Stanford University, California
flowchart I[Stanford University, California] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (10)"] AW["Affiliated Works (3792)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (832)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
- Stanford University, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Stanford University, Department of Applied Physics
- Stanford University, Department of Astronomy
- Stanford University, Department of Chemistry
- Stanford University, Department of Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
- Stanford University, Department of Geophysics
- Stanford University, Department of Physics
- Stanford University, School of Earth Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Satellite Based Assessment of the Impact of Urban Sprawl on Carbon Balance (NPP) of the United States
- Analytical Methods for Including Vertical and Horizontal Heterogeneity of Elastic Properties in Dislocation Models and Applications to two Coseismic GPS Data Sets
- Are Scientific Assessments Really "Scientific", and How Are they Perceived by Non-Scientists?
- Assessing Subsurface Bioaugmentation of a Mixed Culture Capable of Chlorinated Solvent Cometabolism via Molecular Methods
- Characterization of Fine Structure in Sprites
- Control of Fossil-Fuel Particulate Black Carbon and Organic Matter, the Most Effective Method of Slowing Global Warming
- Day-to-Day Fluctuations in Mars' Total Electron Content: Implications for Navigation and Position Fixing on Future Missions to Mars.
- Effect of Biomass Accumulation on Biologically Enhanced PCE DNAPL Dissolution: A Numerical Simulation
- Effect of Initial Distribution of Two Fluids on Relative Permeability using Lattice-Boltzmann Method
- Evidence for Ancient Mesoamerican Earthquakes
- Excess Barium as a Paleoproductivity Proxy: A Reevaluation
- Experimental and Mathematical Studies of Pore-Scale Transverse Dispersion in a Helical Soil Column
- Fluorine-19 NMR Results on Crystalline Models for Fluoride Sites in Silicate and Aluminosilicate Glasses and Melts.
- Going Beyond the Lecture Class - Is it Worth it?
- Improved 3D Modeling of Complex Fault Geometries Using Poly3D, an Elastic Boundary Element Code
- Ionospheric Variability on Earth and Mars
- Joint Interpretation of Geodetic Data for Volcano Studies: Evaluation of Pre- and Co-eruptive Deformation for the Hekla 2000 Eruption From InSAR, Tilt, GPS and Strain Data
- Lack of Dilatancy and Brittle Failure in Long Valley Caldera Basement Rocks Subjected to True Triaxial Stress Conditions
- Light Scattering by Aerosols Over the Remote Ocean: Clear-Sky Point and Column Radiative Closure Studies
- MGS Radio Science Measurements of Atmospheric Dynamics on Mars
- Model Study of Ozone Levels Over Snow-Covered Surfaces
- Modeling Reservoir Heterogeneity Using Fractals
- Observations and Numerical Simulations of a Meso-Gamma Circulation over the Monterey Bay
- Oxygen Isotopes and the Cooling History of the Mount Barcroft Area, Central White Mountains, Easternmost California
- Paleolimnologic Evidence for Decadal to Centurial Scale Climate & Productivity Linkages in Lake Tanganyika
- Prediction of pCO2 in the Ross Sea, Antarctica Using Ocean Color Data
- Preliminary Report on Cruise NBP01-01, East Antarctic Margin
- Resolving Sub-Fresnel-Scale Atmospheric Structure and Diffracting Limbs in Planetary Radio Occultation
- Results from the first conjugate sprite campaign
- The Extent of Disorder among Charge-balancing Cations in Silicate Glasses and Melts: Spectroscopic Analysis and ab initio Molecular Orbital Calculations
- The NeMO Explorer Web Site: Interactive Exploration of a Recent Submarine Eruption and Hydrothermal Vents, Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- The Role of Hydrodynamics on Transport of Mine-Derived Mercury in Clear Lake, California
- The use of Streambed Temperature to Characterize the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ephemeral Streamflow in the Southwest
- Time-Distance Studies of Large Scale Flows on the Sun
- True Triaxial Testing of Crystalline Rocks Reveals New Mechanical Properties and Micromechanics of Brittle Fracture That Go Unnoticed in Conventional Triaxial Tests
- A Finite-Volume Scheme on Unorthogonal Mesh for Ground Water Flow in Dipping-Layered Aquifers
- A new Nonhydrostatic Parallel Coastal Ocean Model
- Alkylphenol Polyethoxylate Metabolite Behavior During Short-Term Soil Aquifer Treatment
- Attenuation of Selected Emerging Contaminants During River Transport
- Automated crown detection algorithm: an analysis of two tropical Amazonian forests
- Bioaugmentation of an Aerobic Culture Capable of Chlorinated Solvent Cometabolism to a Subsurface Test Zone
- Cloud Droplet Freezing By Contact Nucleation
- Density irregularities observed near the plasmapause by the CRRES satellite at the onset of magnetic disturbances
- Detection and Interpretation of Patterns of Motion in Mesoscale Atmospheric Flows
- Determination of Pore-Scale Transverse Dispersivity: Analysis of Data From Helical Column Experiments
- Dive and Explore: An Interactive Exhibit That Simulates Making an ROV Dive to a Submarine Volcano, Hatfield Marine Science Visitor Center, Newport, Oregon
- Dynamic and Pseudo-Dynamic Source Characterization for Strong Ground Motion Prediction
- EXAFS Study of Uranyl Complexation at Pseudomonas fluorescens Cell Surfaces
- Electromagnetic signatures of the Puerto Rico blue jet and its parent thunderstorm
- Exploring Physical and Biological Mechanisms for Zooplankton Retention in the Estuarine Transition Zone of a Riverine Estuary
- Fluorine-19 NMR Study of the Environment of Fluorine in Silicate and Aluminosilicate Oxyfluoride Glasses.
- Formation and Characterization of Likely Pseudo-Biomarkers in Extraterrestrial Samples
- Geological and Mathematical Framework for Failure Modes in Granular Rocks
- Ground-water modeling and the installation of deep multiple-well monitoring sites in the Central and West Coast Basins, Los Angeles County, California
- High-Resolution Measurement of Density and Velocity in a Laboratory Scale River Plume
- How Has Urbanization Altered the Carbon Cycle in the United States?
- Investigations of Arsenic and Iron Interactions in Environmental Systems Using Synchrotron Radiation Techniques
- Isotope Based Inference of Organic Carbon Storage and Turnover Rates in Buried Sediments.
- Laboratory, Field, and Modeling Studies of Aerobic Cometabolism of CAHs by Butane-Utilizing Microorganisms
- Lightning Location Using Sferic Measurements from Globally Distant Sites
- Long Valley caldera GIS Database
- Methane in Sediments From Three Tropical, Coastal Lagoons on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- Modeling Transport Processes in the Hyporheic Zone
- Numerical Modeling of Compactive Deformation Bands as Granular "Anti-cracks"
- Numerical Simulation of Flow in Compound Channels
- Observations of Early/Fast VLF Events on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
- Observations of Sprites above Haiti/Dominican Republic Thunderstorms from Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico
- Origin and metamorphism of ultramafic rocks associated with Paleozoic eclogite in the Hida Mountains, SW Japan
- Photometric Measurements of High Altitude Luminous Phenomena: Quantitative Comparison with Charge Moment Estimates Derived from VLF Sferics
- Probing Selenium-Ion Distributions and Changes in Redox-State at Biofilm/Mineral Interfaces by Coupling Long-period X-ray Standing Wave and XANES Measurements
- Radium Isotopes as Tracers for Groundwater Input in Elkhorn Slough, California
- Resolving Sub-Fresnel-scale Atmospheric Structure Near the Martian Surface
- Separation of Solubility and Reactivity in Coupled Laboratory Data: Focus on HOBr
- Shear Stress and Turbulent Mixing in the Bottom Boundary Layer over a Fringing Coral Reef
- Short-term cooling but long-term global warming due to biomass burning particles and gases
- Structural Environments of Chloride in Silicate and Aluminosilicate Glasses: Cl-35 NMR of a Volatile Species
- Structure of the Hydrated Hematite (0001) Surface
- Temporal Signatures of Electron Precipitation Induced by Magnetospherically Reflected Whistlers
- The Earthscope Facility: A new experiment in cooperative solid earth science
- The Effects of External Forcing and Grid Resolution on Simulations of Airflow in the Salt Lake Valley
- The General Theory of Plate Tectonics; No Role for Lower Mantle Components, Thermals or Other ad hoc Adjustments
- The Nature of Polymerization in Silicate Glasses and Melts: Solid State NMR, Modeling and Qauntum Chemicial Calculations.
- The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of U.S. Winds and Windpower at 80 m Derived from Measurements
- The mixing of breaking internal waves
- Thunderstorm Driven Relativistic Electron Beams in the Inner Magnetosphere
- "Dangerous" Climate Change
- A Comparison of West Antarctic and East Antarctic Response to High-Frequency Climate Change During the Holocene
- A Healthy Reduction in Oil Dependence and Carbon Emissions
- A Thermo-Mechanical Model of the San Andreas Fault System in Central and Northern California
- A theoretical and modeling study of volatile chemical partitioning during cloud hydrometeor freezing
- An Analysis of Two Amazonian Forests using an Automated Crown Detection Algorithm and IKONOS Imagery
- Analysis of data from multiple geodetic networks for a spatio-temporal fault slip history at Parkfield, CA during the 1990s
- Ca Isotope Fractionation in the Hawaiian Ecosystem
- Cl-35 and F-19 MAS NMR Studies on Silicate and Aluminosilicate Glasses Containing Multiple Volatile Species.
- Combined TOA/MDF Lightning Location Using Three Globally Distant Sites
- Comparison of Laboratory Data and Theoretical Predications of P-wave Transmission Through NAPL/Water Mixtures in Unconsolidated Porous Media
- Compensating atmospheric distortions in SAR interferograms using continuous GPS time series of Zenith Wet Delay estimates
- Elution of Nitrate at the NABIR Field Research Center, Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, TN
- Estimating Hydrogeological Zonation Using High-resolution Geophysical Data and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
- Evolution of Active Regions in the Solar Interior
- Evolution of Organic-Carbon/Black-Carbon Nanoparticle Size and Mixing State Near the Point of Emission
- Expected Performance of the Proposed PBO Network From Numerical Simulations
- Extensional Domains of the Northwestern Basin and Range Province
- Full-Inverse Statistical Calibration: A Monte Carlo approach to determining field-scale relationships between hydrologic and geophysical variables
- Hydraulic Jumps, Waves and Other Flow Features Found by Modeling Stably-Stratified Flows in the Salt Lake Valley
- Hygroscopic Organic Aerosols in the Great Smoky Mountains: Chemical Characteristics and Origins
- Impact of Calcium on Bacterial Reduction of U(VI) Under Advective Flow
- Impact of Iron Oxide Structure on Fe(II)-Catalyzed Reductive Biomineralization
- Interferometric Imaging
- Large-Time Behavior of GW Pollutant Plumes Subject to Biodegradation at the Fringe: Mathematical Analysis and its Application to a Large-Scale (~10 km) Field Problem
- MOD_FreeSurf2D: a Surface Fluid Flow Simulation Model for Rivers, Streams, and Shallow Estuaries
- New Stable Isotopic Techniques of Nitrate Applied to Investigation of Estuarine Nitrate Sources in Elkhorn Slough, CA
- Optical observations of conjugate sprites in South Africa
- Polar Coronal and Magnetic Activity in Solar Cycle 23
- Post-Hotspot Collapse Feature and Shield-Building Volcanism on Detroit Seamount
- Precipitation Signatures and Lifetime Estimates of Energetic Radiation Belt Electrons Scattered by Magnetospherically Reflecting Whister Waves
- Precipitation of Energetic Electrons by Magnetospherically Reflecting (MR) Whistlers
- Pyrite oxidation by microbial consortia
- Radio Science Concepts for Exploring the Interior Structures of Jupiter's Icy Moons
- Rapid Prediction of CO2 Movement in Aquifers, Coal Beds, and Oil and Gas Reservoirs
- Recent Goldstone Solar System Radar Observations
- Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Climate in Central Europe - A Comparison of Stable Isotope and Trace Element Variations in Speleothems From Different Cave Systems in Germany.
- Relative Impact of Biologically versus Physiochemically Dominated Modes of Mineralization on the Earth's Environment
- Remote Sensing of the Mesosphere by Means of Telescopic Observations of Sprites
- Representing Planetary Atmospheric Structures and Observables with Radio Occultation Transform Pairs
- Resolving Diffractive Atmospheric and Surface Structures at Pluto Using New Horizons Multiple Frequency Radio Occultation and Back Propagation
- Rise and Fall of the Great Basin Region
- SHRIMP U/Pb age of unusually large zircon in low-T jadeitite from the Osayama serpentinite melange, SW Japan
- Soil Microbial and Enzymatic Responses to Complex and Labile Nutrient Inputs
- Solar Astronomy: Science in Service to Education
- Source Regions and Storm Effectiveness of Earth-Directed Halo CMEs Between 14 and 24 April 2002
- Spatially Distributed Effects of Woody Encroachment on Soil NO emissions From a North Texas Rangeland.
- Spatio-temporal Evolution of On-going Tokai Slow Thrust Slip Event, Central Japan
- Specular Reflection of Odyssey's UHF Beacon from the Northern Latitudes of Mars
- Stress-Driven Earthquake Cycle Model of the Active Taiwan Collision Zone
- The Autonomous Real-time Remote Observatory (ARRO)
- The Biogeochemical Impact of Global and Local Dust on Hawaiian Ecosystems
- The Conservation Value of Human-Dominated Countryside
- The Coral and the Moon: A Biological Effect Possibly Affecting the Precision of the Sr/Ca Paleotemperature Proxy
- The Role of Shear in the Onset of Iron's bcc to hcp Stress--Induced Phase Transition
- The Sprite2003 Campaign
- The Stanford Solar Observatory Group E/PO Program
- {In Situ} Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater via Enhanced Reductive Dehalogenation and Dual-Screened Wells
- A Site-Specific Analysis of Hyporheic Mass Transfer and Residence Times
- A Statistical Study On Kinematical And Geometrical Properties Of Halo CMEs.
- Ancient DNA, climatic change, and loss of genetic diversity in an endemic Patagonian mammal
- Another Look at the Source of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- Apatite Fission-Track Thermochronology of the Southern Verkhoyansk Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Russia
- Arsenic Mobilization Influenced By Iron Reduction And Sulfidogenesis Under Dynamic Flow
- Automatic, Satellite-Linked "Webcams" as a Tool in Ice-Shelf and Iceberg Research.
- Contemporary Deformation and Slip Rates in the Taiwan Fold and Thrust Belt
- Diagnostics of Subphotospheric Sources of Solar Variability
- Dispersal Scaling from the World's Rivers
- ELF/VLF Wave-Injection Experiments and Magnetospheric Probing with the HAARP HF Ionospheric Heater
- ELF/VLF Waves Generated by an Artificially-Modulated Auroral Electrojet Above the HAARP HF Transmitter
- Effects on Air Pollution and Regional Climate of Producing and Using Hydrogen in Fuel Cells in all U.S. OnroadVehicles
- Enhancing the Conservation Value of Human-Dominated Forestlands in Hawaii
- Evaluating the hydrologic and economic impacts of incresed groundwater use in the Yaqui Valley Irrigation District, Mexico
- Evolution of Internal Waves in Monterey Bay
- First Cassini RADAR Observations of Titan
- Formation and Evolution of Strong Discontinuity in Granular Rocks
- Generation and Evolution of Solibores on Slopes
- High Time Resolution Telescopic Imaging of Fine Structure in Sprites
- In Situ Subsurface Cometabolic Transformation of Chlorinated Solvent Mixtures by Native and Bioaugmented Butane Utilizing Microorganisms
- Investigating Structures in Thick, Complex Atmospheres Using Advanced Multiple Phase Screen Simulation of Radio Occultation
- Microbial Enzyme Activity and Carbon Cycling in Grassland Soil Fractions
- Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes of Nitrate as Indicators of Nitrogen Utilization in Monterey Bay
- On-Line Resources for Teaching Geoscience with Visualization
- Preparing for an Academic Career Workshops: Resources for Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows
- Results From the European Sprite2003 Campaign
- Robust Coarse Scale Modeling of Flow and Transport in Subsurface Formations
- Seasonal Effects on Vegetation Greenness of California Grassland During Five Years of Global Change Treatments
- Sedimentary Response to Arc-Continent Collision, Permian, Southern Mongolia
- Short range VLF sky wave observations of lightning-induced ionospheric effects
- Skeletal Strength and Skeletogenetic Mechanisms Over Phanerozoic Time
- Small-scale turbulence measurements with a free-falling DPIV profiler
- Soil-Atmosphere Exchange of Nitrous Oxide, Nitric Oxide, Methane, and Carbon Dioxide in Logged and Undisturbed Forest in the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil
- Statistical Analysis of Cumulonimbus Anvil and Surrounding Aerosol Properties Retrieved by MODIS in Subtropical and Tropical Regions
- The Effect of Converting to a U.S. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Fleet on Emissions and Energy Use
- The Impact of Ionospheric Storms on the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
- The Model-Independent Growing Oil Problem
- The Onshore-Offshore LARSE I Transect: San Clemente Island to the Mojave Desert--Crustal blocks and the Moho
- The Pretorious fault, Mponeng mine, South Africa: A site selected for the establishment of a natural earthquake laboratory
- The rupture process of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake using 1-Hz GPS data and its afterslip history inferred from GPS data.
- Volatile Chemical Retention During Wet-growth Riming
- A Continuous Flow Column Study of Anaerobic PCE Transformation With the Evanite Culture and Hanford Aquifer Solids
- A Continuous Spatial-temporal Stochastic Regional Rainfall Model Based on Historical Rain Gauge Data
- A Dynamic Programming Model for Optimizing Frequency of Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring in Geological CO2 Storage
- Analytical Modeling of CO2 Storage and Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery
- Bistatic Radar Exploration of Mars' South Polar Region
- Bistatic UHF Radar Experiments at Mars Using the SRI 150-ft Dish and the Mars Odyssey Spacecraft
- Characterizing the Effects of Ducts and Super-Refraction on Planetary Radio Occultation and Atmospheric Profile Recovery
- Climate-Dependence of Plant-Soil 15N/14N Interactions Across Tropical Rainforests
- Comparative Climate Responses of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases, All Major Aerosol Components, Black Carbon, and Methane, Accounting for the Evolution of the Aerosol Mixing State and of Clouds/Precipitation from Multiple Aerosol Size Distributions
- Compositional Streamline Simulation of CO2 Injection into Saline Aquifers
- Computational Modeling of Ductile Folding in Sedimentary Rocks of the Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming
- Continuum Mathematical Modeling of Slip Weakening in Geological Systems
- Drift-Loss Cone Enhancements Caused by Lightning-Induced Precipitation
- Evaluation of Global Wind Power and Interconnected Wind Farms
- Evidence for Supershear Rupture During the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- Geo-Ontology: Empowering new Discoveries in Earth Sciences
- Ground based VLF observations near L=2.5 during the Halloween 2003 storm
- Hydrogen Isotopes From Tree Leaves: Evaluation of Environmental and Phenotypic Controls
- Integrated Passive and Active Source Seismic Investigation of the Northwestern Basin and Range Province
- Late Cretaceous modification of deep continental crust in the NE Paleo Pacific: additional evidence from Viliga lower crust xenoliths
- Mapping Grazing Incidence X-band Martian Surface Echoes From MGS Occultations
- Modeling in-situ uranium(VI) bioreduction at Oak Ridge, TN
- N and P Co-Limit Growth and Control Community Composition and Taxon Specific Nutrient Status in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
- New Observations of Flare-Generated Sunquakes
- New Vistas in Geostatistical and Bayesian Methods in Interpolation and Inverse Problems
- Next Generation Medical Informatics Powered by Ontologies and the Semantic Web
- Numerical Simulations of Solar Acoustic Field
- Nutrient Subsidies to Hanalei Bay, Kauai, HI From Submarine Groundwater Discharge
- On the Determination of Transverse Dispersivity: Experiments and Simulations in a Helix and a Cochlea
- On the Occurrence of Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation (LEP) Events
- Onset of convection in a gravitationally unstable, diffusive boundary layer in porous media.
- Ontologies and the Semantic Web: Key Enablers for Earth and Space Science Advances
- Ontology for Structural Geology
- Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, Canada - An investigation of potentially unique freshwater microbialites, and their application to Mars exploration.
- Photocatalyzed Reduction of Carbon Dioxide
- Preliminary Radiocarbon Chronology and Paleoecological Analysis of the Small Mammals in Samwel and Potter Creek Caves, Shasta County, California, and its Relation to the End-Pleistocene Extinction
- Ray-based modeling of lightning-induced ionospheric effects on short range VLF skywave signals
- Regional-scale hydrologic modeling of flow and reactive salt transport in the San Joaquin Valley, CA
- Seismic refraction and potential field modeling of the northwestern Basin and Range transition zone, Nevada and California
- Semivariogram Estimation Using Ant Colony Optimization and Ensemble Kriging Accounting for Parameter Uncertainty
- Sequestration of Carbon in Mycorrhizal Fungi Under Nitrogen Fertilization
- Shallow Subsurface Fluxes in Coastal Tropical Constructed Fill Areas
- Spectral Analysis of Localized Stress Variations, the Spatial Distribution of Faults, and the Scaling of Physical Properties near the San Andreas Fault
- Statistical Analysis of Cumulonimbus Anvil and Surrounding Aerosol Properties Retrieved by MODIS in Subtropical and Tropical Regions
- Tectonic discrimination with classification trees
- Temporal and Depth Trends in Phosphorus and Carbon Forms in Ocean Particulates from Monterey Bay, California
- Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Observed on BATSE/CGRO and ELF/VLF Radio Atmospherics
- The "Half-Life" of Injected CO2: The Immobilization of Injected CO2 by Capillary Trapping
- The Sun-Earth Connection: How Ionospheric Monitoring can Engage and Inspire Students in Science and Engineering.
- Tracer Test Analysis Using a Bayesian Geostatistical Inverse Approach to Solve for Transfer Functions
- Uncertainty Analysis of STEM-2K1 Air Quality Forecasts for ICARTT
- Variability of Size Distributions of Solar Flares
- Variability of the solar interior and irradiance
- A Statistical Comparison of U-Pb Detrital Zircon Ages From Mesozoic Sandstones of the Russian Arctic
- Adsorption Hysteresis and its Effect on CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery
- Advective Travel-Time Distribution and A Local-Mixing Streamtube Approach
- An Archean Wilson Cycle Recorded by Slow-growth Zircon in the Kapuskasing Uplift, Ontario, Canada
- An Interactive Bayesian Geostatistical Inverse Protocol for Hydraulic Tomography
- Application of a new 3D Finite-element Elasto-visco-plastic Modeling Technique to Simulate Origination and Evolution of the San Andreas Fault System
- Arsenic retention and release from ferrihydrite and tropical soils during iron and sulfate reduction
- Attribution of Regional and Global Climate Change: Relative Effects of Fossil-Fuel Soot, Methane, Other Greenhouse Gases and Particles, and Urbanization
- Bacterially Mediated Breakdown of Cinnabar and Metacinnabar and Environmental Implications
- Broadband and Narrowband Multi-site VLF Studies of Global Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Comparison of Ionospheric Electron Density Structure on Earth and Mars
- Detecting and monitoring slow-moving landslides in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area using Permanent Scatterer InSAR methods
- Distribution of Slip on San Francisco Bay Area Faults
- Diversity of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria Across Physical-Chemical Gradients in San Francisco Bay Estuary Sediments
- Effect of Diffuse Backscatter in Cassini Datasets on the Inferred Properties of Titan's surface
- Error Quantification in Inverse Modeling: Perspectives and Methods
- Estimation of in-situ Stress Magnitudes and Orientations in a Deep South African Gold Mine: Applications to Fault Mechanics and Mine Safety
- Evolution and Christian Faith
- Exploring Policy Implications of Global Energy Scenarios That Stabilize Climate Change
- Factors Influencing TCE Anaerobic Dechlorination Investigated via Simulations of Microcosm Experiments
- Focusing on Environmental Biofilms With Variable-Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Forest Structure at Five Sites in the Brazilian Amazon
- Geochronology of the Franciscan Eastern Belt in the Yolla Bolly Area, Northern California, and the Nature of the South Fork Mountain Schist
- Hydrochemistry and 87Sr/86Sr ratios as tracer for groundwater origin and discharge in crystalline basement
- Hydrologic Interactions Between an Aging Reservoir and the Surrounding Groundwater
- Imaging Thermal He+ in Geospace from the Lunar Surface
- Imaging decadal and seasonal deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area using Permanent Scatterer InSAR methods
- Improved Pseudo-Dynamic modeling for strong ground motion prediction
- Improving geologic surface interpolations using elastic plate bending solutions with additional physical constraints
- Large deformation and brittle faulting in folding rock strata
- Lightning Geo-location via Combined use of Time of Arrival, Arrival Azimuth, and VLF Dispersion Measurements of Radio Atmospherics
- Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation (LEP) Events Observed on DEMETER Satellite
- Mechanical Modeling of Thrust Faulting and Large Deformation Folding in Sedimentary Rock Strata
- Mediarology
- Merging Active and Passive Data Sets in Travel-Time Tomography: The Case Study of Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy)
- Multiscale Lattice Boltzmann / Finite Element Flow Simulations
- Nitrogen fixation may enrich phosphorus availability under elevated CO2
- Nuclear Winter Revisited: can it Make a Difference This Time?
- Nutrient and Fecal Indicator Bacteria Inputs from Submarine Groundwater Discharge on the North Shore of Kauai
- Observations of burst-like VLF sferic activity in association with sprites
- On the mechanical modeling of nucleation and propagation of fractures in folding rock strata
- Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy and Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes of Sedimentary Organic Matter of ODP Site 1015, Santa Monica Basin: Proxies for Sediment Origin.
- Paleoclimatic Perspectives on Climate Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide
- Parallel Reduction of Large Radar Interferometry Scenes on a Mid-scale, Symmetric Multiprocessor Mainframe Computer
- Phosphorus Availability, Phytoplankton Community Dynamics, and Taxon-Specific Phosphorus Status in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
- Poseseismic deformation following two thrust earthquakes at Kurile-Japan Trench: The 2003 Tokachi-oki and the 2005 Miyagi-oki earthquakes
- Potential of Bio-Enhanced DNAPL Dissolution
- Predictive Upper Cretaceous to Early Miocene Paleogeography of the San Andreas Fault System
- Progress in Earth and Space Science Infrastructure: Grids, Frameworks and Semantics
- Quantifying seawater recirculation through subtidal estuarine sediments in Elkhorn Slough, California: coupling Ra isotope geochemistry with hydrodynamic modelling.
- Quantitative Study of Solar Farside Observations to Predict Active Regions
- Quantitative measurements of LEP events using subionospheric VLF remote sensing
- Re-Evaluation of Plate Tectonic Models for Formation of the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean: Geologic Constraints from the Russian Arctic
- SCREAM (Subsurface Characterization Rover for Exobiology Assessment on Mars)
- Simulation of Nonlinear Internal Wave Generation in the Northeastern South China Sea
- Spatial Covariance of Ground Motions in NGA Data
- Stochastic Space-Time Regional Rainfall Modeling Adapted to Historical Rain Gauge Data
- Sulfur Isotope Excusrion Over the PETM
- The Heterogeneity of Southern California Mantle: Insights From Basalts and Mantle Xenoliths Along the Eastern Margin of the Salton Trough
- The International Heliophysical Year Education and Outreach Program
- The Lunar Explorer for Elements and Hazards (LEEAH) Mission: Characterizing Lunar- Heliospheric Interactions for Both Science and Exploration
- The TARANIS project - on the on-board identification of sprite related EM emission
- The Technology Behind Data Integration with Semantics
- The Timing and Style of Deformation in the Susques Basin of the Puna Plateau, Northwest Argentina
- Time-Dependent Finite Element Modeling of Effusive Silicic Eruptions
- Trace Element Speciation and Distribution Study at Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interfaces
- Understanding Along-strike Variations in Extension and Magmatism in Active Rifts: Discontinuous Structure Along the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Understanding Internal Tides within Monterey Bay: from Beams to Modes
- VLF Observation of Long Ionospheric Recovery Events
- Viscoelastic earthquake cycle effects and the kinematics of Northern Tibet
- 2D Process-based Microbialite Growth Model
- A Multi-Point Geostatistical Inverse Model for the Identification of Connected Permeable Subsurface Structures
- A Novel Design for High-Speed Imaging in Laboratory Scale Electrical Resistivity Imaging
- A Semantic Web-based Methodology for Building Conceptual Models of Scientific Information
- A Thermodynamic Study of Heavy Metal Adsorption at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface: Comparison Between Thermodynamic Model Results and In-situ Measurements
- Adequacy of Monitoring Methods and Strategies for Detecting Carbon Dioxide Leakage from Geological Storage Reservoirs
- An Inverse Model of Three-Dimensional Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- An assessment of the biophysical consequences of land use change and the implications for climate policy analysis
- An extended finite element algorithm for cracks with rate- and state-dependent coefficient of friction
- Analysis of Rock Properties for fining upward sandstone and sandstone-carbonate mixed systems in the Resistivity - Velocity domain.
- Atmospheric Dust Impacts on Marine Phytoplankton
- Bacterial Influence on the Solubility of Cinnabar and Metacinnabar at New Idria, CA
- Biochemical Control of Fungal Biomass and Enzyme Production During Native Hawaiian Litter Degradation
- Building Discrete Fracture Networks From Ground Based LiDAR Data
- Cassini RADAR Icy Satellite Observation Designs and Results
- Cenozoic East Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution From Wilkes Land Continental Margin Sediments and IODP Drilling in 2009
- Chemical Composition of Soil Horizons and Aggregate Size Fractions Under the Hawaiian Fern Dicranopteris and Angiosperm Cheirodendrom
- Climatic controls on drainage basin topography - a synopsis of the western Andean flanks between 15.5 S and 41.5 S lat
- Coherency of seismic noise, Green functions and site effects
- Combined Hydraulic Tomography - Self Potential - Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Parameter Estimation in the Unconfined Aquifer at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site
- Comparative Effects of Ethanol (E85), Gasoline, and Wind-Powered Electric Vehicles on Cancer, Mortality, Climate-Relevant Emissions, and Land requirements in the United States
- Comparison of a 13,500-Reaction Near-Explicit Chemical Mechanism With Smog Chamber Data and its Implementation Into a Fast Solver to Study the Ambient Sensitivity of E85 Versus Gasoline Emissions
- Compositional effects on aluminum and silicon coordination changes in high pressure aluminosilicate glasses: NMR results
- Continuous Crosswell Seismic Measurement: Applications to Monitoring of Stress and CO2
- Controls on Arsenic Retention in Surface and Subsurface Environments: Resolving the Impact of Iron Reduction
- Crustal and Tectonic Controls on the Distribution and Composition of Large Silicic Calderas in Arc Settings
- Crustal growth deduced from seismic structure of the Mariana arc-backarc system
- Cultivating Citizen Scientists in the Undergraduate Science Classroom
- Daytime Early VLF Perturbations Exhibiting Long Recoveries and Wide-angle Scattering
- Dependence of Whistler-mode Wave Induced Electron Precipitation on k-vector Direction.
- Developing a Framework for Testing Distributed Hydrologic Models at the Hillslope Scale
- Developing a physics-based finite source characterization tool for strong ground motion simulation of large earthquakes
- Diffusion-limited iron transformations in artificial soil aggregates: The impact of small-scale heterogeneity on cycling of redox-sensitive elements
- Dispersion of Bulk Modulus of Partially-Saturated Porous Media
- Diversity and As-adsorption properties of Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria within tropical wetlands of the Mekong Delta
- Early VLF perturbations observed in Crete, Greece in relation with TLEs over southwest Europe
- Ecosystem Responses in the Jasper Ridge Global Change Experiment Over Seven Years
- Effects of Mining-Induced Stress Perturbations on Pre-Existing Faults Near a Deep South African Gold Mine
- Effects of concentration fluctuations and gradients on reactive mixing
- Electromagnetical, Visual and Meteorological Analyses of two Gigantic Jets Observed Over Missouri, USA
- Emission of ELF/VLF Waves by a Modulated Electrojet upwards into the Ionosphere and into the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide
- Episodic Slow-Slip Transients and Rate-and-State Friction
- Equivalent Elastic Models
- Estimating Global Methane Emissions From Reservoirs
- Experimental and Numerical Study of CO2 Sequestration in Geologic Formations.
- Finite Element Modeling of Fracture Reactivation and Bedding Slip During Folding
- General Thermodynamic Parameterization for multi-component multiphase flow
- Getting Started in Academic Careers: On the Cutting Edge Resources for Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Early Career Faculty
- Global N2 fixation and its response to global climate change and increasing CO2 level
- Ground Tilt Associated with the 2004-Present Eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Hydraulic Tomography in Fractured Granite: The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Site, Japan
- Hydraulic control for manipulating subsurface conditions for in situ experiments of uranium(VI) bioremediation
- Influence of Solar Exposure on Stream Water Temperature: Implications for Conservation
- Integrating Remotely Sensed Data for Water Budget Studies in the San Luis Basin, Colorado
- Internal Tide Generation at the Sur Platform Region of Monterey Bay
- Investigating the Feedbacks of Large Wind Farms on the Local Weather and Climate
- Knowledge Provenance for Virtual Observatories
- Laboratory and Simulation Investigation of Gas Adsorption, Transport, and Carbon Sequestration in Coal
- Leveraging Someone Else's Knowledge Based System
- Magmatic construction of the Searchlight magmatic system (Eldorado-Newberry Mountains, Nevada) as revealed through zircon geochemistry and Ti-in-zircon geothermometry
- Magnetospheric Wave-Particle Interactions Excited by the HAARP HF Heater
- Microbial and Nutrient Responses to Enhanced Availability of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Carbon Dioxide in a California Grassland
- Multiple Export Production and Sulfur Isotope Records over the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- NASA's DESDynI InSAR and Multibeam LIDAR Mission
- Non-linear Surface Interpolation of Large Deflection Fold Shapes
- Organic nutrient enrichment in the oligotrophic ocean: Impacts on remineralization, carbon sequestration, and community structure
- Parameters Controlling the Partitioning of Trace Metals at the Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interface: Long Period X-ray Standing Wave and XAFS Study
- Phosphorus forms and controls on phosphorus dynamics in sediments from Monterey Bay, California
- Properties of Hot Spots for Solar Activity
- Prototyping a Knowledge IntegrationFramework to Solve Science Problems
- Realistic Numerical Simulations of Solar Magneto-Convection and Oscillations
- Regional Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in the Southern Great Plains: Measurements, Modeling, and Scaling
- Relationship of photosynthesis to atmospheric carbonyl sulfide for the North American growing season
- Scientific Visualizations of Data Collected From EarthScope's Seismic Observatory (USArray) and San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Sedimentary Response to Arc-Continent Collision, Permian, Southern Mongolia
- Seismic Response of Carbonate Cemented Sandstones
- Separating Water Content Changes and Soil Texture Using Electromagnetic Induction Soil Imaging
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Exhumation across the NW-Himalaya
- Stabilized low-order finite elements for simulating coupled solid deformation and fluid flow in fault zones
- Stresses and deformation around fault tips and their implications for fault rupture and propagation
- Structural controls on the Surprise Valley fault system, northwestern margin of the Basin and Range, based on combined geologic, potential-field, and seismic reflection modeling
- Sulfidogenesis Controls on Ferrihydrite Transformation and Repartitioning of Sorbed Arsenic
- Supplying Reliable Electricity and Reducing Transmission Requirements by Interconnecting Wind Farms
- The Balancing Act: Lessons From A Non-Linear Career
- The Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Quantity and Quality in Soils of Southeastern Kentucky with Different Anthropogenic Histories
- The Eocene to Oligocene Landscape of the Northern Sierra Nevada
- The MOLE Drilling Project: Laboratory at Depth on an Active Fault in Central Italy
- The Role of Optimality in Characterizing CO2 Seepage from Geological Carbon Sequestration Sites
- The Rosetta Model: Can the Different Physical Science Data Models be Reconciled?
- The Value of Forest and Pasture to Water Supply in Kona, HI
- The effect of residual trapping and slope on gravity currents in confined aquifers
- The leaf economic spectrum drives litter decomposition within regional floras worldwide
- The possible statistical relation of Pc1 pulsations to Earthquake occurrence at low latitudes
- Three Dimensional (U-Th)/He Constraints on the Exhumation History of the Shawave- Nightingale Horst Block, Northwestern Nevada
- Time scale and feedback of zonal mean flow variability
- Translating Research on Mercury in the Environment into High School Curriculum through Teacher Professional Development
- Use of Multiple Isotopic Systems to Interpret Ecosystem Processes in Hawaii
- Using Market Forces to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Product-Level Life Cycle Analysis and Eco-Labeling
- Validating one-point inversion solutions of the elliptic cone model for full halo CMEs
- Visualizing Single Cell Biology: Nanosims Studies of Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria
- Water Activity Limits the Hygroscopic Growth Factor of Organic Aerosols
- Wetlands for Wastewater: a Visual Approach to Microbial Dynamics
- What Have We Learned About Fluid-Fracture Interaction in the Analog Aquifer/Reservoir at the Valley of Fire, Nevada?
- What the American Public Really Thinks About Climate Change: New Evidence on Amelioration Strategies
- A Bayesian Level-Set Inversion Protocol for Structural Zonation
- A Calcium Isotope Record Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary From an Isolated Carbonate Platform in South China
- A Mass, Energy, Vorticity, and Potential Enstrophy Conserving Lateral Fluid-Land Boundary Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations
- A Method for Determining Hygroscopic Growth Factor for Organic Aerosols From Vapor Pressure Experiments
- An Improved Network Strain Filter for Detecting Transient Deformation Signals
- An Isotopic Record of Holocene Variations in the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Field From SW Patagonia
- Analysis of Biomass Burning Aerosol Impacts on Clouds and Precipitation over Amazonia
- Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification and its Effects on Calcifying Phytoplankton: The response of eight coccolithophore strains to changing pH
- Assessing the Value of Information of Geophysical Data For Groundwater Management
- Biofuels production on abandoned and marginal agriculture lands in the Midwestern United States
- California agriculture in a changing climate
- Cassini Radar: Extended Mission Plans and Expected Results
- Climate effects of biofuels: measuring some key parameters
- Climatic Effects of 30 Years of Landscape Change Over the Greater Phoenix, AZ, Region
- Combining Wind and Wave Energy in Offshore Power Plants to Reduce Variability in Electrical Generation
- Comparative Ecohydrologic Effects of Forest and Pasture on Water Balances in Kona, HI
- Composition and arsenic-attenuating capacity of biogenic iron (hydr)oxide flocs at the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site, Nevada County, CA.
- Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Processes Governing Arsenic Mobility Within Sediments of Southeast Asia
- Coupled Finite Element Modeling of Landslide Initiation in Variably Saturated Slopes
- Crustal Structure of Cretaceous Accretionary Orogenic Belts of North-Eastern Asia Based on Data from the 2DV Geophysical Transect
- Developing a Framework for Testing Distributed Hydrologic Models at the Catchment Scale - Examples of Test Model Runs for Event Based and Long Term Simulations
- Development of Arsenic and Iron Biogeochemical Gradients upon Anaerobiosis at Soil Aggregate Scale
- Distribution of the Magnitude of the Slow-Tail of Sferics
- Diurnal Evapotranspiration Signals in Coupled Groundwater Surface-Water Systems
- Diverse responses of phenology to global changes in a grassland ecosystem
- Does Personalized Water and Hand Quality Information Affect Attitudes, Behavior, and Health in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania?
- Does atmospheric deposition support phytoplankton productivity in Monterey Bay, CA?
- Double barreled Uncertainties: Behavioral Assumptions and Geophysical Sensitivity
- Drainage Reorganization and its Effect on Paleoaltimetry Studies
- Drivers of Chorus in the Outer Dayside Magnetosphere
- Elves and Associated Ionospheric Density Perturbations due to Horizontal In-cloud Lightning EMP
- Enhancing Natural Capital across the Biosphere
- Evaluation of Proposed Solutions to Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Energy Security
- Evolving Roles For Teaching Assistants In Introductory Courses
- Examining the Temperature Dependence of E85 Versus Gasoline Emissions on Air Pollution With a Near-Explicit Chemical Mechanism
- Exhumation Rates and Processes of Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks in the North Qaidam Terrane, China: Constraints from Sedimentary Rocks
- FPGA Platform for Satellite Observations of VLF Emissions
- Fault deformation and movement under wide range of slip rates in boundary-value problem simulations
- Foliar nutrients and Sr isotopes along a climate gradient on Mt. Haleakala, Maui
- Food, Feed and Fuel: a Story About Nitrogen
- Global Commercial Aviation Emissions Inventory for 2004
- Ground Motion Simulations of Scenario Earthquake Ruptures of the Hayward Fault
- High-Resolution Helioseismology from Hinode
- High-latitude activity and its relationship to the mid-latitude solar activity
- Hydrology and Channel Head Erosion in a Semiarid Discontinuous Ephemeral Stream Network near Oracle, Arizona
- International Collective Governance and the Need to Reduce Scientific Uncertainty about Geoengineering
- Inverse Method for Determining Frontal Vertical Circulation With Application to the Subpolar Front of the Japan/East Sea
- Inverting Geometrical and Kinematical Properties of 3-D Rope-like CMEs From 2-D Frontside Halo CMEs
- Investigating Correlations Between Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth And Ground PM2.5 Measurements in Californias San Joaquin Valley with MODIS Deep Blue
- Investigating Interactions Between Wind Turbines and the Atmosphere
- L-Band Polarimetric InSAR Observations of Greenland Ice Sheets using ALOS
- Lacustrine Carbonate Records of Climate Variability in SW Patagonia
- Late 20th Century Warming and Freshening in the Central Tropical Pacific
- Linking Hydrologic Drivers to Arsenic Contamination in Asia, Results From a Field Site in Cambodia
- Long-Term Dissolution Rate of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers
- Measuring and Modeling the Surface Tensions of Organic Aqueous Solutions With Atmospheric Significance
- Microbial Efficacy of Waterless Hand Hygiene in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Modeling the effect of wind-waves on the evolution of marshplains and mudflats
- NAPL remediation cost optimization under uncertainty using a semi-analytic model
- New Evidence for the Origin of Layered Deposits in Valles Marineris
- New Roles for Scientists and Science Societies to Improve Science Communication
- Nitrogen Cycling in the Oligotrophic Ocean: How Seasonal Physical Processes Determine Biologically-Mediated Nitrogen Transformations
- Nonlinear Stratified Spindown Over a Sloping Bottom
- Numerical Study of Sediment Suspension Over Bedforms in Combined Flows
- Numerical space weather forecast of the solar wind and radiation belts
- Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project: Multi-scale Investigations on the Rates and Mechanisms of Targeted Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Metal, Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants in the Subsurface
- Offshore Wind Resource Assessment Based on Mesoscale Modeling
- Oligocene and Miocene arc volcanism in northeastern California
- Optical performance and trigger logic of the imager onboard SPRITE-SAT
- Origin of MGS-Observed Electron Flux Enhancements Using 3D Multi-Fluid Simulations of the Martian Solar Wind Interaction
- Passive Sensor Imaging Using Cross Correlations of Noisy Signals in a Scattering Medium
- Physical Properties of Low-Rank Coal Samples from the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
- Physics-based Continuum Modeling of Debris Flow From Flume Experiment
- Pore-Scale Analysis of Microtomography Images of the Rock in Geosequestration Research
- Potential Vorticity Dynamics of Mode Water Formation
- Power Flow Simulations of a More Renewable California Grid Utilizing Wind and Solar Insolation Forecasting
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies II: Impact Detection/Attribution and Field Testing
- Projections of Climate Extremes in California
- RF Tomography for Tunnel Detection: Principles and Inversion Schemes
- Relative Permeability Properties of CO2 and Brine in Reservoir Rocks.
