Kirtland Air Force Research Laboratory, New Mexico
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Dangling Slab, Amplified Arc Volcanism, Mantle Flow and Seismic Anisotropy in the Kamchatka Plate Corner
- Further Results on the Rotation of the Solar Corona
- Langmuir and Lower Hybrid Wave Bursts in a Laboratory Model of Ionospheric Modification
- Forecasting Daytime Seeing Conditions Using a Mesoscale Numerical Weather Predcition Model
- Reassessment of Calibrations of Precipitating Particle Sensors on DMSP Spacecraft
- SMEI: First Results and Future Capabilities
- Sky Brightness and Transparency at the National Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) and Related Remote-Sensing Heliospheric Observations
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager: Early Results and Prospects for Space Weather Forecasts
- Heliospheric Imagers for Tracking Coronal Mass Ejections: Lessons Learned from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager
- Solar Torsional Oscillations and the Extended Solar Cycle
- A Search for Torsional Oscillations in the Fe XIV Solar Corona
- An Investigation of the Role of Magnetic Field Line Curvature in the Detrapping of the August 1990 Transient Proton Belt
- Using Solar-Minimum Polar Coronal Activity to Predict the Magnitude of the Following- Cycle Maximum
- An investigation of the role of magnetic field line curvature in the detrapping of the August 1990 transient proton belt
- CME Evolution Characteristics in the Inner Heliosphere Observed Using SMEI and STEREO/SECCHI/HI Data
- Multi-satellite SEP observations by the GPS energetic particle detector constellation
- Probability Distributions of Electron Precipitation at High Magnetic Latitudes
- Sources of fast solar wind streams observed on STEREO and at L1
- The Fe XIV Corona Approaching Solar Minimum
- Challenges to Solar Flare Prediction
- Challenges to Solar Flare Prediction
- Developing a space weather forecast capability for the Air Force Research Laboratory
- Forecasting Frontiers Part I: Solar Drivers of Space Weather Observations
- Optimizing Coronal and Solar Wind Model Inputs with Data Assimilation
- Recreating the Three Dimensional Structure of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
- Source Regions of Helium Variations in the Slow Solar Wind
- The Space Environment of Mercury: Solar Wind and IMF Modeling of Upstream Conditions
- "Extended-Solar-Cycle" Activity During the Current Solar Minimum
- Coronal Hole Analysis Tool (CAT) a New Addition to the Wang Sheeley Arge Model
- New Global Solar Magnetic Field Maps Using the ADAPT Data Assimilation and Flux Transport Model
- Observations of Rosetta Target (21) Lutetia with Keck and Gemini Adaptive Optics
- Probing the Large-Scale Topology of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field Using Jovian Electrons
- Radial evolution of the solar wind speed as one source of alpha to proton ratio variations
- A multi radar study of global polar cap patch dynamics and morphology
- Access of ionospheric oxygen to the near-Earth plasmasheet during geomagnetically-quiet conditions
- Active Volcano Monitoring using a Space-based Hyperspectral Imager
- An Ensemble Forecast for Geosynchronous Radiation Belt Fluxes
- Characterization of radiation belt electron energy spectra from CRRES observations
- Distributed ground-based optical observations of polar cap patches
- Enhanced Specification of the Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillation Environment with Satellite Radio Beacons
- Ensemble Solar Global Magnetic Field Modeling
- High Spatial Resolution Measurements Of Atmospheric Turbulence Over The Altitude Range Of 0.5 To 23 Kilometers
- Observations and simulation of equatorial irregularities at solar min
- Physics-Based Model Driven by Plasma Drifts Obtained From the C/NOFS Satellite
- Properties of Solar Flares and Associated Sequential Chromospheric Brightenings
- Radiation belt diffusion via non-resonant interactions with spatially confined magnetosonic waves
- Solar Active Region Classification and Flare Forecasting
- Thermospheric Density Minimum at the South Pole in June
- VLF radiation from lightning
- WSA Derived Coronal Hole Comparison with STEREO EUVI Observations
- Wave Activity in the Thermosphere from Solar Maximum through Minimum
- 3D Solar Wind Structure Features Characterizing the Rise of Cycle 24
- A Multi-vantage Point Study of the 15 February 2011 Interplanetary CME Event Using Models and Observations
- Assimilation of Plasma Density Measurements Into the Dynamic Global Core Plasma Model
- C/NOFS Satellite Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and Associated Irregularities during the Start of the New Solar Cycle
- Design of a Miniaturized Langmuir Plasma Probe for the QuadSat/PnP
- EMIC wave growth in the magnetosphere: Contrasting energizing and non-energizing sources of anisotropy in the ring current
- Electric Field measurements associated with energetic particle acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
- Electric field and magnetic signatures of equatorial plasma irregularities as observed by the C/NOFS satellite
- Equatorial plasma depletions with large upward plasma flow over 3800 km in longitude near dawn: C/NOFS observations and model simulations
