Goddard Space Flight Center, Astrophysics Division
flowchart I[Goddard Space Flight Center, Astrophysics Division] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (927)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (96)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of IMP 8 Observed Bow Shock Positions with Model Predictions
- A Conjugate Study of a Localized High-Energy Precipitation Event in the Evening Sector
- A New Model of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Radiation Environment at 1 AU based on ACE Measurements
- A Search and Analysis Tool for HESSI Ancillary Observations
- Auroral Transients in the Midday Sub-auroral Zone Associated with Storm Sudden Commencements
- Can Cusp-Originated Relativistic Electrons be Identified in the Radiation Belt?
- Can the SOI/MDI Detect White Light Flares?
- Challenges of the Geospace Electrodynamic Connections Mission
- Comparisons of IMAGE RPI and EUV Observations of Longitudinal Electron Density Structures in the Plasmasphere
- Electron Distribution Functions Near Interplanetary Shocks
- Geotail Observations of Magnetic Flux Ropes in Bursty Bulk Flows
- Gravity Estimation from a Simulated GRACE Mission: Short vs. Long Arcs
- Implications of Ionospheric Substorm Electrodynamics Model
- Ionospheric Responses to Magnetic Cavities during Northward IMF Conditions
- Kinetic instabilities of multi-component plasma in the fast solar wind
- LENA Observations on March 31, 2001: Magnetosheath Remote Sensing
- Local Heliospheric Current Sheet Structure From Two-Point Measurements
- Meteoric Material - One of the Least Explored Components of Planetary Atmospheres
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Interplanetary Shocks in the ISTP Era
- Plasmaspheric Electron Density Distributions Sampled by Radio Plasma Imager on the IMAGE Satellite
- Predicting Propagation Timing Delays in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Probing Deep Structure of the Sun by Time-Distance Helioseismology
- Quasi-Periodic Radio Bursts as Observed by Cassini and Galileo
- Substorm Dynamics as Observed by RPI and FUV on IMAGE
- The Energy Transport during Substorms Based on Solar Wind Measurements, Derived Auroral Electron Distributions and Magnetic Indices
- The Largest Active Region of the Solar Cycle
- The Magnetic Field of Mars - A Window into Mars' Past
- The effects of solar wind pressure on the Martian magnetic pileup boundary
- The non-expansive auroral disturbance events: a fundamental class
- Thermal Electron Contributions to Current-Driven Instabilities: SCIFER Observations in the 1400-km Cleft Ion Fountain and Their Implications to Thermal Ion Energization
- Time-distance Helioseismology Study Over a Rotating Sunspot
- ULF Waves in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere: First CLUSTER FGM Results
- Acoustic Tomography of the Sun's Interior with SDO: Possibilities and Limitations
- An Analytic Gasdynamic Approach to the Modeling of Earth's Bow Shock
- Cluster Observations of Traveling Compression Regions in the Near-Tail
- Correlations between AKR with Auroral Dynamics and Dipole Tilt Angle
- Early Observations of Saturn Kilometric Radiation by Cassini
- Effects of Wave-Particle Interactions on Radiation Belt Development
- Energy Dependence of Abundance Variation in Gradual SEP Events - Implications on Acceleration
- Evaluation of Transort in the Lower Tropical Stratosphere in a Global Chemistry and Transport Model
- Extreme Mass Fractionation Patterns in Solar Particle Events
- Frequency Variation of the Earth's Obliquity and the Geomagnetic Intensity Cycles
- GEOTAIL Observations of a Moving Type IV Solar Radio Burst, Type III Solar Radio Bursts, Type II Solar Radio Bursts, and Solar Wind and Magnetospheric Plasma Wave Emissions During the May 19-25 Solar Wind Event
- Gas-Surface Chemical Exchange in the Near-surface Atmosphere of Europa
- Groundbased Observations of Io [O~I]6300~Å\ Emission During the Galileo I24, I25, and Cassini Encounters
- Hard X-ray Microflares down to 3~keV
- Helium in the Solar Wind as a Tracer of Coronal and Interplanetary Processes
- Joint Observations of Low-Frequency Jovian Radio Emissions with the Cassini and Galileo Spacecraft
- Laser Altimetry and the Cartography of Mars, Moon, and 433 Eros
- Magnetospheric Radio Tomography Experiments using IMAGE, WIND, and Cluster
- NSSDC's Array of Solar Terrestrial Value-added Products and Services
- Observations of Exceptional Elemental and Isotopic Composition Patterns in <SUP>3</SUP>He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Predicting the Bow Shock Position for Average and Unusual Upstream Conditions
- RHESSI Observations of Flares During the Storms Period from 14 to 24 April 2002
- Rapid Movements of the Earth's Bow Shock
- Ray-Tracing Modeling of Guided Echoes Detected by Radio Plasma Imager on the IMAGE Satellite
- Solar Wind, Interplanetary Magnetic Field, and Geodipole Tilt Control of Central Plasma Sheet Parameters and Magnetotail Geometry as Derived From Geotail's LEP and MGF Data.
- The Effect of Hall and FLR terms on the Development of MHD Turbulence Spectra
- The Right Amount of Glue: Technologies and Standards Relevant to a Future Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment
- Timing the Martian Dynamo II: Impact Basins, Edge Effects and Volcanic Edifices
- Unusual Solar Radio Event: May 18-22, 2002
- A New Look at Driven Magnetic Reconnection at the Terrestrial Subsolar Magnetopause
- Applications of High Etendue Line-Profile Spectroscopy and Spectro-Polarimetry to the Study of the Atmospheric and Magnetospheric Environments of the Jovian Icy Moons.
- Atmospheres Produced by Magnetospheric Irradiation of Jupiter's Icy Galilean Moons
- Bow Shock's Geometry at the Magnetospheric Flanks
- Cluster Observations of the Flank Boundary Layer Under Northward IMF Conditions
- Data Integration in the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Demonstration of a Prototype Magnetospheric State-Based Trapped Radiation Data Base for the LWS Program
- Early Stages of Eruptive Solar Events
- Evolution of Active Regions in the Solar Interior
- Evolution of interplanetary magnetic clouds from 0.3 AU to 1 AU: A joint Helios-Wind Study
- First Results Of The Solar Bolometric Imager
- First Results from SOLIS
- Global Measurements of the Atmospheric Effect of the Leonid Shower
- Investigation of Shabansky Orbit Accessibility by Using 3D Particle Tracing in the Global MHD Simulations
- Magnetosheath Neutral Atom Observations and the Relationship With Radar Backscatter in the Cusp: Combined Observations From IMAGE LENA and SuperDARN
- Multiscale Structure of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field Strength and Solar Wind Speed: Multifractal Structure and Distribution Functions
- Near Real Time Prediction of Magnetic Storm Intensity and Timing from Measurements of North to-South Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds
- Ongoing Evolution of the Geospace Electrodynamic Connections (GEC) Mission
- Periodic magnetospheric substorms and their relationship with solar wind pressure variations
- Search for the Heliosheath with Voyager 1 Magnetic Field Measurements
- Simultaneous Observations of Jovian Quasi-periodic Radio Emissions by the Cassini and Galileo Spacecraft
- Stormtime Particle Energization With AMIE Potentials
- Sun-to-Magnetosphere Modeling of Radiation Belt Electrons: Forecasting Using Linked Empirical Methods
- Supply of trans-Europa Neutral Torus by the Surface-bounded Atmosphere of Europa
- Surface Time-Variable Gravity Signals And Possible Sources Including Core Mass Flow
- The O+ Density Trough at 5000 km Altitude in the Polar Cap
- The Polar Crown Filament Eruption and Associated CME of 2003 February 18
- The Relationship Between Large Solar Flares and Very Fast Coronal Mass Ejections - Physics and Causality
- The Solar Wind Near 70 AU in the Declining Stage of the Solar Cycle.
- The Virtual Solar Observatory -- the Why, What, How and Where
- Thermal Properties of Prominence Motions as Observed in the UV
- a Cluster Investigation of the Occurrence and Causes of Reconnection in the Very Near-Earth Tail (x > -19Re)
- A Survey of the Motion of Flux Transfer Events Observed by Polar
- A model on the interaction of magnetospheric relativistic electrons with Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) Waves
- Considerations for a Radar System to Detect an Ocean Underneath the Icy Shell of Europa
- Coordinated Polar Spacecraft, Geosynchronous Spacecraft, and Ground-based Observations of Magnetopause Processes and Their Coupling to the Ionosphere
- Current Structure and Motion of a Northward IMF X-Line
- Data Mining and Visulization in Empirical and Physical Radiation Belt Studies
- Determing the Possible Building Blocks of the Terrestrial Planets
- Diagnostics of Subphotospheric Sources of Solar Variability
- Doing Science with the VSO: Signatures of CME Initiation
- Global Hybrid Simulations of Solar Wind and Bow Shock Related Discontinuities Interacting with the Magnetosphere
- Ionospheric and Solar Plasmas in Geospace Storms
- Jovian Radio Burst Remote Sensing of Solar Wind Triggered Jovian Magnetospheric Activity: Ulysses Observations
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms: I. Storm Electric Fields and Electron Dissociative Attachment
- Pc 1 Waves and Associated Unstable Distributions of Magnetospheric Protons Observed During a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- Periodic magnetospheric substorms and the effect of solar wind
- Solving Science Use Cases that relate to the Sun and Heliosphere with EGSO
- Statistical Survey of the Properties of Gyrating Ions in the Earth's Foreshock
- Stratospheric composition of Titan from Cassini/CIRS observations
- Thermal N+ in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Time-variable gravity anomaly arising from dynamical mass transport in the outer core and core-mantle interaction
- WIND Magnetic Clouds for Years 1995 - 2003 : A Summary of Model-Fitted Parameters
- A 3D Numerical Toolkit for Modeling the Heliosphere
- An observational basis for the dynamic substorm current system
- Coordinated Observation of Field Line Resonance in the Mid-magnetotail
- Empirical Modeling of the Geomagnetic Field: A High-resolution Tail Current Sheet Module
- Empirical Study of the Solar Wind Momentum Balance in the Ecliptic Plane Between 0.3 and 1 AU
- Field-aligned and Gyrophase-bunched Ion Beams in the Earth's Foreshock: "Pitch-angle" Wave Trapping
- First Results From EUNIS 2005
- Flux transfer event in the subsolar region and near the cusp: Simultaneous Polar and Cluster Observations
- Fluxgate Magnetometers for the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission
- Forecasting the Intensity of Magnetic Storms Caused by N→S Type of Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds
- Formation of the solitary bow shock and its dependence on IMF direction
- Global hybrid simulations of the ion foreshock
- Ionospheric Convection Response to High-Latitude Reconnection: Cluster and SuperDARN Observations
- Is the Standard Flare Model Still Adequate? -- A Review of Recent RHESSI X-Ray Observations
- Magnetic Structure and Particle Flow at a Northward IMF Reconnection Line
- Measurement of the Martian upper atmospheric density using Mars Odyssey radio tracking data
- Multi Aperture Coronal Spectrographic Technique for Simultaneous and Global Measurements of the Coronal Electron Temperature and its Bulk Flow Speed in the Low Solar Corona
- Nonthermal Spectral Flattening in Early Impulsive Flares
- Polar Gateways to Exploration of Icy Worlds in the Solar System
- Solar Wind Driven Auroral Wind, with Global Consequences
- Supporting the SSSC Great Observatory: S3C Active Archive Data and Services Today
- Survey of interplanetary shock characteristics
- The Distant Magnetotail Under Long Duration, Very Northward IMF Conditions: October 22-24, 2003
- The Fast Plasma Instrument for the MMS Mission
- The Impact of Shock Dynamic and Structure on Ion Reflection at the Quasi-Perpendicular Earths Bow Shock
- The Virtual Great Observatory: Do We Know How to Make It Real?