- Remote Sensing of TLEs by Satellite ELF/VLF Wave Measurements
- SCEC Earthquake System Science Using High Performance Computing
- Spatial Variation of Chemical Weathering Rates in the Washington Cascades
- Spatial Variations in Super-Critical Carbon Dioxide Saturations: What Does a Plume Look Like and Implications for Geophysical Monitoring?
- Spectral Seismic Signatures for Petrophysical Property Estimation of Thin Sand-Shale Reservoirs
- Stable Isotopic Insights into Sedimentary Basin Evolution Along the Northern Tibetan Margin
- Stable isotope records of late Miocene precipitation and elevation patterns in the central Andean foreland of Bolivia
- Statistical Signature of NEIALs in International Polar Year PFISR Data
- Strontium-86 Labeling Experiments Show Spatially Heterogeneous Skeletal Formation in the Scleractinian Coral Porites porites
- Structural and δ13C Analyses of Bacterial Phospholipids in Marine Sediments Beneath the Ross Ice Sheet, Antarctica
- Study of Hematite Nanoparticle Interaction With Zn(II), Oxalate, and Shewanella oneidensis Using ATR-FTIR, EXAFS, and STXM
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Coastal Water Quality on the Kona Coast: The Land Use Connection
- Super-High-Resolution Seismic-Reflection-Based Analysis of the Late Pleistocene- Holocene Highstand-Active Newport Channel and Its Distributaries, Southern California Borderland
- Surface Properties and Characteristics of Mars Landing Sites from Remote Sensing Data and Ground Truth
- Surface-exposure cosmogenic dating of Southern Tibet moraines reveal glaciations coincident with the Northern Hemisphere
- Teaching Introductory Geoscience: A Cutting Edge Workshop Report
- Teaching the Process of Science: A Critical Component of Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity measurements: A useful infiltration tracer?
- Terrestrial gamma-ray flash electron observation with SAMPEX
- The Faults and Hot Springs of Surprise Valley: Perspectives from Detailed Gravity and Magnetic Data
- The Generation of Harmonic Waves in Periodic, Interfacial Wave Interactions with a Submerged Ridge
- The Role of Intra-Island Temperature Variability at Palmyra Atoll in Mass Coral Bleaching Events
- The nonlinear interaction of radiation-belt electrons with large amplitude chorus
- The role of academic research in managing a transition to a sustainable biosphere
- The stable isotope record in extensional detachments as a proxy for relief development during the demise of orogenic plateaux
- The subtidal momentum balance in a periodically stratified estuary: The dominance of tidal timescale processes
- Titan's dunes and interdunes: new insights from Cassini Radar observations
- Turbulence and mixing generated by internal waves shoaling on a barrier reef.
- Uncertainty analysis of climate sensitivity using a novel spatial reconstruction of sea- surface temperature over the past 500,000 years
- Using Data Assimilation Methods for Modeling and Predicting Solar Activity Cycles
- Using Maximum Autocorrelation Factors (MAFS) to Identify Common Trends in Proxy Data: A Tree-Ring Case Study
- Using outcrop observations, 3D discrete feature network (DFN) fluid-flow simulations, and subsurface data to constrain the impact of normal faults and opening mode fractures on fluid flow in an active asphalt mine
- Utilizing remote sensing to supplement ground monitoring of Diorhabda elongata as a control agent for Tamarix ramosissima in Dinosaur National Monument
- Variability of oxygen isotopes in water vapor, soil and leaf water and leaf cellulose along a steep environmental gradient in Hawaii
- Wave Injection with the HAARP HF Heater: Conditions and Coherence Limits for Magnetospheric Amplification
- Wintertime observations of SubTropical Mode Water formation within the Gulf Stream
- 2008 Kasatochi Eruption: SHRIMP Constraints on Concentration of Volatiles in Melt Inclusions
- A Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Methods for Modeling Dissolution and Other Reactions in Transport Limited Systems
- A Discrete Fracture Model for Fluid Flow in Porous Media
- A Field Assessment of the Effects of the M7.6 Earthquake, 30 September 2009, beneath Padang, Western Sumatra, Indonesia
- A New Mass, Energy, Vorticity, and Potential Enstrophy Conserving Scheme for Complex Boundaries in 3D Nonhydrostatic Stretched or Nested Grid Models
- A New Source Surface Radius in Potential Field Modeling During the Current Weak Solar Minimum?
- A Principal Component Analysis of Hawaiian Volcanoes Deformation
- A Quantification of GHG and SST Forcing in West African Climate Change
- A Stochastic Non-Gaussian Velocity Model for Tracer Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- A continental record of climatic change and carbon cycle dynamics during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- A geologically-consistent multiscale method for solving large-scale inverse modeling (Invited)
- A two-scale model for frictional cracks in 3D fractured brittle media with the extended finite element method
- Airborne Geodetic Imaging Using the L-band UAVSAR Instrument (Invited)
- Amplification and Attenuation in Southern California Basins Empirically Calculated from the Ambient Seismic Field
- An Efficient Approach for Quasi-Continuous Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration Reservoirs
- An Enhanced Magnetometer Network in the United States for Magnetoseismic Research
- An Evaluation of Infrastructure for Tsunami Evacuation in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia (Invited)
- An Evaluation of Uncertainties in the Ti-in-Quartz and Ti-in-Zircon Paleothermometers in a Well Characterised Rhyolitic Eruption Deposit
- An Integrated Framework for Analysis of Water Supply Strategies in a Developing City: Chennai, India
- Analysis of the growth of strike-slip faults using effective medium theory together with field data (Invited)
- Application of particle swarm optimization for enhanced reservoir characterization and inversion of production and seismic data. (Invited)
- Arsenic transport and partitioning within manganese- and iron-oxide rich aggregated sediments
- Bayesian Inference of Site-Specific Petrophysical Relations from Noisy Data
- Bayesian Inversion in the Age of Large Data Sets and High Performance Computing (Invited)
- Bed-parallel compaction bands in aeolian sandstone: Their identification, characterization and implications
- Buffer Layers May Reduce Recombination in Solid State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (Invited)
- CRISM Hyperspectral Data Filtering with Application to MSL Landing Site Selection
- Calibration of a Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer with an Atmospheric Argon Standard (Invited)
- Climate Implications of land-use change associated with U.S. biofuels
- Climate response to black carbon aerosols: Dependence on altitude
- Climatic controls on denudation in the deglaciated landscape of the Washington Cascades
- Comparison of biogeochemical models to simulate uranium (VI) bio-reduction under sulfate reduction conditions (Invited)
- Competing Effects of Composition and Temperature on Surface Tension of Organic Aerosols
- Complexity reduction in inverse problems: Wavelet transforms, PCA and geological bases
- Coral δ18O stratigraphy from the West Pacific Warm Pool, Palau
- Coupled calcium and carbon isotopes in the aftermath of the Permo-Triassic Extinction
- Creating and destroying mountain belts in a sandbox (Invited)
- Crustal velocity models derived from the High Lava Plains controlled-source experiment in eastern Oregon
- Current moment waveforms in sprite/halo producing lightning derived from satellite optical measurements
- Development of the Elastic Rebound Strike-slip (ERS) Fault Model for Teaching Earthquake Science to Non-science Students
- Discovery of Diffuse Hard X-ray Emission associated with Jupiter
- ELF/VLF Wave Generation with the HAARP Facility
- Earthquake Nucleation with Thermal Pressurization in Finite-Width Shear Zones: Aging Law and Slip Law
- Eddy Covariance Detection, Mapping, and Quantification of Surface CO2 Leakage Fluxes: Examples from Mammoth Mountain, CA and the ZERT CO2 Release Facility, MT
- Enabling Distributed access to SDO Data with VSO
- Enhanced Ozone Production at Low Temperatures due to Ethanol (E85)
- Evolution of the Altiplano-Puna Margin in the Central Andes - Construction and Erosion (Invited)
- Evolution of the Peach Spring Tuff (Southwest USA) magma body revealed by textures and compositions of accessory minerals
- Flow Dynamics and Sediment Entrainment in Natural Turbidity Currents Inferred from Numerical Modeling
- Fully-coupled hydrologic/geomechanical simulations of slope failure in a prototypical steep mountain catchment
- Geochemistry and petrogenetic significance of sphene: evidence from the Miocene Highland Range volcanic sequence, southern Nevada
- Geophysical Investigation of the Lake City Fault Zone, Surprise Valley, California, and Implications for Geothermal Circulation
- Halo Observations from the Ground and from Space: Further Checks on the Sprite Polarity Paradox
- High-resolution paleoclimate modeling: the mid-Holocene in North America and the northeast Pacific (Invited)
- Holocene Paleoenvironment of the North-central Great Basin: Preliminary Results from Favre Lake, Northern Ruby Mountains, Nevada
- Hydrological Sensitivity of the Upper Indus River to Glacier Changes in the Karakoram Himalaya Region
- In Situ Immobilization of Uranium in Structured Porous Media (Invited)
- In situ Bioreduction of Uranium (VI) in Groundwater and Sediments with Edible Oil as the Electron Donor
- Informed Data-Intensive Sampling Strategies (Invited)
- Inventory Verification and Leakage Assessment: A Quantitative Comparison of Complementary Strategies for Verification of Geological Sequestration Projects (Invited)
- Investigation of subsurface tracer transport using a high-resolution model of fluvial aquifer heterogeneity
- Isotopic proxy records of orographic precipitation (Invited)
- Lab-Based Nanofocus X-ray CT as a Supplemental Analysis Tool in Studies of Earth Materials
- Large-Scale Inverse Modeling with an Application in Hydraulic Tomography
- Lu-Hf Analysis of Zircons in the Little Belt Mountains Suggest Paleoproterozoic Subduction in the Great Falls Tectonic Zone
- Mapping the Sun's Atmosphere Into Interplanetary Space: How Recent Changes in the Solar Dynamo are Affecting the Solar Wind Around Us (Invited)
- Measuring the Importance of Overbank Deposition on a Floodplain Adjacent to a Filling Reservoir
- Method to Reduce the Computational Intensity of Offshore Wind Energy Resource Assessments Using Cokriging
- Mixing enhanced by kinetic mass transfer and dynamic forces in coastal aquifers
- Modeling Persistent Contrails in a Large Eddy Simulation and a Global Climate Model
- Near term hydrological changes in the Western United States
- Near-term projections of phenologically-important climate variables in the United States (Invited)
- North America - Caribbean plate motion as constrained by provenance of Eocene beds in Central Guatemala
- Numerical Models of Slow Slip and Dynamic Rupture Including Dilatant Stabilization and Thermal Pressurization
- Observations and Modeling of Transient Lacustrine Features in Titan's South Polar Region (Invited)
- Ocean Zircon - constraints on cooling histories, spreading rate, and modes of crustal accretion
- On the Mechanical Behavior of Curved Faults
- Optical Signatures of Ground-based VLF Transmitter-Induced Electron Precipitation from the Radiation Belts
- Patagonian Andean evolution from Miocene foreland basin detrital zircon geochronology (Invited)
- Penecontemporaneous Pleistocene andesite-dacite lavas and shallow gabbroic cumulates at Mt. Rainier, WA, shown by SIMS U-Pb zircon and Ar geochronology
- Performance of Buildings in the 2009 Western Sumatra Earthquake
- Phanerozoic size history of the foraminifera: Implications for environmental and biological controls on macroevolutionary trends
- Planning a Target Renewable Portfolio using Atmospheric Modeling and Stochastic Optimization
- Pointing Stability for the LIGO Seismic Platform Interferometer (Invited)
- Polynesian land use decisions in Hawai`i and Rapa Nui (Easter Island) (Invited)
- Polynesian land use decisions in Hawai`i and Rapa Nui (Easter Island) (Invited)
- Potential for Biomarkers in Phyllosilicate-bearing Rocks at Mawrth Vallis, Mars
- Preliminary Results of Lightning Based Subsurface Conductivity Imaging
- Provenance of the Pendales Fm in the Sinu-San Jacinto Basin of Colombia's Caribbean margin
- Quantifying the Benefits of Combining Offshore Wind and Wave Energy
- Quantifying the Effects of Aircraft on Climate With a Model That Treats the Subgrid Evolution of Contrails From All Commercial Flights Worldwide
- Radiogenic isotopic approaches for quantifying radionuclide transport (Invited)
- Rapid detection and characterization of surface CO2 leakage through the real-time measurement of δ13C signatures in CO2 flux from the ground
- Reevaluating subionospheric detection of transmitter-induced precipitation of inner radiation belt electrons
- Relative effects of Fossil-Fuel Soot, Biofuel Soot and Gases, and Methane on Climate, Arctic Ice, and Air Pollution Health (Invited)
- Role of adsorbed arsenic and structural aluminum on Fe(II) retention and transformation of ferrihydrite (Invited)
- Salt marsh-atmosphere exchange of energy, water vapor, and CO2: effects of transient flooding
- Scattering of VLF waves on HF-heated D-region disturbances
- Science Goal and Mission Status of JEM-GLIMS
- Seasonal and spatial variation in soil chemistry and anaerobic processes in an Arctic ecosystem
- Sensitivity to Prior and Reliability Measurements for Value of Geophysical Information
- Soil collapse and dilation as modifier of hillslope morphology (Invited)
- Sr/Ca as a Potential Proxy of Sub-surface Temperature Variability in C. secundum
- Taking Science to Special Needs and At-Risk Youth in the San Francisco Bay Area
- The Effect of Aerosol-Cloud-Vegetation Interactions and Intraseasonal Meteorological Variability on Warm Cloud Development during the Amazonian Biomass Burning Season
- The Effect of Temperature on Hygroscopic Growth of Organic Aerosols Over The 273-303K Range as Derived From Bulk Solution Experiments
- The Effects of Predator Arrival Timing on Adaptive Radiation (Invited)
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): (6) Hydrothermal minerals record CO2 partial pressures in the Reykjanes Geothermal System, Iceland
- The Influence of Seal Properties on Pressure Buildup and Leakage of Carbon Dioxide from Sequestration Reservoirs (Invited)
- The Origin of High-Speed Evershed Flows in Sunspots
- The Quake-Catcher Network: An Innovative Community-Based Seismic Network
- The Roles of Temperature and Composition in High-Pressure Structural Changes in Aluminosilicate Melts
- The Solar Radio Microwave Flux and the Sunspot Number
- The dependence of chemical weathering rates on fluid residence time
- The effect of light radiation and temperature variability on the invasion of marine fouling species
- The environmental signals that CAN and CANNOT be inferred from δ18O signals in plant cellulose
- The evolution of Stanford University's ELF/VLF broadband data archive
- The influence of atmospheric nutrients on primary productivity in coastal upwelling regions
- The role of crack tip plasticity on the propagation of fracture in rocks and other brittle solids
- The role of the plasmapause in ground-based observations of ELF/VLF chorus and hiss at L=2.4
- Topo-edaphic Controls over Woody Biomass in South African Savannas
- Topographically mediated controls on aboveground biomass across a mediterranean-type landscape
- Tracing meteoric fluid flow in extensional detachment systems (Invited)
- Ultra-high resolution geochemical record of Holocene climate change in East Antarctic sediments
- Uncertainties in rock pore compressibility and effects on time lapse seismic modeling - An application to Norne field
- Using Corals to Reconstruct Past Ocean Environments and Changes in Circulation (Invited)
- Using Zircon to Reconstruct the Magmatic History of Icelandic Rhyolite
- Variations in the Depth of the Convective Boundary Layer on Mars
- What is Particle Swarm optimization? Application to hydrogeophysics (Invited)
- What is safe and clean water in rural Bolivian communities? A preliminary investigation of heavy metal contamination in rural community water systems in the Bolivian Altiplano
- Whistler Mode Echoes Observed Below 2,000 km Altitude by Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on IMAGE: Radio Sounding of Electron Density and Ion Composition (H+, He+, O+)
- Why we need large spatial and temporal coverage of stable isotopic proxy records for reconstructing past precipitation patterns in orogens
- X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Siderite FeCO3 Under High Pressure (Invited)
- Yeast identification in floral nectar of Mimulus aurantiacus (Invited)
- A 200 year coral paleoclimate record of West Pacific Warm Pool variability and ENSO behavior from the Republic of Palau
- A Mechanistic Description Of Strain Hardening And Softening In Quartz Sand
- A Two-dimensional Magnetoseismic Network in the United States
- A Wavelet Approach to Adjoint-State Sensitivity Computation for Steady-State Differential Equations
- A new Markovian velocity process model for tracer dispersion in highly heterogeneous porous media
- Access to Solar Dynamics Observatory HMI and AIA Data via the Joint Science Operations Center (JSOC)
- Accuracy of Wind Prediction Methods in the California Sea Breeze
- America's Climate Choices: Advancing the Science of Climate Change (Invited)
- Analysis of U-Pb, O, Hf, and trace elements of horizontally oriented outer and inner zones of zircons from the Boulder batholith, Montana
- Assessing the future of crop yield variability in the United States with downscaled climate projections (Invited)
- Atmospheric oxygen concentration controls the size history of foraminifers
- Attributing the increase of atmospheric CO2 to emitters and absorbers
- Availability of Fe(III) for Anaerobic Respiration across an Age Gradient of Drained Thaw Lake Basins in the Arctic Coastal Plain
- Basalt as a solid source of calcium and alkalinity for the sequestration of carbon dioxide in building materials
- Bio-physical vs. Economic Uncertainty in the Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on World Agriculture
- Bonding and structural changes in siderite at high pressure
- Calculating Wave Power from the Source Particle Distributions for EMIC Waves
- Can Atmospheric Boundary Layer Similarity Scaling Represent Turbulent Spectra and Cospectra in Estuarine Flows?
- Cenozoic climate, topography and ecologic change in the Sierra Nevada and Basin and Range: Coupled organic molecular and inorganic isotopic records of environmental change
- Climate sensitivity estimated from the past 450,000 years
- Climate-induced shrubland greening in northern Quebec over the Landsat era
- Combining high fidelity simulations and real data for improved small-footprint waveform lidar assessment of vegetation structure (Invited)
- Comparing INDEPTH IV wide-angle and p-wave receiver function profiles from the Songpan-Ganzi terrane to the Qaidam Basin
- Comparing batholith-source connections for the Cadiz Valley Batholith and a deeper sheeted intrusive complex in the Mojave Desert, CA through whole rock and pre-magmatic zircon geochemistry
- Context-Specific Measures of Uncertainty in Groundwater Remediation
- Continental Evolution Involving Subduction Underplating and Synchronous Foreland Thrusting: Evidence from the Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect
- Coupled Wave-Current Numerical Simulation of Cohesive Sediment Transport in San Francisco Bay using SUNTANS
- Cretaceous Arctic magmatism: Slab vs. plume? Or slab and plume?
- Cross-helicity turbulence model: Application to MHD phenomena from solar convection zone to heliosphere
- Crustal and lithospheric studies of INDEPTH IV using S receiver functions and P multiples
- DEMETER Observations of Ionospheric Heating by Powerful VLF Transmitters
- Development and Application to Oklahoma City of a New Mass, Energy, Vorticity, and Potential Enstrophy Conserving Scheme for 3D Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Flows with Complex Boundaries
- Disaggregating global commercial aviation emissions by background static-stability in the upper-troposphere and lower-stratosphere
- Dynamics of Low-frequency fluctuations in San Francisco Bay due to upwelling
- Ecological and Historical Controls on Black Carbon Storage in Hawaiian Grassland Soils
- Efficient methods for large-scale Linear Inversion for geostatistical applications
- Estimating the Energy Flux of Acoustic-Gravity Waves in the Solar Atmosphere from SDO/HMI Data
- Estimating the failure potential of a partially saturated slope from combined continuum and limit equilibrium modeling (Invited)
- Evaluation of Mesoscale Modeled East Coast Offshore Winds Using Tall Towers, QuikSCAT, and Buoy Data
- Evolution of Strength and Permeability in Heat-treated Rocks from DUSEL - Implications for a THMCB Experiment at the 4850 Level
- Extension in Central-South Tibet, insight from cosmogenic nuclide dating
- Fault zone evolution and topographic change detection using LiDAR
- Field Experiment Provides Ground Truth for Surface NMR Measurement
- First Result of Field Extrapolation Based on HMI Vector Magnetic Data
- First SDO/AIA Observations of Global Coronal EUV "Waves": Multiple Components and "Ripples"
- Fluid Flow through Porous Sandstone with Overprinting and Intersecting Geological Structures of Various Types
- Flux and attenuation of nitrogen, fecal indicator bacteria and virus at a coastal septic system in California (Invited)
- Global Drought Monitoring and Forecasting based on Satellite Data and Land Surface Modeling
- Gravity and magnetic anomalies of the western Arctic ocean and its margins provide an imperfect window to a complex, multi-stage tectonic history (Invited)
- Ground Deformation at Effusively Erupting Volcanoes from Physics-Based Models
- High-resolution numerical simulation of surface salinity variability over an abrupt sill in a salt-wedge estuary (Invited)
- Holocene paleoclimate characterization in Lago Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego) using sedimentary, physical and geochemical proxies
- Identifying the causes of water crises: A configurational frequency analysis of 22 basins world wide
- Implementation of the Blade Element Momentum Method into a High-Resolution 3-D Atmospheric Model: Evaluating a Parameterization for Wind Turbines
- In-situ, high spatio-temporal resolution measurements of CO2 flux and isotopic composition on Mammoth Mountain, CA
- India Co2 Emissions
- Initial Performance Estimates of the GLD360 Lightning Detection Network
- Initial Results from SDO/HMI Time-Distance Helioseismology Data Analysis Pipeline
- Initial study of stereo-helioseismology
- Integrating Geochemical and Morphologic Evolution of Soil-Covered Hillslopes in a Transient Tributary Basin
- Intensification of hot extremes in the United States in the next three decades (Invited)
- Interactions Between the Early Martian Dynamo, Surface Water, Atmosphere and Solar Wind
- Isotopic and genetic insights into the persistence of the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) (Invited)
- Iterative Spatial Resampling for Seismic Subsurface Characterization
- Joint inversion of seismic and flow data for reservoir parameter assessment using particle swarm optimization
- Land-ocean contrast on electrical characteristics of lightning discharge derived from satellite optical measurements
- Late Pliocene cooling, sea ice and the establishment of a Ross Sea polynya: Geochemical and diatom assemblage constraints from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Launching an Academic Career: On the Cutting Edge Resources for Geoscience Graduate Students, Post-doctoral Fellows, and Early Career Faculty
- Lightning Discharges Producing Beams of Relativistic Runaway Electrons Into Space
- Long-term carbon stabilization through sorption of dissolved aromatic acids to reactive particles (Invited)
- Managing Land to Enhance Water Resources: A Hydrologic Ecosystem Services Study in Kona, Hawai'i
- Mapping the time-averaged distribution of combustion-derived air pollutants in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Mass Spectral Analysis of Water Column Samples from a Single Depth Profile Near the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Mathematical methods of ambient noise imaging and localization using cross correlations (Invited)
- Mercury Removal with Activated Carbon in Coal-Fired Power Plants
- Modeling Aerosol Microphysical and Radiative Effects on Clouds and Implications for the Effects of Black and Brown Carbon on Clouds
- Modeling Secular Deformation of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Modeling Slip during Fluid Injection and Production using Rate/State Friction
- Modeling the Mechanical Behavior and Slip Distribution of Faults Involved in the 1992 Landers Earthquake in Southern California
- Modeling time dependent poroelastic effects following the June 2000 Mw6.5 earthquakes in South Iceland using the finite element method
- Near-term, high-resolution, ensemble projections of regional climate (Invited)
- Numerical Simulation of Slow Slip and Dynamic Rupture in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Objective Calibration of Sunspot Numbers
- On the black carbon problem and its solutions
- Opening of the Amerasian Basin: A model based on sea-floor morphology, magnetic anomalies and paleomagnetic data
- Optimizing Aggregation Scenarios for Integrating Renewable Energy into the U.S. Electric Grid
- Paleozoic and Paleoproterozoic Zircon in Igneous Xenoliths Assimilated at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Petrography and U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of metasedimentary strata dredged from the Chukchi Borderland, Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Piecing together the past: Statistical insights into paleoclimatic reconstructions
- Pliocene Antarctic sea-ice reconstruction based on the diatom record the ANDRILL 1B core
- Potential Spacecraft-to-Spacecraft Radio Observations with EJSM: Wave of the Future? (Invited)
- Projecting groundwater arsenic levels to define water use options in South Asia (Invited)
- Realistic MHD Simulations of Formation of Sunspot-like Structures and Comparison with Observations
- Reduced Order Models for Uncertainty Quantification and Parameter Estimation in Subsurface Flows
- Relative contributions of natural variability versus choice of model to uncertainty in projected trends in near-surface temperature and precipitation
- Results from the Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (QCN-RAMP) Following the M8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
- SDO Data Access And Analysis
- Simultaneous Observations of Multi-mode Echoes on IMAGE: Propagation, Reflection, and Scattering of Whistler-, Slow Z-, Fast Z-, LO-, and RX-mode Waves at Low Altitude (<5,000 km)
- Soil-Root Processes Responsible for Arsenic Uptake in Rice: A Route of Human Exposure
- Solidification of Suspended Sediments with Two Characteristic Grain Sizes
- Statistical Comparison of Detrital Zircon Suites from the Arctic and Their Bearing on Plate Reconstructions
- Strontium isotopes as an indicator of water-rock reaction for the Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological (THMCB) Experimental Facility at DUSEL
- The Golmud Step: New details of the 15 km Moho offset between the Tibet Plateau and Qaidam Basin from INDEPTH IV Seismic Results
- The Many Ways to Access SDO Data
- The Role of Antarctica in Global Late Pliocene Cooling Scenarios - Insights from AND-1B
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and Extreme Ground Motion
- The Southern Ocean Cadmium Isotope Divide
- The contribution of weather to recent maize and wheat yield trends in the US: a comparison of two approaches
- The evolution of the Peach Spring Tuff magmatic system as revealed by accessory mineral textures and compositions
- The influence of convective and land surface processes on the variability of the West African Monsoon
- Thickness of underthrust Indian crust in the Garhwal Himalaya
- Three-dimensional morphology of a coronal prominence cavity
- Time-dependent Imaging of Dike Propagation From Deformation and Seismicity Data: Application to the 2007 Kilauea Intrusion
- Topographic and Geomorphic Response to Active Deformation Along the Dragon's Back Pressure Ridge, central San Andreas Fault, California (Invited)
- Towards accurate models of global crop-climate interactions (Invited)
- Urban Air Pollution from Ethanol (E85) in the Presence of Aqueous Aerosols and Fog
- VLF Radio Observations and Modeling of the Ionospheric Effects of SGR 1550-5418
- VLF radiation from lightning
- Volume to Surface Area Ratios of Foraminifera over the Phanerozoic
- Will higher [CO2] help avoid crop failures in drought years? (Invited)
- ``What comes up … must come down'': Peat carbon and mineral-interactions in Arctic Coastal tundra
- δ18O comparisons of coral cores in the western tropical Pacific, Palau
- <SUP>27</SUP>Al and <SUP>29</SUP>Si NMR spectroscopy of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite: mechanisms of Al and Fe incorporation
- A High-resolution Simulation of the Feedback of Wind Farms to the Atmosphere
- A Microscale Gas Trapping Investigation
- A New Friction Law for Seismicity Modeling
- A Watershed Approach for the Determination of Groundwater Recharge in Rajasthan, India
- A Worldwide Plan to Eliminate Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Energy Instability With Wind, Water, and Sunlight (WWS)
- A monitoring network design tool for atmospheric carbon dioxide:Validation over North America
- A three-component analytic model of long-term climate change
- Adaptive Spatial Resampling for Seismic Inverse Modeling
- Advances toward field application of 3D hydraulic tomography
- Advancing Climate Change Education: Student Engagement and Teacher Talk in the Classroom
- Amazing M9-Flare: Sunquakes, White Light Emission and Magnetic Restructuring
- Amplitudes in Gauge Theory and Gravity
- An Experimental Study of CO2 Exsolution and Relative Permeability Measurements during CO2 Saturated Water Depressurization Relevant to Carbon Sequestration
- An Investigative Study on the Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on E.Coli K12 in Various Sodium Chloride Concentrations
- Analysis of natural convection in saline aquifers with heterogeneous permeability
- Analyzing Maize Anther Development Using Transposons
- Analyzing the Effects of Nitrogen Deficiency on the PHB Production of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b
- Ancient and modern rhyolite: Using zircon trace element compositions to examine the origin of volcanic rocks
- Antarctica and Global Environmental Change - Lessons from the Past Inform Climate Change Policy Today
- Arsenic Concentrations in Rice and Associated Health Risks Along the Upper Mekong Delta, Cambodia
- Assessing the impact of the expanding continuous measurement network in North America on carbon budgeting with an atmospheric inversion
- Avatar Impostors
- Better Communication Through Collaboration: Lessons Learned from a New Model of Science Communication Education
- BioPortal: An Open-Source Community-Based Ontology Repository
- Biogeochemical Modeling of In Situ U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization with Emulsified Vegetable Oil as the Electron Donor at a Field Site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- Biophysical and Economic Uncertainty in the Analysis of Poverty Impacts of Climate Change
- Capillary pressure and heterogeneity for the CO2/water system in sandstone rocks
- Characterization of U(VI) reduction in contaminated sediments with slow-degrading electron donor source
- Climate-forcing & Feedbacks of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Comparison of the low-cost MEMS accelerometers used by the Quake-Catcher Network and traditional strong motion seismic sensors
- Compositional Space Parameterization Approach for Reservoir Flow Simulation
- Correlation Between Channel Profile and Plan View Drainage Network Architecture
- Coupled Conodont δ18Ophosphate, Climate Model, and Stratigraphic Perspectives on Carboniferous Cyclic Deposits from Mid-Continent North America
- Data Discovery and Access via the Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase (HEK)
- Decision-Support Tools that Harmonize People and Nature: Using InVEST Water Models in Innovative Policies in China and Latin America
- Detection of Emerging Sunspot Regions in the Solar Interior by Helioseismology
- Development and Testing of Proboscis Heat Flow Probe with Gas-Enhanced Drilling System
- Dining Dovekies Demand, "When, Where and What's for Dinner?" The Impact of Seasonal Changes in Snow Melt and the Development of the Arctic Marine Food Web on Seabirds.
- Direct non-stationary multiple-point modeling of geological heterogeneity
- Dispersivity Tensor in Three-Dimensional Periodic Porous Media
- Distribution of compaction bands in 3D: the role of cross-bed orientation
- Drought characteristics drive patterns in widespread aspen forest mortality across the western United States
- Early to Mid-Pleistocene Warm Events at the Antarctic Margin
- Effect of a Si-rich layer on olivine carbonation under in-situ conditions
- Effects of Flow Rate, Gravity and Sub-Core Scale Heterogeneities on CO2/Brine Relative Permeability Measurements
- Effects of geoengineering on crop yields
- Efficient Numerical Modeling of 3D, Half-Space, Slow-Slip and Quasi-Dynamic Earthquake Ruptures
- Electromagnetic and chemical characterization of Arctic coastal tundra soils
- Episodic vs. Continuous Accretion in the Franciscan Accretionary Prism and Direct Plate Motion Controls vs. More Local Tectonic Controls on Prism Evolution
- Equation-of-State Based Tie-Simplex Parameterization for Multiphase Thermal-Compositional Simulation
- Eshelby's solutions for ellipsoidal inclusion/heterogeneity with applications to localize
- Estimating Rainfall Spatial Uncertainty for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in Data-Sparse Rural Watersheds in Northern Mozambique
- Evaluation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Nutrients, Carbon , and Metals to the Monterey Bay Extreme Bloom Incubator
- Evolution of Magnetic Field in the Flaring Active Region AR 11158 Based on SDO/HMI Observation
- Examining the Displacement of Energy during Formation of Shear Bands
- Field- and Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of Uranium Sequestration: The Role of Sulfur and Iron Species
- Garnet formation and evolution in Cordilleran source rocks: inherited zircon trace element chemistry from the Transverse Ranges, CA
- Geological Characterization, Capacity Estimates and Long-Term Fate of CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers in the Two Elk Energy Park Pilot Test site, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
- Glacial-Interglacial period in Lago Sarmiento (Chilean Patagonia) using high resolution seismic
- HMI vector magnetic field products: the long-awaited release has come! Now what?
- Heliospheric Space Weather at the Start of Cycle 24
- High Resolution WRF Modeling of the Western USA: Comparisons with Observations and large scale Gridded Data
- High-Latitude Vegetation Trends in North America from Integration of MODIS, Landsat, and Dynamic Vegetation Models
- Highly resolved diurnal trends in natural variability of coral reef carbon budgets, Palau, Western Pacific, using a new automated continuous flow system
- Hyperspectral Biofilm Classification Analysis for Carrying Capacity of Migratory Birds in the South Bay Salt Ponds
- Iapetus as seen by the Cassini microwave radiometer
- Impact of Siberian Trap volcanism on the end-Permian and Early Triassic carbon cycle
- Implications of Climate Volatility for Agricultural Commodity Markets in the Presence of Biofuel Mandates
- Improving the Efficiency of Metallic Carbon Nanotube Electrical Breakdown
- InSAR imaging of seasonal groundwater change in the San Luis Valley, Colorado
- Inelastic deformation in crystalline rocks
- Injection of Emulsified Vegetable Oil for Long-Term Bioreduction of Uranium
- Kinect Technology Game Play to Mimic Quake Catcher Network (QCN) Sensor Deployment During a Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (RAMP)
- Land Use Change Affects Groundwater Recharge: Hydrologic Services in Tropical Watersheds
- Large-scale Coronal Propagating Fronts During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24
- Leopold 2.0: Training for a New Kind of Science Leadership
- Low-dimensional models for the estimation of anthropogenic CO2 emissions from atmospheric observations
- Magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain, California, tracked by <SUP>14</SUP>C in tree core
- Mapping and quantification of geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain, CA and Soda Springs, ID, USA
- Measurements needed to better understand global agriculture's response to climate change
- Microbial Dynamics During a Temporal Sequence of Bioreduction Stimulated by Emulsified Vegetable Oil
- Micromechanical Modeling for the Deformation of Sand with Non-coaxiality Between Stress and Material Axes
- Modeling Time-Dependent Dike Propagation During the 2007 Father's Day Intrusion From Seismicity and Deformation Data
- Modeling the impact of watershed management policies on marine ecosystem services with application to Hood Canal, WA, USA
- Molecular and radiocarbon composition of plant wax lipids and lignin phenols in Alaskan Arctic river sediments
- Monitoring of CO2 Migration through Multilevel Pressure Measurements in Storage Reservoir, Seal, and Overlying Aquifer
- Morphology of a Heavily Sediment-Impacted Reservoir and its Upstream Alluvial Surface
- Multi-model projections of premium wine grape temperature suitability in the US
- NASA SDO Social Media - An Interactive Experience
- Near-explicit Gas-phase Chemistry Coupled with Extensive Aqueous Mechanism: Looking at Ethanol (E85) Exhaust in a Fog
- Numerical Modeling of the Heliosphere Using Interplanetary Scintillation Data as Boundary Conditions
- Oil palm plantation effects on water quality in Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Polyphenols, fungal enzymes, and the fate of organic nitrogen in a Californian pygmy forest
- Preparing Future Geoscience Professionals: Needs, Strategies, Programs, and Online Resources
- Proofmass Caging Testbed
- Prospects for integrating utility-scale solar photovoltaics and industrial agriculture in the U.S
- Radiated Energy of Great Earthquakes
- Radio Sounding of the Martian and Venusian Ionospheres
- Recent Advances in Geostatistical Inversion
- Recent drought induced increase of non-photosynthetically active vegetation cover in the aspen forests of southern Rocky Mountain
- Reconciling bottom-up and top-down estimates of regional scale carbon budgets through geostatistical inverse modeling
- Role of Reynolds Number on Liquid-Liquid Drop Experiments
- SHARPs - A New Space Weather Data Product from SDO/HMI
- Sandstone matrix olistostrome deposited on intra-subduction complex serpentinite, trench slope basin deposits, and nappe and fold architecture and chronology, Franciscan Complex, Marin County, California
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Semantic technologies improving the recall and precision of the Mercury metadata search engine
- Sensitivity of NMR decay times to pore geometry in the presence of magnetic inhomogeneities
- Sensitivity of Turbidity Currents to Mass and Momentum Exchanges Between These Underflows and Their Surroundings
- Single Cell Analysis to locate the Restriction Point with respect to E2F Expression
- Siple Station, Antarctica, Statistics of Magnetospheric ELF/VLF Wave Growth
- Smallholder Irrigation and Crop Diversification under Climate Change in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence and Potential for Simultaneous Food Security, Adaptation, and Mitigation
- Socio-climatic Exposure of an Afghan Poppy Farmer
- Solar dynamics at high latitudes and deep in the convection zone
- Solving flow-based inverse problems in metric space
- Stratification, flows and turbulence in a tropical reservoir
- Surface-NMR measurements of the longitudinal relaxation time T1 in a homogeneous sandy aquifer in Skive, Denmark
- Temperature and Soil Moisture Interactions in Quantifying Corn Yield Responses to Climate Change
- The Behavior of Effective Reaction Rate Constants for Bimolecular Reactions in Porous Media
- The CHUVA Lightning Mapping Campaign
- The Depth of the Convective Boundary Layer as Observed by Radio Occultation with Mars Express
- The Heat Is On: Decision-Maker Perspectives on When and How to Issue a Heat Warning
- The Impact of Organic Aerosol Mixtures on Hygroscopicity: Comparison between Measurements and UNIFAC Model
- The Influence of Meso-Scale Heterogeneity on Carbon Dioxide Plume Migration and Trapping
- The Isotopic Record of Elevation Thresholds in Continental Plateaus to Atmospheric Circulation
- The Waldmeier relations as due to nonlinear surface-shear shaped dynamo
- The response of African easterly waves and associated precipitation to enhanced radiative forcing
- Theoretical comparison of plasma and magnetic feature tracking (MFT) flows: a perspective for assimilating meridional flow data in flux-transport models
- Tibetan plate overriding the Asian plate in central and northern Tibet
- Time resolved global dust source function using satellite observations: Its development and application in a global aerosol model
- Trends in 1970-2010 summertime coastal California air temperatures:how HCN-corrections to COOP-data eliminated coastal-cooling
- US East Coast offshore wind energy resources and their relationship to time-varying electricity demand
- Uncertainty quantification and parameter estimation for multi-scale systems: Lessons learned from inverse problems aimed at constraining the CO2 budget from atmospheric observations
- Unconditionally convergent nonlinear solver for immiscible two-phase flow dominated by buoyancy and capillary forces
- Untangling Indirect, Semi-Direct, and Cloud Absorption Effects of Aerosols on Clouds and Climate Using a Regional Model and Remote Sensing Observations
- Using Gaussian Graphical Models to Infer Past Climates
- Using Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Observations to Estimate Potential Evaporation with Combination Equations
- Using the EUV to Weigh a Sun-grazing Comet as it Disappears in the Solar Corona
- Vortex tubes of solar convection: formation, properties and dynamics
- Whistler-mode chorus waves in the dayside outer magnetosphere under quiet geomagnetic conditions: PENGUIn-AGO and THEMIS conjugate observations
- (Yet) A New Method for the Determination of Flow Directions and Contributing Areas over Gridded DEMs
- 3D MHD Simulations of Spontaneous Flow Ejections by Turbulent Convection into the Chromosphere
- 3D Transient Hydraulic Tomography (3DTHT): An Efficient Field and Modeling Method for High-Resolution Estimation of Aquifer Heterogeneity
- A Dual Wavelength Echidna® Lidar (DWEL) for Forest Structure Retrieval
- A Geostatistical Approach to Reducing Uncertainty in Rainfall Estimates Using Terrain Characteristics: A Case Study in the Central-North Regional Water Administration of Mozambique (ARA Centro-Norte)
- A Next-Generation Atmospheric Dynamics Model that Conserves Multiple Properties over Complex Topography on All Scales
- A Participatory Water Management Tool for the Determination of Groundwater Recharge
- A multi-isotope approach to understanding the evolution of Cenozoic magmatism in the northeastern Basin and Range: Results from igneous rocks in the Albion-Raft River-Grouse Creek metamorphic core complex
- Accelerated Global Warming by Black Carbon due to its Burnoff of Clouds
- Advantages of Oscillatory Hydraulic Tomography
- African easterly waves in CMIP5: future changes for West African precipitation and Atlantic tropical cyclone activity
- All Sky Imager Network for Science and Education
- An Experimental Microvisual Investigation of Viscously Unstable Displacements Relevant to Geological Sequestration
- An Experimental Study on the Influence of Viscosity Ratio During Immiscible Displacements in Porous Media
- An analysis of the uncertainty in InSAR deformation measurements for groundwater applications in the San Luis Valley, Colorado
- An assessment of wheat breeding gains in hot environments
- An evaluation of Uranium isotopes in speleothems as a complementary tool for paleoclimate reconstruction
- An updated pseudoproxy evaluation of four climate field reconstruction methods using improved emulations of real-world conditions
- Application of Discrete Fracture Modeling and Upscaling Techniques to Complex Fractured Reservoirs
- Are Human and Natural Systems Decoupling?
- Assessing Current State Science Teaching and Learning Standards for Ability to Achieve Climate Science Literacy
- Assessing the limitations of NASA's Aquarius Sensor using the Amazon Plume
- Assessment of US, Indian and Chinese Middle School Students' Outlook on the Greenhouse Effect
- Atmospheric O2 Levels Compared to Gastropod Body Size in the Phanerozoic
- Automated Detection and Characterization of Submarine and Subaerial Channels Using Wavelet Analysis
- Bayesian Total Variation Inversion to Identify Discrete Geologic Structures
- Biogeochemical cycling of Si in a California rice cropping system
- Biomarker evidence of Holocene climate and cryosphere variability: results from a 171m, annually laminated, sediment core from the Adélie coast, Antarctica (IODP Expedition 318)
- Body size evolution of ammonoids shows limited correlation with diversity
- Building a large magma chamber at Mount Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Carbohydrates and drought: Insights from drought experiments, dying trees, and defoliation-induced carbon starvation
- Cassini microwave radiometry observations of Enceladus' South Pole: Detection of a warm subsurface?