- Field Line Resonance Measurements in the Inner Magnetosphere During Large Storms: Implications for Convection and Depletion
- Flare Forecasting Validation
- How conditions on the Sun affect the global heliospheric picture
- Images of Bottomside Irregularities Observed at Topside Altitudes
- Improved Basis Functions for Dynamic Calibration of Semi-Empirical Thermospheric Models
- Initial Results from the Miniature Imager for Neutral Ionospheric atoms and Magnetospheric Electrons (MINI-ME) on the FASTSAT Spacecraft
- Initial results from the LAPD wave-particle experiment and simulation
- Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling During Deep Solar Minimum
- Low Altitude Validation of Geomagnetic Cutoff Models Using SAMPEX Data
- Mapping the Dynamics of Chromospheric Flares
- Model Bias Characteristics for Data Assimilation in the Thermosphere
- Model of Optical Emissions and Artificial Ionization Produced by Ionospheric HF-Heating
- Nonlinear Phase Bunching of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Numerical model of 3D VLF LH/whistler nonlinear interactions in the topside ionosphere
- Observations of ULF wave related equatorial electrojet and density fluctuations
- On Constructing a Climatology of VLF from Lightning in LEO
- Optical Observations of Small-Scale Plasma Density Structure in Polar Cap Patches
- Potential Magnetospheric Effects of High-Power HF Heating
- Relativistic Electron Beams Above Thunderclouds
- Relativistic Electron Enhancement and Decay by Whistler Mode Chorus Waves
- Remote sensing of the plasmasphere mass density using ground magnetometers and the FLIP model
- SCATHA measurements of electron lifetimes at 5 < L < 8
- Shabansky Orbits and High Latitude Chorus
- Solar Magnetic Flux Transport Modeling with Far-side Data
- Solar wind driving of dayside field-aligned currents
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Wind Parameters Relevant to Space Weather Predictions
- Survey of Thermosphere Joule Heating Locations and Magnetic Disturbance Conditions
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during the 2006 AGU Storm
- Test Particle Simulations of Interactions Between Electrons and Large Amplitude Chorus Wave Subpackets
- Two-dimensional Ionospheric Flow Pattern Associated with Auroral Streamers
- Validation of the Radiation Belt Environment Model
- "Twisted Beam" SEE Observations of Ionospheric Heating from HAARP
- A Comparison of Solar Energetic Particle Events with the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections
- A Statistical Examination of Magnetic Field Model Accuracy for Mapping Solar Energetic Particle Observations to Remote Locations
- Analysis Procedures for Model-Based Interpretation and Extrapolation of High-Resolution ESF Measurements
- C/NOFS Observations of Longitudinal Ionospheric Variability
- C/NOFS Observations of Plasma Density Irregularities during the Onset of Solar Cycle 24
- CEASE observations of the radiation belts: Elevated protons in the slot region
- Capability and Theory of the Planar Langmuir Probe
- Characteristics and solar activity dependence of equatorial plasma bubbles detected by the C/NOFS satellite
- Characteristics of Polar Cap Patches and Shear Flows Inferred from GPS Scintillation Spectra following the CME Impact on 22 January 2012
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- Comparison of TIE-GCM ΣO/N<SUB>2</SUB> Column Ratios with Measurements of the SSUSI Instrument
- Coronal Dimmings from SDO EVE as Precursors of CMEs
- Daytime Density Irregularities Observed by C/NOFS
- Determination of the plasmapause boundary using ground magnetometer field line resonances, satellite observations, and modeling
- Development of a 3D Radiation Belt Model in Adiabatic Invariant Coordinates Using Stochastic Differential Equations
- Direct Measurement of the Ionic Charge of Anomalous Cosmic Rays with SAMPEX
- Effect of Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancements on Thermosphere Density
- Electron Acceleration and Ionization Production in High-Power Heating Experiments at HAARP
- Enhanced Proton Levels in Slot Region and Displacement Damage Effects on Solar Arrays
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Plasmasphere Data Assimilation from Ground-Based Observations
- From Low Altitude to High Altitude: Assimilating SAMPEX Data in Global Radiation Belt Models by Quantifying Precipitation and Loss
- Global Pc5 pulsations during strong magnetic storms: excitation mechanisms and equatorward expansion
- Historically Great Magnetic Storms
- Insights into Using SDO Data for Active Region Specification and Real-time Event Monitoring
- Ion-neutral Coupling During the August 2011 Magnetic Storm
- Ionospheric Poynting Flux Response to Sudden Enhancements in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Local time variations of penetration electric fields during intense magnetic storms
- Low Frequency Plasma Turbulence as a Source of Clutter in Surveillance and Communication
- Maintaining US Space Weather Capabilities after DMSP: Research to Operations
- Modeling Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in the Electron Radiation Belts
- New Models for Radiation Belt and Space Plasma Specification: AE9, AP9 and SPM
- New observations of scintillation climatology from the Scintillation Network Decision Aid (SCINDA)
