tropical Forest
- Effect of Shear Slip on Fault Permeability in Shale Reservoir Rocks
- Effects of Chemical Aging on the Heterogeneous Freezing of Organic Aerosols
- Effects of Damage Zone Permeability on Fluid Flow Within Gouge Zones During Earthquakes: Observations From Grain-Scale Numerical Models
- Effects of Drought Stress and Ozone Exposure on Isoprene Emissions from Oak Seedlings in Texas
- Effects of Hydrothermal Scavenging of <SUP>230</SUP>Th in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Translated to the Deep Waters of the Central Equatorial Pacific
- Effects of Temperature on the Frictional Behavior of Material from the Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand
- Effects of Urbanization and Climate Change on Hydrological Processes over the San Antonio River Basin, Texas
- El Niño and La Niña During 1916-1920 and 1996-2000 in a Large Ensemble
- Enhancing Floodplain Management in the Lower Mekong River Basin Using Vegetation and Water Cycle Satellite Observations
- Environmental Partitioning of Biomass Combustion Biomarkers in Arctic Rivers across the Spring Freshet Hydrograph
- Equatorial Pacific Productivity Events and Intervals in the Middle and late Miocene through XRF-Scanned Bulk Sediment Composition Data
- Evaluating Educational Resources for Inclusion in the Dig Texas Instructional Blueprints for Earth & Space Science
- Evaluation of NLDAS-2 Multi-Model Simulated Soil Moisture Using the Observations from North American Soil Moisture Dataset (NASMD)
- Evaluation of soil moisture simulations in the CMIP5 models using satellite and in situ observations over CONUS.
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Low Impact Development Practices (LIDs) under Various Conditions
- Evolution of Black Carbon Optical Properties during Atmospheric Aging: Comparison Between Theoretical Calculations and Laboratory Experiments
- Examination of the Asian Monsoon: Ongoing Studies from IODP Expedition 346
- FTIR Maps and Spatial Distributions of OH in Caledonide and Himalayan Shear Zones: Implications for Dislocation Creep and Water Weakening
- Fault Detection Using Polarimetric Single-Input-Multi-Output Ground Penetrating Radar Technique in Mason, Texas
- First and Higher Order Effects on Zero Order Radiative Transfer Model
- Foraminiferal Evidence of Sediment Deformation Caused by Late Holocene Faulting in a Backbarrier Lagoon, Matagorda, Texas, USA
- Formation of Microbial Streamers by Flow-Induced Shear and Their Hydrodynamic Effects
- Forward Radiative Transfer Capabilities Facilitating Satellite-based Radiance/Brightness-temperature Observations
- Future Climate Change Impacts on Surface Hydrology over Texas River Basins
- Gender in the Geosciences: Factors Supporting the Recruitment and Retention of Women in the Undergraduate Major
- Grain Size Biasing of <SUP>230</SUP>Th-derived Focusing Factors in the Panama Basin
- Hess Deep Interactive Lab: Exploring the Structure and Formation of the Oceanic Crust through Hands-On Models and Online Tools
- High-Resolution Pleistocene Alkenone Temperature Records of IODP Expedition 346 Sites U1425 and U1429
- High-resolution Deglacial to Holocene paleoceanographic records from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: Preliminary foraminifer-based results from NBP14-02
- Historical Reconstruction of Organic Carbon Decay and Preservation in the Sediment on the East China Sea Shelf
- Holocene Sedimentary Record of Unusual Primary Productivity, Dalton Polynya, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- How Much of US Dryland's Carbon Stocks Is Being Appropriated By Commercial Grazing Livestock?
- Hydrological Modeling and Repeatability with Brokering
- Hydrometeorological and climatological conditions associated with flash flooding in the Catskill Mountains, NY
- IODP Expedition 351 Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: Preliminary Results
- IODP Expedition 352 (Bonin Forearc): First Results
- Imaging of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from the Martian surface
- Impact of the 2011 Southern US Drought on Ground-Level Particulate Matters (PM) in Summertime and Implication for Drought-Driven PM Response in Future Climate
- Impacts of Land Cover Changes on Climate over China
- Improving glacier volume-area scaling to better quantify tropical Andean glacial water resources from remote sensing
- In-situ Soil Moisture Coupled with Extreme Temperatures: A Study Based on the Oklahoma Mesonet
- Inferring Hydraulic and Fracture Properties of a Fracked Coal Seam Aquifer by Using GLUE Uncertainty Analysis using TOUGH2 reservoir simulator
- Influence of relative sea level on a marginal sea environment and its implication for reconstructing ice volume changes using IODP Expedition 346, Site U1427
- Influences of topography and subsurface heterogeneity on lateral subsurface flow in unsaturated zone
- Inorganic Carbon and pH in the Gulf of Mexico: Understanding the Deepwater Horizon Region
- Insights into geomorphic and vegetation spatial patterns within dynamic river floodplains using soft classification approaches
- Integrating Ecology and Watershed Processes: Historical Rangeland Change as a Driver of Sediment Yield and Impacts on Reservoir Storage
- Inter-annual variation of the surface temperature of tropical forests from SSM/I observations
- Inter-linkages of SE Asian, Indian and Indonesian-Australian monsoonal subsystems on orbital and suborbital timescales
- Intercomparison of an improved 20<SUP>th </SUP>Century reanalysis version 2c dataset spanning 1850 to 2012
- Introducing a Soil Moisture Scaling Triangle
- Investigating the Role of Fluid Flow Within Gouge-filled Fault Zones Using Numerical Simulations of Earthquakes
- Iron Fertilization by Volcanic Ash in the Cenomanian/Turonian Western Interior Seaway
- Laboratory investigations on hydrate formation and dissociation in sediments - analogies and differences to natural systems
- Leader formation during the Initial Breakdown stage of a lightning flash
- Light Scattering by Ice Crystals Containing Air Bubbles
- Magnetic anomalies on Io and their relationship to the spatial distribution of volcanic centers
- Mapping bathymetry and rip channels with WorldView2 multispectral data
- Measuring the Role of Ecological Shift and Environmental Change on Organic Carbon Stocks in Salt Marshes and Mangrove Dominated Wetlands from the Texas Gulf Coast
- Microbial Cells and Aerobic Respiration from Seafloor to Basement in the South Pacific Gyre
- Mid-Miocene to Pleistocene Radiolarian fossil record from IODP Expedition 346: Faunal response to the global climatic changes and local/regional tectonics
- Middle to late Holocene Climate and Human Impact upon Surficial Processes and Soil Chrono-seequences in the Apulian-Lucanian Border Area of the Southern Italian Interior
- Mode Decomposition Methods for Soil Moisture Prediction
- Model Based Reasoning by Introductory Students When Analyzing Earth Systems and Societal Challenges
- Modeling Stromatolite Growth Under Oscillatory Flows
- Morphologic and Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Sand Dune-Topographic Obstacle Interactions on Earth and Titan
- Morphology and stratigraphic evolution of aeolian protodunes at White Sands Dune Field
- Multi- and hyperspectral remote-sensing retrieval of floodplain-forest aboveground biomass using machine learning
- Multi-Resolution Analysis of LiDAR data for Characterizing a Stabilized Aeolian Landscape in South Texas
- Multiscale Convective Interactions During DYNAMO/CINDY2011/AMIE
- NBP14-02: The Sabrina Coast Marine Record of Ocean-Cryosphere Dynamics
- Near Surface Soil Moisture Controls Beyond the Darcy Support Scale: A Remote Sensing Perspective
- New climate archives from the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean: Preliminary results from IODP Exp 342, Newfoundland sediment drifts
- North Atlantic Surface and Deep-Water Hydrography during the Early Pliocene Warm Period
- Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet Dynamics in Coastal Alaska from MIS 3 to the Present: Initial Results
- On the Fluid Leakage Rate and Pressure Evaluation of Abandoned Non-Penetrating Wells.
- On the Revealing Firsthand Probing of Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions off Sabrina Coast During NBP1402
- On the Shoaling of Solitary Waves in the Presence of Short Random Waves
- Optical Properties of Polymers Relevant to Secondary Organic Aerosols
- Oxygen isotope stratigraphy in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341)
- Paleoclimate simulations of tropical cyclones in a 36-km tropical channel model of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Physical properties of the Nankai inner accretionary prism sediments at Site C0002, IODP Expedition 348.
- Pore Fluid Pressure and State of Stress Above the Plate Interface from Observations in a 3 Kilometer Deep Borehole: IODP Site C0002, Nankai Trough Subduction Zone
- Possible large-volume mafic explosive eruptions in the Izu arc recorded in IODP Site U1436
- Potential Influences of Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation on Climate Change Across the Mid Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO)
- Prediction of Uncertainty in Watershed Scale Sediment Provenance Model Using Tracers
- Pressure oscillations on the surface of Gale Crater and coincident observations of global circulation patterns.
- Processes influencing rainfall features in the Amazonian region
- Quantification of Dune Response over the Course of a 6-Day Nor'Easter, Outer Banks, NC
- Quantification of ice cloud particle roughness from multi-angle satellite observations
- Quantification of in situ stress and pore pressure in the Nankai subduction zone: Effects of lithology and loading path
- Quantifying Barrier Island Recovery Following a Hurricane
- Quantifying Emissions from the Eagle Ford Shale Using Ethane Enhancement
- Quantifying the Distribution and Influence of Non-Uniform Bed Properties on Spatial Patterns of Turbidity in Shallow Coastal Bays
- Realistic Simulations of the Scattering Properties of Ice Particles with Shapes Retrieved from 2-D Images
- Recent Enhancements in the North American Soil Moisture Database (NASMD)
- Regional 3D Numerical Modeling of the Lithosphere-Mantle System: Implications for Continental Rift-Parallel Surface Velocities
- Relationships between subtropical warm precipitation features and lower tropospheric water vapor
- Reservoir in Global Water Cycle: Macro Scale Hydrologic Modeling for Water Management
- Response of Seasonal Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity to Suppression of African Easterly Waves in a Regional Climate Model
- Rock Magnetic Signal of Fluid Systems at IODP Site U1437 in the Izu Rear Arc
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Galveston Bay, Texas
- Seabed Spectra Predictions Using a Time-Dependent Seafloor Boundary Layer Model
- Sector-Scanning Sonar Imagery of Laboratory Bedforms
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using One Mars Year of MSL Pressure Data
- Sedimentation Rates at IODP Site U1424 since the Pliocene Deciphered from Spectral Analyses of RGB and GRA Bulk Density Profiles
- Shallow Water Euxinia and Density Stratification of the Cenomanian/Turonian Western Interior Seaway in Texas
- Shamals and climate variability in the Northern Arabian Gulf from 1973 to 2012
- Signatures of Biomass Burning Aerosols during a Smoke Plume Event from a Saltmarsh Wildfire in South Texas
- Simulating the Dependence of Sagebrush Steppe Vegetation on Redistributed Snow in a Semi-Arid Watershed.
- Slip rate gradients along parallel strands of the eastern Altyn Tagh fault confirm modeled rupture behavior at a transpressional bend
- Sources of Ozone in the Free Troposphere in Houston During DISCOVER-AQ 2013
- Spatial Inference for Distributed Remote Sensing Data
- Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Surface Irradiance in the Himalaya
- Spectral Characteristics of Wave Breaking and Dissipation in Combined Tsunami - Swell Wave Conditions
- Spectroscopic Observations of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from Mars using ChemCam, OMEGA and SPICAM.
- Stress-state and micro-scale deformations in the hangingwall of the splay fault: Preliminary results from the Site C0002, IODP Expedition 348
- Study of aerosol radiative properties under different relative humidity conditions in the thermal infrared region
- Subtropical Low Cloud Responses to Central and Eastern Pacific El Nino Events
- Surface-Atmosphere Moisture Coupling in Eurasian Frozen Ground Regions
- Temporal and Spatial Characterization of Macondo 252 Signatures in Gulf of Mexico Shelf and Slope Sediments: Evidence for Weathering, Biodegradation, and Transport
- The Evolution of Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation through the Paleogene
- The Influence of Tropical Air-Sea Interaction on the Climate Impact of Aerosols: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach
- The Martian O<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O cycles observed with ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy
- The Missing Half of the Subduction Factory: Preliminary Results from the Izu Rear ARC, IODP Expedition 350, Site U1437
- The Ophiolite - Oceanic Fore-Arc Connection
- The Role of Wave Nonlinearity on Sediment Motion and Transport
- The SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP): Comparisons of Water Vapor and Ozone in Reanalyses
- The effect of variation of rainfall across different time scales on subcanopy CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage and flux in a Costa Rican rainforest
- The forest floor characteristics and C accumulation rate of black spruce forests across a climate gradient
- The geographic concentration of blue carbon in the continental US
- The temperature and carbonate ion influence on Pleistocene high latitude planktonic foraminiferal carbon isotopic records
- Thermocline Temperature Variability Reveals Shifts in the Tropical Pacific Mean State across Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Tracking Monsoon Related Provenance Changes in Continental Margin Sediments of the East China Sea: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 346.
- Tropical Tropopause Layer Cloud Formation, Convection and Stratospheric Dehydration
- UPLIGHTS Lightning Spectra: Negative CG from Horizontally Extensive IC Flash
- Understanding TEX<SUB>86</SUB><SUP>H</SUP> Temperature Estimates in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the Last Deglacial
- Use of External Sources for Calibration and Validation of L-band Missions
- Using Engineering Cameras on Mars Landers and Rovers to Retrieve Atmospheric Dust Loading
- Variability of the Tsushima Warm Current during the Pleistocene and its relationship with the evolution of the East Asian Monsoon. Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 346 (Sites U1427 and U1428/29) based on benthic ostracod assemblages.
- Why Does Exposure to Arsenic from Drinking Groundwater in Asian Megadeltas Continue to be High?
- Why Does the Stratosphere Get Wetter During the 21st Century?
- Why has streamflow in a northern Idaho creek increased while flows from many other watersheds in the US Pacific Northwest have decreased over the past sixty years?
- 3D Compressible Melt Transport with Mesh Adaptivity
- A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification
- A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas
- A New Appraisal of Northern Peatlands and Global Atmospheric Methane Over the Holocene
- A New Data Fusion Algorithm for Reservoir Remote Sensing
- A Novel Mobile-Immobile Model for Push-Pull Test with Delayered Extraction
- A Scale-Wetness-Heterogeneity (SWHET) Cuboid to Validate Footprint Scale Soil Moisture
- A Threshold Continuum for Aeolian Sand Transport
- A blue carbon soil database: Tidal wetland stocks for the US National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- A brief history of ice cloud optical property models of applications to remote sensing
- Advances in regional crop yield estimation over the United States using satellite remote sensing data
- Air Quality at a Ranch Site in the Western Part of the Eagle Ford shale
- Air-Sea-Ice Interactions at the Dalton Polynya, East Antarctica
- Altitudinal vs Latitudinal Climactic Drivers: A Comparison of a Relict Picea and Abies Forest in the Southern Appalachians versus the Hemi-Boreal Transition Zone off Southern Canada
- An M-component with a Concurrent Dart Leader Traveling along Different Paths during a Lightning Flash
- An assessment of The Effects of Elevation and Aspect on Deposition of Airborne Pollution and Water Quality in an Alpine Critical Zone: San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA
- Application Development: AN Interactive, Non-Technical Perspective of the Geology and Geomorphology of the Ouray Perimeter Tail, CO.
- Assessing the Impacts of Land Use Change from Cotton to Perennial Bioenergy Grasses on Hydrological Fluxes and Water Quality in a Semi-Arid Agricultural Watershed Using the APEX Model
- Assessing the Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus Cloud Fraction Transition in MERRA Using CloudSat/CALIPSO
- Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty by Incorporating IPEAT and SWAT
- Assessment of uncertainty in river flow extreme simulations for China using multiple forcings and hydrological models
- Automated Quality Control of in Situ Soil Moisture from the North American Soil Moisture Database Using NLDAS-2 Products
- Ba/Ca Ratios in North Pacific Bamboo Corals Record Changes in Intermediate Water Biogeochemistry
- Benchmarking longwave multiple scattering in cirrus environments
- Biomass Smoke Influences on Deep Convection during the 2011 Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E)
- Boulder Dislodgement by Tsunamis and Storms: Version 2.0
- Building a Global Network of Hydro-climatology Sites in Cloud-affected Tropical Montane Forests
- Carbon Dynamics of Bioenergy Cropping Systems Compared to Conventional Cotton Cropping Systems in the Southern Cotton Belt Region of the U.S.
- Categorical Drought Monitoring and Prediction in the United States Based on NLDAS-2
- Cenozoic Climate-Tectonic Interactions in the Western Himalaya Recorded in the Indus Submarine Fan from IODP Expedition 355
- Characterization of the 2015 Dallas-Irving Earthquake Sequence
- Characterization of watershed scale soil moisture variability in structured soils
- Characterizing the Transport of a Novel, Engineered Nanoparticle for Use in Remediation of Hydrophobic Contaminants
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater: Diurnal and Seasonal cycles of O<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O, and aerosols
- Climate Chemistry Coupling: Ozone Loss Linked to the Unique Dynamical Structure of the Summertime Stratosphere Over the U.S. Using In Situ Aircraft, Satellite and NEXRAD Radar Observations
- Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics.
- Clumped Isotope Verification of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-Based Freshwater Mussel Shell Growth Chronology for a High-Resolution Climate and River Discharge Record
- Collaboration Among Educators: An Essential Step in Unifying STEM Teaching Resources.
- Comparison Between RRTM and LBLRTM-DISORT for Radiative Transfer in Scattering Atmospheres
- Comparison of Multiple Satellite Soil Moisture Products Using In-Situ Soil Moisture Observations Over the Continental United States
- Comparison of Temperature Trends Using an Unperturbed Subset of The U.S. Historical Climatology Network
- Comparison of seven precipitation datasets for drought monitoring over the United States/global scale
- Compositional Dynamics of Organic Carbon in Surface Sediments from the Lower Pearl River to the Coastal South China Sea
- Constraining Atmospheric Particle Size in Gale Crater Using REMS UV Measurements and Mastcam Observations at 440 and 880 nm
- Convective Transport of Trace Species Observed During the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 Experiment (START08)
- Convective and Stratiform Components of the Precipitation-Water Vapor Relationship
- Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments
- Creep of quartz by dislocation and grain boundary processes
- Currents and Transport across the eastern Sabrina Basin, East Antarctica
- Deconstructing a Polygenetic Landscape Using LiDAR and Multi-Resolution Analysis
- Degradation State and Sequestration Potential of Carbon in Coastal Wetlands of Texas: Mangrove Vs. Saltmarsh Ecosystems
- Development of Large-Scale Forcing Data for GoAmazon2014/5 Cloud Modeling Studies
- Development of Structural Geology and Tectonics Data System with Field and Lab Interface
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Development of a Nonisothermal Dual Permeability Model for Structured Soils
- Diagnosing Possible Anthropogenic Contributions to Colorado Floods in September 2013.
- Direct evidence of warm water access to the Totten Glacier sub-ice shelf cavity
- Distinct Impacts of Aerosols on an Evolving Continental Cloud System during the RACORO Field Campaign
- Down Core Fidelity of Authigenic Oxyhydroxide Coatings: Tracing Paleogene Water Mass Evolution
- Downeast Drainage - Examining and Communicating the Dynamics of Bacteria Pollution Events in the Gulf of Maine
- Dynamic Simulation of the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake with Geometric Complexity on a Rate- and State-dependent Subduction Plane
- Effect of lateral stress on the consolidation state of sediment from the Nankai Trough
- Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere
- Efficacy of gamma-ray profiles for analyzing megaflood turbidites
- Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments
- Evaluating Land-Atmosphere Interactions with the North American Soil Moisture Database
- Evaluating the Impact of the Summit Station, Greenland Radiosonde Program on Data Modelers and Forecast Services
- Evaluating the Impact of the Summit Station, Greenland Radiosonde Program on Science and Forecast Services
- Evaluation of NLDAS-2 Simulated Daily Soil Moisture
- Evaluation of multi-layer cloud property retrievals from optimal estimation and Bayesian retrieval algorithms
- Evaluation of soil moisture simulations in the GLACE-CMIP5 experiment using satellite and in situ observations over CONUS
- Evapotranspiration Partitioning with Sub-Daily Isotopic Measurement in a Sub-Humid Grassland Ecosystem
- Evolution of Temperature and Carbon Storage Within the Deep Southeast Atlantic Ocean Across the Last Glacial/Interglacial Cycle Inferred from a Highly-Resolved Sedimentary Depth Transect
- Exopolymer Particles in the Sea Surface Microlayer (SML) of the Coastal Pacific Ocean
- Exploring Tradeoffs in Demand-side and Supply-side Management of Urban Water Resources using Agent-based Modeling and Evolutionary Computation
- Exploring the Radiative Effect and Climate Impact of Contaminated Contrails
- Exploring tree species signature using waveform LiDAR data
- Extent and impact of Cretaceous magmatism on the formation and evolution of Jurassic oceanic crust in the western Pacific
- Foraminifer- and diatom-based paleoceanographic study of Holocene sediments from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Formation of the Red Hills Ultramafic Massif during Subduction Initiation along an Oceanic Transform Fault
- Freshwater Wetland Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: Implications for Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation
- From Ecosystem-Scale to Litter Biochemistry: Controls on Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Wetlands of the Western Gulf of Mexico
- Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site 1438, Amami Sankaku Basin: Implications for Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
- Geomagnetic Secular Variation in Texas over the Last 17,000 Years: High-Intensity Geomagnetic Field 'Spike' Observed at ca. 3000 cal BP
- Geomechanical Modeling of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments
- Global Climate Models Intercomparison of Anthropogenic Aerosols Effects on Regional Climate over North Pacific
- Global Forest Canopy Height Maps Validation and Calibration for The Potential of Forest Biomass Estimation in The Southern United States
- Hf-Nd Isotopes in West Philippine Basin Basalts: Results from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1438 and Implications for the Early History of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Subduction System
- High-resolution analysis of the terrestrial influence on DOC and POC export in a Siberian Arctic River during the spring freshet
- How can AN Approach to Steam BE Authentic to both Science and Art?
- Hydrological extremes and their agricultural impacts under a changing climate in Texas
- IODP Expedition 354: A Bengal fan record of Himalayan erosion, weathering and organic carbon burial during the Neogene.
- IOOS Data Portals and Uniform On-line Browse Capabilities
- Impact of Large-scale Circulation Patterns on Surface Ozone Variability in Houston-Galveston-Brazoria
- Impact of Multiple Scattering on Infrared Radiative Transfer involving Ice Clouds
- Impact of Shallow Clouds on Cloud-Permitting WRF Simulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Convection over the Amazon
- Implications of Using USDA-NCSS Bulk Density to Estimate Carbon Stocks in Forest Soils Across the Southeastern United States
- Improvements in PSTD methods and surface roughnessmodel applied to simulation of lidar-observable optical properties of roughened hexagonal crystals.
- In-Situ Incubation of Iron-Sulfide Mineral in Seawater Reveals Colonization by Iron-Oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria and Zetaproteobacteria.
- In-situ stress and strength in the Nankai inner accretionary prism at Site C0002, IODP NanTroSEIZE
- Inference of Ice Cloud Particle Roughness in Optically Thin Clouds using Satellite Polarimetric Observations
- Influence of Deforestation on Infiltration and Erosion in the Brazilian Caatinga
- Insights into pulverized rock formation from dynamic rupture models of earthquakes
- Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone Shifts During the Last Glacial Cycle Near the Line Islands Ridge.