- Characterization of Arctic Highly Magnetic Domains - the Geophysical Expression of Inferred Large Igneous Province(s)
- Characterizing Meteors and the Signal Dependence of Nonspecular Trails with Aspect Angle
- Characterizing potential earthquake signals on the Stanford-USGS ultra-low frequency electromagnetic (ULFEM) array
- Chemical-abrasion SIMS dating of zircon from the Eocene Caetano caldera, Nevada
- Clearance Rate of the Mussel Anodonta Californiensis Exposed to Nannochloropsis Algae
- Climatic Impacts and resilience of coastal ecosystems and fisheries
- Closed-loop Aquifer Management for Geological Carbon Sequestration
- Coalitions to engineer the climate
- Comparing lake and soil records to climate model simulations of hydrologic conditions across the western United States at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Comparison of oxygen isotope values from bulk lake sediment and ostracod valves
- Conditions Under Which Megathrust Ruptures Propagate Through Shallow Velocity-Weakening Regions to the Trench
- Confessions of a Second Life: Conforming in the Virtual World?
- Controlled Protein Release from Scaffolds Fabricated using Supercritical CO2 Foaming and Layer-by-layer Coating
- Correlation Between Foraminifera Phanerozoic Body Size Record versus Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
- Correlation of Gulf of Mexico Nutrient Availability and Foraminiferan Body Size
- Crystal plasticity and grain crushing in high-porosity rocks
- Denudation of the Coastal Drainages in the Mendocino Triple Junction Region (MTJ), California
- Dependence of the energy diffusion and pitch-angle scattering on spectral and spatial properties of waves
- Detrital Zircon evaluation of the provenance shift in the Pleistocene Merced Formation, San Francisco: Implications for the timescales of sedimentary processes
- Developing High School Geoscientists through Summer Internships
- Developing Ultra High-Resolution Foraminiferal Biofacies and Stable Isotope (δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) Records from Planktonic and Benthic Foraminifers from IODP Expedition 318: Wilkes Land, Hole U1357A
- Diagnosing the inter-model spread in snow water equivalent for CMIP5 over Southwest Asia
- Diffusive/Dispersive Effects on Isotopic Signatures during Conservative and Bio-reactive Transport of Contaminants in Groundwater
- Diurnal carbon system variability and hydrodynamics on coral reefs of Palau and Palmyra Atoll
- Diversity of Denitrifying Bacteria in the San Francisco Bay
- Does Height to Width Ratio Correlate with Mean Volume in Gastropods?
- Does Integration Help Adapt to Climate Change? Case of Increased US Corn Yield Volatility
- Does high diurnal variability in a reef flat from Ofu, American Samoa confer resistance to ocean acidification?
- Downstream evolution of the Deep Western Boundary Current from Denmark Strait to Cape Farewell
- Dynamics and impacts of fine-scale climate change: greenhouse forcing, heat-waves, and corn price volatility in the United States
- Dynamics of the anoxygenic phototrophic community in meromictic Fayetteville Green Lake (NY) and the associated sedimentary pigment record
- Early Jurassic black shales: Global anoxia or regional "Dead Zones"?
- Effectiveness of Sunscreen at Preventing Solar UV-Induced Alterations of Human Stratum Corneum
- Effects of Large-Scale Solar Installations on Dust Mobilization and Air Quality
- Effects of Lightning Return Stroke Parameters on Radiated Fields, on the Ground and in the Ionosphere
- Effects of Weather on Caloric and Nutritive Intake in India
- Efficient Data Assimilation Tool For Real Time Subsurface Monitoring
- Efficient Purification and Optimization of Wnt3a, a Novel Therapeutic for Tissue Regeneration
- Empirical Analysis of Extreme Precipitation Damage to U.S. crops
- Erosion In Surface-based Modeling Using Tank Experiment Data
- Error models for uncertainty quantification
- Experimental Investigations of Fractured Rock Permeability Hysteresis
- Exploring Earth's Atmospheric Biology using a Platform-Extensible Sampling Payload
- Exploring the Ability of Inverse Methods to Isolate the Fossil Fuel Emission Signal from Atmospheric CO2 Measurements
- Extended lateral heating of the nighttime D region by very low frequency transmitters: Subionospheric observations & modeling
- Fast Iterative Implementation of Nonlinear Geostatistical Inverse Modeling
- Fast Linear Algebra Applications in Stochastic Inversion and Data Assimilation
- Fast Methods for Oscillatory Hydraulic Tomography with Multiple Frequency Data
- Fifty Shades of Grey: Zircon Perspectives on the Timing and Chemistry of Magma Interactions Reflected in the Bishop Tuff
- Flyby of Io with Repeat Encounters (FIRE): Designing a New Frontiers mission to study the most volcanic body in the solar system
- Food residue fatty acid δ13C and δD values as proxies for evaluating cultural and climatic change at Çatalhöyük, Turkey
- Four centuries of tropical Pacific sea-surface temperature from coral archives
- From Dike to Bud to Neck: Critical Physical Transitions in the Evolution of Sustainable Basaltic Volcanic Eruptions
- From WHAT We Know to HOW We Know It: Students Talk about Climate Change
- Generation of nonlinear internal waves at a coastal upwelling front
- Geophysics for improved groundwater management - a demonstration of the value added.
- Ground-Based and Space-Based Remote Sensing Evidence of Increases in Cloud Fraction with Increasing Loading at Seven Rural Sites in the United States
- HARPs: Tracked Active Region Patch Data Product from SDO/HMI
- High Dimensional Multiproxy Paleoclimate Reconstructions: New Perspectives
- High-resolution record of export production in the eastern equatorial Pacific across the Eocene-Oligocene transition and relationships to larger climatic records
- High-resolution seasonal simulations of Northeast Pacific atmospheric rivers and comparison to in-situ observations
- Hotspots of human nutrition: Micronutrient supply, demand, and pollinator dependence
- Hydrogeochemical zonation in intertidal salt marsh sediments: evidence of positive plant-soil feedback?
- Hydrometeorological Extremes and Food Security: Lessons from the 2011 and 2012 harvests in the United States
- Ice911: Developing an Effective Response to Climate Change in Earth's Cryosphere using High Albedo Materials
- Identifying Growth Conditions for Nicotiana benthimiana Resulting in Predictable Gene Expression of Promoter-Gus Fusion
- Imaging carbon-rich melts in the Earth's mantle
- Imaging magma storage reservoirs beneath Sierra Negra volcano, Galápagos, Ecuador
- Impact of Compound-Specific Transverse Mixing on Steady-State Reactive Plumes
- Implications of Nitrate and Nitrite Isotopic Measurements for the Mechanisms of Fixed Nitrogen Cycling and Loss from the Peru Oxygen Deficient Zone.
- InTeGrate: Transforming the Teaching of Geoscience and Sustainability
- Inferring Word Meaning from Cross-Situational Frequency of Features
- Influence of initial fabric on fractures developed in shear zones in clay
- Informing improvements to terrestrial biogeochemical models through statistical integration of environmental datasets
- Initial Results Derived from JEM-GLIMS Observations
- Insights into Using SDO Data for Active Region Specification and Real-time Event Monitoring
- Integrated Assessment Model Evaluation
- Integrating Landsat Data and High-Resolution Imagery for Applied Conservation Assessment of Forest Cover in Latin American Heterogenous Landscapes
- Interaction of inertial oscillations and symmetric instability in the Gulf Stream
- Intracontinental Deformation and Surface Uplift - Geodynamic Evolution of the Hangay Dome, Mongolia Central Asia
- Investigating Mechanisms of Lateral Dispersion with a Particle Tracking Model
- Is Lifecycle Analysis Unconstitutional? New Frontiers in the Legal Battle Over Climate Science
- Isotopic measurements of N2O in a hypersaline pond
- Linking Knowledge and Action for a Transition to Sustainability: Lessons from the Yaqui Valley agricultural region and other case studies
- Long-term Behavior of DNAPL Residuals
- Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor Applications to Geothermal Assessment in New Zealand and New Mexico
- Map-Based Cloning of Genes Important for Maize Anther Development
- Measuring the Anomalous Dipole Moment of the Top Quark
- Mesoscale Phenomena Associated with Mineral Surfaces and Pathway-Dependent Chemical Processes
- Microsphere transport in a fractured soil during intermittent flow: effect of microsphere sizes and soil physical heterogeneity
- Mobilization of bacteria in a bioinfilitration system during intermittent infiltration of stormwater
- Modeling agricultural commodity prices and volatility in response to anticipated climate change
- Modeling echelon vein and pressure solution seam arrays in limestone from field observations at Raplee anticline, Utah
- Modeling for Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities
- Modeling of Magnetospheric Chorus Amplitude Using Solar Wind Measurements and Geomagnetic Indices
- Modeling the Effects of Aircraft Emissions on Atmospheric Photochemistry Using Layered Plume Dynamics
- Modelling Hydrodynamics, Sediment Transport and Provenance in the South San Francisco Bay Salt Ponds
- Multidecadal climate to within a millikelvin
- My Morning Coffee: The Effect of Climate Change on the Economies of Coffee-Producing Countries
- New geologic mapping combined with geochemical, paleomagnetic, and high-precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar analyses reveal multiple overlapping calderas formed 16.4-15.7 Ma at High Rock caldera complex, northwestern Nevada
- New, Much Younger Ages for the Yolla Bolly Terrane and a Revised Timeline for Accretion in the Franciscan Subduction Complex, California
- Newtonian Liquid-Liquid Drop Experiments: An Exploration of Miscible Fluid Systems
- Nighttime D-region electron density measurements from ELF-VLF tweek radio atmospherics recorded at low latitudes
- No Latitudinal Trends in Body Size of Foraminifera
- ONEMercury: Towards Automatic Annotation of Earth Science Metadata
- Observation and Theoretical Interpretation of Fermi Detected Solar Flares with Gamma-ray Emission >100 MeV
- Observations of Shoaling Internal Tides in Mamala Bay, HI
- On the Comparison of Nonlinear Force-free Models Based on Vector-magnetograms from Different Instruments
- On the Possibility of a Thin, Molten Silicate Basal Magma Layer at the Base of Earth's Mantle
- Optimizing the U.S. Electric System with a High Penetration of Renewables
- Paleoseismology from Paleoshorelines: Combining Lidar Data and Geochronology to Resolve Displacement of Pleistocene Pluvial Shorelines along Normal Faults in the Northwestern Basin and Range
- Persistent Effects of Oil Palm Plantation Agriculture on Freshwater Stream Function in Indonesian Borneo
- Podcasting the Anthropocene: Student engagement, storytelling and the rise of a new model for outreach and interdisciplinary science communication training
- Post-supereruption magmatic recovery at Taupo volcano, New Zealand
- Prototype Tsunami Evacuation Park in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
- Quantification of Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using the Eddy Covariance Method
- Quantifying the Variability in Species' Vulnerability to Ocean Acidification
- Quantifying the interval between rejuvenation and eruption of rhyolite at Yellowstone caldera using high-resolution NanoSIMS geospeedometry
- Rapid Responses of Groundwater Systems in Reservoir Sediment Deposits
- Rapid energy exchange between inertia-gravity waves and mesoscale eddies at fronts.
- Reservoir modeling of the Solvent Thermal Resource Innovation Process for enhanced oil recovery
- Response of soil carbon dioxide efflux to fire disturbance in a long-term grassland global change experiment
- Road Infrastructure Development and Deforestation in Southwest Amazonia: a Tri-National Frontier Study
- SKS anisotropy on a dense broadband array over the Ruby Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, Nevada
- Seasonal hydroclimatic impacts of Brazilian sugar cane expansion
- Shape as a Facilitating Factor of Changes in Foraminiferan Shell Size
- Shear band in soil with heterogeneous density and degree of saturation
- Simulate the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7 from Chromosphere to 1 AU
- Simulating Turbidity Current Dynamics Using Natural Topographies With and Without Clear-Water Entrainment
- Single cell genomic study of dehalogenating Chloroflexi from deep sea sediments of Peruvian Margin
- Single cell genomic study of dehalogenating Chloroflexi in deep sea sediments of Peru Margin 1230
- Software to compute elastostatic Green's functions for sources in 3D homogeneous elastic layers above a (visco)elastic halfspace
- Spatial variation in microbial controls on soil organic matter turnover relative to preferential flow paths
- Statistical Evolution of the Lightning Flash
- Submesoscale Instabilities on the North Wall of the Gulf Stream
- Submesoscale Mixing at the Wintertime Gulf Stream Front
- Sunquakes and Two Types of Flares
- Surface Tension and Critical Supersaturations for Mixed Aerosol Particles Composed of Inorganic and Organic Compounds of Atmospheric Relevance
- Taupo in time and space: dynamics of a rhyolitic caldera volcano and its magmatic system
- Terrestrial ecosystems of the Osa-Golfito region: one component of an integrative cross-disciplinary initiative for sustainability
- Test size variation of benthic foraminifera with respect to depth and latitude along the North American Pacific Coast
- Testing geological conceptual models with GPR simulations
- The Dynamic Polar Magnetic Field Before Its Polarity Reversal
- The Effects of Off-Fault Plasticity in Earthquake Cycle Simulations
- The Effects of Redox on the Geometric Structures of Heme and Non-heme Complexes
- The SDO Social Media Planning Process: Walking the cat back into the bag
- The Upper Cretaceous Climate Record Preserved in the Terrestrial Songliao Basin, China
- The VLF Wave and Particle Precipitation Mapper (VPM) Cubesat Payload Suite
- The Virtual Dollhouse: Body Image and Weight Stigma in Second Life
- The Western USA Heat Waves of the Current Decade as Modeled by WRF
- The combined use of GPS horizontal and vertical crustal motion measurements to study mass loss from glaciers in southeast Greenland
- The effect of small- and core-scale heterogeneity on the multiphase flow properties of CO2 and water in sandstones
- The polar atmosphere of Venus: Radio occultation measurements with Venus Express and Magellan
- The production of non-ideal plasmas by meteoroid impacts
- Thinking Globally, Siting Locally: Renewable Energy and Biodiversity in a 4C World
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Sediment Suspension in San Francisco Bay
- To Grow, Nurture, and Maintain: Soil
- Towards Optimal Allocation of Computer Resources: Trade-offs between Uncertainty, Discretization and Model Reduction
- Tradeoffs and synergies between biofuel production and large-scale solar infrastructure in deserts
- Transient 21st Century Changes in Daily-Scale Temperature Extremes in the United States
- U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Tioga ash layers within the Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin: Implications for basin evolution during the Middle Devonian
- U-Th-Pb ion microprobe analysis of monazite from the Paleoproterozoic Karrat rare earth element (REE) deposit, western Greenland
- Understanding Return Stroke Data with Time Domain Fractal Lightning Modeling
- Understanding Uranium Behavior in a Reduced Aquifer
- Upper-Mantle Anisotropy from SKS Splitting on a Dense Broadband Profile Across the Salton Trough, Southern California
- Upscaling Method Using Multipoint Geostatistics for Statistical Integration of Seismic and Electromagnetic Data
- Upscaling of Compositional Flow Simulation based on a non-Equilibrium Formulation
- Using Social Science to Ensure Sustainable Development Centered on Human Well-being in Costa Rica
- Using Tremor to Predict Strong Ground Motion
- Vector Time-Series from Multiple Aperture Interferometry in Regions with Small Deformation Signals
- Where is human Earth system modeling headed?
- World, Land, and High-Altitude Saturation Wind Power Potentials
- 3D Thermal Modeling for Planetary Heat Flow Measurements
- A general advection model for transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers with conductivity measurements
- A parallel 3D model of quasi-electrostatic fields above active thunderstorms
- A pore scale modeling approach to isotopic fractionation during reactive transport through porous media
- A process-level evaluation of the spatiotemporal variability of CO2 fluxes predicted by terrestrial biosphere models using atmospheric data
- A reactive transport model for the geochemical response, detection and potential mitigation of CO2 leakage into a confined aquifer
- An Empirical Subspace Detection Method for Earthquakes
- An Intense 16.5-16.0 MA Episode of Rhyolitic Volcanism Associated with Flood Basalt Dike Emplacement at Mcdermitt Caldera Field and High Rock Caldera Complex, Nevada and Oregon
- An inter-comparison of plot-scale, satellite and earth system model estimates of tropical net primary productivity (Invited)
- An iterative ensemble quasi-linear data assimilation approach for integrated reservoir monitoring
- Analyzing Ocean Tracks: A model for student engagement in authentic scientific practices using data
- Approach to Integrate Global-Sun Models of Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport for Space Weather Studies
- Assessing the capabilities of an active space-borne CO<SUB>2</SUB> sensor to estimate regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes over North America
- Biomass and production of tundra vegetation under three eddy covariance towers at Imnavait Creek, Alaska
- Can LANDSAT be used to catalog historical freshwater harmful algal blooms?
- Carbon Offsets in California: What Role for Earth Scientists in the Policy Process? (Invited)
- Changes in ecologically-critical terrestrial climate conditions (Invited)
- Characteristics of VLF/LF Sferics from Elve-producing Lightning Discharges
- Characterizing Polar Mesospheric Summer Echo Edge Effect Formation
- Chorus functional dependencies derived from CRRES data
- Climate controls on future Northern Hemisphere snow-dependent water availability
- Comparative Experimental and Modeling Study of Fluid Velocities in Heterogeneous Rocks
- Coping with climate variability and long-term climate trends for Nicaraguan maize-bean farmers (Invited)
- Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Modeling of Fluid Geological Storage
- Crustal migration of magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> tracked by tree-ring radiocarbon and seismicity at Mammoth Mountain, California
- Cultivating Research Skills: An interdisciplinary approach in training and supporting energy research
- Dating widespread tephras and their proximal equivalents by SIMS analysis of accessory mineral rims and by argon geochronology (Invited)
- Deep soil carbon and vulnerabilities to anthropogenic change (Invited)
- Deformation and Fracture of Shale at the Nanoscale
- Designing monitoring for conservation impact assessment in water funds in Latin America: an approach to address water-data scarcity (Invited)
- Detection Method of Lightning and TLEs by JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observation
- Determining the nitrogen and oxygen isotope effects of microbial denitrification
- Devil's Slide: An evolving feature of California's coastal landscape
- Distribution of coal combustion derived heavy metals on croplands in China
- Diversity and Abundance of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaeal Nitrite Reductase (nirK) Genes in Estuarine Sediments of San Francisco Bay
- Does what you know matter? Investigating the relationship between mental models of climate change and pro-environmental behaviors
- Drag-free Small Satellite Platforms for Future Geodesy Missions
- Dynamic Imaging of Fluid Flow in Sandstones by Nuclear Emission Tomography
- Earliest Silicic Volcanism Associated with Mid-Miocene Flood Basalts: Tuffs Interbedded with Steens Basalt, Nevada and Oregon
- Effects of Aerosol Pollution on Clouds over Megacities
- Effects of Earth's curvature and conductivity on the sferic ground wave
- Elucidating Microbial Adaptation Dynamics via Autonomous Exposure and Sampling
- Emerging Methods in Sub Core-Scale Imaging and Characterization of the Influence of Heterogeneity on Flow in Rocks (Invited)
- Empirically Estimating the Potential for Farm-Level Adaptation to Climate Change in Western European Agriculture
- Engaging High School Youth in Paleobiology Research
- Evaluating the Impact of Highly-Conductive Annular Space on Resolution of Hydraulic Tests and Aquifer Characterization
- Evaluation of high-resolution seasonal simulations of Northeast Pacific atmospheric rivers
- Evaluation of the Alliance for Climate Education's national high school edutainment program (Invited)
- Experimental and theoretical investigations of mercury adsorption on hematite (1-102) surfaces
- Exploiting Stable Mercury Isotopic Analysis to Differentiate between Mercury Sources: Gold Mining vs. Land-Use Change (Invited)
- Extracting Time-Lapsed Velocity Changes From The Direct Arrival Of Ambient Noise Correlation Functions
- Fast Kalman Filter for Random Walk Forecast model
- Fast Solvers for Transient Hydraulic Tomography based on Laplace transform
- Fermi LAT High-Energy Gamma-Ray Observations of Solar Flares
- Field Testing, Installation, and Calibration of a new Data Acquisition System for the USGS-Stanford-Berkley Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic (ULFEM) Array
- Finite Element Modelling of the Apollo Heat Flow Experiments
- Fire, temperature and nutrient responses on the C balance of arctic tundra soils from surface, mineral horizons and permafrost
- First Results from Coordinated Observing with IRIS, Hinode, and Ground-Based Observatories (Invited)
- Fragility of estimated spatial temperature patterns in climate field reconstructions of the Common Era
- Future fire emissions associated with projected land use change in Indonesia
- Hierarchical construction of stratigraphic elements in surface-based reservoir models
- High-grade metamafic blocks in Franciscan mélanges--olistostromal and/or tectonic?
- High-performance parallel sparse-direct triangular solves (Invited)
- How do Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability Alter Links between Microbial Growth Efficiency and Soil Carbon Storage?
- How do Soil Microbial Enzyme Activities Respond to Changes in Temperature, Carbon, and Nutrient Additions across Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability?
- How much certainty is enough? Validation of a nutrient retention model for prioritizing watershed conservation in North Carolina
- Impact of hurricane Isaac on recovery of saltmarshes affected by the BP oil spill in Barataria Bay in the Gulf of Mexico
- Impacts of large solar installations on water resources and food security
- Importance of Diffusion and Compound-Specific Mixing for Conservative and Reactive Transport in Groundwater: An Investigation from Pore to Field Scale
- Improved Detection of Microearthquakes: Application of Matched Field Processing (MFP) to Traditional and Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- In situ high pressure infrared study of the carbon environment in (Mg,Fe)CO3 carbonate
- In situ visualization on cores with different boundary conditions through X-ray computed tomography scanner (CT-Scanner) during spontaneous imbibition
- Influence of lithologic variability on the rheology of granitic rock deformed near the brittle-ductile transition (Invited)
- Initial Calibration and Performance of the IRIS Instrument
- Initiating localized deformation in the mantle (Invited)
- Interferometric synthetic aperture radar deformation data used to interpolate and extrapolate hydraulic head time-series
- Ion microprobe study of Au and Carlin-type trace metals in rhyolite melt inclusions from Eocene dikes and ash-flow tuff in northern Nevada
- It's getting hot here - The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in a terrestrial sedimentary record
- Joint IRIS and SDO/AIA Observations of Coronal EUV Waves
- Likelihood of July 2012 U.S. temperatures in pre-industrial and current forcing regimes (Invited)
- Low-frequency earthquakes in central and southern Cascadia
- Mechanism, Dynamics and Evolution of Small-Scale Dynamo on the Sun
- Mesoscale modeling of grain fracturing in high porosity rocks using the strong discontinuity approach
- Mid-late Holocene North Pacific trade winds as inferred from deep-sea coral skeletal δ15N and δ13C biogeochemistry
- Modelling the impulsive phase of solar flares
- Multiproxy reconstructions of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation: progress and challenges (Invited)
- Mylonitic deformation at the Kane oceanic core complex: Implications for the rheological behavior of oceanic detachment faults (Invited)
- New ion microprobe U-Pb analyses on unpolished zircon surfaces and polished grain interiors from the 28 Ma Fish Canyon Tuff reveal a protracted crystallization history
- North-South Asymmetries: the Solar Dynamo and Hemispheric Coupling
- Occurrence and persistence of air stagnation events in current and future forcing regimes
- On Magnetic Twist And Writhe in Solar Active Regions
- Optimizing the U.S. Electric System with a High Penetration of Renewables
- Photometric Characteristics of Sprites and Elves Derived from JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observations (Invited)
- Porosity and Organic Carbon Controls on Naturally Reduced Zone (NRZ) Formation Creating Microbial ';Hotspots' for Fe, S, and U Cycling in Subsurface Sediments
- Potential Coastal Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage Locations Identified using GIS-based Topographic Analysis
- Process scales in catchment science: a new synthesis
- Progress and Problems in Data-Driven Models of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field (Invited)
- Project Fox: Assessing Risks Posed By Asteroids
- Quantifying the effect of pyroxene on peridotite deformation in a natural shear zone
- ROV seafloor surveys combining 5-cm lateral resolution multibeam bathymetry with color stereo photographic imagery
- Rapid Surface Detection of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leaks from Geologic Sequestration Sites
- Recent topographic evolution and erosion of the deglaciated Washington Cascades inferred from a stochastic landscape evolution model
- Reconciling multidecadal global land-sea warming with rising CO2
- Relating Relative Hydraulic Conductivity and Electrical Conductivity in the Unsaturated Zone
- Remote Sensing Technologies for Estuary Research and Management (Invited)
- Roadmaps for powering the world, U.S., and individual states for all purposes with wind, water, and sunlight (Invited)
- SDO/HMI observations of ejecta
- Separate Estimation of Boundary Inflow and Surface Influences on CO2 over North America using In Situ and Column Observations
- Ship-borne Radio and GLD360 Measurements of Intense Oceanic Lightning
- Si-rich layer formation on olivine surfaces during reaction with water and supercritical carbon dioxide under conditions relevant for geologic carbon storage
- Solar Science Digital Comic Series that promotes Science Literacy with Upper Elementary and Middle School Students
- Sound velocities for hcp-iron from static and dynamic compression (Invited)
- Speaking of climate change: From what we know to how we know it (Invited)
- State-of-the-art satellite vegetation fluorescence retrievals and comparisons with reflectance-based bio-spectral indicators over Russian drought regions in 2010
- Streamflow, Fog, and Fog-Drip in the California Coast Range
- Strength of iron to over 200 GPa: Earth's weak inner core (Invited)
- Study of Large-Scale Flows and Meridional Circulation inside the Sun
- Subsurface Evidence for Late Mesozoic Extension in Western Mongolia: Tectonic and Petroleum Systems Implications
- Subsurface Transport and Mobilization of Pathogenic Microbes and Microspheres: Effect of Microbe Size, Soil Physical Heterogeneity, and Intermittent Flow
- Surface of Ligeia Mare, Titan, from Cassini Altimeter and Radiometer Analysis
- TARPs: Tracked Active Region Patches from SoHO/MDI
- Taming hurricanes with arrays of offshore wind turbines that simultaneously reduce global warming and air pollution and provide normal electric power (Invited)
- Temperature Calibration
- The Community Seismic Network and Quake-Catcher Network: Monitoring building response to earthquakes through community instrumentation
- The Effects of Nitrogen Enrichment and a Simulated Rainfall Event on Soil Carbon Dioxide Efflux in an Annual California Grassland
- The Mg II h&k lines as seen by IRIS: what do they tell us about the solar chromosphere? (Invited)
- The Photochemical Effects of Treating Aircraft Emissions from Multiple Flights at the Subgrid Scale
- The Polar Field Reversal of Solar Cycle 24 Observed by SDO/HMI
- The Road to IRIS data products
- The Role of Vapor Recycling on Paleoclimate Records: An Example of the Neogene Expansion of Grasslands
- The case of Titan's mysterious new island: An analysis of an anomalously bright feature observed in the T92 SAR pass over Ligeia Mare
- The effect of grain boundary sliding on the rheology of polymineralic rocks: Nature and numerical experiments
- The energetic implications of curtailing versus storing wind- and solar-generated electricity
- The relative importance of microbial nitrate reduction processes in an agriculturally-impacted estuary
- The strength anisotropy of localized compaction: A model for the role of the nature and orientation of cross-beds on the orientation and distribution of compaction bands in 3D
- Thresholds of biotic/abiotic interactions in soil carbon storage
- Twin coronal mass ejections simultaneously originating from a single polarity inversion line
- Uncertainty quantification in fractured reservoir by considering geological deformation of reservoir and geomechanical accommodation of rocks
- Virtual water management in the Roman world
- Vulnerability of supply basins to demand from multiple cities
- Waveform Fingerprinting for Efficient Seismic Signal Detection
- X-Band Microwave Radiometry as a Tool for Understanding the Deep Atmosphere of Venus
- a Network Approach to Estimation of GPS Velocity Uncertainties
- A 2000-year high-resolution lacustrine record of El Niño Southern Oscillation from the center of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific region (Genovesa crater lake, Galapagos Islands)
- A Clumped Isotope Calibration for Lacustrine Carbonates
- A Framework for Developing Indicators Linking Socio-Economic and Ecological Impacts of Water Funds
- A Modeling Framework for Optimal Computational Resource Allocation Estimation: Considering the Trade-offs between Physical Resolutions, Uncertainty and Computational Costs
- A Novel Stroke to Flash Clustering Algorithm to Investigate Storm Coupling
- A Sedimentological Multi-Proxy Study of Late Holocene Climate Change in Southern Patagonia
- A Site Characterization Protocol for Evaluating the Potential for Triggered or Induced Seismicity Resulting from Wastewater Injection and Hydraulic Fracturing
- A Transversely Isotropic Thermo-mechanical Framework for Oil Shale
- A Unified Simulation Framework for Megathrust Rupture Dynamics and Tsunamis
- A multi-proxy lacustrine record of Holocene climate change in SW Patagonia, Chile
- Activity Dependent Global Model of Electron Loss inside the Plasmasphere
- Aggregate-Scale Variation in Iron Biogeochemistry Controls Element Cycling from Nitrogen to Uranium
- Agricultural Adaptations to Climate Changes in West Africa
- Alignment of olivine crystals during diffusion creep in oceanic peridotite mylonites
- Alleghanian Magmatism in the Southern Appalachians: Geochronology of the Multi-Phase Danburg-Sandy Hill Intrusion and Coeval Mafic Enclaves
- Ambient Noise Tomography of Southern California Images Dipping San Andreas-Parallel Structure and Low-Velocity Salton Trough Mantle
- An agent-based hydroeconomic model to evaluate water policies in Jordan
- Analysis and Modeling of Intense Oceanic Lightning
- Apply Multi-baseline SAR Interferometry on Long Term Space-borne SAR Data for 3-D Reconstruction in Forest and Urban Areas
- Aquifer Characterization of the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site using 3-D Oscillatory Hydraulic Tomography
- Assessment of the Potential for Flux Estimation Using Concentration Data from Mobile Surveys
- Ba/Ca Reproducibility and Growth Banding in Gulf of Alaska Bamboo Corals
- Beyond extreme temperatures: soil water supply and yield variability
- Bi-Temporal Analysis of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery in Support of a Forest Conservation Program in Western Uganda
- Biological activity at the limits of life: Microbial cycling of C, S and N in cold, permanently stratified, hypersaline Lake Vanda, Antarctica.
- Body Size Preference of Marine Animals in Relation to Extinction Selectivity
- Calibration and Performance Modeling of Free-Standing Zone Plates for Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Radiometry having High Accuracy and Stability in Space
- Can Multiple Cropping Help to Avoid the Impacts of Heat Extremes? The Case of Winter Wheat/Soybean Double Cropping in the United States
- Characterizing Induced Fractures Using Trapped Waves - What Do We Want to Know? What Can We Learn?
- Chromium Mobilization by Microbially-Driven Iron and Manganese Redox Cycling
- Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council
- Climate control on soil age and weathering thresholds in young, post-glacial soils of New Zealand
- Co-location opportunities for renewable energy and agriculture in Northwestern India: Tradeoffs and Synergies
- Compact and Light-Weight Solar Spaceflight Instrument Designs Utilizing Newly Developed Miniature Free-Standing Zone Plates: EUV Radiometer and Limb-Scanning Monochromator
- Comparing Low-Frequency Earthquakes During Triggered and Ambient Tremor in Taiwan
- Comparison between IBIS Observations and Radiative Transfer Hydrodynamic Simulations of a Solar Flare
- Comparison of Genus and Species-Level Compilations of Metabolic Rate through Time
- Comparison of Simulations of Preliminary Breakdown to Observations from the Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array
- Comparisons of Four Methods for Evapotranspiration Estimates in Jordan
- Computationally Efficient Search for Similar Seismic Signals in Continuous Waveform Data over a Seismic Network
- Constraining 3D Process Sedimentological Models to Geophysical Data Using Image Quilting
- Constraining Moment Deficit Rate on Crustal Faults from Geodetic Data
- Constraining the Last Glacial Maximum Westerly Storm Track over Western North America through Model-Proxy Comparison
- Constraints on Mantle Water from Peridotite Pyroxenes
- Constraints on the Nature of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary: Comparison of Observed Textural Evolution to Measured Seismic Anisotropy
- Cooling after Warming: pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Undershoot Forced By Organic Carbon Burial Following the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
- Coronal Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Waves and Their Seismological Applications
- Crop Uptake of Arsenic from Flooded Paddy Fields in the Mekong Delta
- DNA Analyses of Phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean
- Damping of Balanced Motions during Critical Reflection of Inertial Waves Off the Sea Surface at Ocean Fronts
- Deep structures beneath Karakoram Fault revealed by deep seismic reflection profile
- Determining the N and O isotope effects of microbial nitrite reduction: the global N cycle implications of an enzyme-dependent isotope effect
- Development of Anisotropic Fabric and Associated Anisotropic Viscosity within Lithospheric and Asthenospheric Shear Zones
- Development of a Detailed Stress Map of Oklahoma for Avoidance of Potentially Active Faults When Siting Wastewater Injection Wells
- Development of kink bands in granodiorite: Effect of mechanical heterogeneities, fault geometry, and friction
- Direct Forecasting of Subsurface Flow Response from Non-Linear Dynamic Data By Linear Least-Squares in Canonical Functional Principal Component Space.
- Disproportionation of (Mg,Fe)SiO<SUB>3 </SUB>Perovskite and its Implications to the Deep Earth
- Does Education Plus Action Lead to Leadership on Climate? Preliminary Results from the ACE Leadership Development Longitudinal Survey Project
- Dynamic Rupture Models of Earthquakes on the Bartlett Springs Fault, Northern California
- Dynamic earthquake rupture simulation on nonplanar faults embedded in 3D geometrically complex, heterogeneous Earth models
- Early Eocene latitudinal isotope gradients in precipitation and implications for global latent heat transport: new data from British Columbia, Canada and a global data-model comparison
- Early Measurements of Electron Precipitation Using the Firebird Cubesats
- Effect of Shear Slip on Fault Permeability in Shale Reservoir Rocks
- Effects of Carbon in Flooded Paddy Soils: Implications for Microbial Activity and Arsenic Mobilization
- Effects of a Relativistic Electron Beam Interaction with the Upper Atmosphere: Ionization, X-Rays, and Optical Emissions
- Efficient Data Assimilation Tool For Real Time CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoir Monitoring and Characterization
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Saltwater and Freshwater Along the Coast of Monterey Bay
- Empirical sensitivity kernels of noise correlations with respect to virtual sources
- Estimation of Lightning Return Stroke Speed Using Elve Observations
- Evolution of Submarine Gullies on a Prograding Slope: Insights from 3D Seismic Reflection Data
- Evolving Global Heliospheric Structure in January 2014
- Exotic behavior of matter in the deep interiors of exoplanets
- Extensive mixing features at 27-41 Ka postcaldera trachytes at Long Valley caldera, CA: Mixing/mingling of basalt with trachyte and mobilization of young granitic material to form kspar megacrysts
- Fast parameter and state estimation with the Spectral Kalman Filter: an application for CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection in heterogeneous domains
- Field Comparisons of Three Biomarker Detection Methods in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
- Finding Small Transient Deformations in Noisy InSAR Time Series
- First High-resolution Spectroscopic Observations by IRIS of a Fast, Helical Prominence Eruption Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection
- For everything there is a season, including Amazonian tropical forests
- Forecasting and Managing Groundwater Resources Using InSAR
- Formulation of an Integrated Model for Freshwater Resources Policy Evaluation in Jordan
- Full-3D Tomography of the Crustal Structure in Southern California Using Earthquake Seismograms and Ambient-Noise Correlagrams
- Geochemical Characterization and Geothermometry of the Geothermal Springs of Northwest India
- Geochronology, Stratigraphy, and Provenance of the Early Fill of the Magallanes-Austral Basin, Southern Patagonia: Diachronous Initiation of a Retroarc Foreland Basin
- Global Squeeze: Assessing Climate-Critical Resource Constraints for Coastal Climate Adaptation
- Gravity Currents with Convective Mixing: High-resolution Numerical Simulations
- Halogens in oil and gas production-associated wastewater.
- Handling the Diversity in the Coming Flood of InSAR Data with the InSAR Scientific Computing Environment
- High Resolution Spectra of Jupiter's Decametric Emission using the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
- High-Resolution Synchrotron Radiation Imaging of Trace Metal Elemental Concentrations in Porites Coral
- Idealized Shale Sorption Isotherm Measurements to Determine Pore Volume, Pore Size Distribution, and Surface Area
- Identifying and Investigating the Late-1960s Interhemispheric SST Shift
- Imaging Seismic Source Variations Using Back-Projection Methods at El Tatio Geyser Field, Northern Chile
- Imaging and spectrophotometric measurement of lightning by JEM-GLIMS
- Imaging reactive minerals in the subsurface using inverse reactive transport modeling: an example relevant for arsenic mobilization
- Impact of Internal Magnetic Field Gradients on the NMR Relaxation Time Distribution
- Importance of Organic Matter-Uranium Biogeochemistry to Uranium Plume Persistence in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Improving Science Literacy and Earth Science Awareness Through an Intensive Summer Research Experience in Paleobiology
- Improving the monitoring of crop productivity using spaceborne solar-induced fluorescence
- Inferring the Properties of Fluid-Filled Fractures using Tube Waves
- Inverse Analysis of North American Methane Emissions Using the CarbonTracker-Lagrange Modeling Framework
- Inversion of Multi-Station Schumann Resonance Background Records for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units
- Investigating drought impacts on Amazon Basin carbon fluxes through regional inverse modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from aircraft vertical profiles
- Investigation of the Origins of Modern Firmgrounds in Walker Lake, Nevada: Implications for Lacustrine Climate Records and Hardgrounds in the Rock Record
- Investigations & Analysis of Reverse Polarity Repeating Earthquakes at intermediate-depth in the Bucaramanga nest, Colombia
- Investigations on the "Extreme" Microbial Methane Cycle within the Sediments of an Acidic Impoundment of the Inactive Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine: Herman Pit, Clear Lake, California.
- Ionospheric Effects Prior to the Napa Earthquake of August 24, 2014
- Jointing around Magmatic Dikes as a Precursor to Conduit Geometry Evolution
- Laboratory investigations on hydrate formation and dissociation in sediments - analogies and differences to natural systems
- Landscape Evolution in Response to Laccolith Inflation on the Colorado Plateau
- Lead Isotopic Tracing of Coal-Based Anthropogenic Pollution in Agricultural Soils in Jianghan Plain, China
- Light use efficiency of terrestrial vegetation from remote sensing of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Lightning and Sprite Detection from Internationa Space Station
- Lithologic Control on the Form of Soil Mantled Hillslopes
- Living on the Edge? Clumped Isotope and Oxygen Isotope Record of Early Cascade Topography (Eocene Chumstick Basin, WA, USA)
- Local Cubic Law Simulation of Stress-dependent Aperture-based Permeability
- Low Water Content in the Center of an Upper Mantle Shear Zone
- Magma reservoir volume from ground deformation, eruption rate, and other observations
- Magnitude-Frequency Distribution for Potentially Induced Earthquakes in the Guy, Arkansas Sequence
- Manage Hydrologic Fluxes Instead of Land Cover in Watershed Services Projects
- Managing the Risk of Triggered Seismicity: Can We Identify (and Avoid) Potentially Active Faults? - A Practical Case Study in Oklahoma
- Mapping Ground Temperature and Radiant Hydrothermal Heat Flux on Mammoth Mountain, CA
- Mapping Stormwater Retention in the Cities: A Flexible Model for Data-Scarce Environments
- Measurement and Interpretation of Travel-Time Shifts in the context of Time-Distance Helioseismic Detection of Meridional Flows in the Solar Convection Zone
- Mechanism of Wiggly Compaction Band Formation in High-porosity Sandstone: Field Observation, Microscopic Analysis and Numerical Simulation
- Meteorological influences on extreme duration PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>air pollution episodes
- Microarsecond Solar Limb Astrometry from Space
- Microbial biogeography of San Francisco Bay sediments
- Mid to late Holocene oceanographic changes offshore Adélie Land, Antarctica: Ultra-high resolution foraminiferal assemblage and isotopic records from IODP Expedition 318 Site U1357
- Mineral Carbonation Potential of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from Natural and Industrial-based Alkalinity Sources
- Mode Water Formation via Cabbeling and Submesoscale Lateral Mixing at a Strained Thermohaline Front
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Model selection using multivariate functional data analysis for fast uncertainty quantification in subsurface reservoir forecasting
- Modeling Injection Induced Seismicity with Poro-Elasticity and Time-Dependent Earthquake Nucleation
- Modeling Stratigraphic Architecture of Deep-water Deposits Using a Small Unmanned Aircraft: Neogene Thin-bedded Turbidites, East Coast Basin, New Zealand
- Modeling and Observing the Role of Wind-Waves in Lake-Climate Interactions on Titan using the T104 Flyby of Kraken Mare
- Modeling of the Coseismic Electromagnetic Field Observed during the 28 September 2004, M 6.0 Parkfield Earthquake
- Modeling the Influence of Coseismic Horizontal Seafloor Displacement on Tsunami Generation and Propagation
- Modeling the impact of decay due to diffusion in internal gradients on NMR data
- Monitoring of Cyclic Steam Stimulation by Inversion of Surface Tilt Measurements
- Monsoonal circulation and Central Asian aridity set by a high Eocene Himalaya and the mid-latitude westerlies: Stable isotopic evidence
- Multi-scale 3D simulation of lightning and thunderstorm electrodynamics
- Nanoscale Experimental Characterization and 3D Mechanistic Modeling of Shale with Quantified Heterogeneity
- Nanoscale isotope mapping of terrestrial and lunar zircons by atom probe tomography
- New U-Pb Age and Trace Element Composition of Young Metamorphic Zircon Rims from the UHP Tso Morari Complex, NW Himalaya, Distinguishes Peak from Retrograde Metamorphism
- Ni cycling in mangrove sediments from New Caledonia
- Nitrite Production Mechanisms in the Primary Nitrite Maximum of the Tropical South Pacific Inferred from Nitrite Isotopes Collected during the Geotraces 2013 Cruise
- Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific as Inferred from Isotopic and Isotopomeric Data.