- The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO)
- The characteristics of Langmuir waves in the Earth's electron and ion foreshocks: evidence for nonlinear interactions and other physical processes
- The dynamics of thermospheric composition and ionospheric total electron content during geomagnetic storms.
- Thermal Plasma Flow Near Enceladus: Evidence for the `Missing' Water Source?
- Three-Spacecraft Detections of a Magnetic Reconnection X-Line Extending More Than 390 Earth Radii in the Solar Wind
- Voyager 1 Magnetic Field Measurements at the Termination Shock and Mass Loading Signatures
- Along-track gradients from ST-5: Improving magnetic and thermal models of the lithosphere
- Cosmic Ray Mantle Visibility on Kuiper Belt Objects
- Electron Velocity Distribution Function in Magnetic Clouds in the Solar Wind
- Electron sources and transport in Saturn's magnetosphere an energetic view.
- Following the geomagnetic activity: events on September and October (1999)
- Generation of Chorus Wave Emissions in the Source Region
- Geospace Storms and Thermal Ions in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- Grid-based Infrastructure and Distributed Data Mining for Virtual Observatories
- Imaging Thermal He+ in Geospace from the Lunar Surface
- In Situ Estimates of Auroral Current Sheet Structure and Dynamics Using Three-Point ST5 Magnetometer Observations
- Influence of Heliospheric Current Sheet presence on geomagnetic storm originated by Magnetic Clouds.
- Infrared Spectroscopy of an Extrasolar Planet
- Interaction of FTEs with the cusp during southward IMF
- Magnetic Structure and Electromagnetic Waves at a Northward IMF Merging Site
- Magnetospheric Configurations Derived From a High-Resolution Data-Based Model of External Field Sources
- Measurements of Wavenumber Spectra in the Solar Wind Using Four-Point Data from Cluster
- Mid-Latitude Transient Convection Events
- Multi-Point Measurements of Flux Ropes and TCRs in the Earth's Tail: Recent Progress and Future Opportunities
- New SPDF Directions and Evolving Services Supporting Heliophysics Research
- Observations and Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Periodic Substorms, Sawtooth Oscillations And Their Contribution To The Ring Current.
- Plasma Impedance Spectrum Analyzer (PISA): an advanced impedance probe for measuring plasma density and other parameters
- Plasma injection into Saturn's inner magnetosphere.
- Power spectra, power law exponents, and anisotropy of solar wind turbulence at small scales
- Semi-Empirically Derived Heating Function of the Corona-Heliopshere During the Whole- Sun Month
- Space Technology 5 Measurements of the Near-Earth Magnetic Field: Initial Science Results
- Space Technology 5 measurements of field-aligned currents: Separating spatial and temporal variations
- Statistical Studies of Flux Transfer Events Using Unsupervised and Supervised Techniques
- The Nature of Magnetohydrodynamic Fluctuations in the Solar Wind as Determined from Four-Point Measurements of Magnetic Field and (Electron) Plasma Velocity on Cluster
- The Role of MHD Turbulence on Plasma Sheet Structure and Dynamics
- The Variance of Solar Wind Magnetic Fluctuations: Solutions and Further Puzzles
- The Virtual Solar Observatory and the Heliophysics Meta-Virtual Observatory
- The Virtual Space Physics Observatory: Quick access to Data and Tools
- Three-dimensional MHD Modeling of the Solar Wind with Pickup Ions
- Variability of the Satellite Drag Environments of Earth, Mars and Venus due to Rotation of the Sun
- Which CMEs are associated with Proton Events?
- Analysis of a Bright Point Spectrum From the Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) Sounding Rocket Instrument
- Cluster/PEACE Electron Velocity Distribution Function Modeling in the Solar Wind
- Consequence of Electron Mobility in Icy Grains on Solar System Objects
- Drift-Resonant Interaction of Magnetospheric Relativistic Electrons with Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) Waves: Comparison between Observations and Simulations
- Electrical Processes on Mars: New Sources and Sinks for Atmospheric Chemistry?
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emissions From Venus: VEX Observations and Theoretical Modeling
- Europa's surface composition: What we know, what we would like to know, and how we can find out
- Extreme Drainage of Plasmasphere as Ionosphere Strives to Replenish
- Global Circulation and Impact of Plasmaspheric Plumes
- Global Shape Modelling of Saturn's Bow Shock
- Helioseismic Observations of Active Regions Below the Solar Surface from SOHO/MDI
- Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields Derived from IMAGE EUV
- Integration of event lists for ICMEs and associated phenomena
- Interplanetary Dust Clouds Near 1 AU Detected by STEREO
- Laboratory Studies of Ammonia-Water Ice--Relevance to Outer Solar system Surfaces
- Long-term Average Spectral and Spatial Distributions of Plasmaspheric Hiss Observed by the Akebono and IMAGE Satellites
- MESSENGER and Venus Express Observations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus: A Dual Spacecraft Study
- MHD Simulations of Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet
- Magnetic Reconnection Site Suggested by a Double Coronal X-ray Source Observed by RHESSI
- Measurements of the Kinematics of Energetic Neutral Atom Collisions with Surfaces
- New Observations of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field from the Voyager Spacecraft
- On-Line Explorer-45 Plasmapause-Crossing Database and Related Ionospheric Satellite Measurements
- Recent Plasma Observations Related to Dayside Magnetic Merging and the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer
- Reconnection initiated in the magnetosheath: Comparing hybrid simulations and Cluster observations
- Relational data searching for magnetospheric data using the Virtual Magnetosheric Observatory
- Response of the lunar alkali exosphere to plasma
- STEREO observations of electron beams and Langmuir waves in the terrestrial electron foreshock
- Space Technology 5 Multi-point Observations of Field-aligned Currents: Temporal Variability of Meso-Scale Structures
- THEMIS Orbits and Data at SPDF
- The Jupiter System Observer: Probing the Foundations of Planetary Systems
- The synthesis and direct detection of O-atoms in water ice
- Three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic modeling of the solar corona and solar wind for a highly-tilted solar dipole
- Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory for the Heliospheric Data Environment
- Water, Water Everywhere... and Oxidants too!
- Wave Number Spectra in the Solar Wind as Seen by CLUSTER Spacecraft
- Whistlers observed outside the plasmasphere: Correlation to plasmaspheric/plasmapause features and implications for the scattering of radiation-belt electrons
- A Study of Solar Energetic Particle Events of Cycle 23
- A View Of A Unified Heliophysics Data Environment
- Bifurcated Current Sheets Produced by Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind
- Cluster/PEACE Electrons Velocity Distribution Function: Modeling the Strahl in the Solar Wind
- Comparative MHD Models of the First two MESSENGER Flybys of Mercury
- Definition of Mercury Dipole Moment and its Offset Using the MESSENGER First Flyby data
- Distribution of sodium pickup ions during MESSENGER's first and second Mercury flybys: constraints on exospheric models
- Dynamic Fluid-Kinetic (DyFK) Simulations of Storm-Enhanced Density Supply of Cleft Ion Fountain Outflows
- Electron temperatures and its bulk flow speeds in the low solar corona measured during the total solar eclipse on 29 March 2006 in Libya
- Fast Plasma Instrument for MMS: Simulation Results
- Generation of Chorus Waves and Their Effects on Electrons
- Helioviewer: A Web 2.0 Tool for Visualizing Heterogeneous Heliophysics Data
- ISIS topside-sounder Plasma-wave investigations as guides to desired Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO) data search capabilities
- Ionospheric Outflows and Geomagnetic and Solar Activity
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Dawn Flank of Saturn's Magnetopause
- Kinetic simulation of Mercury's magnetosphere compared with observations during MESSENGER's first Mercury flybys on 14 January and 6 October 2008
- Leveraging Capabilities in the Community: CDAWeb Data and Services within VITMO
- Longitudinal association between magnetotail reconnection and auroral breakup based on Geotail and Polar observations
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and its Effects on Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MESSENGER's Second Flyby of Mercury: A Scientific Overview
- Multi-spacecraft Recovery of a Magnetic Cloud and its Origin From Magnetic Reconnection on the Sun
- Narrow-Band Ultra-Low-Frequency Wave Observations During the October 6, 2008, Flyby of Mercury.