- Investigation of transient friction in rock at low to high slip-rates using a new biaxial machine
- Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223
- Is barrier island geologic framework fractal? Evidence from Padre Island National Seashore, Texas, USA
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Observed Along-Rift Surface Motions in the East African Rift System
- Laser Ablation Trace Element Analysis of Modern and Fossil <em>Desmophyllum</em> dianthus from Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons in Mid-Atlantic Ocean
- Late Holocene stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic variation of bulk organic matter deposited in Blackwood Sinkhole, Abaco, The Bahamas
- Late Oligocene glacimarine sedimentation of the central Ross Sea and implications for the evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Late Quaternary carbonate accumulation along eastern South Atlantic Ocean
- Lightweight Vertical Take-Off & Landing Unmanned Aerial Systems For Local-Scale Forestry and Agriculture Remote Sensing Data Collection
- Long-Term Drought Forecasting based on Climate Signals using Multi-Channel
- Long-term Variability in ITCZ Characteristics from an Automated Objective Identification Algorithm
- Mapping bathymetry in an active surf zone with the WorldView2 multispectral satellite
- Margin Architecture and Sediment Flux as Controls on Submarine Fan Development: Tectonic-Climate Interactions in the Gulf of Alaska
- MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster
- Mass Movement Susceptibility in the Western San Juan Mountains, Colorado: A Preliminary 3-D Mapping Approach
- Millennial-Scale Subsurface Temperature Change in the Niger Delta Linked to Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability During the Last Deglacial
- Model Reduction for Free-Surface Flows
- Modeling Arsenic Mobilization in a Riverbank Aquifer under the Influence of Tidally Fluctuating River and Irrigation Pumping
- Modeling Optical Properties of Polluted Dust and its Morphological Effects by T-Matrix Method
- Modeling Soil Water in the Caatinga Tropical Dry Forest of Northeastern Brazil
- Modeling the Current and Future Distribution of Treeline Species in the Nepal Himalaya
- Modeling the Mechanics of Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes in Granular Fault Gouge
- Models and Observations of Plume-Ridge Interaction in the South Atlantic and their Implications for Crustal Thickness Variations
- Monitoring and forecasting the 2009-2010 severe drought in Southwest China
- Monte Carlo Photon Modeling to Explore the Dependence of Snow Bidirectional Reflectance on Grain Shape and Size
- More frequent showers and thunderstorms under a warming climate: evidence observed in Northern Eurasia
- Mulitple Origins of Sand Dune-Topography Interactions on Titan
- Multi-Scale Distributed Sensitivity Analysis of Radiative Transfer Model
- Nature of the Jurassic Magnetic Quiet Zone revealed by the sea-surface, mid-water, and near-source magnetic sensor data in the western Pacific.
- Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions off Sabrina and Adelie Coasts During NBP1402 and AU1402
- On the Utility of In-Situ Soil Moisture Observations for Flash Drought Early Warning in the Central United States
- On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments
- Optimizing Irrigation Water Allocation under Multiple Sources of Uncertainty in an Arid River Basin
- Organic matter controls on iodine and plutonium in atmospheric depositions, streams, and soils in the Fukushima Prefecture
- Oxic and Anoxic Regions of Subseafloor Sediment
- Paleo-hydraulic Reconstructions of Topographically Inverted River Deposits on Earth and Mars
- Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Insights into the Middle to Late Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the 8<SUP>o</SUP> North Bengal Fan Transect, IODP Expedition 354
- Paradoxical High Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean During the Miocene "El Padre", ODP Site 849, and IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
- Passive Microwave Precipitation Detection Biases: Relationship to Environment
- Passive microwave precipitation detection biases: Relationship to cloud morphology
- Perceptions and Expected Immediate Reactions to Tornado Warning Polygons
- Photosynthetic responses to leaf surface wetness in tropical plant species of Costa Rica with varying leaf traits
- Physiological Responses to Prolonged Drought Differ Among Three Oak (<em>Quercus</em>) Species
- Pleistocene Through Oligocene Record of Himalayan Orogeny and Climate. The Iodp Expedition 354 Drilling Transect across the Middle Bengal Fan at 8°N
- Pleistocene to Miocene Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy from IODP Expedition 334 Hole U1381A and Expedition 352 Hole U1439A
- Polluted Dust Classification and Its Optical Properties Analysis Using CALIPSO Data and Simulation
- Prediction of Root Zone Soil Moisture using Remote Sensing Products and In-Situ Observation under Climate Change Scenario
- Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic
- Projecting the Dependence of Sage-steppe Vegetation on Redistributed Snow in a Warming Climate.
- Quantifying Potential Groundwater Recharge In South Texas
- Radar signatures of sediment availability-limited dune-fields and playas on Earth as a Titan analog.
- Reaching for the Horizon: Enabling 21st Century Antarctic Science
- Reanalysis water vapor and ozone intercomparison as part of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)
- Recent Developments in the Community Code ASPECT
- Recent Mastcam and MAHLI Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations: Pahrump Hills to Marias Pass
- Redesigning Curricula in Geology and Geophysics
- Reduced Effectiveness of Atlantic Hurricane Suppression During Central Pacific El Niño
- Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines"
- Response of mixed-phase boundary layer clouds with rapid and slow ice nucleation processes to cloud-top temperature trend
- Responses of Cloud Distributions to the Large-Scale Dynamical Circulation: Water Budget-Related Dynamical Phase Space and Dynamical Regimes
- Retrieving Atmospheric Dust Loading on Mars Using Engineering Cameras and MSL's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI)
- Revisiting Seismic Tomography Through Direct Methods and High Performance Computing
- Rock strength and fault rheology at the Nankai subduction zone: Insight from laboratory experiments
- SPATIAL Short Courses Build Expertise and Community in Isotope Geochemistry
- Scale dependent behavior the foredune: Implications for barrier island response to storms and sea level rise
- Scale-dependence of precipitation impacts on radiative effects in low cloud regimes
- Seasonal and spatial variability of modeled leaf water δD values in the Himalaya
- Semi-analytical Solution for the Contaminant Transport in Fractured Porous Media with Mobile-Immobile Method
- Sensitivity of reservoir storage and outflow to climate change in a water-limited river basin
- Sensitivity study of ice crystal optical properties in the 874 GHz submillimeter band
- Soil Hydrology Across Space And Time Scales
- Source Apportionment of Primary and Secondary Fine Particulate Matter in China
- Source of moist air for the Asian summer monsoon lower stratosphere
- Spatial Characteristics of Small Green Spaces' Mitigating Effects on Microscopic Urban Heat Islands
- Spatial variability in hydrologic connectivity between a coastal river and its floodplain
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Potential Evapotranspiration across an Urban Monitoring Network
- Supporting Ngss-Congruent Instruction in Earth & Space Science Through Educator Implementation and Feedback: Refining the Dig Texas Blueprints
- Synoptic-scale atmospheric conditions associated with flash flooding in watersheds of the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA
- Temperature Calibration of a Northern Gulf of Mexico <em>Siderastrea siderea</em> Coral
- The Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Tropical Cyclones
- The Effects of Urbanization on China's Future Climate based on Dynamically Downscaled Projections
- The Evolution of the Surveyor Fan and Channel System, Gulf of Alaska based on Core-Log-Seismic Integration at IODP Site U1417
- The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover
- The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Ecohydrological Model Circa 2015: Global Application Trends, Insights and Issues
- The Texas Water Observatory: Utilizing Advanced Observing System Design for Understanding Water Resources Sustainability Across Climatic and Geologic Gradients of Texas
- The Walnut Gulch - Santa Rita Wildland Watershed-Scale LTAR Sites
- The relative contribution of climatic, edaphic, and biotic drivers to risk of tree mortality from drought
- The response of ecosystem carbon pools to management approaches that increase the growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.)
- Towards Characterization, Modeling, and Uncertainty Quantification in Multi-scale Mechanics of Oragnic-rich Shales
- Towards an Accurate Orbital Calibration of Late Miocene Climate Events: Insights From a High-Resolution Chemo- and Magnetostratigraphy (8-6 Ma) from Equatorial Pacific IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
- Training and Validation of the Fast PCRTM_Solar Model
- Transforming Undergraduate Education Through the use of Analytical Reasoning (TUETAR)
- Trickle-down boundary conditions in aeolian dune-field pattern formation
- Tropical Cyclones in Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Tropical Cyclones in Simulations of the Middle Holocene
- Tropical cyclones in the western north Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum
- UV Opacity at Gale Crater from MSL/REMS Measurements
- Ultra-high Resolution Mapping of the Inner Crater of the Active Kick'em Jenny Volcano
- Understanding Spatial Heterogeneity of Subsurface Flow using Physically based Hydrologic Connectivity
- Using Wavelet Decomposition to Assess the Development of Padre Island National Seashore, Texas, USA
- Using short-term climate variability to infer equilibrium climate sensitivity
- Validating Annual Growth Bands of Deep-Sea Black Corals and Calculating Ocean Reservoir Ages in the Gulf of Mexico
- Validation of MERRA and ERA-Interim Snow Depth Quantities in Eurasia
- Vertical Motions in Convective Clouds Over Darwin, Australia
- Water Vapor Exchange in a Costa Rican Lower Montane Tropical Forest
- Water stress as a trigger of demand change: exploring the implications for drought planning
- When Overturning Circulation Became Global: Insight into Timing of This Change
- 20<SUP>th </SUP>Century reanalysis version "2c" (1851-2012) and Prospects for 200 years of reanalysis
- A 30 meter soil properties map of the contiguous United States for use in remote sensing and land surface models
- A Comparison of Martian Transient Wave Energetics in High and Low Optical Depth Environments
- A Comparison of Multiple Algorithms for Deriving Regional-Scale Biomass Maps with Airborne Lidar Metrics and Multispectral Datasets
- A Near-Annual Record of Hurricane Activity From the Little Bahama Bank Over the Last 700 Years
- A Tropical Pleistocene Record of Changes in Bottom Water Conditions from The Maldives Inner Sea (IODP Site U1467), Indian Ocean, Based on Benthic Calcareous Microfossils
- A mean field approach to the watershed response under stochastic seasonal forcing
- A new approach for solving seismic tomography problems and assessing the uncertainty through the use of graph theory and direct methods
- A physically-based hydrological connectivity algorithm for describing spatial patterns of soil moisture in the unsaturated zone
- A scattering database of marine particles and its application in optical analysis
- A sedimentary record of middle Holocene precipitation and terrestrial vertebrates from Great Cistern Blue Hole (Abaco Island), The Bahamas
- Aerosol Optical Depth as Observed by the Mars Science Laboratory REMS UV Photodiodes
- Aerosol properties and their influences on surface cloud condensation nuclei during CAP-MBL and MC3E
- Alongshore Variation in the Depth of Activation: Implications of Oil Residence Time
- Ammonia oxidizing archaea are the predominant nitrifiers in disturbed and undisturbed southern US pine forests
- An Analysis of Variation in Abyssal Hill Geomorphology in the South Atlantic Ocean
- An Evaluation of Model Reduction Techniques for Free-Surface Flows
- Anomalous Transport in Single-Well Push-Pull Tracer Tests
- Assessing Barrier Island Resiliency Through Multi-Scale Topographic Anisotropy Distribution Patterns
- Assessing Potential Land Suitability for Surface Irrigation using Groundwater in Ethiopia
- Assessing a 1500-year record of Atlantic hurricane activity from South Andros Island, the Bahamas, using modeled hurricane climatology
- Assessment of Rip-Current Hazards Using Alongshore Topographic Anisotropy at Bondi Beach, Australia
- Assessment of Temporal-Spatial Variation of Hydrological Drought in Xijiang River Basin from 1961 to 2014
- Atmospheric Response to an Open-Ocean Polynya in a High-Resolution Climate Model
- Authigenic oxide Neodymium Isotopic composition as a proxy of seawater: applying multivariate statistical analyses.
- Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling for Big Data Fusion in Soil Hydrology
- Benthic Biotic Response to Climate Changes over the Last 700,000 Years, the Sea of Japan: Ostracode Assemblages from Site U1427, IODP Expedition 346
- BurnMan: Towards a multidisciplinary toolkit for reproducible deep Earth science
- Care and Feeding of Transfer Students: a First-Semester Seminar Helps Students Thrive
- Cellulose and Lignin Carbon Isotope Signatures in Sphagnum Moss Reveal Complementary Environmental Properties
- Changing Land Use from Cotton to Bioenergy Crops in the Southern Great Plains: Implications on Carbon and Water Vapor Fluxes
- Characterizing Volcanic Processes using Near-bottom, High Resolution Magnetic Mapping of the Caldera and Inner Crater of the Kick'em Jenny Submarine Volcano
- Climate Forcing and Climate-Glacier Dynamics in the Karakoram Himalaya
- Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study of a Squall Line Case from MC3E - Properties of Convective Core
- Coastal Carbon Dynamics as a New Chapter in SOCCR2: Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries
- Combining polarimetric and intensity data from multi-angle satellite observations to improve ice cloud morphology retrieval
- Comparison of soil moisture interpolation methods at regional scale -Case study in Oklahoma
- Comprehensive Evaluation of 1850-2100 Active Layer Thickness and Thawing Index Variability across the Northern Hemisphere
- Connecting Climate Variability with Water Supply Reliability: A Case Study in the Trinity River Basin, Texas
- Contrasting Modes of Detachment Faulting at Slower-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Contributions to summertime CO<SUB>2</SUB> measured at a site in Northern China (2005-2009)
- Control study on Evapotranspiration partitioning for grassland through on-situ isotopic measurement
- Controlled Source Electromagnetic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing
- Controlling Influence of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy - Atmosphere Feedback on the Kuroshio Extension Jet
- Core-seismic investigation of Surveyor Channel tributaries: Glacial history of the southern Alaskan margin
- Cyclo-stratigraphy of the Pliocene-Miocene interval in the Japan Sea sediments (Exp.346 Site U1425 and U1430)
- Decay of deep water convection in CMIP5 GCMs in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean in the 21st century
- Deriving Temporal Height Information for Maize Breeding
- Determining Size Distribution at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Developing ground penetrating radar (GPR) for enhanced root and soil organic carbon imaging: Optimizing bioenergy crop adaptation and agro-ecosystem services
- Development of Sr/Ca-d<SUP>18</SUP>O Temperature Calibrations of a Siderastrea siderea Coral from the Gulf of Mexico
- Differences in Soil Moisture Dynamics across Landforms in South Texas Shrublands
- Does NASA SMAP Improve the Accuracy of Power Outage Models?
- Dynamic Dilational Strengthening During Earthquakes in Saturated Gouge-Filled Fault Zones
- Early Mesozoic rift basin architecture and sediment routing system in the Moroccan High Atlas
- Effect of Carbonate Matrix on δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Analysis Tested for Simple Bulk Combustion on Coupled Elemental Analyzer-GC-IRMS
- Effect of Organic Material on Mechanical, Hydrological, and Microstructural Properties of Mudstones
- Effective and Accurate Colormap Selection
- Effects of Weather on Tourism and its Moderation
- Effects of the Siberian High on the Interannual and Long-term Variability of Winter Haze over North China.
- Energy budget control of the regional ITCZ: Theory and application to mid-Holocene rainfall
- Establishing Relationships between Vegetation Dynamics in Context of Geologic Framework along Padre Island National Seashore, Texas, USA
- Establishment of Brazos River Flood Event Layer Proxies for Paleoclimate Reconstruction and Flood Layer Preservation on the Texas Continental Shelf
- Estimating Damage Cost of Net Primary Production due to Climate Change and Ozone(O<SUB>3</SUB>) Effect
- Estimating Forest Canopy Heights and Aboveground Biomass with Simulated ICESat-2 Data
- Evaluation of Bioenergy Crop Growth and the Impacts Of Bioenergy Crops on Streamflow, Tile Drain Flow and Nutrient Losses Using SWAT
- Evaluation of Long-term Soil Moisture Proxies in the U.S. Great Plains
- Evolution of Mechanical Properties and Microstructures in the Inner Accretionary Prism of the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Evolution of Mudstone Porosity, Permeability, and Microstructure in the Presence of Microorganisms During Vertical Compression
- Evolving Neogene Sediment Delivery to and Dispersal in the Aleutian-Alaska Subduction Zone
- Extending the Confrontation of Weather and Climate Models from Soil Moisture to Surface Flux Data
- Extinction measurements of dust aerosol from Mars Science Laboratory solar images
- Flash Heating and Multi-Scale Thermal Effects at Seismic Slip-Rates in Rock
- Flavins in Marine Sediments: A Potentially Ubiquitous Intermediary In Microbial Electron Transfer
- Formation of topographically inverted fluvial deposits on Earth and Mars
- Fostering successful scientific software communities
- Fractional Progress Toward Understanding the Fractional Diffusion Limit: The Electromagnetic Response of Spatially Correlated Geomaterials
- Framework Geology as a Driver of Barrier Island Evolution
- Framework for Generating Spatially Distributed Soil Moisture for Heterogeneous Landscapes at Operational Scales
- Frequency of Mid-Tropospheric Dry Layers in the Tropical Pacific ITCZ using ERA-Interim Reanalysis
- Future water supply and demand in response to climate change and agricultural expansion in Texas
- GHG warming impact on the removal and transport of particulate matter: mean and extreme pollution
- Geodynamic Models of Plume-Ridge Interaction in the Indian Ocean and its Effect on the Crustal Thickness of the Réunion Hotspot Track
- Geological Development of the Izu-Bonin Forearc Since the Eocene Based on Biostratigraphic, Rock Magnetic, and Sediment Provenance Observations from IODP Expedition 352 Drill Cores
- Geophysical Characterization of in situ Serpentinization Processes at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO)
- Glacial-Interglacial Changes in the Position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Google Earth-Based Grand Tours of the World's Ocean Basins and Marine Sediments
- Got Point Clouds: Characterizing Canopy Structure With Active and Passive Sensors
- Growing Season Conditions Mediate the Dependence of Aspen on Redistributed Snow Under Climate Change.
- Heavy mineral assemblages in Lower-Middle Miocene sediments in the Bengal Fan, IODP Exp. 354
- High Background Ozone Events in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Area: Effects from Central American Fires
- High-Resolution Soil Moisture Retrieval using SMAP-L Band Radiometer and RISAT-C band Radar Data for the Indian Subcontinent
- Historical And Modern Deep-Sea Transmissometry Data In World Ocean Database - Its Status, Challenges, And Utilization.
- How Can Polarization States of Reflected Light from Snow Surfaces Inform Us on Surface Normals and Ultimately Snow Grain Size Measurements?
- IODP Exp 362T: Additional Coring and Remediation in Hole U1473A - Continuing the Journey to the Moho
- IODP Expedition 360: Analyzing the Media Coverage of a High Profile Research Project
- IODP Expedition 362: Initial results from drilling the Sumatra subduction zone - the role of input materials in shallow seismogenic slip and forearc plateau development
- Igneous stratigraphy and rock-types from a deep transect of the gabbroic lower crust of the Atlantis Bank core complex (SW Indian Ridge): preliminary results from IODP Expedition 360
- Implementing Flexible and Scalable Particle-in-Cell Methods for Massively Parallel Computations
- Implications of Biofuel-Induced Land Use Change and Management on Irrigated Agriculture in the Texas High Plains
- Inception of Subsequent Stepped Leaders in Lightning
- Indonesian Throughflow drove Australian climate from humid Pliocene to arid Pleistocene
- Influence of Climate Oscillations on Extreme Precipitation in Texas
- Influence of the West Pacific subtropical high on surface ozone day to day variability in summertime over the Yangtze River Delta region
- Insights into oceanic core complex formation from structural studies of IODP Hole U1473A, Expedition 360 Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Investigating the Local Forcing Effect of Soil Moisture on Precipitation and Temperature in Oklahoma
- Investigation of quartz diagenesis in mudstones of the Spraberry and Wolfcamp Formations
- Iron Fertilization and Productivity in the Panama Basin
- Large-scale Watershed Modeling: NHDPlus Resolution with Achievable Conservation Scenarios in the Western Lake Erie Basin
- Large-scale laboratory observation of flow properties in plunging breaking waves
- Late Miocene Hydrological Change in the Indus River Catchment
- Late Pleistocene Geochemical Stable Isotope Records from IODP Expedition 346 in the Japan Sea/East Sea and East China Sea
- Late Pleistocene Leeuwin Current Variability: Multi-Species Foraminiferal Isotope Records from IODP Site U1460, SW Australian Shelf
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene phytoplankton productivity in the Gulf of Alaska, IODP Site U1419
- Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene oscillations in Mediterranean Overflow water: a new perspective from the Iberian Margin
- Late Quaternary carbonate accumulation along eastern South Atlantic Ocean
- Lateral Variability of the Lower Ocean Crust at Atlantis Bank, SW Indian Ridge, Results of IODP Expedition 360
- Leaf wax records of late Holocene hydrologic changes on Abaco Island, Northern Bahamas
- Leveraging field and remotely sensed data to reduce uncertainty in national inventories of coastal wetland carbon fluxes: Year 2 findings from the NASA "Blue" Carbon Monitoring System
- Linking Observed Long-term Changes in ITCZ Characteristics and the Morphology of Convective Systems
- Linking changes in Indonesian Throughflow dynamics with the Middle Pleistocene Transition
- Long-Term Hydrological Reconstruction From a Beaver Meadow Using Testate Amoebae
- Long-term variations of clay mineral composition in the Andaman Sea (IODP Exp. 353 Site U1447): preliminary result
- Magnetic study of a recent levee in the Bengal Fan (8°N, IODP Site U1454)
- Mapping the production and storage of blue carbon across tidal wetlands of the contiguous United States
- Marine sources of ice nucleating particles: results from phytoplankton cultures and samples collected at sea
- Microbiology of the lower ocean crust - Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 360, Atlantis Bank
- Microphysical properties and ice particle morphology of cirrus clouds inferred from combined CALIOP-IIR measurements
- Mid-Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sea surface temperature history of the NW Australian Shelf
- Middle-late Miocene siliciclastic influx on the Australian Northwest Shelf: origins and potential links to global events
- Miocene Wet and Extreme Arid Climatic Conditions in the Southeast Indian Ocean off Western Australia Revealed by the Lithology of Roebuck and Perth Basins
- Modeling Biogenic and Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol in China
- Modeling salt movement and halophytic crop growth on marginal lands with the APEX model
- Modeling the Effect of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems on Nitrate Load Using SWAT in an Urban Watershed of Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia
- Multi-Scale Topographic Anisotropy Patterns with Post-storm Barrier Island Recovery
- Near-Bottom High Resolution Magnetic Observations Over and Around an Active Oceanic Core Complex, MAR 13°N
- Neogene record of Himalayan exhumation from detrital Apatite Fission-Track thermochronology, Middle Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354)
- Niger River Discharge and the Connection to the West African Monsoon Over the Last 25 kyr
- Observing Crustal Magnetic Anomalies in Remote Ocean Regions: Filling in the Gaps
- Oligocene-Miocene Transition in the North Atlantic Interrupted by Warming: New Records from the Newfoundland Margin, IODP Expedition 342
- Optimal and Robust Control Solutions for Real-Time Control of Stormwater Basins
- Orbital scale oxygen isotope stratigraphy at Sites U1417 and U1418 in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341)
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Outreach Aboard the JOIDES Resolution During IODP Exp. 360: Bringing Cutting Edge Research on Mid Ocean Ridge Processes to Classrooms Worldwide
- Palaeobathymetric Interpretations using Foraminiferal Data from the North-west Continental Shelf off Western Australia, IODP Expedition 356
- Paleolatitudinal Constraints from Eocene to Recent Sediments Cored in the Equatorial Pacific on IODP Expeditions 320 and 321
- Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Evolution of Atlantis Bank: Results from IODP Expedition 360 "SW Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho"
- Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Results From In-Situ Oceanic Gabbro from Atlantis Bank: IODP Expedition 360
- Parameter Optimisation and Uncertainty Analysis in Visual MODFLOW based Flow Model for predicting the groundwater head in an Eastern Indian Aquifer
- Parameterization and Modeling of Coupled Heat and Mass Transport in the Vadose Zone
- Particle Mass in Deep-Water Benthic Nepheloid Layers: a Global Synthesis
- Pathways to the Geosciences through 2YR Community Colleges: A Strategic Recruitment Approach being used at Texas A&M University
- Patterns and Trends of Primary Production, Inorganic Carbon and Oxygen and Their Ecosystem Impacts in a Regional Biogeochemical Ocean Model for Atlantic Canada
- Permeability Evolution With Shearing of Simulated Faults in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs
- Pine Forest Harvest Leads to Decade-Scale Alterations in Soil Fungal Communities
- Post-fire Tree Mortality: Heating Increases Vulnerability to Cavitation in Longleaf Pine Branches
- Preconditioning and Formation Mechanisms of Maud Rise (Open Ocean) Polynyas in a High-Resolution CESM Simulation
- Primary arsenic(V) preserved in 3.26 billion-year-old shallow marine cherts of the Fig Tree Group demonstrates a complete Paleoarchean arsenic cycle driven by photosynthetic bacteria
- Provenance of Continental Margin Sediments in the East China Sea, Results from IODP Expedition 346
- Quantification and implications of dispersed volcanic ash as an input to the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Quantifying factors that cause severe damage in Tainan city during the 2016 M6.4 Meinong, Taiwan earthquake by spontaneous rupture modeling
- Quantifying the Impact of Land Use Changes and Climate Variability on Regional Hydrology of San Jacinto River Basin, Texas
- Quantifying the Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Biases on Simulated Tropical Cyclones
- Quantifying the Uncertainty in Streamflow Predictions Using Swat for Brazos-Colorado Coastal Watershed, Texas
- Quantifying the impact of Teleconnections on Hydrologic Regimes in Texas
- Radiative Transfer Characterization of Inhomogeneous Boundary Layers
- Recent Multidisciplinary Research Initiatives and IODP Drilling in the South China Sea
- Recovery of Seamount Precious Coral Beds From Heavy Trawling Disturbance with Links to Carbonate Chemistry Changes
- Refining the Formation and Early Evolution of the Eastern North American Margin (ENAM): New Insights from Multiscale Magnetic Anomaly Analyses
- Refining the Jurassic Magnetic Quiet Zone
- Reservoir Storage Monitoring from Satellite Imageries and Digital Elevation Models in South Asia
- Sand Dune Dynamics on Mars: Integration of Surface Imaging, Wind Measurements, and Orbital Remote Sensing
- Satellite measurements of glacier recession on Punak Jaya, Papua Province, Indonesia, from 2006 to 2015
- Scalable and memory efficient implementations of the multi-resolution approximation for spatial data
- Scale-Dependent Topographic Anisotropy Distribution Patterns for Assessment of Mountain Geodynamics in the Karakoram Himalaya
- Seed dispersal at alpine treeline: long distance dispersal maintains alpine treelines
- Seismic Imaging of Ocean Structure in the Vicinity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Sensitivity analysis of observed reflectivity to ice particle surface roughness using MISR satellite observations
- Sensitivity of precipitating cloud radiative efficiencies to the environment using A-Train and reanalysis data
- Short-Term Surface Elevation Variations at Matagorda Peninsula, Texas: A Response Produced by Shrink-and-Swell Clays?