- Nucleation and development of multi-scale faults in an alternating sandstone and shale turbidite sequence and their effects on groundwater flow and transport
- Numerical Modeling of the Nonlinear Evolution of Permeability in Naturally Fractured Porous Media
- Numerical Simulations of Fluid Flow in a Single Fracture under Loading and Unloading Conditions
- On the formation of sharp gradients in electron density resulting from an ice-plasma feedback instabilities in the polar summer mesosphere
- Origin of Siletzia, an Accreted Large Igneous Province in the Cascadia Forearc, and the Early History of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- Ostracod Body Size Change Across Space and Time
- Ostracod Body Size: Locality in Accordance with Cope's and Bergmann's Rules
- P diving wave tomography using ambient noise recorded at Long Beach
- Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis in Micromodels to Investigate Two-Phase Flow Mechanisms
- Partitioning Nitrification Between Specific Archaeal and Bacterial Clades in a Large, Nitrogen-Rich Estuary (San Francisco Bay, CA)
- Partitioning the climatic and biological controls on photosynthetic fluxes in Amazonian tropical evergreen forests
- Physiology and phylogeny of the candidate phylum "Atribacteria" (formerly OP9/JS1) inferred from single-cell genomics and metagenomics
- Possible Triggering of the Largest Deccan Traps Eruptions By the Chicxulub Impact
- Predicting/Extrapolating Active Layer Thickness Using Statistical Learning from Remotely-Sensed High-resolution Data in Arctic Permafrost Landscapes: Improved parameterization of Ice-wedge polygons from LiDAR/WorldView-2 derived metrics
- Preferential Amplification of Rising Versus Falling Frequency Whistler-Mode Signals
- Process-Based Characterizations of Subsurface Fluid Pressures for a Devil's Slide-like System
- Production of Seismic Radiation By Top Down Excitation of a Magmastatic Column: The Role of Non-Equilibrium Degassing and Complex Conduit Geometry
- Progress in Evaluating Potential EM Earthquake Precursors: Comparison of Independent Ultra Low-Frequency Electro-Magnetic (ULFEM) Systems
- Quantifying Activity Counts, Emission Profiles and Emission Factors for Natural Gas Production on a Component- to Site-Level Scale Using Detailed Emissions Inventory Data from the Barnett Shale
- Quantifying the Chemical Weathering Efficiency of Basaltic Catchments
- Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Aircraft Emissions in the Upper-Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere
- Quantifying the climatic and topographic controls of precipitation isotopes in continental interiors: applications to unraveling isotopic records of climate in Cenozoic Central Asia
- Quantifying the crucial role of snow in supplying human water demand
- Quantifying the influence of observed global warming on the probability of unprecedented extreme climate events
- Recent Results From the Whistler- and Z-mode Radio Sounding From the IMAGE Satellite
- Reconstructing a Hot and High Eocene Sierra Nevada Using Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Kaolinite
- Recreational demand for clean water: Evidence from geotagged photographs by visitors to lakes
- Reduced-Order Models Based on POD-Tpwl for Compositional Subsurface Flow Simulation
- Reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene DNAPL source zones: source zone architecture versus electron donor availability
- Regional and Teleseismic Constraints on Intermediate-Depth and Deep focus Earthquake Mechanisms
- Regional-Scale Controls on Arsenic Contamination in the Multi-Aquifer System of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
- Relationship Between the Surface Area to Volume Ratio and Temperature across Geologic Time in Ostracods
- Relationship between Pulsating Aurora and Small-scale Field-Aligned Current Systems
- Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) from InSAR data near Toolik Lake in Northern Alaska
- Repeated 1-cm Resolution Topographic and 2.5-mm Resolution Photomosiac Surveys of Benthic Communities and Fine Scale Bedforms in Monterey Canyon
- Rescuing Seasat-A from 1980
- Resolving Lithological Units in the Vadose Zone from Temporal Changes in Electrical Conductivity
- Resolving the Youngest Episode of Zircon Rim Growth with High-Spatial Resolution SIMS: U-Pb Ages and Trace Element Analyses from <1 um Thick Metamorphic Zircon Rims from the Zanskar Shear Zone and Tso Morari UHP Complex, NW Himalaya
- Resonant generation and energetics of wind-forced near-inertial motions in a submesoscale jet
- Response of Benthic Foraminiferal Size to Oxygen Concentration in Antarctic Sediment Cores
- Response of Microbial Soil Carbon Mineralization Rates to Oxygen Limitations
- Results from the NASA-ISRO SAR Mission Applications Workshop: Linking Mission Goals to Societal Benefit
- Role of Plumes and Plates in the Construction and Preservation of Hadean-Archean Continental Nuclei
- SDO/AIA Observation and Modeling of Flare-excited Slow Waves in Hot Coronal Loops
- Scaling Climate Change Communication for Behavior Change
- Scaling of Viscous Shear Zones with Depth Dependent Viscosity and Power Law Stress-strain Rate Dependence
- Scaling up Satellite-Based Crop Yield Mapping at the Field Scale: Recent Progress and Testing
- Science Partnerships Enabling Rapid Response: Designing a Strategy for Improving Scientific Collaboration during Crisis Response
- Searsville Sediment Experiment: What is the ideal agricultural soil?
- Short- and Long-lived Silicic Volcanism at Árnes and Hafnarfjall-Skarðsheiði Central Volcanoes, Iceland
- Simulation of Multiphase FLOW at the Pore Scale: Doable, Useful?
- Simulations of Earthquake Cycles in Heterogeneous Media: the Effects of Sedimentary Basins on Rupture Mode
- Size Evolution and Stochastic Models: Explaining Ostracod Size through Probabilistic Distributions
- Slab Stagnation in the Lower Mantle: A Multidisciplinary Investigation
- Solar Flare Prediction Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Data with a Machine-Learning Algorithm
- Solute Driven Convection with Dispersion
- Source-time functions of low-frequency earthquakes on the San Andreas fault
- Spatial Distribution of Hydrologic Ecosystem Service Estimates: Comparing Two Models
- Spatially Locating Time-Lapsed Relative Velocity Changes in Yellowstone
- Spectrosmicroscopic and spectroscopic investigation of U(IV) speciation in model mineral-organic matter assemblages
- Statistical signal analysis of the Phanerozoic ð<SUP>13</SUP>C curve: implications for Earth system evolution
- Storing Water in California's Hidden Reservoirs
- Strain localization in usnaturated soils with large deformation
- Streamflow model of the six-country transboundary Ganges-Bhramaputra and Meghna river basin
- Stringent Mitigation Policy Implied By Temperature Impacts on Economic Growth
- Study of a sunspot umbra using spatially deconvolved Hinode spectropolarometric data
- Synthetic Seismic Study for Hydraulic Fracture in Shale-Gas Reservoirs
- Targeting and valuing conservation investments in support of a water fund: linking upstream land management with downstream services in the Upper Tana catchment, Kenya
- Temporal Evolution of Solar Interior Meridional Flow
- Testing for Bergmann's Rule in the Evolution of Ostracods
- Tgf Pulse and Radio Properties Detected at Close Range
- The Abundance and Activity of Nitrate-Reducing Microbial Populations in Estuarine Sediments
- The Applicability of Detrital Zircon in Determining Depositional Ages and Sedimentation Rates in a Retroarc Foreland Basin, Upper Cretaceous Magallanes-Austral Basin, Patagonia
- The Climate Continuum in a Global Multi-proxy Temperature Reconstruction Spanning the Common Era
- The Effect of Micrite on Velocity, Its Sensitivity to Pressure, and Dissolution of Carbonates
- The Effect of Natural Gas Supply on US Renewable Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- The Effects of More Extreme Rainfall Patterns on Infiltration and Nutrient Losses in Agricultural Soils
- The Extraordinary California Drought of 2013-2014: Character, Context, and the Role of Climate Change
- The Fingerprint of Climate Trends on European Crop Yields
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- The High Pressure Behavior of the FeOOH Polymorphs
- The Hydrologic regime over the last 90 years in the Flumendosa basin, Sardinia: the effect of climate change.
- The Impact of Salinity on the Diversity of Microbial Sediment Communities
- The Impacts of Rock Composition and Properties on the Ability to Stimulate Production of Ultra-Low Permeability Oil and Gas Reservoirs Through Hydraulic Fracturing
- The Influence of Oxygen, Temperature, and Salinity on Ostracod Body Size in the Gulf of California and the Pacific Coast of North America
- The Lithospheric Structure of Ordos, China: Evidence from Refined Virtual Deep Seismic Sounding (VDSS)
- The Local Structural State of Aluminosilicate Garnet Solid Solutions: An Investigation of Grospydite Garnet from the Roberts Victor Kimberlite Using Paramagnetically Shifted <SUP>27</SUP>Al and <SUP>29</SUP>Si MAS NMR Resonances
- The New Horizons Bistatic Radio Science Experiment to Measure Pluto's Surface Properties
- The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Expected Performance in Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature
- The Origin of Hydrous Minerals in Peridotite Mylonites from an Oceanic Transform Fault
- The Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Atmospheric Conditions during the 2013 Colorado Floods
- The Use of InSAR Data to Map Hydraulic Head Levels in the San Luis Valley, Colorado
- The Vortex Dynamics of Tropical Instability Waves and their Impacts on Equatorial Mixing in a Regional Ocean Model
- The adsorption behavior of mercury on the hematite (1-102) surface from coal-fired power plant emissions
- Tidal and surface wave triggering of earthquakes at injection and geothermal sites across the United States
- Titan's Magic Island: Transient features in a Titan sea
- Trace Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals Present in Pennsylvania Groundwater are Correlated with Geogenic Brines rather than Hydraulic Fracturing Active Zones
- Trace metal enrichment in agricultural soils of Jianghan Plain
- Understanding the Dynamic and Thermodynamic Causes of Historical Trends in the Intraseasonal Variability of the South Asian Summer Monsoon
- Understanding the Dynamics of the Coupled Ring Current Radiation Belt System Using 4D VERB Simulations
- Unraveling burial heating and sediment recycling in retroarc foreland basins: Detrital thermochronologic insights from the northern Magallanes Basin, Patagonian Andes
- Untangling the History of Oceanic Peridotites Using Spinel Oxybarometry
- Upscaling of CO2-Brine Flow with Capillary Heterogeneity Effects
- Uranium(IV) Complexation by Natural Organic Matter Controls Speciation in the Subsurface
- Using LANDSAT to expand the historical record of phytoplankton blooms in Lake Erie
- VERITAS: A mission to study the highest priority Decadal Survey questions for Venus
- Wastewater and Saltwater: Studying the Biogeochemistry and Microbial Activity Associated with Wastewater Inputs to San Francisco Bay
- Wave-equation Based Earthquake Location
- West-East Variability in Indian Subduction Geometry: New Seismic Receiver Function Profile Across the Himalaya and Lhasa Terrane Along 92°E
- Whistler Observations on DEMETER Compared with Full Electromagnetic Wave Simulations
- Who Died, Where? Quantification of Drought-Induced Tree Mortality in Texas
- A Clumped Isotope Calibration for Terrestrial Microbial Carbonates
- "Taconic" arc magmatism in the central Brooks Range, Alaska: New U-Pb zircon geochronology and Hf isotopic data from the lower Paleozoic Apoon assemblage of the Doonerak fenster
- 2015 USGS Seismic Hazard Model for Induced Seismicity
- 38 kyr record of Asian dust deposition in Hawaii: its links to interglacial/glacial changes
- A Foray into Fungal Ecology: Understanding Fungi and Their Functions Across Ecosystems
- A Forward Analysis on the Applicability of Tracer Breakthrough in Revealing the Pore Structure of Tight Gas Sandstone and Carbonate Rocks
- A Framework for the Validation of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Maps Using Strong Ground Motion Data
- A Geochemical Framework for Evaluating Shale-Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Interactions
- A Linearized Model for Wave Propagation through Coupled Volcanic Conduit-crack Systems Filled with Multiphase Magma
- A Metal Stable Isotope Approach to Understanding Uranium Mobility Across Roll Front Redox Boundaries
- A Model For Selecting An Environmentally Responsive Trait: Evaluating Micro-scale Fitness Through UV-C Resistance and Exposure in Escherichia coli.
- A Multifaceted Sampling Approach to Better Understanding Biogeochemical and Hydrogeological Controls on Uranium Mobility at a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site in Riverton, Wyoming
- A Multiphysics Framework to Learn and Predict in Presence of Multiple Scales
- A Remote Sensing Based Decision-Support System for Groundwater Management
- A Study Into the Effects of Various Compost-Potting Soil Mixes in An Effort to Heighten Bio-Productivity and Lower Farm Expenses
- A Study of the Different classes of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
- A model to simulate nonhydrostatic internal gravity waves in the ocean
- A persistent scatterer method for retrieving accurate InSAR ground deformation map over vegetation-decorrelated areas
- A self-consistent combined radiative transfer hydrodynamic and particle acceleration model for the X1.0 class flare on March 29, 2014
- Accelerating risk reduction in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: Theory-based mass-media intervention proven to increase knowledge of, belief in, and intent to support earthquake-resistant construction.
- Aftershocks of the M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake: Early Results from Project NAMASTE
- Algebraic Multiscale Solver for Elastic Geomechanical Deformation
- Ambient Noise Surface Wave Tomography for Geotechnical Monitoring Using "Large N" Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- An Analytical Solution for Depletion-induced Principal Stress Rotations In 3D and its Implications for Fault Stability
- An Inter-comparative Study of the Effects of Aircraft on Surface Air Quality
- An Overview of Three-year JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observations of Lightning and TLEs
- An efficient distribution method for nonlinear transport problems in stochastic porous media
- Analyzing the Differences and Preferences of Pathogenic and Nonpathogenic Prokaryote Species
- Anthropogenic wetlands due to over-irrigation of desert areas; A challenging hydrogeological investigation with extensive geophysical input
- Are seismic velocity time-lapse changes due to fluid substitution or matrix dissolution? A CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration study at Pohokura Field, New Zealand
- Aseismic moment release associated with rapid tremor reversals in Cascadia
- Assessing Model Treatment of Drought Legacy Effects in the Amazon
- Assessing climate adaptation options and uncertainties for cereal systems in West Africa
- Assessing the Groundwater Concentrations and Geographical Distribution of Arsenic in Nepal
- Automated Determination of Electron Density from Electric Field Measurements on the Van Allen Probes Spacecraft
- Automated detection and characterization of meteoroid from simultaneous optical and radar observations
- Ba/Ca Ratios in North Pacific Bamboo Corals Record Changes in Intermediate Water Biogeochemistry
- Back-Projecting Volcano and Geyser Seismic Signals to Sources
- Bayesian Inversion using Physics-based Models Applied to Dome Extrusion at Mount St. Helens 2004-2008
- Benchmark Study of 3D Pore-scale Flow and Solute Transport Simulation Methods
- Betwixt and Between: Structure and Evolution of Central Mongolia
- Beyond Resonance: Characterizing Complex Basin Effects Using a Dense Seismic Array
- Body-wave retrieval and imaging from ambient seismic fields with very dense arrays
- CCP Receiver-Function Imaging of the Moho beneath Volcanic Fields in Western Saudi Arabia
- CME Prediction Using SDO, SoHO, and STEREO data with a Machine Learning Algorithm
- Calibration of Mercury Laser Altimeter Data Using Digital Elevation Models Derived from Stereo Image Pairs
- Can Geostatistical Models Represent Nature's Variability? An Analysis Using Flume Experiments
- Can the Kilauea Iki glomerocrysts offer insights into the magmatic processes leading up to the 1959 eruption?
- Can we Bring Discipline to Carbon Cycle Modeling Using Observations of Solar Induced Fluorescence and Carbonyl Sulfide?
- Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the Presence of Convective Mixing and the Capillary Transition Zone
- Characterization of Fluid Oscillations at Kilauea Volcano Through Time-Dependent Modeling of Seismic Displacements from Rockfall Events
- Characterization of Non-Specular Meteor Trail Radar Detections from Non-Field-Aligned Irregularities
- Characterization of Reservoir Heterogeneity from Surface Deformation
- Characterizing Microbe-Environment Interactions Through Experimental Evolution: The Autonomous Adaptive Directed Evolution Chamber
- Charon's Color: A view from New Horizon Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera
- Chemostat Studies of TCE-Dehalogenating Anaerobic Consortia under Excess and Limited Electron Donor Addition
- Circum-Arctic lithospheric transects from onshore to offshore
- Clay Mineralogy of AN Alluvial Aquifer in a Mountainous, Semiarid Terrain, AN Example from Rifle, Colorado
- Climate and Orogenic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada and Westernmost Basin and Range as Recorded in the Pliocene-Pleistocene Waucobi Lake Beds
- Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
- Combining U speciation and U isotope fractionation to evaluate the importance of naturally reduced sediments in controlling the mobility of uranium in the upper Colorado River Basin
- Combining satellite remote sensing and surveys to understand persistent yield variation--- a case study in North China Plain
- Comparing Amazon Basin CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from an atmospheric inversion with TRENDY biosphere models
- Comparison of Ca and Ar Diffusion in Phlogopite: Implications for K-Ca and K-Ar Geochronology
- Comparison of submarine gully morphologies in passive and active margin settings
- Computational and Experimental Simulations of Cr(VI) Remediation via In Situ Reduction in an Alluvial Aquifer at Hinkley, California
- Conjugate In-situ and Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations of Radiation Belt Loss Mechanisms.
- Constraining the Formation of Submarine Gullies on Continental Slopes
- Controls on infiltration due to spatial heterogeneity in a small recharge basin observed using time-lapse distributed temperature sensing
- Coronal seismology of flare-excited longitudinal slow magnetoacoustic waves in hot coronal loops
- Correlation Between Ecospace and Metabolic Rate of Marine Organisms Through Geologic Time
- Correlation between Changes in Seismicity Rates and Well Injection Volumes in Oklahoma
- Correlation between solar acoustic emission and phase of the solar cycle
- Coupled Effects of Climatic and Socio-economic Factors on Winter Cropping in India
- Coupled Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Reactions in Shale-Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Systems
- Coupled Uranium-Series and (U-Th)/He Zircon Geochronology of the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center (ELVC): Dating the Record of Voluminous Tephra Production in Quaternary Eastern-Beringia.
- Coupling of Activity at Neighbouring Volcanoes in Iceland: Ground Deformation and Activity at the Bárðarbunga-Tungnafellsjökull and Eyjafjallajökull-Katla Volcano Pairs
- Data Resolution and Scale-dependent Fracture Clustering: Implications for Deformation Mechanisms
- Design of a multi-agent hydroeconomic model to simulate a complex human-water system: Early insights from the Jordan Water Project
- Detecting and Quantifying Organic Contaminants in Sediments with NMR
- Determining Regional Sensitivity to Energy-Related Water Withdrawals in Minnesota
- Detrital Zircon Provenance of Neogene Forearc Sub-basin Sandstones: East Coast Basin of New Zealand
- Developing an Integrated Understanding of the Relationship Between Urban Wastewater Flows and Downstream Reuse in Irrigated Agriculture: A Global Perspective
- Development of a Control Optimization System for Real Time Monitoring of Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Systems Using Intelligent Sensors
- Development of a Nanofluidic Chip Representative of a Shale Sample
- Dispersion and transport of hypersaline gravity currents in the presence of internal waves at a pycnocline
- Does the "mantle" helium signature provide useful information about lithospheric architecture of Tibet/Himalaya?
- Does unsaturated flow drive soil carbon residence times?
- Ductile damage Cam-Clay plasticity and fracture modeling of shale based on nano-characterization experiment
- Dynamic Modeling of Infrasound Generation from Vulcanian Explosions
- Dynamics and Preservation Potential of Subduction Complexes in Continental Sutures: A Case Study from the Sedimentary-Marix Mélange of the Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone in Southern Tibet
- Ecohydrologic Response of a Wetland Indicator Species to Climate Change and Streamflow Regulation: A Conceptual Model
- Efficient high-dimensional characterization of conductivity in a sand box using massive MRI-imaged concentration data
- Elve Doublets: The Ionospheric Fingerprints of Compact Intracloud Discharges
- Employing 2D Forward Modeling of Gravity and Magnetic Data to Further Constrain the Magnitude of Extension Recorded by the Caetano Caldera, Nevada
- Energetic Limitations on Microbial Respiration of Organic Compounds using Aqueous Fe(III) Complexes
- Estimated Impacts of Emissions Reductions on Wheat and Maize Crops
- Estimating Aquifer Properties in the San Joaquin Basin, California, through the Analysis of InSAR Data
- Estimating Depth and Producing Formations of Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells Using Geospatial Analysis
- Estimating Interfacial Curvature To Assess The Impact Of Ostwald Ripening On The Stability Of Residually Trapped CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Estimating Variations of the Minimum Principal Stress in Unconventional Reservoirs Using a Viscous Relaxation Model
- Estimating the Importance of Private Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture: A Review of Empirical Methods
- Evapotranspiration Analysis using a Zonal Temperature-Vegetation Remote Sensing Approach
- Evolution of Eastern Arctic crust revealed from zircon U-Pb, O and Hf isotopic records.
- Evolving magnitude-frequency distributions during the Guy-Greenbrier (2010-11) induced earthquake sequence: Insights into the physical mechanisms of b-value shifts and large-magnitude curvature
- Experimental study of the Biot coefficient of Bakken cores
- Facies Variations Along an Ancient Deep-Water Axial Channel Belt: Insights from the Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes-Austral Basin, Patagonia
- Failure Criterion of Rock with Multiple Friction Angles
- Farmers Extension Program Effects on Yield Gap in North China Plain
- Fast Algorithm for Continuous Monitoring with Ambient Noise
- Fast Wave Trains Associated with Solar Eruptions: Insights from 3D Thermodynamic MHD Simulations
- Forest Conversion, Agricultural Transitions and the Influence of Multi-scale Market Factors in Southwest Cameroon
- Free-Standing Zone Plate Optimized for He II 30.4 nm Solar Irradiance Measurements Having High Accuracy and Stability in Space
- Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer
- Gassmann-Consistency of Inclusion Models
- Geometry and spatial distribution of lenticulae on Europa
- Geospatial Analysis of Oil and Gas Wells in California
- Geostatistical Modeling of Evolving Landscapes by Means of Image Quilting
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Global occurrence of Elves and lightning-induced heating of the ionosphere from ground-based observations
- Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Santo Domingo Basin, Northern New Mexico
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions within Seasonally Flooded Tropical River Deltas
- Haze Production in Pluto's Atmosphere
- Heterogeneous Oxidation in Supra-Subduction Settings: Evidence from Forearc Peridotites
- Hidden Intra-Basin Extension: Evidence for Dike-Fault Interaction from Magnetic, Gravity, and Seismic Reflection Data in Surprise Valley, NE California
- High Spatial Density Ambient Noise Tomography at the El Jefe Geyser, Chile
- Historical patterns and drivers of global crop water demand.
- How Can a Erupting Sigmoid Trigger Solar Flare with Parallel and Large-Scale Quasi-Circular Ribbons?
- Hybrid Upwind Discretization for the Implicit Simulation of Three-Phase Coupled Flow and Transport with Gravity
- Hydraulic head levels and aquifer parameters inferred from a joint analysis of InSAR and well data in the San Luis Valley, Colorado
- Hydrologic Responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection in Basalts Based on Flow-through Experiments
- Hydrological niche separation explains seasonal and inter-annual variations of vegetation dynamics in seasonally dry tropical forests
- Ice Sheet Meltwater Impacts on Biological Productivity in High-Latitude Coastal Zones - Observations and Model Results for West Antarctica and Southwest Greenland
- Imaging Low-Frequency Earthquakes with Geometric-Mean Reverse Time Migration
- Impact of double porosity flow on hydrologically driven failure of a hillside slope
- Impacts of Seasonal Flooding on Arsenic Release in Tropical River Deltas
- Importance of vegetation distribution for future carbon balance
- Imprint of Historical Anthropogenic Emissions on the Subseasonal Variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Improved Empirical Models of Plasmaspheric Hiss Intensity and Spectral Distribution
- Inhibition Mechanism of Uranyl Reduction Induced by Calcium-Carbonato Complexes
- Initial Results from the New Stress Map of Texas Project
- Injection induced seismicity on basement faults including poroelastic stressing
- Inverted temperature sequences: role of deformation partitioning
- Investigating redox processes under diffusive and advective flow conditions using a coupled omics and synchrotron approach
- Investigating the Early Carbon Cycle Using Carbonaceous Inclusions and Dissolved Carbon in Detrital Zircon
- Investigations on the Crystal-Chemical Behavior of Transition-Metal-Bearing Aluminosilicate Garnet Solid Solutions Using <SUP>27</SUP>Al and <SUP>29</SUP>Si NMR Spectroscopy
- Ionospheric waves associated with mid-latitude thunderstorms
- Iron Release and Precipitation in Fracture Fluid-Shale Fracturing Systems
- Kerogen-Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Interactions: Reactivity and Contaminant Release
- Laccoliths as a probe for bedrock landscape transient dynamics: Numerical modeling and application to erosion history of the Colorado Plateau
- Lateral Variation of Crustal Structure Beneath a Stable Craton: Seismic Evidence from Ordos, China
- Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests
- Linkages Between Cretaceous Forearc and Retroarc Basin Development in Southern Tibet
- Linking Carbonic Anhydrase Abundance and Diversity in Soils to Ecological Function
- Loading Rate-Dependent Elastoviscoplasticity in San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Fault Gouge: Implications for Repeating Earthquakes and Fault Zone-Guided Waves
- M7+ Virtual Earthquakes near Kanto Sedimentary Basin
- Magma Differentiation and Storage Inferred from Crystal Textures at Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Magnetic confinement effects on the particle escape from the loop top in stochastic acceleration models for solar flares.
- Magnitudes and Moment-Duration Scaling of Low-Frequency Earthquakes Beneath Southern Vancouver Island
- Managing Urban Water: Opportunities and Limitations of the Ecosystem Services Framework
- Mass Extinctions' Selectivity on the Diversity of Marine Modes of Life
- Mean Density Estimation derived from Satellite Constellations
- Mechanical and Geodetic Constraints on the Gap between the Locked Zone and the ETS Region in Northern Cascadia
- Meteoroid Impact Ejecta Detection by Nanosatellites for Asteroid Surface Characterization
- Micro Particle Image Velocimetry (micro-PIV) to Quantify Multiphase Flow In Micromodels
- Microbial, Physical and Chemical Drivers of COS and <SUP>18</SUP>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange in Soils
- Microburst Precipitation Measured with the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats
- Middle Miocene Displacement Along the Rand Detachment Fault, Rand Mountains
- Millennial-scale Denudation Rates of the Santa Lucia Mountains, CA: Implications for Landscape Thresholds from a Steep, High Relief, Coastal Mountain Range
- Miniature Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Radiometers
- Mission Designs for Demonstrating Gravity Tractor Asteroid Deflection
- Model uncertainty in tropical rainfall projection: The crucial role of ocean warming pattern and atmospheric circulation coupling
- Modeling Time Dependent Earthquake Magnitude Distributions Associated with Injection-Induced Seismicity
- Monitoring Oilfield Operations and GHG Emissions Sources Using Object-based Image Analysis of High Resolution Spatial Imagery
- Monitoring South-West Greenland's ice sheet melt with ambient seismic noise
- Multi-agent modelling framework for water, energy and other resource networks
- Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Multi-factor long-term global change impacts on grassland
- Multi-scale X-ray Microtomography Imaging of Immiscible Fluids After Imbibition
- Multiscale Characterization of Geological Properties of Oil Shale
- Multiscale Finite-frequency Seismic Imaging of the Southern Alaska Subduction Zone
- Network cation coordination in aluminoborosilicate and Mg- aluminosilicate glasses: pressure effects in recovered structural changes and densification
- New Horizons Alice sky Lyman-α at Pluto encounter: Importance for photochemistry
- New Loss Model of Energetic and Relativistic Electrons Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements
- New estimates of time-dependent noise and velocity uncertainties in GPS position time series
- Nonlocal Formulation for Multiscale Flow in Porous Media
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Observations of Octahedral Aluminum in Forsterite, Clinoenstatite and Periclase.
- Observed Changes in Extreme Precipitation Events over the US
- Observing Evolutionary Entropy in Relation to Body Size Over Time
- Observing Propagation of Magnetoacoustic Waves from the Photosphere to the Corona in Sunspot Regions
- Oceanic Transform Fault-Zone Geomorphology in the Gulf of California from High-Resolution Bathymetric Data
- On solar oblateness measurements during the current solar cycle 24
- On the Depositional Characteristics of Natural Cohesive & Mixed Sediments: "floccin' across the USA!"
- Origins of Large Peridotite Bodies within Mesoarchean Orthogneisses in SW Greenland
- Oxygen Fugacity of Abyssal Peridotites Along the Gakkel Ridge
- Oxygen Isotope Mass-Balance Constraints on Pliocene Sea Level and East Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability
- Oxygen no longer plays a major role in Body Size Evolution
- Passive Seismic Imaging of the Ruby Mountains Core Complex, Nevada
- Permeability enhancement of the Utica shale due to the adsorption of supercritical carbon dioxide
- Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology near Palmer Station Antarctica
- Pluto As Seen by the LEISA Spectrometer on New Horizons
- Pluto's Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions
- Podcasting the Anthropocene as a model for student and faculty science communication
- Potential for Large Transpressional Earthquakes along the Santa Cruz-Catalina Ridge, California Continental Borderland
- Predicting the Interplanetary Magnetic Field using Approaches Based on Data Mining and Physical Models
- Predicting the impact of anaerobic microsites on soil organic matter mineralization rates in upland soils
- Pressure monitoring data assimilation to locate and quantify leaks in carbon storage projects.
- Prevalence and Contribution of Anaerobic Microsites to Carbon Mineralization in Upland Soils
- Probability of Atmospheric Circulation Pattern Occurrence in Pre-Industrial, Historical, and Future Climates
- Processing of Surface-NMR Data From Sites With High Noise Levels
- Quantification of Single- and Multi-Phase Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Rocks Using Dynamic 3D PET Imaging
- Quantification of physical and economic impacts of climate change on public infrastructure in Alaska and benefits of global greenhouse gas mitigation
- Quantifying Temporal and Spatial Variability of Nearshore Processes Around a Nearshore Kelp Forest Rocky Reef with the Kelp Forest Array Cabled Observatory
- Quantifying the role of mitigation hills in reducing tsunami runup
- Quantitative Assessment of Potentially Active Faults in Oklahoma Utilizing Detailed Information on In Situ Stress Orientation and Relative Magnitude
- Quantitative Nutrient Limitation Analysis of Global Forests by Remote Sensing
- Quantitative airborne assessment of gas flaring combustion efficiency in the Bakken Shale
- Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto's Atmosphere with New Horizons
- Rate and Velocity of Climate Change Caused by Cumulative Carbon Emissions
- Reduced Order ODE Model for Linear Contrails
- Refining Field Measurements of Methane Flux Rates from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells
- Relationship Between Subsurface Flows and Magnetic Field Evolution in Solar Cycle 24
- Repeatability of Surface Wave Velocity Estimates from Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Data
- Repeating Earthquakes Confirm and Constrain Long-Term Acceleration of Aseismic Slip Preceding the M9 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Reproductive Phenology of a Seasonally-Dry Dipterocarp Forest in Southern Thailand
- Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
- Rock Physics and Mineralogy Relations from Well Logging in the Barnett Shale
- Role of Precipitation Variability in Interannual Variation of Nitrogen Loading in Streams in the Continental U.S.
- Role of Seasonal Transitions and Westerly Jets in East Asian Paleoclimate
- SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar Polar Region
- Satellite Estimates of Crop Area and Maize Yield in Zambia's Agricultural Districts
- Satellite observations of the role and impacts of dry season climate limitations on tropical forest fates
- Scientific Communication for Positive Action: Do's and Don'ts
- Searching for Unknown Earthquakes in the Guy-Greenbrier, Arkansas, Earthquake Sequence using Efficient Waveform Similarity Search
- Seeing beyond borders: a game theoretic approach to anticipate the effect of satellite monitoring data on transboundary freshwater allocation.
- Seismic Characterization of the Newberry and Cooper Basin EGS Sites
- Sensitivity of geological, geochemical and hydrologic parameters in complex reactive transport systems for in-situ uranium bioremediation
- Sequential Stagnation of Kamb Ice Stream Induced by Changes in Subglacial Hydrology
- Shallow Subsurface Velocity Estimation Using Traffic Noise at Long Beach, CA
- Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Effects of Weathering on Siderophile and Chalcophile Element Mobility in Mantle-Derived Sulfides
- Simulation of radiation damage in minerals by sequential ion irradiations
- Simultaneous Inversion of Full Data Bandwidth by Tomographic Full Waveform Inversion
- Smoothing-based Compressed State Kalman Filter (sCSKF) for Real-time State-parameter Estimation: CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoir Monitoring and Characterization
- Socio-economic drought in Texas: A Future Perspective
- Soil Development Over Mud-rich Rocks Produces Landscape-scale Erosional Instabilities in the Northern Gabilan Mesa
- Soil Microbial Community Responses to Long-Term Global Change Factors in a California Grassland
- Solar Energetic Particle anisotropy in the field-line meandering model of interplanetary transport
- Spectrosmicroscopic and spectroscopic investigation of U(IV) speciation in model mineral-organic matter assemblages
- Stable Isotope Evidence for Planetary Differentiation
- Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry: Linking Tectonics to the Evolution of Landscapes and Life
- Stochastic collocation using Kronrod-Patterson-Hermite quadrature with moderate delay for subsurface flow and transport
- Stress Drops for Potentially Induced Earthquake Sequences
- Strong Scaling and a Scarcity of Small Earthquakes Point to an Important Role for Thermal Runaway in Intermediate-Depth Earthquake Mechanics
- Strontium isotopes provide clues for a process shift in base cation dynamics in young volcanic soils
- Structural Stability and Mobility of Carbonate Minerals and Melts in the Earth's Mantle
- Structural evolution of a uranyl peroxide nano-cage fullerene: U60, at elevated pressures
- Subglacial hydrology as a control on ice stream shear margin locations
- Subsurface Nitrogen-Cycling Microbial Communities at Uranium Contaminated Sites in the Colorado River Basin
- Supraglacial fluvial landscape evolution on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Surface Reactions Limiting Chromium(VI) Generation from Naturally Derived Chromium(III) Minerals
- Surface response of blind thrust shown from high resolution topographic data and updated geochronology at Wheeler Ridge, CA
- Temporal Evolution of Volcanic and Plutonic Magmas Related to Porphyry Copper Ores Based on Zircon Geochemistry
- Terrestrial carbon storage dynamics: Chasing a moving target
- The Atmospheres of Pluto and Charon
- The Effect of Abiotic Factors on Marine Animal Body Size Evolution
- The Effect of Micrite and Micro-porous Skeletal Grains on the NMR Response of Carbonate Rocks
- The Effect of Nickel on the Strength of Hcp-Iron
- The Effect of Size and Ecology on Extinction Susceptibility
- The Effect of a Compliant Accretionary Wedge on Earthquake Rupture and Tsunamigenesis
- The Effects of More Extreme Rainfall Patterns on Infiltration and Nutrient Losses in Agricultural Soils
- The Effects of Oxygen Concentration on Benthic Foraminiferal Growth and Size
- The Effects of Resource Intermittency on Electricity System Emissions
- The Effects of Rock Mineralogy on Matrix Permeability in the Utica Shale
- The Future Impact of Meteorological, Hydrological, and Agricultural Droughts in Jordan
- The Impacts of Numerical Schemes on Asymmetric Hurricane Intensification
- The Influence of Crystal Mush on Magmatism Under Arc Volcanoes Recorded in Zircon from the Lassen Volcanic Center, California and Mount Hood, Oregon
- The Influence of pH on Prokaryotic Cell Size and Temperature
- The Influence of the Biological Pump on Marine Redox Conditions During Earth History
- The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Performance and Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature
- The Oldest Known Caldera Associated with the Yellowstone Hotspot: New Geologic Mapping, Geochemistry, and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology for the Northern McDermitt Volcanic Field, Northern Nevada and Southeastern Oregon
- The Prevalence of Specific Ecologies in Marine Organisms with Relation to Environmental Factors
- The Subsidence Signature Due To Groundwater Extraction as Inferred from Remote Sensing Data in Mexico City
- The Sun From the Perspective of an Observer
- The Value of Simple Models: Performance of a Spatially-explicit Seasonal Model for Valuing Water Provisioning (InVEST)
- The impact of Carbonic Anhydrase on the partitioning of leaf and soil CO<SUP>18</SUP>O and COS gas exchange across scales
- The influence of the Moho in local and teleseismic wavefield simulations
- Three-Phase Capillary Pressure, Hysteresis and Trapping in a Porous Glass-Bead Column
- Three-dimensional ERT imaging by the geostatistical approach
- Three-dimensional imaging of the subducting Indian continental lithosphere beneath the southern and central Tibetan Plateau using body-wave finite frequency tomography
- Three-phase flow dynamics in the lava lakes at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Time Resolved Temperature Measurement of Hypervelocity Impact Generated Plasma Using a Global Optimization Method
- Timescales of rhyolite formation at a mid-ocean ridge: Alarcon Rise segment of the northern East Pacific Rise.
- Timing and processes for exhumation of HP/LT rocks of the southern Brooks Range (AK): Insight from combined geochemistry and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar thermochronology of white mica
- Towards 4-D Noise-based Seismic Probing of Volcanoes: Perspectives from a Large-N Nodal Experiment on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano
- Trace Element Variations as Indicators of Fluid Sources and Infiltration History During UHP Metamorphism of Continental Crust
- Transient Fluid Flow Along Basement Faults and Rupture Mechanics: Can We Expect Injection-Induced Earthquake Behavior to Correspond Directly With Injection Operations?
- Transport Properties of Carbonate and Sandstone Samples: Digital Rock Physics and Laboratory Measurements
- Tsunamogenic landslides and marine paleoseismology: applications of the submerged marine terrace record, Santa Catalina Island, Southern California Borderland
- U-Pb (SIMS) Zircon Ages of Granitoids from the Basement of Pechora Basin
- Understanding Groundwater Data Collection, Use, and Sharing Practices for Sustainable Groundwater Management in California
- Understanding Oscillations of the Geological Carbon Cycle
- Unsupervised Approaches for Post-Processing in Computationally Efficient Waveform-Similarity-Based Earthquake Detection
- Uranium Isotope Evidence for Temporary Ocean Oxygenation Following the Sturtian Glaciation
- Using Carbon Isotopes in Cenozoic Soil Carbonates to Quantify Primary Productivity from Mid-Latitude Regions
- Using Rock Physics to Improve Q<SUB>p</SUB> Quantification in Seismic Data
- Using a Numerical Model to Quantitatively Assess Dynamic Recrystallization as a Mechanism for He Enrichment in Mantle Shear Zones
- Using multi-scale structural and petrological analysis coupled with zircon and monazite SIMS and <em>in-situ</em> EPMA geochronology to document the evolution of a mid-crustal transpression system: a case study from the Northern Appalachians, U.S.A.
- Vapor Transport Modeling of Continental Water Isotope Gradients
- Virtual Drawdown Tests of Groundwater Aquifers from Insar Remote Sensing
- Voyager 1 in the Local Interstellar Medium: Cosmic-ray Energy Density and Ionization Rate
- Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
- Whillans Ice Plain Stick Slip
- Whillans Ice Stream from UpB to WGZ: Siliceous Microfossils, Palynomorphs, and Biomarker Evidence of Sub-glacial Processes and Ice Stream History
- 2016 M=7.8 Muisne, Ecuador, Earthquake Overlapped or Re-Ruptured the 1942 M=7.8 Patch, and May Have Left a Large Gap to the North That Has Not Slipped since 1906
- 3D Velocity Structure in Southern Haiti from Local Earthquake Tomography
- 4D synchrotron X-ray imaging to understand porosity development in shales during exposure to hydraulic fracturing fluid
- A Case Study Examining Egypt, Nigeria, and Venezuela and their Flaring Behavior Utilizing VIIRS Satellite Data
- A Constellation of CubeSat InSAR Sensors for Rapid-Revisit Surface Deformation Studies
- A Field Study of NMR Logging to Quantify Petroleum Contamination in Subsurface Sediments
- A Holistic Assessment of Energy Production: Environmental, Economic, and Social Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing in Williams County, North Dakota
- A Matter of Life or Death: Untangling the Coupled Roles of Behavior, Microclimate and Physiological Polymorphism in Governing Vulnerability of Intertidal Snails to Heat Stress
- A Mechanical Model for Decrease in Coupling Prior to the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake
- A Molecular Investigation of Soil Organic Carbon Composition, Variability, and Spatial Distribution Across an Alpine Catchment
- A Network Inversion Filter combining GNSS and InSAR for tectonic slip modeling
- A Tale of Two Swarms: Mapping Of Calderas And <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology Of Rhyolite Ignimbrites Delineate Two Distinct Steens Basalt Fissure Systems
- A Viscoplastic Stress Relaxation Model for Predicting Variations of the Least Principal Stress With Depth in Unconventional Reservoirs
- A coupled wave-hydrodynamic model of a highly frictional atoll reef system: mechanisms for flow, connectivity, and ecological implications
- A data-driven and physics-based single-pass retrieval of active-passive microwave covariation and vegetation parameters for the SMAP mission
- A detailed comparison of laboratory and borehole NMR estimated parameters in unconsolidated aquifers
- A new approach for estimating gross primary production
- A new strategy for earthquake focal mechanisms using waveform-correlation-derived relative polarities and cluster analysis: Application to a fluid-driven earthquake swarm
- A virtual laboratory for three-phase flow dynamics in the magmatic system
- Achieving Consistent Vector Magnetic Field Measurements from SDO/HMI
- Active-Layer Thickness estimation in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, via inversion of InSAR data and field measurements
- Advances in detecting localized road damage due to sinkholes induced by engineering works using high resolution RASARSAT-2 data
- Advancing our understanding of the onshore propagation of tsunami bores over rough surfaces through numerical modeling
- Aftermath of Uranium Ore Processing on Floodplains: Lasting Effects of Uranium on Soil and Microbes
- Aftershock stress analysis of the April 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake from the NAMASTE project
- Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change
- Along-strike Variations in the Himalayas Illuminated by the Aftershock Sequence of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Using the NAMASTE Local Seismic Network
- Ambient Field Analysis at Groningen Gas Field
- Ambient Vehicular Noise recorded on a 2D Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Array :Applications to Permafrost Thaw Detection and Imaging
- An Integrated Assessment of Basal Scattering and Topographic Roughness Information Derived from Greenland Radar-Sounding Data
- Analysis Of SMAP Descending And Ascending Scatterometer Observations And Linkage To Possible Vegetation Moisture Refill
- Analysis and attenuation of artifacts caused by spatially and temporally correlated noise sources in Green's function estimates
- Anchovies to Whales: tracking vertebrate biodiversity in Monterey Bay by metabarcoding environmental DNA (eDNA)
- Anisotropic Thermoplasticty and Strain Localization in Shale
- Anticipating impacts of climate change on fish habitat to support decisionmaking in hydropower licensing: a climate risk study for the Hiram Dam, Saco River, ME
- Are we past peak pressure in Oklahoma? A hydrogeologic evaluation of reduced saltwater injection rates on induced seismicity
- Argon, Oxygen, and Boron Isotopic Evidence Documenting <SUP>40</SUP>Ar<SUB>E</SUB> Accumulation in Phengite during Water-Rich High-Pressure Subduction Metasomatism of Continental Crust
- Assessing Anthropogenic Impacts on Tunas, Sharks and Billfishes with Direct Observations of Human Fishers on the High Seas
- Assessment and Combination of SMAP with ASCAT (Active) and AMSR2 (Passive) Soil Moisture Products: A Case Study in Northeast Asia
- Azimuthal filter to attenuate ground roll noise in the F-kx-ky domain for land 3D-3C seismic data with uneven acquisition geometry
- Beta Vulgaris and Easter Egg Radish Growth in Varying Mediums and Locations
- Biogeochemical constraints on uranium cycling in redox active floodplain sediments
- Biosynthesis of 3-methylhopanoids by purple non-sulfur anoxygenic phototrophs
- Can corals reveal land-use change? Trace element and isotopic records suggest patterns of land-use change in the Republic of Palau.
- Carbon Dioxide Removal from Air using Seafloor Peridotite
- Carbon Sinks in a Changing Climate: Relative Buoyancy and Sinking Potentials of Various Antarctic Phytoplankton and Ice Algae
- Changes in belowground C that accompany ecosystem shifts: an approach to constraining depth, timing, and magnitudes of soil change
- Characterization and estimation of methane emissions from abandoned oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania
- Characterization of baseflow generation to support land-use and ecosystem-service decisions
- Characterization of tracer responses in 3D Printed Fracture Networks
- Characterizing Taxonomic Distribution in Sea Ice Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Climate data induced uncertainty in model based estimations of terrestrial primary productivity
- Cluster classification of mid-latitude summer circulation patterns in the CESM1 Large Ensemble
- Combining Remote Sensing and Multi-Agent Simulation to Assess Alternative Water Management Policies in Conflict-Prone Areas - The Case of the Yarmouk River Basin
- Competing frictional and diabatic potential vorticity fluxes at ocean fronts
- Connections between the tropical Pacific Ocean, Arctic sea ice, and anomalous northeastern Pacific ridging
- Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Numerical Framework for Simulating Unconventional Formations
- Cross-Instrument Radar Sounding Synthesis: Characterizing Basal Conditions Across the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Crustal Stress Coherency at Multiple Scales: Utilization for Assessing Potential Fault Slip in Response to Fluid Injection
- Crustal deformation associated with Cascadia slow slip events from InSAR time-series
- Crystalline heterogeneities and instabilities in thermally convecting magma chamber
- Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles across the Karakoram Fault Limit the Role of Crustal Flow in the Western Himalaya
- Deep-Sea Carbonate Accumulation and Surface Ocean Saturation State in the Aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction
- Detailed Crustal Geometry of the Continental Collision between India and Eurasia: Constraints from Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles across the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture, Tibet, at 88°E
- Detecting magma bodies in the Icelandic crust: Constraints from Volcano Geodesy and Joint Interpretation with Other Data
- Determination of the Spatial Distribution in Hydraulic Conductivity Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization
- Determination of the System Mass and the Individual Masses of Pluto and Charon from New Horizons Radio Tracking
- Determining Scale-dependent Patterns in Spatial and Temporal Datasets
- Deterministic estimate of hypocentral pore fluid pressure of the M5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma earthquake: Lower pre-injection pressure requires lower resultant pressure for slip
- Detrital Thermochronology Record of the Local-to-Extraregional Provenance Shift Recorded by the Northern Peninsular Ranges Forearc
- Detrital zircon mixing and partitioning in fluvial to deep marine systems, central California
- Differentiating Metamorphic Events in a Polymetamorphic Terrane using Zr-in-Ttn thermometry and Titanite U-Pb Geochronology
- Distinct Subglacial Drainage Patterns Revealed in High-Resolution Mapping of Basal Radar Reflectivity across Greenland
- Dominant loss mechanisms in the radiation belts
- Drivers of pluvial lake distributions in western North America
- Drought Response and Recovery: How Good Are Terrestrial Biosphere Models?
- Early-Stage Acceleration of SEPs by CME-Driven Shocks and Compressions
- Earthquake Cycle Simulations with Rate-and-State Friction and Linear and Nonlinear Viscoelasticity
- Earthquake Fingerprints: Representing Earthquake Waveforms for Similarity-Based Detection
- Earthquake cycles on rate-state faults: how does recurrence interval and its variability depend on fault length?
- Effects Of Spatial Variability In Marshes On Coastal Erosion Under Storm Conditions
- Effects of Regulation on Induced Seismicity in Southern Kansas
- Efficient Data Assimilation Algorithms for Bathymetry Applications
- Emergent Hydrological Regimes in Amazonia Determine Vegetation Productivity and Structure.
- Estimating amplitude uncertainty for normalized ambient seismic noise cross-correlation with examples from southern California
- Estimation of Fault Slip Potential Resulting From fluid Injection
- Evaluating international development investments based on ecosystem services impact
- Evidence for Transient Hydromechanical and Frictional Faulting Responses During the 2011 Mw 5.6 Prague, Oklahoma, USA Earthquake Sequence
- Evolution of permeability and microstructure of tight carbonates due to numerical simulation of calcite dissolution
- Exoplanet detection and characterization with the WFIRST space coronagraph
- Experimental Investigation, Modeling and Simulation of Ostwald Ripening in the Context of Geologic Carbon Storage
- Experimental study of dynamic effective stress coefficient for ultrasonic velocities of Bakken cores
- Extreme surface melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet increases growth potential for light-limited phytoplankton in the Labrador Sea
- Fault Lines: Seismicity and the Fracturing of Energy Narratives in Oklahoma
- Field observations of cohesive sediment dynamics in a partially stratified estuary
- Flare Prediction Using Photospheric and Coronal Image Data
- Fluid-Rock Interaction in Oceanic Transform Faults: Field Observations
- Forecasting induced seismicity rate and Mmax using calibrated numerical models
- Fraction of the global water cycle observed by SMAP
- Frozen Gaussian approximation for three-dimensional seismic wave propagation
- Generation of intermediate age maxima in GA-1550 biotite through reactor-induced recoil: revealed by in-vacuo Ne and Ar diffusion experiments
- Global and Seasonal Assessments of Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling via Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation
- Global dynamic evolution of the cold plasma inferred with neural networks
- Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere of Mars as seen by the Radio Science Experiment MaRS on Mars Express
- Growing Mediums in Different Environments for Sunflower and Cilantro Microgreens
- Hard X-Ray Observations of Coronal Sources: Implications for Particle Acceleration
- High-resolution Seismic Modeling of the Core-mantle Boundary Region Based on Hybrid Methods: Preliminary Results
- Highly focused asymmetric surface uplift and bedrock exhumation along the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault in the Santa Lucia range, central California
- Hotspots of terrestrial biosphere-atmosphere feedbacks
- How can we make Fickian dispersion models useful in practice?
- How to Obtain a 100% Reliable Grid with Clean, Renewable Wind, Water, and Solar Providing 100% of all Raw Energy for All Purposes
- How will induced seismicity in Oklahoma respond to decreased saltwater injection rates?
- Hybrid Upwinding for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Buoyancy and Capillarity
- Hydrologic and Temporal Influences of Evaporite Minerals on the Vertical Distribution, Storage, and Mobility of Uranium
- Identifying Changes in the Probability of High Temperature, High Humidity Heat Wave Events
- Identifying Chemical and Biological Factors Affecting Soil Carbon Cycling
- Imaging Saltwater Intrusion Along the Coast of Monterey Bay Using Long-Offset Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Imaging of Upper-Mantle Upwelling Beneath the Salton Trough, Southern California, by Joint Inversion of Ambient Noise Dispersion Curves and Receiver Functions
- Implicit-Explicit Time Integration Methods for Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Models
- Improved Hazard and Risk Consequence Metrics for Assessing Asteroid Impact Threats
- Improved Satellite-based Crop Yield Mapping by Spatially Explicit Parameterization of Crop Phenology
- Improved oilfield GHG accounting using a global oilfield database
- Improving Entrainment for LES of Stratocumulus with the Dynamic Reconstruction Turbulence Closure Model
- Incorporating Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into High School Curricula in Hawaii
- Independent Microseismic Event Location Uncertainty Analysis
- Influence of Feeding and Body Mass on IUCN Extinction Threat of Extant Marine and Terrestrial Mammals
- Integrating Non-Collocated Well and Geophysical Data to Capture Lithological Heterogeneity at a Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Site
- Integrating water use into Southern California's power dispatch: an evaluation of the potential for cost-effective water conservation
- Intercomparison of Multiscale Modeling Approaches in Simulating Subsurface Flow and Transport
- Inversion of Multilevel Pressure Montoring Data at the Illinois Decatur Carbon Storage Project
- Investigation of vegetation-induced drag parameterizations for natural and nature-based extreme events coastal protection in the Chesapeake Bay
- Investment in Watershed Services projects: the ClimateWIse project
- Is Optical Gas Imaging Effective for Detecting Fugitive Methane Emissions? - A Technological and Policy Perspective
- Izmit Foreshocks Revisited
- Joint Inversion of Geodetic and Seismic Data Using Physics Based Models of Dike Intrusions Applied to the 2014 Bardarbunga Intrusion, Iceland.
- Keep the focus on emissions
- Large Long-term Effects of Fire on Soil Carbon and Nutrients Across Ecosystems: A Meta-analysis
- Life on the Edge - Improved Forest Cover Mapping in Mixed-Use Tropical Regions
- Long-term radiation belt relativistic electron simulations with the VERB code using new wave parameterizations derived from Van Allen Probes measurements
- MECO Warming Changes Continental Rainfall Patterns in Eocene Western North America
- Magnitude-Frequency Distribution and Detection of Small Intermediate-Depth Events in the Subduction Zones of Japan
- Managed Retreat: A Global Analysis of Drivers, Barriers, and Outcomes
- Mapping Aquifer Systems with Airborne Electromagnetics in the Central Valley of California
- Marine-Terrace Paleoseismology: Fault Slip Histories From Seismic "Fault-Trenching" With Improved Sequence-Stratigraphic Age Control, Southern California Continental Borderland
- Measuring methane emissions from abandoned and active oil and gas wells in West Virginia
- Mechanical models for dikes: a third school of thought
- Metasomatic processes in the orthogneiss-hosted Archaean peridotites of the Fiskefjord region, SW Greenland
- Metatranscriptomic analysis of marine Thaumarchaea suggests intra-phylum variability in in situ heterotrophic carbon and nitrogen metabolim
- Meteoroid Impact Detection for Exploration of Asteroids (MIDEA): Meteoroid Impact Rates on Potential Asteroid Targets
- Microbial Metabolic Response to Carbon Sources in a Uranium Contaminated Floodplain
- Microbial Preference for Soil Organic Carbon Changes Along Redox Gradients as a Function of the Energetic Cost of Respiration
- Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation: a Novel Grout for Permeability Control in Subsurface Engineering Works
- Miniature Radiometer Utilizing a Zone Plate for the Accurate Measurement of the Atmospheric O II 83.4 nm Radiance
- Miocene exhumation of the Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone in NW India: An insight into the controls of tectonics and climate
- Modeling ecological synergies and trade-offs in livestock production systems in Kenya
- Modification of the Undertow and Turbulence by Submerged Vegetation in a Laboratory Surf Zone
- Moisture Limitations Dominate the Seasonality of Heterotrophic Respiration in the Southern Hemisphere
- Monitoring the Phenology of Global Agroecosystems Using SMAP Multi-temporal Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals
- Mountain Relief in Tropical Granitic Landscapes Spanning Diverse Tectonic Environments
- Multi-scale image segmentation and numerical modeling in carbonate rocks
- Multiscale finite-frequency seismic imaging of the southern and central Alaska subduction zone
- Multiscale imaging of carbonate rocks and upscaling for digital rock physics
- Multiscale level-set method for accurate modeling of two-phase immiscible flow with deposited thin-films on solid surfaces
- NMR Technique for Determining Transition Metal Cation Distribution at Low Concentrations Demonstrated Using Periclase (MgO) and CaO
- Nearly 400 million people are at higher risk of schistosomiasis because dams block the migration of snail-eating river prawns
- Negative Emissions: The need, the potential, and the risks
- New FeO<SUB>2</SUB> phase and the origins of ultralow-velocity zones at the core-mantle boundary
- Observations and Modeling of Plasma Waves in the Solar Atmosphere
- On the Origin of Long-duration Solar Gamma-ray Flares and Their Connection with SEPs
- One Shroom to Rule Them All: Identifying the mechanisms employed in ectomycorrhizal mutualisms for the generalist fungus Thelephora terrestris and seven genetically diverse host tree species
- Optimal management of large scale aquifers under uncertainty
- Origins of Nematode Parasitism in the Families Strongyloididae, Rhabditidae, Plectidae and Diplogasteridae
- Particle Acceleration in High-Energy Solar Flares Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Perceptions of Shale Gas Development: Differences in Urban and Rural Communities
- Permeability Evolution With Shearing of Simulated Faults in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs
- Phase field modeling of crack propagations in fluid-saturated porous media with anisotropic surface energy
- Physics-based conduit models of dome extrusion: Steady-state solutions applied to the Mount St. Helens 2004-2008 eruption
- Pore Water Arsenic Dynamics in Rice Paddies Under Projected Future Climates
- Pore-Network Modeling vs. Direct Numerical Simulation: a Comparative Study
- Porosity characterization for heterogeneous shales using integrated multiscale microscopy
- Post-Extinction Ecological Recovery of Marine Life Modes
- Precise Relative Stress Drops
- Predicting Fecal Indicator Bacteria Fate and Removal in Urban Stormwater at the Watershed Scale
- Preliminary InSAR Study of a Seismic "Bright Spot" beneath the Yadong-Gulu Rift, Tibet Plateau
- Pressure induced structural and density changes in Ca and Mg aluminosilicate glasses (MO/Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>≤1) recovered from 1-3 GPa: <SUP>27</SUP>Al, <SUP>17</SUP>O, <SUP>29</SUP>Si MAS NMR and density
- Pressure-dependent Isotopic Composition of Iron Alloys
- Probing the Physical Connection between Solar Prominences and Coronal Rain
- Productivity of Rice Grown on Arsenic Contaminated Soil under a Changing Climate
- Q-Maps: A New Synoptic Data Product for Investigating Dynamic Coronal Connectivity
- Quality of Green's Functions Improved by Automatic Detection and Removal of Coherent Anthropogenic Noise
- Quantifying Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Fine-grained Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Quantifying solute spreading and mixing in rocks using 3D X-ray CT and PET imaging
- Rainfall-Runoff and Slope Failure in a Steep, Tropical Landscape
- Rapid biodegradation of plastics by mealworms (larvae of Tenebrio molitor) brings hope to solve wasteplastic pollution
- Rapid, non-destructive coral paleothermometry by synchrotron XR
- Recent amplification of the North American Winter Temperature Dipole
- Records of upper mantle oxygen fugacity gleaned from high-density sampling of basalts and peridotites at ultraslow ridges
- Refined earthquake locations for Oklahoma and Southern Kansas illuminate the regional fault network
- Refining shoreline hydrograph chronology and hydroclimate estimates for Pleistocene Lake Surprise, California
- Relation of Body Size on Ecological Modes
- Relationship Between Metabolic Rate and Sea Depth in Bivalves and Gastropods
- Relative Diffusion of Argon and Calcium in Mica and Implications for K-Ca Dating Methods
- Remote-sensing Estimates of Evapotranspiration, its partitioning and Gross Primary Productivity using Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Vegetation Optical Depth (148145)
- Repeated helicopter-based surveys of fugitive hydrocarbon emissions from tight oil operations: Persistence and driving factors
- Scaling relation between earthquake magnitude and the departure time from P-wave similar growth: Application to Earthquake Early Warning
- Searching for a paleotsunami record in the Hawaiian Islands
- Seeking a paleontological signature for mass extinctions caused by flood basalt eruptions
- Seismic Monitoring of Permafrost During Controlled Thaw: An Active-Source Experiment Using a Surface Orbital Vibrator and Fiber-Optic DAS Arrays
- Seismic Structure Of The Kunlun Stike-Slip Fault Using INDEPTH IV Active-Source Dataset, North Tibet
- Seismicity and structure changes following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
- Selection of Representative Models for Decision Making and Optimization under Geological Uncertainty
- Sensitivities in a game theoretic approach to analyze allocation of water resources in the Nagobo basin, Ghana
- Service-Learning in the Environmental Sciences for Teaching Sustainability Science
- Shaken, Not Stirred: How Tidal Advection and Dispersion Mechanisms Rather Than Turbulent Mixing Impact the Movement and Fate of Aquatic Constituents and Fish in the California Central Valley
- Shape of Titan from Cassini radar elevation measurements and implications for interior structure and composition
- Short-interval repeat ground-based surveys of fugitive emissions from oil production facilities in the Bakken
- Significance of the Eccentricity of the Earth's Magnetic Field for the Magnetosphere and Ionospheric Modification
- Silicic melt evolution in the early Izu-Bonin arc recorded in detrital zircons: Zircon U-Pb geochronology and trace element geochemistry for Site U1438, Amami Sankaku Basin
- Simulating the Earth System Response to Negative Emissions
- Simulator for Large-scale Planetary and Terrestrial Radar Sounding
- Source characteristics of the Fairview, OK, earthquake sequence and its relationship to industrial activities
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Respiration Fluxes from Alpine and Subalpine Soils in the East River Watershed, Colorado
- Spatial gradients in the isotopic composition of paleoprecipitation for terrestrial climate and altimetry studies
- Spatially variable till deformation and water transport in ice-stream shear margins from numerical simulations
- Stable stress drop ratio estimation for potentially induced earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Stencil method: a Markov model for transport in porous media
- Stick-slip Cycles and Tidal Modulation of Ice Stream Flow
- Strategy to Conduct Quantitative Ecohydrologic Analysis of a UNESCO World Heritage Site: the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada
- Stress drop Variability in Mw 5.8 Pawnee earthquake source region in Oklahoma
- Subglacial sediment mechanics investigated by computer simulation of granular material
- Subsidence Serves as an Indicator of Groundwater Arsenic Risk in the San Joaquin Valley, California
- Sun and Shade leaves, SIF, and Photosynthetic Capacity
- Surface reactivity of mercury on the oxygen-terminated hematite(0001) surface: a first-principle study
- Surface uplift and atmospheric flow deflection in the Late Cenozoic southern Sierra Nevada
- TRMM-3B43 Bias Correction over the High Elevations of the Contiguous United States
- Taking advantage of the predictive potential of process-based models for ice exploration
- Telling Anthropocene Tales: Localizing the impacts of global change using data-driven story maps
- Temporal and spatial variations of atmospheric reactive nitrogen deposition and impacts in China
- The Colima volcano magmatic system
- The Effect of Nickel on Iron Isotope Fractionation and the Strength of Iron Alloys
- The Extent to Which Different 100% Clean, Renewable Energy Transition Scenarios can Reduce World Carbon Dioxide Levels to 350-400 ppmv by 2100
- The Fair in Unfair Quantum Ground-state Sampling
- The Impact of Fire on Active Layer Thicknes
- The Impact of Location and Growing Medium on Harvest Yield and Flavor of Basil and Squash Microgreens
- The Impact of Mineralogy on the Geochemical Alteration of Shales During Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
- The Importance of pH, Oxygen, and Bitumen on the Oxidation and Precipitation of Fe(III)-(oxy)hydroxides during Hydraulic Fracturing of Oil/Gas Shales
- The Influence of Oxygen Percentage, Carbon Dioxide Percentage, and Sea Level on the Mean Size and Diversity of Marine Animals during the Cambrian-Neogene Transition
- The Initial Stages of the Guy-Greenbrier, Arkansas, Earthquake Sequence: Induced by Both Wastewater Injection and Hydraulic Fracturing Amid Natural Seismicity
- The Modern Detrital Record of Northern and Central California: Assessing the Propagation of Geochronological and Geochemical Provenance Signals
- The Olsen Rotating Dipole, Revisited
- The Pressure-Induced Structural Response of A<SUB>2</SUB>Hf<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>7</SUB> (A=Y, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Yb) Compounds from 0.1-50 GPa
- The Role of Alpine Wetlands as Hot Spots of Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in the East River, Colorado
- The Role of Grain Dynamics in the Onset of Sediment Transport
- The Role of Political Action and Media in Increasing Public Awareness of Water Scarcity: Combined Effects on Water Use Behavior
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The age of IODP Site 1473, Atlantis Bank: Constraints from initial zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry by SIMS
- The comparison of species longevity and size evolution in fossilized dinosaurs vs. fossilized mammals
- The effects of more extreme rainfall patterns on nitrogen leaching from a field crop system in the upper Midwest, USA
- The far ultraviolet spectrum of Pluto and the discovery of its ionosphere
- The influence of nitrate, nitrite, and dissolved oxygen on uranium oxidation in the presence of a sediment microbial community
- The representation of non-equilibrium soil types in earth system models and its impact on carbon cycle projections
- The role of service learning in teaching and research for disaster-risk reduction
- The value of Sentinel 1 and 2 for agricultural monitoring: lessons learned from a few case studies.
- Till Dynamics Underneath Ice Streams with a Nonlocal Dense Granular Flow Model
- Timing and Nature of Events Leading to the Formation of the Albion-Raft River-Grouse Creek (ARG) Metamorphic Core complex, Northern Great Basin, W. U.S.
- Towards Better Green's Functions for Ground Motion Prediction: A Case Study on the June 10<SUP>th</SUP> Borrego Springs earthquake
- Towards Real-Time Mapping of Smallholder Maize Yields Using Multiple New Sensors
- Towards an avatar for deciphering the modes of three-phase interactions in lava lakes
- Towards forecasting volcanic eruptions on a global scale
- Trading Water Conservation Credits: A Coordinative Approach for Enhanced Urban Water Reliability
- Transition of the Slab Geometry at the Eastern End of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt from Ambient Noise and Earthquake Surface Waves
- TravelingGeologist: an online platform for dissemination of earth science to the masses
- Tsunami Modeling and Prediction Using a Data Assimilation Technique with Kalman Filters
- Underground Injection Control, Hydraulic Fracturing, and Sources of Drinking Water in the Western United States
- Understanding Differences in the Nitrogen Cycle in Low-Oxygen Zones in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Understanding the Effects of Sediment Stratification In Shallow Wave and Current Driven Environments
- Update of the USGS 2016 One-year Seismic Hazard Forecast for the Central and Eastern United States From Induced and Natural Earthquakes
- Updating model parameter sensitivity on contaminant concentration with newly acquired dynamic observations
- Upper-Crustal Structure of the Møre Margin, Offshore-Norway
- Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing to Monitor Large Scale Permafrost Transitions: Preliminary Results from a Controlled Thaw Experiment
- Using Simulated Ground Motions to Constrain Near-Source Ground Motion Prediction Equations in Areas Experiencing Induced Seismicity
- Using deformation rates in Northern Cascadia to constrain time-dependent stress- and slip-rate on the megathrust
- Using passive fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing to estimate soil water content at a discontinuous permafrost site
- Value of Information Analysis for Time-lapse Seismic Data by Simulation-Regression
- Water for Energy: Quantifying Water Use in the United States Energy Economy as of 2014
- Western USA Groundwater Regulation and Infrastructure for Irrigated Agriculture
- Western USA groundwater drilling
- What is the role of laminar cirrus cloud on regulating the cross-tropopause water vapor transport?
- 4-D permafrost thaw observations from ambient road traffic noise and a very dense distributed fiber optic sensing array
- A Continuous Holocene Record of Hydroclimate from Kartchner Cavern, AZ, Supported by Multiyear Dripwater Monitoring
- A New Canopy Integration Factor
- A Soil Service Index: Potential Soil Services to Society under Scenarios of Human Land Use and Population Growth
- A Systematic Assessment of the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Fault Activation Through Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma and Southern Kansas
- A Test Case for the Source Inversion Validation: The 2014 M<SUB>L</SUB> 5.5 Orkney, South Africa Earthquake
- Accounting for Landscape Heterogeneity Improves Spatial Predictions of Tree Vulnerability to Drought
- Adapting to warmer climate through prolonged maize grain filling period in the US Midwest
- Advancing InSAR technology for monitoring the active layer terrestrial water storage and freeze-thaw cycle at Toolik, Alaska
- Agricultural Intensification in the Brazilian Agricultural-Forest Frontier: Land Use Responses to Development and Conservation Policy
- An Image-based Micro-continuum Pore-scale Model for Gas Transport in Organic-rich Shale
- An Iterative Learning Algorithm to Map Oil Palm Plantations from Synthetic Aperture Radar and Crowdsourcing
- An experimental study of the effects of adsorbing and non-adsorbing gases on friction and permeability evolution in clay-rich fault gouge
- An information-theoretic approach to upscaling of hydraulic properties
- Analysis of the Source and Ground Motions from the 2017 M8.2 Tehuantepec and M7.1 Puebla Earthquakes
- Application of New Chorus Wave Model from Van Allen Probe Observations in Earth's Radiation Belt Modeling
- Are extreme hydro-meteorological events a prerequisite for extreme water quality impacts? Exploring climate impacts on inland and coastal waters
- Atmospheric redistribution of reactive nitrogen and phosphorus by wildfires and implications for global carbon cycling
- Attenuation of Chemical Reactivity of Shale Matrixes following Scale Precipitation
- Automatic Earthquake Detection by Active Learning
- Back-Projection Imaging of extended, diffuse seismic sources in volcanic and hydrothermal systems
- Back-Projection Imaging of extended, high-frequency pre-, co-, and post-eruptive seismicity at El Jefe Geyser, El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile
- Baseline Geochemistry of Natural Occurring Methane and Saline Groundwater in an Area of Unconventional Shale Gas Development Through Time
- Blue water tradeoffs with ecosystems in a CO2-enriched climate
- Bridging scales of crustal stress patterns using the new World Stress Map
- Can Computational Sediment Transport Models Reproduce the Observed Variability of Channel Networks in Modern Deltas?
- Can ENSO-like convection force an ENSO-like extratropical response on subseasonal timescales?
- Can Subglacial Meltwater Films Carve Into the till Beneath? Insights from a Coupled Till-Water Model
- Changes in Concurrent Risk of Warm and Dry Years under Impact of Climate Change
- Climate Penalty on Air Quality and Human Health in China and India
- Combining geophysical techniques to measure soil moisture in permafrost regions
- Combining high resolution water use data from smart meters with remote sensing and geospatial datasets to investigate outdoor water demand and greenness changes during drought
- Comparison of In-Person vs. Digital Climate Education Program
- Conduit Stability and Collapse in Explosive Volcanic Eruptions: Coupling Conduit Flow and Failure Models
- Constitutive law for seismicity rate based on rate and state friction: Dieterich 1994 revisited.
- Constraining Basal Conditions across the Amundsen Sea Embayment of West Antarctica using a Synthesis of the PASIN and HiCARS Radar Sounding Data
- Constraining Path-Dependent Processes During Basalt-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Interactions with Observations From Flow-Through and Batch Experiments
- Core Flooding Experiments Combined with X-rays and Micro-PET Imaging as a Tool to Calculate Fluid Saturations in a Fracture
- Correlation Between Echinoidea Size and Threat Level
- Data-driven Simulations of Magnetic Connectivity in Behind-the-Limb Gamma-ray Flares and Associated Coronal Mass Ejections
- Deep Learning @15 Petaflops/second: Semi-supervised pattern detection for 15 Terabytes of climate data
- Deep groundwater quantity and quality in the southwestern US
- Detecting Micro-seismicity and Long-duration Tremor-like Events from the Oklahoma Wavefield Experiment
- Detection and Mapping of the September 2017 Mexico Earthquakes Using DAS Fiber-Optic Infrastructure Arrays
- Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Sedimentary Rocks of the 3.6 - 3.2 Ga Barberton Greenstone Belt: No Evidence for Older Continental Crust
- Development of a life-cycle fugitive methane emissions model utilizing device level emissions and activity factors
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Low Capillary Number Pore Scale Flows
- Driving Processes of Earthquake Swarms: Evidence from High Resolution Seismicity
- Dust ablation laboratory experiments to measure the plasma and light production of meteoroids in the atmosphere
- Earthquake recording at the Stanford DAS Array with fibers in existing telecomm conduits
- Effect of Clay Content and Distribution on NMR T<SUB>2</SUB> Spectra, Porosities, and Hydraulic Conductivities of Synthetic Samples
- Effects of Climate Change and Organic Matter Amendments on the Fate of Soil Carbon and the Global Warming Potential of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions in an Upland Soil
- Effects of Successive Harvests on Soil Nutrient Stocks in Established Tropical Plantation Forests
- Effects of sea-level changes on mid-ocean ridge magmatism and implications for emission rates of carbon.
- Effects of trees on momentum exchange within and above a real urban environment
- Efficient blind search for similar-waveform earthquakes in years of continuous seismic data
- Efficient data assimilation algorithm for bathymetry application
- Empirical Modeling of the Plasmasphere Dynamics Using Neural Networks
- Energy-Based Upscaling of Immiscible Two-Phase flow in Porous Media: Flow Regimes and Applicability Conditions.
- Enhanced Removal of Nutrients and Trace Organics from Urban Runoff with Novel Capture, Treatment, and Recharge Systems
- Estimating the Global Agricultural Impact of Solar Radiation Management using Volcanic Eruptions as Natural Experiments
- Examining the Relationship Between Edaphic Variables and the Rooting System of Abies concolor in the southern Sierra Nevada
- Examining the utility of coral Ba/Ca as a proxy for river discharge and hydroclimate variability at Coiba Island, Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá
- Extraction of AE events to estimate their b values under a triaxial compressive condition Examination using continuous broadband records
- Fault structure in the Nepal Himalaya as illuminated by aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake recorded by the local NAMASTE network
- Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Cohesive Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Flow over Canopies with Complex Morphologies
- Fossil Fuel Industry Funding of Climate-Relevant Research at U.S. Universities
- Fracture network created by 3D printer and its validation using CT images
- Frequency Dependent Macro-dispersion Induced by Oscillatory Inputs and Spatial Heterogeneity
- Full wave field recording of the vertical strain at SAFOD from local, regional and teleseismic earthquakes
- Geochemical anomaly in ancient subduction boundary fault: Trench-parallel heterogeneity in slip behavior caused by variation of mineral composition
- Geospatial Analysis of Near-Term Technical Potential of BECCS in the U.S.
- Geostatistically Trained Simulation-Optimization Linking Fluid Flow and Geomechanics to Mitigate Injection Induced Seismicity in Areas with Known and Unknown Faults
- H/V spectral ratio tomography at Groningen Gas Field
- Having "The Talk": Youth-Parent Climate Conversations
- Heterogeneous benefits of precision nitrogen management over the Midwestern US: evidence from 1,000 fields derived by satellite imagery and crop modeling
- High-Resolution Digitization of the Film Archive of SPRI/NSF/TUD Radar Sounding of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- High-resolution Monthly Satellite Precipitation Product over the Conterminous United States
- Hydrogen-bearing iron peroxide and its implications to the deep Earth
- Hydrogen-bond symmetrization breakdown and dehydrogenation mechanism in FeO<SUB>2</SUB>H at high pressure
- Identifying microbially mediated transformations of DOC across season and tide from simultaneous changes in whole community gene expression and in mass spectra generated by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FTICR-MS)
- Imaging the Moho beneath Sedimentary Basins: A Comparative Study of Virtual Deep Seismic Sounding (VDSS) and P Wave Receiver Functions (PRF)
- Impact of Methane Leak Detection and Repair Programs: Determining Pre- and Post-Survey Emissions Profiles
- InGen Inconsistencies: The "Dinosaurs" Of Jurassic Park May Not Be What The Corporation Claims
- Influence of Melting and Hydrothermal Alteration on Lead in Abyssal Peridotites
- Initiation process of the M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.2 central Tottori, Japan, earthquake on October 21, 2016: Stress transfer due to its largest foreshock of M<SUB>w</SUB> 4.1
- Integral Transform Solution for Scalar Transport in Obstructed Shear Flows
- Interacting Effects of Leaf Water Potential and Biomass on Vegetation Optical Depth
- Interactions between tectonics, silicate weathering, and climate explored with carbon cycle modeling
- Investigating the Spatial Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation over the US
- Iron and aluminum solid phase dynamics and carbon storage across a water balance gradient in volcanic soils
- It's the little things that matter most: The role of volatiles in volcanoes and their magmatic roots
- Large eddy simulation modeling of particle-laden flows in complex terrain
- Leveraging Subsidence in Permafrost with Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products
- Linking remote-sensing and ecosystem services modeling to support and assess management for regenerative grazing in the South Gobi, Mongolia
- Linking the distribution of carbon isotope ratios in soil carbonates and speleothems to climate conditions in the past: A model for the dependence of respiration rate on soil moisture
- Linking variability to trends and functioning
- Lithium deposits hosted in intracontinental rhyolite calderas
- Mantle Earthquakes in Thinned Proterozoic Lithosphere: Harrat Lunayyir, Saudi Arabia
- Mass Transport in Temporally Fluctuating Reactive Systems: Space-time Homogenization and Delayed Response
- Measuring the Impact of Wildfire on Active Layer Thickness in a Discontinuous Permafrost region using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
- Measuring the Large-scale Solar Magnetic Field
- Measuring volatile organic compounds and stable isotopes emitted from trees and soils of the Biosphere 2 Rainforest
- Melt focusing and geochemical evolution at mid-ocean ridges: simulations of reactive two-phase flow
- Mission Concept to Connect Magnetospheric Physical Processes to Ionospheric Phenomena
- Modeling Gas Slug Break-up in the Lava Lake at Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
- Modeling Geomagnetic Variations using a Machine Learning Framework
- Modeling earthquake magnitudes from injection-induced seismicity on rough faults
- Modeling reproducibility of porescale multiphase flow experiments
- Modeling the Horizontally Averaged Wind Profile Within and Above the Urban Canopy Layer
- Modelling the initiation of basal sliding
- Multi-Index Attribution of Beijing's 2013 "Airpocalypse"
- Multi-Sourced Satellite Observations of Land Cover and Land Use Change in South and Southeast Asia with Challenging Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts
- Multiscale Modeling of Poromechanics in Geologic Media
- Multiscale analysis of deforestation risk due to commodity crop expansion in sub-Saharan Africa and the role of non-industrial producers
- Near-Infrared Imaging for Spatial Mapping of Organic Content in Petroleum Source Rocks
- Near-field observations of microearthquake source physics using dense array
- Neogene interaction of the westerlies and high topography north of the Plateau: Implications for Central Asia paleoclimate
- Neoglacial Antarctic sea-ice expansion driven by mid-Holocene retreat of the Ross Ice Shelf.
- New Frontiers in Characterization of Sub-Catalog Microseismicity: Utilizing Inter-Event Waveform Cross Correlation for Estimating Precise Locations, Magnitudes, and Focal Mechanisms of Tiny Earthquakes
- Nonuniform subduction of the Indian crust beneath the Himalayas
- Novel Bacterial Proteins and Lipids Reveal the Diversity of Triterpenoid Biomarker Synthesis
- Observed Trends in West Coast Atmospheric River Temperatures
- Obtaining Global Picture From Single Point Observations by Combining Data Assimilation and Machine Learning Tools
- Of Detection Limits and Effective Mitigation: The Use of Infrared Cameras for Methane Leak Detection
- Oil Palm Expansion in the Brazilian Amazon (2006-2014): Effects of the 2010 Sustainable Oil Palm Production Program
- On the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Wettability of Reservoir Rocks: Addressing Conflicting Information
- On the spatial coherence of temperature within and above a vineyard under drainage conditions
- Optimization of Emissions Sensor Networks Incorporating Tradeoffs Between Different Sensor Technologies
- Pairing Coral Geochemical Analyses with an Ecosystem Services Model to Assess Drivers and Impacts of Sediment Delivery within Micronesia's Largest Estuary, Ngeremeduu Bay
- Partitioning Concentration-Discharge Patterns of Weathering Products from Monolithologic Catchments to Global Rivers
- Patterns of Late Quaternary hydrologic variability and atmospheric change inferred from a Northern California speleothem
- Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the O2 A-Band in Support of Remote Sensing
- Physics-based forecasting of earthquake hazards associated with induced seismicity in north-central Oklahoma and southern Kansas
- Predicting Bacteria Removal by Enhanced Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) at the Watershed Scale
- Predicting the Magnetic Properties of ICMEs: A Pragmatic View
- Predictive modeling of mosquito abundance and dengue transmission in Kenya
- Progress toward improving regional atmospheric inversions using airborne measurements: Results from ACT-America
- Provenance of the exotic Northern Sierra terrane (North American Cordillera) based on U-Pb detrital zircon data
- Reactive alteration of Mt. Simon sandstone during CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich brine injection: A coupled experimental and modeling study
- Recovery of Methane Consumption by Secondary Forests in the Amazon River Basin
- Retrieve Ground Deformation Associated with Cascadia Slow Slip Events Using Sentinel-1 Data
- Revisiting Temporal Markov Chains for Continuum modeling of Transport in Porous Media
- Rightsizing expectations for carbon dioxide removal towards ambitious climate goals
- Riverine Bathymetry Imaging with Indirect Observations
- Robust changes in the socio-climate risk over CONUS by mid 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Robust stress drop estimates for induced earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Root Systems of Individual Plants, and the Biotic and Abiotic Factors Controlling Their Depth and Distribution: a Synthesis Using a Global Database.
- Sea Level Rise Drove Enhanced Coastal Erosion following the Last Glacial Maximum, Southern California, U.S.A.
- Seawater Li and Be isotope records and the spatial and temporal partitioning of denudation as driver of late Neogene cooling
- Segregation-mobility feedback for bidisperse shallow granular flows: Towards understanding segregation in geophysical flows
- Seismic Characterization of the Terrebonne Mini-basin, a Hydrate Rich Depositional System in the Gulf of Mexico
- Seismic Imaging of the West Napa Fault in Napa, California
- SeismoDome: Sonic and visual representation of earthquakes and seismic waves in the planetarium
- Separating non-diffuse component from ambient seismic noise cross-correlation in southern California
- Shifting fire regimes alter soil carbon and nutrient storage at the global scale: historical trends and future projections
- Shifting patterns of ENSO variability from a 492-year South Pacific coral core
- Shorter Harvest Cycles Counteract Increasing Annual Productivity in Industrial Plantation Forests: Trends from Three Decades of Remote Sensing in Southeastern Brazil
- Significant Variation of Post-critical SsPmp Amplitude as a Result of Variation in Near-surface Velocity: Observations from the Yellowknife Array
- Simulation of Deep Convective Clouds with the Dynamic Reconstruction Turbulence Closure
- Slip Potential of Faults in the Fort Worth Basin
- Source Parameter Variability of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in Japan's Subduction Zones
- Source characterization of a small earthquake cluster at Edmond, Oklahoma using a very dense array
- Stability Analysis of Algebraic Reconstruction for Immersed Boundary Methods with Application in Flow and Transport in Porous Media
- Stellite-based classification of tillage practices in the U.S.
- Stop saving the planet! Carbon accounting of superheroes and their impacts on climate change
- Stress Regime in the Nepalese Himalaya from Recent Earthquakes.
- Structure and tectonics of the Main Himalayan Thrust and associated faults from recent earthquake and seismic imaging studies using the NAMASTE array
- Sub-core permeability and relative permeability characterization with Positron Emission Tomography
- Subsidence from an artificial permafrost warming experiment.
- The Effect of Fluid and Solid Properties on the Auxetic Behavior of Porous Materials Having Rock-like Microstructures
- The Effect of Nickel on Iron Isotope Fractionation and Implications for the Earth's Core
- The Efforts of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee to Use NASA Research in Education and Outreach
- The Emergence of Kinked Flux Tubes as the Source of Delta-Spots on the Photosphere
- The Evolution of Land Plants and the Silicate Weathering Feedback
- The Limits of Earthquake Early Warning for Finite Ruptures
- The Triassic upwelling system of Arctic Alaska
- The complex Chukchi Borderland region as part of the Arctic Alaska extended margin
- The influence of a rocky reef and giant kelp on the cross-shelf propagation of nearshore internal bores
- The last deglacial retreat history of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet recorded in sediments from off the Wilkes Land Coast
- The pressure-induced structural response of rare earth hafnate and stannate pyrochlore from 0.1-50 GPa
- The role of modifier cation field strength, oxygen speciation and network cation interaction in pressure-induced structural changes of silicate melts and glasses: <SUP>27</SUP>Al, and <SUP>11</SUP>B MAS NMR studies
- Thermodynamic Cconstraints on Coupled Carbonate-Pyrite Weathering Dynamics and Carbon Fluxes
- Thermomechanical earthquake cycle simulations with rate-and-state friction and nonlinear viscoelasticity
- Thirst for Power: Energy, Water and Human Survival
- Titanium zoning and diffusion chronometry reveal dynamic and late-stage quartz growth in the Youngest Toba Tuff, Indonesia
- Topography Estimation of the Core Mantle Boundary with ScS Reverberations and Diffraction Waves
- Toward global crop type mapping using a hybrid machine learning approach and multi-sensor imagery
- Towards Better Simulation of US Maize Yield Responses to Climate in the Community Earth System Model
- Towards the next generation of climate change assessment: learning from past experiences to inform a sustainable future
- Tracking Emissions of Methane Leaks from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in California
- Tracking big and small agriculture with new satellite sensors
- Two Case Studies to Quantify Resilience across Food-Energy-Water Systems: the Columbia River Treaty and Adaptation in Yakima River Basin Irrigation Systems
- Two-stream Convolutional Neural Network for Methane Emissions Quantification
- Understanding the Differences in the Nitrogen Cycle in the Seasonal Low-Oxygen Zone in the Saanich Inlet of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
- Unprecedented rates of land-use transformation in modeled climate change mitigation pathways
- Using Heat Pulses for Quantifying 3d Seepage Velocity in Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions, Considering Source Size, Regime, and Dispersion
- Using Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture to Estimate Fire Risk in Tropical Peatlands
- Using Satellite Data to Identify the Causes of and Potential Solutions for Yield Gaps in India's Wheat Belt
- Vegetation optical depth measured by microwave radiometry as an indicator of tree mortality risk
- Verification of a Schumann Resonance Inversion Method for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units
- Vertically-Integrated Dual-Continuum Models for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection in Fractured Aquifers
- Visualizing and measuring flow in shale matrix using in situ synchrotron X-ray microtomography
- Waves in the middle and upper atmosphere of Mars as seen by the Radio Science Experiment MaRS on Mars Express
- What goes up might come down: Backflow in the conduits of persistently degassing volcanoes and ramifications for melt-inclusion analysis
- kISMET: Stress analysis and intermediate-scale hydraulic fracturing at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- Drought, water conservation, and water demand rebound in California
- 1-cm Resolution Seafloor Surveys Combining Wide Swath Lidar, Multibeam Sonar, Stereo Cameras, and INS on an Articulating ROV Toolsled
- A Clumped-Isotope Study of Modern and Last Glacial Terrestrial Gastropod Shells
- A Geospatial Assessment of the Water Consumed and Withdrawn for US Fossil Fuel Production
- A New Analytical Chorus Wave Model Derived from Van Allen Probe Observations
- A New Vibrational Analysis with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy using Supervised Machine Learning
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on direct air capture, carbon mineralization, and carbon sequestration
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on terrestrial technologies
- A River-Network Bedload Model to Explore the Effects of Perturbations on Sediment Fluxes Along Fluvial Systems
- A Sedimentary record from Burial lake, AK, reveals a covariance between erosion rate, permafrost thaw, and climate
- A Singular-Value Decomposition of Closure Phase from InSAR Phase Triplets: Potential for Improved InSAR Time-Series Analysis, and Soil Moisture Time-Series Analysis
- A Statistical Analysis between Observed Coronal Holes during the Descending Phase of Solar Cycles 23 and 24 and the PFSS Model
- A combined neural network- and physics-based approach for modeling the plasmasphere dynamics during extreme geomagnetic events
- A ground-breaking method to map peat thickness and detect the carbon pool of Indonesian peatlands.
- A mechanism for oxygen concentration change in Fe<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> and FeO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A multi-stakeholder framework for demonstrating equivalence between regulatory and alternative leak detection and repair programs
- A new model for Antarctic subglacial lakes
- A nonparametric approach for estimating high-resolution fuel moisture content across the Western United States using synthetic aperture radar
- A spatially distributed framework to quantify nature's contribution to mitigating basin-scale flood hazards
- Accelerated Simulation of Multiphase Flow at the Pore Scale
- Accelerating Creep in Northern Japan due to Erosion of Locked Asperities in the Decade Prior to the M9 Tohoku Earthquake
- Advances in Experimental Microfluidics for Improved Pore-Scale Understanding of Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes
- Aligning Research and Management with Groundwater Sustainable Yield Policy for the Protection of Hawaii's Water Future
- An Airborne Radar Sounding Instrument Concept for Characterizing Water Storage in Greenland's Porous Ice and Firn
- An Improved UAV-Based Fog Collector for Local-Scale Aerobiological Sampling
- An ecologically based approach to terrestrial primary production
- Analysis of Coronal Holes in the Descending Phase of Cycles 23 and 24 Using EUV and Magnetic Field Data
- Analyzing Lithologic and Tectonic Controls on Erosion Rates in the Min Shan Region of Eastern Tibet
- Approximate Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of Sedimentary Processes Using Multiple-point Geostatistics
- Are Sky Long Water Things Warming Up?
- Assessing the deep Geometry of the Los Angeles Basin Using Multimode Surface Waves and Full H/V Spectral Ratio
- Atmospheric observations inform roles of climatic drivers in controlling NEE variations at seasonal and sub-seasonal scales
- Attenuation Estimation with Uncertainty Based on Seismic Noise Interferometry: Application to a Dense Array in Groningen, Netherlands
- Backflow in Volcanic Conduits May Contribute to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Content in Melt Inclusions
- Bathymetry estimation using deep learning techniques
- Beyond Direct Economic Loss: Context for Sea Level Rise Planning in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Biosynthesis of GDGT cyclopentane rings in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
- Broadband Ground Motion and Variability from 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations along the Wasatch Fault, Utah, incorporating both Stochastic Fault Roughness and Deterministic Long-wavelength Geometry
- Building a crystal ball for predicting crop production: empirical vs. process-based modeling, and short-term vs. long-term prediction
- Carbon dioxide removal via Direct Air Capture combined with rapid mineralization of CO2, the road ahead
- Cenozoic Geologic Constraints on Hydroclimate Sensitivity from Paleosol Carbonate Stable Isotopes
- Cenozoic thermal and topographic evolution of the northern Great Basin, western U.S.
- Characterization of an Enhanced Geothermal System Using Bayesian Evidential Learning
- Characterizing the onset of fast flow at Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Climate, Land Use, Flood Control Infrastructure, and Extreme Floods in the Conterminous United States
- ClimateWIse: illuminating landscape hydrology in the montane tropics through interviews, data analysis, and multi-scale modeling
- Climatic and tectonic controls of erosion in the eastern end of Himalaya
- Cloud Removal in Hyperspectral Satellite Images Using Deep Learning
- Clumped isotope systematics in lacustrine and fluvial carbonates: A tool for paleoclimate, paleohydrology, and paleoaltimetry
- Coastal erosion and divide migration within the Santa Lucia Mountains, California
- Combined Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning for Tomography
- Communicating and Visualizing Uncertainty by Dynamic Implicit Modeling: A Case in Mineral Resources Assessment
- Community Adoption and Rejection of Building Code Standards for Wildfires
- Comparisons of Aerial and Ground-based Infrared Leak Detection Camera Surveys at Oil and Gas Wells
- Conjoined Flux Ropes: A New Mechanism for Filament-Channel Formation at External Polarity Inversion Lines
- Constraining phase separation in magma reservoirs from field observations and modeling
- Constraining the Englacial and Basal Thermal State Beneath the Dome Fuji Region, East Antarctica Using Airborne Radar Sounding Data
- Continuous near-surface imaging with a fiber-optic array beneath Stanford University
- Crack models of repeating earthquakes predict observed moment-recurrence scaling
- Crosslink Occultations for Probing the Planetary Atmosphere and Ionosphere of Mars
- Decarbonizing the pipeline: implications of a renewable natural gas standard
- Deep Critical Zone Architecture of Perpendicular Ridges in a Northern Maryland Piedmont Catchment as Imaged by Seismic Tomography
- Deep Learning to Classify Methane Leak Size At Oil and Gas Facilities
- Dependence of the Global Burden of Aerosol-Driven Societal Impacts on the Geographic Location of Emissions
- Detecting and Characterizing Natural Gas Leaks from Single-Family Homes in Northern California
- Developing a Regional-scale Photosynthetic Carbon Flux Estimation Framework using Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements and a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Approach
- Different "Flavors" of Atmospheric Rivers: Moisture or Wind-Dominated?
- Differentiation of basalts of the Harrat Rahat volcanic field, Saudi Arabia
- Does having recycled water affect conservation behavior? Assessing nonresidential urban irrigation during drought
- Drivers of Deforestation in Peru: Impacts of Public and Private Governance
- Drought Risks to Electricity Sector Emissions and Emissions-Reduction Targets in the Western U.S.
- Early Industry and Interstate Highway Legacy Metal Contamination in Urban Systems
- Earthquake catalog reconstruction from analog seismograms: Application to the Rangely Experiment microfilms
- Economic analysis of valuation impacts to existing global oil projects in a carbon constrained world
- Effect of Capillary Induced Flow on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Plume Migration
- Effects of Land Use Change on Soil Moisture Dynamics in Tropical Peatlands
- Energetic IC Lightning Prediction Model for GLM Data
- Ensemble Kalman Filter Outperforms Optimal Interpolation in Tsunami Waveform Assimilation
- Estimating the Depth to the Water Table from Airborne Electromagnetic Data.
- Estimating the global flux of carbonyl sulphide (COS) between soils and the atmosphere: the key role of soil nitrogen
- Evaluating Impact of Differential Climate Change in California through a Spatially and Temporally Disaggregated Weather Generator
- Evaluating Prospects for Oil Palm Expansion Across Latin America
- Evaluation of Water Security in Jordan using a Multi-Agent Hydroeconomic Model: Climate, Crises, and Stability.
- Evapotranspiration in the Congo Basin Determined by a Remotely Sensed Water Balance
- Examining the tradeoffs of "fast OGI" in methane detection between survey speed and gas captured
- Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Waves in the Solar Corona Observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
- FAST: a data mining approach to large-scale earthquake detection
- Five- and Six-Coordinated Silicon in Alkali Silicate Glasses: Pressure, Temperature, and Compositional Effects
- Food Grows where Groundwater Flows: California Grapples with Chronic Water Scarcity
- Forecasts of Induced Seismicity and its Hazard from a Hydromechanical Earthquake Nucleation Model
- Formation of the El Laco magmatic magnetite deposits by Fe-Si melt immiscibility and bubbly suspension flow along volcano tectonic faults
- Frequent burning alters the composition and activity of microbial communities in soils by changing soil chemistry and plant traits
- Fully consistent modeling of deformation and dike induced seismicity: Application to the 2014 Bardarbunga dike, Iceland.
- Future changes of the most extreme atmospheric river driven storm events over the U.S. west coast with multi-scale simulations
- Gaseous Carbon Waste Streams Utilization: Status and Research Needs
- Generation of canopy structure and fluorescence products by the combined use of DSCOVR/EPIC and TROPOMI observations
- George A. Thompson: How unabated curiosity about Earth's topography led us deep into the crust and mantle
- High-energy gamma-ray solar flare observations with Fermi-LAT
- How Important are Marsh Properties for Assessing Flood Mitigation Benefits?
- Human-Centered Design in the Age of Climate Change
- HydroTrade-A New Concept for the Evolving Urban Water Infrastructure Model
- Image-based multiscale formulation for pore-scale compressible Darcy-Stokes flow
- Impact of Changes in Land Use and Land Management on Nitrogen Loading Within the Continental United States
- Impact of wind turbines and wind coupling to the seismic field
- Impacts on Maize and Wheat Crops of Alternative Warming Scenarios
- Improving Linkages Between Earth Observations and Ecosystem Service Models with Essential Biodiversity Variables
- In situ observations of near-bed turbulence and cohesive sediment transport
- In situ time-resolved XRD of shock-compressed Fe to 200 GPa
- Inferring Bolide Pre-entry Parameters Using Deep Neural Networks
- Inflationary deformation accompanying collapse/explosion events at Kilauea summit: the role of elastic rebound
- Integrating Earth Observations and Ecosystem Services Modeling for Monitoring and Planning in Rangeland Systems
- Integrating Earth Observations into Ecosystem Services Models: Challenges and Opportunities from Producers, Users and Decision Makers
- Integrating changes in temperature variability into climate damage projections
- Integrating satellite and climate data to predict wheat yield in Australia using machine learning approaches
- Investigation of Muskrat Reliance on Hydrologically Mediated Critical Habitat in a Northern Boreal Delta
- Iron mediated oxidation of dissolved organic carbon in arctic soils
- Joint Uncertainty Quantification on Spatial and Global Hydrogeological Models: An Application to Danish Groundwater Management
- Landscape-Scale Variation in Redwood Response to Climate Variability
- Large-eddy simulations and turbulence statistics of the hurricane boundary layer
- Lateral variation of the Main Himalayan Thrust in the source area of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Layer-Optimized Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing for Slope Detection and Estimation
- Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation from the Radiation Belts: Regions of Significance for LEP as a loss process
- Machine Learning for Data Validation and Natural Event Detection using NASA GIBS Earth Satellite Imagery
- Managing Urban-use Pesticides with Enhanced Green Infrastructure on the Watershed Scale
- Mapping Nature's Contributions to People Globally: High Resolution Ecosystem Services Modeling of Socio-Economic Pathways for the IPBES
- Mapping Saltwater Intrusion with an Airborne Electromagnetic Method in the Offshore Coastal Environment, Monterey Bay, California
- Mapping Smallholder Yields Using Landsat and Micro-Satellite Data
- Mapping geochemistry onto geophysics to understand the architecture of shale weathering in the shallow subsurface
- Mapping the yields of major crops in Sub-Saharan African smallholder farming system
- Mass transport driven by dynamic boundary conditions
- Measuring the impact of high-tide floods on local economic activity
- Mid-Miocene Transition from Rigid to Soft Plate Tectonics in the Northern Tibetan Plateau: A Lookback after 20 Years of Tests
- Modeling Tectonic Uplift as a Mechanism for Destabilization of Gas Hydrate
- Moho Depth of the Ordos Block in North China from Lithospheric-Mantle-Corrected Virtual Deep Seismic Sounding (VDSS)
- Multi-Instrument Synthesis of Radar Sounding Observations of the Thwaites Glacier and Pine Island Glacier Catchments, West Antarctica
- Multi-Static Observations Using a Stationary Phase Sensitive Ice Penetrating Radar to Constrain Temperature and Water-Content Anomalies Across Shear Margins
- Multi-scale signatures of climate change on landslide susceptibility: a case study for the Pacific Coast of the United States
- Multimodal imaging and simulation for improved quantification of effective porosity and surface area in basalt carbon storage reservoirs
- National Climate Assessment IV, Chapter 17: Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
- Navigating a Flood of Information: An Evaluation Framework for Integrating Climate Data and Uncertainty into Water Planning
- Nearshore Bathymetry Estimation using Batch Inversion from UAS Based Observations
- Net Biosphere Exchange in Recent Past: Uncertainty Comparison Between Model-Data Fusion and Earth System Models
- Net Soil Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO in a Mesocosm Experiment with Incipient Basaltic Tephra
- Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems
- O<SUB>2</SUB> as AN Alternative to CO<SUB>2</SUB> for Analyzing Global Photosynthesis
- Observed Changes in Measures Associated with Wildfire Risk in California
- Particle Acceleration and Transport in Solar Flares and Associated CME Shocks
- Passive Source Reverse-Time Migration Based on Wavefield Normalized Cross-Correlation Imaging Condition Using a Hybrid Method
- Persistent Scatterer Density by Image Resolution and Terrain Type
- Physics-Based Forecasting of Human-Induced Earthquake Hazards in Oklahoma and Kansas
- Plant phenologic controls on soil respiration response to pulse wetting events in an alpine meadow, East River, CO, USA
- Potential exoplanetary system science with the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope Coronagraph Instrument
- Precursors of Magnetic Flux Emergence in the Moat Flows of Active Region AR12673
- Predicting Agricultural Production in California Using Satellite Data and Machine Learning
- Prediction and Explanation of Changes in Rock Properties by Modeling Rock Dissolution and Morphological Transformations in Micro-CT Images
- Preliminary next-generation stress map of the central and eastern USA
- Probabilistic Flood Hazard Mapping for Urban Risk Analysis
- Progress Towards a Near-Real-Time Far-side Magnetic Flux Data Product
- Quantifying the Effect of Farmer Management Decisions on Maize Yield in Zambia
- Quantifying the economic opportunity for afforestation and reforestation in Maryland (USA) using high resolution carbon monitoring products
- Quantifying the historical intensity and spatial extent of extreme tropical cyclone precipitation
- Quantifying the role of off-fault plastic failure in reconciling differing geodetic and geologic slip rates along the San Andreas fault in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA using thermochronology and finite element modeling
- Quantifying underlying trends in Twitter posts during Hurricane Irma
- Random walks for quantifying the uncertainty in the flow response in heterogeneous media
- Reachability Analysis as a Design Tool for Stormwater Systems: Towards Planning in the Presence of Stochastic Surface Runoff
- Realistic 3D MHD modeling of the emerging magnetic flux and corona
- Realistic Watershed Restoration Provides Small Streamflow Response
- Reduced 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Pacific Decadal Variability in a Five Century-long Coral Reconstruction
- Regional Aerosol Impacts in India from Local and Non-Local Sources and their Implications for Emissions Accounting
- Reimagining AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices
- Reliability of Wind Energy Supply in High-demand Times using Multivariate Dynamic Risk Frameworks
- Response of flood magnitude to changes in snow precipitation across the western United States
- Rethinking return levels: Towards a meaningful assessment of flood risk in a changing climate
- Retrieving Ground Deformation Associated with Cascadia Slow Slip Events Using Sentinel-1 Data
- Searching for Brittle-Failure Earthquakes in the Mantle Lithosphere beneath Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia
- Seismic Imaging of the West Napa Fault in Napa, California
- Shear Heating and the Brittle-Ductile Transition: Thermomechanical Earthquake Cycle Simulations on Continental Strike-Slip Faults
- Simulating Meteor Ablation using Molecular Dynamics
- Simulating a VLF Radio Network for Spatial Estimates of D-region Enhancement from Energetic Precipitation Events
- Simulation of Fluvial Patterns Using Generative Adversarial Networks and a Database of Satellite Images
- South Pacific Coral Skeletal Carbon Isotope Evidence for Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Affects on Calcification
- Space- and Ground-based Measurements of Radiation Belt Precipitation: Extending the Capabilities of CubeSats and Radars
- Spatial Integration of Modeled, Remotely-sensed, and Field Surveyed Building Damage Data to Support Post-Earthquake Response and Recovery Decisions
- Spetra and Abundances of Flare and CME-Shock Accelerated He and Heavy Ions
- Subglacial Channelization Through Till Deformation and Failure at the Shear Margin
- Suppression of bottom drag by waves and sediment stratification in wave-current estuarine environments
- Systems modeling and optimization of groundwater recharge using stormwater, recycled water, and existing spreading basins: Planning methods and California case study
- Team-based community outreach: A tool for developing scientific identity and social belonging in trainees and promoting geoscience literacy
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions
- The East River, Colorado Community Watershed: Hydrobiogeochemical Studies Spanning Scales and Disciplines
- The ExaHyPE Hyperbolic PDE-Engine: Novel DG Methods for Seismic Wave Propagation in Alpine Regional Areas.
- The Expanded Use of MAS Solid-State NMR on Transition Metal-Rich Silicate Glasses
- The First EGS Collab Testbed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility - Discrete Fracture Network Characterization
- The Impact of Pore-Scale Flow Regimes on Upscaling of Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: Theory and Validation
- The Link Between Measured NMR Parameters and Clay Content and Distribution
- The Role of Eddy-Eddy Interactions in Sudden Stratospheric Warming Formation
- The Role of Modeling Frameworks in Assessing New Methane Leak Detection Protocols
- The Simplified Parallelized InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (SPISCE)
- The Use of Advanced Technologies to Design and Implement Groundwater Policy in California
- The dynamic role of volatiles in igneous systems: a perspective from reactive transport modeling
- The persistence of root carbon in soil: data and modeling gaps
- The potential and dynamics of soil carbon storage during soil development: a global synthesis of chronosequence studies
- The subseasonal extratropical response to El Niño/Southern Oscillation
- The value of measuring and mapping montane urbanization
- Thermal history of phenocrysts during mafic injection resolved by granular-scale simulations
- Thermally activated sliding in ice sheet flow
- Time-lapse imaging of a controlled permafrost thaw experiment with strongly non-stationary vehicle noise and a 4,000 component distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) array
- Tomographic Image of S-Wave Structure of NE India Based on Analysis of Rayleigh Wave
- Toward rapid characterization of the 2016 Central Apennines, Italy earthquake sequence: a case study
- Tracking Flows and Disturbances in Coronagraph Data
- Transaction costs and third-party impacts with and without proposed legal changes in Colorado's prior appropriation water markets
- Uncertainty reduction of global and spatial parameters with borehole data using Bayesian Evidential Learning
- Understanding the Impacts of Proximity to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in the United States Through Computational Modeling
- Understanding the Impacts of Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Loads on Food-Energy-Water Security in Remote Arctic Communities
- Unexpected Rhyolites: A Microanalytical Isotopic Investigation of Rhyolitic Domes at Krafla, Iceland based on
- Unraveling the Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus for California's Urban Water Future
- Urbanization Dynamics in the United States and India: Assessing Growth Patterns from Landsat Time-Series
- Using Principal Oscillation Patterns to represent stratosphere-troposphere interactions
- Validation and development of multiphase reservoir simulations with controlled source electromagnetics
- Variable ascent rates in persistently degassing volcanoes as a consequence of flow switching in the conduit
- Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Segmentation of Cropland in Remote Sensing Imagery
- What We Know And Don't Know About The Influence Of Weather on Indian Agriculture
- When Floods Hit the Road: Commute Disruption due to Coastal Flooding and Sea Level Rise in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Within-Species Variation in Allocation and Tissue Traits Across Large Aridity Gradients
- Zircon Geochemistry at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge: Implications for Magmatic Accretion at Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- 2D to 3D Geometrical Transform: Estimation of Material Properties from 2D Images
- A Continuum-scale Representation of Residual CO2 Redistribution by Ostwald Ripening in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
- A Mixing Model with Geometry Coefficient for Evaluating the Effective Permittivity of a Three-Phase Mixture
- A Partially-Correlated SAR Interferometric Model: Addressing Closure Phase Ambiguities and Variable Soil Moisture States
- A benchmark problem set for the simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces
- A meta-analysis of global nitrous oxide emission from mangrove ecosystems: Long-term prediction and adaptation strategies
- A microfluidic platform for assessing reaction and transport in fractured shale media
- A new Tiered Observing System for Methane Emission Quantification in the US Southern San Joaquin Valley.
- A new continuum model for till consistent with granular mechanics
- A new look at smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for studying caldera formation
- A novel clustering workflow to do data mining on CO2/water coreflooding data
- A sub-decadal record of East Antarctic biological productivity, and ocean-ice interactions over the Holocene from an ultra-expanded continental shelf sediment drift.
- Actionable knowledge and the art of engagement
- Addressing Network Autocorrelation Issue in Environmental Migration Flow Modeling using Eigenvector Spatial Filtering and a Network Model
- Advancing the Use of InSAR Data through Integration with Geophysical Data
- Advancing the use of Earth Observations in ecosystem service modeling for natural capital accounting in Costa Rica
- Aftershock Productivity of Large Intermediate Depth Earthquakes
- Agricultural vulnerability to changing snowmelt
- Aligning climate and health benefits in power plant siting and retirement decisions
- An end-to-end earthquake monitoring method for joint earthquake detection and association using deep learning
- An extraordinary record of Anthropocene stratigraphy from the San Francisco Peninsula, California, USA
- An intermediate bulk crustal composition of the Slave Craton: Is it a surprise?
- Analysis of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar eruption age and diffusion relaxation of Sr zoning in apatite to constrain the timing and processes of post-shield volcanism at Kohala volcano, HI
- Analysis of Detection Sensitivity for the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) to Potential Europa Plumes
- Anomalous Topography, Bathymetry, Crust and Mantle in the North Atlantic Region
- Application of Digital Volume Correlation and X-ray Computed Tomography Reveal Shale Geomechanical Properties at Elevated Temperature
- Applications of Deep Neural Network to Near-shore Bathymetry with Sparse Measurements
- Applying Machine Learning to Improve Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Forecasts
- Are redundant interferograms really redundant? On the use of redundant interferograms to reduce decorrelation noise
- Assessing Magma Storage and Ascent Records from Volatiles in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Assessing and Mitigating Triggers Releasing Geogenic Contaminants to Groundwater
- Assessing existing and future dam impacts on the connectivity of freshwater fish ranges worldwide
- Assessing the evidence basis for forest soil carbon accounting
- Astrobiology and Landscape Ecology: Never the twain shall meet? Lessons learned from FELDSPAR's Iceland volcanic analog sites
- Atmospheric Restoration: Removing Methane and Nitrous Oxide from Our Air
- Attribution of Historical Terrestrial Carbon Uptake due to Climate Change
- Automating iceberg detection in Greenland using deep learning on high to moderate-resolution optical imagery
- Axial Volcano: How earthquakes respond to periodic tidal stress changes
- Bayesian Evidential Learning to Assess Data Worth for Uncertainty Quantification in Hydrothermal Modeling
- Biogeochemical-Hydrological Mobilization of Zinc in Montane Floodplains
- Biome Type Affects the Seasonal Temperature Responses of Alaskan Ecosystem Carbon Balance: A Geostatistical Inversion Study
- Breakdown Pressure of Green River Shale With sc-CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Water Monitored Using X-ray Computed Tomography
- Breathing Soils: Implications of Small-Scale Spatial Variations in Seasonal Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Respiration in a Rocky Mountain Subalpine Meadow
- Bringing diverse datasets on societal vulnerability and resilience into assessments of post-disaster recovery needs
- Calcite Phase Transitions and Melting Under Shock Loading and Release Using Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction
- Can stream junction angles reliably predict slope and area relationships of branched channel networks?
- Cenozoic hydroclimate and ecosystem evolution in the John Day region, Oregon, USA
- Characterizing farm-scale variability in maize yields in West Africa by integrating optical and passive microwave earth observation data with a process model
- Characterizing variability in hydraulic traits in co-occurring western subalpine conifers to improve drought response predictions
- Climate, human population density, and land cover link the distributions of two globally important dengue vectors from local to continental scales
- Coalition for Public Understanding of Science (COPUS): Building a scientific citizenry one person at a time
- Coherent low frequency seismic signatures of unsteady eruptions predicted from numerical conduit flow models
- Colonial Dynamics Shape Climate Adaptation Financing in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
- Combined Treatment of Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares and Associated CME Shocks
- Community Stakeholder Perspectives Following the 2017 and 2018 Wildfires in California
- Community use of persistent sample identifiers and metadata standards: supporting efficient data management in the field, laboratory, and online
- Comparing a Delta Numerical Model to a Flume Experiment using Monte Carlo Simulations and Graph Theory
- Connected and unstable - Object-based modeling of slope failure improves catchment-scale landslide and runout assessments
- Consistent modeling of deformation and seismicity: Lessons from the 2014 Bárðarbunga dike, Iceland
- Constraining methane emission pathways via model structure selection and parameter estimation with flux and concentration data in a northern peatland
- Consumption change detection for urban planning: monitoring and segmenting water customers during drought
- Creating A Training Data Set For A Convolutional Neural Network Classifier To Map Landslides
- Crustal Structure in the Turkish-Iranian-Caucasus Region from Magnetic Data
- Crustal shear-wave velocity anisotropy measurements determined from P-wave receiver functions: A possible new tool for determining upper crustal stress orientation
- Crustal structure of the Nepalese Himalaya revealed by receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion
- Crystal alignment constrains the conduit flow regime at Kilauea, Hawai'i
- Crystal fractionation by crystal-driven convection
- Cultivating a Cohort of Change Agents: Launching Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences Curricula at Stanford University
- Deciphering the Solutes Production and Transport Processes in Asian Monsoonal Rivers from Concentration-Discharge Relationships
- Deep Learning and Multimodality Imaging to Improve Shale Fabric Characterization
- Deep Marine Turbidites During the Early Eocene Hothouse Highstand
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Disaster Response: Navigating the Dynamic Emergency Vehicle and Rescue Team Dispatch during a Flood
- Design and fabrication of a micro-sized channel to investigate the motion of long bubbles in porous media
- Designing an Intelligent Agent for Solving Inverse Problems in the Geosciences
- Detecting Damaged Buildings Vulnerable to Rainfall Flooding Using Optical Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning
- Detecting Dams with Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning for a More Sustainable Freshwater Future
- Detecting and Quantifying Methane Emissions from Oil Refineries in California
- Detection of inundated vegetation using ALOS-1 L-Band over 2006-2010: Testing over conterminous USA
- Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Mudstone Geochemistry Evidence for Tectonic History of the San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault
- Development of Energy Models with Limited Data to Optimize Use and Benefits of Renewable Energy Resources in Isolated Food-Energy-Water Systems: A Remote Alaska Community Example
- Development of a Reliable Hydraulic Conductivity Upscaling Tool for High Dimensional Groundwater Flow Models
- Direct forecasting of local hydraulic conductivity using combined geophysical and hydrological data: Application to well catchment predictions in Danish aquifer system
- Discovery of Long-Period Magnetic Field Oscillations and Motions in Isolate Sunspot
- Disentangling the regional climate impacts of competing vegetation responses to elevated [CO<SUB>2</SUB>]
- Does prior depletion affect the occurrence of earthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing in the Delaware Basin of Texas and New Mexico?
- Earthquake Sequence Simulations with Inertia, Viscoelasticity, Shear Heating, and Fault Zone Fluid Migration
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Effect of Arsenic Coupled with Climate Change on Rice Yield and Grain Quality
- Electric Current Neutralization in Solar Active Regions and its Relation to Magnetic Shear and Eruptive Activity
- Enabling climate resilient water systems with distributed desalination and water reuse: Key barriers and opportunities
- Estimating properties of the shallow magmatic system using diverse time-series data in the 2004-2008 dome-forming eruption at Mount St. Helens
- Estimating the contribution of historical precipitation changes to increasing flooding damages in the United States
- Evaluating Strike-Slip Fault Evolution with laboratory experiments and 2D Convolutional Neural Networks
- Evaluating the distribution and genomic content of novel microbes in deep-sea sediments
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Evaluation of soil-dependent crop yield outcomes in Nepal using ground and satellite-based approaches
- Experimental Determination of Crude-oil Oxidation Kinetics to Improve the Numerical Modeling of Combustion in Porous Media
- Experimental Study of Particle Aggregation in Jets Using Particle Image Velocimetry
- Exposing lateral complexity in the fast-spread lower ocean crust: U/Pb zircon chronology of gabbroic rocks from Pito Deep, EPR
- Extreme Wet Events As Important As Extreme Dry Events in Controlling Spatial Patterns of Vegetation Productivity
- FLUXNET Methane Synthesis: Modeling Wetland Methane Fluxes from Sites to the Globe
- Flavors of Atmospheric Rivers: Climatology and Impacts of Moisture- vs. Wind-Dominated Atmospheric Rivers Along the US West Coast
- Food, Energy, and Water: Resilience and the Governance in Multi-Scale, Multi-Region, Multi-Actor Settings
- Forcasting el Nino with Convolutional Recurrent Networks
- Foreshocks and Mainshock Nucleation of the 1999 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake
- Foreshocks on rough rate-state faults
- Geochemical constraints on the Shuram carbon isotope excursion across a shelf-slope transect in the Wernecke Mountains, Yukon, Canada
- Geometry and Evolution of the Miocene Boundary Canyon Normal Fault (BCF), Funeral Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex (MCC), Death Valley, CA
- Global Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of EUV Waves and Shocks from the X8.2 Eruptive Flare on 2017 September 10
- Global cropland-N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission dataset
- Global crude oil refining: carbon intensity and mitigation potential
- Gravity-Induced Ripening Undermines Capillary Trapping Stability
- Great Expectations? Reconciling the Aspirations, Outcomes, and Possibilities of Co-production
- Gross primary production over the North American Arctic and Boreal region inferred from atmospheric carbonyl sulfide measurements
- Groundwater models as predictive tools: Using model uncertainty to guide sustainable management strategies in groundwater basins impacted by coupled anthropogenic stresses
- Growing Heat Risk for U.S. Agricultural Workers Only Mitigated by Strong Adaptive Measures
- High-energy Observations of Solar Flares During Solar Cycle 24th with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- High-income customers do not always use the most water: linking urban planning to water use behavior
- High-resolution analysis on seismic source characteristics of earthquakes near Pohang enhanced geothermal system
- How drying and wetting events impact landscape methane fluxes
- Hydraulic jump dynamics in the Above-Anvil Cirrus Plume in a high resolution supercell simulation
- Hyper-resolution hydrological modeling of a managed watershed: The application of CWatM at 30 arc-seconds resolution in the Upper Bhima basin.
- Hysteretic methane emission temperature dependence from microbial and abiotic interactions
- Icequakes Triggered by Tidal and Thermal Stresses along a Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift
- Imaging the frictional properties of glacier beds using ambient seismic noise monitoring : application to Whillans ice stream, Antarctica
- Imaging the reactive transport properties of sedimentary formations across scales
- Impact of Climate Change on Photovoltaic (PV) Power Output
- Impact of Complex Topography on Thermomechanical Coupled Ice Flow Using the Immersed Boundary Method
- Impact of heat waves on intra-urban thermal heterogeneity
- Impacts of Green-New-Deal Energy Plans on Grid Stability, Costs, Jobs, Health, and Climate in 143 Countries
- Implications for Mesozoic Arc Accretion in Arctic Alaska from Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Analysis of Early Cretaceous Sediment of the Yukon-Koyukuk Basin, Alaska
- Improving Marker Gene Sequencing and Analysis Using Curated Single-Gene Databases: nifH as a Case Study
- Improving nanoSIMS Quantification of Microbial Anabolic Activity: Constraining the Effect of Sample Preparation on Isotope Ratios
- Improving satellite-based soybean yield mapping across irrigated and rain-fed conditions
- Improving the Crop Germination Cover for Smallholder Agriculture in East Africa Using Multi-Sensor Data
- In situ strength measurement of shock-compressed iron via time-resolved X-ray diffraction
- Increased nitrous oxide emissions in East Asia as estimated by bottom-up and top-down approaches
- Induced seismicity and the phenomenon of runaway rupture earthquakes
- Influences of topography on permafrost meltwater
- Injection Induced Seismicity from Coupled Pore Pressure Diffusion and Earthquake Sequence Simulations
- Insights for developing effective decision support tools for environmental sustainability
- Insights into Effective Satellite Crop Yield Estimation from an Extensive Ground Truth Dataset in the US Corn Belt
- Integrated Framework For Distributional Impacts of Technology, Fuel and System Decisions in Transportation
- Integrating climate change into groundwater planning: Assessment of draft Groundwater Sustainability Plans under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
- Interrogating the model space of airborne electromagnetic inversion to answer hydrogeologic questions
- Investigating Geochemical Niche-Separation in Methanotrophic Archaea at a Recently-Discovered, Shallow Cold Seep System
- Investigating lithospheric structure across the Nepalese Himalayas using local earthquakes.
- Investigating shock-metamorphism in meteor impacts via high pressure-temperature experiments on SiO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Investigating the Yield Impacts of Conservation Tillage in the US Corn Belt using Landsat
- Joint Impact of Geogenic and Anthropogenic Groundwater Contaminants on Water Quality in California Community Water Systems
- Kinetic Simulations of Photoelectron Driven Instabilities Applied to 150 Km Echoes with Improved Collision Models
- Laboratory and Synthetic Investigations of the Use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Imaging Saltwater Intrusion
- Land use and land cover change altered terrestrial water cycle and ecosystem dynamics in the conterminous United States over the past two decades
- Landfalling Droughts: Global tracking of moisture deficits from the oceans onto land
- Lessons Learned in Simulation-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Satellite Retrievals
- Lessons for Managed Retreat from FEMA Property Buyouts and Post-buyout Relocations
- Leveraging Earth Observations for Decision Support During Flood Disaster Prevention, Response, and Recovery
- Leveraging an Interoperable Scalable Data Platform to Support Earth Observation Data Analytics
- Leveraging model-generated hypotheses and cross-network observations to understand biome- to global-scale controls on soil organic matter stocks
- Leveraging multi-network data to elucidate the controls of root input to soil carbon
- Leveraging the Future: Best Practices from Transdisciplinary Collaborations
- Lightning Observations During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Limited carbon cost of fire management in Californian forests: compensatory responses may buffer against long-term soil carbon losses
- Linking Paleomagnetism and Petrographic Observations to Long-lived Hydrothermal Activity at the Chicxulub Crater
- Linking earth observations, citizen science data, long-term monitoring, and functional traits to improve species abundance distribution models
- Lithologic sources and release mechanisms for lithium: significance in the formation of lithium-enriched closed-basin brines
- Lithospheric Layering Model of the United States: Constraints From Sp Receiver Function Images
- Local Agricultural Commodity Market Response to Precipitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Loop-top oscillations observed with IRIS spatially correlated with nonthermal emission from EOVSA in the September 10 2017 X8 Flare
- Machine learning based Surface wave mode identification
- Magma reservoir failure and the onset of caldera collapse at Kīlauea Volcano in 2018
- Magnetite-apatite deposits at El Laco volcano, Chile, formed by extrusion of an iron-rich melt
- Major Questions in Carbon Cycle Research
- Managing the ocean in real-time: Ecological forecasts for dynamic management
- Mapping Crop Types in India with Crowdsourced Data and Deep Learning
- Mapping Drainage Canal Density in Southeast Asian Peatlands
- Martian Near-Surface S and Cl Brines in Fractured and Porous Regolith Could Trigger Microscale Soil Collapse and Cause Recurring Slope Lineae
- Measuring and unpacking smallholder agricultural risks using fine resolution satellite data
- Microbial Succession in Hypersaline, Alkaline Mono Lake, CA
- Microwave Radiometry for Remote Sensing of Plant Water Status Dynamics: Stand-Scale Evaluation in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Middle Miocene continental temperature and precipitation change recorded in North American paleosols
- Miniature Distributed Occulter Telescope (mDOT): A Concept for a Smallsat Mission to Observe Extrasolar Zodiacal Dust and Exoplanets
- Modeling Irrigation using Remote Sensing to Assess the Influence of Evolving Urban Dynamics on Water Demand in Denver, Colorado
- Modeling of Biogeochemical Responses to Hydrologic Transitions in Floodplain Aquifers
- Monitoring inundated infrastructure and assets with high resolution satellite imagery to enable financial protection
- Mosquito and primate ecology predict human risk of yellow fever virus spillover in Brazil
- Multiscale formulation of pore-scale geomechanics
- Multiscale imaging characterization of fracture fluid migration and reactive transport in shales
- Multiscale variations of the stress field across North America: Insights for sources of intraplate stress
- Mycorrhizal Association Not Soil Specialisation Determines Spatial Aggregation of Tropical Trees
- National Attribution of Regional Climate Damages
- National Water Model Channel Geometry: Using a new Dockerized Job Scheduler for NWM Parametrization
- Navigating local governance choices for the future sustainability of California's groundwater
- Network Analysis to Characterize Seismic Ground Motion Spatial Variability: A Case study on the San Jacinto Seismic Array
- Nitrogen budgets and farm size effects on agricultural nitrogen cycle in China
- On How Neural Networks Help Us Reconstruct Space Physics Phenomena
- On the Stability & Origin of MU69's and Pluto's Ices
- On the Use of Sentinel-1A/B InSAR Observations to Constrain Potential Geomechanical Mechanisms Linking Fluid Extraction and Injection to Deformation and Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin
- On the generation of secondary microseism Love waves
- Overviews of the last release of the Global Methane Budget 2000-2017: what have we learnt about the last 10 years of increasing methane?
- Paleo to Policy: A Workshop to Build Bridges Between Paleoclimate Research and Decision Making
- Parameter estimation on dynamic manifolds
- Patch-based multiscale algorithm for flow and reactive transport in fracture-microcrack networks in shales
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Physics Informed Machine Learning for the Buckley-Leverett Problem. Application to Flow and Transport in Porous Media.
- Physics-based Models Expand Insights Gained from Volcano Geodesy
- Planetesimal Cores May Come in Many Flavors; How Oxidation State Affects Core Sulfur Content
- Playfair's Law and the Width of Glacial Valleys
- Pluto's Surface Properties from the New Horizons Uplink Bistatic Radar Experiment
- Policy Network Formation Across International Borders: A Comparative Case Study of the Tijuana River and Red River Watersheds
- Pore-Network Modeling of Single-Phase Reactive Flow and Dissolution Pattern Evaluation
- Pore-Scale Controls of Reactive Transport in Carbonate Porous Media
- Poroelastically Induced Slow Slip Pulses on Mildly Rate-Strengthening Faults: Potential Role in Induced Seismicity
- Potential Formation of a New Shear Margin at Thwaites Glacier
- Predicting the thermal dependencies of infectious disease with the metabolic theory of ecology
- Probing shale weathering under ridge and valley: an integrated approach from geochemistry to geophysics
- Project INDEPTH and the Fate of Continents During Plate Collision
- Properties of Delta Spots Observed with HMI
- Quality Standards and the Role of Earth Observation in Improving Index Insurance Design
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Appliances in Single-Family Homes
- Quantifying Uncertainty in the Protective Values of a Marsh Ecosystem and Ramifications for Marsh Restoration Projects
- Quantifying changing characteristics of water available for groundwater recharge under climate change
- Quantifying soil carbon protection by anoxic microsites in soils
- Quantitative study on the relative excitation of guided seismic waves Sn and Lg as a function of source depth
- Rapid wave model-based nearshore bathymetry inversion with UAS measurements
- Rapid-response GPS following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Realistic, three-dimensional sensitivity kernels for measuring solar interior flows
- Reconstructing the Plasmasphere Dynamics from Geomagnetic Indices Using Neural Networks
- Relative permeability scaling from pore-scale flow regimes
- Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness and Soil Moisture using Airborne L-band and P-band Radar
- Remotely sensed live fuel moisture content across the Western USA and its relationship with climate aridity
- Reproducibility of Charcoal Count Data: Empirical Analysis of an Implicit Assumption in Peak Detection Methodology
- Revealing the Real Onshore Potential: A Socio-Technical Wind Atlas for the U.S.
- Role of 3-Methylhopanoids in Environmental Hot Spring Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria
- Rural Electrification in Agricultural Intensification Across India
- S-Wave Tomographic Structure of NE India Using Rayleigh Wave Group Velocity
- Scale-specific stochastic modeling of tropical cyclone intensity changes
- Seasonal and Latitudinal Variability of High-Frequency Gravity Waves in the Lower Stratosphere
- Seasonal nutrient cycling between the saturated and unsaturated zones of a contaminated floodplain based on an inundation tracer test
- Seismic imaging of the Izu-Oshima volcano using dense onshore-offshore datasets
- Sequential Soil Pore Water Extractions with Tempe Cell Soil Water Extractors: A Novel Method to Measure Pore-Scale Oxygen Content
- Simple Footprint Approximation for Better Interpretation of the Spatiotemporally Dynamic Eddy Covariance Flux Data
- Simultaneous retrieval of soil moisture profiles and permafrost active layer thickness using P-band polarimetric backscatter and seasonal subsidence derived from L-band interferometry
- Skill, Reliability, and Uncertainty: A Guide to Near-Term Climate Prediction and Extreme Event Attribution for the VIACS Community
- Soil carbon data and networks for resilience and mitigation of climate change
- Soil health and soil carbon: A common ground for actuating resilience and climate change mitigation
- Spatial distribution of englacial layer slope as a constraint on ice sheet basal conditions
- Spatio-temporal aspects of energy cascades in hurricane vortices
- Spring-Slider and Finite Element Modeling of Microseismic Events and Fault Slip during Hydraulic Fracturing
- Stability of microbial communities through seasonal hydrological transitions and the resulting biogeochemical redox response
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Flare Ribbon Properties Using Observations from Solar Dynamics Observatory
- Stimulation and Flow Tests in Deep Crystalline Rock - The EGS Collab Project
- Stochastic Model for Prediction of Capacity Loss and Remaining Useful Life of Lithium-ion Batteries
- Study of High-pressure Behavior of Goethite up to 30 GPa using X-ray Diffraction, Raman Spectroscopy and Electrical Impedance
- Subglacial sediment beds resist fast ice flow by facilitating meltwater drainage
- Surface explosives in active-source seismic surveying: performance and new imaging at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide
- Surface expressions of spoke pattern convection in the Earth's mantle
- Synchrotron X-ray Imaging of Reactive Transport in Unconventional Shales
- Techno-economic Analysis of Deep-Learning-Enabled Automated Natural Gas Leakage Detection Technologies
- Tectonic and compositional controls on magma storage depths globally: Results from CIDER 2019
- Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in plant biomass and soil: a negative relationship
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- The Impact of Multiphase Flow Regimes on Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- The Invisibility of Sediment: a Socio-Geomorphic Perspective On a Great Challenge for Water and Catchment Management
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System: A Wealth of Data for Quickly Advancing the Physical Understanding and Forecasting of Hurricanes.
- The Mekong River Basin: Landscape-scale Changes to Biophysical Processes
- The Water Cost of Agricultural Diversity
- The combined influence of antecedent rainfall and urbanization on landslides: an empirical approach based on data for the Pacific Coast of the United States
- The dynamic reconstruction model in the turbulent gray zone
- The equity state of an energy system: Air quality, climate change, and labor market equity of the shale gas boom in the Appalachian Basin
- The flow-to-sliding transition in crystalline magma
- The global carbon balance of forests based on flux towers and forest age data
- The impact of small scale rock heterogeneity on CO<SUB>2</SUB> plume migration and residual trapping
- The magnitude of thermal electricity generation curtailment from warming
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- The origin of the Mw 5.4 Pohang, Korea, earthquake of November 15, 2017 and search for faults in the drillhole cuttings
- The pahoehoe to a'a transition as a shear instability in stratified lava flow
- The paradox of sprawl vs compact urban morphology for mitigating extreme heat in cities
- The role of coupled processes in the abrupt termination of the last glaciations
- The size and shape of global plant root systems
- Thermal histories of k-feldspar from granites located in the central and northern Menderes Massif, western Turkey: Implications for regional extension
- Time-lapse Full-waveform Inversion of Dynamic Geophysical Processes with Examples from Multi-phase Flow
- Torn Subducting Cratonic Lithosphere Shown by Mantle Fluids: India Does Not Underplate the Lhasa Terrane West of 82° or East of 88°E, and Does Not Underplate the Qiangtang Terrane
- Towards Human-Centric Rapid Post-Disaster Impact Assessments Through Transdisciplinary Informatics
- Tsunami and Infragravity Wave Excitation of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Turbulent Intensity Enhancement by gaps in Submerged Canopy Flows
- Ultra-High Resolution Foraminiferal Biofacies and Stable Isotope (δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) Records of Mid to Late Holocene Oceanographic Change in the Adélie Basin, East Antarctica: IODP Expedition 318 Site U1357
- Understanding Conduit Flow Regime in Mount Erebus by Bridging Numerical Simulations and Observational Constraints
- Understanding InSAR Persistent Scatterer Distributions with a Multi-Scatterer Multiplicative Model
- Understanding the prevalence and use of dispute resolution processes in water management arrangements in California
- Understanding the value of information in the Camboriú watershed management program, Brazil
- Universal scaling-law for flow resistance over canopies with complex morphology
- Using Observational Data to Understand Climatic Constraints on Economic Output
- Using machine-learning phase picker to build high-precision earthquake catalog and characterize seismic structures: a case study on five days of the 2016 Central Apennines, Italy earthquake sequence
- Using satellite imagery to understand and promote sustainable development
- Using the Heterogeneity of Fault Structures and Earthquake Sources to Improve the Performance of Physics-based Earthquake Forecasts
- Valence state of iron in iron alloys under high pressure: implications for Earth and planetary cores
- Vegetation optical depth serves as an ecosystem-scale indicator of drought-driven tree mortality rates
- Warming Temperatures Lead to Increased Groundwater Depletion in India
- Warming increases plant-available nutrients in the SPRUCE bog
- Water quality as a limiting factor for sustainable utilization of groundwater in Northwestern India
- Water-Food-Energy Challenges under the Political Economy of the Sugar Industry in India
- Wetland FLUXNET synthesis for CH<SUB>4</SUB>: understanding CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes at daily to interannual timescales
- When the Flood Hits the Road: Commute Disruption in the San Francisco Bay Area due to Coastal Flooding and Sea Level Rise
- Wildfire contributions to particulate matter in the United States
- Working across Disciplines to Understand the Food-Energy (few) Nexus in Remote Arctic Communities
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) from 20-130 GPa
- X-ray Diffraction of Shock-Compressed Gibeon Meteorite to 136 GPa
- Zonally asymmetric tropospheric signatures of polar vortex splits and displacements
- d18O time series evidence of ocean-driven basal melt in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica
- deep learning techniques for riverine bathymetry and flow velocity estimation
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Comprehensive Investigation for Gravity-driven Ostwald Ripening in Porous Media
- A Decision-Centered Method to Evaluate Natural Hazards Decision Aids by Interdisciplinary Research Teams
- A General Approach to Seismic Inversion with Automatic Differentiation and Neural Networks
- A Revised Paradigm for the Interpretation of δ<SUP>238</SUP>U During Periods of Calcite Seas
- A footprint-aware approach for model-data benchmarking across AmeriFlux sites
- A framework for understanding and modelling the links between food, water and energy in the rapidly urbanizing city of Pune, India
- A satellite-based mobile warning system to reduce interactions with an Endangered Species
- Above or Below the Moho? Contentious Southern East African Rift System Earthquakes
- Above or Below the Moho? Depth analysis of continental U.S. earthquakes using Sn/Lg ratio
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Analysis to Understand Spatial Distribution of Terrestrial Biosignature's in Brine Pools as an Analog for Planetary Extant and Relic Oceans
- AeDES: a next-generation monitoring and forecasting system for environmental suitability of Aedes-borne disease transmission
- An Observational Study of Stratospheric Gravity Waves Associated with Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones
- Analysis of Methane Emissions from San Francisco Bay Area Refineries
- Application of Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Control (DMDc) to cluster, characterize and extract information from acoustic signals
- Ascending Fluids and Overpressure Pulses on Faults Drive Aseismic Slip and Swarm Seismicity
- Assessing Compound Flood Hazard Risk for the San Francisco Bay Area
- Assessing the impact of residential buildings heating electrification on California electricity load and grid capacity requirements in 2030 and 2045.
- Assessing the phylogenetic diversity of nifH-containing organisms at deep-sea methane seeps and non-seep sediments
- Assessment of River Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies for Isolated Remote Alaska Communities - Impacts on Micro-Scale Food, Energy, and Water System Infrastructure Loads
- Assessment of remotely-sensed canopy measurements for mapping soil nutrient deficiencies in Mexico croplands
- Automated Mapping of Arctic Floodplains to Improve Estimates of Sediment and Carbon Fluxes
- Automating the Inference of Asteroid Physical Properties and Motion
- Bayesian Time of Emergence: Addressing uncertainty and spurious trends in precipitation change using a CMIP5 ensemble
- Beyond Lights: The Changing Impact of Rural Electrification on Indian Agriculture
- Biome- to global-scale controls over soil carbon storage: divergence in observations and process-based models
- Broadband Reception of Quasi Field-aligned `Boomerang' Echoes of In-situ Injected VLF Pulses on the DSX Spacecraft
- Building a Platform to Communicate Long-Term Climate Projections and Climate Analogs
- Building a resistivity atlas in the Central Valley of California
- COFFIES - Developing a Reliable Physical Model of the Solar Activity Cycle
- Calcium complexation by organic matter in calcareous sediments
- Changes to Outdoor Water Demand Associated with Residential Redevelopment Highlight the Importance of Integrated Land Use and Urban Water Planning
- Characterization and Mitigation Strategies for Chicago Air Quality
- Characterizing Soil Drying Rates in Tropical Peatlands
- Characterizing Spatial Distributions of Fracture Apertures on Heterogeneous Rock Cores Using Positron Emission Tomography
- Characterizing entrainment through diffusion methods on a turbulent water jet
- Classification and noise correlation of local anthropogenic noise sources in Oklahoma.
- Climate Impacts of Methane Removal
- Climate as a Risk Factor for Armed Conflict: State of Knowledge and Directions for Research
- Climate change and management decisions could transfer flood risk to socioeconomically disadvantaged communities along the San Francisquito Creek, California
- Climate change attribution during and following Hurricane Irma: The role of direct physical storm and media exposures
- Climate for Data Scientists: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Expertise to Provide Decision Support Tools in a Changing Climate
- Climate-driven limits to future carbon storage in California's wildland ecosystems
- Closing the gap: Explaining persistent underestimation of US oil and natural gas production methane inventories
- Cloud Water Interception across Elevation and Forest Structure Gradients in Leeward Kohala, Hawaiʻi
- Coherent low frequency seismic signatures of unsteady eruptions predicted from conduit flow models
- Combining Ambient Noise and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Deployed on Dark Fiber Networks for High-resolution Imaging at the Basin Scale
- Comparative study of drought indices in the Bhima Basin, India
- Computational aeroacoustic simulations of infrasound signals from volcanic eruptions
- Connecting Environmental Systems Science and Digital Library Practices
- Constraints and enablers for increasing carbon storage in the terrestrial biosphere
- Constructing Geological Models in Mountainous Watersheds by Integrating Airborne Geophysics and Geological Maps for Improved Hydrological Understanding
- Converging science and policy-based greenhouse gas budgets for North America for the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes Study (RECCAP-2)
- Crop-driven cooling boosts agricultural yields
- Data-driven Reduced Order Modeling for Reactive Transport in Nuclear Waste Repository Assessments
- Deep Bayesian Techniques to Nearshore Bathymetry with Sparse Measurements
- Deep learning application to fast estimation of riverine surface velocity
- Deep learning for label-scarce remote sensing applications
- DeepWaste: Applying Deep Learning to Waste Classification for a Sustainable Planet
- Derivation of Toroid Patterns from Analysis of Magnetograms And Inferring Their Deep-origin
- Deriving a global infant mortality pollution response curve for developing countries
- Determining the transit time of carbon in shale-rich soils
- Development of a Remote-Sensing-Based Method to Monitor Changes in Groundwater Storage
- Differences and similarities of lithosphere deformation during flat-slab subduction and plume underplating
- Disruptive Impacts of Wildfires on Tourism Markets in California
- Dynamic Adaptation to Climate Change: Framing the Challenge of Uncertainty Characterization for Human-Environmental Systems
- ENSO dynamics in the GFDL SPEAR_LO climate model
- Ecosystem respiration in peatlands: a global quantitative review
- Ecosystem services of forest restoration in the Western U.S.: a synthesis of benefits to enable financing
- Effect of Porosity and Permeability Enhancement in Injection-Induced Aseismic Slip
- Effect of fluid uptake on the micro and meso-pores of shale rocks at different pH
- Effects of Oil and Gas Well Site Proximity on Ambient Air Pollutant Concentrations in California
- Effects of supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> on matrix permeability of unconventional formations
- Emergent Constraints on the Large Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Regional Hydroclimate: Do They Still Work in CMIP6 and How Much Can They Actually Constrain the Future?
- Energy Resource Modelling and Analysis for Assessment of Renewable Energy Impacts on Isolated Micro-Scale Food-Energy-Water Systems using Energy-Water, Energy-Food, and Sustainable Energy Indices: Examples from Remote Alaska Communities
- Enhanced Abyssal Mixing in the Equatorial Pacific Associated with Non-Traditional Effects
- Environmental injustice in California revealed by the COVID-19 economic shutdown
- Equity-Oriented Adaptation to Extreme Heat in California
- Eruption forensics: Deciphering the imprint left by the conduit-flow regime on individual crystals through multi-scale, multi-physics models
- Estimating permafrost thickness in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta using LIDAR
- Evaluating annual greenhouse gas budgets and climate change mitigation potentials of restored wetlands after a decade of flux measurements
- Evaluating consistencies between total columnCO2 measurements from OCO-2 and the in-situ network
- Evaluation of California's forest carbon offset projects: stocks, trends, and vulnerabilities
- Examining the Structure of Supercritical CO<SUB>2 </SUB>using X-ray Raman Spectroscopy and Atomistic Scale Modeling
- Expected spectropolarimetric observables in the lower solar atmosphere from 3D radiative MHD models
- Experimental Study of Particle Aggregation in a Humid and Turbulent Environment
- Extracting continuous time series from scanned images of WWSSN seismograms using deep learning: Application to tropical storms
- FLUXNET-CH4 and seasonality of methane emissions from freshwater wetlands
- Facility- and Subfacility-scale Assessment of Methane Emissions Inventory in the San Francisco Bay Area of California using Airborne Mass Balance
- Falsifying Hypotheses for the Origin of a Fractured Bedrock Zone With Geophysical Data
- Fast Deep Learning-Based Stokes Vector Inversion with Confidence for SDO/HMI
- Fault Mapping In Texas' Delaware Basin from Sentinel-1 InSAR Ground Displacement Measurements and Induced-Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
- Fiber-optic DAS sensing of transportation patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Palo Alto, CA
- Flood-related Accidents in Suburbia: The Far-reaching Impacts of Coastal Flooding on Non-Highway Car Accidents in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Flows in the Polar Regions of the Sun: Limits of Observing from the Ecliptic
- Flux-Transport Simulations of Solar Polar Magnetic Fields Based on Various Meridional Surface Flow Profiles
- Foreshocks on Geometrically Heterogeneous Faults
- Fossil Fuel and Global Warming Politics: Latest Developments in Historical Research
- From the Mantle to the Upper Crust: Migrating Volcanic Earthquakes After the 2009 Harrat Lunayyir Dike Intrusion, Saudi Arabia
- Full waveform inversion by model extension
- Functional Vegetation Trait Trends between Five Vegetation Types and Environmental Covariations in the East River Watershed, CO
- Gas migration in the shallow subsurface: Insights from a natural gas release into a deep vadose zone
- Gas slug ascent in bidirectional conduit flow
- Geogenic metals in drinking water in California and risk of spontaneous preterm birth
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for U(VI) Transport in a Generic Deep Geologic Repository
- Global Solar Flows and Magnetic Fields: Observing, Simulating and Predicting Their Impact on the Heliosphere and Terrestrial Atmosphere
- Global and Regional Drivers of Land-Use Emissions
- Global characterization of inland water reservoirs using ICESat-2 altimetry
- Global gas flaring trends in the age of COVID-19
- Greenland supraglacial discharge measurements highly correlated with diurnal ice sheet motion
- Heterogeneity in crystal zonation records variability in the crystal settling dynamics.
- High rate of collisions on the Archean Earth leads to variable atmospheric oxidation
- Hot spots of opportunity for improved cropland nitrogen management across the United States
- How does past wildfire impact vulnerability to forest die-off?
- Hybrid Machine Learning Framework for Analyzing and Optimizing Real-time Soil Moisture Sensor Arrays
- Hydraulic conductivity and dispersion upscaling for high-dimensional groundwater flow and transport
- Identifying Driving Factors of Extinction and Body Size for Molluscs During the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction
- Identifying Key Damage Drivers of Atmospheric River-Induced Flooding in Northern California
- Identifying soil health baselines in the Anthropocene
- Illuminating Kilauea's magmatic plumbing system: physics-based modeling of post 2018 simultaneous inflation and deflation
- Imaging Mass Transfer in Nanoporous Shale Using AI Tools for Improving X-ray CT Scan Resolution
- Impact of COVID-19 Driven Mobility Changes and Heat Extremes on Mortality in the United States
- Impact of Sub-Gas Hydrate Sediment Thermal Conductivity on Hydrate-Based Heat Flow Derivations
- Impact of urbanization on the relationship between antecedent precipitation and landslides: evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area
- Impacts and Equity in Pune, India's Potential 24x7 Piped Water Supply System
- Impacts of end of century climate extremes on California hydrology
- Improved Visualization of Reactive Transport Dynamics in Fractured Shales using Computed Tomography and Deep Learning Super Resolution
- Improved calibration of absolute InSAR deformation estimates in support of permafrost active layer retrievals
- Improved monitoring of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zone remediation through hydrogeophysical inversion using variational autoencoder and Ensemble Kalman filter
- Incorporating Urban Form Dynamics into Water Demand Management
- Incorporating satellite data in crop insurance in Kenya: analyzing the sources of basis risk
- Incremental Caldera Collapse at Kīlauea Volcano Observed in Ground Tilt and High-Rate GPS Data: Implications for the Magmatic System
- Inferring Lifetimes, Banks and Unexpected Emissions of CFC-11, 12 and 113
- Integrating climate change into groundwater sustainability planning: challenges and opportunities for climate informed groundwater management in California
- Integrating earth observations and biodiversity data to predict nature-based across Costa Rica
- Interpreting Parameter Interactions using Global Sensitivity Analysis on a Hillslope-scale Reactive Transport Model
- Investigating Basal Thaw as a Mechanism of Ice Mass Loss in Antarctica
- Investigating Correlations Between Urban Tree Cover and CalEnviroScreen 3.0 Screening Tool
- Joint inversions of ground deformation, extrusion flux and gas emissions using physics-based models for the Mount St. Helens 2004-2008 eruption
- Leveraging Mobile Device Location and Administrative Data to Predict Localized Covid-19 Surges in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA
- Long-term Redistribution of Residually Trapped Gas due to Diffusion
- Machine Learning-based Methane Flux Projections at selected sites in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Machine learning models to predict 1,2,3-trichloropropane occurrence in groundwater of the Central Valley, CA, and implications for domestic well water quality
- Measurements of Three-dimensional Transient Dispersion in the Urban Canopy using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Green's Function Approach
- Melt Inclusions Indicate Magma Mixing in the Conduits of Persistently Degassing Volcanoes
- Meridional-flow inversions using realistic 3-D sensitivity kernels
- Mesozoic Decratonization of the North China Craton Triggered by Dehydration of the Pacifc Slab
- Methane and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from the Offshore Oil and Gas Supply Chain in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
- Methane emissions from rice production: a synthesis of 24 eddy covariance sites
- Mid-Miocene Reactivation of Indo-Australian Plate as an Immediate Response to Tectonic Reorganization of Tibetan Plateau
- Middle Miocene continental temperature and precipitation changes recorded in paleosol carbonates (a transatlantic approach)
- Minkowski Functionals For Phase Behavior Under Confinement
- Modeling Tectonic Crustal Deformation via Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
- Morphologic Analysis of Eolian Bedforms on Mars using Fully Convolutional Instance Segmentation Networks
- Multi-Wavelength Modeling and Analysis of the Center-to-Limb Effects of Solar Spectroscopy and Helioseismology
- Multi-depth multi-focusing SAR algorithm
- Multimodal Dataset Integration for Cloud Masking of ICESat-2
- Multiple-source water demands of a representative agent population under various food-water-energy scenarios: A hydro-economic analysis of the Upper Bhima basin, India
- Multiscale Investigation of Reactive Fluid Transport Characteristics in Unconventional Shales
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- National Policy Interventions in Current Indian Power Generation Produce Disparate, State-Level Spatial Carbon and Sulfur Emission Impacts
- National attribution of climate damages under Earth system uncertainty
- Near Surface Seismic Fiber Optic Monitoring Experiment at Pennsylvania State University
- New insights into community-scale changes in shorefast sea ice from satellite remote sensing
- Non-Gaussian Scattering Models for Persistent Scatterer Detection
- Nonlinear convergence in contact mechanics
- Observing, resolving and predicting the terrestrial carbon cycle and its sensitivity to climate.
- On the Depth of Earthquakes in the Delaware Basin - A Case Study along the Reeves-Pecos County line
- Open-source direct current resistivity software development for groundwater applications
- OpenET: Enabling Science-Based Water Management through Open Data Services and User-Driven Design
- OpenET: Filling a Critical Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S.
- Operationalizing multi-benefit robust spatial planning under deep uncertainties
- Optimizing contact tracing policies to intervene in the spread of COVID-19 in San Francisco, CA
- Peak grain forecasts in the U.S. High Plains amid withering waters
- Perceived changes in household resource consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from an online survey
- Phase Transitions and Condensation in Tight Porous Materials
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- Plant Hydraulic Traits Mediate Live Fuel Moisture's Importance for Wildfire Risk Forecasting
- Plant volumetric allometry and shape above- and belowground
- Pore pressure and stress constraints on induced seismicity in the Delaware Basin: Implications for maximum earthquake magnitudes
- Pore-Network Modeling of Reactive Transport and the Use of Statistical Data Analysis to Classify Dissolution Regimes
- Predicting Mechanisms of Microbial Community Assembly and Soil Biogeochemistry Patterns from Watershed Scale Gradients in Hydrology, Vegetation, and Topographic Features.
- Predicting water quality across US watersheds using a time-series deep learning model
- Probing 3D fracture displacements under injection in deep vertical boreholes - Comparison of fracture hydromechanical response at two hard rock sites with differing stress regimes
- Probing the Puzzle of Fermi Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Flares by Data-driven Global MHD Simulations
- Properties of the Sun's Giant Cellular Flows and their Implications for the Sun's Activity Cycle
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Cooktops and Ovens in Single-Family Homes
- Quantifying Soil Carbon Protection by Anaerobic Microsites
- Quantifying methane emissions from oil and gas operations in the New Mexican Permian Basin with airplane-based hyperspectral detection
- Quantifying succession and ecosystem service recovery in California's altered wildfire regime
- Rapid Synthesis of Porous Media Volumes with Deep Learning Generative Models
- Real-time ET Estimation based on Soil Moisture Sensor Array
- Recharge Assessment Using Surface Geophysics and Cone Penetrometer Testing
- Regional Respiration Responses to Historical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization in a Data Assimilation Framework
- Relocation outcomes for participants in U.S. property buyouts: a systematic, nationwide analysis
- Remote Summer Research Experience For High School Students: Testing the Relationship Between Body Size and the Probabilities of Extinction and Origination of Ordovician Marine Animals
- Revealing the Real Onshore Potential: A Socio-Technical Wind Atlas for the United States and India
- Reviewing the evidence: How do nature-based solutions affect water flows in agriculture and rangelands
- Ripening Kinetics and Equilibrium States of Bubble Populations in Porous Media
- Rock-Fluid Interactions: Fracture Formation and Fluid Distributions
- Scaling Up Rice Methane Fluxes in Monsoon Asia Through Data-Driven Model
- Science Education for Scientific Literacy: Involving Students in Citizen Science Initiatives
- Seismic imaging of the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Selection of CyberShake Simulated Ground Motion Time Series for Engineering Analysis
- Settling Velocity Observations in a Shallow Estuary: Deviations from Rouse Dynamics
- Short Term Probabilistic Hazard Assessment in Regions of Induced Seismicity
- Should India move towards vehicle electrification? Assessing life-cycle greenhouse gas and criteria air pollutant emissions of alternative and conventional fuel vehicles in India.
- Simulation of flexural-gravity wave response of Antarctic ice shelves to tsunami and ocean wave impacts
- Social Memory vs Abrupt Behavior Changes. Modelling water consumer behavior change in non-stationary climate and social scenarios
- Soil Organic Matter Stabilization in Floodplain Soils: Role of Particulate Terminal Electron Acceptors
- Spatial floods in the United States: understanding, modeling, and hazard estimation
- Spatial patterns in smallholder crop yield uncertainty identify priority intervention areas
- Spatiotemporally Reconstructing Free Surfaces
- Spontaneous Formation of an Internal Shear Band Facilitates the Flow-to-sliding Transition on Rough Beds Suggesting an Alternative Sliding Law
- Squids, Snails, and Shellfish: How Oxygen Affected Molluscan Body Size in the Ordovician
- Static Capillary Pressure of Ganglion in Porous Media
- Stochastic Capacity Loss and Remaining Useful Life Models for Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles
- Storage Capacity, Sorption and Mass Transfer in Shale
- Storytelling and GIS Accelerating Climate Solutions
- Stress-driven catastrophic failure of volcanic conduits in explosive eruptions
- Sustaining Upper Colorado River flows through optimal environmental water rights marketing
- Targeted inversion of airborne electromagnetic data to inform the development of a groundwater model: Example from the Kaweah Subbasin, California
- Targeting Riparian Reforestation to Enhance Ecosystem Services: The Case of Costa Rica
- Temporal Evolution of the Sun's Meridional Circulation During Solar Cycle 24
- Testing the Relationship of Brachiopod Body Size and Oxygen Levels during the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction
- Testing the Relationship of Brachiopoda Generic Richness, Origination, and Body Size During the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
- The AFT Solar Cycle 25 Predictions: A Retrospective Comparison with the Observations
- The Google Earth GeoEd Video Library (GEGVL): Building a Place-based Geoscience Educational Video Library using Google Earth
- The Historical Impact of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Global Agricultural Productivity
- The Increasingly Moisture-Dominated Flavor of US West Coast Atmospheric Rivers
- The Interplay between Capillarity and Wettability in Pinch-off Phenomenon
- The Midland - Odessa earthquakes: An integrated study characterizing a series of recent earthquakes in west Texas
- The Next Decade of Physics-Based Eruption Forecasting
- The influence of drainage canals on subsidence in Southeast Asian peatlands
- The resilience of Amazon tree cover to past and present drying
- The role of vorticity random stretching in an idealized tropical depression genesis problem
- Theoretical Study of Mixing and Fluid Miscibility in Microchannels
- Three Centuries of Sunspot Group Numbers with Monthly Resolution
- Three-Dimensional Source Rock Image Reconstruction through Multimodal Imaging
- Toward Global-Scale Field Boundary Delineation Using Deep Learning
- Towards a Streamlines Method for the In-Situ Combustion Process Simulation
- Uncertainty assessment of hydrogeological structures combining geophysical survey and geological knowledge: A stochastic level set optimization framework
- Uncertainty in Energy-Water Climate Impacts: Review and Recommendations
- Understanding Solar Cycle Magnetic Evolution with Properties of Solar Active Regions
- Understanding Spatial Variations in Maximum Stomatal Conductance
- Understanding the Changing Timber Harvest on Private Forestland in California
- Understanding the Effects of Wildfire Smoke Exposure on Student Test Performance in the US
- Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change on "Billion-dollar Disaster" Precipitation Events in the United States
- Understanding the Link Between Changing Head Levels and Land Subsidence: A Field Experiment in California's San Joaquin Valley
- United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models
- Upscaling FLUXNET-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands
- Upscaling Reactive Transport in Fractured Shales by Deep Learning
- Use of In-Situ Cloud Microphysical Observations to Learn about Cloud Properties and Processes
- Using New Acoustically-Derived Solar Far-Side Magnetic-Flux Maps for Data Assimilation in Flux Transport Models
- Using Satellite-based Ecosystem Functional Types to Map Biodiversity Patterns and Improve Ecosystem Service Models
- Using Taxonomically-Informed Convolutional Neural Networks To Predict Plant Biodiversity Across California From High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Data
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using high-resolution, multi-disciplinary simulations to investigate the effect of community and structural vulnerabilities on neighborhood recovery
- Using microwave remote sensing of vegetation water content to understand ecosystem-scale responses to drought
- VLF Radiation from a Space-Based Transmitter: Overview of the DSX Satellite Mission
- Warming temperatures could expose more than 1.3 billion new people to Zika virus risk by 2050
- Water availability, demand and use in the hydrological model CWatM, the example of the Bhima basin in India with a focus on groundwater
- Water mass characterization and Chlorophyll concentrations in southern Monterey Bay, CA
- What is different about different net-zero carbon electricity systems?
- What is the lifetime of drought-related water savings? Measuring rebound with survival models
- When Floods Hit the Road: Resilience to Flood-Related Traffic Disruption in the San Francisco Bay Area and Beyond
- Who Will Bear the Burden of Increased Coastal Flooding as Sea Level Rises in the San Francisco Bay Area? An analysis of the Factors Contributing to Community Vulnerability.
- Wildfire risk and emissions predictions for SE Asia peatlands based on mechanistic modeling
- Wildfire, permafrost, and vegetation interactions in a discontinuous permafrost region revealed by dual-frequency airborne radar observations
- tau-SIMPLE algorithm for the closure problem in homogenization of Stokes flows
- 21st-century variability in tropical terrestrial water-carbon cycling observed from satellite measurements of gravity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and atmospheric CO2
- 2D and 3D Diffusive Mass Transfer in Nanoporous Shale Samples using X-Ray CT and Compared with NMR Results.
- 3D Acoustic-Elastic Coupling with Gravity: The Dynamics of the2018 Palu, Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- A Comparative Study of Measurements of the Suns Axisymmetric Flows: A COFFIES Effort
- A Direct Signal Suppression Approach for Passive Radar Sounding
- A Framework for a Solar Geoengineering Research Program: Recommendations from a National Academies Study
- A Machine Learning Parameterization of Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes Coupled to an Atmospheric Global Climate Model
- A Multi-platform Approach to Characterizing and Mitigating Urban Air Quality in Chicago
- A Novel Meshfree Approach for Numerical Sandbox-style Modeling of Fold-and-Thrust Belts
- A Performance-Based Approach to Quantifying Atmospheric River Flood Risk in Northern California
- A Review of the Water Impacts of Wildfire at the Wildland Urban Interface
- A comparison of methods for modeling the complete seismic, ocean acoustic, and tsunami wavefield from offshore earthquakes
- A non-stationary regime of ecosystem services: Exploring the integrated changes in availability, demand and socio-ecological context in Bolivia
- A point-cloud deep learning strategy for predicting permeability of porous media
- A strategy for choosing red-light thresholds to manage hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity in North America
- A surface temperature model of Arrokoth, a Kuiper Belt Object visited by New Horizons
- A theory-guided data-driven framework for modeling reactive transport and clogging in multiscale fracture networks
- A tractable model of ambient particulate matter exposure from wildfire smoke
- AFT: Predicting Active Region Evolution Using Far-Side Helioseismology
- Accounting for built and natural storage is necessary to estimate the true vulnerability of downstream water supplies
- Accumulation rates of aeolian sediments in martian impact craters
- Activating an Evidence-Based Identity Increases the Impact of Scientific Evidence on Policymaker Beliefs
- Adapting index-based vulnerability assessments in rapidly changing coupled upland-agricultural systems in the western US
- Air Quality Benefits and Tradeoffs from 30% Light-Duty Vehicle Electrification over the Midwest-Great Lakes Region
- An Ice Sheet Aseismic Zone Inferred from the Absence of Icequakes in the Deep Interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- An Integrated Radar-Radiometer System for Probing Englacial Temperature
- An Investigation of the Populations Impacted by California Wildfire Evacuation Orders
- An SES Approach to Modeling Equity in Urban Water Systems During Droughts
- Analyzing Rock Samples using Deep Learning for Improving X-Ray CT Scan Resolution
- Approaches to make the Geosciences more Inclusive: Highlighting Student-Led initiatives
- Are There Mantle Earthquakes Beneath the East African Rift?
- Assessing Causal Relationships in Agricultural Soil and Water Management from Observational Satellite Data
- Assessing Interactions between Flexible Planning, Design, and Operations of Water Supply Infrastructure
- Assessing Spatiotemporal Consistency Among Microwave Remote Sensing Estimates of Vegetation Water Content
- Assessing the Shifting Roles of Timing, Extremes, and Intensity in Shaping Red Sea Rainfall Regimes
- Atmospheric Methane Removal: A Research Agenda
- Attributing Sources of Surface Water Pollutants in the Maumee River Basin Using Network Modeling
- Automated Identification of Ice Sheet Surface and Bed from Archival Radar Film Data
- Basal channel outflow inferred from persistent polynya variability at the Eastern Thwaites Ice Shelf
- Biochar alleviates the negative impact of compaction on hydraulic conductivity in a roadside bioswale
- Bridging Earthquakes and Mountain Building in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA
- CCSNet II: an advanced machine learning modeling suite for CO2 storage in anisotropic and heterogeneous media
- CCSNet: an end-to-end web application for CO2 storage site management
- Can Machine Learning Predict Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery?
- Can Social Safety Nets Prevent Climate-Related Conflict? Evidence from Ethiopia
- Can accounting for carbon allocation shifts due to drought improve tropical land C sink prediction?
- Chapter 1: Framing, context, and methods
- Characterization of the recent drought in the US Southwest: historical context and what can we expect in the future?
- Characterizing -sunspots of Solar Cycle 24 using data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager
- Characterizing Crevasse Clutter in Radar Sounding Data from Ice Sheets
- Climate change adaptation planning at the scale of impact: balancing the need for technical expertise and treatment of uncertainty with local-driven water resources planning
- Climate change impacts to peatland soil moisture and fire risk in Southeast Asia
- Climates Influence on Manganese Redox Cycling and Soil Carbon Stability
- Climatic Influences on Collective Action: Evidence from Severe Drought in Namibia
- Combined InSAR and Seismic Analysis Links Shallow Fluid Injection to Seismic and Aseismic Slip in the Delaware Basin, TX
- Combining GEDI and Sentinel-2 for wall-to-wall mapping of tall and short crops
- Combining Remote Sensing, Soil, and Mobile Phone Data to Identify Micronutrient Deficiencies in Farmers' Fields
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Comparing Extinction Rate and Threat of Molluscs During the Cambrian and Ordovician Periods to the Modern Day with Respect to Body Size and Ecology
- Confronting the water potential information gap
- Connecting the Dots: Using High-Resolution Earthquake Catalogs for Real-Time Operational and Regulatory Decision Making for Induced Seismicity
- Constraining Plant Hydraulics with Microwave Radiometry in a Land Surface Model: Impacts of Temporal Resolution and Wavelength of Observations
- Constraining candidate surface sediment on planetary bodies using theory for particle attrition at the aeolian transport threshold
- Constraining magma compressibility and chamber volume at Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos
- Constraints on OCO-2 retrievals to provide robust NEE estimates over North America
- Containing Englacial Attenuation in the Absence of Continuous Reflecting Interfaces
- Contextualizing Farmer Perspectives on Water Quality in California
- Continental mantle earthquakes in northwestern Tibet shown by amplitude ratios of Sn and Lg observations from HiCLIMB array
- Contrasts in the integrated strength of crustal blocks drive localized rock uplift and exhumation along the San Andreas fault system in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California, USA
- Convergence of Multisector Dynamics (Human) and Natural Systems in Coastal Environments
- Cooling and exhumation patterns in a strike-slip tectonic setting: preliminary thermochronologic results from the Southern Andes (39S)
- Could Cenozoic Impacts Have Triggered Rapid Global Warming?
- Cratonic Earthquakes around the Crust-Mantle Transition, Western Canada
- Cross-scale Connections Between Ecosystem Services and Biomass Production: A Freshwater Systems Perspective
- Crustal Structure across Central Scandinavian Peninsula along Silver Road Refraction Profile
- Crystal Plasticity and Strength of Shock-Compressed hcp-Iron up to 187(10) GPa and 4070(285) K
- Data-driven prediction of urban hydrological transitions in the Contiguous United States
- Decay by ectomycorrhizal fungi limits soil carbon storage
- Deceptive Crystals
- Deep learning-based estimation of riverine bathymetry using Variational Encoder Geostatistical Approaches (VEGAs)
- Defining the Geometry of Active Continent-Continent Collision: Northern Limit of Indian Underthrusting of Tibet (Location of Mantle Suture) at the Present-Day
- Delineating smallholder fields using transfer learning and weak supervision
- Design of novel porous media for the study of nonequilibrium chemical processes
- Detecting Ecosystem Turnover and Realized Niches Using Remote Sensing Data, Citizen Science Observations and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Determinants of environmental water market activity in the western United States
- Determining the fault planes in the North China Plain with a combination of the earthquake location data and the focal mechanism solutions
- Developing Quantitative Measures of Middle Grades Students Understanding of Climate Data and Perceptions of Local Climate Impacts
- Developing a Research Agenda for Climate Litigation
- Development of a fixed-wing UAV for ice-penetrating radar data collection
- Diagnosing Discrepancies in Soil Carbon Stocks between Upscaled Global Data Products
- Diazotrophs in Deep-Sea Sediments are Widespread, Diverse, and Lying in Wait
- Different Origins of Rhyolite Magmas Reveal Details of Magmatic Processes During an Ignimbrite Flare-up Dominated by Monotonous Intermediates.
- Direct-push nuclear magnetic resonance logging constrains the water content distribution in the vadose zone
- Disrupt the Upper or the Lower Conduit? The Dual Role of Gas Exsolution in the Conduits of Persistently Active Volcanoes
- Distributed Space Telescopes Enabled by Constellation of Small Satellites
- Distribution of subglacial channels beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet based on airborne radar sounding
- Distributional Health Impacts of Electricity Imports in the United States
- Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences (DIG): a student-led initiative empowering trainees to make institutional change
- Do No Harm and Beyond: Justice as a Critical Zone Core Concept
- Drainage initiation and expansion in bedrock landscapes
- Early Triassic Weathering Intensity and Climate Recovery After the end-Permian Extinction
- Early indications of the time of emergence of precipitation change: Improving estimates by integrating climate model ensembles with Bayesian statistics
- Early- and in-season crop type mapping from historical information: generating labels via a topology-based approach
- Earthquake Phase Association with Graph Neural Networks
- Earthquake cycle simulations with fluid transport, fault valving, and viscous creep compaction of pores
- Effect of Upper Thermosphere Flight on Meteoroid Ablation and Deceleration Prior to Radar Detection
- Effect of Wildfire Severity on the Longevity of Precipitation-Triggered Landslide Hazard
- Effect of concurrent solubilization and fines migration on fracture aperture growth in shale rocks during acidized core floods
- Effects of PFT and Environmental Filtering Parameterization Approaches on Global NBE Prediction Errors
- Effects of stratigraphic stress variations on the spatiotemporal distribution of microearthquakes induced during hydraulic fracturing
- Efficient Estimation of Evapotranspiration from Sparse Soil Moisture Measurements
- Efficient Stochastic Subsurface Inversion using Deep Generative Modeling and Multi-fidelity Importance Sampling
- Efficient inversion of synthetic thermal experiments for fractured rock characterization
- Effusion Rates as a Control for Lava Morphologies: A Case Study from the 20142015 Holuhraun Eruption, Iceland
- Emerging importance of clouds for Greenland Ice Sheet energy balance and meltwater production
- Emissions of CH4, CO2, and NOx from Offshore Alaska Oil and Gas Activities
- Engineer Level Automated Interpretation of Geothermal Well Logs Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Equitable Policies for Climate-Induced Migration
- Estimating the Impact of Urban Irrigation on Carbon Dioxide Exchange Using A Coupled WRF-UCM and Photosynthesis Model
- Evaluating Rates of Learning about Climate Uncertainty on Flexible Water Infrastructure Planning
- Evaluation of Image Prediction Models for Nondestructive Porous Media Characterization
- Evapotranspiration frequently increases during droughts, especially mild ones
- Evidence for protracted fault-hosted hydrothermal circulation and high topography during synconvergent extension in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Examining Soil Surface Processes at Jezero crater, Mars
- Examining the Effects of Habitat Loss and Body Size on the Extinction Risk of the Family Felidae
- Existential Risk: A Spark for Student and Professional Engagement with Climate Change
- Exploring Natural Climate Solutions: Could flux towers be useful at industrial scales?
- Exploring a Lunar Magnetic Anomaly: The Lunar Vertex PRISM Mission
- Exploring the Potential of Unsupervised Machine Learning and Satellite Measurements to Derive Climate Zones in the USA
- FIB-SEM Investigation of the Effects of HFF-Shale Reaction on Mineralogy and Pore Structure
- Fate and Transport Consequences Arising from Biogeochemical Heterogeneity within the Subsurface
- Fermi-LAT observations of long duration gamma-ray emission from solar flares
- Field Measurements of Flare Combustion Efficiencies and NOx Production Rates in Major US Oil and Gas Basins
- Fine-Resolution Measurement of Soil Moisture from InSAR Phase Closure
- Fine-grained regolith on Mars: Comparison between Gale and Jezero craters using ChemCam and SuperCam LIBS data
- Firn Aquifer-Induced Disintegration of Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Flow regimes and alternate stable states in a non-perennial river
- Fluid-surface interactions effects in nanoconfined fluids
- Food Security as a Tool for Sociopolitical Control in China
- Formation and mobility of FeS colloids in natural waters
- Four-decades of Ross Ice Shelf Change: Part 1. Modern Ice Shelf Basal Conditions based on ROSETTA-Ice and NASA/NSF IceBridge Radio-echo Sounding Observations
- Four-decades of Ross Ice Shelf changes: Part 2. Comparison using archival SPRI-NSF-TUD and modern ROSETTA-Ice and NASA/NSF IceBridge radio-echo sounding data
- Geochemical Evolution of Shale and Formation Brine Interpreted Using Image Analysis and Flow-through Effluent Data
- Geospatial Image Collection to Improve the Specificity of Climate Interventions.
- Global Surface Winds Inferred from Barchan Dunes on Mars Using a Convolutional Neural Network
- Global solar flows and their impact on magnetic activity
- Global temperature goals should determine the time horizons for greenhouse gas emission metrics
- Global variations of the rooting zone water storage capacity inferred from Earth observation
- Growing Impact of Wildfire on Western United States Water Supply
- Habitability of Terrestrial Planets with Extreme Tidal Heating
- High-resolution P-wave Velocities Across the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault at Mee Ranch, Central California
- How AI is Changing Studies of Seismicity
- How Do We Unravel Coupled Multiphysics Processes in Complex Nanoporous Formations?
- How Much Inundation Occurs in the Amazon River Basin?
- How does calcite control stimulation fluid imbibition in shale?
- How steady is interseismic crustal deformation in the late stage of the earthquake cycle? Evidence from a century of geodetic data in Northeast Japan
- Hybrid Field Teaching and Learning in Aotearoa-New Zealand; Lessons Learnt from One Year Into the Future
- Hydro-Biogeochemical Reactivity of Floodplain Subsurface Interfaces
- Hydro-biogeochemical response of oxic-anoxic interfaces to beaver dam construction in a simulated floodplain aquifer
- Hydrogen As A Transition Alternative For Oil- And Gas- Dependent Countries - A Case Study of Nigeria
- Hydrology and microbial communities cause shifts in geochemistry and the oxic-anoxic interface in floodplain soils
- Imaging the Shallow Subsurface underneath the City of Oxnard with Telecom Cables
- Impacts of water supply institutions on water and land markets
- Implementation of the AQMS/Jiggle System at the Puerto Rico Seismic Network: Process, Pitfalls, and Triumphs
- Improved 3D Visualization of Reactive Transport Dynamics in Fractured Shales with Deep Learning Super Resolution
- Improving Linkages Between Earth Observations and Ecosystem Service Models with Essential Biodiversity Variables
- Improving and Converting MAG4 to Python Scripts (MagPy)
- In situ X-ray Study of Phase and Spin Transitions in Fe-bearing Pyroxene Under Ultrafast Shock Compression up to 132 GPa
- In situ study of SiO2 deformation and phase transitions on the millisecond timescales using a dynamic diamond anvil cell
- Increased soil N2O emissions from the Arctic-Boreal region: A non-negligible non-carbon climate feedback
- Induced seismicity in the Midland Basin, Texas: application of surface and borehole seismic data to precision earthquake location
- Influence from wind and wind turbine on seismic noise observations in Oklahoma
- Influence of Hydrogeologic Structure on the Hillslope Groundwater Dynamics in a Mountainous Watershed
- Informing Bistatic Radar Experiments at Thwaites Glacier Using Bistatic Data from Greenland and West Antarctica
- Informing Nature-based Climate Solutions with the best-available science: a research agenda for the land-atmosphere flux community
- Infrasound Radiation from Impulsive Volcanic Eruptions: Nonlinear Aeroacoustic 2D Simulations
- Initiating new science policy partnerships while handling competing crises: Evaluating the results of recruitment for climate change research among U.S. Gulf Coast communities, 2020-2021
- Insights for evolution of induced earthquake clusters from a high-resolution catalog for Oklahoma
- Insights from Repeated Helicopter-based OGI on Methane Emissions and Flaring Performance across Industry Segments in the Permian Basin
- Insights into the earthquake cycle, recurrence, and nucleation from 8 decades observing a characteristic M 4 earthquake source
- Integrating microstructural, geochemical, and geochronological observations to evaluate deformation conditions during exhumation of the Orocopia Schist, northern Plomosa Mountains, west-central Arizona
- Integrating plant physiology and community ecology across scales through trait-based models to predict drought mortality
- Interactions between carbon uptake potential and ecosystem response to drought across degraded forests in the Amazon
- Internal shear instability in layered lava flow may initiate the pahoehoe to 'a'a lava transition
- Investigating Near-Thawed Basal Conditions in East Antarctica Using Archival and Modern Ice Penetrating Radar Sounding Data
- Investigating Transport and Structural Changes of Faults Slipping under sc-CO2 Conditions
- Investigating a subglacial hydrological transition near the grounding zone of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
- Investigating basal thaw as a driver of mass loss across Antarctica
- Investigating the Relationship between Metabolic Rate and Extinction Probability for Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Echinodermata, and Mollusca Phyla during the Cenozoic Era
- Investigating the Thermal Evolution of Mercurys Fe-S-Si Core
- Joint inversions using physics-based models to derive magma storage conditions and ascent dynamics for Mount St. Helens 2004-2008
- Kinetic and Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions
- LOC-FLOW: An End-to-end High Precision Earthquake Location Workflow
- Laboratory prototype for a photonic magnetograph
- Land Subsidence in Californias San Joaquin Valley Set to Continue for Decades
- Large Scale Collaborative Science: Lessons Learned from the Phase I COFFIES DRIVE Science Center
- Large organic colloids drive biogeochemical reactions downstream of sediment interfaces in simulated aquifers
- Leveraging Remote-Sensing of Plant Traits to Infer Soil Biogeochemical Properties and Microbial Metabolic Potential at Watershed Scale.
- Local and Long-Range Structural Response of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Iron Oxides
- Locating Activity Nests of Sunspots in Solar Cycle 24 using Data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager
- Long term impacts of wildfire smoke exposure on hospitalizations in California
- Long-Term Assembly of Complex Marine Ecosystems in Tropical Reefs Following the Worst Extinction of Animal Life
- Long-term Evolution of Acoustic Travel Times Measured in SDO/HMI Time-Distance Far-Side Images
- Looking under the hood: benchmarking soil organic matter pool distributions at the global-scale
- Loss of twenty percent of global wetlands since 1700 estimated by soil drainage reconstruction
- Magma Chamber Pressure History at Kilauea volcano from April 2018 to December 2020
- Mapping Oil and Gas Infrastructure Globally using Deep Learning on Satellite Imagery
- Mapping Subsidence of Tropical Peatlands
- Mapping high-resolution subglacial topography of West Antarctica from radar data using non-stationary multiple-point geostatistics (MPS)
- Meltwater Infiltration and Refreezing Beneath Ice Slabs in Northwest Greenland
- Methodologies for the study of change in hydrology and society
- Mid to Late Holocene (5.5 ka to Present) Oceanographic Changes in the Adelie Basin, East Antarctica: Ultra-High Resolution Foraminiferal and Stable Isotope (13C and 18O) Records from IODP Expedition 318 Site U1357
- Midlatitude error growth and weather prediction limits in a range of climates: the role of static stability
- Mineralogy and Scaling Relationships in Shales During Acidification: Models and Experiments
- Mission in a minute: Complex Spatial Query and Data Access in the Cloud for the ICESat-2 Mission
- Modeling Hydrogeologic Fluxes and Their Impact on Natural and Human Systems
- Monthly estimates of global freshwater wetland methane emissions for 2001-2018 from upscaled eddy covariance fluxes
- Multi-model ensemble does not fill the gaps in sparse wetland methane observations
- Multi-phase Seismic Source Imprint of Tropical Cyclones
- Multiple stable states of global climate do not persist because of a balanced long-term carbon cycle
- Multiscale Modeling of Reactive Systems through Symbolic Computing and Demonstration in Planar Fractures
- New Constraints on Grain Size of Eolian Sediments in the Stimson Sandstone, Gale Crater, Mars and Implications for Paleoclimate
- New analyses to legacy datasets reveal new insights on microseismicity source processes during hydraulic fracturing
- New initiatives from the Solar Data Analysis Center
- New insights into the Rangely earthquake control experiment
- Nitrogen Gas Emissions from Shale Critical Zone Environments
- Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Flow and Waves Excited by Volcanic Sources
- Oaks and other hardwoods appear remarkably resilient when facing prolonged drought-stress in a northeastern temperate forest
- Observational evidence of spot-producing magnetic ring's split during MHD evolution
- Observations of Electron Precipitation on the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats Associated with VLF Transmissions from the DSX Satellite
- Observed gravity wave momentum fluxes and sources from Loon stratospheric balloons
- Ocean Surface Gravity Wave Excitation of Flexural-Gravity and Longitudinal Waves in Ice Shelves
- On the Selection of a Maximum Temporal Baseline when using SBAS Techniques in the Presence of Aliasing and Seasonal Displacement Signals
- On the impossibility of individual extreme event thresholds in the absence of global warming
- Open Polar Radar Software and Services to Standardize Radar Echograms and Integrate into a Geospatial Database
- OpenET: Operational Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management in the Western United States
- Operation of Surface Magnetic Assessment in Real Time (SMART) Ground-based Magnetometer Network
- Optimizing Clean Hydrogen Infrastructure Build-Out in California for Heavy-Duty Trucking Applications
- Optimizing ecological benefits of market-based Colorado River Compact deliveries
- Parameterization of Inflows around Active Regions
- Passively Synchronized Bistatic Radar System for Subsurface Tomography of Glaciers
- Past fires and post-fire impacts reconstructed from a southwest Australian stalagmite
- Performance of a Non-Gaussian Detector for Persistent Scatterers in InSAR Imagery
- Permeability of Chicxulub Peak Ring Rocks and Implications for the Post-Impact Hydrothermal System
- Persistent effects of El Nino on economic growth in present and future climates
- Plant-Water Sensitivity Regulates Wildfire Vulnerability
- Point-Bar and Channel-Fill Deposits of an Unvegetated Distributary Fluvial System: Implications for Jezero Crater, Mars
- Polar and Large-scale Magnetic Field Patterns in Solar Cycles 25 and Before
- Policy Insights from PermianMAP: What is the Value of Measurement Data for Mitigating Oil and Gas Methane Emissions?
- Pore-merging methodology for simulating reactive dissolution of porous media using pore-network models
- Pore-scale modeling of reactive transport and mineral dissolution in porous media
- Power Spectral Density Analysis of Seismic Records Due to Tropical Cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean and Associated Microseism Generation
- Precursory slow slip and foreshocks on rough faults
- Predicting Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in the Central Valley, California
- Prediction of Off-Fault Deformation from Experimental Strike-slip Fault Structures using the Convolutional Neural Networks
- Pro-environmental attitudes and behavioral intentions in the United States: Personal experience and subjective attribution to climate change
- Probing Dissolution Dynamics in Natural Media using Microfluidics
- Process-based modeling of glacial till advection
- Pushing the Boundaries of 3D Particle-In-Cell Simulations of the Plasma Surrounding an Ablating Meteoroid
- Pushing the Boundaries of Multiscale Modeling of Reactive Systems through Symbolic Computing
- QuakeFlow: A Scalable Deep-learning-based Earthquake Monitoring Workflow with Cloud Computing
- QuantImPy: Minkowski Functionals and Functions with Python
- Quantification of time-varying aquifer responses to adoption of low-pressure irrigation technology
- Quantifying River Sediment Regimes to Evaluate the Sustainability of Hydropower Systems
- Quantifying Streamflow Depletion for Science-Based Water Management: Challenges and Emerging Approaches
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of Microearthquake Slip Inversions to Station Distribution Using the LASSO Nodal Array in Oklahoma
- Quasi-periodic whistler mode emission in the plasmasphere as detected by the USAF/DSX spacecraft
- Radio Path Measurements of the Structure of the Solar Plasma in the Outer Solar System
- Radiometric Calibration of Archival Radar Sounding Data
- Rate-and-state modeling of injection-induced aseismic slip in the Delaware Basin constrains fault-zone pore pressure changes
- Reactive Organic Carbon Export and Associated Contributions to Disinfection Byproduct Formation During Drinking Water Treatment in a Subalpine Watershed
- Real-time Data Product Streams for Permafrost Monitoring with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Reconciling GPS Displacements and Very Long Period Seismic Waveforms with a Dynamic Model of Kilaueas 2018 Caldera Collapse
- Record Low North American Monsoon Rainfall in 2020 Reignites Drought over the American Southwest
- Recovering Changes in Hydraulic Head from InSAR Data
- Redox Dynamics and Reduced Benthic Faunal Abundance Across the Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction
- Regional-Scale Soil Carbon Mapping: A Case Study from the East River, Colorado, USA
- Relationship Between Shellfish Fossil Location and Native Tribes in the Bay Area
- Remote Sensing Surface Mineralogy and Foliar Metal Content to Discern Contaminant Sources Across Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Repeating Earthquakes Partially Reload Themselves in Parkfield
- Repeating and Near Repeating Earthquake Variability at Intermediate Depth in the Bucaramanga Nest
- Resolving the carbon-climate feedback potential of high latitude wetland CO2 and CH4 exchanges
- Rethinking reservoir operations: how expanding operation goals can yield win-win climate adaptation outcomes
- Risk Appraisal and Personal Experience as Motivators of Wildfire-Associated Migration Intentions in California
- Robust technology and policy pathways for urban water security
- SAR Focusing of Mobile ApRES Surveys
- Satellite Observations Constrain Plant-accessible Water Storage Influencing Global Grassland Response to Drought
- Saving Glacial Ice Through Localized Surface Albedo Modification
- Scalable deep learning to identify brick kilns and aid regulatory capacity
- Seasonal and Secular Changes in CO2 Degassing at Mammoth Mountain Can Be Explained by Solid-Earth-Driven Fault Valving
- Seasonal trends in California offshore wind events
- Secular trends in ooid size: Can they inform us about ancient climate and ocean chemistry?
- Seismic Network Expansion in the Caucasus and Central Asia (SNECCA)
- Seismic force component of unsteady eruptions predicted from numerical models
- Sensitivity of the Relationship Between Antarctic Ice Shelves and Iron Supply to Projected Changes in Atmospheric Forcing
- Set in stone: Numerical models of bedrock watersheds preferentially preserve legacy topologies in high-concavity landscapes
- Shale Pore Architecture and Flow Properties Alteration under CO2 Supercritical Conditions
- Shifting mineral and metabolic constraints regulate dissolved organic matter export from floodplain soils
- Simulated Effects of Seismic Source Depth on Coda Waves at Local Distances (< 150 km) in Realistic 3D Earth Models
- Simulating heat extremes using dynamic synchronization in complex climate networks
- Simulating the Hydrologic Effects of Aquifer-wide Adoption of Efficient Irrigation Technologies
- Simulation of Digital Rock Images Using Style-based Generative Adversarial Networks
- Soil Micronutrients and Human Health: Evidence from India
- Soil carbon transit time determination in shale-rich environments
- Solar Toroidal Field Evolution Spanning Four Sunspot Cycles Seen By WSO, SOHO/MDI, and SDO/HMI
- Southern Africa crustal anisotropy reveals coupled crust-mantle evolution for over 2 billion years
- Spatial and temporal quantification of fluid saturation and solute transport during spontaneous imbibition using multimodal imaging methods
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Hydrologic Response Times in Californias Sierra Nevada
- Spectral Unmixing of Antarctic Snow Grain Size Distribution: A Data-Driven Perspective
- Studying the Structure and Dynamics of Supercritical CO2 using Synchrotron X-ray Techniques and Atomistic-scale Modeling
- Surface Expressions of Subsurface Water Storage in Northwest Greenland
- Synergy and Competition between Long and Short Duration Storage in Renewable Power Grids
- Temperature-Driven Changes to Mobility Patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Testing geodynamic models for the evolution of the Calabrian forearc, southern Italy, using a data-driven inversion of topography
- Testing the Sponge Biomarker Hypothesis Through Identification of 24-Isopropyl Sterol Biosynthesis Enzymes
- Testing the strength of the speleothem magnetism as a rainfall proxy using a high-resolution record from central-eastern Brazil
- Tethys Belt in the Anatolia-Caucasus-Black Sea Region: Basins, Magmatic Arcs, Ophiolites, and LIPs
- The 3D Effects of Large Stellar Flares on Habitable Zone Planets
- The Characterization of Microbially-Produced Iron-Binding Ligands Across the Mid-Cayman Rise
- The Deep-Sea Fingerprint of Extreme Climate Change: Sedimentary Responses to Paleocene-Eocene Warming and Eocene-Oligocene Cooling Preserved in Global Marine Clastic Basins
- The Dependence of Solar Flare Magnitude on Sunspot Area During Activity Cycle 24
- The Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST)
- The Power of Comparative Planetology to Decipher the Mechanics of Surface Processes and Their Records
- The Quest for Operator Metrics: Can Aerial Remote Sensing Deliver Sufficient Data to Quantitatively Compare the Emissions Performance of Oil & Gas Operators in the United States Permian Basin?
- The Role Of Glaciovolcanic Sources In Iceland's Mars-Analog Sedimentary Systems.
- The SUMMATION project: A new Tiered Observing System for Methane Emission Quantification in the US Southern San Joaquin Valley
- The Search for Active Tectonics on Venus in the NASA VERITAS Mission
- The anomalous North Atlantic region
- The contribution of soil, topographic, and vegetation traits to plant-water sensitivity
- The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- The parallel worlds of DEMOGORGN Greenland
- The relative importance of different origin conditions for atmospheric river landfall temperatures
- The spread of convective activity by cold pool: a theoretical investigation
- The use of remote sensing data to monitor changes in stored groundwater in a heavily stressed subbasin in the Central Valley
- Thermodynamic Limitations on Microbial Respiration Using Ferric Iron as Terminal Electron Acceptor
- Three-Dimensional Imaging of Fracture-Matrix Interactions during Brine Imbibition through a Naturally Fractured Shale Rock
- Time-dependent permeability evolution of shale rocks with argon and supercritical CO2
- Toward modeling flocculation in turbulence-resolving simulations for cohesive sediment transport
- Towards global mapping of oil and gas infrastructure for MethaneSAT source attribution
- Towards reconciling geodetic models of magma chambers with the transcrustal magma storage concept
- Towards robust modeling and upscaling of wetland CH4 emission using FLUXNET-CH4 dataset, remote sensing and machine learning
- Traffic Accidents and Delays Present Contrasting Pictures of Traffic Resilience to Coastal Flooding in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA
- Turbulence as a Mediator of Extremes Due to Abrupt Climate Change
- Two-phase flow and wetting film stabilization in long microscale channels
- Uncertainty quantification of water exchanges due to beaver-induced inundation
- Understanding the Yield Impacts of Conservation Tillage in the Semi-Arid Western Cornbelt
- Understanding the responses of photosynthesis to light, carbon dioxide, and temperature
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Northeastern Sino-Korean Craton: A Perspective Based on the North Korean Nuclear Explosion Data Analysis
- Using Machine Learning Models and Logistic Regression Analyses to Develop a Comprehensive Understanding of Extinction Risk For Marine Animal Phyla Across the Paleozoic
- Using Machine Learning to Understand Changes in Extreme Precipitation
- Using Radar Sounding and Topographic Imager Data to Measure Europas Tides
- Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes to Understand Paleoenvironments and Historical Land-Use Around a Culturally Modified Hill-Top Reservoir at Kadebakele, Tungabhadra River Valley, Peninsular India
- Using hypocenter-mapped fault structures for regional seismic risk analysis: A case study of Oklahoma County
- Utilizing Large-Scale Aerial Remote Sensing Campaigns to Improve Estimates of Methane Emission Factors from Pipelines in the Permian Basin
- Variability of snow and rainfall partitioning into evapotranspiration and summer runoff across eight mountainous catchments
- Variation of Solar Acoustic Oscillation Power during Solar Cycle 24
- Variations in the Suns Axisymmetric Flows During Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Virtual Field Trips as a tool for reducing anxieties and refocusing cognitive loads during in-person field activities
- Virtual post-activity walkthroughs - using virtual field trips to provide students with meaningful feedback and opportunities for reflection on in-person geologic exercises
- Warm and dry biases in CMIP6 models are largest over highly productive croplands
- Western U.S. precipitation seasonality in the Cenozoic
- Wetland Restoration on Intensive Agricultural Lands Changes Nitrogen Cycling Microbial Communities and Reduces N2O Production Potential in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- What happens during wildfire?
- When Do Tectonic Drivers Take a Backseat? A Macroscopic View of Earths Surface
- Yield Impacts from Precipitation Extremes: Accounting for Shallow Groundwater in the US Corn Belt
- Zooming into natural Fe-rich colloids from Slate River Floodplain (CO)
- An online, open-source tool for exploring archival ice-penetrating radar data of Antarctica in the 1970s
- 1D Compaction Modeling for the Kaweah and Tule Groundwater Subbasins in California's San Joaquin Valley
- 231Pa/230Th Ratios in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and their Implications for the Application of U-Series Nuclides as an Ocean Circulation Proxy
- A Depositional Model for Meandering Rivers in Unvegetated Arid Basins
- A Distinct Dune-Formation Regime on Mars
- A Hidden Markov Model Approach to Quantify Uncertainty of High-Resolution 3D Lithofacies Models Using Seismic Data
- A Multi-Instrument Study of Regolith at Jezero Crater
- A Single-Layer Urban Canopy Model with Transmissive Radiation Exchange between Trees and Street Canyons
- A Socio-Hydrological Framework to Assess Rate Design for Water Affordability
- A Survey of Off-Limb Eruptions Observed in SDO/HMI Continuum Intensity
- A Theory-Guided Data-Driven Framework for Upscaling Reactive Transport and Mineral Precipitation in Fracture-Matrix Systems
- A shale-water interaction model and its sensitivity to each input parameter over the entire domain
- A study to determine the orientation of the maximum horizontal principal stress using P-wave receiver functions
- Adaptive Water Supply Planning under Uncertain Climate Oscillation Patterns
- An Exploration of Pantropical Peat and Carbon Accumulation
- Analysis of Remotely Sensed Channel Width Observations Using High-Accuracy Shoreline Tracking on Alaskan Rivers
- Aquifers in Antarctic Ice Shelves and their Effects on Ice Shelf Stability
- Are dynamic vegetation models the best way to predict ecosystem change under climate stress?
- Aspect Angle Dependence of Meteoroid Mass Estimation for Monostatic and Bistatic Radar Cross Section Measurements
- Assemblage Structure of Large Carnivorous Fishes at Shallow and Mesophotic Depths at Tubbataha and Cagayancillo Marine Protected Areas, Philippines
- Assessing Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban School Garden Soils in Northern California and its implications for Environmental Justice
- Assessing Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Coastal Waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Using Stable Isotopes
- Assessing Spatial Coherence Constraints on Passive Radar Experiments Using Radio-Astronomical Sources for Echo Detection
- Attributing impacts of historical climate change: Recent progress in quantifying economic impacts using historical observations and climate model ensembles
- Attributing phosphorus in the Maumee River Basin to polluting sources by integrating a network model into a Bayesian framework
- Auto-detecting adaptive hybrid method for reactive transport in porous media
- Automated Detection of West Antarctic Persistent Polynas using Physics-Featurized Neural Networks
- Automated Symbolic Upscaling of Geochemical Reaction Networks: Model Generation for Extended Applicability Regimes
- Basal Melting of Ross Ice Shelf based on ROSETTA-Ice Radio-echo Sounding Observations
- Basin-wide Planning of Amazon Hydropower can Reduce Adverse Impacts on Ecosystem Services
- Belowground Carbon Density of Lowland Colombian Peatlands
- Biogeochemical Origins and Timing of Laminations in Mono Lake Sediments
- Biogeochemical Response of a Sierra Nevada Watershed Following Compounding Extremes: Drought, Wildfire, and Atmospheric Rivers
- Broadening Impacts Program of the COFFIES NASA DRIVE Center: Increasing Diversity through Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
- Building FLUXNET-CH4 2.0: Methane Flux Data and Community to Advance Global Methane Cycle Science
- CARDAMOM 3.0: A versatile data assimilation framework to infer carbon, water, and energy cycling using diverse Earth observations
- CO2 Emissions from Drainage Canals in Southeast Asian Peatlands
- Can Corals Record High Resolution Changes in Earth's Magnetosphere?
- Can a DIY Arduino-based system accurately measure CO2 flux from automated chambers?
- Carbon Intensity of North America Natural Gas Production
- Carbon Losses from Southeast Asian Peatlands
- Carbon intensity of hydropower: a key driver of power capacity expansion under climate policy in the African continent
- Climate and soil mineral controls on global radiocarbon profiles
- Climate change increases the dependence of hydropower on sustainable land management
- Climate change may increase both plant drought stress and productivity
- Climate, Manganese, and Soil Carbon Stability
- Combining randomized field experiments with observational satellite data to assess the benefits of crop rotations on yields
- Commodity-Specific Health and Climate Impacts of Electrification of Long-Haul Trucks
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Comparing the Latitudinal Ranges of Genera of Mollusca and Arthropoda Before and After the End-Permian Extinction
- Comparison of Aircraft Observed, Remotely Sensed, and Modeled Ammonia Concentrations in the American Midwest.
- Compositional Trends with Distance from Source to Sink in Glaciovolcanic Mars-Analog Fluvial Systems
- Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2
- Conditions and Timescales of Magma Storage and Eruption Revealed by Crystal, Melt Inclusion, and Glass Compositions and Textures: A Comparison of Giant and Large Silicic Eruptions at the Taupō Volcanic Center (New Zealand)
- Constraining CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Diverse Tidal Wetlands: Standardizing measurements and analysis across a network of eddy covariance sites in North America and Canada
- Constraining Respiration Flux and Carbon Pools in a Simple Ecosystem Carbon Model
- Constraints for transit times of soil carbon from a global compilation of radiocarbon in incubations
- Constructing a historical database of wildfire evacuation orders in California
- Contaminant flushing and groundwater mixing during managed aquifer recharge: a particle tracking approach
- Contrasting Carbon Functions of Colombia's Palm Swamp and White Sand Peatlands
- Contrastive Self-supervised Learning of Digital Rock Image Embeddings for Porous Media Characterization
- Contributing to the Surface Elevation Timeline of Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Controls on spatial variation in porewater methane concentration across U.S. tidal wetlands
- Convectively Coupled Waves in Rotating Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Coral Skeletal Ba/Ca in the Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá has Paleo-Hydroclimate Potential to Evaluate Seasonal Variability and Reconstruct River Discharge
- Could Kilauea's 2020 Post Caldera-Forming Eruption Have Been Anticipated?
- Coupled Evolution of Earth's Hydrogen Distribution and Thermal History
- Coupled Numerical Simulation of Volcanic Conduit Flow and Aeroacoustics
- Crystallization of Ferrous and Ferric Iron Oxides Drive the Redox Evolution of Crystallizing Magma Oceans
- DOC Oxidation in Tropical Peatland Drainage Canals
- DRIPS: A framework of Dimension Reduction and Interpolation in Parameter Space
- Deciphering the Basal Conditions of Wilkes Basin, East Antarctica, with Ice-Penetrating Radar and Ice Sheet Modeling
- Decreasing Arsenic Availability in Rice Paddies under Future Climate Conditions
- Deducing Source Lithologies in Microtektites from the Chicxulub Impact
- Deep Causal Bayesian Network for Modeling Spatial Seismic Building Damage from Remote Sensing Observations
- Deep Clustering of Tremor Episodes Can Reveal Different Eruptive Periods during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
- Deep Learning for Boulder Detection on Planetary Surfaces
- Deep Learning for Direct Exoplanet Detection
- Detecting converted seismic phases of Tonga deep earthquakes: insights from deep-learning methods
- Determining Crop Coefficients Using Remote Sensing for the Maipo River Valley Basin in Chile
- Determining the role of low-to-no snow years on mountainous water budgets with bedrock through atmosphere models and observations
- Did Microbial Carbonate Flourish When Skeletal Metazoans and Algae were in Low Abundance in the Aftermath of the End-Permian Extinction?
- Differentiating oil and natural gas operator emissions performance via hyperspectral aircraft surveys
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing in the Puget Sound and Puget Lowlands, Washington, USA
- Distributional effects in health damages from air pollution from using fossil fuel and electrified vehicles in the United States
- Drivers of Volcano Deformation (DVD) Verification and Validation Exercises: Phase 1
- Drivers of abrupt circumpolar surface warming across the Southern Ocean
- Early laboratory testing of a photonic magnetograph
- Earth's Earliest Atmosphere and Volatile Loss During Accretion
- Earthquake sequence simulations on nonplanar faults with restraining and releasing bends quantify the probability of rupture propagation through the bend
- Effect of Orbital Parameters and Tidal Heating on Ocean Evaporation on Habitable Red Dwarf Planets
- Engaging Your World: Youth Creation of Virtual Learning Experiences
- Estimating vegetation relative water content from passive microwave observations of vegetation optical depth
- Estimation of Englacial Attenuation and Basal Reflectivity Using Off-Nadir Radio Echo Sounding
- Ethane Forms Molecular Clusters Under Nanoconfinement
- Evapotranspiration frequently increases during droughts
- Evolution of Kinetic and Magnetic Helicities in Solar Active Regions
- Experimental Investigation of Phosphorus Uptake onto Carbonate Minerals in Coastal Wastewater Injection Zones
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Gas Storage and Transport in Shales using Pressure Pulse Decay Data
- Exploring Equity in Social Media Communications for Crisis Management by Water Utilities
- Exploring distributions of mineral-associated organic carbon age and chemical composition across diverse soil mineralogies
- Fast estimation of evapotranspiration using data from a soil-moisture sensor network
- Forest Density is More Effective than Tree Rigidity at Reducing the Onshore Energy Flux of Tsunamis: Evidence from Large Eddy Simulations with Fluid-Structure Interactions
- Formation Dip Angle Influences CO2 Plume Migration and Stored Mass in Saline Formations
- Fully Coupled Fluid-filled Fracture Propagation Simulations Applied to Dike Swarm Geometry
- GANSim-surrogate: A combined framework for conditional geomodelling of subsurface reservoirs
- GIS Community Visualization of Climate Solutions
- Geographical Repositioning Efforts and Vertical Calibration of Z-scopes from SPRI-NSF-TUD surveys at Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- GlacierStats geostatistical software for modeling ice sheet conditions
- Global Opportunities and Challenges for Floating Solar Power
- Global gridded scenarios of fertilizer impacts on human and freshwater health
- Global mapping of tall crops in regions without field labels using GEDI and Sentinel-2
- Gravity Wave Phase Speeds, Wavelengths, and Momentum Fluxes Observed Above the Southern Ocean
- Groundwater Fluctuations: 4D Constraints From Passive Seismic Interferometry
- Habitability of Terrestrial Planets with Extreme Internal Heating
- Hazard Mitigation & Government Response in The Bay Area: Assessing the Intersection and Causation of Wildfires, and Floods through the Application of Remote Sensing Technologies
- Heterogeneous Response of City-level Building Energy Use to Future Climate Change, Socioeconomic Development, and Power Sector Decarbonization
- Hidden water scarcity due to access inequality - coupled human-natural systems analyses in the Upper Bhima Basin, India
- High-resolution mapping of discontinuous permafrost on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska using shallow geophysics and remote sensing
- How Combining Climate and Disaggregated National Indicators Can Enhance Mountain Biodiversity Conservation Efforts
- How Does the San Andreas Fault Extend into the Deep Crust? Testing Wavespeed Models of Southern California Using Gravity Modeling
- How the past creates the present: reviewing the foundational roles of colonialism and systemic racism and their modern manifestations in paleontology
- How vulnerable are coastal sites in the wake of rising sea levels?
- Hydro-Ecological Pathways to Stabilize the Colorado River with Water Markets
- Hydrological extremes shift controls and pathways of carbon loss from floodplain soils
- Hydromechanical Model Shows that Pockmarks in the Chatham Rise-Bounty Trough May Have Released Significant Volumes of Geologic CO2 During the Last Glacial Termination
- Identifying the Effect of Severe Weather caused Power Outages on Human Health
- Imaging mountainous recharge processes across bedrock and vegetation gradients
- Impact of Surface Volatiles on the Slipface Slope Angle of Martian Barchan Dunes
- Impact-induced Formation of Prebiotic Molecules on Terrestrial Planets
- Impacts of Climate Change on the Stability of Predicted Trait-Environment Relationships
- Impacts of climate change on wildfire smoke exposure over the continental US at the census tract level
- Impacts of historical and future drought on the energy system and air quality in the western US
- Improving Scenario Effectiveness in Motivating Mitigation for Geologic Hazards
- Improving the Physical Accuracy of 3D Particle-In-Cell Simulation of the Plasma Surrounding an Ablating Meteoroid via Simulated Ablation Physics
- Inactive Seafloor Sulfides Support Productive Chemoautotrophic Microbial Communities
- Increasing Mortality of Large Trees Shifts Southwestern Amazon Forests Into a Source of CO2
- Information Geometry of Statistical Manifolds and its Use in Data Assimilation
- Informing Terrestrial Passive Radar Experimental Design Using Jupiter's Radio Emissions for Echo Detection
- Initial Field Testing of a Multi-frequency Ice-Penetrating Radar-Radiometer Optimized for Studying Ice-Sheet Basal Conditions
- Integrated System Analysis of Food-Water-Energy (FWE) Solutions in a Rapidly Growing Region of India
- Integrated and Interpretable Solar Flare Forecast with AIA and HMI Imaging Data: Application of the Spatial Transformer and Bayesian Neural Network
- Interactions Between Climate and Mineralogy Determine Soil Carbon Model Complexity and Temperature Sensitivity
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Applications for Permafrost Disturbance Studies
- Introducing Hillslope Connectivity in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
- Inversion of Two-dimensional Electrical Resistivity data using Convolutional Neural Networks (U-Net)
- Investigating complexity in magma chamber geometry through numerical modeling
- Investigating the causes of the reemerging growth of harmful algae in the Maumee River Basin
- Investigation of Reaction Networks in Geological CO2 Sequestration through Automated Symbolic Upscaling
- Isolating the Role of Slope Change Due to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on Meander Rates and River Morphology in the Red River (North Dakota, USA)
- Jupyter Book-based Supplemental Material: a FAIR Practice to Connect Research Articles with Scientific Data
- Land-use emissions embodied in international trade
- Large-scale agricultural field delineation in India using deep learning and weak supervision
- Leveraging Differences Across Spatial Scales to Understand Discrepancies Between Bottom-up and Top-down Estimates of Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Leveraging Geophysical Data to Locate Sites for the Recharge of California's Aquifers
- Leveraging Multidecadal Remote Sensing Data to Evaluate Interactions Between Century-Scale Ice-Dynamics and the Local Evolution of Crary Ice Rise
- Long Term Fate of CO2 Stored in Geological Formations
- Machine Learning-Driven Detection of Boulders on the Martian Surface
- Maintaining open-system conditions in persistently active volcanoes requires magma recirculation
- Mapping Groundwater Level Changes using Surface Displacement and Machine Learning in California's Central Valley
- Mapping Organic-Mineral Associations in Jezero crater
- Mapping dynamic mass loss by fully decomposing glacier elevation change
- Materials Discovery and Characterization for Carbon Dioxide Capture in Soil
- Mechanism for Tibetan intermediate-depth earthquakes inferred from Sn/Lg Ratios
- Methane Fluxes in Tidal Wetlands Across the Contiguous United States: Annual Conversion Factors and the Interplay of Salinity and Temperature on CH4 flux
- Methane emissions from China: a high-resolution inversion of TROPOMI satellite observations
- Methods for Constraining Englacial Velocity Fields using Airborne Ice-penetrating Radar Data
- Mineral Dissolution of Carbonate-rich Rocks Investigated through Microfluidic Image Analysis
- Modeling continental US stream water quality using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS)
- Modeling the Topography of Jupiter's Moon Europa
- Neighborhood-Scale Air Quality and Health Impacts Associated with Electrifying Heavy-Duty Vehicles in the U.S. Midwest
- Neighborhood-Scale Air Quality and Health Impacts from EV Adoption in the U.S. Midwest
- New Insights into the Chicxulub Post-impact Hydrothermal System Based on Permeability Measurements of the Peak Ring Rocks from IODP Expedition 364
- New Microbial Sources of 2- and 3-Methylhopanoids in Modern Anoxic, Acidic Hydrothermal Springs
- Observational Constraints on the Effect of Drought-Induced Allocation Shifts on Carbon Flux Recovery Time and Magnitude at Two Tropical Sites
- Observations and Simulations of Solar Flows and Their Roles in Magnetic Activity Patterns at the Surface
- Observations show that methane emissions elevate the carbon intensity of oil and gas production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
- Offshore Wind Energy Atlas for the United States Accounting for Technical, Economic, Climate, and Metocean Restrictions
- Operation of Surface Magnetic Assessment in Real Time (SMART) Ground-based Magnetometer Network
- Optical Fibers Listen to the Death Sounds of Glaciers
- Organic Sulfur Cycling in the Archean: Insights from Lake Superior Sedimentary Lipids
- Oxygen Fugacity in the Lunar Magma Ocean
- Panamá Coral Ba/Ca Reconstruction of River Discharge from 1719-2018 CE Reveals that Central Pacific El Niño Events and Large Volcanic Eruptions are Predictors of Drought: Implications for Management of the Panamá Canal
- Parameter inversion with sequential neural density estimators: an enhanced machine learning-based inversion
- Permafrost Degradation in the Koyukuk River System and the Timescale Dependence of Sulfur-Carbon-Climate Feedbacks
- Physics-informed PointNet for predicting thermal fields of natural convection on multiple sets of irregular geometries
- Physics-informed surrogate modeling for supporting climate resilience at groundwater contamination sites
- Plant access to belowground moisture allows sustained evapotranspiration during drought
- Potential for Perceived Failure of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Deployment
- Precipitation seasonality, climate change, and late Neogene uplift in northern Central Asia
- Predicting Off-fault Deformation Using Convolutional Neural Networks Trained On Experimental Strike-Slip Faults
- Probing Multiscale Dissolution Dynamics in Natural Rocks: Experiment and Simulation
- Quantification of the Bedrock-Through-Canopy Controls on Subsurface Thermal and Hydrological Regimes Across an Arctic Watershed in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
- Quantifying Efficacy of Information for Soil Geochemical Survey Planning
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Time-Distance Far-Side Helioseismology AR Detections
- Quantifying Watershed-Scale Heterogeneity of Soil Thermal Regimes across a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
- Quantifying the Impact of Groundwater Pollution on the Mortality Rate in the Central Valley of California
- Quantifying the Radial Distribution of Meter-Sized Boulders Around Lunar Impact Craters of Variable Degradation State and Target Properties
- Quantifying the Time Scale of Stomatal Optimization
- Quantifying the Uncertainty of CO2 Leakage in Geological Carbon Storage
- Quantifying the Value of Technology and Policy Innovation in Water Resources Planning
- Quantifying the fragility of the coral reefs in the Florida Keys to hurricane impacts
- Radar Attenuation in Enceladus' Ice Shell: Obstacles and Opportunities for Constraining Shell Thickness, Chemistry, and Thermal Structure
- Reactions between Mn and water at high pressure: could giant impacts on Mars produce MnO2?
- Redox Structure of the Bambuí Basin, Eastern Brazil, and the Role of Oxygenation Conditions on the Development of Complex Life Forms in the Ediacaran/Cambrian Transition
- Remote Sensing of Soil and Vegetation Canopy Water Content: An Interference Scattering Model for Nonzero INSAR Phase Closure
- Remote sensing to the rescue - Assessing the impact of armed conflict on cultivated land in Tigray, Ethiopia
- Response of Thwaites Glacier's Shear Margins to Ice Sheet Thinning and Surface-Slope Steepening
- Rheology Controls the Spontaneous Formation of an Internal Shear Band on Rough Beds
- Rice Rhizosphere Arsenic Dynamics Resulting from Alternate Wetting and Drying Under Future Climate Conditions
- Robust Autonomous Spacecraft Navigation and Environment Characterization
- Robust Dam Planning in the Mekong River Basin accounting for GHGs Emissions and River Sediment Connectivity
- SHERLOC Raman Mineral Detections of the Mars 2020 Crater Floor Campaign
- SHERLOC investigations of the Jezero delta reveals preservation of organic compounds
- Satellite Observations Constrain Water Supply Buffering Plant Drought Response
- Sea level changes can trigger earthquake sequences in a hydrothermal system near Istanbul
- Seasonal to Daily Soil and Plant Water Isotope Dynamics to Understand the Role of Snowmelt and Monsoon Rain for Evapotranspiration
- Sensitivity of Subglacial Streams to Bed Topography: Introducing Small-Scale Bed Roughness Suggests Large Water Routing Uncertainties for Thwaites Glacier
- Sentinel-1 Analysis Ready Data - A Convenient and Easy to Use System Producing Common-coordinate Timeseries
- Seven years of repeated mobile OGI surveys for tracking long-term trends in methane emissions from oil and gas facilities
- Shale mineralogy alteration associated with subsurface H2 storage
- Simultaneous optimization of methane emissions and its oxidation chain with satellite and in-situ measurements
- Socio-hydrological impacts of water scarcity on household water affordability
- Soil moisture in Southeast Asian peatlands: data-driven estimates and its response to climate change
- Soil nitrogen cycling potential at watershed scales inferred from soil metagenomes and aboveground proxies detected by remote sensing
- Spatiotemporal patterns of biomass mortality in Amazon rainforest in the last two decades
- Spontaneous Tropical Cyclogenesis in a Quasi-stochastic Barotropic Model
- Standardizing Soil Moisture Measurements from InSAR Phase Closure
- Strategic planning of low-impact infrastructure for future water-energy-food systems
- Stream Widening and Accelerated Lateral Migration from Wildfire-Induced Watershed-Wide Perturbations in Sediment Flux
- Sulfurization and pyritization as pathways of carbon preservation in Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve, CA
- Temporal Diversity within Cretaceous Methane Seeps, Great Valley Group, Central California
- Termination of Snowball states: Constraining the Climate Forcing of Stochastic Events
- Testing the Robustness of Parker's Method Against Complexly Magnetized Sources and Implications for Lunar and Planetary Paleopole Determinations
- The Combined Effect of Convection and a Gentle Topography on the Vertical Transport of Coarse Dust
- The Competition Between Wave-Driven and Current Sheet Scattering-Driven Precipitation of Relativistic Electrons
- The Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) mission: Nearly two years of active experiments in the radiation belts
- The Firefly Constellation: Exploring the Heliosphere from the Solar Interior to the Solar Wind
- The Greenhouse Gas Budget of North America 2010-2019: Results from the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes study (RECCAP2)
- The Impact of Flow Regimes on Multiphase Mass Transport in Underground Hydrogen Storage
- The Impact of Pore Geometry on Multiphase Hydrogen Flow in Porous Media
- The Increasingly Curious Case of the Lunar Dynamo
- The Lunar Vertex Magnetic Field Investigation: Revealing the surface magnetic structure of the lunar magnetic anomaly at Reiner Gamma
- The Open Flux Problem: The Need for High Latitude Observations
- The Role of Turbulent Mixing in Seawater Intrusion Under Grounded Ice Sheets
- The Salience Effect of Flooding on Insurance Demand
- The Social Cost of Intensified Extreme Heat
- The Sun's Global Flows: Differential Rotation
- The moist convective heat engine in a warming climate
- The role of ongoing industrial operations in the triggering of the Stanton, Texas earthquakes
- The systematic cross-equator-flow effect in meridional-circulation measurements and its correlation with hemispheric imbalance of magnetic activity
- Time-Dependent Passive Coda-Wave Imaging With Adaptive Resolution Based On Voronoi Diagrams
- Time-frequency analysis and numerical modeling of seismic signals generated by hurricane landfalls
- Timing Phanerozoic Deep Ocean Oxygenation Using Thallium Isotopes
- Too many trees? Finding the point where vegetation density obscures valid deformation measurements using polarimetric InSAR
- Towards a Process-based Understanding of Deflation-Inflation Events and Associated Lava Fountaining at Kilauea Volcano
- Towards building reliable earthquake catalogs with neural phase pickers: The prediction inconsistency should not be overlooked
- Toxic Soil: Assessing Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban Gardens across the San Francisco Bay Area- Using Soil Biogeochemistry to Combat Environmental Injustice
- Transformations and Potential Storage of Terrestrial Biomass Under a Range of Oxic and Sulfidic Marine Redox Conditions.
- Tropical Peatland Mapping using Earth Observation
- Understanding the Climate Impact of Above-Anvil Cirrus Plume (AACP) in Hydrating the Lower Stratosphere.
- Understanding the effect of H2O accumulation at boundary layer on dendritic quartz crystallization and melt inclusion formation via numerical modeling
- Unraveling rock deformation processes through time lapse CT-scans
- Unraveling the Impact of Climate Change and Soil Arsenic on Bangladeshi Rice Production
- Upscaling Mechanisms of Soil Carbon Storage and Persistence: How Many Soil Pits Does It Take to Characterize a Landscape?
- Upscaling Wetland Methane Emissions with a Causality Guided Machine Learning Model
- Use of an environmental filtering parameterization of stomatal conductance in the Catchment-CN land surface model
- Using High Frequency Flux Measurements to Constrain Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in a Tidal Wetland Carbon Budget
- Using Machine Learning with Partial Dependence Analysis to Investigate Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- Using data-driven modeling to predict estuarine water quality response to changes in upstream land use, management, and climate
- Using data-driven predictions to constrain climate model uncertainty in the time remaining until critical global warming thresholds are reached
- Validating SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth in Forests: Summary of Activities in 2022
- Volcano-tectonic seismicity between caldera collapse events driven by distributed stressing vs. ring fault creep
- WaterNet: a process-based and explainable deep learning framework modeling stream discharge
- Wave Transformation and Circulation on Rough Rocky Sea-beds: Initial Results From the First Campaign of Rocky Shores Experiments and Simulations (ROXSI)
- Weathering regimes and lithium isotopes: A reactive transport perspective
- What Drives the Solar Cycle? Science Strategy for the COFFIES DRIVE Science Center
- Who Run the World? (Flares) – how M-Dwarf flares impact atmospheric O2 and O3 production on early steam atmospheres
- Wildfires as a source of aerosol nutrients and impacts on marine biogeochemical cycles
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A Geruo
- A. A. Borsa
- A. A. Norton
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. B. Jost
- A. C. Birch
- A. Cousin
- A. D. Kendall
- A. E. Andrews
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Evans
- A. J. Steffl
- A. J. van der Horst
- A. Johnson
- A. Joshua West
- A. M. Lopez
- A. M. Michalak
- A. Ouimette
- A. Park Williams
- A. R. Kovscek
- A. Verbiscer
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Frederiksen
- Aakash Ahamed
- Aaron Berg
- Aaron T. Steelquist
- Abdanour Irbah
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Abhishek Mukherjee
- Adarsh Ambati
- Aditi Sheshadri
- Adrian A. Harpold
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Akihiko Ito
- Akinori Ito
- Alan M. Gorchov Negron
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alessandro Tagliabue
- Alexander Norton
- Alexander Robel
- Alexandra A. Phillips
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexandra J. Ringsby
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Ale×ander R. Cobb
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alicia J. Hotovec‐Ellis
- Alicia Vaughan
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Amy J. Williams
- Amy Leventer
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- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
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- Angela Gallego‐Sala
- Ankur R. Desai
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- Anne‐Marie Tréguier
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- Aurélien Stolzenbach
- Avni Malhotra
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
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- B. E. Rosenheim
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- B. L. Ehlmann
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- Baojian Fan
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- Bas van de Schootbrugge
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- Benjamin D. Stocker
- Benjamin E. Grossman‐Ponemon
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- Benjamin I. Cook
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