University of Minnesota, School of Physics and Astronomy
flowchart I[University of Minnesota, School of Physics and Astronomy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (282)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (25)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Statistical Study of Solitary Waves Using Polar Spacecraft Data
- Alfven Waves, Bursty Bulk Flows and Particle Acceleration in the Plasma Sheet
- CRRES Electric Field Power Spectral Distributions
- Electron Properties and Coulomb Collisions in the Solar Wind at 1 AU: Wind Observations
- Observations of Intense Electric and Magnetic Fields and Associated Poynting Flux Through-Out the Plasma Sheet During Major Geomagnetic Storms
- Observations of Solitary Waves and Wave Packets by Cluster
- Observations of Wave Mode Conversion at the Magnetopause
- Physics of the Ionospheric Feedback Interaction
- Polar Observations of Solitary Waves at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Poynting Flux Observations in the Plasma Sheet During Geomagnetic Disturbances
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Electron Heat Flux: Ulysses Observations
- The Effect of Solar Illumination on Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling as Indicated By Field-Aligned Currents and Cross-Polar Cap Potential Measurements by FAST
- Transient Reconnection as Observed in the Cusp by Cluster and FAST
- Are Whistler Waves Regulating the Electron Heat Flux in the Solar Wind at 1 AU ? Wind Observations.
- Development of Electron Holes and Anomalous Resistivity in 3-D Magnetic Reconnection
- Electron distributions produced by kinetic Alfven waves on auroral field lines
- Energy Supply and Release for Auroral Particle Acceleration
- Enhanced Auroral Proton and Electron Precipitation Immediately Following Rapid Magnetopause Compressions
- Ground and satellite observations of Pc 1-2 waves on open field lines poleward of the dayside cusp.
- Magnetospheric Radio Tomography Experiments using IMAGE, WIND, and Cluster
- Observations of Electron Holes and Their Relationship to Magnetic Reconnection
- Quasi-Static Alfv{é}n Dynamics and Scale-Dependent Energy Deposition in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Role of field-aligned current closure via the Pedersen, Hall, and atmospheric displacement current in the formation of ionospheric current system
- Ulysses Observations of VLF Wave Activity in the Solar Wind and the Photoelectron Effects on the Measurements
- Understanding Magnetotail Drivers of Auroral Acceleration Using Polar/FAST Conjunction Data and Simulation Modeling
- Auroral particle acceleration by Alfvén waves and ionospheric feedback
- Case Study of ULF Waves in the Cusp Region
- Effects of asymmetric plasmasphere on MHD waves in a three-dimensional dipolar magnetosphere
- Further Study of Isolated Electrostatic Structures in the Solar Wind
- Generation of Field-Aligned Currents Driven by ULF Waves at the Plasmasheet Boundary Layer
- Pulsed Electric Fields at the Nightside Plasmapause
- Three-Dimensional Alfvenic Reconnection
- Wind Observations of Whistler Waves in the Solar Wind at 1 AU and Their Role on the Regulation of the Electron Heat Flux.
- An Overview of Cassini Radio, Plasma Wave, and Langmuir Probe Observations in the Vicinity of Saturn
- Coupling Processes in the Inner Magnetosphere Associated with Midlatitude Red Auroras during Superstorms
- Latitude-independent Pc5 Geomagnetic Pulsations Associated With Field Line Resonance
- Multi-Spacecraft Comparisons of Intense Activity at Low Auroral Latitudes During Major Geomagnetic Storms
- Nonlinear Alfven Wave Interactions and Three-Dimensional Alfvenic Reconnection
- Upstreaming Ion Acceleration by Alfven Waves
- Wave Propagation Characteristics at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- A numerical study of Hall effect in ULF waves
- Bounce Resonant Instabilities of Kinetic Alfvén Waves on Auroral Field Lines
- CREAM Observation of January 20th Solar Flare
- Cluster Observations of Pc 1-2 Waves and Associated Ion Distributions During the October and November 2003 Magnetic Storms
- Extraction of Solar Wind Nitrogen and Noble Gases From the Genesis Gold Foil Collector
- Intense Alfven Waves With Compressional Mode Waves Well Within the Plasma Sheet During the Main Phase of the 21 October 1999 Major Storm and Comparison of Major Storm to Non-Storm Substorm PSBL Alfven Wave Events
- A Wind/Waves Study of Waves in the Ramp Region of Interplanetary Shocks
- Alfvenic nature of FTE formation: Theory
- Analysis of Cluster Observations of Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Field Fluctuations In a High Speed Flow Associated with Current Sheet Crossings in the Geomagnetic Tail
- BARREL: A Balloon Array for Monitoring Relativistic Electron Losses during the RBSP Mission
- Cluster Spacecraft Survey of the Electric Field and Potential Well Structure of Multiple Current Sheet Crossings Near a Reconnection Region in the Tail on October 1, 2001
- Frequency/Spatial Scale Alfven Wave Component Comparison Between Simultaneous Polar and FAST Observations and Simulations and Evidence for Low Latitude Alfvenic Accelerated Electrons During Major Storms
- Full Wave Modeling of Alfvén Wave Propagation in the Io Plasma Torus
- Pc 1-2 waves observed in the high latitude plasma mantle and polar cap by Cluster
- Properties of Alfven Waves in the Magnetotail Below 9 RE and Their Relation to Auroral Acceleration and Major Geomagnetic Storms
- The Electric Field Wave Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probe Mission
- The Mission of Opportunity Radbelt Experiment (MORE) for the RBSP Program
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere
- Alfven Wave Propagation in the Presence of Auroral Density Cavities
- Breakdown of the Frozen-in Condition and Plasma Acceleration: Dynamical Theory
- Discovery of Very large Amplitude Whistler-mode Waves in the Outer Radiation Belt and Their Effects on Relativistic Particles
- Eigenmode Structure in Solar Wind Langmuir Waves
- Electric Field and Density Measurements with STEREO-SWaves.
- Equatorial measurement of SAID electric fields and relation with the plasmapause location
- Global inventory of precipitating populations during the 15-30 January 2005 long-duration flares and magnetic storms: Relative efficacy at ozone destruction
- Goniopolarimetry of the inner heliosphere radio emissions with the STEREO Spacecraft
- Interplanetary Dust Clouds Near 1 AU Detected by STEREO
- Irregular Magnetic Pulsations - Generation, Propagation, and Transformation
- Polar Spacecraft Observations of Intense Wave Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Properties and Possible Causes of Low Latitude Broadband Accelerated Electron Events During Large Storms From FAST and Altitude Dependence of PSBL Alfven Waves From Polar
- STEREO observations of electron beams and Langmuir waves in the terrestrial electron foreshock
- Stereo Triangulation of Solar Type III Radio Bursts
- Bipolar electrostatic structures observed in the solar wind : comparative study between WIND/WAVES and STEREO/WAVES
- Consequences of the Eigenmode Interpretation of Solar Wind Langmuir Waves
- Eigenmodes of Langmuir waves trapped into the density holes
- Electrostatic coupling: STEREO/WAVES observations in the solar wind and Vlasov simulations.
- FAST Spacecraft Observation of Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Auroral Zone
- Global Alfvenic Interaction and Substorm Onset
- Polar spacecraft measured evolution of large scale and Alfvenic Poynting flux during major geomagnetic storms in the inner magnetosphere
- Propagation of ULF Waves Under Different Ionospheric Conditions
- Radial profile of the storm-time convection electric field in the equatorial magnetosphere: THEMIS observations
- Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission
- Response of the convection electric field on southward turning of the IMF
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of the Solar Wind Bulk Properties from STEREO SWEA/PLASTIC by Multi-Spacecraft Analysis
- The Alfvenic Aurora and Substorm Onset
- The Electric Field and Waves (EFW) Instrument on the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Mission: Investigating the Physical Mechanisms of Energetic Particle Acceleration in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Voltage Pulses on STEREO/WAVES: Nanoparticles Picked-up by the Solar Wind?
- E-tracers: A New Technique for Wireless Sensing Under Ice Sheets
- Fundamentals of elasticity for Fe-bearing forsterite
- Insights into Nightside Auroral Electron Precipitation from FAST Observations Including Evidence of Alfvénic and Inverted-V Acceleration at Low-Latitudes During Large Storms
- Microscale properties of Langmuir waves observed by STEREO and CLUSTER inside solar wind magnetic holes
- New insights on the magnetic reconnection in collisionless plasma
- Observational Evidence of Modified Two Stream Instability Driven Waves at an Interplanetary Shock
- Observations of Large Amplitude, Monochromatic Whistlers at Stream Interaction Regions
- Polar Spacecraft Evidence at 2 Re Geocentric Distance for Alfvenic Poynting Flux as an Energy Source for the Quasi-static Parallel Electric Field Acceleration of Auroral Electrons and Up-flowing Ion Beams in the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Polar and FAST spacecraft measured evolution of time varying, field aligned Poynting flux and FAST electron kinetic energy flux during major geomagnetic storms in the inner magnetosphere
- Propagation of Kinetic Alfvén Waves at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- The Generation of Parallel Electric Fields During the Formation of Substorm Auroras
- The relationship between global ULF wave structure and ionospheric conductance: 3D simulation results
- Cluster observations of Shear-mode surface waves diverging from Geomagnetic Tail reconnection
- Cluster observations of solitary waves near the center of the current sheet in association with magnetic reconnection
- Extremely Large Amplitude Whistler Waves in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt
- High Speed Stream Activity in an IMF-By magnetosphere (Invited)
- Identification of Quasi-Static Potential Structure (Inverted-V) and Aflvenic Auroral Acceleration and the Ambiguity of ``Broadband Acceleration'' (Invited)
- Influence of iron on the elastic properties of wadsleyite and ringwoodite
- MHD Wave Propagation And The Ionospheric Signatures Of Fast Plasma Sheet Flows (Invited)
- Observation of relativistic electron microbursts in conjunction with intense radiation belt whistlers
- On the Cause of Magnetotail Transients and Their Ionospheric Signatures
- Phase Mixing, Density Cavities And Ion Outflow On Auroral Field Lines (Invited)
- Polar Spacecraft Analysis of Poynting Flux and Kinetic Energy Flux Measurements at Different Structures within and above the Auroral Acceleration Region and Their Comparison to Space-based Images (Invited)
- Polar, DMSP, and FAST spacecraft-based investigation of the evolution of high altitude, night side, wave Poynting flux as an energy source for low-latitude auroral electron acceleration during major storms
- The effect of variations of the solar wind energy input on the disturbance onsets in the magnetotail during substorms
- Electric Field measurements associated with energetic particle acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
- Electromagnetic lower hybrid waves, whistler waves, and particle heating/acceleration at supercritical interplanetary shocks
- FAST Observations Of Solar Illumination And Solar Cycle Dependence Of The Altitude Of Auroral Acceleration And Ion Outflow
- Interplanetary dust fluxes measured by STEREO/WAVES at 1AU
- Modeling the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator in a Dipole Geometry with a Distributed Ionosphere
- New workflows and resources in the VLab cyberinfrastruture
- STEREO observations of large amplitude electrostatic waves at the Earth's bowshock
- Simulations of the rapid modification of radiation belt electron distributions through large amplitude oblique whistler wave-particle interactions
- The evolution of field aligned wave Poynting flux in the storm time inner magnetosphere
- Thermoelastic Properties of Olivine and Wadsleyite (Fe<SUB>x</SUB>,Mg<SUB>1-x</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>: Their Relationship to the 410 km Seismic Discontinuity
- Thermoelastic Properties of Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite (Fe<SUB>x</SUB>,Mg<SUB>1-x</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>: Their Relationship to the 520 km Seismic Discontinuity
- Zooniverse - A Platform for Data-Driven Citizen Science
- Determining Electron Temperature from Type III Langmuir Wave Decay
- Elasticity of diamond at high pressures and temperatures
- Electric Fields and Waves Instrument on the RBSP Spacecraft: Investigating the Dynamic of the Inner Magnetosphere
- Electrostatic waves observed at the Earth's bowshock on THEMIS and STEREO and Wind
- Low latitude aurorae as a diagnostic for energetic particle injections and their environment
- Low-Altitude Emission of Energetic Neutral Atoms from Precipitating Magnetospheric Ions: IMAGE/HENA Mission-Long Survey
- Magnetosonic equatorial noise at Earth: Polar and RBSP observations
- Modeling the energy spectrum of precipitating electrons with early RBSP observations and test particle simulations
- Observations of Electrostatic Solitary Waves as Evidence of Kinetic Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection at Solar Wind Current Sheets
- Polarimetry of Comets at High Spatial Resolution in the Near Infrared
- Propagation of Pi2 Pulsations in the Inner Magnetosphere
- STEREO observations of waves near the ramp region of interplanetary shocks
- STEREO observations of waves near the ramp region of interplanetary shocks
- Satellite observations of energy-banded ions during large geomagnetic storms
- Shocklets, SLAMS, and field-aligned ion beams in the terrestrial foreshock
- Sigmoidal Active Regions on the Sun: Statistical and Detailed Studies
- THEMIS Observations of Plasma Waves near the Diffusion Region of Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- The Electric Fields and Waves (EFW) Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes: Science Operations Center, Operational Modes, and Data Products
- The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- Analysis of Van Allen Probes Data Showing Nonlinear Electric Field Feedback During a Magnetic Storm
- Characteristics of Large Amplitude Whistler Mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes EMFISIS Instruments
- Chorus Waves and Spacecraft Potential Fluctuations: Evidence for Wave-Driven Enhanced Photoelectron Escape
- Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): Observations of the Dust Grains from SOFIA and of the Atomic Gas from NSO Dunn and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes (Invited)
- Comparisons of DC Electric Field Measurements in the Ionosphere and Inner Magnetosphere Using Measurements from the SuperDARN Radars and the Van Allen Probes EFW Instrument
- Comparisons of Earthward Poynting flux and the kinetic energy flux of up-flowing transversely heated ions from the Polar spacecraft on cusp magnetic field lines
- Constraining Cometary Crystal Shapes from IR Spectral Features
- Distinguishing Between Quasi-static and Alfvénic Auroral Acceleration Processes
- Double Layers Associated With Relativistic Electron Acceleration in the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Dust Impacts on the Wind Satellite
- Evidence for Whistler-mode Chorus as an Energy Conduit for Radiation Belt Electrons
- Excitation of Poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interaction (Invited)
- Generation of Non-Propagating Electromagnetic-Plasma Structures and Formation of Quasi-Static and Alfvenic Discrete Auroras
- Kinetic Eigenmodes and Particle Acceleration from the Van Allen Probes
- Lightning VLF wave propagation from source, through ionosphere to inner magnetosphere using WWLLN and Van Allen Probes
- Low-Altitude Emission of Energetic Neutral Atoms from Precipitating Ring Current Ions: IMAGE/HENA Observations during Extremely Quiet Geomagnetic Days (2001-2005)
- Magnetofossils as tracers of oxygenation change: a case study from the stratified Pettaquamscutt River Estuary
- Microburst Precipitation in the first BARREL campaign
- Multi-point Observations of Subauroral Electric Field Signatures in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere
- Pulsating aurora observed on the ground and in-situ by the Van Allen Probes
- Quantified Energy Dissipation Rates in the Terrestrial Bow Shock
- STEREO and Wind Observations of Intense Cyclotron Harmonic Waves at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Stormtime Observations of Plasmasphere Erosion Flux in the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- THEMIS observations of the magnetopause electron diffusion region and magnetospheric separatrix: Large amplitude waves and heated particles
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Van Allen Probes EFW Filterbank First Results: Geophysical Distributions of Large Amplitude Chorus Occurrence
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Direct Wave Particle Interactions
- Van Allen Probes based investigation of storm time plasmasphere erosion and earthward penetration of the convection electric field
- First Simultaneous Observations of Lower Hybrid, Whistler Mode, Electrostatic Solitary, and Electron Cyclotron Waves Near the Earth's Magnetopause
- Generation of BBFs and DFs, Formation of Substorm Auroras and Triggers of Substorm Onset
- Propagation of BBF Driven Pi1/2 Waves to the Inner Magnetosphere and the Ionosphere
- Dynamical Generation of Quasi-Stationary Alfvenic Double Layers and Charge Holes and Unified Theory of Quasi-Static and Alfvenic Auroral Arc Formation
- Evolution of Field-Aligned Currents by Alfvén Wave Propagation
- Inner magnetosphere plasma, statistics from the Van Allen Probes HOPE instrument and data release 3.
- Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Triggered by an Interplanetary Shock
- NASA's RBSP-ECT Science Investigation of the Van Allen Probes Mission: Highlights of the Prime Mission Phase, Data Access Overview, and Opportunities to Collaborate in the Extended Mission Phase
- Storm-time occurrence and Spatial distribution of Pc4 poloidal ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere: A Van Allen Probes Statistical study
- The Cusp Ion Outflow up to 6 Re: Statistical Study on Polar and FAST Conjunction Events
- Van Allen Probes observations of intense parallel Poynting flux associated with magnetic dipolarization, conjugate discrete auroral arcs, and energetic particle injection
- A Design and Feasibility Study for the Detector Assembly of the Experiment for X-ray Characterization and Timing (EXACT ) CubeSat Project.
- Alfvenic Generation of Field-Aligned Currents and Displacement Currents in the M-I Coupling System and the Formation of Discrete Auroral Arcs
- Identification of Some Low Frequency Wave Modes in the Turbulent Solar Wind
- Information theoretical approach to discovering solar wind drivers of the outer radiation belt
- Inter-Hemispheric Differences Due to Ionospheric Asymmetries
- Observations of Near-Surface Scattering with a Dense Profile of Shots Recorded by an Underground Array
- Statistical Comparisons of Meso- and Small-Scale Field-Aligned Currents with Auroral Electron Acceleration Mechanisms from FAST Observations
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- A statistic study of EMIC waves associated with energetic particle injection from the magnetotail using multi-point in-situ satellite observations
- Alfvénic Dynamics and Fine Structuring of Discrete Auroral Arcs: Swarm and e-POP Observations
- Ambient magnetic field weakness during chorus event and their implication on the outer radiation belt dynamic
- An Investigation of the Dayside Response of the Magnetosphere to Interplanetary Shocks: Dependence on Shock Parameters and Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Beyond the Electrostatic Ionosphere: Dynamic Coupling of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- Distinguishing Among Mechanisms That Determine Pi 2 Pulsation Period
- EMIC wave events during the four QARBM challenge intervals
- Effects of whistler mode hiss waves on the radiation belts structure during quiet times
- Evidence of Ubiquitous Large-Amplitude Alfven waves in the Global Field-Aligned Current System
- Generation of Alfvenic Double Layers, Formation of Auroral Arcs, and Their Impact on Energy and Momentum Transfer in M-I Coupling System
- Interaction of high-energy beams with magnetized plasma: feasibility study for laboratory experiments
- Multi-scale observations of whistler, hiss and other magnetospheric plasma waves during a series of conjunctions between ARASE (ERG) and Van Allen Probes.
- Observations directly linking chorus to relativistic microbursts: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
- Observations of large amplitude chorus waves in the outer radiation belt: Van Allen Probes statistical study of occurrence and wave properties using EFW filterbank data
- Phase Mixing and Grain-Scale Physical Processes in Olivine + Ferropericlase Aggregates
- Plasmapause Location: Model Compared to Van Allen Probes Observations
- Plasmaspheric hiss: two statistically distinct wave populations
- Relation between the Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream and Energetic Particle Injection during Substorms
- STEREO Observations of Narrow Band Whistler-Mode Waves in the Solar Wind and Simulations of Their Interaction with Electrons.
- STEREO Observations of Waves in the Ramp Regions of Interplanetary Shocks
- Solar rotation period driving modulation of plasmaspheric convection
- Storm-associated Alfvén Waves in the Polar Environment
- The Efforts of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee to Use NASA Research in Education and Outreach
- The Inner Magnetosphere Plasma Response to Interplanetary Shocks: Van Allen Probes HOPE Observations
- The Rocket Investigation of Current Closure in the Ionosphere (RICCI) mission: A novel application of CubeSats from a sounding rocket platform
- The plasma wave experiment (PWE) on board the Arase (ERG) Satellite Initial results and collaboration with the ground network stations and Van Allen Probes
- The structure of low Mach number, low beta, quasi-perpendicular shocks
- Van Allen Probe measurements of intense Poynting Flux, magnetic dipolarization, and particle energization and auroral arcs.
- Van Allen Probe observations of EMIC wave propagation in the inner magnetosphere
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Radiation Belt Acceleration associated with Solar Wind Shocks
- A Dynamical Theory of High Energy Discrete Auroral Acceleration by Alfvenic Electrostatic Plasma Structures at Earth and Jupiter
- A case study of high-amplitude whistler-mode wave events at low L using Van Allen Probes
- ARTEMIS Observations of Waves in Laminar and Turbulent Interplanetary Shocks
- Assessing the consistency of data-driven whistler mode hiss wave scattering effects during storm-recovery via dedicated error metrics
- Co-Observations of Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) array and the Gamma-ray Observations During Overhead Thunderstorms (GODOT) instrument
- Dayside Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere to Interplanetary Shocks: Determining the propagation speed of the pulse, ExB flow direction and E<SUB>y</SUB> signature for a variety of shocks using Van Allen Probes, MMS, THEMIS and GOES data
- Effects in the Lower Ionosphere during the Large Dust Storm of 2018
- Mapping out the plasmasphere: How to arrive at robust results for plasmasphere-radiation belt interactions in the light of diverging techniques to measure cold plasma.
- Modulation at the solar rotation period of outer belt electrons, plasmapause location, convection electric field, hiss and chorus waves over the Van Allen Probes mission
- Multi-scale Statistical Analysis of Concurrently Measured Auroral Electron Precipitation and Field-Aligned Currents
- On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times
- Propagation of Kinetic Alfvén Waves in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- The influence of (Mg,Fe)O as a secondary phase on the mechanical behavior of olivine.
- Effect of Ionospheric Conductivity Channels on Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Explosive Nature of Auroral Formation During Substorm Expansion Phase
- Kinetic physics everywhere in the inner heliosphere: Evidence from the FIELDS instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- Large Scale Structure of the Solar Wind, Poynting Flux, and Ion Energy Flow between 35 and 130 Solar Radii.
- Modeling Kinetic Field Line Resonances in 3D Time Domain Simulations
- Modeling of Electron Precipitation and Backscatter for M-I Coupling at Auroral Latitudes
- Multi-point Investigations of Chorus Propagation with Van Allen Probes/ARASE Conjunctions, and Chorus Microburst Generation using VAP/Firebird Conjunctions
- Observation of the Heating and Acceleration of the Solar Wind by MHD Waves
- Observational Evidence on a Class of Azimuthal Dipolarizations in the Dipole-Tail Transition Region (5-12 Re) of the Earth's Magnetosphere during Geomagnetic Storms
- Radio and Plasma Wave Generation by an Electron Beam in a Laboratory Plasma
- Sub-solar electron temperatures in the lower Martian ionosphere
- Texture development in deformed olivine-ferropericlase rocks
- The Relationship between Pulsating Aurora and Chorus Waves: Comparing Simultaneous Observations with Gakona All Sky Camera and the Van Allen Probes
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- An in situ Type III radio burst observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Double Layers: Kinetic Plasma Physics at the Venusian Bow Shock
- Electrical Charge Separation and Explosive Auroral Displays During the Substrom Expansion Phase
- Evidence of Sub-proton-scale Magnetic Holes in the Venusian Magnetosheath
- FIELDS Closer to the Sun: New Insights on the Origins and Evolution of the Solar Wind.
- Investigation of a prominent solar wind structure observed by PSP on June 13, 2020
- Magnetic switchbacks: on the sensitivity of the statistical results with the chosen methodology
- Modeling Kinetic Field Line Resonances in 3D Frequency and Time Domain Simulations
- Observational Evidence on a Class of Azimuthal Dipolarizations in the Dipole-Tail Transition Region (5-12 Re) of the Earth's Magnetosphere during Geomagnetic Storms
- Olivine fabrics formed during deformation of two-phase rocks with different viscosity contrasts
- On the Preferential Generation of Large Amplitude Alfven Waves in Downward Field-Aligned Current Regions
- On the location of the Solar Alfvén Point and the imminent crossing by Parker Solar Probe
- Parker Solar Probe In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Post-deformation grain growth in polymineralic rocks of olivine + ferropericlase
- Radial Dependence of the Magnetic Turbulence at Transition and Kinetic Range in the Inner Heliosphere
- Radio and Plasma Wave Generation by an Electron Beam in a Laboratory Plasma
- Radio waves and whistler-mode waves in solar wind and their interactions with energetic electrons
- Scattering and energization by large-amplitude whistler-mode waves in the evolution of solar wind electron distributions and Hamiltonian analysis of resonant interactions.
- Seasonally-Averaged Interhemispheric Asymmetry in Poynting Flux in Low-Earth Orbit: Swarm Observations
- Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the First Two Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- Sources and Evolution of the Solar Wind Seen by Parker Solar Probe
- Switchbacks: statistical properties and deviation from alfvenicity
- The Dependence of Poynting Flux and Ion Heating on the Presence of O+ Ions in Dayside and Tail Reconnection
- The Jovian ionospheric Alfvén resonator and auroral particle acceleration
- The Near-Sun Dust Environment as Seen by Parker Solar Probe
- The critical importance of multiple concurrent electron precipitation mechanisms and backscatter to understanding auroral precipitation, a study using FAST satellite data analysis and computer models
- Type III Solar Radio Burst Profiles, Directionality, and Wave Scattering Model
- ULF Wave Driven Radial Diffusion During Geomagnetic Storms
- Updates on the Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
- Voltage Waveforms Associated with Dust Impacts on Parker Solar Probe
- Wave-particle energy transfer directly observed in an ion cyclotron wave
- When Pulsating Aurorae and Chorus Waves Don't Align: Comparing Simultaneous Observations by Gakona All Sky Camera and the Van Allen Probes
- Whistler Waves in the Young Solar Wind: Properties, Origin, and Consequences for Particles
- Whistler wave properties during PSP's encounter 1 - First results from SCM cross-spectral data
- The effects of auroral precipitation mechanisms on energy deposition in the ionosphere and remote sensing of the total ionospheric density altitude profile from orbit
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- Adiv Paradise
- B. R. Dennis
- Baptiste Cecconi
- C. A. Cattell
- D. B. Jess
- D. J. Christian
- David M. Miles
- E. Hanson
- G. Cauzzi
- I. Zouganelis
- J. Dombeck
- J. Fainberg
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- M. Kretzschmar
- M. Stęślicki
- Michael L. Stevens
- N. E. Raouafi
- P. H. Reiff
- Rui Pinto
- S. Gburek
- Steven Christe
- T. Dudok de Wit
- W. T. Reach