- Simulations of cloud ice and water vapor in the extratropical upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere
- Single-scattering properties of ice crystals, snowflakes, and graupel particles in the microwave spectral region
- Size-Selective Modes of Aeolian Transport on Earth and Mars
- Solute Transport Dynamics in a Large Hyporheic Corridor System
- Source Contributions to Premature Mortality Due to Ambient Particulate Matter in China
- Source apportionment of hydrocarbons measured in the Eagle Ford shale
- South African Climates: Highlights From International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 361
- Southern Ocean Open Ocean Polynyas in Observations and from a Low- and a High-Resolution Fully-Coupled Earth System Model Simulation
- Spatial Variations in Drought Persistence in the South-Central U.S.
- Spatiotemporal trends in surface seawater CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Gulf of Mexico
- Stable Isotopic Composition of Precipitation from 2015-2016 Central Texas Rainfall Events
- Strabo: An App and Database for Structural Geology and Tectonics Data
- Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence for hydroclimate changes over the middle to late Holocene in the northern Bahamas from an inland saline lake
- Streamflow Outlooks for Southwestern Rivers in a Changing Climate
- Strength and mechanical behavior of the inner Nankai accretionary prism sediments at Site C0002 from IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 348
- Structure and builtup of the Middle Bengal Fan at 8°N from multichannel seismic surveys and the IODP Expedition 354 drilling transect
- Suppression mechanism of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in compressible flows: linear stability analysis and three-dimensional numerical simulation
- Sustaining Open Source Communities through Hackathons - An Example from the ASPECT Community
- Synthesis of Aerosol Physical, Chemical, and Radiative Properties from Various Sources: Consistency and Closure
- Team-Based Multidisciplinary Research Scholarship in the Geosciences
- Temporal changes in Quaternary paleoenvironment and ostracode fauna in the eastern Indian Sea off Western Australia (IODP, Exp. 356, site U1461)
- Temporal resolution through synthetic seismic via core-log-seismic integration in the Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- The Abrupt Onset of the Modern South Asian Monsoon Winds (iodp Exp. 359)
- The Bengal fan record of Himalayan erosion from Miocene to Present from IODP Expedition 354
- The Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale Region, South Texas: Hands-On Activities for Middle and High School Students
- The Nature of the Intrusive Crust and Moho at Slower Spreading Ridges: SloMo Leg 1 (IODP Expedition 360)
- The Presence and Characterization of Antarctic Bottom Water Located Between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Rio Grande Rise
- The Role of Authigenic Volcanic Ash in Marine Sediment
- The Role of Microfossils in the Compression of Marine Sediments: Implications for Submarine Slope Failure
- The Teleconnection Between Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature and Eastern Pacific Tropical Cyclones
- The age of IODP Site 1473, Atlantis Bank: Constraints from initial zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry by SIMS
- The impacts of light scattering by clouds on longwave radiative transfer
- The last glacial cycle documented on the Lower Bengal Fan - chronological and paleoclimate implications
- The oldest Quaternary ooids and young reefs in the eastern Indian Ocean, evidence from the Northwest Shelf of Australia, IODP Expedition 356.
- Three-dimensional earthquake cycle simulation on subduction planes with rate- and state-dependent friction
- Three-dimensional spatial patterns of soil carbon storage are altered by woody encroachment into grasslands
- Timing and pacing of Pliocene climate and paleoenvironmental change in southwestern Australia (IODP Exp. 356, Site U1459).
- Towards improved quantification of internal diffusion resistances and CO<SUB>2</SUB> isotope exchange in leaves
- Transport and Stirring by the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone
- Understanding Radiative Transfer Model with Space, Time and Hydro-climates
- Uniting ripple-formation theory under water and winds: A universal scaling relation for the wavelength of fluid-drag ripples across fluids and planetary bodies
- Updating the Framework Geology of Padre Island National Seashore: Validation of Geophysical Surveys through Sediment Cores
- Upper-Crustal Structure of the Møre Margin, Offshore-Norway
- Upwelling and coastal current biases in climate models
- Using Sediment Provenance to Study Ice Streams in the Weddell Sea Embayment of Antarctica
- Using a fixed wing UAV remote sensing system for Sorghum Crop Phenotyping
- Variability of the coastal circulation revealed by High-Frequency (HF) Radar in the Guangzhou Bay of the northern South China Sea
- Watermark: An Application and Methodology and Application for Interactive and intelligent Decision Support for Groundwater Systems
- Waveform LiDAR processing: comparison of classic approaches and optimized Gold deconvolution to characterize vegetation structure and terrain elevation
- What governs the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of precipitation? - A case for varying proportions of isotopically-distinct, convective and stratiform rain fractions
- What is a Dune: Developing AN Automated Approach to Extracting Dunes from Digital Elevation Models
- δ<SUP>15</SUP>N<SUB>bulk</SUB> oscillations linked to monsoon-induced denitrification during the past 1 m.y. in the Eastern Arabian Sea (IODP Exp. 355 Site U1456)
- A Chronostratigraphic and Environment Magnetic Study of Drill Cores Collected in the Mozambique Channel on Cruise MD13
- A Fast Vector Radiative Transfer Model for Atmospheric and Oceanic Remote Sensing
- A Holocene History of Permafrost Dynamics, Carbon Sequestration, and Hydrological Changes at Beretta Bog, Mackenzie River Basin
- A Novel Analytical Solution for Estimating Aquifer Properties and Predicting Stream Depletion Rates by Pumping from a Horizontally Anisotropic Aquifer
- A Soil Service Index: Peatland soils as a case study for quantifying the value, vulnerability, and status of soils
- A Soil Service Index: a method for quantifying the value, vulnerability, and status of soil resources
- A comparison of petrophysical data inputs for establishing time-depth relationships: a guide for future drilling expeditions
- A satellite simulator for TRMM PR applied to climate model simulations
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- AGU Student and Early Career Leadership
- Accurate single-scattering simulation of ice cloud using the invariant-imbedding T-matrix method and the physical-geometric optics method
- Adapting Ground Penetrating Radar for Non-Destructive In-Situ Root and Tuber Assessment
- Advancing the capabilities of reservoir remote sensing by leveraging multi-source satellite data
- Aging of black carbon particles under polluted urban environments: timescale, hygroscopicity and enhanced absorption and direct radiative forcing
- An Agent-based Modeling of Water-Food Nexus towards Sustainable Management of Urban Water Resources
- An Integrated Age Model for the Cocos Plate using IODP CRISP Drilling Data
- An Integrated Modeling System for Water Resource Management Under Climate Change, Socio-Economic Development and Irrigation Management
- An initial examination of carbonate production in the western equatorial Pacific: XRF results from the Pliocene-Pleistocene of IODP Site U1490
- An initial examination of carbonate variability in the western equatorial Pacific: XRF results from the lower to middle Miocene of IODP Site U1490
- Analysis of Ecological Distribution and Genomic Content from a Clade of Bacteroidetes Endemic to Sulfidic Environments
- Analysis of the Exhumation Pathways Experienced in the Cascades Range
- Analysis of the flow, thermal and geomechanical behavior of offshore hydrate deposits at the NGHP-02-09-A site during short- and long-term gas production scenarios
- Analytical solution of groundwater flow in a sloping aquifer with stream-aquifer interaction.
- Applications of the similarity relations in radiative transfer to remote sensing implementation and flux simulation
- Assessing UAVs in Monitoring Crop Evapotranspiration within a Heterogeneous Soil
- Assessing the Vertical Latent Heating Structure of the East Pacific ITCZ Using CloudSat CPR and TRMM PR
- Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Evaluation of Adaptation Strategies for Grain Sorghum and Cotton Production in the Texas High Plains
- Assessment of Water Resource Sustainability in Energy Production for Hydraulic Fracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale Play, Texas
- Australian Northwest Shelf: a Late Neogene Reversible Tectonic Event
- Biogeochemistry of Urban, Suburban and Rural Ponds and Lakes in South Central Texas, USA
- Bringing cutting-edge Earth and ocean sciences to under-served and rural audiences through informal science education
- Broad- and local-scale geologic influences on intermittency in Tennessee streams
- Building a Testate Amoebae-Based Transfer Function in Mountain Fens for Paleohydrological Reconstruction Expansion
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Calcareous nannoplankton assemblages across the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition in the southwestern Indian Ocean, IODP Site U1475
- Cement Distribution and Diagenetic Pathway of the Miocene Sediments on Kardiva Platform, Maldives.
- Challenges and Experiences of Building Multidisciplinary Datasets across Cultures
- Changes in stratiform precipitation properties in response to usage of different cloud microphysics parameterizations for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- Characterizing Sorghum Panicles using 3D Point Clouds
- Characterizing the utility of the TMPA real-time product for hydrologic predictions over global river basins across scales
- Characterizing urbanization impacts on floodplain through integrated land use, hydrologic, and hydraulic modeling: Applications to a watershed in northwest Houston, TX
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars: Interannual Variability in Dust Aerosol Particle Size, Missing Water Vapor, and the Molecular Oxygen Problem
- Chlorophyll-a Concentrations Affected by Discharge and Climate Conditions in Galveston Bay, Texas
- Cloud Structures in the Pacific ITCZ using CloudSat-CALIPSO
- Coastal Erosion at Padre Island: Insights from UAV Surveys After Hurricane Harvey
- Comparison of MODIS and VIIRS Snow Cover Products for the 2016 Hydrological Year
- Comparison of the results of climate change impact assessment between RCP8.5 and SSP2 scenarios
- Controlled Source Electromagnetic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing: Wellbore and Fluid Effects
- Convective Hydration and Dehydration in the Tropical Upper Troposphere
- Core-Log-Seismic investigations of the Surveyor Fan and Channel system during the Pleistocene; IODP Exp. 341
- Coupled numerical modeling of gas hydrates bearing sediments from laboratory to field-scale conditions
- Credibility of Watershed Modeling: Revisit of Uncertainty Sources by IPEAT
- Cyclic Stable-Unstable Slip Preserved along an Appalachian Fault
- Deep Soil Recharge in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions: New Evidences in MU-US Sandy Land of China
- Defining Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) as a contribution to Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs): A Core Task of the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) to Accelerate Integration of Biological Observations in the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
- Degree of anisotropy as an automated indicator of rip channels in high resolution bathymetric models
- Determination of a Critical Sea Ice Thickness Threshold for the Central Arctic Ocean
- Developing Land Use Land Cover Maps for the Lower Mekong Basin to Aid SWAT Hydrologic Modeling
- Diatoms from uppermost 1st cores at Hole U1456C and U1456B: IODP Expedition 355, Arabian Sea Monsoon
- Did the onset of high amplitude glacio-eustatic cycles trigger mass-transport processes on the Northwest Shelf of Australia? Insights from IODP expedition 356
- Distribution of ice particle surface roughness inferred from the multi-angle polarimetry by the POLDER
- Drivers in the Scaling Between Precipitation and Cloud Radiative Impacts in Deep Convection
- Eagle Ford Shale BTEX and NOx concentrations are dominated by oil and gas industry emissions
- Earth System Modeling Tested for CLM4.5 in a Costa Rican Tropical Montane Rainforest
- Ecohydrological Responses to Hurricane Harvey across South-Central Texas a Multidisciplinary Approach of the Texas Water Observatory
- Ecosystem Level Methane Dynamics in a Southern Forest Wetland
- Effect of Monsoon on spatio-temporal variation of groundwater chemistry and stable isotopic signatures: insights for concomitant arsenic mobilization in West Bengal, India
- Effect of Nearshore Islands on Tsunami Inundation in Shadow Zones
- Effect of lofted ice sublimation from tropical deep convection on TTL water vapor
- Effect of vegetation on the energy balance and evapotranspiration in tallgrass prairie: a paired study with eddy covariance systems
- Effective and Accurate Morphology Models for Asian and Saharan Mineral Dust Scattering Properties
- Effects of Unsaturated Zones on Baseflow Recession: Analytical Solution and Application
- Effects of grain size on the strength of magnesite aggregates deforming by low temperature plasticity
- Effects of the Extended Water Retention Curve on Coupled Heat and Water Transport in the Vadose Zone
- Efficacy of Radiative Transfer Model Across Space, Time and Hydro-climates
- Elucidating Carbon Exchange at the Regional Scale Via Airborne Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Eocene Unification of Peruvian and Bolivian Altiplano Basin Depocenters
- Estimating changes to groundwater discharge temperature under altered climate conditions
- Evaluating Outdoor Water Use Demand under Changing Climatic and Demographic Conditions: An Agent-based Modeling Approach
- Evaluating Water Budget Closure Across Spatial Scales: An Observational Approach through Texas Water Observatory
- Evaluating the Impact of Whole Atmosphere Coupling on Storm Time Response in the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere
- Evaluating the Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Processes and Water Resources by Comparing Two Neighboring Basins
- Evaluating the influence of shallow magma degassing on the groundwater temperature distribution in volcanic system
- Evaluation of RRTMG and Fu-Liou RTM Performance against LBLRTM-DISORT Simulations and CERES Data in terms of Ice Clouds Radiative Effects
- Evaluation of remotely sensed actual evapotranspiration data for modeling small scale irrigation in Ethiopia.
- Evolution of organic carbon burial in the Global Ocean during the Neogene
- Examination of Wildland Fire Spread at Small Scales Using Direct Numerical Simulations and High-Speed Laser Diagnostics
- Expedition 354 on the Bengal fan: a Neogene record of Himalayan erosion
- Experimental Investigation on Poro-Elasto-Plastic Behavior of the Inner Accretionary Wedge Sediments at the Nankai Subduction Zone
- FTIR measurements of OH in deformed quartz and feldspars of the South Tibetan Detachment, Greater Himalaya
- Foraminiferal signatures of mass transport from the North-West Continental Shelf off Western Australia, IODP Expedition 356
- Forest Aboveground Biomass Mapping and Canopy Cover Estimation from Simulated ICESat-2 Data
- Generating High-Resolution Lake Bathymetry over Lake Mead using the ICESat-2 Airborne Simulator
- Geomagnetic Excursions and High-Latitude Paleomagnetic Records of Glaciomarine Sediments from the Western Greenland Margin (Baffin Bay)
- Geotechnical Impacts of Hurricane Harvey Along the Texas, USA Coast
- Glider based turbulence measurements in the Gulf of Mexico
- Greening of Northern Hemisphere Cold Regions in Response to Permafrost Changes
- Ground Penetrating Radar For Estimating Root Biomass Through Empirical Analysis
- Heterogeneous Production of Sulfate Aerosol over China.
- Hotspots for Soil Moisture Retrieval Failure across Continental USA
- Hurricane Harvey rapid response: observations of infragravity wave dynamics and morphological change during inundation of a barrier island cut
- Hydrodynamic modeling of hydrologic surface connectivity within a coastal river-floodplain system
- Hydrogeochemical Processes Causing Persistent Low pH in Lakes within a Reclaimed Lignite Mine, East Texas
- Hydrogeological Characterization of the Upper Camp Bird III Rock Glacier in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado Using Electromagnetic Induction
- Hyporheic Zone Residence Time Distributions in Regulated River Corridors
- IP Subsurface Imaging in the Presence of Buried Steel Infrastructure
- Immersion Freezing of Coal Combustion Ash Particles from the Texas Panhandle
- Impact of GHG warming on the mean and extreme loading of particulate matter pollution in a chemistry-climate model ensemble simulation
- Impact of Snow Grain Shape and Internal Mixing with Black Carbon Aerosol on Snow Optical Properties for use in Climate Models
- Impact of climate change on the operation of ski slopes in South Korea
- Implementation and Testing of Advanced Surface Boundary Conditions Over Complex Terrain in A Semi-idealized Model
- Importing, Working With, and Sharing Microstructural Data in the StraboSpot Digital Data System, Including an Example Dataset from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia.
- Improved Lower Mekong River Basin Hydrological Decision Making Using NASA Satellite-based Earth Observation Systems
- Improved evaluation of the blue water footprint from hydropower in the United States
- Improvement of the Convergence of the Invariant Imbedding T-Matrix Method
- Indian Ocean circulation changes over the Middle Pleistocene Transition.
- Information content of thermal infrared a microwave bands for simultaneous retrieval of cirrus ice water path and particle effective diameter
- Insights Regarding Ice Nucleating Particle Measurement Capabilities from Laboratory and Field Measurements During the Fifth International Ice Nucleation Workshop
- Integrating Eddy Covariance, Penman-Monteith and METRIC based Evapotranspiration estimates to generate high resolution space-time ET over the Brazos River Basin
- Intermitted Occurrence of Millennial-scale Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon before 1.45 Ma based on the High-resolution Br Record of the Japan Sea Sediments
- Interpretation of Landscape Scale SWAT Model Outputs in the Western Lake Erie Basin: Potential Implications for Conservation Decision-Making
- Investigation of multi-scale flash-weakening of rock surfaces during high speed slip
- Isotopic Evidence for Platform Exposure and Diagenesis in the Miocene: Implications for South-East Asian Platform Evolution.
- Landscape Evolution in South Texas Savannas: Impact of Woody Encroachment on Land-Surface Hydrology
- Late Quaternary high resolution micropaleontological and sedimentological records in the Gulf of Cadiz.
- Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) M2 ( 3.3 Ma) in the southern hemisphere: constraining the climatic drivers of a short-term glaciation event during the Pliocene warm Period.
- Mars Environmental Analyzer, an environmental station for Mars 2020
- Mars Methane at Gale Crater Shows Strong Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Measuring Soil Moisture in Skeletal Soils Using a COSMOS Rover
- Mechanical-Stratigraphic Characterization of the Eagle Ford Formation in Outcrop and Core, McMullen and Terrell Counties, Texas
- Mesoscale Air-Sea Interactions along the Gulf Stream: An Eddy-Resolving and Convection-Permitting Coupled Regional Climate Model Study
- Metabolic Activity and Biosignatures of Microbes in the Lower Ocean Crust of Atlantis Bank, IODP Expedition 360
- Method for Modeling High-Temporal-Resolution Stream Inflows in a Long-Term ParFlow.CLM Simulation
- Mid-Pliocene to Early Pleistocene land and sea surface temperature history of NW Australia based on organic geochemical proxies
- Millennial Variability of Eastern Equatorial Bottom Water Oxygenation and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> over the past 100 kyr
- Miocene denudation history of Himalaya deduced from IODP Exp. 354 Bengal Fan
- Model simulation of convectively lofted ice contribution to stratospheric water vapor
- Modeling Resource Hotspots: Critical Linkages and Processes
- Modeling long-runout submarine landslides
- Modeling of Mastcam Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations at Yellowknife Bay
- Modelling of Space-Time Soil Moisture in Savannas and its Relation to Vegetation Patterns
- Monitoring Hydraulic Fracturing Using Ground-Based Controlled Source Electromagnetics
- Monsoonal upwelling in the western Arabian Sea since the middle Miocene
- Multiple Convective Cell Identification and Tracking Algorithm for documenting time-height evolution of measured polarimetric radar and lightning properties
- Nanoscale Roughness of Faults Explained by the Scale-Dependent Yield Stress of Geologic Materials
- Neodymium isotope ratios in fish debris as a tracer for a low oxygen water mass in the equatorial Pacific across the last glacial termination.
- Numerical Simulation of Plume Transport in Channel Bend with Different Sediment Diameters
- Observations of Cold Pool Properties during GoAmazon2014/5
- On the Transition from Initial Leader to Stepped Leader in Negative Cloud-to-ground Lightning
- Orbital and Rover-based Exploration of Perseverance Valley, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Forearc Deformation History of the Costa Rican Convergent Margin
- Paleomagnetism Onboard the IODP Research Vessel JOIDES Resolution: Recent Advances, Best Practices, and Pitfalls
- Penultimate Glacial-Interglacial Climate Variability in the Southern Great Plains of North America
- Polarimetric radar convective cell tracking reveals large sensitivity of cloud precipitation and electrification properties to CCN
- Potential impacts of agricultural drought on crop yield variability under a changing climate in Texas
- Precipitation variability and response to the changing Indian summer monsoon in the Yarlung Tsangpo River basin, China
- Precipitation variability as a strong determinant on tree cover across global tropics
- Pressure Dependence of Magnesite Flow Strength
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- Provenance Changes Over Glacial-Interglacial Timescales Recorded in Japan Sea Sediments (IODP Site U1430)
- Public Use of Online Hydrology Information for Harris County and Houston, Texas, during Hurricane Harvey and Suggested Improvement for Future Flood Events
- Pulsed emissions revealed by time-domain simulation of single particle scattering of an incident Gaussian optical pulse.
- Quantifying Km-scale Hydrological Exchange Flows under Dynamic Flows and Their Influences on River Corridor Biogeochemistry
- Quantifying Standing Dead Tree Volume and Structural Loss with Voxelized Terrestrial Lidar Data
- Rapid Swings between Greenhouse and Icehouse Climate States near the Oligocene - Miocene Boundary
- Recent Seismicity in Texas and Research Design and Progress of the TexNet-CISR Collaboration
- Reconstructing the Glacial Cycle of the Last 150 ka in the Southern Bay of Bengal
- Reducing Uncertainty in Transpiration Estimation in Wet Tropical Forests and Upscaling Sap Flux Measurements in Complex Heterogeneous Systems
- Reducing the biases in simulated polar climate by incorporating realistic surface spectral emissivity into the global climate model
- Relations between Vegetation and Geologic Framework in Barrier Island
- Response of leaf and whole-tree canopy conductance to wet conditions within a mature premontane tropical forest in Costa Rica
- Results from SMAP Validation Experiments 2015 and 2016
- Role of Dissolved Organic Matter and Geochemical Controls on Arsenic Cycling from Sediments to Groundwater along the Meghna River, Bangladesh: Tracking possible links to permeable natural reactive barrier
- Roles of Meteorology in Changes of Air Pollutants Concentrations in China from 2010 to 2015
- SEM-MLA-based Investigation of the Composition of Mafic Volcaniclastic Deposits from the Paraná Large Igneous Province, Brazil
- Savanna Vegetation Dynamics and their Influence on Landscape-Scale C, N, and P Biogeochemistry
- Saving HEBBLE Data from Oblivion: From Faded Paper Copy to Digital Files
- Seasonal Bias of Retrieved Ice Cloud Optical Properties Based on MISR and MODIS Measurements
- Seasonal Characteristics of Widespread Ozone Pollution in China and India: Current Model Capabilities and Source Attributions
- Seasonal Variation of Infiltration Rates in a Managed Aquifer Recharge System: A Belgian Example
- Sedimentary Geochemical and Palynological Evidence of Late-Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change from Baradères Bay, Haiti
- Sedimentary Reconstructions of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Past 1500 Years from Blue Holes in the Caribbean
- Sedimentary and Paleoceanographic Responses to the South China Sea Basin Evolution
- Seismic Characterization of Silica Diagenesis in the Northwestern Pacific
- Should Variations of d<SUP>2</SUP>H, d<SUP>18</SUP>O and d<SUP>17</SUP>O in Precipitation be Considered 'Settled Science' or a 'New Frontier' For Understanding Cloud Dynamics and Microphysics?
- Simulated Short-Term Effects of Permafrost Degradation on Surface, Boundary Layer, and Synoptic-Scale Processes
- Small Scale Irrigation within Water, Energy and Food Nexus Framework in Ethiopia.
- Sociohydrology: Where are we five years later?
- Soil Moisture fusion across scales using a multiscale nonstationary Spatial Hierarchical Model
- Solar Energetic Particle Event Risks for Future Human Missions within the Inner Heliosphere
- Sources and compositional distribution of organic carbon in surface sediments from the lower Pearl River to the coastal South China Sea
- Spectrophotometric Modeling of MAHLI Goniometer Observations
- Stalling Tropical Cyclones over the Atlantic Basin
- Stochastic Seismic Inversion and Migration for Offshore Site Investigation in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Summertime Maximum of Organic Functional Group Concentrations and High Organic Nitrogen from Ocean Biogenic Aerosols at Coastal West Antarctica during AWARE
- Temporal Arctic longwave surface emissivity feedbacks in the Community Earth System Model
- Terrigenous provenance follows climate variability at IODP Site U1474, southwestern Indian Ocean
- Testate amoebae communities sensitive to surface moisture conditions in Patagonian peatlands
- Testing Land-Vegetation retrieval algorithms for the ICESat-2 mission
- Texas Water Observatory: A platform for landscape-level assessment of human and natural water uses, productivity, carbon sequestration, and other ecosystem services
- The Impacts of Aerosols on Hurricane Katrina under the Effect of Air-Sea Coupling
- The Nicobar Fan and sediment provenance: preliminary results from IODP Expedition 362, NE Indian Ocean
- The Role of Electrical Anisotropy in Modeling and Interpreting Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Responses for Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring
- The Role of Evapotranspiration in Streamflow Modeling-an Analysis Using Entropy Theory
- The Seasonal cycle of the Tropical Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor in Chemistry-Climate Models in Comparison with Observations
- The UV Sensor Onboard the Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Correction and Generation of UV Fluxes
- The Vertical Dust Profile over Gale Crater
- The formation of low-angle eolian stratification through the migration of protodunes
- The impact of Saharan Dust on the genesis and evolution of Hurricane Earl (2010)
- The influence of Cloud Longwave Scattering together with a state-of-the-art Ice Longwave Optical Parameterization in Climate Model Simulations
- The potential influence of multiple scattering on longwave flux and heating rate simulations with clouds
- The relative abundance of predicted genes associated with ammonia-oxidation, nitrate reduction, and biomass decomposition in mineral soil are altered by intensive timber harvest.
- The story of Amazonian climate change on Mars as told by carbonates in Miller Range Nakhlites
- Three-dimensional earthquake cycle simulation on a rate- and state-dependent non-planar subduction plane
- Tidal and Seasonal River Stage Fluctuations Impact the Formation of Permeable Natural Reactive Barriers in Riverbank Sediments
- Timing of Indonesian Gateway Restriction Between 4.0 and 2.8 Ma and its Impact on Indian Ocean Surface Waters Based on Calcareous Nannoplankton Assemblages
- Toward establishing a definitive Late-Mid Jurassic (M-series) Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal Time Scale through unraveling the nature of Jurassic Quiet Zone.
- Towards Novel Techniques for Root Phenotyping Using GPR
- Tracing past ambient air pollution and its consequences on human health
- Tracking Water, C, N, and P by Linking Local Scale Soil Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Features to Watershed Scale
- Tree-ring chronologies and stable carbon isotopic composition reveal impacts of hydro-climate change on bottomland hardwood forests of South-Central Texas
- Two Reactive Zones within Riverbank Aquifers Impact the Accumulation of Arsenic within Permeable Natural Reactive Barrier
- Uncertainties in Forecasting Streamflow using Entropy Theory
- Understanding Interactions between Hydrogeologic Factors, Design Variables, and System Operations for Multi-Well Aquifer Storage and Recovery Systems
- University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Projects
- Uptake of Alkylamines on Dicarboxylic Acids Relevant to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Utilization of Satellite Data to Identify and Monitor Changes in Frequency of Meteorological Events
- Validation of SWAT+ at field level and comparison with previous SWAT models in simulating hydrologic quantity
- Variation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Brazos River Basin, TX
- Vegetation change alters soil profile δ<SUP>15</SUP>N values at the landscape scale in a subtropical savanna
- Vegetative Succession in Recently Deglaciated Land in Kenai Fjords National Park
- Water Resource Assessment, Gaps, and Constraints of Vegetable Production in Robit and Dangishta Watersheds, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
- Water and Energy Balances of Loblolly Pine Plantation Forests during a Full Stand Rotation
- Why understanding the impacts of the changing environment on river basin hydrology matters in Texas?
- X-ray fluorescence results from IODP Expedition 355 sediments in Laxmi Basin, eastern Arabian Sea: Insights into late Miocene and Pleistocene carbonate production and burial and possible variations in monsoon intensit
- XRF Core Scanning of Igneous Rocks: a Case Study of IODP Expeditions 367/368 Lava Flows, South China Sea
- 2018 Mars Global Dust Storm - Effects of Airborne Dust and Particle Deposition on Mars Science Laboratory SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) Instrument Inlet Cover Actuator Temperatures
- A CubeSat Approach to Martian Ionospheric Tomography
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on terrestrial technologies
- A Synthesis on Four Decades of Global Urban Expansion: 1970-2010
- A five-million-year long eolian dust record from the Mozambique Channel - IODP Site U1476
- A non-stationary multi-scale data fusion framework for soil moisture estimation
- Advances in a community watershed model to represent land management impacts on watershed hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes
- Along-Margin Variations in Breakup Volcanism at the Eastern North American Margin: New Constraints from Magnetic Anomaly Modeling
- An "on-line" high resolution regional coupled data assimilation system
- An Integrated Model for Carbon-Energy-Water Management in a Rapidly Urbanizing Catchment
- An Observation-based Estimation of Dust Aerosol Net Direct Radiative Effects over the Tropical Northeast Atlantic and Sahara Desert
- An efficient method for microphysical property retrievals in vertically inhomogeneous marine water clouds using MODIS-CloudSat measurements
- Anaerobic oxidation of methane vs. organic matter facilitated by sulfate reduction: Insights from lipid biomarkers
- Analyzing Changes in Water Chemistry in 22 Resampled Wells Across the Independence Basin, Central Mexico between 1999 and 2018
- Anomalous increasing annual streamflows driven by the demise of western white pine dominated ecosystems
- Antarctic ice sheet growth during the Miocene Climatic Optimum: paleotemperature insights from IODP Site U1521 on the Ross Sea shelf
- Application of pre-trained deep learning models for sorghum panicle characterization
- Assessing the Impacts of a Changing Climate in the Southern Great Plains
- Assessment of Sorghum Perennial Grass Root Biomass Using a Prototype 1.9 GHz Ground Penetrating Radar
- Authigenic Uranium Evidence for Deep-Ocean Respired Carbon Storage in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean over the Past 180 kyr
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part II: Alternative Non-Linear Reservoir Functions for Improving Hydrograph Forecasts
- Benthic foraminifers response to Mediterranean Outflow Water changes during the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene transition
- Beyond the Water Cooler: Networking Lessons Learned by the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S)
- Biomarker Records of Late Pliocene Aridity from Southeastern Africa
- Blue Carbon Sequestration Within Northern Florida Intertidal Wetlands - Response to Climate Change and Holocene Climate Variability
- Brittle-Ductile Deformation and Fault Slip Behavior of a Shallow Subduction Thrust, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Calcareous Nannofossils From a New High-Latitude PETM Section: IODP Site U1514, Mentelle Basin, Southeast Indian Ocean
- Calibration of Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensors in different land-use/land covers: A modeling approach
- Capturing More Than 100 Years of Storms in the Twentieth Century Reanalysis Version 3
- Characteristics of wet dissolved carbon deposition in a semi-arid catchment at the Loess Plateau, China
- Characterization Length-Scales to Determine Atmospheric Forcing to Simulate Evaporation and Shallow Subsurface Soil Moisture Dynamics
- Chasing Carbon Cycle Perturbations Across the Paleogene and Their Effects on Deep-sea Biota: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 371, Tasman Sea
- Climate Science in the Fourth US National Climate Assessment
- Combining GPR and EMI for Root Phenotyping in Multiple Soils
- Compactive deformation in the incoming sedimentary section of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand: Constraints from seismic reflection data and IODP cores
- Comparison of source apportionment and health risk s of ambient PAH levels in the U.S, China and India
- Constraining cold pool parameterizations using observations obtained from GoAmazon2014/5
- Constraining the deformation history of the frontal wedge of Hikurangi Subduction Margin with analog modeling and bedding trends from borehole logging of IODP Expedition 372
- Constraints on sediment dispersal and provenance based on muscovite <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages of the Late Mississippian Stanley Group to Middle Pennsylvanian Krebs Group, Arkoma-Ouachita Basin, Southeast Oklahoma
- Correlation of Fog/Rain Presence and Plant Functions in a Tropical Montane Rainforest
- Coupled APEX-MODFLOW: Model Development and Application
- Deep water variability on the Southern Agulhas Plateau over the past 1.5 Ma
- Developing a predictive modeling framework accounting for the interactions between unsaturated zone, aquifer, and stream
- Developing longitudinal models of 20-year water quality in Texas gulf region—A hybrid of remote sensing and machine learning approach
- Diffusion Creep of Ice
- Distribution of Metals and Microbial Diversity in Hurricane Harvey Floodwater Remnants in Greater Houston
- Distribution of Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in Galveston Bay, TX
- Does Microbial Priming Influence the Turnover of Blue Carbon in Aquatic Systems?
- Does fractured rock as a source of water limit woodland productivity and drought resilience?
- Drilling and Coring the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin to Unlock the Secrets of Slow Slip: International Ocean Discovery Program Expeditions 372 and 375
- Drivers of Bistability in a Rapidly Submerging Marsh
- Drivers of and Impediments to Diversity in Enrollment and Retention in Geology Programs
- Dynamic of groundwater flow and aquifer-river exchanges induced by flood events
- Eco-hydrological modeling using field-based and Earth Observations to assess water use efficiency and support agricultural water resources management
- Effect of Climate Change on Land Suitability for Surface Irrigation and Shallow Groundwater Potential in Ghana
- Effects of Liquid Water on Sub-Millimeter Wavelength Ice Cloud Property Retrievals
- Effects of phytoplankton growth on the production of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nucleating particles (INP)
- Effects of the MY34/2018 Global Dust Storm in the Gale Crater Environment as Measured by REMS
- Elastic moduli and physical properties of fault rock and protolith associated with SSEs at the Northern Hikurangi margin, NZ
- Electromagnetic Geophysical Mapping of a Stream Channel in a Tropical Montane Rainforest in Costa Rica
- Estimating Groundwater Pumping at High Spatial Resolution Using METRIC Evapotranspiration
- Estimating reservoir evaporation losses for the United States
- Evaluating Multiple Soil Data Sources for Hydrologic Modeling
- Evaluating global hydrological droughts using remotely sensed reservoir surface area
- Evaluating the Impacts of Pumping for Hydraulic Fracturing on Local Aquifer Drawdown and Optimizing the Water Resource Management in the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas
- Evaluating the Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Processes that Contribute to Flooding in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas
- Evaluation Of Urban Heat Island Effect Using Satellite Derived Estimates Of Impervious Surface Area And LST
- Evaluation of Ice Cloud Properties from Passive Satellite Retrievals using CALIPSO and CloudSat Data
- Evaluation of Water Security in Jordan using a Multi-Agent Hydroeconomic Model: Climate, Crises, and Stability.
- Evaluation of a 2 GHz Prototype Ground Penetrating Radar System for Estimating Cassava Root Biomass
- Evapotranspiration partitioning based on d-excess and its in situ application in tallgrass prairie
- Evolution of Groundwater Availability Using a Geostatistical Model in the Upper Catchment of the Laja River, Mexico
- Exploration of the Seismic Cycle of the Ometepec/Pinotepa Region in Oaxaca, Mexico
- Extended Ensemble Kalman Filters for High-Dimensional Hierarchical State-Space Models
- Extratropical Forcing of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves in the East Pacific ITCZ
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Formation Pore Pressure through the Tuaheni Landslide Complex and the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone at IODP Expedition 372 Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Frictional behavior of incoming sediment in the Hikurangi subduction zone at in-situ PT conditions
- Fused and Assimilated Satellite Carbon Dioxide Observations and Fluxes from Multiple Instruments
- Gas Hydrate Accumulations in Thin Sands.
- Gaseous Carbon Waste Streams Utilization: Status and Research Needs
- Geochemical Constraints on Fluid-Rock Reactions, Fluid Sources, and Flow Pathways Along the IODP Expedition 375 Transect; Northern Hikurangi Margin
- Global Applicability of Ultramafic Serpentinization and Carbonation Magnetic Mapping
- Global Comparison of Benthic Nepheloid Layers Based on 52 years of Nephelometer and Transmissometer Measurements
- Global drought monitoring using SMAP soil moisture and effective soil water hydraulic parameters
- Habitability and Distribution of Subseafloor Life in Oceanic Basement
- Heterotrophic respiration and the divergence of productivity and carbon sequestration
- High-Resolution Root Zone Soil Moisture Mapping by Assimilating Satellite Remote Sensing Data, Insitu Observations, and a Soil Water Balance Model
- High-resolution Records of Major Element Ratios for the Plio-/Pleistocene at the Agulhas Plateau: Implications for Orbital Variations in Sediment Provenance, the Formation of Seismic Reflectors and Deep Water Flow Changes
- Higher rates of sea level rise result in higher lateral flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from tidal wetlands to coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- How quickly can soils adjust to environmental perturbations? An updated rock magnetic, centennial-scale paleoclimate record for the last 22 ka from Hall's Cave, Texas, USA
- Human Activity, Framework Geology, and Barrier Island Resiliency: Lessons from Hurricane Harvey
- IODP borehole observatories to monitor slow slip at the offshore Hikurangi subduction zone
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>: Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis Tool of the SWAT<SUP>+</SUP> Model
- Ice Nucleation Measurements and Parameterizations
- Impact of Skin Effect on Single-Well Push-Pull Tests with the Presence of Regional Groundwater Flow
- Impact of sea-level and bottom water temperature change on methane-hydrate stability: IODP Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin
- Impacts of Saharan Dust on the Genesis and Intensification of hurricanes Earl (2010) and Danielle (2010)
- Impacts of water partitioning and polarity of organic compounds on secondary organic aerosols over Eastern China
- Improving forest ecosystem characterization to advance water quality modeling at the watershed scale
- Influence of Juniper shrubs on infiltration in a semiarid savanna undergoing woodland encroachment
- Influence of Tetracycline on Antibiotic Resistant Genes Occurrence in Farming Soils
- Infragravity Waves in A Mixed Coherent-Random Nearshore Wave Environment
- Initial deposition and offshore migration of the Hurricane Harvey Flood Layer across the Brazos River subaqueous delta and shelf-Gulf of Mexico-the largest recorded discharge event for the Brazos River
- Insights into Marine Influence on CCN in Laboratory Measurements
- Interpreting plant wax records of precipitation on a changing Bahamian landscape.
- Investigating the Effect of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties on Elemental distribution and Redox Biogeochemistry in Brazos River Basin
- Investigating the subsurface heterogeneity of a naturally fractured reservoir in relation to CO<SUB>2</SUB> geological storage at the Kevin Dome site, Montana
- Is deep soil water infiltration negligible during the winter frozen season in arid regions?
- It Takes a Village: Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting - Harmful Algal Blooms are the Perfect Poster Child for Cooperative Efforts
- LPO development in fine-grained dolomite shear zones
- Late Cretaceous Apparent Polar Wander of North America from the Paleomagnetism of the Fort Hays Limestone
- Linear Magnetic Anomalies Over Tamu and Ori Massifs (Shatsky Rise Ocean Plateau) Imply Formation by Spreading Ridge Volcanism
- Lithification of Volcaniclastic Deposits in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone: Preliminary Characterization of Fluid Circulation in the Incoming Plate, and Volatiles Entering the Trench
- Lithology and cement controls on the evolution of compressional wave velocity and porosity in input materials at northern Hikurangi and other subduction zones
- Lithostratigraphy of the Hikurangi Subduction Inputs: Results of Coring During IODP Expedition 375
- Lorenz-Mie scattering in an absorbing host medium
- Magnetic Anomaly Map for Shatsky Rise and its implications for oceanic plateau formation
- Magnetic fabrics of deformed soft sediments at the deformation front of the Hikurangi subduction margin
- Mars Science Laboratory Observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm
- Measuring Cloud Top Height from OMPS-LP
- Measuring Mass Fluxes of Nutrients to a First-Order Stream within a Pristine Mountain Rainforest in Costa Rica
- Meridional temperature gradient of the Western Pacific during the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum
- Meta-omic approaches at mid-ocean hydrothermal vents reveal biogeochemical roles of the Zetaproteobacteria in Fe mineralizing ecosystems
- Metabolomic and metagenomic insights into drought- and flood-induced greenhouse gas emissions in soils
- Microbial and geochronologic constraints on the Neogene paleotopography of northern Tibetan Plateau
- Modeled Spring and Summer Climate Responses to Realistic Tibetan Plateau Snow Anomalies
- Modeling Long-Term Salt Marsh Response to Sea Level Rise and Human Impacts in the Sediment Deficient Plum Island Estuary, MA
- Modern biogenic and diatom surface sediment distributions in Monterey Bay, California
- Multitemporal regulation of soil respiration by substrate availability, moisture and, finally, temperature
- Multivariate Metrics to Quantify Co-occurring Extremes Resulting from the Dipole Circulation Pattern
- NASA Satellite-based Earth Observation Systems and Hydrological Modeling Enhance Capacity Building in the Lower Mekong River Basin
- Nearshore, slope and deepwater sediment transport mechanisms: Combining novel and legacy open source seismic datasets in marine Bonaire
- Neo-tropical forest response to a drier future: a synthesis of measurements and modeling of soil carbon stocks and turnover
- New Insights into the Formation and Evolution of the Aleutian Arc
- New insight on the deep structure of the Wharton Basin oceanic lithosphere in the vicinity of the 11 April 2012, Mw 8.6 strike-slip earthquake
- Non-Darcy Flow Effects in Shale Field Development and Boreholes: Insight from CAM Nano-pore Models
- Numerical simulation of methane gas production from a permeable-overburden gas hydrate reservoir on the Hikurangi Margin east of New Zealand.
- Observations of cold pool properties during GoAmazon2014/5
- Occurrence and fractionation of light hydrocarbons in the gas-hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Oceanic and Atmospheric Controls on Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Off-fault inelastic deformation and orientations of microcracks induced by dynamic ruptures on a 3D strike-slip fault with a bend
- On Radiative Transfer Model and its Relationship with Thermal Fluxes Across Space, Time, and Hydroclimates
- On the importance and origin of very low-frequency waves in the nearshore during Hurricane Harvey
- Opportunity to invest in dry-season small-scale irrigation to enhance food security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana and Tanzania
- Ostracod Response to Late Pleistocene Oceanographic Changes in the Tropical Indian Ocean
- Partnering to Improve Understanding of Chronic and Acute Neighborhood-Level Contamination, Manchester, Houston, Texas
- Peat-Based Proxies from Cushion Plants in the High Andes: Potential for New Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate Archives
- Permafrost Monthly Alert (PMA): A Program to Promote, Preserve and Enhance Frozen Ground Knowledge
- Plant Functional Traits of Carapa guianensis, a Widespread Tropical Tree, Adapted to Local Climate Conditions at Two Elevations in Costa Rica
- Plant-water use in a Woody Encroached Subtropical Savanna: Have we been blaming Mesquites too long for too little?
- Pore morphology, permeability, and constraints on gas hydrate accumulation in sediments from the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, NZ
- Post-storm recovery of the foredune: Implications for barrier island resiliency
- Potential of Small Scale Irrigation to Improve Livelihoods in Ethiopia
- Predicting countrywide PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>concentration and associated mortality in India based on GAM model using aerosol optical depth and meteorological parameters
- Predictive statistical representations of observed and simulated rainfall using generalized linear models
- Production of ice nucleating particles in a marine aerosol reference tank by the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii
- Prolonged Inundation Affects Water-Use Strategies in Bottomland Oaks
- Quantifying the individual and combined impacts of urbanization and changing climate on hydrological processes - a case study of two adjacent basins in Texas
- Quantifying water exchanged between surface and groundwater of the Independent aquifer in central Mexico
- Radiative environment and dust deposition and lifting at Gale Crater during the 2018 Global Dust Storm
- Rapid Transition from Continental Breakup to Igneous Oceanic Crust in the South China Sea
- Rare Earth Element (REE) Scavenging in the Southeast Pacific Hydrothermal Plume: Implications for Interpretation of Paleo-REE Patterns in Metalliferous Sediments
- Reactive solute transport in an asymmetrical fracture-rock matrix system
- Recent progress in simulating light scattering by nonspherical ice particles
- Record of Eocene carbon cycling in sediments from northern Zealandia
- Regional Shifts in Paleohurricane Activity over the Past Millennium Reconstructed from Blue Holes in the Tropical Atlantic
- Remote-Sensing Mapping of Hurricane Harvey-induced Tree Blow-downs in a Coastal Floodplain Forest based on Deep Learning
- Remotely sensed geodiversity for identifying and predicting biodiverse landscapes
- Research on Teaching about Earth in the Context of Societal Problems
- Response of Gas Hydrate Systems to Subduction-Zone Processes on the Northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Revisiting the giant Ruatoria Debris Flow on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: results from IODP Expeditions 372 and 375, Site U1520.
- Rigorous field-wide simulation of the gas hydrate deposit located in Ulleung Basin and the geomechanical responses during depressurization.
- Rising Arsenic Concentrations in an Intensively Pumped Aquifer, Independence Basin, Central Mexico
- Salt Water Intrusion Reduces Potential CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions From a Freshwater Forested Wetland
- Sea surface temperature and productivity in the Northern Indian Ocean (Maldives Sea) during the last 550 ka (MIS 13 to present)
- Seafloor Overthrusting Creates Ductilely Deformed Fault Rocks in Marine Sediments at the Hikurangi Margin: Implications for Fault Zone Evolution and Mechanics at IODP Site U1518
- Seasonal Influences of Aerosol Type on Low-Level Cloud Microphysical Properties under Different Airmasses at the ARM-SGP site
- Sediment provenance in the Bay of Bengal, IODP Site U1452, 0-200 ka
- Sedimentation in Response to Glacial Retreat in Icy Bay from Late Holocene to Present.
- Seismic study of Bonaire structure
- Sensing, Building, and Improving Disaster Resilience through Social Media Data Mining
- Sensitivity of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrieval from space to the Shape of Aerosol Particles: a Theoretical Analysis
- Signatures of Brittle Deformation in a Shallow Fault in the Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- Simulation, source contribution and health effects of high ozone episodes in North China Plain
- Snapshot-records from bivalves reveal seasonal changes in Eurasian paleohydrology
- Soil Hydraulic Parameterization under Varying Land Use- Land Cover
- Soil moisture drydowns over space, time and depth: a combination of remote sensing and land surface model
- Soil texture and extraction method effects on bound and mobile soil water fractions and isotope composition
- Spatial Variations and Temporal Dynamics of Juncus roemerianus Dominated Wetland Vegetation Characteristics and Carbon Stocks of Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, USA
- Spatial patterns of bias during steady-state evaporation from the assumption of equilibrium between vapor and precipitation
- StraboSpot System for Collecting and Sharing Field and Laboratory Data
- Strategies, practices, and challenges for interagency co-authorship in an international science and development program
- Streamflow Responses to Runoff and Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations within Two Nested Watersheds in Costa Rica
- Streamflow simulation in high topographic gradients and snowmelt-dominated watershed using the APEX model - Price River Watershed
- Study of the PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> growth processes during 2013 to 2016 in the NCP and YRD regions, China
- Subduction-Related Strain in a Calcareous-Pelagic Shear Zone: Insights on Deformation at the Hikurangi Margin Plate Interface from the Input Sequence at Site U1520 and the Llanddwyn Island Shear Zone, Anglesey, U.K
- Synergy between ICESat-2 and GEDI for Characterizing Forest Structure
- Tectonic and Climate Influences on Spatial and Temporal Variations of Subglacial Erosion; Bering Glacier, Alaska
- The Applicability of the <SUP>230</SUP>Th Constant-Flux Proxy in Sediments Offshore of the Niger River Delta
- The Cessation Threshold of Nonsuspended Sediment Transport Across Aeolian and Fluvial Environments
- The Gulf of Mexico is America's Sea: The Need for Improved Monitoring of Our Coastline for Public Health, Safety and Well Being
- The Impact of Tasman Gateway Opening on Early Paleogene Climate and Oceans: New Results from IODP Expedition 369, Site U1514
- The Impacts of Regional Precipitation Changes on Future Aerosol Burdens in Global Climate Simulations
- The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study: A Multi-Year Data Set of Marine Aerosol-Cloud In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- The Role of Surface Emissivity and Ice Cloud Longwave Scattering on Simulated Climate in the Arctic
- The Saturated Tropical TTL
- The co-occurrence of heat and haze hazard over South Asia and its substantial increase in 2050
- The curious convection teleconnection question: links between Weddell Sea and Labrador Sea deep convection on multi-decadal timescales
- The dynamics of shallow plate interface slip at the offshore Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand
- The effect of tropical land use on soil carbon dynamics: Does reforestation mitigate greenhouse gas emissions?
- The hidden half: exploring below ground biodiversity and function of deep roots in a dry tropical forest
- The intricacies of producing accurate diurnal circulations over the Amazon in CESM
- The long-lasting evolution of layer 2A in the western South Atlantic: Evidence for low-temperature hydrothermal circulation
- The mighty Susquehanna—extreme floods during the past two millennia
- The thermodynamic characteristics of mud diapir fluid and its influence on hydrate accumulation in Shenhu area of South China Sea
- Three-dimensional modeling of megathrust earthquakes on a subduction fault plane with large-scale geometrical complexity
- Timescale of Paleoceanographic History at Iodp Site U1474, Natal Valley, Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Towards High-Resolution Lake Bathymetry: an Algorithm tested using Data Collected by the ICESat-2 Airborne Simulator over Lake Mead
- Towards predicting the "largest" Louisiana hypoxic area: an analysis of a coupled physical-biogeochemistry model results from 1985 - 2018
- Tracking the source of contaminant lead in children's blood as a means for environmental remediation
- Transport and Retention of Diffuse Livestock-Derived N at the Watershed Scale across Flow Conditions
- Tree Blowdown Impacts of Hurricane Harvey on Hydrologic Surface Connectivity in a Coastal River Channel-Floodplain System
- Tree Growth and Species Diversity in Premontane Neotropical Forests Across an Elevational Gradient in Costa Rica
- Tsunami Propagation Around Offshore Islands
- Tycho: Next Generation Lunar Mobile Human Exploration
- Upscaling Airborne Eddy Covariance Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases Using Landcover Information and Temporal Trends from Towers
- Upward Connecting Leaders of Lightning Flashes to Flat Water and Flat Ground
- Using Dynamic Earthquake-Cycle Models to Explore Interactions Between Slow-slip Events and Megathrust Earthquakes Along Subduction Zones
- Using Low Cost Commercial UAVs to Measure Snow Depth and Surface Change
- Using Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation to Improve Process Understanding of Hydrologic Exchange Flows in Dynamic River Corridors from km- to Reach Scales
- Using UAV Technology to Collect Vertical Temperature and Relative Humidity Profiles over a Tropical Montane Rainforest
- Utilizing topographic structure for characterizing and understanding process-form relationships of mountain geodynamics in the central Karakoram Himalaya
- Validating a full-waveform inversion velocity model at the north Hikurangi subduction margin using IODP drilling data
- When to hold 'em and when to fold 'em: divergent plant water use by woody species in the Caatinga dry forest of Brazil
- Wildfire impact on environment thermodynamics and severe convective storms
- "Thinking Like a Cohort": Managing an REU for Interdisciplinarity, Inclusion, and Inauguration of Young Scholars' Communities
- 2,000 Years of Hurricane Activity on the Eastern Yucatan Peninsula: Climate Drivers and Mayan Cultural Implications
- A 1800-Year Sedimentary Record from a Bahamian Blue Hole Archives Significant Variations in Intense Hurricane Landfall Frequency
- A 50,000-year stratigraphic record from a Bahamian sinkhole and direct evidence for Saharan dust export to the tropical North Atlantic
- A Data Driven Approach to Identify Rainfall Derived Inflow and Infiltration in Sanitary Sewer Sub-catchments
- A Multi-Omics Approach to Understand the Molecular and Microbial Transformations Associated with Dissolved Organic Matter Turnover in Coastal Waters
- A Simple Innovative Method of Interpreting the Breakthrough Curves in Instantaneous Source Column
- A global system for monitoring and prediction of the occurrence and severity of compound dry-hot events
- A missing physics in climate models for the simulation of Southern Ocean: longwave radiative coupling between surface and atmosphere
- A multi basin calibration of the Mg/Ca paleo-thermometer corrected for habitat depth and test dissolution
- A novel multiscale multisensor data fusion framework for massive datasets-application to soil moisture estimation
- A-Train estimates of the sensitivity of warm rain likelihood and efficiency to cloud size
- AGU Celebrates its Centennial with the Initiation of a New Journal: Perspectives in Earth and Space Science
- Aerosol Ammonium in the Urban Boundary Layer in Beijing: Insights from Nitrogen Isotope Ratios and Simulations in Summer 2015
- Agricultural Application of the SMAP-Sentinel High-Resolution Soil Moisture Product.
- Agricultural drought assessment method by coupling crop model with hydrologic model
- All hands on the deck: a synthesis of strength and limitation of multiple climate mitigation approach
- Allende - Piedras Negras Transboundary Aquifer: AN Initial Modeling Assessment
- An Analysis of Lightning Characteristics During Hurricane Harvey
- An Ensemble of Deep Learning Models for Soil Moisture Prediction Across the Contiguous U.S.
- An Experimental Assessment of Semi-Arid Savanna Resilience to Interactions of Drought, Fire, and Soil Fertility
- Analysis of Contaminant Transport in High-Volume Fluid Injection Cases Involving Abandoned Wells and Fractures
- Analysis of the Flooding Effects of Potential Land Use Scenarios on an Undeveloped Watershed in Houston, Texas
- Application of rock physics technology for 4D seismic monitoring of a siliciclastic reservoir in Offshore Niger Delta Basin.
- Arboreal epiphytes: How often are the biggest "buckets" in the canopy empty?
- Assessing groundwater recharge in arid and semiarid regions using integrated modeling and remote sensing
- Assessing surface runoff dynamics of a woody plant encroached rangeland
- Assessing the Contribution of α-dicarbonyls to Secondary Organic Aerosol and Brown Carbon Formation
- Assessing the Roles of Primary and Secondary Ice Formation in Clouds Through Measurements and Modeling
- Assessing the effects of anthropogenic aerosols on Hurricane Harvey
- Assessment of Texas Water Resources in the Context of Changing Climate: Toward Alignment of Research Agendas and Capabilities with Stakeholder Needs
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Response to Varying Arctic Sea Ice Thicknesses
- Basement structure of the Ross Sea from gravity inversion
- Behavior of the Sub-Vortices within the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone
- Carbon fluxes and balance in managed and natural forested wetlands along the coastal plain of North Carolina
- Characterization of the Resilience of Coupled Medical Facilities and Transportation Network to Floods: Case Study of Houston during Hurricane Harvey
- City Resilience Policies and Programs: A new approach to measuring resilience
- Classification of Burnt Forests Based on ICESat-2 Photon Counting Data
- Climate engineering to mitigate the projected 21<SUP>st</SUP>-century terrestrial drying of the Americas: carbon capture and storage vs. stratospheric sulfate injection ?
- Climate-smart Farming with Low-nitrifying Agricultural Systems
- Combining near-surface electromagnetic methods to characterize the hydrogeology of braided alluvial deposits: Canterbury Coast, New Zealand
- Compound specific N isotopes and U-Th proxies suggest high 15N signature of Bolling-Allerod warm event affected by denitrification in the subarctic North Pacific
- Contrasting Sediment Transport Modes in the Holocene Levee of the Middle Bengal Fan, IODP Site U1454
- Controls on Recent Peat Accumulation Rates Across Patagonia and the World
- Convective Population Variations with ITCZ Width in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
- Critical role of caldera collapse in the formation of seafloor mineralization: Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc
- Cross-Border Groundwater Movement affecting Aquifer Storage Depletion in the Hueco Bolson
- Crowdsourcing science: Synthesizing global perspectives with the help of social media
- Dam Induced Hydrologic Exchange Flows Alter River Corridor Thermal Regime
- Deep Pacific Oxygenation and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Over the Past 180 kyr
- Deriving Coefficients of Universal Normalized Vegetation Index and Tasseled Cap Transformation for Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument
- Deriving high-resolution bathymetry for global reservoirs from multi-source satellite imagery and altimetry
- Development of Simple Reservoir Operation Functions in SWAT+ for National Water Quality Assessments
- Direct Radiative Effects of Light-absorbing Carbonaceous Aerosols in E3SM
- Do payments for ecosystem services promote soil carbon sequestration in the tropics?
- Earth observations and models to support agricultural water resources management
- Eastward disturbances in the tropical Pacific: NH extratropical forcing and impacts on the shallow meridional circulation
- Effects of the Pingding Shan Double Bend on Dynamic Ruptures along the Altyn Tagh Fault over Multiple Earthquake Cycles
- Electrical Resistivity based Models to Characterize Sub-Surface Flowpaths and Water Table Elevations at the Hillslope Scale: A Case Study of the Piedmont region of Georgia
- Emerging Views of Earth's Core - an E' Layer at the Top of the Outer Core?
- Ensemble simulations of hydrodynamic and morphologic change during extreme weather events
- Environmental controls on the carbon and water (H and O) isotopes in peatland Sphagnum mosses
- Environmental modulation of the strength of cloud-radiation-precipitation coupling
- Epiphytic diversity and distribution along elevation gradients in a Costa Rican premontane rainforest
- Estimating Values of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-Activities and Oxygen Fugacities in the Mantle Using Mineral Equilibria: Evidence For Fluid Undersaturation
- Estimating blue and green water resources availability in Ethiopia
- Estimating global lake evaporation losses by leveraging MODIS LST data
- Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass from ICESat-2 and Landsat
- Estimation of wind-wave induced erosion rates in wetlands on Galveston Island based on UAV photogrammetry
- Evaluating the Effects of Forecast Lead Time on Streamflow and Inundation Predictions in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas through Coupled Hydrologic-Hydraulics Models
- Evapotranspiration-Soil Moisture Coupling Relationships from the Field to Satellite Scale
- Evidence for abundant rainfall in the northern Bahamas from 4100 to 3300 years ago
- Experimental Constrains on Mechanical Behaviors in the Nankai Inner Accretionary Prism
- Expert Assessment Suggests Global Peatlands Will Switch to a Carbon Source in Near Future
- Exploring farm pond dynamics in low-order agricultural watersheds: A synthetic analysis and process-based modeling
- Extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits [eODP]: Making Scientific Ocean Drilling Data Accessible Through Searchable Databases
- Feedbacks in the Response of Regional Monsoons to Remote Radiative Forcings
- Filtering and Classification of ICESat-2 Geolocated Photon (ATL03) Data: A comparison to ATL08
- First Downhole and Core-Based Petrophysical and Hydrological Measurements in a Submarine Volcano: Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Fuzzy Boundaries: Classifying the Beach-dune Interface
- Geomorphometric Characterization of Topographic Structure for Evaluation of Glaciers in the Central Karakoram Himalaya
- Geophysical Investigation of the Northwestern Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Global Applicability of Ultramafic Serpentinization and Carbonation Magnetic Mapping
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for an Integrated Modeling System of Agriculture, Atmosphere, Hydrology and Water Quality for Ecosystem Assessment
- Guaymas Basin IODP Expedition 385: First Overview & Roundup
- Hillslope Model of a Lakeshore Onsite Wastewater Treatment System
- How do we deal with soil hydrology beyond the REV scale?
- Hydro-geochemical Processes Driving Arsenic Concentrations in Springs in the Highlands of Costa Rica
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>: A Deeper Look at the Automatic Calibration Tool of SWAT<SUP>+</SUP>
- Icebergs at the Agulhas Plateau through the Pleistocene: Accumulation, Provenance, and Interpretation of Ice-Rafted Debris
- Impact of Drought Severity and Topography on Tropical Forests of Costa Rica
- Impact of including the longwave scattering effect of clouds on the Arctic energy budget and climate
- Impacts of Urbanization, Antecedent Rainfall Events, and Cyclone Trajectory on Extreme Floods at Houston Reservoirs during Hurricane Harvey
- Improvement in the Computational Efficiency of Physical Geometric Optics Method in Simulating Light Scattering by Large Faceted Dielectric Particles
- Improving Surface Water Availability Estimates by Accounting for Projected Changes of Reservoir Evaporation
- Improving comparisons between GCM output and precipitation radar observations
- Improving ice cloud microphysical property retrievals with sub-millimeter polarimetric measurements
- Influence of convection on stratospheric water vapor in the North American monsoon
- Insights into the Depth-resolved Geochemical Constraints on Microbial Community Structure and Metabolic Potential for Carbon Cycling in Shallow Subsurface Sediment
- Installation of Sensors at the Coral Reef of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary to Study Ocean Acidification and other Environmental Processes
- Integrated Multivariate Approach in Assessing Drought Risk in India
- Interaction of Southern Ocean Water Masses along the Argentine Margin during the Cenozoic
- Intermediate Water Dynamics at the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway During the Pliocene Inferred from Opal Accumulation and Diatom Assemblages at IODP Site U1475
- International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP): An Unprecedented Set of High-Resolution Simulations
- Introducing the Version 4 CALIPSO IIR Cloud Data Products
- Investigating the Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current - Initial Results from International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 383 (DYNAPACC)
- Investigation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions under Different Absorptive Aerosol Regimes using ARM SGP Ground-Based Measurements
- Is the Cenomanian - Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 globally synchronous?
- Isotopic Partitioning of Evapotranspiration over a Mesic Grassland during Two Wetting-drying Episodes
- Land Surface Modeling of Groundwater Recharge in the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer (BRAA) using CLM4.5
- Latitudinal Migrations of the Subtropical Front at the Agulhas Plateau across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Leaf epicuticular waxes and its effects on the energy balance of sorghum
- Leveraging Machine Learning and Twitter Data to Identify High Hazard Areas during Hurricane Harvey
- Long-Term Grazing and Woody Plant Encroachment Alter C, N, and P Stores and the Structure and Function of Soil Microbial Communities in Juniper-Oak Savanna
- Long-term Persistence in Annual River Flows in Cyprus
- Magmatic versus seawater-dominated hydrothermal alteration: evidence from deep-sea drilling at Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand
- Magneto-biostratigraphic integration of Neogene sequences from the subantarctic Pacific Ocean: Initial results from IODP Exp. 383
- Making Scientific Ocean Drilling Data Discoverable
- Managed Aquifer Recharge of Stormwater Using Existing Detention Basins: An Example from Houston, Texas
- Mapping Himalayan and Karakoram Glaciers using Deep Learning Approach
- Mapping the Migration Pattern of the Hurricane Harvey Flood Deposit on the Brazos Subaqueous Delta
- Measuring and Modeling Ecosystem Carbon Budgets and Greenhouse Gas Exchange from Restored Marshes across a Salinity Gradient
- Measuring and managing energy in soil organic matter
- Measuring plant water use in wet places: paradoxical or paramount?
- Methane Fluxes and Drivers in a Coastal Freshwater Forested Wetland: From the Soil to the Canopy
- Microbial communities in hydrologically active subglacial lakes of the Siple Coast, West Antarctica
- Middle to Late Holocene (8000 to 3000 years ago) Ostracode Assemblages in a Bahamian Sinkhole: Implications for Regional Hydroclimate
- Mining the IODP Database for Relationships Between Lithology and Physical, Chemical, and Magnetic Properties
- Modeling Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone in the Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China: Status, Source Contributions, and Emission Reduction Targets
- Modern Changes and Millennial-Scale Development of Blue Carbon Pools in Northern Florida
- Molecular simulation of multi-component hydrocarbon phase behavior in shale multi-scale systems
- Morphology and Hydrologic Behavior of Exfiltration Sites in a Small Watershed in Costa Rica
- Mozambique Channel Throughflow over the last 7 million years
- Multi-proxy evidence for the evolution of Indo-Pacific Warm Pool temperature since the Pliocene
- Multi-scale along-margin variations in breakup volcanism at the Eastern North American Margin identified by magnetic anomaly modeling
- NASA Earth Science Partnerships - Lessons Learned in Measuring, Managing, and Maturing Public-Private Partnerships in the Earth Sciences
- Natural Ecosystems' Exposures to Air Pollution in the West China Rain Zone, Eastern Rim of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
- Neogene Burial of Organic Carbon in the Global Ocean
- New Estimates of Future Permafrost Extent and Corresponding Carbon Feedbacks
- Nitrogen-carbon-water interactions under elevated N deposition in a seasonally flooded bottomland hardwood forest
- Northern Hemisphere wintertime continental warming following large, low-latitude volcanic eruptions? No evidence from Pinatubo (1991) and Krakatau (1883)
- Numerical Modeling of Soils Subjected to Drying Climate Effects
- Orbital-scale record of Ross Sea ocean temperatures across the Miocene Climatic Optimum and Middle Miocene Climate Transition
- Orbitally paced variability of Mediterranean outflow water on the West Iberian margin through the Late Pleistocene
- Particle Acidity and Sulfate Production during Severe Haze Events in China Cannot Be Reliably Inferred by Assuming A Mixture of Inorganic Salts
- Phenology in U.S. agroecosystems - Integrating data from the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network
- Physical controls of surface-subsurface exchange fluxes evaluated with an integrated hydrologic model
- Physiological adaptations of two shade tolerant species, Carapa guianensis and Otoba novogranatensis, to microclimatic conditions at two elevations, in Costa Rica
- Planetary Drivers of Carbon Accumulation in Peatlands
- Plant wax biomarkers informing mid-late Holocene hydroclimate variability from an inland sinkhole in the Northern Caribbean
- Pollution and Health: Grand Challenges in GeoHealth for the Next Century
- Provenance of iceberg-rafted detritus during glacial terminations of the last 500 ka at Site U1537, IODP Expedition 382
- Quantifying Embedded Water in Agricultural Goods for Sustainability Water Use in Mexico
- Quantifying the relative contributions of aerosols and Decadal Variabilities to the mid-20th-century global cooling: a fresh view of middle tropospheric temperature meridional gradient
- Quantifying the timing and source of baseflow into the tidally fluctuating Meghna River, Bangladesh
- Quantitative risk assessment of geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage using plume mobility metrics
- Quantitative three-dimensional description of fracture geometry considering flow mechanism
- Radiative cooling uncertainties introduced by neglecting cloud longwave scattering from the Indian Ocean to the Maritime Continent
- Rain or Shine: Changes in Water and Mass Fluxes of a Pristine Watershed in Response to Rainfall Events and Regional Drought
- Random Forrest Classification for Flood Hazard Mapping at Large Spatial Scales
- Reconstructing air temperatures in Florida during North Atlantic Heinrich Events
- Representation of Mesoscale Processes in the High-Latitude Southern Ocean of High-Resolution Earth System Models
- Representing Tall, Complex Canopies using Land Surface Models: Comparing CLM5 and CLM-ml to Sub-Canopy Data from a Costa Rican Rainforest
- Reviewed stratigraphy of the southern Scotia Sea basins (Antarctica): preliminary results on core-log-seismic integration from IODP Expedition 382
- Role of the Aleutian Arc and NW Pacific seafloor in Pacific-wide plate reorganization in the Paleogene
- SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments First Results
- Satellite Detection of Dust With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Seasonal variations in global river and stream inundation extent
- Seasonally dependent impact of cloud longwave scattering on the polar climate: why it is a missing physics in current climate models?
- Sedimentary perspectives of Pleistocene ocean circulation and climate change from the southernmost Chilean continental margin
- Seismic Clipped Waveform Reconstruction and Noise Attenuation Using Deep Learning
- Seismic velocity structure of upper oceanic crust in the western South Atlantic from full-waveform modeling
- Sensitivity Analysis and Retrieval of Ice Cloud Parameters Using Polarized Vector Radiative Transfer Simulations in the Submillimeter/Millimeter and Longwave Infrared Regimes
- Sensitivity of Texas Groundwater Availability Models (GAMs) to Variations in Recharge Rates
- Sensitivity study of ice cloud radiative property for future spaceborne far-infrared remote sensing applications
- Shipboard infrared remote sensing of whitecap lifetime
- Simulating Dryland Cotton and Sorghum Production over the U.S. Southern High Plains
- Snow Depth Maps of Multiple Field Sites on Grand Mesa, CO produced via UAV Photogrammetry
- Soil and vegetative controls on global soil moisture drydowns using SMAP: Implications for large scale soil hydraulic parameterization
- Source attribution of tropospheric ozone to NOx and VOCs emissions in southeastern U.S.
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Fantangisña Mud Volcano, Mariana Forearc
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Soil Moisture and Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Properties using Spatially Distributed Soil Moisture Measurements in a Tropical Watershed of India
- Spatiotemporal chemical analysis of surface water and precipitation in the pre-montane rainforest of Costa Rica
- Standardized flux seasonality metrics: A companion dataset for FLUXNET annual product
- Stepovers and bends of strike-slip faults: mechanics of fault evolution and rupture behaviors
- Stratospheric Water Vapor Responses to Different Forcing Agents
- Substantial increase in the joint occurrence and human exposure of heat and haze hazards over South Asia in the mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Surface and deep-water variability on the southern Agulhas Plateau: Interhemispheric links over the past 2 Ma
- Temporal and spatial characteristics of unforced climate variability in a global climate model ensemble
- Testing the trade wind charging mechanism and its influence on ENSO variability.
- The Effect of Heterogeneities in Soil Physical and Chemical Properties on Redox Biogeochemistry in Subsurface Soils
- The Permafrost Monthly Alert (PMA) Program: Improving Reference Searches Now and in the Future
- The South Atlantic Transect - A Multidisciplinary Scientific Ocean Drilling Investigation
- The Value of Role Models in Retaining Undergraduate Women in the Geosciences
- The transborder flux of phosphorus in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin: magnitude, patterns and impacts from the cascade hydropower dams in China
- Top of Altitude Flux and Cloud Radiative Forcing (CRF) From Cirrus Clouds: Effect of Subvisual Clouds
- Towards Complete Global Sea Surface Temperature Reconstructions over the Cenozoic Era
- Towards Creating an Environment of Cooperation between Water, Energy, and Food Stakeholders in San Antonio
- Towards data-driven approaches for simulating rainfall in climate models
- Towards establishing decadal-timescale atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> records during the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum
- Tracing continental input and organic matter export on the West Antarctic Shelf using the long-lived thorium isotopes
- Tracing the evolution of a submarine arc-hosted hydrothermal system through phosphate mineralization: Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc
- Tropical Pacific sea surface cooling contribution to accelerated Arctic sea ice melt from 2007 to 2012 as ice is thinned by anthropogenic forcing
- Understanding Climate-Glacier Dynamics in the Karakoram Himalaya using Debris-Flux and Ablation Modeling
- Understanding Ecohydrology in a Managed Watershed through Integrated Modeling and Observations
- Understanding exposure, vulnerability, and risks of cascading seismic-tsunami hazards on infrastructure and society in Seaside, OR.
- Upper Tropospheric Water vapor and Cirrus Cloud Fraction Anomalies and the Annual Cycle
- Using Dynamic Earthquake-cycle Models to Explore Interactions Between Subducted Seamounts and Surrounding Asperities in Conditionally Stable Shallow Subduction Zones: Implications for Tsunami Earthquake Generation
- Using Ensemble Data Assimilation to Estimate Transient Hydrologic Exchange Fluxes under Highly Dynamic Flow Conditions
- Using IODP Data to Enhance K-12, Undergraduate and Informal Science Education
- Using Multi-GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry to Monitor Sea Level
- Using Surface Orbital Vibrators (SOV) and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for monitoring of unconventional reservoirs: preliminary results from the Eagle Ford Shale
- Utilizing high temporal resolution stable isotope, sap-flux, and eddy covariance measurements to partition daily evapotranspiration in a mixed-oak deciduous forest
- Validating ice crystal model in the consistency of satellite retrievals among multiple bands
- Validating the ICESat-2 Land Water Vegetation Elevation Product (ATL08) with Airborne Lidar Data
- Variations in REE and Sr isotope compositions of altered rocks from magmatic- and seawater-influenced hydrothermal systems at Brothers volcano, Kermadec Arc, New Zealand (IODP Expedition 376)
- Weakening Atlantic Niño-Pacific connection undergreenhouse warming
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Ocean Dynamics in the Outer Amundsen Sea: Initial Results from IODP Expedition 379
- What gives supercells the most intense updrafts of all modes of convection?
- Year-to-year variability in hydrometeorology of a tropical montane rainforest
- 3D Characterization of a Coastal Freshwater Aquifer in SE Malta (Mediterranean Sea) by Time-Domain Electromagnetics
- A Comparison of In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Model Selection Approaches for ANN Streamflow Simulation
- A Land-Surface Heterogeneity Index to Classify Continental Scale Near-Surface Soil Moisture Dynamics
- A Simple Sea Surface Albedo Computational Scheme Based on Phytoplankton Size Structure In the Ocean
- A SmallSat Mission to Track the Global Movement of Water, Carbon, and Sediment across Landscapes
- A Test of Recent Bulk Optical Models to Represent the Radiative Properties of Cirrus Cloud Across the Mid- and Far-Infrared.
- A local implementation of the tensor shear stress condition on complex terrain surfaces
- A new Fused L3 OCO-2/GOSAT product performs equally well in Data Assimilation as the pooled L2 products
- A new ocean state after abrupt cooling events
- A novel sequential feature-extraction approach for hyperspectral image classification using a recurrent neural network
- A simple transport rate relation that unifies aeolian and fluvial nonsuspended sediment transport
- Abrupt Fen-Bog Transition Across Southern Patagonia: Timing, Causes, and Impacts on Carbon Sequestration
- Air quality changes in Houston, Texas, during the COVID-19 shutdown period in spring 2020
- An Improved Two-Stream Radiative Transfer Scheme Using Small-Angle Approximation for Multiple Scattering Computation in a Cloudy Atmosphere
- An Unprecedented Set of High-Resolution Climate Simulations from the International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP)
- An optimal drainage timing maximizes methane emission reduction in rice fields
- Analysis of unsaturated-saturated flow induced by a vadose zone well injection
- Analyzing the Influence of Preferential Flow on Hydraulic Properties in Various Land Use and Land Covers Along the Brazos River Basin in Texas
- Antecedent conditions determine the biogeochemical response of coastal soils to seawater exposure
- Assessing the influence of background state and model bias on weather extremes using initialized ensembles in a climate model
- Assessing wildfire burn severity in western United States rangelands from 1984 to 2017
- Asymmetric vertical structure of mesoscale eddies in the Kuroshio Extension region
- Asynchrony of the seasonal dynamics of gross primary productivity and ecosystem respiration
- Beach dune subsurface hydrodynamics and the formation of dune scarps
- Benchmarking Pathways to Sustainable Urban Water Transitions
- Beyond Carbon Flux Partitioning: Inferring the Dynamic Non-structural Carbon Storage and Carbon Allocation at the Canopy Scale from Continuous Fluxes
- Biogeochemical cycling of Particulate Organic Matter within two stratified coastal sinkholes
- Can prescribed fire remain a viable management option in drought-prone environments without negatively impacting soil microbial communities?
- Carbonate Recrystallization on the Campbell Plateau: Preliminary Results from IODP Site 378-U1553
- Climate Solutions: Biological Nitrification Inhibition in Modern Crop Varieties
- Combining Remote Sensing Observations of Stratospheric Water Vapor with Lagrangian Transport Modelling and Measurements of Tropopause Overshooting Convection to Understand Stratospheric Water Injection Processes
- Compact Micro-fabricated Optomechanical Accelerometers
- Comparing green infrastructure to grey infrastructure to reduce stormwater network overflow and cost
- Contributions of α-Dicarbonyls to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation From Photo-oxidation of Toluene
- Convolutional Neural Network Based Semantic Segmentation for Coastal Flooding Analysis
- Decreasing inputs of particulate organic matter from wetland and terrestrial habitats into a karst subterranean estuary during the last millennium
- Definition-dependent diurnal cycle variations in rainfall over the Maritime Continent
- Disaggregation of eddy covariance evapotranspiration fluxes from heterogeneous landscapes
- Distributed Spacecraft with Heuristic Intelligence to Enable Logistical Decisions (D-SHIELD) for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Distribution of Metals and Microbial Diversity in Hurricane Harvey Floodwater Remnants in Greater Houston
- Drilling Transects to Explore the Interconnected Earth
- Drivers and Impacts of Southern Ocean Polynyas in High-Resolution Earth System Models
- Easterly waves in the East Pacific during OTREC 2019 field campaign
- Edge Effect Correction to the Physical Geometric Optics Method in the Case of a Hexagonal Column
- Effect of Soil Physical and Chemical Heterogeneity on the Distribution of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous in Subsurface Soils
- Effects of Spatial Patterns of Ocean Heat Uptake on the CMIP5 inter-model spread of the Transient Climate Response
- Enhanced Drainage and Altered Streamflow Sensitivity of Soil Water Storage through Topographically-Driven Connectivity between Stream and Aquifer
- Erythemal Radiation, Column Ozone, and the North American Monsoon
- Estimating Future Surface Water Availability with Reservoir Evaporation and Hydrological Drought Considered under CMIP6 Scenarios
- Estimation of heat and salt fluxes in a Loop Current Eddy using microstructure glider based observations
- Evaluating Future Hydrological Drought under A Changing Climate using A Reservoir Storage Drought Index in the United States
- Evaluating Twenty Years of Microbial Contamination Tracer Usage in Ocean Drilling
- Evaluation of dust detection using multiple machine learning algorithms against physics-based approach on Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) data
- Evaluation of the Simulation of Mixed Phase Cloud with Three New Cloud Physical Schemes in Community Integrated Earth System Model (CIESM)
- Evaluation of the Vulnerability of the Upper Houston Ship Channel to Transport and Deposition of Contaminated Sediments By Coastal Disasters
- Exploiting ABI/GOES multiband observations for ice cloud property retrievals
- Fast Marching Method: A New Paradigm for Rapid Modeling of Subsurface Flow and Transport
- Fast Phytoplankton Growth Rates as a Key to Atmospheric Ice Nucleation
- Functional lake connectivity in the Colville Delta, Alaska: spatiotemporal patterns, drivers, and impacts on ice phenology
- Getting to the Root of Nutrient Uptake: An Unrecognized Function of Aerial Roots in Tank Epiphytes
- Global reservoir storage variations in the 21st century
- Hemispheric differences in macrophysical and microphysical properties of low-level mixed-phase clouds from observations and E3SM simulations
- Heterogeneity Index: Quantifying the Variability and Co-variability in Land-Surface Heterogeneity at the Global Scale
- High resolution sensitivity study of information content in the reflective solar band for retrieval of ice cloud optical properties
- High-latitude surface-atmosphere radiative coupling in the far-IR: missing physics in climate models and opportunities in future observations
- How Does the Representation of Convection, Clouds, and Precipitation Influence Future Projections of PM2.5 in 21st Century Earth System Model Simulations?
- Human Response to Climate Change in the Bonneville Basin, Western North America: The Bonneville Estates Radiocarbon Chronology
- Hybrid Weather Prediction: A Blend of Machine Learning and Numerical Modeling
- Hybridizing high bandwidth optomechanical accelerometers with atom interferometers for improved inertial measurements.
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>UI/WEB: Free User Interface Options of Automatic Calibration Tool for SWAT<SUP>+</SUP>
- Identification of Opportunities for International Cooperation over Proposed Series of Large Freshwater Reservoirs to Capture the Melting Glaciers in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) maountains
- Identifying the products of volcano-ice interaction in Icelandic Mars analog sedimentary environments using Mars rover techniques.
- Impact of Model Resolution on Tropical Cyclone Simulation of Present-day and Future Projection using the HighResMIP Multi-model Ensemble
- Impacts of High Latitude Local and Long-Range Transported Dust on Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds through Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation
- Impacts of Secondary Ice Production on Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds based on Observations and a Global Climate Model
- Improvements to the Two-Habit Model Single-Scattering Database: Irregular Hexagonal Column Ensemble, New Size Characterization, and Improved Backscattering
- In-situ rock strength of the input materials and prism sediments at the Hikurangi Margin
- Increasing evaporation losses from global lakes between 1984 and 2018
- Influence of past climate change on subglacial microbial communities and biogeochemical processes beneath Siple Coast ice streams, West Antarctica
- Insights into the origins, molecular characteristics and distribution of iron-binding ligands in the Arctic Ocean
- Interpreting the diurnal cycle of clouds and precipitation in the ARM GoAmazon observations: Shallow to deep convection transition
- Investigation of invariant-imbedding T-Matrix method computational efficiency for particles with complicated geometries
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Isolating and Quantifying Contribution of Biomass Burning (Regional), Inter-continental Dust (Global), and Locally Transported Particulate Matter (PM) to Ambient PM<SUB>10</SUB> and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentrations of an Urban Atmosphere: A Year-round Study at Houston, TX, USA
- Leaf and Wood Decomposition Across Tropical Lowland and Montane Forests: A Pantropical Study Across Climates
- Linking ECOSTRESS, MODIS and Eddy-covariance for high-resolution daily evapotranspiration
- Linking High Latitude Convection with the Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Hierarchy of GFDL climate Models
- Looking beyond physical models and machine learning: Novel insights into soil moisture dynamics using multi-scale Big Data geostatistics
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- Maud Rise and Weddell Sea Polynyas in High-Resolution CESM-iHESP simulations
- Methane Mitigation: An Achievable and Affordable Lever to Slow the Rate of Climate Change and Limit Peak Warming
- Methane hydrate dissociation across the Oligocene - Miocene boundary
- Microbial biosignatures in the lower oceanic crust at Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean
- Modeling and application of groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) using PARFLW-CLM in the Edward aquifer area, Texas
- Molecular Composition and Stability of Soil Organic Matter in Tropical Soils- A Belowground View to Afforestation Through Payment for Ecosystem Services in Costa Rica
- Monitoring hydrological drought using a newly developed MODIS reservoir product
- Multi-satellite imaging of a gas well blowout provides new insights for methane monitoring
- Multiscale impacts of precipitation on a boundary layer cloud fraction transition
- Multiscale soil hydraulic parameterization for improved hydrologic simulations using SMAP
- N Cycling and Retention through Plant and Soil Pools in a Bottomland Hardwood Forest with Elevated N Deposition
- Navigating and Remediating the Global Impacts of Climate Change Through NASA Remote Sensing Technology
- Near-annually resolved records of northern Bahamian hurricane activity during the Common Era: Emerging patterns and implications
- Observation-Enabled Assessment of Simulated Southern Ocean Aerosol and INP Populations in the Community Atmosphere Model Version 6
- Optomechanical inertial sensors for gravimetry
- Persistent high latitude amplification over the past 10 million years
- PhotonLabeler: Collection of ground truth data through visual Interpretation and manual labeling of ICESat-2 ATL03 photons
- Physical Modeling on Dune Erosion: Design, Instrumentation and Experimental Observations
- Politically relevant geoengineering scenarios
- Predicting forest inventory parameters with ICESat-2
- Preliminary rock magnetic and geochemical data from cold seepage sites of IODP Expedition 385, Guaymas Basin
- Probabilistic Structure of Events Controlling the After-Storm Recovery of Coastal Dunes
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Produced water treatment and reuse in hydraulic fracturing: Using laboratory research to select and implement technology at field-scale
- Public Perception of Green Stormwater Infrastructure: A Case Study on Bioretention Cells in a Park Space
- Quantifying Embedded Water in Agricultural Goods for Sustainable Water Use in Mexico
- Quantifying Precipitation, Streamflow, and Floodplain Forecasting Skills during Extreme Weather Events in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas
- Quantifying Sediment Transport Across a Rapidly Eroding Berm
- Quantifying the effects of moisture change on the spectral signatures (350-2500 nm) of Arctic mosses, liverworts, and lichens
- Rapid and Episodic Groundwater Erosion of Coastal Gullies Controlled by Rainfall Intensity and Substrate Variability: Insights from the Canterbury coast (New Zealand)
- Reassessment of the global methyl bromide budget
- Regional shifts in paleohurricane activity over the past 1500 years reconstructed from blue hole sediment records in the Bahama Archipelago
- Response of a seasonally dry tropical forest to interannual rainfall variability
- Response of yield and nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) loss to changes of fertilizer amount across agricultural lands over China
- Sedimentary Evolution and Seismogenic Slip at the Sumatra Subduction Zone
- Sensitivity of radiation flux estimation to cloud ice particle models over the equatorial western Pacific Ocean region
- Soil carbon and nitrogen storage in juniper-oak savanna: role of vegetation and geology
- Soil carbon persists under prescribed fire and experimental drought in a semi-arid savanna
- Spatial Heterogeneity of Diapycnal Mixing within the South Atlantic Thermocline
- Statistical and Machine Learning Methods Applied to the Prediction of Tropical Rainfall
- Stochastic Dynamics of Barrier Island Elevation
- The "Great Online REU Migration": Evolve Rapidly or Go Extinct
- The Impact of Extratropical Atmospheric Variability on El Niño: Contrasting Thermodynamic versus Dynamic Coupling
- The Role of Hydrology on Enhanced Weathering for Carbon Sequestration in Soils
- The birth of a hydraulic fracture: Evolution of strain, displacement, seismicity, and temperature as measured by a borehole monitoring network during fracture propagation
- The effects of aboveground diversity, litter chemistry, and successional stage on decomposition in subtropical dry forests, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
- Time-Lapse GPR Aids Investigation of Depth and Timing of Crop-Available Soil Water Under Various Agricultural Practices
- Trace Gas Fluxes from a Warm-Temperate Savanna: Influence of Vegetation Cover and Simulated Rainfall Events
- Tracking source of contaminant lead in children's blood as means for environmental remediation
- Translating analog field studies for mission science and operations on Mars2020: Approaches from Iceland and Padre Island, TX
- Understanding the `Odd' Behavior in Ozone Photodissociation
- Unsupervised and supervised data-driven techniques to characterize laboratory-scale mechanical discontinuity
- Upper ocean stratification: regional differences between high and low resolution climate models
- Using Wet-Dry Forest Extremes to Construct Water Budgets and Improve Watershed Modeling in Hardwood Forests of East Texas USA
- Using a Bayesian Network Framework to Predict Permafrost Thaw in the Arctic
- Using feedbacks derived from a modified energy balance framework to validate climate models
- Viruses in Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments
- Water and Agriculture Management from Space - Building a Community of Practice through a Legacy of NASA Earth Observations and Tools
- Water dispersible (nano)colloids in riparian sediments have a significant influence on organic carbon fate and transport
- When a Traveling Exhibit Can't Travel: Lessons learned from turning a traveling exhibit project into a home-based learning experience
- Woody plant encroachment in coastal ecosystems as a phase transition induced by microclimate feedbacks
- You are what you eat: How nutrient availability and organic matter source dictate microbial community composition and activity in coastal anoxic sediment
- A 75-year salinity reconstruction in the northern Gulf of Mexico using paired 18O and Sr/Ca measurements of a Siderastrea sidera coral
- A Global-Scale Lake Topology for Harmonizing SWOT A Priori Lake and River Databases
- A New Method for Effective Parameterization of Catchment-Scale Aquifer
- A Single-Scattering Optical Property Database for the Improvement of Downstream Lidar Calculations
- A knowledge graph and question answering system for reasoning about space-based Earth Observation capabilities
- A meta-analysis of microbial communities in basal ice and other sympagic environments
- A novel field methodology to calibrate thermal dissipation sap flow sensors by characterizing radial flow profiles in situ to improve measurement accuracy
- A systematic review of construction and application of the heat risk/vulnerability indices/models
- Adapting Shipboard Scientific Outreach Programs for Shore-Based Participants
- Advancing Bathymetry Mapping and Storage Estimations of Global Lakes and Reservoirs by Leveraging ICESat-2 Observations
- Advancing Global River Network Characterization for High-Resolution Global River Discharge Modeling
- Aeolian sediment transport on Io from lava-frost interactions
- An overview of PIXL results obtained during the Perseverance rovers exploration of crater floor lithologies at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Assessing Drinking Water Quality of Rural China through the Citizen Science Approach
- Assessing a plethora of machine learning techniques for estimating PM2.5 using satellite based AOD and meteorological information
- Assessing hyperspectral visible and near-infrared radiance sensitivities and uncertainties for cirrus cloud retrievals
- Assessing the ability of climate models to simulate unprecedented extreme events like the 2021 Western North American heat wave
- Attacking structural uncertainty with particle-resolved aerosol models
- Beyond TEX86: GDGTs inform the marine archaeal community ecology and evolution
- Biomass Burning Aerosols in Most Climate Models Are Too Absorbing
- Canopy Soil Capture: An Overlooked Source or Sink of Carbon in Humid Tropical Forests?
- Carbon-Water-Energy coupling relationships from the field to satellite scale
- Carbonate Heterogeneities in Oceanic Lithosphere and Wadati-Benioff Zone Seismicity: Predicted Stable and Unstable shear in Altered Downgoing Slabs
- Carbonate island formation within a Modern ooid shoal, South Joulter Cay, Great Bahama Bank
- Challenges within current GCM lightning parameterizations and potential paths forward
- Characteristic Enhancements of Ice Nucleation by Biological Aerosols
- Chemical Stratigraphy of an Off-axis Melt Complex in the Young Guaymas Basin Spreading Center, Gulf of California
- Classifying Tree Species in a Semiarid Woody Encroached Landscape Using ML and DL Algorithms from Remotely Sensed UAV Imagery
- Clay Minerals Modulate Early Carbonate Diagenesis
- Combining Observations Across Scales to Estimate River and Stream Surface Area Regionally
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Community Perceptions of Energy and Electrical Companies in the Penas Blancas Watershed in the Province of Alajuela, Costa Rica
- Compact optomechanical relative gravimeters
- Comparison of Solute and Thermal Dispersion the Subsurface: Difference and Commonality
- Competing roles of regional aerosol emissions on the tropical Pacific climate: climatology, trend, and decadal variability
- Condensable Oxidized Organics in Aerosol Formation from m-Xylene Photooxidation
- Confluence: An open-source framework for SWOT discharge estimation and value-added products
- Constraining Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current dynamics across the Plio-Pleistocene using organic geochemical biomarker proxies from IODP Expedition 383 Site U1540
- Contribution of the lower atmosphere to day-to-day variation of thermospheric density
- Convection-indicating GOES-R products assimilated in the experimental UFS Rapid Refresh System
- Convection: Connections to Weather, Air Quality and Climate
- Convective Forcing of the North American Monsoon Anticyclone at Intraseasonal and Interannual Time Scales
- Costs and Benefits of Remediating Human Exposure to Arsenic and Fluoride from an Over-exploited Aquifer in an Agricultural Basin
- Coupled thermodynamic and stoichiometric controls on microbial growth
- Critical impacts of small-scale surface irregularities of ice crystals: Implications for lidar backscattering
- Current Status and Future Directions in Modeling a transboundary aquifer: a case study of Hueco Bolson
- Decadal-timescale CO2 and Temperature Records of the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum
- Deriving a Gridded Canopy Cover Product from ICESat-2
- Developing Systematic Evaluation Methods of Acid Reductive Leaching for Paleoceanographic Proxies: a Case Study using Pacific Marine Sediment.
- Development and Evaluation of E3SM-MOSAIC: Spatial Distributions and Radiative Effects of Nitrate Aerosol
- Development of A Machine Learning Based Framework for Well Spacing Optimization in Unconventional Oil and Gas Production
- Development of an Optically Pumped Barium Vapor Filter for an Ultraviolet High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Diatom Silicon Isotope Record Suggests Increased Major Nutrient Supply to the Subarctic North Pacific supported the High Productivity of the Bolling-Allerod
- Differing Evolutions of Flow and Moisture Bias in a Climate Model and Their Influences on Weather Extremes
- Dissolved organic matter transformations along the Columbia River and its tributaries
- Dynamics of biological productivity and carbon export in the easternmost Equatorial Pacific Ocean across Marine Isotope Stages 2-5
- Ecohydrological Functions of Clay Horizons
- Ecohydrological benefits of soil mulching across rainfall regimes
- Edge Effect Correction Formula to the Physical Geometric Optics Method Using the Debye Series for Spheres in the Case of Aggregates
- Effects of Pore Fluid Pressure on Extension and Hybrid Fractures in Berea Sandstone and Carrara Marble
- Enhancing prediction and covariate-driven interpretation of stream flow duration curves using Machine Learning algorithms and surrogate model explanations
- Environmental Flow Regimes Needed to Maintain a Sound Ecological Environment in Texas Rivers
- Estimating Groundwater Storage Variations from GRACE by Incorporating a Global Reservoir Storage Dataset
- Estimation of in-situ rock strength of input materials and prism sediments at the Hikurangi Margin
- Evaluating Future Reservoir Evaporation Losses from CMIP6-Based Projections in the Conterminous United States
- Evaluating Ice Nucleating Particles from E3SM model in the Southern Ocean and Eastern North Atlantic Ocean.
- Evaluating the Potential Impacts from Climate Change on Compound Flooding at a Coastal Watershed
- Evaluating the Presence of Preferential Flow Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Remote Sensing Data
- Evaluation of A New Framework for Modeling the Dust Cycle in the Community Atmosphere Model (Version 6.1)
- Evaluation of Glass Transition Temperature in an Air Quality Model and the Impact on Aerosol Phase State and Secondary Formation
- Evaluation of Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Characteristics in GCMs based on In-situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- Evaluation of a Hybrid Approach to Atmospheric Modeling that Combines Machine Learning with a General Circulation Model
- Evaluation of temporal resolution effects on phenology extraction using MODIS derived vegetation indices
- Evaluation of the February 2021 South-Central Big Freeze
- Evidence for Buried Stratiform Volatiles and Their Impact Mobilization in Mercurys Caloris Basin
- Evidence for the Recent Development of Low-Oxygen Conditions on the Texas Shelf from Benthic Foraminiferal Fossil Assemblages
- Examining optomechanical calibration error using intrinsic properties testing
- Examining the premise of Lakeflow discharge algorithm in the contiguous United States
- Exoenzyme Activities on Hydrothermal Vent Sulfides at 950'N East Pacific Rise
- Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Fe-Oxide Permeable Natural Reactive Barrier Formation Through a Novel Reversing Flow 1-D Column Experiment (R1D)
- Exploring Evapotranspiration-Soil Moisture Coupling Relationships from the Eddy Covariance to Satellite Scale
- Field testing and simulation of small-diameter vadose-zone recharge wells as an on-farm managed aquifer recharge method for an alluvial aquifer in a humid subtropical climate
- Filling in the Discontinuous Global River Gauge Record Using Satellite Observations.
- Forecasting global geophysical states using a deep learning model for Spacecraft constellation scheduling and planning
- FossilSketch - an innovative way to teach micropaleontology in undergraduate geoscience classes
- Future flooding risk due to hurricanes on the US east coast
- Geochemical characteristics of sediments from a potential natural reactive barrier and arsenic contaminated aquifer in Bangladesh.
- Geochemical fingerprinting of interstitial waters reveals the potential infiltration of geothermal fluids to the Chilean Margin
- Geochemical proxies in a long live coral from Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary as a candidate for the Anthropocene Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP)
- Geomicrobiology of Basalts from an Age Transect at East Pacific Rise 950'N
- Geoscience in the time of COVID-19: Lessons learned from the early days of the pandemic
- Global Surface Winds Inferred from Barchan Dunes on Mars Using a Convolutional Neural Network
- Ground penetrating radar curvelet analysis at the Citadel of Alcatraz
- Groundwater-surface water interactions in seasonally and tidally flooded riverbanks: numerical modeling of the Meghna River, Bangladesh
- HEWG: A New AGU Working Group for Hazard Equity
- Heterogeneous Coulomb wedge model of the Nankai accretionary prism
- High Latitude Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysics Observations and Climate Model Simulations
- High-Performance Computational Models of Non-Hydrostatic Water Waves over Complex Bathymetry
- Hot2Cold Vents: Insights into hydrothermal deposit microbial succession, 950N East Pacific Rise
- How Does an Improved Representation of Convection Affect Future Air Quality in the Community Earth System Model?
- How Stressed Out is it Really? Mapping Stress Heterogeneity at the Thin Section Scale
- How does global river width change with time?
- How well do we understand the fate of barite used in oil drilling in the northern Gulf of Mexico?
- Hydromechanical Effects of Microorganisms on Fine-Grained Sediments During Early Burial
- Ice cloud property retrievals with the GOES-16 satellite observations based on an improved ice cloud optical property model
- Impacts of Pixel Down-scaling Methods on GOES-16 ABI Cloud Retrievals for Different Types of Clouds
- Importance of Secondary Ice Production to Ice Formation and Phase of High-Latitude Mixed-Phase Clouds during SOCRATES and MARCUS
- Improving Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for Surface Water Irrigation Districts By Incorporating Soil Moisture Information Derived from Remote Sensing
- Improving the Representation of Stratospheric Aerosol in E3SM and Its Impact on Ozone and Clouds
- Inactive Seafloor Sulfides Support Productive Chemoautotrophic Microbial Communities
- Including the Effects of Subsurface Currents on Buoyant Particles in Lagrangian Particle Tracking Models: Model Development and its Application to the Study of Riverborne Plastics over the Louisiana/Texas Shelf
- Incorrect Asian aerosols affecting the attribution and projection of regional climate change in CMIP6 models
- Increasing Sustainability in a Heavily Stressed Region of Gulf Coast Aquifer by incorporating Managed Aquifer Recharge in Houston, Texas
- Inference for the Carbon Cycle from Records of Fused and Assimilated Satellite Observations
- Influence of Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequencies on Road Culvert Vulnerabilities at Three USDA Forest Service Long-term Experimental Forests in Varying Ecoregions
- Influence of Solar Activity and Large-scale Climate Phenomena on Extreme Climate and Hydrological Events in an Arid-Semiarid Region of China
- Inorganic and Organic Carbon Fluxes from Tropical Andisols and Andesitic Saprolite in a Pre-Montane Rainforest
- Insights into Sulfate Reduction and Carbonate Diagenesis on the Southern Campbell Plateau
- Interannual and interseasonal variabilities and sources of ice nucleating particles in the Arctic: Insights from model simulations and long-term measurements from Ny-Alesund
- Introducing An Open-Source Tool for Near-Real-Time Global Flash Drought Monitoring with SMAP
- Investigating flash weakening coupled with local, contact-scale temperature using high-speed friction experiments on granite
- Investigating the Impacts of Climate Warming on Mineral and Organic Permafrost Soil Carbon
- It happened, but will we see it? Simulating our ability to detect the true magnitude of abrupt changes in faunal proxies under different sampling scenarios
- Jacobian Computation in Vector Radiative Transfer Model of the Atmosphere-Ocean System
- K-12 Outreach and Education to Increase Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Earth Sciences
- Key Temperature Differences between the Northern and Southern Gulf of Mexico since the 1880 CE Revealed by Siderastrea siderea Coral Sr/Ca Reconstructions
- Linkages between dune morphosedimentary processes and erosive hydrodynamics.
- Linking Soil Structure, Hydraulic Properties, and Organic Carbon Dynamics to Evaluate the Sustainability of Land Management Practices
- Low frequency triaxial optomechanical accelerometers for space geodesy missions
- Machine Learning Based Groundwater Level Predictions Using Dominant Hydrological, Geological, and Climatic factors in Data-scarce Tropical Savanna Region of India
- Methane Index: Establishing a quantitative proxy for examining marine methane cycling in Earths history
- Methane hydrate dissociation, ocean acidification, and the termination of the Mi-1 glaciation
- Microclimate Change Across the Elevation Gradient of a Costa Rican Tropical Forest
- Monitoring Hydrological Droughts using a New Remotely Sensed Global Reservoir Product
- Monitoring and Controlling Mechanical Discontinuity Using Supervised Learning Coupled with Reinforcement Learning
- NASAs New MODIS/VIIRS Global Water Reservoir Product Suite
- Naltsos, First Rock Examined by the M2020 PIXL Instrument: Rock Components and Dust Characteristics
- Near the Brink: An Example of a Weak Layer in the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Observations of Storm-scale Rotation and Heavy Rainfall in Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
- Ocean Temperatures through the Phanerozoic
- On the Consistency of an Ice Cloud Optical Model in Satellite Remote Sensing and Broadband Radiation Parameterization
- On the role of rock matrix to heat transfer in a fracture-rock matrix system
- Onboard Data Processing and Planning for Inland Water Quality Satellites
- Optimal bulk optical model linking the backscattering properties and microphysical properties of dust plumes
- Orographic cirrus and radiative forcing in CESM2
- Ostracod response to Pleistocene monsoon intensification and oxygen minimum zone expansion in the equatorial Indian Ocean, IODP Site U1467
- Overbank sediments as a hotspot of arsenic release in riverbanks of a tidally and seasonally fluctuating river
- Palaeoceanographic changes due to the postglacial opening of Vilkitsky Strait - connecting Kara and Laptev seas
- Paleoclimatological Analysis of an 8500 Year-Long Sediment Core from Baie des Baraderes, Haiti
- Pattern effects on the cloud feedbacks in CERES observations and CMIP6 models
- Potential CO2 Removal by Enhanced Weathering of Olivine in the Tropics
- Prefire Rangeland Structure of High Severity Wildfires in Western United States
- Preliminary assessment of giant dune morphology in fluvial and aeolian environments
- Preliminary results for Lakeflow, an algorithm to improve SWOT flow-law parameters through integrating river-lake mass conservation
- Prospects of deriving continuously updated shallow reservoir bathymetry maps by fusing ICESat-2, CubeSat, and Landsat observations
- Quantification of Streamflow Uncertainty in SWAT Models Role of Hydroclimatic Data Sources
- Quantitative Comparisons Among North Pacific Paleo-Oxygenation Records Using Multivariate Analyses On Taxonomically Standardized Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages
- Quasi-monolithic Laser Interferometer for Inertial Sensing
- RGB Data as a High Resolution Proxy for Southern Ocean Nutrient Changes on a Centennial Scale
- Rainfall and vegetation primary productivity control the stochastic behavior of soil heterotrophic respiration across ecosystems
- Real-Time Flood Forecasting using an Integrated Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model on the Vamsadhara River in Eastern India
- Reasoning about Model Complexity with a Multi-scale Approach
- Recharge Uncertainty: Its Impact on Stored Water Volume, River Baseflow, and Hydraulic Head Across Major Aquifers in Texas
- Reconstruction of Iron Sources and Diagenesis in Chilean Margin Sediments over Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- Regional stem volume scaling using airborne lidar and Landsat imagery
- Remote Sensing of Inland Water Bodies: Considering the Effects of Water Level Fluctuations on Water Quality
- Representing the Dupuit-Boussinesq Aquifer in the National Water Model: Catchment-Scale Application of Hydraulic Groundwater Theory
- Researcher-Community Partnerships for Application of Integrated Resilience Modeling in Planning
- STARFM-ML: A novel machine learning driven approach to fuse remote sensing data
- Sediment transport and morphodynamics at salt marsh boundary in the shallow bay during cold front passages
- Self-supervised Machine Learning from Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity Signatures: Case Study of the EGS Collab Experiment 1
- Separating the Effects of Stand Age and Interannual Variability on Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange: Data-Model Fusion in Loblolly Pine
- Simplification of Consistent Frequency Domain Nonlinear Mild-Slope Equation Model for Random Waves
- Simulating Mantoloking Dune Erosion Under Hydrodynamics Driven by Hurricane Sandy.
- Simulating the Impact of Agile, Heterogeneous, Distributed Spacecraft with Intelligent Scheduling (D-SHIELD) to reduce global Soil Moisture Uncertainty
- Simulation of Flood Events over Nagavali River Basin using SWAT Model
- Soil microorganisms regulate extracellular enzyme production to maximize their growth rate
- Soil moisture sensors for monitoring water dynamics in weathered rock: field test to check the applicability
- Soil property and subsurface heterogeneity control on the performance of vadose zone well injection
- Soil water and chloride profiles in a mesic woodland: Opportunity for savanna restoration and groundwater recharge
- Source Apportionment of Hazardous Air Pollutants in a Complex Atmospheric Environment in Houston, Texas
- Sphagnum peat-patch expansion on the North Slope of Alaska.
- Spoilt for Choice When to Use Which Bedform Identification Tool for What Purpose?
- StraboMicro: An application for sharing and contextualizing micro-scale geologic data
- Subsurface variation of soil physicochemical properties and redox-sensitive elements under different land covers in Gulf Coastal Plains
- Testing Relationships Between Co-Existing Lawsonite Eclogite and Blueschist Using Zircon Petrochronology: A Case Study from the Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey
- The Contribution of Different Greenhouse Gases on Near-Term Warming Rate.
- The Gandalf Staff: A Mobile Tool for Lunar Exploration
- The Impact of Grain Size on the Hydromechanical Behavior of Mudstones
- The Impact of Neglecting Climate Change and Variability on ERCOTs Forecasts of Electricity Demand in Texas
- The Influence of Diatoms on Mudstone Hydromechanical Properties and Submarine Slope Stability
- The PACE-MAPP algorithm: coupled ocean/aerosol products
- The Permafrost Monthly Alert (PMA) Program: Improving International Access to Permafrost Literature in Engineering and Science
- The Role Of Glaciovolcanic Sources In Iceland's Mars-Analog Sedimentary Systems.
- The State of the Art of Global Inland Hydrography: Advances, Challenges and Future Directions
- The comparison of long-term aerosol profiles under clear and cloudy conditions at Arctic using ground-based micro-pulse lidar measurement
- The impact of improving ocean surface albedo on hydrological responses in the community earth system model
- The influence of shear on deep convection initiation
- The kinetics of clumped isotope reordering of synthetic inorganic carbonates
- Tools from data-centered community of practice in soils
- Toward a Gridded Canopy Height Product from ICESat-2 data
- Treefall Gap Redistributes Water Usage of Trees Across Canopy Levels in a Premontane Tropical Forest
- UAS Capability of Measuring Micrometeorological and Biogeochemical Spatial Variability Above Vegetation in Mountainous Terrain
- Understand and Quantify Long-Term Hydroclimate Trends in the Highland Lakes Watersheds via Spatially Distributed Hydrological Modeling
- Understanding long-term changes in the upper atmosphere with 20-years of SABER observations
- Understanding the Interactions between Fog and Ecohydrological Variables in a Tropical Montane Forest using Phenocam Imagery
- Universal Relationship Between Mass Flux and the Properties of Layered Heterogeneity on the Contaminant Flushing Process
- Unsupervised Learning Approach for Robust Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide Plume in the Subsurface
- Unsupervised Learning Reveals Faulting Patterns in Hydraulic Fracturing-induced Seismicity
- Using Human Thermal Comfort as a Case-Study for Examining Downstream Use Cases of Climate Observations
- Using Natural Language Processing to Extract Science Traceability from Astrophysics-based Mission Concept Documentation
- Using Time-Domain Electromagnetics to Classify the Composition of Subsurface Media with a Focus on Bedrock Contribution to Streamflow
- Using X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography to Examine Variations in Shape of Basaltic and Other Siliciclastic Aeolian Sediments
- Using a dynamic earthquake simulator to explore interactions between shallow slow slip events and tsunami earthquakes
- Using frequency-domain anomalies to mark the onset of fault activation due to hydraulic fracturing
- Utilizing the Construct of Transformative Experience to Explore Undergraduate Geologic Fieldwork Experiences
- Variability and Precision of Acoustic-to-Seismic Coupling from Explosions Recorded Across Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
- Vector Spherical Harmonics Expansion Truncation in the Invariant Imbedding T-matrix Method
- Verification of wave-induced impact on saltmarsh edges based on UAV images and numerical model
- Vulnerability of a Residential Community near the Houston Ship Channel Industrial Corridor to Flooding from Storm Surge
- Warming patterns of the global ocean on different times scales
- Water and carbon cycles are tightly coupled in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations along the coastal plains of southeastern U.S.
- What Can Grain Size Distributions of Muddy Glacimarine Strata Reveal About Proximal Tidewater Ice Dynamics? Tales From IODP Site U1419, Gulf of Alaska
- Why Do Fluxes Near the Granular Bed Scale Differently Than Within the Transport Layer?
- XRF Core Scanning Analysis of On- and Off-axis Sills in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- A 250-year Siderastrea siderea coral Sr/Ca-SST reconstruction compared to other proxies in the Gulf of Mexico
- A Broad Spectrum Two-Habit Model Optical Property Database for the Improvement of Active-Passive Retrieval Consistency of Downstream Remote Sensing Applications
- A Comparative Study of the Optical Properties of Hexahedral Aerosol Particles with Spherical and Spheroidal Aerosols as Simulated by the Generalized Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties (GRASP) Model.
- A Distinct Dune-Formation Regime on Mars
- A Heat Vulnerability Index based on a comprehensive energy budget model in Oklahoma City, OK
- A Methodological Framework for Mapping Canopy Cover with ICESat-2: Insights from a Case Study of 2 Southern US Sites
- A Siderastrea siderea Coral from Flower Garden Banks Records Human Impacts as a Candidate for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Anthropocene
- A Simple Chemistry Approach to Prognostic Volcanic Aerosol in E3SM - Modeling the Mt. Pinatubo Eruption for CLDERA
- A Synthesis of Global Streamflow characteristics, Hydrometeorology, and catchment Attributes (GSHA) for Large Sample River-Centric Studies
- A global analysis of plant growth thermodynamics
- A global framework for SWOT discharge with examples from the Ohio River
- A novel analytical model of fluid leakage through a non-penetrating abandoned well
- Abrupt Changes in Southeast Pacific Surface and Intermediate Water Properties during Termination 2
- Accounting for Aerosol Particle Non-sphericity in Passive and Active Remote Sensing of Desert Dust Using GRASP Algorithm
- Aerosol indirect effect on cirrus from aircraft observations and climate model simulations
- An Analysis of Alaskan Permafrost Literature and it's Relation to Climate Change and Infrastructure
- Analysis of Injection Capacity of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System
- Archaeal Lipids Suggest Ecological Shifts of Marine Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea in Greenhouse Worlds
- Archaeological Investigation by Ground-Penetrating Radar at Wiang Kaew Palace Site in Chiang Mai City Moat, Northern Thailand
- Assessing Altimetry and Optical Remote Sensing Products to Study Global Sediment Transport Dynamics in Earth's Inland Water Bodies
- Assessing Hurricane Impact on Vegetation and Florida Key Deer Habitat Using Airborne Lidar and Multispectral Images
- Assessing the Seasonality of Greenness and Photosynthesis Simulated by TRENDY Ecosystem Models
- Assessment of Dust Source Attribution to the Global Land and Ocean Regions
- Balloon-borne and Satellite Observations of the New Mexico PyroCb Plumes during the DCOTSS 2022 Field Campaign
- Bridging water storage and discharge: a priori data and algorithm improvements towards synergistic use of SWOT's lake and river measurements
- Brown Carbon Fuel and Emission Source Attributions to Global Snow Darkening Effect
- C-PEAT's Paleo Proxy Database (v.1.0.)
- Climate Model Simulations of Wind and Solar Droughts: Impact of Model Resolution and Bias
- Cloud Phase Simulation at High Latitudes in EAMv2: Evaluation using CALIPSO Observations and Comparison with EAMv1
- Clumped Isotope Signatures of Deep Meteoric Fluid Infiltration along the Punchbowl Fault Zone, Southern California
- Coastal Ocean Monitoring in the Easter Mediterranean Sea - THEMO Array: Applications to Offshore Energy and Contaminants Transport
- Combined Impacts of Hurricane Surge and Waterway Discharge on Flooding Projections and Vulnerability to Hazards along the Houston Ship Channel and Buffalo Bayou, Texas
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Community effort to build a GeneralIzed Aerosol/chemistry iNTerface (GIANT) for Earth System Models to promote collaborative science
- Compositional Trends with Distance from Source to Sink in Glaciovolcanic Mars-Analog Fluvial Systems
- Conditions for Climate Interpretation in Aeolian Stratigraphy
- Connecting warming patterns of the paleo-ocean to our future
- Continuous Nitrous Oxide Flux Monitoring using Eddy Covariance and its Impact on GHG balance from Dryland Sorghum Cropping Systems in the Southern Great Plains
- Curation and Accessibility of International Ocean Discovery Program Cores, Samples and Data
- Data-Driven Approaches to Monitor Recovery and Resilience of Critical Infrastructures in Natural Hazards
- Deep learning-based footstep detection near water reservoirs using distributed acoustic sensing
- Deformation and loading history of sediments and rocks in subduction zones
- Deliberate Mentoring Strategies for the Retention of Undergraduate Women in the Earth Sciences
- Dense Water Mass Formation and Fate in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico during the February 2021 Winter Storm Event
- Designing a Science Policy Educational Series for Graduate Students at a State-Wide Level
- Detecting Changes of Wetland Boundaries by Applying Particle Image Velocimetry to UAS Orthoimagery in Galveston Bay, Texas
- Determining the Origin of Deep-Water Dolomite in the Permian (Leonardian) Spraberry Formation of the Midland Basin
- Developing a New Paleosalinity Proxy Based on Na/Ca Ratios in the Planktonic Foraminifera Trilobatus sacculifer and Globigerinoides ruber
- Developing a SmallSat Mission Concept to Monitor Inland Water Quality
- Developing and validating the SNPP/JPSS VIIRS Global Water Reservoir Product
- Developing long-term global lake evaporation and temperature profiles records using MODIS observations
- Discovery of Hydrodynamic Ripples in Wind Tunnel Experiments
- Disentangling the spatial drivers of late-Holocene tropical cyclone frequency variability across the North Atlantic using high-resolution sedimentary archives
- Dramatic Changes in the Deepwater Circulation of the Southern Ocean since late Miocene
- Early prediction of yield using high throughput phenotyping via UAS based images
- Ecological Assessment of Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian and Toarcian) Benthic Foraminifera from the Central High Atlas, Morocco
- Effects of Climate Change on US Federal Hydropower Generation - CMIP6-based Assessment with Focus on Understanding the Uncertainty
- Effects of Different Types of Aerosols on Deep Convective Cores and Anvil Cirrus
- Eight decades of woody plant encroachment greatly increased bedrock permeability of a semiarid karst landscape
- Emergence of New Arctic Peatlands: The Case of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada
- Empowering Smart Disaster Response with Social Media and GeoAI
- Enhancing soil moisture predictions across CONUS using Big Data fusion
- Estimating Storage and Evaporation Dynamics for Large Global Lakes
- Evaluating and improving aerosol effective radiative forcing in E3SM
- Evaluating the Impacts of Watershed Rehabilitation and Irrigation Interventions on the Vegetation Greenness and Other Water Budget Components in Nine Watersheds in Ethiopia
- Evaluating the Potential for Using ICESat-2 to Map Forest Cover and Metrics in Arid and Semiarid Landscapes.
- Evaluating the Presence of Preferential Flow Using Remote Sensing, Inverse Modeling, and Machine Learning Algorithms
- Evaluating the impact of statistical bias correction on precipitation extreme indices in the Jemma sub-basin of Blue Nile Basin
- Evaluation of Individual Cloud Feedbacks in CMIP6 Models Using CERES Observations
- Evaporative Water Loss of 1.42 Million Global Lakes
- Evolving Geographical Disparities of Community Disaster Resilience in the United States
- Examining the Impacts of an Interactive Fire Plume-Rise Model in E3SM on Aerosol Radiative Effects
- Exoenzyme Activities on Hydrothermal Vent Sulfides at 9˚50'N Reveal Dormant Thermophiles on Inactive Sulfides
- External Power Supply to a Conductive Planet via Electromagnetic Induction
- Fine-Scale Sedimentary Architecture of the Jezero Western Delta Front
- Fine-scale element mobility and alteration styles recorded in Jezero Crater floor rocks by PIXL
- Future Temperature Related Deaths in the US: The Impact of Climate Change, Demographics and Adaptation
- Giant dune dynamics: Findings from a recent field survey in the Algodones Dune Field, CA
- Global Coupling of the Terrestrial Water and Carbon Cycles
- Global Spatiotemporally Seamless Estimates of Mean River Discharge Extrapolated from In-Situ Observations
- Hemispheric Comparisons of High-Latitude Mixed Phase Cloud Microphysics based on ARM Observations and Climate Model Simulations
- High resolution mapping of Texas wetland evolution using Landsat and CubeSat images
- Highly Differentiated Lavas Examined by PIXL in Jezero Crater
- How the past creates the present: reviewing the foundational roles of colonialism and systemic racism and their modern manifestations in paleontology
- Human influence on global surface water observed by satellites
- Hurricane, Cold-Front, and Vessel-Wake Hydrodynamic Impacts on Wetland Edges in Galveston Bay, Texas
- Hydrodynamic Origin of Terrestrial ''Impact'' Ripples
- Impact Ripples: Emergence and Scalings Across Environments
- Impacts of anthropogenic dust on global climate
- Impacts of global dust and sea salt on the formation of coarse mode nitrate aerosols
- Improved Coarse Dust Representation and Impacts on Climate and Wildfire Activity
- Inactive Seafloor Sulfides Support Productive Chemoautotrophic Microbial Communities
- Increasing Sensitivity of Forests to Disturbances Under the Changing Climate
- Insights for Walvis Ridge Hotspot Volcanism from International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 391
- Insights into the Sedimentary Record and Processes of the Western Delta of Jezero crater (Mars) as observed by the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance.
- Inspiration, inoculation, and introductions are all critical to successful mentorship for undergraduate women pursuing geoscience careers
- Interpretable and Scalable Spatiotemporal Gaussian Process Regression for Multivariate and Censored Environmental Data
- Is Drought the Primary Driver of the Seasonality of Carbon Allocation in a Subtropical Pine Forest?
- Laboratory Studies of Atmospheric Photochemistry using Ion Imaging
- Land Breeze Characteristics Off the West Coast of Sumatra
- Large Scale Role of Rivers on Coastal Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Mexico
- Late Pleistocene Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice Sheet Coupling in the Scotia Sea: Unraveling the Magnetic Susceptibility-Ice Core Dust Correlation
- Late Quaternary (0-200 ka) Environmental Magnetic Record of Mediterranean Overflow Water from IODP Site U1389 (Gulf of Cadiz)
- Linking Soil Water Retention Characteristics to Microsite Heterogeneity to Improve Microbial Processes in Soil Carbon Models
- Long-term Economic and Environmental Impacts of Groundwater Management: Modelling Real-world Agents under Multiple Future Climate Scenarios
- Machine Learning Applications for Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Multiple Satellite Images
- Magnetic Signature of Glacial/Interglacial & Paleo-Redox Variations at IODP Site U1543 from the Eastern Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean: Evolving System Dynamics Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Managing Soil and Water Salinity in an Irrigated Agricultural Region Using an Integrated Hydro-Salinity-Economic Model
- Martian dynamic saltation threshold conundrum
- Methane Emissions Mitigation and Retrofit Opportunities in the Intermountain West (I-West) Region
- Microbial succession after simulated inactivation of seafloor massive sulfides from 9°50'N East Pacific Rise
- Mid-Silurian OIB-like Magmatism prior to the Late-Carboniferous Amphibolite Facies Metamorphism during Alleghanian Orogeny recorded in the Western Blue Ridge Terrane (Tate, GA, USA)
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Sediments from Basaltic Watershed of Lake Sandvatn, Iceland; Implications for Ancient Sedimentary Processes on Mars
- Minor Minerals Analyzed by PIXL – Major Insights into the Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks in Jezero Crater from Phosphate and Fe-Ti-Cr Oxide Minerals
- Modeling the dust cycle of the extreme salt dust storm in Central Asia during summer 2018
- Monitoring and Forecasting Reservoir Evaporation for the Western US
- Morphological Controls on the Vulnerability of Barrier Islands
- Multi-decadal variability in past millennium North Atlantic tropical cyclone frequency inferred from sediment cores
- Nanoparticulate iron oxyhydroxides dominate iron speciation in hydrothermal plumes over the 1-100 km distance from vent source
- Neogene History of Southern Ocean Deep Water Inferred from a Deep Argentine Margin Sediment Drift
- On the optical quasi-equivalence of atmospheric nonspherical particles: Implications for remote sensing
- Optimizing Subsurface Drip Irrigation for the Reuse of Treated Urban Wastewater Employing Two-Dimensional Modeling
- Optomechanical Accelerometers for Geodesy
- PIXL's multispectral observations in Jezero Crater.
- Paleoceanographic Variability in the Central South Pacific during the Late Miocene-Pliocene: A Benthic Foraminiferal Proxy
- Past, Present, and Future of the Peatlands of the Caribbean: Implications for the Carbon Cycle in a Changing Climate
- Peak Friction Does Not Depend on Contact Area in Quartz
- Physical properties of late Quaternary marine sediments along the southern Argentine margin
- Plan for Assessing SWOT Discharge Accuracy
- Predicting Geology and Geophysics Enrollments from the Price of Oil
- Projecting transitions from positive to negative net ecosystem productivity merging earth system models with global observation databases
- Radar polarimetry and flash rate variability in varying thermodynamic and aerosol environments in Houston, TX
- Rapid Disaster Damage Estimation Based On Geo-referenced Social Media Data
- Recent Developments and Future Directions in Phytoplankton-based Records of Cenozoic pCO2
- Recent insights into dust lifting and sand motion at the surface of Mars.
- Reconstructing East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics during the Late Miocene using Iceberg-rafted Detritus in ODP Site 1165
- Refining the alkenone-pCO2 method: constraining algal physiology using Bayesian inference
- Revealing Disaster Resilience Inequalities during Texas 2021 Winter Storm through Geospatial Data Mining
- Revisiting Soil Hydrology Across Scales - From Point to Remote Sensing Footprint Scale
- Revisiting the Analytical Solution to Light Scattering by a Dielectric Spheroid
- Sap Flux Dynamics In A Subtropic Prosopis Shrubland: Persistent Transpiration Demands Despite Soil Moisture Droughts
- Scaling ICESat-2 Canopy Heights for Sub-continental Forest Height Mapping
- Sea level rise impacts on wetland forest hydrologic and carbon fluxes in North Carolina, USA
- Sea-level Control of Terrigenous Sediments Delivered to Southern Argentine Margin
- Sedimentary signatures of Hurricane Harvey and riverine flooding in southeast Texas
- Sensitivity analysis on inputs to the DisALEXI algorithm using a Machine Learning interpretability method
- Shear Strength Development During Early Burial on Seismically Active Margins: A Geotechnical Investigation into Seismic Strengthening
- Simulated amplified Arctic warming due to incorporating optical attenuation at the sea surface
- Simulating A Context-aware Heterogeneous Sensor System for Monitoring Inland Waters and Ecosystems with 3D-CHESS
- Simulating Coastal Land Losses and Gains by Integrating Neighborhood Effects and Deep Learning with Cellular Automata
- Simulating the Impacts of Pollen on Ice Cloud Formation
- Solving the Lawsonite Paradox Using a Combined U-Pb Geochronologic, Trace Element, and O- and Hf-isotopic Study of Zircon
- Southern Hemisphere pacing of global climate during the Late Pleistocene
- Spatial-Temporal Changes of Flood Exposure in the United States
- Spatiotemporal Down-Scaling for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media using Implicit Hypernetwork Neural Representation
- Stoichiometric Mineral Identifications in Mars 2020 Perseverance PIXL Data using the Automated MIST Algorithm
- Strength and Oxygenation Variability of Bottom Water in Southeast Pacific During the Middle to Late Pleistocene
- Subsurface Variation of Soil Physicochemical Properties and Redox-Sensitive Elements Under Different Land Covers in Gulf Coastal Plains
- Temporal Evolution of Global Terrestrial Water-Energy Coupling Dynamics
- The "Transboundary Index" as a measure of the magnitude of groundwater flow across political boundaries: development and application on the Allende-Piedras Negras Aquifer.
- The Effect of the Frequency of Prescribed Burning on Annual Soil Carbon Balance in Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Forest in East Texas
- The Effects of Aerosol Phase State on the Heterogenous Ice Nucleation of Secondary Organic Aerosols
- The Impacts of Energy Imbalance on the Performance of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)
- The Influence of Shear on Deep Convection Initiation
- The NASA INCUS Mission
- The South Atlantic Transect: Multidisciplinary Experiments from Ridge Crest to Margin Drilled by Joint IODP Expeditions 390/393
- The Tables of Aerosol Optics (TAO) Project
- The extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) Project: Spatial Distribution of Biogenic Sediments through the Cenozoic.
- The extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) Project: Synthesizing Scientific Ocean Drilling Data
- The impact of model horizontal resolution on simulating precipitation and aerosols over East Asia using the VR-CESM
- The two global convective-stratiform rain paradigms
- Time-asymmetry as a signature of non-equilibrium thermodynamics in time-series of ecosystem carbon fluxes
- Towards Real Time CO2 Plume Imaging Using Machine Learning
- Towards Understanding the Causes Of Prediction Errors In Atmospheric INP Concentrations at ENA: A Closure Study
- Towards the development of a baseline in ground-based ice-nucleating particle properties across the world
- Tracking dynamic wetland vegetation communities after a flood event with airborne AVIRIS-NG, UAVSAR, UAV LiDAR, and PlanetScope data in Peace-Athabasca Delta
- Transfer Learning and Predictor Selector Algorithm for Developing a Generalizable Pedo-Transfer Function for Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
- Understanding the streamflow trends in the Lower Colorado River Basin (Texas) using a distributed hydrological modeling approach
- Update on Benthic Isotope Stratigraphy for Site U1472, Natal Valley, Southeastern Africa
- Upscaling Transpiration from Airborne LiDAR and Traditional Allometry Techniques in Texas Piney Woods
- Using Graph Neural Networks to Forecast West Nile Virus with Trap and Weather Data
- Using SWOT observed lake storage change to constrain river inflow and outflow discharge.
- Using Temporal Graph Neural Networks to Leverage High Fidelity Observation Data for Improving Generalizability of Hydrological Models
- Using X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography to Examine Variations in the Shape of Basaltic and Quartzofeldspathic Aeolian and Fluvial Sediments.
- Viability of High-elevation Peat Cores for Use as Stable Isotope (C and O) Paleoclimate Proxies
- Volcanic Aerosol Effects on Cirrus through Ice Nucleation Revealed by Satellite Measurements
- Volcanic Trigger of Northeast Pacific Deoxygenation during Cordilleran Ice Sheet Retreat
- What Are the Preferential Hydrologic States of Global Surface Soil Moisture?
- What Matters More for Urban Land Expansion: Population or Economic growth? Evidence from 300+ Cities, 1970-2014
- Winters are Getting Warmer: Understanding the Lasting Effects of Record-breaking December Temperatures on Water Use of Mature Loblolly Pine Trees in East Texas
- With A New Scope, the AGU Journal "Perspectives of Earth and Space Sciences" Aims to Play a Broader AGU Role and Promote a More Diverse AGU Authorship
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. D. Rapp
- A. E. Dessler
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Coster
- A. Steele
- A.J. Reis
- Adam D. Sproson
- Adam T. Ringler
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Aidan Starr
- Aixue Hu
- Alan C Mix
- Alexander D. Lusk
- Alexander Y. Sun
- Alfredo Martínez‐García
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alison Banks
- Allan H. Treiman
- Allison L. Steiner
- Alma Hodzic
- Amanda Chen
- Amy J. Williams
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew Gunn
- Andrew J. Fraass
- Andrew M. O’Reilly
- Andrzej Wałęga
- Angela Gallego‐Sala
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Anin Puthukkudy
- Ann Pearson
- Anna M. Jalowska
- Anthony J. Jakeman
- Arjun Chakrawal
- Arya Udry
- Asier Munguira
- Asko Noormets
- Augusto Getirana
- B. Horgan
- Barry Croke
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin N. Murphy
- Bhaskar Mitra
- Billy E. Johnson
- Bin Zhao
- Binayak P. Mohanty
- Bingqing Liu
- Bradford P. Wilcox
- Brandon Dugan
- Brandy M. Toner
- Brendan J. Orenstein
- Brent D. Newman
- Brian A. Haley
- Brian Jackson
- Briana M. Wyatt
- Bumsoo Kim
- Burak Güneralp
- C. C. Bedford
- C. H. Anderson
- C. J. Gleason
- C. R. Riesselman
- C. S. Siddoway
- C.A. Alvarez Zarikian
- Caitlyn Witkowski
- Calie R. Payne
- Camilla Cattania
- Cansu Demir
- Caroline Seyler
- Chao Wang
- Cheng Chen
- Chet Hopp
- Chi‐Tsan Wang
- Chloë Bonamici
- Christian Betzler
- Christian Tate
- Christina L. Belanger
- Christina M. Patricola
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher E. Kees
- Christopher M. Moy
- Christopher R. German
- Christopher T. Hayes
- Christy Swann
- Chuang Xuan
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Conner W. Lester
- Courtney Schumacher
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Cuijuan Liao
- Cédric H. David
- D. F. Hurst
- D. J. Cziczo
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. Lizarralde
- D. Mbabazi
- D.A.H. Teagle
- Dai Yamazaki
- Dan Fu
- Daniel A. Knopf
- Daniel T. Trugman
- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
- David Butman
- David C. Catling
- David C. Wilson
- David Flannery
- David J. Wangner
- David Mimoun
- David Mohrig
- David W. Eaton
- Deep Shah
- Derek E. Sawyer
- Derek J. Posselt
- Devendra M. Amatya
- Dinabandhu Sahoo
- Dongmei Feng
- Dubravko Justić
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- Duo Li
- E. B. Rampe
- E. D. Kyzivat
- E. J. Wallace
- E. L. Moreland
- Eileen E. Hofmann
- Elisabeth Andrews
- Elise K. Wilbourn
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Emily R. Estes
- Emily V. Fischer
- Enqing Hou
- Eric C. Bruning
- Eric James
- Eric P. Achterberg
- F. Guzmán
- Fenix Garcia‐Tigreros
- Florence Schubotz
- Frank Lamy
- G. L. Christeson
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. R. Miller
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- Gabriel J. Kooperman
- Gabrielle Tepp
- Gang Zhao
- Ge Sun
- George H. Allen
- Georgina M. Sanchez
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gisela Winckler
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Guang J. Zhang
- Guang Lin
- H. Kitajima
- Hailong Wang
- Haoran Meng
- Harshad Vijay Kulkarni
- Hemanth S. K. Vepuri
- Henning A. Bauch
- Hitoshi Matsui
- Hongbin Zhan
- Hongkyu Yoon
- Hua Zhang
- Hugh Morrison
- Huijuan Cui
- Huilin Gao
- Hunter Brown
- Ian Bailey
- Ian Robert Hall
- In‐Chul Kim
- Israel Silber
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. A. Resing
- J. C. Kasper
- J. E. Hertzberg
- J. Michael Battalio
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. S. Stoner
- Jack A. Puleo
- Jaime R. Green
- James D. Wright
- James M. Kaihatu
- James M. Russell
- Jangho Lee
- Jason B. Sylvan
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
- Jean‐Paul Vernier
- Jeffrey A. Nittrouer
- Jennifer L. Middleton
- Jens Gruetzner
- Jens Zinke
- Jessica N. Fitzsimmons
- Jessica Wan
- Jia Yue
- Jiachen Ding
- Jianghui Du
- Jida Wang
- Jingzhi Liang
- Jiwen Fan
- Jocelyn A. Sessa
- John Leif Jørgensen
- John R. Mecikalski
- John W. Nielsen‐Gammon
- Johnathan Hair
- Jon M. Wells
- Jonathan Jung
- Jorge Núñez
- Josef Dufek
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Joshu Mountjoy
- Joynal Abedin
- Judith Zomer
- Julia Cisneros
- Julia S. Reece
- Julianne Davis
- Julie Loisel
- Julien Emile‐Geay
- Jun Meng
- Junjie Liu
- Junle Jiang
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- K. Bateman
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. L. Siebach
- Kai Zhang
- Katherine Todd-Brown
- Kathy J. Licht
- Katie Jamson
- Kennda Lynch
- Kenneth P. Bowman
- Kerry Cawse‐Nicholson
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- Konstantinos M. Andreadis
- Kostas Tsigaridis
- Kristen St. John
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kung Ching Chang
- Kyle P. Messier
- L. C. Smith
- L. K. Emmons
- L. M. T. Aparecido
- Lana L. Narine
- Laura Fierce
- Leah D. Grant
- Lei Bi
- Leon Scheiber
- Li Wang
- Lifen Jiang
- Liming Zhou
- Lin Lin
- Lin Zhang
- Linqing Yang
- Lior Rubanenko
- Lisa Tauxe
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Luciana Fenoglio-Marc
- M. A. Mischna
- M. Bayani Cardenas
- M. E. Schmidt
- M. E. Wysession
- M. Flanner
- M. Fromm
- M. G. A. Lapôtre
- M. Nachon
- M. R. Barbery
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. T. Thorpe
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Mani Rouhi Rad
- Manish Shrivastava
- Maosheng Zhao
- Marc Simard
- Marcus P. S. Badger
- Marcus van Lier-Walqui
- Mariah Baker
- Mariem Saavedra‐Pellitero
- Mark A. Sephton
- Mark E. Everett
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martin G. Mlynczak
- Masanori Saito
- Matthew Huber
- Maureen E Raymo
- Meagan Wengrove
- Mehmet Evren Soylu
- Melissa Burt
- Meng Li
- Meng Zhang
- Merritt E. Harlan
- Mian Chin
- Michael B. Underwood
- Michael Durand
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael Nole
- Ming Pan
- Minghui Diao
- Mingxuan Wu
- Moetasim Ashfaq
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- Mohammad J. Tourian
- Montserrat Alonso-García
- Morgan L. Cable
- Moriaki Yasuhara
- Muzhen Yang
- N. Badt
- N. Gaur
- N. Lapusta
- N. Lathika
- N. M. Mahowald
- N. M. Pedatella
- N. Mangold
- N. Tanner Mills
- Nadine Igonin
- Nancy B. Grimm
- Naruki Hiranuma
- Nathalie Voisin
- Neel Desai
- Nicholas D. Ward
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- Nicolas Bellouin
- Nicole Riemer
- Nicole Sanderson
- Ningchao Wang
- Noah John Phillips
- O. Duran Vinent
- Osku Kemppinen
- Otto Hasekamp
- P. Corlies
- P. G. van Zyl
- P. J. Polissar
- P. Segall
- Pamela T. Plotkin
- Patrick C. Gray
- Paul Bates
- Paul Ginoux
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paul R. Hernandez
- Pavlos Kollias
- Pedro A. M. Leite
- Pedro M. Monarrez
- Peter S.K. Knappett
- Peter V. Caldwell
- Philip Stier
- Pierre D. Glynn
- Pierre Romanet
- Ping Chang
- Ping Yang
- Po‐Lun Ma
- Prithvi Thakur
- Qi Tang
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. Hueso
- R. L. Storer
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. P. Barnes
- Rafael L. Bras
- Rahul A. Zaveri
- Ram L. Ray
- Randelle M. Bundy
- Randolph T. Williams
- Rebecca T. Barnes
- Rellie M. Goddard
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Renjie Zhou
- Richard A. Mortlock
- Richard H. Moore
- Rita Traversi
- Robert D. Hetland
- Robert E. Anthony
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert G. Striegl
- Robert Sullivan
- Robert W. Dudley
- Rodolfo Souza
- Roger C. Wiens
- Rolando R. García
- Ronnakrit Rattanasriampaipong
- Roshan Srivastav
- Ross K. Meentemeyer
- Rowan C. Martindale
- Ruzbeh Akbar
- Ryan M. Riggs
- Ryosuke Ando
- S. A. Margulis
- S. Diniega
- S. F. Sholes
- S. K. Jena
- S. L. Goldstein
- S. Molodtsov
- S. P. Burton
- S. P. Coss
- S. R. Hemming
- S.K.V. Hines
- Safat Sikder
- Saheli Majumdar
- Saiprasanth Bhalachandran
- Salah A. Faroughi
- Salvatore Calabrese
- Samantha Bova
- Scott A. Socolofsky
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sean Bruinsma
- Sean W. Freeman
- Shanan E. Peters
- Shankararaman Chellam
- Shaocheng Xie
- Shawn M. Doyle
- Shea N. Thorne
- Shih‐Chieh Kao
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Shuai Zhang
- Shuang Zhang
- Simon L. Pendleton
- Stefano Manzoni
- Stéphane Bodin
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Sudershan Gangrade
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Swarup China
- Sylvain Barbot
- Szu-Ting Kuo
- T. A. O’Brien
- T. Pavelsky
- T.W. Höfig
- Tacey L. Hicks
- Tamanna Subba
- Teresa Rodrigues
- Tero Mielonen
- Theodore Langhorst
- Theodore Lim
- Thomas C. J. Hill
- Thomas Clune
- Thomas Pähtz
- Thomas S. Bianchi
- Tian Zhou
- Tiegan Hobbs
- Timothy J. Kneafsey
- Timothy Logan
- Tom Dunkley Jones
- Tong Ren
- Troy Arcomano
- Tyson Ochsner
- Ursula Röhl
- V. Apéstigue
- Valère Lambert
- Venkataramana Sridhar
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Vineet Yadav
- Vinit Sehgal
- W. K. Peterson
- W. Lei
- W. P. Kustas
- W. Reed Espinosa
- Wandi Yu
- Wenchang Yang
- Wendy Bohon
- Wenwei Xu
- William Vizuete
- William W. Sager
- Wushao Lin
- Xi Zhao
- Xiangjun Shi
- Xiao Yang
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xu Guang Xi
- Xu Liu
- Xudong Li
- Yajing Liu
- Yan Feng
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- Yangyang Xu
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- Ylona van Dinther
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- Yueyang Jiang
- Yuheng Zhang
- Yuyun Yang
- Yūsuke Yokoyama
- Z. Li
- Zheng Lu
- Zhengyu Xia
- Zhengzhao Johnny Luo
- Zhiwei Ma
- Zhong Li
- Zhonghua Zheng
- Zhuping Sheng
- Ziad S. Haddad
- Ziming Ke
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo