Science Applications International, San Diego
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Application of Differential InSAR to Mining
- How do emerging magnetic fields affect the solar coronal field configuration?
- Latitudinal Extent of Large Scale Solar Wind Structures
- MHD Models of Io's Interaction with the Plasma Torus: Comparison with the Polar Flybys
- Modeling of Active Region 8535 (May 1999) with MH4D
- Properties of the Auroral Zone Ionosphere Inferred Using Plasma Contactor Data From the International Space Station
- Simulating the Structure of Currents in the Middle Jovian Magnetosphere
- The Large-Scale Variability of Solar Wind Streams
- Application of Spaceborne Differential Radar Interferometry to Rockbursts, Mining Subsidence and Shallow Moderate Earthquakes
- CME Evolution in the Corona and Solar Wind
- MH4D, an MHD Algorithm on an Unstructured Tetrahedral Grid.
- Predicting the Structure of the Solar Corona During the December 4, 2002 Total Solar Eclipse
- Representation of the Geosynchronous Plasma Environment for Spacecraft Charging Calculations
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Comparison of Observed Coronal EUV and X-Ray Emission with that from Heating Models
- Constraints on the structure and evolution of the coronal magnetic field from in situ observations
- Demonstration of a Prototype Magnetospheric State-Based Trapped Radiation Data Base for the LWS Program
- Eruptive Behavior Originating in Active Regions
- MH4D: an Algorithm for MHD on a Tetrahedral Grid
- Modeling the Large-Scale Corona Surrounding an Active Region
- Relating Interplanetary Helium Variation to Coronal Magnetic Fields and Solar Wind Formation
- Statistical Study of Slot Region Protons
- The Physical Basis of Lg Generation by Explosion Sources
- A Comparison of Coronal Magnetic Field and Heliospheric Current Sheet Derived From the MAS and WSA Models
- Initial Results from An MHD Simulation of Ganymede¡_s Magnetosphere
- MHD Modeling of Differential Rotation
- MHD Modeling of the Solar Wind with with MH4D
- Modeling Flux Cancellation in Active Regions
- Predictions of solar wind properties at 1 AU: A comparison of empirical and physics-based models to spacecraft data.
- Propagation of the 12 May 1997 ICME in Evolving Solar Wind Structures
- Relationship Between Plasma Heating and Coronal Emissions
- SEP Event Modeling for STEREO
- Solar Energetic Particle Entry and Trapping in the Magnetosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- Solar Wind Modeling of Cassini-Approach Observations
- Using global MHD simulations to relate the Three-Part Structure of CMEs to in situ observations
- What Can We Deduce about Coronal Mass Ejections from STEREO observations?
- A Study of the Global Heliospheric Magnetic Flux Using In-Situ Data and the SAIC MHD Model
- Identifying the solar sources of helium variation in the slow solar wind using global MHD simulations
- MHD Modeling of the Latitudinal Excursion of Magnetic Field Lines in the Solar Corona
- MHD Modeling of the May 12, 1997 CME
- On the Magnetopause Crossing at Ganymede
- Spacecraft Surface Charging Application Development for Geosynchronous Orbit
- The Impact of the Magnetic Field Structure on May 12, 1997 CME Event*
- Unraveling STEREO Observations with Global MHD Models
- Generalized Squashing Factors for Covariant Description of Magnetic Connectivity in the Solar Atmosphere
- Goals and Progress of the LWS Focused Science Topic on the CME--ICME Connection
- ICME polarity: it's origins and effects on the magnetosphere, and STEREO's potential for resolving key problems
- Large Scale Coronal Abundance and Density Structures, and Their Association With the Magnetic Field Structure
- MHD Modeling of Active Regions with Realistic Energy Transport*
- MHD Modeling of the Solar Corona through Differential Rotation of the Magnetic Flux
- Mass-loading Effects at Ganymede
- Maximizing the Scientific Return of the Sentinels Mission using Global MHD Models
- Solar and Heliospheric Modeling Activities at the CCMC
- Surface Charging Application Tests for Geosynchronous Spacecraft
- Toward Routine Simulations of Heliospheric Transient Disturbances
- Transit Time and Normal Orientation of ICME-driven Shocks
- Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs Using a Combination of Pressure and Self-potential Transient Data
- Comparing Coronal Heating Models by Using Their Implied EUV and Soft X-ray Emissions
- Comparison of Heliospheric In-Situ Data with the Quasi-Steady Solar Wind Models
- Direct Imaging of the Heliospheric Plasma Sheet from the SECCHI telescopes on the STEREO Mission
- Electrical Surveys for Geothermal Reservoir Characterization
- MHD Simulations of Small Active Regions Interacting with Coronal Holes
- MHD Simulations of the Interaction between Ganymede and Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Thickness and Normalized Water-Leaving Radiances From the SeaWiFS and MODIS Sensors Over the Chesapeake Bay Area (Case 2 Water)
- Slow Solar Wind Formation Beyond the Cusp of an Helmet Streamer
- Solar Wind Structure at Solar Minimum: 3D MHD Solar Wind Model Results Compared with STEREO and ACE Observations
- Sources of fast solar wind streams observed on STEREO and at L1
- Surface Charging Application Tests for Geosynchronous Spacecraft
- Three-dimensional simulation of a rock slide impact into water
- Tsunami Detection Systems for International Requirements
- Tsunami Observations on Hydrophones and Island Seismic Stations
- Understanding Eruptive Phenomena in the Hinode Era
- Universal Method for Describing Magnetic Reconnection
- Using 3D MHD Simulations to Improve the Internal Magnetic Field Model of Ganymede
- Using Global MHD Models to Interpret STEREO Observations
- Dynamics of Ganymede's Magnetopause as Observed by the Galileo Spacecraft and Comparisons with Global MHD Simulations
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Streamer Belt as a Source of the Slow Solar Wind
- Sensitivity Analysis of Key Parameters on the Behavior of CO2 Injected Into a Deep Saline Aquifer
- Shear Wave Generation by Decoupled and Partially Coupled Explosions
- The Ambient Solar Wind's Effect on Coronal Mass Ejection Transit Time
- The fifth model for the huge tsunami generation off northwest Sumatra during the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Three-dimensional modeling of explosions and propagation using the representation theorem
- Coastal Jets, Oceanic Upwelling, Mesoscale Eddies, and Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Infrasound Calibration Experiment at Sayarim, Israel: preliminary tests
- Seismic Wave Propagation and Generation from Complex 3D Explosion Sources
- Calculation of Tectonic Strain Release from an Explosion in a Three-Dimensional Stress Field
- Calculation of Surface Waves and Body Waves from an Explosion in a Three-Dimensional Stress Field
- Monitoring underground migration of sequestered CO2 using self-potential methods