- Numerical modeling of artificial ionospheric layers driven by high-power HF-heating
- Observing Small-Scale Ionospheric and Upper Atmospheric Structure with Low-Light Optics
- Quasilinear and Nonlinear Interactions Between Electrons and Chorus Waves
- Revisiting Breakthrough Studies of Anomalous Cosmic Rays by SAMPEX
- SAMPEX Relativistic Microbursts Observation
- SWIM - A Scientific CubeSat from Puerto Rico
- Shabansky Mechanism as a Source for Off-Equatorial Chorus Wave Growth
- Space Environmental NanoSat Experiment (SENSE)
- The Latitudinal Variation of Dayside Chorus
- The Statistics of Topside Poynting flux and its Comparison to Precipitating Electron Energy flux
- The VLF Wave and Particle Precipitation Mapper (VPM) Cubesat Payload Suite
- Thermospheric atomic oxygen density estimates using the EISCAT Svalbard Radar
- Topside-Ionosphere and Plasmaspheric Composition Changes During Storms
- ULTIMA: Array of ground-based magnetometer arrays for monitoring magnetospheric and ionospheric perturbations on a global scale
- Understanding Storm Time Poynting Flux Variability
- Unusual ionospheric plasma density enhancements during high-power ionospheric pumping at EISCAT
- Using ensemble modeling to understand successive halo CMEs: A case study using events from 2-4 August 2011
- Wave-Particle Interactions at the Turbulent Plasmaspheric Boundary
- 3D Printing for Spacecraft Multi-Functional Structures
- A Statistical Comparison of Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events with and without Preceding Coronal Mass Ejections
- A Statistical Examination of Magnetic Field Model Accuracy for Mapping Geosynchronous Solar Energetic Particle Observations to Lower Earth Orbits
- Approach to Integrate Global-Sun Models of Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport for Space Weather Studies
- Basic Research and Nuclear Monitoring
- C/NOFS Observations of Bottomside Plasma Density Irregularities during the Onset of Solar Cycle 24
- C/NOFS Observations of Ionospheric Irregularities
- Capability and Theory of the Planar Langmuir Probe
- Comparison of drift velocities of nighttime equatorial plasma depletions with the ambient plasma drifts and the thermospheric neutral winds
- Comparisons of the low-cost in-situ MESA plasma sensor with C/NOFS and GAIM plasma density/temperature data
- Composition change and its effect on mass density response during geomagnetic storm
- Current NOAA Activities and Plans for Space Weather Modeling - Where Improvements are Needed (Invited)
- Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON
- Driving Coronal MHD Simulations with Flux Evolution Models
- Energy coupling during the August 2011 magnetic storm
- Ensemble Modeling of the July 23, 2012 CME Event
- Evidence of the consistent influence of neutral winds on nighttime equatorial plasma irregularities
- Field-aligned currents during the extreme solar minimum between the solar cycles 23 and 24
- First Look at Results from the Metal Oxide Space Cloud (MOSC) Experiment
- Geometric Aspects of Artificial Ionospheric Layers Driven by High-Power HF-Heating
- Global Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to the April 2010 Geomagnetic Storm
- Global Solar Photospheric Magnetic Field Modeling (Invited)
- High-latitude Thermosphere Response to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancements
- IMPACT: Integrated Modeling of Perturbations in Atmospheres for Conjunction Tracking
- Interaction of Substorm Injections with the Subauroral Geospace
- Ionization rate from the electron precipitation during August 2011 storm
- Magnetic Flux Transients during Solar Flares
- Modeling the corona and solar wind using ADAPT maps with data assimilated helioseismic detected active regions (Invited)
- Occurrence Probability and Amplitude of Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities Associated with Plasma Bubbles during Low and Moderate Solar Activities
- Post-midnight Bubbles and Scintillations in the Quiet-Time June Solstice
- Quasi-linear Theory, Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions, and Diffusion in the Radiation Belts
- Radial Transport, Local Acceleration, and Loss in the Radiation Belts: Integration of Theories and Observations (Invited)
- Shabansky Orbits and High Latitude Chorus
- Solar Active Region Morphologies Selected From Near-Side Helioseismic Data
- Solar Drivers for Space Weather Operations (Invited)
- Space Environment NanoSat Experiment (SENSE) - A New Frontier in Operational Space Environmental Monitoring (Invited)
- Storm-Time and Quiescent Variations in the Thermosphere Exhibited in Maps of Exospheric Temperatures
- Test-Particle Simulations of Inner Zone Proton Belt Loss During Geomagnetic Storms
- The Metal Oxide Space Clouds (MOSC) Experiment: High Frequency (HF) Signatures and Interactions with the Ambient Ionosphere
- The Sources of F10.7 Emission
- The relative importance of dayside and nightside reconnection on the ionospheric convection system during sudden enhancements of solar wind dynamic pressure: OpenGGCM-CTIM results
- Tracing the Impact of Coronal Mass Ejection in the Chromosphere
- Understanding Coronal Dimming and its Relation to Coronal Mass Ejections
- Update on Science Results from CubeSat: Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE)
- What Will NuSTAR Observe from the Sun?