- Observations of the heliosheath and solar wind termination shock by Voyager 2
- Overview of magnetosphere and magnetic field observations from MESSENGER's second flyby of Mercury
- Polar Gateways Arctic Circle Sunrise 2008 Conference at the Top of the World
- Registering Active and Passive IMAGE RPI Datasets with the Virtual Wave Observatory
- Relationship of Interplanetary Shock Micro and Macro Characteristics: A Wind Study
- Saturn Magnetospheric Impact on Surface Molecular Chemistry and Astrobiological Potential of Enceladus
- Services, Perspectives and Directions of the Space Physics Data Facility
- Simulating the Fate of an Ionospheric Mass Ejection
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Wind Turbulence at Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum
- Statistical Study of Magnetopause Boundary Region Vortices Observed During Modeled Solar Wind Conditions
- Temperature Trends in the Polar Mesosphere between 2002--2007 using TIMED/SABER Data
- The Heliospheric Contribution to the Soft X-ray Background Emission
- The Space Environment of Mercury: Solar Wind and IMF Modeling of Upstream Conditions
- The Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO)
- The dynamic lunar exosphere: clues from sodium
- Using the Virtual Heliospheric and Magnetospheric Observatories for geospace studies
- Variations of Strahl Properties With Fast and Slow Solar Wind
- Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory (VEPO)
- A Comparison of Solar EUV Irradiance Reference Spectra and Their Affect on the Earth’s Thermosphere and Ionosphere
- A Voyage through the Heliosphere (Invited)
- Above detection limits - Prebiotic organics in comets and carbonaceous meteorites
- An Updated Overview of SPDF Roles, Data and Services to the Heliophysics Community
- Cosmic Times: Engaging Students in Science through History and Journalism
- Direct Evidence of Instability-Driven Constraints on Helium Temperature Anisotropies in the Solar Wind
- Enabling Distributed access to SDO Data with VSO
- Energetic Electron Probes of Magnetic Cloud Topology
- Equatorial Ionosphere Total Electron Content measurements using whistler waves detected by the C/NOFS Satellite
- Experience in Preparing and Using Virtual Observatory Data
- Facilitating Heliophysics Research by the Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO) Context Data Search Capability
- First In-Situ Observation of Rolled-up Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices under Southward IMF with Evidence of Reconnection
- Generation of Whistler Chorus Emissions and Resulting Wave-Particle Interactions
- Getting data into NASA's HPDE Virtual Observatories
- Global simulation of an EIT wave
- Helioviewer.org: Browsing Very Large Image Archives Online Using JPEG 2000
- Lunar Neutral Exosphere Properties from Pickup Ion Analysis
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer and Energetic Particle Spectrometer Observations of Energetic Electrons during the Mercury Flybys
- MHD Turbulence in the Magnetotail Plasma Sheet
- MHD modeling of the interaction of the magnetosphere of Mercury with the solar wind during the MESSENGER flybys
- Mercury after the Third MESSENGER Flyby
- Mercury's magnetosphere-solar wind interaction under northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field during the MESSENGER flybys
- Mercury’s atmosphere and magnetosphere: MESSENGER third flyby observations (Invited)
- Methane Group Ions in Saturn’s Outer Magnetosphere?
- Modeling Spectral Turnovers in Interplanetary Shocks Observed by ULYSSES
- OMNIWeb-Plus and the Evolution of NSSDC and SPDF Value-Added Space Physics Data Products and Interfaces
- Observations of a Unique Type of ULF Waves by Low-altitude ST-5 Satellites
- Old Faithful Model for Radiolytic Gas-Driven Cryovolcanism at Enceladus
- On the Relationship between Lightning and Equatorial Ionosphere Density Irregularities
- Overview of magnetic field observations from MESSENGER’s third flyby of Mercury
- Photosynthesis of H2O2 and O3 in ASW with ambient O2
- Physical Processes for Driving Ionospheric Outflows in Global Simulations (Invited)
- Polar Spacecraft Evidence at 2 Re Geocentric Distance for Alfvenic Poynting Flux as an Energy Source for the Quasi-static Parallel Electric Field Acceleration of Auroral Electrons and Up-flowing Ion Beams in the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Putting Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Services to Good Use
- Radial and solar cycle variations of the magnetic fields in the heliosheath: Voyager 1 observations from 2005 to 2008
- SPASE 2.0: A Scientific View Along the SPASE Data Model Trail
- Science, VxOs and Just In Time Information
- Sodium and magnesium neutral and ion species at Mercury: Simulations and comparison to MESSENGER observations
- Solar Wind Ablation of Terrestrial Planet Atmospheres (Invited)
- Space Technology 5 Multipoint Observations of Transpolar Arc Related Field-aligned Currents
- Stream Interactions in STEREO and THEMIS Data and Resulting Geomagnetic Activity
- Substorm auroral asymmetries in the conjugate hemispheres during onset and expansion phase
- Symbiosis of Data Archives and Virtual Observatories
- The ISIS Story - Science Return from Rescuing, Archiving and Analyzing a Unique Dataset
- The Relation between Magnetospheric State Parameters and the Occurrence of Night-Time Mid-Latitude Plasma Depletions in the F-Region
- The Strahl: A Significant Source of Vorticity in the Solar Wind
- Time-Distance Helioseismology Data Analysis Pipeline for SDO/HMI
- Towards a Unified Heliophysics Data Environment
- Type III-L Solar Radio Bursts and their Associations with Solar Energetic Proton Events
- Ultra-Low-Frequency Wave Observations at Mercury during the 29 September 2009 MESSENGER Flyby
- Uncertainties in EUV and XUV ionospheric heating over solar cycle 23
- Wavenumber-Frequency structure of 2D Kinetic Plasma Turbulence
- “Persistence” in Solar Wind Fluctuations: A Virtual Observatory Assisted Study
- Analysis of Photospheric Convection Cells with SDO/HMI
- Attempts to Simulate Anisotropies of Solar Wind Fluctuations using MHD with a Turning Magnetic Field
- Automated Coronal Seismology: Curvelet Characterization of Probability Maps of Image Data with Oscillatory Signal
- Component Reconnexion at the Heliopause
- Computational and Theoretical study of the acceleration and heating of ions in the Solar Wind
- Correlation of Illumination and Topography Factors with Epithermal Neutron measurements at the Lunar Poles using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND)
- Electron Transport and Energization in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- First Results from the EUV SpectroPhotometer (ESP) on the SDO Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- Global Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet
- Helioviewer: Simplifying Your Access to SDO Data
- High Speed Stream Activity in an IMF-By magnetosphere (Invited)
- Highly Alfvénic Slow Solar Wind
- Implementing the Second-Order Fermi Process in a Kinetic Monte-Carlo Simulation
- In situ Electric Field Observations of Schumann Resonances in the Low Latitude Ionosphere and Their Implications for Tropospheric-Ionospheric Electromagnetic Coupling Mechanisms
- International Reference Ionosphere 2010
- Investigation of Formation and Subsurface Dynamics of Active Regions by Local Helioseismology from SDO
- JHelioviewer: Open-Source Software for Discovery and Image Access in the Petabyte Age (Invited)
- MESSENGER Plasma Wave Observations in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Magnetic Helicity of Alfven Simple Waves
- Mercury's Dynamic Magnetic Tail (Invited)
- Modeling of Mercury's pick-up ion dynamics and its response to changes in IMF conditions
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Energetic Particle Events from 0.3 to 1.0 AU: Measurements by MESSENGER, STEREO, and ACE
- New Method to Predict Sunspot Numbers and Some Interplanetary Parameters for the Next Solar Maximum
- New measurements and improved modeling of solar flares with SDO EVE (Invited)
- Non-Linear Processes Associated with the Generation of Whistler Waves and their Effects on Electrons
- Observations and Simulations of Electron Dynamics Near an Active Neutral Line
- Plasma IMS Composition Measurements for Europa and Ganymede
- Polar Spacecraft Analysis of Poynting Flux and Kinetic Energy Flux Measurements at Different Structures within and above the Auroral Acceleration Region and Their Comparison to Space-based Images (Invited)
- Quasi-isotropic electron distribution via nonlinear beam-plasma interaction
- Radiation Environment and Surface Radiolytic Interactions at Mimas
- Real-Time WINDMI Predictions of Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms
- Reconstruction of propagating Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Mercury's magnetopause
- SDO/AIA Light Curves and Implications for Coronal Heating: Model Predictions
- SDO/AIA Light Curves and Implications for Coronal Heating: Observations
- Solar Energetic Particles in Ground Level Events: Correlation of Fe/O with CME Speed
- Solar Wind Halo Formation by the Scattering of the Strahl: Direct Cluster/PEACE Observations of the 3D Velocity Distribution Function
- Solar flare impulsive phase observations from SDO and other observatories
- Space Technology 5 Multipoint Observations of Pc 2 Waves
- Successful Approaches for Data Discovery: Illustrated with the Virtual Magnetospheric Observatory
- Terrestrial Myriametric Radio Burst Observed by IMAGE and Geotail Satellites
- The Connection between Small Gamma-ray Flares and SEPs with COMPTEL/CGRO
- The Nature of Magnetospheric Electron Velocity Distribution Functions from Wave Observations
- The Next Generation of Space Plasma Analyzer - Deployable Radial Imaging for Velocity, Energy, and Density (DRIVEN)
- The Relation between Coronal Holes and CMEs during the Rise, Maximum and Declining Phases of the Solar Cycle 23
- The VHO, VMO, and VEPO: What do we offer and how are we being used?
- The flare productivity of active regions
- The properties of geo-effective CMEs and SIRs in STEREO and THEMIS
- The relation between the E-region gravity waves and the F-region plasma depletions observed with an all-sky imager at Arecibo
- Things That Work: Roles and Services of SPDF
- Trace Gas Measurements on Mars and Earth using Optical Parametric Generation
- Understanding Meso- and Micro-scale Coupling of Near Earth Plasmas (Invited)
- Using MHD modeling to specify inner heliosphere conditions during the three MESSENGER Mercury flybys
- Vlasov simulation of electrostatic solitary structures in four-component plasmas
- A Soft X-Ray Imager for the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Astrobiological Journeys to and from the South Polar Sea of Enceladus - Bidirectional Interactions with the Saturn Magmetosphere
- Automatic Detection and Characterization of EIT waves observed by AIA Data
- CME Parameter Input to ENLIL: LASCO halo cone versus STEREO measurements
- Calcium in Mercury's Exosphere: Modeling MESSENGER Data
- Calculating the motion and direction of Flux Transfer Events with Cluster
- Changes in the High-Latitude Topside Ionospheric Vertical Electron-Density Profiles in Response to Solar-Wind Perturbations During Large Magnetic Storms
- Cluster observations of multiple dipolarization fronts
- Compound-specific identification and quantitation of organics in meteorite material as a proxy for OSIRIS-REx samples
- Determining the Typical Nanoflare Cadence in Active Regions: Modeling Light Curves of Active Regions
- Development of a Low-cost, FPGA-based, Delay Line Detector for Satellite and Sounding Rocket Applications
- Dual Electron Spectrometer for Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission: results of the comprehensive tests of the Engineering Test Unit
- Effect on the lunar exosphere of a CME passage
- Electric field and magnetic signatures of equatorial plasma irregularities as observed by the C/NOFS satellite
- Electromagnetic lower hybrid waves, whistler waves, and particle heating/acceleration at supercritical interplanetary shocks
- Enhanced spectral anisotropies near the proton-cyclotron scale: Possible two-component structure in Hall-FLR MHD turbulence simulations
- Exploring Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere: An Overview of Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Fast Plasma Investigation for MMS: Simulation of the Burst Triggering System
- First direct observational evidence of a CME deflection by coronal hole on 15 February 2011 and a comparison with computations
- Geo-effective Stream Interactions and CMEs in Solar Minimum
- Global Simulations of Mercury's Quasi-Trapped Particle Population
- Global distribution of Na, Ca, and Mg in Mercury's exosphere from MESSENGER measurements
- Hot Flow Anomalies at Venus
- Insolation Effects on Lunar Hydrogen: Correlated observations of LEND and Second Order Insolation Effects Derived from LOLA Modeling
- Interplanetary Magnetic Field Power Spectrum Variations in the Inner Heliosphere: A Wind and MESSENGER Study
- Interpretation of Vector Electric Field Measurements of Bursty Langmuir Waves in the Cusp
- Ionospheric energy inputs affecting plasma outflow and neutral upwelling
- Large scale evolution of solar wind and solar coronal rotation determined by multi-satellite observations at the ecliptic
- Lyman Alpha Spicule Observatory (LASO)
- MESSENGER Observations and Kinetic Simulations of Quasi-Trapped Ion and Electron Populations at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Flux Transfer Events at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of the Distribution of Planetary Ions Near Mercury
- MESSENGER Searches for Less Abundant or Weakly Emitting Species in Mercury's Exosphere
- MESSENGER observations of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at Mercury's magnetopause
- MESSENGER observations of magnetopause structure at Mercury
- Magnetic field strength in the upper solar corona using white-light shock structures surrounding coronal mass ejections
- Magnetofluid Simulations of the Global Solar Wind Including Pickup Ions and Turbulence Modeling
- Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and Reconnection in the Magnetotail
- Observation of Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator Signatures in the Earth's Ionosphere at Low Latitude: Implications for Ionospheric Modeling
- Observation of Schumann Resonances in the Earth's Ionosphere: Implications for Thunderstorm and Lightning Monitoring from Orbit
- Observations and Interpretation of Magnetofluid Turbulence at Small Scales
- Observations of Electron Vorticity in the Inner Plasmasheet and its Relationship to Reconnection
- Propagating low-frequency waves in coronal streamers observed by STEREO COR1
- Quantitative Evaluation of Continuous Diffractive Baffles for Heliospheric Imagers
- Relativistic Electron Enhancement and Decay by Whistler Mode Chorus Waves
- Saturn's magnetosphere interaction with Titan for T5 encounter: 3D hybrid modeling. First results
- Science Enabling Roles and Services of SPDF
- Structure and Dynamics of Substorm Injection Fronts
- Structure of Mercury's magnetosphere during MESSENGER's first three months in orbit
- The Connection Between Small Gamma-ray Flares And SEPs With Comptel/CGRO
- The equatorial ionosphere during and after the extreme solar minimum of 2008: reconstructing climatological maps of topside ion density and composition for low latitudes using the C/NOFS satellite
- The flare productivity of active regions
- The free escape boundary of diffuse ions upstream of the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock
- The highest cosmic ray fluxes ever recorded: What happened to the earth's deflector shield?
- Transient phenomena and thermal evolution during the Boss' Day flare of 2010 October 16 with AIA, EVE and RHESSI
- Understanding Coronal Heating with Emission Measure Distributions
- Upstream Structures and their Effects on the Magnetosphere
- Using High-Level Data Search Capability of the Heliophysics Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO)
- A General Purpose Experiment Controller for low cost Space Application
- A High-resolution Model of Field-Aligned Currents through Empirical Orthogonal Functions Analysis (MFACE)
- Active current sheets and hot flow anomalies in Mercury's bow shock
- An Explanation for the Observed Frequency Drift of Coherent ~1 Hz waves in Mercury's Inner Magnetosphere
- Auroral Precipitation during Earthward Propagating Dipolarization Events
- Automated Detection/Characterization of EUV Waves in SDO/AIA Data
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Characteristics of the Taylor Microscale Length In the Solar Wind: Magnetic Field and Electron Velocity Measurements
- Coupling Between Magnetotail Turbulence and the Ionosphere: Case Study and Numerical Experiment
- DSCOVR High Time Resolution Solar Wind Measurements
- Deep Solar Activity Minimum 2007-2009: Solar Wind Properties and Major Effects on the Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Density Holes, Hot Flow Anomalies and SLAMS
- Detection of Equator-ward Meridional Flows in the Deep Solar Interior
- Diagnosing the Time-Dependence of Active Region Core Heating Using Emission Measures
- Effect of Interhemispherical Field-Aligned Currents on Disturbances in Polar Regions in Two Hemispheres
- Energetic Particle Sources and Dynamics at the Heliopause
- Facilitating Collaboration Through Linked Open Data
- Finite Gyroradius Effects in the Plasma Environment Near Titan: 3D Hybrid Modeling of the T5 Encounter
- Frequency-Doubling and Field-Aligned Ion Streaming in a Long-Period Poloidal Pulsation
- Generation of Pi2 Pulsations by Intermittent Earthward Propagating Dipolarization Fronts: An MHD Case Study
- Getting Data to Autoplot: a Survey and Comparison of Different Methods for Transmitting Data
- Heliospheric Observations in the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24
- Hemispheric Asymmetries in Mercury's Exosphere Due to the Offset Magnetic Dipole
- Hot Precursor Ejecta and Other Peculiarities of the 2012 May 17 Ground Level Enhancement Event
- Hydrogen-Bearing Volatiles at the Lunar Equatorial Terminator
- Improving Upon an Empirical Procedure for Characterizing Magnetospheric States
- Investigating Coronal Activity by Release Using Sublimation
- Investigation of tropospheric-space weather coupling using Schumann resonance measurements on board the C/NOFS satellite
- Ion heating and acceleration by Alfvén-cyclotron and kinetic Alfvén waves - 2.5D hybrid simulations
- Layer-like IR limb emission enhancement observed by SABER/TIMED in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region
- Local Time Expansion of Substorms and Relationship With Dipolarization Fronts
- Long-Term Variability of Precipitation of Charged Particles on Mercury's Surface
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetopause Structure and Dynamics at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Upstream Whistler Waves in Mercury's Foreshock Region
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's magnetosphere under extreme solar wind conditions
- MESSENGER observations of plasma signatures in Mercury's northern magnetospheric cusp
- Mercury's Sodium Exosphere: Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Model Comparisons of the 14-18 July 2012 Geomagnetic Storm Strength
- Model parameter fittings and characterizations of Wind magnetic clouds for the period from early 2007 to Fall 2012
- Modeling of ion composition in the topside ionosphere with emphasis on extremely low solar activity
- Multi-spacecraft analysis to determine the motion of flux transfer events (FTEs)
- Nanoflare Heating of the Solar Corona: Comparing SDO/AIA Observations with Modeled Light Curves
- New discoveries in the Venusian Foreshock
- Numerical Simulations of EMIC waves in 2D heavy ion density structures at Earth, Mercury, and Jupiter
- OpenGGCM simulations of different types of storms with a coupled inner magnetosphere model.
- PAMELA Observations during Solar Cycle 24
- Pick-up Ion Lifetime with Inter-Stellar Ion Super-Thermal Tails
- Relating high-Latitude Topside Ionospheric Vertical Electron-Density-Profile changes to Solar-Wind Parameters During Large Magnetic Storms
- Role of Lower-hybrid Waves to Radiation Belt Electrons
- STEREO observations of waves near the ramp region of interplanetary shocks
- STEREO observations of waves near the ramp region of interplanetary shocks
- Seasonal Variability and Local Time Dependence of Mercury's Dayside Magnesium Exosphere
- Shocklets, SLAMS, and field-aligned ion beams in the terrestrial foreshock
- Simulation Study of Particle Acceleration, Transport, and Loss in the Radiation Belts and Ring Current
- Simulation of Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging of Solar Energetic Particles
- Social Media Planning for the June 5, 2012 transit of Venus
- Solar Flare Impacts on Equatorial Ionosphere
- Sources and Losses of Mg in Mercury's Exosphere Inferred from MESSENGER Observations
- Space Weather Forecasting at NASA: Cutting Edge Research, Innovative Solutions, Shared Knowledge
- Statistical Analysis of Bursty Langmuir Waves and Coincident VLF Waves in the Cusp
- Storm-time electron density enhancement in the cleft ion fountain
- Study of solar energetic particles with PAMELA
- Synergism of Saturn, Enceladus and Titan and Formation of HCNO Exobiological Molecules
- The High Energy Replicated Optics to Explore the Sun (HEROES)
- The Main Pillar: Assessment of Space Weather Observational Asset Performance Supporting Nowcasting, Forecasting and Research to Operations
- The Mysteries of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection in Asymmetric Systems
- The NASA Heliophysics Active Final Archive at the Space Physics Data Facility
- The Role of Type II Spicules in the Upper Solar Atmosphere
- The SDO Social Media Planning Process: Walking the cat back into the bag
- The flare productivity of active regions
- Three Dimensional Model Exosphere of Titan
- Tracking Solar Wind Input from the Sun to the Magnetosphere: 2007-2011
- Viewing Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere from Orbit: Eighteen Months of Observations by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer aboard the MESSENGER Spacecraft
- Wavelength dependence of solar flare irradiance enhancement and its influence on the thermosphere-ionosphere system
- What do theoretical models and analogies tell us about cross-scale interactions in the coupled solar wind - magnetosphere - ionosphere system?
- A Demonstration of SPDF Data and Services Enabling Science Studies of the Inner Magnetosphere
- A Union of Inner Magnetosphere Data from the Van Allen Probes and Related Missions at NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF)
- An Investigation of Ion Cyclotron Wave Storms at 1 AU
- Development of a Low-cost, FPGA-based, Delay Line Particle Detector for Satellite and Sounding Rocket Applications
- Dissipation of obliquely propagating Alfvénic turbulence and related ion heating and acceleration -- 2D hybrid simulations
- Electromagnetic spectral properties of the November 14th, 2012 Geomagnetic storm. An early study using EMFISIS and EFW Van Allen probes data
- Energy Release, Acceleration, and Escape of Solar Energetic Ions
- Evolution of medium energy H and O ENAs during large storms
- Generation of poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) during periods of dayside auroral oval expansions/contractions and periods when the dayside auroral oval is expanded and stable
- High Resolution EUV spectroscopy: Design and Performance of VERIS
- How NASA is building and sustaining a community of scientist-communicators through virtual technology, graphic facilitation and other community-building tools
- In situ observations of medium frequency auroral radio emissions
- Inter-Hemispherical Currents for Realistic Model of Ionospheric Conductivity
- Low-latitude Ionospheric Heating during Solar Flares
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetopause Reconnection at Mercury (Invited)
- MESSENGER Observations of Plasmoid-type Flux Ropes in Mercury's Magnetotail
- MESSENGER observations of dayside flux transfer events: Do they drive Mercury's substorm cycle? (Invited)
- Magnetospheric Electron-Velocity-Distribution Function Information from Wave Observations
- Multipoint Observations of Oval-aligned Transpolar Arc Formation
- New Method for Accurate Calibration of Micro-Channel Plate based Detection Systems and its use in the Fast Plasma Investigation of NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
- On a Quest to Improve the Solar Forcing in IRI
- On the Ionospheric Holes of Venus
- Possible Source Location of the Terrestrial Myriametric Radio Burst
- Predicting and Mitigating Socioeconomic Impacts of Extreme Space Weather: Benefits of Improved Forecasts (Invited)
- Radiolytic Cryovolcanism Revisited
- Role of Lower-hybrid Resonances to Radiation Belt Electrons
- STEREO and Wind Observations of Intense Cyclotron Harmonic Waves at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Self-consistent retrieval of MLT pressure/temperature and CO2 densities from SABER/TIMED limb radiances in the 15 and 4.3 μm channels
- Simulation of S-Web Corridor Dynamics
- Spatially Resolved Differential Emission Measures from EUNIS
- Spatiotemporal scaling of the photospheric magnetic field and coronal emission of the active region NOAA 11158
- Survey of the global distribution of the fast magnetosonic mode from Van Allen Probes EMFISIS plasma wave analysis
- THEMIS observations of the magnetopause electron diffusion region and magnetospheric separatrix: Large amplitude waves and heated particles
- The Search for Precursor Redline Auroral Events
- The mysteries of the diffusion region in asymmetric systems
- The scientific challenges to forecasting and nowcasting the magnetospheric response to space weather (Invited)
- Variability of Plasmas Near Europa
- A Case Study of the Impact of a Transient Solar Wind Structure on Venus
- A Compact Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer for the Exocube Mission
- Bi-Directional Energy Cascades and the Origin of Kinetic Alfvénic and Whistler Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- ExoCube: In-Situ Measurement of Composition in the Exosphere, Thermosphere and Topside Ionosphere
- Global impact of collisionless magnetic reconnection on the structure of planetary magnetospheres
- Improving solar wind modeling at Mercury: Incorporating transient solar phenomena into the WSA-ENLIL model
- Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling from Dynamics Explorer to Swarm and Beyond
- MESSENGER Observations of Cusp Plasma Filaments at Mercury
- MESSENGER's low-altitude plasma observations in Mercury's northern magnetospheric cusp
- Magnetic Alfvén-Cyclotron Fluctuations of Anisotropic Non-Thermal Plasmas
- Modeling the heating and the acceleration of the fast solar wind ion
- Multi-Scale Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices Along Mercury's Magnetopause
- Observations of the coupling efficiency of VLF lightning-generated whistlers into the low-latitude plasmasphere
- Rebuilding of the Earth's Outer Electron Belts During the 9 October 2012 and 17 March 2013 Geomagnetic Storms
- Reconstruction of auroral zone ion outflow during a substorm from VISIONS ENA measurements
- Regional-Scale Surface Magnetic Fields and Proton Fluxes to Mercury's Surface from Proton-Reflection Magnetometry
- Role of Parallel and Oblique Ion-Cyclotron Waves in Heating Ions in an Inhomogeneous Expanding Solar Wind Plasma
- Symmetry Properties of Proton Velocity Distributions: a Vlasov Simulation Study of the Ion Cyclotron Instability
- Tracking the direction of the interstellar wind over a full solar cycle using pickup ions detected by ACE SWICS
- Whistler Cyclotron Electromagnetic Fluctuations in a Maxwellian and Tsallis-kappa-like Plasma
- Whistler-cyclotron spontaneous fluctuations as a proxy to identify thermal and non-thermal electrons in the solar wind
- 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Advanced 360<SUP>o</SUP> FOV, wide energy range, non-HV, gated time of flight mass spectrometers for Small Satellites and Cubesats
- Background Rates of Gain Amplifying Detectors in Space
- Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Calibrating MMS Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Ambient Electron Flux Measurements and Characterizing 3D Electric Field Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection
- CeREs, A Compact Radiation Belt Explorer to study charged particle dynamics in geospace
- Cluster Observations of Non Time Continuous Magnetosonic Waves
- Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Magnetopause Crossing Signatures With Predicted Reconnection Line Locations
- Concepts and Results of New Method for Accurate Ground and In-Flight Calibration of the Particle Spectrometers of the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
- Conversion of electromagnetic energy at plasma jet fronts
- Current sheet properties derived using multi-point measurements from the Cluster and MMS missions
- Dual-propagation-path entry of lightning-generated whistlers into the low-latitude magnetosphere
- Early results on energetic particle dynamics and structure from the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
- Electric Mars: The first survey of Martian parallel electric fields.
- Electron instability thresholds of solar wind magnetic fluctuations in non-thermal anisotropic kappa distribution plasmas: Survey of Wind-SWE-VEIS observations
- Energy Dissipation and Transport Associated with Whistler-wave Generation during Plasma Jet Events using MMS Data
- ExoCube INMS with Neutral Hydrogen Mode
- Exploring Magnetopause Reconnection with MMS
- Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS
- First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause.
- In Flight Calibration of the Magnetospheric Multisale Mission Fast Plasma Investigation: Initial Flight Result
- Initial Predictions of Outflow Rates from Jupiter's Ionosphere
- Interplanetary Shocks Observed by the DSCOVR Spacecraft
- Ion Species-Dependent Effects in Magnetic Reconnection: MMS Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) Initial Results
- Low Altitude Initiation of Ionospheric Upflow and Outflow
- Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
- Low-frequency wave activity related to dipolarization fronts detected by MMS in the magnetotail
- MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail
- MMS High-Resolution Observations of the Magnetopause Reconnection Layer
- MMS Observations of Dipolarization Fronts
- MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth's Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region
- MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields
- MMS Observations of Velocity-dispersed Ion Populations in Earth's Magnetotail.
- MMS observations of kinetic-scale structure in a magnetic depression
- MMS observations of waves and instabilities in the separatrices and diffusion region of magnetopause reconnection
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Observations of Energetic Particle Dynamics and Structures Prior To and During Its First Encounters with the Reconnection-Rich Regions of Earth's Magnetopause
- Mapping Mercury's magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons
- Mapping Out the Diffusion Region in Magnetopause Reconnection: from CLUSTER to Magnetospheric Multiscale
- Measurements from the Daytime Dynamo Sounding Rocket missions: Altitude Profiles of Neutral Temperature, Density, Winds, and Con Composition
- Midlatitude daytime wind measurements in the dynamo region with a sounding rocket chemical release technique
- Mixing of Proton and Electron Scales - Effects of Proton Temperature Anisotropy on the Electron Firehose Instability
- Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
- Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth's Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015
- Neutral Wind Observations below 200 km altitudes
- New Insights on Ring Current-Radiation Belt Dynamics from Observation and Simulation Studies
- Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Observations of EMIC Wave Growth by MMS
- Quantifying the auroral response from measured source populations of electrons and electromagnetic wave activity
- RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Secondary Electrons MI Coupling in the Presence of ECH and Whistler Waves
- Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents
- Solar Wind Magnetic Fluctuations and Electron Non-Thermal Temperature Anisotropy: Survey of Wind-SWE-VEIS Observations
- Statistical analysis of plasmaspheric magnetosonic mode waves from Van Allen Probes observations
- Superthermal Electron Directional Fluxes and Their Pitch-Angle Distributions in the Region of the Diffuse Aurora
- Survey of the high resolution frequency structure of the fast magnetosonic mode and proton energy diffusion associated with these waves
- The Cubesat mission to study Solar Particles (CuSP), an interplanetary cubesat
- The Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- The kinetic scale structure of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Implications of collisionless magnetic reconnection and first MMS observations
- The role of soft electron precipitation and ponderomotive force in the generation of ionospheric outflow in the cusp and polar regions
- A study of ionopause perturbation and associated boundary wave formation at Venus.
- Analysis of MMS observations of Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Magnetosheath
- Analysis of Microflares from the Second Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI-2)
- Atmospheric Loss and Warming Of The Early Mars
- C/NOFS-VEFI results on magnetic-latitude control over coupling of lightning-generated VLF into zero-hop whistlers
- Cold Electrons as the Drivers of Parallel, Electrostatic Waves in Asymmetric Reconnection
- Cold ion demagnetization near the X-line of magnetic reconnection
- Cold plasma and magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause boundary layer
- Comparison of Ohm's Law Terms Using New High Resolution Fast Plasma Investigation Plasma Moments
- Detailed Characteristics of Radiation Belt Electrons Revealed by CSSWE/REPTile Measurements
- Differential Electron Flux Spectra Measured by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) Show Strong Field-aligned Electron Population of Ionospheric Origin
- Electron Heating near the Reconnection X-line Versus in the Downstream Exhaust
- Evidence for extended sub-ion scale current sheets at the subsolar magnetopause under northward and southward IMF conditions: Comparison of MMS observations with global MHD simulations
- ExoDyn: A Cube-Satellite Constellation for the In-situ Measurement of Upper Atmospheric Composition
- Focusing Solar Hard X-rays: Expected Results from a FOXSI Spacecraft
- Global-scale Ionospheric Outflow: Major Processes and Unresolved Problems
- Identifying Long-term Oscillations in Polar Coronal Holes
- K-Spectrum Determination: Comparison of Three Methods Using High Resolution MMS FPI Plasma and Magnetic Field Multi-Spacecraft Data
- MI coupling impact of superthermal electrons on the diffuse aurora precipitation and the ionospheric conductance: the missing piece in the global MHD models
- MMS Observations and Non-Force Free Modeling of a Flux Transfer Event Immersed in a Super-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS Observations of the Flux Transfer Events in presence of the cold ions
- MMS Super-Conjunction Studies of Chorus Wave Properties and Their Effects on Energetic Electrons
- MMS observations of magnetic reconnection in small-scale current sheets in magnetosheath turbulence.
- MMS observations of strong plasma enhancements at the dawn terminator
- MMS observations of wave-particle interactions in a kinetic-scale Alfvén-branch wave
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Flux-Rope Interactions in the Turbulent Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Magnetospheric Response to the Severe Storm of June 22-23, 2015: Effect of Multiple Dipolarizations on the Ring Current and Radiation Belts
- Mars Ionosphere Meteoritic Ion Distributions -A Mixture of Earth and Venus Characteristics
- Next Generation Telescopes for Terrestrial Exoplanet Characterization
- Observations of Heliospheric Faraday Rotation of a CME Using LOFAR and Space-Based Imaging
- Optical Observations of Interhemispheric Electron Bouncing during Pulsating Aurora
- Optimal satellite sampling to resolve global-scale dynamics in the I-T system
- Particle Dynamics at and Near the Electron and Ion Diffusion Regions
- Physics of the diffusion region in the Magnetospheric Multiscale era
- Plasma density estimates from spacecraft potential using MMS observations in the dayside magnetosphere
- Power law "thermalization" of ion pickup and ionospheric outflows
- Precipitated Electron Fluxes Formation in the Region of Diffuse Aurora: The Role of MI Coupling
- Prioritization for Downlink of Scientific Observations for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Using Trigger Parameters from the Fast Plasma Instrumentation
- Quantifying the contribution of microbursts to global electron loss
- Quiet-sun and non-flaring active region measurements from the FOXSI-2 sounding rocket
- Radiation Belt Electron Intensity Variations: Van Allen Probes era vs. Previous two Solar Cycles
- Retrieving Saturn's Atmospheric Temperatures from Radio-Occultation Soundings
- Seasonal, longitude, local time, and altitude distributions of electric field, magnetic field, and plasma density components of depletions, structures, and waves observed on the C/NOFS satellite in the low latitude ionosphere
- Simultaneous Remote Observations of Intense Reconnection Effects by MMS and DMSP Spacecraft During Storm-time Substorms
- Sub-kilometer Simulation of Equatorial Plasma Bubble and Comparison with Satellite Observations
- The Electric Wind of Venus: A global and persistent "polar wind" like ambipolar electric field sufficient for the direct escape of heavy ionospheric ions
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The magnetosphere of Venus under unusual Solar Wind condition
- Transient foreshock phenomena at Mars and Venus and their effects on the induced magnetosphere and ionosphere
- 3D ion-scale dynamics of BBFs and their associated emissions in Earth's magnetotail using 3D hybrid simulations and MMS multi-spacecraft observations
- A Compact Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer for Measuring Atmospheric Composition with Preliminary Results from the Dellingr Mission
- A study on the non Maxwellian nature of ion velocity distribution functions using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data
- Accelerating 3D Hall MHD Magnetosphere Simulations with Graphics Processing Units
- Ambient magnetic field weakness during chorus event and their implication on the outer radiation belt dynamic
- Ambipolar electric fields at Earth, Mars, and Venus
- Anticipated Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Application of multi-parameter chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models in radiation belt modeling
- Atmospheric Loss Exploration via Mechanisms of Energetic Mass Ejection
- Characteristics of Energetic Particle Acceleration in Hot Flow Anomalies Observed by MMS
- Characteristics of Terrestrial-Source Ion Distributions In and Around the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Combined SDO/AIA, Hinode/XRT and FOXSI-2 microflare observations - DEM analysis and energetics
- Complementarity of Laboratory and Space Experiments on Reconnexion
- Diffusion Region's Structure at the Subsolar Magnetopause with MMS Data
- Direct Measurements of Energy Transfer between Hot Protons and He<SUP>+</SUP> via EMIC Waves Observed by MMS in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Do habitable worlds require magnetic fields?
- Does an Intrinsic Magnetic Field Inhibit or Enhance Planetary Ionosphere Outflow and Loss?
- Electron Beams Escaping the Sun: Hard X-ray Diagnostics of Jet-related Electron Acceleration
- Examining Energetic Particle Injections and the Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere with Multiple Spacecraft/Missions
- Flux transfer events formed in the reconnection exhaust region between two X-lines and in the velocity shear layer of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices
- High resolution mapping of cold ions within flux transfer events using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data
- High-Energy Aspects of Small-Scale Energy Release at the Sun
- High-Resolution Spectroscopic Observations of Potassium Emissions in the Lunar Exosphere
- High-Resolution, Ground-Based Observations of the Lunar Exosphere during the month of May from 2013 to 2016.
- Investigation of Energy Release in Microflares Observed by the Second Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI-2)
- Investigation of strong plasma injections observed by the MMS
- Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations: A possibility of anomalous resistivity inferred from MMS observations
- Investigations of Wind/WAVES Dust Impacts
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Jupiter's Dawn Magnetosheath and Magnetopause as Measured by Juno
- Kinetic-scale fluctuations resolved with the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission.
- Lower Hybrid Waves at Comet 67P
- MMS Encounters with Reconnection Diffusion Regions in the Earth's Magnetotail
- MMS Multipoint Analysis of the Dynamics, Evolution, and Particle Acceleration Mechanisms Inside FTEs at Earth's Subsolar Magnetopause
- MMS Observations of Langmuir Collapse and Emission?
- MMS Observations of Protons and Heavy Ions Acceleration at Plasma Jet Fronts
- MMS Observations of Reconnection at Dayside Magnetopause Crossings During Transitions of the Solar Wind to Sub-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS Observations of Vorticity Near Sites of Magnetic Reconnection
- MMS Observations of the Evolution of Ion-Scale Flux Transfer Events
- MMS observations and hybrid simulations of rippled and reforming quasi-parallel shocks
- MMS observations of guide field reconnection at the interface between colliding reconnection jets inside flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause
- MMS observations of magnetic reconnection signatures of dissipating ion inertial-scale flux ropes associated with dipolarization events
- Magnetic Reconnection as Revealed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Flux Transfer Event signatures
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Poynting flux associated with magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail from 10 to 25 R<SUB>E</SUB>
- Magnetospheric Response Associated With Multiple Atmospheric Reflections of Precipitated Electrons in Aurora.
- Mapping Ion and Electron Remagnetization Distance in the Reconnection Outflow Exhaust Region with MMS
- Mapping Project Connections Over Time in a Heliophysics Education Consortium
- Multi-Spacecraft Study of Kinetic scale Turbulence Using MMS Observations in the Solar Wind
- Observations of 50/60 Hz Power Line Radiation in the Low Latitude Ionosphere Detected by the Electric Field Instrument on the C/NOFS Satellite
- Observations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in Jupiter's Downward Auroral Current Region
- Optical observations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling: Inter-hemispheric electron reflections within pulsating aurora
- Polar Plasma at Ganymede: Ionospheric outflow and discovery of the plasma sheet
- Properties, propagation, and excitation of EMIC waves observed by MMS: A case study
- Quantifying the contribution of microburst precipitation to global electron loss
- Quantitative Assessment of CRAND Contribution to the Inner Belt Electron Intensity
- Quantitative analysis of a Hall system in the exhaustof asymmetric magnetic reconnection
- Radiation Belt Electron Energy Spectra Characterization and Evolution Based on the Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Reconnection properties in Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities
- Reconstructing Global-scale Ionospheric Outflow With a Satellite Constellation
- Relativistic electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shocks
- Separator Reconnection at Earth's Dayside Magnetopause and the Tail: MMS Observations Compared to Global 3D Simulations
- Sources, properties, and energization of auroral particle precipitation
- Space Weather Action Plan Ionizing Radiation Benchmarks: Phase 1 update and plans for Phase 2
- Spatial characterization of relativistic electron enhancements in the Earth's outer radiation belt during the Van Allen Probes era
- Statistical analysis of current sheet crossings using new 7.5ms Fast Plasma Investigation data
- Taking Risks for the Future of Space Weather Forecasting, Research, and Operations
- The Distribution of Interplanetary Dust Near 1-AU: An MMS Perspective
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Non-Steady State Dynamic of Superthermal Electrons in the Regions of Diffuse Auroras
- Two-years of In-flight Spectrometer Calibration Results for the Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) on the Magmetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
- Using a Neural Network Approach to Find Unusual Butterfly Pitch Angle Distribution Shapes
- Where is the Most Likely Location Where the Secondary Interstellar Oxygen Atoms Are Created Around the Heliosheath?
- Pressure Agyrotropy In Magnetized Plasma: Measurements And Application In Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection
- A Mission to Achieve Ultrahigh-Resolution Imaging of the Solar Corona
- Accurate determination of the total accelerated electron rate and power using solar flare hard X-ray spectra from RHESSI and FOXSI
- An Analytical Model to Predict Directional Distribution of the Secondary ISN O Atoms at the Heliopause Derived From IBEX-Lo Observations
- Angular Momentum and Angular Energy in the Dissipation, Energy Balance, and Topology of Magnetic Reconnection
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Comparative Examination of Ion Energization Mechanisms in Coalescing FTE-Type Flux Ropes
- Comparisons of Three Solar Eruptive Gamma-Ray Events
- Compressional wave observations between 12 and 18 F<SUB>cP </SUB>in the Earth's plasmasheet: observations by MMS
- Constrained Differential Emission Measure of Microflare Heating Observed with FOXSI-2, Hinode/XRT and SDO/AIA
- Coupling of Multiple Small-Scale Electron Transport Models to Examine Auroral Events
- Cross helicity in the kinetic range of plasma turbulence using MMS
- Direct Measurements of Energy Transfer from Hot Protons to EMIC Waves Observed by MMS during Pc5 Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Effects in the near-Magnetopause Magnetosheath Elicited by Large-Amplitude Alfvénic Fluctuations Terminating in a Field and Flow Discontinuity
- Electron Beams and Return Currents in Solar Flares: A Self-Consistent Model Including Runaway Electrons
- Energetic charged particle characteristics of Jupiter's middle-to-outer magnetosphere: Observations from Juno/JEDI
- Energy flow across the magnetopause and plasma sheet boundary layers: Theory and MMS observations
- Estimating Current Density with MMS Data in Near-Earth Space
- Examining the link between MSTIDs and ionospheric plasma density enhancements with petitSat, an upcoming 6U CubeSat mission
- Exploration of Different Active Region Heating Models
- Exploring Earth's Magnetosphere in Virtual Reality
- FOXSI-3: Mission Overview and Observations from the Third Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager
- First Observations from CeREs: The Compact Radiation belt Explorer
- First Responses of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere during Extreme Geomagnetic Storms
- Flying through a Dawn Storm : an analysis of Juno-UVS images during PJ11
- Four-spacecraft measurements of the shape and dimensionality of magnetic structures in the near-Earth plasma environment
- High energy radiation profile of Jupiter as observed by the Juno ASC
- Higher-order Turbulence Statistics in the Earth's Magnetosheath and the Solar Wind using Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
- Identifying the Electron Diffusion Region Using Model Independent Measurement of Spatial Scale-Meter: (MIMSS-M)
- Identifying the Electron Diffusion Region in MMS Magnetopause Crossings
- Implications of LADEE measurements of the lunar potassium exosphere
- Impulsively Reflected Ions: A New Theory for Ion Acoustic Wave Growth in Collisionless Shocks
- In situ study of the pathways of energy dissipation in turbulent reconnection in the Earth's magnetosheath using MMS data
- Influence of various plasma environments (Solar wind, magnetosheath, tail lobes, plasma sheet) on the lunar sodium and potassium exosphere
- Initial Results from the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer on NASA's Dellingr Mission
- Investigation of waves, instabilities and energy exchanges in magnetotail dipolarization fronts using MMS in situ observations and 3D kinetic simulations
- Ion heating during magnetotail reconnection
- Ionospheric Currents Observed Using the Flux-gate Magnetometer on the C/NOFS Satellite
- Juno Magnetometer Observations of Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere
- Local time dependence of sodium in the lunar exosphere from LADEE data.
- MMS Observations of Beta-Dependent Constraints on Ion Temperature-Anisotropy in Earth's Magnetosheath
- MMS Observations of Cross-tail Current Sheet Flapping at Earth
- MMS Observations of Magnetosheath Field Enhancements and Pressure Pulses: Causes and Consequences
- MMS observations of flux rope formation and magnetic reconnection implications in Earth's central plasma sheet
- MMS observations of reconnecting current sheets in the disordered transition region of collisionless shocks
- Magnetosheath Turbulence and its Relationship with Electron Magnetic Reconnection
- Magnetospheric Outlook on MI Coupling Processes in the Regions of Diffuse Aurora
- Magnetotail Reconnection at Jupiter: A survey of magnetic field and plasma flow signatures observed by Juno
- Magnetotail reconnection following a flapping motion of the magnetotail on 17 July 2017
- Measuring Effects Across NASA Space Science Education Consortium Activities Using NSF Impact Categories
- Measuring energy conversion in near-Earth space plasmas with MMS
- Mercury's extended sodium exosphere: pickup ion observations in the solar wind by MESSENGER
- NOAA SWPC / CCMC Partnership to Validate Heliospheric Models
- New results from Galileo's first flyby of Ganymede: Reconnection driven flows at the low-latitude magnetopause boundary, crossing the cusp, and icy ionospheric escape
- On the variations of protons during the magnetospheric substorm at Earth and Mercury in the near-tail: A comparative study
- Probing the Bi-Directional Magnetic Reconnection Outflow Region of An Eruptive Solar Flare with Microwave Spectroscopic Imaging
- Resolving Terms of Vlasov's Equation with MMS
- SETH, a Heliophysics Technology Demonstration
- STEREO Observations During the First Perihelion Pass of Parker Solar Probe
- Si IV Resonance Line Emission During Solar Flares: NLTE radiation transfer simulations
- Soft X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the Sun using a high-speed CMOS sensor with the FOXSI-3 sounding rocket
- Spectrometer for Temperature and Composition for the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager - FOXSI mission
- Statistic Properties of Flux Ropes and Flux Transfer Events Observed by MMS spacecraft
- Statistical Comparison of the Dayside Current Density using Particle and Field Data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Study of Type III Radio Bursts in Nanoflares
- Studying Coronal Heating with Data Driven Active Region Modeling using GX Simulator
- Studying the Global Effects of Ion-Scale Physics in Supersonic, Earth-like Magnetospheres with GPUs
- The Effect of Nanoflare Heating on Coronal Spectral Lines
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- The Jovian Magnetodisc Azimuthal and Radial Fields Mapped by the Juno Spacecraft
- The Onset of Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona
- The SunPy Ecosystem
- The formation of drift-Alfvén vortices near thin current sheets in low-β magnetosheath turbulence
- The third flight of the FOXSI rocket: Performance and results
- Turbulence Studies using MMS: data issues and physics
- Using 3D Printers and Paper Cutters to Motivate your Audience with NASA Science and Big Events
- Visualizations of Volumetric Datasets in Virtual Reality: Benefits and Constraints
- WSA-ENLIL+Cone Modeling of CMEs in 2010-2011 Using Multipoint Spacecraft Observations
- A Model for Measuring Effects Across NASA Space Science Education Consortium Activities Using NSF Impact Categories
- A Statistical Study of Proton Microinstabilities and Nonlinear Effects in Space Plasmas
- A Statistical Study on the Upstream Ultra-low Frequency Waves in Mercury's Foreshock seen by MESSENGER
- Advances in the inversion modelling of solar electron events: From Helios to Parker Solar Probe & Solar Orbiter.
- Anisotropic Distribution of the Secondary Interstellar O Atoms in the Region outside the Heliopause
- Characterization of Charge Sharing in the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Hard X-ray Detectors Using the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley
- Combined Next-Generation X-ray and EUV Observations with the FIERCE Mission Concept
- Dawnward Tail Asymmetries in a "Mini-Earth" Magnetosphere
- Disk Detective: Combining Citizen Science and Virtual Reality
- Do Earth's auroral substorms and Jupiter's dawn storms arise from the same processes?
- Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the solar wind: local vs remote sources
- Electron Scattering by Low-Frequency Whistler Waves at Earth's Bow Shock
- Electron acceleration and thermalization at reconnection separatrices
- Electron vorticity observed during fundamental physical processes in near-Earth space
- Electron-MHD reconstruction of magnetotail reconnection regions observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
- Electrostatic spacecraft potential structure and wake formation effects for characterization of cold ionospheric ions in the Earth's magnetosphere
- Energetic particle observations in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere: new discoveries by Juno
- Energy Transport and Partition in the Vicinity of the Magnetopause Reconnection Electron Dissipation Region
- Exploring the Earth's outer atmosphere: an innovative approach to measure in-situ exospheric densities
- FIERCE Science: Expected Results From a High-Energy Medium-Class Explorer
- FOXSI-4: Instrument Upgrades for a Proposed Fourth Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Generalized Ohm's Law Decomposition of the Electric Field in Magnetosheath Turbulence: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
- Hardware upgrades and science outcomes from the latest flights of the FOXSI rocket
- Juno in-situ Observations of Io's Interaction with Jupiter and Comparisons with Enceladus
- Juno observations of field-aligned currents in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere
- MMS Observations of Magnetopause Reconnection: Characterizing Terms in the Vlasov Equation Throughout the Diffusion Region
- MMS Observations of Multi-Scale Wave Structures with Energetic Electrons at the High-Latitude Dayside Boundary Layer In the Vicinity of the Southern Cusp
- MMS Observations of Plasma Heating and High Frequency Waves in Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices
- MMS observations of the structure, evolution, and heating in the diffusion region of a reconnecting magnetosheath current sheet
- Magnetotail Current Sheet Prior to Magnetic Reconnection
- Modelling the angular response of EPD/EPT: Application to the electron event observed on 21 April 2019
- NASA's STEM Innovation Lab: A Hybrid Makerspace. Our goal is to bring NASA's universe of knowledge into educational spaces around the country and to increase scientific literacy and interest. We're a hybrid think-tank and makerspace where we invite NASA scientists, engineers, and educators to explore and share ideas using educational technology.
- Non-Maxwellianity of electron distributions and their source regions
- On the Ubiquity of Magnetic Reconnection inside Flux Transfer Events at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Particle Acceleration by Io's Alfvénic Interaction
- Plasma Wave Phase Analysis of the Magnetosphere-Multiscale Fast Plasma Investigation Data
- Pressure Tensor Elements Breaking the Frozen-In Law During Reconnection inEarth's Magnetotail
- Solar Flare EUV and X-ray Emission: Building a 3D picture from Radiation Hydrodynamic 1D Loop Modelling
- Solar flare hard X-ray and gamma-ray imaging spectro-polarimetry with GRIPS and SAPPHIRE/SHARPIE
- Solar wind streams and corotating interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one AU
- Spectrometer for Temperature and Composition for the FIERCE MIDEX mission concept
- Statistics of Reconnecting Structures within the Transition Region of Earth's Bow Shock
- Study of Type III Solar Radio Bursts in Nanoflares
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- The Distribution of Interplanetary Dust Near 1-AU: Perspectives from STEREO and MMS
- The Interplay of Turbulence and Electron-Only Reconnection: A Survey of Magnetosheath Turbulence with Magnetospheric Multiscale
- The Jovian Magnetodisc During the Juno Era
- The Occurrence and Role of Magnetic Reconnection in Turbulent Plasmas
- The Onset and Development of 3D Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona: Important Physical Details
- The Sensitivity of AIA Observations to Coronal Heating Parameters
- The cold ion drag and its possible impact on the dayside magnetospheric convection
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- The relationship between substorm onset and fast flow generation in Earth's magnetotail
- Understanding Energetic Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere
- Update on NOAA SWPC / CCMC Partnership to Validate Heliospheric Models
- Using Celestial Events to Highlight NASA Science and Reach Diverse Populations
- Vlasiator Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations and MMS Observations of Flux Transfer Events: a Comparative Analysis
- Volume-filling Simulations of Coronal Loops Heated by Nanoflares
- Voyager 2 Constraints on Plasmoid-based Transport at Uranus
- Whistler mode waves near the magnetic field intensity minimum of mirror structures in magnetosheath
- Why do fast and wide CMEs not always produce observable solar energetic particles?
- petitSat - A 6U CubeSat to examine the link between MSTIDS and ionospheric plasma density enhancements
- A Survey of Computational Tools in Solar Physics
- Can nanoflare heating define the coronal loop size?
- Comparing plasma irregularities across scale sizes with GOLD and COSMIC
- Comprehensive Dual-Species Observations of the Long Duration Gamma Ray Flares of 1991 June 9 and 11.
- EarthShine: The Earth viewed as an exoplanet from the Lunar surface
- High-Energy Proton Intensity Enhancements Associated with the Passage of Interplanetary Shocks
- ISEND cubesat for studying the Earth's exospheric density and its response to space weather
- Ion Velocity Spectrometer (IVS) for Solar Wind Monitor
- Ion radiation belts outside of the main rings of Jupiter and Saturn
- Limits on the X-ray emission of the quiet Sun from the FOXSI sounding rockets
- Lunar Plasma Environment in Cases with Extreme Solar Wind Conditions. First Results from 3-D Hybrid Kinetic Modeling and Comparison with ARTEMIS Observations
- MMS Observations of Ion Bernstein Mode Wave-Particle Interaction in the Plasmasheet
- Modeling Supra-thermal Runaway Electrons Returning to the Acceleration Region in Solar Flares
- Modeling the whistler-heat flux instability in the solar wind using skew kappa distribution functions
- Modulation of energy transfer between hot protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves by compressional Pc5 ULF waves
- Nearest Planetary Object Approaches for Interstellar Probe's Journey Through the Inner and Outer Solar System
- New Methods for Solar Hard X-ray Imaging Analysis with the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Opportunities for Science From Gateway With HERMES
- Physics-Informed Reconstruction of MHD Spacetime States from Simulated Spacecraft Measurements
- Plasmaspheric Plume Turbulence: Signature of an Electrostatic Corotation-Convection Shear-Layer Instability
- SEP Scoreboard
- Signatures of Type III Solar Radio Bursts from Nanoflares: Final Results
- Small Electron Events Observed by Parker Solar Probe/ISʘIS During Encounter 2
- Soft x-ray imaging telescopes for remote observation of the magnetosphere
- Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration at Shock Waves Driven by Fast and Wide Coronal Mass Ejections
- Solar Energetic Particles and Interplanetary Type III Bursts
- Solar Flare Arcade Modelling using Field-Aligned Flare Simulations: Bridging the gap from 1D to 3D
- Spectroscopic Constraints on the Dimension of Active Region Loops Along the Line of Sight
- Study of the relationship between the observations of electron distribution in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: High Resolution Focused X-ray Observations of the Sun
- The Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar flares (GRIPS): proposed reflight during the next solar maximum
- The Micro Solar Flare Apparatus (MiSolFA)
- The expected fluxes of secondary ISNs in the VLISM
- The topology of the subsolar magnetopause under northward IMF conditions: Global simulations and MMS observations
- Tracking a CME and SIR to Earth and Mars during the deep minimum of Solar Cycle 24
- Understanding Solar Energetic Particle Events and CME Dynamics in the Low Corona using MLSO and Spacebased Coronagraph Observations - Progress Report
- Why do different current sheets reconnect differently?
- A Stochastic Three-dimensional Focused Transport Simulation of Solar Energetic Particles Produced by a Data-driven Coronal Mass Ejection Shock
- Analysis of a Multi-Spacecraft Event During the First Solar Orbiter Perihelion: the 21 March 2022 SEP event
- BepiColombo Cruise Science: a Planetary Mission Providing Synergistic Observations of Interplanetary Transients in the Inner Solar System
- Conditions Leading to the Observation of High-Energy Proton Intensity Enhancements Associated with the Passage of Interplanetary Shocks
- Machine Learning for solving the Bz Problem in Space Weather Forecasting
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of Three SEP Events and Associated CMEs in Late March 2022.
- On the seed population of solar energetic particles in the inner heliosphere
- Solar Orbiter: First science results from the nominal mission phase
- The geomagnetic Vigil: How useful are Measurements at L5 for forecasting a Geomagnetic Index like Dst?
- Towards Advanced SEP Forecasting Using Physics-based Simulation Modeling of Particle Acceleration and Transport
- Tracking a beam of electrons from the low solar corona into interplanetary space with the Low Frequency Array, Parker Solar Probe and 1 au spacecraft
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Aran
- A. Bruno
- A. C. Birch
- A. P. Walsh
- Adiv Paradise
- Alexander Kollhoff
- Anders Eriksson
- Andreas J. Weiss
- Athanasios Papaioannou
- B. Fleck
- B. R. Dennis
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Beatriz Sánchez‐Cano
- Bernd Heber
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. J. Henney
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Tucker
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Christian Möstl
- Christina O. Lee
- Christoph U. Keller
- Colby Haggerty
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. Fischer
- D. Lario
- D. Müller
- D. V. Reames
- Daniel Heyner
- Daniel Pacheco
- David R. Williams
- Durgesh Tripathi
- E. Mazarico
- Elias Odelstad
- Erika Palmerio
- F. Espinosa Lara
- Fernando Carcaboso
- G. C. Ho
- G. M. Mason
- Gang Li
- Go Murakami
- Hannah T. Rüdisser
- I. G. Richardson
- I. Zouganelis
- Ilya Usoskin
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. Benkhoff
- J. C. Kasper
- J. Fainberg
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- Jason P. Dworkin
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Julia Sushkova
- L. Golub
- L. K. Jian
- M. H. Burger
- M. L. Mays
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Burleigh
- M. Stęślicki
- Martin A. Reiss
- Martin Rubin
- Matthew J. West
- Michael L. Stevens
- N. E. Raouafi
- Natasha L. S. Jeffrey
- Nicolas André
- Nicolas Wijsen
- P. Gonçalves
- P. H. Reiff
- P. H. Scherrer
- P. Wright
- Petrus C. Martens
- Pierre Henri
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. C. Allen
- Rachael Filwett
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Roger C. Bailey
- Ryan O. Milligan
- S. D. Bale
- S. Gburek
- S. T. Badman
- Sijie Yu
- Stefaan Poedts
- Steven Christe
- T. Dudok de Wit
- Tanja Amerstorfer
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tomasz Mrozek
- Ute Amerstorfer
- Yuri V. Khotyaintsev
- Zheyi Ding
- Zigong Xu