- A Study of Regional Wave Source Time Functions of Central Asian Earthquakes
- A Trade Study of Thermosphere Empirical Neutral Density Models
- C/NOFS and the Air Force Research Laboratory's Conjugate Point Study
- Comparisons of Plasmaspheric Hiss and Lightning-generated Whistler Wave Electron Pitch Angle Diffusion Models
- Constraining the plasmasphere dynamics with multiple data sets and data assimilation
- Coronal Modeling with Flux-Evolved Maps: Comparison with Observations
- Correlation between Poynting flux and soft electron precipitation around the cusp region
- Development of a Flow Velocity Shear Instability in the Presence of Finite Larmor Radius Effects
- Dynamical influences on thermospheric composition: implications for semi-empirical models
- Effects of Cyclotron-Drift and Bounce-Drift Cross Diffusion on Evolution of Radiation Belt Phase-Space Densites
- Electron Lifetimes from Narrowband Wave-Particle Interactions within the Plasmasphere
- Ensemble modeling of CME propagation
- Estimate of Solar Maximum using the 1-8 Å GOES X-ray Measurements
- Estimating the Global Solar Magnetic Field Distribution Using ADAPT
- Evidence for Gravity Wave Seeding of Convective Ionosphere Storms Initiated by Deep Troposphere Convection
- Explosion-Earthquake Discrimination at Local Distances
- Forecasting Sep Events with Same Active-Region Prior Flares
- Forecasting Solar UV & F10.7 with ADAPT
- Forecasting the Solar Photosphere's Magnetic Flux with Local Data Assimilation
- HF Propagation Effects Caused by an Artificial Plasma Cloud in the Ionosphere
- HF Radar for Long-Range Monitoring of Ionospheric Irregularities in the Equatorial Region
- High Density Observation of Tids at White Sands, New Mexico
- High-latitude Poynting flux measured by DMSP satellites during magnetic storms
- In-Progress flare Forecasting of the Peak and Fall of X-Ray Flares
- Ionization of Samarium by Chemical Releases in the Upper Atmosphere
- Ionospheric Analysis with Langmuir Probes: Sheath and Edge Effects
- Long-term Trends in Plasmapause Location Based on Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Observations
- Mapping Geosynchronous Solar Energetic Particle Observations to Lower Earth Orbits
- Medium Resolution Spectra of Solar Illuminated Sounding Rocket Samarium Vapor Releases
- Methods for estimating total open heliospheric magnetic flux
- Modeling and Predicting the Daily Equatorial Plasma Bubble Activity Using the Tiegcm
- Modeling the Thermosphere As a Driven-Dissipative Thermodynamic System
- Multi-Probe Observations of Equatorial F Region Plassma Irregularities
- Multi-point Measurements of Relativistic Electrons in the Magnetosphere
- NuSTAR's First Solar Observations: Search for Transient Brightenings / Nanoflares
- NuSTAR's first solar observations: Search for a high energy X-ray component to the "non-flaring" Sun
- Parametric Very Low Frequency (VLF) Antenna: Analytical and Particle-in-Cell Simulation Results
- Periodicity in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles
- Polar Cap Heating of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Prompt Ion Outflows and Artificial Ducts during High-Power HF Heating at HAARP: Effect of Suprathermal Electrons?
- RAM - C P L Simulations of Electron Transport and Plasma Wave Scattering Using Van Allen Probes Data
- Radial Evolution of Stream Interaction Regions and Sector Boundaries in the Inner Heliosphere: Observations and MHD Simulations
- Response of thermosphere density to high-latitude forcing
- Short Time-Scale Enhancements to the Global Thermosphere Temperature and Nitric Oxide Content Resulting From Ionospheric Joule Heating
- Simulating the Decay of Inner Radiation Belt Electrons
- Test Particle Simulations of Inner Zone Proton Belt Loss During Geomagnetic Storms
- The Postsunset Vertical Plasma Drift and Its Effects on the Generation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Observed by the C/NOFS Satellite
- The Very Low Frequency Particle Mapper (VPM) Nanosat for Space Weather and VLF Characterization
- Theory and Capability of the Planar Langmuir Probe
- Validation of Coronal and Heliospheric Models for Quasi-Steady Solar Wind: WSA-Enlil, MAS-Enlil, SWMF, and IPS Tomography Models
- Validation of Kp Estimation and Prediction Models
- ADAPT/HMI Global Solar Magnetic Maps
- C/NOFS Thermospheric Research and Reentry Experiment (T-RREX)
- Capabilities of a FOXSI Small Explorer
- Comparison of Solar Energetic Particle Flux Mapping Models
- Comparison of Source Time Functions Retrieved from Various Regional Waves and Coda Using Moderate Earthquakes in East and Central Asia
- Conjugate Studies Using C/NOFS and All-sky Imagers in the American Sector
- Dynamic Modeling of EMIC Wave Activity in a Realistic Magnetosphere
- EUV & X-ray observations of microflare heating of AR12333
- Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting by Chorus Waves on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Empirical Modeling of Plasma Clouds Produced by the Metal Oxide Space Clouds (MOSC) Experiment
- Energy Flow in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) System
- Energy Input and Dissipation in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere (IT) System
- Energy inputs in the polar cap during geomagnetic storms and the impacts on the ionosphere/thermosphere
- Field-Line Tracing from Locations of Polar Cap Neutral Density Anomalies to the Magnetosphere
- Improvement to Ooty IPS Velocity Maps for Time-Dependent MHD Simulation
- In-progress X-ray Flare Forecasting
- Investigations of the origin and evolution of inner magnetospheric temperature anisotropies, and implications for radiation belt dynamics
- Modeling Pitch Angle Distributions in the Slot Region and Inner Zone
- Modeling ionospheric electron precipitation due to wave particle scattering in the magnetosphere and the feedback effect on the magnetospheric dynamics
- NuSTAR X-ray observations of small flares and non-flaring active regions
- Observations of Poynting fluxes, ion temperatures and neutral densities during the March 2015 magnetic storm
- Optical imaging of airglow structure in equatorial plasma bubbles at radio scintillation scales
- Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL
- Poynting flux distribution in the dayside polar cap boundary regions
- Solar Flare, CME, and Proton Event Rates Correlated with Sunspot Number
- Space Weather Forecasts Driven by the ADAPT Model
- Superposed epoch analysis of storm time response of the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) system
- The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence
- The Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) Mission
- The Dynamics of Helium and its Impact on the Upper Thermosphere
- The Impenetrable Barrier Revisited - Anthroprogenic Effects on Earth's Radiation Belts
- The Role of ULF Driven Radial Transport in Rebuilding the Earth's Outer Radiation Belts
- The Statistics of Neutral Density Maxima
- Time-dependent global modeling of the inner heliosphere
- Towards a Data-Optimized Coronal Magnetic Field Model (DOC-FM): Synthetic Test Beds and Multiwavelength Forward Modeling
- Using In Situ and Remote Sensing Data to Model the Plasma Flow throughout the Heliosphere
- Variability of the Inner Proton Radiation Belt Observed by Van Allen Probes
- Vertical Profile of the Thermospheric Response to Magnetic Storms at Polar Latitudes
- A Comparison of Parker Spiral and WSA Footpoint Longitudes for Solar Energetic Particle Events.
- A Theoretical Picture of the Combined Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting and Chorus-Wave Interactions on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Altitude-Dependent Drift of a Chemical Release Cloud at Middle Latitudes
- Best Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Daytime Spacecraft Charging Index
- Blending of Ground- and Space-Based Magnetograms: Application to L1-L5 Solar Wind and Coronal Hole Predictions
- Can earthquakes affect ionospheric scintillation ?
- Comparison of Dynamically Modeled EMIC Wave Activity with in situ Observations: Implications for Wave Growth Assumptions
- Comparison of Van Allen Probes Radiation Belt Proton Data with Test-Particle Simulation for the 17 March 2015 Storm
- Contribution of Electric and Magnetic Field Variability to the Energy Input into Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Correcting F<SUB>10.7</SUB> for use in Ionospheric Models
- Data-Driven Models of the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Dependence of plasma bubble altitude on solar flux and variations in the spectral characteristics of irregularities on apex altitude
- Developing Benchmarks for Ionizing Radiation
- Developing Benchmarks for Solar Radio Bursts
- Equatorial ionospheric response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day magnetic storm
- Field Line Mapping of the Polar Cap Neutral Density Anomaly
- Focusing Solar Hard X-rays: Expected Results from a FOXSI Spacecraft
- Forecasting Space Weather Solar Indices
- Formation and decay of the inner electron radiation belt
- Fundamental Limitations of Resolution And Accuracy of Tomographic Regional Wave Q Models
- Gamma-Ray Observations Related to the Acceleration of Ions in the Corona
- High latitude neutral density enhancements
- How Accurately Can We Map SEP Observations Using L*?
- Improved Orbit Determination and Forecasts with an Assimilative Tool for Atmospheric Density and Satellite Drag Specification
- Inner radiation belt protons during the Van Allen Probes era
- Investigating the Relationship Between Waveform Correlation and Seismic Source Mechanisms
- Local Explosion Monitoring using Rg
- Meteor detections using the LWA
- New Density Estimates Derived Using Accelerometers On-board the CHAMP and GRACE Satellites
- NuSTAR's X-ray search for high energy emission from weakly flaring active regions
- Resolution, Uncertainty and Data Predictability of Tomographic Lg Q Models - Application to Eastern Eurasia
- Ring Current Modeling of the March 2013 Storm with RAM-SCB
- Signatures of Reconnection Observed in a Candle-Flame Solar Flare at the Limb
- Solar Energetic Particle Cutoff Energies for Small Geomagnetic Storms
- Solar Energetic Particle Events and CME Accelerations in the Low Corona: MLSO Observations
- Specification of the Surface Charging Environment with SHIELDS
- Statistics of Widths and Separations of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Detected by the C/NOFS Planar Langmuir Probe
- Superposed epoch analysis of the thermosphere global time response to geomagnetic storms
- The Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor (CEASE) III
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Low Energy Electrostatic Analyzer for DSX
- The SWAP Upper Atmosphere Expansion Benchmark
- The Space Weather (SWx) and Space Effects (SFx) Experiments on the DSX Spacecraft
- The Wave-Particle Interactions Experiment (WPIx) on the DSX Spacecraft
- Timing signatures of solar flares
- Using Time Dependent Synoptic Magnetograms to Drive Models of the Corona and Heliosphere at the CCMC
- Variations of the thermosphere and their impact on the ionosphere during the 2 October 2013 geomagnetic storm
- What Magnetic Conditions Do Determine the Latitudinal Extent of SAPS/SAID Subauroral Flow Enhancements?
- A Coincident Observation of Es Layer Scintillation Event with AFRL Pingtung SCINDA Station and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Satellites
- A Comparison of High Frequency Angle of Arrival and Ionosonde Data During a Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance
- A new data assimilation engine for physics-based thermospheric density models
- AFRL Field Campaign to study oblique HF propagation
- ALMA Discovery of Solar Umbral Brightness Enhancement at λ = 3 mm
- Active Experiments with the DSX Mission: Science Campaigns and Collaborations
- Adding Spatially Correlated Noise to a Median Ionosphere
- Altitude-dependent Drift of a Chemical Release Cloud at Middle Latitudes
- An Analysis of Unseasonal Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in July 2014
- Analysis of Mid-Latitude Plasma Density Irregularities in the Presence of Finite Larmor Radius Effects
- Anticipated Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- C/NOFS, SWARM, and LISN Observations of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
- Comparing WSA coronal and solar wind model predictions driven by line-of-sight and vector HMI ADAPT maps
- DSX Space Weather Experiments (SWx): Capabilities and science plans
- Direct detection of albedo neutron decay electrons at the inner edge of the radiation belt and experimental determination of neutron density in near-Earth space
- Forecasting E > 50-MeV Proton Events with the Proton Prediction System (PPS)
- Greenland Network (GNET) observations of Polar cap Patches and Arcs
- HF Propagation sensitivity study and system performance analysis with the Air Force Coverage Analysis Program (AFCAP)
- High-Energy Aspects of Small-Scale Energy Release at the Sun
- High-latitude ion and neutral temperature variations from Dynamics Explorer 2 observations
- In-progress Flare Forecasting
- Investigating the Impact of Current Sheet Crossings on the Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles in the Inner Heliosphere
- Investigations of Radiation Belt Climatology in Support of AE9/AP9-IRENE Development
- L-Mapping Solar Energetic Particles from LEO to High Altitudes at High Latitudes
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Solar Wind Driving Conditions
- Modeling the Effects of Equatorial Spread F on High Frequency Transmissions Through Ray Tracing.
- Modeling the Ionosphere with GPS and Rotation Measure Observations
- Modeling the dynamics of a storm-time acceleration event: combining MHD effects with wave-particle interactions
- North-south asymmetric thermosphere response to geomagnetic storms caused by coronal mass ejections
- On the Reliability of Source Time Functions Estimated Using Empirical Green's Function Methods
- Quantitative Assessment of CRAND Contribution to the Inner Belt Electron Intensity
- Scale Sizes of High-Latitude Neutral Mass Density Perturbations
- Separation of Electric Fields Into Potential and Inductive Parts, and Implications for Radial Diffusion
- Solar Flare Dynamic Microwave Imaging with EOVSA
- Space Weather Action Plan Ionizing Radiation Benchmarks: Phase 1 update and plans for Phase 2
- Space Weather Action Plan Solar Radio Burst Phase 1 Benchmarks and the Steps to Phase 2
- Super Resolution Imaging of the Bottomside Ionosphere with the LWA
- The First ALMA Observation of a Solar Plasmoid Ejection from an X-Ray Bright Point
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Slowly Varying Corona: Findings from DEMs with the EVE MEGS-A Dataset
- The Slowly Varying Corona: Findings from DEMs with the EVE MEGS-A Dataset
- Thermospheric mass density model error variance as a function of time scale
- Tracing drift paths of polar cap plasma clouds observed during major magnetic storms
- A Comparison of the Magnetospheric Specification Model and the Magnetospheric Specification and Forecast Model as Inputs for a Surface Charging Specification
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Application Usability Levels: Their evolution and eco-system
- Background Noise Modelling for Noise Reduction in GPS TEC
- Comparing WSA coronal and solar wind model predictions driven by ADAPT reverse active region maps
- Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay (CRAND) as a source of inner belt electrons: Energy spectrum study and long-term variation
- Distributions of Ion Density Irregularities and Their Gradients Inside Low-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles Based on C/NOFS Planar Langmuir Probe Data
- Empirical Evaluation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization's Seismic Network's Detection Capability
- Estimating Regional Wave Source Time Functions Using a Multi-Channel Deconvolution Method
- Evidence of Solar Proton Albedo Neutron Decay (SPAND) Produced Electrons in the Slot Region During a Ground Level Event (GLE)
- Faint solar X-rays observed with NuSTAR
- First Responses of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere during Extreme Geomagnetic Storms
- Global Ionosonde and GPS Radio Occultation Sporadic E Intensity Comparison
- Global Solar Magnetic Maps using Reverse Active Region Modeling
- High Poynting Fluxes at High Latitudes During Magnetic Storms
- Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the Inner Magnetosphere on 11 September 2017
- Ionosphere-thermosphere system response to extreme geomagnetic storms
- Ionospheric amplitude scintillation behavior over the low latitude station of São Luís during the September 6 to 10, 2017 magnetic storm
- Modeling HF Waves Through Plasma Irregularities Using the FDTD Method
- Nowcasting energetic electron fluxes for GPS orbits
- Quantifying Nonlinear Interactions Between Chorus Waves and Radiation Belt Electrons
- Revealing Solar Sources and Dynamic Evolution Properties of the Solar Wind: Applications to Upcoming Missions
- Scale sizes of neutral density enhancements over the polar region
- Solar Radio Burst Phase 1 Benchmarks and Progress Towards Phase 2
- Space climate trends with attention to the radiation belts
- The Air Force Research Laboratory and Space Weather R2O
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- The Sun's Basal Corona
- The observation of 2017-09-09 M1.2 flare by the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array and The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
- The role of heliospheric current sheet effect on solar energetic particles at the injection stage
- Turning the Knobs of the Radiation Belts: The DSX Science Mission
- ULF Waves Generated by Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions Near the Plasmapause During Substorms
- Using ADAPT-WSA Modeling to Test STEREO Connections to Solar Flare Electron Sources
- Using Coronagraph Images to Evaluate the ADAPT Flux Transport Model
- Variations of Heavy Ion Abundances Relative to Proton Abundances in Large Solar Energetic (E > 10 MeV) Particle Events
- An Investigation into the Peak Apex-Altitude Distributions of Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities
- Analysis of the Effects from Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Detected by the C/NOFS Planar Langmuir Probe on the Propagation of Transionospheric Wideband Signals
- Characterization of Nonlinear Interactions Between Energetic Electrons and Chorus Waves with Various Spectral Properties
- Comparing the Parker Spiral Approximation with ADAPT-WSA Modeling to Determine Magnetic Connectivity of Solar Flare Electron Sources to STEREO Spacecraft
- Coronal Magnetic Field Model Selection Using Images of the Middle Corona and Solar Wind Measurements
- DSX Space Weather Experiments - Initial Results
- Data Assimilative Optimization of WSA Source Surface and Interface Radii using Particle Filtering
- Deployment of diagnostic instruments and detection of artificial ionosphere irregularities during Arecibo HF campaigns
- Energy Input and Dissipation in the High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Exploring the use of cell phone GNSS receivers for global monitoring of the ionosphere
- First satellite in-situ observations of the storm enhanced density (SED) and polar plasma clouds associated with the polar tongue of ionization (TOI) detected during the 20 November 2003 magnetic storm
- High-latitude, Large-scale Upward Poynting Flux Measured by DMSP During Geomagnetic Storms
- Human-Error Contributions to Observations of Thermospheric Dynamics and Chemistry
- Imaging Atmospheric Gravity Waves in Sporadic E Using the Long Wavelength Array
- Impact on WSA coronal and solar wind predictions when optimizing its data drivers and model parameters
- Improving Forecast Lead Times for the Solar Wind, IMF, and Kp Index
- Improving boundary B<SUB>r</SUB> maps for global coronal magnetic field models
- Investigating How Ambient Solar Wind Conditions Influence Local Observations of SEPs
- Ionospheric Detection of Explosive Events
- K2: Towards a Comprehensive Simulation Framework of the Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Magnetospheric dynamics associated with STEVE
- Middle Atmosphere Response to the El Nino Southern Oscillation Using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model - Extended
- Modeling PSP Solar Encounters Using ADAPT-WSA
- Modeling Solar Wind Connectivity from Origin to Detection
- Momentum Coupling in Magnetized Plasmas
- Novel Techniques for Observing the Ionosphere with Natural Signals
- NuSTAR observations of the quietest Sun
- Numerical Validation of Ionospheric Models Via Ray Tracing.
- Overcoming Challenges of Measuring Energetic Particles in the Inner Belt: Geant4-Based Design for CubeSat: Inner Radiation Belt Experiment (CIRBE)
- Overview of Probing Regions via Ionospheric Modification (PRIM)
- Parametric Interaction of VLF and ELF Waves in the Ionosphere
- Preliminary Beacon Total Electron Content (TEC) and Scintillation Measurements during the 2019 Probing Regions via Ionospheric Modification (PRIM) Campaign
- STEVE: Evidence of Feedback-Unstable Subauroral Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions
- Solar Energetic Proton Access and Trapping in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Measurements Using the Arecibo HF System and Multiple Ground Receiver Stations
- Test Particle Simulations and Analytical Estimates of Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions
- The Critical Role of Plasmasphere in Shaping the Radiation Belt Electron Energy Spectra
- The DSX Science Mission: Initial Results
- The Kiritimati Equatorial Ionospheric Observatory (KEIO) Project Update
- The Solar Radio Burst Benchmarks
- The effect of magnetic field model optimization using satellite observations on energetic particle cutoffs
- Towards Ionospheric TEC Monitoring from the Oceanic Region
- Tracking Polar Cap Patches in a Reconstructed Ionosphere Obtained from Ground and Space Based Observations
- ULF Waves Near the Plasmapause
- Validating the Alfven Wave Solar Atmosphere (AWSoM) Model from the Low Corona to 1 AU
- Variations of Heavy Ion Abundances Relative to Proton Abundances in Large Solar Energetic (E > 10 MeV) Particle Events.
- A comparison of sporadic-E occurrence rates using ionosondes and GPS radio occultation measurements
- An Adaptive Prediction System for Specifying Solar Wind Conditions Near the Sun
- Broadband Reception of Quasi Field-aligned `Boomerang' Echoes of In-situ Injected VLF Pulses on the DSX Spacecraft
- Capacitance of DSX VLF Antenna in Plasma
- Challenges of VLF transmission in varying plasma environment: Early results of DSX experiments
- Defining space environment modelling requirements
- Detecting Magnetic Reconnection Signatures in Solar Flares
- Evaluating Model Advancements for Predicting CME Arrival Time - CCMC/NOAA SWPC Partnership Final Report
- High-Latitude Electrodynamics During Magnetic Storms
- High-Power VLF Transmission Experiment in the Radiation Belts: Radiation Impedance Measurement from the DSX Mission
- How do inertia, free surface interaction, and absolute friction coefficient level affect the final slip amplitude in a theoretical earthquake rupture model?
- Improving Multiday Solar Wind Forecasts
- Investigation of Ionospheric Conductance and Joule Heating during Geomagnetic Storms using DMSP
- Knocking Round the Radiation Belts: Results from the First Year of DSX Space Weather Experiment Observations
- Microwave Study of a Circular Ribbon Flare
- Next-Generation Solar Radio Imaging Spectroscopy
- Nonequilibrium properties in the plasma sheet observed on 2017 September 10
- Nonlinear Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions in the Auroral and Subauroral Geospace
- NuSTAR Observation of Eleven Solar Microflares
- Observations of Solar Spicules at Millimeter and Ultraviolet Wavelengths
- Optimisation of a Steady State Radial Diffusion Model to Derive Diffusion Coefficients for the Proton Radiation Belt
- Overcoming the Challenges of Measuring Energetic Particles in the Inner Belt: A Geant4-based Performance of an Energetic Particle Detector Instrument, REPTile-2
- Parametric Interaction Between ELF and VLF Waves
- Quantifying energetic electron precipitation based on POES/MEPED angular response functions
- Quantifying the Impacts of Interplanetary Propagation and Transient Events on Solar Energetic Particle Intensity-Time Profiles
- Radiation Belt Remediation with Artificial Injection of Plasma Waves
- Recent Advances in Understanding Earth's Inner Radiation Belt
- Scintillation Observations and Response of The Ionosphere to Electrodynamics (SORTIE) Mission
- Simulating seismic wave propagation to understand Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Solar Energetic Proton Access to the Inner Magnetosphere during the 7-8 September 2017 event
- Testing the Liouville theorem based SEP flux mapping method with multiple cutoff models -at high altitudes and off the magnetic equator
- The Role of Peak Temperatures in Solar X-ray Flare Associations with CME Speeds and Widths and in Flare Size Distributions
- Tractable Models of Resonant Wave-Particle Interactions
- Using Ionospheric Models for Extreme Phenomena
- VLF Radiation from a Space-Based Transmitter: Overview of the DSX Satellite Mission
- Westward plasma drifts in the equatorial ionosphere during severe magnetic storms: A new type of penetration electric fields caused by subauroral polarization stream
- Whistler Mode Radiation From a Dipole Antenna in Cold Magnetized Plasma
- ASHI, an All Sky Heliospheric Imager Designed to Maximize the Scientific Return from Structures Passing the Spacecraft
- Initial Results From the LEESA Instrument on the DSX Satellite
- Leveraging Natural and Anthropogenic HF Noise as an Ionospheric Sounder
- Modeling the Albedo Neutron Decay Source of Radiation Belt Electrons and Protons
- Observations of Electron Precipitation on the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats Associated with VLF Transmissions from the DSX Satellite
- Quantifying the Impacts of Interplanetary Propagation and Transient Events on Solar Energetic Particle Intensity-Time Profiles
- Quasi-periodic whistler mode emission in the plasmasphere as detected by the USAF/DSX spacecraft
- Radiation Impedance Measurements from DSXs VLF Transmission Experiment in the Radiation Belts: Initial Results
- Recent Efforts to Understand the Origins of Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Search for Electron Precipitation Associated with High Power VLF Transmissions from the DSX Satellite: Results from DSX and POES Observations
- The long term data plan for the DSX mission
- VLF Wave Transmission from a Dipole Antenna in Cold Magnetized Plasma
- Variable Ion Compositions of Solar Energetic Particle Events in the Inner Heliosphere: A Field-line Braiding Model with Compound Injections
- A study of mass-to-charge ratio with various kappa values in impulsive SEP events
- Detecting and Analyzing Meteor Persistent Trains in All Sky Optical Images
- Modeling the Low-Altitude Distribution of Radiation Belt Protons
- Raytracing Simulations of DSX-Arase Conjunctions
- Reconstructing Polar Cap Patch Airglow Intensities using Three-Dimensional Ionospheres Obtained from Data Assimilation Models
- The Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) mission: Nearly two years of active experiments in the radiation belts
- Toward Assimilation of Airglow Observations into Ionospheric Models: Inferring F-Region Height from Convection Information
- Using Anthropogenic Power Line Noise to Specify Ionospheric Parameters
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. Johnson
- Alexei A. Pevtsov
- B. Carry
- B. R. Dennis
- B. W. Reinisch
- C. J. Henney
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Charles W. Parker
- Christian Möstl
- D. L. Cooke
- G. C. Ho
- Harlan E. Spence
- I. A. Galkin
- I. R. Linscott
- I. Shinohara
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. G. Sample
- J. J. Sojka
- J. P. McCollough
- J. Tu
- James Paul Mason
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- K. S. Obenberger
- Levan Lomidze
- M. D. Looper
- M. I. Desai
- M. Stęślicki
- Martin A. Reiss
- Masataka Shimojo
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael Negale
- Natasha L. S. Jeffrey
- P. H. Scherrer
- P. K. Manoharan
- P. Wright
- R. Bučík
- R. S. Selesnick
- S. Gburek
- S. K. Solanki
- S. M. White
- S. W. Kahler
- Sijie Yu
- Steven Christe
- V. Martínez Pillet
- W. M. Farrell
- William R. Johnston
- Xinlin Li
- Y. K. Ko
- Y.‐J. Su
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi